{ "normalForm": true, "headword": "POTESTAS, -ātis", "etymology": [ { "period": "PIE", "form": "*pót-i-", "def": "'master'", "certitude": true }, { "period": "PIt", "form": "*poti-, *pot-ē-", "def": "'master, in control of', 'to be master'", "certitude": true } ], "dataFormat": "cent", "meanings": [ { "definition": "chance, opportunity", "construct": "_", "group": "_", "analysis": [ { "id": "fmtei", "category": "Modal: dynamic", "emergence": -3, "disparition": "None", "attestation": "PLAUT. Asin. 847 tibi potestatem dedi, cum hac annum ut esses, atque amanti argenti feci copiam.", "certainty": true, "relationships": { "origins": [], "destinations": [], "unspecified": [ { "rel": "uadjmicq", "cert": true }, { "rel": "owvv", "cert": true }, { "rel": "ncuhk", "cert": true }, { "rel": "gyrgvh", "cert": true }, { "rel": "secrl", "cert": true } ] } } ] }, { "definition": "to give the chance", "construct": "Potestatem do", "group": "_", "analysis": [ { "id": "uadjmicq", "category": "Modal: dynamic", "emergence": -3, "disparition": "None", "attestation": "PLAUT. Asin. 847 quoniam tibi potestatem dedi cum hac annum ut esses || PLAUT. Capt. 374 cum copiam istam mihi et potestatem facis ut ...remittam nuntium", "certainty": true, "relationships": { "origins": [], "destinations": [], "unspecified": [ { "rel": "fmtei", "cert": true } ] } } ] }, { "definition": "power, control, by which someone (or something) is in control, can impel a particular line of thought or action, or by the means of which s/he can obtain something", "construct": "_", "group": "_", "analysis": [ { "id": "owvv", "category": "Not modal", "emergence": -2, "disparition": "None", "attestation": "PLAUT. Stich. 53 nolo nuptias mutarier; verum postremo in patris potestate est situm.", "certainty": true, "relationships": { "origins": [], "destinations": [], "unspecified": [ { "rel": "fmtei", "cert": true }, { "rel": "ncuhk", "cert": true }, { "rel": "bzmozr", "cert": true }, { "rel": "rmzhquj", "cert": true }, { "rel": "lkjcute", "cert": true }, { "rel": "upcwqm", "cert": true }, { "rel": "sszpbo", "cert": true }, { "rel": "jkytybo", "cert": true }, { "rel": "qvhaeei", "cert": true } ] } } ] }, { "definition": "permission, freedom", "construct": "_", "group": "_", "analysis": [ { "id": "ncuhk", "category": "Modal: deontic", "emergence": -2, "disparition": "None", "attestation": "PLAUT. Capt. 374 cum copiam istam mihi et potestatem facis ut ...remittam nuntium", "certainty": true, "relationships": { "origins": [], "destinations": [], "unspecified": [ { "rel": "fmtei", "cert": true }, { "rel": "owvv", "cert": true }, { "rel": "bzmozr", "cert": true }, { "rel": "xobqq", "cert": true } ] } } ] }, { "definition": "capacity, abilities", "construct": "_", "group": "_", "analysis": [ { "id": "bzmozr", "category": "Modal: dynamic", "emergence": -2, "disparition": "None", "attestation": "LUCR. 2, 286 unde haec est nobis innata potestas?", "certainty": true, "relationships": { "origins": [], "destinations": [], "unspecified": [ { "rel": "owvv", "cert": true }, { "rel": "ncuhk", "cert": true }, { "rel": "djvbao", "cert": true } ] } } ] }, { "definition": "control over oneself", "construct": "_", "group": "_", "analysis": [ { "id": "djvbao", "category": "Not modal", "emergence": -2, "disparition": "None", "attestation": "CATO orig. 95 a dum ex tanto gaudio in potestatem nostram redeamus.", "certainty": true, "relationships": { "origins": [], "destinations": [], "unspecified": [ { "rel": "bzmozr", "cert": true }, { "rel": "upcwqm", "cert": true } ] } } ] }, { "definition": "to be in the power of someone", "construct": "In potestate(m) sum", "group": "_", "analysis": [ { "id": "rmzhquj", "category": "Not modal", "emergence": -2, "disparition": "None", "attestation": "PLAUT. Aul. 534 Nam quae indotata est, ea in potestate est viri.", "certainty": true, "relationships": { "origins": [], "destinations": [ { "rel": "qozqfdk", "cert": true } ], "unspecified": [ { "rel": "owvv", "cert": true } ] } } ] }, { "definition": "to give permission", "construct": "Potestatem facio", "group": "_", "analysis": [ { "id": "xobqq", "category": "Modal: deontic", "emergence": -2, "disparition": "None", "attestation": "PLAUT. Capt. 374 cum copiam istam mihi et potestatem facis ut … remittam nuntium", "certainty": true, "relationships": { "origins": [], "destinations": [], "unspecified": [ { "rel": "ncuhk", "cert": true }, { "rel": "upcwqm", "cert": true } ] } } ] }, { "definition": "(referred to what indicates) means something", "construct": "_", "group": "_", "analysis": [ { "id": "pwo", "category": "Not modal", "emergence": -1, "disparition": "None", "attestation": "RHET. HER. 4, 25, 35 definitio est, quae rei alicuius proprias amplectitur potestates breviter.", "certainty": true, "relationships": { "origins": [], "destinations": [], "unspecified": [ { "rel": "qrgrlj", "cert": false } ] } } ] }, { "definition": "that has some power", "construct": "_", "group": "_", "analysis": [ { "id": "lkjcute", "category": "Not modal", "emergence": -1, "disparition": "None", "attestation": "CIC. leg. 2, 31 a summis imperiis et summis potestatibus .. concilia ... instituta.", "certainty": true, "relationships": { "origins": [], "destinations": [], "unspecified": [ { "rel": "owvv", "cert": true } ] } } ] }, { "definition": "it is possible", "construct": "In potestate(m) sum", "group": "_", "analysis": [ { "id": "qozqfdk", "category": "Modal: dynamic", "emergence": -1, "disparition": "None", "attestation": "CIC. Tusc. 3, 66 Ergo in potestate est abicere dolorem, cum velis, tempori servientem.", "certainty": true, "relationships": { "origins": [ { "rel": "rmzhquj", "cert": true } ], "destinations": [], "unspecified": [] } } ] }, { "definition": "to offer oneself to someone else", "construct": "In potestatem sui facio", "group": "_", "analysis": [ { "id": "upcwqm", "category": "Not modal", "emergence": -1, "disparition": "None", "attestation": "CIC. ad Q. fr. 1, 2, 15 cum neque praetores diebus aliquot adiri possent vel potestatem sui facerent.", "certainty": true, "relationships": { "origins": [], "destinations": [], "unspecified": [ { "rel": "owvv", "cert": true }, { "rel": "djvbao", "cert": true }, { "rel": "xobqq", "cert": true } ] } } ] }, { "definition": "the person on whom the power of someone else relies", "construct": "_", "group": "_", "analysis": [ { "id": "sszpbo", "category": "Not modal", "emergence": 1, "disparition": "None", "attestation": "STAT. silv. 1, 2, 137 (Venus ad Amorem) tu, mea summa potestas, nate. ", "certainty": true, "relationships": { "origins": [], "destinations": [], "unspecified": [ { "rel": "owvv", "cert": true } ] } } ] }, { "definition": "value of something", "construct": "_", "group": "_", "analysis": [ { "id": "qrgrlj", "category": "Not modal", "emergence": 2, "disparition": "None", "attestation": "GAIUS dig. 13, 4, 3 pecuniarum ... licet videatur una et eadem potestas ubique esse, tamen aliis locis facilius et levibus usuris inveniuntur.", "certainty": true, "relationships": { "origins": [], "destinations": [], "unspecified": [ { "rel": "pwo", "cert": false } ] } } ] }, { "definition": "by which something can exist or happen (transl. possibility, potentiality)", "construct": "_", "group": "_", "analysis": [ { "id": "secrl", "category": "Not modal", "emergence": 2, "disparition": "None", "attestation": "PS. QUINT. decl. 7, 4 p. 136, 28 lex ... liberum hominem torqueri vetat omnium beneficiorum ista natura est, ut non sit necessitas, sed potestas. ", "certainty": true, "relationships": { "origins": [], "destinations": [ { "rel": "gyrgvh", "cert": true } ], "unspecified": [ { "rel": "fmtei", "cert": true } ] } }, { "id": "gyrgvh", "category": "Modal: dynamic", "emergence": 4, "disparition": "None", "attestation": "IUVENC. 4, 503 hunc quoniam calicem non est transire potestas.", "certainty": true, "relationships": { "origins": [ { "rel": "secrl", "cert": true } ], "destinations": [], "unspecified": [ { "rel": "fmtei", "cert": true } ] } } ] }, { "definition": "something that has been done powerfully or is proof of power", "construct": "_", "group": "_", "analysis": [ { "id": "jkytybo", "category": "Not modal", "emergence": 3, "disparition": "None", "attestation": "ITALA psalm. 113, 2 in exitu Israhel ex Aegypto ... facta est Iudaea sanctitas eius dei, Israhel potetas eius; mare vidit et fugit eqs.", "certainty": true, "relationships": { "origins": [], "destinations": [], "unspecified": [ { "rel": "owvv", "cert": true } ] } } ] }, { "definition": "possessions, borders undersomeone’s power, domains", "construct": "_", "group": "_", "analysis": [ { "id": "qvhaeei", "category": "Not modal", "emergence": 4, "disparition": "None", "attestation": "VULG. IV reg. 20, 13 rex monstravit legatis omnes thesauros suos in domo sua et in omni potestate sua.", "certainty": true, "relationships": { "origins": [], "destinations": [], "unspecified": [ { "rel": "owvv", "cert": true } ] } } ] } ] }