Published December 31, 2015 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Lohmannella Trouessart 1901



Lohmannella Trouessart, 1901

(Fig. 61)

Type species. Leptognathus falcatus Hodge, 1863.

Adults. In female and male GP and AP fused. Female GO same or somewhat larger than that of male, in both GO generally in almost similar position. Female GA of marine species with three pairs of internal gac, these often rather small, rarely large (Viets 1939a: fig. 7; Bartsch 1986d: fig. 19). Females of freshwater species with two pairs of external acetabula in posterior part of genital sclerites (Petrova 1969: figs 2b, 5b). Female GA with 6–37 pairs of slender pgs; each genital sclerite with four subgenital setae. Ovipositor short, with 12 genital spines, one basal and five apical pairs, the latter in 2+3 arrangement (two anterior and three posterior pairs). Genital spines of L. gaussi Lohmann, 1907 similar-sized, palmate, each ending with numerous tines (Bartsch 1979a: fig. 29). Male GA with 25–40 pairs of slender pgs, these arranged densely around GO. Each genital sclerite with four short sgs. Genital acetabula in general small, three pairs adjacent in posterior part of GO (Viets 1939a: fig. 8; Bartsch 2005b: fig. 1D). In a few freshwater inhabiting species acetabula external, situated on genital sclerites (Petrova 1969: figs 1b, 4b). Adults without epimeral pores.

Juveniles. With a larval and two nymphal instars. In deuto- and protonymph GP separated from AP. Deutonymphal GP with two to five pairs of pgs, two pairs of sgs and two pairs of internal gac (Imamura 1968: fig. 5; Bartsch 1979a: fig. 37, 2005a: fig. 36, 2005b: fig. 2F). Protonymph with a pair of internal acetabula and, immediately posterior to the level of acetabula, with a single pair of small setae close to primordial genital slit (Fig. 61); no further setae present. Larva with tube-like epimeral pores (Bartsch 2007b: fig. 10C).

Remarks. Thirty-one species are known from marine habitats, another five have been found in fresh and low salinity brackish water areas. The marine species are spread world-wide and inhabit all depth zones from the low water edge to the deep sea (Bartsch 2009a). Records of the freshwater species are from the circum-Mediterranean, from areas once being adjacent or covered by the Paratethys (Bartsch 1996g)


Published as part of Bartsch, Ilse, 2015, The genital area of Halacaridae (Acari), life stages and development of morphological characters and implication on the classification, pp. 201-259 in Zootaxa 3919 (2) on page 223, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3919.2.1,


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Lohmannella Trouessart, 1901 sec. Bartsch, 2015


  • Trouessart, E. (1901) Note sur les Acariens marins (Halacaridae) recoltes par M. Henri de Gadeau de Kerville dans la region d'Omonville-la-Rogue (Manche) et dans la fosse de la Hague. Bulletin de la Societe Amis des Sciences Naturelles, Rouen, Serie 4, 14, 247 - 266. [Trouessart, E. & Neumann, G.]
  • Hodge, G. (1863) Contributions to the marine zoology of Seaham Harbour. On some undescribed marine Acari. Transactions of the Tyneside Naturalists' Field Club, 5 (4), 298 - 303.
  • Viets, K. (1939 a) Halacariden (Acari) aus suditalienischen Hohlengewassern (12. Mitteilung uber Wassermilben aus unterirdischen Gewassern). Archiv fur Hydrobiologie, 35, 625 - 630.
  • Bartsch, I. (1986 d) Lohmannellinae (Halacaroidae, Acari) aus dem Mittelmeer. Entomologische Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum Hamburg, 8, 231 - 244.
  • Petrova, A. (1969) Sur les representants du genre Porolohmannella en Bulgarie: Porolohmannella cvetkovi Petrova 1965 et Porolohmannella curvimanidibulata n. sp. (Limnohalacaridae, Acari). Archiv fur Hydrobiologie, 66, 100 - 106.
  • Lohmann, H. (1907) Uber einige faunistische Ergebnisse der Deutschen Sudpolar-Expedition unter besonderer Berucksichtigung der Meeresmilben. Schriften des Naturwissenchaftlichen Vereins fur Schleswig-Holstein, 14, 1 - 14.
  • Bartsch, I. (1979 a) Halacaridae (Acari) aus der Subantarktis. Cahiers de Biologie Marine, 20, 325 - 339.
  • Bartsch, I. (2005 b) Lohmannella and Simognathus (Halacaridae: Acari) from Western Australia: description of two new species and reflections on the distribution of these genera. Records of the Western Australian Museum, 22, 293 - 307.
  • Imamura, T. (1968) A new species of halacarid mites from the Antarctic Ocean. Acarologia, 10, 472 - 476,
  • Bartsch, I. (2007 b) Halacarid mites (Acari: Halacaridae) from Esperance, Western Australia: Notes on taxonomy and faunal distribution of non-Copidognathinae. Records of the Western Australian Museum, 23, 359 - 392.
  • Bartsch, I. (2009 a) Checklist of marine and freshwater halacarid mite genera and species (Halacaridae: Acari) with notes on synonyms, habitats, distribution and descriptions of the taxa. Zootaxa, 1998, 1 - 170.
  • Bartsch, I. (1996 g) Halacarids (Halacaroidea, Acari) in freshwater. Multiple invasions from the Paleozic onwards? Journal of Natural History, 30, 67 - 99. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1080 / 00222939600770051