{ "normalForm": true, "headword": "NECESSE", "etymology": [ { "period": "PIE", "form": "*ḱi̯esdʰ-", "def": "'to drive away; (intr.) go away'", "certitude": true }, { "period": "PIt", "form": "*kesd-e/o-", "def": "'to go away, avoid'", "certitude": true } ], "dataFormat": "cent", "meanings": [ { "definition": "It is desired, required by an animate or inanimate entity that something happens, is carried through or somehow takes place", "construct": "Necesse est", "group": "_", "analysis": [ { "id": "fbdzti", "category": "Modal: dynamic", "emergence": -3, "disparition": "None", "attestation": "NAEV. com. 106 pati necesse est multa mortales mala.", "certainty": true, "relationships": { "origins": [], "destinations": [ { "rel": "qavaod", "cert": true }, { "rel": "zyychhvk", "cert": true }, { "rel": "zclh", "cert": true }, { "rel": "djciz", "cert": true }, { "rel": "qjqh", "cert": true } ], "unspecified": [ { "rel": "fbdzti", "cert": true } ] } }, { "id": "qxdwg", "category": "Modal: deontic authority", "emergence": -1, "disparition": "None", "attestation": "CIC. inv. 2, 146 consideretur, ex lege utrum stati fieri necesse sit.", "certainty": true, "relationships": { "origins": [], "destinations": [ { "rel": "zaapln", "cert": true }, { "rel": "htbj", "cert": true } ], "unspecified": [ { "rel": "qjqh", "cert": true } ] } }, { "id": "qjqh", "category": "Modal: deontic acceptability", "emergence": -1, "disparition": "None", "attestation": "CIC. Quinct. 26 necesse est iste, qui amicum ... fortunis spoliare conatus est, vanum se ... esse fateatur.", "certainty": true, "relationships": { "origins": [ { "rel": "fbdzti", "cert": true }, { "rel": "ugzr", "cert": true } ], "destinations": [], "unspecified": [ { "rel": "qxdwg", "cert": true } ] } } ] }, { "definition": "It is desired, required by an animate or inanimate entity that something happens, is carried through or somehow takes place", "construct": "Necesse aliquem est, ut", "group": "_", "analysis": [ { "id": "zaapln", "category": "Modal: dynamic", "emergence": 6, "disparition": "None", "attestation": "COMMON. patr. 5, 3 dicens quia si nolueris venire ad me, necesse me est ut ego veniam ad te. ", "certainty": true, "relationships": { "origins": [ { "rel": "qxdwg", "cert": true } ], "destinations": [], "unspecified": [] } } ] }, { "definition": "It is necessary to me, I need / have to", "construct": "Alicui necesse est", "group": "_", "analysis": [ { "id": "zclh", "category": "Modal: dynamic", "emergence": -2, "disparition": "None", "attestation": "PLAUT. Amph. 501 mihi necesse est ire hinc... :: quid istuc est... negoti?", "certainty": true, "relationships": { "origins": [ { "rel": "fbdzti", "cert": true } ], "destinations": [ { "rel": "iejqzjg", "cert": true } ], "unspecified": [] } }, { "id": "iejqzjg", "category": "Modal: deontic acceptability", "emergence": -1, "disparition": "None", "attestation": "CIC. ad Brut. 17, 2 uxore amissa tibi est dolendum..., sed, ut modice (i.e. doleatur vel doleas), ceteris utile est, tibi necesse est.", "certainty": true, "relationships": { "origins": [ { "rel": "zclh", "cert": true } ], "destinations": [], "unspecified": [] } } ] }, { "definition": "It is concluded, proven, known, that something is true, has to be taken for sure, or necessarily follows assumptions previously made", "construct": "Necesse est", "group": "_", "analysis": [ { "id": "xwf", "category": "Modal: epistemic", "emergence": -2, "disparition": "None", "attestation": "TER. Hec. 304 magnum nescioquid necessest evenisse, ... unde ira tam longa inter eas intercessit.", "certainty": true, "relationships": { "origins": [], "destinations": [], "unspecified": [ { "rel": "qavaod", "cert": true } ] } }, { "id": "qavaod", "category": "Modal: dynamic", "emergence": -2, "disparition": "None", "attestation": "ENN. scaen. 429 aliquot somnia vera esse, sed omnia non necessest.", "certainty": true, "relationships": { "origins": [ { "rel": "fbdzti", "cert": true } ], "destinations": [ { "rel": "shhorb", "cert": true } ], "unspecified": [ { "rel": "xwf", "cert": true } ] } }, { "id": "htbj", "category": "Modal: deontic authority", "emergence": 2, "disparition": "None", "attestation": "GAIUS inst. 2, 227 lege Falcidia cautum est, ne plus ei testatori legare liceat quam dodrantem; itaque necesse est, ut heres quartam partem hereditatis habeat.", "certainty": true, "relationships": { "origins": [ { "rel": "qxdwg", "cert": true } ], "destinations": [], "unspecified": [] } } ] }, { "definition": "Something that is needed, is essential to someone", "construct": "Necesse est", "group": "_", "analysis": [ { "id": "xsylt", "category": "Not modal", "emergence": 2, "disparition": "None", "attestation": "TERT. pall. 5, 1 ad pallium induendum nec artificem necesse est, qui eqs.", "certainty": true, "relationships": { "origins": [], "destinations": [], "unspecified": [ { "rel": "xigyf", "cert": true } ] } } ] }, { "definition": "To consider, estimate, evaluate as necessary", "construct": "Necesse habeo", "group": "_", "analysis": [ { "id": "ugzr", "category": "Modal: deontic acceptability", "emergence": -2, "disparition": "None", "attestation": "TER. Ad. 51 non necesse habeo omnia pro meo iure agere.", "certainty": true, "relationships": { "origins": [], "destinations": [ { "rel": "kysymmm", "cert": true }, { "rel": "qjqh", "cert": true } ], "unspecified": [] } } ] }, { "definition": "To have to, to need something / to do something / to have something", "construct": "Necesse habeo", "group": "_", "analysis": [ { "id": "kysymmm", "category": "Modal: dynamic", "emergence": -1, "disparition": "None", "attestation": "CIC. part. 47 quod... ex his satis apertis efficietur, si id apertum est, non habebimus necesse semper concludere.", "certainty": true, "relationships": { "origins": [ { "rel": "ugzr", "cert": true } ], "destinations": [ { "rel": "shhorb", "cert": true } ], "unspecified": [] } } ] }, { "definition": "It is concluded, proven, known, that something is true, has to be taken for sure, or necessarily follows assumptions previously made", "construct": "Necesse habeo", "group": "_", "analysis": [ { "id": "shhorb", "category": "Modal: dynamic", "emergence": 4, "disparition": "None", "attestation": "CHIRON. 751 quoduoqd… ex semine languido concepti erunt, necesse habent… ad naturam paternam seminis reverti.", "certainty": true, "relationships": { "origins": [ { "rel": "qavaod", "cert": true }, { "rel": "kysymmm", "cert": true } ], "destinations": [ { "rel": "abc", "cert": true } ], "unspecified": [] } } ] }, { "definition": "It is necessary", "construct": "Necesse habeo", "group": "_", "analysis": [ { "id": "djciz", "category": "Modal: dynamic", "emergence": 4, "disparition": "None", "attestation": "CHIRON 751 quodquod (quotquot) ... similia eis, qui habent vitia, admittunt seminare, ipsi se decipiunt; necesse habebit eum ad vitium paternum seminis reverti.", "certainty": true, "relationships": { "origins": [ { "rel": "fbdzti", "cert": true } ], "destinations": [], "unspecified": [] } }, { "id": "abc", "category": "Modal: deontic acceptability", "emergence": 6, "disparition": "None", "attestation": "ANTHIM. 49 ostria vero necesse habet pro desiderio permittere interdum, quia frigida sunt et fleumatica.", "certainty": true, "relationships": { "origins": [ { "rel": "shhorb", "cert": true } ], "destinations": [], "unspecified": [] } } ] }, { "definition": "Necessarily", "construct": "_", "group": "_", "analysis": [ { "id": "yyeqowm", "category": "Not modal", "emergence": 2, "disparition": "None", "attestation": "VET. LAT. Sirach 21, 31 qui susurrio est in omnibus et non necesse, odietur.", "certainty": true, "relationships": { "origins": [], "destinations": [ { "rel": "ocmcq", "cert": true }, { "rel": "syxy", "cert": true } ], "unspecified": [] } }, { "id": "syxy", "category": "Modal: dynamic", "emergence": 5, "disparition": "None", "attestation": "SERM. Arian. frg. 13 necesse, si filium habet deus, et uxorem habet eqs.", "certainty": true, "relationships": { "origins": [ { "rel": "yyeqowm", "cert": true } ], "destinations": [], "unspecified": [] } } ] }, { "definition": "Necessity", "construct": "_", "group": "_", "analysis": [ { "id": "zyychhvk", "category": "Not modal", "emergence": 2, "disparition": "None", "attestation": "VET. LAT. I Ioh. 3, 17 qui habuerit substantiam mundi et viderit fratrem suum necesse habere", "certainty": true, "relationships": { "origins": [ { "rel": "fbdzti", "cert": true } ], "destinations": [ { "rel": "xigyf", "cert": true }, { "rel": "ocmcq", "cert": true } ], "unspecified": [] } } ] }, { "definition": "It must happen, it cannot be avoided / prevented, it is necessary", "construct": "Necessum est", "group": "_", "analysis": [ { "id": "vsosrwmk", "category": "Modal: dynamic", "emergence": -3, "disparition": "None", "attestation": "PLAUT. Asin. 895 nauteam bibere malim, si necessum sit, quam illam oscularier.", "certainty": true, "relationships": { "origins": [], "destinations": [], "unspecified": [ { "rel": "xzjh", "cert": true } ] } }, { "id": "xzjh", "category": "Modal: epistemic", "emergence": -1, "disparition": "None", "attestation": "RHET. HER. 4, 9, 13 quis hoc credet, tantam amentiam quemquam tenuisse...? ergo aliquid fuisse necessum est; quid aliud, nisi id quod dico, potest esse?", "certainty": true, "relationships": { "origins": [ { "rel": "vsosrwmk", "cert": true } ], "destinations": [], "unspecified": [] } } ] }, { "definition": "Necessity", "construct": "Necessum / -us", "group": "_", "analysis": [ { "id": "xigyf", "category": "Not modal", "emergence": -1, "disparition": "None", "attestation": "LUCR. 2, 289 ne mens (Lambinus, res trad.) ipsa necessum intestinum habeat cunctis in rebus agendis ..., id facit exiguum clinamen principiorum.", "certainty": true, "relationships": { "origins": [ { "rel": "zyychhvk", "cert": true } ], "destinations": [], "unspecified": [ { "rel": "xsylt", "cert": true } ] } } ] }, { "definition": "Inevitable, essential", "construct": "Necessis", "group": "_", "analysis": [ { "id": "ocmcq", "category": "Not modal", "emergence": 4, "disparition": "None", "attestation": "DON. Ter. Eun. 998, 1 “nisi quia necessus fuit hoc facere” necessus nomen est, nam necessus et necessis et necessitas et necessum lectum est.", "certainty": true, "relationships": { "origins": [ { "rel": "zyychhvk", "cert": true }, { "rel": "yyeqowm", "cert": true } ], "destinations": [], "unspecified": [] } } ] } ] }