Published December 31, 2011 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Lepidocyrtus Mateos, 2011, sp. nov.


Lepidocyrtus “ lignorum group” species key

Among the European Lepidocyrtus the “ lignorum group” could be defined by the dorsal macrochaetae formula R0R1R2/00/0101+3 (with or without cephalic macrochaeta So). This group is composed by the species L. instratus, L. lignorum, L. peisonis Traser & Christian, 1992, L. ruber Schött, 1902, L. tellecheae, L. uzeli Rusek, 1985 and L. violaceus (see Mateos 2008a), to which the new species L. juliae sp. nov. and L. barbulus sp. nov. must be added. The first described species of the group was L. lignorum, and so the group gets its name.

1 Unguiculus acuminate................................................................................ 2

- Unguiculus truncate................................................................................... 9

2 Mesothorax strongly projecting, body with pigment on th.III to abd.III expanding to th.II and abd.IV in the more densely pigmented specimens, unguis basal pair teeth at less than 45% of the inner edge, unguis tooth at less than 55% of the inner edge................................................ L. instratus Handschin, 1924 (Austria, Italy, Slovakia, Switzerland)

- Mesothorax slightly projecting over the head, body with or without pigment, unguis basal pair teeth at more than 45% of the inner edge, unguis tooth at more than 65% of the inner edge.................................................... 3

3 Body with pigment................................................................................... 4

- Body unpigmented................................................................................... 7

4 Labium with more than two M and more than one R setae, apex of the third row of labral setae simple........................................................................... L. barbulus sp. nov. (pigmented form) (Greece: Naxos)

- Labium with two M and one R setae, apex of the third row of labral setae branched................................. 5

5 Body pigment in two broads spots on abd.III and two smaller marks postero laterally on abd.IV, ocular seta q present, abd.II seta ml absent.............................................................. L. juliae sp. nov. (Greece: Crete)

- Body pigment not as above, ocular seta q absent, abd.II seta ml present........................................... 6

6 Body dark blue pigmented......................................................... L. violaceus Lubbock, 1873 (Austria, Belgium, Britain, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Rep. of Moldova, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland, Ukraine)

- Body pigment on abd.II-III and posterior part of abd.IV.............. L. lignorum var. Gama, 1973 (Greece: Peloponnese)

7 Apex of the third row of labral setae branched, maximum body length 1.8 mm.............. L. lignorum (Fabricius, 1793) (Albania, Austria, Belgium, Britain, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece with Crete and Dodecanese islands, Hungary, Ireland, Italy with Sardinia and Sicily, Rep. of Moldova, Norway with Faroe, Svalvard and Jan Mayen islands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Spain with Balearic islands, Switzerland, Netherlands, Ukraine)

- Apex of the third row of labral setae simple, maximum body length 2.5 mm...................................... 8

8 Labium with two M and one R setae, abd.IV with macrochaeta F2 online or below macrochaeta E2, labral papillae with one denticle.................................................. L. tellecheae Arbea & Jordana, 1990 (Portugal, Spain)

- Labium with more than two M and more than one R setae, abd.IV with macrochaeta F2 above macrochaeta E2, labral papillae with three or four denticles........... L. barbulus sp. nov. (unpigmented form) (Greece: Crete, Naxos, Paros and Rhodes)

9 Dorsal cephalic macrochaeta So absent, inner margin of the unguis with one odd tooth, body color variable from yellow to dark violet.............................................................................. L. ruber Schött, 1902 (Austria, Britain, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Russia Central, Slovakia, Ukraine)

- Dorsal cephalic macrochaeta So present, inner margin of the unguis with two or no odd teeth, body color present or absent..................................................................................................... 10

10 Body dark violet pigmented, inner margin of the unguis without odd teeth......... L. uzeli Rusek, 1985 (Czech Republic)

- Body unpigmented, inner margin of the unguis with two little odd teeth................................................................................................... L. peisonis Traser & Christian, 1992 (Slovakia, Ukraine)


Published as part of Mateos, Eduardo, 2011, New Lepidocyrtus Bourlet, 1839 taxa from Greece (Collembola: Entomobryidae), pp. 25-40 in Zootaxa 3108 on pages 37-38, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.202180


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  • Traser, G. & Christian, E. (1992) Lepidocyrtus peisonis sp. n., ein neuer Springschwanz aus dem Neusiedlersee-Gebiet (Collembola: Entomobryidae). Folia Entomologica Hungarica, 52, 119 - 121.
  • Schott, H. (1902) Etudes sur les Collemboles du Nord. Bihang Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar, 28 (4), 1 - 48.
  • Rusek, J. (1985) New Paleartic Lepidocyrtus and Pseudosinella species (Collembola: Entomobryidae). V e stnik c eskoslovenske Spole c nosti Zoologicke, 49, 132 - 146.
  • Mateos, E. (2008 a) The European Lepidocyrtus Bourlet, 1839 (Collembola: Entomobryidae). Zootaxa 1769, 35 - 59.
  • Lubbock, J. (1873) Monograph of the Collembola and Thysanura. The Ray Society for 1871, 276 pp.
  • Gama da, M. M. (1973) Systematique evolutive des Pseudosinella. IX (Insecta: Collembola). Revue Suisse de Zoologie, 80 (1), 45 - 63.
  • Fabricius, J. C. (1793) Entomologia Systematica Emendata et Aucta, Secundum Classes, ordines, genera, species adjectis synonimis, locis, observationibus, descriptionibus. Volume 2, C. G. Proft, Hafniae, 519 pp.
  • Arbea, J. I. & Jordana, R. (1990) New species of Pseudosinella and Lepidocyrtus from Navarra (Northern Iberian Peninsula). Spixiana, 13 (1), 25 - 31.