"varname","description" "uniqid","Digital Music Observatory unique identifier" "age_group","What is your age?" "gender","Are you... - Selected Choice" "female","The respondant identified as female (from gender)" "male","The respondant identified as male (from gender)" "ethnicity","How would you describe your ethnic origin(s)?" "education_highest","What is the highest level of education you have completed or are currently undertaking?" "uk_region","In which part of the UK are you currently living?" "primary_role","And which would you consider to be your main focus? - Selected Choice" "career_year_begin","Roughly what year did you start your music career?" "mc_role_songwriter","Which of the following describe you as a music creator? - Selected Choice - Songwriter/Composer" "mc_role_vocalist","Which of the following describe you as a music creator? - Selected Choice - Vocalist" "mc_role_instrumentalist","Which of the following describe you as a music creator? - Selected Choice - Instrumentalist" "mc_role_producer","Which of the following describe you as a music creator? - Selected Choice - Producer" "mc_role_dj","Which of the following describe you as a music creator? - Selected Choice - DJ" "mc_role_rapper","Which of the following describe you as a music creator? - Selected Choice - Rapper/MC" "mc_role_engineer","Which of the following describe you as a music creator? - Selected Choice - Engineer" "mc_role_other","Which of the following describe you as a music creator? - Selected Choice - Other (Please specify)" "mc_role_none","Which of the following describe you as a music creator? - Selected Choice - None, I'm not a music creator" "other_role_text","Which of the following describe you as a music creator? - Other (Please specify) - Text" "primary_role_text","And which would you consider to be your main focus? - Other (Please specify) - Text" "primary_role_covid","We recognise that the Covid-19 pandemic has impacted many creators and their careers. If the pandemic has affected you, please answer about the time before (i.e. 2019) below. Which of the following best describes you in relation to your music work usually..." "mc_career_base_africa","Which of the following countries/regions is your music career based in (i.e. where you earn money from your music)? You can select more than one option. - Africa" "mc_career_base_asia","Which of the following countries/regions is your music career based in (i.e. where you earn money from your music)? You can select more than one option. - Asia" "mc_career_base_anz","Which of the following countries/regions is your music career based in (i.e. where you earn money from your music)? You can select more than one option. - Australia and New Zealand" "mc_career_base_europe_ex_uk","Which of the following countries/regions is your music career based in (i.e. where you earn money from your music)? You can select more than one option. - Europe (excluding UK)" "mc_career_base_south america","Which of the following countries/regions is your music career based in (i.e. where you earn money from your music)? You can select more than one option. - South America" "mc_career_base_north america","Which of the following countries/regions is your music career based in (i.e. where you earn money from your music)? You can select more than one option. - North America" "mc_career_base_uk","Which of the following countries/regions is your music career based in (i.e. where you earn money from your music)? You can select more than one option. - The UK" "mc_career_base_other","Which of the following countries/regions is your music career based in (i.e. where you earn money from your music)? You can select more than one option. - Other" "mc_type_group_solo","Are you part of a group/collective? - I'm a solo artist" "mc_type_group_duo","Are you part of a group/collective? - I'm part of a duo" "mc_type_group_trio","Are you part of a group/collective? - I'm part of a trio" "mc_type_group_band","Are you part of a group/collective? - I'm part of a band" "mc_type_group_ensemble","Are you part of a group/collective? - I'm part of an ensemble/group" "mc_type_other","Are you part of a group/collective? - Other" "composing_practice_type_1","When working on songwriting or composing, do you usually work alone or with others?" "composing_practice_type_2","Do you usually write or compose music for yourself or others?" "mc_release_major","Which of the following describe you in relation to record companies? - Selected Choice - I'm currently signed to a major record company (e.g. Universal, Sony, Warner)" "mc_release_independet","Which of the following describe you in relation to record companies? - Selected Choice - I'm currently signed to an independent record company" "mc_release_ex_major","Which of the following describe you in relation to record companies? - Selected Choice - I was previously signed to a major record company but am not any more" "mc_release_ex_indie","Which of the following describe you in relation to record companies? - Selected Choice - I was previously signed to an independent record company but am not any more" "mc_release_self","Which of the following describe you in relation to record companies? - Selected Choice - I am a self-release or DIY artist" "mc_release_other","Which of the following describe you in relation to record companies? - Selected Choice - Other, please specify" "release_other_text","Which of the following describe you in relation to record companies? - Other, please specify - Text" "recording_royalty_rate_group","What is the main royalty rate? - Selected Choice" "recording_royalty_rate_num","What is the main royalty rate? - Royalty rate - Text" "mc_career_less_active_before_1980","Other than during the Covid-19 pandemic, are there any years in which you were less active in your music career? - Before 1980" "mc_career_less_active_1980","Other than during the Covid-19 pandemic, are there any years in which you were less active in your music career? - 1980" "mc_career_less_active_1981","Other than during the Covid-19 pandemic, are there any years in which you were less active in your music career? - 1981" "mc_career_less_active_1982","Other than during the Covid-19 pandemic, are there any years in which you were less active in your music career? - 1982" "mc_career_less_active_1983","Other than during the Covid-19 pandemic, are there any years in which you were less active in your music career? - 1983" "mc_career_less_active_1984","Other than during the Covid-19 pandemic, are there any years in which you were less active in your music career? - 1984" "mc_career_less_active_1985","Other than during the Covid-19 pandemic, are there any years in which you were less active in your music career? - 1985" "mc_career_less_active_1986","Other than during the Covid-19 pandemic, are there any years in which you were less active in your music career? - 1986" "mc_career_less_active_1987","Other than during the Covid-19 pandemic, are there any years in which you were less active in your music career? - 1987" "mc_career_less_active_1988","Other than during the Covid-19 pandemic, are there any years in which you were less active in your music career? - 1988" "mc_career_less_active_1989","Other than during the Covid-19 pandemic, are there any years in which you were less active in your music career? - 1989" "mc_career_less_active_1990","Other than during the Covid-19 pandemic, are there any years in which you were less active in your music career? - 1990" "mc_career_less_active_1991","Other than during the Covid-19 pandemic, are there any years in which you were less active in your music career? - 1991" "mc_career_less_active_1992","Other than during the Covid-19 pandemic, are there any years in which you were less active in your music career? - 1992" "mc_career_less_active_1993","Other than during the Covid-19 pandemic, are there any years in which you were less active in your music career? - 1993" "mc_career_less_active_1994","Other than during the Covid-19 pandemic, are there any years in which you were less active in your music career? - 1994" "mc_career_less_active_1995","Other than during the Covid-19 pandemic, are there any years in which you were less active in your music career? - 1995" "mc_career_less_active_1996","Other than during the Covid-19 pandemic, are there any years in which you were less active in your music career? - 1996" "mc_career_less_active_1997","Other than during the Covid-19 pandemic, are there any years in which you were less active in your music career? - 1997" "mc_career_less_active_1998","Other than during the Covid-19 pandemic, are there any years in which you were less active in your music career? - 1998" "mc_career_less_active_1999","Other than during the Covid-19 pandemic, are there any years in which you were less active in your music career? - 1999" "mc_career_less_active_2000","Other than during the Covid-19 pandemic, are there any years in which you were less active in your music career? - 2000" "mc_career_less_active_2001","Other than during the Covid-19 pandemic, are there any years in which you were less active in your music career? - 2001" "mc_career_less_active_2002","Other than during the Covid-19 pandemic, are there any years in which you were less active in your music career? - 2002" "mc_career_less_active_2003","Other than during the Covid-19 pandemic, are there any years in which you were less active in your music career? - 2003" "mc_career_less_active_2004","Other than during the Covid-19 pandemic, are there any years in which you were less active in your music career? - 2004" "mc_career_less_active_2005","Other than during the Covid-19 pandemic, are there any years in which you were less active in your music career? - 2005" "mc_career_less_active_2006","Other than during the Covid-19 pandemic, are there any years in which you were less active in your music career? - 2006" "mc_career_less_active_2007","Other than during the Covid-19 pandemic, are there any years in which you were less active in your music career? - 2007" "mc_career_less_active_2008","Other than during the Covid-19 pandemic, are there any years in which you were less active in your music career? - 2008" "mc_career_less_active_2009","Other than during the Covid-19 pandemic, are there any years in which you were less active in your music career? - 2009" "mc_career_less_active_2010","Other than during the Covid-19 pandemic, are there any years in which you were less active in your music career? - 2010" "mc_career_less_active_2011","Other than during the Covid-19 pandemic, are there any years in which you were less active in your music career? - 2011" "mc_career_less_active_2012","Other than during the Covid-19 pandemic, are there any years in which you were less active in your music career? - 2012" "mc_career_less_active_2013","Other than during the Covid-19 pandemic, are there any years in which you were less active in your music career? - 2013" "mc_career_less_active_2014","Other than during the Covid-19 pandemic, are there any years in which you were less active in your music career? - 2014" "mc_career_less_active_2015","Other than during the Covid-19 pandemic, are there any years in which you were less active in your music career? - 2015" "mc_career_less_active_2016","Other than during the Covid-19 pandemic, are there any years in which you were less active in your music career? - 2016" "mc_career_less_active_2017","Other than during the Covid-19 pandemic, are there any years in which you were less active in your music career? - 2017" "mc_career_less_active_2018","Other than during the Covid-19 pandemic, are there any years in which you were less active in your music career? - 2018" "mc_career_less_active_2019","Other than during the Covid-19 pandemic, are there any years in which you were less active in your music career? - 2019" "mc_career_less_active_2020","Other than during the Covid-19 pandemic, are there any years in which you were less active in your music career? - 2020" "mc_career_less_active_2021","Other than during the Covid-19 pandemic, are there any years in which you were less active in your music career? - 2021" "pct_working_time_music_2019","As 2020 may not have been a normal year for some music creators financially, we would like you to think about your income from 2019. Approximately what percentage of your working time did you spend on activities relating to your music career in 2019?" "music_career_time_in_2019_group","Is the amount of time you spent working on your music career in 2019 typical of other years? Typically I have spent..." "approx_music_earnings_2018","Approximately how much did you personally earn overall from your music career (before taxes) in each of the past 3 years? If some of your income is from advances received prior to or during this period, please allow for how this is apportioned to each of the 3 years. - 2018" "approx_music_earnings_2019","Approximately how much did you personally earn overall from your music career (before taxes) in each of the past 3 years? If some of your income is from advances received prior to or during this period, please allow for how this is apportioned to each of the 3 years. - 2019" "approx_music_earnings_2020","Approximately how much did you personally earn overall from your music career (before taxes) in each of the past 3 years? If some of your income is from advances received prior to or during this period, please allow for how this is apportioned to each of the 3 years. - 2020" "pct_music_earnings_2019","What percentage of your overall income did you earn from your music career in 2019?" "pct_music_earnings_domestic_2019","How did your music earnings split across money earned in the UK and internationally in 2019? Your answer must add up to 100%. If you aren't sure, please make your best estimate. - UK" "pct_music_earnings_foreign_2019","How did your music earnings split across money earned in the UK and internationally in 2019? Your answer must add up to 100%. If you aren't sure, please make your best estimate. - International" "is_music_earnings_prior_2015","We're interested to learn about your music earnings before online music streaming became widespread (2015). In our study, we use the year 2015 as the tipping point for audio streaming becoming mainstream because: 2015 was the first year since 2001 that the international recording industry reported annual sectoral growth and also the first year that digital revenue overtook revenue from physical formats. In addition to this, 2015 was the first year that audio subscription streaming accounted for more than 20% of the UK market for recorded music. Did you earn money from your music prior to this time?" "income_change_streaming_group","How has your overall income from music changed since the growth of music streaming?" "approx_music_earnings_before_2015","Before the growth of music streaming (2015), roughly how much did you earn from music in an average year?" "pct_income_split_live_performances","In 2019 you earned [QID15-ChoiceGroup-SelectedAnswers-2]. How did the income you generated from your music career split across the following sources? Your answer must add up to 100%. If there are any you don't do, please put 0.If you aren't sure, please make your best estimate. - Live performances" "pct_income_split_audio_streaming_royalties","In 2019 you earned [QID15-ChoiceGroup-SelectedAnswers-2]. How did the income you generated from your music career split across the following sources? Your answer must add up to 100%. If there are any you don't do, please put 0.If you aren't sure, please make your best estimate. - Audio streaming royalties" "pct_income_split_video_streaming_royalties","In 2019 you earned [QID15-ChoiceGroup-SelectedAnswers-2]. How did the income you generated from your music career split across the following sources? Your answer must add up to 100%. If there are any you don't do, please put 0.If you aren't sure, please make your best estimate. - Video streaming royalties" "pct_income_split_other_online_revenue_eg_adspromo_etc","In 2019 you earned [QID15-ChoiceGroup-SelectedAnswers-2]. How did the income you generated from your music career split across the following sources? Your answer must add up to 100%. If there are any you don't do, please put 0.If you aren't sure, please make your best estimate. - Other online revenue (e.g. ads/promo etc.)" "pct_income_split_digital_sales_eg_downloads","In 2019 you earned [QID15-ChoiceGroup-SelectedAnswers-2]. How did the income you generated from your music career split across the following sources? Your answer must add up to 100%. If there are any you don't do, please put 0.If you aren't sure, please make your best estimate. - Digital sales (e.g. downloads)" "pct_income_split_physical_sales_eg_cd_and_vinyl","In 2019 you earned [QID15-ChoiceGroup-SelectedAnswers-2]. How did the income you generated from your music career split across the following sources? Your answer must add up to 100%. If there are any you don't do, please put 0.If you aren't sure, please make your best estimate. - Physical sales (e.g. CD and vinyl)" "pct_income_split_brand-sponsorship_deals","In 2019 you earned [QID15-ChoiceGroup-SelectedAnswers-2]. How did the income you generated from your music career split across the following sources? Your answer must add up to 100%. If there are any you don't do, please put 0.If you aren't sure, please make your best estimate. - Brand/sponsorship deals" "pct_income_split_direct_licensing-sync_eg_use_of_music_in_film_tv_games_etc","In 2019 you earned [QID15-ChoiceGroup-SelectedAnswers-2]. How did the income you generated from your music career split across the following sources? Your answer must add up to 100%. If there are any you don't do, please put 0.If you aren't sure, please make your best estimate. - Direct licensing/sync (e.g. use of music in film, TV, games etc.)" "pct_income_split_session_or_orchestral_work_eg_studio_recordings","In 2019 you earned [QID15-ChoiceGroup-SelectedAnswers-2]. How did the income you generated from your music career split across the following sources? Your answer must add up to 100%. If there are any you don't do, please put 0.If you aren't sure, please make your best estimate. - Session or orchestral work (e.g. studio recordings)" "pct_income_split_advances_eg_against_future_recording_publishing_royalties","In 2019 you earned [QID15-ChoiceGroup-SelectedAnswers-2]. How did the income you generated from your music career split across the following sources? Your answer must add up to 100%. If there are any you don't do, please put 0.If you aren't sure, please make your best estimate. - Advances (e.g. against future recording, publishing royalties)" "pct_income_split_teaching_music","In 2019 you earned [QID15-ChoiceGroup-SelectedAnswers-2]. How did the income you generated from your music career split across the following sources? Your answer must add up to 100%. If there are any you don't do, please put 0.If you aren't sure, please make your best estimate. - Teaching music" "pct_income_split_broadcast_eg_radio_and_tv_use_of_your_music","In 2019 you earned [QID15-ChoiceGroup-SelectedAnswers-2]. How did the income you generated from your music career split across the following sources? Your answer must add up to 100%. If there are any you don't do, please put 0.If you aren't sure, please make your best estimate. - Broadcast (e.g. radio and TV use of your music)" "pct_income_split_merchandise","In 2019 you earned [QID15-ChoiceGroup-SelectedAnswers-2]. How did the income you generated from your music career split across the following sources? Your answer must add up to 100%. If there are any you don't do, please put 0.If you aren't sure, please make your best estimate. - Merchandise" "pct_income_split_mechanical_royalties","In 2019 you earned [QID15-ChoiceGroup-SelectedAnswers-2]. How did the income you generated from your music career split across the following sources? Your answer must add up to 100%. If there are any you don't do, please put 0.If you aren't sure, please make your best estimate. - Mechanical royalties" "pct_income_split_public_performance_eg_music_played_in_shops","In 2019 you earned [QID15-ChoiceGroup-SelectedAnswers-2]. How did the income you generated from your music career split across the following sources? Your answer must add up to 100%. If there are any you don't do, please put 0.If you aren't sure, please make your best estimate. - Public performance (e.g. music played in shops)" "pct_income_split_commissions_for_broadcast-other_media_eg_tv_programmes_films_games","In 2019 you earned [QID15-ChoiceGroup-SelectedAnswers-2]. How did the income you generated from your music career split across the following sources? Your answer must add up to 100%. If there are any you don't do, please put 0.If you aren't sure, please make your best estimate. - Commissions for broadcast/other media (e.g. TV programmes, films, games)" "pct_income_split_commissions_for_stage_eg_theatre_productions","In 2019 you earned [QID15-ChoiceGroup-SelectedAnswers-2]. How did the income you generated from your music career split across the following sources? Your answer must add up to 100%. If there are any you don't do, please put 0.If you aren't sure, please make your best estimate. - Commissions for stage (e.g. theatre productions)" "pct_income_split_printed_music_sales-hire","In 2019 you earned [QID15-ChoiceGroup-SelectedAnswers-2]. How did the income you generated from your music career split across the following sources? Your answer must add up to 100%. If there are any you don't do, please put 0.If you aren't sure, please make your best estimate. - Printed music sales/hire" "pct_income_split_other","In 2019 you earned [QID15-ChoiceGroup-SelectedAnswers-2]. How did the income you generated from your music career split across the following sources? Your answer must add up to 100%. If there are any you don't do, please put 0.If you aren't sure, please make your best estimate. - Other" "pct_earlier_income_split_live_performances","You said you were earning approximately [QID20-ChoiceGroup-SelectedChoices] a year before the use of online music streaming services was widespread (2015). Thinking about your earnings during this time, how did the income you generated from your music career typically split across the following sources? Your answer must add up to 100%. If there are any you don't do, please put 0. If you aren't sure, please make your best estimate. - Live performances" "pct_earlier_income_split_audio_streaming_royalties","You said you were earning approximately [QID20-ChoiceGroup-SelectedChoices] a year before the use of online music streaming services was widespread (2015). Thinking about your earnings during this time, how did the income you generated from your music career typically split across the following sources? Your answer must add up to 100%. If there are any you don't do, please put 0. If you aren't sure, please make your best estimate. - Audio streaming royalties" "pct_earlier_income_split_video_streaming_royalties","You said you were earning approximately [QID20-ChoiceGroup-SelectedChoices] a year before the use of online music streaming services was widespread (2015). Thinking about your earnings during this time, how did the income you generated from your music career typically split across the following sources? Your answer must add up to 100%. If there are any you don't do, please put 0. If you aren't sure, please make your best estimate. - Video streaming royalties" "pct_earlier_income_split_other_online_revenue_eg_ads-promo_etc","You said you were earning approximately [QID20-ChoiceGroup-SelectedChoices] a year before the use of online music streaming services was widespread (2015). Thinking about your earnings during this time, how did the income you generated from your music career typically split across the following sources? Your answer must add up to 100%. If there are any you don't do, please put 0. If you aren't sure, please make your best estimate. - Other online revenue (e.g. ads/promo etc.)" "pct_earlier_income_split_digital_sales_eg_downloads","You said you were earning approximately [QID20-ChoiceGroup-SelectedChoices] a year before the use of online music streaming services was widespread (2015). Thinking about your earnings during this time, how did the income you generated from your music career typically split across the following sources? Your answer must add up to 100%. If there are any you don't do, please put 0. If you aren't sure, please make your best estimate. - Digital sales (e.g. downloads)" "pct_earlier_income_split_physical_sales_eg_cd_and_vinyl","You said you were earning approximately [QID20-ChoiceGroup-SelectedChoices] a year before the use of online music streaming services was widespread (2015). Thinking about your earnings during this time, how did the income you generated from your music career typically split across the following sources? Your answer must add up to 100%. If there are any you don't do, please put 0. If you aren't sure, please make your best estimate. - Physical sales (e.g. CD and vinyl)" "pct_earlier_income_split_brand-sponsorship_deals","You said you were earning approximately [QID20-ChoiceGroup-SelectedChoices] a year before the use of online music streaming services was widespread (2015). Thinking about your earnings during this time, how did the income you generated from your music career typically split across the following sources? Your answer must add up to 100%. If there are any you don't do, please put 0. If you aren't sure, please make your best estimate. - Brand/sponsorship deals" "pct_earlier_income_split_direct_licensing-sync_eg_use_of_music_in_film_tv_games_etc","You said you were earning approximately [QID20-ChoiceGroup-SelectedChoices] a year before the use of online music streaming services was widespread (2015). Thinking about your earnings during this time, how did the income you generated from your music career typically split across the following sources? Your answer must add up to 100%. If there are any you don't do, please put 0. If you aren't sure, please make your best estimate. - Direct licensing/sync (e.g. use of music in film, TV, games etc.)" "pct_earlier_income_split_session_or_orchestral_work_eg_studio_recordings","You said you were earning approximately [QID20-ChoiceGroup-SelectedChoices] a year before the use of online music streaming services was widespread (2015). Thinking about your earnings during this time, how did the income you generated from your music career typically split across the following sources? Your answer must add up to 100%. If there are any you don't do, please put 0. If you aren't sure, please make your best estimate. - Session or orchestral work (e.g. studio recordings)" "pct_earlier_income_split_advances_eg_recording_publishing_advance","You said you were earning approximately [QID20-ChoiceGroup-SelectedChoices] a year before the use of online music streaming services was widespread (2015). Thinking about your earnings during this time, how did the income you generated from your music career typically split across the following sources? Your answer must add up to 100%. If there are any you don't do, please put 0. If you aren't sure, please make your best estimate. - Advances (e.g. recording, publishing advance)" "pct_earlier_income_split_teaching_music","You said you were earning approximately [QID20-ChoiceGroup-SelectedChoices] a year before the use of online music streaming services was widespread (2015). Thinking about your earnings during this time, how did the income you generated from your music career typically split across the following sources? Your answer must add up to 100%. If there are any you don't do, please put 0. If you aren't sure, please make your best estimate. - Teaching music" "pct_earlier_income_split_broadcast_eg_radio_and_tv_use_of_your_music","You said you were earning approximately [QID20-ChoiceGroup-SelectedChoices] a year before the use of online music streaming services was widespread (2015). Thinking about your earnings during this time, how did the income you generated from your music career typically split across the following sources? Your answer must add up to 100%. If there are any you don't do, please put 0. If you aren't sure, please make your best estimate. - Broadcast (e.g. radio and TV use of your music)" "pct_earlier_income_split_merchandise","You said you were earning approximately [QID20-ChoiceGroup-SelectedChoices] a year before the use of online music streaming services was widespread (2015). Thinking about your earnings during this time, how did the income you generated from your music career typically split across the following sources? Your answer must add up to 100%. If there are any you don't do, please put 0. If you aren't sure, please make your best estimate. - Merchandise" "pct_earlier_income_split_mechanical_royalties","You said you were earning approximately [QID20-ChoiceGroup-SelectedChoices] a year before the use of online music streaming services was widespread (2015). Thinking about your earnings during this time, how did the income you generated from your music career typically split across the following sources? Your answer must add up to 100%. If there are any you don't do, please put 0. If you aren't sure, please make your best estimate. - Mechanical royalties" "pct_earlier_income_split_public_performance_eg_music_played_in_shops","You said you were earning approximately [QID20-ChoiceGroup-SelectedChoices] a year before the use of online music streaming services was widespread (2015). Thinking about your earnings during this time, how did the income you generated from your music career typically split across the following sources? Your answer must add up to 100%. If there are any you don't do, please put 0. If you aren't sure, please make your best estimate. - Public performance (e.g. music played in shops)" "pct_earlier_income_split_commissions_for_broadcast-other_media_eg_tv_programmes_films_games","You said you were earning approximately [QID20-ChoiceGroup-SelectedChoices] a year before the use of online music streaming services was widespread (2015). Thinking about your earnings during this time, how did the income you generated from your music career typically split across the following sources? Your answer must add up to 100%. If there are any you don't do, please put 0. If you aren't sure, please make your best estimate. - Commissions for broadcast/other media (e.g. TV programmes, films, games)" "pct_earlier_income_split_commissions_for_stage_eg_theatre_productions","You said you were earning approximately [QID20-ChoiceGroup-SelectedChoices] a year before the use of online music streaming services was widespread (2015). Thinking about your earnings during this time, how did the income you generated from your music career typically split across the following sources? Your answer must add up to 100%. If there are any you don't do, please put 0. If you aren't sure, please make your best estimate. - Commissions for stage (e.g. theatre productions)" "pct_earlier_income_split_printed_music_sales-hire","You said you were earning approximately [QID20-ChoiceGroup-SelectedChoices] a year before the use of online music streaming services was widespread (2015). Thinking about your earnings during this time, how did the income you generated from your music career typically split across the following sources? Your answer must add up to 100%. If there are any you don't do, please put 0. If you aren't sure, please make your best estimate. - Printed music sales/hire" "pct_earlier_income_split_other","You said you were earning approximately [QID20-ChoiceGroup-SelectedChoices] a year before the use of online music streaming services was widespread (2015). Thinking about your earnings during this time, how did the income you generated from your music career typically split across the following sources? Your answer must add up to 100%. If there are any you don't do, please put 0. If you aren't sure, please make your best estimate. - Other" "profitability_group_2019","Which statement best describes you in terms of the money spent vs. made on your music career in 2019?" "profitability_group_before_2015","And in the years before streaming was widespread (i.e. 2015) what, on average, best describes you in relation to the money spent vs money made on your music career?" "rec_finance_label","How do you typically fund your recordings? Please select all that apply. - Record company (i.e. a recording contract)" "rec_finance_self_music","How do you typically fund your recordings? Please select all that apply. - Self-funded from other music income" "rec_finance_self_other","How do you typically fund your recordings? Please select all that apply. - Self-funded from non-music income" "rec_finance_public","How do you typically fund your recordings? Please select all that apply. - Public funding (e.g Arts Council, Creative Scotland)" "rec_finance_prs_fund","How do you typically fund your recordings? Please select all that apply. - Trade organisation funding (e.g. PRS Foundation)" "rec_finance_crowdfunding","How do you typically fund your recordings? Please select all that apply. - Crowdfunding" "rec_finance_corporate","How do you typically fund your recordings? Please select all that apply. - Corporate funding (e.g. branded content)" "rec_finance_management","How do you typically fund your recordings? Please select all that apply. - Management company" "rec_finance_publishing","How do you typically fund your recordings? Please select all that apply. - Funded by publishing company" "rec_finance_other","How do you typically fund your recordings? Please select all that apply. - Other" "rec_finance_none","How do you typically fund your recordings? Please select all that apply. - I haven't funded any recordings" "type_recording_release","How are the recordings that you have performed on or written usually released?" "type_recording_distributor","Do you ever release music through a digital distribution company (e.g. Distrokid, Ditto Music, Tunecore)?" "mc_self_release_distributor","How do you distribute your self-released recordings? - Selected Choice - Distributor (e.g. CD Baby, Ditto Music, Distrokid; Tunecore)" "mc_self_release_enhanced","How do you distribute your self-released recordings? - Selected Choice - Distributor with enhanced services (marketing, label services, physical distribution) (e.g. AWAL, Ditto Music Plus)" "mc_self_release_soundcloud_youtube","How do you distribute your self-released recordings? - Selected Choice - I distribute my music directly via digital platforms (e.g. Soundcloud, YouTube)" "mc_self_release_bandcamp","How do you distribute your self-released recordings? - Selected Choice - I distribute my music (digital and physical) directly via digital platforms (e.g. Bandcamp)" "self_release_other","How do you distribute your self-released recordings? - Selected Choice - Other, please specify" "self_release_text","How do you distribute your self-released recordings? - Other, please specify - Text" "type_publishing_contract","Do you have a music publishing contract/s?" "publishing_royalty_rate","What is the main royalty rate? - Selected Choice" "publishing_royalty_rate_num","What is the main royalty rate? - Main royalty rate - Text" "type_publisher","What kind of music publishing company have you been signed to?" "is_membership_cmo","Are you a member of a collecting society (e.g. PRS for Music, PPL, MCPS)?" "mc_platform_amazon","Which of the following online platforms have you or a representative uploaded your music to? Please select all that apply. - Selected Choice - Amazon music" "mc_platform_apple","Which of the following online platforms have you or a representative uploaded your music to? Please select all that apply. - Selected Choice - Apple Music" "mc_platform_bandcamp","Which of the following online platforms have you or a representative uploaded your music to? Please select all that apply. - Selected Choice - Bandcamp" "mc_platform_deezer","Which of the following online platforms have you or a representative uploaded your music to? Please select all that apply. - Selected Choice - Deezer" "mc_platform_itunes","Which of the following online platforms have you or a representative uploaded your music to? Please select all that apply. - Selected Choice - iTunes" "mc_platform_mixcloud","Which of the following online platforms have you or a representative uploaded your music to? Please select all that apply. - Selected Choice - Mixcloud" "mc_platform_soundcloud","Which of the following online platforms have you or a representative uploaded your music to? Please select all that apply. - Selected Choice - SoundCloud" "mc_platform_spotify","Which of the following online platforms have you or a representative uploaded your music to? Please select all that apply. - Selected Choice - Spotify" "mc_platform_none","Which of the following online platforms have you or a representative uploaded your music to? Please select all that apply. - Selected Choice - My music isn't available online platforms" "mc_platform_tidal","Which of the following online platforms have you or a representative uploaded your music to? Please select all that apply. - Selected Choice - Tidal" "mc_platform_tiktok","Which of the following online platforms have you or a representative uploaded your music to? Please select all that apply. - Selected Choice - TikTok" "mc_platform_triller","Which of the following online platforms have you or a representative uploaded your music to? Please select all that apply. - Selected Choice - Triller" "mc_platform_twitch","Which of the following online platforms have you or a representative uploaded your music to? Please select all that apply. - Selected Choice - Twitch" "mc_platform_vimeo","Which of the following online platforms have you or a representative uploaded your music to? Please select all that apply. - Selected Choice - Vimeo" "mc_platform_youtube","Which of the following online platforms have you or a representative uploaded your music to? Please select all that apply. - Selected Choice - YouTube" "mc_platform_youtube_user_generated","Which of the following online platforms have you or a representative uploaded your music to? Please select all that apply. - Selected Choice - My music has been uploaded to online platforms by other people (e.g. YouTube user generated content)" "mc_platform_other","Which of the following online platforms have you or a representative uploaded your music to? Please select all that apply. - Selected Choice - Other (Please specify)" "platform_text","Which of the following online platforms have you or a representative uploaded your music to? Please select all that apply. - Other (Please specify) - Text" "mc_role_streaming_release_composer-songwriter","How would you describe your role on the music tracks you've been involved in creating that have been uploaded to streaming platforms? You can select more than one. - Composer/songwriter" "mc_role_streaming_release_performer_featured_artist","How would you describe your role on the music tracks you've been involved in creating that have been uploaded to streaming platforms? You can select more than one. - Performer: featured artist" "mc_role_streaming_release_performer_session_or_orchestral_musician","How would you describe your role on the music tracks you've been involved in creating that have been uploaded to streaming platforms? You can select more than one. - Performer: session or orchestral musician" "mc_role_streaming_release_producer","How would you describe your role on the music tracks you've been involved in creating that have been uploaded to streaming platforms? You can select more than one. - Producer" "mc_role_streaming_release_engineer","How would you describe your role on the music tracks you've been involved in creating that have been uploaded to streaming platforms? You can select more than one. - Engineer" "mc_role_streaming_release_dj","How would you describe your role on the music tracks you've been involved in creating that have been uploaded to streaming platforms? You can select more than one. - DJ" "mc_role_streaming_release_other","How would you describe your role on the music tracks you've been involved in creating that have been uploaded to streaming platforms? You can select more than one. - Other" "approx_number_streaming_release","And approximately how many tracks that you have been involved in creating are available via streaming services?" "importance_streaming","How important is streaming in terms of getting your music to audiences?" "importance_streaming_money","How important is streaming in relation to... - Money earned" "importance_streaming_audience","How important is streaming in relation to... - Growing my audience" "importance_streaming_crosssale","How important is streaming in relation to... - Generating income from other music sources" "understand_royalties_group","To what extent do you understand your music streaming royalties? - Group" "understand_royalties_num","To what extent do you understand your music streaming royalties?" "understand_royalties_factor","To what extent is it easy or difficult is it to find out about your royalties from streaming?" "understand_royalties_other","Is there anything else you'd like to tell us?" "mc_genre_afrobeat","We recognise that no genre list is comprehensive or definitive: ours is no different. If you don't see an appropriate genre listed please enter those you most closely identify with in the text boxes at the bottom of the list. Or combine genres from the list with other genres/subgenres not listed. Please choose up to 3 options. - Selected Choice - Afrobeat" "mc_genre_classical_western","We recognise that no genre list is comprehensive or definitive: ours is no different. If you don't see an appropriate genre listed please enter those you most closely identify with in the text boxes at the bottom of the list. Or combine genres from the list with other genres/subgenres not listed. Please choose up to 3 options. - Selected Choice - Classical (Western)" "mc_genre_classical_non-western","We recognise that no genre list is comprehensive or definitive: ours is no different. If you don't see an appropriate genre listed please enter those you most closely identify with in the text boxes at the bottom of the list. Or combine genres from the list with other genres/subgenres not listed. Please choose up to 3 options. - Selected Choice - Classical (Non-Western)" "mc_genre_country","We recognise that no genre list is comprehensive or definitive: ours is no different. If you don't see an appropriate genre listed please enter those you most closely identify with in the text boxes at the bottom of the list. Or combine genres from the list with other genres/subgenres not listed. Please choose up to 3 options. - Selected Choice - Country" "mc_genre_desi","We recognise that no genre list is comprehensive or definitive: ours is no different. If you don't see an appropriate genre listed please enter those you most closely identify with in the text boxes at the bottom of the list. Or combine genres from the list with other genres/subgenres not listed. Please choose up to 3 options. - Selected Choice - Desi" "mc_genre_east_asian","We recognise that no genre list is comprehensive or definitive: ours is no different. If you don't see an appropriate genre listed please enter those you most closely identify with in the text boxes at the bottom of the list. Or combine genres from the list with other genres/subgenres not listed. Please choose up to 3 options. - Selected Choice - East Asian" "mc_genre_electronic_dance_music","We recognise that no genre list is comprehensive or definitive: ours is no different. If you don't see an appropriate genre listed please enter those you most closely identify with in the text boxes at the bottom of the list. Or combine genres from the list with other genres/subgenres not listed. Please choose up to 3 options. - Selected Choice - Electronic Dance Music" "mc_genre_folk","We recognise that no genre list is comprehensive or definitive: ours is no different. If you don't see an appropriate genre listed please enter those you most closely identify with in the text boxes at the bottom of the list. Or combine genres from the list with other genres/subgenres not listed. Please choose up to 3 options. - Selected Choice - Folk" "mc_genre_other_genre","We recognise that no genre list is comprehensive or definitive: ours is no different. If you don't see an appropriate genre listed please enter those you most closely identify with in the text boxes at the bottom of the list. Or combine genres from the list with other genres/subgenres not listed. Please choose up to 3 options. - Selected Choice - Other genre - Please state" "mc_genre_grime","We recognise that no genre list is comprehensive or definitive: ours is no different. If you don't see an appropriate genre listed please enter those you most closely identify with in the text boxes at the bottom of the list. Or combine genres from the list with other genres/subgenres not listed. Please choose up to 3 options. - Selected Choice - Grime" "mc_genre_hip_hop","We recognise that no genre list is comprehensive or definitive: ours is no different. If you don't see an appropriate genre listed please enter those you most closely identify with in the text boxes at the bottom of the list. Or combine genres from the list with other genres/subgenres not listed. Please choose up to 3 options. - Selected Choice - Hip Hop" "mc_genre_indie","We recognise that no genre list is comprehensive or definitive: ours is no different. If you don't see an appropriate genre listed please enter those you most closely identify with in the text boxes at the bottom of the list. Or combine genres from the list with other genres/subgenres not listed. Please choose up to 3 options. - Selected Choice - Indie" "mc_genre_jazz","We recognise that no genre list is comprehensive or definitive: ours is no different. If you don't see an appropriate genre listed please enter those you most closely identify with in the text boxes at the bottom of the list. Or combine genres from the list with other genres/subgenres not listed. Please choose up to 3 options. - Selected Choice - Jazz" "mc_genre_latin","We recognise that no genre list is comprehensive or definitive: ours is no different. If you don't see an appropriate genre listed please enter those you most closely identify with in the text boxes at the bottom of the list. Or combine genres from the list with other genres/subgenres not listed. Please choose up to 3 options. - Selected Choice - Latin" "mc_genre_metal","We recognise that no genre list is comprehensive or definitive: ours is no different. If you don't see an appropriate genre listed please enter those you most closely identify with in the text boxes at the bottom of the list. Or combine genres from the list with other genres/subgenres not listed. Please choose up to 3 options. - Selected Choice - Metal" "mc_genre_multi-genre","We recognise that no genre list is comprehensive or definitive: ours is no different. If you don't see an appropriate genre listed please enter those you most closely identify with in the text boxes at the bottom of the list. Or combine genres from the list with other genres/subgenres not listed. Please choose up to 3 options. - Selected Choice - Multi-genre, e.g. function band" "mc_genre_pop","We recognise that no genre list is comprehensive or definitive: ours is no different. If you don't see an appropriate genre listed please enter those you most closely identify with in the text boxes at the bottom of the list. Or combine genres from the list with other genres/subgenres not listed. Please choose up to 3 options. - Selected Choice - Pop" "mc_genre_other","We recognise that no genre list is comprehensive or definitive: ours is no different. If you don't see an appropriate genre listed please enter those you most closely identify with in the text boxes at the bottom of the list. Or combine genres from the list with other genres/subgenres not listed. Please choose up to 3 options. - Selected Choice - Other genre – Please state" "mc_genre_punk","We recognise that no genre list is comprehensive or definitive: ours is no different. If you don't see an appropriate genre listed please enter those you most closely identify with in the text boxes at the bottom of the list. Or combine genres from the list with other genres/subgenres not listed. Please choose up to 3 options. - Selected Choice - Punk" "mc_genre_rb","We recognise that no genre list is comprehensive or definitive: ours is no different. If you don't see an appropriate genre listed please enter those you most closely identify with in the text boxes at the bottom of the list. Or combine genres from the list with other genres/subgenres not listed. Please choose up to 3 options. - Selected Choice - R&B" "mc_genre_reggae","We recognise that no genre list is comprehensive or definitive: ours is no different. If you don't see an appropriate genre listed please enter those you most closely identify with in the text boxes at the bottom of the list. Or combine genres from the list with other genres/subgenres not listed. Please choose up to 3 options. - Selected Choice - Reggae" "mc_genre_rock","We recognise that no genre list is comprehensive or definitive: ours is no different. If you don't see an appropriate genre listed please enter those you most closely identify with in the text boxes at the bottom of the list. Or combine genres from the list with other genres/subgenres not listed. Please choose up to 3 options. - Selected Choice - Rock" "mc_genre_soul","We recognise that no genre list is comprehensive or definitive: ours is no different. If you don't see an appropriate genre listed please enter those you most closely identify with in the text boxes at the bottom of the list. Or combine genres from the list with other genres/subgenres not listed. Please choose up to 3 options. - Selected Choice - Soul" "mc_genre_traditional_english_irish_scottish_welsh","We recognise that no genre list is comprehensive or definitive: ours is no different. If you don't see an appropriate genre listed please enter those you most closely identify with in the text boxes at the bottom of the list. Or combine genres from the list with other genres/subgenres not listed. Please choose up to 3 options. - Selected Choice - Traditional (English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh)" "mc_genre_traditional_non_uk_irish","We recognise that no genre list is comprehensive or definitive: ours is no different. If you don't see an appropriate genre listed please enter those you most closely identify with in the text boxes at the bottom of the list. Or combine genres from the list with other genres/subgenres not listed. Please choose up to 3 options. - Selected Choice - Traditional (Non-UK and Ireland)" "mc_genre_other_1","We recognise that no genre list is comprehensive or definitive: ours is no different. If you don't see an appropriate genre listed please enter those you most closely identify with in the text boxes at the bottom of the list. Or combine genres from the list with other genres/subgenres not listed. Please choose up to 3 options. - Selected Choice - Other genre – Please state" "genre_other_text_1","We recognise that no genre list is comprehensive or definitive: ours is no different. If you don't see an appropriate genre listed please enter those you most closely identify with in the text boxes at the bottom of the list. Or combine genres from the list with other genres/subgenres not listed. Please choose up to 3 options. - Other genre - Please state - Text" "genre_other_text_2","We recognise that no genre list is comprehensive or definitive: ours is no different. If you don't see an appropriate genre listed please enter those you most closely identify with in the text boxes at the bottom of the list. Or combine genres from the list with other genres/subgenres not listed. Please choose up to 3 options. - Other genre – Please state - Text" "genre_other_text_3","We recognise that no genre list is comprehensive or definitive: ours is no different. If you don't see an appropriate genre listed please enter those you most closely identify with in the text boxes at the bottom of the list. Or combine genres from the list with other genres/subgenres not listed. Please choose up to 3 options. - Other genre – Please state - Text" "gender_non_conforming","Are you... - Prefer to self describe - Text" "social_media_followers","Approximately how many followers do you have across all social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc.) you are active on?" "monthly_streams","When you upload a piece of music to a streaming platform, on average, how many plays does it get after about a month of being available online? Please count plays across all platforms to estimate the total number."