{ "name": "mica-muskrat-and-coypu-20211021150814", "id": "95a58d6b-b7ba-475d-8144-10b0dda67d9f", "profile": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tdwg/camtrap-dp/0.1.6/camtrap-dp-profile.json", "created": "2021-10-21T15:08:14Z", "sources": [ { "title": "Agouti", "path": "https://www.agouti.eu", "email": "agouti@wur.nl" } ], "contributors": [ { "title": "Abel De Boer", "email": "adeboer@wetterskipfryslan.nl", "role": "contributor" }, { "title": "Axel Neukermans", "email": "axel.neukermans@inbo.be", "path": "https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0272-9180", "role": "author", "organization": "Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO)" }, { "title": "Björn Matthies", "email": "bjoern.matthies@lwk-niedersachsen.de", "role": "contributor" }, { "title": "Casper Herbots", "email": "Casper.herbots@gmail.com", "role": "contributor" }, { "title": "Claudia Maistrelli", "email": "claudia.maistrelli@tiho-hannover.de", "role": "contributor" }, { "title": "Danny Van der beeck", "email": "daniel.vanderbeeck@gmail.com", "role": "contributor" }, { "title": "Dan Slootmaekers", "email": "d.slootmaekers@vmm.be", "role": "contributor" }, { "title": "Dennis Donckers", "email": "dennis.donckers2@telenet.be", "role": "contributor" }, { "title": "Dolf Moerkens", "email": "dmoerkens@uvw.nl", "path": "https://www.uvw.nl/", "role": "contributor", "organization": "Unie van Waterschappen" }, { "title": "Emma Cartuyvels", "email": "emma.cartuyvels@inbo.be", "path": "https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7856-6360", "role": "author", "organization": "Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO)" }, { "title": "Frank Huysentruyt", "email": "frank.huysentruyt@inbo.be", "path": "http://orcid.org/0000-0002-3071-9126", "role": "contributor", "organization": "Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO)" }, { "title": "Friederike Gethöffer", "email": "friederike.gethoeffer@tiho-hannover.de", "role": "contributor" }, { "title": "Heiko Fritz", "email": "foersterheiko@gmx.de", "role": "contributor" }, { "title": "Jan Lodewijkx", "email": "j.lodewijkx@vmm.be", "role": "contributor" }, { "title": "Jim Casaer", "email": "jim.casaer@inbo.be", "role": "maintainer" }, { "title": "Kurt Schamp", "email": "kurt.schamp@inbo.be", "role": "contributor" }, { "title": "Lilja Fromme", "email": "lilja.fromme@tiho-hannover.de", "role": "contributor" }, { "title": "Lydia Liebgott", "email": "lydia.liebgott@tiho-hannover.de", "role": "contributor" }, { "title": "Peter Desmet", "email": "peter.desmet@inbo.be", "path": "https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8442-8025", "role": "maintainer", "organization": "Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO)" }, { "title": "Tim Adriaens", "email": "tim.adriaens@inbo.be", "path": "https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7268-4200", "role": "contributor", "organization": "​Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO)" }, { "title": "Yorick Liefting", "email": "yorick.liefting@wur.nl", "role": "maintainer", "organization": "Wageningen University" } ], "organizations": [ { "title": "Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO)", "path": "https://inbo.be" } ], "project": { "id": "86cabc14-d475-4439-98a7-e7b590bed60e", "title": "MICA - Muskrat and Coypu", "description": "This project is part of the LIFE project MICA, in which innovative techniques are tested for a more efficient control of muskrat and coypu populations, both invasive species. Camera traps were located in areas where the presence of muskrat and/or coypu was suspected. The resulting data are published to Zenodo (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4893243) and GBIF (https://doi.org/10.15468/5tb6ze).", "samplingDesign": "targeted", "captureMethod": [ "motion detection", "time lapse" ], "animalTypes": [ "unmarked" ], "classificationLevel": "sequence", "sequenceInterval": 120 }, "spatial": { "type": "Feature", "bbox": [ 3.51755, 50.69905, 7.0243, 53.40744 ], "properties": {}, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ 3.51755, 50.69905 ], [ 7.0243, 50.69905 ], [ 7.0243, 53.40744 ], [ 3.51755, 53.40744 ], [ 3.51755, 50.69905 ] ] ] } }, "temporal": { "start": "2019-09-18", "end": "2021-10-08" }, "taxonomic": [ { "taxonID": "93V5", "taxonIDReference": "https://www.catalogueoflife.org", "scientificName": "Accipiter gentilis", "taxonRank": "species", "vernacularNames": { "en": "northern goshawk", "nl": "havik" } }, { "taxonID": "9L7Y", "taxonIDReference": "https://www.catalogueoflife.org", "scientificName": "Acrocephalus schoenobaenus", "taxonRank": "species", "vernacularNames": { "en": "sedge warbler", "nl": "rietzanger" } }, { "taxonID": "5TV4F", "taxonIDReference": "https://www.catalogueoflife.org", "scientificName": "Aix galericulata", "taxonRank": "species", "vernacularNames": { "en": "mandarin duck", "nl": "mandarijneend" } }, { "taxonID": "BDDV", "taxonIDReference": "https://www.catalogueoflife.org", "scientificName": "Aix sponsa", "taxonRank": "species", "vernacularNames": { "en": "wood duck", "nl": "carolina-eend" } }, { "taxonID": "667V7", "taxonIDReference": "https://www.catalogueoflife.org", "scientificName": "Alcedo atthis", "taxonRank": "species", "vernacularNames": { "en": "common kingfisher", "nl": "ijsvogel" } }, { "taxonID": "C5KM", "taxonIDReference": "https://www.catalogueoflife.org", "scientificName": "Alopochen aegyptiaca", "taxonRank": "species", "vernacularNames": { "en": "Egyptian goose", "nl": "nijlgans" } }, { "taxonID": "V8R", "taxonIDReference": "https://www.catalogueoflife.org", "scientificName": 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