{ "normalForm": true, "headword": "OPORTET, -uit, -ēre", "etymology": [{"period": "PIE", "form": "*u̯e-u̯(o)rt-", "def": "'to turn'", "certitude": true}, { "period": "PIt", "form": "*op-wort-(ē-)", "def": "", "certitude": true }], "dataFormat": "cent", "meanings": [{ "definition": "It is necessary", "construct": "_", "group": "_", "analysis": [{ "id": "mfxcwu", "category": "Modal: deontic authority", "emergence": -2, "disparition": "None", "attestation": "LEX BANT. (CIL I 583) 8 quaeve ex h(ace) l(ege) facere oportuerit.", "certainty": true, "relationships": {"origins": [{"rel": "pvqz", "cert": true}], "destinations": [], "unspecified": []} }] }, { "definition": "It is necessary", "construct": "_", "group": "_", "analysis": [{ "id": "pvqz", "category": "Modal: deontic acceptability", "emergence": -3, "disparition": "None", "attestation": "PLAUT. Merc. 724 quin dicis? :: quin, si liceat… :: dictum oportuit.", "certainty": true, "relationships": { "origins": [], "destinations": [{"rel": "mfxcwu", "cert": true}], "unspecified": [{"rel": "xvqwvjr", "cert": true}] } }] }, { "definition": "It is necessary", "construct": "_", "group": "_", "analysis": [{ "id": "xvqwvjr", "category": "Modal: epistemic", "emergence": -3, "disparition": "None", "attestation": "PLAUT. Asin. 381 ut demonstratae sunt mihi, hasce aedis esse oportet, Demaenetus ubi dicitur habitare.", "certainty": true, "relationships": { "origins": [], "destinations": [{"rel": "jobvodx", "cert": true}], "unspecified": [{"rel": "pvqz", "cert": true}] } }] }, { "definition": "It is necessary", "construct": "_", "group": "_", "analysis": [{ "id": "jobvodx", "category": "Modal: dynamic", "emergence": -2, "disparition": "None", "attestation": "PLAUT. Aul. 180 Nam neque quisquam curialium venit neque magister quem dividere argentum oportuit.", "certainty": true, "relationships": { "origins": [{"rel": "xvqwvjr", "cert": true}], "destinations": [], "unspecified": [{"rel": "rjzizg", "cert": true}] } }] }, { "definition": "To have to", "construct": "_", "group": "_", "analysis": [{ "id": "rjzizg", "category": "Modal: dynamic", "emergence": -2, "disparition": "None", "attestation": "TER. Andr. 481 adhuc, Archylis, quae adsolent quaeque oportent signa esse ad salutem, omnia huic esse video.", "certainty": true, "relationships": { "origins": [], "destinations": [{"rel": "cugunm", "cert": true}], "unspecified": [{"rel": "jobvodx", "cert": true}] } }] }, { "definition": "To have to", "construct": "_", "group": "_", "analysis": [{ "id": "cugunm", "category": "Modal: deontic acceptability", "emergence": -1, "disparition": "None", "attestation": "VITR. 4, 6, 1 reliqua ... videntur oportere conlocari. ", "certainty": true, "relationships": { "origins": [{"rel": "rjzizg", "cert": true}], "destinations": [], "unspecified": [{"rel": "bgtph", "cert": true}] } }] }, { "definition": "To have to", "construct": "_", "group": "_", "analysis": [{ "id": "bgtph", "category": "Modal: deontic authority", "emergence": -1, "disparition": "None", "attestation": "LEX URSON. (CIL I 594)1 125, 18 quibusque locos in decurionum loco | ex d(ecreto) d(ecurionum) col(oniae) Gen(etivae) d(ari) o(portebit),", "certainty": true, "relationships": {"origins": [], "destinations": [], "unspecified": [{"rel": "cugunm", "cert": true}]} }] }] }