Country,!Code,~Name,.D1R1 GBV,.D1R2 Work,.D1R3 Economy,.D1R4 Pay Pension gaps,.D1R5 care gap,.D1R6 Decisions,.D1R7 Environment,.D1R8 rights,D2 group targeted::What is the vulnerable group targeted by this societal response?,D3 ineq targeted::What kind of inequality is targeted by this societal response?,.D4 respond to policy?,D4S1 specify respond to policy,.D5 react to policy,D5S1 specify react to policy,D6 born with covid or historical?,D7 Summary,D8 URL,:D9 GEO,D9S1 other GEO,D10 initiative start,:D11 Time scope,:D12 Still active,D12S1 initiative end,.D13R1 Promoter NGO,.D13R2 Promoter Informal Group,.D13R3 Promoter Religious Group,.D13R4 Promoter Others,D14: description of the promoter,D15: URL of the promoter,.D16 Multiple inequalities,.D16S1R1 Gender Id,.D16S1R2 Sexual Orientation,.D16S1R3 Ethnicity,.D16S1R4 Race,.D16S1R5 Nationality,.D16S1R6 Class,.D16S1R7 Age,.D16S1R8 Religion,.D16S1R9 Dis/Ability,.D16S1R10 Other grounds,D16S1R10 Specif other grounds,.D17R1 Res own funds,.D17R2 Res crowdfunding,.D17R3 Res voluntary work,.D17R4 Res public funding,.D17R5 other resources,D17S1 specify other resources,.D18R1 supp info,.D18R2 supp legal,.D18R3 supp housing,.D18R4 supp health and mental,.D18R5 supp material,.D18R6 supp networking,.D18R7 supp financial,.D18R8 other supp,D18S1 specify other supp,D19 means used to connect Austria,AT01,HelpCh@t (online counseling for women and girls affected by violence) ,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Women and girls affected by violence ,Gender-based violence,No,,No,,"This is an existing initiative, but has been expanded in the context of the pandemic.","The Association of Autonomous Austrian Women's Shelters (A™F) offers a contact point for women and girls who are affected by psychological, sexual and physical violence. The HelpChat already existed before the pandemic, but to a lesser extent. In 2020, with the beginning of the pandemic, there was a one-time Covid-19 funding from the Federal Chancellery (Department of Women and Equality). In October 2020 the Ministry for Integration and Women Affairs and the Austrian Integration Fund (™IF) provided further funding. Moreover, the initative ?Drei Hilft? of the Austrian telecommunications company Drei helped to update the websit. All of these enabled the Assoication of Women Sheltrs to expand the services. Online counseling could thus be guaranteed daily from 4 to 10 PM. Psychosocial counseling (not psychotherapeutic) is offered in 14 different languages. In total, the team consists of 38 counselors, with 2-3 counselors working per shift. The target group is women and girls affected by violence and whose situation is worsening in the context of the pandemic. The HelpChat offers the possibility of counseling, obtaining information and connecting with other affected people on an anonymous basis. The website is structured in such a way that it can be exited quickly - so as not to further jeopardize the safety of those affected. In 2020, the website recorded 139,988 page views with a total of 36,568 visitors. This means that the HelpChat website recorded a considerably higher number of visitors in 2020 - also due to the expansion of the offer (2019: 57,566 page views, 17,365 visitors). The peak value was reached in March 2020 with 5,336 visitors, followed by April 2020 with 5,034 visitors.","",National,,Apr-11,Long-term,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,"The association A™F was founded as an association of the staff of autonomous women's shelters in Austria. The aim was to create a platform for joint solutions and strategies and for professional exchange, and to jointly inform and raise awareness about the issue of violence against women and children. The service, network and public relations work for the autonomous women's shelters in Austria is still the core work of the association A™F. Furthermore, the women's helpline against violence is operated and information points for affected persons are offered.",,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,"Sponsoring/support by a private company, and also by one of the unions (for this specific project).",Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,"Counseling, enabling support groups ","Consultation via online chat with social workers, information via website" Austria,AT02,"Sex im Notstand - Helfen ist sexy, Spendenaktion (Sex in a state of Emergency - Help is sexy, Fundraising)",No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,"Sex workers Among sex workers, there are groups that are particularly in need of protection: Migrant women, single mothers, people affected by poverty or in debt, people suffering from addiction, homeless or houseless people.",The focus is on the precarious (working) conditions of sex workers in the context of the Corona crisis.,Yes,The initiative is a response to the Corona hardship funds and their access criteria.,Yes,"The initiative is a response to the government's Corona aid support programs, which exclude sex workers through bureaucratic hurdles.",The initiative is explicitly designed to help cope sex workers with their situation during the pandemic.,"Due to the lockdown, sex workers had no income (sex work was legally prohibited between 3 November 2020 and 19 May 2021 . Sexual services are not subject to the Austrian trade regulations and are thus excluded from revenue subsidy, as it was the case for other businesses. The guidelines for revenue subsidies explicitly states that ""establishments engaged in the practice of prostitution"" are exempted. As self-employed, sex workers can apply for money from the Hardship Fund, but often fail to meet access criteria (such as an Austrian bank account or proof of income). Due to this difficult situation, the pressure to work illegally increases. Therefore, the Berufsvertretung Sexarbeit (BS™) was founded, which uses the counseling center Sophie as its association headquarters. Funds collected through the fundraising campaign ""helping is sexy"" are distributed nationwide by the association. The funds are to reach sex workers in the form of shopping vouchers, for example. Among sex workers, there are groups that are particularly in need of protection: Migrant women, single mothers, people affected by poverty or in debt, people suffering from addiction, homeless or houseless people. In addition to that we want to point out that other feminist initatives also supported sex workers. For instance, LEFOE in Vienna ( and Maiz in Linz ( offered counselling. LEFOE collected money and passed this on to (migrant) sex workers, Maiz created information videos in different six languages to support (migrant) sex workers to apply for the hardship fund However, to some extent this information is not available online anymore. ","",National,,"August 2020 - Foundation of Berufsvertretung Sexarbeit ™sterreich, BS™ (professional representation of sex workers) ",Information unavailable,Yes,,Yes,Yes,No,No,"Berufsvertretung Sexarbeit ™sterreich was founded by sex worker and activist Shiva Prugger in response to the situation of sex workers during the pandemic. The counseling center Sophie is used as the association's headquarters. Sophie is a women-specific facility of Volkshilfe Vienna and is aimed at women who are or have been involved in sex work. It offers counseling, support and accompaniment in legal, social and health-related areas.", ,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,,No,Yes,No,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,,Information is available via website and twitter. BS™ uses the network of the Sophie Association for the distribution of vouchers. Austria,AT03,Rotkreuz-Kurs: Pflege zuhause (Course organized by the Red Cross: Home Care),No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,People who care for persons from their close environment who are suffering from Covid. ,"No explicit gender-specific factors are named. However, the course is a response to the shift of any care tasks into the private sphere.",No,It is a reaction to the lockdown and the associated shift to private space.,No,,The course was created in the context of the pandemic,"In the context of the pandemic, the care and support of relatives was shifted even further into the private sphere. Consequently, family members and close friends had to take on more care responsibilities. The free online course was created to support and relieve people who have no nursing experience to deal with the new care responsibilities, especially regarding Covid-19. The course aims to inform and educate (about Covid-19, quarantine, hygiene rules, ?) and to teach care activities and routines. The Chapters are (1) self-protection, (2) tips for care and (3) mental health support. They provide different inputs, such as how to clean and disinfect different areas correctly, or how to arrange the room of the caretaker. All chapter end with a checklist, which is a hands-on support for care givers. These checklists include contact points and telephone numbers, so caregivers know whom to call when in need of further support. This way, caregivers do not feel left alone. The course was created by the Red Cross, is aimed at caregivers; it is free of charge, no registration necessary and it can be repeated several times. ",,National,,No information available on the website,Information unavailable,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,The Austrian Red Cross is the largest first aid organization in Austria., ,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,No,No,No,No,Yes,"No information available on the website, probably they used their own funds.",Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,,"The course is available on the website, various contact points and phone numbers are included. Communication therefore takes place mostly online and not on a face-to-face basis." Austria,AT04,Le+O Food Packages & Orientation,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,People who are experiencing poverty,Poverty prevention & support for people at risk,No,"The programme was already in place before covid, but demand increased and it was expanded due to covid.",Yes,"To some extend it does. Even though there are different forms of social benefits in place, not all people can access them. Especially informal workers (which very often are migrants) did not have access to social benefits such as short-work, unemployment benefits. If they lost their job due to covid, there was no support for them available. Moreover, people in low-income jobs had troubles to pay their bills when they were put into short-work as they lost at least 10% of their income. Also, some social benefits are only available to EU citizens but not to third-country citizens. Hence, if they lost their income due to covid there was a gap in supporting them. The Caritas and other organisations filled this gap by expanding the project to distribute free/chepaer foodpackages. ","No, it was already in place but was expanded due to covid.","People with a low income (which has to be demonstrated by e.g. their salary slip, pension slip or notification that they receive social benefits) can apply for a permit which allows them to buy food packages (fresh vegetables & fruits, basic food (e.g. rice, pasta) and other groceries) as well as hygene products to a very low price. Food packages for 1-2 people/a week cost about 3.80 EUR, for more people it is 6 EUR, hygene packages for 1-2 people are 3 EUR and for more people 4.5 EUR. They have to call in advance (Monday-Friday between 9 AM and 1 PM) to be able to pick up the packages (this was implemented during the Covid pandemic). Work/Labour market is present as this measures helps people to ease their financial strains so they can afford to get also some healthy nutrients. This is provided by the Caritas (a NGO close to the Catholic Church), several parishes in Vienna and Lower Austria, the Red Cross in Vienna and the Team ™sterreich Tafel (Tafel is an initiative that aims to save food from being wasted and distributes groceries which are still good to use but can not be sold anymore to people in need). These NGOs have a good public standing and are well known. Their work is financed by donations to a big part. In addition to afforadable supplies, people can also ask for councling with the aim of capacity building. So, the initiative uses the food packages to reach out to people and then help them, by referring them to other support structures if necessary. However, councling is voluntary, people do not have to use it when they pick up packages. It has to be pointed out that other NGOs have similiar projects. For instance, the Diakonie (a charity with ties to the evangelic church) offers help to families in need. "," ",Regional,"Vienna, and it was extended to two towns close to Vienna in Lower Austria ? there might be similar projects in other regions.",2009,Long-term,Yes,,Yes,No,Yes,No,"Caritas (a NGO close to the Catholic Church, supports refugees, provides care work, supports homeless people, amongst others ? according to their website there are over 1600 initiatives, their slogan is: we>I Several parishes of the Catholic Church in Vienna and Lower Austria the Red Cross in Vienna Team ™sterreich Tafel (Tafel is an initiative that aims to save food from being wasted and distributes groceries which are still good to use but can not be sold anymore to people in need); there are several Tafel throughout Austria, the Team Austria is related to the Red Cross "," German Only",,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,Donations (which is how the organisation funds itself predominantly),Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,,"There are social workers at place. I assume that other support strucutres refer people in need to this initiative, but I do not know. It was communicated via media that there was a rise in applicants during the covid pandemic. Otherwise, I cannot assess how they connect with the target group." Austria,AT05,Amber Med,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,"People without health insurance (predominantly, but not exclusively migrant worker in informal work or asylum seekers, but also to some extent Austrian citizens if they are not employed and do not receive any social benefits, as well as homeless people)","To provide health care for people in need, who otherwise would not have access.",Yes,"To provide health care to people without insurance. They are one of a handful organisations which enables people without health insurance (most likely people in informal work, often migrant workers or refugees, but also homeless people) to sick medical treatment.",No,,"These projects has been going on for some time now (AmberMed-Clinic was founded in 2006 for instance). However, the pandemic made their issues more prevalent, especially since homeless people and people in informal work are at higher risk (considering their living conditions makes social distancing difficult).","The iniative provides health care to people in need. In Austria, only people in employment, on social benefits, who receive pension or are self-employed (and pay the obligatory health insurance as the earn enough money) are insured. Also, dependent children and family members are insured. You can only receive medical treatment more or less for free, if you have insurance. If you are not insured, you have to pay all your bills by yourself (including bills for clinics etc.). People in informal work ? very often migrants or asylum seekers ? or without any form of social benefits are not insured, so they hardly can visit any doctors or receive medical training. Therefore, the Diakonie together with the Red Cross founded the AmberMed Clinic. Also homeless people are affected by this. Here, the additional problem is that it is rather complicated to implement the required hygiene measures (e.g., washing hands regularly, keep social distancing in shelters). In public spaces, they are largely unprotected. Various overnight shelters and drop-in centers for the homeless also struggled with the pandemic situation and their own resources. Therefore the Neunerhaus, one initiative in Vienna which supports homeless people and runs a shelter, offers free basic medical care. "," ",Regional,"Vienna and surrounding areas (people who can afford to go to Vienna) Similar initiatives might also exist in other regions. The Diakonie ? which supports amber-med lists cilinics in Carinthia, Tyrol, Salzburg and Uper Austria. Homeles shelters also exist in other regions and they likely had similar issues to tackle.","The project Amber-Med started in 2004, the clinic in 2006. The Neunerhaus started in 2006",Long-term,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,"The main cariers of Amber-Med are the Diakonie and the Red cross. The Diakonie is a NGO with ties to the evangelic church. It offers support in many areas, amongst others, for asylum seekers / refugees, and families/people in need, both nationally and internationally. The Red Cross is an international NGO, to provide help to people in need, e.g. emergency services. Neunerhaus is a social organization based in Vienna that enables homeless people and people at risk of poverty to lead a self-determined and dignified life. Their aim is to help those affected to help themselves in order to improve their living situation in the long term. Neunerhaus wants to end homelessness and is committed to combating the exclusion of homeless people."," ",Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,illness,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,"Donations Neunerhaus has a contract with the Wiener Gebietskrankenkasse (Vienna Regional Health Insurance Fund); rent payments from residents also contribute to funding",Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,,"Information unavailable ? aside from the website. It is likely the initatives have several points of contact through social workers (as they likely know about their offers). " Austria,AT06,Kinder Armut Abschaffen ? abolish child poverty,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Families/children with low income. ,To highlight how low income families are loosing during the covid pandemic and that more is needed to support them.,No,It just highlights that there is a need for action,Yes,"To some extent. It highlights that low income families are loosing during the pandemic and therefore more is needed to help them, especially the children. They state that some of the measures were not known by people with low income, e.g. half of the people asked did not know about the hardship fund (POL_AT01), even though they might have benefited from it.","The topic was there before the covid pandemic, but the NGO Volskhilfe now took it to the next level in campaigning.","The initiative lobbies for basic financial security for children, so they can overcome the downsides of their parents? poverty and actively participate in social life. To do so, they highlight all the negative aspects for children who have to grow up in poverty (e.g. having less friends, are more likely to have a chronical illness, less access to healthy meals or living conditions). This is closely tied to the social benefits available to children or their parents. The initaitve highlights not only that single-parent families are more likely to live in poverty, but also that the covid pandemic and its responses did not reach these people in need. To demonstrate this, they conducted two surveys (on the phone with 100 families throughout Austria). They use this exploratory material to highlight that some of the measures did not reach the people in need and that during the time of the pandemic the situation worsened for these families. Due to the lockdown, parents stated that their kids became even lonlier (here it is important to understand that children living in poverty already had less social contacts before the pandemic). Besides lobbying for more financial support, the NGO Volkshilfe also has several projects to support families in need, e.g. to provide furniture for rooms or provide funding for learning acitivites and equipment for families in need. The main actor here is the NGO Volkshilfe. ",,National,,Information not available ? there have been several projects along the way.,Long-term,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,"Volkshilfe is a NGO, which was founded in 1947. Although it is independent from any political parties, there are close ties to the Social Democratic Party Austria (there is an equivalent NGO for the conservative party, which is called Hilfswerk which also supports families and children, however they focus more on providing support in care work and learning support). "," ",Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,donations,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,,"Social workers, public and social media." Austria,AT07, ? Job and Corona (informational website),No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,The website provides information for employees,"The website aims to fill knowledge gaps in uncertain and ambivalent times. It acts as a contact point for employees, is constantly updated and pays attention to comprehensibility. The information is available in 8 languages.",No,It aims to translate the different policies for employees so they know what to do and about their rights.,No,,"The site is provided by the Chamber of Labour (Arbeiterkammer, AK) and the Austrian Federation of Trade Unions (™sterreichischer Gewerkschaftsbund, ™GB), two institutions representing employees. The website was launched in the context of the pandemic.","The website is operated by the Chamber of Labor (Arbeiterkammer, AK) and the Austrian Trade Union Federation (™sterreichischer Gewerkschaftsbund, ™GB) and is aimed at employees.They will find information on labor law, short-time work, salary (salary calculator), working from home, protection at work, as well as general information on the topics of infection and quarantine. The information is structured in the form of FAQ pages. Further links, telephone numbers and advice centers are also included. Moreover, employees can contact experts directly and ask for a call-back if they have a specific question which is not yet addressed by the information provided. The information is available in multiple languages. The initiative is a response to the growing need for information among employees as a result of the Corona crisis. Since the advisory capacities of the AK and the ™GB were quickly exceeded at the beginning of the pandemic, combined with social distancing rules and many working in the home office, the website and a telephone hotline were set up. From personal experience, we know that the response time was rather fast. I once posed a question through the web interface in the morning and got a call back at lunch time. ",,National,,2020,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,Yes,,No,No,No,Yes,"The Chamber of Labor (AK) and the Austrian Trade Union Federation (™GB) form a non-party representation of employees' interests towards employers, the state and political parties.","",Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,,No,No,No,No,Yes,"No information available, probably they used their own funds.",Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,,"They put out adds in many different channels (social media, media, posters in public transport, on the street, ?)." Austria,AT08,Neighbourly Help ,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,To support vulnerable people (people at high risk for covid) and people in quaranteen with their shopping,To provide support to people who do not have other people around who can run erands for them.,No,,No,,"Yes, it was specifically designed to help people who either can?t run erands by themselves (e.g. because they are at high risk for a servere progession of the disease) and who might not have other people close by who can run those erands for them.","There are several initatives through out the country, where people started to run erands for elderly or high risk people or people in quarantee. It was more present at the beginning of the pandemic, but it looks online as if these iniatives are still running. For instance, in a small village on the country side, the mayor was running erands for elderly people (e.g. pick up medicine in the pharmacy), or other shops offered to deliver goods to elderly people for free, or there is this online platform, where people can register, either if they are able to support others or in need of support. (In a similar vein, so a bit different was the ?Einkaufsservice? (purchase service) which the City of Vienna organised with the supper market chain BILLA during the first Lockdown in April 2020: as there was a run on online shoping, people in quarantine were not always able to organise their shopping. They got a code so they could book separate time slots dedicated to people in quarantine. (This was also the time when the military supported the logistics of supermarets). As there is not up-to-date information available anymore, I have to assume that this purchase service is not running any more.) I am not aware of any monitoring. ","Websites who coordinate people in need with supporters: here is also a list of different initiatives (German only) ",National,,At the beginning of the pandemic,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,No,"It is hard to say, to be honest. While at the beginning of the pandemic there have been many reports about these initatives, you don?t hear those reports anymore. At the same time, the website is still active and you can ask for support there, so perhaps it is still possible to ask other people for help through this iniative.",Yes,Yes,No,Yes," is provided by ™3 ? a prominent, public radio station with high numbes of listeners, and the Red Cross. But there are other initatives as well, which are organised by different group of people. But also local politicians such as Mayors in small towns/villages.",,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,People in qurantine,No,No,Yes,No,No,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Support to run erands,Information not available. There are different websites which spread the news; in the first phase of the pandemic people used to hang out leaflets in the houses or on the streets with contact numbers or knocked on the door of the elderly neighbours and offered support. Austria,AT09,Changes for Women,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Women with unwanted pregnancy and scarce financial resources,"Help women to get the funding for an abortion, as this is not covered by health insurance.",No,,No,,"The inititative was ongoing. It was founded in 2018, but the recognised higher demand during the pandemic (though they are unsure whether this was the case due to the pandemic or because more women in need learned about them).","The initative supports women with unwanted to pregnancy as it provides funding needed for an abortion. Abortions are costly (not covered by health insurance), and women with low income can not always afford them. Moreover, the iniative also informs women about their options (sometimes other funding might be available). Also, the iniative has a clear pro-choice policy, and tries to lobby for including abortion into the health care provisions provided by the health insurance. The group consist of private citizens; some artists and a group of male cheerleaders (the fearleaders) supported their fundraising activities this winter. ",,Regional,"The initiative is based in Vienna, they aim to support all women that reach out to them, so those women could be based somewhere else in Austria.",2018,Long-term,Yes,,Yes,Yes,No,No,"The group consist of some feminist activists, who founded an Association, this Association was only founded to support this iniative which is to lobby for pro-choice and support women in need.",,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,,No,Yes,No,No,No,Donations,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,,"Web, social media and social workers" Austria,AT10,Counselling for undocumented workers,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,"Undocumented workers, whose situation has become even more precarious in the context of the pandemic","Many workers who sustain the daily supply (e.g. working as harveters in agriculture, or people working in logistic centres) have an undocumented working status and/or low paid work contracts. The pandemic, especially travel restrictions and the high infection risks in collective accommodations (where many harvester live during their contract time), put an additional strain on these workers. Many do not know that even if they don?t have legal documents, they still have legal (working) rights. Hence, the initative (supported by the trade union) as well as Sezionieri ( aim to inform about their rights and help them to some extent with their legal case. Moreover, undocumented workers/people might not have the legal documents to travel throughout the country. This will furthermore limit their access to testing facilities as well as health care. Though some regions (like the City of Vienna) do not require for people to have a social security number to get access to testing or a vaccination, this is not necessary the case throughout the whole country. Moreover, undocumented workers might not be aware of the possibility for testing/vaccination. ",No,"Included, in the broadest sense, are the measures taken to contain the Corona virus",No,,"The initiative has existed for some time, and counselling for undocumented workers also existed before Corona.","The precarious situation of undocumented workers is now intensified in the context of the pandemic. Many undocumented workers are employed in systemically important sectors, such as care and private services, transportation and construction. Many people lost their jobs and live at risk of poverty. UNDOK's counselling helps with livelihood issues, health insurance, residency status and health issues. No information is available on who is doing the counselling. In addition to the counselling, information is collected and processed to make the precarious living situations of undocumented workers visible. Sezionieri, on the other hand, is a campaign for the rights of agricultural workers, but also to inform them about their rights (such as minimum wages, working hours, etc.).","",National,"Undok is based in Vienna (so counselling is mainly available for people who can afford to travel to Vienna), but their campaign is national, especially the different information campaigns to target undocument workers to inform them about their rights. ",2004,Long-term,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,"UNDOK informs undocumented workers about their rights and offers advice and support in asserting claims under labor and social law. The UNDOK Contact Point is an initiative of several trade unions, the Vienna Chamber of Labour, the Austrian Students' Union (™H Bundesvertretung), NGOs from the field of immigration and asylum law as well as self-organized migrant organizations and anti-racist and grassroots trade union activists. The UNDOK Contact Point is supported by the UNDOK Association, which is organized as an association. The Sezionieri campaign is supported by Undok, different trade unions (e.g. the union for production workers) and different NGOs (e.g LEF™ a feminist organisation in Vienna to support migrant women). Their website lists phone numbers for different languages and different regions in Austria, but no office","",Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,It is mainly funded by donations and the supporters such as the trade union. UNDOK also receives funding by the Ministry for Work. ,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,,"Website, social media, word of mouth and poster campaign. Additionally there are media reports, and undok currently has a 6-part-radio show in Vienna?s Communty Radio (one of the largest community radios in Europe) which is also available as a podcast (in German, though). During harvesting season, posters are put up in regions where undocumented workers are likely to work. " Austria,AUT11,Interest Group of 24-hour-caregivers,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,"Live-in caregivers, who are predominantly/very often women migrants from Eastern Europe.","The lack of legal support/representation, the ostensible self-employment of live-in caregivers and therefore a lack in social protection (e.g. risk of pension gap in the future)",No,"This is hard to say. The initiative was recently founded, as a result of the tension which were further ampliefied due to the covid pandemic, e.g. travel restrictions and therefore a lack of spare time/time to relax, limited social support despite the high relevance of the work provided.",Yes,"Travel restrictions made live much more complicated for caregivers, moreover there was limited access to PCR testing, while at the same time there was a big public debate about care work. As a consequence different groups organised and formed the initative called IG24, which is an interest group in support of caregivers.",It was founded during the pandemic as a response to the tension and issues the caregivers experienced.,"Migrant caregivers, who are the overwhelming majority of live-in caregivers, experienced several challenges during the pandemic. Travel restrictions made it difficult for them to either return to their families or relieve their colleague and take up the work (= earn the income). As these caregivers are considered as self-employed (though they are very much dependent from the caretakers), they did not get any benefits like unemployment benefits. Moreover, they often did not have access to other subsidies/funds, as they pay their taxes in their country of origin. As a consequence, there was little support. Moreover, testing facilities were not always available to them. At the same time, many media report highlighted the care gap which grew drastically due to the travel restriction and members of the Austrian government negotiated with neighbouring countries to allow caregivers to travel (which was accompanied by media reports). Yet, caregivers perceived little support. This is why, different already existing groups of Slowakian and Rumanian caregivers merged to IG24. Their aim is to support each other as caregivers, but also to lobby for their interests. This is a selforganised group, which aims to highlights grievances in their sector, organises networking events for caregivers and lobbies for more decent working conditions.",,National,,In August 2020 Rumanian care workers organised. Later that year they merged with Slowakian careworkers. The website does not state an exact date,Long-term,Yes,,Yes,Yes,No,No,This is a self-organised group of migrant careworkers.,,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,,"They organise meetings (e.g. Careworker Caf‚) and engage in public relations (interviews with media outlets, writing articles). The organises manifestations, and I assume they also work through word-of-mouth recommendations (as it is an self-organised group)." Belgium,BE01,Giving menstrual pads for free for vulnerable women,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,"All women living in precariousness, such as undocumented women, sex workers or informal workers. Special attention is paid to homeless women.","Poorer women do not have access to basic and fundamental goods. The response tries to decrease unequal access to these goods. Homeless women have additional inequalities because their access to bathrooms has been diminished because of the lockdown. Which makes bodily hygiene (e.g. changing tampons) more difficult. There is of course a gender-related stereotype inequality, because of the stigma on menstruation. The organisation offers menstrual kits spontaneously, so that women don?t have to ask for it themselves, to reduce stigma. The organisation promotes the destigmatisation of menstruation in other actions. ",No,/,No,,"The initiative already existed: the organisations gave out these basic goods already before. But the pandemic increased demand for these goods. Therefore, the response intensified.","Humanitarian help has been needed for those in poverty and precariousness. But the pandemic increase the number of women in such conditions, especially those in the bar/restaurant sector, informal work sector, sex worker, domestic workers and undocumented women. The pandemic has decreased their acces to income and thus to fundamental goods, which means the need for humanitarian help has increased. This concerns the human and fundamental rights domain, because goods such as menstrual pads are fundamental. The main activity therefore has been to give out menstrual kits to women, though they give out other materials as well, such as medical kits and food kits. The main actors involved are ?Dokters van de Wereld? and ?Bruzelle?. They are a global medical NGO and a Brussels-based NGO fighting menstrual povery, respectively. The target groups are women living in precarity, with a particular focus on homeless women. Not much has been mentioned of achievements and difficulties, and evaluation. But the organisation is calling for more public support and policy, and public awareness to decrease stigmatisation and discrimination. The initiative seems very transferable to other regions. The issue is that this is first-aid help to those in need, but it does not offer structural solutions (which is why the organisers are calling for more public action). ",,National,,N.A.,N.A.,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,"Dokters van de wereld is a global medical NGO providing medical relief to those most vulnerable. Bruzelle is a Brussels-based NGO fighting against menstrual poverty. "," ",Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,,"Not specified, but the organisations have built up extensive knowledge and expertise over time, which they use for this initiative. They give menstrual kits ?in all their Belgian projects?. One of the things they do is their ?Medibus?, going around with a medically-equiped van to metrostations and squats to reach homeless people, drug users etc. " Belgium,BE02,Help For Heroes ,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,Care Workers,Decreasing workload on care workers (which are mainly women) by helping them with everyday (caring) responsibilities,No,/,Yes,"The need for assistance for care workers was exacerbated by the lockdown measures: the combination of long shifts with the limitations imposed for shopping, closing of childcare, ? . These limitations are creating additional difficulties for persons living alone and single parent households.",It is explicitly designed due to the pandemic.,"Care workers have been hit hard during the pandemic, a large portion of which are women. Women generally perform more care work in the household. This initiative wants to lift the household care work burden from care givers (includes men, but will have a bigger impact for women) during Covid. More concretely, the initiative allows for volunteers to sign up and help care workers with a range of tasks, such as doing groceries or helping with child care. The initiative thus matches the help that volunteers are offering with the needs of care givers. The organisers of this initiative are individuals of the web and technologysector, who made a non-profit organisation (vzw Resontant). The initiative is supported by several private actors, such as Spaas (candle making company), Reckitt (hygiene and health product company), BEPublic (communications company), SumoCoders (software consultancy) and enoa (consultancy). Health care partners (whose care workers are being helped with this initiative) are Zorgnet Icuro, Emmas, Zorggezind and Vlaams Welzijnsverbond. No information available on achievements, obstacles and evaluation. Very transferable to other national contexts. ",,Regional,Flanders,"Exact time period not available, but did not exist before the pandemic.",Just for the Covid-19 emergency,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,VZW Resontant: volunteers from the web and technologysector created an NGO to make this initiative.,/,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,"Time (by for example taking care of children of care workers, doing groceries, ?)","The website is the main contact point. They also got support from private partners. For example, Ascento (HR company) liked the initiative and sent it out to 116.000 people, to help increase the reach of the initiative. They connect with caregivers by partnering up with care institutions, who reach their employees." Belgium,BE03,Femma helps Familiehulp with face masks,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,"The initiative aims to help care workers of the organisation Familiehulp, which will be mostly women.","It is trying to reduce the health impacts on care workers, which are mostly women.",No,,No,,Designed in response to covid.,"Femma is one of the largest women?s rights organisations in Belgium. They issued a call for volunteers to make face masks for Familiehulp, a care giving organisation. Familiehulp gives a range of services, both medical and non-medical, at home. It ranges from assistance with children and pregnancy, to help for disabled people and help for elderly people and any other care assistance needed for people (cleaning, cooking, ?). These care givers are often women, therefore the initiative of Femma reduces the unequal health impacts of covid. Furthermore, by giving face masks, the vulnerable people supported by Familiehulp are also aided. The main activity is to make face masks. Femma is the only promotor. Target groups are the care givers of Familiehulp. One important sidenote to consider is to ask whether this initiative also reinforces existing inequalities, by asking for unpaid domestic labour of female volunteers. In Wallonia, there has been a discussion about asking volunteers to make face masks, which will often be women, because it asks of women to do even more unpaid labour than they are already doing. It therefore could reinforce this dynamic.",,Regional,Flanders,18th of March 2020,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,No,N.A.,Yes,No,No,No,"Femma is a large women?s rights organisation in Flanders and Brussels, doing a range of activities. They organise events for women, help vulnerable women in need, organise travels for women, ?",,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,No,No,Yes,No,No,,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,,"Only a call on the website, and the partnership with Familiehulp." Belgium,BE04,Right to healthy and dignified pregnancy in Covid times,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Pregnant women,"Pregnant women have to give birth during covid, but their rights are not always respected. They have the right to be accompanied by the father, to not wear a face mask during labour and to have appropriate pain relief.",No,,Yes,"This initiative is to make sure that the general rules imposed because of public health are adapted for this specific group and situation. E.g. hospitalized persons cannot be accompanied, but in this case pressure was put on hospitals to adapt their protocols and allow partners (fathers) to be present at child birth.","The organisation has been active on the rights of pregnant women before covid already, but covid presented new challenges, inequalities and right?s violations. Therefore, the initiative is designed explicitly to respond to covid.","The initiative aims to raise awareness around the ways in which pregnant women are impacted during Covid. Concretely, they are doing an online survey, asking women who were pregnant before and during covid to share their experiences, and get a better view of how women were impacted. Two important topics are the right to have a partner present during the birth, and the right not to wear a mask during labour. Additionally, they also investigated the pregnancy protocols of different hospitals, and their policy on face masks during labour and child birth. They collected testimonies of women who had their rights infringed upon during labour. The actors involved are the organisation itself, ?plateforme pour une naissance respect‚e?, with the support of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation. The target groups are first and foremost pregnant women. By extension they also aim to create public awareness. They noted that they have had to work under limited resources, so this may present an obstacle. Achievements are that hospitals shared their protocols on labour with them or the website. It also attracted a lot of public debate, and it was a topic brought up in the health committee of the House of Representatives.",,Regional,Wallonia and Brussels,They started since the end of the first lockdown (which was more or less until May 2020). They did the first research on hospital protocols from the 14th of October to 16th of November 2020. They have been active since then. The survey will be conducted from the 4th of June until the 15th of July.,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,The ?plateforme pour une naissance respect‚e? : an NGO working for the right for a healthy and dignified pregnancy and labour giving. ," ",No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,No,No,No,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,"They use social media. Their website is active. Since they consist of health care professionals, parents, feminists etc. they may have a strong network they can utilise." Belgium,BE05,Vaccination of sex workers,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Sex workers,"Sex workers are often in a precarious situation. Not to mention they were severely impacted by covid. Therefore, the response tries to reach this vulnerable group.",No,,No,,Explicitly in response to covid.,"National vaccination programs are underway in Belgium. Yet, some vulnerable groups face increased barriers to vaccination. Sex workers are such a group. The initiative is therefore set up by organisations close to sex workers, to help these groups get vaccinated. The organisations are Alias, Brus?Help, Utsopi, Espace P and Medecins du Monde. The initiative is funded by a public institution, Cocom. Sex workers can either go to get a vaccination in an official centre, or they can request a mobile vaccination team to come to them, which avoids judgements and questioning. Actors involved are the Cocom, Alias, Brus?help, Utstopi, Espace P and Medecins du Monde. The target group is sex workers. There is no information on achievements and obstacles, and no information on M&E as well. Potential limitations: the sex workers seem well-organised in Brussels, represented by at least 2 organisations, and in communications with other organisations. Reaching these people therefore requires a certain amount of organisation from the sex-worker community, and/or organisations that are in close touch with them.",,Regional,Brussels,04.06.2021,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,"Cocom: Public body in Brussels Utsop: Sex workers organisation Espace P: Sex workers organisation Brus?Help: organisation mandated by Cocom to give emergency aid to homeless people and people in poor housing. Medecins du Monde: Global health organisation","",No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,No,No,No,Yes,No,,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,,"The main means are the fact that the civil society organisations have an extensive network close to sex workers, and able to reach them. Their diversity also means they have a wide reach." Belgium,BE06,Linking Youth Up,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,"Target groups are vulnerable young people. Note: gender is not explicitly mentioned as a target group. However, the digital gap is gendered: Therefore, this initiative is important to decrease the gendered digital gap.","It is trying to address the digital gap with young people in vulnerable situations. They often do not have access to computers, or don?t know how to use them, while covid made this a very important skill. It impacts school results and labour market entry.",No,,Yes,"This reacts to the closure of schools decided upon by the government, and the subsequent learning from distance via internet. The policy does not account for the fact that many children cannot afford a computer and functioning internet, or have the skills to use them.",Explicitly in response to Covid,"Linking Youth Up is a project by the cooperative insurance company P&V, assisted by the Roi Badouin Foundation. The project has two focus areas: one is the lack of digital equipment and skills, and two is the education and labour market gap that was reinforced as a consequence of covid and the digital gap. They together released one million euros in grant money, that will be distributed among 65 local organisations, who will be working on these topics. The main activities are buying laptops for 1300 vulnerable youth, and deploying organisations to teach the youth how to use the laptops. The other activities are focussing on extra-curricular support to decrease the education and labour market gap cause by the digital gap. Actors involved are the P&V, Roi Badouin Foundation and the 65 local organisations. Target groups are vulnerable young people. A potential limitation is the availability of resources: one million euros is quite a lot of money, and private organisations may not always be willing to give these funds. Nonetheless, the focus on digital inequality and its consequences, and the approach to solving them, can be transferable to other countries.","",National,,28-May-20,Long-term,Yes,,No,No,No,Yes,Philantropic organisation and cooperative insurance,"",Yes,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,Training,The local organisations have their own expertise and are in close contact with the vulnerable groups. Belgium,BE07,Home Ateliers,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Refugees and other vulnerable groups that lost their job permanently or temporarily due to the coronavirus.,Labour market inequalities,No,,No,,This specific initiative is explicitly due to the coronacrisis.,"The inititaitve is creating a ?home atelier? for vulnerable people, and refugees in particular, who lost their job due to the coronacrisis. They get support to work from home by doing repair, upcycling and sewing labour. Therefore, vulnerable groups that are disproportionately impacted by the coronacrisis do not lose their (complete) income. It not only decreases labour market impacts, but can also help for future employment. The organisor is Steunpunt Welzijn in Aalst. They are a company in the social economy focusing on employment projects and administrative services. The initiative is funded by King Boudewijn Foundation. The initiative seems transferable. Potential limitations are the regulatory environment surrounding the social economy. ",,Municipal,Aalst,N.A.,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,,,No,No,No,Yes,"Steunpunt Welzijn Aalst: company in the social economy focusing on employment projects and administrative services. King Boudewijn Foundation: Philantropic organisation sponsoring many social initiatives.","",Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,,No,No,No,No,Yes,Philantropy,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,Coaching,Not specified. Belgium,BE08,Online radio for disabled people,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Disabled people in a residence ,"Disabled people (in a residence) are strongly impacted by the coronacrisis, in several ways. The need to be in confinement causes social isolation and mental health impacts. ",No,,No,,Explicit response to covid.,"The organisor of this initiative is Heide vzw, a non profit social enterprise that is a centre for disabled people. During lockdown, the people were isolated from family, friends, relatives and one another, which causes serious mental health effects. To mitigate these effects, Heide started an online radio that formed a part of people?s daily routines. They connected outside family and friends as well. In this way, everyone felt less isolated and more connected. They used digital tools, such as tablets and smartphones, to connect with each other. The actors involved are the Heide, and the King Boudewijn Foundation, a philanthropic enterprise that allocated grant money to the project (15k). Target groups are primarily the disabled residents, and by extension their family and friends. No information on obstacles, achievements and M&E. The initiative seems transferable. ",,Municipal,Merelbeke ,N.A.,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,,,No,No,No,Yes,"Heide vzw: Social enterprise, they offer a variety of services people with disabilities related to housing. King Boudewijn Foundation: philanthropic organisation funding various initiatives and groups.","",No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,No,No,No,No,Yes,Grant money (and possibly organisation?s own funds) ,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,Digital support and setting up and supporting the initiative itself.,"Since disabled people live within the centre, they can very easily reach them and their families." Belgium,BE09,Mosaique,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,The initiative targets vulnerable young people (13-30) impacted by the corona crisis with a wide range of mental health issues related to diverse areas of life.,Mental health inequalities impacting youth. It is shown this group has had significant difficulties with the crisis for many reasons.,No,,Yes,"A lot of people have mental health impacts because of the lockdown, and youth in particular. There hasn?t been any policy to mitigate these effects.",New initiative in response to covid.,"Young people have had several difficulties during lockdown. It can go from the lack of social contact, to labour market impacts, to educational impacts, ? This initiative consists of two health servies giving psychological help to vulnerable young people who need it. Importantly, they gives several access points (via telephone, onlne or face-to-face) and is completely free, to make sure they reach vulnerable groups. They also make themselves very easily accessible by not requiring appointments or making it very easy to make an appointment, respectively. They have the support of COCOF, a public organisation in Brussels. The organising groups are the social health services GrŠs and Sas. No information available on achievements, obstacles or M&E. Seems transferable to other contexts.",,Municipal,Evere and Auderghem,N.A.,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,Yes,,No,No,No,Yes,Services de sant‚ mentale du GrŠs et SAS: Non-profit mental health service providers.They provide a range of mental health services. ," ",No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,No,No,No,Yes,No,,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,,They pride themselves on being very accessible. They are present on various social media where they can be approached. Belgium,BE10,Supporting schooling of young children in extremely difficult situations,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Children age 2-5 living with their mother in a shelter for women facing extremely difficult circumstances,Right of schooling; ensuring children ,Yes,Decision to close schools,Yes,The decision to close schools affects children differently depending on their family situation. Children living with their mother in a shelter have specific needs and circumstances the policy decision does not take into account.,Yes. It is a new initiative from a NGO managing different services and shelters for women in extreme difficulties.,"L?Arch‚e is a not for profit organisation (association) that offers concrete and temporary support to (future) mothers who are facing extreme material, social or educative difficulties. It is situated in a rual area and has different buildings and offers a shelter with a capacity of 62 beds. Faced with the consequences of the closing of the schools due to the pandemic, they launched an initiative ?L?Arch?‚cole?, like a mini-school within their own premises. The purpose of the initiative is to ensure that the children living with their mothers in the shelter do not build up an educational disadvantage as a consequence of the policy and the precarious situation their mother/parents are facing. L?Arch‚e responded to a call for projects from the King Baudouin Foundation (a large philanthropic organisation) on ?access to education and socio-educational services for socially fragilized children and youth?. The specific target of this initiative are the very young children (2-5 years old) and the purpose is to protect them from more inequalities. The domain is fundamental rights as it is linked to children?s rights and the right for education. The initiative is replicable.",,Municipal,"Libramont in the province of Luxembourg. A small town in the middle of rural area, acting as hub for part of the province.",2020,Long-term,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,L?Arch‚e is an association that works as a not for profit legal entity.,,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,Funding of material to be purchased through a philanthropic organisation.,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Activities and a space to replace school,Not applicable as the target group is living in the shelter. Bulgaria,BG01,Urgent Fund for Fighting Domestic Violence,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,"Women who are victims of domestic violence by their male partners, as well as their children. ","The societal response targets the significant raise in the cases of domestic violence from the start of the pan-demic lockdown, which affects women and their chil-dren disproportionately.",Yes,"Yes, to lockdown measures for not attending work physically and restrictions on movement.",No,,It is explicitly designed in response to the huge increase in the cases of domestic violence from the start of the lockdown in March 2020.,"The initiative ?Urgent Fund for Fighting Domestic Violence? organised by the Bulgarian Fund for Women was created in order to collect funds for combating the rising domestic violence as a result of the COVID-19 lockdown. As families had to stay together at home for prolonged periods of time, aggressors at home had more opportunities to abuse their partners (mostly women) and children - so the cases of abuse, beating and sexual violence rose drastically. The crisis centres in the country are only 13 and are understaffed and under-financed, so they faced an unprecedented burden. The initiative targets specifically domestic violence as a form of gender-based violence against women. The main activity was the collection of funds (15,000 EUR) for helping organisations that are on the first line of helping women who are victims of domestic violence and their children. The actors involved besides the Bulgarian Fund for Women included a platform for collection of donations (platformata), foundation Bcause, and the Bulgarian Donor Forum. The target group consists of women victims of domestic violence and their children. There is no information available on achievements and obstacles and monitoring and evaluation. ",,National,,may-20,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,No,The fundraising ended in July 2020,Yes,No,No,No,"?Bulgarian Fund for Women (BFW) is the only indigenous donor in Bulgaria that raises funds and gives grants to local NGOs working to advance women?s and girls? rights, eliminate gender stereotypes, gender-based vio-lence and discrimination, achieve gender equality in all spheres of life and make a social change.?",,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,No,Yes,No,No,No,,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,,"The initiative provided funds to organisations that are on the first line of taking care for victims of domestic violence - crisis centres, organisations providing legal, psychological and social services, etc. The victims themselves usually seek help through these points of contact. The initiative was pub-licised widely in the public space as well." Bulgaria,BG02,My Rights During a Pandemic,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,"Women, people with disabilities, people from different ethnic groups, etc.",Vulnerable groups are not aware of their rights during the measures related to handling the COVID-19 pan-demic.,Yes,"Yes, it responds to the measures for restricting move-ment, access to healthcare, work from home, etc.",No,,It is explicitly targeting the effects of the COVID-19-related restrictions that are limiting human rights.,"The restrictions that the Bulgarian government has enforced due to the COVID-19 pandemic have led to severe cases of human rights violations ? to the right of freedom and personal security, per-sonal life, freedom of movement, health, legal and labor rights, and the right to access to informa-tion, among others. Although restrictions are necessary, they have been used in excessive ways in different contexts. These violations affect vulnerable groups in a disproportionate way, including women, people with disabilities, etc. The initiative aims to collect funds for publishing a thoroughly researched guidebook on human rights during a pandemic. The target is 2,500 EUR, and the guidebook would be useful in other pan-demics or crises. The main actor is the Bulgarian Helsinki Committee. The target groups are women, people with di-sabilities, and other vulnerable groups. ",,National,,may-20,Long-term,Yes,,Yes,No,No,Yes,"Bulgarian Helsinki Committee is the largest NGO in the country tackling human rights issues. Its focus is on de-fending the most vulnerable groups in Bulgarian society: children, women, people with disabilities, minorities, people deprived of liberty.",,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,,No,Yes,No,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,Web and social media Bulgaria,BG03,United Against Covid-19,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,"Isolated elderly people, children and youth in need, single parents, victims of domestic violence, homeless people, people with chronic illnesses, persons with spe-cial needs, resident care homes, doctors and medical workers, among others.","The societal response initiative targets the difficulties that different types of vulnerable groups are facing due to the pandemic, including social isolation, financial difficulties, etc.",Yes,"Yes, to lockdown measures restricting movement and causing social isolation, unemployment, etc.",No,,It is specifically designed as a response to the pandem-ic. ,"The rationale of the initiative is to collect funding for organisations that take care of the most vul-nerable groups in Bulgarian society, which are heavily exposed to the negative effects of the pan-demic and the lockdowns. The specific domain is that of human and fundamental rights. The main activity is the collection of funds which will then serve civil society organisations that work with vulnerable groups across the country. The actors involved are the Bulgarian Donors Forum, America for Bulgaria Foundation, the U.S. Em-bassy in Bulgaria and the American Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria. The target groups are isolated elderly people, children and youth in need, single parents, victims of domestic violence, homeless people, people with chronic illnesses, persons with special needs, resident care homes, doctors and medical workers, among others. They are being reached by providing financing to NGOs, social enterprises, micro and small businesses, and local culture houses and libraries. The achievement of the initiative is substantial - it has supported 112 medical institutions, non-governmental organisations, municipalities, community centres, schools, micro and small compa-nies with BGN 1,006,475 (503,000 EUR), reaching more than 700,000 people. ",,National,,jun-20,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,No,,Yes,No,No,Yes,"Bulgarian Donors Forum: A network organisation that ?unites, represents, and helps large donors in Bulgaria? America for Bulgaria Foundation: ?The America for Bul-garia Foundation (ABF) is an independent, nonpartisan, and nonpolitical American grant-making founda-tion working in partnership with Bulgarians to strengthen the country?s private sector and related democratic in-stitutions.? U.S. Embassy in Bulgaria American Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria ", (America for Bulgaria Foundation),Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,,No,Yes,No,No,No,,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,,The civil society organisations that work directly with vulnerable groups (which are the target of the financing). Bulgaria,BG04,COVID-19: You Are Not Alone,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Working union members of the Confederation of Inde-pendent Trade Unions in Bulgaria (CITUB) infected with COVID-19,The initiative aims to help workers who get ill with the Covid-19 and cannot work - as they face a risky and potentially dangerous situation - with financial and ma-terial resources.,No,,No,,It is an explicit response to COVID-19,"The initiative is organised by the Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria (CITUB) for its members who get sick with COVID-19 and need financial and material help. The main domain is human and fundamental rights, as the CITUB aims to provide basic assistance to ill members. The main activities include providing products, medicines, medical devices and other essential goods to the affected individuals. Members will also receive BGN 150 (75 EUR). The actor is the Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria (CITUB). The target group is all workers who are members of the CITUB who get sick with COVID-19. The initiative has helped 2212 members with BGN 311,000 (156,000 EUR) altogether. Such initiatives can be used by other membership organisations / can be easily transferred in other contexts. ",,National,,may-20,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,Yes,,No,No,No,Yes,"Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria (CITUB) unites 35 different trade unions, spanning 300,000 workers from different industries",,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,No,Yes,No,No,No,,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,,"The network of the membership trade union organisations, web and social media." Bulgaria,BG05,COVID-19: The Other Frontline Initiative,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,"The most vulnerable groups in Bulgarian society, such as ethnic minorities.","The initiative aims to bring to light the stories of the most vulnerable communities, so it aims to alleviate the ine-quality in the way that their problems and struggles are communicated to the rest of the population. ",No,,No,,It is an explicit response to COVID-19.,"The rationale of the initiative is to give voice to the most vulnerable communities that have been heavily impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and ensuing crisis. The domain of human and fundamental rights is represented, as the initiative underlines the right to non-discrimination, dignity, justice, and equality. The actor involved is the Trust for Social Achievement, which has joined the international initiative under the same name. The target groups are Roma people in Bulgaria. The achievement is the involvement of bloggers and journalists from the vulnerable communities, working together with a co-journalist from the Trust, in telling the stories of Bulgarian Roma people. ",,National,,dec-20,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,No,31 march 2021,Yes,No,No,No,"?Trust for Social Achievement is dedicated to helping people reach their full potential. We work to create op-portunities for disadvantaged groups, with a focus on the Roma, 72% of whom currently live below the poverty line. We are a grant-making, nongovernmental organi-zation dedicated to reducing poverty and decreasing achievement gaps. Toward this end, we support activi-ties in four program areas: First Foundations, Early Learn-ing and Care, Educational Achievement and Family Economic Success.?",,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,No,No,No,No,Yes,"3,500 EUR grant from the World Health Organisation",Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,Network of volunteers and social workers Bulgaria,BG06,Mentorship Program for Roma Medical Students - Shar-ing COVID-19 Stories,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,"The most vulnerable groups in Bulgarian society, such as ethnic minorities - in this case, the Roma population",The initiative brings to light the stories of Roma medical students who are helping in the COVID-19 pandemic. Thus it aims to bring forward a positive image of the community,No,,No,,"The initiative for mentorship of Roma medical students exists for a long time, but the sharing of COVID-19-related stories is new, as a result of the pandemic","Within the Mentorship Program for Roma Medical Students organised by the Fund Active Citizens - Bulgaria, there is a small initiative Sharing COVID-19 Stories. It showcases how Roma medical stu-dents are helping during the pandemic and taking care of their communities. The domain of human and fundamental rights is represented, as the initiative underlines the right to non-discrimination, dignity, justice, and equality. The actor involved is the Fund Active Citizens - Bulgaria. The target groups are Roma people in Bulgaria. The results of the program are blog posts with stories of Roma medical students ",,National,,N/A,Long-term,Yes,,No,No,No,Yes,Fund Active Citizens - Bulgaria,,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,No,No,No,Yes,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,"Network of volunteers, social media" Bulgaria,BG07,Creation of a Helpline for Men Engaging in Domestic Violence,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,"Women (and their children), victims of domestic vio-lence caused by their partners","Domestic violence mostly affects women. The pandemic worsened the situation, leading to a surge in the cases of domestic violence",Yes,The lockdown restrictions as a response to the pandem-ic.,No,,"It is designed as a response to domestic violence as a whole, but as it has been exacerbated by the pandem-ic, it is rather a COVID-19-related initiative","The idea of the initiative is to tackle domestic violence from a new perspective - from that of the perpetrator and not the victim. It is a response to the huge increase of domestic violence cases related to the COVID-19 restrictions. The domain represented is that of gender-based violence, as it pertains to violence mostly against women in the domestic context. The main actor is the Bulgarian Helsinki Committee. The target group is indirectly women who are victims of domestic violence, but the direct target are men perpetrators of domestic violence. It is not clear at what stage the campaign is currently ",,National,,sep-20,Long-term,No,It is unclear whether the campaign was successful and whether the helpline will be launched (and when). ,Yes,No,No,No,"Bulgarian Helsinki Committee: ?Our focus is on defend-ing the most vulnerable groups in Bulgarian society: chil-dren, women, people with disabilities, minorities, people deprived of liberty.?",,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,No,Yes,No,No,No,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Creation of a helpline for men perpetrators,Web and social media Bulgaria,BG08,Care for Everyone,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,People in need and people with low income who have been in contact with COVID-19 or already have symp-toms,Unequal access to COVID-19 testing,No,,No,,It?s an explicit response to COVID-19,"The initiative aims to provide free COVID-19 antigen testing for people in need and people with low income who have been in contact with COVID-19 or already have symptoms. The specific domain is human and fundamental rights - equal access to medical help. The actors involved are the state Agency for Social Assistance and the United Grand Lodge of Bul-garia. The target groups are people in need and people with low income who have been in contact with COVID-19 or already have symptoms. The achievements and results are unclear, but the proposed budget is BGN 100,000 (50,000 EUR) ",,National,,Nov-20,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,No,,No,No,No,Yes,United Grand Lodge of Bulgaria (freemasonry organisa-tion). State Agency for Social Assistance ,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Free COVID-19 antigen testing,Network of volunteers Bulgaria,BG09,Campaign for Combating Violence Against Women - the Album ?Eternal Hits of Bulgaria?,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,"Women who are victims of domestic violence by their male partners, as well as their children","The album aims to raise awareness about the significant raise in the cases of domestic violence from the start of the pandemic lockdown, which affects women and their children disproportionately.",Yes,"Yes, to lockdown measures for not attending work physically and restrictions on movement",No,,"It is designed as an innovative campaign against do-mestic violence in general, but is also linked as a re-sponse to the huge increase in the cases of domestic violence from the start of the lockdown in March 2020","The idea of the campaign is to raise awareness about domestic violence in an innovative way, so that Bulgarian society truly pays attention to the problem. The initiative is targeting domestic vio-lence in general, but has been executed during the COVID-19 pandemic when the cases have drastically increased. The initiative targets specifically domestic violence as a form of gender-based violence against women. The main activity is the publishing of a vinyl record with 11 songs, which are in fact, 11 nar-ratives of domestic violence perpetrators towards their female partners - the ?eternal hits of Bulgar-ia? that women keep listening to. The vinyl record was sent to all relevant public institutions and was also published online. It can be also listened to at various spots in Sofia. The actor involved is the Bulgarian Fund for Women, mobilising artists and volunteers. The target group consists of women victims of domestic violence and their children. There is no information available on achievements and obstacles and monitoring and evaluation ",,National,,Nov-20,Long-term,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,"?Bulgarian Fund for Women (BFW) is the only indigenous donor in Bulgaria that raises funds and gives grants to local NGOs working to advance women?s and girls? rights, eliminate gender stereotypes, gender-based vio-lence and discrimination, achieve gender equality in all spheres of life and make a social change.?",,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,No,No,Yes,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,"Web and social media, press" Bulgaria,BG10,Together Against COVID-19,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Vulnerable groups that are at a higher risk of COVID-19,Unequal access to medical care and disinfection materials,No,,No,,It?s specifically designed as a response to COVID-19,"The rationale of the campaign is to collect funds and supplies for the most vulnerable groups that are most affected by the pandemic, both in terms of medical situation, as well as in terms of funds and access to services. The domain of human and fundamental rights is present in this campaign, as it aims to ensure equal access for vulnerable groups. The actors involved are the Bulgarian Red Cross and a number of corporations which have dona-ted. The target groups include different vulnerable groups, such as isolated people, students in need, other people in financial need, and medical staff who needs supplies and equipment. The actor involved is the Bulgarian Red Cross, which fundraised from different corporations and o-ther organisations in the country. The collected financial resources are almost BGN 2 million (1 million EUR) plus material donations of around BGN 1,5 million (750,000 EUR). ",,National,,Mar-20,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,No,June 2021,Yes,No,No,No,Bulgarian Red Corss,,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,,No,Yes,No,No,No,,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,,"Network of volunteers, social workers, web and social media. " Cyprus,CY01,Initiative to help refugees and asylum seekers in Cyprus get vaccinated against COVID-19,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,Refugees and Asylum seekers including women,The initiative targets the communication gap existing between Cyprus nationals who are more keen on knowing their rights and refugees and asylum seekers who face the economic and language barrier. Through this initiative all refugees and asylum seekers are encouraged to register for vaccination as they are entitled to it through the National Health System.,Yes,The National Vacciantion Plan,No,,Yes. The initiative targets the refugee and asylum seekers population in order to insesitise them to claim their right to free vaccination and it also informs them of the benefits and dangers of vaccination.,"The intitiative was organised by UNHCR, the Cyprus Refugee Council, Refugee Support and Caritas Cyprus. It is an effort to promote knowledge and to inform refugees and asylum seekers of their right to vaccination. The main purpose is protection from the COVID-19 virus, in an enqual standing to all Cypriot citizens. The domains of gender care and of human and fundamental rights is represented in the sence that minorities, including women with young children or pregnant women in many cases, are provided with help on how to register for their vaccine at the Government portal. In this way, the measure aims to bring this minority into an equal standing with other citizens, for the benefit of the whole of the society. There is no available information on the achievements and obstacles encountered or any process of monitoring and evaluation through the initiative. Potential limitations could be the lack of internet access in order to reach out to the information online. It is however compensated by face to face communication and the provision of help to the target groups by UNHCR, the Cyprus Refugee Council, Refugee Support and Caritas Cyprus.",,National,,Jan-21,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,Yes,,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,"The intitiative was organised by UNHCR, the Cyprus Refugee Council, Refugee Support and Caritas Cyprus. The United Nations Refugee Council in Cyprus (UNHCR) has been established in the island since 1974. UNHCR?s fundamental business in Cyprus is to assist the Government to further refine and improve its asylum legislation and the procedures and capacities for a refugee protection system fully in line with international standards. The main aims and objectives of UNHCR are listed in its website mentioned below. Caritas Cyprus is an NGO in Cyprus whose mission is to work for a better world for those living in poverty, the oppressed, and the vulnerable. Inspired by Christian values, Caritas works with all who are marginalized, regardless of race or religion. The Cyprus Refugee Council, is an independent, non- profit organization, established as the evolution of the Humanitarian Affairs Unit of the NGO Future Worlds Center. The Unit during its 11 years of operation had grown significantly to become the expert in Cyprus on refugee related issues, making it one of the main actors in Cyprus in the area. Besides implementing a UNHCR funded project from 2006 to 2017 the Unit had implemented a considerable number of related projects under various funds such as UNVFVT, EC funds, EPIM, ECRE, German Embassy and other. Given the growth of the Unit, the Board of Directors of the Future Worlds Center supported its evolution into an independent entity, which focuses exclusively on issues related to refugees and asylum seekers as well as other inter-related issues. The independent entity with the name ?Cyprus Refugee Council? is the first NGO in Cyprus to focus primarily on refugees. The work carried out by the Unit as well as the existing team has been transferred on to the CyRC. Refugee Support is an NGO founded in 2016 to protect and support people who had fled violent conflict, a failure which continues to this day. "," ",Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,,"Web and social media, volunteers, NGO employees who are in direct contact with refugees and asylum seekers." Cyprus,CY02,Violence against women during COVID-19: implementation of the Istanbul Convention more urgent than ever,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Women and girls,Addressing violence against women and domestice violence which is identified as being on the rise during the COVID-19 pandemic.,Yes,The implementation and transposition of the Council of Europe Convention on the Preventing and Combating of Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (Istanbul Convention) in Cyprus,No,,Yes it is an awareness initiative by a gender equality driven pressure group and NGO.,"The initiative aims to raise awareness on the implementation of the provisions of the Council of Europe Convention on the Preventing and Combating of Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (Istanbul Convention) in Cyprus. Women are the main focus of this awareness initiative since women face increased risk of domestic violence during the COVID-19 pandemic lock-down. The initiative does not include activities since it is an announcement for awareness and to pressure the Government. It does however include specific recommendations on how to practically deal with the pandemic effects on women who suffer increased risk of violence. The main actor involved is the Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies (MIGS). The target group are women. There are no currently available data on achievements and obstacles directly linked to the initiative. It is worth noting however that a new legislation dealing with violence against women and harassment was enacted in Cyprus. There are no monitoring and/or evaluation data. Potential limitations to the transferability are not recognised. ",ā-?āį?-į??-???ā????-?āį?-į??-ãî???ë?/,National,,23.4.2020,Long-term,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,"MIGS is an NGO established in 2000 by a group of gender researchers, activists and academics at the University of Nicosia. They brought together a research-focused team who shared a common aim: promoting women's rights and gender equality across Cyprus, the Mediterranean, and, following Cyprus?s accession in 2004, the European Union. Since then, MIGS has grown into the leading feminist organisation bringing change and hope to the advancement of women?s rights in Cyprus. ",,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,Web and Social Media Cyprus,CY03,"Initiative to help migrants, refugees and asylum seekers in Cyprus who are not registered at the National Health System (GESY) get vaccinated against COVID-19",No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,"Refugees, Migrants and Asylum seekers including women",The initiative targets the people who are not registered at the National Health System in Cyprus (GESY) in order to help them get vaccinated. ,Yes,The National Vacciantion Plan,No,,"Yes. The initiative targets the migrants, refugee and asylum seekers population who are note registered at GESY in order to help them get vaccinated. ","The intitiative was organised by the Cyprus Refugee Council, Refugee Support and Caritas Cyprus. It is an effort to promote knowledge and to inform migrants, refugees and asylum seekers of their right to vaccination, even if they are not registered at GESY. Since a COVID-19 vaccination appointment is booked through the GESY portal, people who are not eligible to register or who have not registered at GESY could not get an appointment easily. Therefore, the main purpose of this societal response is to help these people get vaccinated in order to protect them from the COVID-19 virus, in an enqual standing to all Cypriot citizens. The domains of human and fundamental rights is represented in the sense that minorities, including women with young children or pregnant women in many cases, are provided with help on how to get vaccinated. In this way, the measure aims to bring this minority into an equal standing with other citizens, for the benefit of the whole of the society. There is no available information on the achievements and obstacles encountered or any process of monitoring and evaluation through the initiative. Potential limitations could be the lack of internet access in order to reach out to the information online. It is however compensated by face to face communication and the provision of help to the target groups by the Cyprus Refugee Council, Refugee Support and Caritas Cyprus.",,National,,Jun-21,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,Yes,,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,"The intitiative was organised by the Cyprus Refugee Council, Refugee Support and Caritas Cyprus. Caritas Cyprus is an NGO in Cyprus whose mission is to work for a better world for those living in poverty, the oppressed, and the vulnerable. Inspired by Christian values, Caritas works with all who are marginalized, regardless of race or religion. The Cyprus Refugee Council, is an independent, non- profit organization, established as the evolution of the Humanitarian Affairs Unit of the NGO Future Worlds Center. The Unit during its 11 years of operation had grown significantly to become the expert in Cyprus on refugee related issues, making it one of the main actors in Cyprus in the area. Besides implementing a UNHCR funded project from 2006 to 2017 the Unit had implemented a considerable number of related projects under various funds such as UNVFVT, EC funds, EPIM, ECRE, German Embassy and other. Given the growth of the Unit, the Board of Directors of the Future Worlds Center supported its evolution into an independent entity, which focuses exclusively on issues related to refugees and asylum seekers as well as other inter-related issues. The independent entity with the name ?Cyprus Refugee Council? is the first NGO in Cyprus to focus primarily on refugees. The work carried out by the Unit as well as the existing team has been transferred on to the CyRC. Refugee Support is an NGO founded in 2016 to protect and support people who had fled violent conflict, a failure which continues to this day.","",Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,,"Web and social media, volunteers, NGO employees who are in direct contact with refugees and asylum seekers." Cyprus,CY04,Essential Services for the Vulnerable,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,"All vulnerable including refugees, migrants, women, men and children.",Addressing the needs of the vulnerable including in the period of the pandemic.,No,,Yes,"Refugees, Migrants and vulnerable people in Cyprus do not always receive their benefits on time. Therefore, Caritas steps up in order to provide food, medicine and other types of support for immediate use. During the COVID-19 pandemic the problem was even greater.",No it is an on-going response and service provided by Caritas Cyprus.,"Caritas Cyprus receives core funding from Catholic Relief Services in order to provide comprehensive support services for migrants, refugees and other vulnerable groups. By addressing identified gaps in available welfare services to meet basic emergency needs, providing wrap-around case management for the chronically vulnerable, advocating for progressive national policies and increased public engagement in the protection of human rights, Caritas Cyprus ensures that migrants, refugees and the vulnerable can pursue a life of dignity and attain increased integration within Cypriot society. Local parish-associated Caritas committees throughout the island also provide a range of services to address local needs, which include humanitarian assistance in the form of food, clothing and baby items. There are no currently available data on achievements and obstacles directly linked to the societal response. There are no monitoring and/or evaluation data. Potential limitations to the transferability are not recognised. ",,National,,On-going,Long-term,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,"The intitiative is organised by Caritas Cyprus. Caritas Cyprus is an NGO in Cyprus whose mission is to work for a better world for those living in poverty, the oppressed, and the vulnerable. Inspired by Christian values, Caritas works with all who are marginalized, regardless of race or religion. ",,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,,"Web, Social Media, word of mouth." Cyprus,CY05,Awareness raising by SPAVO for the increase of domestic violence in Cyprus during the lockdown for COVID-19,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Women and children victims or potential victims of gender-based violence.,Addressing the needs of vulnerable women and children and raising awareness on methods of getting help and assistance during COVID-19.,Yes,The 1st general lock down due to COVID-19.,Yes,The project aims to raise awareness and promote the creation of more safe houses for victims of gender-based-violence in Cyprus.,Yes. The awareness raising specifically targets GBV during COVID-19 lockdown.,"The rational and context of the awareness raising announcements, TV appearances and participation in public discussions is to raise awareness for victims and potential victims of gender-based violence that was increased due to lockdown measures during the pandemic. All the activities mentioned the fact that domestic violence insidents were increased during COVID-19, the ways vulnerable people could contact SPAVO for help and the type of help to be offered, therefore the aim was to facilitate help from GBV as well as protecting fundamental and human rights of vulnerable people. The main activities included 2 official announcements by SPAVO on 17.3.2020 and 25.4.2020, 6 TV appearances and public discussions on 15.4.2020, 9.9.2020 and 15.1.2021 and one newspaper article on 20.4.2020. The main actor was SPAVO. The target groups were vulnerable to domestic violence persons in Cyprus. The public announcements and awareness was not expected to have obstacles it was broadcasted. There are no monitoring processes for the awareness, there are other reports produced by SPAVO on the number of reports and cases handled. No potential limitations to the transferability of the initiative were identified.",,National,,17.3.2020,Long-term,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,"The Association for the Prevention and Handling of Violence in the Family (SPAVO) aims to help people to change their lives, maximizing every possible source of help. SPAVO?s vision is to provide preventive services for domestic violence, to support and protect receivers of violence and to support and guide perpetrators of violence. SPAVO?s goals are: Prevention of domestic violence. Providing direct help to people experiencing or exercising domestic violence. Providing shelter and protection to victims of domestic violence. Providing information and support to battered women through counseling. Providing theoretical and practical training to people who are interested in offering their voluntary help. Providing information and raise awareness to competent authorities and citizens about the social phenomenon of domestic violence. Locating shortcomings and weaknesses in legislation and formal procedures and submit suggestions to the related national services in order to undertake correctional measures and develop a wider policy of domestic violence. ",,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,,"Web, Social Media, word of mouth." Cyprus,CY06,SPAVO 1440 Helpline for victims of domestic violence and free sms service,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Women and children victims or potential victims of gender-based violence.,Addressing the needs of vulnerable women and children by providing support and assistance during COVID-19.,No,,No,,No. It is an on-going help line but it was used more during the lockdown.,"The rational and context of the help line 1440 is to provide assistance and support to victims and potential victims of gender-based violence that was increased due to lockdown measures during the pandemic. The free sms service is for people who cannot speak on the phone but they can send an sms for free and chat. There is also an online live-chat service on SPAVO website. The help line was used more frequently during the pandemic since domestic violence insidents were increased during COVID-19. The aim of the help like is to facilitate assistance to protect from GBV as well as protecting fundamental and human rights of vulnerable people. The main activity is answering the help line, providing immediate or long term support to victims and reporting incidents. Through the 1440 help line a person may also book an individual appointment for support. The main actor is SPAVO. The target groups are vulnerable to domestic violence persons in Cyprus. The main obstacle reported was lack of housing facilities due to the 50% increase of victims in a very short time. Statistics are published on SPAVO website on the number of reports and cases handled. No potential limitations to the transferability of the initiative were identified.",,National,,1988,Long-term,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,"The Association for the Prevention and Handling of Violence in the Family (SPAVO) aims to help people to change their lives, maximizing every possible source of help. SPAVO?s vision is to provide preventive services for domestic violence, to support and protect receivers of violence and to support and guide perpetrators of violence. SPAVO?s goals are: Prevention of domestic violence. Providing direct help to people experiencing or exercising domestic violence. Providing shelter and protection to victims of domestic violence. Providing information and support to battered women through counseling. Providing theoretical and practical training to people who are interested in offering their voluntary help. Providing information and raise awareness to competent authorities and citizens about the social phenomenon of domestic violence. Locating shortcomings and weaknesses in legislation and formal procedures and submit suggestions to the related national services in order to undertake correctional measures and develop a wider policy of domestic violence. ",,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,,"Web, Social Media, word of mouth." Cyprus,CY07,SPAVO Proteas Domestic Violence Intervention Programme,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Victims and perpetrators of domestic violence as a form of gender-based violence.,"Addressing the needs of vulnerable women and children by providing support and assistance during COVID-19, as well as fighting the problem to its routes by providing help to perpetrators.",No,,No,,No. It is an on-going help intervention programme that was also used during the lockdown.,"The rational and context of the Proteas intervention Programme is to provide help to the whole family, including victims and perpetrators of domestic violence, to control and address domestic violence. This programme has a duration of 2 years minimum but each case is examined individually. It includes a team of clinical, forensic psychologists and social workers. The purpose is to understand vilence behaviour, to address violence responsibly and to create motives for change. The programme is offered free of charge but a referral is necessary from social services. The main actor is SPAVO. The target groups are vulnerable to domestic violence persons in Cyprus, as well as the perpetrators. The main obstacle is lack of will to change as well as COVID-19 protection measures. Statistics are published on SPAVO website on the number of reports and cases handled. No potential limitations to the transferability of the initiative were identified.",ã????ā??ā-ã??įîāå/,National,,2007,Long-term,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,"The Association for the Prevention and Handling of Violence in the Family (SPAVO) aims to help people to change their lives, maximizing every possible source of help. SPAVO?s vision is to provide preventive services for domestic violence, to support and protect receivers of violence and to support and guide perpetrators of violence. SPAVO?s goals are: Prevention of domestic violence. Providing direct help to people experiencing or exercising domestic violence. Providing shelter and protection to victims of domestic violence. Providing information and support to battered women through counseling. Providing theoretical and practical training to people who are interested in offering their voluntary help. Providing information and raise awareness to competent authorities and citizens about the social phenomenon of domestic violence. Locating shortcomings and weaknesses in legislation and formal procedures and submit suggestions to the related national services in order to undertake correctional measures and develop a wider policy of domestic violence. ",,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,,"Web, Social Media, word of mouth." Cyprus,CY08,SPAVO Social Service,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,"Victims of domestic violence who fled their homes or who experience domestic violence at home, or who left SPAVO guest houses.",Addressing the needs of vulnerable women and children by providing support and assistance during COVID-19.,No,,No,,No. It is an on-going programme.,"The rational and context of the SPAVO Social Service is to assess and cover victims basic needs and to provide support. The main activities are the provision of basic living supplies, house appliances, support with procedures and networking with NGOs, the government and other organisations. The main actor is SPAVO. The target groups are vulnerable to domestic violence persons in Cyprus. The main obstacle is lack of will to change as well as COVID-19 protection measures. Statistics are published on SPAVO website on the number of reports and cases handled. No potential limitations to the transferability of the initiative were identified.",ã??îå?ā-åãā??/,National,,Nov-20,Long-term,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,"The Association for the Prevention and Handling of Violence in the Family (SPAVO) aims to help people to change their lives, maximizing every possible source of help. SPAVO?s vision is to provide preventive services for domestic violence, to support and protect receivers of violence and to support and guide perpetrators of violence. SPAVO?s goals are: Prevention of domestic violence. Providing direct help to people experiencing or exercising domestic violence. Providing shelter and protection to victims of domestic violence. Providing information and support to battered women through counseling. Providing theoretical and practical training to people who are interested in offering their voluntary help. Providing information and raise awareness to competent authorities and citizens about the social phenomenon of domestic violence. Locating shortcomings and weaknesses in legislation and formal procedures and submit suggestions to the related national services in order to undertake correctional measures and develop a wider policy of domestic violence. ",,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,,"Web, Social Media, word of mouth." Cyprus,CY09,SPAVO Shelters,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Victims of domestic violence who fled their homes and need a shelter.,Addressing the housing and basic needs of vulnerable women and children by providing support and assistance during COVID-19.,No,,No,,No. It is an on-going programme.,"The rational and context of the SPAVO Shelters is to serve as a secure temporary hosting facility for women and their children whom are in a physical and emotional danger from people in their familial environment. The shelters serve as more than just a shelter of need. All programmes aim to strengthen battered women so that they can freely identify their needs and make their own decision to break the cycle of violence. In order for women to stay in the shelter they will have to participate in all the shelter?s programmes. The shelters are run by regulations for a better cohabitation of the guests and aims to secure a calm, secure and pleasant environment for all. At the moment there are 2 shelters in Cyprus. People who enter the shelters are offered a room and may also use the common areas, after signing an agreement of residence. The stay can be arranged by calling 1440 help line. The duration of the stay depends on the victims individual needs. The main actor is SPAVO. The target groups are vulnerable to domestic violence persons in Cyprus. The main obstacle is lack of space because of increase of victims during the COVID-19 lockdown. Statistics are published on SPAVO website on the number of reports and cases handled. No potential limitations to the transferability of the initiative were identified.",,National,,1997,Long-term,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,"The Association for the Prevention and Handling of Violence in the Family (SPAVO) aims to help people to change their lives, maximizing every possible source of help. SPAVO?s vision is to provide preventive services for domestic violence, to support and protect receivers of violence and to support and guide perpetrators of violence. SPAVO?s goals are: Prevention of domestic violence. Providing direct help to people experiencing or exercising domestic violence. Providing shelter and protection to victims of domestic violence. Providing information and support to battered women through counseling. Providing theoretical and practical training to people who are interested in offering their voluntary help. Providing information and raise awareness to competent authorities and citizens about the social phenomenon of domestic violence. Locating shortcomings and weaknesses in legislation and formal procedures and submit suggestions to the related national services in order to undertake correctional measures and develop a wider policy of domestic violence. ",,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,,"Web, Social Media, word of mouth." Cyprus,CY10,"The multifaceted role of women and the coronavirus pandemic, Article at POGO CY website.",No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Awareness on the role of women and the effects of COVID-19 pandemic on women in Cyprus.,The article raises awareness on the inequalities phased by women during the pandemic. It urges the government to take measures to help women who either stay at home because they are stereotypically considered as responsible to take care of children or because they lost their job since they were not legally employed and protected by law. ,No,,Yes,Only indirectly. Official government policies are mostly gender-blind not addressing the needs of women directly. ,Yes it is an awareness raising article specifically targeting the role of women in the pandemic.,"The rational of the awareness raising article is to motivate the government to take specific measures to help women who are experiencing difficulties during the pandemic. It refers to the work/labour domain explaining how women are expected to telework, to care for the children and the elderly, to handle everything without complaining as well as the fact that many of them who were not legally employed lost their jobs during the pandemic. The pandemic and specifically the lockdown caused depression and other psychological problems that are not addressed by an official policy and women, according to the article are most likely to phase these problems as they are the ones who are taking care of the family and being stressed in order to fully accomplish work and life balance. As the writer is a psychologist she stresses the fact that women during COVID-19 experience low self-esteem and stress as well as physical and psychological tiredness. The article also mentions metabolic syndrome and obesity problems. The main activity is awareness raising through the article. The target group are women in Cyprus. No policies specifically for women are recorded therefore there is no success currently available for the initiative. The main actor is POGO the Womens Movement of the left wing political party in Cyprus AKEL. ",ã???ã?î????-?????-į??-???ā??ā?-?ā?-?/,National,,2020,Long-term,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,"POGO is the Womens Movement of the left wing political party in Cyprus AKEL. This organisation was established in 1960 at the creation of the Republic of Cyprus and it promotes womens rights through activities, awareness campaigns and other actions. ",,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,"Web, Social Media" Czech Rep,CZ01,Support (food & clothes) for single parents,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,"Lone parents, mainly single-mothers and their children","The initiative targets single parents (in majority single mothers) who belong to one of the most socially and economically disadvantaged groups in the Czech Republic. Their situation is a result of the intersection of several inequalities ? gender, economic, social, and care-related. ",No,"The initiative responds to the long-term precarious situation of single parents in the Czech Republic and the fact they have been hit especially hard by the pandemic. Rather than responding to one policy, it reacts to the fact that the issued policies support this group inadequately.",Yes,"Partially. Many single parents (mothers) work via agreements outside employment contracts, a group that was originally left out of the compensation cash assistance as well as the attendance allowance (paid when a person is unable to work because they take care of a sick member of the household or a child because the preschool or school facility is closed) during the pandemic. ",The initiative organiser has been focusing on supporting single parents for approximately two years prior to the pandemic but has intensified her efforts during the pandemic and started to collaborate more with businesses.,"Nora Fridrichov  is a journalist and philanthropist who focuses on supporting single parents. Single parents (in majority single mothers) are one of the most socially and economically disadvantaged groups in the Czech Republic, they are at risk of falling under the poverty line with little to no savings/safety net and they have been hit especially hard by the pandemic. Many single mothers have experienced GBV due to their precarious economic situation (unstable position in the labour market) and care-related responsibilities, they found themselves in an extremely vulnerable position and at risk of economic and social exclusion (connected to the gender pay and pension gap, gender care gap). At the beginning of the pandemic, the initiative organiser started a crowdfunding campaign providing single-parents and their families with food assistance (spring 2020 ? ongoing). In spring 2021, the organiser followed up with a clothes-oriented collection which collects, sorts out and distributes clothes, shoes, books and other items to single parents and their children in several Czech cities. Both activities are being promoted by public figures (journalists, actors, politicians) as well as businesses which partner with the organiser providing further financial support (on top of the general public) or other services (municipal offices are getting involved e.g . with providing free-off-rent spaces). Both activities - the crowdfunding campaign as well as the clothes donation are successful in mobilising the general public and in the amount of funding/assistance and its scope ? the campaign has raised over CZK 10 million (around EUR 393,000) and the clothes distribution is being carried out in seven Czech cities. The initiative has also raised awareness about the extremely precarious situation of single parents/mothers and has a potential to contribute to future policy changes that might lead to the improvement of the group?s position. At the same time, as stated by an expert on gender care gap within a follow up interview, single parents who are reaching out to social or employment offices for state support are often being directed by the administrative workers themselves to this (and similar) initiatives rather than being offered systematic support from the state. Despite its success, the initiative still works on an immediate-relief basis and does not contribute to long-term and/or sustainable change that would have the potential to change single parents? (as a group) precarious situation. The crowdfunding activity is carried through a transparent bank account and via online crowdfunding platform (with internal monitoring mechanisms). Given its character, it can be easily transferable in other national contexts (the variable remains its ability to attract necessary public/promoters support).","1. Crowdfunding for food assistance 2. Clothes collection ",National,,"Food assistance ? spring 2020 Clothes assistance ? spring 2021 ",Long-term,Yes,NA,No,Yes,No,No,Nora Fridrichov  is a journalist and philanthropist who focuses on supporting single parents.,See projects website,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,,Web and social media Czech Rep,CZ02,"The T(V)eacher ? Czech television?s education show for distance learning during school closure [U?ĄTelka z bavn?-vzd?l vacĄ program ur?en? pro ? ky z kladnĄch ?kol, kte?Ą jsou kv?li pandemii koronaviru doma]",No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,Schoolchildren and their parents,The response has primarily focused on providing schoolchildren (mainly elementary) with distance a learning programme ? partially reducing the parents? (mainly women?s) load with care and homeschooling and also balancing potential lack of support with learning within families in risk of economic and social exclusion. ,Yes,Kindergarten and school closure,Yes,"Partially as at the beginning of the pandemic, there were no government issued materials, guidelines or programmes that would support parents (or schools) with distance learning.",Explicitly designed in response to the pandemic,"On March 11 2021, the national government issued full closure of primary and secondary school institutions for in-person attendance. Pre-school education was not restricted by the national government, which left the decision on individual responsible institutions/municipalities ? most kindergartens were closed between 11-20 March. School children (elementary and kindergarten) were starting to come back towards the end of May 2020 (25. 5. 2021). Schools operation was again reduced in mid-October 2020 (12. 10. 2021) and only reopened at the end of November/beginning of December 2020. Another closure (with the exception of 1st and 2nd grade of the elementary school and kindergartens) came at the beginning of January 2021 (3. 1. 2021), children were starting to come back only in mid-April 2021 (kindergartens only for pre-schoolers, rotation system at elementary schools) with the overall reopening being finalized at the end of May 2021 (24. 5. 2021). The long-lasting school closure impacted not only children (and potentially widened existing inequalities related to education and class/socio-economic background) but also meant additional stress and workload for parents, mainly women, who had to support and oversee their children?s education, often on top of their own workload. Lastly, it also presented a significant challenge for teachers (many of them being parents and having caring responsibilities as well) who did not have sufficient support and guidelines, especially in the first wave of the pandemic (spring 2020). The Czech television created a live series of interactive school classes called T(V)eacher [U?ĄTelka] designed for elementary school children that were broadcast every day between 9.00 ? 12.00, the afternoon programme was targeting older pupils. The initiative was launched right after the school closure, reacting quickly to the situation. The offered classes included Math, Czech language and Social sciences, other subjects like foreign languages or PE were later added. The project was re-introduced every time the schools were closed down due to the pandemic, effectively broadcasting during most of the pandemic (with the exception of summer and early fall 2020). The show?s content was created in cooperation with the Ministry of Education. The Czech TV later launched a related website with additional educational materials, videos etc. The initiative received, especially during the first wave of the pandemic, lots of praise from both parents as well as teachers of elementary school pupils (who at that time received little to no guidance provided by the Ministry of Education). Such a type of initiative can be potentially, once adapted to the national curriculum, launched by public television channels in different national contexts. "," ",National,NA,16. 3. 2020,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,No,It ended with school re-opening but will be re-launched in case of future closures,No,No,No,Yes,Czech Television is a public television broadcaster in the Czech Republic,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,No,No,No,No,Yes,Czech Television is funded through television concession fees which are paid by all households and legal entities that own a television or any form of a television signal receiver.,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,"The initiative provided children with education materials and interactive shows as well as documentaries, videos etc. subsequently elevating parents? and educators?) workload related to distance schooling.","TV, web and social media" Czech Rep,CZ03,Backup nurses (Sestry v z loze),No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,The initiative was created in response to the shortage of medical staff (nurses) in hospitals. The Czech healthcare system is heavily feminized and has been struggling with not having enough personal capacities (relying extensively on overtime work). ,"Feminization of the healthcare system (hence in a broader sense, the initiative is connected with structural gender inequalities in the labour market).",No,NA,No,It reacts to long term structural issues rather than a single covid-related policy.,Yes,"The initiative was created in spring 2020 by Renata Dubcov  as a direct response to extreme shortage of medical staff (especially nurses) in Czech hospitals during the pandemic. The pandemic amplified a long lasting and structural issue of the domain - the Czech healthcare system is heavily feminized and has been struggling with not having enough personal capacities (relying extensively on overtime work). The initiative set up web pages where qualified nurses, who are currently not working in the field (or are working at practitioner office?s and have additional capacities), could register and were then connected with medical facilities in their region in need of staff. The scope of the initiative?s activities was dependent on the evolution of the pandemic, with ?Backup nurses? being demanded especially in spring 2020, fall 2020 and spring 2021. The website registered over 1,300 nurses and was promoted in mainstream as well as on social media. The transferability of such an initiative to other national contexts is dependent on the state of the country?s healthcare system. The initiative managed to support struggling medical facilities and their core staff during the pandemic. Additionally, it provided work for people (mainly women) with ?dormant? medical qualifications who, in some cases, lost their job/their workload was limited due to the pandemic, were on parental leave or pensioners. At the same time, it is important to mention that such work (as is the case in the healthcare system in general) was extremely (physically and psychologically) demanding. Although the government paid extra bonuses to the professionals working in healthcare and social services for the first and second wave of the pandemic, there has been significant delays in processing the payments. ",,National,NA,Spring 2020,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,Yes,NA,No,Yes,No,No,"The initiative was created by Renata Dubcov , a former nurse who, prior to the pandemic, worked in a different field.",,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,No,No,Yes,No,No,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Staff (personal capacities),"Web and social media, press coverage by mainstream media" Czech Rep,CZ04,#IdowhatIcan Psychological consultations online; [#delamcomuzu Psychologick‚ konzultace online] ,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,"General population suffering with mental health issues during (or due to) the pandemic as well as people with longer pre-covid psychological issues. The initiative specifically targets first line responders, single parents, senior citizens and low income groups (for whom the services remained free of charge even after the first wave of the pandemic).",Unequal or restrained access to mental health care (human and fundamental rights domain) during the pandemic.,Yes,"The response reacted to: - policies limiting certain types of psychological support (esp. services for children and their families) - increase in demand of psychological support due to the pandemic ",Yes,The state ? both during the pandemic as well as in the longer term ? is unable to ensure sufficient funding of the mental healthcare system that would ensure enough capacities to meet the demand (and the financial/regional accessibility of mental health services).,Yes,"The initiative #IdowhatIcan was created by a group of psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, therapists, and priests in cooperation with the Czech Psychotherapy Association in order to provide online psychological consultations during the pandemic. The website gathered over 760 professionals. During the first wave of the pandemic (spring 2020), the psychotherapists provided free online consultations (as in-person sessions were mostly suspended during the state of emergency). Within the second wave (fall 2020), the consultations remained free for first line responders and those people who would not be able to afford it, specifically single parents, senior citizens and those with low income (the sessions are covered through a crowdfunding campaign). The rest of the general public can use the website to find a therapist based on their location and needs ? sessions with a clinical therapist are covered by insurance (but there are significantly longer waiting times), private therapists are paid by the client himself/herself. The main actors are mental health professionals ? the original project was based on their voluntary free-of-charge provision of mental health care in times of heightened demand for these types of interventions (spring 2020). Later, the project evolved in a way that they receive remuneration for their services but is still free/accessible for first line responders and those wouldn?t be able to afford it otherwise. The evolution of the project ensured sustainability of the services (the professionals would not be able to provide their services free of charge through the whole pandemic) and can be used in post-pandemic times as a ?user-friendly? web-based tool when looking for certified therapist (in general, the Czech mental healthcare system is not easily accessible, it is difficult to find a specialist who has free capacities and those whose services are covered by the insurance are often booked far in advance). One of the encountered obstacles is that the number of clients who need to use the free-of-charge services is higher than the currently crowdfunded amount (the project collected over CZK 222,000 /EUR 8,710 as of June 2021). Such a project can be potentially launched in other national contexts if ? like in the Czech Republic ? mental healthcare system services are difficult to access. "," There have been other similar projects focusing on mental health that were founded during the pandemic ? for example ?Don?t drain your soul? [Nevypus? du?i] providing information, strategies, and awareness raising on how to take care of one?s mental health (not only) during the pandemic: ",National,NA,Spring 2020,Long-term,Yes,NA,No,Yes,No,Yes,Professional group (therapists),,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,,Web and social media Czech Rep,CZ05,Lobbying campaign for equal representation of women in advisory bodies and decision-making during the Covid-19 pandemic [Lobbingov  kampa? za vyv ?enĄ zastoupenĄ ?en v poradnĄch org nech],No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,Women and their unequal representation in working and advisory bodies of the Czech government. ,Unequal representation of women in decision-making and politics,No,NA,No,NA,"Partially, as the initiative was directed towards low representation of women within the National Economic Council, an advisory body which was re-established in order to advise the Government on economic-related measures during and after the pandemic. However, the low representation of women in advisory bodies and politics in general is a long term issue in the Czech Republic and as such is being criticised by the CWL and other NGOs even outside the pandemic.","The Czech Women?s Lobby (CWL), an umbrella organization of almost 40 gender equality and women?s organizations, launched a lobbying initiative including an open letter addressed to the Government Commissioner for Human Rights and the Minister of Industry and Trade asking for a more equal gender representation in advisory bodies, namely in the National Economic Council which was re-established in order to advise the Government on economic-related measures during and after the pandemic. The initiative stressed that women were absent in the decision-making process during the pandemic as there is an overwhelming dominance of male experts and politicians designing the anti-pandemic measures and policies. As they pointed out, there was an apparent lack of women?s and other vulnerable groups? perspective despite the fact the impact of the crisis is largely gender+ specific (to which the measures should correspond). As CWL states in its press release: ?An important act leading to an increase of equal opportunities for women, even in the tense pandemic time, stretching over to the calmer times, was also our open letter addressed to the Government Commissioner for Human Rights and the Minister of Industry and Trade asking for a more equal representation in advisory boards. Unequal representation of women in the government advisory board, National Economic Council (NERV), where only one woman was nominated in this 16-member board, reflects the dismal proportion of women in decision-making positions in our country. Apart from listing the reasons and benefits of involving women in decision-making processes for reinforcing the economy in the pandemic, our open letter also included a list of suitable potential female candidates. The Government Commissioner for Human Rights supported our activity, and our proposed expert Simona Kijonkov , the leader of the Packeta holding, including the international company Z silkovna, which she founded, was appointed in the NERV. Despite this success, we believe that Czech economy deserves a more diversified perspective and that two women and fifteen men is not a proportion reflecting the actual Czech population and its needs.? The initiative and its longer-term propositions have been also supported by the Committee for Balanced Representation of Women and Men in Politics and Decision-making. As it states in its press release, the Committee ?met on Wednesday, 21 April , 2021, and at its second meeting this year adopted a resolution to promote a balanced representation of women and men in working and advisory bodies of the Czech government?. ",,National,NA,4/9/2020,Long-term,Yes,NA,Yes,No,No,No,The Czech Women?s Lobby (CWL) is an umbrella organization of almost 40 gender equality and women?s organizations in the Czech Republic.,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Lobbying campaign,"Web and social media, lobbying meetings" Czech Rep,CZ06,Information leaflets for foreigners regarding visa-related and other relevant policies,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Foreigners living in the Czech Republic,Access to information restricted by language and/or socio-cultural barrier,Yes,"In reaction to the pandemic, Ministry of Interior issued several policies ? extending the legality of foreigners? stay even if their visa expired during the state of emergency, making it easier for foreigners to change their employment during the state of emergency, and in case of job loss, asking their former employer to help them with a registration as a job seeker thus extending validity of their stay (normally, foreigners from non-EU countries have only limited time to find a new employer before their legal permit expires and they have to leave the country). ",Yes,The initiative responded to the fact that the information regarding visa-related and other general policies were communicated by the authorities in Czech language only.,"NGOs are providing/translating information regarding relevant topics to foreigners in non-pandemic times as well. Overall, the pandemic revealed, once again, long lasting issues when it comes to integration of foreigners in the Czech Republic and their position at the Czech labour market ? excessive bureaucracy, there is often a linguistic or socio-cultural barrier and a priori distrust between foreigners and officials/clerks who should assist them with visas and related administration.","In reaction to the pandemic, Ministry of Interior issued several policies ? extending the legality of foreigners? stay even if their visa expired during the state of emergency, making it easier for foreigners to change their employment during the state of emergency, and in case of job loss, asking their former employer to help them with a registration as a job seeker thus extending validity of their stay (normally, foreigners from non-EU countries have only limited time to find a new employer before their legal permit expires and they have to leave the country). Given the fact that the policies were issued rather abruptly and that their specific conditions/validity were changing and communicated only in the Czech language, it was difficult for those foreigners who do not speak Czech to follow the situation. Therefore NGOs providing assistance to migrants launched several initiatives creating, translating and disseminating information materials. For example SIMI, an Association for Integration and Migration, published and disseminated information leaflets and materials summarizing the key visa and employment-related as well as general policies in several languages, incl. information about the impact of covid on reproductive rights (based on the size of the migrants communities in the Czech Republic). The leaflets were distributed within the migrant communities and provided to the public institutions, for example municipal offices, to help facilitate the communication of the Covid-19 related issues and measures to those foreigners who do not speak Czech. ",,National,NA,Mar-20,Long-term,Yes,NA,Yes,No,No,No,"SIMI, an Association for Integration and Migration, other NGOs were providing similar services as well",,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,"Web, social media, phone" Czech Rep,CZ07,Victims of GBV,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Victims of GBV,Gender+ aspects of domestic violence,No,It responds to lack of policies as well as up to date data regarding GBV during the pandemic ,No,It responds to lack of policies as well as up to date data regarding GBV during the pandemic ,In response to covid-related issues,"Gender based violence remains one the most pressing domains that has been highlighted by the pandemic and that has not been ? at the same time ? sufficiently addressed or tackled by the implemented policies. While the official numbers by the relevant authorities do not show an increase in reported cases, the ongoing research on the issue of domestic and gender-based violence as well as the numbers provided by NGOs offering legal, social and psychological support to victims suggest that the number but also the intensity increased significantly. NGOs across the Czech Republic estimate the increase in demand for services by 30-40% during the first wave of the pandemic (spring 2020). During the second wave of the pandemic (fall 2020), the demand increased by as much as 50% compared to 2019. While the NGOs working in the field of GBV collected and evaluated data connected to the type and extent of assistance they provided to GBV victims during the pandemic, there has been a need for more in depth data collection and analysis. Hence, researchers Blanka Nyklov  and Dana Moree started pro bono (i.e. not grant-funded) research project ?Violence against women during the pandemic? in cooperation with key NGOs in the field. The project later received partial financial support from the ?esk  spo?itelna Foundation and the Embassy of Canada in the Czech Republic. The project?s result provided invaluable insight into the issue of GBV during the pandemic, suggested steps and reforms needed in order to ensure better support for GBV victims as well as a more comprehensive prevention system and raised awareness as it received extensive media coverage. The research is an important example of bottom up initiative combining need-based data collection and analysis (which started as a pro bono activity) with NGOs work with the target group as well as financial support from the business sector and other actors ",,National,NA,Spring 2020,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,Yes,NA,Yes,No,No,Yes,Researchers and NGOs (funded by business foundation and an embassy) ,NA,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,,No,No,No,No,Yes,The project later received partial financial support from the ?esk  spo?itelna Foundation and the Embassy of Canada in the Czech Republic,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Providing research results and policy recommendations ,Mainstream media Czech Rep,CZ08,For safer homes ? IKEA?s campaign against GBV,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,"Victims of GBV, NGOs",Gender+ aspects of domestic violence,No,"It responds to lack of policies, intensity of the issue during the pandemic and high level of society?s tolerance of GBV ",Yes,The lack of,Yes but also has longer term relevance/scope,"Gender based violence remains one the most pressing domains that has been highlighted by the pandemic and that has not been ? at the same time ? sufficiently addressed or tackled by the implemented policies. Alongside bottom up-driven research ?Violence against women during the pandemic? (CSCCZ_07), there has been a number of awareness raising initiatives. The campaign ?For safer homes? launched by IKEA in cooperation with relevant NGOs (ROSA, ProFem, ACORUS) marks the launch of two year project which includes for example financial support for NGOs, competencies-strengthening for those working with victims of GBV or lobbying for more complex changes in legislation.",,National,NA,November 2020,Long-term,Yes,NA,No,No,No,Yes,Business, ,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,,Web and social media (videos) Czech Rep,CZ09,Free advertising for female entrepreneurs during the first wave of the pandemic,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,female entrepreneurs,Women-led businesses being affected more significantly due to the restrictions & care obligations,No,NA,No,NA,in response to the pandemic,"The NGO Women Inc. (?eny s.r.o), which supports female entrepreneurs, offered during spring 2020 free advertising for female entrepreneurs in order to support their businesses in times where many of them were negatively affected by the pandemic and related policies/measures and the closure of the economy. The NGO was also mediating the demand for services and products, such as looking for seamstresses for sewing protective masks.",,National,NA,Spring 2020,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,No,April/May 2020,Yes,No,No,No,NGO supporting female entrepreneurs,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,free advertising for female entrepreneurs,Web and social media Czech Rep,CZ10,Czech scouts teaming up with helpline for senior citizens,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Senor citizens,Seniors? higher level of vulnerability to Covid-19 and their social isolation,No,NA,No,NA,Designed in response to covid-related issues.,"Jun k, a Czech scout organisation, teamed up with the organization Elpida, an NGO working with senior citizens and operating nationwide free helpline for seniors, in order to ensure support for the most vulnerable group ? running errands, picking up groceries, medicines and alike. The hotline staff were receiving inquiries and requests from seniors across the country by telephone, and registered scouts were able to sign up to help specific people in their area via a specifically designed web application.",,National,NA,March 2020,N,No,May2021,Yes,No,No,Yes,"Jun k, a Czech scout organisation, teamed up with the organization Elpida, an NGO working with senior citizens."," ",Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,"Services ? running errands, picking up groceries, medicines and alike","Web and social media, mainstream media, phone, leaflets in the streets/on houses/in stores" Denmark,DK01,"Partnership in the field of the elderly. Strategy for alleviating loneliness among weakened senior citizens during COVID-19. ",No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Older people who experience social islolation and loneliness.,"Health inequalities, human rights, etc.",Yes,"Restrictions on visits to nursing homes Agreement on partnerships in the domain of the elderly",Yes,"The interpretation of the restrictive COVID-19 measures left the elderly in a state of isolation. The DaneAge Association˙documented that the visiting restrictions were, in many instances, interpreted in a way that left older residents, both those receiving at-home care and those living in nursing homes, in isolation in their respective homes/rooms all day with minimal social contacts. ( ( ",Yes," To protect the elderly who have higher risk of developing serious illness from COVID-19 (especially those over the age of 70 and older citizens with various underlying chronic conditions) visitor restrictions to all nursing homes across the country was implemented and special measures were taken in relation to at-home care services as well. These restrictions led to severe social isolation and loneliness among the elderly. This was particular the case during the two lockdowns, but despite the reopening of society, there are still groups of older people who are isolated or experiencing loneliness the aftermath of the isolation in lockdown. Older people who experience severe loneliness are a very complex group with different resources and challenges. They may be suffering from grief, severe illness or being next of kin to a seriously ill person, have various loss of mobility, impaired vision and/or hearing, cognitive impairment, mental challenges, or belonging to the group of elderly with an ethnic minority background. As a result of this the elderly will all have different needs and desires during the corona crisis and different initiatives are required to address issues of social isolation, loneliness, uncertainty and fear. These initiatives must be diverse and adaptable to the individual needs of the elderly. In order to develop new initiatives and make changes to existing initiatives an urgent ?Strategy for alleviating loneliness among weakened old people during COVID-19? was developed by the DaneAge Association˙working in partnership with the trade union FOA which members include social and health care workers˙and assistants. The strategy stipulates that: ? the partnership consists of all civil society organizations that want to actively contribute to alleviate loneliness among the elderly. ? the partnership is facilitated by the DaneAge Association˙and the trade union FOA. ? During the pandemic, the partners will meet online once a month for knowledge exchange and coordination. ? the DaneAge Association˙and the trade union FOA will be working to connect parties to develop new initiatives to strengthen initiative to alleviate loneliness. ? Members of the partnership can initiate new actions and activities or share knowledge of activities and initiatives. These must be described and posted on the National Board of Health's web portal. Different ?roles? were assigned to each of the participating organisations either 1) as taking on the lead role of being the instigator of a specific initiative, or 2) possessing the role of tracking down and establishing contact to different groups of elderly, or 3) undertaking the role of communicating and sharing knowledge, or 4) taking on the role of being in charge of logistics or 5) of ensuring followership. The ?Strategy for alleviating loneliness among weakened old people during COVID-19? was put in place during the first lockdown (in 2020). During the second lockdown, public funding was made available as the government (on March 17 2021) agreed on a help package for the Elderly, allocating 15 mio. DKK directly to a number of organizations, including the DaneAge Association to support activities targeting weakened elderly people and their relatives. Aspart of the partnership a ?Bank of Ideas? i.e. an ongoing collection of ideas and ressources adressing social isloation and loneliness was delevopled. This is still avaliable at the web portal of the National Board of Heath: "," ",National,,"The strategy was put in place during the first lockdown as part of the phase of reopening the society. It was meant to be ?short-termed? and ?action-oriented? i.e. stated to run until the end of 2020. However, one of the main intiatives of the strategy was developing a ?Bank of Ideas? (a collection og ideas and ressurces) to be published at the web page of the Danish Health Authority and at this web page (accesses in June 2021) is is stated that they are still open for receiving further ideas. ",Just for the Covid-19 emergency,Yes,,Yes,No,No,Yes,"The ?Strategy for alleviating loneliness among weakened old people during COVID-19? was developed by the DaneAge Association˙working in partnership with the trade union FOA which members include social and health care workers˙and assistants. As part of the strategy a partnership consisiting of different civil society organizations and NGO?s was developed. ","",Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,,"Monthly digital meetings to coordinate activities. A network of volunteers Health care workers Web and social media e.g. making visible and communicating knowledge from the ?Bank of Ideas ? for the elderly? (collection of ideas and ressources adressing social isloation and loneliness). This is avaliable at the web portal of the National Board of Heath:" Denmark,DK02,Increasing shelter capacity in case of intimate partner violence by LOKK ? the National Organisation of wo-men's shelters in Denmark ,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Victims of intimate partner violence,"Health inequalities, human rights, etc.",Yes,"The Danish Epidemic Act (put into force on 17 March 2020) authorised the Minister for Health to take measures to combat the COVID-19 epidemic in Denmark. The Act imposed a large number of restrictions and orders on citizens, associations as well as private and public institutions etc. This applied to e.g. prohibitions against public assemblies, closing of Schools, universities and other educational institutions, closing of stores, restaurants, etc. and restrictions on the use of public transport. Also, all employers were asked to organise the work so that all, or a part of the workforce, were either furloughed or asked to work from home. Due to these restrictions, many families became socially isolated at home which created heightened tension in the homes of Danish families. ",No,,Yes,"LOKK is the umbrella organization for all women?s shelters in Denmark. As a national association LOKK represents the experiences of how to unify common interest, exchange experiences, awareness raising and advocacy regarding prevention, protection and elimination of violence against women. Nationally, LOKK closely cooperates with other Danish organizations with the same objectives, such as Dialogue against Violence, Mothers? Aid and the Danish National Institute of Public Health (EIGE 2021). By the end of February 2020, Denmark confirmed its first case of COVID-19 leading up to the announcement of restrictive lockdown measures on March 11. From the very beginning the lockdown measures, in particular the confinement to home, created heightened tension in society, and in the homes of Danish families. During the months of the first lockdown the National Police's register revealed an increase in domestic disputes compared to previous years (National Police Report Register, POLSTAT, Dagbladet Information 2020) and civil society organisations and NGO?s reported a doubling of calls to the national helpline and women's shelters throughout the country reported a doubling of inquiries (Live Without Violence 2020, Amnesty International 2020, LOKK 2020). In their annual report from 2020, LOKK concluded that in 2020 10,366 inquiries were registered at the women?s shelters across the country from women who were exposed to violence, or from relatives or professionals who seek counselling regarding a woman who has been subjected to violence. In addition, in 2020 467 inquiries were registered to the specialized women?s shelters. In particular, 2020 was marked by COVID-19, and this is also reflected in the inquiries to LOKK from the shelters. Thus, 12 percent of the calls from the shelters across the municipalities have been COVID-19 related (LOKK 2020 Annual Report). Due to a large number of civil society organisations, including LOKK, raising the alarm the Danish government was quick to put in place supportive measures during the first and second lockdown. They did so by initially assigning money to LOKK to set up extra rooms in shelters to cope with the increased needs during the pandemic (in total 100 new permanent rooms were established). Each region was allocated a potential number of rooms, which corresponds to an increase of 16 percent over their normal pre-covid capacity (LOKK 2020 Annual Report). Also, funding was increased for counselling services for perpetrators; and funding was provided to increase capacity in shelters for male victims of domestic violence (European Commission 2020). The funding was initially allocated for the COVID19 emergency but the extra rooms established will be permanent (LOKK 2020 Annual Report). ",,National,"LOKK has 41 shelter members dispersed across Danish municipalities. During the first lockdown 55 extra emergency rooms were established in the following shelters: ? Copenhagen women?s shelters - 5 mio. DKK corresponding to app. 5 extra rooms ? Kolding women?s shelter - 1 mio. DKK corresponding to app. 5 pladser) ? Odense women?s shelter (2 mio. DKK corresponding to app. 10 pladser) ? Holstebro women?s shelter (2 mio. DKK corresponding to app. 10 pladser) ? Aarhus women?s shelter (1 mio. DKK corresponding to app. 5 pladser) (The National Board of Social Services 2020)",Mar-20,Long-term,Yes,,No,No,No,Yes,LOKK has 41 shelter members dispersed across Danish municipalities.,,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,"In 2020, a large Danish fund (the Ole Kirk's Foundation) provided support for personal protective equipment for the shelters and support for staff resources and pedagogical funds for extra activities for children staying at the shelters. According to the annual report from LOKK, 31 shelters have, in 2020, received support for staff resources, and 23 have received support for personal protective equipment (LOKK 2020 Annual Report). ",No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,, Denmark,DK03,Mother?s Aid Emergency Helpline and other CoVID19 related activities,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,Families with children and single parents,"Health inequalities, human rights, economic inequalities, etc.",Yes,"The Danish Epidemic Act (put into force on 17 March 2020) authorised the Minister for Health to take measures to combat the COVID-19 epidemic in Denmark. The Act imposed a large number of restrictions and orders on citizens, associations as well as private and public institutions etc. This applied to e.g. prohibitions against public assemblies, closing of Schools, universities and other educational institutions, closing of stores, restaurants, etc. and restrictions on the use of public transport. Also, all employers were asked to organise the work so that all, or a part of the workforce, were either furloughed or asked to work from home.˙",No,,Yes," From the very beginning of the pandemic, the organisation Mother?s Aid Denmark established an Emergency Helpline (telephone or chat), where families with children and pregnant women could receive free counseling and support (Mother?s Aid 2020a). The background for establishing the Emergency Helpline was reports from families with children that the pandemic put severe pressures on them, and affected them both financially, emotionally and physically. In particular the forced ?stay-at-home? situation and the closing of schools put a pressure on the relationships between children and their parents (and siblings); and single parents (in particular single mothers) as well as vulnerable families (e.g. lower income families), who were already struggling before the pandemic, began to struggle even more (Mother?s Aid 2020b). Mother?s Aid report (Mother?s Aid 2020c) that the four most frequent questions for help and support to the Emergency Helpline has been related to: Time together 46 % Divorce 26 % Violence 21% Finance 21 % Mother?s Aid has also focused on how the pandemic has also created a difficult situation for soon to be parents and new parents, as pregnant women was in some periods of the crisis asked to attend maternal consultations, prenatal scanning and antenatal education without their male partners in an effort to accommodate to COVID-19 safety restrictions. Also, during the first lockdown, Danish fathers were only allowed in the delivery room in the last phases of birth. Restrictions like these put new fathers at risk of becoming less involved in key events in the perinatal process. National reports from Denmark have documented that pregnant women and women in labour report that, during the pandemic, they have not felt sufficiently prepared for birth, and that they felt insecure and in lack of proper postnatal counseling (LUP-Study of Patient Experiences 2021, Mother?s Aid 2021).˙ All in all, Mothers Aid Denmark have initiated the following activities during the pandemic: Establishing an Emergency Helpline Documenting and reporting how families with children have been affected by the pandemic.˙ Providing knowledge and support to parents during lock down e.g. tips and tricks on the webpage, information pamphlets, etc. "," ",National,There are app. 34 local/municipal divisions of The Mother?s Aid.,March 19 2020,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,Yes,,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,,,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,,"Web and social media Telephone and chat emergency helpline" Denmark,DK04,Contingency plan for the Mobile Health Service,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Victims and potential victims of human trafficking,"Health inequalities, human rights, etc.",Yes," ",Yes,,Yes,"In their annual report for 2020, the Danish Centre Against Human Trafficking reported that, during the pandemic, the risk of (in particular, online) human trafficking of vulnerable groups has increased. Persons of foreign extraction in Denmark, in particular those who work in prostitution and are in risk of being/becoming victims of human trafficking constitute a particularly vulnerable group during the Covid19 health crisis. Lack of Danish language skills limits the information to this group from Danish authorities and other Danish information channels. In addition, the majority do not have legal residence in Denmark and therefore do not have access to public health services. People with an illegal basis for residence are often reluctant to seek the help of the Danish authorities. As described in the latest Danish Action Plan to Combat Human Trafficking (2019-2021), the Danish Center against Human Trafficking operates the so-called Mobile Health Service. This service has existed for 10 years and cover outreach work among almost 500 brothels across the country. The providers of the service has an extensive knowledge of the foreign prostitution milieu in Denmark and a great deal of knowledge of vulnerable individuals, in particular women with a ethnic minority background working as prostitutes. The primary role of the Mobile Health Service during a health crisis such as the Covid19 pandemic was, according to the Danish Centre against Human Trafficking, summed up to, on the one hand, ensure that potential victims of human trafficking working as prostitutes have access to health services during the pandemic, and, on the other hand, to contain the risk of this vulnerable group contributing to the spread of Covid19 virus. Thus, in September 2020 a contingency plan for the Mobile Health Service was drafted. The plan stipulates the following: Provide information on health authority guidelines by direct text messages. Enhance attention towards the most vulnerable foreign persons working in prostitution who are potential victims of human trafficking. Align outreach efforts in co-operation with the police. Continue to make physical visits to massage clinics. During these visits offer food* and assistance in obtaining the necessary medication. *During Covid19, 28 meal packages were distributed to people (mostly women) working in prostitution who are potential victims of human trafficking. Sharpen efforts to detect vulnerable groups and potential victims of human trafficking in screening efforts on the internet. Continue to work closely together with relevant NGO?s. Ensure the safety of the employees of the Mobile Health Service (following the health authorities' guidelines for how health personnel avoid Covid19). Stay alert during the reopening of society. During the reopening and in the time after, the Mobile Health Service must continue to focus on Covid19 in their outreach work, in order to limit the risk of a new outbreaks of the virus among vulnerable group. ","Danish Centre Against Human Trafficking 2020a: Danish Centre Against Human Trafficking 2020b: ",National,,Sep-20,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,Yes,,Yes,No,No,Yes,The Danish Centre against Human Trafficking is responsible for the mobile Health Service. In some parts of the country two health care workers employed by The National Board of Social Services is responsible for the outreach work. In other parts of the country the centre has teamed up with the Dnish NGO AmiAmi to perform the outreach work. ,"",Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,,"Web and social media Social workers Healt care workers" Denmark,DK05,The Neigbourhood Mothers,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Migrant women and their children and families. ,"Health inequalities, human rights, etc.",No," ",No,,Yes,"The Neighbourhood Mothers is a Danish national association who is part of the danish fond for social responsibility. The purpose of The Neighbourhood Mothers is to promote the social and cultural integration of isolated and vulnerable ethnic minority women by pairing them with volunteer 'mothers' who support them to navigate local services and discover the local community. The target group is in particular migrant women who live in isolation; who do not know much about the Danish society; who have challenges with the Danish language; and many of whom have distrust to the municipal system. The Neighbourhood Mothers try to give these women the information and support they need, so that they can gain control of their own lives and make the decisions, which they believe are the right ones for themselves, their families and their children. The Neighbourhood mothers aim to bridge the gap between isolated migrant women and the surrounding society. The Neighbourhood Mothers recruit and train volunteer District Mothers who are primarily women with an ethnic minority background, who do a voluntary effort in their local area by supporting isolated and vulnerable women.˙The Neighbourhood Mothers create an equal, respectful dialogue and pass on important information about the surrounding society. Their major forces are their unique ability to reach isolated women locally, due to their linguistic diversity, their local presence and their local flexible availability. There are more than 900 active 'mothers' in more than 40 local groups all over Denmark, who between them represent 41 nationalities and speak 54 different languages. In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, the The Neighbourhood mothers initiated emergency activities, which included: Guidance on to remain connected with women and their families through the pandemic; Ideas on how to keep in touch, for instance by way of walk&Talk meetings, phone calls, social media, etc.; Information on fx self-isolation, how to use the official Danish COVID-19 contact tracing app, information on the national corona hotline, etc. Further, many activities were initiated by the local district mothers during the pandemic, for instance: Local play groups for children, workshops on how to sew face masks, distribution of hand sanitizer at local schools and local communities, workshops on how to use zoom or other online platforms, distribution of food to the elderly, establishing walk&talk meetings to loneliness, etc. ",,National,There are nearly 40 local neighbourhood mothers groups spread throughout municipalities in Denmark. In average there are 13 volunteer District Mothers associated with each local group.,Information unavailable,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,Yes,,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,," ",Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,,"Web and social media A network of volunteers" Denmark,DK06,The Council for Socially Marginalised People: Proposal for the establishment of a social emergency force,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,"Vulnerable adult citizens (e.g. sex workers, homeless people, substance abuse users, people with mental health issues, etc.) ","Health inequalities, human rights, etc.",Yes,"The Danish Epidemic Act (put into force on 17 March 2020) authorised the Minister for Health to take measures to combat the COVID-19 epidemic in Denmark. The Act imposed a large number of restrictions and orders on citizens, associations as well as private and public institutions etc. For vulnerable groups, the COVID-19 lockdown has been a barrier to access to the treatment and health services they normally use (Oak Foundation and Social Response 2020)",No,,Yes,"On 25 April 2020, the Government, together with the parliamentary parties adopted a 'vulnerable package', which was to address the special challenges that COVID-19 posed for socially vulnerable groups. Initially, three Partnerships were established. One for children and young people, one for people with disabilities and one for vulnerable adults. The Council for the Socially Vulnerable facilitated the partnership addressing the situation of vulnerable adult citizens (The Council for the Socially Vulnerable 2020a) (later a partnership was also established for the elderly). The partnership members consisted of a large number of civil society organisations and NGO?s, e.g. The Danish National Organisation for Homeless People, Blue Cross, Red Cross, SAND-The People?s Movement against Loneliness, SIND-The Danish Association for Mental Health, etc. (for full list of members, see: The Council for the Socially Vulnerable 2020a). Throughout the pandemic the Council for the Socially Vulnerable has held meetings with the partnership members to facilitate a dialogue on what issues they experienced, and to provide them with the latest news from the Ministry of Social Affairs and Senior Citizens (if there was anything). At regular intervals, or as needed, meeting was held in the general Sector Partnership, where the facilitators of the four partnerships (For children and young people, for people with disabilities, for vulnerable adults and for the elderly), KL - Local Government Denmark and Danish Regions, met with Minister of Social Affairs and Senior Citizens, Astrid Krag, in order to exchange knowledge on COVID19 related problems and challenges. The meetings in the sector partnership intensified as the 2nd wave of the pandemic increased in the Danish context, with meetings every 14 days. This framework is still running, although now less frequently (interview with consultant from The Council for the Socially Vulnerable 2021). Together with the other partnership members, the Council for the Socially Vulnerable, formulated a proposal for the establishment of a social emergency task force. The purpose of such a task force is to be able to prevent and remedy the negative consequences that a crisis such as COVID-19, or other future crises, can involve for vulnerable citizens. Such side effects can be isolation, lack of food, violence, loneliness, abuse, exacerbation of mental and physical challenges. A social emergency task force will provide a more uniform handling across municipalities, as well as equip all actors in the public sector as well as in civil society to cooperate on and handle future crises. The Council for the Socially Vulnerable proposes that the social emergency task force could provide plans for rapid and agile action both nationally and locally if another crisis such as the current COVID-19 crisis arises (the Council for the Socially Vulnerable 2020b). There has been positive response to the proposal of establishing a social emergency task force from the Ministry of Social Affairs and Senior Citizens, but it is not yet a reality. The Minister of Social Affairs and Senior Citizens, Astrid Krag, has responded that she ?very much agree that the experience of the first lockdown shows that close cooperation and a clear division of tasks between health authorities and the various civil society organisations and other actors in the social field will ensure a better framework in case of a possible future national health crisis (the Ministry of Social Affairs and Senior Citizens 2020).",,National,,Mar-20,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,Yes,,Yes,No,No,Yes,"The partnership members consisted of a large number of civil society organisations and NGO?s, e.g. The Danish National Organisation for Homeless People, Blue Cross, Red Cross, SAND-The People?s Movement against Loneliness, SIND-The Danish Association for Mental Health, etc. (for full list of members, see: The Council for the Socially Vulnerable 2020a). ",,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,,Web and social media. A partnership among civil society organisations and NGO?s Denmark,DK07,The Council for Socially Marginalised People: Strategy to combat loneliness among the socially marginalised during and after COVID19,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,"Vulnerable adult citizens aged 18-70 (e.g. sex workers, homeless people, substance abuse users, people with mental health issues, people living in poverty, people ouside the labour market, etc.)","Health inequalities, human rights, etc.",Yes,"The Danish Epidemic Act (put into force on 17 March 2020) authorised the Minister for Health to take measures to combat the COVID-19 epidemic in Denmark. The Act imposed a large number of restrictions and orders on citizens, associations as well as private and public institutions etc. For vulnerable groups, the COVID-19 lockdown has been a barrier to access to the treatment and health services they normally use (Oak Foundation and Social Response 2020)",Yes,The interpretation of the restrictive COVID-19 measures left the vulnerable in a state of isolation. ,Yes,"On 25 April 2020, the Government, together with the parliamentary parties adopted a 'vulnerable package', which was to address the special challenges that COVID-19 posed for socially vulnerable groups. Initially, three Partnerships were established. One for children and young people, one for people with disabilities and one for vulnerable adults. The Council for the Socially Vulnerable facilitated the partnership addressing the situation of vulnerable adult citizens (The Council for the Socially Vulnerable 2020a) (later a partnership was also established for the elderly). The partnership members consisted of a large number of civil society organisations and NGOs, e.g. The Danish National Organisation for Homeless People, Blue Cross, Red Cross, SAND-The People?s Movement against Loneliness, SIND-The Danish Association for Mental Health, etc. (for full list of members, see: The Council for the Socially Vulnerable 2020a). Throughout the pandemic the Council for the Socially Vulnerable has held meetings with the partnership members to facilitate a dialogue on what issues they experienced, and to provide them with the latest news from the Ministry of Social Affairs and Senior Citizens (if there was anything). At regular intervals, or as needed, meeting was held in the general Sector Partnership, where the facilitators of the four partnerships (For children and young people, for people with disabilities, for vulnerable adults and for the elderly), KL - Local Government Denmark and Danish Regions, met with Minister of Social Affairs and Senior Citizens, Astrid Krag, in order to exchange knowledge on COVID19 related problems and challenges. The meetings in the sector partnership intensified as the 2nd wave of the pandemic increased in the Danish context, with meetings every 14 days. This framework is still running, although now less frequently (interview with consultant from The Council for the Socially Vulnerable 2021). User organizations, voluntary social organizations, professional organizations, etc. in the Partnership for Vulnerable Adults have during the pandemic consistently reported that loneliness and self-isolation have escalated among the target group. Vulnerable groups, e.g. people with mental health challenges and diseases that make them particularly vulnerable if they are infected with COVID19, have isolated themselves to a degree that made the challenges they already had grew larger, for instance with anxiety and other mental problems. Thus, together with the other partnership members, the Council for the Socially Vulnerable, formulated a strategy to combat loneliness. The aim of this strategy is to launch initiatives in 2020 that reduce loneliness as a result of COVID19. The initiatives cover vulnerable people throughout the country. The target group of vulnerable adults is a non-homogeneous group in terms of age, underlying challenges and diseases. Therefore, the strategy aimed to approach loneliness in a diverse way, so that the prevention and alleviation of loneliness benefits everyone in the target group (The Council for the Socially Vulnerable 2020b). The strategy consists of initiatives addressing five different areas: 1. Stigmatization / de-tabulation: Spread the message, provide information and knowledge. Aim: to break the taboo around loneliness and give more lonely vulnerable adults the courage to reach out. 2. Inclusion and accessibility: Ensure access to communities, e.g. by maintaining and developing new digital communities such as digital drop-in centres, e-sports, etc., or by offering new ways of being together in communities such as walk & talk with a walking host, or through, for example, communal dining in the local area. 3. Training of professionals: Working with mental barriers among employees - practice ?we care?, let doctors ?screen? for loneliness and refer to communities, ensure that frontline staff, e.g. social workers, have the right knowledge and are able to tell about communities / activities in the local areas. 4. Provide tools and advice. Loneliness must be measured and developments followed over time. Offer companionship for the lonely. Recruit more volunteers to act as social caretakers or walking hosts. Be aware of whether people need help with the activities (e.g. transport). Create content that can be talked about, for example concerts, etc. (so togetherness is not just about problems). Offer activities with a purpose e.g. exercise. Create a diversity of communities. Make use of the 'old' forms of communication (letters, telephone, etc.) so that everyone in the target group is reached. Create continuous activities ? it is better to have a lot of small activities than a few bigger. 5. Fight loneliness through a cross-sectoral effort and preferably with incentives for municipalities, voluntary social organizations, civil society, companies, etc. The activities will reach more people in the target group when different actors collaborate both nationally and in the local area (The Council for the Socially Vulnerable 2020b).",,National,,Information unavailable,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,The partnership consists of 28 different civil society organisations and NGOs who engage with the target group from different positions. The Council for the Socially Vulnerable acts as a facilitator of the joint Partnership.,,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,,"Web and social media 28 partnership organisations A network of volunteers A network of social workers" Denmark,DK08,The Red Cross: Family friend from a distance,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Families with children,"Health inequalities, human rights, etc.",Yes,"The Danish Epidemic Act (put into force on 17 March 2020) authorised the Minister for Health to take measures to combat the COVID-19 epidemic in Denmark. The Act imposed a large number of restrictions and orders on citizens, associations as well as private and public institutions etc. For vulnerable groups, the COVID-19 lockdown has been a barrier to access to the treatment and health services they normally use and it has put a pressure on families. ",Yes,"The interpretation of the restrictive COVID-19 measures, and the closing of schools, day care centres, etc, left families with children in a state of isolation. ",Yes,"All families with children may need support for a period of time, in particular during COVID19. To assist families, the Red Cross offers families the possibility of getting a volunteer family friend. During CoVID19, the Red Cross changed the concept to ?family friend from a distance?. They also offered regular telephone contact to families who experience a need for support. A volunteer family friend offers support to families through conversations (app. once or twice a week). The conversations continue for as long as the families have a need. It will also be possible to meet physically, as long as it takes place outside and at a distance. The family friend from a distance concept was developed as a consequence of covid-19 and the needs that the Red Cross experiences among vulnerable families who were affected by loneliness, conflicts and insecurity, in particular during the two lockdowns, and who were particularly hard hit when the society was closed down. A family typically reaches out for a volunteer family friend because the family may feel isolated and need support to create peace and overview in everyday life. The family can also benefit from a volunteer to support the children in homeschooling and homework. Families can sign up to get a ?family friend? by filling out a form on the Red Cross? webpage (The Red Cross 2020a and 2000b). ","",National,,Information unavailable,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,"Through 203 local divisions in Denmark, the Red Cross is able to offer family friends in many places in the country. Pre-COVID19, there were geographical areas where the Red Cross had not been able to offer family friends, as it had been difficult to recruit volunteers in the area. However, this has become possible with the concept ?Family friend at a distance? where the families and their family friend can also meet online. This concept will be taken forward in the time after the corona (The Red Cross 2020b).",,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,,"Web and social media A network of volunteers" Denmark,DK09,The Danish National Association of Children?s Welfare: The Children?s Telephone,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Children and young people,"Health inequalities, human rights, etc.",Yes,"The Danish Epidemic Act (put into force on 17 March 2020) authorised the Minister for Health to take measures to combat the COVID-19 epidemic in Denmark. The Act imposed a large number of restrictions and orders on citizens, associations as well as private and public institutions etc. For vulnerable groups, the COVID-19 lockdown has been a barrier to access to the treatment and health services they normally use and it has put a pressure on families.",Yes,"The interpretation of the restrictive COVID-19 measures, and the closing of schools, day care centres, etc, left families with children in a state of isolation.",Yes,"Very early in the outbreak of the pandemic in Denmark, The Danish National Association of Children?s Welfare prioritized working intensively to establish an emergency preparedness in the event of lockdown. This emergency preparedness was needed on 16 March 2020 at the same time as the schools closed and many parents were sent home from work. On the same day, the two offices of ?the children?s telephone? also physically closed down, and instead continued the counseling with the counselors answering the phone remotely (working from home). The emergency preparedness initially consisted of all staff at ?the children?s telephone?, as well as a group of 60 volunteer counselors (out of a total of 600 volunteer counselors), who from home counseled children and young people by telephone, chat and text message. Towards the reopening of society physical attendance for employees at the two offices of ?the children?s telephone? there were approx. 273 volunteers in the emergency response group. This meant that ?the children?s telephone? could maintain opening hours from 11am to 23pm all days of the week during the entire corona lockdown (The Children?s Telephone 2020a). It is both free and anonymous to call ?the children?s telephone?. Like most European helplines, the Danish Children?s Telephone uses the 116111 number, which is free of charge and ?invisible? on the phone bill when a child calls 116111. The children decide for themselves what they want to talk about. The counsellors listen, give good advice and explain to the children about their rights. Children can also get advice via text message, chat or through Mailbox or through the children-help-children forum, if they feel more confident about it. The counsellors can also offer to act as a lay representative to the children who call ?the children?s telephone? and who need help in the meeting with the public administration (The Children?s Telephone 2020b)(also see description on Child Helpline International 2021). In 2020, there were 1,678 conversations on The Children?s Telephone where the topic was about COVID19. According to an analysis of the conversations about COVID19 on the children?s telephone it was concluded that in particular in the days after the press conference on 11 March 2020, when the first lockdown was announced, the number of calls to the telephone was high. The focus of the conversations changed over the year of 2020 from being mostly about fear that they either themselves or some of their relatives will become sick. Later the children begin to express that it is difficult to be confined to home with their parents and siblings. Also, during the lockdown, conversations about bullying change character as well, as far more conversations are about bullying that now takes place digitally. The conversations also reveal that some children have extra difficulties. This applies, among other things, to children whose parents are divorced. Many of these children experience that restrictions and lockdowns can create disagreements between parents that make their normal visitation arrangements insecure. Other children say that corona intensifies existing problems with, for example, anxiety, depression and self-harm, while children placed outside the home experience that the lockdown meant that some are cut off from visiting their biological families, while others lose the opportunity to get away from home to see their foster families (The Danish National Association of Children?s Welfare 2021).",,National,,Mar-20,,Yes,,No,No,No,Yes,,,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,,"A network of volunteers Web and social media " Spain,ES01,Yo no las dejo solas (I do not leave them alone),No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Migrant women,"Labour discrimination, lack of equal right to treatment",No,To the restrictions on mobility and social distancing ,Yes,"The Royal Decree 11/2020 approved in April 2020 establishing unemployment benefits to domestic workers due to Covid-19 did not cover neither migrant women in an irregular status, nor those that did not have a contract in place. This initiative reacts to this failure.",Explicitly designed in response to Covid-related issues.,"Domestic workers in Spain (mostly women and migrants) are not entitled to unemployment benefits under Spanish Labour law (Spain has still not ratified the ILO Convention on Domestic Workers, no. 189). In April 2020, the Spanish government approved RD 11/2020 that granted a subsidy for unemployment to domestic workers that had lost their job (totally or partially) due to Covid-19. However, this only solved the problem partially, given that the regulation applied only to those domestic workers that were registered in the Social Security system. This is a highly informal market (around 30% of domestic workers do not have an employment contract), and a high percentage of domestic workers are themselves in a situation of administrative irregularity. Therefore, many domestic workers were left even more unprotected during the lockdown. In the context described above, the campaign ?Yo no las dejo solas? (?I do not leave them alone?) called for crowdfunding, with the aim of providing financial support to domestic workers that had lost their jobs in the Basque region due to the Covid-19, and who could no access unemployment benefits, due to not having a contract or due to being in an administrative situation of irregularity. 270 donations were made, and an amount of 22,740? was collected and distributed among 136 migrant women, mainly to help them pay rent. The crowdfunding aim was set at 13,000?, so that was exceeded. In addition, the campaign also demanded a political solution to the situation. The campaign was launched by four associations of migrant women (Feministas por Nicaragua Euskal Herria, Mujeres con Voz, Mujeres Tejiendo Red, Trabajadoras No Domesticadas), and had the support of three local feminist organizations (El Fondo de Mujeres Calala, Pikara Magazine and Sortzen ConsultorĄa). ",,Regional,"Basque Region (but similar initiatives existed in other regions, e.g. ?Cuida a Quien te Cuida?)",Mar-20,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,No,jun-20,Yes,No,No,No,"Associations of migrant women working as domestic workers. Their aims include having a support network, empowering women, and changing the working conditions. Also, Trabajadoras Domesticadas demands a transformation of the care system, which is racist, patriarchal and colonial. ","",,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,,No,Yes,No,No,No,,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,, Spain,ES02,Maitelan cooperative,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,Migrant women working in poor conditions,"working conditions, housing",Yes,"working conditions, housing",Yes,"Labour market regulation, housing regulation",It?s a continuation of something that already existed,"Maitelan is a cooperative created in 2020 with the aim of improving the working conditions of women (mostly immigrants) who work in tasks associated with home care and cleaning. The main idea arises from the conviction that the strength and capacity for evolution (working conditions) can be much greater in the group than interacting individually. The main actors that have promoted its implementation have been cooperative promotion associations such as OlatuKoop and the Beterri Buruntza regional agency, as well as the women themselves. Its main activities have been aimed at improving the working conditions of immigrant women who are part of the cooperative, in addition to seeking new niches for decent employment. In addition, during the pandemic, when the initiative was presented, they considered it important to reinforce its action. It has received financial support from public institutions and intends to continue developing its work on an ongoing basis. Both from the academy and from the institutions that have supported its creation, studies are being carried out that collect the experience. It is an experience that can be replicated both for the objective it pursues and for the way it is done.",,Regional,Basque Region,Mar-20,Long-term,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,NGO?s working for women rights,,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,, Spain,ES03,BiziHotza crowfunding,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,"The initiative targets those groups that cannot access public initiatives and are not covered by policy responses. The entities that have benefited from this initiative are: Mujeres con Voz: ; KOOPSF 34, Malen-Etxea, Firekutzen, Novisi, Mujeres Mawra, Amuge, Chile Lindo, Asociaciĸn Afro, Mujeres en la diversidad, Ahizpatasuna, Red de solidaridad de San Fran, Agharas, ",The initiative addresses different inequalities from a specific feminist approach,No,,No,,It was born to provide support to those vulnerable groups that could not apply to public policies during the COVID 19 crisis,"It arises from different social agents, feminist and anti-racist groups, unions and Basque cooperative networks after carrying out a diagnosis in which they have detected the very urgent needs of vulnerable groups that the Basque administrations are not reaching to cover them. The BIZIHOTSA resistance fund aims to be a cooperative fund that, in two phases: 1) for emergency In this first phase, it is intended to face the urgent needs of the groups and the creation of economic autonomy. In addition, in this first phase, legal advice will be implemented for those who suffer sexist violence, to help in the processing and receipt of subsidies and public aid and to face fines and punishments (imposed with racist criteria in a large percentage). 2) for stabilization ? In a second phase, the objective will be that the participating groups that have achieved a certain material autonomy can support self-managed, cooperative or community economy projects. BiziHotsa values the strength of solidarity and mutual support, and that is why a first call was launched for support for 13 projects that were already responding, from the street and from the grassroots, to the emergency situation that the institutions are not serving. It will cover initiatives, political projects, that provide direct solutions and that require resources for their sustainability. The economic fund is directed in a first phase to projects that are mainly serving the following areas: - Food - Living place - Empowerment in the face of repression - Sexist violence - Health and basic hygiene General selection criteria: - They are democratic and solidarity initiatives that are responding to the health, social and economic emergency caused by the COVID 19 crisis. Some of them have been created specifically in the framework of the pandemic while others have redirected their actions and activity for the response of urgency - They are entities and projects rooted in the territory and that work in a network, with a direct incidence and impact on the dignity of the life of the most vulnerable communities. - They are responding directly to social collapse and reaching where the Basque institutional framework is not reaching (for political reasons). - They are entities and groups that work directly with the communities most vulnerable to COVID19. - They are located in different territories of the Basque geography: the most precarious territories",,Regional,Basque Country,It started in March 2020,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,No,,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,"Feminist associations, trade unions and civil society organisations",,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,,No,Yes,No,No,No,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,Non available information Spain,ES04,Voluntary midwives to support pregnant women during lockdown,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Pregnant women,Access to health services,No,State of alarm implied the halting of certain health services. ,Yes,"The general lockdown and the sanitary protocols implied that pregnant women had less access to support resources (e.g. contact and visits with their midwives, possibility to attend childbirth preparation classes, etc.). this initiative reacts to this. ","Yes, it was implemented expressly in response to the lockdown during Covid.","In the context of the pandemic, health protocols to prevent contagion and the spread of Covid-19 were put in place. As a result, many services to support pregnant women were halted. For example, face-to-face monitoring was reduced to a minimum, and many support activities that were offered before the pandemic (as part of the public health services as well as private) were suspended. It was the case of childbirth classes / courses, for example. In this context, groups of midwives organised online to offer support to pregnant women, considered as a risk group. They could seek counsel to midwives, who offered it voluntarily. Likewise, courses and classes were organised online (for example, childbirth classes). The domain of this initiative is human and fundamental rights, as it affects the area of health of women and reproductive rights. The target group is pregnant women. Clear obstacle is that online assessment and support cannot substitute face-to-face services. Likewise, the digital divide or not speaking the language could also make it difficult for some women to access this initiative. However, in the situation of the pandemic, this offered a minimum support to pregnant women, in a context of great uncertainty and anxiety. There has been no known evaluation or monitoring of this initiative. It generally would be transferable to other national contexts. "," ",Regional,"Region of Madrid (similar initiatives were implemented in other regions, e.g. Comunitat Valenciana)",15-Mar-20,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,No,Exact date unavailable,No,Yes,No,No,A group fo midwives who organised online. ,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,No,No,Yes,No,No,,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,,Web and Social media Spain,ES05,Phone-calls among elderly women to support each other,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Elderly women,"General wellbeing, vulnerability",Yes,Lockdown and confinement,No,,Explicitely designed in response to covid-related issues (isolation and loneliness due to lockdown and home confinement)," A support network of elderly women adapted their activities during lockdown and confinement and organised rounds of phone-call chains: one woman called another, this one another one, until the last one called the first. In this way, they ensured they all received a call and had someome to talk to. This was repeated several times. The aim was to accompany and support each other in the context of the lockdown and home confinement, as a way to tackle loneliness and helplessness that came with the measures. Elderly population is the main risk group in the pandemic, and this implied that most did not leave home at all. Likewise, many of them live on their own, and therefore the isolation they faced was enormous. The support network was in place before the pandemic started. Groups of women, organised in different neighbourhoods of Madrid, gathered regularly, to meet and support each other, share experiences, organise activities, etc. When the lockdown and confinement arrived, they switched to phone calls. Higher follow-up was made with those women that lived alone and those that had gone through a difficult time recently. In addition to the phone-call chains, the NGO contacted volunteers to do shopping for those who could not leave the house (groceries and medication). Likewise, the volunteers sent news and information to the Whatsapp group as a way to counter fake news and misinformation. While the initiative could not make up totally for the isolation they faced, it offered elderly women support at a time of great uncertainty and loneliness. The target group was elderly women. The actors involved where the elderly women who participated in the groups, the NGO that organised them (Tangente Grupo Cooperativo) and volunteers. This initiative can be easily replicated in other national contexts. ",,Regional,Region of Madrid,The initiative was already ongoing in March 2020 in the form of a support network of women. It changed to calls during lockdown and confinement.,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,Tangente is a cooperative group in the Region of Madrid specialized in carrying out projects aimed at improving the quality of life of people and the environment.,,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,Emotional support,"Phone calls, Whatsapp, network of volunteers." Spain,ES06,Crowdfunding for supporting sex workers during the covid-19 emergency,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,"Trans women involved in sex work, then also other sex workers","Poverty, lack of resources due to covid-19 restrictions",Yes,To the restrictions on mobility and social distancing,Yes,"Measures adopted to support economic activities and workers (such as ERTE furlough and unemployment) did not target sex workers. Given to their irregular situation, many sex workers cannot access other social allowances","Yes, it responds explicitly to the covid-19 situation","In March, the Association SOMOS LGTB+ Aragĸn launched a crowdfunding campaign, to collect funds, food, medication and other basic products to support LGTBI vulnerable persons, whose conditions were worsened by the pandemic situation, due to the impossibility to work. The iniciative initially targeted trans women involved in sex work, but extended also to male sex workers and those with HIV, who due to their vulnerability could not leave their home and needed medication and food to be delivered. It also identified the specific needs of sex workers with no regular residence permit. After less than a month of campaigning, the association collected 1.350 euros of private donations, and found 21 accommodations, with the support of both local administrations, organizations and one company. It assisted 45 sex workers. It also seeks to expand the initiative to other Regions. ",,Regional,Aragĸn,Mar-20,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,No,Apr-20,Yes,No,No,No,"?SOMOS LGBTI+ Aragĸn? is an association mainly devoted to providing information and support on sexual health and HIV to the LGBT+ collective. It also provides psycho-social support and a service to report discrimination, in collaboration with the government of the Region of Aragĸn. ",,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,"Persons with irregular residence permit, persons with HIV",No,Yes,No,No,No,,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,,"Web and social media, volunteers in the street, coordination with local authorities and organizations (White Cross, Women?s Institute Aragĸn, Hermandad del Santo Refugio)" Spain,ES07,?Solidary cooking?,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Poor households with no access to other social allowances,Poverty,Yes,Policies restricting economic activities,Yes,Policies that provided special allowances and financial support for workers due to covid-19 context do not necessarily cover all people in need.,"Yes, it is specific to the covid-19 emergency context","The initiative was launched by a chef who involved 7 colleagues, besides students and professors from the San Fernando school. The chefs prepared meals (both lunch and dinner) for 6 weeks, to be distributed to 250 beneficiaries. The local social services of Badajoz, a city in the Extremadura Region, helped identify the persons in need. Volunteers from Civil Protection and fire workers were in charge of distributing the meals. The promoter explained it was difficult to keep the initiative running, since volunteer chefs had to go back to their work after the end of the restrictions. The initiative was exceptional and aimed at supporting people who had no alternative ways of receiving help and could not look for a job due to the restrictions. With the increase of the budget of the social services, these persons should now be able to receive support directly from the basic social services.",,Municipal,Badajoz (Aragĸn Region),End of April 2020,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,No,jun-20,No,Yes,No,No,"Promoters are professional chefs who could not work during the lockdown and offered to prepare meals for the most disadvantaged. Food and other supplies were offered by local stores, while local administration and volunteers helped organize the deliveries. ",Not available,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,"Besides the work of volunteers (8 chefs and 12 volunteers), around thirty local stores provided food",No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,,Social workers Spain,ES08,Brake the curve,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,"This initiative is aimed at fostering solidarity and mutual help among citizens organised around neighbourhoods. No specific target group is targeted but the initiatives mapped address inequalities related with work/labour market, mental health, elderly support or energy supply",The initiative is designed to complement government and regional public services and addresses multiple inequalities,Yes,The initiative is designed to complement different national and regional policy responses to pandemic,No,,It is a bottom up initiative supported in the first stage by the Aragon Regional government to map and gather social responses to support citizens,"The Brake the Curve initiative was born on 12 March 2020, within the LAAAB team (Open Government Laboratory - Government of Aragon). This initiative arose from a reflection on the need for a tool that would channel and maximise the wave of solidarity that was expected to be proportional to the advance of the virus. During the 13th of March, groups of volunteers, companies (such as Impact HUB)and social organisations (such as the Coordinadora de Voluntariado) joined in the initiative. With the participation of other open innovation agents from all over Spain (Las Naves, Colaboradora, ...) the platform, launched on the 14th on the website, has already acquired a national scope. During the 16th, 17th and 18th, the scale jumped to Latin American countries, mainly thanks to the networks previously created by the citizen innovation laboratories of the SEGIB (Ibero-American General Secretariat). It is an experience of open innovation that has been able to connect the public and private sectors with citizens. From the four helix approach, it has connected the public, the private, the academic and the civil society. As an experience of citizen innovation it has been able to materialise and make visible the horizontality of the processes, putting people at the centre, managing common resources and working for the common good. It focused on several core issues in the crisis: health, security, covering basic needs and food and above all channelling citizen solidarity at the most critical time. Within 24 hours, an online platform called was up and running, which acted as a guide to citizen innovation and civic resilience against the crisis. Suddenly, all those initiatives that began to spontaneously sprout had a space where they could be collected, ordered, organised, sorted, categorised and put at the service of the common interest. The website had more than 100,000 visits in the first few days and was used by institutions, organisations, neighbours and activists so they could copy what was working best elsewhere. The platform was developed following rigorous protocols of moderation so that the initiatives had the information in a clear and precise way and taking care, in any case of the primary sources to guarantee its accuracy. In the same way, the details were taken care of so that the platform was a collaborative tool, where citizens could appropriate it and be their own channels of resilience. For this, each person could upload their resource to the platform and the moderation was in charge of organizing it by categories to facilitate thematic approach and make it easier for citizens to search for information and management of the resources. Citizen resources were organized into eight categories: initiatives for kids, education, citizen support, work and labour, culture, general information, care & networking. More than 700 initiatives were reflected on the platform and it became an open repository of citizen innovations",,National,,It started the 13th March 2020,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,Yes,,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,"Social Innovation labs, citizens associations",,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,,No,No,Yes,No,No,,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,,The main mean was the online platform and web repository Spain,ES09,we-access online chat,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Migrant women,"Migrant women are more vulnerable and are unprotected from different forms of gender-based violence, including female genital mutilation, forced marriages and trafficking for sexual exploitation. ACCESS facilitates migrant women's access to resources and services",No,,No,,This initiative is a new resource that has been developed within the framework of the ongoing European Project: ACCESS. It was launched to improve care for migrant women at this time of alarm related to the Pandemic,"The initiative developed during the pandemic is an online chat designed as a listening and support space for migrant women who need help, as well as an information, advice and referral service. The chat is staffed by migrant women who have been trained as Agents of Change in Gender Violence by the ACCESS Project and technical staff from M‚decins du Monde. To use the chat, women have to connect through the web, with their mobile phone, tablet or computer, at the times indicated and an agent of change will attend in the language marked each day and will guide the women according to their demands. On the website information about the different opening hours and available languages can be found",,National,,In March 2020,Information unavailable,Yes,,Yes,No,No,Yes,"The initiative is promoted by several NGOs, partners of the EU project. The NGOS are: M‚dicos del Mundo, Gams &Forward. In the initiative they train migrant women as agents of change ",,,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,,An online chat Spain,ES10,Antiracist shopping basket,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Irregular migrants,Access to resources,Yes,To the restrictions on mobility and general lockdown,Yes,"Policies related to income or work do not include irregular migrants. For example, the policy that provides a minimum wage",Explicitly designed as a response to Covid-related issues,"The lockdown in Spain during the months of March, May and June 2020 meant that irregular migrants could not work and could not access any type of benefits related to their work, given that they did not have any employment contract. Likewise, irregularity implied that they could not access to most of the measures. In addition to this, fear of being stopped on the street and asked for their identification cards meant that many irregular migrants stayed at home without possibility of accessing other types of resource or even going to the supermarket. The domain of this societal response is human and fundamental rights. The target groups are irregular migrants. The initiative was promoted by Safia El Aaddam, an activist very active on social media, known as @hijadeinmigrantes (?daughter of immigrants?), and who has launched campaigns claiming the right to vote for those who do not have Spanish nationality. The campaign involved donors and volunteers. During lockdown, this activist launched the Antiractist Shopping Basket campaign. It asked for donations and for volunteers to do the shopping and take it to the house of those requesting it. The shopping basket was ?personalised?: those who requested it asked what they needed. The person or family contacted filled in a form online requesting the food or other products they needed. Very few additional details were requested. Then the shopping list and money (that came from individual donations) was sent to a volunteer in the same location, who did the shopping and took the shopping basked to the address of the person or family. The initiative reached around 3,000 people who received a shopping basked. The fact that the form was online could be considered an obstacle. However, most people in this situation do have access to a mobile. No processes of monitoring or evaluation were in place, as it was launched by an individual activist",,National,,It started during lockdown (March or April 2020). Exact date unknown,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,No,,No,Yes,No,No,"The initiative was promoted by Safia El Aaddam, an activist very active on social media, known as @hijadeinmigrantes (?daughter of immigrants?), and who has launched campaigns claiming the right to vote for those who do not have Spanish nationality", ,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,,Social media Finland,FI01,Platform for neighborhood help in doing croceries,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Those needing help with their croceries due being over 70 years of age or another reason,Inequal possibilities of being able to do groceries,Yes,Persons over 70 years of age were recommended to stay in quarantine-like conditions,Yes,Persons over 70 years of age were recommended to stay in quarantine-like conditions but it was not specified how they get more help,This platform was designed explicitly in response to covid-related issues,"The rationale was to help those, who were recommended to stay in quarantine due to having COVID-19 or in quarantine-like conditions due to COVID-19 policies, such as those over 70 years of age. According to the group, the aim was ?help those who are now within the four walls, i.e. each risk group, are ill or otherwise unable to get their hands on the store?. It is a human right ot be able to get food and necessary medications, etc. At first, the group started in Facebook, and then a separate web-site was created. The group was national but had different areas for different cities. The group is no longer active and the web-site is down.",,National,Different groups for different cities. Mainly active in cities.,14.3.2020,Information unavailable,No,The Facebook group can still be accessed but the last calls for help remain unanswered and have been written several weeks ago.,No,Yes,No,No,"There was first one young woman from Tampere, Tarina Rau, who created the Facebook group that got thousands to join. Then, startup entrepreneur Mario Luna helped her to establish the website. ",,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Those who are ill due to COVID-19 or other reasons,No,No,Yes,No,No,,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,,"Social media, web-site" Finland,FI02,Helping chat for children and families in difficult and insecure situations,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Children and families in difficult and insecure situations,Those people to whom home is not a secure place,Yes,"Policies that made people to stay at home more than usually, and policies closing many other organized ways of helping families",No,,The chat is open more often because of COVID-19 policies ,"The rationale of increasing hours when the chat is open was a response to the situation in which some of the services had to be closed down (for instance group meetings), and many families faced extra difficult situations due to COVID-19 policies. The chat provides space for discussing difficulties and finding help. It is also possible to call, and The Federation of Mother and child homes and Shelters was still operating physically as well. The target groups are those for whom home is not a secure place, including both adults and children.",,National,"The chat is available nationally. In addition, the Federation has a network of shelters nationally. The member associations across Finland maintain 10 mother and child homes, seven homes for substance-abusing pregnant women and families with infants and 19 shelters for the victims of domestic violence.",17.3.2020,Long-term,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,The Federation of Mother and child homes and Shelters is a nationwide child welfare organization that helps children and families in difficult and insecure situations and prevents violence against women and domestic violence,,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Those to whom home is not a secure place,Yes,No,No,No,No,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Individual help through the chat,"Chat function in the web page, hours in June 2021 Mon-Fri 12-18, and Sat 14-17." Finland,FI03,Women?s organizations critique on COVID-19 policies,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Women,"Economic inequality, inequal amounts of care work",Yes,The supplementary budgets,Yes,The first supplementary budgets focused on men-dominated sectors without acknowledging difficulties faced in women-dominated sectors and at homes,The response critiques COVID-19 policies,"On 8th of April 2020, Nytkis the umbrella organization of women?s organizations reminded that gender perspective should be taken into account in COVID-19 policies and policies mitigating the negative effects of those policies. The rationale of the initiative was that gender-neutral policies are often gender blind, and this had been the case with the first policies and supplementary budgets. The main activity was to publish this opinion on their web site. The text was targeted for all, but mainly on decision makers.","",National,,8.4.2020,Long-term,Yes,"The text is still available and valid. Also, the organization has provided other statements regarding the same matter.",Yes,No,No,No,"Nytkis is an umbrella organization of several women?s organizations in Finland, including many political women?s organizations.",,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,Women facing gender-based violence,Yes,No,No,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,"Web page, dialogue with the Government" Finland,FI04,Help with digital technologies for seniors,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Senior people who need help in learning to use digital services,"The pandemic made digital skills even more important, and some are not confident in using them",Yes,"Policies instructing people over 70 years old to stay in quarantine-like conditions, other policies limiting physical social contacts",No,,Similar services have been available earlier as well,"The rationale of the initiative was that because the COVID-19 policies emphasized avoiding physical contacts, digital services were even more important in stayin in touch with ones friends and family. However, not everybody is comfortable in using them and some older people face difficulties in particular. Hence, the organization began to provide more help for senior people needing help with digital skills. ",,Regional,The capital area,Information unavailable,Long-term,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,The organization is an NGO that provides a forum for senior people interested in ICTs,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,,"Web page, online services, physical meetings" Finland,FI05,Initiative to increase sales for those in cultural or event business,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,"Artists, event organizers, and their audience",Inequalities in organizing events and cultural happenings,Yes,Policies that limit the number of people that can gather together,No,,Yes the initiative was created in response to COVID-19 policies,"The rationale of the initiative is that because artists and event organizers have lost most of their income, they could be helped through providing them a platform to sell more, and to gather growfunding. The platform provides information on services, and aims to increase sales this way. The target group includes both event organizers and their audience and other supporters, such as companies that want to support them.",,National,,Information unavailable,Long-term,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No," is Finland's first and largest reward based crowdfunding service, and also the biggest in the Nordic countries.",,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,No,No,No,No,No,I cannot find information on how the organization itself is funded. It provides crowfunding services.,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,,Web page Finland,FI06,Online events and content for seniors,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Senior people,"People over 70 years of age and also many younger seniors stayd more at home during the pandemic and could not meet freely, online events and increased content help them to connect with other people",Yes,"Restrictions on gatherings, quarantine-like conditions for people over 70 years of age",No,,"It continues existing discussions and meetings but online, in new formats","The rationale of the initiative was that older people were staying a lot in home and could not meet each other as usually, so the meetings were organized online as Teams and Zoom meetings. The NGO (the National Senior Association) also trained Teams and Zoom trainers to help older people. Also, the NGO launched a new pod cast series, which discussed life during the pandemic, too. Target groups were all senior people. As the online meetings and new content continues existing discussions and meetings, it was more about transferring them to new platforms. ",,National,,29.6.2020 (the first pod cast),Long-term,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,"A national NGO with different smaller local teams, for senior people",,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,Help in using Teams and Zoom,"Web, volunteers" Finland,FI07,Lunches for school-aged children,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,School aged children that need a lunch even though schools are closed,"Not all families can afford or have time to prepare lunches for children, this initiative took care of those children",Yes,Closing down the schools,Yes,The policy that closed down schools said nothing about lunches,It is a continuation of providing lunches to school aged children,"The rationale of the initiative was that although the Government closed down schools, lunches should still continue to be provided for children in the school premises. Municipalities were worried about childerns right for food. Also, as the policy did not specifically say anything about the lunches, municipalities decided this themselves, and some municipalities continued providing lunches although schools were otherwise closed.",,Municipal,"Some municipalities continued providing lunches, some not",17.3.2020,Long-term,Yes,Schools always provide lunches,No,No,No,Yes,Municipalities,,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,Those who cannot afford to buy extra food ,No,No,No,Yes,No,,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,,"Normal channels of communication with school children and their parents, personnel in schools" France,FR01,Covid information,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,"This is an example of a CSO aminly run by women that informed people in the North Quarters (Quartiers nord) of Marseille, who are poor, often of foreign origin, sometimes undocumented, ?","Gender, class, ethnicity, nationality, ",No,,No,,The CSOs that carried out this action preexisted Covid,"This action consisted in putting up posters with information on Covid prevention in the hallways of residential buildings in the North Quarters of Marseilles. This is a very poor area, that was quite cut off from the rest of the city. Many of its inhabitants are recent immigrants, sometimes undocumented, and some don?t speak French. The action was carried out about a week after the first lock-down started, at a time when there was a lot of fear and confusion about the pandemic. At least 2 CSOs participated, Avec Nous and l?Association des femmes de quartiers There was no evaluation.","",Municipal,Northern quarters of Marseilles,Mar-20,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,No,This specific action was one shot but the support activity continues.,Yes,No,No,No,"The CSO, Avec nous (With Us), that supported the action was created in 2007 but refers back to 1983 and a March for Dignity that left Marseilles for Paris in 1983. Its objectives are to mobilize the skills of the inhabitants of this area as well as to carry out popular education and solidarity-based economy actions. These are bottom-up and participative and a lot concern digital competences.",,,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,,No,No,Yes,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,"In this action, putting up posters." France,FR02,3919 Helpline,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Women victims of marital violence,,Yes,The helpline 3919 is part of the support policy for women victims of GBV,No,,"It is a continuation of a pre-existing helpline, but also an extension.","FNSF is a federation of 73 local CSOs that share a common charter. They run the helpline 3919 which they created in 1992, but also bring further support to the victims (35 000 per year, giving shelter to 3000 women and as many children.) They communicate and lobby on this issue. FNSF?s Covid action first entailed technical issues to allow call respondents to telework, then FNSF lobbied to get funding to extend the time: the line will be open to 24/24, 7/7. This is not just a matter of being open at night but also of being accessible from the French overseas territories. At the end of 2020, the government attempted to open a competitive call for the running of the line (created by FNSF in 1992) but this raised a big controversy with opinion papers in newspapers and a petition. The opinion papers were signed by a very wide range of people, academics, writers, actors, ex-ministers? Finally, a new contract has been passed with FNSF. ",,National,,1992,Long-term,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,"National Federation Solidarity Women - F‚d‚ration Nationale Solidarit‚ Femmes. FNSF was created in 1987. Its background is strongly feminist, and it coordinates 73 local groups some of which were created in the 1970s.",,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Private funding,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,,telephone France,FR03,Food distribution,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Poor people in need of food,"Class, ethnicity, nationality ?",No,,Yes,People immediately began to lack food after the lockdown began and public action took a couple of weeks to get going. So a great many CSOs began to distribute food and necessities.,Due to the Covid crisis,"A lot of people with informal work, the self-employed, the homeless immediately lost their revenues when lockdown began and soon lacked food. Public action took a couple of weeks to get going. So a great many CSOs began to distribute food and necessities or intensified that type of activity. Two examples, among thousands, are Secours Populaire, a national CSO that supports poor people, that focussed all its activity on food distribution and Destination Familles, a Marseilles-based CSO usually active in popular education, school support and generally support for the poor that began to distribute food. Secours Polulaire declared that 92% of the people who come to food distributions are women (Le Monde, 6-7 June 2021). Note that nformal groups also started distributing food and marauding the streets looking for people in difficulty. Some of the usual volunteers in the CSOs were too vulnerable and had to stop helping. They were often replaced by students or people on short-time work. This type of action literally saved people from starving. ","",National,These were national (SP) and municipal (DF) level initiatives,Mar-20,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,Yes,Many initiatives have continued because ethe needs have remained,Yes,Yes,No,No,"Secours Populaire, is a national CSO that generally supports poor people. Its days at the sea for children are particularly well known. It collects clothing, supports the unemployed, etc. It is also active internationally (Lebanon, Gaza ?) Destination Familles is normally active in popular education, school support and general support for the poor in the Noailles area at the centre of Marseilles.","",,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Private gifts (not necessarily in crowdfunding form),No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,,Volunteers and employees France,FR04,Chat,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Women and LGBTQI+,"Support for victims of violence, particularly open to LGBTQI+",Yes,It fits into the policy on Calling fo Help,Yes,"Societal responses have very much enriched the administrative reponses (creating a chat, etc)",,"This action is a chat on a website: It has 4 respondents and is open from Monday to Saturday from 10am to 9pm. The website is very rich with has a lot of information on the couple in general. It explicitly welcomes LGBTQI+ people. The chat preexisted Covid but was greatly reinforced (going from 19 hours per week to 77). It is promoted in national policy as one of the ways to call for help (except in an emergency when victims are told to call the police). The number of exchanges went from 49 in March 2020 to 536 in May 2020 (+993,9%). Some calls originate from other countries (Belgium, Switzerland, ?). Evaluations of the chat can be found here, including the lockdown period in 2020: with a synthesis in English here: This document provides very interesting information on the victims, the perpetrators, the situations, their duration,? ",,National,,2016,Long-term,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,"The CSO En Avant Toutes (All Ahead ? in feminine form) runs the chat. Via a counselling company that it created, it also carries out information campaigns, intervenes in schools and does research. It was created in 2013, focusing particularly on young people, using Internet. ",,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Private funding (not necessarily via crowdfunding),Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,,Internet with a chat on a website France,FR05,LGBT support,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,LGBTQI+,Discrimination and violence,No,,Yes,Numerous CSOs are active in the field,Responses have been designed in response to Covid but based on pre-existing actions,"The network of CSOs who support LGBTQI+ people extended their usual activity during Covid. As for domestic violence, reports decreased during the lock-down, but this was apparently due to the difficulty in calling for help. Difficulties for young people locked in with their families were particularly reported. A network of CSOs active in this domain. It includes various different CSOs, from the historic HIV actors, Aides and Act-up, to local groups (among them, ones in the overseas territories) and include specialized ons like Le Refuge who provide shelter for young people who have to leave home. A CSO set up in 2001 by gay and lesbian police officers, joined by judiciary personnel has created an app, Flag! that has played an important support role (this app could be considered good and transposable practice). Most were already active before Covid but have extended their activity. "," ",National,The network is national but it includes some local initiatves.,,Long-term,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,"There are many different CSO in the network, from the historic HIV actors, Aides and Act-up, to local groups (among them, ones in the overseas territories) and include specialized ons like Le Refuge who provide shelter for young people who have to leave home.", - this website gives a list of CSOs and the type of simmport they provide.,,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Private funding,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,,"Various means, including call lines, websites. A specific app, called Flag! has been set up" France,FR06,Shop helping the homeless,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,The homeless,"Class, nationality",No,,Yes,"Lack of sufficient support for the homeless. Lack of sufficient sheltering. Officially, France officially has a ?home first? policy but it is not sufficiently implemented.",Already existed,"There was a quite effective policy in France that gave shelter to most of the homeless during Covid (see policy grid). Nevertheless, all were not protected and they still had other needs. A CSO, La Cloche (via their action called Le Carillon), provides a list of shops and caf‚s who are willing to help the homeless (let them wash their hands, charge their phones, call for help, give them a glass of water and sometimes give them a coffee of a free meal). They cover most of the big cities in France. During Covid, they updated their lists (many shops were closed) and called for more volunteers. ",,National,In the main big cities in France,,Long-term,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,,,,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Private funding,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,,"Website, posters, network of volunteers and of shops ?" France,FR07,Psychological Help for students,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Students,Age,Yes,"There have been several policy elements to support students, including funding for psychological help (that arrived quite late)",Yes,Public policy was insufficient and came late,This list was set up in response to the Covid epidemic.,"Students suffered a great deal during the lockdowns and between them. Universities remained practically closed (except for some practical courses that couldn?t be done online). This was very hard on them: they were isolated, worried about their future. They had also lost many part-time jobs so a lot were in financial difficulty, and attended food distributions. So the psychological impact was very high. Nightline France is a call center for students, created in 2016 on the model of the British association. During the epidemic, it published a list of places to get psychological help. They also have suggestions on how to handle the stress on the same website. There had been some public policy elements to support students, including funding for psychological help (that arrived quite late, in March 2021). ",,National,,"2016 for the help line, 2020 for the list of ressources",Just for the Covid-19 emergency,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,"Nightline is an CSO created in 2016, on the model of call centers already existing in other countries",,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Private funding,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,,"Telephone, website, posters" France,FR08,A transformed MacDonald?s that distributed food,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,"People who are hungry, in the North Quarters of Marseille","Class, nationality",No,,Yes,This is an example or a quick reponse when the authorities were too slow,The center already existed bur its activity exploded with the epidemic,"This is another example of food distribution. It was previously a MacDonald?s restaurant that played a very important social role in the very poor and highly segregated northern quarters of Marseille. In particular, it employed many long local people. Its employees had been on strike for months before the epidemic, trying to oppose its sale, receiving a lot of local support so a militant base was already prepared, with a project of a creating cooperative restaurant under the new name AprŠsM (AfterM). Othe activities were planned, such as giving support to children, planting a vegetable garden., etc. The occupiers reacted immediately, both distributing food bags to inhabitants that came but also sorting the goods it received. That meant a lot of organizing, from setting up crowdfunding to negociating the collection of unsold food from supermarkets. It was one of the most visible and emblematic CSO actions in Marseilles (that is one of the poorest cities in France). The municipality of Marseilles has since prempted the buiding, saving it from sale and allowing the cooperative project to continue. ",,Municipal,Nothern quarters of Marseilles,Mar-20,Long-term,Yes,,No,Yes,No,No,"The project started among the employees of the MacDo that was up for sale. They received a lot of local support in the north quarter and from elsewhere in Marseille. They planned to set up a cooperative structure ",,,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,,"Local contacts, Facebook" France,FR09,Food distribution Destination Familles,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Poor people in need of food,"Class, ethnicity, nationality ?",No,,Yes,People immediately began to lack food after the lockdown began and public action took a couple of weeks to get going. So a great many CSOs began to distribute food and necessities.,Due to the Covid crisis,"A lot of people with informal work, the self-employed, the homeless immediately lost their revenues when lockdown began and soon lacked food. Public action took a couple of weeks to get going. So a great many CSOs of different sizes began to distribute food and necessities or intensified that type of activity. An example, among thousands, of a small one is Destination Familles, a Marseilles-based CSO usually active in popular education, school support and generally support for the poor that began to distribute food during the crisis. This type of action literally saved people from starving.", ,Municipal,Marseilles,Mar-20,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,No,,Yes,No,No,No," Destination Familles is normally active in popular education, school support and general support for the poor in the Noailles area at the centre of Marseilles.",,,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Private funding (not necessarily in crowdfunding form),Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,,Volunteers and employees. The CSO is very well knows in the area it works in. France,FR10,Food Bank,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Hungry people,"Mainly class inequality, that combines with ethnic origin",No,,No,,"The food bank activity has existed for years but it had to step up its activity enormously during the first lockdown. It also modified it, adding direct distribution of food (not just via other CSOs)","The Food Bank (Banque alimentaire) is an CSO that was created in 1984. It is a group of about 70 local CSOs with a national umbrella CSO that represents them. Its activity is to collect food (from shoppers in front of supermarkets, once a year, from supermarkets, from producers and the food industry, from the European food distribution) and to give it to CSOs who redistribute it to the people who need it. During the epidemic, the demand increased sharply and the FB reacted very quickly, increasing the volume of their aid and diversifying it (some direct distribution, support to students, to health personnel, more links to agriculture?). FB played and still plays a very important intermediary role in food distribution. It considers the quality is not as good as they would like (eg lack of sufficient fresh food, poor quality of gifts - in particular from Europe). And sufficient quantity is always an issue. Similar Food Banks exist all over Europe and there is a European network. ",,National,Both local and national,1984,Long-term,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,,,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,"Private funding, gifts",No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,,"Volunteers, employees, advertising for funding " Germany,GER01,Feminist online workshop to fight for women's situation in the pandemic ,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,"It explicitly addresses workers / persons who identify as women, lesbians, trans, inter oder non-binary ","A broad range of inequalities is listed, including women's peculiar social and economic situation during the crisis, the increase of sexual violence towards women, job losses, stress at work or increased work load and psychocological as well physical burden in care work, cleaning or in child care. ",No,,No,,"It has been particularly designed in response to covid-related issues, The workshop is titled ""Workers in first row: Feminism in the corona crisis - Online Workshop with 'Bread and Roses', / Class against class"" . Bread and Roses is a feminist-socialist group that exists in 14 different countries.","The workshop has been particularly designed in response to covid-related issues, titled ""Workers in first row: Feminism in the corona crisis - Online Workshop with 'Bread and Roses', / Class against class"" . Bread and Roses is a feminist-socialist group that exists in 14 different countries. In Germany, Bread and Roses is run as a project of the 'Revolutionary Internationalist Organisation' that leads a webpage called class against class Both the organisation and the group in charge of the workshop seem to pursue a specific (ideological), 'revolutionary-leftist' agenda and hold a view of women 'as the suppressed gender' fighting against an [unequal] / patriarchal system or society. The overall aim is to raise awareness for possible ""feminist responses to the crisis"" and how to ""fight against patriarchal, racist and exploitative conditions"". These initatives and websites with news, campaigns and information on inequalities are available in 14 different countries, however, their transferability might be limited - and probably not in line with social initatives that focus on society's overall wellbeing - given their specific, (extreme) ideological and political orientation and exclusive focus on women as an antipode to men. ",,National,,Announced in December 2020,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,No,"The online workshop represents a one-time event as one of a series of online workshops designed as a response to the crisis and the aggravation of ""patriarchal, racist and exploitative"" conditions, initiated by the Frieda Frauenzentrum Berlin. ",No,No,No,Yes,"Frieda Frauenzentrum is an association and one of Berlin's largest women's centers. It offers a wide range of communication, education and counselling activities to women and girls. Their mission is to support girls and all groups of women (listing different identities) in difficult social, family or economic situations or acute life crises. It further aims to help them build or regain their strength and develop confidence and competence. 'Bread and roses' taking part in the workshop is a feminist-socialist group that exists in 14 different countries. In Germany it is run as a project of the 'Revolutionist Internationalist Organisation' that leads a webpage called class against class",,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,Ideological and political suppression and exploitation (in their view),No,No,No,No,Yes,"The project 'Frieda Counselling centres for women and the related anti-stalking project are funded by resources from the senate administration for health, care and equality, department for women and equality. ",Yes,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,"Competence development with courses such as sewing or stress and psychological relief courses on yoga, massages, pilates or similar ","Beyond the general homepage with further websites related to sub-units of the Frieda-Women's center, the centers can be reached via telephone as well as in form of on-site personal meetings. A wide range of networking activities are promoted, such as walking groups, the opportunity to present art in exhibitions / vernissages or a number of courses with different physical and leisure activities. " Germany,GER02,Campaign for more female corona experts in the public eye,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,"Female corona experts like Virologists, infectious disease specialits, epidemiologists or intensive care specialists and also social scientists, philosophers, educationalists, economists ",Imbalance of too many male experts in the media with reference to Corona,No,,No,,Yes the initiative has been explicitily designed in response to covid-related issues,"This initative addresses the underrepresentation of female experts in the public corona discourse, particularly in TV. Numerous studies commissioned by 'MaLisa', a german civil law foundation, have examined TV formats in the main German TV channels ARD, ZDF, RLT and Sat.1, as well as online reporting in print media. The result: In the TV formats, only one in five experts was female (22 percent). In the online reporting, only about 7 percent of the experts mentioned were women. As medical experts, it was mainly men who had their say - surprising, since 50% of doctors in Germany are female. Online one in five doctors interviewed on TV who did not hold a management position was female. In total, there were two men for every woman in TV and in the online reports speaking as Corona experts. Results of the MaLisa studies coincide with a data analysis by Spiegel on the ?Media Presence of Virologists? from May 20, 2020. The study listed the most frequently mentioned virologists in press articles (print and online), on Youtube and in talk shows, finding that, since January 1, only two female virologists were mentioned, namely Marylyn Addo and Melanie Brinkmann. In terms of views of the 100 most viewed videos (uploaded since 1/1/2020), the top twelve spots feature three women: Susanne Herold, Marylyn Addo and Melanie Brinkmann. This raised question as to wether there are more male virologists than female ones - which is not the case: in 2018, 47% of physicians in Germany were female. In the professional fields of virology, infectious disease epidemiology and microbiology, which were in particular demand during the Corona crisis, the proportion of women is similarly high, around 45 percent. The Pro Quote Media association currently sees an imbalance of too many male experts in media coverage of the Corona crisis. Their goal is to see more female virologists, infectious diseases specialists, epidemiologists and intensive care specialists in the media, who can classify and explain the pandemic to society. The association also launched a campaign to collect names of female specialists in social media under the hashtag #Coronaexpertin. In addition, the association wants to approach clinics and research institutes and create a larger female expert list. ",",S0IUVkR ",National,,May-20,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,Pro Quote is an equal opportunity initiative founded by more than 300 female journalists. The ProQuote Media e.V. association was founded in Hamburg in 2012. The association demands that half of all management positions in the media at all hierarchical levels be held by women. Its overarching goal is the promotion of equality of women and men in the professional sphere.,,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,"Gender identity in relation to competence, professionalism, professional roles",No,No,No,No,Yes,Charitable organisation / non-profit ,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,"Web and social media based (including open letters, media campaigns, topic-focused awareness-raising articles on the website/ press releases, comments on studies, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram),network of members of the ProQuote association " Germany,GER03,Information campagin in fight against the pandemic ,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,"The awareness raising campaign targets society as such, but in particular young people who have greater responsibility towards older generations (""parents and grandparents"") since they pose a potentially greater risk to their health (infection) ","This campaign wants to prevent citizens of the German city of Offenbach to reduce their social contacts as much as possible / to a maxium of 2 person, keep distance and avoid visiting parents and grandparents in order to protect them from a potential infection. ",Yes,Not policy per se but it is a response to contact bans introduced during the crisis. The campaigns foresees a maximum of 2 persons (while the contact bans allowed for greater flexibility and specific regulations across households or across locations),No,,"It has been specifically designed in response to the pandemic, the campaign uses billboards / posters in the city with different slogans and messages to prevent citizens from social interactions (examples: ""Nice to not see you"" (English translation); ""LOVE""; ""Corona could kill your loved ones. Stay home."") "," Under the sections ""living in Offenbach -> City health -> City health department -> Corona virus"" the City of Offenbach has launched a poster and billboard campaign with different imperativ-format messages and calls that shall sensitize (I assume rather shock) citizens to stay home ""on the couch"" and prevent social interactions, visiting family or similar activities to prevent ""the death of loved ones"". It targets young people in particular as they have greater responsibility towards older generations who might get an infection and suffer more strongly from an infection than young people. Beyond stylistic messages and phrases like ""Nice to NOT see you"", one of the posters shows a grave with the inscription ""Your mother"", however not in proper German, but in a slang-like expression (socio- or ethnolect used among young people, mostly with a migration background or in 'social media language') ,,Deine Mudda"" or ,, Dein Vadda"" (instead of ,,Deine Mutter"", ,,Dein Vater""). The designers might have aimed to 'better address' particular groups among adolescents by using their 'slang', however the combination of death and slang appears as very insensitive, disrespectful, shocking and caricaturing. The website lists a number of important contacts and references to hotlines related to this campaign. These range from hotlines for social services, for children and adolescents, hearing-impaired, emergency medical services, SOS hotlines for women and domestic violence, women's shelters, intervention services for domestic violence, services for addiction and drugs. ",,Municipal,City of Offenbach / region Frankfurt am Main in the south of Germany ,"No date listed, however during the pandemic ",Just for the Covid-19 emergency,No,"No information available, it may have ended since regulations for contact bans and lockdowns have significantly changed in June 2021, the campaign might have been designed in the earlier, more 'acuta' phases of the pandemic when there was no vaccince available and lockdown regulations were very strict ",No,No,No,Yes,"City of Offenbach (region of Frankfurt am Main, south of Germany), campaign started under the city's health department",,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Provided by the city's health deaprtment,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,,"Posters and billboards in the streets of Offenbach, blue colored " Germany,GER04,"""Writing instead of staying silent""Online counselling Women's Emergency Hotline",Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,"Women suffering from violence, sexualized violence, traumatization from childhood","Sexual violence, increase of domestic violence due to social isolation and the absence of support systems such as friends, family, sports or leisure activities, which can result in an intensification of earlier experienced traumas (memory) or the emergence of new cases at home",No,"Not specifically but it is linked to contact bans and lock downs and the closure of all types of sport organisations / leisure",No,,"The ""Frauennotruf"" which offers emergency support to women existed before the pandemic, the hotline was also in place before the pandemic but the organisation wants to raise awareness for the support options offered to support women, in particular during difficult times of the pandemic","The German association ""Frauennotruf Main e.V."" based in the city of Mainz (in the Federal State Rhineland-Palatinate)is a specialized unit that provides support on the topic of sexualized violence. They support women and young girls older than 14 years who have experienced or are currently experiencing sexualized violence. Under the slogan ""Writing instead of silence / staying silent"" the association wants to mobilize and motivate women to contact the organisation if they are suffering from domestic violence and make use of the support offers. Given the absence of support systems such as friends, family, sport clubs or other leisure activities, social isolation has increased. This state of isolation can trigger childhood memories of trauma or abuse and trigger new cases of domestic violence. The organisation wants to raise awareness for its support activities, offers and its telephone hotline (""don't hesitate to contact us also during these times""). Frauenotruf supports women in their search for therapists, advocates and accompanies victims of domestic violence to the police or to court.", sonstiges/schreiben-statt-schweigen-onlineberatung- des-frauennotrufs-funktioniert,Municipal,City of Mainz,Press launch November 2020,Long-term,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,"The German association ""Frauennotruf Main e.V."" based in the city of Mainz (in the Federal State Rhineland-Palat- inate)is a specialized unit that provides support on the topic of sexualized violence. They support women and young girls older than 14 years who have experienced or are currently experiencing sexualized violence. Frauenotruf provides in-person or telephone emergency support to women (free of charge) and supports them in their search for therapists, advocates and accompanies victims of domestic violence to the police or to court.",,Yes,,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,The association is funded by different German ministries (e.g. migration)and cities. Project-specific funding and donations are another source of funding,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,"Hotline support, finding psychologists or therapy, ac- companiment to the police or to court","Website, mail, telephone, channels on social media" Germany,GER05,"""Backwards roll into the future"" - Online seminar on gender inequality in the crisis ",Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,"""everyone who is interested in politics"" ","Social injustice, gender inequality, unequal impact of the pandemic on women,",Yes,"It lists ""challenges with regard to current equality policies"" on its seminar agenda ",No,,"Yes, the two-day seminar tackles the question how gender (in-)equality develops over the course of the pandemic ","DGB Bildungswerk e.V., Forum Politische Bildung (political education), a German association and training institute is the organizer of this two-day online seminar titled ""Backwards role into the future"". The seminar is held by two women, an expert in the field of education and one policy expert. The seminar offers 4 hours of online presence and 4 hours of self-learning phases supported by digital learning material and questions. Major topics or questions are related to social inequality, gender care and pay gap, labor market inequalities and questions of private and professional fulfillment of women. The seminar shall sharpen participants' judgment and contribute to the development of a sense responsibility for current equality policy-related questions by - dealing with questions of prevaliling social inequalities between men and women - questioning the extent to which the pandemic presents a step backwards in gender equality - learning about approaches to a gender-equal society, and - formulating own requirements related to gender / equality policies "," ",National, ,"One-time event taking place in June 2021 ",Just for the Covid-19 emergency,No,"18.-19.June 2021 ",Yes,No,No,Yes,"DGB Bildungswerk BUND is training institute that offers knowledge and competences on economic, legal, social and political change processes in the labor market to employees. It provides a comprehensive education program and employs 170 employees. It is one of Germany's largest organisers of educational leave or supporter of migrants with regard to questions of racism or exploitation. The Forum Politische Bildung belongs to the non-profit area of the education services offered by DGB. ",,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,,No,No,Yes,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,Online invitation to the seminar on different websites Germany,GER06,"Symposium on Gender and Corona ""Future Day for Saxon women and gender equality projects"" ",Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,"Employees in Saxon women- and gender equality projects, equality initaitives; organisations specialized in the areas of supporting women, diversity, human rights, anti-discrimination or similar. ","Almost all subcategories of gender equality, comprising the political, social and economic impacts of the pandemic on women in particular. Inequalities listed are gender care cap, gender pay gap, unpaid care work, restricted access to health systems, domestic violence, restricted political and social participation, ",No,,No,,,"For the last 8 years, the Genderkompetenz Zentrum Sachsen (Saxon Centre for Gender Competence) has been organising the future day for women- and gender equality projects. The aim of this event/symposium is to provide a platform for exchange on important topics related to gender equality work/ efforts. It further aims to promote networking and exchange between Saxon projects focusing on equality between men and women, that have made great contributions to Saxon cities and municipalities. The title of the symposium in 2020 was ""Gender and Corona - Using feminist crisis competence",,Regional,Restricted to the Federal state of Saxony,"Annual event since 2013, adjusted to the corona crisis for the first time in 2020, expected to be corona-themed in 2021 as well ",Just for the Covid-19 emergency,No,"*The future day is an event that takes places every year. The program in 2020 was influenced by the pandemic, it is very likely that the event planned for November 2021 will also revolve around covid + gender ",Yes,No,No,No,"The Saxon Gendercompetence Centre was established in 2018. Before that time, it was active as the Federal office for women's education and project counselling. The centre is a non-profit organisation that is active in the entire Saxon region. It contributes to networking between all actors engaged in gender equality work in urban centres and in the rural region Saxony. ",,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Funded/supported by several Saxon ministries ,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,,"Website, announcements, symposia, education portfolio with seminars and events, digital information and education formats " Germany,GER07,"""Fear in Times of Corona"" Online Seminar for Women",No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,"Women of all age groups ","It aims to tackle feelings of fear and threat caused by the pandemic. The list of potential causes included fear of death, fear of isolation, loss of loved ones, loss of financial security. ",No,,No,,"Yes, explicitly designed as a response to the psychological and financial threats caused by the pandemic ","The seminar is a free-of-charge- online seminar organized and implemented by the German district ""Odenwaldkreis"". ",[news]=2792&tx_news_pi1[controller]=News&tx_news_pi1[action]=detail&cHash=4ab80371758b8102e8b851e2ee526928,Municipal,The invitation refers to 'women' but it is not clear whether the district only addresses (or wants to reach out to) women in the respective district (potential ambiguity in interpreting the scope) ,"One time seminar scheduled for March 2, 2021",Just for the Covid-19 emergency,No,,Yes,No,No,Yes,"Odenwaldkreis is a German district, regional-level that offers this seminar in cooperation with a regional adult education centre and the office for civic women work ",,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,"Psychological support, crisis management / resilience ",Information / announcement on website of the district Germany,GER08,"""Equal = equal"" Digital Workshop/Hackathon for Ideas for Gender Equality",No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,"Target group of the hackathon are women and men of all age groups with or without experiences in digital formats / digital work. The focus of the initiative itself lies on ensuring gender equality between men and women, no explicit focus on women ","Differences in chances and opportunities caused by changes in relevance of certain jobs (care work) and changes in responsibilities / mixing of the private and professional sphere. Focus on the challenges and potential opportunities and chances of the pandemic (such as for example homeoffice, job sharing or digital collaboration). The hackathon is open for ideas to discuss the challenges and opportunties for equality. No single mentioning of women as affected gender, very neutral description ",No,,No,,"Yes, explicit covid-framing. Corona as a turning point and main influence factor on gender equality and justice ","The hackathon is organized by KDFB (Katholischer Deutscher Frauenbund), the Catholic German Women's Union in cooperation with the Baverian Ministry for Social Affairs. It is described as a 48-hour day digital, generation-spanning online workshop open to men and women of all ages. The aim is to provide a creative digital platform and opportunity to generate future-oriented ideas and concepts to shape the future of gender equality. "," ",National,,5.-8. March 2021,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,No,,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,"Baverian Ministry for Social Affairs / Ministry for Family, Labour and Social Affairs ",,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,"Invitation on own website and websites of related religious institutions/groups, digital flyer " Germany,GER09,"Social Media Campaign ""My corona moment""",No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,Everyone affected by the pandemic who is willing to share his/her own personal corona moment under the hashtag campaign ,"All areas of life affected by the pandemic. Some of the areas or problems listed are short-time labour, quarantine, and child care. ",Yes,"Not precisely / explicitly, however, it invites the German society to openly speak about its personal experiences with the pandemic, which also includes personal reactions and responses to the quarantine regulations (and similarly, experiences with support services or working arrangements ",No,,"Yes, explicit corona campaign ","The campaign was initiated by Caritas Deutschland, a catholic welfare organisation that is in charge of organizing the social work of the catholic church. Caritas invites everyone to share his/her personal corona-moment as a video message or commentary under the hashtag #Corona Moment on social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. The aim is to share all the challenges that were experienced throughout the pandemic, provide strength, hope and and empowerment by sharing all sorts of stories and private observations made during the crisis. ",,National,,"Started in 2020, no further specification",Just for the Covid-19 emergency,No,"No recent search results found, no running initative found on social media channels, end date unclear ",Yes,No,Yes,No,"The campaign was initiated by Caritas Deutschland, a catholic welfare organisation that is in charge of organizing the social work of the catholic church. (Existing in 160 countries) ",,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,,"Hashtag campaign on social media channels, exchange and networking in videos, posts, commentaries, announcement and information on the official website / related caritas websites " Greece,GR01,Afhan Women Making masks in Greece,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,"Migrant, asylum seeking, refugee populations ",Ethnic inequalities,Yes,Migration Policies,Yes,"Migrants, asylum seekers and refugees have been de-prived of access to education and welfare during the pandemic because of the strict quarantine that was imposed in the camps, such as in Moria and later Kara Tepe. Restrictions of movement have also prevented them from finding jobs. Migrant women and LGBTQ per-sons have been particularly vulnerable in this context. ","The initiative aimed at the creation of masks for vulner-able groups in the KaraTepe camp, self-help education and an information campaign for measures to protect oneself against COVID in the camps","Migrant and refugee women and LGBTQ persons have been stranded in the camps in the area of Lesvos because of existing migration policies. Waiting for a decision for their asylum or residence permit petitions, they are forced to stay in in overcrowded camps, where their human and funda-mental rights are violated. During the pandemic they were not allowed to move outside the camps, get education or find employment. Moreover, the camps were overcrowded, and the ba-sic hygiene conditions were not met because of lack of water, cleaning facilities and protective material such as masks. Because of the geographical restriction rule imposed by migration policies, however, they are not allowed to move.The residents of the camp were left also without sufficient information on how to protect themselves. A self-help information campaign began with the support of the NGO Stand by Me Lesvos. Moreover, a self-help program to provide opportunities for teaching in the camps, including for children and migrant women. In addition, there was a self-help campaign to inform residents about protection measures Moreover, a group of Afghan women used the sewing machines of the NGO Stand by Me Lesvos to create masks that were distributed freely in the camp. Overall, the initiatives targeted the groups staying in the camp, but also managed to mobilise them by allowing them to participate in the activities directly as organisers and facilitators. Those who run the initiative were also living in the camps in these difficult conditions creating a sense of solidarity. Self-help gave them work to do, while they were stranded in the camps even though this was mostly unpaid. This methodology of self-help adopted by this initiative is particularly helpful and transferable. Stand by Me (2021) ?Corona Emergency?, available at: Alfavita (2020) ?Afghan Women Make everyday hundreds of masks for vulnerable groups in Moria? , available at: ", ,Regional,Lesvos ,2020,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,Yes,,Yes,Yes,No,No,,,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,, Greece,GR02,Group of mutual assistance and information on COVID-19,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,All citizens,"Information on health issues, social and economic rights, work and labour",No,,No,,It has been designed in response to COVID-19,"The initiative was organised to enhance support for vulnerable groups of the population during COVID-19 and promote information on different aspects of social life, including work and social life in the period of the lock down when many people became socially isolated. ", ,National,,jun-20,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,Yes,,No,Yes,No,No,,,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,,No,No,Yes,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,,"Social media, network of volunteers" Greece,GR03,Unlock your power,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Women victims and survivors of GBV ,Gender inequality,Yes,Policies on Gender based violence,No,,It is explicitly designed to raise awareness of GBV during COVID-19 lock downs,A campaign organised by the NGO DIOTIMA and funded by the British Council aims at raising awareness of the rising cases of GBV and providing information to victims of services available to support and help them. The campaign included short spots for the social media as well as longer ones for the television,,National,,2020,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,,No,No,No,No,Yes,Funded by the British Council,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,"Web and social media, TV advertising" Greece,GR04,Campaign against the law for joint custody,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,"Divorced mothers, children of divorced parents",Gender inequality in marriage,Yes,Legislation changing the law on children custody grant-ing both parents co-custody. ,Yes,The campaign was against the voting of the law in Par-liament because it failed to address GBV against moth-ers and children and the overwhelming care burden that divorced mothers in Greece face. ,"No, but the draft law was introduced during the pan-demic","The initiative was organised by many feminist organisations in Greece against the draft law that was introduced by the government automatically granting joint custody to both parents after the divorce. The criticism focused especially on issues related to GBV and the potential usage of the law by abusive and violent fathers to control their wives and children. The activities included demonstrations, online discussions, and awareness campaigns in social media. The target groups were mainly divorced women and their children, especially women who have faced domestic violence. The campaign mobilised a wide range of actors and got widespread support from both the left and the right. Two female MPs of the right-wing party vted against it in parliament, but the law passed. The debates in Parliament deomsontrated strong gender biases and stereotyping. There was no evaluation or process monitoring of the initiative. ",,National,,2021,Long-term,Yes,,Yes,Yes,No,No,,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,No,No,Yes,No,No,,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,,"Web, social media, activist events" Greece,GR05,Me too movement,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Victims and survivors of Gender Based Violence (GBV),Inequalities of gender and age,Yes,"Policies on the prevention of GBV, the protection of victims, the judicial and police treatment of cases of GBV, and societal and media treatment fo GBV. ",Yes,"There are policies and legislation in place against GBV, but their implementation has been incomplete and partial as there was only a very small percentage of cases that were reported and even smaller that actu-ally reached the courts. Petrpetrators usually were left unpunished and GBV was silenced in public discourse. Moreover, different forms of GBV were tolerated by so-ciety and were not condemned, or even prmoted in the media and in public discourse. The me too move-ment opened public debates to many different aspects of GBV and showed how widespread it is in Greek soci-ety challenging the silencing of victims. ","No, it was not a response to COVID-19.","The me too movement in Greece began during the pandemic, when the media had already re-ported a sharp rise in cases of GBV in the country and globally linked to the lock downs. However, it is not directly linked to the pandemic, as it began when a Greek Olympic medalist reported her rape by one of the leading figures of the athletic federation. The rape was committed in the past but the report sparked a heated debate about GBV across sectors. Soon, reports of sexual abuse and allegations of rape began to multiply in the theatre, whith several prominent actors and direc-tors beign accused and taken to court and some allegations of sexual harassment in Universities. Overall the me too movement raised awareness of GBV as a societal problem that has never been achieved before and opened discussions about different forms of GBV in different sectors, involving people of different genders, sexual identities, ages, social classes, nationalities and races. The initiative was not, however centrally organised and it was not monitored or evaluated. It has been influenced by the me too movement in other countries and did not have specific actors that promoted it. Nevertheless, in the context of the me too movement, feminist organisations gained more visibility and were able to get to influence more the policy agenda than in the past. The main body responsible for GBV is the General Secretariat for Family Policy and Gender Equality (formerly General Secreetariat for Gender Equality) that has shown an interest in promoting the issue. Nevertheless, apart from some media campaigns it has not taken any measures to substaintiallly transform the existing policy framework. Ther elevant web-site that it ahs created is still under construction. See Kathimerini (2021) ?Greece scrambles to respond to fast-growing ?Me-Too? movement? , 19/2/21, available at: Kallergis K (2021) ?Greece #Metoo: Women ending silence of sport abuse shake Greece? 20/01/2021 BBC available at : Nevertheless,in response to the me too movement, the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection an-nounced on May 2021 that it is working on lew legislation that will bring foreward the ratification of the ILO Convention C190 on gender based violence and harassment after a period of deliberation and consultation with social partners. TA NEA (2021) ?K. Chatzidakis : What is in the newdraft legislation on violence and sexual harass-ment?, 5 May 2021 available at: ",,National,,jan-21,Long-term,Yes,,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,"Professional associations, such as the Actors? and Ath-lete?s associations have played an active role in the me too movement", ,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,,No,No,Yes,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,The initiative is not well organised but it has been spread mainly through social and mainstream me-dia. Greece,GR06,Suuport to victims of GBV in Kara Tepe,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,"Migrant, asylum seeking and refugee victims fo GBV or potential victims of GBV",Gender inequality,Yes,Policies on GBV and Policies on Asylum and Migration ,No,,No,"The initiative was organised in order to respond to the needs of the populations that are stranded on the island of Lesvos because of the geographic restrictions imposed. During the pandemic, these migrant, asylum seeking and refugee populations were forced to isolate in the crowded camp of Kara Tepe, which was created after the old one of Moria was burnt down. Isolation and over crowding have made these populations more vulnerable to GBV and the initiative is aimed at providing support, information and protection to victims and potential victims. In the emergency conditions of COVID-19, the program offered psychosocial support, legal support and temporary shelter for survivors of GBV.The initiative is run by DIOTIMA NGO with the support of the International Rescue Committee. ",,Regional,Lesvos island,11/18/2020,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,, Greece,GR07,Basic Income for COVID-19 Campaign,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,All citizens,"Social inequalities, class inequalities, gender inequalities ",Yes,Policies addressing the impact of COVID 19 on workers who have been forced to stop working because of the health crisis,Yes,"Government policies that provide temporary support for workers, including benefits and compensations for labour activities suspended because of COVID-19 re-strictions ",It has been designed in response to COVID-19,"The initiative has been supported by several individuals and organisations, including feminist groups like TO MOV and African Women?s Organisation. It has been collecting signatures to ask the gov-ernment to provide a basic income instead of individual benefits and support to workers that have been hit by the pandemic. The initiative puts emphasis on the impact of the pandemic on gender inequalities and especially on women?s employment and precarisation. It considers basic income as a fair response to the current crisis that would address intersectional inequalities including those of nationality, race and social class",,National,,Nov-20,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,Yes,,No,Yes,No,No,,,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,,No,No,Yes,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,,"Social media, network of volunteers" Greece,GR08,We stay together,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,All citizens,Group providing solidarity support for socially vulnerable group,No,,No,,It has been designed in response to COVID-19,The initiative has been organised by a group of activists who wanted to develop a network of soli-darity and support during COVID 19. It brings together several neighboorhood groups that provide mutual help and solidarity and disseminates information on how to help those who cannot leave their homes or who face social and economic exclusion and discrimination with practical advice and networking. , ,National,,Nov-20,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,Yes,,No,Yes,No,No,,,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,,No,No,Yes,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,,"Social media, network of volunteers and activists" Greece,GR09,None alone,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,All citizens,"Activism related to labour issues, health issues, social and economic rights. ",No,,No,,It has been designed in response to COVID-19,"The initiative ?No one alone? began as a response to the need for solidarity and mutual support during COVID-19, It has developed into a multifaceted movement that includes activities on social housing, labour rights, political rights, socioeconomic inequality, It is part of activities of exchange of goods, and soup kitchens, participated in demonstrations and protest, In particular, it has sup-ported the struggles of medical staff and doctors in public hospitals, who were protesting against the understaffing of the National Health System and demanded rights that were denied to them because as essential workers they were forced to work more without compensation. It has also been very vocal against the privatisation of health and the lack of involvement of the private health sector in the fight agains COVID-19. ", ,National,,Nov-20,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,Yes,,No,No,No,Yes,Political group of the left connected to the opposition party. ,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,,No,No,Yes,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,,"Social media, network of volunteers, " Greece,GR10,Help at home,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,People who need psychosocial support,Class and geographical inequalities that prevent ac-cess to psychosocial support. ,No,,No,,It has been conceived as a response to COVID 19 , ,,National,,15 march 2021,Long-term,Yes,,No,No,No,Yes,"Psychologists, psychiatrists, councillors",,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,,No,No,Yes,No,No,,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,,"Social media, network of volunteers" Croatia,HR 04,Support to women diagnosed with breast cancer,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,Women diagnosed with breast cancer,Insufficient support services secured by the national or local governments,Yes,Health care policies and praxis,No,"National Cancer Strategic Framework 2020-2030 was adopted in December 2020, but implementation remains a problem","continuation, but intensified during pandemic, and extremely valuable, especially during complete lockdown without any public transport","NGO Nismo same/WE are not alone started as informal civic initiative of survivors diagnosed with breast cancer as a response to insufficient support to female patients. One of their programmes, established in 2019, proved to be precious during Covid 19 pandemic. They realised that too many women must use public transport when going to and from chemotherapy as they do not have anyone to drive them or escort them. Thus, already painfull theraphy becomes even more difficult to live through. During Covid 19 they secured transport for 266 women with 7723 rides. In comparison, in two previous years (2018 and 2019 134 women used this service). Although they organised it only in Zagreb, women from other areas who need to come to Zagreb hospitals use this service upon arrival to the city. They signed a contract with the oldest taxi service company, trained drivers qho volunteered to be engaged, and got lower price for rides. Money to cover the cost they cover through crowdfunding and selling several products (T-shirts, donated books, etc. In November 2020 a project Women for Women was approved by the ESF. NGO Nismo same is one of the partners ? 9 low-qualified and almost unemployable women were engaged via full-time contract with the NGO Nismo same to help 90 women diagnosed with cancer in their households. In November 2020 they organised international online conference ?Oncological patients ? Do we have the right to work?? due to a detected problem of many patients who lost their job during their illness. In March 2021, they started a campaign ?I do not give up? targeting female patients with metastasis of cancer. ",,Municipal,"Zagreb, capital of Croatia, but also supporting patients who come to Zagreb from other areas, and national when online counselling is in question ",2018,Long-term,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,"First informal group, registered as an NGO in 2019, focused on support to women diagnosed with cancer. They deceloped several programmes ? online psychological counselling, publishing of personal stories of women diagnosed with breast cancer and the most visible, securing taxi transport to and from the chemotherapy - Nisi sam-ide? s nama/You are not alone ? you will ride with us. They advocate and lobby for changes, and initiate debates on problems cancer patients face. ",,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,ESF Fund ,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,, Croatia,HR 05,Free of charge tutoring for Roma girls,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,Roma girls attending schools,"Roma women have traditionally been less involved in schooling compared to men; they suffer from multiple deprivations ? Roma children are discriminated in Croatian schools if they don?t speak Croatian well, which is often the case, and traditionally place of girls and women in Romani tradition at home and out of education system",Yes,Roma Inclusion Strategy - Education,No,It supports and accelerates acomplisment of envisioned goals ,Yes ,"Roma Youth Organisation of Croatia developed a project ?Learning amidst COVID-19 and Earthquake ? improving the learning of Roma students?in partnership with UNICEF Croatia. Theay are aware of the fact that already existing education gap between Roma and other children has widened due to pandemic and earthquake that hit certain areas in Croatia. Level of education of parents/guardians, their living conditions and other factors prevent Roma children during Corona pandemic to participate in education processes and master curricula. Therefore, NGO tailored a 12 month project in order to bridge the existing gap. Educated young Roma will organise and execute tutoring for primary school students and mentorship for families. As they are educated, they will also serve as a role model and will motivate Roma community to support their efforts. Primary schools will elect students who need help ? 50 from City of Zagreb, 50 from Brod-Posavina County and 150 from the county hit and affected by the earthquake. For students who attend the last year of primary schooling, they will arrange counselling in secondary school selection process and will guide them through online registration. Special focus will be put on selecting equal number of Roma girls and boys. Project is supported by the Ministry of Science and Education, and the Government Office for Human Rights and Rights of National Minorities. ",,Regional,"Roma settlements hit by Covid 19 and earthquake ? Sisak- Moslavina County, City of Zagreb; Brod-Posavina County",15.02. - 31.12.2021.,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,Roma Youth Organisation of Croatia aims at empowering young Roma to integreate into society as educated an competent participants who contribute both to Roma and national community. They put focus on quality integrated and regular education. One of their programmes is gender equality. ," In English on Youtube:",Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,,No,No,No,Yes,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Tutoring in all primary school subject for Roma girls and boys ,Direct contact and partnership with primary school staff Croatia,HR 06,"Advocacy and empowerment of people with mental health difficulties, mapping the needs and developing services in the newly created circumstances of the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and the Zagreb earthquake",No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,,,,,,,,"In May 2020, NGO Ludruga started implementing the ad hoc action project called ""Advocacy and empowerment of people with mental health difficulties, mapping the needs and developing services in the newly created circumstances of the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and the Zagreb earthquake"". The aim of the project was to raise the level of public awareness, to empower people with mental health difficulties and to sensitize and encourage public policy makers to take appropriate measures in response to current crisis. The target groups were CSOs, public policy makers, the media, people with mental health difficulties and their loved ones, experts in the field of mental health and the general public. In the time of crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and the Zagreb earthquake, people with mental health difficulties are left without access to a whole range of services provided by institutional psychiatry. Therefore, a rapid redesign of existing services was needed and a new model developed. Planned activities: Networking with civil society organisations which deliver services to people with mental health difficulties, putting pressure on institutions to adopt measures which will enable undisturbed operation of these NGOs, organising workshops with mental health associations with a goal of mapping the needs and services required; workshops on how to use video conferencing application as to be able to provide psychosocial support People in need will be able to use redesigned model of mental health services and will have better access to information about services that available in their local communities. ", ,Municipal,City of Zagreb,May-20,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,Yes,"Although it was ad hoc 2 month project, NGO continues to support and work with people with mental problems. They are not focused only on women, but majority of NGO activists and participants are women. ",Yes,No,No,No,"Ludruga (untranslatable ? lud means mad, and udruga means NGO, so they combined them and made one word) is an NGO focused on upgrading mental health within the community. They state tgat ?they initiate a dialogue about mental diversity, and bring together people with dense, intense and/or uncommon sensations and states of mind (""mental illnesses""). Participants are people with experience of psychiatric treatments, as well as their companions and allies (family members, partners, friends ....), and also various professionals (therapists, healthcare professionals, social workers, lawyers, activists of civil society organizations with experience of working in the field of human rights?. They use innovative approach, such as public theatre performances with patients and therapists as actors, and all activities are directed to inclusion, against segregation and isolation of persons with mental problems. ",,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,,No,No,No,No,Yes,"Ad hoc actions within the Active Citizens Fund ? Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway ",No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,, Croatia,HR 07,Financial support to women survivors of violence,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Survivors of violence who want to leave abusive partner,Gender based violence,No,,No,,Continuation,"The Fund #spasime functions within the Foundation Solidarna. It was created jointly by women?s informal initiative with the goal of supporting survivors of violence who do not have financial means to leave abusive partners. It started to function in 2019, but during lockdown, based on victims? initial direct requests and referral from autonomous women?s shelters, the Fund has met urgent needs for financial assistance unavailable elsewhere for 17 women and their 33 children from 13 different towns, filling the funding gap for urgent needs such as apartment rent for 3 months, food, purchase of kitchen or bathroom appliances, legal costs (lawyers? fee). Funding decisions were made promptly on an ongoing basis through online meetings and electronic correspondence by the Fund?s Council comprising 5 experts and donor representatives. Fund #spasime has been active in public advocacy and awareness raising during the prime global campaigning period of 16 Days of Activism against Women Victim of Violence, from November 25 until December 10 and onwards. SOLIDARNA?s team has engaged in information exchange and coordination with Autonomous Women?s House, IKEA and a broader network of direct assistance providers and women?s rights advocates around the burning issue of the dramatic rise of gender based violence, matched with a disconcerting drop in visibility due to prevalent social isolation mandated by the pandemic which has only augmented the chronic problem with adequate and insufficient public funding for autonomous women?s shelters and counselling centres in the community, inefficient labour market integration support and overall lack of implementation capacities regarding the Istanbul Convention. On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women on November 25, 2020 Autonomous Women?s House Zagreb and SOLIDARNA Foundation issued a joint public statement ?Stop the Pandemic of Violence Against Women!?, outlining a set of policy recommendations for urgent Government action.",,National,,2019,Long-term,Yes,,No,Yes,No,Yes,Solidarna ? Foundation for human rights and solidarity and informal initiative #spasime,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,, Croatia,HR01,ACCESSIBILITY OF HEALTHCARE SERVICES FOR WOMEN IN CROATIA DURING COVID-19 PANDEMIC,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,Women who need medical assistance related to reproductive health,violation of patients? rights ,Yes,Restrictions during Covid-19 pandemic that do not correspond with scientific standards,Yes,Ministry of Health did not respond adequately to demands expressed in letters sent both by the NGO RODA and the Ombudsperson for Gender Equality. ,"Initiative is a continuation of the efforts of NGO RODA - Parents in Action to upgrade the quality of services and treatment concerning women?s reproductive health. They detected numerous violations of women?s human rights, and, as they state in their report ??the pandemic has further destabilised the system through introduction of certain measures that are not in accordance with professional recommendations?. ","RODA implemented several projects focused on reproductive health during Covid 19 pandemic crisis. The first one was E-education for Pregnancy and Parenting During COVID-19, which aimed to ensure the provision of vital information to vulnerable groups of pregnant women who require support but are unable to get it because of current restrictions and reductions in services. The activities were: development of e-courses for pregnant women and families; technical updates to Expecting, a mobile app for expectant parents; translation and dissemination of infographics based on WHO recommendations (Croatian, English, Romani-Chib, Romani-Baja, Farsi, Arabic); webinar for stakeholders. Second project was focused on detecting violations during lockdown. As they state in their report, ?For many years NGO Roda and Ombudsperson for Gender Equality have been warning about violations of women?s rights and disrespect for evidence-based guidelines in the area of women?s reproductive health. Due to many complaints received during lockdown from patiens who claimed they were subjected to aggravated practices that are not in accordance with relevant professional guidelines and evidence-based medicine, they initiated, in partnership with the Ombudsperson for Gender Equality, a two-fold research: analysis and comparison of professional guidelines from global, European and national professional associations with Croatian guidelines, and two surveys: a survey for pregnant women and mothers, and a survey for female patients treated for infertility (will be elaborated in a RAS grid). Both surveys were jointly prepared by RODA and Ombudsperson for gender Equality, in cooperation with the Platform for Reproductive Justice and the NGO Centre for Education, Counselling and research (CESI). Although Roda sent several letters to the Ministry of Health and Croatian professional associations demanding harmonisation of practices in health institutions with professional guidelines, there have not been any changes in practice during complete lockdown. Ombudsperson has reacted two times towards the Ministry of Health pointing to pertinent problems in terms of non-standardised practices in health institutions: 1) unequal practices regarding C-sections, and 2) unequal practices of allowing company during labour and birth. The Ministry of Health urgently reacted to the first initiative and issued new guidelines, while for the second initiative the Ministry responded that due to different infrastructural reasons and human resources it was not possible to harmonise procedures in different health institutions. They also advised women on how to act if they are infected and need to go to hospital either for an exam or to give birth, explaining how procedures should be executed in accordance with scientific standards. As a member of the Global Respectful Maternity Care Council, Roda informed and helped write a submission to the UN Working Group on Discrimination Against Women and Girls in Law and Practice on rights violations during the COVID-19 pandemic. Roda sent a letter to human rights bodies at the United Nations and Council of Europe as well as to other organisations about the breeaches of hospitalised children's rights during the COVID-19 pandemic. The letter elaborates on the disproportionate measures taken during COVID-19 in Croatia that are putting children?s health and wellbeing in jeopardy."," ",National,,,Long-term,Yes,,Yes,No,No,Yes,Ombudsperson for Gender Equality,,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,"5000 euro from Iceland, Lichtenstein and Norway with EGP and Norwegian grants; UNICEF Office for Croatia (274.813,67 HRK)",Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,,"Web and social media, phone line, survey with 1357 participants on healthcare for pregnant and labouring women and mothers; survey with 661 participants on healthcare and support to mohers and newborns" Croatia,HR02,For a violence-free workplace and home ? ratify Convention No. 190!,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Female employees subjected to violence and harassment at work and at home,Gender based violence,Yes,Ratification should enable better protection from gender based harassment and violence at work regardless of the employee's status ,No,,Continuation of trade unions efforts to persuade the Government to ratify and implement Convention No. 190.,"On International Women?s Day, three trade unions jointly organized a protest in front of the Government and Parliament buildings in order to warn them once again that Croatia has not ratified the Convention No. 190 of the International Labor Organization on harassment and violence in the workplace. They named the action ?For a violence-free workplace and home?. They stated that this document establishes interntional standards and ensures the right of all employees to working conditions without any violence or harassment regardless of the type of employment contract that person had signed, the position they hold, or the sector of work involved. They stressed that Covid-19 pandemic has increased the level of violence and harassment either at the workplace (be it through physical contact or online) or at home. They pointed out that female employees are especially vulnerable and exposed to violence. Due to lockdown, the line between home and work had become blurred, and violence became almost omnipresent. ",,National,,8-Mar-21,Long-term,Yes,,No,No,No,Yes,Union of Autonomous Trade Unions of Croatia (SSSH); Independent Trade Unions of Croatia (NHS); Association of Croatian Trade Unions (MHS)," ",,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,,"Protest was meant to raise awareness of general public and to push decision makers to strat ratification process and implementation of the Convention No. 190. Moreover, Croatian Independent Unions started to implement, in partnership with the Ombudsperson for Gender Equality a project that wil focus on the issue of harassment and violence at work. They plan to research and detect the scope of this problem as Croatia does not have not hed any data so far. Then they plan to initiate adoptin of new measure in legislation, development of Protocol on how to act in situations where violence or harassment are detected, and organise education for employers and employees. " Croatia,HR03,Croatian Women and the Covid-19 Pandemic,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,"Women, especially from vulnerable groups",All areas of inequality,Yes,"It detects areas of inequality of women vs. men in Croatia, and suggests to the Government what measures should be undertaken to erease them, especially when planning and implementing the National Recovery and Resilience Plan",Yes,"Yes and no. It tries to detect different areas of inequality and reasons behind it ? economy, social services, education",It is explicitly designed in response to Covid-related issues,"The purpose of this document is to provide a preliminary assessment of the impact of the pandemic on women, with a special focus on vulnerable groups, based on new quantitative and qualitative data. Based on the findings, it provides recommendations on how the Government of Croatia should address the most pressing vulnerabilities and underlying structural reform gaps during the economic recovery process. The findings prove that the pandemic is not gender blind and elaborate on how endowment, economic opportunities and agency of women in Croatia have been affected. The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the existing gender gaps and made life harder for women in Croatia. Differences in how men and women have been affected by the crisis are driven by occupational sex segregation in the labor market, with women more likely to be engaged in frontline sectors; the greater burden shouldered by women in caring for children and older family members, which increased during the lockdown period; and preexisting gender gaps in economic opportunities, especially among women from vulnerable backgrounds. Croatian women are disproportionately engaged in jobs that were hit hardest by the COVID-19 outbreak. 52 percent of women are engaged in essential sectors, in education, and in sectors mandated to close down. In comparison, only 18 percent of Croatian men work in highly exposed sectors, predominantly in retail and healthcare. Croatian women dominate in frontline sectors that must remain operative during the lockdown or expose them to the virus, such as healthcare, caregiving, cleaning, and essential retail. They are more likely than men to be engaged in informal or part-time work, self-employment, domestic work, or agricultural work, often without remuneration. These forms of employment lead to lower income security. Women with low levels of education and those living in remote rural areas were less likely to be able to economically cope with the consequences of the lockdown. A large number of women experienced the crisis lacking basic formal social protections, such as unemployment insurance, pension contributions, and health insurance. Data from 2015 shows that women in Croatia receive, on average, 23 percent lower pension or old-age safety net payments than men (Eurostat 2017). Registered unemployed women are much less likely to receive unemployment benefits; depending on the duration of unemployment, at least 40 percent of men receive unemployment benefits, while at most 30 percent of women receive unemployment benefits. These women are also less likely to be covered by the COVID-19 stimulus packages targeted at working adults. In Croatia, women predominantly perform caregiving duties and have thus faced an increased burden in the wake of school closures. World Bank suggests that making gender equality a substantial part of Croatia?s National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP) would provide an opportunity to invest in an inclusive economic recovery. The NRRP should be used to tackle the most pressing vulnerabilities of Croatian women and support critical actions to improve women?s economic participation. Action needs to be taken in four priority areas: active labor market services that cater to the needs of women and youth (including young women, single mothers, inactive women, youth neither in employment nor training, youth with disabilities) removing constraints to women?s employability Improving opportunities for youth/female self-employment and support women and youth to start or re-start their businesses or business collectives; Improving the prevention of gender-based violence. ",,National,,2020,Long-term,Yes,,No,No,No,Yes,"International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/ The World Bank Office, Croatia",,,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Level of education: financial and digital literacy; urban vs. rural area ,Yes,No,No,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,It is predominantly meant to serve as a roadmap for the Croatian Government. Croatia,HR08,"Privacy in times of Corona ? focus on schools, distance education and minors",No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,"This is an initiative covering human rights in general, but children and minors featured prominently in its analysis","The right to privacy and access to medical information. Successful management of the Corona virus pandemic involved new practices for collecting sensitive, especially medical, data from citizens with the aim of preserving public health. Unfortunately, relevant public authorities managing the pandemic in Croatia displayed significant neglect of fundamental citizens' rights by implementing and promoting illegal and harmful data collection and processing practices. The pandemic threatens to introduce new illegal forms of digital surveillance that do not respect privacy, violate human rights and threaten fundamental rights and democratic principles. ",Yes,"The focus was on epidemiological data collection on citizens and their contacts by the public authorities that shape such policies: Civil Protection Headquarters, Croatian Institute of Public Health (HZJZ), Croatian Personal Data Protection Agency (AZOP), and the Government of the Republic of Croatia.",Yes,"Croatia, on paper, has strong privacy and data collection laws and all data collection in Croatia must adhere to relevant Croatian and EU legislation such as the GDPR, but this was often not the case.","It is a continuation of Politiscope?s watchdog role when it comes to privacy related issues, but this specific initiative and its consequent analysis are strictly COVID-19 related.","The initiative lasted from October 2020 till February 2021 with the focus on analysing of the collection of health-related data on citizens and their contacts during the pandemic. In schools, data collection rules and its various documented infractions disproportionately affected women, both as parents and educators. Politiscope noted that privacy was not taken into consideration in the choice of applications for distance learning, nor was safeguarding privacy of pupils or educators introduced into any policy documents on distance learning. The Ministry's Action Plan for The Implementation of The Distance Education categorizes the needs of teachers for future training in various fields and mentions ""data protection and implementation of the General Regulation on Data Protection in Distance Learning for Minors"". It does not, however, offer any description of such training, where it will take place and who will perform it, nor was it indeed ever undertaken. The Croatian Personal Data Agency (AZOP) developed no policies nor given recommendation for either the educators, parents or children themselves. This is clearly evidenced in the development of even the most basic requirements for distance learning ? the essential source and starting web page for distance education is that features no less than four trackers without asking permission from visitors, and thus transmits visitor (largely children and educators) data to Facebook, Google and ShareThis. Information siphoning in the tools of industry giants (all used in distance education in Croatia), like Facebook, Google and Microsoft, is well documented through a series of privacy scandals, while their basic business model is often described as capitalism of surveillance (ostensibly free, but the real price being user data). Politiscope reached several conclusions and issued some recommendations after their analysis of data gathering: even after a year of distance education nothing was done to address privacy issues ? educators, parents and children must be informed of their rights and the consequences of using distance learning tools, educators especially must be trained to use such tools and choose the most appropriate settings that favour privacy; all institutions should strongly favour open source solutions instead of known violators of privacy policies; AZOP (and other relevant institutions) should develop effective privacy protection safeguards and inform and train the relevant stakeholders in their use; those services that have their data servers in the EU should be chosen over the rest of the world (the EU has stronger data and privacy protections); there should be made a data protection impact assessment for the use of video/voice call applications to assess the risks to the rights and freedoms of students and teachers when using particular software tools.","",National,,Oct-20,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,No,Feb-21,Yes,No,No,No,,,,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,,No,No,No,No,Yes,"Active Citizens Fund (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway)",Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,,"Politiscope participated in national and European consultations on rule of law and state of human rights, while all produced analyses were delivered to the Ombudsman, Deputy President of the Government for Social and Human Rights Affairs, committees and MP clubs of the Croatian Parliament. Media outreach activities resulted in two media features: appearance on ""To?ka na tjedan"" political weekly show on N1 Television, interview for on distance learning apps. " Croatia,HR09,Suicide prevention in time of pandemic and crisis,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,Depressed persons thinking of committing suicide,,No,"It responds to a lack of policy. Croatia does not have a Strategy for suicide prevention, and statistics show that each day approx. two persons commit suicide ",Yes,"It responds to a lack of policy. Croatia does not have Strategy for suicide prevention, and statistics show that each day approx. two persons commit suicide. Access to public health care was restricted",Yes,"NGO ?ivotna linija/Lifeline is focused on expert support to depressed and suicidal people. They realised that depressed people face mental health challenges related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Although the public health response to the pandemic should increase intervention and prevention efforts to address mental health conditions, it did not happen due to restrictions. Therefore, NGO ?ivotna linija decide to devote three months to providing intensive support to people in need of psychiatric counselling and intensive communication. Project started in February 2021 and lasted until end of May 2021. During that period, they conducted twelve 90-minute online group therapies with eight suicidal and depressed persons, twelve creative workshops and 48 individual sessions. The leader of the project was professor Bagari?, one of the leading Croatian psychiatrists. Therapy was especially useful to suicidal persons, and they think that at least two persons who were experiencing serious suicidal crisis gave up the idea to commit suicide, and all participants felt extremely empowered. As this was a pilot project, evaluation proved that such an approach ? combination of therapy sessions and creative workshops where participants take home objects which they created with a help of professional artists, proved to significantly raise self-esteem and encourage people in crisis to face life challenges bravely. They are capable of talking about their losses or failures openly, and finally be ready to think more positively of the future. Pandemic left them alone, with a plenty of time to contemplate, they felt lost and depressed. Organisation will look for new funding and continue to support people in crisis. Majority of participants were women, which proved that women are more open to seek support. Also, according to the World Bank Survey, 84% of women In women reported being worried about the economic wellbeing of themselves and their family members, compared to 75 percent of men. Moreover, women had more stress in multiple dimensions, from worrying about health to anxiety about the current situation. Men commit more often suicides in Croatia, as women more often seek help.",,Municipal,City of Zagreb,Feb-21,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,No,End of May. They are looking for resources and plan to continue,Yes,No,No,No,NGO that supports people in mental health crisis and seeks new methods in addressing depression and suicide,,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,,No,No,No,No,Yes,"Active citizens Fund Lichtenstein, Norway, Iceland",No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,, Croatia,HR10,"Prevention of social exclusion, stigmatization and human rights violations of people with Covid-19 and people in self-isolation in the Osijek-Baranja and Vukovar-Srijem counties",No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,"A significant portion of the surveyed were the elderly, economically disadvantaged from some of the poorest regions of Croaita and the rural population. Indirectly, the initative covers COVID-19 sufferers from the same regions.","Discriminatory and stereotypical patterns of behaviour and attitudes of the general population towards COVID-19 sufferers that affect their mental health, increase stigmatization, discrimination and human rights violations",No,,No,,It is explicitly designed to address the issues caused by the panedemic,"The initiative was named ""MO-TI"" -mobile anti-discrimination team for dialogue and promotion of solidarity, and conducted by the NGO Generator in partnership with the Nansen Dialogue Center from Osijek from October 1 to December 31, 2020. It was started to combat discriminatory and stereotypical patterns of behaviour and attitudes of the general population towards COVID-19 sufferers that affect their mental health, increase stigmatization, discrimination and human rights violations. The mobile team performed 14 public interventions by direct conversation in 13 local communities of Osijek-Baranja and Vukovar-Srijem counties, talked to 450 people and surveyed 260. The conversations and survey focused on basic demographic data, emotions the surveyed feel towards COVID-19 patients in their family or community, their general attitude towards COVID-19 sufferers and persons in self-isolation, patterns of behaviour of respondents towards patients and persons in self-isolation, and the evaluation of the effect of these conversations on changing attitudes of respondents. The group targeted directly was the general population of citizens of local communities in which the number of people suffering from COVID-19 or people in self-isolation occurs or increases, and who themselves did not belong to this vulnerable group. The indirect target group were the people with COVID-19 and those in self-isolation who will be affected by preventing discriminatory and stereotypical patterns of behaviour and attitudes of the general population. The results showed that the initiative was effective with 74% of the respondents claiming that talking to the mobile team helped them, and as many as 91% claiming that this is a topic that is important to discuss. The team observed that people who have had a case of COVID-19 in the family were considerably more tolerant and solidary to the affected. Although many citizens were negative towards the patients at the beginning of the conversation, also towards the coronavirus in general, at the end they increased their awareness of the problems facing the sufferers. Most of the surveyed, especially the elderly, experienced the conversations as therapeutical and used the opportunity to tell stories and problems of their loved ones during the pandemic period. The biggest problem revealed by the survey was that citizens equated physical and social distance, but it also proved to be the area where the conversations were most effective. A correlation emerged between the degree of tolerance and the size of the place where the surveyed live in ? in small communities people are much more tolerant and supportive than in larger cities. Significant differences in respondents? attitudes and answers based on their gender was also noticed. Women were significantly more both concerned and sad when someone in the community or family caught the virus. They were more fearful for their loved ones when they became ill. Women found it more important that others follow epidemiological measures. They also expressed that the conversations were more important and helpful to them than men did.","",Regional,Osijek-Baranja and Vukovar-Srijem counties,Ocotober 2020,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,No,Dec-20,Yes,No,No,No,"Generator - The goals of the NGO are to promote critical thinking, independent and non-institutional culture and art, non-formal education and active involvement of citizens in cultural and educational initiatives, and the development of new models of education. Nansen Dialogue Centre in Osijek - A Croatian NGO founded in April 2001 with the main goal of social reconstruction of post-conflict and multi-ethnic communities in Eastern Croatia. Their vision: an inclusive and functional multi-ethnic community. Their mission: social reconstruction of post-conflict and multi-ethnic communities.","",Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,,No,No,No,No,Yes,"Active Citizens Fund (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway)",Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,,Direct conversation and survey Hungary,HU01,Long live the girls! - collection of donations for homeless women,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,homeless women,housing inequalities and poverty related inequalities,No,,No,,continuation of an already existed project,"Homeless women are often more dependent and vulnerable than men. It is very important for their self-esteem to preserve a well-kept appearance and their femininity, while beauty products, or sometimes even hygienic products are a luxury for them, as it is an additional cost. Budapest Bike Maffia organises a collection of donations for homeless women every year around 8th March, Women?s Day. It is important to take care of them not only on this day but throughout the year! Beyond collecting donations, the campaign Long live the girls! also aims to raise awareness about this. They pay attention to homeless women?s needs and collect everyday products (shower gel, shampoo, body lotion, deodorant, women?s razor, nail polish, lipstick, hair dye) at different locations in Budapest (caf‚s, pubs and clubs, community spaces, events) and deliver them to female residents of homeless shelters.",,Municipal,Budapest,not revealed from the website,Long-term,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,"Budapest Bike Maffia began their activities in 2011 with preparation and collection of food donations, delivering those by bike to homeless people living on the streets and social homes. Our aim was to ease their life.",,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,,a network of volunteers Hungary,HU02,Fundraising campaign against menstrual poverty,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,school girls and young women in disadvantaged situation ,"poverty related inequalities: housing segregation, low income, low educational attainment, etc",No,,Yes,Hungarian National Social Inclusion Strategy II.,"not explicitly designed in response to covid, but the campaign was launched during the pandemic","Menstrual poverty is estimated to affect one in four women in Hungary, so the Motivation Community has launched a fundraising campaign to use the money to provide adequate hygiene products to disadvantaged girls. Young girls and women in many cases cannot afford to buy hygiene products to use during menstruation, which is why they are often forced to miss a day off at school or work. The use of cotton pads and rags to replace the pad or tampon can lead to a high degree of lack of self-confidence, discomfort, malaise, risk of infection or even infertility. Within the framework of the project, disadvantaged girls attending after school programs in Szeged and Bal stya will be provided with information about the female existence, the women's cycle, and a solution will be offered to them to use appropriate hygiene devices to maintain their health in the coming years.",,Regional,Szeged and Bal stya (South Hungary),May-21,Information unavailable,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,"The Motivation Community supports the social integration of people, primarily children and young people with disadvantaged backgrounds through motivating, improving their skills and abilities as well as through shaping the attitudes of society. Within the framework of the Motivation Community, the members of three NGOs work together to realize educational programs that mainly deal with disadvantage-compensation and talent support; to perform research and consulting services in the field of social inclusion and equity in education.",,,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,,network of volunteers and the teachers of the after school programs (Study Hall) Hungary,HU03,Double the family allowance!,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,Families with children,income related inequalities,Yes,Family allowance policies,Yes,"The amount of family allowance has not increased for 12 years, while the number of families in working poverty is widening. They are the ones who are active in relation to their position in the labor market, yet their monthly income is not enough to make a decent living","The campaign was launched during the pandemic, but this is a long-standing problem ","The family allowance is the only benefit in Hungary that reaches all children and aims to make a significant contribution to the additional costs of raising children. However, it is less and less able to fulfill this goal. The crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic is pushing up food prices and many people have lost their jobs. Due to high inflation, the purchasing power of the already low family allowance continued to decline. Meanwhile, families with children exposed to the crisis have found themselves in an even more difficult position, including single parents, those living in low-income households and those raising disabled child. In addition, a particularly sad phenomenon seems to be developing: the circle of families belonging to the so-called in-work poverty group. They are the ones who are active in relation to their position in the labor market, yet their monthly income is not enough to make a decent living. The elements of the campaign elements: petition; open letter to the decision-makers to immediately increase the amount of the family allowance (so far, 32 organizations have joined them); a letter writing campaign has been launched in which individuals can also ask decision-makers to double family allowances as soon as possible; video campaign has been launched in which anyone can tell why it would be timely to increase the amount of family allowance; the organization also made a video outlining the urgency of doubling the family allowance; 2020 Poverty Report has been prepared",,National,,Jul-20,Long-term,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,"Chance Lab Association has a more than 15-year long history of supporting low-income people. Among other issues it is working for a proper system of social benefits by grass-root campaigning based on the tools of community organizing. Its members and volunteers are people with the experience of poverty, social professionals (such as social workers, social policy experts, sociologists, community organizers), and activists with various backgrounds (parents, students, retired people etc.). they aim to build local and international partnerships with other formal or non-formal organizations with similar profiles and similar goals: eradicating poverty in our home country and in Europe, empowering excluded people via democratic participation.",,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,,web and social media Hungary,HU04,Chat helpline by NANE The Women For Women Together Against Violence Association,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,"victim of abuse (whether verbal, emotional, physical, sexual or financial abuse)",gender inequality,No,,Yes,"The Hungarian Parliament has refused to ratify the Istanbul Convention ? the first legally binding international instrument for preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence. The parliament maintained that Hungarian law already ensured that women were legally protected. Moreover, according to the government, the Istanbul Convention could promote ?illegal migration? (it calls for protection to be guaranteed to victims of gender violence) and ?gender ideology?, which is considered to be ideologically contrary to Hungarian law and the beliefs of the government.","Yes and no. The hepline by phone has been established for many years, but because of the pandemic and families stayed at home together, the chat form was more suitable for women who could ask for hep silently by chat. ","NANE Association provides chat assistance to victims of domestic and sexual violence and their helpers. The length of a conversation is a maximum of 45 minutes so that as many women as possible have access to this help. The chat is secure and anonymous, only the attendant sees what the person concerned is writing. After the end the conversation, the entire message exchange is automatically deleted within a few hours. Chat is also an opportunity for those who are deaf-mute to ask for help.",,National,,Aug-20,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,No,It only appears on the website that it is no longer available,Yes,No,No,No,"The Women For Women Together Against Violence Association (NANE) was established in 1994 with the aim to fight violence against women and children in Hungary. It is a non-profit, non-governmental organization, active at the individual, community, and social level. NANE?s volunteers operate a toll-free nation-wide helpline for domestic and sexual violence victims and their supporters. The Association also runs self-help groups and other services for survivors of domestic violence, offers youth prevention workshops, trainings for professionals and institutions, and publishes and translates books, brochures, information materials on the subject of intimate partner violence, emphasizing the systematic, societal and structural aspects of the problem. NANE organizes awareness-raising and advocacy campaigns, monitors state and law enforcement policies, and takes part in international projects as well",,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,,chat and phone Hungary,HU05,Tips for employers - calling employers? attention to certain important phenomena and ways of addressing these,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,"different minority groups: LMBTQ people, disabled people, the Roma ","gender related, ethnic related, health related, poverty related",No,,No,,"Explicitly designed in response to covid related problems, but it can also have an effect in the long run","It is a collaborative project with Hungarian nonprofit organisations to show, together, the differing impact the pandemic is having on different minority groups. With Amnesty International Hungary, the Bag zs Association, the H tt‚r Society and the Salva Vita Foundation, they have prepared a report incorporating expert opinions, data and specific tips for employers. The H tt‚r Society provides assistance supporting the acceptance of LGBTQI persons; Amnesty Hungary works to promote gender equality; the Salva Vita Foundation supports persons with disabilities; and the Bag zs Association works to advance the acceptance of the Roma. Each organisation is able to rely on many years of experience and expertise. They are disseminating the final report jointly: they are sharing it with the more than one thousand employers belonging to the OPEN Community, and they are making it available for all on the website as well as through the social media channels of organisations participating in the drafting of the report. Their hope with this project is that simply by calling employers? attention to certain important phenomena and ways of addressing these, they may help prevent or lessen some of the more serious effects of the pandemic.",,National,,Jul-20,Long-term,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,"WeAreOpen is a nonprofit that creates campaigns with a coalition of businesses to promote diversity and inclusion for millions, and helps companies become more open by offering services, workshops, talks and consulting. Their mission is to show to millions that openness is a value for organizations. We also help employers and employees experience, learn and showcase the benefits of inclusion. WeAreOpen was founded in 2013 by Prezi, espell and Google with a clear idea of promoting and helping organizations understand and experience the benefits of openness at the workplace. 1,000+ companies and organizations publicly joining WeAreOpen; 150+ public commitments from companies to improve gender equality at their workplace in a given year; 100+ CEOs, and many company groups attending Budapest Pride march to support LGBTQ inclusion; and hundreds of publicly shared videos and stories from well-respected public figures about why being open is a good thing and a value for both organizations and society. Through the years they have worked together with dozens of academics, researchers, business leaders, entrepreneurs, experts, public figures, bloggers, artists, entertainers and many others to fulfill our core mission of openness. Along the way, they managed to create a real-life community ? the OPEN Community ? formed by the founders, members, partners, advocates and supporters.",,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,,web and social media Hungary,HU06,Andi?s shop - food distribution and operation of a social shop,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,The Roma people ,"poverty, regional, ethnic related inequalities",No,,Yes,Hungarian National Social Inclusion Strategy II.,explicitly designed in response to covid crisis,"Hungary's segregated Roma communities living below the poverty line are at a disadvantage in multiple aspects.The housing quality in Roma estates is dismal; households are overcrowded, allowing the virus to spread like wildfire in these closed communities. In many places, there is no city water or sewage system. On average, people living in these communities have poorer health due to their social circumstances; they live shorter lives than the majority society, smoking, alcoholism, and obesity are more prevalent, while they have worse access to healthcare. Poor education, a lack of information, and a mistrust of the healthcare system make these communities fertile grounds for misinformation and conspiracy theories, creating negative attitudes towards vaccination. If someone does want to get vaccinated, they have little access to information on how and where they can do so. Many lost their jobs due to the pandemic, a majority of students were left out of digital education, which only increased the existing inequalities. Andi?s shop, one of the few shops in the villages around Tomor (North-East Hungary), operates as a social cooperative. The social shop operators work closely with the local community, and when, during the coronavirus epidemic, they found that shoppers could only buy fewer and fewer foods, they began helping in two ways: 1) Food donations were distributed in Tomor and surrounding villages determined the content jointly with local families. 2) Store prices were kept at a low level, which was able to compensate for the reduced purchasing power of residents in the long run. The basis of the implementation was the knowledge of the disadvantaged families of the settlement, the relationships and trust built up during the many years of joint work. The food packages were compiled by Roma women who designed the necessary food packages according to the number of children.Some of the costs incurred (personnel costs, travel costs) were covered by the cooperative from its own resources, and the procurement of food and keeping prices low was made possible by the support of two NGOs, the Polg r Foundation and the Civil College Foundation. As a result, a total of 429 families (approximately 1,300 people) received food packages in 6 settlements; an average of 50-60 purchases per day and around 3300 purchases were supported over the two months; and 12 volunteers worked in the project. ",,Regional,"North-East Hungary, one of the most disadvantaged regions in Hungary",Mar-20,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,No,May-20,Yes,No,No,Yes,"The Romama Social Cooperative founded by the Roma residents of Tomor in 2013 with the mission of promoting employment of disadvantaged families in the disadvantaged Edel‚ny district, mainly in Tomor, Szak csi and Hegymeg. The cooperative has gained a lot of experience in the last decade through its projects in the non-profit sector, as well as its presence in the business world for 3 years with the Romama housing restaurant and the Tomori Social Shop (Andi Boltja). In its approach, they want to achieve change not at the individual level, but rather at the community level. ",,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Funds of other NGOs ,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,,a network of volunteers Hungary,HU07,We help you shopping! ? helping families caring for children with disabilites ,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,Centrally paralyzed children (cerebral palsy ? CP) and their families,disabled related inequalities,No,,No,,explicitly designed in response to covid ,"The system of support for people with disabilities does not make it possible to effectively alleviate the care and upbringing burden of the family. Social benefits are not enough for reducing the financial burden on the family. Because of this, families can choose between two alternatives. On the one hand, they may decide to place the disabled family member in an institution, taking on the severe mental burden of this decision, guilt, or to keep the disabled family member in the family, but in this case, their social and financial burden will increase considerably. Due to the coronavirus epidemic, it has been a challenge for many families raising disabled children in the country and involved in home care to arrange shopping. Many were unable to go to get the basic food and medicine they needed because of their disabled children, or loved ones cared for at home. Therefore, a network was created where those who needed help and those who wanted to help could find each other.",,National,,information is not available,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,No,information is not available,Yes,No,No,No,"The organization is the only one in Hungary today that advocates for centrally paralyzed children (cerebral palsy ? CP) and their families. It was founded in 2011 by parents raising children with CP. Nowadays, they have grown into a national organization focusing on issues that affect all people with disabilities. Their goal since 2011 has been making the lives of families caring for children with disabilites more accessible. Their main activities: working on local and national issues; advocacy, community organizing, coalition building, lobbying; facilitating the creation of new advocacy groups; organizing professional, cultural and family programs; fundraising for families in need; supporting treatments from abroad.",,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,, network of volunteers Hungary,HU08,Coronavirus ? Questions and answers ? Covid related legal information and aid ,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,general population,"all kinds of social inequalities including labour market related, health related, gender related, school related etc, ",No,,No,,explicitly designed in response to covid,"The Hungarian Civil Liberties Union is a human rights NGO. Since their foundation in 1994, they have been working for everybody being informed about their fundamental human rights and empowered to enforce it against the undue interference by those in position of public power. HCLU monitors legislation, pursues strategic litigation, provides free legal aid assistance in more than 2500 cases per year, provides trainings and launches awareness raising media campaigns in order to mobilize the public. It stands by citizens unable to defend themselves, assisting them in protecting their basic rights. They are present at courts, national and international conferences, universities, in the capital and at the countryside. During the coronavirus, an information page was set up summarizing all the measures taken in relation to covid and the rights of citizens. They also provide legal assistance in such cases. Since the emergency, 5,000 questions have been answered in the context of legal aid. Among them for example they provided information about their rights and legal aid for woman in labour during the pandemic. ",,National,,Mar-20,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,"The Hungarian Civil Liberties Union is a human rights NGO. Since their foundation in 1994, they have been working for everybody being informed about their fundamental human rights and empowered to enforce it against the undue interference by those in position of public power.",,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,,"web, phone, social media" Hungary,HU09,"Your interest is my interest ? digital education, food aid for families in Nĸgr d cunty ",No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,"Most disadvantaged, mainly Roma families in North-east Hungary","poverty related, ethnic, educational and regional inequalities",No,,Yes,Hungarian National Social Inclusion Strategy II.,explicitly designed in response to covid crisis,"The problems of disadvantaged people living in the villages in Nĸgr d county did not start with the pandemic, but the restrictions introduced as a result of the covid made them even more difficult and weakened the already scarce municipal support network. The number of people losing their jobs and income has increased significantly, and joining digital education has been an impossible task for many families, as many of them did not have Internet access and/or the right tools (computer, smartphone, etc.). Furthermore, the lack of basic conditions for hygiene was constantly present where the disadvantaged families, mainly the Roma live. The lack of a mask, the lack of hand washing and disinfection, the disregard for ?stay home? good advice were all there in the lives of small settlements and segregated settlements. The members of the association received several inquiries to help solve the daily livelihood problems of people and families left without income. Requests were mainly for writing aid applications to municipalities, seeking charities in the area and distributing utilities, but also for formulating applications to various utilities and other service providers. To organize the requests and assess local needs, an online questionnaire was launched, which nearly 350 people completed by the beginning of the summer. Based on this, their volunteers provided ongoing advice on where and what services and assistance are available, they helped to write applications, pass claims to councils, mayors, and connected unemployed local entrepreneurs looking for work. To help engage in digital education, they began fundraising from the public (or joined the Window on the Bench national grassroot program). The phones and computers thus obtained were distributed to families who did not have adequate facilities. For those without internet access, they have been reached in several villages to use the Digital Welfare Program (DJP) points for learning. The volunteers transported students living in settlements without such points by car every day or every other day to the DJP point in S msonh za, where a volunteer helped with learning and writing homework in 4 hours a day. A volunteer also took the paper homework assignment to the school every Monday for children who could not or did not want to go to the DJP points to learn to avoid personal contact. In order to strengthen basic hygiene knowledge, the volunteers presented good examples and rules to be followed and wore masks on the streets of the settlements, talked to the people, handed out flyers, distributed free masks (obtained from municipalities) and hand disinfectants to highlight the importance of protection. This work was accompanied by their involvement in a campaign called ?One more bite?, in which they donated durable food to families in difficulty.",,Regional,Several villages in Nĸgr d county,Mar-20,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,No,No available information,Yes,No,No,No,"Your Interest is My Interest Association, tries to bring together people in difficult situations living in Nĸgr d County. Its primary goal is not only to improve the living conditions of individuals and families through donations, but to help them identify community problems and find community solutions. Although the organization was only registered in 2020, the 8 volunteers that form the core of the Association have been an active participant in advocacy and community organization activities in the region for years.",,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,,network of volunteers Hungary,HU10,Integrated client care service - legal aid and psychological assistance to victims of violence against women,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,victims of violence against women,gender related,No,,Yes,"The Hungarian Parliament has refused to ratify the Is-tanbul Convention ? the first legally binding internation-al instrument for preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence. The parliament maintained that Hungarian law already ensured that women were legally protected. Moreover, according to the government, the Istanbul Convention could promote ?illegal migration? (it calls for protection to be guaranteed to victims of gender violence) and ?gen-der ideology?, which is considered to be ideologically contrary to Hungarian law and the beliefs of the gov-ernment.",Continuation of an already existed program,"It?s important to consider the clients? legal, psychological and social needs all at once. This is the purpose of the integrated client care service. Lawyers, psychologists and social workers operate in teams, continuously interacting with each other, collaboratively creating the best strategy to help the victim. An important element of this collaboration is that the client remains the decision maker: the experts merely provide information, without depriving the client of the right/responsibility of decision. The program offers legal advice; background consultation with a psychologist and a social worker; in special cases, preparing a plaint, but they do not offer legal representation of the victim. They select their clients from cases contacting them through their legal aid service or the aid hotline of NANE Association.",,National,,Information is not available,Long-term,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,"Patent Association, coined from the Hungarian phrase Patriarch tust Ellenz?k T rsas ga, which means Society Against Patriarchy. They are women?s rights defenders (lawyers) and psychologists, as well as gender based violence experts. They take action against gender-based violence in the field of law-making and law enforcement; in service of this, they are building a professional network and social movement. Their values include solidarity among women and the principles of feminism. They provide legal aid and psychological assistance to victims of violence against women and those whose reproductive rights are curbed. They write proposals for lawmakers; they create publications that professionally support the work of courts, authorities and social services; they create information brochures for those affected and their environment. They educate volunteers and professionals, and they have guided self-help self-awareness groups for survivors. They function as civil control of state/official activities in issues of violence against women and reproductive rights.",,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,,"web, phone, social media" Ireland,IE01,?Still Here? Campaign,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Both women and men who are victims of domestic violence,The campaign avoids portraying domestic violence as a gender issue ,Yes,"Domestic Violence Act 2018. The Act improves the protections available to victims of domestic violence under both the civil and criminal law. Second National Strategy on Domestic, Sexual and Gender-based Violence 2016-2021. This Strategy envisages a range of actions to be implemented by State, voluntary and community sector organisations aimed at preventing and responding to domestic, sexual and gender-based violence.",No,,The initiative was designed in response to increased levels of domestic violence during lockdown,"The Still Here Campaign is a major TV, Radio and Social Media Campaign tackling the issue of domestic violence in the context of COVID-19. The campaign seeks to reassure victims that services are ?still here?, and that victims are being prioritised. This campaign is portrayed as an adaptation of domestic and sexual violence support services from State agencies and the voluntary sector in the context of Covid-19, resulting in an increase of support services available. The campaign website highlights that restrictions of movement do not apply to a person escaping from a risk or harm or seeking to access essential services and guarantees that sthese services will remain open ?at each of the different stages of restrictions which are now in place due to Covid-19, even the most severe?. The campaign was developed by the Department of Justice in collaboration with the following frontline services: Women?s Aid, Safe Ireland, Dublin Rape Crisis Centre, Rape Crisis Network Ireland, National Women?s Council of Ireland, Men?s Development Network, and in conjunction with creative agency TBWA/Dublin and media buyers PHD Media Ireland?. This is an example of a collective initiative involving government actors, NGO actors, and private sector actors, which is quite common in Ireland. To this end, the Department of Justice provided an additional allocation of over ?160,000 to community and voluntary groups to support their work as well asfunding the making and airing of the ad by private organsiations. The target groups are both women and men who are victims of domestic violence. The campaign includes 2 radio adverts, one where the victim is a man and the other where the victim is a woman, as well as a TV advert. All adverts provide at the end the telephone numbers of different organisations providing support services, emergency numbers as well as the website address of campaign where more information can be obtained. ",,National,,Apr-21,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,Yes,,Yes,No,No,Yes,"Department of Justice in collaboration with the following organisations: 1) Women?s Aid, a leading national organisation working to stop domestic violence against women and children in Ireland since 1974; 2) Rape Crisis Network Ireland, an information and resource centre on rape and all forms of sexual violence; 3) Men?s development Network, a non-for-profit organisation promoting change and equality within society by working with men on various levels including one-to-one, developmental, parenting, behaviour change group work, training, phone line support and awareness raising.","",,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,This initiative is targeted at all persons who are victims of domestic violence. ,No,No,No,Yes,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,"Web, social media and mainstream media " Ireland,IE02,LGBTQ+ Life in Lockdown Survey Report,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,LGBTQ+,Gender identity and sexual orientation,No,,Yes,Lack of government statistics on the impact of Covid 19 policy responses on the LGBTQ+ community. The aim is to give voice and visibility to this marginalised group and to inform future LGBTQ+ services ,Explicitly designed in response to Covid 19 restrictions,"This is a collective initiative of 3 national NGOs: LGBT Ireland, the National LGBT Federation (NXF) and the Gay Community News (GCN) conducted thr LGBTI+ Life in Lockdown Survey. This survey included a sample of 1,855 members of the LGBTQ+ community. The survey showed that 62% experienced a decline in their mental health during the lockdown, substantially higher than the impacts reported in the general population in recent surveys. This survey took an intersectional approach, aiming torecruit a sample that was as representative of the LGBTQ+ community as possible in terms of age, identity, geographic location, minority and socio-economic status. One key finding is that LGBTQ+ people who are additionally marginalised including LGBTQ+ migrants, Traveller and Roma, refugees, older, living with a long-term disability, or other intersectional identities have been the most impacted amongst the LGBTQ+ community. The report on the survey issued 3 recommendations for future policy: 1) To recognise the additional challenges faced by members of the LGBTI+ community during this unprecedented crisis; 2) that LGBTI+ services need to be properly resourced and promoted, so that those who need them can be informed and have access. That funding models must be reassessed and restructured to help services deal with the crisis and the mental health issues that will arise as a result; 3) That ringfenced funding must be allocated for members of the LGBTI+ community who suffer intersectional discrimination. Particularly in the health services sector",,National,,Survey report launched November 2020,Long-term,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,"1) The National LGBT Federation was established In 1979. It is the oldest lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) NGO In Ireland. It publishes Gay Community News (GCN) and campaigns for the equal rights of, and to combat discrimination against, LGBT People In Ireland & Internationally. 2) The Gay Community News is Ireland?s longest-running free national monthly publication for the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender LGBT community. The remit of GCN is to give its readers access to a greater sense of community, to educate and inform them about political issues pertinent to their lives, to disseminate information about LGBT community initiatives, to champion Irish LGBT rights, to celebrate and support Irish LGBT culture, and to entertain, all free of charge. 3) LGBT Ireland is a national support service for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender people and their families and friends.The service was established in 2010 by seven local LGBT helplines, who shared a vision to create an infrastructure to enable them to offer support and information nationally through their network of trained volunteers.","",,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,Web and social media Ireland,IE03,Roscommon Women?s Network Women?s Environmental Community Activation Network (WECAN),No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,Unemployed/underemployed women in rural area,Environmental,No,,No,,"A development from a successful pilot project, adapted to respond to the Covid context ","The idea for this work initially came from the Roscommon Women?s Network (RWN) charity shop volunteers, who wanted to do something to combat the increasing textile waste from charity shops and the growing issue of fast fashion. The appetite for community-led awareness raising, and for training on the issue of climate change, was also very evident during RWN?s consultations with women around the county during the preparations for the RWN Strategic plan in 2018. In response to this expressed need, RWN sourced funding to run a pilot textile Upcycling Training Project at their base in Castlerea, in 2019, which had the support of Roscommon County Council (through the Environmental Protection Agency-funded Local Authority Prevention Network), Patagonia, Galway and Roscommon Education andTraining Board (GRETB), Community Education and the Rediscovery Centre in Dublin, as well as St. Angela?s College NUI Galway, who completed an evaluation of the project. Based on the success and learnings of its initial Pilot Textile Upcycling Training Project in 2019, RWN applied for the Environmental Protection Agency Green Enterprise programme, which provides funding to demonstration projects that are innovating for the circular economy. The WECAN project was awarded this funding in 2020 to continue training around the county and expand its social enterprise. Further training took place in early 2020 in Castlerea with expansion to Roscommon Town, however both were curtailed due to the Covid-19 restrictions. The initial training that took place in 2019/2020 has already proved effective in the practical application of fabric upcycling, with the trainees in Castlerea forming an upcycling volunteers club and making high quality upcycled items under the CycleUp brand. Under the guidance of their tutors Michelle Fallon and Jane Ward, the participants learned pattern making, design and sewing skills, and have made some beautiful fashion and home ware items, which can be found in the RWN Charity Shop in Castlerea, Rummage in Roscommon Town, Healy?s Shop in Athleague and the Boyle Craft Shop. The CycleUp online shop on the RWN website was inundated with interest after Government Minister Simon Harris posted an Instagram image of an Upcycled Owl that the CycleUP group made for him, praising the initiative and in particular the work of the volunteers. Members of the public and local businesses like the Curtain Centre and Frances Finishing Touches in Roscommon town, and even the clothing brand Patagonia, rowed in behind the efforts of the volunteers in 2020 to help their work in making upcycled reusable facemasks to donate to nursing homes and to raise funds for RWN during the pandemic-related closures. This year, 2021, the Women?s Environmental Community Activation Network (WECAN) project will build on these achievements, and will roll out fabric upcycling training to further locations around the county. It will also reach out to communities and schools through upcycling and repair workshops and events facilitated by local trainees and project participants. ?This project has so much scope to fulfil the sharing of the values of the circular economy and provide a practical example of how the upcycling of fabrics can be made into a sustainable social enterprise? said Martina Hourigan, WECAN Project Manager. ",,Regional,Roscommon ? MidWest Ireland,2018,Long-term,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,Roscommon Women?s Network is a local community project and charity dedicated to supporting women and families throughout County Roscommon in the West of Ireland. The Charity Shop provides women volunteers with work experience that aids them obtain employment,,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,"Support from local businesses, international business with a corporate social inclusion agenda (Patagonia)",Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,,"Network of volunteers, local community networks" Ireland,IE04, Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and the law in times of COVID-19,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,African women and girls living in Ireland,Gender-based violence,Yes,"Policy on combatting gender-based violence, an awareness programme run during Covid-19 by Irish Government in association with Women?s Aid and other service providers",No,,"Explicitly designed in response to Covid-related issues, though it forms part of a larger programme of information and awareness-raising by Akidwa","This was a one-off initiative by AkiDwA, organised on Wednesday 14th November 2021. AkiDwA hosted a Community Webinar on ?FGM and the Law in Times of Covid-19?.˙ This community discussion was led by AkiDwA Community Health Ambassadors (CHAs). Garda Inspector Daniel Kelly, who was in charge of the first ever FGM case in Ireland which was successfully prosecuted in 2020, also spoke.˙˙ The event contributed to the global movement 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence. It was a follow-on from the 26th November 2020 online conference on Gender Based Violence: Migrant Women?s Perspectives. AkiDwA has an ongoing focus on intersectionality between migration, and sexual and gender-based violence. A recording of the webinar is now available to watch on AkiDwA?s Youtube channel. ",,Regional,"Dublin region, in the main","The community discussion, this specific initiative, began planning in late 2020.",Just for the Covid-19 emergency,No,The event was a one-off. A recording is still available online,Yes,No,No,No,"AkiDwA˙emerged as an organisation between 1999 and˙2001, after a series of regular meetings between migrant women˙were˙initiated by Salome Mbugua, who came to Ireland from Kenya in 1994.˙The very first meeting was˙in 1999 in Dublin city centre. By 2001, with the support of the Catherine McAuley Centre (a female religious foundation), Salome had mobilised a group of African women who˙met regularly to share their experiences of living in Ireland. Today, AkiDwA is a highly respected, credible, relevant organisation recognised for unique expertise and longevity in the field. Migrant led, it has grown to become a national women?s representative organisation.",,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,,No,No,No,Yes,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,"Web and social media, 5 staff members and a 5-person advisory board, African community networks, network of women?s organisations" Ireland,IE05,Community Response Team Call (CriTicall),Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Women and children (mainly) who have suffered domestic abuse during the pandemic,Gender-based violence,Yes,Government policy supporting victims of domestic and gender-based violence and abuse,No,,It is a new initiative created in response to covid-related closure or curtailment of services to persons suffering domestic abuse,"CRiTiCall (Community Response Team Call) is a new initiative involving St Patrick?s Cathedral Dublin (religious institution), Safe Ireland (NGO), and five volunteer organisations - Dublin City Volunteer Centre, DŖn Laoghaire Rathdown Volunteer Centre, Fingal Volunteer Centre, South Dublin County Volunteer Centre and Wicklow Volunteer Centre. Formed in June 2020, they launched the initiative by issuing a joint appeal for donations; for people to volunteer a holiday home or second property as a safe haven; and for letters of courage and hope to be sent to those emerging from domestic abuse. CRiTiCALL aims to provide support to help people in their journey to safety by offering practical resources along with comfort and encouragement from within the community. ?Many refuges are at full capacity. We want to ensure that when people are ready to make the courageous step to leave an abusive situation that we have every resource to hand to support them in their recovery? says Kelley Bermingham, Community Officer, Saint Patrick?s Cathedral As well as developing the roles for the initiative, Dublin City VC also provided an administrative backbone, communicating with all participants and handling emails and phone calls from the public. The initiative quickly spread to other areas. Dublin City Volunteer Centre hosted a forum for interested members of the Volunteer Ireland network on the 23rd of June, outlining the project and inviting other Volunteer Centres to develop their own programme, shaped around local contexts and needs. The Louth Volunteer Centre team attended the forum and were surprised to hear that the CRiTiCALL Dublin pilot had supplied care packs to Louth-based domestic abuse support services and set about creating a CRiTiCALL initiative in Louth. The Dublin City VC and CRiTiCALL team connected them with Safe Ireland and local services. Once the Louth team could see there was a real need for targeted practical supports to the two services in Louth ? Drogheda Womenand Children?s Refuge and Women?s Aid Dundalk - they set about establishing their own campaign. New partnerships were established with Scouting Ireland Louth troops in both Drogheda and Dundalk, who provided their dens as collection centres and members to man the centres. The Louth CRiTiCALL campaign was launched on the 8th July to a flurry of local media attention. Subsequent community partnerships led to local Red Crossbranches supporting the campaign by providing 50 donated bedding packs to local services and offering their vehicles to transport donations to services. For Louth Volunteer Centre, CRiTiCALLshowcased the benefits of being part of an independent network that fostered sharing of best practices and knowledge on the ground. Subsequently, the initative expanded to Cork city and region. ",,Regional,Dublin region and environs,3-Jun-20,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,Yes,,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,"The Anglican Church in Ireland (St. Patrick?s Cathedral), the advocacy and service provider for domestic abuse sufferers Safe Ireland and a network of volunteering centres based in their communities. ",Each volunteer centre has its own CriTicall website. See an example:,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,,"Networks of volunteers engaging with local women?s refuges and shelters, local religious charitable organisations, and local public bodies" Ireland,IE06,Confidential Counselling Service for Women,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,Women in situations of distress and anxiety during the Covid crisis,Gender,Yes,"The Community Covid-19 Resilience Fund is part of a ?Keep Well? National Campaign. The ?Keep Well? campaign was launched by the Irish Government in November 2020 and aims to support people and communities to mind their physical and mental health during the Covid 19 pandemic. The campaign responds to the Government Plan for Living with COVID-19: Resilience and Recovery 2020-2021, which highlights the important role that individual and community resilience plays in contributing to our ongoing response to COVID-19. The Community Covid-19 Resilience Fund provides support for: ú new and innovative responses to service delivery impacted by Covid ú initiatives to mitigate the current and future impacts of Covid ú activities that help vulnerable people (the elderly, people with pre-existing medical conditions etc) ú ongoing needs of vulnerable people to ensure that their health and wellbeing is maintained ú adapting services delivered in the wider community",No,,Designed in response to Covid-related issues,"Rowlagh Women?s Group offers a confidential one-to-one counselling sessions with a fully qualified counsellor. The service is targeted at women suffering from anxiety, depression and related issues.The service is supported by South Dublin County Council and their Covid Resilience Fund. This fund was established in November 2020 to assist community and voluntary groups and organisations adapting their services and supports to communities affected by the pandemic. It is directed to those groups aiming to improve their local communities and to recover from the effects of Covid-19. As indicated above, the Covid Resilience Fund is part of a National Campaign ?Keep Well? launched by the Irish government and responds to the Government?s Plan for Living with Covid-19: Resilience and Recovery 2020-2021",,Municipal,South Dublin County Council,2021,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,"Rowlagh Women?s Group is a community based network of local women. Their aim is to foster social inclusion and empower women in the local community. Rowlagh Women?s Group Is a member of the National Collective of Community Based Women?s Networks (NCCWN), a national organisation that works directly with and represents the interests of women from communities in rural and urban settings throughout Ireland. It is funded through Department of Justice and Equality (DJE) to advance equality for women experiencing disadvantage and marginalisation. The network works nationally and locally through its 17 Women?s Community Development Projects based around the country, with 46 staff.",,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,,No,No,No,Yes,No,,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,,"Through the Women?s Group website and their network of volunteers. They also advertised the launch of this service in Facebook, Twitter and Instagram" Ireland,IE07,Information resources on safety and Barring Orders for Traveller women experiencing domestic violence,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Traveller and Roma women in Ireland,Gender and ethnicity chiefly but takes an intersectional approach,Yes,"1) Second National Strategy on Domestic, Sexual and Gender-Based violence 2016-2021 2) Domestic Violence Act 2018 3) Criminal Law (Sexual Offences) Act 2017 4) Criminal Justice (Victims of Crime) Act 2017 5) Ireland?s ratification of the Istanbul Convention ",Yes,"Legal system is of little use to people who are highly disempowered such as Traveller and Roma women. These are women who have reading difficulties and/or very little education. They also belong to a community who who don?t trust, or have fear of, the police (Gardai). Furthermore, traveller and Roma women do not trust the State system, so they fear that if they call the police, their children might be taken into care by the State. They also fear that even if they have a barring or safety order, the policy will not act or arrest the perpetrator in cases he breaks the Order. Traveller women coming forward and reporting the policy also face rejection from their the community ",Designed in response to Covid-related issues,"This initiative consists of an information pack thatincludes a barring and safety order leaflet with or without audio and a barring and safety order animation. It is developed by traveller women for traveller women and the audio animation provides very clear information using the language that they used, so that it is easily understood. For the rationale and context of the initiative, see D5.1 above. The aim of this initiative was to close the inequalities gap between women travellers and the settled community in access to rights. While directed mainly to Traveller and Roma women, it also takes an intersectional approach. This resources pack was developed by Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre (a government-funded NGO based in Dublin that was formed to improve the human rights of Irish Travellers and to bridge the economic and social inequalities between Travellers and settled people) in collaboration with other Traveller?s rights groups throughout Ireland (Wicklow Travellers Group, Cork Traveller Visibility Group and St. Catherine?s Community Services Centre in Carlow). The Pilot project was funded by Tusla Child and Family Agency, the dedicated State Agency responsible ofr improving the wellbeing and outcomes for children and the development of resources was funded by the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission under their Access to Justice grant scheme. ",",and%20responding%20to%20domestic%2C%20sexual%20and%20gender-based%20violence. ",National,,2021,Information unavailable,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,See D7 above,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,,No,No,No,Yes,No,,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,,"Through Pavee and similar Travellers groups websites, youtube, social media. Twitter #travellerwomen and #accesstojustice " Ireland,IE08,"Engaging Dads, Supporting Families",No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,Targeted at fathers but also at mothers -who still bear the brunt of care responsibilities,Gender,No," ",Yes,"Mobility restriction in response to the Covid-19 pandemic; stay-at-home orders, teleworking, and the closure of schools and childcare services has strengthened many fathers? roles as carers. Flexible working conditions have helped improved work- life balance for parents yet it also raised important challenges. One unintended consequence of policy responses to the Covid 19 pandemic has been that many separated, divorced or single fathers have encountered problems in accessing their children. Another consequence has been that fathers have not been able to spend enough time with newborn children due to restricted access to maternity wards. The caregiving on children is over-focused on women and mothers and there are greater benefits to be reaped from fathers playing a greater role. ",Designed in response to Covid-related issues,"The changing roles and experience of fathers as a result of Covid-19 responses ? including both the opportunities and the challenges (summarised in 5.1 above) were highlighted at a Webinar ?Engaging Dads, Supporting Families?, hosted by the Childhood development initiative. This is a registered Charity that aims to improve the outcomes for children by delivering quality, integrated, evidence-informed services and workforce development through partnership and innovation.This initiative is funded by the Child and Family Agency. In this initative, the domain of the gender care gap is represented as problem that can be addressed by a greater gender share of caring responsibilities. It highlights the extent to which policy responses to the pandemic have helped accelerate a change in fathers? roles as carers, yet it has also led to other negative impacts, particularly for parents who do not live with their children, or fathers of newborn babies. ?The caregiving on children is over-focused on women and mothers and there are greater benefits to be reaped from fathers playing a greater role. ? ",",and%20responding%20to%20domestic%2C%20sexual%20and%20gender-based%20violence. ",National,,2021,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,No,,Yes,No,No,No,"CDI was established to design, deliver and evaluate a suite of services aimed at improving outcomes for children and families. Following significant consultation with those living and working in the community, areas for improvement were agreed, interventions developed utilising research and best practice, and independent evaluation teams commissioned. ", ,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,No,No,No,Yes,No,,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,,Online webinar. Information in the organisation?s website Ireland,IE09,Laptop Loan Scheme- North East West Kerry Development,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,"A diverse range of marginalised groups presented as being digitally excluded. For example, asylum seekers and refugees; low income families with 3 or more school going children; students with disabilities; third level students under financial stress.","Socio-economic, disability, age, race and ethnicity",No," ",Yes,"Initiative is a reaction to mobility restrictions imposed in response to the Covid-19 pandemic and the closure of schools. As all major activity migrated online during lockdown, North East West Kerry Development was contacted by people asking where they could access a laptop as they or their children needed use of one for school or college work. Many families were under pressure to support students with their homework often in houses where there were a number of children and a lack of suitable areas and conditions for study. The lack of a digital device was adding to this stress and proving to be a barrier for some students. Hence this societal initiative was set in place to support vulnerable groups who are digitally excluded. For this groups of people, government?s lockdown restrictions pushed them futher into isolation, stress, and educational disadvantage.",Designed in response to Covid-related issues,"As all major activity migrated online during the lockdown, North East Kerry Development was contacted by people asking where they could access a laptop as they or their children needed use of one for school or college work. Many families were under pressure to support students with their homework often in houses where there were a number of children and a lack of suitable areas and conditions for study. The lack of a digital device was adding to this stress and proving to be a barrier for some students. One example that illustrates the context of this initiative is the following represented by the following referral: ?I am a family support worker with x Project. I have contacted you about the possibility of securing a laptop for an adolescent I am currently working with. The family are living in homeless accommodation, single mother with 6 children. They are currently experiencing hardship in the form of financial difficulties, shortage of food and lack of any technology for the children to access learning materials. They currently only have a TV, not connected, and can only play DVDs.? The domain was represented as ?marginalised groups in situation of digital exclusion?. The activities involved in this initiative are described as follows: ?North East West Kerry Development purchased a number of laptops, devised a service user agreement and started loaning out laptops. Unfortunately the demand outstripped the supply and therefore we approached Tralee Chamber of Commerce to see if their companies would like to donate to the scheme. The chamber agreed and we advertised the scheme and over the next few weeks received a number of laptops which enabled us to loan them out across a number of different target groups with a variety of needs.? Donated laptops were ?cleaned? for GDPR purposes and in cases where there were upgrades needed these were provided. Chamber member ?the Tech Company? offered to do this work for free except for the cost of any new parts. The biggest challenge was that demand outstripped supply and North East Kerry Development has to create a waiting list. Funding for the laptops which were purchased in the first instance was provided by the Social Inclusion & Community Activation Programme (SICAP) initiative during Covid. SICAP works to tackle disadvantage in communities across Ireland. The programme has supported community groups as they work within their communities throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Local Development Companies (such as the North East West Kerry Development) deliver SICAP on behalf of the Department of Rural and Community Develpment. The main achievements were: ?Overall 20 people were supported with Laptops over period April ?June ?The scheme enabled children to undertake their schoolwork during lockdown ?The ability of students to engage in their school work helped to reduce one stressor in the family home when families where facing multiple challenges ?The scheme enabled third level students to complete assignments, some of whom would have had to re-sit otherwise ?Enabled 2 children with disabilities to keep contact with friends",,Regional,North East West Kerry County Council,2020,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,Yes,,Yes,Yes,No,No,"North, East & West Kerry Development is one of 53 local development companies in Ireland. Its main objective is to promote, support, assist & engage in: Social development; Enterprise development; Community development. It is a non-profit organisation with government funding. The Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme (SICAP) 2018 ? 2022 provides funding to tackle poverty and social exclusion through local engagement and partnerships between disadvantaged individuals, community organisations and public sector agencies. SICAP is co-funded by the Government of Ireland and the European Social Fund as part of the Programme for Employability, Inclusion and Learning 2014-2020. SICAP addresses high and persistent levels of deprivation through targeted and innovative, locally-led approaches. It supports disadvantaged communities and individuals including unemployed people, people living in deprived areas, people with disabilities, single parent families, people on a low income, members of the Traveller and Roma community and other disadvantaged groups. "," ",Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Donations,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,,Avertised in social media. / Ireland,IE10,Citizen?s Assembly on Gender Equality,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,"Women in general, with intersectionality of class, age and ethnicity also considered in some way",Gender inequality in Irish society,Yes,Specifically to Article 40.2 of the Constitution that specifies that women?s place is in the home,No,,"Not explicitly designed to address covid-related issues. However, in the course of the work of this Assembly of 99 ordinary people and Chairperson, the Covid context brought the issues of domestic violence, the gender pay gap, and care much more to the fore than initially expected.","The initiative was a government response to an earlier attempt it made to get agreement to holding a referendum to delete Article 40.2 from the Irish Constitution. This attempt failed due to resistance from both progressive women?s groups and traditional ?family values? organisations ? with different reasons behind their opposition to the government proposal. The government then decided to address the issue through a Citizens? Assembly ? a deliberative forum of 100 randomly selected citizens. Two previous Assemblies had led to the holding of constitutional referendums that introducted progressive change ? legalising same-sex marriage (2015) and legalising abortion (2018). The specific domains were addressed in the Terms of Reference contained in the parliamentary Resolution, as follows: ?To consider gender equality and make recommendations to the Oireachtas [parliament] to advance gender equality by bringing forward proposals to: Challenge the remaining barriers and social norms and attitudes that facilitate gender discrimination towards girls and boys, women and men; Identify and dismantle economic and salary norms that result in gender inequalities, and reassess the economic value placed on work traditionally held by women; In particular, seek to ensure women?s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decisionmaking in the workplace, politics and public life; Recognise the importance of early years parental care and seek to facilitate work-life balance; Examine the social responsibility of care, and women?s and men?s co-responsibility for care, especially within the family; Scrutinise the structural pay inequalities that result in women being disproportionately represented in low pay sectors? The main actors involved were 1. The government; 2. The Parliament (where a Resolution was passed setting up the Citizens? Assembly and providing for its terms of reference); 3. The chairperson of the Assembly, Dr Catherine Day (former Secretary General of the European Commission); 4. the Secretariat provided from the civil service to support the work of the Assembly (both Chair and Secretariat were independent of government), 5. the 99 randomly-selected citizens. The activities involved a deliberation ? in plenary and small groups ? over a number of weekends in which the Citizens, having informed themselves of the issues via readings, expert speaker presentations, and real-life stories ? considered the information and came to a consensus view on its advice regarding the policy direction for the government to pursue. Obstacle ? mainly the advent of the Covid pandemic that required a pivot to on-line weekend sessions. This change brought challenges such as access to, and skill in using, technology; the lack of informal interaction between the Citizens. Achievement ? A Report to Government in April 2021 containing 45 agreed recommendations (over 90% agreement on the majority of them) that are now being considered by government. An independent research team conducted an evaluation of the process and submitted their report to government in July 2021. While this deliberative process was instigated by government, there are examples in other countries of similar civic deliberative meetings considering important issues for that polity. So, there is transferability that does not have to rely on official sanction and funding. ",,National,,Jan-20,Long-term,No,"April 2021 ? which was much later than anticipated originally, as the Covid pandemic ended face-to-face meetings and it took time to set up the online arrangements. Initially the Assembly was to report before end of 2020.",No,No,No,Yes,99 randomly selected citizens plus Chairperson,,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,,No,No,No,Yes,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,"Policy advice to government, eg creation of a system of funded childcare","Report to government (target group), web and social media, and broadcast media (interviews and videos)" Iceland,IS01,Iceland Family Aid?s food packages,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,People in poverty,"Class inequality, that intersects with gender and ability",No,,Yes,"Yes, the government?s policies did not respond sufficiently to those that had to rely on foodbanks pre covid (the unemployed, people on low salaries, people on disability pensions, the elderly) and that they would still need those services during the pandemic. Neither did the government?s policies take into account that increase number of people needed to rely on those services because of e.g. unemployement.","Continuation of an initiative that already existed, but adapted to the sitatuation during the pandemic.","The Iceland Family Aid had to cancel their regular food distribution in the beginning of the pandemic in March 2020. However, in order to continue the food aid volunteers at the NGO organised food packages to be delivered to those in need. People had to register online in order to receive a package. The main domain is human and fundamental rights, as this inititative is about people access to food and therefore poverty and health. This intersects with the domain of gender pay and pension gaps, as women are more likely to be under the poverty line during and after their participation of the labour market. Women are also in majority of disability pensioners, and the pension is very low. It also intersects with work and labour market, because of the rise of unemployment in Covid and people seeking food aid rose substancially. The target group are poor people. So class, intersecting with gender, ethnicity, race, age, dis/ability is of importance. The Iceland Family Aid achieved aiding a lot of people during the pandemic. The obstacles encountered is that they could not aid all the people that were in need. There is no processes of monitoring and evaluation of the initiative nor the IFA in general. However, there have been regular accusations (that have been confirmed in the media) of the organisation discriminating on the grounds of nationality and religion. In December 2020 W.O.M.E.N in Iceland (Women of multicultural ethnicity network in Iceland) called up on the City of ReykjavĄk to conduct an investigation and to withdraw thei fuding if discrimination is at work. This has not been done to my knowledge. I do not see any potential limitations for the transferability of this initiative. However, this initiative should not intensify the discrimination and inequalities people already have to face.",,Regional,The ReykjavĄk Capital Area and Sudurnes Area,Mar-20,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,No,"Not sure, the Covid situation has been quite good in Iceland for the past months. The services is now back to normal, people register beforehand and then pick up their food package at a certain location ( do not get it delivered).",Yes,No,No,No,"Icelandic Family Aid assist poor people (people have to hand in a copy of their tax return to get assistance) with food, medicine, haircuts, clothing, infant products and toys. Founded by five women in 2013. ",,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Funding and products from businesses. IFA sell candles for fundraising purposes.,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,,Social media and web. Iceland,IS02,Summergathering,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,People that have been socially isolated,"Class, that intersects with gender, age, nationality, dis/ability",No,,No,,Explicitly designed in response to covid-19,"The ?summergathering? was running for eight weeks in the summer 2020. The summergathering was a caf‚ where people could come in for a coffee and snack without having to pay, and enjoy the company of other people. The projected was organised by the grassroot organisation Pepp ?sland (People experiencing poverty), run by volunteers and funded by the City of ReykjavĄk. The aim of the project was to break social isolation in relation to Covid-19. So the target groups are the socially isolated, but more specifically because of poverty. As quoted on the ReykjavĄk?s webpage: ?many marginalized groups have been heavily affected, especially those who are socially and financially vulnerable?. At the caf‚ they had a ?give away table? with products (such as food, clothes and toys) given by businesses where people could take what they needed. Domains: This initiative is directed towards the poor, women are more likely to be under poverty lines during and after their participation at the labour market, and are more likely to be disability pensioners (gender pay and pension gap). The objective is to break social isolation, which is a mental health issue (human and fundamental rights). Achievments: It seems to have been very successful initiative. According to a news article on July 19th 2020 around 70 people visit the caf‚ daily. It reached well to people that are on disability benefits and asylum seekers ( No obstacles observed. No potential limitations of transferability."," ",Municipal,City of ReykjavĄk (the capital),29-Jun-20,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,No,21-Aug-20,Yes,No,No,No,"PeP Iceland (Pepp ?sland) is a grassroot organization inside a bigger network, the EAPN, who fight poverty and social exclusion, both at the European level, as well as locally in each member country.",,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Funding and material donations from businesses,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,,"Social media, media" Iceland,IS03,Coping during COVID-19,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,"People experiencing social isolation, stress and mental health problems","Age, nationality",No,,,,Explicitly to response to covid-related issues,"The Red Cross published advises on how to cope during Covid-19. The aim is to encourage people to think about their mental and physical health and the people around them, specifically the elderly and children, hence it intervenes with the doimain of human and fundamental rights. The advices were published in three languages: English, Icelandic and Spanish. ",,National,,17-Mar-20,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,The Icelandic Red Cross,,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,Web and social media. I think these advices also were advertised in the media. Iceland,IS04,Konukot shelter for homeless women,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Homeless women,"Gender, class, health",Yes,"This initiative is in line with the government?s policy to increase support to homeless people in Covid-19. The initiative, as well as other initiatives for homeless people, received additional funding from the government and the city of ReykjavĄk (the capital).",No,,Continuation and adjustment of an initiative that already existed,"The Konukot emergency shelter, which was part of the Red Cross and later taken over by Rĸtin (eng. The Root- Association for women?s welfare), is designed to meet to basic housing, hygiene and food needs of women. The shelter is usually open from 17:00 to 10:00. However, at the height of the pandemic the shelter was kept open 24 hours as an emergency measure to enable women without a home to stay indoors as part of the containment mesures. ",,Regional,The capital area,Apr-20,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,No,"Not sure, but eight homeless women issued a statement protesting the planned closure in August 2020 ( However, according to Konukot?s website it has returned to its previous opening hours. ",Yes,No,No,No,"Konukot is an emergency shelter for homeless women in ReykjavĄk, runned by Rĸtin (previously the Red Cross) in line with a service agreement with the City of ReykjavĄk. Rĸtin is an organisations that has the objective of promoting ""public discussion on issues relating to women, addiction, mental health, trauma and violence, and to back up˙programs aimed specifically at the treatment of women with addiction related problems?. ",,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,Health inequalities,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,,"I am not sure, probably word of mouth and social services." Iceland,IS05,Red Cross Helpline 1717 ,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,"People in need due to stress, violence, distress or other causes",,Yes,The initiative received additional funding from the government as part of the economic response packages. ,No,,Strenghtening of an initiative that had already existed.,"To respond to the (potential) negative impact of the pandemic and containment measures on people?s mental health the Red Cross?s Helpline and online chat were strengthened. It responed to the inequality domain of human and fundamental rights, especially health. It was specifically promoted in the pandemic by the Red Cross and the national government and governmental organisations. All people can contact the helpline via phone or online chat, but during Covid they specifically targeted people experiencing stress and distress due to Covid-19. The services were made available in English and in Polish. ","",National,,Mar-20,,,,Yes,No,No,No,The Icelandic Red Cross,,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,Health,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,,"Advertisement in the media, web and social media, it was also promoted on the government?s Covid website ( and at the daily press conferences. " Iceland,IS06,Mental health during COVID-19,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,People with mental health problems,Health inequalities,Yes,The containment policies,No,,Explicitly designed in response to Covid-related issues,"To respond to the potential negative impact of the pandemic and the containment measures on people?s live the NGO Ge?hj lp (transl: Mental-help) published information sheet on how people could take care of theirr mental health during Covid-19. This measure mitigate inequalities on the domain of human and fundamental rights, especially health inequalities. The information sheet was targeted to the general public and included tips on the following: search for information from public authorities; reduce media use; think about your own well-being and health; stay in touch with other and support people around you; hold on to hope and think positively; get to know your feelings and acknowledge them; talk to children about the Covid-19 pandemic; and seek professional support. ",,National,,n/a,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,"Ge?hj lp is ?an association of 3,000 associations, users, relatives, professionals and people interested in improving the well-being of people with mental disorders and mental disabilities in society. The organization works to improve services, protect rights and combat prejudice through advocacy, counseling, information and knowledge sharing.?",,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,No,Yes,No,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,Web and social media Iceland,IS07,Mĸ?urm l ? mother tongue instruction during Covid-19,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,Plurilingual children,Nationality,Yes,Received additional funding from the government?s economic packages as a measure to support children of foreign origin,,,"Yes, but the assosciation Mĸ?urm l had previous been offering their services to plurilingual children, but differently","Mĸ?urm l, the association on biolingualism, had to adapt its support to plurilingual children because of the Government?s containment policies. During the restriction the association offered their students distance leraning in their mother tongue and individual assistance with homework. This initiative intervenes with the inequality domains of human and fundamental rights, namely the right to education. Moreover it has positive impact on the domain of the gendered care gap. The gender care gap intensified during the pandemic. The care load was extreme for many non-icelandic speacking women, as they had to support their children with their education in a language that they do not speak fluently. This initiative met to some extent their needs and the needs of their children. I think this is a great initiative to mitigate previously mentioned gender+ inequalities, and making it online mitigates the inequalities related to residence. No limitations observed for transferability to other national contexts.",,Regional,Mĸ?urm l is active in the capital area. It however is unclear if the Covid related services also applied for children in different parts of the country.,"April 2020 ",Just for the Covid-19 emergency,No,"Not sure, it was only supposed to be active when the schools were restricted.",Yes,No,No,No,"Mĸ?urm l is the bilingual association, they offer mother tounge teaching and homework assistance to multilingual children in ReykjavĄk.",,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,,No,No,No,Yes,No,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Education to children of foreign origin,"Schools, municipalities, word of mouth" Iceland,IS08,Group to assist people in risk groups,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,"Risk groups, such as people in with underlying diseases ",Health,Yes,The containment policies,,,Explicitly designed to respond to covid-related issue,"Because of the pandemic people in risk groups, such as underlying diseases, were restricted to their homes. In order to help those people someone made a facebook group called ?Let?s help people in risk groups (corona/Covid-19)?. The objective of the group was to provide space for people to offer their help to people in risk groups, by e.g. going grociery shopping for them. Around 3,000 people are in the group. The initiative intervenies with the inequality domain of fundamental and human rights, especially health inequalities. The actors involved seem to be people from the general public, and not organisation seems to be behind the initiative. The target group are people in risk groups that are in need of assistance due to the pandemic.",,,,March 14 2020,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,,,No,Yes,No,No,,,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,No,No,Yes,No,No,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,,Facebook Italy,IT01,Anti-violence centres and shelter homes during the pandemic,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,"The target group of this initiative consists of women victims of violence, women who have started a pathway out of violence and are in contact with Anti-Violence Centres, women and their children hosted in shelters belonging to the network Di.Re - Women in networks against violence, one of the largest and most important networks existing in Italy on this issue.","The concern was that, given the measures established by the government on 5 March 2020 with the lockdown, it would not be possible to guarantee continuity of services and support for women victims of violence and those in shelters, as well as the possibility to intervene in emergency situations. Most violence takes place in the home. The lock-down forced everyone to stay at home and this represented a risk. ",Yes,"Law 77/2013, in ratifying the Istanbul Convention against gender-based violence, lays down guidelines to combat gender discrimination, acts of violence and abuse suffered by women, not only for the repression of the phenomenon, but also for its prevention. Law 173/2019 - known as the 'Anti-Violence Code Red' has introduced the crime of revenge porn, further tightening the penalties for perpetrators of violence against women and stalking. Central elements of the protection system are counselling centres, anti-violence centres and the helpline 1522. Anti-violence centres and shelters, although run by civil society associations, are an integral part of the system to protect and combat violence against women. The anti-violence centres participate and collaborate in the management of the 1522 helpline.",No,,"Anti-violence centres and shelter homes were already in place. The Anti-Violence Centres of the D.i.Re network were obliged to re-organize themselves to respond to the COVID-19 emergency and to the provisions issued by the Government with the establishment of the lockdown (March 5, 2020) at national level, so as not to leave alone women who have suffered violence and to continue to guarantee protection of women and the safety of guests of shelters and operators. At the mid of March 2020, the Network Di.Re. took a picture of the situation of Anti-Violence Centres and Home Shelters. ","Rationale The objective of the measures adopted by the Di.Re network Centres and Shelters is to respect the measures to counter the spread of the pandemic (use of masks, social distancing, hand hygiene, etc.) and to continue to guarantee as much as possible the mission of prevention and support to women victims of violence. Domain representation The measures undertaken concern both the area of violence against women and the right to health protection (avoiding contagion of women who access to centres or live in shelters and those who work there - operators and volunteers). Main activities Anti-violence centres and shelters have: - Strongly reduced face-to-face activities (meetings with women, team meetings, etc.). - equipped the centres and staff with masks and hygienic products for hands and premises - guaranteed support and assistance (psychological, legal, etc.) to women by phone, email, chat, taking care to guarantee the safety of the interviews and anonymity - collaborated with the 1522 helpline - guaranteed availability for emergencies - new admissions to shelters were generally suspended (until 3 April 2020, then extended until 3 May), except in cases of emergency - ensured the daily life of the people hosted in the shelters, ensuring food and basic necessities (including masks and hygiene products), ensuring the respect of social distancing, reducing the presence of the operators, blocking the activities and contacts of the hosted women with the outside; reorganised the internal activities of the shelters. - suspended other activities carried out by the organisations - collaborated in awareness-raising campaigns against gender-based violence. On March 21, 2020, a circular letter of the Ministry of Interior authorised Prefectures to requisition accommodation and facilities to host women victims of violence, who could not access shelters. In fact, this circular is not widely applied. Only one third of prefectures took action to find alternative accommodation where women could be quarantined. Actors involved The actors involved were, in addition to the Di.Re network organisations and the structures they manage: social services, law enforcement agencies, courts, prefectures, local authorities and other civil society actors present in the territory. Target group The target groups of the measures were: women at risk of violence, women coming out of violence, women and their children hosted in shelters; operators and volunteers. Achievements and obstacles In 2020, there was a 71% increase in the number of women followed by Di.Re network workers compared to 2019. Anti-violence centres and shelters guaranteed the continuity of the services offered. Due to the low level of activation of the Prefectures, the Network's organisations asked for help from other actors on the territory. The centres and shelters used their own resources to meet expenses. To support Anti-violence centers and shelters, the Department of Equal Opportunity and Family Affairs made a call to provide covid compliance funds, which opened between April and July 2020. As of early March 2021, only some of the facilities had received funding. Monitoring and evalutation Forms of monitoring and evaluation were carried out by the Di.Re Network. Potential limitation to transferability These were emergency measures, some of which continued to be used through 2020 and 2021.",,National,,"The initiative started just the days after the extablishment of lockdown measure by the Government, in March 2020",Just for the Covid-19 emergency,No,The most stringent measures remained in place for April and May; others remained in place throughout 2020 and part of 2021 (particularly in red zones).,No,No,No,Yes,"The promoter is the National Network DiRe ? Donne in rete contro la violenza. The Network is composed by 82 different organisations, that manage 103 Anti-Violence Centres, 52 Home shelters. The Network in a yeas was contacted by 20,342 women and involves 2407 activists. The Di.Re. network carries out several projects to raise awareness on gender-based violence, to educate children and young people against gender-based violence, and to help women in shelters to become independent, etc.. ",,,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,,"The means of communication used were mainly telephone, email, Skype meetings; social media to spread the contact details and numbers to call in case of emergency and to raise funds." Italy,IT02,Anti-crisis Fund of CARITAS Roma,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,"The targets of the Anti-Crisis Fund were families in economic difficulty (Italian families, immigrant families, single-parent families, the elderly, etc.). In general, the activities of Caritas Roma are addressed to people living in poverty or in difficulty, whether they are Italian, immigrants, homeless, elderly, families, etc. ","In the city of Rome there was already in 2019 a sharp worsening of the conditions of socio-economic precariousness suffered by a growing number of people and families. With the pandemic, this situation has become more pronounced. The difficulties concerned not only the need for food or access to canteens, but also the impossibility of being able to meet unexpected expenses or those related to housing (mortgage, rent, utilities). Another problem is that of housing deprivation (unsafe or precarious housing, with poor hygienic conditions, or on the street).",Yes,"Starting in March 2020, the Government has defined a series of measures and interventions to support families and people in poverty (for example, those contained in Decree-Law 18/2020). However, the time required to implement these measures and the situation in the country have prompted third sector associations (such as Caritas italiana) and groups of citizens to organize themselves and take action (fundraising, suspended spending, canteens, delivery of food parcels, etc.). At the end of 2019, the Budget Law 2020 had included among the forms of support for families with low incomes for the payment of rents and utilities. This rule, then allowed regions (such as the Lazio Region or the Molise Region) in April 2020 to activate calls for support for the payment of bills and utilities. In 2021, rent and utility expenses were included in the 2021 spending voucher. Also in this case, the implementation times of the calls too long compared to the situations of the families led Caritas Roma to activate the Anti-Crisis Fund in April 2020.",Yes,Partially: the anti-crisis Fondo intervened pending implementation of the rent bonus of the municipalities.,"The Fund was developed explicitly to address the needs produced by the pandemic. With the pandemic, the number of families in difficulty has increased. Traditional activities such as canteens and solidarity emporiums have been adapted to the new situation and further expanded. There were 7,476 people who turned for the first time to the Listening Centers of the parish Caritas during the first nine months of 2020. These are in addition to the 40,607 that the parishes had already taken charge of over the years (of which 21,1603 followed with continuity). In 48.7% of cases, the new people (7,476) were Italian, followed by Filipino (16.3%), Peruvians (4.9%), Romanians (4.7%) and 97 other nationalities. In 64.4% of cases, the family representative crossing the threshold of the Listening Center for the first time is a woman. 54% of new enrollees are under the age of 45, while those over 65 are 14.7%. Thanks to the Fondazione Roma, Caritas Roma was also able to distribute shopping vouchers to families who requested them.","Rationale and context The BES 20201 index for the city of Rome indicates an increase in material deprivation: 9.4% of the Roman population finds itself in difficulty due to the impossibility of being able to meet sudden expenses or those linked to housing (mortgages, leases, condominium expenses, utility bills). To deal with these difficulties, in addition to canteens, solidarity emporium, the provision of shopping vouchers (obtained through the Fondazione Roma), Caritas Roma has activated the Fund Jesus the Divine Worker (at the urging of Pope Francis and with the involvement of various funding agencies) to provide economic support to families and an accompaniment to the autonomy of people, and the Anti-Crisis Fund, to provide economic support to families for expenses related to rent and utilities or emergency situations. Domain representation This is an initiative to support families in an emergency situation, to prevent problems related to rent or utility payments from worsening the family's condition. Main activities During the period of the Covid-19 emergency, the parishes have tried to respond to the need to support families unable to meet basic needs and unavoidable expenses due to the loss of jobs and a marked decrease in income. Parishes soon became the point of reference for families and individuals. The tight and pressing contingency did not allow to activate other solutions if not that of the request for monetary help to the parish communities and to the parish priests. The number of situations of serious and urgent need has grown at a very fast pace, leading to the collapse of the response capacity of the parishes. The Caritas Roma has taken action and organized a system of access to a special Anti-Crisis Fund for the Covid-19 emergency that sees the collaboration between the parishes (which report the family and the type of expense to be supported) and the diocesan Caritas (which manages the process of evaluation and processing of the application, providing for the disbursement of the contribution). The Anti-Crisis Fund was launched at the end of April 2020. After about two months of activity, the Fund itself has been reshaped in relation to the type of expenses that can be managed with the Fund, limiting the use of the only to the payment of expenses linked, prevalently, to housing. As of June 30, 2020, 62 parishes were involved, 310 applications were submitted, 271 aids disbursed, for a total of 90,000 euros (maximum amount of 500 euros per household). From July to September 2020, 74 parishes activated, 245 applications were submitted, 218 aids were disbursed (of which 145 66.5% were submitted by women), for a total of 85,021.16 euro. In the second phase of the Fund, some criteria were established: 5 requests maximum per month per parish and are to be considered ""one-time""; requests can only be presented by the referents of the Listening Centers; for the beneficiaries that the need for the request is caused by the emergency of the pandemic and that the maximum limit of the amount is 500 euro per beneficiary. As of September 30, the total number of aid interventions disbursed was 489 for an amount of an amount of 175,021.16 euro; from April to December 2020, 786 aids were distributed to individuals or families for a total of 300,000 euro. At the same time, between March and September 2020, the three diocesan canteens of Caritas of Rome distributed 238,246 meals (with an increase of 28.7% in activities); 4621 families received food parcels and shopping vouchers; 2258 families had access to the solidarity emporiums. Actor involved The actors involved were: the parish, the parish Listening Centers (which played a central role), the Caritas Roma at the central level, the parishes, other civil society organizations present on the territory, businesses, the Municipality of Rome, the Lazio Region, and volunteers. Target groups The target group consists of those families with low incomes further impoverished by the pandemic. Achievements and obstacles The Fund has proved to be a fast, agile tool, characterized by short waiting times between request and disbursement, on the other hand, these very strengths have, in some cases, proved to be unsuitable for an effective takeover of the beneficiary. On the other hand, this aspect is one of the elements of the Fondo Ges— Divino Lavoratore (Jesus Divine Worker Fund), which provides disbursements for a maximum of 3/5 months and a path of accompaniment to work. The Anti-Crisis Fund has made it possible to intercept families in difficulty and to channel them towards other support initiatives implemented by Caritas. Monitoring and evaluation Monitoring and evaluation activities are carried out directly by Caritas Diocesana. Potential limitation to transferability The project is based on the role of the Parish Listening Centers and their knowledge of the territory and the people. ",,Municipal,Municipality of Rome,The fund started in April 2020.,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,Yes,,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,"The Caritas Roma, through its Listening Centers in the parishes and its diocesan structures (canteens, hostel for the poor, solidarity emporiums) provides support and assistance to individuals and families in difficulty. Caritas Roma has also promoted and activated two special initiatives: the Jesus Divine Worker Fund and the Anti-Crisis Fund. The Jesus Divine Worker Fund was established at the behest of Pope Francis for providing material support and a path to accompanying individuals and families to work through the creation of ?Alleanza per Roma? (with funds from Pope Francis, the Vatican, the Diocesi of Rome, the City of Rome, the Lazio Region, CSOs, and private individuals), and the Anti-Crisis Fund. The Anti-Crisis Fund is a measure promoted by the Caritas Roma to provide economic support to disadvantaged families in Rome affected by the pandemic with regard to expenses related to rent, utilities and mortgage.",,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,,"By parrish, by Listening Centres of the parrish, by the volunteers, etc. " Italy,IT03,Summer-Centre 2020 in Rome,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,The target group is families with children (from to 12 years old) in Rome.,"The summer centre aims to promote socialising and play for the children and young people who attended, after a period of several months in which the activities for children and adolescents in presence could not take place, and to encourage the work of parents and especially mothers.",Yes,"The lockdown measures established in Italy at the beginning of March had been modified over time on the basis of pandemic trends. Children and young people were among the last to be allowed to go outdoors, even accompanied by their parents. Several parents were sanctioned or publicly disapproved of letting their children out. In this situation, it seemed that it would not be possible to set up summer centres and that such initiatives would be particularly dangerous. In reality, the summer centres played an important test function in view of the opening of schools in September. The government has provided technical guidance for the prevention of infection in the implementation of summer centres. Traditionally, summer centres start immediately after 10 June after the end of primary school. The delay in issuing guidelines and organisational difficulties have reduced the number of summer centres organised. The promotion of summer centres has been at the centre of public debate and action by civil society organisations. This summer centre was set up on the basis of the Guidelines for summer centres and recreational activities of the Department for Family Policies, Annex no. 8 to the Prime Ministerial Decree of 17 May 2020. ",No,,The way the summer centre was implemented was adapted to the new context of the pandemic and in accordance with governmental guidelines.,"Rationale and context Children and young people were severely penalised during the first lockdown, both by the closure of schools and sports and recreational activities, and by the closure of parks and gardens (some of which were reopened much later than the end of the first wave), and finally by the national governmental and mayoral indications regarding permitted travel (very restrictive with respect to going out with one's children). The mobilisation of civil society as well as intellectuals has highlighted the need to allow children to go outdoors. After extensive consultation with the Scientific Technical Committee, the go-ahead was given for the organisation of summer centres, provided they comply with the guidelines for summer centres and recreational activities issued by the Department for Equal Opportunities on 17 May 2020. Given the short notice, not all summer centres could be implemented. Several municipalities, which used to organise summer centres, did not do so, and delegated to the private or third sector. This has led to a confusing situation with the adoption of different criteria in different territories. There are different choices regarding access criteria and exemption thresholds for fragile families (based for example on the ISEE of the previous year, that does not reflect the family's current economic situation) For the payment of enrolment fees for summer centres, it is possible, on the basis of certain criteria, to use government bonuses as an alternative to parental leave and if you do not benefit from other measures (as stated before, (for families below a certain income level participation in the summer centre is free of charge). There were very few cases of infection during the summer centres. Domain representation The summer centre was presented as an opportunity for children and young people to have fun in safety, in the open air, in contact with the animals of Rome's Bio Park. The main domain is therefore humand rights (besides gendercare gap). Main activities The summer centre ran for 5 weeks, from 6 July to 7 August, Monday to Friday, from 8.30/9.00 until 16.00/16.30. The children were divided into micro-groups with an animator/children ratio of 1 adult for every 5 children for preschool age; 1 adult for every 7 children for primary school age; for disabled children the ratio will be 1 to 1 with their own operator. The groups are autonomous and have a dedicated operator. The activities take place outdoors. The groups are called islands. The Summer Centre of Il Flauto Magico has chosen the theme of islands. Every week of the summer centre activities were carried out using various languages about the environment, animals and island life. The island theme was also chosen to explain social distancing. On the basis of the activities carried out during each week, a descriptive dossier was prepared on the islands (Madagascar, Iceland, Atlantis, Japan, Malaysia). The cost is 160 euros per child. Lunch is packed. In addition to social distancing and sanitation, because of covid-19, self-declaration of the children's health status has been asked, temperature control at the entrance, obligation to wear a mask, frequent hand washing at each change of activity and before lunch, information activities on Covid-19 prevention; provision of disinfectant gel. Actors involved The actors were: the Fondazione Bioparco di Roma, the Associazione il Flauto magico and its volunteers, the Municipio I and II of Rome, some schools in Rome. Targets The target group was families with children from 4 to 12 years old, including children with disabilities. This summer centre could be paid for by the families through government bonuses. The Municipality I made funds available to guarantee the use of the Municipality's summer centres to disadvantaged families; Municipality II, 50 euro for each family. Achievements and obstacles The fact that it was possible to set up the summer centre to the satisfaction of the children and parents was a major achievement. The greatest difficulty was being able to adapt the planning and implementation of activities to the provisions of the government guidelines in a very short time. Possible limitation to transferability The summer centre is very much influenced by the characteristics of the physical place where it takes place and the creative skills of the proposing organisation, in this case Il Flauto magico. ",,Municipal,Rome,TThe first week of the summer centre took place from 6 to 10 July 2020.,Long-term,Yes,,No,No,No,Yes,"Il Flauto Magico is an organisation with about 20 years of history. They plan and realise recreational activities for children and parents, teachers, educators, entertainers, mainly in Rome but also all over Lazio. They are convinced that play is the best way to discover the world around us in all its aspects, nature, art, science, cultures. They organise activities in schools, children's parties and summer centres. During the pandemic they carried out several activities for children, from animated reading to creative activities to do at home. Every year the Magic Flute participates in calls for tenders for the organisation of summer centres. This year the Magic Flute is organising two summer centres, at Villa Talenti Sport and Nature and at the Bioparco in Rome.",,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Child care support,"Activities are mainly disseminated through the website, social media, ecc." Italy,IT04,Mutual aid groups and other parenting support initiatives of the CARE Network for adoptive and foster parents,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,These are initiatives organised by various adoptive and foster family associations of the CARE Coordination Network to support the parenting of adoptive and foster parents and couples preparing for adoption and foster care.,"Adoptive parents sometimes experience difficulties and problems in their relationships with their children, either specific (for example, while waiting for the adoption, during the first period of arrival of the child in the family or on the issue of the search for their origins) or common to all parents (during adolescence or in their relationship with the school). Foster families may also experience difficulties in their relationship with the children and young people entrusted to them, whose histories are often complicated, or in their relationship with their families of origin. Both may need not only support from operators and psychotherapists, but also the closeness of other parents who are going through the same experience as them. The experience of loneliness experienced by all Italian families during the pandemic made it more difficult particularly for adoptive and foster parents.",No,,No,,"The CARE Coordination Netword has made available to families, both within and outside its network, a number of online support tools, through the production of a series of themed videos, dedicated to the relationship with the school (emergency kit), on play (GioCARE) or for discussion with experts and institutional interlocutors (ComuniCARE). In addition, the family associations belonging to the CARE Coordination network have adapted their activities to the new context in order to meet the needs of their families (e.g. by carrying out online discussion activities and mutual aid groups) or by promoting the implementation of new initiatives (helpline, emergency lines, etc.).","Rationale and context of the initiative From 2000 to 2019 in Italy, 51,335 children and youth were adopted through international adoption, 19,347 through legitimate domestic adoption, and 12,422 through special case adoption. These are children and young people who have had complicated histories, who may have suffered trauma, maltreatment, abuses, neglect or have particular pathologies or disabilities. They may be adopted when they are already over 7 or 8 years old, or together with their siblings. Some of them show attention and behavior disorders related to past history, others have learning disabilities (DSA). With adoption, the family history and that of the child being adopted must be integrated and emotional bonds must be created over time. In Italy, there were 12,892 children and youth in foster homes or residential facilities in 2017; there were 14,219 children and youth in family foster care on the same date (48% of whom were placed with relatives). 5.1% of children in foster care are disabled. Foster care should be on a time basis (2 years) and carried out on the basis of a foster care project, in order to allow the family of origin to recover its competencies. In reality, the majority of foster placements last beyond two years. In the case of adoption, there is a one-year follow-up of the child's entry into the family by the social services. For some time now, associations dealing with adoption and foster care have been stressing the need for more support, which, due to lack of is not forthcoming. During the pandemic and the ensuing lockdown, the juvenile courts (which decide on adoption and foster care) did only emergency cases; social services drastically reduced their activities. The closure of schools and educational activities has made the situation even more problematic. In this context, the family associations that were already carrying out initiatives to support the parenting of adoptive and foster families felt it was essential to find ways to ensure support for families in such a delicate phase. Main activities The CARE Coordination has provided a number of online resources since March 2020: - creation of short videos on playing games with their children (GioCARE) - realization of short videos on issues related to the relationship with the school and on the protection of the rights of children and young people with different stories (Emergency Kit) - Creation of interviews with experts on specific issues related to adoption and foster care with experts, professors, judges, pedagogists, psychologists and psychotherapists, etc. (ComuniCARE). Activities carried out by individual associations include: - realization of online mutual aid groups with operator addressed to adoptive families or families waiting to adopt (Parents become - meetings from April to June 2020 and from September to 2020 to June 2021, organized by the various local sections of the associations) - realization of online meetings open to parents preparing for adoption (various associations) - realization of mutual aid meetings on parenting (various associations, including Genitoriamo, Kairos, Genitoriche, Le radici e le ali, Insieme Famiglia, etc.) - daily/weekly online appointments with those who are there to talk, compare notes (Agape, Genitoriamo) - telephone line for emergencies (Kairos, MamaHappy, AFAP) - online meetings on adoption and foster care open to interested families (including the associations: Kairos, Genitoriamo, Genitori si diventa, Mama Happy, AFAP, Genitori di cuore, Le Radici e le ali, Genitoriamo). Actors involved Adoptive and foster care associations belonging to the CARE Coordination network; other family associations, civil society organizations; psychotherapists and practitioners; researchers and experts on adoption and foster care issues; primary and secondary school teachers; social services, juvenile courts, etc. Target groups Adoptive families, foster families, families, people interested in starting adoption and foster care pathways. Achievement and obstacles Being able to ensure, in different forms, support for parents during the pandemic. Among the obstacles: - many of the online support activities-such as mutual help groups-required participating parents to have a private space to participate in the meeting, a space that in some cases was difficult to find; - the importance of nonverbal language, which is lost with online meetings. Monitoring and evalutation Forms of monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness of what was done during the pandemic were carried out by the various associations. Evaluations were then shared within the CARE Coordination, during assemblies and meetings with the governing boards of the 33 participating associations. Potential limitations The activities are linked to the needs of families; it is necessary to have a group of interested families around which to define the type of organization; the availability of operators; the collaboration with a network of actors on the territory both public and third sector. ", and,National,,The different activities started already in March 2020. The activities had the following aims: to guarantee the continuity of support to foster and adoptive families; to provide spaces for discussion and dialogue on specific issues for family fostering and adoption and general ones (for example the school); to update families on important news concerning adoption and fostering.,Long-term,Yes,,No,No,No,Yes,"Coordinamento CARE is a Third Sector Organisation that supports and promotes family associations for adoption or foster care, supports adoptive and foster families and protects the rights of children in a state of abandonment or from families in difficulty. To achieve its objectives, CARE Coordination Network uses an approach based on the protection and promotion of human rights (HRBA - Human Rights Based Approach), in particular the principles enshrined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The main purpose of the CARE Coordination Netwok is, therefore, to support individuals, families and family associations, who have rights to exercise them. Moreover, the CARE Coordination monitors the respect of the rights of individuals, families and family associations, their promotion and responsibility in their implementation, with the aim of removing the causes that prevent their full enjoyment, according to the principle of non-discrimination and equity, participation and inclusion. The CARE Coordination network is a member of the CRC Group (Working Group for the Convention on the Rights of the Child); the National Fostering Table; the inter-associative table SaltaMuri - Educazione sconfinata per l'infanzia, i diritti, l'umanit…; Alleanza Infanzia.",,,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,,Activities are mainly communicated through the CARE Coordination network website and its social page; the websites of the different member family associations and their social pages; mailing lists. Italy,IT05,Two helplines for LGBT+ people,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,The two helplines are aimed at LGBT+ people. The two helplines also address those people in their process of defining their gender identity to provide support.,"LGBT+ people can be victims of homophobia, discrimination, loneliness and violence even within their own families, and loneliness. Furthermore, The LGBT+ community may be more affected by the pandemic and lockdown due to the temporary suspension of their transition pathway or the lack of direct exchange with other transgender and gender variant people.",No,,No,,"The two helplines were set up in response to the situation produced by the pandemic, also to meet the needs created by the forced interruption of support activities usually carried out in person (meetings, mutual aid groups, etc.).","Rationale and context LGBT+ people often experience discrimination and violence; the coming out process can also be made more difficult and painful by misunderstandings and hostility within the family. Similarly, the process of gender variance can be complicated by hostility and prejudice within the family and social context. In this context, having psychological support and the possibility of being able to confront other people who have lived or are living the same experience can be very important. Domain representation These initiatives are aimed at promoting the psychophysical well-being of LGBT+ people. Main Activities The helpline enables Trans* and Gender Variant people to make an appointment via email with the association's psychosocial team. The support is free of charge. The helpline is referred to as ""First Aid"". The Pianeta Milk helpline is active in the evening from Tuesday to Thursday via Skype. Pianeta Milk has also organised regular online meetings for LGBT young people and training courses for professionals on LGBT+ issues. Actors involved The organisations that promoted the two helplines are based in Veneto (Padua and Verona). They involve operators, other associations from the LGBT+ world. Telefono Amico LGBT is one of the initiatives promoted by Pianeta Milk Verona LGBT centre, involving Arcigay of Verona, LGBT+ Antiracists of Verona and other LGBT+ associations. Target groups The target group of the two helplines are LGBT+ people, people who are questioning their gender identity, and Gender Variant people in general. Achievement and obstacles There is no information available on this. Monitoring and evaluation Monitoring of the two helplines is carried out directly by the promoting organisations. Potential limitations The implementation of these initiatives depends on the availability of trained operators, on the presence of an available LGBT and Trans and Gender Variant community and on a network of supporting actors.",These are the two different links for the two helplines: Servizio di Telefono Amico Lgbt su Skype ? Pianeta Milk Arcigay Verona ? Lgbt*Center and Primo Soccorso Psicologico ? SatPink,National,,The two initiatives appear to have been in place since March 2020 for ensuring support and accompaniment for LGBT+ people. ,Long-term,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,"The Trans/Transgender Welcome Service SAT -, which has been operating since November 2011, was set up within the Circolo Pink in Verona with the aim of providing answers to the many needs of transgender and gender variant people. In 2015 it also opened a branch in Padua, at the arcigay Tralaltro. The SAT Pink operational group is made up of var* sportspeople, including some trans* people. The whole group is kept up-to-date with training sessions on trans* and LGBT+ issues. At SAT Pink it is possible to start the transition process thanks to the presence of professionals from the fields of psychology, medicine (endocrinology, gynaecology, andrology, etc.) and law. They also welcome people who need information on the subject or on the process, who are in questioning or who want to share the experiences of other trans* people. They organise social occasions, some open to the public, others reserved for trans* and gender variant people. PIANETA MILK Verona LGBT* Center (Arcigay Territorial Committee and Arci Club) is a centre of activities and services for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex and other communities in our city. It is a project born in 2009 to reunite the fragmented Veronese lgbt associations, first as MILK Lgbt Center from 2011 to 2017 and since October 2017 as PIANETA MILK Verona LGBT* Center, it offers a space, politics, culture, aggregation and services for the Veronese Lgbt* community, through its activists and volunteers and the various thematic groups.",This is the first link: SatPink ? Servizio Accoglienza Trans this is the second link: Servizio di Telefono Amico Lgbt su Skype ? Pianeta Milk Arcigay Verona ? Lgbt*Center,,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,,"The two helplines were publicised through the social media of the two organisations, their websites, word of mouth." Italy,IT06,Vademecum for COVID for homeless people,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,The measure is addressed at homeless people.,Homeless people were particularly affected by the measures taken to contain the infection. Some of these measures target homeless people who are fined and reported because they cannot stay in a house they do not have.,Yes,The initiative seeks to mitigate the negative effects of lockdown measures for homeless people and represents a gateway to legal aid services for homeless people.,Yes,The indication contained in the first DPCMs to 'stay at home' is very difficult if not impossible to implement by those who do not have a home.,The vademecum has been prepared specifically in response to the situation created by the pandemic.,"Rationale and context According to the ISTAT survey on homeless people, carried out in collaboration with fio.PSD, the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies and Caritas Italiana, in 2015 there were an estimated 50,724 homeless people in Italy. These people live in extreme poverty or in a condition of deep discomfort linked first of all to the lack of a home as an intimate place of refuge and, linked to the interweaving of poverty of material goods for subsistence and multi-dimensional and complex personal fragility. Two-thirds of the homeless claim to be registered and to have a residence in an Italian municipality. The average profile of homeless people is mostly represented by men (85.7%), 4 out of 10 are Italian, 4 out of 10 are chronic, i.e. they have been living on the streets for more than 4 years; women represent 14% of homeless people (6,239), but they follow particular life paths and are more characterised by the breakdown of family relationships as the main cause of homelessness. 62% have a monthly income from work (including irregular and occasional work) with an average monthly income of between 100 and 499 euros, while 30% live on gimmicks and collections. 17% have no source of income at all. Domain represented Preventing homeless people from being sanctioned for not complying with anti-covid rules, as not having a home makes compliance almost impossible. Main activities The Vademecum illustrates what is allowed to do when moving around in the red, orange and yellow zones; it stresses the need to carry self-certification and a sheet of the canteen or dormitory they usually use; it suggests what to do in case of problems and how to get in touch with the most near help-desk of the Avvocati di strada (Street Lawyers); it also tells citizens who to contact in case of problems related to the anti-covid rules concerning the homeless. During the first wave of the pandemic, between March and May, Street Lawyers defended homeless people against fines. Actors The actors involved, apart from Avvocati di strada, are: other third sector associations dealing with homeless people, whether public or private; volunteers, local authorities, law enforcement agencies. Target groups The target groups of the vademecum are homeless people, canteen and dormitory workers and more generally public and private operators, citizens and volunteers of Avvocati di strada. Achievements Data on Vademecums distributed and legal proceedings followed in 2020 are not yet available. Potential limitations to transferability The Vademecum is also a channel of communication to activate paths of protection for homeless people, in case of problems with regard to non-compliance with the anti-covid rules, by activating the Association's help-desks. The network of help-desks on the territory are very important for a better use of the Vademecum. ","COVID19, multe e denunce. Un vademecum per le persone senza dimora - Avvocato di strada ODV",National,,"The vademecum was prepared in October and distributed from November 2020, during the second wave of the pandemic. The aim of the initiative was to provide practical information to homeless people in order to avoid being fined for not complying with the rules on infection prevention.",Just for the Covid-19 emergency,No,,Yes,No,No,No,"Avvocati di strada (Street Lawyers) provides legal assistance to homeless people and migrants; organises training courses; produces an annual report on legal assistance to homeless people in Italy. Avvocati di strada has listening and assistance desks in about 50 cities, which it is trying to expand more and more. Avvocati di strada participated in the last three years in the FAMI project of the Ministry of the Interior, together with other civil society organisations and the Guarantor Authority for Childhood and Adolescence on monitoring and assisting voluntary guardians of unaccompanied foreign minors.",,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Homeless,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,"The existence of the Vademecum was publicised on the website of the Avvocati di strata association. The Vademecum was distributed to homeless people and made available in the places they frequent - such as soup kitchens, dormitories, etc." Italy,IT07,?Not Alone? programme of Save the children Italy,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,"The ""Not Alone"" Programme is an integrated programme implemented by Save the Children in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, aimed at providing support (material, psychological, social, educational, etc.) to children and young people living in vulnerable families and in situations of hardship (including, therefore, for example, unaccompanied foreign minors). The programme targets children and young people, vulnerable families, new mothers and unaccompanied foreign minors.","The programme seeks to tackle educational poverty, the divide in access to distance learning of schools, and the difficulties of fragile families in accessing basic necessities.",Yes,"In general terms, the ?Not Alone? programme is one of the initiatives to combat educational poverty, which is one of the most significant problems affecting children and adolescents in Italy and to which specific policies are dedicated, including, for example, those concerning access to educational facilities (crŠches and schools) for the 0-6 age group.",Yes,"Educational poverty is such a complex problem that a single policy is not enough: it requires an integrated, multidisciplinary approach and the involvement of a complex network of actors.",The programme was established in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and to mitigate the negative effects of policies implemented to counter it.,"Rationale and context In Italy, educational poverty deprives millions of children and adolescents of opportunities. Children and young people who, because of difficult economic conditions, do not have the same opportunities as their economically stable peers to learn, experiment, develop and allow their abilities, talents and aspirations to flourish freely. Before the pandemic, educational poverty was estimated to affect 1.2 million children and youth. In 2020, 335,000 new families became poor. According to ISTAT data from March 2021 in Italy, there are 1,346,000 minors living in poverty, equal to as many as 13.4% of children and youth, an increase of about 200,000 minors compared to the 2019 data, to which must be added those in relative poverty - there were about two million in 2019. In addition to the risks of poverty, there are the consequences from the educational point of view, the closure of schools and the difficulties children and young people have in accessing education. Three other categories at risk are unaccompanied foreign minors, whose path to inclusion risks being abruptly interrupted, children whose forced stay at home increases the danger of domestic violence against their mothers and the children and adolescents directly affected by the disease as well as their parents. The program addresses these four categories of people at risks. Main activities The main ctivities carried out under the Program include: - Delivered tablets, connections and kits with games and educational materials to children from disadvantaged backgrounds; - Activated Punti Luce educational centers throughout Italy to provide online extracurricular educational activities and support - Together with the Fuoriclasse teachers' movement (involving 170 schools) supported the school in its commitment to inclusive and quality distance learning, building an accessible and free online training path for all; - To prevent learning loss, encouraged students to meet online or by phone, through calls, Facebook groups, Whatsapp and other dedicated platforms. In these ""virtual"" meetings, children and adolescents met for creative activities, music, theater and drawing workshops and much more; - distributed food kits to families - provided support to new and expectant mothers (Fiocchi in ospedale and Per mano projects), helping them with the necessities for newborns, such as diapers, milk and baby food, and giving them advice and support in such a delicate phase; - The forced stay at home increases the risk of domestic violence against mothers and children. They have provided guidelines to operators in the field so that they can detect dangerous situations for women and children as soon as possible and facilitate their escape; - activated, thanks to the network of volunteer lawyers, an online legal support desk and guaranteed the operation of the help-line dedicated to foreign minors that responds daily in 6 languages; - guaranteed, through the Civico Zero network, Italian language courses for unaccompanied foreign minors and distributed educational materials and kits to 45 communities hosting unaccompanied foreign minors - provided an initial psychological support service on how to make the best use of time with the children and deal with their anxieties and fears, including the dissemination of videos through social channels. - Involved the Save the Children Youth Movement ""Sottosopra"" to animate the Change the future platform and the UndeRadio webradio on issues related to the pandemic. - Starting in June 2020, activated the Future Spaces, equipped areas in the suburbs of our cities intended for play, meeting and educational paths. Actors The programme was carried out by Save the Children in collaboration with 41 other mainly civil society organisations in various Italian cities also thanks to funds raised by citizens, businesses and foundations. Target groups The target group of the programme includes: children and young people; fragile families; new mothers; teachers; unaccompanied foreign minors. Achievements and obstacles Since the end of March 2020, the Programme has involved some 75,000 people; 20,000 people have already been involved during the first two weeks. Starting from June 2020, Save the children launched the national campaign ""Rewrite the Future"", a 15-month intervention program that aims to reach 100,000 girls, boys and adolescents on the national territory and their families, and that includes a series of initiatives focused on the need to ensure the rights and meet the needs and requirements of minors in the post-Covid period. Monitoring and evalutation Any monitoring and evaluation activities are carried out by Save the Children. Save the children has carried out a survey on the impact of the pandemic on families between March and April 2020: ""Not alone. What families say - Second Report"". Potential limitations This was a very multifaceted program, involving many organizations, with a great deal of staff effort and resource deployment. Some specific sub-activities could also be replicated (e.g., those involving new mothers). ",See these three links: and ; and ,National,,The programme started in March 2020.,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,No,,Yes,No,No,No,"Save the Children Italy was established at the end of 1998 as a non-profit organization and started its activities in 1999. Today we are an NGO (Non Governmental Organization) recognized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. We carry out activities and projects aimed at both boys and girls in the so-called developing countries and those living on Italian territory. In 2020 they collected 123.1 million euros, used to carry out 323 projects in 56 countries, reaching 3.8 million beneficiaries. 112 projects involved Italy, of which 11 were in response to the pandemic, reaching 96.284 beneficiaries. The areas of intervention concern the fight against poverty, health and nutrition, education, protection from all forms of abuse. In addition to the programma ?Not alone?, Save the Children has launched the campaign ""Let's rewrite the future"", to counter the risk of early school leaving, with interventions starting from summer 2020, thanks to the support of Fondazione Bolton Hope Onlus. In the summer of 2020, 90 spaces in disadvantaged neighborhoods throughout the country were opened to provide free educational and recreational activities for children and young people (1,460 minors involved in the first month).",,,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Donations,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,, Italy,IT08,Voluntary emergency brigades and Emergency in Milan at the support of the most fragile people,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,"People over 65 with no family support, immunocompromised, entertainment workers, undocumented, domestic workers, caregivers","Provide basic necessities and medicines, provide opportunities for socializing, make a contribution to health protection with ""suspended tampons"".",No,,No,,These are initiatives put in place specifically in reaction to the pandemic,"Rationale and context Lombardy was one of the regions most affected by the pandemic. Since the first days of March, in the city of Milan one of the problems was to provide people in quarantine, without a support network and fragile families with basic necessities, medicines, etc. This need was being expanded with the measures of the national lockdown established in March 2020-. For this reason, groups of citizens and associations already active in the territory of Milan have organized themselves to provide this kind of support through the creation of ""Brigades of relief"". Emergency - active in Lombardy to support the regional system of Lombardy and in particular in the management of some intensive care units) has recognized the usefulness and value of these Brigades of volunteers. Volunteers have thus been trained also on the health aspects to be paid attention to in the delivery of foodstuffs (400 volunteers trained in the first weeks). The desire for participation and involvement has expanded and the Brigades in March 2021 were about twenty. Each Brigade is located at the headquarters of associations or social centres active in Milan (Cascina Torchiera, Macao, Lambretta, Rob de Matt, Campo teatrale, ecc.). Domain representation The initiative covers the areas of economics (providing basic necessities such as food and medicine) and that of fundamental human rights for the interesting initiative of ""suspended tampons"" for those people who need to get one but do not have the funds to do so (initiative launched in March 2021). Main activities Activities implemented from March to present include: - organization of Brigades on a territorial basis (9, one for each neighborhood) - Establishment of a telephone number to call to request emergency brigade intervention. - starting in March the distribution of medicines and food for people in quarantine - collection of ""suspended expenses"" left in supermarkets - subsequently, preparation of food parcels and their distribution to vulnerable families (1500 per week) - each Brigade organizes, alongside the distribution of food and medicine, other activities, such as the collection and distribution of used clothing or workshops on psychological and gender violence Actors - Activation of ""non-territorial"" brigades, such as the Luigi Longo Brigade, which deals with special operations (such as the distribution of gift packages at Christmas to families in need), the delivery of extraordinary food packages or the collection of fresh produce at the vegetable market; the Brigade Brighella, a theater brigade that brings fairy tales to children in the courtyards of the houses; the Brigade Basaglia, for psychological support; and finally a research group that interviews volunteers and beneficiaries from the inside to study the phenomenon without creating a division between observers and observed. - With the support of Emergency's covid-team, a brigade of volunteer doctors and nurses, the Tenants' Committee, the association Solari Insieme and Arci L'Umanitaria of via Solari 40, on February 20 the Tampone sospeso started: a weekly service that offers free tampons. The initiative is aimed at low-income workers, students, residents of social housing, people engaged in social work, employees of companies that do not provide systematic screening, and of course to all those who can not pay for the important measure of prevention, (such as security officers of stores and cleaning companies). Two structures involved in agreement with the ATS - Territorial Agency for Health. Target Groups Families over 65 alone, frail families, students, public housing residents, undocumented workers. Actors Emergency, citizens' associations and social centers, ordinary citizens, ATS of Milan, supermarkets, health workers, volunteers, etc. Achievements and obstacles Possible conflicts between associations were suspended. The presence of volunteers with different backgrounds and motivations created a common ground and a strength counteracting isolation, powerlessness alienation to promote inclusion, capillarity, community and grassroots organizing. Volunteers and beneficiaries helped each other. Monitoring and evaluation There is no information about this. Potential limitation to the transferability It's a good example of what a coalition of actors can do, which could be achieved also thanks to the recognition of the value of the experiences of the associations and social centers involved. Emergency has played an important role, which has also allowed the recognition of these Brigades by the Territorial Health Agency of Milan. ","UN ANNO DI BRIGATE VOLONTARIE PER L'EMERGENZA: ?NON POSSIAMO RESTARE A CASA? - GLI STATI GENERALI and Tamponi sospesi, a Milano i centri dove fare i test gratis: ŽSolidariet… e tracciamento¯-",Municipal,City of Milan,"It started in February 2020, then gradually expanded, beginning in March 2020.",Just for the Covid-19 emergency,Yes,,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,"The organizers are some associations and social centers of Milan, the international NGO Emergency","For information on the organizers, see: UN ANNO DI BRIGATE VOLONTARIE PER L'EMERGENZA: ?NON POSSIAMO RESTARE A CASA? - GLI STATI GENERALI; For Emegency, see",,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,Suspended pads,"Via social media, websites, word of mouth, etc." Italy,IT09,"Rome housing squat: a support network to tackle COVID-19. Initiative taken by INTERSOS, in the city of Rome.",No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,"The 500 people living in one housing squat in the Eastern part of Rome. This squat hosts people coming from Western, Eastern and Northern Africa, Italy, Eastern Europe, but also from South American countries like Ecuador, Per—, Colombia, Venezuela e Cuba.",Access to Heathcare,Yes,"The Decree of the President of the Italian Government of 9 March 2020, that implemented extraordinary measures to limit viral transmission.",Yes,The side effects of trying to contain COVID-19 also limited operations to assist migrants and asylum seekers. Integration services for migrants and asylum seekers across Italy have also been temporarily suspended or heavily reduced,It has explicitly designed in response to covid related issues. ,"This housing squat INTERSOS team, supported by UNICEF, operates since 2017 with psychosocial activities meant to increase individual competences and to identify and signal specific vulnerabilities to the social services. Since March 2020, the team has started to carry out medical examinations to prevent COVID-19, through sensibilisation activities regarding prevention and risk-containment measures. Moreover, the team distributes hygienic-sanitary kits; facilitates access to activities of psychosocial support to groups of women, women with kids, and even to gender-based violence prevention services (e.g psychological support, anti-trafficking network, anti-violence centres, and other services on a case-by-case basis). Additionally, the team has trained the ?health promoters? of the community. They have the duty to coordinate themselves with the health authorities regarding the management of suspected positive COVID-19 cases, and the diffusion of information and prevention guidelines inside the building When among the squat?s inhabitants appeared the first positive COVID-19 case, the community was not taken off guard. Thanks to the learning activities regarding prevention and management of positive cases that INTERSOS team had carried out since the outbreak of the pandemic, the people in the community knew what actions to take. They quickly organized themselves scheduling cleaning and disinfection shifts for the rooms. In doing so, they followed operating procedures and divisions of risk. They also set up a separate isolation area for positive cases. In fact, through the exploitation of the strengths of the community ? such as the mutual understanding, the internal self-help and the characteristic solidarity that this lifestyle creates ? and thanks to activities linked to the diffusion of correct information, it is possible to develop an effective safety net. As stated by one beneficiary, ?We only had few cases, and this is mainly due to the support we received in this journey. Positive cases have been contained and the people came out stronger.?",,Municipal,City of Rome,Mar-20,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,"INTERSOS is a humanitarian organization on the front-line of emergencies, bringing assistance to victims of armed conflicts, natural disasters and extreme exclusion with particular attention to the protection of the most vulnerable people.",,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,"Since June 2021, the intervention has been funded by the European Union Directorate-General for Health under the programme ?Safeguarding the health of refugee and migrant children?, that aims at granting qualitative health assistance and providing adequate information for refugee and migrant children and their families.",Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,,Social workers Italy,IT10,Reduction of food deprivation among Roma children aged 0-3. Initiative taken by the ONG Associazione 21luglio at local level (city of Rome),No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,"Roma families, in particular those with children aged 0-3, accommodated in informal encampments in the city of Rome.", Inequality in access to food ,Yes,"In Italy, the Decree of the Italian Civil Protection No. 658 of 29 March 20203 earmarked a fund to Italian municipalities to finance urgent measures of food solidarity. Thanks to this fund, Italian municipalities could provide people in need during the emergency period with store credits (?buoni spesa?) in the form of food vouchers to spend in supermarkets and other food stores, to buy food and other essential goods.",Yes,"The Decree established that these resources were to be destined to the population legally residing in the municipality?s territory, meaning that only the people enrolled in municipal civil registries were eligible for this welfare provision. After more than three weeks, the Ordinary Court of Rome adopted a decision, establishing that the provision of store credits had to be ensured also to irregular third-country citizens living in the Municipality since the right to food is a fundamental right of any subject, regardless of his/her administrative status. However, because of lengthy procedures to evaluate the eligibility of applicants, the measure was not sufficient to counteract the food deprivation, particularly affecting children aged 0-3. ","It is a continuation of something that already existed, although to a lesser extent. Because of the lockdown, adults cannot continue with their ordinary often informal or irregular jobs. As a result, families living in the encampents all of a sudden lost their sources of income. ","When the red zone was extended to the entire Italian territory on 9 March 2020, Association 21 Luglio started a monitoring activity carried out through phone interviews to assess the impact of the lockdown on Roma people living in the five mono-ethnic informal encampments in the city of Rome. The results of this monitoring activity showed that Roma people have been neglected by public authorities and their living conditions further declined during the emergency phase. They particularly put the focus on food deprivation among children aged 0-3 and implemented a strategy to help families. The strategy relied on fund raising and the work of volunteers. Their work was to buy food and pack ?baby boxes? to deliver to the children?s mothers every week starting from 1st April; from 15 April, this intervention was extended to children of the same families older than 3 years old.",,Municipal,City of Rome,Mar-20,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,"Associazione 21 luglio is a non-profit organisation that supports groups and individuals in condition of extreme segregation and discrimination, protecting their rights and promoting children?s well-being. The main focus of the association?s work is on Roma communities living in housing emergency in Italy. The association was founded in 2010 and it is composed of Roma and non-Roma people.",,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,,This initiatives relies on a broad network of volunteers. Lithuania,LT01,#neMinistroReikalas / #noneOfMinister?sBusiness,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Women in reproductive age,Reproductive rights,No,,Yes,Restrictions imposed during the quarantine limited reproductive rights of women,Response to Covid-related restrictions of provision of medical services,"The Resolution ?On Declaration of Quarantine in the Territory of the Republic of Lithuania? (adopted on March 14, 2020) article postponed elective surgeries and planned hospital stays until the end of the quarantine regime. In the following weeks, the Lithuanian Human Rights Centre (Lietuvos ?mogaus teisi? centras) started to receive signals that women cannot access safe and legal abortion in health clinics. The issue was discussed in the public media and during one of the interviews, the Minister of Health Aurelijus Veryga stated that ?perhaps this may be the right time to reconsider such a decision to terminate that pregnancy?. Responding to his comment, 18 human right NGOs and more than 10,000 people signed a petition and condemned such a statement by the Minister demanding to guarantee access to safe abortion during the quarantine. Responding the the petition, the advisor of the Minister of Health issued a statement saying that ?The procedure for termination of the preganancy is an elective surgery that must be performed due to medical indications and to the limited time scope available. This procedure is performed at the health clinics that provide gynaecological services. The national legislation foresees this opportunity. Yet, it is always important to weight the decisions made and to evaluate if it is really the only alternative. Of course, it is not ? in any way ? a prohibition or an attempt to limit the choice of a women under the veil of lockdown?. ( After the petition, the Lithuanian Human Rights Centre did not receive any additional signals regarding the restricted access to safe abortion and did not initiate any further actions.",,National,,15-Apr-20,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,No,21-Apr-20,Yes,No,No,No,NGOs active in human rights and gender equality fields.,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,The initiative was communicated by sending the petition to the Ministry of Health and publicised in social media and during the interviews with journalists. Lithuania,LT02,Participation of a companion of choice throughout labour and the childbirth during the quarantine ,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Pregnant women in labour and the childbirth,The quality of maternal health care and the reproductive rights in provision of health services ,No,,Yes,Restrictions imposed during the quarantine deterioted the quality of maternal health care and restricted the reproductive rights of pregnant women,Response to Covid-related restrictions of provision of medical services,"The Decision ?On Organisation of Provision of Health Services during the Quaratine in the Territory of Lithuania? (adopted on March 16, 2020 V-387) article 1.2.6 prohibited visiting patients in hospitals and other institutions providing health services (with an exception of terminal patients and patients that are younger than 14 years old). This meant that all women in labour were not allowed to have a companion throughout labour and the childbirth. On April 09, 2020 11 non-governmental organisations and two scholars signed an appeal for the Ministry of Health to review the current policy and to allow participation of a companion throughout the labour and childbirth. On April 21, 2020 the Ministry of Health issued a response that the decision of the Operation Management of the Emergency situation (adopted on March 16, 2020 V-387) will not be altered to limit the spread of the COVID-19 infection in hospitals and other health institutions providing materal health care. On May 14, 2020 the restrictions imposed during the quarantine were eased and health institutions were allowed to establish their own rules for visiting of patients during the quarantine (May 14, 2020, V-1159, article 3). Based on the information provided in the media, following this change, some health institutions allowed participation of a companion during labour after a negative COVID-19 test while others did not allow any visitors. On June 3, 2021 a new appeal was initiated and signed by 14 NGOs and societal initiatives to guarantee the right of a woman in labour to have a companion of choice throughout labour and childbirth. It states that the possibilities for women to choose a companion in delivery significantly deterioted since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemics and still did not reach the pre-pandemic level. The Ministry of Health as well as individual health institutions were asked to guarantee the rights of women in labour and to improve the quality of maternal health care.","[0]=AZWt1I3utRnjO3-n99B1GAr60c7QTkwEY7A-cYk53n87LfI5j7bDFhiKmQSqzA8FvEVAucWMLrx47qC0V6cxQaExPd7T5TTCf_RnjiqrBQQ-ozJzbRea68WCcZjHMKzpkHrhjWYjjWc4wsHLKgFXRU-Y&__tn__=-UC%2CP-R",National,,Apr-20,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,Yes,,Yes,Yes,No,No,"The initiative was started by a cluster of informal groups and NGOs that focus on protection of women?s right in maternal health institutions ? Doulas? Association, Union of Initiatives to Care for Motherhood, Lithuanian Association of Midwifes etc - and joined by some n-n-governmental organisations that are active in human rights area. ",[0]=AZWt1I3utRnjO3-n99B1GAr60c7QTkwEY7A-cYk53n87LfI5j7bDFhiKmQSqzA8FvEVAucWMLrx47qC0V6cxQaExPd7T5TTCf_RnjiqrBQQ-ozJzbRea68WCcZjHMKzpkHrhjWYjjWc4wsHLKgFXRU-Y&__tn__=-UC%2CP-R,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,"The initiative was communicated by sending official requests to the Ministry of Health and institutions providing health services, as well as publicised in social media and during the interviews with journalists. " Lithuania,LT03,?Strong together? / ?Stipr?s kartu?,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,"Primarily elderly lonely people, but also medical personel, hospitals and nursing homes ",Age,No,,,,It was a response to Covid-related restrictions and recommendations for elderly people to stay at home as well as shortages of staff and material resources in hospitals and nursing homes due to Covid infections. ,"The initiative was initiated by a division within the Lithuanian Riflemen's Union and supported by a famous journalist who became the leader of the campaign. The campaign was soon joined by few other big national NGOs (Lithuanian Scouting, Maltesers, Red Cross, Save the Children, Food Bank) and several business organisations (i.e. event-organising service provider Pirmoji kava and others). The initiative was organised as a National Volunteer Coordination Service that collected requests for volunteer services from private individuals as well as (especially during the second quarantine) hospitals and nursing homes. The initiative also included a donation campaign that collected funds to buy medical and protective equipment for hospitals. During the duration of the campaing, it attracted a total of 8000 voluteers and responded to 8000 requests of volunteer services (which differed from on-off delivery of food products to a periodical volunteer service at hospitals or nursing homes). The effort was mainly targeted at elderly people who were strongly encouraged to stay at home during the quarantine. Volunteers delivered food and needed medicines based on the requests, submitted to the National Volunteer Coordination Centre. This initiative addressed the digital divide as many elder people did not have access to online shopping, which became a secure alternative to in-store shopping during the quarantine. Later, during the second quarantine, the initiative also provided volunteer services to hospitals and nursing homes that faced staff shortage during the surge of Covid infections. The campaign has also donated medical equipment that was worth about 470,000 EUR to various hospitals. ",,National,,18-Mar-20,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,No,21-Mar-21,Yes,No,No,No,"The Lithuanian Riflemen's Union or LRU (Lithuanian: Lietuvos ?auli? s?junga), also referred to as ?auliai (Lithuanian: ?aulys for rifleman), is a paramilitary non-profit organisation supported by the State. The Union was joined by a cluster of various other NGOs (mostly active in the field of social service and anti-poverty network), some business organisations and active individual persons. The campaign was not ?owned? by any of these organisations or individuals, but rather presented as a collective effort. ",,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,Digital divide (access to online shopping for groceries and medicines),No,Yes,Yes,No,No,,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,"Services of volunteers (delivering of products, working in hospitals and nursery homes)","The initiative acted as a volunteer coordination centre, connecting the request for help with the pools of volunteers that were hosted by different national and regional NGOs. The initiative also used a wide information campaign (mainly in the media) inviting people to fill an application to become a volunteer and to donate money for purchasing the needed equipment for hospitals. The use of donated funds was coordinated with the Ministry of Health. " Lithuania,LT04,"Joint Volunteer Force of the Red Cross, Caritas and Maltesers Assist Municipalities in the Vaccination Process",No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,"Elderly people, people with disabilities","Access to vaccination centres, access to information",No,,No,,It is an effort to ease and speed up the vaccination campaign,"Major Lithuanian humanitarian organizations ? the Red Cross, Caritas, Order of Malta Relief Organisation ? joined forces to help Lithuanian cities in the vaccination process.Volunteers supervised by the organizations help to register residents for a vaccination visit: call residents, who should receive the vaccine according to established priorities, and arrange a visit to the clinic. In addition, volunteers help to manage flows at vaccination sites (help to fill in the necessary documents, measure the temperature, escort residents to the right office) and provide convoy/transportation services for the elderly or disabled who want to be vaccinated but cannot come and have no opportunities to come.",,National,,25-Feb-21,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,"The 3 major NGOs are important national non-governmental organisations, active mainly in provision of social services to different vulnerable groups. ","",Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Transportation to vaccination sites,The NGOs connect to the target groups (i.e. residents who should receive the cacine according to established priorities) mainly through direct individual contact (phone or other) by empoying a network of volunteers. Lithuania,LT05,Pad?siu mokytis / I will help to learn,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,School children with learning difficulties (most likely include lower social class students and students with disabilities),Inequality in education,No,,No,The NGOs received funding from a public policy aimed at mitigating negative effects of remote education,It is a response to Covid-related issues. ," In January, 2021 when the schools closed for most of the children due to the increase of Covid-19 infections in Lithuania (and a large part of them remained closed for the remaining of the school year), some school children, who experience learning difficulties or do not have good studying environment at home, were allowed to return to schools. The Ministry of Education, Sport and Science adopted a policy aimed to mitigate negative effects of remote learning on January 20, 2021. One of the included measures aimed to use voluteers of different NGOs to support children that experience learning difficulties (the foreseen budget for the measure was 400,000 EUR). In February, 2021, a coalition of NGOs started the initiative ?Pad?siu mokytis? / ?I will help to learn? which invited all Lithuanian citizens that are older than 16 years old to join in as volunteers. The volunteers had received trainings from professional psychologists and had to commit to a minimum duration of a volunteer service of 2 months / 4 hours per week. The volunteer service could be provided both in person and remotely. The main aim of the service was to help with remote learning and homework, and to provide emotional support to individual children. After the end of the school year, the initiative continues and invites volunteers to summer camps that are aimed at reducing learning gaps for children that experienced learning difficulties in remote education. ",,National,,"February, 2021",Just for the Covid-19 emergency,Yes,,Yes,No,No,Yes,"Initiators of the initiative are NGOs active in the areas of education, youth policy, anti-povert and social services to children: Lithuanian Youth Council, Lithuanian Scouts, National Network of Education NGOs, National NGO Coalition, National Anti-Poverty Network, Children Support Centre. The initiative is part of a broader policy aimed to mitigate the negative effects of remote education for studenst with learning difficulties. Based on the available information, it is not immediately clear if the funding was provided responding to lobbying iniatives from the NGOs or it was more of a top-down decision of the Ministry of Education, Sport and Science to involve the NGOs in this policy.","",Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,,No,No,No,Yes,No,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,"Individual support (consultations, peer-learning) for school children experiencing learning difficulties",The school children in need are identified by the schools. The schools contact the volunteer coordination centre who finds a volunteer to work with a student in need. The campaign has been publicised in the national and social media. Lithuania,LT06,Silver Line / Sidabrin? linija,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Lonely elderly people,"Age, loneliness, emotional support, digital divide",No,,No,,"It is a continuation of a service (emotional support help-line), that grew exponentially during the quarantine","The emotional support help-line for elderly people was established in 2016. The service somewhat differs from traditional help-lines. In addition to providing an immediate emotional suppot to anyone in distress, it also offers a long-term conversation partner (a volunteer), who can be contacted regularly. In 2020, 1545 conversation couples were in regular contact (30 per cent increase comparing to 2019). During the quarantine, the number of incoming calls grew exponentially. Elder people called to share their distress regarding the pandemic and quarantine, but also called to search for information (due to digital divide some do not have access to the Internet). The help-line provided the actual information regarding Covid-19 infections and restrictions in place, responded to other information requests. Responding to the growing need, the help-line started to provide additional service ? information help-line in 2021. The users of the help-line are mostly women, who are older than 70 years old, living alone in a city/ town. The employees of the NGO provided recommentations to municipalities how to provide social services to elder people during the pandemic and were active in the public media commenting on the emotional needs of elder people during the quarantine. The NGO is successfully securing needed funds and resources from various sources ? crowdfunding, private business support, public funding and volunteer work. ",,National,,2016,Long-term,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,,,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Digital divide ? emotional support is provided by phone for people who rarely use Internet and social media. ,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,,"Information about the Silver line emotional support line is distributed through municipal social service centres, libraries, social or care workers, volunteers and in public media (especially national broadcaster)." Lithuania,LT07,Jungiant kartas / Bridging generations,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Lonely elder people,"Age, digital divide",No,,No,,It is a response to Covid pandemic ? the project offers possibilities for remote volunteer work with elder people. ,"The volunteer work of the Order of Malta Relief Organisation has traditionally been based on live and direct contact with the people in need. During the pandemic of Covid-19 the possibilities of direct contact were limited and new forms of volunteer work needed to be found. After receiving financial support from British Council, the Young Maltesers started a project ?Bridging generations? that was based on phone consulatations for elderly people. The aim of these phone conversations was not only the emotional support, but also provision of information and consultations aimed at improving digital literacy of elder people. Young volunteers (14?29 years old) received 24 hours trainings about digital literacy, remote consultations and provision of emotional support. The volunteers were supported throughout the duration of the project in supervisions and reflections of their work. The project involved 80 young volunteers and 75 elder people in need. In the calls for volunteers, attention was given to volunteers that speak Lithuanian, Russian and /or Polish language (i.e. would be able to provide consulations to members of ethnic minority groups of Lithuania). No information is readily available about the implementation of the project. ",,National,,Nov-20,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,Yes,,Yes,No,Yes,No,"Order of Malta Relief Organisation in Lithuania was established in 1991, the goal of the organisation is to carry out social and charitable support activities to help the neediest citizens of Lithuania (lonely elderly, children from socially vulnerable families, the disabled, refugees, and for everyone who is in need).",,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Digital divide,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,,The Order of Malta Relief Organisartion in Lithuania has a wide network of contacts with people in need which was used in the initiative ?Bridging Generations?. Lithuania,LT08, Financial support for refugees during the COVID-19 pandemics,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Refugees in Lithuania,Financial,No,,No,,It is a response to Covid pandemic ? the one-off financial support from the UN Refugee Agency were distributed to 70 refugees in Lithuania,"Based on of the areas of UNCHR interventions during the Covid-19 pandemic - reducing vulnerability through cash assistance, helping meet basic needs and facilitating access to services ? the Red Cross in Lithuania distributed financial support to 70 refugees and organised 5 remote consultations in Russian, Arabic, English, Dari and Tigrinya languages. ",,National,,NA,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,No,NA,Yes,No,No,Yes,"Lithuanian Red Cross, founded in 1919 is a non-governmental organization, which belongs to International Red Cross Movement consisting of International Red Cross committee, International Red Cross and Crescent federation and national societies. The main mission of Lithuanian Red Cross is to prevent and alleviate human suffering making no discrimination as to nationality, race, sex, religion, language, political views. The main activities: social and medical care for elderly, handicapped people at home, first aid trainings, tracing, legal and social assistance for refugees, asylum seekers, migrants, humanitarian aid, dissemination of International Humanitarian Law, youth activities. UNCHR provided financial support for the initiative. ",,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,The findung was provided from the UNHCR?s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,,The Red Cross in Lithuania provides regular social service and has direct contacts with refugees residing in Lithuania that were used in this initiative. Lithuania,LT09,Recommendations for daily routines for kids during quarantine,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,Families with pre-school and school-age children,Care work,No,,No,,It is a response to Covid pandemic ? the initiative aims to help parents to establish healthy routines for children during quarantine.," In March 2020, when the quarantine imposed strict restrictions on social life, closed schools and all after school activities, many families struggled how to adapt to the current situation and the changed daily routine. In order to reduce the stress of the pandemic situation and to help families to establish healthy daily routines for children (i.e. prevent excessive media use, encourage sports activities) the Children Support Centre issued 3 templates for daily routines of preschool, primary school-age and teenage children. The templates were shared on the website and social media of the Organisation and refered to during the interviews given to the public media. ",,National,,NA,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,No,NA,Yes,No,No,No,"Children Support Centre is a non-governmental organization, which was founded in 1995. The mission of the Centre is to ensure the psychological well-being of children by providing effective, professional, and comprehensive assistance to children and families.",,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,The initiative is universal for all groups. ,Yes,No,No,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,, The recommendations were distributed online via organisation?s website and social media. The representatives of the NGO were also active in the public media giving advice to families how to reduce stress during the quarantine. Lithuania,LT10,Mutual help and volunteering network in virtual space SRAUTAS / STREAM,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,"Refugees, asylum seekers, migrants ? both adults and children","Language barriers, social integration",No,,No,,"It is a response to Covid pandemic ? the project offers remote activities for children of refugee and asylum seekers, as well as consultations and seminars for adults that are not available in person due to Covid-19 restrictions. ","In March 2020, responding to the COVID-19 situation in Lithuania, the agency Artscape iniciated the mutual help and volunteering network in virtual space SRAUTAS/ STREAM. This initiative aimed to raise local community's involvement in supporting refugees and asylum seekers in the midst of the pandemic. The initiative started from organising activities in internet space on different topics - from language teaching, creative workshops for children and parents, healthcare consultations to IT education, social care topics actualisation, freetime activities for youth. Reacting to particular audience interest in creative workshops, group art activity broadcasts, Artscape started the second project phase ART IN STREAM in October 2020. In 2021, the agency received support for this activity from the British Council. The activities now include not only refugees and asylum seekers, but also migrants from different countries residing in Lithuania. The topics for online activities include: Lithuanian lessons for Russian speakers; English lessons for Russian and Arabic speakers; IT literacy courses for beginners; finding a job in Lithuania; social media: social image courses, discussions; social Talk: everyday topics for integration in Lithuania; creative art workshops for children; performance premieres for children and youth; healthcare consultation; culinary workshops, etc. The main aim of these online activities is community building and creation of social networks. Volunteers and listeners, participating in the various online meetings, help each other through sharing, teaching, exchanging contacts and relevant information. ",,National,,Mar-20,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,"The art agency Artspace was established in 2012 and in 2015 it started working in art projects that involved various migrant groups in Lithuania. The agency?s mission is connecting artists and communities to create a change. It aims to strengthen the capacities of groups seeking to promote refugee integration through training of volunteers, implementing short-term coordination of activities and securing funding for volunteer initiatives.","",Yes,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,"Refugee and asylum seekers, migrants",Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,"Language teaching, informal education, community building",The agency Artspace use organisation?s website and social media to connect with the target groups (information is provided in English and in Russian). It is also an active participant of broader projects with other NGOs (i.e. the Red Cross) that work with the refugee groups in Lithuania. Luxemburg,LU01,Maisons Relais (relay houses) and nurseries open for the children of carergivers,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,Workers in the care sector,,Yes,Responding to lockdown rules.,No,,,"The relay house are providing flexible childcare facilities for children in schooling age (3 to 12 y.o.). They are providing non formal education and have been set up by a number of associations to support parents in conciliating work and family responsibilities. They are financed by the state but run by CSOs. They typically operate from 7.00 to 18.00/19.00 (depending of the managing CSO). Following restrictions during the second wave of Covid in Luxembourg, and the suspension of face-to-face classes and activities in the national education sector from 28 December 20 to 10 January 21, the Luxembourg Red Cross and other partners have set-up nine emergency care structures to provide, at least until 10 January 21, care for the children of staff in the health, care and child and family support sector. Thus a Maison relais and a CrŠche of the Luxembourg Red Cross welcome the children aged between 3 months and 12 years of the staff concerned, from 5.30 am to 10.30 pm, on the territory of the municipality of Strassen. ","",National,,dec-20,Initiative during the closure of schools and creches ordered by the government following an increase in the number of Covid cases (second wave),No,"Mid-January, when schools and crŠches reopened.",Yes,No,No,No,"Different CSOs offering services for the population and families such as Caritas, the Red Cross and others.",,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Workers in the health sector at a time of high Covid infections .,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Service support for childcare, Luxemburg,LU02,Corona help-line,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,"People, children and families in precarious situations who need social, material or financial assistance.","Origin, class, nationality, age.",Yes,"The increased vulnerability and inequalities due to the crisis has not been enough tackled by public policies adopted. 67% of the calls received were coming from persons or families without any problem before the crisis. Children represent 1/3 of the beneficiaries of support given.",Not specifically.,,"Yes, specifically designed.",,,National,,Apr-20,"445 requests received and 860 people helped including 308 children. Caritas Luxembourg has spent 267.348,53 EUR to support beneficiaries thanks to the support of numerous donations.",No,31 August 20,Yes,No,No,No,"Caritas Luxembourg works for the well-being of men and women, especially those who are excluded, helpless or deprived, regardless of their origin, age, nationality or philosophical or religious views",,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,,Caritas has set-up this hotline precisely to connect with the target group Luxemburg,LU03,Enlarged access to social groceries,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,"People, children and families in precarious situations who need material, food assistance.","Origin, class, nationality, age.",No,,Not specifically.,,"No, but condition to access it have been extended to include people facing difficulties due to the COVID19 crisis.","The Luxembourg Red Cross and Caritas Luxembourg have extended the access to their social grocery shops, The ""Croix-Rouge Buttek"" and the ""Caritas Buttek"", extended access to people and families in precarious situations or experiencing temporary financial difficulties due to the Coronavirus health crisis. Individuals and families who are not yet registered with the social office and who are not yet receiving food aid, provided that they are resident in Luxembourg and that they are suffering from the financial consequences of the health crisis, are eligible for this aid. The ""Red Cross Buttek"" and ""Caritas Buttek"" social grocery shops offer food and hygiene products to people affected by poverty at prices up to 70% lower than market prices. This increases the purchasing power of the poor and gives them access to fresh, quality products. Twelve grocery shops exist throughout the country: Clervaux, Diekirch, Differdange, Echternach, Esch/Alzette, Grevenma-cher, Luxembourg City, Remich, Mersch, Redange/Attert, Steinfort and Wiltz. Initiated by the Luxembourg Red Cross and Caritas Luxembourg, the ""Buttek"" are supplied by the association Sp‰ndchen asbl and its numerous suppliers, networks and partners. The initiative is supported by the Ministry for Family, Integration and the Greater Region.","",National,,,,,,Yes,No,No,Yes,Caritas Luxembourg and the Red Cross Luxembourg. The initiative is also supported by the Ministry for family and integration," ",Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,,"Caritas and the Red cross have numerous services such as street workers, hotlines that can relay the message to potential beneficiaries." Luxemburg,LU04,Food aid for people in an irregular situation,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,People in irregular situation in Luxembourg.,"Origin, Nationality",No,,Yes,Referring undocumented or persons not registered under social security to the COVID 19 telephone hotline and the information on the official website is not an appropriate measure according to ASTI. Workers in irregular situation have lost their work during the crisis and have no access to Covid-19 state support. ,Yes,"With the help of its migrant information desk and its volunteers, Asti has been distributing food vouchers since 10 April 20, enabling people and their families living in the country in an irregular administrative situation to access social grocery shops. From 6 October 20 to 15 December 20: 90 people representing 35 households and 35 children benefited from these food vouchers. In detail they are : 12 families with up to 5 children; 4 single-parent families with 1 to 2 children; 3 families without children; 16 single people. The main origins of the people who call on their help are mainly from Brazil, the former Yugoslavia and Senegal; but also Cameroonians and Nigerians and people from Maghreb countries, The average length of stay in Luxembourg is 4 to 6 years. 6 households have been in Luxembourg for more than 10 years! A final assessment is published on the ASTI Website: 253 people including 69 children",,National,,Apr-20,The delivery of free vouchers was possible due to external funds received. The initiative stopped when there were no more funds. ASTI regularly launch calls for fund to support this target group.,The initiative was launched at the beginning of the crisis; it was active from 17 April 20 to 17 July 20 and from 6 October and 15 December 20.,,Yes,No,No,No,"ASTI (Association de soutien aux travailleurs immigr‚s ? Association for the support to immigrant workers) ASTI puts into practice projects for living together and carries out socio-cultural projects in partnership. These two practices feed the reflection and the political claims in the service of the objectives of the association, namely a society in which all residents will have equal rights.",,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,Donations,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Food vouchers, Migrant information desk of the association. Luxemburg,LU05,"Campaign relating to menstrual pads for free - ?Sang Vous? , sans protection",No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Women in precariousness,"Poorer women do not have access to basic fundamental rights, so the initiative tries to answer this specific need. Despite the reduction of the VAT Rate (from 17% to 3% in May 19) on Menstrual kits, they remain quite expensive and generally not part of answers to basic needs, e.g. distribution of sanitary kits to refugees (CSO LU06)",No,,No,,"No. It answers the increased precariousness of the population in Luxembourg. According to official statistics, nearly 25% of the population (STATEC).",Le Planning Familial (family planning) mobilised since 2016 on the subject of feminine hygienic protections launched a collection of sanitary menstrual pads by postal mail or by depositing them directly in one of the centers (covid safety box).,,National,,dec-20,,No information,,Yes,No,No,No,"The Planning familial is a NGO promoting sexual, reproductive and emotional health as a fundamental human right. > Ensure that all people have access to quality physical and mental health information and services related to sexuality and reproduction. > Defend the right of people to make personal, informed, responsible choices, free from coercion and violence, based on equality, respect and physical integrity. > To welcome everyone without discrimination or stigmatisation, regardless of nationality, ethnic origin, race, age, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, gender, disability, religious, philosophical and political beliefs, financial and social status.",,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,,"Web, social media,?" Luxemburg,LU06,Services for children and young adults,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Youth and young adults who need psychological distress because of the COVID Crisis ,Access to psychological support for vulnerable children and young adults,No,,Yes,measures of lockdown and social distancing that create distress for children and young adults,Yes,"The specific service ?psy-jeunes? has seen an increase in the number of children needing help. It has supported 205 young people, this represents an increase of 67% in one year. Another service offering housing has also seen an increase in number of beneficiaries coming: 46 young, so 40% increase. The Psy-Jeunes service offers outpatient psychological and psychotherapeutic care for children, teenagers and young adults (0-21 years) in need of help with the aim to promote their long-term psychological well-being. This is carried out in a setting of confidentiality and empathy all while respecting professional secrecy. The suffering of young people can take different forms: trauma, reactions to severe stress, depression, anxiety, shyness or social isolation, low self-esteem, eating or sleep disorders, suicidal thoughts, childhood emotional disorders, attachment and regulation disorders.", ,,/,,,,,No,No,No,No,,,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,No,No,No,No,No,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,, Luxemburg,LU07,Temporary structure for refugees,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,People or families who live in refugee shelters and who are particularly vulnerable to Covid-19 due to. health issues.,Refugees at higher risk of getting infected by Covid-19 ,No,,N,,"Yes, as it is a temporary structure and launched to protect from Covid-19, as refugee shelters are not allowing to give sufficient protection.","Caritas Luxembourg is running a temporary structure in Liefrange which welcomes particularly vulnerable refugee individuals and families who need protection from COVID-19. This structure was opened to isolate people or families who live in refugee shelters and who are particularly vulnerable from a health point of view, so that it was difficult to leave them in the shelter where they were. In refugee shelters, people live quite close to each other. It is difficult to keep the social distancing. During the first confinement, the ONA asked Caritas to identify which individuals and families were particularly vulnerable. A list was made up of people and families with their respective pathologies. The Health Inspection then selected the people and families to be isolated at all costs. Each family lives separately from the other. This is the aim of the structure. This initiative is transferable.",,National,,jun-20,,,,Yes,No,No,No,"Caritas Luxembourg, works to promote the wellbeing of men and women, particularly those who are excluded, helpless or deprived, regardless of their origin, age, nationality, or their philosophical or religious views",,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,, Latvia,LV01,#stayhome movement for volunteers,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,"This initiative was created to help people who due to Covid-19 restrictions were forced to stay at home. Thus the target group are people in self-isolation, sick with Covid-19 or belong to high-risk group (medical indications).","The initiative was designed to help people who either or both do not have means to obtain necessary things (food or consumer goods) while on self-isolations, do not have skills to obtain necessary things and do not have support system for obtaining necessary. Thus this response targets single parents, single old people, low income people.",No,,No,,This initiative is designed as specific response to covid-related reality. That kind of civic response never existed before.,"Covid-19 related restrictions created new reality, when people in self-isolation, sick with covid or from high-risk groups could not go out, run their errands, and do shopping. This initiative was created to help aforementioned groups. People who volunteered to help were paired with someone who needed help ? to do shopping, to take dog for a walk, etc. The initiative was designed to help people who either or both do not have means to obtain necessary things (food or consumer goods) while on self-isolations, do not have skills to obtain necessary things and do not have support system for obtaining necessary. Thus, this response targets single parents, single old people, low-income people. This initiative indirectly intervenes two domains ? gender pay and pensions gap and gender care gap. The target groups ?people with low-income?, ?single parents? and ?single old people? are gendered. The initiative indirectly deals with gender pay gap and gender care gap providing women with necessary help. This initiative started at grass-root level as Facebook page who invited both people who seeks help and people who want to help connect and cooperate. During course of last year, it transformed into NGO. At the beginning it had no well-known promoters, later it was backed up with retailer ?RIMI?, who helped to promote initiative in their ads. There were no major obstacles. The only obstacle was responsiveness of potential volunteers. Summer 2020 had close to none covid cases in Latvia, so help was not really needed. In autumn of 2020 when covid cases spiked people were not responsive anymore, so initiative slowly decreased. There are no monitoring and/or evaluation measures. There is no specific national context, initiative is easy transferable.",,National,,Initiative started at March 2020. The first Facebook post is dated by 23rd of March 2020. ,Long-term,Yes,"Initiative is still active, but it has transformed. Now it is called #easytohelp. As it is stated in webpage: ?In the summer of 2020, we changed as we took a step forward - the need for direct volunteer help diminished, so we became #easytohelp organization, one of the goals of which is to encourage people to form and coordinate volunteer movements in their municipalities.? Now initiative covers wide range of initiatives ? it provided help for refugees from Belarus, cooperated with ministry of Culture to fight fake news and disinformation. It also provides support for municipalities to set regional web of volunteers and volunteer communities. ",Yes,Yes,No,No,At the beginning it was informal grass-root activist group now it has transformed in NGO. Its form of governance is a public benefit organization. , ,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,"Movement's volunteers helped with food, hygiene, over-the-counter medications, helped out with dogs, and were available for telephone calls and other support to those in quarantine or self-isolation, mutually agreeing on the amount of assistance and the type of support with its recipients.","At the beginning it was Facebook, later webpage was developed, at the moment initative #easytohelp has an app. " Latvia,LV02,Dinner table for our own,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,"The target group are medical personnel who had to work in covid environment. Medical personnel are mostly women, especially nurses. ","The aim of the campaign is to support the medical staff during the Covid-19 crisis by providing them with hot portions of meals every day. Medical personnel worked in high stress and load situation, their self-care suffered. ",No,,No,,This is covid-related initiative.,"Latvian catering companies, as well as Latvian food producers and distributors took part in the campaign, donating products from which meals were also prepared. Volunteers took part in the campaign, who organized the delivery of hot food to the doctors and medical staff involved in the emergency, including paramedics, emergency medical teams, as well as doctors in mobile tents. The target audience are medical personnel, who in context in Latvia, are mostly women. Thus this initiative address domain ?gender care gap?, providing means to sustain self-care in form of sufficient meal. This initiative got a lot of media attention, so many catering companies and food producers use it as mean to both do good and promote themselves. The campaign lasted 84 days (from March 18 to June 9 2020). During this period, 63,290 meals were provided. At the beginning of the second age of covid, the initiative was reignited. But this time it focussed on raising funds to provide meals and cooperated with the public foundation Society Integration Foundation. The only obstacle was responsiveness of society. Summer 2020 had close to none covid cases in Latvia, so help was not really needed. In autumn of 2020 when covid cases spiked people were less more responsive, so initiative slowly decreased. There are no monitoring and/or evaluation measures. There is no specific national context, initiative is easy transferable.",,National,,"18th of March, 2020",Just for the Covid-19 emergency,Yes,The initiative has changed and grown into state supported project. The project ?Support campaign for medical staff involved in mitigating the consequences of the Covid-19 crisis ?Dinner table for our own?? has been carried out with the financial support of the Society Integration Fund from the Latvian state budget.,Yes,No,No,No,"Promoter is NGO Hospiss LV. Hospiss LV is a public benefit organization, the aim of which is to emphasize the importance of palliative care services so that patients can spend the last days in pleasant conditions, under the supervision of professional staff.",,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,,The initiative relies on direct contact and direct communication with medical institutions. There is no detailed information provided on means of connect. Latvia,LV03,Pause for our own,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,"The target group are medical personnel who had to work in covid environment. Medical personnel are mostly women, especially nurses. ","The aim of the campaign is to support the medical staff during the Covid-19 crisis by providing 3 days of free rest for burned out doctors in some of the most beautiful places in Latvia. Medical personnel worked in high stress and load situation, their self-care suffered. ",No,,No,,This initiative is specially created as response to covid-related situation. ,"Medical staff have been working several hours and longer hours in difficult conditions for almost a year. Many doctors are close to the limit of burnout, because at the same time as physical fatigue has developed a depletion of moral strength. Burnout is a well-known problem, so a rest in the Latvian countryside would be useful for doctors. The target audience are medical personnel, who in context in Latvia, are mostly women. Thus this initiative address domain ?gender care gap?, providing means to sustain mental health, which is very important for self-care. This is not well-known initiative; it has not been widely promoted. The main promoter is NGO Hospiss LV. There are no monitoring and/or evaluation measures. There is no specific national context, initiative is easy transferable.",,National,,"Unclear, information not provided",Just for the Covid-19 emergency,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,"Promoter is NGO Hospiss LV. Hospiss LV is a public benefit organization, the aim of which is to emphasize the importance of palliative care services so that patients can spend the last days in pleasant conditions, under the supervision of professional staff.",,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,No,Yes,No,No,No,,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,,The initiative relies on direct contact and direct communication with medical institutions. There are no detailed information provided on means on connect. Latvia,LV04,Covid-19 information materials for refugees,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,The target group of this societal response are refugees,"Lack of sufficient information regarding Covid-19 for refugees, people talking in other languages than Latvian.",No,,No,,This initiative is specially created as response to covid-related situation. ,"The explicit rationale is not given, but one can assume that there was lack of information on Covid-19 for refugees. This response represents domain ?Human and fundamental rights?, because it provides essential information for refugees, for people who otherwise won?t have access to necessary information. The main activity is to provide e-bucklets about information on covid protection measures in Turkish, Arabic, Russian and English. The main promoter is Association ""Shelter"" Safe House """". The organization works to support asylum seekers, refugees and people with alternative status. There is no information on obstacles or achievements. There are no monitoring and/or evaluation measures. There is no specific national context, initiative is easy transferable.",,National,,No information,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,"The Safe House Shelter was established on 6 August 2007 with the aim of developing support services for victims of trafficking as well as legal immigrants, including asylum seekers, refugees and persons granted alternative status,",,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,,No,No,No,Yes,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,There is no information how e-bucklets were disseminated. Latvia,LV05,COVID19 - Latvian Red Cross (LRC) assistance to persons in mandatory quarantine and self-isolation.,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,"LRC offers assistance to persons who are in compulsory quarantine (coronavirus COVID-19 has been diagnosed after the test) and who do not have any peers (friends, relatives, acquaintances) who could help with the supply of food; who is in compulsory self-isolation (a person who has recently travelled observes his or her health at home for 14 days) and who does not have any peers (friends, relatives, acquaintances) who can help with the supply of food.","This response targets single parents, single old people, people with low-income.",No,,No,,This initiative is specially created as response to covid-related situation.,"Covid-19 related restrictions created new reality, when people in self-isolation, sick with covid or from high-risk groups could not go out, run their errands, and do shopping. This initiative was created to help aforementioned groups. People who volunteered to help were paired with someone who needed help ? to do shopping. The initiative was designed to help people who do not have support system for obtaining necessary. Thus, this response targets single parents, single old people, low-income people. This initiative indirectly intervenes two domains ? ?Gender pay and pensions gap? and ?Gender care gap?. The target groups ?people with low-income?, ?single parents? and ?single old people? are gendered. The initiative indirectly deals with gender pay gap and gender care gap providing women with necessary help. There were no major obstacles. The only obstacle was responsiveness of potential volunteers. There are no monitoring and/or evaluation measures. There is no specific national context, initiative is easy transferable. ",,National,,Mar-20,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,Latvian Red Cross,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,No,No,Yes,No,No,,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,,"LRC has network of regional branches as well as network of volunteers, information was disseminated in their webpage and their social media accounts. The help was provided connecting by phone and email. " Latvia,LV06,Latvian Samaritan's Association together with Yandex.Taxi delivers food parcels to families in need in Riga,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,The target group is families in need and low-income families. ,This response targets poverty,No,,No,,This initiative is specially created as response to covid-related situation.,"The Latvian Samaritan's Association Food Bank ""Non hungry Latvia"" helps to provide food parcels every month to families with children, the disabled and low-income people in sudden distress. However, some recipients have health problems that make it difficult to get to the donation distribution point, especially during Covid-19. In order to deliver food parcels to these people, the service Yandex.Taxi has provided support to the project. People with health problems and seniors will no longer have to go for packages themselves, which are especially important during the spread of the virus. Contactless delivery will be provided by Yandex.Taxi. This initiative indirectly intervenes two domains ? ?Gender pay and pensions gap? and ?Gender care gap?. The target groups ?people with low-income?, ?single parents? and ?single old people? are gendered. The initiative indirectly deals with gender pay gap and gender care gap providing women with necessary help. There is no information on major obstacles or achievements. Promoter of response is Latvian Samaritan?s Association and Yandex.Taxi. There are no monitoring and/or evaluation measures. There is no specific national context, initiative is easy transferable.",,Municipal,This response covers city of Riga. ,Aug-20,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,"The Samaritan's Association is one of the largest non-governmental organizations, employing more than 800 employees and more than 300 volunteers. The Samaritan's Association is certified as a provider of many social services, medical and educational institutions. LSA offers many social, medical and training services that are available to clients with the participation of municipalities or employers, as well as individually.",,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,,"In order to get food parcel, one needs to fill in the application form. The initiative is popularised in social media as well by means of advertising. " Latvia,LV07,Food Bank ?Non hungry Latvia? in charity campaign calls for filling of food parcels for those in need,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,Low-income families with children.,Poverty. Single mothers are at high-risk of poverty.,No,,No,,"Food Bank ?Non hungry Latvia? in charity campaign calls for filling of food parcels for those in need. This is long running initiative, however it gained new levels of significance in times of Covid-19. ","During the state of emergency, the number of applications received by the food bank ?Non hungry Latvia? has increased by 20%. As a result of Covid-19, the proportion of beneficiaries has changed rapidly - families with children are much more in need of assistance. This is due to the fact that during a pandemic, one or even one of the breadwinners became and/or remains unemployed, family income decreases, and children spend more time at home during distanced learning, so they need more food because there is no school lunch. Initiative has several corporative supporters, who promote this initiative, including retailer Rimi Latvia. There is no information on major obstacles. There is no specific national context, initiative is easy transferable. In 2021 there have been 3201 food parcels delivered. On initiatives webpage one can find monthly financial reports on how the money was spent. This initiative indirectly intervenes domain ? ?Gender pay and pensions gap?. The target groups ?families with low-income? and ?single parents? are gendered. The initiative indirectly deals with gender pay gap providing women with necessary help.",,National,,Information not available,Long-term,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,"The Samaritan's Association is one of the largest non-governmental organizations, employing more than 800 employees and more than 300 volunteers. The Samaritan's Association is certified as a provider of many social services, medical and educational institutions. LSA offers many social, medical and training services that are available to clients with the participation of municipalities or employers, as well as individually.",,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,,No,Yes,No,No,No,,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,,"Support in form of food is provided to low-income families who have not received low-income status. Assistance is also provided to pensioners and the disabled in accordance with the specific requirements. To apply for food parcels, one must fill in a questionnaire. It is google docs questionnaire link to which is on initiatives webpage. " Latvia,LV08,"During the period of Covid-19 induced restrictions, NGO ?PAPARDES ZIEDS? offers video and online lessons for young people about sexual and reproductive health. ",Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Teenagers and adolescents ,It is information about sexual and reproductive health issues for young people. Lot of teens have lack of information about their reproductive health. Not having this information puts them in risk in regards to health and safety. ,No,,No,,This initiative is specially created as response to covid-related situation.,"In order to help answer the youth's current questions about sexual and reproductive health during the declared state of emergency and related restrictions, the association ""Papardes zieds"" developed educational videos and online classes. There are no specific actors involved, NGO ?Papareds zieds? is the main promoter. Response represents domain GBV in indirect way. Educational materials focus on providing information regarding changes in the body at puberty, emotional and physical health and safety, including the development of respectful, safe and responsible relationships. This in a way is of prevention of GBV. Initiative provides series of online videos and online classes. Its target group are teens and adolescents, as well as parents and schoolteachers. There is no information on obstacle or achievements. There are no monitoring and/or evaluation measures. There is no specific national context, initiative is easy transferable.",,National,,Dec-20,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,Yes,"It is still active, while Covid-19 restrictions are in place.",Yes,No,No,No,"The association ""Papardes zieds"" is a voluntary public benefit organization, founded in 1994. ""Papardes zieds"" is one of the largest non-governmental organizations in Latvia, which has been successfully working in the field of reproductive health and rights throughout Latvia for many years. The mission of ?Papardes zieds? is to ensure that the sexual and reproductive rights of every person are implemented in Latvia, that everyone has access to quality services and that choices are made on the basis of quality information.",,,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,No,No,No,No,Yes,Some of materials are available free of charge online and have been prepared by organisation?s own funds. However online classes are to be paid for. ,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,, Latvia,LV09,Together against Covid-19,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,"It does not target any specific vulnerable group, the response is targeted to empower ones who have desire but no means to help others. ","It is designed to empower people to participate in decision making, to be active in building civil responses. ",No,,No,,This initiative is created as response to covid-related situation.,"International project ""Joint Initiative against Covid-19"", which is aimed to help reduce the challenges faced due to the pandemic and economic crisis caused by Covid-19. During the implementation of the project, democratic participation was promoted by empowering people and groups of people through voluntary movements. Implementers focused on high-risk groups such as seniors, people with mobility impairments, chronic illnesses, self-isolated people, and single-parent families. The initiative involved volunteers in solving local social problems, as well as non-governmental organizations, local authorities, the private sector and experts. During the project, workshops were implemented, focusing on the exchange of experiences, for example, working with specific groups of the population, but special attention was paid to the formation of the volunteer movement and long-term motivation of volunteers. Domain is ?Decision making and politics?. Its primary goal is to empower high-risk groups, for example, single parent families, which predominantly are mother child/children families. There is some specific national context, that is, made for societies with low civil society skills, low levels of societal participation and self-organisation skills. However, initiative is easy transferable. There are no monitoring and/or evaluation measures.",,National,This is international response. It is cooperation project with volunteer movement in Moldova.,"In 2020, no specific date is specified",Just for the Covid-19 emergency,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,"?#vieglipal?dz?t?. At the beginning it was informal grass-root activist group, now it has transformed in NGO. Its form of governance is a public benefit organization.",,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,An assistance in empowering people and groups of people.,Not indicated Latvia,LV10,Computer for a child,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,"Low-income families. In context of Latvia, single parent families are at high poverty risk. In most cases these are mother-child families. ",Poverty and access to education,Yes,"This initiative is answer to Covid-19 safety measures, in particular, distanced learning. When schools got closed, lot of pupils were not able to participate in learning process due to the lack of computers. ",No,,This initiative is created as response to covid-related situation.,"This initiative is answer to Covid-19 caused distanced learning. When schools got closed, lot of pupils were not able to participate in learning process due to the lack of computers. There are families in Latvia with one smart device for several school-age children. Many families have only one computer per family member, which currently requires multiple family members to use at the same time, as parents also have to work remotely from home. According to the data collected during the campaign ?Computer for a child? by initative ?Giveazy? - at least 350 more families in Latvia need a computer. The largest number of computers are needed by families in regions with three or more children. ?Giveazy? developers called on councilors, businesses and individuals to help families with their unused computers, donate them to children in need. ?Giveazy? was main promoter, this initiative gained a lot of publicity. Press publication from April 2020 states that already 50 computers have been donated. However, since initiative is no longer it is hard to evaluate its achievements. It seems that the initiative is facing insurmountable difficulties. The domain is ?Gender pay and pension gaps?, since its main goal is to help families in need, for example, single parent families, which predominantly are mother child/children families. There are no monitoring and/or evaluation measures. There is no specific national context, initiative is easy transferable.",The original link doesn?t exist anymore. Here is press link about it:,National,,Mar-20,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,No,"There is no information when it ended. ?Giveazy? website is not running any more, its mobile app is no longer available. ",No,Yes,No,No,"Giveazy is social initiative in a form of mobile app. The app is designed as exchange platform where anyone in their nearest area can help with a smartphone by giving away things that are no longer relevant to themselves but can be useful to others. Unfortunately, there is no information when it ended. ?Giveazy? website is not running any more, its mobile app is no longer available.",Not available,,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,,No,Yes,No,No,No,,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,,"Giveazy is social initiative in a form of mobile app. The app is designed as exchange platform where anyone in their nearest area can help with a smartphone by giving away things that are no longer relevant to themselves but can be useful to others. Unfortunately, there is no information when it ended. ?Giveazy? website is not running any more, its mobile app is no longer available. " Netherlands,NL01,"Organizations reacted to the measurements of the government (i.e. working from home). A lot of organizations undertook actions during the corona crisis so that employees could work from home in a comfortable way. Other organizations undertook less action and asked employees to come to the office, even if they should work from home according to advice from the government.",No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,"The vulnerable group targeted are parents with children, but more specifically women. ","A lot of organizations undertook actions to make sure employees could work from home in the most comfortable way (e.g. homework allowance, providing daycare for children, having to work fewer hours when you have children). The inequality of the gender care gap is therefore addressed and might have become smaller than otherwise would be the case without the initiatives.",Yes,The ??policy?? (i.e. advice from the government) to work at home as much as possible.,No,,The initiative has been explicitly designed in response to covid-related issues.,"As of the first lockdown, which started in March 2020, employees in organizations were advised by the government to work from home when possible. This advice led to reactions and initiatives from a lot of organizations (Rijksoverheid, n.d.). Several organizations came up with ideas to make working from home as comfortable as possible for their employees. Examples of initiatives are as follows. Some organizations started with a homework allowance, since employees need to pay for their toilet paper, coffee or tea, electricity, water, gas and depreciation costs of their desk and chair (Nibud, 2020). The National Institute for Budget Advice (Nibud) calculated these costs at 2 euros per day, which is 43.30 euros per month and 440 euros per year (Nibud, 2020). Other organizations, such as VodafoneZiggo (i.e. internet/mobile phone provider) had the rule that children were a priority during the corona crisis. This lowered stress for employees with children (Vriesinga, 2021). Additionally, a cooperation of different schools, universities and research institutions called SURF made an adjustment in their hours system. Employees with children were for example allowed to register ??corona hours?? when they took care of their children that hour. Parents did not have to compensate for these hours they did not work. Employees with children working for VodafoneZiggo received extra vacation days (with a maximum of seven) if they took vacation days to care for their children (Vriesinga, 2021). A law firm, called NautaDutilh, ensured that employees with children could be reimbursed for a babysitter at home. Tilburg University provided employees with rules to stay connected and look out for each other. Examples of these rules are no meetings during lunchbreak and getting fully paid even if you cannot work all hours due to care tasks. In contrast to these examples, there were also employers which asked employees to work in the office instead of home. More specifically, 27% of the people that could work home were asked to come to the office, even if this was contradicting to what the government suggested (CNV, 2021). This shows that organizations responded differently to the advice to work from home. The domains represented in this societal response are the work and labour market and the gender care gap. Several organizations in the work and labour market took initiatives to make working from home as comfortable as possible. However, there were also organizations that undertook less actions or did force employees to work in the office. Worst case examples were migrant workers in the food production chain. Organizations that took initiatives focused on childcare may have resulted in a diminished gender care gap. Due to these initiatives parents, and especially women, were able to combine working and being a parent. The actors are organizations, employees and employees with children. The target group is parents, but more specifically mothers. Organizations that implemented the initiatives achieved a home working situation for employees that was as comfortable as possible. ","CNV. (2020, January 14). CNV-Onderzoek: kwart thuiswerkers wordt gevraagd naar kantoor te komen. Nibud. (2020, July 27). Thuiswerken kost ?2 per dag. Rijksoverheid (n.d.). Thuiswerken in coronatijd. Vriesinga, Y. (2021, January 15). Gratis oppas of vakantiedagen ? zo maken sommige werkgevers het makkelijker. ",National,,Mar-20,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,No,"As of June 26 2021 the advice from the government to work from home as much as possible was revoked. People can work in the office again, if they can keep a distance of 1.5 meter. The initiatives from the organizations might last longer than June 26. This is not known/might differ per organization.",Yes,No,No,Yes,This initiative is all about non-governmental organizations or governmental organizations in the Netherlands.,Not applicable.,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,Support from the organization regarding taking care of children (i.e. well-being of employees).,E-mails/intranet within organizations. Netherlands,NL02,Task force protection of labour migrants,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Labor migrants,"Health inequalities, unequal right to treatment, ",Yes,"Working from home. The work migrants at food production companies in the Netherlands are seen as ??vital occupations?? and cannot work from home. There is limited compliance to 1.5-meter distance, wearubg mouth masks and protection against the corona virus.",No,,Yes,"The meat industry turned out to be a corona hotspot, so unions and employers demanded more testing and controls. In the Netherlands, the jobs in the meat industry were regarded as ??vital occupations??. Therefore, the employees (of which are 80% work migrants) still had to work at location, in large groups and with no distance. Similar issues arose for the warehouse distribution sector and the entire food production chain. The Covid measurements were not applied properly, and the work migrants usually live together and are transported to workplaces in small vans that make social distancing impossible. So, if they then also go to work all day in a place where the 1.5-meter distance cannot be maintained problems arise. Therefore, the infection rate was very high, and more protection was needed. The domain that is targeted here is the work/labor market, as work migrants are not protected in their sector. In addition, it targets human and fundamental rights, because their health is in danger. L labor unions and other NGOs and associations stood up for the work migrants and demanded more protection, enforcement and less production if necessary. As a result, the Dutch government reacted and came into action. The societal response resulted in the cabinet's new lockdown measures against COVID-19 for migrant workers. This looked like the following: 1) measures that the government is taking to improve the information for migrant workers. 2) Protection of migrant workers in the workplace. 3) Enforcement in the workplace by the Inspectorate SZW. 4) The cooperation between supervisors, in particular in the Cooperation Platform 'Migrant Workers and COVID-19'. 5) travel and home quarantine. 6) protection of migrant workers and housing; and 7) outplacement of migrant workers. Thus, many migrant workers work in vital industries and cannot work from home. In addition, they work and travel together, which can make it difficult to keep a distance. For these reasons, the Cabinet established the ??Aanjaagteam Protection of Labour Migrants?? to protect labour migrants against COVID-19 in the short term and structural abuses in the longer term. "," ",National,,Information unavailable,Long-term,Yes,/,No,No,No,Yes,"The Dutch Government the cabinet of the standing committee for Social Affairs and Employment has adopted new lockdown measures against COVID-19 for migrant workers. Unions: Dutch labor unions are important lobyist for the improvement of working conditions in the Netherlands. For instance: ",,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,Labour migrants,No,No,No,Yes,No,,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,"Travelling, protection at the workplace, collaboration with supervisors.",Web and social media. Netherlands,NL03,Scientists at Maastricht UMC+ argue for more attention to gender differences in corona research.,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,"Women, since covid related research is mostly focused on men.","Health inequalities, gender inequalities",No,,No,,"The initiative of Maastricht University Medical Center+ (UMC+) is specifically focused on covid related research (e.g. medicine). However, the debate about medical research being mostly focused on men already existed.","Maastricht UMC+ is known both nationally and internationally for its focus on prevention and taking an integrated approach to health care: from prevention, promotion of good health, and basic care, to top-level clinical diagnostics and treatment (MaastrichtUMC+, n.d.). Scientists from Maastricht UMC+ advocate for more attention to gender differences in corona research. The scientists analysed 30 scientific studies about medications used in the treatment of the coronavirus. None of the studies appeared to distinguish between men and women in their design and thus used a ?one-size-fits-all? approach. In only one study, an additional post-hoc analysis was done on sex differences. In a quarter of all studies, twice as many men than women were included. The Maastricht UMC+ scientists conclude that a ?one size fits all? approach is outdated, since differences are found in the manifestations of the disease between men and women (e.g. men die more often from covid than women) (NOS, 2020; MaastrichtuUMC+, 2020). The findings are published in the scientific journal EClinicalMedicine (The Lancet) (Schiffer et al., 2020). The domain ?human and fundamental rights? is represented in this societal response. Both men and women have health as a fundamental right. Therefore, covid research should focus on both men and women. The actors involved are Maastricht UMC+, scientists, several hospitals and both women and men. The target groups is sex and/or gender since women are disadvantaged compared to men in covid research. The scientists from Maastricht UMC+ call on other scientists and researchers to focus more on both genders when it comes to the treatment for the coronavirus. For studies that are already published they recommend researchers to perform a post-hoc sex analysis. No information is available about the presence of processes of monitoring and/or evaluation of the initiative. "," MaastrichtUMC+. (n.d.). Please follow our Covid-19 guidelines when visiting our hospital. MaastrichtUMC+. (2020, December 12). ?Meer aandacht voor man-vrouwverschil in corona-onderzoek?. Schiffer, V. M., Janssen, E. B., van Bussel, B. C., Jorissen, L. L., Tas, J., Sels, J. W. E., ... & Ghossein-Doha, C. (2020). The"" sex gap"" in COVID-19 trials: a scoping review. EClinicalMedicine, 100652. Van den Brink, R. (2020, December 12). Man-vrouwverschillen onderbelicht in onderzoek coronamedicijnen. ",National,,Jan-20,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,No,Data collection ended in June 2020. Findings were published December 2020.,No,No,No,Yes,"Maastricht UMC+ is known both nationally and internationally for its focus on prevention and taking an integrated approach to health care: from prevention, promotion of good health, and basic care, to top-level clinical diagnostics and treatment (MaastrichtUMC+, n.d.).",,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,Web and social media. Netherlands,NL04,"The FNV (labor union) tries to diminish the gap between rich and poor due to Covid ",No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes," Welfare recipients (Class & single parents) ",Inequality of income,Yes,Staying at home and working from home.,No,/,A response to Covid-related issues.,"Many people who depend on social welfare, and those who have income levels around the poverty level are experiencing an increase in expenditures due to the Corona crisis. Last year, the Dutch government did a lot to alleviate the financial impact of all the Corona measures on businesses and workers in the hope that people and businesses could get back on their feet after the pandemic. All measurements are aimed at supporting income deprivation, however, the welfare recipients are left behind. Especially those people are facing an increase in spending due to the Corona crisis. This is causing serious problems. This group sometimes lives at or below the poverty line for years. And it's not about broken refrigerators or special expenses, which is what the additional resources released in the Supplementary Social Package are intended for are meant for. It's about everyday costs: energy costs, resources for extra hygiene and protection. Any increase in their burden also has dramatic consequences for their lives. It is soon to not being able to pay rent, energy costs or food. Not paying of bills means debt collection, means debts, means panic, means, in the long run, even eviction. Therefore, the FNV (Federatie Nederlandse Vakbeweging), the largest Dutch trade union, came to the following initiative. The TONK is designed to save the income-disadvantaged group from these kinds of consequences. For this reason, the FNV asked minister Koolmees (The Minister of Social Affairs and Employment) to do this also for people on welfare who have cost increases. The trade union wrote a letter to explain why the costs of people in the benefits sector are higher: - Energy costs are higher because digital communication uses more power and because of the need to keep the house at a good temperature throughout the day - Digital communication with school requires more equipment, reinforcement of Wifi, sometimes setting up/shielding workstations in a small home; - The need for hygiene requires more resources and protection requires mouth guards; - Finding the cheapest writing and teaching materials, toothpaste, cleaning supplies, personal hygiene, underwear etc. is no longer possible due to the closure of discount stores like Action, Wibra and others. That?s why the FNV proposes in the letter to the minister to provide all welfare beneficiaries with a one-time benefit of at least 150.- euros and for a family 250.- euros, for children 100.-. This initiative represents the human and fundamental rights, because the government made 130 million available for those who are experiencing a major income loss and are not covered by the previous support packages. However, the people in the benefits sector also have the right to get support from the government. In addition, the economy domain is also covered in this initiative, as the corona crisis caused many problems in the economy which affects people in the benefits sector. The actors involved in this initiative are the FNV, the people in the benefits sector and the government (minister Koolmees). The trade union represents the people in the benefits sector by approaching the minister to reach more equal support. The obstacle that the FNV faced was the rejection of this one-time financial benefit. 'Minister Koolmees, by way of response, pointed to the municipalities for special assistance that a welfare recipient can apply for. But special assistance is subject to strict regulations, different for each municipality, and many people will be caught dead.' (FNV, 2021). There were no clear processes of monitoring the initiative. The initiative was made public via the web. The initiative is based on a specific problem in the Netherlands, it is therefore not particularly tranferable to other national context. It is, however, possible to ask your government for financial aid via a trade union. ","",National,/,10/3/2021,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,Yes,/,Yes,No,No,No,"The ??Federatie Nederlandse Vakbeweging?? (FNV) is the largest Dutch trade union. The FNV consists of a large central union, supplemented by a number of smaller sectoral unions.",,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,Single parents,No,No,No,Yes,No,/,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,/,Via the web and trade unions. Netherlands,NL05,"Nurses advocated for more nursing influence and voice in policies within hospitals, which was fuelled by the coronacrisis.",No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,"Nurses of whom are more women than men (CBS, 2016). ",Nurses never had much say/influence in hospital policies. The Covid crisis made sure that they did have an influence.,No,,No,,"This initiative explicitly started when the Covid crisis began (Hamel, 2020). However, nurses were already underrepresented when it comes to having an influence on policies. Even though they advocated for more participation in making policies before the covid crisis, this did never happen on a large scale (ORnet, 2017; Naomi, 2018). ","Nurses were hit hard by the corona crisis, among others, due to a shortage of materials and overcrowded hospital wards. The corona crisis revealed that nurses are among the most important employees in a hospital. Until the corona crisis started, nurses had little influence or say about hospital policies. This changed at the start of the corona crisis, when nurses saw the opportunity to improve their position. They advocated for more influence on hospital policies (NOS, 2021). When crisis teams in hospitals were made at the start of the corona crisis, nurses (or nursing advisory councils) were not included (NOS, 2021). In fact, the nurses did not even know crisis teams were created, while nurses are the largest occupational group in hospitals and responsible for the large share of the crisis response. The nurses, however, do not think this happened intentionally, but they simply were not immediately thought of. After lobbying, nurses have entered the crisis team in many hospitals (NOS, 2021). Also, establishing nursing advisory councils (VAR?s) becomes more common. VAR?s ?provide advice on a professional basis to the management or board of directors of an organization to ensure and improve the quality of care? (Venvn, 2021, para 4). This implies that nurses have a voice in short- and long-term policies through their advisory role (Venvn, 2021). The VAR?s are nowadays often represented in the crisis teams within hospitals (Hamel, 2020). The position of nurses has formally improved. In the near future, nurses will be asked to give advice about policies in some hospitals, just like medical staff and patient councils. Thus, the corona crises gave the emancipation of nurses an impulse (NOS, 2021). However, there is still a long way to go (NOS, 2021). The domains that this societal response represent are work and labor market and decision-making and politics. Nurses had little influence and say on policies within hospitals before the corona crisis. Due to the corona crisis nurses have a voice in many hospitals. This implies that nurses, of whom are more women than men, can have an influence on decisions and policies that are made. In addition, the overrepresentation of women as nurses in the labor market ensures that women face a higher workload, more health risks and challenges to balance their work and life during the pandemic. The actors involved are nurses, VAR?s and board of directors. The target group is gender and/or sex, since women are overrepresented as nurses in the health care sector. ","CBS. (2016, March 18). Weinig mannen kiezen voor een zorgopleiding. ORNET. (2017, November 29). ?Geef zorgpersoneel meer zeggenschap over beleid instelling?. Hamel. (2020, May 18). Coronacrisis is een wake-up call voor VAR?s. Naomi. (2018, October 23). Emancipatie van de verpleegkundige. NOS. (2021, May 12). Coronacrisis geeft emancipatie verpleegkundigen een flinke impuls. Venvn. (2020, May). VAR.",National,,In the beginning of the coronacrisis. ,Long-term,Yes,,No,No,No,Yes,Nurses from hospitals in the Netherlands.,Not applicable.,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,No,No,No,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,"The VAR?s, the workfloor." Netherlands,NL06,Several help lines/desks/chat boxes were created by several organizations to help vulnerable groups. ,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,"The target group is very diverse and consists of several vulnerable groups. Examples of groups that are targeted are the LGBT+, people with psychological problems, people with suicidal thoughts, refugees, people who need someone to talk to, people with an addiction, people with a depression, people that have to deal with domestic violence, youth, the elderly, caregivers and health care professionals, migrant worker help lines. This list might not be exhaustive.",Help is provided for vulnerable groups who need it in times of the covid crisis.,No,,No,,Some helplines/chat boxes already existed. Some helplines/chats are created during the corona crisis.,"Several organizations created helplines to help all citizens (including vulnerable groups) during the corona crisis. Some of these helplines already existed before the corona crisis. However, some of the helpline were developed during the corona crisis to help people who need it (GGZtotaal, 2021). Examples of these helplines are as follows. Children can call or chat with the child phone. In addition, they can contact an organization named ?Ease?. Ease can be contacted via telephone, chat, Facebook or Instagram (Rijksoverheid, n.d.). Adults can contact the ?listening line? if they want to talk to someone (Rijksoverheid, n.d.). This organization also provides a webpage with corona help services (COC, 2020). ?Mind-Korrelatie? can be contacted via whatsapp, telephone, chat or mail for mental and psychological problems. The Red cross can be called for help when a person is in quarantine or home isolation. They can for example provide assistance with doing groceries. ?113suicideprevence? can be called if someone thinks about suicide (Rijksoverheid, n.d.). If there is domestic violence, ?Safely home? can be contacted. If a person or family struggles with paying for food, they can contact the foodbank, which provides for free food if they qualify. People from the LGBT+ community can get in touch with someone of the community via the organization named ?LGBT+ support? (COC, 2021). Also transgenders might have an extra hard time during the corona crisis. Surgeries might be postponed, quarantine might feel lonely or they might experience violence. These people can contact the ?Transgender Netwerk Netherlands? (TNN, 2021). Additionally a help desk for refugees was created in the beginning of the corona crisis. They can ask questions and ask for help in their mother tongue (KIS, 2020). The elderly can contact the ?ANBO? or ?KBO-PCOB? if they have questions about the corona virus or if they want to talk to someone. Care professionals can contact the ?ARQ IVP? if they need psychological help due to a drastic event or can contact ?strong in your work? if they want to be professionally coached. Migrant communities started online help for understanding corona guidelines, travel regulations, vaccination and testing and emotional coping. Organizations for refugees started helplines. Above, several organizations (i.e. actors) who are committed to providing assistance to citizens can be found. However, this list of help lines is not exhaustive, since there are more helplines focused on helping citizens within the corona crisis. The specific domains that are represented are domestic violence and human and fundamental rights. As described above, several helplines are focused on offering help when someone is confronted with domestic violence or has (mental) health problems. The target group is very diverse and consists of several vulnerable groups. Examples of groups that are targeted are the LGBT+, people with psychological problems, people with suicidal thoughts, refugees, people who need someone to talk to, people with an addiction, people with a depression, people that have to deal with domestic violence, youth, the elderly, caregivers and health care professionals. This list might not be exhaustive. ","Rijksoverheid. (n.d.). Tips als u zich somber of gespannen volet door het corona virus. GGZtotaal. (2021, May 5). Hulplijnen voor (psychische) problemen ten tijde van corona. COC. (2020, May 23). Informatie tijdens de corona-pandemie. Transgender netwerk Nederland. (2021, March 26). Waar kun je als trans persoon terecht tijdens de coronacrisis? Kennisplatform integratie & samenleving. (2020, April 6). Corona helpdesk voor statushouders gestart. ",National,,"It differs per organization or helpline. Some started in the beginning of the corona crisis, others a little later. There are also already existing helplines/chat boxes. The once focused specifically on Covid-19 will probably not exist anymore after the corona crisis.",Just for the Covid-19 emergency,Yes,,Yes,No,No,Yes,"It differs per organization/helpline. Most organizations receive a grant from the government or work together with the government. The organization ?Safely home? works for instance together with municipalities and the state, while the COC is a non-governmental organization which commits to lgbt+ people and receive a grant from the government. Another example is the helpdesk for refugees which was created by a partnership between different organizations. ","Rijksoverheid. (n.d.). Tips als u zich somber of gespannen volet door het corona virus. GGZtotaal. (2021, May 5). Hulplijnen voor (psychische) problemen ten tijde van corona. COC. (2020, May 23). Informatie tijdens de corona-pandemie. Transgender netwerk Nederland. (2021, March 26). Waar kun je als trans persoon terecht tijdens de coronacrisis? Kennisplatform integratie & samenleving. (2020, April 6). Corona helpdesk voor statushouders gestart. ",Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,, Netherlands,NL07,Re-evaluation for healthcare,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Healthcare workers / precarious jobs (often women in healthcare),The inequality in working hours/work load regarding jobs.,Yes,"The policy: stay at home as much as possible/working from home. People working in healthcare and precarious jobs cannot work from home or stay at home as much as possible, as they are crucial in times of Covid. They need to work overtime a lot and the workload is really high.",No,,Designed in response to Covid-related issues,"Re-evaluation of the healthcare sector On the 17th of March 2020, an initiative was spread through The Netherlands to show appreciation to everyone working in the healthcare sector and precarious jobs. An event was created on Facebook. There, more than 10,000 people expressed interest in the action. The message was also widely shared on other social media. Similar actions were previously held in Italy, Spain and Bulgaria. The idea was to clap for three minutes and to spread as many images as possible via social media. Clapping was done in the garden, from the window and from the balcony. The action ""#klapcoronadewerelduit"" was conceived by three women who themselves have chronically ill children. They stated that the healthycare deserved a big and loud applause, a heart to heart. They asked that the call would be shared. ""With each other and especially together we will get through this difficult time."" There is a new appreciation of healthcare workers (Austria, Hungary, the Netherlands, Spain), which is extended to social services and the NGOs, who played a key role in the delivery of services vital to handling the crisis (EAPN). The Netherlands mentioned ?a wave of solidarity growing amongst neighbourhoods and groups? (EAPN). This movement started at the start of lockdown 1 just before summer. It was a national applause moment for everyone working in healthcare, to appraise their hard work and show respect. This was an amazing gesture and big achievement. However, from the second lockdown, in winter, this movement turned into hatred. Instead of showing support, there was silence, no applause, and even violence towards hospitals. ""First they were clapping for care, but now we're getting clapped,"" stated a care manager of a hospital umbrella in Gelderland. The main obstacle was to move back to appreciation. This societal response represents the work and labor market, as all people with precarious jobs are appraised. There were many actors involved. As stated above, the initiators spread the idea via social media and social services and the NGOs helped to spread it. The main target group was people with precarious jobs and mostly workers in healthcare. In the Netherlands, care jobs are often occupied by women. This initiative has been held in other countries as well, so it can be transferred to other national contexts. "," ",National,,3/17/2020,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,No,3/8/2020,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,"On the 17th of March, the Netherlands are clapping for the heroes in healthcare. An event was created on Facebook. There, more than 10,000 people expressed interest in the action. The message is also widely shared on other social media. The action ""#klapcoronadewerelduit"" was conceived by three women who themselves have chronically ill children.","Website URL: Quote: ""Now I'm also at a hospital because my daughter is having surgery,"" she tells radio 538. ""She has been chronically ill for six years and we have actually been looking for a diagnosis for six years. It's very important that there are people who care for others. I'm just very impressed with the dedication of all those people who keep society going."" ",Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Precarious jobs,No,No,Yes,No,No,,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,,"Web and social media, network of volunteers." Netherlands,NL08,"The Global Female Leaders Outlook COVID-19 ",No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,Women,Sex and/or gender,No,/,No,/,"Women leaders see Covid-19 as major push for more diversity, thus this initiative is a societal response on Covid and did not really exist before."," In general, women are hit hard by the covid-19 pandemic. There are big differences in the impact of corona on men and women. The pandamic has a significant influence on the work life and private life of women. Many women faced a double burden due to both work and family. The closure of schools and nurseries had a particularly strong impact on women in recent times. Many of the hardest hit sectors, such as tourism, healthcare and cleaning and transport, also have a large number of female employees. Corona therefore hit them twice as hard. Nevertheless, a positive societal response was found. The company KPMG did some research. Their Global Female Leaders Outlook COVID-19 Special Edition provides insight into the minds of female leaders as the pandemic continues to upend societies, communities and economies. Nearly 700 female leaders across 52 countries were surveyed between September and October 2020 to understand the impact on their professional and personal priorities throughout the pandemic. They see the pandemic as a potential equalizer for a more inclusive workforce. Key findings include: The proliferation of new digital communication and collaboration tools, alongside a growing talent pool afforded by remote working, may be a catalyst for gender equality. Making a positive impact is a top motivator for female leaders around the world. Diversity and inclusion agendas, as well as climate change are top of mind. Female leaders have seen the digital transformation of their businesses accelerating during the pandemic, but there is still room to improve innovation processes and execution. Thus, KPMG's Female Leaders Outlook shows that half of the female executives of large Dutch companies expect the progress made during the corona crisis on diversity and inclusion to continue after the corona crisis. The executives expect that the greater use of digital communication and collaboration tools and increased working from home will significantly change the corporate culture at many companies. This, according to these ""female leaders,"" will open the door for greater inclusiveness and diversity. This societal response represents the work and labor market, as it addresses the inequality between men and women at the workplace. In addition, women (as the main target group) were hit harder by the corona pandamic and had to take more care responsibilities etc. for the children. Nevertheless, Dutch female leaders expect that the progress being made on diversity and inclusion will continue after the corona crisis. Actors involved in this societal response are women in general, female leaders and the company KPMG. A big achievement of the corona crisis for women is that it has clearly shone a new light on many companies' raison d'ˆtre, their sense of social responsibility and how they deal with diversity. This societal response is also tranferable to other national contexts, as theGlobal Female Leaders Outlook COVID-19 Special Edition includes surveys of women from 52 different countries. ( (","˙",National,/,20/04/2021,Long-term,Yes,/,No,No,No,Yes,"The Global Female Leaders Outlook˙ The Global Female Leaders Outlook COVID-19 Special Edition provides insight into the minds of female leaders as the pandemic continues to upend societies, communities and economies. Nearly 700 female leaders across 52 countries were surveyed between September and October 2020 to understand the impact on their professional and personal priorities throughout the pandemic. They see the pandemic as a potential equalizer for a more inclusive workforce. ",,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,/,No,No,No,No,Yes,No resources needed.,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,/,Web and social media. Netherlands,NL09,Restaurants that had to close due to corona measures of the government donated their food to food banks that were dealing with a shortage of food.,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Lower social classes that do not have enough money to buy (enough) food.,"The food banks were struggling with obtaining enough food during the corona crisis. Several restaurants that had to close in the corona crisis donated their food to the food banks. Therefore, food banks had enough food again.",Yes,Due to the policy that restaurants had to close they donated their food to food banks.,No,,The initiative was explicitly designed in response to covid-related issues. ,"All restaurants had to close twice due to regulation of the government. This led to the fact that a lot of restaurants and grand caf‚s had food surpluses. Since restaurants had to close on short notice they did not have the time to serve the food to guests. In the mean time, food banks were struggling with food shortage (Distrifood, 2020). There are several reasons for this shortage of food in the food banks. First of all, people in the Netherlands bought a lot of food (i.e. hoarding) because of the uncertainty due to the corona crisis. Therefore, there was less food left for the foodbank, which often comes from supermarkets (Distrifood, 2020). Secondly, supermarkets such as the Jumbo came up with campaigns to counteract food waste (Nos, 2020). This resulted in less food that could be given to the food banks. Lastly, some donators of food (e.g. local suppliers) were hit hard by the corona crisis. As a result they could give less food or no food to food banks (Nos, 2020). When Restaurants had to close, a lot of them started the initiative to donate their food to food banks. The actors involved are food banks and restaurants/grand caf‚s. Donators of food could also be seen as actors. The domain that is represented is health and fundamental rights. Everyone should be able to receive food when they do not have the money to buy it. Since it is a necessity of life it could be seen as a fundamental right and needed for the health of citizens. The target group that receives help are the lower social classes that go to food banks. More specifically, people that cannot buy (enough) food themselves, because they have too little money available. ","Distrifood. (2020, March 17). Schaarste bij Voedselbank door hamsteren. NOS. (2020, October 19). Voedselbanken zitten met lege schappen door minder voedseldonaties. ",National,,March 2020 and October 2020,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,No,This initiative happened in the weeks restaurants had to close. This was in March and October 2020.,Yes,No,No,No,Several restaurants and grand caf‚s throughout the Netherlands. ,Not applicable. ,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Food. ,A network of volunteers (e.g. via the food banks). Netherlands,NL10,??She decides?? ? the lobby club of Liliane Ploumen,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Women,Inequality of rights (women),No,/,No,/,"The initiative already exisited, but became even more important due to Covid. As the consequences of the corona crisis are being felt everywhere, women?s rights have come under more pressure.","The initiative SheDecides started in 2017. The movement was founded in response to U.S. President Donald Trump's introduction of the Mexico City Policy. The rationale of SheDecides is that everyone should be able to decide for themselves if, when, how many and with whom they want children. Unfortunately, many women and girls do not have that freedom of choice. With sexual education, contraceptives and good and safe abortion care, the initiative wants to improve their position. The then Dutch Minister of Development Cooperation, Lilianne Ploumen, founded SheDecides. 'She decides her future' is the credo. Governments and individual citizens worldwide came together to support the fund. SheDecides has grown into an international movement advocating for women's freedom of choice worldwide. The consequences of the corona crisis are being felt everywhere and therefore, women's rights have come under more pressure. According Lilianne Ploumen, we must therefore continue to stand up for the credo: 'her body, she decides'. To reinforce these words, the campaign ''SheDecidesNow'' was launched. The corona pandamic has had a bad impact on women?s rights worldwide: closed abortion clinics, poor access to contraceptives and an increase in domestic violence. That is why women's rights movement She Decides is once again sounding the alarm. In an open letter, the movement argues that now that the covid 19 pandemic is almost over, we must work to improve the situation of women worldwide. The main activities of the initiative are as following: In countries where there is already access to abortion, the right must be protected. Second, SheDecides focuses on countries where there is no right to abortion yet. In addition to combating maternal mortality and working towards safe abortion care, the affected organizations are also about education and contraception. So it is also about, for example, protecting against STIs and preventing unwanted pregnancies. ( Due to the corona crisis, the vulnerabilities of women become more visible, as they are hit harder by the covid measurements. Therefore, 'She Decides Now' draws attention to women's right to self-determination. The initiative shares stories of activists and other stakeholders, each of whom is working for women's rights in practical or innovative ways. Those messages and stories are shared via Social media to draw attention to the issues, but also inspire people with good ideas. The initiative represents the Human and Fundamental Rights domain, because it addresses women?s freedom of choice to decide to have abortion or not. In addition, Covid increased domestic violence for women and therefore the initiative also represents the Gender based violence domain. There are many target groups involved. The response was directed towards women, especially those from lower classes or a particular ethnicity. In countries where health care is more vulnerable than in the Netherlands, it is for example becoming more difficult for women to get contraception. And under current conditions, it is also becoming much more difficult to access abortion or get good advice. Therefore, many activists come in action, but also this organization and its members. SheDecides' public donation platform is managed by Rutgers, the Dutch knowledge center for sexuality and sexual health. In the Netherlands, there is strong support for women's freedom of choice. However, there are still some obstacles. In general, there are anti-abortion protesters spreading misinformation and intimidating women. Liliane Ploumen also questioned abortion choice assistance in The Netherlands. Currently, Siriz, an organization that stems from the Christian Association for the Protection of the Unborn Child and that helped in the anti-abortion March For Life, is supported with government money. Research by the Groene Amsterdammer showed that they also do not provide accurate and neutral counseling. Even though it is allowed to have such views in The Netherlands, Liliane does not agree with them. The initiative is already international and is therefore tranferable to other national contexts. However, in some countries it is more difficult to promote initiatives like this. For example in America, they are already trying to make sure that United Nations aid money should not go to sexual care. These are indirect ways of being able to increasingly restrict the right to abortion. Here, the current crisis is being used for a different political agenda, which is not ideal.",,National,/,2017,Long-term,Yes,/,Yes,No,No,Yes,"SheDecides is the initiative which advocates for women's freedom of choice worldwide. The Initiator of SheDecides is former Minister of Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation Lilianne Ploumen. SheDecides' public donation platform is managed by Rutgers, the Dutch knowledge center for sexuality and sexual health. ","",Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,/,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,/,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,/,"Web and social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter)" Poland,PL01,Apel o uwzgl?dnienie trudnej sytuacji pracownic naukowych z dzie?mi w czasie pandemii/ Appeal to take into account the difficult situation of female research workers with children during the pandemic,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,Female researchers,Gender inequality,Yes,The initiative respond to the policy of the Ministry of Education and Science to evaluate the scientific entities with the number of points allocated for published journal articles and books and for received grants. As a result scientific entities evaluate their employees for their scientific productivity. This policy has not been changed during the pandemic which means that it hits people with caring responsibilities the most (and those are mainly women).,No,,"It was designed in response to covid-related issues, namely closure of child-care and educational facilities to prevent the spread of the virus.","The COVID-19 pandemic has hit the academic world from different angles. Firstly, lecturers and students have switched to distance learning which brought an additional burden related to the change in the organization of work and often the lack of skills and competences of lecturers with this type of teaching. Secondly, administrative and research workers have switched to remote work which significantly slowed down the pace of case and research proceedings. Finally, national and international restrictions related to the lockdown of child-care and educational facilities, limitations in functioning of libraries, laboratories and archives, as well as closed borders and suspension of international air communication resulted in difficulties in performing research work. However, the pandemic has affected researchers and other academic employees who had to care for young children in very unique way. Given the social expectations of women being the main carers the pandemic has strengthened the ?motherhood penalty? and gender care gap phenomenon. According to the policy adopted in 2018 in Poland The Ministry of Education and Science evaluate research performing organizations by assessing their productivity in publishing and grant implementation. As part of the process RPOs evaluate their employees with number of points received for publications and grants realization. As numerous studies shows, during the pandemic women are much more occupied with care and household duties than their male counterparts. They have also less time to perform scientifically. This translates directly into their productivity - number of articles written, grant application submitted, research conducted, and into their possibility of job retention. Therefore, employees associated in trade union at Polish Academy of Sciences and Academy if Fine Arts in Warsaw has made an appeal to the Minister of Education and Science to take into account difficult situation of female employees and other people working in science and providing primary care for children, especially if this care is provided independently. In particular, they request to take their situation into account: - when assessing their work by research units (e.g. by including this situation in the employee assessment regulations); - during the settlement of grants (by extending the time allocated for this task) and in the process of applying for new grants (by extending the period for which the scientific achievements are calculated); - when evaluating the work of the research units that employ them (by taking into account the number of employees with children). The information on the initiative was mainly shared in social media and on web. People behind the initiative has created online petition which, after gathering over 1600 signatures, was sent to the Minister of Education and Science and communicated to the authorities of the National Science Center, the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland. The chairman of the Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland expressed his support for this initiative which was communicated to people signing the petition and expressing their interest in initiative development. ",";",National,,Apr-21,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,Yes,,No,No,No,Yes,"Mi?dzyzak?adowa Komisja OZZ Inicjatywa Pracownicza PAN/ ASP in Warsaw associates employees of institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. It is a grassroot, self-governing and voluntary trade union.",";",No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,,The initiative is mainly communicating its aims and results of undertaken actions on its fanpage in social media as well as by e-mail correspondence. Poland,PL02,Podwĸjnie wykluczeni/one. Poradnik na czas pandemii/ Doubly excluded. A pandemic?s guide.,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,"Pregnant women, victims of domestic violence, people with disabilities, migrants, LGBT+, employees and employers at risk of losing their jobs and enterprises","Gender, economic and social inequalities",No,,No,,It was designed as a response to COVID-19 pandemic to raise awareness concerning rights and solutions available during the pandemic for multiple vulnerable groups,"The COVID-19 pandemic has affected life of different social groups. Not all of them were targets of national policies aimed at mitigating the effects of the outbreak. Some groups, like LGBT+ may suffer psychologically due to the lockdown and lack of social support. ?Doubly excluded. A pandemic?s guide? partially responds to the needs of vulnerable groups and those at risk of exclusion. It is an online document prepared by the Equal Treatment Council which main aim is to raise awareness and provide information where to find help during the pandemic crisis. It targets a lot of vulnerable groups at risk of social exclusion, particularly employees and employers who are at risk of losing their jobs and enterprises due to the national restrictions and lockdowns, pregnant women, victims of domestic violence, people with disabilities, migrants, and LGBT+. In addition to information about selfcare and procedures in case of infection authors of the guide include content related to financial issues and employees? rights (e.g. national policies as well as Krakow municipality policies adopted for employees and employers); psychological support for general public and vulnerable groups; helplines for victims of domestic violence, LGBT+ and people with disabilities; financial aids available for people with disabilities; availability of health care services during the pandemic for migrants. The guide was translated into English, Ukrainian and Russian and is also available for blind and partially sighted people. The guide was promoted through social and mass media chanells. This particular document should serve as an example for other municipalities as it is very comprehensive source of knowledge regarding existing support programs for the vulnerable groups. At the same time the Equal Treatment Council took care of its availability and translated it to several languages as well as adjusted its content to the needs of people with sight disabilities. ",,Municipal,Krakĸw,May-20,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,Yes,,No,No,No,Yes,"Rada ds. Rĸwnego Traktowania (Equal Treatment Council) was established by the Mayor of the City of Krakow, in May 2019. The aim of the Council's activity is to develop concepts, ideas and solutions for the development of a strategy of equal treatment and counteracting discrimination at the local level, in cooperation with organizational units of the Krakow City Hall and municipal organizational units, cultural and educational institutions, universities, non-governmental organizations and other institutions and services operating in the Municipality of Krakow.",,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,,No,No,No,Yes,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,The guide is available on official website of the City of Krakow and organization?s fanpage in social media. It was also promoted in local mass media. Poland,PL03,Dost?p do bezpiecznej aborcji w czasie pandemii/ Access to safe abortion during the pandemic ,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,"Pregnant women, victims of domestic and sexual violence, female employees at risk of losing their jobs",Gender and economic inequalities,Yes,"The initiative responds to the policies of: borders closure, suspension of international air communication, lockdown and quarantines, limitations in functioning of post offices and health care facilities",No,,"It is a continuation of support provided for women in need of abortion, but during the pandemic it was intensified due to the outbreak effects on women?s reproductive rights and health","Poland has one of the strictest abortion laws in Europe. Women and their reproductive rights suffer due to many barriers imposed on them, namely challenges with administrative processes or doctor?s refusals of care due to their private beliefs. As a result women are often forced to travel abroad to access abortion care or to obtain abortion medication from other countries by post. Until October 2020 women could access abortion if the pregnancy was a result of rape or incest, if it posed a threat to women?s health or life and if the fetus was severely demaged or terminally ill. After October 2020 and Constitutional Tribunal?s (Trybuna? Konstytucyjny, TK) decision to withdraw the last of the above-mentioned premises for abortion as unconstitutional the Polish abortion law has become even more restrictive. The TK?s decision on abortion resulted in several mass protests on Polish streets despite the ban on gatherings during the pandemic. Situation in Poland which in fact means that Polish government does not recognize abortion as an essential health care as well as does not implement measures to ensure safe and timely access to essential sexual and reproductive health services, medications supplies or counselling during the pandemic is compound with limitations in functioning of many hospitals, gynecological clinics or suspension of many health care services and facilities. As a response to the situation of the pandemic and generally situation in Poland regarding negligence in the field of reproductive health and rights of Polish women Abortion Dream Tream as part of the Abortion Without Borders initiative organizes awareness raising campaigns, provide financial, psychological and legal support to women wanting to terminate the pregnancy. Using money from donations abortion activists help women to organize pharmacological abortion or abortion in clinic abroad. Therefore, they help women to realize their basic reproductive rights as well as mitigate the effects of gender based violence which the state performs through its actions. The initiative is widely promoted by Polish NGOs that deal with reproductive health issues, as well as by pro-abortion individuals who promote this initiative on their social media profiles. Evaluation of the initiative is done on daily basis. Organizers provide statistics regarding received calls and provided help. ",";",National,,Mar-20,Long-term,Yes,,No,Yes,No,No,"Aborcyjny Dream Team/ Abortion Dream Team is an informal group of Polish activists. Its aim is to change the perception of abortion, share information and stories regarding pharmacological and chirurgical termination of pregnancy. The team uses different chanells of communication: organize meetings, workshops, publish articles, use Internet and social media to speak about abortion openly and without prejudices. Aborcja bez granic/ Abortion without borders is an initiative of six organisations located in multiple European countries. It works to help people access abortions at home with pills or abroad in clinics. It offers pregnancy options counselling, provide practical information about abortion, financial support, accommodation and translation during the process of abortion.","",Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,donations,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Translations,The Abortion Dream Teams and Abortion without Borders use their webpages as well as fanpages in social media to connect with target groups. At the begging of the pandemic they have also created the newsletter regarding the topic of abortion in the pandemic which is available online ( Poland,PL04,#GraPaczka/ #GamePack,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,"Seniors, people with disabilities, children and families in need, ill people","Inequalities resulting from age, disability, economic status and health condition",Yes,"First edition of the initiative was a response to the national policies adopted during pandemic which restricted the functioning of schools and obliged teachers and students to switch to distance learning; second and third edition were more general in nature and aimed at helping seniors, ill people, people with disabilities as well as families with lower socio-economic capital",No,,This particular initiative was originally a response to Covid-19 pandemic which caused change in the mode of learning and exposed digital divide. ,"National policy makers has adopted several policies during the pandemic which aim was to limit the spread of the virus among children and teachers. One of them was closure of educational facilities and recommendations for employers to enable their employees working remotely. In order to be able to perform work remotely or to study from distance parents, children and teachers needed both space and equipment to do so. But not every family would allow to have a computer for parent(s) and child(ren). The initiative #GraPaczka is a response to the needs of families who cannot afford a computer equipment and thus face problems with distance learning. Therefore, providing computers to the families with such needs the initiative supports children?s right to study. The initiative is based on the help from Polish streamers who broadcast their games while organizing competitions with prizes. During the charity stream, a fundraising for the computer equipment for children in need was organized. Among the promoters of the initiative are computer and gaming private entities which disseminated the idea through their social media channels. First edition of the initiative took place in May 2020 and gathered the total amount of almost PLN 332,000 for aid and buying computer equipment for children in need. The second and third editions were of similar character but the aim was to gather money for organizing aid and supporting the most vulnerable groups in society during the pandemic, and that is seniors, families in need, ill people and people with disabilities. The total amount of almost PLN 345,000 was gathered during the second edition and almost PLN 265,000 during the last one that took place in May 2021. The idea to support children, families and teachers in need of computer equipment was also taken up by other entities. For instance: CEMEX Poland run a project titled ?Wirtualna szko?a CEMEX?/?Cemex Virtual School? which purpose was to support teaching methods in schools located in the area of Cemex workplaces. The project supported over 5000 students and 700 teachers from 22 schools in 19 locations. The project is still active (; Initiative of activists, programmers, computer specialists, NGOs? and schools? employees titled ?Uwolnij Z?omka?/?Free your scrap-comp? which help children, parents and teachers in need of computer equipment and technical support ( There is also a lot of regional initiatives focused on digital exclusion problem, like the Krakĸw initiative called #daj?ekompa (, ?Komputery dla uczniĸw?/ ?Computers for pupils? organized in Mr?gowo (; Private national and international companies has also engaged in this kind of actions (for instance BNP Paribas with Orange) as well as non-govermental organizations (for instance KMPG Foundation, Santa Claus Foundation). ",,National,,May-20,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,Yes,,Yes,No,No,Yes,"Stowarzyszenie Wiosna/ Spring Association is a main organizer of the initiative. It is a non-govermental organization established in 2001. Its aim is to promote solidarity, to mediate in the organization of assistance and create a civic society. It operates mainly through volunteer work. All its projects are based on aid mechanism. Partners of the action are mainly computer and gaming private entities, like Intel, All In!Games, MSI, Pro-Gamer, Cd-Action. ",,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Illness,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Donations,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,,The organizer of the initiative use web and social media to communicate their aims to the target groups. It has also developed a network of volunteers who are constantly in touch with families and individuals in need and who are also responsible for searching new families and individuals in need of help/support. Poland,PL05,Akcja ?Na wyci?gni?cie r?ki?/ Action ?At your fingertips?,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Young LGBTQ+ people,Gender and sexual inequalities,Yes,This initiative responds to lack of national policies for LGBT+ people.,,,This initiative has been developed as a response to COVID-19 and its effects on LGBT+ young people?s mental health.,"Kampania Przeciw Homofobii/ Campaign against Homophobia in collaboration with Facebook has developed an online initiative focused on providing help to young LGBT+ people. Its main aim is to raise awareness about availability of free of charge psychological help and existing LGBT+ networks during the pandemic. Situation of young LGBT+ people in Poland is one of the hardest in Europe. It was reported that 70% of young LGBT+ people experienced psychological or psychical violence at least once in their lifetime. More than a half of LGBT+ minors have depression and almost 70% suicidal thoughts. The Covid-19 pandemic made the situation even worse. Mental health of young LGBT+ people was seriuosly affected by COVID-related isolation and obligation to stay for a longer period in homo- or transphobic environment. KPH and Facebook decided to respond to their needs and support them by providing information where to get help online, remotely or onsite. Among initiative actions are video spots with people representing the whole spectrum of gender identities and sexual orientations as well as a website where information on free psychological help was collected. It is also planned to publish videos with psychologist who will provide young people in need with basic tips for fighting isolation in pandemic. Organizers also encourage other young people to help others in need by networking, promoting this and similar actions and by self-education. Providing help to young LGBT+ people organizers contribute to the protection of their basic right to mental health as well as by networking them with other peers indirectly contribute to their better well-being. Other actions focused on LGBT+ people in Poland include: Lambda Warsaw?s initiative to help LGBT+ seniors in need by providing support in daily activities like doing shopping or dealing with administrative issues (; Opening of first emergency accommodation for LGBT+ people (Lambda Warsaw,; Free psycholgocial support for LGBT+ people in the pandemic launched by many organizations and institutions (list available here: and here",,National,,Jun-21,Long-term,Yes,,Yes,No,No,Yes,"Kampania Przeciw Homofobii/ Campaign Against Homophobia is a nationwide non-govermental organization established in 2001. It focuses mainly on helping homosexual, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people and their relatives through political, social and legal advocacy, creating and implementing systemic educational solutions for various professional groups and building a broad alliance movement. Facebook ? social networking site established in 2004. Facebook is an online platform where registered users can create groups, networks, share photos, music content, messages, and use multiple applications. ","",Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,Donations,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,,The organizers use web and social media to connect with the target group. It has also developed a network of volunteers that disseminate information on the initiative at their social media profiles. Poland,PL06,Widzialna r?ka/ Visible Hand,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,"Seniors, people with disabilities, children, women, families in need",Any kind of inequality,Yes,"This particular initiative responds to the COVId-19 pandemic crisis in general as it covers a lot of actions for multiple vulnerable groups. Basically, it responds to the national policy of lockdown and restrictions on free movement. ",No,,The initiative is a response to covid-related issues,"The grass-root initiative called ""Visible Hand"" is a nation-wide action developed in March 2020. Its activity is hold on Facebook and in real life where information about mutual help and support is exchanged. The facebook group consist of over 105,000 members who declare help, whether in shopping or walking the dog, online tutoring, chat, to reading the child to sleep, helping them in learning, talking on the phone, psychological and labour market counselling support or just praying. Information also appears in staircases and in public places. The initiative operates also locally in many Polish cities and regions, for instance in Warsaw, Krakĸw, ?ĸd?, Pozna?, Toru?. All help offered within the group is free of charge and is based on voluntary work of people being its members. The group ensure that the entire initiative complies with safety recommendations. It has consistent regulations that ensure non-violent communication. The group is ?administered? by a team of admins who shares with users developed sets of recommendations for safe shopping, walking dogs, daily care for oneself and others. In general the initiative realizes citizens? right to social security and helps in caring for elderly or other dependents, thus facilitate sharing of caring responsibilities. In specific cases providing psychological help and counselling contributes to combating gender-based violence and exclusion from the labour market. ",,National,,Mar-20,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,Yes,,No,Yes,No,No,Promoters of the initiative are citizens who are willing to help others in need,N/A,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,,No,No,Yes,No,No,,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,,The initiative connects with target groups via social media channels and by using help of volunteers who disseminate information on this initiative in many public spaces and staircases of residential buildings. Poland,PL07,Med-Stres SOS Program,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Health care employees,Access to mental health services,Yes,It responds to lack of national policies in the field of psychological support for health care workers,,,It is a continuation of the project on online psychological support to health care personell,"The pandemic and resulting therefrom situation in hospitals, health care facilities and nursing homes to a large extent affect the mental condition of people working there. Currently, health care personnel has a significantly limited ability to take care of themselves and their well-being. The task of Med-Stres SOS is to improve the mental state and mental form as well as help in coping with excessive tension. The program focuses on strengthening internal resources by building self-efficacy and belief that social support is available. In general, the main goal of Med-Stres SOS is to support healthcare professionals in coping with stress at work. The program is available free of charge and fully available online (, so everyone can use it anywhere, anytime. It works on smartphones, tablets and computers and requires only an Internet connection. The program includes exercises to strengthen psychological resources, reduce tension, and measure well-being. The psychological intervention consists of 8 short modules that can be performed in any order and later returned to. The exercises last from 2 to 30 minutes and include, inter alia, relaxation classes, mindfulness or well-being measurement. All exercises in Med-Stres SOS are based on scientific evidence, and the effectiveness of its original form has been tested in an experimental study. At the same time, the new shorten and adopted to covid-situation version of the program has not been tested in difficult or crisis conditions before. So the program developers decided to check its reception and effectiveness by posting a survey before and after the program. Similar initiatives has also been launched in Poland and these include: Psychologowie and Psychoterapueci dla spo?ecze?stwa/ Psychologists and psychoterapists for society ? free of charge, remote psychological support based on video or telephone conversation targeted for health care professionals, parties to current social conflicts, people who feel that their values have been undermined, people in quarantine, people who, due to the introduced restrictions, lost their source of income, and people who are in a mental crisis and have been refused any other form of assistance due to the pandemic (e.g. admission to a day psychiatric ward) (; Wsparcie i pomoc psychoterapeutyczna i psychologiczna dla pracownikĸw s?u?by zdrowia/ Psychotherapeutic and psychological support and help for healthcare professionals ? online help offered by specialist working in Gda?sk-Pomeranian branch of Scientific Section of Psychotherapy of Polish Psychiatric Association ( Initiatives of this type contribute to the mental health of those health care employees working on the front lines during the fight against the pandemic.",,National,,May-20,Long-term,Yes,,No,No,No,Yes,"Med-Stres SOS is the result of cooperation between researchers, practitioners and experts from the University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Warsaw, Stockholm University and Link”ping University, dealing with the issues of stress, health at work and psychological internet interventions.",,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,"The Med-Stres SOS program is a version of the Med-Stres program, which was developed as part of the project financed by the National Centre for Research and Development. The current version of the program was financed from the SWPS's own funds and as part of a scholarship in the Bekker Program awarded to Dr. Ewelina Smoktunowicz by the National Agency for Academic Exchange.",No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,,The program is promoted in mass and social media. The Ombudsman has also published information on it at its website. Poland,PL08,Supporting entrepreneurial women during the pandemic,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,women,Economic and gender inequalties,No,,No,,It is a countinuation of program titled ?Sukces to JA?/ ?Success is ME?,"Coca-Cola Poland in collaboration with the Foundation Of Success Written with Lipstic (Fundacja Sukcesu Pisanego Szmink?) has initiated the program titled ?Success is ME? which aims at support and professional activation of women in Poland. Within the program tools for learning and self-development were developed and during the pandemic made available online and thus easily accessible. The program is a rich and comprehensive offer of workshops, courses and expert advice that allow women to get support, help and expand their competences and knowledge. Therefore, it contributes to women?s labour market participation, helps maintain their income and indirectly contribute to the national economy weakened by the crisis. In the situation of pandemic, which is especially hard for women and their private and professional lives the program has been expanded to provide them with special support. Additional tools such as webinars, live shows and expert advice, which women running their own businesses can use for free were launched immediately. In addition, as part of the program, female owners of companies and organizations have the opportunity to advertise their activities through the communication channels of Fundacja Sukcesu Pisanego Szmink?, i.e. the and portals as well as on Facebook, Instagram and Linkedin. So far over 60 women have taken part in the action. Additionally, for all those who need in-depth and systematic knowledge, individual mentoring sessions are conducted. Among the numerous free on-line tools is the MyOla application, which includes regularly updated recordings, conversations with psychologists, experts and mentors, meditations and breathing exercises. The application has already been downloaded by almost 17,000 users. The materials available on the main page of the ""Success is Me"" campaign include also certified online courses, e-books on business and 40 videos from various meetings conducted by recognized experts from many industries who share their experiences. An interesting form of education are also webinars - on-line meetings on various topics, both business and mentoring, such as ""How to generate courage and overcome fear"", ""How to communicate with yourself and with others"", ""Legal support and solutions of the anti-crisis shield from which you can take advantage ?. Women who seek free and anonymous legal advice can also count on active support. The answer is given within 24 hours from the time the request was sent. In the future, the organizers of the initiative plan to launch new activites - intensive training program for online business which aims at showing how a business should adapt to new conditions or how to start a business nowadays. It was estimated that over 700,000 Polish women already took an advantage of this initiative. ",,National,,Oct-16,Long-term,Yes,,Yes,No,No,Yes,"Coca-Cola Company ? international corporation and one of the world's largest producers, distributors and sellers of non-alcoholic beverages. Fundacja Sukcesu Pisanego Szmink? - is a non-govermental organization in Poland established in 2008. Its mission is to promote entrepreneurial attitudes and comprehensive support for women and young people, providing them with professional knowledge necessary for personal and professional development. It has created the largest community of entrepreneurial women in Poland. It works actively through social media and the portal, and also implements innovative programs and wide-ranging social campaigns.",";",No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,"Webinars, live shows, mentoring as part of professional support","The inititaive uses its website, as well as mass and social media to promote itself among target group." Poland,PL09,Infolinia dla osĸb g?uchych/ Helpline for deaf people,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,People with disabilities,Inequality in access to information and medical assistance,No,The initiative is a response to lack of national policies targeted at people with disabilities and their right to information and health care,No,,"The initiative is a response to covid-related issues, namely lack of sign language translation of broadcast messages and when in need of health care services","At the bebbining of the pandemic the Polish Association of the Deaf (Polski Zwi?zek G?uchych) developed several initiatives (petition, appeal) to mass media and to the government where they demanded respecting their right to information and basic health care. By pointing out that, during governmental press conferences concerned with COVID-19 spread and during informative media events the presence of the sign language translator is ignored the association demanded access to complete and reliable information. They asked for a sign language interpreter in all speeches related to government activities in the pandemic. As a response to the petition and appeal PGNiG S.A. Foundation in collaboration with the Polish Association of the Deaf and with support from the Ministry of Development Funds and Regional Policy has developed a video helpline dedicated for people with hearing disabilities. Translators of Polish Sign Language from all over Poland are involved in the initiative. They work in shifts on smartphones or laptops with Internet access. A deaf person can call helpline to obtain information about the coronavirus and how to proceed in the event of suspected infection. The helpline can be also used by employees of health care facilities and emergency medical services, as it can facilitate medical interviews with deaf patients and accelerate possible diagnosis and treatment. A deaf person can connect to translators through messenger, Skype, IMO communicator that enables connections on a computer, and online sign language translator application. Free of charge, online support of translators is available daily, from 7 a.m. until 11 p.m. from Monday to Friday and from 8 a.m. until 8 p.m. during weekends. The initiative was widely promoted by its organizers, Polish government and web portals dedicated to people with disabilities. ",,National,,Apr-20,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,Yes,,Yes,No,No,Yes,"Polski Zwi?zek G?uchych/ Polish Association of the Deaf ? non-govermental organization which aim is to associate, integrate and rehabilitate deaf people and other people with hearing impairment, jointly solve their problems and act towards equalizing development, educational, professional and social opportunities. Fundacja PGNiG S.A. im. Ignacego ?ukasiewicza/ PGNiG S.A. Foundation of Ignacy ?ukasiewicz was established by Polskie Gĸrnictwo i Naftownictwo S.A in 2004. The scope of the foundation's activities includes broadly understood support for national heritage and culture, but also activities for science and education in the field of basic, technical and sports sciences. The initiative is supported by the Ministry of Development Funds and Regional Policy. ","",Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,Donations,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,,"Website of the Polish Association of the Deaf, of the Polish goverment and of other specialized portals for people with (hearing) disability. Social and mass media were also used to promote the initiative to target group. " Poland,PL10,Pomoc dla seniorĸw/ Help for seniors,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,"Seniors located in nursing and care homes, care and treatment facilities, shelters for homeless, hospicies and other centres providing 24-hour stationary care",Inequality in access to goods,No,,No,,This initiative has beed developed as a response to the need of accessing basic hygiene products in care facilities and shelters in Poland,"Just after the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak in Poland media started to informed the public about the dramatic situation in nursing and care homes ? they not only become the coronavirus outbreaks, but also their staff lacked protective measures or the facilities lacked funds to buy them. As a response to that situation Biedronka Foundation (Fundacja Biedronki) decided to help those care centers for the elderly and sick people and provide them with special protection and therefore contribute to their right to health. Before providing aid the Foundation analyzed the virus infection statistics by voivodship and interviewed managers of care centers for seniors as well as representatives of local authorities and social assistance in order to investigate the situation and needs. The research was carried out before each round of aid provision - each edition consisted of a different set of products, so that they were tailored to the current needs of the nursing and care centers. The Biedronka Foundation donated free protective, cleaning and disinfecting products to centers caring for the elderly, disabled and chronically ill. Additionally, during the holiday season, the residents received packages with sweets and cosmetics. The campaign had three rounds: first from April to May 2020, second from June to September 2020 and third one from December 2020 to January 2021. The Foundation donated protective, disinfecting and hygienic products to 595 care centers with 50,000 inhabitants and approx. 25-30 thousand employees. This contributed to the improvement of security in these institutions. Moreover, on the occasion of Christmas, the Foundation provided 40 thousand residents of these care institutions with Christmas gifts, which during the tightened restrictions resulting in the closure of the centers and the lack of visits from relatives was a supportive accent. Other initiatives aimed at helping seniors include (but are not limited to): The Center for Senior Citizens' Initiatives in Pozna?, as part of the ""Senior At Home"" campaign, has prepared a set of proposals on how seniors can spend time actively without leaving home (; The Silesian Council for Seniors has launched a support telephone for seniors (; Volunteers and employees of the ALE Foundation in Mr?gowo support seniors in caring for animals (; The Municipal Social Welfare Center in Mr?gowo donated masks to about 100 seniors aged 70+ (; Enea Group?s pilot project to help seniors, residents of Pozna? and the Pozna? poviat. Volunteers - employees of the Group help seniors in shopping, purchase of medicines and food (",",page,program-2",National,,Apr-20,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,No,Jan-21,Yes,No,No,No,Fundacja Biedronki ? non-govermental organization established in April 2020. Its mission is to help elderly and contribute to improvement of their quality of life. ,,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,,"Web and social media, as well as a network of volunteers." Portugal,PT12,Adopting a granny,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Elder people,Ageism,No,,No,,The project was already designed at this institution before the pandemic but the pandemic emergency anticipated its implementation. I was able to find information of several similar initiatives but no information is available on their results,"Misericĸrdia do Porto launches the ""ADOTE UM AV?"" initiative, seeking to bring people from different generations closer together, with common tastes and a desire to share affections. They have anticipated the launch of the initiative, because in this period (pandemic by COVID-19) they believe that the elderly without family support feel lonelyness even more severely. It is intended, as in any other adoption relationship, to build bonds for life and alleviate the feeling of lonelyness of those who, in elderness no longer have the comfort of having a family close by. The initiative took off in the three ERPI - Residential Structures for Elderly People of Misericĸrdia do Porto where elderly people with a suitable profile and desire to receive a new grandchild in their life were identified and evaluated. At the same time, the recruitment of new ""grandchildren"", selected from among the Institution's volunteers or with a previous relationship, took place. Candidates for ""grandchildren and granddaughters"" were equally assessed on their profile and willingness to be adopted themselves by a new grandfather or grandmother. The matching process began with 9 senior residents of ERPI, available to start the adoption process, all of whom have now completed the process, and are therefore already in contact with their new grandchildren. At this stage the preference is for contacts to be established remotely, by video call, but many grandchildren have already scheduled face-to-face visits to their new Grandparents and Grandparents. The website of the organization claims that stories and experiences multiply and it is already a successful initiative. Yet no information available about the achievements and obstacles. The initiative is transferrable and easy to implement in other countries and organizations of the third sector working with elders and youngsters. ",,Municipal,Porto,Jun-20,Long-term,Yes,The project is funded for 36 months,Yes,No,No,No,"The Santa Casa da Misericĸrdia of Porto, incorporated in the Canonical Legal Order, is a charity and social assistance institution, with philanthropic and public utility purposes. Currently, its action is based on the following areas: Social Intervention, Health, Special Education, Education, Culture, Worship, Environment and Special Projects. Due to the number of establishments and users, the vast and valuable heritage, its dignified and prominent history, Misericĸrdia do Porto is the second oldest and also one of the most important.",,,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Social support and affect,"A network of volunteers, virtual connections and in person visits" Portugal,PT13,"Contra a Covid-19, Costurar! Costurar! Against Covid 19, sew! Sew! A local volunteering project of manufacturing and distribution of free comunitary masks",No,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,Local community with a focus in the low income families ,Economical and class divide,Yes,It addresses the recommendation for the use of social masks,Yes,It was asked the population to use masks but for low income families this represented an additional expense,"Yes, it was designed in the context of Covid emergency ","Beira Serra is a local development association that works since decades in Covilha and surrounding councils. Social habitation neighboorwoods is one of its target groups with several projects developed since long time. In the context of C mobilized dressmakers, factories and municipalities to volunteering in the production of free comunitary masks ovid 19 2020 emergence, Beira Serra noticed that one of the obstacles for the use of masks in these communities was it?s cost. So they developed this project mobilizing 110 dressmakers, factories, tissue providers and municipalites and 12500 masks were produced and distributed in the time frame of 2 months. All dressmakers were women, a great part of them currently unemployed or retired. A long path in social development n the territory and the fact that Covilh? has an important history of garment industry are the background of this initiative. The organization considers that the initiative was a great success that brought value to all people involved. The initiative is not easy to implement in other countries and companies because it was higly connected to a specific local context. ",,Regional,Cova da Beira ,Mar-20,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,No,Summer 2020,Yes,No,No,No,"BEIRA SERRA ? Development Association, established on November 3, 1994, is a non-profit organization that was born from the union of parish councils, unions and social organizations in the region of Cova da Beira in favor of a common dream ? work on the social development of the territory and its communities. ",,,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,,No,No,Yes,No,No,,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,,Team composed by social workers coordinating a network of volunteers and articulating with social workers from local administration and representatives of companies. Portugal,PT14,Equality in focus,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Women,Gender inequalities during confinement,Yes,"Home/work conciliation policies, women participation",No,,It was the creation of a space of discussion women and inequalities issues during the first confiment. It was created due to pandemic context but it corresponds to a previous idea of UBI equality commission,"In the context of a organizational change project funded by European Commission and the Portuguese State for GEPs implementation in organizations, UBI was able to institutionalize the cause of equality between women and men in academic context. This was particularly complicated in Portuguese Academic where deep believes in academic neutrality existed and in fact still persist (Augusto et al, 2018; Pereira, 2019). After the end of the project (2013) until 2019, without a dedicated budget nor time allocated, the intervention was able to continue due to a volunteer group of feminist teachers/researchers who deeply believe in it. We developed several awareness, training and research activities with the fundamental support of engaged students and kept pressure through the high management responsible for the accomplishment of the measures of women segregation fight (both vertical and horizontal) and for the creation of a formal equality structure. In 2019 CI UBI (Equality Commission of UBI) was created, an official body composed by a paritarian team of teachers, workers and students from all UBI faculties with the responsibility to promote equality between women and men. When Covid 19 hit Portugal, CI UBI was celebrating the Women International Day with a mobile exhibition and performance. Worried about the expectable negative effects of the confinement, CI UBI created a virtual space of debate called ?Equality in focus?. Until the end of 2020 academic year, twice by month people from UBI gather by videoconference and discuss the impacts of confinement on women mental wellbeing and other topics from a feminist perspective. The format was very open and flexible, from the assistance of short films, to more academic debates but also open talks about daily problems. Student?s testimonials have been impressive and from these sessions has emerged the detection of important needs and lines of intervention that CI UBI has addressed afterwards. The iniative spread all over the local community engaging media and several institutions. The achievements and obstacles are available through the participation statistics, the dissemination in local media and the difficulties in continuing with the initiative. The initiative is transferrable and easy to implement in other countries and companies. The only concern is with the time and human resources necessities.",,Regional,Beira Interior,Apr-20,Long-term,No,"It was not possible to maintain the iniative in the same terms in 2020/21 academic year because the team involved suffered changes: some students finished their courses, others had no longer time for this. The same with the teachers involved, one entered maternity leave and other reasons. The digital commission is still alive but just with occasional events,",No,No,No,Yes,"An academic organ: CI UBI (Equality Commission of UBI) is an official body composed by a paritarian team of teachers, workers and students from all UBI faculties with the responsibility to promote equality between women and men. ",,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,,No,No,Yes,No,No,,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,,Web and social media Portugal,PT15,Covid 19 discussions: ethics in times of pandemic,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Population in general; health professionals,"Care inequalities, health divide",Yes,Public health policies; health system working conditions,Yes,"In some of the discusssions it addresses the problems that public health is facing, the State options for dealing with the pandemic.",It was specifically designed,"The NEBio (Nucleus for Bioethics Studies) of the Portuguese Society of Internal Medicine is guided by the principles and concerns of ethic reflexion about medicine practice intending to constitute an instrument of reflection and personal enrichment and professional of its members and of all those who can in any way contribute to the realization of their purposes. This organ promote, between April and June, a cycle of debates within the scope of the covid-19 pandemic, with online transmission. ?Ethical issues in a time of pandemic? is the motto of these debates, which took place twice a week and included the participation of specialists in Internal medicine and ethics. The following themes are examples of the kind of discussions that took place: The pandemic and ethical challenges; What have we learned from the past; Vulnerability and responsibility of decision makers; Vulnerability and responsibility of professionals; An ethical view of the pandemic covid-19. The target group is people with an interest in this question. No information available about the achievements and obstacles. The initiative is transferable and easy to implement in other countries and contexts. The only concern will be with the time and human resources necessities.",,National,,April to June 2020,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,No,We found none recent webinars on the same theme. ,Yes,No,No,Yes,"The Center for the Study of Bioethics of the Portuguese Society of Internal Medicine (SPMI) is dedicated to the study of Bioethics and is composed by the members enrolled in this Group of Studies. NEBioMI was created in 2016, at the initiative of Dr. LuĄs Campos , at the time President of SPMI with the intention of reactivating, within SPMI, the bioethical-based debate",,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,,Web and social media Portugal,PT16,Give the change ? to people in need,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,Economically deprived families,Poverty and economical divide,Yes,"There are several policies targeting these families. Specifically for Covid 19 emergency, some of the policies we have collected are directioned to them ? PT0XXXX",Yes,The association that promotes this initiative was created in 2015. Dignitude was founded by a previous health minister who was worried with the fact that deprived families and individuals often have to choosen between buying food or medicines. This social situation maintained and even got worse with the pandemic. Currently the association helps 22 0000 families all over the country,"It is a continuation, the first campaign was in 2017. But since last year was created a Covid 19 emergency saving and all the money received goes for that saving","The campaign is an initiative developed by Associa‡?o Dignitude launched in March 2020 aiming to provide access to prescription drugs for those who do not have the financial capacity to purchase them. Maria de Bel‚m Roseira, ambassador and founder of Associa‡?o Dignitude explained that the campaign invites people who go to pharmacies to donate ""their change"", which will revert to an Emergency Fund Covid-19 with the scope of the medicine's solidarity network, This fund is specifically aimed at people who are victims of the consequences of the pandemic so the collected donations will be fully applied to access medicines, products and health services to people who have become more vulnerable due to the pandemic. People are identified as having economic need through the association's partners in the field (local development and solicarity associations), they are given a card with a name and an identifying bar code which they then show at the pharmacy. In the website of the institution is the information that in the last edition of the campaign 35˙750, 07 EUR were collected. No information available about obstacles. The initiative is transferrable and easy to implement in other countries and organizations but it will necessary to invest in the building of the network of pharmacies and local and local NGOs and institutions which take long to develop.",,National,,Mar-20,Long-term,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,"Associa‡?o Dignitude is a Private Institution of Social Solidarity, born from the partnership between the social sector ? C ritas Portuguesa and Plataforma SaŖde em Dialogue and the health sector ? National Association of Pharmacies and Portuguese Association of the Pharmaceutical Industry. Its mission is to develop solidarity programs with a great social impact, which promote the quality of life and well-being of the Portuguese. Its main concern is with the medicine access.",,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,Economical divide; Poverty,No,No,No,Yes,No,,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,,A network of associations and the pharmacies. Deprived families are identified by the local partners all over the country (associations and municipalities). An identifying card is generated and families present it when going to buy medicines. Portugal,PT17,Academic psychological support line,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Members of academic community in situation of psychological unbalance,Access to mental health care,No,,No,There is a lack of policies in this area,Yes it was specifically designed for covid 10 emergency,"At a time when a large part of the population is in social isolation, the University of Porto launches a psychological helpline, accessible to all members of the academic community. Provided by a team of professional psychologists, this support service is free (only the cost of the call is charged) and is provided in several languages. Open to all students, professors, collaborators or researchers of The U.Porto who need it, the service also does not forget the international members of the University. In this sense, the line will be accessible daily in Portuguese, Spanish and English, and can be scheduled, via e-mail, the service in Italian, French or German. No information available about the achievements and obstacles. The initiative is transferrable and easy to implement in other countries and universities. An example of this is the existence of a similar initiative at Coimbra University. Still it is important to consider the costs of this project. ",,Regional,Porto,Mar-20,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,Yes,,No,No,No,Yes,Porto University,,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,,A telephone line and an email Portugal,PT18,Primeiros socorros psicologicos,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,People in psicological suffering due to covid 19 ,Mental health support access,No,,No,,It was designed for convid 19 situation.,"When it became clear that the pandemic would have negative effects on the mental health of the Portuguese, psychologist Ana Carina Valente and four other professionals created a team of ""psychological first aid"", in which they provide free support to health workers who are experiencing difficulties in dealing with isolation or grief. Through online sessions in the internet the support is provides at no cost. The team say they have been noticing changes in behavior patterns, such as alcohol consumption. Iniatially designed for health professionals , the group latter attend help requests from people of ""all ages, in many professional areas and different contexts, bereaved, newly unemployed, parents looking for help for teenagers with crying spells, lack of motivation and difficulty in fulfilling tasks and health professionals"" where ? the pain accumulates: ""they express the idea of ??living in a theater of war, they report exhaustion, difficulty in managing stress and emotions, lack of time to be with their children, difficulties in coping with the death of patients"" . Coimbra university psychological unit developed a similar service but that targets only health professionals in the front line. No information available about the achievements and obstacles. The initiative is transferrable and easy to implement in other countries and companies. The only concern will be the rentability of dedicating work time to a non profit activity.",,National,,Jan-21,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,Yes,,No,No,No,Yes,A psychology clinic that offers this service for free,,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Health professionals in Covid front line,No,No,Yes,No,No,,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,,Web ans social media for disseminating the service. The service is provided through online sessions. Portugal,PT19,Studying at distance,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Roma children,Educational divide,Yes,"Educational policies have measures targeting this group, for example alternative curricular and support classes",Yes,"Virtual schooling brought several obstacles to unpriviledged students. For Roma community it was particularly severe because not only families didn?t have the necessary equipments ? computers, internet ? they were also unaware and able to provide support to a very complicated new system that children needed to adapt to.",Yes it was specifically designed to support Roma children in virtual schooling,"C ritas de Coimbra, through its Nossa Senhora da Boa Viagem Community Center in Leirosa ? Figueira da Foz has developed a work of proximity and monitoring the study with the gypsy community of this location. Throughout the second confinement it accompanies students of various levels of education, with or without virtual access to the platforms. These are students with little support from their parents that turn to the Center in search of support and learning strategies to monitor the subjects that are taught and so that they are not left behind in this process of online schooling, which in itself is difficult to follow. C ritas de Coimbra wanted to be present in the life of this community, promoting moments of learning, reducing inequality or the difficulties experienced, and without the necessary monitoring by parents. This work is being done in close coordination with the teachers of each discipline and the Class Directors, so that no one is left behind in this period of such atypical learning. This process was initiated in the first confinement when the 7th Generation of the Escolhas Program was still under development, now still awaiting the approval of the 8th generation. Despite being awaiting the result, C ritas de Coimbra did not wait for it to arrive and continued its process of monitoring and promoting the educational success of the most vulnerable communities. Technicians are available daily to support these children and young people in the morning, divided by years of schooling and according to the timetable for self-study or synchronous classes, which is necessary to support their connection to the class. No information available about the achievements and obstacles. The initiative is transferrable and possible to implement in other countries and organizations but it will be important that exists previous work with Roma community otherwise will take long to build up a trust relationship.",,Municipal,Coimbra,Mar-21,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,No,I find no evidence that is over but I assume it did because schooling returned to presential regime after Easter vacations,No,No,Yes,No,"C ritas Diocesana de Coimbra is a Private Institution of Social Solidarity that provides transversal support to communities in the social, health, education and pastoral spheres, in five districts in the Center region. C ritas aims to be a reference for the quality and ability to be a pioneer in the services it provides to the community, in a close, reflective and sustainable way. Implemented since the 50s, C ritas currently focuses its intervention on the search for innovative and economically sustainable strategies, which allow the provision of quality responses, adequate to emerging needs, maintaining humanism, professionalism and technical and scientific rigor as a focus . C ritas has, over time, developed its action in order to privilege the most needy people, families and groups, socially and economically, and currently has more than 120 social responses in the geographic area of ??the Diocese of Coimbra. It covers the following main areas, among other more specific projects: Social responses ? Education (Childhood, Free Time); Health (Ambulatory, Inpatient); Social Action, Family and Community (Children and Youth at Risk, Elderly, HIV/AIDS; Drug Addiction, Homelessness, Community Intervention); Services ? Training, Clinic, Laundry, Summer Camp; Pastoral Action. The dimension of the Caritas action and its nature are an expression of the social responsibility that has been internalized over the last five decades and allow it to be a dynamic and transforming reference for the entire society in favor of the common good.",,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Education support and knowledge,Caritas has already a team and a space of support for children study. It is a paid service (with special prices to unprivileged families) offered the lcal community. During the second confinement children using this service were at home and didn?t attend due to social isolation measures. Therefore this space and the team could be used to this special initiative for Roma children. I found no information mentioning extra volunteer work so I believe the initiative was developed with the pre existent social workers team. Portugal,PT20,The neighbour friend,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,Risk groups population,Health divide,Yes,Covid 19 policies ,Yes,"The measures to protect risk groups failed in what concerns basic care and daily activities. To risk groups population stay home they need help with their groceries, medicines and other products and services. This iniatives tries to provide this support to people that is in one or more risk group and does not have family support for their daily needs.",It is specifically designed,"Vizinho Amigo is a movement created at the beginning of the pandemic with the main objective of helping population in the risk groups in their daily purchases, thus preventing them from being more vulnerable to the virus. It is a volunteer group but has several partnerships with Parish Councils and Public Institutions. It started from a talk among 5 young university students and grew to a group of 5000 volunteers involving 15 perishes. No information available about the achievements and obstacles. The initiative is transferrable and easy to implement in other countries and companies but it is not clear its sustainability. No information is provided on the turn over of the volunteers, which is commonly a concern with teams of young volunteers.",,National,,Mar-20,Long-term,Yes,According to the information in the website it is still active,No,Yes,No,No,It started with the involvement of 5 university students around the cause of helping others. It grew for a bigger group with 5˙000 volunteers and currently has an ambasssor ? Pedro Barroso ? a well known actor.,,,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,It receives donations,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,,"Network of volunteers, social media, flyers and posters" Romania,RO01,"Feminist Week (part of the series ?Misoginy, the other pandemic?)",Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,women,Sex and/or gender,No,,No,,The pandemic and lack of appropriate response from the authorities is considered to have aggravated gender inequality.,"The initiative belongs to a group of feminist NGOs reunited under the movement #ThankYoufortheFlowers (#MultumescPentruFlori) and consists in a series of collective actions around International Women?s Day (2021): a protest directed against the Government?s failure to address women?s issues such as violence, poverty, lack of access to health services, personal safety; public debates about sexual violence and access to justice of survivors, about domestic violence during the pandemic. The series of actions are intended as an advocacy and awareness campaign about the unequal burden of the pandemic on women, with . The main barriers to the networks actions, including this one, is the moderate participation and the lack of media visibility of the events, as well as the territorial coverage of the offline events (public protests), restricted mainly to the two largest cities. Details of processes of monitoring and evaluation are not public, but the group has a history of several years of advocacy and awareness raising on the topics, using more or less the same instruments and strategies.",,National,,"March 2021, but part of a series of actions that have started much earlier",Long-term,No,March 2021 (but part of an ongoing series of actions),Yes,No,No,No,"A cluster of feminist NGOs, including Feminism Romania, E-Romnja, Zine Fem, Blocul pentru Locuire, Centrul Filia, Mad Pride Romania, Filaret 16, Absorbante pentru toate; each of them focuses on diferent aspects of inequality, with an intersectional approach (gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, race, class, disability etc.).",,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,,No,No,Yes,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,Web and social media Romania,RO02,Covid-19 and abortion on demand,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Women,Sex / gender inequality,Yes,Military Ordinance 3/24.03.2020 regarding measures to prevent the spread of Covid-19.,Yes,"The military ordinance which legislated the state of emergency forbade all non-emergency medical interventions and treatment. There was no specific indication offeres to hospitals regarding abortions-on-demand, which were in fact suspended in many hospitals and cities, leaving only 11% of Romanian hospitals to perform the procedure during the state of emergency.","It continued a study by the same NGO, entitled The Denial of Abortion on Demand in Romania in 2019.","The team of Centrul FILIA sought to examine the impact of the Military Order no 3/24.03.2020 on abortions on demand, which created a grey area on abortions, as it forbade all medical services and surgical interventions considered non-emergency. As there was no specific indication by the Ministry of Health addressed to hospitals regarding abortions-on-demand, they were in fact suspended in many hospitals and cities, leaving only 11% of Romanian hospitals to perform the procedure during the state of emergency. The situation was only officially clarified by a Ministerial directive at the end of April, but there was no institutional control to ensure the access to the procedure was in fact opened. Centrul Filia initiated a survey among the hospitals with gynecology wards resulting in a report with detailed data. The information was also made available in the form of an easy to use interactive map. The NGO needs to be credited with addressing both a policy problem but also a problem of institutional transparency, as they in fact replaced the Ministry of Health?s role in centralising this information and providing a registry of hospitals, which was updated several times during 2020, as the situation evolved. A severe issue was the lack of accountability of health institutions. The initiative has no transferability issues. ",,National,,Apr-20,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,No,May-20,Yes,No,No,No,"Centrul FILIA is a non-profit feminist organisation fighting against gender inequalities through activism, advocacy and research. ",,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,Web and social media Romania,RO03,"Pe Stop organisation, focusing on providing access to menstrual hygiene for vulnerable women diversified its activity in 2020 to respond to the new needs of their beneficiaries, produced by the pandemic.",No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,"Women from vulnerable groups in Bucharest and rural areas, threatened by period poverty.","Sex/gender inequality (period poverty), with impact on inequality on grounds of class and ethnicity.",No,,No,,"The organisation already existed and acted to prevent period poverty, but diversified its activity in 2020 to respond to the new needs of their beneficiaries, produced by the pandemic. ","During the Covid-19 emergency the organisation, whose scope of activity is to insure access to menstrual hygiene education and products to women from vulnerable groups, diversified the range of its activities to address the other emergent problems of the organisation?s beneficiaries. Between March and May 2020, while continuing its regular activity, the organisation distributed emergency products to its regular beneficiaries, in adition to menstrual products: staple foods, drinking water, medicine for chronic disease, baby diapers, baby formula, hygiene products and protection against Covid-19. They also supported emergency gynecological investigations. Starting with June 2020, once the lockdown was over, the organisation resumed its regular activity but added Covid-19 protection to its educational and provision objectives. Currently the organisation has 400 regular (monthly) beneficiaries and has initiated a legislative project to guarantee access to menstrual hygiene. ",,National,,2018,Long-term,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,"The organisation distributes menstrual hygiene products to women from vulnerable groups, organises hygiene classes, supports commmunities to address inadequate living conditions and supports womens? right to proper menstrual hygiene information and products.",,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,,No,No,No,No,No,,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,,"Fieldwork, an established network of beneficiaries." Romania,RO04,"Support for homeless persons, sexual workers and persons living in poverty in Bucharest",Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,"Homeless persons, sexual workers and persons living in poverty in Bucharest","Ethnicity, class",No,,No,,"The initiative continues a longterm activity of Asociatia Carusel to provide social assistance to vulnerable groups, but was one of the few organisations that continued their field activity during lockdown and addressed the Covid-related needs of the beneficiaries. ","Through its field intervention initiative, the organisation offers food, hot tea, clothes, medicine, blankets, sleeping bags, hygiene products, condoms or caters for other immediate needs. The field workers establish a trust-based relation with the beneficiaries and build a longterm intervention strategy which often means supporting them to secure medical assistance, public social services, ID cards and medical insurance or to be admitted in the shelter. During the pandemic lockdown, the organisation continued their fieldwork, including more food and also disinfectants in their material support to beneficiaries, and supported the beneficiaries with filling in the lockdown declaration forms and teaching them about hygienic precautions against viral transmission. They played an important part in advocating for the rights of the homeless, whose needs have not been addressed by the authorities when establishing and enforcing the lockdown and subsequent curfews punishing the nightime presence outdoors with a hefty fine.",,Municipal,Bucharest,2011,Long-term,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,"Carusel Association was founded in 2011 out of the need to offer social and medical services to people in situations of extreme vulnerability, acting in the field of harm reduction. Its beneficiaries are confronted with multiple vulnerabilities: homeless, drug users, sexual workers, people in extreme poverty or at risk of social exclusion, ill with HIV or TB, victims of abuse, persons without legal forms and others. Throughout the last years the NGO has managed the field intervention programme, a seasonal night shelter, two community social service centres, a mobile shower and advocacy campaigns.",,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,,No,No,No,No,No,,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,,Field workers (social workers) Romania,RO05,Open letter to the Romanian Government requesting the inclusion of measures for ensuring women?s rights in post-crisis policies,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Women,Sex and/or gender,No,,Yes,The Strategy for Equal Opportunities between Women and Men and other policies for 2021-2027 created by the Agency for Equal Opportunities between Women and Men,Designed in response to covid-related issues.,"Centrul FILIA launched an open letter addressed to the Government to demand the consideration of Covid-19 crisis effects on women by including a gender perspective in the measures to combat the crisis, as well as the post-crisis package. The letter is structured around a series of recommendations structured under three titles: the prevention and combat of domestic violence; the assurance of access to health services; care and domestic work. The letter connects the listed policy priorities to the policies designed by the National Agency for Equal Opportunities between Women and Men and asks for the provision of necessary resources to the Agency, to allow it to achieve its policy objectives in the pandemic context.",,National,,Jan-21,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,No,Jan-21,Yes,No,No,No,"Centrul FILIA is a non-profit feminist organisation fighting against gender inequalities through activism, advocacy and research. ",,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,,No,No,No,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,Web and social media Romania,RO06,Womens? experiences during the pandemic: state of affairs and recommendations for gender-sensitive post-crisis measures (Report),Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Women affected negatively by Covid-19 prevention measures and their unintended consequences,Sex and/or gender inequality,No,,,,The organisation was conducting studies on a regular basis. Current study focuses on the effects on the pandemic.,"The initiative was aimed at producing knowledge concerning women?s experiences during the pandemic and bringing it under public debate. Based on the research results recommendations were made regarding appropriate responses to the crisis, as well as regarding postpandemic measures to potentially be integrated into the National Recovery and Resilience Plan. The research addressed four topics: access to information, impact over work and means of subsistence, access to health services and domestic violence. It employed qualitative and quantitative methods and was developed between August and December 2020. The quantitative survey was based on the UN model of measuring the gender impact of the pandemic. The study employed an intersectional approach, concerned with how gender intersects with age, disability, ethnicity and economic status.",,National,,Aug-20,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,No,Dec-20,Yes,No,No,No,"Centrul FILIA is a non-profit feminist organisation fighting against gender inequalities through activism, advocacy and research. ",,,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,, Romania,RO07,Open letter to the Mayor of Bucharest: ?Fining poverty: what is the solution for homeless persons?? ,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,,,No,,Yes,"It responds to the Governmental Decision 856/2020 on the state of alert and its revisions, which set a curfew between 23.00 and 5.00.",It addresses a particular pandemic-related issue of the issue of homelessness.,"Nineteen organisations have initiated an open letter addressed to the Mayor of Bucharest, to signal the lack of solution to the negative implications of the state of alert provisions on homeless persons. As the state of alert imposed a night curfew, the NGOs warn that the measure constitutes a form of social injustice against people who do not have access to a night shelter and will result in increased vulnerability of homeless persons: fines, exclusion from social benefits, contracting the disease, lack of access to hygiene etc.",,Municipal,Bucharest,Nov-20,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,No,,Yes,No,No,No,,,,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,,No,No,No,No,No,,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,, Romania,RO08,#IzoleazaViolenta ? campaign to support victims of domestic violence exacerbated by the quarantine measures ,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Women affected by domestic violence,Sex and/or gender inequality,Yes,The Military Ordinance no 3/24.03.2020 to prevent the spread of Covid-19 - introduced lockdown measures,No,,N/A,"The campaign #IzoleazaViolenta (Isolate Violence), launched by ANAIS Association supports victims of domestic violence triggered or exacerbated by lockdown measures by launching a website which centralises information and counselling for victims, providing information on intervention services, medical and social services, legal advice and practical advice to cope with domestic quarantine in a context of domestic violence. The platform includes testimonies from women who have successfully escaped domestic violence.",,National,,Apr-20,Information unavailable,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,No,No,No,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,Website. Romania,RO09,Cancel Cancer 2020 campaign,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Women,Sex and/or gender inequality,No,,Yes,"The governmental provisions related to the state of emergence and state of allert, limiting population?s access to non-emergency medical services.","Already existed, but adapted to continue during pandemic restrictions. ","The initiative is part of a CSR campaign by Avon and Kaufland, stated in 2017, to promote breast cancer screening and to address the high mortality among Romanian women due to lack of medical screening. The campaign addressed the limited access to medical services and screening during the pandemic, when hospital capacity is greatly reduced. The campaign #CancelCancer2020 started in July 2020 as a nation-wide caravan offering free mamary ultrasounds in 16 cities, in the parking lots of Kaufland stores.",,National,,2017,Long-term,Yes,,No,No,No,Yes,Avon and Kaufland Romania are private multinational companies active in Romania.,,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,No,No,No,No,No,,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,,National caravan. Romania,RO10,?Journalists making a difference: How to speak about domestic violence? ? guide for journalists,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Victims of domestic violence,Sex and/or gender inequality,No,,No,,Not designed in response to Covid-related issues.,"In March 2021, the Association for Gender Liberty and Equality (A.L.E.G.), a feminist organisation, launched the guide entitled ?Journalists making a difference: How to speak about domestic violence?. The guide presents basic principles and best practices for the responsible reporting on domestic violence. It urges journalists to avoid perpetuating myths about violence, to respect the dignity of survivors as well as to properly contextualise violence. The guide was drafted by a team of volunteers in the field of communication and human rights as wel as journalists. It provides recommendations for different kinds of journalistic genres. As domestic violence increased during the pandemic, the project?s aim, even if not specific to the pandemic, is a welcome addition to the Covid domestic violence toolkit.",,National,,Mar-21,Long-term,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,A.L.E.G. (Association for Gender Liberty and Equality) is an NGO active since 2004 in the field of prevention and combat of violence against women and the promotion of gender equality. ,,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,, Romania,RO11,"SAMAS for Better and for Worse ? Programme for the safe breastfeeding of babies born by mothers with COVID-19, as well as mothers separated from their babies because of other medical issues of the mother or newborn",No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,New mothers,Sex and/or gender inequality,Yes,"The Ministry of Health?s Methodology regarding birth in the case of pregnant women suspected or confirmed with COVID-19 infection, the intervention, care and medical assistance of the newborn (30.03.2020)",Yes,The failure of the Methodology to address the best interest of mother and baby in what concerns breastfeeding.,"A programme explicitly focused on COVID-related issues, but in fact an extension of the association?s main activity and expertise.","The programme SAMAS for Better and Worse initiatied by SAMAS Association supported pregnant women and mothers infected with COVID-19 or suspected of infection. The help consisted in counselling and information for preserving lactaction, as well as psycho-emotional support from psychotherapists. The programme was available for online support but also in the COVID-19 designated maternities. The counselling activity was doubled by an advocacy campaign aimed at reversing the Ministry of Health?s protocol to isolate the newborn from the infected mother and to feed them with baby formula instead of mother?s breastmilk.",,National,,,,,,No,No,No,No,,,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,No,No,No,No,No,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,, Romania,RO12,,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,Domestic caretakers of Romanian origin working in Austria,"Sex and/or gender, Nationality, Class",Yes,,,,,"?DREPT pentru Œngrijire? is a self-organising association with the goal of representing the interests of Romanian and Slovakian domestic caretakers in Austria. The initiative arose as a reaction to how the mobilities were handled by the Austrian and Romanian authorities from the point of view of COVID prevention, the exclusion of workers from support policies during COVID-19 provided by the Austrian state. The association aims to improve working conditions and to secure labour rights (fair wages, access to social security, unemployment benefits, right to paid leave etc).",,National,,,,,,No,No,No,No,,,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,No,No,No,No,No,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,, Sweden,SE01,Basic support to vulnerable groups including prostitution and gender based violence,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,"Daily food distribution and clothing distribution, night shelter some nights in the winter, financial support for the needy via two full-time deacons etc. The assistance is aimed at the homeless, EU migrants and migrants from other parts of the world, vulnerable women with or without small children, mentally ill and fragile people.","Health, poverty, violence, prostitution, racism, mental illness etc. Many have problems such as drug abuse, criminality, homelessness, being controlled by pimps/other perpetrators",Yes,"Government grants due to Covid-19 to organizations that work with people in socially particularly vulnerable organizations (2020:439 and 2020:494) ",Yes,The restrictions to meet etc in Sweden regulated in Grid SE01 (Ordinance 2021:8),It is a response/upgrade to the new worsened situation but the organisation already had similar help in place,"The organization tries to help thousands of people's need for food, housing, legal help, mental health counselling, language training, friendship and social skills such as CV writing and job search. The organization is located in Stockholm. They have daily food distribution and clothing distribution, night shelter in the winter, financial support for the needy . They provide help via two full-time deacons, volonteers and other church employees. The assistance is aimed at the homeless, EU migrants and migrants from other parts of the world, vulnerable women with or without small children, mentally ill and fragile people. The persons who come to the Church are a mixture of different nationalities, genders, age groups etc. The organization also conducts outreach activities among prostitutes out in the street to assist them with basic needs and help those who wants to leave prostitution. In summary the organization states that the needs they meet due to war traumas, loneliness, orphans, homelessness, hunger, mental illness, poverty and social difficulties have become significantly greater due to Corona pandemic. During 2020 the organisation saw a much greater need, such as a triple in the numbers of people who come for food, and and report that many see the organization as their only opportunity to have their most basic needs met. This initiative has received funding from- specific funding programme in relation to Covid-19 to organizations that work with people in socially particularly vulnerable organizations (according to the government ordinance 2020:439 and 2020:494 handled by the Swedish Agency for Youth and Civil Society, The term ""socially particularly vulnerable"" refers to people who risk falling through society's safety nets and who are difficult to reach for actors other than civil society organizations. These can be, for example, initiatives for homeless people, EU migrants and people who have difficulty assimilating social information (information from MUCF web-page) All those who received funding have to hand in a report on how the funds have been used. MUCF reports to the Government on the mission to distribute the grants. "," Vide clip: Information from application to MUCF ? the government authority that handle the grants",Regional,Stockholm,They got funding 2021-04-06 but grant cover activities under 2020 as well,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,Yes,,No,No,Yes,No,They are part of the Swedish Lutheran state church,,,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,,"They employ staff, have volunteers and use social media, through providing food and shelter they meet a lot of persons" Sweden,SE02,Barnvagnspromenad ?Stroller walk?,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Women and children that are victims of mens violence,Gender based violence,Yes,The restrictions to meet eg in Sweden regulated in Grid SE01 (Ordinance 2021:8),Yes,The increase of violence together with difficulties to get help,yes,"From mail conversation with one of the organisers Ellen Andersson Please observe that this is a quote from her mail: ?The troller walks were organized by ™ppna F”rskolan (Open daycare) in Enk”ping, and as part of our collaboration with them, they invited a representative from Kvinnojouren (womens shelter) Enk”ping to participate during them. The collaboration with ™ppna F”rskolan began during the winter / spring of 2020 when both activities saw that there was a need to be able to catch women in violence who in normal cases might not have the opportunity to apply directly to the emergency room. The idea was then that a representative from Kvinnojouren Enk”ping (which in this case is me) would be on site during the trolley walks in cases where a woman needed advice or support, or had general questions. Both we at the emergency room and ™ppna F”rskolan saw these walks as more ?neutral ground? than the emergency room's own office if the woman were exposed to psychological violence, such as control. By increasing the on - call's visibility through the collaboration with ™ppna F”rskolan, we hoped, in addition to a long - term and sustainable collaboration with them, to also capture more women in violence exposed to our activities. In particular, groups that we usually do not reach, such as foreign-born, women in same-sex relationships or non-Swedish-speaking women. The collaboration has also led to an increased proximity between the emergency room and ™ppna F”rskolan, which has meant that on occasions they have called us for advice or referred women to us when we have not been out on site with them. The effort with joint pram walks took place last spring, but the emergency service's collaboration with ™ppna F”rskolan has continued since then. ™ppna F”rskolan in Enk”ping has changed its operations due to the pandemic in a very good way and is now carrying out most of their outdoor activities. The continued collaboration means that I try to participate in their activities on at least two occasions a month. The hope with this is the same as during the previous trolley walks, that women who need advice, support or have questions are welcome to talk to me during these meetings. Based on the woman's own will and needs, we can then book further meetings for conversational support at our office, over the phone or at ™ppna F”rskolan the next time I visit them. Unfortunately, the trolley walks did not result in any increase in enrolled support applicants in the emergency service's open support activities, but the built - up collaboration with ™ppna F”rskolan is valuable to us. Through the collaboration, the emergency service has been offered to participate in network meetings that we would not otherwise have been invited to, where we discussed, among other things, preschools, BVC / MVC (child health centre/maternity care) and we at the emergency service can work to make visible and capture abused women in the municipality. I hope that the continued collaboration can also mean that private individuals who visit ™ppna F”rskolan can get a stable, safe and professional image of Kvinnojouren Enk”ping and that we are here to support those who are vulnerable. Being more visible in the municipality is something we have worked hard on over the past year, and will continue to do in the future, to secure our activities in civil society.? ",,Regional,Enk”ping,Spring 2020,Long-term,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,"Kvinnojouren Enk”ping is a non-profit, non-partisan and non-religious association. We aim to counteract all types of violence and oppression. The women's shelter Enk”ping has been in Enk”ping since 1992, and we work daily to work against men's violence against women and violence in close relationships. The women's shelter Enk”ping is affiliated with the national organization Unizon. The women's shelter is run by association grants from the municipality of Enk”ping, state grants from the National Board of Health and Welfare and foundations and funds. We also receive funds from individual donations that contribute to our business and our work for a safe Enk”ping for all women and children in every home. The association has just over 20 members who work actively on a non-profit basis. Kvinnojouren Enk”ping has three full-time employees who work office hours, weekdays. The staff has adequate training and solid experience of working with victims of violence and the issue of men's violence against women. The ultimate responsibility for the Women's Shelter Enk”ping lies with the women's shelter's board.",,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,,Contact through trolley walsk arrange by open day care centre Sweden,SE03,#tellcorona,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Persons who do not speak Swedish and/or fully understand Swedish system/health communication,Access to information,Yes,The restrictions to meet eg in Sweden regulated in Grid SE01 (Ordinance 2021:8),Yes,Problems to reach different target groups with information has been a problem early on in Sweden and that may have resulted in uneven spread of Covid and affected the possibilities to protect citizens,yes,"From EC website ? The aim of this initiative is to help more people understand the health emergency caused by the virus and thereby help prevent transmission. The Swedish journalist Nuri Kino produces short videos related to˙COVID-19˙in different languages and publishes them on the website˙ The idea is that people who are well-connected within their immigrant communities and language groups are the best disseminators of information about the virus. This includes sport stars, TV-hosts, artists and other celebrities. Artists, sport stars and other celebrities volunteer to record a short video message. The video is then uploaded to the site and shared with the public. The project tries to identify people who are well-known by the public and have a wide reach. According to Nuri Kino in an interview with the Swedish daily Dagens Nyheter, it is important to bring in celebrities and other well-known figures because they are received in a completely different way than a Swedish official or politician. There are currently video clips in 16 different languages, and the number grows day-by-day. Examples include marathon runner Mostafa Mohamed who gives information in Somali; MMA fighter Beneil Dariush, who delivers his message in Syrian; and singer Francisca who talks about the virus in Romanian. The project targets people who belong to marginalised immigrant communities who might have difficulties accessing information in the majority language in the country where they are currently living. Funding comes from private donations and voluntary work",,National,,Spring 2020,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,Yes,,No,Yes,No,No,Journalist/influencer Nori Kino with the help of different celebrities/profiles,,,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,Web and social media Sweden,SE04,Food vouchers/gift card etc for paperless young/no parents immigrants ?AGAPE?,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,"The effort is aimed at young adults in Gothenburg who applied for asylum as unaccompanied children, turned 18 during the asylum process and whose asylum process ended with a negative message and lost the right to compensation and support according to LMA (Act on reception of asylum seekers) from the Swedish Migration Board. A group that in everyday speech is usually called undocumented.","nationality, ethnic groups, poverty, language",Yes,"This initiative has received funding from- specific funding programme in relation to Covid-19 to organizations that work with people in socially particularly vulnerable organizations (according to the government ordinance 2020:439 and 2020:494 handled by the Swedish Agency for Youth and Civil Society, The term ""socially particularly vulnerable"" refers to people who risk falling through society's safety nets and who are difficult to reach for actors other than civil society organizations. These can be, for example, initiatives for homeless people, EU migrants and people who have difficulty assimilating social information (information from MUCF web-page). All those who received funding have to hand in a report on how the funds have been used. MUCF reports to the Government on the mission to distribute the grants. ",Yes,The restrictions to meet etc in Sweden regulated in Grid SE01 (Ordinance 2021:8),It is part of what the organisation ordinarily does but has been adapted,"From application and final report to MUCF: Since 2017, the voluntary organization Agape Gothenburg has conducted activities in Gothenburg for the target group who came as unaccompanied minor asylum seekers but have reached or have been registered as 18 years of age. During these years, more than 1,000 individuals have received help with housing solutions, a social context, sponsorship, employment, homework help, summer school, legal, psychosocial and medical counseling. Since 2017, the Swedish Public Health Agency has granted Agape a grant on the basis that it is considered that the activities' work with a particularly vulnerable target group that lacks support according to Sol is to be regarded as social work of national interest. Agape's activities are aimed at those who have arrived as unaccompanied minor refugees and filled or have been registered for more than 18 Agape's activities are aimed at those who have arrived as unaccompanied minor refugees and filled or have been aged to over 18 during the asylum process and started school in the Gothenburg area. Common to these is that in connection with becoming adults during the asylum process, they lost their housing and support according to the Social Services Act (Sol). They have then been referred to the Swedish Migration Agency's facility accommodation in another part of Sweden but have chosen to stay as homeless in Gothenburg in order to be able to complete their schooling. Agape was created in January 2017 to meet the need for social efforts and to counteract social exclusion as the public sector did not take responsibility for the group, nor did established actors in civil society mobilize. Based on an increasing and changing need, the organization has created various housing solutions for volunteer families, dormitories in church and other meeting rooms, collective simple housing solutions, residents, etc. for over 600 young people. For a large group, the asylum process has ended with an expulsion decision having gained legal force, which means, among other things, that they lose the right to compensation and support according to the LMA (Act on the receipt of asylum seekers) from the Swedish Migration Board. Agape works in a structured and purposeful way with this group around getting them to make wise decisions about their future, such as returning. At present, the current pandemic has made it almost impossible to carry out an expulsion, as the Swedish Migration Board now also writes in its rejection decisions. The group then ends up in an even more vulnerable situation where they can neither plan for a life in Sweden nor to leave the country and that they lack the right to financial support but are referred to charity, undeclared work, prostitution, drug trafficking or other forms of crime. for their survival. In order for the group that has no compensation not to have to steal, beg or get food through criminal acts, Agape distributes gift cards every month at ICA or Orienthuset in Gothenburg for SEK 800. In order to receive a gift card, you must be able to certify that you have received a decision that you are no longer entitled to support under the LMA and are without compensation. So far, this dividend has been able to be financed through gifts and donated funds. The business is largely based on voluntary contributions, which means that the distribution of gift cards once a month is more efficient than, for example, daily or weekly distribution of grocery bags or the like. Agape has previously tried to help those who do not have compensation according to the LMA with a gift card of SEK 800 every month at ICA or Orienthuset in Gothenburg. During the spring, they have seen from covid-19 that the needs have increased and that more and more people apply to them and they also see that more stay as they can not leave the country due to covid-19, which means that the demand for support in the form of gift cards increases. Agape has also had to expand its activities in other ways based on covid-19, such as by opening up study places for distance education, increased psychosocial support and access to infection-proof meeting places. Agape has knowledge of and relationship with the target group who came to the Gothenburg area as unaccompanied refugee children but now live here without rights based on either Sol or LMA and who due to the outbreak of covid-19 live in an even more vulnerable situation. We have worked up administrative routines around accounting, registration, follow-up and handling of gift cards for the target group. Everything is acknowledged, documented and reported so that abuse or irregularities do not occur. Agape does not have the human resources to distribute food bags or the like, but gift cards have proven to be an effective form of support and are not as stigmatizing as pure food delivery. The business is up and running, but Agape is very worried about whether they will have to reduce the dividend or liquidate it. The mental illness in the group is very great and if the little support and social cohesion that this group is offered disappears, the risk is imminent for suicide as well as frustrated desperate acts of violence against both oneself and the environment as well as crime. The risk of being recruited to organized crime or violent extremism also increases in such a case. The gift cards have been of direct decisive importance for the group being able to get food without having to steal or otherwise illegally obtain food. Agape also sees a point in being able to give gift cards instead of, for example, grocery bags, as it gives them some power and control over their situation, by allowing you to choose what you want to buy within a limited framework. In addition to the actual gift card distribution, the dividend has also been a context in which Agape has been able to continuously meet the target group physically and follow up on their mood and situation. During the pandemic, the group's vulnerability has become even more precarious both on the basis of the possibility of livelihood but also due to the limited opportunities to be able to leave the country. You end up in a limbo without any rights and where neither the Swedish Migration Board nor the border police assist. Agape's gift card distribution is perhaps the only continuous relationship you have within the norm. Before each dividend, the people in question receive a message and a lot of help and support also takes place between the dividend occasions."," ",Regional,Gothenburg,2020,Long-term,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,"Since 2017, the voluntary organization Agape Gothenburg has conducted activities in Gothenburg for the target group who came as unaccompanied minor asylum seekers but have reached or have been registered as 18 years of age. During these years, more than 1,000 individuals have received help with housing solutions, a social context, sponsorship, employment, homework help, summer school, legal, psychosocial and medical counseling. Since 2017, the Swedish Public Health Agency has granted Agape a grant on the basis that it is considered that the activities' work with a particularly vulnerable target group that lacks support according to Sol is to be regarded as social work of national interest. Agape's activities are aimed at those who have arrived as unaccompanied minor refugees and filled or have been registered for more than 18 Agape's activities are aimed at those who have arrived as unaccompanied minor refugees and filled or have been aged to over 18 during the asylum process and started school in the Gothenburg area. Common to these is that in connection with becoming adults during the asylum process, they lost their housing and support according to the Social Services Act (Sol). They have then been referred to the Swedish Migration Agency's facility accommodation in another part of Sweden but have chosen to stay as homeless in Gothenburg in order to be able to complete their schooling. Agape was created in January 2017 to meet the need for social efforts and to counteract social exclusion as the public sector did not take responsibility for the group, nor did established actors in civil society mobilize.",,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,,Se longer text above Q7 Sweden,SE05,Health service including safe abortions ?L„kare i v„rlden? (Doctors in the world),Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,"VULNERABLE EU CITIZENS Many vulnerable EU citizens are illiterate and do not have the opportunity to absorb information in writing. At the same time, many of them belong to different risk groups. Various lung diseases are common. Among vulnerable Romanians, there is active tuberculosis in 1/1000. Many of those we meet have high blood pressure and / or diabetes as well as poor dental health. The situation as homeless and where there is no possibility of isolation leads to further vulnerability. In recent weeks, the number of vulnerable EU citizens in Sweden has increased again. PAPERLESS People living in paperlessness are already under severe pressure and many are living with very poor mental health. A study from Kl shows that the suicidality of young people who have come here without relatives is among the highest in the world. In the current situation, several people who were in custody to be deported have been released, but without access to either housing or LMA cards that would enable isolation and access to care. Their legal situation remains unclear and society sees their needs as outside their remit. ABUSED WOMEN AND CHILDREN A significant proportion of those the organization has met over the years are women and children who, for example, have witnessed or been exposed to human trafficking and / or sexual violence. Among those we meet, people testify to greater vulnerability with a higher risk of violence, being forced into sex or human trafficking. We have also received reports from people who support themselves on sex for compensation that the reduced demand due to corona means that those who still buy sex take advantage of the situation, for example through demands not to use condoms and that the seller's reduced ability to opt out of customers does that they feel that the risk of violence has increased.","Poverty, rasism, gender based violence, access to health, migration",Yes,"This initiative has received funding from- specific funding programme in relation to Covid-19 to organizations that work with people in socially particularly vulnerable organizations (according to the government ordinance 2020:439 and 2020:494 handled by the Swedish Agency for Youth and Civil Society, The term ""socially particularly vulnerable"" refers to people who risk falling through society's safety nets and who are difficult to reach for actors other than civil society organizations. These can be, for example, initiatives for homeless people, EU migrants and people who have difficulty assimilating social information (information from MUCF web-page) All those who received funding have to hand in a report on how the funds have been used. MUCF reports to the Government on the mission to distribute the grants. ",Yes,The restrictions to meet eg in Sweden regulated in Grid SE01 (Ordinance 2021:8),It is part of what the organisation ordinarily does but has been adapted,"From application and report to MUCF: Doctors in the World conducts non-profit human rights activities aimed at vulnerable EU citizens without health insurance and at asylum seekers in Sweden who have not been granted a residence permit (undocumented). During the corona, this group has been expanded with people who do not have a residence permit but who cannot be rejected due to the pandemic and who are now in some form of legal limbo where they do not receive care either. During the corona pandemic, the organization also met a third group who do not have access to adequate care and support, people who have been on a temporary visit to Sweden and who are now stuck here and therefore uninsured. All of these are particularly vulnerable, both socially and physically, and need increased support, available counseling and concrete help here in Sweden. Doctors in the World offers basic primary care, dental care, maternity care (with reference to safe abortions - which this group otherwise does not have access to in Sweden), preventive health advice and HIV testing Doctors in the World offers legal advice so that people can have their rights safeguarded, e.g. by explaining decisions from authorities and giving advice and contacts for further handling. We offer psychosocial support from psychologists, counselors and social workers to reduce mental illness, suicide and to reduce children's special vulnerability. In cases where people have been denied care within the regular care to which they are entitled according to law, we provide emergency help and refer, write certificates and make referrals so that they can have their rights taken care of. Because every time we have to act and provide care means that society has broken down, it is also an important part of our business to conduct knowledge and advocacy work to improve access to care and improve the situation for the vulnerable in the long term. We do this, among other things, by participating in training, writing reports on what we see as shortcomings in the system, reporting to IVO and the ward's principals, and in collaboration with other actors influencing through the media and dialogue with those in power. The situation so far can be summed up by the fact that the circumstances have become more difficult for those we support - both physically, socially and mentally - at the same time as our non-profit activities have reduced resources, fewer volunteers available and increased costs. from people who are socially particularly vulnerable. Search reasons and who will come, however, have changed somewhat. PHYSICAL HEALTH AND ADVICE Both vulnerable EU citizens and the undocumented are testifying that access to other care, including care for serious mental illness and maternity care, has become more difficult to access during the pandemic. This has also led to an increased need for our support to be able to get in touch with and receive other necessary care for which the regions are responsible. Initially, there was no information in the languages ??that most EU citizens speak, which meant that we had to produce material. As the public information is still mainly written (although many in these target groups cannot read), the need for information and advice about Covid has been great. Even information about where to turn when you do not have health insurance has been difficult to access and many have therefore heard from or visited us. SOCIAL VULNERABILITY At present, we see an increase in homelessness as fear of infection in overcrowded housing and / or that they are no longer able to pay rent has meant that they have lost their temporary housing. We also see that the risk increases that people will be forced to have sex in order to have somewhere to live. Children living in undocumented families already have a very vulnerable situation and their preschools and access to open preschools are often the only breathing space. Now this is gone. Even people who have temporary residence permits but who due to the changes in the law in recent years have temporary permits that are conditional on study results or income and where the possibility of family reunification is dependent on work are now very worried. Even the people who have the right of residence but insecure housing have in several cases now been placed in homelessness. More and more of these turn to us for advice and support. Covid-19 has had serious consequences for them and at the same time it is also more difficult to get support. The situation with rejections that are not executed but where formal decisions on impediments to enforcement have not been made creates a legal gray area which has meant that we have also received other questions than otherwise. MENTAL ILLNESS Many are isolated, vulnerable and worried about themselves and their relatives. The need for psychosocial support for these groups remains great. The deteriorating access to care, support and housing in combination with the increase in vulnerability both through increased racism and xenophobia and through reduced livelihood opportunities means that mental illness has increased. We have on several occasions had a greater search pressure than we could handle and have, despite the fact that we basically only do the most urgent, such as suicide prevention, had to stop the intake on our drop in and refer people back next week. WORSE CONDITIONS Doctors in the World's activities are carried out and run to a very large extent by volunteers. Many of these are retired or belong to another risk group. Many also work in regular care and either have changed working hours, a higher workload now than otherwise or are themselves ill. This means that some of our receptions have not been open at all and that the opening hours have varied in several places, despite the fact that there has been a need to stay open! We are largely dependent on public support. As the pandemic has affected the economic situation, both here in Sweden and internationally, we have also received reduced resources. Even though the biggest loss has not yet hit us, we see that we will lose at least SEK 1 million in gifts during the year. In addition, we also see that the change will be even greater in the long run. Today we have support from our international parent organization. As they have incurred large increased costs internationally, both as part of the pandemic response and due to their reduced revenues, we will probably have a reduction of at least SEK 700,000 per year in the coming years. At the same time, costs have increased. Since much of the necessary material has been difficult to obtain, they have become more expensive. Our regular suppliers, where we sometimes had the opportunity for a discount, have not been able to deliver to us and we have sometimes been referred to retail, which due to demand has raised prices. At the same time, more of everything, more hand alcohol, more protective equipment and so on are also needed. The need for staff has also increased. Outdoor triage and changed routines in order to be reachable also digitally place greater demands on the coordination of technical solutions. A greater need to actively seek volunteers or alternatively train / retrain new volunteers in order to be able to fill gaps for regular volunteers requires staff who would not otherwise be needed. Other tasks also take up significantly more time, such as ordering basic materials, requiring at every opportunity to call around to a variety of suppliers and to stay tuned. This means that many such small tasks, which are required to be able to carry out a safe job, also require more staffing. Due to the fact that we have so far not been able to afford to employ more people, the staff has had to work overtime, which creates a time debt that will have to be taken back. The need for support for the particularly vulnerable (specifically with regard to covid-19) has increased without the need for other activities having decreased, on the contrary. At the same time, operations have deteriorated. This means that we both need to strengthen the efforts with completely new (covid-19-related) operations and strengthen the operations because our needs (due to covid-19's effects) are more difficult to meet in the regular way. SPECIFIC OPERATIONS COVID-19 Based on the pandemic itself and how it affects the particularly vulnerable people we meet, we have needed (and will need) to expand the business with: Increased access to care and information for those who have difficulty receiving care and counseling in regular care and, for example, written information. Psychosocial interventions to reduce mental illness (including suicide) and reduce children's special vulnerability. Highlight the experiences of vulnerable people from this spring and summer to strengthen access to care for the current and future seasons of Corona and other similar crises. The grant has been used primarily to strengthen the operations. This has meant that we have been able to be open to a much greater extent than we otherwise could. In total, we have met over 1400 people in direct action, referred at least 20 people with suspected Covid and serious symptoms so that they received safe care, both for them and for society, and given advice and support to hundreds of others. We have been able to continue the business despite large loss of income from planned support withdrawn from financiers who have had their own problems due to the pandemic. Thus, harmful domino effects have been avoided. All receptions and contact with rights holders and volunteers have been able to take place in a safe way by giving us better equipment - both for actual meetings, such as gloves, visors and disinfection and to be able to conduct meetings at a distance through, for example, a new learning system. Finally, we have also been able to contribute to combating the pandemic of some of the most vulnerable by being able to disseminate information both to vulnerable and to other actors in society. The main increased cost is increased personnel costs to be able to coordinate and conduct the activities required as a result of the outbreak of covid-19. A little over SEK 1.8 million is needed for personnel costs for new needs and to be able to implement","",National,,2020,Long-term,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,"Doctors in the World is a human rights organization that works for everyone's right to care. We do this through care interventions, psychosocial support and legal advice. Our starting point is that health is a human right. In Sweden, we are in eight locations from Lule† in the north to Malm” in the south. There we help people to get access to their rights and where necessary we provide care to people who otherwise do not get it. Every year, we help over 2,000 people get the right to care or counseling. Many of those we meet have difficulty gaining the right to the protection and security they are entitled to under the conventions Sweden has committed itself to following. We therefore also provide legal assistance and psychosocial support with a strong focus on children and young people, especially suicide prevention. Many of the adults we help have families. All our volunteers work voluntarily. Doctors in the World's national activities are aimed at those that others often forget, most often people who are here to ask for help, such as vulnerable EU citizens, the undocumented, children with abandonment syndrome and victims of human trafficking. We testify to the human rights violations we see and work actively to ensure that all people have access to care.",,,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,,See Q7 Sweden,SE06,Digital kit on human rights and ethics for teaching/teachers and others during the corona pandemic ?Raul Wallenberg Academy?,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Indirectly this initative target all groups adressed by human rights conventions etc,Human rights,No,,Yes,The restrictions to meet eg in Sweden regulated in Grid SE01 (Ordinance 2021:8),Yes. It is directed towards the need for more information/education/training on human rights and etics and the possibility to do them digitally during the pandemic. It offers teachers and others free digital resourrces,"Raoul Wallenberg Academy (RWA) has decided to offer its expertise free of charge and digitally. It is important to continue working with fundamental values in these times - even in digital classrooms. RWA has developed a kit for teachers with school materials to use directly in the digital classroom and to support teachers and educators directly. Raoul Wallenberg Academy will offer teachers free digital workshops as long as distance learning for high school applies. From the web-page: ?People's work situation, study situation and everyday life have changed drastically. This means that many now sit at home with fewer opportunities for physical social contact. It raises an even greater need to show empathy and compassion for each other and places great demands on one's self-leadership. It is important to continue working with fundamental values in these times. Let humanity spread faster than the Corona virus. Here you will find school materials that you can use directly in the classroom. We have divided the material into two parts: Part one is material that you can use in the digital classroom with the students. Part two is for you who are an educator.? The digital kit contains (from webpage visited 2021-06-27): 10 WAYS TO ACT WITH HUMANITY: We have compiled a list of 10 things you can do to spread compassion in times of high spread of Covid-19. 100 WAYS TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE: We have compiled a list of 100 ways to change and influence to create a better world. There are 100 challenges you can share with your students. LESSONS ABOUT HUMAN RIGHTS: Here are lesson tips for all human rights. FIND YOUR INNER RAOUL: How do we promote a culture where everyone dares to show civil courage? Raoul Wallenberg Academy has developed a tool consisting of a film and a teacher's guide, to prevent racism and discrimination. The film is divided into five chapters and at regular intervals you as a teacher pause the film and let the students reflect on an issue. In version 1, Johan Wendt, social entrepreneur, leads the viewer through reflections and contributes with his own examples that you can discuss. In version 2, there are short pauses in the film where it is the intention that you as a teacher should pause the film screening and contribute with your own examples around each issue. For both of these versions, follow the exercises in the teacher's guide. The discussions are expected to take about 15-20 minutes. FREE DIGITAL EDUCATION FOR MOTIVATION AND WELL-BEING Distance education places high demands on one's own self-leadership. We need to help our students and ourselves to keep their motivation up and maintain peace and balance in our quarantine. The research on intrinsic motivation and well-being is clear; we all, young and old, have three needs that we need to meet. It is the need for community, for development and for feeling autonomy and making one's own decisions. All three needs are being challenged in these times. We invite all school leaders and high school teachers to a free digital seminar in Self-Leadership that shows how you can help yourself and your students in their self-leadership and well-being. FREE WORKSHOPS: We will offer free digital workshops as long as distance learning is valid. If you are interested in the upcoming workshop, state it in the registration. RWA PLAY: Use our PLAY channel, RWA Play, to get tips on how to incorporate basic values into the classroom. We have filmed teachers who give their best lesson tips on civil courage, self-leadership and arousing young people's involvement in the classroom. RWA Play is a channel of teachers - for teachers. ",,National,,Does not say,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,"Raoul Wallenberg Academy is a fundraising foundation. With Raoul Wallenberg's work and leadership as inspiration, we strengthen young people to stand up for human rights and act with civil courage. By equipping young people, we are laying the foundations for a resilient democracy - a humane society free from racism and xenophobia. Raoul Wallenberg Academy is a politically and religiously independent fundraising foundation that equips young people to act with civil courage in the spirit of Raoul Wallenberg for a humane society free from racism and xenophobia. Every year, we engage tens of thousands of young people through our educations in self-leadership, school programs in human rights and the awareness of Raoul Wallenberg's day, Sweden's national day for humanity and civil courage. With Raoul Wallenberg's work and leadership as inspiration, we strengthen young people to stand up for human rights and lay the foundation for a resilient democracy.",,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,All human rights oriented ,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,Digital training kit Sweden,SE07,?Heml”sas hus? (House for the homelessness) Basic help to homeless persons,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,"Homeless persons, EU migrants, people who have difficulty assimilating societal information ","Poverty, drug abuse, homelessness",Yes,"This initiative has received funding from- specific funding programme in relation to Covid-19 to organizations that work with people in socially particularly vulnerable organizations (according to the government ordinance 2020:439 and 2020:494 handled by the Swedish Agency for Youth and Civil Society, The term ""socially particularly vulnerable"" refers to people who risk falling through society's safety nets and who are difficult to reach for actors other than civil society organizations. These can be, for example, initiatives for homeless people, EU migrants and people who have difficulty assimilating social information (information from MUCF web-page). All those who received funding have to hand in a report on how the funds have been used. MUCF reports to the Government on the mission to distribute the grants. ",Yes,The restrictions to meet etc in Sweden regulated in Grid SE01 (Ordinance 2021:8),"Both, it is an adaption of services already provided","When other local activities were closed due to the corona pandemic, a sharp increase in influx to the Homeless House took place Since the outbreak of the pandemic, it has been difficult to get volunteers - usually pensioners - to stand up due to the risk of infection. Including risk of infection during their travels to and from work at Heml”sas Hus. During the pandemic, the association had to bring in extra staff. Since other organizations such as Hela m„nniskan/RIA here in Helsingborg have closed down their activities, the association has for that reason had an increased influx of homeless people every day. Many public spaces out on the town, which a homeless person normally uses during cold, wet days, have now been restricted to access during the pandemic. Many public premises - eg libraries - have been completely closed to visitors. As a result of all these closures, many of the guests have stayed longer in the association's activities due to a lack of other accommodation. With a sharp reduction in access to volunteers and the large increased influx of homeless people, it had become impossible for the association to have been open every day to the extent that they had before. The increased influx has in itself also led to extra costs for increased staff costs extra staff, food preparation / ditto collection, cleaning, etc. These extra costs due to the pandemic would have been impossible for the association to cover without the state subsidy ",,Regional,City of Helsingborg/Sk†ne region,2020,Long-term,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,"The initiative is run by the association ?Frihamnen? The association has run Heml”sa's house in Helsingborg since 1999. Provides breakfast, hot lunch, hygiene facilities, clothes storage, laundry. throughout the day there is coffee, bread, fruit available. In collaboration with another association, we provide cooked supper in the evening. The service is financed by donations from private individuals, organizations and companies. The municipality of Helsingborg contributes with an operating grant of about 20% of the costs. Everything is provided to guests free of charge. ",,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,,"Web and social media, volonteers" Sweden,SE08,Basic needs to vulnerable groups including those who have symptoms or are infected,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,"People who live in exclusion, poverty and have a complex problem linked to exposure to violence, mental and physical disabilities, mental illness and addiction problems. It is children / young people and adults who are here but who for various reasons lack legal status, so-called undocumented. It is families with children and young people who live in socio-economic vulnerability and often in an already established exclusion. It is lonely elderly people who lack context and networks, often financially vulnerable.","Homelessness, psychological illness/disabilities, drug abuse, poverty, gender based violence",Yes,"This initiative has received funding from- specific funding programme in relation to Covid-19 to organizations that work with people in socially particularly vulnerable organizations (according to the government ordinance 2020:439 and 2020:494 handled by the Swedish Agency for Youth and Civil Society, The term ""socially particularly vulnerable"" refers to people who risk falling through society's safety nets and who are difficult to reach for actors other than civil society organizations. These can be, for example, initiatives for homeless people, EU migrants and people who have difficulty assimilating social information (information from MUCF web-page). All those who received funding have to hand in a report on how the funds have been used. MUCF reports to the Government on the mission to distribute the grants. ",Yes,The restrictions to meet etc in Sweden regulated in Grid SE01 (Ordinance 2021:8),"Both, it is an adaption of services already provided","At the same time as many organizations are closing down operations, the City Mission is scaling up and adapting operations. The City Mission meets more and more people who demand support measures that meet essential basic needs. The City Mission has adapted and scaled up operations so that no one will end up outside in the handling of the pandemic. The participants are people living in poverty, homelessness and vulnerability and are considered a risk group for being severely affected by covid- 19. There are people in homelessness, social and economic vulnerability, mental illness and substance abuse. It is families with children and young people who living in socio-economic vulnerability and often in an already existing situation of exclusion. It is also lonely elderly people who lack context and networks and it is people with mental illness who have housing. A group that risks ending up in isolation due to fear and misunderstanding. It is EU citizens, third-country nationals, unaccompanied minors who often live in great socio-economic vulnerability, homelessness, poverty and who are also difficult to reach with information initiatives. This is a target group that is very sensitive to misinformation and that the right information is given pedagogically. This target group is also particularly vulnerable because they find it difficult to leave the country to be reunited with their families, due to the fact that the borders with the outside world are closed. It is children / young people and adults who are in the City Mission's activities, but who for various reasons lack legal status, so-called undocumented. This target group is perhaps the most vulnerable group and needs to be reached through the right information (outreach activities) and emergency support with basic needs such as food, the opportunity to take care of their hygiene and rest. As long as possible, the City Mission offers this, mainly through open inclusive meeting places. This has entailed a high risk for personnel (the City Mission has taken the protective measures prescribed by FHM) as we maintain access to the activities for the vulnerable throughout the Covid-19 pandemic. These often come with various symptoms that staff treat based on the regulations that are available. The City Mission also conducts outreach activities for those who for various reasons do not have the opportunity or dare to ask for help, as well as various forms of psychosocial support measures for those in need. The organisation see that the needs increase with Corona. More people end up in food poverty and we expect that trend to continue given the social consequences of increased unemployment. Food waste in the stores has decreased and our costs for buying food are therefore increasing significantly, as are the human resources that are used to meet these needs. The average number of unique participants has increased by 25-30% in various locations during the Corona pandemic. It is largely a new target group that risks ending up in exclusion who apply to the City Mission for support. We also see a new form of homelessness that manifests itself in connection with the pandemic, where people have been forced to move out of their temporary homes due to the risk of infection due to overcrowding. Sweden's City Missions assess that the reduced income for the city missions leads to us having a need to close down parts of operations and lay off staff. Without support, several of the city missions will have serious financial problems and have to close down operations. In an initial stage after the spread of infection started, there has been a focus on meeting the increased demand for emergency care. For the most part, it has been about handing over and delivering free food and grocery bags. Going forward, it is important to continue working with food distribution and information initiatives for the target group so that you can follow the restrictions set by the authorities. In the long run, the goal is to be able to offer everyone who visits us the opportunity for individual change towards a more stable life situation through social support measures. A work that we have been doing before, and where we know that we make a difference for people in particularly vulnerable life situations. The organization have seen a large increase in the number of visitors and increased demand for emergency help for all our target groups. Personnel costs have increased with Covid-19 as more and more people seek support and help when economic and social conditions have changed. Anxiety and anxiety among all target groups is palpable. The City Mission's food service, which has the distribution of free food, has increased significantly with increased costs for us as an organization as a result. Tthe City Missions started with home delivery of lunch boxes with the help of volunteers to reduce the number of visitors at our lunches. Larger areas were created between the guests and the visits were a little shorter to be able to meet more people. Several temporary hygiene stations / tents have been built and staffed on the outside of the premises on certain city missions. This is resource-intensive in the form of increased need for staff and longer opening hours. People in homelessness with symptoms and / or infection are extra vulnerable, they become more rejected and have difficulty living with others due to. the risk of infection and concerns about it. The opportunity to get help to buy travel has become more difficult during the pandemic, and the opportunity to buy travel cash cards has disappeared completely. The City Mission supports those who become infected, assists with general hygiene rules and isolates participants when needed. A major problem that arises in the activities is when infection is detected and the participants cannot be sent home for self-care. In some places there are opportunities to isolate people, but for many people in homelessness these opportunities do not exist. We have expanded our business with more housing supporters, more activity leaders, more resources, extra management, expanded service rounds, expanded night shifts, expanded food rounds and itinerant temporary staff. With an increased urgent need for housing, hotels, hostels and emergency housing solutions have been purchased to cover the new need that has occurred due to Covid-19. Increased costs related to logistics have arisen during this pandemic to meet the needs that exist due to increased health risk. Although participants are used to living in homelessness and in many cases with addiction, we see that large support efforts will be needed to be able to live alone and in quarantine. The group of acute homeless people ends up between the chairs in how society handles the pandemic. More and more families are applying to the City Mission to be able to receive support and help. Distribution of food has increased and we are prepared to pack food bags that are quickly distributed to our participants. With increased resources, we can meet more people who live in socio-economic vulnerability, as well as people who become ill and can not go out shopping. We know that families in financial vulnerability find it difficult to meet the children's needs for several meals a day when the children do not goes to school / leisure. The target groups are not always reached by daily community information. This may be because they do not have access to TV and radio if you live in homelessness; that one does not understand how to absorb the information for the person with a mental disability; or that you do not know the language as a newcomer, asylum seeker, undocumented or EU citizen. By the City Mission's activities, information is sent out to visitors in a way that they can absorb. They also want to meet the need for information with new working methods and methods that enable our participants to assimilate adequate and correct information instead of rumors and ""fake news"". The current situation places high demands on the organization to quickly change, develop new routines, revise business plans, handle increased personnel issues, assign staff new tasks and more. To meet this increased need as described earlier, the City Mission as an organization has had to take a number of measures. We have mobilized staff to reach out to people in vulnerable situations. Group activities have been discontinued and the focus has shifted from long-term changes in visitors to dealing with short-term emergency situations. Demand for social and basic support measures has increased drastically during the pandemic, which has led to an escalating need for human resources. As a result, the City Mission has reduced sales in revenue-driven operations during the pandemic, there is no funding for additional staff recruitment to the extent needed. Thus, the City Mission has used volunteer efforts in many activities. This means that the City Mission needs funding to equip volunteer coordinators. Most of our volunteers are over 70 years old and currently do not have the opportunity to participate in the activities, which required an expanded service for volunteer recruitment of other groups. Resources have been redistributed to meet people with increased needs for food and hygiene, food distribution and transport, talks and counseling, legal and medical counseling, coordination and involvement of new volunteers. We work in a proactive way to reduce mental illness related to social isolation in connection with the pandemic through home visits. The operations need increased human resources to meet the escalating need for support and assistance that has arisen in the wake of Covid-19. The collection of natural gifts (such as food and hygiene items) require additional resources and staff. This, in combination with the increased pressure on open meeting places, means that the staff is strained, therefore we are looking for funds for extra staffing in order to meet needs and to be able to meet increased sick leave with existing staff in the organization. With increased resources, the staff density can be strengthened and thus help more people and really make a difference when the need is great. When the pandemic struck in early 2020, the City mission quickly switched to meeting an urgent need. The grant has been used mainly to cover staff costs in our open social activities throughout the country. The activities are attended by people who are in socially particularly vulnerable situations: socio-economic vulnerability, mental illness, substance abuse problems, housing problems or because you are alone and want company. Through coordination and reorganization of efforts, we were able to deliver food bags to people who could no longer come and food packages were distributed to people at the premises. It is people who have participated in our activities before, but also new target groups who have come to us for emergency support. When other organizations and meeting places closed their operations, we could continue to be available to vulnerable groups. They could continue to offer various forms of ombudsman service by telephone, via digital solutions or, when required, through physical meetings at safe distances. We offered study places and student support when distance learning for high school became a fact. We have had a continuous dialogue with the target groups and tried to meet needs that have arisen along the way with creative and infection-proof solutions. The efforts can summarized in: emergency interventions; food, hygiene, warmth, rest. Informative efforts in different languages: information on how the virus spreads, how to protect oneself, clearing restrictions, where to find more information. Long-term efforts; advice and help with government contacts, conversational support. Thanks to the state subsidy, the organization has been able to do more for more people during the pandemic. During 2020, the City Missions have expanded activities related to food and basic needs for those living in vulnerable areas life situations. Being able to continue to have the operations open despite concerns about finances and covid 19 restrictions has been extremely important in a difficult time for many. Together, the organization meets about 6,500 people daily (various forms of contact), which is an increase of just over 25 - 30% compared to 2019. The total number of unique participants in the organization's open activities will increase in 2020 by 20%. Emergency aid consists of food distribution: the organization distributed 1,200 food bags per week, offered 2,500 meals daily; about 13,000 individuals received food aid daily. The grant has made it possible to ensure a high staffing despite many hours of illness and loss of staff for various reasons. ",,National,,2020,Long-term,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,"?Riksf”reningen Sveriges Stadsmissioner? consists of 10 local city missions that carry out their activities in Eskilstuna, Nyk”ping, Gothenburg, Kalmar, Link”ping, Norrk”ping, Stockholm, Ume†, Uppsala, V„ster†s, ™rebro 6 Helsingborg, Kristianstad and Malm”. The ?Stadsmissionen?/City Mission has many years of experience in professional, social work. The City Mission works for the most vulnerable people in society with the aim of promoting people's well-being, counteracting exclusion and contributing to a socially sustainable society. The City Mission's vision is to create a more humane society for all, regardless of segmentation based on, for example, ethnicity, class, gender and religion. Every day, the City Mission meets around 5,000 people who live in exclusion, poverty and have a complex problem linked to exposure to violence, mental and physical disabilities, mental illness and addiction problems. Many people suffer from comorbidity, which means that they have two or more health problems at the same time. This may, for example, include addiction problems in combination with mental illness. One of the most common social problems among our participants is homelessness. This is the group of homeless people that the social administration classifies as? Socially vulnerable? (people with substance abuse problems and / or mental illness). In addition, we meet many EU citizens in vulnerability as well as the undocumented, ie irregular refugees and homeless unaccompanied young people. The majority of people that the City Mission meets fall between the cracks because there are shortcomings and ambiguities regarding the division of responsibilities within society's social welfare system. The City Mission is a professional organization, with extensive experience in emergency support activities, change work, housing activities, work integration and education. Activities that in principle are always funded by gifts and fundraising. The City Mission conducts social work in many different activities, including 18 open inclusive meeting places around the country. The ongoing operations are building on established relationships with the target groups. The activities enjoys good trust from people living in vulnerable life situations. The city mission is for many a safe place to be: here is the opportunity to meet the most basic needs, ie. to take care of their hygiene, eat the sometimes only meal of the day, feel participation and community in a context, gain access to broad community information (in several different languages), conversational support in groups or individually, the opportunity to build trusting relationships and reduce the distance to society's surrounding support and care based on the individual conditions that exist. Proven methods and routines guarantee quality and professionalism. The staff offers a welcoming community and an active everyday life as an opportunity to break destructive patterns and promote behaviors that instead benefit personal development and health. This means that the staff works in parallel with basic needs and long-term, more complex, needs on a daily basis to strengthen both participation and empowerment so that the individual can achieve their own set goals and increase their quality of life. The effects that the activities aim to achieve for the individual are: Increased autonomy Increased quality of life Increased well-being: improved physical and mental health",,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,,"Web and social media, volunteers" Sweden,SE09,Chat tool for contact with women?s shelter ?Unizon?,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Women that are victims of gender based violence,Gender based violence,No,,Yes,The restrictions to meet etc in Sweden regulated in Grid SE01 (Ordinance 2021:8),"Yes, it is due to the difficulties to visit the shelter","Girls' and women's shelters in the country state that the need for support has increased markedly during the pandemic. Most seek support for physical and psychological violence. In 2020, Unizons emergency services had a total of 138,500 support contacts, according to recent statistics. A marked increase from 2019, when the same figure was 121,600. The most common reason for applying for support at a women's shelter was physical and psychological violence, as well as questions about housing, custody and contact with children. Mental illness, questions about the body, sex and relationships as well as rape or sexual abuse of an acquaintance were the most common reasons for contacts with girls' shelters or youth shelters. At the same time as the needs increase, the number of days that women live in the sheltered housing of women's shelters has decreased. Women lived on average 55 days in the shelters of women's shelters, compared with 63 days in 2019. The umbrella organisation Unizon has developed a chat tool that they offer to their members. This has been developed to meet the difficulties to visit or even phone the shelters due to the pandemic. The chat function has made it possible to get in contact with new groups such as younger persons and also overall more persons. The tool makes it possible to get statistics and monitor the situation. A lot of the members/shelters have started to use it as a way to adopt to the pandemic (according to mail 21-06-30, 57 members now use it). The chat tool is developed by the company Noop. The chat has been developed for several years based on the needs of the support applicant and the emergency service. Each emergency service has its own chat page with the emergency service's name as domain. It is a login page where each user on call has a unique login. The tool provides the opportunity to chat with three support applicants at the same time in order to provide qualitative support. On the page you can save statistics after each call, see chat history, upload internal documents, communicate with others on call through an internal chat, create long-term contacts with support applicants and flag calls that have been difficult to respond to get support from coordinators on call or response manager at Unizon.",n/a,National,,2020,Long-term,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,"Unizon is a national association for over 130 idea-driven women's shelters, girls' shelters and youth shelters that work for an equal society free from violence.",,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,,A chat function Sweden,SE10,Breast cancer app ?Kl„mdagen? (Squeeze day) developed by Br”stcancer f”rbundet (Swedish Breast cancer association),No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Women in risk of breast cancer and those who do not speak swedish and kow the swedish health system,health inequalities,No,,Yes,The restrictions to meet etc in Sweden regulated in Grid SE01 (Ordinance 2021:8),"No, but it has been promoted as extra important due to Covid-restrictions","Each year around 8,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer. It is the most common form of cancer in women. Thanks to advances in research and effective new treatments, the prognosis for breast cancer is steadily improving. Today, 8 out of 10 people survive the disease. It is very mportant to get early diagnosis. All women aged between 40 and 74 who are registered as Swedish residents are offered a free mammogram every two years. The earlier breast cancer is discovered, the better the outcome and the chances of returning to full health. It is important to go for your mammogram every time you are invited, as the radiologists compare the images from previous screenings. Since the Swedish mammography programme was introduced, breast cancer survival rates have doubled. The mammograhy have been paused during the pandemic and the initiative adresses this problemThis is an initiative to increase awereness about impotance of self-examination of breast when mammograhpy screening is being paused and to seek medical assistance when needed even in the pandemic. The name ""Kl„mdagen? (Squeeze Day) refers to the day of the month when you as a woman should feel through your breasts. Regular self-examination makes you feel any changes early.The app ""Kl„mdagen"" is available for both Iphone and Android. You set which day of the month and which time you want to be reminded and it is also possible to add an extra reminder. The app has been developed in several languages. and„mdagen/id1119132183 "," The app can be found here: And here:„mdagen/id1119132183 ",National,,,,,,Yes,No,No,No,"The Swedish Breast Cancer Association is Sweden's only interest organization that focuses exclusively on breast cancer, and which supports both research and members. To achieve our vision that no one should suffer from breast cancer, we fund research, spread knowledge about prevention and drive opinion formation on breast cancer issues. We have over 11,000 members and 33 breast cancer associations around the country.",,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,,Web and social media Serbia,SER01,Draft Declaration of CSOs and gender equality experts after National Consultations against COVID-19. The Declaration came as a result of a consultation process of women?s CSOs and other actors ,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,"Elderly, Women, CSOs dealing with vulneralble groups including women victims of domestic violence; Women owners of a small or medium entreprise;",Economic and labour inequality; Freedom of movement of elderly people; ,Yes,Ban of movement for persons above 65 years old - for persons older than 65 (ban of movement ? restricted from 04 am to 7 am); Support for as small and medium entreprise; lack of policies addressing violence against women during the carantine. ,Yes,The Declaration was more awerness raising to Government of Serbia to conduct pre- and post- gender and social inclusion policy analysis before introducing new measures bland to the needs of vulnerable groups and especially vulnerable groups of women. ,"Yes. The Declaration was issued as a joint statement of the CSOs and gender equality experts joined in an informal coalition Women?s Platform for Development of Serbia. The Declaration was aiming to address all negative and positive movements from the Government related to women. gender equality, intersectional inequalities, LGBT, elderly etc. ","The Declaration resulted from consultations with women's organizations to public authorities to urgently prepare and implement an adequate response to unresolved issues that make everyday life difficult for women throughout Serbia. Among other concerns, the Declaration emphasized problems of single-parent families, most often head by women; lack of transportation; difficulties of separated parents in seeing their children, specific issues of LGBT; women in situations of violence - problems of reporting violence or leaving the perpetrator in the case of curfew; labour rights, services and income for women employed in agriculture, the informal economy as caregivers and or domestic workers; people living with HIV or rare diseases; outpatient care for cancer patients; migrants and other vulnerable groups. In the Declaration, the WPDS supported the GoS promoted intergenerational and general social solidarity. The coalition of women's organizations is aware that solidarity is a vital tool to build future, more resilient community responses to the pandemic and other unforeseen events. Solidarity is also crucial for peacebuilding and sustainable development in the Western Balkan region. In the Government of Serbia response to COVID-19 so far, however, solidarity has not been accompanied by actions of partnerships with women's organizations and other civil society actors. Sufficient attention has not been paid to the different needs of women and men from different parts of the country, especially those coming from marginalized communities. Although there is a huge need for volunteer services and adequate financial resources are available, so far, nothing has been done to involve CSOs in providing missing services, with complete protection and clear protocols to protect volunteers' and service users health. The Declaration opposes communication with civil society organizations via orders that have already appeared in some local self-government units. The WPDS urges the Government of Serbia to ensure the sustainability of the civil sector in an already increasingly narrowing reach. As a result the Women?s Platform for Development of Serbia monitored the measures introduced by the GoS during the state of emergency and issued the Gender Analysis of these measures in June 2020. ",,National,,The Women?s Platform has been established as an ad hoc coalition of women?s organisations and gender equality experts and actvitists in 2014.,Long-term,Yes,,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,"Gender equality experts, academics, activists",,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Single parent families; animal rights; HIV positive and persons living with AIDS; cancer patients and persons with rare desises; Women victims of domestic violence; migrant men and women.,No,No,Yes,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,,Web based Facebook Serbia,SER02,Advocacy and awereness raising initiative related to COVID-19 and persons with disability in institutions of social care ,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,Women especially but also men with disability and mental disablity in institutions of social care and elderly care,Disablity and mental disablity,Yes,"The ?Curefew Order? on restriction and prohibition of Movement of persons especially focused on elderly and the organisation of the care work in institutions of social protection for elderly, persons with disability and children",Yes,"Lack of any policy that will address potential lack of space and care workers in the social care institutions; Lack of policy measures that will address potential violence against women with disability, elderly women in the institutions and women with mental disability; lack of mesures to address sexual and reproductive health services for women with disability and mental disability; lack measures that will secure regular purchase of adequate protective equipment for care workers (where women are in majority). ","Yes. It is designed to raise awereness of the general public and decision and policy makers on certain issues related to persons, especially women with disability and mental disablity in the institutions of social care.","The initiative was a direct response to a lack of information and general awareness of how preventive measures against Covid 19 are organised in residential care taking into account alarming details on the confirmed cases of the COVID-19 virus in several institutions across Serbia. Furthermore, the initiative called for journalists to urgently investigate the position of people with disabilities in social care institutions. The initiative targeted decisionmakers and general population about needs and situation of women with disabilities because of their specific position and exposure to multiple discrimination and violence. Some other issues were also raised in the initiative, for example, whether caregivers are protected enough do they have enough equipment and protective gear. The FemPlatz particularly pointed out lack of the all necessary protective equipment for caregivers and other employed women in the social protection system. It also raises an awareness of the lack of flexible working hours offered to caregivers and other essential workers if they are care providers of other family members. The FemPlatz also stressed challenges in the organisation of the quarantine in the conditions of too many users and too few caregivers. The initiative also raised the lack of adequate measures to protect and support women with disabilities in residential care against various forms of violence. In addition, the FemPlatz pointed out the absence of immediate access to sexual and reproductive health services for women in residential care (e.g. did women received enough hygiene products during menstruation).",,National,,"13. April, 2020",Just for the Covid-19 emergency,No,Not specified ,Yes,No,No,No,"FemPlatz is women?s organisation (citizens' association) founded in 2017. It advocates for the promotion and realization of the rights of women and girls, protection against discrimination and violence, economic empowerment and social inclusion, with a special focus on women and girls who face multiple discrimination. The main goal of the organisation is improving and enforcing the law, providing access to various services and rights, to contribute to improving knowledge and changing the attitudes of professionals, decision makers, the general public towards gender equality and women's rights in order to influence changes in practice. The ultimate goal is women?s full social and political participation to achive gender equality and women?s rights", ,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No, ,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,,Web based Serbia,SER03,"Community services for the elderly during the curfew ? assistance in the purchasing an delivering food, medicine and other necessities. ",No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,Elderly persons among which majority are women ,"Age and disability inequality, also class inequality because support in additional parcels of food and hygene were provided to those elderly persons who have pensions below minimum or minimum.",Yes,The Order on Restriction and Prohibition of Movement of Persons in the Territory of the Republic of Serbia,Yes,The movemement ban for elderly persons above 65 and 70 years old coused major problems in basic life functions such as food and medicine purchase. The elderly people affected were those living alone and dependent on external social services. ,"Yes, but it also relies on different volunteering initiatives.","Since the introduction of the state of emergency help lines for the elderly have been organised in some of the local self-governments (LSG). Assistance in the purchase of food and medicine was provided by the volunteers of municipal volunteer centres while other forms of assistance were provided by local services. However, in some municipalities these assistance and support lines were not available during the general movement ban, which causes major problems when the movement ban lasts for a longer period of time (e.g. on weekends). There were also problems with access to information about assistance and support options because the telephones of most local services were generally only available in the morning. Elderly people who live alone were also in a very unfavourable position, and they need someone else?s care and help. Women are majority in this category of elderly people who need such help. Also, many local self-government organised the delivery of free food and hygiene parcels to pensioners with the smallest income. The team of volunteers from the Crisis Center of the Municipality of Negotin delivers groceries and medicines to the oldest fellow citizens in the city and 39 local communities on the territory of the municipality every day. Persons older than 65 submit the list of necessary groceries and medicines to the Crisis Center of the Municipality of Negotin at the designated phone numbers or directly to volunteers and local community councils. The distribution of groceries and medicines to local communities is performed by the teams of the delivery service and pharmacy selected and paid by the municipality. After that 95 volunteers deliver basic necessities and medicines to people older than 65 in the municipality of Negotin. The municipality Negotin was only one of the many municipalities that had similar policy response measures. They are selected because the information about their initiative are still available on the municipality website.","1) 2)",Municipal,Negotin and Bor ? just as an example,"After March 18, 2020",Just for the Covid-19 emergency,No,After state of emergency was lifted ,No,No,No,Yes,Local authorities - municipal volunteers ,,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,Food and medicine ,Municipal help phone lines and a network of volunteers Serbia,SER04,Joint initiative of umbrella CSOs and human rights institution regarding the movement permission of formal and informal carers during a state of emergency,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,Persons with disability and in need for in-home care,Disablity; age; need for social care; informal work of women,Yes,"Lockdown, curfew and ban of movement ",Yes,The Order on Restriction and Prohibition of Movement of Persons in the Territory of the Republic of Serbia,Yes. It is designed to mitigate problems for people in need for care and their formal and informal carrers ,"According to the ""Order on Restriction and Prohibition of Movement of Persons in the Territory of the Republic of Serbia"", the special permits were issued to: 1) On-duty health workers - with a license. 2) On-duty members of the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Defence, the security services and the Serbian Army. 3) Persons to whom the Ministry of the Interior issues a movement permit (lacking specific instructions on how to do it, where to submit, and according to which criteria). The above restriction affected children and adults directly with disabilities and people living with different rare diseases out of the residential care system. One of the critical problems was the inability to get help and support from personal assistants, informal caregivers, relatives and friends who do not live with them due to the ban on movement in the evening. The National Organization of Persons with Disabilities of Serbia (NOOIS) and the National Organization for Rare Diseases of Serbia (NORBS) as an umbrella CSOs, together with the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, urged the Government of Serbia to provide special permits to: 1) a licenced personal assistant who provides a basic personal hygiene service to the person with a disability in the evening and the morning; 2) a non-licensed personal assistant (a relative or a friend) who does not live in a joint household. The collective claim also requested the same permits to the designated assistants to palliative care home patients and people with dementia who relies on mobile teams or informal carers with whom they do not live in a joint household. The umbrella CSOs and Commissioner suggested that the MoI accept and approve consolidated requests for movement permits for licensed providers with detailed information about service (users, services provided etc.). In the case of informal carers (relatives, friends), requests for a movement permit should be submitted directly by providers for each patient/client, followed by the obligatory consent of the user whenever it is possible to obtain it. Namely, when it is impossible to get permission (for example, from a person with dementia), Commissioner suggested justified control of the information stated in the request (e.g. address).", ,National,,26-Mar-20,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,No,Not specified ,Yes,No,No,Yes,"National Organization of Persons with Disabilities of Serbia is an ?umbrella? organization representing more than 800,000 persons with disabilities and their legal representatives. The NOPDS is involved in supporting organizations of persons with individual types of disabilities; organizations of legal representatives of persons with disabilities, and interest organizations gathering persons with various types of disabilities (so-called cross-disability organizations. National Organization for Rare Diseases of Serbia is an umbrella organization gathering associations of people living with different rare diseases. The main goal of NORD is providing a unified voice for people affected by rare diseases and their families and representing them at the different levels (liaising with physicians, institutions, patients and patient organisations, as well as with healthcare and social welfare systems). The Commissioner for Protection of Equality is an independent, autonomous and specialized state authority established on the basis of the Law on Prohibition of Discrimination from 2009. The Commissioner?s task is to prevent all forms, types and cases of discrimination, to protect the equality of natural persons and legal entities in all spheres of social relations, to oversee the enforcement of antidiscrimination regulations, and to improve realization and protection of equality. ","1) 2) 3) ",Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,People living with different rare diseases,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,,"Web based, Open letter to the Government " Serbia,SER05,"Guidelines for better support to women and girls victims of gender-based violence during the Covid-19 pandemic",Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Women and girls survivors of gender-based violence,Gender-based violence against women and girls,Yes,"Lockdown, curfew and ban of movement ",Yes,Measures to protect women and girls from gender-based violence during emergencies and movemenbans have never been enacted,"Yes. It is designed to mitigate problems of women victims and survivors of gender-based violence during state of emergency. However, the problem of domestic and intimate partner violence is not something that will end when pandemic is over. On the contrary. ","The proposed guidelines are appeal of women?s organisations providing services and advocating for policy changes against gender-based violence. Each crisis creates new inequalities and exacerbates existing ones, therefore there is even more responsibility of the relevant institutions to intensify their efforts and increase measures to protect women and girls from gender-based violence. The initiative raised concern that the rules of social distancing and curefew have created additional risks of domestic violence against women and girls. There are still no official publicly available data in Serbia on the impact of the pandemic and isolation on violence against women. On the one hand, the High Judicial Council instructed the courts not to postpone trials for domestic violence during a state of emergency. On the other hand, however, the number of extended measures and the number of newly processed cases decreased significantly during March 2020. Pandemic and a state of emergency with long periods of isolation have drastically changed the context - not only in terms of security and the economy but ongoing rapid political and cultural changes. Some of the critical issues stressed by the initiative are: - Lack of information about the changed work regime of services for the prevention of violence and protection of victims of violence; - Absence of reliable statistical data; - Lack of any state proclaimed and funded measures or support programmes for women and girls who suffered from gender-based violence during isolation and the state of emergency; - Shortage of relevant media reports on violence against women and cases of femicide during the state of emergency and isolation; and - Misogynic attacks on female experts engaged in response to Covid-19. On the other hand, the number of reported cases or services provided by specialized women's NGOs (e.g. SOS helplines and legal and psychosocial services) varied during the state of emergency. Some women's organizations recorded a higher number of services used; other organizations reported approximately the same frequency of calls to SOS helplines. The third group of SOS helplines stated a reduced number of calls. The coordination and communication among relevant social care institutions, police and judiciary have not been successfully maintained. Since March 15, there has been complete public silence regarding domestic violence in Serbia and uncertainty about what women who experience violence should do to protect themselves and survive. CSOs guidelines are grouped in 1) general guidelines; 2) guidelines for Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veterans and Social Affairs and 3) guidelines for Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Interior. These relevant ministries are at the same time main advocacy targets of the guidelines. ",,National,,No date,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,Yes, ,Yes,No,No,No,"FENOMENA (Phenomena) is a non-governmental association of citizens with the aim of combating gender inequality and gender-based violence. Organisation operates both on national and municipal level (Kraljevo town). The organisation works both on policy and advocacy level and also as service provider to women and girls victims of gender-based violence. It coordinates regional network of Women Against Violence in Southwest Serbia, and represents Serbia in the European Violence Network (Women against violence Europe). Member of Fenomena is also an expert representative in the WAVE Advisory Board (2017 - present). The WAVE Network, established in 1994 as an informal network, is a legal entity since 2014 and a formal network NGO composed of European women?s NGOs working in the field of combating violence against women and children. The WAVE Network aims to promote and strengthen the human rights of women and children in general and to prevent violence against women and children in particular. It aims at establishing gender equality by eliminating all forms of violence against women. WAVE is the only European network focusing solely on the elimination of violence against women and children."," ",No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No, ,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,Advocacy for policy improvement with recommendations and guidelines,Web based Serbia,SER06,"Guidelines for social workers working with women and children victims of gender-based violence during the COVID-19 pandemic The guidelines are part of KonekTaS platform that connects students and practitioners of social work during the coronavirus pandemic open to them to share their ideas, knowledge, practical suggestions etc. The goal of the FPN KonekTaS platform is oriented towards strengthening the workforce in the social and child protection system. The guidelines are part of the platform's activities to draw attention to the specific and vulnerable situation in which women and children victims of gender-based violence and domestic violence find themselves during the COVID-19 pandemic.",Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Socal care workers explicitly but implicitly victims of gender-based violence,Gender-based violence ,Yes,"Lockdown, curfew and ban of movement ",Yes,"This community response recognizes the need for additional instructions for social workers responsible for cases of gender-based violence against women. Unfortunately, none of these measures was prescribed by the state institutions and relevant Ministries.","Yes. The recommendations are designed to mitigate limited options for victims of gender-based violence to report the violence and seek services and support to overcome these situations, and support social workers in their work in the condition of the COVID-19 pandemic. ","Various restrictions imposed on citizens due to the prevention of the spread of the COVID-19 virus also require adapting social workers' practices through innovative solutions. In addition to teleworking, which poses a particular challenge to social workers, other problems are also identified, triggering gender-based violence against women. These are, for example, forced contact between victims and perpetrators during curfew, feelings of ""captivity"" of women and inability to leave a violent relationship, changing family dynamics, challenges related to gender roles of women and men, a greater presence of children at home and the organization of responsibilities around children, the financial impact of the crisis on the family, the use of infection and pandemics to increase or achieve control over the partner, etc. These recommendations aimed to map the available resources for rapid response during the Covid-19 crisis, which also created safety plans for victims of domestic violence and violence against women. The guidelines were created within the volunteer service of the Faculty of Political Science (FPN) KonekTaS. This service is an interactive online platform that brings together practitioners, teachers and students of social work and social policy to share new theoretical and practical knowledge, professional experiences and dilemmas and strategies for overcoming obstacles in everyday work. FPN KonekTas brings together associates who want to build together a safe, supportive, inclusive and stimulating gathering place for learning and research, for connecting and exchanging with colleagues and for coordinated collection and distribution of information relevant to all practitioners and theorists in social work. The guidelines aim to support institutions dealing with cases of gender-based violence and offer them timely and effective protection in challenging circumstances. Based on the experience of previous crises, social workers working with victims of violence and potential victims of violence assume that the pandemic will also reflect an increase in violence against women in the family. Quarantine and psychological tensions caused by a pandemic can lead to an increase in domestic violence and further worsen the situation of women and children living in a violent environment. The direct target group are social workers but the guidelines also reaching out to social work students, and policy makers. The achievement of this initiative is that it has closely connected the academic community and social work practitioners. In this way, students are introduced to the potential problems and challenges faced by social workers working with victims of gender-based violence and solutions and clear instructions for dealing with crises. However, it is not entirely clear what response the initiative received from social workers and how many saw and applied the recommendations in their work. ",,National,,Not available ,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,No,Not specified ,No,No,No,Yes,"FPN KonekTaS was established at the Faculty of Political Science, University of Belgrade, with the support of UNICEF and USAID offices in Belgrade, in response to the needs of students and practitioners of social work created during the coronavirus pandemic, with the idea to continue working after stabilizing the epidemiological situation. The goals of the FPN KonekTaS platform are oriented towards strengthening the workforce in the social and child protection system in ensuring continuity, relevance, timeliness and quality of social services for the most vulnerable children and families. ",,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No, ,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,,Web based Serbia,SER07,"Grant programme for women CSOs to create a solidarity response to COVID-19 Due to the global COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on everyday life, the Trag Foundation has recognized adverse effects on communities throughout Serbia, especially among the most vulnerable. Therefore, the programme provides donations to initiatives related to prevention measures, information campaigns, etc., to a maximum of 150,000 RSD (approx. 1300 EUR) and support service providers in the field of social protection to a maximum of 500,000 RSD (approx. 4300 EUR). The programme's particular focus is activities to mitigate the consequences of conditions of emergency and self-isolation and initiate actions focused on the recovery and resilience of communities from the economic and other social implications of a pandemic.",Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,"Target are elderly (65+), women and children victims of domestic violence, the rural population, people with disabilities, the Roma population, single-parent families, socially vulnerable groups","Gender based violence; disability, age, care gap",No,,Yes,The initiative is aiming to fill the gap of non-exsistance of the adequate policies to support vulnerable groups,"The initiative is part of regular activities of the Trag Foundation which is grant giving schemes to women?s and other vulnerable groups CSOs. However, this initiative is designed especially to mitigate consequences of the state of emergency, isolation and spread of COVID-19.","The crisis disproportionately affects women and other vulnerable groups. Therefore, the Trag Foundation gives priority to initiatives that help particularly the elderly (65+), women and children victims of domestic violence, the rural population, people with disabilities, the Roma population, single-parent families, socially vulnerable groups and the like. The grant programme has several areas: 1) Support to prevention measures, including all actions to support the fulfilment of everyday practical needs, the availability of protection measures, the distribution of equipment such as masks, gloves, disinfectants. 2) Education and information: conducting campaigns to objectively and timely inform the population about the availability of services and their rights, especially for communities that do not have access to the Internet. 3) Psychological support and the preservation of mental health in conditions of emergency. 4) Availability of social services: activities and measures that will adjust the provision of existing services in a pandemic - daily services, support for independent living, counselling-therapeutic and social-educational services, as well as advising on exercising the right to these services. 5) Urgent advocacy and access to justice: mobilization of citizens and campaigns to protect citizens' rights in case of changes in rules and regulations in a state of emergency, including legal aid to protect labour and human rights. 6) Technological solutions for adapting to the conditions of self-isolation: online platforms that can facilitate work from home and learning, provide free cultural and artistic content, platforms for remote socialization and the like. The call is open to associations of citizens and local foundations from the territory of the Republic of Serbia, which can apply individually or in partnership within one or more areas of support. A special grant line will be dedicated to supporting women's associations for the realization of women's rights and the fight against violence against women and children during a pandemic Applications are approved based on the assessment of the Trag Foundation, with the support of external advisors who are representatives of various associations.",,National,"However, supported activities will be conducted at the local, municipal level",In March 2020,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,No,The call for proposals lasted until 21 April 2020,No,No,No,Yes,Local foundation ? charity organisation ? Law on charity organisations apply,,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Women victims and survivors of gender based violence,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,,Web and social media Slovenia,SI01,?vekiFON,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,elderly,Social exclusion,No,It responds to lock-down during first epidemic wave.,No,,"Explicitly designed in response to covid-related issues, but will not end with the end of epidemic.","Complete lock down of public life was initiated during the first wave in March 2020. Nursery homes were closed (no visitation), all activities for elderly were stopped (for example in day centers). This resulted in severe social exclusion and loneliness of numerous elderly, who were confined to stay at home or at nursery home with no social contact. To offer some kind of social contact to these elderly an NGO humanitarian society Humanitar?ek and Institute Simbioza organized a telephone line ?vekiFON, which connects elderly via telephone in an anonymous telephone call. A person calls a free telephone number and registers into a database. Afterwards he/she is connected with another already registered person. The service is free for users every day between 8 am and 8 pm and is made available by different telephone companies. The project was well accepted and recognized as nationally important and therefore also supported by the Ministry of Labor, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities. Although it was established as an answer to the epidemic it will remain active. This activity is relatively simple, yet highly affective. Elderly themselves participate in its implementation, it is free and does not require any specific technical knowledge. However, gender perspective is not considered. In one year since establishment more than 4.900 hours of telephone calls have been made and more than 1.600 elderly users were involved.",,National,,Mar-20,Long-term,Yes,,Yes,No,No,Yes,"Humanitarian society Humanitar?ek is an NGO, established in 2010. Its projects are connected with social inequalities. Institute Simbioza is a social entrepreneurship for intergenerational cooperation, volunteerinfg and lifelong learning. ","",No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,No,No,Yes,No,No,,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,,The initiative was represented through the media. Web page is also available; Facebook. Slovenia,SI02,Urgent child care by volunteers in the first epidemic wave when kindergartens and schools were closed ,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,Parents employed in sectors that could not work from home,Women being more affected by remote schooling and closed kindergartens.,Yes,"In the first epidemic wave all schools and kindergartens were closed , following the (Ordinance temporary prohibiting gatherings of people in educational institutions...), issued on 12 March 2020, implemented on 16 March 2020 by the Ministry of Health.",,,Explicitly designed in response to covid-related issues.,"In the first epidemic wave all schools and kindergartens were closed by the Ministry of Health, leaving numerous parents faced with the problem how to provide care for their small children. A lot of employees were able to work from home at that time, but some were employed in such work places that could not work from home (police, hospitals, military,... ) ? either both parents or single parents. Child care of small children was not provided by the state authorities at a time, so different initiatives emerged to help those parents, one of them being implemented in the City of Ljubljana (different cities through Slovenia organised such or similar child care possibilities). The City of Ljubljana asked headmasters of kindergartens and schools to recruit volunteers (teachers), who would provide child care (at their home or at the child?s home) for parents who were not able to work from home. They should be the residents of the City of Ljubljana and their children should be enrolled in public kindergartens or schools. The childcare organized by the City was primary available for employees in hospitals, police or military or other important work places (such as energetics,...); for children up to approximately 10-11 years of age. The City also connected with the Association of Friends of Youth Ljubljana Moste-Polje, which provided volunteers for child care for parents who were also not able to stay at home, but did not work in organizations, necessary for the functioning of society and the state (not all employers provided the possibility for employees to work from home). The Association of Friends of Youth provided help through its pre-COVID program ?Chain of Good People?. No information about implementation of this action is available; however, media reported about relatively high number of volunteers who were willing to provide child care for the parents in need. The initiative started on 16 March 2020 and 128 volunteers signed up until 30 March 2020 (and 36 parents in need for child care). The application of volunteers and parents was enabled via web page of the City of Ljubljana; also by contacting the Association of Friends of Youth. This action represents a response by civil society in a case when the state did not provide necessary child care in the first wave of epidemic. In following epidemic waves child care has been provided by relevant institutions, following governmental guidelines. ",,Municipal,It was implemented in the City of Ljubljana.,Mar-20,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,No,It ended when schools and kindergartens reopened.,Yes,No,No,Yes,"Association of Friends of Youth Ljubljana Moste-Polje and City of Ljubljana were the organizers of child care during the period of closed schools and kindergartens. Association of Friends of Youth Ljubljana Moste-Polje is a voluntary, non-profit NGO, which offers help to children, young people and families, represents their intrests, asserts to their needs and protects their right. City of Ljubljana is a city municipality.","",No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,No,No,Yes,No,No,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Care of young childer at their home in cases parents cannot stay home during the period of closed schools and kindergartens.,Media wrote about this possibility. Kindergartens and schools also provided information to parents. Web. Slovenia,SI03,Services for victims of GBV remain active throughout epidemic and despite anti-Covid measures,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Victims of GBV,Subjection to GBV,No,,No,,"It is a continuation of services already available for victims of GBV, but certain services were performed in a different/new way due to anti-Covid measures.","Covid-19 epidemic influenced a rise in domestic violence due to many restrictive measures, when people were unable to leave their homes for work, school, social events. This occurrences were recognized as potentially dangerous also by the Police, which warned about possibilities that less instances of domestic violence are to be reported, although the prevalence is higher due to confinement of people to their homes (victims with perpetrators). The Ombudsman, for example, inquired about services still available for the victims of domestic violence (GBV) during the epidemic (first wave March 2020). It has been acknowledged that the majority of existentservices were available, for example helplines. Some NGOs and social work centers noticed no change in the demand of their services, attributing this fact to the ?new reality? of victims being constantly with their perpetrators due to the lock down. New ways of communicating with the victims were established by NGOs (Skype, Messenger, Facebook, video calls). Shelters and crisis centers remained open during the whole time of the first wave lock down which has been the most rigorous and numerous public services were put on hold and public institutions closed. But based on the report of the Ombudsman, NGOs and social work centers, which run crisis centers and shelters encountered some difficulties due to the Covid-related measures (lockdown): Isolation of victims and difficulty to call for help due to constant presence of the perpetrator, No public transport available to use to come to safe places, Lack of protective equipment at the beginning of the epidemic, The staff was additionally burdened with emotional distress due to epidemic, with homeschooling of children and with grocery shopping for users of shelter, Lack of detailed information and protocol for addressing infections in shelters and crisis centers, Lack in isolation and quarantine options in shelters and crisis centers. Association for Nonviolent Communication also addressed perpetrators. The NGO?s web page contains different recommendations for men who inflict violence and have been violent in the past; in May 2020 a translation of recommendations, prepared by foreign organizations who work with boys, men and fathers (, DMOE, Bundesforum Maenner), was also published at the web page in response to recognized trend of higher prevalence of GBV due to epidemic measures. ",,National,,This initiative has already been in force. But in spite of lockown due to Covid-19 it remained in operation.,Long-term,Yes,,Yes,No,No,Yes,"For example NGO Association for Nonviolent Communication is dedicated to preventing and reducing violence and its consequences, established in 1996 (this is just example of one NGO).",,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,,"For example posters in supermarkets (where to get help), ads in media with sos phone numbers,..." Slovenia,SI04,Shelter for homeless persons in Ljubljana,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Homeless persons,"Day centers have been closed during first epidemic wave, leaving homeless persons with no place to stay during the day. Ad-hoc shelter was established as a place for 24-hours stays.",Yes,Policy forbidding public gatherings (POL07),No,,Explicitly designed to covid-related issues.,"In March 2020, during the first epidemic wave, the Government prohibited gathering of people at public places and areas and the keywords of this time became ?STAY AT HOME?, neglecting the fact that not all people actually have a home/place, to stay at. In addition day centers were closed. All these measures and prohibitions put homeless persons in an even more marginalized position. Between 50 and 70 homeless persons live in Ljubljana, according to the NGO Kinds of Street. Closed day centres, closed public toilettes and the prohibition of people to gather at public places led to ad-hoc homeless shelter at Rimska street in Ljubljana. The space and operational costs have been provided by the Municipality City of Ljubljana and led by Kings of Street. Donations were also encouraged. Other NGOs offered their help: Association of volunteers Vincencijeva zveza provided the possibility to shower and wash clothes (esp. to persons being unable to do that) at their association, also help with washing bed linen and towells, Medical nurse from Association Stigma provided help and counseling at the shelter; a professional worker form Association ?ENT also provided help; Slovenian Philanthropy provided meals for persons staying at the shelter. The shelter provided 24-hours stay and could accommodate up to 20 persons, men and women. New candidates were accepted daily around 8 PM, in case there were beds available. The target group of this activity were homeless men and women, especially COVID-19 positive homeless persons. The shelter was unique in a sense it provided 24-hour stay, resulting in feelings of belonging to a community, often missing in lives of homeless persons. Kings of Street stated they would be willing to continue to run the shelter after the end of epidemic wave, but the City of Ljubljana stated they do not intend to establish more shelters in this sense. The shelter closed 21 May 2020. The main obstacle of this initiative was lack of staff. Volunteers were working for 16 hours a day, resulting in burn out. When the second epidemic wave started (October 2020) the Kings of Street stated they would run the shelter again, but the obstacle of lack of staff would have to be eliminated (however, it became clear in January 2021, that the City of Ljubljana did not offer the place for the shelter). Kings of Street also reported the problem of finding a flat/room at the real estate market for homeless persons, or even more so for COVID-19 positive homeless person. This activity was created due to acute need for housing for homeless, who instantly became ?violators? of COVID-19 related measures and restrictions. The problem of homelessness is very complex and NGOs constantly call attention to the problem and provide suggestions to address it. Unfortunately, the epidemic showed how deep and complex the problem really is, especially in cases of emergency and especially in the capital city Ljubljana. The ad-hoc shelter is a good practice, however not the one that should be the goal when addressing the problem with housing. NGOs for example stated that numerous hotels and hostels were closed and empty due to COVID-19 measures, but not made available for the homeless. Another big problem was the severe lack of staff.",,Municipal,City of Ljubljana,3-Apr-20,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,No,21-May-20,Yes,No,No,Yes,"The shelter was run by NGO Kings of Street, which is a humanitarian, non-profit organization, established in 2005. It brings together experts and other individuals dealing with homelessness and related problems, and also individuals, who experience homelessness and related social exclusion. The NGO takes care of study, knowledge and research about homelessness, the prevention of homelessness, the improvement of the living conditions of homeless persons, practical work in the field of homelessness and journalistic activity (newspaper Kings of Street). The place was provided by the City of Ljubljana, which also covered all operational costs.",,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,The initiative is not gender sensitive; it adresses homeless women and men.,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,City of Ljubljana provided place and covered operational and material costs.,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,,"Web, telephone number available, media, NGOs" Slovenia,SI05,Collecting and providing computers for children to use during remote learning ? Action ?Nobody without?,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Pupils from socially disadvantaged families and every child with no access to computer.,Lack of access to digital technology,Yes,Closing of schools and remote (online) learning during the first epidemic wave ,No,,Designed for COVID-19 related issues.,"At the beginning of the first epidemic wave in March 2020 the schools were closed and all learning processes were put on line. Quickly the problem arise, that is, not all pupils had the access to computers (and internet connection as well). Association of Friends of Youth Ljubljana Moste-Polje established that approximately 1800 children in Slovenia did not have the possibility to use computers (Ministry of Education, Science and Sport distributed a certain amount of computers and modems as a part of a project Digischool, but not all needs were met). The Association of Friends of Youth connected with two other NGOs ? Spirit of Time (Duh ?asa) and Institute Everybody (Zavod Vsak). Different organizations and companies donated used computers and NGO Spirit of Time repaired used computers and afterwards they were distributed to children. NGOs unsuccessfully tried to connect with governmental institutions to get information about children who needed computers, so at the end they connected with the Association of Headmistresses and Headmasters of Primary Schools and got relevant information about children in need. National Education Institute of Slovenia was also invited to help with distribution of computers, but was not willing to participate. The action started in March 2020, but was still operating in the second wave, October 2020, while again, not all children did have the computers for online school. The main target group of this action are children, but also whole families. Even though there was a computer in a family, it was used by a parent, working from home, or by another child. So families encountered great problems with lack of equipment. The action is easily transferred to another national context, although as already mentioned, the NGOs had some problems with distribution of computers and with acquiring relevant information about children in need, while national institutions were not willing to help, leaving all the work to be done by NGOs and volunteers. Albeit the action was a great success, more than 1000 computers were repaired and distributed. The action got a special award by the President of the Republic of Slovenia ?Apple of Inspiration? on 25 March 2021.",,National,,End of March 2020,Long-term,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,"Institute Everybody is an NGO, devoted to raising digital literacy, promoting diversity in the use and production of digital technology,... Association Spirit of Time is non-profit volunteer organization dedicated to sustainable development, social equality, the common good, open-code software ,..., founded in 2010. Association of Friends of Youth Ljubljana Moste-Polje is a voluntary, non-profit NGO, which offers help to children, young people and families, represents their intrests, asserts to their needs and protects their rights.","",No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,Donations of computers,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,,"Schools, media, web" Slovenia,SI06,Information for Roma people about hygiene measures to prevent COVID-19,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Roma people in Slovenia,Access to information ,No,The action responds to recommended measures to prevent spread of COVID-19 and to disseminate information about benefits of COVID-19 vaccines,No,,Explicitly designed for COVID-19,"Different information were prepared for Roma people in Slovenia ? about hand washing, about use of masks, how is COVID-19 transferred, as well as about the importance of getting vaccine in different Roma languages, spoken in Slovenia. Different organizations participated in preparation of information about COVID-19 for Roma people. For example a brochure about safety measures (hand washing, cough etiquette,...) and information about COVID-19 has been financed by Council of Roma Community of the Republic of Slovenia. It has been prepared in collaboration with Association of Roma Community Umbrella and Roma Information Centre Anglunipe. Expert advice was provided by the National Institute of Public Health. Another brochure was prepared by Romani Union Murska Sobota and Roma Association of Slovenia. One of the main problems with safety measures was lack of access to drinking water for a lot of Roma in Slovenia, making it impossible to respect the recommended measures, prepared by the National Institute of Public Health. This has also been pointed out by the Human Rights Ombudsman in the first as well as in the second epidemic wave. So this problem has been addressed on local levels (for example, mayors providing Roma families with water tanks), the National Institute for Public Health also requested from the Ministry of Health to provide water tanks to all Roma communities (no information has been found on the implementation of this request). An open letter to the Prime Minister has also been written about this problem by the president of the Roma Association of Dolenjska.",,National,,In the first epidemic wave (for example one of the brochures has been published on the web page of Roma Information Centre Anglunipe on May 2020).,Long-term,Yes,,Yes,No,No,Yes,"Council of the Roma Community in Slovenia was established in 2007 on the basis of the Roma Act. It represents the interests of the Roma community in Slovenia in relation to the governmental institutions. It submits proposals, initiatives and opinions in the matters within its competence to the Government, the National Council, various ministries and other state bodies, local self-government bodies and other competent institutions. The Association of the Roma Information and Scientific Research Centre of Slovenia Aglunipe is and NGO, founded in 2005 and is a co-funder of the Association of the Roma Community of Slovenia Umbrella, which was registered in 2010 and combines 12 Roma associations from different parts of Slovenia. The Anglunipe collaborates with different Roma and non-Roma organizations, develops and implements programs and project activities,.. Romani Union Murska Sobota was established in 1990 and registered as the first Roma political organization in Slovenia in 1991. It organized numerous seminars, trainings, it publishes books, newspapers, Roma fairy tails...The Union established Roma Association of Slovenia in 1996, which combines numerous Roma societies and organizations. The goals of the Roma Association are to improve the situation of Roma community and its members; preservation of language, culture and identity, better education for Roma, political participation,... National Institute of Public Health was established in 2013 based on the Governmental act. ","",No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,No,No,No,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,"The information prepared for Roma community has been found on numerous web pages of Roma organizations (Anglunipe, Romani Union Murska Sobota,...) as well as on the web page of National Institute of Public Health. Roma radio Romic also provided information to its listeners. Brochures and posters were supposed to be disseminated also in the Roma communities as well, but was not done sufficiently, based on media reports (in some settlements no information material has been noticed). " Slovenia,SI07,Sewing face masks ,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,The target groups of this action are citizens of Slovenia in general; more specifically people living in different municipalites,Access to health,Yes,The Government adopted an Ordinance on the Temporary General Prohibition of Movement and Public Gathering in Public Places and Areas in the Republic of Slovenia and the Prohibition of Movement Outside the Municipality on 29 March 2020. It dictates use of face masks (or some kind nose-mouth coverage) in all enclosed public spaces.,No,,Explicitly designed for COVID-19 related issues ? mandatory face masks in all enclosed public places and areas,"Face masks become mandatory in all enclosed public spaces at the end of March 2020, still on-going (with short exception in Summer 2020, when they were recommended). At the beginning of the epidemic the stocks of masks (and also disinfectants) ran out, afterwards the prices rose sharply, making it almost impossible for a lot of people, especially already deprived, to buy masks. Therefore numerous volunteers started sewing cloth face masks, distributing them through municipalities and organizations. The masks were sewn in different Slovenian municipalities, for example Municipality of Pivka, Municipality of ?en?ur, Municipality of Nova Gorica, Municipality of Kobarid, Municipality of Preddvor, Municipality of Cerkno, Municipality of Idrija, Municipality of Lenart,... The work and distribution was coordinated by the Municipality or National Guard and sewing was done by volunteers. Others also participated, for example employees in kindergartents from Ljubljana; some Slovenian fashion designers sewn masks for nursing homes, University Medical Centre Ljubljana sewn masks for employees... Material for face masks has been sometimes donated to the volunteers sewing the masks; the pattern was provided also by the University Medical Centre Ljubljana. The action of sewing masks has been very widespread and different actors participated. It was limited to the first epidemic wave; afterwards (fall 2020) ready-to-wear masks became more accessible in stores again, so the need to continue the action was not present anymore.",,National,,Mar-20,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,No,Not clear (April-May 2020),No,Yes,No,Yes,"Municipalites; individuals (fashion designers, kindergarten teachers,...)",,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,No,No,Yes,No,No,,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,,The action has been very present in media. Municipalities also distributed the masks to their citizens. Slovenia,SI08,Appartments and rooms provided by individuals for medical staff working at University Medical Centre Ljubljana,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Employees who are not able to commute to and from work due to restrictions of public transportation and due to time consumption of cummuting after long working hours (medical staff often worked 12-hour shifts during the first epidemic wave).,Access to transportation,Yes,"It can be assumed that this initiative responded also to the Ordinance of the Restriction of Public Transport of Passengers in the Republic of Slovenia, when all public transportation has been shut down in March 2020.",No,,Covid-related,"In March 2020 all public transportation has been shut down, leaving numbers of employees without possibilities to commute to and from work. The policy was in force until May 2020. Different activities have been implemented to overcome this problem (for example municipalities offered free parking; some employers organized transportation for their employees), one of them being individual home renters offering their apartments and rooms to employees in University Medical Centre Ljubljana free of charge. The activity has not been organized by any group or organization. ",,Municipal,It seems it has been limited to the City of Ljubljana. ,Mar-20,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,No,"Not clear, but it seems it ended after the first wave (May-June 2020).",No,No,No,Yes,Individual flat owners,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,No,No,No,No,Yes,Individuals offered their appartments free of charge,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,,"Media, Facebook" Slovenia,SI09,Meals for socially deprived children in Municipality of Ljubljana during closed kindergartens and schools in the first epidemic wave,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Socially deprived families and children,Providing food,Yes,The initiative responded to the policy which ordered closing of all schools and kindergartens.,Yes,The policy that order closing of schools and kindergartens did not address the possibility of free meals for deprived children.,Covid-related,"In March 2020 all schools and kindergartens closed, leaving number of elementary schools pupils without a free meal, which was too often the only meal for a lot of them. In 2018/2019 57 % of 184.000 pupils received free snacks; 26 % were entitled to a free lunch (eligibility conditions are based on family income; meals are covered by the State). The Government did not foresee a solution, eg. provided financial means for free meals for children pupils for the time the schools and kindergartens were closed, leaving individual municipalities/schools to manage the problem in cooperation with volunteers (11.788.000,00 EUR of funds for meals remained in the national budget due to closed schools). The City of Ljubljana connected with schools and kindergartens to get the number of children who would be entitled to a free meal (parents should inform the institution beforehand); bus drivers (not driving buses at a time due to shut down of public transport) volunteered to deliver meals to families; restaurants and caterers provided meals. ",,Municipal,City of Ljubljana; although simmilar activities took place in different municipalities in Slovenia,16-Mar-20,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,No,It can be assumed it stopped after schools reopened (18 May 2020).,No,No,No,Yes,City of Ljubljana is a municipality. Bus drivers and restaurants volunteered.,Web page of the City of Ljubljana,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,No,No,Yes,No,No,,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,,"Media, web" Slovenia,SI10,Web platform to provide help for pupils and students during remote learning ?,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Student and pupils,Unequal access to education,Yes,Closing of schools in the first epidemic wave and second epidemic wave.,No,,Explicitly designed for covid-related issues.,"Web portal has been established in March 2020, during the first epidemic wave when schools closed, leaving great gaps in providing knowledge to pupils and students. The idea was of the portal was produced by a professor of mathematics at the Faculty of Science and Mathematics University of Maribor. The portal is aimed at pupils, students, teachers, professors and parents, involved in remote learning. It was intended for mutual assistance in distance learning processes and more than 250 students and more than 100 teachers and professors participate in its creation. It covers all subjects for elementary and high school as well as music school and international matura (secondary school exit exam). So far the portal contains more than 1.274 video lectures and explanations; more than 279.000 persons visited the web page. Learning material is composed mainly of video explanations of all elementary and high school subjects, together with interactive material. The web page also contains instructions for teachers to make video explanations and presentation of good practices of remote learning. Professor of mathematics, Bla? Zmazek, who created this idea, received a special award by the President of the Republic of Slovenia ?Apple of Inspiration? on 25 March 2021. All materials are still available and can be used even in times when schools are not closed. One of the main advantages of this action is its great accessibility (it is free to use) and it is quite easily transferable."," And",National,,Mar-20,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,Yes,,No,Yes,No,No,"Action was created by a professor from University of Maribor. Numerous individuals (volunteers) participated in its implementation ? teachers, students, professors.",,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,No,No,Yes,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,"Media, web." Slovakia,SK01,COVID-19 and reproductive health,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,"Pregnant women, women throughout and after giving birth",Reproductive health of women,Yes,"YES, according to the first order of the Office of Public Health all hospital visits were banned. As a result, women were not allowed to have an accompanying person during and after labour. Further on, NGO Female circles monitored and took action towards various other breaches of reproductive health rights.",Yes,"YES, many hospitals have adopted policies within their antipandemic measures that have limit access to reproductive and new born health.",Click here to enter text.,"After the first case of COVID-19 in Slovakia, no information related to reproductive health and care for pregnant women and newbor babies were available. Already in March, the NGO Female circles translated WHO recommendations and sent an open letter to the Ministry of Health regarding standards of health care related to reproductive health during the pandemic. In May, Female circles pointed to another problem ? separation of premature babies from their parents. In both issues, the Ombudsperson for Human Rights has been involved and send letters to the Ministry of Health. Following, the guidelines of the Office for Public Health were published specifying care related to reproductive health in hospitals and care for prematured babies. Female circles also created a new webside Together we are safe summarizing all international recommendations for reproductive health care during the pandemic. It also contained formulars how to file a complaint to the medical facility as well as the Ombudsperson. The NGO also initiated an on-line survey for women experiencing pregnancy and giving birth during the pandemic. The results of the survey have been published in the report Labour ? Rights ? Pandemic. The NGO have been active on social and mainstream media as well.",,National,,Mar-20,Choose an item.,Yes,,Yes,No,No,Yes,"Female Circles have been active in reproductive health area for several years. Together with another NGO Citizen and Democracy they map the state of reproductive rights of women and poin to their breach. During the process, the Ombudsperson for Human Rights has been involved and in 2021 she published the report on the breach of reproductive rights in past years (not related directly to the pandemic)",,Choose an item.,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Click here to enter text.,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,"Open Society Fund Europe, Active Citizens Fund",Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,"Although the NGO did not provide direct legal support, the drafts of complaints facilitated legal reaction of women.",Web and social media Slovakia,SK02,Childhood to children during COVID-19,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,"adolescent Roma mothers, children, Roma communities","Hender, ethnicity",No,Not particularly.,No,Not particularly.,Click here to enter text.,"There were several initiatives by local community NGOs in marginalized communities. This wes selected due to its particular focus on adolescent Roma mothers. The NGO Childhood to children works with adolescent Roma mothers and their children, helping mothers to finish education and to raise their children so they are better prepared for pre-school and school education. During the pandemic the activities of the NGO were limited due to hygienic restrictions and were carried out in smaller groups. At the same times, mothers participated in their program were provided with sewing equipment and were producing masks for themselves, their community and local seniors from majority. In addition, the NGO distributed hygienic products to local marginalized community and participated in awareness raising and assisting Roma parents in distant education and online inscription of children to school. The NGO also provided education activities for small children during school closure. The activities were carried out with participation of Roma women from communities, local municipality and school. ",,Municipal,Municipality Dobsina,Mar-20,Choose an item.,Yes,The activities continues accommodated to existent epidemic situation.,Yes,No,No,Yes,"The Childhood to children NGO has been established by local teachers with the aim to help their pupils ? adolescent mothers who left school due to childcare. The organizations actively involves its target group, some of mothers in the program are employed by the organization as mentors. ",,Choose an item.,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,Click here to enter text.,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,Active Citizens Fund,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,Education to children and adolescent mothers,"The NGO works directly with the community, program participants were used as employees and volunteers" Slovakia,SK03,Emergency grants to families with children / single parents in relation to pandemic,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Single mothers and families whose income has been significantly reduced due to the pandemic and endangers their living conditions.,class,No,"Not particularly, but it fills the gap in existent state aid",No,NO,Click here to enter text.,"The J&T Foundation is a business foundation that focuses on aid to families in difficult social situation. Directly after the introduction of antipandemic measures it announced emergency call for proposals for single parents / families whose income has been reduced and it endangers their living conditions, particularly in order to keep housing (paying rent or mortage). The emergency grant in the amount 550 EUR was distributed in June 2020 to 170 families. Vast majority of beneficiaries were women. ",,National,,Mar-20,Choose an item.,No,"NO, it ended in June 2020.",No,No,No,Yes,Business foundation,,Choose an item.,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,Click here to enter text.,Yes,No,No,No,No,Click here to enter text.,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Click here to enter text.,Web and social media Slovakia,SK04,Crisis help line,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,People in crisis or with psychological problems due to the pandemic,Click here to enter text.,No,NO,No,"NO, it reacts to the raise of need for psychological help in relation to the pandemic",The NGO has provided online counselling to children and young people and during the pandemic they introduced also phone counselling for wider target group.,"The NGO has provided mostly online psychological counselling to children and youth. Directly before the pandemic they carried out new information campaign on online sexual violence of girls and boys. In the beginning of the pandemic there was a significant raise in need not only by youth but also other population groups. As a result, in April they introduced new phone helpline for problems directly related to COVID-19. The helpline provided psychological counselling to wide population as well as health care providers. Despite the fact, that in Slovakia there exists national helpline for women surviving violence operated by state that has been fully functional during the pandemic, survivors of domestic and sexual violence often contacted newly established helpline and existent online counselling, as the issue became the fourth most frequent topic of contacts in 2020 and the third on a newly established phone line. Survivors thus were provided with another help channel that might have been more accessible or known to certain groups of survivors ? mainly young women. According to the organization?s statistics, 4 478 people contacted them in relation to domestic and sexual violence, 74 % being women. The organization also actively distributed online materials for survivors and bystanders.",,National,,Apr-20,Choose an item.,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No, is an NGO founded by psychologists and social workers with the aim to provide psychological online counselling to youth. It has been existed for 8 years and over 60 counsellors work as volunteers for various means of help online and phone. The organization has become active in the issue of online sexual violence of girls and boys and created a new awareness raising platform on the issue. ,,Choose an item.,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,Click here to enter text.,No,No,No,No,Yes,Funding from nusiness foundations Slovenska sporitelna and Orange.,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,Click here to enter text.,Web and social media Slovakia,SK05,Aid to single parents,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Single mothers,Economic disadvantages of single mothers,Yes,It responds to lack of policies.,Yes,"It reacts to lack of state help to single mothers that falls ouof the scope of existent aid or even if eligible, it is not sufficient, e.g. reduction of income on pandemic care leave.",The initiative is a continuation of cooperation with a business.,"During the pandemic, many single mothers faced reducement of income due to work shortage, lack of jobs as precarious jobs were first to be reduced or due to a need to stay at home with children during school and childcare facilities closure. The NGO Single parent since 2019 provide counselling to single parents. During the pandemic it together with Billa company and food bank has carried out a program of food packages for single mothers distributed in supermarkets. The organization has selected beneficiaries and put them in contact with local supermarkets. There are no results on monitoring or evaluation of he initiative available. Similarly, in 2021 they have organized financial collection for single parents. In addition, the NGO has advocated for state aid to single mothers in media and through open letters to policymakers.", ,National,,Mar-21,Choose an item.,Yes,,Yes,No,No,Yes,The Single parent NGO has been established in 2019 with aim to provide counselling and help to single parents/mothers. The initiative has been carried out with the Billa company that has a project supporting families in need and in 2021 started to collaborate with the NGO.,,Choose an item.,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,Click here to enter text.,No,No,No,No,Yes,Business,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,Click here to enter text.,Web and social media Slovakia,SK06,Who will help Slovakia,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Various vulnerable groups in hospitals and social services,Vulnerable groups,No,"NO, it was a response to lack of hygienic products in the beginning of the pandemic",No,"No, it was a response to lack of hygienic products in the beginning of the pandemic",No,"In the beginning of the pandemic there ws a lack of masks, gloves and other hygienic products in medical facilities as well as among providers of social services. The initiative has been organized by an informal group of people from IT, marketing and media. The aim of the initiative was to collect funds and distribute this materials and products to various facilities. The initiative created an account and a webpage through which people coud donate. The materials have been distributed to thousands of medical facilities, social services providers and NGOs working with vulnerable groups. In 2021, the initiative has been transformed to an application connecting donors and volunteers with services in need. The administration and supervision of the application is carried out by the Pontis Foundation that focuses on promotion of business social responsibility. ",,National,,Mar-20,Choose an item.,Yes,"The distribution of material ended in December 2020, the application continues.",No,Yes,No,No,"The initiative has been funded by an informal group consisting of people from IT, marketing and media. They manage to involve several businesses as well as thousands of individual donors. In 2021, the initiative developed the application that would be administered by the Pontis foundation who promotes business social responsibility and gives grants to various NGOs.",,Choose an item.,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,It targets various vulnerable groups without a specification,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,business,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,Click here to enter text.,Web and social media Slovakia,SK07,Activities of the Association of social services providers,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,"Seniors, disabled",Vulnerability of seniors and disabled people in social services facilities,Yes,"Yes, the organization has publicly commented various policies, negotiated with the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family and writing public letters to the government. It considers mainly policies related to social services such as quarantine, isolation, vaccination, testing, etc.",Yes,"Yes, it has pointed out to several discrepansies in constantly changing policies, e.g. when the announcement of special financial reward for medical facilities they advocated for similar reward to employees of social services as they are also frontline workers.","Yes, the association exists since 2019 and advocates for policies related to social services.","The Association of social services is a platform of various social service providers, majority of them being service providers to seniors and disabled. At the same time, these groups were particularly at risk of COVID-19. Since the beginning of the pandemic, the association has been actively involved in commenting various poicies, advocating for change, developing guidelines for their members as well as distributing material aid. The particular issues in focus has been isolation of clients and facilities, quarantine, testing, vaccination.",,National,,Mar-20,Choose an item.,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,The association is an unmbrella organization of social service providers.,,Choose an item.,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,Click here to enter text.,No,No,No,No,No,Not known,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Click here to enter text.,Click here to enter text. Slovakia,SK08,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Facilities providing helath care ? medical or social services,"Seniors, disabled, patients",No,No,Yes,Lack of health care personnel during the pandemic,No,"The initiative has been founded by medical students and doctors. It offers an online platform for medical students, health professionals or other volunteers to register and connect them with facilities providing health care (medical or social services) to volunteer there. The platform has registered 1504 volunteers and 61 facilities. ",,National,,Click here to enter text.,Choose an item.,Choose an item.,Click here to enter text.,No,No,No,No,Click here to enter text.,Click here to enter text.,Choose an item.,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Click here to enter text.,No,No,No,No,No,Click here to enter text.,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Click here to enter text.,Click here to enter text. Slovakia,SK09,Information on COVID-19 measures in foreign languages,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,migrants,nationality,No,NO,No,The official information were available often only in Slovak and the most important in English,The activity has been organized in the scope of CAPACITY projet targeting migrants.,"The consorsium of the CAPACITY project (several NGOs working with migrant communities) translated the most important information on COVID-19 into English, Serbian and Russian and pu blushed them on the webpage. The official information has been often only in Slovak and English. Serbian, Ukrainian and Russian communities are quite numerous in Slovakia so they have the most important information available in their native language. ",,National,,Spring 2020,Choose an item.,Choose an item.,"Currently, only information in English is available",Yes,No,No,No,"CAPACITY project is carried out by four NGOs ? Human rights league providing legal and social assistance to migrants and refugees, Marginal ? integration of migrants, Milan Simecka Foundation ? projects for migrants and awareness raising, Centr for ethnicity and culture research.",,Choose an item.,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Click here to enter text.,No,No,No,No,Yes,ISF AMIF ,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Click here to enter text.,Web and social media Slovakia,SK10,Science help,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,"General public, media, policy makers",NO,Yes,"In general, it has continually responded to anti-epidemic measures of the government.",,It often critisized the government for inadequate reactions to epidemic situation and proposed solutions.,No,"The initiative has been formed in 2020 by various scientists ? epidemilogists, biologists, doctors, data analysts, sociologists and economists. One third of members were women. It has been a reaction to inadequate steps by the government in introducing anti-pandemic measures in the second wave. The initiative and its members have been widely visible in mainstream and social media, it has organized online debates on pandemic situation, vaccination, economic or social impact of the pandemic. It has been mostly focused on awareness raising, explaining scientific knowledge to the public, reccommentations to the public on safe behaviour and provision of expertise for policy makers (out of official pandemic bodies). While the initiative gained significant popularity in mainstream media and part of the public, their policy recommendations have beed rarely adopted. ",,National,,Nov-21,Choose an item.,Yes,,No,Yes,No,No,"A group of prominent scientists ? epidemiologists, doctors, biochemists, virolougues, data analysts, sociologists, psychologists and economists.",,Choose an item.,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Click here to enter text.,No,No,Yes,No,No,Click here to enter text.,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Click here to enter text.,Mainstream and social media Turkey,TR01,Conducting monitoring activities regarding gender-based violence in Turkey during the pandemic by the Mor €at? Women?s Shelter Foundation,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Women who are subject to violence,,Yes,,Yes,Stay Home policies and inefficient economic support to the families who has lost their income during the pandemic.,"Mor €at? Foundation is regularly conducting monitoring activities regarding gender-based violence in Turkey. Yet, the aforementioned response is specifically prepared to address GBV during the pandemic period and attract attention to problems that occurred due to the pandemic-related measures.","In Turkey, the responsible public administration in Turkey publishes limited data regarding domestic violence and femicides. Yet, despite the lack of official data, several national and international reports and media coverage show that gender-based violence has increased in Turkey during the pandemic, as in other countries. As a foundation engaging in one-to-one social work with women subjected to gender based violence, Mor €at? has also observed this situation first hand, reporting that women had more difficulty accessing support and prevention mechanisms that protect women from violence. Based on their experiences, pandemic conditions have deepened the already existing implementation problem of these mechanisms. Moreover, law enforcement officials, such as police officers, gendarmerie, prosecutors, etc., have put forward pandemic related measures as an excuse for preventing women?s access to rights granted by the Law on Protecting the Family and Preventing Violence against Women (No:6284), such as the evacuation of the perpetrator from the home or convincing women who are under attack to remain at home. It is also known that during this period, many women were not accepted into shelters due to the lack of capacity. Even in some cases, it is reported that police officers have misinformed and discouraged women from applying to shelters. Applications received by the Foundation have also shown that young single women who have had to return to their family homes following the closure of their workplaces and student dormitories have become subjected to domestic violence from their father or brothers. Although these cases are not new, it is obvious that pandemic-related measures and decreased and/or the lack of social support during the pandemic put women in more difficulty and created more pressure to stay in the violent environment. In such an environment, monitoring and reporting the problems faced by women and implications of public administration and law enforcement officials have become crucial to raise public awareness and call the government to take actions regarding gender-based violence. During the pandemic period, Mor €at? has been publishing monthly monitoring reports. These reports highlight the following issues: ? Problems faced in relation to shelters: Unlawful criteria were imposed on women who applied to stay in shelters. Deterrent behavior and bad practices by law enforcement towards women who applied to shelter. The rules in shelters and shelters? current conditions caused additional difficulties in the lives of women who were able to stay in the shelter. Lack of capacity of the shelters ? Women?s access to support and prevention mechanisms that protect women from violence. ? Women?s access to justice ? Women?s access to health services ","Link for the monitoring reports on GBV during the pandemic: (main link for the monthly monitoring reports ? between April ? December 2020) ",National,,March 2020,Long-term,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,"The description of Mor €at? Women?s Shelter Foundation is noted as following: ?The Mor €at? Women?s Shelter Foundation was established in 1990 by feminists in order to combat violence against women. At Mor €at?, the work against male violence is grounded in feminist principles, aiming for women to be able to build lives unhindered by gender-based discrimination and male violence under free and equal conditions. Male violence is understood to be rooted in existing inequalities between men and women, which must be dismantled by fostering women?s solidarity. For this reason, the social work in our solidarity center and shelter is geared towards empowering women. In addition to engaging in one-to-one solidarity with women, we monitor and report on the implementation of national and international conventions, laws, and regulations as well as making policy recommendations to decision-makers in order to eradicate violence and achieve gender equality. We hold workshops with women?s organizations, civil society organizations (NGOs), bar associations and municipalities active in combating violence in order to share our information and experiences in the field. We strive for women to be able to lead free and independent lives, targeting the patriarchy through campaigns and actions in collaboration with national and international women?s organizations.? ",,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,"Mor €at? Foundation is providing support mechanisms for women in general who are subject to violence without prioritizing working for specific groups, like migrant women, disabled groups, and the like. It is well known that the Foundation has supported a wide range of women from different dimensions for many years.",Yes,No,No,No,No,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,,"The way social workers at the Mor €at? is getting contacted by women is described as following: ?The first contact with women seeking counseling from Mor €at? is generally on the phone. Mor €at??s phone number is easily accessible online and through the Unknown Number service. We also sometimes witness referrals to Mor €at? by public institutions such as police stations or district governor?s offices. Women reaching Mor €at??s address online, on social media, through brochures, a friend, or in the press may also turn up at the center without calling beforehand. Following a one-on-one in-person meeting, we sit with women to review their options together. Women may choose to continue receiving psychological, social and legal support from our solidarity center just as they may be referred to a shelter upon their own request.? " Turkey,TR02,Queerwaves,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Queer Nightlife Workers in Istanbul,"Queer nightlife workers in Istanbul ? those whose livelihoods have been severely impacted by COVID-19, and especially those who do not have access to other support systems.",Yes,,Yes,"Queer nightlife workers (DJs, performers, service-bar staff) lost their daily income sources as all bars and clubs shut down due to the Covid-19 related measure. They do not have any employment protections and or receive any economic incentives or support devised by the national government.","Although Querwaves was initiated in 2014, the ?Support Queer Nightlife Workers? campaign is specifically designed to combat the negative impact of COVID-19 related measures on queer nightlife workers.","LGBTI+ movement has a strong history in Turkey and has gained momentum at the beginning of the 2000s. During the Gezi protests in 2013, the LGBTI+ movement had gained public visibility and tens of thousands of people had participated before it was banned in 2015. Although the LGBTI+ community has been always facing severe difficulties in Turkey, recent developments, such as the ban of pride walks and LGBT?+ events, stigmatization, hate crime, and discrimination against LGBT?+ people and organizations, a lack of legal protections, and sharpening of anti-gay rhetoric on presidency level put LGBTI+ community?s survival at risk. In 2021, Turkey has ranked second-worst country in the ""Rainbow Index"" of the European Region of the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA). Under these conservative anti-gender politics that are targeting the everyday lives of LGBTI+s, alternative ways of solidarity and resistance become inevitable for LGBTI+ organisations, initiatives, and groups. Queerwaves and ?campaign of Support to Queer Nightlife Workers during the Pandemic? have been created in such an environment. Querwaves was formed by a couple of queer DJs in 2014 to bring a ?queer touch? to Istanbul's nightlife and electronic music scene. The initiative puts forward partying as a form of resistance for the queer community in Turkey and organizes parties and special events to provide alternative ways of entertainment and create solidarity spaces for queers. Queer nightlife workers and performance communities have already lived in extreme precarity in Istanbul. The most vulnerable people, whose vibrancy, labor, and creativity constitute the basis of the queer nightlife of Istanbul do not have any access to social security systems or receive any kind of government aid. For the community, economic difficulties like paying rent and/or covering basic needs have always been difficult. Yet, the measures imposed to combat the spread of the pandemic have severely worsened these conditions. With the cancellation of nightlife events and closure of venues during the pandemic period, queer nightlife workers have faced the danger of slipping further into deep poverty. With this campaign, Queerwaves has aimed to supply the basic need of friends who need urgent support to survive during the lockdown period. With the ?Support to Queer Nightlife Workers? campaign, Queerwaves has aimed to supply with the basic need of Queer Nightlife Workers? who need urgent support to survive during the lockdown period. Queer nightlife workers of Istanbul have already lived in extreme precarity and not access to the social security system. With the imposed measures to combat the spread of the pandemic, like cancellation of nightlife events and closure of all venues, they have been faced with the danger of slipping further into deep poverty. Given this unprecedented situation, Queerwaves has urgently called queer community who are financially more secure to support those in need.?? As of May 2021, the campaign has reached 151 donors and 5673? has been raised in total. As it was reported on April 2021, a total of 53.200, 00 TRY (4480 ?) was donated and distributed to 12 people including bar staff, DJ, performer. Donations were delivered to the people a total of 7 times between April 2020 and February 2021. ? ",,Municipal,Istanbul,26-Mar-20,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,Yes,,No,Yes,No,No,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,,No,Yes,No,No,No,,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,,The campaign has been disseminated via social media channels of the Initiative. Turkey,TR03,"Technology for Women, Solidarity for All of Us",Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Women who have suffered gender-based violence,,Yes,"The state has updated the mobile application called KADES for reporting cases of gender-based violence. During the pandemic, this application started to serve in 6 different languages. At the same time, calls to stay at home began to be made frequently during the pandemic period. People were advised to stay at home for their health. This forced perpetrators and victims of gender-based violence to stay in the same house. Therefore, the need for mobile applications such as KADES has increased. But to access this mobile app, women needed to be tech literate and also have a smartphone. This social initiative was created to solve this problem. ",Yes,There is an app developed by the state called KADES that women who are subjected to gender-based violence can use to ask for help. Women should have smartphones to access these types of apps. Because this app can be installed on smartphones. Women who cannot access the current mobile app will have access to this mobile app through this initiative.,"Women who were subjected to violence were unable to leave their homes in the process, they became unable to access other support mechanisms.","Gender-based violence in the pandemic was one of the major agendas of many countries. Because of the pandemic, people were asked to stay in their homes. But this meant putting perpetrators in the same house as those who were subjected to gender-based violence. In the case of possible violence, the number of places that the exposed can physically access for support has steadily decreased. Basically, going to the police station during curfew was a cause for unease. For this reason, the state released a mobile app called KADES. Through this mobile app, women who are subjected to violence can request support. But in order to access this mobile app, people must have a smartphone. At the same time, these people should have technological literacy. For such reasons, this policy remains dysfunctional for some women. Seeing this problem, the ?Turkish Federation of Women?s Associations (TKDF)? and ?Sabanc? Foundation? launched a joint project. This app, called? Technology for Women, Solidarity for all of us, "" plans to deliver second-hand smartphones to women in need. In this context, citizens who want to help this project deliver their second-hand phones to a collection center. These collection centers were served by a technology retailer called TeknoSa. TeknoSa, a company of Sabanc? Holding, to which the Sabanc? Foundation is affiliated, cleaned and repaired the phones brought to it. Citizens who wanted to give their second-hand phone could leave it directly to TeknoSa branches, as well as send it by cargo. The repaired phones were delivered to needy women identified by TKDF. The TKDF used various sources to identify the women to whom the phones would be given. Women who had previously asked for support against violence were reached. At the same time, women made phone requests through the addresses and phone numbers given. Data on the number of women reached through the campaign is not shared with the public.","Website explaining how the project will work. Website explaining how the project will work.",National,-,12.12.2020,Long-term,Yes,-,Yes,No,No,Yes,"Turkish Federation of Women?s Associations was founded in 1976. The main purpose of the federation is to work for development of society through the development of women and to provide assistance and solidarity in this regard. In this context, they have been conducting various information campaigns and financial support campaigns for many years. They run projects in partnership with other associations. Sabanc? Foundation (officially Haci ™mer Sabanc? Foundation) was established in 1974. It was founded by the owners of one of Turkey's largest holdings called Sabanc? Holding. It operates in many areas of inequality, especially gender. It also provides funding to different non-governmental organizations. TeknoSa is a technology retail company in which Sabanc? Holding holds 50% shares.",,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,-,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,-,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,-,"Information is provided on the Internet. At the same time, TKDF makes announcements through its own network. Women who need a phone can also be contacted by phone and mail." Turkey,TR04,Deep Poverty Network (DPN),No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,"people in precarious lines of work with no social security coverage, those who subsist on daily wages, - people in the most vulnerable groups: homeless people, the disabled, immigrants, members of the LGBT community, seasonal labourers, - people who work in industries where remote work is not possible and who are in informal industries: waiters and waitresses, paper and cardboard collectors, cleaners, florists, street vendors, musicians, tailors, textile workers, construction workers, welders, domestic workers, electricians, hotel workers, barbers etc. ","DPN approaches poverty in a multi-dimensional way and emphasizes that deep poverty is essentially a matter of inequality and human rights, which restricts individuals? access to basic rights and needs, as well as impeding their access to economic, social, political and cultural rights. By adopting a rights-based approach, DPN underlines the necessity of extending social support to those fighting deep poverty while stressing the importance of solidarity and access to human rights instead of hierarchical concepts such as benevolence and aid.",No,,Yes,Stay Home policies and inefficient economic support to the families who have lost their income during the pandemic.,Continuation of activities with regard to newly emerged needs after the pandemic outbreak,"In March 2020, when the onset of the pandemic was coupled with the economic downturn deepened by pandemic related measures and lack of incentives to those who are severely affected by them, DPN began aiming to combat poverty in the context of the pandemic. DPN has initiated the ChangeFromHome campaign in order to support the urgent needs of individuals who work in daily precarious jobs, who have been laid off, given unpaid leave, and are living in deep poverty. With this campaign, DPN has developed a solidarity mechanism by underlining that ""We must do something, public authorities are failing these people, let us bring together those who want to support them with those who are in need."" In addition to supporting the urgent needs of people, DPN aims to conduct human rights monitoring, open the multi-aspects of poverty to the discussion and make it visible, and perform advocacy activities before the public institutions as well as local governments. Right after the call to ""stay at home"" on March 11, 2020, DPN organized and expedited its efforts under the hashtag #ChangeFromHomeon social media. It developed a model of solidarity with the families in need by sharing their bank account details directly. Thanks to this model, DPN could match families with supporters and enable them to shop for these families in need via online shopping channels. DPN does not receive any financial donations. Suggested list of groceries and basic needs prepared by the families are forwarded to the supporters of DPN. This model which brings parties of solidarity together, those who are in need and who want to be in solidarity together, constitute the main principle of the Network. DPN does not believe in a hierarchical relationship between the parties, rather aims to develop genuine relationships based on ""eye to eye"" connection ""where one party does not look down upon the other,"" as stated by a supporter. By taking the emotional burden of asking help/aid for targeted people into consideration and due to the increase of demand for food and baby products. DPN has created two different packages containing basic food and hygiene items, yet which are more sensitive to needs changing in accordance with gender distribution, age and number of people living in households. Moreover, DPN has informed their supporters about the family members who might have specific needs; such as seniors, patients, disabled, those with gluten, sugar or food sensitivity, babies, kids. Since the DPN has aimed to meet the demands of the most vulnerable households first and foremost, DPN formed a separate group to only provide diapers, baby food and milk to the households with babies and kids. DPN has expanded the outreach by conducting intensive field work to the acquaintances of these families. Over time, families and supporters who heard about the DPN on social media and on the streets were included as well. ??? ", ,Municipal,"Istanbul. Right after the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak, Deep Poverty Network managed to reach 34 out of 39 districts of Istanbul (as of March 18 2020)",2019,Long-term,Yes,,Yes,Yes,No,No,"Open Space Association was established by its volunteers and members in 2019 with the aim of making unsustainable conditions and inequalities imposed by deep poverty more visible, initiating debate on poverty as a human rights violation and conducting monitoring activities and preparing 'call to action' reports to advocate to national and local authorities. Based on the experiences and observations gathered from the workshops and the field conducted by the Open Space Association, a group of researchers, sociologist, psychologist and journalist established the Deep Poverty Network (DPN) to investigate the deepening poverty, unveil its dimensions, monitor human rights, and open the phenomenon of poverty to the discussion as a human rights violation. With the outbreak of the pandemic, DPA has adopted its activities as a means of emergency intervention and organized its efforts under the hashtag #ChangeFromHome on social media. ",,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,"Between March and November 2020, DPN reached a budget of 1.072,826 TRY (approx 155.000 EUR). During this period, DPN could get in touch more than 2000 families and provided various in-kind and in-cash support; such as baby food, diapers, accomodation support, ordering ready to eat meals, legal counselling (divorce, dismissal), psychological counselling support, newborn set, pet food, paying off bills, intercity transportation aid, paying off debts in local shops, moving aid, stationary boxes. ","In addition to the households which are already in DPN's networks, DPN has identified the households in need during this period by conducting extensive field work and examining direct application through doing telephone interviews. To develop and expand its network of supporters, DPN has reached existing volunteers and used various social media channels." Turkey,TR05,Bill on the Hook / Mother and Baby Support Package,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,Women who need economic support during the pandemic,Inequalities in the economy,No,"During the pandemic, the central government banned municipalities from raising money to support citizens. To overcome these obstacles of the central government, municipalities began campaigns such as the ""Bill on the Hook"". As part of this campaign, citizens who wanted to support and citizens who requested help were paired by the municipality. In this way, no money entered the municipal coffers, and municipalities exceeded the ban imposed by the central government. At the same time, bans imposed by the central government on the campaigns of municipalities attracted public attention. In this way, the municipality's new ""Bill on the Hook"" campaign method received more attention than expected.",No,-,This campaign was created due to the further impoverishment of families during the pandemic period.,"Istanbul's Metropolitan Municipality has launched a campaign against deepening poverty with the pandemic. This campaign, called Bill on the Hook, tries to support citizens who have financial problems and live in Istanbul. This campaign offers three different alternatives for support; - People who can't pay their bills during the pandemic apply to the municipality. After the examination, the invoice is processed into the system. The families who received social support from the municipality prior to the pandemic were directly included into the system. Citizens who want to help can pay these bills anonymously from the municipality's website. In this way, solidarity is created between citizens. Donors and beneficiaries remained anonymous throughout the process. Dignity was preserved between the parties. Thanks to this practice, efforts were made to avoid new inequalities. - Second, providing cash support by the municipality to people in need. Those who wanted to donate made a donation the amount they wanted through the municipality's website.At the same time, people in need applied to the municipality for help. The application is then evaluated according to the financial status of the applicant. If his application is accepted, donated money is loaded onto people's city cards. Citizens were able to get on public transport using their Istanbul city card, which they had previously had money loaded. The municipality opened the way for this balance to be used in contracted grocery stores during the pandemic period. Within the scope of this campaign, these balances were loaded onto the city cards of the citizens who were entitled to financial support. With this money, they can shop at contracted grocery stores. There was an exception in this context. If the person applying for support is a mother with children between the ages of 0-3, a help package called the mother-child package is uploaded to the city card of the mother. Women who loaded this package on their city card by municipality were able to shop at contracted markets for up to 250TL (about 25 euro). With this balance, mothers can only buy diapers, baby food and wet wipes. The goal here was to make sure that the help was used for the needs of children. This money is loaded only on mothers' cards, not fathers. This practice involves the possibility of reproducing traditional gender roles. - The last support package was for education. College students in need applied to the municipality. Money was uploaded to the city cards of students whose application was deemed appropriate. The campaign website provides regular information on the number of persons reached. As of 25.06.2021, this included: 272,380 bills have been uploaded to the system since this campaign began. In total, an invoice worth 39.508.392TL (about 3.950.839 euro) was paid. 40,156 people have applied for cash support so far. In total, 6.463.900TL (about 646.390 euro) cash support was provided. A total of 25,352 mothers applied for the mother-child support package. In total, 4.509.200TL (about 450.920 euro) help was provided to mothers. 11,168 students applied for the education package. A total of 2.792.000TL (about 279.200euro) support was provided.","Official webpage of the project. It is possible to request and provide support online through this website.",Municipal,People that are residents of Istanbul can be beneficiaries.,05.05.2020,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,Yes,-,No,No,No,Yes,"Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality is the largest municipality in Turkey. More than 15 million people live in this city. This is equivalent to 1/8th of Turkey's population. As a result of the elections held in 2019, the administration of the municipality passed to the opposition party for the first time in almost 20 years.",,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,,No,Yes,No,No,No,-,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,-,Web Based and with social workers of ?BB Turkey,TR06,Online psychological multilingual counselling for women living in the East/Southeast part of Turkey ,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Women who are subject to domestic violence and suffering from deep poverty,,Yes,,Yes,Stay Home policies and inefficient economic support to the families who has lost their income during the pandemic. ,It has been launched as a response to the need emerged with covid-related situations. ,"During the pandemic, Kamer Foundation has been continuing its activities in 20 provinces in the East and Southeast part of Anatolia, which are among the least developed regions of Turkey. As one of the biggest Foundations that has been operating in this region since 1984 and directly working with women, Kamer could reach 14.522 women in the first two months of the pandemic. Based on fieldwork carried out and applications received by Kamer Foundation during the pandemic period, it was noted that women's demand for psychological support was increasing significantly. In addition to the pandemic measures which have forced women who are subject to domestic violence to stay at home with their perpetrators, deep poverty has also increased, both playing a great role in this increased demand for psychological support. One study conducted by Kamer has shown that %61,8 of families (which mostly work in precarious jobs) in the region on minimum wage before the pandemic lost their income partially or totally. With the support of UN Women, Kamer Foundation launched an online psychological multilingual counseling service (including Kurdish and Arabic which are the mother tongues of the women living in these provinces). ",,Regional,20 provinces in the East and Southeast regions of Turkey,April ? May 2020,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,Kamer Foundation is operating in 23 provinces of Eastern and Southeastern Anatolia intending to combat violence and discrimination against women.,,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,,No,No,No,No,Yes,Funded project by UNDP.,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,,"With the outbreak of the pandemic, Kamer Foundation made a reach-out plan to the women in their network. Based on the plan, each Foundation?s worker and volunteer has daily reached 10 women to keep track of the current situation of women and identify urgent needs to develop support them when needed." Turkey,TR09,Internet to Villages,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,People living in villages without Internet access,Inequalities in the economy and access to fundamental rights such as education,Yes,"After the pandemic started, face-to-face education in Turkey ended and distance-online education began quickly. As a state policy, television channels called EBA were established. 24-hour lectures were broadcast on these television channels. At the same time, students continued their courses through the website established for the EBA. But this policy has paved the way for new inequalities in access to education. Students who did not have access to the internet, especially those living in rural areas, had difficulty accessing the EBA distance education system. Some of the rural areas without Internet access were also within the borders of Ankara Metrapol Municipality. For this reason, the municipality launched this initiative to bring internet to rural areas within its borders to address the inequality created by the EBA policy implemented by the state.",No,-,"During the pandemic period, many operations (for example, the supply of official documents) and formal education were carried out online. For this reason, rural settlements without internet infrastructure experienced difficulties. For this reason, this initiative was carried out specifically for this period.","With the pandemic, people?s need for the internet has increased immensely. Many official institutions have started to perform their services online, people have started working online and education for children and youth has also moved online. For this reason, access to the internet has practically emerged as a basic human right. But many regions in Turkey still have rural areas that do not have access to the internet. In addition, most of the rural areas with internet infrastructure have insufficient capacity. Ankara Metropolitan Municipality (ABB) determined the need of its own rural villages in this regard. In particular, the municipality has taken an initiative in this regard so that students can access online education. As part of the project called ?Internet to villages"", it has aimed to bring internet infrastructure to many villages. As of December 2020, ABB has achieved this goal, completing the internet infrastructure of 928 villages. Citizens have started to benefit from the internet, which is offered over Wi-Fi, for free. Already, Ankara Municipality offered free Wi-Fi service to its citizens in public spaces (for example, parks and squares) in the city center. In this project, Internet infrastructure was brought to the villages and internet access was provided for many citizens for the first time. In this way, students were able to continue their education with free internet. No applications for this service were collected, but at the same time the municipality took this service to all rural villages with its own resources. The fact that the service was free was especially important for overcoming inequalities in the economy. In addition, common use devices were provided for people who did not have a device to connect to the internet.","Official webpage of the project. The number of targeted and reached villages is given on this page.",Municipal,It is within the borders of Ankara Metropolitan Municipality and rural areas without internet access.,30.11.2020,Long-term,Yes,-,No,No,No,Yes,Ankara is the capital of Turkey. Ankara Metropolitan Municipality is the second largest municipality in Turkey. The municipality passed to the opposition party in 2019. The total population of the city is 5.5 million.,,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,-,Yes,No,No,No,No,-,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,-,Web based Turkey,TR10,Sexual and Reproductive Health Services During Pandemic Times: A Guide to Community-Based Services,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Institutions that can or want to provide sexual and reproductive health services are the target of this initiative.,"Sexual and reproductive health services are not equally accessible to all members of the society before and during the pandemic. Access to sexual and reproductive health in Turkey were already problematic during the pre-pandemic period and have worsened since due to overcrowding of public hospitals, where most COVID patients were treated. Many patients with chronic diseases, such as cancer, avoided the public hospitals when the epidemic peaks, giving long breaks to their treatment. Diagnosis of sexual and reproductive illnesses, as well as the consultations on birth control methods, IVF, pregnancy and breastfeeding, have been delayed.",No,-,Yes,The state does not have a policy on how organizations providing services on sexual and reproductive health can maintain these services during the pandemic period. This initiative fills the situation of this lack of policy.,"This initiative was launched to ensure the strengthening of institutions providing services in the field of sexual and reproductive health, despite the problems that arose during the pandemic period.","During the pandemic, discussions on health were often focused on Covid-19 in Turkey. Other health issues have become less important alongside this emergency. In particular, how services would continue to be maintained on sexual and reproductive health was not on the agenda. For this reason, sexual and reproductive health services should be rethought and planned along with pandemic measures. In addition, there were problems with sexual and reproductive health services in Turkey during the pre-pandemic period. Especially after 2005, health centers around the country were reorganized as ""Family Health Centers''. As part of the government's conservative policies, there has been a reduction in services provided on sexual and reproductive health issues, such as birth control. Also, the rate of women benefiting from these services in family health centers decreased day by day. LGBTI+ people have never had access to these services through family health centers. Initiatives such as municipalities voluntarily provide sexual and reproductive health services for LGBTI+ people. Seeing this need, the Turkish Family Health and planning Foundation (TAP) launched an initiative. With the funding they received, they began preparing a guide on how to maintain sexual and reproductive health services during the pandemic period. A team of experts and academics from the field prepared the guide. Here, the goal was to strengthen organizations providing services on sexual and reproductive health during the pandemic era. It was an important initiative, especially in terms of strengthening the services provided by municipalities and non-governmental organizations. In this way, the people who will benefit from these services have become indirect beneficiaries of this initiative.","Digital copy of the guide",National,-,Jun-20,Long-term,No,"The expert search for the guide first began in June 2020. The completed online guide was shared in February 2021 on the official website of the initiative ( . Although there is currently no active initiative, the guide is still in circulation.",Yes,No,No,No,"Turkey Family Health and Planning Foundation (TAP) was established in 1985. This foundation was intended to support maternal and Child Health and family planning work provided within the scope of preventive health services. Services for women and children have increased steadily in recent years. As part of its cooperation with municipalities at the country level, the TAP Foundation has initiated awareness and education efforts to empower women and girls.",,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,,No,No,No,No,Yes,This project was realized with the funding provided by the delegation of the European Union to Turkey.,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,-,Web site and social media United Kingdom,UK01,"Tackling move-on together during COVID 19 from The Domestic Abuse Housing Alliance, Women?s Aid Federation of England, National Housing Federation and the Chartered Institute of Housing.",Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Survivors of domestic abuse.,"Gender based violence, housing inequalities and insecurity, domestic violence.",Yes,The Health Protection (Coronavirus) Regulations 2020- Guidance to ?Stay at Home?,No,,Yes- it has been specifically designed to respond to the rise in domestic abuse and homicide in the pandemic.,"This is an initiative led by The Domestic Abuse Housing Alliance (DA-HA), Women?s Aid Federation of England, National Housing Federation and the Chartered Institute of Housing to bring the housing sector and refuges together to get survivors who are ready for move on right now into a safe home. Some housing providers are advising that they have a number of homes that are currently empty as the usual nominations and lettings procedures were paused during the early part of the coronavirus pandemic. They want to ensure they are playing their part in providing homes for people who are particularly vulnerable, including survivors of domestic abuse. This group will also be working together to ensure they can provide sustainable move on from refuges over the long-term. In the short-term, they are asking housing providers, local authorities and refuges to work together, to coordinate need for move on accommodation with the availability of suitable homes. For people experiencing domestic abuse, home is often the most dangerous place. The lockdown is increasing physical and emotional harm to women and children experiencing domestic abuse, and early reports found that the number of domestic abuse homicides over the first three weeks of lockdown was three times higher than last year. The pandemic is making resettlement even harder; many refuge services are full but unable to move women on, blocking spaces for survivors who need to escape. The average number of refuge vacancies in England during the first 7 weeks of lockdown was 97, compared with an average of 183 for the same period in 2019. Safe and stable housing is a core need for families and yet it can be the most difficult need to meet. Women and children often face years of housing insecurity after leaving refuge. The initiative aims to ease the transition of survivors of domestic abuse into new and safe homes. ",,National,,jun-20,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,Yes,,Yes,No,No,Yes,"The Domestic Abuse Housing Alliance (DAHA)- DAHA is a partnership of three agencies- Standing Together Against Domestic Abuse (NGO), Peabody (a group that owns and operates homes across London and the South East) and Gentoo (a Housing Assocation). Women?s Aid Federation of England- NGO/grassroots federation working to end domestic abuse against woman and children. National Housing Federation- National association bringing together all of the housing associations around England. They provide homes for around six million people and aim to provide quality, affordable housing. Chartered Institute of Housing- The professional body for those working in the housing profession in the UK and has over 17,000 members. They offer skills, knowledge and expertise to housing professionals.","",Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,"Although specifically mentioning only women and children, the initiative is for anyone experiencing domestic abuse whether that be on the basis of their gender or any other characteristic.",Yes,No,No,No,Yes,They request housing providers to approach them with suitable housing options to provide to victims as well as working within the resources that the organisations have themselves.,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,,"Working directly with housing providers, local authorities and domestic abuse refuges to coordinate the availability of housing. They are also spreading awareness of the initiative through the website of Standing Together Against Domestic Abuse through an information sheet but this is specifically targeting housing providers and refuge services with practical actions to be taken." United Kingdom,UK02,Covid-19 Mutual Aid UK Initiatives,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,"Vulnerable persons, elderly, disabled, refugees, families, key workers, homeless people. Although the ethos of most groups is to help anyone who needs it, with no specific eligibility criteria.","Access to food, medicine and health care products. Loneliness and social support.",No,,No,These initiatives target those who have ?slipped through the net? of official policy responses. Early research by the New Local Trust argues that the government?s shielding programme would not have been possible without the work of mutual aid groups. ,Specific to Covid,"Covid-19 Mutual Aid UK are a group of volunteers aiming to support the network of independent local community groups organising to support people through the coronavirus pandemic. They are not in charge of this network and have no say over what local groups do, existing merely to provide resources and a database. There are over 4000 mutual aid groups registered in the UK. The groups themselves provide localised support to those affected by the pandemic. Common forms of support include food shopping, running errands, collecting medicine, providing food packages, providing packages of personal sanitary items, offering emotional support and company via phone calls. The need for this support has been particularly driven by national lockdowns, ?shielding? guidelines for particularly vulnerable individuals and high levels of job loss or reduced earnings. The ethos of mutual aid groups is to help one another rather than ?saving? anyone. Once groups grow to more than 50 volunteers they are encouraged to approach existing community projects to listen to the needs and wisdom of these projects and services rather than trying to start from scratch. As the pandemic has continued, groups have struggled to maintain volunteer bases as people return to work from furlough for example. There have also been concerns around safeguarding and storing data given the informal nature of most groups. Research by the New Local Government Network finds that small mutual aid groups were able to act more quickly and have a more positive impact than big, government-led schemes, however there are concerns that these groups should not be responsible for providing continuing support in place of government.",,National,"Over 4000 Mutual Aid organisations are present across the UK, however the individual mutual aid initiatives themselves are very localised (often just focused on one or two streets).",Most groups started in March 2020 but groups are continually being added to the database,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,Yes,,No,Yes,No,No,"Covid-19 Mutual Aid UK is not an organisation or charity and are not affiliated with any political or religious groups. They are also not officially affiliated with local groups. Most local mutual aid groups operate on a similar principle and Covid-19 Mutual Aid UK encourages local groups to remain independent, however the groups are wide-ranging and some may be linked to NGOs or religious groups.",,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,,"Leafletting locally, social media, network of volunteers" United Kingdom,UK03,SWARM Covid response,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,In-person sex workers,"Access to financial support, gender-based violence, border violence",Yes,National lockdowns,Yes,Sex workers lost access to clients and support as a result of national lockdowns and increased health risks and police presence during the pandemic,The support organisation already existed. The hardship fund was set up in response to the pandemic.,"SWARM was founded in 2009 as a sex worker led collective. Based in the UK, the aim of this grassroots collective is to build a diverse and inclusive community of sex workers who work together to improve working conditions and resist violence. During the pandemic business for in-person sex workers reduced dramatically leading to financial concerns for an already vulnerable and marginalised group of workers, who struggle to access formal welfare support. In response to this crisis and to address concerns of poverty and homelessness in the community, in March 2020 SWARM sought donations for a hardship fund. In order to access funds, applicants had to meet three criteria: 1. Be making a living by in-person sex work in the UK 2. Be in, or at imminent risk of, severe financial hardship in the next few weeks 3. Have no savings to fall back on Applicants applied via an online form and the scheme was advertised via sex worker networks and outreach services (National Ugly Mugs, Umbrella Lane, the English Collective of Prostitutes, X:Talk, United Voices of the World, SCOT-PEP, Open Doors, Changing Lives, Beyond the Streets and Basis). The application form was translated into several different languages. Verification processes were adopted to ensure applicants were authentic in-person sex workers. Initially 5 volunteers administered the fund rising to 10. The fund closed to new applicants on 29 May 2020, since demand outstripped what the organisation could raise in donations. As of June 2020, the hardship fund gave grants of œ200 each to 1,255 recipients totalliing œ251,000 in grants. The organisation was approached by a classified advertising platform (VivaStreet) to provide matched funding. SWARM agreed on the condition that this did not constitute a formal partnership and the funding did not have to be publicised. There were concerns that this collaboration could discredit the hardship fund or enable an advertising organsation to benefit from the crisis through a ?halo-effect?. SWARM turned down offers of match funding from other businesses who were not willing to accept these terms. In addition to the hardship fund, SWARM produced a resources document containing information about keeping safe during the pandemic as well as links to resources on mental health, managing finances, accessing relief for rent and utility bills, and resources for parents. As the hardship fund came to a close, a regular drop-in support session was set up to help sex workers apply for Universal Credit, PIP and register as self-employed. This continues as part of SWARM?s ongoing mutual aid efforts for sex-workers. SWARM completed a survey analysis of those who received payements via the fund. The survey received 116 responses and included qualitative questions asking: 1. What has been most challenging since the crisis? 2. What did the payment help with? 3. How did you find the application process? 4. Where did you hear about the fund? 75% of respondents identified loss of income as the most challenging thing during the pandemic. 41% used grant money for bills, 39% for food shopping and 20% for rent. 95% commented positively on the application process. Some commented that it was difficult to find the form, but SWARM had intentionally not made this public to limit the reach to sex worker communities. 60% said they heard about the fund through word of mouth. Limitations of the fund were receiving sufficient donations, not being able to offer sufficient support to meet individual or community needs, outreach services leaning on the fund instead of providing their own support, the time commitments and emotional toll on volunteers administering the scheme, issues with language barriers when verifying workers and losing momentum in fundraising."," ",National,,Mar-20,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,No,May-20,No,Yes,No,No,SWARM is a sex worker led collective based in the UK. The project was founded in 2009 (under our former name Sex Worker Open University) to advocate for the rights of everyone who sells sexual services. Our goal is to build a diverse and inclusive community of sex workers who work together to improve our working conditions and resist violence.˙,,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Individual donations and matched funding from VivaStreet (online classified advertiser),No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,,"Social networks, word of mouth, support organisations" United Kingdom,UK04,British Red Cross coronavirus response,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,"No specific group is targeted, but specifc support is offered to refugees and those with disability or medical needs.","Poverty, disability, border violence, lack of social support",No,,No,,The support line has been specially set up in response to covid. Other initiatives have been ongoing but have been scaled-up or adapted to address increased need during the pandemic.,"The British Red Cross is a long-standing charitable organisation providing crisis response that has responded to the coronavirus pandemic by setting up a support telephone line, which offers support in over 200 languages to those who are lonely, worried and finding it difficult to access food or medication. Support line volunteers can provide emotional support, mental health advice, local support services, wheelchairs, covid information and practical advice, financial support and refugee services. The support line has received over 21,000 calls to date. During the pandemic, the charity has also made over 100,000 food deliveries and picked up prescriptions for over 14,000 people. The Red Cross ambulance service has supported over 32,000 people. In total, the charity have reached more than 1.5 million people in the UK during the pandemic."," ",National,,Mar-20,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,The British Red Cross was founded 150 years ago and helps people in the UK and around the world to get support during crises.˙,,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,,Telephone helpline United Kingdom,UK05,Birth Companions coronavirus response,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,Pregnant women experiencing multiple disadvantage,"Poverty, access to care, immigration issues, homelessness, poor mental health, domestic violence",No,,No,,The NGO predates Covid but has adapted its services in response to the pandemic.,"As a result of the restrictions on birth partners, prison visits and social contact during national lockdowns, disadvantaged pregnant women and new mothers have been more at risk, vulnerable and isolated than ever. As an existing NGO supporting pregnant women, new mothers and babies in need, Birth Companions adapted their services during the pandemic to help women access basic necessities, health care and support. Since in person support and community groups were suspended, Birth Companions set up a national helpline and supported their caseload individually via phone, email and letter. NHS England asked the organisation to provide support to all pregnant women and new mothers released from prison during the pandemic. This was achieved through the helpline and enabled the organisation to reach women across a wider geographical area than was possible with previous ways of working. Women in prison and those in the community were supported through regular contact, sending out information and resources, providing essential practical items (such as maternity clothing), and paying for phone top-ups and taxis to hospital. Where possible the charity has continued to support births in person, but volunteers have also supported labouring women over the phone. Alongside this practical support, the charity has lobbied for pregnant women and new mothers to be released early from prison during the pandemic to ensure their safety, as well as campaigned to raise awareness of the mental health impacts of intensive lockdown regimes in prisons and the suspension of family visits. An impact report of these initiatives has been produced as well as a review of the charity?s priorities in light of experiences and learning during the pandemic. ","",National,,Mar-20,Long-term,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,Birth Companions was founded in 1996 to support pregnant women and new mothers in Holloway Prison. Since then they have developed expertise in the needs of perinatal women in˙the most difficult and disadvantaged circumstances and have become the UK?s leading organisation in this field.,,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,,"In the main, statutory services refer the target group to the organisation" United Kingdom,UK06,University of Nottingham Faculty of Social Sciences Women?s Career Support Groups,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,Female academics,Gender inequality in pay and progression,No,,No,"The gender unequal consequences of the pandemic for academic publication, research and career progression has been linked to women?s disproportionate responsibility for childcare following school closures, although this is not explicitly mentioned in online material about the support groups",Set up in response to the pandemic,"National data reveals gender unequal impacts of the pandemic on academics? outputs and career progression. At the University of Nottingham?s Faculty of Social Sciences, staff have responded to these unequal impacts and the ways in which the pandemic has accentuated existing inequalities (faculty data reveals that women are under-represented in senior positions and in applications for promotion) to set up a career support group for staff who identify as women. These informal groups are intended for listening, sharing and reflecting on experiences and challenges, as well as expanding networks. The groups are limited to 8 individuals in each and there is an aim for each group to encompass members from a range of jobs, levels of seniority and schools within the faculty. The groups are autonomous, although it is recommended that they meet once every 4-6 weeks for around an hour. A toolkit is shared that groups could use to initiate dicusssions on personal and career development. The career support groups emerged as part of a Sphere Challenge run by members of the Faculty of Social Scienes on supporting women during covid and its aftermath. Previous steps included developing a statement of intent and conducting consultations with women in the Faculty. ",,Municipal,This scheme targets staff at the University of Nottingham,Information unavailable,Long-term,Yes,,No,Yes,No,No,University of Nottingham social sciences faculty˙, ,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,,Online signup form United Kingdom,UK07,Women Returners COVID-19 Free Webinar Series,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Women who wish to return to work after a career break of 18 months or more ,Gender inequality in pay and progression. Stigmatisation and penalties in the workplace associated with career breaks and caring responsibilities.,No,"It is not explicitly mentioned, but the policy reacts to the challenges posed by national lockdowns and working from home policies.",No,,"The webinars have been set up in response to the pandemic, but the organisation has existed since 2014.","Women Returners is an organisation supporting highly-equalified professionals into work following an extended career break. The organisation runs an extensive free to join network of returning professionals to which it offers advice, information, mentoring and support. In response to the coronavirus pandemic Women Returners produced a series of online free webinars to support the network during the crisis. These were recorded by team members from their homes in lockdown and covered a range of topics related to the practical challenges of returning to work during the pandemic: - How to manage uncertainty and take control - How to prepare for virtual interviews - How to network virtually - Upskilling in preparation for your return to work The workshops address issues around the move to homeworking and issues of motivation and isolation as a result of lockdowns. The pre-recorded videos are available to anyone visiting the website and are not exclusively for network members. The limitations of this initiative is that it primarily addresses highly-educated professionals and does not target more vulnerable groups of workers.",,National,,Information unavailable,Information unavailable,Yes,,No,No,No,Yes,"Women Returners is a ?purpose-led consulting, coaching and network organisation?, which was founded in 2014 to address the ?Career Break Penalty?. Their aim is to make extended career breaks a normal part of a career and to enable highly-qualified professionals (principally women) to return to work after a break of 18 months or more. They combine commercial consulting and coaching services with not-for-profit activities and advocacy work (they are therefore not technically an NGO).", ,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,"The organisation also offers commercial consultancy and coaching activites, which presumably funded this initiative",Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,,"The webinars were advertised on Twitter, Linked in and other social media channels. Presumably Women Returners also communicated about the initiative directly with network members" United Kingdom,UK08,#TakeTheVaccine Campaign,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,People from ethnic-minority backgrounds,Racial inequality,Yes,Vaccine programme,Yes,This initiative responds to claims that official communications about the pandemic have neglected the BAME community and media campaigns have been bad at communicating to diverse groups.,Specifically in response to the pandemic,"Likelihood of death from Covid-19 has been found to be significantly higher among England?s Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) groups compared to the general population. Non-white households are much more likely to be multi-generational, making isolation and shielding of vulnerable groups harder. Furthermore, ?Stay at home? messaging excluded the experiences of those on low incomes and in frontline jobs. Compounding this increased risk, ethnic minorities have also been found to have lower vaccination rates compared to white people in England and show higher levels of vaccine hesitancy. Despite these issues, equality campaigners point to a lack of official communications targeting these communities. In response to this, a grassroots campaign led by an actor and BAME media agency (Media Hive) produced films with celebrities from BAME backgrounds giving coronavirus advice, encouraging vaccine takeup and addressing mistrust and myths to be shared on WhatsApp and social media. The campaign grew and eventually had the backing of all main commercial TV channels to broadcast a video simultaneously during an advert break across all the channels. This advertising was given away for free. "," ",National,,Feb-21,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,No,,No,Yes,No,No,"Media Hive was the main organisation taking part, which is an advertising agency specialising in the BAME sector",,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,Social media and advertising campaigns (mainly television adverts) United Kingdom,UK09,Bloody Good Period covid campaign,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Women lacking access to menstrual products ,Access to healthcare,No,,No,This initiative responds to general increases in poverty and difficulty accessing menstrual products as a result of multiple policies,"The initiative has existed for a number of years, but activites and need have increased as a result of the pandemic","Period poverty has increased as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. This is as a result of job losses and financial hardship, as well as practical difficulties in accessing products due to stockpiling, lockdowns and longer working hours among frontline workers. As a result, Bloody Good Period, an NGO tackling period poverty in the UK, has had to increase their supply of products six-fold during the pandemic. Products have been supplied to NHS workers, food banks, community support groups, those fleeing domestic violence, asylum seekers, refugees and homeless shelters. The organisation had to change their working practices as a result of the pandemic. They allowed bookable access to a large storage centre in London where organisations and individuals could ?take what they need? in a covid safe way. Rather than accepting donations of products, the charity moved their focus to financial donations and bought products in bulk. They also increased their delivery capacity, making this more reliable and efficient. The charity has supplied over 79,000 packs of period products since the start of the pandemic. Alongside this the organisation has campaigned for period products to be available for free to all who need them. There was success in January 2021 when Scotland introduced such a policy and the charity has been petitioning for the rest of the UK to follow Scotland?s lead.",,National,"The primary reach of the initiative is in London, but deliveries are made nationally where possible.",Information unavailable,Long-term,Yes,,Yes,No,No,No,Bloody Good Period fights for period equity and seeks to give access to menstrual products for those who cannot afford them.,,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,"The organisation targets refugees, asylum seekers and those living in poverty. They specify that they target all people who menstruate implying a gender+ perspective. ",No,Yes,Yes,No,No,The organisation receives funds through donations,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,,"Social media, community organisations" United Kingdom,UK10,Women After Greatness book group,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,"Young women from BAME backgrounds between the ages of 15-25, who are experiencing multiple challenges ",Mental health and wellbeing,No,,No,,"The organisation has existed for a number of years, but the book group and creative writing initiative was set up in response to the pandemic","WomenAfterGreatness supports young women of colour to confront social and economic challenges. The charity noted that the majority of responses to the coronavirus crisis centred around what were perceived ?urgent needs?, such as emergency food parcels, however they believed that supporting mental health was just as urgent. The women they support were concerned about how the pandemic would compound existing issues around poverty and how it would effect their studies. They were also often returning home to over-crowded housing and were touched by the events surrounding Black Lives Matter. Thanks to a grant from the Covid-19 Response Fund set up by Rosa, a grantmaking charity that funds grassroots women?s organisations in the UK, WomenAfterGreatness responded to these needs with a fully-funded nine week creative writing workshop and a book club for 20 young women. The workshops were facilitated by a professional writer and two clinical psychologists and explored themes of race, gender, sexual violence and healthy relationships. They were a space in which women could disclose their experiences, build their confidence and receive support. Following the workshops, facilitators kept in touch with participants over the phone to check in and make sure they were managing their wellbeing. Although WomenAfterGreatness generally work with young women of colour, the workshops were opened up to create an inclusive space. Most of the women who were supported by the initiative are from working-class backgrounds and many are living in poverty. Many were also students and the first in the families to go to university. ",,Regional,The primary reach of the initiative is in London.,Information unavailable,Just for the Covid-19 emergency,No,Exact date of the workshops is unspecified. The work of the charity continues.,Yes,No,No,No,"WomenAfterGreatness is a social enterprise established to encourage, empower and equip women and girls through personal development, education & mentoring initiatives. The aim of the organisation is to significantly reduce the number of young women and girls at risk of sexual, social and economic exploitation. ", ,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,"The book group initiative was funded by a Covid-19 Response Fund grant from Rosa, a grantmaking charity that funds grassroots women?s organisations.",No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,,Information unavailable