{ "normalForm": true, "headword": "POTIS, -e", "etymology": [ { "period": "PIE", "form": "*pót-i-", "def": "", "certitude": true }, { "period": "PIt", "form": "*poti-, *pot-ē-", "def": "'master, in control of', 'to be master'", "certitude": true } ], "dataFormat": "cent", "meanings": [ { "definition": "To be able", "construct": "Potis esse", "group": "_", "analysis": [ { "id": "itggx", "category": "Modal: dynamic", "emergence": -3, "disparition": "None", "attestation": "PLAUT. Amph. 626 qui … intellegere quisquam potis est? Ita nugas blatis.", "certainty": true, "relationships": { "origins": [], "destinations": [], "unspecified": [ { "rel": "xhazynjp", "cert": true } ] } } ] }, { "definition": "It is possible", "construct": "Potis esse", "group": "_", "analysis": [ { "id": "p", "category": "Modal: dynamic", "emergence": -2, "disparition": "None", "attestation": "PLAUT. Bacch. 35 quid si hoc potis est ut tu taceas, ego loquar?", "certainty": true, "relationships": { "origins": [], "destinations": [], "unspecified": [ { "rel": "nejmmzn", "cert": true } ] } } ] }, { "definition": "Is it possible..?", "construct": "Potin", "group": "_", "analysis": [ { "id": "xhazynjp", "category": "Modal: dynamic", "emergence": -3, "disparition": "None", "attestation": "[pragmatic use for deontic authority] PLAUT. Amph. 903 potin [est] ut apstineas manum?", "certainty": true, "relationships": { "origins": [], "destinations": [ { "rel": "nejmmzn", "cert": true } ], "unspecified": [ { "rel": "itggx", "cert": true } ] } } ] }, { "definition": "[impersonal] Is it possible..?", "construct": "Potin", "group": "_", "analysis": [ { "id": "nejmmzn", "category": "Modal: dynamic", "emergence": -2, "disparition": "None", "attestation": "PLAUT. Trin. 759 potin est ab amico alicunde exorari argentum? :: potest.", "certainty": true, "relationships": { "origins": [ { "rel": "xhazynjp", "cert": true } ], "destinations": [], "unspecified": [ { "rel": "p", "cert": true } ] } } ] } ] }