doi text_id text sdg labels_negative labels_positive agreement 10.6027/9789289342698-7-en 00021941702cd84171ff33962197ca1f "From a gender perspective, Paulgaard points out that the labour markets of the fishing villages have been highly gender-segregated in terms of the existence of ""male jobs"" and ""female jobs""; however, the new business opportunities have led to the male population of the peripheral areas now working in the service industry in former ""female jobs"": ""That boys and girls are doing the same jobs indicates change, because traditional boundaries between women and men's work are being crossed. But the fact that young people are still working represents continuity with the past"" (Paulgaard 2002: 102). When Paulgaard refers to continuity with traditions, she refers to the expectations of young adults to participate in adult culture, thus these fishing villages traditionally have no actual youth culture. As described earlier, Paulgaard (2015) concludes that in some of Norway's peripheral areas school is still 'foreign', a time waster stealing time from young adults who should instead spend their time on what is considered to be ""real"" work." 5 1 7 0.75 10.18356/eca72908-en 00028349a7f9b2485ff344ae44ccfd6b Labour legislation regulates maximum working hours, industrial safety, minimum wages and benefits for workers and the prevention of child labour, but enforcement, if any, is weak. Therefore, the immigration laws applicable in Western countries cannot be applied to these workers. T. H. including basic public services. ,, 11 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264289062-4-en 0004eb64f96e1620cd852603d9cbe4d4 The average figure also masks large differences across regions in Kazakhstan. The number of annual contacts ranges from 2.0 in Astana to 9.7 in Mangystau, and some parts of the population are likely to have very limited access to primary care. In addition, poor coverage of outpatient prescription medicines limits both the effectiveness (and appeal) of care at PHC level. 3 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/5k9b7bn5qzvd-en 0006a887475ccfa5a7f5f51d4ac83d02 The extent to which they are akin to corruption is difficult to assess. In 2005, the government implemented an anti-corruption campaign, which decreased the frequency of informal payments. The Ministry' of Health too has been taking steps to reduce corruption and fraud. In 2009, the European Healthcare Fraud and Corruption Network Excellence Award was granted to Mrs. Ewa Kopacz, then Minister of Health, for her anti-corruption and anti-fraud actions. 3 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264258211-6-en 0006d6e7593776abbdf4a6f985ea6d95 A region reporting a higher rate will not earn points for this indicator. This means for example that activities that were carried out in 2012 are rewarded financially through the P4P scheme in 2014. The level of payment in the P4P scheme is set deliberately low at the start of the programme to avoid gaming and crowding out intrinsic motivation. 3 2 2 0.0 10.1787/5js4xfgl4ks0-en 000b54717f2deea5d99055b4c1c2bf5a These findings are consistent with previous work that examined differences in wage inequality across countries (Blau and Khan, 2005; Fournier and Koske, 2012). Returns to education are also found to be an important role in explaining the rise in earnings inequality (see Autor, 2014). In these countries, however, the magnitude of the contribution is quite small. Two types of explanation are commonly proposed in the literature. The first emphasises relative supply and demand for skills: characteristics in lower (net) supply get higher rewards. The second, emphasises the role played by labour market institutions such as minimum wages, the degree of unionisation and the rules governing wage bargaining. 10 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264285712-7-en 000bc99895142f9b6795ddf402e16e9a Each section states the economic principle, reviews international good practice and discusses the situation in Brazil. Drawing from international experiences, it concludes with sketching some policy recommendations. The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law. A first observation is that regardless of the constitutional setting (federal or unitary), in the most advanced systems, water abstraction charges are commonly managed at sub-national levels. 6 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264117563-8-en 000bfb17e9f3a00d4515ab59c5c487e7 The Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research station monitors the quantity and quality of water along the coastline of the Mediterranean Sea. The Nature and Parks Authority (NPA) monitors water quality in rivers on behalf of the MoEP. Mekorot and local authorities monitor drinking water quality under the supervision of the Ministry of Health. The Ministry of Health monitors effluent quality prior to its use in the agricultural sector. 6 0 3 1.0 10.18356/805b1ae4-en 001180f5dd9a821e651ed51e30d0cf8c Previous chapters have discussed ways to make food systems more supportive of food security and better nutrition. Nutrition-sensitive food systems can give consumers better options, but ultimately it is consumers who choose what they eat. What consumers choose to eat influences their own nutritional outcomes and sends signals back through the food system - to retailers, processors and producers - that shape both what is produced and how sustainably it is produced. 2 0 3 1.0 10.1787/1826beee-en 0014f8ae09b458434c107236c86c2c38 To encourage N runoff reductions by farmers, the government set up a cap to current loads and a buy-back 20% of the quotas. Farmers received allocations and were encouraged to reduce their nitrogen emissions to gain from selling water discharge allowances. Reducing soil erosion brings longterm soil-productivity gains and additional benefits, mainly improving water quality by reducing agricultural nonpoint pollution in drinking water (including fertiliser runoff, leaching, and nutrient contamination). Other conservation programmes that were initiated alongside the CRP included Swampbuster, Sodbuster, and Conservation Compliance. 6 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/agr/outlook-2010-4-en 001947921f75e9d49041afcb5886b3f7 The distinction needs to be made between normal risks that are frequent but generate limited damage and catastrophic risks that are rare but have large consequences for individuals or regions. These latter risks should be the main focus of policy actions, keeping in mind the pre-existing policy environment and the whole set of risks affecting the targeted population. Ex ante measures for risk mitigation, in particular income tax smoothing systems for agriculture are also used. 2 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264310278-en 001f1aee4013cb098da17a979c38bc57 Prescription rates appear to be higher where labour force participation is lower. There is also a possible relationship between drug use and disability. This may arise after the definition of disability was extended to include chronic conditions. Krueger (2017(47)) found that around one-fifth of the non-participating prime age males were also regularly taking opioid painkillers. 8 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264235120-8-en 00207cdcd22dc31a0239df13a04e3558 By contrast, the share of working-age households with a working man remained relatively stable (at 76%) over time in most countries (Panel A). Germany, nevertheless, witnessed a significant decline (by about 15 percentage points) in men’s employment participation among households during this period. A. Households with a male worker Panel. In Spain, for instance, in 1995 only 22% (25%) of households had a woman working full-time (full-year), compared to 42% (52%) in the year prior to the crisis. Dutch women are now working more weeks per year, though not more hours per week. 5 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264225442-29-en 002363dc0399349925c2dd768365dd6d Parents pay a maximum fee for kindergarten only (between 15.8% and 22.5% of total costs in 2011, depending on whether the kindergarten is public or private). Counties are responsible for upper secondary education, which they finance through taxes and block grants. Costs in this sector vary considerably from one region to another. Additional state subsidies and provisions are given to avoid regional disparities. Private kindergartens (50% of all kindergartens) are also financed by the state through the block grants to municipalities. 4 0 7 1.0 10.1787/85b52daf-en 0027c15f32637adab79d770bdc8827e9 It does not include activities where the support for the private sector is channelled through public sector agencies e.g. credit lines through state owned banks or challenge funds managed by NGOs, which are covered in the second category. This approach has been used in two previous OECD analyses in Miyamoto and Chiofalo (2015) and Miyamoto and Biousse (2014). This approach has been used in a previous OECD analysis in Brown and Wang (2015). 13 8 1 0.7777777777777778 10.18356/0488519d-en 0029009b33c6606b783ebda5862854db The rapid assessment takes into account the damage and losses for selected sectors such as housing, infrastructure and agriculture, with disaster risk reduction as a cross cutting sector. This will be a step-by-step guide on conducting rapid damage assessments for the selected sectors using space, geospatial modelling, crowdsourcing and other web-based technology. The manual was pilot tested following the PDNA for the 2015 Nepal earthquakes and the methodology was reviewed by experts. 13 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/eco/surveys-chn-2010-11-en 00292cb0ff962be83dcf67a84a0da691 For those individuals, out-of-pocket expenses average 78% of average annual income in rural areas, even with the new insurance system. For most of the decade to 2003, the number of visits to township medical centres (hospitals) had been falling, while in urban areas a similar institution did not exist. The two new insurance-based schemes were accompanied by a strategy to orient people to existing township centres and to create new urban community health centres at the level of the neighbourhood committee. 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5k46dbzhrkhl-en 0029819789475dec26a4c2c986fda78e Alastair Wood co-ordinated the production process, Maria Consolati and Louis Scott provided invaluable secretariat assistance. For example, the majority of poor people are principally dependent on agriculture but, in turn, society is dependent on farmers managing land well to sustain water supplies, biodiversity and other environmental services. Such relationships are dynamic and increasingly intense: climate change, rising population, resource scarcities and price volatilities put them all under pressure. 13 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/9789264096356-en 0029c6c6f02eab58b0ae567c866e8ca8 In the present case, LCOE were calculated including a carbon price of USD 30 per tonne of CO2. The advantage of nuclear energy in this context is that its average cost remains very stable in the light of changes in the fuel or in the carbon price. In particular, it is protected against fuel price changes by the low proportion of fuel costs in the total lifetime costs of nuclear power generation. Overnight costs include construction and contingency costs but exclude IDC. 7 1 5 0.6666666666666666 10.1787/9789264230750-8-en 002a903707a6ce3e88ec3c91e846dc6d It builds on the nine years of basic education (six years of primary school and three years of junior secondary school). Students entering senior secondary school can attend either a more academically oriented school or vocational school. This applies in both the Islamic and non-Islamic systems. Formal senior secondary education comprises general education (sekolah menengah atas, or SMA), vocational education (sekolah menengah kejuruan, or SMK), Islamic senior secondary schools (madrasah aliyah, or MA) and Islamic vocational education (madrasah aliyah kejuruan, or MAK). This chapter concentrates largely on the provision of academic senior secondary education, while Chapter 5 considers the vocational side. Work is under way to develop community colleges and alternative routes to further and higher education. 4 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264202276-9-en 002f6840660d0e3051543f0ba55c82ca Several hotels and universities have also contracted private firm to construct wastewater treatment plants. Certain groups of consumers - particularly in industry tourism, commerce and agriculture - are expected to pay a tariff reflecting the full cost of water service provision. An increase in the water tariff was approved in late 2010, potentially helping to improve cost recovery, but the Ministry of Water and Irrigation stated in June 2012 that tariffs would not increase further in the near future. 7 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/785f021c-en 002f6f9f29c3c2e9301602b4c8dcc141 Eventually, a higher discretionary income yields a diversified demand for manufactured goods, as demand and consequently expenditure shifts away from agricultural products towards manufactured goods. This new demand, in turn, leads to the creation of new industries and new varieties of products in the economy (process of diversification), which is a key component of sustainable long-term economic development (Saviotti and Pyka, 2004). Demand for new products as well as the desire of firms to become more profitable triggers a process of diversification and consolidation within the manufacturing sector. 9 1 3 0.5 10.18356/31959a6d-en 002fecbf54ca76030de11cc21d087a7d Indeed, the level of benefits provided by NC schemes is often too modest. Given the large differences between contributory and NC pension benefit levels, even full NC coverage does not necessarily mean equal protection or equal rights. In fact, most countries have adopted means-tested designs in their NC pension pillars and universal schemes exist only in a few of them. 5 7 2 0.5555555555555556 10.18356/bb1b1617-en 0030a34b80a08877dd7e98dfa41bfc10 Recognising that this could not continue indefinitely, attention has turned to the management of water demand by measures such as water pricing mechanisms, reduction of water losses, water reuse and recycling, increasing the efficiency of domestic, agricultural and industrial water uses, and water saving campaigns supported by public education. Reducing water demand can bring additional benefits in decreased pollution discharges and lower energy consumption. At the household level, this is largely a matter of combining water-efficient installations with raising awareness, industrial users have reduced water use by recycling, reuse, changing production processes, using more efficient technologies and reducing leakage. 6 1 3 0.5 10.1787/5js4vmp5n5r8-en 00318d358a0c012f7d22cc91cfc5ab65 These signs are topped with a distinctive yellow beacon cap and walking person icon. These features makes the signs easy to spot within the urban environment and when viewed from a distance. Each monolith has two maps, a finder map which displays a 5-minute walking circle, and a planner map which displays a 15-minute walking circle. The maps illustrate significant landmarks in 3D, helping users identify the urban environment and also serving as 'mental navigational tools’. 8 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264289062-4-en 0033a165843817c6af43ae9e802dd189 In the last decade, and particularly since 2010, the number of discharges per capita has tended to decrease, and is now in line with the OECD average mentioned previously. For example, rural dwellers represent 43% of the population but only 32% of hospital attendances. In the absence of additional information, it not possible to determine whether or not this difference signals disparities in access for rural populations, and if so, whether the drivers are geographic, cultural or infrastructural. No data appear to be collected on access to care from the patient perspective, which would aid in understanding the nature of (and remedies for) barriers to access. Overall, it is not possible to determine with the available data whether patient income or socio-economic characteristics play a role in reaching the hospital gates or being admitted. Uneven access probably also stems from the inability of facilities across regions to provide the same services. 3 0 4 1.0 10.14217/967bd43c-en 0033dadef04b7adbdd14320547f92c95 This paper examines the effects of child, early and forced marriages (CEFM) within the Commonwealth, with a specific focus on East Africa, and highlights how to best address the issue using international, regional, and national legal norms and judicial processes currently in place. The East African countries examined are Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda and Tanzania. The introduction is then followed by the background section which gives a historical overview of CEFM at the global level. 5 1 7 0.75 10.1787/9789264097551-en 0034e3f6a955d974cccb1565c7b1a0de To respond to these new challenges PSV has been encouraged to develop strong links with business and enterprises, to cover remote areas and to cater for less affluent students. It analyses the impact of the dual sector universities in Australia, short cycle higher education in Scotland, three sub-sectors of Norway’s tertiary education and the emerging non-university higher education in Italy, as well as the vocational education and training in Spain. It discusses the issues of transition, participation and collaboration of different types ofpost-secondary education and analysis the impact of policy changes. 4 0 3 1.0 10.1787/persp/glob/dev-2012-8-en 0037695bd85443c7a051cd9f2bc02cea At the same time, highly unequal countries, like South Africa and Brazil, have relatively stable proportions of the population that believe incomes should be made more equal. The shift in preferences towards redistribution in the BRICS shown in Figure 4.12 is in line with similar findings for OECD countries (OECD, forthcoming). Only in a few OECD countries has no change been found since the late 1980s. Of course, the view that “incomes should be made more (or less) equal” says little about the preferred method for achieving such a change. How these attitudes towards inequality translate into concrete government policy, such as tax and transfer schemes or public service provision, is an important part of the social contract in every country. 10 0 4 1.0 10.18356/cb17bdad-en 003a771b49ec35167101c5842611cd35 Thus,for example, the stigma attached to welfare recipients or the poor increases their disadvantage. Similarly, dignity and recognition wrongs can cause disadvantage.54 Undervaluing women’s work is a recognition wrong that directly causes socio-economic disadvantage; hence the right to equal pay for work of equal value is an important synthesis of the first two dimensions of the right to equality: redressing disadvantage and addressing stigma and stereotyping. This step has been taken by both the CESCR and the CEDAW Committee. Reporting Guidelines”, para 29; CESCR, Ecuador, op. 5 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264264113-7-en 004008a7bcfb140797184b0f00fd675a In Bandung City, 44% of total revenue in 2016 is expected to come in the form of transfers from the national government. A common problem w'ith such automatic transfers is the way they are calculated. The General Allocation Fund is partly allocated based on the registered population in the local governments and does not take into account unregistered population, which is high in the City of Bandung. 11 1 4 0.6 10.14217/7ef450ae-en 0040db696ae17195b13c62cfda9f9a35 Much of the true social, economic and environmental damage of the aftermath of disasters has been undocumented and more needs to be explored on the vulnerability of small and island states, where retreat from the threat is not an option and where those most at risk to the impact of the aftermath may be left unattended and at critical risk. This can amount to over 70 per cent of the total death toll. Some of this arises from the destruction of basic service infrastructure and the disruption of services, when staff, if they can get about, discover vital elements of services which may be damaged or destroyed beyond effective operational use and cannot be fixed. 13 2 2 0.0 10.1787/9789264285637-7-en 0044d13c9660479fe02307d649e95837 It deals with educational outcomes for these groups and analyses the main programmes targeted at them. The chapter places particular emphasis on areas of priority for Chile such as effective ways to use extra resources for disadvantaged students, the monitoring of the learning outcomes of specific student groups, and reflecting Indigenous cultures in the Chilean education system. The chapter also reviews strategies for rural education and the provision and funding of special needs education. First, it describes educational outcomes for these groups of students. Second, it considers the main programmes targeted to specific groups and analyses their strengths and challenges. Finally, the chapter provides some specific policy recommendations. 4 0 4 1.0 10.18356/bf400991-en 0046961c90122366deaaa735e0bcdd88 "The spatial structure and economic development of cities are the most prominent components of these national urban policies. When policymakers decide on important issues such as poverty reduction and economic development, then they classify the activities as either rural or urban. In many instances however, this distinction has been used to show differences between the two settlement patterns, and consistently has overlooked their interlinkages, complementarities and synergies.111' This has been against recorded historical development trends which have shown that, urban-rural linkages include important flows of people, natural resources, capital, goods, ecosystem services, information, technology, ideas and innovation. These are important drivers of economic activities and contribute significantly to overall poverty reduction in a region.*1""This illustrates interdependent, intertwined and complementary functional and productive settlement systems. Strong linkages among urban, rural, peri-urban and other settlements enhance sustainable development, because they channel resources to where they have the largest net economic and social benefits." 11 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264238701-3-en 0047195205677a5bcce79b52e4bfcd51 Groundwater has been discussed in the context of pricing and financing (OECD, 2009a and 2009b), energy (OECD, 2012b), risk management (OECD, 2013e), and broader perspectives covering climate change (OECD, 2013d and 2014a). Groundwater is also featured in the reviews of water reforms at the country level (e.g. Fuentes, 2011; OECD, 2013b). All these reports include sections, sub-sections, paragraphs, or illustrations that relate to groundwater, but they do not convey policy conclusions specifically geared towards the managers of specific types of groundwater, especially in the context of agriculture. First, a consistent observation is that groundwater is generally under-studied and there is a need for more in-depth assessment of groundwater stocks, use, and management practices. 6 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264268791-6-en 004a7d2059eb0a8db0c6c0019f121db9 Further, some documents cannot be approved without a public inquiry'. This is case for the SCoT, PLU/PLUI and SRADDET. Alternatively, a land use authority can also decide to organise more open and participatory forms of engagement to obtain some of the inhabitants and users’ opinions through such practices as citizen conferences, focus groups, opinion polls, public meetings and information leaflets. This latter path has the potential to achieve a consensus among a full set of stakeholders, but it is much harder to organise, and there is always the possibility that no mutually agreeable resolution will emerge. 11 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/5022b3a0-en 004c6621671e366a17fcdf481a1eff48 Although the impacts of these imbalances are not fully apparent in the short run, they pose formidable challenges to the sustainability of development of the LDCs, particularly in the long run. The production system, especially in the agriculture sector, and the livelihoodsof alargemajorityof the people livingin rural and fragile areas are also adversely affected because of the increased frequency of droughts and other extreme weather events associated with climate change. Thus, as ensuring food security becomes increasingly important in these countries as the population grows, measures are needed to protect natural capital and address ecological imbalances. 1 3 6 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/6bf07ffd-en 004cf7b0bbc8f0f761c488a7f15eb866 Some of these interlinkages and synergies are fundamental to facets of building climate change resilience and reducing inequalities. The interlinkages between climate change and other dimensions of development are also well reflected in other Goals. If the frequency and intensity of climate hazards increase, it will be harder for countries to end poverty and hunger, achieve food security, improve nutrition, promote sustainable agriculture and ensure healthy lives (Goals 1-3). 13 0 4 1.0 10.18356/5d345c92-en 004d6337ba90d278081c4b3d6f00a85f Those in the informal sector are often hit hardest by external shocks; lacking effective social protection coverage, they rely on the flexibility of shifting between different, if low-paid, tasks. When adversity strikes they are more isolated, with less access to networks and relationships of support. They can also be disadvantaged when it comes to emergency relief. 1 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264168985-7-en 004d7719d6c26c11427bb3e89535efab Foster capacity-building at all levels of government. This implies combining investment in physical water and sanitation “hard” infrastructure with the provision of “soft’ infrastructure, which is essentially the institutions upon which water outcomes rely. The development of skills, technical expertise and knowledge and the availability of staff and time are preconditions for effective governance of water policy. 6 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264190320-16-en 004df4e1e6a7122fe2876f4342e908d1 At federal level, the National Water Commission (CONAGUA) is the main body in charge of water planning, financing and strategic setting; there is no overarching framework for the provision of water services which, according to the Constitution, is the responsibility of municipalities with varying levels of capacity and resources. The 1992 National Water Law has gradually transferred water resource responsibilities to 13 river basin organisations, which operate as CONAGUA implementing agencies. While some progress has been achieved in better managing interdependencies across stakeholders and creating an overarching framework for water resources management, much remains to be done to overcome the scattered regulatory framework for water services. Irrigation units typically operate without a legal identity and are not organised to voice their concerns. 6 0 3 1.0 10.18356/e9fa9dd4-en 0051d8b43ace1372cb974ebefa2f74d6 "In terms of effective power generation (the actual yield with which the generating plants operate), in 2030 this would represent 5.3% of the electricity matrix, up from 2.9% in 2015 (see figure V33). Proyectos Estrategicos para Seguridad Energdtica Regional (PRESER)"". Proyectos Estratdgicos para Seguridad Energdtica Regional (PRESER)'." 7 3 6 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/1c11fde8-en 0051f5536b0904e2726e406fc32cc82f Pursuant to the judgement, individuals licensed to possess and consume cannabis under the Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regulations may now possess cannabis derivatives for their own personal use, in addition to or instead of dried cannabis herb. Also in June 2015, Health Canada announced amendments to the Narcotic Control Regulations and the Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regulations to further strengthen public health and safety. The new measures respond to requests from medical licensing bodies for increased information on how doctors are authorizing cannabis use. 3 1 3 0.5 10.14217/967bd43c-en 00550a0fe64ba38833102f529118d5be Early marriage, also refers to marriages where both spouses are 18 years and over but certain factors make them unready to consent to marriage, for example their level of physical, emotional, sexual and psychosocial development, or lack of information regarding the person’s life options.10 Within the context of the law in East Africa, CEFM does not have a concrete definition. Most information gathered on CEFM places child marriages into two categories: those married before 15 years and those married before 18 years. This categorisation is of importance as it enables those researching CEFM to understand the trends in various countries. 5 4 1 0.6 10.18356/cc778895-en 0055ba4cc458246f21d008e0363c2821 This points to the possibility that the effects which reductions in inequality have in terms of decreases in poverty levels may be greater than the effects of increases in mean income levels. One possible explanation for this is that increases in income levels are transmitted to the poor segment of the population in the region in a disproportionate (or unequal) manner. These results are similar to those obtained by Franga (2010). This analysis is presented in the following sections. 1 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.18356/5ef1a516-en 0059520388019c9dc0c8dda76c00bd9e In addition to rising sea levels and global temperatures, extreme weather events are becoming more common and natural habitats such as coral reefs are declining. These changes affect people everywhere, but disproportionately harm the poorest and the most vulnerable. Concerted action is urgently needed to stem climate change and strengthen resilience to pervasive and ever-increasing climate-related hazards. 13 0 7 1.0 10.18356/c544899f-en 0059f134c141fe1981c25551eca038ac In contrast, when electricity firms are controlled by investment funds, rather than forming part of transnational companies, there is less opportunity for operational synergies and knowledge transfers within the enterprise. If the presence of investment funds in the sector were to expand, it could produce a business model in which ownership of the assets (by the investment funds) is separated from their management ( in the hands of the electricity firms), in a system similar to that operated by some hotel groups. In that year, it purchased 38% of EDENOR, one of the leading energy distributors in Argentina. Later it increased its interests in this country with other transmission and generating companies. 7 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264119536-12-en 005c6847752feb6153011ac7df757fc4 For most services, the actual consumption approach will be the most appropriate, if actual beneficiaries can be identified. In some cases an insurance value approach may be applicable or even preferable. Such an approach imputes the “insurance value” of coverage to each person based on specific characteristics (such as age, sex, socio-economic position). 10 2 2 0.0 10.1787/eco/surveys-che-2013-5-en 0060bca9e7e186b86b4cf055d487ea36 The implicit tax penalty for married women should also be removed, as the Federal Council is currently considering. More flexibility in working arrangements could further alleviate women’s cost of reconciling work and family life. For instance, facilitating flexi-time, annualised hours, job-sharing, part-time and telework options for both women and men, and creating paternity and/or consecutive, take-it-or-leave-it parental leave could facilitate transition in and out of the labour market. 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264190658-11-en 0061cd999bad3b4e42019b3fb995a958 An appraisal process that only requires one meeting between school leaders and evaluators rather places emphasis on the question whether a result has been achieved or a skill has been demonstrated. Based on an extensive review of literature on school leader appraisal, Leon et al. ( A high frequency of meetings and school visits may increase the effectiveness of these tools to gain a better picture of a school leader’s performance and produce valid information (Pashiardis and Brauckman, 2008). However, the time and efforts required for the longer-term observation of school leaders also involves costs that need to be considered (Ginsberg and Berry, 1990). 4 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264279421-6-en 0062160dc39a0a604227605439b17180 There are many unqualified teachers in schools, as it is difficult to hire qualified teachers. One indication of the recognition of the important role of teachers in this context is Alberta’s inclusion of additional questions in the 2018 OECD Teaching and Learning International Survey pertaining to teachers’ and school leaders’ understanding of issues related to Indigenous cultures, history and working with Indigenous students, as well as on relevant professional development. The holistic approach of Indigenous peoples stresses how much these contribute to the overall well-being of children, as well as everyone else, in addition to factors such as material advantage and disadvantage. The trauma suffered by Indigenous peoples, including through the residential school system, is still acutely felt by many. Indeed, we were told that the symptoms of trauma may be increasing rather than diminishing with the passage of time, exacerbated through intergenerational relationships. Against this bigger picture, specific surveys of particular provinces and territories, and comparing Indigenous and non-Indigenous young people, can be better understood (Freeman, King and Pickett, 2016). 4 0 9 1.0 10.18356/55fea2f6-en 0065aaa240be58d5a1502859fac85680 In other words, factors that might make a child more prone to experiencing deprivation in a single domain might not make that child more liable to being cumulatively deprived and vice versa. Living in a less densely populated area, for example, has little impact on children’s risks of domain deprivation (with the exception of Germany) and even predicts a lower probability of deprivation in the environment domain. Nevertheless, a child living in an intermediate or thinly populated area in either France or the UK faces higher odds of experiencing cumulative deprivation. 1 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264235120-7-en 0068e1e0c3989ac9674b955f559b5bdc In Australia, where a broad definition of temporary employment also includes casual workers (Box 4.1), this type of work accounts for 85% (43%) of part-time (full-time) workers with a temporary employment contract. Some people work part-time because they wish to do so and would not take on full-time employment, while others do so because there is no full-time employment available. There are, however, large variations across countries. In Greece, Spain and Italy, over 60% of part-timers want to work more hours but could not find full-time jobs. For instance, there is a well-established negative relationship between the level of GDP and the self-employment rate (Acs et al., 1 5 3 0.25 10.18356/4a593aa3-en 0069d4b9a97524a8083b72f7145c2175 Female genital mutilation is sometimes a precursor to child marriage as it is associated with a woman’s “coming of age”. Female genital mutilation may also result in a variety of reproductive health issues, including maternal and infant mortality and obstetric fistula. Pre-natal sex selection and sex selective abortions are forms of discrimination against women and are symptomatic of the devalued status of women in society. In addition, over the past 60 years, numerous provisions in international legal and policy frameworks have called for legal measures to address “harmful practices”. 5 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264233775-6-en 00704743fa4f6f0708910f2aa61eaa36 The programme relied on strategic integration of all relevant agencies involved in delivering mental health services for this group, and identifying children's needs in the school context. In addition to training teachers, this programme also consisted of social and emotional learning programmes. Parents and community' were also involved in the learning and social aspects of the initiative. 3 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264281653-4-en 0078213fc0005108502b27088b43cbf4 Although a wide range of public health initiatives are in place, their impact is rarely evaluated. Furthermore, a recent WHO evaluation against essential public health functions found weaknesses mechanisms for perfonnance and accountability (particularly at sub-national level) and training of the public health workforce. A good example of this is the Comision de Enlace Salud, Industriay Comercio (COESAINCO, the Commission for liaison between health, industry and commerce), established in 2012. This brings together the Ministries of Health, Economics, External Trade and the Presidency, and a number of national trade and industry bodies (including those representing the pharmaceutical sector). 3 0 3 1.0 10.18356/1edabeca-en 00793f64e9c2a144baee10ec94c862e3 Only 14 LDCs have even limited oil-refining capacity, the output of which is overwhelmed by that of the other manufacturing sectors. Similarly, available national accounts and employment data typically group together energy-related utilities — electricity and gas — and water supply, with no further breakdown. In households where both women and men are engaged in wood collection, the gender distribution of time savings may also differ significantly from that of time allocation: even if women spend more time than men collecting wood, a greater share of the time savings may accrue to men. This should be achieved through both centralized and decentralized energy technologies and systems, combining the three general models of grid extension, mini-grid access and off-grid access (AGECC, 2010). 7 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264115118-7-en 0079ecf3ee3fb853b9e4a245944d0d6b The conclusion is that the evolution of the two components of the greenhouse gas intensity measure should be separately identifiable. The ratio itself could give an indication about the greening of production and about structural economic shifts, but not necessarily about the greening of growth. A decline in the emission intensity of production gives no indication of whether such a reduction has been achieved through genuine efficiency improvements or changes in the energy mix, or by substituting away from energy-intensive production through purchases of carbonintensive intermediate products abroad, among a number of other explanations. 7 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/ecc83295-en 007f06a3cc366285d2d1530065749c62 Some countries have responded to shrinking populations with policies to attract migrants, especially younger people who can fill gaps in labour forces. By the 1970s, the fertility transition had occurred in Australia, Japan, and all highly developed countries in Europe and North America. Fertility in China fell sharply in the 1970s in response to policies to promote later and less frequent childbearing, and the introduction of the country’s 1979 family planning policy, which generally limited couples to one child. 5 7 1 0.75 10.18356/0476b8f9-en 00807f106a220853aa9718a456be2814 These are comprehensive and contemporary in their thinking and approaches, and align the country with international agreements and the EU approximation process. They set the country on the right path towards sustainable development. The challenge facing the Government now is to complete the high-priority strategic actions set forth and, in partnership with public enterprises, public institutions, the private sector, and the public, to apply the products of those actions in day-to-day administration. Its overall goal is to increase the contribution of the forestry sector to the national economy and rural development through sustainable forest management; reliance on renewable resources; protection of the local and global environment; and the delivery of products and services for improving the quality of life of all citizens. 15 0 3 1.0 10.18356/e3c062fb-en 00846c887bf9f4c8006e2b13ed12bcb8 Of mammals, four species are extinct at the national level and five species are critically endangered (lynx, leopard, striped hyena, red deer and wild goat). Of the two species of tur - West Caucasian tur {Capra caucasica) and East Caucasian tur (Capra cylindricomis) - the West Caucasian tur has the smallest population size and is found in only a few areas of Georgia. Among ungulates, the rarest species is the wild goat (Capra aegagrus), found only in Tusheti Protected Areas with an estimated population size of 210. 15 0 4 1.0 10.1787/0ec26947-en 00858b3185c1955e725cfa1ec721cd89 Monetary incentives (or fines) can be transferred directly between wallets held by the (shared) mobility assets, its owners or users. Selling the surplus power increases efficiency and resilience of the power plant portfolio, and provides an incentive for the private sector to invest in renewable power plants. Local grid operators and integrated utilities may benefit from more efficient grid operation and decreasing demand for traditional generation assets and power transport infrastructure. However, the shift to a decentralised grid also represents tremendous disruption to traditional power and utility business models (as well as to power grids themselves which were designed to distribute power from generation to consumer, not from consumer to consumer) and requires increased awareness and knowledge on the part of consumers (Steinberger et al., 9 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/cf6cb95e-en 00864801b442bb957360e47bfe0575d9 More males than females suffer and die from diarrhoea in every region except South-East Asia. Absence or inadequate provision of public toilets for women reflects - and reinforces - women's exclusion from public power and public spaces more generally. Yet many millions of people in the world lack even the most rudimentary means of obtaining safe water, while billions do not have sanitation facilities that are protected from outside contamination (UN 2015, UN 2014, UN-Women 2014, WHO and UNICEF 2014). Water and sanitation access, demand, provision, priority, health, organization and policy are gendered, even if this is manifested in different ways in different places. The gendered dimensions of the water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) sector are increasingly reflected in public policy agendas, but concrete results have been partial and uneven. Water was generally thought of as a physical resource whose provision was determined, for the most part, by the hydrological cycle and physical infrastructure. 6 0 4 1.0 10.14217/9781848591646-15-en 00866ed06339fbe351d2fb3157ce5042 Drawing on the sub-set of AfT data within the CRS, the OECD data show that - for all donors and for all developing countries - flows classified under TRA (the final and barely visible column on the right) are negligible compared with the other three categories, particularly those destined for ‘building productive capacity’ or ‘economic infrastructure’. As shown in Table 13.1, the negligible share of measured TRA in relation to total AfT flows is present across all major country classifications, irrespective of the year chosen in the CRS database. For 2009, TRA flows do not equal more than 0.38 per cent of the value of total AfT flows when countries are disaggregated by geographic area, income group or status as an SVE. 10 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5js65xn790nv-en 0086fbc04a08e9d44b3f2742da11a0b1 So the implications of moving to neutral policies (free trade) will vary within and between food exporters and food importers. This approach subsumes the combined effects of policies and transaction costs in impeding price transmission. Data from the FAO Global Information and Early Warning System show that recent food price increases have had heterogeneous impacts (Sharma, 2012). 2 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264191761-en 008b666a44090f46a9415899d4159cf3 The company receives state budgetary funds and also uses own and borrowed funds to purchase machinery and equipment, predominantly from foreign manufacturers. Among the key suppliers are the leading agricultural machinery manufacturers from Canada, Germany, Russia, Ukraine, and the United States. Since the mid-2000s, the KAF also provides machinery and equipment leasing to agro-food processors. 2 2 3 0.2 10.18356/39291afb-en 008baba8edac85b8a4a4b2423b2f4f68 According to ECLAC estimates, between 2002 and 2014 poverty and extreme poverty both fell considerably in the region: the poverty rate from 44.5% to 27.8%, and the extreme poverty rate from 11.2% to 7.8%, with the steepest fall occurring in the first half of that period. However, in 2015 and again in 2016 both rates rose, representing a setback that was especially severe in the case of extreme poverty. In turn, the extreme poverty rate will likely remain at the same level as in 2017, which would push up the numbers living in this situation by around 1 million. A range of procedures and assumptions are adopted for these measurements, which gives them the specificity necessary for use in the national context, but limits their comparability between countries. 1 0 9 1.0 10.18356/2dd5352f-en 00902a7dd73c7d02b42334129903a8ff Health of Indigenous Circumpolar Populations. Annual Review of Anthropology, vol. Emergence of obesity in indigenous Siberians. Journal of Physiological Anthropology, vol. Rapid changes in cardiovascular risk factors associated with economic development and lifestyle change in an indigenous circumpolar population from Siberia. 3 2 4 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/b8259a41-en 0093194155c7ecca7fa0548968d0f6cd Washington D.C.: National Academic Press. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press. Equity of access to and utilization of reproductive health services in Thailand: national Reproductive survey data. Reproductive Health Matters, vol. Family planning policies and programmes in eight low-income countries: a comparative policy analysis. 5 2 2 0.0 10.1787/9789264225817-8-en 009408d19e771891fcce817c7c7316db Following their concerns that physicians across the Japanese health system were not able to identify signs of psychological distress which could help reduce suicide, the Japanese Medical Association reports that they began sharing information and guidance on depression with all doctors, first in 2004 and then again in 2009. At present, only indicators on the rate of seclusion and restraint, and involuntary admission, are collected by providers and at a Prefectural level. Systematically collected information on the mental health care system is limited to structural indicators - facilities, staff numbers, bed numbers. 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264083660-7-en 009465564e2d4906477ee1ed8595c417 In India, the approach of the Total Sanitation Campaign (a nationwide programme to boost sanitation coverage, particularly in rural areas) was revised in 2004 to make the payment of the subsidy to below-poverty line (BPL) households dependent on the entire village reaching Open Defecation Free (ODF) status.14 OBA mechanisms have also been considered by bilateral donors, such as the AFD in Morocco and South Africa,15 but they are yet to apply those principles on a significant scale. This mechanism works as follows: a fixed subsidy amount is paid to a private operator for each new water connection installed in a poor neighbourhood. A significant risk with such approach, however, is that the newly connected users might not receive adequate service from the operator after the connection has been installed. To enhance the sustainability of the schemes, a portion of the output-based payment can be withheld until several months of service delivery have been made. 6 3 6 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264235151-4-en 00947eebf4adfdf81ec3c6109fffb6dc However, even by 2012, the income of urban residents was still on average double that of rural residents. The gap tends to decline, but remains large. This decline in rural poverty rates from 21% in 2004 to 13% in 2013 reflects Viet Nam’s success in increasing agricultural productivity for many farm commodities and in diversifying sources of rural incomes. The proportion of undernourished in the total population fell from 46% in 1990-92 to 13% in 2012-14. 2 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264268791-7-en 0097c0f798f0b5c53e2efe8fe99f7b18 The benefits of this are: reduced infrastructure costs, the potential for less car use for commuting if people live near where they w'ork and preserving land for agriculture and nature. To maintain support for the plan’s objectives, the two core communes may have to compensate these losing communes, w'hich of course reduces the benefits of the strategy. Moreover, the spatial strategy seems to assume that new employers will be w illing to settle for a higher cost and more complex to develop browmfield sites in Nantes or Saint-Nazaire over greenfield sites in a rural commune. 11 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264281318-18-en 009884c9b9157d1d54f2194426ce3c87 On average, women do the greatest share of unremunerated housework and childcare in Korea, Japan, Mexico, Portugal, Turkey and Italy, where women undertake more than three-quarters of all unpaid work. Women in Turkey and Mexico spend the most time per day on unpaid work, in absolute values, at over six hours per day on average, compared with under two hours for men (OECD Gender Data Portal). The gaps are typically even larger in developing countries (OECD, 2014a), where inadequate access to time-saving infrastructure (e.g., water piped into the home) and technology (e.g., washing machines) increases the total time required for unpaid work. 5 0 9 1.0 10.18356/2e1a4924-en 009d4feda6cf5914a742c1caa1c7cea3 Otherwise, across the rest of the formal-sector quantiles, there are no statistically significant motherhood wage penalty effects in either of the two time periods. As in the ols results, the penalty is greater in the preshock period. The differences in the coefficients before and after the shock are not significant, but a larger gap prior to the crisis could reflect general downward pressure on wages affecting the formal sector during this period. 5 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264187894-7-en 009fbfac66b71e1abe9b4fdc5c941f64 Many poor producers are unable to access government support programmes because they lack the necessary capital to contribute the required investment costs. Supporting the organisation of irrigation units and increasing investments in these structures would allow members to jointly apply for government resources and facilitate monitoring functions. The Lerma River, with a length of 750 kilometres, is originated in Mexico’s central high plateau at an altitude beyond 3 000 metres above sea level and ends in Lake Chapala, the largest tropical lake in the country. Between 2002 and 2005, the Lerma Chapala River Basin Council, in its search for a solution to the depletion and contamination of Lake Chapala, entered into a negotiation process to reach a new water allocation agreement. 6 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264088986-en 00a0ebb490133c4edb55806389dc21ef While voluntary donations have a strong tradition in Israel, higher education institutions or the authorities did not seem to well-developed mechanisms to support it. Recognising that the investment in the infrastructure of fundraising can generate real rates of return, some OECD countries, for example the United Kingdom, have sought to stimulate this activity by matched funding schemes (see Box 4.4.). The matched funding scheme began in August 2008 for a three year period. Funding was available to match eligible gifts raised by English higher education institutions and directly funded further education colleges. 4 0 5 1.0 10.1787/729bf864-en 00a2774330f814de7dfc36b09757ab14 This ranges from 50% in Malaysia to 80% in Singapore, 95% in Korea and up to 100% in China (though it is notable that other security, including equity, may be required by some guarantee providers in China which will affect the effective risk/reward ratio). It is also noteworthy that the tenor of these loans, when provided by commercial banks, is relatively short (commonly 1 year in China, otherwise generally 2-3 years or less), compared with the approach taken by dedicated funds such as MDV in Malaysia (over 5 years with up to 12 months’ repayment holiday). Measures to broaden the availability of skilled valuers are apparent in several markets, though the Japan Patent Office has taken a more direct approach by directing the provision of the valuation reports itself, albeit provided by private sector companies. 8 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264168060-8-en 00a4e14be1c562dbc7462d204c860489 The Bay provides significant economic and recreational benefits to the water catchment’s population, estimated to exceed USD 33 billion annually (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2010a). While total pollution levels have declined since 1985, most of the Bay’s waters are degraded and are incapable of fully supporting fishing, crabbing, or recreational activities. Algal blooms fed by nutrient pollution block sunlight from reaching underwater Bay grasses and lead to low oxygen levels in the water. 6 0 3 1.0 10.18356/2cb622fb-en 00ab9cf7c4586f52a8f83f7fe05979b2 Meanwhile, in some countries the predominance of the growth effect in each period was different. In Honduras and Mexico, the role played by the growth effect remained the same in both periods, while in Guatemala and Uruguay, its influence was greater between 2002 and 2008 than in 1990-2002. Between 1990 and 2008, variations in the Gini coefficient correlated closely with the share of the distribution effect in reducing poverty (see figure 1.10). 1 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264083523-4-en 00b096fb49a3ed4301368737e4c2aeaf At one level, the causes of flooding are straightforward. Simply put, some coastal and inland areas are already below mean sea level and therefore increasingly vulnerable to flooding. But the reasons for the increasing vulnerability are complex, and are related largely to human action at local and global scales. 6 3 0 1.0 10.1787/9789264086487-8-en 00b27b910b3d4f157a3f0a7c503ebf0e Over the past approximately 40 years, however, there has also been increasing interest in the role it can play in supporting learning, often called “formative assessment” or “assessment for learning”. This chapter presents a brief overview of how the concept of formative assessment has developed in recent years; in particular, how the central idea has expanded from an original focus on feedback to a wider perspective on classroom practice. It presents evidence on the impact of formative assessment on learning and discusses definitional issues. 4 0 9 1.0 10.1787/eco/studies-2015-5jrqhbb1t5jb 00b370d7b35c6d12f89319eb164ea230 This issue however is far from being settled in the literature. See Arnold et al. ( See inter alia, Ruiz and Trannoy (2008), for a microsimulation study on the short-term (that is immediate) distributional effects of consumption taxes in France. The paper runs against the prior that consumption taxes are strongly regressive. 10 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/e9e584f1-en 00b500c9b356f4e22fdd67662b838432 The most limited use of modern contraceptive methods was reported by the Sudan and Mauritania, at 12 and 16 per cent, respectively. Such visits are to include measurements of blood pressure, weight and height, and an analysis of urine and blood (WHO. Figure 4.2 shows the percentage of pregnant women who receive prenatal care by a skilled health personnel at least once. Prenatal care rates range from 60 per cent in Yemen to 100 per cent in Bahrain. 3 2 3 0.2 10.18356/0543d374-en 00b5304d320dc25ad1918e09308db149 The forests and OWL are especially remarkable in terms of vegetation diversity. The biodiversity of Turkmenistan is not only rich but also unique due to the country’s geographical position and relief, and the specific evolution of its flora and fauna. The higher plants are currently represented by 3,140 species, of which 47 are tree species and 88 are shrubs. The 1999 Red Data Book lists 109 plant species, including 15 species of trees and bushes (Chapter 10). Plants differ in their resource significance, range of useful features and possibilities for practical use. 15 0 3 1.0 10.18356/ee52a573-en 00b60c5d6222e7c4c0f976e0fdcc4bf6 The shift cannot be left to individual actors, it requires government support through a broad package of policy tools. This chapter explores the role of government in supporting the transition towards sustainable lifestyles, considers what is required for encouraging sustainable behaviour and details policy options such as choice editing, advertising, promoting sustainable products and increasing product information. While the industrialised countries have plateaued in their population growth, established at high levels of consumption, emerging economies, starting from a low consumption base, are on the rise, both in terms of numbers and in aspiration to join the ranks of consumerism being broadcast across western TV channels. 12 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264179370-6-en 00b7fa1e2b399f62b9d3d26277f03411 The discriminatory practices of financial institutions, such as the requirement that men should sign women’s documents, must be eliminated. But formal financial institutions need to do more than merely lower the entry barriers to female micro-owners. They must improve their performance in funding the growth of female-owned businesses. 5 0 3 1.0 10.18356/48fdc937-en 00c16aa468450d58744809cc0e3ca7ae For example, it is anticipated that these countries will experience serious damage due to floods and droughts. However, even developed countries cannot always avoid more violent physical events, such as torrential rainfall or severe drought, on a previously unimaginable scale. Hurricane Katrina in 2005 is representative of an event of such a large-scale impact; it destroyed protective levees and seriously damaged the city of New Orleans. 13 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/06f7e845-en 00c6d9b65201b583a68308c7029ebb67 Countries with indigenous people should achieve infant and under-5 mortality levels among their indigenous people that are the same as those of the general population. By 2005, countries with intermediate mortality levels should aim to achieve an infant mortality rate below 50 deaths per 1,000 and an under-5 mortality rate below 60 deaths per 1,000 births. By 2015, all countries should aim to achieve an infant mortality rate below 35 per 1,000 live births and an under-5 mortality rate below 45 per 1,000. Countries that achieve these levels earlier should strive to lower them further. 3 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264281707-8-en 00c6e77bda20d34c19d12b277d0249bb In that context, the forthcoming initiative by the Korean government to accelerate the renewal of water supply and sanitation infrastructure can contribute to the further deployment of K-SWM at local level. Efforts to minimise non-revenue water will resonate with users’ priorities and concerns when water tariffs better reflect the full cost of supplying water, including the cost of investing in and operating and maintaining the w'ater supply infrastructure, the environmental and opportunity costs of abstracting water and preventing other uses (for industry, the environment, or else). Similarly, a municipality or utility will only be able to finance K-SWM w'hen water savings compensate investment and operating costs, that is, when revenues from water tariffs tend to reflect full water supply costs. This explains why the diffusion of SWM in Korea is directly related to issues discussed in Chapter 3, and to other issues related to tariffs for water supply and sanitation services (an issue not covered in this report). 6 0 4 1.0 10.18356/cf0157c8-en 00c887f53530ac90b4b8b85a7fdf0813 Aging infrastructure and a lack of government management capacity are leading to insufficient and inconsistent water deliveries, sometimes stalling industrial activity. Both public and private actors have begun to recognize that solving global water challenges is not a solitary endeavour. This process has resulted in notable water savings and pollution reduction, mitigating environmental and social impacts and often reducing water and related costs (i.e., energy, chemicals) to the business. An industrial facility’s exposure to risk thus depends on the ability of public water policy and management to deliver water services, to address water-related risks over the long term, to create effective allocation regimes, and to develop and enforce water quality regulations. 6 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264214682-5-en 00cc2786a40843e87df6b496ce50071f This framework then provides the basis of quality assurance, since the training enterprise, in combination with the student, becomes responsible for delivery of the learning outcomes. In recognition of these obligations, the framework may also involve a contract between students and training enterprises. It means that programmes will only be funded when training providers develop and maintain the active partnerships with employers that support work placements. 4 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264168985-7-en 00cecb5e866ec6c78ffbbbcbb53e2a42 In the City of Chihuahua, for example, 61.3% trips made each day are done through cars. Indeed, only 16.5% of the trips are made through public transport, which is far below the Mexican national average which is between 50 and 60%. The increased use of automobiles has also been stimulated by improved road conditions (i.e. the percentage of paved areas in the City of Chihuahua grew from 50% in 2000 to 69% in 2007). Recent efforts to promote more public transportation have been challenged by the high accident rates of buses. 6 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264179370-6-en 00cf9767581d5e6e33f5017eb77352d7 The panel of businesses was created using a random sample from Dun & Bradstreet’s (D & B) Database list of new businesses started in 2004. The KFS oversampled “innovative” businesses on the basis of information on the intensity of research and development employment in the businesses’ primary industries. The KFS excluded D & B records for businesses that were wholly owned subsidiaries of existing businesses, businesses inherited from someone else, and not-for-profit organisations. Data from the first wave (2004) are used to identify the owners-founders of the enterprises and to construct the variables related to their characteristics (gender, experience, etc.). 5 4 1 0.6 11.1002/pub/810be2fb-e9f9b60a-en 00d1f63db99df50cb6e61519d2a32f50 This technology bank for the LDCs was officially established on 23 December 2016, through the adoption of the UN General Assembly Resolution A/71/L.52. In addition, ITU's Membership recognized the importance of ICTs for LDCs by adopting specific targets for the LDCs in its Connect 2020 Agenda (ITU, 2014). Target 2, on inclusiveness, includes specific targets on household access to ICTs, Internet use, and affordability in the LDCs. Most have been primarily based on basic, low-bandwidth mobile cellular technologies. 9 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5k49dv6c5xmv-en 00d7b9c53e6611875c11832531cae00f However, this tax credit is due to expire in 2012. Wemau (2011a) estimates that up to one-fifth of the state’s power generation capacity could decide to exit the market rather than invest in the necessary upgrades, potentially driving up the price of coal by 65% and offering opportunities for renewable energy sources. It saves approximately 47 000 tons of CO2 per year and replaces annually over eight million private vehicle trips in the city of Calgary. 7 0 7 1.0 10.18356/6f7c638a-en 00dd087c250922be90724c77bf6de004 In Uruguay for example, data is collected on care provided to dependent persons aged 65 or older and questions focus on care for adults who require assistance with personal hygiene, feeding or medical care, including transportation to health centres. The national time-use survey in Mexico collects information on the time spent caring for persons aged 60 or older, including support in the use of information technology, transportation and accompaniment, even when the older person is not dependent or does not have a disability. In households where persons in this age range are present, women spend 18 hours per week on average caring for them, compared with 15 hours spent by men. 5 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.30875/423532ad-en 00defece7fdb7a55891994903a193734 Information and transaction costs include obstacles that firms have to overcome in order to search for trading partners, acquiring information about tastes, regulations and technical requirements, and enforcing contracts. World Bank-ESCAP database on International trade costs. Each time series is standardized to 100 at the beginning of the sample period. 9 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264179370-4-en 00e09564a8affb94486f0762b7d237a9 The regions with wider gender gaps in primary enrolment are not necessarily the ones with the strongest gender focus in aid to education. Country groupings are defined in the Annex II.A2. Meanwhile, only 68% of the aid to primary education targeted gender equality in Sub-Saharan Africa where, except for some countries in Southern Africa, primary school enrolment had some of the highest levels of gender disparity (see Chapter 4). There is therefore scope for DAC members to increase the gender equality focus of their aid to primary education in Sub-Saharan Africa. 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5jxx71lt1zg6-en 00e43dd83803f0be290fc2f24156e82c Using EC A survey data to examine the effect of job layoffs on violent behavior. Job loss and alcohol abuse: a test using data from the Epidemiologic Catchment Area Project. The ecological effect of unemployment on the incidence of very low birthweight in Norway and Sweden. A model of the net effect of job loss on violence. The effect of ambient threats to employment on low birth weight. Unemployment and civil commitment: a test of the intolerance hypothesis. 3 2 2 0.0 10.1787/9789264245914-5-en 00e6c8802fe3757149fe6c3aebfd1f65 A Research and Innovation Framework was developed by late 2011 and innovation became part of the Department’s strategic plan. The focus has been on equity, excellence and sustainability, identifying and up-scaling innovation, as well as establishing system-wide directions for innovation. The focus was primarily on improvement in literacy and numeracy initially, subsequently extended to other areas of the curriculum. 4 1 4 0.6 10.18356/5022b3a0-en 00e8055990de08329be9094779c9a647 Investments in education help to reduce the intergenerational transmission of poverty. Although the share of the people who are educated varies greatly among the Asia Pacific LDCs, for both women and men, the poorest are less likely to be educated. The gender gap is also considerable. The differences in educational attainment between the ultra poor and the subjacent poor are large, with the poorest the least educated. 1 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264272392-6-en 00e8dd13f3afe5f60625aac3a0f66e01 The focus on rice has spurred the use of policies that are targeted towards achieving self-sufficiency in at least rice, or across a number of staple products. The interest in rice by governments in the region is driven by its importance to both consumers and producers. High rates of rice consumption and the dominance of the sector in overall production (Chapter 1) mean that rice and its price are critical for incomes (for producers) and consumption (all households). 2 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264284425-5-en 00ea9b8feb4f78ed461227a6aa9e9a04 This chapter provides the reader with a broad overview of the Chilean social and economic context, as well as the main features of the Chilean education system. The report also evaluates student learning outcomes in the country. A final section provides a snapshot of the context in which this report was prepared. 4 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264259157-7-en 00eb8a1bb8907d8ae8c0ad3872a91cc9 In Germany, 5.8% of families practice such a “reduced-fulltime-plus-part-time model”. The male breadwinner model is the most widely practiced by couples in most Southern European countries, with the exception of Portugal, where both partners usually work over 40 hours per week. The combination is also widespread in Norway, France, Finland, Denmark and Belgium. 5 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/agr/outlook-2010-4-en 00eed55251e373fb41c215f07e25b05c Countries which made use of the Exogenous Shock Facility to mitigate the impact of the food and oil price surge include Ethiopia, Malawi, the Kyrgyz Republic, Senegal, Mozambique and Kenya. Other countries resorted to the facility due to the impact of the global economic downturn. Report of the Inter-Agency Panel on Short-Term Difficulties in Financing Normal Levels of Commercial Imports of Basic Foodstuffs, Document G/AG/13, WTO Committee on Agriculture, 28 June 2002. For a recent analysis of this proposal see Sarris (2009b). 2 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.14217/9781848591318-12-en 00f0243f4a7917f5d4dc13047c43a47c Alternative basic education (ABE) facilities offer three years with an alternative curriculum as a substitute for the four years that is the regular primary first cycle. The secondary level consists of two cycles of two years each: 9—10 and 11-12. Those who complete ten years of schooling may either enter the second cycle to prepare for higher education, or enter TVET institutions to be trained for productive employment (see Figure 8.1). 4 0 9 1.0 10.18356/e9fa9dd4-en 00f287618d92aa7c9f885d9db66dee95 Other economies, such as those in sub-Saharan Africa or in the Middle East and North Africa, have not followed the same pattern, however. In Latin America and the Caribbean, the ratio has flatlined. Thus, the hypothesis of the Kuznets curve is not confirmed in all cases, which suggests that the relationship between pollution and per capita income is less direct than originally thought. An explanation for this is that the two forces defining the curve (structural change and technical change) depend on policies and institutions, whose operation brings progress towards the least polluting stage to a premature halt. 7 2 2 0.0 10.1787/pension/glance-2013-5-en 00f2dbd05a460066bdbb0bead628a94c Moreover, where financial wealth is concentrated primarily at the top of the income distribution, the income that it yields has only a limited effect on reducing poverty. For example, the duration over which payment is made significantly affects its cost. With a term annuity there is a defined period over which payments are made to the retiree. 1 1 3 0.5 10.18356/99fd12bb-en 00f357ae2c3e7ec801b3ba958f42140c This Round Island Route (RIR) links nature, culture, recreational sites, communities and parks, thereby enabling NMT such as cycling, skating and jogging. To facilitate cycling, or to take the place of bicycle lanes, new routes are wider than normal park connectors (six metres instead of four metres) with amenities such as shelters, toilets, lookout points, seating areas, information kiosks, bicycle parking lots and self-help bicycle repair facilities at various nodes. In 2017, Hyderabad launched India’s first electric airport taxi service with charging stations at the airport. In Singapore, Chinese automobile giant BYD teamed up with the Government of Singapore to launch a fleet of green taxis. 11 1 3 0.5 11.1002/pub/80ec6eea-92ed5bbe-en 00f3d432982df71485297272ff636755 To this end, Argentina completed internal work at its supervisory telecom organization Autoridad Federal de Tecnologias de la Informacion y la Comunicacion (AFTIC) and held a national forum on these topics. For example, AFTIC now requires the distribution of sample technical reports and acts among all inspectors as well as an explanation of the different procedures. Additionally, every inspection must check that the radio base station's battery bank is in perfect condition so that it provides a permanent direct current supply for the stations' operation. 13 3 7 0.4 10.18356/cabe9310-en 00f4576ed95ac4ca1def45e72e3cc62c A combination of waste management legislation and the competitive tendering of public services that requires all operators to meet the same criteria has generally ensured a level playing field and has enabled the emergence of private sector waste management companies around the world, serving both public (municipal) and private (large waste generating) clients. There are some very large international service providers but also major national companies and a multiplicity of local small- and medium-sized enterprises, in both developed and developing countries. Global turnover of the industry in 2011 was around 640 billion USD, of which 95% was in Asia, Europe and the Americas. 12 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264096356-en 00f4c08051a4fa4c96dc072aaa9160cd Globally, the TC/PL values remain stable for most of the OECD countries. However, in some countries the trend is decreasing. In Korea, the total capacity increased considerably at the end of the 1990s (because of its considerable nuclear programme), but the high economic growth rate led to considerable electricity consumption, resulting in an important decrease of TC/PL in 2000-2007. The electricity generated by nuclear is only slightly sensitive to the variations of the price of uranium, contrary to energy sources burning fossil fuel. 7 0 3 1.0 10.18356/e617261d-en 00f5ff6cbf35b0736888a769b8e02d49 "In these aspects, there are no statistically significant differences between female and male migrants. The only difference is in situations when respondents were taken from the workplace to die Federal Migration Service, which happened to 23 per cent of male migrants and 8 per cent of females.18 Agadjanian and others (2017) showed diat 34 per cent of female migrants from Central Asia had faced ethnicity-based harassment. Migrants in the Russian Federation do not settle in ethnic neighbourhoods but are spread out across cities (Vendina, 2012) so there are no places to avoid discrimination in the ""mainstream"" housing market (Agadjanian and Zotova, 2011)." 5 1 3 0.5 10.18356/9b4421ad-en 00f7875939d59e42f458a5d3f23c90a5 Migration was also used as a means to escape early marriage. The repayment of family debts (e.g., health-related expenditure, gambling debts or investment loans) was a driver for 6 per cent of the sample. A common problem reported is drudgery and long working hours, including night shifts, which are particularly hard for Nepali women who are used to working from early morning but also going to sleep early. 5 4 5 0.1111111111111111 10.1787/9789264277335-4-en 00f8505783391027c1195b2deaa55907 Develop a strategy to raise education quality in small primary schools. Steps should be taken to consolidate or close small schools when others nearby can provide better quality'. The MEP should ensure that the remaining small remote schools receive adequate, appropriate educational materials as well as support in establishing links with other schools to share resources, break isolation, and exchange good practices. 4 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264255340-8-en 00faca91a64b0120d09fa5867fb919be The second wave of entrants, starting from 1986, was composed of giant consumer electronic firms attracted by generous tax incentives, soon to be followed by leaders in the disk drive and computer segments (Rasiah, 2006). Apart from protection, the state was instrumental in providing subsidies for acquiring foreign technologies, e.g. for the national car project “Proton” and its engine and gear-box technologies from Mitsubishi. It renewed and strengthened the financial incentives to export-oriented firms and complemented these with specific stimuli for higher value-added activities,2 such as tax allow'ances on firms’ training and R&D expenditures (UNIDO, 2003). 9 0 3 1.0 10.18356/6bf07ffd-en 00fc052f318afacd6bc03a0627bd4635 It will also be necessary to strengthen the capacities to negotiate commonly agreed objectives through building upon single-group interests. More broadly, policy systems as a whole will require systemic changes to enable the more coherent and more flexible design of integrated policies for climate resilience, with participation from all relevant stakeholders. For many developing countries, these changes will not be possible without global partnerships. Despite overall convergence in average per capita income across countries, within-country inequalities are on the rise. This important trend along with others, such as globalization and technological change, demographic dynamics, rapid urbanization and climate change itself, will exert additional pressures leading towards increasing inequalities both among and within countries. Moreover, if investment in green technologies is inadequate, if population growth continues to be high, if investment in human capital is low and if current socioeconomic inequalities remain, then income poverty and inequality are likely to increase in the future under scenarios where current unmitigated emissions are high. ( 13 1 3 0.5 10.18356/31959a6d-en 00feff43e454d2a5eb1dbe51030090cd But contribution credits have become particularly important after the introduction of defined contribution systems that strengthen the link between contributions and benefits. Anna D’Addio estimates what would happen if these credits did not exist in a number of OECD and EU countries and finds that mothers’ replacement rates would decrease by 3 to 7 percentage points on average with between 3 and 15 years of career interruption (D’Addio 2012:90). Positive effects, especially for women in the lowest income groups, have also been found in estimations for Chile (Fajnzylber20i3).Anotherstudy,focused onthe United States, finds that contribution credits and minimum benefits favour women in the poorest social strata while divorce benefits are mostly oriented to women in the highest income groups (Herd 2005). 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264188617-en 01092fe962f8c4c83e9b9add20e26f25 In particular, these support schemes keep renewable energies to different degrees isolated from market signals. This section of the study reviews this interaction, i.e. how the different types of support schemes efficiently transfer economic and market signals in a liberalised market framework. In Europe for example, the cap-and-trade emissions trading system of the European Union, the EU ETS, cohabits with different national renewable support policies. 7 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264232143-6-en 010967789fb30c0feff3400f15fb2e3a A wide range of species are fanned including fish, crustaceans and molluscs, bivalves and aquatic plants (seaweed). In 2011, OECD countries produced about 6.85 million tonnes including aquatic plants of which diadromous fish (e.g. salmon) contributed 36.6% followed by molluscs (27.8%), aquatic plants (19.8%), marine fishes (8.8%), freshwater fishes (4.2%), and crustaceans (2.5%) (Source: Fisheries and Aquaculture Information and Statistics Service, FAO) (Table 3.1). The OECD/FAO Agriculture Outlook 2013 expects world fisheries production to expand to a total of 181 million tonnes by 2022 (which includes 15,6 million tonnes of fish for reduction to meal and oil), of which 85 million tonnes will come from aquaculture. These projections seem to be rather conservative compared to the increases that have taken place over the past two decades. 14 0 3 1.0 10.1787/how/life-2013-8-en 010d3def81986ac6af79a04cff2407fe Answers are grouped into two categories (yes/no). Mental health is defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as “a state of well-being in which the individual realises his or her abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community”. It is calculated using mortality statistics and data on self-perceived disability. 5 3 1 0.5 10.1787/9789264174153-6-en 010df06fab816a8639d73043cc046408 Projects aimed at reducing travel distances and thus increasing residential and employment density, accompanied by adequate mobility planning and transit supply, can be effective in decreasing the demand for transport as well as stimulating modal split toward less polluting modes. A number of empirical (mainly economic) studies confirm the positive effect of denser urban form on reducing travel distance per capita (e.g., Boamet and Sarmiento, 1999; Bento et al., As mentioned in the first section, building-related energy use accounts for approximately 24% of overall domestic energy demand, taking into account the building’s life cycle (construction, operation and demolition). 11 0 4 1.0 10.18356/47f7e4f3-en 01139dcae88064fe8aa89d9928b74945 Scholars have debated both for and against the adoption of the term but they appear to agree that the definition in the Asian setting should be broad enough to encompass the plurality of indigenous groups in question with respect to their historic and country-specific contexts. Working Handbook of Minority Nationalities [CHN: Minzu Gongzuo Shouce], Kunming (CHN): Yunnan People's Publishing House; 1985. The distribution of indigenous peoples into very different geographic subregions and the degree of engagement in indigenous issues by the various nations' actors and the differences within the concerned indigenous peoples themselves differs substantially. 3 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/9bf8d10f-en 01152b24d6de5e666e576e4b849b9687 The six large metropolitan cities (Dhaka, Chittagong, Rajshahi, Khulna, Barisal and Sylhet) enjoy city corporation status, while 310 small cities have pourashava status. City corporations have a higher level of urbanization than pourashava towns and are large commercial and administrative centres. In urban centres with no local government, urban services are provided by field administration of the central Government. 3 5 1 0.6666666666666666 10.1787/5k3wb8fmsz6h-en 0116003f0fbaec5de4a86727613f812c In general, power plants operating below their maximum output can provide ramp-up capability, but in that case, they lose some revenues as they do not sell all the power they could produce on the energy market. Arbitrage links energy market prices with balancing and ancillary services prices and this creates opportunities to change the operations of generating units according to price incentives delivered on these different interrelated power markets. The market for reserves or balancing services may not have any locational dimension. Generation services are much more differentiated than the basic underlying commodity with which they are associated. The system operator may, for example, need generating capacity responding in 10 minutes at a particular node of the network (Joskow, 2007). 7 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264265493-9-en 0117816586010068d7ee8084698518a0 Also under the aegis of the Presidential Cabinet is the Attorney General and head of the federal executive legal office. Mexico’s current Attorney General is female, only the second to fill the job. In other cabinet-level administration offices, or Gabinete Ampliado (Extended Cabinet), women hold two of the five available posts - Director of the National System for Integral Family Development and President of the National Institute for Women (INMUJERES). 5 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/5k9h296b1zjf-en 0121e23f15d51d4c80392bcb939bf3a9 For instance, in Denmark and Sweden there are quasi-mandatory, occupational defined-contribution schemes with broad coverage that are included in the index. The index shown here is not a Kakwani index. It is based on pension systems’ parameters and is computed as 100 minus 100 times the ratio of the Gini of pension payments to the Gini of personal gross earnings in 2008. The Gini indices are calculated using the OECD average earnings distribution. 10 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264121836-7-en 0125440327e7ba5e1350964e34d04ce9 There is also a Unified System of Legislative Processes Administration: a software and process system connecting all government institutions and bodies, the official database of all legislation in Slovakia (JASPI), the legislative system and website of the Parliament, and “digital government” functions. The new system requires all draft laws and regulations (except international treaties) to be prepared using “legislative editor” software that assures consistency and coherence. Draft laws are now published on a legislative web portal ( that allows institutions and the public to comment on the bills. 6 3 0 1.0 10.1787/5k912j389bf0-en 0125f2a61a7e872b138ef896a947b59c Actuarial projections allow predicting the likely evolution of the population and therefore the future number of individuals included in each cell of the model. Future health expenditure is determined by multiplying the average costs by the projected number of individuals included in each cell. More advanced cohort-based models take into account trends in disabilities as w'ell as factors influencing epidemiologic trends such as, individual behaviour and exposure to risks factors (e.g. smoking, obesity, hypertension and cholesterol). 3 0 5 1.0 10.1787/dcr-2013-10-en 012ec56c3c163d7e78dbf9a6f93646d1 The same is true for other cash transfer programmes around the world (Arnold, 2011; Samson et al., Many of those in extreme poverty, however, were not able to benefit from these reforms because of low levels of schooling, nutrition and health. In order to break this poverty cycle, the Oportunidades Programme was created in 1997 (under the name Progressa). 1 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264188617-en 0131ee13926adc9897c3e007b42af8cb Covering 30% of the electricity supply of the United States with offshore wind would thus cost an astonishing additional outlay of USD 86 billion per year. Table 4.7 reports the total cost of electricity supply on a USD/MWh basis for all scenarios analysed. Two additional tables in Appendix 4.B report the cost increase per unit of renewable production and the total cost of electricity supply, on an absolute basis (Tables 4.1B and 4.2B respectively). However, introducing large shares of renewable energy with low variable cost has also significant impacts on the optimal structure of the electricity generating mix, on resulting electricity prices and on the profitability of existing dispatchable power plants, which make up the pecuniary externalities referred to in Chapter 1. 7 0 3 1.0 10.14217/9781848591400-6-en 0132b24c2092915f49748f70e3c07424 Experts know from previous research that there are children who are at risk of not making a successful transition to school, and the gap between these children and their peers increases progressively. Australia’s National Early Childhood Development Strategy -Investing in the early years (Australian Government, 2009a) - also recognises the need to build a solid evidence base as one of its six reform priority areas. The results from the 2009 AEDI are now providing a wealth of information which is being used to influence early childhood initiatives at the community, state and national levels, as well as inform early childhood policy development. 4 0 7 1.0 10.1787/5kg51nfc1321-en 0137b643dea21daf055bf16b8393a518 Strategic planning and a long-term vision are required to build the foundation for a flexible, scalable and adaptable electricity system. Emerging economies and developing countries have the opportunity to build up a modern electricity system that meets future requirements, but the pathway for these countries will be different from the one followed in the past. This is due to evolving technical, financial, political, social and environmental conditions that are yielding new opportunities and challenges to simply achieving access to reliable and affordable electricity. 7 1 3 0.5 10.18356/35f875c3-en 0137f02e62ce54952e20bbfa68cbab28 "Female economic activities were critically examined and new light was shed on existing conceptions of traditional housework. Oxford University Press, 2007). An edited version of Ihe chapter is available al Targets were also set for the improvement of women's access to economic, social and cultural rights, including improvements in health, reproductive services and sanitation. The women in development approach is embodied in article 14 of the Convention, which focuses on rural women and calls on States to ensure that women ""participate in and benefit from rural development"" and also that they ""participate in the elaboration and implementation of development planning at all levels"".15 Participation is an important component of the right to development, as discussed below." 5 0 7 1.0 10.18356/7dcbd514-en 0137f4e8bd41ec897f2fc053aca3d391 In the Armenian part of the sub-basin, the river is exposed to background contamination as a result of hydrochemical processes. The increased concentrations of heavy metals (vanadium — V, Mn, Cu, Fe) already exceed the MACs for the fish in the upper part of the sub-basin. The concentrations of, for example, zinc (Zn), Fe and sulphate, decrease from upstream to the monitoring station just upstream from the border of Armenia and Azerbaijan, indicating reduced potential for transboundary impact. 6 0 5 1.0 10.18356/58d686e0-en 013917ffe21b90b40c5cb14abf74bb1c The Special Rapporteur explained that these incidents are not isolated but represent the ultimate act experienced in a continuum of violence by women living under conditions of gender-based discrimination. The Special Rapporteur added that a holistic approach to preventing gender-related killings must be emphasized in all the measures taken by States to investigate and sanction violence, in particular in designing, implementing and evaluating legislation and policies. In addition, the Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment argues for the torture protection framework to be applied in a gender-inclusive manner with a view to strengthening the protection of women from torture. According to the Special Rapporteur, State obligations under the Convention against Torture clearly extend to the private sphere as well, in addition to violations committed by public officials (A/HRC/7/3). 5 1 4 0.6 10.18356/b82bdbfb-en 013a3c20eddfcb0707068fdf5f37102c And it will most likely entail a series of deliberate and explicit steps incrementally induced over time. Diluting harmful social norms may require - to borrow from an old Persian saying - ‘death by a thousand cuts’; i.e. small or incremental changes being made across multiple fronts, none of which is seen as socially damaging by itself, but which over time leads to the demise of the harmful social norm and its replacement with social norms that enhance women’s and girls’ opportunities, not distract from them. These actions, illustrated in Chapter 6, will need to be carried out across a broad range of social, economic and political arenas where women’s rights are being limited. 5 0 4 1.0 10.1787/5jz44w9ltszt-en 013f3730a1a84aed6e8ce8f252321326 Improvements in subsistence farming can also be achieved through social protection programmes, either directly (such as input transfers or subsidy programmes) or through cash transfer and PWPs in which household income is spent on agricultural inputs to enhance own-farm productivity. Positive nutritional outcomes can be encouraged by the better utilisation of food and improvements in ancillary areas, such as drinking water, hygiene, sanitation, child care practices and health care (Freeland & Cherrier, 2012). Illness and disease, for instance, can reduce the absorption of nutrients. 2 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/f501027d-en 013f7357f56052ea3defd3fab8777350 "Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss Goal 16. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels Goal 17. Yet, the literature is not undivided on these issues. For instance, subsequent to 2002, the importance of TFP, as opposed to factor accumulation, in growth for developing Asian economies has become more prominent, according to Donghyun Park and Jungsoo Park, ""Drivers of developing Asia's growth: past and future"", Asian Development Bank Economics Working Paper Series 235; for a critical survey, see Jesus Felipe, “Total factor productivity growth in East Asia: a critical survey”, Journal of Development Studies, vol. This situation may explain the negative or low contribution of input factors to output growth and the larger contribution of total factor productivity to output growth, as noted in Robert C. Feenstra, Robert Inklaar and Marcel P. Timmer, “The next generation of the Penn world table"", American Economic Review, vol." 9 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/729bf864-en 01437db2a1eba75274672c94ea9e1bf9 This aspect could be studied as part of the WPSMEE’s work on digitalisation and SMEs. These reports have established that there are methods of valuation that are routinely used and well-established, but that the majority of cases where IP valuation is required are not related to finance. Rather, these use cases address the need for values to be determined w'hen assets are bought and sold (usually in conjunction with the enterprise that owns them), transferred to another entity (when the Base Erosion and Profit Shifting work of OECD is of direct relevance) or become the subject of litigation. In addition, evidence suggests that the valuation of intangibles is less common practice for smaller firms than for large companies. 8 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264202924-9-en 0145a5292ed61cd8de12c00c901e54d4 Some measures to address climate variability may not be labelled as such (Agrawala et al., In particular, more decentralised and autonomous efforts are likely to be under-reported (Gingrich et al., The sectoral scope of projects seems to align well with the relative vulnerability of the sectors and the preference of the Austrian government for “no-regrets” options that would be important elements of natural hazard management even without climate change. 13 0 3 1.0 10.18356/3c5a4620-en 014a0b1ad562a00709848aafa2a92c9a There is strong leadership from within and outside the UNECE managing to impose hard policy measures. It will act as the main mechanism involving developing countries in the achievement of common goals. The world sees relatively low economic growth and only a modest increase in conventional energy demand growth. 7 0 4 1.0 10.18356/7aa2651d-en 014cb0cffa33025a540795b9f964c7f6 For two countries, Japan and New Zealand, the statistical results have been derived from national studies shared by their respective authors with the UNICEF research team. The surveys are administrated nationally, with some flexibility in the implementation (the national surveys are based on a common framework which defines target variables, and on common guidelines and concepts to maximize international comparability). The 2009 EU-SILC survey included the special module on 'Material Deprivation', including 36 variables. 1 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264269637-6-en 015216cb124f78029c919efd44ef87fc Case managers offered support with goal setting, progress monitoring, confidence-building, motivation, and other forms of assistance. Individuals could access FFWS by being referred by their general practitioner or other health service providers, or through self-referral. In most pilots, mental health conditions were the most commonly reported condition and many clients had more than one health condition. The average length of time people stayed with the service was four months. 8 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5kmh3nj5rzs4-en 0152ccb14c914a42c8ef996181f8aade Up to 1% of the total subsidy will be allocated to research and technology development, capacity building and, inter alia, the financing of pilot studies and complementary projects under the rural electrification scheme. Table 25 shows the cost norms defined by the Ministry of Power for village electrification. In line with current practice under the RGGVY, the MNRE also offers a 100% capital subsidy for BPL household connections. 7 0 7 1.0 10.18356/355832ee-en 015616594c679b88d12ced5b21b049ef The Multiple Overlapping Deprivation Analysis for the European Union (EU-MODA) compares the material well-being of children across the EU member states, using data from the child material deprivation module of the European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) 2009. Embedded in the multidimensional poverty measurement literature, EU-MODA applies internationally accepted standards for the construction of indicators and dimensions of child well-being. The analysis ranges from indicator and dimension headcounts, overlaps between several dimensions, decomposition of the adjusted multidimensional deprivation headcounts, to overlaps between monetary poverty and multidimensional deprivation. This technical note describes the EU-MODA methodology in detail. 1 0 3 1.0 10.1787/empl/outlook-2013-6-en 015b974360c911962f02015afb29e3a2 Samaniego (2006) emphasises the role played by industry composition. In a vintage-capital model firms optimally reduce their workforce as they fall behind the technological frontier. As a consequence, firing restrictions are more costly in industries characterised by rapid technological change such as ICT. Countries where regulations are more stringent will therefore tend to specialise in industries where the rate of technical change is sluggish. Poschke (2009) emphasises the role of firing costs in the selection of the most efficient firms and the exit decision of low-productivity firms. 10 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264212664-en 015d01b8b7c447a9331f5cca31e87ef4 In much of SSA for example, institutional investors face limits on asset class and geographical exposure. This is true even of the countries that have access to international capital markets. Continued financial fragility and efforts to reduce this by increasing capital buffers (resulting from Basel III) are thought to be motivating many banks in OECD countries to reduce the amount of long-term debt on their balance sheets. 7 4 3 0.14285714285714285 10.6027/9789289349918-3-en 015d78c23d26edc75118199a04f322d0 The key items of the strategy are summarized in Chapter 1.1. The main proposals of the Winter Package related to the heating and cooling sectors are described in Chapter 1.2. Heating and cooling sector needs to contribute to EU's greenhouse gas emission reduction goal and meet its commitment under the climate agreement reached at the COP21 climate conference in Paris. 7 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.18356/31959a6d-en 015e0dec981475d0e1a0b31ea77d3057 In most cases, widows’ pensions aim at status maintenance, and benefits are calculated as a percentage of the deceased partner’s benefit or earnings. In general, widow’s benefits are lower than retirement pensions, at around 50 to 80 per cent of the deceased’s benefit (Choi 2006:16). In contrast, some countries (e.g., Ireland, Lithuania and the United Kingdom)offer only a flat-rate benefit to survivors, while others (e.g., Denmark and Sweden) have a non-familial approach to old age protection, paying no benefits to survivors but providing everyone with access to a universal basic pension (Saraceno and Keck 2011:392). 5 4 0 1.0 10.1787/9789264263260-7-en 0162576930e56aa0df4cbd752bb57a89 However, spending indicators should be interpreted with caution, as they tend to overestimate the level of decentralisation (OECD, 2016b). Subnational governments, for example, may be responsible for a certain economic function but not have full autonomy in exercising it. These are all federal countries, where states have a high level of autonomy in educational matters, including vocational teaching and higher education (universities). 11 4 3 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264079410-4-en 01645db38bab0759318315f0a570f499 It is home to a variety of economic sectors with strong export performance, both in manufacturing (the automobile industry, food industry, information and communication technologies, or ICT, and aerospace) and services (particularly financial and professional services), and it is the headquarters for by far the largest number of large companies in Canada. It houses a range of renowned universities and research institutes, and it attracts around 40% of the immigrants who arrive in the country every year. The Toronto region also has an enviable reputation for quality of life, and has positioned itself as Canada’s main economic centre, thanks to demographic and economic growth since the 1970s-1980s. 11 0 4 1.0 10.18356/becaa395-en 0167a80da58bcd86299ef8f68bc0b884 This is because the most severe reductions in food production and increases in food prices occur in Africa and India, which account for a large share of the world's poor. The second most important factor leading to increased poverty is health impacts, followed by the impacts of higher temperatures on labour productivity. The shocks impinge on physical capital, when assets are destroyed - for example, through the death of livestock - or when farmers are forced to sell productive capital, such as cattle, to absorb the income shock. They also reduce farmers' capacity to invest, with negative consequences for future food security. Scenarios in which no additional efforts are made to mitigate emissions lead to pathways between RCP 6.0 and RCP 8.5. 13 3 0 1.0 10.1787/5js6363503f6-en 016a4898a32cdc282500698a5828c6a1 Income-support programmes, in the form of unemployment benefits, social assistance, family benefits or housing allowances, have played an important macroeconomic role as automatic stabilisers during the recent crisis. Many OECD countries face high and often growing needs for social policies at times of shrinking fiscal space, which restrict the capacity for an effective response. In the early phases of the global financial and economic crisis, social spending — which accounts for about half of total public outlays in OECD countries - increased. Moreover, large fiscal stimulus packages were put in place in many countries often including greater resources for social measures. But in many OECD countries, a shift in the fiscal stance is now taking place to tackle unprecedented deficits and debt-to-GDP ratios. Social spending is part of many fiscal consolidation plans, and pressure on social spending is set to increase further. 8 0 3 1.0 10.18356/f3e7d816-en 016b1a999f291a5f3caf653337fdf83a The use of gender statistics can provide a more comprehensive understanding of the gender dimensions of poverty, which in turn can significantly change priorities in policy and programme interventions (Klugman, 2002). Gender statistics can address multiple dimensions of poverty and inequality, including gender-based asset inequality, intrahousehold allocation of resources, time poverty or vulnerability to external shocks. Understanding the gendered nature of poverty will significantly improve both the equity and efficiency of poverty reduction strategies (Klugman, 2002). Gender statistics have an important role in developing and monitoring policies on the reduction of violence against women. 5 0 6 1.0 10.18356/bb1b1617-en 016b9509875be6f456d37842d1f50415 Nitrogen application rates had increased dramatically over past decades, so that a surplus in excess of that needed by crops or grassland was transported into freshwater systems. Application rates in the subregion are now widely declining in response to the legal framework summarised above, but the time taken for pollutants to move through the hydrological cycle means that in some areas concentrations in receiving waters may still be rising, even when the source itself is diminishing. Where trend data exists, this suggests that nitrate concentrations declined between 1992 and 2008 in 30% of rivers. 6 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9d0e6611-en 016d7238cd9228d81aca576ae3e2b8d1 A representative list of GRIs, open to global co-operation and of interest to new partners will be created. A report from the Group on the co-ordination of GRIs is expected. A progress report was presented in 2015.15 Among such infrastructures, ocean and sea floor observatories, including oceanography fleets of research vessels and polar research facilities (both for the Arctic and Antarctic) were specifically mentioned as examples in the broad categories of research infrastructures of global relevance. Following on from the publication of the “Report on road mapping of large infrastructures” (2008) and the “Report on establishing large international research infrastructures: Issues and options” (2010), the OECD Global Science Forum (GSF) published a “Report on International Distributed Research Infrastructures (IDRIS)” in 2013.16 This report can serve as a reference document that may be used when new initiatives to share infrastructure are being prepared. It identifies challenges, options and solutions when it comes to setting up new initiatives in which distributed infrastructures have to be integrated for better research. 14 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264245891-4-en 016e0ce3aede2d538683b582379a0d17 It can be questioned, however, whether the most talented students of the country attend these schools as disadvantaged students have more limited access to extracurricular classes to prepare for admission. Moreover, the proportion of top-performing students in international assessments remains very small while a large number are falling behind their peers in other countries. The most rapidly improving education systems in PISA show that improvements at the top and bottom of the performance scale can go hand in hand. 4 0 5 1.0 10.1787/9789264190658-11-en 0170bd804cb226dc31b0323a98b47efe However, Kimball et al. ( The choice of instruments and sources of information also depends on the type of appraisal aspects and criteria that an appraisal scheme focuses on (e.g. traits, compliance, competences and outcomes). While in most countries appraisal is based on the interaction between evaluators and school leaders, e.g. through interviews, meetings and school visits, a few countries complement the information gathered this way with further, more outcomes-oriented data, such as leadership portfolios, stakeholder surveys and information on student achievement. Depending on the policy framework for appraisal and the overall allocation of responsibilities, evaluators and school leaders themselves hold greater or lesser autonomy in determining the tools to collect information. 4 0 4 1.0 10.6027/9789289342698-7-en 017421e80dedccde4871c4716b0fd6c2 Finding one's place within changing labour markets, the two Norwegian researchers address some of the issues of their previous research; these are also outlined in this report. Their research addresses issues of gender, education and a changing labour market and work life and how these issues impact young adults as regards their choice of education and mobility patterns. The men of Northern Norway are, however, mainly employed within building and construction. Aure particularly emphasises that despite the lack of a highly educated labour force, it may be difficult to find acceptance in the local communities of Norway. Munkejord (2006) also focuses on Norwegians from other parts of the country choosing to reside in Northern Norway and seeks to form an understanding of their motivations behind moving and in particular their motivations behind settling in the peripheral areas as opposed to in the larger cities in the southern part of Norway. 5 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264281318-16-en 0179cb27890fccaceba46e412f4279c7 Women are slightly less mobile than men on average, with significant cross-country and age differences. Every year, on average across OECD countries, 16% of the working-age population experiences a change in their professional situation. They change employer, change their working time (switching from full-time to part-time or vice-versa), lose their job, find a new one, become unemployed or inactive, or re-enter the labour market after a period of inactivity. 5 3 6 0.3333333333333333 10.6027/9789289342698-7-en 0179d9833a1eaded2d655c67be2c92df In spite of the fact that there are more female than male pensioners, the total income of female pensioners is lower than that of men (ASUB 2014: 5). In 2011, women's average pension was 1,220 Euro per month as compared with 1,744 Euro for men (ASUB 2013: 23). A more detailed review of the pay gap measured on the basis of different principles and parameters may be found in the ASUB report (2013:21). 5 0 9 1.0 10.18356/2c4e4b18-en 017de9a206644e63b69c115a0a8140c2 The development of new landfills is connected with the programme of closure of old disposal sites. Feasibility studies have been prepared for sites in Fier, Elbasan, Berat and Shkodra, all financed from the State budget. The oil industry extracts 260,000 tons of crude oil and 7.9 million m3 of natural gas, and produces about 300,000 tons of oil products, annually. Cement production is developing in Albania. 12 3 2 0.2 10.1787/5jlww004n6nq-en 01801e184e386d6901bf5e284e8a9da5 Article 6 on co-operative approaches, Article 9 on finance, and Article 11 on capacity building. Further relevant provisions are contained in Decision 1/CP.21. The purpose of the transparency framework for mitigation is to provide a clear understanding of climate change mitigation action, to track progress towards NDCs and to inform the global stocktake. 13 1 4 0.6 10.1787/3726edff-en 018140e5ee7827b95ee7b9ac76ab9ae2 Many development providers are exploring new ways of how to better integrate ICTs in the planning and implementation of development activities. However, more consolidated efforts through the DAC and other forums can improve knowledge sharing and set new standard and requirements across the development planning and implementation cycle. With greater access to the Internet through 3G and LTE mobile networks in developing countries, tailored ICT tools have the potential to improve measuring results and strengthen monitoring and evaluation of development projects. 9 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.6027/ffe4d41b-en 0182c53666eb0f729076055929e35795 However, the national climate change efforts to which Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) have committed themselves in the form of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) are largely insufficient, and only cover one third of the greenhouse gas emissions reductions necessary to reach this temperature goal (UNEP 2017). There is still a significant gap between 2030 emission levels and a least-cost 2°C pathway amounting to 11 GtC02e or even as much as i3.5GtC02e, taking only unconditional NDCs into account (UNEP 2017). Global greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise, albeit at a slower rate, and even though the Parties must increase the goals of their NDCs overtime, it is unlikely that the emissions reductions thus achieved will be sufficient (UNEP 2017). 13 0 4 1.0 10.18356/7b53d77f-en 0184e81df09786910ff84f8b96a5b211 "China has pushed ahead with large infrastructure projects while providing tax breaks and other relief measures for firms and consumers, which resulted in a wider fiscal deficit of about 3 per cent of GDP in 2016. With a view to supporting the building of ""a moderately prosperous sodety in all respects"", the budget emphasized spending on education, science and technology, health care, poverty alleviation, social security and employment (China, 2016). Although the country's general government debt is relatively low, there are concerns about local government debt and contingent liabilities, which are being addressed with a revised fiscal law. The overall fiscal stance is expected to remain expansionary in the near term to stabilize the economy and to invest in social and infrastructure sectors." 8 0 4 1.0 10.6027/9789289349291-4-en 0186ddb4e384b5a261191e81ef37644d Often, numbers are derived from other processes, e.g. costed low carbon development strategies; yet it is difficult to ascertain whether the numbers were derived from a detailed cost analysis or based on broader extrapolations. In general, the methodological challenges associated with the economic assessment of mitigation and adaptation seem to be widely underestimated. A robust estimation of finance needs requires deep understanding and analysis of the specific policy and market context, in particular on barriers to the implementation of climate compatible alternative technologies or processes, and the elaboration of corresponding and sound investment plans. 13 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.6027/9789289329583-1-en 0187d2a4a7ac667a3fea47e673c1afd8 The characteristics of the markets for health insurance and health care make the expansion of health care challenging. These characteristics determine the trade-offs between various objectives and overall goals in the health sector and constitute health economics as a separate field of applied economics. The authors of this issue of the Nordic Economic Policy Review have been invited to deal with some of the main challenges in the financing and organisation of health care in a Nordic setting. 3 0 4 1.0 10.1787/eco/surveys-isr-2013-5-en 0188551040aac519277a653f56d73b0e Training courses for “associate nurses”, which was a less advanced qualification compared to registered nurses, were terminated in 2007. This, along with the rapid expansion of training for registered nurses, does suggest a need to enhance the supply of “lower end” nursing skills. Indeed, this has been recognised by the authorities, for instance in the Planning Committee’s wide ranging recommendations. 3 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/3dfe8660-en 01891c007cb01754894eef7c4efa16af In societies that began with high inequality, elites can establish a legal framework that locks in their influence, which in turn enables them to maintain high inequality to their benefit. Take, for example, the Americas, where three distinct types of colonies took shape in the 1700s, depending on the initial conditions of soil, climate and native inhabitancy. The distribution of wealth and human capital was extremely unequal, advantaging the elite who could assemble large companies of slaves. 1 3 2 0.2 10.1787/9789264292659-4-en 019094d37e0e41227e3164092cffff6c It is bad if it generates undue transaction costs and does not respond to place-based needs (OECD, 2015). In addition, a range of OECD committees and subsidiary bodies carried out extensive consultation, including the Environment Policy Committee and its Working Party on Biodiversity, Water and Ecosystems, the Public Governance Committee and its Working Party of Senior Public Integrity Officials, the Development Assistance Committee; the Committee on Investment, and the Committee on Agriculture. Broader principles of good governance apply to the water sector, and water governance outcomes can also be contingent on progress in other domains of the water policy framework. 6 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/5km35m63qqvc-en 01942c36ba48e886d31bd25be57fb6d6 Next, employment and welfare officers develop an individual action plan for the client through a joint interview. The client is registered for work at the PES office and is referred to vacancies once his or her job preparation is completed. The Employment Support Programme for welfare recipients (cont.) 8 0 7 1.0 10.1787/rev/fish/pol-2009-26-en 0196cc1a899fa1d1b305eb6f34ef9628 The aquaculture industry contributes about NZD 226 million of this value. Seafood exports have consistently ranked as New Zealand’s fourth or fifth largest export earner but dropped to eighth in 2007. Important inshore and shellfish species include spiny rock lobster, paua, and snapper. New Zealand’s most valuable capture fishery species on a weight and export value basis is hoki. 14 0 4 1.0 10.18356/4bdc1a8f-en 01987a5f6be8f2399226dabbe2ac44c3 In addition to the excessive concentration of property, the poor functioning and resulting segmentation of labour markets bring about and reinforce the inequality of opportunities and outcomes so typical of Latin America. The increased labour-market flexibility promoted in most countries under the development model adopted in the 1980s failed to lead to faster growth in labour demand; rather, it introduced job insecurity for a high proportion of workers. Moreover, in conjunction with the increasing instability of employment, social benefits tended to be linked to employment contracts. Thus, the relatively unproductive and uncompetitive informal sector persisted, and many workers moved towards own-account work characterized by low income levels, lack of regulation and exclusion from social protection systems, in particular from social security and health care. 10 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264268852-5-en 019b14885fbb993fa6f875a118d16c56 For instance, the akim of Astana recently recognised that many of Astana's current inhabitants are unregistered and therefore not accounted for in official statistics. Unofficial population estimates exist for large cities such as Astana, Almaty City and Shymkent. A systemic underestimation of actual population by official statistics in large uiban centres has many potential adverse consequences. City and regional administrations need accurate population figures to plan for uiban development and local services such as schools, hospitals and public transport. 11 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/b276eed7-en 019c48034c68914bcff8b50339a91ced Clearly, in such a framework, each component must be coordinated with the others in order to achieve social policy objectives (see diagram IV.l). It is also responsible for ensuring that the entire population has access to social services and making sure that the services are adequate in terms of coverage and quality. However, social protection is not responsible for service delivery, which requires specialist management. 1 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.14217/9781848591516-7-en 01a502c10cbfc927c341be5c1e3e91ca Where there is no identified father there may be no birth certificate or other form of registration (which is a precursor to education), primary health care and forms of assistance such as food or cash transfers. In the research for Who Cares?, Even where there is community identification of the most needy, orphaned children of ‘unmarried’ mothers can be subject to discriminatory treatment. Swaziland has the highest prevalence rate of HIV in the world. 1 4 3 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/e0796071-en 01a5a090750f0fdd46a39a17b3a7a8c2 Une telle decomposition par categorie UICN n'etait jusqu’a present pas disponible. Conjugue a d'autres informations sur les aires protegees, ce nouvel indicateur permet de mieux comprendre l’ampleur et la direction des efforts de conservation deployes par les pays. Par exemple, certains pays ont etabli des aires protegees sur une part relativement importante de leur domaine maritime, tandis que d’autres doivent encore se doter de reseaux d’aires protegees dignes de ce nom. En revanche, il ne repond pas a certaines questions importantes et utiles pour Faction politique, a savoir dans quelle mesure les aires protegees preservent la biodiversite nationale ou mondiale, ou de determiner si leur gestion ou leur mise en oeuvre est efficace. 15 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264276116-7-en 01a5a418f3c496d0dff51cbf8b159683 Similarly, language development starts at the middle level, increases to the high level at around ages 1-2, slightly decreases towards age 4, and will continue to decrease towards the middle and low levels from then on. Numeracy starts with the low level, increases rapidly from ages 1-3, gradually decreases but will be maintained at the high level from age 4 (Figure 5.1 and OECD, 2015b). Children who are already falling behind in the first few years of their childhood face greater obstacles to catch up and succeed at school and beyond (Naudeau et al., Participation in early childhood education is crucial. 4 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.18356/8d5cb67b-en 01a68278ef1388edd551e7bd47dfcc6e The Framework builds on the lessons learned from the Hyogo Framework for Action 2005—2015, noting that disasters continue to undermine efforts to achieve sustainable development. Over the last ten years 700,000 people lost their lives in disaster events, 1.4 million were injured, and approximately 23 million were made homeless as a result of disasters. 9 1 3 0.5 10.18356/5e29aba4-en 01a6d2508b5f53413364e5d0db55c9c1 Paris: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Marriage, Motherhood and Masculinity in the Global Economy: Reconfigurations of Personal and Economic Life, IDS Working Paper No. Brighton: Institute of Development Studies. Drivers of Female Labor Force Participation During India's Economic Boom, IZA Discussion Papers 6395, Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA). 5 0 3 1.0 10.18356/d19a5f58-en 01a788e567ccea5885aa5d6c33f79ebc This is important in MODA as its primary focus is not on composite indices. However, the equal weighting scheme is also used when a composite index is presented within MODA.21 Evidently, other choices can be made and defended when the objectives of the analysis are different. To avoid making arbitrary decisions, the current interactive applications of MODA present the outcomes for all possible cut-off points, and thus incorporate all three methods. The union approach is used to identify all of the deprived, since any deprivation is seen as a non-fulfilment of children's rights. 1 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264268852-7-en 01a9b2d2bc1276d9653af4ba38363941 Regions contribute to the budget at different levels, and it is necessary to equalise their budget income. In Kazakhstan, the disparities in regional development are the basis of the unequal revenue position of local budgets and thus determine the essential role of interbudget relations, such as subsidies and earmark transfers. Transfers to SNGs thus include funds from the equalisation of oblasts' tax revenues to reduce disparities. On the whole, general (non-earmarked) budget transfers are based on a complex system of formulas that tries to capture the difference in the cost of providing public services in each oblast, district or city. 11 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264098473-10-en 01ab51fac9f5f9da81f689f908088d05 Aquaculture can cause local eutrophication of rivers, fjords or coastal waters. The Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs (MOFI) has developed a strategy to address these issues (MOFI, 2009a). Compared to the total number of fish farmed, the number of escapes is particularly high for cod and, to a lesser extent, for trout. 14 0 7 1.0 10.1787/aeo-2016-14-en 01ae2350ef2becd09ce26a38d5a072bf The slower gross domestic product (GDP) growth was due to lower than expected exports and a decrease in public expenditure and foreign direct investment. A reduced influx of hard currency assisted the devaluation of the metical (MZN) against the US dollar and pressured the balance of payments. This was halted only by a USD 282.9 million standby credit facility agreement with the International Monetary Fund in December 2015. The budget deficit was reduced from 6.6% in 2014 to 5.4% in 2015. 11 3 0 1.0 10.1787/9789264233874-4-en 01b2ab07f747670ff854137f666d7a4b Utilisation of food through adequate diet, clean water, sanitation and health care to reach a state of nutritional well-being where all i isa ion physiological needs are met. This brings out the importance of non-food inputs in food security. They should not risk losing access to food as a consequence of sudden shocks (e.g. an economic or climatic crisis) or cyclical events (e.g. seasonal food insecurity). 2 0 5 1.0 10.1787/9789264210745-6-en 01b57af27c4a89b28b9afff0a834d767 Strategies and Good Practices of States and Social Partners in Europe”, Belgium, http:// A Comment on International Development Agency Experiences in the South”, International Feminist Journal of Politics, Vol. Gender Mainstreaming, Women’s Movements and the Canadian Federal State,” Atlantis, Volume 29:2. Gender and Mainstreaming?”, 5 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264203914-8-en 01b5fad24ca7750b901a5a54947a4807 As the seat of the Curitiba City Council, the IPPUC is also an important venue for citizen participation in city affairs. The institute’s research and planning activities are behind every innovation in urban management in Curitiba, including the bus-based rapid transport system, the first municipal public health system in Brazil, the public parks-based flood control system, the community-based waste management system and the effective use of a pay-for-FAR (floor area ratio) mechanism of value capture from the land markets (solo criado). The IPPUC prepares plans and projects, raises and manages resources for their implementation, co-ordinates investments in infrastructure, and researches and disseminates good practices. 11 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/01772a94-en 01b60c0d846eabd6c60a35a784b7b0d7 The figures above confirm that monetary poverty and multidimensional deprivation are two different concepts that complement each other when analysing child poverty. Since the correlation between multidimensional deprivation and GDP per capita has been found to be only moderately strong (see Figure 13) the regression has been made more robust by including various control variables. The regression is weighted by the countries' population size. In other words, 63.6%, or just below 300 million children in the 45 countries of sub-Saharan Africa are multidimensionally poor, being deprived in two to five dimensions of basic child rights out of a total of five dimensions analysed per child. Among the children in the 28 selected countries (361 million children in total), 181 million children (50%) are living below the extreme poverty line of $1.25 a day, and 244 million children (67.5%) are multidimensionally deprived. 1 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/2c8682bc-en 01b74a0dc88fedb7866d631ee9ad6ecc It notes the inadequacy of the treatment given to this subject over the years by the different schools of economics, before going on to set out just why this dimension is essential to an understanding of system functioning. It also deals with the conceptual, methodological and economic policy implications of incorporating this dimension of analysis, and with its relevance to the effort to carry forward an agenda that addresses the economic dimensions of gender inequity. In order that everyone might understand it, the world has been represented in stylized and simplified forms. Capitalist societies are thus understood as a system of relationships between households, firms and the State. 5 1 4 0.6 10.1787/9789264231160-5-en 01b87c70951b8a904a20d969dc79fbd3 It also encourages opportunities of: (1) new innovation and technologies; (2) new business models and investment strategies; (3) remodelling of the existing housing stock. This demographic change is occurring in both the rural and urban United States. Providing appropriate health and social care services to low- and middle-income seniors in rural areas is particularly difficult. Most senior households in rural areas are in scattered single-family homes, rather than communal settings. Transport to and from health and social care services such as hospitals, senior centres or meal programmes is a key challenge, given the lower housing density and service coverage. 11 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5jxsr7vr78f7-en 01bcb6fd2d0bbc0f973cb00ef97bc945 The Age 19 estimates come from the Elmira site, (a) Is based on group reading and math achievement test scores and is in percentile units, (b) Uses student self-reports on domains such as anxiety, depression, somatisation, and withdrawal to assess if students pass a clinical threshold, based on the Achenbach Child Behaviour Checklist (Achenbach and Rescorla, 2001). ( Attains 5% significance level. The Jamaican Supplementation Study (JSS) was one of the few with a long-term follow-up.9 Like NFP, JSS targeted health and parenting skills. This randomised programme consisted of a two-year nutritional and stimulation programme for stunted children (low height for age), aged 9-24 months at the start of the programme. 4 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/74f4872a-en 01bd4068d4695af6a4806bf68964a073 Promoting such a system, from generation to delivery to the end users, requires long-term investment in large-scale projects; it also involves risks and uncertainty and therefore requires detailed planning (Markard, 2011). But its provision dramatically increases both economic productivity and quality of life. In rural areas, access to affordable energy can boost farm productivity because of its uses in pumping water for irrigation, mechanization, agricultural processing and post-harvest storage. Developing a domestic eneigy industry has multiple benefits, because of jobs created in system maintenance and repairs, billing and administration, and power plant operation and distribution, in addition to backward linkages and new domestic markets (UNCTAD, 2017). Positive feedback effects are created as energy provision supports transportation and information and communication technologies (ICTs), which in turn assist in eneigy generation and distribution. The design of transportation systems shapes social transformations, and how populations and businesses settle and interact (NCE, 2014; Atack et al., 9 1 3 0.5 10.18356/2640b601-en 01bf859afb596b5679c13eee9036d8d7 First introduced commercially in 1958, up-scaling potential was largely saturated in 1969 with the Boeing 747 (see Figure 3.2). During the formative phase, technologies are repeatedly and iteratively tested, modified, improved, reduced in cost, and adapted to market demands. This often takes place in market niches that offer some protection from competitive pressures (Kemp et al., 7 3 1 0.5 10.1787/5jlpl4mh1hxn-en 01c00b8ad04f55efa35102a1e913d234 Africa Gender Equality Index 2015, African Development Bank, Abidjan, Documents/Publications/Afric an_Gender_Equality_lndex_2015-EN.pdf. Gender, Poverty and Environmental Indicators on African Countries, Vol XV, African Development Bank. Regional Road Map, OECD/SWAC, Paris, https://www.oecd. 2 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264267817-6-en 01c3eb12a6239bda9eab620a45a72a81 This work is legally assigned to the State Ministry for Sustainable Development, together with verifying the consistency of Local Ecological Zoning Programmes that are reviewed by the State Ministry and its federal counterpart (Ministry for the Environment and Natural Resources, SEMARNAT). However, the responsibility for licences or binding permits is that of the issuing of authority that controls such a programme, i.e. the state government for regional programmes and municipalities for municipal programmes. At this level of spatial planning, growing areas or territorial reserves to be used in the future are defined. 11 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264279551-5-en 01c4492646762a885960b69daf61455c In Germany and Portugal, the relationship between drought severity and damage to crop production is linear. In France, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Denmaik, Austria, Hungary and Romania, damages to crop increase at a decelerating pace as drought severity increases. Interestingly, historical data show that crop production in Finland and Norway actually increases with drought severity. The dynamic of water risks determines the potential irreversibility of their impacts and the possible responses from the sector. 6 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264097803-10-en 01c45e3ff69d7941371a987f80d59853 Science parks tended to fall from favour and became a less prominent policy tool, although still maintaining their own networks and policy support community. Parks were oriented towards large firms seeking to establish research facilities near a university environment, in the hope that firms would develop research contracts with universities. In the case of Stanford, the land was owned by the university. 9 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/5k3txnpqlsnn-en 01cb75c2b693ad4289f97c7f46f855df The teacher teams also offered opportunities for teachers to reflect and talk about their teaching practice, even if some of the interviewed teachers admitted that much meeting time was used for administrative discussions. These teacher teams were often in charge of school development in general and supported the school leader in implementing policy changes. One school leader explained the importance of giving teachers good explanations of why the school needed to work on AfL, before explaining how he had used policy documents and research articles as evidence for why this was important. He emphasized the importance of treating teachers with respect since they are highly educated and will not do something just because the Minister has introduced a new programme. Overall, the school leaders described practices that emphasized participation, sharing responsibility and cooperation. These structures can be seen as signs of successful implementation strategies, and some of the schools visited were able to build a sustainable environment for AfL practice through these networks. 4 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/5jxrjncwxv6j-en 01cfc718967be103cf09934435e322b2 Since its beginning in the early 1990s, the empirical growth literature has extended equation A3.8 to account for a variety of long run growth determinants (as public and social capital, trade openness, financial development, quality of institutions etc.). Early works focussing on the role of inequality include Persson and Tabellini (1994) and Alesina and Rodrik (1994). Moreover, equation A3.8 can be estimated for any time interval. 10 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264179011-7-en 01d5f6fc8eb729c9f8227b92cb30bb5b Once calculated these all these marketing margins were subtracted from the relevant border reference price. Indonesia’s PSEs: What and how? ( It incorporates transfers to provincial and district governments for agriculture programmes. However, it does not include local co-financing, as there is no data on this. 2 5 2 0.42857142857142855 10.18356/5e7977af-en 01daf4ee8ffcfe4244044d146a9da8c4 However, people's daily lives are subject to numerous restrictions on this freedom. Time is, therefore, a resource that is limited throughout life. The more time people spend at work, the less they have for other activities, such as family responsibilities and rest. Reductions in working hours —one of the most common demands from workers' movements for much of the twentieth century— have been made with a view to safeguarding workers' physical and mental health. 1 3 1 0.5 10.18356/899c7c48-en 01e17bf4198a22e0562b96ef21578530 For instance, the coefficient of -0.03 in 2012 (Model 1 in Table A5) means that the difference of lOppt in the MIP indicator (say, between Belgium (50%) and the Czech Republic (40%) in 2011) is associated with 35% greater odds of a child being poor in 2012, all else being equal.28 Using the coefficients from the model, Figure A3 in the Annex shows a steady decrease in the predicted probability of a child being poor across the range of values of the MIP indicator. Thus, children in countries with more generous minimum income protection schemes are less likely to be poor during the crisis, but the generosity of social assistance could be picking up the effect of the overall size of the welfare state. When social spending is entered in the model, the MIP effect becomes smaller and less precisely estimated, remaining significant only in 2009 and 2012 (model 2 Table A5). 1 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264113749-en 01e835c91426e2004df9b58aacf3076e Table 2.2 illustrates some of the different ways in which government and students share the costs at secondary level. Fees are subject to government guidelines in public sector. Most programmes, although ‘upper secondary' in terms of ISCED level, are outside the school sector. The OECD International Survey of VET Systems, OECD, Paris. 4 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/0492621a-en 01eade64240d9cdbe82425d88f18dc8b The authors are grateful to the model's author, Mr. Luis Martinez, Modeller and Analyst at the ITF. For editorial support the authors thank Ms. Edwina Collins, Content Production Co-ordinator, ITF; Ms. Katherine Farrow, Modeller and Analyst, ITF; and Michael Kloth, Head of Communications, ITF. Further support was provided by Mr. Luke Mackle, Consultant, and Ms. Tabea Klang, former Consultant, both of the Eurasia division. Final editorial and visual support was provided by Ms Vanessa Berry-Chatelain, Communications Manager, OECD Global Relations Secretariat. 9 6 1 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264083660-7-en 01ef5e6e3f5acc0ad258a9c69f130bd6 The latter offers separate products for water and sanitation, through the Safe Water and Rural Environmental Sanitation Program (SWRESP). In 2007, the amount of loans for SWRESP was USD 20 million. This initiative, supported by USAID Environmental Services Program, is to be scaled up countrywide with a target of 10 000 connections by 2009. 6 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264305274-7-en 01f393ce6de9e2a8e9f862064f47212d The questionnaires also identify additional indicators of educational success beyond performance on the PISA test. These indicators comprise, for example, questions about educational attainment, health and well-being, and attitudes towards school and learning. The out-of-school instruments gather much of the same data as the school-based instruments, as well as data on barriers to school attendance and factors that may impede students' progress through school. 4 2 2 0.0 10.18356/81e6e689-en 01f4178a0190acb3fdd0e1a7ffb514e0 In such a system, there is no need for collateral, as the financier becomes a co-owner of the business. In Africa, for example, over 90 per cent of the rural population access land through customary mechanisms. In addition to customary law, property rights are influenced by a range of other legal, cultural and normative frameworks, including religious laws and practices, international treaties, and development project regulations. 1 3 1 0.5 10.1787/9789264196155-4-en 01f55195bc4497596b87eb7701456770 Nearly 20% of employed youth were in low-paid work compared to 12% on average for the country. A high percentage of people among the elderly (34%) are still working, while only 27% receive a pension, reflecting the nascent status of the pension system. There have been significant improvements in narrowing gender gaps at all levels of education and in providing health treatment and health insurance coverage. However, as in most countries in the world, women in Viet Nam earn substantially less than men. 10 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5jzb6w1rt99p-en 01f824cc56b1133d4d83360e5cbb62ee In comparison to the 40 countries covered in the OECD’s Education at a Glance study, Brazil is placed in the bottom quarter of countries with respect to expenditure on early childhood education relative to GDP (OECD, 2012a). In Denmark, France and Sweden a sizeable proportion of childhood education workers are required to have specialised training (Moss, 2000). The Brazilian Federal Ministry of Education operates a distance-learning programme for ECE educators called Prolnfantil, on which efforts to improve training could build. 10 6 1 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/5kg7068011hb-en 01f9199808a233a92636bdf07d6ed2b1 These real and perceived risks generally result in financing that is more costly than that which is available to more traditional generation sources.9 As the IPCC (2011) points out, to operate effectively, markets rely on timely, appropriate and truthful information. But energy markets are far from perfect; and this is especially true of markets in technological and structural transition, such as the RE market. Thus, as a result of insufficient information, underlying project risk can tend to be overrated and transaction costs can increase as compared to conventional fossil fuel technologies. Often, the viability of a specific investment is dependent upon a particular policy regime remaining in place, and this is a major risk that equity and debt (banks) investors will need to evaluate before deciding on the financing parameters for the project. 7 0 3 1.0 10.1787/agr/outlook-2015-5-en 01fb573cca34ec038f59159f9da7dcbf The exact areas of cultivation and volumes of production are difficult to ascertain because a large share of output takes place on small farms for self-consumption or sale at local markets. Over the past decade, increasing emphasis has been given to the production of organics and targeted technical assistance and support measures are being extended to family farm units engaged in this type of cultivation. In terms of total volumes, the most important fruit is pineapple. 2 1 3 0.5 10.18356/2c271815-en 01fce1e3f46ef3a86162463fe3dbf089 The situation in the poorest quintile was slightly unfavourable to women aged 15 and over on this particular indicator (see table 1.4). For example, table I.A1.4 of the statistical annex shows that, in 2013, Chile had the smal lest gap in secondary school completion rates between the top and bottom quintiles, with the poorest quintile's rate being 79% of the richest quintile's.30 Next came the Bolivarian Republic ofVenezuela and Argentina, with figures of 65% and 61 %, respectively. The countries with the biggest gaps between the top and bottom quintiles were Honduras and Guatemala. 1 4 3 0.14285714285714285 10.6027/9789289329651-8-en 01fd4e7f8cf56c08982f8f245e3d9f3a However, we lack knowledge of the more specific distribution of carbon stocks with various environmental properties or in relation to forest types. Hence, there are currently limited opportunities of relating the distribution of forest biodiversity to carbon stocks via specific variation in forest environmental properties. The relevant data should exist in national forest inventories and could be related to relevant environmental properties, but as far as we know such analyses are mostly lacking and only rather coarse relationships can be described at the Nordic level (cf chapters 5 and 6.1). 15 1 9 0.8 10.18356/36aba0c4-en 01feed76be2ab9ecb3e7fa9a023131ca Explicitly incorporating women's traditional work in agriculture, for example, in seed selection and preservation to maintain crop biodiversity, is important in these analyses. Moreover, gender inequality in land rights and access to resources, as well as in the burden of unpaid care work, poses substantial barriers to greening agriculture in sustainable and pro-poor ways (Herren and others, 2012). These include energy, construction, transportation and, among basic industries, aluminium, iron and steel (ILO, 2012). In manufacturing, the emphasis is on introducing clean processing techniques and controlling pollution, with less of an apparent total employment effect (International Labour Foundation for Sustainable Development, 2009). 5 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264088757-11-en 0202518531b5222e161c47bc6c10a8a9 This trend is certainly associated with the reform that separated the leading sector institution (SAPTE) from the ministry, and upgraded it with autonomy and a quasi-ministerial level in the government. It would be worth exploring the potential of local resources to fund local VET projects and initiatives. Thus in 2009 salaries represent approx 46% of total central budget, and food - 27.3% (up from 22% in 2007). 4 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264095830-12-en 02040793c81cdd8bb62f9c7ae84504f4 These studies examined the increasing participation levels of Asian women in business ownership. An interesting finding of the researches in the United Kingdom (Dhaliwal, 1998 and 2007; Ram and Jones, 1998) is that Asian women are not strongly represented in self-employment because there is a tendency for some women entrepreneurs to be “invisible” and their existence unacknowledged. These “hidden” women (Dhaliwal, 1998) say it is their husband, father or brother who run the business and they are masking the extent of their role even if they are playing a pivotal role in the management of the business. 5 0 8 1.0 10.1787/eag-2018-3-en 020468ff422ac3ef79cb449c8a50b818 At the class or school level, however, weaker or disadvantaged students are often intentionally grouped and placed in smaller classes so that they receive more individual attention. At the school level, therefore, the observed relationship between class size and student achievement is often positive, suggesting that students in larger classes perform better than students in smaller classes. At higher levels of aggregation, the relationship between student achievement and class size is further confounded, by the socio-economic intake of individual schools or by factors relating to the learning culture in different countries. Therefore, to interpret the indicators, it is important to fully understand the relationships between them. 4 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/5jrs8sv4jt6k-en 02073f0b657ead0e5978c20daeb37f0a For the case studies, national definitions of smallholder will be considered. These definitions emphasise income sources and the ability of farm households to transition either into commercially successful farm operations or out of farming altogether. Sometimes the definition includes a minimum share of farm labour that is contributed by the farmer’s family (FAO, 2014). 2 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264187894-6-en 020b3d51311692021c7054243fd60fb4 The existence or creation of linkages between policy areas would provide a coherent institutional architecture and enhance water policy efficiency. It would also ensure that investment plans better reflect basin priorities and that public expenditures across sectors are better aligned with water policy objectives. The potential for policy coherence at the watershed level could be improved through the systematic involvement of river basin organisations and councils; this is an area that needs to be further exploited. In particular, the Agenda foresees the creation of a Ministry of Land Use Planning for a long-term land-use planning strategy; a National Observatory of Sustainable Land Use Planning; and a National Development Planning Institute to ensure the long-term harmonisation among different sectoral and territorial development policies in Mexico. Such tools would help move from traditional ad hoc bilateral discussions between CONAGUA and other agencies (CONAFOR, SEDESOL, SAGARPA, etc.) The current institutional set-up for dealing with climate change issues might serve as an example to mobilise key institutions of the federal public administration towards policy coherence (see Box 1.10). 6 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264190320-16-en 020da29a6bbc1124b7f9ea5b0a680625 A tailored approach may be required as basins are faced with specific challenges and are endowed with distinctive capacities. Building on institutions such as CONAGO, IMTA and ANEAS, there is ample room to collect, review and benchmark success stories, innovative mechanisms or institutional organisations in support of effective decision making, and better water policies at all levels. This is concrete implementation of the commitments related to human rights, anticorruption and democratic governance mentioned in the Pact. 6 0 3 1.0 10.18356/4a2e8e2d-en 0211359319e74687bc8b31b4c4ea07a6 Some stakeholders have emphasized that problems are typically already known (e.g. conflicts arising from the operation of a certain dam), and that the workshops should allow much more room for the nexus dialogue and for developing solutions. It is true that, if stakeholders participate actively, the nexus dialogue may uncover important sectoral perspectives that can serve as good bases for solutions. In the Alazani/Ganykh assessment, for instance, the topic of forest degradation would not have emerged without the sectoral phases having taken place. 6 3 1 0.5 10.1787/9789264298705-6-en 0211aacd1f87758017d7c2365476dcad This highlights the vital tradeoffs between transparency, stability, objectivity on the one hand, and responsiveness to changing labour-market needs on the other. Possible solutions for addressing the transparency of learning programmes and responsiveness to labour-market demands are addressed in this and the following chapter. They fell to below 40 000 enrolments in 2014, in large part because of budgetary constraints and programme cuts (OECD, 2015(1|). 4 3 1 0.5 10.18356/36b318e6-en 02141e23f41bb794c4c5fc1f8718862c In this sense, our analysis is best described as the initial or early impacts of the crisis on children. With this caveat, our results indicate a strong relationship between country exposure to the crisis and child outcomes, with those hardest hit showing the largest increases in child poverty. Some downward trends in well-being are observed for all countries, not just those most exposed to the crisis; this is especially true for young people’s labour market outcomes. 1 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5kmd3khjfjf0-en 02167220da9681960ba835a9c164a510 Non-funded courses with unregulated (and much higher) fees have grown in number, although they still account for only a relatively small share of tertiary education. Between 1995 and 2006, the percentage increase in student numbers at all levels was well above the OECD average (Figure 1, Panel A). And, the share of students enrolled in all levels of education in relation to the total population is very high compared with most OECD countries (Figure 1, Panel B). 4 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264301085-4-en 021966ba030a5a622724fb44690cbc26 Data refer to the working-age population (18-65). See Annex 2.A1 for details on the data sources. Several country patterns emerge, suggesting different challenges to address for policies. Norway, Germany, Austria, the United States and Ireland combine high sticky ceilings at the top of the income distribution with average levels of mobility at the bottom compared to other countries. 10 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264281707-6-en 021a8fa71b05d570bfe1551283f30819 All policies and plans that the Israeli Water Authority or any other Ministry proposes must be presented to the Water Authority Council Forum for approval before they can be passed. The efficiency of the Water Authority Council is contingent upon two criteria - creating equal representation of all interested groups, and ensuring that effective and timely decision-making is their priority . This unifies the responsibility for decision-making on national water and wastewater management and has substantially improved the efficiency and timing of decision-making. 6 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264213944-8-en 021c2a899166eb5203c2e694f248d774 Small Business and Human Development, available online at .pdf. Maastricht School of Management, Working Paper No. Available online at: Unemployed persons cannot be attributed to particular sectors; therefore, unlike the labour force, the work force does not include any unemployed persons. 5 3 1 0.5 10.18356/b9c917b5-en 021cd4ff5d2e94fe29bc1e51ea5be381 Finally, there are hundreds of millions of migrant farmers constantly moving around the country seeking jobs. As a result, even the high rate of growth in China, if not accompanied by structural and other changes ensuring more job creation, cannot meet the pressure for jobs. For example, in 2003, with a 9.1 per cent aggregate GDP growth rate, 8 million jobs were created, but even this was inadequate given the continuously growing “backlog” of labour force increases and reduced demand for labour in many traditional activities including agriculture. 1 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264272637-5-en 021ce46067eaee1238a7a52896986b1e It has therefore been suggested that cultivating alternative sources of transport financing should be a priority. The periods on the xaxis correspond to the seven 5-year economic development plans, which were first launched in 1962 and terminated in 1997. However, more recently, the share of its total public investment devoted to transport infrastructure decreased from 8.2% to 6.6% between 2006 and 2015. Railways - and especially high-speed railways - have also gradually surfaced back as an alternative response to car-centred development and to the side effects of the latter, such as congestion and environmental degradation.4 The high-speed Korea Train eXpress (KTX), first inaugurated in 2004, handled 42.3% of total rail traffic in 2010. 11 0 4 1.0 10.18356/65d65044-en 021d2de2bf0a66809ef21a193a8cda62 These unsustainable patterns add to poverty and inequality today, especially for the third of the world's population directly dependent on natural resources for their well-being, and create deep threats for future generations (UnmuBig, Sachs and Fatheuer, 2012). The causes and underlying drivers of unsustainability and of gender inequality are deeply interlocked. Both are produced by development models that support particular types of underregulated market-led growth and the persistence of unequal power relations between women and men (Wichterich, 2012). 5 1 4 0.6 10.18356/73d010ed-en 0220254005fe506158144eba80569c40 Country-specific variables are also included, however, so that individual effects can be detected. This effect remains and grows stronger over the medium term, since the lagged feminization variable for one period has an effect equivalent to 7.7% on the growth rate. This is considered to be a robust result given the stability of both the coefficient and the standard error in all three specifications. This provides a partial confirmation of the hypothesis that, in the presence of a pre-existing gap in labour force participation, women's entry into the workforce can help fuel growth or a recovery if an economy is in a recession or when its existing capacity is being underutilized. 5 0 5 1.0 10.18356/b90ce3c6-en 0220d35f86ce36b95216654740b9a7e1 In addition, “the cumulative gap between the level of finance needed and finance actually delivered is growing” (Buchner and others, 2014, p. 5). The present study is not intended to provide a comprehensive overview, but instead report on key figures to provide a broad view of the current situation. Despite still lagging far below the levels needed to limit warming to two degrees Celsius,5 climate finance flows have increased when compared to the 2013 level of $331 billion. In 2013, climate finance flows were directed almost equally to developed (OECD) and developing (non-OECD) countries, with each group receiving $164 billion and $165 billion, respectively (Buchner and others, 2014). North-South flows accounted for $34 billion in 2012 (Buchner and others, 2014). Developing countries invested $2 billion in developed countries and $10 billion in South-South cooperation (Buchner and others, 2014). 13 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264303119-en 0227f8587b8806d7d7e52c0b8f622c72 In the United States, for instance, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) maintains the National Emissions Inventory (NEI), which contains estimates of emissions of 187 hazardous air pollutants, with information collected from state and local agencies down to the facility level (see EPA website: The European Environment Agency (EEA) maintains the European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (E-PRTR), which collects emissions data for 91 pollutants and also down to the facility level ( Other countries have similar emissions inventories, though there exists at present no global inventory for local air pollutants (Amann et al., It determined that the aggregated damage costs from the main air pollutants NH3, NOx, PM10, S02 and VOCs for the period 2008-2012 amounted to between EUR 40 to EUR 115 billion, depending on methodological conventions for the value of a statistical life. 7 1 3 0.5 10.18356/fa8ae033-en 022ab197fca89bc9fd99d63226dcba10 According to the Court, the interpretation of these concepts in the future would be important to define the constitutionality of laws or executive actions related to the right to raise a family. See also UN CESCR 1999, para. See Ex parte Chairperson of the Constitutional Assembly: In re Certification of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 1996 (4) SA 744 (CC); 1996 (10) BCLR 1253 (CC), para. Rahim Dawood & others v Minister of Home Affairs & others 2000 (3) SA 936 para 34-37. 5 3 0 1.0 10.18356/051b4d3b-en 022db29dd9f670b9edf94bf6c27b05f8 There are also a number of other reasons - including supply and demand mismatch in the labour market, restrictive social norms, rigid labour market conditions and structural changes in the economy-that push women away from work. The percentage of these people among those in the labour force is defined as the unemployment rate. The overall unemployment rate remained static at 2.4 per cent in both 1999-2000 and 2004-2005 and marginally declined to 2.2 per cent during 2011-2012 primarily because of a reduction in the LFPRs of both women and men in the 15-24 age group. 5 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264089457-en 0231e73eca1084f3621da6fbd9f569d3 This will be the driving force behind a revitalisation of the low season and an improvement of the sector’s profitability and sustainability. Most local councils also require that all applications, in the form of layout plans accompanied by town planning reports, must be submitted by town planners. In Penang, several structural plans exist for the island and Seberang Perai. Since 2007, these have been replaced by a state-wide structure plan. 4 6 1 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/5kmh3nj5rzs4-en 02323dd8419c07c2543c4bf55f9dec40 Such numbers differ from International estimations such as those of the Asian Development Bank estimating that 41.6% of the population live below the poverty line of USD 1.25 (PPP) per day (Asian Development Bank, 2009). Thermal power accounted for 60% of total installed capacity with 96 794 MW, hydropower for 24.5% with 36 916 MW, nuclear power for 2.7% with 4120 MW and renewable energies for 8.8 % with 13 242 MW (Central Electricity Authority, 2009a). A smaller share of generating capacity is covered by independent power producers (IPP) and industrial auto-producers, which according to the MoP operate 13.5 %38 of all India's capacity (Table 18). 7 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.18356/60375438-en 0234e03ec32d3bf786dba4e07d47d9e5 Income and property taxes, and taxes on luxury items, are generally more progressive than indirect taxes, such as value-added tax (VAT), which can also be made less regressive by exempting basic goods and services. It is most effective when women's rights advocates in grassroots and civil society organizations, think tanks and university departments can build strategic alliances with actors in political parties, state bureaucracies and regional and global institutions. This work demands judgment, skill, agility and persistence on the part of advocates, as well as access to information, policy debates and decision-making processes. 5 1 3 0.5 10.1787/5js1qwkz2p9s-en 0237c6a8fe1efe869ec0890b28511acb A number of lower-income economies among OECD and Key Partner countries have lower levels of alcohol consumption (e.g. Indonesia, India, Turkey, China and Mexico, see Figure 1). Although no statistical relationship can be established, this may suggest that emerging economies might experiment higher levels of consumption as their revenue increases. To better understand the drivers of the level of alcohol consumption over time, extensions for further analysis could explore the effects of macro-level factors, including economic as well as environmental indicators. Social patterns of drinking tend to differ across countries, as they are largely the result of cultural and environmental influences, and of government policies in place in the countries concerned. 3 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.14217/9781848599451-9-en 0239e5059c074578cf4acd2f5985d33a Disparities in regards to entrepreneurship also persist, with only 19 per cent of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) run by women (WBC 2013a). Throughout all sectors of the UK economy, women’s economic activity remains hindered and their potential untapped. Evidence demonstrates that the economy would greatly benefit by increasing gender equality throughout the workplace. 5 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264262782-5-en 023f817dce88c4b108f1a74de4662de5 Emergency services need to provide care even if annual quotas for specific services are already filled, for example, so the number of such cases can provide some indication of whether quotas are appropriately set. The origin and ultimate destination of patients can also provide an indication of whether capacity in various levels of care is adequate, both in terms of access and quality of care. In 2013, there were 3.1 practicing doctors per 1 000 population, close to the OECD average of 3.2, and a slight increase from 2000 when there were 2.9 practicing doctors per 1 000 population in Latvia. 3 0 3 1.0 10.18356/6f7c638a-en 02422872f8f4062ad64cc1646e07ad93 "Just as the feminist movement's slogan ""the personal is political"" drew attention to the fact that domestic issues require public policies, advances in the region show that, now. It is essential to develop and implement public policies on the redistribution of time and work to foster gender equality and sustainable development (ECLAC, 2016a). Significant measures have been taken to address each of these commitments, especially over the past 10 years: developing time-use measurement tools, quantifying unpaid domestic work and unpaid care work, and promoting satellite accounts that allow the value of this type of work to be included in national accounts. Time-use data analyses have been very useful in the development of public policies targeting the recognition and redistribution of unpaid work, which represent one of the main determining factors of inequality between men and women in the region, even more so when other determinants of time distribution are taken into account, such as a person's place of residence, ethnicity, race and age, from an intersectional perspective." 5 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.18356/9b4421ad-en 0243aabf0bbdb7597808b7d537216b29 Pessar and Mahler 2003; Kunz 2011. See, for example, the case of Morocco-ltaly (Salih 2001). The National Population Census 2011 shows that about 13 per cent of the absentee population is composed of women, almost 3 fold increase in absolute number since the 2001 census. Many of these violations are linked to the kafala (sponsorship) system, which requires workers to have a sponsor - usually the employer herself-who is responsible for their visa and legal status and hence ‘owns’the employee, since (s)he is not allowed to change workplace or employer. 5 2 6 0.5 10.1787/9789264208292-10-en 0243eeba7db349709adacedd168b8dc9 However, they focus on risk related to natural disasters and do not adequately address risk associated with routine operation of chemical facilities. Moreover, they are overly reliant on the efforts of under-resourced regional and local authorities and the chemicals industry itself. There do not appear to be arrangements in place to deal with chemical accidents with a potential cross-border dimension. The national authorities should play a more active role in establishing an effective policy framework and in overseeing and providing guidance for subnational authorities’ activities in this area. 12 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.18356/150942f1-en 02455067b13fd6adafffec08b3b35b10 This approach may clearly overestimate initial hunger rates to the extent that it underestimates quantities actually consumed. Initial levels of hunger reported for Burkina Faso and Ghana should be then treated with caution, although the subsequent variations -which are our prime interest - should be less affected. The approach followed to simulate the impact of the crisis on hunger strictly refers to caloric intake and its changes over the simulated scenarios. 1 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/0476b8f9-en 024a0d5bad8f082e310ebcedd01e8e79 This cadastre would help differentiate forest land from agricultural or other land uses. For example, protecting these forests against illegal logging and enforcement of other regulations is problematic when ownership boundaries are not clearly marked. Due to a constant effort of research and classification, varying numbers of species by taxonomic group and their status have been reported. Analyses of biodiversity richness for individual countries within the European continent rank the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia at the very top of the list of countries considered to be European “hotspots.” Forest communities dominate with more than 55 per cent of the land cover, followed by grass communities, lake and river vegetation communities, while swamp communities and temporal communities occupy the smallest areas. 15 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/5db444d4-en 024a4943028d5bfeae3a54b8af14bed4 Indeed, women remain disproportionally responsible for unpaid care work, with major potential to improve public, accessible and affordable child and/or elderly care (OECD, 2017[i)). Although women from diverse backgrounds are often at the losing end of structural gender inequality, the cultural norms and stereotypes are simultaneously creating problems for men and boys. In addition, new challenges arise; while presenting real opportunities for change, digitalisation, disruptive technologies and big data generate additional risks to expand the scale of persisting inequalities, and create new forms of divides. 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/c69de229-en 024fbfe797ad47453c67dbfab2211c19 However, these child poverty data are available for fewer countries and for a shorter period of time than those based on the conventional floating poverty line (for most countries the 2005 “anchored” poverty rates are available from year 2005 onwards). For most countries, these data on trends in the anchored poverty rate have been available since 2005 or a year later, but some countries (Canada, France and the United Kingdom) have longer data series. Variations in anchored poverty rates are more heterogeneous across countries and for many countries larger than for the relative poverty rate (Figure 5). 1 0 9 1.0 10.1787/5jrxr7qx6ctb-en 0252558166c27021265f2e45ecbe8502 The focus of this group was on people suffering from mental health disorders with substance abuse comorbidity (while dementia, intellectual disability and substance abuse alone were excluded from the scope of the analysis). With 90 million euros of funding, the commission was given three years to “initiate and support project development at all levels (medical treatment, service improvement, housing projects, legislative and organisational improvements) and to propose measures needed in order to permanently raise the standard of mental health services.” Special attention was paid to improving the coordination between mental health and social services. 3 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264089457-en 0252eadab7000008211653db55c6a6b8 Numerous grant schemes have been directed to basic research and commercialisation of R&D but in a relatively piecemeal way. Competition between the 13 Malaysian states to attract research institutions and higher education campuses is intense. The scarcity of land in Penang and the high cost of it act as a barrier to investment. According to the NCER 2007 Blueprint a number of industrial estates and technology parks remain underutilised or unutilised. Overreliance on the techpush model is making knowledge transfer more difficult. A Penang Science Council, driven by industry, has been created to ensure that Penang can implement its strategy. 4 0 3 1.0 10.1787/09e92b30-en 0254cfcba41405f693d885f88742d8ea The number of GPs per capita is set to decrease temporarily below the current OECD average around 2025, due to their unfavourable age structure and historically tight restrictions on the number of medical students (Figure 14, Panels A and B; Drees, 2016b; Bachelet and Anguis, 2017). Indeed, households in poor neighbourhoods were only half as likely as the general population to have complementary insurance in 2012 (ONZUS, 2015), despite the CMU-C and ACS schemes, and this could have effectively limited their ability to afford extra billing (which moreover is forbidden for this category of patient). In addition, the CMU-C and ACS schemes limit physicians’ tariffs and exempt households from co-payments, and the outcomes of several discrimination tests indicate that households covered by CMU universal health coverage are frequently refused medical appointments, in particular by specialists who extra-bill (Baudis, 2014; Despres et al., France, like other OECD countries, does not limit physicians’ choice of location but provides incentives to locate in some areas (Ono et al., 3 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/af3bcc31-en 0254efe3600439cb236b3d56723af6c4 The Arctic regions of the United States (Alaska) and Canada (Northern Canada) have the highest levels of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) on earth. The toxic health-threatening substances are transported over long distances by rivers, oceans and air currents from warmer parts of the world to the colder polar regions. They also accumulate in the fatty tissue of seals and whales which traditionally play a key role in Arctic indigenous peoples' diet and can be passed directly to infants through maternal breast milk, causing disruption of the hormone and immune systems and affecting postnatal growth. Disease patterns among American Indians and Alaska Natives are strongly associated with the adverse consequences of poverty, limited access to health services, and cultural dislocation. Inadequate education, high rates of unemployment, discrimination, and cultural differences all contribute to unhealthy lifestyles and disparities in access to health care for many indigenous peoples. 3 0 5 1.0 10.1787/9789264208469-8-en 0256df126c8b23eaeb75c5f821e34b45 For example, service integration in the Netherlands helped to bring down deaths from substance abuse. The experience of the Netherlands also gives some insights into treatment approaches for heroin use, including opioid and methadone treatment use (Box 4.4). Areas of focus are addiction to nicotine, alcohol, drugs, and sedatives and tranquilisers. 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264245174-7-en 02579676203f96c0f00f3ae4cdcf53e8 However, their implementation highlights an important shift from a policy focused on road management to one centred on multimodal access for the population. Several new instruments and institutions have yet to be created for some of the legal changes introduced recently. This section provides an overview of these instruments and institutions and their importance to different areas of mobility policy. The following section addresses the challenges that some of them face, while the section after it provides recommendations on how they can be developed effectively. 11 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5jlwvz85537c-en 025d04afd3dd0ce68b1e4e515f515195 The issue of low noise vehicles (i.e.: electric/hybrid cars) needs to be investigated further, not least as the use of electric scooters or electric vehicles for mobility impaired persons increases. It has to be decided how to adapt infrastructure so that these vehicles can be used under conditions of appropriate safety, both for the users, if they have to share space with cars, and for pedestrians and/or bicyclists, when they have to share the space with them. The international databases that contain crash data of several European countries do usually not include data on fatalities per means of transport per age-group. 11 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264285637-8-en 025d0da24a98589175440d363b9f3901 As specified in the General Education Law, school providers have the right to establish and implement an educational project (Proyecto Educativo Institucional, PEI) and to establish plans and programmes for their schools with the involvement of the school community (see Chapter 1). Schools are therefore typically responsible for decisions directly related to the implementation of the school project, such as class size (within the regulated minimum and maximum size), student grouping, support for students with learning difficulties, school leadership arrangements, and the use of school facilities. In addition, school providers may delegate further tasks and responsibilities to schools, while retaining the final overall responsibility for the operation of their schools. For example, schools may make suggestions for staffing decisions, but the school provider will take the final decision. 4 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264226319-7-en 025e0f4846a00968491055d6655e086e It provides a profile of upper secondary school teachers, focusing on demographic characteristics, and of the schools in which these teachers work, with particular emphasis on school background information, the composition of students at the school and human and material resources. The chapter also examines classroom characteristics, including class size and the composition of students, and concludes by taking a look at the profile of upper secondary school principals and of school leadership. It is of note, however, that in each of the participating countries and economies, at least 30% of the teachers are men. 4 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264200524-4-en 0261e4bfbdd7f0039b3a2d2de406fe00 Activities under the Convention are supported by the UNECE Secretariat. In particular, the parties shall take all appropriate measures to ensure that transboundary waters are used in a reasonable and equitable way; to prevent, control and reduce pollution; to ensure that transboundary waters are used with the aim of ecologically sound and rational water management; and to ensure conservation and, where necessary, restoration of ecosystems. Helsinki Convention 1992 (cont.) 6 1 3 0.5 10.6027/9789289330244-7-en 02624b220aab6836764c85301c575732 Furthermore, the students in grades 9 and 10 have a mandatory project assignment that gives the students the opportunity to complete and present an interdisciplinary project. The project assignment is assessed in a written statement based on content, the working process and the presentation of the final work. The assessment of the project assignment can be indicated in the leaving certificate. 4 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264277335-7-en 0263f2a43100ab64bf34421e81edc830 Given the evidence that many students in Costa Rica start school w ith weak foundation skills, especially basic reading skills, the country might also consider bringing forward the primary assessment to an earlier grade, or adding an additional assessment in the early years of primary school. Gaining a better understanding of where and how' students are starting to fall behind would enable the development of more effective supports to teachers and schools. Recognising the importance of consolidating basic skills in the early grades for later learning, many OECD countries have introduced a national assessment in the second (e.g. France, Italy), third (e.g. Germany, Sweden), or fourth grade (e.g. Chile, Korea) of primary school (OECD, 2013). One essential improvement at any grade in Costa Rica is better information on the equity of outcomes. 4 0 4 1.0 10.18356/ee5ffb89-en 02676dba2290105a292aa32e85735648 She cleans homes for income, and wishes she had taken her own schooling more seriously so that she could have pursued her dream of becoming a cook, maybe opening a small rescaurant. I have had to accept so much, like living in other people’s houses, doing all the work and constant humiliation. I hope my son will learn and become somebody, and live much better than I have.” 5 1 3 0.5 10.6027/9789289342698-7-en 02691fe2ed82f68b0ce252f5272657b1 "In 2001-2003, the nursing education launched a campaign in Iceland which had only little effect, and educations in pedagogy have not been successful in attracting male students either. Gislason blames the unsuccessful attempts to change the educational choices of Icelandic men on the fact that prior to the economic crisis in 2008, Iceland had no considerable unemployment. Some jobs, such as those within health care, are now considered to be more ""secure"" and less vulnerable to cyclical fluctuations; Gislason therefore believes, that the crisis might be instrumental in breaking with the traditional gender segregation of the Icelandic labour market. The Icelandic labour market is also characterised by unequal pay, and this is related to place: Icelandic women are paid less than Icelandic men, and this applies to married women in particular (according to figures from Centre for Gender Equality, 2014) (see also Rafnsdottir and Omarsdottir 2010)." 5 0 9 1.0 10.18356/73d010ed-en 026c116306a05bc87e61dd04c3b60fe8 The level of significance remains the same, but is greater for the lagged variable, exhibiting positive effects in the medium term. In line with this result, the educational attainment gap (the ratio between the educational attainment of the male and female EAP) displays significant negative coefficients for the lagged variable (22%), while the contemporaneous variable is not significant. According to the existing literature on returns to education for men and women in the region, the relationship between educational attainment and wage levels is stronger for women than it is for men. Thus the elimination of these gaps could lead to higher wages and greater participation on the part of women, which could in turn have an impact on demand-led growth in the future. Since 2003, employment surveys in that country have included a battery of questions on time use. 5 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/9789264208445-6-en 0270237ab216372548f1b9dc5b817224 This could suggest that the high level of points attributed to GPs for mental health services successfully rendered encourages patient selection and the deliberate exclusion of more difficult cases from the data. Concerns have also been expressed that GPs are directing attention away from activity not rewarded by the QOF, and as such care delivery quality is declining in some areas (Cashin et al., The recommendation by the Primary Care QOF Indicator Advisory Committee on behalf of NICE was that these indicators be withdrawn, and that a consideration process for new indicators was considered. At present these indicators remained in the QOF framework for 2011/12, although the points value of all of the indicators was reduced. 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264179820-4-en 02718c601765bb0becc1bfb6d0b39ea2 Examples of more direct benefits are those of avoided flood damages in Paris through construction of lake-reservoirs (estimated to be EUR 300-700 million), and those of preserving bathing water quality in tourism resorts (estimated to be EUR 1 billion). A final example is the potential of river navigation in the Nogent-Le Havre corridor to reduce C02 emissions from freight transport - the current configuration allows a reduction of 28% and an improved configuration would allow a further reduction of 55% of C02 emissions. The water bill also supports urban sanitation, taxes on domestic pollution, basin governance, maintenance of the aquatic environments and the public waterways and production of knowledge. Several funds (poverty relief, welfare-to-work, small irrigation and water conservation, special fund for shortage), in the special fund, central government financing to poorer regions (west 60%, central 40%), in richer regions (east) only local government and farmers. In Germany, the RBMPs have been established at the level of the Lander. The task of the competent authorities was to estimate how much the different measures would cost, and to identify financing options. 6 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264191150-7-en 02719688ce9599e12631a4b40bcbbaa4 However, in smaller traditional or artisanal fisheries, consolidation can reduce in some cases the important social role that these fisheries can play. In this case, applying the same set of management rules to these different groups is not always desirable. Defining the appropriate scope of market based schemes to obtain social and economic goals is a challenge and the impacts of reform should be monitored using the principles of adaptive management. 14 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/eco/studies-2015-5jrqhbb1t5jb 0274cef12a1ac0ff5301175cf97c5006 Throughout the paper, more equity is to be interpreted as less inequality in income distribution and does not imply any judgement about the intrinsic value of a more equal distribution. In this paper, inequality is examined from a static perspective. While ultimately a comprehensive assessment would need covering inequality in life-cycle perspective as well as dynamic inequality, hence intra-generational mobility as well as inter-generational mobility, such analysis is beyond the scope of this study, not least reflecting major data limitations. 10 0 4 1.0 10.18356/acf57efb-en 0274eb2c3d69501b7e26b6c502f6bd00 The review of the evidence covers different types of hazards in different geographical areas, although it pays particular attention to the experiences associated with Hurricane Katrina in the United States of America, flooding in Bangladesh, and severe water loss and desertification in the Sahel region of Africa. The chapter concludes with a discussion of the policy implications of addressing the root causes of inequalities for adaptation and building resilience to climate hazards. Relatively less attention was paid to the implications of that physical impact for the lives, livelihoods of the people who are most vulnerable and most affected. To quote Skoufias, ed. ( 13 0 7 1.0 10.18356/04b2e7d9-en 02766cffb538e989edbb3574d3c43a4b The pipeline project is intended to establish interconnecting arrangements of electricity and natural gas in ASEAN to ensure greater security and sustainability of energy supply in the region, while connecting existing and planned pipelines and regasification terminals, minimizing the environmental impact. This work is led by the ASEAN Council on Petroleum, which is comprised of the head of the national oil company in each member country. The partnership focuses on regional economic cooperation and institutional capacity-building, with the aim to promote development of energy resources (including hydropower), facilitate energy trade in the region, develop renewable and alternative energy resources and promote energy efficiency and conservation. 7 0 3 1.0 10.1787/eco/surveys-grc-2013-5-en 027b1b68ccf97bc552c068fc373e1be1 Income inequality and relative poverty among the total population remained broadly unchanged between the mid-1980s and late 2000s, contrasting with the rising trends in much of the OECD (Figure 2.2). Alternative distributional indicators over the period 1986-2009 confirm these findings for Greece (Table 2.1). Social outcomes are proxied by both distributional (income and poverty measures) and non-distributional indicators (including labour market and health indicators). Measures the extent to which income distribution among individuals or households deviates from a perfectly equal distribution (OECD, 2013a). 10 1 7 0.75 10.18356/3e6fd74f-en 027be6cddd4357cedf29f179e58f688d In 2009-2010 only in the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Peru, and Trinidad and Tobago was social spending below 10% of GDP. A number of countries had been allocating more than 15% of GDP to social spending since the early 1990s; Chile, Costa Rica and the Plurinational State of Bolivia are now part of this group (see figure 17). As a ratio of GDP, El Salvador increased the macroeconomic priority of public social spending by more than 300% (from 2.9% of GDP to 13% of GDP). Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Nicaragua and Paraguay more than doubled their macroeconomic effort between 1991-1992 and 2009-2010. 1 0 3 1.0 11.1002/pub/8114a552-e2853b97-en 028200292677a24c6577b3ee14197bad It also reflects the new development phase which the ICT sector has now entered, one in which public and private stakeholders in the ICT sector are laying the foundations for smart societies. The impact of the ICT sector on economic and societal development continues to expand as companies from adjacent sectors and industries (including the automotive, healthcare, insurance, banking and public sectors) develop products and services that rely on loT infrastructure - leaving virtually no areas of our economies and societies untouched. Industry analysts estimate that loT revenues will generate USD 1.1 trillion in revenues globally by 2025, compared to USD 166 billion in 2016 (GSMA, 2018d). This revenue opportunity is expected to be fuelled over the next three years by investments of around USD 15 billion in IT consulting and systems integration services to build and implement loT solutions (IDC, 2018). 9 0 4 1.0 10.18356/8146c4ff-en 02895791ee26a830f80d83c426a3868d However, four years ago, Rahim was arrested and imprisoned for six months and finally deported to Sudan, because only Lebanese citizens can legally operate as employment agents. Her husband, who was also Sudanese, died five years ago and she had to support their two daughters alone. Emebet is alienated from her Orthodox Christian family in Ethiopia because they disapproved of her decision to marry a Muslim man. 5 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/18db943d-en 028a94fd8d5a3ff243acac2b153ea6c5 Government of the Philippines, National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council. For each hazard, there should be one entity authorized to issue official warnings. Given the need for inter-agency coordination, the early warning system requires standard operating procedures (SOPs) that spell out the main tasks, roles and responsibilities in the event of an emergency.14 These SOPs need to be tested and revised on a regular basis. Unreliable or conflicting messages from official and non-official sources can allow rumours and disinformation to spread. 13 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/ca5d645f-en 028bddca5d52ff3e247bf9ce34423bd5 The level of agricultural subsidies also dramatically increased in Indonesia, from $5.5 billion in 2009 to $25.7 billion in 2014. In this context, strengthening research and development is crucial to ensure the realization of that goal. Only limited cross-country comparable data are available to measure research and development in the agricultural sector in Asia and the Pacific. A recent publication on Agricultural Science and Technology Indicators (ASTI) provides statistical information on that topic.a Based on International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) estimates, total research and development spending for the agricultural sector represented $40.1 billion (2005 PPP dollars) in 2008, of which 79 per cent was from public spending and 21 per cent from private-sector research covering spending by seven agricultural input industries: seed/biotechnology, agricultural pesticides, fertilizer, farm machinery, animal health, nutrition, and breeding. 2 2 3 0.2 10.1787/5jxsr7tt3qf4-en 028ce465ae6f84d636a983ee73e76b8c This value is lower than one as farmers increase their input use due to the reduced fertiliser prices and as larger fertiliser quantities incur increasing production costs for this input. In this case, a dollar of input subsidies would result in a cost reduction for farm inputs of only 0.42 dollars (Figure 22). This is partly caused by the fact that relative to the fertiliser price, a given subsidy value is smaller under imperfect competition as the price includes the producers’ mark-up and is hence higher than under perfect competition. 2 3 6 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/agr/outlook-2014-5-en 0290252292ebfbaed3b5a84f4e5755b1 In consideration of these issues, with higher production, India is projected to increase its cotton exports to more than 2 Mt by 2023, assuming no action is taken by government to limit exports. Ethanol production has risen from 1.5 billion litres in 2002 to 2.7 billion litres in 2013. Biodiesel production increased from non-existent to 300 million litres over the same period. 2 7 0 1.0 10.1787/9789264128392-3-en 02919288e94714a509f061f50ba75a94 The result is a fragmentation of programmes that lack critical mass, synergies and complementarities. In fact the dilution of governance responsibilities and the gap between the formal responsibilities entrusted to CONCYTEC by the 2004 S&T Law and its ability to carry them out call for a new institutional framework and possibly new legislation. The reform process should not jeopardise efficiently managed support programmes. Given the potential volatility of revenues derived from its traditional exports in an increasingly global competitive environment, an overarching objective for Peru should be to lose no time in moving towards a more innovation-led sustainable growth path in order to increase productivity and competitiveness across a wider spectrum of activities, alleviate poverty and better address social needs. 9 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/3fe10a08-en 029432e263877e4e6d3ae0ec041b3f1e Although the global information technology industry is not anticipated to rebound forcefully, Singapore is set to gain from generally revived global trade in 2013. Domestic-oriented activities, such as the construction sector, are likely to be major growth drivers, supported by negative real interest rates. Much will depend on restoring confidence in the economy through keeping inflation in check, addressing vulnerabilities in the banking sector and restructuring less efficient State enterprises, as emphasized in the government directive approved in February 2013. 8 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/a2e9d414-en 029548b3e5ffe549705c924930871976 The level of out-of-pocket expenditure also varies by tourists, with package tourists spending less out of pocket than non-package tourists (Mitchell and Faal, 2008). Agriculture is the most labour intensive sector and the mainstay in rural areas where poverty is most pervasive and deepest; indeed, more than 70 per cent of the poor in Africa live in rural areas and rely on agriculture for food and livelihood (International Fund for Agricultural Development, 2011). Agricultural income is reported to sustain more households than jobs in hotels and restaurants (UNCTAD, 2013a), particularly when local agricultural products are effectively integrated into the tourism value chain. 8 3 4 0.14285714285714285 11.1002/pub/81216b38-en 02956d27ec2d76ef395946b5b7a49af8 On the other hand, it is important to note that any economy will only be able to reap the full benefits of ICT if access to energy is secured, and that energy consumption triggered by ICT may pose a challenge in particular to decoupling energy consumption and economic growth. For instance, business incentives can be based on additional revenue sources that can be tapped into by collaboration such as offering power supply to people in remote areas or developing new products and services e.g. in smart city environments. Incentives created by policy frameworks include infrastructure mapping initiatives as well as relevant directives such as the Cost Reduction Directive in the European Union. 7 0 5 1.0 10.18356/ac21c613-en 0298d780e300ed29eeca1abd43b53a4f The majority of hydropower plants are in private hands and further donor investment is sought. Installed capacity' is 1,300 MW and annual projected capacity is 3.8 billion kWh. The share of energy exports is expected to increase threefold by 2012 as compared with 2007. Sewerage collecting systems exist in about 40 towns, but only 70 per cent of the urban population is connected to the sewerage system. 6 3 1 0.5 10.1787/9789264247567-4-en 029c7ce162737d6174c133343af6ece3 The following policy priorities were identified to improve the effectiveness of resource use in the Slovak school system. The schools have acquired relatively great autonomy: all of them now have an elected school board with relatively strong jurisdictions; they are protected from too strong a local control through the funding system (which limits the redistributing power of their founders); they take responsibility for human resource management; and they are also encouraged to adapt the national curriculum to their own specific educational context through school education programmes. At the same time the national Ministry maintains strong regulatory powers. The move towards extended local and institutional autonomy has been paralleled with the creation and strengthening of accountability frameworks. The emerging national system of standardised student achievement measurement and the State Schools Inspectorate are key elements of the latter. In addition, the Slovak Republic has an information system which allows the monitoring of many local and institutional level processes (such as student performance, funding and human resource management) and creates opportunities to assess the impact of national policies and development interventions. 4 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5jxrclljnbxq-en 029d6abb365b7dc80c0106a3917274ef To provide context regarding developments in the agricultural market in other parts of the world, and to analyse potential food security issues, the results for four regions that represent low-income countries and are particularly vulnerable to food insecurity are also presented. They are: sub-Saharan Africa, Middle East and North Africa (MENA), South Asia, and Southeast Asia. Several modelling groups with different crop, agricultural and economic specifications participate in AgMIP to compare their results. 2 0 4 1.0 10.18356/7d5576e0-en 029fd0173789e6671c518f15ec3d39d6 These active ingredients have previously been patented in separate medical products. The generic producers would need a license from the patent holder(s) for all of these ingredients for production and sale of the new FDC. The owner of a patent on a pharmaceutical active ingredient may choose not to license the invention to any third party to remain the only supplier on the market for that active ingredient. 3 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264075429-4-en 02a45c77bf85033dfd00c5bf1577a895 It is clear that, in terms of fisheries rebuilding, the ecosystem approach requires policy makers to take into account of the impacts of fishing on ecosystems, the impacts of ecosystems on fishing, and the interactions between fish and other species in the ecosystem. In particular, fisheries rebuilding has been the subject of several major international commitments on developing sustainable fisheries and it is universally recognized as necessary for protecting biodiversity and the health of oceans, as well being important from an economic and social perspective for many coastal communities. As such, while it is universally recognized that rebuilding and maintaining robust fisheries are desired, there are other factors considered in the management process in addition to the science advice. To that end, political commitments have been made through a series of hard (binding) and soft laws (non binding). 14 0 3 1.0 10.18356/77cccad1-en 02a603e00a0811a5ca1187d5ad6e62c7 The second order involves regular large (> 1,000 people), big (500-1,000), medium-sized (100-500) and small (< 100) rural communities (townships, villages and homesteads). These efforts have resulted in the formation of more than 1,500 agro-towns, based on the selection of and funding support for existing, more or less economically viable, central settlements of rural councils and homesteads of agricultural organizations. Each agro-town enjoys amenities characteristic of an urban settlement, including clubs, a library, an art school for children, internet cafes, entertainment centres, upper secondary and vocational schools, pre-university training centres and primary education schools. Intensive public investment in these settlements in the period 2007-2010 has helped to address some critical problems and develop important social and business processes and infrastructure. This involves a hierarchy of spatial (territorial) plans developed at national, oblast and local levels in accordance with the Main Directions of the State Urban Development Policy for 2011— 2015 and environmental requirements. 11 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264279322-7-en 02a639d6b9385cfec833c9a73f0df4fd For example, a divorce may affect her housing. If a couple has children, the mother will in principle be able to live with them in the home for the time of the custody. Under Tunisia’s personal status code, the father grants the residence of the custodial mother.68 If the woman has no children or is not the custodian, however, she may have to return to her parents’ home if she does not have sufficient financial means to pay for her own housing. 5 1 3 0.5 10.1787/soc/aag-2014-5-en 02aca7fb3c56bfc5ca7d3ab01190ad88 In a number of countries women’s access to financial services and resources is further hampered by general limitations to the formal financial infrastructure and - in some cases - legal and institutional barriers (OECD, 2012b). Most of the women who joined SEWA experienced improvements in earnings, marketing and working conditions. For some women, starting their own business is out of necessity as job opportunities are scarce (GEM, 2012). 5 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.6027/d4e544d6-en 02ad4ee9fb77ec3d5f335612adf14570 The details on how to enhance ambition of NDCs and review commitments is however subject to continued political contestation. In other words, after more than 20 years of contentious international negotiations on climate change, the Paris Agreement is not the final destination, but merely the start of a long process for the world to address climate change. Pertinent questions are: Why has international cooperation to address climate change been so difficult? 13 0 7 1.0 10.1787/eco/surveys-chn-2010-11-en 02ad573a43907b0875a17fe4350fe7cc Coverage, however, is far from universal. In 2005, only slightly more than half of employees registered urban residents and only 15% and 36% of unofficial rural and urban employees had cover - a total coverage rate of just over 40% of the urban working population (excluding those engaged in agriculture). This scheme, together with the rural system, covered just a quarter of health care expenses in 2001. Outpatient costs are met through the individual’s medical saving account. 3 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264262782-4-en 02aeec43de7522a35a37709b412549a5 The standards were set up by the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (ACSQHC) to drive care of a uniformly high quality across the country. They are applied to all hospitals (private and public, across all states), covering ten priority areas including quality governance, hospital-acquired infection, medication safety and clinical handover (see Box 2.5 for further detail). There has been broad agreement from stakeholders that the new standards are a positive move forward, promoting greater clinical involvement and more directly addressing specific quality issues than other standards. 3 0 4 1.0 10.1787/5kg57kjj5hs8-en 02b4a1cfb1829d41dc4127419a5e82e3 More precisely, on the basis of the answers to the country questionnaire, the situation in this country' can be described in detail. Indeed, universities have a high degree of autonomy. Universities are encouraged to do their best to align their goal setting in research and development work as well as in curricula with national policies. Prior to 2007, the Ministry of Education had specially allocated funds that universities could use for professional development ICT courses. 4 1 3 0.5 10.18356/3dfe8660-en 02b6f7dbc47c89759a24b93bbf9135f0 "First, since the act obligates the state to provide free and compulsory education to all children ages 6-14, the state has the freedom to decide whether it shall fulfil its obligation through its own schools, aided schools or unaided schools. The 2009 act is ""child-centric"" and not ""institution-centric"". Second, the right to education ""envisages a reciprocal agreement between the state and the parents, and it places an affirmative burden on all stakeholders in our civil society.""" 1 5 4 0.1111111111111111 10.1787/9789264212664-en 02b71500bfeaf1b15231e2dcfe34735e The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law. As mentioned in the competition section, opening the electricity market to independent power provision can be very helpful in promoting private investment in clean electricity generation. Keeping the energy market competitive and ensuring that the needs of end-users are met also requires careful regulation and oversight of the sector, both by a competition authority and a sector-specific regulator. 7 0 5 1.0 10.1787/9789264188617-en 02b856b8308f2bdceea3194c2e3849a7 Those values have been used for the 10% and 30% scenarios, without adjustment. The values for France have been drawn from the Green Net study, which reports the findings from a study performed in 2003 (Verseille, 2003). According to this study, the French transmission grid could cope with 6 GW of wind power with only minor investments. 7 0 4 1.0 10.18356/520b80a5-en 02b8877817cd13051521cc3677b997f5 Commodity assets managed by financial investors have increased over the past decade from less than $10 billion to $404 billion in June 2012. Loose monetary policies of the developed world, most notably quantitative easing (QE) in the United States, along with the unwillingness of governments to regulate participants in commodity markets, have continued to draw excess funds to the commodities markets due to the markets’ comparatively high expected returns. The presence of financial investors, betting on an increase in fundamental prices due to supply shortages, serves to exaggerate price increases. 10 3 1 0.5 10.1787/9789264274648-6-en 02b8b9bbcfa4877c2506c5867ada32fa In Amsterdam, own-source revenues are increasingly important. For example, national operational subsidies for public transport are declining, which is placing pressure on the city to both establish a more cost-effective transit system and cover operational costs in the interim. It bears noting that water boards are in a much better fiscal situation given that they can raise taxes to cover their programme needs. 11 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264168985-7-en 02ba964b1fe9cdaa5baa953953a01d8d Current assessments of benefits of summer fallow on clean fields suggest that in many cases it leads to erosion and nutrient leaching, unless a cover crop is employed. While chemical fertiliser can replace nutrient losses the presence of organic matter provides better physical characteristics and as well as micro-nutrients that can affect plant growth. While no-till and conservation till systems require the purchase of synthetic herbicides to be effective the initial cost of herbicides is offset by higher yields and improved soil quality. 6 3 1 0.5 10.18356/04b2e7d9-en 02bac9d17475999b1e8cd569255dca67 Strategies include building national and regional institutional capacity; cost sharing across borders; governance and regulations; enhancing access to modern energy; developing low-carbon and renewable domestic resources; improving regional energy cooperation and energy security; and promoting private sector participation in energy development. One key focus area is the development of hydropower potential, especially in the Lao People's Democratic Republic. Other activities pertaining to the energy sector include issues related to development of new and renewable sources (including small hydro), addressing the food-energy nexus, standardization and testing. These are captured in the BIMSTEC Memorandum of Understanding on Grid Interconnection. 7 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/85b52daf-en 02bc156a57e6256457f3606f9a59f015 As part of the program GIZ co-operated with Adelphi to launch the Climate Expert website to make available tools and instruments to build adaptation capacity in the private sector (GIZ, 2017). In Asia, for example, micro, small and medium-sized enterprises make up 98% of all enterprises and employ 66% of the workforce (Asian Development Bank, 2014). At a very broad level, development co-operation providers use targeted approaches to address two main barriers faced by SMEs: limited access to finance and a lack of awareness of costs and benefits of addressing environmental issues. 13 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.18356/935513ee-en 02bc1c69ed8480fbe7d42a4d45db40c1 It is important to note that the process of jointly narrowing uncertainty and disagreement may be far more useful to conflict resolution than arriving at a shared understanding of reality. This technique is especially helpful when disputes in the extractive sector are due to perceptions of environmental damage, health risks, and lost livelihoods. A third party assessment that maps and catalogues differences in expectations, and reviews compliance with promises and obligations, can help to clear up misunderstandings, uncover shortcomings and increase the realism of expectations. 6 3 1 0.5 10.18356/c530cc54-en 02bd94ef75c9351a5cab9b6554e857bc The field of ethics is vast and our discussion of ethical perspectives relevant to poverty reduction is, out of necessity, superficial. Detailed studies focusing on specific ethical perspectives are required to capture their far-reaching implications. Our intention was to demonstrate the relevance of ethics to programme design and scope, but further work is needed to extract the lessons policy designers can gain from these perspectives. 1 3 1 0.5 11.1002/pub/81216b38-en 02bdf939283ced8fcfaed821870f1ac2 Nonetheless, it should be noted that the results should be interpreted carefully as they do not necessarily represent a fully representative sample of the survey main target groups in Europe. These insights were then condensed into an interactive toolkit that supports energy and telecommunication providers in their decisions to cooperate for smart grid roll-out. Finally, the following sections provide an outlook based on the survey results about the areas where respondents to the main survey see further potential for cooperation. 7 3 3 0.0 10.1787/9789264259157-6-en 02bf921c57f520707f68af7fc003a46f The federal government supports the expansion of ECEC, w'ith subsidies earmarked for co-financing ECEC projects run by regional and local jurisdictions (BMFSFJ, 2015a). In 2015, federal backing focused particularly on high-quality all-day care (the Kita Plus programme). Yet the bulk of ECEC costs remain the responsibility of local jurisdictions w'hich, in 2010, shouldered over two-thirds of all expenditure, while the regional governments covered most of the rest (ESSPROSS, 2010). The cost of child care for German parents is below the OECD average (see below' on child care costs in international comparison), while, in all age groups, supply continues to fall short of demand - in 2014, 32.3% of under-3s years were offered a place, while 41.5% of parents requested one (BMFSFJ, 2015a). Parents are also making increasing use of longer child care hours per week: in 2006 only a quarter of children between 3 and 6 years old were enrolled full-time (at least seven continuous hours per day) in ECEC, while the figure in 2013 was 42% (DIPF, 2014: 55). Clearly, then, German parents have benefitted from a major expansion in ECEC for young children in recent years. 5 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/0ac071e9-en 02c4376582af888c7e2728351cc0a328 It represents around 80 per cent of total employment in LDCs and is therefore very important for these countries (International Labour Office, 2011). Table 14 provides a detailed summary of vulnerable employment and working-poor dynamics in the LDCs for the period 2000-2018. Each of these indicators has improved since 2000, but from a relatively weak base, especially in African and Asian LDCs. 8 0 5 1.0 10.18356/1ea53441-en 02c4df866d28c4360c0ac1df15029f54 Fairness suggests that finance be mobilized in proportion to responsibilities and capabilities. The basis for this is the 1992 Rio Principles of Sustainable Development and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, especially the principles of “equity” and of “common-but-differentiated responsibilities and capabilities”. A third basis for action is the Rio Principle that environmental costs be internalized and “economic instruments” used, to make the polluter/user bear the ecological costs. 13 0 9 1.0 10.18356/de83ab61-en 02c515acadd2478893938cabd4b753bc Developing countries, especially low-income ones, with relatively low rates of electricity usage, may be able to “leapfrog” into electricity generation based on renewable forms of primary energy, for instance. The question is how to enable those countries to access, utilize and, above all, afford green technologies. Technologies will need to be “transferred”’ and made accessible, since most innovation takes place in the developed countries and private corporations in those countries are the main owners of the intellectual property rights covering most green technologies. The new technologies will also need to be locked into new production processes. 2 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264268852-4-en 02c55ed4f2f436322e898a58c7df46fa Environmental monitoring systems are underfunded, and environmental statistics do not always reflect the current pollution load on the environment. Kazakhstan plans to decrease the use of coal in electricity production and rely more on gas-fuelled power plants and alternative energy sources, such as solar panels and wind farms. Municipal waste collection services do not yet cover the whole population. Often municipal solid waste is dumped in sites with few, if any, engineered environmental protection systems, creating significant risks for ground water and the environment. 11 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264179370-6-en 02c62e442e1c4c900267978f1f12b68a For all the estimates in the chapters, the samples were restricted to enterprises with up to 15 employees. Enterprises are defined as male or female-owned on the basis of the gender of the individual responding to the survey, who is the main owner, and/or the person with the most senior responsibilities in the management of the enterprise. The survey provides estimates for micro and small Enterprises with less than 50 employees on the national level and for 8 govemorates in the three major administrative regions (Metropolitan area, Lower Egypt and Upper Egypt). 5 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264283299-en 02c633a8163fd198c3b333fef020327c People live longer, although large disparities by gender and socioeconomic group remain. The Belgian health system performs well in saving the lives of people requiring acute care. One of the main challenges is to strengthen prevention and primary care to achieve further gains in population health and reduce health inequalities. 3 0 4 1.0 10.1787/persp/glob/dev-2012-10-en 02c65ac48b27f67626a60f6b09011a80 Similarly, the rapid increase in minimum wages in Indonesia during the 1990s, where the statutory minimum wage doubled in real terms between 1990 and 1996, had sizeable negative effects on manufacturing employment, reducing employment growth at plant level by an estimated 6% (Harrison and Scorse, 2010). But such large changes in minimum wages are the exception rather than the rule. Evidence, arising especially from Latin America, shows that increases in minimum wages raise rather than depress wages in the informal sector.13 In Brazil, this is known as the efeito faro 1 or “lighthouse effect”. 10 1 4 0.6 10.1787/9789264281318-24-en 02c7172acab1bc5d2914d10032edc7eb Until recently, however, the issue had received relatively little attention and few countries have developed systematic policies to address it. Another option is to provide migrant women with access to entrepreneurship. It is a particularly effective pathway into the labour market. It affords the opportunity of engaging in gainful activity that is more flexible and easier to combine with childcare and other commitments, and where cultural barriers are less of an obstacle than regular employment. 5 0 3 1.0 10.14217/2d08a027-en 02c73f8ea55480252e2438d0084edd81 The grants were given by RGB and One UN under a joint programme on Strengthening CSOs for Responsive and Accountable Governance in Rwanda (International Centre for Not-For-Profit Law 2017). The EU also works closely with Rwandan civil society on issues such as democracy and governance, gender, electoral processes and the promotion of human rights (EU, no date). Similarly, CSOs have played an active role in peace-building, including quelling post-election violence. 5 2 2 0.0 10.18356/6c2a96a5-en 02c754627d463a6a3a95361cb8d8de8f The impacts of degraded environment on health have been increasingly recognized and their reduction stated as a major goal of the environmental protection policy, programmes and regulations. Monitoring of the quality of the main environmental media and infectious disease surveillance has been advanced. Professional capacity for public and environmental health has been strengthened with advanced methods for health surveillance and risk assessment. 3 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264179011-4-en 02c96a94c1654e6c921921f1c5f68381 Those who have no future in farming should be advised on exit strategies and those with potential would benefit from business development plans for an increased scale of operation and from advice on management practices, including risk management adapted to local conditions. Bigger farms should pay for advice service, but it should be free of charge for smallholders. Extension workers need access to new technologies and innovative agricultural research through good Internet connectivity and better upstream linkages to the R&D institutions, in particular the Assessment Institutes for Agricultural Technology (AIATs). Programmes aimed at enhancing the performance of extension services, such as the Decentralised Agricultural and Forestry Extension Project (DAFEP) and the Farmer Empowerment through Agricultural Technology and Information Project (FEATI), highlight that the private sector has been a strong co-operator and shed light on the importance of linking farmers, government and private extension services. Partnership arrangements should be encouraged to reduce the duplication of activities and better transfer private sector knowledge to farmers and extension workers. 2 1 3 0.5 10.1787/irtad-2013-en 02ca0c5182079ed1f4a49a682744c578 Unique Data Collection Form - Aggregated Data). A stay of more than 24 hours is considered as a serious injury, and less is considered a minor injury. However, since 2010, the ANSV is working with the National Health Ministry to link hospital records and the Orange Form data. This linking project was started as a pilot in two of the most populated provinces of Argentina, in order to collect data based on MAIS 3. 3 0 7 1.0 10.18356/bf70833b-en 02ca234a0b687cddae40a711be2a76ed Parties are obliged to establish early warning systems, apply and exchange best available technology and mutually assist each other. Finally, Parties shall make information about the environmental status of transboundary waters, expected scenarios and water quality objectives available to the public. Proper implementation of the Convention thus provides a good basis for the execution of these sub-regional instruments, including work on adaptation (see boxes 4 and 5 on the Rhine and the Danube). Activities regarding adaptation to climate change have started with an assessment of the state of knowledge on climate change and its expected impact on the water regime in the Rhine, published in 2009. However, as long ago as in the 1990s, important measures were being taken regarding flood risk management, increasing the basin’s adaptive capacity to respond to future expected climate changes. In the context of the implementation of the 1998 Flood Action Plan, the flood damage risk (defined as the product of damage potential (€) and the probability of flooding (per year) has been assessed. 6 0 3 1.0 10.18356/31959a6d-en 02cacda49a6a94acedf3229acec87552 Todas estas circunstancias comprometen su derecho a recibir una pension en los sistemas de pensiones que vinculan las prestaciones con el trabajo remunerado, las contribuciones y los ingresos. En el presente informe se examinan los desafiosy las restricciones a los que se enfrentan los sistemas de pensiones para alcanzar la equidad de genero y las alternativas de politicas que ayudarian a superar estos retos. La proteccion economica de la mujer en las etapas avanzadas de la vida depende actualmente de diversos factores interrelacionados, como las normas del sistema de pensiones, las condi-ciones del mercado laboral y los acuerdos familiares del pasado y el presente, entre otros. 5 2 2 0.0 10.1787/a09a3a5d-en 02d04b0701ed3ed19f0f8801b8358351 Participants can share their experiences, encouragement and information via small group communities. For instance, Israel’s Encouraging R&D in Traditional Industry Programme incentivises firms in those industries to invest in research and development (R&D) projects through grants covering 50% of projects’ expenses (labour costs, equipment, acquisition of intellectual property, etc.). The Support Programmes for Companies from the Ultra-Orthodox and Arab Minority Communities, also in Israel, incentivise companies that have at least 33% of their share capital held by an entrepreneur of a minority group or from the ultra-Orthodox community to engage in product development projects by providing grants covering 85% of the project’s budget (up to EUR 480 000). 9 1 3 0.5 10.30875/64b86eed-en 02d5ab9134132c8a6e8ff3a3534ea016 A core group of five donors, the European Union (EU) institutions, Japan, Korea, the United Kingdom (UK) and the World Bank Group, provided approximately two-thirds of total concessional financing over the 2006-2016 period. Various methodological difficulties arise in estimating donor support for ICT connectivity and e-commerce. Indeed, the OECD CRS categories only offer a partial reflection of the elements discussed in the World Trade Organization's (WTO) E-Commerce Work Programme. 9 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264179011-7-en 02d90ce778876f629285a2e6a2764683 These are included in the General Services Support Estimate (GSSE). Another GSSE classified expenditure, inspection services, is described in Section 2.3. The final sub-section discusses policies that are provided to consumers specifically for the purposes of reducing the price of the goods they consume. 2 3 0 1.0 10.18356/797ccf27-en 02e033010454213605b8a29a09b90329 At the other extreme, several countries have made progress of less than 30%, i.e., under half of what was expected at this stage. This low rate partly reflects the “subsidy” that assumes Brazil, Chile, Ecuador and Mexico, representing about 60% of the region’s population, have already met the target (see figures 1.10 and 1.11). Whereas per capita GDP in some cases would need to grow by over 4% per year, the rates needed in other countries are below 2%, while those that have already met the target have a margin enabling them to remain in the same category despite possible reductions in per capita income. 1 2 3 0.2 10.1787/5jlww004n6nq-en 02e0a1641e986908d07e38991c07c3af For example, the enhanced transparency framework will be facilitative, non-intrusive, non-punitive, respectful of national sovereignty, avoid undue burden for Parties, and both build on and enhance the transparency arrangements under the UNFCCC. Decision 1/CP.21 contains further guiding principles that are to be taken into account, such as the need to provide flexibility to those developing country Parties that need it in the light of their capacities, ensure that Parties maintain at least the frequency and quality of their current reporting, avoid duplication, and facilitate improved reporting and transparency over time. Section 3 highlights the main changes between the existing provisions and the enhanced transparency framework for mitigation and support proposed in the Paris Agreement, as well as lessons learned from existing experience under the UNFCCC. 13 1 4 0.6 10.1787/9789264122840-8-en 02e13618586ad2ea7b75b4b3760d04cf Europe’s poorer regions tend to receive most support, although all European regions are eligible for funding under the policy’s various funds. The Structural Funds invoice a “performance reserve”, an inventive mechanism intended to encourage performance improvement by attaching explicit financial incentives to indicators and targets. The mechanism was implemented in a broader context of monitoring and evaluation activities by the EU that included a mid-term evaluation process. The reserve set aside 4% of a programme’s total budget and distributed it only if specific objectives were achieved. In consultation with the European Commission, member countries selected their own indicators, chose their own approach to assessment, and each used the mechanism differently. 11 4 3 0.14285714285714285 10.18356/1c11fde8-en 02e173a721e80adb6a3c1621f51f10b0 The Twenty-fifth Meeting of Heads of National Drug Law Enforcement Agencies, Latin America and the Caribbean, was held in San Pedro Sula, Honduras, from 5 to 9 October 2015. Among the major issues discussed were: (a) prevention, investigation and prosecution of microtrafficking and its links to transnational criminal networks; (b) border management; (c) ways to address current trends in trafficking in cocaine; and (d) curbing access to the supply of precursor chemicals. Possession for personal use will be treated as an administrative offence, similar to a traffic violation, with a 30-day period to pay the administrative fine. The amendment also allows each household to cultivate up to five cannabis plants. 3 2 3 0.2 10.18356/9fd805e3-en 02e33edb11769c3ccf772e31c7211e3d In this regard, it should be kept in mind that land use planning policies aiming at rather compact cities are those, which would enable and result in a high-occupancy public transport service®. In this context, establishment of effective and efficient urban transport system requires that the necessary infrastructure, including for the various public transport modes, be built so that it is reasonably resistant to the effects of extreme weather events caused by climate change. Resilient means that negative consequences of an extreme weather event can be easily restored. Compartmentalizing is about making compartments so that an infrastructure failure can be limited to a certain area. 11 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264191761-en 02e7243b066a283815c7680d9e504821 In some cases, traders act as intermediaries to reduce the dependence of grain or cotton farmers on a monopsonist elevator or gin owner, or to help identify options such as direct sale of grain to flour mills depending on the state of the export market (see Chapter 3). It should be emphasised that with hyperinflation and rapid change in the product mix, all macroeconomic data up to 1995 must be treated with caution. The targets for 2015 include the following: 80% of construction materials to be provided by building materials produced in Kazakhstan; domestic oil refineries will satisfy the country’s fuel requirements; exports of metallurgical goods will double; and production of chemical goods will triple from 2009 levels. 2 2 2 0.0 10.18356/152d606d-en 02e94ec7278e460116bf57293f31981c Moving from committed minimum wage policies to a much fairer distribution of productivity gains and profits should be a point of departure. We shall see, but no doubt this is what politics and social straggles will be all about in the years to come. The ability to cope with adverse shocks is compromised by the lack of formal social protection, and vulnerabilities are compounded when individuals working informally face harassment by public authorities. 1 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264191761-en 02ea8a62779d16ab57563eca561754c6 Also includes hunting and services in agriculture and hunting. He calculated Kazakhstan’s effective tariff rate before joining the CU (2009), in the CU with transition tariff rates (2010-11), and in the CU with all exceptions eliminated. The results are also summarised in Table 2.24 and are broadly in agreement with those obtained by Jandosov and Sabyrova, although a direct comparison of the results from the two studies requires caution due to differences in the computations (e.g. slightly different trade periods used for weighting the tariffs). 2 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/64d31d53-en 02eb62f796f8542966a5729650e8e768 With the focus of these goals to leave no one behind, addressing environmental concerns must consider inequality and exclusion between men and women—the social dimensions of sustainable development. The socially constructed differences between men and women are an important dimension of inequality and exclusion and must be tackled to achieve the SDGs. More than 60 percent of undernourished or chronically hungry people in the world live in the Asia-Pacific region. In rural and urban areas, seasonal variability, which pushes up the price of staples, forces households to spend more of their income on food. 5 0 5 1.0 10.6027/9789289345644-6-en 02ebd7912fff12d79fcc95e4e062a17b As discussed above in relation to biogeographical regions, the Nordic countries are nested social ecological systems. The Nordic Assessment should raise awareness of shared environmental issues and contribute to the better articulation of policy across the entire region. Furthermore, this regional assessment will be relevant to the European Union's on-going efforts to map and assess the state of ecosystems and their services in national territory [MAES] which is of importance for the Nordic EU countries. 15 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264179073-9-en 02ed068ac905f4ab3f107d726d6e2989 The limited recourse to such services may negatively impact firm development and expansion. Efforts to improve the provision of business development services are hampered by the large number of businesses operating in the informal economy. Female business owners in the informal economy only have limited access to formal support providers such as women's enterprise centres, women's business resource centres and business incubators. In addition, fewer than 5% of MENA adults are exposed to entrepreneurship content in the education system and fewer than 14% after formal education (IDRC 2010). The implication is that the low percentage of MENA women who are starting businesses (relative to the average in GEM economies) are doing it without the benefit of entrepreneurship training, information, and professional advice that would increase their know-how. 5 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/empl/outlook-2011-3-en 02efb19073dab9e48d7cea4b39da86a6 These OECD-average elasticities are then applied to the country-specific changes in harmonised unemployment and output gap that were observed between 2007 and 2009. The unweighted OECD-average spending prediction based on observed declines in the output gap is just over 1% of GDP higher than actual spending. This historically low responsiveness of social spending to falling output could be sizeable enough to have weakened the automatic stabilisation effect from social spending during the 2008-09 recession, but any such effect may have been offset by the large discretionary fiscal stimulus enacted by many governments. 10 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.18356/47c7f9c4-en 02f1c1590e76a7248e3f7bfb102cde62 However, the value of the transfer as a share of total household consumption remains very low. In beneficiary households belonging to the poorest quintile, the MB accounts for just 7 per cent of total consumption representing the inadequacy of the benefit value.26 It is no surprise therefore that the poverty reduction impact of the MB is limited. Low coverage and low transfer values limit the effectiveness of the benefit. Coverage is extremely low and more than 80 per cent of the poorest are excluded from the targeted MB. 1 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264216501-11-en 02f320c7c755486db01ee0bc509e9f05 The chapter provides a description of the Survey of Adult Skills and the differences between migrants and natives in terms of their literacy and numeracy proficiency levels. A discussion follows on the extent to which language and foreign qualifications explain part of such differences. Moreover, the chapter analyses the labour market outcomes (employment, incidence of overqualification and wages) of migrants relative to natives and discusses how these differ across migrant groups as well as the role played by literacy proficiency and other relevant factors. 4 2 6 0.5 10.1787/9789264122840-8-en 02f3444c9d739df4f980dff6782ca163 These two high-level documents provide a lens through which to understand, but not necessarily to fully assess, the complexity of intergovernmental relations in the Gauteng city-region, for which primary research is necessary. These policies stem from the admission that despite gains in access to public services and quality of life, additional reforms are required to optimise performance. Quality and service standards have not always improved, despite massive increases in successive budgets. 11 1 4 0.6 10.1787/5jlssl611r32-en 02fa1d1acbb3a7b1fe2d4a88306578a3 Furthermore, some of the strongest growth has been in regions with low recharge rates as shown in Figure 7 (Burke and Villholth 2007). In OECD, surface water occupies two third of irrigated areas (OECD, 2015a). Watershed responses to reduced precipitation (including rain- and snowfall) and higher temperatures are typically amplified, due to vegetation interception and transmission loss (Arnell 2004). 6 0 4 1.0 10.18356/7ed1f44a-en 02fcdafda36de936d306aeebae2ba3be This is largely due to, firstly, the fact that social protection in the Pacific is relatively a new field of government activity (WB, 2006a). Secondly, the formal social security system offers low coverage and the vast majority of informal sector employment is not covered under any social security measures. Thirdly, most of PICs are witnessing slow economic growth and have low social protection spending. Finally, since family, community and the traditional support systems still remain stronger, although declining, governments rely heavily upon them for social welfare services. 1 0 3 1.0 10.1787/eco/surveys-gbr-2013-4-en 02fd0436b968e13ee927072ffd0873a0 Globalisation has increased the global supply of low-skilled labour, affecting wages and employment prospects of workers with low qualifications. At the same time, more intense international competition for high-skilled workers has pushed up top incomes. Advances in information and communication technology (ICT) are also favouring high-skilled workers, whose task cannot be easily automated, and thereby increasing inequality (Kierzenkowski and Koske 2012). Some studies suggested technological change is a more powerful driver of inequality than globalisation (IMF, 2007; OECD, 2007a). 10 0 7 1.0 10.18356/e617261d-en 02fdba7c19a100a50c144e956471da3f As a result of this intensive exchange, special delivery companies have emerged, with trucks shuttling back and forth between the Russian Federation and Kyrgyzstan. Moreover, less than 2 per cent of migrants did not have conversations with people staying in Kyrgyzstan in die mondi preceding die survey, and almost half talked daily widi people in their home country. In terms of parcels and such communication, female and male Kyrgyz migrants do not differ. However, male migrants more often say that they remain involved in the sociopolitical reality of Kyrgyzstan as well as the daily life of their home village or city (figure 22 and 23). 5 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264119581-3-en 03015c74e8d9d6836dc3b2ee91b26011 It requires high-quality school leaders, committed staff and critical friends. Unless the system to recruit school leaders changes dramatically, Greek schools look poorly prepared to implement self-evaluation successfully and productively. External evaluation has achieved a much closer alignment with self-evaluation, partly due to its value for strengthening school autonomy. 4 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264277991-7-en 030403bb877277df1219775504de378f In addition, even in existing national legislation, the role dedicated to LGUs is often unclear and not well supported: despite the existence of the Clean Water Act (2004) and a national law for Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation, which are supposed to be mainstreamed into local plans, there is no effective implementation of the prescribed policies on the ground in Cebu, due to the lack of details on subnational responsibilities and resources. The creation of national policy frameworks would help to clarify responsibilities, especially for LGUs, while giving them appropriate resources. The Local Government Code of 1991 put LGUs in charge of the provision of basic services, including agriculture (power to reclassify agricultural land), health, social services, public works (enforcement of the National Building Code, power to close and open roads), and environment and natural resources. 11 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264266339-6-en 0305d0acd43fc159c36eb9fe289e8d13 The larger imbalance may be partly due to the lower level of policy development on adaptation in many of the EECCA countries (see also Chapter 3), but also to the high investment needs for mitigation in the region’s energy sector. In addition, none of the 11 EECCA countries falls under the category Least Developed Countries or Small Island Developing States, which often have greater adaptation needs. Finally, it is generally more difficult to track finance for adaptation since it tends to be embedded into broader development projects and/or business operations, and thus, may be underestimated (CPI and OECD, 2015). 13 4 5 0.1111111111111111 10.1787/9789264119284-6-en 0307d24d6820d4dbe483f16c263d9f91 This section will focus on some of these instruments. Such measurement aims to provide information that can be used to enhance the effectiveness of decisions on policy priorities, strategies and resource allocation (OECD, 2009a). It usually takes place through monitoring and evaluation. Monitoring is an ongoing process and requires collecting and assessing both quantitative and qualitative information, and building a picture of the functioning and outputs of public policies and programmes. 6 3 2 0.2 10.18356/7c579957-en 030a6bc56e696b2c958a423a2b103641 Safe transport therefore is integral to the well-being of the woman fishworker. Women in the traditional small-scale fisheries sector also have to deal with work-related health problems. In the discussion on capacity development in Chapter 10 of this handbook, Case study 28 describes how in Brazil, the Articulagao Nacional das Pescadoras (ANP - “National Articulation of Fisherwomen”) has prioritized campaigning and advocacy on issues related to the occupational diseases of shellfish collectors, working closely with State officials and researchers to improve the quality of treatment services. Children often internalize this violence, and might play it out in their own lives. 8 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/cc6ff508-en 030c3e7d69d21ec5d6cd204238b6d2c7 Women and girls sometimes eat last and least within the household. These deprivations are linked strongly to patriarchal social norms and attitudes that impede equitable gender relationships within households. They have consequences for health, education and community participation. A girl between her first and fifth birthdays in India or Pakistan has a 30-50 percent greater chance of dying than a boy. 1 7 2 0.5555555555555556 10.18356/3fe10a08-en 030d5f61f288404bc82d3a9106e7ae9d The deteriorating current account situation has left the countries with lower reserves to fall back on in the event of additional external shocks to exports and capital inflows. Owing to global uncertainties, exports contracted in 2012. Weak external demand affected exports of engineering goods, gems and jewellery, textiles and petroleum products, while imports continued to remain at a high level due to high prices for crude oil, gold and silver. 8 4 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/empl/outlook-2015-9-en 030ded573a27db843e20489256593ebd Some of the most significant reductions have been recorded in Brazil, thanks to effective policy measures to induce formalisation (to be discussed in the final section of the chapter). It highlights some clear patterns. First, informality is only slightly more common among women than it is among men. 8 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/empl/outlook-2010-2-en 030eab2a30a756098569d5f8715e59e7 Each will now be briefly summarised since they provide some insights into the influence of policy settings on the degree of hysteresis affecting labour input. In the first step, historical data are used to estimate simple dynamic regressions relating the level of long-term unemployment to the contemporaneous (overall) unemployment rate and first and second lags of both unemployment variables (i.e. the overall and long-term unemployment rates). These equations - which are estimated on a country-by-country basis to make allowance for differences across national labour markets in the extent to which a sustained increase in overall unemployment raises long-term unemployment - are then used to translate projected changes in the unemployment rate into projections of long-term unemployment. The second step is to convert the projected changes in long-term unemployment into changes in structural unemployment. 8 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/1c6c11de-en 030efec6e72e805171d07bb27cd1df83 This is likely to have disproportionate impacts on women as the primary caregivers. Data from time-use surveys is essential for capturing the amount of time women and men spend in different activities, yet reliable time-use information is lacking for many countries around the world. There is a need for more regular time-use surveys, with data disaggregated by sex, income level, geographical location and other relevant categories such as race and ethnicity. 5 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264303119-en 0313cd321dcfd7cbe7764e6d12902579 Size of facility gives a sense of levels of employment, not simply rates of employment per MW. It found that nuclear power is more labour-intensive than all other forms of electricity generation and has higher education requirements than renewable electricity generators. Regarding educational requirements in electricity generation, there is little discussion of this outside the nuclear power sector where the discussion is prompted by near-term retirements of nuclear sector employees and the necessity of training staff for nuclear new build. 7 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/31bb2345-en 0313d6fbb9bdd79b6264f675d9df7ff2 Over 50% of MSW is biodegradable, which permits its usage as potential feedstock for production of biofuels, bioenergy, commodity chemicals. A person living in the OECD area generates on average 520 kg of waste per year; this is 20 kg more than in 1990, but 30 kg less than in 2000 (OECD, 2015). With separated waste collection mandatory in Europe by 2023, the model for other countries could be established. To date, hardly any food waste is utilised in this fashion, despite an estimated annual global deposition of about 1.3 billion tonnes of food waste in landfills (Hao et al., 12 1 3 0.5 10.1787/rev/fish-2015-21-en 03144ba05bcde7ff38495b7d55ee2b52 The Minister for Fisheries receives advice from the Marine Research Institute (MRI) and consequently issues total allowable catch (TAC) for individual stocks for the fishing year, which runs from 1 September to 31 August the following year. The size of each vessels annual catch quota for each stock is its share in the stock multiplied by the TAC of that stock. Both the permanent quota-shares and the annual catch quotas are transferable in part or total, subject to certain restrictions. 14 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264168350-6-en 0314596c3474928d996f9862cfaaeb87 Achieving women’s economic empowerment requires sound public policies, a holistic approach and long-term commitment and gender-specific perspectives must be integrated at the design stage of policy and programming. Women must have more equitable access to assets and services; infrastructure programmes should be designed to benefit the poor, both men and women, and employment opportunities must be improved while increasing recognition of women’s vast unpaid work. Innovative approaches and partnerships include increased dialogue among development actors, improved co-ordination amongst donors and support for women organising at the national and global level. 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264267787-en 0314ef71579e7d1efd967b6da3794e81 The main measurement instrument, the Adult Mental Health Benchmarking Toolkit, presents performance indicators in a scorecard format, combining structural, process and outcome indicators. Mild-to-moderate disorders (such as depression and anxiety) are typically understood not to require highly specialised treatments delivered by psychiatrists or in inpatient settings in the vast majority of cases. Rather, they require strong primary and community care. Even though primary care is overwhelmingly the first point of call for individuals experiencing mental distress, PCPs do not always have the right skills and treatment options to effectively respond to need. 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264251090-5-en 0317fc6b0b874375ae0f980497640b79 It thus holds implications for public investment in water-related infrastructure. User fees in the water sector and other environmentally sensitive goods and services can underpin fiscal consolidation by managing and containing demand (OECD, 2013b). Other sources of public finance are also being contemplated, e.g. property taxes, which can help ensure that those who generate future liabilities (e.g. property developers) bear some of the related costs (see Chapter 4, the financing section). 6 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264212664-en 031850a5c1b2d146f4fb6469a7961ec4 These can allow for timely tracking of deployment of clean energy infrastructure. They can also help the government track the success rate of clean energy projects, which can guide future support to clean energy technologies as well as strengthen the business case for presentation to national banks. Finally, much as for generation deployment, expansion of the network will need to be monitored and evaluated over time to guarantee that the grid is able to accommodate an increasing share of clean electricity generation. 7 0 7 1.0 10.18356/a11581d8-en 031855b24d81b7d4ea6fa5bcd0ad8edb In 2012, the Nansen Initiative was launched to address the protection gap for international migrants displaced by natural disasters. In 2015, 109 governmental delegations endorsed the “Agenda for the protection of cross-border displaced persons in the context of disasters and climate change”.39 In December 2015, at its twenty-first session, the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change established a task force on displacement to develop recommendations for integrated approaches to avert, minimize and address displacement related to the adverse impacts of climate change. In the New York Declaration, Member States condemned acts and manifestations of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance against refugees and migrants. 11 5 2 0.42857142857142855 10.18356/65b26710-en 031cd74bfc5b1d6a3939c7b5595a7272 The HeForShe Champions are finding different and creative ways to break the cycle of harm. They are not just highlighting the problem and challenging attitudes. They are also exploring how established processes and structures can be adapted to reduce violence and to bring more women to the table when it comes to the peace and security agenda. The international community has recognized that women’s participation is vital to achieving and sustaining peace. 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264226470-7-en 031e612af01000ee275ee1e95ac7dce9 Indeed, when asked whether youth are asked whether they have access to the money needed to start a business, youth in Tunisia are much less likely to respond in the affirmative than youth in OECD countries (Figure 3.5) and ILO and ONEQ (2014) estimate that approximately half of self-employed youth used their own savings to set up a business and a further 37% relied on their families. To address this obstacle, ANETI awards up to TND 5 000 to each entrepreneur, as long as they provide proof of the necessary' competencies, training or experience and dedicate themselves fulltime to their project. In addition to these grants, loans have been available (A 'timed el Intilak [Seed Funding]) since 2011 to complete the financing required in order to obtain a small enterprise loan from the BTS. These A 'timed el Intilak loans are interest-free and need to be repaid over a period of five years. 8 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264289062-4-en 031e691bec28c54b39a5b21ed020cefb Further effort should be focused on addressing inequalities in access to health care services - between regions, as well as between cities and rural areas - taking into account the country’s geography and low population density in health care delivery planning. Networks of facilities at all levels should be reorganised in a manner compatible with and supportive of the new service delivery models, and aligned with population trends and access patterns. For this exercise, a starting point could be the service delivery master plans developed in recent years. 3 0 7 1.0 10.18356/215d0d56-en 031e7ff109209ec57114468d9d30ef88 Further, improving coordination and policy coherence between national and local governments is particularly important in this regard. Coordination across sectors for coherent programme/project implementation is also made easier at the local level, where there is closer interaction across sectors and among stakeholders. Vulnerabilities are usually more visible at the local level, where structural inequalities such as differences in social status and political power, among others, critically shape them. Giving voice and agency to those who are otherwise invisible to the process would serve to address vulnerabilities and inequalities at their source and create the conditions for building consensus and mobilizing collective actions towards resilient development. 13 3 2 0.2 10.1787/a09a3a5d-en 031fc6347dc4e37482037cfbbb225c29 Gl can thus result in higher prices for local agricultural products, foodstuffs, handicrafts, wine and spirit drinks, for example, compared to those from other regions, generating resources for regional development and facilitating the integration of previously excluded groups in innovation systems. They might also have spin-off effects, for example in the areas of tourism or gastronomy. Success stories such as Cafe de Colombia, Roquefort cheese in France and Rooibos Tea in South Africa illustrate their potential (El Benni and Reviron, 2009). 9 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.6027/9789289340311-3-en 0320ec5c6d99367203ee7d89c51d79cd Plastic debris can pose a risk to the marine environment, by causing physical damage in marine organisms via ingestion or entanglement and also due to potential toxic effects caused by inherent plastic constituents and complex mixture of external contaminants adsorbed onto plastic (Derraik 2002, Rochman etal. Marine litter is now recognized by a wide range of stakeholders as an environmental issue, and is included in for instance the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD 2008/56/EC) as one of the eleven qualitative descriptors which describe what the environment should look like to achieve or maintain good environmental status (GES) in the marine environment by 2020 (European Commission, 2008). However, it has also been recognized that as of today there is only a limited amount of information about the regional differences in sources, levels, composition, fate and impact of marine litter in the marine environment. 14 0 4 1.0 10.18356/276dbaa4-en 0325d9093c3f1068de5342b2c0944b39 Migration often represents a strategy on the part of households to manage the risks of poverty and food insecurity, allowing them to diversify income sources. The two are distinct, but they are also interlinked. The drivers and impacts of both migration types are often similar, although they may be different in scale. 11 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/b64c6036-en 0328b48016218096d7e17035cf52e7af Among the reasons arc the low political prioritization of the issue, financial constraints and, in some cases, insufficient institutional capacity. Conflicting interests among countries may also be a reason. These reasons, as well as different interpretation of provisions, have also affected the implementation of legal arrangements that are in place. 6 3 1 0.5 10.18356/b9c917b5-en 03301453640ac039508f250699168f1a The increase has been sharpest among rural women, where self-employment now accounts for nearly two-thirds of all jobs. But it is also remarkable for urban workers, both men and women, among whom the self-employed constitute 45 and 48 per cent of all usual status workers respectively. All told, therefore, around half of the work force in India currently does not work for a direct employer. This is true not only in agriculture, but increasingly in a wide range of non-agricultural activities. 1 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264206441-14-en 0332f3011cfa427dcf26c1b69b23bc73 It aims to increase jute and kenaf production by providing extension services and conducting limited research. It aims to expand the area and production of rubber, palm oil and cashew nut. Programmes are focused on rubber and palm oil breeding through germplasm introduction and clonal trials, primarily at the Applied Research Centre for Perennial Crops. 2 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/9789264081918-5-en 03344cf960236d88cef6c2c79784c5fa In addition to the National Reform Programme for 2008-11 (to implement the Lisbon Strategy), the government has set out the Strategy for Increasing the Innovativeness of the Economy in the Years 2007-13. The main vehicle for implementing this Strategy is the OP IE, which is part of the National Cohesion Strategy (as outlined in Chapter 2). The OP HC also supports human capital projects to foster innovation (promoting pro-innovation attitudes; building capacity of clusters and innovation support entities; providing innovation-related information). This is to be achieved by the implementation of 19 strategic areas falling under five axes: i) human resources for the modern economy; ii) research for the economy, iii) intellectual property for innovation, iv) capital for innovation; and u) infrastructure for innovation. 8 1 4 0.6 10.18356/f08da6fa-en 0336108888cccce95fd573c1b9b6d476 The following graph shows the marginal effects, in percentage points, of selected background characteristics. Marginal effects give the change in probability of being deprived, derived from a unitary change in a background variable, everything else being equal. The marginal effect of age is the effect of one more unit of age: a one-month difference in age reduces the probability of being deprived by 6.3 percentage points. 1 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264278530-8-en 0338aa7e9d13b594b52549e19dbc48f5 This may be because the private benefits to firms acting alone were insufficient (whereas the recognition of social benefits makes the actions cost-effective), or because of too high a degree of uncertainty. There may also be a role for public involvement in R&D that will lead to applications with both private and social returns, but which may not otherwise be undertaken without public sector involvement. R&D will be especially important for progress in attaining energy efficiency in agriculture w'hen applied to systems involved in the production process, operational activity and capital goods or farm infrastructure engaged in production. Also, a prudent R&D portfolio includes high risk, potentially high payoff projects, along with those involving lower-risk, incremental improvements. 7 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264300255-en 0338b592698af4e340d94fd6478bd701 They make information about education and career pathways easy to find and understand, and they provide recognition and certification of competencies that encourage learners of all ages to keep learning. This diagnostic report identifies 14 skills challenges for Austria which were distilled from two interactive diagnostic workshops held with a range of stakeholders. It marshals a wide array of relevant OECD evidence, including Austria’s results from die Survey of Adults Skills (PIAAC), to shed furdier light on diese challenges. 4 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.18356/edf15661-en 033b9b213b6fe1347360c0342f6b2d29 Women continue to suffer from unequal treatment and condescending attitudes. Women politicians do not yet enjoy the decision-making power of their male counterparts. In Iraq, for example, no women took part in negotiations to reach a compromise government after the parliamentary elections of 2010, and the Ministry of Women’s Affairs is only a state’s cabinet with no allocated budget. The judgement was followed, on 6 June that year, by three similar rulings for the benefit of other students. The judgements prevented the university from refusing to accept women students to certain departments based solely on the university's admission policy. 5 0 7 1.0 10.14217/9781848591646-15-en 033bcb86e1e924a7cebc29323af96f66 Virtually all SVEs and LDCs are engaged in trade negotiations, at the bilateral/biregional (both South—South and North-South), regional (within existing integration processes such as the Southern African Development Community (SADC), South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) and Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)) or multilateral level (i.e. within the WTO, for those countries that are Member States). These processes — while varying significantly in their geographical scope, liberalisation ambition, implementation timeline and sector coverage - can potentially create large trade adjustment costs for SVEs and LDCs that can, particularly in the short to medium term, offset the political, economic and social gains from trade liberalisation. This study analyses the collection and analysis of TRA1 flows, and compares it with the stated adjustment needs of SVEs and LDCs. Certain changes to the classifications have been made to the CRS to accommodate the AfT categories. 10 2 2 0.0 10.1787/9789264191808-5-en 033ca45537c67e02b8768b45b7d535ca These conditional urban developments do not include land-use zones but must provide their own infrastructure and basic services (SERPLAC Santiago, n.d.). The primary exception to restrictions on building outside of the urban boundary is found in Article 55 of the General Law of Urban Development and Construction (Ley General de Urbanismo y Construction), which allows certain land uses outside urban boundaries, including social housing, services, infrastructure and industrial uses. For example, the current system of zoning has been seen as an obstacle for new development, and zones tend to become obsolete more quickly than PRs are renewed (Peterman, 2008). Others have indicated that the zoning system limits opportunities to redevelop under-utilised areas within urban boundaries for new types of uses, such as multi-family housing (Trivelli, 2011). The pressure to develop beyond the urban boundary has contributed to the rise of conditional urban developments in the Santiago Metropolitan Region, which may undermine city-wide urban development strategies (Trivelli, 2011). 11 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264088986-en 033cc8ac38766d10d7bcc5a5bb09b10e Before joining the OECD, Puukka had experience in higher education and regional development in Finland as a national and local government adviser, programme manager, practitioner and evaluator. She has management experience from both the university and polytechnic sector and has worked in university internationalisation, PR and communication and stakeholder management. In addition, she has experience in the corporate sector in the pharmaceutical industry. 4 6 3 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264231122-7-en 03401ef2517c0600a421f54c2432b71a The strategy was then submitted, with full stakeholder acceptance, to the Department of Water Affairs for the minister’s approval. Following this approval, implementation started in 2011 at the catchment scale, mostly through the work of five sub-catchment management fora which are currently the main platforms for stakeholder engagement. Each falls under the mandate of a specific community officer who is also responsible for public awareness (e.g. in schools and community groups). 6 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264029941-4-en 03407d53f78ef112c02a17c2d35a52ba Even in OECD countries regarded as having strong primary care, such as the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand, a large proportion of doctors continue to work as solo-practitioners. The average primary care clinic in Israel is staffed by the equivalent of 3.4 general practitioners, 2.6 nurses, 1.5 practice assistants and most have a practice manager. In recent years, the United Kingdom, Australia, France and Switzerland have changed financing or provided additional payments to general practitioners to try and prioritise such services and had limited success in driving system-wide change. 3 0 7 1.0 10.1787/eag-2017-6-en 03408ad8fa3545e2a71a4699e1f5d65e It considers Level 2 in reading and mathematics to be the minimum level of proficiency required for students to participate fully in the knowledge-based society (see Definitions section). In Estonia, Finland and Japan, at least 83% of students attain Level 2 or above in both reading and mathematics, while fewer than 35% of students do so in Brazil, Colombia and Costa Rica. However, PISA also consistently shows that high performance and greater equity are not mutually exclusive (Figure 2). Indeed, being able to improve the performance of all students, regardless of background, is necessary for countries to become high-performers and to achieve the SDG 4 targets. 4 0 4 1.0 10.1787/5js30tvj21hh-en 0345b7e86f281d01b3ef5b2d46315951 Figure A2 shows that the states that have a rigid regulation (left of the graph) are the state that made fewer reforms (low value of labor index) - except for Uttar Pradesh. Conversely states that made more reforms are those who were previously less rigid (at right of the graph) are also those who conducted more reform. So there is little chance that we introduced to much bias when we studied the effect of the reforms, all the more so as we control for state economic opportunities in the regressions. 5 9 0 1.0 10.1787/9789264191761-en 034a8fb541069ddb1632fefbbb92ae8c In addition to the administration of payments, afeimats are co-responsible at the local level with the Food Contract Corporation for the formation of state grain reserves and may sometimes exert informal pressure on producers to deliver in excess of stated obligatory targets. Initially, SBCs were established in seven “macroregions”, and then in 2011 they were reorganised, with some of them split into two or three. Currently, 16 SBCs operate in each region. The principal mandate of SBCs is to stimulate local development through investments in various social and economic projects. Since their creation, many SBCs have engaged in investment projects related to agriculture and agro-food processing. In 2011, SBCs were made responsible for the management of the local food stabilisation funds created to constrain food prices on local markets. 2 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264229372-7-en 034b9c3998c54a980af5baffa6d5ebfc Other Russian regions have introduced a separate investment fund for renovating the electricity network. This might also be a possibility for the Agglomeration to tackle the challenge of lacking funds. However, it will not help in addressing the fundamental shortcomings of the system. Streamlining the system and creating incentives for private investments should be complementary measures. For this, it would be necessary to simplify ownership structures, ensure transparency in the distribution system, clearly attribute responsibilities for maintenance, and create a level playing field for private investors beyond concessions. Since 1991, there has been a strong focus on developing road infrastructure; this period has also witnessed the break-up and partial privatisation of the previously monolithic public transport system. 11 0 5 1.0 10.1787/5jzb44nmnbd2-en 034d030f0239f0f74735abf9c71bfef9 Private climate finance is expected to play an important role, both in the context of the USD 100 bn climate finance commitment, as well as more broadly, whilst also presenting an opportunity for the private sector and investors. Thus, the key requirement is to strike the right balance between investors’ appetite for risk and reward. Effectively mobilising private investments to finance climate-friendly and/or climate resilient activities therefore requires establishing enabling environments and domestic investment conditions that incentivise and align investment opportunities with the need for climate finance. 13 0 3 1.0 10.18356/4199d5d9-en 0350014b63d165aa6546a9a28184e78c At times, however, we hove been forced to rely on scant and scattered evidence 0/ this complex relationship. The contribution set out in this report brings together the existing evidence on migration and education to point a picture of incredible opportunity os well as point to where and why educational disodvontoge con occur. It provides the onolyticol cornerstone to help guide our decisions on educotion in o range 0/migration contexts - and this ot a time in which the international community is striving to meet the SDGs and maximize the significant benefits 0/migration globally. 4 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/f5ce8f94-en 0354f41a318bebdd0d14e41b51af2a0c The first pathway, operates primarily through household-level mechanisms, evolving from a pure ‘income effect’ of cash into the household (regardless of who is the primary recipient), which reduces poverty-related stress and improves emotional wellbeing. Alternatively, if CT funds are used for expenditures not intended to benefit all household members, for example to purchase alcohol or tobacco, cash could create new sources of marital conflict. Finally, cash or complementary interventions could, if appropriately targeted, increase woman’s bargaining power, strengthening her self-worth, and potentially increasing her perceived value to the household. Similar to the conflict pathway, this pathway may have mixed effects depending on how men respond to potential shifts in resources or power dynamics. On the one hand, some men may feel threatened in situations where their wives are empowered, which can lead to backlash and increased IPV as men attempt to reassert control and their identity as the household provider or dominant decision maker. 5 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/rev/fish-2011-23-en 03561752ced252dd5548c631be0e671b Crustacean output rose (up 64.1% in volume and 6.2% in value) mainly because of an increase in prawn harvests. In the latter, the overall decline was due mainly to a decrease in catches of the regions’ more important species, notably tuna in the Azores and black swordfish in Madeira. At the national level, annual average prices at auctions were also found to be slightly higher in 2009 than in the previous year (up 2.7%). 14 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5jxsr7tt3qf4-en 0356dbcb920a5a672e3743f40bd1b76a In consequence, the impacts shown here on land use and agricultural production abstract from the potential substitution among these input commodities which might alter the policy effects. In terms of biofuel policies, the increasing importance of sustainability criteria linked to support measures in many countries is not accounted for in the analysis. These tend to limit the choice of biofuels and their feedstock commodities that qualify for support (or for counting towards mandates), and may therefore alter the impact the support policies have on agricultural markets and incomes. An assessment of the direction and potential magnitude of these modifying effects is, however, beyond the scope of this analysis. 2 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264210745-6-en 03577d38354e30479f8ac63e64107c6b In some cases, horizontal inter-departmental bodies enjoy a legal status in equality acts or regulation, but such co-ordination mechanisms can still suffer from ambiguous mandates (Johan, 2010). Focal points within sectoral/line ministries charged with integrating and co-ordinating gender mainstreaming initiatives, for example, may face institutional marginalisation, a lack of authority and insufficient technical expertise (Ibid). To support the implementation of this “whole-of-government” process, the law created an Inter-departmental Co-ordination Group for the federal government. This group’s members are representatives of administrations and ministers’ offices and its secretariat is the Institute for the Equality of Women and Men. 5 0 3 1.0 10.18356/4b4d466d-en 035942bbbd1e3157597d22fa38d97c49 These enforcement systems should have all the human, financial, legal, technical and other resources needed to make them effective (see also sect. Forced evictions constitute gross violations of a range of internationally recognized human rights, including the human rights to adequate housing, food, water, health, education, work, security of the person, freedom from cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment, and freedom of movement. Forced evictions are defined as the permanent or temporaiy removal against the will of individuals, families and/or communities from the homes and/or land which they occupy, without the provision of, and access to, appropriate forms of legal or other protection. 5 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/2c271815-en 035ab10babf168a1281a9e6945c78a35 Honduras (2006 and 2010). Paraguay (2008 and 2013), Peru (2007 and 2013), the Plurinational State of Bolivia (2008 and 2013) and Uruguay (2008 and 2013). Next came the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (23 percentage points) and Brazil and Chile (20 percentage points each). The countries where the situation of the poorest quintile improved the least were Honduras, El Salvador, Mexico and Paraguay, with increases of 0.5 percentage points, 2 percentage points, 3 percentage points and 4 percentage points, respectively (see table I.A1.6). The countries with the largest absolute increases were Chile, Uruguay and Costa Rica (26, 22 and 21 percentage points, respectively), while in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras the change over the period was less than 1 percentage point. 1 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/agr/outlook-2015-5-en 035b2faad544481608e939c50a4c17a7 Brazil's cotton production is expected to grow even faster than the world’s largest cotton producer, India, which has a greater potential for higher yield growth as it starts from a low base. During the course of the next ten years, Brazil is expected to draw-down cotton stocks. Changing competition for resources to produce other commodities is also expected to influence the outlook for cotton markets. 2 6 1 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/cc6ff508-en 035b3ee74fe957590835b5455cc25f5d Although at the global level households headed by men and those headed women are almost equally likely to be multidimensionally poor—29 percent of man-headed households and 28 percent of woman-headed households are multidimensionally poor—there is considerable variation across countries and regions.16 Because the MPI is calculated at the household level rather than at the individual level, complementary research may be needed to clarify the relationship between gender and poverty. An average of 49 percent of the population in 24 countries in conflict for which the MPI is calculated lives in multidimensional poverty, and another 16 percent live in near-poverty. An average of 27 percent of people in these countries live in severe multidimensional poverty. 1 0 3 1.0 10.6027/9789289329873-5-en 035dfe3947bf56bc34dbb048f18ae446 Finally, I will also survey available evidence on policies that have affected the gender balance in educational attainment. In the next section, I document the trends in gender gaps in educational attainment. I will mostly focus on industrialized countries and put particular emphasis on the comparison of Nordic countries and the United States, which is the country that has traditionally led trends in educational attainment. 5 1 5 0.6666666666666666 10.1787/5jxrcmgpc6mn-en 0361615453eff6f2b07f51696b5e3516 British surveys do not ask respondents to distinguish the benefits (because of the difficulty of doing so) and even official statistics stopped classifying unemployed recipients by the type of unemployment benefit received. Cappellari and Jenkins’s (2008a, 2014) analysis therefore has to examine SA receipt defined in terms of receipt of either benefit in order to derive a consistent longitudinal series. Similarly, Hansen and Lofstrom’s (2011) analysis of the dynamics of SA receipt in Sweden includes receipt of some unemployment benefits in the definition of SA. 1 2 3 0.2 10.1787/5jlpl4mh1hxn-en 0369d54589fddcabc855950a4b1c9e67 Yet low productivity and competitiveness, segmented transport infrastructure and other market barriers makes it more convenient to buy imported products. Female farmers who produce to sell on the market regularly experience these obstacles more severely than their male counterparts — a situation which undermines their capacity to grow their businesses, when it does not directly threaten their human security (IFAD, 2015; OECD/SWAC 2016). Women and men work side-by-side albeit with distinctive cropping patterns: they often cultivate separate crops or tend to different livestock. 2 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264246744-5-en 0369eb533a2ad323ea4cfc738d285856 At date 1, the levels of water supply and demand are represented by, respectively, SI and Dl. Flence, the probability that demand falls beyond supply is equal to a+b+c+d. Suppose that at period 2 demand decreases to a level described by line D2, while the probability distribution shifts on the right, from SI to S2. 6 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5k8xb6hw1wjf-en 036c9da9f2dd0adb91fc2bec84aca82e Twelve countries supply benefits that cover the full period of leave, while 14 provide financial support for only part of the job-protected leave time. In the Czech Republic and Norway, payment spanned a longer period in 2011 than job protection, which could make it difficult for recipients of benefit for the full parental leave period to re-enter the labour market. France is the only country where the length of time for which allowances are received varies with the number of children. Labour market outcomes are likely to depend on the total duration of leave. 5 2 4 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264213944-7-en 036e188d9506a530f8c42b8a2c908ced Each incubator project is funded for two to three years, so AFEM operates the incubators on a project basis. When one grant ends, the search for another project hinder begins. It is also negotiating its entiy into the RMIE (incubator) network of the Centre National pour la Recherche Scientifique et Technique (CNRST); if admitted, the most innovative projects in the AFEM incubators will be eligible for MAD 230 000 of funding support from the CNRST. 5 8 1 0.7777777777777778 10.18356/e6fad794-en 037430d9dc8d6a3d19641d953518303e This effort gained new momentum and inspiration in 1994, when 179 governments gathered in Cairo for the International Conference on Population and Development and forged a plan for sustainable development grounded in individual rights and choices and the achievement of sexual and reproductive health for all. That plan, embodied in a Programme of Action, not only re-energized the global reproductive rights movement but also positioned UNFPA as the movement's custodian. 5 0 3 1.0 10.18356/f4eb59e6-en 03777289b3200792090f07fe7d0515ed Table 5.1 provides a summary of the main sectors involved, the types of plastic products or waste and the typical entry points to the ocean. Losses from this sector are unquantified but can be expected to be relatively low, provided good waste management practices are followed. However, losses may be much greater from poorly-managed municipal facilities and the informal waste recycling sectors. 14 2 3 0.2 10.30875/98c4ae94-en 037cd6be0eed9d1520bb62e39d6c36fc The suggestion was made that the low-income net food importing countries, who particularly need to benefit from the rebalanced trade rules, stand to lose from the removal of the status quo on farm protection. In response, Mr Bhattacharya insisted on the need to protect vulnerable consumers from price shocks, but also reminded the audience not to underestimate the potential response in low-income countries. He called for stepping up the dialogue in the Agriculture Committee. 2 0 7 1.0 10.18356/c9f34fd4-en 037f312faf70700179c59911962267a0 More than 2 billion people live in countries experiencing high water stress. The agriculture sector is by far the largest user of freshwater, accounting for nearly 70 per cent of global water withdrawals. Saving just a fraction of this would significantly alleviate water stress in other sectors, particularly in arid countries where agriculture can consume as much as 90 per cent of available water resources. It would also strengthen economic development instead of constraining growth. Agricultural water savings can come in many forms, such as increasing productivity of food crops (more crop per drop), improving water management practices and technologies, implementing sustainable agricultural practices, growing fewer water-intensive crops in water-scarce regions, reducing food loss and waste, and importing food grown from water-rich countries. 6 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264208469-8-en 038066956f557a7c7299b64b30511dd1 Many of the indicators that Norway is collecting at present are, though useful, primarily process indicators, or measures of service capacity, for example registration of diagnoses or staffing numbers. With other existing indicators, for example inpatient suicides, readmission rates or waiting times for access to services, Norway is making steps towards being able to assess quality of mental health care. However, the fact that psychiatric patients are often very vulnerable, and in a large proportion of instances held involuntarily, makes measuring performance and quality of care vital and more complex (Pincus et al., 3 0 4 1.0 10.18356/17c619e3-en 0384118934f89ede663b3d0e58c8ccc3 This includes water for drinking, personal sanitation, washing of clothes, food preparation, and personal and household hygiene (see Chapters 1 and 4). These challenges are not limited to SDG 6, as the cross-cutting nature of water and sanitation affects the implementation of most other SDGs. The transversal role of water across all segments of societies contributes to the complexity of ensuring respect for the related human rights for all, leaving no one behind. This includes indigenous peoples, ethnic minorities, refugees (see Chapter 8) and migrants. Women also often are disadvantaged in terms of their enjoyment of human rights across several societies worldwide. Key barriers and mechanisms of exclusion (Figure 3.1), which have come into existence either intentionally or unintentionally, deprive certain groups of people from the possibility to realize their full potential (UNDP, 2016). 6 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/how/life-2013-8-en 038460abce6a26f75dc08926d5aadee4 In other words, “women get sicker, men die quicker” (Tolleson-Rinehart, 2005). Self-reported health status is widely used in cross-sectional studies as a single-item morbidity measure that strongly correlates with objective physical and mental health measures (Smith et al., In Finland, women reporting good or very good health outnumbered their male counterparts. 5 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.18356/ea31d8c4-en 038603045dca4f7c4db8524014b2f95e It can spare people en masse from poverty and drudgery. It also creates the resources to support health care, education, and the other Millennium Development Goals to which the world has committed itself (CGD, 2008, p. I). Governments committed to growth must therefore liberalize product markets, allowing new, more productive firms to enter and obsolete firms to exit. They must also create room to manoeuvre in the labour market, so that new industries can quickly create jobs and workers can move freely to fill them (CGD 2008, p. 6). They tried a variety of policies to help diversify exports or sustain competitiveness”. 1 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/5k44zcqbbj42-en 038623b6d50b5df35de2769c73f9274f This lack of common definition represents a major challenge in establishing a MRV framework of climate finance because there is no agreed basis for measurement or methodology for tracking climate finance flows. Following Corfee-Morlot et al. Consistent with the terms of the Cancun Agreements, these may be either international public or private financing flows, and thus may be either concessional (public) or non-concessional flows (where the latter concerns private as well as some forms of public finance flows). 13 0 3 1.0 10.1787/e27ce3a7-en 0386b6d22cc5e2e64c2f8162b0611834 Furthermore, Korean women are often still expected to leave employment at the birth of a child, so that mothers with children often are not in employment, or in a low-paying non-regular job, which increases the overall cost of having children (OECD, 2018[2i). Nevertheless, the overall standard of living of children increased from 2006 to 2012 in Korea, regardless of their family situation. Disposable income grew by 10.5% for the poorest 25 percent of children in two-parent families, and by 22% for the 25 percent poorest children in single-parent families (Figure 2). Nowadays, about a third of non-regular workers in Korea have completed tertiary education (OECD, 2018[7j), and a growing proportion of families headed by a highly educated fathers are in non-regular employment. In fact, the proportion of poor children with a father with higher education increased (+15 percentage points) between 2006 and 2012. 1 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/cb5cf3d5-en 0389802e733861aefb561d02f44dabca "The Protocol also provides that a widow has the right to an equitable share in the inheritance ofthe property of her husband, and that women and men have the right to inherit, in equitable shares, their parents’ properties (art. Among other provisions, they state that the African States are obliged to ""ensure equitable and non-discriminatory access, acquisition, ownership, inheritance and control of land and housing, especially by women. This includes the obligation to take measures to modify or prohibit harmful social, cultural or other practices that prevent women and other members of vulnerable and disadvantaged groups from enjoying their rightto property, particularly in relation to housing and land” (para. No one shall be deprived of his possessions except in the public interest and subject to the conditions provided for by law and by the general principles of international law.""" 5 0 3 1.0 10.6027/4594b3f8-en 03911d277e11161a1b6408758f5ad12d Lakes, rivers and marine waters are probably of good or very good ecological status. Habitat degradation is not regarded as a major issue in Greenland. However, climate driven changes in physical properties might alter the biological balance and regional biodiversity. For instance, northward retreatment of the sea ice edge has been linked to an increase in the distribution of kelp beds and increase in the seasonal productivity of seaweeds along the Greenland West coast (Krause-Jensen et al., Wild species, and to some degree pollution and invasive species, may threaten the present good status. In addition, copepod droppings constitute a food resource for bottom-living animals as they sink to the seafloor. 15 7 2 0.5555555555555556 10.18356/a692184d-en 0393b92f7442aaac8319d17d9f59a7d7 Furthermore, the content could be enriched by including more practical guidance. Teachers attend a mandatory one-week training programme every three years, organized by the Minsk City and oblast institutes for education development. The elements of EE and ESD are integrated into the training programme. Model curricula have been prepared for teachers’ training and in-service training to improve teachers’ skills and competencies in the areas of ESD, innovative technologies in the education process, energy and resource efficiency and healthy lifestyle. 4 1 4 0.6 10.1787/9789264235120-7-en 0395ee94d925f41774aa61f2d784d014 Finally, Section 4.6 presents the impact of tax-benefit policies on income adequacy and on work incentives for non-standard workers. Women (especially part-time), youth (especially temporary jobs) and workers with lower level of education are overrepresented in NSW, as are workers in small firms. Temporary contracts increase the chances of acquiring a standard job compared with remaining unemployed, but a part-time job or self-employment does not increase the chances of a transition to a standard job. They tend to receive less training and, in addition, those on temporary contracts have more job strain and have less job security than workers in standard jobs. 1 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/0ec26947-en 03991209effa452f5c1b6707c7cbab5f Building on the natively integrated and network-wide enforced transaction logic, an endless variety of applications can be developed. The blockchain can hold hashes to the original data points, which are solely managed by the related organisations. This set-up provides a high degree of flexibility by reducing the amount of data distributed on the network. 9 4 3 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264272637-5-en 03995f0c51681828981e27ef4376df66 In exchange, if private operators have a deficit will be compensated through public subsidies. Conversely, the city government owns newly created routes and puts them into a bidding process for a six-year license over the route. This scheme means that the city government has a limited authority over the majority of routes, whereas it commits to pouring in an enormous amount of funding. However, the city chose to exercise political flexibility to make its agenda acceptable to the society without aggravating conflicts. 11 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/9789264085374-14-en 039d09b4ba16c233dbc36f5430e2b678 Teachers create greater connections to the broader community and to elders, and make explicit how what is being leamt influences the self, the family, the community and the land. Teachers are activators, while students become active in the design, implementation and measurement of learning experiences. Partnerships enjoy high partner equity, transparency, mutual benefit and accountability. 4 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264202924-9-en 039d4d1b89ec4237d62c80f573bee4b0 In developing the evidence base, the continuation and intensification of exchange and co-operation with other Alpine countries would be beneficial. In 2011 Austria established the Climate Change Centre Austria to strengthen the organisational links between producers and consumers of climate data. The majority of such funding is channelled through the Federal Disaster Fund, which receives 1.1% of federal tax revenue. 13 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.18356/ad0bffd4-en 039e770089eb0cbfb193a3ae3fadb893 International donors increased their involvement in waste management during the last few years and this resulted in improvements in management of obsolete pesticides and expired chemicals, but management of municipal and manufacturing waste is developing slowly and old practices remain. This development reduced generated amounts of waste and in some sectors also decreased the amount of waste previously accumulated. The development of modem waste management infrastructure is still in the initial phase. 12 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264259157-7-en 039fd485aaa34c918c86b8706de07d33 For example, among European countries, the proportion of mothers in fulltime work varies from 8% in the Netherlands to 77% in Slovenia. In addition to country-specific factors, such as public child care support (Box 4.3), there are also individual and family-specific reasons why women choose to work full- or part-time. Changes in labour markets have been powerful factors in growing female labour force participation in OECD countries, particularly the development of the services sector and the expansion of part-time work, which have enabled a greater proportion of women to work and keep working after they start to have children. 5 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264224636-8-en 03a18fc63d3ea1d0263cc40cf3dcbc5f Public consultations are not a stand-alone exercise, but an integral part of evidence-based policy making, cost-benefit analysis or data analysis. To do so, additional investment is needed to develop inclusive policy making tools, to ensure that men and women in different life circumstances can participate. People face socio-economic, cultural and geographical barriers or barriers of another external nature. 5 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.18356/d79c87b2-en 03a1dd3175d12b3dea6d4e7ea1159a4b Market deregulation should be followed by strong policies and regulations to guarantee reliable services and fair pricing. The limited involvement of the private sector in electricity production can be a barrier to deploying renewable energy™. On the other hand, private electricity markets that lack strong and clear regulation, as in the case of Lebanon, create a chaotic market that hinders investment in renewable energy. The region is also blessed with a growing availability of locally sourced capital from banks and funds, and an expert community of developers and technical and other advisors. In 2015 in the Arab region, wind and solar developments broke new low-cost records, which attracted strong international interest and resulted in new project developments and investment. 7 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264277991-7-en 03a22f483ed3e46076d375d9fca37aa7 Local authorities could develop some legal framework to support the purok system and unlock some resources for its functioning. Rapid and uncontrolled uibanisation resulted in a range of environmental issues in the city by the mid-2000s, including solid waste pollution due to unsorted garbage and open waste disposal. The city also suffered from lack of clean water supply and wastewater treatment system, and periodic floods, creating critical health hazards such as dengue fever and diarrhoea. The creation of a waste bank and 24 composting houses in the city were two important measures taken by the municipality, but raising public awareness was the keystone of the programme. 11 0 3 1.0 10.18356/39dd1e2e-en 03a35007b11b17e0802be12486770edd However, the prevalence of underweight children aged 0-6 months increased from 6.9 per cent in 2005 to 8.4 per cent in 2010. In 2014, low birth weight was more common in rural areas (particularly the western region, at 6.6 per cent) than in urban areas (3.8 per cent in Ulaanbaatar). A first list of banned and limited use toxic and hazardous chemicals was approved by the Government in 1997. 3 0 3 1.0 10.18356/ac21c613-en 03a43c05f0cae529a817b95cb9c0d1a3 This situation is further complicated by the very low collection rate of water user charges, which for household ranges between 12 per cent and 80 per cent of the bill sent by the water utility, with a nationwide average of 45 per cent (Chapter 5). The responsibility of monitoring of the drinking water quality is under the Food Safety, Veterinary and Plant Protection Department under the Ministry of Agriculture, which organizes tenders for analysis of the drinking water quality for accredited laboratories. In case of emergency situation results are reported to the municipalities and in case of health risks to the public centre for diseases of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Social Protection (MHLSP) and even to the Cabinet of Ministers when necessary. 6 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5jrs8sv4jt6k-en 03a5386c4a481c36cc5e34929768458b For example, Wiggins and Keats (2013) summarise three dimensions to policies that might address this challenge (Figure 4). One dimension is simply to build the case for government involvement based on public-good arguments, where the driver for building successful links between small farmers and markets would be found in private enterprise. A second dimension is to identify the participants: fanners and farm group who can transition to commercial operations, and sponsors or champions who can maintain the linkages with smallholders. 2 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264262430-7-en 03a981bae06e4f051a433146b6a4894d Quality reports should be based on data available from a national data warehouse (more on this below) and refer to a number of indicators such as the number of teachers with teaching competencies in the subjects they teach, results regarding academic performance and wellbeing in relation to the indicators set in the 2014 Folkeskole reform, average marks correlated for socio-economic background, transition rates to upper secondary education and inclusion rates for students with special educational needs. For monitoring purposes, the quality reports can, however, disclose information whether the municipality or individual schools meet their performance targets and how performance develops over time. The six municipalities visited by the OECD review team all reported having procedures in place to ensure the quality control of their schools. This typically involves annual meetings with school leaders to discuss student results, based on national and municipal assessments and surveys of students and/or school staff. 4 0 7 1.0 10.1787/5kg5dlkhjq0x-en 03ac42348183681d47ff5f7c3e33aee0 Policy reforms enacted in the early and mid 1990s reduced income gaps at the bottom to below their 1978 value (as measured by the p50/p10 ratio, not reported here). But no equalising effects of policies could be discerned for the upper part of the distribution (p90/p50 ratio). For the period as a whole, tax policy changes appear to have slightly exacerbated trends towards widening income gaps at the top. The interpretation is that the tax system in the mid-2000s would have been somewhat more redistributive if policy makers had implemented no reform at all and had, instead, simply adjusted all monetary tax parameters in line with inflation. 10 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.14217/5jlz411xvqhc-en 03ac6f7fdcc38504acc5182bd3e124bb At present, the most heavily supported sector is renewable energy, but in future sectors such as automobile manufacturing are destined to become a target for support. The IEA estimates for investment in the transport sector are dominated by investment in electric vehicles and associated infrastructure, and heavily weighted to a post-2035 period when those technologies are predicted to become part of the mainstream. From an environmental perspective, subsidies in this sector are probable, and already exist in many countries; the internal combustion engine will have to be replaced if the Agreement targets are to be met. 13 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.18356/cefc94d2-en 03aceee76df8ed0511df92e8262c69c8 Tracking progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals requires the collection, processing, analysis and dissemination of data and statistics at the subnational, national, and regional levels, including those derived from official statistical systems and from new and innovative data sources. Many national statistical systems face serious challenges in this regard. As a result, accurate and timely information about certain aspects of people's lives are unknown, and many development challenges are still poorly understood. 7 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/18a859bf-en 03ae09c6e5f6b4b1edcbdf32c3903403 Since the adoption of the Rio marker system, the information on support to the environment, including climate, desertification and biodiversity has incrementally improved. A revised definition of the climate markers and a guidance table to improve scoring, have been included in the revised Converged Statistical Reporting Directives of the OECD (OECD, 2016c). Overall, the new transparency framework for climate finance and the commitment to greater transparency of financing for sustainable development (UN, 2015a; UN, 2015b) will play an important role in enabling countries to hold each other to account, and in enabling citizens and communities around the world to hold their governments to account. 13 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264310278-en 03b00ecd870d4727915d893539c2da95 Household mobility is now at an all-time low, with the mover rate 11% of the population in 2017. Past strong inter-regional migration flow's have declined, partly due to ageing as older people typically move residence less frequently. Declining willingness of workers to undertake job transitions is another factor inhibiting this adjustment mechanism (Molloy, Smith and Wozniak, 2014(23]). 8 2 2 0.0 10.1787/5js4rv0g7szr-en 03b4603bb02f01a7f1003ab7449387e9 At the other end of the scale, 13.8% of people working in the hospitality sector have completed some form of tertiary qualification, compared to 31.3% in the economy as a whole (Figure 6; Table A.8, Annex 4). Accommodation and Food Sen/ices Activities (ISIC Rev 4). The ILO and UNWTO (2013) recently noted that a significant proportion of service positions (around 25-30%) are supervisory or skilled occupations at managerial, professional or technical levels. 8 0 8 1.0 10.18356/2cb622fb-en 03b5e5d7ad92e19b9f8d7d6cc919bf50 The limited information contained in surveys does not allow more exact identification of the composition of transfers in the other countries that saw this type of income increase. First, the crises studied were characterized by falling employment rates; that is, the average unemployment rate rose. However, during those same periods, otherwise inactive persons tended to enter the labour market. 1 2 4 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/faf8a648-en 03b7da7f7784f439e9ead1ee8e2cf663 Private sector firms, especially the sugar companies, were challenged to seize the opportunities for investment in such blending. The government set the policy framework and provided the incentives and infrastructure, within which the private sector could respond. The leading investor was Press Corporation Limited, a publicly listed company incorporated in Malawi. The first ethanol plant was built by Press Corporation in 1982, with a final blending ratio of 10 per cent, and in 2004, they opened a second plant, with a combined total capacity of 18 million litres a year. 7 4 3 0.14285714285714285 10.18356/6546680a-en 03bda028ebcc2fa22c7d7ca9a6e3e564 Larger countries, on the other hand, can shift away from specialization in primary commodities through import substitution. The use of labour-intensive techniques and domestic inputs should figure prominently among the requirements outlined in these policies. There is considerable room for diversity in its application, reflecting differences in each country’s resource endowments, size, geographical location, production structure and export structure. Distribution of rents is thus crucial. 8 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264088979-en 03becd4ff5f2dba5a60dd0ad4e9a49be Numbers of patents are increasing but so far revenues remain at a low level with AUD 7 million income in 2007. It can be expected that much of this involves commercialisation outside of the state. Also PhD training could involve stronger links with key clusters and provide entrepreneurial skills. This is also an area where Victorian universities could have a strong impact on the SME sector through support for enterprise within the student/graduate community. 4 4 5 0.1111111111111111 10.18356/1c11fde8-en 03c1117a54544f42e2caf03359d982bc Against the backdrop of a long-standing lack of official sources of reliable information on illicit drug production, trafficking and abuse among countries in the region, there have been several media and anecdotal reports regarding the widespread abuse of counterfeit Captagon tablets (containing amphetamine) among all parties engaged in armed violence in the Syrian Arab Republic. Significantly, for the first time in six years, the Afghanistan Opium Survey 2015, for which the executive summary is available, notes that there has been a decrease in the estimated total area under illicit opium poppy cultivation in Afghanistan, which in 2015 totalled 183,000 hectares (ha). That represents a decrease compared with 2014, when cultivation reached record levels, at 224,000 ha. 3 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264240094-7-en 03c193d1c1e364a12f7e8728b3aada5f Building on the success of the PPCDAm, the government launched a similar programme to control deforestation in the Cerrado biome. In addition to strict monitoring and enforcement, further reducing deforestation will increasingly require making sustainable agriculture and forest management more attractive than illegal logging and land grabbing, and ensuring that sustainable practices provide a viable income source for traditional communities (CEPAL et al., Concessions still cover less than 1% of the eligible forest area, mainly because of red tape, high transaction costs, lack of infrastructure and land tenure conflicts. Many rural communities do not have the knowledge or means to adopt sustainable forest practices or to compete in concession processes. Much of the international finance is used through extrabudgetary funds, including the innovative Amazon Fund. Established in 2008 and managed by the BNDES in co-ordination with the MMA, the fund invests in deforestation prevention and sustainable forest use, thereby contributing to reducing GHG emissions. 15 0 7 1.0 10.18356/e617261d-en 03c371dd7f66070ef0717697fe2cfa86 The article concludes that further studies are required, and that assistance mechanisms are required for women who do not receive financial assistance from their migrant husbands. The article also finds that migrants' sexual and reproductive behaviour is characterized by limited access to information about risks and also requires thorough study. Scholars have consistently shown that gender influences who will go to a new location and who will stay behind (Massey, 1986; Curran, 1995; Pittin, 1984; Monsutti, 2007; Cohen and others, 2008; Resurreccion and Ha Thi Van Khanh, 2007; Ni Laoire, 2001). 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264224636-5-en 03c5aa46a46f0d8dccd12df11a05ad62 In both houses of legislature this figure reached 15.9%. In 2000, the Inter-Parliamentary Union recorded zero female parliamentarians for several countries, including Djibouti, Jordan, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates (UAE),5 with the highest levels of women as political representatives found in Tunisia, with 15 women (11.5%), and Iraq, with 19 (7.6%) (Inter-Parliamentary Union, 2000). By 2014, each of the countries mentioned above that did not have any women in parliament in 2000 had increased these numbers: Djibouti increased the representation of women in its legislative branch to 7 (12.7%); Jordan’s female legislative representation grew to 18 women (12%); the United Arab Emirates now has 7 women (17.5%); 1 woman (1.5%) serve as legislators in Kuwait. 5 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264265493-6-en 03c74d34b34c8afd7db7ba21e6004993 Between 2005 and 2016, informality rates for women have fluctuated between a quarterly low of 56.2% and a high of 59.4%, while men’s rates have stayed in the range of 49.2% to 52%. Among informal workers, employers and wage workers tend to be better off, while own-account workers and domestic workers fare worse in terms of wages, job security, and social protection. Mexican women are far more likely to work in the second category than the first. While 48.8% of male workers (aged 15-64) in Mexico report never having paid any social security contributions in their productive lives, the figure is 64.6% among women (OECD estimates of ENIGH, 2014). 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264255517-6-en 03c80c0b3aa2c18a07a924a32e44c647 The Police Authority of Gyeonggi Province took the initiative to set up a safety committee together with the education community (Provincial Education Board), citizen associations and the media. The objective of this collaborative structure is to promote road safety control by-analysing the areas where there is a high concentration of accidents, upgrading infrastructure (Province and Regional Office of Construction Management), educating citizens and raising awareness. The committee was elected after a debate that brought together around 150 experts and representatives from the civil society. 11 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264229488-2-en 03ccea59984ab9f7b2b1ec93e74cef4a This chapter aims to define inclusive innovations, as well as outline the challenges and opportunities in scaling innovations to meet the needs of lower-income and excluded groups. Section 2 focuses on the characteristics of inclusive innovation compared to innovation that does not specifically supply lower-income and excluded groups. Section 3 discusses factors that support scaling up inclusive innovations. 9 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/f5ce8f94-en 03ccf9bfe98f5668a7a03f3f5e65ba95 However, the broader evidence is mixed. In a recent synthesis of qualitative and quantitative reviews and key evidence, van den Bold and colleagues (2013) find that although qualitative evidence on CCTs, largely from Latin America and the Caribbean, generally points to positive impacts on empowerment indicators, quantitative results are mixed. More recent studies focusing on the Africa region have come to the same broad conclusions (Bonilla et al. 5 3 1 0.5 10.1787/9789264174542-5-en 03cf1d63a77a94bbf42fbc830e513970 As water is a local resource with strong territorial characteristics, the explanation for sub-national actor involvement lies mainly in theories related to local public goods, and the need for decentralised mechanisms to achieve optimal allocation. But in practice, the implementation of such an optimal water allocation scheme varies widely across countries and rarely involves a full delegation of responsibility to lower levels of government. Water management is generally a shared responsibility across levels of government. 6 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264119284-6-en 03cf30804aa5d9c2fa1be9dbded6e7fc In Australia, Belgium, France, the Netherlands, Italy, Mexico, Spain and Portugal, they assume a wide array of responsibilities, with the common objective of harmonising water policies at basin level. This situation was a result of sporadic water shortages in specific areas and substantial regional disparities in water resources, especially between the coastal areas, where demand is high, and the hinterland. The Water Resources Prospective and Management Scheme (SOURSE), launched in 2009, is an ambitious EUR 400 000 project to build by 2030 a strategic vision and operational framework across levels of government (including the state and the Rhone-Mediterranee-Corse water agency) and to define the terms for effective water governance at the regional level. It develops a model of public governance of water for equitable sharing of water by 2030, taking into account the economic, demographic and environmental evolution of the territory. 6 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264227385-8-en 03d2847d3bd69bd46504425c45d711ce The MoE and the LP regularly report to the Forest Resource Assessment programme of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), as well as the UNECE/FAO/Forest Europe Report on the State of Europe’s Forests. The MoE and the LP hosted a workshop in September 2014 as Poland’s contribution to the UNECE/FAO action plan on forests in a green economy. The MoE is an active participant in the United Nations Forum on Forests, held every two years at UN Headquarters in New York. 15 0 3 1.0 10.18356/1c6c11de-en 03d29bdf307f0471c8b54dbbce393356 The artificial division between macroeconomic policies and these other policy areas means that too little attention is paid to employment, unpaid work and social issues in the formulation of macroeconomic strategies. These alternatives emphasize that markets do not always function well; unregulated markets can result in financial crises, too little employment, an inadequate supply of public goods and services and environmental deterioration; distribution matters; and inequality affects economic stability and performance. They call for action by governments to regulate markets and to improve economic outcomes through employment and social policies. 5 7 2 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/empl/outlook-2011-3-en 03d33f3b8d48fb509ae6cf9662111973 Due to benefit ceilings, net replacement rates are lower for individuals with above-average earnings. See OECD (2007a) for full details. Across the OECD, there is significant variation in the level of support provided under the lower tier of income assistance. Due to benefit ceilings, net replacement rates are lower for individuals with above-average eamings. See OECD (2007a) for full details. In some countries, social assistance benefits are meant to prevent extreme hardship, while it is intended to minimise social exclusions elsewhere (Adema, 2006). 10 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264301757-8-en 03d8a79fec51318b01350d806535070f In 2011, programme accreditation regulations were revised to include criteria on academic and discipline relevance (Kantardjiev and Haakstad, 2017). Section 4.2 of the regulations requires higher education institutions to describe the relevance of each programme for working life and/or continued studies by outlining the skills developed in the programme and how those skills align with the labour market (Nord University, 2011). The assessment of the labour market relevance of programmes is often informed through dialogue with employers, but there are concerns about the robustness and validity of this consultation process (Kantardjiev and Haakstad, 2017). Programmes now “must be professionally updated and clearly relevant to further studies and/or work life” (Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research, 2017b). 4 0 3 1.0 10.18356/f3e7d816-en 03d8e7c5bb44d8c5cd7e898467cb28c4 "For example, national accounts statistics that incorporate a gender perspective take into account both women’s and men’s contribution to all social and economic areas, including unpaid work. The word “sex"" refers to biological differences between women and men. Biological differences are fixed and unchangeable and do not vary across cultures or over time. “ Gender”, meanwhile, refers to socially-constructed differences in the attributes and opportunities associated with being female or male and to social interactions and relationships between women and men." 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5jrqppxjqhg4-en 03d99fe6feab85be5c95eb01e5b9f275 Setting a high r is tantamount to setting equally distributed income at the income of the poorest individuals in the sample. Thus, increases in lower incomes are given relatively more weight in producing social welfare than increases in high incomes. Setting x to around 1.5 corresponds to setting yc/' approximately equal to the median of the distribution. 8 0 3 1.0 10.18356/7aa2651d-en 03da2d028b44219a41f240d98a38c1a3 "Drawing on data from 35 advanced economies, it shows what the relative child poverty rate would be if governments did not intervene with taxes and transfers (light blue bar). It then compares this with the actual relative child poverty rate after all taxes are deducted and benefits paid (blue bar).The difference may be seen as one measure of the efforts and effectiveness of different governments in reducing relative child poverty. But some of the children and young people most at risk of poverty do not live in households; they live in institutions, in children's homes, in temporary accommodations, in hostels or hospitals, in prisons, in houses for refugees or asylum seekers, in mobile homes, or on the streets. It is also possible that some of the most at-risk children may be not represented in household surveys because they live in remote areas or in families and communities whose presence may be illegal and unregistered. Open Society Foundations, Budapest. A century later, and from a different ideological perspective, Karl Marx found himself in agreement, ""Our needs and enjoyments spring from society; we measure them, therefore by society and not by the objects of their satisfaction." 1 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264273238-5-en 03e00b4c9cfa0796c68f3ad1a77579f1 The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law. This section explores some of the most promising areas of intervention, such as strengthening participation and the quality of provision in early childhood education and care (ECEQ, enhancing performance at the end of compulsory education by supporting students from low socio-economic backgrounds, fostering gender equality, supporting students of immigrant background and tackling dropout in secondary education. Since young children are able to learn much more than previously assumed, education and support provided during the early years may compensate, at least partly, for deficiencies in stimulation at home or barriers such as language. Most OECD countries have therefore made an effort to increase enrolment rates before the age of 5. 4 0 9 1.0 10.18356/3ed7e08c-en 03e08ca78afaf75d3be3e8bf45160421 To end cultures of impunity, comprehensive reporting systems need to be created to document abuses of women’s rights and support female and civilian survivors of the war in seeking justice (Chapter 3). Following on the suggestions made in the previous section, this needs to include special training for law enforcement agencies, which play an important role in enforcing women’s rights at the community level (Chapters 3 and 13). Promoting public debates and media literacy about SCRs 1325 and 1820 (and subsequent resolutions) and about national responses to these important programmes in post-conflict societies is an essential step in raising awareness about and advocating for participatory roles of women. In post-conflict reconstruction, particularly girls and women should be publicly recognized and encouraged (and, most importantly, not discouraged!) This recommendation can be advanced by offering women opportunities to debate and analyse the language of SCRs such as 1325 in order to relate them to the specific conflicts in which they are caught (Chapter 11). 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264195363-7-en 03e2583ffdd343425bda982847d2d0e7 The most important need, if not for this generation then for the next, would therefore appear to be investment in the education and skills that would enable households to command higher wages. At the same time well-defined property rights, especially with respect to land, are important for farmers to be able to cash in their assets, and exit the sector on favourable terms. However, rural policies are not fundamentally agricultural policies (nor vice versa). 2 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264281318-10-en 03e2b23144e5e8033d08b2385aaf4e13 Particularly large differences between boys’ and girls’ expectations for their future are observed in some countries. In Finland, for example, boys (at 6.2%) are more than four times as likely as girls (at 1.4%) to expect a career as an engineer, scientist or architect. These findings indicate that the career paths of boys and girls are already starting to diverge before the age of 15, and well before important career choices are actually made. 5 0 3 1.0 10.18356/7f020cf3-en 03e2d4bd4290e59a1cf54c40e0b9733a In fact, early childhood education has been found to be one of the strongest determinants of a child's readiness for school, in both high-income and low-income countries. Participation in organized learning one year before the official entry age for primary school has risen steadily over the past years. At the global level, the participation rate in early childhood education was 69 per cent in 2017, up from 63 per cent in 2010. However, considerable disparities were found among countries, with rates ranging from 7 per cent to nearly 100 per cent. 4 0 3 1.0 10.18356/f5ce8f94-en 03e4a6dde7176e5c9f4fd24941db7652 Journal of Marriage and the Family, 131-146. Gender & Development, 23(2), 279-297. Intimate partner violence: causes and prevention. The Lancet', 359:1423-29. Relationship between alcohol-attributable disease and socioeconomic status, and the role of alcohol consumption in this relationship: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Psychology of Violence (in press). 5 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/08d97fd9-en 03e759b5eea15c230fd23e09401d5621 The Institutional arrangements chapter of this sourcebook shows that the appointment of NFPs as members of GEF steering committees has proved to be an important step. National Dialogues aim to raise awareness about the GEF, strengthen country level coordination and ownership, and clarify and address country GEF needs and priorities linked to national development strategies. They provide an opportunity for discourse among GEF partners and key stakeholders representing a wide range of national and local interests and areas of expertise. 15 1 3 0.5 10.1787/5jrp6w9xlbq6-en 03e760362e46ab7cc36bc4b43499ea54 Moreover, a 1% increase in the share of agriculture in value added is associated with an increase of 0.11% in SO2 concentration. In contrast to other pollutants, the degree of fragmentation of an urban area does not appear to affect SO2 concentration. This might be due to the fact that SO2 is mainly produced by energy generation processes rather than by road transportation. In particular, this study presents evidence that urban fragmentation is correlated with higher concentrations of NO2 and PM10, when controlling for economic factors and climate conditions. Moreover, the results suggest that densely populated urban areas are associated with higher SO2 concentrations. 11 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264179011-7-en 03e950656432364c3062551d0c739b62 Of the more than 6 000 SNI standards set only 86 are obligatory. In terms of agro-food products, mandatory standards apply to imports of sugar, wheat flour and cocoa powder. Under this regulation, effective from 1999, all packaged food products distributed in Indonesia must be labelled exclusively in the Indonesian language, Arabic numeric and Roman text, and must be pre-approved by BPOM. 2 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/ff87fd8d-en 03ea5b6deb8a6ed388080cf5575063d8 By doing this for all treated farmers and taking the average of these differences, the average causal effect of the AES on participating farmers (i.e. the average effect of treatment on the treated - ATT) can be estimated (OECD, 2012). Stated otherwise, matching assumes that similarity in the observed characteristics translates into similarity in unobservable characteristics, correlated with the outcome and the biodiversity policy assignment, or that such unobservables are negligible sources of bias (Miteva, 2012). There may also be unobservables, as mentioned earlier, such as motivation or environmental awareness that may influence e.g., a farmer’s decision to participate in an AES. 15 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264245174-7-en 03edb9451d6dd5384da5f86f8d82990e Authorities also adjusted remunerations by negotiating that costs that do not increase directly with travel would not be paid if operators travelled extra. The value threshold over which vehicles are no longer eligible for the 100% subsidy is MXN 250 000 (USD 18 800) in the Federal District, MXN 350 000 (USD 26 300) in the State of Mexico and MXN 550 000 (USD 41 400) in Hidalgo. This planning instrument takes different names depending on the country. In many contexts the word “plan” is substituted by “programme”. Its contents will therefore have to be adjusted to include all the elements, in line with best practice in developing transport master plans (see Box 3.4). 11 0 3 1.0 10.18356/1f42dd52-en 03ef9a7d467149e2c6aef809ff987c99 First, how effective are these measures at the implementation stage? Second, what capacity do they have over the medium and long term to change initial inequality and the balance between work and family? And, third, what are the social and policy determinants that drive variations between countries and policies? Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (eclac). Encuesta nacional sobre representaciones sociales del cuidado: Principales resultados”, Mujery Desarrollo series. 5 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264227385-8-en 03f6c8e648623340de9c46353e398e45 Revenue from all forestry activity and most agricultural activity is still tax exempt. Only 2-5% of farmers (e.g. those involved in greenhouse farming, poultry production and large-scale pig farming) are liable for income tax under the 1984 Agricultural Tax Act. The proceeds would have allowed the government to meet compensation demands from people whose property was confiscated during the post-war socialist period. 15 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5kg51nfc1321-en 03fbe325cab484c9b84b5b07e4729754 Investments in intercity rail routes can also help improve mobility outside of major urban centres. Rapidly motorising countries run the risk of unmanageable oil-related balance-of-payments issues and, in some places, costs associated with subsidising fuels. The IEA is a partner alongside the FIA Foundation, the International Transport Forum, and UNEP in the Global Fuel Economy Initiative (GFEI) ( 7 3 5 0.25 10.1787/baf425ad-en 03ff2c8aa35627aa7219a0de9cbffec7 The lack of robust evidence of the patient safety measurement in primary and ambulatory care settings can partly be explained by the fragmented nature of this setting described in the introduction. In fact, survey responses suggest that the fragmented nature of primary and ambulatory care ‘systems’ , and lack of overall system governance, are the most important barrier to implementing safety measurement and interventions (see Chapter 4). This means infonnation can rarely be linked. These technical barriers may prohibit capturing accurately the full picture of the frequency and magnitude of patient harm occurring along the patient pathway. 3 0 3 1.0 10.18356/11e28764-en 040365e7d0a545f301522bf584e67620 Since the 1970s, notably in India, Oceania, the United States and Europe, women activists have constituted the primary driver of animal rights movements. Recent analyses conclude that women constitute 68-80% of participants in animal rights movements in the United States and the United Kingdom (Kruse etal. Public opinion surveys reinforce these findings (Box 2.1.9). 2 5 2 0.42857142857142855 10.18356/872035ff-en 0405a7e3faded180211d4b44369f5f92 The search found 78 PES schemes were in operation, with 13 under development (Annex 2). Of these 78 schemes, 37 were focused on forest/ biodiversity, 28 were watershed-related, and 13 were water quality trading programmes. Many PES programmes are located in Latin America, but there are also numerous schemes in Europe and North America, particularly in forest/biodiversity programmes. It is unlikely that the literature review has identified all the PES schemes, which are in use in the UNECE region. 15 0 3 1.0 10.18356/77cccad1-en 040858e3f3c0546c04ce9f4d17dadbfe There has been a 16 per cent reduction in the amount of wastewater discharged into water bodies over this period. The bulk of wastewater discharge (about 70 per cent) constitutes effluent treated to standard quality. The share of wastewater discharged without treatment in the period 2005-2013 has varied between 0.4 and 1 per cent of overall discharged wastewater. A substantial share of wastewater discharge containing pollutants (about 69 per cent) comes from local sources (i.e. settlements and settlement-based industries). 11 2 3 0.2 10.1787/9789264281707-7-en 04097bb3a7832fd39891cce9ac6acd01 Abstractable volumes have to be redefined after a few years to consider the latest available scientific data (Water Management Plans are re-defined every six years). These uses also require a minimum flow. This unit is convened by the prefect (the local state representative) and involves stakeholders. It is mandated to suspend prevailing entitlements and to allocate water according to a set list of priority uses, as defined in the Decrees. 6 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264216501-11-en 040d299eb23e977e6eab33be525e18e2 The coefficients should be interpreted as the percent change in the probability of overqualification as a function of the independent variable. For instance the coefficient of Age (25-54) for Australia indicates that persons aged 25-54 have 30% lower probability of being overqualified than those aged 16-24. Standard errors in brackets. *** 4 2 3 0.2 10.1787/5jm3p5gl4djd-en 040d4bbdaea55f29e3e7b301a5eb7d09 Les prestataires non publics de logement locatif social sont essentiellement des organisations sans but lucratif ou des cooperatives, mais il s’agit egalement, dans certains pays de l’OCDE, de proprietaires a but lucratif qui mettent a disposition des logements sociaux en vertu de contrats temporaires speciaux. Le logement locatif social n’est pas toujours reserve aux menages a bas revenus, mais ces menages constituent la majorite des locataires dans de nombreux pays - surtout dans les regions qui soufffent d’une penurie de logement locatif social. Par consequent, les prestataires doivent rechercher d’autres formes de financement. 11 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/dcr-2013-8-en 040df7f117ee0435086cf643a643c1fe The responsibility is of course entirely mine. Even if “zero” is defined as not quite zero - for example, the World Bank is proposing it should be defined as 3% of the population in the case of income poverty (Kim, 2013; Ravallion, 2012). Global public goods are qualities that potentially affect anyone, anywhere, such as a stable climate, or freedom from infectious disease. This joint civil society/UN consultation, co-led by UNICEF and UN Women with support from the governments of Denmark and Ghana, is an open and inclusive conversation for civil society, academia, governments and the UN to discuss what the post-2015 development agenda should look like. 1 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264202061-4-en 040f05347e305e3a0b22e5cd00e7c876 Historically this has proved hugely challenging, and it is much easier to define the goal than to know how to achieve it. Statebuilding processes remain imperfectly understood and contested (see for example North, 2009; Bates, 2001). The issues outlined in the PSGs are similar to those addressed in the context of the Women, Peace and Security agenda. 5 5 4 0.1111111111111111 10.1787/5jrp6w9xlbq6-en 040f848c1225cc1595f3ad414e567fcc Then, a Bayesian Model Averaging method is employed to select the empirical model which best identifies the determinants of the concentration of different pollutants. For each pollutant, the influence of economic sector composition, population density and factors related to internal urban composition and road transport are tested. The study does not consider factors of pollution that occur outside urban areas, such as inter-city transport or activities in rural areas. 11 0 3 1.0 10.18356/5022b3a0-en 0410096e140813bcd93362137ce4fb2d The available evidence shows a high concentration of hunger in the ultra poor group in some countries while, in others, they are distributed somewhat evenly over subjacent and medial groups, as well. In the case of poverty, the rural areas are almost universally at a disadvantage. But when it comes to hunger, the urban areas are somewhat more disadvantaged. There are many reasons for the disadvantageous position of urban people with respect to access to food. 1 4 5 0.1111111111111111 10.18356/21b890d9-en 04149eb0a6719d6673aa5c00251ad633 When caring for older relatives, women may have to reduce their income-earning work or forego promotions and training opportunities. Even so, those with intense care needs may still not receive sufficient care. It explores the contours and tensions of family caregiving and the implications these have for women's enjoyment of rights, including the right to give and receive care.5 The first part of the chapter looks at gender and other inequalities in the provision of unpaid care and domestic work within families and how these arrangements are impacted by deeply entrenched social norms, socio-economic and demographic factors and public policies. 5 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264281707-7-en 041576f78487b9ffe5d2f7a222545605 On the other hand, this approach cannot reflect local conditions and leaves communities in different locations to face a range of challenges (such as limits of water availability, difficulties accessing the resource, level of equipment or infrastructure, level of economic development, etc.). To be effective, water charges need to be responsive to these differences. Subnational authorities are best placed to understand local needs and to engage relevant interlocutors. 6 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264238701-6-en 04176b4b725b09c1ce5add35ab54a16c As an alternative, a number of water districts in the High Plains region of the United States have introduced regulations based on historically-irrigated areas, e.g. Nebraska (NE DNR and TPNRD, 2013). For example, the National Water Initiative in Australia, an agreement that all states have signed, governs groundwater law. In general, the Initiative requires a move towards economic water management and, as a result, a number of incentive-based groundwater policies have been implemented. 6 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264225503-6-en 041abd214c1ccceab1cb3204b3f1c7d1 In terms of infrastructure development, the Department of Wastewater and Storm Water Treatment for the Paris Metropolitan Area (Syndicat Interdepartemental pour I 'Assainissement de I ’Agglomeration Parisienne, SIAAP) has put in place a strategy based on demographic changes and the expansion of damp-proofing urban surfaces. This includes investment in new infrastructure (10 watersheds and 4 tunnels) to store 1.02 million m! Meanwhile, integrated strategic planning has also been set up. 11 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264096813-4-en 041b80c420bf9b3afb6ac638e7d5c442 The activities of non-consumptive user-groups, such as bird-watchers, will not directly affect the environment (except for issues such as crowding) while the activities of consumptive user groups have a more direct impact. User groups will tend to organise along these two broader categories, seeking to build coalitions within the categories to influence policy choices (Degnbol et al., The difference between user groups and other stakeholders is important because it is the behaviour of the user groups that fisheries policy seeks to influence and to whom policy reform is primarily directed. Commercial fishers can be further divided into small-scale and large-scale fishers. 14 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/c96bb166-en 0420a036d3202327187bc2be0bb7009c But it has to be within the core construct of reproductive health and reproductive rights to be meaningful.” Not only must family planning be part and parcel of a broader effort to improve reproductive health services, but sexual and reproductive health should also be integrated into overall health care systems. Then go on to make sure that you have family planning well integrated there. 5 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/9789264233911-5-en 042451f43a8552c12b9c1488a80823a6 Even though the strategy is to buy low' and sell high, this is a tactic that often does not work and as a result the country can be left with massive stockpiles and/or a fiscal deficit. They can lead to higher consumer prices, tend to lower w'age competitiveness, and can reduce agricultural diversification (World Bank, 2012b). The fact that consumer prices often rise as a result of buffer stock schemes is in direct conflict with any food security objectives of the programme. This is mainly due to the fact that buffer stocks are more adept by nature at preventing price drops than curbing price hikes and are more often used to raise prices. 2 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/3726edff-en 042937def90f67734d0cd259ac597fd7 Approximately 22 000 activities supporting research and 12 000 activities supporting ICT development for the years 2013-2016 were assessed. Common ‘filler words’ such as “the”, “is” and “are” were excluded from the analysis The most prominent keywords translated into English are shown in figures 3.1 and 3.2. The larger the text, the more descriptions included the particular word. 9 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/76c9b151-en 0429b6dc1b68482982e11176a114d507 The variation is found to be very similar if one uses the $1.25 a day poverty line. For the countries with mass poverty - to the right on the head count poverty incidence scale - the narrow confidence band indicates that poverty elasticity is fully specified by the initial level of poverty, or the initial level of income. Growth appears to be all that matters if the focus of analysis is absolute mass poverty. On the other hand, once one leaves the realm of mass poverty, even though absolute poverty remains the main focus of analysis, the confidence band widens rapidly, indicating the distributional element taking increasing significance in the change in poverty. 1 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264091269-en 042f7f638bb6e41d57e795cc0beaa175 Additional skills assessed indirectly include familiarity with and use of information and communication technologies. In this report, countries that participated in the first wave of collection in 2002 and 2003 will be referenced to 2003 in figures and tables. This includes Bermuda, Canada, Italy, Norway, Switzerland, the United States and the Mexican State of Nuevo Leon. 4 6 3 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264302914-9-en 04303347b9462b03dd00eac172eb4ff1 The law enabled LRGs to allocate resources to these activities from their general budget (Government of France, 1992) but did not allow LRGs to mobilise resources from their water and sanitation budgets. The law' prohibits syndicats mixtes and water agencies from intervening in or financing international development. The law allows municipalities, public institutions of inter-municipal co-operation (EPCI, is the French acronym) of all sizes and syndicats mixtes in charge of drinking water and sanitation service delivery to mobilise up to 1% of the resources allocated to the budgets of these services to carry out co-operation actions w'ith foreign territorial authorities. Moreover, the law stated that w'ater agencies may undertake international co-operation in the fields of water and sanitation (also up to 1% of its resources), in compliance with France’s international commitments and with the approval of the Basin Committee (Government of France, 2005). 6 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264088986-en 043223d8c4831aa8c44210073384d613 During the 2005-06 academic year he collaborated as an international consultant in the OECD Programme on IMHE. He specialises in education policy including centralisation and decentralisation processes, school reforms, school leadership, school-based management and higher education policy. His recent books are Academia in a Changing Environment: Higher Education Policy in Israel 1952-2004; The Pendulum Syndrome: Centralisation and Decentralisation of Education in England and Wales (2003); and School-Based Management: An International Perspective (2003), co-edited with Friedman., 4 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.18356/6f2ac3c1-en 04338a1325daa44a372cce3f7113ef8f The need to attract investment is without question. However, it is unclear how these plans will benefit the urban population living in informal settlements, below the poverty line and with minimal accessto urban services (Watson, 2014). In general, the countries with the highest GDP per capita are those with the largest proportion of their population living in cities (Satterth-waite and Mitlin, 2014; Figure 11.3). In low and middle-income countries, rapid urbanization is generally associated with rapid economic growth (IPCC, 2014). 11 4 3 0.14285714285714285 10.18356/47c7f9c4-en 0433931b7e8cce6dc4774d98028acdfd In 2006, 32 per cent of households with children under 16 and almost 50 per cent of unemployed mothers with children under 2 were receiving an allowance (UNICEF 2009b). Less than two per cent of families received social aid. Of all recipients of any social allowance, 95 per cent belong to the poorest 50 per cent of the population (Tahlil, 2009). For the poorest ten per cent, the different social allowances contribute between one fourth and one third to the total household income. 1 0 4 1.0 10.1787/5km5zrrvzr42-en 04372f29e37760d90f8e277841e6b639 At the European Union level there are still over 30 different standards. In the section on lessons from current mechanisms, this study identifies the difficulties of establishing a common verification and certification protocol for the financing of projects. Moreover, the frame of mind of an industry' executive is set on profit enhancing, not savings, which usually plays to the detriment of energy efficiency. The fact is that the scattered nature and the size of EE projects make it difficult to envisage a monitoring of every project independently. 7 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264251724-8-en 04388ec506d358555ed02b027d01be1f A large number of traditional players have already developed their own regulatory systems, and well-established schemes for maritime safety, pollution prevention, etc. But as emerging ocean industries have grown in importance and have spread across the globe, the challenge has become how to integrate them into existing regulatory structures. For indeed, there is no agency for ocean issues. 14 0 3 1.0 11.1002/pub/8114a552-02ac2f7b-en 0438aa59673dc635b71be87118a61440 The two vertical axes are scaled proportionally based on the 2008 values, so that a 10 per cent increase in subscription penetration on the right axis takes the same range as a 10 per cent decrease in prices on the left axis. The two vertical axes are scaled proportionally based on the 2008 values, so that a 10 per cent increase in subscription penetration on the right axis takes the same range as a 10 per cent decrease in prices on the left axis. As a result, the structure of telecommunication markets depends to a large extent on their decisions. 9 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264096660-12-en 043a85d4c782771111fe043015a47d3f "Central to success in this area in Ontario was the signing of a four-year collective bargaining agreement with the four major teachers' unions. In reaching the accord, the ministry was able to negotiate items that were consistent with both its educational strategy and the unions' interests, thus providing a basis for pushing forward the education agenda while creating a sustained period of labour peace that allowed for continued focus on educational improvement. That was facilitated because union agreements could be reached at the provincial level, which may be more challenging in the context of the United States, with the more decentralised nature of union-managemenl decision making. For example, the United Stales has directed new federal funding for teacher preparation towards more clinical programmes such as teacher ""residency"" programmes, in which teacher candidates learn to teach in schools under the guidance of experienced teachers while taking classes outside of leaching hours." 4 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264191761-en 0440b74dd8b54ce999b8a7bbb96db101 Il est difficile d’evaluer l’evolution a long terme de l’emploi dans le secteur sachant que la definition de l’emploi a change, ce qui a considerablement augmente les chiffres depuis les annees 2000. En utilisant des series coherentes sur certaines periodes, on observe que les tendances des parts de l’agriculture et de l’emploi dans le PIB divergeaient dans les annees 90 alors qu’elles vont de pair depuis les annees 2000. En effet, d’importants ajustements de la main-d’ceuvre sont intervenus au cours de la periode postindependance quand la population s’est tout d’abord repliee vers les campagnes pour survivre, apres quoi la reprise economique a suscite un mouvement inverse des campagnes vers les villes. Cependant, l’agriculture continue d’etre le plus important secteur en terme d’emploi (26 % en 2011) et on observe un ecart considerable entre la productivity de la main-d’ceuvre de ce secteur et du reste de l’economie. 2 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/7dc03c54-en 04429b704cbb0858a150c21be22da0bc The following sections explore the global landscape and international development interventions in more depth. Section 2.1 highlights data on gender equality and inequality. Section 2.2 explores the normative underpinnings that pledge protection of women’s rights and gender equality globally. Section 2.3 describes the major international development approaches to addressing these challenges in the past decade, from ‘women in development’ to ‘gender and development’ to ‘gender mainstreaming’, as set out in the Beijing Platform for Action. Section 2.4 highlights the post-2000 environment covering the MDGs, the emerging aid effectiveness frameworks and the politics of gender in international development. Nearly half of the world’s population, 3 billion people, lives in poverty, on less than $2.50 a day. 5 0 3 1.0 10.18356/308db089-en 04468499290ca74788a7f5ee11eb2339 Over 30 per cent said they had committed the offence which brought them to prison in order to obtain money to support their need for drugs (1998).' Many of these women had tremendous concern over lost custody of one or more of their children and reported that contact with their children, regardless of their age, was essential to personal well-being. Existing research also indicates that women prisoners are more likely to be addicted to harder drugs than male prisoners. M. J. the Associated Press report, 7 September 2006. This practice violates international standards, including the Bangkok Rules.56 Moreover, shackling during labour may cause complications during delivery such as haemorrhage or decreased fetal heart rate. 5 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264268852-5-en 04480eb39c9294e76e12f375fa92ea93 The government may thus consider granting them regional significance in the near future. The data available is limited: population and employment data at the municipal level are available only for the last census years, and population data on FUAs only for 2009 and 1999. Any analysis using FUAs will thus clearly mention it. 11 0 5 1.0 10.18356/5be883c5-en 044a7b51797ada796064f1c411469fca All other data is from CEPALSTAT database unless otherwise indicated. Women have high labour force participation rates and their work is concentrated in the agricultural sector - even more so than men's. Almost all of this work is informal, with women participating in production most often as smallholders, causal wage workers or contributing family workers (UNRISD 201 o). 5 0 3 1.0 10.18356/ee1d4926-en 044b30d7c7f4cd6b38a28c95586a870e This is below the UNDP’s criterion, 1,000 m /cap./year. Amongst the water basins, the Loukkos, Tangier and Mediterranean coast basins present the highest value, 1,350 m3/cap./year; the Bouregreg and Saharan regions reveal the lack of regional homogeneity, having only 130 m3/cap./year to 140 m3/cap./year. An important water balance deficit is also noted for Oum Er-Rbia. 6 3 0 1.0 10.1787/9789264095199-11-en 044c208c475b48d097efcee1da6bcc99 In the area of transport, an incentive scheme for the acquisition of hybrid vehicles has been introduced and a labelling system to inform consumers of C02 emissions for new vehicles has been proposed. And infrastructure and safety measures are planned to allow for increased use of bicycles. They range from landfill methane gas capture to a nationwide energy efficiency CFL light bulb installation project, agricultural methane capture and a wind energy project, yielding some USD 300 million in traded carbon credits for Chilean enterprises. The National Action Plan on Climate Change contains useful analyses and a course of action. The government could go further by formulating a national GHG emission mitigation strategy and sectoral level plans, including for the electricity, industrial, transport and forestry sectors. With the enhanced capacity and information base, and the plans and strategies being developed under the 2008-12 Action Plan, Chile should be able to map out how such emission reduction targets would be achieved. 6 3 0 1.0 10.6027/9789289349291-4-en 044c6f9f70530432b88ece2f96959010 The INDC is intrinsically linked to the country's ambitious renewable energy strategy that envisages a massive expansion of its hydropower sources as well as an increase in the share of geothermal, wind and solar in the national energy matrix. The adaptation section of Ethiopia's INDC highlights the importance to: a) diversify the energy mix, and b) develop a strong and climate resilient hydropower sector, in order to respond to the challenges related to renewable energy in a context of increasing water scarcity (GoE, 2015a). Additional private investment is primarily needed to meet the non-hydro renewable energy targets and to spur relevant innovation for hydroelectric adaptation. Currently, a number of key barriers inhibits the private sector from developing its full potential. These barriers include an insufficient and slowly evolving policy framework for renewables and a lack of detailed roadmaps and strategies on the institutional side, as well as prevailing high risk perceptions, a lack of capital and a lack of local experts and entrepreneurs on the financial and economic side. 13 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/eco/surveys-fin-2012-5-en 044d899ae31a629499a1955e204ae95a Studies using occupational class or education level instead of income as socio-economic indicator find qualitatively similar results, though differences in life expectancy are significantly smaller (Palosuo et al., The TEROKA project aims to develop a knowledge base and tools to promote the attainment of the objective of the Health 2015 public health programme for reducing health inequalities. An analysis of the recent hospital reform in Norway”, in: Andresen and Gronlie (eds.), “ 3 0 9 1.0 10.1787/agr/outlook-2015-12-en 044de0b358ffea3fe8cf0a6f1c0eeb1d In real terms, prices are expected to decline from the record high of 2014. The aquaculture to coarse grains price ratio is expected to be cyclical over 2015-24 and to eventually stabilise slightly lower than the historical average (1990-2014). The price ratio between aquaculture and fishmeal will remain relatively stable. Since the feed demand for fishmeal from aquaculture and livestock sectors is growing faster than supply, an increase in the fishmeal to oilseed meal price ratio is expected. The popularity of the Omega-3 fatty acids in human diets and the growth in aquaculture production have both contributed to a rise in the fish oil to oilseed price ratio since 2012, which is expected to be maintained over the medium term. 14 0 3 1.0 10.18356/a6267136-en 044e9de93092f5026a5a1428648a8a60 Adequate international financing needs to be available, especially to developing countries and the least developed countries. Domestic sources should be tapped to the extent possible, but the size of required investments will make international finance necessary. Designing national sustainable development strategies demands the integration of complex processes across the macroeconomy, the energy sector, and the deployment of technology, policies for social and economic inclusion, and the environment. 2 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264276055-13-en 044fd3b4c6d0235eab937eadbef3f193 It also reviews financing for green growth and how the country faces climate change-related challenges. To do this it must catalyse investment and innovation which will underpin sustained growth and give rise to new economic opportunities (OECD 2011). Investment for green growth includes, among other things, investment in infrastructure such as renewable energy, energy efficiency, water purification and distribution systems, transport and housing, the preservation of natural resources and waste management (OECD 2015). 13 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264223202-7-en 04504673e4e5f98cc6e2deb36429bdcf To achieve this, indicators that focus on environment-related “productivity,” or its inverse, “intensity,” should be used. Such indicators include those that monitor the productivity of natural resources and materials used in agricultural production (Box 3.1). Monitoring natural resource and environmental productivity for agriculture is important because of the sector’s significant role in using natural resources, making the productivity of soil and water resources of utmost importance. It should ideally encompass all natural resources and ecosystem inputs that are used as factors of production in the economy. 12 0 5 1.0 10.1787/eco/surveys-gbr-2013-4-en 04535dd9e9407f68e7a5b99a87bc2cca As employment rates increased similarly for wives of top and bottom earners, the reduction in inequality resulting from higher female employment has been fairly strong. It is worth noting, however, that a gender gap remains in terms of wages. Despite having narrowed by around 20 percentage points since the introduction of the Equal Pay Act in 1975, the gender gap in median hourly earnings for a full-time job is still at 9.1% (ONS, 2011). Differently from 30 years ago, when the wage gap was already visible at entry in the labour market, nowadays it fluctuates around equality up to the age of 30, then opens up and levels off around the age of 50. 10 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264233010-5-en 0459e2fbe2a860b26612e544f8b16f85 For example, the direct annual medical cost in the United States for a male diagnosed with diabetes (but with no complications) was found to be USD 2 465. However, these costs escalated when the disease advanced and complications set in. Annual costs rose by between 70% and 150% for patients with coronary heart disease, congestive heart failure, hemiplegia, and amputation. 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264257108-4-en 045e53e058583acaba3d12a8f2a95461 While a sectoral approach to FSN policy and strategy is necessary, it is not a sufficient condition to impact rural livelihoods and reduce inequalities (between rural and urban areas, across rural areas or across individuals). In addition to the availability dimension, there is a need to address the issues of access to food (both economic and physical), the nutritional quality of food (utilisation), and the stability of both the availability and access dimensions in the long run. Other causes of food insecurity' are generally attributed to low incomes, unemployment, health, education, nutrition status, natural resource degradation and weak political commitment, which exacerbate vulnerability to risk. As noted by the FAO, fighting rural poverty and food insecurity will require resilient and diversified rural economies that offer employment and income opportunities. Helping small farmers improve farm productivity can help, but in most contexts, it is not enough to lift all rural poor out of poverty (FAO, 2013). 2 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/6f41a9df-en 0461d0195972733bfa4c90edc0244519 All forms of migration (labour, student, forced etc.) Regulations that enable family reunification are needed, based on human rights, equality and nondiscrimination, so that migrant women can live family lives of their choosing. Gender-responsive implementation of commitments will require recognizing the multiple roles women have in public and family life, the diversity of families in which women live, and the full range of women's rights. 5 0 7 1.0 10.18356/7fccce9c-en 046532c768db7ead4000da5f008d21b5 Bringing the prevalence of the problem to public notice is itself a step towards countering such abuse and empowering girls. It should be noted that sexual violence is also perpetrated against boys; to date, however, limited data are available on violence against boys or on the differential experience of girls and boys. 5 0 9 1.0 10.18356/1e8b62ff-en 04654dcb3b2ced5a2318363cc211ed21 Box figure 3.1 presents a schematic assessment of the main technologies for utility-scale electricity generation. The contrast with developed countries is still sharper. There, only 60 per cent of generation and capacity are combustible fuel-based, as much faster deployment of nuclear and non-hydro renewables has led to a more diversified generation mix. 7 0 5 1.0 10.14217/9781848591462-6-en 04665899331d7728ed8b3f31f5b159ad The ecosystems services course provides students with basic environmental science foundations, as well as delving into aspects of monitoring and accounting for this natural wealth, thus helping to prepare them to participate in the green economy which is beginning to take shape in the country. However, there are parallel opportunities in other countries related to the biodiversity and ecosystem services provided by reefs and other natural areas. In urbanised areas, entry points for ESD into TVET may be quite different. 13 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264187894-4-en 046690be1cb24a73d3fa5752f4fe199e Still, this significant increase in public spending for the water sector has not solved all the challenges. For instance, properly operating and maintaining water infrastructures is less costly than rebuilding them, due to decay, once the community can no longer access the service. Furthermore, closing unlicensed wells is usually more effective than mitigating the consequences of illegal water use, and technification of irrigation systems is also costly, but fails to contribute to water policy objectives if the water saved is used to irrigate additional surfaces. 6 0 3 1.0 10.18356/67cf23d2-en 046733751c7df13234f6ef1faff7f414 These concerns have subsequently heightened with the social tensions, unrest and food riots that have broken out in several countries. Unfortunately, the food crisis is still far from over as prices have been rising once again since 2009 (Johnston and Bargawi, 2010). The poor remain especially vulnerable, as the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has warned repeatedly. 2 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/5kmms0t7p1ms-en 04685147e170b36792b35c2cef447391 According to the GE(1) measure of inequality in 1993, South African inequality between racial groups stood at almost 69% of its maximum possible level while maintaining the same underlying population structure and distribution of income. By 2000 this figure had fallen to about 50% and the measure stood at 48% in 2008. The change in the racial dynamics of inequality was thus most significant in the period between the democratic transition and 2000 while the changes between 2000 and 2008 w'ere more muted. 10 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264278530-8-en 0469e576985c14f514fa8e4ef278aa5b A government subsidy, of up to 85% of eligible costs (from 2015 100 %), is available for preparing a Farm Energy Plan. The revision of the programme started in January 2015 following the introduction of the EU-financed rural development programme for the period from 2014 to 2020. The final evaluation report was published in October 2015; it was found that the goal had been overly optimistic, with only 484 farms joining the programme. On the other hand, the report found the participated farms found the programme and its services very useful. 7 1 4 0.6 10.18356/30e5b8d3-en 046a37750258d37fbeacdc12a6775b30 "In order to preserve genetic resources, it implements genetic fund conservation measures through conservation of natural populations or by raising specialized crops. It publishes the Forest Cadastre annually, as well as updates of plan documents. The Public Enterprise ""Sume RS"" has 4,568 employees, 27 of whom are in organizational roles." 15 1 3 0.5 10.18356/1c11fde8-en 046b1c39ea7060ec0482334ab2adfd0c Recent eradication of illicit kratom cultivation has been reported by Myanmar. The trend of wider misuse of amphetamine-type stimulants, in particular methamphetamine, continues to be reported by most countries in the region. In the Republic of Korea, crystalline methamphetamine remains the primary drug of concern and accounts for nearly all drug treatment admissions. 3 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/7ddddd07-en 046c901211a39f20d6d9ec85a1a21f9a For instance, Becker-Blease and Sohl (2007,isj) show that women seek angel financing at rates substantially lower than that of men, but have an equal probability of receiving investment conditional on searching for funding. Differences in aspirations may also play a role. Women are more likely to be associated with less capital-intensive businesses and less aggressive growth efforts (Kanze et al., Evidence from the United States seems to suggest that this cannot be the entire explanation. Indeed, the representation of women in MBA programmes as well as advanced science and engineering degrees has been substantially higher than their representation in the entrepreneurial sectors for the past two decades. Furthermore, the under-representation of women as venture-backed entrepreneurs is not met by a similar under-representation in other highly-compensated professional fields such as medicine or law, nor in jobs with similar human-capital profiles such as investment banking or consulting. 5 0 4 1.0 10.1787/agr/outlook-2010-4-en 046df396613b7ee637cb15760525f770 Fluctuations in prices and production are common in agriculture and traditionally part of a farmer’s risk management strategy. The broader policy question is how can policy underpin farmers’ and consumers’ risk management strategies? Good risk management practices require a diversified government strategy to facilitate the management of the impacts of different agricultural risks on targeted populations. 2 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/eco/surveys-zaf-2010-6-en 0471dc1efba0c9214ecec1252b7f0ae1 Given that the negative externalities of long-term unemployment are likely to be particularly acute for youth, youth-specific measures should be an important part of an employment strategy. In South Africa, significant institutional capacity aimed at assisting work seekers in finding employment is already in place, and this provides a good starting point for additional efforts. There are many public Labour Centres providing services related to the Unemployment Insurance Fund, the Compensation Fund, inspection and enforcement services and employment skills development services. 8 0 5 1.0 10.1787/9789264268852-6-en 04743636c97feca02da6983fa0bf14d6 This reform would require co-ordination between the Ministry' of Interior Affairs and the Ministry for Information and Communication, and the adoption of new' legislation. Since internal moves are not recorded formally there, information from the National Health Service Central Register (NHSCR) and GP Patient Registers are used as a proxy for estimates of the population of England and Wales. This data is considered to be a good proxy for internal migration, since w'hen they move, most patients will eventually register w'ith a new GP. 11 2 2 0.0 10.18356/caeceb38-en 04753825f0ee1f9b38ca9f6ab9aa62de "Marriage shifts responsibility for the young person's well-being out of the birth family and towards a new broader network of family on which to draw, ""forming an important safety net in a time of widespread deaths"" (ibid.). Without ready recourse to marriage, boys may remain without relatives, with little education and without work, a situation that offers little in the way of immediate support or connections that may assist future integration into new social networks. Earlier in the paper we presented the example of adolescents' participation in a form of casual wage labour in Malawi that has recently expanded into urban areas. It is evident from recent research that adolescents make ganyu arrangements independently of parents who have no influence in these relationships (Mkandawire et al., They draw attention to the hierarchical relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, yet at the same time showed their 'equivalence' in the sense that both were incomers to a patrilineage to which they have or will contribute work and children. These qualities are now replaced by deteriorating neighbourhood social support that forces every individual to earn what they can each day to meet basic needs." 5 3 6 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264245174-7-en 04776ff849388c09bd39b67039032e68 The World Bank has recently conducted research on targeted subsidies in cities in Latin America. Among the main conclusions is that developing better subsidy schemes for lower income populations in the region is now possible given the use of smart cards and better methodologies for defining and identifying beneficiaries. In addition to subsidies targeted at lower income and other vulnerable groups, public transport services in the ZMVM should explore differentiated fares for peak and off-peak travel. Besides helping increase revenues, this should also help to reduce crowding at peak hours. 11 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5jxrcmgpc6mn-en 04784c44f7cd45445e03d1ed7dab28bb Families and households change their composition over time as individuals arrive (e.g. via birth of a child or marriage) or depart (e.g. via a child becoming non-dependent or leaving home, death or divorce). And these types of change are common (see e.g. Jenkins, 2000). Thus one can only follow individuals over time, though of course one can characterise individuals in terms of their family’s characteristics including receipt status at a given point in time. 1 6 3 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264112322-7-en 047d2257506769e27eced58a073efcf5 Another TACIS project has recently established a National VET Development Centre. Georgia established a governmental intra-agency commission for social partnership in 2005; the parliament adopted a Law on vocational education; and activities were started to develop new educational programmes, pilot vocational guidance programmes and training of staff for the VET system. Azerbaijan started reforming its VET system in 2007, developing a State Programme to Develop Vocational Education for 2007-10 and adopting an Employment Strategy and Strategy Implementation Programme. Other projects involving international organisations are ongoing. 4 1 3 0.5 10.18356/0cf73767-en 047d87c36e5f931abfb4aee240b76201 This argument is supported in the report by a number of case studies that illustrate that, although macro-economic policy reforms have had positive effects on agriculture in some parts of Africa, the overall impact of the reforms has been slower and less dramatic than could have been expected. The main reason for the reforms' restricted impact is that the constraints to achieving sustainable agricultural productivity and increasing yields lie both on and off the farm. Hence, in many cases, transportation, trade, and macroeconomic policies have stronger effects on farmer and trader incentives than do agricultural sector policies, a point that underscores the need for better policy coordination across ministries. Strategies should therefore focus on transforming the weak points along the food system as a whole, and avoid too narrow a focus on farming. 2 0 4 1.0 10.1787/5kmh3nj5rzs4-en 047f4363dd9f52d2664a0fe20d7b6b12 The interest on the enterprises' loan was subsidised 50% by the commercial bank. This special loan supported the promotion of the small-scale wind turbine industry and off-grid wind power. But today, centrally planned rural electrification programmes using decentralised renewable energy applications are entirely financed either by the central government or through a cost-sharing scheme which features a financial contribution by the respective provincial government. 7 0 3 1.0 10.1787/env/outlook-2012-8-en 04806ce2f3169d18f7ac386772f7081d Phosphorus discharges are projected to increase more rapidly than those of nitrogen and silicon (Figure 5.9, Panel B), leading to deterioration in the natural balance of coastal marine ecosystems. Another driver exacerbating this trend is the rapid growth in the number of dams worldwide. Dams cause sediment with silicon to settle down in the reservoir and lower the sediment loading in rivers downstream, thereby reducing the level of silicon. This imbalance increases the risk of harmful algal blooms. As these are not included in the model calculations, the projected nutrient discharges to rivers and the sea may be underestimated. This section measures the number of people without access to improved water sources and to basic sanitation, as reported by the Joint Monitoring Programme. 6 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/9789264239487-6-en 0481dc1c83c1a7333da4b639583f3714 A new website, NHS Performs (, aims to improve the accessibility, frequency and range of information on hospital performance. This is discussed further in Section 2.8. The indicators have still to be tested in practice, and it is anticipated that they will be refined over time. Each Integration Authority is required to publish an annual performance report, including infonnation about the indicators, supported by local measures and contextualising data to provide a broader picture of local performance. 3 0 5 1.0 10.18356/7e830810-en 0483154bb2e0a19504a26c0267ed99f6 International guidelines on standards are available through the recently established ISO 50001 Energy Management Systems and are also available through ISO 14 000 Environmental Management Systems, which includes suggestions for continuous improvement in energy efficiency. Developed countries with energy management system standards include Australia, Canada, Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Republic of Korea, the Netherlands, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States. Regional standards have also been established, such as the European Energy Management Standard (EN 16001), introduced in 2009. 7 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264027862-12-en 04859d9dc380e407bd274686c34d8802 The publication was prepared by Rory Keane and Margarete Jacob within the OECD Secretariat. It examines how to support the creation of security and justice institutions that are representative, accountable, rights-respecting and responsive to the specific security and justice needs of women, men, boys and girls. However, in many countries SSR policies and programming currently fail to involve both women and men in decisionmaking processes and do not adequately address gender dynamics in understanding issues - such as domestic violence or small arms violence. 5 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/a24ac2e3-en 048643ee0af9073cb508281b45ba395d Table 1 summarises all of the selected dimensions, indicators and the thresholds (see Table 2.1 and Appendix 2 for more details). This method is insensitive to the depth of deprivation within a given dimension. However, the indicators are selected on the basis that they complement each other in explaining the (non-)realisation of a child's right (see Appendix 3.1-3.4 for correlation tests). 1 4 5 0.1111111111111111 10.18356/df3c95f8-en 0487097b2f7b142bfdbe7f52bd9827e4 Two calculations were then carried out. First, for illustrative purposes, the differences in income were analysed without including control variables: this is often termed the “unadjusted gap”. For monthly income, the coefficient of the binaiy variable which distinguishes care workers from non-care woikers, without adjusting for characteristics, is negative and significant for all countries, except Honduras. Care woikers earn, onaverage, between 13.8% (Peru) and 89.6% (Costa Rica) less than other woikers. When controlling for the individual characteristics of workers, the gap narrows considerably in all countries and is no longer significant in the case of Nicaragua. 5 3 0 1.0 10.1787/5k3wb8kmckf4-en 0487c96fcbca6898fff6a5090c53155d Many of them pursue innovative approaches, thus driving technological progress. The forthcoming Berlin-Brandenburg International Airport (BER) will be a core infrastructural element, highly relevant far beyond the capital region. Innovative design means BER meets Brandenburg’s Energy Strategy aiming at a climate-friendly, economically advantageous, reliable and socially acceptable energy supply. 9 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/5kg0prg9b1g8-en 0487dd538aba633f0d754e303469b5dd In other words, ICLs provide a mixture of consumption-smoothing benefits and insurance against the uncertain outcomes of risky educational investments. As the name suggests, in risk-pooling ICLs, default risk is assumed by the cohort of borrowers ex post, while the public sector takes on the default risk in risk-sharing ICLs. Graduate taxes involve paying a certain fraction of future incomes for an agreed period of time regardless of the amount borrowed, making it a very progressive debt collection mechanism. Human capital contracts are private contracts in a form very similar to graduate taxes. 4 5 4 0.1111111111111111 10.18356/bb1b1617-en 048a1e1b88209ac7e94dcd7a8dd32193 This aquifer is shared by France and Switzerland, and a joint agreement for its management and protection was first signed in 1978. Other jointly agreed transboundary aquifers include, for example, those shared by Belgium and the Netherlands, Belgium and France, Austria and Hungary, Austria and Slovenia, and Spain and Portugal. For instance, on the basis of hydrogeological knowledge, ecological criteria and the presence of Natura 2000 sites, 34 groundwater bodies in the Scheldt River basin were identified as being in close connection with surface water. However, even for the well-established river basin commissions, addressing transboundary groundwaters is a new challenge. 6 0 3 1.0 10.18356/f90cb3e8-en 048bcd4482448866fdab24c1915ac555 Cambio climdtico y biodiversidad: Los seis mensajes centrales de los Pueblos Indigenas en Rio+20, 2012, and Aportes de los Pueblos Indigenas al borrador cero de Rio+20, 2012. Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, A/RES/70/1. Paragraph 10, World Conference on Indigenous Peoples, 2014. Women (CEDAW Committee) through General Recommendation No. 5 4 0 1.0 10.1787/9789264213944-7-en 048d27b337280d0a5fd70f6ca58834a8 In June 2013, the incubator spaces were fully occupied by incubating enterprises; enterprises can stay in the incubator for from 12 to 18 months. Its vision is to become a national reference for promoting a new generation of businesswomen capable of generating wealth and employment. Women wishing to enter the incubator must complete an application form, which is presented to an evaluation committee consisting of members of the EWBA Board, partner organisations (such as the SFD), financial institutions and independent entrepreneurs. Once the evaluation committee has made its initial selection, based on a review of the applications, it conducts interviews with the women entrepreneurs before making their final decision. 5 1 4 0.6 10.1787/9789264096356-en 048e0767fe507aef1c3da013baff8157 This provides nuclear energy with enormous resilience against any changes in the global carbon regime, which may be considered a new form of geopolitical supply risk. Of course, in the absence of widespread penetration of electric cars, the substitutability of oil with nuclear power is limited. It is also difficult to displace gas - and to a lesser extent coal - in peak-load generation due to their operational flexibility. 7 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.6027/9789289349291-6-en 048e29900d99271c7881c0cf2dac1b66 "The role of national authorities (e.g. national authorities designated and/or accredited for climate action) and leadership is important to engage the private sector. While Norfund has been a forerunner in major RE investments in a number of developing countries, it is questionable how investments in cleaner gas technologies could be aligned with the ""well below 2 C degree pathway"". The NDF high score on criteria ""well below 2C target"" is based on the importance given in project screening criteria for identifying approaches and technologies that are aligned with low-carbon development and the importance given for up-scaling and replicability." 13 0 4 1.0 10.18356/f47faf05-en 048f525de41ef84bbd9e6d7c6e5ae5a7 Depending on their priorities and availability of resources, rather than estimate the total amount of waste generation, countries may prefer to focus on certain waste types that are important to them. Such types of waste may be selected either because they are recyclable or reusable and thus constitute a resource (e.g., paper, glass or metal waste), or because their volume or hazard level creates a specific problem for treatment and disposal. An important aspect of data collection on waste (by type of waste) is food waste. Approximately one-third of food produced globally is lost or wasted.65 This represents a large portion of the environmental costs of agriculture production. 6 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5kmh3nj5rzs4-en 04922124925495a57473febc0637998d Electrification of schools, however, is facing problems largely stemming from lack of information about the number of schools and their electrification status. Some municipalities fail to report the number of schools in their area or fail to provide accurate information on whether the schools are electrified or not. It is clear that this poses a major constraint for the entities in charge of the electrification of the as-yet un-electrified schools. 7 0 3 1.0 10.18356/6af97a78-en 04954bb7c556219f25148dde0cfa58a5 Higher levels of governance at regional, national and international scales then take on a more facilita-tive role in conflict resolution and cooperative engagement across borders. Public sector funding and prioritization of water management will also be essential if the impending crises are to be met and ameliorated. Even the most contested cross-border relationships show efforts to forge agreements to routinize shared water governance issues. 6 0 3 1.0 10.6027/c491a19d-en 04956a24e39b47429f0c350d04dd1b04 The aim is to describe the spatial distribution as well as the interactions between the ecosystem services. The authors identified trade-offs between regulatory and cultural services on one hand and provisioning services on the other hand. The figure shows the identification of six ecosystem service bundle types which indicate interactions at landscape level. 15 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264281707-6-en 04984133be75b1cd18545546a72f55d9 In response, the government initiated six major programmes for water quality restoration, including the establishment of wastewater treatment plans and the first-ever nationwide Comprehensive Measure for Clean Water Provision (ADB, 2014). The new ministry' expanded its capacities with increased financial support and functions transferred from the MoLIT (then called the Ministry of Construction and Transport) in 1994. Water-related legislations were developed in a piecemeal fashion: in 50 years, more than 25 acts were enacted and revised by different ministries according to transitions in water policy (Table 2.1). In 1961, the enactment of the River Act - last amended in 2016 - laid the foundations for water resources policy and governance by setting a national framework for river management (see details on the objectives and scope in Box 2.1.). 6 0 3 1.0 10.1787/baf425ad-en 049b5929cda5df60dce1da5b5ee71964 Section 1.2 of this introductory chapter discusses what patient safety and patient harm mean when applied to primary and ambulatory care. This reflection is necessary because safety and harm are traditionally approached in the context of acute care. Owing to the fundamental differences between acute services and primary/ambulatory care, the definitions and concepts need to be refined for the purpose here. Chapter 2 examines the occurrence, frequency and severity of safety lapses in primary and ambulatory care. It explores different avenues for capturing patient harm in primary and ambulatory care settings, shedding light on shortcomings of methodologies, knowledge gaps and the main causes of harm. At the margin, the cost of preventing every last case of harm would approach, and eventually exceed, the costs of failure, principally because - in a system with finite resources - beneficial activity would need to be diverted, or stopped altogether, in order to remove all risk (see section 1.2). 3 0 3 1.0 11.1002/pub/80fdfdfb-64089473-en 049bf6cfff3f219d28983d9b8269c473 It is highly unlikely that SDG target 9.c will be achieved within the bmeframe of 2020. In pracbce, it is virtually impossible to experience the Internet effecbvely via a 2G connecbon. Only 76% of the world's populabon lives within access of a 3G signal, and only 43% of people have access to a 4G connecbon. Thus, the majority of the connected world remains under-connected, most of them in developing countries. 9 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264168367-4-en 04a0bec372c36d950e2684291ab3bf8b In comparison, the Nordic countries, Belgium, France and the Netherlands are less generous in terms of cash support but provide considerable benefits in kind, particularly for childcare. They argue that promoting benefits in kind may have a more substantive redistributive effect than cash benefits. Research has shown that policy can have a strong effect on incentivising low-income women to work. 1 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264121836-7-en 04a0d96d91f9cdf051d5d9d8cf44f4e9 Agricultural use of surface water declined by over 90% in the same period, largely because the irrigated area was halved following the privatisation of some irrigation projects. Other factors included lack of investment in irrigation infrastructure and relatively high water prices (Chapter 6). The process was launched in 2003, when responsibility for water management was moved from the Ministry of Agriculture to the MoE. Then the introduction of the Water Act in 2004 harmonised Slovak water legislation with the EU Water Framework Directive and introduced the river basin approach. 6 0 4 1.0 10.1787/5jm0q1n38lvc-en 04a12a01edfaebbb8ec176ddffafc0d7 However, despite their lower levels of proficiency, older individuals do not seem to suffer in terms of labour market outcomes. In particular, they generally earn higher wages, and much of the available empirical evidence suggests that they are not less productive than younger workers. Older and more experienced individuals seem therefore able to compensate the decline in information processing skills with the development of other skills, generally much more difficult to measure. On the other hand, proficiency in information-processing skills remain a strong determinant of important outcomes at all ages: this makes it important to better understand which factors are the most effective in preventing such age-related decline in proficiency, which does not occur to the same extent in all countries and for all individuals. 4 4 3 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264224636-7-en 04a3ebaef30f3728481b1d93c22d2403 Countries reported the lack of the will and commitment to implement the decisions in some ministries, thus hindering the gender units; a limited number of qualified staff, capacity and skills in gender mainstreaming, as well as inadequate budget allocations. With the University Reformation Act 4/2007, universities also started to create equality units. Nearly 30 equality units have been formed in different public universities. In addition, the Women’s Institute organised a summer course in August 2010 to evaluate progress on gender equality' at the university level (presence of women and men in educational centres’ control and governing organs; introduction of new subjects with a gender perspective; creation of specific postgraduate courses, etc.). On 28 July 2008, based on a request from the MoWA, Decision No. 5 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264179011-4-en 04a5039d1e72b69f2c3c95b68ac8f125 They allow flexibility to deal with the impact of the price rises on poor households without disrupting the market, and in particular without interfering with price signals to farmers. Once a safety net mechanism is in place, transfers can be raised when prices increase and can be lowered when prices fall. However, the system has some deficiencies in that targeted households receive a smaller quantity of rice than intended. 2 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/71e3a80f-en 04a6aad6e6d09a57438dd3745eafc1be Our results confirm the relevance of mothers education, which is significant in all four estimations (although the average effect of one additional year of schooling seems to be small). We take this as an indication of the progress Jordan has made during the past few decades in improving girl’s access to primary and secondary education. Urban residence and residence outside the Badia region do not have a significant effect in any of our estimations. Residence in the Central region, which includes the capital Amman, has a positive impact on infant mortality in estimation (I), which covers the period from 1971 to 2007, but this effect does not carry over to estimation (II), covering only the last 10 years before the survey. 3 2 2 0.0 10.1787/9789264230750-11-en 04abac3b5579e5ddf1f679d09a3bafa3 Education is about developing adaptive expertise - the ability to apply learned knowledge and skills flexibly and creatively in different situations. Effective education lays the cognitive and behavioural foundations and motivations for further learning throughout life as actively inquiring rather than passively accepting citizens. Nevertheless, a well-educated population and workforce strengthens the resilience of a nation in adverse conditions and its readiness to advance in more prosperous conditions. 4 0 4 1.0 10.18356/150942f1-en 04afa6b3c41613a2a20f35fc789caaaf An additional effect of the crisis is the diversion from higher to lower quality health services such as traditional practitioners and to greater recourse to self-care. In Burkina Faso, services supplied by the Centre de sante et de promotion sociale (CSPS), the most popular health facilities among Burkinabe children, are hardest hit, whereas in Ghana and in Cameroon, it is hospital-provided health services that fall most. The various monetary and fiscal stimulus programmes in advanced countries will contribute to restarting the global economy with positive effects on developing economies, but analysts agree on the fact that the return to growth will be unusually slow.19 Therefore, the design and implementation of appropriate economic policies in response to the crisis will considerably contribute to reducing its welfare cost, in particular for children. This is known as a pro-cyclical fiscal policy response. The result is that they have to adopt pro-cyclical policies aimed at reducing public spending and increasing tax revenues, which will increase the short-term vulnerability of the national economy and exacerbate the effects of the crisis. 1 2 6 0.5 10.1787/9789264235151-6-en 04b0becfe3505bac57b61ae648250673 In June 2007 Viet Nam and the United States signed a Trade and Investment Framework Agreement. While this did not introduce additional specific concessions or commitments, it established the US-Viet Nam Council on Trade and Investment, inter alia, for the monitoring of implementation of obligations under the WTO Agreement and the bilateral trade agreement. The Viet Nam-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement entered into force on 1 October 2009. 2 7 0 1.0 10.18356/0899dee9-en 04b0e445e7a366464e47fa0627e677d0 An advisory group made up of civil society, academia, private providers and care workers interacts with the board and the secretariat.103 The National Care Secretariat was first envisioned purely as a coordinating secretariat, but to give it political room for manoeuvre, it was allocated a new budget to expand childcare services.104 Over time, the care services provided by other ministries and state agencies are to be moved under the SNIC budget allocation. The design stage focused more on the establishment of coordination mechanisms than on the detail of policy design. Care policies can also have positive demand-side labour market impacts. They can generate employment, in particular women’s employment, and have the potential to create decent jobs at a higher rate than other public expenditures. 5 2 2 0.0 10.18356/47c7f9c4-en 04b311242a9ed6b42418055598b49fb8 It should be noted that this requires the presence of at least one social transfer that performs well. It also requires a political strategy to protect the reforms against protests from those middle and higher income groups that are losing their benefit entitlements. The poorer the local community, the less local funds are available for social transfers. 1 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264229631-7-en 04b373f860d745aa78d4449e46b82666 Current approaches to base flow vary by region. For example, the Waikato region sets minimum base flows as a percentage of the one in five year 7-day low flow following detailed habitat and river studies. In the case of England and Wales, non-consumptive uses are included in the abstraction management system. 6 1 5 0.6666666666666666 10.18356/797ccf27-en 04b4132bc0f34fd3feae1373a8828b25 The steepest falls occurred in Bolivia Brazil —over three percentage points per year— followed by the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Honduras and Paraguay with annual reductions of more than two percentage points. These indicators provide a more complete view of poverty conditions by taking account not only of the percentage of people who are poor, but also measuring the shortfall between the average income of the poor and the poverty line, and how those incomes are distributed among the poor (in the case of the second index). The years considered in each country coincide with those reported in table 1.4. In other words, in addition to having reduced the proportion of the population with incomes below the poverty line, the average income of the poor also increased and the dispersion of their incomes narrowed. 1 0 7 1.0 10.18356/6bf07ffd-en 04b7596e16375d0214fc87f5467f0a27 For a number of reasons, however, adaptation has received less attention than mitigation in the discussions centred around climate change and it is only recently that efforts directed towards adaptation are being incorporated in the global policy agenda. First, as adaptation is a public good, private provision will typically remain below socially desirable levels unless the public sector intervenes. Second, adaptation, is difficult to address as it requires actions along the economic, social and environmental dimensions of development, which depend on the specific context of each country. Finally, there are no clear metrics for assessing adaptation impacts; that is, unlike mitigation, for which there is a clearly defined metric (namely, tons of greenhouse gas emissions), assessing adaptation efforts requires a larger number of indicators closely related to wider development efforts. 13 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264264120-10-en 04bbafe496d3e4a8ab0246e69aa7991c Together, the Morrill Act, the Hatch Act and the Smith-Lever Act established the three legs of the US agricultural innovation system — education, research and extension. The Bankhead-Jones Act (1935) provided increased federal funding to Land Grant Colleges, based on formulas based on states’ populations. The Act also required that such federal funds must be matched by state governments. The matching requirement encouraged farmers to get more involved in their state Land Grant programs and lobby their state legislators to support them. 2 0 4 1.0 10.1787/5k46dbzhrkhl-en 04be65a888d187e1d5aa565a3851b390 This is why there had been little investment in the people and institutions that collect, study and disseminate data on them. Thus dilemmas are now being faced in handling apparent uncertainties about the GHG baseline developed for the CRGE. We are certainly witnessing this globally. Some stakeholders see green growth as an opportunity to rapidly improve GDP growth, jobs, inward investment and other mainstream economic variables by investing in particular low-carbon technologies - in effect increasing the size and productivity of the ‘green sector’ of the economy. 13 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264267787-en 04c145f7022b6c94ea997dab3ba996fb While addressing practice variation and inequalities in health is often regarded as a key pillar of a strategy to improve quality of care, important gaps in information limit understanding the extent of the problem, informing policy development and resource allocation, and assessing impacts of strategies over time. Israel, for example, is not capable of stratify ing health outcomes and quality of care by key dimensions of inequality. In the Quality Indicators in Community Healthcare (QICH) in particular, disaggregated data by district population group and geography are lacking (OECD, 2012a). 3 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.18356/47c7f9c4-en 04c32d8a450fabee68b0219fc150f2e7 Eligibility is categorical and independent of household income. Until 2009, the system had 38 different categories of beneficiaries and 14 types of different benefits and subsidies, most of which were paid in-kind, for example, as a direct transfer to utility companies. In 2009, 285 thousand beneficiaries received a categorical state benefit (CSB), costing more than KGS 800 million50 (Gassmann, 2010b). 1 0 3 1.0 10.18356/7e830810-en 04c3dcc9dc2ac37730c74b93636f4a0b The impact could be large. In collaboration with other companies, IBM develops and adheres to the Coalition’s Code of Conduct, of which one concern is industrial energy efficiency. It has announced that by collaborating with suppliers it would make its most energy-intensive products 25 percent more energy efficient in three years. 7 0 7 1.0 10.18356/b9699195-en 04c93d8d696592cf88fdfe9b8859d8c2 Women make important and growing contributions to food production, processing, marketing and retailing, and other parts of the food system. Within the household, women traditionally bear the primary responsibility for preparing meals and caring for children and other family members, although men are assuming more responsibilities for these roles in many societies. Gender differences in the rights, resources and responsibilities - particularly resources necessary for achieving food and nutrition security for and within the household and responsibilities for food provisioning and caretaking - often impede the achievement of household food and nutrition security. 2 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264222359-9-en 04ca07990597e419591e36bff243ba18 The concepts of land rights and territorial sovereignty have changed. The underlying principal of nomadism as a space open to negotiated rights is being sorely tested as a viable political and social model. The bonds of lineage are holding firm, but based on different lines of reasoning, with the reactivation of trade and sedentarism. Nomadic groups are reorganising along territorial lines to ensure pastoral mobility and to control the movement of persons and goods. 2 4 1 0.6 10.6027/9789289330503-9-en 04ca71ce7ebe753b5aff15e6bf751fc0 To some extent the same argumentation is valid also for the shops themselves - the possibility for the shop to order smaller amounts of different products will help the shop to a broad selection of commodities not creating waste of those commodities that were not sold. So optimal packaging should be the key-word. Different chains have different standards, but all common is the fact that they all try to distribute the products that first arrived first. In the connection to this it is also mentioned that close deliveries makes it easier to order the right amounts (this is valid both for wholesalers and retailers). 2 3 0 1.0 10.18356/09f3c767-en 04cfff6d435badbef2c5aeda54c01141 One of the contributing factors to poverty for working-age women in some countries is the increasing proportion of non-partnered women with children (UNDESA, 2015). Hie international poverty line for extreme poverty is US$1.90 a day 2011 PPP and the ‘median’ poverty line is US$3.10 a day 2011 PPP. Over 25% of children living in rural areas live in extreme poverty, compared to just over 9% of children in urban areas (UNICEF/World Bank, 2016). Poverty is by no means limited to developing countries. 6 4 0 1.0 10.18356/a22d206d-en 04d1cf8658b0cc625d9155bb6e2624f0 The WEPs provide guidance to businesses on how to empower women in the workplace, marketplace and community. Principle 5, in particular, calls for the implementation of enterprise development, supply chain and marketing practices that empower women. Governments are often the single largest purchaser of products and services in their countries. 5 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264087040-6-en 04d1fb028e8d6017233203a80c2d30b6 Supervisors are intended to visit and supervise the functioning of schools, provide advice to schools and the authority, and perform diverse administrative and pedagogic tasks. However, administrative tasks take up most of their time. Only former school directors are eligible for the post of supervisor; ATP appointments are given only to former teachers. Applications are assessed and posts allocated in each state by the Comisidn Nacional Mixta de Escalaf6n composed of the Secretarfa de Educacidn Publica (SEP) and representatives of the National Union of Education Workers (Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Educacidn or SNTE). This mechanism is, however, influenced by union and political criteria. Efforts are currently under way to change this process and make it more transparent. 4 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264098473-10-en 04d250fb5bd61b7d695007002f17d97f The wolf is critically endangered, the brown bear and wolverine endangered and the lynx vulnerable. None of the species has a population large enough to be viable. The brown bear would be critically endangered and the lynx endangered if not for contact with larger populations in neighbouring Sweden and Finland (Norwegian Biodiversity Information Centre, 2010b;). Norway is thought to be home to some 360 wolverines, 28% of which could lose their lives under the new quota system, along with 24% of the 440-470 lynxes. 14 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/391ac1cb-en 04d2855b719762bfc54d02cb3222ee81 In nearly every country and region of the world, progress in different areas has been made towards achieving gender equality and women’s empowerment. Yet this progress has been uneven and the gains remain fragile; almost nowhere are women’s rights given the priority they deserve. At the same time, SCR 1325 signifies a landmark in the recognition of women’s contribution to the maintenance of peace and security and acknowledges their specific needs and concerns in armed conflict and its aftermath.5 The resolution acknowledges that women are not merely victims but also have agency and are involved in active peacebuilding, mainly through informal grassroots diplomacy in conflict zones. Among the initiatives that have been developed are four further Security Council resolutions6 on sexual violence in conflict, and there has been a concerted effort to develop action plans at national, regional and subregional levels to accelerate the implementation of SCR 1325. 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5js6363503f6-en 04d5aa63e162edb60068f70e6a218df0 Learnfare closed the enrolment gap between baseline dropouts and school attendees by 41%. Currently, 38 states have similar policies that link school attendance and welfare receipt. Similarly, in Mexico the conditional cash transfer programme Progressa, created in 1997 (and replaced by Oportunidades in 2002), significantly increased the number of years of education of children among poor households (by about 10%, Schultz, 2004). 8 5 2 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/dd4dcfa6-en 04d66152dfeaa03fa145b336c8c3adc0 Before presenting these results, it is useful to note that children’s living standard is difficult to capture for the reason that the statistics on income are provided at the household level w'ith no information on how resources and expenses are actually shared across family members. In this perspective, income quantiles are defined as values of household income w'hich divides the frequency distribution into equal groups, each containing the same fraction of the total population of children. Panel A, the round marker shows that children in couple families at all points of the income distribution saw a relative increase in both market and disposable income. 1 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264122314-4-en 04d85681a68e36cf5188506e386a6d61 While efficacy measures the effect of a therapeutic agent under controlled conditions and settings, effectiveness measures a treatment’s effect under less controlled conditions in “real world” health settings. Measuring efficacy is much easier in patients with a single disease. Therefore, it is very common for people with multiple chronic conditions to be excluded from randomised clinical trials. 3 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264246010-3-en 04e06d94c616d81fb12d03a7fa9aa926 While it gives a good overall sense of income distribution, it doesn’t show us how many people are lacking even basic resources. For that reason, inequality measures are usually supplemented with measurements of poverty. A pensioner living in a house valued at $500,000 might be considered wealthy, but if her pension brings in just $100 a week, most would consider her as having a low income. This is why it’s important to understand the difference between income and wealth. 10 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264117563-8-en 04e2fd9d8d8a76667f6255f2e9d411c2 The government’s objective is again gradually to charge industry for the cost of supplying water by 2050. The ultimate goal is to treat almost 100% of wastewater to a level enabling its unrestricted use in irrigation (i.e. without risk of over-nutrification to soil and water sources). In 2009, 92% of effluents complied with national standards.20 From 2010, new standards require effluent quality to comply with 36 parameters, including chloride concentrations. 6 0 3 1.0 10.18356/22d6eb9f-en 04e9152fcacac7f18d0fc620856f9caf Post-abortion services should therefore be made available to adolescents. Where abortion is legal, it should be safe and accessible. Increasing adolescents’ access to contraception can not only help prevent abortion, but it can also help prevent death and injury from complications from pregnancy and delivery (UNFPA, 2012a). Service providers could help prevent or space second pregnancies by offering contraception to girls who have given birth or who have had an abortion. 5 3 6 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/a2eaa89c-en 04efb084684f11d3f5b6735ca96c50b5 Although age is a factor in the type of deprivation being experienced, the differences are not very large for people experiencing non-monetary deprivation. When deprivation as measured by at least two indicators was analysed, on the other hand, the values were higher for older cohorts, which suggests that multidimensional deprivation is more common among older adults, and the differences increased over the period under study. The construction of this index, which was inspired by the methodology developed by Alkire and Santos (2010), was based on four dimensions (living conditions, health, level of education and participation in the labour market) and 13 indicators. 1 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264202405-4-en 04f100d654d2eaefa7f184ec2538c624 This cost may be in economic (e.g. building new or replacing old water infrastructure), social (e.g. closing water allocations to cap demand) and/or environmental terms (e.g. deterioration of freshwater systems to reduce the risk of water shortage). Depending on the existing level of water security, incremental improvements may, in some cases, be disproportionally costly. By identifying the level of acceptability of risks, a risk-based approach fosters targeted and proportional policy responses and thus cost effectiveness. 6 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264119284-6-en 04f65b21467b2a7414746aecc740c3d7 This is a relatively new conservation measure, and several councils are watching the outcome of this plot project closely.1 In addition, there are many projects on implementing new water policies in different programmes, especially in the field of synergy between water and spatial planning. These projects are part of research programmes but are executed by consortia in which ministry, provinces, municipalities and the private sector are working together on new practices. In Korea, public facilities and public residential complexes are encouraged and some municipalities voluntary recycle rainwater by using rainwater management facilities. On the one hand, the basin perspective makes it easier to integrate physical, environmental, social and economic influences on water resources. On the other hand, the decentralisation of water governance has increased the number of relevant (administrative) boundaries and organisations. 6 0 3 1.0 10.1787/3726edff-en 04f7c5b63cd06d62f321cd7d429f33cb It will enable the international community to monitor all resources supporting the SDGs beyond ODA, including private resources that are mobilised through official means. It will also track international support for development enablers and global challenges - currently lacking in global development finance statistics. The Task Force was a response to the commitment made in AAAA to “hold open, inclusive and transparent discussions on the modernization of the ODA measurement and on the proposed measure of total official support for sustainable development”. 9 0 3 1.0 10.18356/fcd1ba6c-en 04f7ce547e97f83bf81889eae4e9d0e0 The report found that progress in agriculture had reaped very unequal benefits and had come at high social and environmental costs. Considering that arable and permanent cropping systems of the world have the potential to sequester an estimated 200 kg of carbon/ha per year and pasture systems 100 kg of carbon/ha per year, together they could contribute to a total of 2.4 Gt CO -eq per annum of the world’s carbon sequestration. A minimum scenario of conversion to organic farming would mitigate no less than 40 per cent of the world’s agricultural GHG emissions. When combining organic farming with reduced tillage techniques, the sequestration rates on arable land could easily be increased to 500 kg of carbon/ha per year. This optimum organic scenario would mitigate 4 Gt COs-eq per year or 65 per cent of agricultural GHGs. Another approximately 20 per cent of agricultural GHGs could be reduced by abandoning the use of industrially produced nitrogen fertilizers, as is practiced by organic farms. 7 3 0 1.0 10.6027/9789289347204-5-en 04fa03ba34bb7e9b5a784e4fa90a3562 It is not a major concern for upstream oil and gas production, except possibly in the case of gas processing plants located far from extraction sites, since oil and gas fields are usually associated with the type of sedimentary formations needed. However, where needed for other industries, the new method developed in Iceland to incorporate injected C02 into basaltic rocks shows great promise, and is thought to be even cheaper than more traditional options. For most use cases apart from EOR, most of the C02 is practically guaranteed to be released over the short or medium term. Innovative, large-scale CCS projects may also help attract talent to the country or municipality hosting them, and may help growth in the local economy. Five are located in the United States, with one more in each of Brazil, Saudi Arabia, Australia, and China. 7 4 3 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264267817-6-en 04fa7f8e790b8447cc003980e8d5cb2e These policies will need to be synchronised and implemented in parallel with the initiatives of the Council for Human Capital. These drivers, also called “framework conditions”, are largely endogenous to the region and include agglomeration effects, sectoral specialisation, human capital, accessibility and infrastructure, innovation and institutional factors. To strengthen its regional economy, Morelos w'ill need to leverage its diverse set of assets and comparative advantages by adopting a territorial, comprehensive approach to different challenges. 11 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264281936-8-en 04fe3aa8e1964ac6755e14b6897e9b23 Of course, it is not guaranteed that every organisation w'hich deals with at least two different issues addresses the complexities of metropolitan area governance in a meaningful way. Nevertheless, the distinction between organisations that focus on one issue and organisations that focus on many issues is an operationally useful and objective w'ay to identify organisations that work across individual policy fields. The national government reintroduced municipalities as the basic building block of subnational government in 1990 as part of the process of restoring democratically elected governments. Municipalities were given significant responsibility for local administration and planning, with each municipality having independence from oversight by other municipalities. 11 1 4 0.6 10.6027/9789289338837-12-en 0500abd14563dfe6ed33dc200bdaf858 "In studying the learning young people do during hunting, she found it possible ""to rethink education from within a different social context than the institutionalized and state-based one, namely the social context of hunting. The activity of hunting and/or land-based practices organizes individuals relative to hunting as a culturally specific way of living and of being in the world. To view hunting as a way of being in the world brings out more profound perspectives than viewing hunting as in informal or traditional technique.""" 4 5 4 0.1111111111111111 10.1787/9789264102637-11-en 050317c55d05d4b8b0eab7e312ece6af It then provides an overview of OECD’s framew'ork for financing water resources management and uses this as a basis to analyse existing financing arrangements for water management in the Netherlands and identify opportunities to improve financial sustainability. Assessing total water management costs is not a trivial task because of the many different parties involved in water management (see Chapter 1), which have specific functions, responsibilities, budgets and ways of financing their expenses. This includes EUR 1 292 million of costs for w'astewater treatment by the regional water authorities and EUR 1 360 of costs for collection and discharge of rainwater and wastewater by municipalities. It also includes EUR 1 370 of expenditure by drinking water companies (which in part consists of costs related to the purification of poor quality w'ater). 6 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264210745-6-en 0504b8a78a82c9f5cd3b0de37b803898 Germany’s RIA procedures call for identification and assessment of a series of impacts, including impacts on gender equality. To combat the lack of adequate technical expertise on GIA (a challenge for governments in many contexts) Sweden deploys “flying experts” who are seconded temporarily by various ministries and departments to aid w ith GIAs (Horsburgh, 2011). There is no legal requirement for an equality impact assessment, but the obligation of “due regard” necessitates attention to the potential impact on equality of policies and practices. In this case, the Equality and Human Rights Commission assumes responsibility for assessing compliance with the equality duties (Ibid). In other settings, including Japan, Hungary, New Zealand and Canada, GIA are expected to be included in broader social impact assessments. 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264096813-4-en 05063f7007c19c34a7169db0c22ce854 Political, legal and economic institutions will determine the limits and effectiveness of each stakeholder in achieving its objectives. These factors are then illustrated in the context of the fisheries sector, from a general perspective, in order to provide a framework for the country case studies. The political economy literature also highlights the problems of sustaining policy reform in the face of pressure from social actors to reverse some or all of the policy changes once they have been implemented. 14 1 4 0.6 10.18356/7d5576e0-en 0509166a378e9ea4056aeac0c55f86af This case-by-case approach tends inevitably to favour a downward pressure on eligibility standards, which may occur before any given country is in a position to profit locally from such standards. To avoid such a result, examiners and courts should be able to resort to a high level expert body, staffed by people (not necessarily all nationals, but experts in which the government has confidence) who have both the expertise to evaluate these issues in specific cases and a common understanding of and dedication to the local patent policies and strategies. By contrast, distinguished academic authorities have expressed the view that the Indian provision can be defended. 3 4 3 0.14285714285714285 10.18356/98e6a94a-en 05099c31d4ca65a6d122b6396197d065 In many African countries, fixed broadband does not even exist. The box on the right explains the contribution of each of the three sub-indices indicating that the largest component of the rise in EGDI comes from improvements in OSI. This shows that investment in OSI is the fastest means of improving a country's EGDI rankings. However, the graph also shows the importance of investing in infrastructure and human capital in the long term. While improvements in both infrastructure and human capital have been slower, they are equally important for a healthy and functioning e-government system. 9 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264251724-5-en 050a908c9e06d4b2cccd1fc3c82d7b14 International tensions often result in environmental priorities being severely neglected. A telling illustration is the plight of the South China Sea. With political attention distracted by competing claims of sovereignty and construction work on vulnerable reefs, scant attention is paid to the serious deterioration of the marine ecosystem and the potential consequences for the food security of millions of people (The Economist, 2015). 14 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264116672-8-en 050be88d8cfabcfab1d849432ad0a6b5 Leadership in particular, a key factor in school effectiveness, does not seem to figure strongly in evaluation frameworks. The Smarter Schools National Partnership “School Leadership Development Strategies” project being undertaken by AITSL aims to develop a national approach to enhance school leadership capacity. Typically a school review is followed by the formulation of recommendations for improvement which the school is supposed to implement following the preparation of an improvement plan. However, the Review Team formed the view that the degree of follow-up by school review authorities was variable, including within an educational jurisdiction, depending on the capacity of regional networks. 4 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5jlpl4mh1hxn-en 050e3abb4e4e56afe9e3ca1c6ddcb901 "While a new law that grants equal inheritance rights is the result of the empowerment of the women who brought about the law and not women in general, it encourages the empowerment of the latter (if they are aware of the law). Gender equality is hence both an outcome of the empowerment of the women who brought about the changes, and an encouraging factor for women's empowerment on the individual level. But where gender equality describes a state, empowerment describes a process.""" 2 4 0 1.0 10.14217/9781848599451-4-en 0514c40fa7ff560b7cbb0e63eb9818a4 Currently, there are ongoing debates about penalising those using informal ways of discouraging women to vote (e.g. threats, loud speaker announcements) (NCSW 2012a). The presence of an active women’s network within parliament reflects a transformation in the broader political culture, although there is still a lot to be accomplished. For instance, WPC Secretary Syed Shamoon said: ‘the caucus is a watershed. 5 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264202405-10-en 05187cd6d459428e474a6baf3c80836e The costs associated with the continued loss of biodiversity are likely to be very significant, but their impacts (in terms of lost welfare) are not reflected in market prices. Note that the number of people lacking access to safe water is higher than the number lacking access to basic water supply. Other, more episodic, pollution cases involve aluminium (causing neurodegenerative diseases) and lead (endemic diseases of the nervous system). 6 0 3 1.0 10.1787/rev/fish-2011-6-en 0518f2bb1887d4f2ea544756d5404b1b Buyers, especially large retailers and commercial brand owners, have embraced them. Commitments to source only fish and seafood certified as sustainable4 are increasingly included in their procurement strategies and wider corporate social responsibility policies. As a market-based mechanism designed to improve fisheries management, eco-labels and the certification process sitting behind them raise a number of issues and challenges: from broad policy questions as to how they interface with governments’ responsibilities to manage natural resources; to technical questions as how to define and develop standards related to “sustainability”; to detailed questions related on how to evaluate whether various existing certification and eco-labelling schemes are credible and robust. 14 0 5 1.0 10.1787/46ddbcae-en 051d37d212231680cf89fbb026203101 Critics worry that projects that make significant improvements to non-motorised trips compare poorly with those that cut travel time on motorised transport. This is due to the conventional approach to CBA that relies on travel time savings as a proxy for most of the benefits associated with transport investment. This traditional focus on travel time savings often leads to prioritisation of schemes that are misaligned with increased sustainable mobility goals. 11 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264238701-5-en 051ec2b5ac086daeb362636342fa90fc Similarly, other more sophisticated versions are available for surface-water groundwater interactions such as partially penetrating wells or streambed clogging (e.g. Hunt, 1999; Hunt, 2012). The Lagrange multiplier A may then be interpreted as the effective (present value) entitlement price. If the marginal damage of the externality is equivalent for all firms, this outcome can be induced with marketable entitlements that are traded on a one-to-one basis, where marginal abatement costs of all firms will equal marginal damage multiplied by A (Kuwayama and Brozovid, 2013; Palazzo and Brozovic, 2014). 6 0 7 1.0 10.18356/3f10390a-en 051ecd695adde95f1395550e5b7362b5 In the 2002-2008 period, the rise in employment contributed to earnings growth, but less so than the change in the remuneration of those employed. Colombia, Honduras, Peru and Uruguay are exceptions, as employment among poor households increased in the recent period (see figure 1.6). The percentage of the population analysed is the same in both periods and corresponds to the poverty rate in 2002. 1 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264123564-6-en 0525b1a81a6118290c83a9d589ee9ae0 They also tend to perform better in cognitive and linguistic assessments when staff-child ratios are higher. Furthermore, academic development seems to be enhanced by higher staff-child ratios, although there are not many (recent) studies that have investigated this topic (Huntsman, 2008; Sylva et al., A limitation of the research mentioned above is that most findings are almost exclusively correlational, and there have been very few experimental studies (Huntsman, 2008). An experimental study carried out by Chetty et al. ( 4 0 5 1.0 10.1787/5kg57kjj5hs8-en 0529f419f9b49f8ea0adc8a6dc184548 The topic of the report is “Enabling the 21st Century Learner”. E-leaming Action Plan for Schools for the Years 2006-2010”. ( It means that we need to reinforce the IT infrastmcture, in order to develop a coherent strategy to make IT educational contents available and to offer ICT training and certification for teachers. (“ This project aims to “generalise ICT skills training and certification” and “to promote the use of ICT in teaching and management” (p. 38). 4 0 3 1.0 10.18356/2956c59a-en 052dc0d21c43d2568a18d7aa1bf3e147 But there are many challenges ahead. Sufficient and regular data are currently only available for 10 of the 54 gender-specific indicators. Unless gender is mainstreamed into national statistical strategies and prioritized in regular data collection processes, gender data scarcity and gaps will persist. Without high-level commitment and political independence, statistical systems will be unable to play their critical role in the follow-up and review process. 5 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264089457-en 052dd6ebb2d08edd9d17810d6037d3a5 At NCHEMS, he specialises in state coordination and governance of higher education and advising state governments on long-term strategies to improve the effectiveness of their education systems and linking education to the state’s future economic competitiveness and quality of life. Prior to joining NCHEMS in 1993, he was a senior staff member for 17 years at the Education Commission of the States (ECS), one of the principal sources of policy advice on education reform for state governments. On the international level, he has served as examiner for Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) reviews of education policy in the Dominican Republic, Egypt, Estonia, Ireland, Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, the Russian Federation, and Turkey, He is currently a consultant to the World Bank on governance of technical/engineering in India. 4 1 7 0.75 10.1787/5ce14fb2-en 052ef80ff67cf0e553660f7e5a114417 Following the implementation of NRDs, a series of best practices have emerged at national level showcasing successful reform. This policy framework for promoting local rice production takes into account rice imports. Customs duties on rice imports have remained relatively high since the peak of the 2007-08 food crisis, although this has done little to significantly undermine consumer demand or alternatively improve the market competitiveness of local rice products. 5 3 0 1.0 10.1787/9789264233836-8-en 0534687eb22f79e53b22d2fdb8583983 Once the Kimberley-Pilbara region, and outlier, was excluded, the variation fell to 2.7-fold. Some explanations for this may include higher rates of osteoporosis and obesity in the region, and that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians are more likely than others to fracture their hip (ACSQHC and AIHW, 2014). There was over a 7-fold difference between the highest rate (1 551 admissions per 100 000 in outer regional Murrumbidgee) and the lowest rate (210 admissions per 100 000 population in metropolitan Inner West Sydney). However, the authors noted that Murrumbidgee was an outlier in the results. Removal reduced the difference to 5.1-fold. 3 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264168060-5-en 0534bbd0885ede4d85c526c50aeeca23 Illustrative are the United States Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) regulation under the US Clean Water Act, and the European Union’s water quality standards under the Water Framework Directive. Under the Federal TMDL framework, states are responsible for compiling lists of water bodies not meeting their designated use which are then reported as impaired waters (Helmers et al., For each listed water body, the states need to identify the amount by which pollution loads from diffuse and point sources of pollution must be reduced to meet the standards, and to develop and implement plans to achieve the load reductions (Borisova et al., 6 2 2 0.0 10.1787/9789264283480-en 05394e07eedf5358b652ec0cc87206b3 This allows for a very generous benefits package with low cost-sharing and high quality of health care services. The population benefits from good financial and geographic access to services, which is reflected in the low level of unmet needs and out-of-pocket expenditure. However, the level of unmet needs for financial reasons is slowly creeping up in the lowest income groups. 3 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264218512-3-en 0540d1357a94ebd91940c5b2125efa14 Economic growth - rising per capita output of material goods and services - has the potential to make all citizens better off materially, and to generate resources that can be used to achieve social goals and ensure that growth is maintained over the long term. Policy makers seek to improve the performance and long-term growth potential of economies, taking into account country-specific needs and circumstances, including their level of development and institutional capacities. Because progress is measured essentially at the level of an “average” individual, emphasis is placed on supply-side instruments, or policy actions that lead to increases in per capita output of goods and services over the longer term. Employment prospects, job satisfaction, health outcomes and educational opportunities matter for people’s well-being and are heavily conditioned by their socioeconomic status. The most disadvantaged often live shorter lives and find it difficult to break away from a vicious circle of educational underachievement, low skills and poor employment prospects. 10 0 5 1.0 10.1787/aid/glance-2017-14-en 0542f584cf2244dc639aa02558068e64 It underpins private sector and human development by enabling the movement of people, goods and services. It provides access to local, regional and global markets, as well as health, education, water, energy and communications services. It provides an overview of the financing for development agenda, highlighting the critical role of official development assistance (ODA) in the least developed countries (LDCs), as well as its catalytic role in higher-income developing countries. An analysis of total 2002-15 aggregate aid-for-trade disbursements of around USD 300 billion follows. 9 1 3 0.5 10.1787/baf425ad-en 054394a1af6c45abbc542f5440528a4d Jt Conun J Qual Patient Saf 2014;40:99-101. The global burden of diagnostic errors in primary care. Still, conventional data sources, such as medical record reviews and reported harmful events, produce mounting evidence of the importance and frequency of diagnostic errors across several types of conditions. Studies of multiple consultations in the presentation of cancer provide a powerful predictor of speed of receiving a timely and correct diagnosis. One in five patients presenting ‘red flag symptoms’ and who recently were diagnosed with cancer had three or more consultations with primary care doctors being referred to relevant specialists. Although the majority of those patients had cancers that are considered particularly difficult to diagnose, it does reflect an avoidable delay (Lyratzopoulos et al, 2014). 3 0 4 1.0 10.18356/152d606d-en 0544ee1129237b6cc09c8e7d536e0d78 But changes to social norms and the law are often incremental and hard fought. The amendments to the Criminal Law in India following recent rape cases5 do not criminalize marital rape,6 highlighting both the scope and limits of law as an agent of social change. In Mexico the primary reason women dropped out of the labour force was threats and violence by disapproving husbands.' 1 4 5 0.1111111111111111 10.18356/6f91a3b0-en 05472604c5c44cccffd12a8d8b071e79 Damage and losses caused by the 2010 flood amounted to around €44 million. The project-based ‘Technology Needs Assessment for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation for Montenegro - National Strategy and Action Plan” (TNA) gives an indication of costs for priority measures of adaptation for the sectors most relevant: health sector, €1.8 million; water sector, €4.3 million; agriculture sector, €2.1 million; coastal area, €1.9 million; and forestry sector, €1.4 million. First results show that climate change would bring mainly negative economic impacts for the near future up to 2030 and strongly negative impacts for the end of the century (2071-2100). Due to lack of data, results are of restricted informational value, as the authors emphasize themselves. 13 1 7 0.75 10.1787/9789264238701-7-en 05472de3bb2d5c9d6af8bb4a7a779c21 Seventy per cent of purchased rights were given to the Park and 30% to small productive farmers who focussed on higher value activities like vine and vegetables. This mechanism triggered a shift in groundwater use and agricultural activities away from cereals, encouraged vines to be accounted for, and led to increased incentives for the enforcement of water rights. Still, the public cost of the program - estimated at 5000 M EUR for 2008-2027 -has been high and the program did not address the incentive structure of farmers pumping groundwater. 6 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5jrxr7qx6ctb-en 0548ea0e6f1cdfb48f67f541a4e798de Excess mortality from schizophrenia increased by 11% from 2006 to 2011 (OECD, 2014a). Less than 1% of the Swedish population develop bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorders are also found to be slightly more prevalent among women (Eliasson & Jonsson, 2008; Cullberg, 2005). Excess mortality from bipolar disorder in Sweden increased by 21% from 2006 to 2011, while 15.7% of patients with bipolar are readmitted to the same hospital within 30 days of release (OECD, 2014a). The prevalence rate of mental disorders also varies highly between age group, gender, and educational attainment, which is shown in Figure 1 below. 3 0 7 1.0 10.1787/5jm3p5gl4djd-en 054a5498e4d4d45cc53dfb70da61a26e Section 3 reviews these policies. Housing policy in OECD countries comprises a wide and complex mix of programmes. Direct provision still exists in many countries but support is decreasing and shifting to other types of providers. Changes in the sources of financing of social rental housing providers, coupled with changes in the socio-economic profile of their tenants, pose new challenges to social housing providers and policy makers. 11 0 3 1.0 10.1787/rev/fish-2015-9-en 054d6d6c79b21f8ec9eee66cabe7f819 It is the first year since 2006 that no stocks managed solely by the Australian Government have been classified as subject to overfishing. The statement is the first step in fulfilling the Australian Government’s commitment to work with industry to develop a national aquaculture strategy. Parties to the agreement focused on developing foundation documents, including rules of procedure and financial regulations to help ensure the long-term conservation and sustainable use of non-highly migratory fish stocks in the high seas of the southern Indian Ocean. 14 0 12 1.0 10.18356/7aa2651d-en 054ed682b8c208384be5f26a3ee98350 Each of these spends twice as a much — as a proportion of GDP - as countries such as Spain, Switzerland, Italy, Canada, Portugal, Japan and Bulgaria. At the bottom of the table are five countries spending little more than 1% of GDP on cash benefits, tax breaks and services for children and families - the United States, Lithuania, Latvia, Greece and Malta. How the money is spent can be as important as how much is spent, but the chart nonetheless shows a strong relationship between resources expended and results achieved. 1 4 3 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/5js65xn790nv-en 055138fbef2037b02617ff087a99ca4c Lessons are also being learned with respect to the political economy of trade reform, such that changes can be introduced in a way that minimises adjustment stresses and helps build the consensus needed to lock in the benefits of trade policy reform. The report benefited from comments by Member country delegations, and from feedback on an earlier draft received at the ICTSD Bali Trade and Development Symposium, in December 2013. This report was declassified by Working Party for Agricultural Policies and Markets in November 2014. 2 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264188945-9-en 0553373032b200e73b3bca4f7d7b566d Given the rise in chronic diseases like diabetes, an approach stressing prevention to address changing risk factors for health will be a key to helping reduce relatively more expensive hospital admissions in the future. Ideally, patients should have a trusted advisor to help them navigate through the complex number of available services. The purpose of gatekeeping is to strengthen the relationship between primary care providers and patients, thereby enhancing patients’ agency in selecting the most appropriate form of care. 3 0 3 1.0 10.6027/547ad041-en 0553df7a4c53c8df353f109b63ad4db2 Moreover, visitors are only liable to apply environmentally friendly behaviourtothe extent they find it convenient, and they do often settle with more symbolic choices such as the reuse of towels and choosing ecological food products (Marion and Reid, 2007; Weaver, 2012). As pointed out in Tyrvainen et al. ( And people are also less likely to engage in sustainability practices if they believe that their contribution makes no difference (Lindenberg and Steg, 2007). 12 0 8 1.0 10.1787/9789264270985-7-en 055ad4d4aa39fe3267e4be45c00585ed It includes health services consumed at the family home and in other individual or collective residences where the individual is located on a permanent basis (e.g. prisons, convents, boarding schools). Health care received by persons residing in a health care facility (e.g. a residential long-term care facility) is to be considered as inpatient care. Greater detail within a class does not necessarily imply more detailed reporting, but rather greater clarity about the content of the aggregates. As with other classifications, the greater the detail presented, the less uncertainty there is while classifying, and the more comparable the results. Additional benefits can be found when breakdowns of the HC classes are compatible with those in other available classifications. The division into general and specialised health services for inpatient and outpatient care should be compatible as far as possible with the COFOG (UN, 1999). 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/budget-17-5j8sd88t3sr3 055bf95eccce28e841fa679b4d4b96a3 In South Africa, the budget programme and classification is based on sector and line items rather than on programs and policy objectives, hindering articulation of cross-sectoral initiatives to achieve wider policy objectives. For example, conditional grants (see section 3.1 for further detail) aim to strengthen government priority areas that are usually cross-sectoral issues (such as HIV/AIDS). However, they are designed and implemented by one particular national department, without fully articulating this initiative with other relevant departments. 3 1 3 0.5 10.18356/97ed059a-en 055f9b2b31a0604b60d2f4e3d1f78576 Activation of these two channels therefore consists of simulating the variations observed or estimated for said international transfers. For the first group, we can speak of exports constrained by external demand (type 1), while the second group represents exports largely constrained by internal supply (type 2). The variation in export demand in relation to its initial level is therefore conditioned by the ratio of the world prices for these exported products and their free on board (FOB) export prices, as well as the elasticity of export demand among foreign trade partners. 1 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264245891-8-en 05646b9c3963ba517e96c31672803daa Some of these functions can be temporary and performed at the request of the school leader. School management has the autonomy to distribute specific, temporary functions to teachers within the school. In other countries, such “Learning Support Staff’ typically assist teachers in their instruction, provide support for students and contribute to the overall learning-related activities of schools. The most common learning support staff in Kazakhstan is laboratory assistants for subjects such as physics, chemistry, biology and computer science. 4 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5js3926d54d7-en 0565bdd9b50f8450b467d13453023581 In the first step, four out of five dimensions attract significant coefficient. The son bias dimension was insignificant. It is worthy to note that both sub-indices have a significant and negative effect on the extent of female migration, meaning that high levels of discriminatory social norms in the family and in the public space reduce not only the probability to have female migration but also the size of those women who get to migrate. 5 1 3 0.5 10.18356/935513ee-en 0566a62f484bdf0f614b8ab6c062949c "A range of variables can be used, such as resource availability, consumption trends, climate change, population growth, or policy frameworks. Scenarios can help parties to understand the competition between various sectors, including irrigation, drinking water supply, hydropower generation, flood control and other ecosystem services, as well as the evolution and implication of existing and potential conflicts. Closely related to scenario-building is a technique called “back-casting"", which envisions a future desirable outcome, and then tracks backwards, allowing parties to identify the steps that would be needed to achieve it. Agreement on a desirable future can then translate into agreement on the steps needed to get there." 6 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5jlwjg92n48x-en 0566f556dbfa80b7383f69776f1dbcc0 For example, the Colombian national development strategy mainstreams climate change priorities through four sectoral public policy areas7; while in Kenya a stand-alone climate change action plan identifies six ‘big win’ opportunities8 for climate finance with adaptation and mitigation co-benefits (Government of Kenya, 2012). In response to lessons learned on what might strengthen the effectiveness of climate finance, supporters and providers have been providing technical assistance to help identify climate-related sectors in the national context, and to developing cross-sectoral national climate change strategies and action plans. Recipients, providers and supporters equally recognise that a co-ordinated national response to climate change and national policy coherence are pre-conditions for effective decision-making over climate finance. 13 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264119284-6-en 056a3e3cba9590be83e80bc67a297a63 Indicator systems are costly, both directly (i.e. the cost of development and implementation) and indirectly (i.e. opportunity costs and the potential for inadvertent generation of unintended consequences). It is difficult to capture complexity with water data and indicators, which can lead to developing too many indicators rather than concentrating on a core group. Besides, it is tempting on the part of central government to substitute ex ante control of water services with performance indicators. This can lead to retaining control of how sub-national authorities implement water policy, as they will probably make choices and decisions that allow them to perform well within the parameters of the indicator system, at the expense of other elements. 6 2 2 0.0 10.18356/f7cce716-en 056bdb29f60b5b520448654f9f8d2209 The insurance uses a system of cross-subsidies to finance the poorest households who are unable to make monthly contributions. According to the latest records, 12% of taxpayers in Manizales have signed a catastrophe insurance contract. The experience represents an innovation in social and financial protection for low-income home-owners, and has been highlighted as a good public-private cooperation practice that could be replicated in other Colombian cities with similar risk characteristics to those of Manizales (Marulanda and others, 2014). This insurance policy had 61,097 women among its affiliates in 2014, and it has mainly benefited women microentrepreneurs living in rural areas affected by flooding, hurricanes and earthquakes. It is funded by grants from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the United Kingdom Department for International Development (DFID), the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (COSUDE) and other financiers belonging to private insurance companies. There is also an intensive information campaign for clients on the coverage and other operational aspects of catastrophic insurance (Loster and Reinhard, 2012). 13 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264272262-5-en 056e605cce96b132a4df472dd496072c This contributes to a very high risk of old-age poverty in these countries and Bangladesh, India, Lao PDR and Pakistan all have at least 60% of their populations trying to get by on less than USD 2 per day (Figure 2.2). But among Asian countries, the extension of pension coverage has been most pronounced in China. Next to pension provision for civil servants and other public service unit workers, 1997 pension reform in China established a national multi-pillar pension system w'ith the aim to cover all employees working in urban areas (Salditt et al., 1 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/5kgglrw4n7s0-en 056f9ed3bde1b0e814750b725675f244 This system is well suited to the needs of countries with small electricity grids, especially those in the developing world. India has reached world leadership in this area. Nearly 55% of all scientific publications on PHWRs in 2006 were Indian, and India is leading the research in FBRs (Kakodkar, 2008). 7 2 6 0.5 10.18356/2d6cbf5c-en 056fe6375457163efc2881eceed67a4b "To assist in this undertaking, OHCHR developed ""Guidelines for national plans of action for human rights education"". I, Programme of Action, para. Starting from the recognition of the State's current situation, a national action plan against racial discrimination constitutes a comprehensive programme of activities aimed at progressively bringing about improvements in the promotion of racial equality." 10 1 3 0.5 10.18356/d72eb315-en 057567e6c9082e3936b16d54cc89914f In this respect, the following three components are deemed essential. Wider application of successful geospatial and statistical standards17 is essential to fostering information exchange, a precondition for wide-scale integrated analyses of remote sensing and GIS sources, for example. Without them, the risk is that institutional and industry stakeholders will not be able to bear the costs of multiple reporting formats. Finally, bridges and connectivity need to be established among adopted standards so that information can flow across domains. 14 4 3 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/85b52daf-en 0576e49db2251b785013b542f6e52bb6 As a result a keyword search of project descriptions has been used. The limitation of this approach is the lack of consistency and gaps in reporting on the project descriptions in the CRS, which means some activities that engage the private sector may not be identified using a word search and are therefore not included in the analysis. Work is under way to improve the way private sector instruments are categorised and tracked within the system, so tracking such efforts in the future will be easier. As a result the analysis of development finance statistics does not align strictly with the description of private sector engagement (PSE) used in Chapter 2, which considers private sector development a subset of PSE. 13 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264265493-11-en 05786e1df1aab665e6f9b3fff94767a4 Yet, as shown in the previous chapters, gender gaps still exist - namely in employment, unpaid work, violence, and access to decisionmaking positions. A fundamental piece of the puzzle is establishing a system than can deliver Mexico’s commitments to gender equality. In addition to building a gender perspective into the policy process (Chapter 6), Mexico’s capacity to overcome gender gaps depends on the quality of the institutional framework for designing and, most importantly, implementing gender-sensitive policies. This chapter seeks to complement Chapter 6 on gender mainstreaming and to single out the key elements of effective governance for gender equality. 5 1 7 0.75 10.18356/13bb82ff-en 057df488cb1c0e2a136e133cd6b392db Poor-quality health services in some cases drive persistently high child mortality, which contributes to the tendency to have more children to make up for those lost during birth, or through illness and malnutrition. And even where laws permit unmarried women or adolescents to access contraception, judgmental service providers may refuse to dispense it. A subordinate status for many women still means not knowing or fully understanding their rights, or how to claim them. 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264088986-en 057faaec634fcf7259e9d6ce895bb002 As a result there is a high level of employment of Arab women in clerical occupations. At the same time, a significant number of Arab women with low levels of education have lost their jobs in the agriculture and textile industries due to the entry of immigrant workers into the Galilee labour market. Making a wider range of academic programmes open to Arab women is the intent of the Nazareth Academic Institution (NAI). The employment outcomes of the NAI’s predecessor Mar Elias have been promising: according to the information received from the institution, about 70% of female graduates (all Arabs) are employed, mostly in positions requiring higher education qualifications (see Box 2.1.). Opening wider educational opportunities for Arab women will ultimately impact on their labour market outcomes and generate positive results for the Israeli society. 4 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/5ce14fb2-en 0581c35641b0454f6e093ed3f5862e8d These improvements should enhance the regional potential of the market by developing sales and storage spaces protected from bad weather as well as service, sanitation and roads that can adequately serve the intense weekly market attendance. One-third of women and one-quarter of men remarked that their activities were slowed by a lack of roads or because of the degraded state of existing axes. The Dendi region is located at a strategic crossroads of the Nigerien National Route (RN7) stretching from Niamey to the east of Niger, of the principal Kebbi road axis leading to Sokoto and the national interstate (RNIE2) that crosses Benin to the Gulf of Guinea. Despite this theoretically privileged position, the Dendi has an underdeveloped and rapidly deteriorating road system (Map 6.21. 5 4 0 1.0 10.1787/9789264239487-6-en 058aede05afc6b35f5a82b2890ee9eac National authorities rightly recognise this to be particularly important in Scottish context, given the emphasis placed on local collaboratives and learning cycles in Scotland. If such links are not made from national studies, there is a risk that important findings will not be acted upon. Denmark has been pursuing this approach in recent years, and offers a model to consider (Box 2.5). This is essential to build a full picture of the activities, costs and outcomes of care across complete patient journeys. 3 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264230491-4-en 058c5eaff6add93ac7b241eeb9736fec Recent reforms in Italy, and in particular, the recently created National Agency for Regional Healthcare (AGENAS), are instructive here. Health system managers, whether at national, state or institutional level, are rarely able to point to projects that have used data to identify areas of excellence or weakness, or that have been used as a basis for quality improvement work. Infrequent comparison and benchmarking of results is a linked problem, since even simple things such as waiting times are not measured consistently across Mexico’s sub-systems. 3 0 3 1.0 10.18356/6a0f251e-en 058d2762d8e9856eb74f876921c22c8d While it is rational that countries focus on the development of intra-national systems first (national or port single windows), these systems - including related laws and regulations - should be designed with cross-border exchange of electronic data and documents in mind. In fact, as the cost of developing a cross-border enabled system is not expected to be significantly higher than that of a paperless trade system designed for intra-national exchange of data and documents, less developed countries with no legacy systems may take the opportunity to leapfrog from manual systems to world-leading paperless systems. Innovations such as blockchain and distributed ledger technology (DLT),' as well as progress in machine learning and artificial intelligence (Al), and the development of the internet of things (loT) have enormous potential in making international supply chains more transparent and efficient. 9 0 3 1.0 10.14217/9781848591271-2-en 058db39b1975dc004fb4bb34bf41e106 This approach will help to create a society that readily accepts and embraces disability, instead of fearing it. This requires, on the one hand, that the facilities of education be available to all, and on the other, that children be exposed to ideas from many different backgrounds and perspectives and be encouraged to think for themselves and to reason. Basic education is not just an arrangement for training to develop skills (important as that is); it is also a recognition of the nature of the world, with its diversity and richness, and an appreciation of the importance of freedom and reasoning as well as friendship. 4 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264289628-10-en 058e56cd8c990f6e00bb1a7a11c6ee97 The interstate Hydroeconomic Coordination Commission makes policy, resolves issues and approves annual operational conditions. The Electric Power Council of Central Asia and its executive structure, the Joint Dispatch Control Center (Central Asia JDC), supervise co-ordination of energy systems and sustainability of operations. Together, they regulate river flow to ensure equity between the three countries for irrigation and hydropower generation (CA&CC Press AB, 2016). Phase 1 will upgrade two of the six units, build capacity of power sector officials and develop a regulatory plan. Phase 2 will create a policy and regulatory body, develop a new tariff methodology and develop legislation for better governance and business conduct of the state-owned power utility company (responsible for operating the hydroelectric station). The generation capacity was upgraded to 3 015 MW between 1984-88. 6 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/agr/outlook-2015-5-en 058fa187d93c0b3f66eefc2dc6b7686d During the last few years, major increases in total fishery production have been driven by aquaculture. Major increases are occurring in freshwater spedes, which dominate production, with mariculture12 representing about 15% of the total. Prospects for aquaculture are good with production expected to grow to 52% above the average level for 2012-14 by 2024, driven by increasing domestic demand and by national policies which support the sustainable growth of the sector. Main challenges for further expansion are linked to environmental issues and potential impacts of aquaculture on biodiversity and ecosystem services. Efforts to enhance the collaboration between the Ministry of Fisheries and Aquaculture and the Ministry of Environment to address the sustainability of the sector are underway. 2 0 3 1.0 10.18356/caeceb38-en 058ffc4690b3459666df78ddc2ef5c2a Amongst families in urban informal settlements in Cape Town, this is expressed in the daily negotiations around who does what in terms of household chores and the explicit efforts by mothers to respect the preferences of their older children (Bray et al., In rural families in northernTanzania, reciprocity is expected and expressed through young people's obedience (in ways that demonstrate respect to the parent and social respectability) and a parent's willingness to meet the child's need in return (Wamoyi & Wight, 2014). Fathers were particularly vocal on this topic, perhaps because scarcity of employment or other sources of status means they rely more heavily on inter-generational reciprocity. 5 3 6 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264238701-5-en 0590332c75577a4f6f44eb9ecfa2cd76 However, for a land-based permit system, the aggregate pumping resulting after transfers will be subject to uncertainty. This may be acceptable if the expected variation in marginal externality is much larger than the expected variation in water application rates (Young, 2014). However, there is still a need to monitor and enforce limits on irrigated area for such systems to succeed. 6 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264225817-4-en 05905d85749f7cf225a460d950d63cf5 Although data are somewhat outdated due to lack of regular national monitoring in the country, Japan is in the best 4 countries for five-year survival estimate for cervical and breast cancer in the 2000s. With regards to colorectal cancer, Japan has attained five-year survival estimate over 65% for both men and women in the early 2000s, which is above the OECD average of 61.3% for men and 63.3% for women in the late 2000s. A striking feature of the Japanese hospital sector is the high in-hospital case fatality rates for acute myocardial infarction (AMI). Although Japanese are less likely to die of ischemic heart disease compared to people in other OECD countries, they are more likely to die once admitted into hospital for AMI than patients in other OECD countries. 3 1 4 0.6 10.18356/bf400991-en 0590a65954fb64fd03f2a89ae4824da2 If large-scale hazardous events and outliers are excluded disaster mortality triggered by hydrometeorological hazards can be observed in an upward trend, as shown in figure 15. These variations call for deeper analysis of each sector and kinds of disasters, for informed policymaking. Earthquakes account for the highest number of people potentially exposed, while flooding is the most frequent natural hazard, for which about 1 billion people in 155 countries were potentially exposed in 2015. 11 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264281486-4-en 05919f11cb3d30fcce28351b3ec4f341 Enrolment among children aged 3-6 years increased from 70% in 2005 to 87% in 2015. Enrolment in primary and lower secondary education is universal: in 2015, the net enrolment rate in primary education was 100%, and 98.3% in lower secondary' education (Statistics Lithuania, 2016). Lithuania’s level of participation in upper secondary education is among the highest in OECD and partner countries: in 2014, 93% of 15-19 year-olds were enrolled in educational institutions, compared with 84% on average across OECD countries (OECD, 2016a). 4 1 7 0.75 10.18356/9de3e7b5-en 0591da79062e4b0340dddcee613c0fb5 This perception nonetheless represents a small improvement as compared with 2002, when the proportion was 87%. In terms of absolute and relative inequality indicators, this indicator suggests that most people think in relative terms, as they perceive an improvement in distribution in keeping with the decrease in relative inequality. In terms of perceptions by socioeconomic tercile or by education level, no clear patterns of association emerged. 10 0 7 1.0 10.18356/7aa2651d-en 0592b8171232d64ede537d2acd5e1ad0 "Where that line was drawn varied from city to city and was usually kept secret ""for fear that the Board would be cheated.""' What should be done about irregular or undeclared earnings? What adjustments needed to be made for larger families? In his 1877 speech to the Royal Statistical Society, Booth presented the findings of a survey on the incomes of London s poor and suggested that a line of poverty', set at 18 to 21 shillings a week, would divide the people of London into those who live 'in comfort' and those who live 'in poverty'." 1 1 3 0.5 10.1787/rev/fish-2015-36-en 0593b00fae4a9b860784b33dc8fd6014 In the 2012/13 financial year, a total of USD 18.47 million was transferred to fisheries sector from the UK Government, which is a 79.6% decrease compared with the GFTs in 2005 (Panel C). Total number of registered vessels and total tonnage of the fleet also decreased respectively by 5.3% and 5.7% since 2007. ( Responsibility for fisheries in the United Kingdom lies with the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Scottish Ministers, Minister of the Welsh Assembly Government and Northern Ireland Executive Ministers. The principal powers governing the regulation of fisheries are set out in the Sea Fish (Conservation) Acts 1967 and 1992; the Sea Fisheries Act 1968; the Fishery Limits Act 1976; the Fisheries Act 1981; the Sea Fisheries (Shellfish) Act 1967 and the Fisheries Act 1966. 14 0 4 1.0 10.18356/7e830810-en 0596aac9ea1d75d096105807057b4020 These include several groups of halogenated hydrocarbons containing either chlorine or bromine that are used as solvents or refrigerating agents. The Montreal Protocol, which supplements the 1985 Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer, had been ratified by 196 countries by 2011. By the end of 2010, the organization had completed 1,142 projects (worth $533 million in disbursements) phasing out 70,106 tonnes of potential ozone depleting substances. Another 199 projects are being implemented. 7 2 4 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/65d65044-en 059702e6d185a7ab64d96b7398e4760c How such dilemmas are addressed has profound implications for who gains and loses, both among social groups and between local, national and global interests. There are many examples around the world of alternative development pathways that move towards sustainability with gender equality. This recognition is evident in a number of international norms and agreements, including principle 20 of the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, adopted in 1992, in its statement regarding the full participation of women being essential to achieving sustainable development. 5 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264191761-en 0597c7346ab1deb6f52ff6f6c1c8d4de Despite the significant potential for flour milling, only 35-40% of available capacity is used. A recurring issue in post-independence Kazakhstan has been the degree of monopsony power exercised by the purchasers of agricultural products. At the same time, intermediaries often provide multiple functions, playing an important role in compensating for incomplete markets, e.g. for credit or for seeds, and other inputs. 2 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/2d07fa8a-en 0598701bf7a350e67a0d28cb9c6286a1 In many cases, they have deterred small family farmer participation in school-feeding programmes despite their capacity to respond to the demand. In addition, legislation for producer organizations often requires bureaucratic procedures and complex accountability mechanisms. This may result in producer organizations being unable to obtain formal status and cannot carry out certain financial transactions. To address these challenges, governments can implement policies that favour small family farmers in public procurement processes. Both the PAA and the PNAE have limits to their purchases from individual or farmer groups, although PNAE sets higher limits as scale is needed to supply schools. The programme expanded rapidly from US$50.2 million for 41 500 family farmers in 2003 to US$410.3 million for 185 500 farmers in 2012 (Del Grossi and Marques, 2015). 2 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264231726-en 05a2eff7a06f21d12b64963cde90a7f5 However, the roles of the public and private sectors in research funding are less clearly defined than they were before the biotechnology area and governments and their agencies now have a much more direct role in applied medical scientific research (Stevens et al., Recent studies have looked into the relevance and impact of public and private research investment (Families USA, 2008; Malinowski, 2012; Zycher, 2010) and concluded that in general terms both public and private stakeholders play a significant, complementary role in the delivery of innovative therapies. These rewards materialize from innovations which are largely generated through fundamental research projects at universities and other public research institutions. 3 0 6 1.0 10.6027/9789289329163-7-en 05a34212ace655d2eadde07c42905bcd Growth in forest biomass exceeding drain due to harvesting and natural mortality explains this removal. However, between 2000 and 2005, the Danish forests were a carbon source releasing between 1 and 2 million tonnes of CO2 each year. During that period the age distribution became skewed towards mature forests, which were eventually harvested and the cleared land was regenerated with saplings (Danish CEE 2012). This resulted in negative net increment in forest biomass and thus turned the Danish forests as a net source of carbon. 15 0 4 1.0 10.6027/95b9bcd0-en 05a8ee6c9838d2e10743dbafd41ab1a5 This infrastructure, together with wind farms, harbours, etc. At the same time, the Sound is one of the most trafficked places in the world oceans. Thus, the Sound is a hotspot of almost all kinds of human activities: Commercial, household and sports fisheries, as well as navigation, yachting, bathing, diving, sand and gravel extraction, windfarming, sewage discharge, urban and coastal development, land transport, aviation, recreational activities on land, large scale tourism and even agriculture, industry and forestry. 14 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/9789264235120-8-en 05a9a5aec1a841e11f9edfa4a212bcfb In contrast, given men’s stability in terms of employment rates, the impact of male employment at the household level was neutral overall (Annex 5.A3, Figure 5.A3.1). For instance, in the Nordic countries the total share of social transfers represents close to 20% of household income (25% in Sweden), while in Australia and the United States it constitutes 8% and 7%, respectively. The respective contributions of earnings and other income sources to overall inequality can be estimated (see OECD, 2011), and it is interesting to consider the extent to which the contributions of gender-specific income components can be estimated. 5 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264286191-7-en 05ab7189defe9dda03f8e583abee5fdc This is precipitated by lack of any substantial land value capture mechanisms in urban development, meaning that the revenue local governments are receiving is significantly less than w'hat it could and should be. This is in strong contrast with other government revenues which are collected by the central government and redistributed. In the absence of a consistently enforced land policy framework, the selling off of periphery land proceeds independently of either rational development principles or an accurate reckoning of consequences immediate or long-term. 11 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/5js1qwkz2p9s-en 05ad0fe0d2b9837c4b9810ba8b91abc0 Evidence from a number of countries converges in that sense, showing that the worst-off have higher rates of alcohol-related problems and mortality than the better-off (Najman et al, 2007;Hemstrom 2002; Harrison and Gardiner, 1999), even for the same level of drinking (Makela and Paljarvi, 2008; Grittner et al., Hence, the gradient of inequities in alcohol related harm is not consistently in line with the gradient of inequalities in alcohol use. Lastly, alcohol consumption may have larger societal impacts in addition to its health outcomes. 3 0 4 1.0 10.18356/aac9b96c-en 05ad33f26eff857ea273b271a7c648f5 If too much water is stored behind the reservoir, sections of the river downstream from the reservoir can dry out if an insufficient amount of water is released at certain times of the year. This can lead to detrimental effects on animal and plant life downstream from the facility. Because of this, the channel may show signs of degradation (loss of sediments) or aggradation (accumulation of sediments), depending on whether floods can move the remaining incoming sediments. 7 8 1 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264245174-8-en 05b1a6c0542cc1dd0f2a973997705bb5 Required replacements and an expansion of the existing network require significant investment, which is not covered in the operating budget of the utilities providers. This is seldom the case across the OECD. Among the three revenue sources for utilities providers, taxes, tariffs and transfers, governments decide on the most efficient mix of resources to manage trade-offs between economic efficiency, financial sustainability, environmental protection and social cohesion. This pillar combines two strategies. 11 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264130852-5-en 05b241b773f9ac1ad11c062907172909 In Finland, for example, most of the variance in performance observed is within schools rather than between them, which indicates that schools have similar achievement levels and do not select students by academic ability. Differences in the socio-economic background of schools account for a small proportion of the already-small performance differences between schools, which suggest that there is little segregation along socio-economic lines. Non OECD member economies are included for comparison. 4 0 9 1.0 10.18356/9b00e9d0-en 05b366505ffc9cf901a23105aa8c44d5 The environmental impact includes landslides on deforested slopes, which damage thousands of homes. Over the past 20 years, however, small, wood-burning stoves have become ubiquitous, as many Georgians, without access to natural gas or pressed for cash, have turned to the forests to heat their homes. Worldwide practice demonstrates that all oil and gas industry activities have environmental effects: geological and geophysical surveys, drilling and production activities, accidental oil spills, decommissioning of installations, gas and oil transportation, and gas and oil processing. 7 155 763 0.6623093681917211 10.14217/9781848599178-5-en 05b3ce1d003992fde9a127ddc3d45b17 Investments in the health, wellness and education sector were deemed necessary for economic and social transformation in Grenada. The impacts of recent hurricanes and droughts are evident throughout the country. In 2004, Category 3 Hurricane Ivan brought damage to the country equivalent to more than 200 per cent of the GDP. 6 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.6027/9789289331777-4-en 05b47ddfbd9e2c144decac75426fdd97 The importance of the traditional and transfer sector to material well-being is what makes the Arctic economy unique. Here we briefly examine the main characteristics and the unique structure of the Arctic economy, which provide the context for constructing a valid indicator of material well-being. The importance of each of these parts varies throughout the Arctic region. 1 6 3 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264205208-7-en 05b516224a6947eca62d5be55a7df232 The teaching profession in Kazakhstan suffers from low status and prestige. In many OECD countries, teachers report feeling undervalued and there are similar concerns about the image and status of teaching (OECD, 2005). There is an inequitable distribution of teachers among schools, with highly effective teachers being less likely to work in disadvantaged schools, but more likely to work in schools for gifted students where additional school resources and support are available. 4 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/bf67ec4e-en 05b8abc4c36fc6985724f664577dbe53 Mapping the flow of finance to water security investments can identify the ultimate sources of capital; the level of investment and who are the different players at different stages as well as the different channels and vehicles to access investment in water security (e.g. green bonds). The study will also identify the sources of available finance in each country, to develop an assessment of financing capacity. This work could be extended to a broader range of countries. It is a well-recognised barrier to scaling up private sector investment across infrastructure sectors. 6 0 5 1.0 10.18356/6f7c638a-en 05bec3846312490b75dd8ca2cda53523 A look beyond the averages shows the reality of the employed population with a double working shift consisting of two types of work: paid and unpaid. In all countries, women have a heavier total workload and while they are overrepresented in the unpaid work category, they are underrepresented in the paid work category. The overburden of unpaid work lessens women's participation in decision-making and progress in their professional careers and employment opportunities, which in turn reduces their income and prospects for access to social security which is still directly linked to formal wage employment. 5 1 4 0.6 10.1787/agr/outlook-2014-4-en 05bfaa6906a3bd52eb925730e596f968 In the case of dairy products, production costs are important for these manufactured goods, thus the cost of production index plays a significant role. It is, however, also of interest to analyse specific types of uncertainty. This section focuses on dairy markets and in particular on two of the largest dairy exporting countries, New Zealand and Australia. 2 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264188617-en 05c402629cb61cd4604d270a0b7bc5d4 As shown in the previous chapter, the sums involved can be considerable, reaching up to 50% of plant-level investment costs for new power generation investments, in particular for offshore wind, which suffers from the high costs of network connection. Nevertheless, the issue can be handled from an institutional point of view with existing regulatory frameworks. Building on the more technical previous chapters, this chapter looks at the adequacy of current arrangements and the necessary future evolutions in the electricity sectors of OECD countries to optimise the provision of “flexibility services” in the face of high volatility of load and large amounts of variable renewables. 7 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5k92n2x6pts3-en 05c7a442dd679cc9d3c064481880e036 "Despite the theoretical distinctions, the practical implications of using one or the other dominate. Income is easier to measure when there are few sources of income and when income from those sources is recorded for administrative purposes, such as taxation or payroll contributions. Income information is also cheaper to collect in those settings, allowing for larger sample sizes and more precise measurement. For example, Atkinson, Cantillon, Marlier and Nolan (2002) interpret the US moving from different poverty lines for men and women to a common poverty line as a move from a standard of living to a rights approach. Whether income or expenditure data are used, if there are economies of scale in consumption, individuals in larger households will have their needs better met by the same level of income or consumption than individuals in smaller households. For this reason, equivalence scales are used, which count the number of ""adult equivalents"" (often male) in a household." 1 2 4 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/18db943d-en 05ce3c62f53c541c9ff8e7146c273ef5 This was one of the first of its kind in the Philippines, and has been integrated with existing warning systems. This was set up with support from the Republic of Korea’s National Disaster Management Institute following the devastation caused by typhoon Washi in 2011. Effective community-based flood early warning systems have also been established successfully in Nepal, by the Government and a wide range of partners participating in the Nepal Risk Reduction Consortium. 13 2 4 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264265530-5-en 05d156e35ecf58d7d5b7f75c77a2ec8b Hoioeuer, completion rates in lower and upper secondary education remain unsatisfactory while repetition rates are very high in international comparison. Levels of student achievement have decreased in recent years but remain above the regional average. Finally, students' and schools' socio-economic status have a strong impact on student performance. It also includes a detailed description of the Uruguayan school system, including its governance. 4 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5jm56w6f918n-en 05d3bc61b99aea1fdb764face941cba6 This is particularly true for reporting of climate finance mobilised by developed countries, understanding of mitigation targets for non-Annex I countries, as well as for collective mitigation goals. However, filling other gaps will require methodological improvements, improved data collection and increased domestic capacity for MRV. For example, several proposed INDCs include an adaptation component, many INDCs are contingent on the level of support received, and some developing countries have put forward economy-wide mitigation contributions. 13 2 8 0.6 10.1787/soc/aag-2014-3-en 05d587f5cff8d6ab0075bd6dc904b90b It is a moral imperative, it is about fairness and equity, and includes many political, social and cultural dimensions. With a special chapter on gender issues this volume of Society at a Glance Asia/Pacific illustrates the progress that many economies in the Asia/Pacific region have made towards gender equality in education and shows that girls outperform boys in some areas of education. But these gains have not yet fully spilled over to the labour market: women are most likely to work under vulnerable employment conditions, earn less than men, are less likely to make it to the top of the career ladder, and continue to bear the brunt of unpaid housework. Economic development in the Asia/Pacific is also related to the ongoing gains in educational attainment, perhaps nowhere as dramatic as in Korea, where the population is now among the highest educated in the world. 5 0 9 1.0 10.18356/7ed1f44a-en 05d61e56dc0488a2c9739176ec08c958 Social development is defined broadly as “sustainable human development which enhances human capabilities for enlarging human choices” (UNDP, 2006). It contributes to economic growth by not only raising labour productivity, but also by enhancing social stability. Social security covers all measures providing benefits, whether in cash or kind, to secure “protection” from lack of work-related income caused by sickness, disability, maternity, employment injury, unemployment, old age, or death; lack of access to health services; insufficient family support; and poverty and social exclusion (ILO, 2010/11: 13). 1 2 3 0.2 10.1787/5kgk6hpnhxzq-en 05dc0773f82fcbfdee55bd2b0bef9655 A broad range of mechanisms has been identified to account for this cumulative causation within the sphere of production and consumption. These include, for example, the rapid growth in the ‘volume’ of productive knowledge requires ever higher capacity on the part of firms and individuals to identify, evaluate and adapt this knowledge. An increased rate of technical change introduces greater ‘uncertainty’ for firms, which, in turn, demands an increased capacity for adaptability and more widely distributed problem solving skills. 4 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5kg0prg9b1g8-en 05dfd07bd6ff3bbff38b60faa87594f8 Their average scores in all three key subject areas in the 2006 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) fare relatively well compared with other OECD countries (Figure 1). The Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) and the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS)2 confirm that Slovenian pupils compare favourably against their peers in the participating countries, with slightly higher achievement in science than in reading and mathematics. Trends in average science, mathematics and literacy scores of fourth and eighth-grade students have been rather favourable as well, with scores on TIMSS and PIRLS assessments, particularly in science and mathematics, improving substantially. 4 0 3 1.0 10.18356/864d004f-en 05e078cc446cd6e672c87ef43635ab30 The revenues from the latter tax are allocated to the regional authorities. The inspections focus mainly on traffic security; there is no assessment of compliance with environmental pollution standards. The company, which operates on the basis of concession contracts, is under the technical supervision of the Ministry of Equipment and Transport and under the financial supervision of the Ministry of Finance and Privatization. 6 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264118430-4-en 05e0f759d670b0a5112b28b1c412b749 It draws on a set of indicators of both the technical and financial performance of water utilities. It discusses the specific challenges in rural areas, given that coverage rates tend to be much lower, with self-provision, rather than piped networks, being an important form of supply. It elaborates on the consequences of inadequate service quality on health and the environment. Overall, WSS performance has tended to continue to decline, although there are substantial differences from one country to the next and/or within some countries (especially between rural and urban areas and small cities versus large cities). In such cases, lack of maintenance means that further deterioration is likely, unless significant reforms and investments are carried out. 6 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/5e354935-en 05e80992a18ab164abd7fbc58b38bf7c For Kyoto Protocol Parties, GHG inventory reporting was linked to compliance, making review processes focused on recommendations for data to be consistent, transparent, complete, accurate and comparable, and sensitive to improving the quality of national inventory preparation systems. Parties may consider the implications of review as they craft reporting guidelines, as this might influence the type of information guidelines will request or require. Parties cannot report information they have not been able to track. 13 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264286191-8-en 05e864160f1aecb319a1810cb605c689 What is “green” about this growth is how it is stimulated: through urban activities (including policies and programmes) that reduce either: 1) negative environmental externalities, such as air pollution and C02 emissions; or 2) the consumption of natural resources and environmental services, including w'ater, energy and undeveloped land. These effects are in part the result of more readily identifiable interactions at the urban level among economic efficiency and environmental objectives. By focusing on growth, this definition recognises that polices to reduce environmental impact can only be sustained over the long term if they generate wrealth (OECD, 2013). 11 2 3 0.2 10.1787/9789264121164-7-en 05ebbd05e7e9c9d4cf9b3116068dd4f5 In fact, health status is consistently ranked as one of the most valued aspects in people’s lives, together with having a job, in surveys conducted in OECD countries. Health status also has instrumental value because it enhances people’s opportunities to participate in education and training programmes and in the labour market as well as to have good social relationships. At the societal level, countries with better overall health outcomes also display higher average income and wealth, higher employment rates, higher rates of participation in political activities, higher social network support and higher overall life satisfaction. 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264268791-5-en 05ec8563836c5feb82aa303e0f3b7c42 The clause is also subject to some additional rules, such as the principle of neutrality for labour disputes. The clause was first established for communes through the municipal law of 1884 and later extended to other subnational governments in 1982. It has been critiqued as leading to competition between subnational governments and to duplication across responsibilities in some cases (Balladur Committee, 2009). The counter argument to this point is generally that subnational governments have a Constitutional right to “free administration” and that any negation of the clause would undermine that right. 11 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264119284-5-en 05ed119ff8c873094711170ad164e38d The 2009 OECD Review, regarding water quality and wastewater, explains why Greece has experienced severe delays in implementing the EU Urban Wastewater Directive and wastewater management. The report highly recommends improvement of the wastewater management, in compliance with the EU Urban Waste Water Directive, reduction of water pollution by dangerous substances and illegal discharges of wastewater, as well as better allocation, to make sure water flows to uses with the highest value. For more information, see Chapter 3 and recommendations from OECD Workshop on Improving the Information Base to Better Guide Water Resource Management Decision Making, Zaragoza, Spain, 4-7 May, 2010, 6 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264245174-8-en 05ef8c9f76f8ee35eaa4e37059e4930a In response to the low rate of collection by municipalities, the CAEM, the Water Commission for the State of Mexico, introduced a chargeback system, in which transfers to municipalities are reduced if they do not collect their fees. A lack of coverage with individual water meters results in a significant percentage of households paying fixed fees for their water. In the Valle de Mexico metropolitan area, only 52% of households are metered. 11 1 3 0.5 10.1787/5k3txnpqlsnn-en 05f3249ff936c64279b40002a7325c52 However, the present analysis offers in-depth findings that can shed light upon implementation strategies that might be of broad interest across the country and indeed, outside of Norway. Though based upon self-reports (interviews) and document analysis (selected by the government), this study nonetheless involved 98 participants from 56 interviews. It is a therefore a substantial body of data that can be used for future secondary' analysis. 4 3 1 0.5 10.18356/aac9b96c-en 05f568655ebba03d318cf3e3e27e1364 To this end, electricity exports continued to increase steadily over the last five years, and a notable increase of 62 per cent took place in 2014. Nevertheless, actual electricity exports reached 1,552 million kWh in 2014, representing only 22 per cent of the projected electricity export potential outlined in the Programme. This may indicate that the methodology used for the forecasting of electricity export was rather optimistic and not fully aligned with the present realities of Tajikistan’s export potential. A new Ministry of Energy and Water Resources was established on the basis of the former Ministry of Energy and Industry and former Ministry of Land Reclamation and Water Resources. 7 0 9 1.0 10.18356/fa8ae033-en 05f5edb896747f20759fa69e70f452c1 "Moreover, the study showed a statistically significant decrease in time dedicated to paid work of 2 per cent on average in the case of men and 12 per cent in the case of women. Espejo 2013, as quoted by ECLAC 2016. They should explicitly recognize the role that women play as caregivers, without reinforcing patterns of discrimination or negative stereotypes (art. ’70This is problematic as the failure to understand intra-family allocation processes ""may result in the non-adoption of beneficial policies, in policies having unintended consequences, and in the loss of policy handle”." 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/eco/surveys-fin-2012-5-en 05f90266ffea5baa04b1fcbcbb3db0bb While it is too early to measure the performance of the new system, estimates suggest that some hospital mergers could yield efficiency gains as high as 30% (Kristensen et al., Hospital concentration brings some specific problems in remote areas where patients might need to travel fairly long distances to the closest hospital. This calls for specific care organisation for such areas, exploiting the potential of mobile specialists, telemedicine, and other remote monitoring, laboratory and care solutions. 3 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264226470-8-en 05fdb49ca35b6e1aa6325369f04275d8 As mentioned above, the 2008 reform sets formal pathways at all three levels (see Figure 4.1). While a welcome development, the pathways are not yet operational, which in parts reflects the fragmentation of the Tunisian governance system, particularly the split of responsibilities between ministries (see below' the section on governance). In practice, it is not possible for upper secondary VET graduates to gain access to universities. There are also obstacles for students when transitioning from BTS to university. 4 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/a09a3a5d-en 06050421927a9793b297f82dec74f7c3 For instance, the European Progress Microfinance Facility Programme implemented in Lithuania addresses the barriers women micro-entrepreneurs face in accessing financial services. This is particularly the case of inclusive innovation policies that foster entrepreneurship among disadvantaged or underrepresented groups, such as Competitive Start Fund for Female Entrepreneurs in Ireland, as well as those that promote the development of innovative solutions for regional challenges, such as the Prototypes of Social Innovation programme in Chile. Some of these new activities may serve the needs of more disadvantaged or excluded groups, or geographical areas that were previously underserved, thus improving the well-being of these populations (OECD, 2015f). 9 0 3 1.0 10.1787/rev/fish-2015-26-en 0608abe3d2da415e2369ed66208767a0 The trademark guarantees that the products meet the quality standards set in the national and EU food safety regulations, do not contain genetically modified organisms and artificial colouring agents. At least 75% of the ingredients used must originate from the EU region. Currently only one Latvian company involved in aquaculture uses this label. There are several more food quality schemes similar to the Green Spoon recognised by consumers in Latvia even though only a small number of fisheries producers use them. The application concerns 'Camikavas negi' - wild river lampreys (Lampetra Jluviatilis) caught in the river Gauja in Camikava municipality between 1 August and 1 February. 14 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264234178-6-en 0608f92fc359f0ddb469e645e9d468e6 The KIS cover 17 aspects of full- and part-time undergraduate courses, including student satisfaction, employment and earnings outcomes/salary data, learning and teaching activities, assessment methods, tuition fees and student finance, accommodation, and professional accreditation. The data are regularly updated (www. Moreover, higher education institutions publish their employability statements. 4 1 3 0.5 10.18356/a2a72b74-en 060af2dedc9f60f0cc1fa517da3e2ee7 International agreements and conventions: • The Workers with Family Responsibilities Convention, 1981 (No. Persons with a job: Employed persons defined according to the resolution of the 19th ICLS in 2013 (see glossary) plus persons with a job in which they have worked previously and to which they have a guarantee to return to following the end of the leave. The age interval for this indicator should be the working parents (e.g., persons aged 20-49 years). 8 0 3 1.0 10.18356/5be883c5-en 060db52aab0543b6c475d0ce8d56aef9 With the overall movement towards more liberalized finance and trade among the higher income SIEOs after the AFC, however, and the increasingly competitive marketplace for global exports, this counter is less determinative. On balance, then, we put SIEOs in the profit-led growth category, primarily because of their global orientation. There is not quite a feminization of responsibility and obligation because of the persistence of traditional family structures and consequent contributions from men and extended family. Given the emphasis of many families on investments in children, higher incomes for women should be associated with more human capacities production, at least in terms of quality. 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5jrp02kjw1mr-en 0615189597a6836fad9b67fd903c1241 Le papier discute ensuite les choix methodologiques et les indicateurs proposes dans le cadre de mesure, en en soulignant les possibles limites. Enfin, le papier presente un portrait statistique de la qualite de I ’emploi, entre pays (OCDE et non OCDE) mais aussi par groupes sociodemographiques. Relationship between job quality and job quantity in OECD and non OECD countries. At a time where the world economy is yet to fully recover from the financial crisis, job creation remains a primary concern for policy makers in many countries. 8 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264283497-en 06193951955134c5d9cadad2aec7d9ba More remains to be done to decrease waiting times for outpatient hospital appointments in other areas and the Government is committed to building a new outpatient block to provide increased capacity to cater for the demand. An ongoing exercise to improve internal efficiency in the management of outpatient services is also under way with a view to reducing waiting times. Other factors stretching health system capacity include increased immigration from workers and pensioners, tourists using the health system and changing population risk behaviours. 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264172616-5-en 061986105952570ba16f8bc707506365 The law highlights the need for all aspects of such internal evaluation systems to be transparent. Overall, there is little documentation about the teacher evaluation processes designed and implemented at the school level. The draft law was submitted to Parliament in March 2012 and is currently undergoing discussions. As the teacher advances in the career structure, he or she has access to positions with greater responsibilities within schools. 4 0 9 1.0 10.1787/5js30tvj21hh-en 0619fcf06d066de2d3206dca171f5b95 After rising slightly until 2005, female participation has declined thereafter in most income categories, but most strikingly among the lower income groups in rural areas. Income quintiles refer to the monthly per capita consumption expenditure of households. More than half of women work as self-employed (for definitions see Annex 1), of which most are unpaid helpers. The large rise in female participation until 2005 and the drop thereafter was among the unpaid self-employed group (unpaid helpers can be agricultural workers within a family, shop assistants or street vendors) (Figure 4). 5 1 7 0.75 10.1787/9789264083578-11-en 061ae38bfb9892618b630fd660689ec2 Most of the western states have started general stream adjudication for their important river basins. A water rights priority determines who has the better water right in periods of drought when streamflows are low or when supplies are reduced from failure to maintain infrastructure. Adjudications are necessary to provide legal clarity for all those who have water right claims. When a court of law confirms a water right, that right becomes enforceable against other water users and can be protected from impairment by illegal users. 6 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264188617-en 061dafdbb3cc40863774072e62a5104f The acceptability of liquid waste releases should be considered from both a health and an environmental point of view. Thresholds of chemical releases are defined by local regulations, generally on an annual (average) or daily (peak) basis. Radiological liquid wastes of an NPP are tritium, boron, iodine and other beta and gamma emitters. The daily limit for iodine release is set to 0.1 Bq/1, and 0.7 Bq/1 is the maximum for all other isotopes. 7 6 2 0.5 10.1787/9789264168350-8-en 061e5469b3a80712d5470d30daf816c8 Short-term funding can create a gap between expectations and the ability to deliver and prevent longer-term processes of empowerment within communities (Box 4.1). The project provided USD18 million to over 400 local development councils created to manage their community’s development needs. However, tight deadlines to disburse project funds and bureaucratic rules meant that the councils were not able to develop into robust participatory structures, and were reduced to acting as transmission mechanisms for bank-controlled funds. Given the large variation in the characteristics between and within different fragile states, it is essential that donors and programme managers conduct a thorough and fine-grained analysis of the particular local or national context where they intend to implement a programme. 1 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5jrs8sv4jt6k-en 062de4eee42b6a265e6c609712581887 In doing so, it is important to find associations and contracting strategies that are appropriate to the community. The third dimension relates to the exit strategy, which, sometimes, policy makers do not anticipate. These dimensions are meant to organise the construction of individual, practical, in-the-field programmes to improve smallholder access to markets. 2 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264168060-8-en 063040101496194a7a6df3d4c70ed131 This in contrast to other policy approaches shown in Table 5.4 which are generally applied regionally or nationally. For example, in negotiating CAs with farmers water supply utilities might feel at a disadvantage, especially if they are under pressure to comply with water quality regulatory standards. Also participation is voluntary and usually the CA is limited in its duration. 6 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264298705-8-en 0630bd33baf66111e701fe1a0dc594e3 Unemployed participants taking part in AMU as part of their individual employment plan are exempt from fees. As most participants are employed and receive a full salary during training, this allowance is primarily paid to employers as partial wage reimbursement. Participants may also receive a transport allowance and financial support for board and lodging. 4 1 3 0.5 10.14217/9781848591271-10-en 06317a833a4f9c7a34a64205d6063bcd Drop-out also fell by 3.2 per centage points more than in schools that were not part of the programme. Drop-out rates during the programme have been much lower than the national average; over 90 per cent of BRAC school graduates move into the formal system (Nath, 2009). These disadvantages were reflected in the limited impact of school fee abolition on enrolment. On one estimate, only one in six Kenyan disabled children were attending school after the abolition of fees (Mulama, 2004). 4 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264283480-en 06329b112d0918cc0ad9a42d6d5e1c4f For example, although the share for cataract surgeiy performed as ambulatory cases (79%) is slightly below the EU average, ambulatory tonsillectomy care (7%) is among the lowest in Europe. In particular, the setting of classifications and standards for accurate description of hospital services were, until recently, consistently met with opposition from medical doctors. Consequently, implementation of proposed reforms, including the introduction of case-based (DRG) payments, lags behind. 3 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264173446-7-en 0632ac14e5b95bbdef3d55328a8cd730 There may also be distinct benefits in terms of accessing hard to reach or disadvantaged communities where the burden of health risk might also be greater. With the advent of complex health care interventions including complex drug regimens and a rise in the prevalence of multi-morbidity, patients are now more likely than before to receive multiple health care interventions across different providers at different times. To ensure patient safety and effectiveness, it is vital that care is properly co-ordinated over time. 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264266490-10-en 0633553f49b6505d8afced7169e5d6a6 Two widely used forms of stratification are grade repetition and early tracking. While the decision to retain a student al a given grade or to place a student in a less academically-oriented programme is made primarily on the basis of performance, research suggests that students' background characteristics can also play a role in the likelihood that students are sorted into different grades and programmes (Agasisti and Cordero, forthcoming: van de Werfhorsl and Mijs, 2010). Volume II provides a more in-depth examination of the association between student performance and school-level resources, learning environments and stratification policies and practices, and of how they reflect the level of equity in a system. 4 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.18356/58d686e0-en 0633c06cd32dd29958a2d0080d9dfe75 In its general recommendation No. The Committee also noted that States should prohibit polygamous marriages as they contravene a woman's right to equality with men and can have serious emotional and financial consequences for her and her dependants. Women's campaigns for participation in the public and political arena date back to the nineteenth and twentieth centuries and continue today. 5 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/8cbd3f0d-en 0635bff926db08a262a3373aaf780596 "The German questionnaire was almost identical to the one used in the other IVAWS countries, in that it included seven acts of physical violence and five acts of sexual violence. However, it omitted two measures: a residual category asking about ""other"" types of violence and one type of sexual violence that was considered to be extremely rare. The French questionnaire utilized only three screening questions: two related to physical violence and one related to sexual violence." 5 4 5 0.1111111111111111 10.18356/84d2d81c-en 06370fea03bb1366888da6adb4b832a5 Studies carried out in Cambodia, Ghana, Madagascar and Thailand have found that labour-intensive techniques led to two to five times more employment creation than alternative techniques (Devereux and Salomon, 2006). In the case of Senegal, an estimated 13 times more jobs were created thanks to the adoption of labour-intensive techniques, than with conventional techniques (Majeres, 2003). Obviously, the efficiency of adopting this approach rather than conventional capital-intensive approaches will depend on the nature of the assets being created. 8 0 5 1.0 10.1787/9789264214262-16-en 063846fca2e7580121d7f2602b86ab09 All in all, compared to her equivalent a century earlier, the average woman in the 2000s could expect to live nearly twice as long, marry almost six years later and be literate, thanks to 6.4 years of education attainment. His level of education more than doubled from 3.64 years in the 1950s (just shy of functional literacy) to 7.64 years in the 2000s. These measures give an idea of how the institutional/legislative environment is biased against women and thus of women’s legal standing historically. The three panels presented in Figure 12.2 show gendered inheritance practices for immovables in 1920 (from the Murdock data), 1980 and 2000 (from the World Bank). Inheritance systems where daughters receive equal shares can be observed in some European countries, Brazil (likely because of the tradition of female inheritance in Portugal) and in a handful of countries in Southern Africa and Southeast Asia.15 By the 1980s substantial changes have taken place. 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264190658-11-en 0638a31db6242ac70327118240a77dff Research on performance-based pay for teachers is difficult and has produced mixed results, pointing to similar difficulties for the case of school leaders (see Chapter 5). Using appraisal for salary decisions may also have negative effects on the school climate, teamwork and collaboration among staff and a school leader’s internal motivation (Pashiardis and Brauckman, 2008; Pont et al., If appraisal informs pay decisions, a sound appraisal system must be in place, which includes clear performance criteria, reliable indicators, competent and trained evaluators and due attention to the particular contexts in which school leaders work (Pont et al., 4 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264279551-6-en 063e5ee403dd23827efc5372bbb19960 National government agencies will therefore need to define their role in such system, be it as a facilitator or federator of responses, a complementary actor, an investor or funder, or by assuming a regulatory oversight role. The scope of action is differentiated for the hotspot region, the market directly' impacted (Is1 tier), and the indirectly impacted (2n tier) countries—reflecting the three layers of impacts discussed in Chapter 3. Priority should be given to mitigating agriculture water risks in identified hotspot locations (1), not only for effectiveness and efficiency reasons, but because the more risk mitigation is conducted at this level, the lower impact there will be outside of the hotspot location. 6 3 2 0.2 10.18356/b505e041-en 063f5a563dafbe568ff002755a5ebb79 This information could potentially add strength to their voices in the policymaking process. The paper also attempts to quantify different dimensions of the contribution of the urban poor to the urban economy. The Planning Commission in India defines the number and proportion of population living below the poverty line based on the recommendations of a Taskforce on the Projection of Minimum Needs and Effective Consumption Demands (1979). This Taskforce defines the poverty line as the cost of obtaining an all India consumption basket that meets the following caloric norms: 2,100 calories per person per day in the urban areas and 2,400 calories in the rural areas. 1 0 6 1.0 10.1787/agr/outlook-2010-4-en 064a0b576015a3802a6d92fdc9e1f319 For producers, a normal strategy to circumvent uncertainty is to diversify production to encompass different commodities whose prices are not correlated. Of course, while diversification can help reduce risk, it can also reduce advantages related to increasing returns, and might lead to investment in less risky but less profitable crops. But in general, risk averse producers are likely to produce less than under more certain situations [Holt and Aradhyula (1990)]. This may be particularly true if the costs of investments required for production are high. 2 2 2 0.0 10.1787/9789264262430-8-en 064ba9fe4ad9403eda1928f41b331a78 Unlike previous agreements, the new regulations do not stipulate the amount of time to be used for different purposes, such as teaching and preparation. Decisions about the use of teachers’ time and place of work now rest with the school leadership and teachers are expected to work differently. In 35 systems, teaching time is contractually specified. 4 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264179011-7-en 064d91ac5458d48fadeb034ecd5d96ea With huge increases in the price of energy during the late 2000s, the budget for the fertiliser subsidy programme increased significantly from 2005 to 2009. Expenditure on fertiliser subsidies represented 37% of total budgetary support for agriculture in 2008-10. Pupufe 0rganik Granular (POG). Pupufe Organife Cat'r (POC). 2 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.14217/5jlwz7lt4k9q-en 064e8c9be649b335a2300d5b45a70db3 Where a bilateral investment treaty (BIT) or multilateral treaties - such as the World Trade Organization (WTO) trade rules or the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) - protect foreign investors from expropriations, they may seek claims in response to climate-related law and policy. Although this has not yet happened with respect to domestic climate laws, it has occurred with respect to other environmental laws10 despite the exemptions for environmental policy in most trade agreements, including the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade of 1994 (GATT) Article XX11. These rules limit the ability of states to impose regulations of an internationally traded good on the basis of the process and production method (PPM) used to manufacture such good. This issue has already seen a challenge directly bearing on a country's ability to implement their NDCs. 13 0 7 1.0 10.1787/5jz159228n6j-en 064f30ada0b7e107892f1434ea6264ba The main objective of value-based cost sharing is to reduce the purchase of health care with a low-cost effectiveness. They argue that to reap efficiency gains it is important to increase the consistency of policy settings within a system, while no system is superior to another. The cost of assessing the value of health care services and operating value-based cost sharing is, however, high and several countries have thus abandoned value-based policies. 3 0 4 1.0 10.18356/01772a94-en 06504fa54e7a2e67aaa20d37ef7c6f99 The deprivation levels are firstly analysed for each dimension separately, followed by counting the number of deprivations experienced by each child. The multiple deprivation analysis shows the intensity of poverty and the distribution of deprivations among children, describes how the different sectoral deprivations overlap, and analyses the multidimensional deprivation incidence and severity. In particular, multidimensional deprivation ratios are used for comparing deprivation levels across the selected countries. 1 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264187894-3-en 0651070d860bca442fffe335c47cf0cf Many pilot programmes and experimentations at local and state levels (e.g. voluntary schemes for farmers to give up subsidies) could be shared and replicated. Mexico has significantly increased water-related public expenditures and the level of water-related investment. To ensure that future expenditures are well-targeted and cost-effective, it is necessary to ensure that initiatives are well co-ordinated between departments and levels of government; that other potential sources of financing are being accessed (including revenues from water-related services); and that incentives are correctly set for efficient water uses. The OECD has identified a number of regulatory functions that need to be properly designed and allocated to increase social inclusion and boost local development in Mexico. While there are several ways of discharging these functions across actors and places, improving the regulatory framework will be essential for the sustainable provision of water services to the population. This report highlights a number of levers that a new administration may wish to consider when setting up a cohesive and cost-effective water policy framework in Mexico. 6 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264258211-6-en 0651238a276671e52cc906d22d48e32b Bending the Cost Curve in Health Care: Canada’s Provinces in International Perspective, University of Toronto Press, Toronto, pp. American Journal of Managed Care, Vol. Results of the 2012 Health Systems Characteristics Survey”, data files at: 3 2 2 0.0 10.18356/3400179e-en 065489749bcb53dde994ce4a8da69213 Available from econcrisissummit/docs/FinalReport_CoE.pdf. This makes certain policy options that were used in the past by successful industrializers unavailable or permissible only in a reduced group of countries. Such effects have been seen in some developed economies’ agricultural subsidies. 1 5 4 0.1111111111111111 10.6027/9789289329163-4-en 065489f5d1f890d7cd3134a9a151bf2b The sector plays a prominent role in the economy of particularly Finland and Sweden. The total biomass stock is expected to grow and the net annual increment is expected to remain positive in coming decades as well. Forest management practices such as fertilizing, thinning in an optimised way, lengthening rotation are clearly having a positive effect on the growth of biomass and carbon sinks in forests. However, collecting harvesting residues for bioenergy use may have negative effects on growth and carbon stock of forests. 15 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264121836-7-en 0657f8b805018bf80d072398c10f8e16 Environmental enforcement and compliance promotion are examined, along with the promotion of public participation in environmental decision making and the extension of access to information and justice. The second half of the chapter examines the Slovak Republic's progress in managing air, water, waste, and nature protection and biodiversity. Slovakia should be commended for broadly achieving this difficult objective on time. 6 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.14217/9f5dd7d0-en 065b94a23d80f4253f10e7f437e2a938 Some concerns were raised that they were a disruptive force with regard to the WTO-led multilateral trading system; compared with the inclusive and consensual nature ofthe latter regime, these regional negotiations excluded the majority ofthe world's countries and people yet could affect them in various ways. The Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA), adopted at Bali in 2013, is the biggest multilateral trade deal of the past 20 years (discussed later). The WTO-led Aid for Trade (AfT) initiative shows trade multilateralism can be responsive to the concerns ofthe most capacity-constrained members and can help address their development needs. The TFA's implementation is also directly linked to parties' capacity, with technical assistance available to help in this regard. More importantly, in today's turbulent times, the WTO still provides the best rules-based governance framework for world trade and safeguards the development interests of the world's smallest and poorest countries. Commonwealth members could lead the way by reaffirming their commitment to a free, fair and inclusive multilateral trading system that supports the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. 10 2 3 0.2 10.18356/fc6300ee-en 065c3aa7c8196cdb63c8d9f3430d5233 Although the downward trend has been a general one, the onset and pace of the decline have varied between countries in the region. The high initial fertility levels held considerable potential for decline. In general, fertility levels in the major regions of the world have been converging since the 1950s. 5 3 1 0.5 10.18356/a68df323-en 065f93a6e94aa95444f1515fe801ea0c The partnership aims to promote public awareness and involvement in projects to conserve and protect freshwater ecosystems relating to the Danube River basin. In 1974, the member countries of the Intergovernmental Coordinating Committee of La Plata Basin Countries created the Financial Fund for the Development of the River Plate Basin (FONPLATA). The mission of IFAS is to fund joint environmental and research programmes and projects aimed at saving the Aral Sea, improving the environmental situation in the areas affected by the disaster and addressing common social and environmental challenges in the subregion. 6 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264119284-6-en 0660f968fd64864f58fd04fa8e9760d9 In addition, the National Water Committee, created in 1964, brings together water users’ representatives, associations, presidents of basin committees, national and local authorities (sub-national governments and central government departments and agencies), in addition to other experts and the presidents of basin committees. It provides guidance on the strategic orientation of national water policy, and recommendations on government legislation, reform projects and action plans. It also has a consultative committee that can give its opinion on the price of water, the quality of drinking water and wastewater services. Since 2006, committees on fisheries and on water information systems have also been created, and the prerogatives of certain categories of users have been reinforced. It is composed of representatives from local authorities (40%), water users and associations (40%) and the central government (20%). All categories of users are represented in this entity, which provides guidance on water policies at the basin level and designs the Schema Directeur d’Amenagement et de Gestion des Eaux (SDAGE). 6 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264081918-5-en 0661abee8a94f5cf712103a74cbddc0d An online process to complete all the steps for starting a business is being developed under the Better Regulations Programme. At the same time, there is a need to reduce the number of steps and procedures, which is the focus of preparation work in 2009. As noted in Chapter 2, Poland has one of the most restrictive regulations affecting entrepreneurship among OECD countries. The value-added tax (VAT) exemption level only applies to enterprises with turnover of less than PLN 50 000, which is low compared to international standards, and requires excessive compliance time compared to other EU countries. 8 0 3 1.0 10.1787/eco/surveys-esp-2010-7-en 0662de12c09d635e60947ccbfc413ba8 According to Barcelo (2008), this observed decline in natural water availability is consistent with projections according to which climatic change causes rainfall to diminish in the Mediterranean region, and in Spain especially markedly so. Rainfall is projected to fall by a further 22-34% between 1995 and 2060 in Southern river basins.3 These are, already today, identified as those being most strongly at risk of overuse of scarce resources. Moreover, these trends will be reinforced by the effects of higher temperatures on evapotranspiration. 6 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264244542-4-en 0668b846f55d7a305a768470693c1e50 Tax differentiation usually takes the form of a broadly revenue-neutral package of tax changes, with increases in some tax rates and reductions in others, so the overall effect on revenue is rather small. A charge is levied when the product is sold and then fully or partly refunded when the good or its container are returned after use. Such arrangements can be mandatory or instituted on an entirely voluntary basis by producers themselves, where the recovery of items is sufficiently valuable (e.g. reusable printer cartridges). 12 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5kmh3nj5rzs4-en 0668ce461d5f5a0d796a522862e97970 In some cases, PV modules have been Page | 54 vvelded to the basic structure so as to create additional hindrances for potential thieves. By comparison, privately owned local systems are under better control, especially solar home systems, small-scale wind turbines and pico-hydropower stations, and are therefore less subject to theft and vandalism. As a consequence, the gap in service supply between urban and rural areas has been growing. 7 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264191808-5-en 066d571613a00b13e8c37d7d8a5b6d91 In the United States, for example, developers are offered a number of incentives to build mixed-income housing, including low-interest financing tools, density bonuses, tax abatement programmes, rehabilitation assistance, fast-tracking of plan reviews and permits, and reduced or waived fees. Emerging and middle-income families living in these units receive an extra subsidy bonus. One of the first projects to be developed through this programme, San Alberto Casas Viejas, has been set in the outskirts of Puente Alto, a municipality with among the highest concentrations of social housing in the Santiago Metropolitan Region. 11 0 3 1.0 10.18356/d08a72ab-en 0676844b121b867f547f196e9c06e61e Skills and education providers have also sometimes cooperated with the private sector to deliver skills needed in the labour market. The period when the winner has yet to emerge can be one of disruption and drastic change. In such circumstances, it can be difficult for regulators and skills providers to choose their partners. 9 3 1 0.5 10.1787/5js4vmp5n5r8-en 067c96cf7b2aa51fad13b4c0eb0ba0d7 This remains however a necessity in order to respond to increasingly demanding consumers who travel more and with higher expectations (Box 21). One of the RTS business development programs is Kurbits. The aim of Kurbits is to coach small businesses in the tourism and hospitality industry and support them in order to further professionalise and increase their profitability. 8 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264274648-6-en 067ead13e00d0758a0c4822d006ad373 The new' act has replaced around 25 separate permits for such matters as construction, demolition, spatial planning, listed buildings and the environment by a single one-stop-shop permit covering all activities. This has reduced administrative costs for members of the public and for companies. There is now one permit, one procedure and one set of submittal requirements, followed by one “legal remedies procedure” and enforcement by one authority1. 11 1 3 0.5 10.1787/aeo-2016-14-en 0683d9c4e228a3218d496342a1863ce7 The fiscal consolidation stance is expected to meet the conditions of the reviews in 2016 as well. Ghana will hold its national election in late 2016; peaceful and credible elections will be key for policy continuity and for solidifying the country’s democratic dividend, especially after the closely contested 2012 elections and the judicial adjudication of the presidential elections. The urbanisation rate is projected to increase to 72% by 2035. 11 4 5 0.1111111111111111 10.1787/c69de229-en 0683fdc0ed49d19e7afa1b3a90edb67f The first is the amount spent per-poor-household on housing benefits, which shares a moderate and negative association with changes in the relative child poverty rate, all else equal. This makes sense, given that housing benefits are often tightly targeted at low-income households. The second is the spending on social assistance benefits, which is also a benefit for a disadvantaged population with no labour market income. 1 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264224636-8-en 0684fdf7cc9ea3a0bcc31a6587eba1cb In most cases, however, there are many competing demands. Government agencies and staff tend to deal with those considered the highest priority; unfortunately, gender equality initiatives are often ranked as a lower priority. While gender equality has been enshrined in many of the countries’ international commitments, this report highlights that a gender equality gap persists in domestic laws and policies across the region. 5 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264188617-en 0685d3f10bd61fff02cb56f53c83df87 The light water (used as coolant and moderator) boils directly in the core. The steam produced is separated and dried in the upper part of the pressure vessel, and then directly transferred to the turbine. The steam is then condensed, re-heated and re-injected into the bottom part of the core. Unlike in PWRs, in BWRs the control rods are inserted from the bottom of the core. 7 0 3 1.0 10.18356/524212d8-en 0686b17a9aeedb103f46b38f9d94eeb8 Thus the government's role is dual. On the one hand, it must act as a facilitator by providing the necessary infrastructure for tourists, promoting attractions and encouraging tourist arrivals. On the other hand, government’s role is to enforce laws of the land and these may, in some cases, be in conflict with its role as a promoter of tourism. 12 7 2 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/9789264179073-9-en 068b2a452e5ff2bc0bff9c5c61e4239d Indeed, improving women’s access to adequate training and information is vital to increase women's participation in the labour force, in quality jobs and in entrepreneurial activity. For women already in the labour force and for those who have a fledgling enterprise, improved access to on-going entrepreneurship and business management training services would accelerate women’s start-up and business growth potential. A number of institutions - such as women's enterprise centres and business incubators for women - have been established in MENA economies to overcome this gap, but few studies have identified their impact, key success factors and potential for replication. Overall, there is a need for more wide scale, targeted efforts to identify gaps and conduct targeted measures to improve support provision to women entrepreneurs. 5 0 6 1.0 10.1787/empl/outlook-2011-3-en 068c797fb11f97610126535c4569114f These are weighted averages for the OECD area. The so-called “jobs gap” (i.e. the number of additional jobs required to restore pre-crisis employment rates) has also closely tracked the increase in unemployment in most countries, with the correlation between these two measures being 0.97 (see Annex Table 1.A1.4 in OECD, 2011c), consistent with most of the decline in employment resulting in unemployment rather that inactivity. There are, however, a few countries where the jobs gap in mid-2010 significantly exceeded the rise in unemployment, due to falling participation (most notably, Ireland and the United States). 10 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264230750-9-en 068cb10cce6866ea23440e6bbde1c84e The school head argued that the reason for this co-operation is to match the school’s output with industry’s needs. However, despite this collaboration, graduates from the school still have to go through a validation test and interview to secure a job with that industry. Afterwards, they can be employed by partner companies. A further 10% of students from the school go on to higher education opportunities. 4 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264281318-23-en 06902987abcd9040c41784196fa2b403 Female illiteracy remains a policy issue primarily for Egypt, Iraq, Mauritania, Morocco and Yemen (World Bank, 2016). As for higher education, young women tend to outnumber their male peers in almost all MENA countries (ibid.), As in many OECD countries, female students in the MENA region concentrate more on educational sciences, the humanities and the arts. 5 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/46ddbcae-en 0692903da6b924c01abac93e6b76dbed For instance, they do not indicate whether transport improvement would actually meet various groups' access needs. However, land use is often included only in a broad way, disregarding competition effects. As an example, an indicator may reflect access to schools but not account for the types of schools to which different people want access, nor the competition for access to a specific school. 11 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/c69de229-en 0694e5f66b208ece3414ed4c37d6a675 In Canada, transfers appear to have offset the loss of market income induced by the deterioration in the employment situation of sole parents. Therefore, an important challenge for redistribution policies is to ensure that the entire population of poor children is covered by benefits and for this that eligibility criteria are adapted to the changing composition of poor families. To assess the scope of policies that would successfully promote the employment of poor parents, the next section presents some simulations of the expected effects on the child poverty rate under different employment growth scenarios. 1 0 8 1.0 10.1787/persp/glob/dev-2012-10-en 069580f84e6b36d3e6b8b1e96234d404 Even when the jobless do find work, the periods of unemployment they endure reduce life satisfaction (Clark et al., Self-employment is often a poor substitute for salaried employment when the economy fails to generate enough jobs. The average life satisfaction levels (Figure 6.1) of full-time employees are remarkably higher than those of other categories. 10 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264189935-7-en 069668aff7713df84f920cc5644d6c67 As in most other Central and Eastern European countries, given the weakness of collective bargaining, working time standards are almost exclusively defined by statutory' legislation in Lithuania, and employers had been advocating reform in that direction for some time (Cabrita, Galli da Bino and Boehmer, 2016(2]). While normal hours of work remain at 40 hours per week, employers now have significantly more flexibility in setting w'orking time arrangements as a result of the introduction of the possibility of working-time averaging not conditioned on agreement with employee representatives, the introduction of two forms of flexible working hours, the increase in the maximum number of w'orking hours, and the reduction in the notice period for work schedules. While workers could not work more than 48 hours per week and 12 hours a day under the previous code, this remains true for those under the first type of w'orking type arrangement, but has been increased to 52 hours per week in case of working time averaging, and 60 hours per week if there is an agreement between the employer and the worker for additional w ork, that is a work function not included in the employment contract. 8 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5k46dbzhrkhl-en 06985e9d635c121f484b9aa5dc0618aa As part of the NCCSPE programme, World Vision has been promoting fuel-efficient stoves, known as Tikikil, in Ethiopia. This stove produces little or no smoke and consumes less fuel wood (World Vision, 2012). World Vision’s pilot project in the Oromiya region of Ethiopia disseminated 2,500 Tikikil stoves, and expanded to other regions such as Amhara, using an inclusive approach. Women’s cooperatives are prioritised as key beneficiaries, with training and distribution of improved stoves being conducted through them, and community members being able to purchase units over a period, making monthly payments. The project also attempts to influence government, involving government agencies at different levels to ensure sustainability. 13 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.18356/71e3a80f-en 0699eaa2bb4edde36077798ddc714e52 At the same time, the share of mothers under the age of 20 has declined from 10.8 per cent to only 6.1 per cent. This small share of very young mothers, combined with the reduced sample size in the 10-year period before the survey, results in a larger standard error in estimation (II), rendering the estimated coefficient for the effect of being born to a younger mother statistically insignificant. In view of this trend, we also conclude that the change in the behavioural patterns away from very young motherhood is likely to have contributed to the observed decrease in Jordan’s infant and child mortality. As the sample size decreases drastically for estimation (III), the smoking variable maintains its sign but loses significance (owing to large standard errors). 3 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264285637-8-en 069b5aa4c985f388c115ad34b13f2aac A large share of the school leadership profession in Chile is considerably older than in other countries, but also has more years of experience. According to the OECD 2013 Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS),2 30.2% of lower secondary school principals in Chile are at least 60 years old, compared to a TALIS average of 15.0%. On average, Chilean lower secondary school principals are 53.7 years old, also older than the average across countries participating in TALIS 2013 (51.5 years) (see Table 4.1, OECD, 2014). 4 1 5 0.6666666666666666 10.18356/3e6fd74f-en 069d3773684c3af0bf55db69fba98ca2 Using 60% of median income as an indicator of the cost of meeting social needs, the relative poverty rate is higher than the absolute poverty rate in six countries in the region. They are Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Panama and Uruguay. In these countries in particular, but also regionwide, falling absolute poverty rates will make it increasingly useful to take account of these needs in order to identify the economically disadvantaged population. 1 0 5 1.0 10.1787/9789264027862-12-en 06a156450f4e892b66276aac58246dbd The best solution is for pregnant women and those with young children not to be sent to prison and instead to use bail, non-custodial sentences, conditional release or suspended sentences. The integration of gender issues and increased employment of women can potentially improve intelligence gathering, reduce human rights violations and strengthen public trust. Clients play a key role in shaping PMSC behaviour, especially if fulfilment of contractual obligations is monitored through regular audits and other quality control procedures. 5 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.14217/9781848591677-6-en 06a29196e7ae035f7e6f5c0edb108e25 Many women members are dependent on their husbands due to their lack of knowledge and experience. Fear of sexual and physical violence, corruption, economic dependency and domestic responsibilities are other factors that prevent women members of local governments in both Bangladesh and India from participating effectively. Female Union Parishad members have been able to resolve family disputes and many have also participated in shalish, with some of them presiding over the sessions. 5 0 3 1.0 10.18356/fb79328d-en 06a3ec5860db07a47298f8103e00b225 A large part of this shift is being driven by public policy of the individual countries acting unilaterally. Poverty eradication objectives thus pose a challenge to achieving an adequate level of international coherence in food and energy policies. A mistake of some of the earlier “overarching” development approaches was to overgeneralize and suggest what was almost a common set of policies for all countries, leaving little room for variation and customization. “ 1 0 3 1.0 10.14217/9781848591561-7-en 06a40a3f6b83e07d4720c67996f39876 It reviews the institutional factors related to access to finance for women and the broader elements of enterprise support. The wide range of financial services required by SMEs and individuals is covered, given that non-credit products are an important entry point into the formal financial sector. Time and time again the discussion about women has centred on social issues; as a result, statistics about the scale of women’s presence in the economy have been poorly documented and under-reported, creating a chasm of opportunity to be crossed with targeted products and services. 5 0 4 1.0 10.18356/3da1d894-en 06a7dc39170550100025524d6fd0940f This implies that although more energy is being consumed directly and indirectly per person in the region, this is being used as that population's income (GDP) increases faster than their energy footprint. Figure 85 shows that lesser reductions have occurred across the Asia-Pacific industrialized countries and the Rest of the World. Evidently, Asia-Pacific developing countries reduced their territorial energy intensity by 44% while the intensity of their energy footprint declined by 28% between 1990 and 2010. The residents and governments of the developing nations either consume less or consume less energy-intensive goods and services than they produce. 12 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/f0e2a96e-en 06b16993a6c99270f603148d96c6a168 In other cases, discrepancies may be due to different LCA databases being utilized, or arise as a result of different assumptions being made regarding material types such as steel alloys in the face of uncertainty of the exact types of materials used in each component. This creates uncertainty, which we illustrate here using a simple calculation exercise. In one study (Burger and Bauer, 2007), ferrous metal content in the 800 kW onshore wind turbine, excluding the foundation, consists of 7 per cent cast iron, 78 per cent low-alloy steel and 15 per cent high-alloy (chromium) steel, while in a second study (Martinez et al., 7 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264088986-en 06b1f88b7708d9ef5f8fbeb3ecdfcafc "All higher education institutions in the Galilee, with the exceptions of Carmel Academic College and Nazareth Academic Institution are ""budget"" institutions, meaning that they receive budget allocations from the Planning and Budget Committee (PBC). Colleges for teacher education are not under the responsibility of the PBC but the Ministry of Education.) Direct allocations to the colleges are divided into three main categories: i) block grant allocations, ii) earmarked allocations and iii) matching allocations." 4 0 7 1.0 10.1787/agr/outlook-2015-5-en 06b20e58d43b27a928b46b3e681de99c During the past decade, about 30% of capture fisheries originated from inland waterways. Apparent per capita fish consumption grew from 6.0 kg/p in 2005 to 9.9 kg/p in 2014. This growth is also a result of massive campaigns within the country to promote fish consumption. Significant regional variations exist, with higher consumption in the Amazonia state. 2 3 3 0.0 10.1787/9789264281318-10-en 06b3c026ebc7e7761e710ccd28fd8e17 In most other countries, though, shares are similar, while in Denmark and Poland, top-performing girls are significantly more likely than their male peers to set their sights on a science career. Twice as many boys, on average, expect to work as engineers, scientists or architects. When it comes to a career in ICT, for example, the gap widens to 4.8% of boys and only 0.4% of girls (Figure 7.2). 5 0 7 1.0 10.18356/73b30008-en 06b48e2a7916705d76231837e74b151f And since 2010, the UNDP was a pioneer in launching and reporting the global MPI and in supporting national and regional MPIs. Many countries are using the MPI to measure progress towards SDG 1, and as a governance tool. Disaggregated analysis helps to achieve a crucial SDG aspiration: ensuring no one is left behind. 1 0 3 1.0 10.6027/9789289350167-9-en 06bdd0662bbb2d08ceecf345b3b34c05 It is a huge and desperately needed idea in an age of scarce resources and a planet undergoing climate change. Of that total, 1,900 have already been emitted by 2011: as of 2010 there were around 49 Gt emitted per year (IPCC, 2014). According to McGlade & Ekins (2015, p.187), [i]t has been estimated that to have at least a 50 per cent chance of keeping warming below 2°C throughout the twenty-first century, the cumulative carbon emissions between 2011 and 2050 need to be limited to around 1,100 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide. [ 7 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5k9bdccqft30-en 06c1d2317728d6afc4c2861cc1f166fe For example, when domestic fuel price is not available, IEA data on “Automotive Diesel Prices for Commercial” is used. However, comparing fuel prices submitted by countries with the IEA data reveals significant differences which can complicate analysis of the data. Part of the problem may be the definition of “Commercial” in the IEA data, which may or may not already include tax concessions available to fishers. Moreover, while the data reported in Table 2 is nominally for 2008, some of the data is for earlier years when 2008 data was not available. 14 2 2 0.0 10.1787/9789264267787-en 06c8a37a1020a169763c526686705884 "The ministry is now planning to become more involved through the EU funded ""Implementation of Clinical Practice Guidelines in the care covered by public health insurance"" project which has started in late 2013. Most Czech guidelines are still disease and A system of internal auditing of quality and the system of monitoring of patient safety is made mandatory by law but it remains relatively unenforced. It is not clear to what extend such audit results In real improvement processes at patient care level." 3 0 5 1.0 10.18356/11618be9-en 06ceda1317cd24878686a57fd46fc261 Many who become pregnant resort to unsafe abortion, a leading cause of maternal death and injury. Adolescent girls, the disabled, and ethnic and sexual minorities may be especially at risk. Recent research indicates that at least one in five refugees or displaced women in complex humanitarian settings have experienced sexual violence, though it is often unreported (Vu and others, 2014). 5 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/3dfe8660-en 06cefe22225ffce9235e975de906d408 Much of Chinas health care success took place between 1950 and 1980, when the government established a three-level system of village clinics, township health centres and county hospitals in rural areas and health centres and district hospitals in urban areas. Since the 1980s, however, the health sector has been driven by a fee-for-service model. As a result, while Chinas overall health status has continued to improve, disparities have grown between the eastern and western provinces and between rural and urban areas. In many parts of the country quality health care has become unaffordable for the poor. 1 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.14217/9781848591462-6-en 06cf90ccee4efd8540b7900232739b9a In one example from Samoa, the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment (MoNRE) has produced a weekly column for the local newspaper, intended to help foster environmental awareness and engagement among young people. For its part, UNESCO has done quite a bit of work in the area of media capacity development, with programmes focused on a range of sustainable development issues such as climate change, HIV/AIDS, and the MDGs. While different countries and cultures may vary in their preferences for social media, the importance and prevalence of online activities is increasing steadily. A number of CSOs from the ten focus countries have some online presence, including Facebook pages and Twitter accounts, but in most cases there appears to be little activity on these sites. 13 0 7 1.0 10.1787/859159ab-en 06d03c664c03ce87d3cef8a748fd2cbf In March 2019, the Committee and the Digital Economy Promotion Agency convened to launch an event, “Smart City Thailand Takeoff”, which marked the country’s first open call for smart city proposals - with the definition of the application process and qualifying criteria - as well as the announcement of a new city data platform for smart city implementation with an expected launch date by the end of the year (Smart City Thailand Office, 2019). The event also established the committee’s new targets for the upcoming years: the development of 24 total smart city plans in 2019, extending to 76 by 2022. Moreover, it was announced that the Digital Economy Promotion Agency, under the supervision of the National Smart City Committee, has initiated the establishment of a national Smart City Thailand Office in Bangkok (Digital Economy Promotion Agency, 2019). With this budget, high-speed internet services with at least 1 000 Wi-Fi hotspots are planned in 100 areas in Phuket. 11 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264247826-5-en 06d33562e731ffce0c8f02d4708e9359 The future of agricultural risks will therefore depend on the way agricultural systems and, more broadly, economies and policies, develop. Given the focus on national and regional markets, trans-regional trade contributes relatively less to the spread of pests and diseases. The lack of international co-operation in strategies to combat these biological threats, however, raises pest and disease risks from within the regions. 2 1 4 0.6 10.1787/9789264281653-5-en 06d41f2395be475a81607a1a12fc5042 In a public questionnaire on cardiovascular risk factors in 2010, directed to adults in Costa Rica above 20 years of age, it was found that 37.8% of the population had hypertension and 42% presented high cholesterol levels (Ministry of Health, 2014a). Furthermore it was found that 50.9% of the Costa Rican population above 20 years of age had low or none engagement in physical activity. Obesity levels in Costa Rica w:ere 24.4 in 2014, which is higher than the average of 19% among OECD countries in 2013 (OECD, 2016). 3 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264090415-6-en 06d8cdd268089fb24d241e67d2f0e252 For example, the current spawning stock biomass of southern bluefin tuna is only 4.6% of the unfished level. Single species management only focuses on sustainability, ignoring habitat quality, biodiversity and socio-economic factors. Ecosystem-based fisheries management has been a common theme in fishery policy and management discussions worldwide (NMFS, 1999; FAO, 2003; Garcia et al., The North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES) has addressed this issue and established a working group in 2005 that focuses on ecosystem-based management science and its application in North Pacific countries. 14 0 5 1.0 11.1002/pub/80de56e8-72931180-en 06de52dba08d57114ae1975a182daec3 "Hot-deck imputation uses data from countries with ""similar"" characteristics, such as GNI per capita and geographic location. Europe, the CIS and the Americas have much higher Internet usage rates overall than the African, Arab States and Asia/Pacific regions. In the case of developed countries, moreover, it is worth noting that higher bandwidth available to users, lower broadband access costs in relation to GNI p.c. (" 9 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264283404-en 06de6114903ad8012d14d583fed456fa Important changes to the health system have occurred as a result of the country's Economic Adjustment Programme but, despite plans to transfer more powers to regional health authorities the health system remains highly centralised. There is a persistent gender gap in life expectancy of five years between women and men, as well as social inequality, with a four-year difference according to educational attainment. Ischaemic heart disease, stroke and lung cancer continue to have a Years o to 20 major impact on mortality, but transport accident deaths have fallen sharply. In contrast, alcohol consumption per adult has declined and is considerably below the EU average, as is binge drinking. While obesity rates among adults (17%) are only slightly higher than the EU average, almost a quarter of 15-year-olds are overweight or obese, the second highest rate among EU countries. This is 8.4% of GDP but, in the context of a shrinking economy, health spending has declined significantly since 2009. 3 1 3 0.5 10.18356/ea31d8c4-en 06df379c051d56b61e4e90b200e1d5d1 Also, Birdsall and Londono (1997) claimed that, given asset inequality, income inequality does not improve growth outcomes (see World Bank, 2009, p. 6). On the other hand, Dollar and Kraay (2004, originally published in 2002) famously suggested that growth is, on average, distribution-neutral: “growth-enhancing policies and institutions tend to benefit the poor—and everyone else in society—equi-propordonately” (p. 30; for a similar claim, see Ravallion and Chen, 1997). Consequently, attempts to shift the income distribution are largely a diversion, and conventional policies (“private property rights, stability, and openness”, p. 57) lead to optimal outcomes both for the rich and for the poor. Although Dollar and Kraay’s and Raos arguments depart from very different ends of the policy spectrum, they suggest that significant shifts in distribution must be pursued deliberately through public policy, and that a more equal distribution of income does not necessarily impair growth performance. 1 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264200449-18-en 06e1b4788fc1fa40a54a0864e61a6f6d Warming has been the most intense and trends in the winter months. Greater increase in winter than in summer. Temperature increase in Finland is expected to be about 1.5 times higher than the global average temperature rise. Increase in annual precipitation of 10% to 25% in the period 2070-99, as compared to 1971 -2000. 13 0 9 1.0 10.18356/73b30008-en 06e24d6450541d9ccceb3528a2a5a609 They can be broadly distinguished by their focus on physical subsistence, basic needs, and relative deprivation. More recent developments try to extend dimensions of welfare (including wealth or time) or combine multiple aspects of poverty into one single measure. The notion of merely physical subsistence has influenced scientific practice and international and national policies for over 100 years. 1 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/8146c4ff-en 06e9574c7a16ff2168b9894dcc28bffa Furthermore, the conservative religious members of her husband’s family made life unbearable for her after his death. As Saudi citizens, she and her three younger children were able to enter the country on tourist visas. Within four months of arrival, with the support of the Red Cross and the Salvation Army, she applied for and obtained resettlement under the family reunification visa category. 5 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.14217/9781848591400-4-en 06ef999ae53571136a35acfce7b23559 Public (government) school systems did not begin until considerably later than this; first primary schools, then expanding into the secondary level around the 1880s. Australian universities were first established in the middle of the nineteenth century, while early childhood education (apart from services offered by community kindergartens and private providers) is a relatively recent enhancement to Australian education offerings. In Year 12, the final year of secondary school, studies are usually directed towards attaining a state- or territory-based government-endorsed certificate that is recognised by all Australian universities and vocational education and training institutions, and by international universities. 4 0 3 1.0 10.18356/774b0aa8-en 06efa3aa7fe13b9cb9a11877acddfe45 Millennium Development Goal 2 seeks achievement of universal primary education; target 2A calls for ensuring that, by 2015, children everywhere, boys and girls alike, will be able to complete a full course of primary schooling. For example, the Education for All in the Americas: Regional Framework of Action was drafted at the 2000 conference in Santo Domingo. The framework highlights progress made on the priority area of access to primary education, the relative decrease in illiteracy rates, the increase in the number of years of compulsory education and the increase in early childhood care and education (UNESCO, 2000). It also recognizes that challenges remain for the region, including the formulation of inclusive policies to ensure access and create conditions that promote timely progression and completion and quality learning, especially in the basic cycle but also at the secondary level. 4 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/df3c95f8-en 06f00cdd4e5bc6dc243c6a6a972deea2 In order to better understand these gaps and the differences between countries, further analysis should be conducted in the light of the specific characteristics of the labour markets of the region and how they are regulated. The significant socioeconomic differences between domestic woikers and other care workers reflect the existence of a dual model of labour regulation and protection in the regioa The low profile of domestic employment on the policy agenda and in labour regulations in Latin America is an indicator of entrenched patterns of discrimination against women and the undervaluation of what is traditionally regarded as women’s work and caring for others. The flows of female migrants performing care work heighten the lack of protection and discrimination in the sector. Caring is a task for women, and serving one for poor women”. 5 1 4 0.6 10.1787/9789264085398-en 06f3c9e53692d9935e5175a96633cff5 The results suggest that, in comparison with a situation in which no immigrant workers are employed, production increases considerably due to the additional immigrant workforce. Production attributed to the immigrant workforce expands over time, in accordance with the increasing numbers of immigrants, but also in line with the shift of workers to the relatively productive service sector (see Chapter 3). Due to the different methodology, the estimated contribution of immigrant workers in 2011 is higher than the estimate presented earlier (Figure 5.4), and suggests that the contribution of immigrant workers is above their share in employment. 8 2 3 0.2 10.18356/3db72b4e-en 06f92c12acc101f64270d4c955e5a443 Expecting one organization to perform both roles could leave serious gaps and weaken accountability. These secretariats and centres have considerable knowledge and experience, so an alternative could be to improve their functioning and make them results-oriented. However, given the history of these secretariats and energy centres, it would be a considerable challenge to convert them to autonomous organizations that would work on areas beyond the subregion. 7 4 3 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264233874-4-en 06fa52bc078263307a38969015c03932 "The concept of stability can therefore refer to both the availability and access dimensions of food security. Text from FAO (2006), Briefing Note “Food Security"". There are other individuals and households that suffer a transitory or temporary decline in their access to adequate food. This temporary or transitory disruption can be due to shocks that affect income, assets or infrastructure and it has been denominated “transitory” food insecurity by the World Bank (1986). The use of this term highlights the different nature of the stability dimension of food security. The risk of transitory lack of access to food is due to potential shocks affecting individuals who normally have adequate access to food." 2 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/budget-17-5j8sd88t3sr3 06fa78ffd432037fb78ab657b886abe7 In particular, experience from both OECD and non-OECD countries shows that voluntary PHI schemes rarely provide adequate coverage for the poor and those most prone to serious illness, and often have high administrative costs (OECD, 2004; Kumar et al., Note that the few countries with a mandatory private health insurance set-up (such as the Netherlands and Switzerland) are highly regulated, with risk equalisation measures in place and limited scope to differentiate plans between individuals on the basis of their health risks. Various policy options have been discussed, with different stakeholders contributing to an intense debate around the design and establishment of National Health Insurance. 3 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264119598-7-en 06fd29e21b58d3feba47d74236d45e53 This handbook aims to reduce the impacts of natural disasters on local coastal tourism communities. The handbook's approach builds on UNEP's Awareness and Preparedness for Emergencies at the Local Level (APELL) process, designed to create public awareness of hazards and to ensure that communities and emergency services are adequately trained and prepared to respond. 13 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264180444-17-en 06fde42be0b0e5a2e86bd2b5ad22fd2d In 1997, in reaction to the Kyoto Protocol, the EU introduced non-mandatory targets for the RE share of total energy consumption for Member States. In 2006, the European Commission issued the Green Paper: A European Strategy for Sustainable, Competitive and Secure Energy. This asked Member States to implement a European energy policy built on three core objectives: 0 sustainability - to actively combat climate change by promoting renewable energy sources and energy efficiency; ii) competitiveness - to improve die efficiency of the European energy grid by creating a truly competitive internal energy market; and iii) security of supply - to better co-ordinate the EU’s supply of and demand for energy widiin an international context. 7 0 3 1.0 10.14217/9781848599451-9-en 06fee5c2f273dff5ebb3e4d4877d6178 The Government of the United Kingdom and WBC have addressed women’s economic participation through a multi-layered approach to systemic and structural causes that need to be taken into account to increase gender equity in the workforce. The lack of flexible working arrangements, inadequate childcare provision and barriers to career breaks (for parental leave or other reasons) hinder the advancement of women along the leadership pipeline, all of which contribute to discriminatory practice and bias. For example, new legislation on shared parental leave and flexible working hours aim to institutionalise resources for employees to be able to accommodate career and family responsibilities (WBC 2013a). 5 0 3 1.0 10.18356/805b1ae4-en 06ff177cb43f53678fb6989985416062 "These more targeted campaigns often include complementary activities that increase the availability and accessibility of healthier choices. Campaigns to encourage increased consumption of fruits and vegetables have been undertaken in several developing countries including, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico and South Africa as well as in high-income countries in Australasia, Europe and Northern America (Hawkes, 2013). In Chile, the ""5 al dia"" programme led to increased awareness of the health benefits of fruit and vegetable consumption among participants, but little change was seen in their consumption of such foods (Hawkes, 2013)." 2 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5jrp6w9xlbq6-en 0704de33a8363fed2f5f6212f55c687a Continuous urban areas enhance connectivity, reduce travel needs and car dependency, and facilitate the use of non-motorised transport modes, such as biking and walking. In addition to environmental improvements, continuous urban areas may induce energy savings, reduce maintenance costs for energy and transport systems, improve the quality of life through local services and jobs and allow efficient infrastructure investments (OECD, 2012). Overall, the findings of the study suggest that instruments aiming at increasing continuity and reducing population density are worth considering in the policy mix used to avoid further air quality degradation by the expansion of urban areas in Europe. 11 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264188617-en 0706c73bb79d3ec20cc2d684bdc65dde Since nuclear energy has the lowest marginal (and the highest capital) costs among large conventional generating technologies, nuclear power plants should be operated at nominal power as much as possible in order to maximise the energy produced and recuperate the large investment costs. For an electrical utility with a diversified portfolio of generating plants, it is thus economically more attractive to require some flexibility from a coal, a gas-fuelled or a hydro-electrical power plant than from a nuclear unit. However, in some countries the share of nuclear energy in the electricity mix has become so important that the utilities have had to implement or improve the manoeuvring capabilities of the nuclear plants. This is the case of France (78% of nuclear electricity production) as well as Belgium and the Slovak Republic (both more than 50% of nuclear electricity production). 7 0 3 1.0 10.18356/84fc8700-en 0706f7ce87c41745bfc91ccdae504a2d Young people and adults are entering, staying, and ending partnerships in ways different from previous generations, and education and services must respond to these changes. Young people need services between their first sexual experiences and when they marry. Services and information should be made available to adults who are separated from their partners or in new partnerships later in life. 5 4 5 0.1111111111111111 10.1787/9789264191761-en 070a513dc488dd18d2e0fa0f4e7a6170 Apart from the weak incentives for land transfer through land market, the prohibition to sub-lease land makes short- and medium-term adjustments in land use outside the land market difficult (Petrick et al., The low mobility of agricultural land is an important impediment to re-allocating agricultural land to more efficient users. The number of active operations20 that emerged from the former collective farms increased from under 5 000 in 1990 to 188 616 in 2012, of which 6 197 were units which maintained their collective organisation in various legal forms, called “agricultural enterprises” (average size just over 8 000 hectares), and 182 419 newly emerged individual farms (average size of 270 hectares).21 The remaining 35 state farms were experimental stations. 2 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.18356/f08da6fa-en 070a96947bbdd87a26caaf1100f52d06 The share of deprived children rises to 82 per cent in rural areas, while it decreases to 53 per cent in urban settings. Children in rural areas are also more severely deprived: the average intensity of deprivation {A) is 32 per cent in urban areas, and 41 in rural settings. However, substantial differences persist between the rural and the urban distribution. 1 1 3 0.5 10.18356/968bac18-en 070b3ae50744b8bf3ca843b609b50afe The country is also diversifying into diamond cutting and polishing as a way to add value to its extractive industry. Combined, these policies have contributed to macroeconomic stability and relatively improved poverty indicators. In Sierra Leone, the diamond sector has contributed little to human development, owing to different policy choices and challenges specific to the country. Such policies can be risky, as they affect investor confidence and can have adverse effects on markets and prices. The study on Nigeria’s oil sector describes the country’s attempt to establish deeper linkages with the national economy by stipulating that foreign oil extraction companies meet local content requirements in order to generate economic opportunities through focal procurement and promote local entrepreneurship. 2 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.14217/9781848599130-12-en 07176cce242b42b8adcc4e813fd029b4 Some of the shortcomings were exogenous to the country itself and included lack of additionality of AfT funds, poor donor co-ordination and misalignment of donor objectives with the country’s priorities. This may be partly due to definitional problems and partly the result of poor information flow and lack of co-ordination among line ministries and implementing agencies. The WTO Task Force defined AfT as ‘whatever a partner country considers trade-related’. Therefore, no common definition of AfT exists. 10 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264115118-6-en 0717b71c310e9ef3e82cc6b96dfe7bc7 Infrastructure relating to the building stock and urban layouts are so long-lived, that the decarbonisation issue is not usually considered as a stranded asset problem, but rather a question of how to retrofit improvements, as complete replacements for these items are hardly feasible over reasonable timescales. But within these categories are areas where manufacturers face real dilemmas. Energy distribution systems (such as gas pipelines) could be at risk, as well as choices over transportation energy systems. 7 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264097896-7-en 07186646875f29ddd34fee7b2bad20b7 Of 30 contracts signed, 25 corresponded to a purely contractual PPP (concession) and 5 to institutionalised PPPs (mixed companies). The trend before 2004 should be treated with caution, as waste classification in Portugal was subject to change following the requirements of the EC Regulation on waste statistics (2150/2002/ EC). They integrate seven waste management units: classification (including laboratory), sorting and transfer; stabilisation; organic waste treatment; recovery of contaminated packaging; soil decontamination; physico-chemical treatment; and hazardous waste landfill. 6 3 0 1.0 10.18356/3ed7e08c-en 071a8234841e16663d2992ef7dc7caa0 According to Sharipova and De Soto (Chapter 7), the Tajikistan case demonstrates that the “gendered cultural and religious patriarchal traditions, suppressed during the Soviet era, have enjoyed a resurgence and had negative effects for women”. It is also clear that the rhetoric may change without much institutional change being felt on the ground. For example, especially in the aftermath of high-profile mass crimes, human rights are likely to be universally emphasized and appropriate legal and regulatory frameworks established. 5 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264179370-3-en 071ad8ec5883534d2809f7457f3ee8dc Even seemingly gender-neutral policy decisions can have effects, whether intentional or not, on women’s chances of become equal participants in society. They may make it more difficult for them to find employment, secure an education, start a business, meet the needs of their family, or ensure their human rights. For example, a workplace regulation that permits both parents to take leave to care for a sick child is more likely to affect women as primary caregivers (see Chapter 17). Israel, for example, reports that several GIAs showed how sports for men and boys enjoyed greater subsidies than sports for women and girls at national and local level (Swirski, 2011). Such analysis can be conducted during the design stage of a law or regulation (ex ante) and/or during evaluations of the impacts of implemented laws, regulations and programmes (ex post). 5 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264268852-6-en 071b9f6a08fdd5697cc15cc0431b454b Astana’s Master Plan Until 2030 is composed of different sections: housing, transport, utilities and health care, but there is no cross-cutting analysis of the main urban priorities of the city and how each sector is going to help achieve them. The city akimats do not have the authority, resources and expertise for long-term strategic urban transport planning. Their role is limited to identifying the main routes for public transport, construction of additional highways, and minor adaptations of the existing public transport network to accommodate emerging popular passenger routes. 11 0 4 1.0 10.18356/1d2cdffa-en 071f712d0e0682acff976ba26e17db3d Data disseminated in this format usually cover several areas of concern and several points in time or time periods. Data are usually presented already processed into indicators that facilitate comparisons over time or between various groups of population. Information on the calculation of indicators included in the database, underlying definitions or concepts used and sources of data used are sometimes made available with the database. This type of dissemination product is usually targeted to specialists interested in analysing statistical information themselves, including for monitoring purposes. 5 8 1 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264233911-3-en 07256cc011458ac904929fc66ebdebae Examples include severe and widespread drought or outbreaks of a highly contagious and damaging disease. The third category is marketable risk, which falls between normal and catastrophic risks. Normal price fluctuations and hail damage are examples of this type of risk. Farmers can deal with these intermediaiy risks through market instruments such as insurance, futures markets or co-operative arrangements. 2 4 3 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/5jrxr7qx6ctb-en 07276979446c9258b9bf6388c2ac8983 However, the National Collaboration for Mental Health (NSPH) is a notable and influential actor in the field of mental health care in Sweden. Although it does not directly develop national policy, its aim is to promote the development of improved psychiatric treatment via the enabling of relevant authorities to “benefit from the experiences and empowerment advocated through user participation from patients, users and relations” (NSPH). They also work to support patient voices, improve accessibility, develop mental illness prevention, spread information and influence public opinion, provide support and resources to interested organisations and cooperate with authorities and other mental health organisations on a national level. 3 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264187894-8-en 0728265ce7d97276cdf64bdf048d7fd3 In the state of Aguascalientes, for instance, three different mechanisms are found in three different municipalities: in the municipality of Aguascalientes, the Council (utilities’ board) is in charge of setting tariffs; in the municipality of Cosio, the state Congress does it; and in the municipality of Jesus Maria, the state executive is in charge of this task. The concept may be misleading because it suggests that there is an absolute level of “water needs”, while in reality those “water needs” vary with technical progress and the adoption of different policies. It is defined as “a cross-cutting programme to improve water management through the development of technical, administrative and financial capacities”. 6 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264285712-6-en 0729149982257f604e481b2565774af0 Table 2.3 matches the clustering of states done for the implementation of the National Pact for Water Management and that for water charges. The Paraiba do Sul River basin was the first pilot for water charges implementation in Brazil, which provided insight into how to fill important legislative and operational gaps. In the PCJ River basin, a Consortium of 40+ municipalities and major water users applied a water charge voluntary' scheme (cobranga voluntaria pelo uso da dgua) as a pilot experience that paved the way for the implementation of water charges in 2006. The State of Rio de Janeiro was the first state, after Ceara, to implement water charges as foreseen by the SINGREH. 6 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/empl/outlook-2011-3-en 072924ab6f6993f16f6b23b4a3daae44 Considering the OECD area as a whole, there was a four-quarter lag between the time when the OECD unemployment rate began to rise and the time when the relative incidence of long-term unemployment (i.e. the share of all unemployed that have been jobless for a year or longer) began to rise. However, this lag varied considerably from country to country and is probably affected by both national labour market institutions and practices, and the nature of the recessionary shock. Figure 1.8 provides information on how the incidence of long-term unemployment changed between the 4th quarters of 2007 and 2010 for the working-age population and groups defined by gender, age and educational level. 10 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5jxsr7tt3qf4-en 072c6997edfd0fd0310beefa3610997a This scenario assumes that world economic growth will be sluggish over the short-term, and then recover after 2013 and expand by about 4.2% annually. The recovery is assumed to have two-speeds: a first period in which growth will be modest in developed countries, reflecting the post-economic crisis effects, followed by a second period of more rapid growth in both emerging and developing countries, driven by private demand. World population growth is expected to slow between 2013 and 2025 to only 1% annually. Population is expected to grow more in developing countries, and in particular in African countries, growing over 2.3% annually whereas it is expected to decline in Japan and in the Russian Federation by about 0.2% annually. 2 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/d0196687-en 072e2acaecddd1ae80c1c54b405f74f8 Renewable energy also offers options for energy access through decentralized applications. On-grid and off-grid renewable energy markets arc expanding, as private sector participation increases. Renewable energy technologies are also becoming more affordable and investment in renewable energy has rapidly increased to the point that when large hydropower, investment in terms of dollars and capacity supersedes conventional energy (Frankfurt School-UNEP Centre/Franfurt School of Finance and Management, 2017). New economic sectors have been developed, while jobs arc being created in the manufacturing, distributing, installing, operating, and servicing renewable energy. 7 0 5 1.0 10.1787/c69de229-en 072fe54146d59ae8d6f3a902ee11fa11 The household composition also plays a major role in determining whether a family is poor or not; and how family composition and family living arrangements are taken into account in the estimation of poverty rates can make a significant difference in poverty appraisal (Box 2). For the sake of simplicity, the standard approach collects information on income at household level, and it is then attributed to each member using an equivalence scale, assuming that all individual and collective resources of household members are pooled together. The equivalence scale is assumed to reflect the relative needs of the household members (including children) and the economies of scale generated by members sharing resources. 1 0 8 1.0 10.1787/5775ac71-en 073029b690179c20efe95dd550389ea5 Other systems have implemented programmes that target low-income families directly. In Australia, the Home Interaction Program for Parents and Youngsters has been implemented in over 100 disadvantaged communities around the country. It aims to support low-income parents and carers in their role of being their children's first teacher (OECD, 2012b). However, the prevalence of grade repetition varies widely between countries. For example, Japan, South Korea and Norway do not have grade repetition system and all students automatically progress to the next grade. 4 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/859159ab-en 0735ffbd61826445a4c09cbccf7606c6 However, within this group of other countries, the growth in Thailand’s exports to the European Union, India and the United States has been robust. Exports of Thai electrical machinery to other countries as a collective has been fairly subdued at a time when exports to China are contracting, yet there appears to be budding momentum in export growth of these goods to Japan and the Philippines. Similar to Thailand’s exports of vegetables, the adjustment speed of exports to other countries is slower than the adjustment of exports to China. Nonetheless, at the country-level, data show a marked uptick in exports to Italy and Lao PDR, and to a certain extent, to Australia and the United States. Growth in Viet Nam’s exports of computers and electronics to other partners as a group has gained momentum since late 2018, helping to offset the weakness in exports to China albeit the average growth from September 2018 to May 2019 is still weaker than the average growth in the prior eight months. Key markets providing the boost include Italy, Russia and Panama. 11 1 4 0.6 10.1787/9789264272637-7-en 073a7443238ef02d9d1f8ac734a9b273 Its total population (based on TL5 data) that lives within a ten-minute walking distance from a bus stop is 81% (compared to 75% in Daejeon, second-ranked) and 19.8% within a ten-minute walking distance from a train station on average (compared with 12.2% in Busan, second-ranked). Most areas in Seoul have a balanced level of accessibility to bus stops and train stations, which is quite unique compared with other TL3 regions in Korea. A comprehensive public transport network, composed of 9 subway lines, 355 intra-city bus routes and 238 village bus routes, serves Seoul’s 25 autonomous districts (gu) (Seoul, 2016a). 11 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264187443-8-en 073bc1f3f9419e71283229817924b150 For instance, risks for better endowed farmers are lower than for poor farmers. Better endowed farmers have higher technological application, better access to inputs, markets, and larger land holdings (Chamberlin, 2008). Further, intensification necessitates investments in the form of tools/ machinery and other off-farm inputs; these are acquired with revenues earned from marketed surplus. 2 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264229679-5-en 073cc5a3b522b92a3f151ce36c6c29c6 A third approach proposed by Kenya is to create a central online data repository where all relevant data and information is stored. This process will be supported by the Data Supply and Reporting Obligation Agreements to ensure that all relevant stakeholders report their data (Republic of Kenya, 2012a). This ensures that all stakeholders are clear on their respective roles and responsibilities and that there is a good understanding of the various sources of information. 13 2 2 0.0 10.18356/73320136-en 073d68c5a6762dd81f8d13cc89a4e851 Although infant mortality and under-5 mortality rates have fallen substantially in recent decades, they have plateaued since 2000 as a result of the worsening socio-economic environment and stresses on the health care system.36 However, the 2006 Palestinian Family Health Survey indicated that immunization coverage was high, at around 97 percent. During the war in Gaza between December 2008 and January 2009, also known as Operation Cast Lead, Israeli forces damaged 38 primary health clinics, 29 ambulances and 14 of Gaza’s 27 hospitals.37 Despite the blockade, the health facilities were repaired within a year of the conflict's end.38 Relative to other conflict-ridden zones in the region, the number of physicians is favourable in Palestine: in 2007, there were 2.2 physicians per 1,000 population (1.9 in the West Bank and 2.7 in Gaza) (box 6.4). Between 450,000 and 1.5 million Somalis have died since 1991 either as a direct result of armed clashes or because of famine caused or exacerbated by the conflict.39 This is equivalent to 10-25 percent of Somalia's population in the mid-1990s. Millions have been injured and affected by disabilities, sexual violence and disease. 3 0 4 1.0 10.18356/215d0d56-en 073e8b82338fe5176bd73293b3aa54cf The effort to engage communities at the stage of policy implementation will benefit from the presence of existing social networks which can be effectively mobilized to disseminate information, for example, health messages (Frumkin and McMichael, 2008) and to improve monitoring of results. Sharing of information derived from climate impact assessments can be a means of influencing action and strengthening systemic resilience (see chap. The Growth Corridor integrates several stakeholders—the private sector, government and civil society —within a common platform in order to achieve the multiple objectives of increasing agricultural productivity, improving food security and protecting local livelihoods and ecosystems (United Nations, 2013, p. 100). 13 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5k3txnpqlsnn-en 073f4b182fc023c2a85dbdf21c43e062 Categorising our children is demotivating, especially for children who are put into the ‘below average’ category. He also pointed to the fact that the DET had instructed all schools to give students mid-year assessments, and the municipality level had therefore decided to use a specific electronic tool for this solution. This case demonstrates that AfL practices have been interpreted quite differently in the various municipalities in Norway, and in some places teachers have reacted strongly to how it was developed and applied. 4 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.6027/084cc821-en 073f5e16c6cb534f44357d58fbca6924 By comparing the relative importance in 2030 GHG emissions of these countries, the abatement share of this solution is higher for Poland (2.5%) and lower for Ukraine (0.6%). As there are no cost figures for the target countries of this study, this has been estimated as the closest proxy value for that. In addition, PPP adjustment was made by using IMF's data. 7 1 4 0.6 10.18356/2b59f2d5-en 0740731f18f733d6386614d8f1b3e3f4 The members of the Fiji national team who were trained in December 2016: Kamal Krishnan Gounder, Principal Economic Planning Officer, Ministry of Economy, Epeli Waqavonovono, Economic Planning Officer, Economic Services, Ministry of Economy, Susana P. Valemei, Director Water and Sewerage, Janesh Sami, Lecturer, Fiji National University and Pita Tagicakirewa, Malaysia - High Commission of the Republic of Fiji. This wouldallowforthe implementation of water catchment management programmes for the protection of freshwater resources, as well as the education and awareness of programmes on sustainable management and use of those resources. Simultaneously, the legislative framework (SDG 12.1) would allow for the identification of new water sources (SDG 6.6) and installation of standardized treatment systems (SDG 7.3) for water renewability. 6 0 5 1.0 10.6027/9789289349291-4-en 074c453e7f9cc333edfb022310236328 Yet, several countries do highlight the broader importance of promoting such a role for the private sector, for example through encouragement of public-private partnerships. Only few countries (13%) further specify private sector activities or the amount of private sector investment to be leveraged. Using numbers from (l)NDCs as proxies for individual or aggregated support needs is therefore impractical and not covered in this section. Rather than serving as a basis for calculating costs per country or sector, this section provides a general overview of the type of financial information included in (l)NDCs, key issues in their analysis, as well as a broader direction of travel for the mobilization of international support for successful (l)NDC implementation. 13 1 4 0.6 10.18356/e428e6c6-en 074f2cf296ae62a0a9009150d196d1df The extent to which trade facilitation affects GDP, poverty and inequality in a country depends on the structure of the economy; therefore, it can vary across different countries. While estimating the heterogeneous effects of trade facilitation is beyond the scope of this study, it is an important aspect for future studies. It is assumed that the contract has already been agreed upon and signed by both parties. Documents required for clearance by government ministries, customs authorities, port and container terminal authorities, health and technical control agencies and banks are taken into account. Since payment is by letter of credit, all documents required by banks for the issuance or securing of a letter of credit are also taken into account. 10 2 2 0.0 10.18356/ae512255-en 0751115043c78636e4db40cf350de4fb A study of 59 developing countries suggests that declines in GDP are likely to lead to significantly higher average infant mortality rates among girls than boys (Baird and others, 2007). The current crisis is expected to have a more negative impact on womens unemployment rates relative to men’s in most regions of the world, particularly in Latin America and the Caribbean (ILO, 2009a). The crisis will jeopardize developing countries’ progress towards the achievement of the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals. 5 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264110984-6-en 075154e9c6756a1627bab63eb4f7e6df A “demographic check” system should monitor and anticipate changes from lowering fertility rates, increasing ageing of population, increasing youth unemployment, and the complexity of urban-rural shrinkage. Some Asian countries are fast becoming an elderly society. Japan, for example, will top 25% of the population aged sixty-five or over by 2015. In light of this rapid demographic change new opportunities emerge in the areas of the so called “silver economy” where new technologies, products and services are being designed for and, sometimes by, the senior population. 8 1 3 0.5 10.1787/c69de229-en 0751c1e80d6e1ae3b9de34d11e7ae50c Not only does the level of social spending matter, but also the way in which it is targeted more or less specifically at the poorest populations. Therefore, both the level of social expenditure per capita and the share of social spending directed at the poorest 10% of households share negative associations with the relative child poverty rate, and this relation applies to all specifications. This suggests that relative child poverty is lower when social spending per head is higher, and also that, at given expenditure levels, child poverty is lower when the poorest fraction of the population receives a higher proportion of social spending. 1 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264195363-7-en 0753a9cb0bb211a73e6028dd8d4ed65a For other farm households, having one or more family members draw income from outside agriculture may be the start of a successful move into more remunerative activities. The key policies required to help households diversify their income sources are again those that improve human capital. Regional development policies, including the development of rural infrastructure, may also have an important role. 2 2 2 0.0 10.1787/5jrxr7vj1g9v-en 075442960e19093b5e2e420091dd152c The English mental health care system, which operates predominantly under the National Health Service, but also under Public Health England and alongside government Local Authorities, is made up of primary and specialist care (“secondary care” and “tertiary care”), and social care. Comprehensive mental health care is also likely to include some input from social care services, both services funded and run by Public Health England and local social services run by Local Authorities. Government-funded and state-run mental health care services are sometimes supplemented by voluntary services and by private services paid for by the NHS, especially for medium and low security care (see section 3.2; section 4.3.ii). 3 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264235151-4-en 0754b035be2628e9a06afea711a04fec Designating 3.8 million ha for rice production exclusively is unlikely to be the best policy approach in a country exporting large quantities of rice. If the main objective is food security, there are more effective means of achieving it. Indeed, diversification to achieve lower risk is a measure that adds to food security and is a separate (and commendable) objective of the government. The restrictions on crop choice work against diversification. 2 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264083578-16-en 0754b2d6c053cbd1b74c6d9f1a0d0473 Many farmers and authors note also that implementing or raising irrigation prices can be challenging in situations where the revenue is placed in general fund accounts, rather than used to improve irrigation services or invest in new facilities. Farmers choose crops and input combinations based largely on relative prices, often without due consideration for the off-farm impacts of their decisions. Higher irrigation prices might indirectly reduce nitrogen effluent, just as higher nitrogen prices might encourage farmers to plant more soybeans than corn. 6 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/3d4ceb23-en 0754f493c53665ac1f7c07dabd768959 While technology could allow many other individuals or firms to generate data, doing so is not straightforward. The evidence presented in this report suggests that better in-market support can improve the survival rate of exporters in destination markets. Support to new exporters is also found to significantly increase the number of national exporters in targeted markets. 9 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264229631-6-en 0756a1887b5c4fb36b0831b17e584b8e Failure to make the nature of these risks clear can result in over-investment in water-dependent enterprises and calls for compensation when entitlements need to be reduced in order to avoid compromising water quality and other environmental outcomes. For instance, it is critical to avoid any shortage in water availability for cooling nuclear power plants, as the consequences are unacceptably high. However, farmers growing low value annual crops may be willing to forego water use during times of scarcity, especially if they can recover greater value from trading their water entitlements to higher value uses than they can by using the water. Various water users also have different capacities to manage the risk of freshwater shortage, by improving efficiency, relying on alternative water sources, or adjusting the timing of their water use. 6 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264238121-6-en 0759cd52d868e66b3281e7ebd6142897 It also ensures alignment the national strategy and action plans for sustainable development with the country’s commitment in that field at European and international levels. The committee prepares an annual evaluation report on the implementation of the strategy and actions plans. The members of COAG are the Prime Minister, state and territory premiers and chief ministers and the President of the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA). 6 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/9de3e7b5-en 075a1bc94a999b2ca9cdb98e893df7cf It also reproduces inequalities in people's capacity to exercise citizenship and in access to social networks and the full exercise of rights. But, most importantly, education is an end in itself and should be valued in its own right for its quality and for the enjoyment learning can bring. However, differences between countries remain sharp: the average number of years of education in the adult population ranges from 11.7 in Argentina to 5 in Guatemala.8 The information available for the Caribbean countries indicates that they tend to be in an intermediate situation relative to Latin America where average years of education are concerned. The adult population averages 8.0 years of education in Belize, 8.5 in Grenada, 9.2 and 9.3 in Trinidad andTobago, respectively, and 9.6 in Guyana, the highest value. 10 0 6 1.0 10.18356/4845d1b0-en 075ae0dad7abf9fba9694dc602063d77 Consumption and production patterns that are more sustainable than is currently the case would result in a reduction in adverse environmental impacts and contribute towards poverty eradication without undermining the basis of human development through opportunities such as creation of new markets, green and decent jobs, and more efficient management of natural resources. Over the past several decades, economic development has enabled millions of people to get out of poverty. However, corresponding increases in the consumption of resources have led to an increase in pollution and waste, which has harmed the environment and eroded ecosystems. 12 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5js1qwkz2p9s-en 075baee56a506d624ee22e5c341482f8 Thus, WHO total (recorded and unrecorded) estimates may significantly differ from OECD figures. In younger people, some data show increasing trends in alcohol consumption, in particular in low and middle income countries (WHO, 2011). Regarding European countries, the ESPAD study1 shows small decreases from 2003 through 2007 to 2011 in the proportion of students who consume alcohol, and it finds increases of heavy episodic drinking from 1995 to 2007 with some sign of downturn in 2011 (Hibell etal., 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/469d7fec-en 075d01632ba38c86665fe372b0128380 As the TOSSD framework is to be agreed by mid-2017, inputs from the international community can contribute to ensuring that TOSSD is defined in a way that, if desired, is helpful to tracking progress on climate finance commitments. The main changes relating to reporting of climate finance are that: this reporting is to cover support “mobilised” as well as provided; it is now mandatory for all “developed” countries (not just Annex II countries) to report on support; and that “other” countries providing support are also encouraged to report on this information. The Paris Agreement also indicates that developed countries are to biennially communicate indicative information, as available, on climate finance “to be provided” (Box 2). The estimation of projected financial support for a specific area can be challenging, particularly for countries with annual budget cycles. 13 0 7 1.0 10.1787/dd4dcfa6-en 075e774688765347c5046004790ad466 Cash housing benefits are calculated assuming private market rent, plus other charges, amounting to 20% of tire full-time wage for all family types. The percentage of AW relates to the earnings from full-time employment of the individual moving into work. For married couples, the percentage of AW relates to one spouse only; the second spouse is assumed to be inactive with no earnings in a one-earner couple and to have full-time earnings equal to 67% of AW in a two-earner couple. Calculations for families with children assume two children aged 4 and 6. Ensuring that parents, especially women, are able to reconcile work and family life is one of the measures that will help to reduce family and child poverty. Two types of measures go in this direction: leave from work for parents when a child is bom; and childcare services before and after school age. 1 3 2 0.2 10.1787/9789264096875-5-en 07639c09eee65665f9b8cb3a30d0a26f This highlights the importance of informing households of the environmental implications of excessive and wasteful water consumption. In this case the environmental “norms” of the respondents are important explanations for the investment in water-saving equipment. Above all, what matters the most for investment is home ownership and water charging on a volumetric basis. Attention is also paid to the role of eco-labelling in this case. 6 0 4 1.0 10.18356/3db72b4e-en 0764d2d61b6b3152c0f315e7b5f8dd07 It will require a decade or more for APEA to start similar markets in Asia and, even then, specialist market operators will need to commit to carry out the commercial activities. At the same time, the activities of the APEA will be direcdy linked to implementation of physical infrastructure with high capital cost. The common practice in the PPP model is for interested parties to commence activities using their own resources (staff and funds); at the stage of financial closure these expenses are included as project development costs in the capital structure and recovered when the asset starts earning revenue. Therefore, the project development-related expenses incurred by the APEA could be recovered like other services charged to the project. 7 3 0 1.0 10.1787/9789264290679-5-en 0764ee5f9324bb5b92093c894072f105 A 500 kilometre-long coast, a population of 5 million and an aggregated gross domestic product (GDP) of USD 200 billion may only have a limited impact if no effective governance is in place to help local partners identify a common goal: leverage their combined spending power and implement their action plans together. Conversely, governance alone can do little to empower a territory where there is no compelling economic, social and institutional rationale for collaboration - a political construct on its own is bound to hit its limits soon enough. To accomplish its objective of becoming a strong and attractive megaregion in the global arena, Western Scandinavia needs to work on achieving a clear agreement about its own vision and collectively define the concrete steps to take. First, it maps the institutional landscape in Western Scandinavia. 11 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5k4c0vtwpttj-en 0768da2d7d4f92aa5a4f02a8b72620a8 For growth to become more inclusive, the gap between the cost of labour and productivity for some groups needs to be reduced, transitions from education to work should be facilitated, incentives to take a job ought to be strengthened and the non-employed need to be protected against the risk of falling into unemployment or inactivity traps. This calls for lowering minimum wages relative to the average wage for groups at risk of becoming unemployed, improving vocational education and training, and extending the coverage of the unemployment insurance while strengthening obligations for the unemployed. To address labour market duality risks, the gap in job protection between temporary and permanent contracts needs to be reduced. 8 0 3 1.0 10.1787/3726edff-en 076e4dcdeae6b2531e5e74b3f91fd014 However, it is difficult to accurately calculate innovation expenditures since these types of costs are not specified in firms’ financial accounts. Moreover, countries do not collect systematic information on the sources of funding for innovation expenditures. The DAC statistical system on development activities is also not designed to capture innovation expenditures. While many development activities can include innovative approaches, including the use of innovative financing mechanisms, it does not necessarily mean that the activities supports innovation, but rather represent innovation in the delivery of development assistance.3 It is also difficult to determine the outcomes from capacity-building exercises, in particular whether the training leads to innovation in products, processes or methods. 9 0 5 1.0 10.18356/35cfe616-en 07711b5ca2f5800daa6c1173b8530bf6 For all purposes, they should be considered as additional needed investments. However, in many developing countries the needs for replacement of existing facilities from now to 2025 will probably be dwarfed by the needs for new generation capacity. Thus, we do not include replacement needs in our gap calculations. Therefore, assuming that all the installed capacity will be for the purpose of national consumption is a simplifying assumption. 7 4 5 0.1111111111111111 10.1787/9789264279421-8-en 0775a20f03aa4c8df689a2203fdd65aa For example, ill health of students themselves or of other family members is an obvious reason for absence. The need to attend significant events (such as funerals) may affect some groups of students more than others. For students in remote areas, medical or other appointments in the nearest urban centre can result in an absence of several days. 4 0 10 1.0 10.1787/9789264279322-5-en 07778155b03a276396e21014d1fc861d Moreover, female employment in the informal sector is characterised by a predominance of unpaid care work and a vulnerable job status. However, the lack of gender-disaggregated data makes it difficult to evaluate and monitor female entrepreneurship in the MENA region. This drops to 22% during the early stage of the business life course, and the decrease continues to just 17% of established businesses. The proportion is far lower than in other emerging and developed economies. While TEA gender gaps barely exist in other emerging economies (e.g. Indonesia, Malaysia, or Brazil), the gap is significant in the six countries under review (Figure 1.8). 5 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264193338-en 077a78a88b18f303c04709f65e6807c9 They have examined universities’ and tertiary education institution’s contribution to human capital and skills development; technology transfer and business innovation; social, cultural and environmental development; and regional capacity building. The review process has facilitated partnership building in cities and regions by drawing together tertiary education institutions and public and private agencies to identify strategic goals and work together towards them. It complements the reviews that have taken place in the strategically and economically important US-Mexico cross-border region, such as those of the Nuevo Leon, the Paso del Norte Region and most recently Southern Arizona (2011), right next to the state of Sonora. 4 0 7 1.0 10.18356/d0196687-en 077d08f32484a14152d94b7bdcf33615 At the project level, a greater number of non-recourse loans bonds and leasing arrangements are being offered while at the corporate level, increased borrowings are being recorded. Institutions, such as the Green Climate Fund and Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, have launched several programmes to support renewable energy deployment in Asia, including framework development initiatives and funding programmes for project development. A host of international private equity firms70 are active in the region and have set up dedicated green energy funds to help develop a healthy ecosystem of greenfield as well as secondary markets in the region. With its investment in solar and wind power. Australia is the third largest market for renewable energy in region after China and Japan. In 2016, new investment in renewable energy was $0.7 billion in Singapore and Viet Nam, $3.3 billion in Australia, $0.5 billion in Indonesia. 7 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/67989bf6-en 077d15c2e1071bf6df505da8036c833b In order to facilitate gender-equal parliaments, many legislatures are taking steps to introduce a range of measures to facilitate work-life balance for parliamentarians, particularly those with family and/or care obligations. There remains clear scope to enhance the framework and implementation of these initiatives. Table 6.3 provides a summary of the type of work-life balance measures that have been adopted by different parliaments across the OECD. 5 0 9 1.0 10.6027/9789289343879-7-en 077d1a847b27185cdac2348d60d0ddc5 The reforms began with a reduction in gasoline and diesel subsidies. To manage the impacts of reforms, fuels that place a disproportionate burden on the poorest were originally excluded. The reduction in subsidies to fossil fuels has been coupled with a commitment to increasing the role of renewable energy, particularly solar energy. 7 0 7 1.0 10.1787/agr/outlook-2015-5-en 077d2866f44856abc4ccf075cc8f6076 Production has been growing steadily over the years, driven by gains in yields. The area harvested actually declined since the early 2000s due to climate shocks (e.g frost and drought) as well as damage caused by pests and diseases. Total coffee production and consumption in Brazil has increased over the last decade by 3.7% and 2.7% respectively. 2 5 4 0.1111111111111111 10.1787/9789264247826-4-en 07816217d33e336978b928a460b8f607 "Gains in per capita food availability are most pronounced in the Fast, Globally-Driven Growth scenario (the ""Fast"" scenario in short), combining strong income growth with significant progress in agricultural productivity and open markets. Both globally and in most regions, this scenario would continue the food availability trend of recent decades. In contrast, the Individual, Fossil Fuel-Driven Growth scenario (the ""Individual"" scenario in short) is based firmly on sovereignty and regionalism and would slow down progress substantially, as evident in much lower growth in per capita food availability both at the global and regional levels." 2 2 3 0.2 10.1787/9789264239487-6-en 0782e88ecbbc2b05c376cd7715ff3f22 The government’s 2020 Vision states that by 2020, everyone will live longer, healthier lives at home, or in a homely setting. It sets out as significant challenges Scotland’s public health record, changing demography and the economic environment. The document cites as a key challenge an anticipated 25% rise in the proportion of people aged 75 and over in Scotland in the next ten years. This rise is likely to be accompanied by more chronic disease, and growing numbers of older people with complex needs such as dementia. It estimates over the next 20 years, demography alone could increase expenditure on health and social care by over 70%. The 2020 Vision reiterates die ambition of integrated health and social care, and a focus on prevention and self-management. 3 0 7 1.0 10.1787/rev/fish/pol-2009-26-en 07833a29801af516ad574585d4c26a17 Promotion of seafood products in domestic and export markets is largely the responsibility of seafood producers. Currently, most commercial fisheries in New Zealand are represented by a CSO. Improved engagement of CSOs has allowed for greater integration of stakeholder views in the management of New Zealand’s fisheries resource. 14 0 3 1.0 10.18356/39dd1e2e-en 078637934e24f686069eb6775ca39436 Previously named the Institute of Public Health, its organizational structure and strategy were expanded to form the National Centre for Public Health in 2013. In line with the extended structure, while keeping its leading role in public health research, the National Centre for Public Health is responsible for a broad range of public health programme implementation and health promotion activities at the national level. The Centre’s work focuses on the following sectors, among others: environment, occupational health and research, venom toxicity studies, nutrition research, and health promotion and behavioural research. Family doctors at the soum level send the indicator values to the aimag health department, which sends the information to the Centre for Health Development on the first day of each month. 3 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264231160-5-en 0787940adbaa884e9048e87987add744 It is lower than official retirement age in the majority of OECD countries. In Belgium and Luxembourg, for example, this gap is more than five years. Policy strategy of increasing older people’s engagement in labour market will mainly help address the following challenges: (1) change in local revenue; (2) an ageing labour force; (5) social isolation. Labour force (net) exits are estimated by taking the difference in the participation rate for each 5-year age group (40 and over) at the beginning of the period and the rate for the corresponding age group that is 5 years older at the end of the period. 11 4 1 0.6 10.18356/31959a6d-en 078bec377efbc17273e48f61f207fad1 Currently, around half of older adults in the world receive no pension benefit (ILO 2014:73). In many low- and middle-income countries, pension coverage remains limited and unequally distributed and most people continue to rely on income from work and/ or family help during later life. Substantial inequalities in pension coverage and benefits are found around the world based on region of residence, ethnic group, occupational sector and gender. 5 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/5jzb44nmnbd2-en 078c5569abc87ddc0ae68426865c1e0c Focusing only on cost-effectiveness could also lead to the concentration of financing into regions that could attract financing at market-rate terms, which could lead to crowding-out as opposed to mobilising and crowding-in private capital. The broader concept of value for money is inherently subjective (e.g. whose values apply?), At a basic level, being able to assess and track the effectiveness of climate finance interventions assumes that the climate finance associated with these interventions is itself being tracked in a comprehensive manner, which is not always the case (e.g. see Clapp et al., 13 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264179011-7-en 078e223fe717b101947c63f011bd0460 "The progressive tariff reduction under the Early Harvest Programme commenced on 1 November 2004, with elimination completed by 31 October 2007 for India and ASEAN-6, and by 31 October 2010 for the new ASEAN member states. The initial tariff reduction covers 111 tariff lines (eight agricultural tariff lines) at the HS six-digit level. Under the Normal ""Brack, tariffs imposed by Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand and India on goods originating from these parties will be eliminated by 2016. The TIG also provides for different tariff rates for special products, i.e. crude and refined palm oil, coffee, black tea and pepper, covered under this Agreement." 2 1 4 0.6 10.1787/9789264247543-10-en 078ea24bf9c4c4776cc768283abdbcd0 "Technology-enhanced learning allows mode,place, time and pace of learning opportunities to be varied, and OER enables the simple adaptability of educational resources, as shown by the cases presented in this chapter. The discussion section highlights how for OER, as with other educational resources, the interaction between people, information and instruments must be considered to achieve successful outcomes. For this reason, the concept of ""inclusive"" or “universal"" design that aims to match learners’ abilities with their opportunity far learning is presented." 4 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264029941-6-en 07905919954543528e1af475e9382979 Although smoking prevalence in Israel (20.4%) is marginally lower than the OECD average (22.1%), it has declined less in Israel over the previous decade than in some other OECD countries (OECD, 201 lb). Overall, these patterns point to the need to strengthen smoking cessation services overall, targeting in particular groups with higher smoking prevalence. It is also notable that QICH does not include any indicators on smoking. 3 2 3 0.2 10.1787/9789264190658-11-en 0794e562b1e27f6af32c9c06c2123124 Israel: A central policy framework for the appraisal of school principals in Israel was implemented in 2010-11 under the New Horizon reform programme. This framework applies to all schools at ISCED level 1 and partially to schools at ISCED level 2 except ultra-orthodox religious schools. Italy: Italy has been developing a central policy framework for the mandatory periodic appraisal of school principals of public schools that appraises school principals every three years. 4 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264085398-en 0795e412a5a425e151e51c9cc39c6425 Secondly, immigration to South Africa and its impact have resulted from the combined effects of the proactive “white” immigration policy of successive nationalist governments with competition between its Afrikaner and British components. Finally the apartheid legislation itself, specifically on residential segregation, influx control and preferential job criteria, has impacted immigration and South Africa’s reaction as well. These different constraints, imperatives and political choices contributed to mainly coercive migration management practices and stereotyped images of foreigners that have shaped approaches to reforming migration policy well into the 21st century. 8 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/eco/surveys-isr-2013-5-en 0796cf5b5651bac4dacb9da85d1c4a10 About 75% of the population purchase supplementary insurance offered by the health funds, and about 40% hold policies offered by insurance companies (a sizeable minority hold both types of policy). In broad terms the system receives favourable reviews by experts. For instance, the OECD’s review of the quality of Israeli health care (OECD, 2012) praised several aspects of the system and a biennial survey (run by the Myers-JDC-Brookdale Institute) reveals consistently high levels of satisfaction with health services, with only narrow gaps between members of each fund (Brammli-Greenburg et al., Indeed, the resources devoted to health care in Israel are now relatively low compared with most OECD countries. 3 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264283336-en 079b347a58dc10f213f99a1bc9ea4bcd However, establishing a formal Health Technology Assessment system would help determine which pharmaceuticals should be covered. Several of these challenges have been present since the very inception of the system in the early 1990s. However, there is no overarching political vision that political parties across the spectrum (and different stakeholders in the health system) can subscribe to. 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264273238-3-en 079d78af2bf54f46b6a259a2b9a93b18 Students were expected to acquire a basic body of knowledge and then specialise in a field of their choice and pursue a professional career in that area. To achieve this aim, it was considered sufficient for teachers to transmit accumulated knowledge and for students to memorise it. This approach worked when jobs were also compartmentalised, specialised and stable, allowing most people to find a job for life or at least stay in the same field. The landscape has changed dramatically in recent years, putting huge pressure on education systems to adapt to a rapidly evolving ecosystem. 4 0 3 1.0 10.6027/9789289341479-6-en 079d826a82bad75d81ae9d305bc91203 We will consider each of these factors in turn. With respect to literacy (see Figure 3.1), Norway and Sweden are close to the Nordic average, with Finnish adults scoring above the average while the mean scores of Estonian and Danish adults are below the Nordic average. Regarding numeracy (Figure 3.2), Denmark, Norway, and Sweden all perform at the level of the Nordic average while Finland scores slightly above it and Estonia below it For both literacy and numeracy, the differences between countries mainly concern the proportion of adults with very high skills (levels 4 and 5). The proportion of people with veiy low skills (level 1 and below), however, is very similar across countries, ranging from 11%-13% in literacy and 13%-15% in numeracy. 4 1 3 0.5 10.1787/5k424rdzj3bx-en 07a13ed89e4ba3e2f4df5fce7288ae07 This problem is particularly marked in the case of STIs, identification and management of which is chiefly organised around the low-cost route of syndromic management, which eschews expensive diagnostics in favour of broad-based treatment of symptomatic cases; as a result, there is little incentive for diagnostic technology manufacturers to invest in South Africa, and little translation of genomic research findings into clinical practice. In addition, respondents proposed that international collaboration could also play a valuable educative role. It was suggested that the insecure funding situation for genomic research and implementation can be attributed to a lack of awareness among public health agencies and policy makers, who are inclined to perceive genomics as a basic research field, and hence of limited significance for public health. 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264176690-en 07a34f5590985cfa044a755c61c1988b Such integrated curriculum is believed to contribute to high-quality ECE and improved social behaviour (Table 1.2) (Bennett, 2004; Siraj-Blatchford, 2010). As an example, Sweden is considered to have high-quality ECE in part because its curriculum contents place the same value on social and cognitive learning (Sheridan et al., In some countries, the implementation of a mixed model curriculum has been found to be less effective than pure “academic” or “comprehensive” approaches. 4 0 5 1.0 10.18356/520b80a5-en 07a96252b41f017f051877817b25e8f8 Assuming that 5 million workers were paid less than THB300 per day before the wage increase,d the scenario analysis indicates that employment growth would accelerate by up to 0.6 of percentage point by 2015, while real GDP growth would increase by 0.7 of percentage point above the level without the minimum wage increase (see figure C). More importantly, the initial adjustment costs, the reason for which minimum wage laws are often criticised, are likely to be insignificant. The net negative impacts on employment and GDP growth are estimated at just under 0.1 of percentage point in 2013, implying that an increase in labour costs resulting from minimum wage increases would be offset by, or, in most cases, dominated by positive employment impacts due to a boost in domestic consumer demand. 10 2 2 0.0 10.1787/9789264086234-en 07aadf96c4fd1954c865f31706afdf6a The figure cannot indicate when both native and immigrant students perform poorly without a gap between them. In the case of access to national programmes and completion rate in upper secondary education, there is no distintion between first-generation immigrants and second-generation immigrants due to data limitations. Figure 1.1 indicates that completion of upper secondary education is the most challenging level. 4 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.18356/e617261d-en 07ac32874f2e6d5873319bd331e2df9c Only 32 per cent of Tajik and Uzbek migrants who have children bring them to the Russian Federation (GMER 2016), among Kyrgyz migrants the share is lower: 27 per cent (GMER 2013/14). The majority of Kyrgyz migrants (89 per cent) come to Moscow temporarily and less than 10 per cent live there permanently (Varshaver and others, 2014). As for migrants from Tajikistan (GMER 2016), more than a third (36 per cent) were found to live permanently in the Russian Federation while 43 per cent came for a year, 9 per cent came for several months, 9 per cent did not have any regularity in this regard and 4 per cent had recently come but did not yet have any specific regime. Kyrgyzstan stands out because it has a much larger share of females and notably those younger than 30 than does its neighbours. 5 2 3 0.2 10.18356/01772a94-en 07ac574ec0e8e6b5c57b187fb241c500 The comparison between multidimensional deprivation for children and countries' GDP per capita has shown a moderate correlation indicating some ability to predict child deprivation on the basis of a country's economic activity. In addition, there has been a modest to absent correlation between deprivation and the various monetary poverty measures emphasising that the two concepts of poverty identify (partly) different groups of people and that the two measures of poverty should therefore be used complementary to each other, especially regarding child poverty. Counting and Multidimensional Poverty Measurements', Journal of Public Economics, no. 1 0 4 1.0 10.18356/56f09402-en 07adceb36ac26243ea5f1f26b2bf1119 Indeed, there are five dichotomous events that mark the transition to adulthood: leaving the education system; entering the labour market; leaving the household of origin; forming a conjugal union; and starting the reproductive phase or having the first child. In a way, during this phase the predominant role that the family played as a place of risk and protection increasingly shifts towards the market and the State. There is greater exposure to spheres where rights and access to well-being are defined by status and individual performance, and the mediation of the family wanes. The principal risks that young people are exposed to during this process relate to three key dimensions: timing, sequence and quality of events. 5 6 3 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264168060-8-en 07aec2ac56fd5f85d6f5b56b18e79a3e The United Kingdom’s Demonstration Test Catchments (DTC) project is a new initiative of the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) to provide a research platform from which a number of integrated ways of managing agricultural diffuse source pollution at the river catchment level can be developed. France also has launched a major research initiative by the Ministries of Agriculture and Environment, conducted through the Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA), to support the national Ecophyto plan that plans to achieve a 50% reduction in pesticide use by 2018. Nearly three-quarters of the UK land surface is in agricultural production and the influence of farming on water and the ecosystems it supports is significant (Table 5.1). 6 0 5 1.0 10.1787/9789264303119-en 07afcc92ba30afb305b6a8f77bca2ec4 While subsidies for low-carbon technologies in order to internalise the externality of climate change can be justified from an economic point of view, doing so in a manner that is not attaining reduction objectives at least cost constitutes a waste of social resources. The fact that subsidies for VRE are attributed on the basis of a large political and societal consensus does not invalidate the fact that this is a highly inefficient, at times even counter-productive, manner from an economic point of view. Even democratically legitimated policies can be economically costly. 7 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.18356/e1196521-en 07b18a82e22d479acd54e0f6f442755d Moreover, the energy integration process is not limited simply to creation of physical links across the region. It requires a series of policies and regulations for facilitating different types of flows inherent in this process. This requires intervention and leadership by the member governments and technical experts if regional energy connectivity is to happen. To a great extent, this demonstrates die lack of human and institutional capabilities, political leadership, and market mechanisms. 7 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264234437-4-en 07b22f93f9bbdaf1a5463992a968d2a7 Given the environmental and social costs (e.g. climate change, local air pollution, resource depletion, vulnerability to supply shocks) associated with using fossil fuels in particular, taxing energy use is vital to help ensure that energy prices and use better reflect associated costs. Yet recent work shows inconsistencies - with no obvious rationale -in the taxation of different forms, uses and users of energy in many OECD countries when assessed against environmental and other social costs (OECD, 2013h). A full 33 out of 34 OECD countries tax diesel fuel at lower rates than gasoline, both in terms of energy and carbon content; the United States is the exception (Harding, 2014). 7 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/9789264119680-4-en 07b3012231e5e807c675e47c7038da20 The expected positive impacts of eco-labelling for primary producers come from access to new markets, price premiums or improved market position, but there is little evidence of this in practice. Rather, primary producers have to provide certified products to the food industry simply to stay in the market. The incentive for primary producers to adopt a specific eco-label is mainly a strategic response to supply chain arrangements. 14 4 3 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/rev/fish-2015-23-en 07b79b3c26aaa67121433acc4d5a65eb Rivers for which there is insufficient scientific information or have a rod catch of less than ten salmon remain closed. A scheme of rehabilitation of rivers was introduced with priority given to rivers which were below' the conservation limit in areas of SAC’s funded through the introduction of a salmon conservation component on all angling and commercial licence sales. This increase w'ould roughly equate to the reduction in exploitation as a result of the closure of the mixed stock fishery. In 2008 and 2009, many of these indices were down w'ith some significant drops, despite the continued closure of the mixed stock fishery at sea. 14 0 7 1.0 10.18356/6f7c638a-en 07b7eb9448c806f0cc3e4acee8236c10 The countries that carried them out are Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay and Peru. These surveys cost more than questions or modules but are much more exhaustive with respect to the inclusion of details about activities and subcomponents of each type of unpaid work (care, domestic and voluntary), as well as personal activities. Sometimes, despite the fact that surveys include questions that are relevant to the analysis, the resulting indicators are not truly representative of respondents owing to sample design limitations, as occurs in some countries with Afrodescendent populations. 5 4 3 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/0ec26947-en 07b80b190e3624f72432c8333e178526 The market for cryptographic technologies is still relatively young and is continually evolving to address known challenges - new algorithms, consensus mechanisms, and methods for sharing data or validating transactions are likely to emerge as DLT matures. Significant challenges also arise regarding the lack of data transparency in current governing systems and the need to involve private and public institutions, as well as end consumers, in the infrastructure value chain. Transparent and clear processes can serve to gain the trust of investors. 9 0 4 1.0 10.1787/5jln041vm6tg-en 07bcfc581a4d894b2e67d646bcbcce9e Consequently, this change in behaviour caused a counter-intuitive increase in the Gini coefficient by around 0.4 percentage point (Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Interior, 2014a). In a lifecycle perspective the reform unambiguously raises tax payments for higher income groups and thus it should reduce income inequality. According to cross-country estimates in Causa et al. ( This reflects reform-driven increases in older worker employment rates, which benefit household incomes across the distribution, with the exception of rich households that are found to be unaffected. 10 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264188617-en 07bdd09cb3f8ce2b3ed3c18c70f49e87 Those values, originally derived from the Dena Study I (Dena, 2005) have been adopted for all the individual countries in this study. Capacity credit values for wind range between 6% and 15% for France, Germany and Finland, while they are significantly higher for the United States and the United Kingdom, due mainly to the higher load factors in those regions. Often, the reports do not differentiate between onshore and offshore technologies. 7 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264287747-en 07be47bd51109753e2f3d7b801bc9810 Previous findings suggest that the impact of immigrants on the labour market is small. Several studies find a negative effect of immigration on wages, although no consensus is reached in regard to the magnitude of this effect. According to economic principles, the negative effect on the wages of the native-bom would suggest a positive effect on employment; this is indeed suggested by some available studies. 8 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/growth-2012-47-en 07c12437dd3f331373f9344fe5603950 Cash transfers - such as pensions, unemployment and child benefits - account for more than three quarters of the overall redistributive impact, and taxes for one quarter. However, there are large differences across the OECD in the size, composition and progressivity of taxes and cash transfers (Joumard et al., On the transfer side, pensions account for the bulk of total transfers in most but not all countries (Figure 5.7). They primarily aim at redistributing income over the lifetime of individuals - those with higher incomes contribute more but will also receive higher pensions. 10 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/bf400991-en 07c14ecefe20f0e60c8622f9117b670b This framework would promote stronger linkages between urban, peri-urban and rural areas by a) linking sectorial policies; b) connecting national, regional and local governments and policies; c) strengthening urban, periurban, and rural links through integrated territorial development; and d) increasing subnational governments' resources in order to achieve a full access of basic services at the local level. This is also fundamental to the attainment of many other SDG targets (see figure 27). One example of a NUP and how it involves partners - from civil society, local, and international - is below. 11 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264191761-en 07c15744bb034eb288f81aee9d49cd61 These recommendations serve as the basis for planning land reclamation, and water management, as well as provide operational services to land users of the irrigation systems. The project envisaged the improvement of 39.2 thousand hectares of irrigated land in the Makhtaaral Region of South Kazakhstan where agriculture is focussed on cotton. Under the project, the restoration and upgrading of irrigation and drainage systems were implemented, including the amelioration of soils prone to salinisation, and water management was improved. In addition, the project provided support to agricultural service institutions and farms incorporated in rural co-operatives of water users. 2 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/c69de229-en 07c267445acec53be8fa78d4e924c982 In contrast, countries where child poverty is low have rates that are significantly lower than the poverty rates of the population in general. At 5.4 percentage points the increase between 2008 and 2015-16 was largest in Slovak Republic. An increase of more than two percentage points over the same period was observed in France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, and Sweden (Figure 4, Panel A). On the contrary, a fall in the child poverty rate coincided with the rise in median income which has been particularly strong in Chile especially since 2010. In Greece, the increase in the relative child poverty rate was accompanied by a significant fall in median income and thus the poverty line (Figure 4, Panel B). This suggests that not only the proportion of children experiencing poverty increased, but also that the standard of living of poor families declined - as further explained in the next sub-section. 1 1 7 0.75 10.6027/9789289331777-4-en 07c3d2b228daa411dbd880c5bebf7315 This is an important research problem since changes in the prices of goods and services will affect the material wellbeing produced by any given level of income. We can, therefore, consider indicators such as rates of employment, unemployment, and labor force participation as indirect measures of regional residents’ command over goods and services. While economic participation indicators are broadly accepted, they do have a number of limitations when applied to the Arctic context. 1 0 3 1.0 10.14217/9781848591264-8-en 07c40cbb929173748c57e06b6951b23c On successful completion of high school education students can enrol into different institutions of higher education. This depends on the individual performance of students and different entry requirements for admission of students into different courses. A number of public institutions exist. These include the Lesotho College of Education (LCE), the National University of Lesotho (NUL) and Lerotholi Polytechnic (LP) and the newly founded university Limkokwing on 15 October, 2008. 4 0 9 1.0 10.1787/785f021c-en 07c4a1ddf739867290b67f913a7fbb7b On-the-job training should therefore be part and parcel of firms' efforts to upgrade their workers' skills. For countries that cannot rely on domestic structures to ensure appropriate skill formation, special economic zones (SEZ) where different trade and incentive regimes are established, may provide appropriate support for on-the-job skills in particular (UNIDO, 2009). Thus, policies dedicated to the establishment of such zones can complement the path towards the productive use of new technologies. 9 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264267787-en 07c639407fc4e0327153008cea1b660e "The current Plan requirements, introduced in 2013, include specific regional targets, and several targets are also defined through the fee schedule. ‘ Health Japan 21"" sets a target to prevent disease associated with adult life habits. Compliance to guidelines is voluntary and the impact of guideline developments on quality is not clear. This is because there is a lack of comprehensive and actionable indicators to support quality improvement." 3 0 7 1.0 10.18356/84fc8700-en 07c9a4ece47a4c9851ab7460e0141515 International and non-governmental organizations and governments should consider adopting more refined indicators of unmet need, such as the “proportion of demand satisfied,” which shows the share of total demand for contraceptives that is being fulfilled. Taken together, contraceptive use and unmet need only define the total level of demand for family planning. Measuring “demand satisfied” serves as a proxy for whether a persons stated desires regarding contraception are being fulfilled and is a more sensitive measure of the extent to which individuals, communities, and health systems support people’s right to use family planning. 5 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264262782-4-en 07ce364f0504b91f587b545377806f93 To overcome geographical barriers to care, for example, GPs receive a bonus for maintaining a practice in rural areas. The bonus is based on the density of the population in a given area, and the number of registered patients. Complementing this policy, in more densely populated areas a second nurse or physician assistant is now mandatory' for practices with more than 1 800 registered patients or 800 registered children. 3 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264170001-6-en 07ce54186326ad90721b78fd3e12156a This will prepare for the World Water Forum, to be held in Marseilles in March 2012, a large-scale celebration of this partnership, which has mobilised all water stakeholders in the territory for more than two years. The issue of a “perfect size” in water management has been a long-standing topic of debate over economic and public finance. The key question is whether an optimal size can be identified that would allow both optimal conditions for efficient water resources management and effective service delivery. 6 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/5kmms0t7p1ms-en 07cf0960a2683d0c988cc0bae99e8b71 In the case of maternity leave, a worker can only claim up to 121 days. The UIF pays a percentage of the wage that was being earned at the time that the worker was contributing to the Fund. The highest amount that can be paid is 58% of what was being earned per day. The Fund is currently running a large surplus and there are various policy proposals circulating about possible reforms to the system. 10 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/5kggc12rmkzq-en 07d108477202d202e9a920379887e6d7 "In case of a price policy - say, a carbon tax - C02 reductions driven by the RE policy could possibly add to the C02 reductions driven by the carbon tax, depending on the strength of each. In case of a hybrid policy, such as an ETS with a price floor, a reduction of the carbon price resulting from the RE policy could possibly lead to additional C02 emission reductions, inasmuch the carbon price were to fall below the level of the price floor. Technological paths might very much depend on initial conditions. As such, technologies having small short-term advantages may ""lock-in"" the technical basis of a society into technological choices that may have lesser long-term advantages than technologies that are ""locked-out""." 7 1 3 0.5 10.1787/5kgkhnb9gpth-en 07d304c391a85e8a45d8fed6b58bd3a5 Policy makers should be prepared to act in anticipation of unusual conditions or conditions that are “normal” but require decisionmaking to avoid harm. Finally, even best plans and implementation efforts are beneficial but cannot be expected to prove infallible or necessarily successful. The fishery management system in the Northeast Pacific is recognized as meeting most of the “best management practices” and promoting an ecosystem-based approach to management (Witherell, 1999 and Witherell et al., 14 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264227293-4-en 07d3baaca4b4c5f68520498c1ba6f82a Federal policies - federal housing finance in particular -have facilitated the development of higher quality houses, yet have often failed to contribute to the development of better cities. Reforms to INFONAVIT’s practices thus form the basis upon which a more competitive, sustainable housing and urban development model can be built. First, like many Latin American countries, Mexico has a long history of informal or irregular housing development, and a large share of the housing stock continues to be self-built, lacking legal titles or constructed outside the formal development process. Nearly one-quarter of urban households live in informal settlements. 11 0 7 1.0 10.18356/c530cc54-en 07d4c9c0ae6dd2ece96fafab9c985072 Initially targeted on children up to 7 years of age living in families in poverty, the Child Support Grant was gradually extended to children below age 18 living in poverty. The expansion of social assistance to children in poverty highlights a new focus on addressing poverty and inequality through strengthening human development. The main conclusions point to the significant role of landmark political change in generating an expansion of anti-poverty programmes. 1 0 9 1.0 10.1787/5js65xn790nv-en 07d950b94af72fa8901f837a85ae80e2 The aim of the model is to provide illustrative results that show how structural diversity among developing countries, and systemic differences between developed and developing countries, can affect the welfare and distributional outcomes of alternative agricultural policy interventions. Models are constructed for six countries for which the RIGA data referred to above are available; two in Africa (Ghana and Malawi), two in Asia (Bangladesh and Viet Nam) and two in Latin America (Guatemala and Nicaragua). This is because market price support for food crops harms net buyers of food, often the poorest farm and non-farm (landless) households, although the proportion of net buyers varies significantly across countries. Support for cash crops does not have this drawback; however, cash crops are often (but not always) grown by farmers with relatively high incomes, so support seldom reaches the incomes of the poorest. 2 0 9 1.0 10.18356/4665f6fb-en 07e97d3de24d62e1405d7bcd2504d09a These were essentially two-dimensional plans aiming at dynamic representations of urban growth and change while in fact they were more frequently static. Master plans explicitly required professionals and the citizenry alike to fit their aspirations and their desired physical forms into the patterns they set out. The plan was the context. 11 0 3 1.0 11.1002/pub/80c5340e-b94e0f39-en 07e98e77c1ff37556e4e98258cbf5536 For example, a country that has introduced mobile number portability, permitted infrastructure sharing for mobile operators, allowed foreign investment in operators that own spectrum, legally promoted a competitive environment and required interconnection prices to be made public would have penetration levels 2.3 per cent higher than a country without these measures in place, all other things being equal. Moreover, all the accompanying coefficients to these variables are different from zero, as certified by the F test27 results. While the overall explanatory power of the model (r-squared) is moderate (36.1%), it nevertheless provides evidence of the importance of regulation on ICT services uptake. 9 1 3 0.5 10.18356/935513ee-en 07ed5d4b6f5e2016bd2793dc6317ca11 This includes situations where expectations have been based on misunderstood or unrealistic projections of what external investors and authorities are able to and willing to provide, as well as cases where false expectations have been created in the process of establishing the project. Conflict can also arise when realistic expectations are not met. When clear terms in the concession, agreements with local authorities or stakeholders, or oral promises are not honored, or are disputed or protracted, this can lead to disappointment and material disadvantage. 6 4 0 1.0 10.1787/9789264303119-en 07f17e85fc779d9e2b6f72fc7e884546 There are, however, many other potential impacts of accidents that are borne by the society as a whole and for which the internalisation is less straightforward and more complex. This is the case for the economic consequences on health and on the business property of a third party or on the environment. The entity liable for the accident is held responsible for the victims’ compensation, which ensures a certain internalisation of accident costs. 7 4 0 1.0 10.18356/b64c6036-en 07f2220ceefe91e06c6325f06d5adeaf Very extensive river fiood-plains, temporary Hooded grasslands and lens provide a number of services such as water storage, groundwater replenishment and support for livestock farming and biodiversity. The transboundary lakes Ohrid and Dojran are also of great socio-economic and cultural importance. Along the Adriatic and Aegean Seas an important number of coastal lagoons, salt-pans, and river delta wetlands exist in Albania, Croatia, Greece, Montenegro and Slovenia. 6 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264309470-en 07f2a5326fa13b4451d9f2cad9fad675 Finland, Germany and Switzerland rely solely on direct government funding (which includes contract research), while Belgium, France and the Netherlands focus on R&D tax incentives. Denmark has a strong emphasis on tax incentives, but also provides a significant share of support through direct funding. The share of government funding of business R&D in Austria, at 12.4%, is higher than in Germany, Switzerland and the Scandinavian comparator countries. The increase of funding through R&D tax incentives was larger in absolute terms than the increase from other instruments (Figure 3.5). The Research Premium’s contribution to business R&D grew from EUR 156 million in 2006 to EUR 508 million in 2015. 9 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264187443-7-en 07f84a82ab16878d24936780cc341c8b "Direction de la demographie (2000), ""Analyse des rEsultats du recensement gEnEral de la population et de I'habitation de 1996”, Volume 1, Ouagadougou. I. (1997), ""A 2020 Vision for Food, Agriculture, and the Environnment"". The Non-farm Sector and Rural Development: review of issues and evidence, IFPRI." 2 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.14217/9781848599239-8-en 07ff826b9200c9782bc816fd704fb149 Numbers of those who consider themselves Tongans have recently been estimated at 70,000 in the United States and 55,000 in New Zealand. Australia may have a further 20,000. A broadly similar balance would probably be true of Samoans, but with the distinction that more Samoans are in New Zealand than in the United States, and many are also in American Samoa. It may no longer be quite so adventurous but the basic structure has remained remarkably constant. 10 1 2 0.3333333333333333 11.1002/pub/807b3f08-48bc40b1-en 0802188fa16b83eff23fb2bb1390752e Al, E-waste Recycling in Latin America: Overview, Challenges and Potential, at p. 2. Available at www.eJectronjcs_takebaj:k;corrij/wp-cpnXen_t/upJpad_s/Facts_and_Fgu/es (Accessed on July 29,2011). This date is generally viewed as an internationally mandated analogue switch-off date, at least along national borders. 12 2 3 0.2 10.1787/5jlrb8ftvqs1-en 080261744f2344cb1adec814cae062a0 Willingness of stakeholders: A successful implementation of co-creation mechanisms critically depends on the intrinsic motivation of stakeholders to actively participate in the development of policies. Depending on the sectoral and national context, values such as civic duty and the wish to positively improve the government may vary. Feelings of ownership: Co-creation mechanisms need to be designed in a way that induces a sense of ownership in stakeholders, in order to for them to take responsibility and ensure sustained participation. 4 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5jlwvz85537c-en 08026f3180aaafaa2fcc5041855a2d1d This unit would be charged with leading development of a coordinated strategy for delivering the improvements targeted and ensuring the resources made available by government for implementing agreed measures are sufficient to achieve the results expected. Western Australia's Office of Road Safety provides a good example of this kind of lead agency for road safety (the Office was reorganised and renamed the Road Safety Commission in July 2015). This highlights the need for urgent and significant action using the holistic, safe system approach to effectively manage speeds and infrastructure improvements to protect pedestrians and cyclists, particularly in locations where there is high crash risk. The importance of enforcement is clearly understood and given priority in Korea but in many cases it seems that the intensity of enforcement effort and resources allocated to enforcement do not reach the critical level needed to realise the full potential of measures adopted. In particular, it is strongly recommended to make seatbelt wearing compulsory in rear seats on the whole road network (not only on motorways as is currently the case). The lack of regulation and enforcement of professional (in particular self-employed) drivers’ hours of service needs urgent attention. 11 0 5 1.0 10.1787/rev/fish/pol-2009-27-en 080938f104b74e00051083d38ed768a9 As far as the larger vessels are concerned, decommissioning (scrapping) and structural arrangements (Unit quota or Structural quota system) are the most important factors explaining the reduction in the number of vessels. Most of these vessels were less than 15 metres long. A3) indicated that the profitability in the fishing fleet as a whole was good in 2006. Of a total of 18 vessel groups, 17 vessel groups showed a positive operating profit. 14 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/39291afb-en 080fc79b66dc5bc9eba707be9ff0fae2 As for the previous group of countries, the official poverty estimates coincide in the direction of variation, although in general they report larger poverty reductions in Ecuador, Panama, the Plurinational State of Bolivia and Uruguay. The ECLAC figures aim to reflect the situation in the region in the most comparable manner possible, while the national figures seek to best capture the realities of each country. This leads to normal methodological differences in the many decisions that are made in the process of building poverty lines (the way the goods in staple food and non-food baskets are selected, the prices used to allocate value to these goods or the deflators used to update poverty lines, among many other factors), as well as in the definition of household income, the treatment of non-responses or the inclusion of imputed rent for the use of owner-occupied dwellings. 1 0 3 1.0 10.18356/dec4eb09-en 0811027d292d2f97e594abd16dd61333 This is, however, only an expert estimate based on the number of vehicles delivering waste to disposal sites, so the reliability of these data is low. Estimates for MSW generation for the country as a whole are shown in table 8.1. The strong increase in MSW generation in recent years is most likely due to improved monitoring of vehicles delivering waste to the Balakhani disposal site than to an actual rise in MSW. However, there are agents who buy waste paper, plastic and metals from individuals. 12 0 6 1.0 10.1787/9789264260207-5-en 0811a8fc1f67bd8607b1ac5b58c4bee7 Essential elements for such a planning instrument have been identified according to international good practice (Box 2.3). Transparency and predictability in development control mechanisms will increase the credibility of the city master plan and help to promote private investment under the plan. Viet Nam has a unique land ownership system with Land-use Rights (LURs) (Box 2.4), and development control in urban areas is based on zoning. Effective enforcement is another urgent challenge (see Chapter 4). 11 0 7 1.0 10.6027/5bbb8fc8-en 0812e35f9c88478f16a43e171bd52e72 And in Iceland aluminium production is by far the predominant energy-intensive industry accounting for almost 80% of the energy consumption in the industry. These characteristics make aluminium an interesting case study. Around one-third of the production costs are cost of electricity.20 This means that most of the C02 emissions caused by aluminium production happens through generating the electricity used in aluminium production (indirect C02 emissions). 7 2 6 0.5 10.1787/e27ce3a7-en 0814ec19e58b543e41fe0bfa9b8cbcbb However, the employment rate of mothers with poor children (28%) is well below the OECD average (34%). Korean households pay for about 42% of the cost of educating a child of primary and secondary school-age compared to an OECD average of 22% (OECD, 2018[4j). Overall spending by families on education is even higher as more than two thirds of children attend “Hakwon” or “cramming schools” offered by private providers outside of the regular school classes. 1 2 2 0.0 10.18356/6a19440a-en 0816cca8314f595f3feebf47e5de74c8 This note provides a forecast on how the fish and world trade regimes will look like five years after the implementation of SDGs in 2035. Three main trends are likely to affect the supply and demand of fish and fish products. In the trade realm, these trends point to a selective and incremental incorporation of marine live and fish conservation measures in the multilateral trading system, and regional trade agreements in particular. 14 0 5 1.0 10.1787/5jrxr7qx6ctb-en 0818757b20c2aba34010f788c173aae2 The Ministry of Education is charged with the shaping of the education system through the development of curricula, national objectives and guidelines. Within this framework, municipalities and independent providers implement educational activities, organise school services, allocate resources and ensure that educational goals are met. Individual districts and schools are then entrusted with a large degree of autonomy to organise local schooling. 3 7 0 1.0 10.1787/9789264266339-5-en 081af1ba5e6efa635915cac5e5e70dc5 More in-depth analysis can also help track the delivery of disbursed international climate finance to “end-users” (e.g. industry, households and sub-national governments) within a country. Such analysis can look into which domestic institutions, stakeholders, national funding entities and financial institutions are involved in the processes. The provisions of the Paris Agreement and Decision 1/CP.21 encourage, but do not require, the reporting of information on support received by developing countries. 13 0 3 1.0 10.18356/db6c4d5e-en 081c3aa4d4116bd74f6f322ee4fd061e Essentialist approaches differ in concluding whether women should be involved in leadership for either conflict or peacebuilding. While some essentialists glorify what they see as the qualities of women, others laud the essential qualities of men. These theories rarely lead to an embracing of the diversity among and between men and women. While not denying the biological differences between men and women, the field of sociology places much more emphasis on how the environment shapes men and women in the process of socialization. Human beings are not born as “men” or “women”. 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264283312-en 082011f9cca567a86e2398efb756acc4 Conversely, the percentage of adolescents who were overweight or obese in 2013-14 was just under the EU average (17% compared with 18%), but it has increased by more than 50% since 2001. On a more positive note, a higher percentage of adolescents and adults in Croatia report doing regular physical activity (Figure 5). Health inequalities have been addressed in several national health policy documents, but few specific measures have been implemented so far. The CHIF contracts with health care providers for the provision of services and plays a key role in defining which health services are covered by the publicly financed system. It also oversees performance standards and price-setting for services; is responsible for the payment of sick leave compensation, maternity benefits and other allowances; and is the main provider of complementary Voluntary Health Insurance (VHI) covering user charges (termed 'supplemental insurance’ in Croatia). 3 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264168350-8-en 0823f44599f49f185ab362906088e60b Activities are implemented by communities or through private subcontractors. Thus, it is important to both encourage new leadership and allow opportunities for traditional leaders to be involved. The DAC Paper Service Delivery in Fragile Situations (OECD, 2008c) gives comprehensive guidance on key approaches to service delivery in fragile states. Community participation in managing services can improve wider participation in decision making about the management of public resources, meet local needs, strengthen civil society and improve state-society relations (Box 4.5). 1 2 2 0.0 10.30875/98c4ae94-en 082e9613048ae217738fe65bf7bbceb9 This would in part be motivated by the widespread use of such measures for reasons other than food security, including tax collection, environmental and health considerations and industry policy. Other participants connected the issue to the standstill in the agenda for agricultural trade reform. They questioned whether advanced rule-making on export restrictions would be possible given the fragile consensus in this agenda (e.g. on removal of export subsidies and increased transparency regarding domestic support) between the key players. 2 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5kg0prg9b1g8-en 08316097343988b42866031495b66168 Adult participation in lifelong learning strongly depends on educational attainment and age. Despite a slight increase in recent years, the participation of older workers in adult programmes is modest, inhibiting their employment prospects (OECD, 2009b). Adults with low educational attainment (individuals whose highest attained degree is primary or below) show considerably less interest in adult learning activities; the difference between highly educated individuals and individuals with low educational attainment in adult education participation is the highest in the EU (IMAD, 2010). 4 0 4 1.0 10.18356/66896486-en 083177b92ce15a44d8d1dcb73446b1e7 "The Provincial Secretariat of Agriculture, Water Management, and Forestry of Vojvodina Province and the JVP ""Vode Vojvodine"" have water management responsibilities in the territory of Vojvodina Province. The new Law on Waters, harmonized with EU legislation, was passed in 2010. The Water Section is an organizational body of the Ministry comprising the following departments: the Department of Slate Administration in the Water Section; the Department of Water Policy; and the Department of River Basin Management and Flood Protection. The Ministry of Environment manages two State-owned enterprises, the Slovak Water Management Enterprise and the Water Management Construction Enterprise, as well as two Government-subsidized organizations: the Water Research Institute Bratislava and the Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute." 6 0 4 1.0 10.18356/22b34fe3-en 0833bbb68cd4cae056c7f74c74fc923a It covers topics such as general company information (products/services, certification, etc.), The IT Industry Barometer can help to monitor and evaluate the sector as well as provide statistical information for research and economic planning purposes. The IT Industry Barometer has already been applied by software associations in some developing and transition economies, such as El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. As the agency responsible for ICT sector measurement within the Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development, UNCTAD intends to explore this possibility with relevant stakeholders in the coming year. In order to facilitate new start-up firms in this industry as well as the upgrading and growth of software SMEs, Governments can seek to ensure a competitive general business environment, promote upgrading through quality certification, improve access to finance and establish software or technology parks. 9 0 3 1.0 10.18356/bf400991-en 0833ef195ed98c10b9f7cd4c9f9b164b "In the Arab region, UNISDR has continued to promote the ""Making Cities Resilient"" campaign to support urban areas to become more resilient to disasters. Almost 300 cities and municipalities in the Arab region have joined the campaign (20 per cent of all cities worldwide). In Latin America and the Caribbean, the European Union is a vital partner for disaster risk reduction initiatives." 11 0 3 1.0 10.18356/935513ee-en 08351374b1095e14b192c38200a84905 These are frequently associated with changes in the status quo that are perceived to affect the supply and demand for land, established land use patterns, or competition between different types of land use. This tension can exist between statutory, customary, informal, or religious forms of land tenure. The tension can be particularly challenging when the state seeks to bring land within a statutory legal framework when it is also claimed under a customary system by tribal, ethnic, or religious communities who view the territory in question as part of their homeland or self-identity. 6 3 1 0.5 10.18356/01772a94-en 0836b51413b8ee4dcfdc7f96a7531612 The definition of deprivation is rooted in the child-rights framework using the Convention on the Rights of the Child as its main source to select dimensions relevant to children's well-being. Children below the age of eighteen represent more than a half (52%) of the total population in the region. The findings show that 67% of all the children across the thirty countries experience at least two out of five deprivations critical to children's survival and development. This percentage represents 247 out of a total of 368 million children in the 30 countries. 1 2 2 0.0 10.1787/5js4rv0g7szr-en 0839539e1eb87032639f16899b2dc1ec Communication “Europe, the world’s No. Jobs, wages and inequality: the role of non-standard work. Defining, measuring and assessing job quality and its links to labour market performance and well-being. Global Dialogue Forum on New Developments and Challenges in the Hospitality and Tourism Sector - Final report of the discussion, Geneva, 23-24 November 2010. 8 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264252271-11-en 083e9f672cfd640387931f81e976a923 Environmental degradation that undermines the provision of environmental services decreases the well-being of rural households. In addition, as rural households tend to be characterised by limited social capital; poor access to social services, job opportunities and income-generating activities; and high levels of deprivation, they are more vulnerable to environmental change, and have little capacity' to adapt to or withstand negative environmental changes such as those associated with climate change. Rural development policies should therefore aim to promote economic growth and increase the welfare of rural households without compromising long-term environmental quality and the sustainability of natural resources. 9 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5js1qwkz2p9s-en 083f6cc56780d76c86b4cf18523958d3 Exposure to alcohol marketing increases the likelihood of drinking initiation and adolescent’s alcohol use (Anderson et al., Evidence from Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Poland shows that a higher exposure to online alcohol marketing increases the odds of heavy episodic drinking in adolescents (de Bruijn, 2012). Existing aggregate sources and estimates of alcohol consumption provide the most reliable information to determine broad national trends and draw country profiles of alcohol consumption. 3 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264119284-6-en 084012658cb7fbaea31365b723c14947 Builders immediately score higher in the environmental section of the scoring system if they build their own power supply generated by natural gas. Second, natural gas power generation is approximately 7% to 8% cheaper than the energy provided by the national (coal-driven) power system. The savings in cost reduces the cost of producing the desalinated water, thereby raising the bid-score further (since cheaper water scores higher). Builders are permitted to build a power facility that exceeds the required power for the desalination process. 6 2 2 0.0 10.1787/rev/fish/pol-2009-26-en 08463b44dbca04fd65fa6b4e9a2b81a6 New Zealand is currently involved in negotiating FTAs with ASEAN and Australia (AANZFTA), the Gulf co-operation Council (GCC), and Malaysia. Negotiations are expected to be launched with the Republic of Korea early in 2009. The development and implementation of Fisheries plans is directed at improving the opportunities for those who utilize fisheries resources to contribute to, and participate in the management of the resource. Improvements have been made to the QMS and the majority of stocks with sustainability and management concerns will be introduced into the QMS over time. 14 0 4 1.0 10.1787/871f6812-en 0847095c69e063c4f90e6cde3a57bf4b The opinions expressed and arguments employed herein do not necessarily reflect the official views of ITF or OECD member countries. The work for this report was carried out in the context of the Decarbonising Transport Initiative of the International Transport Forum. The author thanks the participants of the ITF Decarbonising Passenger Transport Workshop, as well as Wei-Shiuen NG, Jari Kauppila, and Michael Kloth for their comments. 11 0 7 1.0 11.1002/pub/80a5593d-0c74f324-en 084c5e5980f5b3a0a9559cefd54ce616 Patent owners are “pushing” for their own technology, within a SSO, seeking royalty payments and licensing revenues for the use of their technology, when it is essential to the implementation of an industry standard. When IPRs are involved, the SSOs seek assurances from the owners that they will license the technology to any interested standards implementer, on FRAND terms. These results in legal confrontations, as for example a recent (2013) case between Microsoft and Google-owned Motorola. Motorola’s SEPs-portfolio based demands have been over-ruled by the Court (2013/4/25/4267830). 3 3 1 0.5 10.1787/dd4dcfa6-en 084cc6f0cdde0ee295ae01e92757b550 "Such concern is addressed by the use of the Market Basket Measure (MBM), which sets many low-income thresholds reflecting the estimated cost of a specific set of goods and services that represent a basic standard of living in a specific area. This indicator is available for 49 different communities across Canada and is more sensitive to differences in the cost of living. Moreover, when MBM thresholds are applied to infer national low-income rates, these are low'er that the estimates obtained from applying a ""floating” relative income approach. In 2015, 12.2% (4.2 millions) of people w'ere categorised in low-income when the MBM is applied, against 14.2% (4.6 millions) w'ith the conventional relative poverty measure." 1 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5jzb44nmnbd2-en 084e63be89df6032944a2dc07125530a Outlined in Box 1, these principles are based on the expectation that effective national and international processes will enable effective outcomes. The Paris Declaration commitments were subsequently deepened by the Accra Agenda for Action endorsed in 2008 (see Annex A), which called on donors and partner countries to step up the implementation of the aid effectiveness principles. In particular, climate finance was outlined as a priority for effective international development, to “continue to support national climate change policy and planning as an integral part of developing countries’ overall national development plans, and ensure that - where appropriate - these measures are financed, delivered and monitored through developing countries’ systems in a transparent manner” (OECD, 2011b). 13 1 3 0.5 10.1787/5jrxg3xb0h20-en 085215ed008405181ec56d3ed8f2134c Including a review mechanism (or sunset clause) would facilitate subsequent changes. In cases in which the decisions that established existing institutions already provide for review mechanisms, it may be useful to provide guidance on further review of interlinkages between such institutions in the future. Table 11 (below) provides an outline summary of characteristics of the current proposal for continuing with existing international institutions. It will take time to assess effectiveness of planning. Nevertheless, there are specific proposals included in the Geneva text for new international institutions as options to enhance adaptation (as well as a proposed option to have no new institutional arrangements for adaptation). The proposals for new institutional arrangements are for: a subsidiary body for adaptation; an adaptation registry; an international clearing house and registry; and a global knowledge platform. 13 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/95417570-en 0856c7a172a9fe91126e6e9d82492c9b Sources of energy like geothermal, tidal power, hydrogen, nuclear fusion and so forth will require a more visionary approach and even greater scientific and technological advancement. These advances, in turn, will require substantial investment which, at present, is not forthcoming from public and private sources on a large enough scale. Only by ensuring a reliable, affordable supply of energy will it be possible to chart a stable course for economic recovery and growth. Addressing energy insecurity and transforming the global energy system must therefore constitute a major priority for any long-term programme of economic and climate stabilization in advanced countries. Such a course will simultaneously address the climate challenge. 7 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264301603-7-en 08595041b2ffd77a9339bb74f641251b By comparison, the number of teachers in primary, lower secondary and upper secondary education represented about 2.4% of the labour force across OECD countries in 2013.6This means that, in general, the share of students expecting a teaching career is larger than the share of working-age people who are teaching today. At least at this early stage of career orientation, concerns about the lack of candidates for a career in teaching are therefore exaggerated. In fact, teaching enjoys a clear advantage over other occupations that 15-year-olds may not even know exist: all 15-year-old students have had some contact with teachers and have at least an approximate idea of what they do and of their working conditions. 4 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.18356/aeeac50e-en 085a2dd8a967f457ae3c327542155b71 Each was responsible for producing thematic contributions for use in the synthesis report. An evaluation consultant supported the process by providing research, data collection and analysis, and synthesis of the report, and a part-time consultant assisted in data analysis. These data gathering and analysis strategies are described in more detail in Annex 5. 5 9 0 1.0 10.18356/d1d16df5-en 0861c4c43db6eba8b6ff65a0bd91599e The Indonesian Kerosene-to-LPG Conversion Programme has been successful in moving 30 million households away from hazardous kerosene to LPG for cooking in just five years (2007-2012). At the centre of this success has been the leadership of the Government, crosssector cooperation, results-based financing (box 1) and appropriate technical assistance. Lessons from this programme suggest that awareness among potential users about the importance of clean cooking, together with the setting of a price that is affordable to users, are critical to the successful implementation of the programme. 7 0 6 1.0 10.1787/059ce467-en 08627d8db7ee253c75e98c5826a85a1e A scoping mission took place to Stockholm on 9-10 April 2018, which included meetings with officials from the Ministry of Education and Research, the National Agency for Education, and representatives from teacher training institutions, municipalities, independent schools, unions of teachers and principals, as well as researchers (Annex A). Each section describes current, relevant policies, analyses the situation and provides Sweden with promising examples from peer-leamer countries at various policy levels: the classroom, the school (or university in some instances), the municipality, the region and the system. This is meant to emphasise the shared responsibility across all levels of the education system in integrating immigrant and refugee students. Finally, policy pointers are provided to guide Sweden on how best to respond to the current integration challenges in these four areas. 4 0 8 1.0 10.1787/5kgj0d3vzcth-en 08629eaea588eaa20ce872864ee2fa63 Farmers are able to divert deliveries to spot markets because membership in a sheep/beef meat processing co-operative does not imply high penalty risks for non-delivery. Such behaviour is possible because the meat industry is characterised by structural overcapacity and there is high competition among processors for primary supplies. Processors confronted with non-delivery choose not to make recourse to enforcement procedures considering that this would weaken their capacity to attract suppliers in the future. Other processors benefit from non-enforcement of contracts by their competitors because this provides an opportunity to attract additional supplies. 2 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264187443-8-en 08655c9065292f13c63e0b93c77cf8cd Recorded exports of maize in 2003 represented only 0.01% of production. It has been part of food trade in the region since the early 20th century. The first flows towards the south of the country, then Nigeria, went hand-in-hand with the organisation of assembly markets (Pobe, Dogbo and Ouegbo) (Igue, 2008). Besides Nigeria, surplus maize was also exported to Ghana beginning in the 1920s. 2 1 4 0.6 10.1787/9789264259157-6-en 0867d66cc6a5b098f45cf2513d8676fd Distributive Effects of Cash Versus In-Kind Family Transfers for Young Children”, OECD Social, Employment and Migration Working Papers, No. How Time-flexible Work Policies Can Reduce Stress, Improve Health, and Save Money”, Stress and Health, Vol. Eine Bilanz der Regierung Merkel 2005-2009, VS Verlag, Wiesbaden, pp. 5 3 1 0.5 10.14217/5jz5m7tw1x8t-en 086bdb51328ce9005d4748794cf15385 Even if these static and dynamic gains from trade openness do not also benefit the poorest households in the country directly, the gain in national income provides more wherewithal for the government to assist them indirectly. This could come via public goods such as investments in rural infrastructure to reduce trade costs in and to/from the poorest regions of the country. It could also come via social protection instruments such as conditional cash payments. 2 2 2 0.0 10.18356/973d5b65-en 08704c1bacba81fab055f0a9a1759a1c There, through integration of locally generated community based information, co-production of urban planning strategies and social engagement in public sector interventions, the programme achieved a dramatic decrease in crime. By improving access to public spaces, enhancing lighting and visibility, setting up social and business centres along walkways, pedestrian traffic, community surveillance and social cohesion increased. Playtime in Africa creates places for children to convene in a safe outdoor environment to play, learn and create. The initiative combines best practices from around the world and integrates them into local conditions to develop a strategy for child-focused places. 11 0 3 1.0 10.14217/9781848591318-18-en 087511ce0df005aff9cb0f96eca3af68 With regard to qualifications, the question of the cross-border validity of learning certificates for students has now been covered in some depth in the literature and policy recommendations made, most relevantly in the IIEP publication Certification Counts (Kirk, 2009). However, cross-border portability of teachers’ qualifications is not included in that study (although it notes that similar issues apply). Similarly, although field guides and minimum standards for education in emergencies address the question of curriculum and whether the host country or source country curriculum should be followed for students, there are no agreed international standards for teacher training curriculum content, or on related professional standards. However, these do not cover non-Commonwealth countries (as noted above, there are currently a number of Commonwealth countries sheltering refugees from non-Commonwealth countries); nor do they take into account the special circumstances of education in emergencies, where teachers may arrive without their certificates, having left home precipitously. 4 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264270985-7-en 08751d4698e04da8c71710f22cae79c4 Preventive interventions also cover individuals at specific risk and those who have either no symptoms of the disease or early signs and symptoms, where early case detection will assist in reducing the potential damage by enabling a more successful intervention. Take the examples of breast and prostate cancer, where age and sex affect the risk; certain lifestyle choices increase the risks, as smoking does for lung cancer. When the symptoms correspond to an acute condition, a remission or cure (HC.l) is sought and expected. Many conditions cannot, however, be completely cured and lead to chronic conditions with some degree of functional decline. Treatment then involves recurring contacts for control as well as the patient’s personal involvement in monitoring and controlling symptoms and treatment.11 Curative care is the most frequent reason why people initially contact the health system. However, based on the specific needs of each consumer the services received typically include a basket of components that mixes preventive and rehabilitative as well as curative care. 3 0 4 1.0 10.18356/60a8d482-en 087910a37b85e418bdad97790094a16f But achieving substantive equality in health also requires improvements in the quality of services as well as broader attitudinal and institutional change to address stereotyping, stigma and violence head-on. The section therefore goes on to examines how the delivery of health care can be transformed to enable all women and girls' to have access to services, to address their specific health needs and to give them greater voice in the health system. Each of these mechanisms has different implications for access to health services, for equity and for protection from the financial consequences of illness. In many countries, those living in poverty incur higher OPPs than other groups of the population because they are more often affected by sickness. 5 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264273238-3-en 0879bb1050f2292ff0d14d0005f5f829 "This requires both top-down and bottom-up approaches, so that new standards are defined at the systemic level, training is offered by education institutions, skilled teachers can mentor others, and teachers can learn from each other, investigate in collaboration with others and exchange good practices. This makes the teaching profession more attractive, but also much more demanding. Many education systems still struggle to raise the status of the teaching career, so that teaching can be considered a ""profession"" viewed as having the same value as medicine, law or engineering (Guerriero, 2017)." 4 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264122314-4-en 087b8dc6b87abfc62c6f6ffc6e679d41 Currently there are few indicators that measure how well care co-ordination is being undertaken. Without adequate biomedical research on how best to treat a person with multiple chronic conditions, it will be difficult to create evidence-based quality metrics. As noted earlier, it is difficult to develop practice guidelines or quality metrics for people with multiple chronic conditions. 3 0 4 1.0 10.18356/5e60d4be-en 087d0fd977da24afcffd4621e501b9e8 In recent legislation, fines for violations are often expressed in terms of damage caused, or in multiples of the minimum monthly wage, in which case rates vary according to who the violator is, from individuals to officials to entities, and the multiplier is higher for more serious offences. The legal review in 2012 led to a step change in the value of fines; for example, under the 1995 Law on Water, the administrative sanction for non-compliance was a fine of up to 200,000 tugriks, whereas the 2012 Law on Water includes stricter sanctions for non-compliance ranging from monetary fines of up to 7,020,000 tugriks to revocation of water use permits. In the case of a water use permit for industrial purposes, excess use of the resource now leads to increased fees of up to 50 per cent at the relevant tariff as a penalty. 12 1 4 0.6 10.14217/9781848591110-7-en 087d5790b1c9eddf21d7360efb168760 Available at: http:// Theodore, Karl (2000). The University of the West Indies (UWI), St Augustine. Available at: Macroeconomic_and_Health_01_01.pdf Theodore, Karl and Althea D La Foucade (2001). ' The Impact of HIV/AIDS on Social Safety Nets: What Can the Caribbean Expect?' Available at: Thomas, Andy (2000). 3 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/5jlww004n6nq-en 087efbca152f2a55a34a84be9af899e8 The first is to provide clarity and understanding of the goals and actions being undertaken by individual Parties, and progress being made towards them. The second is to inform the global stocktake that will assess collective progress towards the long-term goals of the Paris Agreement. For example, the new framework addresses some of the gaps in the current system regarding how information is to be measured (e.g. guidance is to be developed for accounting for NDCs and how to measure finance mobilised). It also addresses gaps in terms of what information is to be reported (e.g. information shall be provided by all Parties on progress towards NDCs) and by whom (e.g. in addition to developed country Parties, other Parties that provide and mobilise support are encouraged to report information on support provided). 13 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/01a171e9-en 0880decea47fe86b21e70d4e07bccc9b The objectives of public and private research differ widely. Public research generally has the objective of expanding the knowledge base and obtaining recognition for this, and does not necessarily result in upgrading of the technological capabilities of industrial sectors. Conversely, private research is motivated primarily by the practical application of the knowledge that it develops. 9 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264123564-6-en 08810168f8a65d8d8725429d7cc43285 For child care teachers, the government set a higher level by increasing the required credits from 35 to 51 credits (i.e., 12 to 17 courses) at a college level and, furthermore, strengthened the training programme with a third level qualification (i.e., one year of training after high school graduation), requiring a total of 1 105 hours including four weeks of field practicum. From March 2013, child care practice will take place only at accredited facilities with a minimum of 15 children. It also consulted with the child care sector, educational organisations and the adult education sector to design the concept for a child-minding academy. 4 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264112902-5-en 0885aba5b5da54137443dcef5f64489e With prices now lower (albeit still above average levels over the past ten years), the emphasis has shifted to the chronic lack of smallholder development, with strong support for “smart” subsidies for seed and fertiliser. Of course, income growth (and the related objectives of poverty reduction and improved food security) is not the only objective in developing countries. Policies to improve incomes therefore need to be seen in the light of their impact on other objectives, such as sustainable resource use and improved gender equality. Furthermore, it is helpful to make a distinction between policies that can raise incomes in the short term, when economic structures are essentially fixed, and those that can facilitate a transition to economic structures that are capable of generating fundamentally higher incomes in the longer term. 2 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/3615596e-en 08869d315598063e202c248fc4c76faa Some countries have government-mandated quotas for the number of women on boards, on the basis that this is the only way of increasing participation. Others have judged that the quota system is not appropriate and that initiatives of some other type are required. Examples of such initiatives include a requirement for listed firms to publish a board diversity policy, the creation of processes for recruiting women with managerial skills, increased training, education and mentoring for women, and advertising and promotion of these positions (Deloitte, 2011). 5 0 3 1.0 10.18356/7ed1f44a-en 0886b7bbd8a41e7e6f327157e138fcf4 In 2008, the volume of remittance was $175 million in Fiji, $135 million in Samoa and $100 million in Tonga (see table 3). Fijians serving on foreign ships bring in around $15 million of remittance annually.4 The Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, Kiribati, Samoa and Tonga all have high levels of per capita remittance (Prasad, 2008). In Tonga, for example, remittances have both reduced the poverty headcount from 57 per cent to 32 per cent and significantly impacted inequality, reducing the Gini co-efficient from 0.605 to 0.495 (WB, 2006a: 88). Similarly, in Samoa, family remittances from overseas play a vital role in providing social protection and social security to their relatives and friends living in the country. Samoans overseas contribute towards their “social obligations” by remitting money to their extended family. Almost every Samoan has a relative overseas and money sent back home helps to subsidize the socio-economic needs of the relatives. 1 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264079915-8-en 0887ed16a24111940f3791f2c02d2c2d There were around 1 500 boats in a fishery that could sustain a fifth of that number. It decided to control the fishing effort - in effect keeping the same number of boats, but making them less efficient by reducing the number of days at sea and changing the type of gear they could use. Finally, in 2002 a federal judge ordered the government to drastically reduce fishing. 14 0 3 1.0 10.18356/9abbeac5-en 088d0aab8a5eeb48164d5e5e983b9def Gender gaps in unpaid work are narrowing in developed countries, but they remain starker than those in market-based work virtually everywhere. Stigma and even violence are often used to enforce stereotypes and social norms about 'appropriate' female and male behaviour. As girls and women have entered schools, workplaces, public transport and marketplaces in greater numbers, they are frequently subject to unwelcome scrutiny, harassment and even assault. Violence is also used as a way to punish nonconformity with dominant gender stereotypes, for example in relation to sexual orientation (see Box 1.5). However, the implementation of these legal provisions is rarely supported by adequate investments in services, in capacity building of service providers and in the public campaigns needed to effectively prevent violence against women. 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5kg57kjj5hs8-en 088ee3adafcd2ce399b1ed4f81592f0a Initiatives by the Ministry of Education such as EPICT and ONLINE-PH support these measures. Furthermore, students’ field placement in eLearning schools as an integral part of their teacher education supports the initiative. Since Austrian universities are autonomous, they can self-determine and promote their research and study areas. 4 1 3 0.5 10.1787/5jz40rjgtjxx-en 089308b89354d9cea549d36e6fe09a0c However, the understanding of sustainability will require revisiting the interpretation of lower mobility in view of the requirements of sustainable development and sustainable transport. Empowerment of women will have to come through enhanced accessibility to various opportunities without dependence on motorized mobility. Adverse effects are in the form of poor air quality, risk of traffic crashes, lack of activity leading to obesity and other life style related diseases. Least adverse effects on users and non-users is possible when majority city residents have to travel short distances thus reducing the exposure to air pollution as well risk from traffic crashes. 11 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264231122-9-en 08931fd32be5f48c436a7571d9b40e51 For instance, to harness water-related knowledge, policy makers can set up water information systems whereas solving conflicts over water resources allocation requires the active involvement of those affected to identify the appropriate trade-offs and build consensus. Indeed, 73% of participants surveyed concurred that existing mechanisms for stakeholder engagement are sufficient. Opinions converged that these tools have been successful to foster inclusive decision making, both formally by making stakeholder engagement more systematic, and informally by providing channels for stakeholders to contribute freely. This result shows that all tools are in place or at hand. It is then more a question of making them effective and outcome-oriented in practice than developing new instruments (Figure 5.4). 6 0 3 1.0 10.6027/9789289343879-7-en 089628417f4ba2e12f25dc8a06ad9125 These reforms had a significant impact on the overall subsidy level but left some of the most significant subsidies in place including most of the diesel subsidies, subsidies to butane and petroleum fuels. In 2014 the total allocation was DH 41.6 billion2 (~4.2 USD billion) of which DH 36.6 billion (~USD 3.843 billion) was allocated to petroleum products. Between 2012 and 2014 the overall subsidy cost fell by around 25% (see table 2). 7 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264202733-6-en 0897b57e264b170bc1aeb8c08461f6ff These gender differences exist to a large extent because women still bear the brunt of the unpaid domestic tasks, such as childcare and housework, because of shortage/high costs of childcare facilities, and because of family-unfriendly work conditions (OECD, 2012a; World Bank, 2011b). Table 3.1 shows differences in the availability, affordability and quality of childcare services across regions of the world (Economist Intelligence Unit, 2012). Moreover, gender differences in the labour market can have longer-term consequences affecting women’s and men’s ability to save for both short and long-term needs (as mentioned in the previous chapter), and may especially impact women’s outcomes in retirement. Box 3.1 highlights the experience of New Zealand in addressing women’s lower outcomes in retirement. 5 0 9 1.0 10.1787/5kg6qdx6b5q6-en 0899630634d2cbe80fe27d776b2a12a8 Established under the Climate Change Act 2008, the scheme covers emissions by firms and public bodies not already subject to the EU system or substantially covered by other agreements. It comprises reporting requirements and a carbon levy. The CRC EES is complemented by several other policies to promote energy efficiency in residential buildings. 13 0 3 1.0 10.1787/729bf864-en 0899b56df1f2e0157a302451341ecf88 There may also be an opportunity to use tangible assets that are needed, or are already owned (such as property, plant or machinery), to fund purchasing or leasing using asset finance. If the company’s primary need is to enlarge its workforce, asset finance is more difficult; furthermore, in order to make either tangible assets or its workforce productive, a company may need to make accompanying intangible investments (such as marketing, training, software coding and/or IP protection). However, irrespective of the funding method, it is common to find that IP and intangible assets form part of the foundation for the planned expansion, by virtue of underpinning the processes or methods that need to be scaled up, being embedded within the products and services themselves, or providing a protected environment in which they can be sold without infringing other companies (or being infringed). 8 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.18356/47c7f9c4-en 0899e463182c34ff6b37c624c5c97767 The lack of evidence-based policy making is a result of both the lack of analytical capacities in sector ministries, and the lack of relevant data. Limited coverage together with limited funding seriously hampers the poverty reduction impact. Nevertheless, it should not be forgotten that the situation would be even worse for the most vulnerable households if these transfers did not exist. 1 0 3 1.0 10.18356/29b37a6d-en 089cbf85a04e5fa2160e7c9c597ef601 However, buying urban and peri-urban property (housing land lots and flats) is an attractive investment for those who work abroad. Flat sales in Chisinau are growing 8% annually.64 This means that there is a growing demand for housing in the capital and in the immediate vicinities. However, the land is not yet used intensively. Chisinau, like most Moldovan cities, still has a lot of available land in developed blocks and some abandoned land lots. This non-intensive urban land use situation currently provides an opportunity for replacing, upgrading, and developing the physical infrastructure (e.g., utilities, transport), which is needed due to the growing demand for housing. With new constructions and land acquisition progressing, there is a need to have adequate spatial development plans in place. 11 0 3 1.0 10.1787/rev/fish-2015-6-en 089fff3c48368f1f5366e6bdec44f881 The European Union has also been negotiating Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) with Africa, Caribbean, Pacific (ACP) countries. This group is composed of seven regions: five in Africa, one in the Caribbean and one in the Pacific. Most recently, a deal w'as reached in July 2014 with 16 West African states and in October 2014 with the East African community. 14 4 0 1.0 10.1787/a09a3a5d-en 08a1402e0c12240cd5fac92faebbb6c0 The bars indicate 95% confidence intervals. The vertical dashed lines indicate the 25th, the median and the 75th percentiles of the underlying distribution of inequality. These comprise the combination of technical skills, business management skills and personal skills required for starting up and operating in business and self-employment. They include, for example, opportunity recognition, team building, negotiation, strategy development, communication, decision making, risk management, financial planning, marketing and the ability to motivate and mentor. 9 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264119598-6-en 08a38da01466087fb4abdbad05d8db8b The overarching objective is nevertheless to reduce energy and water demand in tourism. In order to achieve this, a programme of certification and best practice will be developed. Two studies of GHG emissions in the tourism sector and the potential to participate in carbon markets will be carried out, and strategies to increase the use of renewable energy in accommodation will be developed. Moreover, a Working Group with the National Commission for the Efficient Use of Energy has been established to encourage the reduction of energy demand in the tourism sector. 13 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264096356-en 08a4c853738cf88e1b6c5820e4a31688 Imagine the interruption of the activity of a steel producer due to a blackout. If blackouts happened regularly, the steel producer will have a backup system whose cost is passed on through the price mechanism. If no other issues were involved, this would be the solution. In other words, the security of supply risk would be “internalised” and there would be no need for policy action. 7 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264179370-2-en 08a7a79fc68eb5c4bb6db2b0895fa273 Girls today outperform boys in some areas of education and are less likely to drop out of school. But the glass is still only half full: women continue to earn less than men, are less likely to make it to the top of the career ladder, and are more likely to spend their final years in poverty. Making the most of the talent pool ensures that men and women have an equal chance to contribute both at home and in the workplace, thereby enhancing their well-being and that of society. Greater educational equality does not guarantee equality in the workplace, however. If high childcare costs mean that it is not economically worthwhile for women to work full-time; if workplace culture penalises women for interrupting their careers to have children; and if women continue to bear the burden of unpaid household chores, childcare and looking after ageing parents, it will be difficult for them to realise their full potential in paid work. In developing countries, if discriminatory social norms favour early marriage and limit women’s access to credit, girls’ significant gains in educational attainment may not lead to increased formal employment and entrepreneurship. 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264260207-5-en 08ad7cbe11c3521aec359355ab2a4bb0 The energy supply is apparently still keeping up with increasing energy demand. The current capacity in 2015 in Hai Phong was about 3 670 million kWh, whereas the actual demand is around 2 130 million kWh (the surplus can be sold commercially). Demand, however, is expected to increase by 13.7% (2016-20). 11 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264231160-5-en 08b10a5ba091fb9cd4254b92f4feee14 In particular, those that show the impact of policies in cities at advanced stages of the ageing process will become useful information for cities in the early stages of ageing. One such example is the EU Ageing Report (European Commission, 2012a), which includes a set of indicators that illustrate expenditure projections for a large older population, covering pensions, healthcare, long-term care, education and unemployment. Internationally applicable indicators that help assess the social sustainability of cities and their urban form are particularly important. 11 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/eag-2018-15-en 08b226fe9996228e93681a6a87d474c3 The share of children under the age of 3 enrolled in ECEC is on the rise in most countries and has increased on average from 25% to 31% between 2010 and 2016 (Table B2.1b). This is particularly marked in many European countries, as a result of further stimulus by the 2010 objectives set by the European Union (EU) at its Barcelona meeting (to supply subsidised full-day places for one-third of children under the age of 3 by 2010) (OECD, 2017(4]). More globally, the rise in ECEC provision over the last decades has greatly contributed to the increase in women’s participation in the labour force, particularly for mothers with children under age 3. Countries with higher enrolment rates of children under age 3 in 2016 tend to be those in which the employment rates of mothers are highest ([OECD, 2018,1]] [OECD, 2018(7]]; Figure B2.1). In countries such as Norway, for instance, not only do more than half of the children below age 3 attend ECEC services, but they also attend programmes integrated within the education system from below age 1 until the beginning of primary school. 4 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.6027/9789289349291-7-en 08b2816c462afcfc11b9b107fe4bc145 "Beyond policy development and coordination, there is a lack of understanding on what alignment with the ""well below two-degree"" target actually means in different sectors - where to invest and where NOT to invest (to avoid lock-in). It is important to notethat this challenge is equally relevant for developed and developing countries, and should be addressed as an integral part of the international process of NDC refinement and ratcheting up. The private sector has been encouraged to set ""science-based targets"" to help create this alignment." 13 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.18356/fd217899-en 08b3510acb5ddc36bf548e36ceb8de6a However, a growing number of financial and technical assistance resources are becoming available to aid South-East Asian countries in assessing the development of national PES strategies. Viet Nam, Indonesia and Indonesia's Aceh province are putting this assistance to use to both deploy individuals PES projects and in the development of policies and programmes. While there are several approaches to determining these values, each with its specific strengths and weakness, any approach should be based on local contexts. Where there is significant capacity with respect to valuation methodology, it is more difficult to find expertise with experience in its practical application for PES, thus the development of local expertise and capabilities is needed if PES is to succeed. 15 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/9789264233515-6-en 08b543366fd9f2ef480cb8619c05d81c Self-reported surveys, self-reflection reports or journals, and checklists are most frequently used in the process. The most common consequences are that the centre or staff are required to take measures to address shortcomings, conduct a follow-up inspection or other monitoring practice, as well as the more drastic sanction of closing ECEC settings or not renewing their license to operate. It is not common to attach funding consequences, whether increases or decreases in funding, to monitoring service quality outcomes. 4 5 2 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/859159ab-en 08b67c4f5a46fcc31c67d6e43d422606 Subnational governments often understand local specificities better than national governments. They can also better engage their constituents, which fosters inclusiveness. With a clear understanding of who should do what, different actors can work together and reduce inefficiencies and misaligned policies. 11 1 4 0.6 10.1787/9789264191808-5-en 08b9423e1709ea7bd0a4969be9449aac The SMART Housing Policy offers an incentive-based approach to encourage developers to build affordable housing that also meets elevated construction standards, and is located near transit. It provides for fee waivers as well as faster review and inspection times for developers building qualifying housing projects. It can also provide additional density, or floor/area ratio, to encourage provision of affordable housing and other community benefits, such as parking, open space and streetscapes. 11 0 3 1.0 10.18356/a22d206d-en 08b9e741798f4dfbd348a483cc97947a Since its collateral registry came online in 2010, Ghana has registered 60,000 loans totaling approximately $14 billion. Moreover, it explicitly states that the elimination of gender discrimination in laws, customs and practices related to land and property is a guiding principle of land management. While considerable progress has been made, there is still, however, a significant gender gap when it comes to ownership and control of land. 5 0 7 1.0 10.18356/cb17bdad-en 08ba15be12d86ab25a3c675415fb5ecc "2012.""Concluding Observations Guyana Seventh and Eighth Periodic Report.” Concluding Observations Kuwait Fifteenth thru Twentieth Combined Periodic Report.” In the latest reporting round, this was particularly true for the Bahamas, Chile, Cyprus, Indonesia, Jamaica, Mexico, Pakistan and Togo. It is here that intersectional discrimination is particularly acute, with the vast majority of domestic workers being either migrant women, such as in Chile and Cyprus, or members of racialized groups." 5 3 6 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264203525-7-en 08ba715eceae17986a11ec8c5446a5ce The treatment of slurry for biogas is voluntary and farmers receive a premium of DKK75 per m3. Up to 100 farmers can use one biogas installation. Under this scheme, a grant covering up to 20% of the investment in the plant can be provided. The remaining funds will be provided by a 60% loan, guaranteed by the local municipality and 20% of own financing. 13 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/787cb9be-en 08bc188c42be08331fef49719a5ffbde Countries that have most extensively implemented prescriptions to slash wealth, top personal and corporate income tax rates also experienced the most significant rise in top income shares since the early 1980s, without registering the promised higher economic growth (figure 4). Survey-based income inequality measures, such as Gini estimates in figure 3, often rely on data samples that truncate the top of the income distribution, because top incomes are under-represented in surveys or due to top-coding method shortcomings (Alvaredo 2010). Top income shares in figure 4 are estimated using non-truncated fiscal data, but under-reporting of income to tax authorities is common and tax evasion has grown rapidly over the last decade (Palan et al. 10 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264225442-5-en 08bd42856d464abb2efb60a75cea2b02 To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first comprehensive systematic study of education policies at the international level. It is intended to serve as a source of information, while maintaining the premise that policy design and implementation have multiple contextual dimensions that feed into the reality of policy processes (Ball et al., Part I reviews the range of policy options across different policy areas. Part II focuses on ways to support effective implementation through analysis of reforms in evaluation and assessment, innovative learning environments, and school improvement, and also explores the engagement of teacher unions and business and industry representatives in developing and implementing education policy. 4 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264189935-7-en 08bde4a10e6d2d8a8420e83fde18fdb9 But labour taxation was especially high on low-wage workers, with a tax wedge about six percentage points above the OECD average for minimum wage earners (Figure 3.6, Panel B). This depends on a number of factors, namely: i) the presence of a net wage floor (i.e. a binding minimum wage); ii) the extent to which workers value social protection or public services provided by taxes; iii) the relative bargaining power of employers and employees; and iv) the relative generosity of possible replacement revenues (OECD, 2008|3i|). The effects of labour taxes on labour demand are thus likely to be particularly large at low wage levels. 8 0 5 1.0 10.1787/9789264229631-8-en 08c0131281c135394e2cb297b9592adf However, even in the absence of formal and rigorous assessments of reform, evidence of positive developments or disappointment are still available. The cases of Israel, Alberta, Canada, New Mexico, United States and South Africa illustrate positive, mixed or disappointing results. While the shortage of water remains the key issue in the water sector, and the need to manage the reservoirs between dry and wet seasons and years is the top priority for those responsible for the water sector, authorities have been given enhanced tools to cope with the challenge. 6 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9ce809d8-en 08c1fba62cde6c69ffc686f6d0961937 Naturally, public spending forecasts are closely linked to revenue projections; for a given level of spending on social protection, the strength of the revenue performance will determine the extent to which spending on other items might need to be reprioritised. The first is a business-as-usual approach whereby a low-GDP-growth scenario is assumed and the share of the main components of public expenditure to GDP remains at the same level as during the GTP I period. Beyond 2020, it is assumed that the share of recurrent spending to GDP will remain constant while capital expenditure will keep rising to reach 15% of GDP by 2025/26. 1 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/9789264123564-6-en 08c2cea63a31a36f47038072941c255f If staff experience their working conditions as more pleasant, this will result in more caring and stimulating behaviour (Huntsman, 2008; Burchinal et al., The quality of the classroom environment is found to improve with every additional adult in the room. When practitioners work together in a classroom, this provides opportunities for supervision, consultation and discussing work challenges (Goelman et al., 4 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264088986-en 08c5d2dad3bcf1e0e45b96cd9328af25 Entrepreneurship activities at early stages in colleges. Discrepancies in public investment in infrastructure and support. One of the most innovative examples to approach local development is the European Union LEADER programme which provides tools for bottom-up capacity building and assessment (see Box 4.6.). Since 1991, the LEADER initiative has had three different editions. 4 3 6 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5kghx3kbl734-en 08c7281f0f7d7ca10462e59f2e477139 Promotion is automatic within the same cycle of Primary Education but progression from one cycle to the next is contingent upon meeting the curricular aims for that particular cycle. A pupil may repeat a year, but only once in the primary level. Pupils who continue to the next cycle, but who are negatively assessed in one or more areas, must receive appropriate support to help them catch up. Likewise, special attention is paid to the early detection of learning difficulties and to the prevention of school failure at an early age. An official academic certificate is not awarded at the end of primary education, but it is awarded at the end of the basic education, which includes Primary and Lower Secondary Education. In Lower Secondary Education, assessment is continuous (i.e. integrated into the leaching and learning process) and separate for each subject. 4 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264281318-24-en 08ca55ab199d83467c4f902ecc642b1b It declined slightly thereafter, as migration for employment picked up, particularly within the European Union, and again more recently as large inflows of refugee and asylum seekers arrived. The gender composition of migrant stocks has been affected only very marginally, however, as, once again, the migration categories in which women account for the highest shares are those most likely to be a permanent movement. While men are often perceived as the principal immigrants - the first-comers who arrived as workers, students or refugees - women account for most of the spouses who either accompany or join the principal migrants later, a pattern sometimes referred to as that of “trailing wives” (Cooke, 2008). Family migration trends may thus be associated chiefly with women, even though family migrants also include minor-aged children whose gender distribution is balanced. 5 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264214033-7-en 08cab7a9a78029c0521fbdc93b0a9ff3 This proportion is particularly high in Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Portugal and Spain, where it affects over 30% of students. In these countries, repetition has been one of the main tools to respond to individual weak performance and preserve an even level of attainment within each classroom. A study based on PISA 2009 data found that, in about half of the countries examined, students' socio-economic status is related to the likelihood of repeating a grade, even after accounting for student academic performance (Monseur and Lafontaine, 2012). In fact, data from PISA 2009 revealed, among OECD countries, 53% of the variation in the likelihood of a student repeating a primary grade is observed at the student level, 28% at the school level, and 19% at the system level (Coos et al., Teachers widely support grade repetition, as they can see the immediate gains in going over the same curriculum a second time (Jimerson, Anderson and Whipple, 2002). 4 1 4 0.6 10.1787/5jlwvz85537c-en 08d4217ec20af00548b2d80762d169ac Towards Zero: Road Safety Strategy endorsed by the Government of WA, Perth, 2009. Safer Journey: New' Zealand's Road Safety Strategy 2010-2020. In line with this goal, the EU aims at halving road casualties by 2020. Make sure that the EU is a world leader in safety and security of transport in all modes of transport.” 11 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264119536-11-en 08d51b911aea741f15b55cb8ea2f9607 It thus permits identifying “gainers” and “losers” of policy reforms. The advantage of the simulation is that it can hold “everything else” constant (unemployment levels, market-income inequality, household composition, etc.), For instance, it can show whether families at the bottom, middle and top of the income distribution are now better or worse off than they would have been with unchanged policies. This leads to “automatic” changes in redistribution mechanisms, if no policy action is taken (OECD, 2008b). 10 1 4 0.6 10.1787/0ec26947-en 08d99f375ef4f88d8c837fd386b25056 Due to the nascent status of the technology, legal frameworks and specific laws are yet to be designed and enacted. As a consequence of the physically distributed nature of blockchain networks, sometimes across national borders, the applicable laws and regulations differ for each node (West, 2018). Due to the immutable nature of decentralised registries, and the capability to transfer value by virtue of digital transactions approved by a consensus algorithm, many open questions remain in areas like service level and performance, liability, intellectual property, data privacy, and compliance. 9 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264287457-3-en 08dbc3910284a28a85c83263ccfac2e3 This suggests that disadvantaged children from these countries are less likely to obtain the skills necessary for today’s technology-rich and versatile labour markets and improve their socio-economic status. Considering that acquiring labour market-relevant skills and obtaining well-recognised educational qualifications have become major determinants of labour market outcomes, the lack of equity in education in these countries is worrisome. In 2012, over 85% of 15-year-olds from the most disadvantaged backgrounds in Belgium, France, Hungary, Iceland, Japan and the Netherlands reported having more than a year of pre-primary education experience (Table 1.1 and Annex Table 2.A2.1 in Chapter 2). 4 0 4 1.0 10.1787/5k4c0vtwpttj-en 08e7d8ddd5997f4e4bb0296616e9afd1 Structural reforms are needed to boost labour demand with the EITC at least partly offsetting any negative impact on individual income. The asymmetry' in EPL between temporary' and permanent contracts needs to be reduced. Reforms of the education system need to continue to ease the transition from education to employment and to raise the productivity' of new entrants. 8 0 3 1.0 10.18356/32528cbf-en 08e9de2acb499a4c834f9cc51a71d9f5 And in 2050, when there will be some 10 billion people on Earth, we will only have one eighth of a cubic kilometre per person. This relatively small amount of water is what will provide each person with all ecosystem services, including food and oxygen. But this is also where some of our emissions, our waste and our rubbish will end up. We must work together with our closest neighbours and cooperate at a global level, between countries. 14 2 3 0.2 10.18356/b64c6036-en 08ea02b02f2d77893ada41a7efe95a5d The assessments of the individual transboundary surfitce and groundwaters in this subregion can be found in the Chapters 5 and 6 of Section IV (drainage basins of the Black Sea and of the Mediterranean Sea). The assessment of transboundary waters in SEE also contains assessment of a number of selected Ramsar Sites. Besides the assessed Ramsar Sites, there arc important transboundary wetland areas elsewhere in SEE, e.g., the delta of Maritsa/Evros/Meri^ River (a part of it is also a Ramsar Site), as well as important human-made wetlands, such as reservoir lakes and fish farming ponds along the Drava, Mura and smaller rivers in SEE. 6 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5kg9sr5xm632-en 08eb6231754dfa3d3050e2438dfd6996 The situation might improve once a minimum intake of renewable electricity is determined by the NEA (more in the Policies and Standards section). By integrating advanced information technologies into the power system, smart grids enable operators to better manage generation, transmission and storage in ways that more effectively respond to system fluctuations in demand. In turn, smart grids help in load shifting, while maintaining the reliability and stability of the power system. The most innovative aspect of smart grids is that, through the installation of smart meters, they allow consumers to participate in demand response. 7 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264204799-6-en 08eb8ab70bf5990cf4b997c2992b5393 Investment in developing the primary care information base and expediting the implementation of government policies in this area should be a priority. There is strong professional commitment in Sweden to the development and use of quality registers, and robust evidence of how they have supported quality improvement in many areas, especially in secondary care. Quality registers need to be better embedded in primary care, to optimise the potential for quality improvement across the entire patient pathway. 3 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264257498-8-en 08ec85253365fe7e12c762fe1ea25bf8 However, there is no systematic and institutionalised transmission of individual attendance records from schools to social services which could help youth overcome any barriers to school attendance or offer alternative education or training options. The co-ordination between schools and social services is crucial for preventing school drop-out, and may vary significantly across communities. While co-ordination is often easier in small communities than in large cities, it can be difficult in remote areas where providers and schools are far apart (see the section on co-ordination at the end of the chapter). 4 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/b9699195-en 08ec9af4c25402f2f91c361440a797bb In agriculture, technologies that enhance the labour productivity of rural women (such as better farm tools, water provision, modern energy services and household food preparation) can free their time for other activities. For example, a study from India demonstrated that women who used a groundnut decorticator were able to process around 14 times more groundnuts and used significantly less physical effort than those doing so by hand. Similarly, a new hand tool designed for making ridges for vegetable crops allowed women to double the number of rows finished in one hour (Singh, Puna Ji Gite and Agarwal, 2006). Such innovations in technology may open up opportunities for women to earn higher incomes or to use their time (and increased income) for added attention to the family. 2 0 4 1.0 10.14217/9781848599178-7-en 08ee208db6cafa5ea057212223ece39c One legacy of that programme was the establishment of the Programme of Advancement through Health and Education (PATH), a conditional cash transfer programme that now constitutes the core of the social safety net. Advocacy has been initiated by scientists and their students in the Climate Studies Group of the Department of Physics at the University of the West Indies (UWI), individual scholars in the Faculty of Social Sciences, the Centre for Sustainable Development at UWI, as well as by various ENGOs. Some of the research and the outreach based on this work have been funded by the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (CCCCC) and the Environmental Foundation of Jamaica (EFJ). 12 4 0 1.0 10.18356/a22d206d-en 08ee2093428e2d9d313d00de655fe8f0 Like their male counterparts, women-owned businesses have a range of financing needs. For example, a recent survey of women business owners in the Middle East and North Africa showed that they were more interested in long-term than short-term capital, as well as supply chain and equity financing (Niethammer, 2013). The loan sizes are smaller, the repayment periods are shorter, and the interest rates are higher (IFC, 2014). 5 1 4 0.6 10.18356/01772a94-en 08f226460853996ce4af1f7bef751dea The discrepancy between the deprivation rates for younger and older children depends on the deprivation levels of the age-specific dimensions, i.e. nutrition and health for the first age-group and information and education for the second. This ratio ranges between 0 and 1, with zero showing no deprivation (according to the cut-off chosen) and one showing that everyone included in the analysis is deprived in all the dimensions analysed. In the thirty countries of sub-Saharan Africa, the adjusted multidimensional deprivation ratio is 0.42 when using a threshold of two deprivations (i.e., children are multidimensionally deprived if they suffer from two to five deprivations). 1 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264083660-7-en 08f3ecf68f1a4e16b7efe9ceb2f58cf4 The concession aimed to improve the services and operating performance of the existing municipal water utility, especially to poor areas that have little access to potable water and poor sanitary conditions, by reducing the amount of water that is unaccounted for, increasing cash collection and increasing service coverage by 30-40%. Overall, the municipality expected to increase coverage to 90% and 60% for water and sewage services, respectively, by 2013. The complaint raised the following social and environmental concerns: repeated cuts of residential water to the poor, lack of service provision to poorer neighbourhoods, lack of wastewater treatment, noncompliance with the concession contract, resulting in infringements of MIGA’s safeguard policies. 6 0 3 1.0 10.14217/9781848599574-13-en 08f75153fbb81e77dd9dcf2feb50f295 The PPA also commissioned KEMA International in 2012 to undertake a study to quantify the power system energy losses in southern Pacific utilities, which included all the Commonwealth Pacific small states except Vanuatu (PPA and KEMA 2012). Following on from the recently completed Pacific Appliance Labelling and Standards Programme, which aimed to increase the importation and sale of more energy efficient appliances, the Pacific Efficient Lighting Strategy (PELS) is being implemented to assist in the Pacific’s transition to high efficiency and environmentally sound lighting by 2020. The projected electricity savings are over 2,100 gigawatt hours, with associated fuel import savings of about 720 million litres and emission savings of 1.9-2.0 metric ton equivalent carbon dioxide. 7 0 3 1.0 10.18356/3dfe8660-en 08f88da09cf006de6d2deb13f4020aa7 It also provided targeted protection to support the emergence of heavy industries, promoting research and development. Alexander Hamilton, the first US treasury secretary, is widely considered the father and inventor of the infant industry argument. Between 1830 and 1945, the United States had some of the highest trade barriers in the world. In the same period it invested heavily in infrastructure (Pacific railways, Midwestern canals and agricultural infrastructure), higher education, and research and development. 1 5 3 0.25 10.18356/56f09402-en 08f9ed1fcebf18dfcf21c9c1f949bf47 This is an innovation in the area of transfer and scholarship programmes, whose agenda does not usually include dependent care and thus mainly harms women. It provides a transfer of US$ 75 to those who have an attendance record of at least 75% for the courses, which last between 6 and 12 months (Robles and Mirosevic, 2013). The programme, implemented in 2000, offers an incentive for companies to hire and train young people. 5 1 4 0.6 10.1787/5k3wb8h0dg7h-en 08f9f7626f2c2baf6922a89d1b569335 Since 2007 Italy has provided tax relief for energy efficiency improvements to existing buildings including the installation of double-glazed windows, thermal insulation, high-efficiency boilers and the installation of solar panels. In 2009, building owners submitted 240,000 tax credit applications. As the programme was originally expected to be terminated in 2010, the number of applications in 2010 exceeded the previous year by around 71%. 7 0 5 1.0 10.18356/63fef40d-en 08fdac72378e532d556d11c146a22d8f The strategies appear to be technically feasible, but there are many hurdles on the road to implementation. The biophysical processes linked to emissions vary according to climatic and agroecological conditions and farming systems. Nuclear and isotopic techniques can help to understand these processes better, and to improve the monitoring of nitrous oxide emissions (Box 17). 2 3 0 1.0 10.1787/9789264190320-16-en 08fea8bde2d71fa94dc874e4faebd89d The current state of water bodies has adverse effects on the environment (poor water quality, reduced stream flows, drying up of wetlands); adds costs to the provision of water services (as water has to be treated before it can be used); and threatens the economic viability of farming. Currently, 91.3% of the population has access to drinking water services and 89.9% has sanitation coverage. Considering the current coverage and future population growth projections, in the next 20 years Mexico will need to provide an additional 36 million inhabitants with drinking water services and 40 million with sanitation services. 6 0 4 1.0 10.1787/ad4de8a1-en 0902cb30991a43b9c6bb0646912f0019 An MTA that covers the entire commuting area can co-ordinate among jurisdictions at all territorial levels and reduce negative consequences of urban sprawl. Fatal crashes between road users remain a common occurrence on city streets, whilst they have almost been eliminated in rail or air transport. A growing number of local governments are embracing Vision Zero: a vision of no one being killed or seriously injured in urban traffic to rectify this. In support of such ambitious targets, this report investigates key road safety questions in the context of selected cities in Europe and beyond. 11 0 4 1.0 10.1787/c69de229-en 090650181b3521a0c4b97793e92e548c Living with two cohabiting parents' refers to situations where a child lives in a household with two adults that are considered parents and these parents are not married to each other. ' Living with a single parent' refers to situations where a child lives in a household with only one adult that is considered a parent. ' Other' refers to a situation where the child lives in a household where no adult is considered a parent.. Source: OECD Family Database, SF1.2 Children in families. In some countries (Belgium, Sweden, the Czech Republic, the United Kingdom, Denmark and Sweden) half or more of the total poor children live in a single-parent family. 1 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264086234-en 09078416c184bc5eb416834132e7ce84 This process enabled the simple comparison of immigrant students relative to their native peers across the ten indicators. Figure 1.1 below provides a graphic overview of the relative performance of the two groups of students and more importantly, highlights the areas where gaps between the two groups are most significant. The mean values for immigrant students are converted as the relative values of 10. 4 0 9 1.0 10.18356/1c11fde8-en 0907a060d5a83531de4202c966651843 Additional funding will be provided to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to study measures to curb heroin overdose deaths and provide naloxone, which is used to rapidly counteract the effects of opioid overdose, to first responders and train them in its use. Part of the earmarked funds will also be used to offer substance abuse treatment to all eligible federal prison inmates through the Department of Justice’s Federal Bureau of Prisons. In July 2015, Health Canada announced that it was reviewing the prescription requirement for naloxone. That initiative comes at a time when opioid overdoses continue to increase across the country. As a first step towards facilitating access to the medicine, the federal Government was undertaking consultations with provincial and territorial health authorities to collect information about the use of naloxone, in particular with respect to the possibility of allowing a wider range of professionals, including first responders, to inject patients with naloxone. 3 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/aid/glance-2017-14-en 09080ce72748588e6b79cbc37502c2a9 Support for trade-related adjustments—one of the initial objectives of the Aid for Trade Initiative—only attracted USD 253 million. Only USD 2.1 billion in OOF went to finance projects in trade policy and regulation. This is because this is largely supported through technical assistance. Most of these funds were for countries in South and Central Asia (51.1%), followed by East Asia (34.4%) and the Middle East (12.7%). 9 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264233775-6-en 09092d4310871824fbb614c4b1615b9a To prevent the school environment from becoming a source of mental distress itself, bullying and its consequences are therefore issues that must be adequately addressed. Initiatives that integrate anti-bullying programmes in schools are of interest here. In Finland, for instance, a large-scale programme on bullying, funded by the Finnish Ministry of Education, was launched in 2006. 3 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/4b4d466d-en 090ae9a372aa3adacf29369db7c80426 "To safeguard women’s rights, traditional leaders and decision makers should receive training about women’s rights and their responsibilities to uphold these rights. In Kenya, for example, local traditional authorities have been made aware ofthe contributions women make to their communities. In one community, elders in 01 Posimoru drafted a new local constitution (known as a ""katiba”) that protects women’s property rights." 5 0 9 1.0 10.1787/51c9d18d-en 090da6739470e0d2aeb1cc06cb000a87 For young people, the decisions they make about what and where to study, both within and following periods of compulsory education, have become both more important and more difficult to make. The purpose of career guidance is to enable young people to make what are good education and career decisions for them now and in their future as well. In the absence of reliable and trustworthy information and support which good career guidance should provide, such decisions become more difficult, with personal and social costs often displayed in skills mismatches and unsatisfactory employment prospects. Over recent years, the significance of career guidance services has grown. Rapid economic and educational change has led to school-to-work transitions which are now longer and more complex. 4 0 7 1.0 10.1787/5jrs8sv4jt6k-en 0917127714f6275e7361d2af05b37079 This approach from Wiggins and Keats (2013) was based on 31 major case studies with thousands of smallholder participants across Africa. The aim is to see the extent to which policy instruments align with major smallholders’ constraints. In order to carry out this exercise, a questionnaire was sent to the five participant countries asking questions regarding national definition of small-scale agriculture; main constraints for accessing markets identified by governments; policies aiming at solving those banders; among others3. It is important to note that not all questions were fully addressed by the countries; particularly the ones related to how effective the policies have been or which proportion of the programmes is being directed towards smallholders. National definition of small-scale agriculture. 2 0 3 1.0 10.1787/rev/fish-2011-5-en 0917188aa7243560ae5c9accef76a8f5 This move has taken place against the background of increasing use of ocean resources and space and the appearance of climate change impacts. There are a number of often conflicting uses which call for a more holistic approach to oceans management. While ecosystem management often emphasises biodiversity, integrated oceans management focuses more on how different users of the ocean ecosystem interact. The ocean provides inputs and services for numerous activities such as the following. 14 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264285637-6-en 09193adb1b3f08e715949d64c8b9e5b7 According to estimates for 2012 co-financing represented 11% of the total budget in private-subsidised schools (Paredes et al., The recently approved Inclusion Law (Ley de Inclusion) eliminates shared funding in private-subsidised schools. The implementation of the law will be gradual and schools will be compensated financially through a new grant (see also Chapter 1). 4 0 4 1.0 10.18356/13bb82ff-en 091a0ea5821b41519aea4eb187a6a581 Not so long ago, most people had large families: five children, on average. Where once there was one global fertility rate, today there are many, with differences wider than at any point in human history. Where they are not, people are not able to realize their potential, and fertility rates tend to be higher or lower than what most people really want. 5 6 3 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264290679-5-en 091f088f8081e83fe6fece06354534b9 It has a weak capacity to speak with one voice and present strong evidence to the two respective national governments, other than claiming that what is good for a given part of its territory is ultimately good for the country. The closest Western Scandinavia has gotten to a form of politically integrated governance body was the “Scandinavian Arena” (DSA), a cross-border political co-operation body, which also initiated the 8 Million City project and served as a steering group for the project (discussed earlier). Although the 8 Million City project allowed for a substantial amount of innovative thinking and data mining, it never managed to put together a full, coherent cost-benefit analysis covering the entire high-speed coastal rail corridor it was advocating for (Chapter 1). 11 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264208469-8-en 09214b9638a1a93137010b9545625ccc In Norway, a review of community mental health services found that GPs generally are regarded as competent, involved and accessible partners by the community mental health workers (Slettebak et al., This is a good base on which Norway should build. However, given that GPs will likely remain at the forefront of diagnosing and treating mild-to-moderate disorders, there is an on-going need to assure a high quality of care for mental disorders. The availability of training for CBT, and reimbursements for GPs delivering CBT, is an interesting development. 3 0 3 1.0 10.18356/899c7c48-en 09234af9f584f528f43a63e11c87dfc5 In this paper the two indicators are used side by side. It is expected that the effect of the crisis is more visible for monetary poverty than for material deprivation because the former is more sensitive to variations in the income stream (Whelan, Layte, & MaTtre 2004). Low income, adjusted for household size and composition, is thus measured with reference to the 'average' person in the society. However, the relative poverty indicator is less useful during the crisis, when the living standards of the whole population may be changing. 1 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264226500-5-en 09235730d5eea4d5c3d3f4ed2e20275a With the exception of the city of Puebla, which has just updated its urban plan, most municipal plans in the state of Puebla are 15-30 years old. In Tlaxcala, only 4 of the stale’s 60 municipalities have updated or are conducting an update of their municipal plans. Even recent planning documents may be based on outdated or only partial data. 11 0 3 1.0 10.1787/c69de229-en 09245c7eddf88f20548112243740c301 Zgi is a recentered influence function on the quantile of interest of the distribution of disposable equivalised income. The group differences in the predictors are weighted by the coefficients of families’ characteristics in 2014 to determine the endowments effect, the so called explained component. In other words, this latter measures the expected change in 2014 income quantiles, if those families had mid-2000s predictor levels. By contrast, the second term estimates the portion of the evolution of income that is due to changes in the association between poverty and household characteristics applied to 2014 predictor levels; and it measures the income difference resulting from variations in the “returns” that family and work characteristics from one period to the other, differences which are mainly due to changes in the distribution of market income and in the structure of social transfers. 1 1 3 0.5 10.1787/5jm0v3s71fs5-en 09279a4eee54db0d951e856f4c1b3455 All requests for public or commercial use and translation rights should be submitted to rights|S) It notably used this tool in developing Sida's development cooperation strategy for the Syria crisis. This approach also tries to take into account how long-term trends - such as climate change, governance and insecurity, economic marginalisation and volatility, environmental degradation, and demographic shifts - can change the nature and impact of shocks in the future. 10 2 4 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264240094-12-en 09288b4f4529f263578dde6738367ee6 In total, 3 786 adults responded. Visitors: those who had visited a Parks Canada-administered national park in the last three years; nonvisitors: those who had never visited a Parks Canada-administered national park. A survey conducted in 2012 revealed that 44% of Brazilians did not know what a protected area was; only 1% of those who had knowledge of protected areas believed that their purpose was recreation and tourism (MMA, 2012). 15 0 4 1.0 10.18356/7e830810-en 0934a08badd098559da1fff3aedb86a0 Some firms might be more sensitive to some types of barriers than to others. One is commonly known as the rebound effect. An example is the driver who replaces a car with a more fuel-efficient model, only to take advantage of its cheaper running costs to drive further and more often. Rebound effects have long been neglected, but their consequences could be profound. 7 1 3 0.5 10.18356/5f92f30f-en 0940b53dd4b69287e017b1480adc66ea It can be used to cover one consultation and one follow-up visit for: counselling, family planning, pregnancy testing, antenatal care, treatment of sexually transmitted infections, or any combination of services. The programme also trained clinic staff in counselling for adolescents, issues of adolescent sexuality, and identifying and addressing sexual abuse (Muewissen, 2006). Through a network of 5,000 peer counsellors, Gera^ao Biz provides non-judgmental, confidential information and services to Mozambique’s youth. 5 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264224636-5-en 09414ba56e63d782fd64ac25e06a565e A premise of this report, therefore, is that gender equality should not be addressed at the periphery, but rather as a central policy concern. Unless public policies, services, legislation and resources benefit all citizens - women as well as men - good governance cannot be fully achieved (OECD, 2010). This report, therefore, encourages governments across the region to analyse their policies and services through a gender lens to ensure that they reach out and respond to the specific needs of women and men. 5 0 4 1.0 10.18356/f47faf05-en 0942693dc36cc185ae19e3dfb7ae57ed Additionally, their stocks are difficult to define accurately, except for biomass. Even so, it would make sense to measure only those resources with slow replenishment rates (such as wood). Thus, stocks of renewable energy resources are not included in the FDES. However, the consumption of renewable energy resources can be measured in terms of energy produced (e.g., hydroelectric power, solar energy generation and wind energy production) and is included in the FDES under Topic 2.2.2: Production, trade and consumption of energy. 6 2 2 0.0 10.1787/9789264213944-8-en 09430cac384091e474c1133e39b48ea8 The bank may establish an overdraft contract including these terms or include the overdraft in a more general service agreement. This type of credit can help to deal with temporary business shortfalls that the entrepreneur may face. It can be used to deal with any unforeseen events, such as a customer’s delayed payment, which leaves the entrepreneur unable to cover the salaries of the company’s employees. 5 5 0 1.0 10.1787/9789264179370-2-en 0943e437d1c1a9ea699312c44abf8978 If childcare eats up one wage so that there is little or no financial gain in going out to work, parents (most often mothers) are less likely to seek a job. But how people manage life at home also plays a big part in the equation. Many systems still implicitly regard childrearing as a mother’s responsibility: everywhere women are doing more unpaid work than men, regardless of whether they have full-time jobs or not. 5 0 3 1.0 10.6027/9789289338578-7-en 094abe1811b41e7826d1b3eac392c004 "There is no national legislation corresponding to the Good Samaritan Law principle in Sweden. The provisions states that prepacked foods labeled with ""best before date"" or ""use by date"" and which are not re-packed due to, for example, damages on the wrapping, must not be re-labeled with a later date. If prepacked foods labeled with ""best before date"" or ""use by date"" is treated in a way that extends its life it is allowed to relabel with a later date. If the foodstuff is deep frozen this must be done before the foodstuff is transferred to a premise that sells the foodstuff directly to consumers." 2 0 3 1.0 10.18356/71a7b2a0-en 094aecf7c728511556e5211c8e34f7f5 The WGSSF agreed, however, that a wide range of fishing activities fell within these length and gear parameters, including some activity with very high fishing effort (GFCM, 2017). It was therefore concluded that a more refined characterization of SSF was needed in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea (Box 10). In certain countries, there is still a need for complete and up-to-date fleet registers for the small-scale subsector. Furthermore, in many cases, SSF may lack dedicated infrastructure, and catches are landed at numerous remote landings sites along the coast, including informal sites such as beaches, hindering regular data collection and record keeping. 14 0 4 1.0 10.18356/401c524c-en 094c0a93fd6e0510cac6336292ee2143 "This chapter assesses UNDP’s contribution to results in GEWE in the four focus areas and seeks to answer the following evaluation question: ""Has UNDP contributed to development results in gender equality and women's empowerment?” Taken together, the results produced by the two frameworks helped create a more comprehensive perspective on the quality of gender results, their level of effectiveness and the type of change to which UNDP contributed.111 The team experimented with this approach to establish meaningful aggregate-level trends of UNDP’s contributions to GEWE results. They reflect the fact that working towards GEWE requires more than simply targeting women (or men) or ensuring that a certain number of women benefit from a programme. The frameworks aim at making visible the quality and content issues that are too often absent in accountability and reporting systems and also to capture the level of effectiveness of gender results as well as the type of gender change." 5 0 7 1.0 10.1787/5kmms0t7p1ms-en 094f51d135c7e138c262d7a8601e2d63 Income poverty has fallen slightly in the aggregate but it persists at acute levels for the African and Coloured racial groups. Poverty in urban areas has increased. There have been continual improvements in non-monetary well-being (for example, access to piped water, electricity and formal housing) over the entire post-Apartheid period up to 2008. 10 0 5 1.0 10.1787/5jzb44nmnbd2-en 094fa9817bab46c1e8b1d8a540449d8c The GCF has explicitly recognised that “there is a strong need for capacity building” (GCF, 2013). In addition, multilateral and regional funds could facilitate achieving the aid effectiveness principles by providing greater donor co-ordination and reducing risks of fragmentation. National institutions help to identify climate finance needs and prioritise its allocation. The ability and capacity of recipient governments to set a clear vision and strategies for climate change within national plans, to develop policies and programmes to access and absorb international climate funds, and to channel and manage resources, are critical factors in determining the effectiveness of climate finance. 13 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.18356/4e17cc4e-en 095064af52215be082143491c23e9a24 In oyster, preliminary work on the exposure of the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) to microplastics indicated effects on reproduction (Sussarellu et al. Green crabs (Carcinus maenas) were observed to ingest microplastics under control conditions (Farrell and Nelson, 2013; Watts et al. Such intake was observed through contaminated food (mussels artificially contaminated with microplastics), thereby suggesting the possibility of microplastic trophic transfer. 14 0 6 1.0 10.1787/9789264259157-6-en 09525994ebd9479b3bdaf4d3625ea24b Data for non-European countries have been estimated using social expenditure outlook aggregated data. Tax breaks for families have been estimated from on the ratio in the previous year. Cash payments -like family allowances, child benefits, working-family payments, birth grants and income support payments during child-related leave (see the notes to Figure 3.1)- account for the bulk of family support. 5 2 6 0.5 10.1787/9789264303119-en 0954819255ed362d5c278971c84b0934 Household air pollution, much of it due to a lack of electricity, causes an additional 4.3 million deaths. Roughly half this pollution can be attributed to outdoor air pollution. This corresponds to an estimated loss in welfare in OECD countries that is far above one trillion USD, corresponding to roughly 3% of GDP (OECD, 2014). While the range of uncertainty over impacts and their monetised values remains considerable, methodologies are now firmly established and ranges of reasonable values exist. 7 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264119284-3-en 095518299458901fe3999ec892b02dd2 This is enshrined in the concept of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM). Its intent is to promote the co-ordinated development and management of water, land and related resources, in order to maximise economic and social welfare equitably without compromising the sustainability of vital ecosystems. Integrated water management involves institutions and their efficacy (Kjaer, 2004). 6 0 3 1.0 10.18356/ae18b798-en 0956319df53b9da85a423d540cc9a4d3 The way in which the poverty gap index is calculated takes into account the difference between the mean income of the poor sector of the population and the poverty line (weighted by the percentage of poor people), while the poverty gap squared also takes into consideration the way in which income is distributed among the poor. This indicates that, in addition to the decrease in the poverty rate in those countries, there was also a further improvement in the poverty' gap and in income distribution among the poor. The discrepancy is due basically to the fact that the price deflator used by tire Institute to adjust the indigence line —which reflects the variation in the prices of the specific products that make up the basic consumption basket— rose less than the deflator used by ECLAC, which reflects changes in food inflation and is therefore composed differently. The discrepancy is due to minor methodological differences related to the calculation of aggregate income and the value of the lines used. The Dominican Republic w'as the only countries in which the supplementary' indicators pointed to a divergence from the trend in the poverty rate, but this is not surprising, given how small the changes were (see box 1.3 and figure 1.2). 1 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264274648-6-en 095e3da335e25bcb349552fdfd1c3858 Many of these are the result of EU legislation. The following section describes each major plan in turn including its major objectives and tools to realise them and monitor progress over time. This includes the national, provincial and municipal structural visions along with other collaborative spatial plans such as the joint regional plans of North Holland, Utrecht, Flevoland (Gebiedsagenda) and the economic agenda for the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area. Following this, Amsterdam’s land-use plans are discussed, which give the greatest level of detail for specific kinds of land uses. 11 0 3 1.0 10.18356/99fd12bb-en 095eff85c56ace1bdddc788b17fac906 Operational integration and scheduling should facilitate transfer with minimum time wasted between modes. Such intermodal transfer facilities ensure easy transfer between urban transport modes, including active modes such as walking and cycling. Such intermodal transit stations need to be accessible via walkways, cycle paths and parking facilities for bicycles available nearby. 11 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264083578-16-en 095fb922504caba501eb0edb00ea28b6 No conveyance facilities are involved in the Feather River service area and no pumping is required. Hence, the contracting districts in that area are charged only for capital repayment and operations, maintenance, and rehabilitation. Substantial conveyance and pumping are required in delivering water to coastal and southern portions of the state. Irrigators would also be required to pay the operation, maintenance, and capital replacement costs of their local water agencies. 6 0 4 1.0 10.18356/cac203b4-en 096653fdd34155b1712c8c069f19d2b8 In fact, most education reform programmes are often linked to political dynamics. To date, such reforms are typically launched through a political or legal act. In most cases, countries prioritize aspects such as forging a common heritage and understanding of citizenship, instruction in particular language(s), and other meansof building capacities as well as popular support for party programmes. 5 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/d63f72c7-en 0966f9cc21d7d39b67801ef76aeb1d57 Consequently, current strategies centring on crop improvement in a limited set of staple crops would be unable to respond to climate change challenges. While the impacts of climate change vary across crops and regions, they put global food security even more at risk and heighten the danger of malnutrition in marginal regions. Smallholder farmers, who lack the resources to adapt and respond to climate change, will particularly feel these pressures. 2 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/2e1a4924-en 09677c4ee1779616183313262384cf5d These results are largely consistent across this whole era of liberalization reforms, though some notable differences emerge in comparisons of wage penalties before and after the collapse of the Argentine peso in the late 1990s. Section II discusses the motherhood wage penalty and labour market segmentation literatures. Section III describes the empirical strategy and methodology. Section IV discusses the main features of the data and Section V presents the results. Instead, jobs and labour differ across markets. The traditional view highlights a dual split between primary (or independent) and secondary (or subordinate) segments and contends that the boundaries between the segments substantively limit occupational mobility (Bauder, 2001). 5 7 2 0.5555555555555556 10.18356/152d606d-en 09682a3a9e606b075da21ad574c28cfa Nowhere in sight is the societal significance of work as a foundation of personal dignity, as a source of stability and development of families or as a contribution to communities at peace. This is the meaning of 'decent work'. It is an effort at reminding ourselves that we are talking about policies that deal with the life of human beings not just bottom line issues. 1 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/a11581d8-en 096938eee10c75e1b8dda1580473a18a Voluntary repatriation, the most common solution, may be promoted through “go and see” visits, education, legal aid and family reunification, along with development programmes in returnee areas prioritizing health care and infrastructure. Measures to promote local integration may include granting refugees freedom of movement and access to the labour market and to basic services. Successful resettlement of refugees in third countries can be facilitated by providing cultural orientation, language and vocational training and access to education and employment. 11 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/4b4d466d-en 096c10a176e2fd00fc9c9e6d53787dfc "While many provide for gender equality, some specifically recognize women’s land, housing and property rights. 402).The 2008 Constitution of Ecuador, as amended in 2011, provides that ""the State shall guarantee equal rights and equal opportunity to men and women in access to property and decision-making in the management of their common marital estate"" (art. In Brazil, the 1988 Constitution and Law 8629 of 1993 state that both women and men, regardless of their marital status, can be allocated property rights or concessions under the agrarian reform, either individually or jointly." 5 0 9 1.0 10.1787/empl/outlook-2016-8-en 0970f09e2a25268283b31c4f5fa3f18b Moreover, by virtue of being less adversarial than court proceedings, mediation can avoid damaging the relationship between employers and employees prior to a resolution being reached. This is especially important in light of the risk that retaliation by employers may occur after a worker lodges a complaint. Designing a transparent structure of sanctions for wrongdoing and effectively enforcing them is the first step in the right direction. Equality bodies and labour inspectorates should be empowered to conduct investigations on their own initiative, so as to compensate for the fact that victims of abuse are often unwilling to file a complaint or cannot afford the costs of legal action. 5 5 2 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264285637-9-en 0972b5c1d364403046ac1fa3cb0b0cb9 The chapter also reviews the coherence and consistency of the teacher evaluation framework and the operation of professional development for teachers. Among other things, it analyses the size of the teaching workforce; how teachers are prepared and improve their skills while in the profession (e.g. initial preparation, professional development); how teachers are recruited and distributed across individual schools; how teacher resources and teaching time are allocated to students so that they optimally respond to improvement priorities (e.g. class size, teacher-student ratios, use of teachers’ time); and how teachers are incentivised to perform at a high level (e.g. teacher appraisal, recognition and compensation). This law, whose gradual application starts in 2016 and whose full application is expected by 2026, establishes significant modifications to the management of the teaching workforce in Chile. It is planned that all teachers in all publicly-subsidised schools will gradually become part of the System for Teacher Professional Development. 4 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264287747-en 0972f2b3146d35e10ab07caad597314c The same index can be applied to occupational distributions. Table 3.A1.1 summarises how these components are obtained based on 2000 and 2010 population census data on the labour force (LF). Similarly, retirees are those in the labour force who were aged 45 and above in 2000 minus those aged 55 and above in 2010 (temporary withdrawals and re-entries prior to definitive retirement are implicitly netted out). The change in the size of the prime-age group equals the labour force aged 35-54 in 2010 minus the labour force aged 25-44 in 2000. Finally, the number of new immigrants is calculated as immigrants with duration of residence of less than five years, and such immigrants are excluded from the other components to avoid double counting. As can be verified from the table, these four components add up to the labour force in both 2000 and 2010. 8 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264188617-en 0974127b6f091a62114d91972e87bb3f Thus, load following with the BWRs is preferably done using the recirculation pumps, which has a very limited impact on the power distribution in the core. The introduction of grey rods thus reduces the local thermal flux and power by 25%, compared with a value of 50% for black rods. A similar statement was made for German NPPs (Ludwig et al., 7 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264309074-5-en 09745e72a5a14e48d0646daff247568a And in spite of the absence of a competition law, investors do not appear to complain about having to compete against well-established domestic incumbents - a complaint heard in many other countries in the region, such as the Philippines (OECD, 2016). This is also attested by investor surveys and interviews conducted as part of this review where concerns were raised about weak public institutions and policy uncertainty. Cambodia is ranked 135th out of 190 countries in 2018 in the World Bank’s Doing Business indicators, slipping three notches from the previous edition. 8 0 3 1.0 10.18356/caeceb38-en 097588fda30192cce1b6fb3efb5a1f66 As we would expect, these proportions increase with age such that between half and three quarters of older adolescents are working, or seeking work. However, adolescents frequently combine school and work. Research in South Africa and Zimbabwe on distribution shows that most working adolescents live in very poor households in rural areas and are engaged in subsistence agriculture, many combining this with domestic work (including care) and commercial agriculture (Robson, 2004; Bray, 2012; Dawes et al., 5 8 1 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264096356-en 0977f4a6b8c9e4e3cff4c50ae8267404 Nevertheless, the Japanese are far more likely than others (79%) to say that the risk of nuclear terrorist acts is high. This ambivalence is one element that explains the current status quo in Japan concerning nuclear energy. Indeed, a survey in early March 2010 by Gallup underlines this fact: 62% said they favoured nuclear energy as one way to meet national electricity needs. Thus, public support for nuclear energy in the United States is strong: more than six out of ten adults favour the building of new nuclear power plants. 7 0 7 1.0 10.18356/24485d89-en 097a3aa1a4b7727378e8f989fe0a349b Nevertheless, in 2011, there were still 360 million people lacking access to improved water sources, which represents about 46 per cent of the worlds total. The North and Central Asian subregion has the highest proportion of the population with access to improved water sources but has shown limited progress since 1990 and has therefore not yet achieved the Millennium Development Goal target. The case is similar in the Pacific subregion, which has recorded a decrease in the proportion of the population with access to safe drinking water. 1 2 2 0.0 10.1787/9789264179011-7-en 097c5b05bf298e3b07a746a6bf04ef2e Law 7/1996 on Food sets down basic policy on foods, food safety (keamanan pangari) and food security (ketahanan pangan). Separate laws are established to control the production of plantation, horticulture, cultivation and livestock. Formulating these is the responsibility of the National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS). 2 1 4 0.6 10.18356/68bdcb6f-en 0980a5bb9075e06231659b6f3d6cff56 This is not true of those applicable to the sphere of occupational safety and health, however, or of the commitment to offer minimum guarantees in the different branches of social security. Nonetheless constitutional guarantees, as a fundamental framework, generally recognize and provide for protection of the rights analysed. Yet there are situations in which a right is protected by the Constitution, but the relevant convention has not been ratified. Lastly, labour codes usually address each of the risks indicated with specific rules, although the contents vary from one country to another. 8 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5km5zrrvzr42-en 09812a6994d74db7053b114c876901fa This subjectivity in risk perception is caused by a variety of informal, experiential factors called heuristics. Heuristics refer to behaviours, reflexes and view points which are deeply ingrained in codes of conduct and perceptions that are particularly hard to change and overcome. A specificity of these heuristics is their foundation on irrational intuitive behaviour, by contrast to reasoning or objectivity. 7 8 1 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264190658-11-en 098155f424762e2d398bea82f6fa8b6f This may be sssas the issue of a formal written notce, a targeted support ultimately dismissal if not achieved. Australia: Australia is a federation of eight states and territories. There are differences in school leader appraisal systems between states and territories and also between public (government) and private (non-government) schools. 4 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/5k9312v21l6f-en 0982716adbbbb895cb0608976ac97714 How much is available for long-term investment? To start with, they narrow the definition of institutional investors which have the capacity to invest for the long-term down to USD 27 trillion — coming mostly from life insurance companies and defined benefit pension funds, but also sovereign wealth funds, endowments, foundations and family offices. The OECD see this number as potentially higher as defined contribution pension funds (representing 60% of the USD 28 trillion of total global pension assets)22 are also seen as having the ability to invest over the long-term (as evidenced by defined contribution style funds in regions such as Latin America and Australia investing in infrastructure projects). Insurers and pension funds have largely a well defined set of liabilities, some of which have to be met in short-term time periods, which ultimately lead their investment decisions. 7 7 2 0.5555555555555556 10.18356/21334b08-en 098c0c5bfaa1661afe646dfce453d25d At the same time, however, transport networks need to be developed in ways which minimize unacceptable adverse impacts. To date the rapid urbanization of Asian cities has, for the most part, resulted in cities that are heavily congested, are poor in urban amenity, suffer high levels of air pollution, emit substantial amounts of C02, inefficiently use scarce land resources, and present unequal access to opportunities for their residents. In the case of road congestion, the degraded amenity particularly affects and decreases the use of other, lower polluting road users, namely public transport, cycling and walking. 11 0 6 1.0 10.1787/9789264115118-6-en 098c452093092c61ebde5019888bd785 Governments might instead choose to capture the rents associated with cheap electricity sources through state taxes, which could be used to promote green growth priorities, and encouraging a longer-term more sustainable industry structure, whilst building financial reserves to help tackle future energy-sector decarbonisation. In this sense, the dilemmas and solutions are similar to those facing oil-exporting nations (Box 3.1). The energy system comprises a consistent network of supply chains, physical infrastructure, user practices, markets and regulatory systems (Kemp, 1994). 7 1 5 0.6666666666666666 10.18356/34a64e2c-en 09914d09f8850488532144996be493ee The labour-intensive activities in the livelihood strategies of the poor include unpaid family labour, piece-rate work and own-account work in a myriad of informal small-scale trade, services and manufacturing enterprises (Whitehead, 2005; Chen and others, 2005). While these activities provide a living for a major proportion of the world’s working poor, they are rarely visible in official statistics. Long-standing inequalities in the gender distribution of resources have placed women at a disadvantage relative to men in their capability to participate in and benefit from broader processes of development. 5 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.18356/50bcd9fd-en 0991d74c5432f16ab6718864a784b626 The result is far lower carbon dioxide emissions. Both these scenarios help us do that by testing our strategy against a range of possible developments over the long term. However, in our view, the Blueprints outcomes offer the best hope for a sustainable future, whether or not they arise exactly in the way we describe. We are convinced they are possible with the right combination of policy, technology and commitment from governments, industry and society globally. 7 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/18a859bf-en 0995546083d348365ce3374eaa775cc2 Within countries there are also efforts underway to ensure that the people most vulnerable to climate change, for example, women, children, the elderly and the marginalised, benefit from climate-related development finance. Analysis conducted by the OECD DAC network on gender equality (GENDERNET) as an input to COP21 reveals that 3% of bilateral climate- related development assistance targeted gender equality as a principal objective while 26% targeted gender equality as a significant objective (OECD, 2015f). Of climate -related ODA focused on gender equality, 46% targeted adaptation and 19% targeted mitigation. Support for gender equality in climate change interventions has increased rapidly in recent years from USD 4.4 billion in 2010 to USD 6.9 billion in 2013 for DAC members. 13 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/empl/outlook-2016-8-en 09969e2640cbc11129320162252ae3be The only notable exception is South Africa, where the gap grows sizably upon comparing men and women within the same occupational category, with respect to a comparison across all occupations within a given sector. Another, more technical way, to express the idea is to say that in those occupations the relationship between pay and working hours is not linear but convex. The data may over-estimate the gap if men under-report being house-workers. 5 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/5js1qwkz2p9s-en 09973c3455d7feb2b07b51163ca78f39 For instance, in wine-producing countries wine is traditionally consumed with meals (popular in rural areas) whereas in northern European countries wine drinking is associated with modern living styles and is an element of social life (popular in urban areas) (Simpura and Karlsson, 2001). Social norms shape drinking behaviour's: they determine when, in what contexts and how often people drink, and what levels of drinking are considered acceptable (SIRC, 1998). Men and women who are more educated or have higher socioeconomic status are more likely to be alcohol drinkers in the past 12 months, but they often differ in their propensity to engage in hazardous drinking behaviours. Lower educated men are more likely than those with more education to engage in hazardous and heavy episodic drinking, while the opposite is true for women in most of the countries examined. 3 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/e3c062fb-en 0998138f8337f5991d058a1aa3c08eb9 Today, there are 18 hunting farms (four more licences have been issued to fishing farms) but they do not operate effectively and only some of them have approved extraction quotas. It is thought that the trout has been affected the most. However, detailed study of this issue has not been carried out recently. Illegal fishing on the migration routes of species such as sturgeon, together with the dams constructed along those routes, is also a big problem for the survival of these species. 15 0 4 1.0 10.1787/5k92n2x6pts3-en 099e5bef7767a72cf7e0daa28b3af6ef Nonetheless, poverty should still be seen as having two important dimensions, captured by the relative and absolute lines respectively, both of which matter. This can lead to significant differences in the measurement phase for measures other than headcount poverty, such as the poverty gap. Simplicity of calculation and the common use of such poverty lines in a number of countries ensure the international legitimacy of such a line. 1 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.18356/028f7d06-en 09a4644f61d8f54a0c519150206495d3 In Latin America and the Caribbean, several points on figure 1.16 show a convergence between the direction of changes in GDP and in life satisfaction. But there are counter-intuitive situations, such as satisfaction rising when per capita GDP is falling, or increases in GDP while life satisfaction is declining. The classification, from the World Values Survey, defines income brackets as appropriate for the realities of each country. 1 0 4 1.0 10.18356/2dd5352f-en 09a54e3c3c48b6c807382788d3edac54 In Sovremennoe sostoyanie I puti razvi-tiya korennykh malochislennykh narodov Severa, Sibiri I Dal'nego Vostoka Rossiiskoi Federat-sii, V.A. Shtyrov (Ed.) ( The current status and the development of indigenous minorities of the North, Siberia and Far East of the Russian Federation). Moscow: Sovet Federatsii Federalnogo Sobraniya Rossiiskoi Federatsii (Russian Federation Council), pp. A feasibility study for the harvest of grey and bowhead whales to meet the cultural, traditional and nutritional requirements of the indigenous peoples of Chukotka for the years 2003-2007. 3 1 3 0.5 10.1787/5km91nfsnkwg-en 09a9201296429877b1afed3eb66bf85e Most studies of national systems, irrespective of the method used, have implicitly assumed spatial spillovers away—in their meta-analysis, Alston et al. ( Studies that did not allow for spillovers probably have suffered from a type of specification bias. One element of the attribution problem, then, is in identifying the specifics of the dynamic structure linking research spending, knowledge stocks, and productivity. 2 6 1 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/7b961df5-en 09aa80e613b0ee12a50f8f732b9841b4 The indicator might be difficult to interpret in countries in which the reduced access to sick leave entitlements is compensated through a higher hourly pay. However, the following variables may be used: • Target population: WSTATOR = 1 or 2 • Disaggregation: NACE3D, ISC04D, FTPT, TEMP, STAPRO The variables HWUSUAL, YSTARTWK and MSTARTWK may also be useful for identifying the entitled workers. Nevertheless, some workers may not be entitled to paid sick leave, such as temporary workers, part-time workers or workers in special statuses. 8 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264179370-6-en 09ae86987c09d4cf8af6e83cdc55557d Eligibility to register is conditional on annual income from the business being less than BRL 60 000 (around USD 33 000), but above a monthly minimum wage of BRL 622 (USD 340). In 2011, one full year after it was introduced, a total of 1.9 million micro-entrepreneurs formalised via MEI’s online portal. Around 46% of newly formalised entrepreneurs are women. To encourage people to register, SEBRAE (the Brazilian support service for micro and small enterprises) campaigns and delivers capacity-building programmes, often targeting women. 5 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264267817-6-en 09b020ea4e22b06d91f53d72d037df29 Increasing the use of affordable and reliable energy in remote rural communities can improve their capacity to deliver goods and services. For instance, the availability of reliable electricity is essential for a local restaurant that needs a refrigerator. In rural areas there is often insufficient business to support a full range of services provided through independent firms. A region may not be able to support a full-fledged home repair business, but could make use of the services of a travelling handyman that operates out of a fully-equipped vehicle. 11 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/4b795325-en 09b0d802e6cdf6426afa0d90da25e71e While, legally, every child is guaranteed an education, many children are denied the opportunity because of defects of the education system and the poor socioeconomic status of the country, as well as lack of parental understanding. The pastoralist way of life prevents children from being educated within the country's formal education system; and the increasing marginalization of indigenous pastoralist children has been the result of the gulf between them and the children in the rest of the population who attend primary school (International Research on Working Children, 2007). Moreover, within indigenous pastoralist communities, there are many families whose members can neither read nor write. However, many who are nomadic follow seasonal migration patterns, travelling hundreds of kilometres into neighbouring countries, particularly Benin, Ghana and Togo. 4 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/f61073ef-en 09b123f4f735b3b240e635a0951797de To this end, we estimate poverty elasticities relative to income and inequality, specifying two dynamic econometric models estimated via the generalized method of moments (GMM) system developed by Arellano and Bond (1991), Arellano and Bover (1995) and Blundell and Bond (1998). The model-estimated results prompt the conclusion that the income growth effect on poverty reduction is smaller when the initial development level is low. The same is found when the initial inequality level is high. 1 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264187894-8-en 09be6b07b9969f6cdce3306dbd80c3ed This is equivalent to all expenditure on basin management and flood protection plus one third of all expenditure on policy and regulation. According to the User- and Polluter-Pays principles, users of retail water services should pay for the full cost of urban bulk water supply services and wastewater treatment. In Mexico, however, they only pay about two-thirds of the cost of urban bulk water supply (since CONAGUA collects MXN 2 billion to provide services on which it spends MXN 3 billion) and only half of the cost of wastewater treatment (following the share of user’s contributions to the water supply and sanitation sub-sector). 6 0 4 1.0 10.18356/60a8d482-en 09bf8ed04257ef55ffe76c8feb871db3 Therefore, the failure of States to adequately provide, fund, support and regulate care contradicts their human rights obligations, by creating and exacerbating inequalities and threatening women's rights enjoyment. On the one hand, these services can promote the autonomy, rights and capabilities of those who need care and support. This has been a longstanding demand of disability rights movements, for example. 5 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264088368-5-en 09bff45bfbccb3f26b16b0cf4e9a4557 It has provisions on the mediation, arbitration, application and acceptance of labour disputes, on hearings and awards, etc. The law enhances protection for the lawful rights and interests of the two parties to the employment relationship through lawful procedure and guarantees that the Employment Contract Law will be implemented effectively. The 1994 Labour Law included some regulations on the minimum wage, although they were very simple. In January 2004, the enactment of the Minimum Wage Regulations indicated the overall implementation of a minimum wage system in China’s labour markets. According to this regulation, minimum wage standards refer to the lowest remuneration paid to employees by employers on the premise that employees provide regular work during official working hours the working hours agreed by their labour contract with employers. 10 0 3 1.0 10.18356/92ab585a-en 09c033b46a42050e3dc3aec87b50ecc9 These challenges will be accentuated by climate change. It ranges from under 400 mm over approximately 40 per cent of the country, particularly in the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region, up to 1,500 mm in the central mountainous regions and their river basins. In total, the annual amount of precipitation is 98.6 km3 of water. Sixteen glaciers, such as the Fedchenko and Grumm-Grzymailo glaciers, have a length of more than 16 kilometers. The total amount of water from glaciers was estimated at 845 km3 in 2006. The share of glacial water usually does not exceed 25 per cent of the annual flow of the rivers, as in the winter period the rivers are rather fed by groundwater. 6 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264305250-4-en 09c29323b8aff185bbd0645814e14882 The result of this can be that employment opportunities for new-arrivals are limited. Given the role of employment in strengthening language learning, the resultant exclusion from the labour market can become a vicious cycle. Unemployed jobseekers registered with the PES office, and aged 30 years or over, are eligible to apply for a card granting the right to subsidised wages. Employers of a card holder will then receive a subsidy covering 30,40 or 50 % of payroll costs (up to a maximum of EUR 1 400 per month) while the card holder receives the salary stated in the relevant collective agreement. The percentage of payroll costs and the duration of the subsidy are determined on the basis of time in unemployment. 4 6 3 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264225428-5-en 09c2f76cd3dc9ce9e9bd86817ce22b42 A more in depth analysis of volume activity suggests that health spending differentials between Italy and other European countries arise from differences in the delivery of non-acute health services (Sassi, 2013). While differences in the volume of hospital services appeared limited between countries, the analy sis strongly points to the fact that community, long term care and preventive services are underdeveloped in Italy compared to other European countries. As demonstrated by Figure 1.5, Italy had one of the lowest number of healthy life years at age 65 in 2011, with nearly seven years free of disability for women and about eight for men (compared to 9.5 years for women and men on average across OECD countries). 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264262782-6-en 09cf9df4e88215cd5f6c4afdf7bd3133 Exemption from cost sharing for low income groups was not continued. Health care measures building from this programme were also included in the Strategic Development Plan of Latvia for 2010-13 (see Chapter 1, Section 2.4). Health expenditure as a proportion of all household expenditures rose following the financial crisis, having fallen in the run up to 2011, very possibly due to the prior application of exemptions. In the 2013 EU-SILC survey, of those surveyed reporting unmet need for medical examination, 23% of Latvian respondents reported that cost (“too expensive”) as an explanation (Figure 2.1). Unmet needs for medical examination where cost is a barrier appears to have increased since the financial crisis. 3 3 6 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264268852-4-en 09d251a14127aac49e1ab7f9e7258cd2 It identified 26 FUAs, accounting for 55% of the overall population. This is close to the median population share of FUAs in OECD countries (56%). The FUA analysis thus suggests that the country’s urbanisation level is not as low as indicated by the comparison of national urbanisation rates, and that Kazakhstan is not “under-urbanised” compared to OECD economies. 11 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5jlwvz85537c-en 09d2f3d69edc0cb4e45d0c23ef61119c "Enhanching Mobility in Later Life"", IOS Press, 2005, Amsterdam, Netherlands, pp. Dedicated Road Infrastructure for Vehicle Safety in Europe DRIVE II Project V2031 Elderly and Disabled Drivers Information Telematics EDDIT. R&D Programme Telematics System in the Area of Transport (DRIVE II), Commission of The European Communities CEC, Directorate General XIII Telecommunications, Information Industries and Innovation, Brussels." 11 2 2 0.0 10.18356/c10e763b-en 09d33ca2d0e681434f2be63ee6d90496 To this end, different quantification tools are needed. Earlier applications showed, for instance, that the process of stakeholder mapping needed to be carefully designed and carried out at the very beginning of the assessment. Therefore, a more participatory exercise was developed for the NWSAS assessment (see section 3.5), where stakeholders were mapped and their relationships and power balances were described early in the process. For example, the organization of an additional consultation opportunity or investigation of an issue that emerges during the process may turn out to be necessary. The methodological flexibility has proved very useful in terms of adaptability, and flexibility from the side of the funding agencies and participating organizations is extremely valuable as well. Also, work under the Water Convention has been coordinated with other organizations, which has contributed to synergies between different nexus activities. 6 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5kmh3nj5rzs4-en 09d371f072d386c66ae086329a44aa38 In 2008, 70.8% of India's total population lived in rural areas, progressively migrating to urban areas at an annual rate of 2.3%, a rate which is below that of many other countries (UNPD, 2008). While such economic development has led to an average increase in the standards of living, it has left the agricultural sector untouched, bypassing most of the rural poor. Therefore, although India has enjoyed a growth of GDP per capita, poverty remains a challenge. Poverty is also more concentrated in some states such as the eastern and north-eastern states as Figure 7 shows. In March 2007, the Indian Planning Commission estimated that over the 2004-2005 Page | 63 period, more than one-quarter of India's total population (27.5%) still lived below the poverty line (BPL), with a distribution of 25.7% urban dwellers and 28.3% rural dwellers (Planning Commission, Government of India, 2007)37 as seen in Table 17. But strong economic growth alone does not bring such amenities to the rural poor. 7 3 0 1.0 10.18356/c45e5372-en 09d650f8348f0515e64aca417497df07 As a result, government investment in reforms and targeted assistance to increase access to public procurement can benefit women and their communities. Women lack information about government procurement guidelines, regulations and procedures. The relatively small size of their businesses hinders their ability to access large procurement contracts. 5 0 4 1.0 10.18356/fcd1ba6c-en 09d8bee42e793ee1de7ae6e3dcafcb00 Its Multilateral Fund supports the investments needed for new ozone-free technologies. While this is encouraging, showing that such success is indeed possible, it is the only obvious example of its kind. And there is an imperfect correspondence between “non-OECD” countries and developing countries in need of technology transfer. 7 3 6 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264224636-5-en 09da3f90e46e2ebaa9e04c3c46a54440 For example, pressure to participate in early marriage or forced marriage is often endorsed by female heads of households, who are often single mothers, as a way to uphold traditional values. This practice can be an important factor in restricting women’s chances for completing a high level of education and developing professional skills in the labour market. Over the last few decades, the MENA region has witnessed a series of demographic and cultural changes that have levelled a substantive impact on the progress of women in the region. A mixture of high fertility rates with a decreasing mortality rate have resulted in an increase in the population aged 15-64. 5 0 4 1.0 10.1787/5kg7068011hb-en 09daf9d80fbe62a867fbe90624df74b1 Fiscal incentives should be announced and guaranteed for a couple of years in advance. They could theoretically be financed through a surcharge on energy consumption, which adjusts automatically to the amount of support paid. These measures are likely to increase stability and reduce regulatory risk. 7 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/eco/surveys-gbr-2013-4-en 09db1843636cf55ae0a50595703def4f High youth and long-term unemployment call for specific actions to prevent lasting exclusion from the labour market and to facilitate reallocation of the workforce as the economy undergoes structural change. But increases in in-work poverty show that being employed does not necessarily guarantee a decent level of income. Sluggish economic growth and low productivity have pushed involuntary part-time employment up and real wages down, weighing particularly on the incomes of the least qualified segments of the workforce. 10 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264251724-8-en 09dd44daca188ca72f707cf76067e958 Long considered the traditional domain of shipping, shipbuilding, fishing, and- since the 1960s - offshore oil and gas, new activities are emerging: offshore wind, tidal and wave energy, offshore aquaculture, seabed mining, marine biotechnology, etc. These are fast-developing and reshaping and diversifying the maritime economy, while at the same time becoming increasingly interconnected both with one another and with traditional maritime sectors. At the same time, the world has witnessed a serious decline in the health of its oceans. In spite of long-standing efforts by a range of international organisations, regulatory regimes at global and regional level have found it difficult to adjust to these new circumstances and effectively integrate issues arising from the growing presence of emerging ocean industries. 14 0 7 1.0 10.14217/9781848591677-7-en 09deacbd53853215f90fe285e18224ac This serves as a key lesson for Commonwealth countries, indicating that despite constitutional, legislative and/or electoral reforms, political parties have to endorse these reforms and implement the required changes before women can actively participate in politics, leadership and decision-making roles. Recognising the resistance to change in specific political architectures has resulted in the imposition of fines and rewards by legislation on political parties to ensure implementation. Capacity building initiatives - Gender awareness training programmes should be established within educational and political institutions, and provided to women candidates to connect political aspirants to opportunities for leadership. 5 0 5 1.0 10.1787/9789264177338-3-en 09df805956ec9ab7aec1584e9e0a6012 Italy, New Zealand, Portugal and Spain provide income-tax concessions to highly skilled nationals returning to their home country. Some policy measures are designed to encourage international students to come and study; others make it easier for these students to stay after graduation and enter the labour market. Austria and Germany, among other countries, have largely opened their labour markets to international students after their studies. Similarly, the Czech Republic has made it easier (or international students who have completed secondary or higher education to enter the country's labour market. These graduates no longer require a work permit. In addition, family members of students taking courses are allowed to work full-time, while the students themselves may work part-time. 4 2 2 0.0 10.18356/fa8ae033-en 09e1fa729573531da7698b51e399cc3e For example, cash transfer programmes such as the Universal Child Allowance (Argentina), the former Chile Solidario (Chile), Universal Basic Pension (El Salvador) and Asignaciones Familiares-Plan Equidad (Uruguay) address the redistribution of unpaid care work from women to men. It not only provides day-care facilities during training sessions for single mothers but, more importantly, provides free preschool programmes with flexible hours to meet the needs of working mothers. Despite these features, however, some evaluations of Chile Solidario have shown that the preschool enrolment rate was low (4.6 per cent) because of a prevailing cultural perception that children are better cared for at home. That perception was cited in 90 per cent of the voluntarily reported reasons for non-enrolment. The effect is not only to empower women but also to enhance the ove ra 11 q ua I ity of I ife of the fa m i ly. 5 1 3 0.5 10.6027/9789289329163-4-en 09e3023871df89eb0a15985ad206c287 "However private forest owner can apply for state subsidies for harvesting of energywood from young forest stands, EUR7/m3. The support system is called KEMERA-""Fund for sustainable forest management'-scheme which is targeted to fund forest improvement operations and conservation of valuable biotopes. Within the same fund, subsidies used to be provided to chipping of energywood but this stopped in the end of 2012." 15 0 4 1.0 10.1787/729bf864-en 09e3c40de70f76a6473fa44714bd476b The lack of readily identifiable and realisable value in the assets created via expenditure on innovation increases the risk that such investments could become “short-termist” and cyclical, especially among resource-constrained SMEs, which are likely to be juggling many conflicting priorities. A recent study shows that 40% of SME applicants at the European Patent Office applied for a patent in order to facilitate securing external finance, compared with 15% of applications from large firms (de Rassenfosse, 2012). In France, SMEs rely more on internal funds for their R&D expenditure than large enterprises, according to data from BPI France. 8 0 3 1.0 10.1787/62212c37-en 09e41ae4fcc9cfd7f432c483223c648f As they are not detailed lessons plans, the resources require (and assume) strong teacher agency and autonomy. They are addressed to expert teachers who can design their learning environment and lessons. However, as was experienced in the field, pedagogical resources are not sufficient for most teachers and have to be supplemented by other learning resources. 4 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264226500-5-en 09e8b5edf308891bff999ff1f00cb590 The Regionalverband emphasises its greater closeness to municipalities and better knowledge of details, claiming priority of regional over state planning. A Mediation Committee has been created to consolidate differing views. The Mediation Committee consists of ten members, appointed in equal number by the Regional Assembly and the Regionalverband. 11 0 3 1.0 10.6027/fcafdf5b-en 09eb516c46f918e2d07618573223c897 Most tourists visit the Arctic Islands in the summer months with 40-50% visiting in June to August. In Greenland, more than 20% of the total annual tourism is in August alone. For Iceland, tourists do not outnumber the population but are close to matching them in numbers with around 240,000 arriving foreign tourists in both July and August compared to the population of 334,000 inhabitants. It has not been possible to obtain data on the level of energy consumption or the C02 emissions from the commercial enterprises arranging activities for tourists. 7 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/dd4dcfa6-en 09ec7a76cd8b8283c70a84aff95b49d2 The agreement was significant as it took a holistic view of early childhood as a process that begins in utero and continues to formal schooling. Most provinces focused their efforts on information and parenting resources, while scant amounts were targeted to early learning and care programs. Provinces and territories were to meet broad principles in their spending and agreed to enhance accessibility, quality, inclusion and parental choice. Unlike past agreements for child care, funding was not targeted to low-income families, and the concept of accountability was introduced. 1 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5jrs8sv4jt6k-en 09f3e6347c6c7ae8f19d33d7ccd17f9c There is also a lack of alignment among programmes and of recorded statistics of beneficiaries, as well as an inadequate financial resources. Table 21 summarises the above described policy instruments. Agricultural programmes are mostly addressing constraints to access to input markets, land access and on-farm infrastructure. All of the five countries studied - Brazil, Chile, Indonesia, Mexico and South Africa have a quite important number of small-scale farmers that have low levels of development, produce partially or totally for own consumption, have low productivity levels, have scarce resources and endowments and live in disadvantaged conditions. 2 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264191808-5-en 09f5b956306225bc7d3d2dd6b5ab1b9a These plans are not necessarily implemented by the GORE, but it is conceivable that Intendentes will try to combine these central-level strategies with the Regional Development Strategies developed by GORE. The central government’s Strategic Regional Plans lack a solid connection to the regional government’s own development strategy, and having been prepared for the four-year presidential term, could run into obstacles associated with the electoral cycle. The responsibility for regional planning was transferred from the Ministry of Planning. While consultative or participatory processes are often included as part of the planning cycle, as in many countries, the robustness of this process has been questioned by actors at various levels in Chile. 11 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/3e6fd74f-en 09f7645db497ba6cabb3ead1ade4e3fc The non-poor population is divided into the vulnerable (persons whose per capita income is above the poverty' line but less than 1.5 times this threshold) and the non-vulnerable. Persons living in indigence are evenly divided between urban and rural areas; nearly three of every four non-indigent poor persons live in urban areas (see figure 2). Minors (aged 17 or under) make up 51% of the indigent population and 45% of the non-indigent poor. Inotherwoids, practically half of those living in poverty are children. 1 0 5 1.0 10.14217/f81b7706-en 09f922a6fb2bc59aa5ceb9f10cbbde84 Generally, this is an elected position, and it requires a high degree of backing from the individual’s party. Women are slowly reaching for the top. Several countries -Uganda, Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria and Zambia - have had women (albeit few and on the margins) participate in the race for the presidency. This trend is not limited to the larger parties, but also occurs in smaller parties. 5 0 9 1.0 10.18356/73d010ed-en 09f940034da42876d5d4a0bb1c955702 These governments placed greater emphasis on growth and on State intervention in the economy. For a discussion of some of the features of this period of economic recovery in the region and in the changes in course plotted by these governments, see Machines and Hopenhayn (2005) and Lustig (2009). The rise in feminization was, in most cases, coupled with reductions in labour intensity (number of hours per week), which indicates that underemployment continues to be the main option for women who wish to work. A slowdown in the increase of this segment of the labour supply may therefore be signalling a substitution of activities in the home that help to support an economic recovery, although the increasing presence of women (relative to their non-entry) is a positive development that plays an important role in economic growth and in their personal situations. 5 2 6 0.5 10.1787/9789264223776-en 09f9d5d929120f9b7c7cd3a474c03d93 The failure to integrate so many people into the labour market is a terrible waste of human potential, and cripples the economy. It threatens social cohesion and in the context of the postapartheid transition it represents a particular concern because of the substantial over-representation of black South Africans in the NEET population. The 3.4 million NEETs may be compared with the 950 000 students in universities (both public and private) and 400 000 students in colleges - a total of 1.35 million. 4 1 3 0.5 10.18356/fa683360-en 09fc4d592aa2455c6f662a78a77379e1 The part of the brain primarily responsible for the detection of, and reaction to, a threat is called the amygdala. Threat detection and survival is given priority over all other brain functions. The human system will respond to the perceived threat in one or more of five predictable ways: friend, fight, fright, freeze and/or flop. 5 4 0 1.0 10.18356/1d53ff8e-en 09fc6b642b5e336665d45fc45e579ddf In total, the economies in the Middle East exported about 92.3 billion m3 of LNG to Asia and the Pacific, approximately equivalent to 39% of the region’s imports. The African countries of Algeria, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea and Nigeria also shipped LNG to the region, totalling 28.3 billion m3 (12%) of the total shipments to Asia-Pacific. However, in aggregate, most LNG imports by Asia come from within the region, including the Russian Federation, Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, and Malaysia (figures 10.5 and 10.6), which together supplied 46% of the region’s total LNG imports in 2012. 7 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.18356/150942f1-en 09fce2f5fe08b1c2adec62af4f6e86c5 The economic slowdown in 2009 is largely due to difficulties faced in agriculture, in particular the cotton sector. In fact, agriculture has suffered from poor spatial and temporal distribution of rainfall and flooding in several regions, resulting in disappointing growth rates in the primary sector: 0.9 per cent and -0.5 per cent, respectively, in 2006 and 2007. Most dramatically, cotton production fell by 33 per cent from 649,400 tons in 2006/2007 to 434,000 tons during the 2007/2008 campaign. 1 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5830c400-en 09fe4f4365b5c6c8b319fcd6f06e7b35 Skill recognition can accelerate the process in different ways. Box 2 provides a definition of skill recognition and sets out three approaches commonly used in the context of vocational education and training. Each of these approaches will be looked at in detail in Chapter 1 w ith country examples. Typically this means the person follows an adjusted version of a regular programme w'ith reduced coursework requirements or training time. 4 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264191136-8-en 0a021f447f39147a7b61f16a234aaaf8 There could be closer examination of care quality for specific procedures, for example open heart surgery, and also for specific disciplines which are known to be vulnerable to inequities in quality and coverage, for example old age psychiatry. Denmark’s unique patient identifiers could be used most fruitfully to further understanding of care quality across population groups. Indeed, Denmark is the only Nordic country for which alcohol consumption decreased between 1980 and 2010 (OECD, 2012b). 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264096660-12-en 0a09d3407f501bf583c0f95dad2e57b1 The next level of accountability rests with the school. Again, the level of trust that the larger community extends to its schools seems to engender a strong sense of collective responsibility for the success of every student. While every comprehensive school in Finland reports to a municipal authority, authorities vary widely in the quality and degree of oversight that they provide. They are responsible for hiring the principal, typically on a six- or seven-year contract, but the day-to-day responsibility for managing the schools is left to the professionals, as is the responsibility for assuring student progress. But that is not the case, because American schools, at least in the cities and most suburbs, get much more direction from the local district central office than is typically the case in other countries. In that sense, the United States may have traded one form of centralised bureaucracy for another. 4 0 9 1.0 10.18356/01a171e9-en 0a0caa06bfd0dc27b31317c07556c848 "Business R&D is therefore particularly relevant to such upgrading and to encouraging innovation, and thus to development. In developing countries, by contrast, firms' involvement in formal innovation is mixed. While firms are heavily engaged in innovation activities in some developing countries - such as China, the Republic of Korea and Singapore - the share of business R&D to total R&D expenditure in developing regions is far below the world average of 65.9 per cent: 38.3 per cent in sub-Saharan Africa, 35.2 per cent in Asia-Pacific and 32.2 per cent in Latin America in 2011. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), 2016). While there were 1,098 researchers per 1 millbn inhabitants in 2014 gbbally, the corresponding figures for LDCs and sub-Saharan Africa were 63.4 and 87.9 per 1 million, respectively. A related indicator is the share of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) graduates in tertiary education.""" 9 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9ce809d8-en 0a0d0373a34fef81a77ac6e1836614b7 Extrapolating these trends was bound to exacerbate the different trajectories. Allocations are made to programmes or institutions as a proportion of available resources and/or total spending rather than the overall size of the economy. Moreover, using GDP as a denominator for projections related to social protection spending, total public spending and public revenues means that their dynamics are closely connected by a variable that is exogenous to budgetary decisions. This reflects the problem with benchmarking government spending on a specific sector as a proportion of GDP to gauge a government’s commitment. 1 2 2 0.0 10.6027/4ba0e2cc-en 0a177eda1ad207c9c37f173323a9148e "Ecosystems"" marginal contribution to the final service is valued. In ecosystem accounting a distinction is made between replacement cost (of a particular ecosystem service) and restoration cost (of an ecosystem asset and its bundle of ecosystem services). Values can either be transferred using unit value transfer methods or more advanced function-based transfers (e.g. based on meta-analysis of the literature)." 15 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5jrp6w9xlbq6-en 0a1a3e2528ed8ed10dd611e21d3cd777 While it may have a negative effect if road density translates into shorter and more efficient transport, it could also have a positive effect if it induces greater use of private vehicles resulting in more emissions. Consequently, this transport variable could be a proxy of connectivity efficiency or alternatively capture the level of car use. A second proxy for transportation intensity is Road access, an indicator of the connectivity of an urban area. 11 0 4 1.0 10.18356/9fd805e3-en 0a1a9820db2e26156baa55e74707f9aa What is an effective and efficient urban transport system? It is one that can satisfy the numerous and diverse requirements of the metropolitan mobility, including minimizing travelling time between various locations, while at the same time internalises externalities to positively affect the well-being and the quality of life of the citizens of that area. This requires that the appropriate authorities transform the available land and financial resources, both limited capital inputs, into relevant transport infrastructure and networks to provide, what is considered, the right combination between the various motorized individual or collective/public and non-motorized transport modes, as well as easy transfers between them to meet the mobility demand (figure 1.1.). 11 0 8 1.0 10.1787/9789264168367-4-en 0a1b6559ededadfa7cb9fb31c118cd3f Firstly, promoting education and reducing the number of school drop-outs would have a beneficial impact on young peoples’ performance. More vocational training is also important, with apprenticeships considered to be a particularly good means of developing skills among low-educated youth and improving their labour market integration. Lowering hiring costs for those that are hard to employ, for example through job/hiring subsidies and/or a reduced youth minimum wage may also help. 1 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264262782-4-en 0a1b7b358dbc9891b82aa14e6a2decc7 The programme also provided additional funding for primary care, through increasing GP contracts with nurses, and allowing a second nurse to be hired by GPs. An advisory telephone service connecting patients to a doctor at their GP surgery was also introduced from 2011. Additionally, some exemptions from co-payments were introduced for low-income groups, although these have since been repealed. It found that overall it had a favourable impact on efficiency of health care services. 3 0 3 1.0 10.18356/937bb150-en 0a228a61622ed45e330f18813783bf98 Challenges such as the cost of fuel and poor state of roads result in delays, which present a significant problem for effective treatment. Unless the trends change, dozens of countries will miss the mark by a wide margin (see Figures 1.5 and 1.6). South Asia will not achieve the neonatal target until 2049 and sub-Saharan Africa will reach it after mid-century.84 The average annual rate of reduction in neonatal mortality required for India to reach the target is almost double the current level. 3 0 5 1.0 10.1787/9789264276369-4-en 0a2a8c6508e51ab2e4bfdc900964ae41 Furthermore, research institutes - in particular VTT, which could play an important role in more long-term and strategic R&D for the business sector - have been hit particularly hard by the combination of cuts in basic funding for public research institutes (PRIs), a hard reduction in funding from Nokia (which added to the cuts in funding to Tekes, which has lowered both the direct funding the institutes receive from Tekes and revenue from large companies who often used Tekes funding to procure projects). However, there has been a rapid contraction in the wake of the ongoing industrial restructuring, from 2.3% in 2013 to 2.12% in 2015. At the same time, Finland show's one of the low'est shares of government funding of BERD in the OECD. 9 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264233874-6-en 0a2cebc98fdd4e1dcc786466ee5ecc07 Finally, the SUSENAS panel consumption data were used to estimate a food demand system to be used for simulating food insecurity' risks. To our knowledge, this is the first estimated demand system available for Indonesia. First, section 3.1 looks at Indonesia’s evolving food security status in a regional context, while section 3.2 provides more details of food production and consumption within the country for a benchmark year, 2010. Two main sources of data are used:1 the production balance sheets and the food security indicators of FAO (2013) and the SUSENAS data base. 2 0 5 1.0 10.1787/5jzb44nmnbd2-en 0a2f3f63e415ce18b157686b6b277a12 It has yet to be decided if indicators that identify co-benefits such as health improvements, reduced local air pollution, increased enterprise creation and poverty reduction are to be included (GCF, 2013). For example, Article 3.3 of the Convention indicates that “policies and measures to deal with climate change should be cost-effective” (UNFCCC, 1992). More recently, decision 1/CP. 13 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264281653-4-en 0a2f63c08f1f3c7e39eb14a8bd4a3bb5 The Ministry of Health, for example, should better prioritise annual performance objectives for the health care insurance/provision arm of the CCSS, as occurs in other health systems with similar institutional configurations (OECD, 2015a, 2016c). Any recasting of the relationship between central government and the CCSS should preserve the operational flexibility that the CCSS already has. Two distinct aspects are critical here. 3 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/growth-2013-4-en 0a308dbe1275f3d4b7869b856c2c0037 For example, there may be trade-offs among local pollution and (global) emissions or air pollution and land-use changes. A further complication arises from the need to compare environmental effects that may occur at different places and time horizons. The effects of economic activity on the environment, of the environment on economic activity and of policy actions are often not fully known, in particular as many of the effects may only materialise in the longer term. 10 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/3dfe8660-en 0a344bbd128427bf5b006876734d6b70 China is becoming a leader in South-South cooperation with African countries, many of which are now benefiting from its research. The System for Agricultural Research and Innovation has contributed greatly to the nearly fourfold growth in agricultural efficiency per worker. The Brazil Agricultural Research Corporation, a state-owned enterprise, has been instrumental in increasing the land area used for cultivation. Similarly, many of Brazil's agricultural programmes were developed with sustainability in mind. 1 3 2 0.2 10.1787/9789264247598-4-en 0a35f1c1532b5420756b5d78edb17948 "Parents are free to choose and are guaranteed access to a school of their choice within reasonable distance from their home. In principle, funding “follows the student”, which lays the foundation for potentially strong competition among schools to attract students. At the same time, the Flemish authorities are encouraging school collaboration through the promotion and funding of collaborative partnerships (""school associations”) between schools in the same geographical area." 4 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264284319-4-en 0a3808ecf27ecca4883ec0616ac4e20e Given that the Russian Federation plans to further reduce export taxes on energy and increase taxes on extraction, the export tax unification process will remain a sensitive issue for Belarus. Overall, from 1991 to 2015, the six EaP economies have all grown in real terms (World Bank, 2017) and developed a large services sector that contributes to over half of the value added in each of the countries (Figure 1.7). Meanwhile, the six countries’ economic performance is sensitive to fluctuations in international markets (especially in the case of Azerbaijan, the only exporter of energy commodities in the region) and regional linkages. 7 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264262430-7-en 0a38161f2ee5c779ff8d2f5790947f35 This close interrelationship makes assessment an important tool to signal and clarify the key goals that students are expected to achieve. However, if assessment only covers a small fraction of the valued curriculum goals, then the impact of assessment on teaching and learning can be restrictive (Harlen, 2007). Danish research indicates that the national goals seem to be implemented only to a limited degree at the school level (Normann Andersen and Strpmbaek Pedersen, 2012; Skolens Rejsehold, 2010). Research based on case studies published in 2008 found that a trend could be observed towards a more uniform, low-trust model between the school authorities (central and local) and schools, related to detailed standards for student achievement and a strict testing system. 4 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264276055-11-en 0a390100241fe8dd9a293daf06fbface Both RBC and CSR (beyond philanthropy ) aim to promote the same idea - that businesses should consider the impact of their activities not just on the company itself. The OECD-FAO have also developed Guidance for Responsible Agricultural Supply Chains and the OECD is currently working on RBC in the financial sector and developing guidance on Responsible Supply Chains in the Garment and Footwear Sector. Accessed 20 June 2016). Accessed 20 June 2016). 8 1 3 0.5 10.1787/a09a3a5d-en 0a3955fc55eb72896659596b41f91845 The company lacked the necessary technical expertise to develop electronic components for their products, but through the Innovation Voucher programme of the United Kingdom the company hired the University of Hertfordshire to develop the electronic locking mechanism. Their collaboration continued and the partner designed the actual lock and took the concept to market. The lock is currently being launched to the mass market (University of Hertfordshire, 2013). 9 0 4 1.0 10.18356/09f3c767-en 0a39dff0fd6f132d16e101b0b5993f7f An estimated 30 million children — one in eight — living in the world's richest countries are growing up poor (UNICEF, 2014). It is generally lowest in Europe and highest in the Middle East (Figure 21) (Alvaredo et al., We show that since 1980, very large transfers of public to private wealth occurred in nearly all countries, whether rich or emerging. 6 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264264991-4-en 0a3ba13e80982f073f08e8c6a1fb0cf7 Since 1995, income transfers to individual fanners by some emerging and developing countries have been increasing, driven in part by rising levels of development and incomes within these countries, and for some, a push towards policies aimed at achieving self-sufficiency in particular agricultural products. In developed countries, a mix of refonns and changes in world food prices has played a role in the changes observed in the total levels of support. In 1995, the eight emerging economies for which the OECD collects information on agricultural policies accounted for just under 5% of the total measured PSE (OECD and emerging economies). 2 0 5 1.0 10.1787/9789264298705-6-en 0a3e185b36a90ca790499446cfc65727 The first gives a brief overview of successive policies in adult learning in Portugal in the past two decades, which resulted in the creation of a range of adult learning programmes. Specifically, three approaches are discussed. The first consists of expanding supply where gaps exist, in particular through programmes for the low-skilled that combine essential skills and work-relevant learning. 4 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264089457-en 0a4238bce1bbc8811c7e71fdbc9fb24b It discusses the need to develop skills in order to meet current and foreseen shortages in emerging areas, as well as these institutions’ modes and mechanisms of engagement to promote regional development. The chapter also explores the preconditions necessary for the successful promotion of local engagement in relation to these institutions. It concludes with recommendations for national and sub-national agencies as well as higher education institutions themselves. 4 0 4 1.0 10.1787/eco/surveys-chl-2013-4-en 0a4341f87d9481a592eb2f5ad2e71cad Among low-skilled workers, a high minimum wage and strict employment protection pose a barrier to employment, and the public employment services and training systems are still underdeveloped. Expanding childcare, promoting a more flexible labour market and strengthening education and skills policies, among others, would make the labour market more inclusive. Chile is one of the few OECD countries where unemployment rates are now lower than at the start of the crisis (Figure 1.1). 4 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/leo-2017-7-en 0a47d4ffa11cee10e4c9cd5d9bf13e34 This investment must be accompanied by policies that respond to the diversity of young people in the region. Failing to invest in youth can trigger substantial costs, including poor labour market outcomes, social discontent, and crime and violence, as well as poor participation in political and civil society. Public policies must ensure basic conditions and securities to underpin the development of youth capacities and potential. Socio-economic classes are defined using the World Bank classification: “Extreme poor” = youth belonging to households with a daily per capita income lower than USD 2.50. “ 8 0 3 1.0 10.18356/78349259-en 0a49e9b11ba5346f14d3731ca0cbbd7c They should also form the basis for food security early warning mechanisms, including better weather forecasting and timely notifications of impending disasters. This might include member states, academic and civil society institutions, farmers’ and women’s associations, the mass media, and bilateral and multilateral agencies. 2 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/50e33932-en 0a4a91ecf6e7ead54b4c74c905a00b3e At the moment, 8.3% of the total population of Italy are immigrants and most of them are relatively young (40% under 29). Between 2011-2015 the average yearly increase in the inflow of migrants was 4.9% (OECD, 2018(24])- This population should be considered in the development strategies of Inner Areas in order to harness their potential contribution to the local economy. Among OECD members, Sweden consistently ranks in the top in terms of gross domestic product (GDP) per capita, and it maintains one of the lowest GINI indices of regional disparity in GDP per capita. This strategy is coupled with efforts to build urban-rural linkages that promote greater inter-municipal cooperation in public service delivery, and regional development strategies that prioritise planning based on functional regions. 11 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/051b4d3b-en 0a4dea5b68f23db6d9b69d782667e0a5 The deprivation of women in terms of quality of work is three times that of men, and wage rates of women are significantly lower. There has also been a decline in real wages of regular informal workers since 1999-2000. La situation relative a l”emploi des femmes n’a jamais ete stable; le pic de I’emploi survient plus tard dans la vie,et done les gains possibles suite a une augmentation de salaire sont de courteduree. 5 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264174269-6-en 0a4f6cbdd0d4c7041bd3d036df7560be All targets of the Waste Prevention and Management Programme are aligned to, and are consistent with, the national objectives for the National Development Plan and the National Environment and Resources Management Programme, and they are all derived from the Waste Law. Indicators included In the National Environment and Resources Management Programme were developed by SEMARNAT staff, together with Japanese international co-operation agency (JICA) experts, and were aimed at assessing the effects of implementation of the programme. Waste management targets are generally qualitative in nature, although quantitative targets exist in other environmental management areas such as energy and water policies. 12 1 4 0.6 10.30875/423532ad-en 0a5393ea97483253fc96916b7a6010da This system also uses machine-learning algorithms to predict precisely when trucks will arrive and leave pit-stops, and at which petrol stations drivers should refuel. This system is helping to cut down travel time by more than half, by eliminating the need for rest breaks which a single driver would require. The main benefits come from cargo and shipment tracking, because it increases operational efficiency, enables real-time adjustments and makes logistics systems more secure. 9 0 5 1.0 10.1787/5k424rdzj3bx-en 0a5b7df43694418bf9605e9981de30e9 Solutions to such problems were chiefly seen to lie at the international level. In particular, respondents called for improved collaboration between Finnish national authorities and the European Medicines Agency (EMA), particularly around regulation of new diagnostics, and through involvement in the EMA Innovative Medicines Task Force. Two respondents mentioned intellectual property issues as important, with one calling for the maintenance of a strong European patent regime, and another for more complementary and parallel IP systems between countries and continents. Another suggested that common international legislation on biobanking would help to facilitate developments in Finland. 3 3 1 0.5 10.18356/d378c0c7-en 0a5ffb4919a24eb65a5200871f1cbec2 Although both kinds of benefits are frequently regulated through labour law and collective agreements, they are nevertheless included under the dimension Income and benefits from employment. This is also justified by the fact that there might be a trade-off between direct wages and salaries and non-wage pecuniary benefits, for example, in countries in which employees can choose an increased salary in lieu of entitlements to paid leave. According to the ILO Holidays with Pay Convention (No. The indicators currently measure both the entitlement of leave and the leave actually taken. 8 0 3 1.0 10.18356/127a6106-en 0a65f70418c63cb34c4459fbe6ff1d75 Currently, about 45 percent of the world population lives in urban areas; by 2050, the population in urban areas is expected to increase to 66 percent (UN, World Urbanization Prospect, 2014). Rising incomes will lead to changing dietary patterns: consumers will reduce their intake of traditional staples such as rice, and spend more on other cereals, pulses, fruits and vegetables; they are also likely to eat more meat and dairy products. Asia has little arable land available for expansion. 2 2 2 0.0 10.1787/5kg7068011hb-en 0a67dbc83e10a65867f838d89980982e Project Finance NewsWire, Discussion with four project finance bankers, moderated by Rohit Chadhry, Chadboume & Parke, pp. Investment Monitor 2Q 2010, vol. Policy instrument design to reduce financing costs in renewable energy technology projects, ECOFYS, Utrecht. Restructuring a green grid: Legal challenges to accommodate new renewable energy infrastructure. Environmental Law, 39, 977-1014. 7 0 3 1.0 10.18356/f85ba82d-en 0a69a333be66e2ffc8b47e3a9f5b20c1 "Improving agricultural productivity has been a core strategy for economic development and poverty alleviation for several decades, as this type of productivity was thought to facilitate structural transformation, which enables “surplus agricultural labour” to find employment in non-agricultural sectors. However, it has now been realized that the share of agriculture in national output declines more rapidly than the share of agricultural employment in total employment, trapping millions in “unproductive"" agriculture and making them relatively poorer. Understanding this process and identifying appropriate responses is critical for poverty alleviation and inclusive growth. Based on data analysis and policy reviews, in the present paper, it has been found that structural transformation processes are incomplete in many developing countries." 2 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/85b52daf-en 0a6a879c1641eb1e51a334847978239c According to data from the World Bank Enterprise Surveys from 2010-2017 in developing countries, access to finance is the foremost barrier to firm development (World Bank, 2017; Figure 1.1). These financial constraints are exacerbated for green growth and climate action in which the private sector is sometimes reluctant to invest, in part, to a lack of proven and readily available business models or a failure to understand the business case. Development cooperation can address both the demand side and offer side of the access to finance equation. On the one hand, it can stimulate demand for clean technologies, for example, by raising awareness and demonstrating the business case. 13 1 35 0.9444444444444444 10.6027/9789289342698-7-en 0a6b53e8839110a99c56f658c7b85594 According to Dahlstrom et al., Though the area has benefited from the growth of the University in Akureyri, which grew from having 4 employees and 50 students in 1987 to having 177 employees and 1,470 students in 2015, this development does not counterbalance the decline in the number of industrial jobs. In their report, Dahlstrom et al. Moreover, the growing tendency of the larger companies of Reykjavik buying businesses in the area is an increasing problem, since the local labour market is already narrow and, as previously mentioned, commuting in and out of the area is simply not possible. 5 6 1 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/08e82310-en 0a6c337beb54ddd824943ea517b4c53a "In the reservoirs of the Dnieper cascade, a decrease in mean annual cesium-137 and strontium-90 concentrations is observed. According to the classification of water resources adopted in Belarus, 76.1% of water in the basin is classified as ""relatively clean"", 19.7% as ""moderately polluted"", 1.4% as ""polluted"" and 2.8% as ""dirty"". Main pollutants are nutrients (nitrogen compounds), organic substances (including phenols) and heavy metals." 6 0 5 1.0 10.1787/09e92b30-en 0a6f645251dc1a5817c9145ba9152f98 Disparities of coverage across social groups and health services suggest paying greater attention to co-ordination between statutory and complementary insurance provision. Ongoing reforms to improve prevention and co-ordination among care providers are steps in the right direction. However, progress in the development of capitation-based payment schemes, which can reduce the incentives to increase the number of medical acts and encourage health professionals to spend more time with their patients, and performance-based payment schemes in primary care need to be stepped up to respond to the increasing prevalence of chronic diseases and curb supplier-induced demand and social disparities in access to care. 3 0 9 1.0 10.1787/5k912j389bf0-en 0a73c70ef5ee0a2e5b3ff4c5053d9601 Three assumptions were used for each variable (low, medium and high). The medium assumption refers to the central assumptions used in the model. Under the low assumption scenario, both the estimated volume of services per treated case and health price inflation were reduced by 20%, and under the high assumption scenario, both variables were assumed to be 20% greater. 3 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264281318-25-en 0a772f51a090cd5ccee40c26ef972735 For example, people with diabetes work fewer hours on average (Pelkowski et al., Women aged 50 to 59 years old who suffer from two or more chronic diseases, however, are one-third less likely to be in employment than those with none, while men with two or more chronic diseases are only a quarter less likely to be in work than men with none (OECD/EC, 2016). Work can affect health, although the empirical evidence to that effect is mixed. 5 1 4 0.6 10.1787/9789264262430-7-en 0a7743dbce5ade4c770c868c4640760b Availability of results of national assessments in Denmark: who has access to the results? ( The higher the stakes are for school leaders and teachers, the more these unintended effects are likely to occur. Using results from national assessments for accountability purposes, then, requires transparency and fairness to mitigate the negative effects on teaching and learning and to reduce the misuse of results (Hooge, 2016; OECD, 2013b). 4 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/de83ab61-en 0a781fb3a01a78a772cbf6242cf35366 At present, technical standards are often determined by Governments (unilaterally or through agreements among a reduced number of countries) or set by private companies. Wider participation of all parties in the setting of these standards, especially developing countries, should guarantee that the introduction of environmental standards (including through green labels and ecological footprint certificates) will not become a means of practising unfair trade protectionism. The Montreal Protocol process through which the substances to be banned and the pace of their elimination were identified may serve as an example in this regard. Inadequate financing has been consistently identified by developing countries as the greatest obstacle to their rapid adoption of clean technologies (figure 0.4). 2 5 1 0.6666666666666666 10.14217/9781848591271-7-en 0a7ae73d5f94bb8a5c266b3d271f9706 There are no special schools for pupils with learning difficulties, so students from units are integrated in the mainstream if they can manage without help and their behaviour is not a problem.185 An academic study in 2006 examined teachers' attitudes to disabled pupils and their perceived knowledge of inclusive education. The respondents were the mainstream and special education teachers in the public primary and secondary schools. Data from a questionnaire were analysed using descriptive statistics such as frequency and percentages. The main finding was that in general teachers have positive attitudes towards inclusive education. They agreed that inclusive education enhances social interaction and inclusion among the students and thus minimises negative stereotypes about special needs students. 4 0 3 1.0 10.18356/9ed3c0a9-en 0a7bbe11d99e3e091805923f08b2558c Deprivation gaps (levels of deprivation) are also presented at the dimension level for different regions and demographic groups. To gauge inequality (i.e. for a relative perspective), the change in the ratio with respect to the national level is presented as well. Lastly, multidimensional poverty is analysed by region and demographic group. 1 2 2 0.0 10.18356/0e3c4bbb-en 0a7c00a5163399e38ffa5e89cb748c37 However, in many regions and countries, economic growth has not been inclusive enough to provide employment and income-earning opportunities for the poor. For instance, in developing regions, children living in rural areas are almost twice as likely to be underweight than children in urban households (ibid.). Therefore, economic growth should generate demand for the assets controlled by the poor (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2012b), in particular the rural poor. 2 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264190658-11-en 0a7fcdc3249a1f1a89cfd7998c28b3ee Appraisal-related training is also offered through school leader and supervisory officer associations as well as through web casts. Northern Ireland in the United Kingdom requires External Advisers to apply for annual reaccreditation to ensure they are informed about potential changes to the Performance Review and Staff Development Scheme and that they have the knowledge and competencies to provide helpful advice to governor reviewers. As very limited research, however, indicates, policy making in some contexts lacks attention towards the development of appraisal-related knowledge and competencies among evaluators and school leaders. 4 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/f7cce716-en 0a8485b81f7ae9c4e1acc3f8ddd43855 It is important to define operational criteria that prevent the impairment of labour rights, particularly through the provision of acceptable wages to satisfy basic needs during the emergency period. In this case a public-policy proposal would be for the region's countries to start formulating those solidarity-based schemes on a permanent basis, to prevent the total loss of productive wealth and capital of vulnerable persons who suffer disaster damage. In addition, countries of the region that are located in zones of major seismic activity should consider implementing a collective insurance policy funded by cross-subsidies or solidarity financing based on contributions from higher-income households, to make it possible to incorporate those that are socially vulnerable. In this regard, Mexico has a key experience of participation by different government departments in the design and implementation of mechanisms to coordinate disaster-mitigation, prevention or repair programmes. 13 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.14217/9781848599178-7-en 0a85992e3ba3ca83c8da8e3a5637af1f Presentations focused on the challenges of a carbon-neutral industry, and pointed in the direction of the greening of the industry (Orrain 2008). The concept is referred to in several places as a major objective of the plan, but with little elaboration of what a green economy will mean for Jamaica. When agriculture stakeholders were consulted, there was a general sense that the green economy concept was related to sustainable development in its attention to holistic development, environmentally-friendly economic processes of production and consumption, and socioeconomic equity (Rhiney 2012). At the same time, there was a widely shared scepticism that the term was just a new name for sustainable development, which was the current (2012) buzzword in the international community. 12 1 6 0.7142857142857143 11.1002/pub/80e3c4bf-ce25cf11-en 0a85a1600c6a9d13efa6217f301cd86f Citizens can receive important information influencing their daily decisions. Conversely, cities can use the Internet to give a voice and listen to their inhabitants through online platforms for citizen participation, electronic voting, online surveys and social networks. Active involvement may in turn may influence the decision-making of municipal governments and enhance the city's democratic processes. For example, Toronto is engaging its citizens through the TransformTO project which invites residents and businesses to imagine the transformative changes needed to create a more prosperous, healthy, equitable and sustainable city (City of Toronto, 20166). Knowledge cities need to make communication fully interactive, rather than just two-way, to result in a win-win beneficial relationship. 11 1 4 0.6 10.1787/9789264229679-3-en 0a874a934536e0878b48d4bae29510b7 However, indicators alone will fail to provide adequate insight into, and understanding of, the context in which adaptation is taking place. Although the evaluations of adaptation projects and programmes face a number of challenges and uncertainties, they can help to identify what approaches to adaptation are effective in achieving agreed objectives. Further, they can contribute to a better understanding of the conditions required for the adaptation measures to succeed. 13 0 3 1.0 10.14217/9781848591035-7-en 0a87784787396c2346278aacfd5254a4 A common, enforced standard has two advantages. One, as discussed above, is the greater credibility of an international standard than of purely national codes. The other is that a common standard guards against a race-to-the-bottom in which international firms attempt to play off competing LDC governments. Yet to date LDCs have attracted very little foreign equity into their firms. 9 0 3 1.0 10.1787/agr/pol-2014-4-en 0a893663cf068be46a93e92e80c1a969 The Single Commodity Transfers (SCT) indicator measures support that is directed at specific commodities and creates commodity-specific production incentives. As shown in Figure 1.10, these transfers consist predominantly of market price support and payments per tonne produced, while other categories of support are only marginally provided in commodity-specific forms, e.g. payments based on specific crop area or animal type. On aggregate, 88% of total producer support in OECD countries was provided in the form of transfers to specific commodities in 1986-88, this proportion was 75% in 1995-97, and had declined to 53% by 2011-13 (Table A.8). 2 4 3 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264281653-4-en 0a8d2b2e99af3af2a853c5dfcfd22293 The third sector (religious, charitable and other non-governmental bodies) also plays an important role in providing some aspects of health and social care. The national junta (committee) for social protection dates back to 1845 and uses income from its national lottery' to fund a variety of health promotion programmes, palliative care programmes, drug and alcohol treatment programmes and support for disabled people and the elderly, amongst other things. This is particularly true of die hospital sector. 3 0 4 1.0 10.6027/9789289349437-7-en 0a8d564a0a7f69f2b20fd48e1ed08cb1 The complexity of the concept, and need for education, as well as product development, are being addressed by several projects and initiatives, and partly funded by the European Union. However, as also stressed by Yli-Viikari, it is important to apply a holistic approach towards Green Care; improving the conditions for enterprises is important, but the public sector, as well as the so called third-sector i.e. the civic society, will continue to have an important role to play. In the Middle Ages, the town of Trondheim, Norway, was the end destination of the most important pilgrim route of Northern Europe. The sacred remains of the Norwegian king Olav II Haraldsson attracted pilgrims from both continental Europe and northern regions to the Cathedral of Nidaros, today still one of the main landmarks of Trondheim (Rumanggy). 8 0 3 1.0 10.14217/9781848599406-9-en 0a90d34414f3d016d1b2dc06dfd9b45b Energy sector regulation is controlled by the Public Utilities Commission (PUC). However, no large-scale sites have yet been exploited, with the planned Amaila Falls project remaining under review (GEA 2015b; The Economist 2013). Solar is seen to be a viable option to bring cheaper electricity to Guyana’s hinterland. 7 0 3 1.0 10.1787/rev/fish/pol-2009-3-en 0a91314a5fd345ce915454da821a0ac4 Suddenly the tables are turned, with Country B now getting 80 per cent of the stock and Country A only 20 per cent. This may take some time to discover, at any rate with a sufficient degree of certainty. Country B would most likely consider itself entitled to a greater catch of fish, and A might be reluctant to recognize its present eroded position. 14 0 4 1.0 10.18356/3dfe8660-en 0a921339a17ed19b6291dfbb64c5d471 The challenge for countries in the South is to ensure equity in access to health and education services and basic quality standards to prevent a dual-track service industry that provides low-quality public services (or none at all) to the poor and higher quality private services to the rich. Poor people have no alternatives to a public system, while wealthier people can pay for private services. Such dynamics entrench inequalities, reduce social integration and undermine sustainable human development. 1 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.6027/eb40a355-en 0a9405a28f06f4bc03a50fb6943a7fee N02 concentrations are in general caused by local emissions and thus easier to control by local authorities. Such a source-based approach will also give a quick insight in the options that profit from co-benefits with other policy areas, such as climate/energy, noise, health and traffic/urban planning. Two key measures are reducing local coal and biomass burning to improve air quality and reduce greenhouse gases, and reducing congestion to improve mobility, improve air quality and reduce noise. 11 1 3 0.5 10.18356/2715ea3d-en 0a9c2007435465c825c0554ebfb19acd Over the past two decades, rapid economic growth and increased agricultural productivity have helped reduce hunger. Nevertheless, agriculture is under strain. Between 1992 and 2014, the amount of arable land in Asia and the Pacific fell from 0.28 to 0.21 hectares per person. Another concern is the availability of water. 11 3 1 0.5 10.18356/1f11729d-en 0a9ea0dcfdc42dfd4c7dd89594ca7d00 Different household characteristics are important to different degrees in different countries. Hence living in a large family, with a lone parent or in a household with low educational attainment is disadvantageous to a similar degree. Children living with a lone parent may be living in multigenerational households or there may be a policy to mitigate hardship for single parents, thus reducing the risk for a child who lives in a lone parent household. 1 0 4 1.0 10.1787/5jlssl611r32-en 0a9ecaf4d57bbef3b45dca9a95be05d3 This section explores these channels in some detail, as they will determine the ultimate impact of water scarcity on economic growth and welfare. As this discussion requires some technical background, the following sub-section develops these ideas in detail. The reader solely interested in policy implications can skip over this sub-section and go immediately to the policy subsection. 6 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264179370-3-en 0a9f3e85942d99afbadaa766a0f9a247 A multifaceted approach is required. Examples include reform of family codes to foster equality in marriage and inheritance and legislation that criminalises domestic violence. However, they often face challenges of visibility and authority in effectively pursuing coherent approaches to advancing gender equality across policy areas and tiers of government. The responsibility of government agencies for appropriately addressing issues of gender inequality and mainstreaming gender into policies and programmes was formalised in the 1995 Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/growth-2013-4-en 0aa0a304c1f16a427816685b9785497b As for surplus countries, there would be somewhat more cases of trade-offs than complementarities, although the latter group would include some of the larger countries (e.g. Germany, Japan and Korea). Highlights of this work includes the 2011 report “How's Life?” ( For a revision of the limitations of GDP to gauge material living standards and well-being see also Chapter 6 of the 2006 edition of Going for Growth on “Alternative Measures of Well-Being” (OECD, 2006b). Some measures that extend GDP numbers to non-market production, and thereby may come closer to indicators of well-being, have also been explored the 2011 edition of Going for Growth (Annex 1 of OECD, 2011e). 10 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.6027/9789289349291-6-en 0aa659e90c8c51484b435c08bf3d1aeb "No major changes in the respective mandates of Nordic DFIs are currently foreseen, with the exception of on-going discussions of potentially untying IFU finance from ""Danish interest"" in all investments. The Nordic DFIs increasingly recognize that many of their investments, i.e. beyond the explicit area of energy investments, also have the potential to contribute to adaptation, by strengthening climate resilience in partner countries in various manners, e.g. by helping to diversify and strengthen livelihoods, improve access to water, energy, information and/or finance." 13 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.18356/aa35ea60-en 0aa7165c9307afad17869f29412fe8e2 It contributes approximately 50 per cent of Georgian forest stock (figure 11.1) and is most common in the Colchis region of western Georgia. Fir (Abies nordmanniana), spruce (Picea orientalis), hornbeam (Carpinus caucasica), oak (Quercus spp.), Chestnut, frequently together with hornbeam and beech, forms forests on mountain yellow soils and acidic brown soils in the Colchis region. 15 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264114579-5-en 0aa735c1f05a8907c1efdc9560955a60 In the case of school leaders, they play dual leadership roles—an external one in which their partners are school owners; and an internal one in which they lead the instructional programme of their schools (the internal role of school leader is treated in the section on school improvement). A possible response could eventually be the consolidation of smaller municipalities as Finland has already done, but this is beyond the scope of this report, or a rationalisation of schooling responsibilities. In the current governance structure, it calls for the Directorate to ensure that every municipal and county education official and the school leaders of all 1 200 lower secondary schools have the capacity to work together to deliver the country’s agenda. 4 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264284425-4-en 0aa803e34fd3126989e5d5eea4799f7a Institutions that teach educators should also be asked to regularly revise their programmes to make them current and relevant to the schools their graduates work in, as well as to ensure their programmes to reflect national education priorities. At present, there is no national framework that guarantees the outcomes or quality of these courses. Teacher educators are not required to take responsibility for the preparation of their students either. Practice or in-service teaching, as well as induction programmes, are currently serendipitous rather than the norm. The proposed programmes for practice teaching and induction must be centred in pedagogy and strongly linked to high-quality' teacher preparation in terms of knowledge, skills and professional practice. 4 0 4 1.0 10.1787/7ddddd07-en 0ab0d94324903b1aa4caa2d251bd93b6 Finally, information on financing and exit is limited for the earlier periods. This includes their full name, current position title, education (degree and subject studied), employment history, the university in which they studied, and gender. This information has been complemented and cross-validated with data taken from Breschi et al. ( The sample is, thus, restricted to companies for which the gender of at least one founder, co-founder, or CEO is reported. Roughly half of the start-ups in the sample have a single founder, in which case it is straightforward to categorize a start-up as “female-led” or “male-led”. Some of the start-ups in our sample have multiple founders. 5 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.18356/cc6ff508-en 0ab3309ee632d1a05cf70cfdb2650c23 Many people feel insecure in their homes and communities. One billion girls and boys ages 2-17 worldwide experienced physical, sexual or psychological violence in the prior year, according to one study.94 Some 25 percent of children suffer physical abuse, and nearly 20 percent of girls are sexually abused at least once in their life.95 Elder abuse remains a hidden problem:96 10 percent of older adults were abused in the prior month.97 Homicide is also a major social concern. Physical security and freedom from the threat of violence were particular concerns among female respondents (box 2.7). For women, real or perceived physical and emotional violence is a major barrier to meeting their full human potential and feeling free to move about. 1 6 1 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/7b47f5b8-en 0ab4082487fd28efecc09c4267de2042 "The lack of articulation between the chain and the rest of the national forestry industry, discoordination between primary and secondary industries, technological shortcomings, the low skill-level of the labour force, lack of financial instruments designed for all organizations comprising the chain, poor application of research and innovation practices, and the prevalence of low value-added products are some of the factors that hamper its performance. Moreover, the weakness of linkages between all stakeholders the chain, in terms of the planning, implementation, monitoring and control of operations, make it impossible to generate the synergies needed to achieve the expected competitive level. Sistema de Contabilidad Ambiental y Economica Integrada de Guatemala"", Serie divulgativa, No." 15 1 5 0.6666666666666666 10.1787/9789264309074-14-en 0ab51b386c517254fac97c5d81f6a17a Two thirds of this support went towards reducing emissions from and improving the resilience of energy, transport and water infrastructure. In support of this, a Climate Change Financing Framework was developed in 2014 to outline the government's plans for mobilising resources to support its NDC. Much of the international climate finance received by Cambodia has focused on providing project level support. The limitations of such approaches include a disaggregation of support across various areas, especially in areas where donor coordination and harmonisation are poor, and reduced alignment with national priorities. 8 4 1 0.6 10.1787/9789264121164-7-en 0ab79d6adee772655e4b2b3d16ce2c72 The reduction of infant mortality has been slower in India, the Russian Federation and the United States. Significant differences are also evident in infant mortality rates among various racial groups in the United States, with African-American women more likely to give birth to high-risk, low birth-weight infants (NCHS, 2011). Data for 1970 are not available for Israel and South Africa. Other factors such as better nutrition, sanitation and housing also play a role, particularly in countries with developing economies. There are also notable differences in life expectancy between OECD countries with similar incomes per capita, such as Japan and Denmark. 3 0 9 1.0 10.18356/9b4421ad-en 0abaf71735b2e21435a04fd1c4bd5903 It has to be noted that rape in Nepal is still largely not considered as violence against women but rather as something for which women are to be blamed.49 Thus, people do not want to marry a returnee who has certainly been Arabi le bhyayeko (already used by an Arab). On top of this, they are also putting their efforts into advising prospective migrants on safe migration and preventing trafficking and exploitation. Janaki decided to migrate to escape domestic violence, after she was forced into marriage when she was only 13 years old. 5 0 5 1.0 10.1787/5k44xwtc0txp-en 0abd547c8061c2cfc73328cbc321e135 Cash transfers should however capture most of the variability of total social expenditures in a downturn as cyclical changes in services spending (especially health, the largest component) tend to be relatively small, delayed and short-lived (Scherer and Devaux, 2010). Returning to 2007 benefit expenditure levels would have reduced the deficit as well, but by much less (less than 3 percentage points). The United States once again shows a similar pattern as Southern and English-speaking EU countries: revenue shortfalls are a significantly bigger driver of deficits in the early phases of the downturn than are higher benefit expenditures. ( Declining revenues were also the main factor behind deficits in Nordic countries but deficits there were comparatively small.) 10 2 2 0.0 10.1787/9789264110984-6-en 0abe3b5d8116789fbb13db715d2547d7 In Thailand all programmes are designed at the national level and the national level also decides on the target groups for employment policy. Viet Nam has allocated greater powers at the regional level (64 regional offices each serving roughly 1.3 million people), but has no offices at the local/sub-regional level. In Myanmar local offices (77 at township level) have no freedom to input into programme design, manage budgets or define target groups, but performance targets are negotiated locally and the offices have the ability to collaborate with other agencies. 8 0 4 1.0 10.18356/0488519d-en 0abedac6605a6000984969940b2af9e4 Typically this will combine hazard maps with qualitative judgments of vulnerability and exposure to build a simple risk matrix. This information can feed into a framework that takes account of structural and non-structural factors (Figure IV-2). This can facilitate risk-sensitive decisionmaking and strengthen risk governance. It can also be used for cost-benefit assessments that can be embedded in comprehensive long-term planning processes. 13 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264100817-4-en 0abfac6dad9256e1b24efc5fb3b55b47 In addition, benefit values are highly location-specific (depending on the prevalence of water-related diseases or the condition of receiving water bodies, for example) and cannot be easily aggregated. Approximately 10% of the global burden of disease worldwide could be prevented with improvements to water, sanitation and hygiene and better water resource management worldwide. The burden of water-related diseases falls disproportionately on developing countries and particularly on children under five, with 30% of deaths of these children attributable to inadequate access to water and sanitation. 6 1 7 0.75 10.1787/9789264281653-6-en 0ac2bcce365d5b7ccf383254660e4ff2 In some cases however, the CCSS could contract private institutions to provide high complexity diagnostics and treatments. Once contracted, monthly, quarterly and annual indicators are audited, to verify compliance with contractual conditions. One of the indicators to which special attention given concerns the number of consultations provided in the year, or patients seen per hour. 3 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5kg0prg9b1g8-en 0ac5b119ac72d18884512e595379736e In addition, low-income parents often have to set aside a large proportion of their incomes if they want their children to attend ECEC. Although the inclusion of immigrant children in the education system two years prior to starting compulsory basic education is already recommended in Slovenia, the authorities should ensure greater participation of children from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds from an early age by providing means-tested subsidies for additional expenses, such as meals and out-of-school-hours care. Such subsidies could be paid for by rationalising ECEC as discussed below. 4 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264121164-9-en 0ac61dc5ad77989c9d5836328fbba874 These are associated with disciplines found in educational institutions, such as humanities, mathematics, history, law and science. These skills are generally obtained through the education system and are transferable across situations. These are specific skills needed in an occupation and may include both academic and vocational skills and knowledge of certain tools or processes. 4 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264188617-en 0ac691ecd2af5e0fc6543b83b83a143f Baseload nuclear plants have de facto been replaced by both renewable energy as well as medium- and peak-load providers. In all scenarios analysed, however, the introduction of renewable energy is accompanied by an increase of the capacity of both peak- and medium-load plants in the optimal generating mix. Those phenomena are more pronounced at higher penetration levels. For instance, the introduction of a low marginal cost technology would displace baseload technology exactly on a one-to-one basis. 7 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264276369-9-en 0acbf02a7e2ab695e3ceec1eaa783491 Similarly, the use of cluster and supply chain development policies is limited and the idea of using US-style “challenge funding” to encourage the attainment of specific social and technological goals (Hicks, 2016) is not applied. Finally, there appears to be little use of regulations or norms as ways to stimulate innovation. Adopting the third-generation “societal challenge” approach discussed previously would necessitate the use of some of these demand-side instruments in the context of a common programme affecting demand as well as supply. Leaving that possibility aside, however, there is clearly space to explore innovation policy opportunities on the demand side in order to complement the weight of existing activity on the supply side. 9 0 4 1.0 10.1787/a09a3a5d-en 0acd7549a67a117f2e0a5be2d3568c41 This is particularly true for individuals working in less innovative sectors and/or living in less innovative regions that suffer from multiple factors of disadvantage (e.g. low skills, low income), as they are less able to move to more innovative activities. For example, between 20% and 65% of total R&D activities take place in the top 20% regions within countries, depending on the country. These regions also concentrate around 30% of tertiary-educated workers and about half of patent applications of their respective countries (Figure 4). 9 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/644f1023-en 0ace37c80376fe10fad05863674b1849 For centuries, farmers have maintained spring, summer and winter harvests by relying on seed stocks saved from the previous year and informally exchanged with their neighbours. These informal agriculture networks are still the main sources of seeds to meet local demand in a country where 76 per cent of households depend on agriculture for a living. This has created the urgent need for institutions like community seed banks that not only conserve local biodiversity, but assure immediate and long-term food security of farmers. 15 1 3 0.5 10.1787/7a1f7b89-en 0ace8a7d58e706128801f3d17f100c1b These models may include formal business-to-consumer services (commercial car-sharing, micro-transit, bicycle and scooter sharing), peer-to-peer models for sharing the use of cars or that enable the sourcing of rides, platform-based business models that connect passengers and drivers (or goods and carriers) and hybrid models that combine aspects of some or all of those approaches (Shaheen et al., This is especially true for transport authorities that are operating or contracting/procuring services from relatively stable and established public transport operators. Analogue bicycle-sharing systems have been around for decades but the arrival of IT-enabled, automated bicycle-sharing systems has led to massive growth. 11 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5jxrcmgpc6mn-en 0ad121123a1a4d3051e4c61ffaf28fca A challenge therefore appears to be not so much to quickly move recipients off benefits, but rather to ensure that they remain self-sufficient after having left. A series of articles based on fortnightly administrative data from the Australian Longitudinal Data Set (LDS) illustrate again the high frequency of repeated spells and emphasize the importance of considering transfers across different income-support programmes. For the 1995 inflow sample of recipients of means-tested single parent benefits, Gregory & Klug (2003) show that spell lengths tend to be short with 45% of all spells lasting shorter than one year. 1 1 3 0.5 10.1787/059ce467-en 0ad26cd1c936818a68aa2e7d4cb27f31 Current, successful teachers in the ITE programme recommend even more support and in-service training for former students (now teachers) because many graduates find it too difficult to influence unequal structures and practices relating to diversity and intercultural norms in their schools. Other ways to improve include creating a more diverse student body within the ITE programme (as most students are native Finnish), and advocating for ITE content in mainstream teacher education at Oulu University (Alasuutari and Jokikokko, 2010[i62i). Otherwise past cohorts may hold on to different approaches and, crucially, new and current teachers could fail to adapt to a continuously changing environment (Van Driel, Darmody and Kerzil, 2016, p. 71(i67j). Continuous professional development programmes include support for student teachers in the transition to the teaching workforce as well as providing opportunities to practice and learn about new strategies to manage diversity once they are in the profession. 4 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264088726-15-en 0ad2abba359ce1552275fb4066244a58 The values of the environmental and societal (jobs) benefits by adopting an IMTA design were larger than the gains in farm profitability. It is, however, important to note that these analyses were based solely on the commercial values from the sale of biomass - being of fish, shellfish or seaweeds -and using conservative price estimates for the co-cultivated organisms based on known applications. Through IMTA, some of the food, nutrients and by-products considered “lost” from the fed component are recaptured and converted into harvestable and healthy seafood of commercial value, while biomitigation takes place (partial removal of nutrients and C02, and supplying of oxygen). 14 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/5jrxr7vj1g9v-en 0ad37e9f164ba8016a6dbf7fccb93abe Dementia affects one person in 20 aged over 65 and one person in five over 80. In the next 10 years, the number of people aged over 65 will increase by 15% and the number of people aged over 85 will increase by 27%.In cost of illness studies, the direct costs of Alzheimer’s disease alone exceed the combined cost of stroke, cancer and heart disease. There is much that can be done to improve the quality of life of older people with mental health problems and their carers. 3 1 5 0.6666666666666666 10.1787/9789264189935-7-en 0ad494b2a315a8099a4a72c56e39dc5b The decrease was also much stronger than the one experienced on average in the OECD. Although starting from a higher level, the pro-cyclical cut in ALMP expenditure per unemployed was also higher than in Estonia and Latvia. Given the high volatility of Lithuania’s labour market, introducing some form of automatic link between ALMP budgets and labour market conditions, as in place in some OECD countries such as Australia, Denmark and Sweden, would help avoid reductions in spending per unemployed when unemployment surges and ALMP are most needed. In 2014, the ESF covered 47% of total ALMP expenditure, and 63% in 2015. This dependency on external funding limits the scale of ALMP and raises issues of continuity of the programmes. 8 2 2 0.0 10.18356/4b2465a5-en 0ad71b49c81e1992583c25bdb4b9751a Grammy and Assane (2006) showed that improvement in income distribution was the key channel for poverty reduction. Using data on sixty-six developing countries over the periods 1970-1979, 1980-1989 and 1990-1998, they noted that growth accompanied by improved distribution worked better than either growth or distribution alone, and that provision of civil liberties and political rights enabled people to participate more actively in reducing poverty. Conversely, poverty-reduction efforts have been observed to falter in countries with large inequalities, weak growth or inadequate social protection programmes (Fosu, 2011; Besley and Burgess, 2003; White and Anderson, 2001; Bruno, Ravallion and Squire 1996). 10 2 2 0.0 10.1787/9789264083578-16-en 0ad816463409b85490bf2aaa1a9ed1a3 Yet they are typical of the incremental cost of irrigation water in regions where farmers must pump groundwater from substantial depths, purchase water in market transactions, or obtain surface water from the State Water Project. Demand for water has increased substantially over time, with increasing development of major cities including Phoenix and Tucson. The federally funded Central Arizona Project was constructed in part to relieve pressure on aquifers serving those cities by delivering surface water from the Colorado River. In conjunction with development of the Central Arizona Project, the state passed a Groundwater Management Act in 19S0 that requires urban areas to achieve “safe-yield” management of aquifers by 2025 (Bolin et al., 6 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264188617-en 0ad84e2684f33b86a4597f56364c929e As discussed further below, in theory also the composition of the dispatchable portion of supply is likely to change as variable renewables tend to initiate a shift from high-fixed cost technologies such as nuclear towards low-fixed costs technologies such as open cycle gas turbines due to the reduction in load factors. Depending on government policies, future fuel costs and carbon pricing, the final outcomes are very difficult to predict as operators will compose new least-cost configurations adapted to the new circumstances. These are difficult to grasp conceptually, very difficult to quantify at the current stage of debate and may not constitute welfare-relevant externalities in the sense that grid-level or other technical externalities do. However, they may well constitute the impacts that are currently most acutely felt by electricity producers and may in the long run have the most profound effect on the operations and structure of electricity markets. 7 1 5 0.6666666666666666 10.18356/0905f827-en 0ad883c6640826292f76f00c11a38f2a Factors that affect demand include the difficulties in accessing financial services through traditional rural channels, the scarce and inadequate supply of available products, and the users' limited entrepreneurial and financial skills. This opens up the possibility of offering non-real-estate collateral, although progress in the creation of centralized registers is uneven. In addition, most countries are taking steps to digitize public transfers and payments, which reduces administrative costs and encourages the use of financial instruments. At the macro level, the five countries recognize that a comprehensive financial inclusion strategy requires the coordination of public policies that go beyond the regulation and supervision of the financial system, including monetary, financial, productive development, and rural and territorial development policies. 9 2 4 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264102637-10-en 0addefcbeb3ffd9a0b62cbc747d18eef As long as all abstraction licences have a sustainable basis, there is then the potential for greater trading and economic benefit from more efficient use. There is also work in hand by the Environment Agency, which is taking a more strategic approach to the long-term water demands of the agriculture sector and energy generation so as to drive a more integrated approach to resource management across the water-food-energy nexus. The use of scenario planning, and the development of a compelling case for change, will ensure that legislative and regulatory changes are made in good lime to allow a transition to a more flexible and dynamic regime. There is a significant future risk to the Dutch economy if water is not well managed during drought periods and the impacts of salinity are not addressed in a timely manner. Agriculture is only one area that would benefit from an environment where water has a value and there is flexibility to allow users to respond according to their needs. 6 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264168060-4-en 0ade6dcada25ba00b5b8aa4f1c1e0962 This also applies at the farm level, where a farmer has to consider the management of the whole farm operation and not just those elements of the business important to water quality. Illustrative is the importance of stormwater management in helping to minimise nutrient and sediment loads from agriculture (Randhir and Tsvetkova, 2009). A further example is the reuse of irrigation water further down stream in a water catchment and the recycling of urban/industrial wastewater in agriculture, which raises both human health and environmental concerns, as recently illustrated by the growing use of recycled effluent water in Israeli agriculture (Box 1.2). 6 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/73d010ed-en 0adff779cb9e44e07e1a306772863123 In addition, wage gaps widened and unemployment fell, indicating that opportunities for entering the workforce and for obtaining employment increased, but only in the case of part-time work. Thus, the results in terms of the feminization of the workforce are positive both for women entering the labour market and for economic growth, but entry and employment conditions may not be favourable for women, and widening gaps and shrinking average wages could impact growth in the short run. Foir a detailed explanation of the justification for using this model, see Martin (2008). Table 1 gives the results for the variables of interest when pooled ordinary least squares and intragroup fixed effect estimator regressions were run. The other variables are given in the detailed model set out in annex A3. The Arellano-Bond test for autocorrelation does not rule out the null hypothesis of the absence of this phenomenon for the second order difference equations, which justifies the use of moment instruments. 5 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/eco/surveys-nzl-2013-5-en 0ae08fc39303a1f85635c3428e66e85c Another positive feature is a much lower (and falling) incidence of long-term unemployment among NZ youth than in most other OECD countries. However, the penalty to lower qualifications in the form of unemployment risk has declined markedly since the previous downturn in 1998, even if it has slightly rebounded since the crisis (Figure 2.2), and it is now lower than elsewhere in the OECD (Table 2.2). This could reflect diminishing marginal employment gains from rising educational attainment, as well as skills shortages which have allowed even those with poor qualifications to find work. However, cyclical factors were probably paramount as the 1999-2006 economic boom tightened already taut labour markets, bidding in many marginal workers. 4 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/9abbeac5-en 0ae3cacadaa26b62a18eb6033686c71a Shifts in political leadership in the late 1990s—including the victory of a socialist opposition party and the ascendance to the throne of King Mohamed VI—enhanced support for political liberalization and gender equality, enabling women's demands to be heard. Women's rights advocates responded to this challenge by establishing alliances with other change-oriented forces, engaging in public awareness campaigns and framing their claims in ways that appealed to Islamic precepts as well as to universal human rights principles. The reformed 2004 law remains faithful to Islamic values and traditions while giving women significantly more rights. In particular, it introduces women's right to autonomous decision-making by abolishing the notion of male guardianship and the wife's duty of obedience; establishes equal rights and responsibilities in the family; and equalizes and expands women's and men's rights to initiate divorce. 5 0 9 1.0 10.18356/1fe990fb-en 0ae760591ada52686a07cee610172f5d Available at: :12100:P12100_INSTRUMENT_ID:312283:NO ILO, 1999: Worst Form of Child Labour Convention, ILO Convention No. Available at: :12100:P12100_INSTRUMENT_ID:312528:NO ILO, 2008: Resolution concerning statistics of child labour, adopted by the 18th ICLS, 2008. Available at: ILO, 2008: Report III - Child Labour Statistics - 18th ICLS, Geneva, 24 November - 5 December 2008. 8 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264191761-en 0ae99ff4296903911cbd4103821759a9 The subsidy is paid for young plants sold to fruit growers, with the selling price subjected to limits. Another component of the programme related to the fruit sector is the compensation of costs to establish and maintain mother stock plantations of perennial fruits and grapes. The specialised growers of mother stock receive compensation of their production costs based on estimated costs per hectare - in this case 100% of these costs are compensated. 2 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264265493-6-en 0af03e8e611382d04e0cb07bbb75a280 Responding states included Ciudad de Mexico, Baja California Sur, Campeche, Durango, Sinaloa, Hidalgo, Puebla, Colima, Jalisco, and Estado de Mexico. Sexual harassment against women is also widespread. Women aged 30-39 are the most vulnerable, as 68% have reported being a victim of some type of violence, suggesting that high rates occur while families are rearing children. 5 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.18356/934a58a1-en 0af0745a4cda6de696b2e3898f8647cd The strongly growing international market for e.g. wood energy pellets supports this development and major investments are made in both supply lines and conversion capacity that relies on globally traded biomass resources. Given that large scale deployment of second generation biofuels, that could compete with oil prices around 70 U$/barrel, is expected to kick in before 2020, there is a major opportunity for the forest sector. Current expanding markets for biomass for producing heat and power could gradually be complemented by cultivated biomass from perennial cropping system and deliver the feedstock to the new biorefineries that produce 2nd generation biofuels. A clear message presented in a neutral manner that allows the public to make appropriate distinctions depending on the relevant specific issues and challenges, including forest area, biodiversity and damages, for various geographic contexts, i.e. local forests, European forests, forests worldwide. 15 3 6 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5jlwjg92n48x-en 0af2916a914c4efe58d577eba5149412 The OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) defines effectiveness in the context of development co-operation as “the extent to which the development intervention’s objectives were achieved, or are expected to be achieved” (OECD, 2010a). However, there is no common set of widely accepted criteria against which effectiveness can be measured and upon which to form an understanding of what constitutes as “effective international climate finance” (Ellis, Caruso and Ockenden, 2013; Brown et al., Reaching a common view is inherently difficult, due to the number of providers and range of channels operating across the climate and development finance communities; the diversity of recipient countries each with different needs, priorities and development agendas; and an increasing selection of instruments used to mobilise climate finance (e.g. grants, loans, export credits and guarantees). 13 0 4 1.0 10.30875/5c87fcba-en 0af2e4238f439f662e08993ce7497406 The section also discusses the methodological and data challenges involved in trying to measure the value of digital transactions and digital trade, and provides estimates culled from international organizations and national authorities, as well as financial reports from a number of well-known firms. This technology-driven revolution has not yet run its course and continues to this day, transforming the way business are run, the way production is organized, the way countries and firms trade, and the way people work and communicate. These three trends are Moore's Law, Gilder's Law and the digitalization of information, as explained below. 9 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/5k46dbzhrkhl-en 0af4eeef18c1ec9f268bbf3593378988 The CRGE’s goal is to increase economic growth so as to leap from least-developed to middle-income country status, whilst at the same time reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and increasing climate resilience. The CRGE has two components: a Green Economy Strategy (GES), which mainly addresses mitigation and was launched in 2011; and a Climate Resilience Strategy (CRS), which focuses on adaptation and is currently being developed with a focus on agriculture, forestry and land use. The content of this study concentrates on the GES and the current debate in Ethiopia on its implementation, together with recommendations suggested by the authors, having reflected on the content of the GES and the workshop deliberations. The relationship between the GES and the future CRS is also touched upon. 13 0 3 1.0 10.18356/b5236fe7-en 0af5f6e74d8f29ca5f3c77025b67e5d0 They are given by the marginal revenue product of labour curves in the two sectors, which are in turn conditional on technology and product market prices for firms in these sectors. Although technology is not expected to change materially in the short run, product market conditions and prices may well do so. Both may give short-run shocks to the system. Although overtime pay may also have been made into law in some developing countries, its enforcement has usually been a problem. 1 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264303119-en 0af5fd7b0c19c7faaf30ac7d68c711a0 This is particularly true for indirect and dynamic innovation spillovers transcending the sectors’ barriers. Similarly, a reliable and competitively priced energy supply, as well as gains in energy efficiency, support the competitiveness of energy users. Both these added values are not counted in the statistics of the energy sector, but in upstream and downstream sectors. A list is given in Table 10.1. 7 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9d0e6611-en 0af6928fc4cd69b391901f7ebc789f66 "It is projected that many oceanographic vessels of the European regional fleet will need to be renewed in the coming years. The expert group identified a need for strategic reassessment and co-ordination, at European level, of oceanographic vessels, as part of a broader assessment and co-ordination of European MRIs. The GSO were tasked to develop and promote a ""Framework for a coherent and co-ordinated world-wide development and operation of global research infrastructures"". The global nature of the challenges ahead requires facilities that are too complex, and too expensive to be built and operated by individual countries." 14 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264089457-en 0af74637a042b2eedb9abf105c4bcf0c Penang’s economic sustainability is threatened not only by low-cost countries but also highly-skilled countries with research and design capabilities in the region -Singapore and Taiwan. Multinational corporations have started moving away, their independence from the local economy giving them the flexibility to move to locations with lower costs. The focus of industrialisation is shifting from the assembly stage of E&E products of high technological value. 4 9 0 1.0 10.1787/5jlssl611r32-en 0af7e40af75d1a272d0124a96c09caae In some cases, the linkage between groundwater recharge and geophysical conditions could be complicated by land use change. For example, in the West African semiarid belt, clearing savannah for cropland modified soil properties and infiltration capacities, which substantially increased groundwater recharge (Leblanc et al. While surface water rights are often predetermined and access involves engagement with other institutions, groundwater can in many cases be accessed by simply drilling a well - something under direct control of the farmer. Both of these factors have contributed to rapid growth in groundwater withdrawals in many regions. 6 0 3 1.0 10.18356/062acf72-en 0af86694ef7aa488d746f6de68f94b69 Some 50 customs officers received basic training in the identification of GMOs, but have no access to facilities or equipment for their detection. The country has no certified laboratory to identify GMOs. It is, simultaneously, struggling with the challenge to ensure the more effective management of already-designated protected areas. All eight protected area categories are to a certain extent represented in the current system of protected areas. According to the Management Plan for the Tigrovaya Balka state nature reserve for 2012-2016, the area of this reserve, previously encompassing 49,786 ha, was extended in 2011 by an additional 12,462 ha of the Dzhilikulsky, Kabadiyansky and Kumsangirsky districts, and currently amounts to 62,248 ha. 15 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5k92sn0f8dbt-en 0b02500107084522b346a0a31f04e55d This may also force the use of still costly energy sources. In particular, investments in additional fossil fuel pow'er plants will be needed to complement the intermittent energy production from RES. These investments will have to be supported as they may not be profitable in the long run. Contrary to RES, fossil fuel power plants do not have priority access to the electricity grid and would only sell their production at the margin when RES will not be sufficient to satisfy demand. 7 0 4 1.0 10.1787/5k3txnpqlsnn-en 0b05825d28147cc4c9e902154e121ea1 In other words, AfL practice should be expected, but without controlling too much and risking losing teachers’ trust and motivation. It would also be useful to show teachers how the different centrally initiated programmes can support each other, instead of competing with each other. It might also be useful to rethink how many programmes it is efficient to have running in Norway at the same time. 4 1 3 0.5 10.1787/baf425ad-en 0b05c6c35a874cc6acc614e2b3fe61e6 The need to involve the patient - both in their care and in incident reporting - resonates strongly and is consistent with the responses on measuring harm. The popularity of incentives to encourage team-based care is interesting. It suggests a potential move towards alternative remuneration models (population-based or bundled payments). It also suggests that a breakdown in integrated care can be seen as a safety lapse - therefore adding weight to avoidable hospitalisations as a safety issue (Section 3.2.2). 3 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264258211-6-en 0b079baba99549109ebb2af3bea44507 In Portugal, the Regional Health Authorities and the Central Administration for the Health System produce annual reports showing the results achieved by FHU and traditional primary health care centres. Invariably, FHU achieve better access to care, and clinical performance and higher efficiency. For example, recent data from 2013 show that hypertensive patients and diabetics are better controlled by USF than traditional health care centres. Nonetheless, in Portugal as in other voluntary P4P schemes, the influence of self-selection should not be discounted. 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5jlpl4mh1hxn-en 0b07c63f8ca803e8e2e8649480b678a3 All ECOWAS countries appear to be both countries of immigration and emigration, but CSte d’Ivoire and Ghana attract the highest number of immigrants from other ECOWAS countries (ICMPD, IOM, and ECOWAS. Gender roles describe the behaviours, tasks and responsibilities that a society considers appropriate for women and men, boys and girls; whereas gender relations are the ways in which a society defines the rights, responsibilities and identities of men and women in relation to one another (FAO web resources on gender accessed on 2 March 2016). Both are learned, socially constructed, and influenced by class, age, caste, ethnicity and religion, among other factors (FAO, 2011b; Leach, 2015). 2 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5jlpl4mh1hxn-en 0b0a4b7011c0f63bc9fe3bd6504045d7 She would also like to thank the guest bloggers and other contributors to the SWAC @ Expo Milano website who engaged in discussions on the state and prospect of women's empowerment and gender equality in West Africa over several months, sharing their ideas and experiences and raising challenging questions. She has conducted research, co-ordinated policy analysis and published on gender, migration, conflict, peace and security, land reform and regional integration issues. She has also designed and co-ordinated the implementation of human resources and organisational development-related projects and processes in the areas of: job evaluation, organisational design, diversity and change management. Previous roles include: UNV Programme Officer at the UNDP Senegal Office, Policy Analyst at the Sahel and West Africa Club Secretariat of the OECD, and Human Resources Manager and OD Consultant at the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED). 2 6 1 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/85a3e08c-en 0b0c90ef875f93e613fac82816197424 The PoU reflects the level of undernourishment from the point of energy intake in calories for measuring regular food access, whereas the Prevalence of Severe Food Insecurity (PoSFI), as an experience-based measure, allows for the measurement of the severity of the food insecurity condition at household and individual levels. Therefore, in addition to the PoU, indicators of prevalence of moderate to severe food insecurity (PoMSFI) are used and collected through surveys, as per FIES methodology. According to the latest estimates in 2015-2017,2.1 percent of the total population in the ECA region has been exposed to food insecurity at a severe level (PoSFI). This prevalence in the ECA region is much lower than the world average, which was 9.2 percent during the same period. This coincides with a gradual increase in the PoU (Figure 2). More in-depth studies will be needed to investigate the causes of the recent increase observed. 2 0 4 1.0 10.18356/7bcd69fe-en 0b0dbfb069f0b2c094ca257f1dae419d For example, the financial element involved in forcing a daughter to marry young may loom even larger for parents who are poor. Poor young people have less exposure to technology through which they could get critical information. Extreme poverty can also drive young girls into sex work (UNAIDS, 2012). 5 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264233911-5-en 0b108783aa5a75d78c3aec1c5d35d2ca The first section provides definitions of the different types of stock, according to their primary purpose, focusing especially on buffer stocks and social safety net stocks. The next section identifies which variables will be used to examine the performance of these two types of stocks and addresses some of the general issues that are known to influence their performance. Then, the effectiveness of buffer stocks and social safety net stocks is reviewed using recent country case experiences. 2 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/32ea1505-en 0b16eea8519edf0b456635ce85be7c49 These multiple constraints contribute to low agricultural productivity (Chapter 2 of this Report) as well as limiting the dynamic potential of female ventures in rural areas, and thus risk inhibiting the long-term growth and diversification potential of rural economies. Women have land ownership rights in all these countries, and in only one (Democratic Republic of the Congo) is this affected by their marital status. However, formal discrimination persists in inheritance rights in a number of countries: Women have inheritance rights as daughters or surviving spouses in 16 cases, but not in seven others (Bangladesh, Nepal, Senegal, Sudan, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania and Yemen), and in one other (Lesotho) daughters do not have equal rights with sons. 5 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.18356/401c524c-en 0b177884ae8cc3bcdb52efa3286336a5 These results were related to shifts in power and changes in norms, often in relation to traditional practices. An example is the establishment of villages free of female genital mutilation. Transformative outcomes generally emerge from a change process that has several stages, moving from awareness raising, to attitude change, to change in behaviour and rules, often accompanied by institutionalization of a new norm (as described in the Gender@Work framework). In such cases, UNDP was one actor among many that contributed to the end result. 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264168367-4-en 0b1b1ebe1cb4329e36f90f150bb521d8 Ermisch and Francesconi (2000) find that less than one-fifth of cohabitations survive more than five years. Cohabitation before marriage has also been argued to raise the risk of divorce, although the increased risk is small compared to other factors such as age at first marriage (Berrington and Diamond, 2000. There is also some evidence that there is negative selection in having a child outside of marriage (Ermisch, 2005). However, Goodman and Greaves (2010) find that while children in the United Kingdom do better on average at ages three and five if born to married parents, when controls for differences in other observed characteristics are conducted, these differences disappear. This, they suggest, implies that those children whose parents married in response to financial incentives saw no gain in educational outcomes. 1 0 3 1.0 10.18356/eeca78e4-en 0b1c0142b1be94ee35b1120a55c3095f Annual growth declined to a moderate 5.8 percent during the period 2001-2016, although double-digit growth still occurred in a small number of individual countries, particularly in Africa from 2006 to 2010. In 2017, the United Nations General Assembly discussed the topic of the effects of climate change on oceans during the eighteenth UN Informal Consultative Process on Oceans and the Law of the Sea. Oceans Action Day has been part of the official programme of the Conference of Parties (COP) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) since COP 22 in 2016. At COP 23, the presiding Government of Fiji not only supported this event, but also launched the Oceans Pathway Partnership to support the inclusion of oceans in the official negotiations on climate. 14 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264120525-6-en 0b282258b9ab2b487ad736297ab1dc2b Strategic financial planning must be carried out in the context of broader sector planning that address roles and responsibilities of government agencies, policy priorities and related legislative and regulatory reforms in order to ensure that a package of measures that can realistically be financed is being put forward. According to OECD (2009b), SFP has several objectives: “it provides a structure for a policy dialogue to take place, involving all relevant stakeholders including Ministries of Finance, with the aim of producing a consensus on a feasible future WSS. It illustrates the impact of different objectives and targets in a long term perspective, linking sector policies, programmes and projects. 6 2 2 0.0 10.1787/9789264261976-8-en 0b28e0d94939bdc091e29ee85eea66b7 Finally, it looks at how apprenticeships can be a tool for social inclusion at the local level, considering the role of social enterprises and how apprenticeships can be used to further the labour market integration of refugees. Boosting participation amongst SMEs, who face specific barriers, may be particularly important. This includes offering more part-time, online, and innovative training arrangements. 4 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/ad4de8a1-en 0b2a621fdcd2d9aab5b6ac534a968b8f The Safer City Streets initiative has brought together road safety experts working in cities since its launch at the UN Habitat III conference in 2016. The scope of the initiative includes data collection, with the development and maintenance of a city-level database on mobility and road safety statistics. This work also benefits from the guidance and support of the ITF's International Traffic Safety Data and Analysis Group (IRTAD), who organised the pilot stage and established the methodological framework. 11 0 6 1.0 10.18356/7d5576e0-en 0b2ab880b165abaecd5146f6129f1e8f This approach has been widely tested in practice. For example, Germany and Japan, which introduced pharmaceutical product patents in 1968 and 1976, respectively, successfully used their utility model laws to protect small-scale innovation for decades.156 The Japanese utility model law, which once witnessed close to some 200,000 applications a year,157 allowed Japanese inventors to protect small-scale improvements of foreign inventions. Indeed, these local innovators often “surrounded” the foreign invention to the point where negotiated cross-licensing became necessary. Utility models (“petty patents”), for which the TRIPS Agreement does not provide any binding minimum standards, are usually granted for small-scale inventions that do not meet the eligibility standards under patent law, especially the inventive step requirement. 3 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264287457-4-en 0b2dcb0a98b51650df167dd3db0b4d75 In addition, they may have a more comprehensive view of the policies that have been enacted over the long term, which may be difficult to perceive at the school level. Despite the importance of the government’s role in ensuring equitable educational opportunities and outcomes, many government ministries and departments work within silos, implementing fragmented policies and services and frequently revising public policies as a result of changes in govemment. This can become a barrier to lifelong learning opportunities and continued support for all (Froy and Giguere, 2010; OECD, 2012b). To ensure continued support from one stage in life to another, policy makers, local authorities and schools can collaborate on a joint strategy and action plan for achieving a common goal in a coherent manner. 4 0 9 1.0 10.18356/efc21c19-en 0b2ffa4097cfb834ebd3213f5e1e14a9 It is a result of a year-long data collection and deliberation with experts of the national governments, NGOs, international organizations and academia from a broad range of relevant fields including but not limited to gender, ICT, e-Govemment, public and social services. Among others, Gurumurthy, Nandini and Saloranta from IT for Change have put forth by far one of the most comprehensive policy recommendations to be included in the post-2015 global development agenda. The following summarizes the key content of their report. The Post-2015 agenda therefore, both in terms of goals and related targets and indicators, has to promote and measure women's participation in the information society and their access to and effective use of the Internet and ICTs. 5 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/9789264235151-6-en 0b38a98597cb5fd31a13c2ac1433de4b The government has implemented these low import taxes for agricultural inputs with the purpose of supporting farm production. Source; World Hade Organisation (2013), Trade Policy Review of Vietnam: Report by the Secretariat, WT/TPR/S/287/Rev.l. The size of the annual import TRQ is fixed by MOIT, whereas the tariff rates for out-of-quota imports are determined by MOF. The most recent notification on imports under TRQs for 2010 shows no imports of eggs under the TRQ and only about half the tobacco TRQ was used.65 According to the authorities, there are no imports of eggs due to a lack of demand. 2 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264303119-en 0b38d237b09f6e125d324a1f7d342c5a There is an interesting technical side-argument here regarding the de-optimisation of the residual system. If VREs had to earn their revenue on the market rather than receive fixed remuneration, the revenue they would earn would be lower than the average of all the prices during the 8 760 hours of the year. This is because VRE production is self-correlated and concentrated during a limited number of hours of the year during which processes are particularly low, precisely because of high VRE production. Since this effect is precisely proportional to the variability of the VREs, the negative externality of system de-optimisation would, in fact, be directly internalised through the price system (see NEA, 2012a). However, as long as VRE receive fixed FITs, which protect them against this effect, the system de-optimisation due to over-deployment of VREs, from the point of view of economic efficiency, continues to impose an uninternalised social cost or “technical externality” on the electricity system. While they can impose highly unwelcome impacts on certain parties, e.g. traditional utilities, which may raise issues from a distributional or political point of view, they do not as such constitute social costs and rationales for public intervention. 7 0 5 1.0 10.18356/f47faf05-en 0b39ee586d253eb54225365ae230a8c1 Because of the importance of forests worldwide, the most important aspects and statistics required to describe them are organized under a separate topic, Topic 1.2.3: Forests. As forests constitute particular ecosystem and land cover categories, their characteristics are also included within the other topics of this subcomponent. Presenting forests as a separate topic depends on their significance in a given country or area. 6 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5ce14fb2-en 0b3ac551700eb2a7969b756a717570cd Certain towns see their populations increase exponentially on market days, which is not without logistical challenges. Women, in particular, did not find that arrangements effectively facilitated the sale of their products, the care of their children or responded to their security or hygienic needs. Rebuilt after a fire in 1992, the interior of the Gaya market lacks functionality: its concrete structures are not well-suited to local needs and are disregarded or abused by users. 5 2 6 0.5 10.18356/584f8730-en 0b3afaa878eed1c9e0c86ab67c3b6974 Declining oil revenue and a further cut in corporate income tax rates constrained revenue collection. For South-East Asia, total tax revenues as a share of GDP ranged between 12.4% in Indonesia and 19.6% in Thailand in 2013.20 While the “optimum” tax-to-GDP ratio would depend on a number of factors - such as a country’s preference for public goods, the availability of non-tax revenues and the structural characteristics of the economy - by all accounts, there seems to be room for increasing tax revenues in a number of countries. For instance, it was found in a study that Indonesia’s potential tax-to-GDP ratio is approximately 4-5 percentage points higher than the actual level (ESCAP, 2014a). 8 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264096660-3-en 0b3c46f3634498c9d04c0e26b0c6298b "In schools with a privileged socio-economic intake, disadvantaged students tend to do better than expected (but by a smaller margin compared to other OECD countries) and advantaged students tend to do better than expected (within a similar margin of other OECD countries) (Table 11.5.11 in PISA 2009 Results, Volume II). Most of the students who perform poorly in PISA share a challenging socio-economic background and yet some of Iheir socio-economically disadvantaged peers excel in PISA and beat the odds working against them. These students show that overcoming socio-economic barriers to achievement is possible. While the prevalence of resilience is not the same across educational systems, it is possible to identify substantial numbers of resilient students in practically all OECD countries.""" 4 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264251724-6-en 0b3ce090f4df9d5be328286a8026b4d7 The resulting picture of the strains and stresses weighing on the ocean environment provides an important context for the subsequent chapters, which assess the future development of a range of key ocean-based industries. It provides seafood, which is the primary source of animal protein in the diets of approximately 1 billion people (mostly in developing countries), and it accounts for at least 15% of the protein eaten by 60% of the planet’s human population (FAO, 2014). Seafood products account for 10% of total agricultural food exports and 1% of world merchandise trade in terms of their value. 14 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264208445-6-en 0b3ce33c78f8908fad7b4aa0652cb4ca Support groups appear to be popular with individuals with mental disorders, and with their carers; Meyer et al. ( Approaches that blend peer support and therapeutic approaches from eMental health are also beginning to emerge. Although individuals with mild-to-moderate disorders are much less likely to self-identify as mental health service users, and therefore less likely to seek help from such groups, the support offered by such groups - for example informally, or through an online forum - can be valuable (Box 2.4). Many OECD countries have sought to expand treatments for mild-to-moderate disorders using psychological behavioural therapies. Psychological therapies have come to be well-recognised as an important tool for increasing treatment availability, improving recovery rates, offering choice and quality of treatment, and closing the treatment gap for common mental disorders. 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5ce14fb2-en 0b43d7b7e8ab93c60757ef21df9bea2f The architecture of these networks can be used to spread new practices, from the centre to the periphery of the network. A third strategy is to stimulate the diffusion of social changes between already connected actors (peers). This strategy, which is like a communication or marketing campaign, uses the properties of the existing network to facilitate the dissemination and adoption of new behaviours. 5 6 3 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/3ad10876-en 0b44b52cb9fbab3fd6b176f235807565 Use of satellite remote sensing is to some degree a means of compensating for reduced in situ monitoring, but still requires ground truth observations for validation. The challenge is how to sustain the monitoring beyond the life of the projects. For instance, there is regular joint water quality monitoring between the Russian Federation and China and the Russian Federation and Kazakhstan. 6 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5k9b7bn5qzvd-en 0b460a1b6e10426c16263ce1098d5713 According to calculations by the Ministry of Health, patient co-payment levels (calculated for reimbursable drugs only) could be reduced from 32% at present to 18%, if patients were always dispensed the cheapest generic dmg. With the 2011 Act on reimbursement of drugs, pharmacists no longer have any financial incentives to dispense the more expensive drugs, as the mark-ups are equal within the same substance group. Figure 16 shows how heterogeneous the size of PHI markets is across countries. 3 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.6027/9789289349734-5-en 0b479e6c71dacd14d2d3cc2176cca9ad In 2014 the largest media companies in Denmark were Egmont, Aller, DR, and TCD Television (Nordicom 2015a). In Denmark, people listen to the radio for approximately 2 hours per day on average (Nordicom 2015a). Compared to the other Nordic countries the Danes ranked second in the time spent listening to radio.6 DR started broadcasting television in 1951 and now DR operates two television networks funded by licence fees. 5 9 0 1.0 10.18356/d7485e6e-en 0b4e503ddaf13014a06a284157546892 Therefore, the use of IUCN assessment criteria promises considerable added value for future editions of the Red Data Book of Turkmenistan. Research and monitoring staff patrol their reserves on an ad hoc basis and record observations on biodiversity, based on a methodological handbook. Their records (usually in tabular format) are compiled in the annual Nature Chronicles of each State reserve, and are also used to estimate the abundance of key species (typically as individuals per km of linear survey or per unit area). Results are reported reguarly to the Department of Protection of Flora and Fauna. 15 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264098732-6-en 0b4e7d3d5b544938ca118474f0fbb332 Similarly, for countries where children enter school at age 5 (e.g. Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom), pre-school expenditure data were adjusted by adding up the expenditure corresponding to 5-year-old children enrolled in primary school. For spending on childcare: OECD Social Expenditure Database ( Cross-national variation in participation rates of very young children is much larger than for 3- to 5-year-olds. Participation rates were less than 10% in Chile, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Mexico, Poland and the Slovak Republic, but 50% or above in Denmark, Iceland and Sweden as well as the Netherlands, where participation was mostly part-time. 5 7 0 1.0 10.18356/bdcc82f9-en 0b50791e39d968987cd815bf4e1e040c For example, the Lesotho Child Grant Programme (CGP) had especially strong messaging on expenditures on children's clothes, shoes and related expenses, which is claimed to have resulted in particularly large impacts on these expenditures (Pellerano eta/., 2014). Often, these types of transfer are targeted at vulnerable demographic groups, such as the elderly (social pensions), orphaned children or schoolchildren. The third entails a much lower level of subsidy. 1 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/growth-2013-4-en 0b54ffaffcffeed6689b82bcb6774d7b They have a direct impact when their implementation either requires additional public resources or - less frequently -entails initial expenditure cutbacks or revenue increases. The direct impact will thus vary across specific policy recommendations. As for the induced effect, the magnitude is likely to differ depending on whether reforms boost growth mainly through employment or productivity (Elmeskov and Sutherland, 2012). 10 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264077287-en 0b5536f9ba4f127a7db3c1f2bc3e5882 More generally, Luxembourg has a positive record in meeting its international commitments (often of longstanding) for the conservation of nature and biodiversity (Chapter 4). Pursuant to that Protocol and the terms of the European agreement distributing the burden among the 15 member states of the European Union, Luxembourg undertook to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 28% below their 1990 levels over the period 2008-12. This is the deepest cut of any agreed by the 15 member states. 6 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264272637-5-en 0b57c26eeda572b2518eed196348cb06 In order to promote systematic development of transit centres, the Multi-Modal Transit Center Development Master Plan is established every five years. The plan incorporates development strategies of multi-modal transit centres at national, regional and local levels. Efforts for wider adoption of intelligent transportation systems (ITS). In the past, the ITS were largely confined to road and car traffic management, and thus opportunities to improve inter-sectoral synergies through these technologies have been lost. The ITS Master Plan lays the groundwork for sectoral ITS plans as w'ell as local ITS plans, which altogether aim to facilitate all-inclusive smart traffic management. Through a five-year national plan, efforts to develop advanced traffic technologies will be made at the national level. 11 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264233874-4-en 0b611118a837dc176cb953c20c3f9486 The first component of the 2008 ASEAN Integrated Food Security (AIFS) Framework is labelled Emergency/Shortage Relief and focuses on stability, including food assistance programmes, diversification and the ASEAN Plus Three (ASEAN+3) Emergency Rice Reserve (APTERR). A portfolio of measures to deal with risks should include policies that are effective and efficient across different scenarios of food security threats. In essence, this means managing a whole set of threats in order to stabilise food security whilst at the same time not compromising efforts to improve chronic levels of food insecurity. 2 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264203525-7-en 0b6176cd479fe11685ad15590cd7b45f In the most recent DPR, AAFC identified the percentage of farms in Canada which have a formal EFPs and the percentage of farms taking action on their EFPs as performance indicators. Results are made available to the public through the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat. The programme aims to support 2 billion litres of ethanol production and 500 million litres of biodiesel production. The programme expires in 2017. 13 5 4 0.1111111111111111 10.18356/cb17bdad-en 0b61bf4de178d64654c30973cf13455c This has been acknowledged by the committees in the attention paid to women’s reproductive health, abortion, contraception, early marriage and teenage pregnancy. Thus it is recognized that control over their own reproduction is centra I to women's ability to participate on equal terms in society. Thus the Reporting Guidelines on article 6, the right to life, require States to provide information on birth rates and pregnancy and childbirth-related deaths of women, as well as measures taken to help women prevent unwanted pregnancies and to ensure they do not have to undergo life threatening clandestine abortions (ICCPR 2012). 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/agr/outlook-2014-11-en 0b67243357032588ca5b79d82535a5d2 The driving force behind this increase will be a combination of rising incomes and urbanisation, interlinked with the expansion of fish production, and improved distribution channels. However, the pace of this increase will slow in particular in the second half of the outlook period, when fish starts to become more expensive in comparison with meat. Overall, per capita apparent fish food consumption will increase by 0.5% p.a. Apparent fish consumption will remain static or decreasing in Japan (-5%, from 52.8 kg to 49.9 kg), in Canada (-7%), in selected Latin American countries and in Africa (-5%), in particular in Sub-Saharan Africa. 14 0 4 1.0 10.1787/5js1j18znzs4-en 0b69251c940abf4693fe16d88262f144 A downside to these purchases is that they distort market signals and may encourage illegal imports by inflating domestic prices relative to international prices. Furthermore, storage facilities can entail high costs to build and operate, with continued rotation of stock important for reducing potential storage losses from infestation or moisture damage. Nevertheless, since China’s entry into the World Trade Organisation (WTO) China has sourced more agricultural products from abroad. In particular, net imports of vegetable oils, oilseeds, cotton, sugar and milk products have picked up (OECD-FAO, 2013). 2 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9ce809d8-en 0b6a767c16b69504dd8717fb3fb8e261 The RPSNP has an important impact on reducing poverty, while subsidies tend to benefit the better-off. Overall, the fiscal system is too small to facilitate significant redistribution between income groups. However, identifying “net” social protection spending - i.e. spending which is financed through taxation rather than individual contributions or loans -somewhat reduces the size of the burden. 1 0 9 1.0 10.18356/f90985ff-en 0b6c74a5be138ff7af8afec1d5c13d93 However, to the authors' knowledge, it has not been shown how this approach could be implemented at a scale commensurate with CSP. Water is required for mirror washing, steam cycle maintenance and often cooling. Air cooling is technologically feasible but lowers the plant efficiency and increases capital costs by roughly 10 per cent (USDOE, 2009,2012). The trend is toward more freshwater-efficient cooling technologies for CSP and other thermo-electric generation. 7 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264292697-3-en 0b6f8ac825ae6e304a6061f425d89d1f The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Colan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law. But the same forces have also made the world more volatile, more complex and more uncertain. The rolling processes of automation and hollowing out jobs, particularly for routine tasks, have radically altered the nature of work and life. For those with the right knowledge, skills and character qualities, this has been liberating and exciting. 4 3 1 0.5 10.18356/215a990d-en 0b737f6259e75e901b2114c35718b1c8 Recent ITC findings show that a 1% increase in the budget of trade and investment promotion organizations raises export growth by 0.03 to 0.08%. Regarding exports, TIPOs tend to encourage the dynamic side of exports, such as new products or markets, more than volume. The measured ability of institutions to provide appropriate market support abroad seems to be positively linked with the survival rate of exporters. More specifically, a 10% increase in spending on new exporters, without increasing the total budget, leads to a 4.6% rise in the number of exporters per destination. 9 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.14217/9781848591271-8-en 0b771bb3398368d2ef7e858593a19e29 Over a ten-year period they closed special schools and put the resources into mainstream. It recognises, however, that individuals are not always treated as equals and that young people with disabilities experience discrimination and disadvantage. The Council believes that segregated special education is a major factor causing discrimination. 4 0 3 1.0 10.18356/0899dee9-en 0b78e6d695d2e360df8e2fcb0591a73c Turkey is a case in point.111 The supply of childcare services shows problems of accessibility and location, high prices and low quality, caused by lack of public provision or subsidies to cover the existing demand.112 For the country’s offer of public childcare services to match OECD average preschool enrolment, Turkey would have to invest 1.36 percent of its GDP annually. Such an investment in early childhood education would create (directly and indirectly) two and a half times the number of jobs (mostly women’s) that a similar demand injection would create if it were channelled (for example) to the construction sector. Almost 80 percent of expenditure would be recovered through increased government revenues, debunking the view that care policies (and social policies in general) only add to the expenditures side of the government budget. The latter channel is more than a linear impact on human capital that automatically feeds into greater future growth. 5 5 4 0.1111111111111111 10.1787/5k9b7bn5qzvd-en 0b7a77f022896b0f80883bf4a6409f97 Poland has by far the highest shares of generic drugs market penetration in the OECD (Figure 15), representing 75% in volume terms and 58% in value, which contributes to the comparatively low price of drugs (in Purchasing Power Parity terms) (OECD, 2008a). They then provide the cheaper drug on patients’ request. However, in practice, these obligations are rarely met. 3 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264268852-6-en 0b7abeefac3fcf4276aa68f8e417d8ec According to various estimates, in 2016 about 250 000 people come to Almaty' City daily to work. Most of the migrants work in lowintensive sectors such as construction and retail trade. Continuous production and adaptation of technical projects that are not based on the comprehensive assessment of local needs would not bring any considerable change or help to confront urban development challenges (Leigh and Blakely, 2013). 11 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264280359-6-en 0b7d2a6e15ea75ef3e079405e3725ca3 It also assesses the participation of various governmental and non-governmental stakeholders in the design of gender equality objectives. The key findings and policy recommendations of this chapter aim to provide an important basis for the development of the Government's draft Concept on Family and Gender Policy for 2030. Setting a rationale, action plans, priorities, timelines, objectives, expected outcomes and/or targets, and effective policy planning across public institutions for promoting gender equality. 5 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.18356/becaa395-en 0b7d3b1505f9c5e6966bc6065e3cb313 The SSPs are being used alongside the RCPs to analyse feedback between climate change and factors such as world population growth, economic development and technological progress. They are based on storylines for possible futures which present different challenges to adaptation and mitigation (O'Neill etal., Sustainable development proceeds at a high pace, inequalities narrow, technological change is rapid and environmentally friendly, including lower carbon energy sources and high productivity of land. 13 0 5 1.0 10.1787/5k44xwtc0txp-en 0b7e1e78d6e0cddb69769420b140b3e2 While fiscal reforms can reduce fiscal pressures, employment and earnings growth is essential everywhere both for reducing benefit spending, and for shoring up government revenues now and in the longer term. This is illustrated by the lasting difficulties that some countries are having in moving revenues and benefit spending towards pre-crisis levels - notably in Southern Europe, which saw major austerity measures while continuing to record rising unemployment and declining or stagnating GDP. The vertical axis is inverted (a positive number indicates an increase in social benefit expenditure and, hence, a deteriorating budget balance). 10 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264268852-6-en 0b82656dd1b480d9cd80e90939a30257 City akimats are mainly accountable for the rational use of land, construction permits and the provision of land for different uses in the city. However, in practice, land-use allocation is sometimes separated from their jurisdiction because it is also the responsibility of the territorial branches of the Committee for Land Management under the Ministry of Agriculture. This duplication of tasks by local government and by representatives of the central government presents many difficulties for land-use management. 11 0 7 1.0 10.18356/e569c117-en 0b82fab59a21286ca08e7f9333fe4fbe On-site feeding, on the other hand, can be less expensive and may result in a stronger impact in terms of cognitive capacities of recipients, but their targeting performance may be poor (Bundy et al., Evidence from Cambodia (see Box 4) seems to indicate that on-site feeding supports school enrolment of the youngest children, while take home rations have a stronger impact on attendance. School Feeding in Cambodia1 Context: With 30 per cent of its population living below the poverty line, Cambodia is one of the poorest countries in south-east Asia. Education in the country is characterized by low quality and a weak system of infrastructure. 1 0 3 1.0 10.18356/1c11fde8-en 0b83bc79b119798e517c8c61b0a8d66d While cannabis is the drug most abused by both men and women in terms of annual prevalence, cocaine is the second most frequent drug of abuse for men, whereas for women cannabis is followed closely by the misuse of tranquillizers, with cocaine coming a distant third. Experts in South America perceive an increase in cocaine use in the region, which is considered to be driven by increased abuse in Brazil. The rise in abuse of smokable cocaine has been receiving particular attention from national authorities, with the annual prevalence of “crack” cocaine being estimated at 0.7 per cent in 2014. 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264300002-6-en 0b85191d3461a4bcd2c1344c0c0f88b0 A growth model based on human potential can produce a more dynamic economy and a more inclusive society, since talent is far more equally distributed than opportunity and financial capital. As I discussed in Chapter 4, a more equitable distribution of knowledge and skills has a complementary impact on reducing gaps in earnings. And it has this impact while also expanding the size of the economy. More inclusive progress made possible through better skills therefore has tremendous potential to ensure that the benefits of economic and social development are shared more equitably among citizens which, in turn, leads to greater overall social and economic progress. 4 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/0ec26947-en 0b855a503ec68efa342bc0a5ce62e345 In principle, emissions certificates give the holder the right to emit a certain amount of carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gases (EC, 2018a). Under the “cap and trade” principle, a cap is set for the total amount of GHG emissions for a given industry (EDF, 2018). The allowances are usually handed out to companies without charge (a procedure known as “grandfathering”), as companies start trading the certificates amongst each other. Over time, this cap is reduced gradually, so that overall GHG emissions decrease and companies are increasingly steered to invest in climate-friendly technology. 9 2 2 0.0 10.18356/7d5576e0-en 0b8a47a7ac0fe93082fe1f2f7e016f5b On the other hand, the holder of a utility model could still block access by competitors to the specie, which could have a negative impact on product improvement and competition. Thus, the party that selected the specie from the genus would be entitled to compensation from any party using the specie for follow-on improvements but would not be in a position to block access to the specie for such purposes. However, there is a need to delineate the boundaries of the invention so that third parties such as generic producers can be aware of the technological territory that cannot be invaded without risking a suit for patent infringement.252 To do this is the purpose of the patent claims that each patent application has to contain.253 There are several ways of construing a claim to determine the literal scope of the inventor’s exclusive rights (claims construction). 3 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/3726edff-en 0b8aa137261ca6a4b6ae1a5f28846e84 While most countries have adopted broadband policies or strategies, more infrastructure investments are necessary to ensure reliable connections and universal access to ICTs. However, access to ICTs is not enough. Additional efforts are needed to strengthen domestic capacity, especially in digital literacy, higher education and other research institutions, to better exploit the full benefits of ICTs and set sustainable growth paths for the future. Access to new knowledge, innovation, and new technologies can catalyse efforts and contribute to faster achievement of many of the SDGs. 9 1 4 0.6 10.18356/3ad10876-en 0b8c6587f2af92d7278c7df61a36b198 The accident underlined the importance of dam safety control, regardless the form of ownership. Another consequence of the ageing of water reservoirs is the increased volume of sediments, decreasing the operational volumes. Agriculture represents almost 99%* of water withdrawal in the Chu Basin, 94% in the Bolshoy Uzcn/Karaozcn, 90% in the Atrck, 89% in the Syr Darya, 85% in the Ili and 73% in the Talas Basin, just to mention a few examples in addition to the heavily affected downstream part of the Amu Darya. 6 2 2 0.0 10.1787/9789264100817-10-en 0b8f9149ce95b2ed3ff4d8cf4007dce9 This might also arise when some benefits are difficult to capture and translate into monetary terms, as illustrated by the recent experiences with cost-benefit assessment carried out in the European Union in support to the implementation of the WFD in a few countries only (see Box 5.2). Although the WFD relates to the broader field of water resource management, these examples are relevant as they show the ways in which information on costs and benefits of water investments can feed into the policy-making process. In the case of the WFD, however, the main areas of benefits relate to environmental benefits associated with reaching Good Ecological Status, which are particularly difficult to quantify as these are linked largely to non-use values. 6 1 4 0.6 10.30875/32bff34e-en 0b8fdfdef4646bbc0eaa78fc0a69af44 The Committee looked at implementation of ministerial instructions on duty-free and quota-free market access for least-developed countries. Both governments and the private sector need to be more active in ensuring trade's full potential in contributing to the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Forum heard. There are also references to the value of the trading system itself in supporting economic stability, which is essential for growth and development. Ministers declared that monitoring should be on the basis of written inputs or submissions. However, no written submissions had yet been received. A notification under the Enabling Clause was also circulated on behalf of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Paraguay and Uruguay, members of the Latin American Integration Association. 1 4 3 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264249363-15-en 0b91add6d1b0487f38ad418a9bc8b3fd However, the fiscal income is expected to stabilise (or even decrease) over a very long term, as the pesticide use per hectare will likely decrease. Input price increase is expected to have an effect on farmers' income. However, this effect is expected to be absorbed in the long term through adaptations of pest control strategies, as long as the suggested tax rates are high enough and farmers are in a position to successfully revise their practices. This dimension requires a detailed analysis of: • the level of dependence on pesticides of small-scale subsistence farmers (48% of the population of Kyrgyzstan is employed by the agriculture sector) • the general price elasticity (changes in the use of pesticides by farmers in response to changes in the prices of pesticides). 6 6 1 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/5js6g5kvpd6j-en 0b9408bcfcce31690d4527a8af815615 The regression analysis shows that labour regulations have reduced female labour force participation and that recent reforms to liberalise them have mostly benefitted male employment (Daymard and Sorsa,2015). This can reflect the fact that the regulations remain rigid and affect negatively formal job creation (Dougherty, 2008). With sufficient reforms more flexible labour markets are likely to benefit job creation for women as well. In this context the proposed amendment to the Factories Bill in 2014 to relax female night work are welcome. 8 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264089457-en 0b950fdfe40c6fbe760701a5e32def95 The 23 public and 31 private tertiary level institutions include a regional institution (Regional Centre for Science and Mathematics), public tertiary and post-secondary institutions such as Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Universiti Teknology MARA (UiTM), located in Seberang Prai, two teacher training colleges and the Open University Malaysia. There are also a number of non-public education and training institutions such as the Penang Skills Development Corporation, Wawasan Open University and Kolej Damansara Utama college (KDU). In general, however, the private sector institutions act as “feeder” organisations to universities in Kuala Lumpur accelerating the loss of human resources. Today, Universiti Sains Malaysia plays a major role in the Penang higher education system. 4 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/0ec26947-en 0b967c38a3e0dba2c9b4cc1b8faa8698 Compared to a regular database approach, blockchain provides transparency and security through distribution of data and validation by independent parties. The technology also enables companies to control their data and decide which information is shared with which partner and competitor (e.g. pricing terms). Currently, shipping companies and ports are actively pursuing blockchain solutions for their logistics data in order to improve visibility and reduce fraud (Miller, 2018). 9 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264281653-6-en 0b993ab7ef65754f98f67f620396d7be An earlier survey (Encuesta de Satisfaction al Usuario 2012-2013) found that users ranked hospital and outpatient care as “satisfactory.” Issues of geographical distribution as well as number and speciality of physicians have been persistent challenges in Costa Rica, and despite several work force planning initiatives, ensuring adequate supply of workforce remains challenging. However, the incentive has been insufficient to attract doctors to more distant localities, and is particularly problematic for specialists such as anaesthesiologists and ophthalmologists. 3 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264089457-en 0b99c59143a543c178e78bda58eb7ddb While the multinational corporations hire some technical personnel to work on design, testing and product developments, the supply of R&D engineers and technicians is too small for them to expand their R&D in Penang. Although the overall stock of human capital has increased in terms of outputs from tertiary institutions, there are deficiencies. Local graduates’ wait period for a job has increased and their wages have stagnated, suggesting that tertiary and secondary graduates’ skills do not match those required by employers. The contrast between the wage premiums of local graduates and those from abroad is significant and suggests a mismatch between local education programmes and labour market requirements. 4 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/5k46dbzhrkhl-en 0b9bf9d53c4068be72caadd14ed260bd We go on to discuss this in section 6. The OECD October 2012 workshop offered Ethiopian stakeholders a valuable moment for reflection on that progress. In this section, the authors again offer an independent view informed by the documentation, interviews and workshop discussions. Further practical considerations now need to be embraced - some, but by no means all, already being reflected in the CRGE and in some of the isolated ‘glimpses’ in different sectors (Section 3). 13 6 1 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264250505-7-en 0ba37a0af733efa44919854ca61bddd4 It would also heighten poverty risks in households where part-time employment is the main source of income, and would make it more costly for employers to respond to business fluctuations through legal means. The experience in Estonia suggests that exemptions from miniinum-contribution provisions are needed in order to prevent damaging the employment prospects of disadvantaged groups, such as the registered unemployed. In all cases, these exemptions would add to administrative complexity and, in a context of remaining enforcement challenges, can be expected to trigger further attempts to exploit any resulting loopholes. According to the World Bank Doing Business report 2016, Latvia ranks a good 22ld out of 189 countries with respect to die overall ease of doing business (World Bank, 2016). 8 2 6 0.5 10.1787/5k9b7bn5qzvd-en 0ba452780565594a19eb740f57089cd0 Source: OECD, OECD Health Data 2011. Estimates based on the list developed by Tobias and Yeh in 2009 provide similar results. Other outcome variables as well as the efficiency indicator estimated by OECD (2010a)4 and the European Health Consumer Index yield similar results (see Table 2, which shows seven indicators). Once GDP per capita is controlled for, the residuals are linearly scaled such that the mean across countries is equal to 0 and the standard deviation to 1 for each indicator. 3 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/rev/fish-2015-11-en 0ba588df6c8020db0934744f88afaaf6 Its most important export by value is crustaceans and the United States is the largest export market. The value of exports and imports rose steadily between 2011 and 2013, whereas the quantity of both exports and imports fell during the same period (Panel B). The provision of infrastructure and unemployment insurance accounted for 51.5% of the total support (Panel C). In 2012, there were 18 740 registered vessels in Canada (Panel D). 14 0 6 1.0 10.1787/5kgj0d3vzcth-en 0ba868b0dc560aab166cd145112b2380 The perception of risk level has generally increased, i.e. farmers tend to estimate the same risks as more important than previously. New Zealand farmers distinguish risks that generate threats and those that generate opportunities, with the dividing line between the two likely being the ability of the farmer to manage the risk. As this ability may change in the long run, their perception of risk as an opportunity or threat may also change with time. 2 0 5 1.0 10.18356/665c59ff-en 0bab8aa2061590295e37cae611f249db It provides the motive power for machinery, enables delivery of multiple inputs into production, is required in the processing of industrial outputs and is critical to the distribution and use of industrial goods and services. Industry uses a variety of energy sources, and its choices are largely determined by price. The greening agenda, which focuses on mitigating global warming and climate change, requires a sharp cut in the use of fossil-fuel energy sources in the absence of efficient capture and sequestration of all greenhouse gas emissions. The first set is the capital cost of providing the energy-generating capacity, which includes the cost of infrastructure, the cost of equipment and the cost of construction. The second set includes those costs involved in running the capital equipment—the recurrent costs of production. Finally, the third set, and the most difficult one to measure, are the environmental externalities generated in energy production and use. 7 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/c544899f-en 0bad792d0df6751d031bcbfe7b78b5a3 The reform programme called for increased investment by the private sector, but the firms in question did not always expand capacity at the expected rate, and, in many cases in later years, there was a reduction in total investment in energy infrastructure. The public enterprises, which all countries have preserved to a greater or lesser extent, with the single exception of Chile, have become a tool of energy policy that is very useful on several fronts. In some countries, these firms play a social role by distributing electricity in rural and remote areas that are of no interest to private investors. 7 0 5 1.0 10.1787/9789264240094-12-en 0badd48d6b4ba435bbfa1390b9a671f4 About 70% of federal protected areas, or 7% of the surface area under federal protection, includes land on which there are private property claims, mostly in the Amazon, Cerrado and Atlantic Forest biomes (TCU, 2013; Verfssimo et al., At that pace, it would take more than a century to complete the process. The resolution of problems related to territorial consolidation and land tenure sometimes exceeds the capacity and responsibility of environment authorities (TCU, 2013). 15 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.18356/3adc8369-en 0bb06c8a3a00e4eecf2795acaba4cee4 This distinction is important when it comes to translating the impacts of links into policy. Therefore, we summarily document the geographic scale of the various links in the tables below. We illustrate this potential for trans-boundary effects in Table 1, as an example. For example, depending on how it is designed and implemented, protection of coastal and marine areas could benefit or hinder access to marine resources for small-scale fishing communities. 14 0 3 1.0 10.1787/env/outlook-2012-8-en 0bb35fdc21701c85ddc3a50e41b99b59 The expected increase in the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events and high flow rates caused by climate change may cause re-suspension of pollutants stored in sediments. It is a serious concern, causing aquatic biodiversity loss in rivers, lakes and wetlands, hampering human use of the water (e.g. drinking water, recreation, fishing, swimming) and it can also affect human health (see below and Chapter 4 on biodiversity). Eutrophicating pollution originates from point sources (urban wastewater systems) and diffuse sources (mainly runoff from agricultural land). Each issue is discussed below. 6 0 7 1.0 10.18356/07f2a46c-en 0bb454f57956d7b4f84d32daf66a0250 In Viet Nam, the Central Highlands, with their diverse ethnic minority population, show the lowest CPR in the country (Teerawichitchainan, 2008; UNFPA, 2009). Supply and demand side barriers hampering access and use of contraceptives among disadvantaged groups are many, such as costs, distance to service delivery points and lack of information and knowledge, as well as cultural and social values (Sdortino, 2008). According to estimates, in South and South-East Asia in the 2000-2005 period 11 per cent of married women of reproductive age had an unmet need for contraception both for spacing and limiting births. 5 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264115118-6-en 0bb5dcb47a30a9ba9d1157e0794d8379 Policy makers therefore need to carefully consider their own particular economic structures when considering the distributional effects of their policies. However, in general, all policies including direct regulation will have some distributional impact which can often be regressive. For example, Sutherland (2006) argues that appliance energy efficiency standards usually affect market choices by removing the low-end and less energy-efficient units from the market. Comparatively wealthy consumers apparently purchase about the same appliances as they would in the absence of energy efficiency standards, and hence suffer minimal losses. 7 0 4 1.0 10.1787/5jrs8sv4jt6k-en 0bb6f1a0092ae33e86e488b86ca9e868 A transformation in technology and marketing has indeed taken place in food processing and in the retail sector, but there is mixed evidence of the net impacts on small fanners. Sometimes this rapid evolution in the agro-food industry has worked toward the inclusion of small farmers, particularly as “resource-providing contracts” have proliferated. But often changes in the food markets have worked toward the exclusion of smallholders due to scale-constraints related to “inadequate” non-land assets - human and knowledge capital, access to credit, and geographical location. 2 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/5km4knxj9tf3-en 0bb74afcdcfc75d8381638bb154c4a29 In most countries governments are significant energy users, and government operations present significant opportunities for efficiency improvements. By procuring energy efficiency services from the private sector, governments can help build capacity and critical mass within this important service sector. This is a win-win option, since energy use is major public sector expense. 7 0 9 1.0 10.1787/859159ab-en 0bb91ef7f8e31dd3ecc6aa56a108378a Concentrations of population and economic activity in urban areas are additional complicating factors. Among the important issues facing cities, this chapter discusses the challenges related to air pollution and how to respond to them through smart city policies. Air pollution can damage human capital and create other non-health costs. 11 0 3 1.0 10.18356/2640b601-en 0bbdfa4ea12c36678223f98353b3e853 Policies to support innovations through early research and development can be undermined by an absence of support for their demonstration to potential investors and their subsequent deployment in potential markets. Thus technology policies need to adopt an integrated approach, stimulating both the development as well as the adoption of energy technologies. R&D initiatives without simultaneously incentivizing users to adopt the outcomes of innovation efforts (e.g. promoting energy efficient building designs without strengthened building codes, or CCS development without a price on carbon) risk not only being ineffective but also preclude the market feedbacks and learning that are critical for continued improvements in the technologies. 7 1 7 0.75 10.18356/3f10390a-en 0bc0cdee42c649e36b8ca7708309c17c Estudios estadisticos y prospectivos sent id Nations publication, Sales No. For each of the income variables to be decomposed, it indicates the annual change observed in the gap between the top and bottom quintiles and between the start and end years, and the percentage of this change attributable to each factor analysed. Paraguay was the only country where the change in the percentage of adults per household accounted for close to 50% of the decline in the per capita income gap. In the other countries, the contribution of this factor did not exceed 20%, and in some it actually worsened distribution. 1 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5kgglrw4n7s0-en 0bc3671b295153b56be5727afdf182de On the production side (industry, commerce and agriculture), significant changes are expected as the economy grows nearly eightfold. This implies a massive expansion of the commercial/services sector (by a factor of six), a significant expansion of manufacturing activity, and more limited growth of activity in agriculture. However, water needs to be pumped from increasing depth and this is the main source of electricity demand in agriculture. Sources: IEA, 2009b; IEA, 2010a; IEA, 2009c. 7 3 0 1.0 10.18356/aa8d2b4c-en 0bc72f744b1cdaeefd661667636ac2a0 Furthermore, large income disparities can hold back economic growth by weakening aggregate demand (United Nations, 2013). The widening of income gaps between employees with differing education levels in the 1980s and 1990s was something of a surprise, considering the expected labour supply and demand trends. On the one hand, the expansion of education systems increased the supply of better qualified personnel. On the other, it was expected that liberalizing economic reforms would benefit the sectors that mainly used more plentiful factors of production, especially low- and medium-skilled labour. The outcome of these processes would have been to boost the wages of the low- and medium-skilled workers. Of the multiple factors that could have contributed to this trend, it was not possible to identify any single key cause, it being considered that a series of interactions are likely to be responsible (Fishlow and Parker, 1999). 8 0 3 1.0 10.18356/4bdc1a8f-en 0bc88728440eb036b18eac0c7dca0058 These programmes also reveal the need to extend education and health services to those sectors of society and geographical areas which are currently deprived of them, by revitalizing the public supply of some of those services and associating them with conditionalities and promoting cooperation and coordination among the public bodies involved. The correct functioning of conditional transfer programmes depends on each country’s achievements in terms of universalizing basic social services, and also on close collaboration between programme leaders and the education, health-care and nutrition sectors. It is not possible to cover all the areas of concern in this report, but the main ones will be examined below. Achieving the goals of conditional transfer programmes requires good coordination between the ministries responsible for the various social sectors, as well as close collaboration between central government and decentralized or local authorities. 10 0 3 1.0 10.18356/7e830810-en 0bc8acf0abb1da4ad10d32dacba1e512 A Global Environment Facility project in India found that more communication was needed among private sector players (steel re-rolling mills, domestic equipment manufacturers, trade and industry associations and others) for uptake of industrial energy-efficiency technologies (Verbeken 2009). Agreements were established with local institutions hosting the project training courses, which could then offer the courses beyond the project’s lifespan. The networks helped participating South African firms identify more than 5 million rand in energy-efficiency investments, with a payback of less than a year (Spalding-Fecher 2003). 7 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264176621-en 0bcb88b4f3e8b376462d025d8a48c738 Such evidence has driven policy makers to design an early intervention and re-think their education spending patterns to gain “value for money”. At the same time, research emphasises that the benefits from early interventions are conditional on the level of “quality” of ECEC that children experience. Starting Strong III: A Quality Toolbox for Early Childhood Education and Care has identified five policy levers that can encourage quality in ECEC, having positive effects on early child development and learning. 4 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264213944-8-en 0bcc66015c0f8bd039430df0681f6cb0 They then add to the personal contribution of the financing plan for the project. Finally, in some financing plans, including specific loans or the intervention of a mutual guarantee organisation, a minimum personal contribution may be imposed. In addition, this contribution will help to fund the start-up costs or certain investments not covered by bank loans. 5 8 1 0.7777777777777778 10.18356/ea442617-en 0bcd9b198f69f095d73ec91a7e4191b2 The United Nations deployed an array of humanitarian tools that coincided with this trend (the grant of temporary protection rather than permanent asylum; the creation of safe areas to reduce the likelihood of refugee flows or to encourage return; the authorization of military interventions in conflicts producing mass refugee flows; and cross-border delivery of assistance, sometimes with the use of the military, to at-risk populations) (Loescher, 2000: 54; Roberts, 1998: 375-376). First, policies aimed at preventing refugee flows coincided with the increasingly stringent nonentree policies of developed states noted above (Chimni, 1998). Second, there was greater willingness on the part of the international community to intervene in the internal affairs of sovereign states on humanitarian grounds, including where internal conflicts caused refugee flows. In what represented a significant extension of the international refugee regime beyond UNHCR, the Security Council in the post-Cold War period was prepared to be more assertive in characterizing refugee flows as a threat to regional and international security and thus a justification for action under Chapter VII of the UN Charter (Loescher, 2000: 54; Roberts, 1998: 383). 10 3 1 0.5 10.18356/7aa2651d-en 0bcdcbc1f8b21e51d42ec292b135f9f0 And a roof that doesn’t leak? Isn’t this a much more intuitive measure, and one that is more capable of winning public understanding and support? But the trouble with the argument that deprivation measures ‘real poverty’, whereas relative income does not, is that the intuitively appealing idea on which it rests is that poverty should be measured in an absolute rather than a relative sense. In other words, it is relative to both time and place. 1 1 4 0.6 10.18356/4a2e8e2d-en 0bd36582020bae12b831ba149dc1b660 The analytical work should improve the quality of the assessment outcome and provide salient information for policymaking, decision-making and developing cooperation. If the first part of the assessment is mostly a diagnostic of the basin's situation, resources and sectors, the second is characterized by a more active level of stakeholder engagement that aims to jointly uncover priority issues, develop possible solutions and assess the benefits of cooperation. The paragraphs immediately below describe the six steps, whereas the participatory methods and frameworks and tools are described later on in this chapter. This includes information on: (i) the current state of energy, food, water and environmental security, and the availability of natural resources; (ii) the relations that exist within the region, the basin and its riparian countries; and (iii) main strategic goals, development policies and challenges. 6 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264179370-6-en 0bd43d3668323d13a2452df68d4d2023 The result shows that the lower productivity of female-owned enterprises is due, in large part, to the fact that they are smaller, less capital intensive, and in sectors characterised by lower average productivity. Enterprises owned by women tend to make lower profits (around 4% less), even controlling for their size, capital intensity, age, and sector of activity (column 3). The women-owned companies included in ORBIS were slightly less likely (1.2% less) to experience an increase in the number of their employees between 2005 and 2009 (column 4). 5 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264280489-6-en 0bd45dfadeef4af6a043f8b6c4256558 These strategies establish the general direction that the United Kingdom takes in skills development, setting targets and introducing new policies and agencies to assist in achieving these targets. For instance, the Leitch Review (2006), which was tasked by British Government to address the UK’s long-term skill needs, cast a vision for the United Kingdom to become a “world leader in skills” by 2020, and established targets to enhance educational attainment. The Leitch Review also recommended the creation of a commission to co-ordinate skill needs assessment work and skill policy more generally, leading to the introduction of the UK Commission of Employment and Skills (UKCES) which replaced the former Sector Skills Development Agency (SSDA) and the National Employment Panel (OECD, 2015). 4 0 4 1.0 10.18356/caeceb38-en 0bd5c32157352edddc8533212da40462 "Collaboration over domestic work (for girls) or maintaining the home (for boys) is a vehicle through which parents ascribe value to adolescents, model appropriate behaviour and include them in social reproduction in ways that are consistent with the aspirations of parenting captured in the WHO's five dimensions. Adolescents are proud of their participation in the running of the family and prioritise their ""right to help in the home"" as well as engage in family activities (Bray, 2012;Thorpe, 2005). For reasons we go on to explain, the pressures and motivations around work influence the notion of 'good parenting' in this region, differing from those commonly expected or assessed using standard measures. Poverty plus additional vulnerability due to HIV, including orphanhood and family dispersal, lies behind adolescent engagement in commercial sex work (Nyambedha, 2007), while transactional sex in the community is commonplace across poor neighbourhoods (Juma et al., 2013).Young people's reliance on these informal and often exploitative relationships increases where lone mothers, or small families, cannot meet material needs or connect adolescents to genuine alternative routes towards upward social mobility (Ngugi et al.," 5 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.30875/423532ad-en 0bd61ee5ec778034b1a6b63e4121ff1b Innovative solutions in providing trade credit are therefore essential for MSMEs to participate in international trade and underpin MSMEs' ability to benefit from all the opportunities discussed previously in this chapter. These include internet-enabled services such as web-search or communication services, digital intermediation services such as distributional services, travel services or P2P transactions. Measures that hinder cross-border data flows may therefore hinder the expansion of digital trade. These include, for instance, local data and server requirements, restrictions on payment methods, or requirements to give access to commercial source code or encryption keys as a prerequisite to enter a market (Ciuriak and Ptashkina, 2018a; European Parliament, 2017). 9 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264283329-en 0bd85eb57dcb76aa872106507010be70 Some of these increases may be attributable to the intensification of case finding efforts in the National Cancer Registry, the ageing of the population and improved diagnostics (i.e. introduction of new medical equipment, knowledge and increased diagnostic tests). The national breast cancer programme provides free mammography for women between 50 and 69 years of age every two years; the response rate was low, only 42.4% in 2016. A programme for early detection of colorectal cancer for people aged 50 to 69 began in 2013 on a pilot basis in one district; there are plans to expand it nationally. According to EHIS data, more than 90% of people in Cyprus aged 50-74 have never been screened for colorectal cancer. 3 0 3 1.0 10.18356/2e1a4924-en 0bdb04836bbe6cf7ad7be4a6ab0aec41 The consequence was a widening of the gap between women in poor families and those in middle- to high-income ones. For their part, women in lower-income sectors might stay at home and care for their children, participate in community arrangements to secure food and services for them, or join the labour market and secure child care (Faur, 2011). However, it also seems to be important to consider the evolution of female labour force participation, fertility patterns and the increasing probability that a woman will have her first baby at an older age. The ideal estimation would be a double selection model covering the probability of being in the labour force and of being a mother and taking account of sample selection as well as the endogeneity of the choice to become a mother. 5 0 7 1.0 10.18356/5950d914-en 0bdc00717e70379faa7407318fb3eb78 It is worth noting that the same indicators were 25 per cent in 2000 for Asia and the Pacific but decreased slightly since then, resulting in a total drop of 2 percentage points between 2000 and 2013. The value added per capita in Africa illustrates the level of development of manufacturing on the continent, tables 6.2 and 6.3 provide information on the two indicators during the period 2005-2015. When one takes into account population size, manufacturing value addition is low but rising, especially in West, East, Central and Southern Africa as a group. 9 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264235151-6-en 0bdcf2129e184e37e6d5472f9fa334f9 Loans from the VBSP are subsidised with low interest rates (ranging from 0.0-0.8% per month) and are generally for small amounts. Prior to the establishment of VBSP, these activities were provided by the Viet Nam Bank for the Poor (VBP), which operated through VBARD. Subsequent to the establishment of the VBSP, the provision of preferential credit has been completely removed from VBARD’s remit. 2 7 0 1.0 10.18356/62062f00-en 0bdd8c09f83ed0375b29be8e40d6a005 The agenda embraces key economic sectors such as energy, agriculture and transport. It can offer opportunities for decoupling economic growth and social development from environmental degradation, thus strengthening the sustainability and resilience of a society. It can further help to seize new development opportunities that can contribute to growth and poverty alleviation. A coherent SCP policy agenda can support a triple dividend of greater wellbeing, increased competitiveness, and environmental integrity (CSIRO and IGES 2012). 12 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264259157-6-en 0bdf3aa376fc0d37279c25c381505d3d Conversely, long working hours may rob fathers of time with the family even though their relationships with their children and partners are stronger when they are more involved in parenting. The public provision of child care, for example, may involve substantial public investment. Some have given it a legal basis (e.g. Austria, Belgium, Korea, Mexico and Spain). Others have opted for a more flexible approach. 5 1 3 0.5 10.18356/0899dee9-en 0bdff1a16124338ba120c46cbd9b44cd The work is regarded as voluntary, and working conditions are casual.91 In the case of South Africa, the pay levels of ECEC workers do not allow them to move out of poverty. Sometimes ECEC workers enrol in training, topping up their incomes with the EPWP stipend. However, when the training ends, they have higher skills but the same remuneration as before 92 Poor worker remuneration is also common in ECEC programmes in other African countries, like those reviewed in Kenya95 and Nigeria. Improvements in national legislation in South Africa and Uruguay, and the ratification of the ILO’s Domestic Workers Convention (No. 5 3 0 1.0 10.1787/5kg57kjj5hs8-en 0be2f83a80c9771ee03e804b9cc3e103 The chronology of this reform in process and the content of the associated competence frameworks are presented here. The B2i reform does not consider ICT as a specific subject which needs technological training. It tries to support an integration of ICT in each field by proposing a competence framework with a new evaluation methodology. 4 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/859159ab-en 0be400e0186a097cdb970e661efe2130 As such, the impact will likely be uneven across Emerging Asia. Other potential effects could come in the form of increased price pressures and disruption in supply channels leading to difficulties in disposing inventories. Though it is challenging to pin down the speed of adjustments and the patterns of re-allocation caused by the trade tensions, the export data of Thailand and Viet Nam by commodity and partner country yield some notable findings. 11 6 1 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/1c11fde8-en 0be4c18e2d712da4c4c621334705f466 The amendment entered into force on 1 April 2015. The Board continues to closely follow drug policy developments in the region, including the adoption of amendments to the legal frameworks regulating substances under international control in Costa Rica, Guatemala and Jamaica. A regional seminar on the role of research in the development of effective policy in the field of drug abuse prevention was held in Port of Spain from 29 to 31 October 2014. 3 3 6 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/5e7977af-en 0beb2ab320f1a548b384531f0284e8ab Of this total, 16.3%, or one in six children and adolescents, is living in extreme poverty, understood as at least one severe deprivation. The scourge of extreme poverty thus affects more than 28.3 million individuals. In the countries with the highest overall child poverty (El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Peru and the Plurinational State of Bolivia), on average 72% of children were living in poverty. 1 0 4 1.0 10.18356/d85bcb9c-en 0bec7dddfdc9ad8a1b5fac129d2ba313 After providing working definitions for this chapter, it examines broad considerations for risk management in public administration, which were used to inform the scope of the chapter. The chapter then reviews how risk is addressed in the text of the Agenda and the SDGs, and contrast this with an examination of risks-related issues in various SDG areas, based on examples as well as a review of the academic literature. Due to the differences in risk across different fields (for example, systemic risk in finance versus natural disasters), different fields have developed their own interpretation of the concept, as well as diverse frameworks for thinking of risk and managing it2 For this reason, defining risk in a uniform way across the spectrum of human activities is challenging (see Box 4.1). 13 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.18356/47c7f9c4-en 0bed30784607ff31dd5196deccf266e5 The MB is a variable transfer covering the gap between the GMI and the average per capita family income. Total household income includes net income of all household members from all sources, in cash as well as in kind.57 In addition to the variable MB, fixed transfers are granted to eligible families for the birth of a child and children up to the age of three. The MB is entirely financed from the republican budget. 1 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264284319-9-en 0bef12fdd692c702a924cb3aece4be4f Natural gas, compressed natural gas, electricity and heat production are not subject to excise tax. The Moldova Tax Code (Law No. Moldova has made significant progress in protecting the environment, but it remains vulnerable to changes in climate. In 2013, its energy intensity was 139 koe/USD 1 000 (purchasing power parity, or PPP, adjusted) (Energy Community, 2015), which is higher than the average energy intensity of the EU countries. 7 1 5 0.6666666666666666 10.1787/8b1a5cb9-en 0bf1ff20440ffa5abaae1e57590cbb52 The location of a school is one of the factors that influence the distribution of staff with different levels of experience and qualifications. In the United States, for example, urban school districts serving disadvantaged populations face particular teacher shortages, although there is great variation between districts (Papay et al., This often results in abelow-average share of experienced and highly-trained teachers (Monk, 2007(m]; Gagnon and Mattingly, 2012[n4]), and curriculum areas being covered by one teacher and teachers with little subject-specific training. 4 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264226500-5-en 0bf247d646a07e9b38b7e517f4058168 A new' feature will be added in order to enable all transaction prices to be recorded in the cadastral database. A link is also being built between the cadastral database and the taxation database in order to develop a more comprehensive and fairer taxation system, with an expected improvement of property tax revenues. The power to regulate the use of land usually lies in the smallest unit of government (e.g. municipalities through building and zoning codes) and local governments carry the legal responsibility for preparing urban land-use plans. In contrast, transport planning tends to controlled by higher levels of government (e.g. state governments and MPOs in the United States). 11 0 3 1.0 10.1787/rev/fish-2011-33-en 0bf39105cb905a749a92914d58c6139e Norway raised this issue during the twelfth United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice in Salvador, Brazil in 2010. The report is to be finalised early 2011. Furthermore, as OECD has pointed out several times, Norway would like to focus on the link between flags of convenience and tax havens in order to achieve greater transparency relating to ownership and control of fishing vessels. 14 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264121836-7-en 0bf5c53cd9037bccec5a559f627f5864 The accumulation of sanctions is possible: natural or legal persons can be punished both for an administrative offence by the administrative authority and for a criminal offence by the courts. Slovakia’s criminal code includes one of the world’s most stringent penalties for water- and waste-related offences: imprisonment for up to eight years. However, such penalties are seldom applied in practice. If a fine was the only penalty imposed and the offender paid the fine, the offender is considered as not convicted. When a fine is imposed, the courts usually provide for an alternative prison sentence to ensure that the criminal act is still punished if the fine is not paid on time; a system of conversion of prison sentences into fines also exists. 6 2 3 0.2 10.1787/9789264310278-en 0bf6a24f15832c15391909704c62c83e Moreover, an increase in the age of the household head decreases the chances of being financially vulnerable. Being married and living with the spouse is also negatively associated with the probability' of financial vulnerability. Our results also highlight that, even after controlling for traditional household and regional characteristics, there is clear evidence that an increase in the size of monthly debt repayment raises household’s financial vulnerability, and an increase in the net-worth of the household decreases financial vulnerability. Lastly, regional characteristics such as living in an urban locality do not seem to have an impact on households’ financial vulnerability once we take into account the net w'orth of the household. First, as far as we know, this is one of the earliest studies which empirically investigates the subject of household financial vulnerability using an unsupervised machine learning technique. Most of the existing analyses are based on aggregate data and cross country analysis which have some significant shortcomings due to their inability to account for differences in distributions (Christelis et al., 8 0 3 1.0 10.18356/71bffc9c-en 0bf8bf18b0f5342f236ebbeadb1d30d9 For me it is a continuation of an ongoing and critical dialogue between design professionals, civic leaders, developers, and foundations from around the world, in developed and developing countries alike. The desire to exchange information openly is positive in and of itself: that we will open new networks for communication that may help solve common problems is especially positive. The previous studies have given us insights into the issues we are confronting, including challenges to both developed and developing countries. 11 4 3 0.14285714285714285 10.18356/a1fda3f6-en 0bfa6d42af22571cf4a416b40951c0c8 In 1993-1994, those below the vulnerability line had constituted 81.9 per cent of the population. If other households experienced poverty or vulnerability in the interim, a large majority of the population lives in poverty or in its shadow. After all, the gap between the income that defines the extremely poor and that defining the vulnerable, Rs 11 per day, is approximately equivalent to the price of any of the following: a ticket in a municipal car park, half a litre of bottled water, a bus ride or a mini-sized snack from a street food vendor. 1 0 7 1.0 10.18356/9de3e7b5-en 0bfacc89685bb232459285390093ab82 In the Plurinational State of Bolivia, the percentage of indigenous people is twice as high in the first quintile as in the fifth (76% against 36%). In the countries analysed, over half the indigenous population is in the first two income quintiles. The exception is the Plurinational State of Bolivia, where the indigenous population is particularly large and fairly evenly spread across quintiles. A particularly striking case is Ecuador, where 48% of the indigenous population is in the first quintile. This is because under the first of these systems, having the possibility of securing more seats, parties try to include candidates from different social sectors to reach a wider electorate. 10 0 4 1.0 10.1787/5jm3p5gl4djd-en 0bfb26647b61d8d81f81d00a6bfc3542 Lack of access to housing and housing instability are often associated with social exclusion, risks to the health, poor educational outcomes as well as with poor access to mainstream health, social work and housing services (OECD, 2014a). The quality of housing and its surroundings are also linked to health, education and child-development outcomes and to general well-being (Newman and Holupka, 2014). Good-quality affordable housing can help the elderly remain healthy and independent, facilitating the delivery of services needed. 11 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264245174-7-en 0bfb277f83a04e8e9ed1854486701ecb New extensions to several lines of the network are being planned in the near future by STC. The National Plan for Infrastructure 2014-2018 also establishes the commitment of the federal government to provide funding for the extension of Line A, which connects Mexico City and the State of Mexico (to be opened by 2017). Microbuses and RTP services were replaced by trolley buses in major avenues. 11 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/9789264179011-7-en 0bfe16c9f6c080a498adf89122f10416 Other farmer groups focus on a particular issue, often supported by NGOs in their mission to empower rural people. These have generally focussed on advocating farmers’ rights over natural resources such as land and water (particularly prominent on the Outer Islands) or in helping farmers develop sustainable agricultural practices such as organic agriculture. Rather than being locally based, some farmer groups focus on a particular sector. 2 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264268791-6-en 0bff227ea43183369065ad071afba262 In many cases, these illegal structures have since gained community buy-in and have been turned into official skateparks sanctioned by municipalities, thus changing their temporary land uses into permanent features of the urban landscape. Though initially an unsanctioned experiment, their uses were proven to be beneficial and were eventually accepted. Embracing experimentation through temporary land uses (cont.) It provides costs estimates for different kinds of projects and access to data and maps of vacant land so that potential areas can be identified and linked up to other vacant sites. 11 0 3 1.0 10.1787/c69de229-en 0c01b2aa22b8ebf26df2c55fba4c51d6 Nutrition assistance should also help direct practices towards healthy diets to combat the high risk of overweight and obesity in children from low-income families (Inchley, 2016(69]) (OECD, 2017(70]) ((n.a.), Early interventions in childcare and education are effective policy tools to create level playing fields and to reduce gaps among children. The evidence suggests that the benefits of high quality childcare programmes on child and young adult outcomes are positive and often stronger for children from disadvantaged families than for those of wealth families (Ruhm and Waldfogel, 2012(72]) (Havnes and Mogstad, 2011(73]) (Van Huizen and Plantenga,(n.d.)|74]) (Dietrichson, Kristiansen and Nielsen,(n.d.)[75j) (Shuey and Kankaras, 2018(76]). Yet, children from disadvantaged backgrounds are disproportionately likely to miss out on formal ECEC (OECD, 2016(49])- Childcare places availability, affordability and perceptions of service quality are key parameters to foster the use of childcare services by low-income families and reduce inequalities across children (OECD, 2011(48]) (Van Lancker and Ghysels, 2016(77]). 1 3 1 0.5 10.30875/5bd1cd2e-en 0c034812334fb793e8e07b66cab48f0c According to Qatar, natural gas products still face significant trade barriers, such as high tariffs. Some members expressed their support for reducing barriers to natural gas trade. Several participants in the initiative updated the CTE on the negotiations. The need to accommodate the concerns of participants with different development levels was highlighted. 13 5 2 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/5jlwjg92n48x-en 0c04e6a43ddcde83e0131e1de93fa064 Development co-operation can play an important role in building trust, facilitating knowledge sharing and accelerating learning from experience across countries and regions, as well as the development, climate change and finance communities. The findings of this report provide initial insights on the pre-conditions enabling effective climate finance in the context of development co-operation. Going forward, there may be a need for new considerations and additional pre-conditions or principles that go beyond the insights from this research. In particular, the increasing role of private climate finance and South-South and triangular' co-operation in scaling up climate finance to meet global needs, as well as specific objectives of international climate funds may require a broader set of pre-conditions for effectiveness. 13 0 7 1.0 10.14217/9781848591110-5-en 0c04eed0f64483cdef14aa6fc0691b72 First, AIDS has a demographic impact and alters the age composition of the population and the labour force. These changes in the numbers of workers of different ages are captured in the L.t term. A change in the age composition of the labour force alters the productivity of the labour force because of its impact on accumulated work experience, and this is captured in the p. term. With population growth averaging 1.9 per cent a year, however, GDP per capita grows more slowly than GDP, at 2.6 per cent a year. 3 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264085374-14-en 0c07a7d12c07e6b48ebdc9dfd9ea4790 Multi-age groups organised in six “cycles” compressing to two years each, from 1 to 14 years old. Tutors and masters: The tutor follows the group through the whole cycle, is the key reference of the group, and manages the curriculum. The master can be anyone from inside or outside the school interested in developing a project/workshop with the group. 4 1 3 0.5 10.1787/5kgglrw4n7s0-en 0c07b6cb50689abc69761eb73e6f49b5 Similarly, the anticipated capacity of 11.8 GW from renewable electricity sources (wind, small hydro, biomass, waste and solar) will not meet the original target of 14 GW. It does not however present scenarios aiming for deep C02 reductions. The policy envisages C02 emissions for India in 2031/32 to be between Page | 46 5.5 Gt C02 and 3.9 Gt C02, compared to 1.34 Gt in 2007, while the BLUE Map Scenario in ETP2010 (IEA, 2010a) limits the C02 emission increase to 2.2 Gt in 2030. 7 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264251724-5-en 0c0acd5f1c47a496f130e0fe6154a1ae On the whole, the less developed regions of the world still have young populations, a situation that is unlikely to change much before 2020, when ageing will become a more significant factor. Some of the larger emerging economies, however, are likely to be converging with OECD population-ageing profiles by mid-century. Projections for 2050 indicate that the share of those over 65 is heading for around 25% in the People’s Republic of China (hereafter “China”) and 23% in Brazil and the Russian Federation, closely follow'ed by Argentina, Colombia and Indonesia with 18-19% (UN, 2011). 14 5 2 0.42857142857142855 11.1002/pub/80a5593d-0c74f324-en 0c0bd004bf372de72f2a6b0292067e7a This paper concludes with methods for accelerating standards deployment in public and personal health. Yet they do not fully assure the deployments because of insufficient or mismatching requirements between ICT providers and nearby users. In particular, this issue poses an obstacle for quick launch of e-health services in emerging nations. Such countries also tend to require a service launch that is more agile than standards’ publication. 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264191761-en 0c0df37ab98792378ea46fab0b62e329 Risk management in agriculture is not yet an apparent policy focus for Kazakhstan’s government. The effort to develop a risk management system needs to go far beyond the current policy to stabilise grain prices or subsidise crop insurance. Producers in Kazakhstan need a variety of tools to manage different types of risks. 2 2 3 0.2 10.18356/403a6ad7-en 0c0e6727f220064094bc823dff1d37b4 Landslides and landslips are also great threats in the region. The local farmers led the process themselves with support from CIAT-CIRAD2 at first, which was then continued by CIPRES. Researchers and farmers work together to develop stronger and better food plants that are better suited and resistant to droughts, pests and diseases, with good plant size, greater yield, better quality of final product in term of taste, nutritional qualities and forage for animals. The work has been done with local varieties of maize, beans, sorghum and millet that were gathered and introduced into different agroecological conditions at different elevations. 2 0 5 1.0 10.18356/893fb414-en 0c0f79ed4ec9a79fca8cc8392ba2c73f Energy poverty both signifies and drives overall poverty. More than 95% of the world population without electricity lives in Sub-Saharan Africa and developing Asia. In Sub-Saharan Africa, two-thirds of the population (620 million people) does not have access to electricity (IEA 2015a). Lack of electricity is generally most prevalent in rural areas. 7 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264191808-5-en 0c0fbf1b7eaab9e3a994f1ba7f0c7972 Finally, it can help improve quality of life in reducing transport costs (both in time and money), given quicker and/or shorter journeys. To support this, the Chilean government is buying some land for subsidised housing in more central locations to try to reduce segregation and improve the social mix (OECD, 2012b). The main subsidy for vulnerable groups (DS49) includes a viable-location component, if the subsidised house is located close to infrastructure and public transport facilities, and close to health and education services. 11 0 4 1.0 11.1002/pub/80d83f4c-en 0c100a0a7a14c84dfce3a1370110e77f Arogya World used a public-private partnership to fund and operationalize the programme; the partners other than Nokia and Emory University included Johnson & Johnson and Aetna. At least 5 crore people in India live with diabetes. Diabetes kills 10 lakh Indians each year. High blood sugar for long periods harms the body. 3 0 5 1.0 10.1787/5k9b7bn5qzvd-en 0c1086ceea85b233313de9c7c6c9de9d Overall, OECD (2006) and European Commission (2009) estimate that changes in demography alone will boost public health-care spending in Poland by 0.9% of GDP between 2005 and 2050 and by 1.3% between 2007 and 2060, respectively. The impact of demography on long-term care spending is estimated at 1.9% and 0.7% of GDP, respectively. As for the impact of income gains, an average annual increase of 1.5% in GDP per capita over 40 years would result in a rise in health-care spending of only 0.4% (0.9%) of GDP based on an income elasticity of 1.1 (1.2). 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264224636-7-en 0c134056d749d5a10ab40ac9497ed0bd Eveiy six months, the units meet with each other to ensure co-ordination and a report on the work of the units is prepared annually. Community-based associations, the Family Affairs Bureau under the Ministry of Social Security, equal opportunities units in ministries, committees concerned with women in professional associations and trade unions all handle complaints relating to discrimination against women. The Ombudsman’s Office serves as a link between the NCW and Egyptian women who have encountered any form of discrimination or unequal opportunities by identify ing through first-hand experience the actual problems facing women. Lebanon has a legislative commission that addresses gender equality as well as social rights/children’s rights. 5 0 7 1.0 10.1787/5k912j389bf0-en 0c13928f098ec69c3a68750965a0854e It is not clear why the dummy variables included in earlier models to represent the organisation of the health system directly were not retained. Therefore, there would be an expansion of morbidity over time with increasing life expectancy. Regression output, while shown for all prior models, is not shown for this last model. The reasons why this final model was chosen are not discussed. 3 0 7 1.0 10.18356/86ec538f-en 0c16354dc421da8ae62447f847a0c3df It brings together knowledge about waste and energy systems, green consumption, food security, farming practices and international food markets along with practices for avoiding food waste. That is hardly surprising as new, more environmentally and socially benign consumption requires an understanding of available alternatives, their impact along the supply chain and ideas of how the consumption system could evolve and how learning would support such evolution. Such interventions, in the form of campaigns (e.g. engaging celebrities or opinion leaders), may contribute to drawing attention to the problems. However, accepting responsibilities and most importantly, linking them to actions requires a set of policies that provide structure and incentives for securing more sustainable lifestyles. There is a need to start changing processes based around local resources and capacities, learning throughout the process. 12 1 4 0.6 10.18356/5f92f30f-en 0c16868a16e2cab093cb121374e90ef7 Countries with a large share of their populations who are adolescents or young people have an opportunity to reap a substantial demographic bonus for their nations’ economies, development, resilience and productivity. This requires investing in adolescents’ and young peoples human capital and expanding the range of choices and opportunities available to them. But many adolescents, especially girls, are denied the investments and opportunities that would enable them to realize their full potential. For example, 26 per cent of the world’s adolescent girls and 17 per cent of boys between the ages of 11 and 15 are not in school. 5 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264247567-6-en 0c181b77a25a2bff870be2df9ef0a031 "Municipalities are the “founders"" of state pre-primary, primary and lower secondary educational institutions, except for those exclusively providing education for children with special needs, which have remained part of a separate network under the direct supervision of de-concentrated state administration units (regional state authorities). The authorities of the self-governing regions are the founders of state upper secondary institutions, also with the exception of those exclusively offering special needs education (also managed by regional state authorities). The number of municipalities running schools is very high and almost one third of them are founders of lower secondary institutions (see also Chapter 1)." 4 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/5jxrjncwxv6j-en 0c1a37c6d4ae9afdfb68dd349c335444 Pesaran and Smith (1995) show that, under slope heterogeneity, GMM (and simple Least Square Dummy Variable) dynamic fixed effect estimates of the speed of convergence are usually affected by a downward heterogeneity bias. Accordingly, Arnold et al (2011) rather looked at an error correction (ECM) version of equation A3.8, using Pooled Mean Group (PMG) estimators which allow the speed of convergence to the steady state differ across countries. This is a realistic approach, as both exogenous (i.e. Solow) and endogenous (i.e. Uzawa-Lucas) growth models imply that the speed of convergence to the steady state differs across countries because of cross-country heterogeneity in population growth, technical change and progressiveness of the income tax. Moreover, the approach permits to discriminate between growth theories by glancing at the estimated parameters. In fact, for plausible values of the parameters, the Solow model implies a much slower speed of convergence to the steady state than that implied by the Lucas model (the paper concludes that the estimated speed of convergence is compatible with endogenous growth theories). As mentioned, this empirical approach could not be taken in the case of present analysis due to the lack of time series variation in inequality data. 10 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264259003-9-en 0c1a4cb5469de95fafd6b58ba44270e0 Another way to look at the burden of OOP payments for health spending is to consider this spending as a share of total household consumption. As a share of total household consumption, out-of-pocket medical spending (excluding any spending on long-term care) accounted on average for 4.7% of the final consumption of all households in Korea in 2013. This is much higher than the average across OECD countries (2.8% on average) and more than two times greater than across G7 countries (2.1%) OECD (Figure 5.7). In Korea, the share of the costs covered by the public insurance scheme is relatively low for all health services and pharmaceuticals, and even lower for dental care. Nearly 50% of all out-of-pocket spending for health care in Korea (excluding long-term care) is related to curative care in hospital or outside hospital, about 30% is for the purchase of pharmaceuticals, and the other 20% is for dental care. 3 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264224636-10-en 0c1b3ded719fe7e4f3e8aeebe6ed203f In the private sector people work longer hours and are paid more money. For women to be appointed to high positions and move in careers they would have to work longer hours and make more money; however, there is a resistance from families and husbands on this matter. ( In Egypt, for example, the public sector accounts for 56% of employed women and 30% of employed men. 5 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/0ac071e9-en 0c1e6c1e7e1183b28f72dce1578738fc Agricultural processing in Bangladesh accounts for a relatively large share of RNF self-employment income (21 per cent), in contrast to the more dominant manufacturing sector, which represents 31 per cent of RNF wage employment income (chart 26F). The authors identify rurality via the domicile of the household, and not the location of the job. Participation is defined as the receipt of any household income (negative or positive) by any household member from that income-generating activity. All the charts are based on the mean of shares which is defined as the income shares calculated for each household, and then the mean of the household shares of each type of income is calculated. 8 0 4 1.0 10.1787/5js3926d54d7-en 0c1f664c00de7e8eecdcf84feaa4ed5c Similarly, another study in Bangladesh finds that the emigration of men is positively associated with women's decisionmaking capacity and the education of girls in migrant families (Hadi, 2001). Moreover, remittances have also been linked to increased female agency within family structures and a change in perceptions of gender roles. Women who receive remittances have more and better control of resources (Jolly and Reeves, 2005). Economic remittances may also be used to give women better access to health care, allow them to start their own business and keep girls in education for longer (Antman, 2012). 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5kmh3nj5rzs4-en 0c21f11e4324f89e89732b720f43c5e5 Capacity Building for the Rapid Commercialization of Renewable Energy in China, Renewable Energy Based Chinese Un-Electrified Region Electrification. Beijing: United Nations Development Programme China. An overview of urbanization, internal migration, population distribution and development in the world. New York: United Nations Population Page | 114 Division. Presentation: Universal Service Obligation in Rural Electrification -Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY). 7 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264210745-6-en 0c24bb91d55462b71bc8a42c1a437acf Two additional elements are usually included in definitions of gender mainstreaming: the institutionalisation of gender concerns in order to transform “attitudes, culture, goals, and procedures,” and gender empowerment, w'hich is aimed at “promoting women's participation in decisionmaking processes, as well as having their voices heard and the power to put issues on the agenda. By ensuring that institutions, policies and programmes respond to women and men equitably, gender mainstreaming also contributes to good governance. If the needs and priorities of women and men are considered at each phase of the policy cycle (design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation), achieving substantive progress on addressing remaining gender gaps is much more likely. As such, applying gender mainstreaming to both the existing and new laws and regulations is of critical importance to close these gaps. 5 1 4 0.6 10.18356/08e82310-en 0c254056628380db0c363c342584a94f While 25-50% of groundwater is used for drinking purposes, less than 25% is used for irrigation, industry, thermal spa and livestock. Wastewater is collected and treated in the largest settlement (Dim-itrovgrad), while in rural areas septic tanks are mainly used. Communal waste disposal and agriculture activities may locally put groundwater quality at a risk. There is a need for establishing systematic quantity and quality monitoring. 6 0 3 1.0 10.18356/1c11fde8-en 0c2f836c9da06f6ae063450da5fe1101 Of the 1.8 kg of synthetic cannabinoids seized in the Republic of Korea in 2013, 1.4 kg were imported from the United States. The rapid emergence of substances not yet under control, the limited forensic capability to identify such substances in some countries and the different listing classification for those substances adopted by different countries in the region are factors that create considerable challenges in mitigating the risks posed by new psychoactive substances at the regional level. The abuse of ketamine remains a major problem for the region, although the amount of seizures has been decreasing in some countries. While not under international control, ketamine has been brought under national control in a number of countries in the region: China, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Japan, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Singapore and Thailand. Medical professionals in Brunei Darussalam and China (including Macao Special Administrative Region) indicated an increase in the abuse of the substance. In Hong Kong, China, the annual prevalence rate of ketamine use remained higher than that of amphetamine-type stimulants. 3 1 4 0.6 10.1787/9789264245891-7-en 0c313294e9ee3e9c073a5c71b9eee2e9 However, the review team came across instances where parents appear to pay out of pocket for some textbooks, according to reports of some of the schools visited, in regions where supposedly the coverage of free textbooks is about 100%. In 2008, rules for the preparation, review and publication of textbooks, teaching materials and manuals were introduced, and over one thousand textbooks were deemed non-compliant with the new standards (Singh, 2012). The formula that has been proposed is the result of a long development process, which has included a piloting phase and consultations with national experts (Sange-SFK, 2012) and international ones (see, for example, UNICEF, 2012). Its final form (as piloted) is the result of the own analytical effort by the Ministry of Education and Science and its subordinated institutions, and so reflects the needs and sensitivities of Kazakh education leaders. 4 0 9 1.0 10.14217/9781848599574-13-en 0c31de21d5d8959e67d0402830f4e046 The electricity sector is the biggest user of fuel, followed by the transport sector (Figure 9.3). The average residential electricity tariff in 2013 was US$0.28 (Figure 9.5). Artificially low tariffs due to the subsidies, and lack of bill payment enforcement has resulted in a culture of very high electricity use. 7 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264225442-19-en 0c32aa516fe37d21d7a388b42126b4f5 Expenditure on educational institutions reaches 17.7% of total public expenditure, among the highest rates in OECD countries. The largest portion of expenditure on educational institutions is from public sources (58.0%), as in other OECD countries, but Chile has the largest share of private funds among all OECD countries (42.1%, compared to the OECD average of 16.4%), as a result of high private funding of tertiary education. Most of the private funds are from household expenditure. 4 2 6 0.5 10.14217/9781848591677-4-en 0c33b821d7586bd725facbe27d3408eb One view is that it is important to have women in the 'hard' areas. Others argue that the distinction itself cannot be justified. Norwegian analysts have made the point that describing the areas in which women predominate as 'soft' devalues these important areas, like education, health and social expenditure, which in fact account for the bulk of expenditure (Karam and Lovenduski 1998:136). 5 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.18356/9bf8d10f-en 0c3733e9c6ec287dd2792ca38d401ebf The present study demonstrates that the urban poor of Bangladesh are at a significant disadvantage in terms of access to basic public and primary health services. Although 60 per cent of the slum dwellers interviewed had access to water at a reasonable distance from their homes, access was quite limited in terms of the number of households per source of water. In a good number of cases (47 per cent), one source was shared by 76-110 households. 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264210745-6-en 0c3892f9194376010d5b3698c3003d96 This strategy includes engaging women’s rights and other gender equality advocates, as well as increasing know'ledge and awareness about GRB within the broader population. More than ever, new realities impose new ways of doing things. In order to design responsive policies, achieve the full empowerment of every member of society and obtain strategic insight on key challenges and issues, governments across the globe - in OECD and non-OECD countries - must work to deepen citizens’ engagement in policy making (both men and women), and involve business, civil society and other stakeholders. 5 0 9 1.0 10.1787/eco/surveys-fin-2012-5-en 0c3ac23d1f1f7261f0ff01aea84b7b6e The planned consolidation in the municipal sector will provide opportunities for better co-ordination between larger municipalities and the National Health Insurance. It is worrying that the increase in inputs is not reflected in an increase in the volume of health services produced. However, similar trends have been observed in other countries and may, to some extent, reflect difficulties in measuring inputs and outputs and adjusting for quality improvements in health care (Hardie et al., 3 0 9 1.0 10.1787/3726edff-en 0c3de20d6dbd85aa0241428e628a4b7e Alternatively, assessing government budgets may be sufficient to provide an estimate of the total amount of ODA to be spent on STI-related government priorities, but the timing and lack of detail of these estimates may create challenges relating to the accuracy when compared to official ODA and other development finance. Budget estimates are also unlikely to adequately determine the financial resources spent on supporting STI development in individual countries, information that will be important for the monitoring of the SDG. A key conclusion of the paper is the need for better alignment of definitions across the STI and development communities so each can satisfy its need for data-driven policy analysis without creating potential conflicts of interpretation. In response to the need to address other important cross-cutting policy areas, such as gender and environment, the Working Party on Development Finance Statistics have over the past decade agreed to the creation of dedicated markers, which facilitates monitoring and comparison of activities that addresses a certain policy area. 9 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/9bf8d10f-en 0c3e0d4801f0bedc8bd7e6a50b2cfa30 Thus the study seeks to identify the inadequacies of the policies and practices contributing to the lack of primary and public health services for the urban poor. It draws on the findings of an empirical study conducted in four slums of the capital city of Bangladesh. According to projections by the United Nations, rapid urbanization of the Asia-Pacific region will continue and, by 2025, the majority of the region’s population will live in urban areas (ESCAP 2007, para. 3 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264232143-4-en 0c4113593452f61bc911b566a9eca8cf In addition from one species to the other only little of the knowledge and techniques are transferable. In other words bringing a new species under human control requires major laboratory efforts and starting fresh for each species. Species such as trout and salmon are mature in production, while some species with great potential such as the Bluefin tuna and the eel have not yet seen full control of the reproduction circle. 14 0 7 1.0 10.18356/01772a94-en 0c4561f8272daae2bc903c11aa04ea33 Children below age 18 represent 52% of the total population of these countries.6 The countries included in the analysis have experienced a large population growth over the last decades, and the trend is expected to continue. Population projections show a doubling of the African population between 2015 and 2050, predicting that 37% of all children under 18 will be found on the African continent by 2050 (UNICEF, 2014). On the one hand the results show the total deprivation of all children in the selected sub-Saharan African countries, while on the other hand the findings function as a comparison of children's deprivation levels between countries. 1 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264208605-7-en 0c49f3580966484dc9d7fd71bfea3cfa Many of the recommendations made in that chapter are directly applicable to screening and preventive health care. Currently, only health care activities are documented, for reimbursement purposes. Extending this to include blood pressure, blood sugar and other clinical measurements will allow more informative assessment of the success of secondary preventive efforts. 3 0 4 1.0 10.6027/9789289330909-8-en 0c4bb1db55a2bd168a61e236fd4dce1c There are some projects promoting low-carbon holidays that specifically promote sustainability. There are also projects and services promoting the ethical aspects of sustainability with regards to travel and accommodation in the destination country. Projects found for this study tend to offer “local luxury” and agrarian experiences. 11 2 2 0.0 10.1787/saeo-2011-9-en 0c4eff7094a118e134895d205366e695 If CM are initiated, increases in emission levels would be more moderate (Figures 5.4 and 5.5). Some of the sectors where CM could be significant and effective include transport, green buildings, adoption of energy-saving equipment, switch to natural gas and renewable energy sources, and smart power plants. In Viet Nam, policies to improve the public transport system and encourage the introduction of less polluting and noisy motorcycles - the main form of private transport in both major and small cities - would lower urban pollution and noise. 7 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264116917-10-en 0c4fd546f57d8102976d6aba3a835b19 The Ministry’s role further includes building capacity for system evaluation, i.e. developing the capacity of different actors within the system to improve evaluation. As part of this role, it monitors the performance of the education Crown entities including the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA), the New Zealand Teachers Council and Career Services. In addition, the Ministry’s performance improvement actions are also monitored by the Treasury. The Treasury provides advice to the Ministry in ensuring value for money and providing better public services at lower cost. 4 3 6 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5jm3p5gl4djd-en 0c53676b84d84c06df9e6e19c4697ac9 Possible research questions include: What are the most common mixes of sources of financing for social housing providers? How does the increased reliance on private debt affect the provision of social rental housing? How can providers become more efficient while providing suitable accommodation for low-income and vulnerable tenants? 11 1 3 0.5 10.18356/bdc264f4-en 0c539bc326b893ef57317702fd2681dc Transdermal patches are used for chronic pain, whereas transmucosal dosage is used for breakthrough cancer pain. Based on the study findings, eight strategies were found to have a high impact on preventing the diversion of prescription opioids in opioid dependence treatment programmes. Those measures included: (a) supervising consumption among those patients most likely to misuse or divert, while providing extended take-home medications only for patients when their dosage and social situation are stable and who accept abuse deterrent formulations; and (b) restricting take-home formulations that could put children at risk through unintentional exposure. 3 0 4 1.0 10.18356/4a2e8e2d-en 0c5565aac6dd28a700e7d0e027b3a873 Governance aspects must also be understood in order to fully grasp the myriad of uncertainties, difficulties and opportunities that arise in managing water, energy and land resources, in making efforts to protect the environment, and eventually in the course of implementing solutions. The TBNA methodology has incorporated this kind of thinking from its inception and was thus developed as a two-track approach, with the two tracks being fully complementary. In addition, the fourth step explores the salient characteristics of an institutional framework by considering four variables of the governance system, namely: extent, coherence, robustness, and flexibility. The focus of the analysis is on policy coherence, as well as on identifying overlaps, gaps and complementarities of responsibility. 6 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/7f55e015-en 0c55f11fa3255fe98479a61849954fd0 Negative feedback can also help firms rethink their strategies. In either case, customer feedback can have a huge impact on an SME's business, encroaching on a function previously dominated by review and standards institutions. In the United Kingdom, the Competition and Markets Authority estimates that £23 billion a year of consumer spending is influenced by online reviews.36 Online reviews have therefore become an important complement to, or even replacement for, other quality assurance set-ups, and it is increasingly important for SMEs to understand how they affect their business. 9 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264277991-5-en 0c588dda40c3b5b87336e0088e6cc0f5 The results present several clear opportunities for green growth and call for urgent policy actions. The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law. This is further exacerbated by land-use plans and zoning ordinances of some LGUs being outdated and needing revision to bridge the gap between what is planned and what is built. 11 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5kg51nfc1321-en 0c5d26bff6b43a20ef8bb5bf873c5ef0 Although the variability of supply of some renewable generation creates certain challenges in operation, solutions for these concerns are and can be addressed. As electricity systems expand and increase in complexity, increased engagement of companies with experience in large-scale deployment and operation will be needed. The private sector rightly looks to governments to establish policies (such as alternative tariff structures) that address social equity considerations associated with universal access to electricity, as situations may arise in which the consumer's ability to pay is a challenge. This report focuses on personal transport due to its great diversity at a regional level, rather than the more globally homogenous nature of freight transport. 7 0 4 1.0 10.18356/c55a8bce-en 0c5d44cfeb2780d9d265e61453a14edb On the other hand, in temperate regions and tropical highlands, production may increase due to warmer weather. Generally, production and trade flows of high-latitude and midlatitude products are expected to increase, with products such as cereals and livestock products being exported towards low-latitude regions. However, the exact nature of these shifts remains unclear, and more research is needed before policy-makers can properly understand the likely implications. 2 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/a2206e44-en 0c5e2349d662f73734804813a9cf7952 Washington, DC, World Bank: 60-66; available at: Favorable tailwind; initiate on China High Speed (Buy), Goldwind, October 23; available at: Socio-economic impacts of rural electrification in Bhutan. London, The Royal Institute of International Affairs and Earthscan. 7 0 3 1.0 10.18356/afd96577-en 0c63d773927a3433999d1fea7ef132f7 Where currents flowing from the open ocean come up against narrow continental shelves, nutrient-rich, oxygen-poor water can be brought up into coastal waters and produce hypoxic zones (zones with low levels of dissolved oxygen) or even dead zones (zones with insufficient oxygen to support life, also called anoxic zones). Examples of this effect are found on the western coasts of America north and south of the equator, the western coast of sub-Saharan Africa and the western coast of the Indian subcontinent. Increases in the flow of some ocean currents may intensify this effect (chaps. Some greenhouse gases, especially chlorofluoro-carbons, have an impact on the ozone layer in the stratosphere. 14 0 3 1.0 10.14217/9781848591318-18-en 0c650e1f420953806a8bf0349464fdcf The paper concludes with provisional policy recommendations and suggestions for future research. The 1990 Jomtien World Conference on Education for All (EFA) and the 2000 Dakar World Education Forum reaffirmed that the right to education persists even in situations of armed conflict. Education in emergencies has increasingly become seen as the ‘fourth pillar of humanitarian action’ (Machel, 2001: 94) along with food, health and shelter and as a means of protection in itself (Nicolai and Triplehorn, 2003). 4 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.18356/c2c3e10f-en 0c65f74e3df1b4a88f37dd547d3a3b46 There is no information available regarding the tourism sector, as it is regarded as urban consumption from the water resources management standpoint. The unsatisfactory sanitary and technical conditions existing in the WSSs often lead to breakdowns, leading to losses of 40-60 per cent. The water tariffs currently in place allow for only partial recovery of operation and maintenance costs of water services, estimated at 75 per cent. 6 1 3 0.5 10.18356/9c9efe4c-en 0c69037ddc4418472fff4dee3fdc8e2f Yet the challenges are often seen in technical and managerial terms, as a matter of getting the technologies, prices and regulations right, rather than in terms of the more profound restructuring of social, economic and political systems and power imbalances that would be required to transform unsustainable patterns. How the challenges are addressed has profound implications for who gains and who loses, among social groups and local, national and global interests. Market-based instruments that attempt to redress or prevent environmental degradation and mitigate climate change by valuing and putting a price on nature can risk exacerbating the very problems they were designed to solve. 5 4 0 1.0 10.1787/2f1ba1aa-en 0c6cd089f0ad53e3e0fe43c255a16899 This could be interpreted as suggesting that decisions to enter or leave the labour force tend to be more permanent under these circumstances. No significant relations could be found with the other variables. The difference on the lagged coefficient would imply that a 10 percentage points increase in the share long-term unemployment could lead to a decline in participation 0.6 percentage point lower in the healthiest state than in the least healthy state. This could be linked to the impact of housing prices on mobility, if displaced workers tend to stay where housing costs are low' rather than moving to look for job opportunities in more expensive states. 8 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264200449-6-en 0c727127a36656f19bad324d07d39bac Assessments of the costs and benefits of adaptation measures for water systems are important to inform decisions about prioritising adaptation responses and to improve their cost-effectiveness. Yet, the evidence base estimating the costs and benefits of adapting water systems remains sparse (Box 2.3). In principle, decisions makers considering the timing of adaptation actions will compare the present value of adaptation today with the present value of adaptation at a later stage. The decision to act earlier or later will essentially depend on three factors: i) the difference in adaptation costs over time; ii) the short-term benefits of adaptation; and iii) the long-term effects of early adaptation (Agrawala and Fankhauser, 2008). They include making adjustments to long-lived infrastructure investments thus avoiding the cost and inconvenience of expensive retrofits. 6 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264202405-5-en 0c73f8f8f804adc7c6596fcf3f3b7e19 Residences and major roads might be built to avoid inundation from a 1:100 year flood, while minor roads and recreational facilities might only be secured from a 1:10 year flood. Surprisingly, New York City is protected to only a l-in-100-year flood event, despite having a larger GDP than London, Shanghai, or Amsterdam, all of which are protected to a greater than 1-in-l 000-year flood (Amsterdam is protected from a l-in-10 000-year floods) (Nicholls et al., Australian red gum floodplain forests on the Murray River, for example, require flooding for one month or more in 70% of years, while drier floodplain woodland ecosystems only require flooding for two months or more in 25% of years. Each use of water thus has a different level of acceptable risk (in this case a risk of shortage for the ecosystems that require periodic flooding). 6 2 2 0.0 10.1787/9789264264120-10-en 0c7528eef6c36d6368a549f97891a46a In 1953, agricultural research in the various USDA bureaus was consolidated into the newly formed Agricultural Research Service (ARS). The Smith-Lever Act (1914) created cooperative state extension services as a federal-state-local partnership. Based in land grant institutions, extension sen/ices specifically were designed to share the results of agricultural research with farmers, household managers and young people. 2 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264272262-5-en 0c75d545222eb246879f4b1fd4dcf5ca There are prospects for the private sector to expand, given the growing middle class, and it is important for the private hospitals to subscribe to JKN in future, even though initial attempts to do so were not successful. On average, public spending on health and senior citizens accounts for two-thirds or more of public total social spending. Across Asia, public social spending on the working-age population and children is very low'. 1 5 2 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264179011-4-en 0c7935d640fd5863851e541e6b330e30 The legislation should recognise such diversity and provide for both individual and customary rights. Finally, a special court for agrarian conflicts could be set up as an independent institution to solve the rising number of land conflicts. Significant efforts have been made to accelerate licensing procedures, but there remains scope for further improvement. The Indonesian Investment Co-ordinating Board (Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal, BKPM) licensing authority should be strengthened and cover sectoral licenses currently administered by other institutions. 2 0 3 1.0 10.18356/0a98da25-en 0c7962b65f8e7891f9d11bab72425ff3 As a person’s skills deteriorate due to lack of use, the probability of being hired in the future declines. Employers instead will prefer to hire younger workers whose skills have not atrophied from inactivity. Joblessness is linked to higher incidence of mental anxiety, depression, poorer cognitive performance, and loss of self-esteem—all affecting worker productivity (Flatau et al. 5 6 1 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264230491-8-en 0c79f9b63231fd355307d7da1e3f71fe First, transfers from the State Treasury to the State Health Secretary have often occurred very slowly. Likewise there is limited reporting of how funds are spent, which leaves open the possibility that funds intended for health will in fact be used for other purposes. There have been several high profile allegations of corruption and misuse of state resources. There are, however, broad rules regarding how states can use their health funds, which is important given the variations in administrative and managerial capacity across states. 3 1 3 0.5 10.18356/a2206e44-en 0c79fe7f3d06a4d0eb48c217b5a09022 Finally, when handed directly to energy supplying firms, subsidies can discourage innovation, technological upgrading and cost effectiveness, and may even compromise the overall quality of service. If perverse subsidies are not removed, subsidies for RETs may be needed to level the playing field and encourage their utilization. However, they must provide an encouragement, not an end, for both users and suppliers. In sum, subsidies must effectively reach the intended beneficiaries, encourage the provision of least-cost services (e.g. avoid covering operating costs), and, overall, be cost-effective, that is, achieve maximum social benefits for each unit spent (Barnes and Halpern, 2000). For instance, in some rural areas, the greatest challenge for farmers can be that the payment cycle for electricity (connections and monthly bills) does not match the income cycle (once or twice a year, after the harvest). Simply adapting the modalities of payment to the profile of agricultural users could make the difference. 7 0 4 1.0 10.1787/5k92n2x6pts3-en 0c7ae8ceb0682c985a90767bf6835d38 As countries reduce extreme absolute poverty, concerns of social inclusion, better represented by relative poverty lines, become increasingly relevant. Anchoring the poverty line to median welfare makes the poverty line dependent on distributional parameters beyond the mean, thus allowing for poverty lines that differ across countries with the same level of income per capita. The paper derives and presents relative poverty headcount ratios from publicly available grouped data for 114 countries. An examination of the trends in absolute and relative poverty in Brazil, China and the United States uncovers commonalities that are not apparent if the analysis focuses on national poverty lines or different concepts across countries. 1 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.18356/eff3a8cf-en 0c7c1ce474955454a6e0ed292fdd7498 This reinforces the need for their economic diversification and transformation. For instance, the global push towards renewable energy and energy efficiency creates new opportunities in the mining sector in CDDCs with large reserves of the strategic materials embodied in clean technologies, such as solar photovoltaic cells, wind turbines, light-emitting diodes (LED) and electric vehicle batteries. One example is the Democratic Republic of the Congo, which accounted for 58 per cent of the global supply of cobalt, a key commodity used in the production of electric vehicle batteries. 13 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264181144-5-en 0c853ad5c3a83fbc29bec476e8a1a754 The challenge is to place economic value on natural assets in a way that makes the most of growth opportunities and sustains the resource while also delivering the most valued benefits. Most often these assets are economically “invisible”, or their value is only captured through marketed products, such as timber, where incentives for sustainable management are weak. Brazil and Costa Rica have both created mechanisms for rewarding activities that conserve and sustainably use natural assets (Box 1.3 in Chapter 1; Box 2.5). 6 3 0 1.0 10.1787/9789264259119-7-en 0c8774c7dafc35bbb7cd7d13d96dd80b This chapter outlines the impact of Thailand's switch from a content-based curriculum to a modern standards-based approach in 2001 and its revision in 2008. This should be better communicated to schools and education staff supported in the implementation of curriculum reform. The content of each discipline or subject is traditionally described in terms of skills, knowledge and attitudes. More recently, other elements such as cross-curriculum themes, key competencies and values have been added to this simple subject-based paradigm. 4 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264204799-6-en 0c8873645ed5e4cd57aabd91cc297e99 Some data linkage of the registers, including to mortality, is already underway, with significant potential for extension. Use of standardised electronic records and data linkage would also reduce the burden on primary care staff of recording duplicative data in multiple quality registers. Enhancing, standardising and streamlining the information architecture to support improvements in health care quality and coordination, including in primary care, should also be a priority. In addition to tackling some of the practical issues entailed, leadership and a culture change in primary care will also be needed to overcome resistance to data collection by promoting the potential of benchmarking data for quality improvement and supporting patients. 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/0ec26947-en 0c89f0707e40996c19372c45c35bb703 The more parties that are involved in contracts, the more time-consuming and costly the contract documentation and orchestration of the stakeholders becomes. Additionally, in the course of construction, the involved parties modify contracts quite often, for example by extending the contract or splitting it into smaller more complex contract landscapes. Mutual agreements might lead to changes of existing parts of the contract itself. Another key driver is regulatory changes that need to be implemented and require adaptation of existing contracts, as a handover using the existing agreements might be contra legem. 9 3 3 0.0 10.14217/967bd43c-en 0c8a5022768d4718914c7fcbd92745da V told the DHS child protection officer she was engaged to be married to her 17-year-old fiance and she was going to travel overseas to meet him. Early and Forced Marriages in East Afric. Katanga was charged with the crime against humanity of sexual slavery and rape under article 7 (1) (g) of the Rome Statute (enslaving civilian female population of Bogoro); and sexual slavery and rape constituting a war crime under article 8 (2) (e) (vi) and article 8 (2) (b) (xxii) constituting a war crime in non-international and international armed conflicts respectively. 5 1 4 0.6 10.18356/30d5a92c-en 0c8d78b477e5947d5e771d36913ccc11 With funding from UNICEF, the FAO contracted the authors to write the review. The authors are grateful for the constructive and thoughtful input provided by staff from both these organizations. Children are particularly vulnerable - 66 million children go to school hungry, one in four are stunted, and nearly half of deaths of children under five are attributable to poor nutrition [2]. As concerning as these numbers are, by focusing narrowly on anthropometric consequences of malnutrition rather than on child food insecurity more holistically, we probably underestimate the extent to which children are negatively impacted by food-related hardships. Child food insecurity is related to hunger and malnutrition, but it also includes experiences of worry, stigma, and shame related to food challenges. 2 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264173446-7-en 0c8fdb735879c366df5150ac4384114e A functional primary care system where a family physician serves as the co-ordinating hub for complex patient care, ensuring that medicines and treatment regimens are properly reviewed over time will help ensure that complex care needs arising from chronic disease are catered for. A good example of a community programme in Korea today is the Gwang Myeong registration project which focuses on diabetes and hypertension management (see Box 3.1 below). This pilot project is run by the Gyeonggi Provincial Government and involves collaboration between the Ministry of Health and Welfare, the Korean Centre for Disease Control, Gyeonggi Provincial Government, Gwang Myeong metropolitan health centre, provincial medical care institutions and pharmacies, and the hypertension/diabetes mellitus control centre. 3 0 3 1.0 10.18356/b55e471b-en 0c8ffc8e9d9396a0a8c5ca7b45698095 It would also rely on national-level reporting, raising significant capacity challenges - particularly in poorer countries - relating to data collection and analysis.133 Furthermore, to be of real value, such a database would need to be freely and widely accessible. An international organization, such as IOM or one of the UN agencies - or, ideally, an inter-agency collaborative effort - might be best placed to initiate such a project. 13 5 2 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/soc/aag-2014-5-en 0c93c73446ed73ac0747adf84114f9b9 Campaigning and raising awareness among young men and women, parents, teachers and employers about gender-stereotypical attitudes towards academic performances and the likely consequences of overall educational choices for employment and entrepreneurship opportunities, career progression and earnings. Encouraging more women who have completed STEM studies to pursue professional careers in these areas, for example by means of career counselling, adult education, internships, apprenticeships and targeted financial support. Designing tax-benefit systems so that both parents have broadly similar financial incentives to work. Securing availability of and access to affordable good-quality early childhood education and care as well as affordable long-term care for other dependants, including for example disabled children or elderly relatives. 5 0 10 1.0 10.1787/9789264208292-6-en 0c96bb3f4ef0b9056fb57d643571cbc5 Despite initiatives to put these activities on a more legal basis, subsistence mining is still widespread. This is equivalent to less than a tenth of the territory covered by mining titles (about 8% of the continental land). Out of some 14 000 enterprises operating in the sector, about three-quarters had no environmental authorisation. 6 3 0 1.0 10.1787/9789264238701-6-en 0c995f8bcc5f3fe652a49f79aaa497e0 Surface water markets can also be used to replace groundwater markets especially in times of scarcity. During California's 2014 drought, for instance, some farmers bought surface water pumped from aquifers of neighbouring farmers (Sommer, 2014). Agriculture water conservation and irrigation efficiency programs often rely on fiscal instruments to redirect economic incentives towards lower intensive use of groundwater. Figure 4.4 shows that eight of the 21 responding countries report having subsidies for water conservation programs and nine have subsidies for irrigation efficiency. 6 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264168367-4-en 0c9ca12cf9e894f9643bfaa32f134880 If current trends continue to 2030 then key risks for poverty will include the rising number of single-adult households, living in a single-earner households, rising work poverty resulting mainly from low hours of work but exacerbated by low pay, and increased transitory poverty as work becomes less secure. Increasingly fluid family structures will also increase vulnerability to poverty, with more people moving in and out of poverty as a result of family-related events (including divorce or separation). If current trends continue then women’s employment rates will rise and the pay gap will fall to 2030. 1 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264283312-en 0c9d8b8525b44a1b9ebb6a1f3d429256 Obesity rates are rising, particularly among children, where the rate has grown by 50% since 2001. Nevertheless, the share of public expenditure is high (77%) and the benefits package is broad. While co-payments are levied on an increasingly wide range of health benefits, there are exemptions for vulnerable groups and out-of-pocket payments accounted for only 15% of total health spending in 2015, equal to the EU average. Strengthened health system governance will be crucial to ensure financial sustainability. There is a large gender gap, with women living about six years longer than men (81 years for women compared with slightly less than 75 years for men). Standardised death rates from cardiovascular diseases were 679 per 100 000 population in 2014,1.8 times higher than the EU average of 374. 3 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/5kg0prg9b1g8-en 0c9e9d517e46a45ceb6b4afdae296aae Selection is generally based on upper-secondary grades, Matura scores and/or an aptitude test. The first cycle includes undergraduate professional and academic programmes, and the second and third cycles involve master’s and doctoral programmes, respectively. Before the 2004 amendment to the Higher Education Act, which introduced the Bologna Process31 compliant study programmes (to better integrate the Slovenian higher education system with the European system), higher education programmes were binary in terms of their levels: undergraduate and post-graduate. Currently, 47 countries, which are also party to the European Cultural Convention, participate in the process. 4 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/9edc576b-en 0ca08eb6d3e6ea22ba664eb9768e292c Sanitation coverage in urban areas is almost the same as drinking water coverage. Urban areas have mostly combined sewage and storm water collection networks that discharge into nearby surface water bodies. Because of poor maintenance of wastewater sewers and small pipe dimensions, leaks from these sewers often carry the risk of polluting the drinking water network. In rural areas, only a small proportion of the areas with piped water supply is equipped with sewer networks. 6 0 4 1.0 10.6027/9789289328753-8-en 0ca1f628f839f10eb12ee99ee2971b2d In the effort of improving resource efficiency, the consumers are important actors. The consumer is crucial in improving resource efficiency during the use phase such as printing double-sided, maintaining the windows to extend their life span, and upgrading their existing products instead of buying new ones. Therefore requirements on consumer information on resource efficiency are important requirements to include in future IM in the Ecodesign Directive. Further consumer information is also an issue emphasised in the Framework Ecodesign Directive. Therefore this section will shortly elaborate on three addition categories including: priority resources and critical metals, dematerialisation, and system thinking. 12 1 5 0.6666666666666666 10.1787/9789264272637-7-en 0ca589c19f7ec263550e6bbc2572ac58 For example, residents have voluntarily been enforcing a car-free day per month on a few selected streets in the neighbourhood. This raises a number of issues, such as congestion, the risk of road accidents, a lack of parking space and potential loss in quality of life due to congestion. Suwon is gradually expanding its subway network to provide its citizens with alternative modes of transport. 11 0 7 1.0 10.6027/9789289329651-6-en 0ca86e4698bd54bcc9b12610d4806e61 The importance of long-term habitat isolation has also been shown for fungi and lichens on forest remnants in Northern Sweden, where the newly isolated forest remnants had higher species richness for lichens but not for wood-dwelling fungi compared to long-isolated forest remnants [Berglund & Jonsson 2004), indicating that lichens on newly isolated forest remnants may suffer future local extinctions whereas the fungi seem to have already adapted to the recent isolation. Hence, the landscape distribution of key habitat elements and the history of forest exploitation, as well as the amounts of such habitat elements, are important determinants for the long-term survival of forest biodiversity. However, the value of the forest for biodiversity also varies with site-specific factors linked to climate, productivity or specific terrain or substrate features. 15 0 5 1.0 10.1787/9789264233836-4-en 0ca930ec004a103e662edcd67a42b692 Federal government policy has sought to direct overseas-trained GPs to more remote areas to fill workforce gaps. Overseas-trained GPs in Australia make up a higher proportion of the GP workforce in regional and remote areas and account for less of the workforce in major cities. A rural generalist programme enables GPs to be upskilled so they can perform some specialist roles including anaesthetics and obstetrics. The programme has expanded, and there is scope for the creation of more of these positions through rural generalist training pathways. 3 2 2 0.0 10.1787/9789264272392-3-en 0caae8f6b344e04a9cd73ab9cb950152 For producers, these trade connections are becoming increasingly essential for incomes and livelihoods. Of the products traded on world markets, vegetable oils - palm oil in particular - are the most important agro-food export, accounting for the largest share of agro-food export value from the region as a whole, followed by fisheries and aquaculture (WITS, 2016). One commonly used measure, the prevalence of undernourishment, reveals a general fall in rates since 1992 (FAO, 2016a). 2 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/124f66e3-en 0cacb00ed7bf47e45c9b9e9af7e40131 "Farmers benefit directly: they earn higher incomes and can use the extra production to enhance their own household food consumption. In a second round of benefits, productivity growth enables farmers to hire additional workers and buy other goods and services, creating ""multiplier effects"" that can ripple throughout the economy, stimulating overall economic growth and reducing poverty (Hayami etal., Growth in agriculture reduces 1 dollar-a-day headcount poverty more than three times faster than growth in non-agricultural sectors (Christiaensen, Demery and Kuhl, 2011). For example, relatively strong, sustained per capita income growth of 2.5 percent per year for 20 years (a total of approximately 65 percent increase in income), would reduce the prevalence of underweight among children in developing countries by only 27 percent (Fladdad et al.," 2 0 3 1.0 10.18356/e617261d-en 0caedc74a774d1ff66b3cc378f31fa1d Monitoring jekonomicheskoj situacii v Rossii: tendencii i vyzovy social'no-jekonomicheskogo razvitija [Monitoring of the economic situation in Russia: tendencies and challenges of socioeconomic development]. Social networks, gender, and immigrant incorporation: resources and constraints. American Sociological Review, vol. 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/agr/outlook-2014-5-en 0cb354e35119a3b1b2385058db843ebd The production growth is limited by the availability of feedstock in the current projection, unless Indian sugar and molasses production increases more than projected in the outlook period. As a result, ethanol’s share of petrol consumption over the outlook period will not rise above 3%. Biodiesel production is projected to remain low, rising by 150% to 730 million litres by 2023. 2 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/8cbd3f0d-en 0cb6b6e7ec9b53c9386678704cfc6898 An example of the think aloud method used to construct survey questions on violence against women by Statistics Canada and the insights provided by this testing is presented in box IV.4. Ten behaviourally based questions on physical and sexual violence and ten questions designed to measure emotionally abusive and controlling behaviour were included in cognitive testing. The goal of the testing was to ensure that the final questionnaire would appropriately capture a range of experiences and be comprehensive and clearly understood by respondents and that respondents would be willing to disclose sensitive information to interviewers. The goal of the face-to-face think aloud interviews was to assess how well the survey and its concepts reflected the lived experiences of these individuals and to ensure that the questions were appropriate for a large scale victimization survey. 5 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/eco/surveys-gbr-2013-4-en 0cb8132226bc1369c76b40cc85505e64 Further involvement of local authorities, which have good knowledge of local social and labour market conditions could help in that respect. A simplification of the training and apprenticeship systems would also be warranted, provided that support for the various workers and employers’ needs is guaranteed. The wide variety and complexity of funding, the re-branding of programmes and the multiplicity of stakeholders, along with the large number of qualifications, makes it difficult for employers to understand, find and undertake the practices fitting their needs. 10 1 3 0.5 10.1787/empl/outlook-2016-8-en 0cbacdb26d1126f66d106f763e5b5260 As a consequence, women who think they will be judged on the basis of employers’ misperceptions may under-invest in education, thereby confirming employers’ beliefs. The same mechanism may influence women’s choice of their fields of study. If employers are biased against female engineers, for instance, female students will tend to shun STEM subjects. That is also the case in the vast majority of OECD countries, although Australia, Canada, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Portugal and the Slovak Republic are exceptions. 5 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/agr/pol-2011-7-en 0cbd6c950cf7c806990699f509ffdf87 Based on the new Basic Plan, a new farm income support payment was launched for rice farmers as a single year pilot programme in 2010. The payments are designed to bridge the gap between the actual average producer price and a reference level of nation-wide production cost. In this counter-cyclical scheme the reference producer price is set as the national average producer price of the past three years. This pilot programme is expected to continue in 2011, extending this new income support payments for upland crops such as wheat, barley and soybean. 2 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264247598-8-en 0cc0aecc68e281fcb97d85e1491a2d15 Negative difference scores on these graphs indicate that a larger proportion of more experienced teachers teach in less challenging schools. The Flemish Community appears at the bottom of the list, indicating that more experienced teachers are more likely to be in schools with a less diverse student population, whereas beginner teachers are more likely to be concentrated in schools with many students from disadvantaged home backgrounds. The European Commission (2015) highlights that there is an additional challenge of a particularly high turnover rate of relatively inexperienced teachers in Brussels schools. 4 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.18356/eb168bb7-en 0cc64a27cf433ec23a7f11bbc40e1722 The other is to link the national highways along the Asian Highway routes across Turkey-lran (Islamic Republic of)-Pakistan-lndia-Bangladesh-Myanmar to develop a TIPI-BM Road Corridor. The ITI-DKD-Y and TIPI-BM corridors are integral parts of AH and TAR projects, and can be interlinked at various locations longitudinally covering the whole of South Asia. Both corridors will have connecting sublinks to the major ports of Chittagong, Kolkata, Mumbai, Karachi, Gwadar, Chabahar and Bandar Abbas, and will connect with other corridors under development including the INSTC, CPEC and BCIM. 9 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264279551-5-en 0cc712a78ecd52e66217e647ed4e52ec It reviews agriculture production impacts, considers the market and trade effects of such risks, and looks at the broader effects of these risks on food security. The discussion combines insights from the literature on water risks in agriculture, from case studies on Northeast China, Northwest India, and the Southwest United States, as well as results from a simulation of the global impact of projected agriculture water risks in these three regions. First, water risks will directly affect agriculture production. 6 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/journal/dev-v10-art16-en 0cc93ab27ad32a673d863e2d624afa16 Those same forces also contributed to a massive increase in services trade, though from a much smaller base, as global sourcing of and foreign investment in services have both surged. Furthermore, while both low- and middle-income countries have made substantial progress in dismantling their trade barriers over the past two decades, this has not appeared to unleash sustained export growth in all of them (World Bank, 2007). Such heterogeneity of outcomes is the main underlying reason why there is no consensus in the literature about the quantitative impact of trade liberalisation on economic growth (see Box 1). Trade, growth and poverty reduction: where do we stand? 1 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/saeo-2011-9-en 0ccb27f69a1fcf903ba326b1aa3b9d7d "It is unclear, though, how effective this fund has been. In June 2009, the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) launched a project on ""sustainable tourism"" to raise awareness among entrepreneurs and travellers on global warming. The project was in response to a finding made by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) that the global tourism industry emitted in 2006 the equivalent of 1 307 million tonnes (MT) of GHG or 5% of the world’s GHG emissions. Air transportation accounted for 40% of this total, ground transportation 32% and accommodation 21%. These include, among others, raising traveller awareness of the environment and global warming, environmental conservation and management, and energy saving transportation logistics." 7 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264285712-9-en 0ccc8b5e798ca0bc33ad91014b1f0ef6 International experiences show a great variety of governance models, which reflect different institutional organisations, local circumstances, historical and cultural choices. But regardless of the place-based considerations to get water charges right, a number of common and overarching governance principles should be followed to set the needed framework conditions for economic instruments to deliver. For water charges to deliver, it is crucial to address not only the question of “what to do?” 6 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264281318-25-en 0cccfbb1aac38b5ffd71b324a0c6c1b1 While men are more likely to suffer from fatal illnesses such as lung cancer and heart attacks, non-fatal disabling conditions such as arthritis and depression are more common among women. In 2014, women’s life expectancy at the age of 65 was 21.3 years - significantly higher than men’s 17.8. Their healthy life expectancy, by contrast, at age 65 was almost identical, at 9.4 years for women and 9.2 for men (Figure 22.1). 5 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/c3da68b8-en 0cce0f52ec8d97ea8930f66c7d4f3b69 With rising urban emissions, the population around the world will be more vulnerable to the effects of climate change. Cities themselves will be especially prone to rising sea levels, increasing migration, and water and food stress. Without investment in urban resilience, the effects of climate change will push more urban households into poverty.’ 11 1 3 0.5 10.1787/5jlz3kbf7pzv-en 0cce676d6d7342dea11c09a80b6777f1 In practice, it could be defined as coverage for the whole population for a certain set of health services and goods, although the nature of these goods and services varies across countries. The WHO and the World Bank have proposed options to measure and assess health care coverage in a given country and to measure progress towards “universal coverage” (See Box 1). They suggest that two types of measures can be used to assess progress towards universal coverage. Financial protection can be measured by looking at the proportion of people facing very high (‘catastrophic’) health expenditure (defined as a percentage of household spending), and by looking at the proportion of the population who fall into poverty due to health spending. 3 0 9 1.0 10.1787/eag-2014-52-en 0cd4c0291360e11f6176dcbf8c063d4e "Some 71% of tertiary graduates have taken part in formal and/or informal training activities, versus only 27% of people who have not completed an upper secondary education. France is no exception, with 56% of higher education graduates having undergone vocational education or training, as opposed to only 17% of those not completing secondary school (Table C6.2a). This trend is even more pronounced in France, with only 19% of 55-64 year-olds taking part in vocational education or training over the past 12 months versus 45% of 25-34 year-olds (Table C6.2b). Another statistic: in France, 18% of individuals questioned chose the option ""My employer did not encourage me"" to explain why they had given up on taking part in training activities of interest to them, versus an OECD average of only 8% (see Table C6.5)." 4 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/5jzb44nmnbd2-en 0cd4cbb613dc281d0552a04b992a719c Further, a pilot project for a new technology may be implemented and run efficiently (and could therefore be judged to be effective at a project level), but does not meet its goal of being replicated at scale (and is therefore less effective when viewed from a national or sectoral level). The inputs to an intervention can be financial, human (e.g. information or labour), or material goods that help to achieve the strategic objectives of the intervention. Decisions on appropriate inputs will depend both on the strategic objectives of the intervention as well as local context and needs. 13 3 0 1.0 10.18356/39dd1e2e-en 0cd967d63ea88c1fc691728e85977749 However, Mongolia has potential sources that could favour legionella development, such as the hot water network, air-conditioning systems and hot water springs. No data are available from any study of legionella detection, so it is difficult to determine whether it is a public health issue. No data on the impact of radiation on health are reported. 3 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/5k3wb8fmsz6h-en 0cdae194c29b6dfaa9a6eeef187b4d06 Appropriately designed solutions should focus on solving the causes of issues, such as policy risk or better designed markets. On the contrary, options that pick up technologies such as targeted contracts, and in certain cases, standards and norms, carry the risk of significant indirect costs. Market integration over large geographical areas will bring benefits. It reduces dispatching and balancing costs and facilitates the accommodation of increasing shares of variable renewables. 7 1 3 0.5 10.1787/5js6g5kvpd6j-en 0cde87f09ab47803b0cc35b0497a50d6 If credit is intended to increase the value of women’s work time, it seems it is not access to loans but use of loans matters. Ensuring women’s control over loan-created assets by law can also be a critical policy objective (Garikipati, 2011). Access to credit for women for productive projects can also be improved by measures enabling collateralisation of loans with cash flow or equipment. 8 3 0 1.0 10.1787/9789264298576-13-en 0cde9d17853d698b1bdb7b6f12b1d74d This partially explains why Albania, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia score 3 or above, while Bosnia and Herzegovina scores 2.8 and Kosovo 2.1. And, with the exception of Kosovo, they are all implementing measures as part of their strategies. The next step would be to improve their monitoring of progress against their implementation plans to identify if any corrective action is necessary. 8 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264263260-7-en 0cdeb1cf45bbc0394b0af0694c49afc5 An inspiring example of such a strategy can be found in Greenpoint, Brooklyn (Curran and Hamilton, 2012; Box 5.14). The plan aimed to promote mixed-use development projects, increase green spaces, reduce water spending and tailor public spending to specific areas of the city in need of development. The plan paid particular attention to the development of open spaces and the creation of integrated connections between spaces. 11 0 3 1.0 10.18356/6af97a78-en 0ce060427cad5a7a4f758eb8dc40e87f The 4350 km-long Mekong River flows from steep mountainous areas to sea-level delta as it passes through Tibet, China, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, Myanmar and Vietnam. Along its course it encounters different types of economies, governance capacities, local water management practices and historical cross-border relations. Further, processes of economic change and greater interactions over space ranging from the local to the global scales increasingly underscore the understanding that managing water alone will not address the sources of contemporary water issues. 6 1 3 0.5 10.1787/baf425ad-en 0ce0bc5bea6d0b31e949a09cf58c2eb1 Health-related quality of life scores were significantly lower for respondents with ADEs compared with other respondents. Consequently, productivity loss due to long term sickness and disability increased for people who had suffered ADEs compared to other respondents. If the patients are of working age, the worsened health caused by harm may prevent them from participating in the workforce resulting in lost productive life years. Beyond the negative impact on self-esteem and personal economic loss from reduced income, the flow on effects include higher support and care needs, increased welfare dependency and loss of taxation revenue. 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/eco/surveys-chn-2013-5-en 0ce18f9c562d2b0d8a954b2570cbe045 At the same time promoting more competition in the refinery sector would help ensure that costs associated with the transition to cleaner fuels are minimised. The leading role played by cities such as Beijing shows how stronger emissions and fuel standards can limit motor vehicle pollution. Nationwide implementation of leading China standards, and over time higher standards still, should be a high priority for the central government. 6 9 0 1.0 10.1787/5k4c9kwfdx8r-en 0ce9496034fa50f48ae849ddf130bbe1 The Brookings Africa Growth Initiative (Brookings, 2012) stresses that food safety, fair trade and organic certification standards as well as labour, environmental and labelling standards and certification measures diverge quite considerably among ECOWAS members. In East Africa, food producing companies in Kenya often find it easier to meet the strict technical regulations for exporting to the Japanese, European, or Singapore markets, than the widely diverging and poorly administered regulations in other African countries15 (World Bank, 2012). Private standards usually have a larger scope or require higher levels of performance than the baseline government regulations (they can apply to such areas as quality, process management, packaging requirements, or social concerns) and, as they evolve more rapidly than government regulations, they can be more difficult to follow and implement (Giovannucci and Purcell, 2008). 2 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.18356/39291afb-en 0ce96b21164e1926ecc93df4722bebb4 Among children and adolescents up to the age of 14, the poverty rate increased by almost 3 percentage points, while poverty among those aged over 65 fell by 2 percentage points, owing, among other things, to the expansion of non-contributory pension systems in the region (ECLAC, 2018a). Thus, the ratio between children and young people living in poverty and older people in the same situation rose from 2.5 to 3.0, and in the case of extreme poverty the ratio jumped from 2.6 to 3.7. The femininity index of poverty is calculated as the ratio between the poverty rate of women of working age (20-59 years) and the poverty rate of men of the same age group. It is useful because it demonstrates the extent to which women are either overrepresented or underrepresented among the total population living in poverty. 1 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264262430-6-en 0cec7c4704334788479f3f697c86e406 This effectively puts limitations on the local freedom to change the tax rate (Lotz et al., Setting the grant level is important for the overall fiscal policy of the central government, while agreeing on changes in the local income tax rate is important for the budgeting process of the individual municipalities. Such a sanction system was institutionalised by a budget law from 2012 (Houlberg et al., Even though these sanctions are related to the overall economic performance and not the economic performance in individual municipalities, Lotz et al. ( 4 7 2 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/persp/glob/dev-2012-10-en 0cf4630c74cd36996e41372e2f10dad7 They are more promising approaches to the subsidising of contribution-based systems for informal workers than standard tools (tax deductions or tax credits) because the latter do not reach most informal workers. However, the available evidence from Mexico indicates that take-up rates have so far been low (Ferreira and Robalino, 2010). A similar scheme, the West Bengal Provident Fund, operates in the state of West Bengal in India. 10 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264230491-4-en 0cf9e6cfd5ba534963439f0d58b9e737 Nonetheless, according to the same surveys, 18% of the population report not having any health insurance - signalling a lack of awareness that is likely to translate into poor health care access, poor outcomes and continued financial risk. That review made detailed recommendations for improving health system performance in six areas: 1) ensuring adequate funding of the health system; 2) tackling the remaining barriers in accessing services for those not covered by social security; 3) encouraging greater efficiency of health care providers; 4) encouraging greater productivity of health care professionals; 5) promoting the quality and effectiveness of care; and 6) improving governance of the system. Regarding the former, Seguro Popular has gradually expanded its package, particularly for cancer and other the interventions covered by the fund for high-cost diseases. The National Survey of Health and Nutrition, ENSANUT, and work by the National Institute of Public Health suggest that sendee availability has generally improved, and availability of prescribed medications in particular. In rural areas, the Mobil Medical Units (formerly Caravanas de la Salud) programme, implemented in 2007, appears to have had some transitory benefit. 3 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/5km5zrrvzr42-en 0cff789400e257f6fa28c2573e992dce "Thus, insurers are likely to apply a much higher premium, which will most probably end up being detrimental to the project developer. ( Other possibilities include the creation of insurance mechanisms against high climate risks, securitisation based on EE tranches, etc.) By contrast, a private investor37 underlined that ""public institutions will never replace the commercial/private sector; what we need are public insurance mechanisms to address certain risks.""" 7 2 2 0.0 10.1787/rev/fish-2015-26-en 0d0160cfa534ebd6554991e923823651 It carries out on-site control and monitoring required for food security and consumer protection, and performs the necessary actions in cases of epizooties and other emergency situations under its competence. The FVS also cooperates with relevant authorities of other EU MS and third countries, and is authorised to perform controls to ensure compliance of exporters with provisions set out by relevant third countries. There are two institutions under the supervision of the MEPRD that are related to fisheries management - the State Environmental Service which is responsible for surveillance, control and enforcement of fishing activities and the Nature Conservation Agency which ensures implementation of a unified nature protection policy. 14 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264180444-17-en 0d02b195616490f828e9c7e99e293799 The University of Troms0 has over 9 000 students and some 2 500 employees. Since Troms County has only 1% of its surface area classed as cultivable land, agriculture is a relatively minor part of land use. It is mainly located around the coast and was traditionally combined with fishing to form a key part of rural livelihoods. Troms County is at the northern limits of agricultural production possibilities, but the Gulf Stream enables some seasonal farming around the coasts and fjords, while the Sami people also carry out traditional reindeer herding. 7 3 1 0.5 10.18356/7b9bb2c1-en 0d0987bbfefbc666e0ef67334dcadb8d However, the last years have also seen a number of important shifts, such as the rise in shale gas production, especially in the United States, the decrease in nuclear energy after Fukushima, as well as a slight increase in modern renewable energy (PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, 2013). Essentially, this would require making the power and transport sector carbon-free worldwide by mid-century, in view of the limitations associated with replacing industrial processes based on fossil fuels. Todays C02 emitting devices and infrastructures alone imply cumulative emissions of about 496 gigatons (Gt) of C02 from 2010 and 2060, leading to atmospheric concentrations of about 430 ppmv (Davis, Caldeira, and Matthews, 2010). 7 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/45b6cbb6-en 0d0a8c319962b75433ee60aa075ccc3f The aim is to improve reproductive and maternal and child health; end the epidemics of HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis and neglected tropical diseases; reduce non-communicable and environmental diseases; achieve universal health coverage; and ensure universal access to safe, affordable and effective medicines and vaccines. Towards that end, world leaders committed to support research and development, increase health financing, and strengthen the capacity of all countries to reduce and manage health risks. Almost all maternal deaths occur in low-resource settings and can be prevented, including by expanding access to appropriate sexual and reproductive health services. 3 0 9 1.0 10.18356/e1196521-en 0d0d0271a176300f7ac3238ba60758c2 No single set of metrics is suitable for assessing energy security for all purposes in all situations for these country groups. Table 2.2 outlines important factors contributing to energy insecurity of a nation, region or particular group of countries. Energy security in this framework is defined as low vulnerability of vital energy systems. The vulnerability of a system is the degree to which that system is unable to cope with selected adverse events. Such a framework allows review of security of vital energy’ systems from the perspectives of such criteria as criticality, likelihood of the event, and level and type of damage. 7 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/9abbeac5-en 0d1283514c0536157de17727559a2d3d Women's rights advocates and autonomous feminist organizations have a critical role to play here in bringing women's concerns into the policy-making process and holding decisionmakers and service providers to account. Innovations in electoral systems and affirmative action measures have come about both as a result of pressure from women's movements and through the influence of global declarations and resolutions. Women's involvement in politics can also have a positive 'role-modelling' effect by encouraging other women to seek public office. 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5jxsr7tt3qf4-en 0d183703b4a18429b58f37f094619869 Recently work on yields is published in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (Powell and Rutten, 2013). Its philosophy is in line with GTAP, namely low entry barriers for CGE analysis, whereas its modular set up facilitates working in (cross-institutional) modelling teams and allows to build in dedicated modules linking it with other models (for example the IMAGE model). Currently the system is used at LEI-WUR, JRC-IPTS and TI (previously known as vTI). 2 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264247826-5-en 0d1969113a2322ecb5aa4cd67d4ca0fd Subsidiarity entails a clear definition of responsibilities across public and private players, for instance in the area of risk management systems. It also concerns the regional level of action which strongly depends on the type of problem at hand. For instance, the environmental performance of agricultural production has local, regional and global dimensions, and responses in terms of policies, technological or method developments need to be found at the corresponding levels. 2 1 4 0.6 10.1787/9789264214682-3-en 0d1fe78535c164474d04fbeed545228a In Switzerland, around 15% of the entire cohort graduate through the professional education and training system, through professional college qualifications and industry-led federal exams (Fazekas and Field, 2013b). In Sweden, the numbers enrolled in higher VET programmes trebled between 2001 and 2011, while in Romania enrolments in “post-high school” grew from 44 000 in 2005/06 to 70 000 in 2010/11 (Ministry of Education and Research Sweden, 2013; NCDTVET Romania, 2013). All of the programmes mentioned here are substantial one-two-year post-secondary vocational programmes. 4 0 5 1.0 10.1787/9789264124523-6-en 0d31554862d86ebfed452e5030b7e481 Eurobarometer data allow analysing treatment rates of workers with mental disorders according to their absence behaviour and reduced productivity while at work. Employees with reduced productivity due to an emotional or psychological problem have much higher treatment rates (around 40%) than those with sickness absences (around 20%) or those neither absent from work nor at work with reduced productivity (around 10%) (Figure 3.6). The high treatment rates of those at work while struggling with their work performance have not been given much attention by either research or policy. 3 4 5 0.1111111111111111 10.1787/7a1f7b89-en 0d338786c95cfcf0fb1d17f40dae431c Riders noted that the service was attractive because it was less expensive than alternatives. Survey evidence six months into the pilot found that riders used the service instead of a car trip (~30%), a bus trip (~30%) or a ride service (in this case, Uber - ~22%) (Marshall, 2017; Shaheen et al., Following on the demise of Kutsuplus, the closure of Bridj, which had been highlighted as one of the more innovative start-ups in the ride-service and public transport field, underscores the difficulty that app-enabled on-demand micro-bus shared ride services face at present. 11 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264204256-4-en 0d33db85b791e578e7db782f3745b3a8 One of the biggest obstacles immigrants face when looking for work is that their qualifications and foreign work experience may not be fully recognised in the host country. As a result, many immigrant workers hold jobs for which they are over-qualified. On average, men have higher scores on the numeracy and problem solving in technology-rich environments scales than women, but the gap is not large and is further reduced when other characteristics, such as educational attainment and socio-economic status, are taken into account. In literacy, the gap in proficiency in favour of men is even narrower. 4 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264083523-4-en 0d3780ce3f5b1f45a3a884d6c2c35668 Increased instability and erosion of coastlines (especially in the upper Adriatic) has been documented by the National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and the Environment (Insula, 2000) and is further exacerbated by subsidence from natural and anthropic factors like natural gas and water extraction. In helping to formulate adaptation strategies, the relative costs and benefits of different choices need to be known, as well as the cost of the damage expected to be caused by climate change and the extent to which an adaptation strategy can ameliorate such damage. Meanwhile, the current inlet configuration, together with the dredged navigation channels for large ships, promotes erosion and net export of sediment to the sea. 6 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/85b52daf-en 0d3ace55e7a546da51f0b83614df28ad Bilateral DFIs are usually owned by donor governments, source their core capital from official development funds, and have access to government guarantees. Some examples include Proparco (France), DEG (Germany) and FMO (Netherlands). The multilateral equivalents of DFIs are the private sector arms or departments of multilateral development banks (such as the International Finance Corporation under the World Bank Group, and non-sovereign operations under the regional development banks). 13 4 1 0.6 10.1787/5jrxr7qx6ctb-en 0d3af830460f6c3fd8e8f28766c4e7a5 Only if the affected individual is unable to produce any substantial work, and cannot be reassigned to a more suitable position by the employer, is there just cause for dismissal. The Employment Protection Act covers all employees and contains no derogations for disabled persons. However, there is special legislation regarding discrimination of disabled employees. Strict employment protection legislation has been shown to reduce employment and participation rates, especially in the cases of individuals who are already prone to entry problems, such as people with mental health issues (OECD, 2013b). 3 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/20a23d10-en 0d3bc46cd4c9c9da7d664e76ab7ea159 Firms that are either exporters or foreign owned are typically more frequent ICT users. Basic use of ICT is needed to support skills for internal management such as training, cost calculation, product design and enterprise administration. At this level, both computers and smartphones may serve as a basis. 9 0 5 1.0 10.18356/2d00508a-en 0d3bcafcb2f4e7df19c647749570fef5 The process of preparation of the Second Assessment included a series of subregional workshops which were important events to build capacity in the different countries and subregions and to promote transboundary dialogue and exchange. This is all the more important in the transboundary context and in a region as broad as the UNECE one, where methods for water assessment and classification differ greatly between States — and not only between European Union (EU) members and non-EU countries. In order to reach a common understanding about the status of shared waters, the existing trends and the actions needed to improve the situation, the availability of reliable and comparable information is of the utmost importance. 6 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264205208-7-en 0d3f490d9f4bc51f88e8a348a1224653 See, for example, the three national systems described in Box 4.2. The leadership of the country aims at transforming it into one of the top 30 most competitive economies in the world by 2050. Education and training are among the policy areas declared to be of decisive importance in achieving this goal and the SPED 2011-2020 (SPED) sets out an impressive list of reforms to modernise and equip the sector for its important role (see Chapter 1 for an overview). 4 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.18356/1c7ecb1c-en 0d3f692157a94d212b92f61fe947e51c Extreme events will also carry the potential to disrupt transportation flows to rural areas. The patterns of demand will change and, given current capacities, increasing demand in the summer could strain transmission lines, due to spikes in demand for electricity to power air-conditioning equipment. On the other hand, to the extent that winters will become warmer, heat energy demand can be expected to decrease. 13 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264188617-en 0d44e9286ed6d193753b979e478cbfee In the absence of either such extreme scarcity payments or capacity payments, producers run up against the “missing money”-problem, which means that they are unable to finance their fixed costs. In practice, however, the capacity market option seems largely preferable to the VOLL option as it is far less uncertain and avoids the issue of barriers to entry - any market participant, for instance, would need to be able to play the whole merit curve, which implies a costly portfolio of means of generation - and thus persistent structural underinvestment with persistent price spikes. In the long run, the latter would create serious doubts about the viability of liberalised electricity markets. 7 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264282735-4-en 0d46904500eb327d3be19a5a1ed18437 Both face complex challenges, where long-standing problems must be confronted alongside emerging concerns. In particular, Peru is experiencing worsening rates of non-communicable diseases - alongside a persistently high rate of infectious disease. The health system, meanwhile, is simultaneously grappling with how to assure basic access - universal health coverage has still not been achieved, for instance - whilst prioritising efficiency and value for money, and improving quality of care. 3 0 3 1.0 10.18356/97ed059a-en 0d4a2e001f5f277c3204fe37dc72c77b The third is to allow children under the age of 15 to have free access to school canteens in districts where the monetary poverty rate is higher than the national average, using a government subsidy covered by foreign aid equivalent to 0.19% of initial GDP. The final policy response scenario consists of distributing cash transfers to households with poor children; the total amount of the transfer is equal to 1% of Cameroon’s before-crisis GDP and is supported by international aid. Moreover, it leads to a sizeable fall in these two dimensions of poverty compared to their levels in the absence of the crisis. 1 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264255340-8-en 0d4e69deefce3840360eac7390bdb381 The scope of such an organisation is defined by the areas of specialisation of the local HEIs that provide the resources and the local industrial structure. Although their focus is mainly on the respective territories where they are located, in particular for the background work mentioned above, they should be networked to multiply the opportunities of matching supply and competence needs. 9 0 7 1.0 10.18356/88ed44cf-en 0d4f21809d70588dd9b86d4778a3a76e For the rest of the deprivations, no substantial differences linked to the level of multidimensional poverty were found. As can be seen, the contributions of the different deprivations to the adjusted headcount ratio remained fairly stable in both periods under review. The most marked change was the drop of 20 percentage points in the contribution of income-based deprivation to total poverty in Argentina between 2005 and 2012. 1 0 3 1.0 10.18356/30e5b8d3-en 0d53953904aa18d17ac510db8e1adb99 With the introduction of FSC standards in the country, the concept of high conservation value forest (HCVF) has been introduced. Based on FSC certification reports of four certified forest companies, there are 75,530 ha (i.e. around 2.5 per cent of total forest cover) of HCVF forest in Bosnia and Herzegovina (FAO, 2015). According to the annual report of the Ministry of Agriculture, Water Management and Forestry, productive forestlands that are suitable for afforestation amount to about 166,192.5 ha - the area under the forest can be increased because a large proportion of these areas has poor production potential but could be afforested by using appropriate tree species in accordance with natural and ecological conditions. 15 0 6 1.0 10.1787/059ce467-en 0d559ebb457f90e0d70c3d2191cf2884 Segregation can also occur at the school-level through schools circumventing mandated school choice practices by mainly advertising to certain groups of high-achieving students, as well as building schools in areas that are typically homogenous and high-achieving (Bohlmark, Holmlund and Lindahl, 2015(21]). Furthermore, many researchers conclude that “school choosers [students or parents/guardians] select schools on the basis of race, ethnicity, and class in addition to rational, objective measures of school quality” (Voyer, 2018[3ii), with immigr ant parents tending to choose schools for different reasons than native parents. Evidence on the criteria indicates that parents from a lower-income background prefer schools that are close to where they live (Allen, 2007,32]; Reay and Allen, 1997,33]). 4 0 4 1.0 10.18356/1c11fde8-en 0d56efbd8a53b24f9fab06c61a119a9e The study found that the average age of drug use initiation was 19 years and that abuse is highest among men and youth. Recommendations include the introduction of a selective drug prevention policy focusing on young people at universities and work environments. Increased abuse of synthetic drugs is a concern in South American countries such as Colombia, where they negatively affect local communities. The drugs are distributed in small quantities and may have their quality altered in mixtures that may be particularly harmful. Another trend observed in the country is the decrease in the average age of the users of such drugs. Small-scale trafficking in Colombia, commonly referred to as “microtrafficking” has become a growing problem in several Colombian cities. 3 1 3 0.5 10.1787/0ec26947-en 0d587d93e638a9ce150bc03c64a8a5cb Yet, market developments indicate that blockchain technology is gradually moving towards more business-related use cases. Prominent examples of big enterprises experimenting and developing blockchain applications include Microsoft, Goldman Sachs, and Maersk. Companies are also increasingly joining consortia in order to explore the potential of DLT. 9 0 4 1.0 10.1787/5kggc12rmkzq-en 0d5df8b35dbc50e0aed4566b60095b89 If the overall costs of mitigation during the next decades are considered, the economic assessment might differ substantially. Immediate C02 reductions driven by the early deployment of RE may cost more than other options today, but will reduce the costs of mitigating climate change in the future. The risk that some mitigation options may fall short should motivate policy makers to consider higher-cost options that effectively provide insurance against catastrophic climate change. It shows that developing new renewable resources (e.g. wind, solar and others) from a very narrow basis today allows learning that will unlock their dimate-change mitigation potential. 7 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/5kg20639kgkj-en 0d5f76e9fe35f3174162bd0bd47288ce Some RTOs emphasise the importance of incorporating energy efficiency principles into existing courses and a number of units of competency, whereas others are looking towards the design of new qualifications based around specialisations in energy efficiency. Four key challenges are described below. In relation to emerging sustainability skills, many teachers and trainers must continually upgrade skills just to keep up. 7 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264083523-4-en 0d5fe29a3c5c7f26d2cf6410fd89e5e7 The region has a basin management plan {piano di bacino) but it is not effectively integrated with other planning instruments. This is particularly urgent given the Lagoon’s highly polluted sediment, which is at times sufficiently polluted to be designated as toxic waste under national legislation (and thus subject to special removal and disposal procedures). The Lagoon sediment is nonetheless an important resource for morphological reconstruction {e.g. salt marshes) and littoral regeneration {e.g. creation of parks along the coastal zone). However, no integrated policy governs water quality concerns stemming from dredging for navigation purposes, which stirs up sediment and re-introduces it into the water column. 6 0 3 1.0 10.18356/f3e7d816-en 0d611d5da34a87c02274264acf6d9e62 Cooperation between users and producers of statistics. A dialogue should be fostered between national statistical offices and interested stakeholders, including womens groups. The general approach in the development of gender statistics has involved efforts to promote dialogue and understanding between statisticians and the various users of statistics— policymakers, representatives of non-governmental organizations, activists and researchers (United Nations, 2000). 5 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264283473-en 0d6409e0e9b517c8e39319b50fd63013 The role of private health insurance is negligible. Primary care is financed largely through capitation with adjustments for age and rural location, plus a smaller share of fee-for-service and performance-related payments for specific prioritised areas of care, in particular chronic diseases. Outpatient care is financed through case payment and fee-for-service for diagnostic tests, while inpatient care is largely financed through case-based payment (DRGs). 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5k9h297wxbnr-en 0d6ca1fa22e1a1ec03042460cb2e411b The authors would like to thank Romain Duval, Jqrgen Elmeskov, Michael Forster, Jean-Marc Fournier, Kaja Fredriksen, Isabell Koske, Stephen Matthews and Jean-Luc Schneider for their useful comments and suggestions, Chantal Nicq for meticulous statistical work and Susan Gascard for excellent editorial support. These allow comparing 24 inequality dimensions for each country with the OECD average and identifying how these inequality dimensions map into inequality of household disposable income. The country profiles reveal that inequality of household disposable income does not have the same origins. In some countries, wage dispersion among those working is an important factor (e.g. the United States) while in others, the non-employment rate and/or inequality in capital income are driving inequality in HDI (e.g. Italy). 10 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/agr/outlook-2011-7-en 0d6d584f3a4d0e4c0fee52806fbe76e6 These events signal the need for responses by all stakeholders which address their concerns. For the most part, solutions addressing these issues are not new, but add greater clarity for appropriate policy responses. These include greater priority for productivity growth and improving resilience to shocks, implementing appropriate policies to address volatility and to mitigate its consequences. Finally, the international community needs responsible forums in which enhanced policy development and international coordination can work to address the policy challenge of securing the sustainable growth in the global food system which will be needed to feed the world in the years to come. 2 0 3 1.0 11.1002/pub/8111ea61-c3a8a09b-en 0d7073a838290751a39a4ccee5279f06 Nonetheless, there remains a crucial gap. To address this gap, the National Computer Board has implemented the Cyber Caravan project in line with WSIS Action Lines and geared towards the achievement of the SDGs. The project aims at building an all-inclusive information society to improve digital literacy and to provide democratized access. It is relevant to SDGs 1, 4, 5, 9 and 10. 9 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/empl/outlook-2011-4-en 0d75e325444631e54fd3f638f4837b71 The state welfare system was substantially reformed after the end of Apartheid. Until then, the system was mainly dominated by means-tested, non-contributory old-age and disability pensions with conditions attached to the size of the benefit as well as eligibility that favoured the white population. The reform aimed at changing this and, twenty years later, the picture has been reversed, with the majority of grant beneficiaries being black Africans. 10 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264195158-5-en 0d77c1ecefbd453fc4b8ed2974f3d387 The opinions expressed and arguments employed herein do not necessarily reflect the official views of the Organisation or of the governments of its member countries. It assesses urban sectors and activities that foster growth and reduce pressure on the environment, focusing on land use and transport, including eco-districts, energy efficiency in buildings, waste recycling, district heating and renewable energy. Public transport should link the proposed nodes more effectively, particularly those planned in the City of Stockholm with those planned elsewhere in the County. It is also important that existing urban areas in each node are densified, to prevent urban sprawl around the nodes. 11 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/58d686e0-en 0d7c9bbc357a5fc9cfe0ec612ec5c791 "Given the disparate and differentiated impact violence has on women and different groups of women, there is a need for specific measures of redress to meet their specific needs and priorities. According to the Special Rapporteur, the focus of reparations should be on fairness towards the victims of human rights violations and on ""repairing"" the damage done, not only on returning the women to the circumstances they were in before they suffered the violence. Since the violence women experience is a continuum of structural and systemic discrimination women face in peacetime, during conflict and post-conflict, its structural and systemic causes need to be addressed by reparations aiming to transform these conditions. Complex reparations schemes, such as those providing a variety of benefits, can better address the needs of female beneficiaries and have transformative potential, both in practical, material terms and in terms of boosting their self-confidence and esteem." 5 0 7 1.0 10.18356/88ed44cf-en 0d7eeba1ca4c579e33280279618b7938 The index was developed to make best possible use of information from surveys in the countries of the region, with a view to providing the region with an instrument to monitor public policies that is comparable between countries and can be applied to its entire population and used continually over the long term, as noted above. The rights-based approach describes the institutional means necessary for achieving well-being, while needs and capabilities —or functionings— are a way of describing and expressing the various constituent parts of well-being. The guaranteed exercise of rights enables people to satisfy their basic needs and function at a basic level. 1 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264281776-3-en 0d813f10aac26c56736313eea481cad1 Irrigation charges are likewise very low but this is part of more general problems in this sector. Institutional weaknesses, compounded by chronic mismanagement and under-investment have resulted in the major degradation of irrigation and drainage infrastructure. However, the environmental damage is estimated according to methodologies dating back to the Soviet era. 6 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5k49dv6c5xmv-en 0d81c1240a0f79af4f4d23db0fccf010 Furthermore, the size of wind energy turbines requires them to be produced closer to installation sites, which provides opportunities for manufacturers in regions near wind-energy installations, such as the Chicago-area 21-county region. However, the low price of coal-generated electricity in the US (Figure 2.1) will likely continue to exert pressure on wind technologies to become more cost-effective. A national price signal that internalises the environmental externalities associated with fossil fuels, such as a cap-and-trade programme or a carbon tax, could make renewable energy sources significantly more cost-competitive with fossil fuel sources, depending on the baseline price. 7 1 3 0.5 10.18356/c544899f-en 0d828a2256e537f2b9b1905961b2c94f Despite these obstacles, no company decided to withdraw from the region, with the partial exception of EDF (which maintained just a single generating plant in Brazil). This situation has now changed, however, and in recent years these companies have announced ambitious investment projects in the region, generally targeting the organic growth of the markets in which they were already present — except for Argentina, where transnationals operating in the country (Enel, Duke Energy and AES) have not announced any expansion plans. The projects in question cover transmission, distribution, and generating businesses alike, and include a substantial increase in renewable energy projects (apart from hydroelectric power plants). This means that Latin American assets are now extremely important for the firms in question, since they are in markets with growth prospects offering generally high returns. 7 0 3 1.0 10.18356/de83ab61-en 0d84f0fc7b5028dc7dec36df8ba7127c For example, a small group of private companies is actively patenting plant genes with a view to owning the rights to the genes’ possible “climate readiness” in the future. Granting intellectual property rights constitutes, and should always remain, a public policy action, one whose intention is to consistently stimulate—not restrict—private initiative in technological development. At the present time, the granting of a patent is the most widespread and lucrative technological development incentive. 2 3 2 0.2 10.1787/9789264302037-en 0d853fc8fb02250f02f834e31c36bf4a For the self-employed, these figures amounted to GHC 8.0 for native-bom workers and GHC 6.6 for the foreign-bom. In total, the gap between the average income tax per capita paid by a native- and foreign-bom worker amounted to GHC 29.2 (GHC 111.2 and 140.4, respectively). Of these 18.5%, 13.5% go to SSNIT (of which 2.5% are remitted to the National Health Insurance Authority), while the remaining 5% are allocated towards the mandatory Second Tier Occupational Scheme. 8 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264235151-4-en 0d8a500b5f20d41998e7edd561b53113 They often possess considerable monopsony or monopoly power in particular sectors, even if there is formally no restriction on new entrants. The use of industry associations such as VFA to implement policy needs to be fully reviewed, as there is a strong possibility for vested interests to limit competition. Efforts to open up various components of the food chain, including importing and exporting, to private firms are unlikely to be successful if the incumbent SOEs have sufficient market power to deter entry. This may delay adjustments to market signals, including those calling for higher-added value products to be supplied to domestic and international consumers. 2 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/fb79328d-en 0d8a86c7dd0dd164c40f3e404feb6e00 A major challenge before the development community is to find the means through which a “failing” State can change into a “capable” one. However, the Millennium Development Goals per se do not constitute a development strategy. On the other hand, the recent financial crisis and recession have further undercut the validity and appeal of the Washington Consensus; and thus there is currently a vacuum, so to speak, in the thinking about appropriate growth and poverty reduction strategies. 1 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264179370-6-en 0d8ed111072b2055d1d77e77dd0a29c8 Gender gaps in financial inclusion are largest in South Asia and in the Middle East and North Africa region (Klapper, 2012). Enabling women to build up savings in accounts registered in their name attracts more entrepreneurs; conversely, access constraints curtail the business growth of female-owned micro-enterprises. Dupas and Robinson (2009) show that female market vendors in rural Kenya increased their daily investments by between 38 and 56% when they were provided with interest-free bank accounts. 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264272637-5-en 0d8f48f034a585d53282dbff67f080c2 A shared, forward-looking vision of urban transport as an enabler of economic, environmental and social opportunities will play a key role in upgrading growth and quality of life in Korean cities. This figure only includes population living in predominantly urban regions (as defined in the OECD territorial classification). The sum of the share of population living in predominantly urban regions and that living in intermediate regions is 82.7%, compared with an OECD average of 73.7%. As of 2015, roads and railways accounted for around 45% and 33% of total traffic-related public investment, respectively (Kim, 2015). 11 1 3 0.5 10.1787/eco/surveys-zaf-2010-6-en 0d90b1a48c157b06b8ae9b6e3ce6dc29 Labour resource utilisation is measured as total employment as a share of total population, based on national labour force and household surveys. Labour productivity is measured as GDP per person employed, including estimated informal employment. Brazil, India, Indonesia and China (age group 15 years and over). 8 1 4 0.6 10.1787/rev/fish-2015-9-en 0d9605635755b228584a2579ae4d6be9 Most of these fall under the category' of 10-24 m length vessel. Around 84% (78 stocks) were classified as not overfished, while 16 stocks were classified as overfished or subject to overfishing. The remaining stocks were classified as uncertain. The number of stocks assessed in any given year is determined based on the importance of that stock to the current or past economic conditions of the fishery. 14 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264188617-en 0d979cbcfac39e5c420708206121fac1 The addition of significant amount of renewable energy reduces the electrical capacity running at high load factors and increases the value of flexible production: a higher proportion of conventional stations is required to operate only at times when the production from renewables is below average. In those conditions, plants with relatively low capital costs will be favoured over those with low operating costs. First, the optimal generation mix of dispatchable technologies that satisfies at the lowest cost for a given electricity demand, represented by the annual load duration curve, is derived. The same methodology is then applied to the same electricity market after the integration of a given amount of renewable energy. 7 0 3 1.0 10.18356/8b39690f-en 0d97aeccfd44cfdc19cbf505a36d844f Livestock production is also expected to be affected by heat stress and changes to feed and pasture resources. Rising temperatures can shorten the reproductive cycle of many pests, which will also increase their risk to agricultural plants. Because of the diverse peculiarities of the weather in the different parts of the national space, the transport system is relatively flexible, recognizing both the normal atmospheric conditions and local characteristics and manifestations of extreme meteorological phenomena diat directly or indirectly affect the functioning of the transport sector. For the period 2040-2070, cost reductions (2.4 per cent annually) are expected for winter maintenance of the road infrastructure as a consequence of the mitigation of weather conditions during the winter months. 13 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264208445-6-en 0d986e75e92af3e8b162eaedd10bb07a Mental health nurses must work with psychiatrists and GPs to provide services like monitoring a patient’s mental state, managing their medication and improving links to other health professionals and clinical service providers. A minimum of two patients must be seen per session, and evaluations seem to suggest that the programme has been quite succesful. Increased and/or improved training and continuing professional development (CPD) and use of evidence-based guidelines in primary care have the potential to be a cost-effective way to narrow some of the treatment gap for common disorders, and improve quality of care. In some OECD countries mental health training is included as part of their continuing professional development training. 3 0 3 1.0 10.14217/9781848591271-6-en 0d99423d03fdaabc36259cd36a8bc2d8 Moreover, all persons with disabilities should have the right to access inclusive education with adequate individualised support to enable them to take part. Article 24 pays special attention to the situation of children who are blind, deaf and deafblind. The world's largest and smallest, richest and poorest countries make up the Commonwealth and are home to two billion citizens of all faiths and ethnicities, over half of whom are 25 years old or under. Member countries span six continents and oceans from Africa (19) to Asia (8), the Americas (2), the Caribbean (12), Europe (3) and the South Pacific (10). 4 0 4 1.0 10.1787/eco/surveys-fin-2012-5-en 0d99e031f10f90c17f405c186594fe73 In recent years, a large body of theoretical and empirical research has examined the inherently complex conceptual and measurement problems related to a broader concept of wellbeing. Research has been facilitated by the development of internationally comparable wellbeing indicators (World Value Survey, Gallup World Poll). However, these polls remain unofficial and are at times criticised for covering limited samples and changing excessively between waves. Furthermore, these surveys have no variables on housing, although it can be an important determinant of wellbeing. The types of wellbeing measures developed include expanded GDP, weighted averages of life satisfaction indexes, and self-reported subjective assessments of wellbeing based on survey data (Boarini et al., 3 2 4 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/5b4d9a5b-en 0d9b2e691182bb6fec8e64f0b4b59529 However, as only about 10 per cent of Vietnamese have a bank account, the effectiveness of these policies has been limited (EIU, 2010). Thirdly, many women entrepreneurs in developing regions are considered by banks to be high-risk, low-profit customers, as they operate informal businesses in low-growth sectors of the economy (ibid.). For example, a study of women entrepreneurs in Nepal found that such loans made up 85 per cent of women’s borrowing (UNESCAP, 2005). 5 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/5js1j18znzs4-en 0d9c98ef2b17f629b62376b2391561ae Furthermore, nitrogen run-off can leach into lakes, rivers and coastal waters, hurting rural industries such as fishing and aquaculture in which China is expected to gain market share over the next decade (OECD-FAO, 2014). Such contamination can also taint the drinking water supply. In addition, the production of chemical fertiliser in China is a significant source of greenhouse gas emissions (Zhang et al., These include a tax exemption on value added tax for almost all fertiliser products and a subsidy for fertiliser transportation (Huang and Xiang, 2014). 2 3 1 0.5 10.1787/5k9h296b1zjf-en 0d9dae73964a03e12b18e3651f3482b1 The difference is more pronounced for pension-age than working-age women as a result of lower labour market participation of women, especially in the past (and thus less pension rights), and their longer life expectancy (OECD, 2008a). In-work poverty is especially pronounced in households with a sole worker and much less so for households with two or more workers. In most countries, the poverty incidence in households with children is higher than in childless ones. 10 0 3 1.0 10.1787/empl/outlook-2016-8-en 0d9e3f8d74ec76a80fc9379286c66bbd Most of these schemes are targeted at specific groups of women, such as youth, elderly/widows, unemployed and low income women, often in disadvantaged areas. Female entrepreneurs in micro-enterprises are another primary recipient category. In India, the Self-Employed Women’s Association (SEWA) organises financial literacy training for female entrepreneurs. A growing body of impact evaluations shows that such programmes can be successful in raising women’s financial literacy and inclusion (see OECD, 2013b for a full review). However, evidence from the OECD International Network on Financial Education (INFE) stock-tacking exercise also shows that policy awareness about the need to address gender differences in financial literacy remains low in many countries. 5 0 4 1.0 10.18356/becaa395-en 0d9f81f1bc9c581e238491a84eace918 "How climate change is projected to affect the global risk of hunger over time, for a range of climate change impacts and the SSP2 ""middle-of-the-road"" socioeconomic scenario, is shown in Figure 9. The declining trend in the number of undernourished with or without climate change indicates that the overall impact of climate change during the period until 2050 is smaller than that of the other drivers embedded in the socio-economic scenario, particularly income growth. In the absence of climate change, most regions are projected to see declining numbers of people at risk of hunger." 13 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264258211-6-en 0d9ff983331f300a82b6760be8e5677a Unlike add-on payments for co-ordination, which can be applied ex ante to provision of services and/or are automatically applied to certain processes, P4P payments are applied ex post. They are allocated after providers have reported on the required indicators and outcomes, and are deemed to have met the required targets or thresholds. They are focussed on the degree of achievement of specific defined objectives by providers or practitioners. P4P has emerged as one potential lever to address some of the shortcomings of traditional payments of FFS, capitation, and salary. 3 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/1d2cdffa-en 0da07233bec59a0f8c9bae5db6788f67 The data disseminated in these types of products can be detailed, organized in large tables and often are presented as absolute values or raw data that give specialists more flexibility in doing their own analysis. A gender perspective can be integrated into these products through the systematic sex-disaggregation of data and the systematic coverage of data needed to address gender issues. Data and other information may be compiled from more than one source and different statistical fields may be covered. 5 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264277335-4-en 0da08c0269e5448687ab4a7fa1dc8851 While Costa Rica is not unique in having several ministries and agencies involved in ECEC, it is unusual in having no institution with overall responsibility for delivering national policy. It is unlikely that the ECEC sector will see real improvements in access and quality without a clear champion for reform. Without strong leadership, it will also be difficult to raise the low' spending levels in the sector and ensure that resources reach those children most in need. 4 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/442a2283-en 0da1e29f144bd685003cb184758fb506 Increasingly, states and local authorities are recognizing that indigenous peoples want to and should participate in running their schools, developing education policies and creating curricula. However, few community-based indigenous education projects have independent resources and most require outside financial help. Many community-based indigenous schools depend on foreign aid or private non-profit funds, and formal school systems have been less willing to adaptto the new education directions sought by indigenous communities. 4 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/797ccf27-en 0da4070fc8a811d1f20b47581bad479a Measures such as these may reduce food shortages in the short run, but they distort the price system and can discourage food production and foster the formation of local cartels, among other problems (Von Braun, 2008). Such initiatives include the Food Mission (Mision Alimentacion) of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, set up in 2003. According to figures from the statistics unit of the Food Markets Mission (MERCAL), in September 2008, food was distributed to over 13 million people at prices representing a 71.7% saving on market prices.3 Nonetheless, the impact of this initiative has not been rigorously evaluated to its identify its effects on poverty and food security, or the progressive nature of the expenditure and repercussions on private food supply. In this area, some countries have provided support to small-scale farmers and have given incentives for the production of food for self-consumption (ECLAC, 2008b). 1 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264168350-4-en 0da56b0d72aabb32e41c69634b439eee I have found (this syndrome)to be as substantial a bottleneck to development in Africa as inadequate infrastructure or bad governance and it has added an extra weight to the work of those who want to enable individuals and communities to better their circumstances. This Policy Guidance Note considers the causal relationship between empowerment and pro-poor growth. It identifies eight domains of empowerment within three spheres: the economic (markets, decent employment and productive assets); the political (political representation and collective action); and the social (human capabilities, critical awareness and inclusion) and describes what donors can do to support and strengthen empowerment in those domains. Suggestions for how donors should workfor optimal effect include key messages for development co-operation. 1 0 4 1.0 10.18356/46a5795c-en 0da61ddd9319cbcb05414fdc56398aea Early retirement for labour market reasons: periodic payments to older workers who retire before reaching the legal/standard retirement age due to unemployment or to job reduction caused by economic measures such as the restructuring of an industrial sector or of a business. These payments normally cease when the beneficiary becomes entitled to an old age pension. Data to be considered to calculate the indicator are either the annual average or the total value for December of a given year (especially when using administrative record data). The option retained for the numerator should be consistent with data used for the denominator. 8 0 9 1.0 10.1787/5k3xn24zbqr4-en 0da7e31aaff896566646218b340ba732 It is financed 25% by the federal level, 25% by the state level, and 50% by the private sector. Morelos was the first state to apply for the programme. A beneficiary, a gazelle employing 130 people, received training paid for by Prosoft, and was then certified by IBM on open software technologies after 12 months of full time courses. A strong point of the programme is its high additionality. 8 0 4 1.0 10.14217/9781848591646-17-en 0da83747b9feed7b30eba5cad223470c Indeed, I would ask all WTO members, including developing countries, whether they are entirely happy with the present trading system. If the answer is no, it is clear that the only way of improving upon that system is in a new round’ (see Stiglitz and Charlton 2005: 39, and references cited therein). The answer to the problems of liberalisation was more liberalisation. 10 1 4 0.6 10.1787/9789264116788-4-en 0da9cde9d97858f2b1b6065588829a9b In the 2008/09 school year, 1 239 schools provided education leading to a school-leaving examination, 541 schools provided programmes leading to an apprenticeship certificate and 111 schools provided secondary education that does not require any certificate of completion. For the same school year, secondary school leavers were distributed as follows: 20% completed secondary general education, 54% completed technical education and 26% completed secondary education programmes not requiring a school-leaving examination. Special schools exist from pre-primary to secondary education. 4 1 5 0.6666666666666666 10.1787/5jxrcmgpc6mn-en 0daf961dda68cb03ab9b891b1787f60e The large share of long benefit spells among all ongoing spells by contrast correctly indicates that long-term recipients are responsible for the most significant part of benefit caseloads and thus of the expenditures for benefit payments in a given period (Bane and Ellwood, 1994). As seen, individual benefit spells in Latvia and the Nordic countries tend to be much shorter than in Luxembourg and in the Netherlands. However, benefit leavers might return to benefit receipt more quickly if they do not find a stable source of adequate income after leaving the benefit rolls. This subsection therefore studies the number of benefit spells per individual, and the time until re-entry. 1 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264098978-6-en 0db132cc3c5729735e5189030bb10eb8 This is why governments need policies for pro-poor growth and to reach sub-groups that growth does not otherwise reach. Furthermore, since the incidence of poverty is country-specific, any pro-poor policy, including trade policy, must first identify who the poor are, where they live, how they earn their livelihoods, and what constrains them from participating in growth. The challenge for an aid agency providing Aid for Trade is to ensure that trade expands and generates pro-poor growth, which is the key objective of the Aid for Trade Initiative. 1 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264281318-24-en 0db2f1fea09d180b2cc3caecce1ee8ac These recent data come from migrants’ self-declared motives for moving to European OECD countries (with the exceptions of Denmark, Ireland and the Netherlands). Trends can be derived from comparisons between the 2014 AHM and an earlier data set from 2008. This share is not only higher than among labour migrants (36% in 2014), refugees (40%) or international students (42%), but would grow further if only family migrants who arrived as adults were considered, since those who came as children probably rebalance the gender distribution of family migrants. 5 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5kmms0t7p1ms-en 0db32565aafda12cd058808d89588b3e The issue of inequality has continued to dominate the post-Apartheid landscape. There are two indicators of the post-Apartheid political economy that have attracted special attention in this regard. The first is whether the evolving post-Apartheid economy and especially the policy efforts of the post-Apartheid government have been able to lower inherited inequality. The second is the related question of whether the blunt racial footprint would start to fade under more subtle post-Apartheid socio-economic dynamics. 10 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264235120-7-en 0db3c8121214035a152acd1a5fdd4240 The graphs also demonstrate a certain degree of “substitution” whereby some standard workers performing low-skilled tasks were replaced by workers with the same skill but on non-standard contracts (e.g. Austria, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Slovenia). In a few countries like Austria, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Switzerland, even growth in high-skilled occupations (abstract jobs) was entirely driven by non-standard employment. Since nearly all job losses, regardless of the type of task, were associated with regular work, while growth in employment took place mainly in the form of non-standard employment, technological advancement alone cannot be the only explanation for job polarisation. 1 7 2 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/9789264292697-3-en 0db9b0cfa564a4ef187e58352e75dee5 In 2015, to assess students' preparedness for this, PISA carried out the world's first international assessment of collaborative problem-solving skills, defined as the capacity of students to solve problems by pooling their knowledge, skills and efforts with others. The same holds across countries: top-performing countries in PISA (such as Japan, Korea and Singapore in Asia, Estonia and Finland in Europe, and Canada in North America) also come out on top in the PISA assessment of collaborative problem solving. There are countries where students do much better in collaborative problem solving than one would predict from their performance in the PISA science, reading and mathematics assessments. 4 0 8 1.0 10.18356/bee3dd14-en 0dbb6c72293dc1f3f5f06754f4f8ea2c So far, social dimensions of climate change have been more clearly linked to the concept of adaptation to climate change rather than to mitigating its effects.77 Adaptation is considered most effective when it “offer|s) development benefits in the relatively near term, as well as reductions in vulnerability over the longer term. At the more progressive and eco-social end of the spectrum are approaches that address power relations and institutions to varying degrees. What have been referred to as embedded liberalism and alter-globalization are alternative pathways to the predominant market-liberal approach80 (chapter 4). Embedded liberalism focuses on strengthening institutions and rebuilding states’ regulatory capacity to correct social and environmental injustice from within the system, for example, via progressive taxation, comprehensive social policy and business regulation. 13 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264239487-6-en 0dbc4afe2bba3946966aab29ffe5daef There are benefits, too, for health professionals and policy makers, as shown in the figure below. Another stated priority is the efficient exchange of information and co-operation between all purchasers and practitioners. The information is then intended to follow the citizen through the health and social care sectors. 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264229631-7-en 0dbcad1e59bafd8a258b35ef3fcc1474 In some countries, it is explicitly stated that water resources are not the subject of legal ownership, either public or private (indicated as “n.a.” In these cases, water resources in these cases may be designated as res nullius, or “ownerless property” in legal terms. Key responsibilities relate to policy, planning, issuing water entitlements, as well as monitoring and enforcement. As summarised in Figure 3.4, slightly fewer than half (48%) of countries indicated a role for the Ministry of Environment in water allocation. 6 1 3 0.5 10.18356/6e8bb756-en 0dbd174cc5dab885d548aa14f01b68f3 Governments must play a fundamental role in this process, as many market imperfections exist that are a consequence of a lack of political will to develop efficiency as well as a lack of appropriate fiscal and rate structures. The main reason identified in the Fourth Assessment Report (AR4) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is that the costs of further EE are expected to grow in the longer term, while those of low-carbon energy sources are projected to decrease (Urge-Vorsatz and Merz, 2009). In Italy, the incentive is €1,500 for a car over 10 years old that is replaced by a new car with emissions of less than 140g/km. Germany provides €2,500 if the purchaser deregisters a vehicle that is older than nine years, whereas Spain provides an interest-free loan. In the Netherlands, the Government introduced a scrap premium of between €750 and €1,750, with a total budget allocation of €85 million. Rebate applications worth $2,877 billion were submitted, slightly below the $3 billion provided by Congress to run the programme. 7 3 0 1.0 10.18356/974c3e9b-en 0dbe25b2049846fe75aa6d38a0075f63 Recycling alone is a single measure and cannot fulfil the overall goal of achieving sufficient services in a society while minimizing levels of environmental impact from material/resources consumption. Moreover, as a first priority, alternatives emphasizing reduction are preferable to either recycling or resource circulation. The Japanese Junkan Shakai plan, launched at national and local community levels, stresses community-based recovery, repair by craftsmen, use of eco-bags and mottainai (meaning “waste not” in Japanese), embodying a simple life decoupled from material affluence and emphasizing spirituality. The experience gained in establishing an international standard for the concept and application of product-based CF, or business-site-based GHG accounting, may contribute to monitoring and evaluation of progress and the comparison of the extent of resource circulation and related sustainability. 12 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264179820-8-en 0dbfb39f8ec58faa36cc0f904aee522b Effluent charges for surface water generate CZK 300 million per year for the State Environmental Fund, while effluent charges for groundwater generate CZK 2 million for the municipalities. The rate of cost recovery is 100% when only operating costs are included, but drops to 10-20% when renewal and new investment costs are included. This is partly driven by the failure to account for the full depreciation of the infrastructure assets. Costs for WRM amount to 3-7% of the water bill. 6 0 3 1.0 10.18356/6f7c638a-en 0dc40538d3efe1d8ba2e320716d93fb3 Given the lack of a culture of shared care responsibilities and of suitable public policies with a gender perspective, these changes in demand for care exacerbate the family responsibilities taken on by women (Rossel, 2016). Time-use data is key in this analysis, considering that it helps identify people who require care and the services being provided at present. Mostly importantly, it helps determine the social organization of care and estimate the impact of future demographic changes on existing supply conditions. The modalities with respect to the type of activities surveyed and the persons receiving care vary considerably from one country to the next. 5 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/b64c6036-en 0dc46c2eabe0b892157f1892fcdd5bfa Agreements and arrangements vary in terms of geographic coverage — covering all waters shared by contracting parties or only specific basins — as well as in terms of scope. Examples include the joint commissions that have been set up between Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Slovenia, Croatia and Hungary, Croatia and Montenegro, Serbia and Romania, Serbia and Hungary and Romania and Hungary. The Lake Ohrid Watershed Committee was established in 2005. 6 0 4 1.0 10.1787/5jzb44nmnbd2-en 0dc4e9bd8801160c4318383ceb766534 The reason for these difficulties is primarily the multitude of other factors that come into play over greater spatial scales and time horizons, a problem particularly acute for funds whose objectives are longer-term, transformational impacts. For example, some funds’ objectives are focussed on bringing down the costs of low-carbon technologies, demonstrating their technological or financial viability, or introducing them into new markets (e.g. CIF, 2012a). These programmes or funds focus on transforming the economics of low-carbon technologies at different scales, with a view towards transformational shifts in investment patterns from carbon-intensive production and consumption to low-carbon, climate-resilient investments. 13 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264191761-en 0dc648c8f03d336f0d601013bf576bda Dans le secteur de la production vegetale, cette politique de prix consiste principalement en des mesures visant le secteur du ble, qui, depuis le milieu des annees 90, alternent limitation et soutien des prix a la production. Depuis 2009, les prix du ble ont ete soutenus au-dela des niveaux du marche exterieurs par le biais de subventions au transport et d’interventions sur le marche interieur. Dans le secteur de la production animale, la politique de prix est d’inspiration de plus en plus protectionniste, avec le renforcement de la protection douaniere et 1’introduction de nouveaux paiements par tonne. 2 4 3 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/5k3txnpqlsnn-en 0dc71ec470f2a5f73008eb174ffdb665 When investigated further, it was found that 82 of these 283 schools were not actually participants in the programme. The researchers therefore suggested that some schools have started their own school development programme in AfL, despite not being formally involved in the initial Directorate project. These schools thus believed they were part of the official DET programme (Vibe, 2012). 4 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5k912j389bf0-en 0dc8f5eee61bef406c210a280eeb6465 The same process is used to estimate Medicaid beneficiaries with the exception that time until death is not included. All other health spending grows with the change in the population in each age and sex group multiplied by GDP per capita and ECG. Estimates of growth in GDP per capita each year over the projection period come from CBOLT in a separate macroeconomic framework (CBO, 2009). The projection of ECG begins with estimation of historical ECG for the three main components of health spending (Medicare, Medicaid and '‘all other” health expenditures) and for overall spending on health care. 3 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264303119-en 0dcb98653c71f5fda3d292d208dad1f4 This makes their relative scarcity as an industrial resource a short-term economic issue rather than a long-term geological issue. Economic activity and growth depend not on materially available but on economically recoverable resources. Available resources are, of course, finite in some abstract physical sense; however, they also far exceed what will ever be used. 7 2 3 0.2 10.18356/eeca78e4-en 0dce0a89ea8fd8fb0a32b1ccc98e1786 Inland catches are also important for food security in several countries in Africa, which accounts for 25 percent of the global catches. Europe, the Americas and Oceania account for 9 percent. Myanmar, which had ranked second among global producers of inland fish -thanks to an unreliable average growth of 15 percent per year - now more realistically ranks fourth (Table 5). Brazil, by far the major producer in South America, has not reported official catch data to FAO since 2014, so its statistics have been estimated. 14 1 3 0.5 10.1787/5k92zp1cshvb-en 0dcf2f9b7200157b64e13506b4bc7f61 In some Lander, assessment of several subjects may still be entirely processed by teachers, but the trend clearly moves away from decentralised testing. School principals are the ones who issue the certificates. However, after completion of upper secondary' education, students who want to proceed with education are requested to pass the Juken, which is the higher education entrance exam. Most education systems have divided responsibilities for assessment in upper secondary education between central agencies and schools. 4 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264247543-3-en 0dd17dbd0592ee6a9466567247763a79 "This leads to the benefits of sharing and collaboration: ""A major promise of OER is that the creation and refinement of both learning content and the underlying pedagogical approaches can benefit from the distributed co-creation model enabled by open licenses. In principle, a rich developer base facilitates the creation of resources” (TUomi, 2013: 70). In the early 2000s, instructional designers were focusing on the development of reusable learning objects (RLO), which were defined as “any digital resource that can be reused to support learning” (Wiley, 2000). This recognised the power of open source, “object-oriented” programming and hoped that its use would make the production of high-quality learning resources more effective and efficient." 4 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264097896-7-en 0dd23de5202bb2dfc5531e513acbe4bc Safeguards have gradually been introduced to ensure that projects are energy-efficient and environmentally sustainable. Requirements for obtaining a permit are differentiated according to operations’ size and environmental impacts. While those that pose higher environmental risks4 must obtain a permit from the APA or other competent authority, small and medium-sized installations are now required to submit a declaration to relevant national or regional authorities. Companies that have up to 15 employees and use a limited amount of thermal and electrical power are merely required to register with local authorities (Aicep, 2010).5 These changes were designed to make administrative requirements consistent with the risks of a particular regulated facility. 6 3 0 1.0 10.18356/2d00508a-en 0dd2f11e335c610af7d8d587d149ff5e The assessments of those groundwaters that are either not connected with the surface waters of the basin — discharging directly to the sea for example— or for which the connection was not confirmed by the countries, have been placed at the end of the chapter. Its common usage is derived from the WFD, in which surface water bodies and groundwater bodies are defined as water management units within river basins. One of the essential steps for EU member States in their implementation of the WFD has been to delineate and characterize bodies of surface water and groundwater. 6 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9f843a6e-en 0dd6a378a1c3a249136f53028828419f However, no clear definition exists and this newer term is more used presently in discussions of policy and practice than in research. However, there is a fundamental difference between these two concepts: and that is, the emphasis on the group context. Whereas in individualised instruction students may be working mainly or entirely on their own (e.g. at a computer), the goal of adaptive teaching is to use the classroom as the group context from which students learn as much as possible. 4 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/9789264121836-7-en 0de06f46e12784173b26204917fc0960 Several NGOs claimed the construction required separate permitting, as well as public participation and assessment procedures, under the EIA Directive and the UNECE Aarhus and Espoo conventions, arguing that the work should legally be considered a new project. However, obligations under the EIA Directive took effect at the time of accession, on 1 May 2004. Given that the project was initiated, authorised and partly built prior to accession, the EIA Directive is not applicable. Nevertheless, the Slovak authorities informed the Commission that they had voluntarily initiated a new EIA procedure for units 3 and 4 before issuing the permits for commissioning and operations. Source: UNECE, 2010. However, the current SEA legislation contains a number of shortcomings. 6 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264234178-5-en 0de6e3fe719dcd8b8d9b378474d92ee3 This is partly because students in general programmes are more likely to continue education after they graduate from secondary school. This gap is particularly large in countries where the training offered is of poor quality and is badly monitored (OECD, 2014c). For VET students, this is the case for learning at work, problem-solving and self-organising skills. 4 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264102637-12-en 0de70ce4139b35b89b0d3bc99b808d45 In such cases, “business as usual” and status quo is not a major issue. However, when changes or threats are perceived, like building a new canal in one’s backyard or using one’s polder for flood storage, participation can be activated to protect one’s interest while finding alternative solutions through multi-stakeholder dialogue. In such cases more particularly, the intention of, and mutual trust between, the actors involved are key to successful stakeholder participation. Contributions to the individual themes were made by TNS NIPO, Synovate and the KWR Watercycle Research Institute. 6 2 2 0.0 10.1787/9ce809d8-en 0deaa28eadf123261e4e36d8b300c1c7 First, that social protection be scaled up to cover a larger proportion of the population against a broader range of risks. Second, that domestic sources finance a greater proportion of spending. This latter objective reflects the fact that donor support for social protection - as for Ethiopia as a whole - is declining relative to other sources of revenue as the country nears its goal of achieving middle-income status. 1 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264289925-6-en 0dece88401c3f17bad985f97aa4018bf Further, despite support for agricultural modernisation and economic diversification, the transformation of rural areas has proceeded slowly in many cases. Rural residents account for a large share of the population (approximately 40%) and the well-being of rural residents is critical to the growth and prosperity of the country. Poverty is the highest in rural areas and the highest among agricultural households and as such, there is a clear need for rural policies to support economic diversification and employment in order to help raise rural dwellers’ quality of life. Further, Poland has a polycentric settlement pattern with small and medium-sized cities dispersed throughout its territory. 9 0 3 1.0 10.1787/saeo-2011-8-en 0decf8938801217615ff5e30deed3ebc These results suggest that ASEAN countries need to shift their production structures towards the manufacture of greener products for the region's rapidly expanding consumer markets. This could be achieved by greater use of market-based instruments and better regulation at national and regional levels. Because carbon emissions transcend national boundaries through international trade flows, observing trends at the regional level is critical. 13 0 7 1.0 10.18356/faf8a648-en 0ded6a9e9a138cbd161dc9f5adfb98d0 It seeks to add value to these capitals throughout the lifetime of every mining operation, with the intention of leaving each area holistically richer after mine closure. Each stage of the mining value chain, referred to as the resource-to-market business model, is thus designed to leave a cumulative net positive effect. It therefore promotes water resource management with this consideration built into its plans. 7 4 4 0.0 10.1787/9789264188617-en 0dee0317400e5b879093662245c1527d Given that much of the necessary conventional back-up capacity is available in OECD countries and will provide the required electricity in time of need, the compression effect and the resulting lower electricity prices seem to provide a welcome benefit for electricity consumers. This, however, will change rapidly the moment that new investments in dispatchable capacity will be necessary, either because existing capacity has reached the end of its operating lifetime or because new demand will have to be satisfied. The first is the creation of a feedback mechanism between variable renewables and market prices. 7 1 5 0.6666666666666666 10.18356/68bdcb6f-en 0df36c212632811e18295f9462c5053a This is because application of the regulations assumes the existence of an employment relationship and makes it possible to protect against certain risks, which: (a) the workers themselves face; (b) their dependants face before they begin working life; and (c) will enable workers to gain protection once they cease active life. In this case, the key labour regulations selected are those that establish pre-natal and post-natal rest periods, leave for feeding and caring for children due to illness, and the entitlement creche services or other alternatives with a similar purpose. For example, the coverage of health-related risks is not confined to the scope of work-related accidents or occupational diseases, as happens with other common or chronic and disabling diseases that may also prevent work activity either temporarily or permanently. In this case, the units of analysis are the health systems and the coverage they provide. 8 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/7e8a00c8-en 0df3c2a8a71e25b8b19f634714498e75 Other countries may not be able to learn much from these projects when using a public-private partnership (PPP) approach and commercial financing for implementing cross-border gas pipeline projects. It is also implementing LNG regasification and storage facilities that will have a capacity of 11 MTPA by 2018. The terminal provides open access and facilities to store and re-export. 7 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.18356/9897593b-en 0df453c1778596062a6da09d891cce1e While reported inclusion of the principles in some form is practically universal, only 21% of countries reported that the teaching hours dedicated to them were 'fully sufficient’ (Figure 14.1). All responding countries in the Arab States, which suffer some of the largest numbers of victims of conflict, included the topic in curricula, compared with between 36% and 74% of countries in other regions. Hence student-level data from the IEA International Civic and Citizenship Education Study (ICCS) offer an important complementary perspective. Questions in the 2016 ICCS provided interesting insights into students' values and attitudes, especially relating to thematic indicator 4.7.4 - 'Percentage of students by age group (or education level) showing adequate understanding of issues relating to global citizenship and sustainability' (Data focus 14.1). 4 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/eco/surveys-chn-2013-5-en 0df776a0d9f71e7a16bfc3a735464731 In contrast, a flat rate applies to air pollution emissions. Levy rates vaiy across the country with a base rate set by the central government supplemented by an additional levy determined by local governments. In determining total levy liabilities the concept of “pollution equivalents” for a variety of different air and water pollutants is applied (McElwee, 2011). 6 1 3 0.5 10.1787/09e92b30-en 0dfffdc285002df74fb712fdebb927ef They have developed limited networks of care providers only for specific expenditures that have a low statutory reimbursement rate, notably optical care, dentures and hearing aids (HCAAM, 2013). Indeed, they cannot contract with GPs (Pierron, 2016). As recommended by the OECD (OECD, 2000; Imai et al., 3 0 4 1.0 10.18356/208cb99e-en 0e0417524874276c333f6c90f4bbd09c Usually for monetary poverty, household income or consumption is assessed. But in this case sex disaggregation, for example, cannot be meaningfully performed. In multidimensional measures, the unit of identification is normally the individual or the household. When the unit of identification is the individual, it is possible to meaningfully decompose by gender, age, occupation, and other characteristics. 1 1 4 0.6 10.1787/9789264176713-en 0e05210ed96226eeceba02a76980c503 "In order to do so, it is essential that they are exposed to texts, pictures, books, etc., For example, structured play that is integrated into children’s everyday interests can more easily introduce the fundamentals of written language (Mellgren and Gustafsson, 2011). Even the youngest children use abstract and numerical ideas (amounts, shapes, sizes) in everyday “play” (Bjorklund, 2008); and staff can use children’s existing knowledge and curiosity to develop mathematical concepts, methods and language (Amit and Ginsburg, 2008). In everyday activities, numeracy should focus on “big ideas"" to support mathematical competence, namely numbers and operations; shapes and space; measurement and patterns (Amit and Ginsburg, 2008; NIEER, 2009). Longitudinal studies on early numeracy show that a child’s understanding of numbers and numeric relationships can predict later acquisition of arithmetical skills and mathematical competence (Aunio and Niemivirta, 2010; Aunola et al., They can tap into a child’s creativity and motivate curiosity, exploration, sharing and problem solving (UNESCO, 2010)." 4 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/4b11e8ec-en 0e05aca2632edb69cc67d898b212e195 The World Bank itself began providing more support for the social sectors—health and education—but pushed for a greater role for the private sector in the provision of services. Representative ofthe institutional politics ofthe time, the UNCTC, which had managed to survive and continue to play a key role in forcing transparency on TNCs during the 1980s, was dismantled ini992 and folded into the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). It began seeing its importance superseded by the World Trade Organization (WTO), which came into existence in 1995 following the Uruguay Round of trade negotiations (1986-1994) culminating in the Marrakesh Agreement of 1994.The WTO replaced the old General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), became the principal multilateral site for trade regulation among participating countries and the negotiation of trade agreements and instituted an enforceable dispute resolution process. 5 7 2 0.5555555555555556 10.18356/ac21c613-en 0e084e2193a969a0e018781b8bc3a969 In particular, the recent changes in the permit issuing system have created considerable confusion among regulated entities and regulators alike. Currently, water resource management legislation contains numerous contradictory provisions, a fact which adversely impacts the status and quality of the water bodies. The 1996 Law on Environmental Protection provides for the establishment of environmental quality (including water quality) norms. It considered groundwater as part of mineral resources, regulated all aspects of groundwater use, and contained certain provisions on groundwater protection. 6 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264281707-7-en 0e0a4bfb1904669bd3ca80feb9549a62 Examples of RP techniques are the hedonic regression technique and the travel cost method. The former can be used to estimate the value of clean water by examining how property prices depend on proximity to clean water (everything else equal), whereas the travel cost method mainly has been used to estimate recreation values, such as access to kayaking, fishing, etc. Examples of the SP techniques are contingent valuation and discrete choice experiments: based on hypothetical scenarios they are able to elicit individual WTP for a large range of goods and services like access to safe water, better tasting water, secure access to water, and recreational values. 6 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264282261-9-en 0e0a6668a9aebe1955a65c68fcdf0743 The new body will be the voice of the industry at the national level and promote a viable and sustainable seafood industry' w'ith representation from the wild-catch, aquaculture and post-harvest sectors. World's total values of production for catch and aquaculture were sourced from the FAO Yearbook, Fishery and Aquaculture Statistics, 2015. Both numbers have been corrected adding the value of seaweed production; aquaculture has also been adjusted to account for the value of Chinese production reported to the OECD. 14 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.18356/3dd278d2-en 0e0abbf7d56973b3369880cf465f4cea Agricultural production for processed and formally marketed food is highly concentrated. A secure institutional framework is critical to keep transaction costs low, lower barriers to entry, and provide certainty on the ties between farmers and agri-businesses (Sautier et al., Housing is a major source of wealth creation and savings, with investments accounting for 6 per cent of GDP, and for each house built, five jobs can be created (World Bank, 2015). 11 5 2 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264123564-7-en 0e0afa8e32a09903a7ed0dff14c06663 Community involvement in ECEC is important not only for providing expanded services and referrals where necessary, but also as a space for partnership and the participation of parents. Several formal and informal mechanisms are used to foster full participatory and managerial engagement. Some of the challenges to active engagement of parents include cultural, attitudinal and linguistic barriers. 4 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/agr/outlook-2014-5-en 0e0d12409135269f6332f7534f035710 Higher investment should also stimulate growth as new government infrastructure programmes and the Land Acquisition Law reduce business uncertainty. Boosting growth and making it more inclusive will require addressing structural bottlenecks, in particular gaps in energy, transport and water infrastructure, overly stringent labour regulations and the shortage of skills. Tax reforms should raise more revenue, being less distortive for growth and redistributing more from the rich to the poor. 2 5 2 0.42857142857142855 10.18356/ea3022e2-en 0e0e79622d06017b3dd9f76aa4e132e4 They went on to assert that social exclusion is the result of the interplay of structural factors that have created and maintained a system of stratification that has given rise to neighbourhoods populated by minorities that are disadvantaged in multiple ways, including poverty, unemployment and broken families. The social, political and economic forces that help to create these structural factors include a legacy of slavery and discrimination, discriminatory practices, residential segregation, globalization and deindustrialization. If these or other forces had placed the Caucasian population at the same type of disadvantage, it would exhibit similar cultural adaptations. 8 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.14217/9781848599406-9-en 0e10c2f1c1295f47c17b09a0ce5c3a49 This requires programmes that target behavioural and equipment specification modifications. Interruptible service riders, time-of-use rates and energy efficiency education are some of the tools that may be considered. There is a real need to educate the population about the individual’s role in sustainable development, renewable energy and energy efficiency. 7 0 4 1.0 10.18356/e569c117-en 0e14764460e66ffb9df2994e4126b1ce So far, traditional definitions of social protection do not make specific reference to children. An exception is the Asian Development Bank, whose definition includes child-protection among the policy responses to address poverty and vulnerability in the region (Kamerman and Gabel, 2006). Social protection has, in fact, a cross-sectoral nature and its activities may complement core elements of child protection, especially the preventive and protective functions (i.e. by addressing the underlying causes of violence or exploitation), therefore mutually reinforcing each other (Blank et al., 1 0 6 1.0 10.1787/5jlwjg92n48x-en 0e15ec4c050db8bbebf6d9a06b8ff3ef Where formal mechanisms for national co-ordination are often not yet established, the majority of donors and supporters working in country cite a lack of national co-ordination between the Environment, Finance and Planning Ministries. In such cases, a lack of clarity exists regarding who has the role to oversee climate change funding (UNDP, 2010). Interviewees revealed a range of barriers for why this may be the case, such as the time taken between the formulation, agreement and implementation of roles, and the formulation of plans in isolation and prior to the establishment of a coordination mechanism leading to a fragmentation of domestic climate action. 13 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5jzb44nmnbd2-en 0e17b550f382d8f170ca8f6e02371239 Recognising that different climate interventions will involve a range of objectives, the selected indicators are categorised as being oriented towards mobilisation of resources, climate-specific results, and broader development benefits.14 The section then concludes by highlighting some key issues, their implications, and emerging options and tools for assessing the results of climate interventions. For example, the effectiveness of an intervention designed to improve the climate-resilience of infrastructure so that it can withstand a 1-in-100-year event may only be able to be determined after a significant time lag. There may also be a significant time lag between interventions such as capacity building, training, education, and the their effects. 13 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264083608-6-en 0e196994b4a1bceda3adc668fc7413db Pires, J.S. (2007), “Consumer Tariffs in Practice: The Portuguese Experience”, presentation made at the OECD Expert Meeting on Water Pricing and Financing, 14-15 November, available at, Herrington, P. (2008), “Portuguese Proposals for Future Household Water Tariffs”, report prepared for the 2007-08 OECD Horizontal Water Programme. The share of disposable income households spend on water supply and sanitation bills ranges from 0.2% (in Korea) to above 1% (in Central European countries: the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland). For these groups, average representative bills would represent a significant share of disposable income in Mexico and in some Eastern European countries (Hungary, Poland, and to a lesser extent, the Czech Republic). 6 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264226470-7-en 0e1b19e6d0e768145ad6283cbd269ac3 Interest is charged at a rate of 5%, with a grace period of between 3-12 months depending on the nature of the project and the extent of self-financing. The BTS also operates through independent micro-finance organisations that hand out credits of up to TND 5 000 and are expected to achieve an 80% recovery rate. Currently, 280 such organisations exist. For these loans, applicants need to put down a guarantee of 10% of the required capital from their own sources. 8 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5kmh3nj5rzs4-en 0e1b26f75cd98f70a43b304c1018fafb "In this respect, a ""special enabling dispensation"" is considered for stand-alone systems of up to 1 MW which use locally available resources and are based on proven cost-effective technologies. Moreover, the projects should demonstrate that measures will be taken to minimise technical and commercial losses. These AMCs guarantee efficient after-sales support. They will be further detailed below. Either electricity is not billed for or when it is, it is not paid." 7 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/aid/glance-2017-8-en 0e1fe34291931b90ffea1afbbffb409d The importance of infrastructure and connectivity is recognized by Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 9, on industry, innovation and infrastructure. The chapter looks at fixed- and mobile- broadband prices, and the affordability of services in developed and developing regions. In addition to addressing supply-side barriers, it examines demand-side barriers outside the ICT ecosystem, including broader socio-economic inequalities, digital and analogue skills, and the availability of relevant local content. The steep rise in mobile-cellular subscriptions worldwide, which began early in this century, is tailing off as the global penetration rate approaches 100 subscriptions per 100 inhabitants. At the same time, there has been a gradual decline in the penetration rate for fixed-telephone subscriptions, owing to the tendency for new users to prefer mobile over fixed lines. 9 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264245891-7-en 0e213414093ba9e38187126300abd145 According to a study by UNICEF, on average, 85% of a school budget is spent on wages, 8% on non-instruction related expenses (e.g. school meals, medicines, other goods and services, communication, transport, rent, business travel, judicial decisions), 5% on communal expenses, and 1% on students at risk (UNICEF, 2012). Payroll expenses account for 79% of urban school budgets and 93% of rural ones (UNICEF, 2012). On average, 99.6% of their budget is dedicated to salaries (Sange-SFK, 2012). However, the report notes that departures from these average values are very common and can be considerable. 4 0 3 1.0 10.1787/empl/outlook-2013-6-en 0e232b33dfc465387e529bf73b601b8d Consider then a reform in which these notification requirements are lifted and a simple notification to the worker is left for individual dismissal, while procedures remain unchanged for collective dismissals. There is no doubt that this would represent a relaxation of employment protection against individual dismissals, albeit perhaps very weak. It would also increase the number of additional restrictions on collective dismissals (with respect to individual dismissals). The overall stringency of employment protection for regular workers should however go down (or at best remain unchanged). 10 4 5 0.1111111111111111 10.18356/becaa395-en 0e2378ec16936b57cb159dea740b9514 This is particularly true for poor smallholders with limited or no access to credit and insurance. Greater exposure to risk, in the absence of well-functioning insurance markets, can lead to greater emphasis on low-risk/low-return subsistence crops, a lower likelihood of applying purchased inputs such as fertilizer and adopting new technologies, and reduced levels of investment (Antle and Crissman, 1990; Dercon and Christiaensen, 2011; Fafchamps, 1992; Feder, Just and Zilberman, 1985; Heltberg and Tarp, 2002; Kassie et al., See Box 7 for an explanation of RCPs and SSPs. Future food security trends will also be influenced by overall socio-economic conditions, which, in turn, have implications for the vulnerability of countries and populations around the world. 13 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5ce14fb2-en 0e23bacc3f2bacdd35c21161b01327e2 The analysis of social networks can contribute to the concrete implementation of these policies, by precisely identifying which actors are best able to disseminate new practices within their network. In commerce, women form a group whose social capital must be promoted. The example of the rice sector shows that women's education, work experience and income levels are significantly lower than men. The analysis also shows that the centrality of women within networks is lower than that of men regardless of the measure adopted, which is explained by their relegation to low-paying segments of the value chain. 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264246744-5-en 0e2407505747762731403f942427e145 "Table 3.1 and Box 3.3 present examples of existing water restriction rules, depending on the initial water allocation system already in place for ""normal"" circumstances. The two mechanisms can be put in place together. Typically, priority rules generally concern different water users and uses, such as agriculture, industry, and tourism, while a proportional reduction of rights are applied within the agricultural or irrigation sector. Another common mechanism to manage temporary water shortages is to forbid irrigation for a certain time period, i.e. a time quota, which can be considered an imperfect proxy for a reduction of water rights based on quantities. Such administrative pricing formulas are seldom used in practice, for different reasons: difficulty of practical implementation, unintended redistributive effects; uncertainty in the outcome in terms of reduction of water demand due to unknown price elasticity of water demand, etc. Such block-rate tariffs, when based on individual water consumptions, cannot be considered as restriction mechanisms stricto sensu, since they are not based on aggregate water supply." 6 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264179370-3-en 0e2454a5e96b8b023ab011a58b95cf6c Led by UN Women and the UN Statistical Division, EDGE is a dynamic partnership of UN member countries, the World Bank, OECD and other stakeholders. It aims to improve the availability and use of statistics that capture gender gaps in economic activity. It capitalises on the May 2011 OECD Ministerial Council Meeting on development which called on international organisations to agree on a harmonised set of gender equality indicators in order to measure progress in education, employment and entrepreneurship for presentation at the Busan HLF-4. 5 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.18356/223b7be0-en 0e248a68408137dc95f975da1db63cdd In approaching this as an applied policy research project, we were well aware of the potential problems inherent in focusing simultaneously on women, youth and children: we were not implying an exact similarity between children, youth and adults, but we focused on individual relationships to power. Yet at the same time we recognized that further research would need to be undertaken on male victimization in war, especially through sexual violence, a fairly new field of research that is beyond the scope of these two books. While progress has been made in recognizing these challenges and needs through global, UN-initiated, policy guidance, existing momentum can be maintained and further progress achieved if local and traditional social, economic and political cultures along with external assistance activities become more sensitive and attentive to the post-conflict needs and contributions of women. 5 1 3 0.5 10.18356/f47faf05-en 0e27986493b5d494c8ba69c7a7cc6853 Biological resources include timber and aquatic resources and a range of other animal and plant resources (such as livestock, orchards, crops and wild animals), fungi and bacteria.50 Biological resources form an important part of biodiversity and ecosystems. If harvesting and other losses exceed natural or managed regeneration or replenishment, biological resources become depleted. Biological resources can be natural (non-cultivated) or cultivated. Cultivated biological resources cover animal resources yielding repeat products and tree, crop and plant resources yielding repeat products whose natural growth and regeneration are under the direct control, responsibility and management of an institutional unit.52 They may impact the environment differently than natural ones. 6 3 0 1.0 10.18356/18db943d-en 0e28bf61d75b50d630be33ea63137baf Technical means of spreading alerts are available but have to be used in a more widespread manner. Short and frequent updates from warning authorities during emergencies are recommended. In 2007, in Aceh, Indonesia a local tsunami siren went off by mistake causing mass panic and injury as residents fled. Risk maps and contingency plans, for example, require continuous updating to match changes in population and land use patterns. 13 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264224636-7-en 0e2ad751e23eda3e8fda242957aab3e1 The National Council for Women in Egypt has created good governance units that work as a network to produce a road map and strategy for a good governance development framework that incorporates gender equality as well as other good practices. The Palestinian Authority, with significant support from donor agencies, has successfully crafted a series of strategic plans that are evaluated on a two-year basis and open to public consultation with a large selection of actions in key sectors and organisations, including civil society. While suffering from budget restrictions, the Palestinian Ministry of Women’s Affairs has been able to conduct, in collaboration with partners, a series of gender audits and advance mainstreaming of gender equality initiatives in both the public and private sectors. 5 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/712425ac-en 0e2bcff07262ece5f7754d958749e244 Some of it is formal and some undocumented, but almost all is low-paid - for example, as factory hands, shop assistants, street vendors and domestic workers. This effect is often referred to as the 'urban advantage'. Gaps between rich and poor in towns and cities can sometimes equal or exceed those found in rural areas. Tajikistan and Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of), the education gap between the richest 20 per cent and the poorest 20 per cent is greater in urban than in rural areas. 11 1 3 0.5 10.14217/9781848599642-8-en 0e2c5a41a9987a1d8cd7633ef292ce46 This literature, which became fashionable during the 1990s, and its use of a heuristic approach to analysis were motivated by the need to understand better how firms and workers located in developing countries were engaging with more recent processes of globalisation. For example, in both regions the fisheries value chain has received far less attention to date than other sectors in the GVC literature, such as textiles and clothing and high-value agriculture, even though the promotion of these value chains has been spurred by the creation of tariff rents conveyed by the international trading system. As a result, across the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries, these sectors are important drivers of the expansion of labour-intensive formal employment opportunities. 14 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264210745-6-en 0e312c83304d43f06779d5b04f2fa5fd Competing leadership priorities may present a problem at the implementation level. The lack of available resources - where “gender mainstreaming is currently required to do ‘more with less”’ (Sweetman, 2012, p. 396) - may significantly inhibit the implementation and maintenance of gender mainstreaming efforts. In many cases, the lack of resources for mainstreaming efforts can be a result of insufficient focus on gender equality within oiganisalions. This challenge has been cited by about 30% of countries responding to the questionnaire. 5 1 4 0.6 10.1787/5km4m2t59cmr-en 0e33314e05aa997cd838e9eb4ea94453 These factors are also highly connected to the student’s background, be it past experiences in education (e.g. participation in pre-primary education) or family related factors (e.g. living with one or two parents, SES, parental engagement), hi addition school structure and size as well as certain types of school practices (e.g. a highly bureaucratic and impersonal environment) influence the process of disengagement. In combination w'ith a set of systemic factors (e.g. the use of year repetition or the lack of apprenticeship places), all the above mentioned factors have an impact on the dropout rate as well as an impact on each other. This requires a close cooperation between educational authorities and many other parts of government such as social and labour services, health services and justice system in some countries. 4 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264190658-11-en 0e346e91e9ece4838755f2c87ea5ed99 A panel of researchers and school leadership experts identified the research base for updating the ISLLC 1996. The development of the standards was organised by a steering committee in several phases. All NPBEA member organisations identified a strategy to ensure membership input into the revision process. 4 3 6 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/2c8682bc-en 0e35e7a388d06a7734851e953d1005a0 As pointed out by Nelson (1993 and 1996), it advocates a movement in the central focus of economic analysis away from trade and choice to provisioning, i.e., to the goods and processes necessary for human survival. This is what is done by Picchio (2001 and 2005), who is concerned to define the process of social reproduction of the population and situate it within the dynamic of the economic system. In the case of paid work, the indicator used to identify this condition is a set of commodities conventionally considered necessary for the reproduction of workers and of the working population as a “species”. A separation has arisen between the two in the capitalist system, and this has led to the creation of separate spheres, institutions, social organizations, norms and even cultures that distinguish paid work from unpaid reproductive work. 5 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264257108-4-en 0e3972f0d621f34ff11bc2061eec2e71 In light of such constraints as a limited supply of agricultural land and the declining potential for agriculture to employ a growing rural population, it has often been argued that farming and the agrarian economy alone will not be able to provide a way out of poverty for a significant proportion of the rural poor (IFAD, 2010; Brooks, Cervantes-Godoy and Jonasson, 2009). This represents the central tenet of the OECD’s “New Rural Paradigm” (2006), as outlined in Table 1.2. The New Rural Paradigm, endorsed in 2006 by OECD member countries, proposed a conceptual framework that positioned rural policy as an investment strategy to promote competitiveness in rural territories. This represented a radical change from the typical subsidy programmes of the past aimed at specific sectors. 2 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.18356/4665f6fb-en 0e429371a3ae5338233c1e6cfe9129a3 Planned City Extensions can prevent the leap-frogging over vast areas that generates wasteful and speculative areas within the city and results in prohibitive costs for urban services and infrastructure provision in distant places. When deployed next to existing neighbourhoods, these planned extensions offer urban dwellers the possibility to live, work, rest and play in close proximity to consolidated urban areas. This first lever of change contributes to more efficient and sustainable development patterns steering urban expansion towards areas that are more suited for positive urbanization. 11 1 3 0.5 10.18356/36aba0c4-en 0e43aa9a6c67eaf67c889c2b068ffbcf Some of this promise can be seen in the case of waste pickers, where efforts for greening work have gone beyond patchy skill development to address informality and marginalization. But in developing and emerging economies, an estimated 15 to 20 million waste pickers, many of them women and children, driven into this work by poverty, reclaim reusable and recyclable materials from what others have discarded, providing an essential environmental service in areas experiencing rapid urbanization with limited public services (ILO, 2012; Samson, 2009). The work is largely informal, the earnings low and unstable, and it is typically associated with strong social stigma and very poor, even hazardous working conditions (ILO, 2012). For example, 20-50 million tons of electronic waste, containing valuable metals, are discarded each year, with much of the discarded equipment exported to countries such as China and India for dismantling. 5 6 3 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/d19a5f58-en 0e46d54014877ef511f281c4cc652848 "In some countries these goods are (partially) provided by the state blurring the concept of the ""market price"" implicitly used in setting the monetary poverty line. It makes a big difference whether water, sanitation, health and education have to be paid by households ""at competitive market prices"" or at prevailing prices that may or may not be reduced by public subsidies. The application of Rowntree's definition may be relatively straightforward for ""food, shelter and clothing"" but much more difficult for ""other necessities"" such as water, sanitation, health and education for which markets may be missing or incomplete (see also Thorbecke, 2008; Bourguignon and Chakravarty, 2003; Tsui, 2002). Equivalence scales are widely - but not always - used and often disputed." 1 0 9 1.0 10.18356/5022b3a0-en 0e472cd403b06de8b84acc5f5072b5a1 This is especially true for girls. Similarly, a lack of productive assets, such as land, is another channel through which poverty' is transmitted from parents to children. In particular, die hunger trap contributes to maintaining poverty in later years for the victims, who are young and children. This causes poverty' and hunger to persist in adult life, as well. 1 1 7 0.75 10.18356/1aa484c1-en 0e4a990302879917626e372d7783bf88 The International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) has developed a rice variety that can survive under freshwater for two weeks.49 Such seed varieties can help famers adapt to climate change and its negative impacts, while also improving food security. Policies that address these challenges, such as improving information flows through agricultural extension services in developing countries, could help their agricultural sectors adapt to climate change. First, damage from climate-related disasters is often concentrated in the agricultural sector. 13 0 3 1.0 10.18356/e6252c36-en 0e4ac22bcdee2ec3254b9709251aeff0 Plastics intended for more durable applications may be manufactured with additive chemicals to improve the material properties. These include plasticisers to soften the product, colouring agents, UV-resistance and flame-retardation, an important property for applications in transportation and electronics. Some of these chemicals have harmful properties when released into the environment. Some microplastics are purposefully manufactured for industrial and domestic purposes (‘primary’ microplastics). 14 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264213944-7-en 0e4d4cc176b9416d6cf7cbf4bd3625b5 Another recent development in the MENA economies, as in other parts of the world, is the emergence of business accelerators. This model of business incubation focuses on intensive incubation of start-ups over three-to-six-month periods to accelerate the launch of their enterprises into the marketplace.12 Among survey respondents, this describes the Delta Shield for Investment, Silicon Oasis Founders, IN5, and Wiki Start Up incubators; however, there many other examples popping up across the region, including Oasis 500 in Jordan and Flat6Labs in Cairo and Jeddah. None of the regional accelerators focus specifically on women’s start-ups, but some of the teams may have female members. 5 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.18356/a2e9d414-en 0e4e673237baffa9ab16c05d94c87516 Increasing the demand for agricultural products through increased tourism may thus provide many additional income opportunities for poorer people, especially in rural areas. This is particularly likely among international tourists; while domestic and continental African tourists may be more interested in opportunities such as shopping tourism, international tourists more often travel to Africa for holiday purposes and so are likely more interested in experiencing new cultures, activities and environments (see chapter 4). As tourism brings its market directly into rural areas and communities, it offers opportunities to communities that are traditionally disconnected from the economic opportunities that cities create. 8 0 4 1.0 10.18356/36b318e6-en 0e5264dc3d0b791cacfbee505734bf73 Taking into account initial levels (i.e. relative change), Denmark almost tripled the share of children living in jobless households although starting from a low base (3.3% in 2008) while Cyprus and Portugal almost double it reaching 7.2 and 9.2% respectively in 2012. 5This indicator is the share of children under 18 in households where no one works and is different from the low work intensity measure that is one of the official EU social exclusion indicators. Indeed, Germany and Turkey were the only countries where both youth unemployment (15-24) and prime-age unemployment (25-54) decreased between 2008 and 2013 (Chzhen and Richardson, 2014). 1 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.6027/4594b3f8-en 0e53e42333587aff21821e8e14979fee The most commonly observed species are members of the small tooth whales, e.g. harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena), bottlenosed dolphin (Tursiops truncates) and white-beaked dolphin (Lagenorhynchus albirostris) (Bjorge, Skern-Mauritzen, & Rossman, 2013). Larger tooth whales in the region include the killer whale (Orcinus orca), which are commonly observed along the coast. Occasionally sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) are seen offshore. Tooth whales feed mainly on fish, but are also known to feed on seal, octupus and shark. 15 3 0 1.0 10.1787/9789264188617-en 0e53e4bb792af5e7f3a5cefdef598e33 This north-south transfer is already testing the capacity of existing grids to the limit and any expansion of wind capacity will require additional investments in internal transmission. In general, grid reinforcement and extensions benefits all the players of the electricity market, although at different levels. When adding significant amounts of new capacity, it is therefore difficult to allocate those costs among different market participants. In most studies, however, the reinforcement costs have been determined as the additional investments in the transmission grid after the integration of a given amount of renewable energy, in comparison with those required for an “equivalent” system without renewables. 7 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264188617-en 0e5578fc64d3253ddcd16bb3367f1580 As such, nuclear power plants are important contributors to grid restoration in the event of blackouts. In particular, NPPs require more time to start up and cannot vary the cycle length much. Also, in many OECD countries flexible operation of NPPs is limited or not authorised by national safety authorities; NPPs can therefore offer only limited flexibility capabilities to the TSO. The inertia of wind turbines is quite low, while solar PV has no inertia. 7 0 7 1.0 10.1787/5k9crzjbpkkc-en 0e56d5be45f4ed2de5e26714b529b66d "For example, a regular criticism of energy efficiency improvements relates to the much misused ""rebound effect"", in which energy efficiency does not deliver the full expected savings. Thorough evaluation of the multiple benefits of energy efficiency beyond energy savings might allow part of the rebound effect to be appreciated as a positive result for other social and economic sectors. Better evaluation of wider socioeconomic outcomes of energy efficiency policy may equally help policy makers design policy to mitigate the less wanted outcomes." 7 0 3 1.0 10.18356/36b318e6-en 0e580d04e08ae68a7173b5b7dae21475 The top performers are Slovakia, Poland and Norway, all recording relative changes above 10%. Figure 9 below shows the number of years lost in terms of median income for households with children due to the crisis. It shows that in 2012 the median income for households with children in Greece was back to the 1997 level, equal to a 14-year loss. 1 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264281318-16-en 0e594d25b324cfe154aba03e5a265294 In other countries, like Australia, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Iceland, the Netherlands, Norway and Switzerland, they enter paid work earlier, with a dual work/education approach (e.g., apprenticeship) playing a crucial role in bridging educational and professional aspects (Figure 13.A 1.1 in Annex 13.A1). The way women and men enter the labour market differs and impacts their future career evolution: women are much more likely to begin their careers in temporary jobs in Australia, Finland, Sweden, the Netherlands and Luxembourg (Figure 13.1). For Japan, data provided by R. Kambayashi based on the Japanese Labour Force Survey. 5 1 5 0.6666666666666666 10.1787/9789264279421-6-en 0e5b161e39f7ac18a0ae64bb91bb682b Among all young people, relatively low levels (around 50%) report high life satisfaction, and that declines as students advance in age and move to higher grades through their school life. This is as might be expected, but life satisfaction also seems to be declining over time. There are also particular problems of psychological well-being for girls. 4 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264281486-7-en 0e5dc439cced332a6ad2f7b524b723f7 Maintenance costs of private schools are covered from tuition fees paid by families. Primary schooling is brief, lasting 4 years rather than 6 years as is typical in OECD member countries (OECD, 2016b). The school year is short as well, lasting 160 days and 558 hours, as compared to 185 days of instruction with 799 hours of instruction, yielding a primary education of 2 234 hours, significantly fewer than in most OECD member countries. As in primary education, instructional hours per year are much lower than average (Table 3.5). 4 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264300002-4-en 0e5de26637d1a66f8bd81dc97c1447e1 Achieving greater equity in education is not only a social-justice imperative, it is also a way to use resources more efficiently, and to increase the supply of knowledge and skills that fuel economic growth and promote social cohesion. So combining PISA and Hanushek's work was a good way to examine the economic impact of improved education. If every student can demonstrate that he or she has basic skills, direct and major longterm benefits to the economy accrue. 4 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/5k4c0vtwpttj-en 0e5ef194d45e806db1041578f2462742 The underlying causes of the recent changes in inequality remain subject to debate. Globalisation and technological change are the leading contenders (OECD, 2011a). Structural reforms also affect inequality but their impact depends on the type of reform (Fournier and Koske, 2012). Social transfers and taxes have redistributed income from the upper deciles to the bottom ones, but their equalising role has become less pronounced (Figure 4). 8 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5k483jn5j1lv-en 0e6321e03547b0556aeab9c47de1e645 Where in the nineties sustainability reporting was mainly the responsibility of the sustainability department or the public affairs department it is now increasingly the responsibility of the CEO.14 1516 Gradually the CFO also becomes involved. In an Ernst & Young survey (2012), 65% of respondents stated their CFO has become involved in sustainability, mainly from the viewpoint of cost reductions (74%) and managing risks (61%). The role in external reporting, however, still needs to be expanded17. 12 3 2 0.2 10.1787/9789264124523-6-en 0e68d722385cbf183b2c9c8908d61c25 In response, many countries have started sustainable initiatives to improve the access to mental health care in general, as well as to specialist care and psychotherapy, for example Australia and the United Kingdom. But this is not the full story. Not only are many people with a mental disorder not seeking treatment or not able to access mental health services, but among those who do, a very high proportion receive inadequate treatment.6 Kessler et al. ( 3 0 3 1.0 10.18356/74f4872a-en 0e69bf7562114fa01be728699117f359 Latin America and the Caribbean: Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Jamaica, Nicaragua, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago, and Costa Rica. The infrastructure plans are then assessed with respect to their vision of the country’s infrastructure into the next 20-30 years, whether the plans are comprehensive or focused, which sectors are covered, and if the links to other policy objectives such as industrialization and economic diversification are clearly stated. Other aspects covered include these questions: Is there a clearly designated centralized decision-making unit or agency? 9 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/ff76cb89-en 0e6beb562967b9cb5464eed927a0ced7 The prevailing assumption in the public choice model that has served to underw rite so much of the policy in the past three decades is that the State is autonomous and free from corruptive private interests. From a historical perspective, it is clear that the State has never been a neutral instrument for good only, but has been the subject of power struggles. It is only out of such struggles that it has eventually emerged in the shape that we now use as the model of good governance. The destiny of the State has been determined by local stakeholders with an interest in improving governance. 1 7 0 1.0 11.1002/pub/807e55db-ec047466-en 0e70884074d0aaff7bcc68c77c674a8b According to the battery specification, the voltage is 3.3 V and capacity is 0.8 Ah, which implies Cphone = 2.96 [12]. The final parameter is calculated as F = 0.375, derived from the average monthly charging expenses of $2.25 and the average price per charge of $0.20 [3]. Consequently, Ephone = 24.5. 7 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264179011-4-en 0e758921c11c67ffd3cd2b8bd98e0322 The Ministry of Agriculture would benefit from developing capabilities to enhance ex ante assessment of laws and government regulations which it initiates. It would also benefit from a systematic assessment of whether existing laws and regulations within its jurisdiction support its policy goals. Such action may necessitate support by other central government authorities with expertise in policy areas such as investment, competition, environment, co-operatives and small and medium enterprises. 2 2 2 0.0 10.1787/871f6812-en 0e7708f53a44dc4090f6ac108c9e61f0 Traffic inside the LEZ is reduced under this scenario, and adequate transit services outside of the LEZ appear to be crucial in reducing the congestion that occurs at the transfer points between personal cars and shared mobility and public transport. In Helsinki, the LEZ significantly reduces congestion to a degree that is comparable to the scenario of full adoption of shared mobility over the whole study area. Adequate integration with the existing public transport system also mitigates local congestion effects. In Auckland and Helsinki, the electrification of the vehicle fleet is associated with a significant reduction in costs, whereas in Dublin this reduction is limited. 11 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/b656887e-en 0e78fbd4cba1fa39365b28f5e5a9e456 "Therefore, the at-risk-of-poverty rate on NUTS 1 (""Lander"") and NUTS 2 levels (plus additional regional breakdowns) is not based on SILC data, but rather on information produced by the ""Mikrozensus (labour force survey)""—an annual household survey that samples 1.0% of the total population. The at-risk-of-poverty rate only reflects current income; situational needs, wealth status, and actual housing costs are not considered. In Germany, the most claimed social assistance for this group is the so-called unemployment benefit II (based on Book II of the Social Code, known as the ""Hartz IV"" Act)." 1 0 4 1.0 10.1787/5js3926d54d7-en 0e798adf728a79ce23a5e89078b0f3c9 "Changes in women's position are measured by three indicators: women's decision-making capacity; girls' education; and the practice of dowry. Findings show that male out-migration not only raise the standard of living of their left-behind kin through the injection of remittances, but also ""modify their social behaviour through the diffusion of secular ideas into the traditional values of the sending communities."" Moreover, Hadi (2001) also shows that households with female migrant members are more concerned with the education of daughters. In Uttar Pradesh Paris et al. (" 5 0 9 1.0 10.1787/5jzb6w1rt99p-en 0e7b350b9da498b92f9bb73a3218bfd8 If the distribution of income had remained unchanged, the same observed decline in poverty would have required average incomes to rise by 89%, instead of the 32% observed between 2001 and 2011 (IPEA, 2012). Between 2002 and 2012 the middle class increased by 14% of the population. This increase is the net result of 21% of the population joining the middle class, and 7% leaving it - the vast majority of which upward. 10 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/faf8a648-en 0e7cb144b98a098380d703709c55ce8f It is a highly replicable model of agro-led industrialization, home grown in Africa. Greening is evident through the industry's search for greater water, energy and transport efficiencies and its use of sustainable technologies in private-led enterprise development. It is a useful example of how local economic growth can be achieved through a green approach to agrifood industrialization which needs to be central to African economic growth, and feeding of urban populations. 7 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/99fd12bb-en 0e7d27e73754538a2a42976018eadca2 Shared public bicycles, bicycle lanes and parking facilities are available in some areas of Bangkok, including at selected Bangkok Mass Transit System (BTS) stations. It is now available at 12 stations. There is a 23.5-km, dedicated cycling track around the airport perimeter as well as a l.6-km inner track and a cycling park called Sky Lane, which is located in the north-east corner of Bangkoks Suvarnabhumi Airport. 11 1 5 0.6666666666666666 10.18356/9f796186-en 0e822f75a67a049253d6f37d471cd21e The Council is under the direct leadership of Japan’s Prime Minister (ESCAR 2016b). Strong political support for innovation can ensure access to and use of technologies. In the region, there is room for countries to improve their ICT infrastructure, such as availability, access and affordability of broadband, Wi-Fi and mobile data-intensive services. 8 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264281653-4-en 0e824d791a300518fde2ba6369a65722 Section 3 focuses on efficiency and sustainability, again making recommendations for strengthening these dimensions of performance. Since the end of the civil war in 1948, the military was abolished and stronger focus was given to investment in education, population health, and culture. At the same time, sustained and ambitious policies around environmental protection and biodiversity have led to major gains in conservation: Costa Rica has managed to substantially reverse deforestation, the only tropical country in the world to have done so. 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264235151-6-en 0e84284ce7fbbd30305973dbae69dd81 For land in paddy production, it is a fixed change per ha that varies by region and method of irrigation (motor, gravity or combination). Funding from central and local government to IDMCs has been increased to offset the fall in ISF revenue, which previously covered about half their costs (Baker et al., While the exemption applied to the ISF, farmers are still responsible for supporting the management of the tertiary and field canals under the responsibility of WUG through the provision of labour, in-kind contributions and finance. 2 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5km7rq0pq00q-en 0e8858f4c5987c909ad0db3b4b1c3632 The initiative is financed by the Faculty of Management and Economics, the Pomerania Development Agency Co. and local authorities. Academic staff from the Faculty of Management and Economics, Polish and international entrepreneurs. It is named after Professor Karol Adamiecki, a pioneer in organisation and management studies. 8 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264298705-6-en 0e8878e173a0c553bb6b91461258d8cb The UFCD are independent units that can be used in various ways to obtain different qualifications. Every skill unit or UFCD earns a specified number of credits, allowing users to capitalise on prior skills acquisition as they pursue new' qualifications. When a training activity is completed, a certificate is issued by SIGO that is automatically registered in the user’s Qualifica Passport. 4 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264210745-6-en 0e89dc6379af32765d2added55a1263f Of the responding countries, 84% (16 countries) reported having requirements for ex ante GIAs on primary legislation, compared to 37% (7 countries) for ex post. In general, however, it seems GIAs are not yet routine elements of policy making; the majority of responding countries reserve GIAs for primary and secondary legislation rather than for policies and programmes (see Figure 4.14). Box 4.17 contains the EU criteria for GIA, which take into account both the differences between men and w'omen, as well as the need for restorative action to ensure that any previous gender-based inequalities are addressed, while Box 4.18 provides information on gender impact reports in Sweden and Ireland. 5 1 3 0.5 10.18356/81e6e689-en 0e8b0132324e13bca683007808820265 However, if most people are potentially entrepreneurial risk-takers, when and where property rights are well guaranteed, then they will not be constrained by lack of access to credit; one would then expect to find a lack of people willing to work, as most people would want to start their own businesses. In reality, close to 75 per cent of the working-age population in developed countries are employees, not employers (entrepreneurs). The creation of stable and decent jobs through appropriate policies and institutional support is far more likely to contribute to poverty reduction, as recognized by the Millennium Development Goals. The welfare reform consensus of the mid-1980s converged on the notion that mandated work and job training could best alleviate poverty. Neoliberals are keen on making welfare contingent on work, and want to discipline welfare clients, while liberal welfare reformers want to deliver more training, health care and childcare to the underprivileged. However, almost everyone seems to think that the best way to proceed is with programmes targeted at the poor. 1 0 3 1.0 10.18356/1d5eda46-en 0e8e551ebcffce6677f0331fcff7499a Mosaic restoration may be easier to undertake as it allows a greater range of land uses, whilst restoring areas to closed-canopy forest is likely to remove more C02 per unit of area. Depending on ecosystem type, and whether the result is a natural forest or a plantation, areas converted to forest are estimated to remove between about 1 and 35 tCO; per ha per year in above- and below-ground biomass (from default data in IPCC (2006)7). The IPCC states with high confidence that increased atmospheric CO; will lead to increased terrestrial carbon uptake (Ciais et at, 2013), and a recent review suggests that the largest increase has been in woody biomass within savanna (included in some national forest definitions) and non-forest ecosystems (Liu et at, 2015). Carbon sink figures for existing forests are not included in the technical potential for reduced deforestation given here, as a result of the uncertainty surrounding how carbon sinks and their capacity to absorb C02 will change in the changing climate (Bellassen and Luyssaert, 2014). 15 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264187894-8-en 0e9253ef9104e41eb0d31046e7357fa3 The different levels of water tariffs across cities (Figure 3.13) suggest that there is scope for increasing tariffs and the derived revenue in many municipalities. But there is also scope for increasing revenue (as well as the incentive effects of water pricing) from enhancing billing and collection of water tariffs. In 2010, water operators collected 81% of the MXN 35.5 billion billed to their clients (CONAGUA, 2011c), down from a peak of 89% in 2008. This means that MXN 6.7 billion were not collected. In ten Mexican states, water operators collect 95% or above of the amounts billed (see Figure 3.15). 6 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264077287-en 0e933d78153d7b5821f73c038f414e90 A majority (72%) say they are willing to pay more for water, and a minority (43%) would do the same for petrol or for road use. When asked about what the government should do to make citizens behave more responsibly, the majority are in favour of stiffer penalties for environmental offences (85%) and better information (81%), while a minority want petrol to be more expensive (26%, while 60% are calling for a “green tax reform”) (Ministry of the Environment, 2007). Mass mailings are used to send flyers to all households and businesses. Environmental NGOs have long been active in this area, and their education efforts are now being augmented by the schools and other public and private organisations. There are currently more than 20 institutions involved in environmental education in various settings (school and extracurricular instruction, adult education, leisure activities and public information services). The communes, the Water and Forests Administration and local chambers of commerce have set up conservation centres, outreach institutions, self-guiding nature trails and information points (around 100 nationwide). 6 0 4 1.0 10.18356/efe249c4-en 0e937c07dbc6d4ddf47b56d7ae590f75 "This was twice the rate of population growth, but somewhat less than the rate of GDP growth, which increased by an estimated factor of 19, at constant prices, over the twentieth century (De Long, 1998). These statistics therefore present long-run evidence of ""relative decoupling"" of material extraction from GDP. However, such relative resource decoupling does not entail an absolute reduction in resources used. Indeed, according to this more recent data, since 2000 material extraction appears to have grown at a faster rate than GDP - suggesting the possibility of ""recoupling"" if this trend persists." 12 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264292659-4-en 0e973801e29d141c598d796e188df423 However, 31% of respondents also signalled that increasing dissemination in non-water related events could help reach other type of stakeholders. Lastly, 26% claimed that there is a need to increase the use of social media (Twitter, Facebook, Linkedln, etc.), It leads to reduced transaction costs and to economic savings, and has positive welfare effects on social and environmental w'ell-being and sustained economic growth. 6 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/cc6ff508-en 0e98c10914ead0854b64a31e4d44274d The biggest challenge is to make these benefits available to all people everywhere. Only 25 percent of people in Sub-Saharan Africa are users, and only 42 percent of people in Asia and the Pacific and the Arab States are. In contrast, two-thirds of the population is online in the Americas and in the Commonwealth of Independent States. Basic mobile or fixed broadband plans cost much more in developing countries than in developed countries and cost the most in the least developed countries (figure 2.7). But digital divides exist even in developed countries. 1 3 6 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/eag-2018-14-en 0e98feaf7c44ea10036985380df4dc8e In contrast, in Argentina and Ireland, where vocational programmes are not offered at all at this level, as well as in Brazil, Canada and India, more than 90% of upper secondary students are enrolled in general programmes (Table B1.3). These include apprenticeship programmes that involve concurrent school-based and work-based training, as well as programmes that involve alternating periods of attendance at educational institutions and participation in work-based training (see Definitions section at the end of this indicator). On average across the OECD, 11% of students in upper secondary education are enrolled in this type of programme, although they are offered in and data are available for only 21 OECD countries. In Hungary and Latvia, all vocational programmes are combined school- and work-based programmes. 4 1 4 0.6 10.1787/9789264303119-en 0e9981a87a030f1fdb8eef09035a2f77 This is not the place to go into an extended methodological discussion. Economics in general is more comfortable in analysing static optima than dynamic change. However, the economic approach allows at the very least to provide a conceptual benchmark and a rigorous starting point for discussions about policy instruments. 7 3 0 1.0 10.18356/e79e9221-en 0e99c2b1effe94a51027b338d4eb287e Inequalities in access to sexual and reproductive health services are enormous in the poorest countries and severely affect disadvantaged young people. They will be the frontline in the race for the innovation needed to transform the relationship between development and the environment. Yet, their contribution will only materialize if we invest now in adolescents’ health, education and their potential for innovation. 5 1 3 0.5 10.18356/feb1987a-en 0e9a72c0b4af705f68f34ad2a861c3cc No showstoppers exist that prevent the enablers from being put in place. However, in some areas gaps and/or barriers exist which are discussed in this part of the report. More and more LNG terminals are building re-export capabilities for truck filling or loading small ships such as LNG bunker supply vessels. This can prevent cost-effective solutions from being developed in a short timeframe. 7 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.14217/9781848591318-12-en 0e9f49a7a31560f1866fab448976d38e Large increases are also seen at the secondary, teacher education, TVET and higher education levels, with annual growth rates of 17 per cent, 26.2 per cent, 16.1 per cent and 20.1 per cent respectively (see Table 8.6). For example, UIS (2011) estimates that in order to achieve universal primary education (UPE) with good quality by 2015, Ethiopia would still need to increase its teaching workforce by a total recruitment of 231,900 between 2009 and 2015 (see Table 8.7). We used the CTRP, as recognised by the international community as a benchmark in managing the recruitment of migrant teachers, to identify key questions to consider. We first attempted to determine the migrant teacher flow, and then the extent to which Ethiopia’s teacher recruitment practices align with the standards proposed in the CTRP, before finally researching the government’s longer-term plans for teacher development in the country. 4 0 3 1.0 10.14217/9781848599406-9-en 0ea346e45240020fbdfa1478cbf91fd8 Trinidad and Tobago and Barbados are not members of the PetroCaribe agreement. It should be pointed out that the PetroCaribe deal is vital to Haiti, given that there are no alternative financing sources and little progress has been made in reducing structural vulnerabilities in the energy sector. Subsidy schemes such as the PetroCaribe deal help support the existing, high fossil-fuel share in the Caribbean energy sector and act as a barrier to renewables. Energy subsidies in the fossil fuel sector hold back the region’s long-term growth and competitiveness, both by diverting resources away from other spending priorities and by discouraging efficiency-enhancing investment in the energy sector and distorting incentives to innovate. 7 1 2 0.3333333333333333 11.1002/pub/81216b38-en 0ea5923027f9e747b752a654926aeb19 As it has been outlined above, these renewable energy sources play a critical role for sustainable energy access via mini-grid, micro-grid and off-grid solutions. In developed counties, renewable energy sources help to achieve ambitious targets set out as regards limiting the global temperature increase to 2°C. As they introduce new challenges into managing power grids, ICT is an essential enablerforthe share of renewable energy sources to grow worldwide. 7 0 9 1.0 11.1002/pub/80f4cf5d-be0a6beb-en 0ea70f9ec1070e8c4c4bdd5020cff9d5 All of this makes e-commerce a force for inclusion and builds on the SDG principle that no-one should be left behind. However, as these opportunities are not accessible to everyone, the benefits of digital trade continue to be unevenly distributed. While some developing countries have been making significant headway in recent years, others are struggling to access these benefits. Gaps exist also within countries, where those living in rural areas often lack the same access to ICT services and infrastructure that is available to those in urban centres. 8 3 2 0.2 10.18356/47f7e4f3-en 0ea8cfa3f21020c669ea28328609d420 In Pakistan, for example, Balochistan in the North-West Frontier Province (NWFP) and Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) are the predominantly tribal areas. Unfortunately, the majority of infant deaths were caused by preventable causes such as diarrhoea, respiratory infection, tetanus and others.3 Thus, improving living conditions and access to health services would result in rapid improvements for child health in these regions. This is indeed a shocking figure when the national maternal mortality rate has declined from 400 per 100,000 in 2004-2005 to 276 in 2006-2007. 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5js65xn790nv-en 0eb10ef5bf6830a34c5c7a1b27885f07 There has been extensive investigation of the importance of such import surges in recent years (Sharma, 2005). While definitions of what constitutes an import surge differ, it is clear that, as a statistical phenomenon, import surges are very frequent. However, while the incidence of surges may have risen, and surges appear to be a fairly common phenomenon in developing countries, these figures tell us nothing about the impact of the surges. 2 4 0 1.0 10.1787/9789264300002-6-en 0eb208c63a9276c1e354d8f45b92e996 Many of our best minds are already focused on building sustainable cities, developing green technologies, redesigning systems and rethinking individual lifestyles. For the young, the challenges encapsulated in the Sustainable Development Goals are not just urgent, but often also personal and inspiring. Strengthening cognitive, emotional and social resilience and adaptability is perhaps the most significant challenge for modern education, as it affects virtually every part of the education system. It starts with the understanding that resilience is not a personality trait, but a process that can be learned and developed. 4 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/5km5zrrvzr42-en 0eb2fa523f0809430d3f3ad5a01dbaf0 Within a few years, SIDBI has become the most important financial institution in the development of SMEs in India. The approach was technology focused. Initially this programme enabled the diagnosis of 25 SME clusters in the country and developed specific manuals/booklets which help to train energy auditors on the specificities of EE financing. 7 3 3 0.0 10.6027/9789289328913-7-en 0eb39505c77b136fcb144f9e225128cf The risk factors of diseases and injuries are often interlinked and, therefore, their prevention should be approached in a complex manner. Among other main behavioral health impact factors there is also featured limited physical activity. According to the forestry development plan State Forest Management Centre has to have a development plan (See chapter 2.4.1.) 15 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/faa55f92-en 0eb3be3d8259c807d02f025eff028f44 Demographic events are not likely to bear much weight because of their rarer occurrence in a short observation period. To our knowledge, ours is the first longitudinal analysis of the effects of household-level events on child poverty transitions in the enlarged EU during the economic crisis and the ensuing period of slow recovery and austerity. It is a four-year rotational panel with one-fourth of the sample replaced every year. 1 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264191808-6-en 0eb4e8e81d1ff8905ec2a816e9192c3c It analyses the administrative and institutional fragmentation affecting urban governance and explores institutionally based governance models, including those for metropolitan areas. Finally, it examines mechanisms to reinforce strategic planning and public service delivery capacity based on the country’s own context and international experience. The government may wish to consider promoting obligatory, city-wide multi-purpose (i.e. not limited to only one activity) joint authorities. 11 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/d6eab0c2-en 0ebacca6bc98256f8ac330c8d5094fe9 An absolute poverty line refers to a set standard of what households should be able to have in order to meet their basic (mostly food) needs. A relative poverty line is defined in relation to the overall distribution of income or consumption in a country. For example, the main poverty line used in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the European Union is a relative poverty measure based on “economic distance,” a level of income usually set at 50 or 60 per cent of the median household income. However, as a result of the HIV/AIDS pandemic, conflicts, shocks such as recurrent droughts and rapid urbanization, many older persons in sub-Saharan Africa have become primary sources of support for their families and/or caregivers for grandchildren because prime-age adults have fallen ill, died or migrated. 1 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264298781-en 0ebb23e7b7fc269cdea3f351d1e28c85 They can play an important role in keeping young people connected to the labour market or in education, thereby preventing the scarring effects arising from long-term unemployment, including those related to negative wage effects. The success of youth guarantees crucially depends upon the strength of underlying institutions (like the public employment service and the apprenticeship system) and coordination mechanisms between the various stakeholders. In countries where such institutions and mechanisms are not yet well-developed, the success of youth guarantees is likely to be limited. 4 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264289925-6-en 0ec00433a94212e5ef42353846016aa6 An individual small farm has a relatively small amount of surplus production that can be sold after household consumption is met, and it is usually hard to develop a relationship with a broker, distributor or processor that allows the residual production to be sold. The typical fallback option is to rely on direct marketing either through a farm stand or through a farmers' market. Commercial food distribution channels cannot easily deal with individual small farms due to: high fixed costs of contracting for a small volume of product, potential problems with the farmer meeting required quality standards and intermittent supply from a single farm. While a large-scale farm may be able to contract directly with a processor or distributor, small-scale farms require an intermediary who can aggregate small amounts from multiple producers to obtain a large enough amount of uniform quality to be attractive to the processor or distributor. 9 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.14217/9781848599406-9-en 0ec464b4bda5839ad37729fce8d6d8d3 Better-trained inspectors would help alleviate these concerns. The Caribbean Electric Utility Services Corporation (CARILEC) has developed a PPA template for consideration by its member utilities. The PPA is the single document that determines the viability of an RE project and requires a multidisciplinary approach. Regulators need to be empowered with the necessary skill sets to assess such contracts. 7 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/5jxrcmgpc6mn-en 0ec73f6a1a0276a95fe31b5c297643b4 Genuine state dependence was obtained using a basic DREP model estimated separately by subsample where applicable: Hansen and Lofstrom (2011) assume a random-effects logit (rather than probit) structure, Hansen and Lotstrom (2011) and Hansen, Lofstrom, Liu and Zhang (2014) assume mass-point rather than normal unobserved time-invariant heterogeneity. Hansen and Lofstrom (2011: Table 3): LINDA linked administrative record data set, SA receipt measured in terms of ‘benefit year’ (see above), receipt of SA based on benefit payments recorded for the sampled individual. There is moreover evidence of geographical variation in state dependence within countries (not shown). 1 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/864d004f-en 0ec9b8494536b4e32f97049f2a3feb7f This was motivated by the goal to reduce urban air pollution. But the measure was, at least partly, also designed to protect domestic vehicle producers from competitive pressures associated with the import of second-hand cars. Imported secondhand cars with an age of less than five years have to undergo a technical inspection before they can be officially registered.11 Some rejuvenation of the passenger car fleet has also been due to the introduction of locally produced small cars by foreign companies since the mid-1990s. 6 4 0 1.0 10.1787/9789264305250-4-en 0ecbab03c8bba1e54a4476e4c8d77f62 While a generous system of paid leave contributes to supporting high participation rates among the native-born women, many foreign-born women, who are less likely to have had stable employment prior to having a child, may be more likely to drop out of the labour market following childbirth. This allowance, which is granted when a child under three years of age is looked after at home, can render staying at home more financially advantageous than engaging in training or paid employment. The CHC allowance is not targeted at foreign-born women. 4 3 2 0.2 10.18356/441bff2d-en 0ece11189cf535df0c2f9fe19c71acda Compared to the older, rudimentary programmes introduced in the region in the past, CCTs are better funded by the State and assure a greater coverage of the vulnerable population (Cornia and Martorano, 2010). Indeed, flagship programmes such as Bolsa Familia in Brazil and Oportunidades in Mexico now cover about 25 per cent of the population and cost on average less than 0.5 per cent of GDP (ERD, 2010). Most of the existing CCTs in the region require households to fulfill conditions linked to both educational attainment by children and regular health check-ups (Fiszbein and Schady, 2009). A more recent development of CCTs in the region is represented by the Red Solidaria in El Salvador, which - as well as offering transfers in exchange for education and health facility attendance - also provides a supply-side component to strengthen access to basic services, including investments in electricity, water, sanitation and other infrastructures (Britto, 2007). 1 0 8 1.0 10.1787/9789264224636-13-en 0ed0e6d7a93716233fee814370e2c49b Moreover, efforts have been reported by the Bahraini officials to strengthen public awareness on women’s rights and risks of violence against women. The new Constitution adopted in 2014 affirms the state's commitment to protect women against all forms of violence. A law is in the process of being approved. 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/ca796bd2-en 0ed17dff21236337cfc4125de497f968 Overall, women are still less likely than men to be in the workforce across the OECD although their educational attainment tends to be higher. Equal access to quality and senior jobs and levels of pay remains uneven. Women still hold the majority of part-time jobs and work for lower pay. Important strides have been made in recent years towards enhancing pay transparency; such efforts are slowly bearing fruit. 5 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264083479-7-en 0ed1af15855838b666c692c83b90d4e3 In the case of ICTs many developments benefited from public expenditures. For example, DARPA, the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, funded Internet development and the main Internet standard, TCP/IP. Diffusion was stimulated by the National Science Foundation and by the use of the Internet by some major universities in the United States as a communication and information sharing platform. 9 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/5k3wb8fmsz6h-en 0ed3c59f59cdfea134a5accf6fa35ef3 Such products would represent an opportunity to further develop ancillary services markets. Forward and day-ahead energy markets, by far the largest one, intra-day, balancing and reserve markets (primary and secondary) followed. Some countries have distinct markets for technical constraints (voltage control and congestion management) while others co-optimise dispatching and balancing services. 7 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264281486-7-en 0ed41ec49fafb36d6d1e063c4c683deb In Lithuania, quality assurance is undertaken through a combination of school self-evaluation and external evaluation. Schools can use the self-evaluation model approved by the MoES or choose another model. National policy establishes an expectation that the results of school self-evaluation will be used to improve management decisions, the provision of education, and teacher professional development (European Commission/EACEA/Eurydice, 2015). 4 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/2d07fa8a-en 0ed506661222ecc753925f8e470adbe5 The company insures all farmers in the cooperative, and the cooperative is responsible for paying the premium and for distributing potential payouts (Meherette, 2009). A limitation of weather index-based insurance is that 30 years of historical daily rainfall data are needed to make such a scheme operational. However, interventions that link social assistance with institutional demand also typically focus on supporting poorer farmers who are constrained in their access to resources. Ultimately, the aim is to increase agricultural production by small family farmers; improve farmers' and extension workers' skills and knowledge of food production and marketing, and link small producer organizations with local markets in general. 2 1 4 0.6 10.1787/9789264276116-7-en 0edb132bc69e86b3dd5dbd742fb5a92f The percentage of 15-year-old students who attended early childhood education (ISCED 0) for less titan two years are added into brackets next to the country's name. Low performers may be able to use basic or everyday scientific knowledge to recognise or identify aspects of familiar or simple scientific phenomena. However, they also often confuse key features of a scientific investigation, apply incorrect scientific information and mix personal beliefs with scientific facts in support of a decision. 4 0 7 1.0 10.18356/9c9efe4c-en 0edc2855b8522a2a165b097dc8213076 Promoting a vision of small-scale farming rooted in agroecological techniques, local markets and food sovereignty (Borras, 2004; McMichael, 2009), some strands, though by no means all, emphasize the rights of women as small-scale food producers. The National Association of Rural and Indigenous Women in Chile, with its 10,000 members, is linked to La Via Campesina and is launching an agroecology institute to train women smallholder farmers in South America.14 Other examples include movements initiated by groups of poor urban dwellers in many cities in Asia, Africa and Latin America, linking well-being and rights to homes and livelihoods with the design of decent, sustainable urban spaces (Satterthwaite, Mitlin and Patel, 2011). In the case of Shack/Slum Dwellers International, groups initiated around women's savings and credit associations and waste-pickers cooperatives have networked into a federated global structure that now covers 33 countries, linking local action with campaigning around global agendas. 5 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/091e4d11-en 0edcf74cd8740812c543fd9ceea1f1b1 Building on the achievements made under the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) cover more social dimensions and are universal in scope. The universality principle of the 2030 Agenda means that social progress goals and targets have been set for all countries, including the richest countries of the globe, with the explicit intention of leaving no one behind. By selecting SDGs most relevant to children, using data to illustrate how rich countries compare on these goals, and discussing the main data gaps and data coverage, this study makes an important contribution to assessing what can and needs to be done for children, as part of the process of addressing the SDGs in high-income settings. Monitoring the life chances of children is considered a necessary starting point for catalyzing social progress for and around children. 4 4 5 0.1111111111111111 10.1787/18a859bf-en 0eddefa1c19b6b6c3db9a6a456b7dc48 "For these countries, concessional finance continues to represent the bulk of external financial resources, accounting for 72% of total external finance supplied by OECD countries in 2013. By contrast, in other countries, concessional finance represents only 11% of total external finance (OECD, 2015e). By contrast, in all countries, concessional finance represents only 17% of total external finance. According to the same data, ODA represented the equivalent of 77% of tax revenue in fragile LDCs and 55% in non-fragile LDCs. In order for LDCs, in particular, to realise the SDGs, concessional finance needs to be targeted strategically and help to leverage additional domestic and international resources. Note that the group ""Mainly LMlCs"" actually refers to other IDA-eligible countries that are not LDCs or fragile." 13 5 2 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264118430-5-en 0edf326cf2bcdaef25eef5264b659c68 A national regulatory agency was established, to enhance utility tariff regulation procedures, making tariffs susceptible to political interference. In Armenia, investment responsibilities generally remain with public authorities, while private sector participation is principally meant to increase operational efficiency. The contractual arrangements evolved from management contracts with a guaranteed compensation for the private operator to longer term lease contracts with private operators taking financial and commercial risks. 6 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/a020cea6-en 0edf88ecb98ef1c178e3030122a3b77b "This is based on multiple lines of evidence, including on observations already made in recent decades and on the projections of a range of different global climate models about future effects. So even if global warming is contained within the range of 1,5°C to 2°C, there will be very significant health and socioeconomic effects due to increasing average temperatures. In addition, and significantly for understanding and reducing risk, humanity now faces the current reality and the future prospect of more-extreme and much higher frequency ""natural"" hazards - extremes of cold to heat-waves, longer and more sustained drought, more intense and more frequent storm events, heavier rainfall and more flooding." 13 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264310278-en 0edfa0b5fbdd443d422b081009554b29 Interestingly, homeownership is not a barrier to inter-metropolitan moves, though the moves tend to be in pairs of cities with co-varying home prices (Sinai and Souleles, 2013,30,). As such, migration between declining areas and more prosperous metropolitan areas is likely damped, and contribute to the low net-migration rates. In any case, the recent decline in household mobility appears to be related to lower mover rates for renters. 8 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/7e830810-en 0edfe3b90c82ce644cf8c58342f13172 Where energy supply is unreliable, firms are more concerned with availability than with efficiency. Similarly, small and medium-size industrial firms find it much harder to get a loan than do larger firms. And while the barriers to energy efficiency are also present in developed countries, they are more formidable in developing countries. What are the appropriate roles of the public and private sectors? 7 0 4 1.0 10.18356/f85273a2-en 0ee0317138c7295870abbc2ff212c646 The phenomenon of land degradation is increasing, in severity and extent, in many parts of the world, with about 40 percent of the worlds land surface degraded (25% has been degraded over the past quarter-century alone) (Bai et al., As summarized in Table 7.1, agriculture and land degradation contribute significantly to the problem of climate change, by generating GHG emissions leading to warming, as well as impacting land surface albedo and creating adverse weather patterns. Notwithstanding significant uncertainty in estimates, the agriculture, forestry, and other land use sector accounts for 24 percent of emissions of GHGs, the second largest emitter following the energy sector (IPCC, 2014a). The most important source of GHG emissions in agriculture is methane (CH4) emissions from enteric fermentation in livestock and nitrous oxide (N20) emissions from synthetic fertilizer application. 2 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/4b4d466d-en 0ee1cfee8a25d65bad3bc7599b4947b7 With the support of Espaco Feminista and other partners, women and community leaders are building their capacity and claiming space in the land regularization, making policymakers understand the real meaning of gender equality and women’s empowerment. The committee comprises different institutions and community leaders. Together, they are monitoring the regularization through regular meetings. 5 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264300279-en 0ee1e862f5bd3cacf36e4cca5a244061 Even among students with a similar performance in mathematics, reading and science, the likelihood of having repeated a grade is often linked to socio-economic background (OECD, 2014h). However, research has also begun to shed light on the predictive power that social and emotional skills, such as self-control and self-motivation, have on earnings, health, engagement in violence and many other life outcomes (OECD, 2015; Kautz et al., Providing opportunities for adult learning (Challenge 3) is important for retraining and upskilling. High levels of long-term unemployed is challenging for the economy as a whole, as it leads to high spending on unemployment benefits and a reduction in tax revenues (Challenge 10). 4 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264204799-6-en 0ee5fa80e7bccc51f7307293a1aa1204 It is important therefore that the reforms are structured to foster co-ordination rather than fragment care further. Such policies do not of themselves facilitate co-ordination, and can present real or perceived barriers to integration. Choice and competition in primary care, and the resulting loss of a geographical responsibility for population health, have the potential to exacerbate fragmentation of care and impede the ability of local agencies to work together to provide seamless health and social care in the most cost-effective way - especially in urban areas with a multiplicity of providers. The risks of fragmentation and poor care co-ordination are greatest for older people, complex and frail patients, and people with mental health problems; these are also the groups least able to navigate the system and exercise informed choice, hence they can be disenfranchised from the reform process. 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264123564-5-en 0ee69858d85af614970b3ac816dc87dd Most OECD countries now use a curriculum in early childhood services, especially as children grow older, that is to say, that some structuring and orientation of children’s experience towards educational aims is generally accepted. Currently, there is little pedagogical direction for younger children, although many neurological developments take place prior to age of three or four (OECD, 2006). Curricula are influenced by many factors, including society’s values, content standards, research findings, community expectations, and culture and language. 4 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5jxrcmgpc6mn-en 0eecba96601cc0f72900891bad5933e5 Sources: OECD tax-benefit models ( In setting benefit amounts, policymakers need to consider not only poverty thresholds and the income position of low-wage workers, but also the levels of other, higher-tier benefit payments. Where unemployment benefit levels depend on the duration of unemployment, separate lines are shown for each category. Ratios between minimum-income and unemployment benefits can be quite high for longer-term unemployed, notably in countries operating both unemployment insurance and assistance benefits (see Table 2). 1 1 5 0.6666666666666666 10.18356/21334b08-en 0eed7af2cf7016c0c0af7718f3b4216c In addition, discounts are given to families and children while senior citizens, persons with a disability and children under six travel for free. Therefore, subsidies need to be designed in such a way that they are also affordable for public budgets while providing sufficient resources for long-term development of the public transport operator. Support for the informal transport sector requires only minor investments to improve aspects such as safety, accountability, driver conditions, and integration with the formal sector. The cycle rickshaw is a low cost and environmentally sustainable mode of transport for short trips. Able to integrate easily into other transport systems, the rickshaw can provide point-to-point service at a price within reach of low income earners. This recognition highlights and reiterates the view that road safety in many countries of the region is an important development issue, considering its magnitude and the gravity of the negative impacts of road accidents on the economy, public health and general welfare of the people, particularly the poor. 11 0 3 1.0 10.18356/ae512255-en 0eedb731d693d67e3424ec124f18546d Low levels of taxation hurt poor people, and poor women in particular, because they prevent the establishment of development programmes which can counteract market-generated inequalities. Where fiscal reform has involved cuts in social expenditures, or the imposition of user fees on services and utilities, women have often had to compensate by increasing the amount of time taken to care for children, the sick and older persons at home to save money, walking longer distances in search of health care or queuing for longer periods for water (Razavi, 2007). In Zambia, for example, the abolition of marketing boards and the privatization of extension services and rural credit under structural adjustment affected women farmers more than men. Local market cooperatives used to be one of the few sources of credit and extension services for women farmers (Evers and Walters, 2000). 5 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264262782-5-en 0ef1b0c2dc42efbfd5dd08b7428f4211 This may be related to the fact that dental care is not part of the publicly funded health care coverage (Chapter 2). Any inequalities in unmet care needs is likely to result in poorer health status of the total population and increase health inequalities. Based on the Gini coefficient, the commonly used indicator to examine income inequality, Latvia has the second highest income inequality after Lithuania in the European Union (European Union, 2013). 3 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264089457-en 0ef3727176fdc5506c882044e4efad46 Building on the existing successful models, capacity should be developed in regional data gathering, and sharing regional data repositories and technical skills associated with using regional data. Current activities need to be scaled up in a systematic way, including longterm multi-stakeholder collaboration to raise aspirations among youth in socially unprivileged population and to improve their quality of life. University Sais Malaysia’s health-related centres should widen their focus on community-based medical education and new forms of health care delivery as well as generation of innovations. This would facilitate training for local government and provide an opportunity to embark on consultancy services and to provide the skill basis for more proactive local government with strong commitment to sustainability. 4 4 5 0.1111111111111111 10.1787/9789264102637-10-en 0ef6aff3b48338ee44458c520621f3a1 Many rivers are of high ecological sensitivity and of international importance for their conservation value. Perversely, population density is highest in these areas of lowest rainfall and so demand is greatest where resources are the scarcest. This has led to many rivers, particularly chalk (limestone baseflow-fed) streams of iconic environmental and fisheries value, being damaged or threatened by unsustainable abstraction. 6 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264266360-4-en 0ef6b1e90438c14ea0c43cd7b41cb510 The annual number of natural disasters in Southeast Asia increased from 13 in 1970 to 41 in 2014, resulting in a surge of both economic damages and the number of persons affected. Floods, typhoons, hurricanes and earthquakes are the most frequent types of disasters occurring in the region, sometimes bearing severe human and economic losses. The frequency and impacts of such disasters are expected to increase in the future, as a result of a combination of climate change impacts (such as sea-level rise), uibanisation and socio-economic changes. 11 4 3 0.14285714285714285 10.18356/1fe990fb-en 0ef8fdbad8a569b1f8d8c5a4cbebbbc2 In addition, household surveys tend to be a rich source of additional social and demographic characteristics of workers which can allow the calculation of the indicator for specific subpopulation groups of employees. Worker coverage of establishment surveys is often limited to paid workers in medium to large establishments, and thus often excludes those engaged in microenterprises. They may exclude establishments in certain industries (e.g., agriculture), as well as workers remunerated predominately by a share of the profits (i.e., salaried directors and managers) and those paid on a commission basis without a retainer (i.e., outworkers, subcontracted workers). 8 0 3 1.0 10.6027/9789289329651-8-en 0ef94b9fbe6116712ba1c063763cdae5 Continued litter production - with decomposition rates being constant - can lead to continued accumulation of soil carbon and woody debris. Decomposition rates may even decline as the forest ages (cf Wardle et al. A handful of eddy covariance studies, including some of old-growth forests (Table 5.3], consistently show net carbon accumulation of the studied old-growth forest ecosystems. 15 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264230491-5-en 0efdcd9ec77dc458353647b48a920b59 Relatively little, though, is known about health care quality and outcomes in Mexico, significantly obscuring a full picture of health system performance. Given the real problems in Mexico with fragmentation of services, and different levels of access, the lack of comparability across sub-systems is a particular problem, even if efforts to develop comparable indicators are underway. The next four chapters set out in detail where change is needed and how it can be achieved. 3 0 4 1.0 10.18356/becaa395-en 0f00e051327dd6404802344fdcefe78a Rice cultivation is the most important source of agricultural emissions in Eastern and Southeast Asia (at 26 percent), while in Oceania the cultivation of organic soils is the source of 59 percent of agricultural emissions. The second main source is manure left on pastures in sub-Saharan Africa, Northern Africa and Western Asia, and Latin America and the Caribbean; rice cultivation in Southern Asia; and synthetic fertilizers in countries in developed regions. See Annex table A.2 for details. 13 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/7ddddd07-en 0f01fac701b8cd1c0c9a67fa871a961f To the extent the gap is attributable to observable skills differences, closing it would require a holistic approach, including through policies to tackle gender gap in the education system and labour market. In addition, more general policy levers associated with social policy (i.e. parental leave) can have positive implications for female entrepreneurship. These can include gender bias on the investors’ side, unintended effects of policies but also personal traits and preferences that cannot be accounted for with available data. 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/rev/fish-2011-6-en 0f0205cd4b8a2ad2f4ae56a910084e87 Several Round Table participants drew attention to the GFSI as a potential model for benchmarking eco-labelling schemes. Indeed, would it be possible to build a “theoretical” or “aspirational” governance regime for sustainable fisheries management that would include principles of good public governance, as well as market principles and mechanisms, and the interplay between them? This would reflect the aspirational “shared responsibility phase” referred to above. 14 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264191761-en 0f0485c03dc969ec88e5d59354abcd0c Kazakhstan’s economy was plagued by hyperinflation and deep recession until the mid-1990s, but with the onset of the oil boom the country’s economic situation rapidly improved. Agriculture began its gradual recovery in the early 2000s, but annual growth has been highly volatile, largely following the strong fluctuations in grain output. Today, the country ranks among the world’s top ten wheat exporters, but overall it is a net agro-food importer, in particular of livestock products. 2 1 4 0.6 10.18356/5ad16036-en 0f065ec159a148efb2fa7342e6b8263c In the Asian and Pacific region, almost 87 per cent of children 1 year of age or younger are immunized against measles. However, this aggregate masks differences between subregions. East and North-East Asia (98.7 per cent), and North and Central Asia (96.7 per cent) have close to a 100 per cent immunization rate. South and South-West Asia has the lowest rate (78.5 per cent), followed by the Pacific (81.7 per cent). 3 0 4 1.0 10.1787/5jm0v44bnmnx-en 0f08923e4219b4859861102d5f2cb928 Using strong quasi-experimental controls, Reder (2014a) found that participation in such programs appears to lead to substantial gains in long-term earnings (and other outcome variables) of high school dropouts in the United States. The recent Canadian UPSKILL project, in a random control d ial, also found substantial impacts of basic skills instruction for incumbent hospitality industry workers on proficiency gains, increased skill use on the job, measures of job performance and employer profits (Gyarmati et al., Research on adult basic skills programs indicates that instruction has an immediate effect on levels of literacy practice (Purcell-Gates, Degener, Jacobson and Soler, 2000; Reder, 2009b). Both longitudinal (Reder, 2009b) and cross-sectional studies (Sheehan-Holt and Smith, 2000) have shown that program participation has positive short-term effects on levels of literacy practices but not on literacy proficiency levels. 4 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/journal/dev-v10-art16-en 0f0ab72786184867a34ac08004635b52 For example, food price increases are generally beneficial for the agro-rural poor who at the very least will see their earning opportunities expand and negative for the urban poor who spend a very large proportion of their income on food and are directly made worse off by any increase in price. Moreover, the winners and losers are not always distinct groups and some people could win in some ways and lose in others. But when the poor are at the losing end of integration, they are less capable of coping with adjustment, and the effects can be long lasting, particularly when family investments in health and education are affected. 1 0 4 1.0 10.1787/soc/aag-2014-5-en 0f0ba8b1ed66f1ee1f1a0cbf560fa120 Entrepreneurial activities are still hampered by constraints which can be gender specific, such as cultural norms or restricted access to finance for women. Although the sources of finance are the same for men and women, women often tend to face higher barriers to access finance. The main reasons for this gender gap are associated with differences in the sector of activity and the age and size of female-owned businesses. However, other possible explanations include lack of managerial experience, women’s weaker credit history, and a smaller business size. 5 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264259157-6-en 0f0bc9afc8cde8bd53e0068138b0b94b In-kind benefits (or services) include day-care and home-help services and other benefits in kind. Fiscal measures include child tax credits, tax advantages for formal child care and other tax breaks which financially support families with children. Only public support that is exclusively for families (e.g. child payments and allowances, parental leave benefits and child care support) is included in the figure. Spending in other social policy areas such as health and housing support also assists families, but not exclusively, and is therefore not considered. 5 5 3 0.25 10.1787/9789264286191-7-en 0f0c778ec91b30cb96c14a7e486b3c30 A “use-it-or-lose-it” clause regarding land zoned for development to reduce speculation or land hoarding. This is likely to oblige developers to begin on site or to have a portion of the development built within five years of receiving planning permission. The development and operation of housing corporations/associations has been a successful model in many OECD countries, such as Australia, Germany, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom. 11 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/5kmms0t7p1ms-en 0f0d0904144575174c3aff4307e5a698 As we have discussed above, the net effect of all of these changes is an unambiguous increase in inequality from 1996 to 2001. A lower poverty line of $2 per day (R91 per person per month in 1996 purchasing power parity terms) and an upper poverty line of R250 per person per month (in 1996 Rands) are used to show that the leftward shift of incomes in the middle and lower-middle areas of the 2001 distribution is indeed a reflection of a slight but unambiguous increase in measured poverty between 1996 and 2001. The poverty rankings by race are completely robust. At any poverty line, Africans are very much poorer than Coloureds, who are very much poorer than Indians/Asians, who are poorer than whites. 10 1 3 0.5 10.6027/9789289350846-6-en 0f0e9cdae9e9c0987807ab5f5137d9b1 Nordic flood risk governance needs revision; instead of modifying channels even more, ecosystems in catchments can be restored to increase their retention capacity, thus reducing future flood risks further downstream. Such retentive restoration actions can be located to uplands and riparian zones, as well as in stream channels. Along seashores, restoration should aim for increasing storm surge protection. 15 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264187443-7-en 0f0ea5caac6fdff9c3124af71c76b057 Also, the NAP/AP ratio of 0.29 appears abnormally low in comparison to other countries in West Africa with a comparable level of urbanisation. Therefore, the agricultural population appears to be overestimated. This is also appears highly improbable given that over the same period the level of urbanisation increased from 12 to 30% (U/R ratio from 0.14 in 1980 to 0.43 in 2010). 2 5 2 0.42857142857142855 10.6027/9789289349734-8-en 0f1513f538fa151ab479b0a4aa6eb46e When we find female experts to interview we try to circulate the contacts among the staff and in that way increase the share of women in the news. Many women say that their expertise doesn't fully cover the interview topic and they often suggest a male colleague instead of agreeing to be interviewed themselves. 5 0 8 1.0 10.18356/46a2b922-en 0f16707ed5fd44142e9620e7891099ba For the individual countries or the region as a whole to be considered highly wheat secure, it would need to demonstrate both high production as well as high economic capacities. From the assessment, it seems that no single country in the region has achieved this combination and, as such, the countries that exhibit either high production capacity to secure wheat locally or high economic capacity to import wheat are categorized as less secure, while the remaining countries (low production and economic capacities) are considered to be insecure. With the combined natural and economic resources available to the region, it is believed that the region as a whole has the potential to become highly wheat secure, provided that coordinated regional policies are adopted and translated into higher levels of cooperation between countries of the region. 2 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264303119-en 0f194fde23233800356c7b9acd81ef37 This is notably the case for Indonesia pledging an increase from USD 17 million in 2016 to USD 150 million in 2020. The Netherlands indicated a prospect of spending EUR 237 million per year for the period 2016-2020, more than doubling the EUR 100 million of 2015. This is significantly above the IEA countries public-sector energy RD&D data, totalling USD 13 billion on average per year over the recent years. 7 0 3 1.0 10.18356/58d686e0-en 0f19c07f0dd1594f54be0637f67ea463 Land tenure is the relationship, whether legally or customarily defined, among people, individuals and groups, with respect to land. According to general comment No. Regardless of the type of tenure, all persons should possess a degree of security of tenure which guarantees legal protection against forced eviction, harassment and other threats. In rural communities, ownership of land determines both social status and the way in which control is exercised over a household's resources and income. 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264188945-9-en 0f1bd8f8b094c42e6c0adecf18b0de14 Universal access to health insurance was achieved in a very short time span through multiple insurance funds, which were consolidated into a single fund in 2000. This has created a strong institutional framework. This helps explain the rapid growth of health care spending per capita at an average rate of 8% per year since 2002, faster than any other OECD country and more than double the OECD average of 3.6% per year over the same period. Today, Korea is one of the most competitive markets for health care amongst OECD countries with a growing hospital sector. Health care is dominated by private providers and there is little regulation on the scope of practice for hospitals and ambulatory care. The government barely intervenes to influence the location of services compared to other OECD countries. 3 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264303119-en 0f1c7650654f4e35f0b30c25a85f6098 Ten per cent was included to demonstrate sensitivity and because it was consistent with the highest rate used in participating countries (including non-OECD countries for their own analyses. ( As noted in IEA/NEA (2010: p. 34), “In keeping with tradition, also this edition of the Projected Costs of Generating Electricity has worked both with a 5% and a 10% discount rate.” Although there has been a tradition of using discount rates of 5% and 10%, there has been some confusion regarding the determination of the discount rate. The key aspect here is the assumption that all risk is captured in the discount rates. For the purposes of this study, it means that when using the term “social resource cost”, we treat the investment in question as if there was no price risk. 7 2 8 0.6 10.1787/f5330a47-en 0f1cddb514103b46efb02e817127dd71 To the extent possible, Annex II Parties are to specify the “recipient country, the target area of mitigation and adaptation, the sector involved and the sources of technology transfer from the public or private sectors” (Decision 2/CP.17), and make the distinction between public and private sector activities. Where feasible”, Annex II Parties shall report success and failure stories related to technology transfer. Parties should provide information at the individual measure and activity level, including the programme or project title and a description (Decision 2/CP.17). 13 6 2 0.5 10.1787/9789264281653-6-en 0f1d6d86ee8b1c9c8ed946e74c2f9f7b The actual cost of care of the groups covered through ACE, however, has not been quantified. Hence, the gap between the minimum average contribution used by the CCSS (to determine FODESAF’s transfer) and the actual cost of care is unknown. This rate dropped when looking at the most vulnerable subgroups: only 45% of the extreme poor and 35% of the lowest two quintiles of the population were covered by ACE, suggesting gaps in coverage. Questions regarding sustainability also arise. 3 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/9789264206441-14-en 0f1e2d231cc412b8a506835617c71915 Unilever’s processing factory committed to buying all production supplied by the co-operatives meeting Unilever’s quality standards, at a price agreed annually, based on the market price, before the crop is planted. Contracting farmers reach bean yields of 1 to 2 tonnes per ha while untrained farmers typically reach 0.7 tonnes per ha. In 2010, the programme involved the participation of some 7 000 smallholders, who grew approximately 30% of the black soy beans used to produce Unilever’s Bango brand, and farmers’ incomes had increased by approximately 10-15% since 2000 (OECD, 2012). 2 4 3 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/18a859bf-en 0f21c72d28735fcc72cd6a63850e980d The Conference of the Parties has mandated the Subsidiary Body for Science and Technological Advice (SBSTA) to develop modalities by November 2018 for accounting of financial resources provided and mobilised through public interventions (Decision 1/CP.21, paragraph 58). In the coming years SBSTA and the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Paris Agreement will develop the modalities, procedures and guidelines to enable greater transparency of both climate action and support. This will include tracking the USD 100 billion / year commitment and the additional resources that will be needed to fulfil the ambition of the Paris Agreement. 13 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264084728-10-en 0f2423d9d0c2ccc29678e85c76dc4c03 Until recently, the degree to which growth was pro-poor was measured exclusively by its incidence in income (or consumption) poverty, following measurement techniques proposed by Ravallion and Chen (2003), or using the average elasticities approach adopted in Table 4.1. They found the correlation between growth and non income-related MDGs, to be zero. Certainly, sub-Saharan Africa, which has many poor and struggling countries, performed relatively badly. 1 0 7 1.0 10.14217/6f77cc82-en 0f242faa3d49f975f27dfb1c5603c7e2 The IMF’s rapid financing instrument (RFI)'. Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP). Voluntary Guidelines for the Pacific Islands Region, available at: FRDP_2016_Resilient_Dev_pacific.pdf (accessed 29 September 2017). United States Department of State (2017), Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs: Investment Climate Statements for 2017 - Dominica, available at: https://www.state.g0v/e/eb/rls/0thr/ics/ investmentclimatestatements/index.htm?dlid =270062&year=2017#wrapper (accessed 29 September 2017). 11 1 3 0.5 10.18356/97ed059a-en 0f253c75c5349f11422b06a9c15f23bc The MINEPAT (2009) forecast does not foresee that the crisis will have negative impacts on capital flows to the public sector, but exhibits a significant decrease (10%) of foreign capital going into the non-bank private sector in 2009 and also shows that portfolio flows in the banking sector went from 95 billion CFA francs in 2008 to -79 billion in 2009, reflecting a significant repatriation of funds with unfavourable effects on the national economy. The World Bank database dedicated to these flows shows that, as of 2007, more than three quarters of international remittances are destined for developing countries (table 4). In 2007, remittances accounted for an average of 2.02% of developing countries’ GDP, as opposed to 0.24% in high income countries and 0.71% for the entire world (Figure 5). 1 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/d79c87b2-en 0f268dc0ae7773c6607c53f18cf5bef5 Germany's government, for example, developed policies that promote grid integration and market access for solar energy. In addition to the technical capacity to enable trade across the network, policies need to provides incentives for homeowners to invest in the infrastructure - by giving them the opportunity, for example, to offset their initial investment by selling the excess electricity they produce. In addition to grid integration policies and technologies, governments must offer financial and tax incentives to develop the solar energy infrastructure and help counter the initial cost of these systems. 7 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5js3926d54d7-en 0f28805cf56e466f240174736164f56c Nevertheless, eadi dimension was introduced singly. Then, the singly significant dimensions were introduced together. Variables are expressed in log. Additional control variables are included: distance, contiguity, population of origin and destination countries, income and language differentials, female education and female unemployment rates in origin and destination countries. The exclusion variable in the selection equation is diplomatic exchange. ***, **, 5 1 3 0.5 10.18356/1608bb4d-en 0f2e7329bbf14aabf3abe75a3798e744 Some cultural practices like FGM, early marriages, polygamy and multiple sexual partners also make women in this community more vulnerable to the infection. The provision of HIV testing, treatment and care services is made difficult by the harsh terrain, long distances to facilities and low literacy levels. Most of these areas are served by faith-based organizations. 3 0 3 1.0 10.18356/66641c52-en 0f2eaccfdccdaddf211a5437ea7d077e Compact, mixed-use cities with high quality infrastructure, combined with policy measures that facilitate inclusion of all stakeholders in decision-making processes, along with charging the true social cost of using private motorized vehicles to secure an increased modal share of sustainable modes—are components of sound strategies for achieving of sustainable urban mobility in cities. For example, the improvement of rural accessibility in Viet Nam has been associated with significant poverty reduction (UNECE, 2012). Nevertheless, significant challenges still exist. 11 0 4 1.0 10.18356/5ad16036-en 0f31747b77a2ac0c4453b57efad775ac Missing country values are estimated using linear interpolation (for middle gaps) and carrying the previous year’s data forward (for end gaps). Data obtained: 7 August 2013. Country-level data are generally obtained from national household surveys, including demographic and health surveys, multiple indicator cluster surveys and national nutrition surveys. 3 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264238121-9-en 0f32477d10988eac388f933b262a2e6c But beyond central government, a great sense of responsibility should be strengthened at the state, basin and municipal level for an effective implementation of water policy. Successful structural reforms and strategies are long processes to prepare, adopt and implement; and they often take several attempts. Complex changes like those required in Brazil’s water sector will inevitably take years. Circumstances at all levels can change during the reform implementation period, and water reform can only be successful if it has the flexibility to adapt to shifting circumstances. 6 0 5 1.0 10.18356/2dd5352f-en 0f324b7001be0f29b631b5f93534d20f Although alcohol abuse has a major impact on the mortality pattern of northern regions in general, it has had a particularly significant impact on indigenous peoples, with levels of alcohol use atypically high among women. For instance, in the Berezovo region of the Khanty-Mansi autonomous district, in 1996-1999, out of 362 deaths among indigenous peoples excluding infants, one third were associated with alcohol, while the rate of alcohol-related deaths was 15 per cent in non-indigenous population. Alcohol-related deaths in women were five times higher among the indigenous peoples than among Russian northerners.565 In the Chukchi autonomous district, alcohol caused 42 per cent of indigenous women's deaths, white alcohol caused 19 per cent of deaths of non-indigenous women.566 Even when it does not end in human losses, alcohol consumption leads to economic losses which directly or indirectly decrease life quality. The rate of death resulting from external causes among indigenous northerners is more than twice the Russian average. 3 0 3 1.0 10.6027/9789289329224-9-en 0f334d157136a37ab70d5748002f5d97 "Alternatives to this, such as sharing resources instead of owning them, or simplifying our lifestyles by choosing to have less money but more free time, are therefore seen as a sacrifice. Marketing wisdom tells us that ""you can't sell sacrifice""- and so policy makers fear alienating citizens with policies that tackle consumption patterns and levels. However, community level sustainability initiatives and alternative movements offer inspiration for redefining the ""good life"" to include well-being, community engagement, fairness, equity and sustainability. Opportunities are being missed, for example for product-sharing schemes or promoting closed loop systems that would reduce overall reliance on virgin resources, or for promoting alternatives to intensive consumption that could increase well-being, such as community food-growing schemes." 12 0 3 1.0 10.18356/9b4421ad-en 0f35943b6fba6acb14e9684808c01118 It has to be noted that due to the 'open border' between the two countries, migration is not documented in terms of collection information/data on the flow. For a comprehensive analysis of the consequences of the ban,see ILO 2015. Traditional family structures have undergone big transformations, especially in urban areas; however, they remain grounded in patriarchal norms. 5 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/27e660be-en 0f3d5fb4d0f97d67a9c6f1c2b100d85f African activists and women’s movements - e.g. Action for Development in Uganda, the National Women’s Lobby Group in Zambia, the National Committee on the Status of Women in Kenya, and the Women of Zimbabwe Arise as well as Forum Mulher in Mozambique - have played key roles in the local, national and international networks promoting a collective voice. The influence of women’s movements has been a factor in the transformation of national constitutions in several countries. This has resulted in more gender-equitable access to civil law (generally understood as a better vehicle for women’s political participation), the protection of women’s rights and the realization of their citizenship. 5 0 8 1.0 10.1787/9789264202405-9-en 0f3e09a73f89387e8c725c9eabbf2c11 In China and the United States, water demands are concentrated in limited parts of the country, in general where agriculture needs to be irrigated or where economic development is occurring. This trend is explained largely by the rapid increase in irrigation development stimulated by food demand in the 1970s and by the continued growth of agriculture-based economies (WWAP, 2009). In the 1980s, some countries stabilised their abstractions through more efficient irrigation techniques, the decline of water intensive industries (e.g. mining, steel), increased use of cleaner production technologies and reduced losses in pipe networks. Trends since 1990 indicate a more general stabilisation of water abstractions and a relative decoupling between water use and GDP growth in the OECD area (Figure B.2). 6 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264301085-7-en 0f42ab3c5704147defde36707d0ce7e7 In addition, chronically stressful life experiences and health-related behaviours also affect the transmission of non-communicable diseases. They also influence it indirectly when poor parental health leads to fewer hours worked in the household and lower family income. In addition, evidence from the supplemental programmes points to the fact that prenatal and postnatal investment may be complementary and for instance might be less effective for those already born below a certain birthweight (Aizer and Currie, 2014). 4 3 1 0.5 10.18356/fb79328d-en 0f42bb1834c7c7a874b2ef9071543382 Many of these countries remain heavily dependent on exports of primary commodities and have lost market shares in world trade. They also have suffered from larger adverse trade shocks as primary commodity prices have been more volatile than those of other export products (United Nations, 2008). Yet, diversifying into high-technology exports may not be an immediately feasible option for many developing countries. 1 6 3 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5km35m63qqvc-en 0f43efdd41039f27d4672ba9e30c2b32 They manage some job-matching services, including Job Cafes for young jobseekers, employment and work preparation centres for single mothers, and the Silver Human Resource Centres for retired workers. Also, about half of all cities and towns report that they run separate offices dealing with job-creation issues. Moreover, recent supplementary budgets for dealing with the jobs crisis in FY 2008 and 2009 included over JPY 1 000 billion (more than total expenditure on ALMPs in FY 2007) for programmes managed by lower-level governments, including the “Hometown Employment Revitalization Special Grant” (to conduct projects for local job creation), the “Emergency Job Creation Programme” (temporary jobs of less than six months, created by prefectural governments or Silver Human Resource Centres) and the “Emergency Human Resource Development and Employment Support Fund”. Although details of these programmes are sketchy, the implied transfer of central government funds to local and regional governments for employment policy measures is clearly substantial. 8 1 4 0.6 10.18356/b90ce3c6-en 0f4b115e9363b170db54d40b0ce2b7ee To secure sustainable development gains and build resilience in the region, there is an urgent need to undertake climate mitigation and adaptation action. Despite an estimated $391 billion in climate finance flows internationally in 2014, the gap between available climate finance and the financing required to limit global warming to two degrees Celsius and adapt to unavoidable impacts of climate change is growing. The present paper offers an overview of the climate finance landscape with a focus on the Asia-Pacific region, and of finance flows from international climate funds, multilateral development banks and subregional and national climate finance initiatives. 13 1 5 0.6666666666666666 10.18356/841f762a-en 0f51212b5a4bd986b59d67728f70bddb A common practice in the valuation of resources has been to compare estimates of their consumptive and non-consumptive uses (UNEP 2006). Yet, where it has been adopted, it has often demanded trade-offs in exchange for compliance on the part of users to discard consumptive, presumably more materially beneficial uses, to less attractive but ecologically more sustainable activities with assumed long-term gains such as social benefits (improved income). Numerous examples of ecotourism projects are found in the region. 15 0 3 1.0 10.18356/eb47180e-en 0f51f281c4d10c8c1dc9e024a1dc0de5 Making transportation inclusive means also ensuring the affordability of accessible transportation. Accessible ICTs, including mobile applications, government websites, public kiosks and automated teller machines, should be part of accessible urban development plans. Although compact cities can offer enormous potential for persons with disabilities, this potential will not materialize unless accessibility and nondiscrimination are prioritized. 11 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264077225-6-en 0f52a80054d22507c99674d86f0e1241 Indicators help to make decisions and move analysis to a diagnostic mode, as they can be a source of realtime feedback on performance. They can reveal what additional analysis may be needed to better understand a phenomenon. For example, an observed change may be an aberration or derive from systemic change. 12 2 2 0.0 10.18356/286de074-en 0f52b86bfc64e5ed40523b8651e1a141 It undertakes research on emerging or current issues in order to inform the strategic directions, policies and programmes of UNICEF and its partners, shape global debates on child rights and development, and inform the global research and policy agenda for all children, and particularly for the most vulnerable. The views expressed are those of the authors. The aim is to encourage reflection and stimulate wide-ranging discussion. 5 4 0 1.0 10.1787/5jxrcmgpc6mn-en 0f55068cfd72e55b6ee5023aca4fe006 Taking the receipt persistence perspective implies that every member of a family should be represented in the data set. The distinction between recipient and claimant is complicated by the fact that a person may become a claimant or stop being a claimant separately from whether or not the person’s family is in receipt. For example, consider a lone mother who is a benefit claimant (and in receipt) in year t. At t+l, she re-partners with a man and it is he who is now the benefit claimant (and family head). 1 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5k3txnpqlsnn-en 0f56fe7976d72930d73a0d9cd8b0291d Confronted with the demands of a knowledge society, this is a challenge for the development of the education sector (Jensen, 2012). For example, the government cannot simply order courses from consultants and have teachers or school leaders passively absorb this knowledge and change their practice in accordance with the governments’ intention. As with education more generally, in professional development the learner is a creative individual who engages in the learning processes in ways we cannot foresee (Lillejord, 2003). 4 0 5 1.0 10.30875/eda9a0d4-en 0f5880d90bf3efe04d7da5d43eb38a80 This paper represents the opinions of individual staff members or visiting scholars, and is the product of professional research. It is not meant to represent the position or opinions of the WTO or its Members, nor the official position of any staff members. Any errors are the fault of the author. The analysis below is based on the information provided by WTO Members as part of their Trade Policy Review (TPRs) process from 2014 to 2018. 5 9 0 1.0 10.1787/9789264263260-7-en 0f59135de70178c1aa7c5ec64c1c5344 In addition, because inclusionary housing policies rely on private developers to provide affordable housing units, the requirements need to be appealing to developers and not constrain development. This often means that the thresholds for qualify ing income levels are set high and can exclude the lowest income households. Leaving housing decisions to developers creates a risk that such a policy reinforces patterns of exclusion rather than mitigating them (Cameron, 2003; Meda, 2009). For example, Denver’s Inclusionary Housing Ordinance was initially designed to address urban sprawl and strenuous commuting costs for lower and middle-income workers. 11 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264082106-5-en 0f5aace52649b7f8916a48a268cff690 The purpose of this chapter is to assess whether the current education system in Greece gives youth a good start in the labour market. Sections 2 to 4 focus on reducing school failure. Section 5 addresses the main challenges faced by tertiary education, and the final two sections review students’ work and young workers’ participation in on-the-job training. 4 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264088986-en 0f5e0e28ace2ad1d2e524a487e369d20 The plans have often focused on attracting Jewish population and international companies to the region with the help of tax breaks. Interventions at the regional level have been largely defined and implemented in a top-down fashion from the centre of Israel. This is in line with Israel’s centralised administrative structure which leaves little scope for regional initiative and capacity building. 4 4 0 1.0 10.1787/9789264190672-9-en 0f6219cf01af57f966bbeebf96fbad2e Finland had to fight long and hard against the Soviet Union to preserve that independence through the Second World War. For a nation with a population of less than four million, the cost of the war was devastating: 90 000 dead; 60 000 permanently injured and 50 000 children orphaned (Sahlberg, 2011). Additionally, as part of the 1944 peace treaty with the Soviet Union, Finland was forced to cede 12% of its land, requiring the relocation of 450 000 Finnish citizens. 4 6 1 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/665c59ff-en 0f67a0f958f35fcb3517985487846b38 Hence greening is a systemic challenge and requires actions along the whole value chain, as evidenced in research by Kemp et al., ( The findings show clear signs of more energy-efficient investments being made in crop-drying methods. If energy use in the value chain as a whole is considered, however, drying technologies represent only a trivial component. The energy wasted in inefficient logistics (for example, dirty diesel combustion in the trucks hauling produce from farm to drier)— in part, a result of subsidized fuel—is far more than any marginal gains in the crop-drying component and has largely been ignored in the greening policy agenda. In many advanced economies, final markets demand the greening of value chains, and that is increasingly the case for middie-income markets in Africa and other emerging economies, a process sharpened by the rapid advance of global supermarket chains in Africa and elsewhere. 7 1 5 0.6666666666666666 10.18356/52680283-en 0f67a216de1b5601f37e0dfe7f28de44 Analysis of the foundations, principles, practices and enablers of SRB reveals the key role this approach can play in promoting indusiveness and sustainability, and ultimately, in contributing to the SDGs. A deeper understanding of SRB will assist both public and private sectors to integrate a greater level of SRB practices into business operations of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) as well as large enterprises and transnational corporations (TNCs). Finally, organizations that have implemented these practices demonstrate how the SRB approach can foster the global change necessary for a sustainable future. 12 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264257498-8-en 0f67f99cc7b66e17dced6e523359a785 Youth can start an apprenticeship either if they have already left school, or while still at school in Years 11 or 12. The 2009 CO AG’s National Indigenous Reform Agreement (revised in 2011) aims to halve the gap in Year 12 attainment rates between Indigenous and non-Indigenous youth between 2008 (when die gap stood at 40%) and 2020; this target is considered “on track” (Australian Government, 2015). In 2009, only about 60% of all 20-24 year-olds with a disability or with a long term healdi condition (such as asthma or a mental healdi condition) had attained Year 12, compared to almost 80% of all youth in good health. 4 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264177338-3-en 0f68fa5753c82f7e60ffcc0a84317108 South Korea recorded the largest change (-26.1%) followed by Poland (-19.1%), Canada (-17.24%) and Japan (-17.2%). Among G20 countries, China saw a decline of 20.2% during the same period. Shrinking youth populations in most OECD countries and some emerging economies stand in sharp contrast to the growth of those populations in other regions of the world. For example, more than 60% of Africa's population is under the age of 25, and this proportion it is expected to increase to 75% by 2015. 4 6 3 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/62212c37-en 0f69c0e8ea51a11e16cc7f703a651793 As participants had a large degree of freedom to design their strategies, the variability allows several preliminary lessons to be drawn. After discussing the professional development measures implemented by teams participating in the project, it highlights the main lessons from the teacher professional development plans implemented by the country teams to support participating teachers to foster their students' creativity and critical thinking. At a minimum, teams were required to introduce the project materials, objectives and suggested pedagogical approaches to teachers by organising a one-day induction training session at the beginning of the project. 4 0 9 1.0 10.18356/cc6ff508-en 0f6a17dba6be385e277d727b1d8c0f7e Intolerance, exclusion and inequality are nonetheless common and are on the rise in some cases. Overcoming these barriers will require finding ways to link collective interests to equity and justice (see chapter 3). They retire comfortably with private pension funds and savings. They send their children to the best schools for advanced tertiary education. And they have the means to influence the political process in their favour. The top 1 percent of the wealth distribution holds 46 percent of the worlds wealth.128 Much of the income gain in recent decades has been at the top: 44 percent of the income earned between 1988 and 2008 went to only 5 percent of the population.129 Such income inequalities influence inequalities in other dimensions of well-being. 1 3 2 0.2 10.1787/9789264027862-12-en 0f6c08f870d919c8a1dc1a2eca19510d In particular, it is important to build socio-cultural and political support for women's participation within security system institutions amongst the general public and within particular institutions such as the police and the armed forces. This can be done through education, training and awareness-raising as well as promoting women role models. Increasing the balance of women and men at all levels of an institution increases operational effectiveness and ensures diversity of opinions and approaches; however, male and female personnel with gender expertise are still necessary to ensure the full integration of gender issues. Preventing and adequately responding to these violations will improve the work environment, increase public trust and enhance the accessibility and delivery of security and justice services. Gender-responsive codes of conduct, sexual harassment policies and/or policies on sexual exploitation and abuse are essential. 5 0 3 1.0 10.18356/841f762a-en 0f6c23477477ff0ecbfb90e6dde759a1 Export of shell declined between 1925 and 1940, partly as a result of a decline in the price for shell. Increasing international prices in the 1960s attracted more exports. In 1982,591 kg of raw shell corresponding to 1 182 hawksbill turtles was exported at a price of ~US$148.7/kg, yielding a gross revenue of US$87 878. 15 5 2 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/7ddddd07-en 0f6cf7d317bade186b853fde080f4e68 Adding incrementally founders’ characteristics such as age, education level and education field, past professional experience, and patent ownership decreases the coefficient of interest in Model 1 to 3 percentage points (Table 1, Columns 2-5). This change is robust to the decrease in sample size. By contrast, in the case of the amount of funding received (conditional on receiving funding at all), including founders’ characteristics as controls do not affect the difference in the amount received by male and female-founded start-ups. 5 2 2 0.0 10.1787/9789264074927-4-en 0f6d24dfb7c544ddd36761ee9a65000a The section “Policy implementation gaps”, seeks to further develop the policy issues that are associated with the globalisation process in the harvesting sector. This follows from the fact that fleet measurement (length, tonnage, type of vessel, fishing gear used) can vary substantially and small vessels are often not registered. In addition, on a global scale, fleet statistics have been collected by the FAO but have not been updated for some time. Hence, in the following, careful interpretation of figures is required. Tables 2.1 and 2.2 provide an overview of the number and distribution of the world’s fleets and fishers. Asia accounts for upwards of 85% of all craft. 14 0 3 1.0 10.6027/c491a19d-en 0f6fcd31d76e68565853f31cd47f3671 An important aspect of the concept is the link between the ecosystem (nature) and the welfare of people, and thus society as a whole. This relationship is shown in figure 2. It further emphasises that changes we implement in society - the socio-economic system - influence nature, and this again will impact the quality and quantity of the services we receive from nature. For example, the reports covering fresh and salt water show how pollution from sewage, industry and agriculture affects the quality of fresh and salt water, respectively. 15 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/02e538fc-en 0f709929c862ca1fe6a49582ae145855 However, increased time does not guarantee women’s ability to pursue economic opportunities but also depends on social and gender norms and existing paid work opportunities. Thus, even if women have more time to dedicate to paid work, it may not be social acceptable for them to pursue employment opportunities outside the home or there may not be sufficient opportunities in the labour market. The project aimed to promote rural women’s economic empowerment, through increased income, assets and employment opportunities, and their social empowerment, w'hich involved addressing women’s time constraints and improving opportunities for rural w'omen to pursue both “personal and community development” (ADB, 2015). Women’s groups and cooperatives were instrumental in the design and implementation of the project. 5 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.18356/30e5b8d3-en 0f710f33c752fe1f85c0fa102591d62b The expected climate changes could cause greater damage through forest fires and natural disasters in the coming decades. It is expected that climate change will result in the shifting of certain vegetation zones (forest types), in terms of both latitude and altitude. In some areas, an increased drying of trees may be expected, as a result of stress and attacks of pests and plant diseases, as well as slower natural regeneration. This has led to a high occurrence of forest fires as the forest areas were very susceptible to fire in such conditions. Some tree species, such as lowland beech forest, are at particular risk due to low rainfall in the northeast of the country. Conifers are prone to pest outbreaks in hot temperatures. 15 0 3 1.0 10.18356/dc0c31b7-en 0f73ab50db7bd3d90bde2dbb11ab1aeb Increased trade, labour mobility and innovation in communications have spread urban functions and influence over wide geographical areas, including rural ones. Yet, in the case of countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, censuses and surveys that consider the urban/rural dichotomy are still valid since they persistently indicate social inequalities subsisting between rural and urban areas (United Nations, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, 2012). Still, some of the most profound social inequalities are seen within cities or within nations' urban populations. 11 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/50e33932-en 0f762fad9a17c9f99c82627ff4432c8c Substantial increases in land productivity were achieved through strict enforcement of the adoption of high-yield crop varieties, subsidised fertiliser and pesticide programmes, and collection and distribution systems run by the government. In order to rebuild agriculture, the Saemaul Undong was first initiated from 1971 to 1973, under the strong leadership of the central government. At the beginning, 6 000 rural villages participated, increasing to 34 665 villages in 1973. 11 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/eco/surveys-fin-2012-5-en 0f76ba55204ffef598257013682e3cc1 The government needs to make sure that the demand for health personnel is met, to guarantee the supply of quality health care and limit pressures on costs that could arise from resource shortages. Increases in the admission targets for medical education are part of the development plan for education and university research for 2011-2016 adopted by the government on 15 December 2011. As noted earlier, payment incentives could encourage health professionals to increase their level of activity. 3 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/6aed7a25-en 0f79845afb622e4b93e3579d2e1b1da8 Small dams on the Gauja/Koiva’s tributaries which no longer have a water management function, have an adverse effect on the fish fauna. River fragmentation by dams on the Parlijogi and Vaidava rivers, resulting in problems for fish migration, cause these rivers to be of moderate status. This has contributed to the reduction of pollution load to surface waters, which for phosphorus, nitrogen, BOD, COD and suspended solids has decreased by 10-40% nationally (i.e. all surface waters) during the period 2004 to 2008, according to Latvian statistics. Thanks to investments made in building and renovating wastewater collection and treatment infrastructure in Estonia, from 1992 to 2007 the pollution load has decreased for BOD. 6 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/5jrqcn5fpv0v-en 0f7cde4bf3070394b239935bc1e64023 These findings suggest that chronic diseases and behavioural risk factors can truly impair labour market outcomes, although the negative impacts might be overstated in some published studies. The OECD analyses confirm that obesity and smoking damage labour market outcomes but the effect of alcohol use is not always consistent (depending on drinking patterns and gender). Similarly, the effects of chronic diseases are mixed, in particular for hypertension. 3 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264258211-6-en 0f81d8851bbdbe8e1a1ab4918d58d58d Based on responses for the OECD Health Systems Characteristics Surveys (2008 and 2012), the largest number of P4P programmes are found in primary care, but P4P are also spreading to specialists and acute hospitals. Between the 2008 and 2012 Health Systems Characteristics Surveys, three P4P schemes were introduced in primary care (Korea, Mexico, Netherlands), three to specialist care (France, Korea, Netherlands), and seven to acute care (Australia, France, Korea, New Zealand, Portugal, Spain, Sweden) (OECD Health Systems Characteristics Survey, 2012; OECD, 2014; Paris et al., Beyond this, performance-based payment is also being introduced in more diverse care settings, for example long-term care in the United States (CMS, 2015) and public health and prevention outside of GP practices such as for delivery of vaccination services or smoking cessation in pharmacies in the United Kingdom (see Box 2.1). Pharmacy services and their payment arrangements are also evolving in Australia. 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264168367-4-en 0f81db37972b6816a6b5a726032d54ca Table 2.3 reports the share of non-widowed lone parents in receipt of child maintenance. Rates of collection vary enormously, from a low of 22% of lone parents in receipt of child support in the United Kingdom to a high of 95% in Sweden. Broadly speaking, Nordic countries appear to have higher rates of child support payments while collection in Anglo-Saxon countries is relatively poor with a minority of single parents in receipt of support (and Continental Europe lying somewhere between the two). Child maintenance averages between 10 and 13% of national average earnings in most countries, although in Sweden and the Netherlands this proportion is lower (at 8%) while Austria and France collect a higher proportion. 1 2 2 0.0 10.18356/ec1d0bfd-en 0f828ce308301004c4dac1e55f7cd127 The first, the Republic of Korea Temporary Workers Programme, is a government-to-gov-ernment initiative. Timor-Leste is the 15th Asian country to join the Korean Employment Permit System for youth ages 18-35. In 2009-2015, this programme enabled 1,886 young Timorese, 5 percent of whom were women, to work in Korea (Wigglesworth and Fonseca 2016). 8 0 4 1.0 10.1787/5k4c9kwfdx8r-en 0f85e0a47de9384bd6eae61a5c142140 In addition, the programme was meant to create a demonstration effect that would encourage commercial banks and other sources of capital to lend to or invest in companies that “graduate” from the fund. The MIF was aimed as a complement to commercial financial services and its credit facilities were priced in line with prevailing lending rates in the commercial banking sector, based on market surveys periodically conducted by MATEP. This involved business consultancy to coach entrepreneurs to develop promising business concepts into fully-fledged bankable business plans. A total of 33 loans have been disbursed servicing 17 sub-sectors, including, in the agricultural field, canned horticultural produce, processed beef, horticulture (cucumbers), honey, molasses, groundnuts, organic cotton, paprika, poultry, seed and soy cake. 2 3 6 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/3afdf450-en 0f8694ffa22ecfa2785e4f97d141cde9 Requests to utilize larger portions or the full publication should be addressed to the Communication Unit at florence @ unicef.ore. The Centre helps to identify and research current and future areas of UNICEF’s work. Its prime objectives are to improve international understanding of issues relating to children’s rights and to help facilitate full implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child in developing, middle-income and industrialized countries. The Office aims to set out a comprehensive framework for research and knowledge within the organization, in support of its global programmes and policies. 1 7 2 0.5555555555555556 10.18356/2c4e4b18-en 0f87128322a37d5d073ff823bcd1c1e4 Specific health and safety measures were taken during the demolition of old buildings and excavation and disposal of contaminated soil to avoid hazardous exposure of the workers. Clean-up of these objects and territories was completed in 2011. These fees reflect the financial possibilities based on population and range from 4,500 lek (some €32.45) per household per year in Tirana and 1,000 lek (some €7.2) per household per year in other major cities to 300 lek (some €2.20) per household per year in smaller municipalities. The sum of waste fees paid by users of MSW collection services reached €7.5 million in 2009. 12 1 3 0.5 10.1787/how/life-2013-8-en 0f89917b1b70b2fadbf605626fdd3063 During the 6th meeting of the Inter-agency and Expert Group on Gender Statistics held at the Dead Sea in March 2012, the results of a global review of the gender statistics programmes in UN countries were presented. The global review was developed by the UN Statistics Division in consultation with the regional commissions, and finalised by a task team of the Inter-agency and Expert Group on Gender Statistics. Results reveal that 68% of the 128 responding countries already have a gender statistics focal point in the national statistical office; 37% have a co-ordinating body for gender statistics at the national level. In addition, gender statistics are governed by statistics or gender-related laws, regulation or national action plans in an overwhelming majority of the countries (86%), but only 15% of those countries have specific legislation requiring the national statistical system to conduct specialised gender-based surveys. 5 0 9 1.0 10.18356/47c7f9c4-en 0f8a5b7dc1199e99518bd64bc90a27a7 The argument may be less applicable for rural areas in Central Asia. In all four countries for which we have data, the working poor make up a significant share of the total poor. Although children in families with working parents are usually better off, especially if the parent is highly educated, the share of the working poor remains significant due to low wages in many sectors, especially in agriculture and the public sector. The salaries are not sufficient to lift families out of poverty (Baschieri and Falkingham, 2007). In Uzbekistan, 50 per cent of the poor are either working in the public sector, are low-paid employees or self-employed (UNICEF 2009a). In Kyrgyzstan, 70 per cent of the poor are living in a household where the head is employed (World Bank, forthcoming). 1 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264237056-4-en 0f8be916d4d3e7a8a6c42cb78b0afe47 Foreign investment, for example, has contributed to the development of fertiliser production in Brazil; FDI has also been very important in the sugar and ethanol sectors, driving their technological development. Interest rates are high in international terms, largely due to high risk premiums on lending. Opinion surveys show that local businesses feel there is limited availability of financial services and venture capital opportunities and they consider loans difficult to obtain. 2 2 2 0.0 10.1787/empl/outlook-2015-9-en 0f8d2ae74058ed6ba8e8a073ac874615 In particular, a large literature documents the existence of a deep divide, within the formal sector, between jobs offering permanent contracts and those offering fixed-term contracts. The distinction is especially relevant from a job quality perspective since fixed-term jobs tend to be, on average, second best jobs characterised by lower earnings quality, higher labour market risk (due to both higher risk of joblessness and to lower unemployment benefit coverage) and lower quality of the working environment (OECD, 2014, Chapter 3). Furthermore, these forms of fixed-term employment are quite widespread in emerging economies, notably in Latin American countries and China. 8 0 3 1.0 10.1787/rev/fish-2015-18-en 0f8d6dd2df0c53eeab28d43c85aff0e4 This decision was also in line with the commitments entered into at the Grenelle Environment Forum on the Sea. This ecolabel must comply with FAO guidelines on ecolabelling as w’ell as new additional criteria (social and quality criteria). Four themes have been selected by the professionals, namely: “resource,” “environment,” “social” and “quality.” 14 1 3 0.5 10.14217/c295c5f3-en 0f8d8fc5db4919e3f14595f73353573c Its work plan is flexible to enable quick response to emerging issues in the international trading environment that impact particularly on highly vulnerable Commonwealth constituencies - least developed countries (LDCs), small states and sub-Saharan Africa. Regional and Emerging Trade Issues, held in Port Louis, Mauritius. Investment and Innovation, UNCTAD 14, held in Nairobi, Kenya. 14 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/469d7fec-en 0f8ef4dcc118e9693ad53c11aec576dc If a country reports this information, as South Korea did, the expert team does not seek further clarification (for example on how flows are classified as “climate related” or “general”, or the difference between financial instruments listed as “grand aid” and “donation”). This is largely due to the remit of technical analysis and the role of the expert team. This could make it difficult to a) encourage Parties to report this information; b) clarify information reported so it is more understandable to other Parties and stakeholders; and ; c) provide the reporting Party with feedback on how reporting could be made more transparent. Parties that do report on support received could perhaps also voluntarily indicate whether they would like this information to be reviewed. 13 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/06f7e845-en 0f90c89cc6e545667b85eedd2389f3f5 Access to basic health care, expanded health education, the availability of simple cost-effective remedies, and the reappraisal of primary health-care services, including reproductive health-care services to facilitate the proper use of women’s time, should be provided. Governments should ensure community participation in health policy planning, especially with respect to the long-term care of the elderly, those with disabilities and those infected with HIV and other endemic diseases. Such participation should also be promoted in child-survival and maternal health programmes, breast-feeding support programmes, programmes for the early detection and treatment of cancer of the reproductive system, and programmes for the prevention of HIV infection and other sexually transmitted diseases. 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5jz159228n6j-en 0f9366b4004ef308944c440062b6376f As in other developing countries given the wide-spread labour market informality and population ageing, a payroll tax may not be the best funding instrument to raise sufficient revenue to fund adequate health care services. Funding the NHI through a higher value added tax or by general tax revenue would spread the financing burden more equitably across the population based on the ability to pay and will make financing less vulnerable to setbacks in the fight against labour market informality. Russian life expectancy was 69 years in 2010, more than ten years below the OECD average and about seven years shorter than in countries with a similar income level, such as Chile and Poland. 3 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/5jlwvz85537c-en 0f936a938e391dfaac2b7671eebf51ad Intelligent Transportation System technologies are developing rapidly, and it is expected that ISA could be implemented without major obstacles. The adoption of a bold vision with the safe system approach will enable Korea through its leading agencies and organizations, together with the community to fundamentally change the way it approaches road safety improvement. This will involve moving current thinking and practice from “ decisions about the next incremental improvement ” to “ decisions on how to achieve the ultimate outcome of zero serious harm and then working backwards from the ultimate to the current” to determine the next steps forward along the safe system journey. 11 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/09ba747a-en 0f94af91eeabd187175c3a6211f81ce4 Recent research (Flues and Thomas. Taxes on heating fuel and electricity tend to be regressive. By contrast, as a percentage of current spending, taxes on transport fuels tend to be progressive in the lower half of the income distribution, reflecting the lower rate of vehicle ownership among poor households. 8 4 3 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264187443-8-en 0f95b710422a4139180bbd94984ca1ea Markets closer to the new road have seen their status grow and their activities diversified (grouping, warehousing and transporting), while other have lost out. Urban horticulture and livestock production (especially poultry) have increased considerably in recent decades. Urban agriculture is a flourishing economic activity that benefits from proximity to markets; it is characterised by very small plots, a high degree of specialisation, high use of inputs (labour, fertiliser and equipment) and market-oriented production (no regional supply and very low auto-consumption). 2 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264225428-5-en 0f9a29eb09bbab1dafd29d36175281c1 With the devolution of political power and the shift towards financial federalism, health care planning, the organisation of health care supply and the development of quality strategies are to a large extent the responsibility of the regions through regional health departments. Beyond its legislative role, the regional level has also executive functions carried out through the regional Department of Health. Based on the Patto per la Salute, the Piano Sanitario Nazionale and on regional health needs, regional governments develop their own regional health plans which are also three-year plans. 3 0 7 1.0 10.18356/c1d6ed54-en 0f9b845aad8701dfe228cc027893a2db Many countries have reported the involvement of ministries with cross-cutting influence, such as ministries of planning or finance, and the mainstreaming of the SDGs 11 targets into sectoral/line ministries, as well as the integration of SDG targets within the country's development plans and other relevant urban strategies. Countries have also reported efforts to engage several partners including civil society, academia and private sector, in shaping policies and plans to implement the urban related SDGs. In some countries and for several targets, efforts are still at an early stage, and others are completely stalled. 11 0 7 1.0 10.1787/da48ce17-en 0f9f51e6d7ade2e3d99824b41990d412 Nevertheless, there are several challenges associated with developing these systems, which may have important implications for the UNFCCC process. Several initiatives from bilateral development co-operation providers or multilateral bodies under the UNFCCC provide support to Parties to fill those gaps. The extent to which national adaptation monitoring and evaluation systems can be used to assess progress towards the global goal on adaptation is potentially important but still highly uncertain. Some of those challenges relate to the nature of climate adaptation itself, such as long timescales, the uncertainty associated with the localised impacts, difficulties in setting of baselines and targets, or the difficulty of attributing cause and effect (AC, 2014; OECD, 2015b). Indicators are not the only or indeed always the most appropriate tool for monitoring and evaluation; qualitative narratives or consultations can be useful in particular to assess adaptation from the viewpoint of the most vulnerable communities (AC, 2014). There are also challenges with identifying and combining relevant indicators, as well as interpreting them correctly. 13 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/empl/outlook-2015-7-en 0fa0c7fc61df952329809ea4440ecec4 In Denmark, the central recommendation of a recent expert committee is to cut funding for general counselling and skills enhancement programmes, while introducing new incentives for training in a company, and increasing mentoring and bridge-building measures that support people into and during training and work (Ekspertgruppen, 2014). However, this is only part of the story. What happens to unemployed workers and other population groups with labour market barriers not only depends on their motivation to look for work and the qualifications and skills they possess, it also depends on the demand that exists for those skills and qualifications. Employment opportunities for unemployed workers, in particular, depend to a considerable extent on the health of the economy. 8 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264085374-14-en 0fa512c1d8dd487ec7580766503a800f The analysis in this chapter draws particularly on the “Pedagogical Approach Networks”, for their experiences revolve on common approaches that have already expanded. It follows the structure of the questionnaire, which was designed to engage the different networks. First, it describes the networks main pedagogical approaches and their relation to some fundamentals of learning (as described in previous OECD/CERI work). 4 4 5 0.1111111111111111 10.1787/85b52daf-en 0fa5954c68f8a327a0d8ceaecc6e708c A larger share of climate-related development flows targeting the private sector is going towards climate change mitigation activities (i.e. those that aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions) compared to adaptation activities. Mitigation activities comprise just under 80% of climate-related development finance supporting private sector engagement in 2013, while 11% targets adaptation, and a further 12% targets both mitigation and adaptation. This is roughly in line with the findings of other studies. 13 0 9 1.0 10.6027/9789289338912-7-en 0fa781d27426c91025055a3527118806 The consumers' decision node contains the choice of buying goods made of virgin or recycled plastics as well as the choice of sorting the waste for recycling, leaving it in the household mixed residual waste or even illegally dispose it, for instance, placing it next to an over-filled recycling container or burning it in the open fire. Finally, the reprocessors convert waste plastics to e.g. pellets that can be used as raw material in the manufacturing of new goods and sell it to domestic or foreign manufacturers of plastics. 12 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5jrs8sv4jt6k-en 0fa808ed01f1191d483324c7df3c3767 Although efforts have been made to address these barriers, they are still far from being resolved. In a very broad way, programmes to address constraints faced by smallholders are: fertiliser subsidies; investments in agricultural infrastructure, particularly irrigation; the provision of various credit programmes with subsidised interest rate; advice and market information provided through extension services; the development of partnership between farmers and traders/processors and the creation of farmer organisations; and technology development and dissemination. Some of these programmes are described briefly below. 2 0 3 1.0 10.18356/47c7f9c4-en 0fa80d534761ddaa5dbc37111ff89247 The little money transferred through these systems remains essential for the poorest households as it is often the only cash they have. The existing systems have potential to help the poorest in the societies and can serve as a basis for ad-hoc assistance in the case of external shocks. But we also need to be aware that social protection in general and social cash transfers in particular cannot solve all problems and that the poor countries in Central Asia have extremely limited fiscal resources. 1 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264301603-4-en 0fae757974b3f4b2786846a5b3766f94 They also have access to the School Completion Programme and Home School Community Liaison Services ofTusla, the Child and Family Agency that has a statutory remit in relation to school attendance, participation and retention, and school-community liaison services. Primary schools in areas with the highest concentrations of pupils at risk of educational disadvantage, in particular, receive sufficient staff to reduce class size to below 20 students. Secondary schools in the School Support Programme are provided with greater access to career-guidance professionals and enhanced curricular choices (through staffing and funding support for the Junior Certificate School Programme and the Leaving Certificate Applied Programme). 4 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264262782-4-en 0faf1a03fd27e6916465a46d54ca6ec6 Even compared to other former Soviet economies, the Latvian system is under-resourced. Estonia and Lithuania, for example, spend approximately 1% of GDP more on health. Whilst also limiting the feasibility of longer-term reform, underfunding is also harming Latvians’ health today, as evidenced by the numbers foregoing health care and late treatment of diseases as a result. If national health and wellbeing is a priority for Latvia, more public money will need to be directed to its health system. Population ageing is progressing more slowly than in many OECD countries, but is nonetheless complicating the disease-burden, and adding pressure to the health system. At the same time, prevalence of communicable diseases such as HIV remains high. 3 1 3 0.5 10.18356/6950d0fe-en 0fb22147b829d1638c3ce978734030d5 The quest to achieve adequate housing is not only a function of the financial resources needed, it also relates to legal claims on tenure and a political assertion over one's right to the city (Gupte 2010). Social protection systems have the potential to assist in the realization of the right to an adequate standard of living, including adequate shelter. As such, the right to social protection and the right to housing articulated in NUA can be viewed as mutually supportive. 1 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.14217/5jlwz7lt4k9q-en 0fb35a2e2c29e1234a8232db06e8a296 Some States party to the agreement may meet domestic NDC targets through establishment of emissions trading regimes. As of 2015, 35 countries and 22 cities, states and regions have established some form of emissions trading scheme.5 The Paris Agreement will recognize traded credits when such domestic emissions trading programmes link and arbitrage credits between themselves. Trading member states will be able to determine domestically what constitutes an emissions credit, but trade in such credits between member states will have to meet UNFCCC established guidelines. Shared standards will ensure that credits with different emissions values can be harmonised, and help to prevent double-counting between a state producing emissions reductions and one acquiring them. 13 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264096127-9-en 0fb64caa734de3245c7230eb2d2fac99 In Austria, Germany and Switzerland, apprenticeship contracts are of limited duration. Spain, the country with the highest share of temporary work in youth employment before the crisis, illustrates this point well. Indeed, during the recent recession, the decline in temporary youth employment in Spain accounted for 67% of the total decline in youth employment (Figure 5.7), highlighting the drawbacks of the labour market duality generated by promoting employment growth through temporary employment. 8 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264102637-10-en 0fb8628e6694a48893c79a41e80b4ff5 A mechanism to provide for informed public debate about the acceptable level of flood risk could be established. It could serve multiple purposes, including raising public aw'areness of flood risk, solidifying the willingness to pay for current and future flood protection to achieve high levels of safety in recognition of the associated costs, and reinforcing the social contract to commit to a safe Netherlands today and in the future that can secure steady financial flows for flood protection. Recognise that the pace of implementation of flood protection measures determines the de facto level of safety at any point in time. The programme of measures to improve defence structures that do not meet the standards and the timeline for implementation should be determined in light of what is considered by society as an acceptable level of risk. 6 3 6 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264281707-7-en 0fbea238cbc6ff5bf8e42f6f9b420952 This indicates that dam or multi-regional water is supplied at a tariff level that is cheaper than the full supply cost. Both tariffs increased by 4.9% in 2013, and by 4.8% in 2016. At the same time, Consumer price index increased by 27.5%. Change in dam and multi-regional water tariffs has been restrained by the government’s price stabilisation policy (which applies to public utility charges) (MoLIT and K-water, 2016). 6 0 3 1.0 10.1787/059ce467-en 0fc050ba45e1293a7e5d56435dbf3369 A culture of inclusion cannot be established unless everyone embraces it. However, there is no particular national policy towards a whole-school approach to diversity and inclusion or the celebration of cultural events. Only some projects have tried to promote a positive school climate throughout schools without being scaled up to all schools. The National Agency for Education could publish guidelines for schools on how to implement a whole school response to welcome and integrate immigrant and refugee students and how to develop an inclusive school climate and culture. 4 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264229372-7-en 0fc992405b89a8a687630b6d20c19c55 For example, key transport infrastructures influencing external connectivity, and thus exports, such as rail infrastructure, are under the jurisdiction of the federal Ministry of Transport, while other transport infrastructures that contribute to the same objective, such as regional roads, are under the responsibility of the Krai. Logistics infrastructure, also affecting the conditions for exports and cargo transit, is governed at the local level and financed partly by federal or private funds. Improving the conditions for exporting firms in the Agglomeration thus depends on aligning all levels of government and involved actors and stakeholders around this common goal, and on co-ordinating policies in an integrated framework that allows transport to be governed at the relevant territorial scale. 11 1 3 0.5 10.18356/e617261d-en 0fc9f5cf89742e0b105dddfc03927d92 Females and males do not differ significantly in this regard. There are disturbing data on the migrants' limited awareness about sexual and reproductive health, which might lead to the spread of sexually transmitted infections and having unwanted/unexpected pregnancies. Bearing in mind the strong transnational ties that exist, it can be hypothesized that this factor can take a toll on the countries of origin. As in other settings, it is highly gendered, being tightly connected with ideals of masculinity in the subregion, which is reflected in the dominance of men among migrants. However, the gender order of Kyrgyzstan, which is characterized by much better positions of women, is conducive to more gender-balanced migration, with women making up almost half of the migrants and many of them being under the age of 30. 5 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/469d7fec-en 0fccf32a8f9a923cac82d1cb0739b3e8 As previously indicated, multilateral development banks issue an annual report on the climate finance that they provide and mobilise. The IDFC also issues an annual report on “green finance”. As the MDBs (as well as all other entities that have been accredited under the Adaptation Fund and GEF) are all accredited entities of the GCF, it may be that future guidance from the COP to the GCF could be transmitted by the GCF to encourage its accredited entities to report specific information and/or in a specific manner. 13 0 3 1.0 10.6027/9789289330633-11-en 0fcffbd148f4d95082f1e8548a6026a0 At this time it is estimated that about 2/3 of all the children born died within the first year of life (Figure 1). The recent eruption of Eyjafjallajokull in 2010 reminds us, once again, what an impact a volcanic eruption can have on the livelihood of children and families living in its vicinity as well as on global air traffic. Development of infant mortality rates in Iceland by historical milestones. 3 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264083523-4-en 0fd2b77648e03cfb215e7058fb0787e0 These include recommendations pertaining to greater vertical and horizontal co-ordination (multi-level and integrated governance), long-term planning; and integration of broader ecological and economic development considerations into water governance. Deviation of the main rivers that used to flow into the Lagoon between the fifteenth and seventeenth centuries drastically changed the sediment budget of the Lagoon and ended the risk of it ever silting up altogether. The main human interventions over the past century have disturbed the preexisting situation of the Lagoon, which was closer to a stable (albeit dynamic) equilibrium between land and marine forces. 6 0 4 1.0 10.18356/ea8c16ef-en 0fd3d08186461315e37054f24d0eeef4 As a recent analysis by the World Health Organization (2014) highlights, health events during adolescence have an impact across the life course. Adolescents differ from other groups in the population and are served less well dian many other groups, so they are a key population to address in efforts to achieve universal health coverage. A legal framework that facilitates redress to problems or obstacles in a health system is essential for ensuring quality. Likewise, a framework that ensures every person’s right to services, without requiring special permissions of other family members, can facilitate the use of services and a sense of entidement on the part of young clients. Behaviours and outcomes could be influenced by policy interventions, such as those that loosen age or parental-consent restrictions on adolescents’ access to services, or policies that allow pregnant students to return to school after giving birth. 5 7 2 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/9789264089457-en 0fd934da2d0bb222a41ffd390a574349 It makes entrepreneurship support systems accessible and attractive for future entrepreneurs and rectifies market and system failures in financing and premises. For universities to be effective, partnerships with entrepreneurship support actors in the region and beyond are relevant. Many of the current start-up support systems do not have local contact points in Penang, and thus rely more on arms-length connections for example through on-line facilitation. 4 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264224636-11-en 0fd9423da361ac41a23765887363bf68 It argues that norms affecting women's and men’s private arrangements have a strong impact on women's participation in public life. The chapter contains four main sections: family law, physical integrity, nationality and access to justice. Each section highlights respective international benchmarks, trends in domestic legislation and compliance gaps in the MENA region, ln the area of family law and nationality, the chapter provides an overview of the remaining legal discriminations which continue to hamper women’s equality with men. With regard to access to justice and gender-based violence, many countries recognise the outstanding issues and aim to address the remaining gaps through national reform agendas. Yet, further action is needed to enable equal access to justice and to eliminate violence against women, which appears to be on the rise following the recent uprisings in some countries in the region. 5 0 3 1.0 10.18356/a3c1ce6c-en 0fdf45c8aa2c8203709f56dac3a00a8c It is especially relevant for reducing pollution from agriculture (UNESCO, 2016). There has been, however, no systematic analysis of the impacts of buffer strips across European farms on water quality. Nutrient loads to European rivers have decreased due to a suite of nutrient reduction measures required under the EU Nitrates Directive and other policy actions, and it is difficult to isolate the contribution of riparian buffers alone. 6 0 4 1.0 10.1787/871f6812-en 0fe0ef6c13082928e11f56920eb2ea45 Ongoing issues that will need to be addressed in the continued development and rollout of EVs include designing battery leasing operations, reducing the lifecycle emissions of new e-mobility technologies (e.g. EV batteries), automating e-mobility options, and adapting EV designs for shared use. With respect to transit, several measures will be particularly effective in mitigating emissions increases and should therefore be prioritised. Specifically, cities should focus on accelerating transit-oriented development, encouraging mass transit, walking, and cycling, and enabling next generation passenger vehicles (e.g. shared, EV-AV connected) and next-generation freight transport. 11 0 3 1.0 10.18356/5f92cb4f-en 0fe55fa19064597290a00b388346ae5a "For example, the OECD CRS dataset does not include all donor countries; it is limited to the assistance committed by OECD member states and thus exclude assistance from countries such as China. Numerous issues have been raised in terms of how projects are designated (""tagged"") as supporting climate change adaptation and/or mitigation (Caravani, Nakhooda and Terpstra, 2014; Michaelowa and Michaelowa, 2011)." 13 0 3 1.0 10.1787/agr/outlook-2014-11-en 0fe6f24984069b05bee2c2924b6d635d Developing countries will drive major changes and expansion in fisheries and aquaculture production, trade and consumption. By 2023, fish prices in nominal terms are projected to be well above their historical average. In real terms, fish prices are expected to slightly decline, yet remaining above levels in previous decades. 14 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264229679-5-en 0febdbb997c98aaa7e40dc1768fc8c02 It will benefit from data already collected by various ministries to monitor over 6 000 national indicators. Possible sources of information that the repository can draw upon are summarised in Table 2.1. The repository will complement other online systems already in place including the Electronics Projects Monitoring Systems (E-ProMIS) that monitors project implementation, and the Kenyan Environmental Information Network (KEIN). 13 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/5js4xfgl4ks0-en 0feccddd5d6a5e3a2e6c50ccde46ab51 Finally, a decomposition exercise shows that composition effects are able to explain a very limited amount of the observed cross-country differences in wage inequality. This suggests that economic institutions, by shaping the way personal characteristics are rewarded in the labour market, are the main determinants of wage inequality. Aprfes la presentation de statistiques descriptives sur le degre de dispersion des distributions des niveaux de competence et des revenus, le document montre que la correlation internationale entre ces deux dimensions d’inegalite est ties faible et, le cas echeant, negative. 10 0 4 1.0 10.18356/5be883c5-en 0fef62a3d799d1f3c9abf45045e62a6a La reproduccion social se define en terminos del tiempo y los recursos economicos necesarios para producir mano de obra, mantenerla e invertirenella;incluyetantoel trabajo remunerado comoel trabajo de cuidados no remunerado. El anali-sis se centra en el modo en que las distribuciones de produccion y reproduccion entre mujeres, hombres, el Estadoy el capital determinan la inversiony el cre-cimiento.y describe la desigualdad de genero como causa yconsecuencia de dichas relaciones. La reproduction sociale est essentielle a la croissance, et les circon-stances sociales et economiques dans lesquelles el le se fait determinent la nature precise de cette relation et laissent entrevoir de reelles possibility de changement. 5 4 3 0.14285714285714285 10.18356/50674358-en 0ff0158bdb59bcc23bcb54a6ddfa7662 From 1987, this dynamic is considerably muted and a significant negative trend can be observed in Figure 14a and 14b. The discharge anomaly plots in Figure 14c clearly show a below-average annual discharge since 1987. There is still a distinction between high- and low-flow periods, but the regimes differ significantly, with Addasiya exhibiting a double peak during winter high flows, while upstream Maqarin registers a damped winter high-flow period (Figure 15). 6 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264303201-4-en 0ff67bd72624e3eea3d58380d6140cb0 Assessing existing national monitoring systems and their associated data collection and reporting components provides essential information which can inform and influence changes to better reflect poverty-environment linkages. In addition, the availability, quality and relevance of existing datasets and indicators (including gender disaggregation) should be analysed, along with the institutional roles and responsibilities for collecting, analysing and reporting on data. Identify possible poverty-environment linkages through a consultative process. 15 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/eco/outlook-v2015-2-3-en 0ff7a08d1f9f306218722191940a7ca5 Some policies, including for green investment, are pro-growth. Hence, concerns related to fiscal balance, inequality or growth should not be used as an excuse to delay policy action on climate change. On current trends and policies, greenhouse gas emissions over the next 50 years will cause damaging changes in the world’s climate. 13 0 8 1.0 10.1787/5km6c61fv40w-en 0ff83ec7f48709ee7a0f4f9d17b2e9b1 The delay in removing the MEP on basmati rice has seen Indian exporters lose market share to their Pakistani competitors who had their MEP removed in late 2008 and have benefited from a dramatic depreciation of the Pakistani currency vis-a-vis the Indian rupee (Slayton, 2009). India's share of world rice exports fell from 19% in 2007 (averaging 15% during 2004-06) to just 7% in 2009. However, during the rice price crisis in early 2008 China did not respond to the public and private appeals that it use its growing rice surpluses to partially fill the gap created by the exit of India and Vietnam from the market (Slayton, 2009). China delayed issuing export quotas and shipped out only 56 000 tonnes at the peak of the market during April-June 2008, down from 167 000 tonnes during the same period a year earlier. 2 4 5 0.1111111111111111 10.1787/5jzb44nmnbd2-en 0ff8ae42bfb622b0cd2a97a7fcb53b06 This would limit the additionality of climate finance and could potentially mean public climate finance displacing (crowding out) the private sector. Similarly, targeting climate finance on negative or low-cost mitigation activities, such as energy-efficiency measures, could crowd out the private sector unless the intervention is targeted at overcoming specific market failures. Identifying lessons learned is a key aspect of public climate finance interventions, and much effort has gone into identifying these lessons. 13 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264247567-6-en 0ff8baf0eb3694f52a295bace7c36731 "Analytical capacities should be strengthened not only at the national level but also at the level of self-governing regions and larger cities responsible for larger local school systems. The development of the analytical and planning capacities of self-governing regions and larger cities could be supported by special development interventions either in the framework of EU-funded development programmes of the education sector or in the framework of the programmes targeted at supporting administrative and public management capacities. An interesting model is the Local Learning initiative in Germany (see Box 2.4). In general, capacity building should become a key policy instrument in a policy environment where, as in the Slovak Republic, the decisions of local players have an increasing impact on policy outcomes. This should reach not only self-governing regions and local municipalities but also institutional level ""lay” actors, such as the members of schools boards. There are many policy goals that require the use of more sophisticated, often “soft” policy instruments." 4 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.18356/442a2283-en 0ffa7f0ed1523f66be87b068c01ab98d In 1990, the Ministry of Education launched the Bilingual Intercultural Education Projectfor 114 rural primary schools with three majority indigenous languages: Quechua, Aymara and Guarani. The project developed into a national policy including more than ten ethno-linguistic groups. The key strategies of the project were linguistic standardization to develop written forms of the indigenous languages involved, training of national human resources for the administration of the programs in the framework of the project, participation of parents, and coordination of efforts among the State, NGOs, and indigenous organizations. 4 3 6 0.3333333333333333 10.14217/9781848591462-6-en 0ffbbf0df3946a3b945f305f01bd1715 The Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environmental Programme (SPREP), among others, is active in implementing community-level programmes related to issues such as biodiversity conservation, waste management and other environmental themes. Sustainability is not a collection of individual issues; it is a holistic systems approach to viewing the human position in the world - typically described in social, economic and environmental terms. The challenge for organisations delivering topic-based or thematic programmes is around making them somehow cohere with one another. 13 1 3 0.5 10.18356/bdd5fff2-en 0ffd73ceb58601208a73b76cc34e2a0e Total income is greater than r (<1) times the current income even if the area allocation is changed. However, it was not possible to attain an ideal outcome in which all the self-sufficiency rates are equal to or exceed 100 per cent (r = 1) at the same time. Under the condition 0 < r < 0.9, the result is shown in Figure 4.2.2. Recently, willow has received a lot of attention as an energy source, and it may be planted in the field as an agricultural crop (Eriksson, 2008; Heller et al., The lower panel shows the optimal allocation areas and the number of cows when r is changed. 2 5 2 0.42857142857142855 10.18356/46e21a79-en 0ffe10c3cad4a541a49b540db3ab1201 "This decision formally requests members to consider certain guidelines when developing their rules of origin frameworks for least developed countries; it was, however, not legally binding. Building upon the 2013 guidelines, the LDC Group introduced a proposal on 20 October 2015 for consideration in the Nairobi Ministerial Conference. The LDC Group proposal calls for the adoption of a number of changes to make it easier to comply with preferential rules of origin. For instance, it specifies simple and transparent methods for determining ""substantial transformation"", and asks for additional ""cumulation"" possibilities. In addition, it also seeks to simplify documentary elements by, for instance, proposing to abolish certain certificates of non-manipulation, and recognizing self-certification of origin. While members have said they are ready to work with the LDC Group on the issue in a constructive manner, several have expressed concerned that the proposal appears to call for binding rules whereas the Bali Decision granted countries flexibility in the application of the guidelines." 8 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/f7cce716-en 0fffc136723ee5d34aac0f369f67ab0b "This transfer is complemented with the public provision of food, shelter and other items by government agencies. The Emergency Grant has been activated on several occasions, including the flooding and landslides in 2012 that struck eight of Ecuador's provinces (Manabi, Guayas, El Oro, Los Rios, Esmeraldas, Azuay, Cotopaxi and Loja), with a total of 109,532 people affected. Of that number, 47,221 were eligible to receive the grant (SNGR, 2012). According to Rofman, Apella and Vezza (2013, p. 10), ""the most common factor in the reforms (..) is the search for ways to expand coverage"", particularly for older adults that did not have a working life as formal workers making regular contributions to the pension system." 13 0 3 1.0 10.1787/env/outlook-2012-8-en 10005eed1b78395e740e9b78f09f5758 Firstly, progress has been rapid in rural areas - a trend which is projected to continue under the Environmental Outloofe Baseline - but the absolute number of people in rural areas without access is still a concern (Figure 5.12). Secondly, as noted above, the number of city dwellers without access to improved water supply worldwide has actually increased between 1990 and 2008, as service extension fails to keep pace with city growth. Thirdly, the MDG target indicator - the “proportion of population using an improved drinking water source” - does not necessarily reflect access to safe water, which was defined as a fundamental human right by the UN in 2010 (see Section 3 for more on this). 6 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264208445-8-en 10011c760efcc003f440a8ddd8ff27e3 Quality of mental health care services needs to include not just the quality of specialist services, but also quality of primary care services, and quality of services supplied by other sectors, for example housing or employment services. However, there is often an inability to avoid choosing indicators for quality benchmarking that reflect the data source that is available rather than optimal measures of quality of care, which has perpetuated reliance on inpatient orientated indicators, rather than reflecting the shift in the care delivery patterns. It is crucial that once optimal quality measures have been agreed upon, there is a commitment to work towards collecting these data. The establishment of registers and regular assessment of people with SMI in primary care can help to reduce the burden of physical illness and improve the quality of care (Holt et al., 3 0 4 1.0 10.18356/9b4421ad-en 10018702a2c8085d47a2783845712a25 However, with rising demands for cheap labour (particularly domestic work) in destination countries (e.g., the Persian Gulf), continued inadequacy of rural employment opportunities and changing aspirations, women are increasingly migrating independently. Pourakhi, an organization established by women returnees in 2003, has collected over 1,700 case studies on returnee women migrant workers in Nepal. This paper delves into 307 of these, collected between July 2015 and June 2016. Following the focus group discussion, five in-depth interviews were conducted to further consolidate the data. 5 2 2 0.0 10.1787/9789264281776-3-en 1004c2cbc71661ffba753dd9cab0a281 This will require better and more systematic funding of these activities. In order to harmonise Georgia’s environmental legislation with the EU Directives the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection (MENRP) has drafted a new Framework Law on Water Resources Management. The draft law aims to encapsulate all aspects of integrated water resources management. The WFD also includes the systematic use of economic instruments, including water pricing, to recover the cost of water services provided to households, industry, and farmers. 6 0 4 1.0 10.18356/30e5b8d3-en 1006081472e3394e503b561b1a30b659 The second NFI show's that these areas have increased to 1,692,700 ha in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and 1,525,800 ha in Republika Srpska from 2006 to 2009 (table 12.1). Of these forests, 1,028,700 ha or approximately 39.4 per cent can be classified as forests that are productive (table 12.1). This increase of forests is linked to the change of methodology in the forest inventory from taxation to a statistical approach, and to the fact that the forest area has increased due to natural regeneration and natural reforestation in the abandoned land. 15 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264258051-6-en 1008bd9bf2e555aebbb49690d806036d To this end, this chapter tries to identify the groups that may be at particular risk of suffering from low proficiency in literacy, numeracy and/or problem-solving skills. A lack of information-processing skills could be a major obstacle to full participation in modem societies and could lead to social and economic exclusion and marginalisation. The bars show raw (unadjusted) differences, while the dots represent adjusted differences, estimated after accounting for the impact of other background characteristics.' While the analysis focuses on literacy proficiency, results for numeracy are generally similar. When considering educational attainment, the adjusted differences are generally close to the unadjusted differences, meaning that background characteristics like age, gender or family background have little impact on the strength of the relationship between educational attainment and proficiency. In fact, accounting for differences in educational attainment generally results in a much weaker association between proficiency and other background characteristics. 4 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/9789264179370-3-en 1008e4c54c1aa43a8aca6e2e6ded94d6 The declaration was endorsed by 160 governments (United Nations, 1995) and incorporated into many national constitutions (e.g. Canada, Egypt, Germany, India, the Russian Federation, South Africa and Hirkey) and other legal and policy provisions. Defining gender equality and gender mainstreaming Gender equality describes the absence of obvious or hidden disparities among individuals based on gender. Disparities can include discrimination in terms of opportunities, resources, services, benefits, decision-making power and influence (Wikigender). It encompasses the ability to anticipate the potentially differential impact of policy actions on women and men as well as the ability to design policy actions that are not “gender-blind” but “gender-sensitive”. 5 0 9 1.0 10.1787/5jrxfmjvw9bt-en 1008f848bf2e867d611f31002d206a9c In most of this paper, comparisons between vocational and academic education are made at the same level of educational attainment, hence outcomes of treatment 1 (3) are compared to those of treatment 2 (4). Depending on the research question being investigated, other comparisons are possible and may deliver a different picture than the one presented here. In this paper, we assume that the assignment of individuals to the treatments listed above is explained by parental education, country of birth, the number of books in the house at age 16 as well as the pupil/teacher ratio in primary school and the proportion of residents in rural areas at the age of selection. We discuss in the report how plausible this assumption is in the context of the data being used. 4 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264213944-7-en 100960ed6bf63900c0a4169cb11a37d1 It was developed in early 2013 in response to data indicating that only 3% of the standard guaranteed start-up loans were allocated for women’s enterprises. The first two years of the pilot project (2013-15) will support women entrepreneurs in helping them access non-financial business development services (following the EBRD Business Advisory Services [BAS] model5) in order to improve their performance. The targeted beneficiaries are women entrepreneurs who already have an established business that has been in operation for at least two years, have a discernible competitive advantage and credible track record over recent years, are financially and commercially viable and have the management and financial resources to follow through on any business advice and take effective action. 5 0 3 1.0 10.14217/9781848599574-13-en 100be3ce70199c07a372c2c417b23108 It also recognises the critical need for all stakeholders in the energy sector to better co-ordinate their efforts and for a more holistic approach to addressing the energy challenges of the region rather than assuming that renewable energy is a panacea. For this to occur, the FAESP highlights that the appropriate capacity, and policy and regulatory frameworks, need to be in place to reduce the dependency on imported petroleum products, while increasing reliance on local renewable energy resources. The FAESP also recognises the need for the energy resources to be accessible and used productively and efficiently. 7 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264083578-11-en 100d40d1375548ba1c00c88780e7b939 Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering-Asce. Water Pricing for Agriculture between Cost Recovery and Water Conservation: Where Do We Stand in France ? Modeling Stream-Aquifer Interactions in a Shallow Aquifer, Choele Choel Island, Patagonia, Argentina. Public Subsidies for Water-Conserving Irrigation Investments: Hydrologic, Agronomic, and Economic Assessment. 6 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264210745-6-en 100dcdab16e7ffb685dabfbd02b89db6 They should: i) deal with the reality of a diverse range of urban women, ii) fully address women’s daily needs, iii) have an impact throughout the city and influence gender mainstreaming in other policies. From 2006-10, Seoul introduced the Women Friendly City Project, which provided policies that reflect women’s daily lives, and helped promote gender sensitivity in the use of city space and city planning. Based on five pillars, it had 90 projects ranging from improving childcare practices, to upgrading safety facilities. 5 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264214682-7-en 100efcbad046f974383b39da4abfcbe6 A recent study commissioned by the UK government estimated that ineffective management was costing UK businesses over GBP 19 billion per year, while in 2012 nearly three-quarters of organisations in England reported a deficit of management and leadership skills. Box 5.1 gives two examples of management training. These schools have many features in common with the professional examinations in other countries. 4 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264121164-7-en 10131f3cc3f95039604f834c83443409 The choice of indicators has closely followed some of the health measures considered by the Framework on Health Statistics developed by the Inter-Secretariat on Health Statistics (Box 5.1), though this framework is not yet wide-spread and would benefit from further use and development. The chapter does not deal with indicators of health input (e.g. health expenditure), output (e.g. number of interventions) or drivers (e.g. life style behaviour). The role of risk factors, such as smoking and alcohol use, is also not explicitly considered oris considered only to a limited extent (e.g. obesity). 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264298576-19-en 101cf5b8f6b4a02ba6f4c781aba1fd04 The work of the extension service in Serbia encompasses 41 500 households which are intensively monitored four times a year. Other households are included in the extension system in other ways; mainly through participation in group classes and occasional on-farm visits and consultations. It is provided free of charge to farmers. In all six SEE economies, extension services are modestly funded with a limited number of extension specialists - for example, in Kosovo there is one extension specialist for every 1 700 farmers. 2 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/eco/surveys-jpn-2011-7-en 101ed99f1b50a308416f9bec96ac36fa By this measure, Japan averaged 28.1 children per primary school class in 2008, compared to the OECD average of 21.6. For middle school, Japan had 31.2, compared to the OECD average of 23.9. As one expert wrote, “One has to think of education in Japan as an enormously elaborated, very expensive testing system, with some educational spin-offs, rather than as the other way around” (Dore, 1982). The government does not conduct surveys on high school students’ participation in out-of-school education. 4 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/5k46dbzhrkhl-en 102202ffadf9007208caff49a26bc12c The strategy proposes a flexible policy framework that can be tailored to different country circumstances and stages of development. Shewangizaw Kifle (Ethiopian Railways Co.) provided draft section input. The Environmental Protection Authority of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (EPA), in particular Wondwossen Sintayehu provided strong governmental support throughout the production of this document. 13 3 3 0.0 10.1787/saeo-2019-6-en 1025347bc2c76d414e0100a4b50649fe Alternative working arrangements can ease the problem and improve urban transportation systems. Large numbers of workers in cities strain both road capacity and the limits of public transportation systems. Flexible working arrangements (FWAs) are not widely used in many countries in the region, but could be used to either reduce demand or to shift demand from peak hours. 11 0 3 1.0 10.6027/9789289350167-9-en 1025a04c93ec9b7b9b6bf20f0c210182 Consumers switch between energy companies. Those cooking in the household switch between gas and electricity or between charcoal and kerosene for cooking. Motorists switch from gasoline to electric cars, or from gasoline to diesel cars and fuels. The divestment campaign where private and institutional investors shift investment assets away from fossil fuel companies is a marketplace example. 7 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.18356/f85273a2-en 102763c911b24b1ae62b922710bb6c97 Deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries are the primary sources of carbon dioxide (C02) emissions from these countries, accounting for 35 percent of C02 emissions in developing countries and 65 percent in least developed countries (United Nations, 2009). Agricultural irrigation accounts for some 70 percent of all water withdrawals. Moreover, it appears that water quality has been degraded partly owing to intensive agriculture, which makes excessive use of agrochemicals (pesticides and fertilizers) and has become the main source of water pollution in many developed and developing countries, rendering it unsustainable and a source of risks to human health (Molden and de Fraiture, 2004). Intensive livestock production is probably the largest sector-specific source of water pollution (Steinfeld et al., Source: University of East Anglia, Overseas Development Group (2006). 2 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264213944-8-en 102872d6d9862ba45c1433aae12d804e The first section presents a supply-side analysis of banks' financing practices, based on the results of a survey of banks carried out by the OECD in collaboration with the Union of Arab Banks. The section reviews whether banks consider women's businesses as a market for their own development, the amounts and types of loans they provide to those businesses and the ways and means to enhance the proportion of bank lending to women's businesses. The second section consists of a practical guide to improving the demand side of lending to women-led businesses, by providing concrete advice to women on how to approach banks for financing their businesses, within the context of the larger financing needs of their businesses. 5 2 6 0.5 10.1787/9789264240094-12-en 10288daa385e4aac1771e8b8feb3cbea For example, deforestation rates in these territories are among the lowest in the country: in 2014, only 1% of the total deforestation in the Amazon was within these areas. Indigenous lands are also integrated into “landscape mosaics” (Box 5.6). The Constitution also grants rights to quilombola people to collectively own the lands they have occupied since colonial times.*3 Progress in the legislation on indigenous lands has helped address social issues associated with the management of protected areas (Irving, 2010). The 2007 National Policy for the Sustainable Development of TVaditional Peoples and Communities and the 2012 National Policy on Territorial and Environmental Management of Indigenous Lands aim at promoting sustainable use of natural resources in indigenous lands, as well as defending the traditional knowledge of the communities involved. 15 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/73c3a080-en 1028cdaa4f9c6ccbd78c5fbb19a9d5c4 Consequently, the divide between purely private and public provision in this segment is often blurred. Rural electrification schemes with an emphasis on cost recovery and commercial viability have proved neither necessarily affordable for most poor households nor sustainable. Private-sector interest in poorer and more remote areas is by no means guaranteed, and the emphasis on productive uses has generally been limited (Bhattacharyya, 2012). 7 0 7 1.0 10.1787/eco/surveys-cze-2014-6-en 102c4da4b00701339166b2c0642082f1 Although youth unemployment is linked to developments in the business cycle, there has been a structural change in the composition of youth unemployment in the past decade, which has been driven by the continuous increase in tertiary education enrolment rates, leading to a decrease in youth labour force participation. Workers with low qualifications are less demanded in the labour market, hence also contributing to high youth unemployment rates. The Employment Office will be in charge of implementing the programme, which entails: smoother mechanisms for young people with low or no qualifications to return to formal education; better career guidance; improved provision of information about local labour market conditions; and facilitation of participation in active labour market policies (ALMPs) involving workplace training (see below). 4 0 3 1.0 10.18356/d19a5f58-en 102d1a9d66e665c304c6ed28038fb4b9 What are their and their family's characteristics? A possible response to these questions is distilled when comparing the results with other groups of children (who are e.g. only deprived in nutrition, who are only poor but attending school and who are simultaneously severely deprived and poor). Bringing all the information together without getting lost in the multitude of dimensions or taking refuge in a single figure has been a challenge. 1 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/83b92212-en 1030c62336d9ced3c8adf1bd76d955b4 "As noted in the introduction to this report, these prindples do not by themselves suffice to define institutions that ""work well"" for sodety. Section 5.2 looks at gender-responsive institutions at the national level. Section 5.3 examines six SDG targets that have strong gender components through the lens of institutional principles of SDG 16. Section 5.4 provides key messages in relation to institutions for gender equality and empowerment." 5 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/eco/surveys-chn-2013-5-en 1032e5ce0adc6aa9e7e863c331c5c805 For lakes and reservoirs an overall assessment is given to each water body. A five plus one grade system applies to the freshwater system and a four plus one system to coastal areas, with a lower grade indicating lower levels of pollution. For marine areas a separate four plus one grading system is used to assess water quality with grade I the most pristine, grade IV the most polluted and water meeting grade II standard deemed appropriate for bathing. Coastal water quality along the three main seas monitored varies considerably. 6 1 3 0.5 10.1787/persp/glob/dev-2012-8-en 103380d7cd472bd6745b93ca044a1247 World Bank (2004) for India’s 2000 data. The OECD experience is, however, not representative of the world as a whole. The table charts the changes in Gini coefficient for a sample of developing countries for which income or consumption distributional data are available from the World Bank’s PovcalNet database. 10 0 7 1.0 10.6027/9789289330190-6-en 1033efb848ab280dbef91d67b843a12e The relocation of dikes constitutes another option to improve the morphological quality of river water bodies. In the past and in flood management practice, the construction of artificial storage with the inclusion of polders have been considered more effective from a flood control perspective without taking into account the additional benefits of dike relocation in comparison. Thus, the paper presents a cost-benefit analysis of a program of dike relocation at the German part of the Elbe in comparison to an equivalent program of polder construction. 6 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/5jzb44nmnbd2-en 1034c47f167ebb023454cebebfd7e05f This section outlines the similarities and differences between existing views and principles, as well as other issues identified as important for climate finance by the development, climate, and private sector communities. Thus, international climate finance often involves a broad range of stakeholder communities and types of financial flows. These communities have differing motivations and views on what aspects of climate finance are important, and what makes climate finance effective. These views have been expressed in agreements, principles, or other texts (Figure 1). 13 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264085374-14-en 1039dc3bcdd20a1e85ac69de3637924b Teachers as learning facilitators, who need professional learning for their new role, and to support students to build their own knowledge. Student autonomy becomes a pivotal factor for learning and wellbeing from early childhood throughout secondary education. Teaching and learning are social and collaborative, activities promote discussion and the co-creation of solutions, and classroom layout enhances collaboration. Predesigned learning units are used as guidance by every teacher built around specific, real world and complex tasks (problems, projects, questions, situations). 4 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264179370-6-en 103a100b097539e6091a3bf3aed29adf It currently funds 100 000 female entrepreneurs who have completed a training programme specifically designed for women. They should be accompanied by sustained support for not-for-profit lending institutions from governments and donors. Institutions and mechanisms, such as credit registers, which ease access to lender and borrower information, should be strengthened. 5 0 4 1.0 10.18356/a020cea6-en 103aaf4d91b8848a52652b4b12e86316 The IPCC SRI.5 projects that, based on Member States’ current NDCs, the climate system is heading off track into the territory of 2.9°C to 3.4°C warming.317 If this happens, it would take future hydrometeorological hazard extremes well outside the known range of current experience and alter the loss and damage equations and fragility curves of almost all known human and natural systems, placing them at unknown levels of risk. This would render current strategies for CCA and DRR, in most countries, virtually obsolete. It also means that it is no longer sufficient to address adaptation in isolation from development planning, and that sustainable socioeconomic development, by definition, must include mitigation of global warming. 13 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264303119-en 103b10b4bf4a4997fe882e2b196f6fb4 Efforts on reducing the capital costs of nuclear power, through incremental improvements at the industrial level, as well as through innovation through new research and development, are thus an indispensable part of credible strategies to decarbonise the power sector. This chapter has reviewed the discussion of this relationship in the various editions of the report. It is beyond the scope of the present study to determine the “correct” discount factor. The relationship of the discount factor to concerns regarding “sustainability” must however be discussed elsewhere and, ideally, before the next edition of Projected Costs. 7 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264230149-8-en 10453fa30d2f7f61e36376aeff7adc62 Moreover, this reallocation stimulus was simple, and its transactions costs low. In fact, managing an effective mechanism to monitor compliance by the many farmers in the Zhang He basin (who own only a small fraction of the total cultivated land) would have been impossible. One of their greatest advantages is that they reduce dependence on direct abstraction of freshwater supplies and are therefore especially fit for areas where significant political, economic and environmental barriers to procuring new sources of water supplies exist (see Box 4.4 for an illustration in Southern California). The area is under great water stress and is vulnerable to severe droughts. 6 0 3 1.0 10.18356/ee1a3170-en 1048a91f65ea37e7f67fa4f0b1fcbc86 "Due to highly arid conditions, the region is one of the most vulnerable to climate change, putting cities at risk of water scarcity and extreme heat conditions. However, it was found that the ""underlying risks of humanitarian crisis and disasters challenge the process of building resilience in the Arab region, combined with the lack of coping capacities when faced with climate change, conflict, and displacement. City-wide hazard maps are often limited or do not exist, while updates on risk assessment are scarce and lack clear multi-hazard components, according to a recent assessment.410 This challenge is often linked to disaster risk governance, when the legal framework fails to require the maintenance and updating of disaster data." 11 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264303201-5-en 104a517d6a875ac6187ba39c4613de63 Nevertheless, while the acknowledgement of the importance of mainstreaming biodiversity and development is essential, specific objectives, actions, targets and indicators are required to provide clear strategic guidance to various stakeholders, and to enable monitoring of progress over time. In South Africa, for example, the overarching vision of the 2005 NBSAP is to conserve, manage and sustainably use biodiversity to ensure equitable benefits to the people of South Africa, now and in the future. Nepal’s NBSAP (2014), for example, recognises that mainstreaming biodiversity into development plans and programmes had been inadequate, being the priority of only the line ministry (the Ministry of Forests and Soil Conservation). As a result, the NBSAP lists priority actions for mainstreaming and identifies supporting institutions to implement these.6 In the Philippines, though there is a legal mandate to promote mainstreaming into development planning, the country’s Fifth National Report acknowledges that many of the NBSAP priorities had been reflected mainly in environmental and natural resources programmes, and that some of these envisaged interventions had never been implemented. 15 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264188617-en 104ff5684d8107a47fb831c9ff5e3f57 Generally, the operational schedule of an NPP is known significantly in advance by the TSO, thus easing the planning and scheduling for the whole electrical production system. Also, nuclear power plants are extremely reliable, with a very small unexpected outage rate (typically less than 0.5 trips per reactor-year in France) which reduces significantly the needs for balancing and the associated costs. In most cases, the nuclear system is able to continue producing power at a reduced level and feed the onsite electric support system. 7 0 3 1.0 10.1787/agr/pol-2011-7-en 1050578e7a5441ab8143534215fbd3e7 To support domestic producer prices, governments intervene in markets through various domestic and border policy instruments. Almost all OECD countries use border protection to raise domestic prices. Amongst them Iceland, Japan,Korea and Switzerland rely most heavily on border protection through tariffs and tariff-rate quotas (TRQs). Israel, Norway and Turkey in addition to border measures use administered prices, target prices and intervention purchases to maintain certain domestic price levels. 2 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264225442-32-en 1052228fb182a73dc4585bf3778f7f23 Parents, particularly those with higher education and higher income, seek tutoring to prepare primary students for the national examination to improve their chances of entering top schools. Schools in Turkey tend to be homogenous in both student socio-economic background and academic performance, indicating low levels of social and academic inclusion. Nonetheless, 42% of 15-year-olds from low socio-economic backgrounds performed better than predicted (compared to the OECD average of 30.8%). Targeted policies should aim to systematically support and strengthen schools' capacity to address the impact of low socio-economic background on performance. 4 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5jrxr7qx6ctb-en 10522b1b4ec57c43260c987cdf411386 Les problemes de sante mentale legers a moderes constituent la majeure partie des cas, et ces troubles sont en augmentation depuis plusieurs decennies. Pour autant, les autorites suedoises reconnaissent la maladie mentale comme un sujet national primordial. La Suede a aussi ete un pays precurseur dans la desinstitutionalisation et la mise en place de programmes officiels de prevention contre le suicide. 3 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264179011-7-en 1052a94fb37639ae8020a5eb9a2ea40f The policy applies to a wide range of rice categories (rough, brown, fragrant, PB, and whole), with the exception of paddy for sowing (HS. In practice, the regime effectively became a permanent ban. Even BULOG and its agents were only occasionally issued with special import permits. For example, MoT issued import permits to BULOG in November 2005 for only 70 000 tonnes of rice and a further 210 000 tonnes in December 2006. 2 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.18356/ab343038-en 10564612a746b228f747f42254856920 The Contracting Parties, recognizing that patents and other intellectual property rights may have an influence on the implementation of this Convention, shall cooperate in this regard subject to national legislation and international law in order to ensure that such rights are supportive of and do not run counter to its objectives. Each Contracting Party shall take legislative, administrative or policy measures, as appropriate, to provide for the effective participation in biotechnological research activities by those Contracting Parties, especially developing countries, which provide the genetic resources for such research, and where feasible in such Contracting Parties. Each Contracting Party shall take all practicable measures to promote and advance priority access on a fair and equitable basis by Contracting Parties, especially developing countries, to the results and benefits arising from biotechnologies based upon genetic resources provided by those Contracting Parties. Such access shall be on mutually agreed terms. 2 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/3b79a6b1-en 1056674ec5cd1b10a2dfc2f90f2f5148 The presence of calcareous substrates allows a wide distribution of the mussel date Lithophaga lithophaga, often illegally fished and commercially exploited, leading to extensive barrens. It shows that the wider biocenosis in the Adriatic Sea are the biocenosis characteristics of the circalittoral. Coastal and offshore muddy bottoms host sponges, soft corals, sea pens and ascidians, in addition to a rich infauna. 14 0 4 1.0 10.6027/9789289330718-10-en 105693e149d1f47d70002d7c0b29a2e1 Estimations show that this could comprise a total potential of 13,000 GWh. The most attractive industrial hydropower potentials are located along the western edge of Greenland’s ice cap, between 62 and 68 degrees north. In this region the vast interior contains a potential for each reservoir of somewhere between 600-2,500 GWh per year. 7 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264169265-6-en 105a2052d27e9fb683bf124f09b4bb34 Prices for water supply have been lowest for households and highest for business consumers. Price gaps have been narrowed through the application of a strict price-setting methodology by the national authorities. In 2004, in an attempt to reform price-setting, benchmarking was proposed as a way to help improve the performance of public utilities. 6 0 4 1.0 10.14217/5jlz411xvqhc-en 105ae01ceeb08d778e0c11b012617144 For another thing, they ignored social aspects, trading often illusory environmental gains against development gains for poor developing-country producers that had contributed little to climate change in the first place (Muller 2007). These arguments, consumer confusion and methodological difficulty have more or less buried the idea of food miles labels. However, the enduring lesson is that ill-conceived methodologies may have unfair impacts, particularly on developing-country producers.8 This concern is most acute in the context of private sector labels, which are the least developed in terms of regulatory control or coordination. Ecolabels (like other quality-standard systems) will tend to work against smaller producers, for at least two reasons (International Trade Centre 2013; KPMG 2012).First, the fixed costs of certification and the inevitable restructuring of management systems are more easily borne by producers with larger revenues over which to spread those costs. Second, buyers tend to prefer larger producers, and will buy from them in preference to smaller producers. This is because when the buyer is tasked with ensuring the sustainability of the supply chain it is much simpler to do so with a smaller number of large producers. 13 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/5k92n2x6pts3-en 105b9fc235275870838317c4cba85776 Moreover the upward trend in the Chinese data reflects that rather than a nagging and persistent problem, relative poverty may be a growing problem in the country. Clearly more and more people are being excluded from the customary activities of Chinese society, despite the fact that fewer run the risk of starving than ever before. Figure 9 and Figure 10 demonstrate the evolution of these three groups of poor in China and Brazil, respectively. 1 0 5 1.0 10.1787/9789264260207-5-en 105c78170a5aa1b7caf0387b1320ef4c Viet Nam’s Ministry of Planning and Investment compiles such data. The Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs is responsible for this strategy to develop Vietnamese human resources through the vocational school development project by 2020 (Decision #630 of 2012) and supports these institutions. These initiatives could be strengthened by including jobs and skills related to environmental activities, such as consulting for clean equipment production, environmental impact assessment and research and development focused on technology to improve the port’s environmental performance (see Chapter 3). 11 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264276116-4-en 105f04625877807ba4de64b61c09d049 Enrolment in ECEC settings has continued to rise over the last decade, partly because of the extension of the legal entitlement to a place in ECEC, and efforts to ensure free access, at least for some ages and selected population groups. This chapter is a general review of a range of socio-economic and other factors that may determine the need for ECEC, policy on ECEC, the kinds of ECEC provided and uptake of what is on offer. This chapter also includes a summary table with a full overview of the ECEC systems and provision across OECD countries. 4 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264168367-4-en 10653f7989759ee2fc301ca881bdb354 Improved childcare and education has helped reduce the long-term consequences of poverty for children growing up and the gap in attainment between poor and better-off children has narrowed. The economic performance of countries has been volatile and by 2030 inequality and poverty have grown with both levels and durations of unemployment remaining high. Poor economic growth has meant that state spending is under further pressure and there have been substantial cuts in government spending. Benefit levels are now low but expenditure on social security remains high because of the large numbers of families without work. 1 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264229679-4-en 1067679bc3daa1a8756774b1a6afe372 The most common approach to adaptation in developed countries has been to integrate it into all planning and budgeting processes, aiming to align adaptation duties with existing ministerial responsibilities. The NAP process intends to facilitate a similar approach in developing countries. Bilateral financial commitments for adaptation-related interventions by members of the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) averaged USD 9.3 billion per year between 2010 and 2012 (OECD, 2014). This support illustrates the mainstreamed nature of many adaptation interventions with general development objectives. Monitoring and evaluation are two separate but closely linked processes. 13 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264119284-3-en 106adde5a3cf96a0be542a9f5b6978f3 Many other agencies have subsequently adopted the same definition, including the World Bank. It is therefore more about the way in which decisions are made (i.e. how, by whom and under what conditions) than about the decisions themselves (Moench et al., It covers the manner in which roles and responsibilities (design, regulation and implementation) are exercised in the management of water and broadly encompasses the formal and informal institutions by which authority is exercised. 6 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264089457-en 106af1bba61b351843fd85aa614ff972 Penang has been successful in reducing poverty with less than 0.3% of the population below the poverty line in 2006, compared with 29% in 1980. Despite the progress made, Penang continues to feature urban-rural divide and new urban poverty which impact population’s health outcomes. Urban-rural divide, growing disparities, drug abuse, ageing and ethnic diversity also poses challenges, while Malay, Chinese and Indian populations feature diverse health profiles. There is a general need to focus on preventive care and improve nutritional awareness. 4 2 2 0.0 10.1787/9789264233911-2-en 106af91279a5e5df4ec4edba3a71ad21 On the AMS and Total AMS front, in general most countries currently meet the Rev.4 limits, with some variation for individual products in a few countries. The reduction in the de minimis percentage for some countries would make a difference under current policy settings for very few products and countries. For the future, the values of production of many products will grow in nominal terms and thus increase the associated de minimis thresholds and limits, which can result in complicated interactions with other limits that are fixed in nominal terms. 2 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/0a7c7f99-en 106bd22a651744f9de9a69f37e847423 Certain sections of the population in almost every country have faced exclusion due to one or more of these factors. The contributory factors underlying this discrimination emanate from discriminatory laws, the neglect of Governments and the negative attitudes of family members, healthcare providers and employers. Age-based prejudice precludes the participation of older persons in consultation and decision-making processes at family, community and national levels. In some countries, older persons are provided with credit facilities on more advantageous terms to help them open their own businesses. 1 6 1 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/5jlww009v1hj-en 106cc7ebebe2dab2519d026022dc6cc0 Further, mid-term evaluations have been found to be very useful in helping countries to re-focus work plans and budgets (Luhtala, 2012; UNDP, 2013). Other countries are establishing climate change progress reports (e.g. South Africa, which plans to do this yearly, including a section on monitoring adaptation, DEA 2016 forthcoming). Some countries have also identified monitoring and evaluation indicators (e.g. Comoros - PAG-PNA, 2014), even though they do not yet have a NAP or other national strategic framework in place. 13 0 3 1.0 10.1787/859159ab-en 106e405fef440bba5728e5e702768bcf It also necessitates navigating the rules on anti-dumping, countervailing and quotas, among others, in certain cases. The DXY index shows the value of United States dollar relative to a basket of foreign currencies. The trends in this box are as of May 2019 except for the global economic policy uncertainty index, which is as of April 2019. Data sources are the BIS (2019), Economic Policy Uncertainty (2019), ECB (2019), Thomson Reuters and US Department of Treasury (2019). The calculations are based on UN Comtrade (UN Statistics Division, 2019), using SITC Revision 2, 3-digit commodity classification. The latest data are from 2016 in Cambodia and Lao PDR; 2017 in Viet Nam; and 2018 in Myanmar and Thailand. 11 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264216501-11-en 1070e82a0f18df8601691e8a28e1793e The coefficients presented in the figure are from separate regressions which include controls for age, gender, level of education and level of parental education. The striped bars indicate coefficients which are not statistically significant (at 10% level). The coefficients are estimated from a linear probability model of an overqualification dummy based on the normative measure of mismatch. 4 0 3 1.0 10.1787/saeo-2011-9-en 1071520fdcb714169b05eb5d9d79acab Financial institutions themselves have little experience in evaluating the risks associated with innovative green project proposals. First, they need to develop their legal and regulatory frameworks. Second, they need to put in place clean energy policies and programmes. Third, they will have to invest in training programmes to expand their capabilities to implement policies and regulations for green growth. 7 0 3 1.0 10.6027/9789289330954-13-en 1073ff8c2a8e1e4863b70c2a52bc1020 Upstream of the Valajaskoski power plant the unregulated river Ounasjoki joins the river Kemijoki which increases the likelihood of the flood in the river basin and also for the city of Rovaniemi. The plant has an installed effect of 101 MW and an average yearly production of 365 GWh. The WSFS is a conceptual hydrological model, used for operational flood forecasting and for research purposes. 7 2 2 0.0 11.1002/pub/81096ead-66884bda-en 10758ef89fc27b17d19c5a5476069082 In this regard, many initiatives have been started to assist those countries in tackling e-waste, develop ad hoc legislation, and raise awareness. In countries such Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Bulgaria, collection and recycling are mainly led by the private sector. In the recent years, the collection rate in those countries has risen to approximately 46% of the estimated e-waste generated in 2016. 12 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5k92sn0f8dbt-en 10795cfa58d219f4e894b803943407cd The accelerated development of RES requires anticipating investments in infrastructure, in particular for the adaptation and the extension of the electrical grid. On the one hand, this will encourage innovation and the development of more advanced technologies in particular because the government will reinforce support to energy research, and thus this may create a “first mover” advantage for Germany. On the other hand, as the technological progress may take time to appear and to adapt to specific needs, anticipating investment also risks deterring the use of more advanced and more efficient technologies (IEA, 2007). 7 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5js4vmp5n5r8-en 107d449c5756845cabcc3d47260074be It provides diverse labour market opportunities (from low to high skilled, students, the elderly, and migrant workers), contributes to social integration, provides economic development opportunities in both urban and rural areas, whilst access to infrastructure and attractions developed for tourism purposes can have a positive impact on locals’ quality of life. It requires a wide variety of types and levels of skill, ranging from low to high, and from technical to non-technical personal or social skills. Furthermore, many of these jobs are accessible from entry-level positions allowing for significant career progression. 8 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/638a5aa8-en 107d60306b93405c2606d0277e80b5db The analysis of within-country disparities is based on data from household surveys. Weighting the regional mean by population, however, will centre it largely around the values of China and India. To give a clearer picture, this report uses a simple average that gives equal weight to all countries large and small. This is illustrated for 2004 the year with the highest number of poverty headcount ratios computed from actual household surveys (Figure II-1). The regional average for this 2004 data of $1.25-per-day poverty level is around 22 per cent, but across countries the poverty rate ranges from 0 in Malaysia to 55.1 per cent in Nepal. As this chart also shows, among the subregions, some of the highest poverty rates - above 40 per cent — are found in South Asia. 3 2 2 0.0 10.1787/9789264274648-6-en 107e420040c87d1716e5419ab4ca690a The mechanisms involved are far more complex than is suggested by the argument that travel times increase with traffic volumes, as used in the basic rationale for charges. Charges are always an approximation to the theoretical ideal, so that decisions must be made on what approximation is best. Experience demonstrates that analytical approaches using disaggregated network models are more likely to produce an efficient result than prices based only on common sense. 11 0 3 1.0 10.18356/d7485e6e-en 107efee4ead83b4323c283c0af680cfe There have been reports of falconers from Arab countries hunting large numbers of globally threatened bustards, during the 1990s and also more recently. It is not clear whether this is still a significant pressure but it clearly warrants continued attention. Turkmenistan granted export licences for 100 Asiatic wild ass and two leopards in 1993/1994. 15 3 3 0.0 10.18356/ea56e86b-en 1081a11cad1b977455eb8a5f8a884724 Yet, effective responses must go beyond health services to address human rights and development. He has called for everyone everywhere to “step up with courage and integrity to protect vulnerable members of our human family”.159 In addition, he has called for removing legal and other barriers that prevent young people from accessing the sexual and reproductive health information and services they need to protect themselves from infection. To better address young people's needs, UN partners and global youth movement representatives launched All In! The initiative aims to unite actors across sectors to accelerate reductions in new HIV infections and AIDS-related deaths among adolescents by 2020, towards ending the AIDS epidemic as a public health threat by 2030. 5 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/6bf07ffd-en 1081a843dae27e99010818e68a363b71 While broad international consensus has supported this view,16 the challenge going forward is nevertheless centred around the adoption of national policies which will, within each country’s context and constraints, drive efforts towards poverty eradication, human development and climate resilience. However, there is less experience with and less recognition of the challenges posed by both slow setting events and the accumulation of weather-related hazards, which can have devastating consequences on livelihoods. In the absence of government support, even small changes in temperature or rain and wind patterns can push people into poverty traps (Olsson and others, 2014). Those who are the most exposed and vulnerable are also the ones who are already economically and socially disadvantaged and the least likely to have access to support systems. 13 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264213944-7-en 10821a3f389a8d39156cc45611bb13ed In fact, the MENA region has seen the emergence of w'omen-focused incubators in recent years, but little is known about these incubators and how they can be expanded. The methodology of the survey is outlined in the Reader’s Guide of this book. This chapter provides a summarised analysis of the survey of BDS organisations in the MENA region carried out by the OECD in 2013. 5 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264266339-6-en 1085a66a399e3b7df305a59df8ea2343 Non-concessional loans were the form most used to deliver climate finance to the EECCA countries in 2013 and 2014 and provided by MDBs. Bilateral channels are the main providers of grants and concessional loans through technical assistance, capital investments and co-financing to projects supported by non-concessional loans from MDBs. Bilateral donors also provide financing through multilateral donors (e.g. voluntary contributions to climate funds). 13 0 3 1.0 10.6027/ffe4d41b-en 1088868ad94f34e4860a908d668e2cc2 Building on the latter, the first two high-level champions to be appointed from the COP presidencies of France and Morocco launched the Global Climate Action Agenda (GCAA) and the Road Map for Global Climate Action, which led to the creation of the Marrakesh Partnership for Global Climate Action at COP 22 in 2016. The Marrakesh Partnership for Global Climate Action, focusing on immediate climate action until 2020, supports the implementation of the Paris Agreement by facilitating and catalysing collaboration between governments and non-state actors and by raising ambitions overtime. The work programme of the Partnership for 2017-2018, which covers the seven thematic areas of Land Use, Oceans and Coastal Zones, Water, Human Settlements, Transport, Energy and Industry, includes a number of activities, including establishing a Climate Action Collaboration Forum and organizing high-level round tables on interaction between selected SDGs and climate action. This is designed to support achievement of the sustainable development goals in all countries, in particular developing countries. 13 0 7 1.0 10.6027/4a27e063-en 10893996191c85e0d03bc5cd115ab65d As ITQs initially were introduced on the background of an ecological and economic crisis the original implementation had been matter of closing access and distributing the limited rights in a sound and accepted system. However, these initial beneficiaries have since then been able to enjoy a steady stream of wealth, to lease out parts of orto once and for all sell their quota share. This becomes even clearer once the resource has recovered and the same quota share (in percentages) result in much larger actual allocations (in kilos). 14 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/eag-2015-74-en 108b30f9c4988a3175b54f8b74e994be In addition, only 15% of adults (25-64 year-olds) possess good ICT and problem solving-skills - the lowest rare among OECD countries participating in the OECD Survey of Adult Skills. In order to better promote the development of its human capital and reduce skill mismatches in the labour market, Poland should continue its efforts to strengthen adult learning. Between 2010 and 2012 GDP grew faster than educational expenditure, resulting in a slight decrease in the share (0.3 percentage points while the OECD average remained stable over the same period). 4 0 3 1.0 10.18356/bf400991-en 108dea31eef276ebf7409b0908a6de99 Taking the opportunity of available technology and smartphones, UN-Habitat's Global Public Space Programme uses an open source application (KoboToolbox) to collect public space-related data on the neighbourhood, but also at the citywide level. This data collection process follows a few basic steps. First, a map of all the open spaces is prepared, in which satellite images are used to identify the open public spaces, markets, and public facilities. Thereafter, local data collectors are trained on the use of the open source application for data collection. Each assessment is then uploaded onto the server to be further analysed. 11 0 4 1.0 10.18356/6f7c638a-en 108e5afcb8d2dd16f6078daccd826faf "It also identified households as areas of inequality: ""While poverty affects households as a whole, because of the gender division of labour and responsibilities for household welfare, women bear a disproportionate burden, attempting to manage household consumption and production under conditions of increasing scarcity"" (United Nations, 1995, paragraph 50). This idea contradicts the many social policies that consider households as benchmarks for homogeneity and harmony. This is partly related to the size and dependency ratio of these households, which tend to have specific family structures (Espejo, Filgueira and Rico, 2010)." 5 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/eco/surveys-grc-2013-5-en 108f68d651a275b3f3a7f9cf3f604406 This would actually involve means testing of all social programmes by targeting the poorest 20%. Significant savings, however, are also possible through other options, which fall below the initial target of 1.5% of GDP, but have the advantage of avoiding a significant deterioration in poverty. Targeting the poorest 20% for social programmes, if disability pensions are excluded, would generate GDP savings of up to 1.2%, with a neutral effect on the poverty rate. If the poorest 25% are targeted, this would generate savings of up to 1.3% of GDP, with a neutral effect on poverty. Targeting the poorest 20% with extended unemployment assistance, would cost 0.2% of GDP but with the significant effect of reducing the poverty rate by 1.3 percentage points. Targeting the poorest 30% for family benefits would save 0.4% of GDP and reduce the poverty rate by 0.1 percentage points. 10 0 3 1.0 10.18356/bc5ec3da-en 108fb03d4f75146a5fdc7aa171751c91 The Constitution (72nd Amendment) Act, 1992, prescribes two new institutions to regulate the flow of funding to municipalities. One new institution is the Central Finance Commission, which both suggests new taxation and financial policies that the states can apply to the municipalities under their sway; but under the new arrangements since 1992, the Governor of a state is required set up a finance commission to review the local system, to propose new taxes, and to govern grants in aid to municipalities from the consolidated funds of the state.37 in spite of these constitutional requirements, results have been limited. With only 1.1 percent of GDP, municipal expenditures in India compare very unfavourably with OECD countries, but even with other BRICS countries such as Brazil, Russia and South Africa. 11 4 3 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/saeo-2019-6-en 108fc0e73788385edd19f083f999c127 Simple measures include ensuring that design codes consider pedestrian and cyclist safety and convenience as well as destination accessibility. Other initiatives include the establishment of public bike sharing schemes, which originated largely in Europe and the Americas, and are becoming more popular in the region. There has been particularly strong growth in China; a large-scale system in Huangzhou has 66 000 bicycles and 2 435 stations. 11 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264188617-en 1092fd1cd921447c404c0251cf76e944 In this utility system the morning load increases smoothly over the course of 2 hours by 400 MW (or 12%), but includes rapid short-term ramps of ±50 MW. Some OECD countries may have a different mechanism or use a different terminology, but the principle is common to all TSOs. Frequency containment reserves are operating reserves necessary for constant containment of frequency deviations (fluctuations) from nominal value in order to constantly maintain the power balance in the whole synchronously interconnected system.6 Activation of these reserves results in a restored power balance at a frequency deviating from nominal value. Operating reserves of this category are usually activated automatically and locally. 7 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.14217/9781848591653-4-en 1095720c0f3d5e7d877b6780516a5906 Based on data available for direct and indirect expenditures and contributions, and employment and cruise versus land-based tourists, only three SIDS meet this requirement: Jamaica, Maldives and Mauritius. All three are well-researched destinations, where the tourism industry is monitored regularly by government ministries. Data are available from the national statistics office or tourism department; this is used here to emphasise examples of good practice. In some cases, tourism contributes more than 40 per cent of GDP, rising to 45.5 per cent in Aruba and 47.4 per cent in Maldives. These figures relate to total contribution to GDP and include direct and indirect contributions (Figure 1.1). Induced contributions are not included. 8 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264234178-6-en 1098d1a8254f4c2c5267b1a763253961 In 1996 the final version of Te Whaariki, the New Zealand national curriculum for children ups to age 5, was launched following a wide consultation process between the curriculum developers, early childhood practitioners, and representatives of the Maori community. It has four overall principles: empowerment, holistic development, family and community, and relationships. Five strands shape the outcomes for children: belonging, well-being, exploration, communication and contribution. Hie curriculum addresses culture and customs in a way that seeks to embrace the diversity of its population. 4 0 3 1.0 10.18356/48886cb2-en 1099e916bb02dc7f4e67d6e49a770738 Women in countries within the more developed regions fared better, comprising in most cases 20 to 45 per cent of the candidates. In only four countries — Belgium, Costa Rica, Iceland and Rwanda —were candidates distributed roughly evenly by sex. Available data in Africa display a low proportion of female candidates for the lower or single house of parliament — lower than 20 per cent, with the exception of Burundi and Rwanda. The proportion is under 10 per cent in 3 of the 4 countries with available data in Oceania; this low proportion of female electoral candidates in the region parallels the limited representation of women in their parliaments as seen in the earlier section. 5 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264287747-en 109a84e975b534cc12905678092201ba This information was used in Chapter 2, but was not appropriate for use in the empirical analysis in Chapters 3 and 4 given the lack of detail needed for this analysis. It starts with an overview of the macroeconomic environment and the rapid socioeconomic development the country has experienced, in particular during the 1980s and early 1990s. Subsequent sections provide the immigration context and consider the main groups of immigrants, together with a brief discussion on the perception of immigrants and the governance of immigration. 8 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264268852-7-en 109aa40a288e79781357b18fd5edf61a In 2015, a new Ethics Code was introduced to deal with conflicts of interest. This set up a new position, the “ethics commissioner”, for civil servants to consult on ethical issues.19 The National Bureau of Anti-Corruption was established in the Ministry of the Civil Service with the functions of prevention, detection, suppression and investigation of corruption offences. Janenova (2016) points out the need for a cultural change in government and of a renewal of ethical and moral values of civil servants, to be able to create a professional civil service. 11 4 3 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264284319-4-en 10a0abdfaecf63ed8c542855c97fcdad Until 2014, these taxes were at least partially paid by Belarus to the budget of the Russian Federation. In 2014, this practice was discontinued when the Russian Federation partially reallocated the fiscal burden from the export tax on petroleum products to the domestic tax on oil extraction. At present, the Russian Federation considers the cost of export taxes levied by Belarus on petroleum products a subsidy from its budget to that of Belarus (revenue foregone by the Russian Federation but collected by Belarus). This annual subsidy can be estimated to be at least USD 2.1 bln, based on an oil price of USD 45 per barrel (Manenok, 2017). 7 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.14217/6005bdbf-en 10a1bbf72295c6f66a78a0dd8aa6435a In the case of the public sector, this theory holds that adoption of an innovation among government departments and agencies may grow slowly and gradually in the beginning. The adoption will then have a period of rapid growth that will taper off and become stable and eventually decline (Rogers, 1995). The Bass model, however, suggests other representations (Robert-Ribes and Wing, 2004). This is because innovations are seen to be communicated across space and through time. 9 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264259157-7-en 10a21c9142943b74087cb21075b51ece The relative loss in pension entitlements in Germany is of similar size at different eamings levels and even larger for a ten-year career intemrptioa with pension entitlements falling by more than 20% (OECD, 2015). Germany is one of few OECD countries to give the same additional credits to mothers who continue to w'ork and those who interrupt their careers for child cate reasons. As a consequence, women on average eamings who interrupt their careers for five years to care for two children lose more pension entitlements than in other OECD countries. 5 3 6 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5jrqcn5fpv0v-en 10a69a2688f215f3f90ee0727bd3ed31 The following review does not provide a detailed account and discussion of the methods adopted in each study, but it is safe to say that all of the main findings of the review are supported by at least one econometrically sound analysis supporting the causal nature of the links assessed (e.g. for wage penalties associated with obesity and smoking; wage differentials for people with different levels of alcohol consumption, employment gaps for the obese, heavy drinkers and smokers; etc.). It focused on how risk factors and chronic diseases affect employment, wages, labour productivity and early exit from the labour market. It also provides an insight into the value of production potentially lost from illness and from adverse labour market outcomes. 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264235151-6-en 10a7fd44b0eb4ca58e47a3dfca1e55cf A number of additional traits are currently under review at MARD for feed/food use approval, including one soybean trait. On 27 August 2014, following just over a year review by Vietnam's Biosafety Committee, the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment issued the first Certificate of Biosafety for one of the insect resistant maize traits previously approved by MARD for food and feed use. The additional three traits have been subsequently received a Certificate of Biosafety. 2 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264283572-en 10a8aaa4794ee9f1f378b450828ecfe1 The difference between high- and low-income groups is also among the lowest in the EU. The Swedish health system has copayments for most health services, but still protects the population from financial risk through copayment exemptions and ceilings. Waiting times and an inability to coordinate services across different care providers are nonetheless enduring issues. 3 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.18356/3a0cd6ba-en 10a907d831b07b29837c55be3af5d94a "These include social and cultural norms, gender stereotypes, lack of access to decision-making and unequal access to resources. Other problems arise from a lack of access to education or training, which significantly constrain business opportunities. Further obstacles for women entrepreneurs include limited access to finance and ICT and a lack of market information — as well as burdensome regulations and administrative procedures.'""" 5 0 3 1.0 10.14217/9781848599451-18-en 10a9f99c3f121877d863df02cced1609 In demonstrating the significance placed on this protocol, the ministers for each of the sectors, including the Prime Minister as Minister for National Security and Legal Affairs, publicly signed the protocol into force on 16 May 2011 (OAS 2014). The protocol provides a set of guidelines for responders (health, judiciary and police) to guide their interventions, especially for proper management of cases of domestic and sexual violence. The protocol has identified the role of the Ombudsman as key to ensuring accountability of duty bearers. 5 0 4 1.0 10.1787/5k912j389bf0-en 10aef481bb289242849ee3891270e9b7 If the benefits delivered by technologies were measured, this would have been a cost-effectiveness analysis. Impacts of Advances in Medical Technology in Australia. The key conclusion is that an ageing population and climate change present significant long-term risks for the economy and the sustainability of government finances, particularly in the health sector. 3 0 4 1.0 10.18356/20f4eda5-en 10afae50ea022c0f177c132b6ebdab54 Effective participation can be defined as attending meetings and speaking up during them, but it can also be defined by the share of women in office-bearing positions. The interface between gender, participation and community forestry has impacts on pre-existing gender relations and on relative participation by women and men in community forestry decisionmaking processes. Although both women and men in forest-dependent communities possess traditional knowledge of use of forest ecosystems, enhancing women's roles in the biodiversity conservation and the protection of forest ecosystems is crucial, including through preservation of indigenous seeds and medicinal plants (Mulyoutami etal. However, providing policy advice to promote equal participation without carefully understanding local and non-local economic, cultural and socio-political processes should be cautioned against. 15 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264245891-7-en 10b02ab4066108806e9ca88ed8bcf568 As of 2013, 9 700 students attended 14 operative schools in Astana (2), Aktobe, Atyrau, Karaganda, Kokshetau, Kyzylorda, Pavlodar, Semey, Shymkent (2), Taraz, Ust-Kamenogorsk and Uralsk. The NIS cater to about 1108 students from rural areas in a boarding arrangement. As of 2013, the selection process includes tests in mathematics, languages (Kazakh, Russian and English) and the ability to study mathematics and science (quantitative reasoning and spatial thinking). 4 0 5 1.0 10.1787/67989bf6-en 10b08a1810dd88961fe31cfbcba5c001 This chapter maps out current trends in the composition of legislatures across the OECD while exploring remaining barriers to women running for elected office and equal access to leadership positions in legislatures. It also provides an overview of strategies, initiatives and mechanisms across the OECD to help political institutions become more gender sensitive and thus encourage women's political representation and access to leadership. Finally, the chapter assesses tools and frameworks to mainstream gender in the work of legislatures, including law-making and oversight. 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/a09a3a5d-en 10b32932c4c837ea1d3a2ccc843006f3 The “statistical discrimination” theory maintains that discrimination is based on stereotypes: in a context of information asymmetries, employers use an observable identity characteristic of a group (e.g. race or gender) as a signal for an unobservable variable (e.g. skills or productivity) (Phelps, 1972; Arrow, 1973). From early age, boys and girls perceive different stereotyped notions of what they should excel and enjoy in doing, which shapes their behaviours and may even affect their performance (Hill, Corbett and St. Rose, 2010; OECD, 2012a). For example, as early as the first year of primaiy school, girls rate their own ability in mathematics as lower than that of boys, even when their actual performance does not differ (Fredericks and Eccles, 2002; Herbert and Stipek, 2005). 9 4 0 1.0 10.1787/persp/glob/dev-2012-10-en 10b436b2b69b89c0d95a7dfaf4392b33 Although they are generally open to and compulsory for formal employees only - in part because employers contribute to them as well - the system, much like defined-contribution pensions, could be opened to informal workers on a voluntary basis, at least. Conversely, unemployment insurance pools risk across workers and firms, and therefore has a redistributive role. The objective of unemployment benefits - whether in the form of UISAs or traditional unemployment insurance - is more akin to consumption smoothing than poverty reduction. 10 0 3 1.0 10.1787/empl/outlook-2016-8-en 10b4b19db7741afe0260af5dd9ee0446 In all those countries, except South Africa, women in the 1990s were 40 to 50% less likely than men to be enrolled in tertiary education. To the extent that higher educational attainments take time to translate into higher labour market participation, we might expect the labour market integration of women to accelerate in these countries in the coming years. However, gender-biased social norms regarding the role of women in society and in the labour market constitute a major obstacle to progress and can be very persistent (see Box 4.1 for an analysis based on the World Values Survey). As social norms of this kind tend to be acquired at a young age, policy action should intervene early in people’s lives. 5 1 3 0.5 10.1787/5k483jpfpsq1-en 10b6f88f0b410bfca45e91110ba0258c Nonetheless, the case studies and OECD workshop revealed three key challenges faced by countries as they have started to implement their strategies and plans: overcoming climate information shortcomings and associated capacity constraints; securing adequate financing; and measuring the success of adaptation interventions. Action to address these constraints will be vital to ensuring that progress in planning translates into improvements in outcomes. Le present document propose un panorama de ces activites dans les differents pays de l’OCDE et met en exergue un certain nombre d’enseignements nouveaux qui se degagent de leur experience. 13 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264088986-en 10b7a334edad2a60966bee4139975272 Where such support existed, it was fragmented with no real collaboration across higher education institutions in the region. The Higher Education Innovation Fund (HEIF) model in the UK could serve as a source of inspiration (see Chapter 5). A strategy with emphasis on endogenous development of traditional industry that is engaged in R&D would better serve the region. 4 0 3 1.0 10.18356/95417570-en 10b7f3d8396a7f247649e08179e12a0c Essentially, the same applies to technology transfer (chap. For example, the cost of photovoltaics produced in Japan had halved between 1973 and 1976, but none of this improvement is evident in observed prices because it occurred prior to the installation of any demonstration units, thus cumulative installed capacity was zero. Such RD&D expenditures are a small factor in the cost improvements of technologies that have already advanced to the stage where they have found commercial niche markets and are candidates for pervasive diffusion. 7 0 6 1.0 10.18356/152bf84c-en 10bc75a87b4ac79ef9e5a39ffc2a6f77 Women, however, are generally excluded from the management of these resources (Dey de Pryck, 2013). Their access and freedom to engage in fishing are subject to sanctions from male leadership in the communities. A study of the seafood industry lists some of these traditional barriers: women may be barred from certain jobs, such as going to sea on board fishing vessels: be denied ownership rights and independent access to finance and entrepreneurship: and tasked with domestic responsibilities as if these were their natural duties, which could mean up to four hours of extra work per day for women compared with men (Montfort, 2015). 14 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.18356/68bdcb6f-en 10bf99dc2e2e92769b356737049b2924 In some countries it becomes institutionalized as a consultation body for the planning of social policy and legislation. It prevents disputes at their origin and resolves labour problems de facto, without a court ruling. Moreover, the ability to sanction according to their own judgement means that their action has the potential to be doubly effective. While its essential function is to enforce the rules and provide technical advice and information on the subject, the preventive role also forms part of that task. In most countries, inspectors articulate preventive and repressive approaches de facto, since their action tends not so much to look for infringements and sanction them, but rather to achieve respect for and application of the regulation. This does not mean that advice replaces the control function. 8 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.14217/9781848599451-6-en 10c0d36add53cf1f0bc85fac5ebb6928 The 2012 Australian Census of Women in Leadership shows found that the percentage of women on the boards of companies on the ASX 2002 is only 12.3 per cent (Australian Government 2012). Furthermore, the number of women holding senior manager positions within ASX 200 companies is only 9.7 per cent (Australian Government 2012). Women are better represented within the public sector and as of 2014 constitute 57.9 per cent of that workforce. Nonetheless, even within this sector the number of women decreases with higher seniority levels - only 33.2 per cent of women are in Senior Executive Service (SES) Band 3 positions compared to 41.6 per cent in SES Band 1 positions (DPMC [no date]). 5 0 5 1.0 10.1787/saeo-2011-9-en 10c1baae19245ce1d21ffc91b4c3dcca Replacing the Area Licensing Scheme, the ERP scheme allows the Land Transport Authority to impose and vary charges on vehicles entering certain areas at certain times. All vehicles are equipped with a unit which has a stored value card. The entry charge is automatically deducted when the vehicle passes a gantry that is in operation. The COE and ERP schemes together have been effective in reducing traffic congestion as well as C02 emission. 7 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264115118-7-en 10c26acfd397b509bd035a8bd93401d5 According to the IEA’s WEO-2011, 1.3 billion people - nearly 20% of world population - currently lack access to electricity and about 2.7 billion people - 40% of the world population - rely on the traditional use of biomass for cooking (IEA, 2011a). The outlook suggests that the problem will persist and even deepen in some places. The IEA and World Health Organization estimate that household air pollution from the use of biomass in inefficient stoves would lead to more than 4 000 premature deaths per day in 2030, greater than estimates for premature deaths from malaria, tuberculosis or Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)/Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) (IEA, 2011a). The index seeks to capture the quality of energy services as well as their quantity. It is calculated in such a way as to mirror the United Nations Development Programme’s Human Development Index. 7 2 2 0.0 10.18356/32ea1505-en 10c4e369cd4f35ba4ca0147e007e4c47 Note: Values may not add up to 24 hours due to the overlapping nature of some activities. It also limits women’s mobility and the time they can allocate to training and upgrading their skills. However, men’s and women's roles in agricultural production are socially constructed and evolving, and vary widely between local contexts, reflecting cultural and other differences between and within countries. While the lines between men's and women’s roles is thus generally blurred, and a full analysis taking these factors into account is beyond the scope of this Report, some general gender-specific patterns can be found across many LDCs. 5 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264205208-7-en 10c5aae25f37cb586e16f65f593fa545 Principals are at the junction between classrooms, policies, local administrations and stakeholders. In this unique and challenging position they can influence the conditions and climate in which teaching and learning occur and with this - the effectiveness of schooling (OECD/Specialists Schools and Academics Trust, 2008; Scheerens and Bosker, 1997; Teddlie and Reynolds, 2000; Townsend, 2007). Principals also are the key mediators between schools and the environment in which schools operate. 4 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264233911-5-en 10c822f492cd4e386d2a6792ac50c6d5 This is not surprising as consumer interests are addressed by both types of stockholding programmes. In the case of buffer stock programmes, there is an explicit objective to stabilise market prices, while social safety net stocks focus on the provision of cereals or food at subsidised prices. Some of these impacts will be mentioned alongside the performance variables in the country case reviews. 2 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/5js65xnk52kc-en 10c901d3e9c55b878ecf004e952cccd3 But even here it has taken 16 years for the HEV (Toyota Prius) to get to its current levels of sales (about 3m cars a year globally). The explicit terms of the contract are just an outline, as there are implicit terms and understandings which determine the behaviour of the parties. The potential for returns from such new markets have motivated Renault-Nissan to invest more than €4 billion in developing market-ready electric vehicles, and other car-makers have followed this logic in developing electric vehicles as part of their own investment strategy. In a similar vein, the Paris-based network of shared-use station-based electric cars (Autolib) has been fully financed by the Bollore group which specialises in battery technology and vehicle-based IT systems (Case Study 5). 9 0 5 1.0 10.1787/aid/glance-2017-14-en 10ca96b9ca606ccdeb25506cc7201054 In fact, trade related OOF has been directed overwhelmingly to MICs (96%), with only 3.5%% going to the least developed (Figure 11.8). At the aggregate level, the shares of loans and grants have been almost equal since 2006. Yet 63.4% of disbursements to LICs have been made as grants, whereas MICs have received 67.4% as loans. The share of total country-specific aid-for-trade disbursements for the LDCs was 31.9%, while other LICs received 2.9%; 65.3% went to MICs. 9 2 3 0.2 10.1787/5k49dv6c5xmv-en 10cae276ca61e98ff4075a40259a37c4 Job growth from energy efficiency retrofits ranges from low- to high-skilled jobs, some of which will require training. In the case of residential retrofit projects, for instance, most tasks will involve the installation of insulation and window replacement, both of which tend to be more labour-intensive than the heating/ventilation/air conditioning (HVAC) or electrical work likely to occur on retrofit projects in large commercial buildings (Schrock, 2009; Schrock and Sundquist, 2009). Insulation jobs are relatively low-skilled, while window replacement jobs involve semi-skilled carpentry experience. Regardless, on-the-job training may suffice, as formal credentials in carpentry are usually not required. 7 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264224582-8-en 10cb497e5cef0c60de6e44addecbec9a Some governments have been particularly active in developing and using these risk mitigants to mobilise greater sustainable energy investment and these examples can potentially be applied to other national contexts. The Danish export credit agency EKF is a particular example of an institution that is using their guarantees to encourage institutional investor participation in sustainable energy finance. Green investment banks and other public financial institutions are also actively working to reduce risk by providing guarantees, loan loss reserves, seeding funds and acting as cornerstone investors. 7 0 6 1.0 10.1787/5k92sn0f8dbt-en 10cc4c11df05b1b468c0def7632438f3 In addition, the potential impact of technological development on CO2 abatement cost is huge: OECD simulations show that the cost of climate change mitigation could be halved (from 4% of world GDP to 2% in 2050) if renewable technologies would be made competitive in the electricity and non-electricity sectors (OECD, 201 If). Given the ambitious targets both in terms of emission reduction and RES deployment and their associated costs, eco-innovation is required in many areas in Germany (Box 4). In particular, technological development and increased efficiency of the grid management can both play a central role in the adaptation to higher RES supply. It will determine at which cost and under what conditions investments will be done, which will be crucial not least from a cost-efficiency point of view', but also for public acceptance. 7 0 4 1.0 10.18356/d0196687-en 10d9925f9f98e7f397ede389e54448b8 Investment in solar power surpassed those made in wind in the country. The Philippines and Pakistan experienced a decrease of about 50 per cent in new investment in renewable energy in 2016, as compared to 2015.6S In Thailand, investment in solar power increased slightly, helping the country keep a top spot in terms of investment among developing countries in the region (Frankfurt School/FS-UNEP Collaborating Centre, 2017). Although renewables still hold a relatively small share of installed capacity, the dominant role of renewables in new capacity additions is evident. Despite the recent decline in investment figures, felling capital costs resulting from more capacity being installed per dollar spent resulted in a record high installation in 2016. 7 0 3 1.0 10.18356/7d902f55-en 10df39ac44ee5c81b8e338149d8de55b Between 1970 and 1980, technical assistance and financial support for national and regional marine science projects came from UN organizations such as the IOC, UNESCO, FAO, and World Meteorological Organization (WMO). Developed countries, such as the US, Norway, UK, Canada and France provided technical assistance and opportunities for undergraduate and postgraduate training through bilateral programmes. The Norwegian Government provided the R/V Fridtjof Nansen to the Mozambique Government, and later to other governments, to conduct fisheries and oceanographic surveys in Mozambican waters in 1977-1978. These commonly aimed to investigate the priorities and needs for capacity-building in the marine sciences and included visits to Kenya, Madagascar, Somalia and Tanzania. 14 0 3 1.0 10.1787/7a1f7b89-en 10e069a3b80f41df3f63862ffa905893 In most (temporary) initiatives reviewed here, much of the risk is borne by the contracting public agency or authority. While there may be some debate on just how profitable different ride service models are, the services they provide in conjunction with public transport options remains a minuscule part of their overall costs. In some cases operators do invest in dedicated services and facilities as Lyft has done in order to provide or pay for call centres. These costs are covered by the ride services. 11 5 3 0.25 10.1787/eco/surveys-col-2013-4-en 10e24736363e152a1b66b5e8f5c7a74b This reflects a low tax-to-GDP ratio, a high share of consumption taxes in total tax revenues, and a personal income tax riddled by tax expenditures which benefit mostly the rich. Taxes on goods and services account for the bulk of tax revenues - 45% in 2010, compared with 33% in the OECD area (Figure 1.17). Income and wealth taxes are paid mostly by firms. 1 5 4 0.1111111111111111 10.18356/21b890d9-en 10e46b6d4eae6a96643f56999e7b71ab In the coming decades, care for older persons will become a pressing priority for low- and middle-income countries too. Social transfers and paid leaves enable parents to take time off work for children's care. Greater public investment is needed in early childhood education and care services; long-term care services for older persons and those with disabilities; and basic infrastructure to support care work. It is within families that the young and old, the healthy and frail, develop the human capabilities that undergird vibrant economies and inclusive societies. 5 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/729bf864-en 10e4a97b92be0be1126f892a7aec7104 The position is slightly less clear cut with other types of intangible asset, as they are not always separately identifiable in the same way, and there is no external register that can be consulted in order to check their status. In the case of charges, this notice mechanism is important in ensuring that the lender’s interest is maintained. It is generally considered advisable to register charges against both the company and the official record corresponding with any registrable asset such as a patent, requiring two sets of information to be filed. 8 3 1 0.5 10.1787/9789264281486-4-en 10e4fcbb4e769a13b5db671ac869080c Falling student numbers result in declines in educational efficiency as student/teacher ratios fall and facilities are underused. Declining enrolments threaten the quality of student programmes as course offerings and instructor numbers decline. Falling student numbers exacerbate a pre-existing problem of scale facing Lithuanian public university institutions, which are numerous (14) and small. 4 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264098732-6-en 10e5368caa775df4df64f63ef9ac17da On average across the OECD, 76% of children in this age-group participated in all early education services in 2008, up from 64% in 1998, and increases in participation were largest in Chile, Mexico, Norway and Sweden. Cross-county variation in participation remains significant: from below 40% in Korea and TUrkey to over 95% in Belgium, France, Iceland, Italy and Spain (OECD, 2010b). Childcare enrolment rates refers to estimates on childcare enrolment rates of children aged < 3 and children aged 3-5; data refer to 2005 for the United States and 2009 for Mexico. Numbers do not reflect intensity of use: each child is counted regardless of the number of hours of participation per week. For comparative purposes, indicators were adjusted for cross-national differences in the compulsory age of entry into primary school. For example, in Nordic countries, where children enter primary school at age 7, expenditure on 6-year-olds was excluded from these figures. 5 8 1 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264309470-en 10e5d858cf263d508fde45a03e9f97b9 In addition, the evaluation found that efforts to empower and incentivise Austrian research organisations to develop their own capacities for EU framework programme-related strategies could be strengthened. Improving the links between national support through FFG and EU programmes was also seen to be potentially beneficial. The governance and co-ordination of ERA policies and support has also been assessed positively. 9 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/3db72b4e-en 10e663e03de36eb941fde2e1d61c70d2 There is a large potential and need for energy connectivity and for large markets through cross-border infrastructure and energy trade, including oil and gas pipelines and electricity grids; such regional and subregional cooperation is crucial for ensuring reliable, efficient and safe transportation of energy resources, thus increasing energy security. Further improve the investment climate in Asia and the Pacific using public-private partnerships for implementation of cross-border energy infrastructure. Invite all regional and subregional organizations to work collectively on addressing the challenges in the energy sector. 7 0 7 1.0 10.18356/d7485e6e-en 10e85935aa97c06fb109ae60bc245118 Total catches declined from about 40,000 t in 1991 to 8,500 t in 1997 and have partly recovered since, to an estimated 15,000 t in 2008. Because of the limited data available, it is impossible to assess whether fisheries management in the Turkmen sector of the Caspian is currently sustainable. Overfishing of kilka and other bony fish in the Caspian Sea has been a problem since at least the 1970s; its effect on stocks may be aggravated by pollution. Throughout the Caspian Sea, catches of the species declined by more than 58 per cent between 1993 and 2006. 15 1 3 0.5 10.18356/a22d206d-en 10e8dcd339922e997d73d46a5fb7231e While many countries have made progress towards closing these gaps, no country in the world has fully closed the gap between men and women. As a testament to its central importance, SDG 5 was singled out by the United Nations General Assembly when it adopted the SDGs. They seek to build on the Millennium Development Goals and complete what they did not achieve. They seek to realize the human rights of all and to achieve gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls. 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264227293-6-en 10e9a704174dacfb52d45316c48c872c Rather, Latin American housing programmes tend to be based on individual entitlements to households for the purchase (and in some cases, construction) of an individual home. Few initiatives have conceived of housing development within a broader urban development context linking housing to employment opportunities, infrastructure development, and the provision of public services, public spaces and open space. Accordingly, housing policies in many Latin American countries have resulted in similar challenges for cities across the region: urban sprawl, congestion, infrastructure gaps and a high rate of vacant homes. Rojas argues that of the 19 services provided by a house, only 5 are provided by the structure itself; all others are provided at a larger scale: the sub-division, the neighbourhood, the city or national government (see table below). 11 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/059ce467-en 10ea89fc9edba38cf8ddf5b4e2bf0ebb These programmes commonly allow parents to report several school preferences to a central enrolment point, which public authorities then try to respect as much as possible while maintaining a balanced distribution of students. The allocation mechanisms vary across countries and their effectiveness depends on the capacity to match parents’ preference for quality schools with a consistent application of priority criteria benefiting disadvantaged students (OECD, 2015(22]). The student allocation mechanism also requires a certain degree of centralisation in order to prevent inefficiencies related to handling multiple registrations, as well as delays on assignment and higher administrative costs. 4 0 7 1.0 10.1787/85b52daf-en 10eb33719e77932d338ddc64a4640389 For example, agricultural investments involving large scale land acquisition in developing countries have had significant negative impacts in the form of land degradation and deforestation, especially in countries with weak governance systems (FAO, 2013). However, efforts by agricultural companies to green supply chains can also be very effective in driving stronger environmental management by subcontractors in developing countries and effectively applying ‘supply chain pressure’. The situation is similar for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The IEA (2015) estimates that SMEs account for 13% of final energy consumption annually, but also, energy efficiency measures among SMEs with best available technologies could result in significant savings in final energy consumption in the order of 10 to 30% globally. 13 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/e1196521-en 10f2a2b2bea07e09e4438e881f873b13 This initiative, which includes a trans-Asian energy system, will help to ensure both the near- and long-term energy security of the Region. It will connect producers and consumers of energy resources and facilitate new markets for clean and efficient energy technologies. Its goal is to shift development to a low carbon path while ensuring universal access to energy within a predictable time frame. Rapid economic growth of the Region translates to rising energy demands, both to sustain the large and growing production economy as well as to support direct energy consumption. 7 0 3 1.0 10.18356/8d6bdedf-en 10f2a451c920d9388aa3d42f651c5f99 Table II.3 also shows that only seven sub-Saharan African countries had poverty rates below 25 per cent in 2005,5 up from two (Cote d’Ivoire and Gabon) in 1981. In general, countries with extremely high poverty levels also trail behind in respect of a number of demographic and social indicators such as life expectancy at birth, infant mortality, and childrens school enrolment and completion rates. Although these declines are encouraging, they still leave a large proportion of the total population living in extreme poverty, and all 19 countries face major challenges in meeting the 2015 Millennium Development Goal target. 1 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264096356-en 10f37379a3ff132b7ecc444b378ae08d It depends on a country’s geographical position, its own energy endowment, the state of its physical infrastructures for transport and storage, the diversification of its supplies, the willingness of its population to trade lower average long-term prices for higher volatility and a host of other issues. Free and global energy trade through smoothly functioning competitive markets would guarantee timely delivery of all necessary energy resources. But then again in such an ideal world, energy supply security would not exist as an issue. But even while reality often diverges drastically from the ideal of a global world of competitive markets, the concept of security of energy supply very clearly includes not only the notion of energy independence but also the notion of energy interdependence. Most countries are relying at least partially on the international trade of energy and will continue to do so. 7 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264082106-1-en 10f97ba0ebc1aa3b3cdbad3eeebd9af3 The A start an Opportunity programme targets NEET youth aged 16-25 who have completed compulsory education and hold at most an upper secondary qualification. The programme allows youth to choose among the following options: fully subsidised work experience for five months, training in information and communication skills and integrated counselling including vocational guidance and job-search training. Notably, the conversion of unemployment benefit payments into wage subsidies launched in 2004 was extended to public sector employment in order to offset very weak job creation in the private sector in the context of the economic slowdown. 8 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264172616-5-en 1105a23b0300c0922fb155bcc0757bf4 In 2010, taking into account the hours worked by teachers, student-teacher ratios were 22.1, 18.6, 14.4 and 21.7 in the municipal, private subsidised, private non-subsidised, and delegated administration sectors respectively. Interestingly, while in the municipal sector the student-teacher ratio increased from 16.8 in 2004, it decreased significantly in the private subsidised sector from 30.0 in the same year (Ministry of Education, forthcoming). The latter is a teacher education institution mostly dedicated to training primary school teachers that ceased to exist in 1974. 4 0 3 1.0 10.1787/rev/fish-2013-9-en 110805cf720c913adb242aca08818911 The domestic discussion process should lead to the entry into force of the new policy framework by 2014. Within FAO, the European Union has actively participated in the negotiations of the FAO Port States Agreement which was adopted in November 2009. The European Union has ratified that Agreement in 2011. 14 4 1 0.6 10.18356/db7ae14d-en 1109856dd1b911c4bef0ec2de473a84f These disciplines could restrict policy space for trade, finance, technology and social and industrial development in exchange— hopefully—for greater flows of technology and finance consistent with the global community’s shared goal of eradicating poverty. The task of retooling global development has never been more urgent. 1 0 3 1.0 10.18356/914e7bcc-en 110abd2aed99b71dec994f081555c7c6 Analysing their actions demonstrates that non-securitizing/holding and desecuritizing/ peacebuilding impacts are placed on a continuum in terms of both timing and depth of the change. In Bosnia, for example, the work of an organization advancing the rights of LGBTs has a non-securitizing (holding) impact as opposed to a desecuritizing one, given that it promotes non-conflict-related political actions. Inclusive human rights claims that promote a more equal and tolerant society operate in a conflict transformation FOA, fostering a society where respect for human rights and inclusive understandings of the “other” can prevent securitization in future. Domestic violence is present in many societies in peace as well as in war, but in conflict and post-conflict situations domestic violence rates have been known to spike, due to more rigid gender identities and exacerbation of social violence. Organizations working on domestic violence in post-conflict situations use a conflict transformation mode, claiming inclusive human rights. 5 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/empl/outlook-2016-8-en 110c1c401d438cbaf95656059afb8b89 This is confirmed by the available data (Figure 4.9), which show that women are more likely to work informally than men in almost all countries although these differences are not large. Informal firms are typically less productive and provide workers with fewer opportunities for human capital accumulation (La Porta and Shleifer, 2008,2014). This represents an additional drag on female earnings and on their opportunities for career advancement. Moreover, recent OECD work shows that informal jobs are typically of lower quality than formal ones, with detrimental effects on workers’ well-being. It also shows that female workers find it more difficult than men to move into a formal job, if they start their career in an informal job (OECD, 2015b, Chapter 5). 5 0 7 1.0 10.6027/9789289328753-8-en 110e4dccb9eab654652a17f46d1857ac Table 1 moreover presents a brief overview of how and whether the ecolabel requirements of the four product categories investigated cover the parameters suggested by JCR. It was merely the EU GPP and the EU and Nordic Ecolabelling for windows and floor coverings that included criteria on sustainable sourcing of materials. The criteria were quite product specific and including criteria on: renewable materials, recycled materials, certified forest and sustainable wood. 12 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/5eb49706-en 110ff242343a8af2534b19941b117b29 Nevertheless, gaps within the protected area network remain, with some ecosystem types being underrepresented at present. These include wetland areas, coastal areas and Saharian ecosystems; in the latter case, it was noted that the south of the country remains poorly represented in proportional terms, within the national network of protected areas. However, Morocco has been involved in initiatives to better its protected area system in recent years. A number of recommendations of these studies are worth pointing out, notably (i) more coordinated management of the protected area system, (ii) improved governance at various levels, (iii) providing more resources for park management, and (iv) enhanced autonomy for protected areas. 15 1 4 0.6 10.1787/85b52daf-en 1115d79274853746e447c1e2c4e3274b The opinions expressed and arguments employed are those of the authors. Comments on the present Working Paper are welcomed and may be sent to Development Co-operation Directorate, OECD, 2 rue Andre-Pascal, 75775 Paris Cedex 16, France. All requests for public or commercial use and translation rights should be submitted to 13 5 2 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264280359-7-en 111b1d5ad64e159b9c76d574e5d57a5e In addition to central gender institutions, good practices from OECD member countries highlight the critical role played by the central government. Cabinet offices and ministries of finance verify and ensure that line ministries and agencies undertake gender impact assessments in designing their policies, initiatives and budgets. Identification of gender focal points (i.e. permanent staff members dealing with gender issues) across the government at all levels who are responsible for administering laws or regulations related to gender equality, collecting data, developing sectorial plans, developing gender-sensitive personnel policies and training staff on these policies would facilitate the realisation of national gender equality objectives. These co-ordination mechanisms should also provide for engaging with non-governmental stakeholders and citizens. 5 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/da48ce17-en 111d261d0e662b00456c46a696d0e712 Supported by the Global Environment Facility (GEF), CBIT has approved three capacity-building projects in Costa Rica, Kenya and South Africa as of November 2016 (GEF, 2016). Although none of the projects approved to date are focused on adaptation, the successful deployment of the CBIT could eventually contribute to building adaptation monitoring and evaluation systems at the national level, given many Parties expressed their aim to do so in their NDCs. It took nearly six years and consultations with 450 people from governmental departments, sectoral agencies at Federal and Lander level and from scientific and private institutions to agree on the final 102 indicators (German Federal Environment Agency, 2015). The TAMD framework, aiming to help governments “to demonstrate if climate finance has been well spent and that the climate vulnerability of communities has been reduced” (Craft and Fischer, 2016) was formally launched in 2015. Global projects on behalf of BMZ were conducted in Cambodia (in collaboration with IIED), Bolivia (at the state level only), Mexico, Morocco, Mozambique, Togo and South Africa. 13 0 7 1.0 10.1787/5kg20639kgkj-en 112448d2b70f441fe2a33321a9697347 Similar programmes have been developed before, such as the Green Corps programme (which ended in 2009), but often they have focussed on a small part of the green economy and have never been developed in conjunction with a city-wide carbon emissions reduction programme in order to create a double dividend. A good example of a successful approach is the Two Cities initiative (see learning model in Annex), which has successfully developed Saint Paul and Minneapolis into a leading clean tech region in the US. Its first piece of work could be to develop the recommendations 1 a) and b) in this chapter as a starting point and over the medium term a pan-Sydney collectively owned sustainability strategy. Importantly, the Sustainability Forum should bring together a wide range of key stakeholders including representatives of Local and State Government, employers, training providers, TAFE, HE and the trade unions. 7 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5kgj0d3vzcth-en 112523cf103810d8c0de1014ebcf387c Nevertheless, the possibility of large scale animal disease outbreaks, such as foot and mouth (FMD) and BSE diseases, are viewed by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of New Zealand2 among risks with the largest potential production and revenue loss. A study on the macroeconomic impacts of an FMD outbreak estimated possible damage at up to NZD 6 billion in the first year and NZD 10 billion after two years from losses in export volumes, and price and exchange rate shocks. This study by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand and Treasury underscores the fact that possible disease outbreaks are perceived as a threat with serious macro-economic implications (RB, 2003). 2 0 3 1.0 10.6027/9789289350167-9-en 11253f0a34b9bd2e1d27bbbe31b7696a Institutional support and investment as in the Bangladesh Solar Home Scheme subsidy element, although small and declining, may also be important (Khandker et al., The relevant projects are distributed by donor according to Figure 11 and by channel in Figure 12. While these figures are interesting, they should be considered with some caution as they rely on the accuracy of data reported by the donor countries themselves in the CRS system and are linked only to climate change. 7 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.18356/e4317cd1-en 11255f90e3acd946a25bb95b1b7116cd While both approaches adopt land and water availability as the main criteria to select countries with expansion potential, AAAID proposes an increase in cultivated land by 4.2 million ha, of which 2.0 million ha and 1.25 million ha are proposed in Sudan and Egypt, respectively. As discussed in chapter III, Egypt already allocates around 50 per cent of its arable land for wheat, and with less than the world average per-capita share of arable land, and water withdrawal exceeding the sustainable renewable level, Egypt is considered both a land- and water-scarce country. Prospects for higher productivity are also not realistic given that Egypt falls within the high yield countries exceeding the world average by more than twofold. 2 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/059ce467-en 11258047b913dd7c618fce3930ba9e7c From 2007 to 2014, over 3 000 migrants from 90 countries who speak over 40 languages have graduated from ULV. Evaluations have shown that the programme successfully increases migrant teachers’ chances of securing employment and increases their career-long salary (Skolverket (National Agency for Education), 2017(i2ij). However, participants also found the pathway to obtaining Swedish credentials long, especially after they undertook four years of training in their home countries (Hagrenius and Brunnander, 2015[i38i). Additionally, the requirements to enrol in ULV are sometimes not accessible to newly arrived immigrants, taking on average four to five years (from the day of arrival) for migrant teachers to enrol successfully in the programme. 4 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5jxx71lt1zg6-en 11262e324189d1387ecb7e78683e99d8 The papers that cover the period between the 1970s and early 2000s generally find a statistically significant relationship, where a 1% increase in unemployment decreases total mortality by between 0.3 to 1.1%. However, more recent papers that use similar methodologies but cover more recent time periods, are generally concluding that the relationship between overall mortality and unemployment is statistically insignificant (Mclnerney and Mellor,2012; Stuckler et al., Based on 17 separate cohort studies (with data from Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States) the meta-analysis showed that those with high levels of self-reported job insecurity were 1.32 times more likely to have a CHD event than those who reported low job insecurity. 3 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5k98p4wm6kmv-en 112656ca38f1cf7e1f09415e3a4ca5a6 Actions to fill these gaps should be focused on the Negev’s key niche, namely research, development, demonstration and testing in renewable energies technologies and water technologies. Although there are several good examples of cluster connections involving Negev’s clean-tech players, the sub-cluster nevertheless suffers from a relative lack of internal and external supplier-customer connections among firms, lack of innovation connections among firms and between research and industry, insufficient commercialisation of public research, few joint investments, little cross-disciplinary research, limited local and international brain circulation, and a lack of common foresight and common initiative. This plan would of course look further than the Negev in identifying necessary links to the rest of Israel and abroad. 7 4 5 0.1111111111111111 10.1787/9789264188617-en 1128da151d4d59cb4897c9bd83968039 Adequacy is related to the long run characteristics of an electrical system. In the last decade the long-term adequacy of the electrical system has been becoming an issue in many OECD countries due to a progressive slow-down in the investments in new dispatchable capacity, a growth in peak demand and increasing doubts about the ability of variable renewables to contribute to long-term system adequacy. The reliably available capacity takes into account the average availability of the power plant due to outages and maintenance shutdowns, the limitations to power output due to natural conditions (such as wind speed and direction, water temperature, precipitation and the solar irradiation factor) as well as the reserve capacity used for short-term balancing. 7 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264235151-6-en 112b8293e422b02b78c0c19cd4eec9a3 At the same time, DARD’s also give effect to the socio-economic development plans of the PPC. For example, the annex to the Tam Nong resolution on agriculture and rural development lists almost 20 distinct government agencies with roles to play. The Agency of Foreign Trade (Department of Export and Import) is responsible for issuing import, export, duty exemption and quota certificates, and managing tariff-rate quotas. 2 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264169265-6-en 112c8209a9c16399495a498b95ced3c4 New regulations on the pricing methodology, prepared by the MESP in 2011, contain provisions on reporting requirements that will enable indicator-based comparison between the utilities aiming at improving cost-efficient services and quality assurance. Better co-operation among municipal water utilities should be promoted to achieve economies of scale. Opportunities to associate smaller and poorer communities in such arrangements should be sought. 6 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/1f11729d-en 112e6db7a72601f26dacc67f89694455 Furthermore, there is a substantial gap between material deprivation rates for the total child population and the children in the poorest decile. It is substantially higher in countries such as Greece, Portugal and Slovakia where the rates are respectively 88%, 73.6% and 76.5% for children in the poorest decile and 39.9%, 29.2% and 25.5 % for the total child population. Children in the bottom end of the income distribution are prone to a lack of a suitable place to study or do homework. 1 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/18db943d-en 1130298cb3369006bc701c592ad09279 "One of the three main focus areas is early warning. For this reason it is important to build multi-hazard systems whose value can be demonstrated more regularly. Early warning systems for geophysical and hydrometeorological hazards, for example, have many components that can be shared - both for technology and human resources (Figure III-4). Integration can not only reduce costs but improve performance. As of 2014, the total annual cost to operate and maintain the IOTWS was approximately $90 million.39 To make the IOTWS more sustainable the members are taking a multi-hazard approach and have recommended that governments enshrine their financial commitment in legal frameworks and long-term policies. A.R. Subbiah, Lolita Bildan and Ramraj Narasimhan, 2008. """ 13 2 6 0.5 10.1787/pension/glance-2013-5-en 11313489f42ed130c14e3a9eddcd857a Such information has been collected, for example, in the German Socio-Economic Panel Household Survey. It is made up of five components that represent typical living expenses for a reference family of two adults and two children: food, clothing and footwear, shelter, transportation, and other necessary goods and services. The total cost of the basket is calculated for 49 geographical areas in the 10 Canadian provinces. 1 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/c69de229-en 1133d0d57ca1d504e0f7e2170883e4ee The average household size is also highly correlated with the youth dependency ratio - the number of young people under 15 years of age relative to the population of working age. The youth dependency ratio reflects changes in demographic structure, but is less relevant than the average household size for the assessment of the poverty risk at household level. For this reason and to limit collinearity problems, only the average household size variable is included in the selected model specifications. 1 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264281318-10-en 11342c20048da234f45dc7d928a9d27e Several countries have revised their textbooks to remove stereotypes and bias so that children of both sexes are free to explore their interests and perceive the labour market as open to their contribution. However, schools in many education systems appear ill-equipped to ease pupils smoothly into further education and training or the labour market. Nor do they seem well positioned to ensure that girls consider careers in all fields, including computing, mathematics, physics, engineering, manufacturing and construction. 5 0 7 1.0 10.1787/5js3926d54d7-en 11362f2aa78ee333a1f9a9f7059814c0 Moreover, as previously mentioned, an earlier ratification of the CEDAW is expected to be positively correlated with gender equality. Finally, greater access to education constitutes a way to move away from gender discrimination. Hence, looking at the effect of migration on gender inequality raises endogeneity issues. 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5k9crzjbpkkc-en 11369d033ac48e8f10cd521050908387 Improving energy efficiency is an important part of any energy conservation strategy. The main difference between energy conservation and energy efficiency is that reducing energy demand is the primary goal of energy conservation while improved energy efficiency aims to reduce the energy consumed in delivering a given energy service. A discussion on which is better - energy conservation or energy efficiency - is not relevant for this report. 7 0 4 1.0 10.1787/5km5zrrvzr42-en 113720d6b6e8c357b42a4d40b4518e6b In 1992, the Thailand government passed the energy conservation promotion act. In conjunction with this legislation, the energy conservation fund (ENCON) was created. The fund was established to stimulate financial sector involvement in EE projects and to simplify project evaluation and financing procedures. 7 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264188617-en 1138fb67ffd9801996a22ee8362b33b5 This allows a rough and ready calculation of the surplus costs associated with two different levels of variable renewables both in absolute values and in euros per MWh.4 One finding from this comparison is that the results differ from country to country. This is due both to the different costs for renewables (both in terms of plant-level costs and grid costs) and the different structures of existing energy systems in OECD countries. Substituting a MWh produced by a high-variable cost gas plant overall produces a smaller economic loss than substituting a MWh produced by a low variable cost nuclear plant. It was said above that grid-level system costs constitute the monetisable portion of the external effects of different power generation technologies mediated by the electricity grid. Total system costs would also include thus external effects that would be difficult to monetise. 7 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.18356/47c7f9c4-en 113926556b932ebb7b87459ef782e07d We generally know the strategies that households have at their disposal to cope with a shock. But we do not know for how long households can cope, under what condition and what they do if they have exhausted the available coping strategies. Regarding the predicted long-term global economic volatility, it is important to understand how households protect themselves given a volatile current and future environment. 1 3 6 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264186378-8-en 1139f9df5712b5b4a8fba54da813cd2e "At the same time, a hydrogeological plan for soil protection and hydrogeological risk (called “Piano di assetto idrogeologico"", PAI) is also required. It has a different scope and separate approval procedures. Water must be metered before it can be charged for volumetrically. Metering is often required for permit holders, although limited evidence concerning actual implementation and control at the farm level could be identified." 6 1 3 0.5 10.18356/7dc03c54-en 113d5fb64cb3605e13214d703fc2411a It reflects multiple deprivations faced by poor people in education, health and living standards. The index for each country indicates the percentage of the population that is multidimensionally poor adjusted by the intensity of the deprivation. Populations with a score of 50% or more are designated as suffering severe multidimensional poverty. It can also lead to violence when accepted roles or norms are threatened. 5 8 1 0.7777777777777778 10.18356/86ec538f-en 114664ab203d7c16a1e9eb70f02852a1 Lack of coordination between national policies often results in situations where, for example, green actions are not complemented by skills development response and as a result, do not reach their potential (ILO 2011). On the other hand, lack of enforcement of SCP related policies, such as environmental legislation, precludes demand for green jobs or leaves qualified graduates unemployed (ibid.). While this is absolutely critical for some areas, such as policy making and strategic development, it remains relevant for any field of work. 12 4 5 0.1111111111111111 10.1787/9789264210745-6-en 1149c0f955e5a40617e1551b12dc9cc2 It can also comprise the assessment of the context and the identification of potential implementation difficulties. Ex post gender analysis: Gender analysis is conducted to evaluate the impact of a legislation/regulation/policy/programme after it has been introduced or completed. The ex post gender analysis aims at examining whether the objectives of a legislation/regulation/policy/programme have been achieved. It also examines the long-lasting effects of a legislation/regulation/policy/programme on women and men. 5 0 9 1.0 10.1787/pension/glance-2013-5-en 114a2b7b6b732426ba0395546221aa37 More than one in five elderly homeowners in Europe are still paying off their mortgages. In Switzerland, only 40% of older people are outright homeowners, compared to more than 90% in Hungary and the Slovak Republic, and around 80% in Australia, Chile and the United States. Yet, even among the poorest 10% of the elderly, almost 70% are homeowners. In Canada, more than 90% of over-70s in the highest income decile own their homes. 1 3 6 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/d0d8dc3c-en 114b199699da3526b2bbc9be83f06aa0 The forest sector already displays many green characteristics. However, the sector should become more “green”; indeed take the lead in certain respects. The Rovaniemi Action Plan for the Forest Sector in a Green Economy suggests a wide range of activities by all parts of the forest sector, to be undertaken on a voluntary basis through ad hoc partnerships. 15 0 3 1.0 10.18356/ab0103c2-en 114edfdb48434450e7480f5144f8686e More generally, however, inequalities in health status and inputs reflect, among other factors, the levels of income and education that individuals and families command. Simply put, health inequalities are both manifestations and determinants of existing inequalities in various other economic and social dimensions. Inequity in health is shaped by social structure and by processes that need to be changed. “ 3 0 4 1.0 10.18356/c79afc0d-en 114f1aca4e16022b961d558a09a79006 "This chapter lays out the objectives, background and conceptual framing of the report. It first introduces the discursive and policy changes or innovations that characterize the contemporary ""social turn"", a shift in ideas and policies that has reasserted social dimensions in development agendas since the World Summit for Social Development in Copenhagen in 1995, but often failed to support more transformative social change that addresses root causes of poverty, inequality and unsustainable practices. Section 2 presents the conceptual framework used in the report and identifies types of innovations that are potential drivers of change processes, and potential pitfalls in these processes." 10 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264231160-5-en 11536ce79caaa1f7f93a4b585fbf63b5 Some OECD countries, such as Canada and the United States, have traditionally restricted regulations on land use, prohibiting mixed land use to avoid the negative externalities of differences in land use. Such zoning still makes sense in many places, although land-use regulations should be better co-ordinated to increase access on foot to local services and jobs. Deregulating zoning and introducing form-based zoning can be a way to revive urban centres, as can establishing mixed-use zones that allow both business and residential uses. This helps to reduce travel time to jobs and services, and to improve access on foot or by public transit for older people. 11 0 5 1.0 10.18356/27e660be-en 11539ad7124a3743d3a06c846cffc185 "As stated by Ms Rionge, resilience or ""having a strong backbone that can handle challenges is the key to successful entrepreneurship"". In South Africa, up until the 1990s, legislation prohibited women from working underground. This changed in 2002 when the South African Mining Charter introduced quotas urging mining companies to employ a 10 per cent female staff quota ( 2014)." 5 0 3 1.0 11.1002/pub/80a5593d-0c74f324-en 11561f51fa3c8153605280e4b81f5d7c As the result of trials for harmonization, the joint initiative on standards developing organization (SDO) global health informatics standardization [6] was established among six SDOs: ISO/TC 215[7], HL7 [8], CEN/TC 251 [9], CDISC [10], IHTSDO [11] and GS1 healthcare [12] to address and resolve long-term accumulated issues concerning gaps, overlaps, and counterproductive efforts. The ITU and World Health Organization (WHO) are strengthening coordination in technical areas for e-health standardization and uses of e-health protocols [17]. They also have gaps, overlapping, and counterproductive efforts, even in the case of joint collaboration groups. 3 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264248908-6-en 11575626b5899d79bd306b14da20d22c For example, comparable data on many clinical indicators in primary care and inpatient care (e.g. infection rates, waiting times) is virtually inexistent at the system level. In specific areas, such as cancer care, there is a strong need for the collection of more detailed data on basic aspects of process and outcomes like survival rates, which are virtually non-existent even in the leading national institutions. Although SISPRO is gradually evolving into a usable platform for information on provider indicators, there seems to be little knowledge among the general public on the availability of that information and how such information could be used, for example, to compare IPS. 3 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/bb63671b-en 1158555381c9c3e5ee1d82827c01cfe8 However, more highly-educated husbands do perform a larger share of household work, perhaps implying that education may lead men to be more open towards sharing die burden of unpaid work. However, data limitations did not allow this operation. Conversely, retired household members may be able to perform large amounts of household and care work, thus relieving other household members of some of this burden. 5 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264281653-4-en 11586afb1b293552e41c654c4cacea5a Current priorities include health promotion and prevention, environmental health and the impact of migration. Tobacco and alcohol taxes are used to fund the national institute that tackles alcoholism and drug dependency, as well as funding CONAPAM (see above). The national strategy against non-communicable disease and obesity defines several targets, including a 12% reduction the prevalence of smoking, a 15% reduction in salt intake and a 2% reduction in childhood obesity levels before 2021. 3 0 9 1.0 10.18356/71a7b2a0-en 115b200cd1b88c48f24bf8e81a29269a The need to provide support to ongoing co-management processes in the Mediterranean and build commitment for their multiplication across the region was also highlighted. Participants also considered as regional priorities the need to secure tenure rights and access to the resources for small-scale fishers as well as the establishment of capacity-building programmes devoted to supporting stakeholder roles in SSF co-management. In particular, lessons can be learned from the experience of MPAs with no-take zones and regulated buffer zones that have been successful in involving fishers in management decisions and in processes that both safeguard wild resources while also preserving the livelihoods on which small-scale fishers depend. 14 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/5kgj0d3vzcth-en 115cc9e6537b2358b012ff31e9b0e82b However, recent analysis suggests that farmers may not always view product price risk as a threat, but rather as an opportunity. Human risks, related to accidents and health, represent another permanent top source of risk. Recently, uncertainty about local laws and regulations has moved up in farmers’ ranking. 2 2 2 0.0 10.1787/18a859bf-en 11629f59c923d849b170f1763dd976dd From this analysis, the level of ODA targeting climate change adaptation and/or mitigation as a principal objective was USD 15.2 billion in 2013-2014 (60% of the total), representing 18% of bilateral ODA, reflecting projects that primarily focus on climate change and representing what can be considered a “lower bound” of climate-related ODA (Figure 4). For the remaining 40% (USD 10.4 billion), climate change considerations are a significant objective, indicating the mainstreaming of climate objectives into development co-operation portfolios. Based on 2013-2014 figures, the majority of climate-related development finance targets mitigation (75%, including projects that target both mitigation and adaptation), while adaptation lags behind with 37% of the resources. Meanwhile, 12% of climate- related development finance is flowing to projects that target both adaptation and mitigation. 13 0 7 1.0 10.18356/9ed3c0a9-en 11632ada2d18cb6ece8aa84411ddc2eb This can be explained by rising demand for housing that cannot be satisfied. In the case of indigenous people, the relative deprivation gap increased from 1.7 to 1.8 times the national level between 2006 and 2010, while the ratio for the Afro-Ecuadorian population decreased from 1.3 to 1.1 over the same period. The first identifies whether individuals have health insurance (public or private), and they are defined as deprived if they have none. 1 0 9 1.0 10.1787/hemp-22-5kmd4hr1z1r3 11643dbc74547437e5b6f411ff7541d8 Une grande majorite de personnes ayant repondu au questionnaire estiment qu’il y a encore beaucoup afaire pour remedier aux inegalites survenant lors de la grossesse et des conges de maternite, et que leurs universites demeurent des structures au sein desquelles trop peu de femmes occupent des postes a responsabilite. De nombreuses femmes se considerent comme etant moins actives que les hommes dans la gestion strategique de leur carriere, et es timent qu’elles doiventse comporter de la memefagon que les hommes afin de reussir. Elies pensent qu’elles ont toujours ete, au cours de Vhistoire et encore maintenant, dominees par les hommes dans leur domaine d’activite. Neanmoins, un relativement faible pourcentage d’hommes partagent cet opinion au regard des femmes, et leurs reponses sont souvent positives dans la perception qu’ils ont des uniuersitaires feminines. 5 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/85b52daf-en 11645ce0f2801c963fb034e4a57dc237 The centre was instrumental in the development of the Moroccan climate change policy and national green investment plan and supported the elaboration of Morocco’s NDC (GIZ, 2016). Similarly, the donor-supported NDC Partnership, launched at COP 22, supports countries in the implementation of their NDCs through the facilitation of technical assistance; global knowledge platforms; and improved coordination and engagement with the private sector. A survey of DAC members in 2015 illustrated that a number of development providers are encouraging partnerships between private sector actors in their own countries with private sector actors in partner countries as a way of pursuing development outcomes and promoting their domestic private sector activities abroad (e.g. Sweden’s Swedpartnership, Finland’s Finnpartnership) (OECD, 2016a). 13 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264096356-en 1165bd419b58fc680557190ce5bb22e8 Furthermore, the potential role of interconnections and demand response cannot be easily integrated in the indicator. Note that interconnections either can supply power to meet peak load or add additional demand to the existing peak load. Different definitions of peak generation and demand introduce some subjectivity in the determination of the indicator value. 7 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264089457-en 11683ce8722eed8fd78e47f736e9c8b1 Penang was the site of the European and Chinese capital in the rubber and tin trade. Revenue farm networks of Penang, i.e. opium trade links, stretched as far as Saigon, Hong Kong and China. At the apogee of the British period, Penang had become a regional educational hub for Islamic, English and Chinese education. 4 0 3 1.0 10.1787/empl/outlook-2010-2-en 116c3016ca4554ef4268c8e1041440b3 This consideration is all the more compelling currently since fiscal consolidation has become urgent for many OECD countries. However, there may be a stronger case for retaining reductions of employer contributions which are targeted on low-wage workers since they may have important long-run benefits by permanently raising employment rates of some groups on the margin of the labour force (Phelps, 1994). While stock subsidies may be relatively easy to implement and relatively effective in supporting employment in the short-run, at least as compared with the employment effects of other forms of fiscal stimulus, the associated employment gains come at a significant cost in lost tax revenues. 8 1 2 0.3333333333333333 11.1002/pub/80c5340c-885a9460-en 116c76fd8733d756569f4ab0ee475ae2 With broadband wireless networks and powerful new phones, consumers now have access anytime, anywhere, to increasingly sophisticated online applications and services. For example, the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP5) has played a key role in ensuring international standards for LTE. For Internet access, transport protocols, voice and video compression, home networking, and myriad other aspects of information and communications technology, hundreds of ITU standards allow systems to work - locally and globally. 9 0 3 1.0 10.30875/64b86eed-en 1170fdd568dc53726e4b1c6f8a19da49 According to responses received, 30 developing countries said they have a digital-related strategy. Out of this group, nearly all countries (29) said that they also have another type of strategy running in parallel, including national ICT development, e-government, e-commerce, telecommunications and broadband strategies (See figure 3 below). 9 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264262430-6-en 1175a19cd694c6d8dca3eeb43cb0088c Expenditure per student in the Folkeskole varies across municipalities for a number of reasons. Expenditure might be high because inhabitants have a high income, because the municipality chooses to have a relatively high income tax rate, because of characteristics that increase the expenditure needs and thus the grants from the central government, and/or because a municipality chooses to prioritise the Folkeskole compared to other local public services. The central government steers in relation to the national goals set with the reform (see Chapters 1 and 3). 4 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.14217/967bd43c-en 117648c0ac89cfdfb4a508ea4531070d Another contributing factor is that there are societal pressures not to expose private matters, with norms encouraging silence and subordination. Considering that the victims are young persons who depend upon their parents, they may not be capable of suing on their own. They will require the support and cooperation of their parents. 5 4 0 1.0 10.1787/9789264085398-en 1178e3e449330d0f1baa9b10866bed6f While in South Africa labour force participation rates of men and women have been slowly converging, in 2011 there was still more than a 7 percentage point gender gap. Furthermore, as argued by De Brauw and Russel (2014), women’s labour market experience might also be affected by possible time outside the labour market due to childrearing or other domestic tasks (the responsibilities for which often fall disproportionately on women, see Blau and Kahn, 2013).1 Therefore, in the analysis in this chapter, women’s labour market experience is adjusted downwards by four years (see De Brauw and Russell, 2014). They may receive commission in return for the work or service they perform. 8 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264257344-en 117960805807d35a00eb0a9ca7fda336 Such analysis should focus on the environmental externalities associated with current resource consumption patterns and the economic benefits of addressing them. Appropriate indicators should be developed so that economic policy makers can track the contribution that resources make to economic development. Moreover, it is argued that some of these benefits can be achieved at no or low cost to the companies that implement them. 12 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264225503-6-en 1179bdbcca2888ac574fbe852ea796a2 Lastly, increased environmental challenges, such as intense energy consumption, air quality and water management, require urgent remedies. However, no universal panacea exists, and sectoral approaches are not always effective. Instead, it could be helpful to formulate a solution encompassing diverse urban components that reflect different urban contexts. The lens of “urban form” is one way to approach building an effective package of policies. Such urban forms can include how places are planned, how connections between places are laid out and how people are involved in urban activities (OECD, 2013a). 11 1 3 0.5 10.18356/a22d206d-en 117c001ce2fe3c1148d63762d956b211 Because of this, women risk losing their right to use the land in the event of divorce or their husband’s death. Infact,in some areas, widows are obliged to marry one of their deceased husband's brothers in order to maintain their land use rights (Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit Gmbh, 2013). Countries must also put in place fair and effective land titling and registration systems that can facilitate the use of land as collateral. This can be a challenge in many developing countries, where land administration institutions often lack the personnel and resources necessary to reach women in rural areas. 5 2 2 0.0 10.1787/9789264201415-9-en 117c422a828d2df81d67772d3d73fd95 This requires that they set objectives, create reporting mechanisms and fiscal rules, audit and monitor cities’ finances, and eventually, take corrective measures if necessary. The design of such systems is likely to vary a great deal from country to country as a result of the enormous differences in fiscal systems, municipal competences and constitutional architecture. Since states/provinces/regions are usually responsible for setting fiscal rules and monitoring local governments’ finances in federal and quasi-federal countries, there can even be differences within them. 11 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/fa683360-en 117eb763f18afe51444ced7a271c66e9 Rapists do not rape because they want to have sex and many rapists may also have partners with whom they engage in consensual sex. Sexual deviance and character traits form the motives for rapists’ behaviours. Their sexual deviance may cause them to be aroused by exploiting the physical and/or psychological vulnerabilities in their victims, whether they result from intoxication or physical or mental disabilities. 5 4 3 0.14285714285714285 10.18356/fd80a3d2-en 117ef4f2a323f99bbe6f441781261aed The studies also found that rural poverty would be cut much more than urban poverty in all cases, whether from reform at home or abroad, and whether or not it included non-farm goods. However, it cannot be guaranteed that every developing country would be better off unless there is a strong economic growth dividend from reform (not captured in the comparative static modelling used in the present study). Inequality within the rural or the urban household grouping would not alter much following full trade reform, suggesting that the predominant impact of trade reform would be to reduce urban-rural inequality. 1 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.18356/bb63671b-en 11828a494147d4179371963e85194822 The presence of young children in Models 1 and 2 results in table 3 indicate that while both husbands and wives spend more time on housework when there are young children in the home, die magnitudes are much larger for wives (about 89 minutes per day) compared to husbands (about 30 minutes per day). Additionally, the presence of retired (older) family members appears to reduce the wife's household work by 24 minutes per day and increase their time on market work by 16 minutes per day. On the other hand, they have no statistically significant impact on die husbands' time use. Focusing on Model 2, which uses die age and education gaps as bargaining power proxies, the results indicate that a greater age gap (higher bargaining power of the husband) leads to an increase in his and his wife's share of household work. 5 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/051b4d3b-en 11831d7b764fb1f4d98759bbce72831a This implies that both men and women in poor households need to work to make ends meet, while this is not necessary for rich households. This implies that the relative affluence of the household is a determining factor in the labour force participation of women {Tablen-10). In the case of female only worker households, the lower and higher deciles have higher percentages of workers,implyingthat they can beat bothextremes {Table 11-11). 5 1 3 0.5 10.18356/f47faf05-en 1186f38c8e9a1857c032faf1032fc8a8 To reduce the amount of waste generated and increase the share of waste that is recycled and reused as material or energy source are central to sustainable consumption and production and natural resource management. The final disposal of waste in the environment, even if in a controlled manner, creates pollution and occupies considerable land areas. Relevant statistics cover the amount of waste generated by different sources that are economic activities (by ISIC categories) and households. 6 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5jxrclljnbxq-en 1186ff53e6d28d39dc8e326f3d4c5c8b In the mitigated scenario, the annual costs for increasing irrigation capacity are estimated to be USD 8 billion in 2030 and USD 12 to 14 billion in 2050. For climate change projections, two GCM models were used: i) Hadley and ii) CSIRO. The SRES A2 scenario was used as a proxy of unmitigated climate and SRES B1 as a proxy of partly mitigated climate. 2 2 3 0.2 10.1787/9789264279360-5-en 118941db3ec15d09324c369ed40ea57d Moreover, a need for additional agricultural land for bioenergy production - at the expense of naturally vegetated land - will increase water demand and affect hydrological cycles (Berndes, 2002; Rowe et al., Similarly, climate policies aimed at reducing the use of fossil fuels provide an incentive to increase the amount of hydro, w'ind and solar power, which may lead to increased land use, e.g. from flooded areas behind dams. Thus, both “renewable” power and large scale bioenergy production have substantial land claims and affect both water and energy, and thus interact within the land-water-energy nexus (Ringler et al., 6 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264251724-4-en 118aa0c64b446f0d92edce43d4bbf1a6 The activities differ considerably in their stage of development: some are relatively advanced while others are still in their infancy. To bring them on stream on a scale that would allow them to contribute in a meaningful way to global prosperity, human development, natural resource management and green growth will require considerable research and development (R&D) effort, investment and coherent policy support. The obvious - and in some cases less obvious -differences between land and sea have important implications as to how human activities are managed in the two very different environments. Nonetheless, although these differences affect the context and outcomes of marine operations, many of the concepts and techniques deployed in marine planning and management tend to be borrowed from practices on land. 14 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264188617-en 118afd2d30deb8c87f760157de6ea992 Conversely, a speed reduction of the recirculation pump would decrease the coolant flow, thus increasing coolant temperature and the core void fraction. The overall result is a decrease in core reactivity. The main advantage of this method is that the power distribution in the core is not changed, contrary to the case of regulation with control rods. 7 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264268852-6-en 118c9af6cd49d230a2a91da2e488017f When renting a house in the informal market, tenants can be denied access to public services such as health and education, which is particularly damaging to migrants. While a number of possible strategies to boost the rental housing market could be proposed, it will be important for Kazakhstan to begin with broad measures targeting the fiscal, regulator}' and legal framework, to ensure a more balanced treatment between rental housing and home ownership. These efforts should be prioritised in a coherent national policy for rental housing. Authorities should proceed with caution. Peppercorn and Taffin (2013) suggest that the introduction of a more robust rental policy component to housing policy should be properly sequenced: first, assessment; second, legal; third, tax; fourth, finance; and fifth, subsidies. Kazakhstan needs to define a rental housing policy approach. 11 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264279322-7-en 118d8530e7234cb9e44e913f6cae5678 Also, civil service officers who meet with the engaged couple -and these officers are almost always men - tend to show little enthusiasm for such clauses and often do not mention the possibility of including them. Even when a bride manages to have these clauses included, it often takes several years of court proceedings to ensure their application and to punish any violation. A woman going out to work may be viewed as a proof that her husband cannot bear the household expenses alone. 5 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264177338-3-en 118eab7dcebeaf85488c5f67d1a11445 "The disincentives for individuals to invest in education and training that are created by Ihe general design of the tax system can be mitigated with targeted tax concessions. In most OECD countries, employers may fully deduct the costs of employer-sponsored training for income-tax purposes in the year the costs are incurred. Such ""expensing"" is similar to business expenditure on intangibles, such as advertising and R&D, but more generous than investment in buildings and machinery where tax relief is spread over time, in line with the assumed rale of depreciation of assets." 4 0 7 1.0 10.18356/935513ee-en 1191a2cd7ee3a89a4b3eec983b626969 Recognizing the benefits of Canadian storage to power generation in the United States, the treaty also entitled Canada to half of the additional power generation in the United States. This issue arises typically between riparian countries that share a transboundary river, lake, or sea. This kind of situation is even more challenging when the dynamic is narrowly focused on allocating specific water quotas and absolute values, rather than a percentage of available flow. 6 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/9abbeac5-en 11921d14d19345d3d2bbc3a93c735bc1 Civic pressure alone is not enough, however; there must also be receptivity on the part of the state for change to happen. Analysis reveals that there is a powerful association between the character of the state-religion relationship and the degree of gender equality in family law. In countries where the state plays an active role in upholding religious practices, doctrines and institutions, family law tends to discriminate against women. In contexts where political and ecclesiastical institutions are more separated, family law tends to be more egalitarian. 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264191808-5-en 11925ad1dfeaa9f490a81f0699b5d504 Each municipality must ensure that the development (expansion and densification) established by its PRC can be effectively supplied with the necessary public services (i.e. sanitation, transportation, energy infrastructure and other services). The plan is developed and approved by the Municipal Council (Consejo Municipal) after a process of public consultation with the community, including public hearings in those neighbourhoods that might be the most affected by the plan, and with the municipality’s Council of Civil Society Organisations (Consejo Comunal de Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil). After the local government approves the Plan, it must be approved by MINVU’s SEREMI in the region. 11 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264237056-4-en 119274ec013c26bd64bda5d98c528540 One is to ensure that growth is achieved sustainably. Some environmental issues, such as deforestation, have long attracted policy attention, while others, such as air and water pollution, and climate change, are becoming more prominent. Another societal objective in a country where poverty is still high is to reconcile agricultural growth - and the pressure that structural adjustment places on small farmers - with poverty reduction goals. 2 1 5 0.6666666666666666 10.1787/9789264044135-3-en 1193195f7d83affe0d987b925fff80ad Those who are not taking climate change into consideration will be out of business in the long run. Wal-Mart's CO2 emissions are about one third of Denmark’s, and when including suppliers, almost three times larger than that of Denmark’s. When a company like that takes action, it can really make a difference. And Wal-Mart expects it to be good business, of course. 12 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.18356/c530cc54-en 1194104556f90a29fe8b0c15d1e5cc87 13This section discusses how landmark political change in the two countries led first to the emergence of new social norms and the underpinning ethical perspectives embedded in their Constitutions, and then to a refocusing of welfare institutions on poverty and inclusion. The new constitutions represented a renewal of their social contracts, and especially democratisation, citizenship, and social policy. They involved a significant expansion of social and economic rights now associated with enhanced citizenship, and included an explicit recognition of the right to social protection and assistance. Brazil has a population of 195 million, gross national income per capita of 11,000 US$ (PPP) and a life expectancy at birth of 73 years. 1 2 4 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/76afd318-en 11942e1f58e24f9fb15687696241c8c9 However, it is still reported in a number of countries at high levels. Whether for burning the food, venturing outside without telling their husband, neglecting children or arguing with their husband, in quite a few countries a very high percentage of women consider such behaviour sufficient grounds for being physically hit. More than half of rural households and about a quarter of urban households in sub-Saharan Africa lack easy access to drinking water. 5 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/9789264091269-en 11962866d2872a049246bbbb40a212d1 Similarly, the countries that participated in the second wave of collection between 2006 and 2008 will be referenced as 2008. These countries include Australia, Hungary, the Netherlands, and New Zealand. There is no arbitrary standard distinguishing adults who have or do not have skills. For example, many previous studies have distinguished between adults who are either “literate” or “illiterate”. 4 1 4 0.6 10.1787/9789264180444-17-en 1197ee10dd97e452085939e28cf181f7 However, the 1991 liberalisation of the electricity market, the creation of Nord Pool in 2001, and the European Union rules have reduced the possibility to differentiate energy prices at the local level, and levelled out transmission charges across the country. So what had been a major driver to produce hydro power in rural areas - attracting energy intensive firms - cannot be replicated by RE sectors, and their role within rural economy is still unclear. This is evident in wind energy (Aspen, 2011). 7 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264235120-7-en 11986ed6049e87a65def7cb438a0e60b In other southern European countries, Portugal and Spain, poverty reduction for NSW households was also modest. Figures represent the difference between the poverty rate for disposable income and for market income in percentage points. For Korea market income refers to after tax before public social and government tranfers and is not comparable with the other countries. 1 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264191761-en 119a2dc7d70eb1c84b67256becd76787 The subsidy rates for beef, milk, poultry and eggs are differentiated by the various feeding systems and other technological criteria, with more technologically advanced production eligible for higher rates (Table 2.4). The afeimats are responsible for developing and approving lists of eligible producers. Producers submit monthly information on the volumes sold and must provide documents to show proof of sales. The eligibility condition was that the products be delivered for processing. These output payments were budgeted and paid for one year only, and ceased thereafter. 2 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264267817-5-en 119b3368b29be421c1c3aec66858b34e Human capital is not only a determinant of economic growth and productivity, it is also one of social cohesion and well-being because with higher-level skills and quality jobs, people tend to live healthier. Rural areas of the state tend to be more marginalised than the urban, particularly metropolitan, areas. Territorial disparities are also noticed in students’ school performance as children living in the central and southern parts of the state tend to perform more poorly than those living in the northern part of Morelos. 4 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264257498-8-en 11a01f0e574bbb40bab64f97ad2120a4 In Australia, despite excellent information and reporting systems on school performance and programme outcomes, a coherent structure for systematically registering and individually monitoring early school leavers is lacking. Only young people receiving benefits and under a programme participation obligation are followed by the DHS/Centerlink. There is no obligation for schools to co-operate with social and health service providers and exchange information. There is no obligation for local authorities to offer alternative learning options and follow up on those who refuse to or cannot go back to school. 4 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/5f92cb4f-en 11a0a5588f27980ef606ddb97bc04d66 The GEF has announced new climate finance commitments of US$3 billion from across its focal areas, with at least US$300 million being dedicated to coastal and marine issues over the next four years. Another US$250 million will flow through the GEF's Sustainable Forest Management/REDD+ Incentive Mechanism, which will mobilize US$750 million in grants from other focal areas to tackle the drivers of deforestation and forest degradation, while supporting the role of forests in national and local sustainable development plans. Some US$45 million will address the key global drivers of deforestation by expanding the supply of sustainably managed commodities, while more than US$116 million will help to improve food security, strengthen resilience and enhance carbon sequestration in sub-Saharan Africa (Box 26). The US$116 million programme seeks to safeguard ecosystem services by promoting the integrated management of natural resources through projects in 12 countries. The projects will help smallholders to become more resilient to climate change by improving soil health and access to drought-tolerant crop varieties, adjusting planting periods and cropping portfolios, and enhancing on-farm agrobiodiversity. 13 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5jzb44nmnbd2-en 11a125cc1fa38ed6e350f430e5548d7e It is important to highlight that these apply predominately with climate-related aid in mind. There is limited understanding of how the aid effectiveness principles relate to private climate finance mobilised through development finance - and the degree to which private climate finance mobilised by public sector efforts is accountable. For instance, mainstreaming climate change considerations into national development plans may involve introducing carbon-pricing mechanisms that can help to level the playing field between fossil fuel and low-carbon investments (e.g. Morden, 2013 and GoSA, 2013). Capacity development (i.e. strengthening the enabling environments and national capacities to effectively manage climate finance, as well as the international co-operation and partnerships needed to support country ownership) is critical, as outlined in the Busan Partnership for Action on Climate Finance and Development Effectiveness10 (2011). 13 0 7 1.0 10.1787/5k49dv6c5xmv-en 11a332f849625162b20aaecd43059046 Employment and Labour Force data come from Bureau of Labor Statistics (revised as of July 2011). The higher level (Territorial level 2) consists of macro-regions, while the lower level (Territorial level 3) is composed of micro-regions in the 30 OECD member countries. These levels are officially established, relatively stable and are used in most countries as a framework for implementing regional policies. 7 4 0 1.0 10.14217/5jlwz7lt4k9q-en 11a36fbc40d81b14f2b43638ea37faa1 All parties are left to establish their own national policy framework to achieve the commitments outlined in such NDCs. Countries are also required to report emissions, with progress reviewed by a 'facilitative, non-intrusive, non-punitive' independent review system against common metrics still to be defined, with flexibility given to developing countries in light of their weaker capacity to collect and report data. They have therefore agreed to convene a 2018 facilitative dialogue to inform the next round of commitments. 13 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/5jrw21ng3ts3-en 11a43c0061379f4d6f4b0caf4fe049b8 For a household with two adults and two children, the threshold level of income guaranteed by the RSI has dropped from 62% of the poverty line in 2009 to 46% in 2013. The changes have hardly affected the incidence of poverty, since most of the affected incomes below the poverty line. However, the reforms have made the poor poorer. 1 0 8 1.0 10.1787/9789264236813-6-en 11a80804ded20cb01fcd55057428c0f4 For example, REDD+ (Reduction in Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation) is a framework through which developing countries are rewarded financially for forest protection actions which lead to a measured decrease in the conversion of forests to other land uses. The program now also includes the role of conservation, sustainable management of forests and the enhancement of forest carbon stocks in developing countries. Financial incentives are not yet compelling enough to drive forest-friendly development in a number of countries, however. 7 3 0 1.0 10.18356/0e3c4bbb-en 11a8556dc18a21c00b0f792e3e4998b3 Food insecurity is more often the result of limited access to food. As explained by A. Sen (1981), “starvation is a matter of some people not having enough food to eat, and not a matter of there being not enough food to eat”. Thus, investments in food production systems need to be complemented by programmes designed to increase the incomes of the poor, as well as social protection and safety nets. 2 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/520b80a5-en 11af7603ae036352f8ea349bccf6c0ea The proactive government policies include: automatic stabilizers that sustain household consumption amid shocks, such as unemployment benefits for workers and agricultural price support and insurance for small farms'1; active macroeconomic policies to restore confidence, such as targeted cash transfers and bank deposit insurances; building and maintaining ample fiscal space; and structural and medium-term policies, such as a shift towards countercyclical fiscal policies and deepening domestic financial markets.' Panel B in figure C shows the positive impact on GDP for each country through the application of proactive fiscal and financial policies. The magnitude of the output loss arising from policy uncertainty in the advanced economies can be moderated by an average of 75%. This reduction in the adverse impact of policy uncertainty can offer significant relief to citizens in terms of preserving jobs. 10 0 3 1.0 10.18356/187200fa-en 11b113617974d129b1226a71620830ed There shall be no discrimination on grounds of race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. The need for, and the application of, such measures shall always be subject to review by a judicial or other authority. Providing for such needs in order to accomplish substantial gender equality shall not be regarded as discriminatory. They constitute the fundamental principles which are valid in all systems and prisons worldwide, and apply to all prisoners without discrimination. In addition, as mentioned earlier, due to their small numbers, women are often housed in prisons far away from their homes, which hinders the maintenance of links with their families and children, with a particularly harmful effect on their mental wellbeing and social reintegration prospects. 3 1 5 0.6666666666666666 10.18356/bcf52e9f-en 11b228757a54f0b18ede6ca7d39ad716 Once these external costs are internalized and thus taken into consideration in the calculations of polluters and natural resource users, markets operate more efficiently and help improve social welfare through better allocation. Environmental taxes can also raise additional revenues and boost fiscal space, contributing to the need of developing countries to invest in infrastructure and other measures to pursue the SDGs and increase resilience to climate change impacts. In OECD countries, environmental taxes have already been widely used to decouple GHG emissions from economic growth and raise revenues for green investment. Similarly, in many developing economies, environmental taxes have been implemented to reduce pollution, foster conservation and reduce GHG emissions - as exemplified by taxes on fossil fuels in Costa Rica (see Cottrell et al. In countries that already raise substantial revenue from environmental taxes, review and administrative improvement can enhance the performance of such taxes and ensure that their positive environmental impacts are maximized, as exemplified by the efforts of China to reform its system of pollution charging into a more efficient system of environmental taxation. 7 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5kmd6b5rl5kd-en 11b647f95606392aa8a6d96cee9d8312 "This can be interpreted as this price having an “average"" deviation or variation of 25% above or below the mean. The main advantage of the CV is that is can be compared across variables that are measured in different units, for instance a CV of prices can be compared with a CV of yields. The degree of co-movement between two variables is measured by the covariance, which can also be normalized into a coefficient of correlation." 2 2 2 0.0 10.1787/9789264190672-9-en 11b7e9e7cb7fdb1359db3fa92844f1e4 Teacher education provides them with adequate curriculum knowledge and planning skills. Moreover, the importance of curriculum design in teacher practice has helped shift the focus of professional development from fragmented in-service training towards more systemic, theoretically grounded school- wide improvement efforts. The Finnish education system was highly centralised until the early 1990s. 4 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264281707-7-en 11beeb2465bc90deabb74c990d0c5410 Only groundwater abstraction was charged since the goal of this policy was to increase the price of groundwater so that surface water would be used instead. The tax was administered by the Ministry of Finance and the Central Environmental Tax Unit. The system also raised complaints from water-intensive industries since the groundwater tax was different for industries supplied by water companies and for those with selfextraction, hence raising competitiveness issues. 6 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264283404-en 11bff9f416f49e6795ab4c91a6bca82a According to WHO calculations, in the same year, one in ten households in Greece experienced catastrophic out-of-pocket spending,8 rising to nearly one in three for the poorest households. Physicians’ density in 2014 varied from 2.9 per 1000 population in Western Macedonia and Central Greece to 8.6 per 1000 in Attica (ELSTAT, 2016) (Figure 14). One innovative project co-financed by the EU, the National Telemedicine Network, harnesses the power of telemedicine to reach patients living in remote areas (Figure 15). 3 0 7 1.0 10.1787/50e33932-en 11c5fe3c1c2068c3727bebe7b543505a If the planned reform succeeds, the Swedish “hourglass” will change, particularly at the subnational level, as a stronger county level could be a better partner for municipalities in regional development issues. The County Council’s responsibility for regional development became permanent in 2010 and at that time two additional regions received development competences. Six years later, ten more County Councils have the responsibility for regional development (including public transport and culture), on top of public healthcare. The result has been a strongly context-dependent approach to regional governance rather than a “one-size-fits-all” approach. 11 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/5k3xn24zbqr4-en 11caf1a36e02ca171c3312584ed17ed6 In addition, the departmental structure of public administration, organising its functions into specific national Ministries, was seen to encourage vertical silos that were weak in working across departmental boundaries and addressing cross-cutting policy challenges. The lack of integration and co-ordination that this government department structure generated at the national centre was accentuated at the regional level. For the national centre, this meant that public policy was designed without sufficient input from the regions and that its delivery in the regions was insufficiently connected to maximise its effectiveness. The aims of the GORs were then, first, to co-ordinate policy and investment by the central government departments at the regional level and, second, to act as the ‘eyes and ears’ of central government in monitoring and relaying information from the regions back to the central national departments (Performance and Innovation Unit 2000). 8 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264265493-9-en 11cb7e418439e1c09c63552d0ccf5724 In the wake of the amendments, the 2012 elections saw women win more than one-third of seats in both houses for the first time in Mexico’s history. In 2014, wider-ranging debate on electoral reform led to the revision of Article 41 of the Constitution, which now requires parties to enforce gender parity among their election nominees. The remaining 200 representatives are elected using the proportional representation system through closed party lists in five districts of 40 seats each. 5 0 4 1.0 10.1787/5jm0xdx0b06g-en 11cbc25487edcfbbba4beabd2bf34e5f Furthermore, across OECD countries temporary work tends to lower wages at the bottom of the earnings distribution, while the effect is often neutral at the top, thereby contributing to increased individual earnings inequality. And Chile is no exemption. Evidence shows that earnings gaps between permanent and temporary workers are significantly larger at the bottom of the wage distribution (the so-called sticky-floor effect) (Bosio, 2014; Santangelo, 2011). 5 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264267817-6-en 11ccb89728a21067731706859ad5e916 The Ministry for Sustainable Development of the State of Morelos has designed a strategy for the integrated management of wastewater treatment and solid waste (Estrategia de Gestidn Integral de Residuos Solidos, GIRSEM) through which it put in place wastewater treatment policies. Over 133 000 additional people now benefit from sanitary sewerage services, which represents a sewerage system covering 96% of the state's total population (INEGI, 2015c). Currently there are 43 in working condition. 11 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/62212c37-en 11cf122e57dfdfa8aa995d8076b4342c "The ""Studio Thinking"" rubric was arguably more focused on the visual arts habits of mind than the initial domain-general OECD rubric. And the ""five creative habits of mind"" rubric was commonly used by Creative Partnerships programmes. As there was indeed some alignment between those rubrics, this departure from the project protocol was fine for a development project - but it would raise issues of ""fidelity of implementation"" in a validation or efficacy study. In Hungary, the school network implementing the Creative Partnerships pedagogy proposed an interesting alternative: the team used both the comprehensive domain-general OECD rubric and the ""five creative habits of mind"" rubric, but for different purposes." 4 5 4 0.1111111111111111 10.1787/223159ab-en 11d1b58d952bb7145e82390a67671d3a With a few exceptions for some countries in some years, Central and Eastern European countries have experienced steady improvements in life expectancy at birth in both genders since 2005 (Figure 5.1). Life expectancy in males showed greater variation between countries than in females, although the convergence between countries over time has also been greater in males. Life expectancy trends in the remaining EU countries also showed improvements since 2005, but with some erratic changes in recent years (Figure 5.2). 3 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264233515-8-en 11d46eeb190fa6aabe7ca44200cb1eb6 Policy makers are also concerned about ensuring service and staff quality, as well as making information on quality transparent. A variety of tools are used that could be appropriate for different purposes. A wide range of well-developed tools is available for this purpose. To facilitate the transition and support the child, child records are shared with primary schools in the majority of jurisdictions. Holistic narrative assessments are also common. 4 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/859159ab-en 11d6f06ba89b9442b375af6f4e991390 The methodology for the assessment relied on desk research reviewing OECD publications, research papers, and national and subnational smart city strategies obtained through government websites. At the national level, the assessment considered not only explicit or dedicated national smart city strategies but also national development plans and strategies, since in many countries elements of smart city strategies are incorporated into the broader framework of these plans and strategies. It found that all of the countries studied have included an element of smart city development in their national development plans and strategies. 11 0 3 1.0 10.14217/9781848599239-8-en 11dcff1c45cf96d5b0cce637fc6bbe10 Like other RSE countries it had its own list of work-ready workers. Mr Apple has fourteen orchards (the largest produces 350,000 cartons each year), three packhouses (which pack 2.5 million cartons of apples each year) and one coolstore. During the harvest season its workforce reaches over 1,500, with seasonal workers from many countries. 10 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/empl/outlook-2011-4-en 11e0c3887ac113e6090d1c2eda34f95c Similarly, the stigma associated with the receipt of the transfer is likely to be smaller in the case of SPs in comparison with general CTs, especially if this is administered by a social security agency rather than a welfare one. Compared with other social benefits such as unemployment benefits or cash transfers discussed in Parts A and B, health benefits per se provide no income to beneficiaries and are thus not likely to affect the labour supply directly. However, the financing of health benefits, when at least partly based on taxes weighing directly and exclusively on labour, such as social contributions, can have an impact on labour market outcomes. 10 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/3adc8369-en 11e18aeda202ab60b081f8930a9d94b4 It is clear, as pointed by one of the referees, that investing more resources in a search of the literature would likely yield an even greater number of linkages than are documented here. This has to be kept in mind when reading the paper. The dimensions that SDG 17 encompasses (finance, capacity building, trade, information and communications technology and data, monitoring and accountability) are relevant to most of the targets under SDG 14. In particular, financing and capacity building have been identified as important across the set of SDG 14 targets (UN, 2017). 14 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264238701-4-en 11e4c2cd9af926b8c73f1f2bcdc56a14 These three major classes are now used as a standard for international maps of groundwater resources (Figure 1.7). The International Groundwater Resources Assessment Centre (IGRAC) has defined 36 global groundwater regions divided into 217 groundwater provinces (Margat and van der Gun, 2013). These divisions were developed focusing on the predominant characteristics of groundwater systems in continental regions. There are four main categories of groundwater regions: basement regions (B), sedimentary basins (S), high relief folded mountains regions (M), and volcanic regions (V). 6 1 4 0.6 10.1787/rev/fish-2011-6-en 11e4fc23fbb4c61d67de60cf72a610fb Similar issues have been raised in the food safety area as have been raised in relation to eco-labels and certification. What are the various roles of the public and private sector in food safety governance? How are costs divided amongst the various stakeholders? And what are the impacts on small-scale operators and developing countries if they fail to meet public let alone private sector requirements? 14 8 1 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264298644-en 11eb63f440085904baf1f72439aae731 This is not what they were supposed to do in the new system. As mentioned by stakeholders, often 3-year programmes are just a compact version of what was done in 4- or 5-year single cycle programmes, in place before the “3+2” reform. Quality requirements have also been generally lowered to increase the number of 3-year graduates. 4 3 1 0.5 10.6027/9789289349437-6-en 11ed456df853a192cd01dea84b05e90c The study also focused on the importance of cultural heritage as a factor attracting people to stay in the region. According to the study, about 60% of the tourists visited Raros because ofthetown's cultural heritage. In addition, around 40% of guests attending conferences stayed in Raros due to the cultural heritage of the town. 11 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5k49dv6c5xmv-en 11f0079c8f54b7cdf4b92a43d061fd23 In the tri-state region, key institutional players, whether in the universities or the private sector, should seek to identify and maximise the role of innovation brokers to enhance innovation capacity in priority business clusters region-wide. There are significant variations in the nature of technologies or innovations, product lifecycles, skills gaps and other factors that are cluster specific. Successful examples from other OECD countries, such as the 0resund region (Box 3.4) which builds around a range of innovation platforms, can serve as example. 7 7 1 0.75 10.1787/9789264303119-en 11f0f21873c5acf3e10d3ab9edb7cfe3 It may have been optimistic to presume that the frank imposition of fiscal measures, based on precisely monetisable social costs and the resulting tax adjustments that would bring social and private, market-based costs in line, could be routinely implemented in all circumstances. Yet, converging results from a number of broad-based and well-balanced studies have all implied that much stronger action than countries have been willing to contemplate - at the very least on air pollution and the reduction of climate change risks - is required to move towards economic optimality. The widespread lack of a meaningful carbon tax in many countries is a case in point. Stronger technical regulations, market creations, subsidies, improved transparency and reduced legal and institutional transaction costs, however, are all available as part of an arsenal of measures that can be used where the straightforward imposition of Pigouvian taxes remains elusive because of political obstacles resulting from distributional concerns. The well-being of their citizens and the welfare generated by their economies depend on it. 7 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264208469-8-en 11f145731544b06621db8c2df0f4e4fb In addition to steps planned by the Norwegian Government, minimum mental health service provision guidelines for municipalities, as well as established patient pathways from primary care, may strengthen access to appropriate specialist services - such as CBT or other talking therapies - for mild-to-moderate disorders across the country. The systematic recording of waiting times for patients following a referral to psychological therapies, published alongside Norway’s existing data on waiting times and referral to depression services, may be a further way of effectively appraising unmet need and disparities across the country. For these individuals, good co-ordination of care, good follow-up in the community following hospitalisations, appropriate long-term support, and sensitivity to patient requests and treatment needs are important parts of securing high-quality care. 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5km35m63qqvc-en 11f6dd86c3f089f687ce244436c228f3 The system covers many common nationwide trade skills, in a large variety of industrial sectors. Since its introduction in FY 1959, about 4 million people have become certified skilled workers, and every year there are about 200 000 additional applicants for skills certification (MHLW, 2006; and 2007). These figures suggest, however, that only about 5% of the current workforce is certified. 8 0 3 1.0 10.18356/29c3b7bb-en 11f7745827a29a7297e209bbd87397ad Scientific studies have calculated that the production of one pair of jeans requires around 8000 litres of water (Water Footprint Network, 2012). Few people realise that when buying a pair of new jeans they are in fact using up as much water as they would normally be drinking over a period of almost 11 years (assuming that an average person drinks two litres of water per day). Similar calculations show for example that the production of one cup of coffee requires 130 litres of water (Water Footprint Network, 2012). Few couples that are getting married know that between 4 to 100 tonnes of rock (Valdivia & Ugaua 2012) had to be mined in order to provide the 10 grams of gold needed to make two plain wedding rings. 12 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/5jrxr7qx6ctb-en 11f7d52783100ab58ba653dfe2515ad0 Although all Swedish citizens are entitled to subsidised mental health care, flat-rate charges are set by the counties, and variation can be significant depending on the region. Nonetheless, outpatient care covered by this system has a relatively low individual payment cap (nationally applied) on what people can be required to pay out of pocket (about EUR 100 per year). Inpatient care operates slightly differently, and this payment ceiling does not apply in such cases, although there is a national cap on daily charges (about EUR 9 per day). Private care - operating completely separately from the public sector - has no regulations or limitations on what can be charged (Melke, 2010). The growing concern is that this is not only financially unsustainable, but also harms overall quality of care, as rotating doctors leads to a lack of treatment continuity, and creates more difficult working conditions, which in turn discourages individuals from seeking a career in psychiatry (see section 4.l.i) (OECD, 2013). 3 1 5 0.6666666666666666 10.18356/5b6c49ea-en 11f840463310f8de1b1e103f6e58d52f Over the same period, this was faster than the average annual growth of coal (1.6 per cent), crude oil (1.5 per cent) and natural gas (1.2 per cent). The growth of modern renewables from 1990 to 2008 was much slower than historical expansions of coal, at 5 per cent per year from 1850 to 1870; oil extraction, at 8 per cent per year from 1880 to 1900; and natural gas production, at 8 per cent per year from 1920 to 1940. Modern renewables (half of which was wind power) accounted for 3 per cent of global electricity production in 2008. Solutions that do not build on the prevailing prime movers and existing energy infrastructure will require decades to make significant dents in the primary energy mix. 7 0 7 1.0 10.18356/08756197-en 11fb36e82cef3da786041ffc8a86bd11 State control of ventures means the monitoring of the whole chain of food production, inspecting sanitary-hygiene norms, and organoleptic checks of ready products. The programme takes into account previous results and non-compliance cases. Large enterprises are inspected every year and, in the event of non-compliance, the enteiprise will be inspected again. 3 2 3 0.2 10.1787/9789264209138-3-en 11fc32b55895e995acbd72c2597a3d7f Under climate change, current rainfed crops may require irrigation to maintain reasonable productivity, and current irrigated crops may have a larger or smaller irrigation requirement (FAO, 2011). Doll (2002) predicted a slight increase in global crop water requirements, but significantly less than other comparable works which tend to estimate an increase by 5-20% (Fischer et al., Recently, climate projections to 2070-2099 by Zhang and Cai (2013) indicate contrasting results across countries: lower water requirements can be expected in some regions of the world such as Africa, Australia and China; while in regions such as Europe, North India, eastern South America and eastern United States higher crop water requirements are projected. These results are subject to the land use types (rainfed or irrigated) and the uncertainty involved in the assessment approaches. 6 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/sti/outlook-2012-11-en 12019050e5716a86289d0f618e598f0e Thus, a policy mix concept can be used ex ante to assess the fit or lack thereof of new policy measures as well as ex post to evaluate the performance and fit of an existing array of policies. The effectiveness of a policy instrument almost always depends upon its interaction with other instruments. These are often designed at different times and for somewhat different purposes. 9 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/403a6ad7-en 1203e4de66ce34dda8898dd1dfaa046d In modern times frontier science has been able to avert dangers posed by extreme climatic events and new pests and diseases in ways that traditional knowledge alone could not have matched. The biological control of the cassava mealy bug in Africa by the use of a pathogen imported from South America is an excellent example of modern science contributing to the protection of a traditional farming system. Many authors have decried the loss of the vast range of landraces that were used by many traditional farmers as a protection measure against climate extremes and pest and disease threats. Much of the world’s rice now comes from a tiny number of improved cultivars, most of them highly dependent on fertilizers and pesticides. 2 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264168985-7-en 1205e2773954d275370d452c6af99631 Beyond this the ejido system of collective land ownership ensures that small farmers cannot be driven off their land. But small parcels of land also limit the ability of operators to move to more productive farming. The ejido system results in a semi-subsistence form of farm production, because it is hard to make land improvements, hard to obtain credit and hard to expand the enterprise. 6 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5jm2hz8dgls6-en 120b45ee266c5562ee5db1da501f8678 Then, Table 2 presents descriptive statistics for the background data used in the multivariate analysis. The SIGI is a composite index that measures gender-based discrimination in social institutions taking into account formal and informal laws as well as attitudes and practices that discriminate against women in five dimensions: discriminatory family code, restricted physical integrity, son bias, restricted resources and assets, and restricted civil liberties.9 The SIGI takes into account de jure (legal) as well as de facto (actual) situations. As such, it offers several advantages over other measures of social institutions, such as Women Business and Law (World Bank, 2015) or the CIRI women's right measures (Cingranelli and Richards, 2010) that focus only on the de jure situation. 5 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.18356/3a98e5b4-en 120de79e7c743a9b998df3c1fa1d9ec8 In fact, the United Nations Law of the Sea was a point of discussion during the historic first meeting ofthe Forum in 1971.'Through the Forum, the Pacific region already has a collaborative and integrated ocean management system in place. It strengthens the Pacific Islands Regional Ocean Policy, particularly through stronger provisions in the areas of coordination, resourcing and implementation. It also aspires to protect, manage and sustain the cultural and natural integrity of the ocean for present and future generations of the broader global community.5 At its heart is a desire to build pride, leadership, learning and cooperation across the ocean environment. 14 0 4 1.0 10.6027/857c81f8-en 120f00986b4661bb7fd01e64b51f0eb9 "Auctioning rights to existing operators or new ones have therefore made little sense at the time. The reference to recent historical activity in the allocation process ensures that the quotas are assigned to the active vessels. However, the original ""gifting"" is an often-debated point and is often mitigated by setting a time duration on the allocation. What will happen at the end of the set time period is often left open, and in most cases the existing allocations have simply been renewed." 14 3 2 0.2 10.1787/9789264168350-4-en 120f6ec2b970fc308021b26ad9e5f9c0 The key is to integrate their use across donor programmes as a systematic and consistent approach. However, this also means that there are multiple entry points and that, although empowerment doesn’t happen overnight, supporting empowerment in one domain - economic, social or political - will have positive effects in the others. Putting in place, and operating, the management mechanisms and processes that will allow a programme or project to be delivered in a way that empowers people takes time and may delay the delivery of physical programme outputs. 1 0 4 1.0 10.1787/saeo-2011-9-en 120fe8ca26ae9bb946819013cb264d02 The uptake of GHG emissions through forestry and land-use changes was 36.3 MT in 2007, accounting for about 5.8% of total gross emissions. In 2007, energy-related C02 was responsible for 518.7 MT, about 84% of total gross emissions. Average annual growth of energy-related C02 was 4.6% between 1990 and 2007. 7 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264224636-4-en 1212f63edf3c0cc3d070ffe8800ea6d3 Equality under the law, equality of opportunity' and equality of (political) voice have not yet been fully achieved in many MENA countries. Despite a number of steps taken, women in the MENA region continue to have a rather low level of legal protection against gender-based discrimination. The domestic laws in MENA countries are not always consistent with the gender equality principles set by international law, including the CEDAW. 5 1 3 0.5 10.1787/c69de229-en 1213983cd56cf8babd139256cfe5e286 In Canada, the increase in primary and disposable income is explained by two factors adding their effects to those of changes in family characteristics. First, the income earned by fathers in employment increased, which, as in France or the United Kingdom, indicates an improvement in the quality of their employees; In addition, the income of residential property owners increased relative to that of tenants, which contributed to an increase in the standard of living contrary to the trend observed in the United Kingdom. In Korea, the incomes of families with one and especially two children have all increased equally, contributing to the improvement in the standard of living of the 25th percentile of children. 1 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.18356/a24ac2e3-en 12197d8b6ff9dba9c48244e12bcb5339 Nevertheless, it should be noted that differences in separate indicators exist, for instance the indicator on stunting is nearly ten percentage points higher for the children between two and four years. Also, neglect of children under the age of two is lower than the proportion of children being left alone in the second age group (17% and 35%, respectively). The differences in the household-level dimensions, i.e. water, sanitation, housing, result from differences in household composition. 1 5 4 0.1111111111111111 10.1787/9789264245174-7-en 121e86bc15e37fbf7e1a94c15c4c46d8 Prices should also incentivise behaviour in line with policy objectives promoting the use of public and non-motorised transport. Efficient parking pricing is a highly effective tool. In San Francisco, smart parking meters with real-time fare adjustments have increased the effectiveness of variable-rate on-street parking pricing. 11 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264224636-7-en 121ea6a643c1ec5e8d4d8f9758e99898 Clearer visions and strategies for de facto gender equality as defined by international standards would facilitate improvements for gender equality objectives, including the CEDAW, MENA countries can build on the existing strategies to expand them to include the civic, political and economic rights of women more prominently. Indeed, the institutional history of social rights within OECD countries demonstrates that while rights associated w ith women initially were upheld in relation to maternal functions and reproductive roles, these protections later expanded to include protections for equality in public life and economic opportunities. Effective implementation is critical to ensure that gender strategies go beyond declarative statements and are translated into concrete actions. 5 0 7 1.0 10.14217/9781848591646-15-en 12206b388f08c81da53729e4384a2b5a In the case of sugar, targeted EU financial assistance has emerged relatively recently - within the context of reforms to the EU’s sugar regime and the introduction of the Everything But Arms duty-free regime for LDCs - with the creation of a €1.25 billion envelope in addition to normal European Development Fund flows. The assistance provided to sugar producers has explicitly sought to avoid repeating the mistakes of the SFA and SPA in bananas, in part by emphasising adjustment/diversification measures for countries deemed uncompetitive in the long run. The EU’s STABEX facility was established in 1975 under the Lome Convention; the mechanism was envisaged as a compensatory finance scheme to stabilise earnings from ACP exports of agricultural commodities, and operated until abolished under the 2000 Cotonou Agreement. In 1998, the EU undertook a major review of the STABEX regime (CERDI et al. 10 4 0 1.0 10.1787/9789264190658-11-en 12277c0937c55952e716e7909e207a47 In various states and territories in Australia, Belgium (French Community), in various provinces and territories in Canada, Chile (Performance Appraisal) and New Zealand, for example, it is at the discretion of school leaders and evaluators to select instruments and tools to gather information depending on the chosen appraisal aspects and criteria and/or individually defined performance objectives. The instruments and sources of information used to gather evidence about a school leader’s performance may also differ between leadership positions, school principals and deputy school principals. While the costs and efforts required need to be weighed with the benefits of using multiple sources of information, it is essential to gather a feasible amount of accurate, valid, reliable and useful information (Glasman and Glasman, 2010). Such meetings between appraiser and appraisee may simply rely on a checklist that examines whether an appraisal aspect has been demonstrated (Lashway, 2003). 4 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264079502-3-en 122e1912ee54da95e3fa00b1029080da In some cases, the poorest households may not be able to afford access to water services. Evidence in OECD countries suggests that affordability of water charges for low-income households is a politically sensitive issue. A variety of approaches have been deployed for this purpose; most involve either direct support from the public budget (e.g. additional direct income support for consumption and/or subsidised connection fees) or cross-subsidisation through the tariff structure (e.g. increasing-block water tariffs, where those who use only a small amount of water pay very little for it while higher levels of consumption are subject to higher tariffs). A balance must be struck between economic/ environmental efficiency and equity objectives. 6 0 5 1.0 10.1787/9789264268852-6-en 1232999ebfad5176767221f3d4a9ef18 Germany has not seen the same sharp increases in housing prices as the United Kingdom, where housing affordability is a major public concern. Low housing supply elasticities, due to restrictive land use, have been argued to be one of the major reasons for decreasing affordability of housing, especially in economically vibrant areas of the United Kingdom (White and Allmendinger, 2003). Moreover, there are additional challenges to uiban containment strategies. 11 0 4 1.0 10.18356/fb3022f3-en 1233fdd39b58daeda486b38a7f08c45a These reports were submitted in 2011. Currently, Romania is working on an evaluation of the implementation of the EU nature directives, which is due to be completed by 2013. These drainage pipes capture used water which then flows into waterways, impacting upon the fish and damaging the habitats, thus resulting in damage to the PA. Added to the big game attraction is the availability of wild birds and migratory and game species, such as geese, woodcocks, ducks and quail, which are plentiful in the Danube delta region. 15 3 3 0.0 10.18356/88ed44cf-en 1235f72fd305e87f665670ae7029ab3a Poverty among those with three years or fewer of education is 66% higher than the average for the general population, while it is 34% and 15% higher among those with four to six years and seven to nine years of education, respectively. As for employment type, poverty rates are 90% higher among the unemployed, 23% higher among inactive persons and 18% higher among self-employed workers than in the total population. Poverty rates among wage workers are on average 41 % below those of the general population, further evidence of the crucial role of employment in staving off poverty and indigence. Although poverty fell between 2005 and 2012, some 28% of the population continue to suffer from simultaneous deprivations in different dimensions of well-being. 1 0 4 1.0 10.1787/5jxx71lt1zg6-en 12381abc037e39694ba99262e83de255 However, the hospital result is in contrast with the results for the pharmaceutical indicators, where there is no evidence of lower consumption in high expenditure cut countries. This would indicate that the high expenditure cut countries have been able to protect the volumes of pharmaceutical consumed. This paper has provided an overview of the recent literature that examines the links between economic downturns and health outcomes and health care use. It has also summarised some of the main policy instruments that OECD countries have used to reform their health systems and reduce health expenditures. 3 0 9 1.0 10.1787/5kmbphh7s47h-en 1238c06bb2f0b87f3938b7e6fc117b65 Borko et Putnam 1995) Concerning the impact of teacher education on student outcomes, it is possible to subdivide this issue into three sub-questions. What is the impact of teacher education on student outcomes? This empirical study is based on data from 50 State-surveys of policies, taken from the 1990-1993 Schools and Staffing survey and the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). It shows evidence that the policies used in the different American States to promote teacher quality (especially those regarding teacher education requirement and certification, as well as continuing training) can be positively related to better student achievements. 4 0 3 1.0 10.18356/85946e24-en 123c1c636552f54121ca69541e0ec1bc In 1950-1955,54.2 per cent of older persons (aged 60 years or over) lived in countries where the remaining life expectancy at age 60 was less than 15 years. In 2010-2015 that fraction had been reduced to only 2.1 per cent ofthe population of older persons. Conversely, before the period 2005-2010, no country had a life expectancy at age 60 that was higher than 25 years. Changes from 1950-1955 to 2010-2015 in the distribution of the world’s older population by the level of remaining life expectancy at age 60 are depicted in figure 5. 3 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264179011-7-en 123c370abd2b278134506dd046e35570 The right to import cloves has been limited since 5 July 2002 to companies approved as clove importers by the MoT. To be approved, a company can only import cloves solely for use in a production process.40 Furthermore, every shipment requires import approval from both the Ministry of Trade and the Ministry of Industry concerning the quantity, kind and timing of import. However, since September 2002 the MoT has severely limited the number of companies able to import sugar, replacing the estimated 800 private importers in operation before the decree was issued (Stapleton, 2006), and tightly controlled the import volume.42 The importation of raw sugar and industrial-grade refined sugar is restricted to those companies approved by MoT as an Import Producer of Sugar (Importir Produsen Gula, IP-Sugar). These are companies that use imported sugar as a raw material in their own facilities, e.g. sugar millers/refiners in the case of raw sugar and food/beverage manufacturers in the case of refined sugar. 2 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.18356/d37abdcf-en 123e109c1f29df93e62c29e7d435e187 Their skills will be limited; their susceptibility to abuse high; their avenues for advancement uncertain—all of which will reverberate in the development deficits of their countries. The course towards marginalization and loss can be corrected—and measures put in place to prevent it from reoccurring. But countries and all the people involved in the life of a 10-year-old girl have to start acting now. 5 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/c105422d-en 124027142571c9980f76c00d77da468a Ces disparites tendent a se reduire lorsque les travailleurs quittent la population active, ce qui s’explique par les grandes inegalites dans les experiences d’emploi des personnes d'origines socioeconomiques differentes, mesurees par les differences de niveau d’alphabetisation requis dans leur travail. Ces resultats contribuent a expliquer les variations transnational dans 1'evolution des disparites de competences selon l’origine socioeconomique, ce qui a des implications pour les politiques visant a combler les deficits de competences tout au long de la vie. Published research has also examined the differential impact of ageing, educational and labour force experiences according to individual characteristics, such as skill level, educational attainment or, in a small number of studies, SES background. In reviewing the literature, we examine differential impact of ageing according to all of these characteristics. 4 1 3 0.5 10.18356/14642ccc-en 12421a375c25295bedc747e9597f469c An ethnic group generally shares a common sense of identity and common characteristics such as language, religion, tribe, nationality, race or a combination thereof. In other cases, indigenous peoples became minorities as a result of the settlement and colonization of their native territories by other peoples. Those distinctions have important political and practical implications. 10 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264077287-en 1243174b2846f38e932968bc3cd1efd5 It was the first state to ratify the Protocol on Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers (Kiev, 2003). It translates into domestic law the first aspect of the Aarhus Convention and the related European Directive (2003/4/EC), and repeals the previous Act of 1992. Disclosure must be made within one month after receipt of the request, or two months if the information is especially complex. 6 3 1 0.5 10.18356/7dcbd514-en 12434f644d043948785b745d04c46590 Municipalities’ controlled dump sites cause a pollution risk to surface water and groundwater. The pressures from wastewater and solid waste are both assessed by Turkey as widespread but moderate. Wastewater discharges from small and medium industries are reported to cause pollution in Turkey, but it is considered local and moderate, whereas in the Islamic Republic of Iran discharges from industries are viewed to have a widespread and severe influence. The lower part of the Araks/Aras River in Turkey is at a risk of flooding during high flows in winter and spring. 6 2 4 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264188617-en 1246a24a880c78ce3facb3320aee8ddb After the first frequency drop, units serving areas from 1 to 5 will increase their output under signal from TSO, provided that the grid connections have enough transport capacity to bear additional load. For instance, the construction of a new large nuclear plant may require increasing spinning reserves, which would not be needed if several smaller units are built instead. Thus, spinning reserves are potentially a differentiating factor between large reactors and SMRs and could favour the choice of smaller reactors. 7 0 3 1.0 10.18356/808599e4-en 12495f1ff0872fbbfb58fa425bcdd3e7 Creating avenues for safe and successful migration both within a country and beyond its borders constitutes an important means of improving economic outcomes for youth facing widespread unemployment and poor job quality. Likewise, for developed economies experiencing a decline in the share of the working-age population, immigration provides an important means of sustaining employment-driven growth and supporting existing social safety nets. For large migrant-sending countries, workers' remittances from abroad provide an important source of household income and government revenue. Naturally, however, this comes with frictions and risks on both sides. 8 0 6 1.0 10.1787/85b52daf-en 12498576e3fbea3d73c05b14741e58d4 In some cases, there can be a failure to demonstrate ‘financial additionality’ i.e. that the private finance mobilised would not have occurred without the public intervention (CAFOD/Oxfam/ActionAid UK/Eurodad/WWF/BOND, 2015). In regard to climate finance, Nakhooda and Norman (2014) attribute part of the lack of evidence to the absence of a clear, consistent approach for measuring the impact of climate finance more broadly, and private sector engagement for climate change, in particular. The lack of consistent monitoring is compounded by issues related to attribution of impact and to the establishment of baselines for the analysis. In the case of adaptation, for example, it would be valuable to know to what extent the private sector needs to be supported in its risk management in order to provide economic stability. 13 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.14217/9781848599130-13-en 124fa7ff878e75a38377090fa6ebd79a As for the size of the shocks, it appears to be relevant to retain the trend in the annual average temperature in each country over the last few decades. A complementary proxy of this shock measurement can also be found in a decreasing trend of the average rainfall level. Vulnerability to rainfall and temperature shocks has, again, two main components, corresponding to the previous distinction between exposure and shocks. 13 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264116788-5-en 12534a86a1d0ac44fb247c5cf96daae2 School inspections are much better established as an evaluation practice than school self-evaluation, which is not widespread and systematic across the system. Also, student assessment is perceived more as test and measurement rather than learning. The Review Team also formed the impression that there is not enough reflection on the use of results from evaluation activities and the concept of feedback is not yet fully ingrained among school agents. 4 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264227385-8-en 125388eb9dd218c16e7303b0bdb8900f For example, the current practice of issuing construction permits in the absence of a land use plan contributes to encroachment in forests and should be reformed. Forests cover 9 million ha, or 29% of the territory, on a par with the OECD average. The body known as State Forests - Lasy Panstwowe (LP) administers public forests, which currently account for 77% of all forests, by area (Table 4.1). 15 0 4 1.0 10.18356/a2206e44-en 1255601bae52f0ba28b6e3ccc431fe3d Poor countries import almost no EGs, which points to the need for environment-related technical assistance projects to focus on poor countries, especially in Africa. Nevertheless, trade in almost all categories of EGs is found to be highly sensitive to growth in GDP and FDI as well as with the presence of technical assistance projects. For instance, policies to promote viable domestic consumer markets for EGs as well as policies to improve the general competitiveness of exports may have a more crucial role to play in enhancing trade in EGs. 7 3 0 1.0 10.1787/9789264179073-7-en 1258c4c5954c22e11be0359f241709f8 It brings together a group of local business owners and women from different walks of life to create a national network that strengthens women’s status in a growing economy. Also a partner in Global Entrepreneurship Week-Lebanon. Women’s groups are tightly linked to the state and are permitted to cooperate only with international women’s organisations that have been sanctioned by the government. 5 0 9 1.0 10.18356/c5012ce9-en 125b7aa9aa76e5462f8a663445824f69 However, while the supply may be growing, the demand is unknown. Mechanisms to promote and disseminate the materials vary widely from country to country and the extent to which these materials are being used is difficult to assess. Regional cooperation is strong, and the role of different stakeholders, especially civil society actors, is recognized and appreciated. 4 8 1 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/5k92sn0f8dbt-en 125c55f014f035d6a3627f8bcf602feb The largest reductions occurred in manufacturing and in the construction sector with a decrease in emissions of more than 40%, one third higher than the average decline in the EU 15. In addition, contrary to many other OECD countries, emissions w'ere reduced in the transport sector, notably in road transportation. Mitigation was less pronounced for electricity and heat production but still slightly higher than the EU15 average and contributing strongly to the GHG abatement, given its large share of total emissions. 7 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.18356/7d5576e0-en 125cd5d0d7a25a87b0c19ad4d9bebcd5 From a technical point of view, this provision does not clearly distinguish between the different issues of patentable subject matter on the one hand and novelty on the other hand. The extent to which countries admit the patentability of known substances in new compositions varies, ibid. The above-mentioned scenario of a known active ingredient claimed in a new composition has to be distinguished from the case where the active ingredient as such is new. 3 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/1cef4f1d-en 1261d98738201895695dd41cd75526e1 Based on the assumption that aptitudes are equally distributed across the genders, educating more boys than girls, it is argued, causes “selection bias” and lowers the average quality of those educated. The result is an inefficient allocation of labour, with negative effects on economy-wide labour productivity and growth. On the other hand, gender equality in education has been shown to lower fertility rates and enhance children’s well-being. 5 0 4 1.0 10.18356/24485d89-en 12637ef1ebc48600b1ee708c24ddeb9b Many other countries, however, have less than 50 per cent of their population with access to improved sanitation facilities, including Cambodia (33 per cent), India (35 per cent) and Nepal (35 per cent). What is of great concern is that some countries and areas in the Pacific subregion registered a decrease in access to basic sanitation, including the Cook Islands (100 per cent in 1990 to 95 per cent in 2011), French Polynesia (99 per cent in 1990 to 97 per cent in 2011), Papua New Guinea (20 per cent in 1990 to 19 per cent in 2011) and Tonga (95 per cent in 1990 to 92 per cent in 2011). Conversely, other countries struggle to provide their populations with equal access to improved sanitation facilities; in Cambodia access for the urban population increased from 36 per cent to 76 per cent, and for the rural population from 3 per cent to 22 per cent, between 1990 and 2011. 1 4 3 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264208445-6-en 1264a8e164f3cb23cdec81f6c8edb4df In Finland several health stations or centres have started to use a depression nurse model. A survey conducted in 2008 in all Finnish health centres indicated that 78% of all health centres had a depression or psychiatric nurse and 61% of centres had adopted a uniform practice for the screening of depression (Partanen et al., Mental health nurses are playing an increasing role in the delivery of mental health primary care services and some countries such as Australia have introduced financial incentives to support and develop this role (Happell et al., 3 0 4 1.0 10.18356/5b6c49ea-en 12654bb78d1a2c03824bcc48c4b76c94 In addition, at the level of plants and units, there is no evidence of any differences in the speed of energy technology change across a wide range of technologies since the nineteenth century (Wilson, forthcoming). Policy has typically focused on technology as the main lever for reducing emissions and it is indeed a powerful driver. Future energy technology change will be as important for determining future greenhouse gas emissions levels as long-term demographic and economic developments over the course of the twenty-first century (Roehrl and Riahi, 2000). Figure 11.4 illustrates the contributions of energy technologies to greenhouse gas emissions reductions, under a high-emissions baseline scenario, required for stabilization at a concentration of 550 ppmv CO e by 2100. 7 0 4 1.0 10.18356/cb17bdad-en 1265e87c2c4532c096d9c063598cdc79 "All the committees express concern at the specific disadvantage of informal workers, particularly in relation to lack of access to social security, employment protection or decent wages and conditions.30 The ICESCR guidelines require State parties to provide information on the informal economy, and in particular on measures taken to ensure access of informal workers, especially older workers and women, to basic services and social protection (ICESCR 2008, para. E/C.12/2008/2, para 20;CESCR. 2011.""Concluding Observations Argentina Third Periodic Report.""" 5 1 3 0.5 10.18356/fa8ae033-en 12685699cdcbbac0ec1b538c97af5e1a For example, several programmes acknowledge the fact that older people, mainly grandmothers and extended family members, are the primary caregivers of orphans’57 or other vulnerable children (e.g., the Orphans and Vulnerable Children (CT-OVC) programme in Kenya and the Child Support Grant in South Africa). See, e.g.. Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Arts. In Namibia,South Africa and Zimbabwe,60 per cent of AIDS orphans live with their grandparents (UNDESA 2008, p. 24). Nonetheless, other types of cash transfer program mes - such as non-contributory pensions (e.g., in Chile, Nepal and South Africa) and social transfers for working age adults (e.g., disability grants)-might provide support to such families. 5 3 0 1.0 10.1787/5kmh3nj5rzs4-en 126a5ee3525a33ecdc897841a08617c9 Before 1994 Eskom was responsible for the electrification of the country. Eskom held a state-supported monopoly and would electrify an area upon instruction from the government or connect a consumer if the consumer would pay. There was systematic neglect of full service delivery to the Coloured, Black and Asian communities. In 1994, after the first free election was held, it was estimated that approximately 6 million households (Department of Energy, 2009b) were without electricity. 7 0 8 1.0 10.1787/5jlww009v1hj-en 126c6093216824ea1375d5371df461f5 Nevertheless, it should also be noted that biennial reporting on adaptation under Article 13 and adaptation communications under Article 7 are not mandatory. However, the decision also indicates that modalities will be developed in order to “recognise the adaptation efforts of developing country Parties”, which is also one of four adaptation-related aims of the global stocktake listed in Article 7.14. This implies that communicated information on adaptation could inform the global stocktake. In order to assess collective progress towards global goals, some degree of consistency and comparability would be helpful in adaptation communications, taking into account the need to limit the reporting burden of Parties and ensuring that information is country-driven. 13 4 5 0.1111111111111111 10.1787/5jlww009v1hj-en 126d80484a6b236fd5ff6c6951347aed These usually include multiple criteria, each of which requires an understanding of the context of the proposed action. For example, the Cancun Adaptation Framework (established in 2010 at COP 16) invites all Parties to plan, prioritise and implement adaptation actions (UNFCCC, 2010). Parties agreed at COP 17 in Durban that adaptation planning is a “continuous, progressive and iterative process” (UNFCCC, 2011). 13 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264096356-en 126ddf94e2e1d31c85e542df341bd9d2 Both economies have shown a considerable increase of the SSDI followed by a sharp decrease of it. This explains an important increase of the SSDI during the 1990s. In the second part of the 1990s, Russia (a non-OECD country) became the primary oil supplier to Finland. Because of this, the SSDI values decreased during the last 15 years. After 1987, the SSDI values for Korea started to fall, and only since 1996-97 has the country’s score begun to rise. One may note that total energy demand in Korea was growing very fast since the mid-1970s, in line with economic development. 7 2 4 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264245174-8-en 1270ad29d410f9f4dc0e8f045a3c84b0 It has a planned capacity of 35 cubic metres per second (m3/s), of which tw'o-thirds will result in “safe to handle” water and one-third in water that can be drained into rivers and dams (see CONAGUA, 2015). Given the plant's location, the benefit of the plant will be outside the Valle de Mexico. The raw sewage is appreciated by the farmers, as it significantly increases yield for crops. 11 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264268791-5-en 127212b32002054b53ff600950ef02ef Only French local authorities with tax raising powers can join the Agency; this includes cities, inter-municipal entities with tax autonomy, departements and regions. The AFL is modelled on similar institutions that have long operated in Northern Europe without default (the oldest among these, Kommune Kredit, was first established in 1899). This model is gaining traction across OECD countries and has recently been adopted in both New Zealand and the United Kingdom. Approximately 70% of French local authorities’ investment expenditure is self-financed and their debt amounts to 8% of GDP. 11 3 6 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/9f796186-en 1273728e6df8cbede5abb75266816d44 "China's energy consumption and carbon emissions will continue to rise. These aspects are shown as the baseline scenario in figure 1.8. Under this ""innovative, inclusive and sustainable growth” scenario, China is pursuing holistic structural reform, which helps the country to sustain relatively high rates of economic growth even as the labour force shrinks and capital accumulation slows, while it realizes shared and green development." 8 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264281318-22-en 12762e9235f07159e234f7267a29cc90 For a detailed discussion, see OECD, 2016a.) However, as in OECD countries, gender pay gaps in emerging economies are only partially attributable to observed differences in worker and job characteristics (Chapter 12). Attitudes, social conventions and institutions and discrimination probably play an important role in pay differentials between men and women, though they are hard to measure. And when female workers are employed full time they typically spend a much larger share of their time on additional housework (including childcare) than men who are full-time workers. 5 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264247598-8-en 127831364c0b28ec088a70b13793b6a2 It seems that some schools prefer not to openly advertise vacancies because that would compel them to follow regulations in regard to recruitment, rules that may not suit school needs. In general, there also seems to be a lack of information to connect those looking for a teaching position with the schools seeking teachers. In order to address this concern, the Flemish public employment service and the Ministry of Education and Training have jointly established a web-based database of teacher vacancies in elementary and secondary education ( leerkrachtendatabank). 4 1 3 0.5 10.18356/48886cb2-en 1279485c92cac68e9a181b3d569d72a4 In addition, as many as 40 countries or areas had less than 10 per cent female representation (see Statistical Annex). Seven women held this position in the parliaments of Africa (all sub-Saharan), four in Asia (two in Southern Asia and two in Central Asia) and six in Latin America and the Caribbean (of which 4 in the Caribbean). The proportion of female candidates for lower or single house of parliament tended to be low in countries within the less developed regions, being predominantly in the range of zero to 30 per cent in the last elections (table 5.3). 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264187894-6-en 127af41fe2616e6c9c9ed7620c5d148b The thematic water network (Red Tematica del Agua) maintained by the National Council of Science and Technology (CONACyT -Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia) and other existing networks dealing with water issues can contribute to capacity building. The organisation regularly hosts capacity-building events, and organises seminars and dialogues with professionals from media. In 2010, it started the publication of an annual report on urban water and sanitation utilities in Mexico (“La Gestion del Agua en las Ciudades de Mexico Indicadores de Desempeno de Organismos Operadores”) with the objectives to share information, encourage efficiency and innovation in service provision and raise awareness on utilities’ performance in Mexican cities. In co-operation with different institutions (e.g. IMTA, World Bank), academics (e.g. UNAM), ANEAS programmes offer diplomas, courses and short seminars with a focus on: i) wastewater treatment; ii) technical management of water networks; Hi) business management; and v) integrated management of urban water. 6 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264081918-5-en 127ce055a941dbb305bc24a1ee353975 "This concordat lays out the principles of compliance with the National Procurement Strategy and encourages regional and local government procurement to embrace practices that will engage more SMEs in procurement processes. The UK government has further adopted all recommendations in the HM Treasury Report “Accelerating the SME Economic Engine - Through Transparent, Simple, and Strategic Procurement"" (HM Treasury, 2008). Good practices in SME procurement initiatives (cont.)" 8 3 2 0.2 10.1787/5jrxr7vj1g9v-en 127e37e875b05fad6932fe5cd9ab79ec A focus on health outcomes started in 1992 with the government strategy “Health of the Nation” (Department of Health, 1992a), which built on the earlier WHO document, “Health for All by the Year 2000”. Mental illness was included as a key part of this strategy, which set targets to reduce morbidity and mortality due to mental illness, and was followed by implementation strategies in the Mental Illness Key Area Handbooks (Department of Health, 1993; Department of Health, 1994; see also Jenkins, 1994). “ Building Bridges” (Department of Health, 1995) set out the vision for inter-sector liaison around mental health and “The Spectrum of Care” (Department of Health, 1996) set out the range of services and interventions envisaged as part of local services for mentally ill people. The Quality Outcomes Framework (QoF) was introduced in 2004 alongside PbR, as a performance management and incentive payment scheme for General Practitioners (GPs) in England, and includes mental health care indicators (see section 5.2). 3 0 3 1.0 10.18356/9abbeac5-en 127ecc5071752ba83603b280e40d6b2f But it has been difficult to sustain these gains and to translate them into an adequate standard of living. Economic policies have either undermined women's social gains or failed to support them through improved labour market opportunities. Gender gaps are narrowing in some domains, but entrenched and growing wealth inequalities mean that poorer women are being left behind. To sustain and amplify women's hard-won gains requires a different set of economic and social policies, as the following chapters will elaborate. 5 0 7 1.0 10.1787/agr/outlook-2014-5-en 127f0c1f00c45fd154ace6bb6b0bb0da "Rather, major concerns have centred on food insecurity in the presence of trade surpluses, and how to invigorate agriculture to promote growth and employment in populous rural communities, where unlike the experience of most countries, the size of average land holdings continues to decline. A range of supply side programmes such as input subsidies for fertilisers, irrigation, electricity and farm credit, coupled with investments in irrigation, are designed to encourage higher yields and production. A range of market support prices are set to cover costs and improve farmer returns. High food subsidies help poor consumers: in September 2013, India enacted a new National Food Security Act (NFSA), which is now implementing the most ambitious “right to food"" programme yet to be applied in history, covering over 800 million people and providing 60 kg of food grain per person each year at prices that are about 10% of current retail prices for food grains." 2 0 7 1.0 10.1787/18a859bf-en 127fb742d48a5154f2c93b37a2f52121 "Regarding the group ""Mainly UMICs"" Angola and Equatorial Guinea have been included in this group since they are currently graduating from the LDC category. Another source of data on climate finance flows is the Biennial Reports submitted by developed country Parties to the UNFCCC3. The Paris Agreement provides the latest guidance to countries and multilateral development banks on climate finance and the need for financial flows to developing countries to support climate action. Decision 1/CP.21 which accompanies the Paris Agreement recommits developed countries to mobilising USD 100 billion/yea- by 2020 from public and private sources to support climate action in developing countries, with a new higher target to be agreed by 2025." 13 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.18356/19c562f5-en 12832d18f3276754bb8381521f8115e6 Untreated wastewater from industry is a problem there. However, reconstruction of the refinery and improvements to oil extraction practices have reduced oil pollution of the Caspian Sea, but permissible limits for discharges are still exceeded. A network of collectors was constructed to transport drainage water into desert depressions. 6 2 2 0.0 10.18356/39291afb-en 12835a49f0d1d1fa6d44dff9b361522a The poverty rate should also fall if average household income remains unchanged, but income inequality decreases. It is important to analyse the impact of both these elements in the period 2012-2017 when poverty reduction slowed. This also complements similar analyses carried out in the previous edition of Social Panorama, which encompassed the periods 2002-2008 and 2008-2016 (ECLAC. 1 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5jzb44qw9df7-en 1288976085d8aa62e1dac50850fd13c5 Pour porter ses fruits, cet accord devrait comporter des engagements quantitatifs d’attenuation pris par tous les gros emetteurs et donner lieu a des actions concretes visant a reduire les emissions de gaz a effet de serre tout en catalysant des transformations a long terme qui aboutiront a des Economies sobres en carbone et resilientes face au changement climatique. Ce rapport a pour objectif d’analyser a quoi pourraient ressembler les engagements d’attenuation qui seront proposes dans le cadre de l’accord de 2015, quelles orientations pourraient etre decidees concernant le type d’engagements proposes, et quelles « regies du jeu » devraient etre etablies d’un commun accord avant que des engagements prtiiminaires ne soient formulas pour la periode posterieure a 2020. For example, the consultations could take place inside or outside the UNFCCC. 13 2 3 0.2 10.18356/dd2e120a-en 128994a0d9a95d49c97e432d0b6e765d This implies that African countries and development partners need to invest more resources in gathering data and refining the methodologies to establish baselines and monitor progress. Data and metadata for this indicator are available, and latest data for the majority of African countries are from 2014. For Africa, the proportion of the urban population living in slums declined to about 34 per cent in 2014, from 37.5 per cent in 2010 - a 3.6 per cent. The decline in the proportion of people living in slums can be attributed to the slum redevelopment and affordable housing programmes that several countries in the developing regions, including in Africa, have rolled out in the past years. 11 0 3 1.0 10.18356/fb332d66-en 1289b8c2b3ff713ee1a957d9bbb353c3 One aspect is combating illegal fishing. In connection with damage to biological resources, a claim amounting to 55,743 manat was made and a penalty imposed. Another aspect is the constmction of breeding plants forfishtobe released into the Sea. Alongside increasing baby fish population in the stuigeon fish hatcheries, efforts have been undertaken to create feedstuff for baby fish with live feed oiganisms in accordance with biotechnical norms. Overall, 416.3 million fishery-grown baby fishes of various species were increased artificially and naturally then released into specially designed water basins. Stuigeon lay eggs in the river and need specific habitat characteristics. 6 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/b3c0a12e-en 128ab3f85b0ca1e099550a9860f186ed Although inequality in health and educational outcomes across countries remains large, the past two decades have seen a shift towards convergence, as poorer countries have continued to make notable progress in improving their levels of human development. However, this good news is tempered by the persistence of large inequalities in health and education within and across both social groups and regions within countries. Spatial disparities may not have increased in all countries but they have remained high, as have inequalities in education and health. However, as with economic inequalities, trends are far from universal. Disparities in length of life reflect inequalities in health risks and in access to health services; life expectancy is also a marker of a country’s economic and political situation, including its level of stability and human security. 1 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264245891-4-en 128e4fc2245587ddd41679220d063258 Furthermore, there are also indications that the development of the new scheme would benefit from a broader timeline and a thorough analysis of its impact before national roll-out. There are very few programmes and resources targeted at students from a disadvantaged background or with learning difficulties. This is partly explained because the current concept of disadvantage is too narrow as it focuses only on disabilities and extreme socio-economic disadvantage, and thus a relatively small number of students are entitled to receive support. 4 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.18356/4a593aa3-en 1290de4ad1f31414dfd73f5f40005ec6 "The enactment of legislation banning female genital mutilation has, in some instances, resulted in communities changing from practicing one type of female genital mutilation to another type so as to avoid punishment,9 or in lowering the age of girls subjected to female genital mutilation so as to hide the practice from the authorities more easily or to minimize the resistance of the girls themselves.10 These experiences have reinforced the importance of ensuring that legislation is drafted with all possible risks, backlashes and misuses taken into consideration, and of consistently monitoring the impact of legislation. They are interconnected with each other, as well as with other forms of violence and discrimination against women. Forced marriages result in sexual violence in many cases, particularly since many countries exempt marital rape from being a punishable offence. In a number of countries, victims/survivors of rape are forced to marry the perpetrator of the violence as this is seen to restore the family’s “honour” which was deemed to be tarnished by the woman being considered to have engaged in pre-marital or extra-marital “sexual relations""." 5 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264180109-9-en 12913fc3cd76b5fa0ab9052f36fbe406 Overall, the policy instrument mix in Mexico is largely dominated by the use of subsidy programmes, many of which also serve poverty alleviation goals. The mix tends to focus more heavily on conservation and sustainable use of forestry resources. Mexico has 174 federal protected areas covering, in all, 25.4 million ha, or 12.9% of the national territory, in 2010. 15 0 5 1.0 10.1787/a09a3a5d-en 12924c51f10ee1cb848b5eb42bdc2588 A different example is furnished by the Eastern Macedonia and Thrace Institute of Technology (Greece), which initiated a research collaboration with the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN); the aim is to create a business incubator to diffuse CERN’s existing technologies to the region’s private sector. The main purpose of innovation vouchers is to build linkages between SMEs and public research institutions, which will: i) stimulate knowledge transfer directly between public research and business; and ii) act as a catalyst for the formation of longer-term, more in-depth relationships (OECD, 2010d). Voucher programmes have been implemented in many countries, including Germany, Hungary, Ireland, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. While the outcomes of collaborations also vary, there are many examples of successful collaborations that have led to the introduction of new or improved products, services or processes by SMEs. 9 0 3 1.0 10.18356/8db7ff68-en 1293038b4efa50dc4e78603fad01bd6f In a few LDCs, arm's-length or other non-equity forms of foreign direct investment engagement, such as subcontracting, have been facilitated by the prior existence of a potential domestic supply chain. However, the readiness of entrepreneurs in LDCs to become original equipment manufacturers or original design players in the textiles industry is incipient and currently confined mainly to relatively unsophisticated sectors. Weaknesses in infrastructure and trade facilitation also hinder the competitiveness of LDCs and tend to favour larger firms and those that are already part of supplier networks, as do volume and flexibility requirements. 4 3 2 0.2 10.1787/9789264179011-7-en 12936595ad5258011b9ed33003f54027 They are often implemented in a non-transparent manner, with little consultation, and add to the cost of importing. For example, every shipment of fresh food of plant origin must be tested for chemical content in Indonesia before being released; imports of chicken leg quarters from the USA are still banned for halal reasons since trade was halted in 2000; importers of animal products require import approval for shipments; and ports of entry are being reduced in number. This is done to ensure an adequate supply of these products on the domestic market. Exports of coffee, rubber, manioc (to the EU) and bananas and pineapple (to Japan) are controlled to meet international obligations or to maximise returns from the market. 2 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264208445-6-en 1294a7cae9aee749138d85738c05391e A comprehensive meta-analysis of effectiveness of the collaborative care model in mental health showed that it significantly improved health outcomes. These are very substantial gains compared to common medical treatments. To take an example, the costs of the collaborative care model in treatment of depression include physician time, care manager services, specialty consultation, and registry-decision support. 3 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/70095f8a-en 12962021a15f7f7cfed6f480f12d6e5d Within the Africa region, the general trend is highly diverse, with notable progress between 2000 and 2012 recorded in Ghana (net increase of 38.6 per cent), Rwanda (26.9 per cent), Morocco (25.7 per cent) and the United Republic of Tanzania (22.5 per cent); slight stagnation in others; and severe declines in Benin, Burkina Faso, Chad, Cote d’Ivoire, Eritrea, Mali and Niger. Subregional differences are shown in figure 3.7, with North and Southern Africa having higher schooling rates than the other sub-regions, and Central Africa scoring significant lower for women - a dramatically low 2.5 years of schooling for girls and the widest gender gap (almost two years). This has been a critical factor in arriving at close to universal primary education enrolment. 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264203914-8-en 12979ed4e4725211fd970e34bc7a6839 The approval process for local-level planning instruments (e.g. PLADECO, PRC) is not structured to accommodate an integrated urban programme, as it evaluates projects individually. This leads to a possibility of approving initiatives that are more aligned to national or regional priorities than those that are critical to meeting local needs. In this sense, Antofagasta’s planning is at risk of being captured by the approval process. 11 0 4 1.0 10.1787/5km35m63qqvc-en 1298544009aeec26f8e05cfff5ecaa1d Thus, even where vacancy listings are readily accessible, the PES should also offer personal counselling. Current staff resources allow general jobseekers to have a longer counselling session occasionally on a voluntary basis, but more intensive action-plan procedures involving regular contact for up to three months are available only for some particular target groups (see Section 3.3 below). At the same time, the PES workload has tended to increase recently, related to: i) growing numbers of unemployed due to the economic downturn; ii) increases in numbers of social assistance recipients and single mothers in the 2000s, and the desire to improve their difficult situation; and iii) the growth of non-regular employment, which tends to increase labour market flows and has strengthened the PES focus on some groups affected, such as older freeters and dispatched workers. 8 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264089457-en 129b0177479447b7281d9ea8b512c0e7 During its early years, this centre contributed to the development of a national integrated data system, analysing social problems of migrant women workers, for example. Three ministries - those of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Higher Education (MOHE) and Education (MOE) - participate in the NCIA. Universiti Sains Malaysia supports the NCIA by conducting studies focusing on the electrical and electronic (E&E) industry in the Northern Corridor Economic Region. 4 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264179370-3-en 129c0e4924ccb39f8e610c9ef14858aa "Thus, in this scenario it is assumed that the female labour force participation rate will reach the levels observed for men by 2030 and the gender gap not longer exists. Thus, in this scenario it is assumed that the female labour force participation rate will reach the levels observed for men by 2030 and the gender gap not longer exists. Testing the Speed of Convergence on a Panel of OECD Countries"", Research in Economics, Vol." 5 0 8 1.0 10.30875/5bd1cd2e-en 129e3ce136ee9971825759b62becb1f8 The ISO also updated the Committee on its technical specification about requirements and guidelines for the quantification and communication of greenhouse gas footprints. China, the European Union. Mexico, New Zealand, Switzerland, Chinese Taipei and the United States - shared experiences on their domestic efforts to promote legally harvested timber and combat illegal logging. 13 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5jm0xdx0b06g-en 12a09d22c602774e6054aa373d499b65 The opinions expressed and arguments employed are those of the author(s). The opinions expressed and arguments employed are those of the author(s). The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the Wesf Bank under the terms of international law. 5 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264172616-5-en 12a69c0bc7f57df371b4cdf975352bc0 The principle is to benefit from the expertise and experience of teachers who received the accreditation of pedagogical excellence (AEP, see below). In order to be members of the “Maestros” Teacher Network, AEP teachers need to go through a selection process which requires giving evidence, through the submission of a portfolio, that they have the skills to work well with their peers. The Network members design projects aimed at working with other teachers outside school hours. In recent years, a focus of the work has been the development of mentoring programmes for beginning teachers. 4 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/leo-2017-7-en 12a92bfbfeac845912705f2df6696489 Therefore, tackling one factor in isolation from the others is highly unlikely to have the desired effect of reducing violence. On the contrary, it could be counterproductive and ultimately escalate violence. Despite significant improvements in a number of areas, the labour market gaps confronting young people in the LAC region continue to be wider than those in OECD countries and those of adults. Furthermore, progress has been uneven across countries. 8 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264188617-en 12a9ba2a0e0da3879465e209dce10b25 "Larger interconnected areas will allow larger balancing areas with smoother variable renewable output. In general, increased levels of interconnections and cross-region co-operation in the form of market coupling and congestion management will facilitate the accommodation of variable renewable energies. As part of its Trans European Energy Networks (TEEN) initiative, the European Commission is thus driving the evolution of the current transmission grid towards a “super grid"" to ensure reliable electricity supply, in particular to provide balancing services across Europe." 7 1 4 0.6 10.18356/1f11729d-en 12aa2aab42cf312d0e065c56251d3682 "Measuring Material Deprivation in the EU: Indicators for the Whole Population and Child-Specific Indicators."" Rising Inequality: Youth and Poor Fall Further behind,"" no. Income Inequality Update (June 2014). Social Europe: Many Ways, One Objective."" Annual Report of the Social Protection Committee on the Social Situation in the European Union." 1 2 4 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/6ffd1196-en 12aa4bd3b7ae0b75d36aa04da4560737 "A man testified that his trauma resulting from the rape was such that he could not talk about it to the doctor who was treating him for another medical condition."" [ Domestic legislation might lack legal protections for male victims of sexual violence due to gendered definitions of rape that exclude male rape. The guidelines are designed to assist criminal justice and human rights investigators, reporters and monitors to fully ana properly monitor, document and investigate sexual violence against men and boys that may amount to war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide and other egregious violations of international humanitarian, criminal and human rights law." 5 2 4 0.3333333333333333 10.6027/9789289328913-7-en 12ac04d3baa171ae160d4e72223c81c4 "Kiippers, D. and Dieter, M. (2008): ""Thuenen work report: Belastungen der Forstbe-triebe aus der Schutz- und Erholungsfunktion des Waldes."" In: Landeszentrale fur politi-sche Bildung Baden-Wiirttemberg (Hrsg.):"" Jahrgang Heft 1 (2001) Der Burger im Staat, pp. Federal Statistical Office publications]." 15 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/43623e15-en 12ad469174c4e873bfcf1e8ff38b2844 Relatively, increase in agricultural land has impacted forests in a severe manner when forest land has been cleared, for example, for plantation or agro-industrial estates. Agricultural expansion may not always occur on forest land. It is important to note that in the case of Cambodia the conversion of forest land for ELCs since 1990, including mining, has had a significant impact on forests. 15 0 5 1.0 10.18356/f48a31b8-en 12ae43df9a534785fac87beaa4a6cbec However, although indicating that water is not scarce, this is an average consideration; furthermore, there are differences between WSS companies. Water losses are generally high to very high in most of the utilities. With regard to water quality, anthropogenic water uses/functions are safeguarded with the sound functioning of aquatic ecosystems. 6 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264233911-3-en 12b0e886a42556424c46940fac0ed234 To illustrate this approach, tentative estimates were provided for measures applied in the w'heat market in 1998. The total cost reduction generated by the 30 selected export competition measures covered in the analysis (including some direct export subsidies and some output payments) varied between USD 10 000 and USD 556.50 million per programme. The per unit cost reduction for the average of all exports was between zero and USD 1 145 per tonne. 2 3 1 0.5 10.18356/58d686e0-en 12b2562e46fc92fe6299cad14c202fcd In addition, the due diligence obligation of States to prosecute, punish and compensate for human rights violations committed by non-State actors has also become a well-recognized international norm. States should ensure that women victims of human rights violations have access to immediate means of redress and reparation, that perpetrators are prosecuted and punished, and that mechanisms for this are accessible to women. The obligation to provide adequate reparations includes ensuring the rights of women to access both criminal and civil remedies and the establishment of effective protection, support and rehabilitation services for survivors of violence. 5 0 3 1.0 10.18356/0ac071e9-en 12b367a42b926bb2a628783c4b013b32 The group described as developed middle class and above encompasses workers in developing countries who are equivalent to the lower end of the middle class in the United States and who are able to afford most international consumer goods (Kapsos and Bourmpoula, 2013). Based on the data presented, there is little evidence of a large or substantial employed middle class in the LDCs, which may have negative implications for wider economic growth, investment and employment generation. However, other evidence suggests that in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia, over the past 20 years the middle class has been growing quite rapidly (African Development Bank, 2011; Ravallion, 2009a). The ODC sample comprises 32 developing countries. 8 0 3 1.0 10.14217/9781848599178-7-en 12ba936d4ad6efcc57eea19f31700b5f Both of these new sectors were again based on natural resources. The bauxite mineral deposits were dug out of the soil in the hills of central Jamaica, and the hotels on the north coast of the island offered holiday-makers sun, sand and sea. Both were high-energy consumers, with the mining sector accounting for almost half of the national consumption of imported petroleum in some years. Government incentives stimulated investment in capital-intensive, import-dependent production of consumer goods. In the era of cheap energy, little attention was paid to the energy intensity of the production processes, especially because of the rapid growth of the domestic market for both basic consumption goods and luxury items for high-income households. 12 0 8 1.0 10.1787/9789264268791-5-en 12bb191df05ae3c787502938b6fcfa46 But, when a change in land use is desired then these regulations come into effect and the proposed new use may, or may not, be compatible with the regulations. In France, in every instance the landowner has to apply to the commune for permission to alter the use. Because land use plans in France are statutory they are subject to all the usual due process requirements applicable to any law'. 11 4 3 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264235120-7-en 12bc3057ecdf79736d7a9b1a728ef5bd The gap in hourly wages is nevertheless high for temporary workers in Luxembourg, Korea and Canada and for part-time workers in Canada and Japan, who earn less than 60% of the hourly wage of a standard worker. In terms of hourly wages, part-time temporary jobs pay less than part-time permanent jobs, though the differences are small or insignificant in most countries, with notable exceptions (Belgium, Luxembourg, but also France, Greece and Poland). Part-time jobs pay higher hourly wages than temporary jobs in some countries, while they tend to pay less in the English-speaking countries and the Slovak Republic. 1 5 3 0.25 10.18356/ea3022e2-en 12bc93ae1323d3b0b2a72c642684c9c7 The GDPGROWTH coefficient is positive and significant for the quality of female employment, but is not significant for the quality of male employment, which would appear to indicate that women are more strongly affected by the business cycle than men are. This, in turn, indicates that economic growth has a different impact on the quality of female employment in the formal sector of the economy (an increase in quality female employment) than it does in the shadow economy (a reduction in female as well as male self-employment). This could be a reflection of the existence of fragmented labour markets. 8 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264266339-5-en 12bd959118fc134c929a6816f089c75a However, substantial climate-related finance appears to flow from non-DAC member countries such as the Russian Federation (Government of Russian Federation, 2015). Moreover, as of 2014, the Chinese Export-Import Bank provided about 46% of Tajikistan’s total external public debt as loans, although this was not limited to climate-related projects (World Bank, 2015). Further, about 80% of foreign direct investment flows to Azerbaijan were intended for the oil and gas sector in 2014; the OECD DAC CRS database shows the largest amounts of climate-related development finance in the country in 2013 and 2014 were committed to the waste management and road transport sectors. 13 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264268852-6-en 12c02e8c7a08fdc3a850b3048da8cc5f Municipalities thus often formulate structure plans to show the consistency of land-use policy in the municipality . Land-use planning falls mostly into the jurisdiction of local governments since it is place-based by definition and context-specific (OECD, 2017, forthcoming). Monotowns and cities of oblast significance, for example, face very different problems. 11 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5js4rv0g7szr-en 12c6be20f38b0e6ce3c1c7c91323916d It has also benefited from inputs from OECD divisions working on job quality, skills and local development and from ILO divisions working on tourism, skills, SMEs and statistics. We would particularly like to thank Dr. Wolfgang Weinz, ILO Senior Technical Specialist Hotels, Catering and Tourism, for his contribution to the development of this work and for coordinating the ILO's involvement in the project. Tourism offers strong potential to support job-rich growth; employment in hotels and restaurants grew on average by 1.4% per year in OECD countries over the period 2009-13, compared with growth of 0.7% in the economy as a whole. 8 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/df3c95f8-en 12c798b5c495b7cae7b0cfad64be926c Disaggregating by ty pe of employment within the care sector reveals a wage penalty for both male and female health workers. To that end, it seems reasonable to go beyond a comparison of average income because there are factors at work in both groups (and even among care workers) that might explain, at least in part, any differences in income. The figures for monthly income are used and adjusted for the number of hours worked. Owing to the specific focus of this study, variables were included to flag care workers. First, the care sector as a whole w-as identified, using a binary' variable with a value of 1 for care workers (as defined at the beginning of this chapter) and a value of 0 for non-care workers. The coefficient of this variable is of interest as it reflects the income gap with other w'orkers as a percentage. 5 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/5k46dbzhrkhl-en 12c8e5774d6593c2b19c92de9dfd172d This was reasonably participatory, and in line with Ethiopian government normal practice. However, there has not yet been much outreach of the CRGE’s plans, and so the CRGE is not yet fully internalised among the many stakeholders who need to understand it: they understand the GTP better. Nevertheless, further consultation is planned as CRGE implementation proceeds. Each local community will formulate its own work programmes and by-laws to guide and govern the actions of its members towards greater climate resilience. 13 0 9 1.0 10.18356/6e8bb756-en 12cc8f1921fd0b889013ea46112c38e7 Even where long-term savings outweigh initial investments, end users may fail to choose energy-efficient options because of financial constraints. Projects and programmes aimed at facilitating financial support therefore play a key role in removing barriers to EE investment, in particular in developing countries.51 Energy savings resulting from EE investment by end users reduce the need for new investment in energy supply capacity. Whereas most supply-side investments would be made by a small group of actors, mainly large energy producers and distributors, the additional investment in end-use sectors will have to be made by a large number of small investors. The IEA therefore emphasizes that shifting investment from the supply side to the end user requires viable financing frameworks (IEA, 2006). 7 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5k4dlw04vx0n-en 12cea1d2711c1dea73fd157da945a3ad Until 2003, health insurers had to reimburse the full cost of all drugs covered by social health insurance, up to a legally determined reimbursement limit. As a result, generic drug prices were all close to the reimbursement limit, allowing pharmacies to make large profits. Attempts from the government to claw back part of the discounts offered to pharmacists were only marginally successful (Boonen et al., In parallel, health insurers started to issue tenders for contracts to supply several high-volume generic drugs. 3 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/empl/outlook-2015-7-en 12ced2710afe0b56dffdb645fabd22b0 Across the OECD, countries spend 0.02% to 0.4% of GDP on PES and administration and another 0.1% to 1.7% of GDP on other ALMPs. Ideally, evaluations cover various aspects of the implementation of new policies and programmes and help to understand what effects the policies and programmes had, for whom and why. Performance management and programme evaluations allow the continuous improvement of policies and programmes, or the termination of unsuccessful ones, demonstrate accountability and justify government expenditure on PES and ALMPs. This also requires a strategic view, giving due weight to qualitative outcomes and broader and longer-term considerations. 8 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264245891-4-en 12cf1f8d418f114c43cc6525c868bac2 Schools and local authorities (rayons) have little flexibility to invest more in human resources (by increasing staffing levels or raising teacher salaries) if these are more acutely needed, or alternatively to invest in physical resources (school buildings, school equipment such as smart boards), if the existing ones are insufficient or outdated. Overall, local and regional governments have very little spending discretion as norms determine how resources should be allocated and intergovernmental transfers have a very limited equalisation effect. Another issue of concern is the lack of consultation with stakeholders, which means that education strategies might not fully reflect the rich diversity of the country. The amount devoted to school education, 2.1% of GDP, is considerably below the OECD average of 3.6%, although the latter also encompasses post-secondary non-tertiary expenditures. 4 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264169142-en 12cfdc20b92f36337171a19016f180ac The unemployment rate is consistently higher than the already high national average, 27.8% vs. 24.6% respectively, and unequally distributed between population groups (see Figure 2.1.). A high proportion of discouraged workers, 7.8% of the labour force (90 795 people in 2009), have given up searching for employment. Agricultural and mining employment has dropped, reducing the availability of employment opportunities for the less or non-qualified job seekers. 4 8 1 0.7777777777777778 10.18356/a2206e44-en 12d2aee58685f14d064105284861cb6e However, such back-up power increases the overall costs of the systems. Other types of hybrids are also possible, such as photovoltaic-wind hybrid systems, which take advantage of the varying availability of the solar resource and the wind resource, allowing each renewable resource to supplement the other, and increasing the overall capacity factor. This includes, for instance, the introduction of off-grid solar PV products that are much smaller than the traditional 20-50 watt solar PV systems (sometimes called “pico-PV”). 7 0 9 1.0 10.18356/1c11fde8-en 12d3315c15d1f9d62f44ceb25cdfc4e8 Between 2007 and 2013, the Czech authorities observed an increasing prevalence of high-risk methamphetamine abuse, including by injection. In 2014, an increase in amphetamine abuse was reported by Germany while stable or decreasing trends in amphetamine abuse were reported by Cyprus, Finland, Portugal and the United Kingdom. It is estimated that some 1.8 million Western and Central European young adults between 15 and 34 years of age have used “ecstasy” in the past year. 3 0 4 1.0 10.1787/5k92sn0f8dbt-en 12d9eb8dbf15d567561fc8377e0710fd Emissions in the residential sector are also quite high by international comparisons, with 1.3 tonne per capita v.v. Energy performance could be finther improved by increasing the rate of renovation of the building stock and indeed the government plans to encourage further energy-efficient building refiirbishments (IEA, 2009). These measures are welcome as they could usefully complement the price signal of a carbon tax. The 2002/2007 Energy Saving Ordinance has been amended to introduce stricter norms in 2009 (energy performance increased by 30%) and made energy certification of buildings compulsory w'hen they are constructed, sold, leased or rented out (in line with the EU Energy Performance of Buildings Directive). These subsidies are provided on a first-come-first-serve principle, suggesting high deadweight losses. Given that available resources are limited, such subsidies, in particular grants, should be targeted to low income households and credit constrained firms, which otherwise may not have the capacity to finance profitable energy-efficient investment. 7 2 2 0.0 10.18356/644f1023-en 12da9abb44e8ed9d0749e5d7005d9fdf The two are not mutually exclusive, nor can Nepal afford to treat them as such. “ What they have not realised is that there are also local solutions to addressing food deficit,” he says, thinking of the seed bank in Bara. The challenging realities of Nepal’s geography and its diverse microclimates would not allow for an approach that singularly focuses on increasing production with modern seeds. 15 3 3 0.0 10.1787/9789264235120-7-en 12dc42b44d2214f9da6bd38058e9437a Data for Japan refer to respondent and spouses aged 20-64 and there is no information on earnings for other household members. On average their risk of falling into the bottom of the income distribution is very similar to that of standard worker households: only about 7% of mixed households are found in the lowest income quintile. There are, however, some country differences, with the shares ranging from below 2% in Australia to around 15% in Luxembourg. Mixed SW/NSW households fare slightly better in the distributional position than SW households in all countries with the exception of Portugal. 1 1 3 0.5 10.18356/5f92cb4f-en 12de2fa259db2bc6e7e5989ec508c035 Climate risk screening is now applied to all IDA projects, and will be extended to other World Bank operations in early 2017. The Bank's 2016 Climate Change Action Plan recognizes climate change as a threat to its core mission of poverty reduction, and makes a commitment to moving from early screening to ex-ante planning with a climate lens, in support of countries' INDC/NDC implementation (World Bank, 2016). A key challenge, and one which will be exacerbated by expected increases in climate variability, is the inability of both farmers and financiers to fully manage the impacts of seasonality on cash flows. This requires not only a significant increase in the amount of capital available but also longer maturities (of 5 to 7 years) and more flexible repayment schedules that are adjusted to cash flows. 13 0 4 1.0 10.1787/5jlwjg92n48x-en 12e007918b7d10ff34a964d943799b3e Indeed, many multilateral development banks, bilateral agencies and NGOs are now mandated to achieve climate change co-benefits while contributing to the core organisational mandates of poverty reduction and broader development outcomes. Some institutions go further still, for example, AFD mainstreams climate change mitigation into its operations by measuring the carbon footprint of its whole development finance portfolio (AFD, 2012)12. All recipients and some supporters and providers consider aligning climate finance behind priorities outlined in national climate change action plans as an important principle for effectiveness. 13 0 4 1.0 10.1787/aid/glance-2017-14-en 12e02eaf404ac295a7a75f3c9a7011aa The project includes investments in infrastructure, sector reform, and training to strengthen airport operations and management capacity, as well as project support. While the project is still ongoing, some challenges have already risen. For example, procurement and contract management require daily on-site technical support to resolve issues, ensure progress and enhance institutional capacity. Local circumstances, such as adverse weather, can also delay the construction schedule (OECD-WTO aid-for-trade monitoring exercise 2017, Public sector case story 12). 9 0 3 1.0 10.18356/cf6cb95e-en 12e0e97f23c426832a86cfb9e6ac7add "Waste management strategies need to give adequate consideration to MHM (SSWM 2016, House etal. International policy mechanisms are driven by data. Without gender-disaggregated data it is impossible to fully measure progress towardssustainable development goals, or to make effective analytical assessments of the comparative situations of women and men in different communities or parts of the world (UN-DESA and UNW-DPC 2009). The Gender and Water Alliance has identified gender-disaggregated data collection as a key component of a ""minimum agenda"" for making a difference in water management (GWA 2006b)." 6 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264289925-6-en 12e1826c9455dfeb7b2d05c3caf823f5 Recent research indicates that less than 3% of all active agricultural holdings obtain income from sources other than agricultural production (an increase from 2.5% in 2006). There are approximately 1.1 million economic entities in rural areas that are not associated with agricultural activity (REGON). On the one hand, there are many successful examples of rural businesses in Poland and, as will be discussed, a wide range of supports are available for both new and established businesses (see Box 2.7 for examples of rural entrepreneurship in eastern Poland). 9 0 4 1.0 10.18356/7e830810-en 12e19445123d69d6ed554cf74940bd9b This is also true for standards, which risk becoming obsolete if they fail to keep up with technological progress and more general energy-efficiency trends. A first step in addressing this concern is initiating and harmonizing efforts to obtain energy-intensity data. Once data are collected, country energy performance can be assessed and explained, and cross-country comparisons made - to know where progress is considerable and where it is not. 7 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264276369-9-en 12e60b70167886162d664976713c9ecd These models are all PPPs involving an academic-industrial consortium pursuing collaborative research, typically over seven to ten years. The level of subsidy is typically high in order to encourage fundamental research, involving PhD education that strengthens the role of the collaboration in human capital formation. Evidence from international evaluations about these programmes are strongly positive, but also point to the importance of a balanced governance power between the academic and industrial stakeholders to guarantee successful outcomes. 9 0 4 1.0 10.1787/5jzb44nmnbd2-en 12e905269db6cf8b9bf4a486c2d0a056 The report found that lesson learning in CTF mitigation-interventions was “weak to non-existent,” slightly stronger performance for their adaptation activities, and mixed performance for their forestry and pilot programmes. It is therefore important to maximise the impact and effectiveness of climate finance. However, much of the focus to date has been on tracking the quantity of climate finance flows rather than the quality, or effectiveness, of this finance. 13 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264282988-5-en 12e9556ae1ee2c3ab5f4d623ce764a51 Life expectancy at birth increased rapidly by four years from 70.5 years in 2000 to 74.5 years in 2014 (Figure 1.2) and by more than 20 years since 1970. Infant mortality has decreased from 56.3 to 13.6 per 1 000 population since 1990, which is below the average in Latin America. Child mortality decreased in a similar fashion from 79.7 to 17.5, also below the regional average. In line with the Latin American region as a whole, Peru has considerably narrowed the gap to the average of OECD countries in tenns of main health indicators, with Peru developing even faster than most of its neighbours. 3 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264236813-6-en 12ee8c26730eeb13273f5cb3ecb62aeb This implies that the level of tax for a litre of diesel should be higher than that for a litre of gasoline, to reflect relative environmental costs. Diesel vehicles also tend to travel further per litre of fuel than gasoline vehicles, as they are often more fuel efficient. This means that social costs such as congestion, noise, accidents and infrastructure wear are also higher on a per litre basis for diesel than gasoline. In the energy sector, the International Energy Agency (IEA) estimates that the sources of around 80% of possible cumulative greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to 2035 under an energy scenario consistent with international climate goals are already in place or under construction, leaving little room for additional polluting facilities (IEA, 2012). 7 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264174153-6-en 12f09376dbc1da574f391d12ebf7c2bf The policy has met with some resistance, however, due to uncertainty about the effect on congestion levels in nearby districts and on local businesses. London’s Low Emission Zone (LEZ) is a good example. Since 2008, public authorities have operated a LEZ that prohibits access by most polluting heavy diesel vehicles, and plans to apply tighter standards in 2012, under which more vehicles would be affected (Transport for London, 2011). 11 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/69c44297-en 12f4e66f0424d3ab0edc70ca8cfb5280 In the Gaza Strip, the deficit has been estimated at 16-42 MCM/yr (Table 3). Tel Aviv-Yafo in Israel.59 and most of the Gaza Strip (Figure 3). In the Egyptian town of Rafah. Most dramatically, in the Gaza Strip water levels have been dropping at rates of up to 1 m/yr and water levels in many areas now lie near or below sea level. In the northern Gaza Strip, groundwater levels have dropped by about 5 m in the period 1969-2007, while a drop of over 15 m was observed in the Rafah area in the southern Gaza Strip, with a clear acceleration from 1998 onward [Figure 5). 6 0 3 1.0 10.18356/08756197-en 12f532f79620fa48b684894d1e41200c In June, E. coli concentrations reached 7,000 and 16,000 cells per litre for Tbilisi Sea and Turtle Lake respectively. E. coli concentrations obtained for Lake Lisi were above the permitted limit (5,000 cells per litre) for the five samples, while for Tbilisi Sea and Turtle Lake they exceeded the limit value in June. Illegal discharge of untreated waste waters into the water bodies and poor maintenance of recreational zones are the major reasons for the high concentration of bacteria in the lakes and reservoirs of Tbilisi. 3 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5k424rdzj3bx-en 12f82fbc4b4071995a53923cad7d98c7 The country co-ordinators would distribute the standard questionnaire to their selected respondents, collect and collate the responses, and forward them to social science researchers at the ESRC Genomics Network for analysis and write-up. Initially nine countries agreed to participate, but subsequently two countries pulled out on grounds of lack of resources at a time of global economic down-turn. The seven remaining countries were Finland, Israel, Luxembourg, Mexico, United Kingdom, China and South Africa. In April 2012, the respective country co-ordinators, along with four social science researchers from the ESRC Genomics Network, formed a project steering committee, supported by members of the OECD secretariat. 3 3 1 0.5 10.1787/5k3wb8h0dg7h-en 12fa3a3079223f053ad1797ed2379eb7 In France about 4.2 million households have benefitted from similar tax incentives between 2005 and 2008 which equals about 13% of the residential building stock, (see case studies in the annex for more information on tax incentives in France and Italy). Through tax credits for energy-efficient new homes in the US, the market share of eligible homes37 rose from 1% in 2006 to 10% in 2009 (ACEEE 2011a, pp. Another example can be found in US tax credits for non-business energy improvements put in place 2006 and extended several times until 2010. The most impressive effects of the US programme are found for Energy Star windows: the national market share rose from 49% in 2005 to 93% in 2010. Even though the incentive was cut back sharply in 2011 (from originally $1500 to $200), the market share stayed high at 89% in 2011 (ACEEE 2011a, pp. It is very difficult to assess how ambitious are performance requirements for the different schemes. 7 2 4 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264188617-en 12fa6f82d0c39b657631a97f892afb0c In the United Kingdom, the study from Ernst & Young estimates connection costs for offshore plants in a range of GBP 300-800/kW, depending on the distance from the shore; the present study adopts an intermediate value of GBP 500/kW, which corresponds to about 20% of the investment costs at the plant level. Connection costs for offshore have been estimated to lie between 10% and 25% of investment cost, depending on the distance from the shore (Green Net, 2009a). For the other countries, the average value of 17.5% was used. 7 2 2 0.0 10.18356/d4cf57fb-en 12fe8402fc5974c44ec78c6c1b8edf73 The CBFA came into effect in May 2010 and expired on 18 May 2013. An amended CBFA has been established since, involving seven environmental organizations (two fewer than in the previous agreement), the Forest Products Association of Canada and its 18 member companies, and Kruger Inc. (CBFA, 2014). The simplified procedures include fundamental changes to the rules for the allocation of tariff quotas on the export of spruce, pine and fir roundwood (Russian Gazette, 2013a). 15 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/d100c303-en 13020c19f165a908b2c72cf6a42167d9 We know progress is possible: Since the last development agenda, both the number of people living in extreme poverty and the number of primary-school-aged children out of school have been halved successfully. We can provide an education for every last child. We have an opportunity to embrace peace, equality, inclusivity and sustainable development by ensuring freedom for all. 1 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/5jz159228n6j-en 130308c02ca7bbd96f579abaa705d139 Estonia provides a positive experience on how to use payment methods to promote preventive care by primary care doctors (IMF, 2010). Also “sin” taxes (e.g. on alcohol and tobacco) change relative prices. They are the most intrusive form of government intervention as it encroaches on people’s choices. 3 0 3 1.0 10.18356/0d2045c7-en 1303749b2f2a5550813614ce76c610c7 Additionally, political instability risk and corruption were also identified as challenges for some countries. This is evident from the fact that a country, such as Singapore, with limited agricultural production capacity is ranked at the top of the list (at number 5), while such countries as Argentina and the Russian Federation, with high agricultural production capacities, are ranked much lower (at numbers 37 and 40, respectively). From table 5 and on the basis of the overall structure of the Index, it can be concluded that Arab countries with economic capacity to import food, including those of the GCC subregion, are expected to rank in positions comparable to that of Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia. Arab LDCs, on the other hand are expected to be ranked at the tail of the list, comparable to that of Yemen and Sudan. Moreover, while Lebanon is expected to rank in a comparable position to those of Tunisia and Jordan, other countries facing conflicts or unrest, including Iraq and Libya, are expected to score lower, comparable to that of the Syrian Arab Republic. The rationale to limit the focus of food security on only these two elements stems from the convection of the instrumental role of agriculture to reduce poverty and malnutrition. 2 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264286191-7-en 1305d3f1bba0b87e620cee82f935559f The IUDF is expected to contribute to strengthening rural-urban linkages, and promote urban resilience and urban safety. These goals inform the priority objectives of nice policy levers: i) integrated uiban planning and management; ii) integrated transport and mobility; iii) integrated sustainable human settlements; iv) integrated uiban infrastructure; v) efficient land governance and management; vi) inclusive economic development; vii) empowered active communities; viii) effective uiban governance; and ix) sustainable finances. The current urban legislative framework in Viet Nam, despite its considerable extent (e.g., laws, plans, strategies and programmes) (Table 2.2), has a very similar caveat as the current urban policy frameworks. 11 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264096813-4-en 130654f68d61790d07280a0b5255af7d Citizens (or stakeholders groups) signal their policy demand or preferences through various channels such as lobbying or voting choices. The higher the costs involved in signalling this demand the lower the level of effective demand. Likewise the government’s willingness to supply the policy favour will increase with increasing political benefits that would accrue to the government. Equilibrium is found at the point where the demand for a concession matches the willingness to supply it given the respective perceptions of costs and benefits. 14 6 1 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/b620ec70-en 13082eea192e276059421af7af0ce558 Lastly, care will be strengthened and made more professional by training family and formal caregivers, with due consideration for the perspectives of gender, age, and ethnic and racial identity. This is part of the expansion of existing services but will also include new services and modalities of care; for childcare, the focus is on expanding coverage of children aged 0 to 6 years through its network of education and nutrition centres (CEN) and comprehensive care centres (CINAI), for half-days and full days, respectively. These efforts are in response to the need for a national strategy to create a nationwide network of care and development for children and older persons. 5 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/db7ae14d-en 130d49a3a1aa12cddf21c865fa16dfe7 In the absence of any well laid out strategy, the focus of the implementation of the MDG agenda has often been on raising budgetary allocations for education, health and other basic social programmes. They were meant to be comprehensive and ensure greater coherence between economic and social policies and to serve in positioning donor support behind a nationally defined development strategy. However, PRSPs have been criticized for failing in practice to make macroeconomic, trade and financial policies integral and explicit parts of a strategy aiming to generate sufficient productive employment, reduce poverty and enhance access to social services (Gottschalk, 2005; North-South Institute, 2004; Stewart and Wang, 2003; and Vos and Cabezas, 2006). 1 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.18356/1f42dd52-en 131180a2517e423117f43535fb97190b Both maternity leaves and parental and paternity leave are considerably longer in Europe and in English-speaking countries, except for the United States, which lags behind even by comparison with the poorer Latin American countries. The socioeconomic status and gender of domestic workers, the great majority of whom are women, are inevitably intertwined, so the way in which the State addresses their labour conditions indicates the value it affords to the two types of equity. Any measure that improves conditions for domestic workers promotes both dimensions of equity. Yet, in the medium and long term, formalizing domestic workers’ labour conditions can foster collective efforts towards more institutionalized sequential and defamilializing measures. 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9ce809d8-en 1314560a1d42e2f3ac93ea9214f3a183 Capital spending is often characterised as a longterm investment in the economy and recurrent spending as short-term consumption. Information on the composition of recurrent spending by economic classification - public-sector salaries, transfers and government goods and services, for example - was not available for this study but would be invaluable for better understanding the effectiveness of public spending. Social protection programmes such as health-fee waivers, emergency school feeding and humanitarian relief are typically classified as recurrent spending. 1 4 5 0.1111111111111111 10.1787/5kmh3nj5rzs4-en 13158b1c0c5def58b1615a9c70f5e9ad Monitoring is carried out among newly electrified consumers. ( In the longer run it will be interesting to undertake broader economic assessments to locate possible long-term changes.) This monitoring exercise has revealed that the majority, 96%, of electrified households use electricity for lighting and TV; 63% use electricity also for cooking; a large proportion of the population, 34%, use electricity for heating. 7 1 7 0.75 10.1787/9789264278530-8-en 1317ed0ecbdf1a93c38de855b33898f4 However, precise estimations of the size and nature of the energy efficiency gap of the food chain have not yet been calculated. In many cases, the implementation of these approaches is a “win-win” situation for the producer, as the energy cost reductions achieved through implementation quickly repay the capital investment that is required. In the majority' of cases, a payback time of five years or less can be achieved and, for a significant proportion of the technologies, the payback is three years or less (Golaszew'ski et al., Moreover, important efficiency gains can be achieved w'ithout capital investment, by introducing procedural and behavioural changes.3 Reducing food waste, for example, provides high potential for energy savings through resource efficiency and offers an important untapped energy-efficiency potential which policy could address (Mehlhart et al., 7 0 3 1.0 10.30875/32bff34e-en 13196df639b7977c257b3e30a1572c72 Unfavourable developments in the prices of primary commodities continue to have an adverse impact on the export growth of LDCs, the report said. They called on WTO members to increase their efforts in implementing ministerial decisions taken in favour of LDCs, including the Nairobi decision on preferential rules of origin to make it easier for LDC exports to qualify for preferential market access. Established in 2011, the programme aims to strengthen the participation of LDCs in WTO trade negotiations and to assist LDCs in joining the WTO. The dialogue provided a platform for LDCs and developing country trade partners to discuss developments in LDC issues and questions to be taken up at the 11«i WTO Ministerial Conference in Buenos Aires at the end of 2017 as well as growing cooperation between developing countries. 1 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.18356/d08a72ab-en 131b95bd266434352cb2e2a77ab03f1e Cautious revolutionaries value and embrace data and technology and are open to new partnerships. They take risks, as the digital transformation is too recent for empirical studies to identify clearly what works and what does not. But being a cautious revolutionary also implies the need for prudence in the face of risks and novelty, because a main role of TISIs is to instil and maintain trust in markets while new technologies are being adopted. Harnessing technology can no longer be a sideline, and resources have to be channelled into taking advantage of the digital transformation. 9 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264262430-8-en 131ded6b50a68cc47efa5c28b6042ff5 Guidelines for schools could be provided as part of a practical toolkit for all aspects of school evaluation (Chapter 3). At the same time, as pointed out in the sections on challenges, there are concerns about the lack of systematic teacher appraisal practices at the local level. Teachers in Denmark are entirely dependent on local capacity and willingness to benefit from appraisal and feedback to improve their practice. 4 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264281486-7-en 131fe88c8a6ea0a4532798c55ce17cdd Annual expenditure per student on basic education is also below the OECD average. In 2013 per student expenditure for basic education in Lithuania, USD 9 675 (PPP), was approximately half that of OECD (USD 18 457) and EU-22 (USD 18 755) averages (OECD, 2016b). These differences in expenditure were mainly due to the comparatively low salaries of Lithuanian teachers and school administrators (Shew'bridge et al., 4 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/5kg57kjj5hs8-en 13240a6f79333b819e11500df9d8ef2f This person will liaise with relevant officials, statisticians and researchers in order to identify as detailed information as possible. This person is expected to liaise with CERI after the collection of this questionnaire should CERI (or the researcher that CERI appoints) wish to follow-up on particular evidence or reference presented in this questionnaire. The main focus will be on statements and schemes at the national and regional level, but countries (corresponding) are welcome to also include those at the local and/or community level if considered appropriate. They would include white papers, frameworks and statements of intent at the national and state level. 4 2 2 0.0 10.18356/d37abdcf-en 1329295d7b0f30ce9ae55d3a0a4512aa Right now, however, a girl from a poor community in many countries will intersect with the health system only for immunizations as a toddler, and then not again until her first pregnancy (Bruce, 2009a). Adolescents have the lowest levels of health coverage of any age group (The Lancet Commissions, 2016), and represent an obvious next step in the drive for universal coverage. Such sessions could also offer opportunities for beginning to inform girls about their rights (Bruce, 2009a). Services must be of good quality, involve strict protection of privacy, and be free or low cost as has been done in some cases for children under age 5 (Santhya and Jejeebhoy, 2015). 5 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264168350-4-en 132b00fbbcc1ca814b9ecae6a2eaae6d Donors have supported peer learning through community-based or farmers’ groups or through arranging for participants to visit other places and programmes. The Learning Routes programme in Colombia8 allows participants to expand the horizons of their imagination and develop new visions of what is possible. It has proved particularly effective in helping people reconsider their livelihood possibilities. Both formal (legalised) and informal exclusionary practices prevent poor people from securing decent work and from political participation. 1 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264283558-en 132ec78e0cf0a43d33fbe89bce93aad0 To cover these, 87% of the population have voluntary health insurance and there is help for those who cannot afford it. Out-of-pocket payments are low overall, but the share of private expenditure is high compared to the EU average. However, despite the strong primary care system, there is a lack of coordination and integration across levels and sectors, causing discontinuity of care. 3 0 4 1.0 10.14217/9781848591677-4-en 132ff92f367ae63a02d6ed6d5330f2b3 South African women formed a Parliamentary Women's Group (PWG) soon after the 1994 elections. The name itself is significant: opposition parties did not want the body to be called a caucus, as their male colleagues would see this as 'selling out' party interests. According to Xingwana, this played an important role in the early days as women sought to navigate new corridors of power. However the PWG soon broke up into women's caucuses within parties. 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5kgk6hpnhxzq-en 133065d9ec4bef29c3027ee7612b33dc This arises because some innovation activities, such as design or patenting, may be funded by one industry, say manufacturing, but their undertaking may be outsourced to another industry, say Business services, which includes industrial design consultancy and legal firms. Although these complex input-output relations make it difficult to infer the skills and occupations involved in innovation in a specific industry, the official surveys do provide a clear insight into the breadth of skills required for innovation at an economy-wide level. The following examples are taken from Australia using statistics from recent official innovation surveys of private businesses, though it is crucial to note similar patterns of diversity apply across OECD countries. For example, over the three-year period 2001-03 in Australia just 34.8% of firms undertook any form of innovation. 4 6 1 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/62212c37-en 13348b3712a8375cf0ca36a2bba12924 "The ""five creative habits of mind"" rubric was used as an observation tool for the classroom dynamics, while the OECD rubric was used to prepare, review and identify possible gaps in pedagogical activities. The team in Thailand did more or less the same. In the first year of implementation, teachers were only exposed to the ""five habits of mind"" rubric during the professional development, but then used both in the field; in the second year, they used both rubrics during the professional development and in the field." 4 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.18356/215d0d56-en 133633476311f8153e2ff6bcc77a9e0c They are integral contributors to the continuous process of improving existing policy frameworks (Watkiss, 2015). The capacity to change as new knowledge and information are gathered is important for delivering on the multiple objectives of effective climate change adaptation (Arup, 2014). If, for example, as circumstances change, intended outcomes are not achieved or if unintended consequences are identified, a flexible policymaking system will have the capacity to adjust the scope, the implementation modalities, or the expected outcomes when necessary. This iteration is strengthened by the participation of stakeholders, which begins with the identification of policy objectives and the scoping of options and continues with contributions to the design of policy interventions and follow-up of implementation. 13 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/9789264265530-4-en 1336749022d682125b3982a9cb2c1f18 This is in recognition of the impact the socio-economic background of students has on their academic achievement. A range of compensatory educational programmes such as the Community Teachers Programme, the Teacher + Teacher Programme, the Tutorials Project and the Educational Commitment Programme provide schools with greater opportunities to offer the necessary support for students with greater needs. However, there are three aspects which require further reflection. This might reduce the transparency of funding to schools while increasing the complexity of resource distribution. Second, other policy issues such as student repetition and teacher deployment to individual schools have not received enough attention in terms of the inequities they introduce in the system. 4 0 3 1.0 10.18356/7d5576e0-en 133ad69beab2831845c2eefd83d6dba2 For details, see paragraphs 1-9 and 61-106 of the judgment. At that time, generic manufacturers in order to market their products in the EU needed an originator reference product. After the withdrawal of regulatory approval for the capsule version of Losec, generic manufacturers would no longer be able to market their generic copies of these capsules. Parallel importers of Losec capsules would equally be barred from marketing those. 3 4 3 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264229679-4-en 133b98ec2102b94af09216415b5cc151 While this may, in the long-term, enhance the country’s domestic monitoring and evaluation capacity, it is resource intensive and can divert attention and domestic resources from ensuring answerability and representative enforceability. This, however, is problematic if the external reporting requirements do not meet domestic information needs. Alternatively, partner countries may choose to integrate some of the more general reporting requirements (e.g. on the allocation of resources and the implementation of planned activities) into national monitoring and evaluation systems already in place in many developing countries. This approach, however, does not address the issue of evaluation. 13 4 3 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264279322-4-en 133c45499a1425dfe9bfd48b66ef196b They are also encouraged to work towards ensuring effective enforcement of the legal framework in order to ensure equality and non-discrimination among all citizens, notably in view of changing social attitudes, and to challenge discriminatory social norms and practices. Under these laws, which are based to varying degrees on religion, women do not share the same rights as men to pursue a profession, engage in travel or head a family. This affects economic outcomes and the application of egalitarian employment and entrepreneurship provisions. Discussions at the national and international levels testily to the fact that the personal status laws influence social values. 5 0 5 1.0 10.18356/0a98da25-en 133d94e4c7245aa6379bb32d78d180cb "It should also be understood that some indicators of gender equality are not likely to be applicable to all countries. For example, literacy rates may be more meaningful in sub-Saharan Africa than in Latin America and the Caribbean, and wage data are less relevant in largely agricultural societies. The development of indicators to assess SDG progress will have to deal with this complexity. Fiscal Policy and Endogenous Growth with Public Infrastructure""Oxford Economic Papers 60:57-88. Canuto, and L. P. da Silva. On Gender and Growth: The Role of Intergenerational Health Externalities and Women's Occupational Constraints.""" 5 1 3 0.5 10.18356/5ff49553-en 1343b7b15a5fcf3f7752f04e0907863d In the countries where wastewater treatment has improved, there has been a notable reduction in the incidence of diseases such as hepatitis, cholera and typhoid fever. It should come as no surprise, then, that coastal degradation and marine pollution are among the region's worst environmental problems. Population pressures, infrastructure development in general and coastal tourism in particular have done much harm to coastal and marine ecosystems. Coral reefs have also been badly affected. In the Caribbean, 61% of reefs are threatened by tourism pressure and pollution, among other factors. 10 777 141 0.6928104575163399 10.1787/9789264202054-5-en 1346f3f37f46fb0c1d44780ff7a7dd7c Positioning and functioning of organisations such as HAS (Haute Autorite de Sante) in France and NICE (National Institute for Clinical Excellence) in the United Kingdom could provide inspiration. The reconsideration of HTA is especially relevant in relation to the functioning of SSI and the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Institute of Turkey when it comes to decisions on quality and safety of products and services related to access to the Turkish market and reimbursement via the health insurance funds. For more than 20 years specific health-care services, often from private providers have been seeking ISO certification or accreditation by foreign accreditors in the health-care field such as the Joint Commission International, the international branch of the US Joint Commission for the Accreditation of Health-care services. The Baskent University Network is an example of a private entity that has been successful in the application of both ISO standards and JCI accreditation over a period of 20 years in what is now a network of 12 hospitals. 3 0 4 1.0 10.18356/215d0d56-en 13473df47cd1731f35477931a397be34 In many cases, those with greater experience in decision-making processes and greater social and political capital may dominate those processes. The case of Hurricane Katrina, referred to in chapter II, provides a good example in this regard. It has been argued that the Industrial Canal, bounding the Lower Ninth Ward to the west, which failed and flooded the city of New Orleans, was constructed in that area partly owing to the limited political power of its residents. During the recovery period, those same residents had less access to the political resources needed to draw attention to their specific needs. V of Report on the World Social Situation 2016 (United Nations, forthcoming) elaborates on the policy areas that are relevant for equitable and inclusive societies. 13 5 4 0.1111111111111111 10.18356/17685da3-en 134a5f073160ef3c0560e8f55625bc7a Other work can also be performed and referrals are easier, as is emergency transport. Wherever childbirth takes place, it is essential that the person who helps has the core competencies for safe delivery, the necessary equipment and supplies, and the option to refer to a functioning facility offering emergency obstetric and newborn care. However, the current coverage of care in the first hours and days after birth in most developing countries is low. 3 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264168985-7-en 134c510b13e43e92e2a7648daf56505b It conceptualises implementation as the extent to which a plan achieves its policies through adoption of the relevant management techniques in development permits. For PIE, the permitting process provides the locus of observation of the linkages between policies and their implementation. This link most strongly reflects implementation as decision makers operationalise the plan objectives (and related policies) through permits on a regular basis. Thus, permits are intended to manage land development and thereby implement the plan. 6 5 0 1.0 10.18356/4a2e8e2d-en 135f1d401ff382bfa28ea0f52766ac00 The main indicators used are listed in the publication cited below, along with the relevant source information. Reconciling resource uses in transboundary basins: assessment of the water-food-energy-ecosystems nexus (United Nations, New York and Geneva, 2015), pp. Some are qualitative and some quantitative, some geospatial and some statistical. 6 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/2cb622fb-en 1360bfb8c30f910e53a1f2ade073c9a0 This was done by comparing the survey entries for income with figures from an estimate of household income and spending taken from each country's System of National Accounts (SNA), prepared for this purpose using official information. In most countries, household income included the imputed rental value of owner-occupied dwellings. The period 2002-2008 was also characterized by a reduction in the total number of poor and indigent persons (41 million and 26 million, respectively). 1 0 3 1.0 10.18356/d7485e6e-en 1360f023255e606065442d429cb90168 Only UNDP and GIZ maintain a permanent presence in Turkmenistan. Among them are the Ministries for Energy and Industry, Oil and Gas and Mineral Resources, Agriculture, Construction, and Water Economy. According to the country’s Fourth National Report on implementation of the CBD, intersectoral cooperation in relation to biodiversity management has been relatively weak in the recent past: “However, for many sectors of national economy, implementation of BSAP did not become a priority and has not been integrated into their national plans and strategies. Weak coordination or integration between MoNP’s actions and the institutions, directly influencing biological resources, has created certain difficulties”. 15 1 5 0.6666666666666666 10.1787/5k483jn5j1lv-en 1363bcb1a9940a78a35a76b57f9d7102 The reporting boundary to be followed for climate change and greenhouse gas emission disclosure is set parallel to the entities as reported on in the consolidated financial statements. The Framework does not specify any calculation rules, but recognizes various accounting schemes, like the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, ISO14064-1, and many other global and national schemes and guidance. The Sustainability Disclosure Framework is new and will provide accounting standards for each of the 89 SICS industries (Sustainable Industry Classification System). Each standard will be divided into management disclosures and performance disclosures for both impact and innovation opportunities. 12 3 6 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264191761-en 1364d9e1dc5c0522a8d1bd9a635e572d Research and development (R&D) are inherently dependent on public investment as they are capital intensive with long-time horizons and uncertain outcomes. Although private investment is typically prevalent in more applied R&D, which becomes an important driver of innovation, this is not yet the case in Kazakhstan. There is, therefore, a challenge to create incentives for private investments in R&D. Benefits could also be reaped from a systematic effort to adapt technologies developed elsewhere to local conditions, complemented by targeted R&D activities that address needs specific to Kazakhstan. An extension system is just beginning to develop in Kazakhstan. Well-coordinated education, R&D, and extension systems can contribute to strong productivity growth and the widespread adoption of sustainable farming practices. There is an additional rationale in Kazakhstan for a strong extension system in that, as a result of the transition period, several key commodity sectors in Kazakhstan are dominated today by either household producers or recent individual farmers. 2 3 3 0.0 10.18356/401c524c-en 13659b7fc03816828ac5eb5d309de5fb Yet decades after the fall of the Soviet Union, significant backlashes to women’s equality and power have occurred. Dedicated funds are not regularly set aside to perform gender assessment at the design stage or to monitor and evaluate outcomes. In addition women are being slotted into gender-stereotypical and lower-paying career paths in universities and are leaving high-earning careers, such as engineering. This has the potential to increase the wage gap in the region, further deepening segmentation of an already gender-segmented labour market and decreasing women’s economic productivity, financial sustainability and autonomy. 5 0 9 1.0 10.1787/5kggc0rpw55l-en 1365feccc61adc4814c64ff7d9303893 Further extending the green purchasing requirements to local governments would enhance the effectiveness of the policy, in particular since a large share of public expenditure is invested locally. In expanding its green purchasing policy, the government should make sure that it targets goods and services with the highest potential environmental returns. This outcome was achieved with minor increases in public expenditure. Since the introduction of the green public procurement policy, the market shares of eco-friendly products widely used in the public administration have substantially increased (Figure 9). According to MOE’s estimates, the national government’s green purchasing policy resulted in a reduction of C02 emissions by 89 500 tonnes in 2006, which is equivalent to the amount of C02 emitted by a town of 42 000 inhabitants. The financial implications of Japan’s green public procurement policy and the overall costs to the Japanese economy of achieving such emission reductions should be assessed and compared with the costs of alternative policy measures. 12 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264089457-en 1367267f74ee1a611d2f231dfaebe698 To achieve regional and global competitiveness in these areas, the Blueprint forecasts that more than 250 000 direct jobs will be created by 2025 (154 000 in tourism, 52 000 in agriculture and 42 000 in manufacturing). The region is to be known as the centre for excellence in areas such as cardiac care and oncology, possessing globally-accredited hospitals and highly-qualified medical and healthcare professionals. There is a mismatch between supply and demand of workers and evidence that universities produce graduates in fields irrelevant to the demands of the developing economy. 4 3 0 1.0 10.1787/5km4knxj9tf3-en 13682ef8aa005a0a8d7adf4fcad6bfef There are unique capacities required relating to environmental management and governance in the sector, and unique elements of the enabling environment. But the practical CDE tools that can help build capacity have relevance across sectors, and the energy sector in particular can be expected to benefit from the overarching CDE guidance currently under development. Most importantly, this includes increased focus on sustainable energy sources of relevance to the majority of the population, and increased focus on efficiency of energy use. 7 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264247598-8-en 136943e231c3ea03a3e7148c5db10689 Pre-primary, primary and lower secondary teachers have a common salary scale but a different salary scale exists for upper secondary education (the rationale for this differentiation relates to the level of initial qualifications required, i.e. bachelor’s or master’s degree). In addition, a great number of salary scales coexist for upper technical and vocational secondary education. Teachers in management functions have separate salary scales. 4 0 4 1.0 10.18356/bf400991-en 136bd8360b29bcd81ba7c49dc20b632b Open and expansive data will also serve to estimate population changes and density variations at intracity levels. These registries inform land consumption rates relevant to this indicator. For example, the e-Government Domain, within the Regulatory Programme Development Area at UN/CEFACT, is developing two white papers aimed at reviewing both the technical applications of Blockchain to UN/CEFACT deliverables on data exchange, and another on use-cases in a wide variety of areas of application in which this technology could provide opportunities for efficient, effective and trusted systems. Several countries, such as The Netherlands, India, Kenya and Switzerland have already begun piloting blockchain-based land registry systems, which are expected to have a significant impact on promoting inclusive and integrated urbanization through the principles of immutability of records and system decentralization. Participatory, transparent, accountable urban planning and management, and the creation of an enabling environment, are important steps in assessing how national and local governments involve people, communities and organizations in implementing, monitoring, and evaluating SDGs policies and programmes such as urban planning. 11 0 4 1.0 10.18356/6e8bb756-en 136c3baf95190e6471959aebbdc3997a Further analysis based on developing-country case studies would be very relevant from a policy perspective. Energy-intensive industries (e.g. iron and steel, chemicals, petroleum refining, cement, aluminium, and pulp and paper) account for more than two thirds of energy consumption and C02 emissions. With growing industrial activity and the need to construct basic infrastructure, energy-intensive industries account for a relatively large share of manufacturing output in a number of developing countries. 7 2 4 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264191808-5-en 136d70b4e00898236a4f5b1cc7e973d6 In addition, housing vulnerability of applicants is currently not taken into account. Finally, the maximum housing price is quite high (2 000 UF, or more than 90 000 USD in the case of middle-income families) which makes applying attractive for better-off families (OECD, 2012b). The government has recently revised the system, criteria and reliability of the means proxy test (Ficha de Proteccion Social). In addition, the new DS49 subsidy (i.e. the main subsidy for vulnerable groups), includes different (and some additional) variables for eligibility,20 which will likely better target subsidy allocation to the most vulnerable segments. 11 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5kgj0d3vzcth-en 136fc204d759e3b1c745bcfedd21f59c This is particularly relevant for dairy and meat commodities where there are few traders (for dairy, in part reflecting the past history of single seller export arrangements). For the principal crop commodity group, horticulture, the establishment of futures trading is also problematic due to the lack of a standardised product. Agro-food business in New Zealand must turn to commodity futures markets abroad (e.g. in Australia and the United States) in order to hedge commodity price risks. However, without being involved in price hedging as such, farmers use price information from international commodity futures. For example, wheat farmers use movements in the United States and Australian wheat futures prices as a guide to the prices they might expect in the future. Some analysts indicate that the disparities in movement of overseas futures and domestic market prices may be substantial in such trading, creating important basis risks for hedgers in New Zealand. 2 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264188617-en 13745aa7dbf215c11f88b8b1a250ecaa Thus if one considers only new or modern nuclear units, it seems reasonable not to consider additional investment costs for load following capabilities, since they can be considered sunk costs, regardless of the choice of operating mode. Similar reasoning can be applied to fuel elements: the additional requirements for fuel design are already priced into the fuel cost, regardless of the operational mode of the reactor. According to AREVA, EDF and the French regulatory authority, there is today no clear evidence that load following will accelerate the ageing of NPPs, and only a very small number of pieces of equipment could be adversely affected (Pouret and Nuttall, 2007). If load variations are performed within design specifications (in terms of extent and frequency of load modulations) the operational lifetime of the power plant should not be affected. 7 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/63fef40d-en 1374ebc0249b4807f191fb4822b77638 Frequent removal of slurry from livestock housing has thus been suggested as a way of reducing methane emissions (Sommer et al., Anaerobic digestion of manure has large potential for reducing emissions and substituting fossil fuel with renewable methane, which can be used in heating and power generation and as a vehicle fuel. However, the unknown levels of methane leakage from digesters and gas storage raises doubts about the actual mitigation effect of this technology. All options for the reduction of methane emissions need to take into consideration the entire production system, to avoid leakage from one compartment to the next and increases in nitrous oxide emissions. 2 3 0 1.0 10.18356/9ed3c0a9-en 13766c6b244b0c53e566543e1c1ccf1d Health status and health care need specific analysis to identify a more comprehensive level of health deprivation and inequality. This share decreased by more than 10 percentage points between 2006 and 2010. In the case of financial self-protection, 63.3% of the population could not afford the basic basket of goods and services in 2010. 1 5 4 0.1111111111111111 10.1787/5jlww009v1hj-en 1376eb6b06a6f6b3b1e94948c4bb9bb9 It then uses this to identify measures to reduce vulnerability of its agricultural systems (GoB, 2010). In addition, information on good practices and lessons learned relating to assessing climate impacts and vulnerability has been developed by UNFCCC (e.g. UNFCCC, 2009). Information on impacts and vulnerability was included in many countries’ INDCs, but often in quite a summarised manner, e.g. outlining the key environmental vulnerabilities of a country. 13 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264123564-6-en 13798839556f4dee67d0bd42d846e368 Developed by Industry Skills Councils or enterprises, each package is a set of nationally-endorsed standards, qualifications and guidelines used to recognise and assess the skills and knowledge people need to perform effectively in the workplace. The packages prescribe outcomes required by the workplace, not training or education. They are generally reviewed and resubmitted for endorsement every three years; however, within the three years, changes may occur under a continuous improvement process. Additionally, in the ECEC sector, national training packages have been developed for Certificate III, Diploma and Advanced Diploma in Children’s Services through the Community Services and Health Industry Skills Council. 4 0 3 1.0 10.18356/1c11fde8-en 137ea7350a45a017408380156114f9fa In 2014, 196 kg of ATS were seized, more than twice the amount of 2013 (85 kg) and almost five times that of 2012 (41 kg). The number of ATS seizures and the quantities seized have been rising steadily. In 2014, 42 ATS seizures were reported, the highest number in five years. In 2014, the Narcotics Control Bureau of India reported the dismantling of five illicit manufacturing facilities, from which about 155 kg of amphetamines and 162 kg of ephedrine and pseudoephedrine were seized. 3 4 3 0.14285714285714285 10.18356/60a8d482-en 1382109c43e2be3d8b4aceca7a875967 In Burundi, for example, 2 per cent or less of women above statutory pension age are in receipt of a pension compared to 7 per cent of men. The largest gender gaps in coverage, however, are found in Egypt and Jordan, where 62 per cent and 82 per cent of men, respectively, receive a pension compared to only 8 per cent and 12 per cent of women. While some European countries have achieved high coverage rates among women, their benefits levels are often only a fraction of those of men. In addition, key pension design features systematically penalize women, further reinforcing their socio-economic disadvantage in old age. 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264085374-5-en 1382774a399ae1db9e6d1d706ca8c9ca Engaging teachers as co-designers in the implementation of technology-enhanced learning activities results in the greatest integration of technology-rich activities in teachers’ practices compared with them being re-designers or simply executors of designed activities (Cviko, McKenney and Voogt, 2014). This gives agency to teachers as learners and fosters the development of professional learning communities (Lieberman, Campbell and Yashkina, 2015). In order to understand how TEPIs develop, the SITES-M2 study collected information about wider school, regional and national level contexts (Kozma, 2003). 4 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264310278-en 1382ab7f33f9406923c989d4ccd37b41 Enrolment in post-secondary' career and technical education has also been rising. This part of the system is highly decentralised and has strengths in its diversity and flexibility in meeting the needs (OECD, 2015|4oi). This is probably particularly appropriate for students who are less suited to continuing in formal education but would benefit from acquiring additional skills to enhance their employability. There are three conditions that help boost the effectiveness of work-based learning. 8 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264202405-5-en 1384b00c42de6e616c2c8cff15a1d520 The analysis focused on artificial recharge, but could also be applied to strategies for increased conservation and expanded use of recycled water. It is possible to quantify the benefits of artificial recharge for increasing groundwater available for emergency use. These benefits correspond to reduced negative impacts (e.g. greater pumping lifts, land subsidence, and seawater intrusion) when additional groundwater is utilised during an emergency. 6 2 3 0.2 10.1787/9789264179011-7-en 1387c13b42936659b78ce2c1b077ab29 On the other hand, income support not based on current commodity production is much more effective at improving farm income with less spill-over effects. Policies that directly target non-commodity criteria such as landscape elements, environmental performance or traditional breeds of animals are also typically more effective at reaching these societal objectives, although concerns have been raised over the budgetary and transactions costs involved in some cases. Annual variations depend on movements in world prices, domestic prices and exchange rates as well as changes in production levels. 2 4 5 0.1111111111111111 10.18356/e2fce481-en 138be823193c9c95f1d881d8a393ed08 Wide and persistent gaps in STI capacities, multiple digital divides and insufficient investments in STI limit the discovery, development, dissemination and absorption of technologies that could accelerate the achievement of the SDGs. Alongside resource mobilization, a scaled up and accelerated application of policies is needed to enhance innovation systems for sustainable development and spread the economic, social and environmental benefits of frontier technologies. 9 0 3 1.0 10.6027/9789289330954-4-en 138cf928dfb2490a23508d1175375c10 The country's potential in developing energy production technologies like wave power and osmotic power is also substantial. Norway is Europe's largest producer of hydropower, which delivers 99% of the country's electricity. On January 1 2008, Norway had a total installed capacity of 29030 MW at 699 hydropower stations larger than 1 MW. The Kvill-dal hydropower station in Rogaland county is Norway’s largest, with a maximum generating capacity of 1240 MW. 7 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/5ac486ad-en 138d0b0ea60cc40e3cd0a941acc3cfab This began with the Compact project Transition to High Value Agriculture which will last until 2015 (chapter 10). The Agency “Apele Moldovei” is responsible for management of this programme. It aims to catalyze investment in agricultural performance by establishing a sustainable model of irrigation and water management as well as an institutional and policy environment favourable to irrigated agriculture. A pilot project of rehabilitation of 11 irrigation networks (see above) has already started. The reform transfers the responsibility for management of irrigation networks from the government to 11 associations of irrigation water users, which were created with the assistance of the programme. Permitting and compliance reviews are conducted by the SEI. 6 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264257344-en 1392b6bb2a1052ed589777b6968e0c1b This will translate into significant amounts of resource consumption, creating an important opportunity to ensure that new investment helps to support low carbon and resource efficient development, provided that obstacles to investment in these directions are removed. Public investors should set the example by integrating resource efficiency objectives into standards for buildings and other infrastructure. Private investors should be incentivised to integrate resource efficiency objectives into their investment strategies. The transition to a resource efficient economy will stimulate the emergence of some sectors and the decline of others. 12 1 5 0.6666666666666666 10.1787/9789264231122-10-en 13932398e7a319d523769a97376afeb7 Therefore, in many cases it is desirable that a third-party ensures the independence of the assessment and its results. It can help to map out the different views held by different stakeholders at the start of a process and identify potential challenges that the process may face (e.g. divergent perspectives regarding flood defence measures between land planners, property owners and government authorities or regarding water resource allocation betw'een farmers, industries and environmentalists). Water governance systems are dynamic, and therefore engagement initiatives need to remain adaptive enough to cope with unforeseen circumstances and changes. 6 0 4 1.0 10.1787/5js4rv0g7szr-en 1396472931cf993f026fb8db2d64602d Because the big companies usually put more into the shared fund, they were also traditionally the ones that made most of the decisions. This was partly because employees from the large companies were in many cases specialists, while the owners and employees of smaller businesses were usually generalists, so they did not feel as well qualified as the others to know what works and what does not. The Academy also finds that the way in which courses and processes are presented makes all the difference. 8 0 3 1.0 10.1787/859159ab-en 1396cbdf57b4d112e22a1bc964d25a65 Mild deficits are expected in the next two years, with the government aiming to maintain the growth rate, although the potential removal of its trade privileges could lower revenue realisation. With Lao PDR’s deficit ratio remaining at around 5% in 2018 (World Bank, 2019) and its debt ratio becoming a concern, the country imposed spending restrictions (e.g. limits to the allowances of government officials and vehicle purchases) to narrow the gap in 2019 and 2020. Similarly, Myanmar moved to raise tax collection and rein in spending in the near term to deal with persistently wide budget shortfalls. 11 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264225817-8-en 139815a51f38c1a58ca89a5d47e0dfbb In addition, the government has taken some measures to promote efforts by employers to foster good mental health, for instance a guideline on good mental health maintenance and promotion, and a plan to begin the implementation of the Revised Industrial Safety and Health Act in 2015 so that employers are obliged to undertake stress checks and interviews/coaching in order to prevent poor employee mental health. Given the harmful impact that untreated mild-to-moderate disorders can have on employee productivity, employers and insurers in Japan should follow other OECD countries and provide (a greater range) of preventative interventions and services for mild-to-moderate disorders, going beyond information sharing and employment raising. Elderly populations are at risk from disorders such as depression just as the working-age population are, and untreated mental disorders may harmfully impact upon the physical health of older individuals. Elderly populations may be less likely to seek help due to generational stigma, isolation, or poor availability of appropriate services. 3 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264208445-6-en 1399032f9d208a1d86e09edceb1cf347 Jane Chapman, independent risk adviser to the Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust, conducted a comprehensive governance and risk assessment of Big White Wall. The assessment showed BWW carries an overall low risk for users given the safeguards in place. This could indicate different directions that countries are taking in the development, and prioritisations, in their mental health systems. In Norway, where there is a perceived shortage of psychologists, and in particular nurses and psychologists in schools, the Ministry of Health and Care Services has been directly funding an increase in psychologists to work in municipalities, and this direct funding is due to be allocated to psychologists in schools also. 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/empl/outlook-2011-4-en 1399bc1f5cbd64a9de7045a12c3c84fa These correlations are consistent across the different specifications (results reported in Puymoyen and Xenogiani, 2011) and hold when the variable of interest is CSG receipt and the total number of CSGs received by a mother on behalf of her children. When a distinction is made between men and women, CSG receipt or potential receipt (proxied by age eligibility of children in the household) is negatively associated with participation and employment for men and women in the household, and positively associated with the probability of unemployment. According to the results in Puymoyen and Xenogiani (2011), CSG receipt or potential receipt (proxied by age eligibility of children in the household) is negatively associated with participation and employment for men and women in the household, and positively associated with the probability of unemployment. 10 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264221826-en 139b923811b149ec8366096c4ca58f2c A questionnaire compared occupational situations before and after the recognition of prior learning procedure was undertaken. In the case of employed workers, recognition of prior learning was found to have more of a positive effect within the employing organisation than on external mobility, in respect of promotion and increased job satisfaction. For individuals, the recognition of prior learning makes existing competences transparent to employers or to educational institutions. 4 3 6 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/d79235bc-en 139b92caa80c3f82f7d0ff1140dbb003 For policy purposes, employment-to-population ratios of youth and old are particular relevant. The indicator is based on the broader indicator ‘status in employment’ which distinguishes between three categories of the total employed. These are: age and salaried workers (also known as employees); self-employed workers (employers, own-account workers and members of producers’ cooperatives); contributing family workers (also known as unpaid family workers). 15 3 0 1.0 10.1787/9789264292697-3-en 139d8e8bd0e14591ef79429e21485116 Girls reported more positive attitudes towards relationships, meaning that they tend to be more interested in the opinions of others and want others to succeed. Boys, on the other hand, are more likely to see the instrumental benefits of teamwork and how collaboration can help them work more effectively and efficiently. Students who reported more positive student-student interactions score higher in collaborative problem solving, even after considering the socio-economic profile of students and schools. Schools that succeed in building on these attitudes by designing collaborative learning environments might be able to engage disadvantaged students in new ways. 4 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.6027/9789289330633-11-en 139e1afc6e79dbff50e4ff3acaf7ddab Thus, countries need to look for the underlying factors behind the causes of child mortality (Save the Children, 2009). The direct causes may be pneumonia and diarrhoea, and intermediate causes mental health, health services, etc. There are several contributing factors, e.g., better understanding of the needs of children, improved health care seeking behaviour, and better attention to adequate food and nutrition. 3 0 7 1.0 10.1787/6d9cd656-en 139fad7c1b29bb71c1ea12e1fcd8c858 Data for Belgium refers to the Flanders region, and United Kingdom data include England and Northern Ireland only. To improve skills match in the labour market, the Estonian government has developed a skills forecasting system called OSKA. This new system uses a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods - interviews with experts in different sectors, surveys of employers, data on salaries, the ages of current workers in different jobs - to identify occupations where labour shortages are likely in coming years. So far, studies of five sectors of the economy have been published, with 15 more to follow in the coming years. 8 0 3 1.0 10.18356/9b4421ad-en 13a239f9028935a1c6743f6890822154 I am the first and only woman to ride a motorbike here. When a girl is married, she moves to the husband’s household, where it is customary for senior women to occupy the top position in a hierarchical family network, exercising authority and power over daughters-in-law, who are expected to bear the biggest burden in terms of workload within the household and be obedient. Decisions about the management of pregnancy and childbirth also usually come within the purview of the in-laws, especially mothers-in-law. 5 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.18356/584f8730-en 13a31ba3fd8791166fe1bc071a19a037 Moreover, a dilemma arises in terms of monetary policy in the face of subdued economic growth, high inflation and the risk of further currency depreciation. Poverty has recently increased in the Russian Federation and could rise further amid a prolonged period of economic downturn. Although infrastructure connectivity has improved in recent years, reforms to create vibrant business support services to complement a high value-added manufacturing sector are needed. 8 1 3 0.5 10.18356/df3c95f8-en 13a323e4108432977a121d694cba15ad In addition, different ways of regulating production and organizing labour must be found in order to provide equitable working conditions for women and men and make productive activities compatible with their rights and duties as caregivers (ECLAC, 2007, pp. The drive to create effective conditions of equal opportunities for women did not initially focus enough on the sexual division of labour within the home. The failure to recognize the social responsibility of care resulted in unequal gender relationships in terms of the social identity of caregivers, which is why use of the term dates back to the conceptualization of the status of women (Daly and Lewis, 2000). The point is to ensure not just that care is more readily available —which in itself is essential— but also that the responsibility, the duty, the task and the necessary resources for the purpose are universal, and that people are recognized as holders of this right, which must be satisfied, among other options, with support from the social security systems of each State and from employers (Pautassi, 2007). 5 0 7 1.0 10.18356/1f42dd52-en 13a3aadb9ac8f2aa552d4fe72ab03d88 Combined with suitable opening hours and schedules, these services could also support working mothers and fathers. Conversely, without adequate responses to the tensions between work and family responsibilities, socioeconomic and gender inequalities will continue to deepen and work against equity and development in the region. Section II sets forth an analytical framework to examine these changes. 5 0 3 1.0 10.18356/5be883c5-en 13a45ba896c21277c55b0d32b8b58e00 Because investment is both the binding constraint and the mechanism for social reproduction on the demand side in our framework, we do not give further details on savings dynamics. But there might be some interesting gender dynamics to consider at some point in the future. Erturk and Cagatay (1995) propose that increases in the intensity of women's unpaid work in the household raises savings rates. 5 0 4 1.0 10.6027/9789289329583-4-en 13a7f518b76ac7d89dfd3d2f07d97255 In 1964, Becker published his work Human Capital. Since then, human capital as an analytical concept has gained importance both in academic research and in more applied work and in the public debate. At least since the publication of Human Capital, the term human capital has been used as representing the complete set of an individual’s capabilities. 3 3 0 1.0 10.1787/5jrqcn5fpv0v-en 13af09d734a5f0546fb501d0a66cfefd The study carries out a comparative analysis of how chronic diseases and related risk factors may impact labour market outcomes in 14 OECD countries. Two sorts of survey data were available for the analysis: longitudinal health and retirement surveys of people aged 50+, and longitudinal employment surveys of the general population. Both population groups are of interest for the study. 3 0 3 1.0 10.18356/fc6300ee-en 13b008ebaa10e9505c2811488fc35b8a As shown in the table below, and as explained further in section E of this chapter, the figures are even higher among adolescents aged 15 to 19. For a summary of these approaches, see Ru2 and others (2005). So far, 45 surveys have been conducted in Latin America. For Lath America, the figure is 21 children per woman. During the 1950s, most countries recorded high fertility levels and a slow rate of change, and fertility even rose in some cases such as Costa Rica and Argentina. In others it remained stable (Uruguay) or dropped slightly, causing a slight rise in the regional average. 5 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.18356/0e3c4bbb-en 13b4652d1189820fcc60026bb12b88a9 In Guatemala, a study showed that children who had received nutritional supplements before reaching the age of 3 earned hourly wages as adults that were 46 per cent higher (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2012b). The international community can provide assistance to developing countries in designing such plans in a cost-effective time-bound manner so as to realize the right to food, as well as stimulate rural development, agricultural production and poverty alleviation. Support should also be offered to help integrate the social protection floor plan within the national agricultural strategies. 2 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264257344-en 13b5c6aa79e1123470d0f0011013ac51 This report provides policy guidance that can help governments achieve this goal, organised around four main areas (i) the choice and design of policy instruments; (ii) how to combine them into an effective policy mix that covers the whole of the product lifecycle; (iii) integrating resource efficiency into cross-cutting and sectoral policies; and (iv) strengthening of data and analysis to support policy development and evaluation. While the focus is mostly on the measures that governments can take at the domestic level, the report concludes by identifying a number of areas where international co-operation, including in the G7 framework, could make an important contribution in moving this agenda forward. To do this without simply displacing environmental burdens across the lifecycle of products or from one environmental medium to another requires the application of policy mixes that create a coherent set of incentives. 12 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264225428-5-en 13b5d00bc821adf3fee0222e7e2579a0 At the same time, public reporting around performance measurement is increasingly being developed in Italy, but the potential for patients to make use of quality data and to be involved in quality assurance appears to be still rather scarce, notably in the areas of primary and community care. To this end, regions are assigned the task of providing methods for patient involvement (through patient organisations) in activities related to health planning, monitoring and evaluation of services at regional, organisation or district level. The importance of an assessment of the quality of health service by users was confirmed by the Presidential Decree of the Councils of Ministers of May 1995 (Service Charter), by the 2003 and 2006 National Health Plans, and by the national regulations on accreditation (Decree of the Council of Ministers of January 1994 (principles on health services delivery). 3 1 4 0.6 10.1787/9789264263260-7-en 13b665198e582078b77ef6ca990ae559 Both growth and inequality in cities manifest themselves in terms of income, but also across major dimensions of people’s well-being, such as jobs and health. But a person’s zip code shapes much more of their life than their mere income. Life expectancies differ by almost 20 years across neighbourhoods in Baltimore (Baltimore City Health Department, 2015) or London (Cheshire, 2012). 11 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264259157-9-en 13b729f6d52b518fdef6b048a795addf Some concluding remarks wrap up the chapter. They stress that policy changes since 2007 have helped ease the conflict between full-time work and parenthood. More equal sharing in families and public action to reconcile work and family life may further help to sustain tentatively rising fertility trends. 5 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264225442-18-en 13b7ecc330347ecd3af4f28cda6f0585 Attainment is higher in technical postsecondary education, and Canada has the highest attainment rate in tertiary education among OECD countries. Compared to the other countries participating in the Survey of Adult Skills, adults (16-65 years-old) performed at the average in literacy and below the average in numeracy. Unemployment is below the OECD average. 4 0 5 1.0 10.1787/5js6363503f6-en 13b84c38dda100f18a13185f662ac628 Dorsett (2006) evaluated this programme. He finds that the subsidised employment option is more effective at increasing young people’s chances of exiting unemployment and securing unsubsidised employment after the programme than the other available options (notably education / training or temporary public employment). In terms of improving the employment probabilities of unemployed youths, they find the largest long-term employment impact for participants in wage subsidies (10 to 20 percentage-point increases in the employment probability over 60 months) followed by job search assistance. 8 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264224636-11-en 13ba83e2ee0e787195ba4d4a8196c651 Men can divorce unilaterally by repudiating their wife before a notary civil servant without having to justify their decision, while women have to go to courts and can only file for divorce on a number of specific grounds. These grounds are specified in the family codes and require women to provide evidence that they have suffered a prejudice from their husband. Judicial procedures may take years while repudiation before a civil servant takes only a few minutes. 5 0 3 1.0 10.14217/9781848599574-13-en 13baab64c0ecebcd0fc02d132c6fb5e3 They may be kept artificially low for political reasons, which results in power utilities not recovering the full costs of production, meaning that there are insufficient funds to cover operation and maintenance expenses and the capital costs of replacing ageing infrastructure. Tariffs that are subsidised can foster a culture of overconsumption, which can lead to payment difficulties for consumers, especially when high oil prices result in higher tariffs. There is also a lack of standards and certification to ensure that only robust renewable energy equipment is installed in the Pacific. 7 0 3 1.0 10.18356/fa8ae033-en 13bd9f055dab0f9d915f1ab5c8617225 At the regional level, the right to equality and non-discrimination is also guaranteed by, for example, the African Charter on Human and People's Rights (arts. This means that States must take all necessary legislative, administrative and other measures to ensure that no family may be subject to discrimination on any ground. Any right, benefit, privilege or obligation to one ‘family’ (e.g., in social or welfare benefits, inheritance, social security and pensions) must be accorded to all of them. 5 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/d19a5f58-en 13bf27099b8e2b084e32922d70956af2 Lost (in) Dimensions: Consolidating progress in multidimensional poverty research, Innocenti Working Paper No. The prime objectives of the Office of Research are to improve international understanding of issues relating to children's rights and to help facilitate full implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in developing, middle-income and industrialized countries. Through strengthening research partnerships with leading academic institutions and development networks in both the North and South, the Office seeks to leverage additional resources and influence in support of efforts towards policy reform in favour of children. For that reason, some publications may not necessarily reflect UNICEF policies or approaches on some topics. 1 2 2 0.0 10.1787/9789264077287-en 13c28b18a250ac51e5312d164cc7618a Class 4 applications, which are declarations, are not included in the table. It is part of the permit application procedure and is required for installations listed in the amended Grand Ducal Regulation of 7 March 2003 concerning assessment of the impact of certain public and private projects on the environment. Before issuing its decision to grant or refuse a permit, the Environment Administration consults other potentially interested authorities (local administrations, conservation authorities, the Water Management Administration). 6 2 2 0.0 10.18356/709f1e18-en 13c839cf36a653875fc24332cd722634 These pollutants—particularly persistent organic pollutants, or POPs—can remain for a very long time and enter the food chain, posing a real risk to human and ecological health. Development of toxicology and a growing social concern over hazardous organic chemicals led to further development of environmental monitoring and regulation initially in the developed regions, including the United States, European Union and Japan. The wave then expanded into the developing Asian countries. 12 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/896ea4e7-en 13c8add1cfa893a7a1f468044a37de23 Ecosysiem services are the benefils people obtain from ecosystems. However, this large-scale exploitation has resulted in a 75% decline in demersal2 fish resources since 1982 (Gascuel et al., The identification of ecological corridors between MPAs, and the pooling of countries' conservation efforts, resulted in the establishment of a regional network of MPAs in West Africa in 2007. Today the network includes 23 MPAs. 14 0 3 1.0 10.18356/df3c95f8-en 13c8bd7c896363bcae640ba39da2b046 Hence, the issue of care gives insight into, and makes it possible to address, the obstacles that women face in seeking to participate on an equal footing in the labour market and in other spheres of society (Drancourt and Catrice, 2008). It also helps to understand the stratification of society and the way inequality is reproduced (ECLAC, 2009). This increases time poverty, which is exacerbated as socioeconomic conditions worsen. 5 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/rev/fish/pol-2009-2-en 13ca4ae467f8eba09c3896d953fefd3c Cod production from aquaculture passed 8 000 tonnes in 2005, doubling production from 2004, again underlining the fact that high value species are rapidly finding their way into aquaculture production systems. Norway, the United States, Canada, Spain, Denmark and the Netherlands are the major export countries, accounting for 55% of total OECD exports in 2007 (Figure 1.8). The major importers in 2007 were the Unites States, Japan, Spain, France, Italy, Germany and the United Kingdom, accounting for 71% of total imports to the OECD (Figure 1.9). 14 1 3 0.5 10.18356/88ed44cf-en 13ce42aa980073b3654f8391c2900dfa Paraguay was most successful in reducing poverty, by 4.5 percentage points per year from 49.6% to 40.7% between 2011 and 2013, while indigence also fell at almost the same annual rate over the period, from 28.0% to 19.2%. In El Salvador poverty fell by 4.4 percentage points between 2012 and 2013 (from 45.3% to 40.9%) and indigence contracted by 1.0 percentage point (from 13.5% to 12.5%) over the same period. Poverty in Peru decreased by 1.9 percentage points (from 25.8% to 23.9%), and extreme poverty fell by 1.3 points (6.0% to 4.7%). In Chile, meanwhile, poverty decreased by 1.6 percentage points per year, from 10.9% in 2011 to 7.8% in 2013, while extreme poverty fell at an annual rate of 0.3 percentage points per year, from 3.1 % in 2011 to 2.5% in 2013. Ecuador also saw poverty contract at a rate of 0.9 percentage points per year between 2011 and 2013 (from 35.4% in 2011 to 33.6% in 2013), while extreme poverty fell by 1.0 percentage points per year (from 13.9% in 2011 to 12.0% in 2013). The remaining countries (Costa Rica and Uruguay) saw less significant reductions, of around 0.3 percentage points or less, in both poverty and indigence (see figure I.2). 1 0 3 1.0 10.1787/3726edff-en 13d14f1c7c520afa6dd8aea7af960359 These are largely financed by loans and public-private partnerships (PPPs). It has comparative advantages in: private sector development, through high-level talks at the G20 and through the Japanese International Cooperation Agency and World Bank Presidents on firm capabilities and technology absorption (kaizen); and disaster prevention and relief by shaping the global agenda through multilaterals based on its technology advantages and building soft and hard infrastructure (policy research, PoC, early warning systems). Japan is interested in building on its existing international leadership in development co-operation and scaling up these and other activities, such as on quality infrastructure, universal health coverage and disaster risk management. 9 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264096356-en 13d15cdc50d10a3913fb9b28777647fa Nevertheless, as a concrete response to real problems, nuclear is now being viewed more dispassionately and judged on its merits as a solution to questions of security of supply, cost stability and reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. London, United Kingdom, Report prepared for DG Environment of the European Commission. 7 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264212664-en 13d20233e570a7e4c8e0643175da176a If so, how does the government ensure that it can accommodate an increase in renewable-energy based electricity generation ? In addition to reducing costs of generation, wholesale markets increase the flexibility of the electricity network and allow for a more cost-efficient allocation of power generation. Indeed whereas renewable-energy-based electricity generation is subject to fluctuations (including dependence on weather and time of day), demand must always be satisfied. 7 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264202405-5-en 13d237f7acae5f95c98d041aad464952 Triangular (0, 20, 50) likely % of 20. Because of the high risk of water shortage in the Murray-Darling Basin, Australia undertook reforms to implement tradable water user’s rights. Instead, because the risk of shortage is not as acute in the South Saskatchewan River Basin, Alberta only implements licencing of annual allocations. 6 1 4 0.6 10.1787/9789264224636-10-en 13d4cc13be149f2687bdf2b5acb6f0eb Female youth unemployment is a critical issue in Algeria: 37.4% of women, compared to 18.6% of men aged 16-24, were unemployed in 2010. Unemployment is particularly widespread among female university graduates: 33.6% of women holding a university degree were unemployed in 2010 compared to 11.1% of men. Data shows that the unemployment rate of female graduates is significantly higher, independently of their chosen field of study, which may be ascribed to a supposed “gender-biased” choice. No major gender differences exist with respect to the length of unemployment: in 2011, 74.8% of unemployed men and 71.3% of unemployed women were facing long-term unemployment, defined as unemployment for 12 or more months (Office national des statistiques, 2012a). 5 0 7 1.0 10.1787/aid/glance-2017-14-en 13d73964d7921cfd5d951a2939e23c6c These potential challenges need to be addressed, especially because regional connectivity projects often permeate peripheral areas of nation-state boundaries. The potential large-scale environmental impact also needs to be factored in (Yhome and Chaturvedy, 2017). In Africa, Japan is involved in eight economic corridors: the Trans-Maghrebin Corridor, the West Africa Growth Ring, the Northern Corridor, the Nile Corridor, the Djibouti-Addis Ababa Corridor, the Central Corridor and the Nacala Corridor. 9 1 3 0.5 10.1787/5kgk7w8phwf2-en 13d977a2298a69982761307ffe5c78c6 The book explains how to transform the global energy economy over the coming decades. A BLUE Scenario was developed to explore the energy and technology implications of reducing global energy-related C02 emissions to 50% of the 2005 levels by 2050. If fully implemented, the BLUE Scenario could limit the long-term global mean temperature rise to between 2.0°C and 3.0°C. 7 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264203419-60-en 13da70ac3a8ad54df495da6e6bf5bf08 Children and youth in cities”, in ISSC/UNESCO, World Social Science Report 2013: Changing Global Environments, OECD Publishing and Unesco Publishing. Each author is responsible for the facts contained in his/her article and the opinions expressed therein, which are not necessarily those of UNESCO, ISSC and do not commit either organisation. 12 4 0 1.0 10.1787/9789264089457-en 13db09063c03cf1054d60bb5ddb62f24 Scotland has a dedicated tourism innovation programme and in Quebec, the Tourism Intelligence network was developed in collaboration between the University of Quebec in Montreal and the public and private sector. For example, the Tourism Research Circle (TRC) of Univeristy Sains Malaysia helps the state government to develop and improve the Homestay Programme which has become an important feature in Penang. Higher education institutions could help SMEs to better access global markets. 4 1 3 0.5 11.1002/pub/80f4831e-9c6d6090-en 13dc311081373b46a196c7297300d6f9 Lifelong learning can also play an important part in helping adults to define and shape their own identities by exploring their past biographies and framing their aspirations. The priorities for action set at Confintea VI in Belem, Brazil in 2009 provide an indication of key global policy trends. Learning itself can take place in so many different ways and it has become common to recognise a distinction between Formal, Non-Formal and Informal Learning. These distinctions are used widely in policy and there have been some bold attempts to offer formal recognition for the outcomes of informal and non-formal learning. 4 0 7 1.0 10.14217/f81b7706-en 13df226da6585026128f0418fbbdb1d0 Except for Botswana, this reflects the fact that where Commonwealth African countries have been willing to adopt TSMs (see Chapter 4) they have been more willing to do so at the local level (often seen as ‘community affairs’ rather than ‘real politics’) than at the national level. However, because they are appointed, ministers are a litmus test of political will. This is one area in which Heads of State who are committed to gender equality have the power to bring about change in a relatively short time span. There is no direct correlation between levels of women in parliament and cabinet. 5 0 5 1.0 10.1787/9789264279421-7-en 13e1b39f7377549ba3cffde270c1234f This helped regions to see the objective in more concrete and achievable terms. For example, one region found that if 34 at-risk Indigenous students attained the QCE, the gap would be closed. Central office efforts also included workshops and leadership sessions for school leaders and regional staff to focus on why improvements were needed and how these might be realised. 4 0 3 1.0 10.18356/18db943d-en 13e4ba33456ffcef354bf0b2f54cb82a The other is the WMO/ESCAP Panel on Tropical Cyclones (PTC) which covers the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea. Since 2005, both have expanded and strengthened their activities, bringing about closer regional cooperation in early warning. They have also helped integrate the fields of meteorology, hydrology and disaster risk reduction - building capacities and developing joint strategies across countries and professional fields. 13 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.18356/028f7d06-en 13e7a9668d7d66cebd233a48d120a929 On the other hand, Argentina (the second most successful country in reducing child poverty) saw the fertility rate for the youngest poor mothers decline less than for all mothers. In Panama, which ranked fourth in reducing child poverty, the fertility rate among poor mothers rose; this was the only case among 16 countries. For the countries that were least successful at decreasing the child poverty rate (Colombia, Honduras, Guatemala, Mexico and Paraguay), the simple average decrease was 27%. These calculations did not include Panama among the countries with the largest drops in the child poverty rate because the fertility rate among poor mothers aged 15-24 in Panama increased. 1 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264260207-5-en 13eae25a92018ebc17f7fd693420814b How the city accommodates its increasing physical development needs will help determine the success of urban green growth. Getting a city right as it urbanises will be dramatically easier and cheaper than fixing things later. The risk of locking in the urban form should be addressed at the centre of urban green growth policy making. 11 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264088986-en 13ee1ab086703c52d097039a1bdf32ef But the prominence of these institutions stems from leadership in medical research and solving the most complicated health care problems, not necessarily from innovation in medical education or new forms of health care delivery. Jerusalem: National Economic Council. Approaches to Economic Development, Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, pp. 4 3 0 1.0 10.18356/45094dde-en 13ee399b82d4248e762b89ad10e0c717 How such institutional change can reverse the trends towards restricted funds is yet to be seen. However, this attempt towards more centralized governance is worth noting. Whether the World Bank or the FAO should take the initiative as a large donor was discussed at the time of CGIAR’s foundation by the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors, which decided that the World Bank should take the leadership role (Baum, 1986; Shaw, 2009). At the same time, TAC was established and the FAO took the lead on technical issues. 2 1 3 0.5 10.18356/a2e9d414-en 13ef26f11a31136fc13549570f773c26 Tourism provides many wage and salaried positions, and thus could assist the many vulnerable workers in Africa (ILO, 2012a). It is distinct from the vulnerable work indicator, which focuses only and specifically on own-account workers and contributing family work. Public policy can play an important role in promoting better working conditions. 8 0 8 1.0 10.1787/9789264188617-en 13f6b13822c7038df3d59bd77f312d83 See Section 3.2 for additional information on the LCOE methodology. For consistency, direct and indirect O&M cost increase was not accounted for. Peak-power plants such as reservoir-hydro, oil- and gas-fuelled thermal plants are regularly exploited in this mode, operating only when electricity prices are sufficiently high. 7 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264284319-9-en 13f74c5c0591a2be39e0e37e85ad8c66 Heat and electricity tariff-setting is based on a global good practice using rate-of-return methodology. Every sector - heat, electricity and gas distribution - has high investment needs, and therefore, attracting capital with a fair return is necessary. For example, in 2015, ANRE approved transport and internal distribution costs of natural gas at MDL 1 551.00 per 1 000 m3, as compared with MDL 616.92 per 1 000 m3 in 2011. This threefold increase in the costs of transport and internal distribution in the span of four years is significant (inflation in the period was only 27.12%) and suggests that in 2011, transport and internal distribution costs were set at a level that did not allow for proper cost recovery and an appropriate rate of return. 7 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264229372-7-en 13f806087fffd2b7c0211b520a6dccb3 Chronic under-investment in utilities, infrastructure and networks, and unbalanced tariff structures are major problems. The main networks are owned federally, but the state does not contribute much to the maintenance or improvement of local infrastructures. At the same time, municipalities’ investments are declining and tariffs are rising. However, higher tariffs are not used to cover maintenance costs or to generate funds for investment in infrastructures and networks. 11 1 3 0.5 10.18356/fa8ae033-en 13f9b36c87b9d8d067ea37b91412d1a1 El estudio analiza en que medida el disenoy la aplicacion de estas politicas tienen en cuenta la interpretacion contemporanea de los derechos relacionados con la familia incluidos en los tratados de derechos humanos y el compromisocon la igualdad de genero y el empoderamiento de todas las mujeres y las nihas tal comoexige la Agenda 2030. The family is often a basic unit of production and the prime mechanism for coping with social, economic and political adversity. United Nations General Assembly 2015. 5 4 4 0.0 10.1787/9789264285637-4-en 13fa24a7c38afa5ace92b85886a88689 This combination represents an opportunity for both Indigenous and non-Indigenous students to become familiar with Indigenous traditions and at the same time encourages a mutual learning process among teachers. Although incipient, there is also an effort to increase the level of awareness about interculturalism among the general population. While the PEIB programme exists since 1996, it was not until 2009 that the Chilean government explicitly established the principle of interculturalism and protection of Indigenous language and culture through the General Education Law, and incorporated Indigenous language into the curriculum. 4 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264265530-7-en 13fb52d45f8d395bb241af160179b2c0 Needs-based Resource Allocation in Education via Formula Funding of Schools, International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP), UNESCO, Paris, http:// Serie Evidencias, year 1, No. Morduchowicz, A. and L. Duro (2009), Desafios de la Educacion Uruguaya: Aportes para un Diagnostico del Sistema Educativo [Challenges in Uruguayan Education: Input for a Diagnostic of the Education System], Working Papers IIEP-UNESCO, Buenos Aires. 4 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264172616-5-en 14034c6262ef5479ab4a8503f1bc7cf4 Comprehensive mandatory teacher evaluation is organised through the teacher performance evaluation system (Docentemas), covering the municipal school sector only. These programmes are described in detail below. The latter tend to be informal processes of feedback for improvement but can also be part of internal management tools established by the school director in the context of the 2011 Quality and Equality Education Law. 4 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/pension/glance-2013-5-en 1404d1b0febb92c07c6a802f537ff5f4 The starting point is a joint life annuity that pays one unit when either (or both) are alive. Put another way, a household with one person with the same total income as a household of two people can enjoy a better standard of living. This is captured by an equivalence scale. It is also recognised in pension systems, which pay a lower rate of benefit to survivors. 1 1 4 0.6 10.18356/9b4421ad-en 140574b829601a045aa832a412749990 Some underage women migrants also migrated to escape early marriage. The present study shows that migrant women’s transnational subjectivities are also in a complex process of emancipation, whereby the exposure (for the first time - alone) to a challenging and new reality has helped them overcome entrenched fears and taboos, such as freedom of mobility and segregation during menstruation. Financial independence has often resulted in a means for bargaining for their right to basic assets (e.g.. land) and to play a greater role in the management ofthe household and -at times-also in their communities. The voices of Nepalese migrant women bear witness to the complex layers of emancipation and oppression that should not be simplified but rather further investigated and understood as a set of lived contradictions at several levels. Everyone Is Leaving - Who Will Sow Ourfields? The Effects of Migration from Khotang District to the Gulf and Malaysia. 5 0 7 1.0 10.18356/fb79328d-en 140b62d19651e770f8afe793625b9f78 Thus, even if the world as a whole achieves the target set for Goal 1, important regions, especially sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, may not achieve that target unless very vigorous steps are taken soon. Theories of development have often tried to point out specific factors and identify the main obstacles, which have changed over time. Development policies and foreign assistance programmes were then designed to overcome capital, infrastructure and/or foreign-exchange constraints, through addressing inequalities in asset or income distributions, investing in human capital, strengthening social protection systems and improving governance and market institutions. 1 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/5kg20mj6c2bw-en 140d8d8b2bd8a60832c17d5f708afc3e Such activities do not directly reduce people’s vulnerability, but train them to adapt to the current climate, to consider future climate change in their decision making and to be prepared for extreme events. Climate change research also supports risk reduction by supplying information that is necessary to understand where training, policy and risk reduction activities are most needed. Finally, coordination activities ensure that there is a dialogue between stakeholders, that research is disseminated and that community of practice is strengthened. Climate change affects each of these sectors differently, calling for tailored adaptation responses. Across the sectors, it is relevant to consider appropriate policy measures, education, training and awareness raising needs, possible research gaps and co-ordination measures. Table 6 provides a few examples of sectoral activities sensitive to climate change as well as related enabling activities. 13 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264290679-5-en 14119f4c7b3647aa8cd9242a1b39fa2a It could introduce drastic changes, such as splitting up some councils. The commission radically reformed the structure and functions of local governments. For this purpose, it relied on a set of “principles” enshrined in the Government Economic Statement (1987) and sent to local authorities for information and consultation. The previous 200 local authorities were replaced by 12 regional councils and 75 city and district councils (currently 11 regions and 67 city and district councils). 11 3 2 0.2 10.18356/215d0d56-en 1412a3835e4b00fb08bdf69bebd831c2 For this purpose, the city has created a Green Steering Committee whose function is to gather the information and acquire the knowledge needed to inform future policy actions. Introducing flexibility as an integral part of the Climate Action Plan helps policymakers avoid path dependence and will enable the cost of future adjustments in response to unexpected events and the emergence of new information to be lowered. The plan was developed by the United Kingdom Environment Agency as a means of addressing sea-level rise and the threat of flooding that it poses to London. 13 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/5jrxfmjvw9bt-en 14130cbf3e70be8818d96500185b42eb The few existing studies yield mixed results partly due to differences in the structure and quality of VET across countries. Data comparability across countries, the breath of countries involved, and the almost unique presence of information on assessed skills, training, earnings and employment makes this survey especially valuable to study the different facets of VET as compared to more academic education. Focusing mainly but not exclusively on upper secondary, post-secondary and tertiary education, we assume that individuals are exposed to four alternative treatments: 1. 4 0 3 1.0 10.18356/08e82310-en 1413453a4d3c087f1f4bad9403692360 It is also an important winter roosting place for many birds, especially geese. The construction of the Nove Mlyny reservoirs on the Dyje River (1976-1989), intended to provide flood retention and a possibility to enhance low flow during droughts, changed the character of the river below the reservoir, and, besides other changes, reduced spring floods of the neighbouring flood-plain. The most negative impact of river regulation works is nowadays the dredging of the riverbed, causing disconnection of the river-floodplain system, decrease of the water table, and potentially threatening groundwater sources. 6 0 3 1.0 10.18356/31959a6d-en 141352593724ef72253eb766e1117e85 Other gender-relevant measures included that common law couples became eligible for survivor benefits and childcare credits were set to expand gradually from 2013 to 2019 (US-SSA 2011; OECD 2013:38). The 2010 pension reform was expected to reduce future pension expenditures and cut benefit replacement rates from an average of 75 per cent of wages to around 60 per cent. Reform increased the retirement age for women (gradually rising from 60 to 65 to match that of men) and established an automatic adjustment of retirement ages beginning in 2020 to reflect changes in life expectancy. It also restricted early retirement, increased the minimum contribution period to get a full pension, froze benefits during 2011-2013 (later extended to 2015) and established price indexation thereafter. 5 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.18356/caeceb38-en 1415f08f4e4370476c69ca1b797ba644 Ajar-African Journal of Aids Research, 8(2), 181-192. Culturally Compelling Strategies for Behaviour Change: A social ecology model and case study in malaria prevention. Soc Sci Med, 62(11), 2810-2825. Practitioner Review: Engaging Fathers-Recommendations for a Game Change in Parenting Interventions Based on a Systematic Review of the Global Evidence. 5 4 0 1.0 10.18356/77cccad1-en 1417d4ababad04793721b941044471d0 However, the city's master plan did not accommodate these trends. Car traffic intensity caused significant environmental, safety and economic consequences and required effective solutions. The aim is to strengthen the capacity of local authorities, NGOs and other stakeholders in planning for sustainable urban mobility in Polotsk, and to increase the role of the public and NGOs in adoption, implementation and evaluation of collaborative decisions on urban mobility planning in the city. 11 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264301757-8-en 141850a4cff685d495c3366d31a664d5 Canada’s experience with programme-level collaboration may provide valuable insights on how to improve the RSAs (Box 6.1). These two regulatory policy levers (i.e. the inclusion of labour market relevance criteria in programme and institutional accreditation and the requirement to collaborate with social partners through the establishment of RSAs) generally work well together and reinforce each other’s individual impact. The requirement to establish RSAs helps higher education institutions meet the criteria for programme and institutional accreditation. 4 2 5 0.42857142857142855 11.1002/pub/80fc3264-ad6b8f4b-en 141901108319a2b3f8848b3711c4679e The SDGs on poverty, gender and inequality indicate the focus of the UN’s equity concerns, indicating (hat greater weight is to be given to the well-being of some of the most disadvantaged portions of the population. Reducing financial hardship helps to potentially avoid other trade-offs and, over time, offers greater capacity to finance compensatory transfers to those most in need. We take these as given criteria for evaluating the outcome of government policy and choosing between alternatives. Instead, we will focus our attention on the SDGs highlighted in the remainder of the diagram. 9 3 2 0.2 10.1787/9789264303928-6-en 141b0d17f10fe27603b275a7a470599c Its energy intensity is also significantly higher than other countries in the Energy Community. This in part reflects its large industrial base, but is also due to the prevalence of outdated and inefficient production technologies as well as the existence of shadow economy (about 40% of GDP in 2016, as reported by the Ministry of Social Policy). Historically, low energy prices, especially for natural gas, have allowed for the development of inefficient technologies and production processes. 7 0 5 1.0 10.1787/50e33932-en 141c10b7ff50170e09dfb9d8de5985c8 The Agency’s classification better reflects the diversity of Sweden’s rural landscape because it captures better the reality of the large size and internal differences within administrative regions and the fact the rural Sweden is characterised by a dispersed population with settlements of various sizes. Functional economic areas measured by labour market interactions provide a better way to capture this reality. These functional geographies are identified through the analysis of journey-to-work data. 11 1 5 0.6666666666666666 10.1787/9789264168091-7-en 141cb5fc28585a4c8c90115595439e2f Europe & Central Asia Knowledge Brief, Vol. For example, there is ample scope for improving diet to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer. In this context, the Finnish experience (in North Karelia) indicates the sizeable potential benefits that can be achieved from changing diet and other risk factors. As regards substance abuse, taxes on tobacco and alcohol have been increasing but -on the basis of available international data - remain below European standards (Figure 3.17).26 There is evidence that low prices of these products encourage higher consumption of tobacco and spirits (Treisman, 2008). Limiting the influence of producer lobbies would help increase policy coherence and lower substance abuse over the longer haul. Traffic deaths could also be reduced through simple measures to reduce vehicle speed via radars, increased fines from traffic violations and simple speed bumps may be cost-effective policies. 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5js4vmp5n5r8-en 14243a501d8860e106feab28f5770340 For businesses, certifications can increase credibility, and thus demand, while labels encourage consumers to pay premiums. Society as a whole profits from certifications because of growing competition between companies on social or environmental grounds, better insights into production and value chains, higher import standards, and, ultimately, changes in consumer norms leading to growing pressure on supply chains. These advantages call for the widespread use of labels in tourism, including in particular carbon labels, which can inform consumers on low-energy/carbon choices. For instance, the EU energy label is relevant for purchases of white appliances and other products, such as light bulbs, refrigerators, freezers, washing machines, tumble dryers, dishwashers, ovens, air conditioners, water heaters, and TVs. 8 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/5k46dbzhrkhl-en 142533789aca575c539301a0d8131b36 They are needed to support green growth mainstreaming, ensure policy coherence, and enable the kinds of investment that the CRGE promotes. This is partly because of the recent trend of assigning environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA) review to sectors that are actually dealing with the proposed projects. Neither is it rigorously applied to environmental proposals. 13 1 7 0.75 10.1787/9789264077287-en 14279ddc7e2cc3cfbef12f94bd993236 An umbrella organisation, NATURA, covers around 40 associations. The main ones are the Ligue pour la protection de la nature et des oiseaux (“League for the Conservation of Nature and Birds”, 13 000 members), Mouvement ecologique (3 500 members) and Greenpeace Luxembourg. Two foundations involving experts and consultants perform environmental work, often for government agencies. 6 3 1 0.5 10.18356/47c7f9c4-en 1429e4529c6702a5136039a00b24ff7d Since the working poor are the majority of the poor, policy measures need to be directed towards wage policies and the increase of real wages in these countries. Employment of women lags behind not the least due to the unavailability of affordable child care and pre-school education. They help households to smooth consumption and maintain access to food, energy, education and health. Governments have to balance spending on social protection against other social policies, such as education and health. 1 1 4 0.6 10.1787/9789264300255-en 142de62009d5e304463a634649eac855 Members of the inter-ministerial project team included: Jurgen Horschinegg, Andrea Schmolzer and Bernhard Chabera from die Ministry of Education and Women; Robert Jellasitz and Johannes Schweighofer from the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection; and Alexander Holbl from die Ministry of Science, Research and Economy. Their insights and discussions during die workshops have bodi driven the process and shaped this diagnostic report. We would also like to thank die many people who gave generously of their time to answer our many questions regarding Austria’s skills system. 4 5 4 0.1111111111111111 10.1787/9789264276208-5-en 14304bc0bc51ff97cf75229f5be5480a It then provides a review of the valuation literature on marine protected areas, drawing on studies from around the world. It concludes with a brief overview on how cost-benefit analysis can be used to inform MPA decision making. This infonnation allows decision makers to evaluate the net economic benefits to society from investing in an MPA. 14 2 3 0.2 10.1787/9789264179011-7-en 143301814abe8999af5d8b0c2ddc49e7 In practice these TRQs have not been established because the MFN applied tariff rates for these products have been lower than the bound in-quota rates since the date of implementation. It is paid at all stages along the distribution chain - by manufacturers, importers, wholesalers and retailers of taxable goods and services - with the final cost being passed on to end-users. Although it was levied on most imported and domestically produced goods and services, many products and services were exempt. 2 6 1 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/5ad16036-en 143419ed7ffb6ad379e582416b6488b4 Countries where the immunization rate against measles is below 80 per cent are Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, India, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Timor-Leste and Vanuatu. In several other countries, however, efforts continue to strengthen routine services in order to ensure consistently high coverage. It is estimated that about 77 million children under 5 years of age are underweight in developing countries in Asia and the Pacific and are therefore at risk. These babies are at a higher risk of suffering breathing difficulties, having feeding problems, having lower immunity to infections and having problems maintaining their body temperature. In 2011, almost 15 million babies were born preterm worldwide, which represents more than 1 in 10 babies. 3 0 5 1.0 10.18356/4a2e8e2d-en 1434b1358ce8eb6c9da0434359411207 A draft methodology for assessing governance aspects of the water-food-energy-ecosystems nexus. ( University of Geneva, 2014). Short descriptions of how the governance analysis was carried out in those assessments are given in the ECE and de Strasser sources cited above. There, the method is loosely defined and accompanied by a set of questions guiding the analysis. 6 3 6 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264268791-6-en 14361451a1157ce39aec539383a29b2c It is further important that some elements of local control should be constrained by higher level priorities because local preferences for specific land uses may not be compatible with broader social welfare objectives. In Greater Clermont-Ferrand, specific local conditions provide important limitations and opportunities for development and hence for specific uses of land. The limitations imposed by this geographical feature has at the same time created the necessity to develop local and co-ordinated land use policies in order to avoid local competition and land use conflict. 11 3 6 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/09e92b30-en 1436404a1f37903830acb141743ea86d However, much will depend on implementation, and stimulating effective co-operation will require DRG payments and the recent specific small-hospital payment scheme to be modified. Additional independent econometric research using hospital-level data would also help identify best practices and potential efficiency gains. The retail price indices (national definition) include reimbursements by the statutory insurance schemes. Drees (2016), Les depenses de sante en 2015 - Resultats des comptes de la sant&, Comite economique des produits de sante (2015), Rapport d'activite du CEPS 2015. However, the financing of expensive treatments has not prevented the sustained increase in volume of use (Panel B). 3 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.18356/2cb622fb-en 143bf6d12069d840b7c289e289610a18 Until December 2006, the same variation was applied to both lines. As of 2007, however, the indigence line has been adjusted to reflect changes in the foodstuffs component of the CPI, whereas the part of the poverty line that corresponds to non-food spending is adjusted to reflect changes in that component of the CPI. From 2007 onwards, therefore, the differential between the indigence and poverty lines is no longer constant. In line with its usual practice, ECLAC made corrections to account for a lack of response to some income-related questions (in the case of wage-earners, self-employed workers and retirees) and for probable biases that stem from underreporting. 1 0 3 1.0 10.1787/eag-2018-14-en 143ed887b9284677bc2fa4ac025be558 Students start diversifying their pathways significantly from age 18, although the age of transition between upper secondary and tertiary education varies substantially among countries. While at least 90% of 18-year-olds are still enrolled in upper secondary in Finland, Norway, Poland, Slovenia and Sweden, more than 60% of students in Korea and the Russian Federation are already starting their tertiary education at that age. On average across OECD countries, 26% of 19-year-olds are still enrolled in secondary education. 4 1 7 0.75 10.1787/9789264245891-8-en 144321433611afb24d4816d7d4a6647e This is dictated by the established norms, which recognise that strategic and pedagogical leadership cannot be exercised over time by one person alone. In practice, however, the level of interaction and shared vision among members of school leadership teams observed by the review team suggest that a hierarchic model prevails over a flatter distributed leadership structure. Also, there is no systematic approach to school leadership development and few opportunities exist to take up training. 4 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.14217/9781848591271-8-en 144346913b42f7e5b924b799332dc5b7 Developmental scales were used for tracking changes in six areas: the motor, emotional, social, communication, creativity and functional skills needed for independence. An ecological curriculum using resources from the community was adopted. It is a process or a journey - every journey begins with a first step. An inclusive education programme that does not work with families will not achieve very much. 4 0 7 1.0 10.1787/da48ce17-en 1444a3a8882f720cff25dbeda58b31e4 Results from those approaches, could inform the collective assessment of progress towards the global goal on adaptation once developed. Section 2 provides a definition of adaptation monitoring and evaluation, and gives an overview of the development of national approaches to adaptation monitoring and evaluation to date. Section 3 then presents examples of national approaches to date showcasing the diversity of existing systems in terms of puipose, indicators and geographical aggregation. 13 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/4a540597-en 144645777200b5a2f5cfe419f5a90f13 Much of the problem lies in the undemocratic nature of the state itself. This leads to favouritism, nepotism, biased allocation of resources, distorted priorities, and sifting of local initiative and innovation. No one political framework is required to meet these conditions; instead the conditions can be developed and preserved under a wide variety of governance paradigms. It is also important to recognize that inclusion will not always lead to easy consensus; participation may highlight conflict, rather than resolve it. 11 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/pension/glance-2013-5-en 1447c9a70ea0300a529678e83802d7b2 A perfectly equal distribution would describe a straight 45-degree line showing that each 10% of population held exactly 10% of the overall wealth. The larger the distance of the actual curve from the 45-degree line, the higher the inequality in the distribution of financial wealth. In the 13 OECD countries in Figure 2.22, the top 30% of the wealth distribution hold more than two-thirds of the financial wealth. During the same period, those in the top 19% saw their wealth increase by more than 3 percentage points (ibid., 1 2 2 0.0 10.1787/9789264083660-7-en 1448d1ba8d776e45a71559099f70f069 The MFIs would usually be well established in the community, which gives them an edge in terms of assessing a borrowers’ ability to repay and enables them to rely on peer pressure and community cohesion to obtain repayment. It can help address the affordability constraint at household level, as it enables them to spread investments over a longer period of time and reduces the impact of the initial cash outlay. From the experience to date, there appears to be a remarkable potential to develop, although this is likely to require support from governments and international financial institutions, in the form of financial support and capacity-building. 6 3 0 1.0 10.1787/9789264272262-5-en 144b13caf74dd6ad8d9bfc779076ebbd Increasingly, the provision of social assistance types of support is linked to certain conditions, as participation in health programmes or education (see Barrientos, 2013 for a full discussion). Social support can also be delivered through the tax system (for example, favourable tax treatment of families with children or contributions to private pension plans). In Asia, this manner of providing social support is most prevalent in higher income countries such as Japan and Korea. 1 4 5 0.1111111111111111 10.1787/9789264268852-6-en 144f19ed1a15deea37880b5d1083d5b6 City Akimats prefer to w'ork with their own statistics rather than with official figures. Job-seekers moving to Almaty, for example, often encounter difficulty finding housing and work legally, so they take refuge in micro-districts on the outskirts of the city where they are not officially registered, do not own property and have limited access to public services (Makhmutova, 2012). In the absence of the cities’ readiness to accept and accommodate new residents, they join informal economic sectors.24 By settling in cheaper peripheral areas around large cities, migrants contribute to urban sprawl. Since land and property prices are high, they usually occupy rural land and build individual houses from the cheapest accessible local materials (e.g. clay) with poor amenities (furnace heating and no central sewage system), and are vulnerable to natural disasters such as earthquake and flooding.25 Migrants living in unauthorised housing such as former dachas?6 have no valid address and thus no official status. Not all migrants are highly educated, but they are highly motivated and entrepreneurial. They bring a diversity of skills and competencies to the urban economy necessary for development. 11 0 3 1.0 10.18356/88ed44cf-en 144f21e127ec1f21a405494ef98eb7ed There is a particular need for the inclusion of a question on the continuity of services in terms of access to mains water, electricity and natural gas, so as to reflect any deprivations that would not be revealed by merely asking whether households are connected to these networks. The collection of information on multiple dimensions in the same survey would also enable analysis of the interplay of different dimensions, their combined distribution and causal interrelationships, which would facilitate the formulation and monitoring of policies. It is to be hoped that the various efforts being made in the region, under the banner of the Statistical Conference of the Americas of ECLAC, or globally through initiatives such as the International Household Survey Network, will give rise to the greater availability of more useful and reliable sources of information that can adequately meet the growing demand for information. Alkire and olhers (2014) and Santos (2013). 1 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264267817-6-en 1450a186157d9437db2d5dfc062f56dc Technology development and technology-based start-ups and businesses, in addition to traditional communications and marketing agencies, have a central part to play in supporting the development of tourism and tourism policy in the region. Yet, rural tourism is, so far, under explored in Morelos and is missing an integrated strategy that would tackle the different dimensions necessary for its success. There were around 1 000 participants in these events. Lack of financing and access to credit as well as increased taxes and other costs are currently a major challenge for tourism SMEs. 11 1 3 0.5 10.18356/bee3dd14-en 1453cfdb27e32114820f9c84f9ec216b Climate change is closely linked to issues of social justice. Adopting an eco-social approach can promote transformative change by addressing distributional consequences of climate change policies (such as price adjustments, economic restructuring and employment changes) and by tackling the root causes of unsustainable development. Active citizenship, social movements and collective action are central elements in catalysing transformative change that addresses power asymmetries and inequalities. Integrating social dimensions more consistently into green economy approaches can also support climate change adaptation efforts as it will lead to improved adaptive capacities and more equitable participation in the transformation process. 13 0 3 1.0 10.18356/cc6ff508-en 145492bd99df8a9a1d5f0700fadd978c As inequalities become wider, marginalized and excluded groups face growing deficiencies in opportunities to expand and apply their capabilities and to influence the institutions and policies that determine the subsequent distribution. Antipoverty programmes have been opposed in some countries because they do not benefit the middle class, an important political constituency.150 One result is that redistribution programmes can have limited coverage among the poorest population and exhibit substantial leakage to the middle class and elites. Some programmes tie eligibility for transfers to employment in the formal sector in order to gain the support of the middle class.151 In Tanzania distributing vouchers for agricultural inputs disproportionately benefited the households of village officials, who received 60 percent of the vouchers.152 These approaches increase political support, but miss those who are most in need of support. 1 2 6 0.5 10.1787/9789264274648-6-en 1457761199a00c445b09b2d67a7d15a3 The city-region of Amsterdam then changed from a form of mandatory co-operation into the voluntary partnership of 15 municipalities that it is today whose primary function is the provision of regional transportation, excluding rail (Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal, 2012). The group has created a tool (Trans form City) that integrates stoiytelling, data-sharing, co-creation, participatory' democracy, crowdsourcing and crowdfunding. The project aims to engage citizens, businesses, organisations and the government directly in order to exchange information and ideas and collectively plan and change their city or neighbourhood. 11 0 7 1.0 10.1787/5jm3p5gl4djd-en 145dd30d6b7bd90a093add9816d45cb1 In the third quarter of 2012 real house prices started to show signs of rebounding again and in 2013 price-to-income ratios were above their long-term average in many countries (Andre 2010, BIS Quarterly Review 2014), suggesting that housing affordability might be starting to decline once again (Appendix Figure B.7). These trends hide important variations across countries. In 2013 price-to-income ratios exceeded their long-term average by over 10 % and were still rising in Australia, Austria, Canada, New Zealand, Sweden and the United Kingdom (OECD Housing Prices Database 2014', IMF Global Housing Watch 2014). 11 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5jxrclljnbxq-en 145ee99ad516f136f3bf11efea9af810 In the first climate change scenario, the UNFCCC assumed a 10% increase in research and extension funding and a 2% increase in capital formation, while the second climate change scenario assumed an 8.6% increase in research and extension funding and a 0.4% increase in capital formation. Based on the International Model for Policy Analysis of Agricultural Commodities and Trade (IMPACT) model calculation, the World Bank (2010) reports that approximately USD 7.6-7.7 billion is needed annually for agricultural adaptation measures in developing countries until 2050. One of the main indicators used in this study is the number of malnourished children. Climate change negatively affects food security and in both of the climate change scenarios used by the World Bank, the number of undernourished children increases by 2050. 2 2 5 0.42857142857142855 11.1002/pub/8041d0a0-bee6d3c8-en 14618b9c1d29bcd8276070c0ffc13a86 First, the devices are designed to use minuscule amounts of power. Such an understanding will create the environment for appropriate policy and regulatory actions by governments and also for the necessary innovations by operators and manufacturers. The necessary innovations include business process and pricing innovations. 10 3 0 1.0 10.1787/5jlwvz85537c-en 1462fb09c37c016b8173bbe65a0ff466 The most successful treatment for a rural bend is shown in Figure 6.6; it produced a reduction in mean speed at curve entry of 3.4 km/h as compared with no treatment. The countdown signs that were the most effective treatment for the approach to village entry, with a speed reduction of 4.7 km/h as compared with no treatment, are shown in Figure 6.7. The most effective solution for rural straight sections was very similar to the 2-1 concept. These speed reductions are highly significant in safety terms. However, a real-world evaluation to substantiate that the selected treatments worked in the real word has not so far been earned out. 11 1 3 0.5 10.18356/152d606d-en 146a9cb0b9df311653a87f716323d07e People with disabilities are also more likely than the general population to be victims of violence.135 And they may be less able to work and so are generally poorer than the rest of the population. Cognitive, intellectual or physical impairments can reduce their capacity to access information or act on it.136 They can be left behind during evacuations or be turned away by shelters and refugee camps on the grounds that they might need complex medical care. For instance, people with disabilities are also more likely to have less ability to work and thus are poorer than their counterparts without disabilities. 1 1 2 0.3333333333333333 11.1002/pub/807e55db-ec047466-en 146b50d24b46ddb177728edfe07e2630 Then we propose “ hashed scheduling method in Section 4.2, which can reduce the unused regions in the scheduling table for the asynchronous time-slot phase network shown in Fig. In this situation, the efficiency of the time-slot-based optical burst allocation is inefficient since many unused time regions remain in the time-slot scheduling table, as shown in Fig. This method is called local time-based scheduling (Fig. In the global time-based scheduling, we shift the time-slot-search start point by the value determined by the propagation delay along the optical burst route from a certain reference node, which is preselected in the netw ork. 7 6 1 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/09e92b30-en 147090a418f0fd00df3f534d8b49cb13 To this end, universal health coverage was strengthened in 2016 in order to simplify and unify administrative management. The local organisation of statutory insurance remains fragmented, though payments to providers for the different statutory schemes were unified in 2016 (Auvigne et al., Some statutory schemes have their own networks for revenue collection and may combine the management of health insurance and other social security spending (e.g. occupational risks, pensions and some family benefits). 3 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264238121-6-en 1473a2a7fa256f6d861c21c7e58b9cd8 This process, however, has not developed and deepened enough. The state plan is outdated; the state agency lost qualified staff and struggles to promote water reforms; the legislation for collecting water charges was approved but has not been implemented yet due to the drought and administrative burdens; river basin committees have lost connections with the State Water Resources Council; some segments of civil society are mobilised but water users are not fully active. Past attempts to implement the State Water Resources Management System failed, leaving behind harsh recriminations. 6 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264233911-2-en 14753aa8d7f9b6e0caa21df13544f368 Inefficient targeting can increase inequality when higher producer prices or subsidised cereals are not received by the intended beneficiaries. Buffer stock programmes that pair producer price support objectives with the objective of providing lower prices to consumers often achieve only one goal at the expense of the other. Schemes that raise prices for producers frequently lead to higher consumer prices, which is in conflict with the food security objective of the scheme. When large amounts of grains are acquired to build or replenish public stocks, world supplies can be decreased and hence world market prices potentially increased. 2 0 3 1.0 10.1787/2933d7d2-en 1476eaf8469b7d87d9ea223019961cf3 This can be explained by the fact that environmental protection and public spending on environment, including biodiversity, was traditionally viewed as a barrier, rather than opportunity for economic growth in Peru (MINAM, 2016b). Under the Law on the Creation of the Contingency Fund for Environmental Remediation (Law 30321, 2015), MINEM is authorised to make transfers to the National Fund of the Environment (FONAM) amounting to a maximum of PEN 30 million.13 Companies may also make contributions to the FONAM. For instance, the mining companies Buenaventura, Yanacocha, and Goldfields donated PEN 3 million to remediate the impacts from their activities in the Hualgayoc province (World Bank, 2016). The Contingency Fund for Environmental Remediation has a modest budget of PEN 50 million which is disproportionate to its ambitious mission. 15 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264277991-5-en 1478d6a54f5c6c238a7f1a785dbcc92a Therefore, the activities of MSMEs have been identified to negatively impact the environment and could erode their long term economic development. Though progress has been made, there is still a need for more sensitisation and support mechanisms to ensure compliance and commitment to environmental standards. The German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) together with the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) as lead executing agency implemented the Promotion of Green Economic Development (ProGED) project. 11 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264233911-3-en 147a4005836b2003ebcd5f071a034d9c The background to these findings is that various mechanisms are at work that determine the way in which agricultural policy measures affect farmers’ decisions and hence on production and trade. Typical examples are the impacts of policy-induced changes in output or input prices. When a policy raises the price of an agricultural product, it is profitable for the farmer to produce more of it. 2 2 2 0.0 10.1787/9789264097896-9-en 147f0e76d95deda4415da3ae1f059703 Half this cost is covered by the differential between the increased (+5%) electricity tariff paid by high-consuming domestic customers and the discounted tariff (-2.5%) paid by low-consuming ones. The remainder is covered by national and EU funds, and by the proceeds of the taxes on electricity consumption and on low energy efficiency lighting.12 Most of these resources are channelled to low-interest loans for investments in energy efficiency measures, “efficiency cheques” and the bonus for renewal of electric appliances (Section 4.2). Launched in 2008, the SGCIE broadens the scope of the 1986 Regulation for Energy Management to include a larger number of installations, thereby increasing potential energy savings. The SGCIE imposes binding energy audits: participating companies are obliged to implement multi-annual energy rationalisation plans to reduce their energy consumption and/or intensity, and to report periodically on their progress. 7 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/55fea2f6-en 147f936beaf4aa3e472fff7af10a7c29 As such, the initial development of the approach was very much inspired by similar motivations for this present study. The conceptual framework of the multidimensional child poverty approach reflects the notions of both child well-being and well-becoming, thereby stressing the importance of both current quality of life for children as well as their opportunities to prepare for adulthood. This combination of, usually, distinct theoretical concepts also allows for the use of both outcome- and opportunity-based indicators for the operationalization of the conceptual framework. 1 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/34a64e2c-en 1480ac437b59cbc11065ff6d60260447 The Convention covers women’s right to equality and non-discrimination in the areas of employment and economic life, as well as in civil matters, such as the conclusion of contracts and administration of property. It also requires States parties to ensure the same rights for both spouses in respect of the ownership, acquisition, management, administration, enjoyment and disposition of property. It includes, inter alia, a specific provision on fair wages and equal remuneration for work of equal value for women. 5 0 9 1.0 10.18356/5d345c92-en 14811005f76fe5ba560b229892637c3d With few savings and living in precarious circumstances, they have few buffers against shocks. Nevertheless, poor communities and their most vulnerable members can learn from past adversity and can even bounce back stronger and better prepared for future shocks - especially if they can rely on social protection schemes and inclusive and adaptive governance. Rural communities, for example, rely heavily on natural resources for their livelihoods and are at greater risks from droughts and floods. Poor urban communities in precarious housing, such as slum dwellers and those living on riverbanks, are also more exposed to hazards. 1 1 7 0.75 10.1787/9789264102637-10-en 1482b0567719e2f8be116fd0bf40341e In addition to the Water Act, there is also a specific law addressing regional water authorities. The priority of social and ecological needs that shall determine the distribution of available surface water in the event or threat of a water shortage shall be laid down by administrative order. Further rules shall be laid down by or pursuant to that order or, in cases designated in such order, by provincial order, regarding the priority referred to in subsection 1. These rules may also provide for application mutatis mutandis of that priority to the available surface water. 6 1 3 0.5 10.18356/f5ce8f94-en 14847452990d13ab324d4a4bbdd830ef Additionally, many CT programs target women as the main beneficiary, thus potentially affecting power dynamics within the household. To model these power dynamics, economists use variants of non-unitary household bargaining models in which an increase in a woman’s income (either earned or unearned as with a CT), may decrease violence by improving her bargaining power within the household (Farmer & Tiefenthaler, 1997; Tauchen et al. However, variants of the bargaining model also predict that an increase in women’s resources may put a woman at increased risk of IPV if men feel threatened and use violence to reassert authority in the relationship (Eswaran & Malhotra, 2011). 5 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.6027/9789289338974-12-en 1484f0c94c2e259bac0b73dc7d340265 "First, because it might have been assumed that this category would have ranked highest in women's perceptions and second because all age groups of men perceive that ""showing love and affection"" is an important contribution to the household. Eighty-eight hundred live in settlements (less than 500 inhabitants]. Since January 1, 2009 four regional municipalities were established from former 18 municipalities. In 1953 the Danish constitution abolished colonial status and secured Greenland two seats in the Danish Folketing (Danish Parliament]." 5 6 3 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264277335-7-en 14855211da23081d356482d310716f31 Accreditation should be made mandatory for all initial teacher education programmes in public and private universities as a step towards ensuring new teachers are well-prepared and qualified. A national examination should be introduced to recruit candidates to the teaching profession on the basis of more direct measures of teaching aptitude. A formal induction and probation period would help to ensure that beginner teachers are supported and those with potential remain in the profession. Establish a framework for teacher appraisal. 4 0 3 1.0 10.18356/f5ce8f94-en 148608eb4750c8c739e6eb6195a401f7 As collection of IPV measures in multi-topic surveys are likely to imply significant survey logistical costs, expanding the feasibility of experimental ‘light touch’ methods are likely to aid in understanding of dynamics in generalized programming (Peterman et al. We also found substantial evidence from related literature to support each step in the proposed causal chains, with the exception of increasing violence by exacerbating conflict over the consumption of temptation goods. According to our program theory, the economic security and emotional wellbeing pathway is the only one that exclusively reduces IPV; the other two may increase or decrease IPV, depending on whether additional cash aggravates or soothes relationship conflict and/or how men respond to women’s increased empowerment. 5 5 4 0.1111111111111111 10.18356/d19a5f58-en 1488674f4f842a61a4f904404398b1d9 Besides, according to this approach the weights will represent a subjective perspective to poverty, deprivation and well-being. However, as mentioned before on the discussion of the concepts of (child) well-being, this method is not used often, since it is not possible and/or suitable to attach a price to many of the aspects of well-being. Alkire and Santos (2010) assign an equal weight to each dimension (33.3% for each of the three dimensions) since, according to the authors, there are no compelling reasons to consider one dimension to be more important than another. The authors, however, use a different number of indicators in each dimension, which results in having different weights for the indicators, varying from 5.6% for indicators in the 'living standards' dimension to 16.7% for the health and education indicators. In the aforementioned analysis of four European countries by Roelen and Notten (2011) the authors use equal indicator weights. 1 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.18356/ea56e86b-en 1488d7623997f83ef6eb139fa8ddaf42 "This largely preventable, but life-shattering medical condition affecting primarily the poorest and most marginalized women and girls has rightly been described as “a stark reflection of inequality at its worst"".161 Its persistence in many developing countries reflects chronic health inequities and health-care system constraints, coupled with broader human rights violations facing women and girls, such as poverty, socioeconomic and gender inequalities, early marriage, early childbearing, and lack of schooling. Millions of women and girls need fistula treatment, but the lack of availability or access to services by skilled obstetric fistula surgeons prevents them from receiving it. In a bid to galvanize momentum to eliminate this medical injury, in October 2014, the report of the Secretary-General, supporting efforts to end obstetric fistula, was released with recommendations that could be implemented, primarily at the national level, to intensify these efforts, within a human rights-based approach." 5 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264077287-en 1489733420260ab606453fe0dfdb185b It identified priority action areas for achieving an efficient and sustainable economy, protecting the environment and natural resources, promoting socio-economic equity and providing a social safety net. It called for the inter-ministerial working group to help implement the plan, to track progress, and to promote joint activities. It also proposed the creation of a national committee for sustainable development, in effect an advisory board, comprising representatives of government, labour and management, and other non-governmental associations (OECD, 2000). 6 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/7a1f7b89-en 148a96e3bcdd9b74071eaa7441e0eb32 In those areas, those who can afford cars, who find them a more convenient option to low-frequency, inflexible bus services and who can safely operate them have already largely abandoned bus services - even if these services may feed into higher frequency and better quality public transport networks. Those bus users who remain are often captive users who have few alternatives. In these contexts, ride services can be (and have been) seen as a way to deliver the same trips as those delivered by some bus services but at lower overall costs. 11 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264283480-en 148f9ca874bbc8f2e90c91c627758306 Its medical doctors are also recruited from abroad (because there is no medical school in Luxembourg) and are ageing. Although Luxembourg residents tend to come back after professional education and training abroad, this creates a strong dependency on neighbouring countries and competition for scarce health professionals. Cost-containment measures focused on capping hospital expenditure by introducing global hospital budgets, substituting pharmaceuticals with less expensive alternatives and temporary freezing of service providers' tariffs. 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264083523-4-en 148fe6fb1773cc5708ab70f550d5dd83 Note that this is not a suggestion for a new co-ordinating structure, but rather a novel approach to co-ordinating and improving decision-making amongst existing players. A synthetic study of experiences with business models, with a mandate to examine those that best support integrated watershed management, would be appropriate. It is relevant to note here that each business model has costs and benefits, and that a broad range of variables (including the cost of regulatory and oversight requirements, accountability and management synergies) need to be considered in addition to financial issues. The scenario whereby infrastructure investment planning is led on a project-financing basis, and ease of financing becomes the over-riding criterion, should however be avoided. 6 0 3 1.0 10.18356/5f92cb4f-en 149081df6b68466852f9a8c65f09df4b Capacity support should focus on strengthening the skills of borrowers and lenders in identifying and implementing investments that enhance climate resilience and, where possible, contribute to emission reductions. Capacity support to lenders would focus on enhancing their understanding of risks in the agriculture sectors and developing customized agricultural financial products and services to support investments. However, by taking advantage of the trend towards mobile financial services, climate finance can support and further strengthen the development and roll-out of those services that address the needs of smallholders and SMEs for climate-smart investments in remote areas. International climate finance can be used strategically to leverage domestic public funds and private sector financing, as well as additional international public resources. 13 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264188617-en 1490f243d8481fc8859febe7489f5595 "In Europe, grid-level costs for wind onshore represent about 20-65% of the total electricity generation cost for dispatchable technologies, while even higher values are observed for solar and wind offshore; on average, grid-level integration costs for renewables account for about 50% of the total electricity production cost.21 As an illustration of the relation between plant-level and grid-level system costs, Figure 4.9 shows the total costs for the six technologies in the United Kingdom. This analysis, however, does not fully account for other important aspects associated with the introduction of the new technology into the electricity system. The reference system is a mix of conventional dispatchable technology such as gas (CCGT), coal and nuclear based on the respective shares in the national energy mix. The ""new” electricity system is constituted by variable renewable sources, at 10% or 30% penetration level, while the residual electrical load is covered by dispatchable technologies." 7 0 6 1.0 10.1787/9789264202924-9-en 14916674df856fce64f600b5dd19a87d The intention was to deal with consideration of cross-cutting issues, such as climate change, in a single process rather than using specific stand-alone impact tests. This tool has the potential to reduce administrative burdens from impact assessment and increase consideration of climate change beyond those currently undertaking assessment. As was the case with the Climate Impact Test, it is set to be applied both to new regulations and in cases of substantive revision to existing ones. 13 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264279551-6-en 14928db4b8fdb846b4905c56bdf8dd5c The Southwest United States should continue to vigourously apply policies already in place, but agriculture will need to adapt to drier conditions. Northeast China would need to reinforce and scale-up current policy initiatives, such as the use of water pricing to curb water demand, and decouple agricultural support from input use. Northwest India would need to overhaul existing policies such as energy subsidies and the promotion of solar pumps that may accelerate groundwater depletion. 6 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/644f1023-en 1493b27105c7872c62fb6727ea2b889e Hence, they started looking to communities for forest protection. The 1993 Forest Act legally recognized the autonomy of CFUGs over the management and marketing of forest products. In many cases, communities were given heavily degraded land for which tree plantations were considered the obvious solution to reversing any further environmental degradation. I-ater on, natural forests were also entrusted to communities. 15 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/8b39690f-en 1498efe01dbc7ff13db55cc56fb73f9d The Act empowers the NTEF to administer and implement the NGIS. The NTEF elaborates rules for the selection, assessment and approval of projects that would reduce emissions and would be reimbursed by the NGIS. The NTEF is authorized to operate widi the proceeds of the sale of AAUs, as a result of which the NGIS was established. 13 1 3 0.5 10.1787/eag-2018-15-en 1499cb9bb09e25333ab0e17d89bb4f4b See Source section at the end of this indicator for more information and Annex 3 for notes ( The availability of quality ECEC services and other provisions aiming at improving work-life balance give fathers and mothers greater opportunities to enter employment and to ensure that it is feasible for families to combine work and family responsibilities ([OECD, 2018,,,]; [OECD, 2011(21]) and (OECD, 2016[31). There is an increasing awareness of the key role that ECEC plays for children’s development, learning and well-being. 4 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264246010-4-en 1499e1503417ba57d0461e14a4fc08e4 "As the development expert Owen Barder has noted, “The figures suggest that the biggest causes of poverty are not lack of development in the country as a whole, but political, economic and social marginalisation of particular groups in countries that are otherwise doing quite well."" In some ways, it is. While cities have become increasingly plugged into the globalising economy, life in many rural areas has often changed little. These differences between urban and rural areas, or between different provinces and regions, reflect what are called spatial inequalities, and they can be a significant contributor to overall inequality in many developing countries. But there are also inequalities of opportunity - notably access to healthcare, education and jobs - that are perhaps more important. For example, in some emerging economies, enrolment in secondary education is much lower in rural areas than in urban, especially for girls." 10 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/1c6c11de-en 149d10c96803f7e5d31618c74ab99562 It may be restricted to specific uses or by-pass governments altogether; it may be tied to imports of goods and services from donor countries that limit its effect on the domestic economy; and significant amounts of donor funds could serve as a disincentive for governments to increase the effectiveness of their tax systems for mobilizing domestic resources. Current institutions of global economic governance are characterized by unequal power relationships that determine the space within which national governments can act, and not all players have an equal voice.141 Indeed, most existing institutions of global governance—for instance, the IMF, the World Bank, the G20, the United Nations and the World Trade Organization—exhibit clear power dynamics.142 Women's representation in the top decisionmaking bodies of these governance institutions is at best low and in some cases negligible (see Figure 4.8). Representation of women is, of course, no guarantee that issues of gender equality will be taken up in policy discussions and decision-making processes. 5 0 5 1.0 10.1787/9789264226159-8-en 149d77dba78bcc55207cfadc880ecd52 These objectives generally emphasise the holistic development of individuals, and stress the importance of nurturing individuals’ personality, attitudes and values along with knowledge and intellectual abilities. They also mention that a balanced development of these skills contributes to democracy, equality, freedom and peace. Table 5.1 summarises the types of constructs that appear in the identified policy statements. 4 4 3 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264290679-5-en 149effbb639f0c0c002518112b2decc5 After the project ended, the DSA has remained but lost much of its initial momentum. Research and innovation 3. Low-carbon economy 6. Environmental protection and resource efficiency 7. The programme has existed since Interreg IV (2007-13). In the period 2007-13, the OKS programme supported about 125 cross-border projects, which brought together around 400 partners from Denmark, Norway and Sweden (mainly universities, regions and large municipalities). 11 3 1 0.5 10.1787/9789264239616-4-en 14a04488ab2f5e8e626362d89a2aa323 First among these are the short-term costs that mitigation measures may impose on economic actors, whether firms or households. Recent evidence shows these costs to vary widely depending on which policy instruments are used, with taxes and emission permits usually resulting in lower abatement costs (OECD, 2013a).2 Reducing these costs further requires that signals and incentives for mitigation be coherent across policy areas, so that one set of policies does not undermine what the other is trying to achieve. In that regard, addressing climate change is as much about introducing new policies as it is about adapting existing ones. 12 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5jrxr7qx6ctb-en 14a047cf1be8fdedfcd5615569c76c1d For those requiring more comprehensive care, there are sheltered housing options that provide staff on either a full- or part-time basis. If the individual has an income, municipalities can charge for the housing service (rent and other care) on a sliding scale (Melke, 2010). Two-thirds were classified as “home-like”, while the remaining one-third was found to be “institution-like”. 3 4 1 0.6 10.1787/9789264267886-en 14a064ab7fd6861447435bc73fffdace The envisaged tax administration reform is therefore welcome, as are recent measures to avoid base erosion and profit shifting. However, reaping the benefits of such a reform will likely take time, and it is very uncertain how much extra revenue should be counted on. Therefore, additional taxes will be needed. Increasing recurrent taxes on immovable property and on environmental externalities, including greenhouse gas emissions, and scaling back reduced VAT rates and exemptions could potentially yield substantial revenues and would help to improve the quality of the environment and well-being. 4 4 1 0.6 10.1787/9789264168091-6-en 14a13616900f643fbac3da4bada3cf90 However, the 2010 legislation on the Mandatory Health Insurance system appears to have strengthened the role of the insurance system. This, in turn, may have contributed to the recent falls in mortality and lengthening of average lifetimes. However, given the rather short time since the introduction of these programmes, it is probably too early to judge the final outcome. Surveys (conducted by the Levada Center) show that the share of the population indicating that quality of health care provision had improved during the past year went up from 11 % in 2002 to 20% in 2008 (Table 3.3). 3 0 4 1.0 10.18356/bfebcb08-en 14a1e06188240a98312ada1479c06f9c Healthcare services in many cases need to proactively break down barriers that marginalize adolescents and youth, such as through free and confidential services, specially trained counsellors, and the dissemination of information through new technology or in places where youth may congregate. One priority would be programmes to meet young peoples contraception needs, since unintended and early pregnancy can derail education and possibilities to move into the paid workforce. Among other international commitments, this aligns with the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264259157-7-en 14a259e9ad158b847b81c4ce329e7e89 In all other country groups, the probability of full-time employment falls as the number of children rises. For mothers in these country groups, the association w'ith education largely follows that shown for the whole sample in Table 4.1: employed mothers with a high level of educational attainment are significantly more likely to work full-time than otherwise similar employed mothers with a low level of education attainment, all else held constant. Country Group 3 again stands out. Unlike the other three country' groups, the probability of an employed mother working full- or part-time does not differ across levels of education. 5 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/ad4de8a1-en 14a32d8c29d106f3ce107b56bb590ae6 This user group also causes a number of fatalities among other VRUs. At the other end of the spectrum, buses are the safest way of travelling along the road network. This should be nuanced, however, by observation of the lower number of fatalities per unit of population in those cities where people cycle the most. 11 1 4 0.6 10.1787/9789264235120-7-en 14a478d20735c36a89ac6a0edf75c6c3 Part-time wage differentials are related to the extent to which part-time workers are concentrated in low-wage occupations. Evidence suggests that much of the wage difference between part-time and full-time workers is explained by differences in workers and jobs, with differences in job characteristics such as occupation or sector being by far more important, and that the wage penalty might be small but rises over the working life, as a result of lower experience levels and accumulated human capital (Hirsch, 2005; Bardasi and Gomick, 2008; OECD, 2010). The under-investment in human capital associated with short-term contracts can give rise to lower wages for temporary workers. Another possibility is that workers accept lower wages with the expectation that this would be followed by more stable careers. 1 2 2 0.0 10.1787/5jxrclljnbxq-en 14a57ca81eb3b473cefb1d26e901c8bb More nuanced linkages with other sectors’ demands for water, such as livestock, would also allow for improved modelling of total water demand. The inputs from these models determine to a large extent the behaviour of crops under changing climate conditions in the IMPACT model. Muller and Robertson (2014) discuss the differences between these two crop models and their limitations when providing input to agriculture models, including IMPACT. 2 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264292062-8-en 14a617bf1b8bc1bda3d774f3f67126ec Meanwhile, women managers in Mexico represented 36% of total managerial employment in 2016, slightly above the OECD average of 32%. Unlike many other OECD countries, Mexico has not established a policy to enhance women's participation in corporate leadership. However, in 2017, a sub-index measuring the participation of women on boards was introduced in the Mexican Stock Exchange's Sustainability Index. 5 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264097896-9-en 14a87349a932a0ebbc2dd8038cc67353 The tax rates are higher for diesel vehicles in order to address their higher impacts on local air pollution; diesel cars with particle emissions equal or above 0.005 g/km are also subject to an extra tax (EUR 250). While the vehicle taxation reform is a step forward, taxes on purchase and ownership of vehicles are less efficient than fuel taxes and road charges in reducing emissions since they are more distant from actual vehicle use. Moreover, in the Portuguese case they provide very, and possibly disproportionately, strong incentives to abate C02 emissions compared to the incentives faced in other sectors of the economy (e.g. in those participating in the EU ETS): the tax rates rapidly increase with the level of C02 emissions/km and are much higher in Portugal than in other OECD countries (OECD, 2009b). The average C02 emission rate of new cars (average C02 emissions per km) sold in Portugal has greatly declined, at 135 g/km in 2009 compared to the EU average of 154 g/km. 7 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/6d9cd656-en 14a8841344876a263038214223eac3c5 During 2013 and 2014, the reference period of the household data used in this analysis, PES registration was not required for claimants of incapacity pensions in Estonia, though it was possible to register as unemployed on a voluntary basis. In January 2016, before the introduction of the Work Ability reform, only 13% of those who were registered unemployed were disabled (this had increased to 17% by August 2016 as more services for those with work-related disabilities started to be introduced as part of the Work Ability reform). As there are far more claimants of disability benefits than of unemployment benefits (see Figure 7), relatively few members of Group A would have been registered as unemployed in 2014. Work-related training is likely to be a key area of ALMPs for Group A. In general, low-skilled individuals have much lower employment rates in Estonia and the proportion of people who are under-skilled for their job is higher than the average for OECD countries (Figure 24). The proportion who are over-skilled is relatively low. 8 0 5 1.0 10.1787/env/outlook-2012-6-en 14aa545d5ddde3227a3f7fc12e29edc5 This could be done using market-based instruments like carbon taxes or emission trading schemes. These can provide a dynamic incentive for innovation, technological change and driving private finance towards low-carbon, climate-resilient investments. These can also generate revenues to ease tight government budgets and potentially provide new sources of public funds. For example, if the Copenhagen Accord pledges and actions for Annex I countries were to be implemented as a carbon tax or a cap-and-trade scheme with fully auctioned permits, in 2020 the fiscal revenues would amount to more than USD 250 billion, i.e 0.6% of their GDP. 13 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.18356/2dbc1481-en 14ab8dd2f3706384f91b98a016a6a038 As far as a breakdown of water consumption is concerned, large consumers are the industry for energy generation, the food processing industry, the chemical, metal, and non-ferrous industries, textile, etc. Industry capacities can be divided into two groups: industry connected to public water supply systems using water of high quality, and industry with its own water resources (spring, wells, river diversion, and reservoirs). Data on consumed water quality lack for the latter. In 2008, of the total intake of water for supplying industry and mining, approximately 92 per was surface water (69 per cent in 2005) and the rest was public sewage, springs and ground water. 6 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/935513ee-en 14abd1b1d06ff2cf8ea588d4294defbc This is a tool that allows states to cooperate over the exploration and exploitation of the resources, while temporarily shelving their disagreement over the border without jeopardizing their respective claims. For other human rights violations, 'internal' and 'external' grievance mechanisms are needed. Internally, extractive companies must have mechanisms to ensure workers have an effective recourse for complaints and injustices. 6 4 0 1.0 10.1787/5kg20639kgkj-en 14b40e9ae63ae5e9a67709b4baff4970 The figure also recognises that a skill ecosystem must be led by market opportunities and must be founded on the individual abilities of the labour force, all within a wider policy environment. These features are well recognised in the international literature on skills development in the green economy. This separation means that employers can be constrained (at least in the short-run) by skill gaps in the labour force, while potential workers can waste time and financial resources by investing in education that is out-of-date or produces skills for which there is no employer demand. 7 7 1 0.75 10.18356/11e28764-en 14b473f240287c63e6c18c9f2a55166d International Water Management Institute, Pretoria. Depressive symptoms in youth heads of household in Rwanda: correlates and implications for intervention. Archives of Pediatric Adolescent Medicine, 162(9), 836-43. Gender and Food Security: Towards Gender-Just Food and Nutrition Security. Overview Report, Institute of Development Studies, Brighton, UK. 2 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/1c6c11de-en 14b659511ceda31e1bf0b62f77232870 At the same time, the costs of collection have been lowered. The appropriate mix of taxes will vary from country to country depending on resource endowments, administrative capacity and the structure ofthe economy. However, all countries should be able to review the existing tax structure and tax base and identify reforms that would increase public resources. In order to manage the economic consequences of this resource boom, the Government has been considering the establishment of a Papua New Guinea Sovereign Wealth Fund (PNG SWF). 5 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5k9h296b1zjf-en 14b744cf783accbff8e8e8ee00906478 Data from household surveys face other limitations, discussed in Annex 1. Incidence issues are discussed at the end of this section. The poverty rate is defined here in relative terms, as the percentage of individuals with income below 50% of the median equivalised household disposable income. In some countries, most notably in the United States, official poverty statistics are based on an absolute poverty threshold. 10 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264180109-9-en 14b7ddb7dc33ad26bc6bf568bc95c36a In addition, PROFEPA and CONABIO have formulated an agreement to launch an offset-like programme (the Programme for Environmental Restoration and Compensation) that aims to compensate for regulation violations and accidents through the planned restoration or recovery of ecosystems and natural resources on site, or, if that is not possible, avoiding or mitigating damage elsewhere. More specifically, Article 2.306 of the code stipulates that when in-situ reparation of environmental deterioration is impossible, it will instead be subject to indemnification. Once the indemnification is determined, the amount is transferred to the Biodiversity Restoration and Preservation Fund (Fondo para la Restauracion y Preservation de la Biodiversidad), managed by CONAFOR. 15 1 3 0.5 10.1787/7ddddd07-en 14b9d99c62203afd63490baa0352e992 Some 80% of start-ups have at least one founder with a Bachelor’s degree and 13% have at least a founder with a PhD. The highest share of founders with a PhD (20%) can be found in the biotechnology sector. In terms of education, less than half of the founders have a STEM degree. Within the STEM field, 20% of the founders possess a computer science degree (4 600 start-ups), 15% have an engineering degree (4 200 start-ups) and only 1 520 of start-ups have at least one founder with a natural science degree. 5 3 2 0.2 10.18356/4b795325-en 14bddfad433cac193e7e869d4f54bbdb In 2008, there were only 429 Batwa students throughout the country who were attending high school, out of a total of 289,000 students. In 2006, just seven Batwa students were enrolled in university. Batwa women and girls in Burundi have reported being sexually harassed at school by male teachers or students or on the way home from school, resulting in unwanted pregnancies, poor academic performance and increased school dropout rates (Warrilow, 2008, p. 14). 4 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.14217/5jlz7nd44q8r-en 14be8824689a72c52a5c061bdc47f7d2 The ITP approach is to scan the trade and development landscape for areas where orthodox approaches are ineffective or where there are public policy failures or gaps, and to seek heterodox approaches to address those. Its work plan is flexible to enable quick response to emerging issues in the international trading environment that impact particularly on highly vulnerable Commonwealth constituencies - least developed countries (LDCs), small states and sub-Saharan Africa. 13 7 2 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/9789264236813-6-en 14c25a5b9f320b93a161ac0f9ccd69d7 As previously noted, the consequences of infrastructure and urban planning decisions have implications that last for decades. National fiscal systems, lack of funding, and regulations can encourage further carbon-intensive development. Capacity-building is also often essential to support effective urban design and private-sector engagement (OECD, 2015c). 7 3 5 0.25 10.1787/9789264117563-9-en 14c2e94e451630cb13bbfd98e12a1b2f In parallel, country-wide collections of the most important wild relatives of crop plants are being made, irrespective of any immediate danger they may face. This is necessary for an adequate representation of these species in the seedbank (MoEP, 2008, 2010a). The largest and most active are at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Tel Aviv University. 15 0 7 1.0 10.1787/agr/outlook-2010-3-en 14cecad6187b73e36e3b26d3d5ad46eb World per capita fish consumption is estimated at about 17.1 kg, with fish providing about 3.0 billion people with 15% of their average per capita intake of animal protein. Trade of fish and fishery products has significantly increased in the last decades, reaching a record USD 102 billion in 2008. In 2009, following the global economic recession, there was a contraction in demand, with a slight decline of fishery trade in both value and volume terms. 2 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/eb1a71a8-en 14d07d72e167546a784ec0f0e551c8e7 In this context, productive use is not merely additional to domestic use, but often complementary, as it helps smooth the time profile of electricity consumption: while the peak period for domestic use is the evening (for lighting and entertainment), productive use occurs primarily during the day. Accordingly, the expansion of productive uses of energy may also be conducive to supporting the penetration of variable renewable technologies, especially in the case of solar energy. In line with box 6.1, tackling supply-side constraints within a context of strong demand growth and investment dynamism is thus a key factor in successful development strategies. 7 0 5 1.0 10.18356/091e4d11-en 14d4b8089bdc12b45c374a43e636e434 The reliance on existing data sources leads to three data measurement issues that need to be borne in mind when interpreting the findings of this paper. Data availability: This report draws from two types of data sources: i) country-level indicators published on a regular basis through administrative or statistical series by bodies such as, for example, Eurostat and the OECD, and ii) nationally representative micro-data from household- or school-based surveys, such as the European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) and the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) survey. Where data is not already available, no efforts have been made to collect this data. 4 5 4 0.1111111111111111 10.1787/9789264276369-9-en 14d4c25bfc85a760d3f3ccee4762d441 Finally, it is important that policy instruments adopted across the innovation system are mutually consistent. In this respect, there is a need to adjust the performance-based funding system used at universities in a way that does not discourage industry-science collaboration. These programmes have been Finland’s biggest arena for industry-science collaboration. Budget cuts and the refocusing of much of Tekes’ start-ups and entrepreneurship support have resulted in the disappearance of most of this effort. 9 0 4 1.0 10.18356/cef10c20-en 14d4dad1b68656c5b7ce0aa9ddc45417 The defining characteristics of urban settlements (demographic size, density and socio-economic diversity) render them particularlydynamicspaces. Economics of scale in production, large markets for labour and goods, and the ease of information flows in urban environments enhance productivity and innovation. As the primary spatial interface between citizens and government, cities can stimulate vibrant political engagement. Moreover, the density and diversity of cities can encourage the emergence of progressive values and institutions that promote social cohesion. 11 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264230149-8-en 14d7ba631710ea4a83aba9e8a82f1c15 In particular, surface water interactions with groundwater, and the diffusion of pollutants at the regional level, are not always perfectly known. They do not explicitly cover risks to ecosystem resilience, subsuming them instead in the others. For example, flood control and water storage may rely on flood plains, wetlands or groundwater recharge, and water quality and wastewater treatment affect freshwater system resilience. A fourth subsection will discuss partnerships as a mechanism for implementing rural-urban co-operation. 6 0 3 1.0 10.18356/70095f8a-en 14dc669674537a5877b1d1e1049aaaac These barriers often interact with gender to create even greater disadvantages in learning opportunities (UN, 2015: 65-66). With merely 6.8 per cent of youth enrolled in tertiary education, sub-Saharan Africa lags far behind the global average of 30 per cent. In addition, tertiary enrolments have maintained a strong male bias in total enrolments over time in some sub-regions (figure 3.10). 5 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264208445-6-en 14dd9157765bfc497938d229c3f22586 Where available, outcome data show that all ATAPS services are producing significant clinical improvement for consumers. Update on the achievements of Tier 1 and Tier 2 ATAPS”, Centre for Health Policy, Programs and Economics, available at, accessed 4 September 2013. Evidence from Australia, for example, suggests that 64% of people experience their first episode of mental illness before turning 21, and 25% before the age of 12. 3 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264301085-3-en 14dda30110c6b4fc35dc28bcc09c7357 The larger impact of the global financial crisis on household incomes in some of these countries helps partly explain this pattern. For instance, the mobility of educational attainments between mothers and daughters tends to be lower than the mobility between fathers and sons, in particular in southern Europe and the emerging economies. In absolute terms, occupational mobility is also lower for women than for men, meaning that parents influence their daughters’ social positions more than their sons’. 10 3 2 0.2 10.18356/6546680a-en 14dec4bc6535e8be3eb20a32d4bbccb6 It also involves the presence of much better conditions than before for implementing the proposed policy framework. Since the ultimate goal is to create decent employment in sufficient numbers for all, the development of a dynamic private sector that can meet that goal will be greatly facilitated by the availability of a better educated and more adaptable labour force. The recent increase in LDCs' tertiary enrolment is certainly to be welcomed, but a significant part of that increase has occurred in private institutions with much higher user fees. 8 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/02e538fc-en 14e1e94f13605513055d969e2ed9b5b8 Thus, in Bangladesh, where the GDP per capita is USD 1 156, women allocate 56% of their time to unpaid care work when awake, compared to 40% in Peru and 33% in South Africa where the GDP per capita is USD 6 572 and USD 6 161 respectively (World Bank, 2017). As a country’s GPD increases, infrastructure is likely to improve and access to services increase, thus decreasing the time women spend on domestic and care tasks, such as cooking or traveling to health centres. As a result, women have more time for paid work and study as well as leisure and personal care, as South Africa and Peru demonstrate. 5 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.18356/47c7f9c4-en 14e2073abb63d25f8cd763dbe670c3a8 Poverty will rise among households depending on remittances7 and those employed in sectors such as construction (World Bank 2010b). These direct effects are followed by second order effects when families may be forced to reduce their investments in health and education as a response to lower purchasing power. An economic shock may also lead to social unrest, disrupt community and inter-ethnic relations or even bring down fragile governments (World Bank 2010b; Slay 2011). 1 0 3 1.0 10.18356/9c9efe4c-en 14e6456e42ed3b79afb0f8ece2cbd3fd The Commission also emphasized the need for governments to value, reduce and redistribute unpaid care work by prioritizing social protection policies, accessible and affordable social services and the development of infrastructure, including access to environmentally sound time- and energy-saving technologies. They have led to increasingly precarious livelihoods, with 1.2 billion people living in extreme poverty (United Nations, 2013a) and many more without access to basic services and social protections. Current patterns of growth have coincided with rising inequalities in wealth, income and capabilities worldwide, across and between nations (United Nations, 2013b; United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), 2013a). 5 5 3 0.25 10.18356/3afdf450-en 14e88af0a77680ded9ee92bf2ccf3325 This result is also confirmed by the most recent data analysed for this paper. Results for New Zealand are from Perry (2011) and refer to 2010, while for Japan the data are derived from Cabinet Office, Gender Equality Bureau (2011). Countries are ordered by increasing poverty among children living in lone parent families. Data on lone parents is lacking for Portugal. 1 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/42b33a50-en 14ec9adb08ef5dc0f190db2b895d6a34 It envisages the ambitious target of reduction of energy intensity by 50 per cent by 2030. The Comprehensive State Energy Conservation Programme until 2010provides for the enhancement of energy efficiency and competitiveness of national economy, the optimization of state energy balance through decrease of imported fossil fuels (natural gas) and their replacement with alternative sources of energy and secondary energy sources. It is responsible for development and implementation of the national policy in the area of energy efficiency, energy conservation, and development of alternative energy sources. 7 0 9 1.0 10.18356/9e86470d-en 14edf6c6b00ae87fc14014b0cd1bb5bb We need a shift in this thinking. Essential services such as health care and education require infrastructure. For communities and businesses to operate and thrive, they need access to goods and markets. Infrastructure must respond to societal needs, but it also should be evaluated for its long-term outcome, including the resources required to ensure longevity. Reliable forms of energy, the availability of potable water, education, safety and security, social and economic services—all of these are made possible through resilient infrastructure. 9 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5js65xnk52kc-en 14f38016cdbe3d1c38fc4288c98137b9 There is no clear path to an alternative energy future, or on the timing and cost of the transition to an electric future based on renewable energy. There is also competition between the existing technologies and other energy carriers (hydrogen, pure electric, plug-in hybrid, biofuels), and each may be supported by separate government interventions that to some extent exist in isolation. Improvements in the fuel efficiency of traditional internal combustion vehicles have been robust, accelerated by regulatory requirements and tax incentives, eroding the short to middle-term business case for fossil fuel alternatives, particularly if the energy used still relies on nonrenewable sources. 9 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264292697-5-en 14f41a8589e08a5a880af060af8432a4 Instead of streaming students into ability groups, teacher teams apply within-class differentiation, alternating between basic teaching for the whole class and add-on content for highly motivated students or extra support for less-motivated students. Generally, there are three teachers working with the group in the humanities, natural sciences and a vocational field, with at least one of the three having experience in teaching students with special education needs. As a result, there is less misconduct in classes, and low achievers have improved their academic performance. 4 0 4 1.0 10.18356/bf400991-en 14f469f587a35bb437abc480430b9454 Majority of cities in Africa, Asia and Latin America and the Caribbean allocate less than 15 per cent of land to streets in the city cores and less than 10 per cent in the suburbs. Out of 40 cities analysed from these regions, 7 cities allocated more than 20 per cent of land to street in their city core. Regionally, sub-Saharan African cities have less space allocated to open public spaces (43 per cent). 11 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264097896-9-en 14f4a2e47e7e393380f9aa338ad69424 Its expected further growth makes it the greatest challenge to Portugal’s energy efficiency and climate change policies. During the review period, air passenger transport experienced the fastest growth. Road transport is the dominant transport mode: cars account for about 85% of passenger travel and heavy good vehicles for 95% of freight haulage, above the respective EU averages. 7 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/saeo-2017-8-en 14f6e16994d8c789f3d25c76f05e2874 These three countries accounted for more than 60% of the total greenfield FDI received in the region in the renewable energy sector. Brunei Darussalam and Singapore are two of the least attractive markets for the renewable energy sector (USD 409 million and USD 946 million, respectively). Other OECD members: Australia; Canada; Israel; Japan; Mexico; New Zealand; Korea; TVrrkey and the United States. Other economies: Argentina; Chinese Taipei; Hong Kong, China; Russian Federation; and Saudi Arabia. It is, however, important to note that the United Kingdom represents by itself one third of the investments from European countries and more than 17% of India’s FDI in this sector. China and the United States, followed by Japan, Malaysia and the Republic of Korea, are the next main investors in the region, particularly in India, which welcomes more than half of their FDI. 7 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264119284-6-en 14f8ec1fadcbbfd3e9143d94d6ba3f1f The plan is carried out by the National Water Committee under the authority of the Minister for Environment. Policies to reduce the impact on water resources of agricultural contamination are also carried out in collaboration with agencies dependent on the Ministry of Environment (ONEMA, water agencies, deconcentrated services of the ministry of environment, etc.) In addition, the New Start for Fresh Water policy is jointly led by the Ministry for the Environment and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, which enables these two departments to co-ordinate the interface between water and agricultural policies at the central government level. 6 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264267817-6-en 14f9a32653bb911f926a25b9c9ce4653 In addition, two connection options through Morelos may be envisaged. One of them would be a road that runs through Cuernavaca, reaches Zacatepec and continues up until Iguala, for which there is a rehabilitation project undertaken by the federal government. The second would be a new road going from Zacatepec to Cuautla. However, such projects may be substantially hindered by railway companies. They could negotiate an agreement with railway companies to achieve conditions that suit the specific requirements and parameters of the automotive industry'. This agreement would require the support of relevant state governments and the federal government. 11 4 4 0.0 10.1787/9789264245129-4-en 14fbcabfedc73527c3c86a54ab027c8d Through their interventions and investments, GIBs are demonstrating to private investors that commercially successful investments are possible and happening now. The size of the (currently) largest GIB is expected to be approximately USD 7 billion at final capitalisation, while Germany’s KfW invested approximately USD 56 billion in 2015 in “domestic promotion”, including but not limited to “special programmes to foster the use of renewable energy, to increase energy efficiency and to promote innovative technology companies”. This smaller size is not preventing GIBs from mobilising significant private investment, however. Some GIBs like the UK Green Investment Bank, Australia’s Clean Energy Finance Corporation and the Connecticut Green Bank are successfully targeting institutional investors - notably pension funds, insurance companies, sovereign wealth funds and mutual funds - for co-investment in funds and other transactions. These investors represent a large pool of capital and an increasingly important alternative source of financing for LCR infrastructure investment, as examined in other OECD reports. 9 1 4 0.6 10.1787/9789264235120-8-en 14fdfe9ad129868b6666098e3b08b7e2 And what role did female participation, employment intensity and job characteristics play in the upward trend in household income inequality? To answer these questions, it is useful to simulate a series of counterfactual distributions of household income. The counterfactual exercise builds on the results from a decomposition approach based on Firpo et al. ( 5 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/9abbeac5-en 1503d9fec0d66f0d956ea76099083aa4 In addition, global inequalities mean that actions and omissions by the more powerful States will have adverse repercussions on the capacities of smaller and less powerful States to meet their human rights obligations. The fiscal deficits that resulted from the crisis have led both developed and developing countries to cut back on public social expenditure, which is threatening to increase poverty and gender inequality.74 There is a need therefore for a set of principles on extra-territorial obligations that provides standards to make governments, international financial institutions, intergovernmental organizations and transnational corporations accountable for actions that affect the realization of rights across the world. This issue is discussed in more detail in Chapter 4. But how can these principles be made real so that they define state action on the ground? Some would argue that there is a paradox here: States, which are seen as the main duty-bearers and guarantors of rights, may have neither the capacity nor the political will to protect and promote rights. 5 6 3 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/401c524c-en 150560329ae42b882f4f6d625f705bc6 It is important for the organization to reflect on how to leverage its added value to enable interventions that promote deeper structural changes. The Bangladesh ADR noted that UNDP can play a much more strategic role in advocacy for this deeper structural change, even in challenging contexts. One reason for this is the lack of a uniform results framework at the corporate level (such as the GRES or Gender@Work framework) to provide guidance on how to capture such results. Another challenge is lack of a common understanding of what constitutes gender-transformative or gender-responsive results. Annual results-based management reporting has encouraged provision of system-wide data focused on numbers of men and women in projects and programmes. Yet numbers simply reconfirm a gender-targeting approach. 5 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264088986-en 150572ee9b59f2c35488f86e5a062c0b Most of the latter moved to the centre of Israel which offers better labour market opportunities and higher salaries. For example, in 1980s and 1990s, there were more than 40 policy plans prepared by three separate governmental offices in addition to the Jewish Agency and two other national authorities. Numerous other plans have been formulated by various interested parties (Katz, 1982; Yiftachel, 1992; CHE, 1993; Placing the North in the Center, 2007; Goldshmidt, 2008; Horovitz and Brodet, 2008; Makov Report, 2009).11 A lack of co-ordination, together with significant fragmentation and conflicting approaches to planning and goals between the various agencies explains why so many of the plans were delayed or failed to be implemented (Yiftachel, 1992.) 4 3 0 1.0 10.1787/budget-17-5j8sd88t3sr3 1506c674cdce3719e4a561482e66a846 In particular, provinces with lower utilisation rates have a higher expenditure per patient day and visit. This negative association is suggestive of under-utilised capacity in some provinces, and is consistent with evidence elsewhere (see Adam et al 2008 for further discussion on patient caseload and cost curves). They both show a negative association between expenditure per person (uninsured) and utilisation rates. 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264208292-6-en 150a7bb8827f91a6957bdbd4809a1da0 The second component is the Environmental Planning and Management Information System (SIPGA), which covers policy responses. However, further efforts are needed to fully integrate the various elements and to ensure the quality and coverage of the component parts. At the national level, the Institute for Hydrology, Meteorology and Environmental Studies (IDEAM) is in charge of coordinating the efforts of the various actors involved in its implementation (which include other research institutes, the National Parks Authority and ANLA). 6 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264247567-7-en 150c5f4437c6e7b0599c7a773786f0de It deals with the level of resources available for school education and revenue sources. Furthermore, it discusses budget planning, the monitoring of funds’ use as well as incentives for the effective use of school funding. The chapter places particular emphasis on areas of priority for the Slovak Republic such as the low levels of public expenditure on education, funding incentives to improve the effectiveness of the school network, equity implications of funding approaches, and the public funding of non-state schools. Special attention is given to the analysis of the formula used to fund individual schools in the Slovak Republic. The chapter also reviews the autonomy of schools in the use of their funding, the management of school budgets and parental contributions. It deals with the level of resources available for school education and revenue sources. 4 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/eff3a8cf-en 150d07b74a3d498d523fa88ea385347b The Paris Agreement requires all Parties to undertake and communicate national mitigation and adaptation measures to respond to the threat of climate change. In addition, developed countries are required to provide and report on financial assistance, technology transfer and capacity-building support to developing-country Parties to the Agreement. For their part, developing countries are expected to provide information on the support needed and received. 13 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.14217/9781848599178-5-en 150ee8fdd0357ceb97ad1a3a1ffb0f76 Our driver within the three pillars of sustainable development must include institutional reform and strong means of implementation - Prime Minister’s address at Rio+20, available at: (accessed 18 February 2014). The energy sector, through its links with the other sectors, was deemed to be the major driver for green economy implementation. The cost of energy is a key variable in the tourism and hospitality sector, as well as in the agriculture and agribusiness sector. The viability and economic transformation potential of these two sectors hinge directly on developments in the energy sector, especially the cost of energy. 6 4 0 1.0 10.1787/5k46dbzhrkhl-en 151075c822cd1933c5f08941e07aaecb Programmes such as this - which include the people who are most dependent upon natural assets, are vulnerable to climate hazards, but who are potentially the managers of environmental services -offer much learning for a more widespread approach to inclusive green growth. A climate change impact and vulnerability assessment has already been undertaken for Addis, using UNDP and IPCC climate change impact assessment guidelines, and a city-level resilience plan has already been drafted. As part of the C40 commitment, the municipal authority is also examining the sustainability of urban land use and actions are already taken to scale up urban green areas. Furthermore, outreach campaigns have also been carried out to make Addis’ citizens aware of the benefits of saving water and other natural resources (CDP, 2012). They were developed, mostly prior to the conceptualisation of a national green growth strategy, to suit local circumstances. 13 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264102637-11-en 15140e09a5d9ad20986ec8a90e1b88b0 Drinking water companies charge a user fee for the services provided, which partly depend on the amount of water used. Within these regions, there is no explicit cross-subsidisation between urban and rural areas, because payments are mainly based on the use of water services. Although, since part of the levies (of regional water authorities) are related to property values, urban areas (with typically higher property values) and higher income groups might contribute relatively more. 6 0 3 1.0 10.18356/22758cf4-en 1515d3276441233bdc821849d5348894 "The “Impluvium d’Evian"" Ramsar Site provides an important habitat for invertebrates, in particular for two butterfly species, the Large Heath Butterfly and the Cranberry Fritillary, whose populations are in decline everywhere else in the region. Different species of orchids, such as the Fen Orchid, can be found. The latter is also threatened by the increase in abundance of invasive species such as the Japanese Knotweed." 6 3 2 0.2 10.18356/1c11fde8-en 15164c0acf89967b6cc2c6b2603638f7 In 2014, Bhutan witnessed the highest number of drug cases ever registered by the authorities (644 cases). The great majority (90 per cent) were related to the possession of controlled substances. Cannabis, which in addition to being cultivated also grew in the wild, was the most common drug of abuse. 3 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264179370-6-en 151d9b80da4c2521b185b97090c5b38b For detailed information on the database, see Demirguc-Kunt and Klapper (2012). The selection of countries is restricted to those 18 sub-Saharan countries whose surveys include detailed information on business ownership by gender. Enterprises are defined as women (men)-owned if the majority of the owners are female (male). 5 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.6027/9789289331777-4-en 151e16ea70fd5a20d5e4ffd8549a61b2 The primary theoretical challenge for constructing such a composite would be how to weigh the two components of the index. One approach would be to put the subsistence harvest in money terms with a “price of subsistence foods.” If subsistence harvest were perfect substitutes for store-bought food, an average meat price in the region might be used. The choice of a weight should be based on serious analytical effort. 1 4 3 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264190658-9-en 151ef80098477374f6c7f258b9bb4a3c It has been considered as a model for other countries who are interested in standards-based certification systems for teachers (Harris and MacKenzie, 2007; Ingvarson and Hattie, 2008). Nearly all states in the United States allow teachers to take the NBPTS examination as a mechanism for increasing their salary, by tying National Board Certification to higher salaries. As of October 2012, the National Board had certified 97 000 teachers nationwide, and more than 6 000 became National Board certified in 2011. The Certification is good for ten years and then the teacher must reapply. 4 0 3 1.0 10.18356/55fea2f6-en 151f4edeefa7f56951dba5bc37f60a52 Moreover, depending on the policy domain and audience, one (set of) indicators could be more pertinent: indicators reflecting neighbourhood conditions and access to services are relevant from an urban planning perspective whilst issues of financial strain, housing problems and income poverty are more closely linked to social (protection) policy. In sum, there are strong grounds on which to analyze the different domains of child poverty in conjunction with each other to get a comprehensive and diversified picture. This paper takes a microperspective to analyze the degree of overlap across indicators of both monetary and multidimensional child poverty, thereby combining the debates on child poverty and those on overlap of poverty. This requirement is fulfilled by the EU Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) data. 1 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264102637-9-en 151ff0e6fc307da64a9986d76882a903 It considers the municipality as the most important competent authority to deliver most environmental outcomes, and proposes far-reaching possibilities for higher authorities (provinces and central government) to regulate environmental issues. To that effect, the Environmental Planning Act (under discussion) introduces six core instruments clustered around strategic vision documents, plans and programmes; decentralised regulations; rules of the central government for certain activities; the environmental permit; and the project decision. The underlying regulation of the act will integrate the assessment framework and the conditions for activities that need to be regulated (general rules, permits). 6 5 0 1.0 10.1787/5km5zrs4kc6l-en 15219a33832d0ba663e980e9f1157d38 To reduce the probability of severe climate change impacts and costs occurring, global GHG emissions need to be reduced substantially over coming decades. The United States agreed to a global political agreement to reduce GHG emissions that was acknowledged at Copenhagen (COP 15) in December 2009 and negotiations are continuing to work towards binding emissions-reduction commitments by all countries. In view of the scale of emission reductions called for, it is vital that the United States adopt a cost effective and comprehensive climate change policy. The current Administration is endeavouring to put such a policy package in place. 13 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264187894-6-en 1524905f6dcda95dbbc86e3055de0ba8 Contrary to other sub-sectors, such as irrigation, direct federal funding in support of capacity building activities for river basin organisations is currently prohibited by the federal programmes’ rules of operation. However, in recent years some progress has been made towards more capacity building for river basin councils and organisations. When CONAGUA was created in 1989, it inherited 35 000 employees, including 2 700 middle management positions. 6 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264281936-8-en 15278859a4e067e49583bbc3d809d642 Frequency: 16% of metropolitan areas in the OECD. Cities that exceed a legally defined population threshold can be upgraded into a special status as “metropolitan cities”, which puts them on the same footing as the next upper level of government and gives them broader competencies. Frequency: 8% of metropolitan areas in the OECD. Data from the OECD’s Metropolitan Governance Survey (2014) indicates that more than two-thirds of OECD metropolitan areas (178 out of 263, or 68%) currently have a metropolitan governance body (OECD, 2015). 11 1 3 0.5 10.18356/a2206e44-en 152841b2b8a3a05896601b16031fee95 It can also improve agricultural productivity (e.g. through irrigation), fisheries and fish farming, and enable the processing of agricultural and fish products (e.g. grinding, milling). Moreover, it may create new trading opportunities, for instance for perishable produce (by providing refrigeration). Evaluations of the impact of electrification show that the provision of lighting and power can unleash new productive activities or extend the length of the productive day. Many of these activities are undertaken by women, thereby increasing their chances for income generation and economic empowerment (Lallement, 2008). 7 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/47c7f9c4-en 152a5392f46447682cee7731a5f994c8 High food and fuel prices threaten the sustainability of existing social protection programmes from two sides. The costs of food assistance and energy subsidies increase, while at the same time government revenues from taxes and tariffs decrease (Ortiz et al. High consumer prices erode the value of cash transfers thereby further reducing the already meager impact of these programmes (Ortiz et al. 2011).The systems are characterized by large exclusion errors and in some countries sizeable inclusion errors. 1 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264179011-7-en 152b3f53fcda1534f1b7d3250e9cf016 The government attempted to stabilise prices by imposing sweeping controls on food trade and marketing, selling off its food stocks and providing BULOG with a favourable exchange rate at which to import large quantities of rice to meet the domestic shortfall. From mid-1997 to mid-1998, the government managed to keep domestic food prices at 50-60% of import parity levels. However, capital flight led to a shortage of foreign exchange and the depreciation of the rupiah, greatly increasing the fiscal costs of importation. Further, the difference between domestic and international prices led to large-scale smuggling of rice and other food goods out of the country. 2 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264203525-7-en 152ba34fca39775dc2362459f8890e9d Among other things, this will brought about through a green development and demonstration programme, aimed at increasing the co-ordination between research, innovation and demonstration in agro- and aquaculture and food sectors. At the same time, DKK 145 million per year has been earmarked for green investments, while the Action Plan for the Promotion of Environmental Technology 2010-11 includes DKK 225 million dedicated to the development of green agricultural technologies. The limit on the number of animals on a farm and the requirement that a farmer must have a certain amount of land in relation to the number of animals on his/her farm has been removed. 13 5 4 0.1111111111111111 10.1787/9789264210745-6-en 152cb0142c876797004a774770b37000 It strives to include a diverse number of voices and views in the policy-making process. While inclusive policy making enhances transparency, accountability and public participation and builds civic capacity, it also offers a way for governments to improve their policy performance by working with citizens, civil society organisations, businesses and other stakeholders to deliver concrete improvements in policy outcomes and the quality of public services. Building awareness and understanding among policy makers of the potentially different effects of policy choices on men and women is key to inclusive policy making in various domains. 5 0 5 1.0 10.1787/eco/surveys-fin-2012-5-en 1534837bc45db06167309194867fce35 Policies to encourage municipality mergers should strengthen the primary care sector. Reforms in the organisation of the hospital sector and emergencies should also improve quality of care and efficiency. Concentration of activity in health centres of sufficient size would generate higher volumes of care conducive to optimal medical practice and economies of scale. Larger health centres can afford more advanced medical equipment, recruit staff more easily and build a stronger medical knowledge base. 3 0 7 1.0 10.18356/4b795325-en 1535a03270d7448b6142f39cf5fa3ebd The fact that some indigenous groups consider education a luxury presents a challenge for teachers. To cater for the needs of the children, teachers use the alternative basic education system which responds to the special needs and constraints of pastoral life. The system provides flexible school hours, which allows pastoralist children to fulfil their household responsibility for herding cattle towards water and pastures while still having time for school (Sewunet, 2014). Further, there is continuous enrolment throughout the year as a means of encouraging children to attend school, as well as campaigns aimed at convincing parents to send their children to school. 4 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264190672-9-en 15392f81dbd15f4061eede3fb8b17e54 The second - the major teaching practice - happens mostly in special Teacher Training Schools governed by the universities, which have similar curricula and practices as normal public schools. Some student teachers also practice in a network of selected Field Schools (normal public schools). Primary-school teacher-education students devote approximately 15% of their intended study time to practice teaching in schools. In subject teacher education, practice teaching comprises about one-third of the curriculum. 4 0 7 1.0 10.1787/da48ce17-en 1539549c89dd791863ea2546db075e72 In D. Bours, C. McGinn, and P. Pringle (Eds.), Monitoring and evaluation of climate change adaptation: A review of the landscape. New Directions for Evaluation, 147, 117-127. Draft National Adaptation Monitor- A monitoring and evaluation framework for the National Adaptation Strategy, Policy Study]. Report for the Republic of South Africa Department of Environmental Affairs. Systeme de suivi et evaluation de la vulnerability et de I’adaptation au changement climatique. 13 3 6 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/864d004f-en 153d7826faba07598c5bc97cc8496f80 Companies engaged in the sector are subject to a fee of 2,000 dirhams (US$247) for an exploration permit and 7,000 dirhams (US$864) for an exploitation permit, as well as an annual tax of 6,000 dirhams (US$740) in the case of long-term concessions (up to 75 years). Supplementary levies apply on renewal of permits and concessions. Since 2004, the mining sector has benefited from total exoneration of VAT paid on purchases of diesel used by road freight transport vehicles. A “depletion allowance” (provision pour reconstitution de gisement) for the mining sector was abolished in 2008. 6 4 2 0.3333333333333333 10.14217/9781848591561-7-en 153f58140e77fefe6af2793350a0514b Nearly 70 per cent of the clients come from so-called ‘backward castes’. Almost half of the clients are street vendors or day labourers with the rest made up of small enterprises, including tailoring, rope making and small dairy activities. At the end of the financial year 2011-2012, the total advances of the Bank stood at INR 264 million (US$4.95 million) while total deposits amounted to more than INR 400 million (US$7.5 million). It offers innovative products such as daily, weekly and monthly savings products, mostly tiny amounts, as well as credit facilities with daily, weekly or monthly repayment facilities. The Mann Deshi model revolves around the daily collection of small deposits through a network of agents who go door-to-door to meet clients. 5 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264168367-4-en 15403276adde43a2ed2a463a61d388ae They conclude that reducing worklessness (and promoting work by raising the number of two-earner families) is unlikely to be sufficient to reduce child poverty. Instead, reducing work poverty is also likely to be a central plank of any policy strategy to reduce child poverty, in particular as policies “of encouraging employment [are] likely to be a pre-requisite for public and political support for more effective redistribution to the poor”. For single parents, a third and potentially important source of income is child support. Across OECD member countries, however, obligations for child support and the effectiveness of its collection vary widely. 1 0 5 1.0 10.1787/how/life-2013-8-en 15421707413ca194659a63afd883b7de The indicator shown in Figure 4.13 Panel A is based on data drawn from the European Quality of Life Survey (EQLS) referring to the following question: “From whom would you get support if you needed help when looking for a job?” Figure 4.13 Panel B refers to the following question: “From whom would you get support if you were feeling a bit depressed and wanting someone to talk to?”, The question whether one gender is more vulnerable to the effects of violence than the other has been only limitedly explored (Romito and Grassi, 2007). The few results available to date are inconclusive. 5 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/eco/surveys-hun-2012-7-en 1547050502eb8087775d6985cc40fa05 There is a trend towards introducing greater accountability for quality and efficiency in provider payment systems, which generally requires a combination of fee-for-service, pay-for-performance and capitated payments. The optimal combination of these systems, however, needs be decided by the authorities on practical grounds. There are welcome steps taken to align outpatient and homogenous disease group (HDG) points so that therapeutically equivalent treatments are rewarded equally regardless of the setting in which health services are offered. 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264262959-en 15480549dcb28f3891b2ed47c1b1a8c2 Our recent efforts have included the OECD Recommendation of the Council on Gender Equality in Education, Employment and Entrepreneurship; the OECD Recommendation of the Council on Gender Equality in Public Life; and the report Closing the Gender Gap: Act Now. An overview of our data and ongoing work can be found online at the OECD “Gender Data Portal”. The OECD also recently contributed to the G7 “Guiding Principles for Capacity Building of Women and Girls: Towards Sustainable, Inclusive and Equitable Growth and Peace”. We are indebted to the President of Chile, Michelle Bachelet and the Ambassador of Chile to the OECD, Claudia Serrano, who were instrumental in supporting this project and to Maria de la Paz Lopez Barajas of INMUJERES in Mexico, who offered feedback on this report. 8 5 2 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264247826-5-en 15485e8ae21ad97ecf3195535cece34f Farmers play a central role in developing and adopting innovation and will do so in response to related benefits. First and foremost, governments need to ensure a market and regulatory environment that is conducive to the development, distribution and application of appropriate methods and technologies. This environment also needs to enable private and public investors to make choices on which issues to focus in a world which is characterised by uncertainties. The availability of relevant information and undistorted market signals for decision makers, foresight activities, and networks involving all relevant stakeholders are therefore of key importance (Lopes, 2012). 2 5 4 0.1111111111111111 10.1787/5jrqcn5fpv0v-en 1549ee4b653107d477914d99c278f57f This analysis showed that obesity prevention strategies produce two main effects: (a) they increase the number of person/years lived in good health (diseases are prevented or delayed); and, (b) they increase the number of person/years lived with chronic diseases (survival with disease is extended). However, the net effect of the prevention strategies examined in the working age population was an overall decrease in the number of years lived with chronic diseases, while an overall increase was observed only in the oldest age groups (80+). The monetary value of the potential production gains was generated by each prevention strategy, based on published estimates of the value of absenteeism and presenteeism (Goetzel et al., 3 1 4 0.6 10.1787/5jm0xdx0b06g-en 154a9a03541750d43fec3176bcf4c9f5 Some of the recommendations of the expert commission are highly consistent with OECD best practices. To make the pension system more sustainable and improve replacement rates, the required contribution rates should be gradually raised from 10% to 14%. In addition, to make the system more inclusive, reforms could focus on increasing the level of the solidarity pension (available to the bottom 60% of households), to improve replacement rates, notably for women and the poor. The reform should increase the statutory retirement age, equalising the retirement age of men and women at 65 years, and periodically review the retirement age to be consistent with life expectancy. 5 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264204362-8-en 154ab309f3e301956d4d490ccf7880cd It monitors the implementation of policies that are under the authority of MSES: pre-school education; primary, secondary and higher education; science culture and technical culture; international scientific and technical and technological co-operation; protection and use of cultural resources, historical materials and heritage; archives and archival materials, and the commemoration of historical events and persons; co-operation with religious communities; information technology; and other matters of education, science and culture. It consists of three prominent scientists from abroad whose main task is to provide advice and technical assistance to improve the efficiency of the science and higher education system. Its purpose is to facilitate the hosting of foreign researchers participating in research projects in Croatia. The Code of Procedures for the Approval of Temporary' Stay permits foreign researchers to work in private and public research and education institutions without a work permit. 9 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264281936-8-en 154e1248d645914d1b0b4db3aa04f540 Prague’s spatial evolution was shaped by its changing economic function, and by its role first as the main city of Bohemia and later as a principal city in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and ultimately as a national capital. Importantly, during most of this period, land markets had played a major role in determining land uses. By the end of World War II, the result was an urban core with a variety of high-value commercial and residential buildings, built in various periods, that provided a high level of cultural and historical amenities, and a surrounding ring of manufacturing establishments and worker housing that reflected the role of the region as a major industrial manufacturing centre. Prague’s role as a manufacturing hub was further enhanced by the introduction of a socialist state that was embedded in the larger economic structure directed by the Soviet Union. 11 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264190658-9-en 154ea94e3dac977c7d6ee7655ba262ba The NBPTS is designed to consider a wide range of teacher competencies, using videos submitted by the teachers to appraise classroom practice and along with portfolio entries focused on teaching practice and constructed response assessments of content knowledge. Submitted materials are reviewed by trained teachers who are experts in the teachers’ content areas. In the United States, the NBPTS has been the chief means of certifying that classroom teachers are performing at high levels. 4 1 3 0.5 10.1787/5kghx3kbl734-en 15507ca416852641c41393fdbc3c7351 At lower secondary stage (Years 8 tolO), teachers award marks for each subject twice a year. In upper secondary school, teachers conduct continuous assessment, and students sit cnd-of-ycar examinations (UNESCO. The central authority on evaluation advises that assessment should be used as an instrument for managing learning, and not as a tool for selection. There is an increasing emphasis on assessment of skills rather than knowledge and facts (UNESCO, 2007). 4 0 3 1.0 10.1787/f7e0c69c-en 1550b4a8b08742c7445b375133355ebd The second option is to predict a macro-variable gender differences using only individual-levels factors xt to estimate equation 2 for each country separately. It allows for country-specific variation in the gender happiness gap, considered as a societal effect that could vary according to the country and its definition of gender roles. It assumes the gender happiness gap being related to sociological construction rather than a biological effect associated with sex differences that would have involved a similar difference across countries. In particular, the collection of information on gender-based discrimination in social institutions is recent, and as such the SIGI is only available in one wave, thus limiting our empirical study to a cross-country analysis. 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5k8xb6hw1wjf-en 1550f03f0a93947696a7de4a9f08d16d Such schemes are more likely than flat-rate payments to prompt high earners and men to claim part of their entitlements. However, as leave payments do not fully replace the leave-taker’s wage, and since women often earn less than their partners, they are still more likely than men to take up all, or most, of the leave entitlement. Figure 5 shows the differences in public expenditure per childbirth when all types of leave and “birth grants” are considered. 5 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/rev/fish-2011-6-en 1555b5c939c0a6f13be67182c7619ab9 Many were developed to help operationalise international food safety standards and to verify compliance against them. In contrast, many eco-labelling schemes preceded any public standard or guidelines specifically related to eco-labels. Indeed, the FAO guidelines on eco-labels were developed in response to an anticipated proliferation of private eco-labelling schemes. 14 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/empl/outlook-2015-7-en 15560f4f1c40effe3281ebec7d081899 Such statistics are, however, difficult to compare due to different national concepts of collecting and processing information (Fuller et al., The information in this sub-section is based on a questionnaire sent by the OECD to member countries during the course of 2014 to identify effective strategies among countries for improving skills governance and turning qualitative and quantitative information on skills needs into relevant action for policy. The questionnaire was developed in co-operation with the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP), the European Training Foundation (ETF) and the International Labour Organisation (ILO). The questionnaire was distributed to governments (Ministry of Labour and Ministry of Education) as well as to social partners (employer organisations and trade union confederations). 8 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264298644-en 15566e4021c8ceeace71dfdbeb88ab23 These include: the poor development of skills in the schools that supply students; limited study options in tertiary education that are not always well aligned with the needs of the labour market; uncertainty about the value of credentials; limited collaboration between universities and firms; limited career guidance services; and the scarcity of public funds for research and teaching activities. This negatively affects their performance in university. The vast majority of students enrolled in 3-year programmes -71% in the north of the country and above 80% in the south - report that they want to complete a 5-year programme (Almalaurea, 2015). 4 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264179073-9-en 15568ad519f579bd06e4549d477b7be2 They also deliver loan funds (pools of up to Cdn$5 million) targeted to new or existing businesses owned by women with loan values of up to Cdn$150 000. The loans, particularly when combined with business advice and business planning assistance, are considered the most significant service received by clients. This assistance led to new start-ups and jobs, job retention in existing client firms, increased revenues, and higher survival rates than for the average Canadian SME (Ference Weicker & Co., 2008). 5 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/62212c37-en 155775364cea678b99103bb0d0a508c1 "Indeed, (almost) anything can be learnt in different ways. This may involve changing the tasks proposed to students, but not necessarily a change in the subjects or domains learnt. Reviewing countries' curricula to see whether creativity and critical thinking were an objective, and how they were translated into practice, led to the realisation that most curriculum documents embrace creativity and critical thinking as learning outcomes and competences students should acquire, this typically remains in the ""aspirational"" or introductory part of the curriculum. Typically, the more practical description of the curriculum exclusively focuses on a closed problem with one correct solution, technical skills, and leaves little, if any, room to a phrasing that would allow teachers to consider that giving students opportunities to develop their creativity or critical thinking in the process would be possible." 4 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264245891-5-en 1557cfac854b9d933379ade1c27831d5 The Executive Office of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan plays an important role in the definition of education strategies and in the development of key initiatives while the Ministry of Education and Science concentrates on the design of policies to implement education strategies. Regions (oblasts) and districts (rayons) are responsible for the delivery of education services in schools. Primary and secondary education is compulsory in Kazakhstan and students are entitled to attend a public school free of charge. 4 0 3 1.0 10.18356/8b5b7646-en 1558e92dec854419e87fb6699b8edf68 Women's groups are given a mobile phone and a radio cassette player to use as they listen to local agricultural radio shows, call extension officers, or share information between groups. Information is disseminated in the local language and the groups are encouraged to spread the word to other women farmers. Part of the programme's success is due to the fact that it works within channels that are familiar to women (GSMA Development Fund and Cherie Blair Foundation for Women 2010). 5 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/5k3wb8fmsz6h-en 155cdf9f22ac0eb837bee061684281e4 Furthermore, such a standard for emissions can avoid a large increase in electricity prices in the early stage of its introduction, which would otherwise be necessary to trigger low carbon investments. The associated argument against this approach is that, it may be less effective at reducing electricity demand than a carbon price. Although it is not clear whether this proposal would create a more stable investment framework and will be applied in the United States (see Box 3), electricity sector mechanisms may be an interesting instrument. They can address the price uncertainty associated with industrial demand of quotas in an economy-wide cap and trade mechanism. 7 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264274648-6-en 155e99f4bf289fef5d435364d47f7321 Related to the issue of capacity, there is a threat that major investment decisions taken by the MIRT are dominated by provincial territorial interests and the major cities such as Amsterdam, as opposed to smaller locales (Zonneveld and Evers, 2014: 71). Decentralisation of competencies needs to be accompanied by the appropriate fiscal provisions. It is anticipated that the national government will provide funds for training to assist municipalities and water boards to implement the new act and adjust to new ways of working. 11 2 2 0.0 10.1787/9789264233836-8-en 156805a8ae195efe3f275d3d27cb651f There is also a need for flexibility in the use of funds (Perkins et al., While access was improved, less is known about the quality of the service patients received, and their outcomes. There is also scope to trial models integrating primary and acute care in other specialty areas. A necessary pre-requisite is that any such extended roles are attractively reimbursed. 3 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264213944-7-en 156860bee0b8b66e380283427b2d7ed6 The incubation phase was delayed for several months for administrative reasons, but the incubator was expected to kick off again in the fall of 2013. A brief summary of their characteristics and features are highlighted below. The WBIs were designed to provide a safe and welcoming space for women to receive the emotional support they need as well as improving their entrepreneurial and management capabilities. 5 2 6 0.5 10.1787/9789264196155-6-en 1568c1f00a36346ee895ae18872c10a9 A multivariate analysis of determinants of relative income mobility of the society as a whole, conducted for this review, highlighted characteristics that increased the chances of moving up at least one income decile or decreased the chances of moving down at least one dedle. These induded: living in an urban area, having many household members of working age and/ or increasing the share of workers among household members, the number of members with a second job relative to all working household members, a household head having an upper secondary diploma or occupation as a high-level or mid-level professional, the household head being economically active in the initial period, and the household head becoming economically active after not working in 2004. Factors with a robust positive impact on moving up a dedle or more induded the initial share of agricultural income over total income and moving from low to medium manufacturing. The multivariate analysis produced interesting findings concerning the drivers of downward income mobility. 10 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264264205-6-en 1569027a7e730f5d81f3b61aa85abf60 Equally important, secure property rights are necessary for the financing of new and existing businesses, as property ownership provides a key source of collateral for securing bank loans. Many inconsistent laws about personal property rights were subsequently passed, giving rise to ambiguity and widespread conflict but resulting in limited private property ownership and weak protection of property rights. In principle, the state still retains the power, and reserves the right, to nationalise any property that has been privatised. 8 4 3 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/5k3wb8fmsz6h-en 1569bfb6a385c719592fa5a759910a3b If a limited number of competing generating units are sufficient to serve it, market power can be an issue. Indeed, the experience of PJM, where a new capacity market was introduced in 1997 to fix several problems, shows that fine-tuning capacity markets is a difficult and lengthy process. Based on the experience of some existing capacity markets, there is a concern that the power plants triggered by capacity markets may not flexible enough. 7 0 3 1.0 10.18356/520b80a5-en 156f77665dc56dd7a6c4c6e6ff5203de Significant disparities in access to social services within countries are also stratified by area of residence and by gender. Many economies in the region have failed to raise sufficient tax revenue despite rapid growth, as demonstrated by their low and stagnant tax-to-GDP ratios (see figure 1.21). The stagnant tax-to-GDP ratios when the economy was growing indicate lack of sufficient progressivity of the tax structure. Declines in formal employment and the consequent rise in vulnerable employment are also contributing to the growing inequality through the falling share of wages in GDP. There is a clear negative relationship between the tax burden of countries in the region and their levels of inequality (see figure 1.22). 10 2 2 0.0 11.1002/pub/80fdfdfb-a715a89d-en 156fe7eb64333278d83c6cbb13121ef5 What is needed is a higher-level vision and plan, such as a technology roadmap, to which these activities and solutions can be aligned. Understanding the threshold and having clear common guidance on the assessment of risks and harms for data is being explored by UN Global Pulse. Active participation of data advocates is critical. Revise current regulatory frameworks or develop new ones to address development and humanitarian challenges. Create a template for legal agreements between the Data Users and MNOs on how data should be accessed and handled, transferred or used. Improved coordination among countries to enable learning from best practices and to create cohesive strategies for working with multinational operators. 9 1 2 0.3333333333333333 11.1002/pub/811c4596-d5e90969-en 15706d62ce67ce288a0fa713259ce9f0 The project promotes LTE construction and operation, implements the national strategy and upgrades the IT industry. During the construction period, it indirectly boosted national economic growth by nearly CNY 300 billion and created about 500 000 jobs. The project laid 1 028 km of optical cable along the pipelines, through the five provinces, which feature complex topography and are subject to severe environmental constraints. 9 0 3 1.0 10.18356/39291afb-en 1571919a1598ce3141ccf30345ebd80b Care systems must also be established or strengthened, by fostering the proper provision of public goods and services in that area. When designing and implementing these policies, special attention must be paid to the contexts and reasons that cause poverty to affect children, adolescents, young people, indigenous peoples, Afrodescendants and working-age women disproportionately. 1 1 4 0.6 10.18356/6bf07ffd-en 15743459c3f25514aff0d949aaff2114 The number of people exposed to water-related hazards, together with storms, lies in the billions. Land-related disasters, such as droughts, landslides and wildfires, are other major factors affecting people’s lives and their livelihoods. Importantly, the impacts of these climate hazards are not distributed evenly across countries, or across and within population groups in countries. This is a critical fact underlying the association between climate change and inequality. 13 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.6027/9789289330190-6-en 157cf29b02f0b9b32de7219b7fef71e9 The total benefit estimate was approximately 1.4 million Euros (2010) per year and about 7.2 million Euros (2010) for the five year period of the fictional and regional Small Water Fund. The estimated total value exceeded manifold the total budget targeted to restoration. Furthermore, respondents' previous experience of the outcomes and benefits of restoration measures may explain their high willingness to pay in specific watersheds (Box figure 2). 6 0 3 1.0 10.18356/3dfe8660-en 157d279e1d93f3aba101912a8cb1d2df In 2009-2010, its exports of parts and components—notably in the automotive and electronics industries—were valued at $48 billion, a quarter of its merchandise exports. Malaysia’s pre-eminence in the electronics industry began in the early days of the international division of labour, with its courting of multinational companies from countries in the North. Free trade zones, established primarily for manufacturing electronic goods,72 helped the country develop rapidly between the 1970s and the 1990s. 1 6 3 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264289925-6-en 157fa58f8986bcb22df993d70e66f048 This approach has been adopted in Britain since the 2000s, for example through the idea of “mral mainstreaming” (Shortall and Alston, 2016; OECD, 2011).1 It is also evident in Finland, in its cross-sectoral Rural Policy Committee. As discussed in Chapter 1, the ways in which mral areas are defined is therefore particularly important for the design of such interventions. In aiming to integrate different sectoral policy interventions, broad mral policies may address geographies beyond just mral. 9 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264174542-5-en 1581bf28d2030b3168d27f806c4b3085 However, such indicators have limitations that also need to be taken into account. In some cases, the number of actors may seem larger if the ministry is in charge of more than one area of competence. For instance, in Mexico, the situation appears less complicated, since only two ministries (SEMARNAT - Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, and the Ministry of Health) and two deconcentrated bodies of SEMARNAT (CONAGUA and PROFEPA) are in charge of water policy making. 6 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264225442-22-en 1581e0ada4136ce4556ea8593f5d59aa Fair and inclusive policies in early childhood education and care (ECEC) contribute to an equitable education system. Day care and pre-primary education are available, and more than half of all 4-year-olds attend. From 2001, pre-primary education was made available for 6-year-olds to prepare them for first grade of basic education; it is free and voluntary, and almost all 6-year-olds attend (98%). 4 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264268791-7-en 1582d74ce700a142fef590264cced795 The commune of Nantes is the 6th largest city in France, with a population of about 900 000, while the commune of Saint-Nazaire has a population of about 70 000. A period of intense economic decline in the 1980s sparked a common need for the two cities to collaborate more effectively.1 During this time local authorities worked to develop a common agenda for the Nantes Saint-Nazaire area in order to better compete for investment and residents against other French territories. To foster this culture of partnership, the Pole metropolitain was established, which, together with large scale private investment, has played a major role in reversing the area’s fortunes to make it an attractive place for residents and businesses (Figure 3.2). The Nantes FUA encompasses 108 communes while Saint-Nazaire’s is much smaller, with only 35 communes. 11 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/7fd14686-en 1584994e9b8d03735188b467397db865 Most people (close to 80 percent) are still living in rural areas (World Bank, 2016). The FRA 2015 revealed a continuing trend in forest cover loss in the last two decades, particularly primary forest. During 2005-2010, Cambodia is reported to have had the highest rate of deforestation in the GMS. From 1990 to 2015, total forest area declined from 74.7 percent to 53.9 percent (12.94 million ha to 9.46 million ha), which represents approximately a 27 percent decline in overall forest cover. 15 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5k9h2975rhhf-en 158818e5bca14c5a77c8079b1b61d8de While new cross-country time-series evidence suggests that technological change has contributed to a rise in earnings inequality, the choice of specification matters for the significance and size of the effect and also for where in the earnings distribution the impact is most pronounced (see Box 1, Table 1 and OECD, 201 la). Early empirical studies were based on the Stolper-Samuelson theorem, which predicts that trade increases the real return for the factor with which a country is most abundantly endowed. However, the theorem proved to be inconsistent with the evidence and in particular, the observed rise in inequality in low-income countries (e.g. Goldberg and Pavcnik, 2007; Feenstra, 2008; Stone and Cavazos, 2011). 10 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/5js3926d54d7-en 15885c12f775b05442dbfaab3e8161aa "Journal of Population Economics, 25(4), 1187-1214. Cross-Country Evidence"", Annals of Economics and Statistics, Forthcoming. Available for download at A Comparative Approach"", MAFE Working Paper 22. Poverty, international migration and asylum, Palgrave-MacMillan for Wider, Hampshire, UK." 5 8 1 0.7777777777777778 10.18356/58d686e0-en 158df5681c53f4bd8602f80da91f69cf Women's disadvantaged economic position in this regard creates a structural dependence on men for access to resources, which in turn can subject women to insecurity and violence. These practices often exist in parallel with statutory laws.42 They may discriminate against women regarding property, land and housing, and sometimes trump national laws (these practices are never codified but can in practice supersede laws, for instance when implemented locally or when used as interpretation of statutory laws). This happens in particular in rural areas, where customs and practices still shape and influence family matters and determine the position of women. Most often, these customs or practices make women's access to or control over land, property and housing dependent on a man—the husband, father or brother. 5 1 3 0.5 10.6027/f76e337c-en 158e393876b9d062c3cd833e68118fb4 In parallel to this process, which has seen a very large number of small-scale natural habitats disappear in the farmland landscape, the diversity of the farming activities on the individual farms has decreased significantly as well, resulting in much more specialized farms. As an example, the number of farms raising pigs has decreased from 120,000 in 1970 to 4,600 in 2011 and the average number of pigs per farm has increased from 70 to 2800 in the same period. At the same time, there has been an increasing tendency to keep livestock inside all year around. 15 0 3 1.0 10.1787/469d7fec-en 15945797b5ba7082c24c6920b6216f48 These definitions may also change according to changing national circumstances and policy frameworks. In Indonesia, ministries discuss the tracking of mitigation spending; one Ministry argued for road expenditure to be included, but ultimately such expenditures were not counted. While budget tagging has been initiated in the Indonesian Ministry of Finance, the system is not yet accurate. 13 6 1 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264118720-6-en 159457adcab8ec7a5eefd962bed9cedb This can be done by estimating proportional hazard rates by using the Kaplan-Meier estimator which estimates the survival function (the probability that someone will “survive in a specified status” beyond a certain time, even when the sample is censored and biased, Denisova, 2011). However, these are not unconditional probabilities that can be used to depict the general chances of moving in and out of poverty; these are conditional hazard rates indicating, for example, what the chances are of someone exiting poverty, if he/she has been in poverty for, say, two years, given a set of specified characteristics (e.g. household characteristics, labour market status of adults, eligibility to public transfers, human capital characteristics, but also region and time). These conditional probability functions can be estimated both regarding relative and absolute poverty lines. 1 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264118430-4-en 1596be868ef73f46988cf3fca9c11a44 In some cases, advanced wastewater treatment was abandoned, because the economic situation did not allow continuing financing the operation of existing wastewater treatment plants. The mechanical treatment plants now work to a certain degree only in Tbilisi-Rustavi, Kutaisi, Tkieuli, Gori and Batumi. Most of the treatment plants are only partially operating. 6 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/11e28764-en 1596d936316237806fc08ff16cd8d078 "The Nexus of Gender Discrimination with Malnutrition: An Introduction, Economic and Political Weekly, 42(44), 49-53. Dr Vandana Shiva"" (web site with list of publications), Shiva, V. (2016b). "" Seeds of Revolution: Scientist, Author, Activist Vandana Shiva Leads Movement to Restore Sovereignty to Farmers"" (interview), http://ecofarmingdaily." 2 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264121164-7-en 159c3dd6bcc4ba5ca0f5c8a903d09e72 Regardless of the type of summary measure selected, it will be important to harmonise the underlying national data if internationally comparable data are to be produced. A concise picture of health performance requires developing better measures of progress in health care to understand how and why the quality of care varies across patients’ needs for care. The OECD has begun to address these data gaps through the OECD Health Care Quality Indicators Project (OECD, 2010c). 3 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264265493-9-en 159eb173ccdb25e7fbefd7e0bf975b96 At the state level, women held an average of 25.6% of seats in the unicameral congresses in 2013, which rose to 38% in 2016. Quotas are also symbolically important in that they help alter negative perceptions of women in power and increase their electability. In bodies which have not taken special temporary measures or affirmative action - which include the executive, the 13 state governments still to adopt parity requirements in their municipal councils, and the judiciary- wide gender gaps persist in women’s representation. 5 0 7 1.0 10.1787/5kg20639kgkj-en 15a0729724b0423863b08c06ca32c318 These assets may be threatened by continued lack of investment in the public transport infrastructure necessary to accommodate sustainable growth. Without a carbon tax, carbon emissions trading programme or strong renewable power mandates backed-up by significant and sustained federal investment, the region may not be able to capitalise on the potential for green job growth. Pacific Rim cities like San Diego, California, Portland, Oregon and Vancouver, British Columbia are all potential competitors for investment capital and positioning in the green space and have formed innovation hubs and industry and research partnerships to foster green cluster development. The Metropolitan Plan for Sydney 2036 describes a new approach to infrastructure planning that is promising. However, LGAs, working in collaboration with other agencies such as RDA-Sydney, should consider forming a coalition to press for investment in a few key projects around which consensus can be built. The coalition might be called something like Move Sydney Green and it might focus on getting an identifiable light-rail extension, clean freight rail corridor and renewable power project constructed. 7 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5k4c9kwfdx8r-en 15a388f7c0c0051a12d3c5003d837deb In both wild sea catch and fish or shrimp farming the product is collected by middlemen and generally sold to the fishery processors74, who then export to the EU market. Middlemen, who are essentially family run SMEs, collect from several fishery vessels and farmers and usually mix the products from different sources, so that the traceability requirement cannot be met. Although the MMAF promotes implementation of GHdP, most middlemen have still insufficient understanding and quality assurance capacity, while controls undertaken by the Ministiy itself and the local authorities are still inadequate. 2 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.18356/eca72908-en 15a52ec431e8c334b7996297933d08b7 "However, instead of bringing together far-flung networks and integrated (if virtual) urban expanses, ICTs instead splinter physical space into highly unequal, fragmented environments. The new feature is the juxtaposition of high-income enclaves with slums. Medellin, Colombia is segregated between the affluent South and the poor North, whereas in Mogadishu the polarization works the other way round.62 Inequality is more visible under a spatial than any other (e.g. income) perspective and the contrast of the “citadel"" with the “ghetto""63 can generate mistrust, alienation, tension or unrest. Today, videos carry the voices of local stakeholders to planning offices and federal agencies, giving them a reach, which would not have possible without the use of technology." 11 0 4 1.0 10.1787/5k46dbzhrkhl-en 15a81aa817f80445fe3d888229029fc7 In this section we offer an independent view of progress to date, informed by our assessment of CRGE documentation, interviews with local and international stakeholders, and the October 2012 workshop. We focus on the Green Economy Strategy, the first of two strategic components of the CRGE. We believe that the CRGE has been a highly strategic exercise that could now be in a position to benefit from expanding its perspectives, and ensuring good alignment with the Climate Resilience Strategy, the second component of the CRGE. 13 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/799337c2-en 15a88aeeb54928fe3f335d51f85d39f6 Partial double entry of data collected through the paper versions of the questionnaires by two key-entry operators was required as an effective means of detecting and reducing systematic or incidental data cntiy errors. Here, the advantage of the online data collection option becomes evident because data entry is already predefined in terms of value ranges and variable types. The data submitted by national centres was monitored closely by the TALIS 2018 International Research Consortium to verify the completeness and quality of the data received. 4 8 1 0.7777777777777778 10.18356/6f7c638a-en 15a9dccae71d2c44b9cbec4bb00d1714 There is also a lack of good-quality public services providing care for children, older persons, persons with disabilities and chronic illnesses, which is clearly a regressive situation that is set to worsen owing to the ongoing demographic changes in the region. The strong link between time and income means that the lack of time worsens or reproduces poverty, so the time-use analysis is fundamental for more comprehensive and multidimensional management of this phenomenon (Marco, 2012). In addition to monetary income redistribution policies, there is a need for policies on the redistribution of time as an indispensable resource to eliminate poverty and ensure development. 5 7 0 1.0 10.1787/5k3w6ljtrj0q-en 15aa2dee787cc43703274294be92dd36 In doing so, it funds the early deployment of these technologies and allows these products and services and the businesses that produce them to become viable to larger markets. In particular, KfW in Germany offers programmes that provide particularly favourable refinancing schemes for municipal investment especially in structurally weak areas. These range from investments in infrastructure - including the development of industrial parks, road construction and sewerage networks - to investments in building refurbishment to improve energy efficiency and in the expansion of renewable energies. 7 0 9 1.0 10.1787/empl/outlook-2010-2-en 15aafd7f1f44cef85e4fc8b189d8a3e8 Assessing the role of short-time work schemes during the 2008-09 recession (cont.) Countries that have modified their STW schemes as a response to the crisis are Belgium, Germany, Finland, France, Italy (all 2009 Ql), the Netherlands and Norway (2009 Q2). Data on participation in short-time work schemes are obtained partly from Eurostat and partly from national sources. Take-up of short-time work is measured as the ratio of the average number of participants to the number of employees during the crisis period or, in the case of schemes that were established in response to the crisis, during the period when the scheme was operational. 8 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264259157-5-en 15ad51e35537f9a037f295c317a5ffa6 The OECD has conducted extensive research into how women’s paid employment positively affects macro-level outcomes like economic growth, socioeconomic equality, and fertility rates (OECD; 2012, 2015a). But bargaining theory’ suggests the stakes are just as high at home for individual women, their partners, and their children. Germany has a gender wage gap that is slightly wider than the OECD average, though the gap has narrowed since the year 2000. 5 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264269064-5-en 15ad792003c56fbc9b55b6a1315d5208 Urban runoff may also elevate the temperature of surface waters. Elevated water temperatures decrease oxygen levels, which can kill fish, alter food chain composition, reduce species biodiversity, and foster invasion by new thermophilic species (e.g. Teixeira et al., Thermal pollution can also be caused by the release of very cold water from the base of reservoirs into warmer rivers (Langford, 2001). 6 2 3 0.2 10.1787/eco/surveys-hun-2012-7-en 15adfbddddeac602ca0dbeca1a675ed5 Policy recommendations to improve health outcomes and system (cont.) This indicator summarises the number of years expected to be lived in “full health” and is produced by the World Health Organization. Potential years of life lost is a measure of premature mortality, calculated as the number of years lost before the age of 70. The indicator is also adjusted by excluding death that can be attributed to “external causes”, such as land transport accidents, accidental falls, assaults and suicides. 3 0 9 1.0 10.18356/f043edc5-en 15ae1b6a319fe99b7fd5a8db8e7254bc It is usually applied to the analysis of the entire energy sector, but may also be applied to detailed study of single sectors, such as the electricity and district heat sector. Using these as inputs, the TIMES model aims to supply energy services at minimum global cost, or more accurately, at minimum loss of surplus, by simultaneously making equipment, investment, operating, primary energy supply and energy trade decisions by region. The scope extends beyond energy-oriented issues, to the representation of environmental emissions - and perhaps materials - related to the energy system. It is a model ofthe world's energy, land and food systems that allows users to explore options for reducing global emissions by 2050, and to see the climatic consequences of these choices by 2100. It is a free web-based interactive system and incorporates an Excel spreadsheet with an online interface ( 6 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/dd2d79e7-en 15afb9de2451af1d7c83d3b6d8d02a3e The information in this document relates to the area under the effective control of the Government of the Republic of Cyprus. An expert paper providing material for this policy brief was prepared for the OECD by Maria Cristina Diaz Garcia of the Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. The data included in this paper from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor was prepared by Jonathan Levie of the University of Strathclyde and the Global Entrepreneurship Research Association. This paper benefited from input and suggestions from Sandra Hannig of the OECD’s CFE and Mariarosa Lunati of the OECD's Statistics Directorate. 5 6 1 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/0a98da25-en 15b928bc80234174b6ed613428e5cde1 Ces deux types d’investissements sont favorables a une amelioration des biens publics car ils ont des retombees positives sur la productivity de I’ensemble de I’economie. En consequence, les depenses dans les infrastructures physiques et sociales peuvent generer une certaine souplesse sur le plan budgetaire. Ils comprennent les techniques de gestion des capitaux, les reserves obligatoires reposant sur des actifs et les garanties de prets en I’absence de restrictions a I’acquisition de titres legaux sur des biens pour les femmes. Premierement, la hausse des taux d’interet freine la demande globale et done I’emploi. 5 3 6 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264224636-11-en 15c00e765ff91533cd1fdbeebc2025bc Not unlike in other countries in the region and around the w'orld, a 2009 UAE study involving 980 UAE residents shows that 77% would report rape attacks to the police; how'ever, the majority of national w'omen would refrain from doing so. When asked about what discourages them, 55% of the interviewed female nationals claimed concern about family honour or their own reputation, and 49% of female national respondents feared being judged by society or unjustly accused of immoral behaviour. This exposes a deep-rooted fear among women that dealing with law enforcement authorities can lead to trouble. 5 0 3 1.0 10.18356/9f796186-en 15c0d22b443f695197f77a62aaf885f7 The upturn was evident in the United States, the eurozone and Japan (figure 1.1), along with continued strong performance by China and gradual recovery in major commodity exporters. This momentum is expected to be largely sustained, although there is an element of uncertainty. Global output is projected to grow by 3 and 3.1 per cent in 2018 and 2019 respectively, on par with an estimated 3 per cent growth in 2017; slight easing in growth in developed economies is expected to be offset by a rebound in developing economies, including commodity exporters in Africa and Latin America (figure 1.2). The eurozone is expected to further transition from recovery to expansion (European Commission, 2018). 8 1 4 0.6 10.1787/9789264258495-5-en 15c13215b720ab1056ba83e58514738e Who gets to learn mathematics, and the nature of the mathematics that is learned, have an impact on education systems, social cohesion and productivity. Education systems that fail to provide the same opportunities to all students can end up reinforcing, rather than beginning to dismantle, social inequalities. When education is no longer a pathway to individual fulfilment and social mobility, talent is wasted and feelings of injustice grow. Failing disadvantaged youth at school can also pave the way for a wide range of social problems later on, including poverty, poor health and crime (Schoenfeld, 2002; OECD, 2012). 4 0 3 1.0 10.18356/bf400991-en 15c295bd762b5977c5ccd1568fddd83d It is, therefore, recommended that functional regulations and plans that favour land and housing affordability, energy consumption, the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions and the overall increase in productivity values through economies of scale and agglomeration be adopted. To scale up the measurement of this indicator, there is a need to provide capacity-building to NSOs and to make accessible the appropriate technology. This should include local authorities that are responsible for the preparation of urban plans, regulatory mechanisms and land control, and the need they have to prepare evidence-based plans and policies. Several Expert Group Meetings (EGMs) have been held to promote the harmonization of the different elements of the methodologies and input data. 11 0 4 1.0 10.1787/5k46dbzhrkhl-en 15c3e9b089133d6582269299f4e0e54e Inclusion was identified by workshop participants as a critical challenge to resolve if green strategies are to appeal to, mobilise, and work for a wider range of sectors and livelihoods, and bring benefits to all types of stakeholders. The OECD has also identified inclusion as important in its preliminary work exploring developing country contexts for green growth, notably for achieving the poverty-reducing and equity-creating potentials of green growth. A second area of compatibility is the challenge of being ‘doubly green' - reducing GHGs while also ensuring other environmental benefits. 13 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264290747-en 15c73acaab676c7dd732db8a400e4538 In contrast, environmental sustainability and climate change resilience receive much less attention, despite their centrality to both economic and human development. Many of the SDGs cannot be addressed without addressing environmental and climate change issues. National governments must give greater attention within their NUPs to environmental sustainability and climate-change resilience issues. 11 4 3 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264188617-en 15c887d7ee6f287ce0c83c3cdc45da70 From an economic point of view it would be entirely correct to internalise grid-level system costs into the plant-level levelised cost of electricity production in order to derive the true economic cost to society of different technologies and to enable policy-makers to make least-cost choices maximising social well-being. While estimates of the capacity credit of variable renewables, their ability to fully substitute for dispatchable capacity, vary widely and depend heavily on local circumstances, they rarely exceed 10% of total capacity and decline with rising shares of variable renewables in electricity production. Estimating the costs of such back-up capacity is less straightforward than it seems. 7 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264213753-5-en 15ca3a64a4bec0695de2a4bbed2b259b Moreover, achieving VfM for the public sector is an explicit goal of the law. It is not clear which entity will have the ultimate decision-making authority for PPP project proposals. At present, the Economic Development Committee, a high-level body comprised of ministers, has decided on which projects will be developed, either through traditional procurement or through private sector participation. 6 5 0 1.0 10.18356/f47faf05-en 15cb9d3901cd587de43a3d0ec350bd21 The most important in situ water use is ecological use, that is, water used as a habitat for living organisms. Human in situ water uses include navigation, fishing, recreation, tourism and waste loading (pollution dilution). As with off-stream uses, all human in-stream and in situ water uses have significant effects with regard to the ecological use of the same water resources. 6 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/30e5b8d3-en 15cbdf9a23917a6e0bebb2f7c8c69da7 Activities on demining forestland are progressing very slowly in relation to actual needs. Forests and forestland are not included among the priorities in the demining plans. Forests in Bosnia and Herzegovina comprise a large diversity of types, ranging from coastal Mediterranean forest to mountain forest. 15 0 5 1.0 10.1787/9789264225442-22-en 15cbfc3bffad37832f3575d8ea7af769 Funding for upper secondary education and VET is provided based on the number of students in each school and the unit costs per student. Universities receive funding from the state and also do external fundraising. With the Ministry of Education and Culture, the university agrees on operational and qualitative targets which provide the basis for the resources needed. 4 0 9 1.0 10.14217/9781848599574-13-en 15cd1905e2d5f5b75b861fb6a232bf93 Vanuatu has capitalised on its renewable energy to some extent, with a wind farm and solar PV system connected to the Port Vila grid, and a hydro power station that serves Luganville, as well as use of coconut oil for generators. The key energy sector policy document is the Updated National Energy Road Map (NERM) 2016-2030, which has five energy sector priorities and associated targets: increasing access to electricity, reducing reliance on petroleum products, affordable energy services, a secure energy supply, and mitigating against climate change through renewable energy and energy efficiency (Radio NZ 2016). Vanuatu’s NDC outlines a target of increasing the electricity generated by renewable energy from about 25 to 100 per cent by 2030. The government’s updated NERM also has a target of increasing the proportion of the population with access to electricity to 100 per cent by 2030. 7 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264235151-6-en 15d118d814954362924e567b037fe643 This is similar to the level in 2000-01. Expressed as a percentage of GDP, the %TSE provides an indication of the cost that support to the agricultural sector places on the overall economy. Its value depends on the degree to which the agricultural sector is supported in a country, the size of this sector and its importance relative to the overall economy. 2 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/5e354935-en 15d3914df00daa772a6060436be24499 In both cases, there are references to the concepts of flexibility, progression or enhancement of transparency over time, avoiding burden, and enabling confidence in the information reported. In some cases similar language is used, and in others the language used may have different meanings or applicability between the two frameworks. For example, comparability of information is a concept used to build trust and confidence in information reported; previously referenced only for information from Annex I Parties, the term is broadly applied to the entire Paris Agreement transparency framework (Decision 1/CP.21 Paragraph 92c; Art. A closer look at the provisions contained in the Paris Agreement and its accompanying decision highlight several differences with the provisions and those of the existing reporting system (Table 2). 13 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264085374-14-en 15d4d4f16a5e140c604cc1969c613ff7 The results are registered in the individual folder of the Digital Mosaic, to which parents also have access. Inquiry-based learning: Time and the activities are organised around inquiry using different modalities such as the “World Reading”, “Individual Research”, “Projects” and ‘Workshops”. Participative management: The students, parents, educators and staff decide on the most important issues, especially through the weekly “circle” in which every participant has equal rights to listen and to be heard. 4 0 5 1.0 10.6027/d4e544d6-en 15d4ffa2e8f97cb3972b5e381bb0292b This means that everybody has to do what one can to halt climate emissions, no less. The real test will be when the NDCs are renewed every five years, after a global stocktaking and evaluation of the actions taken. A true success, and overcoming the collective actions dilemma, would be if the future NDCs together imply more ambitious climate policies for the planet, closing the gap to meet the two degrees objective. 13 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264268852-7-en 15d5a88f1046789c08874778129075f9 A MoU could be established with each participating agent in the network, to encourage delivery of concrete results, establish their accountability and work collectively to achieve shared objectives. The political support of the President’s Administration Office would play a key role in ensuring commitment from different actors. Kazakhstan’s central government may also consider establishing, with the political support of the prime minister, a National Urban and Regional Development Co-ordination Council. 11 1 3 0.5 10.18356/5be883c5-en 15daf2c930ec564dec4ccfc7e2692071 The net result from an aggregate supply perspective is that expanding market production and increasing women’s labour force participation threaten profits because the potentially higher profit share spurred by more economic activity is outweighed by the decline in human capacities production. Strong care sectors, occasioned by good wages for care workers and lots of public and private demand for care services, underlie a sort of virtuous cycle. Commodities serve as effective substitutes and complements for declines in women's unpaid labour time with marketization, perhaps also making it possible for women to reorganize their unpaid labour time in ways that actually raise its efficiency. Less time taken up by indirect care services frees up time for work and direct care, potentially increasing human capacities production and investment. Good infrastructure for reproductive work reinforces these positive relationships. While it is true that the higher wages and taxes that pay for the high road do press on the profit share, the higher prices supported by strong demand and increases in labour productivity more than compensate. 5 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/9cee1f69-en 15dc9883e93376beeb986a5589dcb3d0 The odds of starting prenatal care early are also higher among women who are in a living-in arrangements than unmarried mothers. Formally married women, however, are no different from unmarried women as far as the timing of prenatal care is concerned. Rural women are less likely to comply with the recommended timing of prenatal care visits compared with urban women. Reduced odds of early initiation of prenatal care are likewise noted among higher order births compared with first births. 5 0 9 1.0 10.1787/5js3926d54d7-en 15e2819e733fe21351ee10547b84e44f Migration may be a channel of norms transmission challenging gender inequality in social institutions at home when moving towards countries with low levels of discrimination. It can however reinforce discrimination when moving towards countries with high levels of discrimination. While Naghsh Nejad and Young (2012) and Naghsh Nejad (2013) focus on institutionalised gender inequality in OECD countries, this paper considers migration flows between developing regions. 5 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264088726-7-en 15e4bd6b4504e779e9a9bb5c0ec442d8 Adaptations include changing to less carnivorous species, genetic improvements, feed source diversification, better formulation, quality control and management. These could also include capture fisheries and could assist riparian and coastal communities in general (Lorenzen, 2007). Short cycle aquaculture may also be valuable, using new species or strains and new technologies or management practices to fit into differently defined seasonal opportunities. 14 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264225817-8-en 15e545a3bdd55e9623d0bf12e5cdd9de Beating the Blues is a computerised CBT course for mild depression, whilst FearFighter is a computerised CBT course specifically for panic and phobias. In addition, in Scotland “Living Life to the Full Interactive”, a computerised CBT course for mild-to-moderate depression and anxiety supervised by a GP or qualified therapist, is widely accessible to all Scottish citizens who score a set “mood score” on a standardised test. These programmes have been clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness, leading to positive recommendations from the government for large scale roll-out. 3 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264243606-en 15e59bb41acf3ac313d13033849621eb This varies substantially across settings and is related to a third problem: that individual interventions are almost always evaluated in isolation. This generalized cost-effectiveness analysis (GCEA) makes it possible to explore all interventions and combinations incrementally, with respect to a counterfactual of doing nothing (Murray, Evans, Acharya, & Baltussen, 2000; Tan-Torres Edejer et al., Operationally, the counterfactual that has been adopted in applied studies is defined in terms of what would happen to population health if all interventions of interest that are being provided now were stopped. 3 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.18356/0ceb7e87-en 15e5c4f2f94b3dd33599c71f668e7f2c These include forest user groups (chapter 13), disaster protection groups (chapter 14), mining cooperatives (chapter 1), herder cooperatives and community-based administrations of protected areas (chapter 11). Since 2015, cooperatives and user groups meet every two years in a national forum. At their second forum, some 1,000 participants representing about 800 cooperatives and user groups addressed community-based environmental protection. 4 3 1 0.5 10.18356/18db943d-en 15ec451992cdbc1f12b060d5cf8d4dc8 These should be incorporated into warning chains - both to take advantage of their reach and to ensure that they do not spread inaccurate or exaggerated information. In two projects supported by the ESCAP Trust Fund for Tsunami, Disaster and Climate Preparedness, the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union has developed guidelines and other warning tools for broadcasters. However, in order to be effective in an emergency the broadcast media need a formal role in the warning chain — established through SOPs. Rather than let misinformation pass unchallenged, the authorities are usually better off monitoring the social media and themselves using these platforms to reach the public with the correct information. 13 1 3 0.5 10.18356/8cbd3f0d-en 15ee0dd3d5aafebf15237a2eb5377210 The respondent’s place of usual residence is the place where she has lived continuously for most of the past 12 months or the place where she intends to live for at least the next six months (if she has recently moved). Place of residence may be categorized as urban or rural. Owing to national differences in the characteristics that distinguish urban and rural areas, there is no single definition that would apply to all countries. 5 4 1 0.6 10.1787/9789264268852-5-en 15ee50a524d4a6294eed45f54aaea7fd In addition to being a key obstacle to the modernisation of the municipal utility networks, low tariffs on heat and water do not incentivise domestic consumers to save energy and water. The share of household income spent on heating is higher in Shymkent, Taraz and Kyzylorda (Table 1.7 above). In Astana and Almaty, the percentage of income spent on heating appears to be relatively low. Emissions relative to GDP have been fairly stable in recent years. However, Kazakhstan has demonstrated a strong commitment to tackling climate change: in 2009, Kazakhstan ratified the Kyoto Protocol and in the same year announced its voluntary commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 15% by 2020 from the 1990 base year as part of the UN Framework Convention on Climate change (UNFCC). 11 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.30875/64b86eed-en 15ee6bc026561f3d9adef4a1fe38e4b2 Thirty-seven of them said that the cost of broadband subscription, slow internet connection speeds, data protection and e-signatures were the biggest difficulties encountered. International Telecommunications Union (ITU) data indicates that many more countries actually have e-strategies than reported these strategies in the M&E exercise. As part of its efforts to promote connectivity, the ITU launched the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) process. 9 0 6 1.0 10.1787/9789264298576-19-en 15eeef0da4f191e16f5a9b76fa73d682 Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina have the most room for improvement in putting frameworks in place. No area is significantly more or less advanced across the six economies. Although basic rural infrastructure is largely in place in most areas in the region, it may not be fully used for agricultural purposes. 2 3 0 1.0 10.18356/5f92f30f-en 15ef01a67332f8f91841d700c1bafbf3 Emergency contraception is a method to prevent pregnancy within five days of unprotected intercourse, failure or misuse of a contraceptive (such as a forgotten pill), rape or coerced sex. It disrupts ovulation and reduces the likelihood of pregnancy by up to 90 per cent. It cannot prevent implantation of a fertilized egg, harm a developing embryo or end a pregnancy. Even in countries where emergency contraception is available, adolescents may be reluctant to obtain it from traditional health outlets, such as clinics, which may be staffed by judgmental providers. The initiative trained pharmacy staff and peer educators to provide accurate, up-to-date information on emergency contraception and other reproductive health services. 5 5 4 0.1111111111111111 10.1787/9789264095199-2-en 15f1955dba784d9e74a4c2a5d5ffa4d7 Although educational attainment has increased markedly over the past two decades and there have recently been signs of improving education quality, scores on standardised tests for secondary students remain appreciably below the OECD average, and opportunities for further education and training for the existing workforce are limited. The low skill level of the Chilean workforce has become a barrier to faster productivity growth, as workers often do not have the capacities to absorb and adapt the technologies needed to catch up with high-income OECD countries at the technological frontier. In the area of secondary education, higher-qualified individuals could be attracted into the teaching profession by reviewing the remuneration system and by defining teacher career paths with attractive opportunities for promotion. 4 0 9 1.0 10.1787/5kmbjxzhvhs8-en 15f2db5cd4cf1de6fe7c545a95cfa3cc This is despite a growing interest in the subject over recent years among researchers and policy makers, especially in the areas of sustainable development, health, safety and access. Another related field of research is architectural theory (Larsson, 2006); this will be explored in greater detail below. An educational space designed only for girls or women would differ from that designed for boys or men, and space would therefore be utilised differently. There are many examples of sex-segregated educational institutions that are designed to meet the supposed different gender needs of students (Boxes 1 and 2). 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264089457-en 15f310d406a5cdcbb48827320d40b929 Its annual operating cost is RM 57 million. They have the potential to improve human capital and innovation outcomes in Penang. The aim is to build a “Healthy Bertam Region” including a residential area and lifestyle and recreational centre, with AMDI spearheading the health industry. Partly due to the distance from Universiti Sains Malaysia, AMDI recruits its staff increasingly from outside of the region. This can have a detrimental effect on research-education linkage. 4 4 3 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/5jlssl611r32-en 15f47cc0da209d3b7edde3b29125d109 However, as water scarcity becomes more severe, it is possible that these vested interests will be overtaken by the broader national interest, and a more economically efficient allocation of water will emerge. In this sense, the looming water crisis could actually become a growth opportunity, since reallocating water to higher value uses could bring significant aggregate benefits. This raises the legitimate question: Recognising that one cannot do everything at the outset, what are the top priorities? 6 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/9789264230491-4-en 15f5416a31777bd507190446682f2be6 The number of specialist outpatient consultations is 319 per lOOOenrolees within SP, for example, compared to 338 and 620 per 1 000 enrolees within IMSS and ISSSTE respectively. While some of these differences may reflect unequal need (such as ISSSTE’s slightly older population), others cannot be justified in this way. The number of prescriptions that could not be fully dispensed by a pharmacist due to lack of stock is 33% within SP compared to 14% within IMSS according to survey data (although the SS institutes’ own figures suggest higher rates of dispensed prescriptions). Both of these figures are amongst the highest in the OECD. Out-of-pocket spending has not fallen significantly across the past decade, despite efforts to achieve universal health coverage through the SP reform. 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/agr/outlook-2015-5-en 15f707f630784bcec19c5f37ef93af0e As this chapter argues, improvements in these areas have the potential to raise medium-term prospects significantly both for sustained agricultural growth, but also for economic development more widely. The South and Centre-West regions of the country have higher rainfall, better soils and more developed infrastructure. Farms in these regions use purchased inputs more intensively and are equipped with higher technologies. Central Brazil contains substantial areas of degraded grassland with potential for crop production. Most of Brazil’s grains, oilseeds and other export crops are produced in the South and Centre-West regions, although soybean production is increasing in the MaToPiBa region, containing the states of Maranhao, Tocantins, Piaui and Bahia. 2 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264085374-3-en 15f91b626622bae29f09f904fe3da738 Knowledge domains can strongly influence teachers and teaching, even when the aim is to develop transversal knowledge and competences. In non-native language learning, pedagogy should provide both input to the learner and the opportunity to create output, including through task-based and project-based learning, and connecting teaching to other contexts within the school, district or wider world. In the socio-emotional domain, pedagogies include active and performance-based approaches that engage students’ personal feelings and their relationships through role-playing, collaborative-based pedagogies, gaming, case study work, and social problem-solving. Obvious though it may seem, some of the most important contextual factors are represented by schools and education systems themselves. 4 0 4 1.0 10.18356/dec4eb09-en 15f977b6fea9d9a1b46fea45da70cc4e Nevertheless, the Government has made w aste management one of its priorities. Since Azerbaijan acceded to the Basel Convention23 in 2001, the legislative framework was widened from a single act to several legislative norms. Actions needed to improve the waste management situation were included in the Comprehensive Action Plan for Improving the Environmental Situation (CAPIES) in Azerbaijan for 2006-2010. 12 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/1c7ecb1c-en 15fe313c0b7b79949559bacec76382a0 As a non-Annex I party, the country has no commitments to reduce GHG emissions under the Kyoto Protocol. Since 2005, the most important developments in the Republic of Moldova regarding climate change are the preparation of the Second National Communication, the negotiations since 2010 of an Association Agreement with the EU that contains a chapter on climate change and the country’s ratification of the Energy Community Treaty4 in 2010. This general trend conceals the fact that total GHG emissions started increasing in 2000. Recent data up to 2010 contained in the country’s draft 2013 national inventory report show that total GHG emissions grew by more than 20 per cent in the decade 2000- 2010. 13 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264261198-8-en 160507c9e3262e1ac8d7fd0d349d2698 The extent to which the subsidy stimulus from such agro-climatic programming leaves producers sufficient flexibility to respond to the changing market conditions is not certain. The most important are the so-called “diesel” and “fertiliser” payments that gradually replaced direct income support under ARIP applied in 2001-08. Despite the name, these payments are provided on the basis of land area, with rates significantly differentiated by group of crop (Table 5.1). “ Diesel” and “fertiliser” payments accounted for 45% of total payments based on area and animal numbers in Turkey in 2013-15 (OECD, 2016b). 2 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/5km35m63qqvc-en 160791a2ae437d6b3dba428baf50b53f Such problems make it difficult for expenditure to be subjected to proper political scrutiny, and for researchers to undertake statistical evaluations based on administrative data. Labour market and related programmes financed by the Employment Insurance System with a FY 2008 budget of over JPY 1 billion (cont.) Case Study Germany”, in D. Paparella and L. Savino (eds.), 8 0 4 1.0 10.18356/14fbf2b0-en 1607bad95e5a80e54dce26fe06172efb Promotion and the reliable supply and distribution of high-quality condoms should become integral components of all reproductive health-care services. All relevant international organizations, especially the World Health Organization, should significantly increase their procurement. Governments and the international community should provide all means to reduce the spread and the rate of transmission of HIV/AIDS infection. 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264216501-11-en 1608456918512de92c7992d37c5028cc The coefficients are estimated from a linear probability model of an overqualification dummy based on the normative measure of mismatch, controlling for age, gender, years of education, literacy proficiency and an intercept. The coefficients should be interpreted as the percent change in the probability of overqualification as a function of the independent variable. Standard errors in brackets. *** More specifically, in addition to the control variables included in the previous regression, this model includes controls for firm size and type of contract (permanent versus temporary) as well as part-time work. 4 5 4 0.1111111111111111 10.1787/9789264285712-9-en 160c7221d1764c84ede9c151823c60f6 Water plans lay out what needs to be done, but they are not always implemented, which discourages water users, especially when river basin committees mainly complain and denounce problems rather than provide a fomm to help executive powers find solutions. The committees approve river basin plans, but frequently do not have means for implementing them and the state agencies cannot either, because plans are not diligent enough, realistic nor feasible. This situation is at the origin of frustration and abandonment. 6 1 3 0.5 10.18356/1ea53441-en 160ec166d9a5cb3f08652c994c4319a8 It must be read in the context of the current interest in “greening” the economy, notably the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development in 2012 (Rio+20). There are three dimensions of the concept of sustainable development: economic, ecological and sociocultural. Here we will focus is on interactions between the first two. The chapter deals with economic processes such as production, consumption, and investment, but also addresses elements of the economic systems, both nationally and internationally, in which these processes unfold. 13 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/9789264085374-14-en 160f794fb1cb03ddf0f3ff9ef1bae32b This is referred to as “Authentic Mixed-Method Assessment”, which involves analysis of all the pieces of available assessment evidence when measuring deep learning design, conditions and outcomes. This disagreement is expressed most sharply in the following two extracts, the one emphasising the importance of praise, the other emphasising the need to avoid excessive praise. The important aspect of a KIP class is to encourage students and to praise the different skills held by the students, as an important and necessary part of the group ” (network leader and practitioner). 4 0 3 1.0 10.18356/3dfe8660-en 161be7463dc6f35e850134c82fd56d48 Nevertheless, several high achievers have not only boosted national income, but also had better than average performance on social indicators in areas such as health and education. One way to identify high achievers is to look at countries with positive income growth and good performance on measures of health and education relative to other countries at comparable levels of development. These high achievers include some of the largest countries—Brazil, China and India—as well as smaller countries, such as Bangladesh, Chile, Ghana, Indonesia, the Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Mauritius, Mexico, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda and Viet Nam (figure 3.1). The Republic of Korea, despite lower economic growth than China, had the biggest gains in HDI value. 1 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5kg0prg9b1g8-en 161fd90fbf1ff18ac6ed291812e3889d Only around 65% of those who enter a tertiary programme go on to graduate, while the OECD and EU19 averages are 69% and 71%, respectively. Besides, tertiary education students take almost seven years on average to complete their studies at the undergraduate level, among the longest in the OECD (Figure 9). The length of pre-Bologna degree programmes only partially accounts for the excessively long duration of studies. 4 0 7 1.0 10.18356/eb1a71a8-en 16212430916cbe805692ae26063b7ed6 Food processing is particularly important in this regard, not only because of its potential scale, but also because of its key role in rural structural transformation, as a critical part of the non-farm economy and a facilitator of agricultural development (UNCTAD, 2015a). Some energy-related activities may also behighly conducive to women’s entrepreneurship and employment, especially in the conception and design of end-use equipment, such as cook stoves and other electrical appliances (Puzzola et al., This may also provide an entry point into a much wider range of other (often male-dominated) small- and medium-scale manufacturing activities. Technological capability acquisition is all the more critical in the context of the ongoing penetration of renewable-energy technologies, which have witnessed rapid technological advances and whose performance is often determined by site-specific conditions. 7 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.14217/9781848590854-6-en 162157049b2b9a12689a33f22d423117 The Pacific community prides itself on the 'Pacific Way' lifestyle where communal living and reciprocal social relationships are emphasised, often at odds with the pressures of individualism encouraged by market forces. The region is going through rapid changes, mostly due to high population growth rates and the changing needs and aspirations of its population, including increasing consumerism. The Pacific people, while living in a globalised world, have strong traditional ties and are influenced by their cultural customs. 14 3 0 1.0 10.1787/9789264257108-4-en 1622a5d25efea977d5a64fb81cbd1ee0 Yet, about 800 million people suffer from hunger and malnutrition. This “paradox” - which His Holiness Pope Francis I called “intolerable” when he addressed the delegates of the FAO Conference at the Vatican on 20 June 2013 - is caused by multiple factors. As of now, policies to confront hunger have been based principally on centrally led and short-term relief approaches, with a focus mainly on increasing food production through sectoral policies. 2 0 4 1.0 10.18356/680c1b02-en 16264ff4dd26a1880cac60a48ba2d639 For example, as highlighted in Chapter 2, the gender pay gap often increases once education is accounted for. Context specific factors - not only women and men's varying levels of education, but also related to types of employment, hours worked, and institutional and policy environments - can also make cross-country comparisons of the unadjusted pay gap difficult. Household surveys usually include questions for women about decision-making at the household level, which provide valuable insights into women's voice and agency in their daily lives. Women's political participation, however, is currently measured using the percentage of women in national parliaments, which does not reveal anything about the impact of women's representation on policy or about women's decision-making in other spaces, including in local governments or civil society organizations. 5 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264230149-8-en 162947cc21baeb297e192de3dd10173f Its study, published in August 2012, concluded with the need to increase aquifer recharge. The recharge would be covered by co-operative funds, collected from fees paid by groundwater users depending on the amount of their contribution to the recharge. The Agricultural Groundwater Revolution: Opportunities and Threats to Development, CABI, Oxford; Sophocleous, M. (2010), “Review: Groundwater management practices, challenges, and innovations in the High Plains Aquifer, USA - Lessons and recommended actions”, Hydrogeology Journal, Vol. 6 0 3 1.0 10.18356/e287ea48-en 16296a2e9698e46dd7a292f1767bae60 Key challenges to sodal inclusion are highlighted along with policy imperatives to promote it. It is recognized in the report that promoting inclusion will take time and political determination. Raising awareness about the consequences of leaving some people behind and recommending actions that Governments can take to avoid doing so can help generate political will. However, measuring social exclusion is not easy for several reasons. 10 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264230149-8-en 162b8d519e9004f15bda75abfc8b6a92 Indeed, by allowing trades between urban and rural areas, water markets give access to water resources to users who might have been excluded from them in the event of a drought. In other words, the allocation flexibility embedded in water markets allows them to respond effectively and rapidly to severe supply shocks, such as those caused by droughts (Chong and Sunding, 2006). This welfare-enhancing reallocation is not always possible under a prior tradeless appropriation regime or traditional queuing-allocation system. These adaptive management arrangements allow temporary water transfers that are contingent on water availability and may help mitigate risks related to water scarcity or competition to access the water needed by cities. 6 0 3 1.0 11.1002/pub/80f4cf5d-be0a6beb-en 162c412d2d1f8662bcebae682ba2a431 The SDGs themselves recognize the important role that ICTs can play for economic development. The presence of reliable infrastructure remains critical to creating the conditions for e-commerce to thrive, but despite the increasing availability of the Internet and widespread mobile coverage, around four billion people remain offline. Internet access costs, combined with network reliability and quality of service, continue to be a major issue in many developing countries and represent an important barrier to their ability to engage in e-commerce. Trade policy can play an important role here. 8 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264290747-en 163140f7e098446eef7e37271d25cad0 The New Urban Agenda - the outcome document of Habitat III adopted in Quito in October 2016 - identifies National Urban Policy as one of the key tenets for achieving sustainable development and growth. To take this process forward, UN-Habitat's Action Framework for Implementation of the New Urban Agenda has identified National Urban Policy as the first pillar for this implementation. This is the first ever report to monitor and evaluate National Urban Policies at the global scale, covering 150 countries across all continents, building on shared methodologies and processes across our two Organisations. 11 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/a24ac2e3-en 163416cc908f84b84ac9f5125bc3c4bb Of all children who are poor and deprived at the same time, 31% are in Sikasso, 19% in Segou, 18% in Koulikoro, and 16% in Mopti. Even though Bamako has a population share of 15%, its proportion of poor and deprived is only 1%. For instance, early marriage, early pregnancy and female genital mutilation are relevant to the well-being of the girl child. 1 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264210745-6-en 1638d77596e57e4bd212d40a91dcacc7 Effective implementation requires a host of “hard” and “soft” levers to ensure that gender equality strategies and policies are implemented by all ministries at all levels of government. There are some mechanisms for implementation within OECD countries. Audits or inspections, including by external institutions, are rare. 5 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264311626-5-en 1639f7babf259f86b960a0ab530e84e3 While Further Education in Northern Ireland has traditionally occupied the sphere between compulsory school education and higher education, delivered by universities (OECD, 2014[ioj), it has also contributed to increasing social inclusion, removing barriers to employment and strengthening the linkages between education and industry' (Department for Employment and Learning, 2016). In terms of higher education, there are also two universities, which are independent private bodies that receive their incomes from a number of sources, including student fees but also public funds. The Department of Education is responsible for curriculum and learning development as well as ensuring the infrastructure of schools across Northern Ireland. 8 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264187894-8-en 163d46ffad682ae783bdac9279311893 Expenses related to the national meteorological service are included tmder basin management. Expenses related to Mexico City’s eastern and central emissaries are included under wastewater treatment. They pay water resources charges14 to compensate the state for the use of water in the order of MXN 8 billion (see Figure 3.7). 6 1 3 0.5 10.18356/fa683360-en 163f0a481fade716588e0a37efc6c72b This is the due diligence obligation under international law.16 Specifically articulated in the United Nations Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women, States are required to exercise due diligence to prevent, investigate and, in accordance with national legislation, punish acts of violence against women whether those actions are perpetrated by the State or by private persons. An effective criminal justice response prioritizes victim safety and offender accountability. It includes the opportunity to access redress for violence in a timely manner, the avoidance of re-victimization, and the enforcement of legal remedies, including appropriate punishment for the perpetrators. 5 1 3 0.5 10.1787/agr/outlook-2014-4-en 1641e7eb2c04fe59dbc2bed76c50e411 The white sugar premium is projected at nearly USD 100/t, yet narrowing over the decade. Profitability of the ethanol sector should improve slightly in the coming years, because the margin between feedstock and ethanol prices is expected to increase in real terms. With biodiesel demand being mosdy policy and not market driven, biodiesel prices are expected to follow the evolution of vegetable oil prices. After a 2010 cotton price spike, driven by macroeconomic volatility and policy changes in key countries, prices have declined significantly in recent years but cotton prices are expected to remain relatively stable during 2014-23 as the assumptions regarding policy and macroeconomic stability do not indicate any future price run-ups. 2 4 1 0.6 10.1787/5k9312v21l6f-en 1642ee6bc305d628f7d875010fdd0a11 In this scenario, the atmospheric concentration of GHGs could reach 685 parts per million (ppm). As a result, the global average temperature increase could be 3° C to 6°C above pre-industrial levels by the end of the century, exceeding the internationally agreed goal of limiting it to below 2°C.6 For this reason, clean energy becomes absolutely critical to any strategy to alter these trends. Transforming infrastructure to be LCCR is a critical part of the climate policy challenge because it will lock-in development patterns and because it represents the bulk of the investment needed to achieve the 2°C target. 7 1 7 0.75 10.1787/e309eca0-en 16455ebfe1dfe6c2f02d786325ecd3d2 The aftermath of the crisis saw large increases in unemployment rates across the United States. In comparison with previous expansions, subsequent job creation has been more concentrated in the larger urban areas (Brainard, 2017[is]). Furthermore, labour force participation is stronger in the larger metropolitan areas as well. 8 0 9 1.0 10.18356/fb332d66-en 16461400a112011039fd13aaf7ee3878 More than 70 per cent of the drinking water supply of Azerbaijan depends on the Kura River. The Araz River water entering Azerbaijan is reported14 to have MACS in excess of one hundred times for copper, molybdenum and other heavy metals- it should be noted that in some parts of the basin, natural geochemical background levels for some heavy metals are elevated. As a result, river water microflora and fauna disappear, preventing the self-cleansing process. This situation is caused by mining, leather and fertilizer industries along the rivers, and the lack of wastewater treatment facilities in Georgia and Armenia. 6 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/9abbeac5-en 16476220af2791fe9fa904836e827712 In addition, they serve to ensure that group-specific interests are represented and advanced in public policy and other decision-making arenas. For example, women's voice is important in decisions over public spending priorities to ensure adequate provision of services, infrastructure and social security to guarantee their physical integrity and reproductive rights. The provision of better services for women enhances their power and agency within their intimate relations by reducing their dependence on other household members and giving them a stronger 'fall-back' position in case of conflicts or relationship breakdown. Women in decision-making positions must be able to articulate and act on issues that concern different groups of women, especially those who are disadvantaged. 5 0 7 1.0 10.1787/f9b2e53f-en 16478d6d1607246dd70f8d34f38f11eb Moreover, the domains of early learning are less differentiated than the outcomes that can be observed in older children and adults (National Research Council, 2008(i3j). The undifferentiated nature of skills in early childhood is due, in part, to the fact that early learning occurs across domains with gains in one domain contributing to gains in other domains (Demtriou, Merrell and Tymms, 2017[i53i). This ongoing cycle of reinforcement across domains means that early learning must be assessed using a whole-child approach, recognising the overlapping nature of outcomes for young children. 4 0 5 1.0 10.1787/9789264191808-5-en 164d8e41fb8692e97e322674f434b4ba It guided and gave coherence to the reconstruction of severely affected localities. Projects are financed through various sectoral sources (primarily from the MINVU and MOP) and the FNDR. There were 138 strategic urban plans carried out: 111 urban renewal plans (Planes de Regeneracion Urbana, PRU) of small- and medium-sized cities, and Sustainable Reconstruction Plans (Planes de Reconstruccion Sustentable, PRES) in major urban centres. 11 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264168350-4-en 1650cb25325331ccabdca195b3df6c1f Societal discrimination makes people feel powerless, including not responding to economic opportunities if their experience of discrimination has led them to undervalue themselves. Social combined with political empowerment results in individual and collective capacity to secure the eradication of discriminatory practices in markets, services and state institutions; it also contributes directly to growth through expanding the pool of human resources. Capability in terms of knowledge includes not only skills but also a critical self-awareness. Empowerment and new knowledge are iterative inter-active processes in which people’s growing awareness of the changes they want in their lives stimulates them to seek the knowledge and information they will need to bring these changes about - for example, how the state or the market function, where they can get the best price for their crop, or how to do a business plan. 1 6 3 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264269637-6-en 16568be630ab61dd0657648f4ac3acca Eligibility criteria include that the family satisfies an activity test, with the hours of subsidised care depending on the hours spent in work, training, study or other recognised activities such as volunteering (The Treasury, 2015b). Low-income families, who do not meet the activity test, will be subsidised for up to 24 hours of childcare each fortnight, in recognition of children from non-working families being developmentally more vulnerable and benefitting particularly from ECEC (Productivity Commission, 2014). Other Budget measures include the Child Care Safety Net programme, which will provide targeted support to disadvantaged or vulnerable families who encounter barriers to accessing regular childcare and a two-year pilot programme, which extends childcare fee assistance to in-home care provided by nannies. 8 2 2 0.0 10.1787/9789264267787-en 1656dea3e83849abbda71f18c3ed2356 The first key element to build vertical integration is to rely on a strong information system to ensure information sharing between providers and across levels of care. Interoperability of information systems is essential to connect health care professionals and services to co-ordinate patient care (see Lesson 10). Norway’s information system was not established to support information sharing between primary care, municipalities and hospitals. In particular, information on the quality of primary care at local level was nearly total absent at the outset of the Co-ordination Reform. In light of this, payment systems should reward multidisciplinary care and chronic disease management, which as mentioned previously are core components of integrated care. In Norway, appropriate incentives were implemented until 2015 as a means of encouraging health services to embrace integration and to promote high-quality and patient-centred care. 3 0 7 1.0 10.1787/729bf864-en 16587dd69394c5473c5638236360eb22 Lending activities through the Development Bank of Japan began in 1995 and continued throughout a period of at least ten years, during which time it is reported (Relecura, 2015) that 260 companies benefitted from IP-backed loans totaling JPY 16 billion. Its primary target could therefore be said to be addressing information asymmetry, though this form of support also has the effect of driving down transaction costs associated with the assessment of intangible assets. The scheme is led by the Japan Patent Office (JPO) and was developed in discussion with the country’s Financial Service Agency, and is targeted specifically at SMEs as defined in Japanese law. 8 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.18356/6c990279-en 1659ed4c0818e70e2a3815334fcff4fe The remaining one third of this funding was allocated to universities and applied sectoral science and research institutes through the MES, and organizations of central ministries and agencies (e.g. scientific research institutes under the Agrarian University) (Table 3.1). Universities and HEIs have additional (own) funds for science (extra-budgetary funds). The state budget for R&D currently amounts to around 0.1% of GDP, which is low compared to peer economies and means there should be a long term policy aspiration to increase R&D expenditure as a share of GDP (as per SDG indicator 9.5.1). An expert council was in charge of the project evaluations. 9 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264235151-6-en 165a43480421a517af1eeb7c96c12656 In contrast, producers of export-competing commodities such as natural rubber, coffee, cashew nuts and tea are implicitly taxed in that are paid prices for their outputs that are lower than international prices. Rice has moved from being a commodity with little support, to being highly taxed, to receiving support, to seeing this fall back to a low level again. This reflects the challenge of trying to support producers while protecting consumers. 2 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264251090-4-en 165ac7d78ac524235385bd40a7674013 Finally, water boundaries cut across places in terms of cities (i.e. when concerning more municipalities in a metropolitan area) or hinterland (i.e. the surrounding environment, rural areas and watersheds, which sustain the major bulk of water demand from cities and where the actual sources of water are often located). Particular emphasis is put on the most prominent governance mechanisms that can foster effectiveness, efficiency and inclusiveness of urban water governance building on the OECD Principles on Water Governance (OECD, 2015c). They relate to vertical and horizontal coordination across policies, dedicated metropolitan arrangements and rural-urban partnerships (co-ordination across places), and stakeholder engagement (co-ordination across people). 6 0 4 1.0 10.6027/9789289342698-8-en 165bdda3a6da994eb85827160cfe5ab6 They also express how the gender contracts are locally constructed. On other occasions, the specific contract is less explicit (Stenbacka and Forsberg 2013; 14). When young women choose to relocate it is based on a combination of own will, capacity and dreams and also on what is perceived as possible and obvious on the basis of, for instance, local (gender) traditions and gender perceptions. In other words, perceptions of how young men and women, respectively, ought/can/are expected to behave - in other words, on the basis of the local and regional gender contracts. 5 0 4 1.0 10.18356/17c99677-en 165ce6d9827b69d61a60726763c0a8b0 "Moreover, ""in the context of water scarcity, vulnerability will depend on the incidence of climatic variability as well as on a person’s or community’s resilience and adaptive capacity to this stressor, as adaptive capacity is intrinsically linked to social structures, such as gender, class, caste and ethnicity"" (Miletto et al., Nevertheless, persons with some kind of physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairment are disproportionately represented among those who lack access to safe drinking water and sanitation (HRC, 2010). Water and sanitation facilities may not be designed to meet the needs of persons with disabilities." 6 0 9 1.0 11.1002/pub/80d83f4c-en 165d2afc8bfb0c3f8a30d1ea94c4481d Geneva: International Telecommunication Union; 2015 (http://www. Cole-Lewis H, Kershaw T. Text messaging as a tool for behavior change in disease prevention and management. Epidemiol Rev 2010;32:56-69. Preventing chronic diseases: a vital investment: WHO global report. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2005 (, accessed 1 August 2015). 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/0ec26947-en 16683c6253afee53f4c2f170caacbb1f New validators can be on-boarded over time, however, there should be a clear policy on which government entities can join the project and under which circumstances. Due to the binding force of the respective treaty, governments and potentially nominated NGOs should act as the only validators in a proof-of-authority set-up. Companies covered by the trading scheme can participate and trade emissions certificates, however they would not participate in transaction validation on the platform. 9 1 4 0.6 10.1787/9789264195363-6-en 1669c2ded0e09607ccbf88522ae4317d They reach the same conclusions as in the text that there has been a transition from net agricultural exporters to net agricultural importers. Valdes and Foster (2012) in their analysis restrict the definition of food to staple foods only. A regression of agricultural growth on the growth in food imports shows a negative relationship, but one that is very weak, with an R2 value of only 0.01 (Matthews, 2012). 2 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/5km5zrrvzr42-en 166bdc15e20cadef96e254ec1fcc74df What lessons can be learned for risk mitigation and triggering of private investments? This section questions whether current mechanisms are sufficient to mitigate these risks, including the additional categories of risk found in emerging economies. More specifically, this section presents four examples of financing enhancement tools and their success: contingency financing through the implementation of a loan guarantee programme in China; an awareness and training campaign in India; a public/private partnership (PPP) through the development of a revolving fund in Thailand, and finally the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and its role in leveraging private investments in energy efficiency in reducing risks associated with Energy Efficiency. Again, results from local interviews and survey feed in the analysis. 7 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264283466-en 166d286404733fd2421e44cbd09f92da Cancer was the second leading cause of death in Latvia in 2014 (Figure 2). Nearly 6 000 people died from cancer, corresponding to 19% of deaths among women and 24% among men, while deaths due to external causes accounted for more deaths among men than women (11% among men and 3% among women). Lung cancer continues to be the main cause of cancer death, reflecting the longterm consequences of high smoking rates (Section 3). 3 1 2 0.3333333333333333 11.1002/pub/8111728e-f867d18a-en 166d411f444dbee7581b5e0d7ea4682e Since orthophotographs allow precise area measurements, agriculture emergency response teams are better able to estimate the required agriculture inputs such as seeds and fertilizers and even assist in effective planning for the next agriculture season. Irrigation systems and other water sources can also be analysed and the processed data are useful for future risk assessment and emergency planning. Chin State’s capital city, Hakha, was the worst-affected region with heavy rainfall and landslides that displaced thousands and wiped out half of the city’s farmland. This was determined as a crucial step in terms of further understanding the applicability of the technology in remote and topographically complex landslide-prone and erosion-prone regions. 13 4 5 0.1111111111111111 10.1787/9789264089457-en 166fc20996f7715d5dfc9e7bf42dca20 Furthermore, higher education institutions could assist in greening the SMEs in the tourism and the E&E industry. There is a rapid evolution of technologies and tools available to business to monitor the environmental sustainability of their production (e.g. sustainability audits) and undertake action to improve environmental performance (e.g. systematic use of life cycle assessments practices). With the help of them, the provision of technical assistance is now more carefully designed to build capacity within the firm, rather than substitute for it (OECD, 2011, forthcoming). 4 5 4 0.1111111111111111 10.1787/5js6g5kvpd6j-en 1670098284ecf32da0dac73b9cda0306 The regression results and the literature on networking and role models point to a potential importance for economic participation from measures to enhance women’s political representation. Other examples of female quotas in politics are Mexico, Morocco and South Africa. A constitutional amendment was proposed in 1996 to give women 33% of parliament seats, but it still has not passed. The OECD countries refrained from endorsing female quotas in in labour markets or political representations in their Gender Policy Recommendations of 2013 (OECD 2013, 8 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264260207-5-en 1671c04b4ba75e660bc165ed3125d140 Development will thus be funnelled to areas covered by the existing transport infrastructure or where public transport infrastructure is planned under the mobility master plan. The cost to the city of making land available for public infrastructure, such as roads, public transport, parks and facilities for energy, water, wastewater and solid waste treatment, w'ould be prohibitive as urbanisation advances. One option would be to create a supplementary plan under the current city master plan that identifies the land necessary for public services and could specify measures explaining how to acquire this land or make it available on a timeline. The city could also require private developers to provide land for public services or pay fees at the time of development. 11 1 3 0.5 10.1787/5jxrjncwxv6j-en 1671f51d6abef5468fdd38f379139d13 However, the ratio varies widely across OECD countries. It is much lower than the OECD average in the Nordic and many Continental European countries, but reaches around 10 to 1 in Italy, Japan, Korea, Portugal and the United Kingdom, between 13 andl6 to 1 in Greece, Israel, Turkey and the United States, and between 27 and 30 to 1 in Mexico and Chile (see Annex Table A 1.2). A more synthetic indicator, which takes into account the whole distribution, is the Gini coefficient. 10 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264088979-en 1673fbbd00741269916603a214c3e978 Moreover, the institutions themselves need to establish an appropriate method for tracking graduates as a way of informing curriculum - and understanding more comprehensively how education meets the needs of society and the economy. The Victorian Government could take the lead in setting up a national database to track the progress of students. No system-wide data is publicly available on the extent to which academics or students in Victorian tertiary education institutions are engaged with industry and the public sector through their normal teaching and learning and related research. 4 1 3 0.5 10.1787/aid/glance-2017-14-en 167febdd9976b2fa9328abad2520bd44 Transport and storage projects attracted the majority of these funds (55%), followed by projects in energy generation and supply (41.6%). Information and telecommunication projects attracted relatively little concessional financing (3.4%). Asia was the main beneficiary, with USD 69.4 billion, followed by Africa (USD 55.4 billion). 9 0 7 1.0 10.18356/73d010ed-en 1685a20191412c58057ae1ad6ff7040b The strong significance of this variable may be attributable to events during the latter years of the period, when the feminization rate climbed steeply during the upswing in growth that began in mid-2007. However this happened when women’s average wage was dropping, as was the male labour force participation rate. It can thus be inferred that, since growth was occurring while mean wages were declining, the demand-side effect was less strong than the effect of the reduction in the cost of labour in a benefit-led economy. This may have implications in terms of a reduction in the wages offered to prospective workers, which has also been seen in sectors subject to rapid feminization. 5 0 5 1.0 10.1787/9789264298576-19-en 1688a4ccaea4dc95b7e0e7edce89a25c More extreme weather - with intense precipitation, floods and droughts - is predicted across the six SEE economies. Rainfall is predicted to decrease. These changes could reduce crop yields across the six SEE economies, especially for maize, and increase exposure to agricultural pests. Livestock productivity in Albania, Kosovo and Montenegro could fall (Callaway etal., 2 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264301603-7-en 16891116fa3507f9bbb665e8913ecadf Students who reported that they expect to work as college, university, higher education or pre-primary teachers, or as pre-primary or primary associate teachers are excluded. First, the question on career expectations has more missing values than other questions in PISA. Second, the predictive value of students' reports on their future career can differ across countries, because of differences in the degree to which students are required to make choices at an early age to enter specific careers, and the existence of flexible pathways in the education system and labour market. 4 0 5 1.0 10.1787/9789264280359-6-en 168a44d9fa7122f9f51e9801aecea914 This Strategy demonstrates the important high-level commitment of the Government towards gender equality. The chapter aims to assess to what extent the design of this Strategy allowed for effective and impactful implementation of gender equality objectives in Kazakhstan. It focuses on the alignment of gender equality objectives with broader strategic planning of the Government to ensure that gender equality does not remain at the periphery of the government action. 5 0 4 1.0 10.1787/eco/surveys-swe-2015-6-en 168a4a9b405b098b66acdea2c4c2f82b In literacy, inequality is at the OECD average and has widened over time (SNAE, 2013a). The socio-economic background of pupils influences their results in mathematics somewhat less than the OECD average, but there is room for improvement, exemplified by Finland and Estonia, who achieve both higher results and greater equity. Variations between schools in PISA results are limited in all the Nordics. 4 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264259157-6-en 168d9657944ca6bd3db88f24e01d01a1 Indeed, Korea has long subsidised such costs for children from very low'-income households. From 2004 onwards, however, it loosened the income criteria for the subsidy and raised the centre-based ECEC subsidy itself. In 2013, it scrapped the means test for the subsidy altogether, effectively creating a universal programme of public assistance for centre-based care, regardless of income level. In 2007, for example, the government introduced a subsidised “personal care service”, offering parents the option of individual child care in the home. 5 6 1 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264118720-6-en 168e8febd83a7a08abfeb51319a50025 At present, much of such care is often provided by relatives and neighbours. Among the elderly and disabled in need of care, 80% received social (non-medical) care, of which 25% received care by public organisations, and almost 70% received informal social care by non-professionals (e.g. relatives and neighbours). In 60% of the cases, care is provided at home, and in almost all cases, additional support is provided by others in the community. 1 5 3 0.25 10.14217/9781848599130-12-en 1692be5829756f115d3840885f02adf6 This share crossed the 1 per cent mark in 2008 but fell slightly to 1.02 per cent in 2009. Since then, the share has climbed up 0.1 percentage point, reaching 1.12 per cent in 2011 (Figure 7.1). This is a small but positive development, considering that it occurred at a time of sluggish growth in world trade beset by the global economic crisis. 10 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/66641c52-en 1693411a90cf180e88f2e6aea0fd6116 Figure 3.4 plots a regional comparison of km of road per 100 km2 and km of road per 1,000 inhabitants. An 'oll-seoson rood' is a rood that is accessible oil yeor round by the prevailing meons of rural transport (typically non-four wheel drive pick-ups or trucks); occosionol interruptions of snort duration during bod weother (e.g. heavy downpours! Sweden has the highest road density (56 km of roads per 1,000 inhabitants), followed by Estonia (41 km per 1,000 inhabitants) and Iceland (39 km per 1,000 inhabitants). 11 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/0d2045c7-en 1693b741a12c2ff41a1130db7306445c The targets of the goal on food security reflect a rights-based approach by proposing to end hunger and ensure access by all people to safe, nutritious and sufficient food all year round; and by ending all forms of malnutrition by the year 2030. By viewing the issue of food security from a wider angle, this SDG identifies food production as an important complementary element for achieving food security. In that regard, two targets are proposed aimed at the following: (a) doubling agricultural productivity and the incomes of small-scale food producers; and (b) ensuring sustainable food production systems and implementing resilient agricultural practices that increase productivity and production. 2 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264302488-8-en 1694594cb2a4d5cababf67d9fc7daf17 It pointed out that the share of private expenditure in Korea is much higher than the OECD average and the highest at the tertiary level. The reduction of private expenditure in education has been heavily discussed as a critical social and political issue in every president’s administration. However, the situation has not improved over the last few decades. 4 1 3 0.5 10.18356/3a7787dd-en 1696ed6cfd7b30c7b71dc20d601a4c90 First, the Guide recommends the replacement wage over the opportunity cost. Internationally, the latter approach is discounted as it can lead to counterintuitive results, for instance, that an hour spent looking after a child is more valuable when carried out by a lawyer compared to a secretary. Arguably, the skills required for these occupations have little bearing in the care of children, or other forms of household work. 8 0 3 1.0 10.18356/152d606d-en 16974ee71ed334f02a1fd8d3b76613a5 They arc also subject to an ecological relationship and affected by the interplay among the immediate environment, the community and society. Individuals may not automatically bounce back from what appears to be a transitory shock (hysteresis). For instance, a setback in early childhood can have serious ramifications throughout the rest of a person’s life, including the chances of holding onto a job, the uncertainties associated with growing older and the transmission of vulnerabilities to the next generation. 1 5 3 0.25 10.18356/73c3a080-en 1698e5aa533c75377871fb7bfbeebabb Mini-grids capable of sustaining semi-industrial and industrial activity at a lower cost have high upfront costs, and uncertainties arising from inadequate policy frameworks are an important constraint to private investors’ access to commercial finance (ESMAP, 2017; IRENA, 2016b; Berthdlemy and Bdguerie, 2016; Beguerie and Palliere, 2016; GMG MDP, 2017). The African LDCs and Haiti as a group have the highest proportion of countries with a dedicated sector regulator. Where there are regulatory bodies, their powers may be limited or shared with a supervisory ministry. 7 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264214682-3-en 169be35ab560ee447e2196616f244f3b Apprentices - who have to be aged between 16 and 25 years old or unemployed, earn a percentage of the minimum wage for their work, based on their previous qualification and their age. Depending on the programme, apprentices alternate between academic and vocational courses and work-based training. Enterprises offering apprenticeships receive tax credits and social security exemptions (Ministere de l’Education Nationale/Ministere de l’Enseignement Superieur et de la Recherche, 2013). Postsecondary apprenticeships have grown in popularity: in 2011-12, one-third of all apprentices were at the post-secondary level - more than 120 000 students, whereas that level represented less than 5% of apprentices in 1995-96 (RERS, 2013). 4 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/5jlww009v1hj-en 169c4008ef969991e37a12d8f70f1470 How such multi-level monitoring processes may be organised is still an open question (Leadership Council of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network, 2015). While there are several similarities in indicators between adaptation and certain SDGs, some INDCs and other documents on national-level adaptation plans seem to adopt a wider range of (and more detailed) indicators than those proposed for SDGs. At the national level, the benefits of identifying and collating adaptation-related information can be closely related to filling knowledge gaps in order to enhance domestic actions and co-ordination, and attracting international support for such actions. 13 4 6 0.2 10.1787/9789264172616-5-en 169f6f35a90afddc961dcfe81895302e What advantages does it have for the students to work with different teaching strategies? It is important to identify our strengths and weaknesses in order to improve our teaching work. What information do you use to evaluate your teaching practices? In our pedagogical work we encounter students that find it hard to participate in class. 4 0 5 1.0 10.18356/5e29aba4-en 16a1c3ee90c12579ecc71d174026e905 "However, while many of these activities are not defined as ""economically active employment"" in national accounts, they are essential to the well-being of rural households (Doss, 2011). The main research question is whether there is any relation between per household number of females engaged in domestic duties and family size in the rural agricultural household. In this context, the paper examines the relationship between land ownership and the extent of domestic duties performed by females adjusted by family size in the rural agricultural household." 5 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264301603-7-en 16a22015a294a0426ccb276aa19b6d4e Finally, the PISA target population covers 15-year-olds enrolled in lower secondary or upper secondary school, but enrolment rates of 15-year-olds differ across countries and over time. This variation could partly contribute to the differences in students' career expectations reported when they are 15 years old. These limitations are discussed in greater detail in Boxes 4.1 and 4.2. 4 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/2e1a4924-en 16a3206a00afdb53d5b52dbce9972fa2 We then repeat the foregoing steps until we exhaust the original sample of mothers. Notice that the sets of matched mothers and non-mothers show no difference in the distribution of characteristics. The figures are in real Argentine pesos, adjusted for inflation using the consumer price index (cpi) deflator. 5 4 5 0.1111111111111111 10.1787/5kgglrw4n7s0-en 16a3e091e8cfa2c8becd5cc0af7b6309 India plans to auction acreages for shale gas exploration in 2011. Transmission pipelines exist mainly in the northeast. The first major long-distance gas transportation pipeline is the Hazira-Vijaipur-Jagdishpur (HVJ) line built by GAIL, which is state-owned and the largest Indian gas transmission company. 7 1 3 0.5 10.1787/059ce467-en 16a463c4ed199e4d473460172238ee73 Evidence suggests that current choice systems tend to favour the most resourceful parents and children. Under a new policy proposal, every guardian would be required to choose a school for their child to attend. In the National Strategy for Knowledge and Equal Opportunities Report (Nationell strategi for kunskap och likvardighet), the Swedish School Commission (Skolkommission) recognises that the term ‘compulsory’ may be too strong, explaining that guardians should never be forced to submit an application to a school; in the case a guardian does not submit an application, a school placement would be decided upon. 4 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5k4c9kwfdx8r-en 16a80ff40bc936281bd7be0936dcc8d1 Training sessions and direct technical assistance sessions were also provided to 10 provincial laboratories and the NCQC, to strengthen QMS. Testing and analysis in compliance with EU requirements is now possible not only thanks to new equipment for fishery laboratories, purchased with TSP funds, but also thanks to the restructuring of the MMAF authority in charge of food safety controls in fisheries and to the revision of its operating legal and regulatory framework in line with EU requirements. Finally, training on development and implementation of food safety management systems was provided to processing companies, and a market orientation programme for Indonesian SMEs was implemented to assist companies to understand and respond to the practices and consumer requirements in Europe. 2 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264224636-11-en 16a930b5bfe89b306c7055f984543ed5 The practice of using different forms of media campaigns and censoring unfavourable stereotypes of women in mass media is also common in OECD and other countries. This type of campaign can target demographic groups that are not part of the education system. For example, in France, the Ministry of Women’s Rights recently sponsored the “Festival International des Tres Courts”, a short-film festival in which a specific prize was awarded to films promoting awareness and understanding of women’s rights. 5 0 4 1.0 10.18356/0e3c4bbb-en 16a984473c42c2d3d90943cc9625b717 Managing the use of fertilizers will be crucial for long-term land development; for example, in the United States, it has been demonstrated that in the long term, organic agricultural methods can outperform conventional chemical farming in terms of crop yield, sustainability and profit (ibid.). While large-scale farming is, in general, identified as the main source of excessive use of fertilizers and soil degradation, land fragmentation and limited farm size can also be a source of soil degradation. In the minifundias of the Andean highlands of Latin America for instance, poor small-scale farm holders over-exploit natural resources, owing to population pressure and scarcity of suitable land (United Nations, 2011b). 2 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264168060-5-en 16af058b70c8e3b2e6517283bc588f10 Around 64% of monitored lakes in pastoral landscapes are classed eutrophic or worse (Ballantinc and Davies-Colley, 2009; Land and Water Forum, 2010; Verburg et al., Similarly groundwater quality has been deteriorating, with one third of sites monitored between 1995 and 2008 showed increasing trends in nitrate levels (Daughney and Randall, 2009). Eutrophication can be defined simply as the increase in the rate of production and accumulation of organic carbon in excess of what an ecosystem is normally capable of processing. This can also reduce light penetration and lead to a loss of submerged aquatic vegetation. 6 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264283466-en 16b04d227823276a831c92a01ca133d0 These measures led to a high share of the generics market, in terms of value and volume. Latvia has begun to strengthen its health infonnation infrastructure in recent years with the introduction of an eHealth system and eHealth portal started in 2016. The availability and use of health information should increase further in the years ahead. 3 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264283268-en 16b0cecb08a54f0e474f830b2d69f0c9 Yet recent years witnessed an increase in the activity of non-contracted physicians providing ambulatory care along with their steadily rising numbers. As the fees of non-contracted GPs and specialists are largely unregulated and only partly covered by social health insurance (see Section 4), access to ambulatory care is increasingly based on ability to pay rather than medical need. This may also contribute to disparities between Lander as well as between urban and rural areas. 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264233911-2-en 16b1a91efcd0bac51223653ba6169316 There is a lack of data on the subsidy element of provisions relating to export financing, food aid and state trading enterprises making assessments of changes difficult. Despite this, the WTO Secretariat has suggested that overall, since the launch of the Doha round, there have been positive developments in the export competition pillar (WTO, 2014). In the short term, a number of governments imposed export restrictions and varied import duties in an attempt to insulate domestic consumers from rapidly rising international prices. 2 5 4 0.1111111111111111 10.1787/5jlssl611r32-en 16b34a051d74b7f9d12ee0a9d270435f Calculation of the latter will require use of a hydrological model and will therefore need to be done outside the CGE model. Given the differing characteristics of water supplied from surface and ground sources, and in the absence of a more elaborate model of conjunctive use, it is appealing to treat these two sources of water as imperfect substitutes in the irrigation production function, as proposed by Sue-Wing and Lanzi (2014). The common interest shared by this community is the quantity (and sometimes quality) of water resource. 6 0 5 1.0 10.14217/9781848591271-8-en 16b3ce3c7ef91ab77eb3e4fa59292d75 It aims to strengthen the country's disability movement, hold the government accountable and raise public awareness about the rights of disabled people. Disabled people and those they work with define the project's priorities, develop strategies and carry out activities. Twelve local disability organisations formed the Inclusive Tanzania Consortium (MTAJU in its Kiswahili abbreviation) which 'owns' the project. There are now 14 disabled people's organisations and NGOs working together towards an inclusive Tanzanian society. The consortium calls itself MTAJU (mtandaowa Tanzania jummishiin Kiswahili). 4 6 1 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264210745-5-en 16b59f51ed1dbf740920e63d7093306b The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law. Similar to the private sector, the gender pay gap in the public sector is lower for younger workers and is higher at the upper end of the income distribution. Evidence suggests that governments that have taken proactive measures to ensure equal opportunity and gender balance are making progress in closing gender-representation gaps in the public sector. Persistent gaps remain in access to childcare and elderly care support. 5 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/9789264251724-8-en 16b9a2b443d520e7738590a94d478725 Among the biggest obstacles to progress is that, to date, no practicable method exists for assigning the emissions from a transnational voyage to an individual country. Bunker oil is considered a particularly toxic fuel.) January 2016 was the date set for implementation of “tier III” NOx standards in existing emission control areas (ECAs), and as of 2020 the global sulphur cap will be reduced further to 5 000 ppm (Marpol Convention, Annex VI). 14 3 0 1.0 10.18356/3fe10a08-en 16bd90580b71322c7ceaeb2c418572f2 Moreover, gross fixed investment growth slowed sharply in 2012 due to softer domestic demand and the base effect of higher growth in 2010 and 2011. Civil war in neighbouring Syria led to an influx of refugees to Turkey. Moreover, political instability in other neighbouring countries in the Middle East is also having adverse impact on the Turkish economy. 8 0 4 1.0 10.1787/baf425ad-en 16bdb408890971cd71b3b413538246b3 Such systems must ensure privacy and data security. Unified and nationally consistent safety standards, linked to accreditation of providers, facilities and organisations, are needed across the primary and ambulatory care sector. These should align with broader health system governance and management. 3 1 3 0.5 10.6027/084cc821-en 16be9a528cea4ff57bc6749ef8245f3e However, some of the countries studied in this report have already bypassed the Finnish benchmark. Hence, for these countries the scale-up potential could not be realized (see below for further information). Eurostat data (2015) regarding buildings heat consumption (residential, services, and unspecified other) was used to estimate the share of biofuel in total heat consumption. 7 0 6 1.0 10.6027/9789289338837-12-en 16bf25db53aadd08e9b8ccd67c47b6bf When students are educated away from their home, there often is a lack of connection between the school and the home and between the school and the culture of the home community. Across North America, boarding or residential schools contributed to language and culture loss for several generations of Indigenous students. First, parents in communities without a school may choose to move to a different community with a school rather than sending their child away. 4 0 9 1.0 10.1787/eag-2016-53-en 16bf71ccc546cec58e4ac304992ed0f8 It provides data on the structure, finances and performance of education systems in the 35 OECD countries and a number of partner countries. These 22 countries are: Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, the Slovak Republic, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom. While tertiary graduate earnings are higher than for people with lower levels of qualifications, on average tertiary-educated men earn more than tertiary-educated women, and tertiary-educated men tend to have higher employment rates than women with the same level of education. 4 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/5jm409kqqkjh-en 16c1b1821446f9eadfbb15e01a7e1d3e At the time of the internship, Anna Gromada was completing her master's degree in International Development at the Institut d'fctudes Politiques de Paris (Sciences Po). The paper is part of the work undertaken by the OECD Review of Policies to Improve the Effectiveness of Resource Use in Schools (School Resources Review) and includes revisions in light of the discussion of an earlier version [EDU/EDPC/SR(20l4)3l at the first meeting of the Group of National Experts on School Resources (14-15 May 2014). The Review provides analysis and policy advice to help governments and schools achieve effectiveness and efficiency objectives in education. 4 0 4 1.0 10.14217/9781848591035-7-en 16c3878ce2373aeab87cf27c6be4a7eb Various public vehicles for purchasing the equity of firms in developing countries exist, such as the CDC and the International Finance Corporation (IFC). The governments of LDCs could usefully lobby for an increased share of these portfolios. This would be timely, since World Bank President Robert Zoellick has proposed that sovereign wealth funds should set a target of investing 1 per cent of their portfolios in low-income Africa. 9 2 2 0.0 10.1787/9789264281318-24-en 16c45119374c4e353ac768f828a47b49 Among female labour migrants, only 9% said they were beginners, 24% intermediate, and 67% advanced or native-level speakers. Women who arrived as international students reported still better command of the host language. Of male family migrants, 79% claimed to have advanced or native level — a much higher proportion than any of the three groups of migrant women. Better educated migrants generally find it easier to acquire a high standard of proficiency in the host county’s language, to navigate the host country’s institutions and access its job market. 5 3 0 1.0 10.18356/847ad7f3-en 16c49eef02e508217ffb40e264a0a5e1 Some studies suggest that forests and trees can provide around 20 percent of income for rural households in developing countries, and that income from forests is proportionately more important for the livelihoods of the poorest households. The proportion of people relying on woodfuel varies, from 63 percent in Africa to 38 percent in Asia and 16 percent in Latin America. Globally, 840 million people collect woodfuel and charcoal for their own use. 15 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5jxx71lt1zg6-en 16c4a565ed62452be7dc89b9cbbc759e How many more infants are likely to die in Africa as a result of the global financial crisis? Involuntary job loss as a risk factor for subsequent myocardial infarction and stroke: findings from the Health and Retirement Survey. The effect of recurrent involuntary job loss on the depressive symptoms of older US workers. 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264229631-8-en 16c65b491b86d032d9f830ee951e4d98 In addition, stakeholders have been engaged in developing voluntary shortage sharing agreements which clarify how water is to be shared during times of drought. These agreements have been largely successful, although mediation has been required in some cases. The reform recognised that the successful execution of Compulsory Licensing, while maintaining the rule of law and the right of access to the Courts, was predicated on effective stakeholder participation. Significant objections to the proposed allocation schedule, or significant appeals to the Court could delay the process, and increase its costs significantly, perhaps to the point that it would become moribund. 6 1 4 0.6 10.18356/efc21c19-en 16cb074cef3225615dfac99a97bae235 In this regard, the gender objectives of e-Government should address the collection and analysis of baseline data on the ground. Particularly, the use of e-Government requires the user to attain a certain level of ICT capacity, which encompasses a set of computer and technical skills, as well as basic literacy and numeracy. In addition to the capacity of women as an individual from the demand side of e-Government, it is also critical to strengthen the supply side capacity. 5 2 3 0.2 10.18356/b9c917b5-en 16cca4e3883b82821c62aa0e19be4a1d In the remainder of this introductory section, the important economic differences and similarities of the two countries are briefly outlined. Conversely, those who have been more sceptical of the impact of global economic integration on inequality have tended to look at patterns of inequality within these countries (Comia 2003, Milanovic 2004, Reddy 2003, etc.) The final section draws some conclusions and considers the prospects for poverty reduction in both countries in the context of the still unfolding global financial crisis and economic slowdown. 1 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264266339-6-en 16cd3ea782621beb8889c791b16537d7 Germany, the EU and Switzerland, also major providers of climate-related development finance, have committed to finance a relatively large number of projects, notably on adaptation for water resource management, agriculture and forestry, but also on mitigation. Bilateral donors also provide climate-related development finance through MDBs and climate funds, whose amount is included in the figures on the multilateral channels. The channels to deliver climate finance have also become more diverse than ever. 13 0 7 1.0 10.18356/3ed7e08c-en 16d40a73fbbb482e4e97681a22d4f8af Initiatives to establish such forums need to be supported by national and international actors (Chapter 5). Particularly state actors must be convinced of the need to value, not sabotage and repress, women’s organizations’ intentions to participate in public debates on politically sensitive yet existential issues (Chapter 11). Such women-only spaces are important ways to build bridges between women from different identity groups, collect information about the types and effectiveness of current programmes and set priorities and strategies for addressing violence against, and the political marginalization of, women. 5 0 5 1.0 10.1787/9789264225817-8-en 16d6d5730a5b70ba5c9efe6db3c408fc Incentives have been introduced to encourage admission of patients directly to mental health care facilities, in an effort to reduce this delay. Prefectures develop Regional Medical Care Plans including for mental health for the region, provide guidance and supervise health care providers. Prefectures also have a central role in the administration of the Mental Health and Welfare Law, and are responsible for locating the two designated psychiatrists required to sign off on an involuntary admission, and are responsible for locating a hospital place for these involuntary admissions. 3 0 5 1.0 10.14217/9781848599451-7-en 16d91a6b3cdbf0346bbdd471bdf8dedd In addition to womens low rate of employment there is significant labour market gender segregation, with a high percentage of women employed in low wage sectors (NCPE 2014a). Maltese women are also more likely to interrupt their careers for childbearing, which generally leads them to drop out of the workforce. The situation has left Malta lagging behind when it comes to women pursuing lifelong careers (Mizzi 2013). 5 0 9 1.0 11.1002/pub/80a85799-5858aed9-en 16db56bc4de41416c57589eb1cda1863 According to recent estimates, over 4 billion people are not yet connected to the Internet (ITU, 2013a). The majority of those unconnected people are the main target group for the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), and are also people for whom ICTs potentially have a great development impact. Communities living in rural and remote areas stand to benefit particularly from greater connectivity to telephones and the Internet, to be able to receive information and services that can improve their economic and social condition. 9 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/9897593b-en 16dfab188725dd28769c951ef9b9d9b2 While violent extremism, terrorist attacks and state and non-state civilian targeting undoubtedly directly cause migration and displacement, public opinion in high income countries has come to overemphasize the reverse - that migration is associated with terrorism (Crabtree and Kluch, 2017). This is despite the fact that such a relationship is very tenuous, attacks by foreigners amount to a fraction ofthose by nationals, and repressive measures in host countries, rather than migration per se, can be a cause of violent extremism (Dreher et al., These interact in complicated ways; there is no single or even typical path to radicalization. However, in principle, education can affect both radicalization and reactionary responses. The collapse of the education system in the Syrian Arab Republic during the war means many young Syrians find it impossible to disengage from armed groups through education. Although host countries have taken many steps to include all Syrian refugee children and youth in their education systems, lack of education opportunities d ue to initial discrimination or lack of documentation has resulted in feelings of helplessness and desperation, increasing young people's vulnerability to exploitation and radicalization (International Alert, 2016). 4 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264202924-9-en 16e1ab5ae2746223c9687619b4bc43ed The group’s call for action was influenced by growing recognition of the need to prepare for the effects of climate change, as well as developments at the EU level such as the Green Paper on Adaptation, and international moves such as negotiations related to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The development of a national strategy was included in the Austrian government programme for 2008-13. The scientific community intensively supported the creation of the strategy with projects to develop improved climate projections and better understand impacts, vulnerabilities and adaptation. In recognition of the cross-cutting nature of adaptation policies, the development of the strategy entailed a wide-ranging process of stakeholder engagement and consultation. 13 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264209626-6-en 16e32d79720b83a34871d31e29260a83 A study of FE colleges in the United Kingdom (Basic Skills Agency, 1997) found that there was a stigma attached to poor basic skills, which then became a deterrent to taking up basic skills support. It drew on data from 19 FE colleges on withdrawal, retention, completion and achievement, as well as demographic and student characteristics and basic skills provision within each college. The study follow ed up these students - less than half of them received literacy and numeracy support, while the majority did not get any additional support with basic skills. 4 0 11 1.0 10.1787/ea1ec35f-en 16ede68722c7e2bfee77642fb6af18bd Education plays an important role in ensuring that women and men have the same opportunities in their personal and professional lives, through formal schooling, shaping attitudes and transforming behaviours. Medical and technological innovations, work-life balance measures, accessibility of family planning and legal safeguards have improved the role of women in public life. Nowadays, women in OECD countries can choose what to study, which job to take as well as whether or not to have children. 5 0 8 1.0 10.1787/5kmd6b5rl5kd-en 16ee874f1f921da4bcbd8077fc74dfd2 According to the second graph in Figure 2.2, in Australia the income coefficient of variation is initially reduced as the farmer insures more land, but it starts to increase if the farmer insures more than half of his land. This crowding-out effect of insurance on diversification strategies is confirmed in the third graph of the figure, with reductions of 4% in the diversification index. As seen, the income variability continuously increases as the farmer insures more land in the UK because the stronger crowding out effects always dominate insurance effects. 2 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/c10e763b-en 16ef91c95d0e065d43ecf4d4341638f2 Table 9 highlights different synergies that have emerged over the past years with other processes. Assessments have, for instance, sparked more activity in the regions. Some partnerships (e.g. Multilateral Environmental Agreements, such as the Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context (Espoo Convention)) and activities (e.g. benefits of cooperation assessments) are part of the ECE. 6 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5js30tvj21hh-en 16ef9dcb949694e82a45d19e5edeb7e7 This is not done for urban households as the determinants for participation for the various types of workers (self-employed and casual and salaried workers) are more similar. A separate model was estimated for rural and urban households as some of the explanatory variables differ (for more details see Annex 2). The differences which are both statistically significant (at the 10% level) and are greater or equal to 0.05 are highlighted with red. 5 6 2 0.5 10.18356/ad3972a1-en 16efafb7d3b6cc05b2cc474650d3bdb0 Since the focus in this report is on children. Figure 8.1 reports on the situation of adolescents aged 15-19. Turkey's young people are worst affected, with 1 in 5 in this category. Cyprus has cut its rate by more than half, and Turkey has also made massive strides, though it still has the highest rate among all OECD countries. 8 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264272262-5-en 16f4392e96a2bb0d690a99ae9f353a17 The interpersonal redistribution of resources is often brought about by compulsory participation or by public financing of social benefits. For example, a health insurance programme that requires all covered workers to make contributions to the benefit plan regardless of their health status. The redistributive nature of a social programme is most evident when support is provided for free or at sharply reduced prices, e.g. subsidised food programmes or free medical aid, but also the provision of income support under minimum living standard schemes in China, Japan or Korea. 1 1 3 0.5 10.14217/9781848599130-12-en 16f4f8881ccc777a9d9b255b27d02af8 Hummels (2001) finds that inefficiencies at African ports add a cost of 8.1 per cent to the value of transactions. More efficient customs procedures are found to cause trade flows to increase by as much as 30 per cent in developing countries (Wilson et al. Similarly, cutting the number of days required to clear customs in Ethiopia by half could cause total factor productivity to increase by 18 per cent. While most NTMs are meant to address public policy concerns - both economic (such as market failures) and non-economic (e.g. to protect health, animal and plant life) - they may actually serve a protectionist purpose, whether intended or incidental. For example, the WTO registered a sharp increase in the number of countervailing measures and safeguards initiated in 2008 and 2009 as crisis-hit economies took emergency’ measures to limit the spread of systemic damage. 10 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/5k3xn24zbqr4-en 16f5ddc293498c4a8c18ad5dcb4e456e System-wide issues include, for example, encouraging consistent quality across the range of providers, ensuring specialisation amongst key intermediaries, encouraging scale economies amongst intermediaries delivering more than a single element of the programme, and facilitating the exit of intermediaries providing services of insufficient standard. Here the aspiration is to make the individual institutions more market oriented and to get them acting together more effectively as a system -exchanging experience and knowledge as well as competing to improve quality and effectiveness. Where changes in the institutional arrangements have already been made these will need monitoring and assessment, for example placing the 51 PymExporta centres provided by intermediaries under the central control of the new specialised national agency ProMexico. 8 1 4 0.6 10.1787/9789264123564-5-en 16f6fcbdb863ff62390a3d8a28f6f57d Although these factors differ per country, state, region and even programme, high-quality, well-implemented ECEC curricula provide developmental^ appropriate support and cognitive challenges that can lead to positive child outcomes (Frede, 1998). A common framework can help ensure an even level of quality across different forms of provision and for different groups of children, while allowing for adaptation to local needs and circumstances. 4 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.18356/150942f1-en 16f843959ea1a47d84444a3624773f1d Ghana issued a debut Eurobond in late 2007 and was considering further market placements in late 2008. These were cancelled when Ghana’s market access was effectively closed as a result of the global crisis. With regard to privatization proceeds, the country experienced inward capital investments associated with divestitures in both 2007 and 2008. Given the increased risk aversion after the global financial crisis, further such revenues are not in near-term prospects. 1 2 1 0.3333333333333333 11.1002/pub/807e55db-ec047466-en 16faed2c40be0a34196e2964ccf0e243 The network statuses are described in table II, and are at the instance of the sensing pulse time and the decisions taken are reflected on this. Primary user activity and various states at the SU side. The equations above show that the probability of detection and probability of false alarm related to the detection threshold, sensing time and sampling frequency. 7 5 2 0.42857142857142855 10.18356/d6eab0c2-en 16fb94cadc08d95e8c3dd0335ee0d448 Table 5.3 shows the variations in the poverty headcount ratios for the whole population and the older population (persons aged 65 years or over) using the aforementioned definition across 34 OECD countries. On average, older persons show higher poverty incidence (15.1 per cent) than the total population (11.1 per cent). Also, the incidence of poverty among older persons is higher in the developing countries of OECD (26.2 per cent) than in the developed countries of OECD (13.2 per cent). 1 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264188617-en 16fe092adb2a098223f8b0d983ed9bfb Table 4.3 thus shows that the combination of direct health impacts and climate change risks weigh heavily on the attractiveness of fossil fuels, in particular coal. While biomass is carbon-neutral if it is harvested sustainably, it can have significant health impacts due to local and regional particulate emissions. While such estimates provide indications of orders of magnitude rather than precise measurements of impacts, they nevertheless contribute to a more balanced view of the impacts of different power generation technologies. 7 0 4 1.0 10.1787/5js1j18znzs4-en 16ff76672da1548b5293d0db8d9024a8 Indeed, as the rural sector develops, farmers are faced with the choice of raising farm productivity or reallocating their resources to allow other farmers to scale up operations. Enabling the latter process is particularly important in China, as historical land assignment practices have resulted in a high proportion of small farming operations relative to other middle-income countries. Following the experience of other middle-income and OECD countries, farmers commonly follow alternative routes during the adjustment phase: i) stay working the farm and raise productivity, ii) transition away from agriculture to pursue off-farm employment, or in) discontinue operating their farmland without taking up employment elsewhere (usually the elderly and less able). 2 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264233294-6-en 1700232630680e580a3f7eb3a4d09472 In contrast, decisions taken today on infrastructure such as transport, power generation and buildings could lock economies deeper into greenhouse gas-intensive systems, technologies and innovation and make them vulnerable to a changing climate. Scaling-up finance for long-term investment in infrastructure. Shifting investments towards low-caibon alternatives. 13 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264281936-8-en 1701d2647ac84a93f568c7c886eeb0d8 Kubler suggests that in the case of Sydney there was an evolution over multiple decades from a bargaining approach that focused on achieving specific outcomes to one that is more like problem solving and is oriented to finding a process to manage land-use conflicts. Ways to better manage interconnections between urban areas and their more rural hinterlands were explored in the 2013 report OECD Rural Policy Reviews: Rural-Urban Partnerships. Prague was one of the 11 case study regions. The main conclusion of the report is that rural and urban places within metropolitan regions are strongly coupled across multiple dimensions, including: population and commuting flows, investments and economic transactions, service provision, environmental goods and amenities, and government interactions (Figure 4.2). 11 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264086395-7-en 17077215f0b46dbe7ec6a9aa95b63db7 While concentration in school is often linked to residential and housing policies, it is sometimes reinforced by the structure of the education system. Policy options to integrate rather than segregate migrant students include effective management of school choice, rethinking of ability grouping practices and ensuring high curricular standards in all schools. Additional resource inputs can be necessary to bring their schools up to parity and finance additional programmes to address the particular linguistic and other needs of immigrant students. Research indicates that funding for equity will be most effective at the earliest levels of education, and that both universal programmes for low socio-economic status (SES) students and targeted measures for immigrant students are necessary. 4 0 3 1.0 10.1787/85b52daf-en 170c30d8a2f8ac201107404966596898 Some development co-operation providers combine private sector engagement for development with efforts to promote their own private sector in developing countries. While this may be effective in delivering environmental benefits at a project level, such as fuel savings or reduced emissions, it could have implications for the efficiency of the project (e.g. in terms of promoting the most affordable clean technologies in partner countries, rather than those from the donor country). It could also affect the overall development effectiveness of the activity, by limiting national ownership, and in turn longer term scale up of the project. While there are several examples of successful, innovative ways to engage the private sector in promoting green growth, there is still a need to scale up such approaches and develop bankable projects. 13 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/bb1b1617-en 170fe1431c543c6a3ee5161dca55ea99 Another WFD daughter directive focuses on groundwater.5 The Bathing Water Directive6aims to protect the health of the public using Europe’s inland and coastal bathing waters. The Flood Risk Management Directive' aims at improving Rood prevention and Rood damage reduction in river basins. In particular, the requirement to develop and publish, by December 2009, River Basin Management Plans (RBMP), and to establish programmes of measures by the same date, has been a strong driver for this approach. 6 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264303119-en 1713b36ea2c8044bf25596604aa65ef5 As an example, the substitution of fossil fuels by renewables and the corresponding global market for renewable power equipment offer opportunities, but also risks, for national or regional trade balances. In the case of the European Union (EU), for instance, there is a trade deficit with China in solar components, China being the largest producer of solar panels with 65% of the global production, 90% of exports of which 80% serve the EU market. Counting the trade benefit coming from export of solar equipment to non-EU countries, such as Japan and the United States, the resulting trade deficit for the EU has been EUR 21 billion in 2010, falling to 9 billion in 2012. Unlike trade in solar components, the EU has a sustained trade surplus in components for wind power, amounting to EUR 2.5 billion in 2012. One could therefore look more closely for one country where renewable energy innovation policy was particularly strong. 7 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264179370-4-en 17160b9650f06b4498fe1fecc59f3372 One possible reason could be that Canada’s development co-operation strategy includes measures to design programmes specifically aimed at reducing gender equality gaps. This approach helps planners to introduce these objectives into policy dialogue and to include them in the design phase of programmes. The gender marker (cont.) 5 0 7 1.0 10.18356/0b0291cb-en 171997069e86fa1e4a55fe0f76b84bfd A second focus of international attention is the imperative need to improve capacities for producing and using the large and complex sources of information required to monitor progress towards achieving climate-resilient development. At its forty-sixth session, held from 3 to 6 March 2015, the Statistical Commission endorsed the formation of the Inter-agency and Expert Group on Sustainable Development Goal Indicators, which consists of 28 representatives of national statistical offices and includes, as observers, representatives of regional commissions and regional and international agencies.23 The Inter-Agency and Expert Group was tasked to develop an indicator framework for the goals and targets under the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development at the global level. At its forty-seventh session, held from 8 to 11 March 2016, the Commission agreed on a global indicator framework for monitoring progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, which includes 230 global indicators, as proposed by the Inter-Agency and Expert Group.24 It is a framework intended for follow-up and review of progress at the global level towards achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. 13 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264190658-9-en 1719d4786bd058d364d1479b4f598a57 It sets out the overall “roadmap” for the three years ahead, with a focus on the school’s key priorities and action plans. It is conceived as a living document that all school staff will use as a reference point in evaluating, developing and improving their work. It is the duty of each school’s Board of Governors to ensure that training and development needs that are identified through PRSD are reflected in the SDP and that corresponding opportunities for professional development are made available to all teaching staff. For example, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Israel, Korea and Poland have established appraisal processes specifically designed to make promotion decisions and Chile, Korea and Mexico have developed explicit reward schemes to compensate high-performing teachers through rewards or one-off salary increases. 4 0 4 1.0 10.18356/f7cce716-en 171a5a9cf4034c4da18e67b6fff96a32 In other words, the relation between vulnerability and disasters is explained by the lesser capacity of an individual or group to anticipate, survive and resist the impact of a disaster, and then recover. Moreover, when a disaster strikes its impact will depend on risk management and the institutional capacities associated with climate change adaptation. Both are development factors that influence the configuration of disaster risks. 13 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264214682-7-en 171ad9ec1b1bb4f336780e5f183e4cdc Even in the past, this expectation was often unfounded, and it is now entirely outmoded, as technical progress increases and changes the demand for higher level skills. Despite this, in many countries opportunities for graduates from upper secondary vocational programmes to deepen and update their skills remain limited. This is worrying, because more than anything else, the lack of such opportunities deters young people from pursuing an initial vocational route, sometimes in favour of less suitable career paths. 4 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264262782-6-en 171bfad272ce05a8c04ff4e89ad2d948 For instance, thrombolysis for ischemic stroke is excluded, despite this running contrary to evidence on international best practice. In such cases hospitals would be left to cover the cost of medication from elsewhere in their budget. Some other procedures that might be expected to be systematically included, for example thoracic surgery and some neurological procedures, are also not included. In such examples there appears to be a gap between established national clinical guidelines, and the NHS tariff. 3 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264224636-11-en 171c3f5f6c6f0e07246b37601a99bcd8 These differences in needs come as a result of intrinsic and extrinsic inequalities and trends in societal roles for each demographic, whether in regards to men and women or in regards to different minorities or regional populations. In 2010/11, the National Report on the Progress of Jordanian Women in Justice and Participation was launched. Several CSOs participated in delivering a Jordanian women’s manifesto, which included several topics to encourage women’s legal and political rights in the media and economic spheres. 5 1 4 0.6 10.18356/b97ad7b9-en 171f6fb3c620d4e1015f798b8ef56287 Depending on the location, dynamics of temperature and precipitation changes differ. Melting of the permafrost area is expected to have effects on bridge and road constructions as well as buildings. To adapt to climate change in the water sector, Mongolia prioritizes the formulation and stabilization of a water resources management policy. The Tobol and the Ishim/Esil are transboundary tributaries of the Irtysh/Ertis. 6 0 4 1.0 10.18356/64011ade-en 1722ae4d8db48e582fc2e1132a1d51b0 At the same time, a relatively high network of public transport stations is not a guarantee for a higher demand. A right number of stations should be such that on one hand would allow the citizens to find a station in a vicinity of their work, living, shopping or recreation places and, on the other hand, would not delay the transfers due to too frequent stops of the public transport modes. These ai measured per square kilometer compared to per 1000 popi much as 175 times (Brussels versus Oslo). 11 0 7 1.0 10.1787/5k46dbzhrkhl-en 17238269c2766519e7b4300601e78e25 Improved cooking stoves have been identified as having potential social benefits (improved health), environmental benefits (lower firewood use and emission reductions), and economic benefits (lower inputs requirements, such as fuel wood). Good evidence of this is now needed to warrant a very widespread roll-out. Efforts are being made to secure project accreditation under the Clean Development Mechanism and the Gold Standard Foundation. 13 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264267787-en 172423cb0f0ce31ced4dc7f5f0aeb968 Italy's National Observatory on Good Practices for Patient Safety promotes sharing and learning from adverse events (cont.) Learning from these workshops is consolidated, and emerges as national recommendations applicable across the country, made publicly available on the Observatory's portal. The next step, regional implementation of these recommendations, is supported by AGENAS, the national authority tasked with supporting R&AP to improve health care quality. 3 0 4 1.0 10.1787/5kgglrw4n7s0-en 17259bccacb75e1e091e744ea66e2b4a For natural gas, the Baseline and the BLUE Map Scenarios show quite similar natural gas infrastructure needs, of maximum gas use by 2050 of 180 bcm in total and 100 bcm in power generation. About 30 bcm would be delivered from existing fields, 50 bcm from new fields and 100 bcm from LNG imports. This would imply an almost tenfold increase of LNG imports between 2008 and 2050, or six new, very large 10 Mt/year LNG regasification facilities. 7 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264095830-12-en 1725e8ef0fd3b9d1067bae518131116c Occupational segregation by gender, discrimination, women’s multiple roles as workers, mothers and wives, lack of access to information networks and to capital account for much of women’s disadvantage vis-a-vis men (Zhou and Logan, 1989; Gilbertson, 1995). Cultural factors play also an important role to foster this tendency. In general, women are expected (and expect also themselves) to earn wages in ways that do not conflict with their family obligations. Depending on cultural values, the welfare of the family and community may have more priority than individual achievement (Dhaliwal, 1998 and 2007; Low, 2003; Zhou and Logan, 1989). 5 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264225817-6-en 172767c6ad96bb6cff772b298ebcfabe These suggest that community services may be struggling to provide adequate care. This chapter explores the extent to which current arrangements are aligned with this ambition and what more needs to be done, particularly in terms of quality monitoring and improvement, to achieve it. The chapter argues that work should start now to professionalise and define a speciality of primary care, based upon a clear, consensual vision of how the speciality will be different in knowledge, skills, roles and responsibilities from current community generalists. Strengthening of the information infrastructure, possible reforms to payment systems, and close attention to primary care specialists’ role in co-ordinating care will also be needed. Section 2.4 describes the challenges, including a super-ageing society that primary care would be expected to address and Section 2.5 considers the extent to which current arrangements are well placed to meet these challenges. Sections 2.6 and 2.7 describe the steps that Japan should take to develop a distinct and specialist primary care workforce and embed quality monitoring and improvement from the start. 3 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264202054-4-en 172980236f077a33e4de301acd8c9b5b As to private hospitals, publicly funded patients accessing care in private hospitals must make significant out-of-pocket contributions to meet the costs not covered by public insurance. Turkey has an opportunity to use the rich data infrastructure and coding processes already in place to shift to case-mix adjustment relatively rapidly, thereby appropriately remunerating complexity of care. This should be accompanied by monitoring of quality of care for example to ensure that any expansion in numbers treated is clinically appropriate and to reduce unwarranted variation in medical practice across providers or geographical regions. This would have the further advantage of helping the Ministry of Health move fully and expeditiously in the aspired direction of focusing on quality governance of the health system and relinquishing responsibility over operations. 3 0 7 1.0 10.18356/e790da27-en 172b3831de2e1f42dca3028e7b1f8b02 In tandem, this would reduce stress on groundwater resources from both a water quality and water quantity perspective. However, as a result of growing population and the demarcation of interstate borders that constrained mobility, the practice was replaced by continuous intensive agriculture. Under the framework of the project of reviving hima land management practices, efforts were pursued to empower local communities by transferring management rights to them. Results also demonstrated an increase in economic growth (e.g. through the cultivation of indigenous plants of economic value) and conservation of natural resources in the Zarqa River Basin. Capacity-building workshops were conducted to exchange information on lessons learned and challenges, as well as awareness campaigns to promote the issues at stake. 6 0 7 1.0 10.18356/9b4421ad-en 172d48f4dea0c1c3ad86c18a2602c15b About 70 per cent were documented migrants, and the majority recurred to an agent. The top occupation (94 per cent) was domestic work, with the rest employed in factories. About 63 per cent of the migrant women perceived their economic situation to be poor, 27 per cent reported hard but acceptable conditions and only 9 per cent said that their economic situation had been fair before the migration process. 5 0 8 1.0 10.14217/9781848590618-5-en 172dda9d9df147e28b4dd43c968fba3b The clash between religious or cultural autonomy and gender equality is a pervasive problem for constitutional law, one that arises in connection with claims of immunity from gender equality provisions on the grounds of cultural or religious freedom. I will describe how the resulting conflict has been addressed in international law and in the decisions of various constitutional courts and propose a theoretical basis for structuring the hierarchy of values to resolve this issue in a constitutional framework of human rights. The religious paradigm was replaced by secularism, communitarianism by individualism and status by contract. 5 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/ee3ce00b-en 172e88eee0f40b3d13439fdab8e7cfc1 This paper focuses on how national and subnational governments can align subnational financial flows to transition towards low-carbon, resilient and inclusive cities. The paper is a contribution from the OECD Champion Mayors for Inclusive Growth initiative and to the OECD Programme on Subnational Finance and Investment. It was drafted by Dorothee Allain - Dupre, Isabelle Chatty, Marissa Plouin, and Sena Segbedzi. 13 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.18356/b8259a41-en 173230446ef83872f07e8f21c2cfb885 Slightly more than one-fourth of women discontinued using them because they became pregnant as a result of failed contraception methods (Viet Nam, NCPFP, 2003). These are total abortion rates (TAR) and are based on reporting of both menstrual regulation and abortion. There is an increase in the total induced abortion rate for the whole country from 0.54 in 1997 to 0.62 in 2002. The same also is found to be true by residence. 5 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/a24ac2e3-en 1733560193b57250767e2df08eb612db Similar to the pattern observed for the children in the first age group, the children in Sikasso (and Koulikoro - in this case) experience monetary poverty relatively more often than multidimensional deprivation. Capturing the regional differences, Sikasso, Mopti and Segou have the highest levels of combined deprivation and monetary poverty. Koulikoro and Tombouctou still have a large proportion of vulnerable children. 1 0 3 1.0 10.18356/e569c117-en 1733c1b31ba6a2dcfb9056823bbd25e6 In addition, the programme provided so-called soft components, including a mobilization campaign supporting girls' enrolment into school, literacy training for adults, and capacity building among local partners. The $12.9 million grant was financed by the Millennium Challenge Corporation and implemented by a consortium of NGOs (Plan International, Catholic Relief Services, Tin Tua, and the Forum for African Women Educationalists) under the supervision of USAID. In 2009, continuation of the project under the name BRIGHT II was approved for an additional 3 years covering almost 29,000 young students in 2011.14 Apart from the maintenance of on-going services, it includes the construction of additional classrooms for grades 4 to 6. The school feeding element will be continued with daily meals during all nine months of the school year for an estimated 13,000 children. 1 3 1 0.5 10.1787/saeo-2019-6-en 1738cb4612c166d8e83829d17a531093 The first are relatively straightforward to measure, as they are the marginal labour and vehicle operating costs, measured through costs for fuel and vehicle maintenance. Costs associated to schedule delay and non-adherence are harder to grasp, and can be classified into three categories. These are especially harmful in the context of just in time delivery practises, flexible inventories and perishable goods. 11 3 0 1.0 10.1787/9789264229372-7-en 173b3c311c91f5c3703b9ed390342511 Routes, transfer stations, schedules and ticketing are poorly co-ordinated and integrated in the Agglomeration. Changing this and developing a long-term perspective for system improvements will necessitate political, economic and organisational measures (Solodkij and Gorev, 2013). An integrated and efficient transport system will need to be built on clear rules and close co-ordination among different stakeholders of the system. 11 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264202405-10-en 173e07c5f29c9e615ee56ae86d552442 Ciguatera fish poisoning (or ciguatera) is an illness caused by eating fish that contain toxins produced by a marine microalgae called Gambierdiscus toxicus. Cholera is the only bacterial disease exclusively attributable to water pollution. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), diarrhoea accounts for most of the water-related disease burden worldwide. It is mainly caused by cholera, typhoid fever, shigella, EHEC (Escherichia Coli) and Hepatitis A. (u>uiui.u)>ater_sanitation/burden_text/en/index.html). 6 2 2 0.0 10.18356/4ed7c373-en 173e2cc243c0b3c5858e68c45a40394b The notable variability of wildlife and high degree of biological diversity at the species, genetic and ecosystem levels (Bosnia and Herzegovina is among the top five countries in Europe in respect of biodiversity) is a result of this ecological heterogeneity of space, geomorphologic and hydrological diversity, and climate diversity. There are 1,859 species of 217 genera within the group of cyanophyta and algae. On average, 74 per cent of fungi species on the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List for Europe can be found in Bosnia and Herzegovina forest ecosystems. 15 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264168060-5-en 17409b22844605deae90202621dfa40d For the six States and the District of Colombia surrounding the Chesapeake Bay area the TMDL’s will now be mandatory (Chapter 5.2) (Perez, Cox and Cook, 2009). In the TMDL process modelling and monitoring can play an important part in allocating pollutant loads to various sources, such as helping to determine the relative contributions of arable crops, intensive livestock operations and urban sources to loads of nutrients and pathogens observed in large water catchments (Helmers et al, 2007). The resulting classification for each water body is reported to the European Commission (Johnes, 2007). The ecological status ranges which can range from “high” to “bad”, is determined by a combination of biological quality elements (aquatic flora, benthic invertebrate fauna and fish fauna) and physico-chemical quality elements (such as oxygenation conditions, nutrient conditions, salinity, as well as specific pollutants). 6 1 3 0.5 10.18356/935513ee-en 1742bdcdb25e374d45574cfe54387fdb At the core of the strategy was deploying local mediation teams supported by international experts to work on conflict resolution between the tribes on a pasture-by-pasture basis. This involved supporting joint assessments of the condition and scope of each pasture in dispute, specifying pasture-specific regulations and measures for rehabilitation, identifying alternatives, and providing suitable compensation where access was no longer feasible. The strategy also included broader top-down approaches, such as disarmament of relevant districts and harmonization of the dispute resolution strategy with overarching laws and policies such as the National Land Policy, National Rangeland Strategy, and Draft Rangeland Law. Resolving Natural Resource Conflicts to Help Prevent War: A Case From Afghanistan. 6 2 2 0.0 10.1787/eco/surveys-chn-2013-5-en 1746b876c273f2562e8a6b020a5541a0 A tax may offer a lower administrative burden given the additional complexities associated with regulating a trading scheme, a not insignificant advantage in China given the difficulties faced hitherto. Irrespective of the approach taken to pricing carbon, given the important contribution from the electricity generation sector it is critical to allow increases in electricity prices in line with changes in generation costs (IEA, 2012e). In addition to moving ahead with carbon pricing, the system of pollution levies needs to be transformed into a system of pollution taxes with revenues collected by tax authorities and allocated to government coffers rather than earmarked to environmental projects. 6 3 1 0.5 10.1787/9789264274648-6-en 1747a99837e40d5f7d81857f2c843dd9 The city acquires land, prepares it for construction and use, and then sells the land to private developers. The role that the city takes on in this regard is not statutorily defined. The sale takes the form of leasehold: Amsterdam owns the majority of land in the city, and retains ownership after (re)development. Moreover, the increased value of existing property caused by investment in green and infrastructure flows in part to the municipality in the form of property tax. 11 0 3 1.0 11.1002/pub/810d0472-9ef3e93d-en 174a2f0d08abdff2cb420f7df5165366 Facebook lists some 2.2 billion monthly active users (MAU) on Facebook for Q1 2018, a 13% increase year-on-year. Some 1.45 billion people on average log onto Facebook daily as Daily Active Users (DAU) for March 2018, matching the growth in MAU with a 13% increase year-on-year. However, DAU and MAU are not measures of data traffic, and use of Facebook varies considerably in different regions of the world. However, there are some indications that inequalities in access to and use of intelligent connectivity may be growing (Viewpoint 2). 9 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.18356/7e830810-en 174bacf1deafa2e8ff6f6beff35391fd Evidence from national and international programmes shows that while efficient components might yield minor gains, systems optimization can yield much larger gains (20-30 percent), with payback periods of less than two years (ECLAC 2010; Garcia et al. Energy management systems can help firms develop an energy use baseline, actively manage energy costs and document savings for internal and external use (such as greenhouse gas emission credits). A good energy management system is vital for identifying opportunities for sustainable energy savings (Worrell 2011). A successful energy management system starts with a strong organizational commitment. A study of Turkey’s textile sector suggests that implementing an energy management system company-wide is the best approach (Ozturk 2005). Energy management systems involve costs in wages, consultancy and other fees, so their cost effectiveness varies with the firm’s size and energy intensity. 7 0 4 1.0 11.1002/pub/80ec6eec-a0a0f85c-en 174c55e463c527331d05ff8e3f663448 These studies resulted in Report ITU-R RS.2178: The essential role and global importance of radio spectrum use for Earth observations and for related applications. It is stressed that information about climate, climate change, weather, precipitation, pollution or disasters is a critically important everyday issue forthe global community. Earth-observation activities provide such information, which is required for daily weather forecasting, climate change studies, environmental protection, economic development (transportation, energy, agriculture, and construction) and for safety of life and property. These systems are described in a number of ITU-R Recommendations. In particular, WP 7C has developed Recommendation ITU-R RS.188316 on the use of remote sensing in the study of climate change and its effects. 13 1 3 0.5 10.1787/5k424rdzj3bx-en 174eac5d3a46c52f79c4572009c9d934 Only one respondent offered any insight into this situation, observing that the main barrier to promoting genomics for infectious disease control in Luxembourg is the fact that responsibility for controlling infectious disease in the Grand Duchy rests exclusively with the Laboratoire National de Sante; it would appear that, in this instance at least, institutional separation of infectious disease control from other elements of the healthcare and biomedical research system may seriously impede innovation in this area. Two respondents suggested that international collaboration might help to overcome such barriers, but offered no specific recommendations for how to achieve this. These include the National Institute of Genomic Medicine, established in 2004, where high-throughput technology has been adopted to support research on-going in laboratories around the country, as well as programmes supported by the Foundation Carlos Slim for Health and the Mexican Association of Medical Schools. 3 0 3 1.0 10.18356/31959a6d-en 175105b9e6ba2c19216eca79e34e1469 All these features compromise their pension entitlements in pension systems that link benefits to paid work, contributions and earnings. This paper deals with the challenges and constraints that pension systems face to be gender equitable and the policy alternatives to address these challenges. The economic protection of women in later life depends on several factors that intersect,including pension system rules, labour market conditions and family arrangements over the past and present. This paperfocuses on pension system rules and how they interact with other social and labour market conditions over women’s life courses to reproduce or mitigate gender inequalities in old age. 5 0 9 1.0 10.18356/0488519d-en 1751615389349e83f1522095758a691b It also means taking into account the culture and psychology behind risk, and creating partnerships for building resilience (Box IV-7). Disaster information collected at the local level (e.g. Deslnventar) is likely to be more complete for specific disaster - since it will include small magnitude and high-frequency events (Box IV-8). But it only covers those disasters that are entered into the system. Learning from the Deslnventar experience, the Government of Indonesia has been working with UNDP to create Disaster Data and Information of Indonesia - a comprehensive disaster loss database that will guide the development of a national DRR plan and can be used to monitor the impact of disasters on poverty at the community level. 13 5 4 0.1111111111111111 10.1787/5jlww004n6nq-en 175438c168a3a15d68f205798794cbb9 Such Parties would need to provide the information needed to track progress towards each of these goals and measures as outlined in Figure 3 and Table 6. The global stocktake will consider, among other things, the overall effect of Parties’ NDCs. For some types of NDC, estimating expected future GHG emissions is difficult and may depend heavily on external factors such as GDP or population growth. The Paris Agreement encourages developing country Parties to move over time towards economy-wide emission reduction or limitation targets in the light of different national circumstances. As more Parties do this, it should become easier to gain a clearer picture of future expected GHG emissions levels and associated global average temperature rise. Article 13 of the Paris Agreement also stipulates that other Parties providing support should report information on support provided and mobilised, and that developing country Parties should report information on support needs and support received. 13 0 3 1.0 10.1787/a09a3a5d-en 1754991230d61f84b57b03d005ea271a Therefore a dedicated expert database was developed for identifying appropriate experts who can evaluate new project proposals from the scientific, innovative, financial and business points of view. • In the case of the United Kingdom, the geographical coverage of the data is limited to Great Britain (excluding Northern Ireland). For more insights on barriers to SMEs’ access to international markets, see OECD (2008) and OECD (2009a). 9 2 3 0.2 10.18356/36aba0c4-en 175724823463ae5640e6facb5a97f404 Macrostability is widely understood to mean simply price stability (as opposed to, for instance, employment stability), based on a policy regime, sometimes referred to as deflationary, which tends to weaken the employment-generating capacities of the economy. If a low rate of inflation is the only objective, this is likely to lead to higher rates of interest. The result is that the rate of unemployment is kept higher than it would otherwise be. There may be a gender bias to this approach to monetary policy. 5 3 1 0.5 10.18356/091e4d11-en 1757405790c3b93aeaac6892ed38d375 Data are from 2015 or 2014, are strongly child-centred, and highly policy relevant (e.g. public childcare policies, school and education policies). This indicators is taken from a survey of women who retrospectively report experiences of violence across their life course. The measure itself aligns strongly to the SDGs, but is only available for European countries, has small sample sizes (in the case of certain items), and is retrospective, self-reported data, collected in 2012. 4 2 2 0.0 10.18356/8179e92c-en 1757bb17404c7a1e7b136b4a9b51247b "The GGEO is not simply a matter of 'add women to the environment and stir'; instead it makes use of gender-based assessment frameworks along with the traditional environmental assessment approach of the Drivers-Pressures-State-lmpacts-Responses (DPSIR) methodology, thus requiring new questions and new methods. Using a gender-specific approach to examine these complex linkages (which may be referred to as the ""gender-and-environment nexus"") is therefore an appropriate way to investigate the dynamic relationships between environmental change and gender equality, as well as between impacts on sustainablity and the realization of women's rights and empowerment (Leach 2015, Seager 2014). The push for gender equality is shaping environmental understanding, but notions of gender equality are also shaped by environmental imperatives including equal access to, and sharing of, the benefits of the use and protection of ecosystems and natural resources (UN 2014, MEA 2005)." 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264096356-en 1758fc1c0dd4f762d211c9d3c896ac7b In the case of enrichment services, their concentration in the hand of a limited group of suppliers under tight supervision is to some extent necessary given the sensitive proliferation issues connected with enrichment. In the other cases the question is - like in the oil or gas industry - whether equipment providers are sufficiently forward-looking to anticipate future demand. This regards both physical availability and the impact of price volatility. 7 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264179011-4-en 175c8db77d40973687b2c96b6cf0b416 However, land registration has been slow and only around one-third of privately-owned land parcels have been registered over the last forty years. Most rural households have unregistered land rights acquired through inheritance from parents and relatives. This creates a significant barrier to accessing credit. 2 9 0 1.0 10.1787/eco/surveys-prt-2014-6-en 175caf1b543dc9947a7195e6781f0a03 The economic crisis has halted a iong-term gradual decline in both inequality and poverty and the number of poor households is rising, with children and youths being particularly affected. Unemployment is one of the principal reasons why household incomes declined. The tax and benefit system alleviates both inequality and poverty significantly. 1 0 3 1.0 10.6027/9789289348393-7-en 175fad9c8b9dcce44c7cc98b032d07e1 Importantly, the IUCN works through specialist commissions that provide the Union with information and know-how. All the members of the IUCN together agree on, for example, the work programme of the organization. This would mean conducting studies and developing new policy recommendations or instruments based on the latest scientific findings. In addition, the IUCN governance structure could be used as a partial model for the post-2020 chemicals and waste management regime: the ICCM acts as the general assembly of members, and a governing council could be established to work under the direction and monitoring of the ICCM. 12 5 4 0.1111111111111111 10.1787/5k912j389bf0-en 1762b9d205f3469e49a41f49c5013a96 Brisbane: School of Population Health, University of Queensland. The first version of this model was developed to study the impact of type 2 diabetes on the Australian population including health, health expenditures and broader economic impacts, such as changes in employment and productivity. The model was used to test the potential future impact of various policy interventions to reduce the future burden of diabetes for the purpose of improved decision-making regarding population health investment, work-force participation and productivity. 3 0 4 1.0 10.1787/0492621a-en 17641397ddd5246d46d0095a2d7e29d9 The results need to be treated with caution, however. The railways business is not a simple one and the comparison of different cases is not straightforward. Railways come in all shapes and sizes: vertically integrated, vertically separated, public and private, passenger- or freight-dominated or mixed, supported by subsidies or fully self-reliant. 9 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264247567-6-en 176821e1165558717fa40f3ad00498e4 More accurate figures are provided by the Atlas of Roma Communities project, which is based on a survey applied directly in the field (UNDP, 2014). According to this survey, about 7.5% of Slovak population identified as belonging to the Roma Community (403 000 people). Of these, 46.5% live spread among the majority population, 12.9% live in concentrated settlements within municipalities, 23.8% live in concentrated settlements on the border of municipalities and 17.0% live in segregated settlements (UNDP, 2014 and Decade of Roma Inclusion, 2013). 4 6 1 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/062acf72-en 176cb912b1f08ddc00366136813748ce Usually, its protective status is repeatedly extended, but not alw'ays. Instead, the nature preserve was w'ithdraw'n in 2003, due to the adverse results of intensive anthropogenic pressure on its broad-leaved forests, and the need for territorial development of a cattle-breeding complex. Most recently, according to some sources, the protective status of almost all nature preserves in Tajikistan (12 out of 13, the exception being Nurek) expired in 2013, and was not immediately extended. 15 0 3 1.0 11.1002/pub/80ec8c3c-4184cda6-en 1770e68ebe891858e89a3119e9d2bb4a So such content elements are delivered over a broadband channel like the Internet. It allows the creation of an environment for consumers to make use of software applications provided via the broadcast signal but, mostly, via an IP connection. It provides the possibility to retrieve, consume, store, edit and create additional content by simple interaction of the broadcast and non-broadcast environments, as well enabling social networking. 9 1 3 0.5 10.6027/9789289329163-8-en 1772305e4b24075e64bba7624ddecc2e This third level has been the economic growth engine especially in Finland and Sweden for the past six decades, but is now decreasing in importance due to the ongoing large-scale restructuring of the industry (new pulp and paper facilities being built in the global south rather than north) and digitalization of societies worldwide. One increasingly important business level is renewable energy that is produced from the residues of levels 2, 3 and 4. Both solid biomass (e.g. wood chips and pellets) and liquids (e.g. bio-oil) are used as raw material for bioenergy. This level breaks the confines of traditional industry sectors and makes them part of a larger biobusiness sector. 7 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264195363-6-en 1773e426bca06586aaece110a05d3a1d For these countries, both the balancing and the stabilising role of trade will become increasingly important over time. Trade flows can partially offset local climate change productivity effects, allowing regions of the world with positive (or less negative) effects to supply those with more negative effects. This stabilising role is illustrated by a simulation of an extended drought in South Asia, which begins in 2030 with a return to normal precipitation in 2040 (Nelson et al., The analysis shows how substantial increases in trade flows could soften the blow to Indian consumers. 2 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/e1196521-en 1776071c62495ad002e3f85ba6eeb4b4 Scientists, engineers, and entrepreneurs characterize energy security as a function of strong energy research and development, innovation and technology transfer systems. Import dependence is a major energy security challenge for about three billion people globally, where nations import more than 75 per cent of their oil and petroleum products; 95 per cent of transport energy comes from oil-based fuels, making it particularly vulnerable, with significant impacts on overall mobility and production systems, as well as on economic and social stability. Many developing countries face energy security stresses emanating from low resource endowments, a growing energy demand-supply gap, high energy intensity, and macroeconomic vulnerabilities with binding fiscal constraints. The level of uncertainty is much larger compared to dealing with supply disruptions or price manipulations. 7 1 4 0.6 10.18356/58d686e0-en 1776502c915c79459f8406e94d1ce70b Harmful and degrading practices, such as dowry-related violence or so-called honour crimes, also continue, without systematic monitoring, punishment or redress, despite advances in legislation prohibiting them. Examples of such violence can be rape/sexual assault, sexual harassment, violence within institutions, violence against women migrant workers, witchcraft-or sorcery-related violence or killings (A/66/215 and A/HRC/1 1/2). Although in the majority of cases younger women are at higher risk of witchcraft-related violence, in some parts of Africa older women are more vulnerable to sorcery-related femicide owing to their economic dependence on others or the property rights that they hold (A/HRC/20/16). This type of violence can include gender-based violence during conflict, disappearance or extrajudicial killings, custodial violence, violence against refugees and internally displaced women, or women from indigenous or minority groups (A/66/215). 5 0 3 1.0 10.6027/9789289338578-7-en 177693da2896c2da22954a8261c4bc17 A food business is under the minimum limit, if it does not imply a certain continuity of activities and a certain degree of organisation.15 In Denmark the number of times food activity takes place, the amount of food sold and the value of the turnover of the food is essential factors for categorisation.16 Food businesses that are below the minimum limit are not registered and the official control does not come to visit. As there is no regular official control of the food businesses below the minimum limit, this type of companies usually do not provide food to food businesses above the minimum limit. The food must be unopened and have been stored properly. 2 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5kg57kjj5hs8-en 1779bf94f039f7ffbc1c787dce271832 According to the report “Assessment Schemes for Teachers’ ICT Competence -A Policy Analysis”12 (May 2005), several curricula exist to become a teacher (depending on education level and specialisation in a given subject or a range of subjects). Moreover, in certain initial teacher education curricula, ICT has been included as a compulsory subject. The country report dedicated to Hungary specifies that ICT is included in initial teacher education as a subject called Computer Sciences. Each individual institution determines the structure and the curricula of the courses. 4 0 7 1.0 11.1002/pub/80c5340e-b94e0f39-en 177b7807f82eb8670b3e686bc1d445fe Other, even more revolutionary innovations are probably not even on today's radars yet. Shaping the history of the digital future needs an understanding of past and present phenomena, as past innovations are destroyed, sometimes to be reinvented in a new way to fulfil people's continuing need to communicate, create and innovate. Today, mobile cellular penetration is approaching saturation with nearly seven billion subscriptions worldwide, representing a 96 per cent penetration level. 9 1 3 0.5 10.18356/4bdc1a8f-en 177c0ae77e24d0b99edbfd6b248bf8ae Thus, they tend to mitigate the negative impact on well-being of the lack of sufficient income. Normally, the absence or recurring insufficiency of income leads to deterioration in well-being or access to it, which makes it impossible for families to invest income to develop their own capacities or take advantage of the (often scarce) opportunities for long-term human capital formation. Also significant are transfers in the form of subsidies on public or private services that, for the families concerned, result in smaller out-of-pocket expenses in comparison with the market price of those services. The present study analyses cash transfers which act as subsidies on demand, whether in the form of discretionary spending or vouchers for a particular social service for which they can choose only the supplier, although in many cases the geographical concentration of supply is such that the user actually has no freedom of choice. 10 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264279360-5-en 177d5aef48e49a13c33be2adb1107f70 On the one hand the stress on water can be decreased by less climate change and less use of water for energy. But on the other hand a decarbonisation with biofuel deployment mays create stress on land use and water requirements, displacing some of the water requirements from the energy to the agricultural sector. In many cases water use by industry is non-consumptive, although it can have consequences for water quality (pollution) and can constrain the availability for other users during droughts (Feeley et al., 6 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264276208-6-en 177dbb4345e27f04ce92478574881c9e While marine ecosystems are generally more spatially and temporally complex than terrestrial ecosystems, the general principles for determining where to prioritise resources for an MPA should follow the same as those for terrestrial biodiversity. This implies identifying areas with: 1) the highest biodiversity benefits: 2) the highest risk of loss; and 3) the lowest opportunity costs (see OECD, 2010). This helps to ensure that the greatest benefits can be achieved given the resources available. As noted by Watson et al. ( 14 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/9fd805e3-en 177ff68eb07027116e3290c7ff151031 The concept is purely relative, which means that under certain circumstances any good or service could become an inferior one. This means that even a luxury good or service can become inferior over time. Typically, inferior goods and services exist if in a consumer perception there are superior goods and services available. 11 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264179370-2-en 17871b4f09e10c8de430432560a605c2 In fact, inequalities increase the higher up the pay scale they go. The result is that, while in OECD countries women earn on average 16% less than men, female top-earners are paid 21% less than their male counterparts. The so-called “glass ceiling” exists: women are disadvantaged when it comes to decision-making responsibilities and senior management positions; by the time they get to the boardroom, there is only one of them for every 10 men. The Norwegian experience shows that quotas can be effective in improving the gender balance at board level. 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264292697-5-en 17887a8ee3c0a51f6dde1844fa3a0ce0 In the weekly team meetings, teachers discuss important topics for the forthcoming week and develop the subject matter, materials and methods to be used. It is worth noting that, in education, small is not always preferable to large. Large groups of students may sometimes be taught together in lecture mode and then broken down into smaller groups for other styles of teaching. This adds flexibility to the class schedule and allows teachers to split students into groups in any way that suits their needs, such as for parallel or differentiated instruction. It also allows them to run cross-disciplinary sessions, such as an enquiry facilitated by a science teacher and a media teacher. 4 1 3 0.5 10.18356/88ed44cf-en 1789f6d06cb5e29a8f5941abde1bc6cc Usually the deprivation cut-off is completion of primary education, but people in Latin America now require a level of education far beyond primary school to have a good chance of escaping income poverty (Villatoro, 2007). The cut-off used here for persons aged between 20 and 59 years is completion of lower-secondary education, while that for those of 60 years or over remains completion of primary school. However, household surveys in the region do not currently include indicators of cognitive skills for either children of school age or adults. Naturally, any comprehensive measurement of poverty requires data on other aspects. 1 4 1 0.6 10.1787/9789264208469-8-en 178c1d7b39f9f69db89616de2123d4b3 Efforts in this area have already been started by Norway, and 17 ACT teams are now in place in Norway, two of which are Flexible Assertive Community Treatment (F-ACTs) teams. Indeed, an evaluation report on the impact of the implementation of ACT teams in Norway is expected in 2014, and should provide a valuable insight into strengths and weaknesses of this important service. This amounts to around 138 involuntary admitted persons per 100 000 adult inhabitants, and about 198 involuntary admissions per 100 000 adult inhabitants. 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/empl/outlook-2015-7-en 178fc02c19a4c0799eaaf40f14e1d926 An evaluation found that reverse marketing is more likely to be used by high-performing providers (DEEWR, 2010). Jobseekers who are reverse marketed are more likely to be referred to a job and more likely to achieve a job placement, even though this type of referral has a slightly lower rate of conversion of referrals to placements. Although reverse marketing can be an effective tool, the “cold calling” of employers without a specific reverse marketing strategy or for a particular job may dilute the value of this type of intervention, and it is in principle not funded by the purchaser of employment services. 8 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5km5zrrvzr42-en 17903fd7907aaa6d68aff05b39b9a0aa The survey underlines the willingness of the private financial sector to receive training in energy efficiency. Results moreover underlined the importance for private financial institutions to get more insights and pre-emptive information into the evolution of regulatory issues. The creation of EEFAN would be useful in both instances. 7 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264120983-11-en 17957cb0092746082b3e77c2f60f5518 This challenge is compounded by the difficulty in assigning value to the “costs” borne by local communities. The market costs are well understood and relatively straightforward, but the costs to communities are more complex. Typical concerns or “costs” cited by communities include changes to landscapes, nuisance (e.g. noise or shadow flicker), environmental impacts (e.g. wildlife and water quality) and the potential for reduced property values (Hubert and Horbaty, 2011). Many communities also feel excluded from the decision-making processes concerning the sites and technologies selected for their area (Bryden, 2010). 6 1 4 0.6 10.1787/9789264089457-en 1795e1371d519cedee77b58605d57f72 The report cites as examples the Division of Industry and Community Network (BJIM), the Division of Research and Community Network which, while originally established mainly for industrial training placement and to enhance students4 employment opportunities, is now actively taking part in community engagement and outreach programmes (NHERI, 2010). Prior to its designation as an APEX university, student selections were done centrally and a centralised process continues for all non-APEX higher education institutions. Course placements at higher education are made to reflect the demographic profile of the country and are based on academic marks. 4 0 6 1.0 10.18356/85a3e08c-en 179a3135fd316c3318e9eb4d5a7980cb This makes it possible to compare food insecurity levels among men and women. Table 4 provides the breakdown of adults suffering from severe food insecurity by sex and reveals different situations for each subregion. However, there are subregional differences, with a higher percentage of women in the Caucasus, Central Asia, and European CIS affected by severe food insecurity. 2 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264210745-5-en 179c83e097b3430277228585a610148e In many countries, significant efforts have been made to promote girls’ and women’s educational enrolment in sciences and technology as a way to break occupational segregation. Germany’s Girls’ Day and New Paths for Boys initiatives have been successful in influencing the vocational and careers choices of boys and girls.9 Spain has enacted a specific action plan for equality between women and men in the information society (see Box 3.2). Like those in the private sector, women in the public sector are more likely to work part-time than men (although male participation in part-time employment has also increased in OECD countries (Ibid). Legislative changes (the Constitutional Act 3/2007 of 22 March for Effective Equality between Women and Men), followed by a concrete action plan (the Strategic Plan for Equal Opportunities 2008-2011), have greatly contributed to those results. 5 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/29c3b7bb-en 179f488f3b790da8869a046fbe256d08 It provides the framework for a holistic assessment and can be applied to any kind of system or value chain. It means trying to address the underlying causes of an identified problem rather than just trying to alleviate its immediate symptoms. It addresses some widely held misunderstandings, in particular the misconception that there is a conflict between SCP and poverty alleviation. 12 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264168367-4-en 179f5e93823260060cb8ea73d49bb18f For example, in the United States, Burtless (2009) reports that changes in the population’s age structure, living arrangements and ethnic mix contributed only a small share of the rise in inequality between 1979 and 2004: only around 15% of the overall rise in inequality was explained by demographic change with the rise in single-adult households (rather than the ageing population) being the more important contributor. In the United Kingdom, Jenkins (1995) too finds household structures had little influence on the growth in household inequality in the 1980s. Across countries, differences in family structure also do little to explain cross-country differences in poverty rates or inequality (Jantti, 1997; Pasqua, 2008; Harkness, 2010). 1 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264188617-en 17a07aa6a0cf5d6425fdbb064862c9eb The global vision connects all generation and load together to get a higher overall social welfare, with the lowest overall energy cost. Given that this will smooth daily, seasonal and annual load curves, the role for baseload technologies such as nuclear energy will be considerably enhanced (see Figure 6.5 which is for expositional purposes only; in practice, the ability of smart grids to smooth the annual load curve would be somewhat more modest). In the local decentralised setting, smart grids can enable local demand-supply balancing including nuclear power. Employing large baseload facilities at continuous output as such might be less obvious in this setting. 7 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264281707-8-en 17a448e4a5ce77368d19b277daae0467 A situation room at the Water Resources Operations Centre manages dams operated by K-water nationwide: the Centre forecasts rainfall in the basins of 58 dams and weirs nationwide, gathers and manages data from more than 500 hydrometric stations as well as controls and manages floods, water supply and hydropower generation of multipurpose dams, water supply dams and weirs. In addition, the Centre develops technologies of integrated water management based on ICT and exports these technologies abroad. Several cities are pilot-testing applications for domestic water users, including smart water meters that monitor water quality in real-time. 6 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5kg0prg9b1g8-en 17a7e2b5d5f0548cc19c4def20237eee Unweighted average of EU member countries that are also members of the OECD, excluding Luxembourg. Although, there is some portability of financial support, it is unlikely to provide sufficient means to study abroad without additional private resources. For example, students studying abroad for a limited period, primarily through the ERASMUS programme, can continue to receive scholarships (merit-based, Zois, and means-tested, national scholarship) under the same conditions as the students remaining in Slovenia (for further details on the scholarships, see Box 3.4 of OECD, 2009b). If students go abroad to study in programmes that are not available in Slovenia or they can prove that studying abroad will substantially enhance their expertise and employability, they also can claim the national scholarships for the entire duration of studies. 4 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5k94hdlll7vk-en 17a8bc4757614ce6cfcca9bd0550ba74 Asian countries are not lagging behind on the challenge; on the contrary, they are working towards developing integrated pathways of skills and employment. Together, these countries represent one of the most dynamic regions in the world, with steady growth, even during the recent financial crisis. Skills development pathways in Asia have a significant focus on developing skills infrastructure in an integrated way with physical infrastructure and therefore taking greater advantage of the synergies of capital investment and industry growth for the large infrastructure projects that the majority of these countries are undertaking. Much can be learned for the experiences in the region. 4 5 3 0.25 10.1787/agr/outlook-2014-4-en 17a9d2641d4e1d14c36a6f6f66f85f36 West Texas Intermediate, WTI. As a complement to the baseline, uncertainty analysis (partial stochastic analysis) is undertaken. Stochastic analysis gives an indication of the range of possible outcomes around the baseline, given the variability observed in previous years for key agricultural and macroeconomic drivers. 2 4 3 0.14285714285714285 10.18356/709f1e18-en 17a9f0d1e3733dac32f98dd1b6ee7ae0 Owing to success of the first phase, UNU and Shimadzu agreed to continue the project, establishing the second phase in 1999. In continuation of the previous project, the same research group in each country was kept as partner and national implementation unit. The Philippines joined the project at the beginning of the second phase. The three components were closely linked together and implemented through collaboration of the UNU network on coastal issues. 12 3 2 0.2 10.1787/9789264262430-6-en 17aa980e3ba30d761ca287d3e2b8dfcd In the process of preparing the 2014 Folkeskole reform, stakeholders acknowledged that better learning outcomes for all students should be possible without using more of society’s resources on compulsory education. The present evidence does not indicate any reduction in student achievement since the introduction of the reform, but the full impact of the changes will need to be monitored over the years to come. The impression of the OECD review team is, however, that the Danish school system has been able to implement a reform with clear and high ambitions for improved student performance without a major increase in overall spending. 4 0 4 1.0 10.18356/7d5576e0-en 17ac08aec33021ec39346f8991b9407c The pool may be held by the licensee, who may be a third party or an association of licensors, or an independent entity (as illustrated by the UNIT AID example in box 11, below). For instance, the holders of different pharmaceutical patents may create among themselves a pool of those patents needed for the production of a new drug, or they may license the patent pool to a generic producer, who would be able to use all the protected materials against the payment of license fees. Depending on the way they are administered and their purpose, patent pools may have pro-competitive, but also anti-competitive effects. 3 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.18356/47c7f9c4-en 17acceed578482cb45dcc22036bf765a Renewed effort is needed from the international community to convey the message to the governments in the region that social cash transfers are a powerful tool in protecting vulnerable families and their children, and are worth investing in. Advocacy needs to be supported with strong evidence. Background paper prepared for the World Bank, mimeo. Lessons from the Past and Policies for a Sustainable Future, Social and Economic Policy Working Paper, UNICEF, New York. 1 4 5 0.1111111111111111 10.18356/0cf73767-en 17ad4bc407d90cfaac7e20de61e699d5 As of 2008, the United States government still funds 57 per cent of all basic research and approximately half of all applied research conducted in the country. The business sector invested mostly in applied research and 90 per cent of all product development activities.71 The specialization of actorsaswell as complementarities involved is further demonstrated through some examples. The United States spent an estimated $54 billions on basic research, $ 66.4 billion on applied research and $187.3 billion on development in 2006. In proportional terms, these are 18.7 per cent, 21.3 per cent and 60.0 per cent respectively of total R&D spending. 2 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.6027/9789289348546-10-en 17b1e1ae40d02064692d97ba2f43a0e7 "It is evident that national, regional and education institution strategies have a huge impact on the development of the above mentioned areas. First of all there is a strong awareness of the present challenges, there is also great potential on each of the seven islands and the islands are filled with resourceful people. We also know that the number of new entrepreneurs can be influenced by regional and national initiatives and that entrepreneurs are very immobile ""people""28 - this is good news when trying to find a way to retain young people on the islands. There is evidence to support that a focus on entrepreneurship in the education system has a great effect on young people's entrepreneurial competences." 4 3 5 0.25 10.6027/9789289349734-5-en 17b213771f14f4289077dcb94668294c Like in most countries of the Western Europe, the media system in Denmark has undergone many changes in the last ten years (Jauert, 2016). Almost 96 of every 100 people in Denmark are active Internet users, but traditional media maintain their position among media consumers (The World Bank 2015). There is, however, a decline in the subscription of newspapers. Today there are around 31 paid-for newspapers in Denmark and most newspapers have an online version with regular news updates throughout the day. 5 7 0 1.0 10.1787/9789264115118-4-en 17b221da87d260ac757596ace9e594e0 In the period to 2020, global coal demand experiences strong growth but then slows rapidly, with the level of global demand remaining broadly flat for much of the rest of the period, before then flirting tentatively with decline as 2035 approaches. The share of coal in the global energy mix peaks soon at 28%, and then declines gradually to 24% by 2035. Non-OECD countries account for all of the growth and China, the world’s largest consumer of coal, will be pivotal in determining the evolution of global coal markets. The flexibility of natural gas as a fuel, together with its greater environmental and energy security attributes, makes it an attractive fuel in a number of countries and sectors. 7 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264238701-5-en 17b2e74fb708392db74ddbd0949f302b Second, they will need to support locally customised options, for instance building on existing regulatory frameworks with engagement from stakeholders, and combining instruments that work better together. This does not mean, however, that groundwater systems there are equivalent to others. Some experts focus on whether solutions are technological or institutional (Giordano, 2009). Others compare direct versus indirect approaches (Kemper, 2007), consider the legal status of groundwater (Llamas et al., 6 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264089457-en 17b30ea4d7912119b21b14f2688d4d2c The organisation provides training mainly to improve technical and engineering skills. The degrees are awarded by the Multi-media University of Malaysia. Apart from the training provided in technical and engineering areas, the PSDC also provides language training to improve the employability of the trainees in the business sector, since on the whole graduates have a poor level of English. 4 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264226470-8-en 17b685b0dea58fe3f3e39f3d126add38 Still, employers and graduates are often ill-informed about what programmes the VET system is actually able to. Weaknesses in governance and fragmentation in the system adds to the challenge. These factors, combined w ith the preference for academic routes and public sector jobs, further erode the visibility of vocational education and its utilisation. 4 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264174269-6-en 17b9b4ba3944b8984f72bae207668d75 Additionally, they attribute success to greater co-operation between municipalities within Finland. The programme consists of a variety of waste management strategies. Overall, the programme’s emphasis and strategies focus on the 3Rs initiative (reduction, reuse and recycling) with the central goal of changing consumption and production patterns and traditional practices of waste management throughout the country. Changing consumption and production patterns and traditional practices of waste management throughout the country is a central objective. 12 0 5 1.0 10.18356/0488519d-en 17baa9a0d6ef5b7feee7edf8a9853114 Such resilience requires network diversity, redundancy and proactive investment. In an effort to understand how these considerations affect the communications networks in the region, ESCAP and ITU have partnered to create a regional map of the terrestrial fibre optic backbone. Provided to ESCAP by NDRCC, 2015. The boundaries and names shown and the design? 13 4 5 0.1111111111111111 10.18356/31959a6d-en 17be7530d33c8863f45e3079396e2c68 Non-contributory pensions, for instance, are as important for informal workers and most low-income workers in developing countries as they are for women. In several cases, giving women a pension of their own may be an essential contribution for household budgets, benefiting also men within the household. Non-contributory pensions provide predictable and regular transfers that, even if sometimes not sufficient to afford a living, can be vital inputs for low-income households. This is not always found in pension reform processes. 5 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/5jzb6w1rt99p-en 17bf6fef51608b7042cef159f4c27c1c Children from disadvantaged family backgrounds that are at risk of receiving less attention than others during their early childhood years can benefit particularly strongly from ECE enrolment. For this reason, ECE also improves the equality of opportunities and strengthens social mobility. A lack of funding is one of the reasons for low enrolment rates, although federal funding is available to support the current expenditures of operating childcare centres and building pre-schools has been one element of the infrastructure programme PAC2. In addition, the federal Prolnfancia programme provides financial support for the costs of building and equipping childcare centres. It has so far funded over 2000 centres and provided resources to equip several hundred more (Evans and Kosec, 2012). Federal support for ECE should be continued and expanded to reach the ambitious objective of the new National Education Plan (PNE) of achieving universal enrolment of 3 and 4-year-olds by 2016. 10 1 3 0.5 10.18356/47c7f9c4-en 17c179081934757622033114163070bd The amount of the benefit is equivalent to the cost of a basic allocation of electricity and natural gas.62 Poor households not connected to the electricity or gas grids are not eligible for the compensation. Compensation is financed from the Republic’s budget and, although the objective is to cover 18-20 per cent of the population,63 the funds made available are inadequate to reach this level. Annual budgets are based on current beneficiaries and adjusted for changes in electricity and gas prices and for general inflation (World Bank, 2010a). 1 1 2 0.3333333333333333 11.1002/pub/80fc3264-33eba913-en 17c67aa584d0dcaad849960158798843 These induced effects are also significant. First, input-output tables represent static models reflecting the interrelationship between economic sectors at a certain point in time. Since those interactions may change, the matrices may lead us to overestimate or underestimate the impact of network construction. For example, if the electronic equipment industry is outsourcing jobs overseas at a fast pace, the employment impact of broadband deployment will diminish over time and part of the potentially counter-cyclical investment will “leak” overseas. 8 0 3 1.0 10.18356/5dac67ee-en 17c6ffdc8ce741e344a289264df91f63 Global water demand will increase dramatically even if agricultural production practices become more water-efficient (OECD, 2012). This increase will be driven mainly by growing demand for electricity generation and manufacturing in emerging markets such as Brazil, China and India (Figure 12.11). Groundwater depletion is projected to become a severe challenge for agriculture and urban water supplies, and though water supply should improve overall, it appears likely that more than 240 million people will not have access to drinking water by 2050 (OECD, 2012). This does not bode well for disaster risk reduction. 13 4 3 0.14285714285714285 10.18356/24485d89-en 17c7f6399765db0048b9f8a3aaf1a560 High prison rates can, for example, result in long-term economic problems if they lead to income inequality and more concentrated poverty, particularly if prison rates are highest for vulnerable groups, such as the young, the poor, the poorly educated or minorities. However, prison rates in the region vary substantially; for example, they are 17 times higher in Georgia (544 per 100,000) than in India (31 per 100,000). However, the rates of response to this survey have been as low as 25 per cent in Asia and the Pacific, and the crime rates reported can vary substantially. For example, the rate of robbery in India is typically 60 times lower than that reported by the Russian Federation. 1 3 1 0.5 10.18356/caeceb38-en 17cc3f8bf67d9fe7f97f6008bb21a84d The lack of age breakdown in these figures means that we cannot ascertain the extent to which modern media messages are being consumed and/or spread by the parents/caretakers compared to adolescents. Nor do these figures tell us whether mobile phones are significant tools through which families organise care or parents and adolescents communicate. Thus, this review attempted to reflect the diversity of family practices by including major sending and receiving countries. 5 5 0 1.0 10.18356/0ac071e9-en 17d19f62d1b46cd936b7b2355b100fcc Moreover, as Haggblade et al. ( Following Davis et al. ( Chart 26A shows that agricultural sources of income account for significant shares (between 45 and 78 per cent) of total household income in selected LDCs (Bangladesh, Madagascar, Malawi and Nepal) for which we have detailed data, drawn from Davis et al. ( If income from agricultural labour, livestock and crop production is combined, all the LDCs in this dataset derive the majority of household income from agricultural sources (chart 26B). 8 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264279360-5-en 17d5202d8d29cb8f51805f5248528c3a Most notably the booming shale oil and shale gas production has substantially increased the scope of fossil fuel resources. Shale gas and oil production require hydraulic fracturing (fracking) which consumes a lot of water and large quantities of water are needed for releasing and processing bitumen. At the global level, there is way less w'ater used for fossil fuel extraction than for power generation (IEA, 2016), but this part of the nexus can be crucial for many reasons. Therefore, the w'ater intensity will be pushed up and in the absence of water regulation it might significantly increase water w ithdrawals and consumption from the fossil fuel sector, although IEA (2016) argues that water consumption may not have to increase. 6 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264202054-5-en 17d6782005077904feb385b418cccc19 To strengthen assurance for quality of care ongoing focus should not only be on the numbers of professionals, but also on their professional profiles and the quality of their performance in practice. Various steps have been taken to strengthen the position of citizens/patients with focus on complaint handling. It would be advisable for Turkey to have more infonnation on performance of health-care services accessible in the public domain, and capturing the experiences of health-care users systematically could be more broadly embedded. Further work on specific registries can be anticipated. Optimising the use of administrative data is a priority; particular attention is needed to enhance data-sharing between the Ministry of Health and SSI. A coherent policy on how to strengthen the Turkish information infrastructure to facilitate the use of quality indicators, addressing topics such as data-linkage, secondary use of data from Electronic Health Records and assurance of privacy and data security is advisable. 3 0 4 1.0 10.1787/persp/glob/dev-2012-10-en 17d6c18b433a6eff645f8069d61dc48b In middle-income Latin American and transition economies, social insurance systems which are mature, albeit limited in coverage, ensure coverage at the top of income distribution. In other regions, coverage for the better off is achieved mostly through private expenditure and self-insurance in the form of savings. These innovative instruments need to be complemented by more traditional transfers and support for those of working age who are unable to work and for the elderly, for whom employment generation and conditions aiming at improving human capital make less sense. 10 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264179011-7-en 17dfcd01574444548d0e4b45b9fed1ab While it has undergone some of the bleaching processes that separate refined from raw sugar in more technologically advanced sugar industries, it still contains a relatively high level of impurities, mainly molasses, in comparison with internationally traded raw sugar. As a result most firms in the food and beverage sectors cannot use plantation white sugar as an input. Their needs are met partly by imports of refined sugar, and partly by imports of raw sugar that are then refined domestically (Fane and Warr, 2008). 2 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264284319-4-en 17e116d0715e1f515db089a3d1f77901 In the electricity sector, as of early 2017, the Russian Federation’s InterRAO owned generation assets in Georgia and Moldova. Azerbaijan’s state-owned company SOCAR and Kazakhstan’s KazMunaiGas both played a significant role in the natural gas sector in Georgia. Gazprom’s subsidiaries were active in both natural gas and electricity generation in Armenia, and Gazprom was a key player in the natural gas sector of both Moldova and Belarus, in particular controlling the transit gas pipeline to the EU. 7 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/6f0d13fe-en 17e172b3778bc00e69b7aeb6f6ac81a2 The figure is somewhat lower in developed countries but is highly significant in the developing world. For countries such as South Africa, India and Brazil, public procurement constitutes 35%, 43% and 47% of GDP respectively while for high-income countries, the figure is 13% -17% (Perera 2010). In contrast with private sector procurement, public procurement is more easily regulated by government; for the private sector, compliance with sustainability norms is usually voluntarily and linked to a company’s policy on Corporate Social (and Environmental) Responsibility. It is unrealistic to expect an individual consumer set aside price considerations in favour of “loftier” principles of social justice and environmental protection when he or she may be struggling to meet basic survival needs. 12 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/d4cf57fb-en 17e577078ceed3adb2ff83e0c5934ecc Ghana and Indonesia are expected to deliver the first FLEGT-licensed timber to the EU in early 2015. In addition to VPAs, the EU is implementing FLEGT principles in China through the Bilateral Coordination Mechanism (BCM). In 2014, BCM work is focusing on the analysis of timber flows, investments by China in countries implementing VPAs, and the development of guidelines for sustainable international forestry trade and investment by Chinese enterprises (EU FLEGT Facility, 2014). Stakeholders have expressed concern about the thoroughness of the auditing provisions and suggest that additional independent monitoring may be necessary to ensure credibility (Brack and Leger, 2013). This suggestion is consistent with the European Commission's position that third-party forest certification systems alone are insufficient to provide legality in the due-diligence systems of EU importers. While some EU member states began active EUTR enforcement measures in 2013, others only began introducing these in 2014. 15 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5k9312v21l6f-en 17e63029a48def3adeba9c4b4548ba99 In fact, the investment volumes in ESG / SRI assets are a multiple of those in ‘pure’ green investments. For example, some estimates see SRI assets as high as EUR 7 trillion (two-thirds in Europe),30 but this would include screening of stocks on ‘relative’ rather than absolute ‘green’ definitions, and therefore drawing the definition very wide. When ‘green investing' comes through the door of SRI or ESG, it may not be particularly focused on green or climate change investments as SRI/ESG is most popular as an ‘overlay’ process to standard investment policies without targeting particular green assets. 7 3 6 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5jlwvz85537c-en 17e6a16c2a21e4c63462c942feb3929d This raises some issues in Korea as injuries are not systematically reported, since injury crashes are often settled between the participants. The response was that underreporting should be addressed by the linking of data sources, in particular by linking police data and health data. Getting access to health data is necessary to better estimate the number of casualties and better understand the impact of crashes on the severity of injuries. 11 3 1 0.5 10.1787/9789264208469-8-en 17e6df18f09eb161f4c6993182dacd4d There are 12 institutions in the Netherlands that offer heroin and/or methadone treatment for long-term addicts. A quarter of opium addicts live in social isolation and has multiple interrelated psychological issues (Loth, 2009). These sustained substance-dependent patients remain a vulnerable group. 3 0 5 1.0 10.1787/469d7fec-en 17e9d1d6dc123369717fbe40ff5a31f9 A recent Danish study made an initial estimate of the levels of climate finance they mobilised through both bilateral and multilateral public climate finance channels (Mostert et al., However, due to the pilot and preliminary nature of these studies, the results have not been used by countries in the context of the biennial reports to the UNFCCC - with the exception of France. More generally, only four countries (Canada, Finland, and Japan in addition to France) have included quantified estimates of total private climate finance mobilised in their second biennial reports (BR2), and a fifth (Sweden) has included some quantified examples. With the aim of ensuring synergies and a convergence of approaches with the climate finance community, this work is being conducted in close collaboration with the Research Collaborative on Tracking Private Climate Finance. 13 0 4 1.0 10.18356/5f90f95e-en 17ec248ba71c7f55cef217a736fcf49c "For example, Ferreira and Gignoux (2014, p. 232), in a study of inequality of educational opportunity using PISA data, argue that: ""Because 15 year-olds may conceivably affect the choice of school they attend, the class they are assigned to, and thus the teachers they interact with, all school characteristic variables, for example, are included in [effort]."" This is a bold leap to make, even when considering children of this age. The extent to which (a) children realistically have choices about this matter, and (b) are empowered to make these types of decisions independently of parents and other adults will vary according to context. Additionally, our analysis includes children from 8 years of age upwards, and the above argument is even less likely to apply to younger age groups." 4 0 5 1.0 10.18356/6e8bb756-en 17ed2e406618ae609b78380156717ad8 Cogeneration, which enables up to 85 per cent of the energy input to be converted into useful energy (much more than combined cycle power generation, the efficiency of which is close to 50 per cent), is still much below its potential, because the legal framework hindered self-generation (i.e. typically by the users themselves, such as solar panels in households) and the rates applied to large consumers of high voltage that were often subsidized. One third was used for domestic and rural activities in a fairly sustainable way, while the remainder was used for industrial purposes. While the overall chain of transformations and uses of wood in Brazil is poorly understood, it is clear that the overall efficiency of biomass is very low. 7 0 5 1.0 10.1787/5jlz3kbf7pzv-en 17f39b04174e74c9c385815eed2113ea Patient annual OOP spending is capped to SEK 2 200 (USD 250). Co-payment is increased to 20% for off-patent drugs with cheaper (generic) alternatives. Scotland: no co-payment. The standard benefit in 2014 has a USD 310 deductible and 25% coinsurance up to an initial coverage limit of $2,850 in total drug costs, followed by a coverage gap. 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264179011-7-en 17f57ffbdf7701f9e785b99e45723bf1 Farmers were able to borrow at 12% per annum, half the commercial rates of around 20-24%. The maximum amount of credit available was around IDR 300 000 (USD 200) per ha of rice field, with eligibility based only on the financial feasibility of farms. A multitude of other credit programmes were introduced to stimulate the development of the palm oil industry, with programmes for both private developers and smallholders (Thomas and Orden, 2004). As a result of various banking reforms carried out during the mid-1980s through to the early 1990s, the 200 odd rural credit programmes were pared back to four (World Bank, 1999). 2 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/rev/fish/pol-2009-27-en 17f7fbff3c9b356ba9eb66f9df58c8a2 Vessels from third countries are subjected to the same rules as Norwegian vessels. All foreign vessels longer than 24 metres are obliged to carry satellite tracking devices on board. The right to buy a fishing vessel can only be given to a Norwegian citizen or a body that can be defined as a Norwegian citizen. 14 1 5 0.6666666666666666 10.1787/9789264117563-9-en 17fa577859b83338b7ab7f0eddac7b7e On the other hand, the condition of coral reef habitats has deteriorated and the size of coastal ecosystems has decreased. The number of threatened mammal species is relatively high compared to that in other OECD countries, while the status of other species is more favourable. The NBS recognises that economic development and biodiversity conservation objectives are not incompatible. This represents an important shift from the traditional conservation approach followed in Israel and many other countries for a number of years. 15 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/0a98da25-en 17fb7de718547246d633aa88c92f60f3 Typically, the types of jobs women gain during such crises are insecure and of low quality (Kabeer 2012). Another 19.1 percent neither agree nor disagree. Targeted spending to reduce bottlenecks—on physical infrastructure, roads, and communications, but also social infrastructure, such as spending on public health—can reduce production costs and therefore inflation. This is important for achieving the goal of full employment since, in many countries, central banks respond to inflationary pressures by raising policy interest rates, thereby reducing business investment and aggregate demand. 5 2 3 0.2 10.1787/5k912j389bf0-en 17ff75182aa444cf3560d089e7a55ee6 Types of services include - among others - physician services, durable medical equipment, laboratory' tests, and outpatient hospital services. Each expenditure category is projected on the basis of recent past trends in growth per enrolee, along with applicable legislated limits on payment updates. To project future SMI part D21 costs, historical per capita spending for beneficiaries in private prescription dmg plans, low'-income beneficiaries, and beneficiaries in employer-sponsored retiree health plans is used as a projection base. 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/agr/outlook-2014-5-en 180037b0fd7bf6af65de85775d439c89 The National Food Security Act specifies that 54.93 Mt of food grains will be distributed through the Public Distribution System (PDS) to all 35 Indian states per year. Additional allocations will have to be made by the government under other welfare schemes (8 Mt), buffer stocks (5 Mt) and the open market sale scheme (5 Mt). The total procurement will be approximately 70 Mt, which is 7 Mt higher than the amount procured during 2011-12 (Chand and Birthal, 2011). The central government will also be responsible for allocating food grains from the central pool to the different states, providing transportation and storage facilities. The state governments, on the other hand, will be implementing and monitoring the Food Security Act. India's National Food Security Act, 2013 (cont.) 2 0 4 1.0 10.18356/6d59148f-en 1804022d1bdafa3d1d82dc8c5c0006dd Annex III will apply, mutalis mutandis, to the establishment of this total allowable catch or total allowable fishing effort by the Commission. To give effect to this paragraph, such measures may be adopted, in accordance with the principles of compatibility outlined in Article 4, by the Commission for the high seas and the coastal State Contracting Party or Parties concerned for the areas under national jurisdiction; and by the Commission, with the consent of the coastal State Contracting Party' or Parties concerned, for measures that will apply throughout the range of the fishery resource. The measures shall become binding on the members of the Commission in accordance with Article 17 paragraph 1. Such measures shall not be open to the objection procedure in Article 17 paragraph 2 but may be the subject of dispute settlement procedures under this Convention. 14 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264277991-7-en 1809d9716dc60f54ea171f71ea26696d There is only a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between MCDCB and LGUs, but not regulatory relationship. Because LGUs cannot afford a planning department staffed by professional planners, and therefore cannot fulfil the obligations to complete a CLUP, the impact of the support of MCDCB to prepare CLUPs has been limited so far. Also, the MCDCB has undertaken a strong branding and outreach programme, with brochures, videos and other tools. 11 2 2 0.0 10.18356/ee5ffb89-en 180c3704fff2049aad968fce097b3062 She told her boyfriend that he really ought to leave her, but he refused, standing by her side through gruelling rounds of chemotherapy and radiation. At one point, she had been asked if she wanted to preserve her eggs, but the subject came up in front of her father and felt too uncomfortable for discussion. The stick turning positive was the best thing that ever happened in my life,” she confides. 5 3 2 0.2 10.18356/dd581311-en 180d64647c0b24d29bf2cdd553d984c7 It is usually calculated for the population aged 6 to 14 years, but given the high rates of school attendance in most countries in the region, the age bracket has been expanded on this occasion to 6 to 17 years. As regards data problems, in some countries, the population under 7 years of age is excluded and also in some surveys, enrolment is used as the criterion instead of actual attendance. In line with the usual practice in the research used in the multidimensional approach (see boxes 1.3 and 1.5), the same weighting is assigned for the dimensions used in this exercise, since no agreement was reached on whether to assign them more or less importance. 1 3 1 0.5 10.1787/9789264268791-5-en 180eb52935d6a62d1b43fdf21e048ba0 On the side of local liberty, the Girondins’ Constitution of 1793 demanded universal suffrage at the local level and total decentralisation—but it was never implemented. It was the Jacobins who eventually gained dominance and established a centralised republican State with a long reach. With the decree of December 4, 1793 departements lost powers that had been briefly granted to them only a few years earlier (but were never implemented). Under Napoleon this centralisation continued; the departemental structure of 1790 was retained and the powerful position of prefet in departements ensured State control over local matters (Schmidt, 2007: 23). 11 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/31959a6d-en 18103c1947f74722a4af1115f53360d0 Thus the benefit was universal (every older adult was eligible) but cohort-restricted (only Bolivian citizens born before 1975 were entitled). It was first paid in May 1997, only one month before the general presidential election. Shortly after, the scheme was replaced by the less generous Bolivida, but it was reinstituted a few years later in 2002. In 1997, 364,261 benefits were paid for a yearly value of about US$248. 5 8 1 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264303119-en 1811586351f13cc3f10795385ed0ba20 Plant-level costs are, of course, those costs that come most naturally to mind when thinking about the costs of electricity provision. The “bricks, mortar and steel” to build the plant, the fuel and the manpower to run it are easily comprehensible cost items. The Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) and the International Energy Agency (IEA) publish a survey of the plant-level costs in OECD countries every five years in the Projected Costs of Generating Electricity (see IEA/NEA, 2010 and IEA/NEA, 2015; IEA/NEA, 2020 is currently in preparation). While concrete work reveals also a number of difficulties in assessing plant-level costs, e.g. which discount rate to use to reflect the cost of capital, at least the basic concepts are well understood. Plant-level costs of production are financial and economic realities that are straightforwardly monetised and integrated into the decision-making processes of private and public actors. In an interconnected electricity system, each plant interacts with all other plants, on both physical and economic levels. 7 0 3 1.0 10.18356/1aa484c1-en 1811a9e1d0b27c7627e5eb45150b0cc6 Developing countries, including CDDCs, will need to find ways to effectively and efficiently align mitigation and adaptation actions specified in their NDCs with their ongoing development programmes towards achievement of the SDGs, as well as their strategies to diversify, industrialize and modernize their economies. This chapter looks at strategies and technologies that could help CDDCs address these challenges, and at enabling conditions for their successful implementation. A range of new technologies, practices and strategies can help improve the resilience of commodity sectors to the impacts of climate change and strengthen their contribution to sustainable development, as discussed below. 13 0 7 1.0 10.6027/9789289329583-4-en 1811feaaf20fcac962cf0e066168c369 He found that moderate drinking decreases the likelihood of emergency visits and hospitalizations (women, not men). Specific health conditions, such as obesity, diabetes, different types of cancers and cardiovascular diseases are usually considered as being (partly) caused by past eating and physical activity habits. Likewise, obesity is caused by inappropriate dietary habits in combination with insufficient physical activity. 3 1 4 0.6 10.1787/9789264202924-9-en 1813fe7e45f6746ec5e806b438fb2c5d As required by the law, Austria has completed a flood assessment of all watercourses and zoning of areas with significant flood risk. Risk and hazard maps are expected to be available by the end of 2013, and Austria plans to develop transboundary flood risk management plans by the end of 2015. The government estimates that every euro invested prevented damage of almost double its value. 13 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.18356/39dd1e2e-en 181b38fc4dba4e1cf3677b6bd3e873d5 This Programme is ambitious and requires the development of thematic programmes and operational action plans at several administrative levels (national to local). Thus, its implementation is based on strong collaboration and coordination. It has a strong focus on improving water, sanitation and living conditions for all. It also focus on the consequences of climate change on water resources in order to ensure water availability and comfortable living conditions in the future. 3 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264262430-7-en 181c379330b2350dd2f4ce34d4432d9d The 2014 Folkeskole reform provided DKK 12 million for the national parents’ association to raise the competencies and professionalism of the school boards. In addition, the municipal education offices provide their school leaders with various degrees of help with the more technical aspects of school budgeting such as accounting and bookkeeping, allowing school leaders to focus more on strategic and pedagogical organisation of the school. The municipalities also play an important role in the delivery of services and can help their schools achieve scale economies, for example by buying materials and services for several schools at the same time. 4 1 3 0.5 10.18356/cc6ff508-en 181e69ca74f03deae8ab025091fc11a1 More children are going to school, people are living longer, incomes are higher and people have greater potential to shape their societies and their future under democratic forms of government. But the gains have not been universal, and not all lives have been lifted. This reality was the impetus for the intergovernmental agreement on the 2030 Agenda, which aims to leave no one behind. Millions of people are indeed unable to reach their full potential in life because they suffer deprivations in multiple dimensions of human development—lacking income and secure livelihoods, experiencing hunger and malnutrition, having no or limited access to social services, fearing violence and discrimination and being marginalized from the political processes that shape their lives. 1 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5kmh3nj5rzs4-en 1824ab2e401113016368f656a8edf963 Service providers are likely to still Page | 32 require subsidies even after LpT reaches its universalisation target. This is because costs for operation and management, capital and replacement have to be incorporated into the calculations by the service providers (Instituto Acende Brasil, 2007a). Where low consumption levels remain, concessionaires are expected to face serious problems, especially if they are already in financial difficulties. 7 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/58d686e0-en 18264ee0c4bdeea32ffbe30516ee6f2a "One of the first tasks of the Commission on the Status of Women was to write the 1952 Convention on the Political Rights of Women.24 The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women builds on previous conventions and its article 7 concerns women's access to decision-making in political and public life. Article 7 guarantees the right of women to vote in all elections and public referendums and to be eligible for election to all publicly elected bodies, the right to participate in the formulation of government policy and its implementation, to hold public office and perform all public functions at all levels of government, and the right to participate in non-governmental organizations (NGOs) or associations concerned with the public and political life of the country. Article 8 requires State parties to ""take all appropriate measures to ensure to women, on equal terms with men and without any discrimination, the opportunity to represent their Governments at the international level and to participate in the work of international organizations.""" 5 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264088986-en 18284773777fb393aca31fceef36c498 There is limited evidence of positive incentives to encourage faculty members to engage in regional development and the integration of research, service and teaching. University affiliation can have advantages by extending programmes to a region while maintaining quality controls through the university’s faculty. But affiliation can also result in diminished responsiveness to regional needs, especially when university faculties, already facing several budget constraints, resist diverting resources from the main campus to branches. The CHE process for review and approval of new academic programmes applies primarily national criteria to: i) ensure compliance with national quality standards, ii) encourage colleges to develop distinctive academic programmes that will attract students nationwide, iii) develop nationally recognised centres of excellence (e.g. in educating students with special needs) and iv) avoid unnecessary programme duplication. 4 0 3 1.0 10.18356/01772a94-en 18295f0c81b44faa0b53afc9ec0d6c7e Research analysing the material well-being and monetary poverty simultaneously has found strong, but far from complete, correlation between the two (e.g., Perry, 2002; Roelen and Notten, 2011; Roelen et al, 2011; Bradshaw et al., The identification of the monetary poor individuals and those who are deprived of the basic goods and services necessary for their survival and development can lead to better understanding of the situation people are faced with, and therefore to better targeted and more effective policy responses. Similarly, it has been recognised that it is necessary to make a distinction between household poverty and child poverty, acknowledging that children may experience poverty differently to adults and that people's needs differ depending on their age. 1 0 8 1.0 10.1787/9789264298576-19-en 182af77d56d1f2e88f900fdeddb823fa Often, agriculture advisors are engaged in a number of tasks outside their primary technical specialisation. They tend to have limited knowledge, notably in farm management, marketing and business planning; their average age is high; and they have limited IT skills. In Serbia, international donors have developed a small private extension network. 2 4 3 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264123564-6-en 182bb5f2ce3d2a3bf1b0feb384349a7f Higher proportions of staff with low-level qualifications were related with less favourable child outcomes in the socio-emotional domain (social relationships with their peers and co-operation). There is no simple relationship between the level of education of staff and classroom quality or learning outcomes. They studied the relationship between child outcomes and staff qualifications and found no, or contradictory, associations between the two. 4 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264281776-5-en 182c88ff838bf1fe0a93b6d4374f36e6 Unlike in many other countries the gross quantity of available water appears to be ample1 and water-saving is not an overriding priority for most users and use sectors, though shortages recur in some Eastern regions of the country. There is also a sizeable non-consumptive abstraction of water for hydropower at a number of plants on the Kura River and its tributaries, and for cooling in the thermal power station at Gardabani. Although largely non-consumptive, these operations in the power sector do have an impact on river flow, hydro morphology and the transport of sediments, which affect w'ater use elsewhere. Irrigation demand has also fallen due to the collapse of some large-scale operations; the total area of irrigated land fell from 370 000 ha in 1990 to 167 000 in 2003, and has fallen further since then. 6 0 9 1.0 10.6027/542d9ef4-en 182fc84b8270d10a57eb6e5be58eaf83 Wind power is therefore not included in the future energy system on Jan Mayen. The cheapest way to use the surplus electricity when present is to produce and store heat. Batteries will still be necessary (also because of the balancing need), but they are much more expensive compared with simple heat storage. Both the batteries and the heat storages will be used daily. 7 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.18356/6bf07ffd-en 1830f4daac89cfe467edb3e27b29ad6a Scenarios unambiguously predict that tropical areas are at higher risk of climate hazards. According to the Notre Dame Global Adaptation Index (ND-GAIN) (Chen and others, 2015),10 for example, countries at the highest risk of climate change are concentrated in Africa and South and South-East Asia, where the capacity to prevent (or even cope with) most negative impacts is poor (figure 1.1). While some high-income countries (Italy, Japan and the United States of America) exhibit relatively high risk levels owing to their high exposure to climate hazards, they possess greater capacity (resources) to manage those risks. 13 0 9 1.0 10.1787/eag-2014-52-en 18312f94b66f3678bab402ff827abae5 However, 29 years’ service is needed to reach the highest pay steps in France, as opposed to an average of 24 years for the OECD countries. The average salary in France is still significantly below average for the OECD countries in respect of preprimary and primary education (by respectively 7% and 14%). However, the average actual pay is virtually equal to the OECD average for French teachers employed in lower or upper secondary education (where average pay is below the OECD average at 3% and 2%respectively ). It should be noted, however, that actual pay for France includes that of college and lyc£e teachers holding the country's highest teaching degree (I’agregation) at the end of their careers (with the highest salaries), whereas for these levels of education, statutory salaries include only the amounts corresponding to certified teachers with 15 years' service (see Table D3.4). 4 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/1f11729d-en 18316ad4f02e6281f3c84712ee3e8a92 This illustrates that children living in large families are overrepresented at the bottom end of the income distribution. The only exception is Germany where more children are living in large families overall than in the bottom 10th percentile, 18.2% as compared to 23.2 %. In Luxembourg 71% of children live in a migrant household. In Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Ireland and Switzerland 1 in 3 children cohabit with at least one adult migrant member. 1 1 4 0.6 11.1002/pub/810d0472-69c0aa91-en 18317ac5823e274b711876a988c4eda2 In 2008, the Government of Rwanda (GoR) embarked on a nationwide roll-out of fibre optic as a backbone infrastructure for broadband. This optic fibre connected different parts of the country and provided high-capacity cross-border links with onward connectivity to submarine cables. The network is currently over 90% population coverage. 9 0 4 1.0 10.18356/2575b318-en 1831ba8cbbafa46cef027b34294b7e94 In this regard, enhancing capacities to assist policymakers in integrating gender concerns into national infrastructure planning and budgetary processes, in order to advance women's empowerment and enhance their access to infrastructure services, may be required. Importantly, greater focus on investment in improving the efficiency of policies, and rules and regulations is critical for infrastructure development in CSN in the region. Connecting people through infrastructure projects has laige spillover effects. 9 1 5 0.6666666666666666 10.1787/5jlwvz85537c-en 183a8d45e3b6f3e080d987c70ab821ef At the end of the disqualification, a driver must not drive until they have obtained an alcohol interlock licence. A driver may then only drive vehicles fitted with an approved alcohol interlock. An alcohol interlock is a device fitted to a vehicle that requires a driver to provide an alcohol free breath sample before the vehicle will start. 11 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5k912j389bf0-en 183ca3c49a85068ec20d0687fa38b45a Basic version of the component-based models typically use health expenditure estimates broken down into major spending categories and age classes. All of these data requirements are generally recorded in databases in OECD countries and often cover a relatively long time span. Similarly, demographic projections are often regularly produced and updated. However, the development of more sophisticated versions of the component-based models could require additional information, such as health spending broken dowm by gender and disease categories, by descendent and survivor status or by end-of-life costs. 3 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5k3tsj67l226-en 1845c75f84b4c2c89ed4f132fb369036 It was developed in the late 1960s in medical education to facilitate learning basic science concepts in the context of clinical cases (Box 2). It is today used in most medical schools in the United States and in many other countries around the world (Wood, 2008). Moreover, PBL has been successfully adapted across various disciplines in higher education, including natural sciences, social sciences, or humanities. Schools of architecture, business, law, engineering, forestry, police science, social work, education and many other professional fields have picked up PBL (Ball and Pelco, 2006; Camp, 1996). 4 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264179820-5-en 184ac01fb7b8fcb315326e62f860d50b Examples of those indirect benefits are the reduced costs of other productive inputs (such as agricultural commodities) and transport services faced by industrial producers. Another example is the reduced costs of consumer products (whether agricultural or industrial) bought by households. The value of better information, improved planning, or more effective processes for negotiating and enforcing water policies is generally difficult to quantify. Most of the springs and flows were captured for water supply for drainage and agriculture. 6 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/5kgk6hpnhxzq-en 184b6801b7882e5d63d5ce864ebe4c13 Additionally, this measure assumes that formal schooling is the primaiy (sole) source of education and, again, that variations in the quality of nonschool factors have a negligible effect on education outcomes. This neglect of cross-country differences in the quality of education is probably the major drawback of such a quantitative measure of schooling’ (Hanushek and Woessmann 2007: 21). Widespread adoption of more efficient work organisation methods, such as lean production across both manufacturing and service industries, is also argued to demand the workforce acquire a broader range of skills. One effect of the widespread adoption of such a broad and, some suggest, amorphous concept as generic skills is that it presents potentially insurmountable difficulties for educational institutions charged with teaching these skills to a workforce. 4 1 4 0.6 10.1787/5k483jpfpsq1-en 18507eb68b59fdbcdb1fe4a32d57248d The authors recognised that the survey did not necessarily reflect the latest activity in this area due to time lags between policy development and reporting to the UNFCCC. In addition to that, national adaptation planning is likely to have progressed markedly (at least in the most active countries) over the six years since the paper’s publication. These have primarily focused on European countries but some have also included non-European OECD countries - for example, Australia and the United States (Bauer, Feichtinger and Steurer; 2011; Preston, Westaway and Yuen, 2011). The review identified several typical strengths and weaknesses in adaptation strategies - the strengths include targeted research and good planning for implementation, review and funding, while weaknesses included a lack of co-ordination between sectors and unclear allocations of responsibilities between different administrative levels. Preston, Westaway and Yuen (2011) further highlight the institutional and capacity challenges to implementation. Bauer, Feichtinger and Steurer (2011) focus particularly on co-ordination and integration in ten OECD countries, both horizontally across policy sectors and vertically across jurisdictional levels. 13 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/02e538fc-en 1852464e47fbecc03e641b635081f470 As Box 3 shows from the Asian Development Bank’s experience, women’s representation in programme decision making can ensure that their needs are adequately addressed in infrastructure investments while at the same time promoting their voice and participation in the community. Pre-programme assessments and diagnostics should include issues related to unpaid care work, such as childcare or domestic tasks, to identifying entry points to address unpaid care work. It could also allow for the measurement of impact on unpaid care work and contribute to strengthening the knowledge base on what works to inform future infrastructure investments. Very few policies and programmes currently aim to do this, although innovative approaches are proving that it is possible. 5 1 7 0.75 10.1787/9789264120914-3-en 18533c449e199b39939a41f6128eb686 Effort should be made to support the sharing of expertise and practices at the local level. In this regard, it will be important to establish strong public health institutions with national influence to develop strategic policy objectives and assess policy options. This need for strong public health institutions is heightened in Switzerland where cantons are of varying sizes and hence have varying capacities for policy development. Health information systems are currently limited and information on key indicators is too often left to the initiative of willing parties or health service providers. 3 0 7 1.0 10.1787/eco/surveys-jpn-2011-7-en 1854b36e532161e6c397bf5b8f65c001 Second, ECEC contributes to reducing social inequality, reducing child poverty, and promoting inter-generational mobility as children from disadvantaged families receive much less cognitive and emotional stimulation. Third, the provision of affordable, quality childcare services has allowed most OECD countries to maintain or increase female labour participation (OECD, 2006). In contrast, the PISA survey of school principals, which are at the high school level in Japan, reported a high level of school autonomy with regards to instructional policies. 4 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/9789264183704-6-en 18571c430d8965f89fd6896f9279ea27 They involve several public entities such as the Ministry of Energy and Mines in Algeria, the Supreme Council of Energy in Egypt and the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources in Jordan, etc. ( An initial assessment of the current power generation capacity in the region, focusing on the contribution of renewable sources to electricity generation. The strategy also lists the several international and regional initiatives that were launched to help develop renewable energy projects in the Mediterranean region. 7 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264238701-6-en 185879a766458739e76bacbb1b86921f The goal of the exercise is not to derive meaningful absolute values of stress and policy coverage, but rather to enable a comparison of the relative importance of the types of constraints and approaches used among regions. The computed indicators used for analysis are shown in Tables 4.A2.1 and 4.A2.2, with the correlation in Table 4.A2.3. Figures 4.A2.1 and 4.A2.2 provide an overview of the results with regions grouped by continent. 6 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5km5zrrvzr42-en 185925132ebc57ec6f8639da8d5a3eb5 Although governments are committing increasing amounts to the financing of EE projects, the EE investment gap is still tremendous. They also act as first party financier in cases where managers have difficulties finding capital for a project. For instance the EBRO data encompasses leveraged private money in addition of the money invested by the EBRD alone. The World Bank by contrast does not take into account leveraged money of private investors; however it tends to consider renewable and EE investments together. Although the public sector cannot be expected to face the challenge alone, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) estimates that 86% of the needed investments should come from the private sector. The current commitment level of public financial institutions still falls short of triggering adequate private-sector financing. 7 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264168091-7-en 185c1b18ce0879f46cdf23c516faf650 For example a number of regions still reimburse providers on the basis of a fee-per-outpatient (polyclinic) visit or pay by bed day in the hospital sector, thereby encouraging over-use of the system and reducing incentives to enhance prevention (Figures 1.8 and 1.9). Private insurers will act as purchasers of health care services for their insurees and competition among providers will be largely based on quality. Money will follow the patient and payment of providers will be fixed nationally, leaving the regional funds the possibility of providing supplements.28 Under the new arrangements, consumers will have free choice of insurer, doctor or care institution (e.g. polyclinic or hospital). Nonetheless, Tompson (2007) and Smith (2008) argue that introducing and sustaining competition in health care markets is a particularly daunting task and existing experiments in OECD countries do not appear conclusive. 3 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/1fe990fb-en 185c97c8e2fafe35346893ac9ac1ce65 Revised version of September 2009. Available at:— ed_norm/—declaration/documents/publication/wcms_105023.pdf ILO, 2009: Lists of indicators of trafficking in human beings. List of the indicators of trafficking validated through the Delphi methodology at the European Union level. Available at: ures/WCMS_105884/lang--en/index.htm ILO, 2009: Explanations for indicators of trafficking for labour exploitation. 8 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/5b6c49ea-en 185f98f5866043bfee04f7e0fdc9df14 For example, the typical compounded efficiency of the energy chain from crude oil at the well to useful transport services is about 2 per cent only (assuming single occupancy of a passenger car with five seats). While in this case, the efficiency of transforming primary to final energy is as high as 93 per cent (including transport, refining and distribution), the efficiency of transforming final to useful energy efficiency is only about 10 per cent (that is, the result of 20 per cent engine efficiency and 50 per cent efficiency of drivetrain and car). Full occupancy of the car would increase the compounded efficiency from 2 to 10 per cent. 7 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264238121-6-en 1860284a44ce5827e04376f8249b39a8 Brazil is no exception, and the process of reforming water institutions cannot be isolated from the broader institutional change that the country has gone through over the last three decades, especially in terms of the new relationship between civil society and public authorities following the country’s return to democracy. This discredit triggered calls from citizens for more direct participation, which has influenced public policies since then. At the time, greater emphasis on bottom-up approaches and citizens’ engagement contrasted with the more important role of representative democracy as well as higher trust in public authorities that prevailed in more stabilised democracies. 6 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264225442-22-en 1861de12a99a42db1a0744945ad91d98 A Core Curriculum for Pre-School Education (2000) was established from 2001 and renewed in 2010 with National Curriculum Guidelines on ECEC (2003, renewed in 2005) for the design of local curricula. In addition, legislation on early childhood education and development of uniform pre-primary education instruction are in progress to ensure that all children have equal prerequisites. Working groups of education officials, researchers and teachers are focusing on structure and national objectives (set in June 2012), conceptions of learning, support for learning and the different subjects. The renewal aims to build on strengths, supporting student growth and focusing on the core educational content and local pedagogical development. 4 1 4 0.6 10.1787/9789264259157-6-en 186902a922f6a775dfe0d0dbff90d771 The projected full-time equivalent labour force is very slightly smaller under the family working-time scenario than under the baseline. But even by 2025 - when average usual hours among eligible employees are assumed to reach 32 hours per week - the difference in the size of the labour force is only about 37 000 full-time equivalent workers, a fall of only around 0.1%. A survey of German companies found that the share of those that support or plan to support parents through child care rose from 25% to 50% from 2007 to 2012. International Social Security Review, Vol. Leitbilder zur Eltemschaft in Deutschland”, Bundesinstitut fur BevOlkerungsforschung, Wiesbaden. 5 8 1 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264267886-en 186afa1495b930dfabe686d4e166feb3 The authorities' plans to increase spending in railway and urban public transport over 2014-20 are welcome. But past concentration of investments in the road sector has left less developed regions without access to fast trains (with speeds above 120 km/h), hampering inclusiveness. Electricity generation capacity may be constrained in the medium term and remains dominated by fossil fuels, although the share of renewables has increased. Fostering telecommunication and information technology infrastructure would also help to develop a more sustainable and inclusive growth model. 4 2 2 0.0 10.1787/9789264281486-7-en 186b8796915377cceddda37a2c67a303 Consistent with a pattern found, on average, across the OECD, the mathematics and science scores of the highest-performing boys (the top decile) exceed that of girls. Policy makers across OECD member countries have employed a range of instruments to improve student achievement - including smaller class sizes, increased school autonomy, changes to teacher training and recruitment, or stringent accountability requirements for teachers, school leaders, or school founders (Hanushek, Piopiunik and Wiederhold, 2016). Given the current state of primary and lower secondary schooling in Lithuania -marked by small classes, wide school autonomy, and the reluctance on the part of educators and families to introduce assessment-based accountability arrangements - the most promising policy options for improvement in learning appear to be the amount and quality of instruction time. 4 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5js3926d54d7-en 186f87ecc475e8ed3ed580c8e3c07d61 Few sociological and qualitative studies, however, have shed light on the relevance of gender norms in driving migration decisions. Diner (1983) is one of the first attempts to include discriminatory social norms into the possible explanations of women's international migration. Studying the Irish diaspora to the United States in the late nineteenth century, she finds that most of the migrants were women in search for better opportunities. Since the famine of those years made impossible for families to give dowry to each daughter, marriage was only possible for one daughter. 5 0 4 1.0 10.1787/eco/surveys-esp-2010-7-en 18710088106fa25ef02c1b47aeacff8a The experience of the Canary Islands also suggests that regulated third party access to transport infrastructures, with regulated tolls, may also facilitate trades at the local level. At present, regulated third party access is only ensured for publicly-owned infrastructure. The binding nature of the restrictions came to the fore during the last drought period, 2005-06, when the government brokered the transfer of water rights across river basins, but had to issue specific enabling legislation in order to do so. 6 1 2 0.3333333333333333 11.1002/pub/8041d0a0-bee6d3c8-en 1871b23c8717572b5c4b9569591f5144 Therefore the extension of the BTNM to data is still in process. At this critical point, governments have seen the mobile industry as a source of easy revenue to exploit. They have yet to appreciate the urgency of announcing roadmaps for releasing adequate quantities of spectrum at predictable times to support data communication. 10 6 1 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/fcd1ba6c-en 18722aa3ee154dadf3b3a4854841507f These areas can be turned into poles of clean and sustainable growth, linking cost savings with employment creation, income-generation and investment opportunities. In so doing, in addition to relaunching growth (that was brought to a halt by the economic crisis), these areas can address key issues involved in the energy, climate, food and water crises, and make substantial contributions towards meeting the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Flowever, the significance and difficulty of the choices that policymakers face cannot be exaggerated. 7 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264235120-7-en 18729850648f3b75e3966f4d1a46ebca The rest of the table presents a matrix showing the relative distributional positions of non-standard workers within the household context. The columns refer to quintiles of individual earnings (among workers), and the rows correspond to quintiles of household equivalised income (for the whole working-age population). More than one-third of non-standard workers who were in the bottom quintile of individual earnings remained in the bottom quintile when household equivalised income was considered; another 24% moved to the following quintile, 20% to the middle, and the remaining 22% advanced to the top two quintiles. 1 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/9efca30c-en 1875714fe9673b5ac0a95892c48cca60 Correspondingly, a cultural emphasis, often couched in religions terms, on girls remaining virgins before marriage may result in parents feeling compelled to arrange the marriage of their daughters at an early age in order to prevent premarital sexual relations.63 Parents’ expectations generally play a huge role in dictating when and w'hom daughters marry, and at times girls are certainly married off by their parents expressly against the girls’ own wishes.64 However, the question of who dte primary decision maker is in the context of child marriage is complicated. In some cases girls themselves also articulate a preference to marry; this is not surprising given that social norms and expectations are generally internalized. Early Marriage Child Spouses, p. 6. Some reasons given for this decision include curiosity, as well as fears that they will grow old and never marry. 5 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.18356/47c7f9c4-en 18762ec9cd305902083e2c60a33d2b87 Nevertheless, these households are also affected by higher energy tariffs as they will have to pay higher prices for alternative energy sources, such as gas bottles, kerosene and possibly even firewood. Many reports have been produced recently on the impact of the food and fuel price crisis and the subsequent global economic crisis on poverty and child well-being. However, so far there is little evidence on the impact of the recent crises on child well-being and vulnerability. 1 0 5 1.0 10.1787/9789264287457-3-en 187a5838076335d6ecfb1910c8d606c6 In this context, quality education and skills formation that equip individuals with labour market-relevant skills are more important than ever. This report finds that the progress different countries have made in providing educational and skills development opportunities to disadvantaged individuals has varied widely. Only a few countries have been successful in providing lifelong learning opportunities. Most have offered sporadic interventions at certain stages of life, rather than continued support over the course of an individual’s lifespan. 4 2 2 0.0 10.1787/9789264281318-15-en 187a64990f632b819c3d1ad049869226 By contrast, it has increased slightly in recent years in France, the Czech Republic and Ireland, and to a greater extent in Brazil, Portugal and Turkey. Increases of 5 percentage points or more were recorded in Chile, Colombia, Hungary and Latvia. Full-time employees are defined as those individuals with usual weekly working hours equal to or greater than 30 hours per week. 5 8 1 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264210745-6-en 187d0c765c98e6ed810ce3abc72d21e2 India’s 11th Five-Year Plan (2009-13) included strict adherence to GRB, and gender budgeting has been used as a rights-based programming approach at the state level in Kerala, producing practical results such as a Gender-Friendly Infrastructure Scheme, an Income Security Scheme and a Food Security Scheme (Mishra, 2011). Since 1999, a minimum of 5% of the national and local government budgets of the Philippines is to be allocated to activities supporting gender equality, although compliance remains low (OECD, 2010). Participation in gender budget initiatives enabled women’s organisations in Brazil to play an active role in the launch of the Brazilian Budget Forum in 2002. Gender equality was a major component of the Forum, the goals of which were to exert social control over public expenditures, to raise public awareness of budgetary processes, and to increase transparency and accountability (Sharp and Elson, 2008). 5 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.14217/9781848591288-6-en 187f0249ed09202c49583821ec9db610 However, a central concern is that much of the plan has yet to be implemented, and that while on paper women appear to be equal to men, in practice inequality remains. Women need training to be able to perform well in the positions they occupy and to make a difference. Women are also still discriminated against - for example, while women are present within the military and serve alongside men, they face abuse and ill treatment (Kagumire 2010). Furthermore, despite their presence in the formal institutions of governance, much like in Rwanda they remain underrepresented in formal peace negotiations (Binder et al. 5 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264235151-4-en 18818088c08a67e548fe1dbb94f54077 Although Co-operative Banks - formerly known as Peoples' Credit Funds - and other private financial institutions have been established, so far they have not achieved significant importance in rural finance. Such concentration may explain the limited access to formal banking services in rural areas and high interest rates. The lack of sufficient collateral also limits access to credit by small-scale farmers. As a result, half of rural households were still unable to access banking services in 2010 and the informal sector remains an important source of rural credit. 2 3 1 0.5 10.14217/9947c813-en 18818b4d9bf7c81c1804986d4e9146e6 While women and men alike are victims and perpetuators of violence, evidence from IFES’ research suggest that women are four times more likely to be victims of violence in comparison to their male counterparts (Ibid). Varying forms of violence against women during the electoral cycle are reported in the COG reports, but with the only clear incident of political violence recorded being that of Nigeria in the 2015 elections. During the 2015 general election in Nigeria, women (and men alike) in the north-eastern states of Nigeria faced increased security concerns because of the terror threat posed by Boko Haram. 5 0 5 1.0 10.18356/215d0d56-en 188249a04fe21c8e15d986c99d71bae5 However, when adaptation options are combined, the gains for farmers are significant. For example, the authors found that changing crops, when combined with water conservation strategies, delivers the largest gains of any of the adaptation options. The study concludes that, while adaptation to climate change based upon a portfolio of strategies is superior to single-option strategies, finding the right combination of interventions requires experimentation with different options to iterate the optimal course of action. The study also sheds light on the need to remove the structural barriers encountered by some groups when they attempted to access the full range of strategies, either because of poor socioeconomic status or weak access to financial resources, or owing to an absence of knowledge attributable to low levels of education or lack of information. 13 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264259157-8-en 1886daeacedef2d8bfa064367c7164cf Section 5 gives consideration of care for other adults in the household and finds that in most countries partnered men are less likely to be involved in care than partnered women. The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under tire terms of international law. Yet, as the previous chapter shows, men do a lot more paid work than women on average. This chapter draws on time use data to demonstrate that, when it comes to unpaid work, w'omen - particularly mothers - do considerably more time than men and fathers. 5 0 4 1.0 10.18356/64ec20f2-en 188716690804a29d79070974c2703f90 A possible solution to this problem is the application of a 'No Special Fee'. Such a fee includes in the port fee the cost of delivering waste, irrespective of the quantities discharged. The no special fee system effectively prevents cost from becoming a disincentive for using port reception facilities; similarly, the simplicity of the system results in a reduction in administration costs for port authorities. 14 1 3 0.5 10.6027/9789289329163-7-en 18871de728ad3e9305e9f70b2f879c4e The roundwood harvesting in Finland fluctuated a lot due to the changes in international forest-product market situation over past few decades (Statistics Finland 2012). This is because the mineral soils have been a sink, but the organic soils have been a source due to drainage of peatland. Organic soils have released more CO2 than what mineral soils removed in most years between 1990 and 2010. It is projected that forest soils will become, and the forest biomass will remain a sink with increasing rates of removal for 2013-2020. 15 0 5 1.0 10.6027/9789289349291-4-en 18886cbd294e16c930d5598b48735f9a It is foreseen that 70% of the total mitigation efforts proposed in the INDC can be achieved in the forestry sector, with special focus on REDD+ activities (Government of Peru, 2015b). Although many of the identified mitigation measures in the sector are deemed cost effective over their lifetime, progress towards implementation, as well as mobilization of private sector/finance has been slow. The main barrier identified is related to higher upfront costs, as the main actors are small-hold farmers with limited access to financial services and limited investment capital. 13 1 5 0.6666666666666666 10.1787/9789264279322-7-en 1888a5b30b28ecf0773e5264bb048d94 This is not a common practice, however, particularly in rural areas. With a limited inheritance, women can end up without sufficient assets or resources to support themselves. For example, if a wife has no personal assets, she may find herself destitute and deprived of the marital home unless she has minor children in her care. This altered control over assets within families and increased parental investments in daughters. 5 0 3 1.0 10.18356/215a990d-en 18894e3f43c5dbbaf4fe7bcf79d1cc27 This report addresses the question of how that bill is divided between the public sector and individuals or firms. Forms of public-private collaboration, such as those inherent in technical and vocational training (TVET) systems, are likely to be instrumental in ensuring that workers get the right skills for the job. Such collaboration has been successful in countries such as Germany and Switzerland, but it has not always been easy to replicate elsewhere. There is uncertainty over whether they will be able to do so in the future. 9 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5jlwjg92n48x-en 1889849a9249c6e3a0d0086319b0c285 The European Commission Global Climate Change Alliance (GCCA) champions channelling climate finance through a range of traditional and innovative modalities, such as budget support and sectoral support. Further, the Commission is experimenting with the use of off-budget national climate funds (NCFs) (GCCA, 2012). In some cases, providers and supporters are creating intermediary funds, designated to be replaced by domestically owned funds with time, or handed over to a domestic management authority once operational. In other cases, national funds have been created with the specific function of channelling sectoral climate finance, for example, the Indonesian Climate Change Trust Fund and the Indonesian forest fund for REDD+ (CFA and PWC, 2010). 13 0 7 1.0 10.1787/5k3wb8fmsz6h-en 188ab1706d4b227435412587abd568bc Spot prices may not exceed a cap of AUD 12 900 per MWh. As can be seen, very high prices are rare, with prices sitting within the range of AUD 0-40 for around 90% of the time. Flowever, views differ on the adequacy of high but capped wholesales prices as a sufficient incentive to invest in marginal supply. Reducing carbon emissions associated with power generation is a central challenge in the project to reduce overall emissions from human activity. This is the case not only because stationary energy currently accounts for 40% of global energy-related C02 emissions, but also because reducing emissions from sources such as the transport sector will involve further electrification - since many of the most promising low-carbon energy technologies are those that produce electricity (wind and solar being two examples). 7 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.18356/6236c858-en 18900ef1e2742e858bbed6264b3a046c It is therefore evident that current patterns of consumption and production are environmentally unsustainable and socially inequitable. Economic growth, human development and wellbeing would need to be substantially decoupled from resource use and environmental impact (UNEP, 2011). Achieving gains in decoupling will not happen spontaneously, but will require well designed public policies that enable economic restructuring toward sustainable consumption and production and resource efficiency. 12 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264287457-6-en 18955b4473a42f9b17fddc29de8152ee According to the latest PISA 2015 results, students’ socio-economic backgrounds have a varying degree of influence on their performance in science, reading and mathematics. In such countries as Austria, Chile, Belgium, France, Germany, Singapore and Switzerland, socio-economic backgrounds exercise a particularly strong influence on students’ performance, since students from disadvantaged backgrounds in these countries are very likely to not perform as well in PISA assessments as their peers from advantaged backgrounds. On the other hand, in Macao (China), Hong Kong (China), Japan, Finland, Estonia, Korea and Canada, the socio-economic background of students has a much weaker influence on their performance. 4 0 7 1.0 10.18356/31959a6d-en 1895b1c2720996b06d994eca874e395b In other cases, individual accounts worked as an additional pillar on top of a public pension benefit (mixed systems). In still others, individual accounts completely replaced existing PAYG systems (substitutive systems) (see Mesa-Lago 2006; 2008). In some cases, affiliation was optional (and some or all workers could choose to stay in the public system). 5 3 0 1.0 10.1787/9789264167865-7-en 18987b8edb333b7493dd0d61275dfcec This chapter also addresses concerns about the outcomes of compact city policies and presents ways for policy makers to handle this complex issue. While it appears clear that compact city policies can be expected to play a role in meeting this goal in today’s urban contexts (Chapter 1), an important question for policy makers is: how, and to what extent, can compact city policies be expected contribute to urban sustainability? While there is some evidence concerning energy consumption and the reduction of carbon emissions, there is extensive debate over whether compact city policies have solid, positive effects on environmental quality. 11 0 3 1.0 10.18356/a2206e44-en 189933d8a3fa85998be2dd3475648d57 As Andrew Garrad, chairman of the British energy consulting firm Garrad Hassan, has recently noted, in the past, the main objective was to develop “bigger and bigger” turbines in order to extract ever more power from the available wind resources. Today, however, the emphasis is increasingly on “better and better”. A case in point is Dongfang’s cooperation agreement with the Finnish company, The Switch, from early 2008. 7 0 3 1.0 10.18356/fb332d66-en 1899baaa735ba8ea716665780829a4aa Some 340 monitoring points have been established, to cover run-offs entering the Caspian Sea (310 industries, wastewater treatment plants, rivers), while 31 entities and installations (e.g. platforms) function at sea. More than 4,000 water and benthic samples are analyzed each year. They were further reinforced by Decree No. According to CCEMA data, tables 7.4 (a) and (b), the situation on the Absheron peninsula is improving. 6 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/c78b2675-en 189b3c820535900a5f917e0fdc8d0c06 This report focuses on the financing of small to medium scale projects. Four involve Energy Service Companies (ESCOs) and four energy utilities; five schemes target households; 16 involve private financial intermediaries; six public or not-for-profit. Most rely on some form of public financial support. 7 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5jlrb8ftvqs1-en 189e37e9047e60143153148ec6fd1a73 To reach this common understanding, an ongoing dialogue is required with a broad range of stakeholders, giving equal weight to different discourses, while at the same time valuing the professional expertise of key stakeholders. The current search for new consultation methods and platforms to make this possible is a promising way forward. The framework is currently being discussed with a broad group of 700 to 800 stakeholders and experts. The process started with a widespread request among stakeholders for ideas on ‘good education’. After an initial analysis, the Inspectorate has begun a dialogue about a draft framework, both through an online questionnaire and focus groups. 4 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264285637-5-en 18a18a536e00d32c64c926de6c8630a5 Educational attainment in Chile has considerably improved in recent years. Lower secondary education is now virtually universal and there has been progress in retaining students in upper secondary education even if about 20% of a cohort does not reach the final year of upper secondary education. Student learning outcomes in Chile are considerably below the OECD average but there has been considerable progress in the last decade. 4 0 7 1.0 10.6027/92601435-en 18a199cd52211a7411ec0b67e8c74ac3 Therefore, the main place of settlement is on the coast. The northern system provides electricity to approximately go%of the population and most of the islands inthe northern part ofthe Faroe Islands. The southern system provides electricity to Suduroy, where approximately 10% ofthe population lives. A few smaller islands are not supplied with electricity through either of the two main grids. 7 0 6 1.0 10.1787/9789264174542-6-en 18a28bc19b3099c37b30e325efe84c8b As central agencies seem to define missions and objectives but do not invest the necessary means to achieve them, little co-ordination is possible between these policy areas. In addition, intensive competition between different ministries is common in water, energy and agricultural policy co-ordination in several LAC countries. In Chile, water policies in the agricultural sector are designed by two separate ministries with different interests: the Ministry of Public Works, through its Office of Water Infrastructure (dams, irrigation, etc.) Lastly, unclear allocation of roles and a lack of institutional incentives for co-operation are also cited as common concerns for both water-energy and water-agricultural policy coherence. 6 0 5 1.0 10.1787/9789264283268-en 18a39366dfff1c595a8c5621a2bd1339 Recent efforts to enhance primary care capacity through the development of multidisciplinary primary care units that complement the activities by traditional ambulatory care physicians working in solo practices can play a positive role in addressing these challenges. Public spending on health and long-term care is expected to increase considerably over the coming decades while, at the same time, ageing will reduce the share of the population of working-age needed to finance this public spending. The reform set a limit on nominal public health spending growth of 4.5% in 2012 and was gradually reduced to 3.6% in 2016, aiming to bring it in line with projected annual average GDP growth. 3 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264225442-28-en 18a46483c21ef29d7d2be4f23d151f9f They are governed by councils whose functions and duties include governing their institution and appointing its vice-chancellor or chief executive. Expenditure on educational institutions at all levels is 7.3% of GDP, above the OECD average of 6.3% (see Figure 8). Between 2005 and 2010, New Zealand has increased its spending by 0.8 percentage points, above the OECD average of 0.4 percentage points. As in most OECD countries, a large portion of expenditure on educational institutions comes from public sources (82.6%, compared to the OECD average of 83.6%). 4 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/baf425ad-en 18a4740bb28ce7c70e33e0d50e666e13 Adverse drug reactions as cause of admission to hospital: prospective analysis of 18 820 patients. An intervention to decrease catheter-related bloodstream infections in the ICU. New England Journal ofMedicine ;355:2725-2732. 25-Year summary of US malpractice claims for diagnostic errors 1986-2010: an analysis from the National Practitioner Data Bank. Lost productive life years caused by chronic conditions in Australians aged 45-64 years, 2010-2030. 3 0 8 1.0 10.18356/a11581d8-en 18a4817d0d45f07974b0830a20baffd3 The decisions of individuals and households have aggregate consequences for urban sprawl, congestion and air pollution, among other things. Tourism entails large-scale, short-term human mobility, often towards metropolitan areas. Tourism has significant economic impacts, generating 1 in 11 jobs worldwide and accounting for 7 per cent of exports globally.18 The tourism industry attracts large numbers of migrant workers in hospitality and related services. Available from pdf/10.18111/9789284418145; and UNWTO, “International tourist arrivals up 4% reach a record 1.2 billion in 2015”, 18 January 2016. 11 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5k92sn0f8dbt-en 18a678f2e6256a4822ff6ed9c8fe64ee Finally, tax incentives would make Germany more attractive as a location for research as most of other OECD countries already provide this support (Ernst and Spengel, 2011). Thus, consideration should be given to complementing the direct support with tax incentives. The features of the tax incentives - including the level, the form (e.g. tax deferrals, tax allowances or tax credits), the base (e.g. level or increment of R&D expenditures) and the coverage (e.g. total or partial with targeted support) - should be carefully determined in function of Germany’s specific needs.12 Only a very small percentage of green technology patents between 2000 and 2007 draw on environmental or energy R&D (OECD, 201 If). 7 5 4 0.1111111111111111 10.1787/aid/glance-2017-14-en 18a8a3c2a3f5ab5dd905283e44d38df0 Support to tourism now at USD 89.3 million, also recorded a fall of 34% from 2014. A focus on trade development reveals an increase of USD 1.4 billion in 2015 to USD 6.3 billion covering almost a third of the total amount for building trade capacities. Two-thirds of this support is concentrated in the areas of agriculture and business services. 9 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/baf425ad-en 18aa07393540578a7903749169642d67 The choice of study design may also lead to an underestimation of the costs. This is demonstrated by Schwartz et al (Box 2.3 in Chapter 2). In the study, a broader definition of diagnostic errors was applied, including contextual as well as biomedical factors. The estimated costs using the expanded context of medical error were twenty times higher than what could be identified from a medical record review alone. 3 1 3 0.5 10.18356/935513ee-en 18b1a3d1c5a1d954c78b28246f412f96 Furthermore, extractive developments can have numerous negative social impacts, including corruption, displacement, human rights violations, significant inflows of migrant workers, disruptions to traditional livelihoods, and increased social problems and crime. These can be further compounded by environmental impacts, ranging from lost access to livelihood resources, to resource damage and degradation, to contamination of land, air, and water. Even where the extractive sector has well-developed social and environmental assessment and management procedures, they are frequently not applied or are poorly enforced. In some cases, statutory land rights do not cover sub-surface resources or are revoked through an act of expropriation undera justification of eminent domain. 6 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/e617261d-en 18b3d8c03a4ba20129d41714d92da6a1 Meanwhile, the area encompassing the former USSR accounts for one of die world's largest migration systems, widi a migrant stock of up to 8-10 million people in the Russian Federation (Chudinovskikh and Denisenko, 2014) as the main destination country and Central Asian States2 as the principal countries of origin, which are highly reliant on remittances. The first papers addressing women's experience of migration in diat country - mostly the forced migration of Russian-speakers - emerged in the 1990s (Kosmarskaya, 1997; 1999; Pilkington, 1998; Britvina and Kiblitskaya, 2004), while more recently researchers have studied economic migration in this area. Notably, diere are rare papers in which male migration was considered from the gender perspective (Reeves, 2013). Overall, knowledge in die field of gender and migration in the former Soviet Union in general and from Central Asia to the Russian Federation in particular is fragmentary. 5 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/rev/fish-2015-37-en 18b5b462eae9792123f3f35d063e7a13 The law mandates an end to overfishing, promotes market-based management, strengthens the role of science, improves data on recreational fisheries, and includes new measures to combat illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing and to reduce bycatch in global fisheries. Alaskan pollock, menhaden, cod, flatfish, Pacific salmon and hake are the six most important species in terms of volume, while crabs, scallops, shrimp, salmon, and lobster are highest in teims of gross value. The quantity of edible imports was 2.449 million tonnes, 1.542 million tonnes more than the quantity imported in 2011. About 95% of the transfers in 2011 were spent on general services. ( 14 0 9 1.0 10.18356/dd581311-en 18b6237666c4ff2f7bb58ba1080c9b16 While the growth effect predominated in practically all tf appreciable decline in poverty, the contribution of the distribution effect was over 25% in six others. In order to supplement the characterization of income poverty in Latin America, updated results are presented for some population groups that are relevant to the poverty analysis. Poverty rates among children under the age of 15 may be between 1.1 and 2.0 times higher than for the total population,4 with the most notable differences recorded in countries with lower poverty levels. 1 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264202924-9-en 18b92146939540ea09e86413127ce0eb Financial losses from extreme weather events have been increasing, largely due to increased development in higher-risk areas. The high potential impact and frequency of natural hazards have led to strong political support for risk reduction measures. As a result, Austria has a comprehensive, effective and well-funded administrative system for managing the consequences of natural hazards, mainly floods. 13 1 3 0.5 10.18356/ab0103c2-en 18baac74b538c567c1bd10988fdbf70e "Additionally, inequality impact assessments for interventions in the health sector need to be introduced. This would draw attention to the inequality implications of proposed actions by local authorities and through international cooperation, including those of GHPs. Access, particularly under the Paragraph 6 System, should be further reviewed and amended so that the current patent and property rights regime is truly “development friendly” and, more importantly, improves access to essential medicines for the poor. Since agreement on and implementation of reforms is likely to be protracted, in the meantime, the provision of technical assistance to improve countries’ capacities to comply with the provisions of the TRIPS amendment is recommended. Making health systems more equitable"" Lancet, vol." 3 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.14217/9781848591264-9-en 18c25d690cce845602ce5f9de799de92 "Rather the overall picture indicates a shortage of female teachers, and the need to expand recruitment of female teachers, so as to facilitate the attainment of EFA and MDG goals. It is hoped that increasing the number of female teachers will""create a stimulating, participatory learning environment"" (meeting at Nagarkot, Nepal in August 1997 cited in UNESCO, 2000). Section 1 provides a statistical overview of the situation in India." 4 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264246744-5-en 18c39777d06416f4b8637b3dd7507dd4 These challenges have been analysed in more depth in the OECD Guidelines for Cost-effective Agri-environmental Measures, with several recommendations that are sufficiently general to apply to the domain of flood risk mitigation (OECD, 2010b). Uncertainty in outcome is certainly undesirable for objectives such as bird conservation, but becomes socially unacceptable when it is about flood risks that can cause huge damages in cities, as well as injuries and loss of life. This may appear to give the advantage to structural measures which, despite their limitations and defaults, could offer more safety. 6 3 2 0.2 10.1787/5jz159228n6j-en 18c68078531c4d8773c3b9969551b7db Over the long run, deep policy reforms and technological innovations can lead to improvements in both adequacy and sustainability by shifting the frontier outward. This will move them closer to the frontier (point C in Figure 1). The funding sources of health care systems are: general taxation, social insurance contributions, private insurance premiums and out-of-pocket payments. 3 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/5jm2hz8dgls6-en 18c91d12b8f19669fcf15193b3d2524c "Looking forward, further research could be undertaken to identify which types of discriminatory social institutions may have the most detrimental effects and which specific interventions should thus be pursued. The case of rich vs. poor countries"", World Bank Policy Research Working Paper. American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 2,222-246. Estimates for the Balkans and Turkey"", World Bank Policy Research Working Paper." 5 6 0 1.0 10.18356/a8d81144-en 18cff2c4e0ebc9aad9778d8203fc3aab "In place since 2006, this agreement addressed tariffs on lumber traded between the two countries as part of a decades-long trade dispute covered in earlier editions of this Review. In April 2017, the US government announced tariffs of 3-24% on imported lumber from Canada (Dattu era/., 2017). The UK's""Brexit""is due to take place on 30 March 2019; the deadline can only be extended beyond that date by unanimous agreement of all EU countries. Brexit may change the UK's supply and consumption of wood products. The country is the largest net importer of wood products in the EU, with the great majority of wood coming from other EU countries. Following separation from the EU, the UK may change supply streams to resources from outside the EU and strengthen domestic sourcing." 15 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5js08hwvfnr4-en 18d0878dbe92c740ae2f04e87ab5b0e0 It then identifies the main criteria under which governments may take action to increase the resilience of the agricultural sector and its adaptive capacity to climate change. Finally, it discusses strategies to monitor and evaluate adaptation policies. The author would like to acknowledge the contributions of Arnoldo Matus Kramer and Livia Alfonsi. The author wishes to thank Fran§oise Benicourt and Michele Patterson for preparing this document for publication. Valuable comments on drafts were given by Carmel Cahill, Guillaume Gruere, Franck Jesus, Catherine Moreddu and Nicolina Lamhauge. 13 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.14217/128123a5-en 18d113b3962a0eef0a85c2592fe84c04 This will require a review of party constitutions and re-alignment of womens leagues, so that they can play more active roles to enhance womens engagement within the parties -beyond ‘dancing’ for party leaders. Hence political parties need to field women candidates across the board - at the presidential, legislature and local government levels. Incentives for political parties to comply will come from the laws that require them to nominate and field women candidates. 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264202924-9-en 18da7296861d02a4301a44cf1e43bb38 It assesses the policy and institutional framework, along with the process and tools used to identify priorities for climate change adaptation policies. The main challenges to implementation of the National Adaptation Strategy are identified, including securing finance and effectively mainstreaming adaptation into sectoral policies. The Austrian contribution to supporting adaptation activities in other countries is also discussed. 13 1 8 0.7777777777777778 11.1002/pub/81096ead-66884bda-en 18dcd28eae2a9dd7b8772b5302834076 The Ghana legislation prohibits imports and exports of e-waste, phases out the inclusion of printed circuit boards in electronic equipment, provides for the registration of manufacturers, importers, and distributors, as well as the establishment of an e-waste management fund to be achieved through payment of an advance eco-fund by manufacturers, importers, and distributors. Draft bills and regulations of many other African countries incorporate several of these features. Such approaches will integrate the informal sector into the official management structures, establish take-back schemes. 12 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/059ce467-en 18ddc097af5c1f6a4f496bc2b4b88740 Following the example of the Netherlands, Sweden could establish knowledge-centres for mixed schools in municipalities aimed to help change preferences and misconceptions of foreigners through tours of the local schools organised by municipalities. These tours would provide parents with the opportunity to discuss enrolment options, learn more about the schools in their area and help them make informed decisions for their children. For example, the ‘first-come-first-serve’ principle discriminates against newly arrived students because newly immigrated parents do not have the ability, as native parents do, to put their children on a school’s waiting list many years in advance. 4 0 4 1.0 10.14217/9781848599574-6-en 18ddcb9af37b9481b06558fa562fd78f While all the Commonwealth Pacific small states are engaged in some invasive species management activities, more concerted effort is required to address biosecurity issues (SPREP, 2016b). As the lack of resources has limited past implementation efforts, considerable investment of resources in combating invasive species will be required to achieve Target 15.8. The IAEG-SDGs proposed 23 indicators to monitor this goal, of which six are Tier 1 indicators (see Appendix 2.1). 15 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264210745-6-en 18e0199aedb1a902a7f08add6357b3c2 From its beginnings in the 1970s as the Council for Equality between Men and Women, it functioned as an executive commission but with a small staff of between five and eight employees. It was relocated from the Prime Minister’s Office to the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, farther removed from central decision making, but received statutory responsibility for proposing gender equality reforms. This facilitated more successful intervention in prostitution debates, job training and political representation (World Bank, 2012). Chile’s National Service for Women, SERNAM, benefitted from a Chair with ministerial status. In this case, the gender institution’s leadership, along with a sector-specific approach to gender mainstreaming, improved its capacity to influence inter-sectoral dialogue with line ministries and the national gender institution advocated successfully for legislation on domestic violence and gender discrimination, including childcare for seasonal day workers and maternity leave for domestic employees. 5 0 4 1.0 10.1787/5kg20639kgkj-en 18e15ded78a1bd51aad3240c774f43cf From this analysis the Two Mayors' initiative decided to focus on three key areas for future growth: a) the manufacture of green products for construction and retrofitting; b) renewable energy; and c) green transportation options. Against each priority area a sub-committee was tasked with leading a more detailed plan to deliver against the ambitions of the initiative. Green MSP as the leading initiative to help retain, grow and attr act green manufacturing businesses and jobs in the Minneapolis Saint Paul region. 7 0 7 1.0 10.18356/6f7c638a-en 18e314bb4321d8c844d44a6c6e616227 Some time-use surveys in the region identify the time spent on this type of care and compare attendance at day-care centres. There is no significant difference when comparing men in the two groups, as the activities that fathers carry out with their children (playing, going for walks, transporting them from place to place) are not affected by the hours that children spend at home. Women, however, are responsible for compulsory activities that need to be carried out on a daily basis and at set times (feeding, cleaning, health care) (Batthyany, 2009). 5 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264116917-10-en 18e45690bbc1d70ccc0c55b5127e183a The surveys include a range of questions on issues such as school finance, strategic management, professional development and collaboration with communities. Each round of surveys also picks up particularly timely and relevant topics. For example, the 2010 survey in primary schools focused on the introduction of National Standards and the 2009 survey in secondary schools had a focus on the National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA). These reports gather evaluative evidence on specific education issues and serve to inform policy and practice. 4 0 8 1.0 10.1787/9789264298576-19-en 18e6501141f58746f24f91cd0854c831 They should continue to develop and implement measures that facilitate rural economy diversification and off-farm employment. This could include developing financing mechanisms to help smaller producers access IPARD investment funding, by allowing their co-investment to be paid in instalments instead of in full at the beginning. They should build the necessary databases including agricultural economic accounts, employment and output to inform policy analysis. 2 4 3 0.14285714285714285 10.18356/150942f1-en 18e93d6bbaace3cdb08f210c2e20ab55 The problem of indebtedness and the instability of fiscal policy in industrialized countries could negatively affect development aid and donor countries’ commitments to contribute 0.7 per cent of their GDP to developing countries (Willem te Velde 2008). As such, countries that depend on international aid face elevated risks of being affected by the global financial and economic crisis. However, World Bank (2008) suggests that international aid would be the least volatile component and debt servicing costs are the main difficulty that developing countries could be confronted with in the case that the global economic crisis induces a contraction in their economy. 1 4 3 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/5kmms0t7p1ms-en 18ea26a601b4ab1e530bb22d8678dd4c Statistics South Africa (2002) and Hoogeveen & Ozler (2006) found that poverty increased between 1995 and 2000. Hoogeveen & Ozler (2006) estimate that 12.6 million South Africans were living on less than PPP$1 per day in 1995 compared to 14.4 million in 2000 and that 22.9 million South Africans were living on less than PPP$2 per day in 1995 rising to 25.2m in 2000. The direction of these findings accords with the census based analysis presented earlier. 10 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264096356-en 18edc1c7497fde39c34d694e2abf45d9 The notion of “affordability” is more problematic as it indicates a normative notion of the price level. To the extent that energy supply security pertains to trade between different nation states, insisting on “affordable prices” and thus, implicitly, on certain distributional arrangements can undermine the very objective it is trying to achieve. However affordability can take the meaning, not of low prices, but also of effectively managed price changes. 7 0 6 1.0 10.1787/9789264268852-7-en 18ef6728c9c48cd36439cde652209c0c The akims are vertically subordinated to the government, which limits their interest in solving local problems. In general, they are not interested in gaining popular support or for what purpose. The fact that akims at oblast and rayon levels can be dismissed at any time at the president’s discretion is an indication of the control over SNGs. 11 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/agr/outlook-2015-5-en 18f179dd1a6b7ef3a2cc864f8e969cba Tariff reductions, and the liberalisation of domestic markets, coupled with important technological and structural shifts in the agro-food sector, created a new incentive structure in Brazilian agriculture. Currently, agricultural and food commodities imported to Brazil are subject to ad valorem tariffs, and no specific tariffs or special safeguards are imposed. Only a very small percentage (0.2%) of agricultural tariff lines has a tariff quota. 2 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264279551-6-en 18f2267f15d66fcf7895178f27f647ba A number of conditions should be fulfilled to avoid unwanted outcomes from foreign land investments (as defined in a voluntary guideline, see FAO, 2012). In particular, there should be transparency in negotiations, deals should respect existing land and water rights, the benefits of the transaction should be shared with local communities, and the deals should be subject to a careful impact assessment to ensure their environmental sustainability (von Braun and Meinzen-Dick, 2009). Third party organisations, governments or international organisations could help support this goal by providing an external view. 6 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/fcd1ba6c-en 18f2678abdc9e587a81372436bc4480c To address the threat of climate change, it is not only necessary to charge a price for carbon emissions; governments have to do much more, through actions to support innovation and diffusion of new, low-carbon technologies. The IMF simply assumes that climate policy consists of adjusting the price of carbon, when it states: “An effective mitigation policy must be based on setting a price path for the greenhouse gas (GFIG) emissions that drive climate change” (IMF, 2008, 4:2). Moreover, it apparently does not consider the problem as being so serious. 7 1 3 0.5 11.1002/pub/810be2fb-4e43e9ba-en 18f29a864a56edeadb0ffd7a9c6a2671 "The ccTLD utilizes the International Standard Organization (ISO) two letter standard for country codes.59 The Internet Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) Corporation recognizes government responsibility for their ccTLD.60 This was not the case in the early days of the Internet when an assortment of groups had control over a number of LDC ccTLDs. The registry either processes registration requests for ccTLD names itself (""2R"" model: registry and registrant) or outsources the task to registrars (""3R"" model: registry-registrars-registrants). The registry defines the policy for 2nd level domains (e.g., .co, .go, etc.)" 9 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/73d010ed-en 18f42715c3d5909f988eaa30064f5a53 The information gathered in these surveys indicates that the growth rates of the female labour supply are inversely related to the growth rates for the number of hours devoted to domestic labour, on average. The latter also exhibit patterns similar to those observed for economic growth. Economic openness, on the other hand, correlates positively with growth in the case of the lagged variable (1.8%), reflecting these economies' export orientation. The external crisis variable used for the first two quarters of 2003 in Argentina and Uruguay and from the second quarter of 2009 onward for all the countries had a negative effect equivalent to about 3% on GDP growth. 5 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/5js0cqvnzx9v-en 18f4d008856d4bbd034ac04382b19975 The courses last from a few days up to 1-3 years. Some folk high schools provide Swedish tuition for immigrants as well as, among other courses, second-chance education where students can obtain the equivalent qualifications to the compulsory school leaving certificate and the upper secondary school leaving certificate. Liberal adult education receives government grants with the aim to develop activities that contribute to strengthening democracy and people participation. Besides these general guidelines the state does not steer their activities and folk high schools can design their own courses and profiles. 4 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264088726-15-en 18f55835ac0cb69770db475174a82bfb In the IMTA setting, seawater is recycled and up to 30% of the wild kelp, Ecklonia maxima, consumed by abalone is replaced by Ulva lactuca grown on site in the recirculation system. The overall commercial gain from using an IMTA approach was estimated at between USD 1.1 and 3.0 million per year, including a significant increase in farm profits (USD 200 000 to 700 000). The environmental benefits included the reduction of nitrogen discharges into adjacent coastal waters by 3.7 to 5.0 tonnes per year, the reduction in harvesting of wild kelp beds by 2.2 to 6.6 hectares per year, and the reduction of C02 emissions (reduced pumping needs) by 290 to 350 tonnes per year. 14 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264179011-4-en 18f701cadef2649e60f8152df73fea22 The programme should be expanded to cover all districts and strengthened through the provision of better equipment, in particular transportation and communication means and modern devices for land mapping, and through improved human capacities. In addition, land registration costs remain relatively high for smallholders, in particular due to the cost of land mapping. The project initiated by the National Land Agency (Badan Pertanahan Nasional, BPN) to conduct land certification free of charge could be scaled up to reach a larger number of smallholders and be jointly financed by the central and local governments. The land tenure system should be simplified and the respective responsibilities of the National Land Agency, the Ministry of Forestry, and the Ministry of Mining over land management clarified to enhance land market transparency and efficiency, thereby reducing the cost of doing business. Land classified as ‘forest land’ could be reviewed to eliminate the grey area between land classified as forest and agricultural land and to better match with existing forest areas. 2 2 2 0.0 10.1787/9789264168350-4-en 18f9389a7951c8bc08496951d4d7aad5 Some assets are those that individuals and households accumulate and own, such as livestock, tools, houses, stores, equipment, capital and land. Equitable distribution of these assets, even more than income, is critical if economic growth is to produce poverty reduction (Horrell, 2008). Decent Work and empowerment for pro-poor growth). 1 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264235151-6-en 18fe269bebebab6e10c63b397adcb6a2 The interest rates for these loans were 4% lower than that of commercial loans. The preferential support lasts for at most 12 months (Tran and Dinh, 2014a). Just over one million farmers borrowed VND 776 billion (USD 40.8 million) under the programme during 2009 and another VND 147 billion (USD 7.7 million) was lent to 6 424 farmers in the first four months of 2010. 2 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264298576-17-en 18ff9ecf18e7e8dafe961c895a46015a The SEE average score for this indicator w'as 1.8 (Figure 12.12), suggesting that all SEE economies have much work to do to facilitate optimal cross-border trade in electricity. The SEE CAO continues to develop rules to harmonise cross-border capacity calculations in electricity and is working with NRAs to determine the cause of lack of consistency and irregularities in some of the measures calculated. The WB6 initiative is relatively new but is already seen as an important policy driver for the economies. 7 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264083578-11-en 18ffda646e6b6f0f3e0800ee3f249266 A recent Spanish study examined effects of water markets as an institution that can substitute for growing economic risk caused by unreliable water in the Gaudalquivir Valley District in southern Spain (Calatrava and Garrido, 2005). Recent work from Mexico found considerable benefit in the use of water markets to promote water transfers from irrigators to urban users to address growing water scarcity in that country (Gastelum and Stewart, 2009). More recent work from both Spain and Mexico found that either water markets or reservoirs or both can reduce the risks of unreliable of water supply (Iglesias and Garrido, 2003; Unver and Gupta, 2003). 6 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/bb63671b-en 190275ac44c79b1330c3b4160174f741 For this reason, we also include education gap-squared. The effect is likely to be non-linear and thus we include age gap-squared in Model 2 as well. Because women are socially ascribed to be primary caregivers, the presence of young children is likely to have a more significant effect on wives' time allocation, compared to that of their husbands'. 5 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/d19a5f58-en 19038596756c0046ef19d47343435e77 Profiling people in the overlap is done to give an idea of who the more severely deprived are. Nevertheless, also the non-overlap or partly overlapping groups can be profiled to help in the identification of children experiencing certain combinations of deprivation. As further addressed in the following sections, the (dimensional) overlap analyses and the profiling of the various groups of children/persons helps to formulate hypotheses on the underlying determinants for the observed inequalities. 1 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/215a990d-en 190513dc78cc4034be597aa9eae87951 In such cases, technical and vocational education and training institutions may have to take difficult decisions within a context of uncertainty - and it would be inadvisable to postpone such decisions. On-the-job adult learning or informal learning outside the workplace is especially relevant for SMEs, which are less likely to participate in formal training courses. It has not proven easy to replicate successful apprenticeship systems, such as those in German-speaking countries, in countries that lack the relevant historical and institutional arrangements. Current technological change entails the additional difficulty of identifying the appropriate companies to work with. 9 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264089006-en 19086bfc9f4eb1501c9c315b7143d926 How to improve the relevance and quality of education? How to strengthen and diversify the existing industries and improve the absorptive capacity of the SME-based economy? There is a need to balance the current strong focus on talent attraction with nurturing talent at home and by improving the access of new immigrants to tertiary education. 4 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264085374-14-en 190884c4132aef9248b6ffbb27d56127 Learning is social and collaboration must be in place to develop all the skills students need for the 21st century. In Lumiar pedagogy, the voice of the student is essential for designing the learning path. At the deepest levels of learning, students seek out and form partnerships towards the direct development of ideas or solution of problems; take ownership of their learning both inside and outside classroom walls and directly contribute to the learning of others; partner in the design, implementation and measurement of their own and others’ learning; and leverage and create powerful digital technologies that directly deepen every' aspect of the teaching and learning process. Learners have some say over the nature of their final product, if not the method by w'hich they develop these. 4 0 7 1.0 10.14217/9781848591462-6-en 1908a3b5efcbd7b9ea9baa99ba38f122 The inaugural issue of the journal was replete with high-quality scholarship from prominent academics and practitioners in the region. However, despite positive responses, the journal did not proceed to a second issue due to lack of funding - one of the unfortunate casualties of limited financial support for ESD. With strong linkages to industrial and commercial sectors, and natural resource development, TVET is an important area of national ESD offerings. Through alignment with the business community, there should be a strong potential for mutual reinforcement between TVET institutions interested in ESD and ‘green businesses’ or social enterprises. With the recognition of the important role of TVET institutions in advancing sustainability through the workforce, special attention has been given to reorienting TVET through a number of international workshops and symposiums in recent years (see for instance UNESCO-UNEVOC 2009). 13 4 3 0.14285714285714285 10.14217/9781848591677-5-en 190d21a4bd30e7169a4b8f3e724c38b9 This period covers the rise of the second wave of feminism in New Zealand in the 1970s and 1980s; the transformation of women's political activism from outside to inside the political process and institutions; the decline of feminist activism during the height of neo-liberalism in the 1990s; and finally the emergence of women in political leadership roles in the 2000 to 2008 period. 5 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264282261-16-en 190f05642f780dd46829a26fe84a4642 The system is to help collect and distribute information about observed irregularities in recreational landings. In 2017, Denmark initiated a national strategy for recreational angling in order to examine possibilities to further develop angling and fishing tourism, and to promote Denmark as a tourist destination for angling. While the volume of harvest stabilised over the past few years, the industry benefits from higher prices, particularly from the increase of prices on the world market for fishmeal and oil. 14 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/fa3883b2-en 190f7204aca43e4855bab35e79710b99 However, continued growth in industrial production means that, even with this help, discharges and emissions will increase the inputs of heavy metals and other hazardous substances into the ocean. The only way to avoid this result is for innovations in cleaner production methods and means of reducing discharges and emissions to keep pace with the growth in production. This is particularly the case in areas of rapid industrial growth. International legal frameworks have emerged for addressing some of the problems caused by heavy metals and hazardous substances. 14 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264202030-7-en 1911f088bc3a5dad382a0ea87d3bb006 Examples of related response indicators are given as complements to illustrate their link with environmental and resource productivity indicators. The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law. 12 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/agr/pol-2014-4-en 19154380acc7987409a35e1be84bddb7 To the extent possible R&D related to forestry, fisheries etc. Data dissemination when primarily associated with research and development (knowledge generation) e,g. The entire expenditure on those education activities is considered as related to agriculture, as the indicator measures policy effort. Expenditure on advice that are specific to individual farms (e.g. a farm business plan) are included in the PSE category for payment based on services. 2 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264225817-8-en 191635998a2148a8f59f5c902bb83ec0 In Norway the number of psychologists was increased significantly with the addition of over 150 psychologists between 1998 and 2008, following significant political and financial investment in building the workforce for mild-to-moderate disorders under the Escalation Plan for mental health 1998-2008 (OECD, 2014b). Since the implementation of the IAPT programme recovery rates of patients who have passed through the IAPT programme have been found to be consistently in excess of 45% and approaching those expected from the randomised controlled trials that generated the initial NICE recommendations (Department of Health, 2012). Significant effects were seen for patients with higher depression scores, even though a lower proportion moved to recovery, suggesting IAPT services are effective across a range of symptom severity. 3 3 3 0.0 10.18356/7d5576e0-en 19177b9518ab3ff1c8ae6f012dd020a5 Where local production of a patented drug promises to be cheaper than importation (at least in the medium term), thus enhancing the population’s access to that drug, it would seem inappropriate to consider the different treatment of imports and locally produced drugs as “discrimination” within the meaning of TRIPS Article 27.1. But the United States later withdrew the complaint, agreeing with Brazil on bilateral consultations in case the Brazilian Government intends to invoke the local working ground against a United States patent holder.390 Thus, countries that are decided to introduce a local working requirement need to be aware of the risk of facing WTO dispute settlement proceedings for alleged infringement of Article 27.1, TRIPS Agreement, despite the fact that a number of solid arguments seem to support the legality of such a requirement for public health purposes. This definition does not apply to measures taken to promote access to life-saving medicines. 3 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264089457-en 191e1381cb10b9488701efb0dcc6265c Third, public grants to research programmes should be extended to priority sectors other than the E&E and biotech industry. In Penang, collaborative research programmes should draw together the Universiti Sains Malaysia, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Universiti Malaysia Perlis and other regional higher education institutions. Collaborative programmes taking advantage of complementarities between Universiti Malaysia Perlis, Universiti Teknologi MARA (engineering) and Universiti Teknologi Petronas could tap the interdisciplinary innovation potential of the region. 4 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264188617-en 19225d12729b7bc30bf05e43d0553257 Different cathode and anode materials can be used for these cells which allows for designing a wide range of differently behaving cells. There are high energy density types, e.g. LiCo02, as well as high power density types, e.g. Li-titanate, available. Electric vehicles possess batteries and can deliver services by delivering power back to the grid, the process known as vehicle to grid (V2G).This bidirectional energy flow can be used for peak-shaving, frequency control, emergency back-up. 7 0 5 1.0 10.18356/3ed7e08c-en 19231ef178c8691b499064bae3353f86 This is a positive development. Yet such rights - and particularly women’s rights - are unlikely to be rigorously enforced by law enforcement agencies, as the institutions and personnel that are meant to safeguard human rights are in reality very difficult to change, especially in traditional societies where women have not previously enjoyed social and political equality (Chapter 3). They become aware of their political rights and the responsibilities they can and should shoulder in post-conflict settings (Chapter 3). Post-war constitutions and laws should thus provide for formal gender equality and the legal underpinning for assuring women’s right and duty to participate in the political life of society. Modest and sometimes symbolic steps taken to increase women’s access and participation should translate into more significant and visible decision-making roles. 5 0 9 1.0 10.18356/bd01abcb-en 1926ef8d6df5457b7541066feea87040 Social assistance pensions were included, but no other social assistance transfers. Imputed rents and irregular incomes, such as lump sums and capital gains and losses, are not included in LIS household disposable income. Incomes are adjusted for differences in household size, using the square root of the household size, which represents the half-way point between the two extreme assumptions of no economies of scale and perfect economies of scale. Throughout the analysis, weights are used to make the samples nationally representative. These are complemented by brief references to additional tables available in an online appendix. Table 1 presents the percentages of women and men who have an income from employment of their own (or short-term insurance-based income replacement that was tied to their employment). 5 5 2 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264191761-en 192bf277a69b613c57d764cc4af75b35 This increase, however, is largely a phenomenon of growth from a low base, and certain critical areas such as infrastructure and education continue to receive relatively limited support. The other priorities included: national security; internal stability and consolidation of society; economic growth on the basis of an open economy; health, education and well-being of citizens; energy resources; infrastructure, transport and communications; and professional government. The term “republican” here and further in the text is used synonymously to the terms “national”, or “national-level”, as it is commonly understood in Kazakhstan. 2 3 0 1.0 10.18356/150942f1-en 192e45956d3844237e0d96051a17baf9 In contrast, the assumption of import price recovery in 2010 exacerbates the impact of the global economic crisis in Ghana, which has the highest import penetration rate. The recovery in import and export prices in 2010 is beneficial to economic growth in Cameroon because of its initial trade surplus. Hence factor prices follow their non-crisis trends as early as 2010 in this country, although at lower levels. 1 7 2 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/5jzb44nmnbd2-en 192e63362e06d7797dad9c81f7f227ea However, the papers do not necessarily represent the views of the OECD or the IEA, nor are they intended to prejudge the views of countries participating in the CCXG. Rather, they are Secretariat information papers intended to inform Member countries, as well as the UNFCCC audience. As OECD member countries, Korea, Mexico, Chile, and Israel are also members of the CCXG. 13 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264191761-en 192ed5f2dc58b1a7a77952aa7f7b280a The agricultural sector went into a profound debt crisis in the second half of the 1990s and resources were withdrawn massively from production. By the early 2000s, about 19 million hectares on which crops had been grown a decade earlier were no longer used, and livestock inventories in the former collective farm sector fell to 20% of their level in 1990. Agricultural output more than halved during the 1990s, a decline that has still not been fully reversed, even though it bottomed out at the end of that decade. These reforms accelerated in the next decade after a large-scale financial rehabilitation that also included bankruptcies of a large number of former state farms. 2 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264214262-16-en 192f26f9adeed6dedaa36032532e9cb4 Though Sub-Saharan Africa is seen to make absolute progress towards gender equality over the period, the gap between it and the leading regions has increased. ( As explained in the introduction, over the past 20 years researchers and policy-makers have started to pay more attention to gender equality as one of the core drivers of economic development. Tertilt (2005), for example, concludes that enforcing a ban on polygyny decreases fertility by 40%, increases the savings rate by 70%, and increases output per capita by 170%. 5 0 3 1.0 10.14217/9781848591677-4-en 192fa66ac58ea466f0c30a5e90aa9763 While South Africa had an Office on the Status of Women in the President's Office, it had a Joint Committee on the Quality of Life and Status of Women in parliament. With the creation of a stand-alone ministry, there is now a portfolio committee on Women, Children and People with Disabilities. The reasons they cited boiled down to demystifying the institution, feeling valued, feeling that they knew and felt strongly about issues such as gender and the plight of women in rural areas, as well as the fact that they had proprietary knowledge (Mtintso 1995; 1999a). 5 0 9 1.0 10.18356/36b318e6-en 19308a3a5968a508f02cc50e7cda0688 The authors would also like to express their gratitude to all members of the Innocenti Report Card 12 Advisory Board. We do so by providing a descriptive overview of the evolution in a series of child well-being indicators over time (2007/8-2012/31) in 32 countries (the EU-28 plus Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and Turkey). The focus is on key child and adolescent outcome indicators that are expected to have been affected by the crisis and its related real-economy effects in the short and medium-term, including child monetary poverty and material deprivation, subjective well-being, and transition to adulthood (including education and employment). We compare countries' performance and rank them according to the change they experienced in these indicators over the period under analysis. 1 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264283510-en 1932bb5f5a208956e57d8f636c48d1be Mortality from several forms of cancer (e.g. colorectal cancer and breast cancer) and diabetes increased between 2005 and 2014, reflecting the impact of population ageing and lifestyle factors. People with the lowest level of education are more than twice as likely to live with asthma, hypertension and diabetes than those with higher education. ‘ A substantial gap exists in self-rated health by socioeconomic status: 71% of people in the highest income quintile reported to be in good health in 2015 compared with just 53% of people in the lowest income quintile. 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5jlssl611r32-en 19342223e7f9c869d6b6026fac27fc06 The subsequent modifications to TERM-H20 aimed to improve on this performance by separating irrigated and dry land activities and allowing for greater factor mobility between them (Glyn Wittwer 2012). With demand rising for both resources and increasing challenges from climate change, water scarcity can threaten the long-term viability of energy projects and hinder development”. At least two-thirds indicate that water is a substantive risk to business operations.” 6 0 5 1.0 10.30875/423532ad-en 193795676cfa4267e64726ff4c82ed61 Countries will therefore see their export baskets develop and reflect these changes. The current evidence points to the fact that technological change has been mainly routine-biased, which means it reduces the demand for employment in routine activities. Manual and complex tasks, on the other hand, have benefitted from innovation. However, the evidence collected in WTO (2017d) also points to the fact that digital technologies increasingly touch upon a wider set of activities and push demand towards high-skilled labour. In addition, by substituting labour to some extent, digital technologies are also considered to be capital-biased, as the discussion surrounding the falling labour income share in the 2017 report shows. As a result, high-skilled digital-intensive products are mainly exported by economies that have high levels of capital and educational attainment. 9 0 4 1.0 10.18356/7dea7644-en 193e1b5ea0fc21e0cdf60d8564e00a29 The estimated 11-million population of Cairo, a megacity, is projected to grow at an annual rate of at least two per cent until at least 2020. Whatever the political and religious overtones of these upheavals, at their root lay the failure of political leaders to cater adequately for the needs of their large, young and mostly urban-based populations. Hie imperative for new governments will remain the provision of responsive urban governance and affordable housing alternatives for large numbers of hitherto marginalized urban youth. 11 0 3 1.0 10.6027/9789289330633-11-en 1940e293661cc0697315a5cd6ed39a37 Particular attention has been given to the mental health of children and young people, but still there are no signs of a rapidly deteriorating situation. Yet, compared to surveys before the economic collapse in 2008 the happiness score has slightly declined. Thus, in the Health and Wellbeing Study conducted by the National Public Health Institute, the score was 7.9 in the year 2007 compared to 7.8 in 2009, a statistically significant decline (Dora Gudrun Gudmundsdottir, personal communication). 3 0 4 1.0 10.18356/48886cb2-en 1941d4c47b25b951afa053bba23bec43 While quotas compensate for actual barriers that prevent women from their fair share of the political seats, it has been argued that they contradict the principles of equal opportunity since women are given preference over men.17 It has also been observed that quotas are hard to apply in single winner systems, where each party nominates a single candidate per district. Furthermore, the re-election of parliament members restricts the rate of member turnover at each election, which makes gender quotas difficult to comply with. A glance at the number of female Heads of State or Government reveals that these positions remain elusive for women. Notable developments in both developing and developed countries include the election of female Heads of State or Government in Iceland in 2009, in Haiti and the Republic of Moldova in 2008, Argentina, India and Ukraine in 2007, Chile in 2006 and Germany and Liberia in 2005. 5 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264247567-6-en 1942ce94e5bf5271bd05e2326436f279 Data for Hungary, Luxembourg, Portugal and Spain refer to 2009-10 while data for the Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, the Netherlands, the Slovak Republic, Slovenia and the United Kingdom (Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales) refer to 2011-12. Data for the private sector in the United Kingdom (Scotland) refer to 2009-10. There is no single authority representing both Hirkish and Greek Cypriot people on the Island. Thrkey recognises the lUrkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC). 4 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264111356-10-en 1949aae73664def25e12339c25979a4e Wetlands are highly valued habitats for biodiversity and their loss is of international significance. However, for some types of seminatural agricultural habitats (farm woodland and fallow land) the area has increased or remained stable for a number of countries. Depending on the degree of sealing, it reduces or completely prevents natural soil functions and ecosystem services on the area concerned. This excludes woodland or forest predominantly under agricultural or urban land use and used only for recreation purposes. 15 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264086296-6-en 194e3b771a0bdb01cacb5fc14263b786 Where taking care of the environment involves additional costs, commercial organisations may be expected to oppose policies that encourage or force them to do so. They may often frame their arguments in terms related to the wider interests of society, such as jobs or international competitiveness, and these arguments will have a certain force. Where their operations cause damage to those who are not benefiting from them, they may come under pressure to pay compensation or to cut back their operations further. Whether this occurs will then depend on the relative power of the competing interests, because not all social interests are expressed equally powerfully. 6 3 0 1.0 10.14217/9781848599239-8-en 194eeb43b0b402617ce7b8b14f218e36 From that low level, remittances gradually increased again in the calendar year 2011. By contrast, although Samoan remittances peaked at 367 million Samoan tala in 2008-09, in the next two years the totals were 345 million and 369 million. In other words, Tongan remittances fell after the crisis but Samoan remittances were more or less stable. That is probably a function, firstly, of Samoan remittances being more likely to come from New Zealand rather than the United States (and particularly the west coast) so that the rebound was also slower (see Figure 6.2). 10 0 4 1.0 10.18356/3fe10a08-en 194f1735c6879b8d4cb0c446a5e6c684 The youth unemployment rate stood at 19.1% in Indonesia and 17% in the Philippines, substantially higher than the average unemployment rate. At the same time, as many as one in four youth were neither in education nor employment in Indonesia and the Philippines, with the share much higher among young women in the case of Indonesia. According to an ILO report,13 public social security expenditure, including health expenditure, as a percentage of GDP was 8.4% for the world on average and 5.3% for Asia and the Pacific. Thailand established a universal health-care scheme in 2002, and introduced pensions for the informal sector in 2011. 8 0 3 1.0 10.1787/eco/surveys-isr-2013-5-en 19514c984c692b31a4feada482f77f9e Mandatory forms of quality assurance should be progressively introduced, for instance: peer-review activities, assessment of professional performance, and continuous medical education. Such mechanisms could be linked to the ending medical licences being awarded “for life” in favour of a system of licence renewal (as is typical in other countries). For example, medical school fees paid by students could be raised but then partially reimbursed for those who subsequently work in the NHI system or, similarly, a system of bonded scholarships could be established. 3 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/eco/surveys-che-2013-5-en 195256f3d751c851c0a3f2180b8d568b Several explanations can be put forward for the high incidence of part-time work among women. First, there is a pronounced lack of all-day childcare and out-of-school-hours care supply, and unsubsidised care is very expensive (the highest in the OECD). As an example, children typically go home at lunch-time since school cafeterias are rare, making it difficult for a parent or a caregiver not to be home at that time. 5 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264231122-7-en 1952f6693637f8890b671243e1511a36 More connected stakeholders are better able to mobilise their resources (financial, human) and bring multiple and diverse perspectives to solve water problems. The level of connection between stakeholders can vary from place to place, and such differences can help understand questions related to the diffusion of information, trust, consensus-building and solidarity. The closer stakeholders are, either through interactions in person (e.g. via regular meetings) or through regular communication channels (e.g. online discussion platform), the more likely information will flow easily among them. 6 0 4 1.0 10.1787/eco/surveys-col-2013-4-en 1954bbff98c784ec56925f7e6e2bca10 Rafael Di Telia, Sebastian Edwards and Emesto Schargrodsky), University of Chicago Press. M. Bergsmo, C. Rodriguez-Garavito, P. Kalmanovitz and M.P. Saffon), Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher, Oslo. Income Redistribution via Taxes and Transfers across Countries”, OECD Economics Department Working Paper, No. 1 7 2 0.5555555555555556 10.18356/39dd1e2e-en 19569644bd71aba2d52ef89a88a23a94 It concluded that female miners presented the highest body concentrations of mercury. However, female miners were not the only contaminated population, as women not engaged in mining but living in the mining area also presented high mercury concentrations. This incident has raised serious concern among the local population regarding the potential health effects that might result from this environmental contamination. 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264292093-10-en 195badcf76b0b14ed6545cc11269b79f Interestingly, the association between the concentration of immigrants in a school and academic performance was similar across students with and without an immigrant background (Table 7.9, available on line). In Australia students in the former group were four percentage points more likely to report feeling like they belong at school. The difference was wider when comparing students who attend schools where fewer than one in 10 students has an immigrant background and students who attend schools where more than one in two students is an immigrant student. In Austria, Denmark, France and Switzerland, this difference amounted to more than five percentage points. 4 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264245174-7-en 195bc23a3c2735c5fb4cc1a8e40b0111 No common rules of operation, studies for corridor planning or evaluation procedures for BRT exist for the ZMVM as a whole. Knowledge sharing w'ould have let the experience of Metrobus guide Mexibus (which was implemented after Metrobus had several corridors in operation). For Metrobus, conditions negotiated with incumbent operators were progressively modified to avoid barriers for tariff integration and fleet optimisation across Metrobus lines (Flores-Dewey and Zegras, 2012). 11 0 7 1.0 10.18356/edf15661-en 195eef65433c0c0aab0a6ba5f712bc15 Their gender discourses are not new in the region, but are now flourishing in unstable times. Their dissemination across borders is being fuelled by new media technologies. Whether religious or secular, they tend to involve a rejection of Westernization and the promotion of an authentic national or regional and often religious culture. 5 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/e617261d-en 195f664d5c996b91fc3c8db8add231f4 Gendernye otnoshenija v sovremennoj Rossii: issledovanija 1990-h godov: Collection of scientific articles, L.N. Popkova and I.N. Tartakovskaya, eds. Samara, Russian Federation: Samara State University Publishing House. Zhizn' migrantki v monograde [Life of a female migrant in the monocity]. Internal vs external migration in post-Soviet space, CARIM-East Research Report. 5 4 3 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264269064-8-en 195f96a2e16afb45593ebabf4be6d3b2 Action should be targeted on pollutants of particular significance at the scale and sensitivity of the catchment, basin, or aquifer, on the basis of characteristics such as toxicity, persistence and bio-accumulation (see typology of water pollution, Figure 1.2, Chapter 1). Threats of serious or irreversible environmental damage should be prioritised. Connecting with higher level policy issues can assist in triggering political action (Box 4.2). 6 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264310278-en 1961924c48a59142cb8f508b127d13bc Household heads which are self-employed, unemployed, retired, studying, homemaker or disabled are more likely to be financially vulnerable as compared to household heads who are working as employees. Amongst other socioeconomic determinants, numbers of children in the family do not play any role in explaining households’ financial vulnerability. However, marital status of the household head plays a significant role in impacting the financial vulnerability level. Being not married or not living with a partner raises the level of financial vulnerability. 8 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5jlwjg92n48x-en 1961c3d8bd6e6e7f20347e1e706d7516 Progress on policy development is monitored twice a year through a full round consultation with the government. As a result, participating development co-operation practitioners reported that good co-ordination, a large country programme and well-defined national priorities on climate change are pre-conditions that enable effective climate finance in Vietnam. It is chaired by a permanent secretary and co-chaired by a donor on a rotating basis. 13 0 6 1.0 10.1787/eco/surveys-chn-2013-5-en 1961e29a2b1f040e241a195b7568f740 Finally, access to well designed and reliable transport systems can lower congestion and reduce operating costs for firms and commuting times. Most carbon emissions in urban areas in China come from industrial use including power generation and in selected cities such emissions are high compared to cities in other countries (Sugar et al., However, the density of Chinese cities has helped limit carbon emissions from non-industrial sources, including transport. As noted in Chapter 1, as urbanisation continues density in Chinese cities has remained high by international standards. 6 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264287747-en 1963a8b8d6dba7d779191f6688fd34c6 When the debate about economic benefits of immigrant labour started to gain momentum, policy makers continued struggling to develop an adequate immigration policy framework (Paitoonpong and Chalamwong, 2012; Sevilla and Chalamwong, 1996). As indicated previously in this chapter, the MOUs are an important instrument to manage immigration, but it should also be noted that these instruments were developed to an important extent in response to the concerns of the National Security Council of Thailand. As such, the process is focused on the prevention of irregular immigration, with less attention on labour market needs and the protection of rights of immigrants. The procedures for recruitment and placement under the MOU agreements have been characterised as administratively heavy and complex, and many immigrants do not see the benefits of having legal status (Harkins et al., 8 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/8e0dcab1-en 1964e3ba1aa7abe220ffc47dfb448771 Consumers that are not covered by the central municipal water supply systems depend on their owrn local water supply systems, or on individual wells. Reasons for this are damage caused during the war, very old infrastmcture dating back more than 25 years and a lack of proper maintenance. A weak monitoring system, in combination with inadequate local authority capacity, including a weak financial situation (municipalities and water utilities), and the inappropriate pricing of water, has resulted in major losses in the network (see table 7.2 for FBiH) and a steady deterioration in drinking water quality, especially in the dry season. 6 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264214682-4-en 19656ccfccbf1d5017296bcdf55c8b84 Among institutions there are colleges, academies, polytechnics and universities of applied science. Different expressions in different languages add to the ramifications. While the vocabulary may be understood by insiders familiar with local systems, it will often be obscure to prospective students or employers, undermining the value of the programmes, particularly across national boundaries. 4 0 7 1.0 10.18356/3f10390a-en 196723dd250cdba845dd49b7f21c888f In this case there are two elements to be considered. First, people have internalized the idea that material aspirations are met by well-paid, stable and protected jobs. On this logic, those who are unemployed or uncertainly employed face barriers to social integration and the affirmation of their identities and self-esteem (Kaztman, 2010). At the same time, these people might experience a gap between aspirations and expectations, resulting in reduced subjective well-being (ECLAC, 2007). 1 7 2 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/9789264240094-7-en 196776c7714675f63e930c84d2a59b5d The code was hardly enforced, however, with considerable areas being deforested illegally. In response, the new code, while criticised as indulgent towards commercial interests, introduced potentially more effective enforcement instruments, which may result in a better level of protection. The new Forest Code aims to reconcile the objectives of preserving biodiversity and forests and of ensuring a good business environment for agriculture, a key sector of Brazil’s economy. 15 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/24485d89-en 196a070267c7a33c71bef729a92cccea If $2 per day (2005 PPP) is used as a benchmark, the number of poor in the Asian and Pacific region decreased from 2.4 billion in 1990 to an estimated 1.6 billion in 2011. About 900 million people living between $1.25 and $2 per day remain critically vulnerable to extreme poverty. At present, estimates show that about 40 per cent of the population of the region lives on less than $2 per day. 1 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264168091-7-en 196bdda40e71484226728e695c3be1fa This diversity could lead to some differences in the care provided across regions. The MHSD declared the need for developing the system of unified medical standards or protocols at the national level in 2008. Such measures should take into account existing international “best practice” treatment protocols adapted to the circumstances of the Russian Federation. 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264246744-5-en 196c5ead1e8ec77cb190924d68a470ee A robust outcome from this work is that one must consider different risk layers for which specific instruments are required. Extreme cases of droughts and floods most often belong to the category of catastrophic risks, and thus require some form of government intervention. An efficient definition of the boundaries between catastrophic and non-catastrophic risk is a challenging exercise in the context of climate change that tends to increase the variance in water availability (OECD, 2014). The boundaries become a moving target in the context of non-stationary climate. 6 1 4 0.6 10.30875/eda9a0d4-en 196c6655f8e07ae0d1591a07bb00f22f About 70% of them have reported at least one trade policy targeting women's economic empowerment. Overall, in four years, almost half of the WTO membership has implemented trade policies in support of women (at least one). It simply provides examples of trade policies as reported by WTO members themselves. 5 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264179370-3-en 196c6ccae68e62e734a5cd09cebb8efd The result could be social unrest, sexual violence, and increased trafficking of girls and young women. An enabling legal and policy environment has long been identified as critical to improving women’s economic and social outcomes (OECD, 2010a; World Bank, 2011). For example, Tunisia introduced changes to its personal status law in 1993, establishing a minimum age of marriage and assigning men and women mutual obligations - the first country to introduce such reforms in the Middle East and North African region. 5 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264245174-7-en 196ce5d49275aebd3efca5d6b928a63c Paiking policy is run by each municipality. The State Commission for Urban Development and Housing involves the Ministries of Urban Development, Government, Environment, Water and Works, and Communications. These ministries can ask for opinions from other relevant authorities for evaluating different components of the urban impact assessment (e.g. mobility-related authorities for impacts on road access and vehicle traffic flows) but they are not obliged to do so, or to take this opinion into account in their final decision on granting the construction permit. 11 1 3 0.5 10.1787/empl/outlook-2011-4-en 196d90e371e5304616646d70c59ee729 The first payments were made in April 2011 and hence data on the coverage and expenditure are still limited. Any labour-market-related moral-hazard effect is likely to be less relevant in the case of CTs to the elderly who are anyway out of the labour market, especially in countries where life expectancy is substantially lower than in the OECD. Other types of medium to long-term effects include the impact of the existing pension system on the incentives to contribute throughout one’s working life. However, this issue may be less relevant in the emerging economies, where frequent major reforms of the pension system take place and hence there is little certainty with respect to the existence or not of the current programmes in ten or twenty years later. 10 2 2 0.0 10.1787/eco/surveys-chn-2013-5-en 197247e2cfccc96ff5dd06201e72d0ce Price regulation of other energy sources endures, sheltering consumers from cost changes or redistributing costs across types of consumers. End-user prices and the extent of price pass-through have also been determined taking into account the profit margins of domestic state-owned oil refineries, which dominate the Chinese market. In 2007 and early 2008 the pricing mechanism came under pressure as international oil prices surged. The government’s initial response was to hold back increases in retail prices, resulting in rising subsidies and mounting financial losses for refineries. 6 3 0 1.0 10.1787/9789264262782-5-en 19747c2962626a3cf2c29ef7226ea0de More promisingly, vaccination rates against hepatitis B among children aged 1 has attained the OECD average, leading to a considerable reduction of incidence among children. This suggests that hepatitis B may be controlled in the future if the high vaccination coverage is maintained. In 2013, the vaccination rate for diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis was the same level as the OECD average at 95% and the rate for measles was 96%, higher than the OECD average of 94% (OECD, 2015b). 3 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/6f7c638a-en 19756f7350363a8192025bab93e9216e Colegio de Mexico, September-December2015|online] http:/ lo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S018B-72l02015000300691&lng=es&nrm=iso&ting-es. The countries of the region that have developed economic valuation exercises for unpaid domestic work and incorporated them into satellite accounts have built valuable partnerships between statistical offices and central banks in their capacity as data producers, and mechanisms for the advancement of women, as principal users of the information. Using an interinstitutional approach, they have evaluated how to make calculations, what information sources to use and how to disseminate data. 5 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/a09a3a5d-en 19791224add5ee652c8864bcea991cc0 The plans count on local support for their implementation. Their challenges are passed on to the STI community (including universities, research groups and technological development centres), who through the same virtual platform propose different solutions that are creative and adaptable to low-cost technologies. Solutions are then selected in regional committees in which the communities with prioritised problems participate. This participatory and collaborative process fosters an atmosphere of trust, and ensures that implemented STI solutions have been accepted by all parties. 9 0 3 1.0 10.18356/7d5576e0-en 1979b4e0d548f49fd79f2cae49633062 In addition, originators may claim a risk premium to reflect possible failures in initial testing over time. Finally, the system may also provide an obligation by generic producers to pay compensation to the data originator for the benefit of early market entry (as compared to the amount of time needed in case of independent replication of clinical trials). Costs incurred to prepare the clinical test data file for the DRA may therefore differ from those costs incurred for the preparation of the patent application with the patent office. 3 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.6027/fcafdf5b-en 197b2fec0f7003056a3920dc68f6d3c9 They continuously work with winglets improvements and engine core wash equipment. Based on the MyClimate Cruise calculator an average passenger on a 7 days cruise causes 2.4 tonnes of C02 equivalents when sharing a double room. Because of economies of scale regarding fuel consumption, larger cruise ships have a lower carbon footprint per passenger than smaller cruise ships. 7 1 5 0.6666666666666666 10.1787/9789264266339-5-en 197b4720c7746cc7e5794f3f2a15050b It also provides some comparative analysis between the EECCA region and other regions of the world. Such questions aim to help countries better understand their levels of readiness and potential areas for improvement. This analysis is based on the literature review of existing readiness programmes implemented by several development co-operation agencies, international organisations and financial institutions. Summaries of the country-level analyses of climate-related development finance in the 11 EECCA countries between 2011 and 2015; these summaries draw key findings from individual country-level reports on all the 11 EECCA countries. The 11 individual country-level reports are available on the OECD website: www. Each report also analyses the country’s targets and priority sectors/areas in its climate actions based on the submitted INDC and other relevant policy documents. 13 0 5 1.0 10.1787/9789264292659-6-en 19820790f80cc87d47688e89695f8390 The “Camboriu payments for watershed service” was created in 2013 to remediate the large water losses for municipal water supply and the high sediment loading, which were being experienced in the watershed (Practice No. Outcomes expected by 2030 include the conservation of around 3 900 ha conserved/protected and the restoration of 300 ha, which will improve the quality of the water in the watershed and consequently the municipal water supply. In the Pipiripau watershed (Brazil) (Practice No. 6 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264206441-14-en 198483b0e31ddbdf0642895ba37224fe Furthermore, the land actually developed and cultivated by the companies that have been granted land would approximate respectively only 36% and 20% of the total land area allocated. The risks related to large-scale investments in land often outweigh the benefits such investments may bring. Adequate safeguards should thus be developed to ensure that large-scale investments do not have adverse social impacts. 2 2 2 0.0 10.1787/9789264089457-en 19868eb6d028ea42a226104cc4943880 However, for a firm spending more than 1% of its gross sales on R&D, the double deduction scheme gave no incentive for increasing R&D spending, since the firm already enjoyed tax exemption as a result of its high-tech status. Similarly, for a firm that undertook investments in a manner qualifying as strategic, the double deduction scheme was redundant, and thus an ineffective incentive for increasing R&D spending in firms (WB, 2007). Efforts to diversify production activities and increase training and R&D activities and seek greater market penetration into higher value added activities were strengthened with the Human Resource Development Act and the creation of the HRD Fund (HRDF). The HRDF was operational in 1993 and manufacturing firms with an employment size of 50 or more were required to pay 1% of their payroll to the HRD council, which they could then reclaim for approved training expenses. 4 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264083479-7-en 1986d98b7380e211bdcb40b8042db34c Public policy and funding are necessary to provide an efficient, well-networked infrastructure for scientific capabilities to meet public needs, and many countries include support for the infrastructure underpinning innovation in their stimulus packages. More recent examples include ICTs (Inetworked computing and the Internet in particular). Many have seen ICTs as the reason for the acceleration in productivity in the United States and other OECD countries since the mid-1990s. Biotechnologies, and more recently nanotechnologies, are viewed as emerging GPTs. 9 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264303119-en 19899c2369773d4b2e71df39d5afb7c5 Social costs such as environmental externalities will not show up in GDP figures as they affect public rather than private goods supplied by the market. Employing the term “welfare” in a study about the full costs of electricity provision thus implies a notion of well-being that includes but goes beyond the monetised measurements of GDP. Quite obviously, such a broader notion of welfare, which includes public goods, does not allow for the construction of well-defined individual and social utility functions. 7 3 6 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264088726-7-en 198f58d21f423b5402625073d8911a58 Expectations of profitability linked with technical opportunities have caused some sectors to expand very rapidly without corresponding market capacity, and falling prices have resulted in business failures and major restructuring. To understand more realistically the nature and potential characteristics of the sector’s development a range of issues needs to be considered. It considers key issues including: drivers of growth: demand, technology (production, breeding, feed, disease etc.); 14 2 2 0.0 10.18356/a2206e44-en 198f8a08a6ced8766fab0db0cf2a7563 Two illustrations of lack of policy coherence are subsidies for fossil fuels and the absence of microfinance to support projects. First, because rapid economic growth brings rapidly evolving social and economic priorities, which at times can be difficult to oversee and reconcile. Second, because coherence and coordination require institutional capacity and strong regulatory frameworks, which typically are lacking in poor countries. Third, because prioritization and coherence require political leadership, commitment and vision, which might be difficult to mobilize, given the numerous competing social and political needs in poor developing countries. 7 4 5 0.1111111111111111 10.1787/9789264202924-9-en 1990cba5691ed1cb3436279c2d8a9b3a For example, average annual precipitation varies considerably between the west (2 500 mm) and the east (500 mm). Figure 5.1 shows the considerable variation from year to year in the extent of flooding, with particularly severe floods having occurred in 2002 and 2005. There is no clear trend over the period shown. 13 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264310278-en 199188668494aed7d1b78e01d1bb0097 The main issue remains that once on disability benefits or sick the likelihood to re-enter the labour force is limited. But it may also just reflect the fact that inactive people have lower income, hence live in more crowded houses or in cheaper areas far away from job centres. This could be interpreted as suggesting that decisions to enter or leave the labour force tend to be more permanent under these circumstances. No significant relations could be found with the other variables. The difference on the lagged coefficient would imply that a 10 percentage points increase in the share long-term unemployment could lead to a decline in participation 0.6 percentage point lower in the healthiest state than in the least healthy state. S + 5i(GDPls-GDPl-i,s) + 82(LTU,.5) + p (Xs)* (LTU,,S) +8,,s * Xs set of time unvarying structural indicators Results displayed in Table 2.3 show that long-term unemployment increases tend to lead to faster and stronger declines in participation where the share of disability recipients and the health of the population is w'eaker.22 On the other hand, higher educational attainment of the labour force tends to reduce this discouraged worker effect. 8 1 3 0.5 10.18356/11e28764-en 19959ee8dc024d4a5f9a12b6263fca36 Part A: Global and Sectoral Aspects. From Uniformity to Diversity: A paradigm shift from industrial agriculture to diversified agroecological systems. Chololo Ecovillage: A Model of Good Practice in Climate Adaptation and Mitigation. Institute of Rural Development Planning, United Republic of Tanzania. 2 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264238701-3-en 1995dcadcb26b2e286b28c2ddf11e89a Chapter 2 reviews the specific characteristics of aquifers, and the main issues they currently face and will face in the future. Chapter 3 reviews groundwater management policies based on a 2014 OECD country survey. Chapter 4 reports the policies in place in OECD countries, and the final chapter identifies gaps and proposes potential improvements for agriculture groundwater policies. On the discharge side, natural uses and flows operating both vertically and horizontally in aquifers increase the complexity of the picture. 6 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264262430-8-en 199a03749a14abf90dda1e4e03130d46 In visits with schools and with municipal officials, stakeholders described this autonomy. In some municipalities there are a minimum number of teachers required, based on the number of classes the municipality determines a school should have. Otherwise, however, the school principal can determine which types of and how many staff members are hired. 4 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264311626-4-en 199a3c36dffcfdd7eb63ac64ebd5b49b Strong linkages between employers and the education system are fundamental in providing appropriate feedback loops to career guidance counsellors about on-going changes in the labour market and the evolving needs of industry. However, more can still be done to change the mind-sets of both parents and teachers of the benefits. This can potentially be achieved by having more employers directly involved in post-primary schools providing information to students and parents about expected job opportunities and wages. Higher Level Apprenticeships in Northern Ireland in over 20 occupations will also play a critical role in promoting the use of on- and off-the-job training in high-skill jobs that will translate into positive perceptions of apprenticeship opportunities going forward. 8 2 2 0.0 10.1787/5k46dbzhrkhl-en 199b0dbae865021a3126f694feaa7f0e Co-ordinated by the Ministry of Water and Energy, the project was designed by the Ethiopian Government in collaboration with the Netherlands Development Organization (SNV). Lessons could be learned from this example for greening rural economies at scale. However, rural households that use open woodfires to cook household meals suffer health problems associated with indoor air pollution. 13 4 4 0.0 10.1787/5js30tvj21hh-en 199be569d589472ab537c5bc39cec275 It can be that the reforms would have to be much more substantial to benefit also female employment. Social and cultural factors remain the principal driving factors of keeping women outside the labour force. Even after accounting for variables proxying for infrastructure, stage of development, and banking services, individual and household characteristics strongly influence the low female labour market participation. There are some signs that the influence of these factors is diminishing over time and with education. 5 1 3 0.5 10.18356/0a98da25-en 199d4a06704a5a9083c8d05081708690 "Since that time, governments of a wide array of political leanings have routinely adopted Keynesian demand-man-agement policies, up until the 1970s. Those policies entailed ""leaning against the wind"". During economic downturns, governments would increase spending on goods and services to soften the blow of unemployment and recession. Conversely, government spending would be cut during inflationary periods when the source of the problem was deemed to be business and household spending that exceeded the ability of the economy to produce." 5 6 3 0.3333333333333333 10.14217/9781848591035-8-en 199e1a57458a8fdc73708e57ff23b32f In contrast, some EMEs, such as Brazil, have successfully raised agricultural production through the expansion of commercial agriculture. The process of growing crops in the ground is not itself subject to scale economies. However, as agricultural productivity becomes more dependent upon technology, purchased inputs and logistics, commercial organisation starts to have advantages over small-scale farming. 2 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/50e33932-en 199f9b9d401c2ca939e3382a98ccec6b It encourages the coordination of national and local actions by jointly working together towards a common national agenda. The whole process from the selection of the local development projects to their implementation is meant to be based on a participatory approach that builds on heated, open and informed debate between different levels of government. Their function is to support municipalities in their association process, thus providing essential services at lower management costs. This national level team tends to be a pro-active force that takes part in all the stages of the strategy building on the field. 11 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264265530-9-en 19a32c1fe1baef2e28cfc624206d02ec In technical-professional programmes, the number of subject-teachers were 6 959 and 14 263 for the same year, in lower and upper secondary education respectively (reflecting growths of 60.5% and 89.3% since 2006) (see Table 5.A.1 in Annex 5.A). According to the latest Teacher Census, organised in 2007 and which provides the most rigorous information about teachers, there were 36 851 staff involved in direct teaching in public schools maintained by ANEP (45.1% in early childhood, pre-primary and primary education; 39.0% in general programmes of secondary education; and 18.0% on technical-professional programmes of secondary education) (see Table 5.A.2 in Annex 5.A). According to the latest Teacher Census, the proportion of females in 2007 in public schools maintained by ANEP reached 93.2% in early childhood, pre-primary and primary education, 73.5% in general programmes of secondary education and 56.8% in technical-professional programmes of secondary education (see Table 5.1). 4 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264230491-4-en 19a976c3828f78aa592459ba55f0e16d This will lay the foundations for transparent, intelligent purchasing. Similarly, within SP, the role of the REPSS (Regimenes Estatales de Proteccion Social en Salud, or the representatives of SP within Mexico’s 32 federal entities) as regional purchasers of SP health services should be strengthened. The basic legal framework for REPSS to evolve into fully-fledged purchasing agencies is already in place. 3 1 3 0.5 10.1787/5jz159228n6j-en 19aa3c2b269c4f8e92c1b1ca7960a079 Overall, strengthening competition in the health care sector, if accompanied by appropriate regulation, has the potential of increasing the sector’s resilience to shocks by lowering spending pressures. Effective regulation seems to be paramount as market forces - if unchecked - are likely to result in overprovision of health care services, especially in periods of economic bonanzas, and reduction in coverage and services - at least for some part of the population - during recessions. Regulated competition can also better align health care service characteristics with patient preferences, allows for the setting and enforcing quality-of-care standards, promotes access to care (with, for instance, means-tested subsidised insurance premiums) and strengthens incentives to achieve efficiency gains. Well-regulated systems can yield cost savings and help ensure an adequate level of care, but getting the regulatory setting right has proved to be challenging. 3 0 7 1.0 10.18356/127a6106-en 19abab98ebd32819af92ac9daf2862f4 Population growth will increase the demand for food, which will, in turn, exert pressure on the agriculture sector to increase productivity. This situation will be further exacerbated by changing consumption and dietary patterns with increasing preference for quality, food safety and convenience foods. Asian countries will experience increasing urbanization and rising middle-class incomes, which will have a huge impact on the region's future food consumption patterns. 2 0 4 1.0 10.1787/5kgj0d3vzcth-en 19ae7931cbd688a87d0b9d9bf53f536e This standard Income Equalisation Scheme is available upon request to farmers as part of normal business. A variant of the Income Equalisation Scheme for adverse events is also available to farmers who have suffered adverse events and were forced to sell livestock. They can deposit proceeds from such sales to a special adverse event income equalisation account. The adverse event scheme is based on the same principle as the standard scheme. 2 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264310278-en 19b026aec5fb55fa89e543abd4e0437b Source: (Florence et al., In 2014, there were over 400,000 emergency room visits and over a quarter of a million hospitalisations for drug poisonings. Opioid overdoses accounted for around one-fifth of these hospitalisations and one-quarter of these emergency room visits. Medicare and Medicaid are the primary' payers in around two-thirds of opioid poisoning cases. 8 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264191808-5-en 19b0b5a21638807a6b4f1727e02a8708 The SEIA can only require mitigation, repair or compensation for environmental damage. The Environmental Evaluation Service does not have the mandate to consider the larger urban system in assessing a project’s environmental impact (SEA, 2012). The result is case-by-case treatment of environmental externalities that does not consider how each effort at mitigation, repair or compensation may undermine or contribute to an urban area’s overall environmental quality. One mechanism that has been developed is the Urban Transport System Impact Study (Estudio de Impacto al Sistema de Transporte Urbano/EISTU), which sets conditions to mitigate a development’s potential impact on roadways and parking for large projects (SST, n.d.). 11 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264252059-3-en 19b201831d47cc5c09a4255bcac25238 "In addition to continuously updating their own knowledge of the subjects they teach, teachers are expected to work with multicultural classes, integrate students with special needs, be ""assessment literate"", work and plan in teams, assume some leadership roles and provide professional advice to parents, among other tasks. This chapter defines some of the knowledge, skills and character attributes required for effective teaching, including content and pedagogic knowledge, communication and organisational skills, and self-efficacy and motivation. The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law." 4 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264279551-6-en 19b24785bedfd95c65044687cf41f00b Recommended actions in sphere (2) and then (3) are conditional on the efforts undertaken at the hotspot location and may become secondary if hotspot level risks are well managed. Source: Author’s own work. As for most regions, water risk hotspots require well-functioning generic water policies (OECD, 2016a). 6 0 11 1.0 10.1787/9789264292697-3-en 19b3d2bb6ecdc149df47792ce9fbbc33 That may also contribute to the fact that, only about one in ten reforms across OECD countries are followed by any attempt to evaluate their impact (OECD, 2015). And it is not only difficult to co-ordinate policy development across levels of governments, but it is also hard to link the perspectives of different government departments. However, if education is to be developed over a lifetime, then a broad range of policy fields need to be involved, including education, family, employment, industrial and economic development, migration and integration, social welfare and public finance. 4 0 7 1.0 10.1787/5kgj0d3vzcth-en 19b5038ba80e13bf82485f12ecdeb9f6 Although market instruments exist to deal with some of these risks (e.g. interest rate hedging), they are more often dealt with by individual farm strategies, e.g. arrangements with banks, family budget management, business consulting, outsourcing financial management to specialised companies, etc. Between 2004 and 2009, outstanding debt in agriculture more than doubled in value terms, driven by the expansion of existing farms and the entry of new operators, particularly in dairy farming. In the recent crisis period, as commodity and land prices fell, farms continued to draw heavily on bank credit to meet their working capital needs. 2 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264119284-6-en 19b5d555693ad21eef6bc34409aa3cf7 It shows the variety of practices adopted by OECD countries for multi-level co-ordination of water policies and capacity-building at sub-national level. The chapter gives an overview of governance mechanisms currently used by OECD countries to bridge previously identified gaps (Chapter 3). A specific focus is then made on a series of instruments fostering horizontal co-ordination across ministries, horizontal co-ordination across local actors and vertical co-ordination between levels of government. 6 0 3 1.0 10.18356/ac21c613-en 19b8d7d8463502cba0987f6462a40264 Therefore, according to the present level of wastewater discharges, the “polluter pays” principle is not implemented. As a result, companies have no incentive to reduce the pollution of the wastewater or to clean up and reuse the water. Furthermore, users do not have to pay for the water abstraction, which results in a very unsustainable use of the water resource. 6 1 4 0.6 10.18356/286de074-en 19b9e5dbc2f0d8c9cb267a061b7a91ff Adolescence is not only a period of rapid physical, sexual and brain development, but also one when the shaping of gender beliefs and attitudes intensifies, with potentially life-long effects (Kagesten et al. In 2013, some of the leading causes of adolescent deaths globally included HIV/AIDS, road injuries and maternal disorders, while key risk factors for health and well-being included unsafe sex and alcohol misuse (Mokhad et al., In many settings, outcomes and risk factors like these are influenced by gendered attitudes and behaviour learned through the process of gender socialization. 5 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.18356/3fe10a08-en 19bd6c3cf8f741ad06504076f04f1076 As a result, both the trade and current account deficits increased in 2012. Large current account deficits, despite the slowdown in economic growth, are symptomatic of demand-supply imbalances and a pointer to the urgent need to resolve supply bottlenecks. However, capital flows have been adequate to cover the current account deficit thus far. 8 0 3 1.0 10.18356/e569c117-en 19c025d80c5aeafde078701067d8a186 Monitoring and evaluation is an integral component of such programmes. Enrolment in one of the schools surveyed rose by 26 per cent in one month following the introduction of free school meals. Often these two methods are used side-by-side on the same project, but they can also be used separately. In principle, take-home rations can have a larger impact on households' expenditures and therefore potentially work better in terms of targeting (Bundy et al., 1 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/24485d89-en 19c1909ddb97d947a21b358a4ea354e9 The average supply of calories for food consumption of each country or region is normalized by the average dietary energy requirement estimated for its population in order to provide an index of adequacy of the food supply in terms of calories. Analysed together with the prevalence of undernourishment, it allows the determination of whether undernourishment is mainly due to the insufficiency of the food supply or to particularly poor distribution. Aggregate calculations: FAO Statistics Division (ESS). 1 3 7 0.4 10.1787/9789264289628-10-en 19c7fa0a104790331be2338dcbcfdd71 It could increase the risk of not meeting the potential energy production by the Tabqa hydroelectric station due to the upstream river flow regulations (Tilmant, 2007). Due to lower than expected water flow from Turkey, as well as lack of maintenance, the hydroelectric station only generates 150 MW instead of 800 MW. This almost led to a war between the two countries. 6 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5jlwvz85537c-en 19c9fd74eaf8c7ea7770ec5eaa147533 In Korea, there is no systematic procedure to evaluate the impact of safety measures. As an example, it would be very useful to evaluate the impact of black box fitment in vehicles in order to assess whether this should be expanded. Preliminary research found the installation of black boxes by a Korean taxi fleet had achieved a 15% reduction in fatalities, although another review suggested that black box fitment did not secure a change in behaviour. 11 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/budget-18-5j8jt0pt1hq6 19cc4d97f92c091d251b09a91f7188fa Key reforms include an Organizational Performance Indicators Framework, Medium-Term Expenditure Framework, Bottom-Up Budgeting, Performance-Informed Budgeting, and Two-tier Budgeting approaches. In contrast to the national-level, the link is weak between the local health budget and strategic plans and targets in the MTPDP as well as the Department of Health (DOH) national health objectives in the budget formulation process for health at the local government unit (LGU) level. There are several reasons for this. One is that each of the more than 1 700 provinces, cities and municipalities has fiscal autonomy, and yet most are highly dependent on their formula-driven internal revenue shares from the national government. 3 0 3 1.0 10.6027/9789289330718-10-en 19d84e15611d860c4de5010447417db0 Lapland also utilises local wood fuels, peat and waste liquor from the forest industry. Wood pellets have become a worldwide commodity inspired by Finland, and have also become an important resource in the boreal parts of the North (see box 35). In the future, energy consumption in Lapland will primarily be dependent on the development of industry and the service sector. 7 2 6 0.5 10.1787/5js04v5wjw9p-en 19df86e35fc7eb3246717bff64dec115 The measure of wage provided refers to hourly labour cost, or gross earnings, i.e. includes labour income taxes and social security contributions as well as fringe benefits. In particular, it accounts for bonuses and executive compensation. Wage premia are calculated as the average of the wage premium for each triplet consisting of one age bracket, one education level and the gender, weighted by the number of financial sector employees in the triplet. Hence, the aggregate measure uses the relative frequency of financial sector employees in the different triplet categories. 10 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/45b6cbb6-en 19e1022426753fb8b087ffae10e70feb Globally in 2015, approximately three in four women of reproductive age (15 to 49 years) who were married or in a union satisfied their need for family planning by using modern contraceptive methods. Only three in four births took place with the assistance of a skilled birth attendant. This was short of the two-thirds reduction envisaged in the MDGs. In 2015, an estimated 5.9 million children under age 5 died; most of these deaths were preventable. Over this period, progress in child survival among children aged 1 to 59 months outpaced advances in reducing neonatal mortality; as a result, a growing share of all under-5 deaths occurs in the first month of life (45 per cent in 2015). 3 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/5jz2px6jtpmt-en 19e15052b0689c880b2b531d02c624aa Such systems exist under different forms in a number of OECD countries, such as France, United Kingdom and United States (Cedefop, 2009; Gautie and Perez, 2012). Such a shift could support mobility-, as workers would be more likely than companies to choose training which allows them to subsequently change sector. On the downside, individual learning accounts can be administratively complex and have difficulties to reach the low skilled. 4 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5jlwvz85537c-en 19e1925b91333c3c1c66b3b51ddfc148 These shorter terms action plans provide opportunity to adjust and refine interventions from the results of monitoring and review of performance. Some examples from different jurisdictions are shown in the boxes below. Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications, Stockholm, May 2009. Realistically we understand that it is not practical to achieve zero serious injuries on our roads by the year 2020, but we do not accept any death or serious injury as inevitable.” 11 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264202405-5-en 19e2edf93bed650ed06c8ca472b6085c It comprises a prohibition on direct discharges to groundwater, and (to cover indirect discharges) a requirement to monitor groundwater bodies so as to detect changes in chemical composition, and to reverse any antropogenically induced upward pollution trend. The presumption in relation to groundwater is that it should not be polluted at all. For this reason, setting chemical quality standards are not seen as the best approach, as it would give the impression of an allowed level of pollution to which EU member states can fill up. Avery few such standards have been established at EU level for particular issues (nitrates, pesticides and biocides). 6 0 3 1.0 11.1002/pub/80d1ac90-585ea8d4-en 19e755589794bf9a23941c796d3aaa52 "The STAMP2 sensor will be deployed in Ebola-stricken areas using a connected health patch, or ""Smart Band-Aid.” The fully equipped sensor-enabled band-aid is estimated to cost approximately US$100 with a maximum battery life of ten days, making it ideal for use in field-based Ebola treatment centers. Deploying solutions such as the STAMP2 sensor can improve the Ebola response initiative at-large by decreasing emergency response time in critical areas and enabling emergency responders to detect Ebola patients earlier and monitor them more efficiently." 15 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/797ccf27-en 19eb00f07569fa069755140eaadfc0ef The pressure that stems from anomie operates unevenly between the different strata, having greatest effect on the most deprived. Srole and Middleton (1963, cited in Huschka and Mau, 2005) made the psychological concepts of anomie and alienation operational, thereby giving rise to many empirical studies, especially in the United States. More contemporary versions have argued that inequities and social polarization produce anomie at times of social change. 1 5 2 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264281776-7-en 19ef47e737968da8b4e9bfdcf7441d5c There was insufficient public investment in the improvement of infrastructure in order to restore good services. Water charges were raised before service delivery was improved - charges were raised by a factor of 12 at a time when the condition of infrastructure and water supply remained very poor. Also, the organisation of the client based collapsed with the demise of the AAs. 6 0 3 1.0 10.18356/6bc3a3cf-en 19f07c65d29e5e1c07546832140fa7ab The main key to proliferation is concern about forest certification among consumers of timber and paper products. The annual average volume of emissions resulting from the reduction of forest and land-use change was 1.6 Gt of carbon ± 0.8 Gt of carbon, which is thought to be mainly due to deforestation of tropical forests. Furthermore, net capture by land ecosystems was estimated at 0.7 Gt of carbon ± 0.8 Gt of carbon, but this was considered mainly the result of an increase in forest stock in the Northern Hemisphere (Kobayashi, 2005: 30). 15 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264270985-7-en 19f2c925b5f811824a65cc7a9a112609 The generic term in use is Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicines (TCAM). As defined by WHO, “Traditional medicine” is an amorphous concept that comprises a range of long-standing and still-evolving practices based on diverse beliefs and theories. These services involve medical knowledge systems, developed over centuries within various societies before or during the development of modern medicine. “ 3 0 3 1.0 10.18356/a58cb1df-en 19f2fb78dafbe8b24213d3439fa34d45 Transgenic farm animals would be particularly valuable and therefore would be kept in carefully controlled environments. Aquacultured fish, by contrast, are naturally mobile and breed easily with wild species. The AEBC report recommends that transgenic fish should not be raised in offshore pens owing to the high probability of escape. The Pew Initiative study points out that the impact of escaped aquaculture fish. Scientists agree that the possible impacts on non-target species should be monitored and compared with the effects of other current agricultural practices such as chemical pesticide use (GM Science Review Panel). 2 0 3 1.0 10.18356/9de3e7b5-en 19f5aeaabcc013357554d620283b8fb4 A microeconometric decomposition exercise presented by ECLAC (2011) notes that income per adult, and specifically earnings, were the main factor in the fall in inequality. The demographic factor was found to have had a modest effect on inequality, as the dependency ratio fell fairly evenly across all income levels. On the basis of an analysis of four middle-income countries in the region (Argentina, Brazil, Mexico and Peru), Lopez-Calva and Lustig (2010) conclude that two main factors account for the easing inequality in the countries: a narrowing of the wage gap between high-skilled and low-skilled workers and, to a lesser extent, an increase in government transfers to the lowest-income households. 10 0 4 1.0 10.1787/5k3wb8fmsz6h-en 19f6aa3763579318b46e41bf576e4dcd According to this analysis, investments in low-carbon generation would stop once prices are too low, and may not deliver the investment needed in the nearly full decarbonisation scenarios foreseen in 2050. This issue calls for further research. As a result, there is no coordination between demand and investments. 7 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/96e69229-en 19f80d8c08f93864b8784dcbc2b56a56 The results also suggest that the timing of acquiring cognitive skills is a less significant factor. Unlike the Danish study comparing PISA and PIAAC results, this comparison for England is not based on longitudinal data. But it does show a worrying trend for England as it shifts from an average ranking on the PISA tests to a bottom ranking position on the PIAAC assessments for those in their late teens, and only a slightly better outcome for those in their early 20’s. This finding poses a stark question for British policy makers: why did young people in other OECD countries make greater progress in literacy and numeracy skills between the ages of 15 and the early 20s than their English peers? 4 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.18356/73d010ed-en 19fad5490453d329ac254f20122175f8 "See Berger and Szretter (2002). The women in this segment of the workforce are also employed under more flexible conditions, although not generally under the modality of ""on call"" workers (as is the case with men), and their employment also exhibits a greater degree of elasticity. Since unpaid domestic work generates a ""savings"" for the economy, the feminization of the workforce can have a negative effect if that savings is reduced (by paying for domestic work via private services or public services funded out of the government budget, since part of the value that domestic and care work transfers to the economy at no cost will no longer be channeled into the economic circuit but will instead increase the total wage bill)." 5 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264268852-4-en 19fcb8077c7eed9aa86c35d2558dd0da Developing policy proposals on collective ministerial responsibility could serve the public interest, so that it is possible to work across institutional lines to develop the best possible policy. To promote sustainable and inclusive urban development, Kazakhstan needs to improve the efficiency of data collection at the city level and provide reliable quantitative analysis of urban issues. This leaves SNGs with few internal financial resources and a lack of incentives to develop their own tax base. The most important taxes go to the central government’s budget and are distributed to regional governments. 11 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264259157-6-en 1a0014a7782261615d16fd9a695d6d35 The policies resulted in considerably higher female labour force participation. West German policy makers had to contend with pressure to maintain East Germany’s ECEC infrastructure and support its traditionally higher female labour market attachment, which helped pave the way for the radical parental leave reform of 2007. The changing family policy discourse was driven not only by changes in attitudes, but also by persistently low fertility rates and the desire to keep highly educated women in the labour force. 5 0 9 1.0 10.1787/5kg6qdx6b5q6-en 1a00496c31e1a0d6222ec5cece02f720 Despite the environment of fiscal austerity, the new Government is also committed to providing finance to assist developing countries manage climate change, including £1.5 billion as its share of fast-start financing of US$30 billion in 2010-2012 promised in the Copenhagen Accord. The United Kingdom’s total commitment to international climate-change finance over the spending review period is £2.9 billion. The Foreign and Commonwealth Office’s three strategic priorities include promoting sustainable growth. Policies rely heavily on tradable quota markets, a form of quantity-based instrument (such as the Renewables Obligation (RO)), although there are also primarily price-based instruments (such as the Climate-Change Levy (CCL)). 13 0 3 1.0 10.18356/7aa2651d-en 1a009698cbdc7e95a169f824874557b5 In particular, spending on children and families is running at well below the OECD average in Greece, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Spain, Switzerland, and the United States. And in all of these countries the lack of priority for children in national budgets shows through in the correspondingly small reductions in relative child poverty that each achieves. Both have strengths and weaknesses. Taken together, they offer two different but complementary measures and offer the best currently available comparative picture of child poverty in the world’s wealthiest nations. 1 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264188617-en 1a01b08dbf59ca72a78e03c5d30bc712 The cost increase due to load following operation is related to several factors: (a) additional and more stringent requirements for the plant design, the monitoring system and the fuel element design; (b) increased operation and maintenance expenses since the plant’s components need more frequent inspections and repairs; and (c) income losses due to the reduction of the plant’s load and availability factor. The load following option is therefore already “built-in” in the reactor design and it does not causes additional investment costs. Also, a number of older nuclear units have already been designed for significant manoeuvring capabilities or have already been upgraded to improve their operating flexibility; no investment or limited investment are thus required to exploit those units in a load following mode. 7 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.18356/99aadf34-en 1a01ca97c68af982baa4032b94366ae3 In contrast, the pace of urbanization of poverty was much slower than that of urbanization of the population in Bhutan. Note: Data for the earlier period were not available for Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands and Tuvalu. Most landlocked developing countries, except Mongolia, did not experience significant increases in their urban populations nor in their urban poor. However, if the capacities of cities to accommodate an influx of people cannot keep up with increasing demand for dwellings, infrastructure and public services, it could result in social exclusion, instability and environmental degradation (ESCAP, 2018c). 1 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/empl/outlook-2016-8-en 1a0241b76e8e393a6be09d50256929db It focuses on recent trends in a broad range of labour market outcomes. Despite significant improvement in a number of areas, the labour market gaps confronting women in emerging economies continue to be wider than those in OECD countries. The most significant improvements have been recorded in Latin America, particularly in Chile and Costa Rica where the gap has fallen by 1 percentage point per year since the mid-1990s, while the largest gaps persist in the Middle East, North Africa, India and Indonesia. 5 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/059ce467-en 1a02eecc06554fe4f1d62f6385890d4e In extreme cases, some native-born Swedish parents register their children for school soon after they are bom, resulting in long waiting lists that stretch years into the future (Bohlmark, Holmlund and Lindahl, 2015(21]). From lack of language skills to reduced social and professional networks of new arrivals, migrant parents face difficult challenges in utilising school-choice to their child’s benefit (Bohlmark, Holmlund and Lindahl, 2015[2ij). However, immigrant parents may make well-infomied choices of choosing a school in a segregated area because of its location or the presence of a large immigrant community which can help their children to feel a sense of belonging but can further segregation (Lund, 2015(37]). Segregation can also be intensified through the actions of both school actors and results in self-sorting of students who would like to be in schools with peers similar to themselves (Erixon Arreman, 2014(38]; Holm, 2013(39]). 4 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264224636-11-en 1a06d9fe4a36bf7706ed359c597650c5 Therefore, the mother is exposed to the risk of losing custody of her children. Beyond that age, children must choose if they want to live with theirfather or their mother.5 Children (boys and girls) will be under the legal custody of the mother until they reach the age of 15. Custody can be extended after this age if the judge considers it is in the interest of the children. 5 3 2 0.2 10.14217/51bd6023-en 1a07683b888fd3838c4e12f268e0adb5 The fall has been generated by a combination of demand and supply factors. Global oil production in excess of worldwide consumption has been the primary driving force behind the decline, while weaker-than-expected growth in Europe and Asia has also been a contributing factor (Husain et al. Additionally, there has been a broad-based weakness in non-oil commodity prices. 10 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/31959a6d-en 1a0d99b22cce5bf57a147bb4265603e3 While pension schemes implemented in practice may divert from these‘ideal typical’models (and other types may also exist) the classification is useful to compare policy alternatives. Pension systems typically have two main objectives: (1) poverty prevention and redistribution and (2) consumption smoothing (Barr and Diamond 2009). Not all pension benefits are intended to achieve - or capable of achieving - both. 5 6 3 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264088979-en 1a0dd55058fb5d4b80c7218cf79e3f00 The AUD 40 million programme “Boosting Highly Innovative SMEs” has been designed to achieve this goal. To ensure that TAFE institutes are well positioned to help upgrade and diversify existing industries, i.e. help existing firms to expand into a new line of business, their current focus on skills provision should be balanced with sectorally and locally focused comprehensive support for SMEs across Victoria. Recognising the need for more integrated response to industry, the nine universities in Victoria have developed Unigateway, a web signposting service for SMEs to access university expertise. 4 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/11e28764-en 1a0f836c1335da69e8531cd2cad1e33b A gendered approach to environmental assessment also examines the ways environments and environmental relationships shape, create and sustain gender norms. What are the social costs and consequences of differential gendered environmental relationships? And what is the dynamic relationship between environmental conditions and changes and gender inequality? 2 7 0 1.0 10.1787/9789264310278-en 1a0f9ead4091fcfd31e7a32b5538117d Black and African households have the highest proportion of financially vulnerable households (38.2 percent), followed by Hispanics (31.1 percent), other ethnicities which include Asians, native Hawaiian, Alaska native (30.6 percent), and white non-Hispanics (25 percent). The level of financial vulnerability decreased for all ethnicities from 2007 to 2016 except for households that belong to the other category (Figure 4.4). Households where the household head has a college degree are less financially vulnerable as compared to households where the education level of the household head is lower (Figure 4.5). Moreover, female headed households are more financially vulnerable as compared to male headed households. 8 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264213944-8-en 1a116d3d34d4d120c758cd1be0eb3688 Make sure it is clear, with supporting figures. Bankers and investors need to understand whether your project meets a real need to better assess their commitment. Managing to clearly explain your project in simple language increases your chances of success. Talk about growing your market and show your long-term vision for your project. 5 5 2 0.42857142857142855 10.18356/d79235bc-en 1a13366b86e11a54c3a360f5533cffad Other combinations of distance-to-coast and elevation may be used as definition of coastal zones. Another approach is to measure the population living in river delta areas, which are important areas at the land-ocean interface. The indicator quantifies an important driver of coastal ecosystem pressure, and it also quantifies an important component of vulnerability to sea-level rise and other coastal hazards. Among the most important pressures are habitat conversion, land cover change, pollutant loads, and introduction of invasive species. 15 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5kg5dlkhjq0x-en 1a147a2c8f81ded5f3d1a01371125837 While the group as a whole recoups a considerable portion of their tax payments in the form of cash benefits, the rest goes towards financing other public expenditures, such as publicly provided services, current transfers to the elderly and own future pension entitlements. The extent of interpersonal redistribution is evident from looking at how much is paid and received by different income groups. The poorest 20% are net benefit recipients in almost all countries, with cash transfers adding up to around two thirds of market income on average. 10 0 3 1.0 10.14217/9781848591318-18-en 1a14fc0989a3abf8b4b8796541db9d49 They add that in some countries, teachers with a recognised qualification are automatically eligible to go on the payroll, putting pressure on the country’s budget. Citizenship issues notwithstanding, this might provide an incentive for governments not to recognise refugee teachers’ qualifications. With regard to teachers employed by nongovernmental bodies, Penson and Tomlinson (2009) noted the disruptive effect of the wide range of remuneration paid to teachers during the emergency in Timor-Leste by different agencies, with some being paid nothing and others receiving relatively high allowances, making it difficult to deploy teachers efficiently. Both the IIEP Guidebook for Planning Education in Emergencies and Reconstruction and the INEE Guidance Notes on Teacher Compensation in Fragile States, Situations of Displacement and Post-crisis Recovery contain advice on compensating teachers (INEE, 2009). 4 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264213944-8-en 1a16a9e262946d5c7191d89fa44f2659 The Bahrain Development Bank27 has specialised in SMEs since 1992, and provides them with various conventional and Islamic bank loans; the bank also offers a financial education programme to its customers. Through this initiative,31 the number of loans to women grew by 55% and the number of bank deposit accounts held by women by 17% (December 2012). At the same time, we are also demonstrating that there is a considerable commercial advantage in providing women with concrete means to access financing for their businesses.” ( 5 0 7 1.0 10.1787/5js3926d54d7-en 1a16ba52432f28578151bf4b067e0ed2 Finally, a conflict variable in origin countries (row (4)) and the level of civil liberties at home (row (5)) are included to control for the effect of political situation on migration dynamics (Peridy, 2010). In all these cases, even including all these variables, the results maintain their statistical significance. It suggests that male migration is not sensitive to the level of discrimination in the origin countries, neither in the destination. The interpretation is twofold: i) men's decision to migrate is not related to the level of gender discrimination in social institutions; or ii) the SIGI is not able to capture social pressure on male behaviour and choices. 5 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264121164-7-en 1a184c3cd5d36af7f021b92ed652fcd4 Also included in this set of measures would be characteristics such as pain or fatigue. This set of measures includes factors that either increase or decrease the risk of developing pathologies and diseases and that therefore affect functional levels and general measures of health. Specific examples are diet and nutrition, smoking and physical activity. To capture this, infant mortality rates are also presented here. However, since these refer to a very narrow age group, they cannot be considered as a measure expressing the health status of the population as a whole. 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5jlwvz85537c-en 1a18777e660297ca0d794b4b8168db18 J. and Trumper, H. (2014), “Safer speeds: public acceptance and compliance”, Research Report 563, NZ Transport Agency, Wellington, New Zealand. Traffic Engineering, 11 (41). This paper reviews mobility and safety challenges of an ageing population and describes and describes measures that can contribute to keep up or to enhance the safe mobility of older citizens. It was 24% in 2001 and this rose to 36% in 2013. 11 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.18356/f08da6fa-en 1a188f36e380ddc3b7651ffaea2c5263 As mentioned above, they are less likely to be deprived in education. The rate of children deprived in only the specific dimension is less than three per cent for any given dimension (for more clarity, the category is not reported in the graph), while 3.5 per cent of children are deprived in all seven dimensions at once. More than three out of four children are deprived in at least one of these dimensions. Almost one in five children is deprived in all three, and about one in ten is deprived in either social and utilities or information and utilities. As for the younger age group, children in rural areas are generally more deprived, presenting a distribution skewed to the right, with higher rates of deprivation at higher counts. On the contrary, children in urban areas are less deprived. 1 2 2 0.0 10.18356/7ed1f44a-en 1a19d6fce1867e39b14cef846476c8f0 With the exception of the Cook Islands, Nauru, and Tuvalu, most of PICs show below average coverage, varying between 22 per cent in Fiji to 1 per cent in PNG (table 3). The social protection expenditure going to the poor is quite insignificant within the Pacific region. The value is much lower in the Pacific region (11 per cent) when compared to the 23 per cent in Asia (Baulch and others, 2008). 1 0 3 1.0 10.18356/30d5a92c-en 1a1aabb670d2a0b86f56a9e3f6924dab We provide an overview of these distinctions in Table 2 below. If parent report of household food insecurity is used, it is essential to stress that what is actually being measured is the prevalence of children who live in households characterized by food insecurity. This is quite different to the prevalence of child food insecurity, and even with clear statements it seems likely (based on experiences in the United States[for instance, see 64]) that the data may be misinterpreted. 2 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/3fe10a08-en 1a1d9b006c83939b48358cdb01aa23f3 South and South-West Asia remains completely dependent upon imports of fossil fuels, except for the Islamic Republic of Iran which is a net exporter of such fuels. The subregion has much to gain from regional cooperation in energy supply and consumption. Widening access to clean and efficient energy, including grid-connected/decentralized power, is a key component of development efforts currently being pursued in the subregion. 8 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5jrqppxjqhg4-en 1a2366305911bc99d300dba7b0193a20 Comments on Working Papers are welcomed, and may be sent to the Statistics Directorate, OECD, 2 rue Andre-Pascal, 75775 Paris Cedex 16, France. The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law. This measurement framework builds on the equivalent income approach to develop an indicator of Multidimensional Living Standards (MDLS) that combines monetary (income) and non-monetary (health and jobs) benefits from economic growth and aggregates them across individuals with different characteristics. 8 1 3 0.5 10.1787/5kgk7w8phwf2-en 1a27e7316541d75399546d463bc6f5fe Developing countries have added new large-scale, dry-process capacity to meet demand, thereby reducing the share of smaller, less efficient kilns. Higher energy prices have also encouraged cement producers in developed countries to invest in new more efficient plants or retrofits to improve energy efficiency. In 2006, Japan and India were the most efficient clinker producers (Figure 14). The Japanese method of calculating net energy consumption per tonne of clinker yields a value 2.94 GJ/t clinker for 2006. 7 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264281486-4-en 1a2802f6672932caba2aa2defa62e542 This would create a less burdensome and costly assessment framework, while preserving useful information. Consolidation is important, both to achieve greater efficiency, and to ensure that students are provided with a high quality education. The OECD School Resources Review for Lithuania (Shewbridge et al., 4 0 7 1.0 10.14217/9781848591516-7-en 1a28a23025f08d6a19019c83c4f328c5 For example, in 2011 the WHO-based report on ‘Women’s Lives and Family Relationships’8 reported that 60 per cent of women had been subjected to physical and/or sexual violence by husbands/partners in their lifetime, and for 90 per cent of these women the violence was severe. More than 1 in 4 women over the age of 15 years experienced physical violence by non-partners, 1 in 3 women experienced sexual abuse when they were under the age of 15 years and 2 in 5 women were forced into first sex. The study showed that acts of sexual violence caused injuries for many women (including loss of consciousness for 50%). One in 5 of those injured suffered permanent disability. 1 9 0 1.0 10.1787/9789264281707-7-en 1a2b41e65955df2e280b79b649d5d4ad Hence, a differentiation at zone level will not adequately internalise the environmental impact, and therefore charges should be differentiated to reflect this variation. Reflecting such changes in the value of w'ater (environmental or opportunity costs of using w'ater) can drive private investment in water storage. An example from the UK (see Annex 3.A2) provides some guidance on how to incorporate such variations in the value of water. In practice, most OECD countries consider that seasonal variations in abstraction charges add a lot of complexities and seldom use them. 6 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5jxzf5khtg9t-en 1a2c8150b640bc57ba670281de5d4c4a Apart from correlations at the individual level, additional correlation arises because of the common structure (stratification and clustering) of the waves of a panel (Verma and Betti 2011). The approach used in this paper was to test two different methods to produce variance estimates for three-year averaged indicators in EU-SILC, building on previous work at the University of Siena (Verma 2010). A first, direct approach defines a common structure of strata and PSUs for the three waves of the sample, and applies standard JRR replications to the union of the three cross-sectional samples. 1 6 2 0.5 10.18356/6950d0fe-en 1a2e40db3b158bcbe52078211e57aff5 A new national social protection strategy was approved in 2016; however, it does not have a strong focus on urban areas. For example, instead of door-to-door visits to identify and register eligible households, the programme was advertised in the mass media and applicants had to queue at recruitment offices. Initially, payments were the same for rural and urban beneficiaries, but an urban-adjusted benefit was introduced in 2009. Urban beneficiaries were also given bank cards and collected their cash from ATMs. 1 0 5 1.0 10.1787/5js1j18znzs4-en 1a2fab8be5d5dcff0c2aa99a78d47525 The 2009 OECD Rural Policy Review recommended that more formal contacts should be established between the various ministries and agencies that design rural policy in China. Looking forward, further initiatives that promote such coordination will be important. A number of policy measures provide assistance to China’s agricultural producers. 2 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264268791-6-en 1a314787e30196c2d04068ebcda5a421 The “explicit” rural-uiban partnerships (five in total), deliberately set out to cultivate a rural-urban partnership or manage rural-uiban relationships. This “intent” is reflected in the objectives of the partnership agreement. This rural-uiban dimension is a core aspect for the partnership that is deliberately pursued, either through the issues identified, initiatives realised and/or stakeholder involvement. 11 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/5kgj0d3vzcth-en 1a324792184e57baa900233e1d48db89 These results are partial, and it is recommended to extend farm-level risk analysis to other farm types and larger samples. Other forms of diversification, in addition to the output diversification, could be analysed, such as spreading production across locations and diversifying trade across overseas markets. There are inevitable trade-offs between specialisation to reduce costs and diversification to reduce income variability. The choice of a particular strategy will depend on individual farm business features and farmer risk preferences. 2 0 5 1.0 10.1787/9789264286191-7-en 1a350bf5369ea89b47e548dd4764aa41 The NHDS could be revised to include informal settlement and upgrading of existing housing stocks both in its objectives and subsequent implementation measures. Furthermore, overall housing objectives could be re-oriented to focus not only on the quantitative targets but also on the provision of adequate and accessible housing. Although wide spread slums do not exist in Viet Nam, there is reference to “vertical slums,” which are multifloor buildings which are divided into small living spaces and rented to the low income market. Given the financial constraint in the public sector, incremental upgrading and maintenance of the existing housing stock by individuals could be encouraged. 11 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264282261-32-en 1a354cbc86b682e491beeb1f18a77ac5 The fund helps regional councils with the costs of coastal planning for aquaculture developments. Vessel numbers are not restricted but all vessels operating within New Zealand’s fisheries waters need to be New Zealand flagged and are subject to all relevant domestic legislation. The Act and its implementing regulations provide for the fishing interests of all fishing groups, commercial, recreational, and customary' Maori. There are currently 641 stocks (a combination of species or species complexes, and areas) in the QMS. Historically, the allocation of quota was based on catch history'. 14 1 4 0.6 10.1787/9789264174542-4-en 1a3618e2b5b470a0997a2bfc9c6559dd Capacity can also be shared between the two levels of government. For example, lessons learnt from innovative water policy approaches piloted at the sub-national level are sometimes transferred to the central level; peer-to-peer capacity exchange between levels of government may also result in knowledge transfer. The local level should have the resources to manage water responsibilities, but in reality this level may lack the organisational, technical, procedural, networking or infrastructure capacity. 6 0 4 1.0 10.1787/059ce467-en 1a3928f8ce9629ed93138a1015f51066 This could entail guidelines for schools on cultural celebrations which are applied consistently across schools. Guidelines could also address how to engage parents more and how to build effective relationships between schools and communities. These policy pointers could be beneficial for whole-school communities and entail limited costs. 4 0 4 1.0 10.18356/9c9efe4c-en 1a3e7c58f88a1977dc391b65c44517a2 The Chipko movement that resisted industrial logging in the Himalayas was primarily motivated by forest and livelihood protection. Similar symbolism is associated with Kenya's Green Belt Movement, founded by Wangari Maathai in 1977, which encouraged rural women to collectively plant trees for sustainable livelihoods and forest conservation. Together with cornerstone publications such as Silent Spring (Carson, 1962) and The Limits to Growth: A Report to the Club of Rome's Project on the Predicament of Mankind (Meadows and others, 1972), they fuelled a growing public and political consciousness of the environmental and social downsides of prevailing models. 5 3 0 1.0 10.1787/agr/outlook-2015-5-en 1a3ec18ec85e869dca8a6571fb5f3025 The current blending ratios are 27% and 7% respectively. Most of the biodiesel comes from soybean oil, although the use of palm oil is increasing. Other programmes like animal and plant health continue to be important in the agricultural policy framework. More than BRL 240 million (USD 123 million) have been spent annually in this area over the last five years. 2 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264282988-5-en 1a40f1dfd1f88412b419e4c6634aa3fc The nature and quantity of data collected must also be relevant and applicable to decision making at the various levels of the health system. Accurate, representative and timely data are thereby central to the assessment and improvement of the quality of care delivered to the population. The study reviews the Peruvian health infonnation system in terms of how it measures up in delivering the requisite data to meet both national policy purposes and allow international benchmarking in the areas of health care resources, activities, expenditure and quality. The report recommends improvements in data sources and methods to extend coverage and strengthen comparability in the development of international indicators. 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264203914-8-en 1a4382fe90ea67413caaf30364edcac4 Such cultural change takes time, and while the central level can establish policies, plans and programmes, central-level institutions have to provide a behavioural example and embody the practice. Meanwhile, the local level must also be an active player in encouraging a transformation to more open and inclusive government. A report undertaken for SUBDERE and the Ministry of Foreign Relations focusing on the status of citizen participation at the sub-national level17 was highly critical of Antofagasta’s approach, characterising it as narrow, paternalistic and traditional, with little recognition of social or community actors in the management of local development; citizens taking a passive role; and CSOs facing capacity challenges. The report also indicated no systematic identification was made of needs or programme design in areas of interest to citizens and civic organisations. 11 0 4 1.0 10.1787/agr/outlook-2014-4-en 1a447666accca97ce96fc7a21f2874c7 This year, special efforts were made to identify the impact of uncertainties surrounding milk yields in Oceania (reflecting milk yield uncertainties from grass-fed livestock systems) on milk production and world dairy product markets. The analysis is only partial in that it does not capture all the sources of variability that affected agricultural markets in the past. For example, uncertainty related to animal diseases is not captured. 2 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264202276-9-en 1a44c53234fbeb9ddc26a7d88b50e0d4 Additional water abstraction from the Desi aquifer would require costly water treatment to purify the water, and energy infrastructure to transport the water uphill, at a rate estimated to be up to 45 MW a year or the equivalent of 4% of the country’s annual electricity production (IEEE, 2009). Lastly, the project would not significantly reduce Jordan’s water gap and its full impact can only be realised in combination with other projects. To enhance the water supply from the Desi aquifer, the government is also developing a multibillion dollar project that links the Red Sea to the Dead Sea via an aquadact and pipeline and involves the construction of a desalination facility and a hydropower plant to power the distribution. 7 3 6 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264237056-8-en 1a44d9a8df3bf914d7ab27059aa1acea Policy on international mobility of human resources, particularly of skilled people, affects the creation, diffusion, and uptake of knowdedge and, as such, becomes one of the policy drivers enabling innovation. The OECD indicators of employment protection legislation measure the procedures and costs involved in dismissing individuals or groups of workers and the procedures involved in hiring w'orkers on fixed-term or temporary work agency contracts (Figure 5.5). Overall, Brazil’s labour system is less focussed on employment protection compared to conditions of work and rewards. Among the countries covered, Brazil is the one w ith relatively limited restrictions on hiring and dismissal of permanent workers. 2 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/cc778895-en 1a471a335b6840ac197a291f65d003d3 In other words, the poverty-reducing effect of economic growth is weaker in Brazil than it is in other countries with similar income levels. It is therefore essential to gauge how much weight should be given to each of these strategies, both at the regional and state levels. The persistence of poverty dynamics in Brazil can be examined and estimated by drawing on pooled data and applying ordinary least squares (OLS) based on the within-group method and the generalized method of moments (system GMM), a dynamic panel model estimated using the two-step generalized method of moments or two-step GMM developed by Blundell-Bond (1998). 1 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264260207-5-en 1a48e19eeb2a228034b2c096c9103685 Such a plan should consider both the threat of flooding from inland, upstream areas that flow into Hai Phong, as well as coastal flooding caused by sea-level rise, erosion typhoons or storm surges. Wider co-ordination with surrounding provinces would be critical for such a plan to be effective. Cat Ba Archipelago Biosphere Reserve plays an important role in carbon sequestration and helps to reduce GHG from building up in the atmosphere. 11 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/9789264188617-en 1a4b27b796de494b4b6fa3def2e8d101 The comprehensive study financed by the European Commission on the financing of grid extensions for renewables known as GreenNet-Incentives provides in its “Action Plan” a summary of the arguments (EC, 2009). This is a crucial issue in connection with renewable energy, especially offshore wind. Load factors can be very favourable, for instance, far off the coast, the only issue being that transportation costs will become quickly prohibitive as the distance from consumption centres increases. 7 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264168350-4-en 1a4dbbc15be80c39c486344c95013757 In Ethiopia, the ILO and Irish Aid Partnership Programme work together to give these women confidence and income, through entrepreneurship training that; emphasises confidence-building and encourages women to see and take advantage of business opportunities in their immediate surroundings. The programme combines this direct support with the promotion of disability considerations in national laws, policies, services and programmes. Donors can support inclusive state action (Dani and De Haan, 2008) through helping to document and bring into the policy arena evidence of the poverty effects of exclusion. They can also introduce and encourage the use of tools such as the “inclusion lens” that in Uganda helps make local government budgets more inclusive. 1 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/cc778895-en 1a4f73f6efe48d7ed7cf5c6f92a4a0ab In this kind of situation, poverty levels were less sensitive to changes in the levels of income and inequality. Again, one possible explanation for this is that upswings in income levels are transmitted disproportionately or unequally to the poor segments of the population. In other words, income transfer policies have not been focused on the most underprivileged members of society. Three periods were studied: the first runs from 1981 to 2013, while the second and third correspond to the stages prior to and following the implementation of the Real Plan (1981-1994 and 1995-2013, respectively). 1 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/5jlww009v1hj-en 1a51f1557f8de581c1444871e84158f3 Also, assessing the adequacy of adaptation conflates climate and non-climate factors (Helgeson and Ellis 2015). Further, it would suffer the same drawbacks related to support needs as outlined above. This goal is qualitative, and has three components: enhancing adaptive capacity, strengthening resilience and reducing vulnerability. 13 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.18356/0dfb1dfb-en 1a534bd15e8e0cdd244f3e7353ba4fd5 Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies Bulletin. Available at: http://www.cbssvrr.rn/ middle.files/oaol.htm. Central Organization for Statistics in Iraq. Ihsu Dam and HEPP Project Update Resettlement Action Plan IFinal Report! .Published by the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources in Turkey. Satt-Alfected Soils and Their Management. 6 3 2 0.2 10.1787/9789264083479-9-en 1a54535cd9d5f56f3705e8ed3e4caca1 However, this chapter focuses on the role of government and public policy. While this process undoubtedly has strong merits, it is also known for its inherent conservatism and is unsuitable for selecting among areas of science. For this reason, more explicit prioritisation exercises to guide the selection of research areas have been put in place in many OECD countries. 9 1 3 0.5 10.1787/5kg5dlkhjq0x-en 1a54a5e5d7e1e73778031ed37eabeb8d Calculations not reported here confirm that, in all of the countries analysed, the extent of re-ranking is greatest at the bottom of the income distribution. They find remarkably stable inequality aversion for Ireland over the 1987-2005 period, and large changes for the United Kingdom (becoming less egalitarian during the Thatcher government and more inequality-averse during New Labour). In the context of policy evaluation, the usefulness of such an approach is, however, limited, as it assumes that actual tax and transfer systems in each year are “optimal” and therefore cannot be improved upon by definition. 10 0 7 1.0 10.18356/78349259-en 1a5559cccde19d13bd354846631d3e49 Governments could consider having such food distribution systems managed by civil society groups or local enterprises formed by groups of small farmers. Moreover, when it comes to food security, a comprehensive social protection system can also play a vital role. Guaranteed employment for food insecure groups is a major means for ensuring economic access to food. Public employment guarantee schemes, such as food-for-work or cash-for-work schemes, not only ensure a minimum level of food consumption is met, but also help people avoid resorting to damage coping mechanisms that involves asset sales and indebtedness. 2 0 3 1.0 10.1787/50e33932-en 1a58cab041114c7a10f9ee85c4334c17 Urban areas are areas that require systematic development, maintenance, management and conservation of areas where population and industry are or are expected to be dense (Article 6 of the National Land Planning Act). Therefore, the areas that are not systematically developed and dense are non-urban areas, in other words, rural areas. From the agricultural policy perspective, the Framework Act on Agriculture, Rural Community and Food Industry defines “rural community” in line with the act’s objectives. 11 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/7ddddd07-en 1a591a530d3796ccd4eb73f8dda9cef0 Second, the historical dimension of the database is mainly limited to the snapshot of companies that have been active since the creation of Crunchbase. Start-ups that failed and ceased operations are less likely to have left information in the database. Therefore, spurious trends of deal numbers or investments may appear in the data. 5 9 0 1.0 10.1787/9789264263260-7-en 1a5a481f90684cac5aeb9d219f1e3ff1 Since its creation in 2008, the consortium has aimed to create living-wage jobs in six low-income neighbourhoods of Cleveland that have a median household income below USD 18 500, in an area known as Greater University Circle. The aim is to enlist the financial power of hospitals and universities to support new, worker-owned businesses. The initiative targets distressed communities and helps integrate low-income residents (including people with criminal records) back into the labour market. 11 1 4 0.6 10.1787/5k49dv6c5xmv-en 1a5b7d6ec68365435511ed488f3bfeee The program was started with USD 25 million in funds from the US DOE's Better Buildings Neighborhood Program, which is authorized through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009. Most of the program funds (USD 15.75 million) are for improving access to finance across the multifamily, single-family residential and commercial building sectors. This activity is accomplished mostly through creation of Revolving Loan Funds and/or credit enhancements like Loan Loss Reserves that have allowed the program to secure commitment of USD 128.5 million in private investment leverage from multiple financial institutions nationwide. 7 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.14217/c295c5f3-en 1a5cf4c0e9e938971f6610b365d01457 Further, EU employment law requires that EU DWF crew receive two months of paid holiday—including transfers— for each four months of work onboard .8 EU DWF crew also receive several days of holiday when the fish is offloaded, whereas crew on Filipino and Taiwanese boats often do the stevedoring themselves (ibid.). This heterogeneity in part contributes to the complexity of analysing the potential implications of proposed fisheries subsidies disciplines at the WTO. First, it is difficult to identify and prove a 'trade distortion' for fish products since the same species normally fetch widely different prices because of complex quality and market differentials. Second, the WTO's analytical emphasis on exchange/ trade means subsidies are defined mainly in terms of export distortions, which the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures (ASCM) suggests should be assessed by examining negative trade effects such as market share or prices in an export market. 14 4 3 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264190672-7-en 1a5db37bc1a78fabc1f945939c1ddce5 Their excellence is further underlined by Ihe fact that Singapore was one of Ihe top-performing countries in the 2009 PISA survey (Table 5.1 and Figure 5.1), the first PISA survey in which it participated. Singapore was rated as one of the best performing education systems in a 2007 McKinsey study of teachers (Barber and Mourshed, 2007), and was rated first in the 2007 IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook (IMD, 2007) for having an education system that best meets the needs of a competitive economy. At the higher education level, the National University of Singapore was ranked 34th in the world and 4lh in Asia in the Times Higher Education Supplement Rankings of World Universities in 2010 (Times Higher Education Supplement, 2010). How has this little red dot on the map, as Singaporeans frequently refer to their country, a nation that is not even 50 years old, evolved from a backwater undeveloped economy into a world economic and educational leader in such a short period of time? 4 1 3 0.5 10.1787/pension/glance-2013-5-en 1a5f488b3327926f733df89863a55e04 In three OECD countries - Australia, Denmark and Estonia - they were less than 75% of the national average equivalent household disposable income. Figure 2.4 shows that during retirement they rely heavily on public pensions in the form of earnings-related or resource-tested benefits which account for an average of nearly 59% of their incomes in the 34 OECD countries. At the top end of the scale are Austria, Belgium, Finland, Hungary, and Luxembourg where public pensions make up 80% or more of elderly people’s retirement income. 1 0 4 1.0 10.1787/5kmh3nj5rzs4-en 1a6041228355f44960207b256962d3b0 They may have enough to pay for the regular use of electricity but may not be able to afford the connection fees. In such cases, any subsidised electricity is useless for them. When connections are free of charge for the very poor, as in South Africa and India, this first problem is tackled. The second hurdle is setting the tariff. 7 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/agr/outlook-2010-3-en 1a63ff845b5f82490550ea89736ce295 In OECD countries, food prices increased by 1.6%, a significant reduction from the 6% plus increase registered in 2008. There were, however, significant differences in food price inflation among OECD as well as non-OECD countries. For most countries, food price increases slowed significantly in 2009 compared to 2008 yet for others double digit increases continued. 2 4 4 0.0 10.1787/9789264298781-en 1a6472848dddd52f40477956a8cde767 The disparity in reading proficiency between migrants and their native counterparts may be expected among first-generation migrants who often lack Norwegian language skills. Yet when it comes to second generation migrants Norway continues to perform relatively poorly and falls below the OECD average (see Figure 15). Norway has a high and rising share of young people with mental disorders. At the same time employment policies can play an important role in ensuring that all young people successfully manage the transition between school and work, thereby preventing the risk of long-term unemployment. 4 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/9789264303119-en 1a6bf75e9892672e05d38a5fb99baad6 In this framework, marginal utilisation costs are, by construction, higher than average utilisation costs. Higher drops are featured for solar PV, for which the value factor decreases more dramatically, reaching about 60% of baseload costs at a penetration level of 15% (Hirth, 2015b). Recent quantitative analysis at the NEA also confirms such trends (NEA, forthcoming): in a highly flexible system, the value factor for wind onshore reaches about 80% and 70% of baseload at 30% and 40% penetration level. Solar PV reaches 60% of baseload price at 12.5% penetration and the value sharply drops at only 30% when a 20% penetration level is reached. 7 0 4 1.0 10.18356/9b4421ad-en 1a6d80f919b4ad3f6ad05e85eac0cbad Most of the women (68 percent) were married,i6 per cent were unmarried, 10 per cent were separated or divorced and 6 per cent were widows. Their educational status is reported in Table 4-1. In Nepal, the minimum legal age for marriage is 18 years, but many of the women in the sample were married when they were only 14 years old. 5 1 3 0.5 10.1787/empl/outlook-2013-6-en 1a704762ec62a1dc018e3746f047ed73 For example, UK employment tribunal cases resolved by a full tribunal hearing cost, on average, more than twice as much for employers and almost three times as much for employees than cases resolved at the conciliation stage (Knight and Latreille, 2000). Three quarters of UK employers who made a settlement offer for a case before the employment tribunal did so to save time or money (Hayward et al., Likewise, Mexican dismissal disputes that go to court typically cost firms 50% more than those that are resolved informally (Rojas and Santamaria, 2007). 10 3 1 0.5 10.1787/9789264089457-en 1a7094ac78d419039a489591b2369f25 However, this state of affairs is changing, and as of very recently universities and other higher education institutions are increasingly concerned with regional development issues. The general approach seems to be to sustain higher education institutions that are “globally competitive” but “locally engaged” (OECD, 2007). Twenty-two of them were public, while 31 were private. 4 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264264991-4-en 1a74eaf01cf4abe095f889d0e7fcaebc Similarly, policies related to ad-hoc export restrictions and food aid, state-trading and the effects of changes in price volatility are not explicitly modelled. As such, the impacts, and possible gains from the reform, of these policies are not part of the analysis conducted in this study. Therefore, for a number of these measures, reforms would be expected to yield additional impacts to those presented in this study (see, for example, Winchester, 2009). These groups include a wide range of policy measures employed by governments. Non-tariff barriers generally refer to barriers that exist for products and services moving across borders unrelated to taxes and quotas. They include measures such as Sanitary and Phyto-Sanitary (SPS) and Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT). 2 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.18356/68bdcb6f-en 1a754d43332192761c45e43544407379 Child labour is also considered to be any work that endangers the physical, mental or moral well-being of the child, either by the nature of the work or as a result of the conditions under which it is carried out. It is referred to as dangerous work. Unquestionably, the worst forms of child labour are those defined internationally as slavery, human trafficking, debt bondage and other forms of forced labour, as well as the forced recruitment of children for use in armed conflicts, prostitution, pornography and other illegal activities. 8 3 1 0.5 10.1787/9789264254473-8-en 1a75fa963a162530089b62d798de53ed National governments and their partners could deploy policy advocacy networks and promotional campaigns. Along with adoption of strategies that specifically address women’s entrepreneurship, governments need to envisage mechanisms for the continued improvement of women’s entrepreneurship policies. This includes start-up training and training (including coaching and mentoring services) for SME growth and internationalisation. 4 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.6027/9789289338578-10-en 1a762f65668bd041998e28f8db1144c4 Direct redistribution has also been occurring in all Nordic countries for many years locally and regionally as this study has documented, and it is currently a wide-spread activity in most countries. The main reason behind redistribution has been social security, where charity organisations have contributed to better life conditions for low-income people through serving of meals and delivering food bags. The new dimension of food redistribution in the last few years is that preventing food waste has been a positive side-effect for the society. It is not known to what extent the regions involved in the survey are representative for the situations in each of the Nordic countries. It can be expected to have a higher importance in larger cities and urban areas than in smaller cities and rural areas, but this need to be more deeply studied in a following-up study. Some results are available from the networks of food banks, as they have to register the amount of food being received from donators (FEBA 2014]. 2 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264202924-9-en 1a78aa9d1868fad9783f6f66ffff56e5 Major floods have affected large numbers of people but led to relatively few recorded deaths (CRED, 2013). In 2002, 60 000 people were evacuated from their homes during flooding and there were nine recorded fatalities. Individuals’ age, education and wealth can affect their vulnerability to these effects (IPCC, 2012). 13 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.14217/9781848591462-6-en 1a7975af4f3254cc1147e1c3e996861b While community-based educational structures do not resemble educational institutions in the colloquial sense, they are well-established cultural institutions in most of the focus countries. However, the available information on community-oriented ESD focuses on standard delivery non-formal education programmes (workshops, community events etc.) Furthermore, one of the challenges cited to the progress of ESD implementation has been that these traditional community-based institutions are sometimes at odds with policies and decisions related to education and ESD implementation coming from the formal sector. This suggests a need for a more systematic approach to working within these existing community structures, with full respect for the customs and approaches used for sharing of information within them, for stronger community-based ESD. 13 3 0 1.0 10.18356/2351c526-en 1a7d232d5200a5b4859ece78ec69cc16 It is therefore best to see inequality indices as complementary to each other and analyze the findings together. While not so noticeable over short periods, a comparison with the early 2000s reveals a clear downtrend in inequality. This movement has been a hallmark of the development process in Latin America over the past 10 years. There was no worsening of distribution. 10 0 3 1.0 10.18356/fb79328d-en 1a7e90198c8d683104d75b8923b4c0dd Low-income countries typically lack adequate basic manufacturing capacity, infrastructure and human capital, as well as the international trading capacity needed to develop such dynamic export activities. These countries do, however, have some capacity to compete in world markets for primary goods and would need to consider industrial strategies for diversifying exports so as to include processing natural resource-based products and other light manufactures. Even so, building up new comparative advantages through promotion of backward linkages will be crucial. 1 4 0 1.0 10.1787/9789264212664-en 1a8079734336de49aaefd3b23b8f02cf Exceptions involve countries where both domestic and foreign private investors are totally or partially excluded from electricity generation - including from renewable energy sources. This applies for both domestic and foreign investment. In addition to the mainstream restrictions on freedom of entry and establishment highlighted by the OECD FDI Regulatory Restrictiveness Index and the World Bank Investing Across Borders (IAB) Report, governments may put in place other discriminations regarding access to the full range of support policies that promote clean energy investment (see Chapter 2). 7 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264088979-en 1a80e1eb052f7218a2feb6f090a9354f Tertiary education sector accounts for over 5% of Victoria’s GDP and educational services are Victoria’s strongest export, worth more than AUD 5.4 billion (Australian dollar), surpassing tourism and automotive sectors. The state is a magnet for immigration, attracting 178 638 international student enrolments in 2009 which represents 31% of the total for Australia - albeit that the overwhelming majority of these students come to Melbourne. The overseas student fee revenue represents a growing proportion of university budgets, ranging from 12% in Victoria University to 26% in RMIT. 4 0 3 1.0 10.18356/bcf52e9f-en 1a811224d0671795f21dc3e069d4190b While the developed countries in the Asia-Pacific region face similar conditions to OECD countries, such as Japan, Republic of Korea or Australia, many developing countries from the Asia-Pacific region face rather different challenges due to their different institutional, social, economic and political frameworks. However, one of the main challenges for developing countries is the mobilization of domestic resources, and thus revenue-neutral reform of the tax system is less relevant. Institutional challenges, such as weak governance, limited capacity and inadequate or missing data, also influence the kind of instruments developing countries can implement and enforce. 7 4 0 1.0 10.1787/31bb2345-en 1a82836dfa3dd44acb71ea2e694a968f On a global scale, however, it simply adds to GHG emissions as methane is a much more potent GHG than CO2 (USEPA, 2017). Global food loss and waste generate annually 4.4 Gt equivalent of CO2, or about 8% of total anthropogenic GHG emissions4, making the contr ibution only slightly less than that of global road transportation (Sims et al., By comparison, data on food waste biorefining are difficult to find and are not yet robust. 12 3 6 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/cb17bdad-en 1a828ae3700bec883b98ce5eb5ec7293 "Concluding Observations Republic of Korea Fifteenth and Sixteenth Combined Periodic Report.” 2011.""Concluding Observations Maldives Fifth thru Twelfth Periodic Report."" He notes that inheritance laws discriminate against women in many countries, but that discriminatory social and cultural norms prevail even where these are removed. He gives the following example:'Where a sister could inherit land on an equal basis with her brothers,she may accept a lump-sum payment in lieu of her portion of the land in order to maintain good relations with her brothers’. The Special Rapporteur on the right to housing has also identified the lack of equality in inheritance laws, customs and traditions that lead to harsh impacts on women’s housing rights (HRC 2011a, para. Inequality in relation to marital property has the same effect (ibid, paras." 5 0 9 1.0 10.18356/11e28764-en 1a8332550398a2c3564adf6ccaa5ddac Male-headed households generally have larger livestock holdings (FAO 2016, FAO 2011). In the Lake Faguibine area of northern Mali, for example, as the lake has dried up men have migrated as an adaptive strategy. Women who stay behind have perceived this change as increasing their vulnerability since livestock herding, which has become more risky due to climatic changes, has been added to their workloads (Djoudi and Brockhaus 2011). 2 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264113695-en 1a874ceb2dd9c30c6f1e8042f72a7407 But the aim should be to restrain growth in UBA courses and focus on measures that help sustain apprenticeship provision, gradually shifting resources from UBA centres to measures tackling the lack of apprenticeship places. The causes for the lack of apprenticeship places are complex. According to a survey of Tyrolean training companies that have reduced apprentice numbers since 1999, lack of suitable applicants is one of the three main reasons (the other two are the difficulty to end an apprenticeship even if the apprentice proves unsuited and the costs of training). Almost 70% of the companies reported that they had difficulties in finding suitable applicants “sometimes or often” (Schneeberger and Nowak, 2007). 4 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.18356/a11581d8-en 1a93663faa4b02d59c40f839d323648d International, regional and subregional organizations can also contribute by coordinating efforts on developing methodologies, collecting data and providing technical assistance to improve migration data, including those required to monitor migrationrelevant Sustainable Development Goal indicators and the implementation of the global compact on migration. As an increasing number of people live in cities, well-managed urbanization can help cities to reap the benefits of agglomeration while minimizing environmental degradation and other adverse impacts of urban growth. Urban planning is critical for the sustainable development of an urban infrastructure for providing access for all, especially the urban poor, to essential services, including safe water and sanitation, health care, education and adequate housing. 11 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264190672-9-en 1a93b89cfb219c9e4f1fcef1cac78a83 Over the past decade, Finnish schools have noted an upsurge in school principals and teachers who possess a PhD in education. Primary-grade teachers major in education, but they are expected to minor in at least two of the subjects included in the primary school curriculum. This means, for example, that they are studying mathematics in the mathematics department, not in the education department. 4 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264168350-4-en 1a9527de6df27e68d0cf07b26497ec67 When markets do not work well for the poor in this way, the result is a high-risk environment for small-scale producers and smallholders, which prevents them from investing in more productive technologies and in expanding their productive capacity. Farmers are naturally reluctant to spend limited resources on fertilisers and high yield seeds when, in addition to climatic risks, they may face prices at harvest time that do not cover their costs or they could be left with a crop for which there is no demand in local markets. Women are particularly disadvantaged, both within the household economy and in the wider labour market. 1 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/dcr-2012-14-en 1a956787ccb8db36bbca3d20f724f41e In Africa, the situation is expected to be extremely tense, involving a variety of risks such as groundwater depletion, brakes on growth in certain sectors and the destruction of ecosystems. In 2003, the G8 summit in Evian adopted a global action plan for water.1 An international consensus on official development assistance has also taken shape within the framework of various multi-stakeholder meetings on effective aid hosted by the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) in Paris in 2005, Accra in 2008 and Busan in 2011.2 This consensus enshrines four principles of particular relevance to the water sector: ownership of development priorities by the beneficiary countries; a focus on results; development partnerships open to all; and transparency and mutual accountability. Forty per cent of this assistance was allocated to the poorest countries, with close to one-third of the resources going to Africa. 6 0 3 1.0 10.18356/01772a94-en 1a98f87df3cf17db7c4804f06a93799b For the children of age 5 to 17 years, the total is 0.39 when using the same threshold, varying between 0.11 in Gabon to 0.62 in Ethiopia (see Annex 5). The highest multidimensional deprivation levels are found at the centre of the continent (Chad, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Niger, and Central African Republic, ranging between 0.64 and 0.48), followed by a stretch of countries with high levels of deprivation in the East (Mozambique, Malawi, Tanzania, Uganda and Kenya, ranging from 0.49 to 0.37), and Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone, Guinea and Togo in West Africa (0.40 - 0.35). The largest contributions come from Ethiopia (20%), Nigeria (17%) and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (13%). 1 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264265493-7-en 1a9d4a4fbc5023bbcb9ff9ac0199e1fb The gap in labour force participation rates between women with and without dependent children is relatively large in Mexico: 25- to 54-year-old mothers are about 8 percentage points less likely to be in paid work than comparably-aged women without dependent children. Mexico’s motherhood labour force participation gap is larger than most countries in the OECD, including Chile (4 percentage points) and Colombia (about 3 percentage points). In contrast, fathers with dependent children are more likely to work than men without dependent children in Mexico. Mexico offers 12 weeks of paid maternity leave, well below international best practice. 5 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264283510-en 1a9d66628aec5eace2fcc481e0724aae Given the high levels of behavioural risk factors such as smoking, harmful alcohol consumption and obesity, a better balance between disease prevention and care may help to improve population health status and reduce health inequalities, while at the same time reducing pressures on the health and long-term care systems. The Polish government has embarked on a programme of ambitious reforms of the health system, and some of these reforms will influence health care governance, accountability and planning (Box 1). Similarly, the replacement of activity-based funding with prospective annual budgets, and the switch from maximum to minimum limits, represent a substantial transition in hospital management and administration, and pose a challenge to ensure financial and clinical accountability, as well as monitoring and evaluation of performance. 3 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/974c3e9b-en 1a9f1d956fbdf8c27ad8c0073227f309 However, waste volume is minimized at source in less developed countries by local scavenging and recycling. Applicability or affordability with regards to decision-making on indicator systems appears to be central to choosing a set of indicators for the assessment, appraisal, comparison or monitoring of sustainability in nations or regions. Cycle economy research or sustainability research units have been established in universities or area-wide joint centres in China. Korea’s Advanced Research Institute of Science and Technology has developed a variety of environmental technologies for integrated waste management. 12 0 3 1.0 10.18356/062acf72-en 1aa04946d188eb6533c3af02541a8bdb "Such underbudgeting practice results in underfunding, which leads to the ultimate failure of the whole document. The ability to provide adequate financing from the state budget is still low, which makes the implementation of strategic documents heavily dependent on the availability of external funding support. The State Institution for Forestry and Hunting, the State Institution ""Scientific-Research Institute for Forestry'"" and the State Institution of Specially Protected Natural Areas were taken from the Committee on Environmental Protection towards the Forestry Agency. The NBBC currently displays on its website an online database ""Flora, fauna and protected areas""." 15 0 6 1.0 10.6027/9789289348393-5-en 1aa08b38c9a81c9b69013d04389c97a5 "The 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) addressed these concerns by defining six priority programme areas for action in order to ensure the environmentally sound management of chemicals.1 UNCED essentially catalysed the negotiation of numerous global and regional chemicals-related treaties and other instruments, facilitated by the UN Environment Programme. The Johannesburg Plan of Implementation introduced a far-reaching target: ""by 2020, [that] chemicals are used and produced in ways that lead to the minimization of significant adverse effects on human health and the environment. This objective launched a series of preparatory meetings, facilitated and supported by the UN Environment Programme." 12 1 3 0.5 10.18356/fb79328d-en 1aa2092c8bf9a6080b93c764e5720024 This has reportedly led to instances where donor aid was redirected towards an increase in international reserves or not disbursed at all, despite the existence of domestic needs and the ability of the Government to absorb it.s This example illustrates incoherence between national development objectives and international policy agendas. Using the new international poverty line of $1.25 per person per day in 2005 purchasing power parities (PPPs), as defined by the World Bank, 1.4 billion people, representing about 26 per cent of the developing world’s population, lived in poverty in 2005 (see figure II.1; and box II.2 for a discussion of the thorny issue of defining poverty). There are, however, large regional variations in the poverty trends (see figures II.2 and II.3). 1 0 4 1.0 10.1787/5js4rv0g7szr-en 1aab1bc3af55b554a869d6250e8a3e36 It does this through a range of engagement strategies and resources, blogs, industry champions and the development of a series of promotional videos for TV ( Membership of the Tourism and Hospitality Careers Council is by subscription, with members drawn from industry associations, major training providers (both public and private), providers of group training services to industry, academic institutions and major tourism and hospitality operators. Seed funding to deliver the campaign was provided under the national Tourism 2020 strategy. 8 2 2 0.0 10.1787/9789282108055-3-en 1aae9ad5b9672ba0ed7bdf640709872a A major weakness of early road safety policies in high-income countries in the 1950s and 1960s was the assumption that the primary goal was to correct human errors in road crashes rather than an acknowledgment that the causes of crashes are related to the inherent risks of using road infrastructure. These early road safety efforts often relied excessively on driver education measures. The pioneering injury-prevention matrix developed by Haddon in 1970 encouraged evaluation of all the factors that contribute to road injury and provided a methodology to assess the effectiveness of a full range of potential counter measures. He elaborated a ten-point strategy to reduce the harmful interactions of this energy transfer which has played a major role in road safety policy making ever since. 3 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264113848-en 1aaf8d0565a4b88c3bd82c8610d57096 The review team was told by FAS that efforts in the past to establish consultation mechanisms with local employers were not successful because of limited employer interest. Some employers told us that there is too much arbitrary discretion across regional FAS offices in terms of the type of training they will fund, and that this variation, and more broadly FAS training services, are not responsive enough to their needs. For their part, FAS told us that they allow some room for regional variation to respond to diverse local needs. This would involve an improvement in the quality of data and evaluation, and consultation with employers. First, it would help improve the quality of training provision. 4 9 0 1.0 10.1787/5js3926d54d7-en 1ab0e128714cecaf0248c578627218ab To take into account the key role of working opportunities for women (men) in both origin and destination countries, female (male) unemployment rates are added. Labour is one of the main reasons of migration (Grieco and Boyd, 1998). Hence, working opportunities in the destination country are an important factor of migration. 5 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264117563-9-en 1ab32d7943841ff8ecd51bcbedfb84d4 For example, the introduction of coastal and marine protection charges is being considered. The proposed levy for the protection of the coastal environment would be imposed on owners or operators of coastal facilities which damage this environment. The proposed marine charge would be paid by marine installations that have adverse effects on sediment transport along the shore. 15 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/c544899f-en 1ab3818e4f5c0352ee10e89f044f2ead Under this programme, capacity was auctioned to the best bidder in each of the technologies (biomass, minihydroelectric, and wind power) and this guaranteed the entrepreneur a long-term return to justify the investment. Although the programme initially had difficulties in attracting projects, these were overcome and the targets set for installed capacity are now close to being attained. In these auctions, wind power enterprises have benefited from the shortage of gas in Brazil, which makes thermal plants uncompetitive, and the fact that the auction reserves a quota for power plants that could come on stream within three years, a period that is too short for the large hydroelectric plants. 7 0 5 1.0 10.1787/9789264112902-5-en 1ab8a1c69994b0d0100915a5fe76cb98 The primary need is for investments in public goods that can support agricultural and rural development, such as agricultural research and rural infrastructure. Raising rural incomes is central to the near-term target of the first Millennium Development Goal (MDG1), which calls for the eradication of extreme poverty and hunger, with specific targets that include halving between 1990 and 2015 the proportion of people living on less than a dollar a day. Income growth is essential for sustained poverty reduction in developing countries, although the distribution of income (and income growth) matters too. And while food security has many facets, most of the world’s hungry are chronically hungry and they are chronically hungry because they are poor. 2 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264214262-16-en 1abcabe8167e8df297f44c5bae9a022c Supplementary data was collected on all the countries that had women in parliament for the time period between 1907 and 1945 from various online electoral archives. Using the data on the percentage of women in parliament, the equivalent male value can easily be derived, and these two results were expressed as a ratio of women to men. This is done by employing the composite index of gender equality created by Dilli et al. ( 5 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264118720-6-en 1abf31188a174a8a3430814e9f19cb43 There is also a fairly comprehensive pension system (Chapter 4), some insurance-based programmes for the working-age population and in terms of overall expenditure some relatively small income-tested programmes for low-income families. Finally, the financing of social support involves considerable distribution of natural-resource generated wealth across the country, but is otherwise regressive with a flat-rate personal income tax scheme and a social security contribution scheme levied on earnings up to about 1.5 times the average wage. Compared with overall social spending, this “monetisation reform” was limited in magnitude, and the categorical nature of the benefit system has not yet changed fundamentally; whether paid out in cash or in-kind, benefits still mainly go towards deserving categories of recipients rather than being income-dependent (except in a few cases, e.g. child benefits). 1 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/e309eca0-en 1ac056ed22c254cb835015a454f5b359 Opioid overdoses accounted for around one-fifth of these hospitalisations and one-quarter of these emergency room visits. Medicare and Medicaid are the primary' payers in around two-thirds of opioid poisoning cases. Public outlays are also incurred through costs for policing, law enforcement and other public services in dealing with drug overdoses. In addition, the treatment of addiction represents another cost often borne by public authorities. On the other side of the ledger, lost productivity also has effects on tax revenue. Estimates of this suggest that in 2016 the combined impact would reduce Federal, State and local tax revenue by almost $16 billion, or around 3/ percentage point of current receipts. 8 6 1 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/5k9crzjbpkkc-en 1ac0687b7458662a9eb89bf634fce4bd This can hold equally for the individual consumer or for an energy-using enterprise. The surplus of disposable income can be spent in different ways and, depending which option is chosen, can have significant impacts on individual, company, sectoral, and economy-wide energy consumption. Similarly, a number of drivers are important in determining enterprises' investment decisions such as their financial situation, knowledge of energy efficiency potential, commitment to the environment and energy efficiency, public and market demands, and policy obligations (IEA, 2011d). 7 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/5js4rv0g7szr-en 1ac0ec9ccf9ff1f298f6b0ce1f650652 These approaches offer many advantages - they are flexible and adaptable, self-paced and learner directed and can be completed at a time, pace and place that suits the individual trainee. For their part, participants generally only require a computer or laptop and internet connection in order to access such programmes, plus any course fees, if applicable. E-learning courses can be offered at a lower cost than other more labour intensive training methods and recent developments in e-learning are seeing some educational institutes move from fee-based to free open-access courses. These courses are standalone, or can be combined with in-country seminars, as is the case for example in Egypt to develop managerial skills in the hospitality sector. Cornell will also offer a massive open online course in Introduction to Global Hospitality Management from early 2015. The course has been designed to inform current hospitality professionals seeking to advance, as well as individuals interested in the industry. 8 0 3 1.0 10.18356/1c11fde8-en 1ac4980f967836b3cd53806bb04d321d Kemadrin is apparently mixed with other substances to produce hallucinogenic effects. It appears that Jordan is used as a transit country as more than 98 per cent of the drug was destined for Iraq. The change of trafficking routes and modi operandi used by traffickers were among the possible reasons for the decrease in seizures. 3 1 3 0.5 10.18356/194768b3-en 1ac5a694730213707f18fc85b1d096d1 In contrast, nearly two thirds of results in the democratic governance focus area were gender responsive, addressing the different needs of women and men and the equitable distribution of benefits, but not the deeper root causes of inequalities in their lives. Very few gender-transformative results emerged from the analysis. This is understandable given that such results, which address the roots of inequalities and power imbalances, require time. 5 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/f61073ef-en 1ac71e049adab5ef15de3bc98cb1d397 Models designed to estimate the elasticity of poverty reduction must incorporate income inequality as an explanatory variable to prevent changes in income distribution being subsumed into growth elasticity. Similar results were found in Brazil by Barros, Henriques and Mendonga (2001). These authors emphasized that inequality in income distribution was responsible for economic growth being less efficient than it might be for poverty reduction purposes. In other words, the effect of growth on poverty reduction was smaller in Brazil than in other countries with the same income level. 1 0 10 1.0 10.1787/9789264209503-8-en 1ac87bbf349733a11daf07d4ec2c01aa Strengthening risk reduction and risk sharing mechanisms will help increase Ethiopia's fiscal resilience. This may include both macro-level responses, such as contingency funds and national-level insurance schemes, as well as micro-level measures, such as rural access to finance, climate-smart social protection and micro-insurance schemes. Technical support has involved close collaboration between external experts and Ethiopian government officials. 13 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/059ce467-en 1acab1661ec7902d170b646740b68f2b Definitions focusing on socio-economic status and parental educational attainment rather than ethnicity or immigration status can avoid discrimination of particular students and help create a more balanced social composition, benefiting students and the whole education community with some financial implications. While state grants use this equalisation approach to ensure that funding responds to local needs, funding from the state grant is not earmarked specifically for education. Municipalities can allocate resources across public services and then between schools, taking into consideration that schools and students have differing needs. Municipalities in Sweden have much autonomy, as they decide how resources will be distributed between their schools. 4 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/286de074-en 1acb83be5ca98dde7dee3b5ee938cd83 Adrenal androgens influence sex-differentiated behavioural changes. Specifically, it examines how members build accounts of social action, while doing that action (Attewell, 1974). Gender is a multilevel system of difference and inequality which involves cultural beliefs, distributions of resources, patterns of behaviour, organizational practices, and selves and identities. ( 5 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264214262-16-en 1acc3a0af8d8c1df26c6ce15b562f562 The data comes from Paxton et al. ( Based on this information, a dummy variable was created where a score of 1 was given for the years where women have the right to vote. This information is then mapped for 1913,1950 and 2000 to give an idea of changes in female suffrage over the past century. In order to have a better overview of gender inequalities related to suffrage, data on male suffrage has been gathered from Przeworski (2009). 5 1 4 0.6 10.1787/5js4rv0g7szr-en 1acdb9959cd97afd46366403b7fd44c0 This includes incubator services to support entrepreneurial ideas and innovative companies. Together with the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, SPIRIT operates an entrepreneurial skills programme to promote creativity, entrepreneurship and innovation among young people. This programme has been customised for use in various sectors including tourism. It is used in the context of the ILO toolkit on poverty reduction through tourism, which is oriented towards SMEs and local communities in rural areas and includes case studies, training sessions and best practices. The toolkit aims to assist developing countries to create a sustainable tourism industry and businesses based on decent employment (Box 25). 8 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264251724-6-en 1ad353a4c50afa3b8040b901011dc39d The shipping industry carries approximately 90% of global trade; and the tourism industry, of which marine and coastal tourism is a major part, represents 5% of global GDP. More than 500 million people are engaged in ocean-related livelihoods (UNDP-GEF, 2012). These services include the regulation of atmospheric and marine carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations, the provision of oxygen, the hydrothermal convection cycle, the hydrological cycle and coastal protection. Oceans, for example, have absorbed one-third of the anthropogenic carbon dioxide (Bijma et al., 14 0 3 1.0 10.14217/9781848591462-6-en 1ad6bf22b64f936165ab5f6efe9d8386 In consultation with NZAid and the Tongan MoE, the IoE designed a study to identify the skills, knowledge and values that enable Pacific peoples to live sustainably in their communities. With IoE as the lead, and involving curriculum writers on the research team itself, the study collected rich data on local concepts of sustainable development and livelihoods, which in turn guided the development of a new national curriculum framework as well as new courses of study for primary schools. Tongan concepts such as poverty, wealth, livelihood and personhood (including the human relationship with the land) differ markedly from their non-Tongan equivalents, and working within such deeply-rooted local concepts was cited as a success factor in the work. 13 4 3 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/eag-2018-15-en 1ad828e0df8a1cc308a9e5e00bdcf193 In these programmes, children are often exposed to an ECEC setting with trained or accredited staff, explicit pedagogical goals and a regulatory framework recognised by the relevant national authorities, even before the age of 3. In other countries with similar enrolment rates, such as Luxembourg and the Netherlands, different standards are often set for different ECEC settings or for different age groups of children (see more details in Table B2.4). 4 0 3 1.0 10.18356/e9a3c39a-en 1adabff11156b9fd791f14b7ac38d6a3 The current geographical distribution of universities correlates with exposure to ethnic and religious diversity in medieval times, suggesting education and tolerance co-evolved (Fielding, 2018). While education has been one of the strongest predictors of voting against nationalist or populist parties or candidates, the more educated are becoming less immune to populist political messages. In a recent systematic analysis of 36 potential determinants of corruption across 123 countries, the lack of primary education emerged as one of the strongest predictors of corruption in developing countries (Jetterand Parmeter, 2018). One way of examining education's contribution to other SDGs is to look at how it helps build professional capacity. 8 2 2 0.0 10.1787/eco/surveys-chn-2013-5-en 1adc2ed61babf5b4b0d8ed880106455f Since the implementation of this policy, the unit difference between oil and gasoline prices has been very stable, implying strong pass-through. However, it is unclear how the government would respond were international oil prices to rise above USD 130 per barrel. However, these changes were partially offset by the removal of other taxes. 6 3 0 1.0 10.1787/5ce14fb2-en 1ade3d4326fec4f1b9ab9b5a48e72ebb In the rice network, the place occupied by women in the sector is dependent, in part, on that occupied by men. Visualising these unequal relationships is an essential first step in the process of facilitating interventions in social networks. These strategies are based on the principle that social networks facilitate the dissemination of ideas and practices within each subgroup of actors and between communities (Valente, 2012). They help accelerate social change and increase the effectiveness of organisations, two areas particularly relevant to women's entrepreneurship in West Africa. 5 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.18356/0a98da25-en 1adec775913f9195390bd6019010f2ce Finally, IT policies, by raising interest rates, attract capital inflows due to the higher rate of return on financial assets, leading to currency appreciation and downward pressure on exports, growth, and jobs. This view is based on the premise that workers, observing price increases, accentuate their demands for higher pay, triggering an inflationary spiral. Inflation targeting is meant to harness inflationary expectations and avoid such a spiral. Inflation targeting adherents theorize that low inflation will stimulate investment and output growth in the medium-to long-term. Thus, it is assumed that unemployment costs as a result of higher interest rates and slower growth are only temporary. 5 3 1 0.5 10.1787/5k3xn24zbqr4-en 1adfa33bb8e296bb219b4a0456ba0931 Latin American and Caribbean Region, The World Bank, Washington, DC. Economy Profile: Mexico, The World Bank, Washington, DC. The selection of the two states has been made jointly by the OECD secretariat and Mexico’s Ministry of Economy, namely its Undersecretary Office for SMEs, in light of the very different economic structure of the two states providing more scope for learning on policy adaptation to local needs. 8 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264266339-6-en 1ae004fad9b3085a695d0c4d47bf90b9 Turkmenistan receives the smallest amount of climate-related development finance among the EECCA countries, which is delivered through the Global Environment Facility (for energy and agriculture sectors). Such large-scale projects have affected the compositions of support committed to these countries in 2013 and 2014 (see Figure 2.8 for data by country). Multilateral funds dedicated to climate action are also active in many EECCA countries. These include the Climate Investment Funds (e.g. district heating energy efficiency and renewable energy plants in Ukraine, adaptation programmes for rural areas and energy sector in Tajikistan) and funds operated by the Global Environment Facility (e.g. a variety of capacity building programmes in addition to capital investments). 13 0 9 1.0 10.18356/22d6eb9f-en 1ae28c1a6f5b8d3ab5e96d755c66395e These questions should address whether biological parents are alive and living in the household, whether the adolescents are married or already parents themselves, how much education they have attained and whether they are still in school, and whether they hold jobs or work outside the home. Where such data exist, they should be easily accessible, and be analysed separately from data on older adolescent girls. Such an analysis reveals critical junctures in the lives of girls that are preceded by critical investment windows. 5 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5k912j389bf0-en 1ae336463eb8ed6b9923b397df9ec837 Wherever possible, future evolution of the volume of services and their relative costs were estimated separately. It is worth noting that population aging is expected to have a much greater cost pressure on social care expenditures than on health care expenditures. The increase in the volume of activities is then adjusted for changes in activity rates which accounts for quality improvements (e.g. reducing waiting times and guaranteeing specific treatments); the availability of new medical technologies; and productivity improvements (in particular the use of information and communication technology to increase effectiveness). Future unit costs were obtained by multiplying the reference year costs by a cost adjustment factor which accounts for variation in health specific prices. 3 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264300002-6-en 1ae3e96ef840f73d78ddc5d87dc40762 These goals are a shared vision of humanity that provides the missing piece of the globalisation puzzle, the glue that can counter the centrifugal forces in the age of accelerations.2 The extent to which those goals will be realised will depend in no small part on what happens in today's classrooms. It is educators who hold the key to ensuring that the underlying principles of the Sustainable Development Goals become a real social contract with citizens. So we need to be thinking about their future in order to shape what primary school pupils are learning today. 4 0 7 1.0 10.1787/5jlww004n6nq-en 1ae4d3f6afec51316094c86712fdda52 A shared understanding of the transparency-related provisions in the Paris Agreement and Decision 1/CP.21 and how the existing system could evolve, will help to lay the groundwork for this task, together with agreement on the priorities and timeline for related work to be undertaken by the APA and other UNFCCC bodies. Coherence will be needed between the different sets of modalities, procedures and guidelines for mitigation, finance and other forms of support. To achieve the aims of the Paris Agreement, the transparency arrangements will also need to be workable and efficient from a practical point of view. 13 0 7 1.0 10.18356/5be883c5-en 1aeaacc64d2dee58f931a7975adf4eb4 Each paper benefits from an anonymous external peer review process before being published in this series. We then link these regimes to groups of countries organized by economic structure and level of development and evaluate the macroeconomic consequences of a decline in gender inequality in the labour market. Social reproduction is defined in terms of the time and money it takes to produce, maintain and invest in the labour force, so it includes both paid and unpaid care work. 5 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.18356/28e6d0d2-en 1aeca4b802cedcf74f40a7d47d2da5a7 Thus, there should be immediate, medium-term and long-term priorities for the progressive achievement ofthe SDGs. This section is based on inputs by Binaya Raj Shivakoti and Simon Hoiberg Olsen, who are with the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies. Early achievement of access and efficiency is the stepping stone to system transformation. 6 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264202054-8-en 1aed5e24fb35543932099a80699e16be As in most OECD countries, university hospitals are generally the destination of last resort for the patients with the complex needs. University hospitals generally house the most highly trained specialists, in part through their ability to offer a combination of challenging clinical practice and the opportunity to undertake research. Without adjustments to reflect the more complex patients that they see, Turkey’s university hospitals are likely to face the more extreme cases where the operational cost of a service is greater than that reimbursed by die SSI’s flat package rates. 3 0 3 1.0 10.18356/fa0355fa-en 1aeeb2c786138a007948ce27817a7b14 They can contribute to the growing interconnections between cities through sustained global communications, institutional linkages and the exchange of resources among migrants, homelands and wider diasporas. Migrants as builders of resilience: Migrants also play an important role in building the resilience of home and host communities through the exchange of resources and support. Migrants and their networks can contribute to managing risk for the community at large. 11 0 5 1.0 10.18356/0a98da25-en 1af9e7e39bc89772fd89dfd39dce666e Of the new jobs created via investments in the childcare and preschool sector, 73 per cent would go to women, compared to roughly 6 percent of the new jobs created via expenditures on public infrastructure and housing construction. The authors find that those jobs are more effective at reaching disadvantaged workers, and people from poor households with lower educational attainment. Thus, women are more likely to get these jobs, and amongst women who are employed, more disadvantaged women benefit the most. In terms of efficiency per dollar spent, social infrastructure spending is likely to have a larger job multiplier and greater effect on gender employment gaps. 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264187894-8-en 1afa194a2ab9fe0572b7990988e4bfdd Finally, once users have decided to do the transaction and they have the proper information to do so, the bank has to attend the procedure to transfer rights in its three modalities, from start to finish. These are the two regions with the most significant problems related to the availability of water, degree of water stress and over drafted aquifers. At the end of 2010, a total of 13 Water Banks had been established in Mexico, one for every river basin council. In many cases, as opposed to what would be expected, transactions decrease. This might indicate that before the establishment of water banks, many transaction where accepted under irregular circumstances, and that the new process has lowered this possibility. 6 0 6 1.0 10.1787/5js1j18znzs4-en 1afba6abb8ae52cfe3722e2a9702b154 Pour ceux qui restent dans les zones rurales, il est essentiel d'ameliorer les systemes de protection sociale et de developper l'investissement dans les services de sante. While this is transforming China’s urban economy, the rural economy is also undergoing substantial structural change. At a time when the government maintains a strong commitment to the goals of food security, reducing urban-rural inequality and protecting natural resources, the development path unfolding in rural areas is of critical importance. Less productive resources move out of the sector and farmland is consolidated into larger plots that allow for greater mechanisation and more productive farmers to scale up production, gradually moving from labour-intensive to more capital-intensive agricultural production. 2 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/c544899f-en 1aff6023593ccbbc93921d2f2830f41e Today it is shared between State-owned firms, which in some countries continue to have a monopoly over the activity; large transnational enterprises from Europe, the United States or other countries of the region; and, to a lesser extent, domestically owned private enterprises. As in other regulated sectors (telecommunications, water and sanitation, transport), the regulatory framework is the main determinant of private investment —including FDI— in the transmission and distribution segments; whereas in the generating segment, the key factors are risk sharing mechanisms and price setting. Section B presents an overview of the sector, focusing particularly on the business dynamic. 7 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5k3xn24zbqr4-en 1aff7c615f36a532b9ffca0e2c45b655 Some states such as Jalisco were already undertaking similar activity but now all of these local initiatives are grouped under the umbrella of this programme. The Ministry of Education will need to work with the Ministry of Economy on this as the school curriculum is decided at national level. Ernst and Young (2011) reported that a failure to integrate women fully into the workforce is costly in terms of GDP, arguing that it is clear that women can add incrementally into a developing nation’s economy. This is also being recognised in the UK, for example the University of East London in 2011 established the Centre of Excellence for Women’s Entrepreneurship. Although Mexico has no exclusive programmes for women in the national system of employment, it is beginning to happen, for example in Queretaro. In 2008, the incubator of the Autonomous University of Queretaro (UAQ) worked with a group of women identifying demand with the department of sustainable development for the local municipality. 8 3 0 1.0 10.1787/9789264292093-10-en 1aff84874262134ef8e037598eb00832 The difference was as large as 26 percentage points in Switzerland. A school’s learning environment does not uniquely involve school climate; it includes any interactions among members of the school community. Parental involvement can help create a socially connected school where students, teachers, parents and principals work together to create a positive learning environment. 4 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264264205-6-en 1b02c638f8c62dee22f2daddf871e63b It is 25.1% for women and 48.7% for young people aged 15-24.9 Unemployment plays a major role in social discontent, so tackling unemployment, and especially youth unemployment, is a key priority for the Libyan authorities. A job-creating private sector and economic diversification will be needed to absorb the influx of new labour force entrants and improve labour market indicators. Currently, the private sector is not large or strong enough to play the job creation role required, and the oil sector, although a major contributor to GDP, is not a major employer, accounting for only 2% of employment (43 000 workers) (IMF, 2013). 8 0 3 1.0 10.18356/bb51aa63-en 1b04c32c5c575eff7c691d261f49cf6d These impacts are likely to exacerbate gender and other social inequalities that are already acute today. Working now to reduce or eliminate such inequalities is thus a key anticipatory strategy for addressing climate change as well as contributing to development and the fullest exercise of human rights. Without halting the rise in global emissions of greenhouse gases and then rapidly reducing them, adaptation to climate change will become an endless—and maybe an impossible—challenge. 5 0 4 1.0 10.1787/7a1f7b89-en 1b0639f50db3d3d114d4b1d55bbaa8f3 It will also provide insights into the manner in which events and other disruptions impact street traffic. These principles cover a much broader set of data than released by Uber through its Movement platform and, for instance, while it may be analogous to some of the data that taxis may have to provide in New York City, it represents a broad expansion of data requests in relation to ride services. This, NACTO states, is necessary in order to enable cities to better carry out data-driven planning and policy decisions, and to help them redesign streets to meet modern needs. 11 0 6 1.0 10.18356/520b80a5-en 1b07ea7ef29c1c2c75ea1447d927f7a6 In a context of high and volatile resource prices and increasingly evident resource constraints, a resource-intensive growth pattern translates to an economy with higher exposure to risk, especially for the most vulnerable in society. Resource efficiency is increasingly an economic risk management strategy on both economic and social fronts. There are also policy failures, such as fiscal policies and market prices that do not reflect the true cost of resources or the pollution that resource use generates, as well as over-emphasis on resource-intensive export-led growth. An analysis of the factors that have contributed to resource-intensive growth also shows that technological advances have not led to efficiency improvements and are highly unlikely to mitigate future environmental pressures. 10 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264088368-5-en 1b080398f54a0f57321c7dfcd4d55a83 It is common to see increasing returns to human capital in a well-functioning labour market (Acemoglu, 2002). Although the trend to rapid economic growth could enlarge the income gaps between well-educated and less well-educated workers, policies cannot be proposed to stop that trend. Returns to human capital explain about one-seventh of total income inequality among urban households in both years, and is the largest contributor to income inequality in 2001 and the third-largest in 2005 (Table 3.8). The best policy here should be to equalise the opportunities for human capital accumulation, rather than to undermine returns to human capital. On the one hand, the unemployed and those laid off can find work and earn money in the informal sector. This employment effect could reduce overall income inequality by increasing the incomes of low-income groups. 10 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264240094-8-en 1b0b5c4673f6ad31a3e728d8b607bbba "In 2012, only 39% of wastewater was treated (MCid, 2014) and only a fraction of that received treatment to remove phosphorus, hormones and antibiotics, which affect both ecosystems and human health. Other major pressures on water quality include mining, industrial effluent, diffuse flows from urban and agricultural soil drainage, and solid waste discharge. The indt 'moderate' (36-51); “poor’(19-36); ""very poor' (£19). The last two categories (index values £ Source: ANA (2013), Conjuntura dos Recursos Hidricos no Brasil." 15 1 7 0.75 10.18356/7d5576e0-en 1b0c2c8c3b0b5005d0ebd839cc1d38e1 Until the entry into force of the amendment, the Paragraph 6 Decision will remain a valid legal basis for the facilitated export of drugs to countries in need. It is important to note that from a substantive point of view, the Paragraph 6 Decision and the TRIPS Amendment Decision are essentially the same. For each of the remaining Members, the Paragraph 6 Decision will continue to apply until each of those Members ratifies the amendment. For an overview of Members that have so far accepted the amendment, see 3 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264287457-3-en 1b0f8aeac24bc9fa645e041bb9dfcddf This trend suggests that the demand for tertiary-educated individuals has kept up with the increasing supply from higher educational institutions in most OECD countries. This report finds that countries have been advancing at different rates in providing quality education and skills development opportunities to disadvantaged individuals. These inequalities result in veiy different life outcomes for adults. 4 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264273153-7-en 1b0ffa05bc1f9f2329a8d318eb6cd1ab The region is aiming for a 20% energy intensity reduction by 2020 based on the year 2005 level. To some extent, some ASEAN member states have been looking at gradually phasing out the energy subsidies to encourage investments in energy efficiency. Moreover, most ASEAN member states should concentrate on enacting a wide range of legislation and regulations for energy conservation and environmental protection. Awareness-raising needs to be increased among the public and economy sectors. 7 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/95417570-en 1b1196954258baaeb3291aa8d69e566c All stabilization scenarios indicate that a huge share of emissions reductions, in the range of 60-80 per cent, would come from changes in energy systems. It has been found that this will require different sets of mitigation options across regions, with varying shares of renewable energy, nuclear energy, carbon capture and sequestration (CCS), biomass and hydrogen and other advanced energy carriers. In a way, it is a prerequisite for increasing shares of zero-carbon energy systems. However, it would be wrong to overestimate its contribution, even in advanced economies (Barker, Dagoumas and Rubin, 2009). 7 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5js65xn790nv-en 1b124f715cfa29af15eed105970bd73d In general it is possible to obtain data on quoted international prices, but there may be opaqueness in terms of the prices that are agreed privately between buyers and sellers, and in terms of other determinants of domestic prices, such the levels of private and public stocks. Following the 2007-08 price spike, an Agricultural Market Information Service (AMIS) was created by the G20 in order to improve market transparency, by providing a common pool of information on prices, production, trade, utilisation and stocks for major crops (wheat, maize, rice, soybeans) as well as on the policies that affect prices. This system is progressively improving information on the markets for key food staples and the policies that govern those markets. 2 1 4 0.6 10.1787/9789264096660-12-en 1b1350579d01ab9eb4e0853dcfc2be7f Singapore provides an entitlement of 100 hours of professional development per year to teachers to keep up with the rapid changes occurring in the world and to be able to improve their practice. And Singapore, like other countries, is improving its performance-appraisal system, making sure that each teacher is appraised by a whole group of people every year against 16 different competencies.0 Teachers who do outstanding work receive a bonus from the school's bonus pool. The high quality of teachers in those countries appears to be a function of the policies that determine the pool from which teachers are initially drawn, their compensation, the status of teachers, the high standards of entering university-level teacher-preparation programmes, the quality of their initial preparation, and the attention given to the quality of their preparation following their initial induction. But the fact is that many of the countries with the strongest student performance also have the strongest teachers' unions, beginning with Japan and Finland. 4 0 3 1.0 10.18356/b276eed7-en 1b15b81ead28b5f4fe0d99b45a74e788 The ongoing challenge is to explore ways of incorporating these groups into current social protection schemes. This is a particularly sensitive area that has received little attention in the debate on social protection, in a region where formal sector employment is in short supply and there are many deep-seated problems in expanding it. This component of social protection encompasses a set of regulations and standards designed to promote and protect decent work, that is to say, work in conditions of freedom, social justice, security and human dignity (ILO, 2008d). This set of regulations includes those aimed at formalizing contractual relations, guaranteeing rights to form and join trade unions and to occupational safety, regulations and prohibitions on child and adolescent labour and regulations on employment and the minimum wage (World Bank, 2001b), as well as regulations to prevent discrimination at work, especially against women. 1 4 5 0.1111111111111111 10.1787/9789264227293-6-en 1b17b13dbff78ec1029f8feea050d114 While this growth can in part be explained by changing household characteristics, public policy has also played a role in increasing home ow nership rates. In a number of OECD countries, a public policy push for home ownership for all segments of the population, and especially among credit-constrained households, has shown its limitations in the years since the crisis that began in 2008. Leading up to the crisis, lower income households were encouraged, via the relaxation of down-payment constraints, among other incentives, to take on mortgages to purchase a home. 11 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264124523-6-en 1b2155ec06f36b920cd573ec2276e8c8 However, there are typical factors generally improving treatment access and treatment adequacy, which have been promoted by guidelines from the American Psychiatric Association and the National Institute for Clinical Excellence in the United Kingdom. No specialist” includes general practitioner, pharmacist, nurse, social worker or “someone else”. Similar successful initiatives have been undertaken by the Australian Government (“Better Access” initiative, “Access to Allied Psychological Services” initiative, see above; e.g. Harris et al., In most of the countries participating in the current project, a majority of psychiatric inpatients will be discharged within one week from the psychiatric clinic. 3 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264230491-9-en 1b2662f984bf09c09219c03185fe2e5f Refinements to consolidated drug purchasing and greater participation of the private sector as a distribution network can bring further efficiency gains. The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law. However, Mexican Government officials, health professionals, academics and other stakeholders all agree that the country is now facing renewed challenges to improve the performance of health care services, in particular regarding the efficiency and quality of service provision, and ultimately health outcomes (Secretaria de Salud, 2014). 3 1 5 0.6666666666666666 10.18356/7ed1f44a-en 1b267b3c3bc617fdaa59267c2761fbbd This percentage accounts for 20 per cent of all outer island households and 30 per cent of the households on the South Tarawa (ILO, 2006b: 45). Similarly, remittances from abroad in Kiribati, Tuvalu and Vanuatu are limited, but in recent years remittances are on the rise in these countries due to labour migration to New Zealand under the “Recognised Seasonal Employer” (RSE) Scheme. There is also evidence of “reverse remittances”, where families send money from their home countries to relatives living abroad to help them cope with growing hardship (ADB, 2010b: 9). These “local remittances” are quite common in the Solomon Islands. 1 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5kg20639kgkj-en 1b26831a7009cd2b6d52188d78ba7ce8 It is precisely this willingness to look beyond the conventional drivers of growth, integrating action to tackle climate change and increase environmental sustainability with future economic growth models, which represents an enormous opportunity to deliver “Greener Growth” at a local, national and global level. However, it is also true, and perhaps more likely, that existing jobs will evolve into “greener” jobs as the requirements of the economy (and jobs) adapt, driven by changing consumer demand, government regulation and technological and market innovations. Irrespective of the definition, it is almost certain that many existing jobs and workplaces will begin to adapt to incorporate sustainability practices in the workplace, and that the skills the economy needs will change too, as green growth becomes the goal of governments, businesses and communities and environmental sustainability is incorporated into everyday life. There is no standard or agreed definition of “quality work”. 7 4 0 1.0 10.1787/9789264204799-6-en 1b268ef13fa7ae3dcf4f3ee5ac3d61a7 Although the Swedish health care sector has advanced IT systems, and 100% of primary care providers have electronic patient records, several different IT systems are in use and there is a lack of uniform information standards and classifications. County councils, regions and municipalities use different information systems and have adopted different IT solutions that are not always compatible across or even within county councils and levels of care. While there is ample evidence of the use of quality registers for quality improvement in hospital and specialist care, there is less evidence of their application in primary care. 3 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/401c524c-en 1b28bdd0a945f2c2a1e67b4f9be78078 In terms of interpreting the results, the assumption is that if UNDP is conducting transformative GEWE programming, a similar number and concentration of changes would be present in each quadrant. This chapter contains text boxes that describe programmes with multiple dimensions of the Gender@Work change quadrants. It is important to note that the focus area findings are illustrative of UNDP’s gender results but do not represent a comprehensive assessment of all gender-oriented activities undertaken during the period, which is beyond the scope of this exercise. 5 0 4 1.0 10.1787/5jxrcmgpc6mn-en 1b29994a8bf2483ee964b07860a4a3e3 Detailed information on the dynamics of SA benefit receipt is crucial for the design of effective social safety nets. Recipient numbers provide insights on the coverage of last-resort benefits and their role in reducing poverty or as automatic stabilizers in times of economic crisis. Benefit transition rates indicate whether variations in receipt rates over time are driven primarily by changes in inflows or outflows, and thus possibly whether policies to reduce benefit receipt work better when they focus on reducing entries or promoting exits. Other central policy parameters, such as benefit levels and the design of activation measures, should depend on who receives benefits and for how long. This section - as the remainder of the document - focuses on the dynamics of SA benefit receipt taking a longitudinal perspective. 1 0 5 1.0 10.18356/6950d0fe-en 1b2eb88d286be55868e944b5f98395cf Although 9 per cent sounds like a small minority, in absolute numbers it amounts to millions of children across the world, and the numbers are rising rapidly due to population growth and urbanization. An exclusive focus on income poverty could lead to inadequate policy focus on the multiple deprivations that are experienced by almost half of urban children in developing countries. One in four rural children under 18 experience extreme monetary poverty (UNICEF and World Bank 2016) and 8 out of 10 rural children under five do not have their basic needs met (Rutstein et al. 1 0 7 1.0 10.1787/785f021c-en 1b2f2509df895e8b5870ffb087245704 The PCP identifies the main opportunities and constraints for advanced industrialisation and uses this analysis to design and develop a holistic programme for enhancing the host country's industrial development. Moreover, the PCP facilitates the mobilisation and coordination of public and private investment to support large-scale industrial projects for prioritised industrial sectors. In 2019, new PCPs will be formulated for Cote d'Ivoire, Egypt, Rwanda and Zambia. This sector is thus the engine of growth for transitioning from a low- to a medium-income stage. As regards inclusive development, the emergence of labour-intensive industries in the early stages of industrialisation generates a large number of formal jobs that women and youth can perform. However, overall female employment in manufacturing industries tends to fall during the transition towards medium- and high-tech industries (UNIDO, 2017a). 9 0 4 1.0 10.18356/faf8a648-en 1b2ff7738c6c83f92c003c20eb064f0f Greening also will require changes in attitudes throughout the population, not just the industrial sector. This last component brings transnational corporations (TNCs) and large local firms into the picture because a major driver to greening is consumer demand in final markets, as buyers seek assurance that environmental and social standards have been met along the entire supply chain. Across food, textiles, leather goods, bottled drinks and chemicals, these results show win-win outcomes from the greening of industry. 7 3 1 0.5 10.1787/9789264191150-7-en 1b331b7c6a94185415b130e5f57d9536 Any reform will produce some losers. It is important to clarify the negative short-term economic and social effects and how (if at all) they will be mitigated. Time and effort invested up front will help ensure successful implementation. Some formulas allocate rights to fishing firms for an indefinite period. Others allocate fixed individual rights for a set period and adjust the volume according to annual stock variability, either re-issuing rights as they expire or buying back surplus rights and issuing additional rights. When it comes to “sequential” fisheries (i.e. fisheries that target the same stock at different times, different places and different growth stages), institutional arrangements to maximise the overall use of the resource (e.g. in French crab fisheries) combining several management tools (in particular access regulation and technical measures) can be useful. 14 0 5 1.0 10.1787/9789264208445-8-en 1b35be577f9532637df6c46dfef4e214 Mortality indicators such as suicide and premature mortality provide important information on mental health status and the interplay of mental and physical health, but more specific indicators are necessary to reflect the quality of mental health care. Measuring and improving the quality of mental health care is a key challenge not least given the need to capture complex care pathways and encompass a range of outcomes. Numerous ongoing and completed projects seek to measure and benchmark the quality and outcomes of mental health care at an international level in spite of the many challenges faced by such endeavors. 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264251724-6-en 1b3703c0f1e454b83b25b857fc954c84 Silent invasion: The spread of marine invasive species via ships’ ballast water”, WWF International, Gland, Switzerland, Silent Invasion.pdf. Marine problems: Pollution”, World Wildlife Federation, bout our earth/blue planet/problems/pollution. 14 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264267817-6-en 1b3a4cde3882b24644f13f6317e69e46 Unchecked construction has contributed to chaotic urban sprawl and invaded agricultural production areas and forests. The distribution of public services has thus been affected and areas with environmental value damaged and agricultural land reduced. The quality of housing and appropriate transport connections to urban centres and jobs can be taken as an indicator of population well-being. 11 0 3 1.0 10.18356/124f66e3-en 1b3b2a1654d0a983ce7425a35b8e5d8a Agricultural productivity growth was associated with reductions in the prevalence of child malnutrition in most countries, including India, during the period of rapid adoption of Green Revolution technologies and up until the early 1990s. Since 1992, however, agricultural growth has not been associated with improved nutrition among children in many Indian states (Headey, 2011). These include economic inequality, gender inequality. However, the phenomenon remains largely unexplained and additional research is needed (Deaton and Dr&ze, 2009; Headey, 2011). 2 0 9 1.0 10.18356/8b39690f-en 1b3b5155fa9d7ff9f2f4a3af4c6e78c5 The reduction of emissions from stock breeding follows die decrease in the number of livestock. The overall emission reduction in the sector has amounted to 69.6 per cent since 1988 (figure 5.3). In 2011, the agriculture sector contributed 9.3 per cent of Bulgaria’s total GHG emissions (without LULUCF). Another driver for the emission reduction was the decline in the use of fertilizers. 13 0 3 1.0 10.18356/0899dee9-en 1b3be4599906df70881d68ec5b19c130 Such positions define who should provide care, for whom it should be provided, who should bear which costs, and what institutions, economic structures, gender norms and public policies should intervene in their design and implementation.118 Actors adopting a social justice perspective take a rights-based approach to care provision. They emphasize gender, class and race inequalities in care provision and in who benefits from care. They point out that these inequalities hinder women’s enjoyment of their human rights119 and deepen already existing inequalities among care receivers. 5 0 4 1.0 10.1787/e27ce3a7-en 1b3c0868aec273d9d8f9902cc3aa3d8e In total, a fairly comprehensive set of measures has been adopted since the mid-2000s. Workers' rights to leave after childbirth have been considerably extended, and various measures have been adopted to both stimulate the provision of childcare services and reduce the cost for households using these services (Box 4). Investment in families has increased considerably, with Korea allocating 1.37% of GDP to family spending in 2013 compared to only 0.24% in 2001 (Figure 11). 1 3 6 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264289062-4-en 1b46ba69fac43708fd52c0eb3a3c79b0 The most obvious consequence of the efforts to develop a more modem service delivery model is the reduction in the number of facilities and beds that began in 2006. In 2016, the number of hospitals is 9% below the level of 2000. This has given rise to an even greater reduction in bed numbers, from 6.9/1 000 inhabitants in 2006 to 4.8 beds/1 000 in 2016, which is in line with the OECD average, though the number varies significantly across regions. 3 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/0ec26947-en 1b475d122c8837cc84a460b128f041e2 For example, the US state of Tennessee has passed a bill, which recognises that blockchain data and smart contracts have legal effects (De, 2018). Yet, a global coverage of this recognition will be a key success factor for blockchain-based networks. With the introduction of the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the question of blockchain technology’s compatibility with GDPR arose (Toth, 2018). The “EU Blockchain Observatory and Forum” created a dedicated working group for “blockchain and the GDPR” and launched a report end of 2018 stating that compliance can be achieved by blockchain initiatives but further investigations and rulings axe needed (EU Blockchain Observatory and Forum, 2018). 9 0 6 1.0 11.1002/pub/80a5593d-0c74f324-en 1b48937dc67454ffc0e3e0c074aeb5e8 E-health services evolve to satisfy those interested in selfmanaged healthcare, such as chronic disease management, in a well-managed ICT environment. The other use is managing personal health conditions at home via the Internet. These developments are triggered by efficient record management, such as electronic health records (EHRs) management accepted in hospitals. 3 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264196155-6-en 1b493e9aec2b58fe0cbb2ffe33074737 In Viet Nam the family is the basic institution and often includes members of the extended family. There is a strong sense of collective responsibility and mutual obligation and family ties remain the principal source of security and support in times of crisis (Figure 1.18). Source: Gallup World Poll 2010. A study on mothers of young children in Viet Nam (Young Lives 2002) found that poor households rely more on informal networks, such as family, friends and neighbours, than on formal networks. 10 2 3 0.2 10.1787/how/life-2013-8-en 1b4c8939af6d8307a65b95b99565f135 Finally, although women are more satisfied with their lives than men, they are more likely to experience negative emotions. Despite progress in mainstreaming gender perspectives in the collection and dissemination of national statistics, gender data and indicators are still insufficient or lack cross-country comparability in a number of critical well-being areas. The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law. 5 0 5 1.0 10.1787/9789264096356-en 1b51fcf65b36b85c2546a2d46866ea20 First, regulation must provide sufficiently attractive financial conditions for investment in transport and conversion infrastructure. If transport operators have operational independence, they will often determine technical requirements and submit them to their authorities of tutelage, usually the national regulator, for financing through regulated tariffs.20 Policy issues are particularly challenging when transport and production are vertically integrated and the commercial interests of integrated incumbents are at odds with the public policy objectives of the regulator. When legitimate environmental concerns impede the construction of such installations, bilateral cooperation with neighbouring countries with more favourable conditions can yield mutual benefits. 7 5 4 0.1111111111111111 10.18356/3fe10a08-en 1b55b85c7f3bdc550f81c89fc5c330fd Official open unemployment rates are generally low in these countries. For example, the unemployment rate was 6% in Pakistan and 4.5% in Sri Lanka in 2011. Therefore, in South Asia far more important is the persistence of low productivity and low paying jobs, which are mostly found in the agricultural and urban informal sectors. 8 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264224636-8-en 1b563e27f584526481c55d939639df5c There is also limited transparency in the consultation process and on whether/how the input of stakeholders is adequately taken into account; it is not always clear when the input of stakeholders is required. In addition, administrative barriers, such as a requirement to have a national identity card, limit individuals living in precarious and/or rural regions that have less access to national administration. Not all of the key steps and procedures involved in the policy making process are sufficiently transparent, nor do they allow opportunities for input from relevant stakeholders at critical points. 5 2 2 0.0 10.18356/6a39744b-en 1b5925f66116c94e5056c688d48b4225 "There are important mineral resources as well as shipbuilding and aerospace industries. Large-scale enterprises could overcome diseconomies of distance and invest in productivity improvements and modern technology. Although productivity increases led to a fall in direct employment in timber production and processing, the industry's recovery had a ""multiplier effect"" on related sectors such as transport and logistics, as well as on the broader development of other sectors." 15 1 3 0.5 10.18356/5e8a5518-en 1b5ae8ee730b6f2ddbdefdd2547ec81f While some causal links are identified and highlighted as important, relevant constraints are sometimes not extensively discussed, and few concrete policy options to act on those links are provided. Going forward, it would be important to assess whether the messages contained in UN flagship reports adequately reflect the state of scientific knowledge and the lessons learnt from development programs that focus on education in relation to specific SDGs. The systematic analysis provided here can offer a basis for an integrated analysis of policy priorities for education as a whole. 4 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/e309eca0-en 1b5f8d68d9c6aa10af48a429e2390567 There is some variation across countries in the extent of the decline. Notably, Germany has managed to buck the relative fall in output experienced elsewhere, but even there the employment share has still fallen. On average across the OECD, the share of workers in low-skilled and high-skilled occupations rose by 2.5 and 4.3 percentage points respectively between 1995 and 2015. 8 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264112902-5-en 1b6088b795e40537095562bec75f2693 Section 1.4 proposes a strategic framework for strengthening rural incomes which seeks to reconcile the short run objective of poverty alleviation with the long-run aim of facilitating development. Section 1.5 presents some conclusions and identifies some specific priorities for analysis. These are the sectoral transition away from an economic structure based on agriculture to a more diversified one dominated by manufactures and services, the spatial tendency towards increased urbanisation, and an institutional transformation from an economy based largely on informal rules to one based on formal legislation (Jonasson, 2009). Other changes also accompany economic development, such as falling death rates and - with a lag - declining birth rates. In its 2008 World Development Report, the World Bank makes a useful distinction between agriculture-based, transforming and urbanised economies that captures the first two elements of this economic transformation.3 Countries tend to move through these categories, although they may experience short cuts in the process, such as learning from policy experiences in developed economies, or take detours due to such factors as civil war, corrupt government or a misallocation of public resources. 2 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/6a39744b-en 1b64f49cb5bb3c826da9da4d619e64a0 Agriculture, livestock, fishing and forestry together contribute an estimated 13.7 percent of GDP (although this share is declining) and the contribution of tourism is estimated at 7 percent. The contribution of forests to GDP is estimated at between 2.2 to 3 percent. Wood is the main energy source for about 30 percent of the population. Poverty rates fell from 59 percent in 2000 to 39 percent in 2016 as the country has pursued equitable growth policies, which until recently had been facilitated by high commodity prices. This philosophy highlights integration between forests, agriculture, and environmental sustainability, and its principles are incorporated into the most recent 2016-2020 Social and Economic Development Plan, in which forests are recognized as a resource for food production. As part of its development strategy, the Government's policy is to expand agricultural area - mostly to smallholders - while managing forests sustainably for multipurpose use and stabilizing forest area at no less than 50 percent of total land area. 15 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5kmh3nj5rzs4-en 1b6a6872d8667fe2550c3abff5129388 During the 11th Five-Year Plan, focus has been on states that had a heavy backlog of un-electrified villages and BPL households, as well as on special category states (such as north-eastern states, Himachal, J & K and Uttarakhand), border districts and districts led by left wing extremism. The expected completion cost is estimated as INR 330 billion (or USD 7 billion) (Ministry of Power, 2009a). All values given in this chapter are converted at this rate. Less than one-third BPL households and half of the villages had been electrified in September 2009. To avoid overlap of efforts, close co-ordination between the RRGVY and the MNRE is ensured mainly through the Rural Electrification Corporation. 7 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.18356/ad12659d-en 1b6a8d8d446be93bae417236f463ffb7 Such punishment shows students that the use of force—be it verbal, physical or emotional—is acceptable, especially when it is directed at younger, weaker individuals. In practice, the category of external violence is a broad one and the distinction between school violence and external violence is often hard to draw. It may also be driven by general feelings of rage, frustration or humiliation unprovoked by anything the victim may have done, as in the case of violent sexual assault and random shootings. 4 3 6 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/ab381733-en 1b6c9bddfb42be69d54f5e426ed8ece1 The remaining 11 are under the control of municipal and private companies. The Rustavi landfill was developed according to EU standards with financing from the EBRD, SIDA and BP, and provides disposal capacity for 80,000 m3 in phase 1. Operation of the landfill started in 2011 and it currently receives 30,000 tons of municipal waste annually from the town of Rustaveli and the village of Gardabani, serving 150,000 people in total. The landfill management keeps detailed records on the operation (table 5.2). 12 2 2 0.0 10.1787/9789264088986-en 1b70fdb49976523cd695828fa0a8662b Less than 30% of business expenditure in R&D takes place in the periphery, the Galilee and the Negev. Over-dependency on ICT makes the economy vulnerable to sudden changes and constrains the country’s long-term balanced growth potential. There is a need to develop innovation and skills in traditional industries and public services that employ most of the population. 4 7 2 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/5jlww009v1hj-en 1b71ed68179a414efe5f7ae36658aaea For some tasks of the global stocktake (e.g. determining the effectiveness of adaptation and of support for adaptation), some of the information needs will be difficult to meet in a comprehensive and objective manner. However, by itself, this information may not be sufficient to meet the eventual demands of the global stocktake and other international aims such as learning lessons on the effectiveness of seeking and using adaptation support. The Paris Agreement states that all Parties “should” submit and update an “adaptation communication”. The Paris Agreement indicates both what country adaptation actions could comprise and what information could be included in an adaptation communication. 13 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/5jxsr7tt3qf4-en 1b74bc95eb975f6d71ec3ef021558bc1 The animal feed sector can substitute between (grass) land and animal feed from crops, and within animal feed from crops between different types of animal feed, including relevant by-products that change with biofuel production like DDGS, oilcake and molasses. The agricultural sectors can also substitute between land and fertiliser, while the ethanol sector can substitute between different feedstocks. In this study, we use a two-level nested structure to represent substitution possibilities between pasture land and compound feed for animal production (first level) and substitution between compound feed feedstocks (second level). 2 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/7a1f7b89-en 1b77a18ec97697affede3a040e07a410 This trend in digitalisation has been accompanied by a reduction of personal customer service in vehicles, terminals, service centres and call centres. This increases the risk of marginalisation for those that those who cannot use mobile devices due to age, disability, language skills, or other reasons. This data should be an integral part of the data package provided by transport operators to MaaS operators and eventually to customers. This data is required by law to be available in machine readable format through open interfaces by 1 January 2018. 11 5 2 0.42857142857142855 10.18356/22b34fe3-en 1b782baf304efe7dbe5baae5e2ef681b This strategic mechanism can be further developed to create domestic demand. Various factors need to be addressed for public procurement to have the intended effect on local enterprises regarding demand (UNCTAD and BMZ, forthcoming). As noted in the Industrial Policy Action Plan of South Africa: “Much public procurement is currently conducted on an ad hoc rather than strategic basis and does not deliver adequately on either value-for-money or key industrial policy objectives” (South Africa, Department of Trade and Industry, 2010: 33). 9 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5k912j389bf0-en 1b7a163c571f65a5a20d3756c2a4c674 They allow assessing the implications of higher levels of medical-care spending and higher governmental health expenditures on economic growth; and identify what are the long-run determinants of medical spending growth. For example, a CGE model could be used to estimate the extent to w'hich increases in medical spending are driven by capital investment in health technologies. The CMS Dynamic Computable General Equilibrium Model represents the U.S. economy as being composed of two markets, health and non-health products, for which aggregate demand and supply are modelled (see annex 1.21). 3 0 9 1.0 10.18356/9f796186-en 1b7be27987e31abdf26d8414f27cc188 Indeed, the consumption share of the top quintile has been increasing while the other quintiles have seen their shares decrease since the 1990s. More recent data reveal that, in nearly half of the countries in the region, consumption of the bottom 40 per cent, already substantially low, grew at a slower pace than that of the average household (figure 1.4). How inclusive and sustainable is domestic demand? The x-axis shows that consumption level of the bottom 40 per cent is less than half of that of the average household in many countries. 8 1 5 0.6666666666666666 10.1787/9789264225442-29-en 1b7d56db561159cecc4baf0b8927e208 While 40% of first-generation immigrant students complete upper secondary education, completion rates for second-generation immigrants increase to align to the national average (57% for the whole population). It found that a decline in motivation at this level may be triggered by external factors and lack of incentives, as well as by how schools respond to students' needs. Also, students from smaller municipalities seem to show weaker average skills in national and international assessments than those from larger municipalities. Over 2004-12, participation of 1-5 year-olds increased from 72% to 90%. 4 0 4 1.0 10.1787/empl/outlook-2016-8-en 1b7ea0d94bdf31c8cc10424662086788 In such cases, the education system should place a stronger focus on curbing discriminatory social norms among youth, while broader awareness campaigns can help to foster change in employers’ views. They should be coupled with specific policies to foster change in hiring and management practices. A growing body of research shows that careful behavioural design can help employers overcome deep-seated (and often uncontious) gender biases. 5 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264224582-8-en 1b8096a8c65472366f9a60f60ec1c43b Every time a lender underwrites an eligible loan under this programme, the Connecticut Green Bank reserves a percentage of the loan principal (between 7.5-15%) for the lender in the event of a default (Energize CT, 2013). In the Connecticut model, to promote sound lending practices and share risks, the lender assumes the “first loss” (1.5%) on its portfolio before it is permitted to access the reserve fund. When discussing credit enhancement, the terms guarantee and insurance are often used interchangeably. 7 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.18356/712425ac-en 1b817056fe03b6bd7428b2d69e6a79da Following an overview of the world’s urban landscape, Chapter 2 looks at the status of children in urban settings through the lens of international human rights instruments and development goals. Chapter 3 examines some of the phenomena shaping the lives of children in urban areas, from their reasons for coming to the city and their experience of migration to the challenges posed by economic shocks, violence and acute disaster risk. Many cities have been able to contain or banish diseases that were widespread only a generation ago. 11 0 7 1.0 10.18356/5022b3a0-en 1b819b9c60d4378a7389232c1fab9236 This illustrates that the progress in reaching the MDGs has been uneven for the LDCs. Moreover, even in countries where good progress has been made toward the MDGs, there are often glaring disparities between rural and urban areas, between the rich and the poor, between women and men, and between girls and boys. These include reducing hunger, ensuring that girls and boys reach the last grade in primary education, reducing child mortality, improving maternal health, and providing basic sanitation. The performance among the individual countries does not vary much, with most countries requiring renewed efforts to achieve the majority of the MDG targets. 1 4 3 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264277335-4-en 1b863cacd91dbce6a534c82a2e0e84cd Between 2000 and 2015, participation in the first year of preschool (Interactive II, age 4) increased dramatically from 7% to 63%, and that of the second year from 83% to 90%. The new curriculum gives special emphasis to early literacy skills which are critical both to success in learning and for developing a child's self-confidence and social interaction. Just 20% of 4-year-olds from the poorest households have access to preschool provision, compared to 80% of their wealthier peers. 4 0 7 1.0 10.1787/dcr-2013-8-en 1b86a446ec8ea44c5e860959f134df32 Casual and other forms of wage labour - increasingly supplied by labour contractors - are often effectively excluded from labour legislation. Many economists and ministries of finance are unwilling to promote the formalisation of such informal employment - which is often insecure and exploitative -because they fear this will undermine job creation. The result is that the worst forms of wage labour are not avenues out of poverty, but simply survival options. At best, they can help a household escape poverty, but only when combined with other economic activities in a “portfolio”. 1 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.6027/9789289329163-7-en 1b87cb25ca902b34d18805c022680b90 This implies that the decrease of forest biomass sink in Sweden is more than compensated by the increase in Finland and Norway together. Similarly, the CO2 emissions from forest soil in Finland are more than offset by forest soil sink in Sweden and Norway combined. The sink size fluctuated over 1990 and 2000s especially in Sweden and Finland due to the fluctuating level of use of HWPs in longer lasting purposes such as construction and furniture with a dip in Sweden in 2008. For Norway, net removal in 1990-2010 is adapted from Norwegian CPA (2012) and in 2011-2020 is Indufor's estimate. 15 0 3 1.0 11.1002/pub/807e55db-ec047466-en 1b89e1c4e656b06926a84021f6ed4516 This function can be implemented by using theipvsadm command. We measured AC power, that is, the output of the inverter, but not DC power, that of the battery, so that these data can be referred to in a different experimental environment, such as using commercial AC power for power supply. We compared energy-proportional control to the conventional method in which all web servers are always active, in Figure 9. The results show that there are no differences between these two methods in terms of response times. 7 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5k483jn5j1lv-en 1b8a501a7bbb0802fa4a05da3a8cd65a At the same time internal transparency through environmental management accounting started to increase with a business rationale to improve efficiency and reduce costs, in relation to using natural resources, reducing emissions to air, water and soil, as well as in reducing waste. More recently companies increasingly see the relevance of sustainability for their long term business continuity and identify sustainability challenges as a business growth driver. They even transform their business to address such business opportunities. The company, DSM, active in health, nutrition and materials, for example, is not only changing from a chemical company to bio-based solutions, but also focuses its business activities much more on nutrition, as this will be a major global challenge. 12 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264121836-7-en 1b8a9880d91c822944cbeec22b528228 Financial sanctions may be increased if the perpetrator fails to pay a fine and fails to restore the situation to its previous state (in which case the authority may double the fine) or the same administrative offence is repeated within two years (in which case the fine may be increased to the upper limit). Withdrawals of a permit or bans on the performance of a particular activity as a result of administrative offence are used sporadically. The code recognises eight kinds of crimes against the environment, including jeopardising and damaging the environment, unauthorised handling of waste, and poaching. Natural persons (individuals) and legal persons (companies) have been liable for administrative offences, but until 2005 only natural persons could be held liable for criminal offences. Types of non-compliance responses in Slovakia (cont.) 6 3 1 0.5 10.18356/fcd1ba6c-en 1b8b3de79df5c5923493cd5050d3ceae Indeed, the rising incidence of non-standard employment has widened the gap in earnings distribution and contributed to an increase in poverty. In Germany, the total income gain of households has gone to the richest 10 per cent of households since 2003 (Parma and Vontobel, 2009:129). The recent widening of inequalities marked a complete reversal of the previous trend. 7 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/df3c95f8-en 1b8c3961af35291e966300d059dddd3a Nevertheless, although these areas overlap, the subject of paid care work constitutes a separate analytical focus and is of significant consequence for public policy. A review of the literature reveals the lack of a single definition and a wide variety of approaches for deciding which jobs should be included. The first, and the most general, takes into consideration all occupations linked to physical and emotional care (nurturance) (England, 1992; England, Thompson and Amaru 2001) regardless of whether there is face-to-face contact or the relationship involves the provision of services to dependants. 5 7 3 0.4 10.18356/7ff65165-en 1b8dffb0c62449af0d350b9d756cdf6e This is not a problem that can be explained solely by an analysis at the individual level (household) or at the system level. The individual level has been studied more closely in Uruguay beginning with the pioneering study by Rama (1993), and studies on the effect that a student’s home environment has on educational achievement are more prolific in the national literature. The purpose of this paper is to help understand the institutional roots of educational inequality. 4 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.6027/9789289330633-11-en 1b8e7d4d83dfbdb76e72ed2679c3b112 This may have a negative impact on the family dynamics with intra-familial conflicts and abuse as a consequence. Such experiences may have impact on the later health of the young. For example, a study conducted among Icelandic adolescents who were 14-15 years old shows that lifetime experience of intra-familial conflicts may increase the risk for depression, anxiety, anger and self-esteem (Gunnlaugsson, Kristjansson, Einarsdottir and Sigfusdottir, 2011). Thus, in light of the current crisis it is important to monitor closely the future development of the health situation of children and keep a close eye on known risk factors that may negatively impact on later adult health of the young. Governmental policy responses are crucial for how the economic recession will affect household functioning, and children's experiences of poverty. The burden can be alleviated through, e.g., fiscal stimulus, social protection and polices that address the labour market and support to families (Harper, Jones, McKay, and Espey, 2009). 3 0 3 1.0 10.18356/2640b601-en 1b912a02b113c4d9142e3488af61db83 It took a century to boost their thermal efficiency to around 20 percent in a successive stream of innovations. It took another century again to reach the current steam turbine efficiency of 40 percent. The initial costs of steam engines in the mid-eighteenth century amounted to a phenomenal US$ 12,000 per kW (in 2003$) (Crafts, 2004) in an economy a factor of 130 smaller than today with per capita incomes around US$1,500 (in 2003). 7 0 5 1.0 10.18356/286de074-en 1b917b4eedb5005fb39f804d6a007e74 This paper set out to provide a conceptual understanding of the gender socialization process during adolescence, its influences and outcomes, and practical suggestions on how to use this knowledge in the design of policies and programmes to improve gender equality. First, theoretical contributions from psychology, sociology and biology were reviewed to situate the gender socialization process during adolescence in a broader context of multi-level influences. Second, a socio-ecological framework was introduced to bring together the main factors that influence the gender socialization process and its outcomes. Third, knowledge on howto influence the gender socialization process and its outcomes was summarized in order to provide practical recommendations for policies and programmes. 5 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264287709-en 1b948d060ba40fe5bc6079eeecee9460 It also aims to reduce the number of Europeans without adequate reading, writing, numeracy and digital skills. At the same time, the Agenda seeks to help highly qualified young people find work that suits their potential and aspirations, make it easier for employers to recruit employees with the right profiles and to equip people with the skills and attitudes to start their own businesses (EC, 2016b). These programmes receive fewer resources than general education. 4 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264083578-11-en 1ba09db67f04cdb566623d1a6366b942 It also presents challenges in establishing economically efficient water pricing mechanisms. In these cases an irrigation project has the characteristics of a public good, in which several water users can simultaneously consume the services of the project. Finally, the flowing nature of water and its changing physical characteristics as it passes among states in the hydrologic cycle produce high transaction costs in establishing and enforcing property rights to develop, allocate, and use water. In these cases, water services, especially environmental values produced by leaving water in its natural state, may emerge as a common property resource, for which the complete opportunity costs of its use may not face the user. 6 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264122314-4-en 1ba7b07f5e6d01afb135d9fc262c150e Payments systems linked to performance need to have accurate quality metrics that encourage physicians to offer services to all patients, including those whose health is complicated by multiple conditions. In many cases the physician performance metrics do not include adequate adjustment for patients with multiple chronic conditions. Most existing quality metrics have the tendency to encourage clinicians to avoid medically complex patients. More refined performance measures would account for patients with multiple chronic conditions and thereby strengthen the capacity of performance-based payment systems to support care for those with multiple conditions. 3 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264268852-5-en 1ba8935ff51a4a86a35b04d2b69cbcdf This is also the case of several mid-sized FUAs (Taraz, Uralsk, Atyrau, Aktau and Aktobe).10 In contrast, in the other two metropolitan areas of Kazakhstan (Astana and Shymkent), the city cores grew' more rapidly than the commuting zone between 1999 and 2009. In OECD countries, suburbanisation has been particularly strong in large metropolitan areas (of more than 1.5 million people). Figure 1.10 shows the contributions of commuting zones and city cores to overall FUA growth during the 1999-2009 period. Beyond Astana, the fastest-growing cities are in the southern and western areas of the country. 11 0 5 1.0 10.1787/9789264097896-9-en 1badad85409f4d8ecfbb451853a406aa In 2009, Portugal launched the Electric Mobility Plan to encourage large-scale use of electric vehicles by 2020. The increase in the share of electric vehicles in the fleet and the achievement of the expected reduction in oil imports will largely depend on timely development of the electricity network and metering infrastructure, as well as on further growth of renewable electricity production. Under the EU burden-sharing agreement to meet the EU Kyoto Protocol target, Portugal is committed to limit its GHG emissions to an average increase of 27% in 2008-12 compared with 1990 levels. 7 0 3 1.0 10.1787/empl/outlook-2016-8-en 1bb38df2e51c7b261146c639a71a443b The rate of convergence was even higher in developing countries, where the same figure went from only 57% in 1950 to 86% in 2010. Today, in the countries considered in this chapter enrolment rates in primary and secondary education are almost identical between boys and girls (Figure 4.4), and women have largely overtaken men in their propensity to attend tertiary education. For the tertiary level, the population used is the five-year age group starting from the official secondary school graduation age. 5 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/09e92b30-en 1bb5f2d674da7f0574d174a01df3de4d Additional reforms could also improve access to complementary insurance for low-income households and their health in the medium term (CNAMTS, 2016a), notably by promoting the use of existing administrative data on income and other social spending to determine and verify access to ACS vouchers. Indeed, past experiments have shown that eligible households, mostly long-term unemployed and retirees, may be difficult to reach through information campaigns (Guthmuller et al., The sustainability of the ACS scheme could be improved in part by reviewing the eligibility conditions (Cour des comptes, 2015). 3 0 3 1.0 10.6027/9789289349734-8-en 1bb6098a30dfe9ad10381f4d2a97c9f1 The web tools do not recognise all nuances in written text, but the benefit of using automated systems is that they can simultaneously process large amounts of data. West Bothnia (Vasterbotten) in Northern Sweden is a region where gender is actively discussed and measured in the newsrooms. The newspaper Vasterbottens-Kuriren conducted a content analysis in 2002 that showed that women made up only 23% of the people in the news even though over half of the newspaper's readers were women. The newspaper then started to work actively towards a gender ratio of 50/50. 5 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/a09a3a5d-en 1bb6cdc3e6aaf6e38d8c47e10fe6d065 Innovation-led growth has contributed substantially to improving income and well-being across all groups in society. Their objective is to provide all segments of society with equal opportunities to successfully participate in and benefit from innovation. While most of these policies can be broadly classified by inclusiveness type (Box 3), in some cases they simultaneously address social, industrial and/or territorial inclusiveness challenges. For example, Ireland’s Competitive Start Fund for Female Entrepreneurs aims to promote the integration of an underrepresented group -women- in entrepreneurship activities (“social inclusiveness”) and to address critical financial barriers faced by start-ups (“industrial inclusiveness”). 9 0 4 1.0 10.18356/1c11fde8-en 1bb8efee740630c40233f4b3fe224f0c Intended countries of destination for the cocaine seized included Australia, Italy and Spain, while Colombia is mentioned as country of origin. There is evidence that the area of opium poppy cultivation has been increasing and appears to have reached a five-year high in Colombia, which had detected 387 ha of cultivation in 2014. Heroin manufactured in South America is primarily destined for the United States but is also trafficked for consumption within the region. Various countries in South America have reported seizures of amphetamine-type stimulants (ATS) in 2014, including amphetamine, methamphetamine and “ecstasy”-type substances, as well as lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD). 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/3726edff-en 1bba7843d457e92213a37a016b4afe80 These capacity building trainings and workshops are often aimed at faculty, students, and other researchers and public servants in developing countries. For the puipose of this analysis, it is assumed that these trainings contribute towards enhancing countries’ STI capacity. However, it is likely that the inclusion of all development finance channelled through universities over-estimates the amount of development finance supporting STI. Providers are required to include text descriptions of the activities when reporting to the CRS; however, in practice this information has been difficult to use for analytical purposes because of the differences in quality of the descriptions. 9 0 3 1.0 10.18356/1aa484c1-en 1bbab7af9538d150cfc4b685e551e270 For instance, the OECD Climate Fund Inventory lists 91 climate funding sources, and contains detailed information on their focal areas, region(s) of activity and application procedures.54 The UNFCCC Climate Finance Data Portal contains data on resources that have been provided to fund adaptation and mitigation activities in developing countries.55 The Climate Funds Update is an independent website that provides data on currently 23 multilateral climate finance sources, including pledged amounts to these sources.56 Developed countries provided a total of $33.6 billion in climate finance through bilateral, regional and other channels in 2016. As figure 4.2 highlights, the focus of these funds has been for mitigation in developing countries, which accounted for 72 per cent of the total, compared with only 15 per cent for adaptation activities. The Clean Technology Fund (CTF), the Global Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Fund (GEEREF), the Partnership for Market Readiness (PMR), the Scaling Up Renewable Energy Program (SREP), as well as a series of funds targeting reduced emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD), such as the Forest Investment Program (FIP), support GHG mitigation activities. 13 0 3 1.0 10.18356/4b2465a5-en 1bbc3e453adc369787b780f61170e18a In emerging and developing economies, structural change has slowed since the crisis, as jobs are not moving from low- to higher-productivity sectors as fast as they had before. This has slowed progress in reducing vulnerable employment and the number of working poor. Chapter 1 showed that many countries in Latin America, several in Africa and a few in Asia experienced declines in income inequality between 2003 and 2010. 10 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264277335-7-en 1bbfb4a2e6287262ba5bfa7c5f275fe1 With a fixed timetable of regular assessments, Costa Rica might consider alternating the subjects assessed at lower secondary level to enable the evaluation of more of the curriculum, including the more innovative dimensions of education for global citizenship and sustainable development, for example. At no point has the assessment sampled the entire census of schools in a way that would enable school leaders, teachers, students, parents and the local community to understand w'hether their institution is achieving national learning objectives, or whether it is more or less successful than other similar schools. The national assessment could help teachers understand how the new national competence-based curriculum can be tested in practice and ensure classroom-based assessments are setting the same standards across the country. 4 1 3 0.5 10.18356/2e1a4924-en 1bbfbe8960be36484e2a78c9ace6b313 Second, qr is less sensitive than ols to outliers in the dependent variable since it minimizes the weighted sum of absolute deviations. Moreover, when the error terms are non-normal, qr also gives a more efficient estimator than least squares. Lastly, qr has a linear programming representation that makes estimation easy. 5 8 0 1.0 10.14217/9781848599574-6-en 1bbfe4483b6786110d4d1efb044bdeb2 Given that PNG, Samoa, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu are unlikely to meet Goal 1, achieving Target 10.1 will also be difficult without serious reform. Fiji is, however, likely to meet Target 10.1 based on its positive outlook for Goal 1. Ensuring equal opportunities and reducing inequalities of outcome (Target 10.3) are also closely dependent on the outcome of Target 5.1 to end all forms of discrimination against women and girls. 15 3 0 1.0 10.6027/9789289342698-7-en 1bca99b866a87b15589164bf72cd1ad1 Transportation to and from the mainland is either by plane or ferry. In spite of this, the labour market of Bornholm is to some extent connected to the labour market of Copenhagen. In an attempt to accommodate the infrastructural challenges, the island has established several IT solutions, including broadband and workstations at home. 5 9 0 1.0 10.1787/rev/fish/pol-2009-3-en 1bccedf6b7f73c47e16380ec7f4f9b90 Suppose, for example, that a stock has been confined to Country A’s EEZ. Climate change increasingly diverts the stock into Country B’s EEZ, while the growth and reproduction of the stock still depend on how much of the stock is left after fishing in the EEZs of both countries. Country A’s command over the stock will be steadily eroded and so will its previously strong incentives to protect it, while Country B will acquire an interest in the stock, at first fleeting but then a more substantial one. If things continue in this direction, B will ultimately acquire a stronger incentive than A to preserve the stock for reproduction and future growth, while A will become a player which only has a minor fraction of the stock and which in fact will be able to demand a disproportionate share of the stock, since it will in any case benefit from B’s conservation efforts without making much of a contribution itself. But how quickly will the players realize this reversal of roles and how timely will they adjust to it? 14 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.18356/889b3c8e-en 1bcd7d2dda2745e1c963f3f70f73f432 To fully address all needs and challenges for children in urban settings, urban planning must simultaneously address the different scales of possible spatial intervention. However, it actually covets good design for all. In this sense, applying universal design helps create buildings, tools, spaces and learning or communication systems that are useful and usable for everyone. Universal design accommodates diverse literacy skills, and promotes designs that are safe and easy to use. 11 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5k49dv6c5xmv-en 1bd2f5b9e6690db6f19e645367fe87a4 For manufacturing companies to understand the market opportunities and the needs of the wind industry, the states of Michigan or Ohio provide technical assistance to companies to retool their operations to become wind energy suppliers. For example, The Ohio Energy Office is financing a collaborative project, led by the Great Lakes Wind Network (GLWN) and Ohio’s Edison Technology Center, to identify suitable companies for retrofitting of their facilities to produce wind energy components (AWEA, 2010). Strengthening the regional wind energy supply chain in the Chicago Tri-State metro-region may require both informing firms about this new business opportunity and connecting these firms with those managing the supply chain. One study has identified particularly strong opportunities for local gear and drive train manufacturers to penetrate the wind turbine component parts market (CMC/JARC, 2009). 7 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264191761-en 1bd3243de6ed25ee7a72ddd3f0905e0b According to the company’s management, these supplies are supposed to cover processors’ seasonal deficits of raw meat and eliminate middlemen from the livestock supply chain to lower consumer prices (rather than to support prices for producers). Since the beginning of its operations in 2001, KAP’s total expenditures on purchases of livestock products have not exceeded USD 20 million, averaging around KZT 1.2 billion (USD 8 million) in 2009-11 (Figure 2.7). Thus, the activity of KAP as a state buyer of livestock products is limited and unlikely to have a significant impact on producer prices. In 2007, KAP made intervention purchases of meat, for which KZT 1 billion (USD 8 million) were allocated, and in 2008 it spent KZT 795 million (USD 7 million) on imports of milk powder to supply milk plants. This was undertaken to limit consumer prices during the exceptional increase in 2008 of world milk prices. It was introduced in 2008 in response to recent price volatility on world agricultural markets. 2 4 5 0.1111111111111111 10.1787/agr/outlook-2015-5-en 1bd5a9c370947fa3d08ae86c57019ccf Direct planting is also associated with the use of GMOs, which leads to less use of pesticides. On the supply side, producers are expected to benefit from continued productivity growth, complemented by a depreciating Brazilian real (BRL). The current projections assume that there are no significant changes to agricultural policy settings over the next ten years, and that “normal” weather with no severe events prevails from one year to the next. 2 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264249400-7-en 1bd850c225d94a79d7660176383031e2 Community management is the prevailing business model for WSS in rural areas. At a crossroads between decentralised and centralised WSS management models, the country is considering regionalisation as another option. Although coverage rates in urban areas seem relatively high, water supply and sanitation systems are neither reliable nor safe: there are serious problems with water quality in Tajikistan. 6 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/5js4vmp5n5r8-en 1bd98670a1d3281b4006674e0e36e402 This structure can be observed for most tourism industry branches. One can state that tourism products and services in the destination area are traditionally delivered primarily by local SMEs, while intermediate organisations are usually either international or located in the tourists’ home country and of bigger size. However, location characteristics do affect industries’ structures. 8 5 2 0.42857142857142855 10.18356/d7485e6e-en 1bda0a2cfd4aa3e18804a4a1e900e0f4 A UNESCO biosphere reserve (Repetek State Biosphere Reserve) was designated in 1978. The State reserves have a strict protection regime and exclude natural resource use by local inhabitants, with very few exceptions. All have management authorities, which report to the Department of Protection of Flora and Fauna under MoNP. 15 0 4 1.0 10.6027/9789289349734-5-en 1bda19e652fe2c4bcdd316bba5afa9ec This means there are fewer women in the parliament in Denmark than in the rest of the Nordics. According to data from 139 countries compiled by the Inter-Parliamentary Union (2016), Denmark ranks 21st based on the proportion of women in parliament. As of 28th November 2016, nine of the 22 ministers in the Danish government are women (40.9%; Statsministeriet 2016). The purpose of the Equal Treatment Act is to prevent discrimination based on gender (Ministry of Employment 2002), and the purpose of the Gender Equality Act is to promote equality between men and women, including equal influence and opportunities in all spheres of the society (Ministry of Social Affairs 2000). 5 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264245891-8-en 1be0c03c958a86fe3d8cba347b76950a Also, international benchmarks of student performance provided by international student surveys such as PISA and TIMSS have been influential in driving policy development at the system level. In addition, NCESE (whose services, as of 2015, were integrated in IAC) also conducts surveys to assess societal views of education which include the collection of views and perspectives from principals, teachers, parents, students and potential employers. By contrast, there is no framework to evaluate the work of rayons’ and oblasts’ Departments of Education even if the monitoring of their work can be followed on the basis of student learning outcomes. 4 0 3 1.0 10.6027/9789289339766-6-en 1be787f480fa4c82b5046dca40dba1df For some countries and habitats these can directly be used for defining levels of degradation in the EU 4-level model. Finland and partly Estonia have used this approach and have implemented it in management, but this is now abandoned for Finland (see below and chapter 6.2). Remaining countries have not done so, but Norway and Iceland seem to have systems that can be adopted or transformed into the 4-level model. 15 1 3 0.5 10.1787/ad4de8a1-en 1be8d6fedc026aa4dd664ed23e2cfd3c Similarly, driving can be more dangerous than cycling for some demographics (Feleke et al., Longitudinal or even experimental studies would be key to strengthen this observation, which is based on cross-sectional data alone. Nevertheless, this finding suggests that an overall decrease in fatalities is possible in cities planning for a modal shift towards cycling. 11 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264096356-en 1be9da7ae4ca9c802c9a523bc1956016 Protecting the environment and fighting global warming were mentioned by 29% and 13% respectively. Again, the price and security of energy supply concerns are uppermost in the minds of Europeans when they consider the desired priorities for their countries’ energy policy. More importantly, the evolution of public opinion between 2007 and 2010 shows that more and more Europeans consider nuclear energy as an option to help the energy supply situation faced by developed societies. 7 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/rev/fish/pol-2009-27-en 1becaec2af7ebc574e64116ccb7703f0 The total first-hand value was slightly higher in 2007 compared to 2006. At the same time, fuel and lubrication oil costs increased. At this point of time it is, therefore, difficult to estimate the results for 2007. More details are available on the Norwegian Directorate of Fisheries website (luiow./ 14 5 4 0.1111111111111111 10.1787/9789264191136-8-en 1bf025178e2123be7da826bfa51b3e7b Compared to other European countries there are low levels of inequity in smoking rates and obesity across education level in Denmark (Mackenbach et al., Furthermore, a recently published report on social inequalities (Juel and Koch, 2013) suggests that 60-70% of the inequalities in life expectancy in Denmark are caused by smoking and alcohol consumption. The Folkesundhedsprogram 1999-2008 and Sund hele livet programmes do, indeed, focus on health behaviours such as smoking, alcohol consumption and obesity, and health education, promotion and voluntary initiatives that stress individual responsibility (Diderichsen, 2008). However little is known to date about whether local initiatives to address risk factors in health and measures to change behavioural incentives such as through “sin taxes” have yielded any effect on populations most at risk. 3 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264287457-3-en 1bf581b7b4ca0ec93fd5252c27754fd8 Recent studies (Corak, 2013; OECD, 2015a; OECD, 2012; IMF, 2015) point to growing economic and social inequality around the globe and cast doubt on the notion that everyone can succeed. To begin with, the global economy has become more knowledge intensive. Together with skills-biased technological changes, globalisation and the growing influence of the financial sector on the economy, the demand for high-skilled workers and jobs with non-routine tasks has increased over the last three decades. As a result, a premium has been put on the wages of high-skilled workers, raising the wage gap between high- and low-skilled workers (Sill, 2002; Card and Di Nardo, 2002; Autor and Acemoglu, 2011). 4 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264179011-7-en 1bf623143e7014fc9dd682a2ef7a6c2c However, line ministries have greater influence in setting NTBs. They are generally more protectionist and influenced by interest groups. Hence trade policy is a continuous battleground, and a change of key ministerial personalities can easily result in a more protectionist trade policy regime. This is the crux of Indonesia’s trade policy challenge: no minister or agency has control over the full array of trade policy instruments, and is able to adopt an economy-wide public interest viewpoint. 2 7 1 0.75 10.14217/69e63ace-en 1bf8273eeba69b2c0451dbdb3911df9a The issues considered in the papers may be evolving in nature, leading to further work and refinement at a later stage. The views expressed here are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent those of the Commonwealth Secretariat. In 2005, the WTO Hong Kong Ministerial Declaration gave a mandate on negotiations on fisheries subsidies aimed at strengthening disciplines on fisheries subsidies as well as to prohibit certain forms of subsidies that lead to overcapacity and over-fishing. 14 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/56f09402-en 1bf9db677e7bd0966eccbf44a655e118 The scholarships cover a range of costs in addition to tuition, such as materials, food, transport and lodging. Applicants for the benefit must have completed secondary education and live in a household in a situation of poverty or extreme poverty. After graduation, scholarship recipients must work during the first three years in a State agency. The programme gives priority to adolescents and youths from marginal rural and urban areas, as well as some indigenous communities. 5 3 0 1.0 10.1787/empl/outlook-2010-2-en 1bffd35f45c4f42509e1048e90a8d301 The employment of older workers was about as cyclical as overall employment in past recessions, so it is a notable departure from historical patterns that employment has increased for this group this time. This novel development may reflect, at least in part, labour supply responses in some countries to sometimes large losses in retirement savings consequent to the financial crisis (Coile and Levine, 2009; Gustman et al., Employment losses were also above-average for medium-skilled workers and men, groups whose employment had previously been about as cyclical as overall employment. 8 0 5 1.0 10.1787/9789264190320-16-en 1bffec126d8c350c7f665fdf69d5a48a In some states, there is scope to increase tariff levels and change tariff structures to enhance efficient uses of water, allocate water where it creates most value, and at least cover the operation and maintenance costs. Setting Mexican water policies on a sustainable financial path will contribute to commitments 6 and 65 of the Pact, and will facilitate the implementation of commitments 50, 51 and 52. There is a need to identify and clearly allocate the responsibilities at each level of government; strengthen enforcement and compliance; and sharpen focus on the capacity and financial sustainability of utilities, the efficiency and quality of service provision, and the responsiveness to users. Commitment 52 of the Pact, to approve a new law on drinking water and sanitation, provides the opportunity and the political momentum to define responsibilities. 6 0 3 1.0 10.18356/6b8e044d-en 1c0264d66ed58456dc6fb26445986fa4 The Ministry of Finance, through the General Directorate of Customs, coordinates and ensures the arrival and departure in the country, on the basis of authorization issued by CNCAN, of all goods which require authorization under Law No. Ill (1996) on the Safe Development of Nuclear Activities, as amended by Law' No. Approximation of legislation to EU standards has set stringent requirements for Government, municipalities and waste management companies. 12 3 0 1.0 10.18356/d79235bc-en 1c0379c59d2dc67e695bfc026d0c16b4 The presence of high BOD may indicate faecal contamination or increases in particulate and dissolved organic carbon from non-human and animal sources that can restrict water use and development, necessitate expensive treatment and impair ecosystem health. Human ill health due to water quality problems can reduce work capability and affect children’s growth and education. High levels of oxygen consumption pose a threat to a variety of aquatic organisms, including fish. It helps to identify communities where wastewater treatment action is required to protect the ecosystem. Untreated or insufficiently treated wastewater can result in increased nutrient levels, high levels of organic matter and hazardous substances, posing threats to aquatic ecosystems and human health. It can be calculated separately for different terrestrial ecological regions. 15 1 4 0.6 10.1787/9789264100817-10-en 1c054771240e8e8e8bd424f8d795479f In a similar way, benefits could be reported as benefit amounts per capita, or as percentages of household incomes. The latter would help for comparing benefits with costs, proxied by the average household WSS bill. This would also improve the comparability of results from one country to another, and allow overcoming differences in purchasing power parities. 6 6 1 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264179073-7-en 1c0a40cb50f586f20aa7eea0056dcf39 Its aim is to represent the interest of women entrepreneurs before national and international organisations and institutions; to reinforce the presence and representation of women within employer organisations and national chambers; and to promote women’s entrepreneurship and the advancement of women-owned enterprises by providing a supportive framework responsive to the specific needs for assistance, training and information for women entrepreneurs. It also showcases the accomplishments of women entrepreneurs and encourages women to consider entrepreneurship as a career option. An innovative way of promoting women-owned enterprises and their products is the CNFCE branding initiative to encourage women entrepreneurs to use the “Made in Tunisia by Women Entrepreneurs” label. Soon after the formation of the Council, the local chambers of commerce within the UAE, including Dubai and Abu Dhabi were encouraged to establish their own Businesswomen’s Committees. 5 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.18356/ff1be167-en 1c0bbc0a92f70965ec318f5c95ae7def The intensity of total child poverty also fell sharply across the region during the period in question. The biggest decreases were observed among children and adolescents with at least two deprivations and at least three deprivations in 2000 (more than a 15-percentage-point drop in both cases). While the decline is much smaller among children with at least five deprivations (from 3.4% in 2000 to 1.1% in 2011 in total child poverty) who, by definition, suffer an appalling violation of their rights (see figure II.4.B), it does point to positive outcomes in tackling multidimensional child poverty over the decade: not only did its incidence decrease, but the percentage of children and adolescents with the largest number of deprivations also decreased. 1 0 3 1.0 10.18356/2dd5352f-en 1c0c35e85323268897f374cb80037192 "Article 24 states that ""indigenous individuals have the right to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health"" and that ""states shall take the necessary steps with a view to achieving progressively the full realization of this right"".467 ""Indigenous peoples have the right to their traditional medicines and to maintain their health practices, including the conservation of their vital medicinal plants, animals and minerals. Article 8 of this law entitles indigenous people to free medical care in state and municipal health care facilities within the framework of the Programme of state guarantees for mandatory health insurance.48' As described above, the legal framework is comprehensive and includes specific provisions for indigenous peoples' access to health services. The first framework focus is on the core elements of the right to health; the second on the core elements of health care access; and the third on the determinants of indigenous health." 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/dd4dcfa6-en 1c0f21887df0116ca1b67aa3d8f51f24 One trend dominates in particular: the relative gain in income (+13%) for children whose parents ow'n the home compared to poor families who rent their homes but who otherwise share the same characteristics (Annex B). Declines in home ownership tend to push the standard of living down. The proportion of poor children in a two-parent family renting a dwelling increased sharply, from 36% in 2007 to 50% in 2014. 1 2 2 0.0 10.1787/9789264116788-5-en 1c105734b0ff3a170edfff4ec0921d30 Assessment criteria and methods are defined by each school and reflected in the respective School Education Programme (SEP). There are no externally-based national final examinations at the end of basic (and compulsory) education (but some regions make available to their secondary schools standardised tests developed by private companies, to be used as entry examinations). By contrast, externally-based exit examinations are mandatory at the end of secondary education. These refer to the school-leaving examination and the final examination to obtain the apprenticeship certificate. 4 0 7 1.0 10.1787/leo-2017-7-en 1c1251567e015de588dcd4b69e3a2273 Overall, this suggests it takes some time to successfully complete the transition from school to work. Transition rates are calculated as the ratio between flow of people moving that transitioned from Condition 1 (school) to Condition 2 between time 0 and time 1, over the total stock of people in the population in Condition 1 in time 0 (i.e. in school: only in school and in school and working). The transitions are year to year (from year t to year t+1). This analysis is limited to urban populations owing to data limitations. 8 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264247826-4-en 1c131e39dd6687f8cc8294cce3c2914e "While the three ""worlds"" of Individual, Fossil Fuel-Driven Growth, of Citizen-Driven, Sustainable Growth and of Fast, Globally-Driven Growth all present common risks, such as those related to the environment, their magnitude varies substantially between scenarios. The performance of each of these scenarios is compared in order to facilitate the identification of strategies to manage risks and avail of future opportunities, which will be discussed in Chapter 3. Generally, food and nutrition security is defined around four pillars or dimensions, including the availability, stability, access and utilisation by the body: ""Food security exists when all people, at all times, have physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life"" (FAO, 1996, 2009)." 2 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264284425-10-en 1c156704b3b5b03bae84f04a88ba3dd2 As previously expressed, Chile’s education system can open the door to stronger economic, democratic and social development within the country. Education has been an important topic on Chile’s public agenda since 2006, and the ongoing education reforms carried out by the Chilean government show an enduring commitment to education. However, the country’s capacity to unite these reforms into a coherent vision will be key to the reforms' success and sustainability from the implementation period onward. 4 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/cf6cb95e-en 1c15e4aaa1c1abf6b110b48b850a1d93 Evidence on specific vulnerabilities to date show little pattern: of all cholera cases in Uganda in 2005-10, 54% were female and 46% male (Bwire ef al. Almost 90% said V rape occurred outside a populated village; 82% were raped while pursuing ordinary daily activities such as W searching for firewood or thatch, working in their fields, fetching water from riverbeds or travelling to a market. According to recent WHO estimates, 58% of total cases of diarrhoea in low- and middle-income countries are attributable to environmental factors (Pruss-Ustiin ef al. 6 2 3 0.2 10.1787/785f021c-en 1c17a1e88298e3d9aa8bf6dc5be0f268 There is empirical evidence, for example, that labour-intensive manufacturing activities tend to be concentrated in countries with low labour costs while high-tech industries are more likely to emerge in wealthy countries with access to a high-skilled workforce. This, inter alia, provides an explanation for the changing pattern of manufacturing employment across the world (UNIDO, 2017a). It shows the use of industrial robots as part of the recent trend of automation across industries, and indicates that increasing automation within certain industries plays a special role in the transformation of industrial development patterns through technological innovations. 9 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264259157-4-en 1c1b938af6cdf22f828e47661f35da06 More equitable within-household divisions of labour are generally observed in couples who are unmarried, dual-earners, well-educated, younger egalitarian in their attitudes, and childless. Households in post-communist countries also share housework more equally. Family policy can play an important role and Germany has already made substantial progress in supporting families ahead of and after the birth of a child (Chapter 3). 5 1 3 0.5 11.1002/pub/807e55db-ec047466-en 1c1cd6c7278aecfdaeb4b5b2b5c1783a Therefore no studies on the time-slot allocation problem consider both multi-time-slot bonding and asynchronous time-slot phase without adjustment of fiber length. In this section, we show simulation setup and results. Using the shortest path based on Dijkstra’s algorithm with its metric being hop count, we performed routing of the traffic from node to node. 7 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264189935-7-en 1c1eaac0c7880d2b22b4f5882df21397 To some extent, it may bring w'orking-time legislation closer to practice, as undeclared overtime appears to be common in Lithuania. But this may come at the cost of work quality and work/life balance for employees and so changes in working-time practices should be monitored closely following the reform. In the 2002 Labour Code, workers with specific problems or characteristics, such as health issues testified by a health institution, disability, mothers of young children, workers aged less than 18, and carers of a sick family member could request part-time work. This is still the case in new labour code, but all workers with job tenure of less than three years are also entitled to request part-time for a temporary period of less than a year, which the employer can refuse only for valid reasons. 8 0 3 1.0 11.1002/pub/810be2fb-28c79b34-en 1c1ffdc22aae5048a9e1c683a1c7f76d With additional high-speed backhaul infrastructure in place, it should make it cheaper to extend mobile broadband coverage into more rural zones. This in turn should increase demand resulting in lower mobile broadband prices. Integrated report for the year ended 31 December 2016. Figure for Rwanda from RURA. Statistics and Tariff Information in Telecom, Media and Postal Service as of the Fourth Quarter 2016. 9 0 4 1.0 10.1787/5kg20639kgkj-en 1c228c8f6f377c94d0b26943fdbc1750 Promote the VET sector as a leader in sustainability learning, continually strengthen teaching capabilities and demonstrate the adaptability of Sydney’s VET training packages at a local level to meet local needs and demands. In particular, it summarises the key international policy debate before setting out a broad analysis of Sydney’s economy, the labour market and the potential for “greener” jobs. It finishes by providing an analysis of the labour market and a series of recommendations to aid Sydney’s transition to a low carbon economy. 7 3 6 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/7dc03c54-en 1c2527336ca3061e3bf70400620f9584 It arose from calls from women’s rights scholars and activists, as well as the women’s and feminist movements, to address the power and patriarchy that lie at the root of discrimination and inequality. This introduced a need to broaden and deepen the development focus beyond women, to address gender roles and relations, differential access to resources and control of them, and ultimately the power imbalance between men and women. In doing so it opened an opportunity to question how traditional social roles, norms and expectations formed the basis for inequality in the private and public spheres, as ensconced in unequal institutions—whether in families, communities, schools, the professional sphere, politics or beyond. 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264077287-en 1c27c976c414ed7e28fb172c04d86439 Luxembourg has been slow to implement certain laws (the Sustainable Development Plan, sectoral master plans) and European directives. For example, there are gaps in Luxembourg’s implementation of the Seveso Directive, which calls for external emergency plans that entail active obligations to notify local residents. Over the period 1990-2007, its economy grew strongly, with GDP rising by 118% for an average of 4.7% per year. 6 6 0 1.0 10.1787/9789264121164-9-en 1c2dc9a95b64dac3f8410088c1859776 Some of these shortcomings are addressed by the OECD Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC), which is discussed at the end of this chapter. It is important to put in place harmonised instruments that measure other types of skills, which are critical for innovation and economic growth but also for living a good life in general (e.g. social and emotional skills1; Almlund et al., For the moment, these exist at national level only. They inform about the competencies that help individuals undertake a broad range of the activities needed to live in modern societies. These include reading, writing and numeracy as well as the skills needed to use digital technology and access and interpret information in a knowledge-based society. 4 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264209503-8-en 1c30523b2a258cb264a1ea24664c8254 Ethiopia's first sectoral resilience strategy, which focuses on agriculture, revealed that 38 of 41 priority climate resilience options are already being carried out to some extent. This indicates that most early resilience efforts will concentrate on scaling-up and enhancing the resilience of existing measures, rather than crafting new ones. As Ethiopia's future climate conditions are highly uncertain, it will be crucial to adopt an iterative and flexible approach to building resilience. At present, Ethiopia primarily relies on disaster response financing from official development assistance. 13 0 4 1.0 10.6027/9789289329163-8-en 1c34970468a2a25d2d7ea2d226a346bf Also both countries have long and vast traditions in using traditional firewood in energy production in small-sized dwellings. The recent increase can be explained in the growing use of forestry residues and wood pellets in energy production. The reason for this is mainly that the use of wood in energy production is very minor. According to Iceland Forest Service, in Iceland the vast majority of forest products consumed in Iceland are imported due to the country's very small forest resource. 7 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264202405-9-en 1c3529accd44a7f888d72b2f81c154f0 While developed countries have substantial resources available to spend on addressing water issues, developing countries often have far fewer resources, and as a result, water stress can be a much greater problem. In Africa, for example, despite abundant water resources at the continental scale, only 4% of the total available freshwater supply is currently accessed for human use (UN, 2007), thereby creating water stress problems in many African countries. Consequently, worldwide assessments of water resources can be misleading and measures of water stress need to be undertaken at a regional scale which accounts for both demand and supply of water, as well as the level of economic development. 6 0 3 1.0 10.1787/a09a3a5d-en 1c37db14702fbd41f3c89f80bc8c365d It comprised mass media campaigns (both in Spanish and indigenous language); advocacy aimed at Congress and key decision makers; local fairs and expositions; forums for consultation and debate; and locally trained peer facilitators working in schools, peasant unions and women’s organisations (OECD, 2012c). • A call for innovative solutions to those challenges is then issued on an online open innovation platform, where solutions can be publicly discussed and then submitted to the “Prototypes of Social Innovation” solution competition. • Technical expert teams elaborate and validate these plans in collaboration with the local communities, which ensures that the specific needs of the targeted community and the actual financial and technical opportunities are adequately identified. 9 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264179073-6-en 1c3955f153067a6a67cff32c3574088e The absence of targeted policies to foster the growth potential of women’s enterprises is a critical policy gap. In non-MENA countries, women's entrepreneurship often falls under the umbrella of SME policy. While such policies may have a rather important impact, as this is the segment where women entrepreneurs are mostly represented, it needs to be stressed that this inclusion may also perpetuate and reinforce existing stereotypes. 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264200449-26-en 1c3e32bd6b42d46c3eebf5921a3bcd22 At the same time, there was decrease by 7% in 2008 in the South and in the islands, as compared to the average rainfall in the period 1961 to 1990. Water stress may increase by 26% in this century with a growing demand for irrigation water. Reduction of water availability in the North and in the Centre of Italy. 13 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/9789264225817-8-en 1c3ee30ad18bc8f63490c0405c4eb01e Out-of-hours access to specialist care in Japan is primarily via emergency departments. Japan has begun to address this through the fee schedule changes in 2014, but there are more options that could be explored. Where they do exist - and they are relatively widespread in OECD countries (OECD, 2014a)- crisis and home treatment services can form a central role in out-of-hours access to care. A recent Cochrane Review of crisis intervention for people with severe mental illness (Murphy et al., 3 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/saeo-2011-9-en 1c42f9695d867294a998a162a6046601 As a large country with huge tracts of carbon-absorbing forests, Indonesia is well positioned to play a significant role in minimising the impact of its development on climate change. To enhance its role in this respect, it must nurture institutions that can make effective use of international funds including the USD 30 billion of fast-start funds pledged at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in December 2009. Malaysia too has implemented policies to shift the economy structurally away from polluting, energy, intensive industries. 7 1 3 0.5 10.18356/8d6bdedf-en 1c4726c517c31453aa0680527a4db574 Statistics have an awesome power, and these global accounting exercises present statistical data to journalists, researchers, practitioners and activists as irrefutable facts. What, then, are those ostensible facts? The present chapter provides a summary of the currently most influential versions, largely associated with the World Bank’s dollar-a-day poverty estimates. 1 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264248908-4-en 1c4b951c739d929f02acb8a46ba75bc9 Colombia has achieved financial protection against excessive health care costs for almost all citizens, as well as an equal basket of services for those in and out of formal employment. Insurance coverage has risen rapidly from 23.5% of the population in 1993 to 96.6% in 2014, with individual’s out-of-pocket spending on health care falling from 52% in 1993 to 14.4% of total national spend on health in 2013, one of the lowest figures in the region. Per capita allocation of funds for health care is equal for those in contributory and publicly-subsidised insurance schemes. 3 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264097629-4-en 1c4b96278bd0db1f72ccb66ea2582505 This represents a challenge for the provision of public services and for the sustainability of smaller settlements (see section 1.2). Finally, each of the four NORA territories is small in terms of population and GDP and lacks the critical mass to achieve scale economies in most economic sectors. Weaknesses in the transport infrastructure amplify these challenges, but lack of critical mass makes it difficult to develop the transport network. 14 3 1 0.5 10.18356/e1196521-en 1c4e0e93da40bc305d44546ba12ada49 Additionally, renewable energy depends on variable wind, sun and exogenous conditions that are intermittent and more difficult to schedule than conventional fossil fuels. Given the limited and still developing electricity storage technology' at utility scale, it is economical to integrate intermittent renewables into larger, flexible electricity systems. The fossil fuel-based generation can be backed down when renewables are available, and with an electricity grid system that covers large geographical areas, the available average renewable resources would be easier to schedule. 7 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264098732-6-en 1c508c939dabde39384bf8b427f8a404 Crossnational uariations in childcare participation of 0-2 year-olds tend to be related to the degree of public financing of childcare. The price of childcare also plays an important role, and in some countries it does not pay to work once childcare costs are considered. Extensions of parental leave entitlements also had modest but negative effects on weekly working hours and the gender wage gap. Table 4.1 provides an update of Ruhm’s analysis investigating the influence of the increase in paid leave entitlements on female employment rates and on the gender gap in 30 OECD countries from 1970 to 2008. 5 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/3b79a6b1-en 1c51186f2d4f77c8cdea52e4be4cedf2 The Mediterranean region of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which presents the Adriatic (Mediterranean) Sea Basin, is composed of Neretva, Trebisnjica and Cetina River Basins, and of the narrow coastal zone around Neum Municipality. Neretva and Trebisnjica River Basins have an area of 10,100 km2 or 81.4 per cent of the total Adriatic Sea catchment area, w'hile Cetina River Basin in Bosnia and Herzegovina has an area of 2,310 km2 or 18.6 per cent of the total Adriatic Sea catchment area. The Eastern Adriatic Sea, including its Bosnia and Herzegovina part, is a shallow transitive area with a great number of typical pelagic and benthic species adapted to the high salinity. 14 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264191808-5-en 1c513c9be8aaf8d93ad59b14a3c83909 Within their regions, PRDU aim to co-ordinate urban development, setting out the roles of urban centres, their spatial and functional relationships, connectivity and growth targets. It should also include guidelines for the allocation of national roads, highways, railways, airports, seaports and international borders; definition of settlements that may require priority treatment; the equipping and requirements of health infrastructure, energy and telecommunications. The MINVU SEREMI are responsible for developing the PRDU, which is then approved by the region’s Intendente and the Regional Council. 11 0 3 1.0 10.18356/81e6e689-en 1c53d758351ddc51cefc52442a087840 If microfinance institutions extend lending to the very poor in these circumstances then they can help break the power and hold of moneylenders and landlords. Unfortunately, however, most microfinance institutions have been found wanting when it comes to lending to the very poor. Nonetheless, it seems that microfinance has made a significant dent in the informal usurious credit markets by undermining usury and debt bondage in some agrarian societies. 1 0 4 1.0 10.18356/1e13e538-en 1c554b853d491c729f1d589acba15e81 "Cross-references and box texts with additional information help readers in this navigation. A more causal, analytical assessment of water issues in the identified shared basins may take place as part of future updates of the Inventory. The research process was markedly different for the surface water and groundwater sections of the Inventory. For each basin, information packages were compiled according to the core themes and chapter templates, which were later used, where necessary, as a basis for consultation with countries (Box 2). Research for ""Part II: Groundwater"" therefore started with the screening of all available geological and hydrogeological information and its interpretation in view of identifying potentially shared aquifers and aquifer systems (see ’Overview & Methodology: Groundwater’ chapter)." 6 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/5jlwvz85537c-en 1c5958df901a18680e3f9d7c9d784dfe Maps could be updated over the air, and C-ITS could enable dynamic ISA systems in which the speed limits were adjusted according to the prevailing conditions, just as they currently are in Smart Motorway management. So dynamic speed management could be extended to all roads, without any need for the expensive installation of variable message signs. The communications technology for this could be based on existing mobile phone networks. 11 0 7 1.0 10.18356/c78b2675-en 1c5bc3bf0c2bc5bfae039827a59de0ee Then, Renewable Funding purchases them and transmits the proceeds to individual property owners on demand, who then pay for the cost of the system minus the rebate granted by the state under CSI. The owner services the debt via a surcharge (First Special Tax) on its properly. Interest on the loan is attractive because Berkeley can secure longterm (20 years) low-interest debt through these dedicated bonds. The tax stays with the property even if the owner sells, although the owner would have to leave the solar panels. The First Special Tax, like other property taxes, will be secured by a lien on the property, which ranks senior to the first mortgage. 7 3 2 0.2 10.18356/71e3a80f-en 1c5e4dc5fd7019ca6a644be458ae5244 While this has been an established fact in the literature, it is particularly relevant in Jordan, given that during the 10-year period before the survey more than 30 per cent of all children were breastfed for less than the six months recommended by the WHO (see table 3). A recent report on child and maternal nutrition paints an even bleaker picture of breastfeeding behaviour in Jordan (UNICEF, 2009): According to the latest data only 22 per cent of children were exclusively breastfed during the first six months of their lives, well below the average for the developing world, which was estimated at 37 per cent in 2008. Against this backdrop, government agencies should support measures to facilitate breastfeeding, in addition to further increasing their efforts to advertise its benefits. 3 1 8 0.7777777777777778 11.1002/pub/8041d0a0-bee6d3c8-en 1c6058a799b99d960bfb667d4c803eb9 The GSTP provides a framework for the negotiation of progressive tariff reductions, direct measures and sectoral agreements among its 43 signatories - including seven LDCs (Bangladesh, Benin, Guinea, Mozambique, Myanmar, Sudan and Tanzania) -, under a reciprocal scheme.3 Although only a few LDCs participate in the GSTP, the framework has recognised their special needs, granting its LDC members preferential treatment and non-reciprocal concessions. Importantly, signatories of the GSTP are not required to provide reciprocal concessions to developed countries nor its concessions are available to all WTO Members on a most-favourednation basis. As of January 2011, 31 of the 48 current LDCs had successfully become WTO signatories and twelve other LDCs were negotiating their accession. 10 3 3 0.0 10.1787/9789264190658-11-en 1c6153ae5d3d4a3b4c99a67cfbd7d58c Through the identification of areas of improvement, appraisal results can, furthermore, feed into the preparation of individual development plans and/or inform the professional development opportunities a school leader takes part in. In all of these three appraisal frameworks, appraisal is based on and systematically tied to professional development plans that are embedded within wider school goals. In Ontario, Canada, and Victoria, Australia, school leader appraisal is also firmly grounded within a wider system of professional development for school leaders (see Box 7.3). 4 0 4 1.0 10.1787/aid/glance-2017-14-en 1c63ab24b61a06671ebd18f2b864ca9c The distribution between the three main infrastructure sectors is comparable with that of ODA. What is very different from the ODA disbursements is that OOF is mainly destined for UMICs (50.8%) and LMICs (44.6%), with LICs only receiving 2.8%. Official development partners in general financed between 6-7% of these infrastructure investments, which amounted to about USD 55 billion, with bilateral donors financing around 46% and multilaterals 54% of these amounts. 9 1 3 0.5 10.18356/18db943d-en 1c63c5806080580791cfce221183e18a Among the valuable early warning activities supported at the country level were participatory risk mapping in Indonesia, integrated flood risk management in the Philippines, and community resilience in Viet Nam. Its original mission was to support tsunami early warning systems in Indian Ocean and South-East Asian countries. In 2010, following an independent review, the member States and ESCAP expanded the thematic scope of the Trust Fund to include overall disaster and climate preparedness, while retaining a focus on end-to-end early warning for coastal hazards. 13 0 3 1.0 10.1787/empl/outlook-2015-7-en 1c6457a1ddae0b65e4b824c274c78799 The PES traditionally provides labour market information services and vacancy notification services for employed registered jobseekers, and further in-work support measures are discussed in Section 3. In the 1980s and 1990s, policy reforms were largely focused on recipients of unemployment benefits. In some countries the traditional model, where the labour exchange held lists of local vacant jobs and sent unemployed people to apply for them, was no longer operating effectively, and reforms introduced a new emphasis on independent job search. In other cases, ALMPs had already been expanded and diversified in response to higher unemployment, but reforms put less emphasis on the volume of places created and more on the obligations for the long-term unemployed to participate in specific programmes. 8 0 5 1.0 10.18356/01772a94-en 1c66d99476fe544481418b3c2110caa6 It shows: (1) the distribution of the number of deprivations, (2) the deprivation overlap between dimensions, (3) multidimensional deprivation ratios, (4) the profile of the multidimensionally deprived and the most vulnerable, and (5) the contribution of each country and dimension to the total adjusted multidimensional deprivation ratio. The results create an understanding about the intensity of deprivation and the overlap of certain dimensions. At a country-level these types of results can be used as a basis to further identify the most vulnerable in the society. In a cross-country context, these findings are telling about the overall level of deprivation among children in the region, and the differences between multiple deprivation levels across countries. More than half of the children under five in these countries (54% or 64.3 million) are deprived in three to five dimensions. Among children of the older age-group the breadth of deprivation is relatively lower, with 36% of children between the age 5 and 17 deprived in only one or none of the five dimensions studied. 1 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264096356-en 1c689cfd8ce974747a00dd8f28d8dc96 Since renewable generation disposes of the lowest marginal costs and generation follows demand, it replaces other baseload generation at times of high output. Consequently, the average load factor of baseload plants will decrease, which decreases income if they cannot compensate for this tendency with higher prices at times of low output. If income decreases, investments in new generation facilities will be postponed or cancelled. Therefore, the average load factor of baseload plants (= electricity generation/maximum possible generation) may be an important indicator for future investments. Thirdly, procedures, time and cost to obtain construction permits, inspections and network connections give an impression of the ability to realise new investments. Up to now, in network planning reserves are usually determined on the basis of deterministic “n-1” and “n-2” requirements, which require network operators to transport the power along a different route in case a contingency occurs (even when certain network components are not available due to planned outages, i.e. “n-2”). 7 0 3 1.0 10.1787/46ddbcae-en 1c693d2ae14352c9e017ad7abf724d7b One shortcoming is that they do not incorporate a land use component and so provide no information on the interaction of transport and land use. These indicators can potentially include the individual and temporal component by measuring access at a particular time for a particular social group. Additionally, infrastructure-based indicators tend to disregard the equity and distributional and justice effects of accessibility and thus are less suitable for social evaluations in the form of equity-based analysis. 11 1 4 0.6 10.1787/9789264267817-5-en 1c6b8bf5178ae92344d35e468464d3eb This will demand that infrastructure reforms are undertaken to allow a better connection of people to jobs and service, and - through a better overall mobility in the state - increase w'ell-being. If well-managed, policy complementarities should undoubtedly help the state of Morelos in achieving a sustainable and inclusive form of regional economic growth. The Council for Human Capital aims to develop an integrated strategy to strengthen the skills of the region’s population. However, the Council does not intend to focus merely on the supply of skills. 4 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264303201-5-en 1c6f9f5707872a7af4d20088b9270bcc Examples of informational challenges noted in NBSAPs of India, Ethiopia and Uganda are highlighted in Box 2.3. Barriers to collecting comprehensive data include lack of technical and scientific capacity, lack of financial and institutional resources, and fragmentation of existing data. Another challenge often raised is the capacity needed to manage and report the existing data in an accessible and policy-relevant form. 15 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264206441-14-en 1c7447807e1854500a8acd20c191ad53 Since Yunnan province approved an opium substitution development programme for Myanmar and Lao PDR in 2006, the Chinese government has been actively mobilising Chinese companies to take part in the scheme by offering them subsidies, tax waivers and import quotas (TNI, 2012). Almost every rural household raises livestock which contributes to household nutrition and income and provides draught power and byproducts, such as hides and leather. In the past two decades, poultry has seen tremendous growth, with the number of birds increasing seven fold, particularly due to the spread of commercial production techniques in peri-urban areas (Figure 9.5). 2 1 4 0.6 10.18356/86ec538f-en 1c75da78787da1bb0ddd19bb717b753a Supporting practices that are accessible for all, while increasing quality of life and livelihood opportunities along the supply chain, would need to become a priority of learning programmes. While some interesting examples of such practices emerge in various corners of the globe there is still a need for more systematic actions engaging economically or socially underprivileged communities as part of the supply chain. Their inclusion in the supply chain may require the development of new business models that not only deal with the question of what kind of a product or service is a priority for the poor, but also how to satisfy their consumption needs while facilitating their livelihood options. Numerous examples exist where corporations have engaged with vulnerable communities to provide essential products and services, accompanied by learning and training opportunities for both the companies own staff and members of the community. 12 0 3 1.0 10.18356/9c9efe4c-en 1c77809582772ea590eb86488058c933 These involve economic liberalization and the concentration of productive and financial activity geared to short-term profits; unrestrained material consumption; unparalleled levels of militarism; and the privatization of public goods and services, all at the expense of state regulation and redistribution. Such processes have caused, in many places, crises of care, which means the breakdown in the abilities of individuals, families, communities and societies to sustain, care for and educate themselves and future generations, thereby undermining people's rights and dignity (United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN-Women), 2014). These risks and vulnerabilities undermine the viability of market models even on their own terms. The fruits of economic growth have also been unequally divided. 5 3 0 1.0 10.1787/9789264208292-6-en 1c77cf871e371e31096c61c2159b5ec7 Private-sector initiatives have generated some results. For example, ASOCANA, the association of sugar cane producers of the Cauca Valley, increased the amount of green cut of sugarcane harvested without burning from 23% to 39% between 2006 and 2012. In a city of 7.6 million people, it accounts for more than 1.5 million, or 74%, of public transit trips in the city. 6 2 3 0.2 10.1787/9789264267787-en 1c79722f3128bca7c2a0113b6a7e186e The lack of comprehensive accreditation programmes for primary' care is a major weakness in the Czech Republic, Italy, Japan, Korea, Norway and Sweden. Norway, for example, only carries out planned, risk-based audits in primary care. By contrast, Australia, England and Portugal pursue another path by extending accreditation to the primary and community care sector. In particular, England’s approach to health service accreditation is at the forefront of OECD efforts, and is a model for other health care systems to emulate (see Case Study 11). It is unusually comprehensive as it accredits all providers of primary and social care (OECD, 2016a). 3 0 8 1.0 10.1787/9789264303119-en 1c7a76b5bcd0622608e3fd0ae48a6ec4 Such correlations are, of course, an indication that further research is required on the importance of labour in the manufacturing and operating costs of renewables. As shown in this table, most of the positions (46% of the occupations identified) require an apprenticeship, generally available through craft unions; 31% of the positions require graduation from high school; and 23% require some form of college degree, and 7% require an engineering degree. While not comparable to the operation of NPPs (it would be comparable to a module fabrication factory for a small modular reactor (SMR), however there is little publicly available information on the organisation of an SMR factory; see EPI, 2010: p. 28), the number of engineers required to produce wind turbines is far below the number required to produce and operate nuclear reactors, although it is similar to the number of engineers required to operate a waste management facility (NEA, forthcoming: p. 79). 7 0 3 1.0 10.18356/f5ce8f94-en 1c7be2bdf7d1cc6ff36e5369cfef850c On the other hand, some men may accept this increased position of women in the household and decrease IPV in order to keep her satisfied in the marriage. The items in the far-left box represent different elements of the program design that can influence its impact, such as the size, frequency and duration of transfers, and the targeting criteria, including the particular vulnerability and poverty profiles of the beneficiary population and whether or not women are explicit recipients of the transfer. We hypothesize that the specific pathways or causal mechanisms that become operative in any instance may be a function of: 1) the design features of the CT itself; and 2) how a woman's partner reacts to the transfer; and 3) the context of the CT program, including underlying contextual factors such as the gender regimes, social norms, and local laws and policies. In the following sections, we explain stylized versions of each pathway, relying where necessary on a broader evidence base than the CT and IPV literature, and analyse the degree to which data from the review either supports or refutes the hypothesised pathway. 5 0 5 1.0 10.18356/062acf72-en 1c7fc9e549c91c68ad4ccad03d5af83c The project is focused on forest rehabilitation, conservation and sustainable management, contributing to climate change mitigation, institutional capacity building for forest management, and resource mobilization. The expected outputs of the project include some 6,000 ha of newly planted forest, and as much as 60,000 ha of rehabilitated forest. The project feasibility study started in October 2015. 15 0 7 1.0 10.18356/13c3d6e4-en 1c80fbef6e99c367153ea70b5afa77a3 However, other groups show an opposite trend. During the same period, catches of pelagic fish increased from 32,046 tons in 2005 to 58,687 tons in 2012 (+83%) (table 8.6). The construction of hydropower plants and accumulation pools has significantly modified river flows, with negative impacts on the whole series of habitats and living communities that belong to them. 15 2 4 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/2faee448-en 1c810e23b685558db80adce225204fa8 Partnerships among the governments, civil society and private sector should be enhanced to promote gender equality. The NGO-IRENE/Asia-Pacific, as a network having effectively operated for five years, should be encouraged to strengthen its role as a platform to coordinate and assist both regional and national NGOs to move further toward gender equality and help the implementation of Goal 3 as well as other MDGs. The stereotypical attitudes and behavior toward women and girls should be changed, and men should be encouraged to bear equal responsibilities with women in areas such as domestic and caring work; 5 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264267817-5-en 1c8357565a4d93786c114b4eeb047492 For all types of OECD regions, human capital appears to be the most critical and statistical robust factor influencing regional grow'th and development. The cross-regional analysis finds that, overall, reducing the proportion of the people in a region with very low skills seems to matter more than increasing the share with very high skill levels. Furthermore, the gains to human capital are multiplied when other framework conditions in the regions are in place, which indicates the importance of adopting a broader holistic approach to regional development. 4 1 3 0.5 10.18356/45094dde-en 1c84ee62f2a4eb2d8f16cdc5476b24e8 The Procedural Manual of the Codex Alimentarius Commission states that “[w]hen elaborating and deciding upon food standards Codex Alimentarius will have regard, where appropriate, to other legitimate factors relevant for the health protection of consumers and for the promotion of fair practices in food trade” (CAC, 2008b). However, there is some disagreement over OLF criteria. Some consider OLFs to include all factors other than science, including economic (cost/benefit), social, cultural and ethical factors. 2 4 3 0.14285714285714285 10.18356/7f55e015-en 1c85b691fb51d686863b5e9367afa737 This is in crucially short supply for SMEs in developing countries. On average, 38% of small businesses in low income countries rate access to finance as a major constraint on their operations, compared with only 14% of small businesses in high income countries.37 In other estimates, of the 360 million to 440 million formal and informal micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in developing countries about half are unserved or underserved by the formal finance sector,38 especially by banks that dominate the sector today. This signals a relatively significant demand by SMEs and a financing gap. About 20% of MSMEs in developing countries use cash-on-delivery services as a means of payment for their e-commerce transactions, whereas in developed economies the use of cash payments is negligible.41 As for bank lending, although access to it is difficult for SMEs, those that manage to obtain finance do so mostly through banks. 9 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264268791-6-en 1c8beb5bc887d875d3c868ae6a500d0e Where multiple communes exist in close proximity but have different objectives, there is a need for a mechanism to resolve these overlapping, but incompatible objectives in land use and other topics. As copiously illustrated by the example of the Grand Clermont metropolis, different laws and rules promulgated by national and local authorities as well as rules and land use zonings issued from EU decisions (like ZNIEFF or green and blue corridors) structure these relationships and ensure a coherence between all these institutional constraints and the various levels of decision making. But at the same time, one has to cope with the issue of the multiple planning documents and the governance structures that support them. 11 1 4 0.6 10.1787/9789264213944-7-en 1c8e5fd9598bc6d66db6f3d195cb4865 A third of the 15 BDS organisations offering entrepreneurship training report that up to 75% of their beneficiaries are women, but another third estimate that women make up less than 30% or fewer of these trainees (Figure 2.1.). On the other hand, a majority of the organisations offering management consultancy services estimate that fewer than 20% of their clients are women. Similarly, in about 40% of BDS organisations, women represent less than 20% of clients receiving advisory/counseling services. 5 0 9 1.0 10.18356/48886cb2-en 1c92b4e392013af69a3c845624cd9371 However, average female representation was still below 15 per cent in Northern Africa (10 per cent), Eastern and Western Asia (14 and 9 per cent, respectively) and Oceania7 (3 per cent). The highest proportion in the world was registered by Rwanda in its 2008 elections. The first country ever to have achieved a gender balance in national parliament, Rwanda’s achievement (56 per cent) is a marked increase over the 17 per cent representation of women in 1995,10 and can be attributed partly to focused and coordinated efforts to address the issue of gender balance during post-conflict reconstruction, and might also be associated with the fact that the majority of survivors of the preceding conflict were women. In fact, a number of post-conflict countries rank high with regard to women’s participation in both lower and upper chambers of legislative bodies (see Statistical Annex). This development stems from the country's shift towards merit and political competency from an association with tribal ties and expediency. That all four hold PhDs, have a formidable reputation for professionalism and now represent 54% of eligible voters points to a radical shift in opinion across Kuwait's society. 5 0 4 1.0 10.6027/9789289349291-4-en 1c95720ea117e164d3d7743fb471d03e Financial instruments which directly address observed finance related barriers need to be embedded in a stable and supporting policy environment and accompanied by a wider range of readiness activities including technical and capacity building measures. In many cases policy and regulatory measures are most effective to drive change and prepare the ground for investments into mitigation and adaptation related projects and infrastructure. In some sectors the business case and associated risk-return profile is much clearer and more attractive than in others. Where large scale investments in infrastructure and planning are needed, for example to increase long-term urban resilience, public investments will need to play a significant role. 13 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/665c59ff-en 1c97754fcab1bd08243fe8df70f8aacb "They specify the requirements of the lead firm (at the buying end of the chain) for supplier firms to ensure systemic chain competitiveness. They are industry specific or relevant across a range of sectors, such as IS09000 on quality and IS014000 on environmental management. They include food safety and energy efficiency, and those set by international bodies include the EU ""farm-to-fork"" food standards and vehicle emission standards. They include labour standards, organic standards and Fairtrade certification." 7 0 3 1.0 10.18356/e95f1f91-en 1c9ad1b29b06b339e779a8a1f066aeba There are national committees for GEF and for biodiversity, to enable communication, cooperation and collaboration among the NFPs of these and other areas. The committees meet regularly to discuss projects of national importance, provide follow up, and discuss national reporting on biodiversity. The agenda of the committees recently expanded to include the country’s NBSAP. The effectiveness of these committees is reasonable. 15 0 4 1.0 10.18356/0899dee9-en 1c9ade73646f48cb50498a32298982c5 Target 5.4 not only recognizes and values unpaid care and domestic work* but also indicates the ways in which this recognition should take place, namely: “through the provision of public services, infrastructure and social protection policies’’.4 Unpaid care and domestic work, therefore, must be recognized, reduced and redistributed by means of care policies (see also box 3.3). Providing for the care needs of children frequently makes women—the main unpaid care providers—both income and time poor,9 and can carry long-term labour market penalties if they interrupt their employment careers in order to provide care (box 3.1). What are the innovations that can arise when a “care lens” informs social policies? 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264119284-6-en 1c9f71222bd09c3f4b63f42f6feea192 On the other hand, if the technique used to provide the funds limits the willingness at the sub-national level to raise its own revenues, and increases its dependence on transfers, laws and legislation can serve to widen the funding gap. With respect to the capacity gap, legislation can be used to help establish frameworks or parameters that build sub-national capacity by allocating competences and resources. If it helps to define roles and responsibilities clearly, legislation can overcome problems of duplication and overlap. Assigning tasks, rather than allocating funding, can be a better way of managing problems of resource allocation. 6 4 1 0.6 10.18356/ad0bffd4-en 1c9fa1f0fcd299fab2f6fc62146f15ad This is typical for developing countries. The municipally owned company employs 350 people and operates a fleet of collection vehicles, and a transfer station and landfill at Tintareni. The company is modernizing the collection fleet. In addition, containers of a Russian type (0.75 m ) are being replaced by standard Eurocontainers (1.1 m ). 12 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264124523-6-en 1ca0de6d7efee7978f5fe07a4a741002 Results also point to the fact that symptoms and work functioning are two different areas, with betterment of work functioning lagging substantially behind symptoms’ improvement. This is significantly less than the 10 to 15-fold risk for serious and severe mental disorders; however, due to the much higher prevalence of mild and moderate disorders in the general population their overall impact is likely to exceed the burden stemming from severe mental illness. This was already found more than twenty years ago by Broadhead et al. ( Again, due to their high prevalence, the milder forms of depression accounted for a much higher amount of total disability days. 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264229372-7-en 1ca1dcae979f6733c83bc9242475da3f Together with the reduction of subsidies for public transport, this has resulted in deteriorating service quality and a dysfunctional, fragmented transport market and system. Today, the city of Krasnoyarsk alone counts almost 100 private transport businesses, in addition to several municipal public transport companies, operating buses on various routes in the city (Krasnoyarsk, 2013b). Such factors are not unique to Krasnoyarsk, but they have a particular impact on congestion there because it is a regional transport hub in its own right and it straddles a major river. 11 0 4 1.0 10.1787/5k49dv6c5xmv-en 1ca50cbb533b0a1f62d6a7fe49f74c3a Higher energy consumption, rising greenhouse gas emissions, road congestion and deteriorating water quality are the negative externalities that have come with urban growth. The City of Chicago has declared its ambition to become the most environmentally friendly city in the US, and has grown into a model for green buildings and infrastructure. The Chicago Tri-State metro-region is home to important and growing green clusters, particularly in the professional energy services. 7 0 4 1.0 10.18356/9fd805e3-en 1ca5ae71ed9d73acab916eb57f2c962b Indicolors of Ironsport efficiency in 37 global cities: V.A.: Institute for Science and Technology Policy. A Risk-Based Method for Modeling Traffic Fatalities. Risk Ar 5 Dumbaugh and Roe. They found that area crash rates decline significantly with increasing bus stop density, percentage of public transport-km travelled relative to total vehide-kms travelled, and walking, biking, and public transport-commute mode share. Their modelling indicates that a strategic transport plan that encourages use of alternative modes tends to reduce total, severe, and property damage collisions. 11 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264265493-11-en 1ca6b9547fd2d12145b16233ae1c176a While senior managers lead many gender units, some are not allocated large enough budgets to operate to plan. Nor do government departments assign them the same mandates, authority or functions. Mexico is, however, stepping up efforts to establish a unified approach to defining the functions of gender units as advisory units that help FPA departments incorporate the gender perspective into their activity. 5 0 4 1.0 10.18356/6aed7a25-en 1ca72de091eeed6ade1113d7ec743fd1 The Ukrainian part of the basin of the San River is characterized by a high content of organic substances, ammonia, sulfate, total iron and petroleum compounds. In recent years, in the Shklo River (in the San sub-basin, crossing the border) there is a steady tendency for quality to deteriorate, with increase in nutrients concentration, associated with an increase in discharges of untreated sewage. The town of Yavorov in Ukraine has virtually no working sewage treatment plant. 6 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264097896-7-en 1ca7b29c9b1b93e03b31fba69ed9f4a5 A growing number of inter-ministerial mechanisms have been introduced to increase policy coherence and enhance implementation. The scale and pace of these changes has made it difficult to ensure that high quality projects were identified and implemented, that consultation with the public and local authorities was conducted according to the spirit rather than the letter of the law, and that sufficient capacity for policy implementation was developed, particularly at the local level. The enactment of so many laws and regulations in a comparatively short period of time also resulted initially in the business community facing a complex set of environmental requirements, though this has now improved. 6 2 3 0.2 10.18356/09b7b73e-en 1ca82c9eb7b2a9c1890f7ae428e06674 Average gas-fired generation efficiencies in the region improved from 37% in 1990 to 49% in 2014, the highest globally. Electricity transmission and distribution losses declined from 8.2% in 1990 to 7.2% in 2014 (8.9% globally), the least among all world regions, while natural gas transmission and distribution losses fell from 1.2% to 0.6%. The reasons for this outcome include strong support mechanisms. In addition, the increased application of more flexible market-based support mechanisms such as auctions, the overall decrease of installation costs, and increased awareness of the feasibility of renewable energy projects across most of the region all contributed. 7 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264195363-7-en 1ca93e8dba30be1f9f66dc9daf8fa700 This underlines the importance of balanced rural development in order to create opportunities outside as well as within agriculture - and ensure that labour is “pulled” rather than “pushed” out of the sector. Attracting private investment in agriculture relies on a wide set of policies that go beyond agricultural policy, including macro-economic and sectoral policies. A coherent policy framework is an essential component of an attractive investment environment for all investors, be they domestic or foreign, small or large. 2 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5jzb44nmnbd2-en 1cacd05b8762af97a5665060db9b3b0b For example, all agree that scaled-up climate finance is needed, that both public and private sources can play a key role, and that the (self-) sustainability of a project and transparency is important. However, different communities may naturally place greater emphasis on different aspects of effectiveness. These differences in emphasis and priority could make distilling a common definition of climate finance effectiveness challenging, and whilst common and clear understanding is important, it is not clear that a single definition is necessary. 13 0 9 1.0 10.6027/9789289331425-5-en 1cafc4b3e110f3f2fc6b512f9ea4086a Removal of slash (branches and tree tops) might on the other hand reduce long-term nutrient fluxes to aquatic systems but possibly at the cost of lower long-term forest productivity. In areas with steep slopes and high precipitation, such as western Norway, increased harvesting on slopes could lead to increased erosion and high sediment loads in streams affecting water quality and reproduction of fish. The impact of a given forestry operation scenario may vary geographically, depending on, for example, soil type as well as on operational details, such as proximity to streams and lakes. 6 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264233911-3-en 1cb59fa45da5e901ecb2688f2473f00d Similarly, input subsidies are often considered an instrument that can support both rural incomes and productivity improvement. Yet, as show'n in Brooks (2012), both of these types of measures are too blunt. Price support is not only inefficient, resulting in market distortions and a consequent waste of resources that poor economies cannot afford, it is also ineffective, if not counterproductive, because many rural households are net food buyers and are worse off when they have to pay higher prices. 2 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264208605-7-en 1cbd06fe251a1d57792fae605bdf465a For preventive activity such as the general health check, however, they are paid an additional fee, incentivising them to offer this service. This focuses on improving health and reducing health inequalities across four priority areas: investing in a life-course approach, tackling the major non-communicable and communicable diseases, strengthening health systems and creating resilient communities. Most of the content around tackling non-communicable diseases, however, focuses on implementation of existing declarations and strategies such as the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control or the Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health. 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264083578-11-en 1cbe4558ec722f222e85f20402fa1b90 A 2005 analysis found similar substitution among agricultural outputs in Spain (Custa etal., This economic behavior has implications for choices in which surface water versus groundwater infrastructure could each be improved or restored. For example, irrigators will invest $1000 today in a water conserving land improvement like drip irrigation if net farm income increases by more than $1000 over time, in present value terms. If not, irrigators will avoid making the investment. A range of resource allocation management decisions faced by farm managers can be addressed by applying one or more of these budgeting economic principles. 6 0 3 1.0 10.18356/0a98da25-en 1cc003ae843e77cd4ece2d35794996fb Second, well-targeted investment can be anti-inflationary if it addresses supply bottlenecks that drive up prices. To discuss the potential to address gender inequality, it is useful to divide public investment into two subcategories: physical infrastructure investment and social infrastructure investment. 2010).Targeted investments can reduce women's unpaid labour burden, freeing up time to spend in remunerative labour activities, with benefits for gender equality and intrahousehold bargaining power (Chiappori and Meghir 2014; Johnston et al. Children’s well-being and economy-wide long-run productivity growth also benefit. In economies at all levels of development, transportation improvements reduce the time women spend in marketing goods and in provisioning for households. They also enhance women’s ability to access services and labour markets. 5 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/rev/fish-2011-23-en 1cc042acbcd384728f9da08c04e094d1 At the same time new jurisdiction or wider jurisdiction is given to other bodies, thereby increasing their involvement in the licensing process. It should be pointed out that municipalities are currently responsible for licensing establishments that process fisheries and aquaculture products. The General Directorate for Fisheries and Aquaculture is no longer responsible for licensing industrial activity. This breakdown is much the same as in previous years. Facilities for preparing and conserving fresh and frozen fish are still most numerous, followed by those for producing dried and salted products. 14 0 7 1.0 10.6027/9789289350433-6-en 1cc07454404f962b4d77b44be690b8e7 It is therefore vital that initiatives are rooted in local operations and have the backing of local stakeholders. For example, despite the aim of the GGWSSI (Box 6) to integrate actions in national policies, progress reports have showed that this remains a difficulty. However, this issue has been mentioned by the initiative itself, thus recognizing areas for improvement. If technical, financial and other professional capacity resides mainly with external partners, the initiative is vulnerable to lacking such capacity if external partners lose their affiliation with the initiative or become preoccupied with other projects. 13 1 3 0.5 10.18356/4e17cc4e-en 1cc311b2ecd4399b906d5b239a42553c A. aegypti appears to thrive in artificial habits created by discarded tyres, cans, plastic containers and other temporary reservoirs, and advice has been issued to minimise these potential breeding sites*. The rapid spread of Zika in South America and the Caribbean in 2015 and 2016 may have been exacerbated by a lack of effective waste collection and management. The American Administration asked Congress, on 6 Feb 2016, for more than US$ 1.8 billion in emergency funding for use both domestically and internationally. 14 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264303119-en 1cc34999d2e1ba7f1d3f43dca619cf5a Creating markets, such as emissions trading systems, by defining tradable products and allocating property rights, which allow private actors to engage in achieving efficient outcomes over parameters that previously had impossibly high transaction costs. Climate policy is a case in point. Efforts to reduce GHG emissions are impacted by an unacknowledged struggle about who should possess the use rights over the earth’s atmosphere. While historical use rights were on the side of carbon emitters, current policy prescriptions somewhat breezily assume on the basis of a “polluter pays principle”, whose real-world application is often more difficult than the casual observer might assume, that current use rights belong to the general public. There is nothing fundamentally wrong with this. The problem is only that the hidden distributional issue, which is of considerable magnitude measured in billions of dollars, is defining the strategies of the different actors and blocks any overall progress towards meaningful GHG emissions reductions. 7 2 3 0.2 10.1787/5kg51nfc1321-en 1cc5e1940ced6ddfd8e4c3978e7550f1 This is so although by 2030 there are expected to be nearly five million sales per year in other BRICS countries and about 2.5 million in the rest of the world. After 2030, sales in other BRICS countries are projected to take off, and by 2050 there should be 30 million sales per year, with 24 million more in China. Together the five BRICS countries are expected to account for over half of the world's EV/PHEV vehicle sales. 7 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264261198-8-en 1cc99a5ec61d743a5d8c19bb4b08076a Land consolidation and regulations on land transfer imposing minimal size constraints are used as the main instruments to achieve these objectives. The first consolidations began in 1961 in Konya province of Turkey, but it was not until 2011 when this activity became large scale (Figure 5.3). Between 1961 and 2014, almost 5 million ha was consolidated. 2 3 1 0.5 10.6027/9789289350167-9-en 1cc9d6c6a27b27a7b89ab773a5b9326b Estimated environmental benefits yield up to 11 million tonnes of saved C02 during the 20-year lifespan ofthe plants (GET FiT, 2017). The program has already delivered 30 MWs of commissioned capacity, with 86 MW in construction, which created 1,500 jobs in 2016. The scale ofthe impact is amplified, because through USD 104 million in Premiums GET FiT has leveraged an estimated USD 428 million of investments (GET FiT, 2017). Strategically, NDF's focus is on being catalytic, supporting innovation and private sector development, project development and piloting of high-risk interventions. 7 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5k9312v21l6f-en 1cccae6fff41d8249a89f9cbfc0f7b52 Les projets dans le domaine des energies propres peuvent repondre a ces criteres. Parmi les raisons expliquant l’hesitation des investisseurs institutionnels figurent d’une part un manque d’information et de connaissance des differentes formes d’investissement direct dans des infrastructures permettant le financement des projets d’energies propres, et, d’autre part, un environnement reglementaire peu favorable. A ces obstacles s’ajoute l’absence de vehicules d’investissement adaptes offrant le profil risque/rendement dont les investisseurs institutionnels ont besoin pour gerer les risques propres a ces projets. 7 3 3 0.0 10.1787/5kg6qdx6b5q6-en 1ccd6f02078d72a3102bbcf4e6db0a9d In practice, several schemes are hybrids. There are also regulations mandating specific actions, such as labelling requirements for energy efficiency. One unusual aspect of the UK policy framework is that, since 2008, it has been underpinned by a Climate Change Act, which gave statutory force to domestic carbon-reduction budgets. The Act also set up an independent body, the Committee on Climate Change, with statutory responsibilities to propose appropriate carbon budgets, assess progress towards the statutory long-term emission reduction targets and give advice to government on climate-change policies in general, covering both mitigation of and adaptation to climate change. Originally intended to support nuclear electricity generation, the NFFO and SRO were expanded in 1990 to include renewables. 13 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264287457-7-en 1ccdbe343e82c71f69dc555e08780e79 Those with low levels of educational attainment were particularly at risk of losing their jobs during the economic crisis and have experienced much slower recovery in finding jobs (OECD, 2016d). On average across OECD countries, 31% of NEETs have attained lower secondary or lower level of education attainment, 43% of NEETs have upper-secondary or post-secondary education and only 26% of NEETs obtained tertiary education. Those who left the education system early and have not obtained baseline proficiency are much more likely to experience challenges in the labour market and fall into the NEETs category. 4 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264277335-7-en 1cd03344c7d26b5135c1810794965af4 This is not a foundation on which to develop higher levels of student learning. Second is building the capacity of schools to take the lead on improvement. The centralised system that achieved universal coverage needs to evolve to give schools more space and capacity to shape teaching and learning practices. 4 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264287457-7-en 1cd345c6904624c848392efddada57b9 In addition, the report finds that in about 60% of working poor households, the main source of earnings is non-standard work. One-quarter of men and 40% of women are in non-standard employment, mainly stemming from gender imbalances in part-time work. Women often work part-time, since this facilitates combining work and family responsibilities, but this frequently comes at a cost to their longterm career and earning prospects (OECD, 2012). Youth and workers with a lower level of education are over-represented among the non-standard employed adults. Close to half of temporary workers are under 30 years of age, and the incidence of temporary employment is 30% higher for those with lower levels of education than for those with medium levels (OECD, 2015a). 4 2 3 0.2 10.6027/9789289350433-5-en 1cd35b929d9d744b60c2c2a7dc8575fe Further, capacity building (cf. The text on adaptation is rather conceptual and sets out principles for adaptation action, but it gives no mechanism for action. Adaptation in the frame provide by the PA appears as an opportunity for agricultural action, but the agreed wording of the PA does not facilitate or support concrete action. If no decision is taken to use any of the opportunities, all climate action taken by all parties in orderto deliver on the NDC can be targeted at other sectors, such as energy or transport. 13 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.14217/9781848591172-3-en 1cd6ccca5d683db647c18d6313ba46ab The third section highlights select areas of progress and challenge with partnerships at the national, regional and international levels and offers some policy recommendations for overcoming such challenges and advancing progress. A fourth section concludes the chapter. Generally, partnerships seek to identify common interests between actors in the development process at the national, regional and international level and to combine the resources of these actors towards the attainment of agreed development objectives. 13 5 2 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264298576-17-en 1cdc51cd1662e433f741d5971d55b94c This has happened in Croatia, which has switched to a summer peaking system11 in recent years to respond to the growth in tourism and accompanying demand for air conditioning. While the six SEE economies typically have significant hydropower generation capacity, the increasing extremes of weather associated with climate change may render these electricity systems vulnerable in prolonged periods of very dry weather, especially as they are likely to coincide with heavy demand for air conditioning during the summer months. The second factor is the need to replace the large proportion of the generation capacity that is due to retire in the next ten years, while simultaneously building an energy system that allows the economies of the region to comply with their sustainability obligations under the Paris Agreement by investing in new clean energy technologies. No data available for Kosovo. One of their roles is to ensure a stable and predictable regulatory environment so that investors are confident that they will be subject to the consistent application of rules and regulations, including for example the licencing and permit granting procedures undertaken by regulators. 7 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264179011-7-en 1cdcfa7ceecf050d59d591fc834a17ca Individuals, groups or co-operatives are eligible to access this program with maximum credit amount of IDR 500 million (USD 55 000) per customer. For agribusiness, the eligible fields range from production inputs to the procurement of agricultural tools and machineries, on-farm activities, and processing and marketing of the agricultural products. Only 16% of the credit taken out through KUR is used for agribusiness activities. 2 0 3 1.0 10.18356/df3c95f8-en 1cdd4fb6930f41597069dee517e1d419 As in the case of any emerging concept, the scope and limits of the concept of care may appear blurred, since, admittedly, it could be argued that the ultimate aim of all human activity is, in reality, reproduction of human beings and of the social system (ECLAC, 2009, p. 174). The concept of the care economy seeks a more limited scope: it refers to those elements that care for or “nurture” persons, in the sense of providing them with the material and symbolic elements that are essential for their survival in society and which are associated with the economy, since in that space they generate, or contribute to the creation of, economic value (UNIFEM, 2000). Nevertheless, the concept is still very broad in that it could encompass much of the field of education. Its true worth as a significant activity and as a citizenship responsibility must now be recognized (Williams, 2002, quoted in Roberts and Mort, 2009). 5 3 1 0.5 10.18356/7d5576e0-en 1cde4a4c3b968319257284ec0f9a4f8d An alternative view, however, favoured by the United States and the Australian Law Commission, is to hold that patent incentives to medical treatments are too important to exclude them from eligibility. Instead, while broadly allowing the patentability of medical tools and techniques to encourage investment in R&D, the United States has adopted a narrow exception to shield medical practitioners (and, for example, the hospital employing them) from patent infringement when carrying out “pure medical methods”. Integra sued Merck for patent infringement. 3 0 3 1.0 10.18356/0488519d-en 1ce093591d42177bcff8f2dc4c6f9cce There can also be gender implications, as women in some poorer communities are less likely to have mobile phones. Even in these circumstances, however, disseminating disaster warnings by text message is likely to be effective since the news will be passed on rapidly through communities and households. Nevertheless, when promoting these tools governments should be more sensitive to issues of access and marginalization. One is physical damage or loss of power. 13 1 3 0.5 10.1787/5jzb6w1rt99p-en 1ce42add6c3e36b7eed03f4b7f3ccc58 But as more people attained higher levels of education, skills have become less scarce and skill premiums have declined accordingly (Figure 12). The wage premium for a completed tertiary education, for example, fell to 31% in 2012. Concretely, this meant that even people that were not able to improve their educational attainments personally saw their earning opportunities rise with the emergence of more skilled labour. In other words, improving access to education has had positive externalities on low-educated individuals. 10 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264286191-7-en 1ce6797f1811b8a245eca6814698e2a3 This project consisted in upgrading infrastructure, providing housing improvement loans and building capacity in four selected cities which led to the upgrading of 295 low-income areas, benefiting 2.5 million people. This demonstrated the benefits of a more flexible approach to informality, and of trying to enable people to stay in their homes through upgrading. Following the success of the project, the government upscaled it in 2009 into the National Urban Upgrading Programme to 2020. The programme covers 95 cities of Class IV and above, which has reached 90 000 households, servicing unplanned housing areas and providing financial assistance for housing improvement and tenure regularisation (World Bank, 2015b). 11 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264212664-en 1ce7af2242f85bfa8e099090cd0b1a1e In Australia, mandatory corporate GHG reporting commenced two years before the establishment of a national carbon price, which helped to minimise data problems prior to carbon pricing coming in (Prag et al., As noted in Kauffmann et al. ( Key steps to address these challenges include: using standard methods of measurement (e.g. GHG Protocol); streamlining regional and local reporting schemes with the national scheme; aligning the frequency of GHG reporting with that of financial reporting to provide a stronger signal to investors; and establishing the reporting scheme in an inclusive and transparent manner to ensure buy-in from all stakeholders. If so, how have these been defined? 7 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264190658-11-en 1ce94db7346e9786588f2d3e46517b3f Even if school leader appraisal results successfully feed into a school leader’s professional development, opportunities for professional development may fail to support school leaders in the improvement of their leadership practices and behaviours and the development of their pedagogical leadership. School leaders in various OECD countries have often reported a feeling of inadequate preparation for their roles, a lack of continuous feedback on their performance, and a lack of opportunities for professional development (Pont et al., To give an example, the management of resources needs to be sufficiently aligned with pedagogical purposes to improve teaching and learning. However, school leaders in many contexts often lack adequate training opportunities to enable them to do so (Pont et al., The Czech Republic, for instance, passed new legislation in 2012 that changed the regulations for the dismissal of head teachers. While school organising bodies could previously only dismiss head teachers in the case of gross violations or their failure to fulfil their legal obligations, school organising bodies now decide on head teachers’ reappointment after a term of six years, as informed by the appraisal process (HE [Institute for Information on Education], 2011). 4 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264240094-7-en 1ce9fc7e104798410ec86de936ed2aee In 2003-08, Brazil accounted for over 70% of the global new terrestrial area placed under environmental protection. The National System of Protected Areas (SNUC), established in 2000, laid the groundwork for this remarkable expansion of official protected areas, or “conservation units” as they are known in the country. It consolidated the pre-existing highly fragmented assortment of federal, state, municipal and private protected areas into one consistent framework. 15 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264179011-4-en 1cea9b0bf9e79fd498d4fcfc3c1da872 Major agro-food imports include wheat, cotton, soybean, dairy products, sugar, tobacco and beef. The United States and Australia are the most important suppliers accounting for 19% and 17% respectively of agro-food imports in 2008-10. While the Asian crisis temporarily reversed this trend, poverty reduction resumed in the 2000s with the poverty rate falling to 13% in 2010 as measured by the Indonesian poverty line (in 2010, equivalent of USD 0.83/person/day for urban population and USD 0.68/person/day for rural population, both in current USD terms and at current annual average exchange rate). 2 2 3 0.2 10.1787/9789264188617-en 1ceb5ccf550c5f7fefffc963ed4518d5 Depending on the size of a VPP, a small nuclear load following power plant could be part of it. More interestingly, however, a VPP would deliver dispatchability to a system and could thus complement the constant output of baseload nuclear plants by absorbing the fluctuations of demand and variable renewable production. Here, geographical smoothing can be enabled by building sufficient transmission capacity. 7 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264089457-en 1ced9d0f5910237a8ccaeb50b019ed2a Over the last two decades, entrepreneurship has received growing attention from both theoretical and public policy perspectives (Othman et al., Since the late 1990s, particularly ICT has played a central role in new firms creation by technopreneurs in Malaysia (Ariff and Abubakar, 2002). Are there gaps in delivery where performance could be improved? 4 5 2 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/gov/glance-2015-6-en 1cee28a6e64f5d55cdcb42ec1c6b081e The results presented here also illustrate the data gaps: additional breakdowns by ethnic and religious minorities, disabled people, immigrants or indigenous populations are not available, as no internationally comparative data exist about their representation in public employment in OECD countries. In the last three decades, efficiency became one of the most important guiding principles of how governments operate and how services are delivered in OECD countries, often putting equity or fairness considerations on the back burner. In pursuing inclusive public policies and practices, efficiency and equity are not viewed as mutually exclusive; rather, inclusiveness becomes a key dimension of effectiveness. In an inclusive approach to public policies, equity and fairness considerations are introduced by looking at the impact of various policy options on different groups in society. 10 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264273153-7-en 1cee8e9e96413374f3ffc6200e959a32 The ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) framework launched in 2015 creates opportunities for advancing energy efficiency, deploying renewable and alternative energy, and ensuring individual and regional energy security. Both resources must be developed aggressively to enhance energy security and reduce the environmental impact of energy use in the region. Energy efficiency and conservation is viewed as one of the most effective ways to meet the growing demand in terms of energy supply security and to reduce the environmental impacts of development. Energy efficiency and conservation can contribute to economic savings, energy security and climate change mitigation. 7 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264230491-4-en 1cf34c7e4217a7e1a0ff52c0a736fedc In this sense, retrospective reimbursement could support broader portability of services in Mexico by facilitating compensatory payments between purchasers when users are treated outside the geographical area covered by their insurer (as currently the case in countries like Sweden). Significant savings have already been realised through consolidated purchasing of pharmaceuticals. The Comision Coordinadora para la Negociacion de Precios de Medicamentos y otros Insumos para la Salud (CCNPMIS, the Coordinating Commission for the Negotiation of Prices of Pharmaceuticals and other Health Inputs) has helped standardise the prices paid for patented or single-source drugs by SP and the SS institutes. 3 1 3 0.5 10.18356/215d0d56-en 1cf37f95334d3447d85215b481db85ba As already noted, social protection systems, including safety nets, as well as broader social protection policies and programmes, are designed to protect the most vulnerable against short-term economic and food price shocks, thereby enhancing their coping capacity. At the same time, they can also contribute to long-term resilience, by strengthening the ability of small-scale farmers to manage risks and adapt. Evidence has shown that climate change reduces investment incentives in agriculture and the ability to adopt better adaptation strategies, with negative effects on food production. As observed in Ethiopia’s Nile Basin, which has been affected by changes in temperatures and rainfall over the past 20 years, farmers experiencing financial constraints were less likely to introduce recommended adaptation methods, while those who could afford to adapt undertook soil conservation, used different crop varieties and irrigated their farms (Deressa and others, 2009). 13 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/rev/fish-2015-6-en 1cf3d85addf4d355442926774ff2941f Founding member states are Australia, Cook Islands, the European Union, France on behalf of its overseas territories, Mauritius and the Seychelles. The Convention text on the Conservation and Management of High Seas Fisheries Resources in the North Pacific Ocean was adopted in February 2012. The Commission covers all species except tuna and tuna like species, salmon, and pollock in the North Pacific Area. Species of particular interest include Pacific saury, Neon flying squid, and splendid alfonsin. 14 1 7 0.75 10.14217/9781848591462-6-en 1cf434e73201d9358e97050112f61de0 Such meetings provide an important forum for sharing of information and experiences, and rollout of programmes related to ESD. In the case of Jamaica, accompanying environmental education programmes, the Management Institute for National Development (MIND), which is responsible for training government employees, offers ESD courses for both teachers and school leaders. In addition, some of their core programmes, such as one focused on school management, have been adjusted to include ESD and related issues. As quality-related education reforms continue, and ESD implementation progresses in the focus countries, one area where the two could come together is in the development of professional standards for school leaders which incorporate ESD awareness and/or practices. If this approach were combined with standards for school inspection and supervision that incorporate environmental audit criteria, school planning frameworks which include greening initiatives and professional development around ESD, a strong push towards the implementation of whole-school approaches could be generated. 13 1 7 0.75 10.1787/9789264213715-9-en 1cf5f57f7db7967fefeaeaa3a3471082 This provides an opportunity to streamline the main marine programmes and improve coherence with policies in other sectors. For example, the exemption of fisheries from the fuel tax can encourage large-scale fisheries. At the same time, a variety of grants are provided to fishers for the protection and sustainable use of fish stocks. 14 0 4 1.0 10.18356/fd80a3d2-en 1cf9262fc66d49b6d0a0c6d34950c7e5 This is a striking result, given that the shares of agriculture and food in global GDP and trade are only 3 and 6 per cent, respectively. The contribution of farm and food policies to the welfare cost of global trade-distorting policies for just developing countries is estimated by those authors to be even greater, at 72 per cent -of which more than half is due to policies of developing countries themselves. Even so, the estimates of price distortions that went into that modelling study showed that many developing countries were protecting their less-competitive farmers from import competition, so some of that subset of farmers might be hurt if all markets were opened (Anderson, 2009). The latter trend for developing countries is mainly because of the phasing out of agricultural export taxes, since assistance via import restrictions has risen over the period shown. 1 2 2 0.0 10.18356/4413a3e2-en 1cfc39c8e55b2e7e7c6c12a62e168db9 Adhering Governments have committed to promote them among multinational enterprises operating in or from their territories. The instrument’s distinctive implementation mechanisms include the operations of national contact points (NCP), which are government offices charged with promoting the Guidelines and handling enquiries in the national context. Adhering countries comprise all OECD countries, and 10 non-OECD countries (Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Egypt, Latvia, Lithuania, Morocco, Peru, Romania and Tunisia). 12 5 2 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264238121-8-en 1cff54e94eb905b176e90b95000db8bf The Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Basin Sustainable Water Resources Agreement was signed in 2005 by eight US states and two Canadian provinces, to regulate and promote co-operation as regards diversions and water withdrawals in this vast and complex hydrological system. In Australia, the federal government has no competency to manage rivers under the Constitution, but has recently been referred powers by the state governments to assume some responsibilities for the Murray-Darling River basin (Box 4.20). 6 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264074927-4-en 1d01e2f98587764df99f321c3e0f5510 Furthermore, available evidence suggests that investors in the harvesting sector are likely to withhold investments when secure and enforceable user rights are not present (see Box 2.7 for a risk assessment note by Aker Seafoods for a share offering prospectus). The extent of the fish and shrimp resources exploited by the Company is monitored by the Norwegian government. Current research causes the Group to believe that fish and shrimp resources in the foreseeable future will be sufficient for the Company to realise its objectives. Fluctuations in the fish and shrimp resource in areas in which the Company operates can adversely affect its profitability, and cannot be predicted or foreseen. 14 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264119581-3-en 1d049a0dd18b85468f103ff93b5e5dca It is therefore necessary to adjust international comparisons to get an accurate picture of the workload. One of the areas in which school directors have the least authority compared to other countries is in managing human resources. Strengthening school leadership is one of the most crucial challenges for education reform. However, the third year counts as two in term of points gathered as an incentive, which also means that at the end of the third year, teachers in undesirable/remole schools are more likely to leave and be transferred to big urban centres, since they will have accumulated more points than other teachers in more desirable schools. 4 1 4 0.6 10.1787/5jm0v3s71fs5-en 1d06f689be076fe693a6e72a4a804ee2 In practical terms, these measures include investing in the capacity to understand contextual risk, and building feedback, evidence and reflexive and dynamic analysis into programming to allow for the early detection and management of risks. For example, Australia combines the partial use of country systems where capacity is assessed as being low, with investments to improve public financial management. Other donors have devised specialised instruments to balance the multiple requirements to use and strengthen local systems with managing fiduciary risk (Box 7). 10 3 1 0.5 10.1787/9789264257108-4-en 1d0d4ca0913a51825d4aec5da8641619 In many cases it will be difficult to move emergency food supplies into the region, because transport connections and market links are weak. Moreover, the four key challenges for implementing a spatially nuanced policy to address food insecurity and malnutrition are precisely the challenges facing efforts to implement a bottom-up regional policy. This requires identifying local impediments and opportunities for growth and engaging the local population as key actors in bringing about change. 2 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/a2206e44-en 1d10261a42d314ed7ff780051483dadc This result can be explained by the fact that the top EPP exporters are low-income Asian and African countries that have not attracted significant levels of FDI. This correlation is robust and positive for eight of the ten categories of EGs. In most cases the elasticities are also very high - significantly more than one - indicating the crucial role of technical assistance projects in explaining trade in EGs. The profile of these projects indicates that tied aid may be an important factor contributing to trade in EGs to developing countries. 7 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/f47faf05-en 1d128959c63799facff1c00821d36bdf This in turn assists in planning for present and future waste management in terms of transportation and facilities required. Statistics on waste are also needed to develop strategies to encourage waste reduction, reuse and recycling. This topic includes statistics describing the amount of waste generated before any collection or treatment, by waste type, and by generator (by economic activity (by ISIC) and households). 6 3 6 0.3333333333333333 10.14217/9781848591516-7-en 1d12cf2cfa016be27c440c6bfa4bb90a If large portions of these customary lands are leased to private holders, it affects food security and all subsistence activities for those who have previously relied on these natural resources. The dispossessed then squat in urban areas close to the capital. Twenty-one per cent of the participants did unpaid voluntary work in a church or NGO. Only 30 per cent had regular wage employment, and the majority of these were men. Twenty-five per cent said they had a bank account, and 25 per cent said there was a bank near their home. These last considerations are very important logistically when deciding whether or not social protection interventions should be cash transfers. 1 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264277991-5-en 1d1443954ec86559b48a0da86cb6d9f4 At the same time, clean transport such as rail systems, ferries, E-jeepneys and shared-bike schemes need to be encouraged with the supporting infrastructure. Current consumption pattern still follows a linear trend with the end fixated on disposal as opposed to a circular consumption pattern where resources are continuously reused. The “no separation, no collection” policy encouraging waste segregation is a laudable strategy but suffers from a number of implementation challenges which urgently needs to be addressed. 11 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5k912j389bf0-en 1d1652455ba0fc37c92404846732f50a The Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis CPB Background Document. Projecting long term medical spending growth. Linking microsimulation and macro-economic models to estimate the economic impact of chronic disease prevention. In: Zaidi A, Harding A, Williamson P, editors. New Frontiers in Microsimulation Modelling. Ashgate: European Centre Vienna: 527-556. 3 1 3 0.5 10.18356/3665dc3f-en 1d1a2e7af453ca5a8adc67f65aacee55 Five mutually exclusive forms of work — including employment work — are identified in this Resolution, which are distinguished by the intended destination of the production (i.e., whether for own final use or for use by other economic units) and the nature of the transaction (i.e., whether monetary or nonmonetary transactions and transfers). Employment work refers to work performed (for use by other units) in exchange for pay or profit. The form of work identified as employment at the same time sets the reference scope for the definition of the labour force. 8 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264234437-4-en 1d1b32fdb27f2a82886f364829589a8c Policy makers need to address a range of government and market failures, as well as other investment barriers, which collectively favour investing in fossil fuel-intensive activities over investing in clean infrastructure. In addition to core green growth policy settings (e.g. pricing mechanisms, regulation), this means examining existing rules, regulations and policies that may restrict green infrastructure investment; creating investment vehicles that generate the risk-return ratios required by investors (OECD, 2015c); promoting collaborative dialogue among investors and across different levels of government; and compiling and sharing the data needed for investors to evaluate the risks and performance of green infrastructure investments (Kaminker et al., Governments also need to pay attention to barriers to international investment (e.g. local content requirements) that may hinder green infrastructure investment (Bahar, Egeland and Steenblik, 2013; OECD, forthcoming a). 7 3 2 0.2 10.1787/9789264259157-7-en 1d1c91ed35ef8df025070af3e0503d22 With national data from 18 OECD countries between 1980 and 2007, Thevenon (2013,2015) analyses how aggregate levels of female labour force participation respond to policies that support the work-life balance. The analysis takes in variables on paid leave (public spending and duration), child care serv ices for children under the age of 3 (public spending and enrolment rates), public expenditure on other family benefits, and financial incentives to work (such as tax incentives that encourage both partners in couple families to go out to work). The results reveal, in particular, that expansions in child care service provisions significantly boost women’s labour market participation and exert a greater positive influence on female employment than variations in the weeks of paid leave. Child care provision for the under 3s doubled, on average, betw’eenthe mid-1990s and the late 2000s, producing an estimated 2.5 percentage point increase in the employment rates of 25-to-54 year-old women - a quarter of the total increase between 1995 and 2008. 5 1 8 0.7777777777777778 11.1002/pub/810be2fb-7b4ce78a-en 1d1d30a105c1756c4ccf97613be79542 In parallel, the company has rolled out a WiMAX network. Several other Internet service providers have also rolled out their own wireless infrastructure, which improved overall wireless networking that raised the Internet profile of the country. Given the widespread penetration of wireless technologies throughout the LDCs, LTE is the logical next step and provides a solid platform for the data-intensive applications that could hugely impact social and economic development in the world's most vulnerable nations. 9 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264233515-6-en 1d1fc22c3bec82fc975f91b5daa1e8f6 Several studies point to the importance of family engagement in monitoring service quality practices (Edwards et al., Research has indicated that family involvement in early education has a great influence on children’s learning and development. Hidalgo, Epstein and Siu (2002) found evidence that family involvement is highly important in helping children succeed in education. 4 0 7 1.0 10.18356/7d5576e0-en 1d2083d4325cf3b0b09274916e196909 Should the plaintiff be unable to demonstrate these cumulative requirements, he will have to tolerate continued use of the patented invention by the defendant, in exchange of a royalty payment. Governments interested in promoting local pharmaceutical production may use market incentives to attract foreign patent holders to invest in their domestic pharmaceutical sector. A RPSC’s main responsibility would be the procurement of medicines for the entire region. 3 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264179820-6-en 1d2101be951cb6084cc05bb20cdaa2d1 Price vs. Non-Price Conservation Programs”, A Pioneer Institute White Paper, No. In 2010, this amounted to EUR 154 million, of which 140 were earmarked for flood prevention. Compare with EUR 1 300 million, secured to cover the costs of natural disasters. It reviews empirical evidence on the actual performance of economic policy instruments for the management of water resources. The interim report builds on over 30 case studies, in Europe and in selected non European countries. 6 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264210745-6-en 1d23af45626513c3bc8cd4199bce0503 Without oversight and accountability mechanisms w ith adequate authority, gender equality work can stall once mechanisms are established and may fade from the legislative agenda. The presence of sound accountability and oversight that involves reporting to the highest possible level of government maximises the opportunity for gender mainstreaming initiatives to be successful and sustainable, and for gender equality to remain a legislative priority. This requires sound policy co-ordination (vertical and horizontal) and collaboration mechanisms, which are also noted as important enablers for gender mainstreaming. 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264267787-en 1d23ed0770118d1789ccf49cacc914df There are the IPLOS registry, HELFO database, KOSTRA system and registries covering different diseases, health outcomes and professional areas. In primary care, some broad indicators are collected such as prescribing patterns, hospital admissions for chronic conditions, but little is known about the quality of care. At the same time, Norway has no information infrastructure at local or at national level to systematically collect a dataset that would allow GPs, patients and authorities to benchmark quality and performance against peers or against national guidelines. 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264298781-en 1d2445e18de33e926a7d3282842ee4f4 As ever, the OECD stands ready to contribute to these efforts to design and implement better skills policies for better jobs and better lives. This inter-ministerial project team funded the project work, worked closely with the OECD team and was responsible for organising workshops with stakeholders. Members of the inter-ministerial project team included: Ann Kristin Nilsen, Joakim Bakke, Lars Nerdrum and Lene Guthu from the Ministry of Education and Research; Lene Rathe, Agnes Marie Simensen and Thomas Saheim from the Ministry of Labour; Yngve Schroder Tufteland from the Ministry of Trade and Industry; Kari Mette Lullau from the Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation and Tonje Lauritzen from the Ministry of Finance. 4 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5jlwvz85537c-en 1d24fc4a6e0865286a07dc2474c9bd66 It should, however, be noted that in Graz (as elsewhere) 80% of injury accidents occur on arterial roads. Recently the principle that most urban roads have mixed uses (vehicle traffic, cyclists, motorcyclists, pedestrian activities) has been used to apply traffic calming measures on arterial roads in urban areas. Perhaps the best-know example of a city that has used a variety of calming techniques on urban arterials is Portland, Oregon. 11 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264200449-6-en 1d25e831cbdcd1aef04308aa58d38a54 In other words, maximising the minimum outcome (von Neumann, 1928). The principle is to take the worst-case scenario for any given instrument and choose the instrument that has the highest value for cost-effectiveness indicator in its worst-case scenario. This criterion is very conservative, representing high uncertainty aversion, and has the advantage of choosing a single instrument across all scenarios. They can be used to prioritise policies and investments for adaptation. 6 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/eco/surveys-zaf-2010-6-en 1d2811c85968a7c6a2b056b9cbe04d1d Available evidence also suggests that unemployed youth in South Africa are at higher risk of contracting HIV than employed youth (UNAIDS, 2004). Even for non-infected youth, HIV infection of other household members may bring onerous care burdens, either of the sick individual themselves or their children who require care, sometimes requiring the healthy individual to withdraw from the labour market. Such care burdens may also constrain the amount of time available for employment or job search activities. Over the past decade there has been a substantial expansion in three main categories of social grant: the pension grant, the disability grant and the child support grant. 8 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/eco/surveys-fin-2012-5-en 1d29cd703c541b3320999c15bbb0753f Substitution of occupational care (which is partly financed by employers) or private care (with large co-payments) for public care reduces costs for municipalities. User choice, which has so far been very limited in the public system, is thereby expanded at a limited cost for public finances. However, the system produces incentives for cost-shifting between activities financed through different channels, which lead to sub-optimal decisions regarding the provision of care and large inequalities in access between socio-economic groups with different coverage and financial resources, and regions with varying health care supply. 3 0 7 1.0 10.18356/6a39744b-en 1d29e3c04e944e4f1a231e410d4c863c In 2015 Nepal was hit by a devastating earthquake and in 2017 by severe floods. Fuelwood accounts for 85 percent of household energy and for the vast majority of harvested wood. Forests and trees also play a key role in watershed protection and climate resilience and are important for biodiversity and agricultural landscape management. 15 0 7 1.0 10.6027/5bbb8fc8-en 1d2ab136269d6bf51f202df56fece594 This highlights the international competitive pressure existing in the aluminium industry, and underscores how extra C02 costs could intensify this trend. Most nitrogen fertilizers are made from ammonia, which is made by extracting C02 (and other chemicals) from a carbon-based feedstock (typically natural gas). Thus, in this process C02 emissions is an unavoidable by-product. 7 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/5jlww009v1hj-en 1d2b80f2796cdcb9089fd2765301e8a6 Moreover, while a majority of countries have included some information on adaptation in their Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs), their scope, timeline and clarity vary considerably. Many INDCs indicate that their country does not yet have systems, methods or indicators by which progress with these adaptation contributions can be identified. Some INDCs also imply that certain indicators may relate to those needed to track progress under the other development processes such as the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 13 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/488a38e7-en 1d2be08d15053dc526c7e7f81c1814b1 Moreover, the subordinate status of women in the household has been argued with reference to time use and violence against women.18 Women work longer hours than men and they may have fewer chances in the formal labour market because the domestic tasks are not equally distributed in the household (see Chapter 4 — Work), and significant proportions of women are victims of domestic violence (see Chapter 6 — Violence against women). Women experience more disadvantages when they live in poor households. For example, in countries such as Pakistan and Yemen, girls and boys from the wealthiest quintile have relatively similar net school attendance rates in primary education, but in the poorest quintile the net school attendance of girls is lower than that of boys by 17 and 25 percentage points respectively.19 In households with poor access to clean water and energy, women bear most of the resulting work burden and harmful health effects (see Chapter 7 — Environment). 1 6 3 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264300002-4-en 1d2fedb48198cfc1d22f41ef8dfe97f9 The lesson its leaders have drawn is that a high income doesn't compensate for shortcomings in education. But that isn't the case. For example, one in four 15-year-olds in the United States does not successfully complete even the most basic tasks in PISA. So even high-income OECD countries would gain significantly if all of their students left school with at least basic knowledge and skills. For this group of countries, the average future GDP would be 3.5% higher than it would be without this improvement. 4 0 4 1.0 10.18356/fbc5a6db-en 1d2ff6817d792073f7db9a4eaf2ef580 But as countries adopt more energy efficiency technologies and energy conservation measures their energy intensity tends to fall (as it has in the US over the past 20 years). It is reasonable that as a country develops its economy it will need to supply more energy to its citizens to raise their standards of living. In this regard countries with very large populations have much further to go to deliver economic growth; China and India may have moved far up the development scale in recent decades, but they still have very low consumption of energy per capita. 7 0 6 1.0 10.1787/5k912j389bf0-en 1d32b2ba3c438fcd2ab9c525b62edd21 Australia to 2050: future challenges. The model breaks down total health expenditure into several subcomponents, corresponding to a combination of financing agents and functions. Depending on the nature of the subcomponents, CIHI employs various forecasting techniques, ranging from the use of provisional public budgets to pure extrapolation of past trends. 3 0 4 1.0 10.1787/5kmd6b5rl5kd-en 1d378d1ed9c0a8d13fcef14e1e61ec63 This empirical information is used to calibrate a microeconomic model to simulate farmers’ responses to different risk environments and policy changes in the UK and Australia. This stochastic simulation allows for estimates to be made of the policy impacts on the distribution of farm income, farm welfare and farming risk management behaviour. The yield risk at the farm level tends to be greater than at the aggregated level and is comparable with price risk. In many cases, farmers benefit from the negative price-yield correlation and imperfect correlation of yields and prices of different crops through output diversification. 2 3 0 1.0 10.1787/5k9312v21l6f-en 1d3daec2ada2421b3372b79a9462dbf0 The exact amount of pension fund commitments are not known and are not disclosed by the database but are likely much lower. See OECD 2012e forthcoming — Largest Pension Funds 2011 Survey). In 2011 Pension Funds (notably PensionDanmark, see Box 2) directly invested USD 4 billion in offshore wind energy through a combination of balance sheet financing (USD 1.6 billion) and construction convertible/term loans (USD 2.4 billion). 7 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/empl/outlook-2011-4-en 1d404ccb441263dd3a8c2ba9fe102de0 In Mexico, social security covers more than half the population. Second, those not covered by health insurance have open access to a public provider network, financed out of general taxation. This appears to be the case particularly in India, where the public health infrastructure is underdeveloped, and, given that health expenditures are decentralised at the state/local level, very inequitably shared across states and regions (PricewaterhouseCoopers, 2007). But lack of physical access in some regions is observed in many countries. 10 0 4 1.0 10.1787/5jxrjncwxv6j-en 1d405b97b5c7df2d8f997e5ce4a58456 In fact, this simple hypothesis is not confirmed by the data, with the corresponding exercise providing inconclusive results. Similar findings are obtained distinguishing countries based on the differences in the distributive impact of Education. The metrics for such classifications were alternative ad-hoc indicators computed in “Divided we stand” (chapter 8) such as the income increasing effect of benefits from public education services for the bottom quintiles of the distribution, or the change in the Gini coefficients when the redistributive impact of education is accounted for. In particular, each individual is asked to report the number of years spent in paid employment (experience), and the number of years since she left the educational system (potential experience). 10 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264083578-5-en 1d4401033ccc8ce3377f25bb521ec8e0 Moreover, the water application rate per hectare irrigated in Turkey increased by 39% between 1990-92 and 2002-04 (Figure 2.2), partly explained by losses from the irrigation infrastructure and inefficiencies in managing irrigation systems due to lack of irrigator management skills and poor advisory services (OECD, 2008a). But water policy reforms in both Mexico and Turkey are beginning to address these deficiencies in managing the irrigation systems (Box 3.8). The sector’s share in total groundwater utilisation, although data are limited, was above 30% in 12 OECD member countries in 2002, notably for Greece, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Portugal, Spain, Turkey and the United States (Figure 2.4). 6 2 3 0.2 10.1787/9789264083608-5-en 1d4a3d7156bc5f86474c62fc0a09475d In Canada, Portugal and Spain, the levels are one order of magnitude lower in the GWI sampled cities. In some countries, pollution charges are increasingly tailored to environmental challenges and used as an incentive to reduce pollution. However, in most cases, these instruments tend to be used as sources of revenues. 6 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5kggc12rmkzq-en 1d4c2fad0a1586545cd0e5706aabead4 Indeed, most critics of early mitigation efforts, including those challenging the science of climate change, tend to defer all policy needs to support to R&D efforts. They argue that if the science confirms the necessity of mitigating climate change, the necessary carbon-lean technologies will be made available (Lomborg, 2001). One is climate change, due to the negative externality of GHG emissions: the other is underinvestment of private firms in R&D activities. 7 4 3 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264303119-en 1d4fe7e0a58af3039170bdfe2120d965 Consequently, the optimal level of subsidies for R&D on low-carbon technologies depends on the magnitude of knowledge spillovers from these technologies, relative to the spillovers generated by other technologies, in particular the fossil technologies they replace. It also needs to cover not only the public sector, but also the private one. The intellectual property argument, while valid in some cases, should not impede the development of standardised mechanisms to collect, compile and publish urgently needed global data on budgets for energy technology innovation. 7 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264289062-6-en 1d523f2dd7766d4b5ca08b135f28fe68 "Similarly, a study by the Commonwealth Fund of care management programmes that spanned care settings and engaged interdisciplinary teams across the continuum of care found that multifaceted, boundary-spanning approaches were associated with reduced hospital use and readmissions (McCarthy et al., The reforms undertaken to date clearly reflect this. Moreover, the strengthening of primary care continues to be supported by the State Health Development Programme of the Republic of Kazakhstan ""Densaulyk"" for 2016 - 2019. Key measures envisaged include reducing the size of patient lists for generalists, from the current 2 200 to 1 500, and the increased delegation of tasks to nurses." 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264286191-8-en 1d546c07cb3ea0f58c87617ff65945eb In addition, air pollution monitoring per se is not clearly mentioned in MOT’s mandate; the mandate only includes establishing vehicle standards and energy efficiency labels. This also creates some confusion about which actual policies can be decided by MOT. Department of Transport (DOT) under MOT is not in charge of urban transport. 11 1 3 0.5 10.6027/9789289347204-5-en 1d55d13f181926d918f2ba9553b9df9e The water solution both slows the escape of the gas and speeds up the chemical reaction. The project began to inject part of the C02 from the HellisheiSi geothermal power plant in 2012, and has found that over 95% of the C02 is mineralized already after 2 years (CarbFix, 2016). A drawback isthatthe method requires basaltic rocks with relatively high concentrations of calcium, magnesium and iron, and with sufficient porosity to capture the C02. These are primarily found in young basalts near oceanic rift zones. Apart from Iceland and a number of usually small volcanic islands, such rift zones are usually located in deep ocean, which makes transporting and injecting the C02 a challenge. 7 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/cc6ff508-en 1d5611f79b25a04b96af7e8e42f4834d As gains are achieved, other deprivations may become more critical, and new groups may bear the burden of being left behind. Many people appear to be doing well according to measures such as minimum schooling and income, but the quality of education and of work conditions are low for many millions of people. Likewise, people are living longer and healthier lives, but many face deficits in political freedom and in opportunities for political participation. 1 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/150942f1-en 1d581ce6cbc9e324d4e3fed29bf6b86c For information, our national poverty rate (44 per cent), based on the latest available household survey (2003) and calculated with a per capita equivalence scale for the whole population, is very close to the official one (46.4 per cent) (World Development Indicators 2009). Numbers in parentheses refer to the base-year values. As already discussed above, the lower rates in Cameroon might be at least partly due to the better quality of data used to calculate hunger rates. However, the simulated changes still give some rough basis for discussion. In terms of BaU hunger rates, figures for Cameroon are broadly in line with those for monetary poverty rates. On the other hand, Burkina Faso and, to a greater extent, Ghana show a trend in hunger rates to some extent different from that discussed above for monetary poverty (figure 12). 1 0 3 1.0 10.18356/9b4421ad-en 1d5aca2852c9796fc359813032f9cd67 All over South Asia, the ideal of purdah (seclusion of women) - which assigns a symbolic capital of honour and respectability to the control over women's realms of action30 - has hampered women’s mobility. Only in recent years have India (e.g., Kerala) and Nepal witnessed a feminization of international migration, linked to a global demand for domestic workers reproducing the traditional gendered division of labour.3’ The Government of Nepal issued temporary bans on women's labour migration in 2012 and 2015. This last ban was eventually lifted in 2016.32 Yet, as compared to other countries in the region (see Table 3-1), in Nepal there are fewer age restrictions, and in 2012 women officially accou nted for 13 per cent ofthe total absentee population.33 This figure certainly underestimates the magnitude of female migration, as it does not account for cross-border migration to India, and restrictive provisions on the mobility of women migrants often increase undocumented migration. 5 0 4 1.0 10.18356/becaa395-en 1d5b5c0fb1f81d957d2cb37a5bae79d0 With the same level of climate change impacts, but with universal access to basic services, reduced inequality and extreme poverty affecting less than 3 percent of the world's population, the number of additional poor is projected to be just 16 million (Rozenberg and Hallegatte, 2015). Under the worst-case scenario, much of the forecast increase in the number of poor occurs in Africa (43 million) and South Asia (62 million). Reduced income in the agricultural sector explains the largest share of increased poverty as a result of climate change. 13 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/db7ae14d-en 1d5d805a2e1e1fe494576952e027022e First of all, employment opportunities, despite their expansion, may not be sufficient to employ all those who are willing to work. Second, certain segments of the population may not be, for various reasons, in a position to take part in the labour force and thus benefit from employment expansion and wage income. Third, even the employed may experience the need for extra protection when wages are too low, which creates the problem of the “working poor”. While most of these programmes were launched and used as ex post measures to help affected people cope with economic downturns, in more recent years, they have been increasingly used ex ante as measures to reduce the exposure of the poor to insecurity. 1 0 3 1.0 10.1787/c69de229-en 1d5f03efa267ed131a2898e36b85564e Disposable income declined also which suggests that transfers were not sufficient to compensate for the loss of market income. Figure 19 panel B also suggests that homeowners were disproportionately affected by the loss of income, all other things being equal. By contrast, the income before and after tax and transfers both increased when fathers are employed, suggesting that the quality of their jobs has improved. 1 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264169265-6-en 1d62ab22948745b60bf635f69cda4e60 While efforts are under way to develop common strategies to tackle priority issues such as local air pollution, national environmental authorities are often unaware of the state of environmental management in the ever-growing number of municipalities (from 147 in 1995 to 211 at present). The adoption of the Balanced Regional Development Act in 2000 encouraged better co-operation among Regional Development Agencies (RDAs), Councils of Regions, and associations of municipalities and towns. However, oversight by the national government is still insufficient to ensure that environmental requirements are implemented consistently. 6 0 4 1.0 10.1787/5kmlhlrz6br0-en 1d64dd4fc234f82d0adfd725ed664f17 "We first present the Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI) as measure for social institutions (III.l) as well as our data and estimation model (III.2). We start our empirical analysis by estimating the impact of the SIGI (and its five sub-indices) on women's labour market participation (III.3) to see whether social institutions generally affect women's activity patterns. Then, to test our hypothesis that social discrimination against women leads to an overrepresentation of women in ""bad jobs"" and an underrepresentation of women in ""good jobs"", we estimate the impact of the SIGI and its sub-indices on the gender segregation by sectors (III.4) and on the gender segregation by working status (III.5). The five components of the SIGI — ownership rights, civil liberties, son preference, family code and physical integrity each measure one dimension of the underlying concept." 5 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264301757-8-en 1d64f39626e25e9f24509a410c1fe30e However, their combined value could be strengthened if the RSAs were more effective and there were more opportunities to share good practice across the higher education system. However, there is limited use of this practice, and no institutional plans to use it beyond a few key fields where it is well-established (Frplich etal., This type of arrangement may be constrained by the appointment and promotion regulations for teaching and research academic posts, such as the requirements of a certain minimum qualification to teach and the role of research in career progression should social partners personnel wish to stay long-term in the academic profession. 4 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5jlwvz85537c-en 1d680077ac0bf97447d871a6382a39b9 However, unlike alcohol, which has a marked decrease in crashes during daylight hours, speed crashes are much more evenly distributed over the whole day. Table 5.2 indicates that speed enforcement will have more impact if it is concentrated in the high risk periods of evenings and weekends. Its puipose was to deliver an improvement programme to ensure that its road policing delivery is doing the right things as cost effectively as possible. 11 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264305274-7-en 1d6818deb07de9d9d5e1da4a8184ce04 A pre-requisite to benefit from all school-related Foundations for Success is to be in school, therefore, access pertains to equity: do children from various sub-populations differ in their access to inclusive environments, quality instruction, learning time and material resources? Thus, access also has to do with equality: do children from various sub-populations differ in their distribution of attainment and performance? They are mainly from rural settings, and more likely to be girls. Youth with disabilities and those belonging to minority ethnic, linguistic or religious groups are also more likely to be oul-of-school. All of these factors are usually confounded with poverty (Carr-Hill, 2015). 4 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264110984-6-en 1d68af89e25d6b4c321f7a11dad3f3b3 Previously isolated herders will be able to command a higher price for their goods and children will have improved access to educational facilities. Additionally, in the context of sustainable, “green” sector development, labour-intensive techniques have been used with success in reforestation, watershed management and erosion control initiatives for improved husbandry and agriculture. Environmental conservation projects coupled with sustainable land management have played a critical role in supporting the small and medium sized forest enterprise (SMFE). 8 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5jxrcmgpc6mn-en 1d6998fcef25400ddd41c41548a9721e As a result, analyses based on household panels model receipt sequences where receipt is measured at the time of interview.52 This is the procedure followed by Cappellari and Jenkins (2008a) for Britain, and Kdnigs (2013a) for Germany. By construction, the rate of benefit receipt obtained from using the ‘SA year’ approach is larger than the comparable rate calculated at any single point in time. The difference of the two gives an idea of the turnover in benefit receipt as discussed in Section 3. 1 2 3 0.2 10.1787/9789264208445-8-en 1d69c89e68739be4cd18a95764ce7c9a In Australia, HoNOS is mandated as a standard outcome measure for all patients using in or outpatient mental health care. It is expected that all patients should have the HoNOS completed at least twice (Jacobs, 2009). In 2006, the Dutch Government introduced a competing insurance market for health care including mental health. 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/1826beee-en 1d726d0a09efd32c0dc369d79800ddc2 Investments were designed to become profitable for the farmer and beneficial for water quality. Grants were funded by investment from South West Water and some public support (in some cases from the EU CAP’S rural development programme). The plan was to include the approach in the company’s 2010 business plan. 6 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264281318-13-en 1d739c81852aec6acdf3904d919d0524 The 2015 OECD/INFE survey showed that in 15 countries and economies men are less likely than women to agree with at least one of the statements: “Before I buy something I carefully consider whether I can afford it” and “I keep a close personal watch on my financial affairs”. In 13 countries and economies men are more likely to agree with at least one of the statements: “I tend to live for today and let tomorrow take care of itself’ and “I find it more satisfying to spend money than to save it for the long term” (Table 10.A 1.3 in OnUne Annex 10.A1). Fewer women than men in 19 out of 30 countries and economies would be prepared to risk some of their own money when saving or making an investment. 5 2 2 0.0 10.18356/e95f1f91-en 1d73f4c1f5c57f8a555f14501af3d7b5 Additionally, regional governments were established in 2002, which started creating their departments for natural resources and environmental issues. To coordinate efforts on biodiversity relevant policies, the Commission on Biodiversity started bringing all related national governmental actors together with NGOs, private actors and scientists in order to discuss the relevant issues and to generate trust and stimulate collaboration. The department for biodiversity in MINAM, where the CBD, the Ramsar Convention, CITES and other biodiversity-related issues are managed, coordinated the development of Peru’s NBSAP 2015-2021, which was adopted in November 2014. An extensive participative process, involving governmental, non-govemmental, scientific and private actors from all 25 political regions has been undertaken in order to ensure informed policy-making and create ownership across society. 15 1 3 0.5 10.1787/dd4dcfa6-en 1d76faf7ffd2da55958fedbc5cc50431 Finally, these children are less well covered by social assistance than children in the previous group, since about 1 in 5 children in this group are in a family who receives a social assistance allowance against one third in group 1. Only a very small minority of children (about 90,000 children, i.e. 1.4% of all children aged 0 to 17) experience deprivation in all areas, but some of their characteristics (single parenthood, unemployment or joblessness, low parental education) make them more vulnerable than others. Very low-incomes, lack of employment and the presence of parents bom outside Canada are factors putting children at a greater risk of facing multiple deprivations. Although the families of these two groups of children usually receive financial assistance (child tax credit, social assistance benefit), a significant minority of them still face multiple deprivations. 1 1 3 0.5 10.1787/5jxrclljnbxq-en 1d7a83309158191d710053e78e872301 Figure 12 illustrates the yield effects in the OECD when each of the five R&D and water management adaptation scenarios are combined with the Reference scenario and with each of the four climate change yield scenarios discussed in Section 3 (the Alternative SSP scenario is not included). The largest price decreases for any specific commodity occurs in the R&D scenarios, which assume increases in maize and wheat yields. The price for maize decreases by more than 4% in the technology transfer scenario. 2 1 6 0.7142857142857143 11.1002/pub/80f4cf5d-e4d7f1ba-en 1d7cf661ba474ede0ffdc3244f9a5cc1 A significant part of the efforts to meet those commitments should be focused in the rural areas of the developing world where 70% of the world's extremely poor people live, including most of the hungry. Improving rural people's livelihoods and smallholders' capacities is a central element in ending hunger, achieving food security and improved nutrition, and promoting sustainable agriculture. In fact, over recent decades, we've seen the socioeconomic benefits of, for example, mobile telephony in improving the lives of many poor rural people. 2 1 4 0.6 10.18356/ab381733-en 1d82dc0f313052a5d3ed6923fe23746f Composition of municipal waste (table 5.1) was analysed in the regions of Tbilisi, Kvemo Kaitli and Kutaisi, which is accepted as representative of the whole of Georgia. It is estimated that about 70 per cent of generated municipal waste is collected by regular services and delivered to local disposal sites. These are located along main streets, enabling easy and fast collection. 12 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/f47faf05-en 1d8597f0ad9de4c4094bbe8f4f0a9fb4 The unsustainable extraction of marine resources is caused partly by illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing. Stocks of aquatic resources are difficult to measure in inland and marine waters, although certain estimation methodologies may be considered for this purpose. Aquaculture stocks can be estimated more frequently. Aquatic resources may be either cultivated or natural biological resources. Aquatic resources produced within aquaculture facilities (for breeding or for harvest) are considered cultivated biological resources. All other aquatic resources harvested as part of capture production processes are considered natural biological resources. 6 3 5 0.25 10.1787/059ce467-en 1d88fe85b0925f23e18e0a035f7e8341 This is in contrast to countries such as Germany, where returning foreign-born students and native students of mixed heritage were respectively 16 and 12 percentage points less likely than native students to do so. First-generation immigrant students are foreign-born students of two foreign-born parents. Second-generation immigrant students are Swedish-bom students of two foreign-bom parents. 4 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264181052-5-en 1d8ac28b842d15355e516d54f679d2da The number of oncologists has also been increased in France and Korea. In Norway, due to the growing demand for cancer care, the number of radiotherapists has been increasing in the past five years, and the number of training positions at hospitals has been also boosted for oncologists and pathologists. Similarly, to cope with an expected shortage, in Singapore more radiologists have been trained in recent years, and the numbers of other medical specialists, including medical surgical oncologists, have also increased since the early 2000s. For example, Canada developed a certification programme in oncology for registered nurses, and the Netherlands also utilises nurse practitioners in oncology. Hungary is trying to use its professionals more efficiently, and primary care personnel (i.e. nurses and midwives) are now doing smear-taking, which was traditionally done by gynaecologists. This is undertaken not only to tackle the shortage of doctors in cancer care but also to reduce costs related to cancer care delivery. 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264118430-5-en 1d8e3a773fd66aee5d13c3cb5e43d50e The tariff collection rate fell to 86%, and user charge revenues covered just 40% of water production costs. Tariffs were increased only once in April 2008. The tariff for domestic customers was increased from UAH 2.94 to UAH 4.66 per m3 (respectively 0,38 EUR/m3 and 0,60 EUR/m3) whilst the tariff for public organisations was increased to UAH 5.93 per m and for other customers to UAH 8.61 per m3. At the same time, the lease agreement did not contain requirements to invest into the development of utility infrastructure facilities. For instance, in the Russian Federation some PPPs were cancelled after municipal elections. Possible solutions entail consolidating utilities at regional level or pooling services to invite one operator in a larger area. 6 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264202733-6-en 1d8f0a7e6c21f5b2668e7361ccb33247 Policies to promote a “girl-friendly” school environment, such as hiring more female teachers has also proven to have a positive impact on girls’ attendance. The evaluation of a randomised programme in India found that hiring additional female teachers increased girls’ attendance by 50% (Glewwe and Kremer, 2006). This is true especially in rural areas and for married girls. 5 0 9 1.0 10.18356/ab2e0473-en 1d923a5d6c98c5b57a1a3b11910804c9 The World Values Survey, for example, found that a majority of respondents from Arab countries believed that men should be given priority in hiring in times of economic hardship, presumably due to their traditional role as bread-winners.210 Legal frameworks in most Arab countries that require employers to bear the costs of maternity leave (discussed in more detail below) may also act as strong disincentives to the hiring of young women. Only a handful of Arab countries currently meet the international standard of ensuring a minimum of 14 weeks of maternity leave,213 and the duration of maternity leave established by the law falls below this mark in most Arab States (see Table 12). The challenges faced by women who are contending with short maternity leave are further compounded by the limited availability and costly nature of early child care and education services in the region, which leave many women with limited options to care for their children until they reach primary school age. 5 0 4 1.0 10.1787/pension/glance-2013-5-en 1d924e89ca1bc8ecfcf71fbfdeccb90a The “precautionary motive” also suggests that they may be aware of the relatively low old-age benefits provided by the state and so consider buying a house to secure future retirement income. Public pension expenditure is taken as a proxy for pension generosity. It should be interpreted with caution, however, as high expenditure does not necessarily entail high pension benefits: people may actually receive relatively low benefits but have retired at an early age. 1 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264277335-4-en 1d92bc44017c1e30cbd6fc94022e4e5a The existing appraisal system is not used as a genuine development opportunity; over 98% of teachers receive an “excellent” or “very good” rating, despite clear evidence of knowledge gaps. The low level of teaching knowledge in core subjects points to serious weaknesses in the initial selection and preparation of teachers. Just 19 out of 259 initial teaching programmes are quality-assured through accreditation. 4 0 3 1.0 10.18356/1edabeca-en 1d93bf38aec8046a489b960886776423 This is likely explained by the characteristics of the services sector in LDCs, wherein a large part consists of traditional and mostly informal services, which tend to consume more traditional forms of energy and fuel as compared with modern forms of energy. The reciprocal causality between electricity supply and structural transformation is found for agriculture and industry for both LDCs and ODCs. For those sectors which are most dynamic in ODCs — manufacturing and services — however, there is a difference between these groups of countries. 7 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264303928-6-en 1d95ee0349c717433aa91df7efdf8a12 Building stock is also of poor quality with low thermal capacities and significant losses of up to 30%. Overall, building-stock energy efficiency is estimated to be only one half to a third of Western Europe’s. Grid infrastructure and management are poor, resulting in high inefficiencies and large technical transmission and distribution losses. 7 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264311626-6-en 1d9674aad315c5f119534ea50b11ff1c More precisely 41% of the firms kept all of their apprentices while 38% kept more than two thirds of them. Among respondents, slightly more than 36% said that they would like to have more apprentices in the future and 16% the same amount. Only 12% said that they did not want apprentices in the future. In line with previous OECD findings (OECD/ILO, 2017(22]), the vast majority of respondents stated that apprenticeships contribute to maintain and improve skills levels of the firm. 8 0 7 1.0 10.1787/5kg0prg9b1g8-en 1d988b58dd913d86eedef9565c00044b It stipulates: /) developing an overarching framework of qualifications for the European Higher Education Area, notably comparable degrees organised in a three-cycle structure and a common definition of learning outcomes in this three-cycle structure; ii) a common quality assurance system; iii) the recognition of foreign degrees and other higher education qualifications. Graduate studies lead to a Specializacija (one to two years after earning an undergraduate degree in the Pre-Bologna system and does not exist in the new system), Magisterij (equivalent to the Master of Science degree in the pre-Bologna system and earned after one to two years in the new system) and Doktorat degrees (Doctor of Science). There are three main ways for continuing education and training. First, for adults who failed to or did not complete their upper secondary education, it is possible to continue vocational and Matura preparation courses, allowing them to obtain upper secondary school certificates. 4 0 7 1.0 10.18356/cef10c20-en 1d9b43b75d9bf85ad2b1ddc001342b95 Its approach to urban planning is a natural outgrowth of this view. The lesson is clear: where the political interests of national governments are at odds with the objectives and efforts of city authorities, urban development is retarded. Where national governments offer support and autonomy to local authorities, rapid and significant change is possible. 11 0 6 1.0 10.1787/9789264232143-4-en 1d9c7383974fe771fe8f8b76b1f1c5fc These include the use of algae and mussels (Nordic Innovation initiative) in trout and tilapia farming and changing feed compounds for turbot aquaculture. Such substitution of novel feed sources can also provide significant costs savings. Recirculating systems and integrated multi-trophic aquaculture productions systems are among the ways proposed to capturing the nutrients that would otherwise be discharged to the environmental (Box 1.9). 14 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264240094-7-en 1da1d3787d2de9e6a8968fb5fedc29af In addition, indigenous lands cover about 13% of the territory, mostly in the Amazon region. Brazil thus has already exceeded the Aichi target of protecting at least 17% of its terrestrial and inland water areas by 2020. The Amazon Region Protected Areas (ARPA) programme, launched in 2002, has been at the heart of this progress. One of the world’s largest tropical forest conservation programmes, it created more than 500 000 km2 of federal and state-level protected areas in the biome, including along the so-called “deforestation arc” and in areas expecting road infrastructure development. The ARPA programme complemented the PPCDAm in reducing deforestation in the region (Figure 3) and, in turn, greatly contributed to the achievement of Brazil’s climate change goals (see also Sections 1 and 4). More efforts thus are needed in areas outside the Amazon biome if Brazil is to meet its ambitious targets of protecting at least 30% of the Amazon and 17% of the other terrestrial biomes by 2020. 15 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264259157-7-en 1da3297fa92879581efabe452876679e The implication is that, more than elsewhere in the OECD, German women work short paid hours per week. For the United States, the full-time equivalent is calculated from usual working hours for dependent employees only. For Korea, data reflect actual rather than usual weekly working hours. Most men work full-time. 5 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264283534-en 1da83008057ab71fe5fc64a251125045 Although public hospitals are nominally evenly spread across the country. Current efforts to give better access to medicines are complicated by concerns that the low prices of some medicines compared to other EU countries may lead to parallel exports, undermining access within Romania In response, the Ministry of Health has obtained EU approval to stop parallel exports of vaccines for a limited period (2017). There is also some anecdotal evidence that cost is creating a major obstacle to access for certain new treatments. Reforms are expected to reduce pharmaceutical expenditure as well as to improve overall health system funding. 3 0 9 1.0 10.18356/eb1a71a8-en 1da97c001db2fbf5e0d324c30ed19c95 As for other infrastructure projects, the multiplier effects of energy investments in LDCs are expected to be particularly pronounced, at least during the initial phase, owing to the labour requirements for the construction of power plants (especially large hydroelectric dams), and transmission and distribution networks. Energy-related infrastructure could thus play a prominent role in a “big push” strategy for LDCs. In the average LDC, less than 11 per cent of people in rural areas have access to electricity, compared with 59 per cent in urban areas. Since populations in most LDCs are predominantly rural, this means that 82 per cent of those currently without access to electricity in LDCs live in rural areas (chapter 1). 7 1 5 0.6666666666666666 10.1787/9f843a6e-en 1da9bd1c9bba6375875635e3d4552c26 Formative assessment is a theoretically and empirically well-established concept in educational research and can be viewed as “the bridge betw een teaching and learning” (Wiliam, 2010: 137). It is thus an integral part of the micro-adaptations of adaptive teaching (Mandinach and Lash, 2015), though the term itself is not used by Como (2008) when she describes the necessity for teachers to make informal assessments in micro-adaptations. However, formative assessment does not necessarily imply that teachers will adapt their instruction. 4 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.6027/08a21a66-en 1dab1fb9facac22953d4a0a9d6e3e903 If looking at the Baltic countries (Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania), onshore wind has the highest abatement potential: 12% of net GHG emissions in 2030 in Estonia, 14% in Latvia and 16% in Lithuania. In relative terms, these percentages are the highest abatement potential in the studied countries. Hence, the big amounts in absolute terms do not necessarily mean high potential in relative terms and vice versa. As can be seen, the highest abatement potential is derived from the buildings and household sector: together these would amount to about 67 Mt C02eq. 7 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264179370-6-en 1dabbd9d25f090d769c2c89554f92b38 In sum, the gap is a result of gender differences in key strategic choices: women’s choice of industry, their preferred size of business, the level of risk they are willing to accept, and the hours they can devote to their business. Further analysis of the reasons behind these different approaches can help policies to target specific market failures and the stereotypes that affect women more than men. A mix of general policies for SMEs and instruments explicitly targeting women can be effective in prompting interest and entry into entrepreneurship. The Small Business Administration (SBA) in the United States has explicitly explored a mix of general gender-mainstreamed programmes and women-specific policies and has continuously experimented with new ones. 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/785f021c-en 1dac2895e40d561f912d3fde69956acf Many high-income countries have already implemented the Kyoto Protocol by implementing low-cost emission reduction strategies. As low-income countries in an early stage of industrial development are still at the beginning of establishing their industrial activities, they are key players for reaching a global emission-per capita convergence target. One essential factor for reaching this global goal of emission reduction is technology transfer from developed to developing countries. 9 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264235120-7-en 1dad7d1b83fbc6692f708278c94c1545 Annual employee earnings are available from the survey, while annual hours worked (total weeks work*hours worked per week) are derived using monthly vectors of labour force activity (PL211A-PL211L) and as well as weekly hours worked variable (PL060). All wages are expressed in national currency units and are CPI adjusted. Hourly wages are computed as monthly earnings divided by the total number of hours worked per week (x4). 1 6 1 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/eb366761-en 1daecd588ace044156e92e055f44126e Moreover, the indicators should be developed which support the monitoring of the Global Goals for Sustainable Development (SDGs) adopted in 2015 by the UN General Assembly. This will ensure more accurate assessment of sustainable development progress and, if necessary, lead to adjustment of urban development policy. For example, a private construction practice of building several houses on six-acre (rural areas) and four-acre (urban areas) plots exists. It is essential to monitor this process and update development density and infrastructure indicators. 11 0 7 1.0 10.1787/5kmh3nj5rzs4-en 1db08a3d11945499a4fb4c59fae138d5 In recent years, rural to urban migration has been more prominent. In this context, latest estimates suggest that China's urbanisation rate will increase by nearly 1% per year during the next 15 to 20 years, which represents around 300 million people who will move from rural areas into cities (China Daily, 2009). Today, China's average population density is Page | 36 approximately 138 per km2 (Wikipedia, 2009b), but with extreme variations in rural population densities, ranging from less than one to more than 400 per km2. In stark contrast, the highest urban population density per km2 is 50 000 to 60 000 as in the case of central Beijing, Shanghai and Chongqing (China Daily, 2009). 7 4 0 1.0 10.1787/9789264088979-en 1db11b151ad47369952760bd05356bd2 The government has made considerable investments in boosting leading-edge research and innovation: over a ten year period, 1999-2008, AUD 620 million was spent on the Science, Technology and Innovation Initiative. Their combined knowledge base has a considerable potential for new business formation and attraction of external firms. In 2007 Victorian universities received a total of AUD 653.9 million in external research income. Victoria’s two largest universities, the University of Melbourne and Monash University, accounted for 82% of research income for the region. The main expenditure on research by the universities has been in medical and health sciences. It has contributed to winning competitive national funding and has boosted the knowledge generation in universities. 4 3 6 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264245891-8-en 1db6bb8c5d9b4f5c920297b3e5876a56 Schools with a specific educational orientation are allowed to hold entry tests. A survey found that the two most important criteria used by parents when choosing a school for their children were the distance from home and the quality of the teachers (NCESE, 2013). This hides considerable variations across oblasts and cities: from 9.9 students in primary education in North Kazakhstan to 25.6 students in primary education in Almaty City. The average class size in small-class schools (8.4 students) more than halves that of other schools (20.8 students) (see Table 4.1). 4 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264233911-2-en 1db73e9e6e74824d320c6dbdc5fbde87 There are two types of public stocks that can influence prices, namely buffer stocks and social safety net stocks (dependent on their size and operation). Emergency stocks have no impact on prices since they are only released to respond to humanitarian emergencies and the stocks held are usually not sufficiently large so that acquisition or disposal of stocks has any significant price effects on markets. Buffer stock programmes influence prices directly as they aim to stabilise prices and/or alter the level of producer and consumer prices. Social safety net stock schemes aim to assist the impoverished and chronically food insecure by distributing food at subsidised prices. 2 0 7 1.0 10.18356/cb5cf3d5-en 1db7a8341b12e57bde1ad8b163cfeae3 "In that case, the petitioner challenged the application of article 168 of the Peruvian Civil Code, which stipulated that when a woman is married only her husband is entitled to represent their matrimonial property before the Courts. It also stated that in countries undergoing agrarian reform or land redistribution ""the right of women, regardless of marital status, to share such redistributed land on equal terms with men should be carefully observed. In some instances, women are granted limited and controlled rights and receive income only from the deceased’s property." 5 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/eco/surveys-fin-2012-5-en 1db7b6f5a0a5bba354bfa0d32b1250dd Efficiency should be assessed by considering the contribution of health inputs to the ultimate goal of improving the population’s health status, rather than the mere production of health services, which in some cases might not be provided in an optimal way or may even have limited effect on health. The analysis estimates that if Finland reached the efficiency frontier - the performance achieved by the most efficient OECD countries - life expectancy could be more than 3 years higher for the same level of spending (Figure 2.10, Panel B). A scenario assuming a move towards the efficiency frontier over a ten year horizon suggests that health spending could be about 2 points of GDP lower at the end of the period compared to a no-reform scenario. 3 1 3 0.5 10.1787/5kggc0rpw55l-en 1db93c037369f50345858afdd100999a The following sections analyse progress made in four key policy areas underpinning the transition to green growth. Section 4 discusses Japan’s use of environmentally related taxes, other market-based instruments and subsidies to create market signals that could encourage more environmentally friendly decisions. Section 5 presents the evolution of public and private expenditure to control and abate pollution. Section 6 presents the trends on environment- and climate-related innovation activity through patent counts, and assesses the role of public policy in determining such trends. 12 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264206441-14-en 1dc253c875813ad65f7ff070c90ba06d It is tasked to: prepare a land use policy in collaboration with local and international experts; ensure that land use plans clearly demarcate forest land, secure access to water for local communities and allocate land to commercial plantations; and provide recommendations about reforms required to ensure that the use of land and natural resources is equitable and promotes socio-economic development. The committee should also examine the existing legislation and recommend and prepare revisions, particularly by conducting a review of the land revenue system. It monitors whether land confiscation has been carried out in compliance with existing law, whether land has been used for its intended purpose and if the project has been completed as planned on allocated land, whether land has been allocated through a transparent process and involved negotiations with local communities, if adequate compensation has been paid, and if the costs of resettlement have been covered. 2 2 4 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/bee3dd14-en 1dc2ba9a02c3c196a285ca105cb97570 As of 24 June 2016.161 INDCs had been submitted, covering 188 out of 197 UNFCCC parties (parties are the 193 UN member states, Palestine. Cook Islands and the European Union, which submitted a single INDC on behalf of its member states). To date, only seven parties have not yet submitted an INDC: the Democratic Republic of Korea, Libya. Palestine, Syria, Timor Leste and Uzbekistan. 13 0 4 1.0 10.18356/35f875c3-en 1dc7494b320ad68100796da71f874771 "The term ""gender"" refers to socially constructed identities, attributes and roles for women and men and society's social and cultural meaning for these biological differences resulting in hierarchical relationships between women and men and in the distribution of power and rights favouring men and disadvantaging women. The Politics of Rights: Dilemmas for Feminist Praxis; D. Tsikata, ""Announcing a new dawn prematurely? London, Zed Books, 2007), p. 214. Oxford and Portland, Oregon, Hart, 2005), pp." 5 0 4 1.0 10.18356/914e7bcc-en 1dc7f2c564aaed780a58296209b01e95 In the same way, conscientious objectors’ organizations in Israel, for example, contribute to desecuritizing impacts by questioning the status quo of accepted male behaviour to serve the nation’s cause of survival. A comparison between associations of male and female victims across and within different case studies would be interesting to evaluate the impact of more fluid and inclusive gender identities on conflict. These organizations act to promote the formal protection or reparation for violation of women’s and LGBTs’ rights and further inclusion of women and LGBTs in the post-conflict society. 5 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5jzb44nmnbd2-en 1dc7ff72b7bb0a397d90d0ced3976745 By improving the understanding of what climate finance is, and tracking its flows, it can help countries integrate and mainstream climate change considerations into fiscal policy, expenditure planning and programming and to align national climate policies with development policies and budgets. The information and analysis from CPIERs can also provide a useful basis for a more open and transparent discussion on climate-related activities and finance. To date, CPEIRs have been carried out in Bangladesh, Cambodia, Nepal, Thailand, Samoa and Indonesia. 13 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264177338-3-en 1dc9ae290ae44219ac5833f5ab86c0fd The project, Berufsbildungskooperation Schweiz - Indien, which offers vocational education and training, is led by the Swiss-lndian Chamber of Commerce in co-operation with the Swiss Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (SVIVET) and Swissmem (the association of the Swiss mechanical and electrical Engineering industires). The Swiss Federal Office for Professional Education and Technology (OPET) supported the pilot phase of the initiative by providing funds and access to government agencies. In 2011, the first students completed their training as production technicians according to Swiss standards. The project started as a public-private partnership, with at least 40% of the costs in the launch phase covered by private industry. 4 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/rev/fish-2011-5-en 1dcae0e7d4e74f96749661523838b3c8 The profitability of the fishing industry rose from 9 to 20% in the years 2007-08 and investments doubled as old vessels were replaced with new ones and gear up-graded, with fishers focusing on value rather than volume of catch. From that date licensed fishers have been allowed to transfer their quotas. Sprat in Skagerrak, Kattegat and the Baltic Sea. Fishing is just one of many activities that take place in the world’s oceans. 14 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/agr/outlook-2014-5-en 1dcf5991248a89c83d6cb4a323a77996 These have been extended by extrapolation using consumption data used in this Outloofe by the OECD and FAO Secretariats. This reference is provided as a benchmark only for comparison purposes not an indication of what calorie or protein intake should be. The biological potential reflects purely exogenous climate factors and varietal characteristics, but no other biotic or abiotic stresses (considered manageable), and hence represents a theoretical physical optimum. 2 4 3 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264251724-8-en 1dcff90b835dd5008c4026a19409973f For example, in recent years the European Union has adopted two instruments, the 2002 EU Recommendation on Integrated Coastal Zone Management and the 2008 Marine Strategy Framew'ork Directive, which offer a comprehensive and integrated approach to the management of all European coasts and marine waters, and set medium- and long-term objectives (to 2020 and beyond) for member states for managing their ocean activities. East Asia has its Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia (PEMSEA), an international organisation focused on coastal and ocean governance in east Asia, scaling up integrated coastal management initiatives and aiming to improve technical co-operation in ecosystem-based management of watersheds, estuaries and adjacent coastal seas. In addition to the lack of protection that such gaps afford the ocean environment and its biodiversity, they create a decision-making vacuum for many ocean industries, notably in respect of future investment. By way of illustration, the negotiations around the implementation of the UN agreement to protect marine biodiversity promise to usher in a period of considerable uncertainty for those ocean industries operating in the high seas. 14 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.18356/1f11729d-en 1dd2040864ac6d5a99c079becd044df7 Nonetheless it is necessary to complement child deprivation rates with the evidence reflecting the actual living conditions of children, which, in some circumstances, can differ from those of their parents, as well as to look at the specific dimension of material deprivation e.g. relating to education. The 2009 round of the EU-SILC included a dedicated child-specific deprivation module, which is preferable for the analysis of children's circumstances, as it contains specific material deprivation measures depicting the situation of children (see Bradshaw et al. In 23 European countries, the percentage of children living in large families is more than 20%. 1 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/9789264259157-7-en 1dd27cf6d36bcab5176d4dfd21fa71b1 Some other European countries show similar patterns but, in most of them, the gender gap in working hours is much narrower. In all European countries - except, to a certain extent, the Netherlands (see Box 5.3 in Chapter 5) - and in the United States, working full-time is the norm among men of all ages. When it comes to women, though, the picture is much more mixed, as examination of the variety of working arrangements for men and women in selected OECD countries. 5 0 6 1.0 10.1787/9789264120983-11-en 1dd5d3b56adfa54d72d08cf9f1a06ceb But there is a wider challenge: climate change and urbanisation are reducing the amount of fertile land capable of delivering life essentials and increasing the potential for weather and human conflicts to intensify commodity shortages and price spikes. Countries should be looking to make more of the green growth potential of their land, though the amount of exploitable land is likely to shrink. A key question, in the interests of the long-term global economy, is how countries will reconcile the competing pressures on land locally in a way that can contribute positively to the global imperative. 6 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/a68df323-en 1dd903e3754c4f948de07f9c45e71eb7 In a similar way, ICPR grants observer status to the Central Commission for Navigation on the Rhine established in accordance with decisions of the 1815 Congress of Vienna, as well as to the Mosel-Saar Commissions. Many of above mentioned commissions grant observer status to each other. However, in some cases, there is also no need for a formalized cooperation, since the same officials participate in activities of several joint bodies. 6 3 0 1.0 10.1787/9789264202924-9-en 1ddd751ecb6f0e598208dec188a9831b As the strategy was only approved in 2012, it is too early to assess its implementation. However, the process of its development has demonstrated some clear strengths, as well as challenges that will need to be overcome in order to achieve the strategy’s objectives. Climate change observations, future scenarios and a qualitative vulnerability assessment provided a sound basis for adaptation planning. A status-quo report about ongoing adaptation initiatives highlighted gaps. 13 0 7 1.0 10.1787/5jlpl4mh1hxn-en 1dde311db018806afe670791fa14cf3d A constellation of local and national organisations is influencing policy and programming within the ECOWAS-UEMOA-CILSS framework and the African Union, complementing their role as implementation agencies of region-wide projects that support women's economic empowerment and resilience. With a triple focus on the most vulnerable individuals, organised groups and collective institutions and systems, resilience is an essential means to achieve the multiple challenges of empowerment. At the same time, given the centrality of women in West African societies, empowerment is also an evident way to build the resilience of the region's populations in the face of different shocks and stresses. 2 3 3 0.0 10.18356/60a8d482-en 1de02b361fb3c4da28cb55fded281bde People with disabilities are subjected to degrading procedures and confinement in institutions, often with high rates of abuse. They have highlighted the emotional and financial costs of caring and constructed a comprehensive policy agenda around greater recognition and material support for carers in terms of time, money and services.207 The rights and needs of care receivers, in contrast, have received relatively little attention in debates around care.208 The disability movement has forcefully exposed this bias. In fact, however, both constituencies share common histories, goals and interests. Both have struggled against oppression, inequality and discrimination. Both suffer from a lack of entitlements and social support systems that would protect them against impoverishment and exploitation.212 While each side has its specific concerns, there is a common agenda to be built around recognition and resources. 5 3 1 0.5 10.1787/9789264180444-17-en 1de0bc581f9e446c742b9281001a81ae As a result of the energy savings and increased prices, Finnfjord has continued to increase production capacity and productivity while reducing power consumption by 10%. At the same time, they have improved their process understanding and raw material selection. Compared with 13 500 kg per metric tonne in China. However, half of the energy used is wasted, one-third is chemically bounded in the product, cooling water, and auxiliary processes. 7 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/d0196687-en 1de2814dedb1f2d8d6fea6967842ca6d This can be achieved through a variety of measures, such as improved forecasting, more rapid scheduling, ancillary services and demand response and storage. Greater focus must be placed on building national technical capabilities in Asia and the Pacific for more sophisticated grid management. More attention must also be directed towards establishing institutional arrangements and coordination between grid balancing authority areas, including cross-border coordination. Through multilateral market integration, unevenly distributed regional renewable energy could be delivered more broadly, while wider balancing areas can be created to enable an increased uptake of renewables. 7 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264120525-6-en 1de642559ac8c53a44953bffb7be14de Although developing countries initially appeared to be shielded from the sudden stop in private capital flows that characterised the financial crisis from October 2008, they were later affected as the financial crisis spread to the real economy. In developed countries, household incomes are also stretched and consideration will need to be given for people on low income or with special needs who face increases in the cost of their utility bills and other costs in general. According to OECD (2009a), the allocation of public funds to WSS can be justified for a number of reasons, including to promote the consumption of merit goods (whose value consumers may not fully realise, such as household sanitation and hygiene) or to compensate for market failures, by rewarding WSS providers for supplying public goods (public health) and external benefits (such as avoidance of groundwater pollution). 6 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264088368-5-en 1dee9e51f3a24d7ed977193517019841 However, the impact of social policies on inequality has not been fully evaluated yet, as many of them have been implemented only in recent years (Ravallion and Chen, 2007; World Bank, 2009). Section 3.1 reviews income inequality trends in China. Section 3.2 analyses the main trends in income inequality and poverty in China and examines their links with labour market changes. Section 3.3 explores the role of labour market institutions, regulations and policies that have changed considerably in recent years and points out their implications for income inequality. 10 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/3726edff-en 1df11d83a559046e57f1f13704298b61 They also come with challenges as to the definitions used and purpose and scope of the analysis, for which there are differences between the development and STI communities. The approach taken in this paper is to assess STI financing based on individual development activities using the CRS as the main data source. As such, the analysis conforms by the available information on the purpose and implementation of development activities and the structure and definitions of the CRS. However, the CRS is neither designed nor tailored to identify development activities according to official STI definitions, such as the definitions of R&D and innovation as described in section 2. The description field in the CRS provide valuable information about the specificities of development activities. 9 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264259157-6-en 1df4ccfe76183b3a9904855b50842e06 They complement the recent drive in public policy to expand child care services and parental leave reform. The signatory stakeholders and the employers’ association (BDA) followed up the charter in 2015 with the “Neue Vereinbarkeit Memorandum” (New Reconciliation Memorandum) on ways to balance work and family life. Its guidelines appeal to employers to offer “flexitime” arrangements as part of the “Arbeitgeberattraktivitat 2020” attractive workplace branding exercise and to promote vollzeitnah, the reduced full-time working-hours model (generally accepted to be around 28-30 hours). They also emphasise that equal sharing involves fathers as much as mothers and call for the provision of affordable high-quality child care. It shares information and best practices among family-friendly companies and other stakeholders, and holds competitions and events to raise awareness of family-friendly workplace issues. 5 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/9789264262959-en 1df761a5eeab2e090acc289b4092666c This has corresponded with improvements in diversity indicators in companies. Denmark, Finland, Sweden and the United Kingdom are good cases in which the majority of the population knows that hiring discrimination is illegal, in part because of public measures like the publication of statistics on discrimination, information campaigns to change public opinion, the publication of good codes of practice for employers and information campaigns to inform the public of their legal rights (OECD, 2008). Raise awareness of violence against women, take measures to prevent assaults on women and improve women’s access to justice when they are the victims of violence. Mexico’s National Commission to Prevent and Eradicate Violence against Women, for example, has a cross-cutting mandate which includes a comprehensive set of policies aimed at the prevention, treatment, punishment and eradication of harassment and violence against women in workplaces. 8 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5k3wb8fmsz6h-en 1df83eb6ae92ed0a5cd80a5d32d003b8 Since the beginning of climate discussions, global energy-related carbon emissions have increased by 50% and electricity sector emissions have increased by 65%. The Durban Conference decided to work toward a new global agreement by 2015, which will come into force in 2020. Meanwhile, IEA analysis suggests that if investment patterns do not shift toward low-carbon by 2017, the lock-in of high emissions plants will mean that the 2°C target will be much costlier and more difficult to achieve. 7 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.18356/6f7c638a-en 1dfb2035baa1ec0772087e44b2c5b644 Cuademos de la CEPAL, No. Documentos deTrabajo, Economla y Finanzas, No. Consumo critico, feminismo y soberania alimentaria, X. Montagut, C. Muriasand L. Vega (coords.), Barcelona, Xarxa de Consum Solidari/Marcha Mundial de las Mujeres (online) 5 2 3 0.2 10.18356/cc6ff508-en 1dfc71e2c8d55d48f37e649cf6119fd2 An ethnic minority group may penetrate the political space that has been occupied by the majority—a success from the perspective of equity in political participation —but the members of the ethnic minority who occupy the space may then use class divisions to exclude others in the same ethnic minority from participating in policy decisions. It is thus important to recognize that group identity and barriers of exclusion tend to shift under strategies to protect advantages. Today, trends in global income distribution present challenges to collective agreements and cooperation across countries and population segments. 1 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264268852-7-en 1dfe29e1f59d215094a81c6541cfee5f The national government adopts new' programmes without examining the effects of the previous ones. This has negative consequences for the effectiveness of spending, as no targeted corrections can be taken during policy implementation. Moreover, policy makers do not always have at their disposal information (facts, indicators) upon which to draw' conclusions for decision making. The information may not always be readily available to public servants and the public. 11 4 3 0.14285714285714285 10.18356/d08a72ab-en 1dffbf100e566609dcefc830496e0b28 Will blockchain technologies become widely accepted? If so, for which uses? When making investment decisions, TIPOs have to assess the likelihood that specific technologies or tools will continue to be used over time. While they will be able to find guidance and information, they will have to take risks as to the timing of investments and the selection of technologies. 9 0 5 1.0 10.18356/5eb49706-en 1e0296da1fc5d51b200192412dd75fef The first two appear to be addressed, at least in part, by the new legal framework for such areas, but future monitoring of conservation progress in such areas is undoubtedly crucial, particularly in the light of evident threats within these areas. It also appears that, in many cases, human resources within protected areas are simply too limited to be able to adequately manage such resources on the ground while, with respect to some protected areas, assignment of protection has been little more than a paper exercise. As in the case of species/ecosystems, there are information gaps relating to aspects of the protected area network. 15 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.18356/bf70833b-en 1e03e9a9a67e91d99e4ba2634ecbd610 Guidance on how climate change shall be taken into account in the RBMPs is still under development within the Common Implementation Strategy (CIS) of the WFD and is expected to be finalized at the end of 2009. It entered into force in October 2007. Member States shall, for each river basin district, or unit of management or portion of an international river basin district lying within their territory, undertake a preliminary flood risk assessment. 6 2 2 0.0 10.18356/1c11fde8-en 1e0445433433747a0dac0648b58f1cb4 In the Caribbean, countries have begun playing an increasing role as secondary distribution points for cocaine shipments to Europe.26 Impunity, corruption and weak institutions undermine drug control efforts and the rule of law in the region, despite attempts to reform law enforcement and judicial systems. Drug trafficking activities are often carried out under the protection of local gangs (maras) operating in border areas, especially in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. There are indications that links have been established between drug cartels and criminal organizations operating in the region. Drug trafficking has become a major security threat and is contributing to an increase in drug abuse in the sub-region. 3 0 3 1.0 10.14217/967bd43c-en 1e0a700a4aabfbb4408648e08f6daf33 For purposes of this paper the definition will focus on ‘forced marriage’ and ‘early marriage.’ The reason for this is that by definition, ‘child’ marriages7 can be considered ‘forced marriage’, or a form thereof, because children especially those under the age of 15 are not able to make an informed decision as to whether or not they want to be married. Most often this decision is influenced by a parent or family member. 5 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264179820-4-en 1e0cbd2d1a149fd5c28719fd06c8312b Subnational authorities (such as county boards, water councils and municipalities) finance regional and local monitoring programmes which for all subjects (air, water and land) may add to SEK 130 million. Estimates of public funding for research in WRM are not available. National research funds from SEPA for water were SEK 23 million in 2008. Expenditures on the flood warning system operated by the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute are not available. 6 4 3 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/5jlpl4mh1hxn-en 1e0d369cfa52d6a1ea71b3a380b8cee4 In this respect, the case of Ghana shows that rapid decline in household income poverty and caloric undernourishment can be insufficient to address malnutrition (Leach, 2015:89). Enduring malnutrition is generally linked to either ineffective utilisation of food due to poor health and environmental conditions (e.g. absence of clean water and sanitation), or to the unequal distribution of power within the household. Those who prepare and serve a meal are often the last to eat (SWAC/OECD, 2016). 2 0 8 1.0 10.18356/88ed44cf-en 1e0fc11d9ccd6abf2378b78754bd1ca4 Many of the proposals made with a view to improving both surveys in general3 and multidimensional measurements of poverty0 would not necessarily incur greater costs and could bring significant benefits for poverty measurement and for public policymaking. The dimension of health, which is conspicuous by its absence from this index, is a salient example. The only indicator which is widely available in surveys is access to health insurance, and that fails to take account of effective use of services or health outcomes. 1 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264264120-10-en 1e0fe0356ea0dc3a46913371f2628def The spike in capacity funding in 2007 reflects a one-time transfer of funds from a non-competitive programme to the Hatch programme. Qov/budsum/budaet summarv.html. Solid and transparent evaluation procedures are needed to improve the performance of the research and innovation system. The main tool for evaluating all federal agencies, including research agencies, is the Government Performance and Results Act. Each National Program Team (NPT) prepares an annual report featuring the National Program major accomplishments. 2 5 2 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264214682-5-en 1e12576bdb92d2f9acc2024be379a79c In England, for example, initial teacher training programmes have been described as too generic and theoretical, and insufficiently related to the professional and occupational expertise of college lecturers (Lingfield, 2012). In contrast to secondary school initial teacher training, where trainees are grouped by subject, programmes for teachers in (often vocational) further education cater for a huge diversity of trainees and subject and occupational areas. Programmes designed to teach how to go about conveying practical and vocational skills are rarely available. 4 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264168367-4-en 1e127c24b7fa03190cb55f682e563ca0 In Italy, low-skilled women are 44% less likely to be employed than the well-educated ones; in the United Kingdom and the United States there is a 30% gap; and in Finland and Norway a gap of around 20%. Only in France is the employment gap less than 10%. Raising female employment levels and increasing their earnings has reduced inequality across households (Cancian and Reed, 1999; Reed and Cancian, 2001; Pasqua, 2008; Del Boca and Pasqua, 2003); Birkelund and Mastekaasa, 2010), although there is some evidence that recent increases in female employment may have a smaller effect on reducing household inequality today than they have had in the past (Harkness et al., 1 6 1 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/5jrxr7qx6ctb-en 1e13a6620b11d7cca96e1a26db7951fc Whereas the employment rate for people not experiencing any type of mental health disorder was nearly 80%, for those suffering from a moderate disorder that number dropped to approximately 75%. The percentage plunged even further for individuals experiencing severe mental health disorders, to a 45% employment rate (OECD, 2012a). A difference in the level of income can also be noted. 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5jm2hz8dgls6-en 1e145602c656a28a6e2715f940dbe1b3 First, levels of human capital track regional income levels well. The world's richest regions (OECD, EECA and LAC) have the highest levels of human capital (with a human capital index ranging from 2.6 to 3.0) and high educational attainment (people is these regions spend nine years in school on average). Second, capital stock per capita is lowest in regions located at the bottom of the world's income distribution (USD 9 100 in SA and USD 8 100 in SSA), while top income regions have the highest accumulation of physical capital (USD 11 500 in OECD). 5 4 1 0.6 10.18356/2cb622fb-en 1e166e05d81c5b925ac490149c4827ec In Brazil, Peru and Uruguay (data for urban areas), the poverty rate fell by at least three percentage points; in Costa Rica and Paraguay it declined by more than two points; and in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and Panama it dropped by around one percentage point. Only in Mexico did the situation worsen, as the poverty rate rose by 3.1 percentage points between 2006 and 2008, reflecting the first effects of the economic crisis that began late in 2008 (see figure 1.2). For their part, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Mexico and Panama posted increases of between 1.4 and 2.5 percentage points, while Costa Rica and Uruguay recorded slight increases. In Colombia, indigence increased by 2.7 percentage points between 2005 and 2008, which is the equivalent of a 0.9-point annual increase. Because ECLAC has not finished processing the new surveys, the data for 2008 have been preliminarily estimated by applying the percentage variations implied in the figures officially published by the country for 2005 (as estimated by ECLAC). All countries in the region reported poverty rates that, for the first time, were lower than those of 2002. 1 0 4 1.0 10.18356/bee3dd14-en 1e16909b2d727d744f15646738998f0e In contrast, North America, with 25 percent of events, experienced 7 percent of fatalities/ Similarly, the solutions employed to address climate change, whether technology-based or not, have differing impacts for different groups of people. Social issues cannot be disassociated from their ecological context and environmental repercussions. The chapter thus explores the role and scope of eco-social policies in addressing climate change and other forms of large-scale environmental degradation in conjunction with social justice issues, drawing on different country and city examples from the Global North and the Global South. 13 0 3 1.0 10.18356/2e1a4924-en 1e1800de03a0ff4bdcf91b9c571f28fe As indicated previously, the Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition does not identify whether the unexplained part is discrimination by employers or unobserved heterogeneity in productivity. Three combinations are taken in the matching: set I takes age and year, set II adds education measured by three dummy variables, and set III adds the head of household dummy variable. As Marquez Garcia, Nopo and Saiardi (2009) highlight, the greater the number of characteristics used in the matching, the smaller the chances of finding exact matches. 5 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/baf425ad-en 1e18a58425edbaad80ebcff1d9064528 Much less is known about the costs of harm in LMICs but given the evidence on occurrence and severity of harm, one can assume that the costs on health system and on society are comparable to those in developed countries. The key challenges to improving safety in both developed and LMICs relate to the fragmented nature of primary and ambulatory care, no integration of information and measurement systems, and under-resourcing. These challenges cannot be overcome without leadership, co-ordination and culture change. 3 1 3 0.5 10.18356/3fe10a08-en 1e1b4c7cbfda1e37aafaaaf331e43e4e The policy interest rate has been maintained at 2.5% since March 2011 when it was cut by 50 basis points after the earthquake. In Australia and New Zealand, the policy interest rates at end-2012 were similar to the troughs observed during the global financial turmoil in 2009. As a result, Australia’s output growth is expected at 2.5% in 2013, supported mainly by mining exports to Asian countries, particularly China. 8 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.6027/9789289338974-12-en 1e1bee57b5c69ed0d0fc25832fe22d31 "The most significant trend is the declining share of total employment that is based on hunting and fishing. This is important in many ways, not least because hunting is an activity that is considered an inseparable part of Greenlandic culture (Caulfield 1997, Lynge 1992, Petersen 2003) and an activity closely connected to the male gender role in the traditional Greenlandic household. In the old Greenland society the hunter was the ""bread winner"" in the families." 5 6 1 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/50e33932-en 1e1c436057b066b7a65b96e56601ca97 First built in Ulsan in 1960s, industrial complexes, totalling 1,074 across the country has significantly contributed to the Korea’s industrialisation and economic growth to date. The investment in building industrial complexes was followed by heavy investment in infrastructure, particularly in transport such as expressway networks and rapid-transit railway (KTX). While the central government support had been focused on large scale complexes usually located in cities, since the 1980s agricultural and industrial complexes have also received the government support as ways of revitalising small and medium-sized cities and regions. 11 1 4 0.6 10.1787/9789264225442-28-en 1e1d551562d5a554e78590c6d3df1691 Careers New Zealand provides career support and guidance services for individuals and schools, and schools employ specialist career advisers. Still, a slightly smaller share of 25-34 year-olds in New Zealand (80%) has attained upper secondary education compared to the OECD average of 82% (see Figure 2). The government indicates lower and Pasifika students’ academic performance and completion rates in NCEA level 3. Completing this level can help prepare youth for employment or further learning. 4 0 9 1.0 10.1787/5js65xn790nv-en 1e1ff85737474f25d41d65e9303eda49 Agreements to do so can be reached at the bilateral, regional or multilateral levels. The pursuit of food self-sufficiency to mitigate international risks is a costly policy that undermines the function of the international trading system, making markets thinner, more volatile and therefore riskier than if countries were to adopt open trade policies. In the face of both international and domestic risks, such as that of a failed harvest, a country which uses trade barriers to promote self-sufficiency because of the fear of trade interruptions may find itself exposed to greater potential losses than if it had remained open to international trade. At the national level, some developing countries may be vulnerable to imported instability, notably if their consumption is centred around just one or two food staples, and if their imports are sourced from just one or two countries. These risks can be mitigated by promoting more diversified diets (something that happens naturally to a degree as incomes rise) and by diversifying trading partners. 2 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264188617-en 1e238c3f7fba056d7bf3cce807a1279f The economical benefit resulting from the reduction of variable cost can be estimated at EUR 72 million if nuclear production were replaced by coal, and EUR 245 million if replaced by gas.20 This corresponds to a yearly benefit of EUR 0.07 and EUR 0.25/MWh, respectively. However, this last consideration applies only to a situation in which nuclear energy is often at margins and is therefore peculiar to countries with a large share of nuclear power. Table 3.6 summarises the results for the 2007-2009 period. 7 0 5 1.0 10.1787/9789264089457-en 1e26ce5947aa1e19a6aef9999d9651ee The Penang State Government has a reputation for its proactivity and entrepreneurial strength, effective administration, innovative policy-making, strategic liaison and communications with international investors, and development planning. One of its most successful agencies is the semi-autonomous Penang Development Corporation (PDC) established in 1971 as the government’s implementation arm, charged with overseeing economic growth and spearheading industrialisation. In the 1970s and 1980s, PDC monthly meetings included USM-related activities as a regular item on its agenda, giving its research activities a high profile. After significant restructuring in 2004, the Penang State government downsized PDC, creating InvestPenang which is the chief agency currently facilitating investment and fostering industrial development for the state. 4 8 1 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264284319-4-en 1e28ae37fdedba279fd584c2533895f3 This category also includes liabilities for such direct transfers as a result of transfer of risks from energy producers or consumers to governments. In other words, the value of this support equals the deviations from the national benchmarks of the respective corporate profit tax, property' and land tax, royalties, fees on infrastructure use for producers, and reduced rates and exemptions with respect to VAT, excise and other possible taxes on energy sold to consumers. These have been singled out because of the obvious cost of such measures for the budget. 7 2 6 0.5 10.1787/9789264202405-5-en 1e2b06ad25a1298d77326431f6a3bdd3 In conducting these benefit-cost assessments, the focus should be on final environmental “outcomes” (e.g. expected or actual improvements of water risks) and on the impacts of these outcomes (e.g. in terms of changes in health conditions) - rather than on intermediate “outputs” (e.g. the sharing of water volumes among stakeholders). The idea is to quantify how much the public-at-large value changes in water security. This quantification can facilitate analysis and policy-making in situations where some water impacts pull in opposite directions (e.g. risk-risk trade-offs); it can also make it possible to compare the (private) costs and (public) benefits of a given target for water risk. 6 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5jlwm62b3bvh-en 1e2c8f7ac600872bb21252fe6d652721 This better captures the active involvement of the educator in their own learning (Stoll et al., As Easton (2008, p. 756) argues that “it is clearer today than ever that educators need to learn, and that’s why professional learning has replaced professional development. Educators must be knowledgeable and wise. 4 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264292697-5-en 1e2ef4627fefc7624c2022b324a29f0d The learning environment recognises the learners as its core participants, encourages their active engagement and develops in them an understanding of their own activity as learners. The learning environment is founded on the social nature of learning and actively encourages well-organised co-operative learning. The learning professionals within the learning environment are highly attuned to the learners' motivations and the key role of emotions in achievement. 4 0 7 1.0 10.18356/cac71849-en 1e329ce775e83c3c828cf6fb5e5a9553 Climate change impacts agriculture in many ways, with changes in temperature, precipitation and climatic variability affecting the timing and length of growing seasons and yields and thereby exacerbating land degradation and contributing to water scarcity (Agrawala and Fankhauser, eds., As a proxy, the remotely sensed NDVI, which has been shown to be related to biophysical variables that control vegetation productivity and land/ atmosphere fluxes, is also used to estimate vegetation change (Bai and others, 2008). For instance, it is estimated that, in Southern Africa, yields could fall by up to 50 per cent between 2000 and 2020 (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2007b); and that, by 2080, 600 million additional people could be at risk of hunger as a direct consequence of climate change (United Nations Development Programme, 2007, overview, p. 9). They also impact land-surface albedo so as to engender adverse weather patterns (University of East Anglia, Overseas Development Group, 2006). 2 0 3 1.0 10.1787/c69de229-en 1e32a072aa33cb434e04b3a1d18be224 "Several types of cash transfers are covered: housing benefits, unemployment and incapacity benefits, family and parental leave benefits, and pension benefits. Two different sets of measures are used to capture social cash transfers - a series of measures of aggregate social spending per capita on each type of cash transfer, and a series of measures of social cash transfer payment rates, measured as the average payment rate for a two-parent family. Moreover, the estimates are based on two indicators of child poverty: the relative poverty rate calculated on the basis of a ""floating""poverty line, i. e. which changes annually but therefore ignores the upward or downward variations in living standards that are absorbed by the annual variations of the poverty line. To take this into account, the estimates are also made using a poverty rate obtained with the 2005 poverty line and kept constant over the years (after adjusting for changes in price levels)." 1 0 7 1.0 10.18356/11e28764-en 1e34a4cf8c650256e2927319601a0114 Even relatively simple gender-based divisions of labour can affect how they experience the environment. If only men fish in the open sea and only women fish in coastal mangroves, they will inevitably have different sets of environmental knowledge and experiences. Or if most men drive to work in a car while most women use public transportation, they will seethe environment and changes in it from different vantage points. Further, because of the social construction of gender roles, they may have different - usually unequal - capacities and approaches with respect to environmental interpretation and change. 2 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5jzb6w1rt99p-en 1e3817147a2b0a1c4d64989399718701 On pourrait egalement rchausser la qualite de l'cnseigncmcnl en developpant la formation en cours d'emploi des enseignants et en renfonjant les mesures d'incitation qui recompensent leurs bons resultats. Le bilan des services publics est mitige dans les domaines de la sante et des transports. Les services de sante publique sont largement accessiblcs mais ils patissent dim finaneement insuffisant, et le nombre de places offcrtes pour la formation du personnel medical doit etre accru. 10 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264202924-9-en 1e3a4655fd1772034d192eb259ada5ef There would be value in exploring the potential for increasing involvement by the private sector in financing adaptation actions, which could reduce pressures on public finances while also building awareness and capacity in the private sector. The legal framework governing EIAs explicitly states that projects’ impact on emissions has to be described, and, if necessary, offsetting measures must be included. There is no corresponding requirement to consider the effects of a changing climate, even though many of the types of projects subject to EIAs are also likely to be sensitive to such effects. 13 2 2 0.0 10.1787/9789264246744-4-en 1e3c52e30ed52f7998043365134bb7db Major drivers include the potential rise in commodity prices and agricultural policies supporting irrigated crops with high water consumption per unit of agricultural land, or the increasing competition for land use across agricultural, forest and urban areas. Analysis of these major market and policy drivers is beyond the scope of this study; however, they suggest that policy approaches to managing droughts and floods are likely to take on greater importance in the context depicted by projections. Although there are several ways to define and measure these events (Sheffield et al., 6 1 2 0.3333333333333333 11.1002/pub/80ec6eec-a0a0f85c-en 1e40948940397545a102a007cddeb737 Unlike other GHGs, methane is the primary component of natural gas and can be converted to usable energy. The reduction of methane therefore serves as a cost-effective method to reduce GHGs and increase energy security, enhance economic growth, improve air quality and improve worker safety. The programme achieves this objective by supporting the creation and sharing of knowledge, approaches and practices related to climate change adaptation. 13 1 7 0.75 10.1787/9789264303119-en 1e414b44c1f8213bce9063b22a466c71 While being far from an exact science, a comprehensive body of knowledge about airborne pollutants and their health impacts has now been assembled and continues to improve. Economists and public health researchers have long focused on mortality when investigating the costs of air pollution. The basic methodology to estimate mortality from air pollution is the formulation of CRFs, also referred to as dose-response functions (Caiazzo et al., 7 7 0 1.0 10.1787/5k483jpfpsq1-en 1e41bfedc01fba7ab491368658dc4c35 The assessment of the depth of coverage is based on the quality of the discussion: i) detailed, ii) generic, iii) limited, or iv) lacking. Explicit incorporation of adaptation in projects. Where there was no coverage of activities for a specific component within a country’s NC, but complementary sources indicated that actions had been taken or are currently underway, these additional activities have been identified in the table using cross-hatching. In this study, adaptation strategies refer to countries’ initial planning or framework documents, which commonly set out governmental approaches to adaptation and communicate priorities. 13 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264202405-5-en 1e4828a49296700af870267e250e6069 Increased water security and economic efficiency are necessary, but not sufficient, conditions for improved welfare. Another key dimension is the “social” dimension, including equity. Most people in society will feel their own welfare depends not only on their own individual exposure to water risks but also on the distribution of risks among citizens. When considering which particular instruments should be used to meet a given target for water risk, an assessment should be made of how much each instrument (or each “instrument mix”) is likely to contribute to the goals of water security and economic efficiency (in part, following OECD, 2008). 6 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/787cb9be-en 1e4cd65277b41c03d57b2a58a7261558 Dotted lines indicate 95 per cent confidence intervals for market and net Gini coefficients. Global market and net/disposable inequality indices are computed as population-weighted averages of within-country Gini indices as defined in the SWIID database. See figure 1 for an illustration of the difference between market and disposable/ net income. 10 0 3 1.0 10.18356/5022b3a0-en 1e4cdd51fed4138d01bc23ebecb87425 So far, though, little progress has been made both in terms of providing financing on preferable terms and in enhancing green market access opportunities for LDCs. The pillars of this approach are: sustainable production and consumption; the greening of businesses and markets; sustainable infrastructure; green tax and budget reforms; and investment in natural capital (see ESCAP 2008). Similarly, the LDCs can use the flexibilities provided in the TRIPs Agreement to facilitate the adoption of environmentally sound technologies. 1 6 3 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/eco/surveys-isr-2013-5-en 1e554d8d3ff3b7d95fca033d36026314 Within government, the Ministry of Health is both a supervisor and operator (Table 2.2), which is the subject of some debate. Also, as in other areas of Israeli policy, the Ministry of Finance’s powerful position means that it plays a prominent role in reform and management. As in most countries, the professionals (particularly the doctors and nursing bodies) are relatively powerful. Among the other bodies, the parallel system under the Ministry of Defence is worth noting, as the armed forces are relatively large. 3 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.18356/39dd1e2e-en 1e5aae0abbef00e7c55949dd2f9e30aa Child labour in the construction sector is most prevalent in urban areas. In 2015, most of the children working in construction were boys and had begun work aged 15-18. They did not have a written contract, many were not equipped with proper safety equipment and almost half of them suffered injuries at work. Safety equipment is used only occasionally and over half of them suffered accidents at work. 3 3 2 0.2 10.14217/9781848591271-7-en 1e5ce94f1075c4e44dcbb8cb0bb3f90a Others, such as Pakistan, are only just developing policies. Sri Lanka and Bangladesh already have policies, but these appear to have little impact on the ground. Quite a few countries have policies that amount to integration, but not inclusion as defined here and in Article 24, for example Malaysia and Singapore. 4 4 0 1.0 10.18356/1f42dd52-en 1e5ef9b97eeba783411863773f9f5592 Section III explains the methodology and section IV presents the empirical findings. Lastly, section V concludes with a summary and discussion of the findings. Below, we distinguish between different types of social policy that affect work-family tensions,3 then discuss how these maintain or change socioeconomic and gender relations. 5 4 5 0.1111111111111111 10.1787/5jz159228n6j-en 1e605828bb75b5b3b5814e79325d8c35 Government spending on health care and utilisation rates are very low. Because of the low coverage of public health care programmes, health care expenditure is mostly privately financed, with out-of-pocket payments accounting for the bulk of it. In 2009, the government introduced the requirement to spend 5 and 10% of central and local government budgets, respectively, on health care (excluding wages and salaries). 3 0 7 1.0 10.1787/5jlww009v1hj-en 1e60cfaa7d9726a26790bfe62b527b56 However, the diversity of adaptation priorities and plans, as well as of possible criteria to monitor progress, may make it difficult to assess overall progress at a national and a global level in a complete and consistent manner (see, e.g. AC, 2014). The Paris Agreement only states that “(e) ach Party should also provide information related to climate change impacts and adaptation under Article 7, as appropriate”. The CMA currently plans to undertake the first global stocktake in 2023 and every five years thereafter (Article 14.2). 13 0 9 1.0 10.18356/f47faf05-en 1e61eaf0a6e9c0ea69a15b548103a949 The goal is to add economic value by introducing specific substances or tissue modifications. This could produce unintended environmental effects relating to the place of introduction or the nature of expression of GMOs. Despite these prevalent environmental implications, however, livestock contributes to the livelihoods of millions of the world’s poor, providing an income source, and sometimes the only source, for many. Therefore, measuring livestock impacts and driving efficiency in the production line is vital. Environmentally relevant statistics on livestock include the number and characteristics of live animals, as well as antibiotics and hormones used for them. 6 3 0 1.0 10.1787/5k9312v21l6f-en 1e674a652d21fc80b8bf95c02ea9bc24 All of the 25 countries assessed experienced growth in capital formation in ‘Other machinery and equipment ’ category, but only 9 did so with a reduction in GHG emissions. The 9 nations achieving green growth in this sector included both western and eastern European countries. The OECD estimates that less than 1% of pension funds’ assets globally are allocated directly to infrastructure investment, let alone to clean energy projects.27 Likewise, insurance companies’ direct allocations to infrastructure projects remain in the billions of dollars, compared with total industry assets of around $19.3 trillion. 7 0 4 1.0 10.18356/7d5576e0-en 1e678cd8790343632afebe7824798e49 Such measures would nowadays be inconsistent with the TRIPS national treatment obligation, which requires Members to treat foreign IP right holders no less favourably than domestic right holders (Article 3, TRIPS). As another example, Switzerland, today a dedicated supporter of effective IP protection, prohibited patents between 1802 and 1888, due to the fact that free access to new technologies was thought to be more beneficial to its gradually developing industry than exclusive rights. As far as pharmaceutical products are concerned, Switzerland did not introduce patent protection until 1977. 3 3 1 0.5 10.1787/9789264188617-en 1e6d6a5deb507d04aaa8cb2c0050e9f5 However, as the share of renewables increases, baseload plants such as coal-fired and nuclear power plants are increasingly called upon to contribute to the flexibility of the electrical system: this trend will continue in the future. However these options are frequently still more expensive than traditional back-up by dispatchable power plants. Chapter 5 discusses how these various options can be combined in order to arrive at a least-cost provision of flexibility. 7 0 3 1.0 10.18356/1c6c11de-en 1e73c5afd686a3858a77c1ca120362d3 The quality of investments made in children, however, is correlated with households' socio-economic status, providing a channel for the transmission of poverty and inequality across generations.10’ In order to prevent social inequality deepening over time and to equalize real opportunities, macroeconomic policies need to support adequate investment in the childhood development of low-income households in particular. ’02This direct care represents a critical component of the unpaid labour necessary to keep an economy going, and which, because of its long-term consequences, needs to be recognized in macroeconomic policy. Care work is necessary to the investment in human beings required to support a viable macroeconomic environment. 5 5 0 1.0 10.18356/84fc8700-en 1e76d4f38a00bb9d115054bdf118ecb3 These principles will contribute to policy coherence at the global, regional, national and sub-national levels, and ensure that development activities are mutually reinforcing. Family planning is therefore a matter of equity and social justice. A human rights-based approach to family planning entails for more than solely protecting the right to access family planning services. 5 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.14217/9781848599130-13-en 1e7d202f13bdd8cd02ece74d88157e8a Data are obtained from the works of Dasgupta et al. ( For instance, it currently fails to take into account the vulnerability to melting snow and glaciers, which is a major issue for countries such as Bhutan. However, this can be remedied by not limiting the risk of flooding to that resulting from the sea level rise. 13 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/9789264238701-7-en 1e7e6c6da669e1ccba8b576c462ec402 As such, it is important to note that each of these 11 guiding elements — six framing conditions and five instruments — is consistent with the principles guiding general water resource allocation systems. At the system level, requirements for accountability and information and knowledge fit with the proposed information requirement. Furthermore, effective monitoring and enforcement, assuring the system's interconnectivity (conjunctive surface-groundwater management), and policy coherence across sectors (no price distorting measures) are mentioned above. 6 2 4 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264274648-6-en 1e806368360fb616ef3a0bd18f7c9345 Responsibility for balancing urban and green areas at the regional level is left to the provincial authorities. To this end, the central government has abolished the national landscape policy and reduced the number of nature management regimes. The government also strengthened the cohesion between the various modes of transport and between spatial development and mobility. 11 0 3 1.0 10.14217/5jlz7nd44q8r-en 1e81a8d2ce918ce52e6a4ed78550100e As a result, the PCF labelling schemes used by different private retailers are a concern. Ecolabels (like other quality standard systems) will tend to work against smaller producers.7 The fixed costs of certification and the inevitable restructuring of management systems are more easily borne by those producers with larger revenues over which to spread those costs. In addition, buyers tend to prefer larger producers, and will buy from them in preference to smaller producers. 13 5 4 0.1111111111111111 10.1787/5jrs8sv4jt6k-en 1e824becd630a93cac2a8da77445d47e "Furthermore, in all five countries, agricultural policies are normally embedded in a broader national strategy of social and economic inclusion and poverty reduction. The budgetary allocations spent on small-scale farmers in this table only consider agricultural programmes that are part of the PSE calculations. An estimation on how much of each programme is directed to small-scale agriculture cannot be obtained. """ 2 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264086180-en 1e8752890c7a6a28a378f34778bde990 With the EU enlargement in 2004, immigration pressures became stronger, partly due to the concentration of new members in a small geographical region bordering Austria, with very large wage differentials (OECD, 2009a). The 2006 law also makes access to Austrian citizenship more restrictive. Over recent years, there has been a decline in the number of immigrants coming from traditional sending countries, such as Turkey and former Yugoslavia (OECD, 2008a). At the same time, the share of EU citizens, in particular German nationals, in the foreign work force has increased considerably since 1995. Among Austrian provinces, Vienna has by far the largest immigrant population in Austria, with the largest groups coming from Serbia/Montenegro, Turkey, Poland, Germany and Bosnia/Herzegovina (Table 1.1). 4 6 1 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/5kg3rp9qbnr6-en 1e8784b49d0a1a8d0f8ac605d8afaf38 Further, the paper attempts to bring forth various debates associated with no-stakes standardised tests and it summarises empirical evidence on the effects of testing on teaching and learning outcomes. Standardised testing is often used in OECD countries as a means to assess students, teachers and schools; however across countries substantial differences exist in test purpose, design, implementation and use of test results (Kellaghan et al., The term standardised test refers to tests that are designed externally and aim to create conditions, questions, scoring procedures and interpretations that are consistent across schools (Popham, 1999; Wang et al, 2006). 4 0 3 1.0 10.18356/f85ba82d-en 1e8ec446526c0f82ddb06721e073294f The rural poor need to overcome many obstacles in order to reap the benefits associated with national growth, which include: high transaction cost differentials between rural and urban areas and their buying and selling prices; barriers to accessing technology, finance and public services; and widely differing capacities to participate in non-farm income generating activities. 2 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264213753-5-en 1e99bd8cb9a686010a97858f13bc54bd The contracting authorities also have to ensure that there are sufficient resources for overseeing the implementation of a PPP project. The contract can define how tariffs or payments may be adjusted and whether, and how, the private partner can make payments to the government for carrying out the project. Tariffs are ultimately approved by the Council of Ministers, with several other entities such as the WAJ, JVA, MWI and PMU able to make recommendations. 6 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5km35m63qqvc-en 1e9a3bfc61455e8a5d426804673776ad According to later estimates which defined the term statistically, the number of freeters grew from 0.5 million in 1982 to 1.01 million in 1992 and 2.08 million by 2002. However, it may also be the lack of demand for graduates that causes the problem. The “Independence and Challenge Plan for Young People” of 2003 and the “Independence and Challenge Action Plan for Young People of 2004 and revised in 2006” supported the tr ansition of freeters towards regular employment mainly through five measures.178 The quantitative objective was a successful transition of 200 000 freeters into regular jobs (MHLW, 2006; and OECD, 2009a). These objectives were pursued subsequently with the introduction of the Job Card system in 2008, and programmes focused more specifically on new school graduates, the problems of NEETs and the employment of older freeters as regular workers have featured prominently among the post-financial-crisis employment measures (MHLW, 2009a). 8 1 3 0.5 10.1787/5kmh3njpt6r0-en 1e9a484e288b0b0eda23e8c5890e3b89 The new biofuel sustainability criteria in the US and the EU could thus drive the development of second-generation biofuel production in the long-term. However, they do not currently provide sufficient certainty to producers in order to invest into second-generation biofuel production. This is particularly true when it comes to second-generation biofuels, which require more advanced feedstock logistics and highly skilled labour. 12 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264208469-8-en 1e9b59ee4cbb344a0f0e956adeb96d98 Therefore, the proportion of patients re-admitted to hospital within 30 days has been used and collected by the OECD as an indicator of the lack of proper management of mental health conditions outside of hospital (OECD, 2013a). Whilst there are some limitations with regards to this data, including the small number of countries able to distinguish between “planned” and “unplanned” re-admissions to hospital, this can be a useful indicator (OECD, 2013b). Unplanned re-admissions to the same hospital for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder in Norway are quite high. 3 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264265493-6-en 1e9cd9dc09597dc17b1ad5999e1522c5 The ILO (2016) estimates that only 0.1% of the approximately 2 million domestic workers in Mexico are enrolled in a social security programme. Across the OECD, on average, 10% of employed women and 18% of employed men were self-employed in 2014 (using the combined count of own-account workers and employers). Rates are much higher in Mexico: 25% of employed women and 27% of employed men in Mexico were self-employed in the same period (OECD Gender Portal, 2016). These patterns hold in Mexico, as well: earnings from self-employment are significantly lower among women and most of them do not hire any employees. 5 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264188617-en 1e9e2c5ec69585ff085aa8150547b15a Most of the values have been derived from national reports or international studies. However, the NEA developed its own method based on a Monte Carlo analysis of the reported production from variable renewables during 2011 in France to estimate capacity credits when no other detailed studies were available. The assumed unplanned outage rate is of 3% for nuclear and gas power plants and 3.8% for hard coal power plants. 7 0 3 1.0 10.18356/58d686e0-en 1e9fa32c1834d895427b21e885dbd280 "The Committee has applied this principle to State parties' failure to prevent and protect victims from gender-based violence, such as rape, domestic violence, female genital mutilation and trafficking. According to the Special Rapporteur, the powerlessness of the victim and the purpose of the act are the most decisive elements to determine whether an act amounts to torture, or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment. The Special Rapporteur has further pointed out that, given the particular vulnerability of women with disabilities, forced abortions and sterilizations of these women if they are the result of a lawful process by which decisions are made by their ""legal guardians"" against their will, may also constitute torture or ill-treatment. Violence in the name of honour, sexual violence and harassment, as well as slavery-like practices often of a sexual nature, domestic violence (in the form of intimate partner violence), female genital mutilation and human trafficking can also constitute gender-based torture, or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment, according to the Special Rapporteur (A/HRC/7/3)." 5 0 5 1.0 10.1787/eco/surveys-fin-2012-5-en 1ea0aef9e863896adb602c5aa201fa02 In these systems, health care is mainly provided by the public sector and financed through taxation. Two distinctive features of the Finnish system are a high degree of decentralisation and a parallel system of funding combining taxation and national health insurance (Figure 2.4). Excluding occupational and student health care as well as dental care. Gross health investments, occupational and student health care and therapeutic appliances. 3 0 7 1.0 10.1787/5kg57kjj5hs8-en 1ea2b559b59ced618dbb93fa6952454d Some of the responses have been used in this report (see Appendix 1, “Country Questionnaire”). Special attention was given to the dates and to the last revisions of the documents in order to ensure the relevance of the information collected.3 Official country reports, work plans, official texts (decrees, laws) and articles constitute the main material of this study. Multiple sources have been used: databases, official government websites, key stakeholders (see References). 4 9 0 1.0 10.1787/9789264289628-10-en 1ea3d3c2733c5663ff199c61e9d65313 As part of the Orange River Development Project, another dam - Vanderkloof Dam - was built downstream in 1977 to generate hydropower; the Gariep Dam controls water from Vanderkloof Dam (Anon, 2016a). However, irrigation charges have been increased to cover operational costs. The initial rate for agricultural water use was 4% of gross income per morgen of land (about R12/morgen). However, initial analysis showed it should be more than R502/morgen (1 morgen equals approximately 0.2 to 1 ha). 6 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/937bb150-en 1ea70cd3a62ecbe16dcf61ea215ec0ec In addition, the government made maternal health and family planning priorities within an expanding health budget, and health spending per capita doubled between 1995 and 2011. During roughly the same period, antenatal care coverage increased five-fold. The number of births assisted by skilled attendants doubled between 2006 and 2011, to 36 per cent of the total. 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264233775-6-en 1ea9af49d78cb083d6b4def07fb30d62 Once all 90 sites are fully established, HeadSpace centres aim to help up to 72 000 young people each year, and HeadSpace services should be accessible to almost every young Australian. This has resulted in better reported mental and physical health and reduced psychological distress (Muir et al., Approximately half of the clients surveyed also considered that HeadSpace had a positive impact on their willingness to be in education or employment. 3 0 5 1.0 10.18356/0cf73767-en 1eadbd42e37b63e94c9123d89536753c Policies that promote this include technology link foundations. The impact and the effectiveness of policy interventions should be monitored and assessed using a set of domestic policy indicators for policy review, monitoring and evaluation. Resources spent on promoting research and development activities need to be linked to local demand for specific products, processes and services in agriculture. 2 1 3 0.5 10.18356/bee3dd14-en 1eae07a92b66cf915a5dd5881d137564 Many of the jobs created were related to the maintenance of the solar installations. Women’s participation in the project declined as a result of this type of work that was perceived as inappropriate. While there were other advantages, not least enhanced energy access which freed up time spent on fuelwood collection and other domestic work (chapter 3), the project would have benefited from more active female participation in the design phase to avoid these problems and develop alternatives. Gaps between policy objectives and effective implementation often remain a major problem. 13 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/sti/outlook-2014-5-en 1eb4d1117f122fa1a652072d1599b630 Such expectations can have profound implications for the policy mix and governance arrangements. The greening of science, technology and innovation (STI) policies is particularly noticeable, as technology and innovation are increasingly seen as ways to mitigate climate change. In this context, broader and denser ties are being formed between public and private actors, beyond traditional intellectual property (IP) links and incubators, with a view to exploit more fully the potential synergies between the two sectors. Innovation policies now require a “whole-of-government” approach. 9 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264282261-12-en 1eb53a520eaac5f2cc1cec004aa8b8b9 Wide areas were closed for production by sanitary authorities. An extremely high concentration of toxins in harvested fish and cultivated mussels months after the outbreak resulted in a series of modifications in sanitary' control and surveillance processes. The ‘Transfers to SECTOR' numbers reported here include estimations for management and enforcement expenditures, where missing. 14 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264265493-6-en 1eb82cead7ebd3af3539dd9ea81c323f In 2013, nearly half of a million women and girls under age 20 became mothers, equal to almost one in five births in Mexico. Teenagers with lower socioeconomic status and/or indigenous backgrounds are far more likely to become adolescent mothers than better-educated, wealthier, and non-indigenous teenagers (Ward et al., The percentage of households headed by women was 29% in 2014, a share that has steadily risen from 13.5% in 1976 (INEGI, 2015). These are largely single mothers. For both men and women, Mexico lags behind the OECD average in many chronic health outcomes, such as diabetes, obesity, and heart disease. 5 0 4 1.0 10.1787/5js6363503f6-en 1eb8f57cbc0f3c5efbf6ecb80704e369 Education levels are defined as follows: ‘low-educated’: at most lower-secondary education (ISCED levels 0-2); 'medium-educated': upper- or post-secondary education (3-4); ‘highly-educated’: tertiary education (5-6). Due to missing information on educational attainment for some individuals, there are disparities between the total change in the number of employed youth (diamonds) and the variation aggregated across levels of education for Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Ireland, New Zealand, Norway and Turkey. Information on the level of education of employed youth is missing or incomplete for Chile, Japan and Korea. 8 3 0 1.0 10.1787/9789264283558-en 1ebae5b0ac09caa06f5f969dd4cee319 It is rolling out the upgraded family medicine ‘model practices' nationwide and has also increased medical training capacity, both to improve access to care in underserved areas and as a more efficient way of meeting need. Increasing the use of day care, further rationalising the hospital sector (and the oversupply of small regional hospitals), as well as improving the payment and procurements systems could all boost efficiency further. After years of delays and abandoned reform efforts, the government has made tangible progress with a new National Health Plan that sets out future directions. It is unclear whether proposals on longterm care will be supported, which aim to develop an affordable, effective and sustainable response to the needs of a rapidly ageing population. 3 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5jlssl611r32-en 1ebb15174747ad2805bb4b0599560264 In such an economy, the value of cr is critical to the potential for long run growth in this economy. If firms and households can take advantage of the increasingly abundant capital to invest in water-saving or reuse technologies, and if these technologies are sufficiently effective, then growth will proceed apace. This is indicative of an economy with a large value of a. Indeed, provided \, even in the absence of water-saving technological change, the share of water in GDP will diminish over time as the economy becomes more and more water-efficient through capital-water substitution. 6 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/2c271815-en 1ebb6a78493ac71f332a953019d53b2d In Honduras and Mexico, the poverty rate rose by between 2% and 3% a year (see table I.2). The poverty gap indicator weights the percentage of poor by the average gap between their incomes and the poverty line; thus, it considers how poor the poor are. The squared poverty gap or poverty severity index shows something similar, while also considering how this income is distributed among the poor. 1 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264096356-en 1ebb78e2a5de43253bc9fce4416b4cdb There are technical synergies between production and transport, not only in the provision of network services such as load balancing but also in the localisation of production and/or transport facilities. The debate about ownership un-bundling (severing not only the managerial but also the financial link between producers and transporters) has destabilised transport operators who no longer know how investment decisions will be coordinated between owners and regulators. The progressive integration of national electricity markets poses the question of investment in transnational interconnection capacity and its’ financing. 7 1 7 0.75 10.1787/9789264229679-5-en 1ec241b9e1dd74e6559b71fe737bcaf6 The initial report will be submitted to the Council of Ministers in 2015, but the system will not be fully operational until 2020 (IIED, 2013b). Similarly, the statutory duty of the UK ASC was identified in the UK Climate Change Act 2008, but the first report to the parliament on the UK National Adaptation Programme is scheduled for 2015 (ASC, 2011). This ensures that the results are useful for domestic policy-makers, while also making it more likely that the process will be sustained over time. 13 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/agr/outlook-2014-5-en 1ec53739171e7dd4e6158adc59bae7e9 India’s tractor density, at about 16 per 1000 ha, is less than the global average of 19. Studies show that while technical progress has been the key driver of productivity change, productivity growth in India has not been consistent over time. Production efficiency improved in the 1980s, plateaued in the early 1990s, and then declined in the period from 1997 to 2003, likely due to weather shocks. 2 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/5kg7068011hb-en 1ec59f6deac3748fb47f0aea36d4d873 This is significant since it can take more than five years to develop, permit and construct a new renewable energy plant. Even where policies survive attempts at legislative intervention, agency and/or court rulings can significantly alter a policy’s applicability and implementation. Table 2 (adapted from Szabo et al., 7 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264097896-9-en 1ec60e2144e7df700a37cd64b8d38bcf Source: Portuguese Environment Agency. The CECAC recently launched an innovative emissions monitoring and forecasting website ( Monitoring indicates that the implementation of some measures has outperformed expectations, for example in the case of the promotion of electricity generation from renewable energy sources and the reduction of electricity consumption by about 1000 GWh by 2010 (Table 5.6). The vehicle scrapping incentive programme has also been more successful than anticipated. 7 0 6 1.0 10.1787/eco/surveys-est-2015-6-en 1ec6bd9d497a45816d0dd673f23e5b7d Unemployment fell, but not all the way to pre-crisis levels. The share of the population of working age has declined. Rising cross-border work has detracted about 1 percentage point from domestic labour utilisation since 2007. The effect of cross-border work is not included in Table 2.1, which covers the resident population. 4 7 1 0.75 10.1787/9789264232143-4-en 1ec6c6fce4d447604f268609eb7a4f3b Not only fish stocks are at risk. Harmful fishing practices can adversely impact aquatic environments and harm non-targeted species. This adverse impact to the overall marine environment is troubling for many reasons, but it also ultimately reduces the capacity of the ocean to produce the fish sought after by fishers. 14 0 8 1.0 10.1787/9789264268852-6-en 1ec9c87ced21ffd8f0d0f861537e8b05 The cooperation is regulated by contracts signed between the Almaty City and Astana governments and their respective regional governments. The city of Shymkent is left under the same regional oversight as South Kazakhstan oblast, dealing with the same administrative and fiscal constraints that second-tier cities face. Shymkent is the second most populous city in the country and the largest in territorial area, but has a much lower budget than Astana and Almaty (Table 2.1). 11 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264262430-8-en 1eca8ed6b1524091c49d41c1ad9f53ed The great majority of countries also centrally regulate the total working time of teachers, which averages 39 hours a week. On average, teaching time constitutes 44% of a teacher’s total working time. In 18 education systems, teachers’ obligatory time of availability at school is contractually specified either in addition to or instead of teachers’ teaching time and/or working time. 4 0 7 1.0 10.18356/e333ca08-en 1eca910742f0434b93cbfacb51f112f0 This chapter therefore focuses on those linkages where maximum benefit can be derived in terms of water for people, for a healthy environment and for the economy. This reflects the integrated, indivisible and interlinked nature of all SDGs. Water and sanitation have a particular role to play in the 2030 Agenda, because of their centrality to each of the three dimensions that cut across all SDGs (society, economy and environment). 6 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264268791-6-en 1ecb47d66eb9222607672d8bd108fb68 The costs of services may vaiy by location for at least three reasons (Tomalty and Skaburskis, 1997). First, the distance of each development from major facilities makes a difference. A development far away from an existing water treatment plant, for example, may require an additional pumping station. To be efficient, development charges would be higher in these locations. 11 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/973d5b65-en 1ecc59b1979484760e3c300cfbd994bd Buildings' energy accounts for one-quarter of greenhouse gas emissions, and if today's context continues, this share is predicted to rise. The low-carbon transition can be accomplished through energy-efficiency measures, behavioural interventions and incorporating carbon sinks such as urban parks. Cities and their energy systems should be resilient to natural and human threats. 11 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264240094-12-en 1ece7bf147f15b7d4e3defa1ec2a70b4 It contains more than 400 islands, hundreds of rivers and lakes and, during the dry season, white sand beaches. In the early 1980s, an ecological station was established to strictly protect the area and allow access only for scientific purposes. In recognition of the area’s tourism potential, the protected area was reclassified as a national park in 2008. 15 0 5 1.0 10.1787/9789264225817-8-en 1ed2226959e4b95475ae9831c2c94738 Over-medication has been reported as an area for concern in Japan, and is an area on which the ministry is taking fee schedule-based action through adjusting prescribing fees and prescription fees when more certain drugs are prescribed simultaneously (in cases where more than three anxiolytics or sleeping drugs are prescribed, or more than four anti-depressants or anti-psychotics). Such policy, and indeed quality efforts more widely, would be very much supported by a broader arrange of relevant quality activities, for example systematic collection of data on prescribing practice and good clinical guidelines. A number of quality indicators are in fact under development by a small but impressive group of hospitals, led by National Centre of Neurology and Psychiatry, and such efforts should be promoted. 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5js4rv0g7szr-en 1ed355eff90d20c700bde9765daf5ec6 It is set in the context of the OECD's wider work on skills and job quality. The perspectives of national tourism, employment and labour administrations, the tourism industry and other relevant experts including specialised labour market, skills and human resources agencies and academics are captured. Short case studies from Australia, Canada and Denmark are also presented, which may serve as learning models. 8 0 3 1.0 10.1787/empl/outlook-2016-8-en 1eda7f798ebb2030f524b977b002f81c Existing evidence shows that female students are less likely than males to study disciplines with higher labour market returns (e.g. STEM subjects), as discussed above (OECD, 2014b, 2015a). Special efforts should be made to get girls more interested in mathematics and science and boys more interested in reading. Gender bias in curricula should be removed (e.g. by phasing out gender stereotypes from textbooks, promoting female role models, and using learning materials that appeal to girls). Awareness should be raised on the likely consequences of choosing different fields of study for careers and earnings (OECD, 2012). 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264238701-6-en 1edb493df57004646bc8c162e17a5dfd The development of recycling systems for irrigation is particularly promising in that it does not increase water withdrawals. Rainwater harvesting can also provide simple solutions. Israel is using treated wastewater to recharge groundwater and for irrigation (OECD, 2012c), and has developed water harvesting in individual households to combat water scarcity (Ronen et al., 6 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264179011-7-en 1edce2527c637a0e3ed6da876bf8d46e At present, approximately 80% of agricultural products are exported in the form of raw materials, with only 20% in processed form. At the end of 2014, the target is to have 50% of agricultural exports in processed form. Improvement in the quality of agricultural products (fresh and processed) is measured through the increased number of agricultural products that receive certification for quality guarantee (SNI, Organic, Good Agricultural Practices, Good Handling Practices and Good Manufacturing Practices). At the end of 2014, all products of organic agriculture, fermented cocoa, and processed rubber (bokar) must be certified and a mandatory certification policy will be in place (MoA, 2010). As the primary source of rural income, returns from agriculture have a significant bearing on rural poverty. 2 0 7 1.0 10.18356/d8cfcf9c-en 1edda33e74fb408587cb75092db9c826 Agricultural production expansion in LDCs since the early 1980s has occurred partly as a result of extensive growth, i.e. the expansion of the area used for agricultural production. In LDCs as a group it has grown by 10 per cent, slower than in ODCs, while in developed countries it actually contracted by 11 per cent. The extension of agricultural land use has been strongest in African LDCs and Haiti and in island LDCs. 2 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.6027/9789289345644-6-en 1ee57791aa48c07b625290b8010a86ff Focus on the functional relationships and processes within ecosystems. Carry out management actions at the scale appropriate for the issue being addressed, with decentralisation to lowest level, as appropriate. It will address issues related to Goals A and E of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity and the relevant Aichi Targets (in particular Aichi Targets 1, 2, 3,4,17,18,19 and 20) as well as Target 16, see Annex 8 Aichi Biodiversity Targets. One example of earlier developments that related to the potential Nordic Assessment is the Ecosystem Approach, see Box 5, which has been developed under CBD and supports a landscape and seascape perspective on ecosystem management. Strategic partnerships and collaboration will help deliver the Nordic Assessment. 15 0 4 1.0 10.1787/469d7fec-en 1ee62f5860de05032dba7418f339dad8 Working Paper, Washington, DC: World Resources Institute. As a statistical system, the DAC uses standard, internationally agreed definitions and reporting categories, from currency conversion rates to types of financial instruments. Activity-level data on financial flows is available in the Creditor Reporting System (CRS) database. 13 6 3 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/7d5576e0-en 1ee71a01863183d3d29505549dd1167a The Agreement does not define this notion. However, national legislation in developed WTO members has traditionally excluded, inter alia, discoveries and scientific theories.115 The reason for the exclusion of discoveries stems from the basic rationale of patent protection: to reward human ingenuity and creativity as a contribution to the advancement of humankind. The inventor, in exchange for his/her efforts and readiness to make his/her invention available to the benefit of society is granted a reward, i.e. a monopoly to exploit the invention over a limited period of time. 3 5 2 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264230491-5-en 1ee7e505e9aa828af93229d68a503152 The System of Social Protection in Health also sought to inject new resources into the health system, and improve resource transfers between federal government and the states. Indeed, public investment in the health system rose from 2.4% to 3.3% GDP between 2003 and 2013. Having operated as a pilot programme between 2001 and 2003, and following reforms to the legal framework underpinning Mexico’s health system, Seguro Popular (SP), was fully launched in January 2004. Some important high-cost interventions remain excluded from the SP package, as discussed in Chapter 3. The significant increase in SP affiliation also represents a significant increase in total population coverage, and an important step towards universal health coverage (UHC). 3 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264089464-en 1eead1f99f7e2b0c990699a7a7c8713e It has a diverse economy, which includes a financial capital of Europe, Milan, and one of the continent’s most productive agricultural sectors. The region’s strength in the arts, design and craft provides the basis for constant creativity. It is also the leading region in the Italian economy as measured by total production and exports. A strong economy has contributed to foreign immigration flows, making Lombardy the most diverse region in Italy. 4 5 2 0.42857142857142855 10.18356/bf400991-en 1eeccdb73a63194dd739c7d9effe9ed4 The element of inadequate housing would be reported separately. Housing affordability is affected by many factors including capital variables such as land, infrastructure and building materials; and occupational variables such as land leases, service costs and interest rates. However, when it comes to measuring affordability there are three common measures which fall into two components: housing costs and household income. 11 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/3726edff-en 1eeeacd25ddcb9984e9c176aca9f1b6c Commitments were used as proxy for disbursements for the Caribbean Dev. Bank, Global Environment Facility, IDB Invest, IFAD, DFC, and the Islamic Dev. The USAID Global Health Research and Development Strategy 2017-2022 aims to strengthen the capability of researchers, improve the evidence-base on health and development interventions, and accelerate the development use of health technologies and approaches to address critical unmet needs and emerging challenges. ( 9 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264096356-en 1ef15f6df6ddc74be7fa04a17a9678eb Storage assumes a particular importance in this context, as it can provide a temporary buffer for variations in supply and demand. Two issues have particular bearing on this trade-off. First, social preferences for either a low cost-high risk structure of supply or a high cost-low risk structure of supply need to be translated into policy action. 7 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/0899dee9-en 1ef31cbf025c68012a6d6a498f8ed493 Care is required by all, but when public care provision is absent, it is only the better-off who can resort to private care services. They include direct provision of care services or subsidies to access them, payments to hire care workers, regulations, and complementary service provision such as transportation, water and sanitation, and energy. Care policies serve a range of different objectives, including poverty reduction, enhanced women’s labour force participation, employment creation and the expansion of future generations’ human capabilities. Because care policies mould the ways in which care is provided and funded, and can determine who provides and receives care, they have the potential to contribute to gender equality and mitigate other dimensions of inequality such as class, caste, ethnicity or sexual orientation. 5 4 5 0.1111111111111111 10.18356/a2070b8a-en 1ef4a0439c33c284964548ff26c8d928 Packages stress public investment in physical infrastructure but little emphasis on social infrastructure, which has higher concentration of female workers and can help to free women’s time from non-remunerative activities. Moreover, the dominant perception of women as farm helpers and not as main farmers affects the way in which assets, information and productive inputs are directed to farming families. Emphasis should be placed on strengthening the social infrastructure, the provision of care for young children and old persons, health and education services and specific segments of physical infrastructure, such as water and energy supply. 5 2 2 0.0 10.1787/9789264088986-en 1efb5456bd64d7af6d7423befa45164a In 2006, around 11 000 individuals - equivalent of 10% of the population of Grade 12 students -were enrolled in pre-university colleges or courses such courses, the vast majority were aged under 25 (OECD, 2009). The only open access higher education institution is the Open University. In 2006/07 this percentage was 11%, compared with only 7% in 1995/96. 4 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264119284-6-en 1efb5ed639b675500b2d7b2e4e6940d9 Modernisation of irrigation schemes within the central government is the responsibility of the Directorate General for Water. In Israel, recycled water for irrigation and increased water-use efficiency in the agricultural sector are two examples. One-third of the water used in the agricultural sector each year is from treated domestic (grey and black water) waste. Reductions in quotas are therefore made by the Water Authority (originally called the Water Commission). The agricultural sector adapted rapidly to these restrictions through necessity thanks to the production and promotion of domestic recycled water, as well as through innovations in irrigation with semi-saline water, highly advanced crop irrigation practices and increasing crop tolerance to low water regimes. 6 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264208445-6-en 1efc8fe71af21e2c718c2c5997b21967 There are often cost incentives to improving existing systems rather than building new ways of delivering treatment, and evidence suggest that mild-to-moderate disorders can be cost-effectively treated from primary care. However, in order for treatments to be effective and of high quality, the right capacity and knowledge, incentives, and information systems must be in place. In addition, some OECD countries have had some success in building additional tailored services to address unmet need for treatment of mild-to-moderate mental illnesses. 3 1 3 0.5 10.1787/agr/pol-2014-4-en 1f002f8159798185610ef720dadad4a6 Reform of market regimes for key agricultural commodities moved domestic prices in the European Union close to the border price levels, with the price differential between internal EU prices and world prices falling from 33% in 1995-97 to 5% in 2011-13. The reduction in the price difference is also significant and gradual in Israel, where the price differential fell from 19% to 8% between the two periods. More importantly, producers in Australia, Chile, Mexico, New Zealand, and the United States receive at present prices which on average are either fully or closely aligned with international levels. 2 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/58d686e0-en 1f010eeceb71f05599aa53568a7d94f0 "Citing international law and the European Convention's intention, the Court stated that remedies must be effective not illusory, noting that many civil and political rights had social and economic implications involving positive obligations. Accordingly, there is a right to legal assistance if legal assistance is indispensable to have effective access to the courts. Furthermore, the Basic Principles and Guidelines on the Right to a Remedy and Reparation for Victims of Gross Violations of International Human Rights Law and Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law call for ""proper assistance to victims seeking access to justice"" including legal aid and ensuring adequate, effective and prompt remedies for victims of serious or gross violations (General Assembly resolution 60/147)." 5 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264279421-8-en 1f01380ea59a47d3cca6fd050e9fee2a Where there is public transport, it may not always operate in a regular or reliable fashion. Disadvantaged students may also have more responsibilities than advantaged students, such as the need to look after younger siblings and other family members and to undertake paid work before or after school. However, these improvements were largely among advantaged rather than disadvantaged students (OECD, 2016b). Argentina, Kazakhstan and Malaysia were not included in this figure, as coverage is too small to ensure comparability (see Annex A4 of OECD, 2016a). 4 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/aeo-2012-8-en 1f017f6f487b56448c7ee47dcba2a828 In South Africa the situation is even more extreme, with 3 million young people in NEET and 600 000 unemployed university graduates versus 800 000 vacancies (The Economist, 2012a). A survey among recruitment and temporary work agencies conducted for this report in nine African countries shows that such agencies have a greater struggle to find suitable candidates with tertiary education in South Africa and TVmisia than in countries with much lower incomes such as Kenya, Ghana and even Niger. Taking into consideration NEET youth, Figure 6.11. 8 0 3 1.0 10.18356/028f7d06-en 1f05028b9a688893e26aee5d2a930c63 The difference between this indicator and the beginning poverty rate is the distribution effect. The two effects can also be calculated with the beginning and ending periods interchanged. First, it is not exact: the residual has no analytical interpretation. The changes examined therefore encompass a longer period than the crisis itself. Of particular interest are labour income (as the primary source of household resources) and public transfers. 1 0 5 1.0 10.1787/9789264188945-9-en 1f0573b1ee8d018b6815ae2ce50ebed7 An example could be to progressively move to a mixed payment system that provides some capitation payments for patients that register with a medical practice as their chosen first point of call for health care services and fee-for-service for important services like measuring blood glucose levels and lowering it for patients with diabetes. The National Health Insurance Corporation’s (NHIC) activities are focused on reimbursement and claims process, and it has little scope to use the financing of health care services to drive policy changes. This is instead located in another agency, the Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service (HIRA), whose mandate as the assurer of insurance claims limits it to paying small amounts of funds to providers. The consequence of this functional separation between HIRA and the NHIC is that no one organisation has the in-house capacity (or incentive) to proactively design and implement a payment arrangement that embeds quality into purchasing. 3 1 4 0.6 10.1787/5js65xn790nv-en 1f05d965595c645b81230b6837cecff3 Conventional welfare analysis would suggest that policymakers should use targeted non-trade policies to offset negative impacts, on the grounds that they do not forfeit the efficiency gains from trade reform and can be targeted to specific beneficiaries. However, there are concerns that some countries, in particular poorer countries, may not have the institutional or fiscal capacity to make use of these instruments, and that some recourse to the levers of trade policy might be necessary. This definition implies that people will only be food secure when sufficient food is available, they have access to it, and it is well utilised. A fourth requirement is the stability of those three dimensions over time, which means the ability to manage risks effectively. 2 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/5jlww009v1hj-en 1f0a96afe06e74bb6afa880a8745a85f For example, Thailand’s 2nd National Communication outlines the models used to develop higher resolution climate impact projections (MNRE, 2011). Some national climate/adaptation action plans also include indicators used to assess climate impacts or vulnerability. For example, the 2nd Brazilian National Communication to the UNFCCC summarises information on expected changes under different climate scenarios in the extent of low-risk areas for growing particular crops. 13 0 9 1.0 10.18356/665c59ff-en 1f0eace837213adcfef95f99143a3db8 Unlike most Asian economies (especially China), which have benefited from this global dispersion of production, African economies have reaped these benefits far less. The World Trade Organization estimated that a quarter ($5 trillion out of $19 trillion) of global trade in 2010 involved double-counting, that is, the value of intermediate products traded directly across national borders and indirectly, through subsequent incorporation in final products (UNCTAD, 2013; UNECA, 2014). As Chang (2015) notes, this flow of resources and revenue within GVCs represents a huge concentration of profits and power within the large multinational firms that can accrue technological dominance, brand recognition and access to low-cost capital because of the large scale at which they operate. 7 2 4 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5js3926d54d7-en 1f11fe84955d1221255dd77d692fa043 Since it is not possible to control for year and country specific effects, findings may be partly due to omitted variables. Finally, at the micro level, more research is required in order to collect data on immigrants and return migrants to allow for an estimation of the spillovers on family structures in origin countries. Nevertheless, this paper is a first contribution to the literature highlighting the bidirectional nature of the migration-gender nexus and the importance of discriminatory social institutions. 5 1 3 0.5 10.18356/f08da6fa-en 1f15e69d5318d9a9e1828a2ca0c7e404 There is a sharp rural/urban divide in the utilities dimension: 87 per cent of children in rural areas are deprived in utilities, a combination of poor access to water and heating. However, there are no differences in leisure deprivation rates by area of residence. At the same time, there are no significant gender differences either in deprivation distribution or particular dimensions. These children are the most vulnerable, and should be prioritized by social policies. 1 1 4 0.6 10.18356/77cccad1-en 1f160aa63d9e9879b71f62f3beba6f41 In respect of MDG Target 7.D: By 2020, to have achieved a significant improvement in the lives of at least 100 million slum dwellers, Belarus’s indicator has increased from 22.9 m~ of residential floor area per capita in 2005 to 26.1 m2 in 2014. The new energy efficient housing output in 2009 and 2010 followed the planned volumes of the Integrated programme for design, construction and reconstruction of energy efficient residential buildings in the Republic of Belarus for 2009-2010 and until 2020. However, in 2011, it was 20 per cent less than the planned 600,000 m2. These norms depend on the type of residential building and structural solutions used (i.e. heat recovery ventilation). 11 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264191761-en 1f164e7b6b7cb6d34eb35a0a9abfdf8e Wheat farms with an arable land area of up to 3 000 hectares are considered to be small; few of these farms have drying facilities and storage space. Medium-sized producers operating on 5 000 to 20 000 hectares are typically equipped with a fleet of modern machinery, grain storage and other facilities. Large producers with over 20 000 hectares often have direct contracts with buyers overseas - either foreign traders or mills. 2 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264270985-7-en 1f1aba2e238be09f435b6de8207c875a Clearly, there is no one-to-one relationship between health care functions and the provision and financing categories. The same type of health care goods and services can be consumed from different types of providers and at the same time purchased using various types of financing schemes. But to achieve the tri-axial perspective (consumption-provision-financing), the starting point is to measure consumption (see Chapter 4), which in a health functional approach describes the direct consumption by the population according to the type of health purpose. The boundaries of health care are set based on this consumption purpose. 3 0 7 1.0 10.18356/fa8ae033-en 1f1c35a60d67ffe26ae6271ccb177591 See, e.g., UN Human Rights Committee 2000, para. For example, Case of Nicholas Toonen v. Australia, Human Rights Committee Views of 31 March 1994, Communication No. In areas relevant to the concept of family, that evolution is found, for example, in the protection of children born out of wedlock,44 same-sex partners45 and single-parent families. 5 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5jxrcmgpc6mn-en 1f1e71dba283e671b1e9a7e4a791b3c5 Transition rates for Germany and the United Kingdom have been calculated using individual sampling weights. For Luxembourg, for instance, a very low average entry rate of 0.6% translates into 1,400 new benefit recipients from one year to the next. The average exit rate of 14.4% by contrast corresponds to less than 1,000 individuals that leave benefits from one year to the next. 1 2 2 0.0 10.18356/1c11fde8-en 1f1fec556df084c144f0603302ffda73 The Albanian authorities have intensified cooperation with their Italian counterparts in mapping illicit cultivation areas through aerial surveys. The quantity of cannabis seized in Albania in 2014 (101.7 tons) exceeded the total quantity seized during the previous nine years (96 tons). Seizures of cannabis plants in a country may indicate the production of the drug in its territory. 3 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5k46cvrgnms6-en 1f23eff8bc44c325755cc506046d7307 Employment rates react to changes in tax rates, in leave policies, but the rising provision of childcare formal services to working parents with children not yet three years old is a main policy driver of female labour force participation. Different policy instruments interact with each other to improve overall effectiveness. In particular, the coverage of childcare services is found to have a greater effect on women’s participation in the labour market in countries with relatively high degrees of employment protection. The effect of childcare services on female full-time employment is particularly strong in Anglophone and Nordic countries. 5 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.14217/9781848591462-6-en 1f257b3c940e0f5d8b5b6b41673eb9c0 Responding to this need, a Caribbean Network of Teacher Educators was formed in 2004 to address sustainable development, and a number of related regional events have been held, including the development of a teachers’ guide to ESD in the Caribbean and an online discussion group. A relaunch of this network is planned for November 2012, which should help to reinvigorate a focus on teacher ESD in the region. However, there is some excellent work being undertaken by teacher training institutes themselves to raise the awareness of ESD issues and practices among graduating teachers. 13 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/5k46dbzhrkhl-en 1f257bebfdfb79f3e6a02a28f118fc69 Ethiopia Climate Project Receives Africa’s First Forestry Carbon Credits under the CDM, Ethiopia: A Country Study on the Economic Impacts of Climate Change. Washington, DC: World Bank, Sustainable Development Department, Africa Region. They also draw on the information kindly provided by individuals interviewed separately in the same week. 13 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264225442-20-en 1f25fba5565bd09d57c02caa2f6ba682 Research found that students who opted for the apprenticeship track do not feel well prepared for the labour market. The apprenticeship track contains 30% general education, while the technical track has 60%. According to government sources, the dropout rate in apprenticeships is high, and the government is concerned that occupations that used to be covered by this track will not find sufficient numbers of skilled workers in the future. Improving the quality of teaching, the relevance of different options as well as the quality of and access to workplace training can help strengthen this pathway. 4 0 3 1.0 10.1787/pension/glance-2013-5-en 1f2cfc75634e167e3e858d099caebc41 Anyone whose income is less than 50% of the median equivalised income is said to be “at risk of poverty”. The European Union uses a 60% cut-off point (before housing costs),12 while lower thresholds give rise to what is sometimes termed “severe poverty” measures (Brewer et al., A headcount ratio in the late 2000s revealed that 12.8% of the over-65s were poor in the OECD area (Figure 2.8). 1 0 4 1.0 10.1787/5kmd6b5rl5kd-en 1f2df28adfd787f4d983a10159adafd3 Individual micro data is used to analyze the statistical properties of the farming environment (risk exposure) that can hinder or facilitate the management of risk at the farm level. It is found that the individual risk environment can significantly differ from sectoral or aggregate risk, and that farmers can benefit from some correlations to manage their risk (e.g. imperfect correlation between yields and negative correlation between price and yield). A microeconomic model is then used to simulate farmer response to different risk related policies. 2 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264213944-7-en 1f329f03488208d3298713f0345637e9 By providing these entrepreneurs with customised professional consulting services, they can develop “incubator-ready” proposals for consideration by the PICTI technical and evaluation review panels. The pre-incubation period can take from one to three months. With support from the International Youth Foundation/USAID, PICTI launched the Palestine Network of Mentors with more than 50 mentors who are available to mentor incubating enteiprises. 5 3 0 1.0 10.1787/9789264262959-en 1f3464de53fc2029469a776c7bdf6787 This suggests that descriptive representation can actually translate into substantive representation for women. There are multiple causal pathways: elected women pay more attention to women’s needs, they are more effective in bringing these bills on the agenda and they can indirectly (or directly) influence male legislators’ priorities (Schwindt-Bayer, 2007). In Latin America, the presence of female legislators lias helped prioritise children and family affairs, as well as on sexual abuse and family violence issues in Argentina, Colombia and Costa Rica (Schwindt-Bayer, 2007). 8 4 1 0.6 10.18356/442a2283-en 1f357d8c6a34013a9a4828916aa79e29 The latter remained actively involved throughout all stages of the project, from planning to evaluation. The number of schools involved in the project increased because of demand from parents and communities. Although self-determination is frequently associated with access to lands, territories and natural resources, it is also extremely relevant to indigenous peoples' education. Throughout the world, indigenous peoples have experienced education as an outside influence, something that has been imposed on them without consulting them or seeking their consent. 4 0 7 1.0 10.18356/a58cb1df-en 1f3a8012a76e0f0beb2535ea8911c2b0 Considerations include the effects on the animal eating the feed and on consumers eating the resulting animal product, worker safety and other environmental aspects of using the feed. As the production process for the enzymes used in animal feeds takes place under controlled conditions in closed fermentation tank installations and eliminates the modified DNA from the final products, these products do not pose any risk to the animal or the environment. The enzyme phytase has particular benefits in feeding pigs and poultry, including a significant reduction in the amount of phosphorus released to the environment. 2 0 3 1.0 10.18356/1ea53441-en 1f41ce5b06894aa72bd3a19d26502d60 In fact, taxation may have much to offer and even be a more desirable instrument than trading. Examples are: “feed in” tariff systems to stimulate decentralized power generation; insurance or guarantee systems to cover policy and economic risks; social impact bonds related to climate and agriculture; tax credits (on investment, production); sectoral crediting mechanisms for reductions beyond a certain baseline; credits related to NAMAs (nationally appropriate mitigation action); “suppressed demand” and “blue carbon storage” extensions of clean development mechanisms (CDMs). Countries may find certain types of instruments to be more or less compatible with prevailing political and/or sociocultural conditions; new instruments sometimes aggravate power asymmetries in relation to resource use. 13 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264303201-5-en 1f45dfc799d7ea1e29bb4fda88f06237 The NBAP was updated with an addendum in 2014 containing 12 national biodiversity targets along with relevant indicators and monitoring frameworks based on stakeholder consultations and a review of the programmes and activities being undertaken by ministries/ departments of the Government of India and State Biodiversity Boards. The review process included inter-ministerial meetings and public stakeholder consultations. The national-level consultations involved 41 government and non-government agencies, including meetings with the Ministry of Finance and the National Planning Commission. 15 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264118720-6-en 1f479006c58803176fb2b0375e71d21e Poverty rates also rank among the highest across the OECD area (Figure 3.1). The relative poverty rate, as measured against 50% of equivalised median household income, was around 17% in 2008; this is comparable with relative poverty rates in Chile, Mexico, Turkey and the Unites States, but not as high as in Israel (OECD, 2008a and 2010a). Available income data based on a small panel-data set suggest a Gini coefficient that is about 5 percentage points higher (Figure 3.2) than the Rosstat statistics on income distribution and poverty (Box 3.1). 1 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5jz159228n6j-en 1f47e0fc32ce320ab4d714fd81bfb00a These have often been through public-private partnerships with health insurance companies (ISSA, 2013). Rising government spending is paramount to improve health care provision. Financing the expansion of the public health care system through general taxation may be more effective to reach universal coverage and increase risk pooling, given the large labour market informality and the high number of self-employed. 3 0 3 1.0 10.18356/7e830810-en 1f48e75118c611160c9d10c5646435a8 The hassle of upgrading technology or modifying established operations was considered to offset the potential cost savings. But it is important to distinguish between relative and absolute savings. For example, a Colombian coffee producer was spending more than $3 million a year on energy - only 1.4 percent of production costs but clearly a substantial absolute sum - and potential cost savings were large relative to the profit margin. ( 7 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264268791-5-en 1f4b1cdef6065618c12a20ec487540f3 Rural centres of excellence, France France’s rural centres of excellence programme were inspired by the idea of competitive urban clusters. Projects under this program are awarded State funding for economic development projects in rural areas that involve a partnership between local authorities and private firms. This program was created to support the 2005 law on the development of rural areas. 11 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5k3tsjqtp90v-en 1f4e45254d8c2d119004910502320fd6 In decentralised countries, such as the United States, Germany and Australia, it is the local authorities who decide what components of teacher performance are to be assessed and how. In England and Chile, teacher evaluations are defined by the central government, (Manzi, 2010; Sclafani, 2009). In addition, and contrary to what was believed a few decades ago, teaching performance can be assessed in valid, fair and reliable ways. More importantly, it can be carried out in such a way as to be acceptable to teachers, even when the results have an important impact on their professional careers. 4 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5k4dlw04vx0n-en 1f50bd05df2904a001a3976d7318b093 In the health care sector, reforms have aimed at introducing more competition. Despite major changes and some positive effects, the reforms run the risk of getting stuck in the middle between a centralised system of state-controlled supply and prices and a decentralised system based on regulated competition, providing insufficient incentives for provision of quality services and expenditure control. The main challenges are to complete the transition to regulated competition in health care provision, to strengthen the role of health insurers as purchasing agents and to secure cost containment in an increasingly demand-driven health care sector. 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5k3wb8fmsz6h-en 1f58c4b1c412bf3dfc7812daa145daa7 Many off-shore wind farms have already been built and some governments are actively pursuing the large-scale deployment of this technology. Other low-carbon technologies such as CCS, which has a huge potential, are less mature and require a longer-term vision. Even where carbon pricing has been introduced, these technology policies have been kept or even accelerated. 7 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.18356/e3495d86-en 1f5a69ed4eb30496de2cd1006decdec3 On average, developing countries in Asia and the Pacific collect 3.6 per cent of GDP from CIT, which is more than the OECD average of 2.9 per cent of GDP. However, average PIT collection in the region is merely 2 per cent of GDP, compared with 8.8 per cent in OECD countries. However, in an increasingly integrated world where capital has greater mobility, there is growing pressure on the tax due to tax competition113 and the risk that CIT burden could be shifted to labour (Harberger, 2006). The United States 2017 tax reform is a latest initiative in this direction. However, past experience also shows that PIT only performs if it is well-designed and well-administered and has sufficient coverage (Bird and Zolt. 10 0 3 1.0 10.1787/dcr-2013-11-en 1f5ca14c63b0cd97c293cf318b1da742 They have come to rely on public services that were not available before and now they want to improve the quality of those services. Millions of Brazilians can now buy a car for the first time and can also travel by plane. The counterpart to that, however, should be decent and efficient public transportation to facilitate urban mobility and make life in the big cities less painful and stressful. The Gini coefficient is commonly used as a measure of inequality of income or wealth, where a coefficient of one means maximum inequality, and zero means total equality. 1 2 2 0.0 10.18356/520b80a5-en 1f6211fd56ed383c4746400fe96d1245 If China is excluded from this calculation, real average wages contracted by 0.3% per annum. Some countries have only one national minimum wage rate, whereas others have multiple minimum wage rates by districts, occupations, age. Available from; and CEIC Data Company Limited. Available from (accessed on 30 March 2013). Note: LHS panel: y-axis refers to monthly values of FAO food price index and crude index; RHS panel: y-axis refers to the year-on-year monthly values of CPI of the selected economies. Available from (accessed on 30 March 2013). 10 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/3726edff-en 1f633066c1605ec27d0bed9c0857080b New applications and tailored ICT tools can be developed to improve communication, enhance data collection on results and geographic location of development projects, and strengthen monitoring and evaluation for better analyses and more effective development co-operation. The OECD-WTO aid for trade monitoring exercise found that ICT is already prioritised in the development strategies of two-thirds of donors and that nearly all developing countries (90%) anticipate the need for future assistance in this area. Aid commitments to ICT project stood at USD 1 billion in 2017, mostly in the form of technical assistance for regulatory form (OECD/WTO, 2017[3oi). 9 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264302037-en 1f64a5cba022521e7f2ece697db488b4 All regressions are based on the same 36 observations at the national level and 360 observations at the sub-national level per year and are weighted by the sample size of the education’experience’year cell. All regression models include education, experience, and period fixed effects, and a full set of two-way interactions. In this context, the educational attainment of foreign- and native-born workers is also taken into account. Thereafter, the chapter looks at factors that help explain why the contribution of foreign-born workers may be different from native-born workers based on qualitative studies of selected sectors. 8 3 0 1.0 10.1787/9789264245891-8-en 1f653d4d0dd33bbbb938b5b137f0e033 Moreover, there are concerns that the current framework for teacher professional development is not responding adequately to teachers' needs: there is little flexibility in the current provision; it is unclear whether adequate learning opportunities for teachers are available; and incentives to engage in professional development seem to be increasingly related to salary increases and career advancement. Finally, Kazakhstan shows a clear commitment to external accountability based around school evaluation with a regular cycle of external school evaluations (school attestation) and a formal certification process for teachers (teacher attestation). However, the review team formed the impression that there is an over-emphasis on the accountability function of both teacher evaluation and school evaluation, with less attention paid to genuine professional discussions about effective teaching. The “Standard Staffing of Public Educational Organizations and List of Teaching Positions and Equal-Status Employees” (Decree no. 4 0 9 1.0 10.6027/9789289349734-5-en 1f66166140d4743368ce98299d76ffca In particular, topics like politics (23% women), the economy (14% women) and crime (22% women) feature low proportions of women in the 2015 GMMP. When looking at Danish web news on politics, the proportion of female news subjects was only 10% in the latest GMMP (Jarndrup & Bentsen 2015). Only 33% of the guest politicians in factual programmes were women even though at the time of the study nearly half of all Danish ministers and 40% of the members of the parliament were women (Andreassen 2016: 91). 5 0 9 1.0 10.18356/6950d0fe-en 1f666f74945a138f591dbc5a75de2c41 This section identifies adjustments that might be needed for LEAP to be more effective in the urban context, looking at the areas of communication and outreach, targeting and registration, and benefit packages. The ideas and suggestions presented here emerge partly from assessments already conducted in Ghana and partly from the above review of experiences and lessons in other countries. This is reflected in the use of social networks in rural communities for outreach initiatives, and the use of GLSS data to identify indicators for proxy means testing, which has resulted in underperformance of PMT in urban communities and low qualification rates. 1 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264168091-6-en 1f669e9a676e811f3cee2218751bfd1e It also promotes improvements in prevention, diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation for targeted diseases. Construction and renovation represent about 30% of the total budget. At the same time, regional governments are supposed to develop regional programmes aimed at reaching the goals under the “demographic concept” (action plan) mentioned above and are required to transmit information on fertility, morbidity etc. They also co-finance number of target federal programmes from regional budgets. Initially, this programme covered 15.9 million public sector employees and 10.9 million persons who work in jobs with harmful or hazardous working conditions (Sheiman and Shishkin, 2010). 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264179806-en 1f699796e51dacb78d39a05682ed9951 Students who successfully complete their programme and pass rigorous assessments, should obtain a credential that is recognised by employers as a meaningful proof of occupational skills. Depending on whether a unitary system is chosen or not, this may be called a NQ or a degree, the crucial point is that junior college graduates should hold a credential that is widely recognised in the labour market. To address these issues, the chapter recommends further enhancing the career information provided to prospective students and balancing student choice with signals of employer needs. 4 0 7 1.0 10.18356/4a2e8e2d-en 1f6daecad1d3574c627ddc38201135e5 An exchange of experiences was facilitated through the organization of a dedicated global workshop17 in February 2018. As some benefits are not familiar to all audiences, a typology such as the one proposed in the Policy Guidance Note can be a useful tool to guide stakeholders in the identification of benefits: these can be economic benefits, social and environmental benefits, regional economic cooperation benefits, as well as peace and security benefits. The benefits are then screened, and the most important can then be selected for assessment, based on their magnitude and other policy-related criteria. 6 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264191808-5-en 1f6f09e1f37dad3e6696c8126171d064 If they do not, the answer is considered favourable. The Directorate of Planning is the strategic advisory body of the MOP in matters of planning, policy definition and general co-ordination. It is in charge of proposing policies and development plans in such infrastructure as roads, ports and airports, or water resources. 11 0 3 1.0 10.18356/1c11fde8-en 1f78aa7c68a85142667df2be7346cf68 In addition, the law on narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their analogues and precursors, the main drug control legislation of Kazakhstan, was also strengthened and supplemented with provisions on analogue scheduling in July 2014. In 2014, the Government of Kyrgyzstan approved a counter-narcotics strategy and implementation plan which defined measures and activities in the field of drug control for the period 2014-2019. The strategy also aims to strengthen the law enforcement agencies of Kyrgyzstan and enhance drug demand reduction and prevention efforts, including the implementation of tertiary prevention measures such as needle exchange, counselling, the provision of health care, and educational activities, as well as treatment and rehabilitation programmes. 3 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264083578-5-en 1f791555227a3b44af015773217cddf0 When ethanol is produced from sugarcane or lignocellulosic feedstocks, process by-products (bagasse and lignin, respectively) are used for internal heat and electricity. Here, lower range numbers refer to system designs allowing for export of electricity in excess of internal requirements. This would require 170 km3 of additional evapotranspiration and 180 km3 of additional irrigation. 6 4 0 1.0 10.1787/5bbcdeac-en 1f7c49e19e89b9d14a123eaaf62572f2 Tugliq sells the electricity generated under a long-term PPA to Glencore. Operating in severe climatic conditions of up to -40 °C, the project is a first-of-its-kind, and was completed in a record time within a short Arctic summer. It costs nearly CAD 19 million, with a front-end engineering design (FEED) study worth further CAD 2 million (NRCan, 2016a; 2016b). 7 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264116917-10-en 1f7e2ff7f6b501d8b8fb7ffd7e5052e2 The New Zealand Treasury set up the following key principles for public management in all state agencies; clarity of objectives, freedom to manage, accountability, effective assessment of performance, and adequate information flows (New Zealand Treasury, 1987; Cook, 2004). For the education sector this means that different education agencies need to co-ordinate their strategic direction so as to ensure that monitoring of education quality is related to high level goals of system performance. The Management for Outcomes framework provides a common model of a quality management cycle for all state departments. 4 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264113718-en 1f83f39d924c90e3400844fa4ce367d0 Research from Germany shows that the suspension of formal training for apprentice supervisors seems to have had a negative impact - higher drop-out rates and more complaints from companies about the performance of their apprentices (BIBB, 2008). In Flanders a study of internships (Ruelens etal., It would be therefore important to ensure that in-company supervisors are adequately prepared - the stronger the workplace training element in a programme, the more it is necessary to give targeted training to in-company supervisors. 4 4 5 0.1111111111111111 10.1787/9789264251724-6-en 1f84e285ec051351e5707cb4987f6f2d The high quantities of protein - up to half of their weight - make algae one of the most interesting emerging food sources. Algae are simple, single-cell organisms that can grow very rapidly at sea, in polluted water and in places that would normally not generate food crops, ranging from giant seaweeds and kelps to microscopic slimes. Algae would be a cost-effective, land-and climate-neutral alternative to meat proteins while at the same time fixing large amounts of C02 from the atmosphere. 14 0 4 1.0 10.1787/5k4c9kwfdx8r-en 1f8bca59385a093adb7e43ed41debc57 Such a system implies technical norms and regulations which are both responsive to international demand and adapted to local circumstances, but also sufficient capacity to ensure compliance with those norms and regulations. In many developing countries relevant agencies lack adequate expertise and equipment, both at the standard-setting and at the enforcement stage, including at the border. They also lack clearly defined mandates, resulting in overlapping, uncoordinated activities, for which existing resources are spread too thin, and generating confusion, delays and duplicative expenses. As documented by Brenton et al. ( 2 3 0 1.0 10.30875/5c87fcba-en 1f8f0a6ef05798a72a1d83d777350702 "Naturally, computers have become widespread and are used for a wide variety of purposes beyond solving computationally difficult problems. Gilder's Law"", a conjecture like Moore's Law, predicts that total bandwidth — a measure of the carrying capacity of a communication system — will grow at least three times faster than computing power (Gilder, 2000). Thus, if computing power doubles every 18 months, as projected by Moore's Law, then Gilder's Law predicts that bandwidth will double every six months." 9 0 4 1.0 10.18356/56317379-en 1f8fa345187da78de848c5c1e0f15615 Extensive data from productivity enhancement studies in Africa and Asia demonstrate the enormous potential to enhance green water-use efficiency as well as increase the availability of green water (Wani Pathak and Tam, 2002; Wani, Pathak and Jangawad, 2003; Wani, Joshi and Raju, 2008; Wani, Sreedevi and Marimuthu, 2009b; Wani, and Rockstrom, 2011c; Rockstrom, Hatibu and Oweis, 2007; Barron and Keys, 2011). Of the 1 338 million poor people worldwide, most live in the developing countries of Asia and Africa in dryland/rain-fed areas (Rockstrom, etal., The reliance on rainfed agriculture varies regionally. In sub-Saharan Africa, more than 95 percent of the farmed land is rain fed, with almost 90 percent in Latin America, 60 percent in South Asia, 65 percent in East Asia, and 75 percent in the Near East and North Africa (FAOSTAT, 2010). A large proportion of the global expansion of cropland areas since 1900 has occurred in rain-fed regions. 2 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/agr/outlook-2015-5-en 1f922e21028b303c7ffcf9945e651855 In 2000, China was the 11th most important import market demanding less than USD 0.5 billion or 3% of the total. By 2013, China was the largest demander of Brazilian agricultural produce, buying almost USD 20.5 billion, or 23% of the total. The second biggest market for Brazilian agricultural goods in 2013 was the European Union, importing almost USD 18.3 billion (almost 20% of total), followed by the United States importing roughly USD 4.6 billion. 2 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5kg0prg9b1g8-en 1f939f813a8d5cb03aa4c3b32ea0f965 The Slovenian education system has a combined school and work-based apprenticeship programmes, but only 1.6% of upper secondary education pupils participate in such programmes, although around 60% of them are enrolled in vocationally-oriented programmes. The 2002 reform of VET allowed 20% of the curriculum to be flexible, based on local needs and conditions. The authorities should introduce sufficient incentives to ensure greater involvement in the determination of curriculum and work-based study programmes. International evidence suggests that the employment performance of vocational upper secondary education graduates tends to be correspondingly favourable where participation in apprenticeship programmes is particularly high. 4 0 3 1.0 10.18356/215d0d56-en 1f93c599e65c29104132e29d4336af56 All these challenges must be tackled within a context of climate uncertainty, which poses its own particular problems with respect to the assessment of policy options: different climate scenarios may require different policy options. Making decisions under scenarios characterized by uncertainty may increase the risk of path dependence and under- or overinvestment, depending on whether or not the climate hazards actually materialize and if they do, on their characteristics. Proper timing and phasing of actions, including the separation of those requiring immediate attention from those that can be deferred or that cannot be pursued without additional information, is a first step towards incorporating uncertainties into the process of designing and implementing policy interventions (Watkiss, 2015; Wong and others, 2014). 13 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264188617-en 1f9830fdca6ec29879e9f0ee5126dd11 According to the IEA/NEA 2010 Projected Cost study, load factors in OECD countries vary between 22% (Italy) and 41% (United States) for wind and between 10% (Netherlands) and 25% (France) for solar photovoltaic (PV). Assuming an entirely realistic average load factor for wind-power turbines of 25%, this means that the share of wind on windy days is four-fold its average figure. This means, for instance, that the Danish system can only be balanced by being closely integrated with the Nordpool electricity market with its ideal balancing conditions due to the almost exclusive reliance on hydropower by Norway. 7 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.18356/78349259-en 1f99b7addae957cabf19eb3cfc347238 The proportion, however, is lower in the LDCs and landlocked developing countries (LLDCs), with an access rate of only around 70 per cent. Meanwhile, the Pacific developing countries are even further behind, at 49 per cent. Progress has been slower for sanitation. This section looks at some of the emerging threats to sustainable agriculture. 2 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/dd4dcfa6-en 1f9ada53174e1b6a749232cab3affaa4 Females are less likely to engage in vigorous exercise (Figure 10) in every OECD country, with an OECD average difference of -16.58 p.p., Successive governments have implemented policies and programs aimed at supporting families with children sometimes building in progressive adjustments to increase allocations for families with low or modest incomes. In November 1989, for instance, the House of Commons adopted a unanimous all-party resolution to strive to eliminate poverty among Canadian children by the year 2000. This commitment has been reiterated with the aim to put in place a long-term investment plan to allow poor families to break out of the welfare trap so that children bom into poverty do not cam' the consequences of that poverty throughout their lives (Lefebvre and Merrigan, 2003[9]). 1 0 4 1.0 10.18356/68bdcb6f-en 1f9e38111645e603aa0ab07d341c3909 Every worker is entitled to a minimum wage. This is the lowest pay that the worker must receive for the services rendered during an ordinary workday. The powers and functions of trade unions include advocating for the creation and improvement of systems of protection against workplace hazards and prevention of accidents and diseases, and requiring that their members use protection mechanisms. 8 0 9 1.0 10.1787/5kg20639kgkj-en 1f9e732f258eb1dfd607cf4f0aa12bf3 It emphasises the importance of designing and implementing effective systems for helping young people make good linkages between their education choices and their potential employment options. This ranges from creating opportunities for stimulating a young person’s imagination on different career possibilities to providing specific guidance about the importance of STEM studies for opening up careers in the new green economy. Good linkages of this type are influential in motivating learning in schools and contribute to producing school leavers who have the skills needed by industry for employment growth. 7 3 0 1.0 10.14217/9781848599642-10-en 1f9f934db9f2469739d261940ce5bfdf E-commerce, though not entirely a new subject area in international trade discourse, is coming to the forefront now given its rapid expansion and the need for governments and the global community at large to look more carefully at the implications of this and to come up with relevant policy measures. This chapter does not purport to build the case for a particular stance by these countries on e-commerce, but rather looks at the potential benefits that could accrue from e-commerce development and at the same time the serious challenges they face, given the constraints that exist, as well as ways to address these. While the focus is on small developing countries, many of the issues covered will be relevant to the larger group of developing countries. 9 0 3 1.0 10.1787/ad4de8a1-en 1fa149740e58be78c5a633bd51a15964 These regions, within the scope of their competence, ensure planning and co-ordination of regional development and co-operation between local government and other parts of the administration. In accordance with the Law on Regional Development, the Riga planning region as an institution is a derived public entity supervised by the Ministry of Regional Development and local government. Its decisionmaking authority is the Riga Planning Region Development Council, whose 18 members are appointed at a meeting of all heads of municipalities in the planning region. 11 0 4 1.0 10.1787/5jrxfmjvw9bt-en 1fa33c040bbfe8fb5da975fe8d07d349 These results hold for both genders, even when we distinguish between on-the-job and off-the-job training. Interestingly, the negative effect of a vocational curriculum is larger in absolute value in countries with higher employment protection. It is often said that the presence of vocational tracks helps keeping students with limited academic attitudes in school. Our empirical evidence shows that upper secondary VET is associated to substantially higher hourly earnings, employability and skills with respect to lower education. 4 1 3 0.5 10.1787/5jxx71lt1zg6-en 1fa6b27a6d1e2d28d80fa8b0e54173a0 European Journal of Population/Revue europeenne de Demographie, 27(2), 157-184. Why are suicide rates rising in young men but falling in the elderly? A time-series analysis of trends in England and Wales 1950-1998. Nervous and depressive symptoms in a longitudinal study of youth unemployment—selection or exposure? 3 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.14217/2d08a027-en 1fae05f174769e113a69396acdae9f52 In Sierra Leone, women are involved in political peace-building initiatives at both the local and regional levels. On its dedicated webpage, it documented some ofthe facts and figures relating to violence against women in elections. To operationalise this service, victims and/or witnesses were directed to send a brief text message to a dedicated number, describing the violence and providing the location of the incident. 5 0 4 1.0 10.14217/9781848591035-8-en 1fafb28e13ce706385176b3002dbb4c7 The impetus for this ban was the ban imposed by Europe in 1996. Europe’s own scientific authorities have, however, found no health basis for the ban. As European grain productivity falls progressively further behind that of North America, it seems increasingly likely that the ban will be relaxed, probably country by country. 2 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/f3e7d816-en 1fb1f997f06834e9412f67099532861d Compared to other types of statistics, few manuals and training resources have been dedicated to the development of gender statistics. The United Nations Statistics Division led many of the technical developments in the field of gender statistics, mainly during the period from 1975 to 1995, before the Fourth World Conference on Women (United Nations, Economic and Social Council, 2010). The Division provided leadership in the production of technical materials and the compilation of statistics on women and men. 5 0 3 1.0 10.18356/bf400991-en 1fb82cce929eaad44e7401f01c4167bd A high value (near the outer circle of the diagram) indicates good performance. Dhaka, Ho Chi Minh City, Surabaya and Surat. The development of a joint monitoring framework is spearheaded by UN-Habitat in collaboration with various partners, and spells out a budgeted activity plan covering the next few years. 11 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/growth-2013-4-en 1fc060a67eb0e93d7256feb506edf706 Both government and external imbalances have to some extent narrowed over the past two or three years, and given widespread commitments and - in some cases - market pressures for budget consolidation, government imbalances are expected to continue to diminish over the next few years. But in the case of current account imbalances, the extent to which the recent narrowing reflects cyclical rather than structural factors remains unclear. This section highlights the likely impact on budget deficits and current account imbalances of recommendations for OECD and BRIICS’ countries in the areas identified as country-specific policy priorities and reported in Chapter 1. 10 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/6ef2e6fd-en 1fc2522003df5e2e29ffdff339e95caf Staying in good health by living a healthy lifestyle and preventing disease can lead to healthy ageing. There are various tools and methods to support healthy ageing, such as education regarding health care and continuous biosignal monitoring. Electronic health records and health information systems document and organize information on individual patients and die clinical population in general, which helps to determine the care required by older persons. 3 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264282261-15-en 1fc258518222e5be5d03c811cca4a6f1 The funds will support aquaculture in the aim of making the sector more productive without compromising sustainability and conservation goals. The total budget for the Operational Programme (OP) is approximately EUR 41 million (USD 55 million) for the period 2014-20. World’s total values of production for catch and aquaculture were sourced from the FAO Yearbook, Fishery and Aquaculture Statistics, 2015. 14 1 4 0.6 10.1787/9789264188617-en 1fc33a5154e0b4e8c328175cc5f40b7c In order to assess the effects of a lower availability of wind and solar resources on the configuration of a least-cost electricity system operation, the annual electricity generation of wind and PV power plants is reduced by 15% for the scenarios with a renewable share of 80%. With the reduced availability of variable renewables, pump storage is used less, but curtailment of wind and PV power plants still amounts to approximately 4% of their annual electricity generation. In total, renewables show a share of 68% in the annual electricity demand. 7 0 4 1.0 10.18356/5be883c5-en 1fc3e286d3ca524e23ae078da770eed4 At the same time, the higher market participation brought about by higher wages for women actually lowers human capacities production because of the time squeeze type effects of the low road. These effects can be so pronounced that human capacities investment plays no role in moderating profit-led growth. Thus the term exploitation refers to how production and growth are predicated on exploiting women’s reproductive labour and human resources in general. 5 0 8 1.0 10.1787/9789264096356-en 1fc65f82428a26545ae5f07ae557bead These models can generate valuable information on the prospective cost-effectiveness of nuclear as well as its contribution to future supply security. The indicator aims at identifying short-term actions that can obtain results within weeks rather than months. The indicator combines an assessment of a member country’s risk to be confronted with sudden supply interruptions and its potential impacts, the risk assessment (RA), and the capability of that country to mitigate these impacts, the mitigation assessment (MA). If the risk is high, more emphasis should be put on effective crisis capabilities than when this risk is low. 7 0 9 1.0 10.1787/469d7fec-en 1fc7da19ce080554a3b0f81ea92919e2 The MDB methodology, by focussing on specific climate components, differs from the CRS Rio markers, which capture total project costs. The MDBs and the International Development Finance Club (IDFC) have also established common principles for climate finance tracking for mitigation (MDBs and IDFC, n.d.) The principles consist of a set of common definitions and guidelines including the list of activities. This is a publishing standard that aims to make data on aid “easier to use, access and understand” (IATI, 2016a). Data from more than 480 organisations9 - many not working on climate, but some working specifically or partially on climate issues, such as the Adaptation Fund and Agence Franqaise de Developpement - is available. In theory, the dataset allows searches via a “policy marker” (such as climate). 13 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5kg20639kgkj-en 1fc815ed8bac73c0ee89a6db3788008b The data analysis, modelling, engineering, planning, designing, construction and operations expertise that will be developed by local and regional firms just to implement the Green Transformers concept alone, if appropriately nurtured and marketed, could be the foundation for making Sydney one of the leading centres in tri-generation technology. The City recently released a Decentralised Energy Master Plan, one of five Master Plans that together will comprise the Green Infrastructure Plan that determines the pathway for achieving the City’s Vision. Although the Green Transformers concept was the brainchild of UK energy expert Allan Jones, the Decentralised Energy Plan was prepared by a consortium of three Australian companies using metered electricity and gas consumption data that was provided by Energy Australia and Jemena.115 By building the expertise of local companies, rather than by continuing to import knowledge from abroad, the City is creating the beginnings of a local supply chain of talent and experience. 7 0 9 1.0 10.18356/1007f69a-en 1fc8a6331af5827c486552f0ef235efb This represents a large share of all methane emissions. As a powerful greenhouse gas, methane emissions must be significantly reduced. Coal mining-related activities (extraction, crushing, distribution, etc.) As with coal, the geological formation of oil can also create large methane deposits that are released during drilling and extraction. 7 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264236813-6-en 1fcd33e8928eb1c9400a2fa354ea547d Economic opportunities can also result from newly created jobs, efficient management of natural resources and productivity gains (OECD, 2015a). Water scarcity, worsening resource bottlenecks, greater pollution, climate change and biodiversity loss have the potential to undermine growth and development. Imbalances in natural systems raise the risk of more profound, abrupt and highly damaging environmental impacts that are not necessarily foreseeable on the basis of past experience. 7 3 0 1.0 11.1002/pub/80f4cf5d-15758c70-en 1fce3c5179ad1ffae729c660fb25af37 "Urbanization also requires a governance system that we hope and dream of as democratic, open, transparent and caring for the common interest, while respecting privacy. This is why urbanization is guided by policies and is governed by the principle of ""the rule of law"" being the most fundamental element of urbanization, as embraced in the New Urban Agenda. The achievement of a model of urbanization that induces prosperity and well-being demands a relative degree of participation and social consensus on the aim of enhancing the positive effects of urbanization." 11 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264234178-6-en 1fcecfb284c4dd816147bd5faff3f604 In addition, local labour markets can differ in their skill requirements. Most countries have projections of future skills needs from independent or public institutions. International organisations also undertake these types of analyses, but few countries use this information to evolve their education systems. 4 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264272262-5-en 1fcfb34f4d54151c105353a1676fa425 Low-, middle- and high-income countries are defined in line with World Bank definitions, see In middle-and high income around spending per beneficiary was about 8.5 % of GDP per capita in 2012. Among middle-income countries spending per beneficiary is particularly high in Armenia, Azerbaijan and particularly Uzbekistan where the average pension payment is close to average GDP per capita (ADB, 2016). 1 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/50e33932-en 1fcfde45e3951cd2e1f8cc7126956bc4 Therefore, the third CNTP (1992-2001) set four targets: regionally decentralised development; efficient land use; improvement of the quality of life, and enhancing amenity and unification of South and North Korea. The intention was to balance regional development by strengthening industrial centres along the west coast and the regional and provincial cities. In order to ensure support for less industrialised areas, the Law on Regional Balanced Development and Promotion of Local Small and Medium-sized Firms was enacted, establishing eight area-wide development plans. 11 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264285637-7-en 1fd672151e45c33b31646cd67949613d This allowance is given to teachers in isolated, rural, culturally-diverse and disadvantaged schools (see Chapter 5). School leaders working in schools with a high concentration of vulnerable students also receive a higher compensation (see Chapter 4) (MINEDUC, ACE and ES, 2016). Private-subsidised schools can charge tuition fees to families through the shared funding system (see Chapter 2). 4 0 4 1.0 10.1787/3726edff-en 1fd6c576ea36e79edeb35415022ca174 However, based on the criteria used, the analysis can be considered to both under and over-estimate the available amount of resources. The quantitative data here presented is indicative (or best effort), due to the lack of precise identification of STI in the underlying statistical classification. While lots of detailed information exists on development activities through the CRS, the lack of adequate classifications that conforms to official STI definitions and standards pose a challenge in assessing the portion of development finance targeting STI. 9 0 3 1.0 10.18356/52043f6e-en 1fda8a9c2248c4dca97742692593b972 The United States Department of Health and Human Services issued regulations regarding the implementation of the Family Violence Option in April 1999. The Uruguayan Law for the Prevention, Early Detection, Attention to, and Eradication of Domestic Violence (2002) mandates the design of a national plan against domestic violence. Article 46 of the Kenyan Sexual Offences Act (2006) requires that the relevant Minister prepare a national policy framework to guide the implementation and administration of the Act, and review the policy framework at least once every five years. 5 2 6 0.5 10.18356/cee83719-en 1fdd2074d6f92d71c311e2a38d09ea9c However, the institutional framework for coordination of SDG implementation and monitoring still needs to be operationalized. A weak point of the planning system, especially from the environmental perspective, is the non-application of the strategic environmental assessment (SEA) tool for evaluation of environmental impacts of future sectoral policies. The environmental legislation is largely consistent and coherent. Furthermore, enforcement of environmental laws and environment-related provisions in sectoral legislation often represents a serious challenge. Nevertheless, there are still a number of deficiencies. The environmental impact assessment (EIA) is conducted late in the permitting process. 15 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5js4rv0g7szr-en 1fddb994c4007125f554820eda3cb948 It can also vary by skills level and is more likely to be lower for managerial levels than for line employees. In France, for example, an estimated 50 000 positions are unfilled in the sector at any one time, even though the number of tourism graduates is at a sufficient level to meet the vacancy rates. In Australia, the turnover rate is 64% and is more pronounced in regions where tourism is competing with other, higher paying sectors, notably the resources sector, while the job vacancy rate in tourism is 9%, almost five times the rate for the overall economy (2%). 8 0 4 1.0 10.18356/a2206e44-en 1fdef68230635499bd383367e41e37d5 As a matter of fact, WHO estimates that meeting that goal would yield annual average benefits of $91 billion worldwide (cited in IEA, 2006: 440, table 15.6). However, these costs concern exclusively biomass and cooking fuels, and not the costs of providing other types of energy (e.g. electricity). In fact, other than project-specific information, there seems to be little information available on the costs of RETs as a source of household energy relative to fossil fuels. Moreover, the training, technical assistance and capacity-building that are needed to support rural electrification schemes add to capital costs. Given large capital costs and high associated risks, service providers would need to charge high connection fees and monthly rates to recover their investments, which would undermine the affordability of electrification for poor consumers. 7 0 5 1.0 10.1787/9789264272637-5-en 1fe05c6c08ea3737f6c6313da92f5c9d It is also consistent with the results of recent OECD research, which showed a strong positive relationship between the amount of developed land per capita and the number of cars per 100 residents (see Annex 1.A2).5 However, Korea’s motorisation rate is below what many European countries, the United States and Canada registered at comparable income levels (Figure 1.6). It also remains one of the lowest in the OECD (Figure 1.7). This is likely the result of a comparatively efficient public transport system, coupled with population densities that allow for widespread use of public transport, which indicates bus and rail hereinafter except some cases including the national public transport master plan in Table 1.1. Korea’s low motorisation rate relative to its income level bodes well for its capacity to prevent further congestion and to enhance ecological sustainability. Org/l 0.1787/9789264235199-17-en. 11 0 3 1.0 10.1787/env/outlook-2012-8-en 1fe21f3e065f188c19d34a2da5de0e15 The demand for non-agricultural use of water is calculated at the world region level and down-scaled to grid-cell level using the spatial distribution of people and GDP as a measure of human activity. Together with demands for irrigation per grid-cell (see below), the run-off is then corrected for the total withdrawals in the cell. The resulting run-off is passed on to the next downstream cell and so on until the entire water basin is covered. The gap is filled by irrigation, using surface water and groundwater available in the same or neighbouring grid cells. 6 1 4 0.6 10.18356/ff76cb89-en 1fe2be9661e7f0afe625bc2e1f9153e6 There may be nothing wrong with the design of the policy, nor the willingness to implement it, but a given initiative still falls short of full realization because there are structural obstacles. Structural variables are slow-moving, that is, it is unrealistic to expect that they will bend to policy initiatives right away. They take time to conform to and facilitate the reforms that policymakers seek. 1 5 2 0.42857142857142855 10.18356/52043f6e-en 1fe591dff9292c3712f3193d7b0836cf In the United States, the Violence Against Women Act (1994), and its reauthorizations, provides a significant source of funding for non-governmental organizations working on violence against women. It is important that any budgetary allocation be based on a full analysis of funding required to implement all measures contained in the legislation. When public officials involved in the implementation of the law are not comprehensively trained regarding its content, there is a risk that the law will not be implemented effectively or uniformly. 5 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/85a3e08c-en 1fe6d4f0385f310431defccd2016c941 At country level, the prevalence is a subject of concern in Albania (10.5 percent), Georgia (8.9 percent), and Tajikistan (7.8 percent). Household income and livelihoods largely affect economic access to food, but high market prices of basic food items also limit their economic access, particularly among lower-income groups who spend a large share of their income for purchasing food. Vulnerability is influenced by factors affecting one or more dimensions of food security - such as market shocks (prices and infrastructure), droughts or floods, or instability and conflicts -combined with poverty, low incomes, lower access to adequate social protection, and inequality due to gender or age group. When including children in these estimates, there were 19 million people in the region who suffered from severe food insecurity during the same period. 2 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/df3c95f8-en 1fe862a4f0dafd8cb6f1078e38654952 In fact, 63% of education woikers and 57% of health woikers are employed in the public sector. The occupational structure of care work differs substantially from that of other woikeis, among whom own-account woric is more prevalent (see figure 111.21). In contrast, self-employment is practically unheard of among care woikers, with the only exception being the almost 5% of health woikers who are self-employed. 5 8 1 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264089457-en 1feb6ad3f5aabc51bf00bd53661fc52a Reduce the teaching load for those involved in “strategic” entrepreneurship activities, such as entrepreneurship ambassadors and mentors should be considered. Drug abuse, demographic changes such as ageing and ethnic diversity also pose challenges, while Malay, Chinese and Indian populations feature diverse health profiles. At the same time, Penang is making progress to become a medical tourism hub in South East Asia by providing high-quality but more affordable specialised medical procedures. 4 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5k49dv6c5xmv-en 1feba340c3aecedec0669c28a04a5f58 Renewable energy sources represent a very small share of the metro region’s energy supply. In March 2010, 46% of the power supply sold within the ComEd service area was derived from nuclear power plants, 40% from coal-fired power plants, 10% from natural gas, and only small amounts of wind power (1%), biomass (1%), hydropower (1%), and assorted other sources (1%) (ComEd, 2010). However, wind power is a growing industry that is attracting headquarter functions to the Chicago Tri-State metro-region. Together with other Great Lakes states such as Michigan and Ohio, the Chicago-area 21-county region has one of the highest concentrations of wind energy component suppliers in the US. Thirteen wind industry corporations have set up their headquarters in the Chicago Tri-State metro-region, including some of the major international firms involved in turbine manufacturing and renewable project developers, such as Goldwind, Acciona, Suzlon, Nordex or E.On. The Chicago-area 21-county region counts over 60 wind companies, which cover a large part of the supply chain, including turbine and tower makers, manufacturers of gears, couplings, bearings and fasteners, as well legal, financial and engineering consulting and diagnostic software designers (ELPC, 2011). 7 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264196155-6-en 1fee53abfe7b83e38e80062d94be5736 Some research shows that young entrepreneurs in Hanoi rely mostly on informal social networks, such as family and friends, to get financial help to set up or expand a business, because bank loans and other forms of formal credit are difficult to obtain for smaller businesses (Turner and Nguyen, 2005). In such cases, however, kinship ties may oblige entrepreneurs to employ unskilled family members. Mutual trust is established by kinship, which also underpins relationships based on paternalism. 10 1 4 0.6 10.14217/9781848591110-7-en 1ff12abb01a6fd0965b7b82b0512f0c8 The potential of these already fragile economies to produce, allocate, distribute and regenerate is significantly compromised in the presence of HIV/AIDS. The literature and the experience of other countries which have previously walked this path paint a very grim picture for the Caribbean. Not only do high prevalence rates hurt the economy but economic stagnation provides an ideal breeding ground for the spread of the disease. Research into the effects of HIV/ AIDS reveals that its impact in terms of its social, human and economic costs is perhaps much more significant than previously thought (Bell et al., 3 0 9 1.0 10.18356/d787867d-en 1ff1314f5c2b727ba2a0f36274508e13 "One notable experience benefiting older adults and other groups has been under way in Argentina since 2002: the National Medication Policy, which promotes the prescription of generic drugs. This gave rise to the ""Remedy"" programme, which provides free outpatient medication through primary health care centres, while the Ministry of Health monitors prices to detect any unjustified increases (Escobar, 2007). Some medicines are supplied free of charge in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and in Paraguay, with the latter supplying free drugs to vulnerable individuals aged over 70 through the Institute for Welfare of the Ministry of Health. In June 2007 300 people were benefiting from the programme, which aimed to reach 1,000 people by the end of the year." 3 0 4 1.0 11.1002/pub/8111ea61-c3a8a09b-en 1ff5ee9970be9a7eec16fac58dec0022 This important project is promoting the advancement of SDGs 1, 9,10 and 11, making communities resilient, inclusive, safe and sustainable. With the continuous growth of mobile broadband worldwide and the continuous enrichment of digital services, mobile broadband services are the key drivers of the digital economy. However, there is still a large number of subscribers in some developing countries who can't afford a mobile broadband terminal due to the price of mobile broadband smartphones or other factors. 9 0 9 1.0 10.18356/36aba0c4-en 1ff6328395fc1929ee12523cbfa5fd06 The experience of a number of developing countries, many of them in Latin America, which have bucked the trend of growing income inequality shows that it is possible to reduce income inequality through economic and social policies while remaining integrated with the global economy (UNDP, 2013a). In 2010, high-income countries that accounted for only 16 per cent of the world's population generated close to 55 per cent of global income; low-income countries, by contrast, created just over 1 per cent of global income, even though they were home to 72 per cent of the world's population. The average GDP per capita of $2,014 in sub-Saharan Africa stands in sharp contrast to the average GDP per capita of $27,640 in the European Union and $41,399 in North America (United Nations, 2013b). For example, high levels of inequality within countries make it harder for societies to reduce poverty through economic growth. 5 8 1 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/5jlwvz85537c-en 1ff634e44649e040a360c9cb84a2900b Until the 1920s or 1930s, they assumed the police were there to protect them and their property from the ‘riff-raff and became angered when the police treated them as perpetrators when it came to traffic offences (Setright, 2003). He argues that the relationship never quite recovered and the vociferous attacks on speed cameras in the United Kingdom and the constraints on their use suggest there is merit in this argument. Having high profile, educated, supportive spokespeople available that are independent of police to support the rationale for the enforcement is particularly helpful. 11 2 4 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264090415-3-en 1ff9bc1a11ff5223046461d4308e88f7 "Lessons can be learned from applying traditional knowledge, involving fishers and building on practices supported by those individuals"". While not extensively discussed, the need for adequate fisheries data in light of climate change may be an important consideration given that many fisheries management practices are based on historical, single species data sets. If the ocean changes beyond our historic scientific experience, managers and scientists may have a weakened foundation for making predictions and assessing which management actions to take, and also in terms of developing ecosystem strategies. A number of developed nations are actively anticipating, designing and implementing actions to deal with expected climate change impacts on fisheries." 14 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264240094-11-en 1ffff17b32566f5b7cf57b570826acef In addition to agriculture and cattle ranching, pressures include forest fires, land grabbing, timber extraction, road construction, hydropower and mining projects. Together with forest fires, these activities pose a serious threat to species and ecosystems. The Cerrado has been losing original vegetation cover at a faster rate than all other biomes and it has suffered a vegetation loss amounting to an area roughly the size of Egypt. It is one of the richest xeric shrub lands in the world and the only biome exclusive to Brazil. 15 0 5 1.0 10.18356/5f92cb4f-en 20009bb3b58212c0e8f432d9de9c77dd The CRS includes bilateral donors' funds; these are outside of the scope of the CFU. Both datasets consider some of the same climate funds. For figures and tables in this chapter, which include both CRS and CFU data, we have therefore adjusted each dataset accordingly (removing funds shown as greyed out text in the table from the respective dataset) so that as little double-counting as possible appears in the figures. It is not possible to identify and thus remove the ASAP funds from either the CRS or the CFU data. 13 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264255517-6-en 2006cf91bb0151f3a7e46a68344f7228 Among pedestrians, elderly fatalities are overrepresented and Korea has the highest elderly fatality rate among OECD countries. However, Korea records one of the highest total fatality rates when the elderly are excluded, which indicates that elderly fatalities are not the only safety concern. This data allows an analysis of country level determinants of traffic fatalities. Multivariate regression analysis shows that the per capita number of vehicles active on a country’s roads significantly increases per capita traffic fatalities, whereas the percentage of drivers and passengers wearing seatbelts significantly reduces this figure.14 The protection afforded to passengers by seatbelts is widely recognized and most countries have law's that make it mandatory to wear a seatbelt. Such a modal shift requires the creation of compact mixed-use communities that offer alternatives to car use, such as w'alking, cycling and high quality public transport. “ People first” shifts the focus from the pre-2000s transport policy aimed at traffic efficiency towards comfortable and convenient (public) transport. 11 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264119284-6-en 200805e4751e5c2bceef6a25c4db34a7 It represents a wider grouping of stakeholders, including agricultural, industrial, urban and environmental organisations with interests in water management. The aim is to conduct a collaborative governance process led by stakeholders, to recommend reform of New Zealand’s fresh water management. The Forum leads a consensus process to identify shared outcomes and goals for fresh water, as well as relevant policies to achieve them. Co-ordinating strategic planning of water policy: OECD examples (cont.) 6 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264168985-7-en 200ca2826d47bedf35810cbcde6d1fc3 In most cases, municipalities are therefore responsible for public service delivery, but have no legislative functions and heavily depend on federal and state transfers (tax rates that have to be approved by State Legislature), and the hyper-fragmented water sector. The Constitution also gives them the possibility to subcontract this responsibility to autonomous service provider under their supervision. In a few instances, municipalities have relinquished their prerogatives to the State and water is managed by a “Water Commission”. 6 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5js1j18znzs4-en 200d2bd4ef2e66feee01f629426472f8 Improvements in technical assistance for farmers and the diffusion of new technologies will help. So will policies that better align the price of production inputs with their true social cost. Consumption of nitrogen fertiliser per unit of arable land in China is more than double that of other countries with large agricultural sectors (Figure 11). The costs of excessive use of chemical fertiliser are significant. Soil acidity is often affected, leading to longer-term impacts on crop yields. 2 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/agr/outlook-2011-7-en 200e437d420fedc6d5df521e1b8d21e7 Whether earth observation or meteorological satellites, space communications or global positioning systems, space systems are becoming an indispensable tool in the international effort to track and better understand our atmosphere, oceans, forests, fresh water resources and land use. In this context, space applications play a vital role in providing more accurate and timely infoimation on agricultural production prospects. In India, a dozen or so remote sensing satellites are used to award land titles and improve land-use planning nationally. 2 4 3 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264083523-4-en 200eabbe18a7fb1417784d4b31e6fd6f Paradoxically, the water that once afforded Venice its power as a maritime empire now compromises its physical integrity. Periodic flooding threatens both the historic city and the mainland. Specifically, the increased frequency and severity of flooding is perceived by many as a threat not only to public health, but also to the liveability and economic viability of the historic centre. Floods have both short-term implications (reduced tourism-related income, increased costs of routine logistics) and long-term implications (notably damage to the city's building fabric and architectural heritage) for the Venice city-region. 6 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264298576-17-en 2010446342aae5f01766b611275cc56b Overall the paucity of awareness-raising measures means that opportunities to reduce emissions and improve the welfare of large numbers of households are being missed. It is obvious from the average score of 1.7 for this sub-dimension that the development of Third Energy Package-complaint polices and action plans is a significant challenge for several of the assessed economies. For those with compliant policy framew'orks, renewed emphasis on full implementation of existing policies and revision of those which are not delivering is the only way that they can achieve the transition to a sustainable energy sector. 7 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264188617-en 201338a0fa6cd447c80b50b828984672 Combining the duration curve with data on fixed and variable costs of different generating technologies, it is possible to derive the optimal generation mix to satisfy a given electricity demand. The residual load curve is obtained by subtracting the electricity produced by the low marginal cost technology from the electricity load. Once calculated the residual load curve for a given amount of renewable energy, it is then possible to derive the “new” optimal generation mix, which satisfies that specific load at the least-cost. 7 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264302488-8-en 20171e101652b96998ee51eb743c6963 The strong fiscal dependency of education financing on the central government has exacerbated fiscal sustainability, since the fiscal responsibility for education financing is not linked to the beneficiaries of regional education services. The education financing system in Korea now' encounters a new' paradigm for inclusive grow'th. The new paradigm might be the reform of fiscal decentralisation of the education financing system. 4 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264121836-7-en 2019a9c6eeb92b9abf6a822aa5cb683f Slovakia also made significant progress towards establishing its Natura 2000 network. It adopted a wetland programme for 2003-07, later updated for 2008-14, along with an action plan for 2008-11. Three additional Ramsar sites have been designated since 2000.56 The Carpathian Wetland Initiative was approved as a Ramsar Convention regional initiative. The primeval beech forests of the Carpathians were added to Slovakia’s UNESCO World Natural Heritage sites, and the area of the Aggtelek Karst and Slovak Karst cave site was extended.57 In 2003, environment ministers of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Serbia and Montenegro, Slovakia and Ukraine signed the Framework Convention on the Protection and Sustainable Development of the Carpathians. 6 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264204638-3-en 201aab2b2fb95c0c8a9c4ea0dbee8205 Overall, framework conditions for innovation have improved, notably through the opening of the Colombian economy. The commodity-based export boom, while it has slowed recently, offers a window of opportunity to tackle some of the major issues facing the Colombian innovation system. In particular the policy-relevant knowledge base of indicators and analysis should be extended beyond manufacturing. This would preferably involve more internationally comparable data and indicators in the OECD framework of STI statistical manuals. 9 0 5 1.0 10.1787/5k424rdzj3bx-en 201bac510c7a3df90a04436012f516cc Despite such initiatives, respondents noted that applications of genomics for stratified medicine delivery remain somewhat limited at present. However, they did mention some important innovations, notably in the field of cancer therapeutics, while national audits show an increase in the provision of novel drugs requiring companion diagnostics. Stratified medicine was seen as helping to address these problems by transforming understanding of the role of genetic variation in disease and enabling more accurate disease classification, diagnosis and targeting of drugs and other interventions. 3 52 864 0.8864628820960698 10.1787/9789264279643-4-en 201e03425a3b7523299a71d24e5b470b The market analysis reviews the current status of the country’s existing bus fleet (ownership status, age, fuel type used), the market for compressed natural gas and liquefied natural gas as transport fuels, domestic production and import of buses, bus fares for urban transport, and the co-financing available for investment projects. 9 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.6027/9789289349291-7-en 201e8a44f71f4eb805fbec6615fa85a8 The public sector has an important role to play here, to improve knowledge and build capacity. It comprises five flagship projects in three categories: Nordic Green, Nordic Food and Welfare and Nordic Gender Effect, each based on different Nordic core competencies. Such as the Prime Ministers' Globalisation Initiative (Top-level Research Initiative on Climate, Energy and Environment), Prime Ministers Program Nordic Region Leading in Green Growth, Prime Ministers Program on 5ustainable Nordic Welfare, as well as current key themes within Nordic cooperation including among other New Nordic Climate Solutions and Nordic Bioeconomy. 13 0 9 1.0 10.18356/550b76bf-en 201ee7a3c5adeed640e8ba61f9ef4252 Combined with a low level of investment, this will lead to a water supply system crisis at some point in the future unless maintenance levels and practices are enhanced. The remaining 60-70 per cent will have to come from central government sources and own financing by utilities. Limited financial viability and the lack of economies of scale make it difficult for WSS companies (WSSCs) to finance and implement large capital investment programmes. 6 1 3 0.5 10.18356/c2dea192-en 202083e2ef6aac593ae8cbc98a8994f3 Updated in 2010, this policy targets'nearly zero energy buildings'in 2020, by MEPS for buildings and certification of building energy performance. Building codes and Labelling emphasizes market preparation activities, an increased focus on code requirements for building retrofit projects, better efforts to track actual building performance, improved third party inspection and enforcement, measures to minimize peak electrical demand as well as building thermal energy, measures to encourage better design as well as prescriptive and performance measures, better enabling of new technologies, http://aperc.ieej. Minimum energy performance standards (MEPS) for buildings in Denmark are at a relatively high level and keep being regularly tightened and can be considered as an example of good practice.. Furthermore, future standards are defined well in advance making the transition easier. 7 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264281653-5-en 2021963a0671806e02fb5503f637a7b8 However, despite these relatively low poverty rates and a solid economic growth, Costa Rica’s economic success is concentrated in a small elite group and thus, large socioeconomic inequalities persist in the countiy . According to the Encuesta Nacional de Hogares 2015, from INEC, the Household Gini Coefficient1 0.510 whilst the Person-based Gini Coefficient was 0.516. These are considerably higher than the OECD average of 32.2 (although lower than the Gini Coefficient in Chile that was 50.5 in 2013) (OECD, 2016). 3 3 1 0.5 10.1787/5k4c9kwfdx8r-en 2021ba65f8fc18999bc3204d7bd0ff0e Linguistic and family bonds, which are prevalent in informal trade, make up for the non-availability of credit, but they are often insufficient for long distance trade, for which credit and guarantees are required in order to reproduce equivalent levels of trust. The challenge is even more significant for agricultural exporters, who often state lack of access to credit as the single biggest factor constraining their growth (Cardno, 2010). Financing trade is complicated further by the lack of efficient payment mechanisms to cover insurance requirements and customs guarantees for transiting consignments, as also shown by the case study on the cashew nut sector in Mozambique, as well as by the non-convertibility of certain currencies. The system relies on individuals feeding prices for standardized commodities through mobile phones to a server that makes these data available to others on their mobile phones. It allows access to prices, stock, offers and harvest information, communication with clients and members, tracking stock and inventory, finding buyers and sellers and pulling interactive data from the field. 2 2 2 0.0 10.1787/3726edff-en 202279cf2597d3f4bf3a55b055d80ae4 Second, spectrum is a limited resource and telecommunication operators compete with other actors in the use of spectrum. As such, the capacity of mobile broadband is limited and more traffic can affect speed and quality of service (ITU, 2018(13]). Therefore, it is imperative for developing countries’ long-term development to also invest in fixed infrastructure and offload traffic through mobile networks. By 2018, half of the world’s population is using the Internet. 9 0 5 1.0 10.18356/e617261d-en 202dd0b9ee9ee13176f00db04c521392 Tajik women in labour migration: forced tactics of survival or choice of emancipated women?]. Globalizing 'postsocialism': mobile mothers and neoliberalism on the margins of Europe. Gender inequalities in labour markets in Central Asia. Available from rbec / docs / Gender%20inequalities%20in%201abour%20markets% 20in%20Central%20Asia.pdf? 5 0 3 1.0 10.6027/9789289328913-7-en 202ed377a4ff00bee1b37a6c668ee0de The categories in which information was gathered and classified for each suggested indicator were: 1) status of importance or applicability, 2) the focus, issue or content of indicator, 3) measurement unit, 4) description of value/s of the measurement units, 5) description or information of the frequency of measurements and the history of past measurements, 6) the possible producer or provider of the information, and 7) others aspects/problems/future perspectives, and if used in another sector. In table 1, suggested indicators for nature-based recreation are presented. For these two indicators, there was quantitative and up-to-date data available at the national level. 15 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5jzb44nmnbd2-en 202ee71b6ba9284832b2124632207a03 Capturing these broader benefits in concrete terms can also build a case for more ambitious, scaled-up actions. This includes issues such as reducing disproportionate social and environmental impacts on women or indigenous populations. For instance, many institutions include guidance to disaggregate results by gender or impacts on indigenous peoples, where appropriate (UK, 2013; Mulenga, 2013; CIF, 2011, 2012a, 2012c; GEF, 2012). 13 4 5 0.1111111111111111 10.18356/e027915b-en 202f50daba5cb9142805ae670625db07 Indeed, one key response to insufficient knowledge is to reconsider the types of decisions that are possible. Low availability and poor quality of data and information unfortunately add to the uncertainty in the projections. For instance, companies that focus on energy production, mining, petrochemical extraction or manufacturing, beverages, commercial agriculture or commercial transportation may have established networks to gather, monitor and analyse information that could be deeply relevant to climate change impacts and adaptation. 6 5 2 0.42857142857142855 10.14217/9781848591318-18-en 202fb1584bb72cd7fe3c7c1d0ad7e0e4 Although Betts and Kaytaz’s study is written of a context in which migration is not primarily a response to conflict, there are still lessons to be learnt. If they receive recognition, they are entitled to live in the refugee camp but can apply for a work permit if and when they find work. There is very little additional legal provision that relates to the situation of the Zimbabweans (ibid. 4 3 1 0.5 10.18356/a2eaa89c-en 20320435f8088e6bde965980684519f7 These datasets are very complete, but they were not created for the purpose of describing people’s perceptions of deprivation. We therefore decided to use a methodology similar to the one proposed by Alkire and Foster (2007). The first step was to define the main dimensions of the functionings and capabilities to be studied: housing conditions, health, education and participation in the labour market.1 These dimensions were then divided into 13 indicators, as shown in table 1. 1 1 5 0.6666666666666666 10.1787/5jrs8sv4jt6k-en 203364ed5b16ee950bceb47889491db2 This emphasis on disaggregation helped to tailor policy recommendations for each region and product. Figure 3 presents FAO’s (2013) useful overview of the details of these three dimensions, which provide possible entry points for diagnostic analyses of specific cases and for possible policy interventions. As the FAO (2013) notes, “The first challenge for governments is to determine which factors to target, namely, which constraint or risk is holding back smallholder market participation. The second challenge is the sequencing of policy measures during the process of market transformation.” 2 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5kmh3nj5rzs4-en 20345d41fa704eff2a2c66bc869de7b7 Thirdly, rural households are often able to pay for their electricity consumption. Lack of payment for electricity use not only weakens the financial stability of the electricity provider (World Bank, 2000), but also discourages investors to join in on the rural electrification efforts because of uncertain revenues. Adequate metering, billing and payment recovery are fundamental to a sustainable electrification system. 7 0 7 1.0 10.18356/bdd5fff2-en 203557ffb03f1689a2539718e6e45fb0 Out of the 47 prefectures in Japan, 5 have food self-sufficiency rates greater than 100 per cent (Hokkaido, 195 per cent; Akita, 174 per cent; Yamagata, 132 per cent; Aomori, 118 per cent; and Iwate 105 per cent) (Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, 2009). Japan’s energy self-sufficiency rate is only 4 per cent (19 per cent if nuclear power generation is included) (Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, 2008). Most potash and phosphate supplies are imported and dairy farming in Japan is heavily reliant on imported livestock feed. 2 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/growth-2012-47-en 2036f9508ed6f6f52fc1aaf2138bff36 One key finding is that education and anti-discrimination policies, well-designed labour market institutions and large and/or progressive tax and transfer systems can all reduce income inequality. On this basis, the chapter identifies several policy re/orms that could yield a double dividend in terms of boosting GDP per capita and reducing income inequality, and also flags other policy areas where reforms would entail a trade-off between both objectives. In some countries, top earners have captured a large share of the overall income gains, while for others income has risen only a little. 10 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264090415-5-en 20384cd06a06446a9e92238fbd5e08a5 Those who absorb the cost of anticipatory actions are not necessarily those who will benefit. There are competing interests for ecosystem goods and services that make it difficult to build consensus around trade-offs and create winners and losers when trade-offs are made. There is the path dependence created by the history of management. 14 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264268791-6-en 2039b6231282084bfa6a119a28bf972a These are interlinked areas yet, there are power dynamics that can undermine co-operation efforts. For instance, peripheral communes tend to want to retain influence and related to this, tactics may waver from subordination to co-operation with the main city depending on the issues at hand (Box 2.4). Smaller communities may feel like they will be subsumed by urban priorities for growth, and thus seek to maintain independence. 11 0 3 1.0 10.1787/059ce467-en 203e02d2cf31037e1cd8214f2b4e1138 This can refer to a situation in which many students have a different mother tongue than Swedish and thus requires the teacher to have a certain knowledge in order to incorporate their mother tongues into their learning processes. It can also refer to schools with weak skills outcomes in which the students need extra support to be able to complete their studies. Teachers’ average wages have risen at a higher rate than in previous years which has led to stable conditions, including long term wage progression (Lofven and Knutsson, 2018[i22i; Statskontoret (The Swedish Agency for Public Management), 2017n35i). 4 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/5js30tvj21hh-en 2044b2098578e12ce87969032c928656 Availability of sanitary facilities in the household and outstanding credit per capita represent proxies of the district stage of development. They allow for distinction between average income per household and the overall wealth of the district. The district level product, an equivalent to state and national level GDP would serve this purpose better, but as its availability is limited the model needs to rely the aforementioned proxies. 5 5 2 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264180109-9-en 2046efe889f616b5d7b6011815f7742d This instrument establishes land-use planning and zoning principles to promote development that simultaneously protects and conserves the environment. By July 2012, SEMARNAT had supported the development of 85 ELUPs at different geographic scales, of which 43 were decreed in the last six years. Further efforts are needed to ensure that the regions with the highest development potential for tourism, industry, agriculture, aquaculture and fisheries are covered by ELUPs. 15 0 4 1.0 10.6027/9789289338974-12-en 20489294be4bbd057cf14391b675ccd9 The number of women in Inatsisartut, the Parliament of Greenland, after the two elections were 12 in 2013 and 12 in 2014 whereas the proportion of women in Naalakkersuisut, the cabinet, was two (including the first female premier in Greenland) in 2013 and 3 out of nine in 2014 ( inatsisartuthome/sammensaetning-af-inatsisartut.aspx). The women have reached a considerable and slowly increasing proportion of the seats in the Greenlandic Parliament although there is still some distance to an equal gender distribution in both the Greenlandic Parliament and the Cabinet of Greenland. This may or may not be paid work. 5 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.18356/30d5a92c-en 2048d13f5298824de5300538eca845a8 Existing research demonstrates that child food insecurity is both consequential and common, but limitations in the range of countries, contexts, and time points for which data have been collected, and a lack consistency in what is being measured and how, has resulted in incomplete information for addressing child food insecurity, its causes and consequences. The effectiveness of a global monitoring system rests on two components: measurement of child food insecurity that reliably and accurately captures the phenomenon, and a vehicle for delivering that measurement to samples that support reliable and accurate inference to the populations of interest. In addition, the prevalence of food inadequacy is estimated indirectly, based on national food balance sheets reporting the quantities of food available in 113 countries [15]. These monitoring systems give a panoramic view on what is happening in a country, and they provide information about the adequacy of wages, existing resources, and benefits to meet food needs at household level, for the populations to which household samples are representative. 2 1 3 0.5 10.18356/5b6c49ea-en 204fc57532c5bc96d4d64ac4a93773d7 The Conference of the Parties at its sixteenth session, agreed to establish a Climate Technology Centre and Network, which aim to support technology transfer and local technology innovation capacity. Efforts of emerging and other developing economies to support clean energy technology have typically focused on domestic research, development, manufacturing and export capacities. China’s Twelfth Five-Year Plan, endorsed in March 2011, encompasses a green growth strategy geared towards building technology leadership, through special efforts to develop and deploy wind, solar, hydro, nuclear, energy efficiency, electric cars, “smart grids”, infrastructure and high-speed rail. It includes a plan to install 10 million charging stations for electric cars and to increase installed renewable energy capacity by 47 per cent by 2020. 7 0 7 1.0 10.1787/62212c37-en 20509a83b5349581f388acca8418f4ba Around 75% of principals in intervention schools estimated that the project led to collaboration between teachers in unusual and positive ways, and that the project provided professional development opportunities that their teaching staff would not have otherwise had. The survey instruments measure both the local contexts in which the intervention takes place and the effects of the intervention on a series of outcomes of interest for students and teachers, including the change in teachers' pedagogical practices, attitudes and beliefs, as well as the effects of those practices on their students' tests scores, their understanding and attitude towards creativity and critical thinking, their engagement in school, and their scores in standardised creativity tests. While the results are tentative, the initial analysis of the pilot student data shows that the intervention has promising effects on the outcomes of interest. The next phase of the project should entail a validation (or efficacy) study before countries scale up the effective approaches. 4 0 3 1.0 10.1787/agr/pol-2014-4-en 205adab69b61e5c7b70f779aa48d5d7b Thus, even a relatively lower level of agricultural support places a higher burden on the Turkish economy than a much higher support in countries where agriculture represents a far smaller share, e.g. Norway, Switzerland, Korea or Japan. Following profound economic reforms in the 1980s and 1990s, previous agricultural regulation systems were dismantled or largely liberalised in these countries. In some, relative agricultural prices declined far below the international levels in the early post-reform period, with the result that agriculture faced considerable price taxation (or negative market price support). 2 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264083578-11-en 205b9e35a6acb416f2b309b8eb43a7cd The agency determined in FY 2007 that 99 percent of its facilities met those standards. They stated that the reliability index may fall below 90 percent in FY 2009 and later. Much of Reclamation's current infrastructure is now 50 or more years old, and its proper operation and maintenance are important to the sustained delivery of water services. However early reclamation cost-sharing policy resulted in repayments to the government falling short of planned levels. This led to a series of changes in the repayment provisions culminating with legislation in the 1930s that completely revised reclamation policy from total repayment of construction cost to repayment of those costs based on ability to pay basis. Since that time, charges for Reclamation supplied irrigation water have generally not been required to reflect the construction cost of water supply. 6 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264088986-en 205d6305f09b8eafcc9d686e0d180b9c Therefore they need to develop strong collaborative links with each other in order to improve their education, service and applied research capacity. Recognising the need to increase geographic accessibility, some colleges have proposed extension centres located in Arab villages, but authorities have rejected these initiatives. Authorities should consider providing support for specific higher education extension learning centres served by several different colleges and possibly universities and the Open University, in villages with low tertiary education participation rates. However there are considerable gaps in terms of regional delivery and the Galilee and particularly its Arab population appears to be underserved by the Open University provision. 4 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5km35m63qqvc-en 205f05194e9c119e1f14dcc146c54b5e These include a higher El contribution rate for fixed-term contracts, or experience rating of employers by hacking layoffs which result in benefit claims (as practiced in the United States). Also, the traditional PES emphasis on placing unemployed workers so far as possible in stable jobs rather than temporary jobs should be maintained. Until recently, employment insurance (El) contributions were due only in case of employment relationships expected to last for a year or more. 8 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264213944-7-en 205fc9b94f1514511d77e78751aa0039 For example, in Jordan women represent fewer than 5% of the self-employed, in Morocco, between 10%-12% of business owners, and in Egypt about 20%. Consequently, one cannot expect women to constitute a significantly larger share of BDS clients. However, an interesting example comes out of the survey in Jordan: 75% of the clients/beneficiaries of the Jordan River Foundation, the Noor Al Hussein Foundation and the Jordanian Hashemite Fund for Human Development (JOHUD) are women. 5 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5jrxg3xb0h20-en 2062b67983780f10cdd5d13b7904ef4d The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law. The CCXG Expert Group oversees development of analytical papers for the purpose of providing useful and timely input to the climate change negotiations. These papers may also be useful to national policy-makers and other decision-makers. Authors work with the CCXG to develop these papers. However, the papers do not necessarily represent the views of the OECD or the IEA, nor are they intended to prejudge the views of countries participating in the CCXG. 13 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/0a98da25-en 20635f6caac7ce530f4cf9f92a1f97b5 Such investments are therefore more properly classified as social infrastructure spending rather than government current consumption or even simply human development expenditures. Social infrastructure refers to the fundamental social, intellectual, and emotional skills and health of individuals—or level of human development—a country relies on for its economy to function. Unlike physical infrastructure—such as bridges, roads and, telecommunications systems— whichtendto infrastructure is embodied in people, and enhanced via social spending by governments. 5 3 1 0.5 10.1787/9789264277991-6-en 2065c0e7ce85bae52d0da3ffab10b168 In addition, the country faces severe water scarcity issues, adding to the pressure put on water resources and systems. The Clean Water Act of 2004 requires LGUs and water districts to create septage management programmes in areas w'ithout sew'erage systems. However, most LGUs and water districts have lacked the capacity, technical knowledge, or funds to take action since the passage of the Act. 6 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/agr/pol-2014-4-en 2067ae70e3bf889da9a0e671cdafc76e This might indicate that information is not yet available. Expenditure on infrastructure development and maintenance and on marketing and promotion is generally lower due to the narrower definition, focusing on primary agriculture. In the US estimate, this leads to the removal of major programmes, which results in a striking reduction of expenditures for marketing and promotion. 2 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5js6363503f6-en 2068740fc12c8947baca65d0c74cb080 They also imply, however, that for an important group of young NEET, low-intensity short-term interventions - like job-search assistance workshops - are unlikely to be sufficient to increase the chances of employment. To the extent that a lack of professional training or even basic numeracy and literacy skills is the reason for a young person’s NEET status, more intensive - and likely more expensive — programmes may be needed to bring a young person back into education or employment. A range of different such interventions that have proven successful are discussed in Section 6. 8 1 4 0.6 10.18356/6ccfb032-en 206af4e2a38a1f918e5d059060c0d93b This chapter discusses the progress of ESCAP member States in Asia and the Pacific on the three SDG7 targets - energy access, renewable energy and energy efficiency. Financial viability of policy options. Therefore, consideration has been given to technological and policy options that support the achievement of other SDGs, including social equality, increased jobs, better health and improved access to education. 7 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/6bf07ffd-en 206d10ab5dd6cbc8806aef36303b15f9 Information given above derived from IPCC (2007), “Summary for Policymakers”. The Government has stated that “it would be irresponsible to acknowledge this reality and not do anything to prepare our community for eventual migration”. See Republic of Kiribati, Office of the President, “Relocation”, Kiribati Climate Change. Available at (accessed 25 January 2016). 13 0 3 1.0 10.18356/4b2465a5-en 206e95905c602b2ea8da611cef43e250 It is also harder to prevent different—and more pluralistic—forms of expression that can inform those who would otherwise remain unaware of actual trends, including in inequalities, and how policies can affect them. However, the digital divide remains large, albeit narrowing, even in developing countries where mobile telephony is fulfilling many of the earlier functions of personal computers. Moreover, blogging and similar forms of media interaction are still strongly class-driven (Schradie 2012), even as race and ethnicity become less important as determinants. 10 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.18356/cac71849-en 206f42833ab4710cdf3ecfaf8f89c6c7 Deforestation can also exacerbate food insecurity, as forests provide food, inputs and services that support crop and livestock production (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2006). In a case-study analysis of seven developing countries, Berry, Olson and Campbell, (2003) estimated that problems of sustainable land management reduced agricultural GDP by between 3 and 7 per cent. Poor people are likely to be farming steeper land and drier, less fertile soils and in more remote areas (World Bank, 2003). 2 0 5 1.0 10.18356/1edabeca-en 206f4fcb1c851ccad1d8a03243e86f6e The conservation hypothesis finds less supporting empirical evidence, in 28 per cent to 29 per cent of the studies. Finally, the hypothesis of no causality between energy and economic growth is indicated by just 13 per cent to 22 per cent of the studies under review. The former concentrates on developing countries, and this report presents the results of the latter solely for these countries. 7 2 2 0.0 10.14217/9781848599451-9-en 2071d5803f3345a6f74d642e516185fe Reporting and progress reports were made to the Minister for Women and Equalities, and the overall report and recommendations of the WBC were delivered to the government and disseminated across UK ministries. The WBC approach is built on the idea that improving gender diversity will lead to greater creativity, problem solving and flexibility, all much-needed skillsets for the UK to adapt to the changing economic environment. Aiming to both increase resources and change organisational culture, WBC took a long-term view, ensuring that longevity and continuity be applied to all suggested strategies. 5 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264096356-en 20723afae961c1e76eb3b7f47f8f25e2 Where applicable, the alternative fuels to gas-based generation (such as diesel, fuel oil or coal) are mainly stored on the site of CCGTs. The period of load duration depends on a number of factors; including the ability to restock back-up fuels, generator characteristics, the type of gas supply contract - either firm or interruptible - and expectations about the variability of electricity prices as these determine the installation of back-up facilities (BERR, 2006). However, when information on this indicator remains disaggregated, the overall picture for the national energy system may be less clear. 7 0 4 1.0 10.18356/7d5576e0-en 2072a323c5034f065e06c6e32692cfd1 Although the mailbox obligation does not affect the LDC members’ right to refuse to issue or enforce patents on pharmaceutical products until 2016, it does require them to install and maintain administrative procedures that permit the receipt and retention of pending pharmaceutical patent applications for the purpose of later examination (i.e. from 2016 on). That Decision extended the transition period under TRIPS Article 66.1 in 2013. The Decision on the 2013 Extension expressly refers to the LDC transition period “under Article 66.1 of the Agreement”, i.e. the transition period that had to respect the mailbox obligation under Article 70.8(a). This reference has to be understood as carrying over into 2013 the original mailbox obligation under the original transition period. 3 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/5js6363503f6-en 20748fcf234c3af5d607253d71604a1e This is in line with the previous conclusion that youth with limited or no work experience are usually not entitled to these benefits. Disability benefit receipt rates are much lower, averaging only around 2% of all youth in OECD countries. Exceptions are Norway (7% of all youth) and Finland and Ireland (5%). Social assistance, housing and family benefits play an important role for youth living in low-income households and those lacking work experience. 8 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264264991-4-en 2079b834c65bc1dcaf7f8169ffd7f735 To reach this goal, Parties agreed on the need for global emissions to peak and start declining as soon as possible - recognising that this will take longer for developing countries - and to undertake rapid reductions thereafter in accordance with the best available science. Nevertheless, both the text and the country-level strategies for emissions reduction, which are outlined in the forni of Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs), recognise the threat which climate change poses to sustainable food production and offer opportunities for agriculture to be an active part of the solution to climate change. Article 4.1, for example, states governments' aim to “achieve a balance between anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks of greenhouse gases in the second half of this century. Reference is made in Article 5.1 to carbon sinks which should be conserved and enhanced. These include financial support by developed countries, such as the ongoing collective goal to mobilise USD 100 billion per year until 2025 for adaptation and mitigation in developing regions, a figure which should be increased from 2025 onwards. 2 1 5 0.6666666666666666 10.1787/9789264301757-8-en 2079ce6c9b728abe4d6b0083208a1e7d The requirement to demonstrate labour market relevance is thus one of several quality criteria examined during the accreditation process conducted by Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (NOKUT) at the institution level and by accredited institutions at the programme level. In addition, the regulations state clearly that institutional accreditation conducted by NOKUT must include one representative from “social or working life”, which ensures that the perspective of social partners is captured during the accreditation process (Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research, 2017b). The RSAs were created in 2011 by the Norwegian government to facilitate a more structured and binding collaboration between higher education and the world of work and strengthen the labour market relevance of degree programmes and continuing education and share information. 4 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.18356/797ccf27-en 207af37d322e7332acdda072b3fe07b8 The financial crisis in the United States is affecting —and will continue to affect— the growth of exports and the remittance flows the region has benefited from in recent years. Some current features of the Latin American economies, such as their lesser external vulnerability, greater fiscal solvency and high levels of reserve, should make it possible to implement countercyclical policies to mitigate the effect of external developments on the region’s performance. Nonetheless, although it is better prepared to cope with this international situation than in the past, one should not assume that Latin America and the Caribbean is immune to the changes that are taking place, and trends in the second half of 2008 and in 2009 will reflect developments in the current setting. 1 6 3 0.3333333333333333 10.14217/9781848591264-8-en 20802c7e3b39790fd189e5ae48893a8c Despite the current economic recession, according to World Bank Fast Track Lesotho Report 2009, the country allocates 20 per cent of its budget to education and this expenditure on education is considered high by international standards. Indigenous education was the type of education that was mainly controlled by Basotho themselves, before the colonial era, and it was the informal type of education. In the indigenous education, the type of learning was oriented towards practical activities for boys and girls at home and in the plantation fields. 4 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/81ce0b8a-en 208209ee97c8f0fbe18141fb4f405012 "It is a strategy for making women’s as well as men's concerns and experiences an integral dimension of the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of policies and programmes in all political, economic and societal spheres so that women and men benefit equally and inequality is not perpetuated. The ultimate goal is to achieve gender equality.” ( United Nations General Assembly, 1997, ch. In addition, paragraph 203(b) recommends that national women’s machineries “have clearly defined mandates and authority; critical elements would be adequate resources and the ability and competence to influence policy and formulate and review legislation."" Many of these institutions actually engage in a full range of research and operational activities, as is described in detail below." 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264083578-6-en 20864f0104d9aecc1208e7b69843f522 Investment is being mainly used to purchase water entitlements for the environment and infrastructure upgrades and reconfiguration, with water savings being returned to the environment on a shared basis. Under Australia’s national Water Act 2007, the Federal Bureau of Meteorology is authorised to collect and publish high-quality water information. The publications will include an annual National Water Account and periodic reports on water resource use and availability. 6 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.14217/9781848599642-8-en 208b9332418c28a0ad3e2a8942dd894b These are typically the drivers of integrated supply chains, comprising traders and retailers as well as multinational and transnational enterprises. As patterns of global trade have changed, these have subsequently been linked to qualitative changes in the governance structures associated with GVCs. With reference to Sub-Saharan Africa, Gibbon and Ponte (2005) argue that these shifts have resulted in the region ‘trading down rather than up in GVCs. This is through increasing producer specialisation within the lower value-added nodes of a given value chain, rather than facilitating movement up towards higher value-added nodes such as processing, retailing and marketing. 14 4 5 0.1111111111111111 10.1787/5kmh3nj5rzs4-en 208f251ffb10ce51b4ccf1f0addb6153 "The example of the Yunnan Province demonstrated that rural end-users limited their monthly electricity consumption to a level that makes it completely unattractive to the electricity company to invest further in infrastructure and maintenance. According to the Chinese ""one county one supplier"" policy, the supplier is to provide the full range of services at a given price. Market access by other investors is difficult if not impossible. This, along with rigid rules on production, supply and marketing of electricity, prevents innovation, competition and reform." 7 0 5 1.0 10.1787/5jlrb8ftvqs1-en 208f43b1810c5538c5beb27beb407abd Cocreation, the active involvement of stakeholders in the development of policies, presents an attractive strategy to cope with the demand for better and more responsive policies. Co-creation can take place during different stages of the policy cycle and take a variety of different forms. The conceptualisation of participatory mechanisms requires careful considerations. One-size-fits-all solutions are not feasible, because the interplay between public officials and stakeholders depends on the national and policy sector context. However, by comparing co-creation mechanisms in social innovation across seven EU countries (Denmark, Estonia, Germany, the Netherlands, Slovakia, Spain, the United Kingdom), Voorberg et al. ( 4 4 0 1.0 10.1787/859159ab-en 208f63ca326386b5fb50539282a01ef5 Enforcing standards on fuel quality and vehicle emissions can reduce dangerous emissions from motor vehicles. Many countries in the region follow European standards for emissions, which define maximum acceptable emission rates of hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxide per kilometre travelled. Vehicle retirement or scrappage programmes are another way of reducing air pollution and road safety. 11 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264118430-5-en 2090f4e6cfe190a7dc67fa9c4effa8b1 The leaseholder accumulated a large debt (about UAH 8 million or EUR 700 000) for power supply and purchased water, tax arrears and other payables. As a result, water supply continuity dropped from 24h hours to intermittent supply. In 2008, user charge revenues covered 73% of the average costs of water services and 85% of the costs of sanitation services. Because of the poor quality of service, consumers refused to pay their water bills in full. 6 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264231122-9-en 209223648d8c35312af1353b08e4d155 In its various multilateral forms, ICT-enabled engagement can improve inclusiveness by providing a shared ground where exchange of knowledge and opinions is possible (Box 5.3). Web-based water information systems: The case of Italy and Portugal (cont.) In this regard, the “Pawa” project developed water accounts through recognised standards and activated an inclusive decision-making process as regards the selection of the most appropriate measures to face water scarcity and drought conditions. The information system not only contributes to information exchange among different stakeholders and public authorities responsible for the directive’s implementation (i.e. regions, water utilities, etc.), 6 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264303119-en 2094fc9f4477c70fcde0136abe1638d2 All three deal with outdoor air pollution due to fossil fuel combustion and focus on policy-relevant, global headline figures. The WHO report, for instance, states: “Air pollution represents the biggest environmental risk to health. In 2012, one out of every nine deaths was the result of air pollution-related conditions. 7 2 6 0.5 10.18356/a2a72b74-en 2095f45a118d3587c7188eb13f0ff5cd In general, for each indicator to be comparable across time and countries, it is crucial that countries use similar concepts and methods in their calculation. In particular, it is important that countries use data that are similar in terms of worker. Parental leave refers to longer periods of leave with the right to return to one's job that is normally taken after maternity and paternity leave, respectively. National legislation and statistical practices with regard to parental leave vary greatly among countries. 8 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/ff87fd8d-en 20981fe51f9a969adf51aa41fba01822 Impact evaluation focuses on disentangling the effects attributable to a particular policy intervention (e.g. protected areas) on an outcome variable (e.g. deforestation) from broader changes in a region (e.g. widespread development or government policies) (Ahmadia, 2015). More generally, according to one source, the resources currently allocated to monitoring and evaluation — on average, less than 5% of a conservation project’s budget — do not come close to what is needed to satisfy the increasing demand from policymakers for more and higher-quality evidence on the impacts of conservation and development interventions (McKinnon et al., This involves the main impacts and effects resulting from the activity on the local social, economic, environmental and other development indicators.” ( 15 1 8 0.7777777777777778 11.1002/pub/80c5340c-885a9460-en 209b6fa06e51fe55207801f5e68fcdeb "In effect, regulation simulated the desired effects of competition. Prompted by recent market and technology developments, government policy-makers face even greater calls to ensure access to digital infrastructures -particularly fixed and mobile access networks. Broadband networks and Internet services are increasingly viewed as non-optional utilities (or ""rights"") whose availability and performance impact every aspect of the economy and societal development." 9 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264176713-en 20a22a77efab39878235073397e49ec1 Requests for permission to photocopy portions of this material for public or commercial use shall be addressed directly to the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) at in/ or the Centre francais d’exploitation du droit de copie (CFC) at Such evidence has driven policy makers to design an early intervention and re-think their education spending patterns to gain “value for money”. At the same time, research emphasises that the benefits from early interventions are conditional on the level of “quality” of ECEC that children experience. 4 3 6 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/bf400991-en 20a3ab62eced2eb6f013c92802046dc8 This perentage varies from less than 30 per cent in selected cities from developing countries to over 90 per cent among cities from more developed countries. More interesting global analysis on availability (regularity of services) and affordability of transport on these arterials roads networks will help clarify questions on how convenient the public transport is in the coming years. Laying this excellent foundation is key to sustaining the monitoring and reporting needs for the next 12 years. 11 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/ae512255-en 20a56ad525fc705c672861bd0e64a674 One widely used indicator is women’s life expectancy relative to men’s, a crude summary of gender differences in overall health status. Women generally live longer than men, a matter of genetic make-up and less unhealthy lifestyles. They exclude much of the informal work that makes up labour force activity in poorer countries and should therefore be treated with caution. 5 1 3 0.5 10.1787/5jlwvz85537c-en 20a5b777e3521776312e02932636491b With the dynamic limit of 80 km/h, there was a further reduction of 3.4 km/h. In those situations when the lower limit was accompanied by the slippery road warning sign, the prevailing weather and road surface conditions reduced traffic speeds by 9.3 km/h with the combination of lower limit and slippery road warning bringing about a further reduction of 1.8 km/h. There was also an effect that the signs reduced speeds on adjacent road sections. 11 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.14217/9781848591561-7-en 20a8478afed25ab4e8d1ee5ed3f99ab1 It therefore follows logically that not only are tailored products and services required but it makes business sense to provide them. Yes, it’s the right thing to do, but it’s also the strategic thing to do for Westpac.’ Westpac is Australia’s oldest bank but it was on the brink of a meltdown in the early 1990s, posting a loss of AUS$1,6 billion in 1992. When Bob Joss was appointed CEO in 1993, he instituted a major sustainability drive, born of necessity rather than opportunity, as part of the bank’s turnaround. A diversity unit was established to push forward changes and a number of initiatives were successfully implemented, including the establishment of a Women’s Markets Unit in the late 1990s. This supports businesswomen by facilitating knowledge, information and networking. 5 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264110984-6-en 20a8bc55f18fd31e5a2e656ba73aad5d This problem is further compounded by the lack of competence of employment services centres that fail to channel VET graduates to employment or further training. Resource mapping identifies funding available for a specific purpose (e.g. workforce development) that various parties receive from the central government, local government, NGOs and other sources in a region. This exercise helps level funding surplus and deficit of programmes since some funds are flexible in its usage. Successful management of these processes and customisation to the needs of local communities and markets is a complex task, but certainly one that will result in advancing growth rates and employment levels. More importantly, providing professionals in private and public organisations with the knowledge to collect and analyse relevant labour market information and the capacity to put strategic plans into place to address emerging issues can help to prevent stagnation of economic sectors, underemployment, rising unemployment levels and social exclusion. Industry transformation towards a low-carbon economy challenges traditional labour market measures and emphasises new needs and priorities to be taken into account for workforce development and for the support provided by strategic employment services. 8 0 9 1.0 10.1787/a09a3a5d-en 20a9834d86d7518863e04377f0cf3984 Some of the ambassadors later acted as mentors or coaches. Lead entrepreneurs support these aspiring businesswomen in setting and achieving growth objectives for their businesses in interactive roundtable sessions where everyone can share experiences and thoughts (OECD/EU, 2016). In Korea, WISET’s Girls Mentoring Program aims to help young women in high school develop their college study plans, with female professors and college students as their mentors. An online mentoring system and cyber community also allow mentees to communicate and conduct online activities with other members. 9 1 3 0.5 10.14217/967bd43c-en 20ab28a9e91264f69b75d4302bd115f7 This paper was developed following a three-day workshop organised by the Commonwealth Secretariat and held in Nairobi from 24 to 26 February 2016. The purpose of the workshop was to review and validate a Commonwealth Judicial Bench-Book (JBB) on Violence against Women and Girls (VAWG) for East African jurisdictions. The participants comprised mainly judges from the four East African Commonwealth jurisdictions and other experts who deliberated on the adequacy of the JBB in addressing judicial intervention in tackling VAWG in East Africa. 5 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264269064-5-en 20ae6396a7fb1950814e4f67c175f6d0 This is particularly of concern where contaminated water resources are used for municipal water supply, crop irrigation, and for recreational purposes (Amirat et al., Furthermore, microbial contaminants from wastewater can exacerbate biodiversity loss (European Commission, 2013). Despite the investment in, and establishment of, wastewater treatment plants, many developed nations still suffer from microbial contamination due to sewage spills and diffuse agricultural pollution, particularly during high rainfall events when combined sewer overflows operate more frequently and runoff from agriculture is induced. 6 0 4 1.0 10.1787/5jlwqvhg3l31-en 20b181d472e29e60a924cf2e9874db31 While differences between innovators and non-innovators are diminishing over time with regard to adoption and use of basic ICTs (such as broadband), they persist and even grow with respect to the use of more advanced ICTs (such as cloud computing). Evidence also shows that firms using data and analytics are more likely to innovate. Furthermore, ICT investments have relatively more profound effects on innovation in services, compared to manufacturing where investments in R&D are still more significant for innovation performance. 9 1 3 0.5 10.1787/5k49dv6c5xmv-en 20b37085f4a674a714f69e1220eceb16 The metro-region’s large architectural and engineering community overall accounted for more than 39 000 jobs in 2009, including more than 4 000 LEED-certified experts in the City of Chicago alone. There are currently 1 600 members of the Chicago chapter of the US Green Building Council (USGBC, 2009). Energy-related activities account for the second-largest share of the green sector (11%), and include nuclear energy, biofuels/biomass, wind, battery technologies, smart grid, solar photovoltaic, renewable energy services, solar thermal, geothermal and fuel cells. 7 0 7 1.0 10.18356/d72eb315-en 20b3b9b9e236f889456c12c40395157b This activity generally requires the deployment of scientific observers on board vessels, or involving fishers in data collection. The former is costly and prone to biases, while the latter presents confidentiality and privacy issues. Automated systems based on image recognition offer potential but are unlikely to see widespread application soon. 14 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264271654-8-en 20b3e75037a79b73b5cd0b84b2128d68 Law 5048, which created CONICIT in 1972, states that CONICIT was to receive a fixed annual endowment of CRC 1.5 million44 to implement and finance its activities. The provisions of Law 5048 were not fundamentally altered except from the fact that earmarked appropriations would simply “transit” through the MICITT’s budget without any question about their continuing rationale. Financing through a trust fund may have some advantages, as the schedule of transfers of resources to beneficiaries is not constrained by the fiscal year commitments requirements. 9 1 3 0.5 11.1002/pub/8114a552-e2853b97-en 20b6d088c2af1662099c2efaddd1c5cd As a result, global SMS revenues fell from USD 82 billion in 2015 to USD 75 billion in 2016, and analysts expect that global SMS revenues will continue to decline in the next few years. Investments in developing economies are largely driving this growth, with capex increasing by USD 23.5 billion during this period, compared to a USD 10 billion reduction in the developed world. Growth of the Internet of Things (loT) and machine-to-machine (M2M) communications is creating revenue opportunities for service providers operating in mature markets, which may help to offset declining revenue trends in core business segments. 9 0 5 1.0 10.1787/5kg6qdx6b5q6-en 20b7280b668500ba7bbbf761176e34a5 In the second phase, which will commence in late 2012 to coincide with the introduction of the ‘Green Deal’, households will become eligible for long-term tariff support. Currently awaiting Report Stage in Parliament, this bill includes provisions for a ‘Green Deal’ on energy efficiency, greater security of energy supplies and more low-carbon electricity. More detailed secondary legislation for the ‘Green Deal' will be prepared during 2011 with a formal consultation process recently completed. Secondary legislation will be laid before parliament in early 2012 with the first ‘Green Deal’ expected to be available in late 2012. This policy will be accompanied by funding for training for up to 1,000 'Green Deal' apprenticeships. 13 1 7 0.75 11.1002/pub/810be2fb-9ada261f-en 20b74b2250c1b534f530f9ce77101159 "Japan's KDDI, Sumitomo Corp to invest $2 bln in Myanmar telecoms."" Although Tanzania has long had a competitive mobile market, the entry of Vietnamese owned Viettel, operating under the brand Halotel, in October 2015 caused disruption. It launched a 3G only service on the back of extensive investment in a fiber optic backbone emphasizing that it was possible to bridge the Internet gap in a short period of time.156 Halotel's entry triggered a price war with a 500 MB mobile Internet package dropping 70% between 2015 and 2016, resulting in affordability reaching the threshold of less than 5% of GNI." 9 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264276208-6-en 20bc543040454fc41627c5418b08ec7b Their primary objective is to help conserve and ensure the sustainable use of marine ecosystems. These environmental objectives can, for example, be to protect depleted, threatened, rare or endemic species or populations; conserve habitats; or prevent outside activities from adversely affecting the MPA. In the Galapagos, for example, the marine reserve introduced in 2000 was intended to: 1) reduce conflicts between uses, principally tourism, fishing and scientific research; 2) protect marine biodiversity; and 3) promote sustainable uses. The goals of other MPAs are highlighted in Annex 3.A1. In terms of zoning, for example, if an area is to be designated as an MPA with the sole objective to protect vulnerable corals and sponges on a deep ocean bottom, there would be little or no risk posed by allowing non-bottom contact fishing in the area. 14 0 10 1.0 10.18356/9e191156-en 20bd37bd9e71fb890dd8d325b97eee0d The 1996 Law on Ambient Air Protection is the legislative base for implementing measures for climate change mitigation. Several articles relate to GHGs. For example, according to Article 6, the State Committee for Nature Protection (SCNP) sets the atmospheric air protection standards for all kinds of objects, ozone preservation and climate change. Article 24 focuses on enterprises and lists their responsibilities in terms of mitigating the adverse effects of GHGs. 13 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264238701-6-en 20be1214c4b8e6c7b1a0eab60228ea21 Until a lasting and equitable solution is found within the context of the United Nations, Turkey shall preserve its position concerning the “Cyprus issue.” The infoimation in this document relates to the area under the effective control of the Government of the Republic of Cyprus. In some contexts, groundwater users may not wish to divulge pumping information for strategic reasons (as observed in the west of the United States (e.g. Christian-Smith et al., 6 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5jxrcmgpc6mn-en 20bedbb0efcbf4dbe2179e389dcd6ea7 In particular the Transitional Allowance (TA) is for lone parents only and it is probably this factor which explains why the estimates of APE and PPR are larger for the broader second and third definitions of SA. In sum, and taking the estimates from the studies discussed at face value, it is clear that there is genuine state dependence that exists over and above the spurious state dependence that is attributable to observed and unobserved differences across individuals. Moreover state dependence varies across groups within national populations, with a tendency for greater dependence for groups typically seen as more disadvantaged (e.g. lone mothers, immigrants, etc.) Annexes 4.A and 4.B provide a discussion of a number of issues concerning the reliability of these conclusions. 1 6 3 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/agr/outlook-2014-4-en 20c3972e2bf299c453fa7a0279b9cec4 While cereals remain a key dietary component, particularly in least developed countries, rising protein consumption in other developing regions will require an increased production of livestock and dairy products, which also implies greater demand for feed grains and oilseeds. These factors are particularly relevant in most developed countries and some highly populated developing countries, limiting expansion in these countries while presenting opportunities to regions that are less affected by these limiting factors. As in the past decade, projected production growth through the outlook period will be led by Latin America, Sub-Saharan Africa, Eastern Europe and parts of Asia, with production growth in Western Europe increasing only marginally. 2 0 3 1.0 10.18356/0c0a8ef8-en 20c8dbd9caf67306f53df86e044e0fbc These include executive secretariats, councils, social ministries and others (ECLAC, 2016a), which form part of the construction of a long-term strategy and represent a stable component of the region's social institutions. This not only means formal articulation, so that care programmes can be officially included in social protection systems, but also the possible redesign of instruments to guarantee gender mainstreaming. For example, cash transfer programmes may involve conditionalities that reinforce the unequal division of productive and reproductive work (ECLAC, 2013b), especially if there are no incentives for care to be provided jointly by men and women. 5 0 5 1.0 10.1787/dd4dcfa6-en 20c977bbe5499be647af873a8a3d254e The opinions expressed and arguments employed are those of the author(s). Comments on Working Papers are welcomed, and may be sent to The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law. 1 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/eag-2018-6-en 20c9a6237916954705d7690b19e3ec1d In most OECD and partner countries, boys are at least 40% more likely than girls to enrol in vocational education (Figure 2.a), and students whose parents did not attain tertiary education are more likely to choose upper secondary vocational programmes than general programmes (Box B3.1). By including formal and non-formal education, this indicator captures participation in any type of programme that aims to improve knowledge, skills and competencies from a personal, civic, social or employment-related perspective (UNESCO, 2016(2]). In most OECD and partner countries, at least 20% of 25-64 year-olds have participated in formal or non-formal education and training in the previous 12 months, with participation among men and women varying greatly across countries. 4 0 9 1.0 10.18356/8146c4ff-en 20c9f70eadb1930322174cff3b8dcb52 Third, some couples managed to ‘buy’ their sponsorship papers and regularize their residence status (although they are technically breaking the law) - as the husbands of Aida and Emebet had done, at least initially. Fourth, and most precarious, there were women like Rubka who entered into relationships with men of different nationalities (Syrian, Egyptian or Sudanese) who were irregular migrants themselves and/or were unwilling to marry the women. The children of such relationships often have liminal status if their father does not acknowledge them, as the Ethiopian Government requires documentation of paternity to register the child as Ethiopian. 5 4 3 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264202405-9-en 20cca06403a1cd11e41d31a7dc704f80 About one third of OECD countries have achieved absolute decoupling. Groundwater withdrawal has increased in many parts of the world, at an alarming scale in India (Shah et al., Groundwater is a key source of water supply for drinking, irrigation and industrial purposes in many parts of the world. More than 60% is consumed by agriculture in arid and semi-arid regions, producing 40% of the world’s food (Morris et al., 6 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264281318-22-en 20cf8e770dcee22e9af2dde88bc2d560 On average, men are more likely to be employed in the production of goods and construction, while women are considerably more likely to be employed in social and personal service sectors. Working women often hold lower-quality jobs, as indicated by lower pay, less job security and a greater risk of extremely low pay. Women are also often severely underrepresented in managerial positions (Figure 19.4), even if women in some emerging economies, like the Russian Federation and several Latin America countries, fair better in this regard than women in OECD countries, on average. 5 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/083b4c4d-en 20d0a18cbb58770363225fd93ac14a81 Bosnia and Herzegovina does not have a clear model of information flow between different sectors, competences frequently overlap, and it is not clear who is responsible to whom, who takes data from whom and by which methodology or how data are delivered. They then dropped to 21,816.43 Gg CCh-eq. At its 113th meeting, held on 27 November 2014, the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina adopted the Decision on Amendments to the Decision establishing the Designated National Authority (DNA) for the implementation of Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Projects, which, in addition to the existing activities of the DNA, has added development, receipt and approval/rejection of NAMAs. 13 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.18356/7f55e015-en 20d70e5ee00206349ba4b85f9017a6a0 Each member can update the ledger to reflect the most recent transactions, therefore revolutionizing the way that products can be tracked and traced. Moreover, the broadcasting of all transactions to all members makes the system transparent - at least to its members - and thus easily verifiable. At the same time, encryption of the transactions ensures privacy, making the application difficult to hack and thus highly secure. 9 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264281486-4-en 20d7cb7dc09a450a502e427aef7f68aa The matura examinations appear to create, in most instances, incentives that are at odds with the stated goal of providing a competency-oriented education. Furthermore, policy makers and educators recognise that matura examinations focus the effort, attention, and investment of learners disproportionately at the end of studies, while the preceding years of study - such as grades 9 and 10 in the gymnasium - are weakly incentivised. Students w'ould be required to plan, implement, and present a project and to be assessed on this work by their teacher and an independent assessment board of subject professionals. It is hoped that this project-based learning w ould encourage not only the development of subject knowledge, but wider competencies including creativity, analytical skills, critical thinking and communication skills. 4 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264191761-en 20da4e61588876323b4ab6ede532ebc8 Thus, the proposal on debt restructuring as it currently stands foresees considerable concessions to agricultural debtors. It would perform the function of a “bank of the banks” by providing financial resources to commercial banks which will direct them for agricultural loans. This is driven by the desire to strengthen the incentives of commercial banks to engage with agriculture and, in particular, to increase longer-term lending. In principle, this breaks the privileged access of KazAgro’s own credit agencies to budgetary funding. 2 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/5js6g5kvpd6j-en 20dbda683fd70e230bc7108f2ce6da20 Extending the age of compulsory education laws can also reduce early marriage. A number of government initiatives have also been introduced in recent years to enhance skill training to women such as vocational training programmes to teach skills like sewing, computer literacy and spoken English. These efforts have been supplemented by the work of hundreds of NGOs, such as the Mann Deshi Foundation and the Sambhali Trust, working at the rural level, encouraging women's co-operatives in agriculture, livestock rearing and handicrafts. These policies should be expanded. As biases can begin very early in life, sometimes in subtle ways, it is important to influence early trajectories of inequality that are more difficult and costly to resolve over time (World Bank, 2012). Strategies in other countries that have shown positive results by addressing gender-specific constraints include increasing the proximity of schools to homes and building “girl-friendly” schools. 8 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.18356/58d686e0-en 20dde3e719937df428c8c2be74e0f4b6 It has great potential and can advance gender equality by empowering migrant women, since many migrate independently nowadays and become the main breadwinners for their families. However, migration can also increase vulnerabilities and put migrant women at risk of discrimination and violence. Women and children who migrate also become more vulnerable to other forms of exploitation. Those in an irregular situation are particularly vulnerable. The Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants noted in his 2012 report to the Human Rights Council (A/HRC/20/24) that migrant women who are detained may be vulnerable to sexual violence committed by male detainees or guards. The Special Rapporteur encouraged States to give particular attention to the situation of migrant women in detention. 5 0 4 1.0 10.6027/9789289346290-5-en 20e11770d5088e1df8a4640696f282a3 Greenhouse gas emissions lead to global climate impacts largely independent of where the emissions occur, and consequently a global policy response is most effective. In contrast, local water pollution covers a limited geographic extent, and policy measures to reduce local water pollution in distant lands may not be of policy interest Policies addressing material, land, and water footprints may lead to better resource efficiency, and ensure the future supply of potentially scarce resources. Thus, policies and measures relevant for one environmental issue (e.g., climate change) may not be relevant for other policy domains (e.g., water use). 12 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/774c08c9-en 20e55473ecc29a87847fe1e990147c9a Here, equality refers primarily to what can be considered relative equality in the distribution of incomes, rather than absolute equality in terms of civil rights. On the one hand, buyers and sellers in different markets are formally equal: they are free to accept or refuse a transaction at a given price. In addition, market institutions assure justice through the equivalence of exchanges (Habermas, 1973). 10 0 7 1.0 10.6027/9789289349734-5-en 20e9f96039dc03ac80f39579616d2f28 Andreassen also states that there has been a five percentage point decline in the proportion of female news subjects in news stories on politics in the two last GMMPs even though women have climbed up to top-level political positions.7 An example of this is Helle Thorning Schmidt, Denmark's first female prime minister who was elected in 2011. In the current government nine out of 22 ministers are women (40.9%; Statsministeriet 2016). This focus is reinforced by both female and male reporters. 5 1 3 0.5 10.18356/0a7c7f99-en 20ea05ff98755072e6a6b51390a7f91d Non-contributory pensions are not common in the Pacific island countries. Government-funded health care for all is provided by most countries, usually free or on a cost-sharing basis depending on the patient's ability to pay. However, a significant percentage of the population in a number of countries is unable to access basic health care. 1 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264081918-5-en 20ea8a0c1ba85468e646acf6efa8a1ed This initiative is implemented under the OP IE Sub-measure 6.2.1 Support for network of investor and exporter service centres. They co-operate in developing and financing some projects to co-ordinate research and the implementation of projects of special importance to the national economy. The ARP supports investment and advisory projects connected with the creation of science and technology parks, industrial parks and technology incubators. The Polish Patents Office carries out activities to create more awareness of the importance of intellectual property protection (IPR) issues and facilitates the patenting process. 8 1 3 0.5 10.18356/95417570-en 20eb4e7cc47940bf17663ad6a44f6a99 The C02 emissions increased even less, indicating a pervasive historical trend towards decarbonization of the global economy at about 1.3 per cent per year. The share of fossil energy sources, taken together, increased (from 20 to 80 per cent) between 1850 and now, as did the emissions of C02 (as an unavoidable by-product of combustion). Consequently, energy-related emissions of C02 increased 21-fold to about 6 billion tons of carbon (6 GtC) in 2000. Nevertheless, their increase has remained at a substantially slower pace than that of energy requirements, indicating a strong historical trend towards decarbonization of societies. 7 0 7 1.0 10.18356/fbc5a6db-en 20ed2b40110afbc2092422006002cba3 But in spite such low energy intensity for India, the data on electricity consumption per capita show just how far India has to go to raise its peoples’ standards of living. These data also show that Kazakhstan, alone of our group of countries, is near the European level of electricity consumption, but nevertheless has a very elevated level of energy intensity and so perhaps it does not need much new capacity to be built in the coming decade. It does indirectly indicate the likely rate of power demand growth that is likely to occur in the near term. 7 1 4 0.6 10.1787/6d9cd656-en 20ed7f202d9e17318b5b523d8c027d76 Local governments created 604 new childcare places in 2015 with financial support from the European Social Fund. More recent data from 2015-16 shows that 75% of two year-olds were in pre-school education in Estonia, and that the overall proportion of those aged 0-2 in pre-school education had increased to 34% compared to the 20% for 2014 shown in Figure 27 (source: Ministry of Social Affairs of Estonia). A further call for 600 additional childcare places will be launched in 2017 with funding from the same source. 8 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264267817-6-en 20ef2b8a18c3cd227dffb6a8d7b11977 The national government could oblige municipalities to have an urban development plan when providing investment funds or have access to the resources of the Metropolitan Fund (Fondo Metropolitano). The sustainable use of natural resources, such as water, green areas, and maintaining air quality are crucial for sustainable development and achieving a high quality of life in the region. In the state of Morelos, the abundance of natural amenities is moreover a source of competitive advantage for the tourism sector and the economy of rural areas. 11 1 3 0.5 10.18356/fd217899-en 20ef694fe719ae44b4f7578641050a53 "Aiming to increase forest cover by 10 to 20 per cent by 2010, SFLC is one of the largest PES projects implemented in any developing country. The central Government paid for the environmental services using cash and grain. As a result, this programme has also been referred to as the ""Grain-for-Green"" policy." 15 0 4 1.0 10.14217/9781848590724-3-en 20f29684593dee3ca939fc338f438318 A social cohesion strategy must therefore tackle exclusion by means of both prevention and cure. During the twentieth century, Western European States came to accept responsibility for achieving a balance between economic growth and social justice. Despite the considerable variations from country to country, the European approach is sufficiently distinctive when compared with other world regions that it has often been referred to as the European social model. 10 0 6 1.0 10.1787/9789264225442-7-en 20f41bd5aa5f21ffe8077bc3130bedd0 This chapter discusses the context, main issues and policies adopted across OECD countries to promote development of skills required for post-secondary education or for entering the labour market. The policies examined comprise those ensuring effective completion of upper secondary education, delivering quality vocational education and training (VET), improving the quality of tertiary education, and strengthening and facilitating transitions across education pathways and into the labour market. The reforms vary across countries, as they are influenced by context, traditions, institutional settings and specific national and regional challenges. 4 0 3 1.0 10.18356/cf6cb95e-en 20f56802531c7a62f5205c8f3b585b44 The gender profile for deaths from diarrhoea due to poor water and sanitation is consistent across most regions: more males suffer and die from diarrhoea everywhere except South-East Asia, where the share of female deaths and illness is notable and produces a global tilt towards higher female deaths and DALYs overall (Table 2.2.1). The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that this is the main cause of around 28% of child deaths worldwide (WaterAid 2009a). Among children under five diarrhoea is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality, responsible for 20% of total deaths in this age group (WHO 2015, Walker et al. 6 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264303119-en 20f5a2cf0f17d3ddf7451387b89d24ff The system effects of variable renewables, although discussed here under a separate category, are a fine example of this progressive organisation of the search for conceptual and organisational responses. New technologies create new effects and new impacts, many of which are not foreseeable and can thus not be taken into account in their conception and implementation. An externality is then the impact of a new process on aspects of life which has had no prior consideration. 7 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264124523-6-en 20f821c26b8ce6c3845a238bb48bc8e1 Andrews et al (2001) found that 60% of individuals with a mental disorder had this disorder a year earlier already. Hughes and Cohen (2009) found a majority of patients with a depressive disorder still suffering from recurrent depressive episodes ten years later. Chronicity has also consistently been found to be strongly related to a high utilisation of medical services (e.g. Fasel et al, 2010), and to be a decisive factor for long-term sickness absence and disability (e.g. Bergh et al, 2007). In schizophrenic disorders, for example, around 70% show substantial social and vocational impairments or residual symptoms (Moller et al., 3 1 4 0.6 10.1787/eco/surveys-swe-2015-6-en 20f83506027307b0103a14e4915d5efa Recent surueys of adult skills and educational performance suggest that younger cohorts are doing less well than their predecessors. Many immigrants struggle both in school and in the labour market partly because of low skills and language difficulties. Educational outcomes could be improved through raising the attractiveness of the teacher profession, improving teacher education and increasing support for struggling students. A more flexible labour market would facilitate access to jobs for youth with low qualifications and immigrants. The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law. 4 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264214682-4-en 20f90cd9c27d42c85ca569eb08e52fe7 These boundaries are often contested, not least because they are more attractive to those on the favoured side of the boundary than to those left out in the cold. Post-secondary vocational education and training, uncomfortably straddling these contested boundaries, inevitably finds it hard to define its own territory. 4 3 6 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/pension/glance-2013-5-en 20f9cd16f67ea80c2f84c2c7fc3f9769 In 2010, for example, the share of income from work was relatively high in the United States where the normal pension age is over 65. In France, by contrast, where workers who had contributed for 41 years could still retire at the age of 60 in 2010, income from work accounted for less than 10% of old people’s incomes. Capital income includes private pensions as well as income from returns on non-pension savings. 1 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/caeceb38-en 20fdade534acb0a725373bf4707df8e3 "Life Is Not a Rehearsal, it's a Performance"": An ethnographic enquiry into the subjectivities of children and adolescents living with antiretroviral treatment in Northeastern Tanzania. Children andYouth Services Review, 45, 28-37. Reflections on Africa's Indigenous knowledge on Parenting: Indigenous parenting practices of different communities in Africa." 5 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264233836-8-en 21010899a030235c41c8be2d43b67ae3 Infonnation on the quality of care is also limited on this website. For example, it reports on preventable hospitalisations, unplanned hospital readmissions and separations for falls resulting in patient harm in hospitals by remoteness. However, data on sentinel events, adverse events and episodes of Staphylococcus aureus (including MRSA) bacteraemia in acute care hospitals are not provided by remoteness. 3 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264088368-5-en 21019f9bb628e09c5fe2c5f5daddfa2b The same effects could be found due to educational investments. It is believed that improving education in poor areas will be helpful to increasing the beneficiaries’ long-run income. It questions the commonly-held notion that general inequality and the rural-urban income gap have been increasing over time. Taking note of the exclusion of long-term rural-to-urban migrants from official income statistics, the chapter tries to identify these omitted people in order to examine their income in comparison with both rural and urban household incomes. 10 1 3 0.5 10.18356/d3389ea7-en 21021bf268913c545844764febc14d68 Thus for example, by increasing demand for output from forestry and hunting, the annual income of the rural poor increases by TSh 48,700 (equivalent to TSh 4,058 or US$ 2.4 per month). A similar exogenous increase in demand for output from agriculture translates into an annual Increase of TSh 44,325 (TSh 3,694 or US$ 2.2 per month) in the income of the rural poor, while a similar exogenous increase in the demand for output from wood, paper and printing translates into an annual increase of TSh 14,950 (TSh 1,246 or US$ 0.8 per month) in the income of the rural poor. This means that the increased demand will spur economic growth in the interdependent sectors, which will ultimately be reflected in the welfare of households. This section seeks to answer the question: how will this sectoral input affect the annual incomes of the household sectors (rural poor, rural nonpoor, urban poor and urban non-poor)? 15 1 3 0.5 10.18356/8b39690f-en 210757e61f1d86e22058e9f13efed792 The Agency is the National Administrator of the National Registry for GHG Emission Allowance Trading. The Institute has several weather stations included within the Regional Basic Synoptic Network and Regional Basis Climatological Network in RA VI (Europe) - about 40 synoptic and more than 90 climatic stations across the country. There are no Global Surface Network and Global UpperAir Network stations in Bulgaria. 13 0 6 1.0 10.18356/31959a6d-en 2110f3fb2b81779e3aff0268e40f90ff To the extent possible, the nu merator includes su rvivors' a nd disability benefits once the beneficiaiy reaches the statutory pensionable age (or the age of 65). I n other words, the numerator should capture all beneficiaries of a n old age pension, whether they themselves were participants in a social security scheme (contributors) or not, for instance, family members of deceased contributors who receive a part of the latter’s pension. Both in the case of survivors’and disability benefits, it is important to note that only those who fall within the age group are counted. 5 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/7d5576e0-en 2113eec1708848c2330a594c5cf9acd2 Depending on individual circumstances, single companies with market shares above 25 per cent may have the capacity to prevent workable competition.50 Given the technological gap between R&D-based pharmaceutical companies and local pharmaceutical producers in small developing countries or LDCs, foreign patent holders will in many cases have the capacity to prevent competition in the above sense. It is important to note that under the TRIPS Agreement, developing countries are not prevented from applying stricter criteria to determine market dominance and anticompetitive conduct. Such practices may occur through unilateral conduct or contractual agreement.507 They do not necessarily have to constitute anti-competitive conduct. 3 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.18356/b9509058-en 21149dd2445a352f9ddc4b72f9757ce6 This supports sustainable economic development and a competitive advantage (see also the chapter on sustainable consumption). Governments have an interest in promoting corporate responsibility because it is key to sustained competitiveness in a globalizing economy. Full information for consumers is a basic economic tenet of successful markets. 12 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264210745-5-en 21151c87b9116a4f11db6146f077952e These results demonstrate the complexity of dealing with gender issues and set the stage for the objectives of Plan Avanza 2. Family Caregiving: What Are the Consequences?, Child Care Center”, http://careers.state.gOv/specialist/benefits#ccc. What Are the Highlights of the Act?”, Advancing Pay Equality in the Federal Government and Learning from Successful Practices, 10 May 2013. 5 4 5 0.1111111111111111 10.18356/9cee1f69-en 21165287c95a8675305ce29de0a56ac8 There were also more unintended births among first-order births than among subsequent births. Logistic regression results show that compared with mothers of intended births, mothers of mistimed and unwanted births were more likely to have attempted to abort their pregnancy. Mothers of mistimed births are also less likely to have begun prenatal care within the first trimester of pregnancy than mothers of intended births. 5 3 6 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264090415-4-en 2116d28a9c0d8060ed80ddc8a700f990 This is not a comprehensive review and we have not considered open ocean ecosystems, but for a fuller treatment see Stenseth et al. ( Catches of small pelagic fishes have been as high as 11 million tonnes per year, representing more than 10% of world capture fish production (FAO, 2004). However, these show pronounced fluctuations often associated with ENSO effects on upwelling dynamics and productivity (Lehodey et al., The strength of upwelling off the South American coastline is strongly determined by the ENSO phase, with warm phases associated with a lower thermocline, which reduces phytoplankton production through inhibited upwelling of nutrients. 14 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264238701-6-en 2117cbcea37937e9756ac2c4e5eac7cc "Two main concerns underlie recent changes in groundwater policies in some OECD countries: long-term aquifer depletion and surface water-groundwater interaction (e.g. McCarl et al., In the United States, concerns about groundwater pumping externalities are manifested in ongoing litigation over water resources and rapidly changing water management institutions (Hathaway, 2011; McKusick, 2002). Surface water-groundwater interaction has also been a major driver for changes in groundwater policy (Kuwayama and Brozovic, 2013; Palazzo and Brozovic, 2014); surface water flows are the subject of both transboundary legal challenges over river basin allocations and potential environmental impacts to instream habitat and other groundwater-dependent ecosystems (e.g. McKusick, 2002; Delaware River Basin Commission, 2008). These entitlements are the cornerstone of most regulatory approaches for groundwater management, ""the central element of groundwater laws"" (Mechlem, 2012), and have been found to be critical in reducing groundwater overdraft (Kemper, 2007)." 6 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264191761-en 2118c2c2437bdc5514d075a445ec93c4 The programme sought to define a model of rural settlement. The related tasks included the monitoring of the socio-economic development and economic situation in rural areas; assessment of land resources; development of norms and standards for social and infrastructural services for rural residents; re-settlement of rural residents in areas with more favourable conditions. Criteria were established incorporating economic, environmental and social indicators to determine the potential of rural settlements. By the end of the programme in 2010, the share of settlements with the highest potential had increased to 37% from 16% in 2004, and the share of population living in such settlements increased to 56% from 25% (Table 2.21). 2 5 2 0.42857142857142855 10.18356/d7485e6e-en 211961e760a03af7860d9691a7614fd9 Excess bureaucratic procedures, poor coordination and limited financial planning capacity were also highlighted, and a lack of technically qualified PA staff (particularly among younger staff) was noted. The capacity of State sanctuaries, which have no administrations of their own, was assessed as being much lower than that of the State reserves. Some reserves appear relatively well developed. 15 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264083578-8-en 211d14c406adde9d29ba398b8458169c The data do not support the “virtual water hypothesis.” Water-scarce northern China exports a range of water-intensive goods and services, while water-abundant southern China imports water-intensive goods. The authors suggest that several factors influencing agricultural input use and productivity — water price, labor availability, and soil and land quality - might be responsible for the results they have observed. 6 0 4 1.0 10.18356/12698017-en 211da18c7f580ec9a69f19814b64c910 Attempts to measure and interpret the distribution and abundance of floating plastics in the surface ocean need to be placed in the context of this natural variability. Plastics occur in all five compartments, and there will be processes acting both within and between compartments which will affect the fate and distribution of the plastic material. Plastics that are inherently buoyant (e.g. PE) can be expected to remain in the upper ocean, unless there is a change in density, for example by the attachment and growth of sessile organisms. 14 2 3 0.2 10.1787/9789264086296-6-en 211f1869d2a845f19dddd76b2aac0b80 Global scientific efforts to raise the profile of other environmental issues (for example, the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, or the Natural Resources Panel) have had a much lower impact. This prominence, however, can be a source of vulnerability as well, as became clear in late 2009 and early 2010, when the soundness of IPCC reports and the scientific basis for its work came under widespread attack. The advantage of a multi-dimensional organisation such as the OECD is that it is able to explicitly connect its environmental work with relevant non-environmental issues with a view to drawing out the broader policy implications which may be important for policy reform to be implemented. 6 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/0543d374-en 21201be3b27ce75bf49d7bf6385ab1b7 Desert forests are of great significance to the inhabitants of sandy regions (koomly), as they supply them with pastures, firewood and, on a small scale, household construction materials. As for sandy areas, continuous sowing and planting have resulted in 680,000 ha of woods and pasture-protection forests. According to nonofficial sources, including experts’ estimates, the annual supply of wood from sanitary cuttings does not currently exceed some 10,000 m3, while demand is estimated at about 50,000-55,000 m3. The provision of free natural gas to the population has proved to be an important means of preventing illegal logging. 15 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264232143-5-en 2121e0f00c46a9dc0f92d51e6e96f4c3 Except in rare cases of external causes, it should be possible to define success or failure at the institutional level and identify remedies when the latter occurs. These mechanisms must meet two conditions. First, the set of decisions that can be appealed and under what circumstances needs to be delineated in order to avoid repeated challenges by small minorities or by eternal challengers, which could make the process intractable. 14 3 1 0.5 10.18356/894b85fa-en 21251492430a723c72786bbb01c2e4dd In addition to political will, this package requires governments to mobilize sufficient resources. In order to close income, health and care gaps, for example, a quarter of countries (41 out of 155 studied) could implement the required policies for less than 3 per cent of GDP; just over half of the countries (79) could do so for less than 5 per cent of GDP. For one fifth of countries, these policies would cost more than 10 percent of GDP, which means that additional international support would be required. 5 6 3 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264283299-en 2129b93e1f4e48d5f6b87af28486c2a5 People with preferential reimbursement status have lower co-payments (Box 2). The third-party payment system is gradually being enlarged to improve access to ambulatory care, notably for vulnerable people. Since July 2015, patients with preferential reimbursement status only pay co-payments for GP consultations. 3 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/859159ab-en 212b0b97a0a8b6103391276a94d0e38d Malaysia’s trade position improved, but it was outdone by a net outflow in gross transfers. In the Philippines, payments for capital and intermediate goods imports continued to drive the widening of trade and current account deficits, although this was partially offset by robust remittance inflows from overseas workers. Thailand’s large trade surplus shrank, while a deficit in primary income transfers increased. Viet Nam saw its net trade earnings rise substantially in the first half of 2018 from the previous year, and this more than matched an increase in net transfer outflows. Elsewhere in the region, Singapore’s CAB stayed healthy in 2018 on the strength of its net goods trade position, while Brunei Darussalam’s surplus decreased. 11 3 0 1.0 10.18356/680c1b02-en 212bb7a085f5ec04e580b750cc42b219 Where both income and consumption data are collected at household level, attribution to individuals is impossible. But these measures are still unable to take into account the distribution of resources within households. In households above the poverty line, resources may not be shared equitably between women and men; by the same token, even though a woman without her own income may lack financial independence and agency, she may still benefit from collective goods such as housing. 5 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264273153-6-en 212bb994dd8f139229a76a965248a73f Emerging and developing countries are searching for new policies and practical responses in order to promote decent work for millions of young men and women who are engaged in the informal economy. These two policy instruments align with each other and reinforce the clear policy guidance on youth employment and their transition from the informal to the formal economy. This is the first international labour standard to focus on the informal economy in its entirety and diversity and to point clearly to the transition to the formal economy as the means for realising decent work for all and achieving inclusive development. The Recommendation, of universal relevance, acknowledges the broad diversity of situations of informality, including specific national contexts and priorities for the transition to the formal economy, and provides practical guidance to address these priorities. 8 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5k912j389bf0-en 212c704ee3827f281fb72b82fead9951 Les depenses de sante en France : determinants et impact du vieillissement a I ’horizon 2050. The function specification is logarithmic. The model assumes long-term equilibrium among health expenditure and income at constant prices, demographic trends, prices, and technology (pharmaceutical research spending is used as a proxy). 3 1 3 0.5 10.1787/09e92b30-en 2130bdbaccd5d8857a544db479346285 Cependant, le developpement de mecanismes de remuneration a la capitation qui permettent d’avoir moins d’incitations a multiplier les actes et d’encourager les professionnels de sante a s’occuper plus longtemps des patients, tout comme les paiements en fonction des resultats dans les soins primaires doivent etre renforces afin de faire face a la prevalence croissante des maladies chroniques et de reduire la demande induite par 1’offre et les disparites sociales en terme d’acces aux soins. Various measures of life expectancy are among the highest in the OECD, notably for women (Figure 1, Panels A and B). These measures have also shown steady improvement (Blanpain, 2016). 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264268791-5-en 2132df854eab9a9df71a43c798609d25 For planning purposes, regions will pursue integrated planning and broad economic development strategies; departements will focus on providing social development and related services; and communes will focus on land use plans and local public services. The argument for consolidations follows both a cost-savings approach (eliminating about half the regional governments) and a scale approach (creating bigger regions that can be more efficient providers of services and investments). However, it is a contentious project and, as the map below indicates, some former regional capitals will lose their status along with the attendant public sector employment, services and other associated advantages (a point returned to in Chapter 2 in the case study of Clermont-Ferrand). 11 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264292659-5-en 21340aff9804d702f06051393a608b60 Results from Phase II, which are available on line,1 helped develop guidance for end users to carry out the self-assessment, engage stakeholders and collect data. This assessment provides a static view of who does what and how. Compared to the “static” assessment of identifying the existence of framework conditions, this phase of the assessment aims to be a “dynamic” one. 6 9 0 1.0 10.18356/db521e55-en 2137d074a26ffbb9f9cf088ddd50f45f Climate change was well suited to this paradigm and emerged from it as a key priority, as advances towards global public goods, such as global health, poverty eradication and alleviation of humanitarian crises, are impossible without ambitious action to combat climate change and build climate-resilient societies. The first commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol was to begin in 2008 and extend until 2012. While negotiations had been launched under the Ad Hoc Working Group on Further Commitments for Annex I Parties under the Kyoto Protocol (AWG-KP) aiming to negotiate a second commitment period under the Protocol, the broader question remained: how to address climate change at a global scale post-2012? 13 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264204256-4-en 213b4da11dd4ba7f6213fec7bac92d55 Japan, and to a lesser extent Australia, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden, combine above-average performance with a high level of equity. France, Germany, Poland and the United States all show both below-average performance and large social disparities. In Korea and the United States, for example, the relationship between socio-economic background and skills proficiency is much weaker among younger adults than among older adults. In Australia and the Slovak Republic, Ihe reverse is true. 4 6 1 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264264120-10-en 213fb4af409528cd6d3f7f1e7bbe6956 For these series, adoption rates for intervening years have been interpolated. Maize irrigated area is from USDA (2015g), Census ol Agriculture. Adoption rates for herbicides, insecticides, no till, tractor guidance systems, and N application rates for fertiliser are from the USDA (2015h), Economic Research Service. In 1992, about 190 000 farms had swine onsite. 2 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.18356/30d5a92c-en 213fe46aad2f89cb64329642234c1031 Tarasuk, V. and G. Beaton, Women's dietary intakes in the context of household food insecurity. Journal of Nutrition, 1999.129: p. 672-679. Bernal, J., E. Frongillo, and J. Rivera, Food insecurity reported by children, but not by mothers, is associated with lower quality of diet and shifts in foods consumed. 2 2 2 0.0 10.18356/6aed7a25-en 214341ee079571f94ff09e1b3e42f034 Its importance as a pressure factor, according to Belarus, is local but severe. Chemicals are transported to the river from agricultural facilities, and pond fisheries are a major source of pollution. Industry in Lithuania is mainly located in Alytus, Kaunas and Vilnius; in Belarus mainly around Grodno (assessed as local and moderate by Belarus). 6 0 3 1.0 10.18356/a68df323-en 2146ed5bbc01ffbe4c6ebbcc30110528 These include NGOs, organizations representing private industry and intergovernmental organizations. The auditors’ nationality cannot be the same as that of the President and the Executive Secretary. The sources of the Chu and Talas lie in the territory of Kyrgyzstan, where water management facilities such as dams, water reservoirs and canals are also located. 6 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264209626-2-en 2149dc051daa231a430fa14b3293209b Such a foundation is essential to ensure that policy can be guided by a strong evidence base. For VET, knowledge of job prospects allows students to make informed choices about training programmes, and policy makers to see whether graduates are obtaining relevant work; clear information about learning outcomes helps employers to understand what qualified recruits have learnt. Better data and information can be provided either through one-off surveys of those leaving vocational programmes, or by tracking cohorts of individuals through vocational programmes into employment. 4 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264187894-7-en 214c074523e8da0932ef7481b5560cfb Community-based, non-statutory, regional NRM bodies develop, review, implement and co-ordinate regional natural resources management plans there, which guide state and Commonwealth government investment. River basin management in Australia (cont.) They would help to identify necessary projects and develop strategic plans at the basin and sub-basin levels, and they could expand work previously started through state and regional water programmes. 6 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264247598-8-en 214fbe483f37306be800ebbf1ec2ed99 First, there are strict boundaries between school networks and, sometimes, even between school groups and school associations, concerning the acquired statutory rights of teachers. While teachers moving to a school in another network generally keep their pension rights and salary level, they will lose their permanent teacher status. Sometimes this is the case if they only move to another school board in the same network. 4 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/051b4d3b-en 2150fb1325bd4e224c25b99eba5b02ea The positive change in the sex ratios since 1991 is due to many factors including improvements in the education of women, falling fertility rates and better health outcomes. At the same time, longevity increased due to better health facilities, improved socio-economic conditions and higher levels of education. The present population structure is due to the combined effect of all these factors. 5 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/9789264285637-9-en 2151466950156c7de15d4a51b697fa03 As a result, teachers may perform at a level lower than expected at the concerned career stage for a number of years. While it is a strength of the system that processes exist to move ineffective teachers either out of the school system or into non-teaching roles, there remain opportunities for underperforming teachers to remain in the system for long periods of time. If sustained underperformance by teachers is not tackled this has adverse consequences not only on student learning but also on the reputation of both schools and the teaching profession. 4 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264168367-4-en 21539262eb120790ccfdd62766d6acad In addition, as the retirement age increases in future years and while improvement to equal opportunities legislation helps hold older people in employment for longer, pensioners are increasingly likely to be able to supplement pensions with earnings. These trends are likely to reduce the risk of poverty among future pensioners, although it would also seem likely that among future elderly cohorts inequality will rise. This is particularly the case as the generosity of state pensions is likely to fall as public spending is increasingly squeezed. 1 1 3 0.5 10.6027/9789289349734-8-en 2156b605c2bccef43a6c703d05e4d86e According to Maria Brandstrom, a news presenter at SVT Nyheter Vasterbotten also responsible for gender equality at the workplace, the editors count women and men in the news on a daily basis.24 The reporters are also required to try to find women for interviews, both when working outside the office and when making telephone interviews. In the autumn of 2016 the newsroom also started counting women and men in web news using the web tool Prognosis. The share of women in television news was 49% in 2013, 2014 and 2015. 5 0 3 1.0 10.18356/77cccad1-en 215a0be840838ca0c34b9662e218e3c4 Still, the pollution of surface water and groundwater that comes with industrial wastewater discharge remains a problem. Air quality remains satisfactory in cities with heavy industries and high traffic concentration (i.e. Minsk, Mogilev, Novopolotsk and Soligorsk), although there are problem areas within these cities. More than half of the major cities monitored in the period 2005-2013 have reduced emissions from stationary sources, while Zhlobin city (Gomel Oblast) and Novopolotsk (Vitebsk Oblast) have remained the major contributors of pollutants from stationary sources. 11 0 4 1.0 10.1787/7a1f7b89-en 215d2ee233af6dc5d931ace1a7501373 These are important metrics that allow agencies and authorities to understand how well users view the mobility offer on hand and whether or not it is compelling enough to effectively compete with car transport. This typically has occurred in an uncoordinated manner across different cities and countries but there are increasing calls for some form of standardised data-sharing from ride service companies to cities. Certain cities, like New York and London, have compelled ride services to share data in return for operational licensing, while yet others have been unsuccessful with the same companies - possibly because of a poorly structured or overly broad data requests. 11 1 2 0.3333333333333333 11.1002/pub/80f4cf5d-15758c70-en 216245054c56f7a629304b8380efd643 It elaborated further on SDG 11 to make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. Unplanned urbanization is causing cities to choke with congested traffic and air pollution; basic services like water and sanitation are not reaching citizens, particularly the poor; joblessness, crime, conflict and social strife are major problems, including in so-called developed countries; and natural disasters are becoming more destructive as people concentrate in dense areas. The relevance of cities in economic terms is absolutely remarkable, considering they occupy only between 3-4% of the world's available landmass. 11 0 3 1.0 10.14217/9781848590823-19-en 2162e8ca8204a5cc1b212bc7f86c6f58 Although difficult to quantify, ecological demand represents an important user of water and water itself is needed to maintain the productive ecology of the island’s rivers and wetlands (Government of Trinidad and Tobago, 2003). The poverty rate was estimated at 22 per cent in 2005 (Kedir and Sookram, 2005). In 2004 the country’s Environmental Management Authority (EMA), highlighted that income disparities and poverty are driving many persons, households and communities to seek affordable living space, homesteads and livelihood opportunities on hillsides, in peri-urban areas, and along access routes into the valleys. This pattern of settlement is associated with deforestation which degrades the country’s watersheds and pollutes its main water sources. The population of a country at risk to economic inequalities also places the environment at risk. 6 1 3 0.5 10.1787/5ce14fb2-en 2163bcb4727ddec0a3f3c9c934726233 This strengthening of internal co-ordination not only encourages the dissemination of gender-related knowledge within institutions but also promotes the emergence of clearly-identified communities, able to forge links with other specialists working on the promotion of women's economic empowerment in the region. The Mystery of Capital: Why Capitalism Triumphs in the Wesf and Fails Everywhere Else, Basic Civitas Books, New York. Global Food Security, Vol. 5 0 4 1.0 10.14217/9781848591462-6-en 2168dcb21571a7fd45b48d6553d2dd82 As far back as 2000, teacher education innovators at Jamaica’s Mico Teachers’ College were exploring how teachers could use literature in the classroom to address issues of active citizenship and violence, as well as broader issues related to sustainability and social development. In a related initiative, academic staff at UWI developed a graduate course on literature and ESD, which has gone from being an elective to a course requirement in the language education programme. Another core course in teacher education, entitled Changing Cultures Changing Schools, explores school culture and change management, including an exploration of eco-schools. 13 5 4 0.1111111111111111 10.1787/5js08hwvfnr4-en 2171dd2b8c0d5f901515998ad81207bb Examples of indicators to monitor and evaluate adaptation activities in the agricultural sector (cont.) For example, a preparedness indicator such as the identification of funds for adaptation does not say anything on their actual use. Even if it were possible to know how much of the designated fund was actually used, the exact extent to which it enhanced adaptive capacity would remain unknown. The same would happen if only a project-based approach were used. Although pilot-projects can be very helpful to shed light on what successful adaptation is in a specific area or sector, “summing up” all the projects taking place in a given country does not always say much on the country’s overall preparedness to face climate change and adjust to it. Additionally, such projects in reality tend to be regionally confined and few in number. 13 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/5k46dbzhrkhl-en 21762dccd71a2863fad3def32dccb9f3 Yet, even where they have made progress, as in some of the ‘glimpses of a green economy’ we laid out in section 3, there is no systematic attempt to catalogue them, learn from them and then improve the enabling conditions for scaling up successful approaches. This might explain why the CRGE emphasises new initiatives and foreign technologies, rather than scaling up what already works in Ethiopia. In Ethiopia, as in most countries, there is a realisation that restricted monitoring of poverty (against narrow criteria of cash income and food basket cost) is inadequate; as is restricted monitoring of environmental conditions (which rarely addresses aspects that matter to poor groups) -but action towards this is limited. Finally, with relevant data in short supply, accountability for the CRGE is inevitably constrained. In section 1, we outlined how prevailing economic signals within the Ethiopian economy often cause businesses and individuals to degrade the environment - or at least not to invest in cleaner approaches. 13 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/18a859bf-en 217a68a266136f86ea45c5a71f965fc7 This paper outlines the changes expected in the field of development co-operation post-2015 as development is recast as sustainable development and coherence between policies at the international level is expected to improve. From 2016 onwards, the focus is on implementing these new agreements and shaping coherent and effective domestic policies and plans in all countries. The role of development finance is changing as domestic resources and private finance play a larger role and the links between finance for sustainable development and climate finance become more evident. The paper presents key factors that can strengthen coherence between development finance and climate finance and explores the role that development co-operation providers and their partners can play in this process. 13 0 3 1.0 10.18356/3abd3198-en 217b3efbdbe8452d32085a021215d540 Section A outlines the prerequisites fa effective innovation systems in terms of capabilities, connections and the enabling environment, and addresses key policy issues in the areas of innovation financing and intellectual property protection; sectbn B places STI policy in the wider context of overall development strategies, highlighting the importance of policy coherence and coordination; and section C discusses the reorientation of STI towards the goals of sustainable and inclusive development in the context of the 2030 Agenda. The latter is now the main theoretical foundation of innovation policies in developed and developing countries alike. Such systems develop over time, co-evolving with their economic, political, social and environmental contexts. They are less developed and more prone to systemic failures and structural deficiencies in developing than in developed countries (Chaminade and Padilla Perez, 2017). 9 0 4 1.0 11.1002/pub/807e55db-ec047466-en 217bfa33c68aa566a06613a94a28155d Therefore, we adopt multiple successive time-slot bonding method to the sub-A switching network, and set the time-slot length to 10 ps, which equals to 2Tg. However, the proposed network requires new features for the assignment algorithm; time-slot allocation considering multi-time-slot bonding and link propagation delay. Here we propose a “ global time-based scheduling algorithm ” in Section 4.1 to satisfy those requirements. 7 5 3 0.25 10.1787/5k4c9kwfdx8r-en 217c90a27a1d6fb5b3d74b67c4367db1 The shortage of cold and dry storage facilities is partially responsible for high post-harvest losses related to spoilage, together with low quality packing and inefficient handling and transport. The lack of high-quality warehousing limits bulking which would enable contracts with larger buyers and improve negotiating capacity. However, controlled temperature storage is among the most energy-intensive activities in the agro-food industry. In many rural areas reliable connection to the national grid is economically and logistically unfeasible, so that farmers need to resort to decentralised power production, based on renewable energy, fossil fuel or hybrid systems. Rising energy prices have a significant impact on production costs. This is both a matter of increasing agricultural yields during the main harvest season and through improved possibilities for year-round cultivation, but also opening up previously barren lands for cultivation. 2 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/5k3tsj67l226-en 217ce7202929f542a18dee06e09eca22 "Other parties approach the weekly about possibilities to create similar educational programmes and the staff “has helped construct curricula, demonstrate classes or offer workshops in more than 30 countries"". For example Schwartz, Lindgren and Lewis (2009, p. 57) argue that direct instruction “tends to focus students’ attention to the told-solution procedures, not problem situations, so students learn answers to a problem space they never come to understand”. With conventional approaches, students risk noticing only the eye-catching surface features of a problem and fail to recognise the structure beneath. As a result, they might not be prepared to transfer their knowledge and skills to new situations (Schwartz, Lindgren and Lewis, 2009)." 4 0 3 1.0 10.18356/31959a6d-en 217ddc8a884ce7055b138b6d1f82e4ad However, these arrangements pose distributional dilemmas (transfers from single individuals to married couples) and tend to reinforce traditional family patterns and gender roles. Other arrangements, such as contribution credits that compensate for the impact that time dedicated to take care of children or elderly members of the family can have on women’s pension entitlements, are a positive measure but may not overcome all gender gaps in pension benefits on their own. Policies need to includes package of measures to address inequalities from their origins (i.e., reducing gender gaps in the labour market, promoting a more equal distribution of care work in the family and avoiding gender-blind policies) as well as to compensate for gender gaps in old age protection when they emerge. 5 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264283329-en 217df32eee34d7dbd75f072297be190c The Ministry of Health is also currently responsible for nearly all aspects of the current public health care system. Under the new national health system, the Health Insurance Organisation will take on a key administrative role. The success of this shift in responsibility will be dependent on clear, distinct lines of accountability. Mortality rates for common causes of death, such as cardiovascular diseases and cancers, are below the EU average. 3 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264191761-en 21800c38f701b48fc220105fe592201e The total value of transfers arising from support to agriculture was equivalent to 1.17% of GDP in 2009-11. A similar picture almost certainly applies to Kazakhstan as price liberalisation removed the benefit of receiving output prices at above and key inputs at below world levels. As the government was focussed on more pressing priorities, such as macroeconomic stabilisation and the creation of a basic legal framework for a market economy, other areas of agricultural policy remained largely neglected. 2 1 3 0.5 10.18356/88ed44cf-en 21807ebf1890f8214233987bd9578c47 Unemployment is included in this index because of the risk it implies of social exclusion and detachment from the lifestyle and the prevailing culture of society (Atkinson and others, 2002). Recent practice in the multidimensional measurement of poverty in the region has been to consider lack of access to social protection —in terms of health insurance coverage, affiliation to social protection schemes and receipt of pensions— as deprivation (see CONEVAL, 2010; Angulo Pardo Diaz and Finch, 2013; ECLAC, 2013). Households in which no member has any form of contributory insurance (based on mandatory or voluntary contributions from individuals) are considered to be deprived in respect of social protection. This cut-off is used for both social security and health, and has the advantage of using a constant delimiting criterion across the different indicators of social protection. Receipt of a non-contribution-based pension (such as a solidarity-based or basic pension) is thus insufficient to prevent an individual being considered deprived in respect of social security. This definition was adopted on the basis that, to a greater or lesser degree, fees in the health systems of all of the countries covered by this indicator are adjusted for purchasing power. 1 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/5kg20639kgkj-en 2182c4af8d7e16b76aee62589add33ea However, global economic uncertainties persist following what is sometimes referred to as the Great Recession43 Low growth and higher unemployment is profoundly affecting many economies (e.g. USA, UK and Southern Europe). The Great Recession is likely to alter the way in which academics and policy makers think about how best to deliver economic growth in the years ahead. This has led leading economists and experts to explore to what extent economic growth alone should be seen as the ultimate goal, and whether other measures of success, such as happiness and environmental sustainability, should be incorporated as part of a wider more sophisticated measure of economic and social progress. 7 4 0 1.0 10.1787/9789264298576-17-en 2184b1e409865519ddefc0cb93021832 The smooth implementation of market liberalisation in order to increased infrastructure investment in the region requires adequate and effective mechanisms to protect consumers. Countries that are self-sufficient in energy production may have concerns about preparing for energy emergencies and their ability to react to growing demand. Countries which import energy may be vulnerable if they rely predominantly on imports of a single fuel or from a single countty. In the long term it is principally about investment in energy infrastructure, so that energy supply keeps pace with economic development. Clear policies and measures to increase energy security improve the competitiveness of the sector and send positive signals for investors across the energy system and economies more generally. However economies across the region have ambitions to create gas markets and are developing enabling legislative and regulatory frameworks in preparation. 7 0 5 1.0 10.6027/28b76697-en 2184bfcdd42397a24101e770ff9c7017 Similarly, highly educated foreign-born persons were more likely to be employed than their lower-educated peers. The advantage of persons with high educational attainment also holds when comparing highly educated foreign-born persons with lower educated native-born persons. Across the Nordic Region, the latter group overall had lower employment rates than the former. 8 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5km91nfsnkwg-en 2186a2325cf67acf84393267d9a262cc Allowing for the spillover benefits into other states, state-specific agricultural research investments generated national benefits of between USD 10 and USD 70 per research dollar, averaging USD 32 across the states. The marginal benefit-cost ratio for USDA intramural research was comparable, at USD 18 per dollar invested in research. In fact, however, these ratios are consistent with internal rates of return at the smaller end of the range compared with the general results in the literature as reviewed by Alston et al. ( Some internal rates of return are reported here to facilitate comparisons with other studies. 2 2 2 0.0 10.18356/cac71849-en 21878b9d9b2a25dbf4e1f3dbd1600c43 The overwhelming majority (98 per cent) of the world’s undernourished people live in developing countries, with two thirds of them concentrated in seven nations (Bangladesh, China, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, India, Indonesia and Pakistan). Most hungry people (578 million) reside in Asia and the Pacific, although the highest share (30 per cent, or 239 million people) are found in sub-Saharan Africa (figure III.2). The proportion of undernourished people ranges from under 15 per cent in Cote d’Ivoire to almost 70 per cent in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2010a). 2 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264265493-6-en 21897c57a3f37b99fbf5c586918fab9d Mexican parents of boys are more than 20 percentage points more likely to expect their sons to work in STEM occupations, compared to Mexican parents with daughters. Although it is a small area of study, women account for 40% of bachelor graduates from computing in Mexico, compared to 20%, on average, across OECD countries (Figure 2.4). The fact that women are nearing gender parity in this field is a promising sign, given the importance of computing in the growing and globalised digital economy (OECD, 2015c). 5 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/9b00e9d0-en 218a635a78e2a5516d92c1e83cf9361c The Ministry has a duty to provide the policy framework and legal means for the institutional development of the energy sector of Georgia. As of 2014, the Ministry has no formal sustainable energy executive agency within its responsibility or budget provision for the implementation of sustainable energy programmes. Its main responsibilities include promotion of the programmes and projects supporting the development of energy efficiency and use of renewable energy resources, and CDM projects. Both times, masses of mud blocked the only road connecting Georgia with the Russian Federation. While the disasters were not caused by the HPP construction, they do indicate the high geological instability of the area. In May 2014, just days before the first landslide, the EBRD approved a US$80 million loan for the development, construction and operation of the Dariali HPP, which is a part of a larger plan to develop the hydropower potential of the Tergi River and its tributaries. 7 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264298705-8-en 218af6e51696dc19c03b169652b985bb Courses are assessed for their public value, taking into account a number of factors including: alignment with government priority industries, industry growth prospects, and the extent of the employment outcome from the qualification. The list is routinely updated. They also include a measure related to the rates of graduates employed in their field of study. 4 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264286191-7-en 218b61be39751ff57994660b6450f87f While inter-connection of urban clusters and their linkage to international transport networks is invariably crucial to national economic development, this review will focus more specifically on transport within urban areas, as opposed to inter-urban transport, given the urgent transport challenges observed especially within large urban areas in Viet Nam. Taking a balanced approach to transport development, this policy framework gives attention to transport needs in rural as well as urban areas, while also acknowledging the interdependence of rural and urban transport systems. The 2013 adjustment has given priority to the development of mass transit systems, initially in Ha Noi and Ho Chi Minh City, in order to decongest these cities and to improve safety. 11 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264245891-5-en 218bd6334a2f92cd392a2c9a46bf6662 It also includes most expenditure on national defence and security, but excludes government military expenditures that are part of government capital formation. The Gini index, a coefficient that measures the income inequality in a society and that ranges from 0 (perfect equality) to 1 (maximum inequality), has decreased steadily in the past decade, from 0.34 in 2001 to 0.28 in 2012 (LAC, 2014). The proportion of the population living below the poverty line fell to 3.8% in 2012 (IAC, 2014). The gap between rural and urban populations remains wide, with twice as many people living below the poverty line of USD 2.3 per day in rural areas than there are in urban areas (World Bank, 2012). 4 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.14217/9781848599178-5-en 218c0ade132b1a9269faa8884d6d41b1 Dependence on external donor resources to drive implementation was also noted as a major hurdle. Involvement of all national stakeholders from the conceptualisation stage provided national ownership, direct linkages to development and a focus on livelihoods and poverty eradication through targeted and practical sector-based, on-the-ground interventions. The study highlighted that - given the limits to national capacity - the green economy-enabling institutional framework should be concentrated in a single sector linked to other building blocks and sectors, and mainstreamed throughout the economy. It was also deemed necessary to determine sectoral indicators of greenness for monitoring, evaluating and reporting purposes, to create a feedback loop for policy adjustments. 6 3 0 1.0 10.1787/9789264277335-7-en 218e7847311d5183ebaa7959da70addc Many universities have not yet aligned their programmes to the new curricula, though as noted efforts are underway to encourage more institutions to update their courses. The operating requirements and oversight for private universities in Costa Rica are extremely low (see Chapter 5). Of the 19 initial teacher education programmes that are accredited, only two are from private universities. In contrast, more than two-thirds of OECD countries have some form of quality accreditation requirement for initial teacher education programmes (OECD, 2014). 4 0 9 1.0 10.18356/2b415b7c-en 218f640106fd1253c8d730082f5cf726 Some environmental subjects are integrated in courses on natural sciences and on health and healthy lifestyle. Manuals were developed on Biodiversity, Man and Earth, Man and Air, and on Water as Source of Life for use by pupils of levels 5 to 9 as supplementary learning materials. In 2005, a methodological guidance on Environmental Education in Primary School was developed. In 2009, a manual on Man and Nature was published for teachers of levels 5 to 9. The SCNP published several manuals on environmental topics for preschool educational institutions and schools. 6 3 0 1.0 10.18356/db6c4d5e-en 218f976ef0f3fa860750ae1c9d0eff51 Often they are ostracized by their own families, friends and community. First, judicial practice does not grant them redress for rape as long as graphic evidence is not brought out into the open. When the conflict was over, these women were abandoned by the militia. Because of the social stigma, their families and communities did not accept them back. In Guatemala, Mayan women who witnessed violence or lost family members have suffered from psychological and physical ailments (tristeza) such as “chronic headaches, gastritis, chest pains, visual problems, respiratory infections, and psychological manifestations such as recurring dreams and nightmares, sadness, and depression”. 5 0 6 1.0 10.1787/eco/studies-2012-5k8zs3twbrd8 2192d174c496d70660ab428eeae6c51b The technique assumes in particular, that the conditional quantile of an individual remains the same when his/her characteristics change. Since this assumption may well not hold in practice, the results of conditional quantile regressions must be interpreted with caution (Koenker, 2005). Unconditional quantile regressions, by contrast, allow estimating the effect of a small change in workers’ characteristics on each quantile of the overall distribution. Since UQRs allow assessing the impact of a particular variable on overall earnings inequality, they are also more suitable than CQRs in the context of this article and are thus used as the baseline method. 10 1 3 0.5 10.1787/agr/outlook-2015-5-en 2194f3ae45e4f15e3895114fdb3e0dcf This value is based on the WTO definition of agricultural products which does not include fish and fish products. Petrobras is a semi-public Brazilian multinational energy corporation. Petrobras’s activities include the exploration and production of oil and natural gas, oil refining, transportation and distribution of natural gas and oil products, electricity generation and petrochemical production. The different perspectives are summarised, for example, in Box 1.1, “The impact of agriculture on the Brazilian Amazon” in OECD (2005), and in FGV (2013), pp. 2 2 2 0.0 10.1787/9789264088979-en 219792c3f5519a5d79b760b2b5274003 Exchanges between tertiary education institutions and the Victorian state departments can be organised as round-table meetings and could feed into the state-level policy making. The most informative results for policymaking come from effectively merging geographic information system databases (GIS) with socio-economic data. The Community Indicators Project (VCIP) is a good model to follow. 4 3 6 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/80c371eb-en 21989a3528546f543928ee5c315d1e96 Fishing activity with bottom trawlers is prohibited in these FRAs in order to the conserve and manage demersal stocks, including European hake and deep-water rose shrimp. The three FRAs cover a total area of 1 698 km2 (on average 566 km each with a mean depth of 280 m, ranging from 20 to more than 1 700 m). The proposed areas were selected on the basis of the extensive scientific knowledge on the importance and stability of the nursery areas found, on the ecological and biological particularity of the areas for critical life history stages of commercial stocks, and on the long history of overfishing of demersal resources in the northern sector of the Strait of Sicily. Vessels authorized to fish in zone B are subject to fishing effort restrictions. 14 1 8 0.7777777777777778 11.1002/pub/807b38cb-39ff5763-en 219bebdcc60120009fb52abd358c1340 This approach is common in the assessment of economic impact of infrastructure (given that no deployment has an immediate economic impact.) However, the premise underlying the lagged effects assumption comprises a more complicated process of broadband adoption. First of all, purchasing ICT is not the only requirement for improving productivity. In fact, both management and economics literature have shown that it is necessary to modify business practices in order for information technology impact firm efficiency. 9 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264259157-7-en 219d422ed89723e5e64750d70dc66bcb In those countries, the proportion of couples where the male partner works 30 to 39 hours per week and the woman over 40 is also higher than in other European countries (results not shown). The “main-breadwinner model” is, at 34.8% (Figure 4.9, grey bars) the most common in German couple families, followed by the traditional “male-breadwinner model” where the mother is inactive or unemployed (23.9%, white bars). In France, the combination of two full-time earners is much more common with couples most likely choosing dual reduced full-time, or one partner working full-time and the other partner working between 30 and 39 hours. The third most common practice in France is the “dual full-time earner model”. The distribution of work arrangements in which the male partner does not work is much the same in both countries. 5 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264262782-4-en 219f1978c4c63917110ee1f3e007ab59 The global budget is made up of an activity-based prospective payment involving systematic DRG grouping and case-mix adjustment for inpatient and ambulatory surgery (the DRG component accounts for nearly 50% of hospital financing), while the remaining hospital revenue comes from fee-for-services (for outpatient and emergency visits), bundled payments (for some chronic conditions), and some quality-based payments. Since 2011, each hospital has to establish a three-year action plan for hospital reorganisation with the Regional Health Authority so that reform implementation can be continuously monitored by regional authorities. Overall, the results of the past and ongoing hospital reforms have had positive impacts on both quality and efficiency (OECD, 2015c). 3 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264097896-7-en 21a086a9c465df2b01c322b89a116552 Under laws enacted in 2003, they may collaborate formally through the creation of metropolitan areas and inter-municipal associations. However, as experience with inter-municipal associations has been varied, the 2003 laws are under revision with a view to increasing collaboration among municipalities and, in particular, rationalising public infrastructure projects and developing management capacities (OECD, 2008a). The 2007 Local Finance Act introduced measures to further expand municipalities’ competencies and increase their revenues. 6 3 1 0.5 10.18356/083b4c4d-en 21a14b44f92e5262e6ae47ae1c0ffb1a In the period 2003-2014, six of the 12 years (2003, 2007, 2008, 2011, 2012, and 2013) were either very dry' or extremely dry'. In 2001, 2002, 2009, 2010 and 2014, there were large to disastrous floods. Extreme climate events w'ere especially pronounced during the last eight years (in 2009, 2010 and 2014 major floods were recorded; in 2011, 2012 and 2013 there were severe droughts and waves of high/tropical temperatures; early 2012 saw a wave of extreme cold and there were windstorms in mid-2012). 13 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264074927-4-en 21a4904ee5c68e2ce89ab597db3afcc0 It remains, however, that fleets continue to search globally for new fishing opportunities. The following will look at three principal ways that this takes place: 1) through investing abroad in foreign countries; 2) through bilateral fisheries arrangements; and 3) through fishing on the high seas within or outside RFMOs (both of which may include legitimate fishing or IUU activities). While the reasons for seeking new opportunities may be the same in the three cases (more profitable fisheries operations, spreading activities and thus reducing risks3), different policy challenges are associated with the three methods of “going global”. Government policy in respect of these areas in the country to be invested in is therefore crucial in enabling an investor to gauge the risk of investing. 14 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264168060-5-en 21a5246196c0dc02b871abe940d5e88b But a note of caution is important when considering the discussion here as the potential impacts on water quality from growing agricultural feedstocks for bioenergy production, have not been fully evaluated (National Research Council, 2008a; OECD, 2008). Since many of the known adverse impacts on water quality from bioenergy production are due to the type of feedstock cultivated, there is potential to mitigate these impacts through the adoption of conservation practices and systems (USEPA, 2011). Changes in climate and climate variability that affect the profitability of agriculture will in turn lead to changes in locations of crop and livestock production, and technologies and management practices used to produce individual crops and livestock (Abler etal., 6 0 3 1.0 11.1002/pub/80de56e8-72931180-en 21a79eeb52172d0eb8fcb4764157ab5d "It includes ten targets, two of which will be measured by ICT indicators. Target 4.a seeks to ensure provision of educational facilities which are 'child, disability and gender sensitive' and to provide 'safe, non-violent, inclusive and effective learning environments for all.' As well as two ICT sub-indicators - the availability of computers and the Internet - it will be measured by sub-indicators concerned with the availability of electricity, adapted infrastructure and materials for students with disabilities, basic drinking water, single-sex basic sanitation facilities, and basic handwashing facilities.""" 9 3 6 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/32dc0f16-en 21aaa0131c39f44dad27f7f8c17b8049 Smaller households are becoming the global norm. That figure masks differences between countries. Sub-Saharan Africa has 39 countries with a total fertility rate above 4, and among these, 10 countries: Angola, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Chad, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mali, the Niger, Nigeria, Somalia and Uganda, have total fertility rates above 6.34 Nevertheless, fertility rates are declining in most of these countries, especially in urban areas. 5 3 1 0.5 10.14217/f81b7706-en 21b6c1f1c2393b31f290b6deef547d3f Dignitaries in attendance included the former US Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton, the former Head of UN Women, Michele Bachelet, and five female presidents and Heads of Government at the time. The resulting Joint Statement signed by female world leaders resulted in the adoption of the UNGA Resolution 66/130 on 19 December 2011. Although institutionalised deputyship for women is not a desirable phenomenon, more women running at this level can have the potential to normalise their presence at the top. 5 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264274051-7-en 21b7427def15400df67e89f1abdae295 Instead of directly appraising teachers, a more appropriate role for the school board would be to ensure that school staff are complying with the legislated requirements of the appraisal system. They might also determine how' to make the appraisal process more relevant to their school, for example by supplementing common professional teaching standards with other appraisal criteria that are particularly important to their context. This is not a good setting for open feedback. 4 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264191761-en 21b83036713f2e9209b8ad0ee4ee8422 These recent payments amounted to almost half of total budgetary transfers in 2009-11. This situation in Kazakhstan fits into a broader picture observed across emerging economies: the share of the most distorting support in the total PSE was 68% in Brazil, 81% in Russia, 86% in Ukraine, and 74% in South Africa in 2008-10. In China, this share is notably smaller but still around one-half of the country’s PSE. In terms of its use of the most distorting support, Kazakhstan and the majority of emerging economies stand approximately where most of the OECD countries were in the mid-1980s. 2 4 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/eb1a71a8-en 21bc60198f83bbf9a23750f730c3a75d However, in rural areas characterized by dispersed populations or hostile terrain, trade-offs often exist between the achievement of economies of scale and scope in the provision of a differentiated service that supports transformational energy access on the one hand, and providing only for basic needs as the most profitable option on the other. Similarly, there may be tensions between the roll-out of stand-alone solutions and grid extension in areas where the latter could be a viable longer-term option. This further underlines the need for a system-wide approach to electricity system design and transition. 7 2 4 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264188617-en 21c1ecdb72b49ceb912cfec6b20b5342 Connected areas can participate in a single market, pooling balancing responsibilities as dispatchable balancing resources can be shared through market coupling. Such co-ordination among system operators requires strong technical infrastructures. The term balancing area can imply different degrees of integration depending on different constraints: transportation capacity, power generation adequacy, availability of dispatchable resources and so forth. Geographical and technological diversity also contributes to better integration. 7 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264190658-9-en 21c2a1578942d89cbeb2c1afece27213 The opinions expressed and arguments employed herein do not necessarily reflect the official views of the Organisation or of the governments of its member countries. In turn, effective appraisal and feedback for teachers is essential to increase the focus on teaching quality and teachers ’ professional learning. Teacher appraisal can also support the effective organisation of schools by allowing teachers to progress in their career and take on new roles and responsibilities based on a solid evaluation of their performance. This chapter describes the approaches that countries take to appraise individual teachers. 4 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264235120-8-en 21c3772f00fb41dafac84f40190893dc Differences in the Gini coefficients between any two periods are decomposed into the composition and the wage effects, as mentioned. Nine groups of covariates of interest are considered in the decomposition: demographic, education of the head, household structure, employment (men and women), work intensity (men and women) and skilled occupation (men and women).2 We focus, in particular, on three composition effects due to changes in women’s employment characteristics. Composition effects due to changes in men’s employment status are also discussed. Then a standard Stata programme oaxaca is used to perform a OB decomposition using the RIF as dependent variable. 5 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264283510-en 21c5fea752b61f3b4b772c25791af7e0 About 7% of the population reports some unmet needs of this type, with a considerable gap between high- and low-income groups (Figure 11) and between regions. About 4% of high-income households report unmet medical needs compared to 10% in the lowest income bracket Costs and waiting times are the greatest contributors to unmet needs in Poland. While most conventional medical procedures are included, the list of reimbursable drugs is nanow. Consequently, the share of out-of-pocket expenditure on pharmaceuticals in Poland (60%) is the fourth highest in the EU (after Romania, Bulgaria and Croatia) and considerably higher than the EU average (44%). 3 0 4 1.0 10.1787/pension/glance-2013-5-en 21c6878d01027fe601f07db7a7d311ce For poorer retirees, public pensions and other income transfers are generally the only source of income. Other sources of income are private pension schemes and the workplace, since older people in many countries continue working to earn part of their retirement income. But that is not the whole picture. 1 0 3 1.0 11.1002/pub/803655cd-e9193a64-en 21c6c05a4d51e3f133757f5d2ebad65e Insights into the direction in which information societies and technological advances are moving reveal a changing vision and a shift away from traditional practices. The impact of technological change on education calls for a critical examination of national policies, past and present. Thus, there is a need to review education, from the earliest levels of schooling to the tertiary level, and to reorient and improve existing curricula so as to capitalize on technological change. 4 2 3 0.2 10.1787/9789264270985-7-en 21c883d64588de984929aefaeaae61a3 "Secondary prevention thereby increases opportunities for less costly and invasive interventions in order to prevent the progression of the disease and the emergence of symptoms, or the ""stock of illness”.30 Examples include screening for diseases such as TB, diabetes and breast cancer. One characteristic of secondary prevention is that it occurs before the diagnosis has been made. Often these early case detections involve laboratory and imaging services." 3 0 5 1.0 10.18356/f11b7d9e-en 21c91548fadadd9dce96fe3b19c5dbd4 Technological solutions with the potential to contribute to decoupling are described for the agricultural, industry and municipal water-supply sectors. Systems-level technological solutions are also presented. Obviously, the tools described here are not an exhaustive collection of all those available (such a list would be constantly changing as new technologies are developed], but they provide a broad introduction to some of the best-known and documented tools. 6 2 3 0.2 10.1787/9789264268852-7-en 21ccf75ba363d073953666554ae4265d Moreover, subnational authorities, and cities in particular, cannot determine how their budgets are spent. The system for allocating charges between levels of the budget system turns local authorities not into partners of the government - who ensure financing and perform important duties - but into clients petitioning for resources. Although maslikhats are invited to participate in the discussions, this exercise is rather a post-factum consultation on local programmes and budgets. 11 2 4 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/6f2ac3c1-en 21ce12a0abed27d027adeb0548c71949 It is highly unlikely that Blade Runner will provide an accurate portrayal of life in Los Angeles—or that of any other major metropolitan area, for that matter—in 2019. However, reality does tend to imitate art. Major projects within existing urban centres2 or entirely new satellite cities are inspired by high-profile city investments in Dubai, London and Singapore, with significant private-sector involvement. These developments and commercial centres include Hope City, a US$10 billion development to be built outside Accra in Ghana, and Tatu City, a development planned on coffee-producing land outside Nairobi (Figure 11.2). However, the benefits to the urban population currently living in informal settlements in prime locations near urban centres are unclear. Public investment in these new projects may leave less cash for basic infrastructure and services and could accelerate further social and spatial segregation. 11 1 4 0.6 10.1787/rev/fish/pol-2009-30-en 21cffd2895d836599b0bf431a036c37b This number is thus an underestimate as it does not include congressional earmarks for aquaculture, aquaculture spending by other NMFS programs, or aquaculture spending by other US agencies (such as the USDA). With the exception of the BSAI crab fishery, all vessel/permit buybacks to date have involved some public funding. Aggregate public costs have amounted to almost USD 70 million, or approximately 25% of total buyback costs. 14 3 6 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264179370-6-en 21d367ef211ccfaa7a5ad80fbca3d0cd They are classified as mixed-owned if the shares of women and men are the same (e.g. companies owned by couples), and if neither men nor women alone account for more than 50% of the shares (e.g. a company 30% owned by women, 40% by men, and 30% by a non-physical person). In order to assign a gender to the different owners, an algorithm was developed to identify male and female owners on the basis of their first name. The algorithm matches the first names of the owners in the ORBIS Database with a database of 173 000 unique male and female first names by country compiled by the OECD and which expands the one used in Frietsch et al. ( In each country, at least 96% of the owners’ names are identified as masculine or feminine. The main comparability issue is represented by the fact that ORBIS’s coverage of firms is still uneven across countries. 5 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264224636-11-en 21e01d23a77cf0f55ac046c4ab3b57a2 It would be important to recognise various forms of human trafficking as a separate offense in the penal codes of MENA countries. However, some countries have taken appropriate measures to overcome gender-based violence. Other MENA countries have abolished legal provisions offering a pardon to the abductor who marries his victim (Egypt). 5 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/7ed1f44a-en 21e0ecdc52f8ea97396ff29f66982972 Given the resource and capacity constraints of the formal sector, there is a need for strengthening and building informal social protection system and practices. A greater coordination of the formal social protection programmes of government together with programmes run by civil society organizations is needed. There is a need for integration of social policy, social planning and social development for achieving cost effectiveness and a sustainable social protection system. 1 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264268852-6-en 21e292d4d3a7473f74644d7bfcec0bbb Legally, the UZR data system should be created based on information extracted from the approved urban design projects, cartographic materials, geological surveys, environmental and statistical data, and other information important for regulation of city development. The UZR must be used not only for implementation of architectural and construction control, but also for property taxation, and development and implementation of urban design projects such as general plans. Not all city administration can afford to have workable decision support systems. 11 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.14217/9781848599178-4-en 21e32fc548fc56a9f4f869cf81bebfb6 Most of the protected areas (PAs) are located in northern and western Botswana. As a result, the country’s population density is only 3.5 persons per km2. The annual population growth has slowed down rapidly over the last few decades, because of declining fertility and the impact of HIV/AIDS. Annual population growth is currently estimated at 1.9 per cent compared with 2.4 per cent in 2001 and 3.5 per cent in 1991 (SB 2011a, b; 2012). 6 6 1 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/f61073ef-en 21e33eacea19f895f38f4aa4d9273140 In the second stage, residuals obtained in the first stage are used to build a consistent estimation of a variance-covariance matrix, thus relaxing the independence and homoscedasticity hypothesis. The second-stage estimator is asymptotically more efficient than the first-stage estimator. The GMM system thus reduces the problem of estimation bias, as there is a one-period lagged dependent variable on the right-hand side of equation (8). 1 5 2 0.42857142857142855 10.18356/6e8bb756-en 21e33f33063db5c9fd4406bb83b06c05 People also modified their habits, turning off lights when not needed, discarding freezers that were barely used and reducing their use of air conditioning. This market shrinkage had long-lasting effects, postponing the need for investment in new supply facilities. It was the largest experiment of its kind in the world and it showed conclusively that conservation measures can be very effective in meeting society’s energy needs. 7 0 9 1.0 10.1787/7a1f7b89-en 21e34282967745a021df8d83f88dfd20 Platform-mediated ADA vehicle requests also enable the pooling of adapted vehicles across multiple suppliers. The potential increase in efficiency and improvement in wait times and other outcomes are what motivated MBTA to pilot its RIDE service with Lyft and Uber in the first place. This ensures that specific initiatives, measures and partnerships contribute to shared and clearly articulated outcomes. 11 3 6 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/agr/outlook-2014-5-en 21e40f2491d0ed04943062ad1dfd1fbb This would imply that the programme effect may be to reduce cereal consumption and use the additional income to buy other goods. Against this perspective, the model used in the preparation of the Outlook employs a demand system with positive income effects. These elasticities vary by product, and in the case of cereals, the value is small at 0.13 in 2013. 2 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264234246-5-en 21e4dbe9c4731e134e3caaad58c4e380 It begins by outlining the importance of assessing and quantifying disaster risk and losses. This is followed by an overview of the various approaches to completing risk assessments, including scenario analysis and probabilistic risk assessment and modelling as well as approaches to assessing the indirect economic impact of disasters. Specific efforts to identify financial vulnerabilities in some economies are described. 11 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/rev/fish-2015-12-en 21e56a33892216700856276f8cd79f31 Management plans are proposed by the relevant Management Committees, with participation of the relevant Scientific and Technical Committees, and approved by the Undersecretary of Fisheries and Aquaculture. These Licenses are divisible, and last 20 years; after this period, they can be renewed or rendered expired, depending on the owner's behaviour regarding environmental, fishing, and labour matters. Licence holders are required to pay annually a fee for each vessel registered in a fishery managed under TQL. If the owner operates with the same vessel in a fishery that is not under TQL, the owner is only required to pay the non-TQL fee, which has a lower value than the TQL fee. 14 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264202924-9-en 21e68fd7ae76659297cc0ad7d2eb44e6 However, it is also an issue of methodology. A focus on the implementation of actions in the NAS is important, but it is not sufficient to inform the revision of future iterations of the strategy. Some other OECD countries, including Germany and the UK, are developing systems that also provide information on key trends in climate-sensitive sectors, for example losses from flood damage. 13 1 5 0.6666666666666666 10.1787/5jz159228n6j-en 21e82ddbd71640cfa43885349340be7d The seminal contribution by Arrow (1963) underlined how the pervasive market failures in health care markets lead unfettered competitive forces to lower rather than raise welfare. Nonetheless, several OECD countries have recently strengthened competition by introducing regulated choice mostly among providers and to a lesser extent among insurers. These reforms are based on the presumption that competition coupled with a good regulatory setting will improve health care service quality while limiting the adverse effects of unfettered market forces, most notably cream skimming, selective coverage, and unequal access to services. Recent evidence, mostly covering the United Kingdom and the United States, shows that competition among hospitals, if accompanied by strong and effective regulation, can lower expenditure and/or enhances quality of care (Gaynor etal., An early evaluation of the reforms initiated in Sweden in 2007 with the goal of increasing choice of primary care doctors indicate that they have improved access to health care (Anel et al., For a panel of OECD countries, de la Maisonneuve et al. ( 3 0 4 1.0 10.1787/saeo-2019-6-en 21e88596969ee3a7d3e4082030d24822 It requires workers telecommuting not to be covered by less than minimum labour standards under law and that firms offer similar treatment to these workers as to those working on the employers’ premises. This includes guarantees on working hours, overtime, rest days and leave benefits. Employers adopting the standard agree to inform their employees of available FWAs, offer clear and transparent approval processes for employees seeking FWAs, and appoint a senior manager to champion FWAs within the organisation, among other steps. More than 250 companies, with a combined workforce of 210 000, including many domestically-owned SMEs, quickly signed on. 11 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264263260-7-en 21e8b527c95857a2b0fda648305fa726 Greenpoint was hit in the late 1950s by a major oil spill of an estimated 17-30 million gallons, predominantly from facilities owned by what is now' Exxon Mobil. Decades of environmental activism by long-term residents and collaboration with more recent, and often wealthier, in-movers, have led to a cleanup process that does not automatically or exclusively lead to the “parks, cafes, and a riverwalk” model of a green city - but instead makes room for continued industrial use and blue-collar work. The core feature of a “just green enough” strategy aims at the existing working-class population and industrial land users, not just new development. Activists in Greenpoint want to achieve the cleanup of Newtow n Creek while maintaining its industrial base, a strategy designed to put a stop to speculative development attracted to a neighbourhood experiencing environmental improvements. Initiatives ranged from the recent declaration of Newtown Creek as a Superfund site, to historical battles against a waste incinerator and a new power plant, to other interventions such as the construction of a local nature trail (Newtown Creek Nature Walk). 11 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264169265-6-en 21eb78cf69bc6507e2cab986927a9acd The IESP is responsible for ensuring compliance with environmental, spatial planning and housing laws and regulations.3 The Chief Inspector of the IESP is directly responsible to the Minister of the Environment and Spatial Planning. In 2011, the Environment and Nature Inspection Service had 56 inspectors at its head office and eight regional units of different sizes. Besides the IESP, other inspectorates (including those for chemicals, agriculture, forestry, hunting, fishing, construction and health) oversee environment-related activities under other ministries. 6 3 1 0.5 10.1787/eco/surveys-che-2013-5-en 21edf6a9c776fcdeae00a713c21303b6 The net wage gap, which controls for observable differences, sits at 6.9% (18.4%-11.5%). More often than men, women tend to leave their jobs or fail to move up the pay scale, a phenomenon known as the “the leaky pipeline” or the “glass ceiling”. As a result, the share of women in managerial or direction positions, at 33% in Switzerland, does not match their 45% share of the labour force. 5 0 9 1.0 10.1787/5k3txnpqlsnn-en 21ee330a54830d1d08b824808093fe7c In other words, governing through laws can easily be interpreted as lack of trust in teachers, which may in turn lead to feelings of being controlled, which could potentially harm their creativity, motivation and self-respect. On the other hand, if the quality of the teaching is not good enough, and parents and students do not feel that teachers are following the Education Act, public trust in schools may decrease. The way forward seems, therefore, to be to continue to support those teachers who seem to have taken up the four principles in the Education Act, and support the good schools and teachers as examples for other schools. 4 0 8 1.0 10.1787/9789264279322-7-en 21f2e5e808619ba2aa00343ede4b663a This affects their autonomy and empowerment to make their own choices. The abrogation in some countries of women’s obligation to obedience should be acknowledged, as should introduction of the principle of mutual consent to, and reciprocity in, marriage. Laws regulating polygamy and divorce have also been changed. 5 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/9789264204638-6-en 21f437d852aecb2809f963c9b7d36cc0 Various aspects of policy debate and policy formulation in Colombia view' science, technology and innovation (STI) activities as a distinct domain of the economy. Other perspectives see a central feature of effective innovation systems, and hence also of STI-related policy, as involving STI activities that are deeply and pervasively embedded in all areas of the economy and society. An extension of this idea views the national system of science, technology and innovation as a collection of actors that is distinct from, and provides support to, sectors of the economy such as agriculture, manufacturing or energy. 9 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264224636-6-en 21f7aef87ae1171a4e747b164d99156a Information provided by the government of Bahrain. The Millennium Development Goals and the post-2015 policy agenda for international development represent an opportunity for increasing the focus on national-level implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action, and - through the specific targets and indicators established - for measuring progress and outcomes. While almost all MENA countries have ratified the CEDAW convention, review of their national legislation, however, shows that despite a number of steps taken to promote gender equality and address gender discrimination in law, most MENA countries do not fully comply with their international commitments. The 1966 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights was ratified in 1989 and the CEDAW in 1996. 5 0 3 1.0 10.18356/faa55f92-en 21fcb6c4247d610ddc994c938949fba7 "As long as employee income is treated the same way within the same country across all years under observation, it does not matter whether it is net or gross because we look at relative per cent changes in employee income between two consecutive years. We excluded the Czech Republic, Lithuania and Poland from multivariate analysis of poverty transitions due to inconsistencies in the treatment of employee income. Relative changes in equivalent employee income within 5 per cent are coded as ""no change'/ while decreases (increases) in employee income in excess of 5 per cent are coded as decreases (increases) in non-zero employee income." 1 1 4 0.6 10.18356/3665dc3f-en 220076521510f050e3a602577f3acf2c Furthermore, the allocation of the elements to the three levels will to some extent depend on the institutional and cultural context. Taking the perspective of the individual worker should not be confused with establishing indicators only at the micro level. Any assessment of quality of employment will to some degree depend on the point of view taken. 8 0 4 1.0 10.1787/5kmlhlrz6br0-en 2200adad683f78316a2ce11e77893610 Les documents peuvent etre telecharges a partir de: ou obtenus via le mel ( Fontana and Paciello (2009) show for Kenya that the participation of women in sugar production has entailed a decrease of their body mass index because additional work exceeded the increase in caloric intake. In the same country, most women belonging to tea-producing households have a high level of malnutrition because they have not enough time for their own crops, whereas husbands tend to spend the income from tea for their own consumption. 5 0 3 1.0 10.18356/45094dde-en 220205c407f12ac4f666f7a80283faf9 Sponsors included the FAO, the World Bank, UNDP, donor countries and other international institutions. This was the original movement for the creation of CGIAR. It is important to note that it was written in the midst of CGIAR reform.) Each CGIAR Center is an independent institution with its own charter, administrative board, head of the secretariat and staff members. 2 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9ce809d8-en 220bacc253a71239fd23c3e38b1536d5 Particular thanks are due to Remy Pigois, Yves Dublin and Vincenzo Vinci from UNICEF and to Sarah Coll-Black and Colin Andrews (World Bank), as well as to the National Social Protection Platform of Ethiopia. Pamela Dale and Gaby Guerrero Serdan, also from UNICEF, also provided valuable guidance. These workshops were attended by representatives of the Government of Ethiopia, development partners and members of civil society. 1 9 0 1.0 10.1787/469d7fec-en 220cffefb00cc094b21351eefeeba2e2 The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law. The Climate Change Expert Group oversees development of analytical papers for the purpose of providing useful and timely input to the climate change negotiations. These papers may also be useful to national policy-makers and other decisionmakers. 13 0 3 1.0 10.30875/5c87fcba-en 220db698ec18c24bea36d86f3ca00b50 Robotics includes approaches in which an Al system engages with and responds to environmental conditions. Symbolic systems attempt to represent complex concepts through the logical manipulation of symbolic representations. Samuel Butler's Erehwon is sometimes identified as the first literary work to allude to artificial intelligence. In the 20th century, authors such as Isaac Asimov and Arthur C. Clarke wrote compelling works of science fiction on the subject of Al. 9 0 3 1.0 10.1787/eco/surveys-chn-2013-5-en 220fecae496cc424eccaff8146a0202e Overall employment is just under 0.2% lower relative to the baseline. As expected carbon pricing has a stronger negative impact in energy-intensive sectors, with coal mining and power generation declining by around 1.1% and 0.7% respectively (Figure 2.14, Panel B). Assessing the impact of carbon pricing in China (cont.) The overall impact is more muted than under the first scenario, with GDP declining only marginally, while the decline in carbon emissions is only slightly smaller. One of the main reasons for the different overall impact under this alternative scenario is that consumption rises in response to the tax cut, thereby improving the domestic balance of the economy and boosting production in some sectors. 6 3 0 1.0 10.1787/9789264090415-3-en 22115c8c974a6ee7be5e53dafb19d359 Climate change is likely to influence fisheries and aquaculture production in various ways. For capture fisheries, climate change affects fish productivity and distribution through changes in recruitment, growth rates and mortality rates, as well as in the migratory patterns of some stocks. From an economic point of view, these changes will result in losers and winners, between regions or countries as well as within national jurisdictions. With respect to aquaculture production, climate change may necessitate changes in the species composition farmed in some areas depending on tolerability of the species to temperature and other changes. 14 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264206441-14-en 221179afff531eb8d7b95eecdf875cbe Some large investments have managed to achieve broad-based benefits via such partnerships by formulating innovative schemes for sharing both risks and rewards (Box 9.2). One important condition for success is to adequately share the risks between companies and smallholders depending on the capacity of each party to shoulder them. The higher business risks of this arrangement were addressed through crop insurance, while transactions costs associated with dealing with a large number of farmers were reduced by avoiding the geographical dispersion of outgrowers. This scheme resulted in higher levels of contractual compliance among the outgrowers (FAO, 2013). 2 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/env/outlook-2012-7-en 22118a41269d5413c93e075786857402 Most of the expansion is projected in the RoW group, in particular Sub-Saharan Africa. After peaking (before 2030), global food crop area is projected to decline, particularly in North America, Brazil, Russia, South Asia and China. This is based on the assumptions of slowly growing populations in the OECD and a shrinking population in Russia and China, stabilising diets (i.e. maximum caloric intake being reached) in most OECD and BRIICS countries, and increasing crop yields due to technological improvements (for a further discussion of the agricultural land projections under the Baseline scenario, see Chapter 2). 14 7 1 0.75 10.18356/58d686e0-en 22122486a1789770b3b5984ca6bf7e46 "She was denied a legal abortion. The Committee found a violation of article 7 of the Covenant (torture or other inhuman or degrading treatment), since the State's failure to guarantee her right to a termination (which in this case would have been in accordance with Argentine law) had ""caused L.M.R. physical and mental suffering constituting a violation of article 7 of the Covenant that was made especially serious by the victim's status as a young girl with a disability."" The Committee called on the State party to provide the victim with redress, including adequate compensation. She requested an abortion, but the service was denied since abortion was legal only to save the mother's life but not in cases of foetal impairment." 5 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/eco/surveys-chl-2013-4-en 221245e58683fa4a6b1c9cb7e9456bb6 Moreover, unemployment rates have reached record low levels. Since late 2011, the unemployment rate has fluctuated around 6% per cent, the lowest in the past 15 years. Accordingly, real wages have been rising, though their growth has recently been volatile (Figure 1.1). More than two million new jobs, accounting for 13% of total employment, have been created since 2000, half of which have been since 2010. 4 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5jlrb8ftvqs1-en 22124cf7972e7d94ff38517e06d47d42 Some of them participate intensively in the developing of the national assessments. A wider group used to participate in the conferences after the national assessments; however, in recent years, the scope of participants has been narrowed down to keep focus and increase effectiveness. Unfortunately, one side effect is that the Ministry has lost an opportunity to create common understanding and ownership and build capacity among a broader range of stakeholders. 4 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/286de074-en 2214048a162bbfdaa7fd963e4001494e Adolescents are able to critically address the gender roles and expectations they are exposed to and can benefit from learning new roles and expectations as they transition into adulthood. Adolescence is seen as a 'second window of opportunity' to build on earlier investments or to change behaviour and provides new opportunities for those who have not fared well in childhood. Numerous efforts are being made to transform gender norms, or rules that socially regulate gender roles and expectations, and these can work alongside policies and programmes that enable women and girls to gain the necessary knowledge and skills to improve their health, economic or social status. 5 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264261198-8-en 2215088588cc3c6ce39b8ddd16ab8a79 The previous documents also mentioned honey production and the growing of medicinal, aromatic and ornamental plants. One may distinguish a specialisation among regions around these off-farm activities. For example, specialisation in manufacturing is found in Samsun, Tokat, Qorum, Amasya, for fishery in Trabzon, Ordu, and Giresun; for forestry in Bursa, Eskisehir and Bilecik and for trade, in Manisa, Afyon, Kutahya and U§ak. 2 3 2 0.2 10.18356/b1ccac57-en 2215a0758aba6ae69c3f363bf3aae849 Tourism in the Mashreq and Maghreb dwindled in the face of heightened security risks. Balance-of-payments conditions have generally tightened in the region, reflecting the lack of foreign funds available to countries with current account deficits. In GCC countries, weak international commodity prices dampened other inflationary pressures, such as the rising price of utilities, owing to subsidy reforms. Low inflation in the eurozone had an impact on several countries, including Jordan, Lebanon and Mauritania. 5 3 0 1.0 10.1787/9789264188617-en 22170f4e7bd9538c204748e6a9229a66 If the temperature gradient exceeds a certain level, fatigue could induce localised structural damage causing some components to creep and crack. More pronounced load variations, such as steep changes of reactor power level (up to ±20% Pr with the speed of 10% Pr per minute) or load following in the power range between 50% Pr to 100% Pr (with ramping rates of less than 5% Pr per minute) are limited to 20 000 cycles in the reactor lifetime. In addition, preventive measures, such as the automatisation of operation control, have already been taken in order to mitigate the impact of load following on material fatigue. Continuous monitoring of equipment fatigue (temperature measurements, non-destructive material tests) is routinely performed, especially on safety-related components. 7 3 2 0.2 10.1787/f8ef1489-en 221758f1c837a4e4a9f4dba4c1f78161 Figure 2.4 presents standardised gender gaps in order to allow' comparisons across surveys. Results suggest that in Norway, as well as the vast majority of other countries, gender gaps in favour of girls grew from grade 4 (around age 10) to age 15. England, the Netherlands and New Zealand are the only countries where gender gaps tend to remain relatively stable between age 10 and age 15. Figure 2.4 however also shows that between the ages of 15 and 21-22 the gender gap in favour of females is greatly reduced in Norway as well as the majority of countries except for the Netherlands. 4 4 5 0.1111111111111111 10.1787/9789264118430-5-en 22187dbc40a38da5c424857546e61a38 In 2004, the public enterprise “Oskemen-Vodokanal” was transferred to trust management for 25 years to Almaty company IR-Group, LLP. During the tendering process, the rules of transfer of water supply facilities for lease and trust management were violated. Government expectations about enhance d efficiency and reliability of Ust-Kamenogorsk water supply and sewerage networks were disappointed. 6 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264277991-6-en 221a9082f6fdc435b097a144c0a2812e The majority of Metro Cebu population (80.4%) owns pour-flush toilets, the remaining population uses flush toilets (4.4%), pit latrines (8.7%) or do not have any toilet at all (6.5%). Only 3.4% of households evacuate black w'ater (i.e. wastewater w'ith human wastes) through sewers, while 86% is evacuated into septic tanks and 10% through drainage and therefore have no treatment. In addition, only 7% of grey water (i.e. wastewater without human wastes) is evacuated through sewerage, most being evacuated through drainage with no treatment (80%) or into septic tanks (13%) (Figure 3.3). 6 0 3 1.0 10.1787/saeo-2011-9-en 221b2b2181fe374305eca2f8cee841ae Its current research includes work on the development of wind, solar and oceanic energy. This financial support has allowed Indonesia to organise workshops, train staff in key institutions, develop the National REDD+ Strategy and set up a UN-REDD project management unit in the Ministry of Forestry. But unlike Indonesia, it is a middle-income rapidly industrialising, more urbanised country that hosts a large export-oriented electronics sector. Several decades of sustained economic expansion have greatly changed its natural environment, especially in East Malaysia where logging operations have led to deforestation. 7 0 9 1.0 10.18356/006c0b6d-en 221cb6d5147466d0ddacab4050f38234 Most GHG emissions attributed to the industrial sector and a significant share of those attributed to the residential, commercial and ‘‘other buildings” sectors result from the use of oil, natural gas and coal. As a result, more than half of all anthropogenic GHG emissions can be traced back to the energy sector. Specifically, electricity and heat generation (as well as industry) are the major sources of carbon dioxide (C02) emissions, accounting for 25 per cent and 21 per cent, respectively, of GHG emissions. 13 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264283350-en 222363ef20220d00b6d1a31ad3b6631a Non-contributing individuals (children, pensioners and registered unemployed) account for a high share of the insured population (around half). This threatens financial sustainability, not least because the population is ageing. It makes the system particulady vulnerable to economic downturns, as happened with dramatic impact during the economic crisis in 2008. 3 3 1 0.5 10.1787/9789264285712-4-en 2226c4c6b609b0c8dd609d4d795be9a8 The current state of play may actually reflect the low willingness to charge rather than affordability issues. The lack of data or projections on users’ ability to pay and wider needs of the basin has led to the implementation of rates that are generally similar across different basins and fail to reflect local conditions. Parts of the revenues from water charges could be allocated to strengthening the capacity to monitor water abstraction and pollution in Brazil. 6 1 3 0.5 10.18356/ea31d8c4-en 222823c5cda0a145be3c0e0e3d728296 Policy-wise, the rhetoric of the PWC is comparatively state-friendly but in a limited and piecemeal way, with intervention only justified on a casc-by-case basis, should it be demonstrable by mainstream criteria that narrow economic benefits would most likely accrue. Despite its obvious limitations, the PWC offers a rationale for discretionary intervention across a much wider range of economic and social policy than the WC. Nevertheless, the PWC tends to exaggerate the contrast with the traditional WC concerns, allowing Stiglitz to protest stridently policies imposed by the IMF on the Russian Federation and the Republic of Korea, in particular, which triggered his enforced departure from office at the World Bank (see, for example, Wade, 2002). 1 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264269637-6-en 2228fa3017d68099c1e84abb567fa6ff Some countries have also reduced the role of treating doctors in order to objectify the process. Countries have struggled more w'ith influencing the quality of sickness certificates which are still in the hands of an individual’s treating doctor. Sweden has introduced illness-specific guidelines for the certification process w'hich are binding for treating doctors, and the United Kingdom has replaced the previous sick note with a new fit note to increase the treating doctor’s attention to work-related matters (Box 3.8). 8 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/d6eab0c2-en 222b3645cfff5bc60a3283fa9c149b48 Cultural values of filial obligation and inter-generational coresidence are commonly observed, although the culture and practices are changing. Net private transfers are significant and positive in countries such as China, Thailand, Republic of Korea and Singapore. Older persons aged 65 years and over in Thailand and Taiwan Province of China receive on average a third of their consumption from private transfers (Chawla, 2008; Tung and Lai, 2013) and the figure for the Republic of Korea is about 13 per cent. 1 6 3 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5kg20639kgkj-en 222ef07b76969bc3320fe8dd82fa62ce All these emerging areas are important, but the take-up and adaptation of technologies and practices is a key issue that has not been sufficiently emphasised. In a landmark report on skills for sustainability41, a key finding was that, “in order to be effective, implementation of climate change strategies requires a broad skill set and mechanisms to diffuse knowledge about sustainability technologies and practices across the economy. Up-front investment in R&D is necessary although not sufficient. More emphasis needs to be given at all levels of the economy, not only in research laboratories”. 7 2 4 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264077287-en 223007bd9a4961e0f71ca298b105ce96 The ageing of the forest also increases the risk of infestation by insects and other parasites. Insect attacks have affected 8 800 m3 of beech stands in Oesling and 3 750 m3 in Gutland, adding to the damage caused by overabundant populations of game, whose browsing has affected 5% of mature trees and 66% of replanting. The national forest inventory, conducted in 2000, found that the equivalent of only 14% of the country’s annual C02 emissions (1 250 0001. 6 3 0 1.0 10.1787/5k49dv6c5xmv-en 22308b88cf14002a773425609826b928 Research in both the US and Europe has demonstrated the link between certification of lower energy consumption and higher real estate values (Popescu et al., Policy makers in the Chicago Tri-State metro-region could take this one step further by requiring a full assessment of the viability of clean and renewable energy retrofits any time a commercial or industrial building is sold. The new owner would not be obliged to pursue any specific installation, but ready access to this information could incite owners to voluntarily take action shortly thereafter. 7 1 7 0.75 11.1002/pub/80f4cf5d-bc36f70d-en 223734d72f4abf71874be8773520ddc6 The use of technology, manufacturing and production therefore have the potential to support upskilling, redeployment and productivity enhancement29. Mobile broadband - or using tablets, mobile phones and other portable devices to access the Internet - represents the fastest technological uptake in human history. Hotspots are being set up by individuals and technology companies are experimenting with drones, balloons and other innovations to extend access to and use of the Internet30. Technical and ICT-related skills across industries also need to be supplemented by broader, stronger collaborative and social skills -such as persuasion, emotional intelligence and the ability to learn and teach others. 5 3 0 1.0 10.1787/9789264226500-5-en 223a7441161d81b914e59137e520c797 Devising a stable funding stream is critical to ensuring a realistic planning process and encouraging co-ordinated decisions. An example is found in the United States, where metropolitan planning organisations (MPOs) were explicitly created for planning and programming federal transport funds (Box 2.2). The goal was to ensure that existing and future expenditures for transport projects and programmes were based on a “continuing, co-operative and comprehensive” (3-C) planning process. One of the most sophisticated examples of metropolitan transport co-ordination can be found in Germany. All large metropolitan areas in Germany have set up a metropolitan transport authority called Verkehrsverbund. Such transport authorities usually bring together all local governments located in the metropolitan area as w'ell as the corresponding Land (or Lander if there are several of them, as in the case of Hamburg). 11 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264245174-8-en 223b265d9844648396cf64daabc1c1ba Federal funds are also used for the financing of the commission. These are autonomous in decision making but controlled by SEMARNAT in administrative issues such as human resources and finances. They include the National Water Commission (CONAGUA), the National Protected Areas Commission (Comision Nacional de Areas Naturales Protegidas, CONANP), the National Ecology and Climate Change Institute (Instituto Nacional de Ecologia y Cambio Climatico, INECC) and the Federal Attorney for Environmental Protection (Procuraduria Federal de Protection al Ambiente, PROFEPA). Decentralised bodies exist as legal entities with their own budgets, such as the Mexican Institute of Water Technology (Instituto Mexicano de Tecnologia del Agua, IMTA) and the National Forestry Commission (Comision Nacional Forestal, CONAFOR). 11 3 2 0.2 10.18356/355832ee-en 224424da87434ecf8d3a577bcfcd9395 "The following groups tend to be at a higher risk of poverty and/or deprivation in the EU: workless households, large families (with three children or more), lone parent families, households with lower educated adults (see Fusco et al 2010). Furthermore, there may be substantial differences between migrant and non-migrant households and between rural and urban households. The UNICEF Office of Research presents the MODA results on an interactive web-portal (the ""Dashboard"").24 The underlying statistics are visualised in charts and tables. Primary sampling units and primary strata are re-created in the EU-SILC user database file according to Goedeme (2013). A work intensity index value of 0 corresponds to no one being in employment - i.e. a jobless household. This helps users zoom in on the results they are most interested in." 1 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264188617-en 2245225244f06f9a69e651bd27931e0a Finally, the largest generating units owned by Italian utilities are shown in Table 6.2, in the current situation and according to the two scenarios analysed. The construction of a large nuclear unit in every area would require, on average, a 61.8% increase in spinning reserves, while the construction of SMRs would not vary the current situation. In this context the choice of SMRs would therefore result in lower system costs. 7 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264174269-6-en 2247ea809c4b3069265b106b3819af19 However, both face a number of challenges in implementation including the establishment 0/effective targets. The purpose of this chapter is to explore the opportunities, challenges and important considerations faced by policy makers when setting and implementing SMM-related targets. Finland attributes waste management improvements to changes in EU legislation, specifically stricter waste management standards and requirements. 12 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264179820-4-en 224dbf31bad9ca93b423335245ff4726 Partial information is available on infrastructure needs and on the costs of water resources management. In the OECD and Big 5 economies annual expenditures in the range of USD 770 billion are projected up to 2015 and over USD 1 trillion by 2025 (see OECD, 2006)!. Not least in OECD countries, environmental pressures will continue to grow, as will the expectations of the general public with respect to environmental protection and natural resource management. These factors are expected to add significantly to the costs incurred in the supply of water services and wastewater treatment. 6 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5k9h296b1zjf-en 224e0305b346c6c151f00de67f2188b6 As an illustration, households’ net worth in France is five times higher than GDP and it has grown by over 7% on average per year and in real terms between 1997 and 2007, compared to a 1.7% increase for GDP (Conseil des Prelevements Obligatoires, 2011). Taxing wealth at a rather low rate should thus generate large and rising tax revenues. Second, real estate accounts for a large share of household net worth (Fredriksen, 2012) and the tax can thus hardly be avoided. Third, inheritance and gift taxes, not only on immovable property but on all net assets, could offer an alternative to the taxation of lifelong saving. 10 0 3 1.0 10.18356/55fea2f6-en 224eb94947516aa8b86ce6d86ee5a824 Between the social and the spatial - exploring multiple dimensions of poverty and social exclusion (pp. Using non-monetary deprivation indicators to analyse poverty and social exclusion in rich countries: Lessons from Europe? Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 29(2), 305-325. Paris, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development. 1 1 4 0.6 10.1787/9789264233775-6-en 22501bec20f1bbbfca3ee145f4250f38 While disability benefits are often the primary source of income for people with mental disorders, other public assistance schemes, such as unemployment benefits or social assistance, also play a role, especially for those with mild-to-moderate illnesses. These multiple sources of income have important implications, as the lack of a co-ordinated approach and well-defined responsibilities may create incentives to move these individuals from one public assistance scheme to another for cost-shifting purposes. Administrative data on the mental health status of job seekers or unemployment and social assistance recipients is scarce and rarely collected across OECD countries, which hinders employment and social service providers’ abilities to take preventative measures and intervene early. 3 2 4 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/67cf23d2-en 2255a4790a0f46b141bcc7199570541e The Food and Agriculture Organization food-price index rose to a record high in February 2011, topping the previous all-time high set in June 2008, following unexpected shortfalls in major cereals owing to bad weather in 2010. Food riots and protests threatened Governments as well as social stability in Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Latin America and the Caribbean. Massive public protests in response to higher food prices erupted in very diverse countries, such as Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Egypt, Guinea, Haiti, Indonesia, Mauritania, Mexico, Morocco, Nepal, Peru, Senegal, Uzbekistan and Yemen (Baker, 2008; Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, International Fund for Agricultural Development and World Food Programme, 2008). The number of people in need of emergency food aid in low-income food-deficit countries also increased. According to the Famine Early Warning Systems Network of the United States Agency for International Development, an estimated 2.7 million people in Niger were likely to be highly or extremely food insecure in 2010 and an additional 5.1 million people were at risk of moderate food insecurity. Altogether about 60 per cent of the population would face food shortages. 2 1 3 0.5 10.18356/9ed3c0a9-en 2255a909f3db661528a4487583f12fec In the case of income deprivation, the headcount ratio decreased from 37.6% in 2006 to 32.8% in 2010. Transfer Axiom: Given other things, a pure transfer of income from a person below the poverty line to anyone who is richer must increase the poverty measure” (Sen, 1976, p. 219). These figures show that one third of the population has income below the official poverty line (US$ 57.29 per capita per month in 2006) and half the population in rural areas suffers from monetary deprivation. 1 0 4 1.0 10.1787/empl/outlook-2015-9-en 2255c08e9f110b1c54f03cf243132cc5 Panel A of Figure 5.13 addresses this question by showing that the majority of informal workers who transit to formal jobs moves into fixed-term employment in urban Colombia and urban China, while the opposite holds for South Africa and Hirkey. Low transition rates from informality to fixed-term contracts in Hirkey and South Africa can be, at least partly, explained by the relatively restrictive legislation on fixed-term employment in the former and the very light employment protection rules applying to permanent contracts in the latter. This evidence points to the potential existence of a vicious cycle, in countries like (urban) Colombia, where some workers may be stuck in a back-and-forth between informality, fixed-term formal jobs and joblessness. Such a possibility weakens the claim that informal employment typically serves as a stepping stone towards good careers. 8 0 6 1.0 10.14217/9781848591677-4-en 2256b42c731b2f4dc382cbaa19b55c6c Women are now being oppressed by their own men, who do not believe that we are capable of contributing meaningfully to the society in more ways than being child bearers'. Achieving the goal of equal participation of women and men in decision-making will provide a balance that more accurately reflects the composition of society and is needed in order to strengthen democracy and promote its proper functioning' (United Nations 1995: paragraph 181). If local government is to meet the needs of both women and men, it must build on the experiences of both women and men'. Less work has been done on the actual impact of women on the nature and work of legislated bodies. 5 0 9 1.0 10.1787/5e354935-en 22587161259c41e87b5dd2d3275476fe As such, what Parties can report will be constrained by their domestic capacities to gather and process information. Support for improving these fundamental capacities, which in some cases may take years to develop fully, will be essential for the Paris Agreement’s enhanced transparency framework to function and to actually enable the sharing of information that Parties want from each other. 13 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264213944-7-en 225bf9ea64e5edbad3c334e289977b53 Therefore, to attract more women as clients, BDS organisations should make extra efforts to give their services higher visibility among women as well as educating them about the value of their services. However, mainstream BDS providers often do not have enough information on the specific needs of women entrepreneurs or how to effectively respond to those needs to provide such information. For example, women often lack innovative ideas for businesses because their past experience has been limited to traditionally female areas of the economy. 5 0 4 1.0 10.1787/aid/glance-2017-12-en 225c7280bfbbbcc2f6e15a3ce5ed0adf The LDCs could also explore ways of improving access to IT products in their own markets, thereby benefitting the consumers. While none of the LDCs are currently members of the ITA expansion agreement, as part of its WTO accession package Afghanistan committed to joining the Information Technology Agreement (ITA) of 1996 (WTO, 2015b). The telecommunications services sector is one of the most committed services sectors under the GATS (van Grasstek et al, 2016). Twenty-two LDCs have not taken any commitments in the telecommunications sector under the GATS. 9 0 3 1.0 10.1787/saeo-2017-8-en 225d0abeba1af70bf5416c8d3d66d87e Similarly, investors in the Philippines are struggling with a slow regulatory approval process. This does not only restrict project developers of renewable energy, but potential investors in any type of power plant, who are requested to sign a large number of permits from multiple government agencies before becoming operational (Pangalangan, 2016). With the Philippines suffering from frequent electricity outages and some of the highest electricity prices in Asia, there are multiple economic benefits to be reaped by simplifying permit procedures and easing restrictions on foreign investments. 7 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5jrxr7qx6ctb-en 225e5e37030cd452453660b36ed1005c While the first one covers ‘the care and treatment of mentally disordered offenders’ (SOU 2006:91), the other concentrates on developing psychiatry in general (SOU 2006:100). The second report, focusing on the needs for development in the field of psychiatry, made several propositions. For instance, it suggested that government funds and ’’supports local counties to establish housing sensitive to the needs of various subgroups of people with mental health disorders”. 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264262959-en 225ef5c2626b65cd31ab31490445e34a The OECD applauds these efforts and outcomes (some of which exceed OECD averages, as this report details). The social and economic ills of the development process -including pervasive informality, high rates of poverty, weak rule of law and inadequate institutions - affect everyone, but hit women especially hard. Men in Pacific Alliance countries are at least 20 percentage points more likely to be in the labour market than women. This is a daunting gap. 8 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5jm0xdx0b06g-en 2260818a29d8aa09a2584cefd06c6e73 Estimates show that just correcting for tax evasion makes a significant difference on the share of the income distribution (Lopez et al., In particular, the average participation of the top 1% on GDP over the period 2005-2009 decreases by 2.5 percentage points of GDP. This reform will increase revenues and has the potential to reduce inequality (Lopez et al., The reform could negatively affect investment and growth because it reduces after-tax returns on investment, , however this could be compensated by a positive effect on long run growth through education, if the funding is used successfully in reforming the school system. Furthermore, there is some uncertainty about the revenue yield of the tax reform, stemming from how the private sector will adapt. The envisaged gradualism of implementation is thus welcome. 5 6 1 0.7142857142857143 10.14217/9781848591035-7-en 2260f217ea42902066a6f303c77fb71e This time the initiative should come from LDC governments themselves. They should collectively propose a common standard for foreign investment to which they are willing to adhere. The proposal should include arrangements for independent adjudication to settle disputes and enforcement procedures for decisions. 9 2 2 0.0 10.1787/9789264200449-32-en 22636eee87b41b91085eaf1d0cdd426d Both industries are climate dependant. This is most likely to be the result of natural decadal variability, although a contribution from climate change cannot be ruled out. Sources: Ministry for the Environment (2008), Climate Change Effects and Impact Assessment, 2nd Edition, climate/climate-change-ejjfect-impacts-assessments-may08/c!imate-change-ejifect-impacts-assessment-may08.pd/ (accessed 9 July 2012); New Zealand Government (2009), New Zealand’s Fi/th National Communication under the UNFCCC, annex_i_natcom/submitted_natcom/items/4903.php (accessed 22 June 2012). 13 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/5kg7068011hb-en 2264b3077df1ae2547bab010792f243e Since 2000, worldwide public investment in RE R&D it has steadily risen to close to USD 2 billion as of 2008 (IEA, 2010). “ Technology Development” refers to the demonstration and pre-commercial stage of the technology’s life cycle and is generally financed by venture capital (VC) investments. Once commercial viability has been established, they often seek to recover their investment either through a sale to established companies in the sector or through the public equity markets (Ghosh and Nanda 2010). While the R&D risk lands on the shoulders of the competitors, they have freedom in the way they approach innovation and the competition process is sometimes easier than applying for public grants (contracting, reporting, control). Newell and Wilson (2005) focus on inducement prizes in the US targeted at the middle stages of the technological change process: applied research, development, and demonstration and present considerable evidence that technology prizes have a role to play in the portfolio of inducement mechanisms available to spur climate change-related technological advances. 7 2 3 0.2 10.1787/9789264179011-4-en 22655fde13853c757e9837b507301ce4 For example in 2010, MPS for rice alone represented one-third of total PSE. Budgetary support to agriculture has increased from 1.4% of gross farm receipts in 1990-94 to 2.0% in 2006-10. The vast majority of this, 98% in 2006-10, is provided through payments for variable or fixed inputs that are known to have low transfer efficiency, meaning that typically a small portion of the transfers from taxpayers ends up as additional farmers’ income (OECD, 2002 and 2008). 2 1 4 0.6 10.1787/soc/aag-2014-5-en 2265bc3c62ab08eb97c494ed673925aa In 2014, the dependency ratio was relatively low at 50% - there were 100 working-age people to take care of 50 non-working-age people (elderly and children). This temporarily favourable age structure of the Chinese population caused a “demographic dividend”, which underlied one quarter of per capita GDP growth (see Cai and Wang, 2006). Demographic change in China, Japan and Korea (cont.) 5 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/f47faf05-en 226caea4e9dcd0439a99b9fa5c6e92f3 Statistics on water resources include the volume of water generated within the country or territory as the result of precipitation, the volume of water lost to evapotranspiration, the inflow of water from neighbouring territories, and the outflow of water to neighbouring territories or the sea. The statistics are sourced from hydrometeorological and hydrological monitoring, measurements and models. Statistics on the quality of water in water bodies are discussed under Topic 1.3.2: Freshwater quality and Topic 1.3.3: Marine water quality. 6 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5jrp6w9xlbq6-en 22705025fdecf6d788f32ffe39fa9328 In addition, air emissions can be more easily happed by dense urban construction and thereby lead to higher pollution concentrations (Gaigne et al., The environmental Kuznets’ curve (EKC), which gained recognition during the 1990s, is at the heart of this debate. Selden and Song (1994) were the first to study the environmental Kuznets’ curve empirically. 11 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264027862-12-en 227302f3f175f23c6cf81ad01635d89e Gender-responsive oversight can ensure inclusive, needs-based security policies; strengthen the operational effectiveness of security system institutions through monitoring and evaluation; and enforce equitable budgeting. This can include providing training on gender and security issues to parliamentarians and their staff, especially those on defence and security committees; supporting gender impact assessments of proposed and existing security legislation and policies; and supporting mechanisms for public debate and consultation, such as a national consultation on security that includes urban and rural women's and human rights organisations. Supporting electoral and party reform can ensure greater participation of women and other under-represented groups in the political process. Constitutional, electoral and/or party quotas can help to achieve this. 5 0 9 1.0 10.18356/665c59ff-en 2273e297af39cefb65a30f0081077cc4 Africa's municipal authorities have growing knowledge of what they can achieve by rethinking how they design buildings; public spaces; and energy, water, transport and waste systems. The city of Durban, South Africa, shows what can be done by careful planning for resilience to climate impacts in ways that generate jobs and security for the urban poor. Starting in 2004, Durban's Municipal Climate Protection Programme has prioritized the need to tackle the challenge of climate risk within the context of poverty, escalating urbanization and deteriorating environmental conditions, and has become a national and international leader in the field of climate change adaptation planning and implementations (Roberts, 2008). 7 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.18356/aea3ba68-en 2274fc83caa196a75606f7ec3f361da2 This standard represents the target for energy efficiency that has to be reached by all products of a product category within a certain time frame. For example, the energy efficiency of air conditioners improved by 68% between 1997 and 2004, electric refrigerators by 55% (1998-2004), passenger vehicles by23% (1995-2005) and computers by 99% (1997-2005). Overall, the Top Runner program is expected to achieve 0.35 exa Joules (eJ) of energy savings between 1998 and 2010. 12 0 7 1.0 10.18356/5f92f30f-en 227500b351723bad60faeee4ea91143d Teen mothers are allowed to continue their education at the Centre location nearest to them for at least one school term, and then return to the formal school system after the birth of their babies. To survive with my children, I work in people's gardens for 700 Rwandan francs [about $1] a day or wash people's clothes. Compared with adolescent mothers not participating in the Centre’s programme, the rate of repeat pregnancies has been lower among girls in the programme, and more girls have continued their education, including sitting exams and re-entry into the formal education system. The more successful interventions have promoted gender equality, helped keep girls in school or reduced poverty and the economic incentives for child marriages among the most disadvantaged segments of society (Blum et al., Developed by the Institute for Reproductive Health and implemented in Rwanda in conjunction with Catholic Relief Services, the project increased knowledge and improved child-parent communications about sexuality and gender roles. 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5kgk6hpnhxzq-en 227a9e303a8bf6bbcf3ce290f3b18a97 First, the predominant form of innovation in firms is incremental, and this points to the central role of the broader workforce in the generation, adaptation and diffusion of technical and organisational change. Second, achieving high academic standards within a country for the largest proportion of school students not only supports high participation in post school education and training but creates a workforce with greater potential to engage productively with innovation. Third, the extent to which a firm’s workforce actively engages in innovation is strongly determined by particular work organisation practices. Finally, there are large differences across advanced nations in workforce skill formation systems, especially for vocational skills. Such differences result in large disparities across nations in the share of their workforce with formal vocational qualifications, and in the level of these qualifications. The resulting differences in the quantity and quality of workforce skills are a major factor in determining the observed patterns of innovation and key aspects of economic performance. 4 2 2 0.0 10.1787/9789264202276-9-en 227ebf4be257aff1ec67828150e77286 Exposure to emissions has resulted in respiratory diseases, high health costs, productivity losses, reduced visibility and a lower aesthetic value of the natural landscape (World Bank, 2010). To respond to the problem, the government has commissioned a number of wastewater treatment plants to recycle wastewater in an efficient way. Moreover, it has identified a series of reforms that could address the water and waste situation in the Kingdom (see water and sanitation section below). 7 2 2 0.0 10.1787/9789264238701-5-en 227fea5da4633e9a0094353c585ead8c In particular, the analytical solution by Glover and Balmer (1954), while being one of the simplest, has been widely applied in a policy context (e.g. Jenkins, 1968; Nebraska DNR, 2007). This equation allows to derive the stream depletion caused by a specific well after a defined pumping period at a constant rate of impacts based on pumping rates, distance from the stream, aquifer coefficients (storage, transmissivity) and a complementary error function (see Annex 3.A for details). The equation can be modified to account for seasonal pumping. Similarly, other more sophisticated versions are available for surface-water groundwater interactions such as partially penetrating wells or streambed clogging (e.g. Hunt, 1999; Hunt, 2012). 6 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264270985-7-en 22802b724e103bfe3748849d1196f3df Comprises all pharmaceuticals, including branded and generic pharmaceutical products, which are provided in response to a prescription issued by a licensed medical practitioner or pharmacist. Comprises all pharmaceuticals, including branded and generic pharmaceutical products which may or may not be available without prescription but have been purchased independently. Includes adhesive and non-adhesive bandages, hypodermic syringes, first-aid kits, hot-water bottles and ice bags, medical hosiery items such as elastic stockings and knee supports, condoms and other mechanical contraceptive devices. 3 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.18356/b620ec70-en 2280972e69274910737519c1b34647c8 Training needs for professional staff in health care and nursing reflect the specific care needs of the elderly and the chronically ill. Most unskilled staff tend to enter care work after periods of economic inactivity (for example, women who have been homemakers or people who have been unemployed) and therefore have major training needs. Health at a Glance 2071: OECD Indicators, Paris, 2011; Help Wanted? 5 7 2 0.5555555555555556 10.18356/f47faf05-en 2281ccbcae556563a93a7762f046e84f Alternatively, the country may follow and adapt other ecosystem categories used internationally, such as the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment reporting categories. The broadest reporting categories used in the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment32 are forest, cultivated, dryland, coastal, marine, urban, polar, inland water, island and mountain. As recognized by the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, these ecosystem reporting categories can and do overlap, so countries may wish to decide as to the exact composition, inclusions and exclusions of the main ecosystems in accordance with national or existing international definitions. Ecosystem categories are complicated to describe because of considerations of scale. Ecosystems may be grouped alternatively into biomes, biogeographical regions, habitats or river basins/sub-basins. A biome is a distinct community of plants, animals or fungi that occupy a distinct region. 6 4 3 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264174573-7-en 228482ce22410a6b094e46fbfc1b6cb2 Pressurised fluid storage (often referred to as compressed air energy storage) represents a very small percentage of the total. There has been no obvious acceleration in the rate of invention. The converse is true of France. Both Sweden and Switzerland have relatively higher counts than is generally found in other fields. In terms of technology types, active power filtering, superconducting transmission lines and flexible AC transmission systems make up almost two-thirds of the total claimed priorities (Figure 4.8). This is a first (and necessary) step in determining whether public support for RD&D in the area of energy storage and grid management will lead to increased penetration of renewable energy in the grid. 7 0 5 1.0 10.1787/9789264179011-7-en 2284c24f70903888ae6922372f7dc34f There are also goods placed under the highly sensitive lists that are subject to a different reduction schedule. An exclusion list is also provided although these are subject to an annual review with a view towards improving market access. India, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Viet Nam, Brunei and Indonesia have implemented this agreement on 1 October 2010. 2 5 2 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/5js6363503f6-en 2286b35452d88e3368ce53068e55f223 These limits, along improved gatekeeping in the form of stricter health examinations, help explain why, on average, disability programmes are still paid to only a relatively small share of youth (see the analysis below and OECD, 2012d). Benefit receipt rates are likely influenced by a range of different factors, including of course for instance the non-employment rate among youth or the share of young people who live alone. Differences in the economic environment and in living conditions are thus likely to be reflected as disparities in receipt rates across countries. 8 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264088986-en 22891b05e040adf63fb8f9c8b0c7a6f4 Necessary responses include increasing geographical accessibility to higher education, improving preparation for higher education through long-term investment to schools and closer linkages between schools and higher education institutions and improving campus culture and academic and social support measures to improve retention and success in higher education. Considering the current underrepresentation of Arab population in tertiary education, steps should be taken to provide adequate support to NAI, which is the first comprehensive Arab higher education institution in Israel (see Box 2.1.). Support should also be provided to the Arab colleges of education to help them to diversify their teaching portfolios. 4 0 3 1.0 10.18356/ea26e442-en 228965bda16129bf26b34f94b5aa0980 However, cities also present potential opportunities, such as increased economic independence and capacity to challenge rigid gender norms. At the same time inequalities in access to health care between migrant and non-migrant populations exist in many urban locations which affect the individual and public health of urban communities. Migrants themselves can play a key role in building resilience. 11 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264212664-en 228a13dd3745d744684b51c4355381f4 In most countries to date, environmental, land use and investment policies have functioned quite separately and sometimes worked against each other. This can undermine or slow investment in green infrastructure and development. Such a framework can guide domestic reforms to steer use of limited public funds while also enabling private investment to support a transition to green growth across relevant sectors and regions. Goal setting and aligning policies across and within levels of government. 7 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.18356/bdcc82f9-en 228a2fcf0c6fb7169dcaa7e278cac8fc Implementation problems have been attributed to several factors, including insufficient funds, implemented' lack of awareness (or deprioritization) of the programme's creche provision and limited demand from women participants, some of whom may have been concerned about leaving their children with strangers (Holmes and Jones, 2013). 1 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/01772a94-en 228b757785f39a26a81fa22b3aec2d87 For a more accurate prediction, other factors should also be taken into account, such as resource use and distribution in the society, availability and affordability of public and private goods and services, legislation and legislative accountability, as well as societal behaviours, beliefs and traditions, among others. Deprivations measure the individual deprivation status in each of the various sectors considered as crucial for individuals' survival and development. Deprivations can stem from the lack of financial means (i.e., monetary poverty), but they can also be the result of unavailability of basic goods in the market, the lack of service provision, or societal beliefs, customs and behaviour, among other reasons. Especially regarding children some differences between deprivation and monetary poverty are expected, as children need goods and services that are more likely to be subject to missing or incomplete markets (e.g. health care, school or nutritional needs). 1 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264265097-3-en 228e04d6c80f905fcd1525310572ea58 Since the mid-20th century, education systems have expanded enormously and human populations have never been more highly educated than today. Emerging economies and developing countries are now also relentlessly expanding their education systems, seeing education as an indispensable ingredient of modernisation and progress. Indeed, the benefits to individuals and societies of ever more education remain very impressive. 4 0 7 1.0 10.18356/3c5a4620-en 228f3e4448a251cf9df5d6a35faa3d88 Energy costs will be controlled through improvements in energy efficiency and the limits that higher energy prices put on economic growth. There will be continued reliance on fossil based sources. Scarcity will exist for those without indigenous resources, but those with indigenous resources will progress, creating tensions on resource availability. 7 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264248908-5-en 2297fcffb11a75222ac9a742164dfbb9 Mainly dependent on commodities export (minerals, coffee and other raw' materials), Colombian gross domestic product (GDP) grew 3.9% per year between 2003 and 2008, and 2.7% per year between 2008 and 2013 (OECD, 2015c). Colombian GDP per capita was USD PPP 12 750 in 2013, up from USD PPP 6 611 per capita in 2000 (standardised to 2015 prices in each case). The gap in GDP per capita between Colombia and OECD economies has started to narrow, although remains large (Figure 1.3). Even though poverty in the country as a whole is decreasing, large disparities between different regions persist. 3 4 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/55fea2f6-en 22980eeeaef4125b4655d33131263e62 The Netherlands has the lowest incidence rates in terms of monetary poverty, financial strain and housing problems but slightly higher proportions of children experiencing neighbourhood problems or difficult access to basic services than other countries. Deprivation patterns in Germany and France are also mixed with their ranking vis-a-vis other countries being very dependent on the domain under consideration. Financial strain is the most prevalent problem in all countries with incidence rates ranging from 22 per cent in the Netherlands to 41 per cent in France and the UK. 1 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264263260-7-en 22986d091348ef6a653817eb583b74b4 Property tax systems in many OECD countries favour single-family homes over multi-occupancy dwellings (thus stimulating urban sprawl) or owner-occupied housing over rental accommodation (thus reducing labour mobility). Such tax arrangements coexist w'ith national and city-level policies intended to curb urban sprawl and improve labour market efficiency. National housing strategies tend to stimulate the housing supply, via direct spending to support new housing construction or facilitate access to home ownership, regulatory tools (e.g. to require municipalities to build social housing as in France) or tax incentives (e.g. deductible interest on mortgage in the United States), for example. 11 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/ae0cc9f4-en 229a7dafa8802aceacfea7ba2f97cac8 Adequate transport infrastructure is vital to overcome this gap and connect SMEs in low-density remote areas to hubs, ports and airports. The lack of such infrastructure results in a business ecosystem with higher costs than that of urban businesses. In addition, the goods and resources that provide the necessary value fail to reach the next step in the value chain or end up being more expensive and of lower quality. 9 0 3 1.0 10.18356/7e830810-en 229d51baaa3e76c88692e28a318c6720 Nigeria’s severe shortage of energy prompted the government to establish the University of Lagos National Centre for Energy Efficiency and Conservation in 2008, which is responsible for R&D in energy-efficiency and -conservation options and technologies. Following the 2010 enactment of the Russian Federation’s energy-efficiency legislation, the country has intensified efforts to create an R&D capacity in energy efficiency. The Russian Federation recognizes the role of a growing number of organizations engaged in research on improving energy efficiency, such as the Centre for Energy Efficiency, the Sustainable Energy Development Centre and the Institute of Energy Strategy. Standards for industrial equipment and system optimization can make it easier for firms to trade off capital and energy costs, but they can also impose limits on product choice and undesirable costs for adopters. 7 2 4 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/18a859bf-en 229db13528d16a809e521376abed0ee6 As shown in Figure 8, 80% of mitigation finance flows goes to middle income countries. This imbalance in climate related ODA has come under scrutiny by some commentators (Steele, 2015; Sachs and Schmidt-Traub, 2013). Meanwhile, adaptation receives 25% of climate-related development finance, with 39% of these resources targeted towards least-developed and low income countries. 13 0 7 1.0 10.18356/2017cac5-en 22a1be162dd20b3b20256574f0086bcd The distribution is more symmetric in Romania: fewer than one in ten children are not deprived in any dimensions (7%) or all six (3%), while about as many are deprived in one or two dimensions (34%) as in four or five (30%). The distribution peaks at three dimensions (26%). Thus, the vast majority (93%) of preschool-age children in Romania are deprived in at least one dimension, while one-third (33%) are deprived in at least four. 1 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/11e28764-en 22a2eb756ea5d4226939b47ea6285cad Gender inequalities are often altered, for better or worse, during post-disaster social reconstruction. Originally launched in its 2013 pilot phase as a gender-environment index, the EGI project is being transformed into an umbrella gender-environment knowledge platform. Having developed a methodology and toolkit for almost 50 high-priority gender and water indicators, WWAP plans to pilot test the project. 2 4 0 1.0 10.18356/3a7787dd-en 22a986cf7e1247e530e35139708a1ee3 In fact, this would simply reflect that the production of the same service takes place in another institutional sector instead of the household sector. Some countries have started to value these activities through a Household Satellite Account, which provides important information on the economy and society. However, there is currently no general agreement on the methodological choices in resolving the measurement challenges. 8 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264267886-en 22ae14ce5799280e98b466e35e00c45b Several OECD instruments highlight that fiscal and in-kind incentives provided to firms - such as tax exemptions, subsidies, or Special Economic Zones (SEZs) - should be periodically evaluated to ensure their relevance, effectiveness and cost-efficiency (OECD, 2015a; OECD, 2003). Such evaluations should not only consider the direct costs and effects associated with the support but also indirect effects on employment, competition and regional development, for example (Cizkowicz et al., There are currently 14 SEZs operating in Poland, whose functioning was prolonged until 2026. 4 5 2 0.42857142857142855 10.6027/857c81f8-en 22af5a9bb1c30e4d46c521651b160a0a "Despite vast changes, the Norwegian Structural Quota System kept a strong focus on regional distribution and this was also partly the ambitions with the Swedish introduction of market mechanisms in 2009 and 2017. The latter example, including Finland in 2017, can, perhaps, be seen as part of an emerging third phase where different objectives are increasingly balanced through regulated quota markets and the complimenting management instruments. Recent changes to the Danish, Icelandic, Faroese and perhaps soon also the Greenlandic systems also point in this direction - a ""softening"" of market mechanisms. This makes sense since most of the introductions of transferable quotas have been concerned with improving the economic situation in the sector." 14 3 1 0.5 10.1787/sti/outlook-2014-5-en 22b046b966cf937e50fe676d9814851a Even the most dynamic OECD countries (Chile, Israel, Korea and Hirkey), which grew by more than 2.5% in 2013, are expanding more slowly than before the crisis. In 2013, some major emerging economies showed the first signs of an economic slowdown and revealed their sensitivity to fluctuations in US financial markets. The rise of China, driven by its economic dynamism and its long-term commitment to STI, should continue. 9 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264191761-en 22b5b63879e707cc4ab45af1f0fbc0fd Dacha” is the term for seasonal or year-round second homes of urban dwellers, typically located in city exurbs. Lands used for defense purposes, lands of forest and water funds, protected natural areas, lands with natural objects that have special ecological, scientific, historic, and cultural value, health and recreation localities, as well as public-access lands in the centres of population. When farms went bankrupt during the second half of the 1990s, farmers, mechanics and others in the rural economy received land or equipment in lieu of wages. Gray (2000) and Petrick et al. ( 2 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264266339-6-en 22b602f779da482f26cce1b2462f5757 Of all commitments in the EECCA countries in 2013-14, the six largest projects were directed to either Uzbekistan or Ukraine (i.e. those supported by Japan, the World Bank Group and the European Investment Bank). This has significantly affected the entire landscape of climate-related development finance committed to the region in 2013-14. Such projects include high-efficiency gas-fired power plants, district heating, energy efficiency, transport sector infrastructure investment and water resource management (for adaptation). 13 0 7 1.0 10.18356/cefc94d2-en 22b716dcbe28c399838359be29b5fb76 Although progress has been made in the last few years, and despite large-scale deployment of renewables, the share of renewables in the energy mix remains low, exacerbating continued air pollution problems across the region and putting stress on emerging economies as a result of fluctuations in oil prices. Furthermore, the rate of energy efficiency uptake still needs to be accelerated in order to unlock the immense cross-sectoral benefits. Financial barriers are of particular concern as energy transition strategies require vast sums of investment In order to bridge this financing gap, governments need to leverage funds for increased private-sector investment, which requires more stability and predictability in policymaking and the introduction of financing tools that help manage the often high investment risk. 7 0 3 1.0 11.1002/pub/80c293d4-d194980d-en 22bc84c637e02ea9eb996181bf505b3e Regular household surveys are not yet undertaken in many countries, especially LDCs, and do not always follow the same guidelines for data gathering on ICTs. The rapid pace of change in technology and markets also affects the comparability of data, so that targets and indicators need to be kept under review and updated from time to time to meet changing data availability and policy requirements. More attention also needs to be addressed to building the capacity of national statistical offices and others concerned with data gathering and analysis. 9 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264191761-en 22c1cc286270792f8f3a792183675d90 There are also structural challenges, such as the domination of subsistence-oriented producers in key product sectors, the weak integration of domestic food chains, and difficult access to external markets. Qualified labour is scarce, commercial credit markets are narrow, and much of the credit resources, especially for long-term investment, depend on state provision. Public resources should be shifted to remove significant deficiencies in transport infrastructure, water and land management, plant and animal health and food safety systems, information, research, education, and knowledge dissemination. Policy reform should not only include a stronger emphasis on the provision of public goods, but would also require developing new policies to manage risks in agriculture and promoting sustainable use of agricultural resources. 2 1 4 0.6 10.18356/9fd805e3-en 22c464dc22488d7312d64294457e3fa1 The process of achieving more sustainable urban transportation systems designed with the principle of accessibility at their core is dependent on the participation of all stakeholders in cities, the authorities, the private sector and the citizens, along the lines of principles of democracy. A successful process will depend on effective governance of land use and transportation, where new housing and commercial planning will entail simultaneous transportation systems design, careful neighborhood design, strategic infrastructure investments, and fair, efficient and stable funding. The accessibility, in turn, is influenced by the availability of an efficient and effective transport system. 11 0 7 1.0 10.1787/dcr-2013-11-en 22c84560a42a2dc3a0d07fc8215aa71c This is because Brazil is finally approaching the hard core of extreme poverty - those who are lacking in everything. Limited access to infrastructure and public services, low levels of education, precarious relationships with the world of work, minimal and unstable income, and little or no knowledge of their civil rights are some of the characteristics that combine to keep these people in poverty. Left to themselves, they do not have the necessary tools to break this perverse cycle, nor do they possess useful skills to offer the market. 1 0 9 1.0 10.18356/6e8bb756-en 22cb015183ddafc3e836c55ae56fc67b These include measures for residential EE (driven by utilities or local authorities) and public buildings, boiler replacement programmes, lights and appliances (e.g. utility-driven), and a switch to cleaner cars (fleet renewal) (Bowen et al., Several countries provide (or are considering) support for the construction of new energy infrastructure, especially renewable sources of energy, and incentives for EE improvements as part of their fiscal stimulus programmes. The latter include tax credits for the purchase of energy-efficient furnaces, windows and insulation, $5 billion for EE improvements in over one million lower income homes and $6.3 billion for improving energy efficiency in public housing. In 2009, the European Commission decided to allocate €3.98 billion to clean energy projects, gas and electricity infrastructure, offshore wind energy and CCS (but not to EE projects) (European Parliament, 2009). 7 0 3 1.0 10.18356/c5af5698-en 22cfd64caf465ea4ebb737a7da591244 Public goods for agriculture, such as R&D, education and rural infrastructure, are a fundamental part of the enabling environment described in earlier chapters and they are essential for agricultural growth and poverty reduction. However, governments everywhere face financial constraints and competing demands, so they must make difficult choices in allocating public resources. Which public investments have the highest returns in terms of agricultural growth and poverty reduction? 2 0 3 1.0 10.18356/fc6300ee-en 22d27d8bac7cd13bd97671bee1c0f7a7 By way of example, projections based on this method are set out below for Brazil, Colombia, Peru and the Plurinational State of Bolivia. The forecasts are based on both future changes in educational distribution across the population and changes in fertility rates within each education group. Changes in the educational composition of the female population of childbearing age were based on projections made by IIASA. 5 1 3 0.5 10.1787/5jm0xdx0b06g-en 22d2d2b5f475439167db3cd8f06f9f44 In particular, collective bargaining strength in the private sector remains weak. Although the percentage of contracts that are negotiated through collective bargaining has risen since 2001, only 11 percent of all contracts were collectively bargained in 2011. Collective bargaining in Chile has significant levels of decentralization and fragmentation, where negotiation occurs at the level of the firm, but in contrast to similar cases such as in Japan for example, in Chile the coordination is particularly weak. 5 8 1 0.7777777777777778 10.18356/db521e55-en 22d4977b9c1f4bb20a51a21b1993fa64 At a minimum, the high expectations for the process and the comparatively weak outcome, combined with the significant lack of trust generated by an opaque negotiating process, led in the following months to a lack of confidence in the UNFCCC process. The resulting mobilization across the system helped to demonstrate critical linkages between climate change and sustainable development, disaster risk reduction and humanitarian efforts, as well as the feasibility and readiness of the multilateral system to support countries' actions on climate change. In addition, building on the commitment in the Copenhagen Accord to increase funding for climate change adaptation and mitigation in developing countries to $100 billion by 2020, Ban Ki-moon launched the High-level Advisory Group on Climate Change Finance86 to assess potential sources of climate finance. 13 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5jzb44nmnbd2-en 22d990d36320a625c0ee14871671231d For example, some climate funds focus on adaptation, some on mitigation, some on specific geographical regions. This means that it would be challenging to distil a common definition of climate finance effectiveness. For example, climate finance that is also ODA is required, by definition, to promote the economic development and welfare of developing countries (as well as leading to climate benefits). Thus, existing approaches and frameworks in use to assess effectiveness at the level of specific interventions are often multi-dimensional. The range of objectives of different sources and channels of climate finance can also influence assessments of climate finance effectiveness. This is because managing the results of an intervention to meet multiple goals (e.g. carbon sequestration, improved local livelihoods, increased biodiversity) may lead to different choices in allocating climate finance to specific intervention types and/or locations than managing an intervention to maximise an individual goal (e.g. carbon sequestration). 13 0 3 1.0 10.18356/ae0cc9f4-en 22d9b4ecf9ab9686242f91b27f92fc86 For instance, a drone delivery service provided by the United States-based company Zipline in partnership with the Rwandan health ministry, has slashed the delivery time of life-saving medicine to remote regions of Rwanda from four hours to an average half an hour225 (see case study on Rwanda in Chapter 2). Unassisted robots for some time have been planting seeds and picking weeds, and agricultural aircraft are spraying crops with precision to reduce chemical infiltration of groundwater in some parts of the world. Nevertheless, adoption of aerial survey vehicles is not yet within the reach of most farmers with low purchasing power. 9 0 7 1.0 10.1787/5js4vmp5n5r8-en 22da10a3fea134005e18a78c1367a4c8 Synergies between transport policy and tourism policy in aviation transport hubs such as Singapore, Dubai and Kuala Lumpur demonstrate that policies can provide both sector specific and collective benefits. A trade-off between the two policies does not have to result in reduced outcomes for each policy area, but can be strategically managed to maximise outcomes. For example, in the case of Mauritius, exploiting a policy trade-off between tourism and transport policy has enabled tourism to thrive in this fragile island ecosystem. In this case, the government has successfully promoted the island as an exclusive destination by adopting policies that limit air access and encouraging premium accommodation supply (Seetaram, 2008). 8 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264247826-5-en 22dc79df9ba41546037472c356b2e87e Bars and diamonds indicate ranges and averages across models, respectively. The three world regions are defined to include the Americas; Europe, Africa and the Middle East; and Asia and Oceania. Changes shown are relative to the respective scenario without policy change. A well-functioning trading system has an important role to play in cushioning local and regional supply-side shocks, such as those related to extreme weather or civil unrest, and in mitigating their adverse impacts on food security (Baldos and Hertel, 2015). 2 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264279551-6-en 22df3b2c7ca1094a5156b960210f4283 It addresses ongoing and future water risks and identifies what complementary role governments may play in that setting. Water risks that farmers face exogenously—which will be denoted as exogenous risks—including those related to climate change and competing water demand on which an individual farmer (and food company) has limited effect. In contrast, endogenous water risks are risks to which an individual fanner (or company) contributes, e.g. nutrient runoffs leading to water pollution or intensive groundwater use leading to aquifer depletion. 6 3 1 0.5 10.18356/3d4ceb23-en 22e0ec8446d9f94963ad92340b5f10c7 Another would be for TIPOs to team up with platform providers for the provision of market information and matchmaking. Any move in this direction would be aimed at ensuring that big data will ultimately be used to the benefit of small firms and in the interest of the objectives pursued by individual TIPOs. Chapter 2 shows platform providers to be increasingly bundling matchmaking services, financial services and logistics services. Some of them are already doing this (Chapter 5). 9 0 3 1.0 10.14217/967bd43c-en 22e2b946731af8a1bb1a0d07c3cd6915 States to establish institutional framework and enforcement mechanisms such as specialised Children’s Courts, and Child Protection Police Units. Institutions such as National Human Rights Institutions, the Office of an Ombudsperson for Children, National Commission for Children, responsible for coordinating the implementation of children’s rights must also be established and operational. States to conduct further research into the prevalence, causes and consequences of child marriage and endeavour to have disaggregated data. This could be further enhanced by establishing, at national level, an EAC Data Collection Centre on CEFM in readiness to compile such disaggregated data. 5 3 1 0.5 10.1787/9789264187443-8-en 22e35ad0d5fa4901f3615f2f8f9331b0 This definition of food security is the translation of changes in food insecurity driven by market dynamics. To grasp the major transformations and consequences inherent in the emergence of an agricultural market economy, a clear understanding of what the market actually encompasses is crucial (Box 4.1). This narrow view biases analyses of agricultural transformations in important ways. 2 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.18356/16f915a4-en 22e557f743a4ee88c4610ec5ffce8d6f Nearly four million m3 of timber are processed currently in the concern’s factories and mills; it is the largest single consumer of timber in the country. Despite the effort to outsource forest products and non-forest-products harvesting, only a limited share is undertaken by private companies (e.g. 13 per cent of forest products harvesting). It organizes SEE of forest management projects. 15 0 6 1.0 10.18356/d19a5f58-en 22e645d039d917909c166fdcb31db1c8 There are limits to this practice because, in the end, forms of deprivations and poverty are neither theoretically nor empirically fully separable. For example, the nutrition deprivation that can be measured by stunting among children or adults implicitly uses information that is directly linked to other forms of deprivation, since stunting is not only the result of malnutrition, but also neglect, lack of access to clean water and lack of access to timely healthcare. While MODA is strict when financial information is concerned and tries to be reasonably strict when forms of deprivation are concerned (e.g., stunting is not used as an indicator in the nutrition dimension in CC-MODA), it should be acknowledged that specific analyses may relax the decisions depending on the objective of the analyses, the further use of the indicators/ratios/indices in causal models and the availability and quality of the data. 1 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/9789264283473-en 22e81c89161812520c161d1fd07bfcf4 Effective screening programmes for these cancers can aid detection at an earty stage and potentially reduce mortality. Specialist nursing positions in diabetes and cardiac care for chronic patient groups have also been introduced. In 2003, a list of activities for which primary care facilities are paid a small fee was introduced, which complements the primarily capitation-based reimbursement system. 3 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264277991-5-en 22ea3e520f4e810fabf75f680f9c398e The DoE could support this pioneering initiative with technical capacity to enable the local government to contribute to the overall renewable energy programme of the country. This has been combined with regulation, financial and information instruments. Solar obligations have been useful in providing a minimum share of solar powered energy in new constructions as well as renovated buildings. Increasingly municipalities and metro governments are playing a leading role through their regulatory' and planning powers. 11 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5jrxr7vj1g9v-en 22ed8b41e7c4584382ba7b65eb4cf961 It aims to improve the responses that people in mental health crisis situations receive from services, and in particular, to keep people in mental distress, who have committed no crime, out of police cells. The amount of activity from local leads on mental health and policing is unprecedented, and people are set on finding local solutions and agreements through joint action planning. There were 7,881 cases in 2012/13, down to 6,028 cases in 2013/14) The Department is working closely with the Police to monitor further progress this year. Previously, some Trusts did not treat these cases as emergencies, now all have signed up to provide initial clinical assessments within 30 minutes. 3 0 4 1.0 10.18356/b8259a41-en 22f080d37e3f6c3a7df55b8cbfab6d95 Of note, however, son-preference in urban areas lias declined over the years due to the empowerment of women and higher gender equality. They are found to be lower than their maximum value as a result of delayed marriage and marital disruption, the use of contraception and induced abortion and post-partum infecundability (Bongaarts, 1982). The indices of marriage, contraceptive use, induced abortion and postpartum infecundability, as well as the TFR and TF, as obtained from the Bongaarts model for the years 1997 and 2002 by residence are presented in table 5. 5 0 3 1.0 10.6027/d4e544d6-en 22f0b95b013db406640c6255199e51e7 According to one of the authors of the IPCC's special report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, reaching this target is 'technically possible, [but] it's extremely improbable, absent a real sea change in the way we evaluate risk. We are nowhere near that' (Drew Shindell in Milman 2018, September 27). The fulfilment of its goals depends on creating a positive cycle of climate action that will raise ambition over time among state and non-state actors. 13 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264210745-6-en 22f18c9a88bdac9fcbdd0a44bb2e32bd In its 17th electoral term, the Bundestag set up 22 Permanent Committees, including the Committee on Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth. It shares its opinion on all bills, motions, reports, resolutions and European Union issues that concern families, senior citizens, women and youth. It focuses on support for children and families, measures to help parents balance their work and family lives, promoting equal treatment of men and women, helping senior citizens to lead independent lives and involving youth in communities. Advisory and consultative councils, particularly widespread in Latin America, also are useful in maintaining relationships between national gender institutions and civil society actors and women’s organisations; such councils can exert “soft” pressure on governments to help hold them accountable for gender equality commitments. 5 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264225442-21-en 22f7c93b78963a6ce9c592040f3451e0 Denmark performed around OECD average in problem-solving in PISA 2012. Less 15-year-olds in Denmark are excellent problem-solvers (8.7%) compared to the OECD average (11.4%). Pre-primary education in Denmark includes kindergartens and pre-school classes. Children have guaranteed access to day care, as local councils must ensure the necessary number of places for children in their municipality. 4 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/5js1j18znzs4-en 22f86abf3fb911ab7f6cd684f0e6be3d There is also the wubao programme that aims to maintain the basic living standards of the elderly, the disabled and some children (those with no supporting family, no income and no ability to work) often through the provision of in-kind services. Benefits usually include food, clothing, medical care, housing and burial expenses. Depending on the physical condition of the person, care can be given either separately or collectively. Such policy instruments are important for safeguarding the living standards of vulnerable members of the rural population. 2 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264246744-4-en 22f9851bb6e4837b97c29a22285385cb It is grounded in the fact that there is a correlation between the weather index and insurees' losses. This is especially true in the case of systemic risks, i.e. risks that are highly spatially correlated in a given area, which is often the case of droughts. The main advantage is to reduce administrative costs linked to the monitoring of insurees' losses, as well as moral hazard costs. 6 3 2 0.2 10.30875/423532ad-en 22fc4a640c8324104ee22209401f8c66 It aims to connect the various parties involved in international trade in order to cut the filing, verification, processing and coordination costs associated with cross-border transportation - according to Maersk, documentation and bureaucracy can represent up to one-fifth of the total cost of moving a container. Many start-ups are developing autonomous robots that operate alongside humans and track inventory on shelves in warehouses, factories and distribution centres. A German online retailer that uses machine-learning algorithms to predict what customers are going to buy has developed a system so reliable that it can predict with 90 per cent accuracy what will be sold within the following 30 days (The Economist, 2017b). This results in better supply management by cutting down inventory, and reduces the time required for delivery. 9 0 4 1.0 10.18356/4b4d466d-en 22fcef2266f0328636ea726085cbc5d4 Under pre-independence customary law, women’s access to land was primarily through their husbands, fathers or some other male relative. Under the Communal Land Reform Act of 2002, there are no bars to gender equality in the allocation of communal land - but there is no direct articulation ofthe principle of non-discrimination, nor any affirmative action for women. Land continues to be allocated by traditional leaders, with the allocations being ratified by community land boards, about one third of whose members should be women. 5 0 9 1.0 10.1787/3726edff-en 22fd2eaec1fc7535ed07b65c624cf4b9 Multilateral ODA are official contributions to multilateral agencies, whether negotiated, assessed or voluntary, for which the governing boards have the unqualified right to allocate as they see fit within the organisation’s charter. However, DAC statistical system also tracks flows from multilateral organisations to countries, or multilateral outflows. The use of multilateral agencies as an intermediary is illustrated in this figure as the provision of fixed broadband (right side) in which a router transforms the signals coming from cables and creates a Wi-Fi network. 9 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264263260-7-en 22fe6be6c1a2f51c55d9a0a364f42768 As illustrated in the example of Frankfurt, the creation of such metropolitan transport authorities has facilitated fare integration and expansion of the public transport supply, which can support more inclusive economic development (Box 5.9). A few authorities also enjoy competencies in terms of public parking and sometimes urban spatial planning, which can help guide an integrated urban development strategy and promote inclusive growth throughout the entire metropolitan area. The widely documented experience of Bogota and Seoul in conducting extensive reforms of their public transport systems suggests that urban transport systems can help reconcile economic, social and environmental objectives (Box 5.10). 11 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264303201-5-en 22fee2e6e8380053d3fef16c42173540 It compares these financial needs with expected biodiversity expenditures over a medium- to long-term planning horizon. National biodiversity targets are typically articulated in NBSAPs and other key national strategies such as NDPs, sectoral development plans and climate change plans. The plan proposes steps to implement a balanced mix of prioritised finance solutions to sustainably manage biodiversity finance and achieve national biodiversity targets. Based on the findings from the Biodiversity Expenditure Review and the Financial Needs Assessment, the amount that is currently financed is 20% of the total annual requirement. 15 0 3 1.0 10.18356/df3c95f8-en 23017a1abf369a4ec85388b546815c9b In the region, this segment accounts for 15% of all adults aged 60 or over and is growing at a rate of close to 4%. It is expected to double towards 2070; by the end of the century, 36.6% of the older population will be very elderly (ECLAC, 2012). Estimates based on official figures for 2001-2010 put persons with a disability at around 43.5 million, or 8.3% of the total population. Thus, account must be taken of the existing demand for care, the people who provide the sendees and the welfare system that has to meet that demand. 5 8 1 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264221826-en 23036aec882117b25c69b9bf0ac8bd86 These simpler exercises are largely descriptive but also including an assessment of strengths and challenges in the country system. The commentaries are designed to be of value as free-standing reports, but are also prepared so that they can become the first phase of a full review, should a country so wish. It builds on the success of the OECD’s previous study, Learning for Jobs which examined vocational education and training policy, mainly at upper secondary level through 17 country reviews and a comparative report. Full country policy reviews were conducted in Austria, Denmark, Egypt, Germany, Israel, Kazakhstan, Korea, the Netherlands, South Africa, Switzerland, the United Kingdom (England), and the United States (with case studies of Florida, Maryland and Washington State). Shorter exercises leading to a country commentary were undertaken in Belgium (Flanders), Canada, Iceland, Romania, Spain, Sweden and in Northern Ireland and Scotland in the United Kingdom. 4 1 2 0.3333333333333333 11.1002/pub/8041d0a0-bee6d3c8-en 2304f5665e08dfc6ff03eb59a63365f6 Telecommunications operators in Sudan have difficulties trying to expand their coverage into conflict-ridden areas. Drug trafficking, terrorism and illegal immigration affect Mauritania's national security. While in Yemen, there are ongoing conflicts in some regions between the government forces and local insurgents. 10 6 3 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/d0d8dc3c-en 2305b4e6947aede52a892eee6952f316 In addition, the use of products and energy from sustainably managed forests to substitute for non-renewable materials and energy sources contributes to climate change mitigation. There is potential to further develop all these approaches, although, there are tradeoffs between these strategic objectives as well as with other forest management objectives. The benefits for biodiversity can already be seen in the recorded increase of the dead wood component in commercially managed semi-natural forests. In some ECE countries the international commitments on biodiversity, notably the Aichi biodiversity targets, are being implemented, although there is no authoritative progress report yet. 15 0 4 1.0 10.30875/3f94ec01-en 230a8ea29c996659a988a789fc11eb48 Trade can act as a mechanism to transmit a country-specific shock from one country to others. Since many low-income countries’ exports are concentrated in a narrow range of commodities, shocks to trade often translate into significant volatility in overall output. Such trade shocks can also cause prolonged recessions by leading to a decline in investment associated with the traded sectors of the economy. Although there are long-term benefits for macroeconomic stability through trade, as noted above, the vulnerability created by such shocks is an important challenge for developing countries and emphasizes the benefits to poor countries of diversifying their exports, in terms of both products and markets. 1 3 1 0.5 10.18356/71a7b2a0-en 230aa7a2c08bba4177260573cbc240fd In particular, participants underlined the need to engage stakeholders through fisheries co-management processes and to develop synergies between SSF and other related sectors, such as tourism and recreational fisheries. As such, the need to develop indicators to measure the economic and social impact of SSF both in quantitative and qualitative terms was highlighted, including the impact of SSF on coastal communities and the interaction between SSF and other marine industries (transportation, tourism, oil and gas, etc.). The need for a characterization of SSF was also discussed and was highlighted in the context of improving SSF data collection. Participants also called for a study on social protection programmes for small-scale fishers, recognizing the importance of these programmes in supporting management measures. In addition, best practice guidelines for the enforcement of SSF co-management schemes in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea should be produced. 14 0 5 1.0 10.1787/9789264265493-6-en 230aa9eb665e1ca54b5d2a9c24898851 This is one of the highest rates in the OECD. Similar to other Latin American countries, income inequality in Mexico is also very high: in 2012, the average income of the top 10% in Mexico was 30.5 times greater than that of the bottom 10%. This is the largest difference in the OECD, and compares unfavourably to an OECD average of 9.6 to 1 for the highest versus lowest decile (OECD, 2015d). Poverty is more pronounced in female-headed households (USAID, 2012). 5 0 4 1.0 10.14217/9781848599178-7-en 230aafd984c2e2b8da34c32a3773c6e7 However, the economy will need much more in the way of investment, technologies, technical know-how and market access from the developed countries that have made repeated promises to earmark resource transfers to support the transformation process in developing countries. Green Globe Members save energy and water resources, reduce operational costs, positively contribute to local communities and their environment and meet the high expectations of green leisure and business travelers’. See: (accessed 18 February 2014). 12 0 5 1.0 10.1787/5kg20639kgkj-en 230f4ff660e74bce4ba4b78c658a534f Bunnings Hardware staff provided a list, for the online programme, of the top 10 questions asked by customers in regard to sustainability/sustainability product options. The answers to these questions were included in the product content to ensure that all Bunnings team members were equipped to answer them when asked. Once participants have completed the quiz, they are guided through the four topic areas. Audio is provided over each of the slides in the presentation. 7 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264245174-8-en 230f52e6ef1bbd85ab99bd825e10d8f9 Resistance among people living in risk zones to moving to secure places is another example. Citizens are aware of environmental problems, but not of their role both in creating the problem and resolving it. The strategies for development and climate change in both Mexico City and the State of Mexico promote the need for public consultation in forums and seminars, but there is little evidence of a strategy to actively engage the public in policy decisions, and the voluntary sector’s involvement in climate change actions is limited. 11 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264268852-5-en 230f5ab2c873869772e462c22a19744a To boost Kaznex Invest’s effectiveness in attracting investors to the key strategic sectors, the government of Kazakhstan requested a review of Kaznex Invest operations from the OECD and a benchmarking in relation to best practices in other agencies, with a view to making adjustments in its mandate, structure, or operations (OECD, 2015d). Investment Promotion Agency of Kazakhstan: how well is it doing? ( Only 5% of total FDI inflows were estimated to have been directly generated by Kaznex Invest in 2013, as compared to 11% in Nicaragua or 33% in Czech Republic. Reasons for this relatively poor performance included, the relatively large mandate of the institution, which resulted in lesser attention given to investment promotion and facilitation; its focus on serving the needs of the ministry1 rather than of investors; and a lack of clear strategy', well-identified priority sectors and key performance indicators that were outcome- rather than process-oriented and in line with the pre-identified strategy . 11 4 3 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264303119-en 230fd1512a05bdcd6301a7c77ba7b1ea In particular, they do not link to the extensive field of the Energy Technology Innovation System (ETIS), and do not fully touch upon how innovation is financed, adopted and diffused. Technology push and market pull policies need to be properly modelled because it is the proper combination at both ends of the innovation chain which offers the best prospect of accelerating the pace of innovation. This is equivalent to a technology supply-push and contrasts with the accumulating evidence around market-based technology learning. 7 0 4 1.0 10.1787/rev/fish-2011-33-en 2310102757c33a0ab99c967444dbedbc The Act gives the authorities the ability to regulate recreational fisheries by foreign tourists as well as by Norwegian citizens. Each recreational fisherman may combine these types of gears according to the number of gears listed. Norwegian citizens may sell the fish through the sales organisations. 14 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264222519-7-en 2316b3508db2d4e5234fb4d1d47e4bb5 If these improvements would have taken place anyway, using them to offset biodiversity losses jeopardises the equivalence of an exchange. Conservation measures already required by law, such as noxious weed control, may be required even in the absence of offsets programmes, so allowing them to contribute to an offset overstates their actual contribution to conservation. The principle of ensuring that offsets comprise demonstrably new contributions to conservation is known as additionality (ICF GHK and BIO Intelligence Service, 2013). In the Netherlands, for example, the additionality of biodiversity offsets is a legal requirement under the Dutch Nature Conservation Act (de Bie and van Dessel, 2011) and in England, the Guiding Principles for Biodiversity Offsetting state that “offsets should not being used to deliver something that would have happened anyway.” 15 0 5 1.0 10.1787/9789264180109-9-en 23181bef60a8b2fc7ad8b932346c84b0 Ecotourism is an important sector with green growth potential and should be further promoted. In addition to access fees for federal protected areas and reserves, other instruments to capture the international public good benefits provided by protected areas should be explored (see also Alpizar, 2006). For instance, in Belize, an environmental tax is levied on visitors upon departure. 15 0 3 1.0 10.18356/a22d206d-en 2319807fe248022508ce7321d85d9add Oftentimes, women start businesses to be personally challenged, and as a way to balance work with family demands. Women are therefore more likely to set limits on the growth of their businesses in order to maintain this flexibility. Third, women tend to start smaller businesses in sectors where the barriers to entry and, consequently, the potential for growth are lower. ( Hadary 2010; Ernst & Young, 2009; Kepler and Shane, 2007). 5 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/e4317cd1-en 231a198c0d471877e593aa6e823065d9 Available from i A'1 lj«Ji 13 qL jjijL. jjUo; -ZAWYA20140822070302/ (accessed 30 March 2015). To mitigate these losses, AOAD identified several measures that need to be implemented, among which are the development of storage and transport infrastructure, such as refrigerated warehouses, silos and refrigerated transport means, and the improvement of marketing services and information systems. An example of the last is the establishment of the “Egyptian Food Bank” in 2006 aimed at ending hunger by 2020 by limiting food waste and distributing saved food to the needy. It is logical and fruitful to think of the marriage between natural resources (land and water) that are available in some countries, such as Mauritania, Sudan and the Syrian Arab Republic, and the economic capacity of the GCC countries. 2 0 3 1.0 10.18356/30d5a92c-en 231bc5d124a056af440fea069c717c6d With the possible exception of sub-Saharan Africa, the prevalence of stunting is rapidly decreasing, but child overweight is increasing [43]. Undernutrition in children is expected to be associated with greater child food insecurity. The magnitude and direction of any association of overnutrition with child food insecurity probably depends on the severity of the food insecurity. In part, the slippage among these constructs reflects limitations in the data that are currently available. 2 0 4 1.0 10.1787/09e92b30-en 231fe96f13ef219fb028853240bf61e0 Indeed, the number of hospital admissions is high, and the duration of stays remains relatively long (Figure 16). Adjustments for care quality have been piloted and scaled up, though their amount remains below 0.5% of the participating hospitals’ medical spending. In 2017 grants for acute-care equipment increased to better take into account fixed maintenance costs. In addition, the authorities plan to develop bundled payments for acute care and rehabilitative services to improve pathways for patients with chronic illnesses. 3 1 4 0.6 10.18356/4a540597-en 23208454a6b99da9c8542aa3f3ba5507 Recently decentralized governments often struggle to And resources necessary to fulfil their responsibilities.63 Planning in transitional countries is diverse, reflecting the divergent paths of economy and politics chosen. In most cases, economic and physical planning are separated institutionally, making the kinds of integrated planning discussed in this chapter difficult to achieve. Levels of income inequality are staggering. 11 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/eco/surveys-esp-2010-7-en 23228659da4fcf96ee158aad6778712f The definition “good status” follows the EU Water Framework Directive. A quantitatively good status requires that abstractions do not have a significant impact on related surface water bodies. These wetlands and their small ponds make a very large contribution to bio-diversity in semi-arid climates. By offering breeding grounds for migratory species they also have considerable international significance. 6 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/22d6eb9f-en 23266d8a1b47923fccab1a4a908ffc2d As with many of the determinants of adolescent pregnancy, long-term solutions must be multidimensional and address underlying problems, such as gender inequality, negative attitudes of boys and men towards girls, norms that perpetuate violence and impunity, poverty that compels girls to engage in sex as a survival strategy, and inadequate protection of human rights. Narrowly focused interventions are not enough, and efforts centred on changing a girl’s behaviour fail to reflect the multidimensional nature of the challenge. Keeping girls on healthy, safe and affirming life trajectories requires comprehensive, strategic, and targeted investments in adolescents that address the multiple sources of their vulnerabilities, which vary by age, income group, place of residence and many other factors. 5 0 3 1.0 10.18356/2c8682bc-en 2326796e4ae7f537bbfc8002a0dc4ea0 Some of these things were discussed in the “patriarchy debate”. Men thus have a common interest in having a woman available to serve them within the home. As women gain access to the labour market and secure other measures of social equity, men’s authority within the family declines and gender segregation in jobs becomes the main way of perpetuating the economic dependence of women in the patriarchal family. Mies (1986), the main exponent of this approach, contends that capitalist patriarchy is a global system that subjects women. 5 2 2 0.0 10.1787/eco/studies-2015-5jrqhbb1t5jb 2328935c7d819c7cfdc127bf74036f6b The GDP per capita and household income equations include country fixed-effects. The GDP per capita equation systematically includes a time trend and country specific time-trends. The baseline analysis is presented under two variants defined by a differential treatment of time in the household income equations: i) the household incomes equations are first estimated without and then ii) with time trends and country specific time-trends. 10 3 6 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/aeo-2012-8-en 232d3d29d3a6c921bb3040e40af763f8 Studies of changes in EPL for Chile and Colombia do find that weaker EPL is associated with declines in job tenure, higher separation rates, and increased hiring in the formal sector (Freeman, 2009). Using a firm-level dataset for a set of 16 industrialised and developing countries, Haltiwanger et al. ( If labour legislation reduces the ability of firms to adjust their workforce accordingly, particularly in downturns, it may have effects on aggregate performance. 8 0 3 1.0 10.18356/58d686e0-en 232e7f58bc9e03db98780978961fdec8 As the Committee explains in its general comment No. States should therefore take measures to reduce to the extent possible the number of workers outside the formal economy (predominantly women) who thus lack any protection by the State. Work must be available, accessible without discrimination on any grounds, and acceptable to the individual worker. 5 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/5e8977eb-en 232ea555dad6496484a8c45cc9b9ab8f Their ability to consider multiple independent criteria in evaluating the acceptability of a given policy strategy does not require the heroic assumptions necessary for formulating an aggregated welfare function in policy optimization models. Because the algorithms applied by policy guidance models are similar to those of optimization models, they also require a highly simplified representation of dynamic system components. Optimizing models either apply global averages or distinguish a limited number of geopolitical regions. Most policy evaluation models, in contrast, determine climate impacts on a geographical grid (often 0.5° latitude by 0.5° latitude). 13 0 4 1.0 10.18356/3dd278d2-en 232eacf9e4041966bfe14a640dc1388f It is organized as a framework of drivers, enablers (at the levels of the national system of cities and within cities), barriers and policy levers (figure 4.1 and box 4.1). Cities themselves can be enablers of industrial productivity due to agglomeration economies. As Africa urbanizes, the purchasing power of the middle class is growing.3 The power of Africa’s growing consumer class can be leveraged to stimulate industrial development to meet rising demand domestically and regionally as a stepping stone to broader global integration. While this relationship is not independent of per capita GDP growth, some categories of consumption are associated with urbanization, independent of total income. 11 1 4 0.6 10.1787/empl/outlook-2011-4-en 232fcf21381d639d2a46236ab8b9a36f This difference is attributed to the role of SP in insuring liquidity since SP is estimated to be over three times as large for this group compared with formal-sector job losers with between 24 and 48 months in their previous job. The quantitative difference is relatively large. Hijzen (2011) shows that the probability of returning to work would have been about 1.7 times as high without the difference in severance pay at the start of non-employment. 10 4 3 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264265493-7-en 233187c00650cabebd7434c6d3f2a761 The lack of social supports, combined with Mexican women’s disproportionate responsibility for unpaid work (Chapter 4), inhibits women’s labour market entry, permanence, earnings, and career progression. The gender gap in NEET rates in Mexico is 26 percentage points, also the second highest figure in the OECD. The vast majority of female NEETs are inactive (32.4% of young women) rather than unemployed (2.6% of young women). 5 1 3 0.5 10.18356/31959a6d-en 2333faeeb1b921196cf255519c55647e The most structural reformer in the region was Hungary, which in 2010 effectively closed down the systems of individual accounts implemented in 1998 (Calvoetal. In Latin America, Argentina also ended the private system of individual accounts in 2008 to return to a fully public defined benefit and PAYG pension model (Arza 2012b). However, since women are more dependent on public support in old age,theyare likely to suffer most from pension cuts, including less generous indexation rules, because they live longer, receive benefits for a longer period and thus face higher risks of benefit depreciation over time. 5 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264201156-5-en 233418be95d2e56ca5f850d6195978bd Unless otherwise noted, comparisons of student performance refer to the performance of students on the mathematics scale. The analysis is conducted both before and after accounting for the school systems' per capita income (i.e. per capita GDP). The analyses are undertaken first for OECD countries and then for all countries and economies that participated in PISA (Tables IV.1.1, IV. 4 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264188617-en 2334429e81faf8d637bc157330f3da64 Nevertheless, capacity credits remain low in the best of cases, usually in the 10% range or below. Furthermore, the capacity credit declines with increasing penetration of variable renewable resources, as stable 24 hour demand needs to be met and the system no longer can rely on the fortuitous matching of intermittent supply and peak demand. Their advantage, however, is that such outages are rarely correlated and can frequently be co-ordinated over time (see Chapter 3). 7 0 4 1.0 10.18356/73c3a080-en 23357d6a51dfebdbfcf41e43d5e62306 In Myanmar, eight ministries are involved in the energy sector (Nam et al., In the absence of effective coordination, the involvement of multiple actors raises governance challenges and concerns around policy development, coherence, implementation and evaluation; and it inhibits holistic perspectives and approaches to national planning, policy formulation and sector governance. This may in part reflect a recognition of the different governance structures required for distributed systems and the need to avoid the delays associated with adapting existing governance frameworks. 7 4 5 0.1111111111111111 10.1787/5kg20639kgkj-en 23366afcbd9498f3a4d7926ca4e6f1d3 The Australian Industry Group (AIG) is concerned that there is a lack of comprehensive skill development pathways for the emerging technology sector, with sustainability one of the key areas. The report argues, in relation to construction for example, that the design and construction of energy-efficient buildings is emerging as a major driver for skills, including the design of new buildings and components, as well as the installation of new technologies and retrofitting or upgrading of current or old technologies. Skill demands vary, with some tasks requiring a variation of existing skills whilst others require a set of new skills and knowledge, as well as integration of skills from different trades, such as electrical and plumbing skills. Sustainability has become a high priority training area for the community-based Registered Training Organisations (RTOs). Interest in sustainability skills is also increasing in most disciplines. 7 0 3 1.0 10.18356/f5ce8f94-en 2339a3803320e15422e615d9e49d57b4 Some studies focused specifically on these themes, while others were more general, exploring the impact of CT on poverty alleviation with sub-objectives focused on gender relations and household decision-making (column 10). Five of the studies reviewed showed a reduction in IPV after receipt of the CT (Buller et al., For ease of reference, we have named these the: 1) economic security and emotional wellbeing pathway; 2) intrahousehold conflict pathway; and 3) women’s empowerment pathway. 5 4 5 0.1111111111111111 10.1787/9789264281318-7-en 2339d2692680df50e334f30629a8c757 Men are most often the main earner and women the main carer. However, opinions towards working mothers have become more positive-particularly in countries where the government has increased support for parents seeking to combine work and family commitments. Men, especially the highly-educated, are increasingly involved in parenting. The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law. 5 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.18356/4a593aa3-en 233a70eb4030e0aae57a755a958df070 The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, adopted in 1966, states in article 10(2) that marriage must be entered into with the free consent of the intending spouses. In its general comment No. It also notes that States parties are obliged to prevent third parties from coercing women to undergo traditional practices, such as female genital mutilation. In addition, the Convention contains specific provisions in relation to forced marriage (article I6(l)(b)) and early marriage (article 16 (2)). 5 0 4 1.0 10.18356/028f7d06-en 233d27eb3aa70a0d11d402b4ecac6d7f Only in the Dominican Republic and Uruguay did GDP rise by more than 2% (see table 1.1). The countries drew on solid macroeconomics built up during the economic and financial boom, applying countercyclical fiscal and monetary policies. The simple average inflation rate for the region as a whole was 4.7% in 2009. 1 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264086395-7-en 2344ee598a14ec17b62d83fa9aa246f1 Education systems can also consider providing financial incentives for oversubscribed schools to enrol migrant students (Field et al., For example, school funding may be weighted according to socio-demographic characteristics of the student population. The idea is that good schools will seek to enrol migrant students from low socioeconomic backgrounds because they know that with the additional money provided they will be able to provide additional support for the child to show improvement trends and reach performance levels (Hoxby, 2001). 4 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5jrxr7qx6ctb-en 23471b856b33033a0a1ee0e2d83e5a87 The average income of people with a moderate mental health disorder is slightly below 90% of the average income of the total population. The figure for people suffering from severe mental health disorder is lower, at around 85%. As a comparison, however, Australia and the United States exhibit figures below 70% (OECD, 2012a). 3 1 5 0.6666666666666666 10.1787/9789264167407-3-en 2347398706d4dceeb074fb0c94df17f1 Remain on track while crossing this rocky terrain - a considerable period of time will be needed for all the reforms to take hold. This includes remuneration systems that separate compensation for teaching and research. Incentives provided with project and programme funding need to be aligned with the goals and processes of university reform. Whether these are returning expatriates or researchers without a Slovenian background, whether doctoral students or end-of-career professors, all should be welcome in principle. 9 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/508a648f-en 23482119bc44460cad9fce1eadb431f5 However, the magnitude of the decline of top tax rates was a good predictor of the increases in pre-tax income concentration in these countries (chart 5.2B).1 Reduced top marginal tax rates also encourage a greater distribution of corporate profits among shareholders - who are mainly to be found in the top income groups -rather than reinvestment of such profits. Such income, in turn, is more likely to be saved in the form of acquisitions of existing assets, rather than being spent for consumption (Bakija, Cole and Heim, 2012). But despite the reduction in progressivity of the tax systems and lower corporate taxes, growth remained slow and unemployment relatively high. In developing countries, especially in Latin America, as well as in the transition economies, the share of income taxes in total public revenues is much lower than in developed countries. 10 2 3 0.2 10.1787/6d9cd656-en 234be83510edb737688e5022f9992744 Some of these measures can be considered as earnings replacements for individuals with no (or weak) labour market attachment (e.g., unemployment insurance, maternity leave payments, disability benefits). Others operate mostly as income top-ups and may be available irrespective of work status (family benefits, housing allowances). Earnings-replacement benefits can be categorised into one of the following categories: unemployment, social assistance (guaranteed minimum income benefits, GMI), family support, disability and early retirement.5 Figures 7 and 8 summarise recipient numbers and spending levels for each of the main categories, while Table 4 provides more detailed information on amounts, benefit durations and the main entitlement criteria. Maternity, care and parental benefits together covered about 3.3% of the working-age population in 2014, and another 2.4% received unemployment benefits (Figure 7). 8 2 4 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/34cef9e3-en 234e2ed8f8b390c840e30edff433fac6 In other words, at the global level, there has been no decoupling of material footprint growth from either population growth or GDP growth. It is imperative that we reverse that trend. In 1990, about 8.1 metric tons of natural resources were used to satisfy an individual's needs. In 2017, that rose to 12.2 metric tons, an increase of 50 per cent. 12 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264279421-8-en 2353bc7118377caef1a41fcbf73dc17d Spending one hour per week on homework is associated with a 15% reduction in the probability of scoring poorly in mathematics, compared to doing no homework. Devoting two hours per week on homework is associated with a 36% reduction in that likelihood, and three hours per week is associated with a 50% reduction. The probability of scoring poorly continues to decrease as the number of hours spent on homework increases, but only up to a point, after which there are nil returns on the investment (OECD, 2016c). They can include the lack of a suitable, quiet place at home to study, the need to contribute to family and other activities, inadequate parental guidance or supervision in students' younger years, lack of confidence in their ability to understand or complete the homework, and lack of interest in the task and/or subject matter. 4 0 9 1.0 10.1787/5k49dv6c5xmv-en 23557d20712fab4ccbfdad1c4e958bdd Its outstanding position as a global leader in financial and business services has attracted the headquarters and facilities of a substantial number of large international firms, making the metro-region a leading employer in financial and business-related activities in the US. Chicago is the global centre for derivatives, hosting the largest derivatives exchanges, and home to 57 headquarters in the Fortune 500, including Boeing, McDonald’s, Motorola Solutions, Discover Financial Services, Abbott and United Airlines. Professional and Business Services and Financial Activities combined represented 26.2% of total employment in the region in 2010 (Table 1.2). 7 7 0 1.0 10.1787/5jlwvz85537c-en 2356d3ed5871eef604abe8c039aa1c69 Speeds are enforced with automatic enforcement (video-based time over distance cameras in the more recent schemes). The use of the hard shoulder for through traffic at times of high congestion is a common feature. The aim of ISA is to discourage or even prevent speeding, by informing drivers about the speed limit for a road, warning them about excess speed and in the most sophisticated systems preventing speeding by use of an electronic speed limiter. The fundamental distinction in ISA is between advisory (warning) systems, which typically beep at the driver when speeding over a certain threshold is detected, and intervening systems, which typically limit speed at, or just over, the speed limit. 11 0 3 1.0 10.18356/21b84508-en 235e737f59df33a4b26eb3ffdfd44c5b Social protection interventions can also influence the behaviour of non-beneficiary households, such as by encouraging more regular school attendance and more frequent health checks (Fiszbein eta/., 2009). Properly conducted public works programmes can provide important public infrastructure and assets to facilitate household investment and economic activity (Alderman and Yemtsov, 2014). Strategies to deal with risk are classified as: (1) risk reduction, i.e. ex-ante actions to raise income or reduce income variability; (2) risk mitigation, i.e. ex-ante actions to reduce income variability if and when a shock occurs; and (3) risk-coping, i.e. ex-posf actions to alleviate the impacts of shocks after they occur. The extra disposable income is spent on goods such as livestock products and simple agricultural and household goods and services, which may be produced and provided locally, often by non-beneficiary households. 1 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264243606-en 23601ce31c774df74ea8ad745894e52e Thus, all countries need to borrow results of either cost or effectiveness studies from other settings, but the fact that most published studies are very specific to a particular context makes this difficult. To address this need, WHO-CHOICE reports results by 14 global subregions (i.e., sets of similar countries), and has developed tools enabling country-level analysis too. Like all cost-effectiveness analyses, GCEA focuses on only one outcome: population health. 3 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264121836-7-en 2363e190b1212457b4656cc0b4f0e262 The Carpathians form part of the WWF Global 200, a list of the world’s most biologically distinct eco-regions. In 2009, Slovakia adopted the protocol to the Carpathian Convention on the conservation and sustainable use of biological and landscape diversity. There is also a lack of communication with the public as owners and users of land, and a related lack of public support for management of protected areas, particularly Natura 2000 sites. 6 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.14217/e6deef25-en 2364d85b673ce72cea27756a36720f4f While not as high as some of its European Union (EU) neighbours, the result is nevertheless encouraging. Africa has also been a world leader in gender diversity at the corporate board and chief executive officer (CEO) levels, with African women holding 23 per cent of positions in executive committees in 2016. At the CEO level, women occupied 5 per cent of positions, compared with a global average of 4 per cent that same year. It also reviews women's ownership of companies and agricultural holdings and the extent to which they are overcoming barriers to ownership such as inheritance. 5 0 9 1.0 10.1787/5jrp6w9xlbq6-en 2368dc22d9afa97803f954c4c7193e93 The relationship between population density and the concentration of specific air pollutants is also analysed. Due to these differences in emission sources, urban areas do not face the same patterns of concentration of different air pollutants. The choice of the appropriate empirical specifications is hereby guided by a state-of-the-art econometric model selection method (Bayesian Model Averaging - BMA). 11 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264177338-3-en 237185b6ff149717792baf2129927bc0 Private Sector Development in the MINA Region; OECD (2012d), Untapped Skills: Realising the Potential of Immtcrant Students. Information on the number of international students (that is, students who obtained prior education abroad) is not available for all OECD countries, but the available evidence suggests a strong increase over the past decade. To make better use of this important source of skills, several OECD countries have eased their immigration policies to allow international students to work during their studies and encourage them to remain after their studies to work (Box 1.27), The overal I percentage of those who remain in the host country after their studies varies/0 averaging 25% in 2008-09 among international students who did not renew their student permits; it is above 25% in Australia, Canada, the Czech Republic, France, Germany and the Netherlands. Since not much is known about the career paths and mobility of this high-skilled group, the OECD, UNESCO and Eurostat are working together in the Careers of Doctorate Holders project to provide statistics for this specific group. 4 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/5js4rv0g7szr-en 23719c0084f64f955c1182cd51a2c80c In relation to supporting skill development and training provision for people working in the tourism sector, ServicelQ also facilitates a Sector Skills Advisory Group activity which identifies goals, strategies and actions for the tourism sector. Aligned to this, ServicelQ facilitates an Industry Advisory Group, one of the functions of the Industry Advisory Group is to prioritise projects resulting from the Sector Advisory Group activities. This has helped to enhance the visibility of the qualification and was achieved in dialogue with the training and educational institutions and industry to ensure the training programme meets the needs on the ground. These mechanisms help to identify training pathways, guide training programme design and support skills recognition, nationally and internationally. 8 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264235151-6-en 23723e9847fc5d22f9816c87027bbc4b However, removing the charge for water does not support the objective of improving resource efficiency and supporting environmental sustainability. However, there appears to be potential for overlap in projects awarded at the central and local government level. Moreover, extension projects have a strong production focus with less attention paid to meeting demand requirements, e.g. how to market, engage in contracts, meet food safety requirements, etc. The simple average MFN applied tariff on agricultural products was 16% in 2013. The average agricultural tariff is just 3.4% and 5.4% on imports from ASEAN members and China respectively. 2 2 3 0.2 10.18356/4a2e8e2d-en 2372c304802cb4aadb885b65693c5624 "When necessary, these lists are split and then grouped according to the sectors being analysed. Specifically, the governance analysis of a nexus assessment looks at the legislative, insti' tutional and policy framework of the basin, the countries and the region."" For other definitions, see the Glossary of Terms in ECE (2015)." 6 2 2 0.0 10.1787/rev/fish/pol-2009-26-en 2373812fe9e7fc8a916f3eccb7f6638f The total net government financial expenditures in support of the fishery sector were 4.9% of the total export value in 2006/2007. Its purpose is to provide for the utilisation of national fisheries resources while ensuring their sustainability and avoiding, remedying, or mitigating any adverse environmental effects. The Act and the subordinate fisheries regulations provide for the fishing interests of commercial, recreational, and customary Maori fishers. 14 0 5 1.0 10.1787/46ddbcae-en 2376181eefadc347dc6ada174ec2dba7 For instance, the ITF's proposed benchmark makes it possible to combine information on the levels of access to services by different transport modes with data on income distribution of an urban population. This type of analysis sheds light on the link between income inequality and access to opportunities in urban areas. Similarly, this approach has potential for analysing links between transport accessibility and greenhouse gas emissions from the transport sector. 11 1 5 0.6666666666666666 10.18356/841f762a-en 237693b218a895b3d0a46a5ac7835403 At the same time, inadequate governance arrangements have trivialised traditional management systems and have created discontent, including non-compliance with resource protection (Cinner and others, in press). In areas where the formal integration of traditional or customary systems of governance into national environmental management policies has been possible (eg Madagascar, South Africa), it has permitted local communities to sustain their livelihoods according to a more culturally-sensitive process, which is also beneficial to the resource base (Sunde and Isaccs 2008, Westerman and Gardner 2013). The need for conservation arose after overexploitation of the fisheries due to population growth and commercialisation of traditional fisheries which led to destruction of the surrounding reefs and a decline in fish catches that people depended on. The ensuing efforts to put in place a management framework resulted in the Velondriake network, which is largely a community-based management system. ' 15 2 3 0.2 10.1787/eco/surveys-prt-2014-6-en 23771b1f59f2028bc1ff36949a90df35 The S90/S10 ratio is the share of income received by the top decile divided by the share of income of the bottom decile. By contrast, household disposable incomes started slowing down for the European Union as a whole as early as 2008, and were already declining in 2010. Research note 01/2012, European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion, December. 1 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/8cbd3f0d-en 2377a65f4fd69422350cc69234781d60 Depending on the country context, ethnicity, religion and language may reflect equivalent characteristics and may not therefore all be needed. Ethnicity can be measured using a variety of concepts, including ethnic ancestry or origin, ethnic identity, cultural origins, nationality, race, colour, minority status, tribe, caste, language and religion, or a combination of these concepts. Because of interpretative difficulties that can occur, it is important that the basic criteria used to measure concepts are clearly explained to interviewers and respondents. The method and the format of the questions used to measure ethnicity can influence the choices that respondents make regarding their ethnic background and ethnic identification. Because of the subjective nature of concepts and increasing intermarriage among groups in some countries, information on ethnicity must be acquired directly from respondents (as opposed to interviewers making that assessment based on personal appearance) and respondents must have the option of indicating multiple ethnic affiliations. 5 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264089457-en 237bbf0d3a7d54c75eddfb6ff8c3e569 The National Economic Advisory Council cited evidence from the Ministry of Human Resources (MOHR) that an estimated 350 000 Malaysians adults are working abroad in 2008, over half of whom had tertiary education (NEAC, 2010). The establishment of the Penang Skills Development Corporation (PSDC) in 1989 was a critical step in the effort to provide skilled workers for the rapidly expanding multinational corporations (MNCs) primarily in electrical and electronics (E&E). The underlying issue for Malaysia and for the Northern Corridor Economic Region and Penang in particular is the need to move “up the value chain” from a low-skill, low-production economy to a higher skill, higher wage economy. The ability of Penang to compete on the basis of low-skilled labour is increasingly limited by competition from other countries in Southeast Asia and restrictions on foreign workers. At the same time, the region faces competition from Singapore and other countries that do have the human resources and access to research and innovation needed to compete at the high-end of the value chain. As emphasised by the National Economic Advisory Council in the New Economic Model, the problem is not only an inadequate supply of graduates. 4 4 0 1.0 10.1787/5jlww004n6nq-en 237d94eaca4715d9d25199fd86922d66 This information was previously requested on a voluntary basis, and may be challenging to provide. The Paris Agreement also includes various qualifiers related to climate finance. For example, financial resources provided must be “scaled up”, and take into account developing country needs and strategies. Mobilisation should also represent “a progression beyond previous efforts”. 13 0 7 1.0 10.18356/d8cfcf9c-en 237dc11995beba19a8e8efbb37b776db "These studies are based on household data for Ethiopia (Chamberlin et al., They observe that the distance to a passable road and the cost of transporting rice significantly decrease the use of fertilizer in rice production. Controlling for soil fertility, they demonstrate that crop yields for the three major staples in Madagascar — rice, maize and cassava — are lower in isolated areas. In other words, reducing travel time to major cities has significant effects on agricultural productivity in sub-Saharan Africa. It has been found that investments in corridors have a limited effect on smallholders and agricultural production. A study of corridors in Mozambique and United Republic of Tanzania suggests that these routes are likely to be “corridors of power” that benefit relatively few, rather than “corridors of plenty"", with 90 per cent of smallholders likely to be left out of value chains." 2 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264279322-6-en 2382ad02f38d330257f6317ba235d499 For reforms to take root and bear fruit, however, aspirational legal commitments to equality must permeate national laws and eventually evolve into social norms. States that commit to international conventions and principles establishing general standards must incorporate them through their constitutions and amendments to domestic legislation. They are also committed to regional standards on gender equality and non-discrimination. In Libya, the ratification of a permanent constitution is expected to replace the provisional Constitutional Declaration, in place since August 2011. 5 0 9 1.0 10.6027/9789289329873-5-en 23831d4fe5cca47f053f21f7425f2ef9 At the moment, female educational attainment clearly dominates male educational attainment in a majority of industrialized countries. This is true for several measures of attainment. Women are in a clear majority among secondary school graduates, among students enrolled in tertiary education, and among tertiary graduates. Furthermore, judging from recent trends, it seems likely that the gender gap in educational attainment will keep on widening in favor of women in the future. 5 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264089457-en 23846b97632ae1a069dd2e0a3015b909 In contrast, USM School of Computer Sciences had extensive collaborative relationships across its teaching and research mission. In addition to wide research collaboration, the school has extensive linkages related to human resource development including industry involvement in curriculum development. The school also provides industrial training and certificate programmes to upgrade the knowledge and skills of existing of Multi National Corporations in the E&E industry. 4 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264262782-5-en 238853ed2b53b4cf696b6e377b950f6c Emergency care units in hospitals, mainly those in big cities, consult with ambulance teams to identify the appropriate hospitals for transfer and if needed, doctors are sent from large cities to care for patients coming from other regions. Emergency care is provided based on guidelines, and the compliance to guidelines is monitored. Although this is a promising achievement, it does not yet appear to be reflected in key indicators of the quality of acute care. 3 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264229631-8-en 238949fe6905adeb7fdbcfd4ea861ad7 The lack of legal clarity about the compensation clause led to the reform making all efforts to avoid severe prejudice to the economic viability of enterprises. In the case of Alberta, Canada, measures were put into place to do just that. This measure was the allowing for the possibility to transfer the assignment of priority from one rights holder to another. 6 3 0 1.0 10.1787/5jzb44nmnbd2-en 238f9bdb783c40718288c512561ab07f These include the development of comprehensive, coherent policies, as well as a stable policy environment and well-functioning institutions (IIGCC, 2011; Mani, 2012). Developing an agreed national strategic vision and systematic response to climate change across government and within national plans encourages donors of international climate finance to respond to “demand-driven” country priorities. This facilitates the ability of countries to meet aid effectiveness principles. For example, donors can only meet the Paris Declaration principles of aligning climate finance behind domestic objectives and ownership if national strategies, plans, and priorities have been developed. Many developing countries (e.g. Brazil, India, Indonesia, Kenya) have established such strategies and plans, but they are not yet place in all countries benefitting from international climate finance. 13 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264289062-4-en 239516078788ad6930f9f04451ea4539 However crude hospital mortality rates do not account for the complexity or severity of the cases treated, are thus too blunt an instrument to measure or compare the quality of hospital services across facilities. In Kazakhstan, around one person dies for every 10 000 hospitalised. This does not mean that hospitals in Kazakhstan are 100 times safer. A more reasonable interpretation would be that the nature of hospitals and the range of treatments they provide in Kazakhstan differ profoundly from those of OECD countries; that patients in Kazakhstan hospitals are likely to be less unwell or are admitted for the treatment of less serious conditions that in OECD countries might not be considered to require hospital admission. 3 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.18356/062acf72-en 23961dc90ba01e87af8a816ebc65da2c As a result, existing information is often fragmented and outdated; moreover, it is scattered among different sources and not available in digital form. All available data should therefore be perceived as rough estimates, and be interpreted with caution. Proper assessment of the current state of a particular species population, its conservation status and trends is also not possible. This applies to all kinds of flora and fauna species, regardless of whether they are widespread or rare, indigenous or alien. 15 1 3 0.5 10.1787/50e33932-en 239985989743535f3e1f08406f7bc427 The share of tradable goods and services explains more than half of the Gross Value Added of three (Chungcheongnam-do, Gyeonsangbuk-do and Jeollanam-do) out of five predominantly rural regions in 2016, in contrast to the remaining two rural regions (Jeju-do and Gangwon-do), which depend more on non-tradable sectors have recorded lower rates of GDP per capita growth over 2000-14,. However, challenges related to the quality of environment are not rural specific per se in Korea as it concerns the country as a whole. The level of air pollution is slightly lower in the selected TL2 region than at the national level. 11 0 4 1.0 10.18356/3f10390a-en 23998c0ef1e2bcd07bf91896894d3b06 Again, both unemployment and employment in the low-productivity sector of the economy continue to affect the young and the poorest women most. The same is not true of differences in perceptions of the labour market that might derive from the different positions and experiences of people in that market. This review will concentrate on detecting subjective divides associated with subjects’ position in the labour market, whether through direct measurements (employment or job type) or indirect ones (sex, age and education, among others). 1 1 3 0.5 10.1787/5k95qw8xzl8s-en 239a7acbc3faf4f7d97154611f7d07f5 Already the NSF-led programmes in the United States in the 1950s and 1960s relied heavily on the expertise of academic specialists and, to a lesser extent, on teachers, in designing a new type of content and novel strategies for its delivery (Cuban, 1992; Elmore and Sykes, 1992; Elmore, 1996). In Korea, the recent curriculum development process built on commissioned research and was conducted by a working group composed largely of experts from the Korea Educational Development Institute (Box 4). Indeed, in most OECD countries, experts tend to participate in curriculum development work undertaken within specific governmental committees or working groups - sometimes even within agencies particularly specialised on curriculum. In Ireland, curriculum development is undertaken by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment, an advisory body to the Minister of Education (UNESCO, 2007f). 4 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264268791-6-en 23a81ac5e5ce37f5cc8e4344a06ad699 Development charges that reflect the true cost of providing services can buttress planning tools by guiding development away from high-cost areas to more efficient locations (Tomalty and Skaburskis, 2003). Pricing policies can be an effective planning tool because “they directly engage developers, they make them accept the full project costs, they recognise and publicise the need to correct for the external costs of development by increasing the cost of land, and they raise funds for infrastructure development and compensation programmes” (Skaburskis, 2003). For example, the extension of the metro-line in Copenhagen was financed through fees from the development of the 0restad area of Copenhagen (OECD, 2009). In order to have the required effect, the charges have to be differentiated by location to reflect the different infrastructure costs. 11 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/c544899f-en 23ab819de026746f945fd066c4fa56eb The developed economies are in a technological race to develop more efficient electricity generating systems without C02 emissions; and governments are providing major support to R&D in this sector. The United States Energy Secretary has recently said that the country could either develop the next generation of clean energy technologies, which would help to create thousands of new jobs and export opportunities in the United States, or else it could wait for other countries to take the lead (see [ online] http:// Clean energy technology transfer is one of the negotiating points in international conversations on climate change mitigation, and although no specific proposal has yet emerged in this regard, FDI in renewable energies can be expected to be one of the main vehicles for this transmission (Peterson, 2008). 7 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264188945-9-en 23abe69459793609aeb9de7883548482 In 2010, there were an average of 3.6 beds across the 27 469 small clinics (HIRA/NHIC, 2011), despite the fact that Korea population is concentrated geographically. The tendency towards having the physical infrastructure for complex services readily available suggests that these facilities may be delivering services of a higher clinical intensity than may be medically appropriate. Clinics and general hospitals provide basic surgery and limited inpatient services, and most major hospitals have large outpatient departments. Over time, these hospitals have benefitted from a prestige factor amongst consumers who often turn to the most qualified medical specialist they can access rather than general practitioners who specialise in managing the range of a patient’s needs. 3 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264202924-9-en 23ad8954af8caf9cfd0c5b3c4c66b7fa Each criterion is composed of several indicators. Questions for each indicator guide the user through the assessment process.3 Some of the indicators can be quantified while others require a qualitative assessment. The tool provides a menu of options for the qualitative indicators, such as no/low/high potential for averting irreversible damage. On the basis of the answers, the tool automatically calculates a value for each criterion. 13 6 3 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264287747-en 23af59fd23b31df4c42ee1ee4dcba372 However, in absolute terms, new immigrants add to the net inflows of every major occupational group. This means that the inflow of new foreign-bom workers deviates from the native-born pattern of occupational growth. Considering gender differences, the same pattern is observed for both men and women. Occupations are ranked in order of increasing average annual employment growth rates from 2000 to 2010. A positive difference in shares means that proportionally more new immigrants entered the group. ( Ol) Legislators, senior officials and managers, (02) Professionals, (03) Technicians and associate professionals, (04) Clerks, (05) Service workers and shop and market sales workers, (06) Skilled agricultural and fishery workers, (07) Craft and related trades workers, (08) Plant and machine operators and assemblers, (09) Elementary occupations. 8 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264179332-16-en 23b0d5a5cf615db3ee2ae8f9a5475c8a Using words and phrases that are unfamiliar to local farmers, as technical people often do, can lead to misunderstandings and confusion. By speaking the same language, and by using farmer representatives who are leaders in their community, there is considerably more uptake and credibility in the trading programme. This peer-to-peer networking therefore improves communication and understanding of the programme. They are paid for their time and expenses, and in one year, 110 site visits cost CAD 4 500. 6 4 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/841f762a-en 23b216370e041c3554bae9cba553813d Of the entry fee of $3 that the MBCA charges, only $1 is supposed to go back to the 19 villages adjacent to the Park; other returns are shared by boat owners (hotels, restaurants, individuals) and tour guides from outside the area who organize the trips. The proportion of tourists that use local accommodation facilities is also very low, suggesting that most of the benefits accrue outside the communities (Gautam 2010). This is evident in the dugong protection project in Mozambique and boat-based whale watching and shark diving in South Africa. 15 4 4 0.0 10.18356/0e3c4bbb-en 23b2d51f119ea2f511d3f1ad49691274 More funds should be provided, however, to help implement these strategies and support the development of new ones so as to reinforce the resilience of the food production system. Several policy scenarios illustrate the potential of Government investments in physical infrastructure to drive productivity growth and enhance food production capacity. The first scenario assumes an increase of public investment in agriculture by the Government equivalent to 2 percentage points of GDP over the period 2016-2030. 2 0 7 1.0 10.14217/9781848591677-7-en 23b7846fcc12fccfccd60235ee839031 Moreover, reserve seats on local councils should have the same status as general seats, with clear mandates and roles gazetted for all decision-makers and with equal access to resources and funding. Financial resources - Many women are limited by financial resources, which further inhibit their effective participation in politics. A dedicated fund should be set aside through state or party mandates to support women's advocacy and political campaigns. 5 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264265493-9-en 23b85c32276524c1d91b45c393c77a8b High judicial appointment records show minimal, if any, consideration, for gender balance as a criterion for selection. Overall, women held less than one-third of senior positions in the judiciary in 2015 and occupy only 2 of the Supreme Court’s 11 seats (Figure 5.5). It has also contributed decisively to a series of reforms that have introduced and effectively implemented quota requirements in the Federal Electoral Law. 5 0 4 1.0 10.18356/bc5ec3da-en 23bb2a2d0f4cc3616bdd2d7bc78b87a4 By 2007, UCLG ed that local expenditures in Brazil were to 8.3 per cent of its GDP - the highest n Latin America. While it has waxed and waned in many countries as central governments have failed to fully relinquish financial control over municipalities even when directed to do so by legislation, cities have emerged with generally stronger financial tools than they had going into the period. But as their growth has continued to outpace their ability to provide services for their citizens, they have had to deal frontally with one of the central issues of the Habitat Agenda: the need to provide adequate housing, particularly for the poor. 11 0 3 1.0 10.18356/cc778895-en 23bc458579b9de741420e0f769fbd216 One of the ways of doing this is to estimate the model in first difference using, for example, the system-GMM estimator. The OLS and within-group estimates are given only as a means of showing that the estimated value of the lagged dependent variable falls between the estimated values obtained using these two methods. This may be viewed as an indication that the bias generated by the presence of endogenous variables and unobservable fixed effects has been corrected for by using the system-GMM method. 1 7 2 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/9789264290747-en 23c064473c0537a4b50162c8ff0a1bf7 As defined in Chapter 2, the following five policy sectors are considered: economic development, spatial structure, human development, environmental sustainability and climate resilience. Section 4.3 presents a qualitative assessment of the goals and objectives of NUPs at the regional scale. Section 4.4 interprets the results and makes conclusions. 11 2 3 0.2 10.1787/agr/outlook-2014-5-en 23c182fb78966ced43c52c4d85562977 Sustainable and equitable agricultural development”, Futures, Vol. Cunningham, K. (2009), “Rural and urban linkages: Operation Flood’s role in India’s dairy development”, IFPRI Discussion Paper, No. The number increased to 246 million in 2004-06, but higher agricultural production and stronger economic progress resulted in a reduction of about 33 million undernourished people to an estimated 213 million by 2010-12. 2 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264283473-en 23c28da89e1d2d07866e443e52d3b2e4 The private sector is very limited in providing inpatient care, but plays a substantial role in other areas, such as primary care and dental care. Total health expenditure per capita is half of the EU average (Figure 6). One third of health spending comes from private sources - largely out-of-pocket payments Although most of the public spending on health comes from the NHIF, a substantial share (30% in 2015) of NHIF revenue comes from the state’s budget (NHIF, 2017), which funds the insurance coverage for the nonwoiking part of the population (see Section 5.2). 3 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/056eee1d-en 23c4105c383911ad43d1399258d97f1e Turkmen gas has high hydrogen sulfide content and therefore requires considerable processing to be marketable and more environmentally friendly. Apart from the southern Korepzhe-Kurt Kui pipeline (a spur to the Islamic Republic of Iran, with relatively low capacity, that was constructed after independence) the only export route was an old pipeline via Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation. Turkmenistan remains confident that it has enough gas reserves to serve all potential customers in the medium to long term. 7 1 3 0.5 10.6027/9789289348485-3-en 23c4b08a1c71d04c228cff24e0253d7b These product groups end up in mixed waste fractions to energy recovery or in waste fractions subject to recycling. The data presented is not always the most recent, but is regarded accurate enough to give an overall picture of the plastic waste streams in the studied countries and their quantities in relation to each other. A more detailed review of the existing collection and recycling systems for plastic waste in the Nordic countries is found in Frane et al. ( 12 1 4 0.6 10.1787/9789264257108-4-en 23c5c4e50e69569efaaa13509d5c2bcb Agricultural modernisation inevitably leads to farm consolidation and the release of labour, which creates a clear employment problem for current small farm operators and farm workers. These points to the need for broader rural development initiatives that can provide a more diversified regional economy in rural areas, to absorb these released workers. This has been the experience of OECD countries over the last 100 years, as they increased agricultural output, reduced the number of farm workers and increased the financial well-being of farm households to close to, or even above, the level of their urban population. 2 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264267787-en 23ca679f196249e3bf1056afee9c3af3 In Portugal, patient experience indicators are among those used to contract primary' health care. While most OECD health care systems have at least few surveys to collect PREMs, it is often not done in a standardised way (as seen in Korea and Australia) and it is often collected infrequently (in Japan, for example, PREMs are collected once every three years). In a system where PROM data are publicly reported, they can be used to help patients make better-informed choices. Ideally, PROM data should be fed back to clinicians to help them improve the care and outcomes of patients. 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264190320-16-en 23cadacd6d472960679bd1aa01b401dd Putting Mexican water policies on a sustainable financial basis can effectively contribute to several commitments of the Pact for Mexico, in particular the one related to the National System of Programmes to Combat Poverty (commitment 6) and the one related to making farming a more productive activity (commitment 65). Should this initiative be revived, it would be an opportunity to ensure that the framework conditions are set to enhance the cost-effectiveness of water policies in Mexico, and to make sure that initiatives in other sectors do not work against and add costs to water policies. It would aim to make the best of public budgets and to enhance the financial contribution of water users. Well-designed and targeted accompanying measures would be needed to facilitate transition. 6 0 3 1.0 10.18356/e310d3a1-en 23cb994e4148829fc98505df6a601df8 Ill health is both a consequence and a cause of poverty. Yet, globally adult well-being. This is the grim picture for the general public; the situation among youth is likely worse. The relationships can be controlled by adults or youth, or the control can be shared. For example, a variety of youth-led initiatives have been developed in the Arab region such as the Y-Peer network, the Arab network for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, and the Middle East and North Africa Youth Network of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. 3 0 7 1.0 10.1787/5jm0xdx0b06g-en 23ce7e075d48b16d13ca0ef7d9cf5986 As a result Chile’s old-age pension system has reduced elderly poverty from around 23% in 2008 to 20% in 2011, thanks to this reform in that introduced a solidarity pension. However, the average pension remain modest among other things because they are mostly financed by mandatory contributions that remain low (10% of earnings - compared to 20% on average across the OECD). In Chile low earners’ pension benefits replacement rate is only between 50% and 60% of their pre-retirement earnings, among the lowest rates in the OECD (Figure 6). 5 3 1 0.5 10.1787/9789264214262-16-en 23d2669d575916dab180626be36c8401 While the UNDP’s Gender Empowerment Measure and the World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Index take such factors as accessibility of skilled or high-paid jobs into consideration, the indicators used here cover the majority of the elements of the UN’s Gender Related Development Index and the replacement Gender Inequality Index. One issue with internationally comparable indicators is that they are insufficient for many purposes, because they do not provide information on the socio-cultural environment, including culture and embedded social relationships (Malhotra, Schuler and Boender, 2002; Bartlett, 2004; Oxaal and Baden, 1997; Ibrahim and Alkire, 2007). For a more detailed discussion of the issue, see Branisa et al. ( The year men were granted the right to vote is defined as the year where universal suffrage took place, meaning all men could vote regardless of their income, ethnicity or any restrictions, whereas such a distinction has not been made for women. 5 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264083578-16-en 23d7e69d43715ba3487ba8b8ae0c382d The report is published under the responsibility of the author and does not necessarily reflect the views of the OECD or its member countries. There is notable variation also in irrigation strategies, and in water supplies and demands, in eastern and western regions of the United States. In western states, irrigation provides most of the crop water requirements, while in eastern areas irrigation is largely supplemental. 6 0 5 1.0 10.1787/9789264191761-en 23d91e1df693ab5140e210f8b88a6293 An export ban on oilseeds effectively constrained increases in domestic oilseed prices during the peak of world food prices in late 2007 and 2008. As of 15 April 2008, when prices on the world grain market were rapidly increasing, Kazakhstan applied an export ban on wheat for five months. This had a negative impact on the grain sector, in particular given the high crop harvested the following season. Consequently, after the 2010 drought-affected crop, the government resisted applying export restrictions. 2 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264247567-6-en 23d99adb2a0a4db909f09acb50b29f09 "This structural feature of the system makes it difficult to create school units of appropriate “size efficiency"", although there are many basic schools with only primary education classes (Years 1 to 4). Furthermore the Slovak Republic, similarly to other Central and Eastern European countries inherited a very extensive sector of secondary vocational schools providing specialised training in many, rather narrow vocational areas (in 2013, there were 460 secondary vocational schools). Education in secondary vocational schools is typically more expensive than in schools providing general education and the relative isolation of this sector from the world of work (especially when compared to work-based or company-based skills development forms), the often high drop-out rates and the relatively high proportion of graduates who find jobs in areas that are different from the profile of their original formal VET qualification shows serious efficiency problems in this typical Central and Eastern European model of skills development (World Bank, 2006)." 4 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264096356-en 23da0c7db5ace5c3150cc5c72d9ee1f0 Most of these measures are market-based or market compatible. Governments can (and should) play a role in facilitating the adoption of such practices in the market-place but not substitute themselves for the market process, for instance through bilateral bargaining with favoured supplier countries. Shortening the terms for sales contracts (currently between 8 to 15 years in Europe and 15 to 20 years in Asia instead of the more traditional 20-25 years). Enhancing market access by facilitating investment into LNG re-gasification terminals and import pipelines. Developing adequate financial instruments for risk management. Adoption of portfolio approaches by buyers. 7 2 2 0.0 10.1787/9789264213944-8-en 23da17b98af1ad6c71723e242a86cd0e In the first case, you will have to repay the money lent; in the second situation, loved ones may participate in decision-making and receive a share of the profits but you will not have anything to pay back. Their goal is to help finance the long-term needs of a business creation, such as the initial investment, or the working capital requirement (WCR). Check with the national agency for business creation if necessary. 5 3 1 0.5 10.1787/agr/pol-2014-4-en 23e0d585a9d545458be324f7198256da However, lower government expenditure on general services in proportion of total support in 2011-13 compared to the mid-1990s reflects the decline in expenditure in real terms. This decline may compromise improvements in the sector’s productivity and competitiveness, which are more likely to be achieved through investments in these areas than with production subsidies. In some countries, however, these services are increasingly provided by the private sector, including as part of public-private partnerships. In all other OECD counties, the share of GSSE in total support, although generally rising since the 1980s, constituted only between 5% and 18% in 2011-13. General services for agriculture accounted for relatively minor share of GDP in 2011-13, ranging between 0.5% and 0.15% in most countries, except New Zealand (0.21%), Korea (0.24%), and Iceland (0.2%). The agricultural knowledge and innovation system was the most heavily supported general service in Australia, Mexico and Norway, the European Union and Israel in 2011-13. 2 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/60a8d482-en 23e1213effad879970caaf268dbfe44d The achievements in terms of expanded coverage have been remarkable. The programme now constitutes the single most important source of day care for children under the age of 4, running 84 per cent of day-care centres in the country and absorbing 56 per cent of total enrolment for that age group. However, there are concerns over the quality of services. The quality of jobs that have been created is also questionable. 5 2 2 0.0 11.1002/pub/80f4831e-d5917bb0-en 23e4dac6127b58fe20d15b05d5ca1bf5 Yet, mobile learning can take place not only across contexts but also across lifespans - at any age -and for broad-ranging purposes (Figure 6.1). In low-and middle-income contexts1 LmL4SD is gaining traction as a mechanism to help people of diverse ages acquire skills that may eventually lead to employment, the creation of new business ventures, and/or improved business practices. Mobile learning is uniquely placed to facilitate skills development opportunities for people in low- and middle-income contexts because this learning process can help facilitate more flexible, cost-effective, and relevant learning and development experiences. ( Then, it will explore reasons why there is an increasing need to explore mobile learning as an emergent lifelong skills development medium in low- and middle-income contexts. 4 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/9789264265493-9-en 23e7c93d1e7f1b8ef505832e1153b287 Yet, the distance of the Gender Equality Unit from the apex of decision making has significantly curtailed its influence. It has been transferred to the Presidential Office of the Court to increase its leverage, but its influence on decision making is still uneven and depends on the personality of the President of the Court. Its task is to assess gender equality in the activities of the three branches of the judiciary (the Supreme Court, the Federal Judicial Council and Electoral Court) and play a co-ordinating role among the three branches of the judiciary. Parliament uses such gender-sensitive practices as flexible working arrangements and teleworking. 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264190658-11-en 23e91e583bd38be6191174921165acb3 It is intended to inform professional learning, to guide self-reflection, self-improvement and development, and to guide the management of self and others. The development of the standard lasted from early 2010 to mid-2011 and involved research, drafting, critical review, feedback and testing through a series of pilot studies, guided and supported by an external expert steering group. The group included expert representatives from state and territory government employers, the catholic and independent school sectors, national professional associations and education boards, leadership institutes and Commonwealth and national school leadership experts. 4 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.14217/9781848591516-7-en 23ee6100253241948c10a785b6923588 There are emerging concerns for the vulnerability of senior citizens in rural areas with non-communicable diseases, in particular diabetes. In 2008 it was measured at US$470 million, equal to around one third of overseas development assistance (ODA) allocated by those countries in that year. The remittance figure is also understated: money is frequently carried in person when traveling ‘home’. In Tonga and Samoa, remittances far exceed ODA receipts: in Samoa in 2008 remittance flows were US$135 million and ODA was US$39.5 million; in Tonga the figures were US$99.5 million and US$27.5 million, respectively. 1 2 2 0.0 10.18356/0a7c7f99-en 23ef1cfdcc273b244d5a341464212469 Social integration is essential for the entire population to participate in the development process; otherwise the demographic bonus will be lost. As a result of a failure to plan well for integration, once the demographic dividend ends a country faces the burden of an ageing population in a situation of weak social and economic development. With the dependency burden on working-age adults increasing, the focus needs to shift towards increasing labour force participation by providing training and more job opportunities for women, persons with disabilities and older persons. Social integration issues can and do coexist with high per capita incomes and an absence of poverty. 1 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.18356/9b00e9d0-en 23ef2758c780c35f8738679a5a540028 The increased volume of old, inefficient vehicles in Georgia supports the increase of total final energy consumption levels by the transport sector from 2008 onwards (figure 7.2). After the repair of gas pipelines and improvements in accounting, losses decreased to 3.44 per cent in 2006. Kaztransgaz (the Tbilisi gas distribution company) launched a project in 2008 to reduce methane leaks in above-ground infrastructure in the Tbilisi gas distribution system under the UNFCCC Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). 7 0 8 1.0 10.1787/9789264075429-4-en 23ef469b936fde036c99324e3760e1be The current challenge is to practically and effectively implement the principles advocated in these agreements. Diverse ecosystems are considered to be more resilient and have a greater ability to withstand changes in the environment, such as ecosystem shifts and climate change. For example, the abundance of northern shrimp and crab stocks in the North East Atlantic may be a result to some degree of the overfishing of their predator, Atlantic cod (in addition to potential changes in oceanic conditions). For example, large sharks (which are slow maturing, long living species) play a role as a key predator in the ecosystem. 14 0 7 1.0 10.1787/5jrw21ng3ts3-en 23efa5121d12f3950ce75bf834522b31 The link between age and benefit duration should be eliminated by aligning the benefit duration for older workers to that of young workers. At the same time, the eligibility conditions should be made less stringent to extend benefit coverage, especially for young workers. The minimum wage rose significantly between 2007 and 2010, and then remained frozen at the same nominal level of EUR 485, until it was raised to EUR 505 in September 2014. 1 3 3 0.0 10.1787/5js1j18znzs4-en 23f060443976d4d08d01c6e9e6656ff2 In 2013, over one sixth of the country’s grassland was unavailable for utilisation. With increasing consumer demand for livestock products, pressures on grassland may be further exacerbated in the coming years by a rise in China’s livestock production (OECD-FAO, 2014). For example, Henan province has begun to encourage the establishment of livestock parks that comply with a list of standards regarding environmental management and animal health. 2 2 6 0.5 10.1787/5k49dv6c5xmv-en 23f59c31e9d0ddbb55a5f4b2df177abb Although its ranking in terms of GDP per capita among OECD metro-regions is not as high as it is in terms of GDP (16lh among the 90 metro-regions vs. 8lh), Chicago still counts among the big players in the OECD urban world. With GDP per capita over USD 55 000 in 2008, Chicago ranked higher than traditionally rich European metro-regions such as London, Stockholm, Helsinki, Amsterdam-Utrecht, Paris and Milan (Figure 1.2). Among US metro-regions, Chicago’s GDP per capita is similar to that of San Diego and Philadelphia, but below that of a number of US metro-regions such as New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco-Oakland, Boston or Houston. 7 3 0 1.0 10.1787/5k92sn0f8dbt-en 23f5ebfc59b36d25718edd3c1df642ad Decisions should rely more on analysis, including the calculation of CO2 abatement costs, to identify the least costly options for mitigation and to target measures accordingly. In addition, evaluations of different programmes were initially not designed to strongly influence decisions on environmental policies as the monitoring process did not rely on interim targets and indicators w'hich w'ould facilitate continued assessment of the impact of policies. Thus, the recent decision to evaluate the implementation of the Energy Concept every year, based on selected indicators in order to make rapid adjustments to the policies possible is a step in the right direction. 7 1 5 0.6666666666666666 10.14217/967bd43c-en 23f6009843f40592424df617db5c806b Another common practice within this ethnic group is where a victim of defilement is required to get married to the perpetrator. This practice is extended within the Buganda region and in some clans in Acholi region, whereby when a girl is defiled the parents will offer the girl to the defiler for marriage,22 even if the girl does not wish to marry her defiler. Among the Baganda,23 prior to the enthronement of the king, it was a customary requirement that he have sexual relations with a virgin girl commonly known as ‘Nakku’. 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264179370-3-en 23f7ed258b36247781b6e98376c60ada The programme, its application (to what extent the “preferable” condition is enforced) and its effect on women’s behaviour (how they might behave in the event of domestic violence) is yet to be evaluated. Interventions such as public awareness programmes or community mobilisation activities can be effective. The USAID “Safe Age of Marriage” programme in Yemen, for example, uses community education to tackle attitudes to early marriage. Initial results of the programme found an 18% increase in awareness of the benefits of delaying marriage, a 34% rise in the recognition that delaying marriage would increase educational opportunities, and a 19% increase among respondent who agreed that it would increase employment opportunities. 5 4 3 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264208469-5-en 23f7f9b1718d2538e32887b58e3032dd Overall responsibility for the health care sector rests at the national level, with the Ministry of Health and Care Services which determines national health policy, prepares legislation and allocates funds. The Ministry of Health and Care Services owns four Regional Health Authorities which are responsible for the provision of specialised somatic and mental health care. The 19 Norwegian counties are responsible for the provision of statutory dental health services while the 428 municipalities have responsibility for primary somatic and mental health care as well as nursing care. 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264233256-en 23f8be02c6337358c094b7132acc9140 Strong co-ordination between these bodies could help to undertake skills development more comprehensively and, in turn, should facilitate the involvement of social partners. A national steering body would be of great help for this task. However this body is not in operation and other initiatives have emerged, like the inter-institutional working group about human capital for competitiveness whose aim resembles that one of SINETEC. 4 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264303201-4-en 23fd204172261f05d483e4e10d6a5f59 It presents a conceptual framework for indicator use and, building on the indicator frameworks under the Aichi Biodiversity Targets and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), provides an overview' of indicators that are beginning to emerge. The chapter concludes with an overview of possible indicators that could be used to monitor and evaluate mainstreaming biodiversity efforts across the range of different types of policy responses. Other structures see failure to deliver expected results as an opportunity- for learning. National Climate Change Adaptation: Emerging Practices in Monitoring and Evaluation, 15 0 3 1.0 10.1787/soc/aag-2014-5-en 23fd8d7d4d638a9a4b35a86751c20d38 It thus pays to have highly qualified teachers who address gender-specific attitudes within the classroom. Many studies and test results show gender differences in competency levels in these subjects. According to the 2012 OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), an evaluation of competencies in reading, mathematics and science for 15-16 year-olds, on average, students in OECD countries perform better than students across the Asia/Pacific region (Table 2.1). 5 0 4 1.0 10.18356/355832ee-en 23ff71bd86cc0ff115e9b1be5a39a5e8 This is a revised and updated version of the Working Paper published in January 2014 (April 20114). Requests to utilize larger portions or the full publication should be addressed to the Communication Unit at Multiple Overlapping Deprivation Analysis for the European Union (EU-MODA): Technical Note, Innocenti Working Paper No.2014-01, UNICEF Office of Research, Florence. The prime objectives of the Office of Research are to improve international understanding of issues relating to children's rights and to help facilitate full implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in developing, middle-income and industrialized countries. Through strengthening research partnerships with leading academic institutions and development networks in both the North and South, the Office seeks to leverage additional resources and influence in support of efforts towards policy reform in favour of children. For that reason, some publications may not necessarily reflect UNICEF policies or approaches on some topics. 1 6 3 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/062acf72-en 240103c1fc54951592099a9586602556 The currently available inventories, statistics and other official documents do not yet follow the protected area categorization mentioned in the 2011 Law, and continue to use previously assigned, traditional designations, e.g. national park or historical-natural park instead of state nature park. This is probably caused by the fact that the area of Muzkul nature preserve, entirely located within the boundaries of the Tajik national park, is always counted separately, which adds to the total. Other protected area categories occupy much smaller territories, as the total area of five botanic gardens, 13 botanic stations and field nurseries, and three tourist-recreational zones amounts to 731 ha, 10,000 ha, and 15,300 ha, respectively. The area of all 26 state monuments of nature is so small that it is not even indicated in statistics. 15 0 3 1.0 10.18356/b505e041-en 24022e55d9323da0d9f7a4e9f927af97 Given the nature of health and emergency needs, it might be too expensive to finance such costs through private means. One possible approach would be to explore health insurance options and if there is any scope for group welfare schemes for the slum dwellers as a whole. Surprisingly, none of the respondents showed any awareness of the Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana (RSBY), a health insurance scheme for below poverty line families, which was launched in 2007. 1 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/b656887e-en 2405c6c315705a26b7d575132e5bfe57 In addition to this recommended minimum disaggregation, further disaggregation would in many areas be of policy relevance. For example, the child population could be disaggregated into smaller age groups as there are often significant differences in poverty rates between these age groups. Different rationale can be applied to this, for example related to policy objectives (for example pre-school; school age; secondary school); or age groups (0-4; 5-9; 10-14; and 15-17). 1 3 1 0.5 10.1787/agr/outlook-2015-5-en 24073e8e65526c2999d83f57c088b5dd Continued increases in productivity would more than offset further reductions in areas that would drop by about 13% during the decade. The domestic market is expected to continue to absorb only relatively small volumes of fresh fruit. Its output is largely absorbed by the domestic market. Among the major fruits produced are bananas, apples, grapes, melons and tropical fruits, particularly mango, avocado, pineapple and papaya. 2 2 6 0.5 10.18356/2d07fa8a-en 2408b77c8c34618de2c5824ebcee64e4 The Peruvian case shows that, when agricultural programmes aim to reach the poor, the targets of these interventions could overlap with social protection programme targets (Ministerio de Desarrollo e Inclusion Social, Gobiemo del Peru, 2012). The synergies created by the targeting system in Peru allow for implementation of a more cost-effective targeting strategy and also for improved monitoring of the coverage of social protection and agricultural programmes (Cirillo, Gyorgi and Soares, 2014). The options range from stand-alone, sector-specific, social protection or agricultural programmes, to integrated interventions that combine social protection and agriculture, to sectoral interventions that are aligned to maximize complementarities. In certain circumstances, categorical targeting can be cost-effective for selecting programme beneficiaries based on easily observable characteristics. 2 0 3 1.0 10.14217/9781848591462-6-en 240b6e629ab06ddddc318b6d4dd84476 While the workings of mass media may run contrary to much of the established thinking on ‘good ESD’, the reach and impact of mass media as mechanisms for raising awareness and even affecting public opinion are undeniable. As such, there is probably a great deal of untapped potential in the use of these media for awareness-raising campaigns related to sustainability issues. The review of available information turned up no reference to systematic work with mass media for ESD. 13 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264188617-en 240d94dce586823158b7fa0080301a6e Due to the absence of widely available and economically feasible storage, each electricity system has to maintain a constant balance between supply and demand by adapting the generating power. Load also needs to be adapted to forecasted and unforecasted changes in supply and demand as well as to unexpected faults in the system, such as the unscheduled shutdown of a generating unit or transmission line. Such load following allows the alignment of the overall system supply with daily, weekly and seasonal demand variations. 7 0 3 1.0 10.14217/9781848591646-17-en 24160072de4059a80e7d6f3db71f1d6d By imposing an additional constraint on the way aid money is spent, Aid for Trade has the potential to have a negative impact on developing countries. More importantly, Aid for Trade may not be addressing the fundamental concerns with the global trading system and aid system that gave rise to it, and instead has become a means for both the aid and trade communities to paper over their weaknesses without doing much for the fundamental concerns of poor countries. Our proposal is to make aid and trade liberalisation work for poor countries and tied directly to specific development objectives. In fact, perversely, the global trading system is still stacked against the poorest - the areas of trade where barriers are the highest (agriculture, textiles etc.) 10 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264083578-4-en 2417a1f559325f153649d8ae43d8ffae While economists have tools to provide proxy values for these non-marketed goods and services (e.g. contingent valuation) there application to guide policy decisions can be difficult. As a consequence the short-run marginal cost of water supply for irrigation systems can be very low except for the costs of pumping water through the delivery system. These characteristics of water supply make it likely that there will be a monopoly supplier in any given area, requiring a high degree of managerial and social control. 6 0 3 1.0 10.18356/3dfe8660-en 24190f037d5cc55177751a6a0fd424c4 Nonetheless, they are not the only things that matter (box 3.1). Indeed, what are the drivers of transformation? Indeed, they challenge preconceived and prescriptive approaches: on the one hand, they set aside a number of collectivist, centrally managed precepts; on the other hand, they diverge from the unfettered liberalization espoused by the Washington Consensus. This new perspective recognizes that development does not happen automatically and that transformation cannot be left to markets alone. 1 3 0 1.0 10.18356/6e237bee-en 241b480365fd383e14085fd0fc637cac He consults the elders on the onset of rainfall and defines the sowing date, which mostly coincides with the first week of June. Through this ritual the message of the onset of rain is communicated to the entire community. The elders use the same occasion to informally educate the younger generation about the traditional rain classification and appropriate cropping practices. 2 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264084728-10-en 2421f6b608ad1bd7a34d69ee4bb3ef15 It then looks at the evolution of inequality across the groups of countries defined by the four-speed world classification presented in Chapter 1. In many cases, fast growth has been accompanied by increased inequality, further complicating the challenge of poverty reduction. The chapter further looks at efforts to make growth pro-poor and goes on to argue that, measured in relative terms, poverty remains a significant obstacle even in converging countries that have successfully reduced absolute poverty. 1 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264075429-6-en 2423714e0d4233138e0337e94092ca73 The management system and tools used in a multispecies fishery can have large impacts on the cost of rebuilding. Using economic incentives such as those created by individual or group quota systems can reduce rebuilding costs by harnessing the knowledge and skills of fishermen to the task of reducing catch rates of a rebuilding stock. Most fish stocks are still managed as if their productivity is static and unaffected by the dynamic ecosystems of which they are a part. 14 0 4 1.0 10.18356/0e3c4bbb-en 24244ed17a621f525fd2c5b4c71687b2 The excess intake of calories is another major global public-health concern, as overweight and obesity cause more than 2.8 million deaths per year among adults. On the demand side, population growth, rapid urbanization and consequent changes in consumption patterns will require additional food. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) estimates that food production will have to increase 70 per cent globally to feed an additional 2.3 billion people by 2050. At the same time, food demand has been shifting towards more resource-intensive agricultural products, such as livestock and dairy products, thereby exerting additional pressure on land, water and biodiversity resources. Many of the current agricultural practices have relied on cheap energy and abundant water and land, and are a leading source of greenhouse gas emissions (The Hague Conference, 2010). These practices are now proving unsustainable for the environment and health, due to contamination of air, land and water sources. 2 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/46a5795c-en 24274309f50d0fb2a90cf25ca20f7f8a When using establishment survey data, due care should be taken to ensure adequate geographic and industry coverage. Administrative record data from medical insurance schemes can provide up-to-date and comprehensive information to calculate the numerator for this indicator. However, the availability and quality of such data vary across countries, and across schemes within countries. 8 4 3 0.14285714285714285 10.18356/47f7e4f3-en 242a3b3724dbb269723e2f8bf524b6f4 Indigenous representation and participation in decision-making with regards to health policies, planning and evaluation at the national level and their right to participate in decision-making in local health facility management are critical to improving indigenous access to health services. Indigenous peoples seems to fall behind in all major health indicators employed by the existing mainstream health policies and programmes even when the state has made significant progress in economic growth and social development. Irrespective of the HDI of the country and growth rate, indigenous peoples have a lower rate of life expectancy, higher infant and child mortality, poorer maternal health outcomes and lower levels of access to health services provided by the government, including development of and access to information on indigenous health and health services. 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264277991-5-en 242b02415cb4079ba4b5ccb4c39d81f1 Offering free entry to visitors, Ariel Sharon Park is an ecological masterpiece offering 360-degree views of Tel Aviv and central Israel. According to Section 32 of RA 9003, each Barangay should have a MRF for final sorting, segregation composting and recycling. Yet as at 2011, out of 349 barangays only 101 (29%) had operational MRFs. This is mainly due to lack of financial resources as well as inadequate capacities of barangays to plan and operate such facilities. 11 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5js6363503f6-en 242c77e7327fcfbfaf9a1b27a48542e5 It is important to keep in mind however the limitations of using survey data for such an analysis. First, household surveys typically provide reliable information only on the amount of different types of benefits received by an individual or household over the period of a year. The measured share of youth who receive benefits at any time during the year will generally not be a good estimate of the benefit receipt rate at a certain point in time (i.e. in a specific month) unless if benefits are typically paid for periods of close to a year. For this reason, receipt rates estimated using annual survey data may be different from those obtained from administrative records, where shorter spells of benefit receipt can often be observed (for a discussion see Immervoll, Jenkins and Konigs, 2015). 8 0 3 1.0 10.18356/48886cb2-en 242dd86ce9b97377c32b8aa92b3d7204 In Latin America and the Caribbean the five countries with available data show a wider spread of the proportion of female candidates, from a low of 3 per cent in Belize to a high of 51 per cent in Costa Rica. For the more developed regions, the proportion of women candidates ranged from 12 per cent in Japan to 49 per cent in Belgium and tended to cluster within the range of 20 to 45 per cent. Regionally, the average likelihood of women candidates winning a seat in the lower or single house of parliament is higher than that of men candidates only in Africa — by a factor of 1.17. 5 1 4 0.6 10.18356/76afd318-en 2431082e0009baee90ccb670d52f3c3d The situation is similar at the level of local government: female elected councillors are underrepresented in all regions of the world and female mayors even more so. Furthermore, the “glass ceiling” has hindered women’s access to leadership positions in private companies. This is especially notable in the largest corporations, which remain male-dominated. 5 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264112322-7-en 2431c96d6df83e5e1036bfa2cbaf90af Mismatches between employers’ needs and what the education and training system provides lead to skills gaps, over-reliance on imported labour, domestic unemployment and economic under-performance. The position in 2008 of OECD member, accession and enhanced engagement countries is shown for comparison. In column (2) from 2007. The exceptions are the rate for Belarus - which some independent commentators suggest is lower than in reality23 - and Georgia’s rate, which is not only much higher than the OECD average but also twice as high as the highest of the four partner countries shown. 4 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264085374-5-en 2434348ea4bba0e6efe9acbbec45963b If education w'ere all about imparting content knowledge, developing and evaluating pedagogy would be all about establishing the best methods to promote memorisation and understanding of knowledge and concepts. But discipline-centric pedagogies cover only part of what a teacher, school or system might want to develop in students and there has been a concerted shift towards pedagogies which develop higher-level personal and social competences, driven by at least four factors. Second, societies and industries founded on digital technologies require people to manage and use a more complex array of information and increase the value of social skills. Third, societal changes have increased the complexity of choices and tasks young people face as they transition from adolescence to adulthood. Finally, in some quarters there has been a pushback against the intensified focus on standardised assessments of cognitive skills. 4 0 3 1.0 10.1787/c73325d9-en 2434cd7580151ca7be67fb847c743a8c Regulatory restrictions, notably in the number of competitors, further limit competition. Lifting entry barriers and reducing government influence over PT Telkom Indonesia could encourage new entrants and greater innovation. The Ministry of Tourism dedicated 30% of its 2016 budget to digital promotion with an objective of reaching 50% (Tempo, 2017). 8 2 3 0.2 10.18356/937bb150-en 2434e610664f1b94f797417a4b5e7fc1 In many countries, health workers are concentrated in urban areas or facilities serving more advantaged populations. They may be reluctant to work in remote areas because of low remuneration, lack of continuing educational opportunities, difficult working conditions, shortages of supplies and equipment, or a lack of social services for their own families. Most countries in sub-Saharan Africa and many high-mortality countries in South Asia fall well below the threshold (see Figure 1.9). 3 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/afa296fe-en 243722edc6261486194221bf7d567b28 Notably, development processes must be adopted to take account of the connections and disconnections among development-related actors, policies and laws in a non-homogeneous and non-harmonious society. Social exclusion results from either the systematic exclusion of poor people from having choices and using their capabilities, or more circumscribed social, political, economic or cultural barriers to their participation. Whether through deliberate or circumstantial marginalization, social exclusion reinforced and perpetuates poverty.26 Temporary access to income or a temporary fulfilment of basic needs does not generally address such deeper facets of poverty. 1 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264172616-5-en 2438da4d8de37f60d365023f9e0ceb37 A pilot of this programme in 2010 supported nine projects. The extent of the benefit depends on the score obtained in the university selection test (PSU). It includes at the minimum the payment of 100% of tuition fees if the student is above a given cut-off score. But it can also include a monthly stipend (if above a higher cut-off score) and a semester studying abroad (if above an even higher cut-off score). There are indications that, as a result of this initiative, the average PSU score of students entering teacher education has increased in 2011. A further initiative is the “Choose to Teach” (Elige Educar) campaign which seeks to promote teaching through a variety of actions, including the monitoring of the social status of teaching, scholarships for individuals with experience outside education who would like to join teaching, and interventions in schools to provide information about teaching and raise awareness among school agents of the importance of teaching as a profession. 4 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264238121-8-en 2439ae32f878835457aa23b54a9cb4a6 Although there are isolated examples of increased efficiency and water savings, there is currently no comprehensive and solid assessment of the overall effectiveness of these investments. An allocation frameworic was developed, which identified the capacity for reducing the water entitlements of existing white farmers and reallocating that water to black farmers. While a framework was developed, it has not yet been implemented due to technical and political challenges. 6 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264279322-6-en 243ac1b3c5d465544764cc120221c5fc These new charters were enacted following citizens’ calls throughout the region for greater democracy, better governance and reduced inequalities. They guarantee gender equality and set the basis for a more balanced involvement of women in their countries’ economies. Nevertheless, governments may engage in further efforts to align with international instruments and work towards equal access to economic opportunities for women and men. 5 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.18356/c530cc54-en 243c123055877ad4dbebbdf6609541f7 "Most social protection programmes in Ghana aspire to be universal in coverage, consistent with ensuring equal opportunities for all. For example, the capitation grant and free exercise books programmes aim to reach all children attending public schools, while exemptions under the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) are supposed to cover all children under the age of 18, all older persons above 70, and all pregnant women irrespective of socio-economic status. Implementation often reflects this universalistic aspiration. In line with the government's characterization of the programme as a ""national"" programme intended to benefit public primary schools in ""all 138 districts in Ghana"" (Government of Ghana, 2006, p. ii), implementation of the programme started in late 2005 with 10 primary schools drawn from each of the 10 administrative regions (i.e. one school per region)." 1 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/9789264238701-5-en 243ca7dbf30b3dfa2b2b29b686e15544 In Kansas, analytical methods have been used to determine whether additional groundwater is available for appropriation. For the Lower Republican River Basin and Belleville Formation in Kansas, the Jenkins method (a graphical approach based on the Glover-Balmer equations; Jenkins, 1968) has been used to estimate the cumulative volume of stream depletion that occurs in one year after the day pumping begins for an application to appropriate groundwater to see whether the new appropriation is acceptable (Kansas Department of Agriculture, 2010). The Glover and Balmer method has been employed in Colorado to evaluate the current and projected stream depletion impacts of water pumped and discharged during coalbed methane production (Papadopulos and Associates and Colorado Geological Survey, 2007). 6 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264226470-8-en 243e1ee8167f4654c910b8178644a953 For example if most of the costs fall on students - as in some forms of post-secondary training in some countries - then it is reasonable to expect that student choice will dominate the mix of provision. But in Tunisia, the cost of providing VET at upper secondary level mainly falls on the government rather than employers. One very constructive way for employers to make more of a contribution to training, and at the same time obtain many benefits for themselves, might be through the provision of workplace training and experience, which they already do quite successfully in the programmes under the ATFP, but that could be replicated in the rest of the system, in particular in the licences appliquees (professional bachelors) in universities. In this context, Box 4.10 provides some interesting examples of mechanisms to influence the mix of provision, drawing from the experience of OECD countries. 4 0 4 1.0 10.18356/1d53ff8e-en 244217cc21dfb754bb9b56bc6120e1d0 As mentioned in the ADB Asia-Pacific Energy Outlook 2013, energy efficiency and conservation is a means of enhancing energy supply security, especially for countries facing limited resources. It is affected by various factors, including industry structure, technology, lifestyle and climate conditions. In addition, energy prices as well as access to infrastructure can also affect energy intensity. Energy efficiency is positively correlated with economic competitiveness. Thus, economic development in countries such as Armenia, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan are hampered by energy usage inefficiencies (figure 10.21). Implementation of the framework agreements on trade in services, trade facilitation and investment will promote intraregional investment flows as well as establish backward-forward linkages between industries and a regional supply chain. 7 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/5k92p0c6j6r0-en 244338bee295c9f1939e164c604b9d4d Cities are essential actors in stimulating green infrastructure; and urban finance is one of the promising ways in which this can be achieved. Cities are key investors in infrastructure with green potential, such as buildings, transport, water and waste. Their main revenue sources, such as property taxes, transport fees and other charges, are based on these same sectors; cities thus have great potential to “green” their financial instruments. 9 0 5 1.0 10.1787/9789264177338-3-en 244503dc68c43e5501929c10859c751a Funding has been shifted to support greater use of apprenticeships, which are seen as employer-driven and an approach that can boost individuals' skills. The London government has established the Mayor's Apprenticeship Campaign to boost engagement in this type of training. As a result of the campaign, the number of apprentices in London doubled in one year alone: from 20 000 in 2009-10 to 40 000 in 2010-11. 4 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.18356/b620ec70-en 24474328ba3d80705d3643c27cc54740 Demographic dependency ratios (the ratio of the number of people of working age to the number of dependent persons) may vary as well, and public policy reforms may alter the benefits provided, which may in turn sparic intergenerational conflicts (Colombo and Mercier, 2012; OECD, 201 la, p. 12). These issues are analogous to the ones surrounding pension-system funding and benefits, which, with some adjustments, may inform the discussion (on pensions, see Barr and Diamond, 2008). In Latin America and the Caribbean, however, the social protection systems for pensions and health are so unequal and have proven so hard to reform that funding for long-term care should not be aligned with existing social security schemes.14 A network funded in this manner should ensure that care sendees (health and social assistance) interact effectively with the existing network of social protection providers, with regulations that prevent market skimming and safeguard quality by aiming for universal access and equal care opportunity. Bertranou and others (2011). 5 4 3 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264179073-7-en 244a4b192d99fdd9c6f60761ddee11b8 The Association holds conferences and forums; launched the Qatar Business Women Award in 2007 to recognise Qatari women who contribute to Qatari society and the economy through their professional and entrepreneurial achievements. The QBWA announced a partnership with the Qatar Businessmen Association in 2010, a partnership that aims to extend its platform to include different sectors and build relationships with Qatari organisations to support its vision and help achieve its objectives. These committees provide support for existing businesses, help establish new ones, identify the obstacles to women’s enterprise development, lobby for the removal of these obstacles so women can become empowered both economically and socially, seek to reform current legislations and policies to become supportive of women’s advancement, and provide networking and educational opportunities for women entrepreneurs, working women, job seekers, and potential entrepreneurs. The mandate of these committees is to enhance the role of businesswomen, promote skills development, and assist women to establish their own businesses. 5 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.14217/967bd43c-en 244c387f232fa8b0e81f78f3793a63f5 In Article 198, the law defines ‘marital rape’ as any act of sexual intercourse committed by one spouse on the other by violence, threat or trickery. The penalty for ‘marital rape’ is found in Article 199, where is provided that such a person shall be liable to a term of imprisonment of at least two (2) months but less than six (6) months and a fine of one hundred thousand (100,000) to three hundred thousand (300,000) Rwandan francs or one of these penalties. If ‘marital rape’ results in an ordinary disease, the offender shall be liable to a term of imprisonment of six (6) months to two (2) years. 5 2 2 0.0 10.1787/5jxx71lt1zg6-en 24512d1317a644532d5d9b3b4ff7bf0b On average, for every 1 % of additional pre-crisis health expenditure growth there was a 0.9% drop in health expenditure after the crisis. This recession was in many ways deeper, has lasted longer and has experienced weaker recovery than previous recessions such as those experienced in the 1970s and 1980s (OECD 2012). Patterns of health care expenditure have also been remarkably different during the psot-2008 recession. 3 0 3 1.0 10.18356/0ac071e9-en 2451c315efdb388db26c2b7b8c8c171a In some contexts, rural non-farm activities are also major sources of local economic growth (e.g. tourism, mining and timber processing). The RNFE is of great importance to the rural economy because of its production linkages and employment effects, and the income it provides to rural households represents a substantial and sometimes growing share of rural incomes. Often this share is particularly high for the rural poor. 8 0 4 1.0 10.1787/eco/surveys-esp-2010-7-en 24539c574ad6eed02d2a4515a60d298c Criteria on the attribution of costs to services with public goods characteristics, such as flood control, should be harmonised according to transparent criteria. Higher, cost-reflective prices for irrigation water would also go a long way in reducing groundwater pollution through the use of chemicals. Numerous studies have shown that more efficient water use reduces agricultural pollution (e.g. Calatrava and Garrido, 2010). A recent government report (MMA, 2007a) shows that access to these data needs to be improved. 6 0 3 1.0 10.30875/3f94ec01-en 245551d5a5fcc1fadb6edf4635872a60 "While the share of the population in extreme poverty in each region has fallen since 1990, with important variations across countries, the decline has been faster in South Asia. Sub-Saharan Africa looks set to be the only region that will not achieve the first Millennium Development Goal target of halving extreme poverty at a S1.25/day level by 2015.10 Of the remaining extreme poor, 161 million live in East Asia and the Pacific — with the largest number in Indonesia. Other regions together account for less than 50 million (just 3.5 percent) of the world's extreme poor.""" 1 0 6 1.0 10.18356/b2f16918-en 245574100b5d2f40ce06eabf9a7dc48d During an electricity overproduction phase, hydrogen is produced by electrolysis, compressed and stored for later use in a fuel cell for electricity generation. The disadvantage of hydrogen is the tow energy efficiency of the storage system, at slightly above 50 per cent, when electrolysis is applied for hydrogen production, in comparison to 75-85 per cent for PSH, batteries or compressed air (Hammerschlag and Mazza, 2005). The biggest advantage is the longer time horizon over which energy can be stored. 7 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264089457-en 24559806ae910f3968a739b75e74cf0c They have the potential to improve human capital and innovation outcomes in Penang. The scale and expertise in health and medicine should be applied to develop strategies to increase the quantity and quality of health care provision across Penang and the Northern Corridor Economic Region. There are many opportunities to improve regional development in Penang and the Northern Corridor Economic Region, for example by providing an opportunity to: i) address the regional health challenges, ii) undertake multi-disciplinary research on the inter-connections between improving education, social and economic conditions and improving health outcomes, iii) provide community-based medicine and ambulatory care facilities and iv) provide innovations in medical education and health care delivery. 4 0 4 1.0 10.18356/4ed7c373-en 2455d38c6f5941a189a68d3d65d60b0c "Urgent action must be taken to reduce the loss of natural habitats and biodiversity, which are part of our common heritage."" Establishment and management of these national parks are in accordance with IUCN Category II (table 11.1). This publication provides an overview of information on habitats and species from Annex I and II of the Habitats Directive that are located in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The data overview was based on field research and, to a greater extent, on existing reference data." 15 1 3 0.5 10.18356/eca72908-en 2456a7930e4af347fc2cf70a83ffc1f9 Formerly known as Durban, the city has been praised for a renewal project (Warwick Junction), which has opened spaces to informal businesses such as street vending.17 The new planning approach was a joint cooperative initiative between public officials and organized street vendors, highlighting the suspension of traditional master plans in favour of a more collaborative approach. This included the type of inter-departmental coordination and participatory planning needed for street trading, bringing public agencies, which otherwise work in silos, into collaboration with one another. The municipality also made sure that street vendors and their preferences guided the (low-budget) design, facilitating project ownership. 11 0 5 1.0 10.1787/5k49dv6c5xmv-en 2458eced9b3db6f52e809bf388ec853a This is partly due to weak regional job creation, but it is also connected to a lack of information from the private sector to orient young professionals toward existing needs and opportunities in the region. Public authorities could strengthen existing institutional mechanisms to intensify a more comprehensive region-wide dialogue between training service providers and the private sector. The resulting information-sharing could allow a more efficient allocation of scarce resources to the large number of training services and providers within the currently highly fragmented workforce development infrastructure. 7 4 0 1.0 10.1787/67989bf6-en 245a8a1fa40436940a89725d640162bc In Austria, at the federal parliamentary level, members of parliament will be excused to take “maternity leave” when appropriate. There is no provision or practice that allows a member of parliament to take parental leave (that is, and have a substitute for his/her absence from parliament during that period). It is noteworthy, however, that some regional councils in Austria have adopted maternity, paternity and/or parental leave for parliamentarians. In terms of paternity leave, seven respondents (46.7%) noted that the provisions are the same as those prescribed by national law, while two parliaments had adopted their own policies (Latvia and New Zealand). 5 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264191808-5-en 245c9a47c0b1492332537843d7232677 Regional governments select a portfolio of projects (not comprehensive plans) to be financed by the FNDR.12 However, this fund is also available to municipalities that submit project proposals, most of which are oriented to financing basic local infrastructure and services in order to make up for revenue shortfalls. From a municipal perspective, requests for FNDR funds must pass through a complex set of filters that can vary depending on the project’s size. Larger projects, for example, may pass through regional governments, the Ministry of Social Development’s SEREMI, and the Ministry of Finance, while smaller ones may only go through the regional government and one SEREMI (generally that of Social Development). 11 6 2 0.5 10.18356/9b4421ad-en 245ce6daa9c166dc1488508a5f32fdff In addition, a consultation with 14 returnee migrant women from 14 districts was held in September 2016 in Kathmandu in order to better understand the reintegration process. The interaction focused on the challenges and opportunities of reintegration after women’s migration journeys. Following the focus group discussion, five in-depth interviews were conducted to further consolidate the data. 5 4 5 0.1111111111111111 10.18356/13616d1f-en 246274d4deaf2f3d09437e8113ae288a "One can now also demonstrate how operators in different sectors are incorporating ""nexus thinking"" into the exercise of their mandates on an increasingly regular basis. Water, soil and nutrients, for example, are underlying resources for the production of food and energy. In his review, Roidt (2017) infers that the rationale behind majority academic support for a nexus approach is tied to a critique of the IWRM approach and its shortcomings." 6 3 6 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/0492621a-en 2462c2842d2a1d90ec55a8b9754c4bf2 It would be beneficial for Central Asian railways to offer integrated freight-forwarding and logistics services across the region. Practically, this means they are organised around a significant number of terminals - which, in turn, are connected to warehouses within the urban railway network. Moving a single wagon typically requires a long series of logistics operations. The wagon is first loaded at a warehouse connected to the railways. It is then sent to the main terminal of its city to be consolidated into a freight train. It might then go through successive marshalling before reaching the terminal of destination. 9 0 7 1.0 10.1787/empl/outlook-2011-4-en 2465a11b71b8c2f922c844c307cd5648 Second, due to a significantly narrower tax base in emerging economies than in most OECD countries, a switch towards general taxation might not be as advantageous in terms of reducing the distortionary effects of taxes on labour. Raising income and corporate taxes, which weigh mainly on the formal sector, would limit the reduction in disincentives to formality. There is thus room for more risk pooling, as it would reduce the overall cost of contributoiy programmes. Risk pooling refers to the collection and management of financial resources in a way that spreads financial risks from an individual to all members of the programme. From a policy perspective, risk-pooling arrangements attempt to manage the need to subsidise care for people with the highest health risks (horizontal redistribution), the lowest ability to pay (vertical redistribution), or both when facing a health shock (Baeza and Packard, 2006). Besides, by exploiting economies of scale, risk pooling can reduce the average cost of the benefit package compared with multiple programmes, each with their own administrations and information systems. 10 0 3 1.0 10.18356/01772a94-en 246658c8b85bc7c75378c61e0a126f1d Knowing whether particular deprivations are stand-alone issues may be useful when identifying possible entry points for policy interventions. Figure 6 demonstrates the deprivation incidence for three dimensions, subdivided by the extent of overlap with other dimensions by urban and rural areas separately. The first part of the bar (on the left) shows the proportion of children deprived in only the specified dimension and no other dimensions, while the other parts of each bar show how many children are deprived in the specified dimension and also other dimensions simultaneously. The graph shows that although the percentage of children deprived in nutrition is similar among children below the age of five in both, rural and urban areas (the entire bar; 39% for both), the extent to which children experiencing malnutrition are exposed to also other deprivations differs depending on where children live. 1 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264085374-5-en 246b6d76a8b30784bc8bcac05d5591f5 The key finding was that students’ general cognitive abilities interact with the level of structure provided by the teacher: students who score lower on measures of general ability do better in teacher-controlled learning environments, in which teachers maintain a high level of control, lessons are broken down into small units, with direct instruction and frequent feedback. The contrary holds for students with higher general ability, who benefit from so-called discovery or learner-centred learning environments. The concept of “adaptive teaching” was a response to this realisation in which teachers are seen as best able to make moment-to-moment decisions about what works for each of their students. As learners gain in aptitude through experience with respect to the instructional goals at hand, such teaching adapts by becoming less intrusive. 4 0 9 1.0 10.18356/47c7f9c4-en 246cae63eca7b9174d5666f791f5357f Costs relate to repeated travel expense and potential (unofficial) payments to obtain the document. The application process itself may require repeated travel to a district centre. These direct costs together with opportunity costs may be too high especially if the result of the application is uncertain and/or the benefit is too low. 1 4 0 1.0 10.14217/9781848591271-7-en 246efc78caccc79b3f6fc385b656bc8a This envisages all children with different impairments being integrated in regular schools. The policy requires differentiation and work against the stigmatisation of disabled children. The Commonwealth Education Fund (CEF) was set up in 2002 to co-ordinate international NCO funding for education in 16 Commonwealth countries. 4 0 6 1.0 11.1002/pub/80f4cf5d-10606f78-en 246f896f2126ba4ec84aadbe44b248c8 The maritime sector, a truly global industry, can directly support the achievement of the SDGs as shipping has a significant role to play in helping create conditions for increased employment, prosperity and stability through promoting maritime trade. Much of what happens within the oceans is in fact hidden, so it can prove challenging to engage people compared with other Goals, where the objectives may be far more visible and relatable. But given that ocean life supports all forms of life on earth, Goal 14 is an important Goal nonetheless. 14 0 3 1.0 11.1002/pub/80ec6eec-a0a0f85c-en 247040a21ff3ac5fcc2dfd69c67f114b According to climate experts, this would result in a surface temperature increase of 4.8°C over the period 2081-2100 as against the average for 1986-2005, a rise in sea levels of almost one metre, the proliferation of extreme climate events (such as droughts, torrential rainfall and stronger hurricanes), together with worsening food insecurity. Measurements at the Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii went up by more than three parts per million (ppm) in 2015. The spike is due to a combination of human activities and the El Nino weather pattern. 13 0 7 1.0 10.6027/9789289328753-8-en 2470acf4e3b4533f8d8ddcb69663f405 Another example of requirements within this category could be to set a requirement to an automatic detergent dosing system for washing machines avoiding over-dosage and overconsumption of detergents. By including requirements to the manufacturing the labels expand the scope from a product focus towards a production focus. The Ecodesign Directive, as the name states, mainly sets requirements to the design of the product, however targeting the environmental performance of the entire product life cycle. Therefore setting direct requirements to the manufacturing process might be outside the scope of the Directive. 12 0 5 1.0 10.18356/fb3022f3-en 2470c1075a6e0c469563259344143620 Brochures are available in Romanian describing the national and nature parks but more could be done to attract tourism, as administrators are responsible by contract for establishing a tourism strategy and a communication strategy with the local communities on tourism. This plan allows the Park to mobilize resources for financing its activities. It has already made progress in building the necessary infrastructure to receive more visitors. 15 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.6027/9789289342698-8-en 24716d93920fb930a6fa6637887dc34e "Waara concludes that the gender identity of the youth contributes to their feeling of being in or being out of the local context. Thus, he finds that the young people, who have a traditional gender identity, to a greater extent, are involved in and connected to the local community, as opposed to the young people with a ""modern"" gender identity who display a weaker place attachment. Waara additionally concludes that young women feel more tied up with the locations and the gendered position they are offered, and that this contributes to their desire to move: ""Insofar as young women have more ""to gain"" than young men by leaving the asymmetric gender roles, an explanatory dimension around the skewed sex ratio is established at the cultural level"" (Waara 2003:198, own translation)." 5 0 3 1.0 10.6027/9789289330732-5-en 247209e8738173430f30320eb704da8c In line with this approach it is the sexual exploitation that is central for the violation in sex trafficking, not the actual movement of crossing borders. The exploitation of women in prostitution is considered as the most severe form of male domination, and can according to the approach in this study, not be separated from sex trafficking. A methodological consequence of this is that both sex trafficked women and what others perhaps would define as migrants for sex work and sex workers are categorized together in the study. The thematic fields and the questionnaires that were formulated in the study reflect this approach. 5 0 3 1.0 10.18356/3eecb8cd-en 2473accc700ff6b9f8ce7c4de0480390 The data are based on previous studies (including Angelsen et at., Data sources are the Global Forest Resources Assessment (FAO, 2015a) and RRI (2014). Data were adapted from Zomer et al, (2009). Data sources include published literature and case studies. Data sources include published literature and case studies. Nonetheless, given the scale and the nature of opportunities that the forest sector presents, it has the potential to help overcome gender inequality within and beyond the sector. 15 1 3 0.5 10.1787/5jlww009v1hj-en 24770affce7c1f69e7a101a0dfeed79b This means that it is not currently possible to quantify total needs by developing countries for adaptation finance or other support. For example, it can be difficult to disentangle “adaptation” from development funding, whether a specific activity could help increase adaptation or not depends on site-specific characteristics, and whether the activity should “count” as adaptation will be influenced by the intent of the project. This complicates an assessment of public climate finance for adaptation. Assessing mobilised climate finance for adaptation is also complicated given the complex financing structures of several adaptation activities and the long time delays between providing support for an adaptation project (particularly in the form of technology assistance or capacity building) and climate finance mobilisation (see e.g. CPI and OECD, 2015 for a more detailed discussion). 13 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264209626-6-en 24774df231ed70ee359776c2f506a85a Some colleges developed partnership-teaching, in w hich basic skills specialists and course tutors worked together to offer support as part of a course. This approach had two advantages: it allowed to support those w'ho were reluctant to attend targeted workshops, and it related basic skills development to the student’s course. Those who received basic skills support were three times less likely to drop out. They also had better completion (those on a two-year course) and qualification rates (those on a one-year course) than those who did not receive support. The Relationship between Basic Skills Support, Drop Out, Retention and Achievement in Further Education Colleges, Basic Skills Agency, London. 4 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264277335-7-en 2478ef46d53cbe38432f2ddcca23c2fa In mathematics, 67% of students scored at level 1 or below which indicates that they struggle to undertake very basic operations and interpretations (PEN, 2015). The OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), which focused on the performance of 15-year-olds in science in 2015, shows that Costa Rica performs well below OECD countries and at no more than the average level for Latin America (see Chapter 1). The high proportion of 15-year-old students who lack basic skills in science (46%) and do not reach the level of achievement (level 2) regarded as the minimum needed for full socio-economic participation is one of the largest among PISA participating countries and more than double the average across OECD countries (21%). 4 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264229372-7-en 247c6fdaf1d4aa6f1b954cf562622eef A strong mismatch in Russia between needed investments in road infrastructure and growing car ownership results in congestion, overused roads in poor conditions and deteriorating public transport systems. The share of car trips in Russia (68%) is still lower than in such OECD countries as France (84%), Sweden (83%) and Belgium (75%), and it is likely to increase further, to similar levels (Donchenko, 2013). Investments in transport, particularly urban public transport infrastructure, are insufficient to accommodate growing urban mobility needs and to compensate for chronic under-investment during the late Soviet period. Sub-national investment capacity for urban transport infrastructure is low and federal investment programmes are too sparse to have a sustainable impact on municipal transport systems (Box 3.10). 11 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264238701-7-en 247ecd10aefc806aac62b29c9dded8ef But reported cases of lowering water tables, ecosystem damages, saline intrusion, stream depletion, and land subsidence observed in some of the most important OECD agricultural regions provide evidence of highly damaging external effects that call for policy responses. Lack of information on groundwater resources is bound to lead to an inability to identify and adequately treat groundwater problems. Information collection is costly and needs to respond to a demand, but insufficient investment in groundwater information and data will prevent effective management. 6 0 3 1.0 10.18356/9fd805e3-en 247efa3868193848883d728b24bc8813 Even controlling for differences between the countries in demographics, socio-economics, and land use, logistic regressions show that Germans are five times as likely as Americans to use public transport. Moreover, public transport in Germany attracts a much broader cross-section of society and for a greater diversity of trip purposes. The authors explain the success of German public transport by the application of a coordinated package of mutually supportive policies that include: (1) more and better service, (2) attractive fares and convenient ticketing, (3) full multimodal and regional integration, (4) high taxes and restrictions on car use, and (5) land-use policies that promote compact, mixed-use developments. Rolph BUEHLER and John PUCHER, Demand for Public Transpori in Germany and ihe USA: An Anolysis of Rider Characteristics, Transport Reviews. 11 1 3 0.5 10.1787/5jrw21ng3ts3-en 247f8e5e6741373281a27acd52d35c2a "The OECD and EU28 (i.e. European Union) aggregates refer to the unweighted averages of those countries that have minimum wage policy and are included in the chart. When taking up a job, a significant portion of these new earnings can be ""taxed away” through reductions in benefit entitlements combined with imposition of income taxes. These participation tax rates, which are calculated by the OECD for many countries, are significantly below the OECD average in Portugal." 1 3 6 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/8cbd3f0d-en 248349fe6c754d7f9ed25aceb00517fe The layout of questions and answers on the questionnaire should be uniform in order to assist with the flow of questions and responses. Uniformity refers to applying a particular layout consistently to all questions and another consistently to all responses. Different coloured paper can be used to differentiate components of the questionnaire so that interviewers can easily move through sections and omit those that are not applicable. 5 3 1 0.5 11.1002/pub/8114a552-e2853b97-en 248e4698b00a5b5286675a3bcefe9fb3 However, with global subscription penetration crossing the 100 per cent threshold in 2016, mobile markets in both developed and developing economies are poised for slow or declining revenue trends in the near future. With greater maturity levels comes increasingly intense competition, forcing service providers to transform their business models and seek alternative sources of revenue and efficiencies. Mobile phone usage patterns reflect the growing consumer appetite for mobile Internet services fuelled by the wider availability of affordable smartphones and richer media content platforms and applications. 9 2 2 0.0 10.1787/9789264267787-en 248e5ace3131c7f35855b29f690d57a4 Proper and repeated application of the plan-do-study-act cycle should underpin this, focussed on patient outcomes to steer local and national policy making. While OECD health care systems are getting better at embedding evaluation of local initiatives, system-wide assessment of health care system performance is still lacking. Such evaluation should be more systematically conducted to assess the impact of policies and to fill existing gaps in knowledge. 3 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/1d53ff8e-en 248e67fba17299506c35d2eb8d792da2 Data for 2012 show that some 54% of the country’s electricity exports went to Hong Kong, China, while 46% of its imports came from Hong Kong, China. Viet Nam and Macau, China are the two other major export destinations of China’s electricity. China also supplies electricity in smaller quantities to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Mongolia and Myanmar. 7 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264085374-3-en 248fed42399a7e21ee34d29dc2902acb Innovative pedagogies can play an important role in this. Assessment of such competences demands the use of complex and authentic tasks rather than being excessively focused on discrete knowledge. Teacher modelling, demonstrations and the presentation of information remain highly relevant but framed with the ultimate objective of promoting students’ performance and their active role in solving tasks. 4 0 4 1.0 10.1787/5jlwvz85537c-en 24944ec10d30dd0aded3f6df8e5e44e5 In addition to largely one way broadcast type communications a number of countries are using communications for interactive, two way conversations. These methods may be important for building understanding, capacity and in mobilising demand for safety and the safe system. Public transport remains vital to the safe system. This can involve significant challenges but also opportunities for leadership and management as discussed earlier in this paper. 11 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/99fd12bb-en 2494551bfcfecd74985d4954f45d0caf Hong Kong, China as well as Japan, the Republic of Korea and Singapore have developed well-functioning integrated urban transportation systems that are based on attractive pub lie transport and restricted use of private vehicles. Country and city authorities could initiate policies to promote their use through providing tax rebates. Many guidelines,14 technical standards,15 case studies16 and sourcebooksl7 that focus on a particular aspect of urban transport and mobility are readily available. 11 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264285637-8-en 2494ed32d925445814ed0f47a1746614 However, when compared to other Latin American countries participating in SERCE, a smaller share of school principals in primary education are women (52.5%, SERCE average: 62.5%). In private urban schools, only 38.8% of primary school principals are women, the lowest proportion for Latin American countries participating in the survey (Murillo, 2012; Weinstein and Munoz, 2012a; Weinstein and Munoz, 2014). In public schools, school principals are subject to the Teacher’s Statute. 4 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.18356/47c7f9c4-en 249805c5bea2097d847abe8c9f88ef4e But pensions are not an adequate instrument for addressing income shocks triggered by macro-economic crises or natural disasters. It does not directly discuss the impact of natural disasters or political events that took place in the region. The food and fuel crisis and the subsequent economic crisis were triggered by global events. 1 5 4 0.1111111111111111 10.1787/9789264303119-en 249854cd805a069db01dcb718faab275 It is also clear that transaction costs do not constitute a once-and-for-all barrier to exchange and the existence of markets. Technological advances, for instance, could make the collection and transmission of information easier and may thus contribute to the creation of new markets. A case in point is the market for sulphur emissions, which has been working well under the “Acid Rain Program” in the United States since 1993. 7 3 2 0.2 10.1787/9789264086395-7-en 24a06973f226343d2e94c1830e4852d3 In Sweden, for example, a school reform which allowed independent schools to select students by ability led to a marked increase in segregation across schools by immigrant status (Bjorklund et al., In Denmark, for example, research suggests that since public school choice was introduced in the 1990s, segregation has increased because native students tend to choose schools with fewer immigrant and low-SES students (Bloem and Diaz, 2007). Rangvid (2007b) shows that native Danes tend to “opt out” of local schools when the proportion of migrants is between 35 and 40%. 4 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/5jxsr7tt3qf4-en 24a370db075c87e1180a8b34b7cd07d1 Land-embodied technical change is equal to the sectoral exogenous yield shift factors (source). Empirical results indicate that the assumption of uniform technical progress across sectors is generally not realistic. Studies indicate that TFP growth in developed countries is highest in agriculture, followed by manufacturing and services (Dollar and Wolff, 1993 and 1997; Kets and Lejour, 2003). 2 5 2 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264100817-7-en 24a61a31637bd2e57f986625f3ad392d Waddington (2009)14 points out that while water supply interventions appear ineffective - averaging a negligible and insignificant impact on diarrhoea morbidity compared to controls - water quality interventions on average lead to a 42% relative reduction in child diarrhoea morbidity (with a 95% confidence interval). Such authors argue that treatment at point of use is more efficient than treatment at the point of source (via a community water treatment plant, for example) given that there are many opportunities for treated water to become unsafe alongside the transportation process (Waddington, 2009; Wright et al., These interventions can include ceramic water purifiers, SODIS, sand biofilters, etc. An example of efficient water treatment interventions at household level is described in Box 2.2. Only certain areas are affected by high arsenic levels, but tens of thousands of people have already been showing skin discoloration and other more serious manifestation of chronic poisoning, including neurologic, vascular and carcinogenic effects. Water quality interventions conducted over longer periods tend to show smaller effectiveness, while impact appears to fall markedly over time. 6 0 4 1.0 10.18356/7e8a00c8-en 24a65f9fac060eba2b687bc5ccbd50e0 The Myanmar-China 2,520 km gas pipeline, with a capacity of 12 BCM per annum, became operational in October 2013. Furthermore, China started construction of the Eastern Russia-China gas pipeline for importing 5 BCM per annum from 2018 (the volume will increase to 30 BCM per annum from 2023). The length of the Chinese part of the pipeline is 3,170 km, which extends to Shanghai, and the Russian part is the 2,680 km Power of Siberia gas system connecting the Irkutsk region to Vladivostok. 7 1 4 0.6 10.1787/eco/surveys-gbr-2013-4-en 24a88fcd5e7d9d27d72316c386171e7b A one point increase in perceived income inequality (on a scale of 10) reduces life satisfaction by 0.1 points. This is lower than the OECD average, but consistent with findings in other Anglo-Saxon countries (di Telia et al., Unemployment, inequality and well-being (cont.) However, the literature provides clear evidence that unemployment operates also through non-pecuniary channels. 10 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5kg5dlkhjq0x-en 24aa3ae95a4b2aaf584daed9e4ffed7d Taxes and transfers now lower inequality by about 29% (column 5); more than in the mid-80s, but less than in the mid-90s. Households headed by a working-age individual (15-64, except in Sweden where 25 was chosen as the age cut-off in order to minimise the impact of a change in the definition of a household that occurred in the mid-90s). Gini values (G) are shown in percent. 10 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5jlz3kbf7pzv-en 24ab51abe4913d324e299b069463aed7 Pharmaceuticals (on the PBS) are provided to patients of Aboriginal Health Services at the time of consultations and at no cost to the patient, by a suitably qualified and approved health professional, in accordance with state law. Pregnant women are exempted for inpatient and outpatient care related to the pregnancy. Children under 4 only pay EUR 1.30 per prescription medicine and no co-insurance. 3 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264281707-8-en 24abc47d032fa9e70353863f0822190a Accompanying measures can play an important role: water pricing (in Jersey; or Southern Water’s transition scheme in England), education and information (in Australia), and competition for nondomestic consumers (in Scotland). The Netherlands, Singapore, Israel and Ontario have worked on linkages between their utilities, industries and universities to develop innovative w'ater enterprises both for the home and international markets. The response from the private sector comes from several perspectives. 6 0 3 1.0 10.18356/0cf73767-en 24ae95ebe1d08bb4843e8c62687f8f01 In the area of seed development, funding of farmer participatory crop-breeding has led to the release of 68 locally adapted varieties of crops such as cassava, bean, sorghum, and maize. Many of these varieties incorporate traits from varieties developed by the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) and Africa’s national research organizations, along with farmers' own traditional varieties. Twenty four small- and medium-sized seed companies and cooperatives have experienced a near doubling of their seed production in two years. Their understanding is influenced by the quantity and quality of information available on fertilizer and by their access to that information. For example, the ratio of farm-gate price to cost, insurance, and freight ranges from 1.42 for the United States to 2.04 and 2.56 for Nigeria and Angola respectively. • It is important that African countries assess and prioritize the IP issues (trademarks, patents, geographical indicators, plant breeder’s protection, and traditional knowledge) according to their short-, medium- and long-term implications on their modes of agricultural productivity. 2 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264203914-8-en 24b547ab7f2e496b1ba39671d6cf1872 On the one hand, this could be indicative of low payroll costs because staffing is not sufficient to meet municipal administrative, operational and service delivery requirements, or indicative of low remuneration levels. It could also signal that the municipality is not willing or able to bridge this gap with consultants, a frequent practice in Chile. When evaluating 2011 human resource levels among top-ranking municipalities in the Quality of Life Index,3 Antofagasta had below-average levels of two primary consultant categories - honorario and honorario a programas -and was just above average for total human resource4 levels (Table 4.3). The city may need to further evaluate whether it needs to spend more on human resources by taking on more staff in the honorario categories. One of the marked differences in looking at the employment spread is that with the exception of Vitacura, the high scorers on the Quality of Life Index depend more on consultants. Ultimately, however, the question is not how much is spent on human resources but how it is spent. 11 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264191761-en 24b63ae14ed0411088da25a0825bead6 On the export side, the increases in trade were driven principally by wheat exports, for which the annual volume almost doubled and annual value more than tripled between 1995-97 and 2008-10. Kazakhstan ranks today among the world’s top ten wheat exporters (sixth in 2011/12). On the import side, trade growth was underpinned by the improvements in incomes and the strengthening of the national currency. 2 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264077287-en 24b84f8a3654be674693cc4eac3e149b Its policy is to introduce separate collection and appropriate management systems, together with information targeted at households and consumers, as well as advisory services, training and assistance to businesses. Separate collection applies to all recoverable items and “problem waste”. The volumes collected by voluntary delivery to PDRs have more than doubled since 1999. Many PDRs have set up a “trading posf. One of the three inter-communal syndicates, SIDEC, has established an exchange that is accessible by Internet. 6 4 0 1.0 10.18356/6f7c638a-en 24c03a8296db31fbc4f74f781455f812 This has led to inequalities in opportunities and outcomes for personal and professional development. Research on time use, and particularly the analysis of time-use survey data, has revealed patterns of inequality in time distribution and allowed the quantification of time allocated to daily activities. It has also identified the conditions that affect time distribution and allocation for specific tasks according to the rules of the patriarchal system within families and the dominant gender system in the public arena, providing statistics to reflect unpaid domestic and care work and their effects on the lives of women and on gender relationships. 5 0 9 1.0 10.18356/32dc0f16-en 24c26bbbd042f0286f7106fe9ba00ba5 While most developing countries have more youthful populations, and hence more demographic momentum, declining fertility rates mean that they too will increasingly face the phenomenon of population ageing. However, a narrow focus on contraception and family planning overlooks the complex interplay of social, economic and cultural factors in demographic transitions to lower birth rates. Family planning policies should be situated within a broader sexual and reproductive health and rights and gender equality framework, rather than solely focusing on fertility reduction. 5 1 3 0.5 10.18356/11e28764-en 24c42e098b2825d0a8f0d3da1e7e180d It imposes costs not only on women themselves, but on the agriculture sector, the broader economy and society as a whole. Closing the gender gap in agriculture would generate significant gains for the agriculture sector ■ and for society. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has warned that the current dominant model of food production cannot meet the food security challenges of the 21 st century and that food production systems need to become more sustainable, inclusive and resilient (FAO 2015a, FAO, IFAD and WFP 2015, FAO 2015c). The negative environmental impacts of current agricultural practices include soil erosion and damaged soil structure; altered food web structure and function; contamination of the atmosphere, soil, groundwater and surface waters; deforestation to meet new needs for farmland; nitrogen and phosphorous losses to the ocean and inland water bodies, resulting in algal blooms and reduced fishery resources and biodiversity; greenhouse gas emissions; disrupted marine food webs; and unsustainable water use (UNEP 2012). 2 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264203914-8-en 24c67335f93fcf883d24678b6aef28a9 The opinions expressed and arguments employed herein do not necessarily reflect the official views of the Organisation or of the governments of its member countries. There is a strong movement in Antofagasta to ensure that the city is prepared for its future and can provide a higher quality of life for its residents. Yet the ability to manage the challenges ahead and engage in a vibrant process of transformation is constrained by public governance institutions and frameworks that are not adapted to Antofagasta’s dynamic context. This chapter explores some of Antofagasta’s governance challenges, particularly with respect to financial and human resources, to the development and implementation of a comprehensive strategic vision, and to the role of citizens and external stakeholders in public service delivery. 11 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5jxsr7tt3qf4-en 24cd949644e98ba7ccc0a731c96f8847 The Canadian federal government provides financial incentives for the period 2008-2017 for the amount of litres produced in Canada under its established the ecoENERGY for Biofuels Program (Natural Resources Canada, 2012). In addition, there are programmes at provincial level in Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec and Saskatchewan, the duration of which varies per province (Laan et al., At federal level for example these are the National Biomass Ethanol Programme, which accepted applications until 2006, the Ethanol Expansion Programme, which ran between 2003 and 2006, the ecoAgriculture Biofuels Capital Initiative, which lasted from 2007 to 2012 and the Biofuels Opportunities for Producers Initiative, which provided grants to biofuel producers between 2006 and 2008 (Laan et al., 2 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264088986-en 24d006dec247dd43530ef55cbce9edfe The programme has grown to 56 in 2007/08, 242 in 2008/09, 332 in 2009/10, and is projected to enrol 422 in 2010/11. The project involves students from all Israeli universities and colleges with children from disadvantaged socio-economic background in undertaking cultural and educational activities. Perach student mentors work in all sectors of Israeli society - Jewish, Arab, secular and religious. 4 0 9 1.0 10.18356/45094dde-en 24d2ba2006770c8834aaf7271e738b75 Because experts make scientific value judgements in the process of risk assessment, such as the use of default assumptions or scientific choices among a number of alternatives (FAO/WHO, 1997), the question has arisen of whether such judgements should be within the realm of risk management. Particularly in cases where assessment involves uncertainty, it is argued that how such scientific value judgements were undertaken must be clearly explained because they can affect the entire outcome. These were some of the focuses of discussions by several Codex committees (including the Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues, the Committee on Residues of Veterinary Drugs in Foods and the Committee on Food Additives) about the application of risk assessment policy,3 which comprises documented guidelines on the choice of options and judgements at decision points in the risk assessment that are established by risk managers in consultation with risk assessors and the relevant stakeholders in advance of risk assessment. 2 4 0 1.0 10.1787/5k9b7bn5qzvd-en 24d2f552cf7f0be5e20baab64b1b4959 This calls for the adoption of clear responsibilities for financing investments that would better take into account the bigger picture. It declines when several levels of government are involved in key health-care decisions, as is the case, for example, for financing new hospital building and high-cost equipment in several countries, including Poland (OECD, 2010a). According to Zukowski, the NFZ should play such a co-ordinating role, including planning of long-term needs, prevention, and financial and quality supervision. 3 0 9 1.0 10.1787/empl/outlook-2013-6-en 24d6bc89cfe08b084330127948d39aff Applying consistently this scoring rule to all countries led to a number of revisions of previously published figures, notably in Spain. Second, normally only regulations concerning dismissal for redundancy or personal reasons but without fault are considered for the computation of the scores. This choice is justified by the fact that procedures for dismissal for fault are usually faster. 10 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/bb63671b-en 24d8df4f96570e52beebfb404fad6605 This makes the analysis of time use patterns and the role of bargaining power vital for understanding household dynamics and women's labour market participation in China; these insights will contribute to the development of policies that promote gender equality and improve women's well-being. More specifically, we examine whether women's relative bargaining power decreases their time or share in domestic and care work. We focus on a sample of 13,505 couples drawn from die 2008 China National Time Use Survey (CTUS) data. 5 0 7 1.0 10.18356/e617261d-en 24d931610f0b256a7cab1a3ebea1b12f The first source is statistics of the former Federal Migration Service4 of the Russian Federation as well as data of international organizations. The second block comprises data of projects conducted by the authors as part of the Group for Migration and Ethnicity Research (GMER) of RANEPA as well as the doctoral thesis of Rocheva (2016). However, this method has limitations which are connected with missing non-users of the Internet and social networking sites and those users of social networking sites who have no identifiable attributes tying them to specific countries. 5 9 0 1.0 10.18356/21b84508-en 24dc3967a0db2580ad20f84a4ea6ee6a Vulnerability is reduced through physical and socio-economic measures, better land-use planning, equitable access to resources and weather-risk transfer mechanisms. Subsequent sections review the evidence linking social protection to investment in household farm assets and resources, to savings and to entrepreneurial activity, before moving to the wider community and economic impacts of social protection. But how well do social protection programmes improve the different dimensions of human resources such as health, education and nutrition? 1 2 2 0.0 10.1787/5kg20639kgkj-en 24de5b3e247b19cf84abfe237b1f02e7 The brokers overcame this by engaging directly with front-line advisors locally and developing a range of marketing tools outlining the offers and scale of the potential future job opportunities. Currently there is a strong focus across the city on retrofitting “brown” buildings and investing in the infrastructure to improve energy efficiency. For instance, in the City of Sydney Authority alone there is a particular focus on installing new photovoltaic sites and a commitment to further lowering the carbon footprint of large commercial and public buildings through the Better Buildings Partnership. 7 1 3 0.5 10.18356/8b39690f-en 24e67d87962867da9c5d12325e85e236 The share of the removals in the base year was -11.8 per cent of total GHG emissions in CO2 eq, while in the inventoried year the share was -13.05 per cent. There are two separate trends contributing to this decrease. At the beginning of the period, for economic reasons there was a transition from liquid fuels, which were previously used for heating, to electricity. Some societal groups also drastically reduced their use of energy for heating, due to their very low income. 13 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264268852-7-en 24e6948d2cd33cf5dd5131894b37d06e The central government would need to keep a certain level of authority to monitor its development, to hold akimats to account for their handling of their delegated authority. The Ministry of the Civil Service that traditionally controls HRM in central and subnational levels of government would need to redefine its role and functions. Its role could be more strategic and less managerial, as seems to be the case so far, and as is typical of OECD countries such as Finland, Ireland, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States. 11 1 4 0.6 10.18356/ab381733-en 24e94a212d0d1d57dc5c7d82c1a4a2bc The unsold recyclables are stored at the sorting plant. Daily coverage by inert material is not regular, because the landfill is lacking stable supply of inert material. Therefore there is a restriction to receive only municipal waste, and the need for supply of cover material was omitted. The Rustavi landfill is the ideal place to test new approaches on how to change the current practice of waste management on a small scale. The cost of the first phase, which includes landfill infrastructure, roads, buildings, leachate collection/treatment, gas collection/treatment, fencing, gate, weighbridge and first waste disposal cell, was US$7.85 million (15 million lari). The second phase was budgeted at US$5.47 million. 12 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264268852-6-en 24e968157e84f06a8cdac4b6bfa2f00b In the broad-base system, social housing is open to all citizens without necessarily applying any priority criterion in the allocation of dwellings. In targeted systems, social housing operates apart from the private rental market, and only households for which the market is deemed unable to deliver housing will benefit from it. Income thresholds or vulnerable groups could be criteria for eligibility in this system. Table 2.4 shows a comparison of types of social housing systems across OECD countries that may lead Kazakhstan’s leadership in its debate to define the best system for the country. 11 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.18356/eb1a71a8-en 24eb91706900f1da8872e431d4183fb4 Eleven of the 36 LDCs for which assessments have been undertaken are at high risk of debt distress (Afghanistan, Burundi, Central African Republic, Chad, Djibouti, Haiti, Kiribati, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Mauritania, Sao Tome and Principe, and Tuvalu), while three (the Gambia, South Sudan and the Sudan) are already in debt distress (IMF, 2017b). Moreover, an increased tendency to borrow on international markets increases LDCs’ exposure to global financial shocks while also heightening risks that offshore markets will draw liquidity away from domestic markets (Black and Munro, 2010). Estimates presented in this report suggest the total investment cost for basic universal access by 2030 to be in the order of $12-$40 billion per year across LDCs as a whole; and increasing supply to fulfil the needs of transformational access would raise these costs considerably. While there is some potential for greater mobilization of domestic and external sources of financing towards energy-sector investments, this is very limited relative to the resulting gap. 7 6 1 0.7142857142857143 10.14217/5jlz411xvqhc-en 24ef0f7e7ac290800521950b58c7cf7e The latter is innovation that adapts existing technologies for local uses, making those technologies more widely available (Dutz and Sharma 2012). One is the new market mechanisms that will be set up as a result of the Agreement. Under the Kyoto Protocol, the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) proved to be an important mechanism for delivering investment to developing countries in areas that mitigated climate change.12 Chapter 6 of the Agreement provides for a market mechanism that will be further elaborated by the Parties in subsequent meetings (Commonwealth Secretariat, 2016). 13 0 5 1.0 10.1787/9789264229679-4-en 24ef40f5732472668b1ecb58b22e8d33 Although the timing of national policy evaluations may be more flexible, political pressures would make it difficult to commit resources for adaptation evaluations on the basis that results will potentially only be known 20-30 years in the future. At the same time, the value of an evaluation and the lessons it generates may be lost if the evaluation is postponed too far into the future. One option to overcome this challenge is to focus assessments on the achievement of intermediate outcomes, through ongoing monitoring and real-time evaluation. 13 4 5 0.1111111111111111 10.14217/9781848599130-13-en 24f0f23daa549224332b5b222480bb8a This first step (Section 8.2) is needed to obtain a quantitative and objective index of vulnerability which could be used to monitor the actions recommended by the IPoA. Revealing the overall characteristics of the LDCs in terms of vulnerability to climate change as well as their heterogeneity in this respect, and consequently in the required adaptation policies, constitutes the first step of this chapter. We highlight the highest vulnerability of LDCs to climate change compared with other developing countries and we analyse the heterogeneity of their vulnerability profiles. Progress has been achieved in this regard under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) through the adoption of decisions at the sixteenth Conference of the Parties to the Convention in Cancun, Mexico, in 2010.’ 13 0 7 1.0 10.1787/leo-2017-7-en 24f476712942816a7f9f9021348af7a5 Unlike other regions, LAC has extreme levels of violence within society; in fact, the region has the world’s highest homicide rate (UNODC, 2014). As seen in the earlier section, crime has climbed to the top of youth concerns in the region during the past decade. Shanty towns and slum areas are both poor and violent; this dual burden reproduces and exacerbates social exclusion. 8 2 2 0.0 10.18356/14fbf2b0-en 24f54830abdd5d23e4a0716863cb3680 Referral for family-planning services and further diagnosis and treatment for complications of pregnancy, delivery and abortion, infertility, reproductive tract infections, breast cancer and cancers of the reproductive system, sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV/AIDS should always be available, as required. Active discouragement of harmful practices, such as female genital mutilation, should also be an integral component of primary health care, including reproductive health-care programmes. Reproductive health-care programmes should be designed to serve the needs of women, including adolescents, and must involve women in the leadership, planning, decision-making, management, implementation, organization and evaluation of services. 3 0 5 1.0 10.18356/9de3e7b5-en 24f561316c9de8ea753de66f8b890afb Poverty statistics and their comparability could also be improved by greater harmonization of criteria, such as those for calculating poverty lines. The absence of this information also precludes analysis of labour earnings or of the impacts of government transfers and taxes on household welfare. The debate about relevant capabilities and the best way to measure equality in these has been wide-ranging (see, among others, Nussbaum, 2001; Robeyns, 2005), but remains open. 10 3 6 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264179011-7-en 24fd90f179dcf8c2d0112ae07ff4be8d Between 2005-10,122 815 ha of land was drained at a cost of IDR 1 million (USD 110) per ha. Between 2005-09 it built 32 farmer markets, 61 agribusiness sub-terminals and 74 cattle markets. It developed processing facilities for horticulture product (116), plantation products (40), livestock feed (78), milk (27) and meat (88), and established 300 units of artificial insemination (MoA, 2010). 2 3 6 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9ce809d8-en 2500d117148976b4ba78fbc290288ad5 Under the third mechanism, donors transfer funds directly to federal ministries such as the Ministry of Education for specific purposes agreed between the federal ministry and the donors. Finally, the fourth channel involves the transfer of funds to implementation partners selected by donors based on bilateral agreements. Despite declining slightly in 2011/12 (in 2010/11 prices), it increased at an average annual rate of 9.8% between 2010/11 and 2015/16 (Figure 2.7). Public spending fell from 18.2% of GDP in 2010/11 to a low of 16.6% of GDP in 2012/13 before recovering to 18.4% of GDP in 2015/16. 1 4 3 0.14285714285714285 10.18356/c341a207-en 2501a9d909b451abf103b61c576e9555 The NSC approach has been piloted in several countries including Botswana, Colombia, Ecuador, and Tunisia. Many of these tools were refined and modified in readiness for supporting the global monitoring of the urban SDGs. Other United Nations bodies have developed complimentary initiatives to support SDG 11 monitoring, one of the most recent being the United for Smart Sustainable Cities Initiative. 11 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264229631-5-en 2501b3358523ab5eb714690f65e029f6 "It is driven by the intersection of hazards, exposure and vulnerability. Water shortage arises from conditions of scarcity, which can be defined as “an imbalance between the supply and demand of freshwater as a result of a high level of demand compared to available supply, under prevailing institutional arrangements (including price) and infrastructural conditions"" (Winpenny, 2011). Economic scarcity exists when there has been underinvestment in water infrastructure to supply sufficient amounts of water. Absolute scarcity exists when there is no affordable source of additional water, or where the costs of additional water supplies exceed the benefits of their provision." 6 0 5 1.0 10.6027/9789289351171-4-en 250201759c217052e79f92cfffad8599 However, Hertwich and Peters (2009) state that 72% of global GHG emissions are related to household consumption, and the rest to government consumption and investments. The potential of mitigating climate change by changing consumption patterns is modelled by Girod and colleagues (2014), who propose that low GHG-intensive choices in housing, passenger transport, food, and other goods and services would make it possible to reach the 2 °C climate target by 2050. In addition to the end-of-pipe emissions of production, we should focus on the unsustainable footprint of our normal everyday life. 12 1 3 0.5 10.1787/empl/outlook-2015-9-en 2503a9f19663d4c11a1f97b18bbaecc9 In India, for instance, factories employing more than 100 employees are required to gain permission from the Ministry of Labour before making any dismissals. Figures from the Ministry of Labour’s annual report show that in 2006, only 24 firms were given permission to dismiss a total of 884 workers. Despite this, job destruction rates in large manufacturing firms are relatively high, suggesting that many enterprises are able to evade this requirement (Venn, 2009). A survey of judges, labour inspectors, employment centres, employer organisations and trade unions in Russia shows also that labour law enforcement is seriously lacking: almost 85% of respondents think that non-observance of labour law is a serious or very accute problem, with hiring, contracts, dismissal, pay and working time being the areas of labour law most frequently violated (Gimpelson et al., 8 0 3 1.0 10.1787/f1cb24d5-en 2503b60053be78d66f5a92828e6e2160 A wide range of studies agree that involving stakeholders in the design of policies, such as the development of teaching standards, is a crucial element of effective governance (Burns and Koster, 2016[44]; OECD, 2013(2]). Inclusive stakeholder involvement was also identified as one of the four key elements of effective education policy implementation in a recent OECD working paper (Viennet and Pont, 2017[45]). Teachers taking ownership of the standards is also thought to contribute to recognising their professionalism (OECD, 2013(2]). 4 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.18356/f47faf05-en 2503f931dee7f9d3567d1d9957fbb79b Soil pollution directly affects human and environmental health and land productivity based on factors including pollutant concentration, depth of contact with biota and density of humans in polluted areas. However, soil pollution is rarely monitored. It is usually documented and measured after major pollution events that require clean-up or intervention. 6 1 3 0.5 10.1787/5js08hwvfnr4-en 2503fe8318c1dc2be29f302fc355bcc0 However, to support long-term on-farm adaptation, the focus should be on helping farmers assess and manage their risks rather than on removing or reducing risks. Additionally, a choice of well-defined indicators may help to measure the progress and success of specific adaptation measures. These caveats notwithstanding, the assessment provided in review paper, and the resulting observations, can be used as input to help governments to design, implement and adjust their adaptation strategies. 13 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/ff1be167-en 250bf7e8ecb34c53bad7286394377082 The countries with the lowest percentage of children and adolescents with moderate or severe deprivation in sanitation nationwide are Chile (3.5%) and Uruguay (2.6%). A major decrease was observed in all countries. The biggest reduction occurred in the Plurinational State of Bolivia (15.2 percentage points), followed by Peru (13.8%) and Honduras, El Salvador and Brazil (in that order). Around 2011,10.8% of children across the region (17 countries) were moderately or severely deprived and 6.2% were severely deprived of access to drinking water. In 10 of the 16 countries with national data (Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Peru and the Plurinational State of Bolivia), over 10% of children and adolescents suffered some kind of deprivation associated with access to drinking water, and in three countries (Nicaragua, Peru and Plurinational State of Bolivia), the figure was over 10% for severe deprivation alone (see tables 11.5 and 11.6). 1 4 5 0.1111111111111111 10.1787/9789264191808-5-en 250f5fd5c55bbe536c21830053cbfb74 It would need to include targets for mixes of land-uses, density and access to services including transportation and education. A national land-use framework that encourages municipalities to increase their share of flexible, mixed-use zones would also facilitate this. In areas of conditional planning that lack zoning, an alternative set of standards would need to ensure a minimum level of services and manage negative externalities. 11 0 4 1.0 10.1787/agr/outlook-2014-5-en 250fc691a8efb146b7db8dbf20f7bb98 From 1970 to 2004, average daily calorie intake per capita has fluctuated in the range of 1 950 to 2 350 kcal. Average intake of calories in 1980 in India was about 63%, and by 2013 it was 73% of OECD levels.4 For protein, intake was 50% of OECD levels in 1980 and 59% by 2013. While some progress is evident over time, the extent of the difference has not changed rapidly. However, there does appear to be an upward trend in this ratio since the middle of the last decade. 2 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264121836-7-en 25114c9a3abe622eb732b181838f81e6 These energy-related charges and earlier charges for surface water abstraction are currently collected by the state-owned Slovak Water Management Enterprise (SWME) Banska Stiavnica, the main provider of raw water to users across Slovakia. In the future they should be the major source of funding at the river basin level. Steps taken under the flood protection programme of 2000-10 included development of a flood warning and forecast system and investment measures (amounting to EUR 170 million) carried out by SWME Banska Stiavnica. However, estimates show around a EUR 450 million shortfall of funding for flood prevention. 6 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/9bf8d10f-en 251151c935bd55c53fb8405b8a5e35d7 The general tendency of the urban poor is to spend a higher proportion of their income on food and housing, while lower priority is given to health and education costs. The present section depicts the extent of the slum poor’s access to primary and public health services in the capital city of Bangladesh. As mentioned before, 60 households (15 from each of four slums) were the key respondents. 3 2 3 0.2 10.1787/9789264277335-7-en 2511a591d25eab439b3fcbfb2c81baaa There is recognition within the MEP that the reformed assessment should move from assessing content knowledge to examining students’ skills in applying and using knowledge in ways that demonstrate higher-order competencies. This will be a significant improvement on the previous assessment, which captured only a limited range of learning activity. But the new assessment should include other modifications as well. 4 0 4 1.0 10.18356/7d5576e0-en 25144b479b48aaf0ad2ae561baf1f6bb However, it is important to note that facilitated procedures for the grant of such licenses will only be available to the extent that the patent holder’s behaviour has been characterized as anti-competitive (Article 31 (k), TRIPS Agreement). An existing exclusive right may contribute to the establishment of a dominant position in a given market, which in turn may enable the right holder to have recourse to predatory pricing practices. Where, by contrast, the patent does result in actual market exclusivity, the rights holder might have recourse to predatory pricing after compulsory licenses have been granted to generic competitors. 3 6 1 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/7c579957-en 251905e773e7cd040de0ba853b0489da "Their first initiative was to obtain the legal status of “fisher’s wife"" in order to ensure professional rights to small-scale fisheries and secure social security benefits. After several years of campaigning, on 18 Novem ber 1997 the Fisheries’ Orientation Law was passed, which granted wives of fishers the status of ""collaborative spouse”, with retirement benefits and rights to represent their husbands in economic councils. Following this, eight regional women’s organizations formed the Federation Interregional des femmes du Littoral (FIFEL - “Interregional Federation of Coastal Women”) in May 1998 to further promote the role of women fishers as agents of economic development, and to promote a global vision of social, economic and environmental development for the small-scale fisheries sector (Roux. The social security benefits granted to the newly formalized role of collaborative spouse were in line with Para 6.3, which calls upon States to promote social security protection for workers in small-scale fisheries." 8 3 6 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264286191-7-en 2519e5bda1461311e4a8089fc389c552 First, if any of the involved bodies do not agree with the result, it is possible to request an opinion or decision of the Ministiy for Regional Development on the matter. Afterwards, there is also the possibility to appeal to the regular court. Further, the process is administratively onerous, requiring the binding opinions of 23 authorities for both steps. 11 1 3 0.5 10.18356/441bff2d-en 251b9299316823651f2c7eaad5c22602 Lastly, Ribas and Soares (2011) show that in poor areas Bolsa Familia negatively affected the hours worked but impacted positively on the participation of other household members in the labour market. Chile Solidario promotes public work projects or facilitates the process of looking for a job via enrolment at the local employment office (OMIL). Indeed, table 3 shows that the programme is successfully achieving this aim given that the share of households working thanks to Chile Solidario or OMIL (5.4 per cent) is higher than for the control group (2.5 per cent), the difference being statistically significant. A similar pattern has been observed by Galasso (2006), who showed that the programme directly increased employment among beneficiaries in urban and rural areas by 6 and 4 per cent, respectively. 1 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264202030-8-en 251b9bcbcc5f6a00f5095eefda6aed71 Threat levels are particularly high in countries with high population density and a high concentration of human activities. Sharp declines in many formerly common and widespread species signal wider environmental problems and the erosion of biodiversity' as a whole. A wild bird index combining data from Europe and North America show's that specialist birds have declined by nearly 30% in 40 years. 15 1 4 0.6 10.1787/5km35m63qqvc-en 251cc943f9d239b5761aa8be749ba348 In 2000, about 76% of lone-mother households received their main income through wages and salaries (Japan Statistical Yearbook, Table 2-19). In 2006, the single-mother employment rate was 84.5%, the second-highest reported by an OECD country (OECD, 2007b; Sekine, 2008; and Zhou, 2009). Although many single mothers work full time, their earnings and incomes remain relatively low (see Chapter 4). 8 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264214033-8-en 251ff99756b89fe41bba0cb0182aaeee What kinds of interventions are most effective for these schools? Teacher shortage and disciplinary climate are inter-related: most teachers tend to avoid schools with more disciplinary problems, while a shortage of qualified teachers adversely affects disciplinary climate. What is needed in these schools is an intervention to break this vicious cycle. Countries that have improved their performance in PISA, like Brazil, Colombia, Estonia, Israel, japan and Poland, for example, have established policies to improve the quality of their teaching staff by either adding to the requirements to earn a teaching license, providing incentives for high-achieving students to enter the profession, increasing salaries to make the profession more attractive and to retain more teachers, or by offering incentives for teachers to engage in in-service teacher-training programmes. 4 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264262430-8-en 2528495501d21ead8a0daea5549fa162 In a previous OECD review of evaluation and assessment in Denmark, Shewbridge et al. ( It could draw on the professional teaching standards that Denmark once these have been developed, but also take school-based indicators and criteria as well as school objectives and contexts into account. It can be low-key and low-cost, and include self-appraisal, peer appraisal, classroom observation, and structured conversations and regular feedback by the school principal and experienced peers. 4 0 4 1.0 10.1787/eco/surveys-esp-2010-7-en 25285323de57e8c53f1bd3ef16dbc821 They can also be obliged to do so if the aquifer they exploit is declared overexploited. The associations establish norms for distribution and control, regulate the use and maintenance of shared hydraulic systems, organise the shared payments and resolve problems among members. They play an important role in the RBAs, to which they assign members in the users’ assembly, which in turn elects at least a third of the members of key decision-making units in the RBAs, including the governing board. 6 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264083578-8-en 2528ae167acfec392716fadf709069bf They describe several challenges that might limit the ability of some countries to implement virtual water strategies, such as the potential risk of losing food sovereignty, the lack of markets for non-food crops, and inadequate infrastructure in rural areas. The authors suggest that improvements in water management practices might be more helpful than implementing virtual water trading strategies in some countries. One goal of such improvement in the discourse might be considered as determining how to utilize the attractiveness and compelling nature of the virtual water and water footprint metaphors as starting points for enhancing public interest in water resource issues, while not relying on virtual water discussions alone to guide public policy decisions. Since the mid-1990s, these metaphors have generated notable public attention and interest in one of the world’s most important, yet limited, resources. 6 0 3 1.0 10.18356/fcd1ba6c-en 2528f76d29c8a44be2769f22b552e9a8 Scepticism about the science is no longer an option: the world’s scientists have never been so unanimous, and so ominous, in their projections of future perils. The bad news is that too many participants in the debate consider a climate policy as consisting primarily of manipulating markets and prices. If the only tool available were market liberalization, then the solution to every problem would seem to be a matter of getting the prices right. But setting a price for carbon emissions is only the beginning of climate policy - not the end. 7 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/ca9e0bef-en 252b4d5ea19c51bbd2c0d8b7060dde4c Countries who are in the phase of building up their research capacities often begin by establishing projects with teams in scientifically advanced countries (both in the global North and South). Programmes such as the European Union’s Marie Curie grants have helped promote collaboration and mobility and created regional and international scientific networks of researchers. The STI policy review framework is being revised to strengthen the focuses on STI for the SDGs. The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) carries out reviews of innovation policies in countries with economies in transition, for which the question of the absorption is particularly relevant. 9 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/agr/pol-2011-7-en 252c3eedff822008e102022957ead9d6 At the same time, price volatility has also become a major policy issue since the recent price spikes. Recent work in this area (OECD, 2011) has demonstrated that to focus policy on a single source of risk is not an efficient risk management approach. Rather than pursuing the reduction of farming risk or the stabilisation of farmers’ income, policies should focus on assisting farmers to manage risk. Risk management policies are more efficient if they are restricted to catastrophic risks for which markets tools are likely to fail. However, a risk layering approach would contribute to more effective policies as risks have different characteristics that require differentiated responses. 2 1 3 0.5 10.1787/eco/surveys-col-2013-4-en 252dfb592293d3e28b286d9fbfd83144 Unequal access to educational services, large gaps in the quality of education between private and public schools, or persistent financial access constraints perpetuate income inequality. Experience in OECD countries suggests that education is also a key driver of social mobility (OECD, 2010). In Colombia however, the link may be weaker (Angulo et al., 1 2 4 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/c9f3d59c-en 252e8044392c81578817960afbcc7b2c In parallel, Hungary reformed its subsidy system; today, the subsidy is targeted towards areas that face very high costs of service. Municipalities can apply for central subsidies if the costs (before subsidy) faced by the residents exceed a certain threshold. In 2010, the threshold was HUF 321/m* (EUR 1.2/m*) for bulk water bought, HUF 485/m* (EUR 1.8/m*) for total residential water supply costs and HUF 985/m* (EUR 3.6/m*) for combined residential water supply and sanitation costs. Subsidy claims are resolved by an inter-ministerial committee, led by the Ministry of Rural Development, which allocates the total available budget appropriation taking into account criteria such as the residential water consumed during the previous year, the expected changes in water consumption, the effective and predicted costs of service and whether the claims of concerned municipalities are supported by the board of representatives. 6 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264208988-5-en 25307aa4ccf1acfc6d9bde090ab13deb Many of these disadvantages are compounded. To provide just one example: the likelihood of a young, Black woman living in the Northeast of Brazil being unemployed is 28.6%, and the probability that she is NEET is 31.7%. This compares with an unemployment rate for White males living in the South of 7.6% and a NEET rate of 9.1 %. 8 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264233010-5-en 253181f9261cc93f12019604fad5f9d1 Importantly, it also looks at the role of specific health system characteristics and policies to determine their importance in explaining cross-country variation in the quality of CVD acute care. It examines cross-country variation in recommended heart failure practice and analyses whether the degree of adherence can be explained by health system characteristics and policies. These data provide a comprehensive picture of health care expenditure, health care use and resources, lifestyles and risk factors, health care quality and health outcomes. The statistics that relate directly to CVD and diabetes care and outcomes provide the basis for the statistical analysis presented in this report. 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/agr/pol-2014-4-en 2532065ecd054ca65ed9d5102de8d99a The main change is due to the need to allocate programmes under Inspection Services and Marketing and promotion into new sub-categories. In particular the inspection and control programmes implemented by the inspection agency SENASICA include inspection, pest and diseases and input components. Good budgetary information for the allocation of this expenditure to different sub-categories was not available and allocation was provisionally done in equal amounts. New information is being collected with the view of improving this allocation in the next monitoring cycle. 2 3 1 0.5 10.18356/f47faf05-en 25333b2a1f80287efc77da8e302a03ae Individual and social participation and engagement in environmental processes intended to improve and protect the local and global environment are a concrete manifestation of understanding and motivation of, and commitment to protecting and improving the environment, expressed through behaviour. This topic is intended to capture any available statistics on a country’s pro-environmental activities and programmes. Pro-environmental activities are those undertaken by civil society or community groups to protect, improve and manage the environment. 6 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264098473-10-en 2535439098e7d734e40122807e888d3f Regulations from 2005 setting maximum allowable biomass have been effective in addressing eutrophication for older fish farms in several fjords. Forthcoming new regulations will increase the monitoring obligations (MOFI, 2009a). Meanwhile, further efforts are needed to regulate cod farming, given the magnitude of its environmental impact relative to the current size of the business. 14 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264254596-13-en 25359f07138233a1e712b816408df815 The latter are headed by lntendentes, who are the direct representative of the President of the Republic in each of the 15 regions. Councils (Consejos regionales, COREs) supervise the lntendentes' duties and approve the Regional Plan for Urban development (Plan Regional de Desarrollo Urbano, PRDU) as well as the Inter-Communal or Metropolitan Master Plan (Plan Regulador Intercomunal o Metropolitano, PRI or PRM), as proposed by the SEREMIs. In addition, communal master plans (PMC) need to be submitted to CORE’S approval if they are not included in existing PRI or PRM. 11 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5jrxr7vj1g9v-en 25381db52061d646cbf0893d279b66e7 The new mental health indicator was designed to measure the response to anxiety and depression disorders through the delivery of the improving access to psychological therapies programme (NHS Outcomes Framework 2013/2014). Spending on disability benefits represents a significant economic burden on the public finances of many OECD countries. On average, spending on disability benefits is equal to 2% of GDP in all OECD countries, with spending as a percentage of GDP as high as 4-5% in Norway, the Netherlands and Sweden (OECD, 2010). 3 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264208469-8-en 253a5bf148d14f8e9c66048c01fac314 Proper treatment - At the Right Place and Right Time (Summary in English), Report No. Changes in the State Budget for 1998], Proposition No. Om psykiske lidelser og tjenestetilbudene” [Openness and Comprehensiveness: Mental Disorders and Service Provision], Sosial- og helsedepartementet, White Paper No. 3 0 3 1.0 10.18356/488a38e7-en 253af3501392c18c82d6ae90b1a670cb By comparison, households of couples with or without children in the same region that are headed by women tend to have lower or similar poverty rates compared to those headed by men (figure 8.3). For example, in the Plurinational State of Bolivia, households of couples with or without children have a poverty rate of 18 per cent when headed by women, considerably less than the 36 per cent poverty rate when headed by men; in contrast, households of lone mothers with children have a poverty rate of 34 per cent, higher than the 17 per cent poverty rate for lone fathers with children. Their proportion in total households varies from 15 per cent in Belize to 28 per cent in Haiti. They may include de jure female-headed households, where women do not have a male partner, or de facto female-headed households, where the male partner is temporarily absent and may or may not contribute remittances to the household's welfare. 1 0 4 1.0 10.18356/488a38e7-en 25413061db6dd9cfa0cebb2e73f24a24 The greatest reduction was estimated for East Asia and Pacific5 - the only region consistently on track to meet the MDG target of halving the 1990 poverty rates by 2015 - where the number of people living on less than $1.25 a day decreased during this period by almost 0.6 billion while the poverty rate fell from 55 per cent to 17 per cent. Much of the decline was contributed by China. At the other extreme, sub-Saharan Africa lagged behind the other regions in poverty reduction: the poverty rate decreased by only 7 percentage points, from 58 per cent in 1990 to 51 per cent in 2005, while the number of poor increased by 91 million due to population increase. 1 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264272392-5-en 2543904e0720466d9cd6e6e1b0c29fe4 In contrast, the medium-term outlook predicts that the absolute number of undernourished people in Africa will remain relatively stable, whereas in India, falls in undernourishment are expected to occur, but at a later point. While incomes are increasing across the ASEAN region, so too are populations. With a rapidly-growing population, the absolute number of undernourished people in the Philippines, for example, actually rises, even though the undernourished share of the total population falls (Figure 2.14). Such differences mean that food security will remain a concern for a number of countries in ASEAN over the medium term. 2 0 7 1.0 10.18356/56f09402-en 25454f6c73fb179ec12f29a7920d8d66 Lastly, professional teacher training and mid-technical level curriculum hours are set aside for working on the subject with subject teachers. Although the programme is designed for all levels of education with these variants, it is currently mainstreamed only at the secondary education level, with sexuality education workshops assigned to lead teachers. Uruguay has also set up a team of lead teachers on this subject who support and train other teachers to enrich their work and foster opportunities for reflection in the classroom. 5 7 2 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/9789264188617-en 25473dca303be53b5a05d6b0b7ca74e5 The short-term intermittency of wind and solar plants puts great demands on the dispatchable providers of residual demand to vary substantial portions of their load in very short time frames. The ability to follow load will become an increasingly important criterion to choose between different back-up technologies. In this context, only nuclear and hydro do not emit any greenhouse gases during electricity generation. 7 0 4 1.0 10.18356/7dcbd514-en 254872bcd39d72be4947326930cce896 Some moderate deterioration of groundwater quality is expected. Even though indirect or secondary impacts are expected to be appreciable in Armenia, water use will not be greatly influenced. The lake is Basin of Lake Jandari with a maximum depth of 7.2 m and average . Water comes mainly through the Gardaban m capacity 15 m3/s) from the Kura River, and arting from the Tbilisi (Samgori) water rcscr-quite rich in fish (carp and catfish). There are no direct wastewater discharges to the lake in Georgia. The lake is an important area for commercial fisheries. 6 0 3 1.0 10.18356/7e830810-en 254ac1ea774e1ed777c498a2296178f5 Large developing countries may be especially well poised to adapt advanced technologies to developing country skills, labour markets and natural resource endowments. But few international efforts focus exclusively on R&D for industrial energy-efficiency technologies. Perhaps the only exception, which focuses on the full range of energy technologies, is the IEA’s technology cooperation programme, bringing together member and non-member countries in joint technology development projects. 7 0 9 1.0 10.14217/9781848591677-6-en 254f36fc70ee7cfe886aacb59b03a9c4 That is why they cannot afford the expenses to run an election campaign, for meetings and other expenditure for political purposes (Panday 2006). Education is not a requirement to become a Union Parishad member, so many women who contest elections are illiterate and may not know about their rights and responsibilities. Often relatives or vested interest groups control them (Islam and Islam 2012). Nonetheless, NGOs play a highly effective role in creating consciousness among the voters. 5 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/9789264088986-en 255087a8e35e6ce3589bba401ed4ea53 The privatisation of the commercialisation process is not without risks. Israel has many serial entrepreneurs but the success rate of Israeli entrepreneurs is limited. Part of its work is focussed work on specific needs of the north (e.g. road accidents in bypassed towns; route choice modelling or bituminous mixture for pavements). 4 8 1 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264179011-7-en 2551ba608aa7e1479b6888116686012f As a consequence Indonesia moved from a position where it imported almost a third of the world’s traded rice in some years, to self-sufficiency by 1984, a goal that had been thought unattainable by informed commentators (Temple, 2001). A “transmigration” programme resettled farm families from densely populated Java, and elsewhere to these regions. A “nucleus-estate scheme” (NES) provided corporations with subsidised capital and long-term leases to public lands for estate crop production, on condition that these companies provide technical and marketing services to smallholder estates surrounding the company plantations (Fuglie, 2010). In 1981, BULOG was given full monopoly over the marketing and distribution of sugar, both domestic and imported, and set prices at all levels of the supply chain. 2 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.18356/3fe10a08-en 255789cf1be5842372a5cc6e527cb796 As inflationary pressures continued to abate, the central banks of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan cut their policy rates sharply since the beginning of 2012. With economic growth slowing and policy rates already low, the prospect of a rise in food price inflation in late 2012 created a potential policy dilemma. Although the refinancing rate has not been changed since September 2011, the bank's conduct of monetary policy would have only a limited impact on inflation due to its weak institutional capacity and the relatively undeveloped domestic debt market. 8 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5jlwjg92n48x-en 255bbbb7150ecc611088aca4615bc26e However, bringing together a variety of different stakeholders’ views and experiences on how to effectively manage international climate finance can help to identify points of common interest and agreement, where further discussion is needed and where best practices can be identified and shared across countries and communities of practice. A key benchmark for climate finance is the commitment taken by developed countries under the UNFCCC to mobilise USD 100 billion in support for developing countries to act on climate change. The USD 100 billion climate finance goal is to be mobilised from a range of sources, public and private, bilateral and multilateral3. 13 0 3 1.0 10.18356/99118340-en 2561922a0e191095a3f10bc867dcf35a Young people between 15 and 24 years of age are more likely to be among the working poor: 16 per cent of employed young people were living in poverty in 2015, compared with 9 per cent of working adults. A total of 20 per cent of people received social assistance or social protection benefits in low-income countries, compared with 67 per cent in upper-middle-income countries. By 2013, poverty rates, using the income measure of $1.90/day, in Africa (excluding North Africa) had been reduced by at least 15 per cent, from the 1990 rate of 56.9 per cent to 41 per cent (World Bank, 2016b), with the fastest reductions occurring between 2002 and 2012. 1 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264179370-4-en 25633859fea2b5b6f558f0dd8382da84 Girls are disadvantaged in regions with low overall enrolment rates, while in regions with higher rates - such as South America, Central America and Southern Africa - it is the other way round. As girls’ educational expectations rise at a faster pace than boys”, so does their academic performance. Once they have gained access to higher education, women outstrip men in grades, evaluations and degree completions (UNESCO, 2012a). Regions are in descending order of 2010 enrolment ratios. 5 0 4 1.0 10.18356/3400179e-en 2564e3dc2373f7725c7f0cdd113937a2 Post-2015, there will be a need for substantial increases in the concessional resource flows to low-income and lower-middle income countries, on a stable and predictable basis, to support productive investment and the provision of public goods. The 2005 Paris Declaration and the subsequent Accra Agenda for Action in 2008, along with the Busan Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation in 2011, are the clearest results of those efforts. Although not yet fully implemented, these agreements imply a certain rebalancing of the relationships between partners and donors. 1 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/9789264282735-7-en 2565848e0c7cbaf8f3d71a5794362744 Political sustainability - which refers to the continuity and commitment of policies and strategies by key actors; and, financial sustainability - which refers to the adequacy resource flows to guarantee the continuity of the expected outcomes of the policy (Mokate, 2001). The analysis of efficiency, in Section 3.2, examines how well available resources are being used. In both sections, the focus is on the government-funded sector of the Peruvian health system, that is, the Seguro Integral de Salud (SIS). Inefficiencies put the financial sustainability of the system at risk, while political instability can also lead to inefficiency, if governments close programmes implemented in a different administration, for example, or use programmes for political gain. 3 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264091269-en 256965ce11bb60432ec82be2fcdb0bec Respondents who completed two or more tasks correctly were then given a much larger variety of tasks drawn from a pool of 170 items, printed in one of eight test booklets. Test booklets were randomly assigned to respondents to ensure good representation of the domains of interest. The assessment was not timed and respondents were given maximum opportunity to demonstrate their skill proficiency. 4 5 2 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264273153-7-en 256cb5230df3964b34e1e18ab59f2794 The imperative of affordable, clean and renewable energy access to all should be acknowledged. Moreover, the recent evolution of financing structures, along with substantial policy support to RESs has boosted increased investment in renewable projects and contributed to decreasing technology costs. Global new investment in renewable energy has reached an all-time record of USD 286 billion in 2015, with a shift in geographic deployment towards Asia (FS-UNEP Collaborating Centre, 2016). 7 0 5 1.0 10.18356/edf15661-en 2574158fe6cff6f2496beea8ed1cd107 Bringing together Muslim women from across geographical borders has been important in building solidarity, and women across the world realize that they are not working in isolation, but that they are fighting similar battles. Musawah’s transnational ties represent a channel that is important to women activists in sharing information and strategy. Musawah has established an affinity group for young women advocates, the Young Women's Caucus, in which some 30 Muslim women under age 35 are working on issues among young Muslim women and based on the Musawah framework. Social and economic norms that cast men as breadwinners and women as caregivers shape how young women find marriage partners even if the realities are somewhat different for other reasons. The idea that higher education is inappropriate for women, especially if the education would require women to live far from home, is an obstacle in some settings, mainly in lower class and suburban areas. The family is also a key source of emotional and social support for many young women. 5 1 3 0.5 10.1787/5kg20639kgkj-en 2575c343d288d968cb716efd6286c2d3 From the early 1980’s, energy consumption in households experienced high rates of growth. In fact, household energy consumption continued to increase, albeit at a slower rate. The number of vehicles in Sydney increased to almost 2.4 million in 2007, with the number of vehicles increasing at almost twice the rate of population and household growth over the past decade12. More people in outlying areas are dependent on cars for commuting, shopping and education because public transport services are poor. 7 0 3 1.0 10.18356/855edf42-en 25766ce02326952a35b61806b6dadc2b As a result, members of LGBTI communities are often reluctant to disclose their sexual orientation or activities to health providers, inhibiting their ability to receive quality care that is reflective of their needs. This population continues to be marginalized within the family planning movement, reflecting both direct prejudice and the perception that reproduction and reproductive matters are not relevant to them. 5 3 6 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/1ea53441-en 2577b3c689d47acda88fbd105cc3fb70 Investment-led green and climate-compatible innovation strategies need sectoral policies and overarching structural or industrial policies to encourage market development where this is appropriate and necessary. Such arrangements can be based on local/ individual entitlements or communal use rights, and develop collective systems of rewards, incentives and penalties in relation to the use of collectively used resources such as land, water systems, forests—which are significant in the face of the climate challenge either because of mitigation or in view of adaptation options (Ostrom, 1990). In order to make these common pool systems work, states would have to protect the rights of small-scale producers to their resources. Direct interventions include (i) public programmes (for reforestation and technological innovation) and (ii) regulatory measures such as the setting of targets or caps on GHG emissions, zoning, standards (on emissions, products and technology). 13 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264235120-8-en 2579f07c3e1052b6be9d28118654f338 The figures presented here include part-time, part-year employment. Male earnings inequality rose by 17%, on average, compared to 9% for females, or by 5 Gini points for men and 3 points for women. In some countries, such as Australia and Norway, earnings inequality declined for women while it increased for men. 5 0 9 1.0 10.18356/d004d8b3-en 257a0f1ef3531945b6a3a8af553b2c7a Note: Comments provided by the experts do not necessarily imply the endorsement of suggested indicators. Inadequate information about risks can lead to mispricing of assets and misallocation of capital and may give rise to concerns about financial stability. The report provides a number of recommendations on how to facilitate disclosures on climate-related issues, including by considering metrics on climate-related risks associated with water, energy, land use and waste management, where relevant and applicable. 12 4 5 0.1111111111111111 10.1787/empl/outlook-2013-6-en 2580412cbb130f68cdd98439a657c494 Section 2 presents the latest data on EPL in OECD and G20 countries and discusses cross-country differences. Section 4 examines existing procedures for dispute resolution and their likely impact on the cost and effectiveness of employment protection, even though these dimensions are not included in quantitative OECD indicators at the moment. The chapter concludes with some brief remarks about the need to accompany employment protection reform with adequate employment assistance to workers affected by the reform. 10 3 6 0.3333333333333333 10.6027/9789289338578-8-en 2581bf4d1cbf6b2ca3e5ffa721efa7b1 Only a small amount from retail shops Mainly food producers and wholesale companies. Allwin support mostly charity organisations in the Gothenburgh region and do also receive most food from the retail sector and food industry in the same region. Allwin is planning to establish redistribution activities also in Stockholm in the future (S. Eisner pers. In Oslo, Matsentralen deliver to as many organisations around Oslo as within Oslo, although this not necessarily reflects the amounts being redistributed. 2 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264082106-5-en 2581cdabee611c647f5aa694d747a6dc Between 1997 and 2006, the two upper secondary education options were Technical Vocational School (TEE) and the Integrated Lyceum (Eniaio Lykeio). Before 1997, four upper secondary routes existed ranging from entirely vocation to entirely academic. To this date, all available studies on vocational education refer to this earlier structures. First, Greece is one of the countries in the OECD with the lowest age of compulsory schooling. 4 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264237056-8-en 2582a95f09dc086ac1badbd56600f31c The ability to monitor progress at the school level in a comparable manner was a major achievement and was very helpful in linking funding with performance improvements of the education system. Another important direction was the substantial increase in conditional cash transfer programme Bolsa Familia (initially, Bolsa Escuola) which created both incentives and the means for poor parents to send their children to school (De Mello and Hoppe, 2005; OECD, 2011). This has recently received much attention, with enrolment in vocational training more than doubling since the early 2000s. 2 7 0 1.0 10.6027/9789289352758-1-en 25833e5fb03622720a3c8060eb669f89 Some of the brands are also designing products for ease of recycling, through avoiding fibre and material blends or design for ease of separation of different materials. These require not only designing of products from which materials can be recovered for the next generation, but also systems to collect post-consumer products. All the brands we spoke to have committed to moving more deeply into circular thinking in the future. For many the starting point has been to use readily accessible and consistent quality recycled fibres such as recycled PET or pre-consumer cotton waste from factories. Design for recycling may eventually lead to take-back systems, which once in place, can act as a catalyst for spreading closed-loop thinking to other products. 12 0 5 1.0 10.18356/71e3a80f-en 25865e127030ebf2270e8d4ce83621ac As expected, low birth weight is associated with higher infant mortality, as is being part of a multiple delivery. Mortality rates also vary with birth order: infant mortality is highest for children of birth order four or higher and is lowest for children of birth order two or three. While this is in line with other studies on infant mortality, it contrasts with the findings of an earlier study on Jordan by Shakhatreh, Abbas and Issa (1996). Analysing mortality statistics for the period 1980-1990, these authors find that infant mortality rates were lowest for first-born children. 3 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264190672-9-en 258934e8e008d45dbe72633e37384a14 Pre-school and kindergarten teachers must have a bachelor's degree. Every spring, thousands of high school graduates submit their applications to the Departments of Teacher Education in eight Finnish universities. Normally it's not enough to complete high school and pass a rigorous national Matriculation Examination; successful candidates must have the highest scores and excellent interpersonal skills. 4 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264123564-6-en 258c80406e81f4b1310c6181a5682e31 Some other countries, such as Australia, prepare the same foundation education for primary and pre-primary teachers, but a specialisation is to be selected for one of the two qualifications. Licensing can be obtained by demonstrating the abilities to practice the profession or duties in ECEC. In, for example, Finland, no renewal is required. 4 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264188617-en 258dc0f26d6dc5c5c06d16901dc4637c A smart grid demonstration project is currently underway in the island of Jeju. The ability to collect and transmit real-time data as well as measurement devices permitting two-way communication allow for remote reading and greater demand-side participation. Smart meters also offer a broader set of tariffs based on real-time prices. Distributed energy resources are small-scale power generation technologies (typically in the range of 3 to 10 000 kW) located close to where electricity is used (e.g. a home or business) to provide an alternative to or an enhancement of the traditional electric power system (California Energy Commission, 2008). 7 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264302037-en 259072965734b443145b2df5bc7429ce It first describes the project on Assessing the Economic Contribution of Labour Migration in Developing Countries as Countries of Destination (ECLM). It then addresses the economic impacts of immigration on the country. The chapter presents the report’s key results regarding the foreign-bom population in Ghana, such as the labour market and fiscal impact of immigration, and regarding the broad contribution of immigrant workers to gross domestic product. The chapter ends with policy implications related to how immigrants affect Ghana’s economy. 8 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/5js6g5kvpd6j-en 25911ca0ddc7c5c23f6e6455993643bc Differences are lowest in the public sector, and the rural employment programme provides equal pay for both genders. The differences in wages can partly reflect overall education levels and the types of sectors where women work (World Bank, 2012) but discrimination by gender is also likely to contribute. The legal framework for equal pay is not always enforced (Equal Remuneration Act of 1976), partly reflecting the large share of the informal sector (about 95% of employment). Unpaid family workers do not report wages therefore they are not included. 8 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264208988-5-en 259327e8c2634799c0dccf8e13446f70 In Alagoas, youth are over twice as likely as youth in Santa Catarina to be NEET (Figure 1.13). Educational inequalities, which are also marked, will be explored in some further detail in Chapter 2 of this report. Addressing geographical inequalities in opportunity should therefore be a priority for the Brazilian government, and policies aimed at youth should be more strongly targeted at the most disadvantaged areas. 8 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5k9b7bn5qzvd-en 2594be51639019434f9b75c1b2c7e36d Stanislawa Golinowska is an economist at the Center for Social and Economic Research in Warsaw and Institute of Public Health, Department of Medical Sciences, Jagiellonian University in Cracow. Patrizio Sicari is research assistant in the OECD Economics Department. The authors are thankful to Andrew Dean, Robert Ford, Peter Jarrett, Isabelle Joumard, Andrzej Kwiecinski, Gaetan Lafortune, Yuki Murakami, Valerie Paris, Artur Radziwill and Polish government officials for their valuable comments on previous drafts. 3 5 2 0.42857142857142855 10.18356/137d57b2-en 259637989620bd5f167fc67894ccc7c9 Successful programmes, she says, provide timely, sufficient and scientific information, tailored to the needs of each age group. “ Evaluation studies have shown that sex education has an impact in delaying the age at the first sexual intercourse, in increasing the use of contraception methods and condoms, and in decreasing the levels of violence against young girls,” she says. “ The above implies the reduction of early and unwanted pregnancies, and the decrease of HIV/AIDS.” It looks at the decisions that individuals make—or would like to make, if they had the opportunity. 5 5 2 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/5k9crzjbpkkc-en 25a009a69a275f502e66c0c242374758 It is generally measured as energy consumed divided by GDP, or in a given sector it is the energy consumed divided by value-added for the sector. Energy conservation: implies meeting our needs with less energy consumption. Energy conservation is measured in terms of reduced energy units alone or the ratio of before and after energy consumption. 7 0 3 1.0 10.18356/81e6e689-en 25a0db51bdf23d4da134af5f1861a789 In Brazil, the Bolsa Familia programme began in the mid-1990s as an experiment in two municipalities and currently covers 11 million families. In Colombia, the initial target of the Familias programme had been 400,000 families, but it had expanded to cover 1.5 million households by 2007. Smaller programmes in poorer countries such as Kenya and Bangladesh cover a few thousand families (World Bank, 2009a). 1 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/5f92cb4f-en 25aacf3a81dee9af4b5f2dfb1e3f027c In the first two years of GEF-6 (2014-18), grants of US$566 million have already been made available through 52 projects and programmes to enhance the economic, social and environmental value of all types of forests. In addition, the GEF has also launched a US$45 million integrated programme to take deforestation out of commodity supply chains. Multilateral funds support climate change mitigation and adaptation actions that are not covered by existing ODA-supported development programmes. 13 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/9789264226500-5-en 25abf40dc574878d60f6391c7b077c46 The 2040 Growth Concept emphasises co-ordination of land use and transport in order to preserve the region’s locational advantage as a relatively uncongested hub for trade. It also states that the preferred form of regional growth is to contain growth within a carefully managed urban growth boundary' (UGB), a land-use planning line to protect farms and forests from urban sprawl and orient growth in the form of infill and redevelopment with higher density where it is appropriate. The UGB has been expanded more than 30 times since it was first drawn up, in accordance with forecasts of land supply needs. In its quality as an MPO, Metro is also tasked with preparing a Regional Transportation Plan (RTP), which evaluates federal, state and local funding for transport improvements, estimates project costs and proposes funding strategies. 11 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264267787-en 25ae221fa95d8a44f87c08df57967aa3 Information reported directly by patients offers insights that cannot be identified through other means. It empowers patients to play a greater role in decisions about their health care (Fujisawa and Klazinga, 2016). There is great promise in translating these metrics into actions that can improve patients’ experience and their clinical outcomes. 3 0 6 1.0 10.18356/73320136-en 25b00779223683f93db3e56cf400bd87 Young women and girls, especially lone women heads of households, may be at greater risk of turning to prostitution, which brings new risks such as sexual violence, pregnancy, and exposure to disease. Reports of Syrian refugees arriving in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey and marrying off their daughters at a young age are increasing. In Libya, observers have noted the establishment of offices devoted to organizing marriages between Libyan men and young women refugees from Syria.4 This phenomenon is often assessed in certain categorized ways, measuring rates of child marriage, early and forced marriage and polygamy. 3 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264289925-6-en 25b03bdf6023b7ed87fa559a891424bb Subsidies for agriculture were abandoned, credit policies for farms were tightened and farmers entered a market with competitive prices (including imports); however, the supply of farm inputs remained monopolised (Kowalski, 1993: 35). Unemployment in both rural and urban areas increased significantly during this initial period of transition, though less so than that experienced in most other Central and Eastern European countries during this time (Swinnen, Dries and Macours, 2005). The early 1990s was a transformative period and led to, among other things, a shift away from the extraction of raw materials and towards the production of processed goods for export (Gomulka, 2016). 9 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264283411-en 25b5f8ba1b0b51d459b7f3004cc9304b Yet a national colorectal cancer screening programme is notably absent, due to several reasons. First, no professional consensus existed on the preferred methods for colorectal screening in Hungary. Second, a shortage of health professionals made it difficult to launch a colorectal cancer screening programme for large segments of the population. Third, investment in the necessary equipment and the overall cost of this programme were considered prohibitive during a period of tight budget constraints. 3 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264235120-7-en 25b6ec3c2655154d07e3156ccc7651dc Previous OECD work has shown that access to a job is a major factor limiting the risk of poverty, but being employed per se is often not sufficient to escape poverty. While the poverty rate among jobless households is more than double the rate observed among working households, there are also significant in-work poverty risks in many countries. Indeed, 7% of individuals living in households with at least one worker are poor in the OECD, and the working poor comprise more than 60% of all the poor individuals of working age (OECD, 2008a). To address this issue, a conventional poverty threshold is used with 50% of the median equivalised household disposable income.21 The analysis presents the proportion of households falling below the poverty line, for various household work types (Figure 4.18). 1 1 5 0.6666666666666666 10.1787/9789264300002-4-en 25ba9721b9930ca745aca111796d4f9c So the degree to which a country values education seems to depend at least in part on the country's view of how knowledge and skills fit into the way it fills its national coffers. Placing a high value on education might thus be a prerequisite for building both a top-notch education system and a thriving economy. Again, this is just the direct economic benefit; imagine the social impact on large parts of populations that currently lack basic knowledge and skills. 4 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264283343-en 25bb28be27f145d3fb38f4df94087299 Wide inequalities exist in the prevalence of these chronic conditions by education level. However, differences in self-rated health by socioeconomic status are observed: 82% of people in the highest income quintile report being in good health compared to 68% of those in the lowest quintile (Figure 4). Yet this gap is smaller than in most other EU countries. Accoiding to estimates, over 30% of the overall disease burden in Derenark in 2015 could be attributed to behavioural risk factors, including smoking, alcohol use, diet and physical inactivity, with smoking and metabolic risks (e.g. obesity and high cholesterol) contributing the most (IHME. 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/c69de229-en 25bc4d804102df415af172e156812572 "This is particularly the case in countries where the level of social spending is comparatively low (as for instance in Greece and Mexico) and/or where support already targets poor families (as, for instance, in Belgium and Slovenia). To reduce poverty effectively, a redistribution of benefits also involves correcting the ""losses"" of income that can be induced by interactions between different benefits and/or with tax rules (Bradshaw et al., In addition, while a redistribution of child benefit and/or housing benefit may provide a greater income to the poorest children, it should be accompanied by a reinforcement of measures enabling parents to take up a job and reconcile work and family life in the more or less short term so that such a redistribution is not a factor discouraging work." 1 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264089457-en 25bdd34d61dbca5c7f364b331ede2010 This centre is a pioneering tripartite industry-led skills training and education centre. It has now attained both national and international recognition as a model of shared learning among the manufacturing and service industry and one stop human resource development entity. The centre has an international consultancy programme and it has exported its expertise in places such as Chittagong and Manaus (see Box 3.9). As a result, its international network appears to be more established than the links with the higher education institutions in Penang. It aims at promoting linkages between MNCs and local companies and to promote fast track for radio-frequency, computer-embedded and green technologies. Initially there were 589 participants to the programme (1989/90). 4 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264260207-5-en 25c00139e3999e50238884127b562803 In Bangkok, policies to restrain the use of private cars were never implemented (although they were often proposed). In contrast, Tokyo has prevented car dependency with travel demand-management strategies. One of the most stringent is requiring buyers of cars to secure a night-time parking place before they are granted permission to register a car. 11 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.6027/9789289347204-5-en 25c0b7caa2586f5aa1a050ff771886e3 However, reported methane emissions are often based on production volumes and standard emission factors (in large part derived from US EPA work) (IEA, 2013). The 100-year global warming potential cited here is most commonly used, but in scenarios where climate change impacts become severe already in the near term, one could argue that a higher value / shorter time scale should be used. According to the industry itself, this is not primarily the result of a specific focus on reducing methane leakages, but rather due to strict safety regulations and high-quality equipment (Statoil, 2013). All oil and gas production in Norway also takes place offshore, which requires greater attention to pipe sealing and equipment durability than onshore production. We do estimate what the impact of this would be, but do not use it as the main scaled abatement potential for this solution. By 2010, this had gone down to 2.8kgCH4/TJ, an average reduction of 2.3% peryear. 7 0 6 1.0 10.1787/9789264083578-11-en 25c24275fd0209e7e75d8259358e775e "When it was found that settlers inexperienced with irrigation would not earn enough farm income from the water for several years, the repayment period was soon extended to 20 years and later to 40 years. Water prices charged to irrigators on reclamation projects were originally based on a cost recovery basis. So irrigation water was priced at its marginal cost of supplying the water. However the price of water was later changed from marginal cost to ""ability to pay"", based on the principle of repayment capacity." 6 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264235151-6-en 25c2b0619ff2b438b9c86736b7aaecdc In the case of paddy, the programme avoided the complexity associated with ascertaining individual loss by using an index system. A committee of county officials establishes the natural disaster conditions and extent of loss based on area wide surveys. Livestock and fishery coverage is based on assessment of individual loss. Payments of subsidies are handled directly by MOF with the insurance company and loss coverage payments are handled directly by insurance company with the insured party (JICA, 2012). 2 4 5 0.1111111111111111 10.1787/9789264174825-4-en 25c2c8ab5b8503d9facedbacc9720b39 It also sets out the importance of defining different stages in the creation and implementation of a strategy for financial education in schools: create awareness of the need for financial education and secure the support of the educational system and of teachers in particular. Within each state and territory there are also three sectors of education: Government, Catholic, and the Independent school sector. In each jurisdiction schools systems and individual schools have to juggle and respond to local, state and national priorities. These priorities impact on jurisdictional curriculum frameworks and require states and territories to make difficult decisions on how these priorities will be addressed. 4 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/5jxrjncwxv6j-en 25c452da0d043da04ba7d5a2402b95b8 "This is partly due to worries that a persistently unbalanced sharing of the growth dividend will result in social resentment, fuelling populist and protectionist sentiments, and leading to political instability. Recent discussions, particularly in the US, about increased inequality being one possible cause of the 2008 financial crisis also contributed to its relevance for policymaking."" Is inequality a pre-requisite for growth? Or does a greater dispersion of incomes across individuals rather undermine growth?" 10 0 3 1.0 10.18356/0c0a8ef8-en 25c52622f975256ea7fd59aab9f06bd5 Although programmes of this type are less frequent, some are under way, such as the National In-home Care Programme in Argentina; the In-home Care Programme for Severely Dependent Persons in Chile; the Comprehensive Elderly Care Programme in Cuba, and the home care programme for severely dependent persons within SNIC in Uruguay. There are also training and education programmes for caregivers in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Cuba, Ecuador, Mexico, Paraguay and Uruguay. The Joaquin Gallegos Lara voucher in Ecuador provides US$ 240 per month to the caregiver; and, the voucher and the provision of the Home Care Programme for Severely Dependent Persons in Chile pays US$ 35 per month. In terms of articulation between social care and protection policies, the Tekopora conditional transfer programme in Paraguay, implemented by the Social Action Secretariat (SAS) of the Office of the President of the Republic of Paraguay, in coordination with the National Secretariat for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (SENADIS), includes a cash transfer to families that have a person with severe disability, in order to contribute to their care.20 Another interesting case is the Pregnancy Allowance for Social Protection programme in Argentina. 5 8 1 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/cfd32100-en 25c6d47bcb0837c56cfd0c6fd9e20c0c Men are more likely to be in informal employment in all countries in North Africa and Eastern Europe and in more than two-thirds of countries in the Arab States and northern, southern and western Europe. In Iraq and Jordan, the proportion of men in informal employment is 20 percentage points more than the proportion of women. In Poland, Slovakia and the Russian Federation, the gap is between six and ten percentage points to the disadvantage of men. 5 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/5js08hwhg8mw-en 25cba92f76adc64fdbc6aeaeb13926e8 This indictor set is largely composed of pressure indicators rather than condition indicators reported at high levels of spatial aggregation. Another source of indicators is the OECD Environmental Data Set and Agri-Environmental Indicators OECD, 2013b). These are also largely pressure indicators though there are some condition indicators. 6 3 0 1.0 10.1787/5kg20639kgkj-en 25cec018badd7d064fca354224298b78 The main findings and recommendations have fed into the internal discussions leading to the definition of an OECD Green Growth Strategy, launched at the 2011 OECD Ministerial Council Meeting. The project has benefitted from the participation of Extremadura (Spain), London (UK), Podlaskie and Pomorskie (Poland) and Sydney (Australia). It has also received financial support from the European Commission. I am convinced that the content of this report will be a valuable tool, not only for Sydney, but also for other cities and regions seeking to improve their environmental impact while creating jobs and economic growth. 7 0 3 1.0 10.18356/01772a94-en 25cfb0807fa144a4a6f7f2b45e0e9e39 Lost (in) Dimensions: Consolidating progress in multidimensional poverty research', Working Paper 2014-04, UNICEF Office of Research, Florence. Step-by-Step Guidelines to the Multiple Overlapping Deprivation Analysis (MODA)', Working Paper 2012-10, UNICEF Office of Research, Florence. Cross-country MODA Study: Multiple Overlapping Deprivation Analysis (MODA) - Technical note', Working Paper 2012-05, UNICEF Office of Research, Florence. 1 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264235120-8-en 25cfc1c825b3024905e4d0b1da139801 Such unobservable factors (or not controlled for) seem to play an important role in equalising the distribution of household income and are likely to be captured by the unexplained wage structure effect. Changes in women’s wages accentuated the equalising impact of women on household income inequality. The combined effect resulted in lowering income inequality by about 2 Gini points. Overall, it shows that the increased participation of women in the labour market over the past 20 to 25 years up to the economic crisis has tended to make the distribution of household earnings and income more equal. 5 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/47e82c9e-en 25cfe8c8ce396f00bb22c0d9e3a44836 The strategy is process-oriented, not only describing activities but also defining a set of ideas, guidelines and action plans to raise the resources required, and linking the strategy with the overall concept of sustainable development. The strategy aims to sustain and scale up existing successful initiatives to increase funding and enhance the productivity of biodiversity resources and ecosystems services. It aims at establishing appropriate and coherent mobilisation, and proper use of financial resources based on national biodiversity priorities and needs. The strategy was developed in a consultative manner, and in response to CBD Decision X/3 on ‘developing a strategy for financial resource mobilisation’. 15 1 3 0.5 10.18356/3f10390a-en 25d1d9d8e2400fff393df5b4691f61a6 These changes include the calibration of expansion factors, the method used to correct for non-responses to the income questions, and the construction of income aggregates for items that are not of monthly recurrence. The various changes, such as enlargement of the domains studied, the change in informant type and the increase in the number of questions and alterations in their wording, made it necessary to splice the employment, income and poverty figures from the two sources, a task which was carried out by the Mission for the splicing of employment, poverty and inequality series (MESEP). The methodological changes introduced mean that the findings of the new ENAHO 2010 are not directly comparable with those published on the basis of the previous survey. The country expects to produce a spliced historical series soon. 1 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264235151-6-en 25d2802def4244bd8884a30eccad3de6 In the case of tea, coffee and cashew nuts, the negative producer SCT has become smaller over the period under review indicating an improvement in their situation. However, natural rubber has switched from being supported in 2000-02 to having the highest negative SCT of any commodity evaluated. It should be noted that in all cases it would be incorrect to interpret implicit taxation of crop products exclusively as a policy outcome. 2 2 2 0.0 10.1787/9789264224636-8-en 25d4172221722c92c3d59ba8cd9e7351 In the case of Jordan, publishing draft laws on the Prime Minister’s Official website is very recent and is part of Jordan’s action plan as member of the Open Government Partnership (OECD, 2013b). To ensure that policy makers are aware of the interests of all women, it is important that decision making relies not only on a limited set of civil society groups, as the ability of such groups to accurately represent the views of all women is difficult to measure. This may require developing alternative participatory mechanisms (e.g. women-only focus group discussions, meetings with women’s NGOs, meetings in communal locations for women at appropriate times when they are able to attend, e-consultation, advisory groups) and broadening the information campaign, so that it also engages a female audience effectively through a “multi-channel” system combining different tools to reach out to stakeholders. In OECD countries, Belgium, Finland, France, Israel, Korea, Mexico, Norway, the Slovak Republic, Spain and Sweden report always conducting such analyses for their central budgets. 5 1 3 0.5 10.1787/5kg57kjj5hs8-en 25d70449db0c87f60aca93484b001871 Competence in the use of ICT in the classroom is one of the many competences that must be demonstrated by student teachers during their periods of school experience. As a result of these measures, all teachers reached a basic minimum competence to use ICT in their teaching by March 2003. At all stages of teacher education, teachers are required to use ICT to enhance children’s learning. 4 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264229372-7-en 25d79d05dc00a196be70c4c9f8ccf356 The budget is also overseen by the Krai Ministry of Economics and Regional Development, which is responsible for implementing regional policy measures that imply inter-regional co-operation. During the 1990s, it was opaque, largely ad hoc and focused on: i) supporting the poorest regions; and ii) responding to political pressure from stronger regions for fiscal privileges and greater autonomy. This changed in the early 2000s as bilateral agreements between the centre and the regions were scrapped and the system of fiscal federalism was reformed. 11 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264245174-8-en 25d84abfcf3fb82efa4778f7479d0545 The State of Mexico has an initiative to protect forest lands, under w'hich the government gives a type of subsidy to land owners as an incentive not to build on the land. However, this scheme applies mainly to municipalities that are not part of the ZMVM. The preservation of the conservation land will not only require legal reinforcement, but adopting the technical instruments, such as land-use planning. 11 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.18356/3ed7e08c-en 25d86b9e4cc70c61168597902a62d8e8 Often they are also unable to engage in productive economic activities and, along with their dependent children, elderly or sick under their care, subsequently suffer from abject poverty and deprivation (Chapter 3). Marginalized by their community, some women support polygamy in the often-vain hope that it will offer protection for themselves and their children (Chapter 7). Recruitment practices often fail to reach out to pools of qualified and interested female candidates, as is demonstrated by strikingly low rates of female participation within many of the institutions of the security sector, including the police services and armed forces. Even when women do gain access, they face considerable difficulties in coping with discrimination, harassment and violence, all of which pose formidable barriers to women’s retention and promotion. 5 0 9 1.0 10.1787/3726edff-en 25d90657b66a31d09fb28f8c1c3c3574 The CRS sector classification aims to responds to the question “which specific area of the recipient's economic or social structure is the transfer intended to foster Traditionally, only the primary sector of the activity was reported. However, it is possible that one activity can support multiple sectors. In 2016, members at the Working Party on Development Finance Statistics (WP-STAT) agreed to introduce a new system allowing multiple purpose code reporting to better track activities benefitting several sectors. The introduction of this new system will facilitate more granular reporting as activities will be able to be split upon several sectors rather than only one sector, and is expected to increase the quality of the data and provide better estimates of the aid volume targeting different sectors. 9 1 6 0.7142857142857143 11.1002/pub/81216b38-en 25da85d87ce7210bce8c4556e07d9897 A Study by Cologne Institute for Economic Research Commissioned by Vodafone Institute for Society and Communications. Cologne, Berlin: Vodafone Institute for Society and Communications. Economic Potential of Smart Electricity Meters in Germany. The G20 Compact with Africa. Baden-Baden: AfDB, IMF and WBG. 7 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/b3c0a12e-en 25dfe2d53214c6ae5fec6fb0e130c026 The difference in life expectancy between Japan and Southern Africa increased from 18 to 31 years, mostly due to the impact of the AIDS epidemic in the latter, and remained high in Middle Africa. The gap between Japan and all other subregions has shrunk. In recent years, the decline in child mortality has slowed in South Asia, such that the regional gaps in child mortality have remained significant. 1 6 1 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/7d5576e0-en 25e19d169f85751a0216c10a382e3070 In December 2007, the Thai Trade Competition Commission found that Abbott’s withdrawal of drug registration applications did not constitute a violation of the Thai Trade Competition Act. According to Thai health officials, the grant of the compulsory license on Efavirenz has resulted in important price decreases for the patented medicine, from 58 baht/month (price of the patented drug before the compulsory license was granted) to 24 baht/month (price of the patented drug after the compulsory license was granted). The compulsory license also enabled the introduction of a generic version of Efavirenz, at only 7.5 baht/month.421 The patent holders receive a remuneration of 0.5 per cent of the total sales value of the generic copies. 3 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/059ce467-en 25e20ceec02e473dc8ee65ae14e040bd The share of teachers leaving the profession has been stable over the last 20 years (Adermon and Laun, 2018(123))- Nevertheless, a survey of trained teachers who had left the profession indicated that more than 70% of respondents cited the work environment (such as stress and heavy workload) among the main reasons for leaving the teaching profession, followed by working conditions and salary (Statistics Sweden, 2017(128]). Around 60% of those who left the teaching profession would consider returning for a more reasonable workload in relation to working hours, a greater opportunity to control the work situation and a higher salary (Statistics Sweden, 2017[m]). Teachers in Sweden also work longer hours than their colleagues in many OECD countries. 4 0 3 1.0 10.18356/968bac18-en 25e292e4f9fa2367b47ca76ef22fab9b Inclusive economic growth that gives priority to employment generation for poor women and men, strong cross-sector linkages, effective government services and sound governance emerge as fundamental factors for ensuring equitable benefits for all. The country obtained large windfall gains when the copper price (Grade A cathodes, London Metal Exchange) surged from an average of $1,779 per ton in 2003 to $8,822 per ton in 2011. Soaring prices increased copper export earnings more than tenfold, from $518 million in 2003 to $6.5 billion in 2011 (figure 33(a)). 2 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264281318-24-en 25e3da3b90c72d63f730094248581598 Norway, on the other hand, provides grants to immigrant organisations and other NGOs to strengthen the local participation of immigrants and help them find their place in social networks. Incentives can take several forms, but largely focus on fine-tuning the mix of tax and benefits in a way that favours activity over inactivity. One example, again from Norway, involves transitional into-work benefits that combine benefits and training with work for an initial length of time. As part of a broader activation strategy, the Netherlands have combined work and disability benefit programmes in an attempt to bring down barriers to retraining and employment. This is particularly true for low-educated women with several children in countries where public childcare is expensive, as childcare costs accumulate. 5 4 3 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264233836-5-en 25e8693e651430cdee2d965bdd7b094c Overwhelmingly, there appears to be national consensus in making quality and safety a policy priority. This is marked by an improving culture of transparency and a move towards compulsory standards and hospital accreditation. This work needs to be evaluated and refined to ensure that quality improvement evolves from measurement to change management. While much of the attention has been on hospitals, quality in primary health care has received less consideration. 3 0 6 1.0 10.18356/60a8d482-en 25e8fc216c5e16a214d7c440db3f46e8 Coverage for 3-5-year-olds is above 70 per cent in most OECD countries and close to universal in some, whilst average coverage for 0-2-year-olds is only about 33 per cent, with important variations across countries.216 Coverage is particularly low among Eastern European countries, where public support for family-friendly policies declined significantly with the transition from state socialism to a market economy. In OECD countries, the average cost of full-time care for 2-year-old children is just over 16 per cent of average earnings, but this ranges from less than 5 per cent in Greece to over 30 per cent in Switzerland. Pre-primary enrolment for children in these two regions jumped by 30 and 21 percentage points, respectively, between 1999 and 2012.220 Figures 3.11 and 3.12 show, however, that in Latin America and the Caribbean, where more detailed data are available, average coverage for under-3s remains at very low levels and inequalities across income groups are significant. 5 6 0 1.0 10.1787/9789264252059-4-en 25ebf3462bd556ecd90f7356ad6c4630 This breadth and depth of autonomy has fostered high teacher professional self-esteem and the internal motivation for continuous professional development. Even with low-performing schools, the government does not intervene in school management; it relies instead on the decision-making power of the school administration and teachers (OECD, 2014a). By contrast, in Shanghai (China), the municipal government designs the policies, manages the schools and improves instruction (OECD, 2014a). 4 0 9 1.0 10.1787/36e1bb11-en 25ed4e9d41de81c421e9a3efaa824a66 However, the degree to which they face particular vulnerabilities is often contingent upon their intersectional gendered identities. Girls, for example, are at an elevated risk of early and forced marriage; single women (including widows) risk various forms of sexual exploitation and persons of diverse sexual orientations and gender identities (SOGI) face a w'hole range of risks from extortion to targeted killings. Men and boys may seek to control women’s and girls’ access to services, in particular in situations of fragility and conflict, where men may seek to increasingly control women, be it out of a sense of protection and/or to compensate for their own loss of control. 5 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264230750-9-en 25ed93baab98d7b6c67643b16bc340a6 The Country Background Report (2014) noted that proportionately fewer students enter SMK schools because of a lack of information on the potential job opportunities their programmes offer. Since 2012, the number of SMK institutions in Indonesia has increased from 10 256 to 11 727. The majority of SMKs are located in Java (57%) and Sumatra (21%). 4 0 4 1.0 10.6027/9789289329583-4-en 25eee1a5725e2a00fbfcd4fa76211a71 The main section (Section 2) provides an account of the available knowledge concerning health effects, and the corresponding impacts on healthcare costs, of the following health-related behaviours/conditions: smoking, alcohol consumption, obesity, nutritional choices and physical activity. In Section 3, I go through the available evidence regarding the effectiveness and cost effectiveness of public policies constructed in order to modify health behaviours (primary and secondary prevention) and to reduce weight. The paper ends by a summary' of the findings and an identification of important issues and challenges for future research. Performing systematic reviews of the evidence published in the different research areas spanned is considered to be beyond the scope of this study. 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264221826-en 25ef17e8b7ffaad503708f1630c010e5 In 2008, 45.1% of the unemployed had only attained primary education; 39.7% secondary education and only 15.2% of them had attained tertiary education (World Bank, 2014). At the same time, female workers seem to be more likely to be in vulnerable employment than males, understood as unpaid family workers and self-employed workers. In 2008, 29% of the male employed are in vulnerable jobs compared with 32% of female workers (World Bank, 2014). Extracurricular organisations, orphanages and boarding schools ensure pre-school provision to those children left without parental care. 4 0 5 1.0 10.1787/9789264209527-6-en 25f0c080b9093af89141f0d170116670 Although these policies can have a profound effect on urban development, there is currently no explicit national urban policy framework in the Netherlands with a holistic and strategic focus aimed at enhancing the growth potential of FUAs. It then focuses on the impact on and the role of regions in the newly created Top Sector policy. The analysis also considers innovation in broader terms, examining additional domestic and European policies. The presence of several policies with a potential impact at the regional level requires an understanding of the possible complementarities that should be taken into account when designing the policy. Regional development elsewhere is seen as the responsibility of provinces and municipalities. 9 0 4 1.0 10.18356/215a990d-en 25f100671b8866c9a206b88867883026 These often involve standards or regulations designed to take into account customer expectations, industry standards and national policy objectives, such as public health or national security. Collectively these are often known as ‘quality infrastructure’. The returns on investment are likely to be significant. 9 0 3 1.0 10.18356/864d004f-en 25f36337d0c507aa4bfdfdcbd20198c2 In the 2011-2012 hunting season, the revenues of the Hunting Fund amounted to some 32.8 million dirhams (US$4 million), an increase of 8 per cent over the preceding hunting season. Official development assistance (ODA), accordingly, plays a much less prominent role than in low-income countries. The government budget has a separate chapter for the Department of Environment, in respect of both recurrent and investment expenditures. 6 2 2 0.0 10.1787/baf425ad-en 25f5c70b62f53a518bd1d7fe4d73d124 The results emphasise the importance of the patient opinion and experience in obtaining a fuller picture of patient harm and lapses in safety. This is a key ingredient of learning health systems at local and aggregate level. In developed countries, education of professionals and systematic patient reporting were the most frequently selected, followed by improving organisational culture, an integrated national incident database, more incentives for team-based care, and patient involvement strategies. 3 0 7 1.0 10.1787/5k912j389bf0-en 25f9d75cea597f442007a603ef857c40 Thus, all projections assume current technology and treatments are maintained in the future. Other drivers of health care expenditure seen in other models are not included, such as administration, infrastructure and human resource costs associated with a growing burden of disease. There is an assumption of constant prices. London: Government Office for Science. 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5k92pghq4247-en 25fc5026c8109889e55934d74b33b916 All requests for commercial use and translation rights should be submitted to riehtsjaloecdMre._____________________________________________________________________________________ Employer feedback on student performance can furthermore provide guidance to TEIs on skills sought by industry, which can be used to adapt programme curricula. Whereas co-op and internship programmes are well integrated into the curricula of most community colleges and polytechnics, they are not widespread across university campuses. 4 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/952404bd-en 25fde17d208a1088ac8b5dabd8f8c9f9 One goal is to help them independently manage their resources through free, weekly financial literacy training at integration centres. Vulnerable groups, including children, women and persons with special needs, are prioritized for personalized assistance (IOM, 2018). The Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority, in a programme called Dina pengor och din ekonomi ('your money, your finances') provides a film, a brochure and other resources for teachers working with migrants on personal finance. Modules cover Swedish economic terms and the Swedish banking and payment system, and clarify rights and obligations in the financial marketplace in plain language (OECD, 2016a). 8 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264273153-7-en 25ffbc91cc90362e0c0eacf0024638c7 It will however, provide multiple social, economic and environmental dividends and constitute much-needed first steps towards low-carbon social and economic development. A marked shift from the 1992 Rio Earth Summit to the 2012 Rio+20 Summit has been the role of emerging economies. Although the five countries have different economic endowments, they are facing similar challenges to sustain economic growth, save natural resources, and protect the environment. Reflecting the broadening of the BRICS agenda since the first BRICS summit was held in 2009, the first ever meeting of BRICS environment ministers was held in the Russian Federation in April 2015. 7 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264203914-8-en 260143b008f04f1c449d1233fe6456e1 In fact, there is a disincentive for the municipality to strongly advocate for its priorities. This puts municipal planning in a passive role, and in the worst case, can undermine the municipality’s autonomy and credibility for planning with citizens and businesses. Antofagasta will have to continue working within these constraints moving forward. While it cannot change the frameworks, it can be more strategic in what it implements, take a better approach to prioritising its initiatives, identify strong mechanisms by which to advocate priorities and build multi-stakeholder interest and support for its programming. 11 1 4 0.6 10.1787/9789264272392-3-en 2601cc5a3203c245666a417fa563c421 For example, the poorest 20% of farm households in the Philippines tend to be small-scale producers and landless workers whose rice production does not satisfy their own needs and who therefore purchase 77% of the rice that they consume on average (Chapter 4). Regional levels of stunting among children under five years of age, for example, remain worryingly high (Figure 3). While economic growth has enabled significant declines in populations suffering from chronic poverty, for some households, it may have only altered the nature of food insecurity from permanent to transitory, rather than eliminate it entirely. 2 0 4 1.0 10.1787/5js6363503f6-en 2601cf6b809d56d835e6115e02ba1141 In the Slovak Republic for instance, overall youth employment in 2012 had declined by 23% compared to 2007 while employment among highly-educated youth rose by 3 percentage points. In Portugal, the decline in youth employment was 29% with employment of highly-educated youth remaining stable. Only in Ireland, Greece and Spain, where the decline in youth employment was strongest, the number of jobs for highly-educated youth also fell. 8 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264251724-5-en 2604088802978a8bc01aba4ea3af102e At a general level, uncertainties with all of these technologies arise with respect to the speed of technological development, the impact of advances in individual technologies, and - perhaps most importantly - the convergence of ICT, sensors, robotics, nano- and biotechnology. Advances in one technology may amplify developments and outcomes of other technologies, leading to disruptive changes. This is already becoming visible in green technologies, which typically operate at the intersection of these emerging technologies, in the creation of ‘'programmable matter”, and in advances in the medical and pharmaceutical fields. 14 6 1 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/0ac071e9-en 2604dbd3ea6bdc7ac4f756df90fb6349 The case of Bangladesh is important because it highlights the role of supportive technological innovation, investment and rural infrastructure policies in promoting rural non-farm employment and diversification. However, a lack of investment in public goods, especially in remote rural areas; high barriers of entry for the poor or vulnerable groups to various dynamic RNF markets; high transaction costs for access to existing markets; and a general asymmetry of market information may limit this potential. The services sector has accounted for a greater share of the LDC labour force over time, and that share is probably under-reported, since much of the sector is composed of informal activities. 8 0 4 1.0 10.6027/9789289350433-6-en 260783d1563a91ebc1b382ed03c7fdbf Along these lines, it is worth noting that significantly more funds are dedicated to agricultural mitigation than to adaptation, although in the case of Africa, for instance, adaptation is just as important, if not more important. However, in section 2.4, the SWOT analysis is complemented with specific examples of some initiatives, which have incorporated various best practices. Note that no initiative contains all of the elements contained in the table; the table is an aggregation of SWOTs across various initiatives. The elements are not listed in any specific order, meaning that those written at the top of the list are not necessarily found more often than those below. 13 1 3 0.5 10.1787/5js6363503f6-en 260965d0dfe07b4975373698096c0040 The OECD average is non-weighted. Declines in NEET rates are observed for Turkey (-7 percentage points), Germany and Israel (-2 percentage points) and Austria (-1 percentage point). The decline in youth employment affected most severely individuals with low educational qualifications. As illustrated in Figure 3, the number of youth in employment was lower in 2012 than in 2007 in most OECD countries, declining by 9% on average. 8 0 4 1.0 10.1787/5k3ttg4cxcbp-en 2609b90469f09a7793b3197c37528a1e Private sector investments that target at-risk areas, due to the relatively low cost of land coupled by short-term gains to be made by business and local government officials, further binds informal settlers to this risky land given the new livelihood opportunities, maintaining or increasing disaster risk for these people. Actions beyond preparedness and response can be difficult to sell to local government due to the lack of quick and visible impacts, particularly in areas where officials do not tend to look beyond an election cycle. Lack of sufficient resources at local level compounds the problem. 11 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.6027/9789289330633-11-en 2609cf0b3506a32e6636100a1652bca5 Yet, people can live long lives without being healthy. Thus, an important task in the case of Iceland, and as well in the other Nordic countries, is to add life to years rather than years to life. To take an example, in the period 2010-2050 the increase in life-expectancy for a 65 year old Swede is estimated to be 2.6 years (Regeringskansliet 2010). The challenge for the government is thus to compress morbidity in this final stage of life. 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/rev/fish-2015-27-en 260b11938adabd7bc0d3a8b3aec4a70b Since 1976, the number of permits authorising Cuban vessels to fish in Mexico’s EEZ has decreased as a result of a reduced surplus species and the consolidation of Mexican vessels. During this period 27 metric tonnes were caught, and mechanisms were implemented to verify Cuban vessels’ operations (such as VMS, national scientist observers on board for sampling, capture statistics records, fishing logs, capture reports, arrival announcements per fishing trip, and others). Additionally 123 525 permits were issued at the San Diego International Office of CONAPESCA. Sport fishing permits can be obtained by fishers through CONAPESCA web site. 14 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264279322-7-en 260dfef68c0f764b5f5a4861e32bc191 Finally, it would increase their assets in the case of divorce or the husband’s death. Tunisia introduced an optional matrimonial property regime of communal assets in 1998, which the spouses may adopt at the time of marriage or thereafter. Morocco and Algeria also introduced the possibility of joint ownership, in 2004 and 2005 respectively. 5 1 3 0.5 10.1787/85b52daf-en 260ee8c6adec487dc6cc8f4bdb2020e1 "Box 2.4 presents some initial lessons learned from development provider efforts to work with small businesses. For climate change adaptation, development partners support projects that are building resilience capacity and piloting risk transfer approaches among firms, as well as building awareness of the risks of impending climate change on business supply chains in developing countries (Trabacchi and Mazza, 2015). One example is the ""Private Sector Adaptation to Climate Change"" (PSACC) programme implemented by GIZ on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), whose four-pronged approach focuses on raising awareness, providing advisory services (including on vulnerability analysis and adaptation financing), capacity building and dissemination of knowledge (GIZ, 2015a, 2015b)." 13 0 3 1.0 10.18356/914e7bcc-en 26114efbe869f78772b18c9cb45e2a85 In conflict societies a strict division of sexual labour is enforced, and highly dichotomic understandings of femininity and masculinity become hegemonic. Gendered dichotomies, self/ other, friend/enemy, masculinity/femininity, “just warrior’’/“beautiful soul” (Elshtein, 1987) contribute to postulate the “other” as an existential threat. The warrior, the conflict’s hegemonic masculinity, is a “male identity” (Karner, 1998) shaped by purging, on individual, symbolic and structural levels, typically feminine characteristics such as compassion, feeling and forgiveness. 5 0 3 1.0 10.14217/9781848591677-4-en 26114f1cd143cf300fa6ebbccac7c33a When she started she set herself a target, 'To prove to the male councillors and others that I could deliver'. During Gender Links' study, At the Coalface: Gender in Local Government, she said that she is more confident because of the support offered to her by the Multi-party Women's Caucus (MWC) and a unique capacity building project that she participated in, the Gender, Local Government and Communications pilot project, undertaken with Gender Links and the University of Witwatersrand from October 2004 to May 2005. Also I have learned more about policy-making and implementation and the processes that are involved in coming up with policies. 5 0 4 1.0 10.1787/saeo-2017-8-en 26117077cde93ce4ed6c340eddbfa099 As defined by UNCTAD (2007), greenfield FDI is one of the three components of FDI. The other two components are mergers and acquisitions (M&A) and intercompany loans. Of the three types, greenfield investment, i.e. investment for new facilities and operations, is arguably of most importance to development. 7 3 3 0.0 10.1787/5k46dbzhrkhl-en 26125b0aef1f81d7188e3a0589454250 There are over 6,000 species of plants, around 860 bird species and 277 species of mammals. However, many of the protected areas in the country are only “paper parks”: there is de facto open access to legally ‘protected’ areas, which are being converted to agriculture. Regional and District investment bureaus allocate land inside protected areas for development. 13 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/74f4872a-en 261358ec9369cc2935cbdb1d379bdbe7 "What is less clear is the best way to manage those interactions, the precise channels through which large infrastructure projects can help generate sustained development, whether the benefits derived match the costs incurred and, perhaps most difficult, whether those benefits and costs are shared in ways that generate inclusive outcomes. Nor is it surprising to find that many successful infrastructure programmes were as much the product of political ambition - ""bold endeavours” as Felix Rohatyn (2009) put it - as careful public accounting and cold statistical calculation. Indeed, Albert Hirschman, in his seminal study titled The Strategy of Economic Development published exactly 60 years ago, was right in describing laigc-scalc infrastructure planning as “a matter of faith in the development potential of a country or region” (1985: 84)." 9 1 3 0.5 10.1787/empl/outlook-2016-8-en 2613b84e60debfb9f815fdabb439ad3c If employers cannot perfectly observe an applicant’s productivity but believe that women are on average less productive than men, they will tend to discriminate against female employees so as to enhance the overall productivity of their workforce.28 This type of discrimination might progressively disappear as women close the skills gap, but if stereotypes and social norms adjust with a lag, change will be slow to materialise. Employers’ perceptions may be particularly hard to change in countries where discrimination is strong. In such contexts the fact that women are unable to access the best jobs (itself a result of discrimination) may reinforce employers’ misperceptions and fuel a vicious cycle of self-reinforcing discrimination and stereotypes. 5 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.30875/c7f78275-en 2615e508a409ec6e7469abc36f9e8f54 At the same time, however, the reduction of trade costs may lower the prices of imported products relative to those of domestic products, possibly generating protectionist pressures from domestic producers subject to import competition. This raises questions as to how governments, in particular those of smaller and poorer countries, can seize new trading opportunities. An important dimension of this issue is the digital divide between richer and poorer countries. 9 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264279421-6-en 26163b280c1d9032003a1b33e8b58e49 The goal is to work more closely with community partners to meet the diverse needs of families in need of support. The programme is being expanded to 15 more communities and organisations throughout the province. Several teachers we met discussed the strain teachers face in isolated settings and an increasing focus on the mental and physical health of teachers. One approach being developed is the Mindfulness programme, which is accessible online to all teachers. 4 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5db444d4-en 2619f36e9742dfe92717ebfcf7b0250c Addressing structural inequalities also requires an approach that cuts across silos. For example, promoting women’s business ownership requires a smart policy mix, which, among others, takes into consideration gender impacts of regulatory policies and competition frameworks, while removing potential barriers in access to public procurement and finance. These efforts must be coupled with an enabling social infrastructure (e.g. accessible and affordable child/elderly care) to reduce the burden of unpaid care work; as well as partnerships between the public and private sectors. 5 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264204799-6-en 261a21d1176d1fc46fed92a996e09fe4 Primary care staff, in both public and private health centres, are predominantly salaried employees. Licences are not time-limited and GPs do not have to re-apply to keep their licence. As with other health care staff, there are no formal, national systems of continuous medical education and professional development for GPs and other primary care staff, or for recertification. 3 0 6 1.0 10.1787/9789264187894-6-en 261b39fbe9bf3d0ac103e946ec8bc9df An objective gap is often experienced in the areas of tariff setting, zoning and construction policies, electricity subsidies and irrigation. While CONAGUA and municipalities have different approaches for at-risk settlements in urban areas or the connection of new settlements to infrastructure networks (e.g. potential flooding), there is no mechanism compelling municipalities to follow CONAGUA’s guidance and declare at-risk zones as dangerous for settlement. Construction permits are issued in an uncoordinated manner, and unsafe human settlements have proliferated increasingly in recent years. 6 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264237056-4-en 261cca10f0de2cd0c10934ce1b7d6c48 The federal and state universities are also active in applied research in the agrarian sciences, especially those linked to the agricultural sciences. The collaboration of Embrapa w ith other developed countries benefited from a pioneer mechanism, the LABEX (Virtual Laboratories Program), which is being implemented by a growing number of OECD countries. This mechanism could also facilitate participation in global or regional agricultural research networks. 2 2 2 0.0 10.1787/9789264283527-en 261d4e31cb328367487a5d2d947b4eeb An action plan to reduce the use of antibiotics in animals was also introduced in 2013 (DGAV, 2013; DGS, 2016). The standardised in-hospital mortality rate per 100 patients for acute myocardial infarction (AMI) in Portugal (7.9 in 2015) has halved since 2000 and is similar to that of Spain but higher than in other countries such as Italy and France. A similar scenario can be found for 30-day mortality after admission to hospital for ischaemic stroke and haemorrhagic stroke. With regard to the quality of primary care in dealing with chronic diseases, Portugal has some of the lowest age- and sex-standardised rates per 100 000 population for avoidable admissions due to asthma, COPD and congestive heart failure (CHF) (Figure 9), suggesting that these conditions are being effectively managed at the primary health care level and that such care is of good quality. 3 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/5jrnzm39w45l-en 2620e706464204a6e9b9796e19b114ed It discusses the different mechanisms through which learning support staff can have an impact on teachers’ work and student achievement and reviews the related empirical evidence. While the available research provides mixed evidence on the impact of learning support staff on student achievement, it suggests that learning support staff may improve teaching and learning as long as adequate strategies for their training, deployment and use are implemented. There are several ways through which learning support staff may have a positive impact on student attainment. Students receive more individualised help and attention from either the support staff or the teacher; and the learning environment can be made more flexible possibly leading to increased engagement and inclusion of children in classroom activities. 4 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.18356/34a64e2c-en 2626651aeef77c298dd2f5f0ab7b1e68 While there is considerable debate as to whether households headed by women are overrepresented among the poor (Chant, 2003), there is evidence of a strong association between household poverty and sole or primary reliance on female earnings (Kabeer, 2008a; Chen and others, 2005; Sender, 2003). Research carried out in the aftermath of financial crises in Asia and elsewhere confirmed that, in the absence of social security provision for informal workers, womens paid and unpaid labour helped to sustain their households (United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN-ESCAP), 2003). Womens access to land and housing has been shown to have important implications for household productivity (Deere and others, 2004; Katz and Chamorro, 2003). 5 0 5 1.0 10.1787/5jlww009v1hj-en 2626f9582d80623f891ff8f1949385ec Rather, they are Secretariat information papers intended to inform Member countries, as well as the UNFCCC audience. Korea, Mexico, Chile and Israel are also members of the CCXG. Where this document refers to “countries” or “governments”, it is also intended to include “regional economic organisations”, if appropriate. 13 2 2 0.0 10.1787/9789264229679-4-en 262a58dc017bd9fc2e41bbad4159b629 This approach examines the contribution of adaptation initiatives in keeping development on track (Brooks et al., In doing so, it uses bottom-up county-level indicators to assess the level of integration and capacity of climate risk management processes. At the same time, resilience outcomes and development performance are assessed using top-down national level indicators (see Chapter 4). Instead, developed countries commonly outline how the broader objective of reduced climate vulnerability and enhanced resilience may be achieved (Casado-Asensio and Steurer, 2013). 13 1 4 0.6 10.18356/2640b601-en 262b5716385fde4bcd375cb6d03b70de These contrast with “technology-banded” policies, which set differential support for technologies depending on their market readiness (e.g. Germany’s feed-in tariffs). Large-scale energy modeling studies described compare the most influential technological and market uncertainties across a set of scenarios (Nakicenovic et al., Scenario analysis can also be used to explore how optimal energy technology portfolios change under different socioeconomic, technological, and climate outcome assumptions. 7 1 5 0.6666666666666666 10.1787/9789264188617-en 262b5dcfe01b3792d72638cb8a987a01 Nevertheless, even at that level, the figures show convincingly that system costs are heavily context-dependent. This requires considerable resources and such studies would best be done at the level of the single country according to a common methodology. It does, however, provide numerical examples of this process, as the arrival of intermittent renewables has an important impact on the absolute and relative profitability of existing dispatchable plants both in the short run and in the long run. 7 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.6027/9789289345644-6-en 262b9eef7cc5235e370bbc9b0e746e48 It is important to ensure that holders of knowledge are obtaining meaningful outcomes from the process, in relation to their livelihood realities. In the consultation process within the ILK part of the Scoping Study, many ILK representatives mentioned linguistic barriers in participation of the work. There is a need for a series of Nordic, national and local dialogue workshops to be held in local languages, in order to obtain an initiated understanding of the reality of the different local communities and a diversity of inputs regarding the use of ecosystem services as well as their local status and trends. 15 0 5 1.0 11.1002/pub/810be2fb-7b4ce78a-en 262ba62792d0e459a2c37b8a6b238961 In Sub-Saharan Africa, the overwhelming majority of LDCs have a fixed broadband penetration of less than one percent. Two LDCs among the Arab States, Djibouti and Yemen, have fixed broadband penetration of more than one percent. There are four Asia-Pacific LDCs—Bangladesh, Bhutan, Tuvalu and Vanuatu—where fixed broadband penetration is greater than one percent. 9 0 3 1.0 10.18356/5e7977af-en 262d0df1766145251f4431dde335e094 In eight countries, inequality fell more during the second subperiod than the first. The Plurinational State of Bolivia and Uruguay posted the largest reductions, of more than 3% per year. On the other hand, inequality increased in Costa Rica, Fbnama and Paraguay in the second subperiod, although only Costa Rica recorded an overall increase for the entire period. The mid-1990s marked the beginning of debate in the region on the juvenilization of poverty; an increasingly relevant concept given that children and adolescents are overrepresented among the poor, compared with other age groups. Those worst affected are usually caught in situations where insufficient household income combines with deprivation of the right to survival, shelter, education, health and nutrition, among others. In other words, they are denied the assets and opportunities to which all human beings are entitled. 1 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.18356/0faa4b9f-en 262dab3d8e0a55201ae68d7e66106ce2 This is mostly due to the inaccessibility of larger forest complexes on account of the underdeveloped forestry road network, as well as the general absence of modern optoelectronic equipment for early detection, reporting and warning of forest fires, and limited technical capacities resulting from the lack of modern fire-suppressing equipment, vehicles and special aircraft. Estimates from 2004 show that, on average, over 7,400 tons valued at US$ 10 million are exported each year. Control over unauthorized collection of such plants has improved in recent years, and the pressure has slightly decreased, which is also due to the educational campaigns, training and technical assistance provided under the Private Forestry Development Programme. 15 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264082076-15-en 26317e95c657ad3a3cb480a0e4adb0ce Its 13 members include 9 governmental officials from the ministries of planning, finance, health, regional administration and environment and four representatives of the private sector, universities and other local bodies, such as the Union of Water Development Services. The council sets policies for the water sector and ratifies PWA plans and reports. The role of the Palestinian National Water Authority is to plan and oversee implementation of these policies through legislation, laws and management systems to ensure sustainable water use. 6 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264279322-7-en 2631f1c319e1762996280665684c748b Article 36 of the 2005 Algerian Family Law. Thus in Tunisia, both spouses must fulfil their conjugal duties “in accordance with custom and usual practices” and “the husband, as head of the family, must support the needs of the spouse and the children within his capabilities and in accordance with their status in the context of maintenance payments. The wife must contribute to family expenses if she has the means. While the woman should have a certain autonomy in her decision making and ability to work, the change may not immediately affect social behaviours (Box 3.3). 5 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/7d5576e0-en 2632643fa05ed02cfadde7446b4fb03e A better approach may therefore be the adoption of non-exclusive incentive regimes (i.e. compensatory liability) for new uses of known products, as discussed above. The original patent would comprise all uses, even those not known to the patentee at the time of filing the application. In countries where generic producers are capable of discovering new uses of patented pharmaceuticals, a government may favour the implementation of use-bound claims to provide generic producers some freedom to operate outside the original patent claims, in combination with provisions on “dependent patent” or public interest compulsory licenses, as outlined above. In addition, in order to minimize the risk of blocking effects, the protection of new uses of known products could be limited to nonexclusive models, such as a compensatory liability regime, recommended above. Due to the fact that such process claims may not cover all possible ways of manufacturing the resulting product, competitors are free to make the (pharmaceutical) product through a process that has not been claimed. 3 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/d378c0c7-en 26348580c5a5747922d7af30f784ac07 At the same time, it concerns the coverage and qualifying conditions of the insurance schemes, financing of the schemes and worker contributions and the level and duration of the benefits. Furthermore, the public social security expenditure as a share of GDP is another type of context information that provides an indication of the overall public redistributive effort of a given country (yet its interpretation presents inherent difficulties). Indicators regarding social protection (e.g., unemployment insurance) might be correlated with the economic cycle and countries may consider to analyse the indicators together with GDP growth (e.g., if employment growth after a recession concerns predominantly jobs that are not covered by parts of social protection). Further potentially relevant context information includes the percentage of persons at or above the statutory retirement age (or 65 and over) who are employed, the percentage of unemployed persons receiving regular periodic social security unemployment benefits (contributory and noncontributory schemes) as well as the percentage of the population above the statutory pensionable age (or aged 65 or above) benefiting from an old-age pension. 8 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264248908-5-en 26351463a14088dd91d64a63e691af49 Chronic conditions such as cancer, heart disease or diabetes (also known as non-communicable diseases, NCDs) now' place the greatest demand on Colombia’s health care system, accounting for 71% of all deaths (Figure 1.5). At the same time, deaths due to communicable, maternal, perinatal or nutritional conditions (12%), and deaths due to injuries (17%) remain substantial. Cancers were the second most common cause of death, amounting to 17% of all deaths in 2012. 3 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264203914-8-en 2637661cadae17b652aa0d8a9c4d9fda At the same time, citizen engagement requires governments to share in agenda setting and to ensure that policy proposals are collaboratively generated and citizens’ needs are taken into account in making decisions. Citizen engagement is best incorporated into every stage of the policy development and implementation process (OECD, 2010b). The OECD’s “Guiding Principles” for successful citizen engagement in policy making include: commitment, rights, clarity, time, objectivity, resources, co-ordination, accountability, evaluation and active citizenship (OECD, 2001). 11 0 3 1.0 10.18356/fd80a3d2-en 2638a0c5b1f3fc57f66730d43ea2b60f They all include more sectoral and product disaggregation than the global models, and cover multiple types of households and types of labour. All of the national studies include micro-simulations drawing on the model results. Given falling consumer prices, real household consumption would increase by considerably more in most cases. 1 6 3 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5jrw21ng3ts3-en 263cb9d2fe7c411e3078598581ceb44e Poverty also rose among the working population. Indeed, not all of the poor are out of work, as the poverty rate of 10.5% among those in work demonstrates. This can be explained by the significant number of low-paid workers, many of which work less than full time. Retirees, by contrast, saw their relative poverty levels decline as median incomes fell. Comparing different household compositions, poverty rates are highest and have increased most among families with children, with families that have more children being particularly affected by poverty. The poverty line is 60% of median disposable income in each year, adjusted for household size. 1 0 4 1.0 10.18356/1608bb4d-en 263dbd8781208cd11753154df2f37816 It is much more relevant and constructive to try to outline the major characteristics, which can help us identify who are the indigenous peoples and communities of Africa. She received her undergraduate degree in medicine and postgraduate qualifications in Paediatrics and Child Health from the University of Nairobi. She has worked in various capacities in the Ministry of Health and in private health sector. Since 2004, Dr. Migiro has worked in the ministry's headquarters where she worked her way to become the Head of the Division of Child and Adolescent Health, where she has been involved in development of policies, strategies and guidelines in child survival and development. Since June 2012, Dr, Migiro has worked in the Department of Health Promotion involved in development of policies, strategies and guidelines of health promotion. 3 2 2 0.0 10.1787/9789264303119-en 2641e6b482dc22cb87aba17313dd2c66 The intuitive reaction by a public avid to understand a traumatic accident is frequently that “the true extent of damages is hidden”. Transparency about the extent of the full costs of all energy chains must be the primary strategy to address such dissymmetries. Such transparency requires a dedicated effort from all stakeholders in the energy sector, and it is the objective of this publication to contribute to this task. Policymakers have the difficult task of balancing both aspects, the legitimate emotional reaction in the moment and the need for a longer-term structure of an energy-system constituting the best available option to minimise accidents and hardships in a 360° perspective. Dispassionate reflection with an aim to improve general welfare suggests that the large number of casualties caused by air pollution demand at least as much attention as the rare accident. 7 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.6027/fcafdf5b-en 2642f2811233ad8522826d1c4967054a With 240,000 overnight stays the C02 emission per overnight stay amounts to 28.5 kg. In total, hotels and restaurants in Greenland account for close to 7,000 tonnes of C02 emissions annually. It has only been possible to find concrete data on energy consumption from hotels and restaurants in Greenland. In Iceland, the centrally supplied electricity and heat is produced using primarily hydro and geothermal power. 7 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/a58cb1df-en 2643a43ce7f6e5ff98c397728a34f436 Crops vary in their tendency to outcross, and the ability of a crop to outcross depends on the presence of sexually compatible wild relatives or crops. If a resulting transgenic/wild hybrid had some competitive advantage over the wild population it could persist in the environment and potentially disrupt the ecosystem. Research is needed to improve the assessment of the environmental consequences of gene flow, particularly in the long run, and to understand better the gene flow between the major food crops and land races in centres of diversity (ICSU, GM Science Review Panel). 2 2 6 0.5 10.1787/5jz44w9ltszt-en 2644278185126a9e4dc87ca92126226b Also significant are the timeliness of employment in relation to seasonal income and food fluctuations, the scale of interventions, as well as the appropriateness of assets created. There will be limited impact on incomes and food security unless the programmes are implemented at scale and are operating long-term. Opportunities to improve the contribution of community assets to increasing productivity include ensuring that assets are built based on need and that they are of quality, accessible to the poor and sustainable. 2 1 5 0.6666666666666666 10.18356/18db943d-en 26443f27488420a4af1a208fd73f5bbd In 2015, the geographic scope was expanded to include small island developing States in the Pacific. It contributes to the narrowing of capacity gaps through regional and South-South cooperation, sharing of resources and the development of an integrated regional warning system comprising a network of collaborative centres. Civil society innovations and business sector initiatives. 13 2 2 0.0 10.1787/9789264262430-8-en 2644ac6208611b23e0a239d4486ceedd On average, school associations comprise between 6 and 12 schools. In 2010, the vast majority of schools (96.7%) belonged to a school community, and most of the schools that have not joined a school community provided special needs education. The key goal of this initiative is to strengthen schools’ organisational and leadership capacities through increased co-operation. 4 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264168091-6-en 2645fd7f70c682b417258c52af48265e But lack of success under earlier programmes has also partly stemmed from a lack of financing to carry out the programmes successfully and continuing lack of compliance by drivers with safe driving practice. Drinking and driving remains a particular problem. A number of policies have been put in place. Over 500 health centres were opened as part of the implementation of NPPH. 3 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/6aed7a25-en 264bf38c70d3a8d0f23b1409e667098d Most of the discharges into Lake Peipsi/ Chudskoe arc insufficiently treated. Other pressure factors — unauthorized dumping, discharge of untreated mine waters from oil shale mines and deforestation (also in protection zones of water resources) — contribute moderately and locally to the nutrient loading. Of similar impact is unorganized recreation on the banks, leading to detritus getting into the watercourses (see the assessment of the Ramsar Sites). According to the Estonian classification, it is moderate. 6 0 4 1.0 10.18356/feb1987a-en 264d3543db9400381d1c85d56d3426dc "The analysis was ultimately aimed at achieving insight into the (policy) ways of stimulating the use of LNG as clean shipping fuel."" Access to capital is not as easy as it was in the pre-Lehmann times. Consequently, tax incentives are not an instrument to promote using LNG as ship fuel. The additional investment for the LNG equipment needs to be financed from the price differential of LNG and other low sulphur fuels based on market prices. Cases where product specific aspects have not been understood by authorities, such as flammability, dispersion etc., A similar situation was seen with authorities who did not accept ships as safe, even though they had been certified according to IMO's International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) and Class Rules." 7 0 3 1.0 10.18356/1c11fde8-en 265171bd6c99496612cdabe8f73f4e4a In the same year, 36 substances were added to the list of substances subject to control in the Russian Federation, including 27 new psychoactive substances. In addition, Belgium adopted a law providing for the listing of controlled substances according to definitions for generic groups. In December 2014, Finland brought into force new legislation introducing a definition of “new psychoactive substance” and listing 294 substances as psychoactive substances banned from the consumer market. The new legislation prohibits the production and supply of those substances, although it does not establish criminal liability for their possession or use. 3 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264110984-6-en 26541473c7cde74f102a009e0adacbc6 Youth LFPR refers to the sum of persons aged 15-24 in the labour force as a percentage of the working-age population. The youth employment-to-population ratio, also referred to as the youth employment rate, is the number of employed persons aged 15-24 as a percentage of the working-age population. In the Philippines and Thailand, the female youth LFPR and employment-to-population ratio is lower than that of males. 8 0 4 1.0 10.1787/5jz44w9ltszt-en 265421d7f55b983e1b9ed2f94742235e A report by the High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition of the Committee on World Food Security, Rome 2012. Economic Policy Research Institute, Commissioned for DFID. A report by the High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition of the Committee on World Food Security, Rome 2012. 2 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5jxrclljnbxq-en 265443645190c94c7c029925f8e7764c Land allocations remain similar to their current form. In OECD countries, wheat continues to be produced predominantly in Europe and Australia, while maize is produced in North America and rice in Korea and Japan (Figure 7). The IMPACT model shows relatively modest effects on land expansion in comparison to other models included in the AgMIP project. 2 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264301085-7-en 2657c00cecd01b64a6d891e21b89959d This raises the question to what extent the conditions and circumstances of early life constrain success in adulthood, particularly inequality of educational and health opportunities. Increases in the perceived returns to education and health might be accentuating the diverging fortunes of children from advantaged and disadvantaged households as more advantaged households invest more heavily in their children’s quality of education and their health inputs. This chapter looks at intergenerational mobility in terms of both health and educational outcomes. 4 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264245174-7-en 2659b900dcb9a7262eccb77533a11d7e Revenue from a dedicated transport tax (versement transport) levied on employers and based on payrolls has enabled the STIF to extend and maintain the public transport network and non-motorised transport facilities. The city’s success results from close co-operation between its Urban Transport Planning Authority (URBS), responsible for transport, and the urban development authority' (IPUCC), which is in charge of land-use planning. From its start in 1974, the Curitiba BRT was notable for its careful alignment with the 1965 Curitiba Master Plan, which focused the city’s growth along major corridors, through land-use and zoning regulations. 11 0 6 1.0 10.1787/9789264281707-8-en 2659ce2623b77721948278035a6baff8 Trial installations started in 2012 with smart meters being offered to all households from 2014 on a voluntary basis. The Dutch public and private sectors have established the Netherlands Water Partnership (NWP). The principal aim of the NWP is to co-ordinate Dutch activities abroad and to promote Dutch expertise in the water field worldw ide.4 The Netherlands is seeking to be seen as a world leader in sustainable water management. As customer interests are not normally taken into account, utilities can encounter unexpected opposition and not be able to respond to it, therefore rendering policy impotent. 6 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264174542-5-en 265b21476fab2a333e9c066f3bf205d4 In addition, local governments provide a direct contact point for residents on questions of water conservation. In this sense, they have a greater ability to adjust policies to adapt to changing behaviour and are more likely to influence popular water habits than higher levels of government. While each province of Argentina has its own set of laws outlining water roles and responsibilities, most LAC countries have a national water law to allocate roles and competences in water to lower levels of government. More than half of the LAC countries surveyed have also enshrined sub-national responsibilities in the water sector in their constitutional arrangements. 6 0 3 1.0 10.1787/02e538fc-en 265b71c43f80dd374cce497a6ccd5b09 Specifically, the results have been used to design development indicators for national policy. For example, the National Program for Equal Opportunity and Non-Discrimination Against Women 2013-2018, included the “estimate of women's contribution to GDP by the economic value of unpaid household work”. Globally, the ILO estimates unpaid care work to be around USD 11 trillion, or 9% of global GDP, when using hourly minimum wage (ILO, 2018). 5 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264119581-3-en 265b9111861423e112bf090355fe412c The major advantage of external assessment is their reliability. They ensure that all students are assessed on the same tasks and that the results are measured by the same standards. Moreover, external assessments are usually conducted under supervision, which ensures that what is assessed is the students' own work. 4 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264187443-8-en 265d891d2a313ebdd768c6ad8c0063a5 "Demand for ""luxury"" foods, meat, dairy products and vegetable oils, increases (de Haen et al., It is also associated with dietary shifts towards more processed and pre-prepared foods (Popkin, 2001; de Haen etai, 2003). Many basic food staples consumed today in Africa, such as rice, maize, cassava, banana, groundnuts, etc., Consumption of these products were first introduced in urban centres and then spread to rural areas." 2 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/441bff2d-en 265eb0d7b79914ac3cf6a8b5a1ea6916 This support consists of intensive working sessions with the objective of better targeting the intervention to fit family needs (Government of Chile et al, 2004). This is done through an assessment of seven dimensions (identification, health, education, family dynamic, housing conditions, work and income) according to 53 minimum conditions for quality of life. The assessment provides the basis for the family’s action plan, which is monitored during participation in the programme, and favours access to services which therefore correspond to the specific necessities emerging from the psycho-social support. 1 4 5 0.1111111111111111 10.1787/9789264190672-9-en 265f39ebcbd21eb2802a0755541ea57e Special education belongs to all teacher-education programmes and all teachers are expected to have at least basic knowledge and skills related to students with special educational needs. There are two main kinds of practicum within teacher-education programmes in Finland. The first -a minor portion of clinical training-occurs in seminars and small-group classes in the Department of Education, where students practice basic teaching skills in front of their peers. 4 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264277335-4-en 26600446dc6c7b340abfd9688891584a Expansion efforts should do more to build on the existing capacity in primary schools as a means to expand access in underserved remote rural regions. The new child identifier should be used to ensure that care sendees provided for children over the age of four complement but do not replace participation in preschool. More emphasis needs to be given to developing the capacity of teachers to implement the new preschool curriculum, in particular in the domain of early literacy. This will require both a review of initial teacher education programmes and more in-service training opportunities, together with measures to reduce child-teacher ratios where this is an issue and provide more reading resources. 4 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264088757-11-en 266244302cfc467c55718271a62eadf2 These adults need training that is adjusted to their interests and their previously acquired competences. Finally, competitive enterprises that are keen to improve the skills of their staff, represent another highly demanding group of users. A quick look at figures shows that VET I schools are indeed already offering training to non-tradi-tional groups as well. Table 8.6 conveys official statistics from SAPTE that might not include non-formal training taking place in some VET schools and some rare partnerships with local authorities and NGOs in the framework of projects sponsored by international donors. 4 0 7 1.0 10.1787/agr/outlook-2010-3-en 2662c39786dae46250a758b1ba81ca25 Increasing export shares in almost all commodity markets is being achieved by a combination of strategies. Not only are they displacing traditional exporters and competitors with lower cost products or by growing faster, they are also becoming dominant in regional markets which can provide a springboard for further international market expansion. From Figure 1.10, non-OECD countries are projected to show the strongest percentage increase in exports by 2019, relative to the 2007-09 base, for oilseeds (59%), poultry (54%), wheat (50%), skim milk powder (43%), and cheese and vegetable oils (39%). On the other hand, OECD countries as a whole will tend to lose export shares in many commodities to non-OECD countries over the Outlook period. For the OECD area the largest gain in exports by 2019 compared to 2007-09, are for protein meals (49%), vegetable oils (38%) and rice (16%). Trade shares continue to be dominated in absolute terms by the OECD countries and their long established industries for a range of products (with projected global market share in 2019 shown in brackets) such as for: wheat (54%), coarse grains (60%), pig meat (80%), butter (79%), cheese (65%), whole milk powder (66%) and skim milk powder (73%). 2 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264107243-en 2666f3c2ae527d5188c8d71e56a4db60 Mexico, however, still has the lowest percentage of top performers in mathematics in 2009 among OECD countries and the third lowest percentage among the 39 participating countries with comparable data (after Indonesia with 0.1 % and Tunisia with 0.3%) (PISA Results 2009 Volume V,TableV.3.2). Similarly, of the Canadian students who performed below Level 2 in 2000, over 60% had not gone on to any post-school education by the age of 21; by contrast, more than half of the students (55%) who had performed at Level 2 as their highest level were at college or university.' Students proficient at Level 2 in mathematics can employ basic algorithms, formulae, procedures or conventions. 4 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264176744-en 2667270a48b76d7c395f9632f8f58b63 These three countries seek to integrate education and care in order to provide holistic child development. This means that the development of children is seen as a dynamic and closely interwoven interaction between their physical and mental circumstances and the environment in which children grow up. The school starting age may differ: in Sweden it starts at the age of seven, while in Norway it starts at the age of six and in New Zealand at the age of five. Many countries with a split system have created a learning framework for children in the older age bracket of ECEC only: from around age two-and-a-half or three to compulsory schooling. Portugal’s Core Curriculum Guidelines for Preschool Education issued by the Ministry of Education covers children from the age of three until the age of six - the compulsory schooling age in Portugal. 4 0 3 1.0 10.18356/48927deb-en 2667b927b029d13cb2f5926813f474c2 Changes in water quality and ecological status are considered likely, but have not been investigated. Current practical information needs — as demonstrated by the case of the Tisza — include the quantification of the predicted impacts on water resources and a better knowledge about their spatial distribution. A number of research projects, funded in particular by the EU, aim at strengthening the knowledge base. The necessity of strengthening interdisciplinary research of climate change impacts on water-related sectors of the economy requires coordination between different sectors and agencies. 6 1 4 0.6 10.18356/3615596e-en 26699b4c53eb7f62739ced65d08636c4 It presents indicators for women’s participation in economic and production activity and analyses the characteristics of women's employment. It also includes an analysis of female and male time use in paid and unpaid activities, an issue connected to the sexual division of labour and the reinforcement of traditional gender roles, something that affects the real potential for women to enter and remain in paid employment. Accordingly, the third and fourth sections examine, respectively, women’s participation in jobs with higher average pay (executive positions) and women's empowerment and economic autonomy (female entrepreneurs). 5 0 4 1.0 10.18356/d35e799b-en 266a7f4a15955080fc037ce913a107aa In 2015, the situation is most acute in Northern Africa and Western Asia, where the proportion of young people that is employed is only half of that of the entire working-age population. In 1991, close to half of the workers in the developing regions were living with their families on less than $1.25 per person per day. This rate has dropped to 11 per cent in 2015, corresponding to a two-thirds decline in the number of extremely poor workers, from 900 million in 1991 to 300 million in 2015. However, progress across regions has been uneven. 1 0 3 1.0 10.18356/5b6c49ea-en 266edfffcbb1d4d79abe403b8edb76b8 Emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) arising from the combustion of fossil fuels have been the main cause of anthropogenic global warming. Energy use has reached a scale at which planetary boundaries are being breached for a range of essential Earth-system processes, including in terms of global warming and biodiversity loss, which is likely to lead to catastrophic environmental change (Rockstrom and others, 2009). In 2005, fossil fuels accounted for 85 per cent of the global primary energy mix, while low-carbon nuclear power accounted for 6 per cent, hydroelectricity for 3 per cent and biomass for 4 per cent. 7 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264237056-8-en 266ef723eccda30474fb4b7c84950b45 Labour regulations focus on conditions of work and pay, and are quite detailed. The rigidity of regulations sometimes restricts the establishment of mutually beneficial labour agreements, resulting in a discrepancy between common practice and the law', thus posing legal risks to companies. It is not uncommon that the interpretation of labour regulations by labour courts is surrounded by uncertainties and some sources highlight the considerable difficulties that Brazilian businesses face in complying with labour laws (The Economist, 2011). Innovative firms are likely to be more dependent on adequate conditions for hiring and dismissing people, complemented by good systems of unemployment insurance and support for job placement, skills improvement and continuous learning. 2 3 1 0.5 10.18356/a81ec314-en 26727e6ce93735c427b72cbe6402447a Approaches varied, but countries such as Cambodia and the Lao People's Democratic Republic combined grid extensions with broad solar home system distribution efforts to boost rural electrification. Other countries, such as India and Nepal, have demonstrated the potential for microgrids to offer higher quality and economically sustainable off-grid power. Public-private and public-civil society partnerships have also emerged, pioneering new models to incorporate the latest technologies and approaches to off-grid renewable power systems. 7 0 9 1.0 10.18356/a1fda3f6-en 2674053c0093c05204a0dbe422f2d764 This course of action remains, of course, within the money-metric approach itself. This involves a rejection of targeting the poor, in favour of profiling and addressing deprivations for the entire population in each of a wider range of specific dimensions of well-being. The monetary approach assumes that all dimensions can be measured and accessed in money terms. It is then assumed that if a household has enough money to procure its basic needs, it is up to that household to make its own consumption choices. 1 0 9 1.0 10.1787/5kmfp51f5f9t-en 267507f0c53f6938e1200f8dd2299733 Better data on health care outcomes at the system level are being developed by the OECD, in particular on amenable mortality and health care quality (Box 2). Because their coverage is still limited, these data cannot replace health status indicators when assessing health care efficiency, but they can complement them. First, panel data regressions have been run to shed light on the contribution of health care and other determinants to the health status of the population (Joumard et al., This empirical work suggested that changes in health care spending, lifestyle factors (smoking and alcohol consumption as well as diet), education, pollution and income have been important factors behind improvements in health status. 3 0 3 1.0 10.18356/0ceb7e87-en 26780117244691db60ded53687bec5f9 However, in the case of more complex requests for particular data on the environment (e.g. on transboundary watersheds) requiring the collection of specific data, the Ministry may not have the capacity to do so and may not be in a position to fulfil the request. Requests to NAMEM for multiyear data on air quality' can be responded to upon payment (a rate is applied per digit of data). If the request asks for information about a person or a company, such information is considered confidential and is not provided to the requester. 4 9 0 1.0 10.18356/de83ab61-en 267a83f9e85f4f400206d1a190f43cb5 First, more effective monitoring and verification of performance on international commitments are needed. As regards establishing the corresponding mechanisms of common accountability, lessons can be drawn from existing modalities in other areas, such as the trade policy review process of the World Trade Organization. 2 3 1 0.5 10.1787/empl/outlook-2010-2-en 267c9d03c35f762750d10dea5d35f15e Non-knowledge-intensive services” corresponds to electricity, gas and water supply; construction; trade; hotels and restaurants. “ Skill intensity” is based on the distribution of average wages across firms where “Low skilled” refers to the first quartile, “Medium skilled” to the second quartile, “Moderately-high skilled” to the third quartile and “High skilled” to the fourth quartile. Standard deviations are first averaged within each group and country, and subsequently averaged across the following countries: Belgium, the Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. Using weights by firm size category and industry within each country does not qualitatively change the results. 8 0 3 1.0 10.1787/agr/outlook-2014-4-en 267fa78f3e57b21a56a50512ab3d9c3c China and India are expected to grow on average 7% and 6.4% p.a., Although impressive compared to developed economies, these rates are below the growth rates experienced during the previous ten years. Asian countries also maintain high growth rates, but the slowdown in China and India will curb growth rates in the region. Income growth in Latin American economies is assumed to be weaker compared to other emerging economies, but the resilient US economy is a positive factor for the region. 2 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/07f2a46c-en 26827662c96b138905d14253600f37d2 In Viet Nam, the source of supply varies depending on the type of method used with an increasing number of private pharmacies and outlets opting for pills, three-month injectables and condoms. Their sales are expected to grow as the market liberalizes further, in line with the 2006-2015 national strategy on contraceptive commodity security developed with the support of UNFPA and other international agencies, which advocates for more involvement of non-governmental sectors and social marketing to encourage greater diversity in contraceptive supplies, at least for those who can afford it. Moreover, the Governments of Viet Nam and Indonesia have preferred to defer distribution of condoms for STIs and HIV prevention to international and local NGOs. 5 4 3 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/5kmlcz34fg9v-en 2682930a8ba495959ad488a9d1b946f1 Hence the bank can charge lower interest rates to safe borrowers groups and higher interest rates to risky ones. The interest rate also diminishes according to a client or group reliability and punctuality in repayments for more than one year. On average, 90% of the clients of microfmance institutions (MFIs) are women. 13 6 1 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/3400179e-en 26853b7470edebbc589b5f9be7565e38 Policy failures in developing countries should not be used as evidence of incapacity but rather as a learning resource. Trial and error are part of the process of continuous evaluation of the experience of policymaking and policy implementation; given that the domestic environment is complex and the international environment fast-moving. International institutions and practices need to exhibit greater humility, less certainty of correctness, and greater respect for local knowledge. 1 6 3 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/df3c95f8-en 2686c7558e95b5c72c35d9621e9bc0bd These coefficients indicate the percentage gaps for each subgroup with respect to similar workers from outside the care sector, as control variables have been taken into account in the calculations. In 9 of the 14 countries in the study there is a monthly wage penalty for domestic workers, except in El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Peru and the Plurinational State of Bolivia. There is an hourly penalty as well, though it is considerably smaller and, in Mexico and Paraguay, no longer statistically significant. 5 6 1 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/7a1f7b89-en 26887666888fffe6e329ead1ab440725 These data discrepancies are important to understand since, in the absence of fully comparable data (especially as regards travel distances), the report estimates traffic impacts on the basis of other data sources, including aggregate travel distance data gathered from ride service odometer data. In 2015 and 2016, they have been the leading source of growth in non-auto (i.e. non-personal car) travel in the city. They have also added significantly to vehicular travel and mileage on city streets. 11 2 6 0.5 10.1787/5k46dbzhrkhl-en 268952e00b2cdd3f1e2a50800ddeb2cf For example, the Forum for Environment’s Green Award Scheme has been encouraging of leaders in the industry; more could be done for government officials and scientists. Thus incentives aimed at individuals will need to be followed up, in a step-wise manner, by sector-wide schemes that (1) shift subsidies from ‘bads’ such as fossil fuel use to ‘goods’ such as energy efficiency and renewable energy, and (2) offer payments for defined and verified environmental services through both domestic and international payment mechanisms. Such incentives can have a wide-ranging impact, and be a cost-effective and sustainable complement to implementing specific green growth projects designed top-down. Richer households spend a proportionately larger amount on fuel products; this would indicate that they benefit more than poorer households from any universal fuel subsidy on these products (Mekonnen et al., 13 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264088979-en 268ac70a8d1824c45756386c2c07cbf6 Incentives enable isolated initiatives, the impact of which is diminished by their non-co-ordinated character. Tertiary education institutions are each delivering their own range of activities and services with limited co-ordination, collaboration and sharing of good practice, leading to duplication of efforts and difficulties in monitoring the results. The co-ordination of information and action on the part of the public agencies, tertiary education institutions as well as various stakeholders is also in need of improvement. 4 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/5k9b7bn5qzvd-en 268ccaeb165d69497beff5095b95bf4c "This is lower than the total impact for EU15 countries (2.6% of GDP) and for the 10 “New EU Member States"" (2.0%)."" In Poland’s case, those challenges seem to be manageable, given the tight grip on the supply of health services and the currently low level of and controlled growth in health-related public spending relative to other OECD countries. Public health spending is also low relative to total general government outlays (Figure 18), which suggests that public finance consolidation efforts should, as needed, be directed towards other expenditure items." 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/106b1c42-en 268db3c743f33efca7a7da3e6f30ce0f The latest three volumes focus on quality, monitoring and transitions from ECEC to primary school. They have been influential in the development of the TALIS Starting Strong Survey and have informed this conceptual framework. The analysis and reporting of the survey data will be embedded in the policy insights from the Starting Strong series, drawing on contextual information and concrete examples, as applicable. 4 0 7 1.0 10.18356/3e6fd74f-en 268f020c46d1d160a5032f303f247b25 In all cases, a much lower percentage of persons aged 15 and over with one or more types of disability are economically active than those who have no disability. This situation impacts heavily, both emotionally and financially, on family well-being, and highlights the shortfall in the supply of care services provided by the State, the market and civil society organizations. The governments of a number of Latin American and Caribbean countries have also developed programmes of integration and inclusion in education for children with disabilities. 1 3 1 0.5 10.1787/9789264215696-21-en 26970a10d7bbca627549427276ebaa92 The highest scoring education systems at 4th grade maths (Singapore, Korea, Hong Kong and Japan) were all above average in terms of innovation at 4th grade. The following Figures indicate that there is a positive association between overall innovation and trends in 8th grade mathematics outcomes between 2003 and 2011 (Figure 18.7). However, positive change has also occurred without such high levels of innovation: Chile is an example of a country that has improved performance whilst levels of innovation remain below the OECD mean. This may indicate that the marginal return to innovation has been diminishing. Ontario is also characterised by above average levels of innovation and negative trends in maths performance. 4 0 4 1.0 10.6027/9789289342698-7-en 269975ffd374b63c588285675843a38b In total, the service sector constitutes a far greater proportion of the labour market of the metropolitan area, gender segregation is particularly widespread in the countryside and immigrant workers are clearly overrepresented in the processing industry - particularly in the part of the industry located outside the metropolitan area (Juh'usdottir etal 2013: 271). Thus, the export of fish constitutes 39% of Iceland's total export earnings (Haagensen 2014: 133). Edvardsdottir (2013) emphasises how the business life of small Icelandic communities are particularly unified and highly dominated by the fishing industry which is a profession highly dominated by men. They don't see themselves as fishermen although they take part in the fishing process, e.g. baiting the line, working in the fish plant or doing the book-keeping. 5 3 1 0.5 10.1787/9789264267817-6-en 269ab1c92a402a1d14d0826af10bc9d6 An integrated territorial approach to the development of those policy areas would require that different elements be taken into account, such as the alignment of spatial and land use planning with transportation objectives and investments and environmental strategies. For example, the development of a BRT network is promising, yet too often remains divorced from broader urban planning efforts. The use of the Metropolitan Fund could be improved to serve metropolitan-wide challenges and advance cross-sectoral, integrated solutions to them, from transportation to environmental and spatial planning issues. Effective governance at the metropolitan level can reduce policy fragmentation and raise the productivity of cities. It can also provide the right conditions to take advantage of agglomeration effects from its proximity to Mexico City. How governments regulate land use and address public and private investment, how competencies are allocated across levels of government, and how land use is taxed, is critical. 11 0 7 1.0 10.14217/9781848599604-21-en 269d1ccae39d3be00017bd771dc538ac There are risks of advancing a GVC integration agenda without effective global economic governance structures. This is because lower value-added activities are either outsourced or offshored by lead firms, while higher value-added activities are retained. The sector is a major employer of women. This is around the same level reported by Dolan and Humphrey (2000) for the horticulture sector, and by Kaplan and Kaplinsky (1998) for the deciduous canned fruit sector. 10 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/059ce467-en 269fd061d9ded78d195bdd647df8c76b Curricula should include multiculturalism and diversity as content topics in language classes, history and civic education. Sweden should apply and implement a diversity-conscious curriculum consistently across schools. For immigrant students, inclusive schools can increase their opportunities to learn because they are able to interact with other children, which in turn can promote their family and community participation. 4 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5jlssl611r32-en 26a1d16404b2e88b1984e53e4d60698e Eventually this could become a significant drag on the economy. In the literature review provided here, it appears that, at the level of individual sectors, this relatively inelastic response to water scarcity is indeed prevalent. However, it remains to be seen what scope there is for the economy to substitute more aggressively away from water intensive activities and consumption goods. Quantifying this potential should be part of the research agenda undertaken with the kind of global CGE model discussed in this report. 6 0 3 1.0 10.1787/empl/outlook-2010-2-en 26a21c0849a7ad0b99c7aeebd39a031b The Youth Labour Market Problem: Its Nature, Causes and Consequences, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, pp. Evidence from a Panel of OECD Countries”, OECD Economics Department Working Paper, No. A Review of OECD Countries’ Experiences with Active Labour Market Programmes”, Swedish Economic Policy Review, Vol. 8 0 3 1.0 10.18356/df3c95f8-en 26a325aac189f591931881d7442ebaef Hi K-SJStJJA 97,0 .95.5 95.3 . First, despite certain variations between countries in the proportion of w omen employed in the care sector and other sectors, in all cases the share in the former is at least double the latter. Second, the overwhelming presence of women among paid care workers has changed little in the last decade in terms of the regional average and for individual countries (see figure III.8). The proportion of women is higher among domestic workers (95.2% in 2000 and 90.6% in 2010) than among other care woikers, and it is higher in education services and community and household services than in health services (94.4% and 95.2%, respectively, in 2000 compared with 85.9% in 2010). 5 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264270985-7-en 26aa64919d24eaec3c126e0a16ed58bf With that aim, Reporting Item (HC.RI.3) equates to HC.6 in SHA 1.0, and is within the boundary of health care. The proposal is to keep them as is, so as to promote a continued reporting practice, notably during the transition to SHA 2011 (see Table 5.2 for a mapping of these categories). This includes basic medical treatment, such as dental treatment, if provided as an integral part of the public health function. It excludes, however, remuneration-in-kind of health care goods and services that constitute household actual final consumption rather than intermediate consumption of business. As the health care components of long-term care are contained in HC.3, the complementary social components are included as a health care-related category that is further subdivided into in-kind and in-cash components. The health and social care components, HC.3 and HC.R.l, can be summed up to obtain a total value of long-term care (LTC). 3 0 3 1.0 10.18356/5940d90a-en 26ab016ca787bd737c4148cfba47ab9b While the MDGs started from ground zero, creating a baseline for global hunger and poverty targets, the sustainable development goals (SDGs) will hit the ground running, propelled by over a decade of lessons learned. Given this experience, the coming years offer unprecedented potential for human development. Nutrition has captured global attention and has remained a featured agenda item for most development partners. A number of international initiatives, multi-stakeholder processes and commitments add fuel to the fire, ANNA LARTEY is Director of the Nutrition Division in the Economic and Social Development Department at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. 2 0 9 1.0 10.1787/pension/glance-2013-5-en 26af852b06f2348d768a212015113abd On both metrics, the largest poverty reductions, above 60%, are observed in Slovenia and Spain. By contrast, imputed rents have almost no effect on reducing exposure to poverty in the Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany, or Luxembourg. Portugal’s adoption of a floating poverty line actually leads to a greater risk of relative poverty among the elderly. 1 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264114579-5-en 26b216fcbaa2d5ffee20dc69cbc4f14d During this process, it is also important to ensure that there are adequate analytical skills at the different levels to make good use of the data. Building a culture of evidence in which a few key indicators are tracked with benchmarks for improvement and goals established will go a long way toward reinforcing government priorities. The selection of indicators, of course, must be preceded by the establishment of a consensus about policy priorities. 4 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/f08da6fa-en 26b27c49008b0f5bc8f58f6f07ce5779 Using data from the Integrated Living Conditions Surveys of 2013 and 2014, this report also assesses the overlap between child multidimensional and monetary poverty, as measured by the national poverty line. Almost one in three children are both poor and deprived: 28 per cent of children are deprived (in two or more dimensions) and live in monetary-poor households. These children are the most vulnerable, and should be prioritized by social policies. 1 0 3 1.0 10.18356/0faa4b9f-en 26b748a68fa8063334ae8261e5cb477b The positive trend is particularly visible for the legal designation of protected areas corresponding to IUCN category II (national parks), category IV (habitat/species management areas) and category V (protected landscapes/seascapes). Such new developments included the national parks Butrinti (2005, 8,591.2 ha), Mali i Dajtit (2006, 29,216.9 ha), Divjake-Karavasta (2007, 22,230.2 ha), Shebenik-Jabllanice (2008; 33,928.0 ha), Bredhi i Hotoves-Dangelli (2008, 34,361.1 ha) and Karaburun-Sazan (2010, 12,428.0 ha). As a result, the proportion of national parks in the surface area of the ecological network of Albania has more than triped (from 15.68 per cent in 2002 to 49.88 per cent in 2011). 15 0 9 1.0 10.18356/e95f1f91-en 26b7ae562972449b83f13228444507c2 Cameroon’s Inter-ministerial Biodiversity Committee was created in response to the Minister of Environment’s coordination mandate, and the National Committee on Biodiversity and Combat Desertification of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) was created in 2012 to tackle the national responsibilities of biodiversity protection. The committee has since functioned in an ad hoc manner and is yet to have statutory or permanent status by a decision of the Prime Minister. However, the Minister of Environment, Protection of Nature and Sustainable Development has the mandate to carry out consultations on cross-sectoral issues. 15 0 5 1.0 10.1787/5jlwvz85537c-en 26b82c3a47bdf6ff11f146fe50309125 This 2002 study covered drinking and driving, seat belt and child restraint use, local infrastructure improvements on urban and minor rural roads, and safety on main interurban roads. The thinking is based on a road safety target hierarchy of the final outcomes (the number killed and injured), intermediate outcomes (Safety Performance Indicators), safety programmes and measures, and “structure and culture” as shown in Figure 4.5. This approach is adapted from a consultation document on a road safety strategy in New Zealand (LTSA, 2000). 11 3 6 0.3333333333333333 10.14217/5jlz411xvqhc-en 26bdbcd259e89ead80b5f5353019a521 The point is that there are new and significant markets for exports that will provide powerful economic benefits for those economies that manage to capture portions of the market. They are best taken as rough indicators of the magnitude of opportunity. Even economically similar countries will have widely different comparative advantages, and Commonwealth member countries are extremely varied in terms of size, geography, history and level of economic development. 13 6 1 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264259157-4-en 26c0fbf5cabb429da27509a48dc104d1 Continued employment participation may also open up career opportunities and will, in all events, strengthen pension entitlements so reducing the risk of poverty in old age (OECD, 2015a). There are intergenerational effects on future gender inequality when mothers are in paid work, as egalitarian attitudes are shaped both at home and in the public sphere. Equal sharing of unpaid work between mothers and fathers is also associated with more gender-equal attitudes and behaviours of children once they grow up (McGinn, 2015; Davis and Greenstein, 2009). 5 1 4 0.6 10.1787/5kmh3nj5rzs4-en 26c5a36529f9a081dbb41c5a2e6256fd South Africa has one of the best sun regimes in the world. Yet it has one of the lowest penetrations of solar water heaters (SWH). Experience with non-grid electrification through solar heating systems (SHS) has taught a lesson that solar panels are subject to theft and vandalism. Information campaigns and community development programmes help reduce vandalism. 7 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/eco/surveys-esp-2010-7-en 26c73be89353c5968f16636201627a8c Further steps need to be taken to halt excessive groundwater abstractions, including through improved monitoring and the introduction of charges on abstractions from overexploited aquifers. Its climate and the physical characteristics of its environment, such as the prominence of mountain ranges close to the coasts or soil characteristics, make natural water endowments highly unequally distributed across space and time. These characteristics have determined water policies, which used to aim at increasing supply by constructing large dams with government support. With over 1 300 dams, Spain is estimated to be the country with the 4th largest number of dams in the world (after the United States, India and China; Martinez-Cortina, 2010). Over the past century this policy increased water abstractions per inhabitant to a higher level, on average, relative to renewable resources, than in most other OECD countries (Figure 4.1), relatively low population density notwithstanding. 6 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5jlww009v1hj-en 26c89c5aec42cca27823643de56972ff Such definitions have not yet been agreed. Further, National Communications, adaptation communications or other country-specific adaptation information would need to clarify what levels of international support for adaptation are needed. ( At present, adaptation support needs presented by countries are patchy and/or out of date, and for those INDCs highlighting quantified support needs, it is not always clear which part of these needs are to be met from national and/or international sources). These are outlined further in Table 11. 13 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5kmh3nj5rzs4-en 26c942f21ac98947ff7e0536eb6fe406 Since 2002, the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) has been the governmental agency responsible for implementing the Energy Conservation Act. The RGGVY also planned to communicate massively through the media in rural areas in order to promote energy efficiency, and sound management of the local electricity distribution system. First, India's rural distribution system is essentially low-density with high technical and commercial losses leading to a high delivery cost. For this reason, utilities were generally not inclined to take up rural electrification projects through funds arranged on a commercial loan basis, for fear of further deterioration in their financial health. During the 10lh Five-Year Plan (FYP) there was only limited financial outlay for the implementation of the RGGVY, and some cases of government corruption and mismanagement of funds have plagued the system. 7 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/31959a6d-en 26c94e38bbf357f00839657db92fbbf8 Widowhood can bring economic hardship and vulnerability for women. The conditions for entitlements also relate to more specific pension rules - for instance, how many years of contributions are required (the so-called ‘vesting period’), the income or asset threshold for means-tested benefits, and whether benefits are right-based or depend on resources available and waiting lists. The conditions of entitlement define who can get a benefit and how coverage is ultimately distributed. 5 0 3 1.0 10.18356/1c11fde8-en 26cb067e9be7a7def04d550e2c1893d8 In Ohio, treatment admissions for the drug increased by 34 per cent from 2009 to 2012. In the county of San Diego, deaths related to methamphetamine increased by 70 per cent from 2008 to 2012. South America has a relatively strong institutional capacity in the wider context of Latin America and the Caribbean, and countries in the region have been making considerable efforts at the national and international levels to curb the illicit supply of drugs and address the increasing rates of drug abuse. 3 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264283343-en 26cc150b26d891874c79a1c2dfd271c4 While Danish residents currently experience low unmet need for medical care, this 'skills mix' provides opportunities to expand the scope of practice of nurses to better respond to growing and changing requirements. Many nurses work with more advanced tasks under delegation from a physician in a legal framework established to improve the scope of practice for nurses. This and other possible extensions in scope of practice will require revision of curricula or investments in more postgraduate education and training for nurses in Denmark, as scope exists in the Danish primary care payment schedule for nurses to perform some tasks traditionally done by physicians (OECD, 2017a). 3 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264284319-9-en 26cca391ebb5d8f117b351f841bc6b7b This includes the merger of the two operators of combined heat and power plants CHP-1 and CHP-2, with Termocom, the state-owned company that owns and operates the district heating network in Chisinau. This means that the company may be private, but has some additional social obligations. For example, it is subject to certain restrictions on cutting supply to customers in case of non-payment of bills by customers. Source: Energy Community (2015). 7 3 0 1.0 10.18356/215a990d-en 26d10c0924da8a55cf710d2621eda89b In the past, they were not often known for being very dynamic or innovative. This report argues that such institutions need to fully embrace change and become ‘cautious revolutionaries’ to remain relevant. Such a development would not necessarily benefit SMEs and inclusiveness, as weaker economic players are most likely to suffer from market failures and malfunctions that non-profit service providers can address but private sector players are free to ignore. For this purpose, they can create their own online platforms to facilitate contacts between local businesses and potential buyers in foreign markets, modernizing their traditional matchmaking services. 9 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264089457-en 26dcf4aa5f381e206fdaf0ece4305dbd Furthermore, a range of funding mechanisms have been developed to provide medium- and longterm capital financing, such as the “Cradle Investment Programme” (CIP) and the “Start Your Own Business” by the Multimedia Development Corporation. The Malaysian Venture Capital and Private Equity Association targets high technology and knowledge-based enterprises of all sizes. Penang has a rich support framework for new firm creation and increasing investments are being made to support the creation of new business formation in knowledge-based fields. 4 5 4 0.1111111111111111 10.18356/60a8d482-en 26dde187d3c0658e00d54de0f85c7726 "The project was put on hold. In 2012, the Government said they planned to scrap the entire programme, outraging the women of Ain El-Sira. "" I got a phone call from the head of security at the Ministry of Social Affairs telling me that these women were protesting and were barricading the building,"" Hania smiles. """ 5 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264265493-6-en 26e0cbc90c5325367ebebfb95b7ed8f4 The share of all women in the labour market (age 15 and over) grew from 33.9% in 1991 to 43.3% in 2014. Indeed, Mexico has the second-lowest rate of (working age) female labour force participation in the OECD, after Turkey. Mexican women also participate at lower rates than women in Colombia and Peru, two other upper-middle income Latin American countries (OECD, 2016b). There is a 35.3 percentage point gap between Mexican women and men’s labour force participation rates. 5 0 9 1.0 10.6027/9789289329316-6-en 26e6b3f2c6aaae81e97d866ffcdaa75e "According to the study, ten years of excellence in research policy in Swedish research funding has had serious negative consequences for gender equality in academia. It also appears that these initiatives have so far avoided an analysis of the measures they themselves have planned to initiate to improve gender equality. The European Commission focused attention on the gender-related ramifications of the excellence in research initiatives and the definition of scientific excellence as early as 200440 and established the expert group ""Gender and Excellence"", which studied research funding in 33 European countries in a gender perspective (EU 2008). There is good reason to raise the issue of quality criteria and excellence in research in the Nordic countries and at the joint Nordic level as well." 5 1 5 0.6666666666666666 10.1787/9789264281653-6-en 26e941683772c94a455d976225dc53aa Blood pressure screening also increased from 30% to 34% (of the undiagnosed population) between 2013 and 2014. In contrast, adequate control of cholesterol levels was achieved in only around 45% people with dyslipidaemia. The evaluation considered reasons for falling short of the 55% target, including poor adherence to clinical guidelines or deficient information systems. 3 0 3 1.0 10.18356/403a6ad7-en 26e987509f9c2c45916150e3080e82cd Modern science can exploit the qualities of these marginal crops and deploy it in varieties that will be more widely grown. The International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) has one of the world’s largest gene banks in the world for dryland crops. Excessive rainfall could wash away soils from the land to complement the impacts of degradation of the natural resource base due to agro-chemicals, overcultivation of soils, deforestation, slash-and-burn agriculture and deterioration of water sources. 2 0 4 1.0 10.1787/5km5zrrvzr42-en 26e9a7f07a087a6c540e11669ccdf6f2 Increased public/private collaboration can also contribute to investment risk-hedging and confidence-building in investors. Training and education, including data and information sharing, serves to increase capacity building among investors and lenders, especially in emerging economies. Evidence similarly suggests that EE stakeholders are looking for increased guidance from government before scaling-up private investment in energy efficiency. The study calls for the creation of an Energy Efficiency Action Network (EEFAN);4 an international platform to enable regular cooperation and information sharing between the public and private sectors. Financial instruments that guarantee EE projects address such risk perception. 7 0 4 1.0 10.6027/08a21a66-en 26ea8a9d884543ffcf19e3741d113d7e The energy sector solutions would present abatement potential of about 41 Mt C02eq, mainly resulting from onshore wind and solar power. In the studied five countries onshore wind, which can provide the biggest impact in the Baltics, has an abatement potential close to 20 Mt C02eq in total, solar power 17 Mt C02eq and bioenergy for heating about 14 Mt C02eq. The transport sector and the agriculture and forestry sector would provide 10 Mt C02eq and 6 Mt C02eq abatement potentials respectively. 7 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264123564-6-en 26eb72cb2b380b1c3d9fdf353f12e8d9 High turnover rates can have a negative effect on ECEC quality since staff provision is less stable, which, in turn, can impact child development. When staff members regularly change within a group of children, staff and children are less able to develop stable relationships; and nurturing, stimulating interactions take place less often (CCI, 2006). This is mainly because there is a complex inter-relationship between staff-child ratios, staff qualifications, quality and type of provision that makes it difficult to single out the effect of a particular characteristic of working conditions (Sammons, 2010). Available research findings focus on the effects on staff satisfaction rather than on child development. 4 3 2 0.2 10.18356/39dd1e2e-en 26eec3a9d3b782d84c104efb87607934 Use of pesticides and chemicals in agriculture is a joint responsibility of the Ministry of Environment and Tourism, Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry- and Ministry of Health (chapter 1). Among other tasks, GASI performs inspection and monitoring of water sources and distribution points for drinking water control. For food safety' control, inspection focuses on the entire process, from raw material to the final product. 3 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264267817-6-en 26f1842b080db9cbee110c338a794bad Greater co-ordination among state agencies may well help get several pending projects off the ground. The PND is also missing a more integrated tourism strategy conceived around the development of specific areas as tourism priority economic hubs, allowing for tourism opportunities to be exploited in co-ordination with other policy areas and sectors. Rural areas would lend themselves particularly well to such a strategy, drawing on their connection to the agricultural sector. Yet, the inclusion of mral communities is not perceived as an objective of tourism policy, despite the high potential that exists in making mral communities direct beneficiaries of major tourism attractions around the country. 11 1 3 0.5 10.18356/ee52a573-en 26f6a8b2528b115e212cc1397641f68f Metals, minerals, wood, water, glass energy, etc. Over the years, largely due to climate change discussions, there has been increasing understanding of the impact of transport and mobility on society and the environment. The production of motor vehicles is resource intensive; their use requires constant GHG-emitting fuels and the construction of roads; and at the end of life the scrapping of cars takes up space, requires energy and may release harmful substances with potential impacts on human health. 12 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264300002-5-en 26f757e9feba00ec372bbc82dee02c2e Constantly prodded by federal authorities and an increasingly demanding public, the states progressively agreed and implemented such standards. Second, along with the standards, the states developed a range of resources to implement them in classrooms, including guidelines for instructional design, lesson plans and pedagogy. Capacity to implement the standards was developed at all levels of the education system. 4 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/808599e4-en 26fb0136ce4f303c5467a296b3883c8e Such youth are more at risk, as they are unable to secure enough work and income to climb out of poverty. Even in the developed world, young people seeking initial employment are increasingly at risk in terms of underemployment, as employers respond to weak demand or avoid the costs of formal employment (including healthcare and social security mandates) by providing part-time work to new entrants. Moreover, quality part-time work-including internships that provide no monetary compensation but offer job-relevant skills development—often excludes the poorest youth, who cannot afford to work for little or no pay. 8 0 3 1.0 10.18356/60a8d482-en 26fd20f5b83f18648d5ef1649ca27ccc The public works component also aims to create infrastructure and community assets, including roads, water and fuel sources, all of which potentially benefit women. The design of the PSNP takes account of their practical needs on a number of levels.88 It foresees the provision of community-based childcare services and reduced working time for women with children and provides for women to receive direct support without work requirements before and after childbirth. Some governments are responding more effectively to this challenge than others, as this section will show. 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/c73325d9-en 26ffaa5d50c614fa211900227013308b "In the end, the infrastructure needed to support significant and sustainable tourism growth is sizeable and will take years to be in place. Private investment has an important role to play. The focus of the government on four ""new Balis"" (Box 2) is a positive step, even though sustainability remains an issue (see below)." 8 0 3 1.0 10.1787/agr/outlook-2011-7-en 26ffc8086adaf1c1856fd324536d72c8 The high yield variability/export availability from this region has already demonstrated its impact on world commodity price volatility. Agriculture consumes about 70% of the world’s freshwater withdrawals (45% in OECD countries). Water use projections to 2050 suggest that the water supply to some 47% of the world’s population, mostly in developing countries, will be under severe stress, largely because of developments outside of agriculture. In some instances, supporting agricultural production may not be regarded as the most socially or economically desirable use for scarce water supplies. 2 0 3 1.0 10.18356/a84cce24-en 270003cd6789740f231bd456272627dc In this context, development policies would need to become more concerned with macroeconomic stability and to rely much more on deregulated markets and private initiative not only in productive activities but also in the provisioning of social services. The market reforms would be conducive to “getting the prices right” and provide the necessary incentives for businesses and households to improve efficiency and invest in a better future. Different levels of success in achieving development were no longer explained by differences in initial conditions, but rather by whether the “right” policies (market-friendly, fiscally sound) or the “wrong” ones (interventionist) had been conducted. 10 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264251724-8-en 2700d850c1a1604de3f32e3a8ef93803 The Habitats Directive calls for the establishment of special areas of conservation for habitats or species. The protected areas defined by these directives are legally binding and restrict or forbid certain human activities. Member states must put measures into place to achieve the conservation goals for each site. 14 4 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5k487ntdbr44-en 2703cd389ed4f66244212a7bd8af3124 It is moreover possible that schools share the same kit across classes, so that the above figure constitutes a lower bound for exposure: some schools purchased “mobile kits” (mobile IWB and laptop), or share classrooms between different classes. Although traditionally, each classroom is used by a single class group, and pupils stay with the same class group throughout the day and school year, schools are free to adopt a different organisation of their space. Of all IWBs purchased with funds from the “Piano LIM”, 10.6% are mobile kits, and 29.1% are located in dedicated labs (science, music or arts labs; multimedia rooms; etc.). 4 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264089457-en 27048ba4618ada6c71778d762644fbe0 Between January 1999 and February 2009, Universiti Sains Malaysia received 4.08 citations per paper with two other Malaysian universities (Universiti Malaya 4.16 and Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia 3.68) receiving approximately the same (Wong and Ho, 2010). This was lower than the other comparison Asian universities such as Seoul National University (8.04) and University of Hong Kong (10.02). In terms of commercialising of research output, USM had three US patents cumulative to 2005, compared with Seoul National University’s 22 and University of Hong Kong’s 52 (ibid.49). Nationally, however, Penang as a region is a key player in the development of Malaysian-invented patents granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Reviewing Malaysian patents by region, Penang residents invented one-third of all Malaysian patents. However, on examination the bulk of these patents were owned by foreign-based multi-national companies (Wong and Ho, 2010). 4 0 4 1.0 10.18356/3e6fd74f-en 270570d69b9a3dc096819d641b83a7ab The vast majority of households do not have the capacity to pay for such services. For households that do report care spending, the actual market demand expressed in monetaiy terms depends on total household income and on the range of needs they need, want and are able to meet. Spending on health care inside and outside the household was grouped together, showing that most of this spending goes on older persons in the household, the sick and persons with disabilities. 1 4 3 0.14285714285714285 10.18356/fcd1ba6c-en 270584c0df7d9057ce135731501032c9 Examples of such constraints include IPRs, licensing prohibitions, domestic technology absorptive capacity constraints, and trade-driven economic distortions, such as prioritization of export-oriented production in a few goods over diversified production for the domestic or regional market. Its evolution so far has been governed largely by considerations of environmental protection. Issues that affect development (i.e. climate change as a development challenge), related investment and R&D have been left to other forums and institutions although the UNFCCC process has sufficient mandates in this regard (UN-DESA, 2009b). 7 4 1 0.6 10.1787/9789264179370-6-en 2706acf2079e7e2f1a47a0cacebe7efb Women entrepreneurs who registered through the programme report improvements in their business operations, costs of credit, and work security. One risk of the programme is that it might create incentives to under-report real revenues (in order to benefit from the special MEI status) and reduce the attractiveness of other legal forms of business (limited-liability companies and corporations) that are generally more conducive to enterprise growth. Complementary measures are needed to enable higher growth in female-owned enterprises. 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5jxsr7tt3qf4-en 2706d0b6d80d5f03c4be99998a7bf033 Section 5 concludes by summarizing the findings. However, the intensity of fertiliser differs widely across countries (FAOSTAT, 2013). At 30% of global use of fertiliser nutrients (NPK only), China is the largest user of fertilisers - and with close to 300kg and more than 100kg, it also has the highest use of N and P fertilisers per hectare of cropland, respectively (based on FAOSTAT data on fertiliser use and cropland). 2 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5jxrjncwxv6j-en 270d0efabfb858259319c6c581ec25f0 Hence, the survey offers the possibility to estimate model (1) using as dependent variable one of the available measures of skill proficiency. These are a potentially better measure of Human capital than standard indicators of the highest level of formal education attained. One obvious concern, however, is to what extent they actually reflect skills acquired while in education. On one hand, proficiency in literacy and numeracy as accumulated at school is likely to depreciate with age. 10 5 2 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/5kgj0d3vzcth-en 27145c28575b5ab8690dcc441de8af0a New Zealand livestock farmers operate in an environment of relatively high price instability. Over the period of 1999-2007, prices for cattle, sheep and wool fluctuated roughly between 14% and 27% around their means observed at farm levels, while this fluctuation reached 36% for deer farmers. Consistent with findings for other countries, the variability of prices at the farm level in New Zealand is higher than at the aggregate level. However, the divergences between the farm-level and the aggregate-level variability are not significant. 2 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/09ba747a-en 2714a7b32985689e76d30dbba5d1da07 For instance, in Mexico, higher income households capture the largest part of the benefits in absolute terms (OECD Economic Survey of Mexico, 2011).7 In France, although reduced rates for essentials and services are usually justified on equity grounds, empirical evidence suggests this is misplaced. The 2013 OECD Economic Survey of France notes two studies that illustrate the ineffectiveness of these policies. Unsurprisingly perhaps, Ruiz and Trannoy (2008) conclude that reduced VAT rates for restaurant meals and yachts are of greater benefit to better-off households than to lower-income persons. 8 3 1 0.5 10.18356/b9509058-en 2715215a0a7be28abf5b3a804688d724 However, as prices of natural resources and commodities rise, as climate change deepens and accelerates, and as mountains of waste overflow landfills and stretch municipal budgets, sustainable consumption is emerging as a necessary condition for continued economic growth, even in developing countries. But as incomes in the region grow, consumption patterns become less and less eco-efficient. Sustainable consumption strategies make it possible to achieve eco-efficient economic growth while people rediscover, reinstate and revitalize rich Asian and Pacific cultural values and traditions. 12 1 7 0.75 10.1787/9789264233911-5-en 271585ce579b6c819fca000dfae95009 In particular, the World Bank (2012b) estimates that price volatility6 between January’2005 and May 2011 reached 12% in Kenya and 14% in Zambia, w'hile it was only 9% in South Africa. In Kenya, average price levels increased around 20% between 1995 and 2004 (Jayne et al., However, the food security impacts of the stocks are not unanimously positive. 2 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/9ed3c0a9-en 2718d3232ba2d95aa5f2f53e9cf1eeaf It is important to note that multidimensional poverty remained unchanged12 in the urban Amazon between 2006 and 2010, which ties in with the increasing deprivation levels (gaps) in all dimensions other than work and social security. While relative poverty among Afro-Ecuadorians decreased from 1.2 times the national level in 2006 to 1.1 in 2010, the relative level for indigenous people increased from 1.6 times the national level in 2006 to 1.7 in 2010, meaning that despite the absolute reduction in the level of multidimensional poverty, the indigenous population was worse off in 2010 than in 2006 in terms of equity. Rural areas, and especially the rural Amazon, have the highest levels of poverty but a lower absolute number of poor. If the figures are broken down by age group, children and adults together accounted for 57.9% of multidimensional poverty in 2010 (20.2% and 37.7%, respectively), both by number of poor people and by poverty level, while the elderly are the group with the highest level of multidimensional poverty. 1 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264097896-9-en 27190fb513729e8589df38b3d5915cb4 A sharp fall in TPES and TFC in 2006 was also linked to decreased use of energy products as feedstock, especially in the petrochemical industry. In 2007, Portugal consumed 0.17 toe per USD 1 000 of GDP (2005 prices), against an OECD Europe average of 0.12 toe. The difference is less when GDP is corrected for purchasing power parities. 7 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/805b1ae4-en 271a3d85e18daa6d57f166fad204375a Most of the aid to countries in protracted crisis is humanitarian, notably food aid, while much less is development assistance (Afghanistan and Iraq are exceptions). Relatively small amounts of aid flow to agriculture and education, two sectors of particular importance for food security and nutrition. For example, only 3.1 percent of overseas development assistance received by countries in protracted crisis in the period 2005-08 was dedicated to agriculture (FAO and WFP, 2010). 2 0 4 1.0 10.1787/5jlwvz85537c-en 271a7afd39cf3a461a3cb1c342179d11 Therefore road safety advocacy and information should focus on informing those fleet operators. In general in this increasing pace of life, many citizens desire to go faster and as discussed earlier often an individual’s appreciation of the risk of speeding and crash risk is not well informed and the collective risk accumulating in society and the resulting speed related crash problems is one of the classic public health dilemmas or disconnects as described earlier by Prof. Kare Rumar. For example in the enforcement of low level speeding by many more people vs a focus on catching the high end speeding motorists who are relatively few. 11 0 3 1.0 10.30875/423532ad-en 271f0a9b6cb7a93ab809a464d753cf35 For customized printed objects, the potential differences between the 3D printing cost and the equivalent retail price are anywhere between eight and 80 times (DHL, 2016a). Small firms trade smaller quantities than big enterprises do. This suggests that fixed trade costs, such as logistics costs, often make up a greater share of the unit cost of their goods as compared to their rivals which export larger volumes. 9 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264096813-4-en 2724e555fd1b89f9a8dfce0f3264e03b For example, the World Wide Fund for nature has played a major role in pushing for reform of fisheries subsidies and in framing the WTO debate subsidies disciplines (see the series of publications on the issue in WWF 1998, 2001,2004). However, because of its diversity, its position in relation to the fisheries is equally mixed. In most cases the tourism industry does not seem to have a clear-cut interest in the fisheries industry and how it is organised or managed. 14 1 3 0.5 10.1787/5jrxr7vj1g9v-en 272708488bd20e01f18b393f17009bf0 Implementing a national payment system for mental health is understood to be a key enabler to achieving parity of esteem between mental and physical health, and is expected to help drive up the quality of mental health services. A national payment system for mental health would enable better commissioning and more efficient services by incentivising the provision of services that achieve the best outcomes for patients. A national payment system for mental health would ensure the best services, that deliver the highest quality with best outcomes, receive the most funding. Many adults receiving care are allocated to a mental health cluster based on their need; services are then tailored according to the needs of the people they treat. In some local health economies, clusters are also used as the basis of payment replacing a system of block payment arrangements, based on historical funding rather than current service provision. 3 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264214033-7-en 272908891c5f278793cc8919e0434ada This is true in the Nordic countries, which were among the first to make the change in the 1970s. One of the most recent reforms was undertaken in Poland, where early tracking was postponed one year, until the age of 15. The reform raised students' performance substantially, particularly for those students who would have been assigned into vocational tracks, without undermining the performance of top achievers (Wisniewski, 2007). 4 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264191761-en 272b5aab038b2d854e29638d9f7b0aec A brief description of the institutions providing concessional credit and their concessional credit schemes follows. The task of the ACC was to provide start-up capital for the newly formed CPs on the basis that once CPs have accumulated sufficient own funds for operations, the ACC would terminate its participation in authorised capital by selling its stakes to current or entering CP members. At present, 161 CPs operate nationwide, covering 89% of administrative micro-regions in the country. However, it is evaluated that only one-third is in stable financial condition. 2 7 2 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/9789264283558-en 272ccd05275d66c7791292426d11388a This has contributed to the fall in death rates related to external causes, although these remained above the EU average in 2014. Since then, lung cancer mortality has decreased - although this probably partly reflects a decline in smoking prevalence that started even before these prevention measures. The same restrictions apply to e-cigaiettes, herbal smoking products and novel tobacco merchandise. 3 0 3 1.0 10.18356/1608bb4d-en 27359226d58b307f363595a5325d9e17 These campaigns not only demonstrated the feasibility of working across sectors, but were also 15 per cent cheaper than separate campaigns. For such efforts to succeed however there is need for community participation at all stages and multi-stakeholder engagement. These shelters are in the hospital compound and encourage pregnant women to come and stay there towards the end of their pregnancies. For example, one such shelter is found in Oarissa in the North-Eastern part of Kenya. 3 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/56f09402-en 2736dc63444e2cf21f4ae9c7bbff0805 Both have worked as consultants for the Social Development Division of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC). This is, first, because adolescents are, along with children, overrepresented in poor families. Fertility patterns in lower-income, less-educated sectors largely explain this overrepresentation, combined as they are with today's very low fertility rates among the middle class, especially in the countries of the Southern Cone of Latin America. 5 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5jlpl4mh1hxn-en 2737def6e9f2bd12dbb9c0a4a8dbe49f They are involved in producing staple food crops that are among the top ten crops grown in the region (in acreage): millet, sorghum, cow peas, maize, groundnuts, cassava, rice and yams (World Farmers' Organisation website accessed on 26 February 2016). The horticulture sector mainly employs female labour as well. Cereals, roots and tubers, fruits and vegetables are essential for food and nutrition security and have a growing regional market. 2 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264240094-8-en 2738410b14b93b4d7c6bf0f2e472ed9d This reduction resulted in a decrease in the average annual exposure level of urban residents to outdoor PM from 46 to 36 pg/m3 over 2000-11 (World Bank, 2015).11 Annual average concentrations remain above this level in several metropolitan areas, however, and peak concentrations still regularly exceed national air quality standards in many cities. Rio de Janeiro, among the cities with the greatest traffic congestion problems, registered the highest levels of PM10 exposure in 2010: both the highest annual mean concentration (67 pg/m3) and highest peak concentration (574 pg/m3) among monitored cities. In Sao Paulo, PM10 concentrations decreased over the 2000s, but the city faces high 03: concentration levels exceeded the national eight-hour average quality standard 257 times in 2010, or more than 70% of the year (IBGE, 2013). Estimates suggest that in the states of Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro alone, 135 000 people died from diseases caused by air pollution over 2006-11 (ISS, 2014). 15 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264208445-8-en 273b398e776cb28460b780ad31d26670 For example, in Australia the Early Psychosis Prevention and Intervention Centres (EPPIC) scheme was extended to young people to improve their access to mental health care. The motivation for doing this came from survey findings that 25% of people reporting mental disorders in Australia have their first mental ill-health episode before the age of 12, and 64% before the age of 21, and that a large treatment gap existed for this group. To take an example from Finland, when survey information highlighted groups with a particularly high suicide rate, suicide prevention was appropriately tailored towards these groups and successfully contributed to a reduced suicide rate. Investments in population-targeted surveys are most fruitful if such surveys are used to promote access to appropriate treatment, which necessitates investment and reflection around good referral and treatment pathways. 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/dcr-2013-10-en 273b722cfd79b8ea27cbbbbae4b09a79 Minister for Rural Development Jairam Ramesh, speech outside of parliament on 7 March 2013, reported by The Hindu newspaper, 8 March 2013, see From a speech made by Rwandan Prime Minister Bernard Makuza (2008), at the International Social Security Association (ISSA) Regional Social Security Forum for Africa, 18-20 November, Kigali (ISSA, 2008). For example, the World Bank has estimated that an increase of four percentage points in Mexico’s poverty rate from 2008 to 2010 can be attributed to the global financial crisis (Habib et al., 1 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.18356/ab0103c2-en 273f7c7f2881f436634064cd36516cd3 The higher the Gini coefficient, the more unequal the income distribution becomes, while the higher the ratio of the two U5MRs, the more unequal the health outcomes are. If Peru, an outlier, is removed from the sample, it becomes-0.166. In this case, however, the correlation is negative: the lower the share the higher the U5MR. 3 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.6027/9789289344227-7-en 274202fceee3fb397d1e60a1cb99a587 As an example, UK has recently reorganised their technological service system into seven so-called Catapult Centres. Two of these centres - Digital Catapult and Advanced Manufacturing Catapult - play a key role in the digitalisation of the UK production sector. It is thus important to stress that it leaves most general innovation schemes out - and therefore does not give a full overview of all policies that in reality affect the level and pace of digitalisation and automation in manufacturing. 9 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/799337c2-en 2743da36a962f0504f5ebc5ca8cfc3e6 The first is our greater appreciation of the importance of how schools relate to their communities, contexts, and other social services, such as those that exist in extended or full-service schools (Cummings et al., The second is the need for schools to be interconnected and to collaborate in order to maximise positive outcomes across communities and enhance social justice (Hadfield and Chapman, 2009(63]). There is, how'ever, growing - though contested - evidence of the relationship between collaboration and school improvement (Chapman and Muijs, 2014|64]; Croft, 2015(65]), and of the challenges collaboration poses for school leaders, not least in moving from hierarchical to equal peer leadership relationships (Muijs, West and Ainscow, 2010(49]). The increasing call for leadership across systems and networks of schools provides impetus to include items on this new topic in TALIS 2018. 4 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264188617-en 2745bc49757376cd53889d75d8275a13 It shows that indirect carbon emissions of all technologies are at least an order of magnitude lower than the direct emissions from fossil fuel combustion. It includes the warming of rivers and lakes due to the cooling requirements of large thermal power plants, in particular nuclear plants, as well as the landscape impacts of renewables with large requirements in terms of land use such as wind, solar and hydro.15 In case of biomass-firing, it is important that woodlands are forested sustainably. The European project on the Cost Assessment for Sustainable Energy Systems (CASES) draws together much of the available information on the external effect of power generation in monetised form. While here is not the place to discuss the merits, limits and proper utilisation of the monetisation of external effects, such synthetic estimates if carefully prepared provide a good qualitative indicator of the areas in which policy action might be needed. 7 0 4 1.0 10.14217/9781848591110-7-en 274754a8332dc5c7ad532fe19cd5443b These modelling exercises typically follow a pattern of reporting 'with AIDS' and 'without AIDS' scenarios. An example is the widely dted ING Barings model produced for the July 2000 HIV/AIDS conference in Durban, which showed that long-term economic growth in South Africa would decline by 0.4 per cent per year due to HIV/AIDS. Recent research, however, suggests that these studies may be too optimistic. 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/journal/dev-v10-art16-en 274a5f0f9349ab5576995e7830f643e9 These remittances are used to buy food and support family healthcare and education, thus, reducing significantly the incidence of extreme poverty (Neak and Yem, 2006). Nevertheless, risks remain as the garment industry can easily be relocated to other countries and there are limited job opportunities in other areas of the formal sector for the unskilled. Furthermore, workers in smaller garment factories remain susceptible to health and safety risks due to frequent resort to overtime to increase income (Neak and Yem, 2006). 1 2 3 0.2 11.1002/pub/8111728e-bf10a624-en 274bb50ba9576afee657b42303ef3764 The database provides information for natural resource management processes and allows the cross-referencing of data and the making of more accurate comparisons. This methodology, besides achieving the standardization or uniformity of the use of centralized information - both local and national - will give an analysis of the data suitable for feedback to the communities. 15 1 3 0.5 10.1787/469d7fec-en 274e5349edcc0c891cd6cacbbedac72b At present, individual Parties report on their contributions (i.e. climate finance provided) to MDBs, but not on private finance mobilised by the finance they channel through MDBs. Further, as MDBs are not Parties to the UNFCCC, they do not have reporting obligations under the UNFCCC (although they are accredited entities of the GEF and GCF, which are to report annually to the COP). It is therefore unclear how any quantified, collective estimates of climate finance reported by MDBs would feed in to the UNFCCC process. 13 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264112902-5-en 274f239ed1df55d49e2df8f02feaad59 The inevitability of leakages to other agents in the supply chain, and the difficulties of targeting have already been noted. In addition such measures may crowd out the development of private input markets, may lead to the over-use of inputs, and once introduced have historically proven difficult to rescind. Nevertheless, there has been renewed optimism that a new generation of so-called “smart” subsidies, by virtue of innovative design features, such as exit strategies, can deliver income benefits while limiting their known shortcomings (Dorward, 2009b). These arguments are considered in (OECD, 2010b). 2 6 1 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/5kg566jfrpzr-en 274f7f4738053eae53bfba25a217b581 Foreign vessels would be subject to the same, effective system of surveillance as Icelandic vessels to hinder illegal catches and unreported landings. In 2009, a Committee appointed by the Minister of the Environment published a report on reducing GHG emissions (Ministry for the Environment, 2009). According to the report, from a purely technical viewpoint the fishing industry can contribute considerably. 14 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264206441-14-en 275291138ec427a2282abaa64aaaf341 While reliable data are lacking, the agriculture and fisheries sectors represent around 34.8% of GDP (MOAI, 2013). Around 61.2% of the labour force is engaged in crop and livestock production or depends to a significant extent on it for its income (MOAI, 2012b). A significant proportion of industry is also related directly or indirectly to agriculture. 2 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5k9crzjbpkkc-en 27541cb8dcb3faadf98e52fa2be267c1 However, clearly energy efficiency improvements that do not lead to reduced fossil fuel energy consumption will not cut greenhouse gas emissions. For this reason, it is important to be able to accurately assess the outcomes from energy efficiency measures in order to plan realistic greenhouse gas emissions mitigation strategies. All else being equal, if the demand for energy services decreases, energy prices should fall, and energy efficiency improvements are expected to deliver the necessary energy demand reductions. 7 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264174542-7-en 27568d50d2136e81e43d83b879d6be8b They act as a forum for aligning interests and timing across ministries and public agencies. A prominent example of a high-level structure acting as co-ordinating body is CONAGUA, the national water commission in Mexico (Box 4.1) and many LAC countries have also set up national water agencies, including Brazil, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Panama and Peru (Box 4.2). It follows previous water-related administrations such as the Direction for Water, Land and Colonization (1917); the Nation Irrigation Commission (1926); the Ministry of Water Resources (1946); and the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources (1976). This decentralised agency of SEMARNAT is the highest institution for water resource management in Mexico, including water policy, water rights, planning, irrigation and drainage development, water supply and sanitation, and emergency and disaster management (with an emphasis on flooding). The 2004 amended National Water Law (NWL) restructured CONAGUA’s key functions through the transfer of responsibilities from the central level to sub-national entities. 6 1 7 0.75 10.6027/9789289330954-13-en 2757b7fd3cb99ff8de0c0d4e244bb717 The ACCLIM data were chosen for this case study because they represented the latest knowledge of climate change affects on the Finnish climate at the time of this study. The winter will become shorter and the growing season will lengthen. Precipitation is also expected to increase, although the biomass growth is unable to fully exploit the increased precipitation because of simultaneous increased evaporation. 7 3 0 1.0 10.1787/c69de229-en 2758d3267372247fc197f2799aa229d2 Family planning policies and the availability of contraceptives provide households with more control over their fertility decisions which can also help reduce poverty risks. The assessment of key drivers of child poverty is based on a time series analysis of pooled cross-section data for 29 OECD countries for the mid-1990s to 2013/14 period for the first stage, and for 22 countries for which data for the second-stage analysis are available for the same period. The data on child poverty are taken from the OECD Income Distribution Database. 1 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264210745-6-en 2760c1a9f002d56bd7afa637df0b81bf Because gender may not be the most pressing source of inequality in every situation, however, there have been calls to shift focus from “gender” to “diversity” mainstreaming, thus taking a wider approach to inequality (Siltanen 2006, p. 9213). High quality, readily accessible gender-disaggregated data supplies the foundation for both sound evidence-based policy making and gender monitoring and evaluation, and is integral to gender impact assessment. Conversely, the absence of differentiated data (Box 4.11) makes it very difficult to understand the impact of gender equality and mainstreaming strategies and efforts. 5 0 3 1.0 10.18356/aefb0a67-en 2764993217ebdfac9dc5ad551d1385b0 In some countries, girls are not able to inherit property, while in others, women are required by law to obey their husbands, their voices stifled and their agency eroded. The recognition of families as a contradictory space for women and girls is at the heart of this Report. Therefore, the urgent challenge for policymakers, activists and people in all walks of life, is to transform families into a home for equality and justice, a place where women and girls can exercise voice and agency, and where they have economic security and physical safety. Meeting SDG 5, gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls, for example, demands the elimination of violence and an end to harmful practices; ensuring women have access to economic resources, including through equal inheritance rights and equality in family laws; and promoting shared responsibility for the provision of unpaid care and domestic work, which falls disproportionately on women's shoulders. 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264191761-en 2766911136d5a904d00697153c6bc8c4 Logically, they would need to compete for these funds on equal terms with commercial banks if the government intends to provide effective incentives for commercial banks. This seems to be a logical change if the government’s goal is to attract commercial banks into agriculture - interest rate subsidies represent a more flexible policy instrument than do administratively fixed interest rates currently implemented by state agencies. In addition, with the interest rate subsidies the cost of credit support policies becomes more transparent. 2 2 3 0.2 10.1787/9789264124523-6-en 2768b33cff8ed2b68ef380e556591b15 Furthermore, some countries also have so-called “club houses” offering prevocational training and transitional employment programmes as well as other psychosocial interventions (Rosen and Barfoot, 2001). The underlying rationale of such programmes is that clients are in need of a stepwise approach to employment, with clients needing some training in a safe environment to reach their goals. One problem of prevocational training - which normally yields substantial positive effects in a supporting environment - is that these positive effects are hard to replicate in non-sheltered environments. 3 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.18356/c45e5372-en 2769b952831e3492aaa4afe20173d616 These groups have enabled small informal producers to become part of the formal economy, the chapters have provided a marketing channel for their coffee and have secured more than US$ 3 million in coffee exports to international buyers seeking small lots of specialty coffee. These countries are incorporating lessons learned from their earlier experiences with implementing these policies. Intormation and communications technology (ICT) has the potential to facilitate connectivity and increase women's access to markets. 5 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264298576-17-en 276a402ac47849eb0d3b88308c0603d2 There are many clear benefits to improving energy efficiency, including increased energy security, a more sustainable environment, improved quality of life and economic competitiveness. However attempts to increase energy efficiency are undermined by inadequate national policy and legislative frameworks, or a failure to implement them fully. To overcome this inertia, countries have developed ambitious but ineffective energy efficiency polices aimed at households and utilities. There is clear evidence that energy efficiency measures can be cost effective. For example, starting in 2014, Italy offered a 55% tax deduction for energy efficiency investments in the residential sector (subsequently increased to 65% for some measures). Between 2007 and 2013 more than 1.8 million applications were approved and households accessed around EUR 23 billion of investments, at a cost of about EUR 13 billion in undiscounted forgone tax revenue. 7 0 8 1.0 10.1787/09e92b30-en 276a52cd8109713a6aa17801db6c1b5c In 2013 the share of long-term care recipients aged 65 and over receiving care at home was below the OECD average (OECD, 2015b). They had planned to raise home-based long-term care to 1.2% of hospital stays by 2018. However, it remains less developed than in most other comparable countries, and past measures have failed to raise the level of home care and to reach a balanced geographical supply (Cour des comptes, 2016b). 3 0 4 1.0 10.1787/how/life-2013-8-en 276b312d809e5c33fd577269cc591887 Figure 4.12 shows that time poverty often doubles with the presence of children in the household, and this increase is greater for women than for men. Multivariate analysis, controlling for individual characteristics other than gender (age, employment status, education, employment status of the spouse), shows that an additional child generates a reduction in discretionary time for women of 2.3 hours per week (1.7 hours for men), and an increase of 3.5% in the probability to be time-poor (2.6% for men, see Annex 4.A1 for detailed results). Low-income individuals have lower rates of time poverty, but the relationship is ambiguous. 5 2 2 0.0 10.18356/6ffd1196-en 276bf158c900c405d355e2f315dfcedc Still, LGBTI persons in contexts of conflict are often neglected and violations against them underreported. Efforts should be made to actively seek information on the situation of LGBTI persons, including through organizations that protect their rights, while ensuring confidentiality and the safety of the persons concerned. The team might need to consider different approaches in order to ensure that women's and men's voices are equally represented. The team might choose to map out possible challenges and develop appropriate strategies in order to gather information, as indicated in the examples below. 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/ad4de8a1-en 276cfbd92cd54a9b776854b4f277a09b Often computed at national level, road mortality can be misleading when computed at city level, as activity levels in some cities cannot be measured by resident population alone. In urban cores, where many jobs and services are concentrated, the daytime population can be much higher than the resident population. This figure is important to better capture the activity level within an area and was provided by 19 cities. In FUAs, the assumption is that resident and daytime population are not significantly different, since the FUA definition is based on commuter flows. 11 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264208292-11-en 277a5775c697ec41a8e7bf7224bf8e80 It examines Colombia’s biodiversity policy and institutional framework, and the priorities and actions outlined in the National Policy for the Integral Management of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. The chapter assesses progress in using various instruments, including payments for ecosystem services and biodiversity offsets. It also examines measures to integrate biodiversity conservation into other key policy areas, such as agriculture, forestry and mining. Much of the biodiversity resides in forests, which cover more than half the territory, considerably more than in most OECD countries. 15 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/936b4e2a-en 277f37482944507413cfaebe9af0f5f0 For children, it means unhealthy and unsafe environments, limited options for walking and playing, limited connectivity to social networks, services and local economy. Although mostly overlooked, inequity has a spatial dimension that makes children vulnerable. Spatial inequity manifests itself in various ways and reveals the importance of land value, land tenure, land use and the planning and management of the spatial characteristics of the built environment. 11 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264119536-12-en 278367efaeb1b1594d053e4ff8edc3dc Methodological choices of how to “individualise” services matter a lot. This is based on the assumption that all individuals with similar characteristics benefit from a service knowing that, in case if need, they would have access to it. In this chapter, estimates for three of the five services analysed are based on the actual consumption approach: education, early childhood education and care (ECEC) and social housing, while the remaining two (health and elderly care) are based on the insurance value approach. 10 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/18db943d-en 278a090dc55675b9948dc465619c0178 Around Asia and the Pacific such systems save thousands of lives and many millions of dollars. An effective warning system combines science and technology with practical local approaches and is fully integrated into broader national and regional strategies for building resilience and reducing disaster risks. In disaster risk management, this will mean combining scientific information with practical approaches. But many hazards cut across national boundaries and affect multiple countries simultaneously - those that share coastlines, for example, or mountain ranges or rivers. 13 2 4 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264208605-7-en 278d7cd0f85c7d3b5dab3201a664ca8a Instead, the guidelines suggest that a risk assessment may be considered in adult men over 40 years old and in women over 50 years of age or post-menopausal women in specific circumstances, namely if the person requests it, if risk factors such as smoking, overweight, or hyperlipidaemia are present, if there is a family histoiy of premature CVD or of major risk factors such as hyperlipidaemia or if there are symptoms suggestive of CVD (Perk et al., Importantly, the guidelines recommend that risk is assessed on the basis of age, sex, smoking status, blood pressure and total cholesterol - rendering some of the elements offered in the Czech programme, such as the electrocardiogram, unnecessary. The Cochrane Collaboration, in a meta-analysis of 16 large randomised trials with long follow up periods, found that similar health checks no effect on mortality from all causes (risk ratio 0.99, 95% Cl 0.95 to 1.03), cancer (1.01, 95% Cl 0.92 to 1.12), or cardiovascular disease (1.03, 95% Cl 95% Cl 0.91 to 1.17) and did not prevent disease (Krogsboll et al., 3 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/9ed3c0a9-en 278d903de1f2d1e2c4c770a7fc29cf0a This shows the existence of ethnic and gender inequalities, but on a different level. It is important to note that the coefficients remain unchanged when the regression is not controlled for time effects, which means that despite the reduction in the level of multidimensional poverty, the level of inequality did not change between 2006 and 2010. One additional point on the household dependency ratio is associated with a multidimensional poverty level that is 0.6 points higher. A single-parent household has, on average, a level of multidimensional poverty 0.7 points higher than that of a household with two parents. 1 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264186378-8-en 278d9b1a0a32d5c12b149993d499ab5a This framework identifies seven co-ordination and capacity challenges that countries frequently face, regardless of their institutional setting (unitary, federal), hydrographic characteristics (water-rich, water-scarce) and organisation of water policy (centralised, decentralised) (Table 4.1). The degree to which effective co-ordination and implementation of integrated water policy may be hindered by multi-level governance gaps varies across Italy’s regions, but common governance challenges can be diagnosed. The following sections address key governance issues in Italy’s sector through the lens of the gap framework. 6 0 3 1.0 10.1787/agr/outlook-2014-4-en 27960e671b346ffd54572fcbc1201c2d Pork production is projected to increase by 17 Mt, by 2023, 15% higher compared to the base period. China continues to dominate the market and is expected to produce almost half of the additional pork. This increases the extent to which the supply response is conditioned by feed prices that remain relatively high through the outlook period compared to historic norms. 2 2 2 0.0 10.18356/7921771c-en 279dac3fef627b7343cbfbff38ca11fa "Whilst in some parts of the world malnutrition affects maternal and infant health and child development, in other regions it contributes to an increasing prevalence of non-communicable diseases such as obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease among indigenous peoples. In the State of Arizona in the United States, for example, the Pima Indian tribe has the highest rate of diabetes in the world, as ""some 50 per cent of the Pima between the ages of 30 and 64 have diabetes. The contamination and destruction of natural habitats and the disappearance of wildlife plants and animals have resulted in the erosion of traditional food systems and decreased food security." 3 0 3 1.0 10.18356/3dd278d2-en 279e821524b29196f08991031b7b2422 Consequently, cities should support the business services development, including finance and information technology, and their linkages to industry. This requires both targeted and integrated urban economic policies. Governments attempting to select a location for industrial development should, for this reason, consider natural location-based characteristics as well as the powerful forces of infrastructure and agglomeration. 11 0 5 1.0 10.1787/9789264174542-7-en 279eb1c20ebfea576e0dc38257c0cd58 These initiatives were mostly implemented in the northern part of the country where areas suffer from water shortages (especially surface water, as groundwater is already overexploited) and provided enough experience to launch similar desalination plants in other cities, such as Arica, where the positive consequences in terms of water resource management and territorial planning lowered the pressure on groundwater as well as the contamination levels. This experimentation also illustrates the effectiveness of a combination of local government and private companies in financing this kind of initiative. On the one hand, the basin perspective makes it easier to integrate physical, environmental, social and economic influences on water resources. 6 0 3 1.0 11.1002/pub/807b38cb-39ff5763-en 279f1cce36e09fee7ed5ccb99598878c According to this, population size in a certain region could result in attractive markets, which would attract firms to the given region, therefore driving economic growth. The coefficient in this case was statistically significant containing the right sign. On the other hand, according to the traditional development theory, the population growth variable was included. 9 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/42b33a50-en 279f6a4679a90a413a31a18b36a71b70 This law will contain basic principles on implementation of EE measures in production, transmission, distribution and energy consumption, reducing the cost of production and service, reducing of energy consumption, higher efficiency, eco-design requirements, use of EE technologies, sustainability in terms of environmental impact as well as integrated approach to reduce primary energy consumption and environmental impact. The establishment of the Energy Efficiency Fund is seen as a necessary tool to increasing energy efficiency and stimulating rational energy use. The new Energy Law was adopted in 2011 and amended in 2011 and 2013. The timeframe of the strategy is until 2030. 7 2 4 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264277335-4-en 27a03ed75f1ed6d3e503fc9df5cff43a Care centres should also proactively engage and support parents. The curricular guidelines that the MEP is developing should include a parenting component, and staff of care centres should be trained in ways to promote effective parental engagement. Establish and enforce minimum quality standards for care centres. 4 0 3 1.0 10.18356/3e6fd74f-en 27a10288839cf5779bacea91582d38c7 The difference between the most and least wealthy households is largest in Chile, Costa Rica and Uruguay. Two-parent families in which both spouses are employed are more likely to spend on care, as are households w ith children under five years of age. Nevertheless, a very high percentage of tire latter spend nothing on care; this highlights the crucial role of unpaid care work performed by women. 1 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/5km7rq0pq00q-en 27a23a89c352f212f33c273f73f9b288 A questionnaire was completed by 600 students out of which 112 were selected for a test and 60 passed a detailed interview. Graduates are awarded a nationally recognised certificate issued by FINPIN, the respective university and the Finnish Ministry of Employment and Economics (15 ECTS). Since then, BSS activities have been integrated into curricula. 8 4 5 0.1111111111111111 10.18356/3b79a6b1-en 27a2624b1dfb22235bfa353576292358 The main town in this canton is Mostar. Neum is the only coastal municipality. As regards delimitation of the territorial sea, a treaty on the maritime borders between Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina was signed in 1999, but it has not yet been ratified. Bosnia and Herzegovina’s territorial sea is entirely surrounded by the internal waters of Croatia. 14 1 5 0.6666666666666666 10.1787/51c9d18d-en 27a290ddfcd93ccf37fc9027e8c9e3cb The authors would like to thank Andreas Schleicher, Dirk van Damme, Deborah Roseveare, Viktoria Kis, Benedicte Bergseng, Francesco Avvisati and Deirdre Hughes for their valuable feedback on drafts of this report. Gender, ethnicity and socio-economic factors all strongly affect these choices. Career guidance is both an individual and a social good: it helps individuals to progress in their learning and work, but it also helps the effective functioning of the labour and learning markets, and contributes to a range of social policy goals, including social mobility and equity. This justifies the public investment in career guidance activities. 4 0 3 1.0 10.18356/1aa484c1-en 27a862dffcef9c8cb6d5f74edc153ad5 In Mali, the Syama gold mine, majority owned by Australian-based Resolute Mining, is preparing to become the first fully automated mine in the world. This means that automated machinery will perform activities such as clearing of the drill point, extraction of the ore and loading of the ore onto haul trucks. However, the downside of adopting autonomous technologies is that this may lead to job tosses in the mining sector. Most of the gas flaring takes place upstream in the oil sector. 13 5 2 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/rev/fish-2013-4-en 27ae2ca61ca5fdcaeb76f037c03a73ec It has a major potential role in reducing poverty and contributing to green growth. Green growth issues in aquaculture differ from those in fisheries and the role and sphere of policy is different. A major concern for green growth in aquaculture is the stress it creates on feed resources, as aquaculture is the biggest fishmeal and fish oil consumer in the world. 14 0 3 1.0 10.1787/rev/fish-2011-16-en 27af1f01c6ec63d674f11357becc89b5 The Committee can, like the regional committees, issue licences endorsed by the government for certain fisheries. The regional and local* sea fishery committees, for their part, provide the industry with technical assistance and information and are actively involved in drawing up measures taken at the national level regarding regional committees (issuing of licences) and social initiatives. 14 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264252059-4-en 27b02959b11dbe87e264269d14c5010a In lower secondary schools, a stronger emphasis on distributed leadership is also related to teachers who are more often involved in reflective dialogue and collaborative actions. However, these findings were not corroborated in primary and upper secondary education. Induction and support programmes for beginning teachers can improve the effectiveness and job satisfaction of new teachers - and thus make it less likely that those teachers will leave the profession at the first hurdle. 4 0 7 1.0 10.18356/ab343038-en 27b2ce5916dcf065f9f36d3451f881f6 "Under the ITPGRFA’s multilateral system, parties to the Treaty agree to make freely available genetic diversity and related information stored in gene banks concerning, at present, 81 forage species from 29 genera and an undefined number of crop species from 51 genera (covering the vast majority of plant crops consumed by humans but with important exceptions such as cocoa, coffee, cotton, soya or tomato). Breeders and scientists who wish to utilize the plant genetic resources and improve on these varieties are required to seek access in accordance with a standardized material transfer agreement (MTA) (Article 12.4, ITPGRFA). Those who access genetic materials through the system are required not to claim any rights that ""limit the facilitated access to the plant genetic resources for food and agriculture, or their genetic parts or components, in the form received"" (Article 12.3(d)), ITPGRFA." 2 0 4 1.0 10.18356/d79235bc-en 27b44c9f2e83fc938db0e4b5048960a9 Primary health care is defined as essential health care made accessible at a cost the country and community can afford, with methods that are practical, scientifically sound and socially acceptable. Accessibility of health services, going beyond just physical access, and including economic, social and cultural accessibility and acceptability, is of fundamental significance to reflect on health system progress, equity and sustainable development. Good management of immunization programmes is essential to the reduction of morbidity and mortality from major childhood infectious diseases, and is integral to the achievement of sustainable development. It is usually calculated for women married or in union of reproductive age, but sometimes for other base population, such as all women of reproductive age at risk of pregnancy. 15 2 3 0.2 10.1787/5jxrclljnbxq-en 27b4bb09d5f7954352c4ae80478232c8 This trend was disrupted by the agricultural price spikes of 2008, 2010 and, to a lesser extent, 2012 owing to a variety of factors, including major droughts, bioenergy policies and price increases for agricultural inputs. The OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2013 projects that prices for crops and livestock will remain at high levels for the next decade (OECD/FAO, 2013). The prices of grains are expected to remain near their 2013 levels, but the prices of oil seeds may increase towards 2020 owing to increased demand in the food and energy sectors. As a result of increasing demand for meat, the price of livestock will also be pushed upwards. 2 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.18356/cac249e8-en 27b8ba68087d7d751ebd6538c9e2bf15 High forests contain communities of large mammals such as the grey wolf, European brown bear and Eurasian lynx, and a versatile community of birds. According to the 2016 NBSAP, approximately 70 water bird species with a population of approximately 180,000 individuals are found in Albania during the winter period. According to the 2016 NBSAP, 6 of the 14 endangered algae species in the Mediterranean region are found in Albania. So far, there are 930 taxons of microscopic organisms documented. 15 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.6027/9789289330688-6-en 27bc07c8e45390830bb0acfd2a547a6a "For a fuller elaboration of the principles see Kim (1992); Harding & Shambaugh (1987); and Zhu (2008). And while the G77 is far from unified on all issues,119 China takes its leadership role within the group seriously - not least by offering support for many of the smaller countries. Although inconsistent across sessions, China has sometimes compromised its own negotiating position in order to remain consistent with the broader group line.120 Consequently, in the practice of foreign policy, while China's emissions profile demands it take a more active and more ""responsible"" stance in the international negotiations, China's image of itself as a developing country - with matching interests and coherent allies - is not likely to wane any time soon. This goal that was formalised in the Cancun Agreements in December 2010 and is further covered by domestic legislation under the twelfth five-year programme (2011 to 2015]." 13 4 4 0.0 10.18356/d787867d-en 27bd3434edbc8b9df40173c189089d9c Guatemala and Puerto Rico have mechanisms to oversee long-stay institutions. In Guatemala, long-stay institutions are monitored by the Ombudsman for Older Persons, and in Puerto Rico, the Governor's Office of Elderly Affairs has a Long-Term Care Ombudsman Programme. In demographic terms, the country’s low fertility levels and low birth rate are expected to fall further and mortality will likely continue to be pushed towards older ages. With the combined effects of fertility, mortality and migration, population growth will be slow and could even stop or go into reverse in coming years. 3 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264267787-en 27bef7a5b9f44a1347930a17d057a6d4 So far, only Australia, Italy and the United Kingdom have invested in such tools, while Japan has started to publish a list of Choosing Wisely® recommendations. Not only do they help deliver better patient-centred care, they can also help ensure that the benefits of clinical guidelines or standards of care are not lost at the point of care. The campaign hinges on changing doctors' behaviours and practices and the public's knowledge and attitudes. 3 0 4 1.0 10.18356/32eef2ab-en 27c3156a984f141b0afce9be307e0b12 Among the eight remaining countries - Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Slovakia and Switzerland -there have not been any significant changes in the multidimensional child poverty rate between 2013 and 2014, except (marginally) in Bulgaria and Portugal (Figure 10). Assuming that there were no real changes in multidimensional child poverty between 2013 and 2014 in these countries, this suggests that the multidimensional poverty measure is robust to changes in the underlying sample of children. However, another two countries saw significant increases in the multidimensional child poverty rate: Iceland and Italy. ( So did the United Kingdom, but the trend may be driven by the break in the series due to changes in data collection methods.) 1 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264290747-en 27c358fd76686ec0cf1d795c09d689dd On the other hand, poorly managed urbanisation generates significant economic, social and environmental challenges. Urbanisation is a complex process, requiring a coordinated policy approach. As such, a National Urban Policy can bring together national sectoral policies which affect urban development and help to clarify roles and responsibilities across ministries as well as between the central and local governments. The role of National Urban Policy was widely recognised during the Habitat III process. 11 0 3 1.0 10.18356/76c9b151-en 27c3ec75866bf29c3f74587c9ba6fedb When excluding China the signs of progress between 1990 and 2005 diminishes sharply, with 5 of the 10 reported importers showing a decline in their Pll figure during this period. The results show that across the ten importers fuels play an insignificant role in the PII calculation, with trends in growth between 1990 and 2005 the same across all importers, and actual Pll figures at most declining by just over 5% (for Canada) with this exclusion (see table 19). The poor within LDCs, although the very poorest and most in need of revenues from abroad, in fact receive only a miniscule share of the money spent by developed countries on imports, an un-weighted average of 14 US cents per $100 of the imports. 1 1 3 0.5 10.1787/5km4knxj9tf3-en 27c46a398700b30c567eba73ea2d8c35 For those in developing countries who do have access to electricity, the supplies are often sporadic, which imposes economic costs due to reduced production and the need to invest in back-up supplies. Most developing countries are also substantial importers of energy, so the economic cost and security of supply are important issues. Many subsidize energy production or consumption, yet these subsidies are costly, economically inefficient, and generally provide least benefit to those in greatest need. 7 0 5 1.0 10.18356/2c8682bc-en 27c89963d360e14d857a1e08960428ff Secondly, because, by failing to recognize this dimension, economic analysis has become lopsided and not only provides an incomplete diagnosis of system functioning, but is subject to a high likelihood of error when the real repercussions of economic policies are evaluated. Thirdly, because the way care is organized in society, i.e., the way care responsibilities are distributed between State, market and households, on the one hand, and between men and women, on the other, accounts for a substantial proportion of the inequalities that currently exist. At least two things need to be highlighted here. 5 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.18356/6af97a78-en 27c9ecdd190c8d0345882f16e5667fa5 Further, from 2000 to 2050 Asia’s urban population is predicted to increase by nearly 2 billion people (IHT 2008). Cities are voracious consumers of water and environmental resources such as timber and mined construction materials that are often extracted from river basin regions at levels many times greater than those appropriated for rural uses. Much of the destruction of the upstream ecologies, even when located in a different country, is the result of the growth of cities and their unrelenting demand for natural resources and hydropower, supplied by very large dams that have system-wide impacts. A good number of these cities -Dhaka, Mumbai, Kolkata, Rangoon, Phnom Penh, Ho Chi Minh City, Jakarta, Manila, Hong Kong and, to a lesser extent or indirectly, Bangkok and Shanghai - are port cities created in colonial times, that have since become the principal city regions of their respective countries. 6 2 2 0.0 10.1787/9789264279421-7-en 27cb62349e531d62081aee4d6486ed75 Canadian data include only Alberta, Manitoba, Nova Scotia and Yukon. The extent of a later start in education is much smaller, and participation levels throughout schooling remain higher. However, retention at senior secondary schooling in New' Zealand drops when students reach age 16, falling below the participation rate for Canadian Indigenous students at age 17 (Figure 5.6). 4 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264279360-5-en 27cc08c438ec47bc1d4f86ca49bb3bda A somewhat lower pace of expansion has been observed over the last decade. This is also the conclusion of the OECD/FAO Agricultural Outlook to 2020 (OECD/FAO, 2011). A converging GDP per capita and a growing population will both increase the demand for food, especially animal products. Moreover, policies that stimulate the use of biofuels also increase the demand for agricultural production and land area (Chapter 4). Given the limited supply of land, this means that in the short run deforestation will continue, although at slower rates than in past decades. Hydropower plants, biofuel plantations, solar and wind “farms”, for example, require significant quantities of land, and sometimes even require relocation of existing activities and local communities (Bazilian et al., 6 4 1 0.6 10.1787/9789264174542-7-en 27d11dd137de32387f7e61658bc0f972 Several countries have ministries that explicitly include “water” in their prerogatives, but also embrace other policy areas such as rural affairs or agriculture. In most cases, these have wide responsibilities over a broader set of areas than water policy. Positive implications in the concentration of different water-related responsibilities within the same line ministry include a more open, coherent view for water policies, the concentration of technical and administrative skills, and the possibility for a more integrated programming approach. Examples of line ministries in water policy making can be classified into three main categories: a first category where water policies are encompassed within broader environmental issues; a second category where water policies are included with infrastructure and public works; and a third category where water policies are grouped with environmental challenges and specific rural concerns. This categorisation does not necessarily imply that the allocation of water responsibilities will generate a situation where one sector plays the dominant role in water policy making, although the assumption can be made. Providing an adequate response to the needs of water policy therefore requires an association of the how (which ministry? 6 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264268791-6-en 27d348f20ec3cd8a6da415d0a55de483 This was not an issue when Clermont-Ferrand was the capital of the Auvergne Region because of the polarisation around the agglomeration in terms of various public services. With the emergence of Lyon as the new regional capital, an important part of local economic activity may turn away from the Clermont pole. Overtime, this could reduce Clermont-Ferrand attractiveness for residents and business, which could reduce the rate of demographic and economic growth. Nestled in the Massif Central Mountains, the area’s transport connections are relatively poor. There is no high speed train (TGV) connection, and there are no plans for one to be developed at present. It presently takes more than three hours to reach Paris by train. 11 1 5 0.6666666666666666 10.18356/ea31d8c4-en 27d3ba9607ab7320a02e965ae60a0430 Seventh, capital account liberalization can lower the cost of capital. However, it should be gradual because excessively rapid liberalization introduces avoidable macroeconomic risks. Capital controls should be imposed if necessary (CGD, 2008, p. 57).10 Eighth, social safety nets are necessary, not primarily for pro-poor reasons, but for instrumental reasons: without them, “popular support for a growth strategy will quickly erode” (CGD, 2008, p. 6). 1 1 3 0.5 10.6027/4594b3f8-en 27d61d5b7952a68995db061587d42f88 The number of species decreases with increased distance from the North Sea. In the Baltic Sea, several essential ecosystem functions are supported by only a few species, which are of either freshwater or marine origin and live at the border of their physiological salinity tolerance (Figure 25) (HELCOM, 2010). For example, there is a decrease in diversity of benthic sediment communities with decreasing salinity, from 25 functional groups of benthic species in Skagerrak (K. Norling, Rosenberg, Hulth, Gremare, & Bonsdorff, 2007), to only 5 groups in the Baltic Sea sediments (Bonsdorff & Pearson, 1999). 15 3 2 0.2 10.1787/9789264191808-5-en 27d8929703a196f5ce0af277932e19b0 Finally, given the current saturation of public transportation in cities like Santiago, such a fee reduction policy should be introduced with measures to increase the system’s capacity and improve inter-modal co-ordination. This is less costly than single-ticket prices in Madrid (between EUR 2 and EUR 1.50) or Paris (EUR 1.90). However, a traveller buying a set of 10 tickets in these two European capitals can lower the cost per trip to a price almost equal to that of Santiago’s during peak hours (close to EUR 1.20 both in Madrid and Paris). 11 0 3 1.0 10.18356/77cccad1-en 27d8a54ed06132ac5c595f2fabc3eb93 In recent years, some cities in Belarus have become pioneers in integrating some elements of a green city approach into their urban planning and development practices to address some of the problems they face in a more systematic, integrated way (box 13.3.). Multifamily housing constitutes about 140 million m , or 60 per cent of the total. Private dwellings made up 89.5 per cent of the total housing. 11 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5jm3p5gl4djd-en 27da1908c15de79bc975a11312686764 Tous les 26 pays de l’OCDE qui ont repondu mentionnent f amelioration de faeces au logement comme faisant partie des cinq principaux objectifs de la politique du logement. Parmi eux, 18 pays citent explicitement f amelioration de 1’accessibility financiere. Les pays de l’OCDE utilisent un large eventail d’instruments complexes pour mettre en ceuvre leur politique du logement, mais tous ces instruments ne semblent pas cadrer avec l’objectif de faciliter faeces des menages a bas revenus a un logement abordable. 11 5 2 0.42857142857142855 10.18356/f48a31b8-en 27da55ee2d07c1a17bb42ad3fc3a5bcf "With regard to water quantity', however, ""ecological demands"" might conflict with anthropogenic water uses. Actually, required ecological flows - supporting the healthy functioning of aquatic ecosystems - can even differ between different segments of rivers and lakes/reservoirs. This has finally to be determined through monitoring and assessment of the relevant biological quality elements, such as benthic invertebrate fauna, phytoplankton, phytobenthos, macrophvtes and fish." 6 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264225442-12-en 27db06551117325c02cb6fe8609b5fa4 This chapter presents common factors across OECD education systems that contribute to develop success/ul innovative learning environments, as identified from the research literature and from ILE programmes implemented in recent years. Reviewing past experiences in innovative learning environments can help policy makers seeking to design and implement reforms. It defines and reviews the main purposes and contextual features of ILEs, identifies the key elements of successful policy design and explains, through the analysis of past reform experiences, which practices and factors can contribute to efficient policy implementation. 4 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264272637-7-en 27dc055caaf0878cb0495b7fc307884a The city is located in the middle of Korea, reachable from Seoul within an hour by express train. It resulted from the merger of Yeongi-gun and several towmships of Gongju-si and Cheongwon-gun, mainly on what used to be agricultural land. Today, 74.7% of the city’s land surface remains fields and farmlands, and over half will be reserved as parks and green space, according to the Sejong Urban Master Plan 2030. 11 0 3 1.0 10.18356/4b4d466d-en 27dcefe31df9ed6bdab75c182d14017f The lesson from this experience is that family law and property law need to be in harmony for there to be effective protection. Similarly, Namibia’s National Gender Policy 2010-2020 provides for removing all components that discriminate against women, to bring customary laws in line with the Namibian Constitution. In India, the National Policy for the Empowerment of Women of 2001 encourages changes in personal laws such as those related to marriage, divorce and maintenance so as to eliminate discrimination against women. 5 0 9 1.0 10.18356/9f796186-en 27de2db828d72f80ec08257f1183377f Moreover, inefficient and unplanned urban expansion has resulted in the conversion and loss of forests, wetlands and other ecosystems and has increased the already high exposure to disasters. This is important keeping in view the persistent challenges of poverty and inequality, the further risks arising from demographic transitions (risk of skills shortage among youth on one hand, and risk of old-age poverty on the other) and labour market disruptions associated with reforms and technological innovations. Understandably, tradeoffs are involved among the three aspects of social protection systems - universal coverage, sufficient benefit levels and financial sustainability. 8 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264083660-7-en 27e389324f83149986c8ee1761c6d4ce Further to the Kenyan Water Act of 2002, the small water project has to sign a Service Provision Agreement (SPA) with the Water Service Board (WSB) in whose jurisdiction it falls (for example, the Athi Water Services Board-AWSB for the area surrounding Nairobi). Upon successful completion of the project, the Global Partnership for Output-based Aid (GPOBA) pays subsidies to the small piped water project (figure below), which reduces the overall size of the loan to the communities, and keeps debt service payments affordable. It also provides better risk management from the lender’s perspective and increases incentives for project completion as the subsidy is transferred upon the delivery of agreed outputs (including the increase in the number of connections and changes in revenues collected). 6 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/5jxzf5khtg9t-en 27e402bf857d34c8d637bad48c0aabe8 Linearization has the clear advantage of requiring much less computational time. The JRR procedure, by comparison, is more attractive because the same variance estimation formula can be applied to different types of statistics. Both linearized and resampling methodologies can be extended to longitudinal samples and to measures developed over multiple cross-sections. 1 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/74d03702-en 27e561f4514129767376a033830ef013 For example, Sierra Leone has the highest maternal mortality rate, with 1,100 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births, while Belarus has a rate of 1 maternal death per 100,000 live births. Almost one third of all global maternal deaths are concentrated in two populous countries: India, with an estimated 50,000 maternal deaths (17 per cent), and Nigeria, with an estimated 40,000 maternal deaths (14 per cent). There are well-known health-care solutions for the prevention and handling of complications. 5 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5kg51nfc1321-en 27e6ff77fc2b08ca523f3d9ad6a30d38 Instead, the customers must be convinced of their benefits over present technologies (World Bank, 2010a). The physical infrastructure required for modern fuel use (such as natural gas or biogas lines to customers) and distribution or supply chain frameworks (such as countrywide LPG bottle distribution and refill services) will require time and resources to establish. Improved cookstoves, alternatively, improve the efficiency and safety of existing stoves with chimneys but still anchor the user to reliance on traditional biomass. 7 1 2 0.3333333333333333 11.1002/pub/80d5316b-46b0e44b-en 27e7d7c547aedc9a81ffb6b9cd8434c7 In France, Bouygues Telecom and SFR concluded a network-sharing agreement in February 2014, enabling them to reduce cell sites by about 40 per cent. This has generated savings of about EUR 100 million per year for Bouygues Telecom and EUR 200 million per year for SFR12. Tech City is a cluster of technology companies and support-service firms based in East London and endorsed by the UK government and the Mayor of London14. 9 1 4 0.6 10.1787/9789264259157-5-en 27e8f0e6ad28a164e5b54b6780ee4c55 Bargaining” models attempt to account for other factors, such as power differentials within the family and the possible effects of the threat of divorce (see Lundberg and Poliak, 1996, for an overview of this literature). These models assume that partners still work together up to a point, but also compete and negotiate over roles and resources based on their relative bargaining power. Men’s higher eamings, together with other resources such as education, often afford them greater say in decisions and allow them to opt out of less desirable tasks like housework, even if it is not efficient for tire family. 5 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/520b80a5-en 27eb222772065a3a25536695a012e91e The impacts are reported both in terms of percentage point changes of real export growth and in terms of export benefits or losses. The ESCAP calculations assume that under the rebalancing scenario, the share of China in global consumption will continue to grow at the 1999-2011 average rate, while the share of global consumer goods imports will speed up to grow proportionately with consumption share throughout 2013-15. Despite a growth slowdown, largely the result of a fall in investment, an increasingly consumption-driven economy would benefit exporters of consumer goods through increased penetration in the Chinese market. 10 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.14217/9781848599406-9-en 27eb57220ca55151c957937e81511124 The results of this part of the survey mirror those of a similar survey conducted in April 2014 by the Reiner Lemoine Institut (Energypedia 2014). Scientific assessments from the US Global Change Research Program suggest that tropical storm intensity, not frequency, is likely to increase over the coming decades (USGCRP 2010). Infrastructure that is often situated in coastal areas is invariably vulnerable to storms, erosion, temperature extremes and other aspects of the physical climate system. 7 5 4 0.1111111111111111 10.6027/9789289328913-7-en 27eb9fe45954bb367f37662ec2e912c2 Part IV: The Preferences of the Population]. - Danish Forest and Nature Agency, Copenhagen, 43 p. Available at: [ Cited 29th July 2013]. More than half of the country is covered with forests, which account for about 2.2 million hectares of which about 40% is state owned. 15 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5k4c9kwfdx8r-en 27ec7723736c24f86d827690a87c75c3 These open trade policies and the marketing opportunities they have created for Ugandan producers encourage increased production from maize and beans farmers and promote efforts to meet WFP’s quality and quantity requirements. In particular, education and training are important factors influencing developing countries trade performance through their impact on labour productivity. Besides the high transport costs and poor market integration generated by poor physical infrastructure, a major obstacle for converting from smallholder, subsistence farming to commercial farming according to Azam etal. ( 2 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.18356/ec1d0bfd-en 27ecff0d838a0277af41fd5c5942d440 The contract for the supply base is still under negotiation. Local workers are said to account for 70 percent of the construction workforce (10 women out of 220 local employment, nine of which were in domestic roles), but local communities hody deny this.28 Local women’s groups have complained that Indonesian women were being brought in to cook for the official launch of the Suai airport project, depriving local women of economic opportunities.29 A community on the land designated for the airport is being relocated. New housing is being built, employing 200 local workers (predominantly men), who arc being trained in brickmaking and building skills that they can use in the future, thereby offering new skills to the community. 8 1 4 0.6 10.1787/9789264274648-6-en 27ee9f747f340ef8896f482976b322d3 The MRA forms an important platform in this regard with voluntary municipal commitments to a joint spatial vision. The regional transport authority offers another venue for inter-municipal co-operation. These metropolitan governance structures are discussed in Chapter 3. One of the few organisations in place today that can provide such co-ordination is the Austrian Conference on Spatial Planning (Osterreichische Raumordungskonferenz, OROK) that assembles representatives from all levels of government to discuss spatial policies. Further, as it is located at the centre of government (within the Office of the Chancellor), it may also be able to carry out the necessary cross-sectoral policy co-ordination between different branches of the national government. Its decision-making body is chaired by the Federal Chancellor and its members include all federal ministers, the heads of all federated states and representatives of associations of local governments. 11 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264226500-5-en 27f04e7f9d2895b19d9afe84781e2701 The metropolitan area acts as an Environmental Authority and has created a Metropolitan Environmental Council. It has established a Transport Authority, in charge of mass public transport, in particular the bus, rail, metro and metrocable systems in the Medellin area. The metropolitan area also promotes co-ordination across levels of government to align development objectives. 11 0 7 1.0 10.1787/5js3926d54d7-en 27f18edb66f57b5c4b97130c206111b8 Interviewed women explain that the gender division of labour shifted, since they now have to take over several male-specific activities. Moreover, wives in migrant families state to have higher decision-making power, with the decision of how much money to invest and what crops to grow lying in their hands. Similarly, evidence from Nicaragua shows that fathers assume new gender roles when their spouses migrate, taking charge of the housework and children (Avellan, 2003). 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264187443-7-en 27f34b6e7c329ab03e14fc8b6c0af829 "This trend is not new. In 1990, the Network of Surveys on Migration and Urbanisation in West Africa (NESMUWA) recorded 22000 occurrences of migration from West Africa to the European Union, as opposed to 258000 such cases between West African countries. In addition, Beauchemin and Lessault (2009) note that ""flows towards Europe have been offset by 6600 cases of migration in the opposite direction." 2 7 0 1.0 10.1787/5k46dbzhrkhl-en 27f59d7e5bffe87d633b654c14b7dd21 Indeed, the CRGE itself does not seem to have been subject to an assessment; it seems to be assumed that the CRGE is good for the environment as a whole. In addition, there are inadequate guidelines for, and practice of, strategic environmental assessment (SEA), which is the more appropriate mechanism for assessing both negative impacts and social and environmental potentials of new policies. We do not know what the government spends on environmental investment or protection: the budget is not coded for environmental expenditure. Neither do we know about changing environmental values and the costs associated with environmental risks - public expenditure review processes do not ask specific questions about environmental costs, benefits or risks. Consequently, the pros and cons of green growth projects cannot be highlighted. It is not surprising that government procurement - the purchasing of buildings, equipment, supplies and services - also pays no attention to sustainability issues; indeed, it is currently not allowable to include environmental conditions in ‘requests for proposals’. 13 1 4 0.6 10.1787/9789264225817-8-en 27f7e1aaa84c90cd2d5ec928fc49b2fe This should including availability to less mobile populations, for example with practitioners with mental health training going into elderly care facilities, or psychologists visiting the elderly in their homes or in care settings. Nonetheless, Japan’s mental health system lags behind those of other OECD countries which Japan would usually see as peers in health system quality. Inpatient care is still dominant, information on quality is poor, and patient wishes and demands are not put at the centre of care delivery. To build a modem, high quality, patient-centred mental health system Japan must be ambitious, ready to make difficult choices, and drive important and significant change. Patient wishes should be the centre of the mental health system, which can be helped by making a range of services available in inpatient settings and in the community, where they should be easily accessible and close to population centres. 3 0 4 1.0 10.18356/508a648f-en 27f8b475ac53da2320752056d9cf464d To reduce migration to the city and to favour local income generation, the Government also introduced the One Tambon-One Product programme in 2001, which provides people with advice and technical assistance for the sale of their home-made products. Finally, in 2005, the Government implemented the Special Purpose Vehicle programme which focuses on the creation of a State enterprise for supporting agricultural activities through the provision of inputs. See Prabhu (2009) for details about the many schemes at the state level. Optimal capital income taxation with incomplete markets, borrowing constraints, and constant discounting. Journal of Political Economy, 103(6): 1158-1175. Social Protection Index for Committed Poverty Reduction. 10 1 4 0.6 10.18356/1c6c11de-en 27f959440c553ccf2cefd0521d66460f To redress this disadvantage and advance substantive equality, public investments in basic infrastructure and social services can be made to reduce and redistribute unpaid care and domestic work through, for example, investments in basic social infrastructure and childcare services (see Chapter 3). Studies suggest, for example, that conditions experienced before the age of 18 explain approximately 50 per cent of the variation in lifelong earnings.103 Youth transitions are therefore not only critical for employment policies but also have far-reaching implications for macroeconomic performance and human development. As the youth population enters the labour force, productive activity increases and contributes to growth. At the same time, the number of dependents (young children and older adults who are no longer economically active) falls relative to the working age population, helping to raise average living standards. 5 3 0 1.0 10.1787/5jlpl4mh1hxn-en 27fb4d1c05312bddb8ada4d17838a28e The regional average dependency ratio (i.e. the ratio of people younger than 15 to the working-age population in the 15-64 year range) totalled 74.7% (UNFPA, 2015). An ever increasing and younger population is a distinctive feature of West Africa: the total population is projected to almost double and approach 600 million by 2050 (OECD/SWAC, 2013). From 1950 to 2010, the percentage of urban dwellers increased from 9% to 41% and this figure is projected to soar to 67% by 2050 (Moriconi-Ebrard, Harre and Heinrigs, 2016; OECD/SWAC, 2013). Urban growth concerns old and new towns, larger cities and smaller and rural centres alike (Ibidem). 2 2 2 0.0 10.1787/5jlww009v1hj-en 27fd58e17b750d546b22d303179ed6e7 Some of them mainly consist of input or output indicators (e.g. introducing X km of irrigation systems) while others are outcome or impact indicators (e.g. improving water access of populations in the arid area by X thousands people). For instance, Malawi’s INDC adopts mainly qualitative input or output indicators such as action plans for capacity building and policies for supporting construction of climate resilient infrastructure. Vietnam’s INDC contains indicators that can be considered to be quantitative impact indicators, such as: decreasing average national poverty rate by 2% per year (and 4% in the poorer districts); at least 90% of city-dwellers and 80% of rural inhabitants to have access to clean water; and increasing the population with access to health care services to 100%. For instance, Indonesia’s INDC takes into account the post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals on, for instance, climate change, food security, and agriculture, amongst others. 13 1 3 0.5 10.18356/a29f7945-en 28002d0ff8f0560d5407be55a7cf74cd African exports of manufactures and food have declined during this period, while exports of minerals and other agricultural products have risen, reflecting de-industrialization and more export-oriented agricultural production, but also heavier reliance on resources, especially mineral, particularly petroleum exports. Asia has emerged as a major trading partner while increased SSA trade integration has reduced the share of exports to the developed world from 74- per cent in the 1970s to 60 per cent in 2000-2009. The SSA export share to East Asia - which includes the ten ASEAN members plus China, Japan and South Korea - more than tripled from 5 to 16 per cent. However, much of this trade expansion is fairly recent. The growth of China's demand for primary commodities since the late 1990s has been the driving force behind this trend. Intra-regional trade also has significant development potential, if it relies on and strengthens developmental linkages. 2 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/dec4eb09-en 2801ea9758ff3bf21a66004ff9969bbf Due to accumulation of problems in the past, current activities are focused on the most severe and visible cases and the results are positive. Currently, all waste streams and waste accumulated in the past have a well-defined owner. This has positively influenced the situation with regard to old accumulated waste, as well as waste currently generated by old technologies, and will continue to do so in the future. The industrial area of Baku is being replaced by residential buildings. 12 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/8cbd3f0d-en 28083b8145ba52026ec31678f16bfc76 Furthermore, the nature of abusive behaviour, especially that of physical and psychological violence, varies greatly among countries and regions. Survey questions should be formulated in such a way as to capture commonly occurring acts in a local sociocultural context. It is recommended that questions on psychological and economic violence should apply only to intimate partners. As discussed in chapter II (see paragraphs 57 to 59), women may experience a wide range of physically abusive acts. 5 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/6e237bee-en 28085ec959af8b7353bde21166d582ee At the same time, it is mandatory to acknowledge and recognize the differential knowledge in the community while reviving interest in traditional knowledge. The vertical and horizontal stratification operating in a given society defines the access to various resources including cultural and natural resources. The approaches of organic farming and LEISA are potential alternative systems and more environment-friendly forms of agriculture, which provides scope to create links between traditional and scientific knowledge systems. The promotion of organic farming and its standards needs to respect the traditional ecosystems and knowledge of the farmers. It is important to assimilate strategies that combine traditional knowledge and modern science-based practices to achieve sustainable and equitable use and development. Such changes would require a shift in research and development approaches towards farmer/user-led participatory development, which is right now being practised among developmental agencies. 2 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264239487-6-en 28097f83ced67cdd7986ad20896294eb This shows no change from the previous data point, 2011/12, when the indicator was introduced (the indicator is a score between 0 and 100, but not a percentage value, with higher score representing better outcomes). Since 2008, this level has fuctuated betwen 74% and 77%. For example, in the case of health care-acquired infections, the website explains that improvements can be achieved through measures including hand hygiene, hospital cleanliness, equipment decontamination and optimal antimicrobial prescribing. The data for this indicator, however, relate to 2011, and some of the other indicators are also based on old data, making them less useful. 3 0 5 1.0 10.1787/9789264286191-8-en 280fb06255882842723dbe1abc6554d9 Green growth has been recognised as a key policy, as it can address economic growth, social inclusion and environmental sustainability at the same time. Especially, fostering green growth in cities is critical because cities play disproportionately large roles in the economic and environmental performance of countries (OECD, 2013) (Box 3.1). To do this it must catalyse investment and innovation which will underpin sustained growth and give rise to new economic opportunities” (OECD, 2011). The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) defines green growth as “a development approach that seeks to deliver economic growth that is both environmentally sustainable and socially inclusive” (GGGI, 2017). 11 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264225442-10-en 2813d8997c128891a8784af7eb8c0135 In the Netherlands, the ministry establishes norms and policies and supervises, while schools are highly autonomous. Regional governments deliver education with different degrees of autonomy and with the support of co-ordinating institutions. Germany also has the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Lander in the Federal Republic of Germany (KMK), which defines agreements and reviews and shares information. Intergovernmental arrangements and co-operation exist, while sovereignty is maintained. At the federal level, responsibilities are limited to broad education issues, such as age of compulsory education. Federal systems may look for different options to steer the system, as states or provinces have responsibility for delivering education and therefore require different types of policies or institutional arrangements for their education systems to progress. 4 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.18356/5be883c5-en 281769887a8727d0d18ece4e2b3958f1 But the promise of these growth paths will be challenged by a low-road distribution of social reproduction. Diagonal movements in Table 5-1 involve changing both the supply and demand regimes, seemingly a more challenging prospect but one that is facilitated by the role of care in both growth and the distribution of social reproduction. A globalizing developing economy that seeks to protect its citizens from the volatility of global integration by implementing social insurance may simply exchange time squeeze for wage squeeze, thereby continuing to struggle with finding a sustainable path for growth and development. 5 4 0 1.0 10.1787/5775ac71-en 28177afffa68ab1bf6c2b0548bb82c01 As shown in Figure 2, in countries such as Czech Republic, Finland and Korea the percent of variation of students’ scores on the PISA test explained by their SES status has increased since 2006. This means the educational systems in these countries have become less inclusive and/or supportive to students of disadvantaged backgrounds. In contrast, countries such as Chile, Mexico and the United States improved on this measure. 4 0 9 1.0 10.1787/5js0cqvnzx9v-en 281b177f98773c09462420cdd8249dd2 The authors would like to thank the Swedish authorities, as well as OECD colleagues; Christophe Andr6 and Vincent Koen (Economics Department), William Thorn (Education Directorate), Emily Farchy, Kristoffer Lundberg and Guillermo Montt (Employment, Labour and Social Affairs Directorate) for helpful comments and suggestions. Thomas Chalaux provided statistical research, and Mercedes Burgos and Nadine Dufour secretarial assistance. When controlling for a set of socio-demographic variables, a one-standard-deviation increase in literacy proficiency is associated with 85% higher odds of being employed. 4 5 4 0.1111111111111111 10.6027/92601435-en 281b8905e0b1001d2d5f260d6e187043 The results are based on a number of simplifying assumptions described in section 4.2.1 and should interpreted in that light. In this case, the TIMES model was specified with focus on technology choices in the absence of distortions from taxes and regulation. The results will point to trends in the relative cost of different technologies and how a green transition can be achieved in the least costly manner. 7 0 7 1.0 10.6027/9789289330732-5-en 281c65bd8feeaf3171aa83713b168116 "Some of the thematic fields and figures are, ""Violence, means of control by recruiters, traffickers and clients"", where 82% of all surveyed women reported emotional abuse, 80% reported physical harm, 72% verbal threats, and 68% experienced being controlled through drugs and alcohol. Another thematic field is Injuries"" where the physical health consequences were in focus. The highest rates reported among all surveyed women were 38% for bruises and vaginal bleeding, followed by 33% for internal pain, and 28% for head trauma." 5 1 3 0.5 10.1787/5km68fzsk9xs-en 281f87cc9f14dd145a47d5aad5e57c26 Of course, the incentive to over-fish and sell the fish outside the set of monitored ports (in the case of Norway, this means outside Norway) remains the same, so that the equilibrium may well involve more over-fishing. Even if it does result in higher over-fishing, the advantage of a better recording of catches is not insignificant. Conservation efforts depend on accurate statistics and biological models that properly reflect stock dynamics (even with accurate statistics on catches, estimation of the underlying stock is still difficult). 14 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264214262-16-en 2820f1775445c1bb871e29622ead5424 It should be noted that gender inequality can also be used to denote a situation where men are disadvantaged vis-a-vis women (as nowadays can be observed in some countries in the case of certain measures of educational attainment or of health status); however, as this is historically almost never the direction in which the inequality runs, the bulk of this chapter looks at how gaps disadvantageous to women have been closed over the past century. This is also to address an imbalance in the rest of the book by which almost all the other chapters either are focused on men or provide no data on indicators disaggregated by gender. Others include the Gender Empowerment Index by the UNDP, the Social Institutions and Gender Index by the OECD, the Global Gender Gap Index by the World Economic Forum and the Women’s Economic Opportunity Index produced by the Economist Intelligence Unit. The UN uses a correction of five years because there is some evidence to show that at a biological level women have a greater life expectancy. 5 0 9 1.0 10.1787/5jzb44qw9df7-en 282105b72a9277df6468d85bae230c9c A diverse range of nationally-determined mitigation commitments is likely to be put forward, reflecting the widely varying national circumstances of countries. An effective agreement would have broad participation as well as high ambition. Incentives are therefore needed to encourage countries to participate in the process and to put forward strong mitigation commitments. 13 4 5 0.1111111111111111 10.1787/5jrqppxjqhg4-en 2823c7315893445db7f684b8b3d67319 The SNA data on household income are first divided by the population size. They are then multiplied by the ratio of the average household income of each decile to the average household income in the IDD, to give an estimate of an average household income by decile that is consistent with the SNA totals. Unemployed persons are defined as those who are currently not working but are willing to do so and actively searching for work. 8 0 4 1.0 10.18356/36aba0c4-en 2823f264335c1368f09c94f1d258542b The service sector, however, is highly uneven. Higher value-added services (e.g., information and communications technology) tend to generate very little employment relative to their added value in emerging economies (UNCTAD, 2010). The programme is also a major employer of women in a country where employment opportunities for women are rather limited. 5 1 3 0.5 10.18356/7ed1f44a-en 2826ba199ed677e15aa1ff94cf560ca0 The strong desire to remain at home is outweighed by the need to alleviate poverty and overcome vulnerability. Emigration destinations of those in PICs are largely connected to past and present political affiliation of the countries. For example, there are more Niuean in New Zealand (about 20,000) than Niue (1,500). Similarly, about 6,000 Tokelauan are in New Zealand and nearly 8,000 Cook Islanders are living outside the country. 1 0 3 1.0 10.1787/62212c37-en 2827205fe7e4aa3933f33d9643b0e499 The fourth approach added to training sessions and follow-up mechanisms the shaping of a professional learning community: school meetings, school visits and digital platforms allowing teachers to share lesson plans and exchange on their practice. The only approach that was arguably not very effective was the first one: limiting professional development to induction training. While this could work with expert teachers who are very motivated and already master most of the teaching repertoire that fostering creativity and critical thinking calls for, this approach proved less effective in sustaining teachers' engagement with the project ideas and materials over time. Across teams, more than 400 primary and secondary level teachers were involved in intervention classes, thereby gaining access to new materials and training opportunities. 4 0 8 1.0 10.1787/aid/glance-2017-14-en 2832186fc2dac4acec63ee6da6a8c16e Aid-for-trade providers include some 60 bilateral and multilateral donors that report their official development assistance to the OECD-DAC Creditor Reporting System (CRS). Since 2006 bilateral donors have provided almost two-thirds of total support for aid for trade and multilateral donors the rest. Regional and global programmes have attracted almost 15% of total aid-for-trade disbursements. 9 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/faa55f92-en 28324fde7835d5a2deb37f2f881aa9ad Children living in households with no income from employment, as well as in households that experience a drop in employee income of at least 5 per cent, are consistently at a high risk of entering poverty. Meanwhile, employment events have less of an impact, except reductions in the number of employed adults, which consistently increases the risk of poverty entries. Demographic events, which are quite rare in the short EU-SILC panel, have little bearing on child poverty transitions in the EU-SILC. 1 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264261198-8-en 28356b3071806cdbc487b9536d985aca Public resources oriented at long-term productivity improvements, environmental sustainability and rural diversification yet attract a small share of government spending. Groundwater irrigation is under the management of fanner irrigation cooperatives, with their largest number being in the Central Anatolia and the largest-size cooperatives operating in the Aegean region. In the case of the Kalecik, Akinci, Asartepe, Gokceoren, Koprukoy right bank and left bank, Bolu, Kizilinnak and Kumbaba irrigation associations. 2 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264168091-7-en 283612d7192a0300181f17ef9be8ccd4 "According to the Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey, between 1994 and 2007, the share of the population which paid for medical services increased from 4% to 15% for doctors’ consultation; from 8% to 26% for diagnostic procedures and from 30% to 50% for hospital stays (with a peak of 60% in 2002)."" Survey was not conducted in 1997 and 1999. Roughly 50% of patients paid something for hospital stays, although the average size and distribution of the payment is not known (Figure 3.9)." 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5db444d4-en 283bf95165e3e6baef90aca079b8b652 The United Kingdom also plans to develop proposals for the government’s biggest suppliers to publish data and provide action plans to address key social issues and disparities, such as ethnic minority representation in the workforce, the gender pay gap throughout the company and the actions undertaken to tackle inequalities. They could also be governed by “light-touch” regulatory approaches and policies as in the case of Australia, Canada and Spain. In Australia, the Workplace Gender Equality Procurement Principles is a procurement connected to social inclusion policy. 5 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264211940-5-en 283dca76b26a284887762cac41a10717 The involvement of numerous stakeholders results in a multiplication of evaluation and assessment mechanisms. For example, schools report information to their board, to the Windows for Accountability website, to the Inspectorate, and to the Ministry of Education. They receive evaluative feedback from the school boards, the Inspectorate, external consultants of the Schools have the Initiative project (for participating schools) and, in many cases, other experts and service organisations hired to support internal quality care and school development. 4 0 8 1.0 10.1787/5k424rdzj3bx-en 284439eb372a034c744b869790a8c27f This includes the creation, in collaboration with leading United States institutions, of three major programmes aimed at development of molecular diagnostics: the Integrated BioBank of Luxembourg, the Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine, and a pilot programme to find and validate biomarkers for use in disease management and therapeutic follow-up in lung cancer. In 2010 these and a number of other research programmes were brought together to create the Personalized Medicine Consortium to co-ordinate and support research in the areas of cancer, type 2 diabetes and Parkinson’s disease. Respondents also mentioned that commercial development in the area of molecular diagnostics is also promoted through the Luxembourg BioHealth Cluster. 3 0 8 1.0 10.1787/9789264088986-en 2847e2f7f39a5d9d6ed882ff83272171 The university sees R&D as a means of diversifying funding and taking advantage of its 600 researchers. Commercialisation of research is a crucial activity. Results are substantial but limited: in 2008 the Technion Research and Development Foundation was directly involved in initiating six new companies in areas such as medical equipment, environment embryonic stem cells, alternative energy and imaging system. In addition, licensing agreements were signed by the faculty. 4 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5kgj0d3vzcth-en 284de1b6968f76adfb4cc706ec331899 Next, market instruments for risk management are considered, as are the policies in this area, followed by a discussion of government measures that deal with catastrophic risk. The concluding section provides an overall assessment of risk management policies in New Zealand. The only explicitly expressed characteristic of an adverse event is the inability of local communities to cope with it (MAF, 2006). Importantly, the assessment concerns the economy-wide impacts and is not specifically focussed on farming. 2 2 2 0.0 10.1787/9789264225817-6-en 2851a7ef1bdf9a14ddec159847d9ba97 Recognising these challenges, Japan plans to introduce a distinct, specialist primary care workforce throughout the health care system, as of 2017. This chapter examines the steps that are needed to achieve this, and to embed quality monitoring and improvement activities from the start. The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law. Rather than having a dedicated workforce with specialist training in the functions described above, primary care in Japan is delivered by a cadre of semi-generalist/semispecialists - that is, physicians who leave hospital practice after an unspecified amount of time to set up as generalists (with no compulsory further training) in the community. 3 0 4 1.0 10.18356/f08da6fa-en 2852565f68a9a23d2d6dc5fbf11f1228 In particular, between June 2013 and June 2014, the survey administered a Child Needs module, somewhat similar to that used for the EU-SILC surveys in the European Union and to the Expanded Household Budget Survey (EHBS) conducted in Bosnia-Herzegovina in 2011 (see Chzhen and Ferrone 2016).The Child Needs module includes items specific to children aged 6-17, although the household reference person answers these questions on behalf of all children in this age group in the household. In other words, children do not fill out the Child Needs module themselves. The final sample for the study consists of 5,519 children 0 to 17 years old, in 3,461 households, interviewed over 2013 and 2014.This is a subsample of the general ILCS sample, but is still representative at national level. 1 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5k3wb8fmsz6h-en 2859e795a19b6159219597bec14e2cb9 With this kind of balancing market, market participants prefer to have gate closure closer to real time in order to adjust their generation plans and reduce their exposure to the imbalance risk. Moreover, regional integration of balancing markets and even other reserve markets over wider geographical areas could yield efficiency gains. This includes the definition of reliability standards; the publication of adequacy projections or the definition of technical requirements, such as flexibility of power plants, controllability of wind and solar power plants or controllability of electrical appliances. Even where operations and investment decisions are market-based, governments and system operators will continue to define, in one way or another, the reliability criteria, some dispatching capabilities and requirements for new generation capacity and electrical appliances connected to the grid. 7 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264266339-5-en 2859eef453eb010d0ee5412e31b92c79 Some EECCA countries (e.g. Moldova, Georgia and Armenia) have already been developing national-level climate strategies that can serve as “action plans” for their NDCs, such as Low-Emission Development Strategies (LEDS) and National Adaptation Plans (NAPs), as well as country-specific national or sectoral plans on climate change, including Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs). Some of the results from the Technology Needs Assessments (TNAs) in many EECCA countries should be better used to improve actual uptake and market penetration of technologies needed for low-carbon, climate-resilient development. Further work is needed for key institutions of the EECCA countries to better access and absorb international financial resources to implement climate actions. 13 0 5 1.0 10.1787/9789264233874-4-en 285a576bd9bf33fc943b23e8767a5e4e Past experience has shown, however, that such an approach can result in agricultural policies that are dominated by distorting forms of support, including price support, which in turn threaten the food security of poor consumers. These negative consequences are particularly acute when food shortages occur for other reasons, like an economic downturn or a natural disaster. The APEC Policy Partnership on Food Security (PPFS), formed in 2011, is a forum for discussing issues related to food security, bringing together individuals from the private and public sectors to help facilitate investment, liberalise trade and market access, and support sustainable development. 2 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264264113-5-en 285c645be5f75567656ef4617c70aa22 Preparation is critical to anticipate the intensity, frequency and extent of environmental hazards, as well as to identify vulnerable urban population groups, assets and infrastructure. A VRA and asset inventory would provide such information and provide a basis to manage and limit damage, while also considering the cost and time required to recover from a natural disaster, among other factors. Bandung’s approach to hazard assessment could expand upon that of other Southeast Asian cities such as Cebu (Box 2.1). 11 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.18356/7ed1f44a-en 2863275e558f3016253dcc4efbab5ff7 Social protection in poor countries”, Practice Paper, Social Protection Briefing Note Series No. Civil Society and the maintenance of peace and good order in Papua New Guinea”, paper presented at the Suva Symposium on Civil Society and Governance, The University of the South Pacific, Suva, October. Fiji Australia Association of Tasmania Services”, accessed from Tasmania. Annual Report 2003 (Suva, FCOSS). Report on NGO Activity on Social Welfare in Fiji (Suva, FCOSS). 1 1 3 0.5 10.18356/cc778895-en 2865dc4e2cfcfd13d4a77c6ac62003c2 The second focuses on an analysis of the relationship between poverty and inequality. The third covers the literature on the relationship between economic growth and income inequality. These studies’ findings corroborate each other to the extent that they all indicate that, as noted by Araujo, Tabosa and Khan (2012), there are two fundamental factors at work: the average growth rate and the initial level of income inequality. 1 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5k4c9kwfdx8r-en 2868babba16cf3d14cfa6bfb85702355 Access to irrigation reduces the risk of crop failure, encouraging the adoption of higher-yielding varieties of food crops, diversification into higher-value cash crops, application of fertilisers and pest management, and intensification of farm labour and practices (Van Koppen et al., According to the World Development Report 2008 (World Bank, 2007), irrigated land does not exceed 4% of total agricultural land in Sub-Saharan Africa, compared with 29% in East Asia and 39% in South Asia. In areas where farmers mostly rely on rain-fed agriculture, water availability is one of the most binding constraints on agricultural production. 2 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264283480-en 286cd3967f6c8e4909073e443e7d8ac8 The government tries to reduce the number of fatal road traffic accidents by awareness-raising campaigns in public places and a national day of road safety. The vaccination coverage rate against DTP3, measles and Hepatitis B for infants stood at 99% in 2015, while vaccination coverage for influenza among people above 65 years stood at only 41%, but this is comparable to rates in neighbouring countries. However, there seems to be room for improvement regarding care of acute myocardial infarction (AMI), as the 30-day case fatality rate is above the average. The DSP enables patients and professionals to access all relevant medical data It is currently in a pilot phase involving patients with multimorbidity and chronic diseases before being extended to all insured people (see also Box 3 below). 3 1 7 0.75 10.1787/9789264206441-14-en 286d58b72b69da63110c9125a8e13738 Herd or flock sizes remain typically small, averaging only two for cattle, four for buffalo and pigs, and 17 and 30 respectively for poultry layers and broilers. Of the almost 3 million holdings registered in 1993 as possessing livestock, less than 200 000 (6.6%) were recorded as predominantly livestock holdings. A Livestock Federation, present down to the district level, represents business interests and is responsible for monitoring production and prices and discussing sectoral issues with the government. Over the past two decades, the production of both freshwater and marine fish has steadily increased, being multiplied respectively by 14 and 4 (Figure 9.6). 2 1 3 0.5 10.18356/bc5ec3da-en 286d91043c7c28e294aafab2cfaf7ba9 Insecurity and risk undermine the long-term sustainability of cities worldwide. The spread of disease in cities often occurs as a result of inadequate infrastructure and services. High incidence of traffic fatalities, air pollution related respiratory infections and premature deaths, and communicable, vector, and waterborne diseases can all be related to inadequate, poor, or inefficient urban infrastructure. The number of Ebola deaths in that slum will likely never be known, as bodies have simply been thrown into the two nearby rivers. 11 1 3 0.5 10.14217/9781848599451-8-en 286f80b7bb8d64333b2793dba8e458f9 From 2010 to 2012, the position of women in leadership positions increased from 9.32 per cent to 14.75 per cent and is projected to reach 22 per cent by 2016. While increasing numbers are a positive factor, this example illustrates the very marginal gains women are making in leadership positions, particularly in private sector management. For example, due to heightened awareness and attention brought by MWA, the State Services Commission, in partnership with public service chief executives, has developed a centrally co-ordinated talent identification initiative for senior public servants. 5 0 9 1.0 10.18356/db7ae14d-en 28720fa9da9d5ef7f9b920d195a4b5f8 Capital productivity growth would lead to rising profit shares and allow for higher savings to finance domestic investment. In many instances, new industries also tended to rely more heavily on imports than on inputs provided by other domestic sectors, thereby limiting the coming into play of employment dynamics through inter-industry linkages. Furthermore, the focus on industrialization led to an urban bias and a relative neglect of agriculture, despite the fact that most of the population would depend on agriculture for employment and income. The newly industrializing countries of East Asia also relied on import substitution and imported technologies at the initial stage of their development. However, unlike those in Latin America and Africa, their industrial policies tended to be more selective and oriented towards the building of export competitiveness and the creation of domestic linkages, while raising agricultural productivity, which was a central policy objective in the early stages. 1 3 3 0.0 10.18356/eca72908-en 28741f02fafdb95485f97161028c8bdb Globalization scholars have pointed to the changing nature of the global economy and its impact on American cities, for instance. Middle-class workers who until recently had secure formal-sector jobs and reliable safety nets now find themselves expelled from the labour market. “ Expulsions” instead of forms of exclusion are taking place in these countries with social groups who until just a couple of decades earlier were secure participants in formal labour markets.10 Moreover, informal workers in developed countries are mostly undocumented migrants from lower-income countries who, because of their legal status, fear going to the police or seeking out legal help, thus further entrapping them within these informal conditions. In the US, for instance, the neighbourhood of Harlem in New York City was documented to have a thriving informal economy exceeding one billion dollars.13 The findings of the study led a large American bank to recognize the financial demand at the bottom of the pyramid and to open two new branches in Harlem. 11 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264029941-4-en 28756f93f1fdcd1a3fd94bad06e31c9e It is likely these two funds can utilise their superior financial clout to drive health providers to improve performance more effectively than the smaller plans may be able to. Evidence of improvement across key indicators highlights that monitoring and feedback is a useful force in driving improvements in the quality of care. As a start, Israel should expand the number of domains covered to include major chronic conditions such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, heart failure and mental health. 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264261198-8-en 2878687b86e778ca04064ab3652f7f6e This corresponds to an increase of an average employment per enterprise by 4.5 persons, or more than a doubling. For all IPARD-I projects, the increase in the average employment was estimated at 5.5 persons. These estimates, however, do not consider employment generated indirectly in activities such as purchasing and selling, transportation, and others. 2 3 0 1.0 10.1787/9789264120983-11-en 287b8e0bb6fe623741625f3f78e41a1f In the projection model, urban attractiveness is the result of four different factors: expectations over production volume; capital returns; market size; and local environmental conditions. The first three indicators are positively correlated with attractiveness. The modelling exercise shows that the attractiveness of the 78 metropolitan regions included in the OECD metropolitan database is strongly positively correlated to firms’ expectations about production and reflected in the average production growth rate (Figure 5.4). 6 3 0 1.0 10.18356/73b30008-en 287cb9c92a218086385105d02299ec48 The spectrum of poverty measurement approaches varies from purely monetary to non-monetary aspects, with much variation {see Table 2.1). Measurement choices are often implicit, and can have a profound impact on results and related policies. The first choice is what to measure: income, consumption, or broader capabilities? The most common approach is to measure monetary poverty, based on indicators of income or consumption as proxies for material living standards. 1 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5k912j389bf0-en 28802c04861d44f66249f687bfdd504b While it is desirable for predictive models, like weather forecasting models, to produce projections that are as accurate as possible; the most important feature of a longer-term health forecasting model should be its ability to influence policy makers. To do that, health expenditure projections not only need to be scientifically sound, but must also be considered credible (Zucchelli et al., The credibility of health expenditure forecasting models, in turn, relies on their validity, accuracy, tractability and transparency (Harris et al., The validity of a model refers to its ability to address the request of policy makers. A model is valid if its structure reflects relevant features of the policy environment and avoids nonessential elements. 3 1 4 0.6 10.18356/1c11fde8-en 2882c9be30e285f8ae50e7c1caeb812e At its summit held in Ufa, Russian Federation, in July 2015, the Shanghai Cooperation Organizations Council of Heads of State decided to accept the accession of India and Pakistan to the Organization. The Organizations main goals are the provision and maintenance of peace, security and stability among its members, including drug control. At the summit, the Organization adopted a development strategy outlining priority areas until 2025, including issues related to regional stability and drug control, and plans to address drug challenges were incorporated into the declaration of the Council of Heads of State issued at the summit. The Organization’s member States expressed concern at the scale of narcotic drug manufacture in Afghanistan, which posed a threat to development and security in the region. The Central Asian Regional Information and Coordination Centre, a standing intergovernmental body for combating trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, continues to serve as a regional platform for exchanging information and experiences on countering drug trafficking and promoting law enforcement cooperation. In June 2015, the Board participated in the 11th international conference on drug control, organized by the Dubai Police. 3 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264214682-3-en 28864cb50226b7db366cf8178d1a66aa For a definition and explanation see Box 1.4. Sometimes curricula and the mix of provision are too constrained by the interests of training providers and not sufficiently driven by fast-changing industry requirements. For a definition and explanation see Box 1.4. Difference in earnings is expressed in % (no difference = 0%). 4 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/5k49dv6c5xmv-en 288b382ec45cf5ae168f9d2a865c3d4d Energy production from waste is far from reaching its potential in the Chicago Tri-State metro-region. The early generation of waste-to-energy incinerators that were built in the Chicago Tri-State metro-region during a period of limited landfill capacity in the early 1970s have proven to be environmentally and financially unsustainable. Tighter federal environmental regulation led to their closing or to costly retrofitting (Sendzik et al, 1996). 7 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264195363-6-en 288da4d368df61da801e33a47ab029c0 Some countries also stood to lose from the erosion of benefits of preferential trading arrangements with OECD countries. On balance, OECD analysis concluded that most developing countries would gain from OECD country liberalisation, although the gains were small relative to the benefits of reforming their own policies. Moreover, a large share of the gains were concentrated among a few emerging economy exporters, in particular Brazil (OECD, 2006). 2 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264268791-5-en 288ee677797c3bbd17a7bac765fd4e96 Regional prefets define State strategies at the regional level—they submit a strategic proposal document that has been known since 2004 as the Project for State Regional Strategy (Projet d'action strategique de I’Etat en region, PASER). A National PASER Monitoring Committee, co-chaired by the minister responsible for State Reform (the Budget Ministry) and the Ministry of the Interior and Territorial Planning, serves as the framework in which the central ministers define State strategy in each region, in collaboration with the regional prefet. Departemental prefets have administrative authority to assess the legal compliance of local authorities in the adoption of spatial plans, among other functions. They are mainly electoral districts for departements, with each having roughly the same size population. 11 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/60a8d482-en 2890345f29b0e1d375adc6f7d895b3da But much more needs to be done to remove gender biases and move towards universal coverage. There are many ways to do this. Minimally, policy and programme features that perpetuate gender stereotypes or social stigma need to be removed. Social transfer schemes, for example, should not impose conditionalities that increase women's unpaid care and domestic work and should gradually work towards universal coverage in order to avoid stigma. 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264238701-5-en 28916a987986025895ff87fffe49fe94 The conclusion of their work is that that the benefits of management or groundwater irrigation will not always be significant, and that they depend highly on economic, hydrologic, and agronomic parameters (Koundouri, 2004). There has been significant discussion in the literature on possible criteria to define when groundwater pumping is detrimental (see Chapter 2, and Llamas and Garrido, 2007). In particular, fighting against stock depletion is rarely found to be appropriate (Giordano, 2009; GWP, 2012). 6 1 3 0.5 10.18356/2956c59a-en 28946ac7263232b31ca190d56a72ae39 For nearly half of the gender-specific indicators, the methodology is developed but country-level data are limited. As of December 2017, the framework contains 93 indicators classified as Tier I, 66 as Tier II and 68 as Tier III. In addition, five other indicators are classified as multi-tier, with different components of the indicator classified into different tiers. Additionally, the lAEG-SDGs is currently liaising with custodian agencies to discuss available data sources and methodology to improve the availability and quality of country-level data related to Tier II indicators. 5 1 7 0.75 10.1787/5jlzgj1s4h5h-en 28977f474a113960ccdfa779ae7602c5 This provided an opportunity to align biodiversity outcomes with an important business outcome: the reduction of risk from improved regulatory predictability. The development of guidelines for biodiversity mainstreaming in the mining industry was, therefore, a strongly user-driven project, in response to a specific sector need. This provided a synergistic window of opportunity when the DEA and SAMBF approached SANBI to be involved in a mining and biodiversity guideline. 15 1 7 0.75 10.1787/9789264266339-6-en 289b38cd89bf6b7a58ab204d45514fb2 This is because electricity generation is likely to be affected by a decrease in precipitation, more inconsistent rainfalls and a decrease in spring run-off from glaciers and snow caused by climate change. About 10% of climate-related development finance was committed to agriculture, forestry and fishing, which is almost the same share as the global level. A range of actions in agriculture can contribute to poverty alleviation and low-carbon and climate-resilient development in the rural areas in some EECCA countries. 13 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/1c11fde8-en 289bcbc0fd0ee6219261f06b5aa54d4a Seizures of methaqualone in India registered a sharp decrease, from 3,205 kg in 2013 to 54 kg in 2014, the lowest in five years. Methaqualone is often trafficked by means of courier parcels to Australia, Canada, Ethiopia, South Africa, the United Kingdom and countries in South-East Asia. India and China are perceived as major sources of various new psychoactive substances. 3 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.18356/f7cce716-en 28a037af70262e8f1821a8fe1cb6e621 Under these criteria, local communities are recognized as the front line in the search for solutions to reduce their disaster vulnerability and increase their resilience (Gaillard, 2010). Accordingly, Gaillard (2010) argues that an approach that considers the community entails working both to strengthen individuals' means of subsistence and also improve their capacities to cope better with disaster situations. Both disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation use geographic areas or population groups as their units of intervention, in contrast to work at the individual or household level, which generally is applied in intervention specific to social protection. Unlike disaster risk reduction, which seeks to minimize the effect of extreme phenomena, the climate change adaptation approach develops intervention tools to deal with immediate upheavals (floods, droughts, epidemics, wars, civil violence and ethnic or other types of persecution), and gradual situations of short or long-term tension (such as increases in temperature or rainfall that cause soil degradation, demographic pressures, or temporary resource shortages) stemming from a change in normal weather conditions, (Chambers and Conway, 1991). 13 0 4 1.0 10.18356/0a98da25-en 28a2882a2fc80ac1e9c60d46fe02e47d Private banks would still be responsible for determining the creditworthiness of borrowers and thus retain a great deal of autonomy in lending practices. Thus, even with the use of ARRs, governments must adopt additional tools to expand access to credit for women entrepreneurs and farmers. One approach is for the central bank to offer guarantees on loans to targeted groups. 5 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264248908-6-en 28a3eb83e9336c549bbda48fbd60c242 The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law. Recent data indicate that about 96% of Colombians are now covered by health insurance arrangements. Progress in formal coverage has been accompanied by remarkable improvements over the last 20 years in access to services by disadvantaged populations and increased health sector funding, while reducing the participation of out-of-pocket payments as a source of health care financing, with likely positive implications for overall levels of financial protection. Some of these challenges are common to countries at similar stages of economic development as Colombia, including a rapidly ageing population and declining workforce. 3 1 5 0.6666666666666666 10.1787/9789264262959-en 28a8a9dd236a78633c5ee2a7fc08005e Pacific Alliance countries should expand the number of days offered to fathers and governments and workplaces should encourage or mandate fathers to take the leave for which they are eligible. All Pacific Alliance countries legislate lactation breaks for mothers, but duration varies: Chile legislates two one-hour breaks per day until a child turns two years old, whereas Mexico and Colombia offer only two 30-minute breaks per day until an infant is six months old (Mexico also offers the alternative option of reducing a mother’s work day by one hour). To give mothers the choice to breastfeed, which has especially significant health payoffs when water quality is inadequate, it is important to ensure that mothers have access to a legally-mandated private and hygienic space for expressing milk. In practice, these hygienic spaces for preparing milk are underprovided and women are often forced to use restrooms to prepare their baby’s milk. 8 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/5kg5dlkhjq0x-en 28a8f41009468a13c6346ac37fd9f038 The best way to do this is to calculate tax burdens and benefit entitlements for representative samples of households for different periods. This permits straightforward identification of the relative contribution of policy changes and trends in market-income inequality on redistribution. Box 3 provides an illustration of such an approach using data for the United States. 10 0 3 1.0 10.18356/9b00e9d0-en 28aa3b69d1d608d3934155def18aaafd However, the analysis did not address important parameters for the planning of wind energy projects, such as security and environmental protection. Based on the data in the Wind Energy Atlas, the technical potential of wind energy was assessed. The calculations have shown that about 2,000 MW of capacity and 5 TWh of energy per year can be obtained. 7 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/bc5ec3da-en 28aaade8f51427c63715fe35e201d925 Slums may be housing a gradually reduced portion of the urban population as local policies take effect and as incomes increase. However, for the hundreds of millions at the bottom of the urban system, garbage pickup and removal is almost non-existent; toilets, let alone public toilets, are rare; running water to one's premises is an impossibility; well-funded public education is unavailable; and the quality of health services, transport facilities, leisure and open spaces, and even good local food markets is low. Investing in infrastructure is therefore an absolute necessity for the new urban agenda. In this regard, Goal 13 of the Sustainable Development Agenda, which urges countries to take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts, could not have come at more auspicious time. Urban areas concentrate economic activities, households, industries and infrastructures which are hotspots for energy consumption as well as key sources of greenhouse gases. 11 0 7 1.0 10.6027/9789289329651-2-en 28ab6ce0fc2a0292e8f61f43925edc20 This kind of forest management has also changed the forest landscape profoundly. Natural forest dynamics produce key resources and processes important for the maintenance of native forest biodiversity, in particular a rich supply of dead wood and old trees, as well as a varied landscape pattern of such resources, critical for the long-term survival of many forest species. In addition to the dead wood and old trees resulting from natural forest dynamics, forest biodiversity will also benefit from productive forests with a rich supply of temperate broadleaved trees or aspens, willows and rowans, as well as special forest types like swamp forests, forests on calcareous soil, or recently burnt forests. Several forest properties of high importance for biodiversity are monitored in national forest inventories, e.g., tree species and age, dead wood, and site productivity. 15 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264188617-en 28ad355e3edf717bfa23213a37256eac The amount of hours lost due to extended maintenance is therefore between 60 and 120 hours, which represents a loss of 0.7-1.4% of the availability factor. Additional studies performed by EPRI and a Slovakian operator concluded that load cycling should have an impact on O&M, but no statistically significant effects were observed. The economic aspects of load following have received increased interest due to the extreme price volatility induced by variable renewables (including negative prices) in countries with large shares of renewables, such as Germany. 7 2 3 0.2 10.1787/09e92b30-en 28b460622484196dc6ab45eb188a27e0 However, TFR was applied only to 16% of generics in 2015 (Drees, 2016c). They should be applied much more widely. France’s prescription rate is one of the targets of add-on payments to physicians who can compare themselves to regional averages (CNAMTS, 2016b). Moreover, the 2016 antibiotics strategy aimed at reducing resistance to antibiotics foresees additional information campaigns, training of health-care professionals and higher spending on research and monitoring (CIS, 2016). 3 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264179370-6-en 28b4dc4d116c00be3688d5c737ac8b09 The proportion of women who run their business at a loss is somewhat lower than for men in the United States (7.5% of women versus 8.7% for men). The reason for their careful risk management may be greater concern about the consequences of failure (Chapter 22). Indeed, the Small Business Service (2005) in the United Kingdom found that women with family responsibilities were “particularly wary of extending commitments” and that any business venture they embarked upon would “need to be independent of family finances and self-sufficient”. However, there is no conclusive evidence that women entrepreneurs are always less willing to take risks than men (Croson and Gneezy, 2009). On average, 22% of self-employed women across 30 OECD countries work less than 40 hours a week against only 10% of self-employed men. 5 0 3 1.0 10.18356/0a98da25-en 28b4f065413176ed4793e772159d7788 This approach strongly mirrors not only that of late industrializers but also of the early history of central banking in the United States and United Kingdom, as well as the more recent innovation in policy tools utilized by developed country banks in the wake of the 2008 crisis (IMF 2013). Inclusive monetary policy cannot be unanchored, however. To be effective and well-targeted, it must be coordinated with public investment goals. To the extent that public investment red uces i nflati on a ry press u res, ce ntra I ba n ks ca n afford to lower interest rates, in turn making it less costly for governments to finance public investment. On the contrary,financial liberalization appears to have had a deflationary effect that has reduced GDP and employment growth, hindering development and limiting resources to promote gender equality and other SDGs (Elson and Cagatay 2000; Ghosh 2005). This is an important exercise because their widespread effects are not immediately obvious if we only consider the impact on investment. 5 4 1 0.6 10.1787/9789264269637-6-en 28b8cbfdf68fd24832b298c1d19ce0cd The Ministry of Education has developed guidelines for a quality assurance system to be set up by each centre including figures regarding the scope, results and effects of the guidance provided, and a procedure for evaluating the services provided through user and employee surveys. Centres are also required to publish objectives, methods, planned activities and performance on die Internet. These programmes combine catch-up courses in foundation skills with vocational classes, counselling and career guidance, and often enable participants to obtain an upper-secondary' qualification. 8 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.14217/9781848591561-7-en 28b92041a96bc1fbd110a2b48a3c694c The recruitment of banksaathis (commission-based agents) was an innovative experiment that allowed women clients to transact with the Bank in flexible hours without leaving the confines of their homes/shops. The banksaathis, who come from the same communities as the clients they serve, are now the Bank’s frontline workers. Other innovative products include insurance (life, health, assets, widowhood and accidents) and pensions in collaboration with the UNITTrust of India Asset Management Company. In 2011 SEWA Bank was also appointed by the Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority in India as an aggregator to distribute the National Pension System (NPS)-Lite Pension product. 5 3 6 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264190672-9-en 28b940640a8b06da8c7218495ec9e48e Finnish experience and international research show that investment in primary education pays off in later grades through better aptitude and learning skills, as well as through positive overall outcomes. Schools are typically small, with class sizes ranging from 15 to 30 students. In 2004, more than one-third of Finnish comprehensive schools had fewer than 50 pupils; just 4% of all schools had 500 or more pupils (Statistics Finland, 2011)’. 4 0 4 1.0 10.18356/bf400991-en 28bd1cb155fb6fd559d3683f493f98af However, some national studies show that up to 70 per cent of women have experienced physical or sexual violence from an intimate partner in their lifetime®*™ (WHO, 2013). There is also a high prevalence of psychological violence against women as 43 per cent of women in the European Union have experienced this form of violence from an intimate partner in their lifetime®*™ (AFR, 2014). As a result, significant progress has been made regarding the institutionalization of development and management of public spaces over the past decade. Several global and local movements have been formed to demand more friendly living areas attainable through public space provision. 11 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264303201-5-en 28c123498bb38c294b04fa58e522781a For 2016, NEDA was tasked to start the pre-work of drafting the Philippine Development Plan (PDP) (up to 2022) for the next presidential term. This w ill serve as the basis of the Philippine Investment Plan and all other regional, provincial and local development plans and investment programmes. In the section on priority legislation, BIOFIN lobbied for the inclusion of the Expanded NIPAS (National Integrated Protected Areas System) Act, Philippine Genetic Resources Access and Benefit Sharing, and proposed amendments to the use of the Malampaya Fund towards biodiversity conservation as priority environment and natural resources legislation supporting PDP. 15 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264174269-5-en 28c288173b76e555de939035ce178f4c It can also provide a common basis for dialogue among stakeholders and facilitate information sharing to improve the communication, uptake and acceptance of SMM policies and principles. Such analysis encompasses a range of economic techniques based around cost-benefit analysis and cost-effectiveness analysis and is used to assess the potential impacts on social welfare from policy initiatives. Issues such as environmental valuation techniques, the distribution of costs and benefits over time and groups within society, and appropriate discount rates all play an important role in the use of cost-benefit analysis (OECD, 2006). Belgium and the US, among other OECD countries, have many voluntary partnership programmes. 12 3 0 1.0 10.18356/6ef2e6fd-en 28c40dc0d8f86ee02a61097c54a66089 China is promoting the use of telemedicine for medical institutions as a core element of the health-care system reform. Among enacted policies thus far, the National Health and Family Planning Commission has responsibility for establishing the basic principles and guidelines related to telemedicine. The 2009 Notice on Multiple Tasks of Doctors allows doctors in medical institutions to freely perform remote medical services in addition to their hours of consultation. 3 0 7 1.0 10.1787/empl/outlook-2016-8-en 28c4686c5a95fe9a613a2fa887922dd5 Throughout the OECD, employers are increasingly aware of the value of diversity in the workplace and they are showing a growing willingness to take concrete steps to promote it (BIAC and Deloitte, 2014). The weaker position of women in the labour market results in weaker networks, thereby sustaining gender gaps in access to employment and job quality. Specific interventions may be devised to strengthen women’s networks. 5 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264233911-3-en 28c4be178de2f14a9d16b4546d1fb939 Most of that volatility originates on the supply side: output depends on the vagaries of weather and other natural factors, which vary from year to year. Cyclical swings of output, reflecting lagged response of supply to price changes, can inject an additional degree of volatility into agricultural markets. As it happens, such output fluctuations on agricultural markets hit a demand that does not respond much to price variations. 2 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264179370-6-en 28c772636e7a93a1a0f0fa7712ab4b73 They result from the research project “The innovative behaviour of women-led young firms”, submitted by Mario Piacentini in August 2011 and approved by the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) in September 2011. Women-founded businesses are those which have been founded by one woman or by an exclusively female founding team. Enterprises founded or owned by mixed teams are excluded. The variables relating to founder/owner characteristics are calculated as averages for the individual members of the founding team. 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/da48ce17-en 28ca7af5e0541151f792e178c75bce07 Practitioners (SEA Change and UKCIP, 2013, 2014) and the Adaptation Committee (AC, 2016) have developed syntheses and inventories of existing adaptation monitoring and evaluation tools and frameworks.7 In addition to the aforementioned LEG guidelines for National Adaptation Plans, a subset of the literature focuses on providing guidance to develop national level systems for monitoring and evaluation (GIZ and IISD, 2016), or providing information and insights from a set of existing systems (OECD, 2015b; EEA, 2015; GIZ and IISD 2013). The large majority of the Parties mentioning adaptation monitoring and evaluation in their NDCs indicate that they are still in the process of developing their national approach (Kato and Ellis, 2016). This means that there is limited experience with mid-term and end-term evaluations of policies at the national level. 13 2 2 0.0 10.1787/9789264224636-11-en 28cb8de6735cb166a60b1694632dc3ab The most advanced country in this area is Algeria, which does not impose any conditions in either case. It is critical to protect women’s rights in all areas of life, including economic participation.32 Access to justice mainly means: legal mechanisms and legislations that establish a right to access to court and to a fair judicial remedy; that promote legal and judicial assistance to women; that help them become aware of their rights to access justice; and that provide legal services and advice. It also means the right for women to go to court, the right to work in a legal profession, a chance for women to access the same positions as men in the judiciary, according to principles of equality and fairness. 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5km4knxj9tf3-en 28cda5453d6dbcbac888b35bab03eacd Nuclear power also has negligible greenhouse gas emissions. These targets both decrease dependence on fossil-fuel energy resources, and deliver energy with significantly lower greenhouse gas emissions (RISO, 2008). The main opportunities to mitigate climate change in the energy sector are de-carbonisation of the power sector and end-use energy-efficiency investments. For developing countries these options should also lead to enhanced energy security, reduced dependence on foreign imports of fossil fuels, and creation of local economic activity through renewable power investments in micro-grid systems. 7 0 9 1.0 10.18356/b82bdbfb-en 28ce8b7ba7370940136d406fcbbc1e02 Over the last 70 years, a whole body of human rights and entitlements, which have been defined and accepted by the international community and the African region, transcend political, economic, social and cultural differences among countries. These international and regional legal standards set the bar for gender equality and women’s empowerment. Leaders and policymakers therefore need to understand the long-term nature of deconstructing harmful social norms and replacing them with positive social norms. 5 0 3 1.0 10.18356/3fe10a08-en 28ceb76d366d8d9a86344ec59581a1cb A worsening external environment dampened demand for mining, quarrying and metallurgy products, and poor weather conditions weighed down the growth of agricultural output. Available from (accessed on 30 March 2013); and Economist Intelligence Unit, Country Reports. Remittance inflows from Italy, Greece and the Russian Federation, the main destinations for Georgian workers, also slowed but held up relatively well. 8 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264281318-9-en 28d41b6c25c810065e8bef0d7b0921f0 Students were asked about how motivated they felt to perform well in school, their relationships with peers and teachers, their home life and how they spend their time outside of school. The results, mostly based on self-reports, complemented the standard PISA proficiency data by providing insight into teenage students’ hopes, aspirations and thoughts about their own lives. In fact, across almost the whole OECD, girls report significantly lower life satisfaction than boys. 5 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.14217/c295c5f3-en 28d47be891b04f4bdd17efb3017a8fe7 Interestingly, it uses the example of International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tuna (ICCAT) management of Atlantic Bluefin tuna, which it depicts as a success story of rationale fisheries management because the 2014 Bluefin stock assessment revealed a surge in the Atlantic Bluefin spawning stock, leading to an increase in the total allowable catch in the fishery. Part of this process includes technical briefing sessions with the Food and Agriculture Organization, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, the United Nations Environment Programme, the World Bank and RFMOs. What sorts of fisheries subsidies should be prohibited? 14 0 4 1.0 10.14217/9781848599130-16-en 28d5d7f8beecab53f242ccd7ab88d2d7 In the absence of these, migrant workers are not able to contribute adequately to the economy of their countries of origin. Freund and Spatafora (2008) reported that recorded remittances depend negatively on transfer costs and the parallel market premium. On the other hand, it is also interesting to note that highly skilled migrants tend to remit a relatively lower share of their income to their countries of origin (Niimi and Ozden 2006; Faini 2007; Adams 2009), although the amount itself was found to be higher. 10 2 7 0.5555555555555556 11.1002/pub/80c5340e-b94e0f39-en 28d5dc826f266fe746242192a31294c3 Significant at the 1% level. The mobile sector has also been subject to more incentive regulations rather than obligations imposed, as in the case of fixed networks. These are well-known facts remedied by regular reviews and upgrades of existing policy and regulatory settings, as well as by the adoption of new measures and policy initiatives to address the changing nature of the digital ecosystem. It is worth noting, nevertheless, that the impact of urbanization on the take up of mobile-cellular services is lower than on fixed-broadband penetration levels, mobile-cellular being less infrastructure-intensive and thus deployed at a lower cost beyond urban areas. 9 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264174269-5-en 28db5577ebd86eb0f9664e7d9fe49039 Integrated policies and policy instruments can successfully drive actors in the same direction and can accelerate progress, and generate synergies. In all cases, open multidirectional information flows can facilitate sustainable outcomes by providing feedback on the full range of policy impacts. This helps to build the participation of critical economic actors and other stakeholders, to lower potential resistance to innovation, to increase idea generation and to allow appropriate policy adjustment over time. To begin, policymakers could consider upgrading measures of success at the systemic level that would encourage assessment of policies not only in terms of the shortterm quantity of economic wealth generated, but in terms of overall tangible and intangible value created in the entire ecological-social-economic system over time. 12 4 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264083578-6-en 28dd622884cd01d2f3bbdd7795e970c4 The development of processes for monitoring and evaluating drought situations, supported by research and experimental development, together with technological changes in using water and adapting crops, will play a role in the context of climate change. There have been few policies that directly seek to adapt agriculture to drought risks, leaving aside the widespread use of disaster relief payments and loans. Canada, Hungary, Turkey and the United Kingdom, for example, are all in the process of examining their national drought policies as they affect agriculture. 6 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/6e8bb756-en 28df91bc45949d5294646733da153fb6 Their prices, given the informal nature of production, are lower than those of charcoal from planted trees, although the latter is generally produced in industrial, more efficient, facilities. Worse still, there are no incentives for the industries to exploit the gases from combustion, which can be used both for energy and non-energy production purposes. The rudimentary kilns used in the forests to carbonize native wood are unable to preserve the fluid by-products of charcoal production, but neither is this done even in the majority of the relatively modern facilities. 7 1 5 0.6666666666666666 10.1787/059ce467-en 28e17b74865dfdd0c39869a2ee920d2a National policy-makers can impact teachers’ salaries, but also working conditions, such as how teachers spend their professional days (e.g. total instructional time, preparation time, meetings with other teachers, etc.). For example, Denmark introduced a new framework for the utilisation of teachers’ working hours (Act no. This report discusses how teacher shortages particularly relate to immigrant and newcomer students. 4 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264243606-en 28e273a53e2320e19b2f6ccb9ffd23c3 There are many other possible outcomes people care about, such as inequalities in health, responsiveness, and fairness of financing (Murray & Evans, 2003). Accordingly, the results of GCEA cannot be used to set priorities by themselves but should be introduced into the policy debate to be considered along with the impact of different policy and intervention mixes on other outcomes. The analysis was undertaken by developing a microsimulation model of the health outcomes arising from lifestyle risk factors typically associated with obesity. 3 0 4 1.0 10.1787/5jxrclljnbxq-en 28e70e2dfa785d69e6a69c70358f2b23 This study uses input from two different crop models. The results produced by different combinations of climate and crop models may, therefore, present a plausible range of possible future scenarios. These indicators include the world prices of various agricultural commodities, average crop yields and land allocations. 2 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/81d39474-en 28e7add1c01aa6ba354f2fdb9401af7b These children and young people can become subject to physical and sexual abuse, psychological problems, addiction and other harmful consequences. Women are acutely affected by particular consequences of drug abuse, such as sexually transmitted diseases and the consequences of domestic violence, in addition to being more likely to be affected by drug-facilitated crime. Drug abuse and poverty are often linked in multiple ways. 3 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264235151-6-en 28ee014c6d78b47946e65b868c61b4a5 They also offer preferential loans to develop projects of production and storage facilities for such purpose. These loans could be up to 70% of project value and last at most 12 years. The financial support provided for these loans is the difference of payment between interest rate of commercial loans and that of state credit for development (currently 10.8% per annum). These preferential loans are channelled through five designated state-owned commercial banks, namely VBARD, Mekong Housing Bank, Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Investment and Development of Viet Nam, Viet Nam Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Industry and Trade and Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Foreign Trade of Viet Nam (MARD, 2014b). 2 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/47f7e4f3-en 28ee161bc07a603871f234407ef6761d For example, the knowledge about indigenous peoples in different countries within subregions varies greatly. Five subregions are conventionally categorized as western, south-eastern, southern eastern and central Asian subregion. The regions include a multitude of indigenous groups who comprise 70 per cent of the estimated 350 million indigenous peoples worldwide. 3 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264226319-6-en 28f6ee4da3de4ce83512e5b03532d692 However, compared with the international average, twice as many primary teachers in Mexico participate in formal induction programmes if they have access to them. Even for the teachers who do have access, very few participate in mentoring. In most countries, primary teachers receive peer support from elsewhere. 4 0 3 1.0 10.1787/0ec26947-en 28f87f4dfed9bae511a98b81da08c129 In Figure 4, the cases are clustered in categories of action that all account to addressing the three main challenges described in section 2. , One of blockchain technology’s most promising applications is the idea of a decentralised financing platform for infrastructure. Chapter 3.1 of this report presents an original case study on this subject. 9 1 4 0.6 10.18356/584f8730-en 28f91ca9d15c5b19267b8aa5e7254c52 For example, the Republic of Korea suspended production in the Kaesung Industrial Zone in February 2016 to protest nuclear testing by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. On the outlook for the future, the economy is likely to experience a slowdown in 2016, mainly due to China’s lower demand for minerals. Growth performance was, nonetheless, weaker than expected amid the economic slowdown in China which constrained business investment and exports. 8 0 5 1.0 10.14217/9781848599574-8-en 28fc386c773664b02a1631a79c36eb04 In addition, the Secretariat of the Pacific Community regularly convenes meetings of senior planners and statisticians in the region, to guide regional support for improving national-level statistical databases, that are feasible and sustainable, but which also respond to the needs of policy-makers and planners. Through this process it offers opportunities for building on aspects of the Forum Compact of sharing lessons learned and promoting south-south co-operation and knowledge management. Critical to the success of this recommendation is agreement within governments of which an agency or agencies are responsible for leadership and implementation of the various policy objectives. The NSDPG also offers opportunities for drawing on lessons from other regions, which can be facilitated by the Commonwealth Secretariat. 10 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/8b5b7646-en 28fdfabb5c08f4c401f53b0e6e741406 As a result, the quality and sales of shea butter have risen substantially, and Coprokazan and AMP were able to continue their work, using the additional revenue they made. Farmers with access to accurate information on the use of inputs, as well as on yield results for different crops, are better positioned to take decisions on what to plant the following year. Women who are in charge of farm management can be helped to improve the smallholding's economic sustainability by using simple software, In addition, weather stations, pest traps, suitable irrigation and sensors to measure soil moisture can all help to reduce the cost and use of agricultural inputs, achieving greater environmental sustainability as a result. 5 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/5jlwm62b3bvh-en 28ffd370c85d0545a1ea6ee18bb517be Team learning, therefore, is not collaborative learning per se, but the collective learning of minds coming together. Neuroscience confirms that we learn through social interaction (Dumont, Istance and Benavides, 2010) as knowledge is socially constructed, and socio-cultural theories also highlight the importance of learning through par ticipating in communities of practice (Wenger, 1998) - reflecting what learning science informs us about effective learning of students, so a SLO encourages collaborative work and collective learning among its staff. This makes teaching more than a process experienced by professionally isolated individuals in their respective classrooms and instead enables a professional growth process in which teachers learn from and with each other by sharing of knowledge and expertise (Husband and Short, 1994; Kruse and Louis, 1997; Newmann, King and Youngs, 2000). But teamwork and collaboration can be shallow. 4 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264292697-3-en 2902175d95b4c7ea30dfa9e6ffe1da3f The expansion of technology, particularly the advent of digitalisation, presents new opportunities and challenges to prepare students to be lifelong and lifewide learners. Students now need to not only learn information but also understand how to use it, they need to interact successfully and respectfully with others, and take responsible actions and work together towards collective well-being. Equipping students with these skills requires innovation and a change in the approaches towards teaching and learning. 4 0 9 1.0 10.1787/eco/surveys-esp-2010-7-en 29041a888c185d894c61196690614ae1 Access to water is fundamental for productivity in agriculture in most of Spain, contributing 55% to total agricultural value added. While some new irrigation projects, for example in the Ebro river basin, were maintained in the revised national hydrological plan (2005-08), the government does not expect further expansion. Water abstractions for irrigation remained broadly constant until 2004. These developments resulted in a 9% reduction of irrigation water application rates between 1990-92 and 2002-04. 6 0 3 1.0 10.14217/9781848599178-8-en 290654a669a603a1c63486bd730d0a3b As a consequence, low-carbon growth as an alternative to ‘business as usual’ is fast becoming the preferred model for major economies in both developed and developing countries. Its relevance lies in the fact that one of the objectives of low-carbon growth of the green economy is to manage risks posed by global warming and climate change, and to take advantage of the opportunities that they offer in terms of new technology development and greater efficiency in industrial processes. It has now been clearly demonstrated that sustainable development makes economic sense, as more jobs are created and the externalities that traditional models of development generate are limited. 12 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264277335-7-en 2906e03a36962994aef0aa2f8395d25b The process could be made more effective if the performance of new teachers was assessed jointly by the school principal and a qualified external authority, such as the school supervisor or regional pedagogical advisor. Once clear terms for the probation appraisal are established, Costa Rica could introduce a requirement that all teachers must complete the probation to a satisfactory standard before being confirmed in a permanent post. In most countries, probation typically takes place alongside a structured induction programme. 4 0 7 1.0 10.18356/5f92cb4f-en 2908b74f1ad598ae97a02087ade2932c The hub project will identify, document and disseminate best management practices in order to inform regional and national policies and to upscale and out-scale viable approaches at the national level. Partner countries are Burkina Faso, Burundi, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Swaziland, the United Republic of Tanzania and Uganda. Availability of resources is not the only constraint many developing countries face, however. 13 6 3 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5jz159228n6j-en 29094faeac35848447d5f5c1125dc8b6 As regards patented drugs, preferred drug lists are used in the United States only, as insurers negotiate discounts with manufacturers. There is evidence that preferred drug lists have led to cost savings, as pharmaceutical companies lower prices to avoid going off list (Kibicho and Pinkerton 2012; Elzinga and Mills 1997). The fundholder is expected to be to obtain services at the best price/quality ration or suffer the consequences of budget over-runs. 3 2 3 0.2 10.18356/973d5b65-en 290c22e8eec481ae91d9453d57bd4a59 The architects and families developed a unit configuration that provided residents with the most essential 'half' of the housing unit; the remaining components were incrementally expanded and customized by the residents. After only one year, property values increased dramatically and residents reported the desire to stay and continue to improve their homes and strengthen their community. The mixed-income residential development incorporates urban agriculture into affordable housing practices. Via Verde brings together residents of varying income levels to engage in civic management in on-site community service programmes. 11 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.18356/c45e5372-en 290cccf721087d8cfd64f720caf883b2 Companies with appropriate certification can register as diverse suppliers in a Supplier Diversity Registration Portal. Its global Supplier Inclusion and Diversity programme started in 2002 in the United States and now spans more than 16 countries and three regions. The focus is to integrate more women-owned businesses into supply chains. 5 1 7 0.75 10.1787/9789264119284-4-en 290decb6c2683073b63af2e242b08558 The Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management is the line ministry, a ministry with specific responsibility for strategy, planning and priority setting for water resources. This includes irrigation water for agriculture, wastewater treatment, cooling water for industry and the water quality of the main water bodies. The Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment is the line ministry responsible for water services (i.e. water supply for households and industry) and sewage.3 A closer look at their prerogatives shows that such ministries embrace a wide diversity of areas, including transport, public works, water management, housing, spatial planning and the environment. This may in fact be equivalent to having six different ministerial departments or agencies, with a silo approach not only between but also within ministries if co-ordination tools are not set-up. 6 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/e3c757bd-en 290f73f3beca8d08996187b28f6dbf77 This is especially noticeable in sub-Saharan Africa, which experiences the highest level of food insecurity, affecting almost 30 per cent of the population. Conflict and fragility have also worsened food security and are often compounded by floods and droughts, both of which can devastate crops and harvests. Water-related ecosystems include wetlands, rivers, aquifers and lakes, and sustain a high level of biodiversity and life. 6 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264237056-8-en 2910f55025c88749e1bb9d26089f3579 Data for Indonesia represent 2011 and for China represent 2010. The challenge facing Brazil in this area is largely rooted in the fact the quality of instruction and teachers lagged behind the growing number of students involving large teachers’ hiring over a relatively short period of time. The policies should be oriented at setting uniform standards for teachers, funding of teachers’ training and learning materials, linking teachers’ pay with performance more strongly rather than with the seniority status. 2 3 0 1.0 10.18356/22758cf4-en 2911a61d01484e3df5573be317b57dd9 It is the most important breeding site for Dalmatian Pelican, with more than 1,100 pairs, about 18% of the world population of this vulnerable species included in the IUCN Red List. This affected natural ecosystems and made shoreline areas less attractive for tourists. Combined with increased nutrients input, this has led to increased eutro-phication. 6 3 1 0.5 10.18356/31959a6d-en 29127def7e81b999b87c8e887a4fe882 "To Share or Not to Share: That is the Question."" Volume 2: Gender, Politics, and Financial Stability. R. Holzmann, E. Palmer and D. Robalino (Eds.).Washington, DC: World Bank. The Political Economy of Pension Reform in Europe."" In Handbook of Ageing and the Social Sciences. R. Binstock and L. George (Eds.).San Diego, CA: Academic Press." 5 2 3 0.2 10.1787/9789264119284-6-en 291619b010f796f6d91128ff1d9bd24e The additional energy is sold to the national power grid, at a profit to the builders. This allows them to further reduce the costs of the desalinated water-product (thereby further increasing their score). Third, builders who choose to rely on the national power grid rather than building their own natural gas system are required to pay half of the construction costs of such a power system to the government. Thus, they save only half the construction cost of a power plant. 6 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264279322-4-en 29188d55fb55db6b52fff61464424003 The six countries have amended or adopted new constitutions since 2011 that incorporate the principles of gender equality or non-discrimination. They recognise that the participation of women in the economy is key for growth and shared prosperity. This recognition at the constitutional level sends a strong and encouraging signal. As it is incorporated and implemented through the domestic legal framework, it will facilitate women’s involvement in the economy. 5 0 4 1.0 10.18356/eca72908-en 291e45ba3d58dbcd14876fd9497d0f49 A good example is the case of Medellin, Colombia, which being spread over a valley and overhanging hills is one of the most spatially divided cities in the world. Since then, five cable car lines link the poor barrios located on steep inclines to the rest of the city, providing quick, safe transit for commuting workers and vendors and providing a sense of civic belonging to one single urban space. For instance, informal settlements or slums are not just an expression of economic exclusion (the poor unable to afford formal land/ housing), but can also be produced at the intersection of these various forms of exclusion (Chapter 5 “Just” Environmental Sustainabilities). 11 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264027862-12-en 291fef8c6e48972332d63f5ab0ffdff2 Policies that increase and improve family contact are also essential as well as policies to prevent and respond to sexual harassment and rape of male and female prisoners. Female prisoners are likely to find strip searches particularly traumatic, and policies regarding strip searching should be separately and carefully formulated as it regards male and female prisoners. Other matters to be considered include: arrangements for privacy when people are required to remove their clothing; privacy in toilets and showers; use of private locks on cells; provision of hygiene items for women; and minimising indignity in the way urine and other samples are collected for drug testing. Poor prison conditions, lack of proper care and facilities, and the high level of stress that accompanies incarceration may place at risk both the health of a pregnant woman and that of her unborn child. Pregnant women should only be held in prison in the most extreme circumstances, such as when there is a concrete threat of violent crime. Special provisions should be made for ante and post-natal care and treatment, and babies should not be born in prison. 5 2 3 0.2 10.1787/5js1qwkz2p9s-en 292a3014a375f8da6c77c70ef3578b3a Alcohol abuse is a cause of presenteeism. The after-effects of heavy drinking include inability to concentrate at work, deterioration in job performance and relationships with colleagues, higher safety risks and reduced overall output. These in turn can lead to disputes, grievances, loss of working time and reduced productivity (ILO, 2012). 3 0 4 1.0 10.1787/5km4knxj9tf3-en 292aabf85b55465576c22d307adc432a Although these comments refer specifically to the World Bank, it would not be unreasonable to assume that other donors are also experiencing similar issues relating to M&E in general, and related to CDE specifically. As well, poor linkages between environment and other ministries in government can result in poor coordination and non-complementary or competing objectives. This is a challenge for donors, since ideally energy policy should be integrated with key national policies such as Poverty Reduction Strategies, Economic Development Strategies, and other national policies. It is vital that donors’ support strategies and policies are harmonised, and that they work together to avoid duplication. Given the diversity of the energy sector, and the wide economic reach of the sector, this can be a challenging goal. This may be especially the case in the area of subsidy removal. 7 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264300279-en 292b649e76b7f229af110555b7f9b8bb The trial period for open-ended contracts remains short, at 90 days for most workers (OECD, 2014e). Income taxes, social security contributions, payroll taxes, and other hiring costs create a wedge between what it costs to hire a worker, and what the worker takes home as disposable income. When this wedge becomes too high, it can become too costly for a firm to hire a worker. It can also become insufficiently rewarding for a worker to work or to upskill. 4 7 0 1.0 10.1787/9789264188617-en 292c7b49974c6c115614efb451a8cefb In addition to domestic back-up capabilities, international interconnections thus play an important role in maintaining the supply and demand balance. In some cases, this allows countries to gain reciprocal benefits from complementary structures of both production and demand. French nuclear baseload production exported around the clock can thus be exchanged against German or Swiss electricity produced by wind, gas or hydropower at peak times. 7 0 4 1.0 10.1787/5k46dbzhrkhl-en 292cff680da029487df574307758f4a2 Monitoring will be important, and it is encouraging that the CRGE will be building up a national data centre: this will need to cover the breadth of inclusive green growth criteria above. While a monitoring and statistical system that assesses linked human and ecosystem wellbeing may be missing and is far-off, Ethiopia’s separate environment and development/poverty monitoring systems could now be encouraged to find areas of convergence. The CRGE’s international strategy is aimed at attracting international climate finance and support from development partners. 13 2 6 0.5 10.1787/f7e0c69c-en 292d24070324bc1bd8dea4223b12c8a3 Although our results are robust to specifications and estimators changes, caution should be applied in their interpretation, in particular regarding causality. For example, OLS regressions of Model 1 will give results that do not correspond to the causal effect of discriminatory social institutions on subjective well-being levels: upward or downward biases are possible. Hence, we interpret our results as robust correlates. 5 7 2 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/9789264096356-en 292da18ef2d38fa7c06bbf36a82d70cf Liberalisation and an increasing share of renewables created more volatile production patterns and have made load management a greater challenge. Vertical separation has brought new responsibilities and financial constraints. New technologies such as real time metering and “smart grids” offer new opportunities for clients but their integration and financing creates put the mangers of transport infrastructures to the test. 7 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.18356/9b4421ad-en 292df3e39e96a7db3fd7abc2f30922d2 En lugar de centrarse en una critica (por otro lado muy necesaria) de los mercados detrabajoyen los elevados costos humanos.socialesy financieros de la migracion, este estudio pretende dar voz a las subjetividades de las mujeres migrantes en Nepal, dado que, por el momento, este aspecto no ha recibido tanta atencion. El estudio pone de manifiesto las razones que tienen estas mujeres para emprender la migracion internacional y sus esfuerzos por adquirir capacidades que les permitan ganarse la vida en el contexto de la globalization. Sus experiencias revelan como se aprovecha la experiencia migratoria para (re) negociar el papel de estas mujeres en el seno de sus familias y comunidades, asi como para cuestionar el estigmay la mistificacion que todavia hoyacompahan a la migracion de las mujeres. In recent decades, with rising new demands for cheap labour worldwide, along with the continued inadequacy of rural employment opportunities and increased connectivity, increased male outmigration has brought transformation at many levels, including in gender power relations. 5 0 3 1.0 10.6027/9789289349437-7-en 29330733ce49a13698f52aeb2104754b The retreat of the ice sheet formed a variety of post-glacial formations, like De Geer moraines, a specific feature of the Kvarken Archipelago. The High Coast, on the other hand, is known for its high islands and steep shores, characteristics very different as compared to its eastern counterpart that displays totally contrasting features-shallow waters and big boulders. Maintaining traditional land use forms, preserving the built heritage linked to the fishing communities, and documenting traditions like seal hunting, form the basis for displaying the rich history of the region. 8 4 3 0.14285714285714285 10.18356/92a064e5-en 293539159874fe17f32fe069c99f9d42 While the increase is modest as a percentage change, it is considerable in coverage when viewed as a net number. This reflects the high population growth rates in Arab countries and the importance of pursing water-related investments for increased service provision for the un-served as well as keeping pace with population growth trends.27 Figure 8 compares access to drinking water from the “piped on premises” source (or house connection), other improved sources and unimproved sources for the years 1990 and 2011. Despite the lack of complete data sets for all Arab countries, available national averages were used in calculating the regional average in order to compare and report on the progress of access to drinking water sources and sanitation facilities in the Arab region during the period 1990-2011. It is therefore important to highlight that the presented number of population with access to improved water sources and sanitation facilities at the regional level are approximate. 6 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5kgj0d3vzcth-en 2937533f8b0c30a34c4db07e2e5744e1 As has been highlighted, industry good bodies are one of the principal providers of market information and analysis for farmers (section 1.5). As discussed earlier, these bodies are part of the National Adverse Events Committee and participate in the assessment of adverse events and the establishment of any eventual government assistance to farmers. Finally, in the wheat sector the only function of the industry' good body is to act as the farmers’ agent in contracting yield insurance with the commercial insurer. The primary role of the government has been to develop and enforce basic rules and regulations, and to ensure that the economic system remains competitive and the macro-economic framework stable. 2 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5k912j389bf0-en 29377386224b0a5f75cf98cf2790a93e The exhibit shows the treatment costs, additional health care spending and cost per additional life year associated with ten promising medical innovations. Treatment costs refer to the costs of providing the listed breakthrough technology and are based on comparisons with existing technologies as identified by expert panels. Costs per additional life year do not include improvements in morbidity and disability during a Irfeti me and hence should be thought of as upper bounds on a cost-effectiveness ratio. 3 0 4 1.0 10.18356/73c3a080-en 29387dbe605be7e2a3a46f73306f4be4 "Such technological changes are occurring at a very rapid pace for an industry accustomed to planning on a 30-40-year time horizon, creating significant uncertainty (Bharath Jairaj, 2016). At the same time, the entry of actors new to the electricity sector, and the active engagement of consumers as a result of these new technologies, raises multiple technical, commercial and regulatory issues, requiring a “whole-system"" approach and fresh thinking about electricity supply chains. The loT is defined by the International Telecommunications Union as a global infrastructure for the information society, enabling advanced services by interconnecting (physical and virtual) things, based on existing and evolving interoperable ICTs." 7 3 2 0.2 10.1787/5k483jn5j1lv-en 293a84246649e0b3e29f89dec7ec5eec The frameworks are aimed at improving comparability. Therefore they include definitions, guidance on reporting boundaries, and methods on how to measure each indicator. They also include guidance on the concept of comparability itself - e.g., that methods used to calculate data and underlying assumptions to prepare the information should be used in a consistent manner over time. 12 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264209503-4-en 293d3560f6523e933c35f13903d6cdfa Improvements in climate resilience can support development, while inclusive development can help to build climate resilience. Achieving this will not only mean climate-proofing existing development pathways, but also considering how the pathways themselves may need to change in light of the challenges posed by climate change. This chapter outlines the need for climate-resilient development, which provides a strategic approach to addressing current vulnerabilities while preparing for the effects of a changing climate. 13 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264088986-en 293e0ec89e2639d5d66b510e0d7c4479 Technology Transfer Offices should be strengthened and organised at an arms length from the university in order to be managed as a quasi market service reporting to the university but independent from it. Incentives for higher education institutions should be strengthened to increase their capacity to act as technology transfer “agents” to bring non-local knowledge to the region and to create community partnerships. Incentives for higher education institutions and their staff to engage in local and regional development should be developed. The government should seek to encourage greater collaboration between higher education institutions through joint investments in R&D facilities and incentive programmes. 4 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/3726edff-en 293e9d157861a283b2f02966427090f3 While not being specifically classified in the CRS as research activities, it can be argued that these activities support STI development, and therefore should be included in the analysis of external support towards STI. This included activities supporting the understanding and use of ICTs and broader projects such as the FHI360 Mobile Solutions Technical Assistance and Research (mSTAR), a technical assistance and research program, which aims to fostering rapid adoption and scale-up of digital finance, digital inclusion and mobile data in developing countries. Many of these additional activities have an ICT or technology component, but are classified in the CRS according to a different sector, e.g. the mSTAR project is classified as “Business support services and institutions”. 9 0 4 1.0 10.18356/7dc03c54-en 293ee1ca9138e0a16376d45d4f830111 Expertgruppen for Bistandsanalys, 2014:03, Sweden, February 2015. Article 2 of the Declaration forbids discrimination based on sex (meaning the biological and physiological characteristics defining males and females, not gender32), race, language, politics, religion and other social categories. Although the Declaration is not binding, it is referenced as the foundation document establishing a global normative framework and enshrining the protection and promotion of universal human rights. 5 1 4 0.6 10.1787/9789264259157-7-en 2942683bceabfb2534c518d191c9a1dc The models assume that, after labour market entry at the age of 20, a woman with two children aged 2 and 4 interrupts her career for up to ten years between 30 and 40 years old, then resumes full-time employment up to the national retirement age. The indicator illustrated is the ratio between the pension entitlement of that woman and the pension entitlement of a woman with two children who works a full career without interruption - which is the baseline in the figure. The pension entitlements are forward-looking and assume that the pension rules of the year 2014 will apply throughout the worker’s career until she reaches the standard pension age in her country. 5 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.18356/006c0b6d-en 29444ffde5380ee9b4a2266ea97bdb64 "The transportation sector, ""other energy” category and buildings account for 14 per cent, 9.6 per cent, and 6.4 per cent, respectively. Emissions from the agriculture, forestry, and other land use (AFOLU) category represent 24 per cent of global GHG emissions, some in the form of methane and nitrous oxide. In addition, clearance of forests for agricultural expansion or mining projects releases C02 to the atmosphere, thus also contributing to climate change. For example, heatwaves, floods, hurricanes and rising sea levels and sea temperatures destroy crops or reduce crop yields and fish production." 13 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/208cb99e-en 29486269109f75e0de82f4e4bf73b345 "Data visualization examples include maps, poverty composition graphics, bubble charts of incidence and intensity, and so on. Because the MPI is additive and decomposable, and because the data it uses are directly comparable across populations, the MPI, headcount ratio (percentage of people who are poor), intensity (average deprivation score among poor people), as well as all indicator levels and trends can be disaggregated by any subgroup for which the data are representative, such as subnational region, ethnic group, age group, or other social categories. This supports the SDG goal of ""leaving no one behind"" and seeing whether the poorest groups are catching up over time." 1 1 3 0.5 10.1787/5jm0xdx0b06g-en 294a383f280fb5b8f5d7e3d1e8cc6a24 Although in Chile mandatory contributions of self-employed were expected to start in 2016, it is under discussion a proposal to implement it gradually since 2018. The Chilean government set up an expert commission (Comision Asesora Presidencial sobre el Sistema de Pensiones) to assess the pension system, identifying its strengths and limitations, and elaborate a set of remedies (Bravo et al., The commission examined a wide range of issues, but focused particularly on the large number of future pensioners who have low contribution densities and low replacement rate that the pension system have. 5 3 0 1.0 10.1787/5kg51nfc1321-en 2951791e58669aa728f49a529436a898 As the number of these types of systems increases, there will be an increased market size for a larger number and wider range of such end-use technologies. Patterns of travel vary tremendously around the world, as do the levels of travel per capita.18 Given high car ownership levels in OECD countries, an average of around 5 000 kilometres per year is travelled by car (except in OECD Pacific). In emerging economies and developing countries, no country or region has been found with more than 5 000 km of travel overall, across all modes (Figure 10). 7 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/5kmfp51f5f9t-en 2951c5f4443f9174ea2b0019e74a2cea Fourth, amenable mortality, like longevity indicators, does not account for health care interventions aimed at improving the quality of life without prolonging it (e.g. pain relief therapies and mental care). To reduce this data gap, the OECD's Health Care Quality Indicators (HCQI) project, that started in 2001, is developing a set of indicators (Garcia Armesto etal., The 2009 edition of Health at a Glance presents a selection of 23 HCQIs, including screening, survival and mortality rates for selected cancers, vaccination rates and avoidable in-patient admission rates for several chronic conditions. 3 0 7 1.0 10.18356/73d010ed-en 2953595f81bed836c2c3dda14d3a7302 In these cases, the most informative indicators for gender inequity are differentials in primary education, access to credit and property rights. Some of these studies focus on long-term determinants of productivity growth and supply, while some of them model the maximization of producers' profits based on the selection of a suitable level of human capital, whose availability is reduced by the failure of potentially productive people to enter the market (Esteve-Volart, 2004). These studies take the non-inclusion of women in employment as a distortion that reduces the total sum of talent, in the case of employees, and lowers productivity, in the case of unequal access to technology and other production resources (Blackden and others, 2007). 5 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/5022b3a0-en 2956c4444ef0f5d43362bc0c54fa0d67 And second, it is key to minimize the mismatches between new opportunities created by the growth process and die level and structure of endowments of die poorest groups. However, it may not be adequate to help die most disadvantaged groups via growth alone. This would require context specific complementary policies to remove the constraints that prevent them from accessing and benefit from the emerging opportunities. 1 0 3 1.0 10.18356/2d07fa8a-en 29571bc97b73b874b1fbf4c7ae09a2e1 Producer organizations can help build farmers' skills; provide information and knowledge; help them tackle legal issues, certification and registration; and give them some voice in national and sometimes international fora. Governments can support producer organizations by providing enabling conditions and a supporting policy and legal framework as well as economic incentives (FAO, 2012). Among the better-known producer organizations is the Indian Dairy Cooperatives Network. 2 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264235151-4-en 29597f63e44a1b621c890a6943c097b7 Responsibilities and functions of different agencies as well as of different levels of administration should be clarified to improve the effectiveness of public programmes in meeting stated objectives. Coherent data on budgetary support to agriculture combining support from all sources, including various ministries, central and provincial governments, and overseas development assistance are missing. While data on budgetary expenditures on key programmes under the responsibility of MARD are publicly available, data on expenditures to support agriculture from other sources remain sporadic and not necessarily defined in a way allowing comparisons over time and matching them with other funds targeting the same objective. Moreover, while data on budgeted amounts are occasionally released, data on amounts actually spent are missing. 2 2 2 0.0 10.1787/9789264190658-11-en 2959948b9b2e3d06d66be29bc40317a9 The information reported by Israeli school principals as presented refers to the time before implementation of the new system and relates mainly to informal appraisal processes at a local level. It was established in 1990 to: 1) provide elements of the Education and Library Boards’ training programmes which can most effectively be undertaken on a regional basis; 2) undertake responsibility for the longterm management training of principals and senior staff of schools; and 3) provide training for school governors and for Education and Library Boards’ staff and its members. The arrangements for professional support are envisaged to transfer to the new Education and Skills Authority from 2013 onwards (Department of Education, Northern Ireland (forthcoming). Congruence between principal evaluation and performance standards”, International Journal of Leadership in Education, Vol. 4 0 9 1.0 10.30875/717fbf8e-en 296121251b175eafee24d05fc650c7a3 The figure shows that, although both farm and non-farm activities actually increased their consumption levels over time, people involved in non-farm activities are on average characterized by higher consumption levels than farmers (the highest consumption is registered by households involved in non-traded non farm), followed by export industries and import-competing manufacturing (and, more recently, by export crops). Conversely, households involved in rice production (actually the vast majority of sampled ones, see Table A.2) show, on average, the lowest level of real per capita consumption. This is consistent with the fact that incidence of poverty is lower in nonfarm sectors than in farm sectors (with the exception of farm main-exports and non-traded crops) and fell sharply in households engaged in non-traded farm activities. 1 1 3 0.5 10.1787/5jzb44nmnbd2-en 2964151e734568130c4d7a1a067f23ba To assess the effectiveness of projects in reducing longer-term vulnerability, the Fund tracks headline numbers such as “number of people with reduced risk to extreme weather events.” Thus, adaptation interventions often use results frameworks that contain indicators that are relevant to broader development objectives. While some sources of climate finance have a narrow focus, e.g. specifically on climate impacts, others are much broader. 13 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264187894-6-en 2966d1d5dbfee4484539fb5fa48c0055 The programme is being implemented with the support of the Inter American Development Bank, WWF and the Fundacion Gonzalo Rio Arronte, and is also focusing on establishing and protecting eflow reserves for the environment and reducing the vulnerability of river basins to climate change. During that time, up until the 1970s, water rights allocation was essentially done on a “first come, first served basis” and it was shaped around strong social concepts of equity. The water licenses granted by the country were allocated based on the pre-20th century economy, and did not foresee the huge demands the new economy would stake. 6 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5js3926d54d7-en 2967f5c819a88b87d2cca625d3b4927b For this variable, the 2010 value is taken, since civil liberties achievement is a progressive and dynamic process measured by a categorical variable that cannot be calculated with averages or sums. Time-invariant variables are obtained from the CEPII's Gravity Dataset (Head et al., This variable comes from the COW database. 5 5 2 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/5bbcdeac-en 296aab60d4406d866e6147da75162cac Depending on the type of commodity and its extraction processes, heat can also be an important energy need, for example, in the electro-winning of metals from ores (Philibert, 2017). In the past decade alone, the prices of crude oil and oil products saw a number of peaks. In 2008, prices reached an all-time high, followed by a fall, and another rise in 2011, remaining high until a new decline started in 2014, leading to record low prices in 2016. Given that energy costs can represent up to 30% of mining companies’ operating costs (Soliman et al., 7 3 5 0.25 10.1787/9789264090415-6-en 296eaf6504f331243532c0d63d99dfbc In addition, international co-operation for EAF needs to be strengthened. Furthermore, the Korean government has made practical efforts to manage and recover fishery resources through the Fish Stock Rebuilding Plan, community-based fishery management systems and the active participation of fishers. Those measures that were implemented have had different effects on other fishery resources, and have become less efficient in managing the resources and aiding their recovery from over fishing. 14 0 6 1.0 10.6027/9789289347204-5-en 296eb43a088679e3c8789c590dbf89fe "We will henceforth referto estimates based on only these emissions as ""restrictive"". In many cases, the C02 may be transported with the gas to a downstream processing facility and separated and released there (i. When these fields are included, total emissions in the reporting countries rise to 48.7 Mt in 2013." 7 3 1 0.5 10.18356/215d0d56-en 296f13092688504947e193a9aa3ba78f Low-regret interventions reduce peoples vulnerability, including to climate hazards, while contributing to the closure of development gaps that remain. This could generate a virtuous cycle of lower vulnerabilities and exposure, better socioeconomic opportunities and outcomes, and a greater resilience of livelihoods to climate. The various facets of these objectives are well reflected in the Sustainable Development Goals, which constitute an important global framework for national policy decision-making. However, meeting the goals of sustainable development and climate resilience will require a systemic improvement in policymaking systems, particularly in those countries where population groups are most exposed and most vulnerable to climate hazards. 13 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264179370-6-en 29725eeba0442244c5b91c24eee7aec3 However, women are significantly less likely to work as employers in those three countries. Figure IV.A1.2 shows that this is true of all European countries, except Luxembourg. Figure IV.A1.3 shows the proportion of female- and male-owned enterprises in three size classes of the number of persons employed (1-4, 5-9, 10 or more). 5 0 7 1.0 10.1787/pension/glance-2013-5-en 297421f795697cddcb5d1134c8b06a07 The list in Saunders and Wong (2012) comprises 17 items, ranging from clothing, medical needs, housing, social participation, and savings to car insurance and holidays. The authors stress that the list reflects community views rather than the decisions of experts and researchers. For example, the 2008 Ontario material deprivation survey (OMDS) prompted respondents who did not possess listed items to state whether it was because the household could not afford them. It covers around 38 000 people in more than 40 countries (see Boarini and Mira d’Ercole, 2006). 1 0 3 1.0 10.1787/rev/fish-2015-18-en 29772033c9123f1563e9656cd80feb4d Nevertheless, the rise in operating costs and increased competition are weighing on the financial position of French fisheries businesses. Moreover, the fisheries trade balance remains in deficit. The introduction on 1 January 2015 of the initial provisions of the landing obligation will require more detailed catch documentation. 14 1 3 0.5 10.1787/5jrqcn5fpv0v-en 297793c6ee563277436591a8206ac517 The idea is to match comparable people based on their individual characteristics to create two groups (the treatment group -chronically-ill people- and the control group -non-chronically-ill people), and then compare the labour market outcomes in the two groups. For instance, Cawley (2004) uses this technique in examining differences between siblings or twins. Two main types of matching are generally employed: the exact matching or the propensity score matching (PSM). 3 0 3 1.0 10.18356/d91c28bf-en 297d4aa5264da5ba6e181f3816b4c004 Measures are needed to address the disadvantages which the poor face in every aspect of their lives and livelihoods - in social networks and access to land and capital, in reducing vulnerability and uncertainty as well as enabling opportunity. Such measures must have at their heart efforts to raise the capabilities and capacity of the poor, through formal and informal education and through information resources at the point of need. These give the poor opportunities to take the enhancement of their livelihoods into their own hands. 9 4 0 1.0 10.1787/9789264179011-7-en 297ed19434027a98f07ca9a6d4aad3bd For example, imports of cereals do not have VAT applied but processed cereals such as flour do. Similarly, raw fruit and vegetables do not have VAT applied but preserved products do. In terms of agriculture related products, the only luxury tax levied is a rate of 10% on some milk products and 40% on alcoholic beverages. 2 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264285637-6-en 297faeb0c1466fbbed093e3a85f6fc6e It considers the level and distribution of resources within the education system and reviews the main time trends. It analyses the operation of the school grants system and considers both its strengths and challenges. Special attention is paid to incentives for effective use of school funding and the accountability mechanisms in place to achieve it. 4 0 7 1.0 10.18356/31959a6d-en 2984f887db64e78346b7f2156fdee1ed This system is called notional (or non-financial) defined contribution (NDC) and was implemented in countries including Italy, Latvia, Poland and Sweden. The NDC system is similar to individual accounts in that the benefits reflect lifetime contributions and consider the number of years during which workers are expected to collect benefits (life expectancy on retirement). However, unlike individual accounts, NDC systems are publicly administered and involve no financial accumulation. Instead, revenues from workers’ contributions continue to be directed to pay for benefits in a PAYG model. 5 8 1 0.7777777777777778 10.18356/c530cc54-en 2988aea8bb7232ba8d2604dc6fb945a0 Ghana School Feeding Programme; Programme Document 2007-2010, Accra: Government of Ghana. The Evolution of Social Protection Policy in Ghana's 'Fourth Republic': Contributory social insurance reform and limited social assistance for the 'extreme poor' under NPP and NDC governments, 2000-2014, CapeTown: Centre for Social Sience Research, University of CapeTown. Handbook on Poverty and Inequality, Washington DC: World Bank Publications. Pol ideas sociais, (Vol 15), Brasilia: Instituto de Pesquisa Economica Aplicada. 1 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264281707-9-en 2989b45208f3cc78c24136ef844f8644 Is there a clear legal definition of water entitlements? Are appropriate abstraction charges in place for all users that reflect the impact of the abstraction on resource availability for other users and the environment? Are obligations related to return flow's and discharges properly specified and enforced? 6 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264298576-19-en 298a9887982d0363d39eccd96caa7261 There are a range of water management authorities at regional and local levels, notably in Albania and Kosovo. All ministries of agriculture except those in Bosnia and Herzegovina provide some form of support to farmers to purchase individual irrigation machinery and equipment, such as water pumps, (drip) irrigation pipes and sprinklers. However, this support is rather limited, sometimes only enough to install an irrigation system on about a hectare. 2 2 2 0.0 10.18356/60243856-en 298b327604c8d5e8a4d7580ce3aeaf0b As such, the targets in place to monitor the progress made in these areas cover the following: resilient and upgraded infrastructure; inclusive and sustainable industrialization; financial support for small-scale enterprises; enhanced scientific research; development of domestic technology; and increased access to information and communications technology. First issues concerning reliable infrastructure with respect to the movement of passengers and freight will be discussed, with a focus on port container traffic and passenger movement by air. Next, issues pertaining to progress in research will be addressed by examining changes in countries' expenditure on research with respect to GDP and the nuber of researchers per capita over time in the region. 9 1 3 0.5 10.18356/2c271815-en 298c1a40736f228baf512ef038c3f400 Thus, between 2008 and 2013 the trend was for a more marked increase in home Internet access in the more developed countries. In the case of Brazil, for example, the absolute difference between the two in 2008 was 65 percentage points (70.52-5.36). In 2013, it was 60 percentage points (80.76-21.05). Thus, 60-65 = -5 percentage points. 1 7 2 0.5555555555555556 10.18356/5ff49553-en 298c6596c78568436ad7ba4a5882ce8a Compacts are agreements at various levels that seek to generate institutions in the broadest sense, that is to say, a set of rules or patterns of behaviour around which the expectations of social and political actors converge, and that effectively structure or coordinate their interactions. These compacts must change the policy and incentive framework to transform the existing structure and old institutions. They are a new point of social and political engagement for the stakeholders to achieve a collective vision on a path of high productivity with equality and environmental sustainability. 10 1 4 0.6 10.1787/9789264248908-6-en 298fb3165cdca799c711036c54b2e839 Increased participation in health promotion activities and development of disease management programmes for chronic conditions have also been observed as strategies to reduce future treatment costs. Second, insurers have been more active in pushing for lower prices when contracting with individual providers, an outcome facilitated by the low level of vertical integration. The cost-containment measures adopted by Dutch health insurers do not seem to have had negative effects in terms of the quality of care provided. 3 0 9 1.0 10.1787/cf14d4b5-en 2991e78d47dd1651888a2537f2dae7c1 Consolidation of polytechnics is expected to accelerate moving forward, including reducing fragmentation across campuses within single institutions. Finland also began merging government research institutes with higher education institutions in 2015, and should be reinforced through 2017-2020 performance agreements. The Strategic Research Council has also promoted greater collaborations between these bodies. 4 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264191761-en 299425ec643a4bf9b42e2a7ef93e082b Cotton is cultivated in South Kazakhstan and rice in Kzylorda, both of which depend on irrigation systems based on the Syrdarya River. Almaty oblast has mixed farming with both irrigated agriculture in the south and rain-fed agriculture in the eastern foothills. For example, wheat yields vary strongly within the northern grain region; in the parts of North Kazakhstan and Kostanay adjacent to the Russian border, with more reliable rainfall and better soils, wheat yields are two to three times greater than in the southern part of Kostanay oblast or in Akmola oblast. From 1993 to 1998, there was a pronounced downward trend in both crop and livestock output. The only years when positive growth occurred were the good grain harvest years of 1992 and 1999. 2 0 7 1.0 10.6027/f76e337c-en 29991bc9821a9491989f68621ec82dd5 With the application of pesticides, a negative correlation will eventually develop between the amount of pesticides used and the availability of skylark food resources. As such, the food availability is considered to be a result of the chemical environment of the skylark breeding site. Nest site quality depends rather on the physical environment of the skylark breeding site. If it is assumed that the nest site quality can be measured in terms of the survival rate of eggs and nestlings and that survival can be expected to increase if the nest is located in suitable vegetation outside the arable fields, then nest site quality will be correlated with the availability of natural habitats in the agricultural landscape. 15 2 3 0.2 10.18356/5c639880-en 2999c735f474c582d84b6a7519fdef9a Collection is organized mainly in urban areas, while rural areas are less well covered. The majority of local governments have equipment and vehicles for waste collection, but various vehicles are used, ranging from specialized waste collection vehicles with a press to ordinary trucks and tractors with a trailer. Only the bigger cities have specialized waste management companies. 12 0 4 1.0 10.1787/5jrs8sv4jt6k-en 299a61dca24b784220b13be197c454f4 Some of these countries have made a clear distinction between small and large farms in their policy design. They are in addition all included in the PSE database which provides information about spending on related policy instruments. After comparing the five countries and analysing how each distributes resources among its programmes, main findings are drawn and policy conclusions are presented. 2 5 2 0.42857142857142855 10.14217/9781848591271-5-en 299af75c80cac0b5adabddc57d46416d All decisions relating to the education of disabled students should lead to a high standard of education for such students, as reflected in improved educational outcomes and the best possible quality of life, for example as outlined in the UK's Every Child Matters outcomes for children and young people. The rights of disabled students to a quality education and to be treated with respect and dignity should be honoured. National curricula and assessment regimes should be accessible to disabled students, taking account of the principles of universal design for learning. 4 0 7 1.0 10.18356/2d07fa8a-en 299ba84521879387ec832668e8cd1292 Furthermore, agricultural insurance schemes are not widespread due to the myriad of associated information problems. Index-based insurance schemes can help overcome some of these problems. Most common are weather index-based schemes, where the contracts are based on deviations from some weather-related index, such as rainfall overtime. 2 0 3 1.0 10.1787/18a859bf-en 299d6ef7d548f717a0153251b19bd338 "The information on climate-related development finance presented in this paper is derived from the analysis of data contained in the DAC Credit Reporting System (CRS) database, using the Rio marker methodology. The Rio Conventions were established in 1992 on Climate Change, Biological Diversity and Desertification. Developed country Parties committed to assist developing countries in the implementation of these Conventions. The Rio markers use a scoring system of three values, in which development cooperation activities are “marked” as targeting the environment or the Rio Conventions as the “principal"" objective or a “significant"" objective, or as not targeting the objective." 13 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5jxsr7tt3qf4-en 29a9e00c537d88021d78f659102b6252 Various ‘‘drop-in fuels”, such as synthetic paraffinic kerosene (a substitute for jet fuel), which do not require blending with fossil fuels, are currently under development. Given the large size of fossil-fuel markets relative to the market for agricultural commodities, implications for agricultural markets are potentially significant (OECD, 2008). This analysis is undertaken in a forward-looking manner: alternative policy settings are compared with a baseline scenario that assumes current trends and policies to be continued to 2025. 2 5 2 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264235151-6-en 29aeaa16a0e583f325496868f0af4c9a The capacity of testing agencies is limited, leading to inconsistent enforcement that adds to uncertainty for foreign producers (Arita and Dyck, 2014). Depending on the product, these may include a certificate of free sale (CFS) from the competent authorities of the exporting country, stating that the product is produced and freely sold in the country of origin. In terms of agriculture, the goods affected are mostly non-food agriculture and fishery products but all products containing genetically modified materials, products that were irradiated, and products that were produced by new technologies require a CFS when imported to Viet Nam (WTO, 2013). 2 0 3 1.0 10.18356/a24ac2e3-en 29b048f8f96001d334089944d4a380bd The age groups are 0-23 months, 24-59 months, 5-14 years and 15-17 years. The younger age groups have 7 dimensions of deprivation while the older age groups have 6 dimensions. The deprivation rate is based on a threshold of 4 for children 0-59 months and 3 for children 5-17 years. The deprivation headcount is 60% in rural areas versus 16% in urban areas. 1 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.18356/63fef40d-en 29b14c84a982842d81c0feb3200090e8 As forests are lost, their capacity to sequester carbon is reduced. However, the extent to which the carbon loss due to tropical deforestation is offset by expanding forest areas and accumulating woody biomass in the boreal and temperate zones is disputed. Also relevant are biomass fires, including peatland fires and drained peatlands, which account for emissions of 0.3 and 0.9 GtC02-eq a year respectively). It retains biodiversity and ecosystem functions and, in large land areas, influences local weather patterns, which can have impacts on food production (Siikamaki and Newbold, 2012). Reduction of forest fires improves local air quality which has health benefits for communities living in and around forests Mery et al. 2 5 2 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/5kgkhnb9gpth-en 29b1901a5429c2179862f8d5317dc861 Since 1994, for example, an annual ecosystem status and trends document has been prepared to inform the fishery management process - especially with respect to stock assessments. Definition of a longer term apparent Pacific Decadal Oscillation (Mantua et al., These and other studies have led to detailed multi-national efforts to document climate variability in the Northeast Pacific through Fisheries-Oceanography Coordinated Investigations FOCI (Macklin, 1998), the North Pacific Science Organization (PICES), and the North Pacific Anadromous Fisheries Commission (NPAFC) (Beamish, ed. 14 0 4 1.0 10.18356/7d5576e0-en 29b28526a81def18944a4c108d332f16 This means that competitors of the data originator pharmaceutical producer must be prevented from obtaining the latter’s data through unfair commercial means (“misappropriation”),569 and of using it for unfair commercial advantage, such as to shorten the time and reduce the cost for reverse engineering. This leaves competitors free to either license existing data or to generate their own (such as through reverse engineering without unfair access to secret data), if the DRA so requires. In this connection, the generic producer is not obliged to submit to the DRA clinical data proving the safety and efficacy of his medicament, if he can show that the generic drug is bioequivalent to the originator product. 3 1 3 0.5 10.18356/9b4421ad-en 29b29787b558969b4d8c8767ae294f1d I had completed 10 years of schooling, so I joined high school, which I have completed successfully. I am positive that with my work experience and qualification I can get a good job and provide a good future to my children.” As noted above, a symbolic capital of honour39 is attached to household ability to control women’s mobility: the higher the status of the household, the less the freedom to leave it and be seen outside alone. In Nepal, things are changing fast and women have always been involved in agriculture at the farmhouse level. 5 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/5js1j18znzs4-en 29b61d6aa818f61068af9176366a0e67 In 2014, the government selected seven provinces to host pilot markets for trade in water rights. The existence of the “governor’s grain bag policy”, whereby each provincial governor must ensure grain demand and supply is balanced within their province, may constrain the ability of provinces to produce the most appropriate crops given local water endowments. For example, under this policy, relatively dry provinces still need to produce water-intensive crops such as rice. In future, grain quotas at the provincial level should evolve to better reflect water availability. Other types of infrastructure such as transport, electricity and IT networks will also be important to enable agricultural producers to lift productivity and to connect those wishing to pursue off-farm work or education with desirable locations. 2 1 3 0.5 10.1787/785f021c-en 29b76b11d926fe309bf4326a61508b64 Small low-income countries, in particular, often cannot rely only on domestic demand and supply of inputs and human capital; hence, regional policies and a focus on regional integration may pay off in terms of developing a sustainable industrial sector by enabling access to larger markets (UNIDO, 2009). Box 3.1 illustrates an example of UNIDO's support for trade facilitation and regional integration through the establishment and capacity development of a regional accreditation body. While low-tech industries such as food and beverages might only involve a limited number of stages of production in the value chain, medium- or high-tech industries (like automotive or machinery) often entail a high number of value adding activities for the production ofthe final good. 9 0 3 1.0 10.1787/c69de229-en 29b81faea08352d9eca1f2ce65c5de26 Column 2 describes the poverty rate if there were no single-parent jobless households. The following columns consider different scenarios regarding the situation of families with two parents. This scenario indicates that poverty reduction would occur if working par ents were not penalized for job quality or received benefits to compensate for this penalty. In Table 4, the order of magnitude of the reduction in child poverty rates induced by the different scenarios depends on the proportion of the population represented by each family category. To complement this information, the reduction in poverty rates that can be expected within each category is presented in Table 5 (for single-parent families) and Table 6 (for two-parent families). Across all scenarios, the poverty line is unchanged at its current level, which makes it possible to estimate the benefit of a change in the employment status of parents. 1 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264265493-6-en 29b8878054fb8225dcbbd9ac4f8d8673 Many young women are lost in the transition from secondary education to tertiary education or the labour market, and girls and women are underrepresented in potentially lucrative fields such as science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Nearly 60% of working w'omen are trapped in informal jobs without social protection - a rate that has changed little over the past decade. Poverty rates are especially pronounced for rural and indigenous w'omen. 5 0 4 1.0 10.18356/425ac0ec-en 29bb4aeb8e8af977ccb4e405f3d6fddd Social protection often provides marginalized groups with their first contact with the State and their first awareness of their status and rights as citizens, fostering social cohesion and inclusion. Basic social security for all would contribute to the achievement of all the Millennium Development Goals. Experimentation with social protection measures has also provided important lessons for developing both long term social protection strategies and responses to crises and their aftermath. 5 3 1 0.5 10.1787/9789264245174-7-en 29c07718d2d11886506ad937c2c7df66 Activities carried out by the CAMe will be supported by federal yearly funds (MXN 42 million in 2015), and a fund integrated with resources allocated by state-level governments from the inspection and maintenance programmes. This mechanism substituted for the funds allocated to the CAM from the gasoline charge. The public enterprise Ruta 100 was dissolved in 1995, mostly because of financial problems, and the industry turned back to private operators. 11 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/e27ce3a7-en 29c32eb9afa02e3dad32b3dbe5c340ad This proportion increased by 5 percentage points between 2006 and 2012, but it had no noticeable effect on market and disposable income. This lack of effect may be related to the decline of maternal employment mainly for mothers with low-income jobs whose remuneration only marginally impacts the overall standard of living of poor families. Unlike data for other countries, the Korean data do not facilitate the identification of changes in job quality - measured by industry and occupation. 1 1 3 0.5 10.1787/5js30tvj21hh-en 29c98339bcb70e08f51dab4a93953d16 Therefore a three steps approach was chosen. Then these sub-populations were narrowed down to those that differ significantly between at least two of the four regions. To judge whether two given shares of a variable are substantially distinct, both the statistical significance of the differences and their order of magnitude was used. 5 7 2 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/9789264279421-8-en 29c98a4e41cb336085720ccb65b50373 For students from disadvantaged backgrounds in Australia, Canada and New Zealand, this performance penalty was higher than the OECD average. Disadvantaged students in Australia, Canada and New Zealand were also more likely to arrive late for school than disadvantaged students in other countries. In New Zealand, more than one in two socio-economically disadvantaged students reported having arrived late for school at least once in the two weeks before the PISA test. In some countries, disadvantaged students may have no private means of transportation to school and may need to use public transport or be responsible for getting themselves to school, even at a young age. 4 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264287457-3-en 29c9a1e82782d9167c14971cd521fcc8 Prior to exploring the action that countries have taken to address issues of equity, it is crucial to understand which factors affect individual life outcomes, in order to identify areas of intervention for policy makers. This report presents a conceptual framework that captures various factors affecting individual life outcomes on three levels: namely, individual backgrounds, learning environments, and socio-economic and political contexts (Figure 1.2). The framework highlights comprehensive and multidimensional factors affecting outcomes that are not confined to parents’ socio-economic status. 4 6 3 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9ce809d8-en 29cb23793f8b4f6a49ceb9c9d35c43e3 Under this assumption, real GDP would reach ETB 1.13 trillion at the end of the GTP II period and ETB 2.1 trillion by 2025/26. Under a fast-growth scenario, real GDP would approach ETB 2.3 trillion by 2025/26. As a result, the first and third scenarios (low and fast growth) are used in this chapter for the purposes of projecting key variables, including public expenditure, public revenue and social protection expenditure relative to GDP. 1 4 5 0.1111111111111111 10.18356/914e7bcc-en 29cfff994744499bc3be444f01b9a807 Understanding the dynamics of masculinity and femininity is pivotal to bringing about progressive gender change and building more equal societies in conflict and in peace. In peacetime as well as war gender is structural to the definition of ethnicity and culture. In contemporary Western societies, minority groups have often claimed rights on the base of their ethnicity. 5 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264191761-en 29d14419ae3f459812c7119987fdb40e Today, it is by far the largest crediting agency for publicly supported investment projects in the agro-food sector. Investment grants would be limited to several “priority” areas of investment. These programmes are implemented under the umbrella of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade. Public support in this case is provided in the form of interest rate subsidies on investment credit. 2 0 4 1.0 10.18356/3fe10a08-en 29d26e31268ebfd6a843a27e44e4c464 The programme of making further reductions in subsidies has been halted now. The economy is estimated to have contracted by 0.9% in 2012 compared with its 4% growth rate in 2011. To promote economic self-sufficiency, the Government discouraged the export of agricultural goods, such as wheat, flour and sugar, and industrial products, including steel, aluminium and other metals. The Government is prioritizing investment in the oil and gas sectors to arrest falling output. 8 0 3 1.0 10.1787/eag-2018-7-en 29d3a3ba26c6a9d2096565b4128b90f6 Over past decades, almost all OECD countries have seen significant increases in educational attainment, especially among the young and among women. The size and the characteristics of this group vary across countries, and it is important to analyse these elements to better understand the composition of a country’s population. It is also important to consider how a country’s geographic location or proximity to other countries affects the demographics of the country’s foreign-born population. 4 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/5kgglrw4n7s0-en 29d5da40fe85cc32f02d021b960ce2f8 Large areas of about 500 000 km2 between Mumbai and Bhopal and in Gujarat are covered by thick basalt layers. If basalt is shown to be a suitable cap rock, it is estimated that this would allow storage of 300 Gt C02 (Sonde, 2007). Three of the nine sites designated so far for UMPP projects are on the coast not far from these potential storage areas.13 For inland sites relying on domestic coal, additional costs of USD 5/tC02 for transporting the C02 are expected compared to coastal sites (Mott MacDonald, 2008). Gas consumption has been rapidly growing at a rate of 8% between 1990 and 2009. 7 1 3 0.5 10.18356/c45e5372-en 29d90ef362cca69cc988584577dbcda2 It conducts gender sensitization training of officials dealing with women in trade for customs, licensing and inspection. ( More details on the work of MATRADE can be found in Annex II.) The organization supports their members - women coffee growers, roasters, exporters and buyers - to achieve the best quality in producing and processing ot coftee. 5 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264298576-19-en 29d94dcebb900164c723f2bc21a92c44 Moreover, irrigation is becoming an important measure for adapting to climate change, given the expected increase in air and soil temperatures and lower rainfall. However, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro have very low shares of land equipped for irrigation: just 0.1% and 1% respectively. While irrigation systems are being modernised and most commercial farms use drip or low-pressure sprinkler irrigation, many small-scale farmers still use less efficient water conveyance and application systems, such as open canals and surface irrigation. Across the economies, irrigation infrastructure is addressed in either or both their strategies on water, and on agriculture and rural development. 2 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264224636-7-en 29dd5d3faac870eb169d82577d3a96a6 At the time of writing, the government was finalising the establishment of an independent body with all of the recognised prerogatives of an ombuds office. Some 70% of those cases involve social security or pensions, and over the previous four years, 65% of cases have been resolved. The remaining 30% concern employees of the Ministiy of Finance who have been dismissed, passed over for promotion or arbitrarily transferred. Each equal opportunities unit meets periodically with the National Council for Women. 5 5 4 0.1111111111111111 10.14217/9781848590823-19-en 29de99018bdc88d1e5cdcdd833c54831 Another is the highly sectoral organisation of the public administration system, in which water resources management responsibilities are scattered amongst a plethora of government departments and statutory authorities that restricts the systematic application of these official policies. The dichotomisation of policies and fragmentation of responsibility is clear. The EMA (2004) also noted that there is no co-ordinating mechanism to ensure that all relevant agencies are operating consistently with these policies, or to make use of synergies or manage tradeoffs among their objectives. Finally, the discordance in policy and action arises from the non-existence of practice in the public sector to monitor and evaluate outcomes and impacts of activities on water resources management. 6 1 5 0.6666666666666666 10.1787/eco/surveys-prt-2014-6-en 29deb3a981a28a3128ec34f361138513 The monthly minimum income threshold value for each adult equivalent was EUR 189.52. For a family consisting of two adults and two children, the RSI would lift the monthly income to EUR 568 if the household’s own resources fell below that level. The two reforms reduced the weight of adults beyond the first one to 0.5 and the weight for each child to 0.3. 1 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264254473-8-en 29e01ffbd47ff6b2a224871d36105e1f Montenegro’s lower secondary school network has the most advanced integration of entrepreneurial learning into its curricula, perhaps in part due to the size of the school network. It is one of the few' countries to have organised specific training on entrepreneurial learning for school management and teachers. The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia has also included entrepreneurship as a compulsory part of the curriculum in secondary education (both as a separate subject and cross-curricular competence) and has begun training teachers and school management. 4 0 4 1.0 10.18356/f501027d-en 29e078639a68cdfa7162c1508671aacb Increasing productivity in agriculture and industrializing the rural sector will therefore be vital to strengthening domestic demand. In this respect, productivity gains need to be shared more equally with workers. Thus, increases in productivity must be coupled with commensurate increases in real wages to enhance the well-being of societies. 9 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264258211-6-en 29e6f9b7ee9f7c546729328420f8326b The indicators are a mix of measures for procedural quality (e.g. number of HbAlc tests) and intermediate outcomes (e.g. share of diabetics below HbAlc thresholds). They also include cholesterol thresholds and indicators to measure the intake of statins and aspirin among diabetics at high risk of developing cardiovascular diseases (CNAMTS, 2014; Cashin et al., The bonus payments GPs can generate through the ROSP accounted for 4.1% of total GP payment in 2014 (Rapport de la Commission des comptes de la securite sociale, 2015). In 2015, the average bonus was around EUR 6 800 (CNAMTS, 2016). 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264190658-11-en 29e8f37a4e02270313b8a9e12d42868e Recently, the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) developed a national set of professional standards for school principals to provide a national framework for use in all of the country’s schools and education systems as a step towards a more consistent nationwide approach. The National Professional Standard for Principals aims to define the role of school principals and to unify the profession nationally, to describe the professional practice of school principals in a common language and to make explicit the role of quality school leadership for improving learning outcomes. The national content standard is designed to assist in attracting, developing and supporting aspiring and practising school principals. 4 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5jlz3kbf7pzv-en 29ead41fbd5d693f5568ebb856da8567 Countries should consider improving reporting of these categories by all means. As they will continue to face budget constraints and ever-increasing financing needs, policy-makers might have to operate choices concerning the range of benefits covered or the level of coverage of covered benefits. Yet, increasing cost-sharing and restricting the range of benefits covered to priority areas to be covered collectively are not equivalent choices in a society. 3 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264301016-8-en 29ec2e71ca0a226eb67c52ae712a2aff In recent years in the UK and Europe, there lias been an increase in the amount of business being carried out by outsourcing companies that broker waste management and facilities management services. There are numerous operating models involving different combinations of: wholly municipal-operated services; wholly private sector delivered services; joint public and private services; publicly-owned municipal services. These can operate together with or alongside the activities of micro and small enterprises, community-based organisations, non-governmental organisations and the informal sector. 12 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.18356/08e82310-en 29ec55cb011b129310f9e4244a574b70 Accidents that took place in the past at the Bor tailings pond have deposited tailings at the rivcrbanks. An accidental pollution incident resulted in severe contamination of over 40 km2 of the most fertile agricultural land along the banks of Borska and Timok Rivers in Serbia and in Bulgaria (4.5 km3) by heavy metals and other toxic substances. Old plans for the re-cultivation of the contaminated soils have not yet been realized due to financial constraints. 6 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/aeo-2012-8-en 29ed2b920380c265175968bf52d7627a In Uganda, for example, although wage jobs grew at 13% every year between 2003 and 2006, they only accounted for one out of five of the new jobs created (World Bank, 2011c). According to Gallup World Poll data only 21% of those aged under 30 with at least secondary education work for the government, compared to 37% among adults aged 30 and over, or almost double. In many countries, this discrepancy is even larger. 8 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264097803-10-en 29eff581258b80edb918583680aba4f0 Cyberjaya in Malaysia was built between the new national airport and Kuala Lumpur, with fast road and rail links to the airport and high quality communications infrastructure to attract international ICT companies. Biotechnology is one sectoral focus -often fostered by regional biotech strategies. In Germany, regions developed strategies as part of their participation in the national BioRegio initiative. North Carolina State University’s Centennial Campus is being developed around four main technologies which lie at the heart of the university’s strategy - IT, genomics/biotech, advanced materials and environmental technologies. The different objectives can work against each other, such as those relating to innovation and technology transfer being undermined by commercial expediency in filling space. The strictness of criteria for entry will be weighed against the market premium for space rental based on tenant quality. 9 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264269064-7-en 29f0e38682b4298bb8585d6e3dde787b Virginia’s Nutrient Credit Exchange has proven to be an effective mechanism for facilitating compliance trading between point sources with permanent phosphorus offsets selling for upwards of USD 20 000/pound, largely generated by land conversion activities. Maryland’s nutrient trading program has yet to experience any trades. This is likely due to a lack of binding regulations, which may have led to uncertainty and risk for regulated entities to purchase credits in lieu of addressing requirements onsite. Because of the long ecosystem response-time delays associated with nutrient reductions, water quality improvements in Chesapeake Bay, and the effectiveness of the water quality trading programmes, are yet to be verified. 6 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/ec606c8a-en 29f22f29f3d9101b83e63401d1b52f60 Even if the need for integrated and coherent approaches to address the multiple threats to the oceans is well understood, there is no State, organization or other institution that bears the overall management responsibility for ABNJ, and the current regulation and institutional arrangements, with the exception of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), are sectoral in nature. Thus the decision by the United Nations General Assembly in resolution 69/292 to establish a preparatory committee to provide the Assembly with recommendations on the elements of a draft text of an international legally binding instrument under UNCLOS on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity of ABNJ presents an opportunity to greatly improve ocean governance. This is due in large part to the considerable practical difficulties of implementation, including the availability of suitable information and lack of analytical and scientific tools to support the process. 14 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5k94hdlll7vk-en 29f387e511d24fecef5e6d43ac46c6f7 In countries such as Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Mongolia, the Philippines and Viet Nam, despite the high unemployment rate among college graduates, vocational training paths are not chosen and high school graduates and their parents value academic studies over vocational studies and aim at white collar jobs unrelated to industry demands. To improve the status of vocational training and attract youth to where there is demand, competency based training is needed. A National Qualification System (NQS) needs to be constructed. 4 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264259157-6-en 29f76dcf3c53f10fc9022164c5c1b5b4 As recently as 2002, only around 30% of Korea children aged between 0 to 6 years old used child care or preschool facilities. Between 2002 and 2012, ECEC participation rates among the 0-to-6s grew at an average rate of 3.5 percentage points per year, with the proportion using child care or preschool more than doubling over the same period. Although growth has slow'ed slightly in the past couple of years, more than 66% of children under age 6 were enrolled in some form of child care or preschool service in 2014. In large part, it has been driven by the scale of public financial assistance for parents using centre-based child care. 5 3 0 1.0 10.1787/journal/dev-v10-art16-en 29f96ad63bfaf481d99cf741d2212924 Indirectly women play an even more important role through their support for poor family members in rural areas. A garment worker received an average monthly wage of USD 60 in 2004. Such workers send about half of their monthly wages to their families back home, typically supporting another four or five members. 1 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264238701-5-en 29faba8f030effc41a4955f56dc2ee84 "Illegal wells are frequent in some of the large agricultural groundwater-using regions, thus preventing other groundw'ater measures to be effective in reducing pressure on an aquifer (see Chapter 4 for details). Development and the Environment: The Implications of Agricultural Electricity Subsidies in India"", The Journal of Environment & Development, Vol. Frontiers in water resource economics, Springer, New York. Water Markets for the 21s' Century: What Have We Learned?," 6 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.18356/ea3022e2-en 29fb7e73d1829b751a8a93d769a35d1f As part of this analysis, these variables are disaggregated by gender so that the differing responses of women and men to deindustrialization can be tracked. The level of remittances as a percentage of GDP was one of the independent variables that has been factored into the equations with a view to determining what role it plays in the labour market within a deindustrializing economic system. Section IV presents the results of estimates arrived at using cointegration equations to gauge the impact of deindustrialization on the behaviour of the labour market. Section V explores the role that deindustrialization may play in heightening social exclusion and the prevalence of violence. Over the period 1990-2013, the agricultural sector’s share of value added in GDP fell from 14.6% to 10.84%, while the services sector’s share expanded. 8 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264202733-6-en 29fb8713bc0a8499d5e54458ae4d0bd5 Access to banking services for women has increased over the years, even though this has favoured more urban women in more developed regions and socio-economic groups (Chavan, 2008). The Indian National Bank for Agricultural and Rural Development (NABARD) has various initiatives to promote the financial inclusion of women, for instance facilitating self-help groups (SHGs), which are mostly composed of women, to access credit from formal banking channels (NABARD, 2007). Similarly, many women face difficulties in accessing credit at sustainable interest rates. To alleviate this constraint, the government provides credit guarantees through the TRADE scheme, with a specific target for women-owned enterprises. 5 0 8 1.0 10.18356/3adc8369-en 29fc9c3dbf7863118ae69d751a0d31c0 This is seen to be necessary in order to devise integrated strategies and policies that foster synergies across different goals and explicitly address tensions and potential tradeoffs among them. The editions of the UN Global Sustainable Development Report published in 2015 and 2016 adopted the SDGs as an integrated network of goals as their basic framework (United Nations, 2015 and 2016a). Generic network maps of the SDGs were proposed in Le Blanc (2015). Systematic lists of relationships among the targets under one SDG and other SDGs have been published for SDG6 (UN-Water, 2016), SDG4 (Vladimirova and Le Blanc, 2016), and similar work is ongoing in other SDG areas (ICSU, forthcoming). 14 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264179820-5-en 29ffdd1d4114218b24684c4152a68b69 For instance, there is a risk that decisions at river basin level fail to take into account national policy priorities. This is the case when the costs of using the resource (including environmental or opportunity costs) are not reflected in the price paid by users. This is also the case when subsidies originate in non-water policies. 6 0 4 1.0 10.1787/5k49dv6c5xmv-en 2a00e60a6ae245ae7dba4a00d967c149 It handles more containers than Los Angeles and Long Beach combined, and three times as much as New York and New Jersey. Not surprisingly, trade, transportation and utilities activities are the largest single employer sector in the Chicago Tri-State metro-region, accounting for 23.1% of total employment in 2010 (Table 1.2). This sector includes air and ground passenger transportation as well as goods’ transportation services for which the Chicago Tri-State metro-region’s employment level and share of the US total have been growing over the past ten years. 7 4 1 0.6 10.18356/9bf8d10f-en 2a05032c0b46e298f8bab07376cace4d The lack of poor-friendly services at the facilities is another major factor impeding access to services. The health service institutions, particularly the public facilities, are allegedly not poor-friendly for a few reasons. In part, the service providers are not properly educated about patients’ rights, as this vital component is missing from the medical training curricula; doctors are also apathetic about their duties due to low salaries and a lack of incentives. Another reason may be that the facilities are overcrowded (due to the lack of a referral system), which overburdens the providers. 3 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264225817-8-en 2a0a93520dd92ef065c34fcd1eba2cc6 Data from England show a premature mortality rate among people with severe mental illness that is three-fold higher compared with the general population; in Australia a life expectancy gap of almost 16 years for males and 12 years for females has been observed (OECD, 2014a). This “excess mortality” is due to a complex combination of factors related to mental diagnosis and psychopathology, adverse side effects of psychotropic medication, lifestyle and health behaviours, professional attitudes and roles, and health system organisation and funding (OECD, 2014a). Japan would do well to explore the extent to which such health outcome and life expectancy differentials exist amongst the Japanese population with severe mental illness; the OECD reports on excess mortality for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, but Japan is not yet submitting data for this indicator due to the lack of regular data linkage as discussed in Chapter 1. Action is needed in order to properly address these disparities. 3 0 6 1.0 10.18356/17c619e3-en 2a0ddd8e8f3e816caaf867ded35c1156 According to the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), three-quarters of households without access to drinking water on their premises task women and girls with the primary responsibility to collect it (UNICEF, 2016). Although water collection routines vary in different parts of the world in terms of frequency, a study of time and water poverty in 25 Sub-Saharan African countries estimated that women spend at least 16 million hours a day collecting drinking water, while men spend 6 million hours, and children 4 million hours on the task (WHO/UNICEF, 2012). On average, “women devote one to three hours more a day to housework than men; two to ten times the amount of time a day to care (for children, elderly, and sick), and one to four hours less a day on market activities.” ( World Bank, 2012, p. 80). 6 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264200524-4-en 2a0f4a9a4de48816d13657f08dc2edbe Stronger legal basis and greater institutional capacity introduced in 1999 has been instrumental in improving co-ordination (Huisman et al., However, it is estimated that the Action Plan on Floods will cost EUR 12 billion by 2020 (ICPR, “Action Plan on Floods”, The agreement does not involve Turkey due to a breakdown in negotiations: AFED Report, 2010. 6 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264233775-6-en 2a1297c81b17a40a6175d9cf636e46ec These studies have been less successful at evaluating differences in the mental health of young people who are with or without the programme. However, some countries have initiated large randomised control trial (RCT) evaluations of programmes targeting disadvantaged youth. Two recent programmes are discussed: Australia’s “YP4 Programme in Victoria, and the United States’ nationwide “Youth Transition Demonstration Project”, which both produced mixed or insignificant results. Participants receiving treatment were assigned a case manager. 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264301757-8-en 2a14584270ac9bdf0a3660e2883cf7c8 It focuses on how well these levers are working and where new policy responses may be required. Evidence from formal evaluations, recent OECD reviews on related topics, as well as evidence gathered as part of the OECD review team's interviews and workshops with key stakeholders are used to ascertain the effectiveness of current policy approaches and to identify where gaps exist. The chapter also provides international examples that Norway may wish to consider when thinking about ways to better support the labour market relevance of its higher education system. 4 4 5 0.1111111111111111 10.18356/7707d4f1-en 2a16699c43ebed76fbd82932c5d54649 Romania's commitment to tackle climate change continued. It was the first annex I country, i.e. a developed country or a country in transition, to ratify the Kyoto Protocol, via Law No. The year of 1989 was selected instead of the standard 1990 because it was thought to better reflect Romania's potential economic output and hence its potential emissions. 13 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264191761-en 2a1a0bde0e9afa88ebfd2ca593326920 Packaging is largely basic (plastic bags, simple cups with lids) and only a small number have leased packaging equipment. Home dairy processing primarily occurs on household farms with up to four cows and produce up to 100 litres per day. Above these amounts, households encounter logistical problems in processing and marketing dairy products, and they sell their surplus milk to an intermediary or directly to a dairy with a collection scheme. This obliges farmers to process and market their entire milk production. 2 5 2 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/5jxrjncwxv6j-en 2a1b96aa725beea37887bf12e5053d50 "This work found that active spending is associated with higher growth, whereas more ""passive"" social spending is associated with lower growth. While the approach is different from the one followed here, it suggests that not all redistribution is necessarily equally good for growth. A further step in the empirical analysis is to look at the growth consequences of inequality in different parts of the income distribution (see also Voitchovsky, 2005)." 10 0 4 1.0 10.18356/55e1e2ba-en 2a1ddc649e7f13baafd80076ffbe3606 This led to a shared understanding of the need to integrate the gender perspective throughout the education system. If we are to change ideas about gender, we need to change the way we behave. We need to provide examples from day-to-day life because these are more important in the lives of children, unlike adults whose characters have already formed. 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5k3xn24zbqr4-en 2a23d6814ea588b87182f579f304d430 This is especially stressed in small firms whose financial information is opaque to the lending institution due to a greater degree of informality in management practices but also to more limited compliance requirements with rules and regulations. The lack of sufficient collaterals to guarantee the bank loan often makes access to credit even harder for SMEs. In theory, banks could put a higher premium on loans floated to firms for which they do not have sufficient information to assess the credit risk. But this would pull out safer borrowers and pull in riskier ones, resulting in adverse selection. 8 4 3 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264188617-en 2a27487a332e1c236a51232740beb6ca Of course, such a shift could be counteracted by appropriate carbon policies or higher gas prices. However, nuclear operators must be watchful to install the appropriate safeguards right from the start, as the revenue risks come both from the side of prices as well as quantities. The question is complex and is discussed in the following section. In any case, quantifying the economic costs of such dynamic, pecuniary system effects would have largely exceeded the objectives of the present study. 7 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264281318-24-en 2a2c5935de13eb47d9a9fee41557e288 However, the largest differences tend to be gender - rather than migration-related. And because such countries also have high overall rates of education, the gap between migrant and native women may stem from other causal factors. In a forthcoming publication, the OECD (2017) compares the employment rates of four cohorts of family migrants in Europe between 2014 and 2008. They were significantly higher among female family migrants in 2014 than in 2008 in all four cohorts. 5 0 9 1.0 10.18356/d72eb315-en 2a2e24926e7477e6566f5d9cfef6aa8c An expert workshop in Morocco in May 2015 discussed, validated and agreed on the project approach, methodology and issues to address in order to identify and quantify the current extent and impact of fisheries' discards throughout the world. The workshop also identified a range of potential data sources for the project. A global assessment of fisheries bycatch and discards. 14 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264211940-7-en 2a2f31687c502e6cb94145b099a9b9c3 The intention is to ensure that employers have a clear understanding of the competency mix and professional development needs in their schools. The competency files should also help create greater transparency about each teacher’s career development and potential, and ensure that all teachers meet minimum competency requirements. When there are indications that a school’s quality of educational provision may be at risk, the Inspectorate examines whether the school board has fulfilled this obligation. Based on the idea that teacher peers are best placed to evaluate teaching practice and provide constructive feedback, the peer review project comprises teams of teachers visiting each other’s schools and developing tools to observe and evaluate teaching practice. 4 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264286191-7-en 2a2f6dd26bb76f9d3dfe80e4adba253c Yet in the longer term, approaches which better address goals of green and inclusive growth should offer the surest paths to lasting and sustainable development for all urban areas. Addressing this challenge necessitates the timely application of a clear and workable urban policy framework. However, the adoption of ambitious national level urban policies since 2000s has not necessarily been successful at least in two ways. First, the succession of plans and programmes has introduced complexities that had the net effect of allowing ad hoc approaches to urban development to prevail. 11 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264191136-8-en 2a3299cf7573df8f9da3f40f5a2654b9 Once identified, gaps could be addressed either through an effective community nurse outreach scheme, or through appropriate training for care providers in long-term care settings. However, despite more frequent GP visits, low income patients still have worse health outcomes. Given the high access to GP services, this is likely to be due to lifestyle factors, treatment adherence, delays in diagnosis and referral. Considering that low-income groups are less likely to see a specialist in Denmark (see above), there may be disparities in referrals and treatment from GPs that warrants further examination. 3 0 4 1.0 11.1002/pub/80d1ac90-585ea8d4-en 2a34c015affc9549bfab324f817a7e50 Currently, some of the most extensive uses of the loT in developing countries are in projects where the objectives include the improvement of clean water delivery and/or sanitation. The wireless COMMON-Sense Net has been deployed over a small area of two acres to measure temperature, humidity, ambient light, and barometric pressure in rural Karnataka. Soil moisture has been measured with a special probe since April 2005.,4 Data from the sensors are visualized on the project's website for real-time monitoring. 15 4 5 0.1111111111111111 10.1787/9789264309470-en 2a36347c41c749c3cbd35c4dd968909c At the institutional level, the foundation of the 1ST Austria has been a prominent example of funding excellence. Recent initiatives are addressing a number of issues of relevance for research excellence across institutions. Developments that can be expected to contribute to overall research excellence include the increased university funding over the 2019-21 performance agreement period, disbursed under the new university funding model, an increase in the budget for competitive funding of basic research through FWF (albeit less than expected), and recent reforms towards an Austrian tenure-track model. 9 0 5 1.0 10.1787/9789264281653-5-en 2a370e382d30cc29e5eb2d80c4c77c20 Its second phase integrated a personal health record (containing diagnoses and treatments), with the national appointment system, for planned elective care. Importantly, EDUS also contains a “family” record for each individual, systematically recording broader determinants of health and well-being, such as other family members with complex illnesses, and any financial or housing difficulties. This allows a fuller assessment of the individual’s needs, as well as enabling local population health profiles to be built, and needs predicted. Future development will link EDUS to digital imaging, laboratoiy records, pharmacy records and in-patient clinical notes (nursing as well as medical). 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264282261-13-en 2a38752f0ef2f7b39f643af1fd9016ae "The 13th five-year plan (2016-2020) for fisheries development has come into effect and provides the main policy directions for fisheries'. It sets out policies for the ""‘transformation and upgrading” of the fisheries sector, which means accelerating the reform of fisheries management and providing a new industrial policy for the structure of the sector. The introduction of output controls in the form of Total Allowable Catch (TAC) is a priority." 14 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264191761-en 2a3d90d63ee06401c5fc62c8f9af2938 The role of productivity improvements is expected to progressively increase given the tightening of resource constraints for agriculture. Productivity growth is a prerequisite for sustained competitiveness and is thus critical for agricultural development. These relationships are recognised by the government of Kazakhstan; the essential task is to develop a set of policies to deliver the desired outcomes. They are not exhaustive but outline how Kazakhstan’s policies could be reoriented to achieve its agricultural growth objective more effectively and efficiently. These proposals are meant for consideration by Kazakhstan’s government in its future policy formulation and design of relevant policy instruments. 2 3 6 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/rev/fish-2015-30-en 2a4320b077459fb826640cfb8776fe79 The instrument is flexible, in the way that they can meet the vessel owmer’s individual needs. The principle of user pays -user gains is important, as it gives the vessel owners who utilise the instruments a direct benefit from their initial investment. In order to also balance between the different political objectives, there are some restrictions in place. 14 2 2 0.0 10.18356/899c7c48-en 2a461e4a2f07cf9ea325442809212c1f In Iceland, poverty rates for children in migrant households went up by 38ppt from 8% to 46%, compared with the increase of 19ppt (from 11% to 30%) for the rest. In Greece, poverty rates went up by 35ppt (from 42% to 77%) for children in migrant households, with the corresponding increase of 15ppt (from 20% to 35%) for the rest. By 2012 there were two countries where more than half of all children in migrant households were poor: Greece (77%) and Spain (62%). 1 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264168060-5-en 2a486fbe9c110d80c0a5db8db1a7a581 "About 70 000 km"" are inshore (estuarine and brackish waters and embayments), and about 170 000 km' are coastal offshore waters. In total, about 4% of estuarine/brackish water and about 5% of shelf area are affected globally by hypoxia of some type. This translates to losses in ecosystem services estimated to be billions of US dollars (Diaz, Rabalais and Breitburg, 2012)." 6 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/60a8d482-en 2a49d1662ab9b65fceda26e95ef785d1 Health providers have been trained, with support from UNFPA and the Auckland University of Technology, to follow a women-centred approach, allowing survivors to speak, finding solutions that they feel are safe for them and connecting them with other services. Special measures have been put in place to reach adolescents through community outreach, peer education and comprehensive sexuality education programmes. This connection is particularly visible in the case of care for people with HIV and AIDS. 5 0 3 1.0 10.18356/faf8a648-en 2a4a860f00bf75ceb5044e7061fd399c Those efforts usually require discrete but complementary top-down actions by governments. Some cases exist, however, in which a natural, market-led and bottom-up co-evolution of development occurred, as with the Kumasi Hub recycling project in Ghana. This vehicle repair and metal-working cluster in Suame, a constituency in the Kumasi Metropolitan district, is remarkable for its scale and the technical skills available. 7 4 0 1.0 10.1787/how/life-2013-8-en 2a4ba3395e8d8e115b8baa011d735d48 On average, in the countries covered, 19% of women (compared to 14% of men) reported getting support from their spouses in looking for a job, while 14% of them declared relying on a friend (compared to 21% of their male counterparts). However, significant variation exists across countries. In France, Finland, Ireland and Italy women tend to rely equally on both partners and friends, while in Austria, Germany, Hungary, the Netherlands, Sweden and the United Kingdom women report getting far stronger support from their spouses than from friends. 5 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264083578-11-en 2a4cdf1a2cd4251c08e26cef3f74ee89 Equation (2) also shows that any investment in infrastructure that increased national benefits by more than the cost of the investment is justified economically. In fact the economic value of these improvements are what can be used to pay for the investments. From the private financial view, it is the net present value of additional net farm income minus the cost of developing the infrastructure. For a national economic view it is the net present value of additional benefits from all water users minus the cost of developing the infrastructure. In irrigated systems, the optimum level of irrigation infrastructure differs for different levels of water availability, but only one level of irrigation capacity can be maintained in the short run once that capacity has been established. 6 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/5k92sn0f8dbt-en 2a51f99163c98fb081ccd8b68b41a02f Despite a higher C02 content, diesel is less taxed than petrol, contributing to a lower diesel price in Germany compared to other OECD countries. Also, many exemptions are targeted to energy intensive sectors and sectors exposed to international competition. For example, the eco tax is not applied to energy intensive industries and is refunded to export manufacturing firms under a peak equalization scheme which guarantees a refund of 90% of eco tax payments exceeding the relief on social contributions. Such tax exemptions aim at limiting the negative impact of the tax on firms' competitiveness. While concerns about international competitiveness are legitimate, the risk of competitiveness losses in some exempted enterprises is likely to be overstated (OECD, 201 If; Thone etal., 7 1 3 0.5 10.18356/76c9b151-en 2a5645346bb3ff64c12de81a51dbbcae These indicators are then cross multiplied and summed to estimate a given importer’s Pll. Given that our sample includes only 89 developing country exporters, including Mexico which became an OECD Member, including 33 LDCs (of 49), and the corresponding 10 importers, it is desirable to assess the degree to which these countries represent global population, poverty, and trade (for each importer). The importer’s share of imports represented implies the theoretical maximum Pll for that importer, because it is assumed that the share of income accruing to the poor in exporting developing countries was proportional to the imports (which may be considered optimistic). 1 2 4 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/saeo-2011-9-en 2a58821ec5bd978e0d8f2139dfb76822 Transport is another sector where GHG emission reduction can be made quickly. More fuel-efficient, environmentally friendly cars would lower GHG emissions. Such cars are more likely to be made and bought if taxes and subsidies encourage the production and purchase of green cars. The ministry works with the key on development planning agency, the National Economic and Social Development Board (NESDB) on climate issues. It is tasked to expand research and adaptation capabilities for climate change and to promote public awareness on climate change. Within the next five years, Thailand will focus on the alternative energy technology industry. 7 1 5 0.6666666666666666 10.6027/9789289352758-3-en 2a59b0e1a65fca54c5467dc406efe220 There is a clear need for increased coordination and exchange of information between actors; in particular between designers/brands/producers and sorters/ recycling companies and technicians developing new recycling technologies (Elander & Ljungkvist, 2016). A reliable supply of recyclable used textiles needs to be secured and the demand for fibres, yarns and fabrics with recycled-content needs to be increased. Of special interest are examples of full closed loops. This is explained in more detail in the next chapter. 12 0 4 1.0 10.18356/fa8ae033-en 2a5aff40fc962e684e2cdbaf70f9a0af These provide cash to households conditioned on their investment in their children’s education, health and nutrition. In most cases, CCTs are channelled through women heads of households, who are then responsible for compliance with the conditionalities. The conditionalities (often called ‘co-responsibilities’) refer to activities such as taking children for vaccinations and health check-ups and/or ensuring children’s attendance at school. In most cases, non-compliance with these requirements is penalized:sanctions range from warnings and temporary loss of benefits to permanent exclusion from the programme. 5 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264089457-en 2a5de76aca3f1f422c9bdd559dc3a431 Singapore has made the greatest improvements in this area, with publication intensity in the most recent period higher than both the United States and Japan. Malaysia has, nevertheless, consistently achieved the highest publication intensity among the ASEAN4 countries - Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines - and is more publication-intensive than both China and In dia. Over the last three decades, ASEAN4 countries have regularly increased their publication intensity. However, its level is very low compared to the newly industrialised economies in Asia (0.51% of world total publications for ASEAN4 as a whole and 0.14% market share for Malaysia) (Wong and Ho, 2009). 4 2 2 0.0 10.1787/9789264085374-14-en 2a5fc41be5d2d926bb1696e09e74f252 There is also attachment to horizontal connectedness, which defines Principle 7. Somewhat less apparent is the personalisation inherent in Principles 4 and 5, whether because it is viewed as less important or because they are understood as subsumed by the other learning principles. Measurement of students’ deep learning competency development differs greatly from the types of assessment common in education systems globally. 4 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264259157-6-en 2a60bd8f2c23ff0cb4a70e1a73749b44 Interestingly, the basic family policy schemes have changed little in the recent past, even after the fall of communism. Indeed, countries introduced paternal leave mainly upon pressure from the European Union and, except for Hungary, the cut support for nurseries so producing further obstacles to the resumption of work among mothers with children under 3 years of age. Sweden has historically encouraged women to work and could rely on a traditionally unified, highly regarded child care system of nurseries with no minimum age requirements. 5 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.18356/3400179e-en 2a6100a3fa82b678e01dd7c67016dc57 In doing so, special attention should be given to the anticipated changes to the natural environment brought about by climate change and the need to adjust crops to these new conditions. There is an urgent need to make agricultural production environmentally sustainable, while at the same time substantially raising productivity. Commodity exporters, in particular those exporting fuels, metals and minerals, face considerable challenges linked to the volatility of their real exchange rate, Dutch disease, high income inequality, strong dependence on imported food, environmental degradation, and lack of diversification. 1 4 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5jm56w6f918n-en 2a637b4432d8531f31510f1589cc5f2e Identifying progress towards such goals or efforts would require regular reporting by countries whose performance significantly contributes to meeting those efforts. For example, a commitment by “developed countries” to mobilise climate finance would logically lead to a commitment for all developed countries (rather than “Annex II” countries, as at present) to report on the climate finance they have mobilised. Similarly, identifying progress towards a commitment to long-term emission reductions would require information on current and projected emissions from all but the smallest emitters. 13 0 7 1.0 10.14217/9781848599574-13-en 2a678f26ee1012ffd2f13e781a70ad92 In its recent national plan, the Kiribati Development Plan 2016-19, the government has focused on improving infrastructure for the energy sector, including in renewables. The Kiribati Joint Implementation Plan on Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management notes the vulnerability of women, youth and children. In the past, Nauru’s economy was dependent on the phosphate industry, which also fuelled its energy demand. 7 2 2 0.0 10.1787/aeo-2016-14-en 2a6816f16ad852bc05c37be66da4caec There has been some progress over the past three decades in the fight against HIV/AIDS and the incidence rate has declined trend from 3.1% in 2010 to 2.23% in 2013, to 1.94% in 2015, but the HIV prevalence of 26% among 15-49 year olds is among the highest in the world. This has translated into increased health spending and high numbers of orphaned and vulnerable children requiring social protection. It is projected that the share of the population living in towns and cities will rise to 26.5% by 2030. 11 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/7aa2651d-en 2a68d4cc49846de8044afd3fe6a11e81 Governments can and do take steps that are remarkably successful in counteracting child poverty. ” The principal league tables of child poverty with which this report began provide one overview of the record of different governments in helping families to protect children from the sharpest edges of poverty. But the available data also allow more specific comparisons to be made. 1 0 5 1.0 10.6027/5bbb8fc8-en 2a69f4d758cb3f7afbdcaab66a860638 As shown in subchapter 2.1, these industries use more biofuels and electricity than their European competitors. First, using C02 intensity involves debatable assumptions about the C02 content in electricity. The European Commission uses an average C02 content across the EU which is much smaller than the marginal and actual C02 content. Thereby, they underestimate the risk of carbon leakage in industries using electricity. 7 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5km35m63qqvc-en 2a6d4bff19960c6ea9628fc08400683c Overall, two-thirds of non-regular workers are women. Data from business and labour force surveys since the 1990s (JILPT, 2009a) indicate that an increasing proportion of employers cite reducing labour costs as the most important reason for hiring non-regular employees, regardless of their particular category. Indeed, firms can save wage and non-wage costs by paying workers less on an hourly basis {e.g. in 2006, part-time workers were paid only 40% of hourly wages of full-time workers); by paying lower or no bonuses and retirement allowances; and by using current exemptions of certain worker categories from health, pension and El contributions. 8 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9ce809d8-en 2a72bd20992fb8a4573e1cc83a5314ad This slowdown was caused by the impact of the drought on the agricultural sector, which grew by 2.3% in that year, down from average annual growth of 6.6% over the previous five years. Due to the growth of the industrial and service sectors since 2000, this marked slowdown in agricultural output did not slow GDP growth by as much as it would have done in the past. However, this does not alter the fact that the drought put the health and livelihoods of millions of rural households at severe risk and required a massive increase in humanitarian relief to avert catastrophe. The proportion of the population below the poverty line fell from 45.5% in 1995/96 to 38.7% in 2004/05, 29.6% in 2010/11 and 23.5% in 2015/16. 1 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264287457-7-en 2a739475b0a270911190f6773a5aa16a Such efforts can help adults make informed decisions to prepare them to transition into the labour market (OECD, 2015b). Some countries establish physical centres where job seekers can come to speak to counsellors and learn about local employment or education opportunities. Canada boasts over 10,000 career guidance centres, and the province of Saskatchewan has developed a network of 20 centres to provide advice on finding jobs, changing careers and the education programmes that can help accomplish these goals (OECD, 2005). Virtual guidance centres can also be established through online platforms. 4 4 3 0.14285714285714285 10.18356/5eb5ad13-en 2a79ce0705fbbcf1435b11b9c0580723 Governments in 20 countries provided only indirect support for family planning through the private sector or non-governmental organizations. The remaining 17 Governments did not support family planning, including the Holy See, which did not allow family planning programmes or services within its jurisdiction. By contrast, the percentage of Governments in developed regions providing direct support for family planning declined from 58 per cent in 1976 to 38 per cent in 2005, but then increased to 45 per cent in 2013. Thus, Governments in developing regions were more than twice as likely as those in developed regions to provide direct support for family planning in 2013. 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/rev/fish-2011-26-en 2a7ca27c516da2c5deabc6c770237646 Total employment in all sectors was approximately 4100 persons in 2008. Professional personal fishing licenses for inland or marine fisheries were held by 1 800 persons; 379 were employed in aquaculture, and 1934 were employed in fish processing. The general principles governing national policy are established by a Parliament Act which authorises the Government to supplement the EU legislation and to regulate fishing outside the scope of the CFP. 14 0 3 1.0 10.18356/22b34fe3-en 2a7cec55860d50469d36d821fecfc935 This is especially true in the area of ICT and software which is rapidly evolving. There is a need for continuous adaptation to changing market conditions and emerging technology trends (for example, related to FOSS, mobile applications, cloud computing and Web 2.0 technologies). Given the crosscutting and multipurpose nature of software, with consequences for both public service delivery and business competitiveness, it is important to integrate the strategy effectively into the overall development plan. When designing the strategy, a natural starting point is to identify the development objectives towards which it should contribute. At this stage, a series of questions can be raised. What are the current status, strengths and weaknesses of the national software system? 9 1 5 0.6666666666666666 10.1787/persp/glob/dev-2012-8-en 2a7f70cdb5a78088e36c706a877821ef Demand for redistribution has increased in some of the same countries which have experienced growth in inequality. Figure 4.12 shows that in China and India the percentage of individuals who feel that there should be action to equalise incomes has increased since the early 1990s. The Russian Federation, a country which has undergone dramatic structural transformation in the last two decades, has seen inequality both rise and fall and a growing number of people feel that incomes should be made more equal. 10 0 9 1.0 10.1787/5jlz3kbf7pzv-en 2a8078d134606ce8051680a172d1a373 In this paper, this coverage is considered to be a “secondary source of coverage”. Depending on the scope of basic health coverage, on country-specific regulations and on demand for additional coverage, VHI as a secondary source of coverage covers cost-sharing left by basic coverage and/or benefits that are not covered by basic coverage. Hence, the boundary between what is “basic” and what is “additional” is not universal and varies across countries. 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264207585-3-en 2a81ad58bcce2aa4f635a845ea18cb88 Black and Hispanic adults are substantially over-represented in the low-skilled population. In the United States, the odds of being in poor health are four times greater for low-skilled adults than for those with the highest proficiency - double the average across participating countries. The results show that, overall, there is a reasonably close correlation between countries' performance across the successive PISA assessments and the proficiency of the corresponding age cohorts in literacy and numeracy in the Survey of Adult Skills. 4 1 4 0.6 10.1787/18a859bf-en 2a840cf424263797eb67f6409ae6325b Providers of development co-operation have experience in mainstreaming environment and climate activities in their development co-operation portfolios. The need to improve the sustainability of all development activities will necessarily imply an opportunity to integrate environment and climate into all activities. Among OECD DAC members, the majority have defined environment or climate change as basic pillars of their development strategies. Some countries have chosen to set specific targets for “green sectors” 1. 13 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.18356/3e6fd74f-en 2a844c228258e61fb167a17fa3fa60bd Care policies impact the balance of responsibilities among the family, the community, the State and the market and should seek to balance the resources allocated to each age group. Public policy impacts monetary and non-monetary transfers between generations; this is a complex aspect of the social contract for care. While there have been no substantial systemic changes, in some countries the consolidation of national systems and care service networks is making its way onto the policy agenda. In other countries the discussion centres on making care one of the pillars of social protection. 1 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264268791-5-en 2a84a22ef455ad4d244a9e25fb5cabcf It also establishes sectoral policies which have spatial implications in the areas of economic attractiveness and competition, transportation, local digital development, public services and finally, higher education and research. The Ministry of Housing and Territorial Equality also has an important role to play in shaping spatial policy objectives at the local level. This is a particularly French institution, although it also exists in Chile, w'here a national official exercises direct authority in parallel with local elected government on various matters, some of which have overlapping jurisdiction. 11 0 6 1.0 10.18356/b2f16918-en 2a86ed52dcf95370ca43ae622cc03320 As a result of the minimal storage capacity, most of the power produced must be immediately consumed as it is generated; otherwise, the system will become unstable. Still, the electricity market is driven by power consumption. Therefore, this balance is typically achieved through the control of power generation in order to follow electricity consumption6. While consumption can differ significantly on an hourly basis, individual power plants, depending on the technology used, require considerable time to ramp up and down generation, and thereby cannot match the swings in demand. 7 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/5jrp02kjw1mr-en 2a878a64ca724e1e5db72984bd2d79d1 A major difference is that the UNECE’s framework does not have support any particular policy agenda, and as such does not have any policy focus, and the indicators are selected and presented as a toolbox for National Statistics Offices. By contrast, the OECD's Framework is meant to be more operational and policy-based and builds on the UNECE toolbox. Therefore the two approaches can be considered as mutually supportive. Furthermore, they should also fulfil standard statistical requirements, e.g. come from official or other well-established sources, be defined in a comparable way, have data collected regularly and be timely. 8 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/ff87fd8d-en 2a879fe196a4858f286d4da994f52cb5 The Network of Networks on Impact Evaluation (NONIE), comprised of the OECD DAC Evaluation Network, the United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG), the Evaluation Cooperation Group (ECG), and the International Organisation for Cooperation in Evaluation (IOCE), was formed in 2006 to promote quality impact evaluations. The group has also developed NONIE guidance on impact evaluation (Leeuw and Vaessen, 2009). Systematic reviews examine the results of a synthesis of individual impact evaluation studies to identify general relationships and treatment effects. 15 3 0 1.0 10.18356/46a5795c-en 2a87e73f7a69fb63cadad2fac6cb5fa3 The target population for this indicator is the set of working-age employees below the statutory pensionable age, for example, 15 to 64. If data sources are used that do not provide information on employee age, the full set of data should be used. The scope of the numerator for this indicator is the set of employees contributing to an unemployment insurance scheme that provides entitlement to periodic cash unemployment benefits in case of unemployment. 8 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264235120-7-en 2a88e28c20fe7769a535926d6dd1b965 Results for countries using national panels added additional controls - industry, firm size and job tenure (for Australia, Germany and the United Kingdom). The wage differentials between other age/skill/contract groups can be obtained in a similar way. Table 4.4 provides information on annual changes of contract and the unadjusted rates of moving up/down or staying in the same earnings quintiles over any two consecutive years. 1 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264188617-en 2a8da8c104b7774a418564233df50309 All existing technologies experience a reduction of load factors. This reduction is relatively more significant for peak- and medium-load technologies than for baseload power plants since they are penalised by their high variable costs, which will push them out of the merit order. Finally, both electricity prices and C02 emissions decrease in the short term, due to the integration of a low marginal cost, low-carbon emitting technology, such as wind or solar. 7 0 3 1.0 10.1787/18a859bf-en 2a8ed5fd380db3a5924cbedff8a4e393 This could in turn enable public finance to provide more targeted support through grants for low carbon, climate resilient development in LDCs. This guidance suggests the need to increase the emphasis on gender mainstreaming and pro-poor, human rights-based approaches to development and climate action. Likewise, the role of social protection systems in safeguarding poor people from both the negative impacts of climate change and climate responses (e.g. rising energy or food costs) will also be a focus as the SDGs and climate policies are implemented. The 2015 agreements have direct implications for the work of development co-operation providers and for the use of development finance. 13 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/3f10390a-en 2a8f7c798c2863cd3ac310b3953baa9b In both Brazil and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, the distribution effect came to outstrip the growth effect, with its contribution rising from 45% to 55%, and it increased substantially in another three countries. While the changes observed are small in size, they do indicate that countries have scope to deal with adverse economic situations by safeguarding the living conditions of the most disadvantaged in society. Other income sources, particularly transfers, also contributed, but to a lesser degree. In the second period, however, transfers played a much more important role. In fact they were the main source of poverty reduction in Chile and Panama and played an important role in Argentina, Colombia and the Dominican Republic (see figure 1.5). 1 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/ed3c16ff-en 2a91d5f2ccd356808e9929f9ec7c96ee However, if prices are set too high or too low, they can easily overshadow the incentives in payment mechanisms. It builds on newly commissioned case studies and lessons learned in calculating prices, negotiating with providers, and monitoring changes. Recognizing that no single model is applicable to all settings, the study aimed to generate best practices and identify areas for future research, particularly in low-and middle-income settings. 3 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/3af953a4-en 2a927d12a83053c79598175d049b6b06 "The obligation of States to respect human rights, including women's rights, referred to the obligation to refrain from doing anything that could violate those rights. Any wrong committed within the private sphere, without any direct intervention by State agents, was not considered a human rights violation. The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women covers both public and private acts. Its article 2 (e) specifically addresses the obligation of States to address discrimination against women perpetrated by any person, organization or enterprise, and its article 2 (f) concerns the modification and abolition not only of discriminatory laws and regulations, but also of customs and practices. Its article 5 (a) requires States ""to modify the social and cultural patterns of conduct of men and women, with a view to achieving the elimination of prejudices and customary and all other practices which are based on the idea of the inferiority or the superiority of either of the sexes or on stereotyped roles for men and women"". Rutgers University Press, 2001)." 5 0 9 1.0 10.1787/rev/fish-2015-26-en 2a92b76da3c89053dadadf4ef5a1d2e9 This application relates to both fresh lampreys and cooked lampreys in aspic (European Commission, 2014). Fishing and especially fish processing is traditionally export-oriented economic activity and forms a significant share of total exports (Table 8). Latvia has stable demand for seafood products and well-developed fish consumption traditions. Latvian fishers and fish processing companies provide a wide variety of fish products and canned fish for the domestic market. 14 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9ce809d8-en 2a92f346cbd2cb2721a007cf210c2bc6 Resources should be allocated across the system to maximise the value-for-money and impact of social protection through a constant process of reprioritisation. This is a way to safeguard the overall allocation to social protection. In contexts where reprioritisation does not happen in a regular and timely manner, ministries of finance are apt to shift funds from non-performing programmes to whatever aspect of public spending needs additional support, social protection or otherwise. 1 1 3 0.5 10.18356/3e0be7f8-en 2a956ed485861f0941cc84af343a2a7e Of the 31 OECD member countries at that date, only 24 had sufficient data to be included in the final comparison (Figs. The criterion for inclusion was the availability of suitable and comparable data for at least 2 out of the 3 indicators used to measure inequality in each dimension of child well-being. Indicators and dimensions The report assesses how far the most disadvantaged children are allowed to fall below national norms in each individual country (represented by the median value). 1 6 3 0.3333333333333333 10.6027/9789289345644-6-en 2a9b9be7ffa3749c26920595737f4d65 "It is assumed that sufficient, direct and in-kind funding, as well as technical support, will be available for the preparation and implementation of the assessment, but this is a risk, see further under ""Risk Assessment"". They should interact with each other, with similar groups undertaking global, thematic and methodological assessments in order to ensure conceptual and methodological coherence. They should also work as closely as possible with the IPBES-rele-vant task forces, expert groups and the ECA." 15 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.18356/74d03702-en 2a9dce2339eac95022fbec93ca2d7921 In Southern Asia, the birth rate dropped from 88 to 50 births per 1,000 girls, which was accompanied by an increase in school participation, an increase in the demand for contraception, and a decrease in the proportion of adolescents who married. However, the birth rate dropped only slightly in sub-Saharan Africa, and remained at 117 births per 1,000 girls in 2011, a much higher rate than in other regions. The adolescent birth rate also stayed high in Latin America and the Caribbean, at 76 births per 1,000 girls in 2011. 5 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264301603-7-en 2a9e760140d49f6549afd54087f86d0a Prospective studies, which compare early career aspirations with actual careers observed during follow-up surveys for the same individuals, confirm the importance of adolescent career aspirations for career choices more generally (Ashby and Schoon, 201 On?]; In PISA 2015, teachers reported whether pursuing a career in the teaching profession was their goal after completing upper secondary school. On average across 14 countries that distributed the teacher questionnaire in 2015 and that have available data in both PISA 2015 and 2006, about 62% of 20-35 year-old teachers who teach 15-year-old students had chosen to become teachers by the end of secondary school (Figure 4.1 ).4 The data also highlight substantial variations across countries. 4 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264205208-8-en 2a9e957a95a0ba11c9aaa5d493f47ce0 Fuelled by the thirst of world markets for its leading exports - oil, gas, metals and grain - and following a first wave of successful reforms after independence, national output has been increasing by 6.5% on average annually since 1996, closely followed by an average of 6.2% increase in GDP per capita. In 2006, Kazakhstan was classified as an upper middle income country and in 2011 its real per capita income reached USD 11 5682 (WDI). This is well above the average for Central Asia (USD 6 964)3 and for the upper middle income group of countries (USD 9 235),4 and above GDP per capita in countries which are now recording higher average growth rates, such as China, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan or Tajikistan (WDI). 4 6 1 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/becaa395-en 2aa122b88d2ac4c95e8c89fc1da4cae1 Using the high range IPCC Special Report on Emission Scenarios (SRES) A1B scenario, they project a decrease in landed fish value of 21 percent, a total annual loss of US$311 million compared to values for 2000, and a loss in fisheries-related jobs of almost 50 percent, with Cote d'Ivoire, Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone and Togo suffering the most severe impacts. Using an optimistic scenario of low population growth and high income growth, and the mean results from four climate change scenarios, it plotted mean projected price increases by 2050, compared to 2010 levels, of 87 percent for maize, 31 percent for rice and 44 percent for wheat (Nelson et al., While trade can help in adaptation to climate change and to shifting international patterns of production, ultimately global markets will only be accessible to those countries and segments of population that have sufficient purchasing power. This makes inclusive economic growth an essential precondition for stable food security. 13 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.18356/ca5d645f-en 2aa1a5d8d0309faf4e0bf123ec7c1631 For example, data on the rate of pesticide use covers only selected countries - none in the North and Central Asian subregion, and the timeliness of data is also a problem with no country-comparable data being available since 2010. Similarly, some important factors supporting an increase in labour productivity, such as the mechanization of agriculture, could not be included in this chapter due to a lack of recent and country-comparable statistics. 2 2 2 0.0 10.1787/rev/fish-2013-25-en 2aa5cfbd10a2710e121aa11298d0b76d This groundbreaking piece of legislation will greatly improve the way the United Kingdom uses its marine resources and maximises the benefits it gets from them. Through the Act UK Administrations are now in the process of introducing new systems for marine planning and licensing within the policy framework provided by a UK Marine Policy Statement adopted by all UK administrations in March 2011. England’s first marine plans and a National Marine Plan for Scotland will be published for consultation in 2013. Verified by the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES). 14 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.18356/fa683360-en 2aa9c6abac288b3d1963550eeb7113ab The Soweto Thuthuzela Car Centre in Gauteng Province attends to approximately 165 survivors per month, including many children as young as two years old. The trial completion time for cases dealt with by the Centre has decreased to 7.5 months from the national average of around 2 years, and conviction rates have reached up to 89 per cent. Johannesburg, Tshwaranang Legal Advocacy Centre, the South African Medical Research Council and the Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconcilation (July 2008). Generally fewer than 20 per cent of women reported the last incident of violence they experienced to the police. 5 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264208445-6-en 2aaeebfa5a849663251b2587c198bdaf Depression has also been shown to increase risky and unhealthy behaviours, including smoking (Naylor et al., Work in Scotland by Barnett et al. ( People with mental disorders, especially with anxiety disorders, have been found to be more likely to divorce, and to be married for a shorter period of time than populations without a mental disorder (Kessler et al., Mild-to-moderate mental illnesses have been shown to have a strong relationship with higher unemployment, higher absenteeism, lower productivity in the workplace, and a rising burden of disability benefits claims (Alonso et al., 3 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264208469-8-en 2aaf3079cfcb78ad6a1c15588fd7c39e These efforts - strengthening care in the community provided by municipalities, increasing specialist services, increasing resources going into the system and making mental health a policy priority - suggest that Norway is moving towards having a strong and comprehensive mental health system. In terms of collecting indicators of mental health care quality Norway is also making impressive progress in many respects. There are opportunities for Norway to further strengthen data collection and to use data to help drive improvements in outcomes, to ensure that all mental disorders are appropriately treated, to make sure that responsibilities for service delivery amongst health authorities are clearly established and followed through, to promote better co-ordination, and to assure high quality of mental health care across the country. 3 0 5 1.0 10.1787/e27ce3a7-en 2ab11d58911590b9ed0584af3bbb4d8f Almost all men (98.5%) and women (98.1%) below age 35 have attained at least upper secondary education in Korea, which is above the OECD average (Figure 4). For men, this proportion is 10 percentage points higher than for their older counterparts, and for women this is almost 15 percentage points higher than for the older generation aged 45 to 54 years. The increase in female employment is a factor contributing to the rise in the number of couples with two earners, whose proportion has increased by 4 percentage points since 2006. Yet, a large minority (43%) of two parent families have only one or no parent working. Source: OECD Employment database and Income Distribution Database. 1 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/9789264201415-13-en 2ab274e35885863df239671584cdf744 Globalisation has led to a loss of jobs - especially in the manufacturing sector - and this has been amplified by the economic crisis. Many cities, especially non-capital cities in Central and Eastern Europe, but also old industrial cities in Western Europe, face the serious threat of economic stagnation or decline. Our economies in their current form are unable to provide jobs for all. 11 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264303119-en 2ab34c875194a2b50d7345c5f7de10ac It is quite obvious that the presence or absence, as the case may be, of specific pollution control equipment or certain physical barriers could reduce or increase such impacts. In those cases, pragmatic good judgement needs to be applied to the decision on which reference technology to use. This is one of the reasons why this report is organised according to subject areas rather than according to technologies. 7 7 2 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/9789264233515-6-en 2ab5cc24daae0ce0c8f7d241ca4a11e0 These standards have been defined through a project by Storbynettverket (a network of large cities), which is partly funded by national authorities. The defined standards distinguish four different levels of quality through description of practice. The standards are based on topics covered in the Framework Plan for kindergartens. 4 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/85b52daf-en 2ab7101f0e114503c6dd903bee8a5160 The paper also estimates that the majority of private climate finance is employed within developed countries, suggesting the discrepancy is partly due to a difference in maturity of the financial services industry between different income groups. Domestic resources were also estimated to far outweigh cross-border investment for renewable energy, which highlights the need to strengthen domestic policy frameworks for low-carbon and climate-resilient investment in partner countries. Similarly, Buchner et al. ( 13 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.14217/9781848599451-8-en 2ab93a397a3d2353836860fa4c96f805 This case study highlights mechanisms for identifying ‘board ready’ women and tracking appointment to boards, strengthening private and public sector partnerships, and developing an evidence base to demonstrate the importance of women in leadership for both organisational productivity and the wider society. Awareness-raising challenges stereotypes and myths around women’s lack of skills or the association of leadership qualities to specific gendered characteristics, and helps to overcome invisible barriers to women’s participation. This requires shifting employer attitudes to breaks in employment, to support women to maintain an upward career trajectory. Informal social norms attribute women’s role to be as primary caregivers; these need to be challenged or at least matched by flexible arrangements enabling women to meet family or child-rearing responsibilities. Unless these barriers are addressed, pipeline challenges will continue for women, including at the height of their careers. 5 0 3 1.0 10.18356/caeceb38-en 2abaf064d435bf6038d3a9597e0b8eb1 In short, rather than seen as 'carers' (in the narrow sense of the word), they are seen as champions of, and advocates for, adolescents. However, they experience paternal absence as a gap in care, nurture and protection at particular points in their development. For example, adolescent males whose fathers or responsible male relatives were absent were at greater risk of severe infection or even death because of family hardships relating to poverty, and the boys themselves lacked both nurture and the recognition that comes with initiation rites (Ramphele, 2002). 5 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.18356/7bcd69fe-en 2abd43b5b0340fbd88a350199d7de247 The legal, regulatory, and policy framework in most countries has yet to catch up with the commitments that most countries have made to the various international treaties and agreements guaranteeing the rights of adolescents and young people (Greene et al., In many countries, the framework has yet to catch up with the realities of adolescents and youth. 5 9 0 1.0 10.1787/9789264205307-5-en 2ac0d2a5e7a1f13cdac2a3c7a43722f3 The definition should seek to avoid simply creating rigid new borders. Cross-border partnerships serve to overcome barriers to cross-border flows. Common problems are related to labour market regulation differences, transport systems, environmental issues, tax systems and other very practical issues. 9 0 3 1.0 10.1787/785f021c-en 2ac13be97702728d66507cd8c90492d0 First, these industries do not require high levels of technologies and skills; therefore, entry into such industries is easier. Second, even in low- and middle-income countries, demand for these consumption goods is high because they satisfy fundamental human needs. Third, the existence of preferential market access schemes (a generalised system of preferences and duty-free, quota-free access for least developed countries) provide ready access to large consumer markets if rules of origin and other non-tariff measures can be successfully navigated. 9 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264265530-7-en 2ac570b397f379921947ee307eba40da In addition, as five-year budgets involve planning spending in given areas within education (e.g. staff compensation), there is greater room for stability in industrial relations with teacher unions to the potential benefit of the daily operation of schools. In fact, in this context, teacher remuneration would not need to be negotiated every year. Nonetheless, conflicts with teachers over salaries and working conditions are somewhat common (INEEd, 2015). 4 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264090415-6-en 2ac759bb4f543c87b9f7cb3a510f155c These efforts will help establish practical policies to prevent ecological and economic overfishing. This result has significant implications for those assessing fisheries management measures and developing alternative measures to adapt to climate changes. Based on the results of the IFRAME analysis, alternative measures of fisheries management need to be used to reduce the fishing effort (fishing capacity) in order to decrease the level of fishing mortality by 25%. These measures could include a reduction in the TAC in order to decrease the number of fishing days when vessels are operated, a revision of licensing limits to reduce the number of fishing boats, and limiting the number of fishing days per trip. 14 0 4 1.0 10.18356/fd80a3d2-en 2aca66bc4e9ec5786ad601adcda48ba7 In general, these numbers are a little larger than those generated by the global Linkage model, but they are still generally much lower than would be the case had dynamic models been used. One should not necessarily expect the unweighted averages of the poverty results for each region to be similar to those generated by Hertel and Keeney (2010), but for comparative purposes the latter’s unweighted averages of national poverty effects for each of the key developing country regions are reported in parentheses in the last four rows of annex table 7(c), in order to make it easy to compare with the unweighted regional averages for the national case studies. When all merchandise trade is liberalized, the extent of reduction ranges from close to zero to about 3.5 percentage points, except for Pakistan where it is more than 6 percentage points. 1 1 3 0.5 10.14217/9781848591646-17-en 2acad7433380fdd57ec94e629e0790d4 Many projects do not have defined baselines against which impacts can be assessed.30 There is only a weak framework to evaluate the impact of Aid for Trade projects and programmes on welfare, growth and inequality. The model of bilateral disbursement (which has been de facto adopted by donor countries) has meant that Aid for Trade comes with all the challenges of traditional development aid. Priorities may be skewed toward the interests of preferences of donors, and there may be limited country ownership and a range of explicit or implicit conditions. 10 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5kg20639kgkj-en 2acc54d0502bb3de6b1f7f822c844a3a The six Sydney based partners in this project are well placed to engage other industry, community and government partners in order to strengthen metropolitan wide partnerships. The project partners, as well as governments, industries and communities, are seeking to articulate a vision for Sydney as an innovative, skilled and sustainable economy. Sydney’s competitiveness will benefit if the six partners actively engage with local government, enterprises and state agencies in each metropolitan regional catchment to build regional leadership and initiatives to support the growth of green industries, sustainability practices and green skills. In particular, the City of Cities, which emphasises the importance of strengthening employment centres close to where people live, reinforces the importance of investing in infrastructure and skills in high growth regions. 7 4 5 0.1111111111111111 10.18356/520b80a5-en 2accbdda1ac0d855aaa513bcc825fc60 As pointed out by Krugman (2012), this probably reflects the fact that there is a flight to safe assets issued by advanced country governments that “still own their currency”. Developed economies include: Australia, Canada, Iceland, Israel, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, Switzerland, the United States and the economies of the European Union. 10 3 1 0.5 10.1787/9789264245174-7-en 2acdc83101c536e50d1eb2b3387f137a Authorities of the State of Mexico have announced they are developing their corresponding new Mobility Law and programme, but details are not yet available. This section analyses the changes introduced by the Federal District. The new legislation reflects a shift from a transport policy focused on road management, evident in Article 3 of the former Law for Transport and Roads (Ley de Transporte y Vialidad, LTyV), to a mobility policy focused on “providing the necessary means to the population so that they can choose freely between different modes of transport in order to access goods, services and opportunities offered by the city” (Government of Mexico City, 2014a: Article 6). According to Article 6, “priority for the use of road space and distribution of budget resources will correspond to the following hierarchy of mobility: I. Pedestrians, especially disabled people and people with limited mobility; II. Users of public transport services; IV. 11 0 4 1.0 10.1787/18a859bf-en 2acf16281c340c5db3bdc9fa2bcd2f2e The Paris Agreement calls for a balance between adaptation and mitigation finance and establishes an Adaptation Goal, raising the profile of adaptation and encouraging developed countries to increase support for adaptation, particularly amongst the most vulnerable developing countries. This emphasis on LDCs and SIDS is a recognition of the needs of countries that are particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. In the case of Small Island Developing States (SIDS), strong growth has been registered in the volume of official climate-related development finance received over the past decade, reaching an all-time high of 15% of total ODA they received in 2013 (OECD, 2015g). The share of climate finance targeting adaptation activities - which support many key development challenges facing SIDS - has progressively increased as well. 13 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264120983-11-en 2acfa6af935d4723f6cfb9d7a27b69db Municipalities, usually in charge of public services of water, can also have planning functions. “ Departments” (sub-national government between municipal and regional layers) contribute to territorial development and rural equipment through a series of financial subsidies to municipalities for investments related to water and sanitation infrastructure, and regions can also co-fund water and sanitation networks in the framework of the Contrat de Plan £tat-Regions. As water is a regional issue in Belgium, Flanders and Wallonia replied separately. In unitary countries such as Japan (regional offices of individual ministries), Israel (Israeli Water Authority) and Korea, representatives of line ministries in regions are the main actors in charge of implementation at sub-national level. Central services representing line ministries in regions can also play an important role in countries that have somewhat decentralised their water policy making, whether these are federal states (Belgium) or unitary (New Zealand). 6 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264272262-5-en 2ad0c4cfe717f554ebc3b3f79159d0ef To some extent such low expenditures are linked to strong economic growth, but the low spending levels also raise concerns on the adequacy of supports. Investment in children, whether or not by means of conditional cash transfers, and associated health and early and primary education services is key. Greater investment in active labour market programmes would provide informal workers and the poor and vulnerable population with greater access to employment guarantee schemes or skill development and training. The increase in average income in Asia has increased the scope for increasing public revenues, whereas the administrative capacity to effectively introduce and operate a contributory' system of social support which provides opportunities to give large groups of the populations access to forms of social protection that are tied to employment. 1 3 6 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264298705-8-en 2ad4507ae56f0d69f7f97b16b1caaa3b Centralised decision making, they argued, makes it difficult to (i) use public funding to support tailor-made training solutions, and (ii) for local providers to adjust their staff and financial resources to respond quickly and adequately to demand. In this chapter, the levels, sources and uses of adult-leaming funding are discussed, as they all contribute to shaping the adult-leaming system and its outcomes. The way funding is used, for example the level of targeting governments adopt, and the mechanisms through which it is distributed, can influence the performance of the system, and participation rates in particular (Desjardins, 2017jij; OECD, 2017,2]). However, according to some stakeholders, employer-sponsored training tends to be of little relevance to firms’ productivity and to the employability of workers. 4 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264240094-12-en 2ad70a5ba808eeaf56c8a8536d536012 National parks attract by far the most visitors. Iguaqu and Tijuca national parks alone accounted for nearly 60% of visitors in 2013. Public investment in infrastructure and services, under programmes such as Parks of the World Cup and Tourism in the Parks, and concessions to private operators have helped increase tourist arrivals (ICMbio, 2012b). 15 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264252820-en 2ad75c06d4718535e53e8eda8be392e7 Gender-balanced leadership and gender-responsive policy making are more likely to ensure that the benefits of growth are shared equally. Women’s full involvement in decision-making and agenda-setting are crucial for adequately reflecting the priorities and needs of all members of society. It also contributes to generate greater trust of citizens in public institutions. Women’s participation has been increasing in middle/senior management levels in many OECD countries. 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/7ddddd07-en 2ad78e270185cada7f1340645425438a In fact, female-led firms only receive 7% of venture capital financing according to the recent study by Gompers and Wang (2017(13]). In addition to starting their businesses with significantly lower levels of financial capital than men, women raise significantly lower amounts of incremental debt and equity in years two and three (Coleman and Robb, 2009[i4]). A significant gender gap is also found in the early-stage angel investment market (Becker-Blease and Sohl, 2007(15]). 5 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264077287-en 2ad883c0994d7465243ccebaacffa9fd Nonetheless, heavy traffic is the major cause of repeated exceedances of standards for NOx and tropospheric ozone in the capital city of Luxembourg (Chapter 2). Around 3.5% of the national population under 15 years lives in proximity to a major road, the highest proportion (together with Belgium) in the EU15. These children are at high risk from air pollution, noise and traffic accidents (Dalbokova et al., 6 3 1 0.5 10.1787/9789264232143-5-en 2ad8f68a4ed6c1067263e7b3d858aea2 It shows how fisheries can contribute to the overall GGS for a country, and how the GGS as a strategy can be applied to fisheries itself It emphasises the need for a strong, science-based approach to stock management as the foundation of resource sustainability, combined with a transparent and reactive policy development cycle to ensure that fisheries deliver maximum possible benefits. The GGS offers a structured approach to help policy makers identify and overcomes current problems and establish a policy development process that is focussed on achieving clear objectives through pragmatic reforms. Identifying current problems and risks is the first step in demonstrating the potential gains from improvements. Overfishing and illegal fishing, overcapacity, waste and inefficiency are problems faced by all countries to some extent, and this section w ill discuss the costs of these problems. 14 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264281936-8-en 2ad905d42f1e816e3f6da59515ed16aa This includes an extensive set of performance measures for each of its five goals and component strategies (Metro Vancouver, 2014a). Assessments are also made against the baseline performance report (Metro Vancouver, 2014b). Often found in instances of polycentric urban development, lightly institutionalised platforms for information sharing and consultation are relatively easy both to implement and to undo. They typically lack enforcement tools and their relationship with citizens and other levels of government tends to remain minimal. 11 1 3 0.5 11.1002/pub/80d1ac90-585ea8d4-en 2ada74a66ef5464e3c2b7e73de13cacf One of the contributing factors to this problem and a large hurdle for healthcare providers is vaccine spoilage, as many vaccines need to be stored at temperatures between 2 and 8 degrees Celsius. With over 200,000 vaccine refrigerators in use in the developing world alone, most of them in harsh and remote environments, keeping the cold chain up and running is a major challenge. Now, using loT technologies, Nexleaf's ColdTrace system monitors and records the refrigerator temperatures and send out SMS alert messages whenever there is a problem (i.e., when temperatures rise above a predetermined threshold). Nexleaf has developed a mobile-enabled temperature sensor device that uploads data to a cloud-based serve in near real-time via GPRS or SMS. 15 3 1 0.5 10.18356/1bb49a04-en 2ade1ca82ddaf47424ed0d8a9798a2ee These terms are often used for technical purposes and do not necessarily bear any relation to size, population density, or indeed to governance structures. Most national statistics, when disaggregated by rural and urban, use such imprecise definitions. As a result, when aggregated at national level, there is seldom any pattern and it is impossible to compare one country figure with another (see Figures 7,10 and 13 of the Prologue). 6 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264279322-4-en 2ae4c9494e6ff3d42e340e56411aae2d Their new or amended constitutions since 2011 include provisions in support of gender equality or non-discrimination that strengthen the status of women and set the basis for their more balanced involvement in the economy. In light of this progress, governments could engage in further efforts to strengthen alignment with international instruments and ensure equal access to economic opportunities for women and men. While women in the six countries have access to courts in principle, they face various barriers in practice, from lack of knowledge among judges of current standards to slack enforcement by courts of law and a deficit of women judges. Women themselves are often not aware of their rights, and social norms and financial constraints may discourage them from going to court. 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264268791-5-en 2ae51a49934bf860fe4e72f5d77f4798 They also have access to various EU funds that are made available outside the national budget process. The regional level in France plays a major role in planning large infrastructure investments and in constructing strategies for economic development, education and environmental protection. The role of regions in spatial planning has recently changed. 11 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/5k3tsj67l226-en 2ae783005268bfb368c6b269cb0aeaa5 At the same time, medical students themselves seemed to be disenchanted and bored with their education because they had to absorb vast amounts of information of which much was perceived to have little relevance to medical practice (Spaulding, 1969, cited in Barrows, 1996). Addressing many of the concerns of traditional instruction, PBL was designed to foster problem solving, critical thinking, collaboration and self-study skills as well as to increase the retention of facts and their recall in clinical situations (Barrows, 1983). The medical schools at the University of Limburg at Maastricht in the Netherlands, the University of Newcastle in Australia, and the University of New Mexico in the United States were among the first that adapted the McMaster model of problem-based learning in the 1970s and 1980s. 4 0 9 1.0 10.18356/22919e33-en 2aec518f117e6fd750569aa3c928e6fd "The Government of Angola (scheduled to graduate in 2021) has also set up a high-level committee to oversee the graduation process. Such aspirations are expressed, for example, in the national development plans of Ethiopia, Rwanda, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania and Zambia. The aim of Ethiopia’s Growth and Transformation Plan is to take the country to middle-income status10 between 2020 and 2025; Zambia’s National Vision is to become “a prosperous middle-income nation by 2030""; and both Rwanda’s Second Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy and Uganda’s Second National Development Plan set a goal of achieving middle-income status by 2020. For Senegal, the Plan S§n6gal Emergent aims to make Senegal an “emerging’’ country by 2035, while Cambodia’s Rectangular Strategy Phase Three aims “at graduating from a low-income country to a lower-middle-income status in the very near future and further to become an upper-middle income country by 2030”." 10 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5k9b7bn5qzvd-en 2aeecb0e634dff4387d1ede8fcc99461 Expenditure on formal health-related LTC represents 0.4% of GDP in Poland and is fully publicly funded. This level, although potentially underreported, is relatively low within the OECD but similar to other less affluent Member countries (Figure 22). In 2008, approximately 0.9% of the over-65 Polish population received long-term care in an institutional setting, well below the OECD average of 4.2% (OECD, 201 lb), reflecting a lack of supply. 3 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264265493-6-en 2aef9af2f97f273428313f085fa6a43d This is especially true in countries where women lack crucial assets (e.g., experience, capacity, cash flows, collateral) that are valued by lenders, as well as in countries where there is a cultural bias against women’s ability to be business owners (OECD, 2012). Although participation in formal banking has improved in Mexico, access to formal credit remains low for both men and women. Although micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises account for almost all of the companies in Mexico, the financing they receive is quite low in comparison to larger firms, and the interest rates for these smaller companies tend to be higher than what their levels of risk should imply (CONAIF, 2016). 5 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/c5012ce9-en 2af154fa0ba8dcb1f8c5b4751bbf3485 Some member States provided considerable information on a few indicators but not on others. In a number of cases, few comments were provided to clarify or enhance the quantitative data. For example, one of the benchmarks considers success to be “Themes related to social, environmental and economic dimensions are addressed in the curricula at a minimum of four ISCED levels”. 4 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264283572-en 2af354e706c884f2e3296c1341ad5b11 Life expectancy gains have mainly been driven by reduced mortality rates after the age of 65. Stroke is decreasing as a cause of death, but a growing number of people are dying from Alzheimer's disease and other dementias. Overall alcohol consumption per adult has increased and one-fifth of adults report heavy alcohol consumption on a regular basis. 3 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264193833-9-en 2af52928fdfb908e4137a930b2a3e3bc The REDD agenda was first introduced in the UNFCCC COP-11 in 2005. The COP-13 adopted the Bali Action Plan which includes possible financial incentives for forest-based climate change mitigation actions in developing countries and a decision (Decision 2/CP. The decision broadens the concept of REDD by including conservation, sustainable forest management, and enhancement of carbon stocks, which is collectively referred to as REDD+. 15 1 3 0.5 10.18356/80c371eb-en 2af5b26514b3b733ff1a0d464bde8af0 In addition, fishing fleet capacity or fishing effort should be maintained at the levels authorized and applied in recent years. A total allowable catch (TAC) is set at 644 tonnes for 2018-2019, and each authorized vessel shall not exceed a maximum number of 180 fishing days per year. In addition, the status of the turbot stock must be regularly assessed and the level of current fishing mortality established in order to provide the GFCM with necessary elements for setting target reference points. 14 0 5 1.0 10.1787/ad4de8a1-en 2af7bce0afdce6f50f910b860c4c74f7 Additional stakeholder interviews and desk research were conducted to outline the role of specific policies and governance frameworks, to highlight practical solutions and to make recommendations for improving urban road safety. Yet counting fatalities may not tell the full story of a city's road safety performance. In addition, fatalities are challenging to analyse statistically because of the relatively small numbers at the municipal level. 11 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/f47faf05-en 2b089c95518b64a19eb99b95f0872983 The technical capacity of individual establishments to respond adequately to environmental protection and resource management questions is also an important factor. Annual corporate environmental protection expend!* To provide a holistic view of a country’s efforts towards sustaining and protecting the environment, policymakers, analysts and civil society require statistics on environmental governance and regulation at the national level. The magnitude of these activities can inform about the extent of institutional development, availability of resources, and the existence and enforcement of regulatory and market instruments whose primary purpose is to protect, regulate and manage the changing environment. Successful national environmental governance requires institutional strength, as well as regulatory capabilities. 6 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/93b802f6-en 2b0bf72b489d144a0979032ffca456ab Chapter 4 describes reform initiatives to reduce this bias in three African countries. Where there are limited rights to family capital for collateral, women have difficulties accessing credit. Among women entrepreneurs in five countries (Bahrain, Jordan, Lebanon, Tunisia, and the United Arab Emirates) 50%-75% applied for external financing for their businesses, and the majority were not successful. 5 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.18356/fcd1ba6c-en 2b0dcd6d48c8df2fd570bb2a5ac97607 Examples of some of the key specific strategies of sustainable agriculture are: organic farming, low external input sustainable agriculture, integrated pest management, integrated production and conservation tillage. Moreover, increased diversity of food crops available to farmers resulted in more varied diets, and thus improved nutrition. For 20,000 farmers in Tigray, previously one of the most degraded regions of Ethiopia, crop yields of major cereals and pulses have almost doubled through the use of ecological agricultural practices such as composting, water and soil conservation activities, agroforestry and crop diversification (UNCTAD, 2009a). Today, LDCs have lower productivity in agriculture than half a century ago: between 1983 and 2003 agricultural productivity declined in two thirds of the LDCs for which data were available (UNCTAD, 2006). 7 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/c544899f-en 2b115e4f8a94ff59ea94cd0152ff103e In 2002, it sold Red Electrica de Espana (REE) the electricity distributor in the Plurinational State of Bolivia; and it sold its holdings in the Dominican Republic’s energy distributors to that country’s government. The purchase of Union Fenosa by Gas Natural, decided on shortly before the recent financial crisis, required it to sell assets in the region to comply with competition regulations; and it also had to reduce the level of its debt. As a result, a new round of sales was launched, including EPSA in Colombia, for US$ 1.1 billion (2009); the combined-cycle power plants belonging to Gas Natural in Mexico, for US$ 1,465 million (2010), and the distribution companies in Guatemala for US$ 345 million (2011). 7 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/9a9b4252-en 2b1a9249408f6c0c18f6270bf05496c4 Third, the fund—unlike the usual fiscal incentives, many of which are giveaways to investors—would enable the government to keep an equity stake in the projects it finances. Nevertheless, the question still remains, how will the fund go about choosing which investments to finance? The answer to this question is particularly significant in the present context, because it offers insights relevant to the broader question of how a government should go about choosing its investments. 7 3 1 0.5 10.1787/5jrs8sv4jt6k-en 2b1c3651346dda44cf6cda78a1d058aa However, while the programmes in place could achieve their objectives in the short term, it is likely that in the long term they do not contribute to structural transformation as this type of support encourages agricultural activities regardless of whether they are economically viable or not. Furthermore, for the majority of programmes in these countries an “exit mechanism” does not exist in which farmers can “graduate” from the programme, which may create a condition where farmers benefit from the resources allocated by the government even if they do not meet the requirements anymore (i.e. do not need it). This can lead to situations where farmers lack incentives to diversify their income or to increase their productivity (OECD, 2010). 2 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.18356/6ffd1196-en 2b2065078a74dfdab747cdc7aeafa177 Another common assumption is that victims of sexual violence have suffered only this form of violence and may not be regarded as good sources of information for other types of violations. At a later stage of the interview, order the interview chronologically and return to points that need clarification. Be aware that, if the person being interviewed experienced trauma, it may affect their ability to coherently or fully recount an event. 5 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264122314-4-en 2b20b553bf85fe1ac7c36ea41c677a11 The National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) in the United Kingdom and the Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IqWiG) in Germany are two technology assessment agencies that advise decision makers on reimbursement and formulary placement policies based on available clinical and economic evidence. Many countries are engaged in comparative effectiveness research and much of the work centers around people with multiple chronic conditions. Comparative effectiveness research offers tremendous potential to provide evidence for people with multiple chronic conditions. 3 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/6d9cd656-en 2b27ce0512dff67dc2b613de5926bac7 The share of individual facing different employment barriers is lower than or broadly in line with the six-country average for most of the indicators. In particular, the recent strengthening of the labour market in Estonia led to relatively few individuals in the target population being affected by “scarce job opportunities” or “no past work experience”. An exception is the share of individuals facing health limitations, which is significantly higher in Estonia (43%) than in other countries (the six country average is 32%). “ 8 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264285637-8-en 2b2958ee8a686d26d4213ac4cbd4ecdd School principals must also have had training in administration, supervision, evaluation or vocational guidance. For the private-subsidised sector, the training and qualifications requirements are not specified further. In public schools, the recruitment and selection process is specified through the Teacher’s Statute. 4 0 9 1.0 10.18356/ab0103c2-en 2b298d53f9d2072e22254216a758e5f8 "Some aspects can be local, such as traditional social norms and hierarchy, while others are global. In general, socio-economic inequalities, such as in economic status and educational achievements, are critical determinants of health inequalities. A Criticism of the Millennium Development Goals and Why They Cannot Be Measured"", Plos Medicine, vol." 3 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/871f6812-en 2b2994c83230bd999a20f7b9111a6e7c In the interest of effective transport planning, it is important to measure the theoretical walkability of an environment based on geographic indicators, the amount of walking activity that is actually undertaken, as well as the perceptions that people have regarding the feasibility and enjoyment of walking, as these factors strongly influence decisions to undertake trips on foot. Another challenge for transport planners is improving walking infrastructure and encouraging greater walking at the expense of individual motorised transport specifically, while maintaining or increasing the ridership and mode share of public transit options. This means making walking spaces more enjoyable and improving the connectivity of and ease of transfers between modes. It is important to recognise that greater walkability in cities will not be achieved one street at a time, but through comprehensive strategic planning in urban transport design regarding the location of places of employment, transport hubs, education sites, sports and leisure sites, health care sites, and retail locations. 11 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5k4c0vtwpttj-en 2b2bef5ec1cae1868c4286ca8ec4d579 Different groups are not affected in the same way by EPL. Strict EPL for permanent jobs has negative employment effects for vulnerable groups (OECD, 2006). Vulnerable groups are more likely to be on temporary jobs, and, when there is an asymmetry in the legislation between temporary and permanent contracts, are more likely to be hit harder by job destructions in times of crisis. They are also less likely to get training (Wallette, 2005) and earn less than workers with similar characteristics on permanent contracts (OECD, 2012f). 8 0 4 1.0 10.18356/797ccf27-en 2b2dc0d04049272b1bf5d23598464ad8 The high rate of transmission of educational capital between parents and children and, hence, job opportunities, is one of the greatest influences on the glaring socioeconomic inequality and high levels of absolute poverty prevailing in most Latin American countries. In high-education households, on the other hand, both in higher and in lower per capita income countries, the incidence of extreme poverty is no greater than 10%. This shows that household educational capital is an appropriate dimension for identifying population strata with different probabilities of being extremely poor. 1 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264202054-4-en 2b2ec1a1a280d6acddf5b1972353934a Similarly for stroke, case fatality within 30 days of hospital admission is the third highest in the OECD (11.8 per 100 patients), following Mexico and Slovenia. These data signal the need for prioritising monitoring and improvement initiatives. There is still insufficient collection and public reporting of quality measures, including from the private sector. This might mitigate efforts to further drive quality gains in health-care services. 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/agr/pol-2014-4-en 2b32d8b0c4a174e346797f666d7fd82f There is a great deal of variation in the design of such measures in the choice of the payment base, which may be area, livestock numbers, farm income or receipts, as well as to whether these parameters correspond to current or base (historic) levels. In addition there are different conditions attached to the granting of payments. Farmers may or may not be obliged to actually produce agricultural commodities in order to become recipients of payments. 2 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/b505e041-en 2b3372e0854959e1794d153ce960790a We are grateful to Dr. Sreedharan of the Public Affairs Centre, who patiently monitored and supervised the surveys by personally visiting the slums in Chennai. We thank Nivedita Kashyap, who provided assistance during various stages of the study. We thank Tamil Nadu’s Secretary, Housing and Urban Development, for extending his support to the study. 1 2 2 0.0 10.1787/9789264191761-en 2b36c6b351510e8b4ce912693b1c2f1e The contrast between such a transport facility and a cattle dealer picking up animals in a private car is stark. Large investments are foreseen in large-scale modern cattle breeding units, improvements of breeding stock, and increasing the provision of feedstuffs, including through better pasturelands. This programme largely focuses on the development of a large-scale commercial production. Its cost, however, should be compared to that of other policies. 2 3 0 1.0 10.1787/9789264278875-4-en 2b36ebd2601ae3e8c3e7b573520c6df7 While political cycles create incentives for focusing policymaking on short- to medium-term measures, in Chile the challenge is particularly acute because of the four-year electoral cycle combined with the single presidential term. Chile’s government lacks institutions and a culture that promotes more long-term thinking and evidence-based policy-making, two key competences required for developing the sort of infrastructure that will prepare the country for the future. Source: OECD (2016a), OECD Suivey of Infrastmcmre Governance. 9 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/5kgj0d3vzcth-en 2b3ac58724b53a9e858c24d61957063a The New Zealand data covers only specialised meat and wool farms, thus the analysis for this country focuses on risks in livestock farming3. This differs from other countries where databases include mixed farms, and the risk assessment is mainly focussed on crop farming.4 The fact that data for New Zealand concerns only livestock farms somewhat limits the scope of the analysis. Thus, no attempt has been made to assess output risks, as was done for other countries, due to the difficulty of disentangling “normal” variations in the numbers of livestock sold that arise from stock cycles from any other output variations. The farm-level risk analysis for other countries also included stochastic simulations of risk management strategies; this is not done for New Zealand as the model used is not adapted for livestock farming simulations. These limits notwithstanding, the analysis of farm-level data provides interesting insights into farming risks in New Zealand. 2 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264277991-5-en 2b3eb5ba5e1e265e65a13f78f4209f65 For instance, the value of an agricultural plot of land rises dramatically if it receives a building permit. The key point is that this urban profit is created discretionally depending only on land-use planning criteria. Therefore, this added value should not go into the hands of the private sector but be redistributed and used for the public good. In Catalonia’s urban system, there is a minimum public participation in the uiban profits, established by law'. Green spaces and streets with all its infrastmctures systems needed (sanitation, electricity and water supply) are built and paid by real estate developers. In addition, the public administration will receive a portion of land where it will be able to build up to 10% of the permitted square meters, free of charges. 11 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5k912j389bf0-en 2b3f4dcfb82b2cae96a5d4e6c46ce4e9 From Medicare data, the ratio of beneficiaries to the population for each age, sex and time-until-death group is estimated for a current year. These ratios are fixed and applied to the population matrix for the entire projection period. For the first 10 years of the projection, beneficiaries are scaled to match the official CBO baseline budget projections. 3 2 4 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/55fea2f6-en 2b4012c30091fe6b7a992a6546f61488 These proportions greatly outnumber any domain incidence rate, including monetary poverty and financial strain, and underline the degree of mismatch when identifying poor children on the basis of single domain indicators. Low proportions of cumulative deprivation in the Netherlands hold across all levels of accumulation. In the UK, however, children are more likely to experience 1 or 2 deprivations compared to children in the other three countries but this result no longer holds for higher levels of accumulation. 1 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/18a859bf-en 2b427c0b928616df455cc127e7bb5241 Nevertheless the issue of competition between development and climate finance is a contentious and highly political aspect of climate and development financing and leads to continued calls in the UNFCCC negotiations for climate finance to be new and additional to ODA. Given the limitations of an analysis of the data at the global level, further studies are needed at the national level to have an accurate assessment of the situation. The role of international public finance versus other forms of climate finance will be an important consideration in the coming years. 13 0 5 1.0 10.1787/9789264179820-5-en 2b430fb2fe8a1bf34b92242f87b79fd7 It states that “Member States shall take account of the principle of recovery of the costs of water services, including environmental and resource costs, having regard to the economic analysis and in accordance in particular with the polluter pays principle”. They can be understood as constituted by the principles that define who should pay for water management and the mechanisms that allow to put those principles in practice. They increasingly acknowledge that meaningful participation of water stakeholders in the definition of the policy framework would help to get it right and facilitate its implementation. This section sketches such a policy framework. 6 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/fc6300ee-en 2b44494c1375ef05893adc223dc9a5ce In absolute terms, the sharpest contrast is seen in Ecuador, Haiti and the Plurinational State of Bolivia, where women with no education have upwards of three children more than those who have completed secondary education. Based on the most recent surveys conducted in each country, the average number of children bom to women with no formal education is at least double the number bom to women who have completed secondary education. The widest gaps are in Brazil, Haiti, the Plurinational State of Bolivia, Ecuador and Guatemala. 5 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.6027/9789289338578-7-en 2b47b23475b0ae7a76bb9ac5c974bc87 Control is always charged in Finland and control costs would be too expensive for these premises with the consequence that they could not operate. Every food operator in food producing chain who donates foodstuffs to charity purpose has it's responsibility of the food safety. Also food banks and charity organisations are responsible for the safety of the foodstuffs they handle. 2 0 3 1.0 10.18356/de83ab61-en 2b4a1225ee72e9ff28073a9432b47de3 The Survey estimates that developing countries will require a little over $1 trillion a year in incremental green investment. While a large proportion of the incremental investment would ultimately be financed from developing countries’ public and private resources, international financing will be indispensable, particularly in the early years, in jump-starting green investment and financing the adoption of external technologies. The Copenhagen pledges do not appear to match the required scaling up of the global effort. 2 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/58d686e0-en 2b501eb30df7bc83bb2aa69759bec739 In addition, the Court ordered Mexico to comply with a broad set of remedial measures, including building a national memorial, conducting renewed investigations and providing reparations of over $200,000 each to the families in the suit. According to the mandate, an isolated private killing is a domestic crime and does not give rise to State responsibility. However, where there is a pattern of killings and the State's response (with respect to either prevention or accountability) is inadequate, the responsibility of the State is engaged. 5 9 0 1.0 10.6027/9789289346627-15-en 2b530d1b19c34da2fb4b94eb5799c5af Raymond et al (2014] analyzed black carbon (BC] emissions and found a proportional relationship with the aromatic content of alternative jet fuels. The RF of aviation BC emissions is approximately 34% of the aviation CO2 RF (Stettler etal., The results indicate a need for further research and development of a holistic framework for quantification, as an extension to the current GHG metric, before absolute comparisons of the climate impact of alternative jet fuels can be fully trusted. 13 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264119598-7-en 2b57c27efcab467577d0bc413748b34a These are designed to facilitate adaptation to the existing and expected effects of climate change, and to help anticipate and mitigate future impacts. Thus, in relation to the tourism industry, UNEP developed from 2007 and 2009 several seminars on climate change adaptation and mitigation in the sector, with the University of Oxford as academic partner and UNWTO as co-host, on frameworks, policies and practices targeting government and industry experts. Additionally, UNEP in partnership with the Caribbean Alliance for Sustainable Tourism produced in 2009 a handbook to support climate change adaptation efforts in tourism destinations and communities. 13 0 3 1.0 10.1787/eco/surveys-isr-2013-5-en 2b59b65594b09aa2bfbfdb74a7f933e4 As in other countries with fund choice, switching declines with age. As of 2013, the overall switching rate was 1.6%, but the rate was 2.0% among 15 to 24 year-olds, and only 0.3% among those aged 65 and over. In addition, switching is more prevalent among low-income households; the same study found that the average income of those switching accounts was some 20% below that of those who did not. Indeed, it is interesting that, according to one survey (Gross et al., 3 3 0 1.0 10.18356/fa8ae033-en 2b5a9b856a7daa730218b07c66278362 The additional demands on women’s time created by these programme requirements have a discriminatory impact on women and on their enjoyment of several rights on an equal basis with men (e.g., right to education and health) and further deprive them of scarce leisure time. These have included the provision of higher transfers for school-aged girls, who are more likely to drop out of school, particularly in secondary educa-tion,and the provision of free health care for pregnant adolescents and women. These features have great potential to improve gender equality within the family. 5 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264229679-5-en 2b5f26f9cc85593734814989a1a4dd0e Experience from monitoring and evaluation of poverty reduction strategies suggests that placing the institutional lead close to the centre of government will ensure greater authority of the monitoring and evaluation unit and create strong links to the policy planning and budgeting processes (Bedi et al., Although an increasing number of developing countries are starting to report on climate variables in response to the need to monitor and evaluate their NAPA’s and NAP’s, the lack of good climate data continues to pose a challenge for many. While data availability is a particular challenge in countries that are in conflict or that have recently emerged from one, this challenge is not limited to fragile states. 13 1 3 0.5 10.18356/2d07fa8a-en 2b5f5e6edd34d278480d0249a02f15b0 Splitting tenders into smaller bids leads to supply fragmentation, which entails processing more bids, assessing and monitoring the quality of several different lots and organizing transportation. There are also the costs of providing training programmes to cooperatives and the higher default rates among farmer groups, as they are more vulnerable to risks. However, these costs can be reduced with appropriate investments in capacity building targeted at producer organizations. Bureaucratic systems and burdensome requirements make it difficult for small producers to participate without effective targeting. 2 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/a22d206d-en 2b5f9c95a5234d056eb8c5aab6c999d3 Not surprisingly therefore, research suggests that the social, political and cultural expectations regarding a women’s responsibilities for the home and family is one explanation as to why women-owned businesses do not grow as large as those owned by men (Ernst & Young, 2009). In general, women are less confident than men about whether they have the knowledge, skills and experience required to start and run a new business (Kelley et al., Differences between genders are particularly stark in developed economies, such as Japan, Western Europe, and the United States. In addition, women tend to be more risk-averse than their male counterparts and more likely to let fear of failure prevent them from starting a business (Kelley et al., Not surprisingly, there is a direct correlation between capability perceptions and the rates of early-stage entrepreneurship. In other words, in those economies where women have less confidence in their ability to startand run a new business,they are.infact,starting and running fewer businesses. 5 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/859159ab-en 2b6162f6ca779bcac4dda57e511ee2a9 However, exports contracted anew after a mild recovery in Q4 2018 (Figure 1.6). Continuation of price support measures, and recent tourism incentives like visa waivers, tax breaks and free flights to second-tier destinations, should buoy private spending. On the other hand, the banking sector still exhibits pockets of vulnerability. 11 2 3 0.2 10.1787/9789264122314-4-en 2b6310f4143c044a9547c0530bbfa369 This focus on individual institutes created the model under which researchers would focus on single diseases such as AIDS, breast cancer, diabetes, or renal disease. Biomedical research became focused on studying discrete illnesses instead of addressing the multitude of diseases a person might have. Disease specific research became the predominant model of biomedical research in the latter half of the 20th century. The approach to conducting biomedical research may require a new model to respond to the growing prevalence of people with multiple chronic diseases. 3 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/cb1665cb-en 2b6448bf1c844c6968b3c2e1b5303c3e Taking this double certification into account, the world's total certified forest area as of May 2015 was about 439 million hectares, which is 10.9% of the total global forest area (4.033 billion hectares). Nevertheless, substantial growth in these regions seems far away, and it may be time for diversification and new approaches to certification. For example, a monitoring tool for REDD+ is under discussion; the drivers and incentives of certification could be enhanced if certification schemes could be used simultaneously to ensure sustainable forest management, monitor illegal logging, and deliver other accountability benefits. The IGIs are now available to be used in the development of national or subregional FSC standards (FSC, 2015b). This resulted in the immediate termination of DLH's FSC membership, while the suspension of its FSC certificates was to take effect within three months. 15 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264179370-6-en 2b646f6588847529137134b91d541a17 The main comparability issue relates to the classification of the “incorporated self-employed”. While in the official statistics of most OECD countries the self-employed who incorporate their businesses are counted as self-employed, some countries consider them employees. To improve international comparability the number of incorporated employers and own-account workers in the United States was estimated. 5 4 0 1.0 10.1787/9789264247567-5-en 2b65613e16ad2fc00c49f972ba9cd844 Both self-governing regions and municipalities finance their “original competences” from own funds. Additionally, they perform some tasks delegated by the state as part of the so-called “transferred competences”. To perform their tasks within the transferred competences, self-governing regions and municipalities have a legitimate claim to use funds from the state budget (Educational Policy Institute, 2015). 4 4 5 0.1111111111111111 10.1787/9789264110984-6-en 2b65ba84c46204d1bdfcea42ebe25fed Unlike what happened in the late 1990s, when Asian governments severely cut national budgets in reaction to regional financial turmoil, most governments made efforts to maintain or even increase their social spending in the wake of the global economic crisis.12 Measures involved, among others, the strengthening and scaling up of on-going programmes for poverty alleviation, in particular innovative programmes that had been launched recently, that proved successful and could be replicated rapidly and with minimum administrative costs. Both approaches, moreover, build on the common underlying notion that social insurance and social assistance are not just redistributive welfare measures but are integral to economic growth and social development. In other words, they are about investment as much as about consumption. 8 0 10 1.0 10.1787/9789264281776-7-en 2b66ab8370366fe1106d6cf525fc7f97 Water abstracted for hydropower is even smaller, at 0.01% of the base fees, amounting to EUR 0.0000002/m3 and EUR 0.0000004/m3 in the Black Sea and Caspian Sea basins, respectively. All hydropower schemes, for instance, disrupt river regimes, to different degrees and in different ways. Projects involving water storage interrupt the downstream flow, and the timing and location of releases may be inconvenient for other riparians. Annual evaporation from reservoirs typically amounts to several percentage points of the stored water volume, and larger rates in warm climates. 6 0 3 1.0 10.18356/21b84508-en 2b66fcd4483b42f4daae38c68a2dc44c They argue that social protection programmes are more likely to have nutrition impacts when targeted at the poorest and most vulnerable and accompanied by other interventions that target health, sanitation and maternal education. They find that unconditional transfers can also be effective and that conditionality appears to be much less important than other issues, such as the age and sex of children in the household and access to health care. Finally, better quality of service delivery, in addition to better targeting, would improve the nutritional outcomes of cash transfer programmes. 1 3 6 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264214033-7-en 2b67e2e6caeff5af4e62ef6256c32a05 Both direct and student-oriented instruction methods can be used (Box 4.11). Direct instruction is built around problems with clear, correct answers that can be learned quickly. Student-centred instruction is associated with the teacher facilitating students' own inquiry by allowing them time to find solutions to problems on their own before the teacher demonstrates how a problem is solved.16 While there is no consensus in the literature on which approach is better, an over-reliance on either approach is not recommended (OECD, 2008b; Rowe, 2007). As much as possible, classroom activities related to the curriculum should develop student knowledge of real-world problems (Dumont, Istance and Benavides, 2010; Faubert, 2012; OECD, 2008a). 4 0 3 1.0 10.18356/c3da68b8-en 2b69fea4929cc5f6a6d01507e80fb68c In sub-Saharan Africa, for example, a country's population will tend to have a higher proportion of children. Especially in sub-Saharan Africa and parts of Asia, urbanization rates are high and must be coupled with better efforts in urban expansion planning and slum upgrading. Based on the concept of the demographic dividend, however, this rising urbanization phenomenon could be called the urban dividend, urbanization as a window of opportunity to improve people's well-being when planning is properly undertaken. 11 0 8 1.0 10.18356/7d5576e0-en 2b6ca16e36e55d40c756c329d710fbff See C. Correa, “Protecting Test Data for Pharmaceutical and Agrochemical Products under Free Trade Agreements”, in Negotiating Health, pp. As mentioned before, however, it is widely recognized that this obligation creates insurmountable barriers for generic producers in terms of financial resources and time. Where the protected data concern off-patent substances, a data exclusivity regime therefore erects an important new market access barrier for generic producers. 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264259157-6-en 2b6e372bc63de4f6bf32e3a555c263b7 Since then, uptake has increased tenfold (Eydal and Gislason, 2014), although there have been recent falls: in 2013, 28.5% of fathers took their leave, lower than the 32.7% share in 2005 (NOSOSCO, 2015). And, while eligible fathers took an average of 101 days of leave in 2007, the number had fallen to 73 days by 2014 (Directorate of Labour, 2015). The decline is probably related to the reduction in benefit in recent years. In the wake of the economic crisis in 2007/08, Iceland lowered the ceiling on its eamings-related parental benefit - which nominally replaced 80% of earnings. 5 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264225442-28-en 2b6e9d7d0f1d6a1dacd09eb72fc40df7 Every year, the Ministry sets objectives in a Statement of Intent, a planning and accountability document with a five-year horizon. Since 1988, there has been a devolution of management responsibilities to schools along with increased power for the Ministry to intervene in failing schools since 2001. In 2007, 24% of decisions at lower secondary level were taken centrally, with schools taking the remaining 76% of decisions (see Figure 7 for 2010 OECD average). From available data, only English and Dutch schools had higher decision-making capacity. Elected governing boards run individual early childhood education providers, and are responsible for staffing, financial management, compliance, reporting, and setting and measuring performance targets. 4 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264213562-16-en 2b7118e8a45af76d911c9ee5f6d97a72 One possible approach that is beginning to be explored is to place baiting stations (cotton balls soaked with sugar and bacteria and placed in clay jars) around villages where malaria is prevalent. Other major topics that need to be addressed are the resolution of regulatory, ethical and social issues related to the release of genetically modified bacteria in nature. First results of Phase 3 trial of RTS,S/AS01 malaria vaccine in African children”, New England Journal of Medecine,No. 3 0 3 1.0 10.18356/14fbf2b0-en 2b71fc27d830211faf1e21aafc5fb3e0 In the coming years, all family-planning programmes must make significant efforts to improve quality of care. Governments should take appropriate steps to help women avoid abortion, which in no case should be promoted as a method of family planning, and in all cases provide for the humane treatment and counselling of women who have had recourse to abortion. In order to meet the substantial increase in demand for contraceptives over the next decade and beyond, the international community should move, on an immediate basis, to establish an efficient coordination system and global, regional and subregional facilities for the procurement of contraceptives and other commodities essential to reproductive health programmes of developing countries and countries with economies in transition. 3 0 3 1.0 10.18356/9fd805e3-en 2b7243f67d63d456e27f2a01a294af7b This variation is shown in various studies’-4. Demand for high quality transport service (such as e.g. express commuter buses or frequent rail transit, with public transport-oriented development) tends to increase with income until a medium to medium-high income is reached. Moreover, the demand for a high quality public transport service is potentially much greater in total than for a basic service. Furthermore, even if, as suggested in other studies', changes in income affect public transport demand either directly (positive impact) or indirectly through increased car ownership (negative impact), the indirect impact may be negligible for urban public transport. This is because car owners may still choose to use public transport for urban mobi lity instead of the car, or use both. 11 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264091269-en 2b74ccf813cbb9b3fe16839a822f27fd Respondents were first asked a series of questions to obtain background information on a range of variables thought to influence the formation of skill and in turn impact on a range of educational, social and health outcomes. Annex B describes in more detail the survey design used for ALL, including details about survey methods, coverage, sample sizes and key indicators of quality. If the respondent failed to complete two of these tasks correctly, the interview was adjourned. 4 2 2 0.0 10.18356/fb79328d-en 2b76bafffe927ea33d112783bc502b47 In this sense, attaining an egalitarian distribution of human capital is similar to attaining an egalitarian distribution of physical assets through pro-poor distribution of incremental income. Both are time-consuming processes. However, allowing more people to acquire more human capital (by providing them with access to education and training) may be less of a source of conflict than directing more incremental income to the poor in order to build up their physical assets. In this sense, acquisition of human capital may provide an easier route to the attainment of a more egalitarian distribution of assets. 1 0 3 1.0 10.18356/d85bcb9c-en 2b76e51c238ec3325f9888c4de210b3c Internal risks as they apply to individual public institutions or to the institutional system as a whole are not considered in detail here. For example, although risk management is an essential component of public procurement processes, it is out of the scope of this chapter. Similarly, anti corruption, for which riskand vulnerability are key considerations for effective strategies, is not addressed here (see chapter 2 in this report for a treatment of risk i n corruption). 13 8 2 0.6 10.18356/5b6c49ea-en 2b7a058a773fc97171694fbcdd1ca2e7 Scenario analysis can be used for risk hedging through identification of “robust” technology portfolios. In this context, a careful balancing of technology-neutral policies (for example, carbon taxes) and technology-banded ones (for example, feed-in tariffs), as well as short- and long-term policy targets, should be considered (Sanden and Azar, 2005). New technologies may not need subsidies if they exhibit high performance despite much higher costs. 7 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/5b6c49ea-en 2b7af1566eb14d6637e35ff9dde39c84 "The market value of Clean Development Mechanism transactions had reached $6.5 billion in 2008, but dropped thereafter by about 60 per cent as a result of the financial crisis and uncertainty about the future climate policy regime. Looking ahead to 2012, renewable energy projects are estimated to make up 61 per cent of the total number of CDM projects, accounting for 35 per cent of certified emissions reductions (CERs), with industrial gas and methane projects accounting for just under half of the remainder of CERs. If fully implemented, CDM projects contracted during the period 2002-2008 would require $106 billion worth of low-carbon investment, primarily in “clean"" energy (Kossoy and Ambrosi, 2010). In 2008, the World Bank also established the Climate Investment Funds which represent a collaborative effort among the multilateral development banks to address climate finance gaps." 7 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264188617-en 2b7f5da380e6c38bbe716859d1663037 Both calculations also show a rapid decline in wholesale electricity prices as a function of the increasing share of low marginal cost renewables. Electricity systems with very high renewable shares will have electricity prices equal to or below zero during a high number of hours of a year. This remains a major challenge for dispatchable technologies which, unlike renewables, do not receive any subsidies. Currently, dispatchable producers ensuring the public good of security of electricity supply are exposed to increasing commercial pressures due to the lower wholesale electricity prices and reduced load factors resulting from the influx of large amounts of electricity from subsidised renewables. Electricity price is assumed to be the cost of the marginal technology plus a mark-up of USD 10 per MWh. 7 0 3 1.0 10.1787/eco/studies-2012-5k8zs3twbrd8 2b81517e1b0a7e93b47d02860c45f0f5 In addition, by putting less weight on the upper part of the earnings distribution, the Gini index of the logarithm of earnings may yield a country ranking that differs from that of the Gini index. The logarithm of the 90/10 percentile ratio does not have these two weaknesses and is therefore preferred in this article. The main limitation of this measure is that it only builds on the estimated effect of explanatory variables at the 10th and 90th percentiles, and leaves aside effects on the middle class. 10 1 5 0.6666666666666666 10.18356/3dd278d2-en 2b82894e98b1908ef9d1f8c165c8c14a The Continental Free Trade Area (CFTA) is a more ambitious undertaking (see box 1.3 in chapter 1). The figures are computed by ECA using data from UNCTADSTAT. With the industrial revolution the urbanization process and its speed went through a dramatic shift—ultimately forming today’s megacities, transforming the world's population to a predominately urban one and now rapidly transforming Africa. 11 0 4 1.0 10.18356/5be883c5-en 2b830fd34442f96ee549cb9bcc460f4e Like decisions about time, these financial decisions are the result of intrahousehold bargaining,though they also reflect social bargaining over the size and structure of the social welfare system. Therefore, the impact of income on human capacities depends not only on how much is earned and spent but also on what is purchased and whether these commodities provide good substitutes or complements for unpaid care time. Think of professionalized and well-paid versus informal and underpaid care sector workers, purchasing a refrigerator versus a television set, or devoting publicfunds to the provision of childcare services versus expanding national defence. All of these arguably contribute to social reproduction, just to varying degrees and in ways that reflect gender. Whether goods and services are provided through primarily public or private channels, by government, community or for-profit institutions relates to both their quality and price as well as affecting the gender division of reproductive labour. 5 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.18356/b7f1b74c-en 2b8409865abff458cf54a942cbb4a9fe The Human Rights Committee has joined other rights-monitoring bodies in recommending legal reform to eliminate child marriage. The decline, which has been rapid in some countries, is attributed largely to a decrease in very early arranged marriages (World Health Organization, 201 lb). Still, one girl in 10 has a child before the age of 15 in Bangladesh, Chad, Guinea, Mali, Mozambique and Niger, countries where child marriage is common. In this region, such births are projected to rise slightly through 2030. 5 0 3 1.0 10.6027/9789289328913-7-en 2b845f4fa4758b0e346dda852a724def The federal republic owns less than 4% of the forest area. German federalism and the resulting division of powers assign power of legislation in forestry to the German federal states. They set up states forests and nature protection acts (Landeswaldgesetze, Landesna-turschutzgesetze), which govern forest management on state level. 15 0 3 1.0 10.18356/2c323ce7-en 2b8962fd6e171ddd50d884bb69950e34 Members of the sub-committees usually hold monthly meetings in Lebanon or Syria to discuss issues related to the basin, and exchange hydrological data and results of water quality analysis. Syria and Turkey launched a joint dam project on the Orontes River in Syria. In 2009, both countries signed a memorandum of understanding for the construction of the Syrian-Turkish Orontes River Friendship Dam to provide water for irrigation and hydropower. 6 0 3 1.0 10.18356/cabe9310-en 2b8a001d903b7878ebd19dee06b0bb62 In the case of spending public funds, one also needs to look at the wider societal costs and benefits of any investment project. In many cases, waste management investments are competing with investments in health, education or other infrastructure, so weighing the relative benefits to society becomes crucial. The economic analysis is analysing costs and benefits, where possible attaching a monetary value to different positive and negative environmental, economic, social and health impacts of the investment. 12 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.18356/a25027f3-en 2b8c305b7b1b7c6891ad32665ca63ced Interference in macroeconomic stability may come directly from inflation that can redistribute income towards the rich, capital flight that can trigger exchange rate instability, and balance of payments crises that can limit essential imports, or indirectly from expectations of instability that can erode support for the policies of the Government. While the rights-based goals should be described in detail and achieved within a given time frame, the optimal policy stance with respect to macroeconomic stability is country-specific. Macroeconomic imbalances need to be addressed on a case by case basis in order to minimize the economic and political costs of achieving distributive goals. 8 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264283572-en 2b8d816fc2a6144ad6781540f88e28bd S years in 2015 (up from 20.2 years in 2000) and Swedish men another 18.9 years (up from 16.7 years in 2000). In 2014,32 600 people died from cardiovascular diseases (accounting for 37% of all deaths among women and 36% of all deaths among men) and 22 400 from cancer (accounting for 23% of all deaths among women and 27% of all deaths among men). The strong rise in the number of deaths from Alzheimer's disease and other dementias reflects population ageing, better diagnosis, lack of effective treatments and more precise coding of these conditions as the cause of death. Major depressive disorders are another leading health problem that, even if not fatal, have serious life-limiting consequences. 3 0 7 1.0 10.1787/5js30tvj21hh-en 2b8eb28da79412d765c820359ce9690a However, the level of education is also a way to a “good marriage”, so that the simultaneity issue with a high level of education remains limited. The number of children could also be determined simultaneously with participation in the labour force. ( Didier et al 2014). The probability of participation of each woman using the linear model and the proportion of individuals whose probability of participation is not comprised between 0 and 1 (extreme values) were predicted. These latter individuals were removed, and the results were re-evaluated. A prediction is considered accurate if the predicted probability of participation is below 0.5 and the woman actually does not work, or the predicted probability is more than 0.5 and the woman actually works. 5 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264301085-4-en 2b8ec8fd8403cc46e4de4753ff4b260d Countries that exhibit similar levels of overall income mobility may contrast greatly in terms of the underlying forces driving mobility processes. A low level of income mobility may be a result of market inefficiency (lack of opportunity) in one country, while a result of generous welfare (stability) in another (Jantti and Jenkins, 2015). It concentrates on income changes over (working-age)3 individuals’ “life course”, ranging from medium-term income mobility (four years) to longer-term income changes (nine years). The chapter first identifies how taking account of income mobility changes our assessment of existing levels of income inequality. 10 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5kmms0t7p1ms-en 2b90434729febe93bd071581e7660689 Figure 3.9 shows how the value of the State Old Age Pension has changed over time. In 1970, the size of the State Old Age Pension for a white person was more than seven times the value of the pension for an African. This gap narrowed rapidly to a ratio of just over three in 1980, partly through a reduction in the real value of a white pension, but also through real increases in the size of the pension to Africans. The 1992 Social Assistance Act finally did away with all racially discriminatory provisions. 10 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264265530-4-en 2b9179018311334a6a8f342b42effbb0 In addition, initial preparation could prepare school principals better for their role and there are no further development opportunities for school principals. Also, the administrative responsibilities of principals and the lack of a stable teaching body may make it difficult for principals to develop learning communities in their schools. Finally, school principals could require further support from teacher leaders and the high degree of centralisation makes it difficult for principals to build a leadership team. In addition, it is important to keep the curriculum of general programmes relevant for the continuation of studies at a higher level while increasing the flexibility of its delivery to take into account the increasing diversity of student achievement as students make progress within the education system. 4 0 8 1.0 10.18356/a2206e44-en 2b952a107ec51291679320720ae3ce08 For instance, there could be agreement that renewables constitute EPPs based on the source of energy (i.e. the resource) rather than on the use of the products, as their categorization is not so much based on the specific category of technologies (e.g. electricity-generating motors, power converters or inverters) as it is on the source of the power (e.g. biofuels, low-head hydro, solar, wind or geothermal). Other goods using a particular source of energy could be classified as a single source within a category (e.g. electric cars or trains which fall under HS 8703 or HS 8601). However, the majority of these goods owe their environmental performance to a combination of features, and can only be definitively identified through testing. 7 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264289062-4-en 2b9b1693fc22a6e7c23da2a5806af5bd Particular attention should be paid to targeting investment towards populations, care segments and regions which lag behind. Quality improvement measures must be implemented at all level and their impact on process and health outcomes better monitored. Pay-for-performance arrangements could be based on improvements in these health outcomes, rather than on process measures or the occurrence or avoidance of rare events. Quality improvement initiatives should also prioritise further modernisation of health information systems, in order to integrate health care data and support continuity and coordination of care for patients. To accelerate improvement in health outcomes and close the gaps in key health indicators, greater public funding is likely to be required. 3 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264112902-5-en 2b9c5533929c272e622d0dba4607ff25 Usually, population agglomerations of 5 000 people constitute the lower threshold for what is officially defined as an urban area (Haggblade et al, 2007). Institutions are understood here as the “rules of the game” that shape and guide human behaviour (North, 1990). The distinction between formal and informal lies largely in the enforcement mechanism. 2 5 2 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/persp/glob/dev-2012-8-en 2b9e07b6682c3224ffca759b85c8cdf3 Fiscal administrative data sources for the last centuiy indicate that the widely observed rise in top incomes in the rich countries (OECD, forthcoming) is also true of China, India, Indonesia, Argentina and South Africa (Alvaredo et al., Figure 4.7 shows that the richest 1%’s share of national income has grown significantly in those countries over the last two decades. On the one hand, there are those who perceive high earnings as the right reward for talent or hard work and who see the possibility of high earnings as an opportunity. 10 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264100817-10-en 2ba030956496f79d7078f8183bdef93d Only a few studies have estimated the overall benefits from WSS investments at the level of a given country on the economy as a whole (using economic indicators such as percentage of GDP). Taking a comprehensive view of benefits is important as certain economic sectors can benefit from combined actions at different steps of the WSS value chain. For example, the agricultural or the tourism sectors can benefit from investment in both up-stream and down-stream activities of the value chain. In a first phase, the ESI carried out comprehensive assessment of the impact of poor sanitation on the economies of five South East Asian countries (see Box 5.1). 6 5 4 0.1111111111111111 10.1787/9789264268852-7-en 2ba09c36316fa6aa7427d27a7fbf94fa However, it is important that public participation does not turn into an obstacle to urban projects. In some cases, citizens who have opposed plans have taken the case to court to block infrastructure projects. This indicates how important it is to get citizens involved in public deliberations from the earliest stages. For that purpose, local communities need to be given a variety of tools and mechanisms to participate in resolutions adopted by the akimats. To engage the broader public, focus groups, media campaigns and an interactive website could be considered. 11 0 3 1.0 10.18356/1f42dd52-en 2ba2e7dab4f5e7e4b1cb108879d659e4 They also thank Marfa Cristina AlcAntara, Felipe Sterquino Itaborai and, especially, Diana Le6n for their rigorous and enthusiastic research assistance. Any error of assessment is the sole responsibility of the authors. Second, women with income of their own are overrepresented among the self-employed and in domestic work; in the latter occupation three quarters of individuals, almost all of them women, had no pension provisions in 2008 (ilo, 2011). Women in the labour market thus have less protection than their male peers —in urban areas only 36% of women have social security provision, compared with 49% of men (ilo/undp, 2009)—. Third, those who shoulder heavier care burdens have less social protection: in 12 Latin American countries, women with incomplete primary schooling have between 2 and 3.5 more children than those who have secondary schooling or more (eclac, 2011, p. 85). 5 0 3 1.0 10.18356/9b00e9d0-en 2ba48d6e3bb7f72641c61e5f21d15843 The company started a project for development of a WPP near Gori. This is the first attempt at introducing wind-power technology in Georgia. Although cooperation among ministries has improved since 2004, there is still not enough consideration given to the potential effects of energy sector development on other sectors of the economy. 7 0 5 1.0 10.14217/9781848591264-5-en 2ba4edfebe5f9ebf6f2c3a9e5a8e71ec The purpose of the analysis will be to identify commonalities and divergences where possible within the available comparative data. As already noted in the introductory chapter, the Commonwealth membership has a limited number of countries in the global South, where the feminisation of the teaching profession is widespread. Of those that do have indicators that warrant investigation, there are some clear similarities between them. This study has sought to maintain a cross-regional approach, and - within the limitation of countries available for study - has tried to offer varied experiences. However, it is noteworthy that three of the countries are small island states within the Commonwealth - Samoa, Dominica and Sri Lanka - making the study representative of the majority of Commonwealth countries where high female teacher percentages are a distinct characteristic of their education systems (see chapter 1). 4 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264230491-4-en 2ba74249141d7d661b57f7983b19e522 The application of clear licensing criteria should underpin this in practice. Creation of academic departments ofprimary care in Mexican medical schools to undertake research in primary care, develop clinical guidelines specific to primary' care, as well as teach the speciality, would support this. Development of the information infrastructure underlying primary care will also be critical, so that a richer picture of the effectiveness, safety and patient centredness of primary care can be built. Candidate indicators would be around prevention and management of chronic diseases, elderly care, child health and mental health care, as well as patient experience. Linked to this, Mexico should consider the introduction of a system to allow all patients to register formally with a named primary care specialist, as happens in the SS institutes and in many other OECD health systems. 3 0 7 1.0 10.1787/5k44t787zcwb-en 2ba7808b13f68b55df5a16844c23d3b4 The impact of the 2010 retirement reform (which increases the minimum legal age of retirement from 60 to 62 by 2018) would be to increase the supply of nurses in public hospitals and in all settings by 3.5% by 2030. Etudes et resultats, No. The objective of the QuBe project is to simulate complex interrelations and effects of political decisions and social measures on the national education system and the labour market. In addition to the analysis and results described below, occupational mobility was measured for the occupational field 'health care professions without license to practice medicine' and assigned to the nursing professions and its effects were assessed. 3 1 4 0.6 10.1787/9789264179073-6-en 2ba7eee0450875a7e74c8412db26a315 The developed Gulf economies and Syria were the latest to agree to the Convention, sometime between 2000 (Saudi Arabia) and 2009 (Qatar). They often commit to actions to increase women’s participation in the labour force and different sectors of the economy. As an example, policy statements in favour of the advancement of women in employment and entrepreneurship in Qatar's National Development Strategy 2011-16 are highlighted in Box 3.1. 5 0 5 1.0 10.6027/9789289330503-9-en 2ba83c6c5b15c8b52b0cb7df5ce9cbef For example, it is argued for a decrease in food loss and mentioned that it is important to make people aware of the food's value. The aim of the group is to work for prevention of food waste using the options possible for each party. The organisation is a consumer movement founded to raise public awareness about the food waste subject and hopefully to eliminate avoidable food waste in Denmark. 2 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264208605-7-en 2babfe07ad89b13d5e55815f5fcf2837 The effect of these low screening rates is seen in the modest impact that these screening programmes have had in diagnosing cancers at an earlier and more easily treatable stage, with the exception of breast cancer. Given increasing rates of smoking, obesity and alcohol abuse, including among children, more effective means of primary prevention of ill health must be found. Additionally, although guidelines for secondary prevention of cardiovascular risk exist, nothing is known about adherence to them. In terms of preventive interventions for cancer, linking screening data to clinical outcomes held in the national cancer registers is an obvious necessary first step. 3 0 3 1.0 10.18356/7d5576e0-en 2baf299719941b2abc0644fb6bb29d42 The low-priced products are imported in parallel to the official channels of distribution established by the IPR holder (in this context the holder of a pharmaceutical patent). It is important to note that parallel imports are not counterfeits; they are original products of the patent holder sold by himself or an authorized person on a given market, and purchased and subsequently re-sold legally by a third party. Domestic marketing of the patented product will in any case exhaust the domestic exclusive using and selling rights. 3 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.14217/9781848599406-9-en 2bb25af4495363db5b50012a96f82a48 We first present the thoughts of these stakeholders regarding the predicted and possible energy mix in 2050, before discussing perceived barriers to a transition towards sustainable energy systems. Figures 5.6 and 5.7 breakdown the predicted and possible energy share by sector, and reveal that opinion is often divided among the stakeholders as to which technologies will prevail. In fact, even among survey participants from within each sector, opinions on technology choice varied quite substantially - some experts predict that geothermal will form a substantial share of the energy mix, while others opt for OTEC, wind energy or natural gas. The one technology almost all stakeholders agree will play a significant role is solar PV. 7 1 3 0.5 10.1787/da48ce17-en 2bb2f1a460440cea7083f2f8c526d681 In particular, climate risks need to be considered in development planning (OECD, 2015a, 2009). It is therefore important that monitoring and evaluation systems for adaptation responses are developed in coherence with systems tracking the progress of development plans or of broader sustainable development goals under Agenda 2030. National approaches to adaptation monitoring and evaluation pioneered to date can provide examples and insights to the many countries interested in developing their own approaches. 13 0 3 1.0 10.18356/1fe990fb-en 2bb4b2779a8b85f0d1fb29e8ba415507 Occupational injury: any personal injury, disease or death resulting from an occupational accident; an occupational injury is therefore distinct from an occupational disease, which is a disease contracted as a result of an exposure over a period of time to risk factors arising from work activity. If a person is injured in more than one occupational accident during the reference period, each case of injury to that person should be counted separately. Incapacity for work: inability of the victim, due to an occupational injury, to perform the normal duties of work in the job or post occupied at the time of the occupational accident. Nonfatal occupational injury: a nonfatal injury caused by an occupational accident. 8 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264202924-9-en 2bb4b6fd5c88b697f3a0ba5ed1c7a90f A broader process of expert engagement then took place through written consultations and several mini-workshops. This work was used as the basis for the initial policy paper, published in June 2009. The NAS identifies relevant parties for each action, but does not clearly assign responsibilities or indicate timescales for delivery, although these are sometimes implicit in the recommendation. It is particularly important to actively involve all relevant ministries and to effectively organise the modes of co-operation (e.g. by establishing an ad hoc interministerial working group or strengthening existing institutional groups), with clear agreements on the roles and functions of process leader and process partners. 13 6 3 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/d79c87b2-en 2bbafecac683bd441e62cd78d69a15a5 This policy target might face resistance from local power generators and utilities, claiming system capacity will remain the same while the demand will fluctuate during day and night. Although this policy might reduce revenues for utilities, the long-term benefits are paramount and such commercial concerns should not hinder the further expansion and integration of the electricity grid and trade. Infrastructure: including natural resources, country overall infrastructure, grid capacity, market infrastructure, electricity access rate and projected demand. Institutions: public and private institutions related on renewable energy, key policies, access to renewable energy finance, macroeconomic environment. 7 0 6 1.0 10.1787/9789264262959-en 2bc1517bad8cf17a53ac598187c561be Data reflect children in pre-primary education (both public and private), but also in some countries children enrolled in compulsory primary education. Data for Australia refer to 2005 and for Bulgaria and Romania to 2007. Data for Japan refer to 2010 and for Australia, Chile, Mexico and the United States to 2011. In Chile, Colombia and Mexico, a mother is more likely to work the more education she has, perhaps because she earns higher wages and can afford formal ECEC (OECD estimates based on CASEN (2013), ENCV (2015) and ENIGH (2015)). The exclusion of low-income families and children in ECEC can have harmful effects and not only in the fonn of a mother’s lost wages: the pay-offs to investing early in children are large, especially for children from disadvantaged backgrounds (Heckman, 2006; Heckman et al., On average in the OECD, just over 10% of women are entrepreneurs (OECD Gender Portal 2016). 8 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/empl/outlook-2011-4-en 2bc20f573bfa96a92c7334c9d5348af8 A recent study by de Carvalho Filho (2008) on Brazil uses a triple differences-in-differences approach and exploits a major reform of Preuidencia Rural that took place in 1992 and introduced a simultaneous change in age eligibility, an increase in the amount of the benefit and expanded eligibility to non-heads of households. The study presents evidence of reduced employment rates and total hours of work associated with the generous transfer to rural labourers. Given that the programme is not means-tested but instead universal for workers in rural areas, the negative impact of Preuidencia Rural on labour supply reflects a pure income effect associated with a fairly generous transfer amounting to 36% of average wages. 10 4 1 0.6 10.1787/9789264079915-9-en 2bc95a2157a5f670953c41f8cd19c880 The first is purely physical. The English landed gentry and US cattle barons could use hedges or barbed wire to fence off the land they claimed (or stole, depending on your point of view), however vast the extent. Second, there was a government actively promoting the new property regime, with the means to enforce it if private attempts failed. 14 7 0 1.0 10.18356/9b00e9d0-en 2bc98cd8b1721da3e0f8a451e7b82d1d According to the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection, currently operating gas-fired power plants do not cause local air pollution due to the height of stacks and natural gas consumption. However, due to the fact that more coal-fired TPPs are currently in the pipeline, an increase in effects on the environment might be expected to take place in the future. However, the limited capacity of the country’s electricity transmission grid prevents this natural advantage from translating into major economic benefit. 7 0 3 1.0 10.18356/35651950-en 2bca0a86c3ec2700b42a2637693b5bbf For example, in France the authorities identified the third National Plan on Health and Environment as a key plan to be targeted for mainstreaming equitable access concerns (see Box 4). The results of the self-assessment should inform thegeneral design of targets. The development of the Action Plan would provide more specific proposals for targets and target dates to be set under the Protocol. Moreover, given that the target-setting process is an official process that covers equitable access (in accordance with article 5.1 of the Protocol), it could constitute a natural avenue for presenting and discussing the draft Action Plan. 6 3 0 1.0 10.1787/9789264266490-12-en 2bcaba150d0868d00605b775b8827f0a All three competencies are important in order to understand and engage critically with issues that involve science and technology - which are fast becoming ubiquitous. They also show that engagement with science and positive attitudes towards science are strongly related, in ways that also depend on students' proficiency in science. In particular, the positive relationship between performance in science and expectations of future careers in science is strongest among students who enjoy learning science the most. 4 0 4 1.0 10.1787/5kg51nfc1321-en 2bcc6062a2e2e4786f9135398ac7669f A World Bank study has found that subsidising the upfront capital costs - rather than consumption - is more effective to promote investment in electrification projects (World Bank, 2008). In general, tariff subsidies disproportionately benefit the higher-income and higher-electricity-consuming social classes. In fact, connection costs to the electricity grid are still a major barrier (IEG, 2008). Alternative tariff structures could include the cost in monthly payments. Access to electricity increases economic output and income; in some cases, the benefits resulting from connection enable the user to later upgrade to higher power. The projected increased demand provides strong incentive for private companies; however, the need to transform the entire energy system creates additional risk. 7 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/9abbeac5-en 2bcc62bb7397bf0abdba9227a4ae4472 It is a framework that is centred on the rights and freedoms to which all are entitled by virtue of being human. The focus is on women's socio-economic disadvantage, but economic, social, civil and political rights are deeply intertwined. Economic and social rights are closely interlinked with all other rights, especially the civil and political rights that enable women's organizing and claims-making. 5 0 9 1.0 10.1787/5js4vmp5n5r8-en 2bcc9a7f2bc76c6ceefd54d47dad5a2d These have been of particular importance in fostering social identities approving of bicycle cultures, facilitating a co-evolution of behavioural and infrastructural change. For bicyclists, positive perceptions of safety, speed and comfort have been key in achieving high bicycle trip shares. To justify infrastructure costs (bicycle tracks, etc.), The analysis revealed the net social gain for each cycled kilometre to be EUR 0.16, compared to the net social cost of EUR 0.09 per km driven by car. 8 2 3 0.2 10.1787/9789264305250-4-en 2bcd7458dd9eab348f78a6d84707a1be Instead remedial support for established migrants whose foundational skill requirements exclude them from educational and labour market programmes must be built into the integration infrastructure and systematically available for those that need it. In December 2017, a new curriculum guideline to create literacy training for adult migrants within the education system was issued by the Finnish National Agency for Education. The new training is part of a more extensive refonn transferring responsibility for literacy training to the Ministry of Education and Culture. 4 0 9 1.0 10.18356/6d4db5ea-en 2bce049906fa40be670603bdb997d232 There is also a risk that they will give rise to a corresponding fragmentation of investments in recipient countries at the expense of more systemic and holistic approaches, and that investment programmes will become driven by the priorities of funders rather than countries’ own needs and priorities. However, the limited progress made towards fulfilment of commitments in these areas in the decade since the Paris Declaration (OECD, 2005) indicate the need for an alternative approach if this is not to be a serious obstacle to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. It could greatly enhance the efficiency of the process by which the investment needs identified by each country are matched with funders’ priorities; reduce funding delays and uncertainties; lessen the administrative burden on LDCs associated with securing investment financing; and support the movement towards greater country ownership and more country-led development strategies, as envisaged in the Paris Declaration and the 2030 Agenda. It could also play an important role as an advocate, both for improved delivery on financial commitments to financial ISMs, and for improved donor coordination and harmonization. 10 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5k46dbzhrkhl-en 2bce596b569930c7bcd0a96b763729a1 About 73,000 credits were issued, and the credits were purchased by the World Bank’s BioCarbon Fund, which generates income for Humbo residents (World Bank, 2012). The Sustainable Land Management (SLM) programme was initiated by the Government of Ethiopia in collaboration with donors (e.g. World Bank, Finland, EU and Germany) and other stakeholders to reverse land degradation and improve agricultural productivity. This kind of programme could form the core of any local green economy - protecting the natural assets that underpin development and livelihoods. 13 0 7 1.0 10.1787/09e92b30-en 2bd43b34e67408fd41c3ca2979dd63d9 As in other OECD countries, technology is expanding possibilities for life extension and quality, and spending is rising steadily, while an ageing population requires substantially more and different services. The main challenges are to promote prevention and cost-efficient behaviour by care providers, tackle the high spending on pharmaceuticals, strengthen the role of health insurers as purchasing agents and secure cost containment. Good-quality information and appropriate financing schemes would ensure stronger efficiency incentives. 3 0 9 1.0 10.18356/e569c117-en 2bd456ecc5c9b4ae6ead640f06a35001 Moreover, it has been estimated that an increase of 100 kg in the food ratio contributes to an increase in attendance rates of 17 and 16 percentage points for boys and girls respectively (Ravallion and Wodon, 2000). Receipt of the child grant in South Africa is positively correlated with the beneficiary attending school, an increase estimated in the range of 25 per cent (Samson et al., The grant's effects are most positive if women are the recipients (Santana, 2008). 1 1 5 0.6666666666666666 10.18356/922d178c-en 2bd5ea068e34b6efe6bfe3667efbb110 Out of this figure, half was contributed by mothers aged between 15 and 24, and the other half by mothers aged between 25 and 29 (Iran, Civil Registration Organization, 2010). Considerable health risks are associated with unintended pregnancy and clandestine abortion where there are no routine pre- or post-abortion health-care services (Hosseini-Chavoshi and others, 2012). Among teenage women in developing countries, health risks associated with unintended pregnancy include higher rates of anaemia, pre-term labour and low birth weight (P£rez-Lopez, 2011). Moreover, in the event of an unwanted pregnancy being carried to term, the risks to the child include stillbirth, low birth weight, mental and physical dysfunction, or neonatal death due to neglect (Marston and Cleland, 2003a). 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/eco/surveys-gbr-2013-4-en 2bd69772939bf763aeb505c824f55b3d As the supply of affordable housing is also expanding more slowly than demand, social renting is an increasingly restricted alternative. Fiscal consolidation since 2010 initially reduced inequality, as tax increases hit high-income households the most, but phased-in benefit cuts may have the opposite effect going forward (Jin et a I., 2011). The council tax, which is regressive, should be replaced by a property tax based on market values, with safeguard mechanisms for housing rich but income poor households. As well as reducing inequality, this could improve the stability of the housing market (OECD, 2011a, Chapter 2). 10 0 9 1.0 10.18356/3af953a4-en 2bd9773b8ada80bab1190d8fa213f413 Substantive equality may consequently require positive action by the State to address the specific disadvantages and needs of women.16 The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women encompasses substantive equality, recognizing that gender-neutral laws can have discriminatory effects and that formal equality is not enough to address them. Its article 4 on temporary special measures, the Committee's general comment No. In the Committee's view, the Convention requires that women should be given an equal start and also that the State should create an enabling environment for the empowerment of women in order to achieve equality of results (also referred to as equality of outcome). Equality of results is the logical consequence of de facto or substantive equality, according to the Committee. 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264208469-8-en 2bd979824e76cec022530cdf78e62826 Norway can do more to makes sure that quality of mental health care is not uneven across the country, that co-ordination between services is good, and that all mental disorders are appropriately treated. Governance responsibilities for mental health care are an area for attention, and there is a need to ensure that responsibilities for commissioning and delivering services are fulfilled, and that co-ordination between administrative bodies is strong. Section 4.3 then looks at available information on mental health care, and suggests that whilst Norway has a quite impressive array of available indicators, there is the potential to further improve data sources to give better information on quality of care. Finally, the chapter takes a system-level perspective, and addresses the need to improve co-ordination of service provision and care delivery across governance bodies, and to better define service responsibilities, so as to maximise the use of existing resources , to guard against gaps and duplication in care provision, and to promote high-quality care at all levels. 3 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264303119-en 2bda0c9c2f2f7dcbe4b7fb43b61975d0 However, the intellectually coherent manner to proceed towards this internalisation would have been to tax the externality itself, i.e. to impose taxes on GHG emissions and the use of imported fuels, rather than to impose certain technologies on the market. Guaranteeing long-term revenues to VREs only, whether through feed-in tariffs or other instruments, is thus at the origin of the technical and pecuniary externalities that are created by the variability of wind and solar PV. This reduces the profitability of alternative means of electricity production, which nevertheless remain indispensable to ensure the security of supply and thus will require additional revenues through capacity mechanisms. 7 0 5 1.0 10.1787/9789264282988-5-en 2bdbcba6aa9ffe2caa0e35fc1ae3c5f0 Levels of GDP vary greatly by region with per capita income in the richest department (Moquegua) eight times higher than in the poorest (Apurimac). While years of strong economic development have seen poverty rates decrease, it remains a considerable problem. In 2015, 22% of the population were living in poverty (18%) or extreme poverty (4%), even if this is approximately half the rate compared to ten years ago. 3 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.14217/9781848591035-7-en 2bdd0acb1052d0c8d4d800fb563b1e87 This is because their fiduciary responsibility to their own taxpayers leads them to be fearful of contexts in which aid can be shown to have been used badly. Looming fiscal pressures in OECD countries can only intensify such concerns and threaten to undermine provision of budget support. Having recognised the nature of the problem, governments of LDCs need then to do something about it. There are two approaches, potentially complementary. 9 2 2 0.0 10.18356/daadf51f-en 2bdeee9dff95a4a110cbb75648582558 Concentration of refugees in remote camps, as in Kenya, may result in only partial inclusion and geographical separation. Resources can be a key constraint Lebanon and Jordan, with the most refugees per capita, have adopted double-shift education, producing temporal separation. In several contexts, refugees continue to be educated in separate, non-fbrmal community-based or private schools, the largest recent displacement of Rohingya fleeing Myanmar for Bangladesh being a prominent case. 4 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/6236c858-en 2bdf15bf8d9cc2790080a972f84771b5 If a demand exists for unnecessarily resource intensive products, then one manufacturer or the other will meet the demand. Resource efficiency is thus inextricably linked to both consumption and production. Although the target has proved difficult to meet, automobile manufacturers have made great strides in facilitating compliance for example, by using recycled material, improving material identification, improving ease of dismantling, ease of re-use and ease of recycling. Environmentally harmful materials and ingredients in materials are being eliminated entirely or their usage minimised. 12 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264262430-6-en 2bdf3dab987024ca58e3e363032511e8 Decentralised power in the school system can provide good conditions for efficiency and high performance (Barankay and Lockwood, 2007; Clark, 2009; Falch and Fischer, 2012; Hanushek et al., The Danish system is highly decentralised in the sense that the central government does not interfere in specific municipalities and schools, but governs the system mainly through general guidelines agreed in national negotiations. Central funding is related to national goals and targets as negotiated in the annual agreements between the central government and LGDK. A key central initiative to reduce spending following the financial crisis was the introduction of multi-annual expenditure ceilings for the central government, municipalities and regions by the Danish parliament. 4 0 3 1.0 10.18356/cb1665cb-en 2be002bf2c94954b927cef76e3f7c87f The project is also financed by a grant of $2.74 million from the Global Environment Facility (World Bank, 2015). Efforts have centred on policy development, institutional strengthening, information and land-use planning systems, and strengthening regional forest inventory and pest management organizations. The project's development objectives are to improve forest fire prevention and suppression efforts in select forest ecosystems, including targeted protected areas, and to enhance forest management in pilot regions. 15 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264116788-5-en 2be262c24f0b444bd31d18804bc71802 These are the basis for annual publications with indicators on education at the national and regional levels. Both the central government and regions prepare annual editions of the Status Report on the Development of the Education System to assess progress towards their respective Long-term policy objectives. Also, international benchmarks of student performance provided by international student surveys such as PISA and TIMSS have been influential in driving policy development at the system level. 4 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264281318-17-en 2be6d336fa0eb735f87a7cd61e14389e Austria and Iceland reported using gender diversity preference in hiring in 2010, but not in 2016, while France and Japan said they had discontinued preparatory training for civil service entrance examinations specifically targeting women candidates. France did, however, report in 2016 that it rewarded public service departments that had recruited more women and/or meet gender diversity targets. Ireland, for example, established a Judicial Appointments Commission in 2016 which states that one of its priority goals is gender balance in judicial office. 5 0 8 1.0 10.18356/ee1d4926-en 2bea697dea743a8578b68843f0a0264e Unfortunately, several oases are suffering from the abandonment of traditional agricultural practices because of the soil salinization and water quality degradation, allowing desertification to proceed. In the southern Ouarzazate region, 80 per cent of soils are affected by salinization. Certainly, between 80 per cent and 90 per cent of economically accessible surface water resources have already been regulated through dams and inter-annual storage reservoirs in Morocco. 6 0 3 1.0 10.18356/3136863b-en 2bf0da27e0e59dd08695e9befc4fe06b For example, Ethiopia, which is home to an estimated 2.6 million 10-year-olds, half of whom are girls, has a gender parity index of 0.6 for secondary school, a marked decline from parity in primary school. In addition to shouldering the burden of unpaid work, such as household chores, many 10-year-old girls and older adolescents also work in family enterprises or wage-earning activities. These responsibilities invariably mean less time for schoolwork, place them at risk, and may contribute to their dropping out of school. 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/env/outlook-2012-8-en 2bf19ab3add726d0cb79987bfb78ef89 Differences up to 2050 are relatively limited however, and are not quantified here. The largest difference between the Baseline and this scenario is brought about by reducing water demand from electricity generation (down by 37% in 2050), followed by domestic and manufacturing demands (each down by nearly 30%). Human nitrogen (N) emission is the N emitted in wastewater by households and industries that are connected to the same sewerage system. Dividing by D results in a value that applies to the total population. 6 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264283534-en 2bf2bf6af4d8c1323096030863a6af29 In fact, 50% of Romanian respondents (compared to 19% across EU countries) said that they felt they had to make the extra payment or gift before the care was received In contrast, 28% said they made the informal payment or gift after care was provided. Moreover, about one fifth of respondents in Romania (19%) said that they had been asked to go to a private consultation with the doctor in order to be treated in a public hospital. There have also been some unfavourable trends, including rising mortality rates for the most common causes of death (cardiovascular diseases and lung, breast and colorectal cancers), increasing numbers of new HIV/AIDS cases and falling immunisation rates. 3 0 3 1.0 10.18356/152d606d-en 2bf30dceda6e9df4ca066f84866e0839 They may also face a restricted social and physical environment, which when combined with diminished personal capabilities can hold back older people from taking advantage of opportunities available to them and from being resilient to threats that affect them. Women’s life expectancy is longer than men’s, so women may spend more time in poverty than men. Women are more likely to lose their partner and less likely to remarry. Lower education and the need to combine work with childcare means that women are more likely to work in the informal sector. 1 2 2 0.0 10.1787/9789264268791-6-en 2bf49bb784ae2cbedee83e74fd82b816 This is most visible in Coumon d’Auvergne, which has grown from an agricultural village to become the second largest city in the departement. The “city in the countryside” feature has had a major influence on the Eastern side of the Limagne plain, but also on the hills after the collapse of wine-production. This has led to a need for new infrastructure alongside these main channels in order to service new developments. In turn, this opens up the area for development and leads to further urbanisation, including in areas that are costly for the municipality to provide services to and that impose environmental costs (e.g. the cost of expanding infrastructure and the costs of commuting). 11 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5km5zrrvzr42-en 2bf8b983969ae956f3c87980ea7f836d Considering the WEO data of USD 2.55 trillion for the building sector and USD 3.1 trillion for other major economies, and assuming the ratio allocated to the building sector across region one estimates that USD 713 billion should be spent in the building sector in other major economies from 2010 to 2030. Hence, an estimated USD 17.8 billion /year should be spent from 2010 to 2020, while USD 53.5 billion should be spent from 2020 to 2030. Do the low levels of EE investment result from a lack of financing, or is more complex decisionmaking behaviour at play? What do business and asset owners (and households) really consider in deciding whether or not to invest in an energy efficiency asset with apparently high returns? Observed incongruity between paper assessment and physical results raises the question of whether EE investments are about more money - public or private - being made available or whether other factors such as risk perception and project complexity are at play. 7 1 3 0.5 10.1787/5jlwjg92n48x-en 2bfcbc0d56db1be3bcf75b0352119e35 Providers highlighted the importance of monitoring and evaluating the results associated with finance flows, while recipients prioritised building systems for tracking the finance flows. Under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), developed countries committed in 2009 to jointly mobilise USD 100 billion of climate finance to developing countries annually by 2020. The new 2015 Paris Agreement continues this collective mobilisation goal through to 2025 in the context of meaningful mitigation actions and transparency on implementation. These expected finance flows are of similar magnitude to the current level of net official development assistance (ODA), which was USD 135 billion1 in 2014, and climate-related ODA is one of the main sources of climate finance reported to date (OECD, 2016). 13 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264210745-6-en 2bfef9cdfac636a1c4e1447a72bdd90a Each minister in Sweden is responsible for fulfilling the gender equality goals in his or her specific policy area. In the pursuit of gender equality, Korea has focused on developing women’s capacities, increasing women’s political representation and improving the welfare and civil rights of women. To ensure gender equality, Korea actively promoted gender-mainstreaming strategies in the policymaking process. 5 0 7 1.0 10.18356/bee3dd14-en 2c02bbda2efa3268a6be930b73f2792b Indeed, compared to the HDI, several developing countries, such as Brazil, Colombia and Ecuador, advance considerably (by 16 or more places) up the “human sustainable development index” when carbon emissions are factored in.6 Some richer countries, notably the United States and Canada, fall significantly. The success of the eco-social turn depends on whether a social and political perspective can be adopted in policy responses to environmental degradation and climate change. Section 3 analyses the social dimensions of green economy approaches and highlights the need to adopt an eco-social lens in order to ensure that economies are not only green but also equitable and inclusive. 13 1 4 0.6 10.1787/9789264212664-en 2c044009b622142a18a80a37071436ea Thus, to best benefit from tenders, governments should first clearly identify the objective behind the tender based on due diligence and needs assessments. Bid design should also minimise opportunities for bid rigging (see question 3.9). Prime mover technology must have been in use for at least 12 months with 80% technical availability. 7 6 3 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5js30tvj21hh-en 2c05bdc93e55d3c0226e4b61a7afeb46 The formal sector (or workers with social security benefits) covers less than 10% of total employment. Despite different methodologies in collecting the data, the main trends of low and declining female labour force participation are similar in the different sources. This study uses the NSSO data as it provides the most recent information and is broadest in coverage. Given the large regional differences in India the analysis is also conducted by region and between rural and urban areas. 5 1 4 0.6 10.18356/ae18b798-en 2c07aea332e388d592c140fdca49a8dc While poverty rates remain high in a significant number of countries, the rate for the region as a whole is the lowest to be attained in the last 20 years. While this was lower than the 4.8% per capita growth rate posted in 2010, it nonetheless consolidates the region-wide recovery from the 3.0% downturn seen in 2009. Argentina (7.9%) and Panama (8.9%) boasted the highest per capita growth rates, followed by Ecuador (6.3%), Pem (5.7%), Uruguay (5.4%) and Chile (5.0%). Per capita output rose less than 2% only in Brazil (1.9%), El Salvador (0.9%), Guatemala (1.4%) and Honduras (1.6%) (see table 1.1). The steady downtrend in this rate seen in every year since 2002 except 2009 has yielded the lowest figures since the mid-1990s, and almost all of the Latin American countries had rates below 8%. 1 0 9 1.0 10.1787/agr/pol-2011-7-en 2c07be5596159070d5ddc0d3e8f2725f The direct payments for core farmers that are based on historical land, income and output were maintained in 2010. It was also decided in 2009 to reorganise the various direct payment programmes and the country is testing a farm income stabilisation programme. The programme is addressing managerial risk at the farm level by subsidising the gap when the farm income is bellow the target income. Once the feasibility test is concluded the programme should be implemented on a wide range. 2 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264282261-26-en 2c0ac0cd09f1c0461d3ec09b67b406b7 The ‘Transfers to SECTOR’ numbers reported here include estimations for management and enforcement expenditures, where missing. World's total values of production for catch and aquaculture were sourced from the FAO Yearbook, Fishery and Aquaculture Statistics, 2015. Both numbers have been corrected adding the value of seaweed production; aquaculture lias also been adjusted to account for the value of Chinese production reported to the OECD, Fish stocks data were sourced front Japan's fish classification system group stock assessment. 14 1 7 0.75 10.1787/9789264088986-en 2c0b302518591ac47b0a99d0641a2ebc The higher education institutions should also develop a practical engagement with business and a collaborative way of referring enquiries from businesses and industry with the help of virtual and face-to-face collaboration. Authorities should channel funds to enhance SME/business/college linkage and related applied research projects that would contribute to strengthen the Galilean innovation system. The RAAK procedure in Netherland is an example to consider. Finnish, German and US initiatives are examples that could be emulated. 4 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.18356/7d902f55-en 2c0b45e6036bfb9bd37dd50b6cfc91a3 Regional coordination of research agendas could manage the necessary overlap of research activities in trans-boundary areas. Common priorities and coordinated research efforts could also attract funding from outside the region, especially where synergistic partnerships can be developed and coinvestment can be leveraged. The sections below briefly consider some current global and regional research priorities. 14 3 0 1.0 10.1787/agr/pol-2011-7-en 2c0bdec7b8283396a8b9b44a868e1e40 Both rural incomes and food supplies would improve as a result of well targeted investments. To achieve that vision, a reorientation of policies is necessary in most of the countries covered in this report. Creating an environment in which farmers have the greatest possible freedom to respond to market signals will allow farmers to become more innovative and competitive and will reduce many of the distortions associated with the current policies. 2 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264305250-4-en 2c0d0993585b080fb755ea25503d31f3 Thus, while among Finland’s Estonian population the employment population ratio, at 66%, is less than four percentage points below that of Finnish citizens, among the Russian, Iraqi, Somali and Afghan population conversely, employment population ratios are substantially lower, standing at 37, 12, 11 and 15% respectively. However, as the number of migrants from Iraq, Somalia and Afghanistan continues to grow, efforts to improve their labour market integration is becoming an increasingly pressing concern. This represented a substantial increase in the number of asylum requests compared to the preceding years, during which it had hovered between three and four thousand. The country has been grappling with the implications of these numbers, both in terms of meeting the immediate needs regarding housing and initial settlement, and in terms of long-term integration into the Finnish labour market and society. Of the asylum decisions made in 2016 in Finland, only 27 % were positive, rising to 40% in 2017. 4 8 1 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/5k9312v21l6f-en 2c0d93bb7ada0cc385c2e6e5d68f4f40 This makes it difficult to assess the risk in these investments and to understand the correlation with the investment outcomes of other sectors (i.e. whether infrastructure assets move in line with other asset classes, such as equity markets, or not). Recent developments in accounting, in particular the introduction of fair value principles, have brought greater transparency and consistency to financial statements. However, the move towards fair value has also brought a greater focus on short-term market fluctuations, and some would argue that this has been to the detriment of the long-term investment horizon. 7 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/ff87fd8d-en 2c0e54da8c5bd7c194c1852cb227f58b Law (2016) indicates that today many funders now request or encourage rigorous conservation evaluation as a condition of funding, and conceptual and technical how-to literature is increasingly available (Ferraro 2012, World Bank Group 2013, Fisher et al. There is also an expanding drive and capacity to collate the required data (Ferraro and Pressey 2015; Bare et al. The lack of studies using rigorous impact evaluation methodologies may be partly explained by the fact that their use was not planned for in the design of the policy, meaning there is no counterfactual to measure against. From Development Cooperation to National Policies, German Institute for Development Evaluation (DEval), Bonn. 15 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.14217/5jlz411xvqhc-en 2c0fef3b9cc38e498a880eba4a71d79e The GCF’s support can be in the form of loans, loan guarantees, equity financing or outright grants. It has always been recognised that creating resilience involves economic diversification in some economies, particularly in countries that are over-dependent on exports that are exposed to climate risks (e.g. hydrocarbons, agricultural commodities in areas of climate-related water stress). In addition, and linked to this rationale, countries could make the case for investments to protect trade-related infrastructure from the impacts of climate change - to protect ports from storm surges, for example. These sorts of investments would fall under the theme ‘infrastructure and built environment’. 13 0 5 1.0 10.18356/a2eaa89c-en 2c0ff4f406977995b1bf7bb3bc5d33a0 This means that multidimensional poverty declined in Brazil between 2003 and 2008. This shift is attributable to two different trends: the relative number of people in deprived households dropped; and the proportion of deprived households that were experiencing deprivation in respect of a single indicator rose. The proportion of the urban population of Brazil experiencing deprivation (H) as measured by at least one indicator amounted to 68.9% in 2003 and 61.7% in 2008. If the cut-off is deprivation as measured by at least two indicators, the figures drop to 33.8% and 28.0%, respectively. 1 1 5 0.6666666666666666 10.1787/9789264309074-14-en 2c123d13d110878509e04fabd902e082 Some people in rural areas are still highly dependent on natural resources for their livelihoods, and reducing poverty in these areas is a key concern for the government. Unsustainable use of natural resources has resulted in increasing degradation and pollution. These trends are exacerbated by the country's vulnerability to climate change, which threatens progress made towards economic growth and poverty reduction. Attracting investment in areas such as renewable energy, energy efficiency or waste management could help create jobs and spur growth and development. 8 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264112902-5-en 2c13596fb6449ccf8e8c0387b87fbc63 In the 1990s, developing countries on balance made that switch, with their average nominal rate of assistance (NRA), which measures the degree to which domestic farm gate prices are above adjusted border prices, becoming positive (Figure 1.8).12 On average, they thereby joined high income OECD countries in providing protection to their agricultural sectors. Note that this measure only takes account of relative prices, and ignores subsidies to farmers or other aspects of agricultural spending. The horizontal axis of Figure 1.9 shows agriculture’s share of total employment, while the vertical axis measures the NRA. 2 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264233348-en 2c14f20cf4d88c527cd312aaf3305bbb A widely recognised qualification framework and a register of professions are also currently lacking in the Slovak Republic. In contexts such as the Slovak Republic where formal qualifications in some study fields are poorly understood in the labour market, work experience may be used by employers as a screening tool for a set of skills and characteristics (Kurekova et al., The Ministry is in the process of developing a qualification framework in cooperation with stakeholders, and this may contribute to correcting the existing information asymmetries and improve labour market matching. First, more substantial work-based learning throughout the Slovak VET system would improve school to work transition. 4 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264044135-3-en 2c157773a572f6cab7fa1d9298e78709 We have established such partnerships in several areas - water technology and windmills for example - and it seems that former competitors are now willing to co-operate on new solutions. There are substantial benefits from taking environmental sustainability systematically into production strategies. 12 0 9 1.0 10.1787/agr/outlook-2014-5-en 2c1645a5344cd3758e238717f1dcc2c4 With an estimated production of 140 Mt of milk in 2013, India is the largest producer of milk in the world.14 Milk yields remain low by western standards, and the size of the cow herd is large, consisting in 2011 of some 45 million dairy cows, 38 million buffalo cows, 32 million goats, for a total of 115 million head. This number is projected to increase to 143 million by 2023. Milk production is projected to grow to 202 Mt by 2023, growing at a rate of 3.7% p.a. However, even at this pace of growth, India’s average consumption of milk and milk products will still be below those of Western Europe and Pakistan. 2 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264282261-10-en 2c1c552a7949e00c23226c287b2c38cc World’s total values of production for catch and aquaculture were sourced from the FAO Yearbook, Fishery and Aquaculture Statistics, 2015. Both numbers have been corrected adding the value of seaweed production; aquaculture lias also been adjusted to account for the value of Chinese production reported to the OECD. Fostering the implementation of the Integrated Maritime Policy (IMP) (UP6). The total budget allocated to these priorities is EUR 68.5 million (USD 91 million) of which EUR 41.7 million (USD 55 million) is contributed by EMFF. Innovation and investments wall be supported to achieve this goal. 14 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264190320-4-en 2c1f4bef92983c9255b13a4455ab8098 By mid-2012, 2.8 million elderly people (around 60% of all eligible individuals) were receiving a monthly flat-rate benefit (non-taxed MXN 500) payable every two months (SEDESOL, 2012). However, 70 y mas overlaps with other transfer programmes also intended to tackle old age poverty, including Apoyo Para Adultos Mayores (itself a component of Oportunidades), Programa de Apoyo Alimentario, Liconsa, Procampo and Acuerdo National para el Campo. The most important among these are schemes to improve education and employability, often targeting women more specifically: Programa de Infraestructura Basica para la Atencion de los Pueblos Indfgenas; Programa de Education Initial y Basica para la Poblacion Rural e Indigena; Programas Albergues Escolares Indfgenas and Programa Organization Productiua para Mujeres Indxgenas. 1 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/agr/outlook-2014-4-en 2c2028d1f47935055e01ca9d7d0d8be6 Sugar production is promoted by government support schemes such as the US sugar programme and, through the increased interest in sugar-based ethanol, is also affected by biofuel policies. The future of biofuel production and the associated feedstock is hence greatly determined by how the main producers of biofuels will design their policies. The uncertainty that currently surrounds these policies, especially in the European Union and United States (see also Biofuel Chapter), implies that policy changes could completely change the production outlook for these commodities. 2 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.18356/7b53d77f-en 2c205c4215df2660754da9cc5e3f936c In considering its high openness to trade, the region's relative resilience to weak external demand may come as a surprise. One explanation is the increased size of domestic and regional demand. The region's developing economies now account for a third of the world's output, only slightly less than the combined share of the developed economies in North America and Europe. 8 2 4 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264281936-8-en 2c2453ccacd45f58be9ee7be5adf901c The work of the decision-making body is supported by a permanent secretariat with a staff of approximately 25-30. One of the central tasks of OROK is the preparation of the Austrian Spatial Development Concept (OREK, Osterreichisches Raurnentwicklungskonzept), which covers a planning period of approximately ten years and provides a vision and guidelines for spatial development that is shared by all levels of government. Beyond the preparation of the Spatial Development Concept, OROK also monitors spatial development across Austria. 11 0 7 1.0 10.1787/5kmh3nj5rzs4-en 2c2e1e92234b0f3eaaae7e1b543d5e73 The government of India, through laws and reforms which have shaped the country's institutional and legal framework, and through the establishment of dedicated rural electrification institutions, has opted for long-term planning, with centrally determined objectives and target years. Without firm implementation policies and goals that can be enforced through legislation, the electrification process will fall through. Before 2007, lack of sufficient funds was the main reason for the slow implementation of rural electrification in India during the 10th Five-Year Plan. Moreover, if secure and dedicated funds are not available for the longer term once the project is implemented, there will be financial losses and perhaps the de-Page | 100 electrification of previously newly electrified villages. 7 0 3 1.0 10.18356/0488519d-en 2c307efb105f08f5d5423057b3b4b700 In Nepal, for example, during the 2015 earthquakes the national core telecommunications backbone, which had benefitted from significant investment, stayed functional. But other components of the network, such as cell phone towers, suffered significant impacts, making it difficult to restore communications to hard-hit areas. This experience illustrates the value of investment, but also the need to consider the complete service delivery chain. 13 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264290679-5-en 2c32c0dc9c8e6f8a060c19efb631a116 A law passed in 2009 reinforced regional responsibilities. Reform in 1999 reduced the number of counties from 24 to 21 (creation of Vastra Gotaland and Skane). Further regional mergers were investigated in 2015-16 but were eventually dropped. Latvia is not included due to tire lack of data availability. 11 4 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/07f2a46c-en 2c33df005c82e34cbb684af4bbe8cb33 The experience of Thailand shows that a universal coverage system contributes to the affordability as well as the wide availability of contraceptives in an effective manner. Countries with a similar level of economic development as Thailand should work towards establishing national insurance schemes comprising a reproductive health package that ensures that contraceptive commodities essential to the population's welfare and the development of the country are covered. After all, contraceptive security in its broad sense of availability of a wide range of quality contraceptives is meant for all and not only for the advantaged groups of society. 5 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/50e33932-en 2c3585326b7f6db21976d1ec2209403b Target industries have shifted as well over time, from export-oriented industries in 1960-70s to R&D and innovation activities and investments were made to transform industrial complexes into knowledge-based centres. ( Many of government ministries and public organisations have been collectively relocated to the Multi-functional Administrative City Sejong, and other public organisations including research institutions have transferred to 10 newly constructed Innovation Cities to play leading roles in forming regional innovation systems. Enterprise cities aim to revitalise regional economies through encouraging private investment, providing incentives on land use and tax. ( 11 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5k3tsj67l226-en 2c37305b6439cba400fdc2ed30548cbd Entire institutions have been designing PBL curricula, and new PBL programmes and courses have been adopted and further developed by institutions and educators around the world - shifting the curriculum from a faculty-centred approach to a more student-centred, interdisciplinary process (Barrett and Moore, 2011; Barrows and Tamblyn, 1980). In the United States, Stanford University is involved with PBL in several departments in varying degrees. For example, at the PBL Laboratory, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, multidisciplinary, geographically distributed teams each project team member has a unique area of expertise. Stanford University has also launched a specific, non-degree teaching centre, the, to unblock students’ imagination, creativity and innovation (Box 3). 4 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264190320-4-en 2c38f503e3e62e78469b3d118fc56010 Overall poverty among the older population is one-and-a-half times higher than among the population as a whole. The lack of old age income security means that many must work even at a very old age - a phenomenon particularly frequent in the countryside. Recent longterm projections by the Consejo Nacional de Poblacion (CONAPO) indicate that the population aged 65 or over will more than double during the next 20 years, from 7 million in 2010 to around 16 million in 2030. 1 1 3 0.5 10.1787/5k4dlw04vx0n-en 2c3a0cf5a380e1ca9413faf23eb39224 Ces deux mesures ne sont pas compatibles et risquent de compromettre la realisation des deux objectifs. Des marches plus concurrentiels requierent, au minimum, une information de bonne qualite, un financement approprie et des incitations plus fortes a l’efficience. Compte tenu du vieillissement de la population, les politiques actuelles feront plus que doubler le cout des soins de longue duree au cours des decennies a venir. 3 6 1 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264238701-6-en 2c3fd3f7b19cdf61c2c0b302d108e05e Intervention does not guarantee success and, as argued earlier, some may be perfectly unjustified economically. But there is no evidence of an evolution in public policy interventions with the severity of stresses. Spain's experience following its 1983 Water Act has shown that implementing this type of reform is challenging, especially in areas with past intensive use of groundwater for irrigation by thousands of farmers (Llamas and Garrido, 2007). 6 1 3 0.5 10.18356/9fd805e3-en 2c40f8059fb0ed2566dce988a48b8f04 The authorities need therefore to look for solutions that secure investments into public transport infrastructure and vehicles and keep the ticket fares at an affordable level. This would be important for all cities, however, it may be of particular importance for cities, where the proportion of public transport in comparison to car use is still negligible. To balance the needs for economic and social sustainability, cities have tried setting fares for cost-recovery and offering targeted subsidies for specific segments of the population. 11 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264303119-en 2c42343efbac0b6b3ec8d2042e3f9ff1 In essence, this means that an outside actor, the government, the regulator or the system operator, needs to step in to ensure that such external costs are not overproduced and are correctly internalised. Economic theory has devised a number of corresponding instruments, including standards and technical regulations, pollution taxes, new markets such as emissions trading, better information and research, as well as an overall strengthening of the legal system. Overcoming the knowledge gap is also part of moving towards sustainable electricity systems. 7 0 5 1.0 10.1787/9789264179332-16-en 2c46e023e42ea15b008c7cabf220bcee The dollar cost for removing each kg of P was determined by SNC based on its history of delivering projects. Using earlier trading formulae (Batchelor, 1999; Draper, 1997), it was possible to calculate the amount of P controlled for a number of projects completed by SNC prior to the trading programme starting. Since the total cost for each of these projects was known, it was possible to derive an average cost of CAD 400 (2009 figures) for each kg of P. This figure is reviewed by South Nation Conservation annually, and is generally increased by yearly inflation figures. 6 4 1 0.6 10.1787/9789264089457-en 2c47d5aafc05d7d8548a27400e031031 This does not imply, however, that they do not co-operate on issues of mutual interest. The poverty studies carried out by Universiti Sains Malaysia in the 1980s were not only useful at the regional level; they were also useful for developing anti-poverty strategies at the national level. These studies were carried out by the Centre for Policy Research which Universiti Sains Malaysia established in the 1970s and which was funded jointly by national and local governments. 4 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.18356/aeeac50e-en 2c47fa830017b8e701a44af14b7a951d It was the second IEO exercise dedicated to the theme; the first, an evaluation of gender mainstreaming, was in 2006). The evaluation covers two distinct but linked results areas as framed in the GES: development results and institutional results. Specifically, the evaluation assesses the extent to which the GES functioned as “an integrating dimension of UNDP’s work”3 in implementing the Strategic Plan. Instead, it serves as an inquiry of the extent to which the GES played a role in guiding the institutional and development contributions UNDP made to GEWE during the implementation of the 2008-2013 Strategic Plan. 5 0 3 1.0 10.18356/6aed7a25-en 2c47fca295e2e8af116655cd4179ac0a With a length of 855 km, the Odra is the sixth-largest tributary of the Baltic Sea. The average area size of the established groundwater bodies varies: in Poland it is approximately 1,793 km2, in the Czech Republic 812 km2, and in Germany around 413 km2. This variation is due to the aggregation procedure of the groundwater bodies. Transboundary groundwater bodies have not been determined. 6 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264245891-8-en 2c493051ee5aa5181dec83b22b737148 In the 2012-13 school year, 53 272 such hobby groups, which operate on schools’ premises, offered activities to nearly 881437 enrolees; since some students may participate in more than one “hobby group” the number of enrolees may be greater than the number of individual students. These after-school “hobby groups” or “clubs” engage students in such activities as fine arts, choreography, vocal and choral groups, and performance groups. In addition, more than 30 000 children participate in sports clubs throughout the country and a growing number of “extended education” institutions (680 in 2013-14) provide further extracurricular activities in areas such as ecology, technology, tourism, music and fine arts, recreational camps, and sports. 4 0 9 1.0 10.1787/5jlz3kbf7pzv-en 2c493d82d0293ba51e072042082dba82 "In addition, with CMU-C patients do not have to pay """"up-front"", which is the common rule in France. Low-income patients and recipients of social benefits have reduced co-payments on pharmaceuticals. The government subsidises so-called Very-Low-Cost-Access (VLCA) practices, which typically serve disadvantaged areas under the condition that they forgo revenue from patient fees." 3 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264240094-7-en 2c4aa21ba5f79ce28bc280c1601c6d94 The use of charges and fees, such as water charges and entrance fees to protected areas, is very limited (see also Sections 3 and 5). The Water Producer Programme, launched in 2011 by the National Water Agency and replicated by some states and municipalities, financially compensate investment in soil and water protection in river basins that provide water resources to a large population. Bolsa Floresta, in Amazonas state, has helped control deforestation, although it is implemented mostly in areas experiencing little deforestation pressure (Borner et al., 15 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5k3tsj67l226-en 2c4da82135bf8ef146da4803024602ef It can be defined as “the implementation of a new' or significantly improved product (good or service), or process, a new' marketing method, or a new' organisational method” (OECD, 2007, p. 46). Innovation can be new1 to the world, a market, a sector - or to an organisation such as an enterprise or a school. In addition to radical, new'-to-the-vvorld inventions such as the Internet, the concept of innovation includes also incremental adaptation and gradual adoption in different contexts. 4 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264283404-en 2c4e534a7d032af95f2b78e42ea72a21 There is enormous variability between the highest income quintile (3.9%) and the lowest (18.7%), highlighting unequal access to services experienced across income groups (Figure 10). Among the poorest quintile it reached 17.4%, the highest in the EU where the average is just 4.1%. Moreover, a copayment for ambulatory visits (EUR 5) was revoked in 2015 following concerns about its impact on access. The rate of impoverishment due to out-of-pocket payments has been rising steadily since 2004, and affected 3% of all households in 2014 (Figure 13). 3 3 1 0.5 10.1787/9789264190672-7-en 2c4e8da4268a1bdacedf4c570aabc61e In Ihe 1970s and 1980s, a shift to more skill-intensive manufacturing led to an emphasis on technical fields. From the mid-1990s on, Singapore has sought to become a player in the global knowledge economy, encouraging more research and innovation-intensive industries and seeking to attract scientists and scientific companies from around the globe. The results of the government's economic policies have been stunning - rapid economic growth to reach developed country levels and an average per capita income in 2009 of about SCD 52 000 (USD 39 000) estimated at current market prices. 4 6 3 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/f47faf05-en 2c52bf60b78f3c4a85968c4cd6a8b3c4 In addition to the volume of wastewater returned to the environment, it is also important to measure or estimate the volumes of different pollutants emitted with the wastewater or otherwise released to water bodies. Emissions to water are the substances released to water resources by establishments and households as a result of production, consumption and accumulation processes. Emissions to water should be disaggregated according to the releasing economic activities and should cover the most important substances. This subcomponent includes statistics on the amount and characteristics of waste, defined as discarded material for which the owner or user has no further use, generated by human activities in the course of production and consumption processes. 6 0 3 1.0 10.1787/223159ab-en 2c540271f8e787ab2f115b4b798dd779 Among males, it was slightly lower than the EU average also in Germany and Portugal. Among females, it was lower than the EU average in several Western, Northern European countries: Sweden, Germany, the UK, Netherlands, Ireland and Denmark, with Denmark being almost one (0.8) year lower. In all countries, life expectancy at 65 in females (EU average 21.6 years) exceeded that of males (EU average 18.2 years). 3 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264083608-5-en 2c5416c8ced04e37bfc590ed490f20d3 In Belgium, pollution fees are based on measured concentration or conversion coefficients for organic matter and suspended solids, heavy metals, nutrients (N and P) and cooling water. In Mexico charges are linked with discharges’ quantity and strength (in excess of permissible biochemical oxygen demand [BOD], chemical oxygen demand [COD] and total suspended solids [TSS] levels) and with the carrying capacity of recipient bodies, which is differentiated for industrial and municipal wastewater discharges. In Hungary, the “environmental load charge” applies to all activities that require a discharge permit (e.g. wastewater companies) and takes into account both the vulnerability of receiving waters and the technologies used for wastewater treatment and sludge disposal; to strengthen the incentive nature of the measure, a rebate applies for polluters that adopt approved pollution reduction measures (pre-treatment) and fines apply for discharges in excess of permits (OECD, 2008a). In some instances (e.g. Czech Republic and Slovak Republic), revenues are collected nationally but allocated to specific national environmental funds. 6 1 3 0.5 10.18356/e8741432-en 2c5433199c475879ebb98a4c8135964b This is below the 25 per cent withdrawal threshold that defines the start of physical water stress, but this global figure masks large differences between regions and within countries. In 2011,41 countries experienced water stress, up from 36 in 1998. Of these, 10 countries—from the Arabian Peninsula, Northern Africa and Central Asia—withdrew more than 100 per cent of renewable freshwater resources. 15 0 3 1.0 10.18356/9897593b-en 2c54885258b19b7bf220bd7a8f6fd84d In some regions, including Europe, indiscriminate violent attacks are a concern. The diversity of threats has increased but so has the range of responses (Europol, 2018). Prevention is seen nonetheless as a necessary first line of defence against terrorism, and several observers argue that education has a key role in policy and programme design (Bhatia and Ghanem, 2017). 4 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264168350-4-en 2c55304e794bb12dae20859a74c7839f In urban areas housing is a key livelihoods asset. Government action can destroy people’s homes and consequently those livelihoods which are dependent on home-based informal enterprises or on homes being close to sources of work. In some countries federations of urban savings and self-help groups have formed to defend and promote their members’ rights to shelter and claim citizens’ entitlements (Satterthwaite, 2008). Donor support for networks such as Shack Dwellers International and the Asian Coalition for Housing Rights has proven to be effective (Good Practice Note 3. Empowerment through local citizenship). It can also allow families to save and accumulate reserves which increase their resilience and allow them to better manage sudden needs, household crises and external shocks. 1 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.18356/85ff2ca5-en 2c59f970823503a66b2cf083dd17bef7 Investing in and enfranchising SMEs in developed countries and LDCs will encourage growth, investment and jobs. The successes of Turkey's tenure will be enduring. That is why in May 2015 we set up the World SME Forum to be a permanent structure in global economics. Since the first G20 Business Summit in Seoul in 2010, the B20 has called upon the G20 to address the constraints SMEs face in the global marketplace. 9 0 3 1.0 10.14217/9781848590908-en 2c5ae40c17c354f6d1e7fe5fa4f84652 The Teachers Forum at 17CCEM called for a renewed focus on teacher professionalism within the broader context of the impact of the global recession and the potential changes in the migration patterns of teachers. In 2006, the Secretariat commissioned SAQA to conduct an eight country pilot study. The Commonwealth has benefitted from the professional expertise of SAQA, which is responding to national, regional and international needs in the area of professional qualifications and accreditation. 4 0 7 1.0 10.6027/f76e337c-en 2c5c0837ec54a8f1a02e2bffe358c4a8 Disturbances due to increased traffic or caused by rotating turbine blades in wind farms can render areas near roads, rails and wind turbines less usable to species even if there are no physical changes to the habitat. Hence, the effects of the risk of fatal collisions can basically be neglected on a larger scale. On a regional scale, the effects of urbanization on biodiversity may be insignificant and impossible to measure on a short time scale. 15 0 7 1.0 10.6027/9789289332705-27-en 2c5e9ceb1019ce09027e84e46a6d146f Communication, education and public awareness are critically important, together with the need for transparent information about the state and trends of ecological, economic, social and cultural/spiritual dimensions of landscapes as social-ecological systems. The term landscape approach captures this and can be operationalized by applying concepts such as Model Forest, Biosphere Reserve, and traditional village systems. In this paper we advocate an approach that supports communication, education and public awareness and that relies on landscapes as laboratories for learning and knowledge production. We stress that to implement policies about sustainable development and sustainability, the context of landscapes in terms of environmental history, biophysical conditions, cultural heritage and modes for government and governance in the landscape need to be considered. 15 0 9 1.0 10.1787/how/life-2013-8-en 2c60e68e6e9ef1f9a329af9b2dcd79bb Data refer to 2012 for New Zealand; to 2010 for Ireland and Japan; to 2009 for Chile and to 2006 for Mexico. In Panel B countries are ranked in ascending order of the ratio of men to women reporting limitations in daily activities due to health problems. Data refer to 2011 for Australia, Brazil, Chile and Israel. 5 6 3 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/0a7c7f99-en 2c63770475beea2f30ecd591743cd638 They have also contributed to providing supportive and welfare services for poor, older persons and training for those providing care to such people, and assisted in establishing older persons' associations. In Mongolia, the Mongolian Association for Elderly People has partnered with the Government in collecting data on older persons as well as in training trainers to benefit older persons. In Cambodia, HelpAge International has participated in establishing associations of older persons. 1 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/empl/outlook-2016-8-en 2c63f37b8cda48db123409f415e6a5ec Source: UNESCO, UIS.Stat and OECD estimates based on PNAD (Brazil). Only two decades ago, the situation was very different, with sizable gaps still present in a number of countries at all levels of schooling. The most remarkable improvements have been recorded in Morocco, Egypt, Tunisia, China, South Africa, TUrkey, Indonesia and India. 5 5 1 0.6666666666666666 10.18356/c78b2675-en 2c63fb0ac4aee502fae027bf2b4663f3 In a cap-and-trade system, a cap is set on company emissions (such that the overall level of emissions is reduced) and permits (allowances) up to that cap are granted or auctioned to companies. Then, permits can be traded. The first cap-and-trade system was implemented successfully in the US in the early 1990s to curb emissions of sulphur dioxide (SO2) responsible for acid rain. 7 4 5 0.1111111111111111 10.1787/aid/glance-2017-12-en 2c659c27ea93f5c0ac5e9c2af2cb26ca Poor countries rarely produce these products and therefore have to import ICT-related equipment and devices, and import tariffs can have an impact on accessibility for small businesses and low-income consumers. Tariff and trade analysis of data from World Integrated Trade Solutions (WITS) based on the WTO Integrated Data Base (IDB) show that average applied Most-Favoured-Nation (MFN) tariffs on telephones and computers are higher in the LDCs than in other developing countries. High prices are partly responsible for this, but other reasons, such as unreliable electricity supplies, also discourage households from buying IT equipment. However, the LDCs have experienced a significant increase in imports of telephones, which rose from USD 526 million in 2012 to USD 2.6 billion in 2015; mobile phones represent over one-fourth of this total. While the number of people owning mobile phones in the LDCs is growing, smartphones that help enhance Internet access are not as common. 9 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264245891-4-en 2c65ae1d5758f9bc8ea933b1a49a8cac Teachers might focus on higher performing students and thereby direct less effort to lower performing students. Schools tend to group students by ability, a practice that doesn’t improve the overall performance and can be particularly harmful if lower quality teachers are allocated to lower performing children. In addition, schools that cater to gifted students, such as the Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools, receive considerably higher levels of funding than mainstream schools. 4 0 9 1.0 10.1787/5jrs8sv4jt6k-en 2c69115b9337698a8e4962945f2ccec7 The Food Safety and Animal and Plant Health Programme provides services for the food safety and animal and plant productive projects, that help farmers to deal with livestock diseases and plagues that may affect the crops, avoiding further spread and financial losses. Commercial farmers also receive an implicit subsidy through preferential rates of electricity. Electricity is used in agricultural activities particularly water pumping for irrigation. 2 1 3 0.5 10.6027/9789289329583-1-en 2c6d001d92cad3efbcdd80772a627bc1 Both waiting times and copayments can help contain excess demand, though the demand is generally inelastic with respect to waiting times and co-payments (elasticities of -0.1 or-0.2). This does, however, defeat the very objective of health insurance, which is to reduce out of pocket expenses when the need arises. Information problems imply that it is not always easy for the patient to know the true benefit. 3 1 3 0.5 10.18356/cf6cb95e-en 2c6e140de3b86250ee5ba5495e844323 In most countries public sanitary facilities tend to be regulated at the local level. Such facilities are inadequate - especially for women and girls - almost everywhere in the world, including in markets, train and bus stations, and public event venues. The problem is compounded for women and girls living in slums and informal settlements without access to improved drinking water sources and sanitation facilities, or to durable housing, sufficient living area and security of tenure. In the Netherlands a law passed in 2004 prohibits drinking water (but not sewerage or wastewater treatment) services from being privately owned (Hall ef al. 6 1 4 0.6 10.1787/9789264075788-6-en 2c709277eda856d40f17e6d4666bf8c2 Common features of the project were strategic use of data, strong leadership, curriculum, staff training, mentoring and parental involvement. There was also some evidence that educational attainment of African Caribbean students had increased. Furthermore, in some schools the gap in performance between African Caribbean and native students was closed, although these improvements were not consistent across all the Aiming High schools. The aim of the EMAG is to raise the achievements of particular underachieving ethnic minority groups. 4 0 7 1.0 10.30875/9e478973-en 2c78ac6511c9b4d982974ea20612ddb6 This debate has focused largely on the impact of trade in advanced economies, which has risked diverting attention away from the impact of trade on people's lives in developing countries, and especially the extreme poor. This volume brings together new research, using a range of different analytical approaches, that examines how the extreme poor have fared following trade liberalization in various developing countries and regions and the challenges that poor people face in benefitting from trade. The 2015 joint WTO-World Bank publication, The Role of Trade in Ending Poverty strengthened the evidence that trade has played a critical role in poverty reduction and that the further integration of developing countries into an open global economy will be essential for achieving the goal of ending extreme poverty by 2030. 1 0 3 1.0 10.6027/d4e544d6-en 2c7a7902857366469d091ce0ebaf099a This is followed by a history of international climate diplomacy from the 1992 Rio conference to the 2015 Paris climate summit, with an emphasis on the 2009 Copenhagen summit that laid the foundation for the Paris Agreement. Thereafter, we assess the potential and limitations of the Paris Agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions before offering an analysis of what this agreement means for future international cooperation and effective policy response to climate change. We conclude by examining the prospect for global de-carbonization and offer policy recommendations. Ultimately effectiveness, however, depends on how the Paris Agreement is able to fulfil the objectives of the agreement, where the temperature target provides the clearest measure of success. 13 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/e9fa9dd4-en 2c7d83563c27f49b7dc29ea88d7a9e76 Soil degradation is also manifested through reduced fertility and in loss of organic carbon. Mexico and Peru (2012). At the same time, there is more intensive use of pesticides, such as fungicides, herbicides and insecticides that threaten people' health, the environment and the services it provides. These trends are captured by analysing land productivity dynamics. 7 3 1 0.5 11.1002/pub/80fc3264-33eba913-en 2c7e6b7626e081509423a2dc29860b4f "Similarly, as a result of 40% lower broadband penetration in the United Kingdom, Liebenau et al. ( This would imply that innovation effects increase with broadband penetration, a concept akin to ""return to scale”. For example, the entertainment sector is an important component in the supply and demand for digital content. Our analysis of the 100 most popular Internet sites by country around the world indicates that in many emerging countries, locally developed sites represent only between 15 and 20." 8 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/42b33a50-en 2c823919cd7fad95de8e1e7952111e58 The Energy Action Plan for its implementation of was updated in June 2007. The primary objective of the Strategy is restructuring of energy sector based on market economy principles and developing a modem energy policy. The main goals of the Law are the reduction of transmission and distribution losses, enhanced enforcement of the energy provisions of the Building Code (2002), greater use of solar power for water heating, improved use of decentralized heating and hot water systems, and the promotion of public transport. This law stipulates that the designing and construction of buildings should meet necessary technical parameters for conservation, saving and efficient use of energy. 7 0 3 1.0 10.6027/9789289345644-6-en 2c8367084ba93fc12d94728559fd78f2 "For further information, see Annex 7, ""Box 12. The procedures cover all different kinds of deliverables, such as assessment reports, synthesis reports, summaries for policymakers, technical papers and supporting material. The most relevant deliverables to conform to in a Nordic Assessment context would be assessment reports for subregional assessments, summaries for policy makers, and supporting material." 15 3 1 0.5 10.18356/d37abdcf-en 2c84a907afff6c77ad37fb5f99e6d4a2 In learning about their rights and active citizenship, girls can bring fresh perspectives to family and school issues, and even to the development of their communities (UNICEF, 2011). School speaking or debate clubs, community forums with space reserved for girls to voice their ideas, and youth parliaments that include younger age cohorts are among the options. Processes to foster participation need to be carefully managed, however, since many end up dominated by adults, and even among young adolescents, girls are already likely to be more reticent than boys. One essential protection from these risks is as simple as a birth certificate. 5 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264239487-6-en 2c8595b3d929a35a75d2226de5d26ba3 Ensuring that these guidelines remain up-to-date and relevant, however, appears to be an ongoing challenge. Several activities help build awareness to support the implementation of clinical guidelines. They are designed to draw on current evidence to assist in meeting the aims of reducing variations in practice, and improving patient outcomes. Guidelines are disseminated to health care professionals and organisations in Scotland and patient versions are available. 3 0 4 1.0 10.18356/e79e9221-en 2c87b0d8e190cd66a67d79808e1f42fb As of August 2014, the Open Working Group had proposed 17 goals and 169 targets to guide the international community over the coming 15 years (United Nations, 2014). With sustainable development at the nexus, the goals cover economic, social and environmental dimensions aimed at improving people’s lives and protecting the planet for future generations. The new goals and targets would also aim to fully realize the MDG agenda. 5 3 0 1.0 10.18356/b36e562d-en 2c883b376696ae9b67f524429c7f932c Many countries with low access rates also have large disparities in access between urban and rural areas. While 97 per cent of urban residents in Cambodia had access to electricity in 2012, this was the case for only 18 per cent of rural residents. Solid fuels, such as wood and other types of biomass, is the primary source of energy for four out of five people (84 per cent) in low income countries, nearly two thirds (61 per cent) of people in lower middle-income countries and more than a third (39 per cent) of people living in upper middle-income countries. ( This situation is caused largely by the unreliability and lack of affordability of electricity services. In some places, however, people find that cooking with traditional fuels and technology makes the food taste better. 7 1 3 0.5 10.1787/saeo-2017-8-en 2c890421e6a79ac29b7b3952b3755793 By reducing or eliminating import tariffs and non-tariff barriers for renewable goods, services and technologies, the sector can avoid bureaucratic redundancy and reduce the transactional costs of renewable energy to be deployed throughout the country. At the same time, major obstacles still remain to be overcome in order to boost investments in renewable energy further in emerging Asia. In ASEAN, China and India, grid issues are a key barrier to renewable energy generation, albeit in various ways. First, physical issues stemming from underdeveloped grid infrastructure and the lack of investment in grid upgrades are restraining investors from developing renewable energy projects. 7 0 6 1.0 10.18356/1d53ff8e-en 2c8abf7f838fe33192f442207729d869 Imports to China ballooned 349% from 2007 to 2011 alongside dwindling exports. Their combined coal exports of 793 million short tons in 2011 represented 62% and 86% of the world and region’s total exports, respectively. Coal exports from those three countries increased by 33%, from 2007 to 2011, due largely to the high growth of coal exports from Indonesia (59%, from 2007 to 2011). 7 1 7 0.75 10.18356/a2e9d414-en 2c8d23eef5d3ab6fc7f904acf4003a5c According to forecasts, it is estimated that Africa will have almost 300 million more young people by 2060 (Department of Economic and Social Affairs, 2015). The continent has, however, struggled to provide employment opportunities for youth. While unemployment is a widespread phenomenon in Africa, figure 13 demonstrates that young people are particularly affected. In the last 25 years, the youth unemployment rate in Africa has fluctuated around 18 per cent. 8 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264266339-5-en 2c8d7bbc67994c08d99e89a5db776490 The share of renewable energy in the total energy supply is low in many of the EECCA countries where hydropower is not the major source for energy supply. The most vulnerable sectors in the region include agriculture, energy, water, disaster risk management, healthcare, forestry and biodiversity protection, although the needs and priorities vary among different countries. Even in countries with rich water resources, climate change may have significant negative consequences to their economies. 13 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264096875-5-en 2c8de02962bcb576f3ae3a1fcae6a101 The marginal effect of ownership status on the probability of adoption is approximately 0.06 to 0.10. The effect relative to households who do not pay for their water at all is similar in magnitude to the effect of being an owner rather than a tenant. If the respondent stated that they took the appropriate environmental label into account in their purchasing decisions, this also increased the probability of adopting indoor water-efficient equipment, particularly for water-efficient washing machines and water flow restrictor taps. There are, of course, likely to be significant interactions between these three factors. 6 1 7 0.75 10.18356/bdcc82f9-en 2c8e6ae6d6e48dd3ae8da52ce7cf1029 They found that participation in all three programmes significantly increased expenditures on food consumption, translating into statistically significant increases in caloric intake of 164, 247 and 194 kilocalories per person per day for participants in the IGVGD, FSVGD and FFA programmes, respectively. For Kenya, Asfaw etal. ( While the programme had no effect on spending for most food consumption categories for larger households, the programme had large, positive and significant effects for dairy, eggs, meat, fish and fruit for households with fewer members and for female-headed households, in part from higher own production. 1 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264083660-7-en 2c8ef1fc0a04e929af352777c59d1b6c This allows the parent company to pursue an “asset light” capital structure, freeing up the capital invested in plants so that Hyflux can develop new projects, which is where its managers see Hyflux’s greatest value added. It has concessions to operate these under 20-30 year contracts, with minimum off-take agreements for 45% of total output. Since its establishment, it has acquired stakes in four further project companies, including both water and wastewater treatment. 6 0 3 1.0 10.1787/rev/fish-2011-33-en 2c8f8943c79b46c9b54523a46ff42555 From 2005, a recreational fisher may realize sales up to a maximum of 2 000 kg of cod. This will be reduced to 1 000 kg for 2011 as a part of the measures to rebuild the coastal cod. Tourists are not allowed to sell the catch. In June 2006, there was introduced an export quota on fish and fish products for personal travellers. 14 0 4 1.0 10.14217/9781848590724-3-en 2c95a2dd22c9ac33024dcf47c78b1855 With its notions of consensus and harmonious interaction by different groups, social capital is in some senses the practical tool to achieve social cohesion’ (Zetter et al., What makes social networks even more interesting, however, is that they also have implications for bystanders. So while one can point to no end of studies in which a variable that is asserted to proxy for social capital has some effect on individuals or groups, it is very difficult to treat the finding as establishing a causal role for social capital. 10 3 3 0.0 10.18356/5e7977af-en 2c95ee1e5eab57816ccfc1fff3475931 This is problematic because it means that young people are deferring saving for their pensions, and older persons do not have access to the full range of health services. There is a need to safeguard the efficiency and quality of social security systems and forge proper links between benefits and their funding, so as to make the benefits more attractive and therefore more highly valued. The exceptions are El Salvador, which registered a minor setback, and Uruguay (urban areas), where affiliation was already very high in 2002 (over 98%), and only marginal improvement was recorded. 1 1 3 0.5 10.1787/5js3926d54d7-en 2c97c82c5fad0ce0ce4668189e36d37c "Gender equality also depends on how markets and formal/informal institutions have evolved, how growth has played out, and how all these factors have interacted with household decisions (World Bank, 2012). Interestingly, Rees and Riezman (2012) wonder whether globalisation may influence gender equality. Following this intuition and the migration literature on ""transfers of norms"", the paper assumes that beyond the movement of people, migration involves norm exchanges." 5 0 5 1.0 10.18356/ae18b798-en 2c980afce97ec28e4659ed7d45edfb42 Thus, the poorest groups have the greatest imbalance in terms of the distribution between the sexes of unpaid domestic work, which is yet another factor that militates against these households’ ability to lift themselves out of poverty. In the other groups, the largest proportion are employees (50% for the non-indigent poor, 57% for those at risk of poverty and 64% for those not at risk); this nevertheless indicates that being employed as a wage earner does not provide protection against the risk of poverty. Renters account for between 12% and 17% of the total, and there is no clear correlation between these figures and poverty status. The only kind of situation in which the type of tenure appears to correlate more directly with income levels is when ownership is unclear or undocumented, since the percentage of people in this situation descends from 16% in the lowest-income group to 9% in the highest-income group. 1 0 3 1.0 10.18356/becaa395-en 2c98e82f00885cc7049ece7aafa186b1 It also reviews how greenhouse gas emissions and removals from the agriculture sectors contribute to climate change. The implication is that the agriculture sectors need to both adapt to climate change by building resilience and contribute to climate change mitigation. As well as providing a better understanding of potential changes in precipitation, the report uses improvements in modelling and data collection to make better medium-term projections. Accordingly, the cascading impacts of climate change can now be attributed along chains of evidence from physical climate through to intermediate systems and then to people (Kirtman et al., Several studies document the biophysical impacts of the expected changes specifically on agroecosystems (Box 5)- The impacts range from yield reductions and increased yield variability to displacement of crops and the loss of agrobiodiversity and ecosystem services. 13 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.18356/d08a72ab-en 2c995acb1208e9d5e9b3af3fbdbc606c They want to understand how to ensure the safety of their business information in cyberspace. Generating trust will be one of the key roles of business ecosystem players in years to come if new technologies are to be embraced by businesses, and societies are to accept change. Both the digital and platform economies are drastically altering the way the business ecosystem is structured, and are also changing the functions of these institutions within that ecosystem. 9 0 8 1.0 10.18356/6bf07ffd-en 2c996ab078659b612e20f02bf9a9f848 In doing so, it situates adaptation along a continuum of broader development policies for transformation—critical components of which are efforts to address immediate needs (for example, poverty alleviation and disaster risk reduction and management) while reducing structural inequalities. The capacity for integrating these policies will be at the centre of the challenge of implementing the 2030 Agenda. However, it is important to understand that while these policies will contribute to sustainable development in general, they will at the same time help build the climate resilience of the particular countries and population groups that are most at risk. 13 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264077287-en 2c9a306b4c1bf500abf2b180f8e8be35 Luxembourg had already set an example by reaching this objective in 2000. Luxembourg’s ODA rose steadily over the review period, increasing by 6.7% a year by volume, demonstrating the Grand Duchy’s determination to achieve the UN target of 0.7% of GNI, and its own goal of 1%.* After a 16% jump in 2007, Luxembourg’s development co-operation budget edged up by 2% in volume to EUR 278 million in 2008, or 0.92% of GNI (Figure 7.1). 6 3 0 1.0 10.18356/7d902f55-en 2c9b57dca7c5c7bfec9eb546faa61e63 Their main focus was to compile inventories of marine life and resources, particularly fisheries. The situation is different today, as the number of academic and research institutions that deal with different aspects of marine science has increased significantly, with all the WIO countries having more than one institution (Table 35.3). Various capacity-building activities have been undertaken within and outside the region under the auspices of a range of donor organisations. 14 0 5 1.0 10.1787/9789264264991-4-en 2c9b9bd86dc462c95b07bdbbd88e674f The landscape of these high applied tariffs levels has changed since 2000. Trends in high applied tariff levels, defined as those either 10 or 25 times or higher above the world agro-food average (simple average) in any given year, indicate that there has been an increase in the number of bilateral flows that are attracting high tariffs (Figure 2.11).6 For example, in 2000 around 1 300 bilateral trade flows at the HS 6-digit level attracted applied duties that were at least ten times higher than the world average tariff applied to agro-food trade. By 2013, this had doubled to around 2 600 bilateral trade flows (a similar pattern exists for tariffs 25 times the agro-food average in any given year). 2 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264221826-en 2c9d93464d2477b69ac77db7de3ce934 First, employers’ participation reinforces the value of certification. Second, additional routes to prepare examinations to obtain certification facilitate the recognition of prior learning and other forms of learning. Criteria and procedures for federally regulated examinations are defined by top level employer and trade union organisations (German Employers’ Organisation for Vocational and Further Training and Confederation of German Trade Unions) (Hippach-Schneider et al, 2012). 4 0 4 1.0 10.18356/83b92212-en 2c9fad6e9f7d4c1bc0bd907a97a6186b Governments can also promote transparency and access to information to unveil barriers to equality and enable women to act based on the knowledge of their rights. They can stem or prevent corrupt practices that constrain women's access to public sen/ices and introduce accountability mechanisms to engage women and girls in decisions that affect their lives. The array of instruments that governments have used to foster gender equality is vast, and ranges from constitutional and legal approaches to regulatory frameworks to reform within organizations to the use of instruments such as gender-responsive planning and budgeting to broader attempts at shifting social norms. It documents various institutional mechanisms, tools and instruments used by countries to this end. 5 0 7 1.0 10.1787/5k3xn24zbqr4-en 2ca1a32fbad0162b4d843e898ebebbf3 This expansion has made it possible for new ways of encouraging business innovation to be adopted, such as the granting of a subsidy to any company carrying out Technological and Industrial Development Programs (PDTI). The Fund will also incentivize the formation of venture capital funds. The reference model has continued to be the formation of offices of technology transfer and licensing, with little attention given to increasing the generation of useful knowledge as input for the technological advancement of companies through partnership. 8 3 1 0.5 10.18356/e2fce481-en 2cac07537cf8537b46b1033ad908f099 Science, technology and innovation (STI) must play a central role in the achievement of these goals. However, new technologies threaten to outpace the ability of societies and polbymakers to adapt to the changes they create, giving rise to widespread anxiety and ambivalence or hostility to some technological advances. Big data analysis can help to manage or resolve critical global issues, create new scientific breakthroughs, advance human health and improve decisbn-making, by providing real-time streams of informatbn. The Internet of Things allows the conditbn and actbns of connected objects and machines to be monitored and managed, and allows more effective monitoring of the natural world, animals and people. These two technologies have important applications in health care, agriculture, energy and water management and quality, as well as in monitoring devebpment indicators to assess progress towards the Sustainable Devebpment Goals. Governments should consider developing strategies to harness these technologies towards their devebpment goals. 9 0 7 1.0 10.14217/128123a5-en 2cb0e6212ec49e78638a24fd611ce980 The laws should empower EMBs to demand accountability on key parameters, including women’s representation as candidates and party leaders. The laws should also ensure adequate independence of EMBs and require gender parity in the composition of key election management personnel. This will help in tracking progress and documenting compliance with international and national norms. 5 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264168985-7-en 2cb1ba20a474859d87d849359afc725f Even countries with similar water stress levels show greater cost of abstracting water: Spain and Turkey charge four times the Mexican rates. In the case of Chihuahua the lion’s share of irrigation is done through underwater sources. Based on the Mexican Constitution’s Article 27 and the National Water Law of 1992, Mexico transferred the management of many irrigation systems to local user groups (i.e. farmers) (Garrido and Calatrava, 2009). 6 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/aac9b96c-en 2cb2ddff0a8a658e6cc9311cd2882173 With international help, power production from the Nurek HPP has been improved by replacing the generators. The country’s northern and southern networks were not directly interconnected. Bulk transfer of energy' between the north and south was achieved by power exchange using a 500 kV transmission line through the territory of Uzbekistan. 7 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5jxzf5khtg9t-en 2cba310b14bb51f069126d9a4d424320 Computational issues might require forming much fewer computational units, such as creating ‘pseudo-cluster’ from random groupings of sample elements, and then random pairing of these ‘clusters’ to construct computational strata. Grouping of units and strata can help in preserving confidential nature of the data. Reducing the detail included in this manner would make unnecessary the suppression of information on sample structure as has been done in the microdata disseminated by Eurostat. 1 4 0 1.0 10.1787/empl/outlook-2011-3-en 2cbc0c2e29856cbdcf43c0974586ddfe The distribution of disposable income may then give a reasonable indication of the distribution of economic welfare or the base on which to allocate public support (Jantti et al., As mentioned earlier with respect to UB benefits, there are pros and cons associated with the implementation of discretionary policy changes after a recession has begun. In the past decades, most structural adjustments have aimed at reducing the role played by assets-testing in determining overall benefit entitlements under the last tier of income assistance. 10 0 3 1.0 10.1787/09e92b30-en 2cbd14e214b9b6d757b2dc15db5264f6 The government has adopted a wide range of measures to restrict the promotion of alcoholic beverages and on-and off-premise sales of alcoholic beverages (e.g. to minors and in petrol stations). However, compared to other OECD countries, France maintains lower levels of tax on alcohol, particularly on wine (OECD, 2015c). It is also noteworthy that taxation has been independent of the degree of alcohol since 1990 (Panel B). 3 0 3 1.0 10.18356/68bdcb6f-en 2cbd735e7dd20df5454c02cfc78f456e Workers will benefit from that right and will comply with the duties of social security pursuant to the law. A fine will be imposed on employers that pay a wage below the minimum wage, or fails to pay the wage on time, in addition to vacations. Establishes, among other working conditions, a healthy work environment, and the protection of life, health and safety at work. 8 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264088986-en 2cbe52bfa26f0c734f4344e299d1e0ae Family incomes consists of spousal earnings, stipends by religious schools (around NIS 1 400 per month, of which about half is paid by the state), income support by the Ministry of Religious Affairs (NIS 1 200 per month), child allowances and transfers from the Diaspora. Compared with Jewish men, Arab men are more likely to work in construction, agriculture, commerce and traditional manufacturing (Habib et al., Arab workers, particularly Arab men, are less likely to be employed in their chosen occupations, sometimes accepting jobs for which they are over-qualified because they cannot find employment at the appropriate level. ( Abu-Bader and Gottlieb, 2008; Yakoobi et al, 2009; OECD, 2010). 4 5 4 0.1111111111111111 11.1002/pub/80d1ac90-585ea8d4-en 2cbff8472a29ec367ebb441ea76c5be8 Water filters for hand-washing stations in Indonesia. These sensors use Wi-Fi or cellular via GSM using a local SIM card (in East Africa, Airtel or MTN or Safaricom offer data plans for around US$6-10 a month to transmit data). The data is then integrated into SWEETData™, an Internet database monitoring summary statistics on performance and usage to front-end users. 15 4 3 0.14285714285714285 10.18356/8146c4ff-en 2cc009dd9dffb00802a9ff617a66100d According to official figures, there were 7,133 humanitarian entrants from Ethiopia in 1991-2015 (Government of Australia undated). Several thousand more Ethiopians have been sponsored under categories of spouse or family reunification visas, and the 2011 census records 8,452 Ethiopian-born people in the population. Like other humanitarian entrants who have been granted Permanent Protection Visas, Ethiopian refugees receive resettlement assistance through the Humanitarian Settlement Strategy (HSS), which was introduced in 2000 to provide a range of specialized services for humanitarian entrants. 5 7 2 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/eco/surveys-chn-2013-5-en 2cc011786d7ae86148235aeb27190d0b Owing to this mismatch and problems with grid connectivity less than 70% of installed wind capacity had been connected to the grid in 2010 (Ni and Yang, 2012). Some of the problems have been resolved since then with better planning. The State Electricity Regulatory Commission estimates that on average only 16% of wind electricity was lost due to curtailment problems in 2012. 6 4 1 0.6 10.1787/9789264188617-en 2cc568932498070a3ddb51a85d46df39 Through installation of sufficient storage near to the generators, a constant power output (renewables + storage) can be delivered to the grid. In such a system, the grid investments to the main grid can be minimised. A special case is a small city, neighbourhood or other sub-grid that tries to have a balanced energy supply and demand so that in case of problems the sub-grid can even be de-coupled from the main grid and be operated as an independent island grid or micro-grid. 7 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264224636-11-en 2cc57655160862962058b0d61dce4bd9 This number increased to slightly over 40% in 2010.41 In Algeria, 38% of magistrates are female. Similarly, Egypt and Jordan have undertaken strategies to increase their number of female judges (see Chapter 4). Given that there is officially no requirement for gender-sensitivity training, some police officers may lack sensitivity and understanding when dealing with women who are abused. In some MENA countries, initiatives to support reform of the police and security sector are provided mostly on an ad hoc basis with the support of donors. 5 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264188945-9-en 2cc6297d0b126c05774dd27255af5cf0 To date, it has been difficult to raise the prestige of doctors that specialise in general practice - both amongst the medical profession and in terms of how they are perceived by consumers. Indeed, the number of doctors trained in “family medicine” (broadly equivalent to “general practice”) and working in clinics was only 2%. With such low numbers of generalist doctors and a high proportion of specialists working in the community, a major hurdle in establishing generalist primary health care services is the fragmentation of the delivery system. 3 1 3 0.5 10.18356/a6267136-en 2cc9748a883b7760ed1716d62b76da33 The policy implications of the rising significance of middle and large settlements in the next 15-20 years are worth noting. In the future, these cities will be primarily located in low- and middle-income countries. In many developing countries, rapid urbanization calls for additional resources, and capacity development of local governments has become a pressing issue. 2 3 1 0.5 10.1787/eco/surveys-esp-2010-7-en 2ccc0942337d77d972d3e9165713ed98 In view of the relatively high costs of desalination, the provision of desalinated water to agriculture risks generating inefficiencies and costs to public finances. Unit costs are a multiple of current prices typically paid for the supply of fresh surface water even in these areas (MMA, 2007 a), even though technological progress has allowed the production cost to be reduced by about 50% over the past ten years according to government estimates. Desalinated water is supplied at subsidised rates. The high energy intensity of the production process may continue to constrain its development as a large scale water resource base and the environmental consequences of the residues of desalination are not yet fully understood. 6 0 4 1.0 10.18356/34a64e2c-en 2cccd54560fbf440de9f102d9ed39770 The report of the Secretary-General, A/64/93, prepared in response to this resolution, was presented to the Second Committee of the sixty-fourth session of the General Assembly in October 2009 and forms the basis for the present publication. The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women requires States parties to take all appropriate measures to eliminate discrimination against women and ensure the practical realization of the principle of the equality of women and men in the political, economic, social, cultural and any other fields. States are obligated not only to refrain from engaging in acts of discrimination, but also to eliminate discrimination against women by any person, organization or enterprise. 5 0 9 1.0 10.18356/e5cda530-en 2ccf4f1357559d5c97ebc3fb5a100165 Furthermore, through forest land allocation and community forest management programmes, reforestation efforts involve communities, groups of households and individuals. Land is owned by all people, but the state is the people’s representative; allocation of forests and forest land with multiple types of owners. A number of studies in Viet Nam showed that local communities are able to manage their common-pool resources in a sustainable way (Tuan 2007; Ngai 2008; Tuan 2011). 15 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/1ea53441-en 2cd1f82dde7bbc3d4ab7bb84b9c8e518 Socioeconomic and ecological processes are susceptible to external shocks and turbulence, which has prompted an approach to sustainability that is less interested in a system’s final state than in its resilience, defined as its capacity to survive, adapt, and develop in the face of exogenous changes—it is the opposite of vulnerability. In this resilience perspective, policies for sustainable development aim at enhancing adaptive capacities and inducing behaviours that anticipate future events or trends. Sustainable development is to be guided by the Rio Principles of Sustainable Development (UNCED, 1992), which include poverty eradication as a priority (no. 13 1 3 0.5 10.18356/71a7b2a0-en 2cd2c22cc7a4bcd2375939c552fc554f However, preliminary information points to a non-negligible impact of this sector, both in biological and economic terms. Here, too, the contribution of these fisheries to local tourism has enormous potential. This chapter seeks to review current available knowledge on SSF and recreational fisheries, and provides an overview of the actions being taken at the regional level to address these two important fishing subsectors. 14 0 3 1.0 10.18356/355832ee-en 2cd2edce8efee1c0ba19e119432e6abf For the headcount ratio, the odds of being deprived can be compared for children with different characteristics, with statistically significant differences highlighted. The adjusted headcount ratio can be decomposed into the shares contributed by various sub-groups of children as well as into shares contributed by different dimensions. For instance, if there are two groups of children, ni and nr. 1 5 0 1.0 10.1787/9789264287747-en 2cd58e48cab68c9266120767bcc7b886 Subsequently, variations in the proportion of immigrants across skill cells are used to assess the impact of immigration on labour market outcomes (see Annex 4.A1 for methodological details). One can imagine a broad range of other meaningful labour market indicators which can be similarly analysed, including unemployment or underemployment rates, vulnerable employment rates, wages, or hours worked. The degree to which these indicators can be analysed depends on the quality and availability of data, which in the case of Thailand is challenging. As unemployment data were not recorded in the 2010 Thai census wave, it was not possible to look at immigration impacts on unemployment. 8 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264238701-3-en 2cd5ec8c269ed03f1c1bf3bb39fc6891 "Six countries stand out with ratios significantly over the OECD average. Of these, Mexico, Italy, and Japan are also relatively large users. Portugal also presents important irrigation intensity, but without specific information for ""groundwater irrigation area"", not being the reference values (national statistics) comparable to the present study.15 The United States, Turkey, Greece, Spain and Australia, on the other hand, despite being among the largest users, have a groundwater irrigation intensity under the estimated OECD average of 5 194 m3/ha in 2010." 6 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264303201-5-en 2cd7f84f1532ef25d91e4a08d7627f28 The initiative seeks to make significant progress in addressing the obstacles to effective environmental policy implementation by setting out standards and assessment mechanisms. These include the shift away from using economic growth as the sole criterion to assess the performance of government officials, and creating a strict accountability and penalty system. Another important feature of the document is the collective responsibility for ecological advancement, in which all actors from the government, to the private sector, to individuals are expected to contribute their share. 15 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/eco/surveys-hun-2012-7-en 2cd8107113af827957e9b621aa686b1d Systematic health planning and needs assessments do not figure in the purchasing decision of the National Health Insurance Fund Administration (NHIFA). In addition, systematic performance measurements are also lacking, with accountability measures being restricted to audits that chiefly focus on legal and financial aspects of the operations of providers (Gaal et al., The authorities should allow the NHIFA to engage in selective contracting to avoid oversupply while building commensurate capacities in the NHIFA to enable it to perform the new tasks. 3 0 3 1.0 10.6027/4594b3f8-en 2cdbadfc58b0f46df49c82e640380c76 Seagrass meadows providing food, shelter and nursery grounds and thus eccential coastal ecosystem services. With less than 4% total coverage of the sea surface area, they are estimated to contribute to almost 50% of all carbon deposition in the ocean (Duarte, Middelburg, & Caraco, 2005; Krause-Jensen & Duarte, 2016). Of these, nine species are considered critically endangered, including spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias), European eel (Anguilla anguilla), common guillemot (Uria aalge) and bowhead whale (Balaena mysticetus). 15 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/22919e33-en 2cdeb69e80eac58a792e3e3c271a1c85 These countries have diversified their exports into tourism (particularly the island LDCs, but also Nepal) or government services (Afghanistan and Djibouti). Diversification of exports towards services has an impact on the economic vulnerability index (EVI), but does not necessarily mean structural transformation of the economy. It tends to boost income growth, but this is not necessarily associated with commensurate human development or with economic diversification. 10 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/b90ce3c6-en 2ce23ba1ca724800a7753d7728b03791 The discussion covers a variety of international and national actors, including development finance institutions, international climate funds, governments and relevant government agencies. Data regarding global finance flows are mostly drawn from the Climate Policy Initiative (CPI) reports as they represent the most comprehensive source of such flows to date. Second, the paper focuses on the regional landscape of climate finance in the Asia-Pacific region, with particular attention given to active climate funds, multilateral development banks, the distribution of climate finance across countries, and national-level initiatives. 13 0 10 1.0 10.1787/f5330a47-en 2ce77f2d88afce517799327d8f3e204c As ODA-supported activities potentially relevant to building capacity for climate change activities can be quite extensive, reporting in BRs may only present a partial picture of such support. Capacity-building support in adaptation is increasingly linked to support for broader development priorities, for example, recognising the need for enhanced capacities across a broad set of economic actors. Donors integrate capacity-building into all funding programmes as a matter of good development practice, making support for climate-related capacity-building more difficult to independently track and report (Ellis et al., Germany notes in its third BR that “technology transfer and capacity-building are components of virtually all of the German government’s bilateral cooperation projects and cannot be categorised separately” (Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, 2017[i7]). Denmark raises this challenge in the context of its biennial reporting; its second BR does not distinguish between public and private sector activities (UNFCCC, 2016(igj). 13 0 9 1.0 10.18356/2c271815-en 2cea0a8eef322a884fd23a6453846818 G = poverty gap: FGT2 = Foster, Greer and Thorbecke squared poverty possible degree of regional comparability, the aim being to maintain a common methodological st they use in their own official measurements. As a first step, the anainment figure for quintile I (AQI) is expressed as a proportion of the figure for quintile V(AQV).The gap is then calculated using the following formula: (HAQI/AQV1)' 100. The annualized relative gap is calculated using the formula I1 (AQl/AQV)I' 100/AT. 1 0 5 1.0 10.6027/9789289349291-4-en 2cee6f7e61448b5e9f321998bf7332b7 They have a strong track record in providing technical and policy support as well as advancing innovative finance instruments such as results based payments schemes in the energy and forestry sectors and green city level bonds for related infrastructure development. Table 2 presents a summary of the key aspects of the sector case studies focusing in particular on the identified barriers and potential solutions to address these. 13 2 3 0.2 10.1787/9789264250505-7-en 2cef9684f22c2a021bbf4596cd891e3f Young Latvian men are twice as likely as women to leave school without completing upper secondary education (the OECD average is 1.4 times) and this is one reason for higher NEET rates among men. In addition, early drop-out rates in rural areas are about twice as high as in urban areas (Ministry of Economics, 2014). Local governments need to be able to react quickly in case of premature school drop-out. 8 2 2 0.0 10.18356/ea8c16ef-en 2cf02eba7352bba585193c3842f90f6a Though less is known about the impact of unintended parenthood on young fathers, the limited evidence we have suggests that effects on their earnings potential are also negative. All capitalized on their potential demographic dividends through economic policies as well as social investments in health, education and gender equality. Girls’ enrolment rates in secondary school increased substantially from 1965 to 1980, and gender inequities in enrolments diminished. Trends towards fewer children and later marriage resulted in more women entering the work force. 5 2 3 0.2 10.1787/5e122a91-en 2cf17dbba10a7bde3265dc930c4008d6 This may include, for example, encouraging targeted training for apprentice supervisors and offering tools and resources (e.g. website, online forum for instructors) that help firms effectively manage apprentices and overcome any difficulties. Lehraufsicht”, Amt fur Berufsbildung und Berufsberatung, Thurgau, Amt fiir Berufsbildung und Berufsberatung, 63/internet/de/application/dl0079/d9739/f9309.cfm (accessed 26 February 2016). Oxford Review of Economic Policy, Vol. 4 5 4 0.1111111111111111 10.1787/5k912j389bf0-en 2cf1913004b861b160c5a1f212391379 The dynamic framework ages the individual through their lifecycle and allows for time spent with multiple health conditions. Recent cancer models project expenditures in constant 2008 dollars. The time horizon of the projections is usually twenty to twenty-five years w ith recent projections from 2011 to 2030. This differs from other models where future health status is incorporated as a model assumption. 3 1 3 0.5 10.18356/e79e9221-en 2cf60821a9e59b1c88547521d95e4403 Inequality is a threat to social cohesion, empathy and shared responsibility because it generates and exacerbates social segmentation. A broadly educated, healthy, secure and empowered population is the goal of development, and also necessary for inclusive economic growth. Young women and girls may experience the most severe forms of inequalities, often reflected in sexual coercion and violence, including domestic violence, child marriage, female genital mutilation and other harmful practices that violate human rights and lead to blocked access to sexual and reproductive health information and education (including comprehensive sexuality education). 5 0 4 1.0 10.1787/env/outlook-2012-8-en 2cf7e298b1a5a8e44bc4ad519a538790 This sort of technology park tests new unconventional sanitation techniques for small and isolated communities and identifies the best option according to climatic conditions and the specific pollutants involved. However, far slower progress is expected in developing countries (RoW). The United Nations estimates that by 2015, 89% of the population in developing regions are likely to have access to improved sources of drinking water, compared with 70% in 1990 (UN, 2011). The MDG of halving by 2015 the 1990 level of population without improved water supply is expected to be met in most regions, but not in Sub-Saharan Africa. This is so for three reasons. 6 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5jlwvz85537c-en 2cf9856fcfc8f037bff4ef57a9c74f43 "As a practical example, guidelines were established in Finland in 2004, involving the cities of Helsinki, Espoo, Joensuu, Tampere, Turku and Vantaa (Project ""Helsinki for All""). The guidelines form the basis for the City of Helsinki Accessibility Plan and are freely available for use by other municipalities, corporations and planners. The guidelines contain criteria for evaluating the accessibility of outdoor locations: pedestrian crossings and pavements; pedestrian streets and squares; public courtyards; park paths and resting places; public bus stop areas etc." 11 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5k4dlw04vx0n-en 2cfa66f0e88f1a44cfa7ad91eafc1a04 Market failures result from asymmetric information between health insurers and care providers and between care providers and patients, creating scope for supplier-induced demand and up-coding (classifying patients into higher priced diagnostic codes). Empirical analysis suggests that no health care system performs systematically better in addressing these failures and delivering cost-effective health care (Joumard et al., The Netherlands has opted for a system of regulated competition and private insurance, with wide-ranging reforms implemented since the mid-2000s to reinforce the role of market mechanisms. 3 0 5 1.0 10.1787/9789264267817-6-en 2cfebd034f119660fcf2a2d04396b0b9 It has also brought numerous issues related to cases whereby one person buys the titles for a piece of land, after being granted approval by the current Assembly of Ejidos, but the future leaders and administrators of the next Assembly of Ejidos may choose not to recognise the authorisation and, given the lack of officially-recorded evidence, a person is forced to pay for the same plot of land several times without ever gaining official recognition. This has also created situations in which a same plot of land belongs to several people and, due to the fact that the transfer is unrecorded, after some time people lose track of who the land belongs to. As such, during mission trips stakeholders reported the relative ease with which constructions could be undertaken on ejido soil based on the relationship of the ejidatarios with municipal authorities, often with limited compliance with urban norms. 11 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/rev/fish/pol-2009-30-en 2cff3674ec3a69404a627971f8166f3b "States with fairly large fisheries agencies include: Maine, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Virginia, Florida, Texas, California, Oregon, Washington, Alaska, and Hawaii. These agencies generally deal with both freshwater and marine fisheries, and are funded from both State and Federal sources. It is assumed that the large bulk of their programs fall in the “general services"" category of transfers." 14 0 7 1.0 10.18356/a5e42fa0-en 2d063e6b8b4f82a7f02653713342807c Of these, 22.5 million were refugees, 40.3 million were internally displaced, and 2.8 million were asylum seekers. Many displaced children travel alone or are separated from their parents. Among the children making the dangerous passage from North Africa to Europe, the vast majority—92 per cent—of those who arrived in Italy in 2016 and the first two months of 2017 were unaccompanied. In 2015, for instance, almost 27 pe of women aged 20-24 were married before the age of 18—a pra commonplace in Southern Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. Women spent almost three times as many hours on unpaid domestic work as men. 5 1 5 0.6666666666666666 10.1787/9789264268852-5-en 2d07091f600531da1a467009c9380a1d As elsewhere in Central Asia, the rapid population growth in cities (especially large and medium-size) since 2001 has led to a shortage of affordable housing for low-income residents, incoming migrants and even middle-class households. It shows the percentage of people replying “satisfied” to the question: “In the city or area where you live, are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the availability of good, affordable housing?” Initial Assessment, Chapter 2, 11 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264121164-7-en 2d08cbe0a16cf220dc9b48375e0ac7ff In its broadest sense: “health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity” (WHO 1948)-1 While this definition does not lend itself naturally to measurement, it illustrates well that the concept of health is a broad and overarching one, and that health affects many aspects of life. This definition also highlights that objective health conditions and subjective aspects of health are important for everyone. Developing better measures would help not only to better assess people’s health status, but also to gauge the performance of health systems in preventing or treating ill health, and to design more effective policies. 3 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264118720-6-en 2d09d2929ac18e9624b7f3f9daf560f2 The “monetisation reform” has improved the reporting of social spending (for example, see Table 3.3). Nevertheless, experience with OECD countries that have a federal constitutional set-up suggests there is likely to be under-reporting of social spending by lower tiers of government (Adema and Ladaique, 2009). In the case of disabled children up to 15 years, this is 120 calendar days. For example, there are benefits for war veterans and disabled children, while the pension fund of Russia also pays old-age, survivor or disability pensions based on employment records to people who are categorised as disabled. 1 0 3 1.0 10.1787/50e33932-en 2d0ad79aea40a714c83fffe073c226fe Funding is provided for projects and activities that align with these regional plans. The government appropriates SEK 1.5 billion annually to support regional growth measures, and is mostly used alongside other funding sources from the region, municipalities, and the European Union. Rural policy in Sweden is defined in a narrow sense at the moment, to a large extent around the parameters of CAP Pillar 2 funding. 11 0 4 1.0 10.18356/d72eb315-en 2d0e40c0e6dc764c8765dec4639ed177 Information often exists but is very fragmented, inaccessible (and often lost) or collected according to different standards. In many cases, the information is collected in isolation and without keys for connecting pieces with one another. This constitutes a major challenge to the implementation of cross-sectoral management as called for by the BGI. Such integration also entails the exchange of expertise and related methods and tools, while catering for particular requirements of aquatic resources. 14 4 5 0.1111111111111111 10.1787/0ec26947-en 2d0f86ecf0b94fa291a5f92089c07b81 Section 2.2 summarises today’s representative use cases and application areas of blockchain, based on the challenges in the low-carbon transition. As observed in other areas in the public and private sectors, managing climate-related action will require the adoption of innovative digital enablers. Interoperable and well-entrenched “end-to-end” digital data services will be required to increase efficiency. 9 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5k9h2975rhhf-en 2d10a180f8be4835e1a8764cc7d3fdb1 Against this background, this section uses the results from this study and previous OECD work on the drivers of growth - most of which has been published in various editions of Going for Growth - to assess possible policy trade-offs and complementarities between growth and income distribution objectives. In doing so, growth-enhancing policy reforms are classified into three categories: 0 those that are likely to reduce income inequality; ii) those that are likely to raise it; and Hi) those that seem to have an ambiguous effect. While the discussion focuses on labour income inequality, any fall in labour income inequality should translate into a fall in disposable income inequality, all else equal (in particular the tax and transfer system). 10 1 4 0.6 10.1787/9789264277991-5-en 2d111e7c8248ccbdc9bd0469db3c5895 Financial incentives could assist owners to replace their vehicles with low emission vehicles or even electronic Jeepneys (e-jeepneys). Metro Cebu could set a target and support such transition. Globally, under the Urban Electric Mobility Initiative, city governments have pledged that electrical vehicles will account for 30% of light duty vehicles plying their cities by 2030 (UEMI, 2017). 11 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264191761-en 2d112de4b88f8d7ae650196618ef2209 One of them, the Enhanced Industrial and Innovative Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2010-14 (PEIID) aims to transform the heavily oil-dependent industrial structure into a more diversified one by promoting competitive and export-oriented activities. The agro-food sector is identified as one of the eight priority sectors for diversification. Sectoral programmes were developed to implement the PEIID, including the current programme for Development of the Agro-Industrial Complex for 2010-14, which was succeeded by the next one for 2013-20. In the short-term, strategic plans of state bodies are adjusted to priorities set out in the President’s Annual Address. 2 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.18356/fb79328d-en 2d129daebd4a9c2d302351e88fc478fa Yet, even if backward linkages are initially absent, concerted efforts can help in developing such linkages over time, as the East Asian newly industrializing economies demonstrate (see Wade, 1990). In fact, emphasis on backward linkages is often necessary even for the very survival of the current lines of production. For example, the experience since the elimination of the international quota regime on textiles and clothing suggests that poverty reduction through labour-intensive exports is not sustainable without the development of backward linkages. 1 3 0 1.0 10.18356/56317379-en 2d15478caa29a467ed06e2aa32c85baa With the increasing population pressure, the availability of freshwater for food production is a concern. An estimated 6 700 and 15100 km3 y' of freshwater is used by croplands and grasslands, respectively, to generate food and animal protein for human consumption. This quantity is 30 percent of total green water flux on the Earth (Rockstrom and Gordon, 2001). 2 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264303119-en 2d16110adfe9945fc1f5bb483359b166 Research into tidal energy’s potential impacts on ocean flora and fauna is limited, but shoreline plants could damage sensitive ecosystems like bird-nesting grounds. Development in such areas would be avoided, though. There may also be aesthetic concerns like those with wind power, which may be reflected in changes in property values. 7 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.18356/b2f16918-en 2d19173d23d9347b6b9cb17b707b1d40 Should the VRE in one region have tow output, other regions experiencing overgeneration can transmit excess electricity. In 2009, Germany produced 592 TWh of electricity3, which gives an average power consumption of about 826 W per capita4, implying that a city of one million inhabitants needs on average nearly 1 GW of electricity supply, with considerable variations. The highest capacity transmission project being constructed is for the capacity of about 7.2 GW of high voltage direct current (HVDC) overhead line5, which could sen/e a region of about ten million inhabitants. Transmitting hydropower over long distances is common in Brazil, China and India, due to inexpensive electricity and remote locations of hydropower. Current electricity storage capacity is usually nearly negligible in comparison to instantaneous power generation and due to nearly instantaneous power transmission. 7 0 8 1.0 10.1787/9789264208292-6-en 2d1bbe324bdc9386e7147c73853fef85 They are determined by the economic sector the project is part of (ANLA is the only reviewing body for oil and gas projects), its size or its potential environmental impact. Exploration activities3 of extractive industries are not subject to environmental licensing and EIA requirements. At the same time, ANLA does not systematically consult CARs and municipalities on projects that will be implemented in their territory. 6 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264233911-5-en 2d1be09bb96bf3b3d3c61362d18a60d5 This observation raises two important issues. First, in those countries where the change in trade policy w'as rather radical (e.g. an export ban), trade most probably had a more significant impact on volatility than stocks. The reports do not explicitly provide proof for this statement as none of the studies control for any of the confounding factors that might have influenced price volatility'. 2 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264202030-8-en 2d1d85973f45fb19343138a280a35781 More needs to be done to exploit satellite images to monitor changes in land cover. Wetlands are highly valued habitats for biodiversity and their loss is of international significance. The area of other types of semi-natural agricultural habitats (farm woodland and fallow land) has increased or remained stable. Farmland has mainly been converted to use for forestry and urban development. Despite this overall trend, agriculture remains the major land use for many countries, representing over 40% of the land area in two-thirds of OECD countries. 15 0 3 1.0 10.18356/3ad10876-en 2d1e64789880aaecbc6575fdad825a5e Mongolia established basin councils for the Eroo River in 2007 and for the Tuul River in 2010, with the support of a project for strengthening IWRM in the country. However further efforts are needed in this area and, where established, councils need to be strengthened to function properly. Afghanistan is also making preparations for their establishment. The emergence of the water user cooperatives illustrates a shift to a more decentralized operation of irrigation facilities, an important step in reforming the irrigation and agriculture sectors. 6 0 5 1.0 10.18356/daadf51f-en 2d1f8fe164bed8adddb198eefe1ab7b2 Since 2006, the government has progressively revised the system, requiring local authorities to provide education to migrant children, abolishing public school fees for them and decoupling registered residence from access to education for migrants. In India, the 2009 Right to Education Act legally obliged local authorities to admit migrant children, while national guidelines recommend flexible admission, seasonal hostels, transport support, mobile education volunteers and improved coordination between states and districts. They may be kept in preparatory classes too long, for instance. 4 0 3 1.0 10.18356/18db943d-en 2d21080d1ce1a65ce98b88faecfc85db At the same time, the area is prone to floods. Such cooperation could involve sharing data and knowledge, including innovations such as nested modelling solutions that couple climate scenarios, river-basin hydrology and flood forecasting. Cooperation can also take the form of dialogues and institutional partnerships based on an integrated flood management approach. There have already been a number of initiatives including those from WMO, PTC and the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development. 13 3 6 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264230491-5-en 2d212b7f0869f357b2c0f4949aa057d4 Between 2006 and 2012, overweight or obesity prevalence increased from 69.5% to 71.3% of the adult population (OECD 2015), while the rate of obesity rose from 30% in 2006 to 32.4% in 2012 (estimate). Mexico is now one of the countries with the highest child obesity rates in the world with one in three children being overweight or obese. Data are based on measurements rather than self-reported height and weight. More disconcertingly, deaths from heart disease have only decreased by 1%, in sharp contrast to the 48% reduction seen across other OECD countries (see Figure 1.8). 3 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5jrs8sv4jt6k-en 2d23fd21cfdc8e585c9ca0c620e8446e Next a brief description of major policy instruments directed to smallholders are described. The agricultural and Livestock Insurance Support Programme facilitates access for producers of crops, fruits and livestock to insurances related to climate risk or livestock diseases. The insurance indemnifies the beneficiary up to two thirds of the insured annual production. Beneficiaries receive technical advice and financial support for their projects. The main purpose of the Technical Training Services (SAT) is to provide small farmers with technical support in order to improve their productivity and their responsiveness to technical and climatic challenges. The Management and Productive Development Services (PROGYSO), aims to improve small farmer's communication with both public and private sectors and to promote extension activities (OECD, 2013b). 2 0 4 1.0 10.18356/fe9e0125-en 2d245d679656f8b7e1a53aaa3d120c5d Following the creation of modern nation states in Western Asia starting in the first half of the 20th century, most of the region's major rivers and many aquifer systems were found to cross political borders. However, their management did not emerge as a major problem until increasing freshwater scarcity exposed dependencies on internationally shared water resources. Large-scale irrigation projects boosted investments in and socio-economic dependencies on the water and agricultural sectors. 6 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.30875/c7f78275-en 2d25122a762d6db500c3c39d6f06acf5 "Although Blockchain technology presents interesting features in terms of security, immutability, transparency, traceability and automation, its wide-scale deployment currently hinges on various challenges. Scalability remains limited, existing blockchain networks and platforms do not “talk"" to one another, and there are a number of unresolved legal issues, ranging from the legal status of blockchain transactions to the question of liability. Companies also rely increasingly on artificial intelligence (Al) and big data to analyse consumers' online shopping experiences in order to profile preferences and adapt products accordingly. Digital technologies such as 3D printing are making it feasible to supply customized goods and services to consumers who show a preference for personalized products." 9 0 3 1.0 10.18356/47c7f9c4-en 2d26412c9a434e9664cd77aa5fa5d5b6 For the poorest households, social assistance accounts for almost 20 per cent of total household consumption. Looking at the different programmes separately, social allowances have the largest impact. They account for 23 per cent of total consumption among the poorest households that receive social allowances. In the absence of social assistance, the poverty rate would have been three percentage points higher, representing a relative reduction of 19 per cent. 1 0 3 1.0 10.18356/48fdc937-en 2d2beebe05dc154a9ff7f41c7ef75461 In the context of climate change, these responses are referred to as mitigation and adaptation measures, respectively. Figure 4.7.1 depicts a flowchart of climate change issues posed by greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, including both impacts and countermeasures. In contrast, adaptation serves to adjust human and natural systems on the assumption of ongoing climate change, e.g. disaster prevention, changes in cultivated plant species and breeding new plant varieties. 13 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264230491-8-en 2d2d780547a96514a825760b5bf57e8b These issues are particularly salient since enrolees are not able to choose their insurer, maintain their insurer given a change in employment, or receive care free-at-the-point-of-service from providers who are outside of their scheme (w'ho may be perceived as offering higher quality services, be more conveniently located, or have more flexible working hours). This leads many to pay out-of-pocket to receive services in the private sector. While creation of a single pooled fund that distributes resources across schemes according to needs may be a long-term goal for some stakeholders, in practice there are a number of important barriers to attaining this in the short term, including the presence of a large informal labour force that impedes revenue generation, the long-standing position of social security schemes as distinct societal institutions. Nevertheless, a structurally-defined single pooled fund is not an absolute necessity; in practice, the policy objective of improved equity of access can be achieved through alternative incremental financing reforms that functionally bring the schemes closer together from the user’s point of view. 3 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/7e5677a0-en 2d335f8b0296623f6434c3a4fd29acc6 The desert around livestock (arms is degraded by intensive cattle grazing and firewood collection. Moreover, the invasive Common Myna bird is expanding into the desert areas. Uncontrolled hunting, fishing and water use are additional pressure factors, the use of bottom gill nets presents a particularly serious threat to waterbirds. 6 3 5 0.25 10.1787/9789264179820-5-en 2d35745078d32612862bbde75ed3ca2e The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law. Infrastructure designed to deal with periods of water scarcity (reservoirs) and investments in flood management have a public good nature and tend to be under provided by private markets. This leaves a significant role for government (Shaw, 2005; Grafton, 2011). 6 0 3 1.0 10.1787/c69de229-en 2d35d5ab23eff295d1f9efc39187aaf2 To some extent, this may be related to a significant proportion of children living in multigenerational households with retirees in some countries. By contrast, poverty rate of jobless single-parent families does not appear to be affected by the level of payment rates for assistance and housing allowances, probably because their standard of living before tax and transfers is so low that increases in the rate of payment of housing allowances have been not high enough to lift these families out of poverty. The standard of living of children - measured by the family equivalised disposable income - fell in about ten countries for children with two parents in the first quarter of the income distribution. 1 1 3 0.5 10.1787/5kg0prg9b1g8-en 2d37257100a3b4a74152981b1826aa4f First, making such arrangements universally available would be prohibitively expensive as the default risk is assumed by the public sector. Rationing such loans on the basis of means-tested parental resources is a solution but it raises difficulties for students that do not have access to either these loans or the resources of their well-off families. Second, as the repayment of such loans does not take into account the future capacity of borrowers, some risk-averse students would be unwilling to undertake these loans, especially if defaulting is costly. Third, graduates facing high loan repayment obligations would be more likely to choose careers with high earnings rather than low-paying but socially productive ones. The defining characteristic of ICL schemes is that the collection of debt is tied to the borrowers’ future capacity to pay. Repayments are not required in periods of low income, ensuring that borrowers are able to meet their repayment obligations and to smooth their consumption across periods of high and low income. 4 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264276369-4-en 2d3a1e61136849cee8a391d59cdce163 By the mid-1990s, it w'as investing more in education than any other country (relative to GDP). Important efforts w'ere made to increase the quality and supply of human capital and a number of reforms were introduced along with expanded public investment in education and R&D. Finland was thus able to upgrade its human capital by transforming its education system from less-than-average to one of the best international performers, becoming a modem publicly funded system with a high degree of equity, good quality and wide participation. Countercyclical policies compensated for the decline in business R&D expenditure during the crisis. Domestic investment in research and innovation started to expand rapidly in the second half of the 1990s. 9 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/a09a3a5d-en 2d3a403960f1e549b06e177082e19308 For example, the Productive Territories programme in Mexico, which critically relies on experts to implement business plans, suffers from shortage of staff in regions. The Kiut programme also proved difficult to implement because of the wide range of skills required to field workers (as they were requested to act simultaneously as mentors, community workers and loan agents). Such experts have a good knowledge of local conditions that might hinder adequate deployment of programmes and of how to address them, and are likely to be more committed to the objectives of the programme. The ICT solutions may include online databases maintained by central or regional bodies to register experts and online platforms. 9 1 5 0.6666666666666666 10.1787/9789264202887-10-en 2d3bedd8ce636f9b2633ccb59dc2b75d The collaboration between the national and provincial levels on environmental compliance and enforcement is viewed quite positively by both sides (Box 6.6). The Human Capital Development Strategy for the Environmental Sector (2009-14) lays down a strategic objective to “address the scarce and critical skills that currently exist in the environmental sector to enhance vertical and horizontal governance” (DEA, 2009). In particular, it calls for an urgent national initiative to strengthen environmental skills in the local government sector. 6 7 0 1.0 10.1787/9789264303928-6-en 2d3f15a9e1c1edfe15fff8e8f263019a However, there has been a strong focus under the National Action Plan for Implementation of the Kyoto Protocol on the creation of a GHG inventory and supporting the development of carbon market mechanisms - namely Joint Implementation (JI) projects and the development of an Emissions Trading Schemes (ETS). In April 2017, the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine presented a roadmap for the establishment of an ETS in the country7. A related draft law on Monitoring Reporting and Verification (MRV) was published in early 2018. As of October 2015, 276 JI projects had been registered in Ukraine, w'ith more than 500 million Emission Reduction Units (ERUs) issued.6 Ukraine was also the fourth largest Assigned Amount Unit (AAU)7 seller by volume, w'ith 47 million AAUs contracted between 2008 and 2012. 7 2 3 0.2 10.1787/9789264210745-6-en 2d413b12e7eafc27cb47d88423571223 While gaps still persist across certain policy sectors, the trend is to increase the availability of data disaggregated by gender to enable a sound assessment of the impacts of policies and laws on men and women (Figure 4.11). There is significant progress globally in terms of the development of gender indicators and the collection and dissemination of gender statistics. Among EU countries, several national mechanisms (for example, in Finland, France, Ireland, Latvia, Portugal and Sweden) report close co-operation with national statistical offices and the regular gathering and publication of statistical profiles of women and men (Tavares da Silva, 2010). Sweden’s Ordinance of Official Statistics stipulates that all official statistics concerning individuals or groups must be presented disaggregated by sex (Horsburgh, 2011). 5 1 4 0.6 10.18356/55e1e2ba-en 2d42ccd82b2d11609ba36f7bd1d7fc75 In addition, we met a woman on the national soccer team who told us that even the national team had to fight to have access to the fields primarily used by boys and men. The trip reaffirmed my belief that access to sports can be a life-changer for young people and, after this experience, I know more than ever to look at it through a gender equality lens. Today's youth have the power to bring about systemic change for generations to come as we work towards achieving gender equality. 5 0 5 1.0 10.1787/9789264283558-en 2d43eed5e265153e2f062a6e7fa58362 Additional funding from general taxation would finance specific programmes (traineeships, medical specialisations and tertiary education). The bill also envisages the abolition of the complementary VHI scheme by 2019, and its replacement with an income-dependent contribution that will be more efficient to administer. This reflects a number of factors: the shift from bed-day payments to case-based (DRG) payments; tariff reductions and rationalisation during the crisis; and the rise of day care (from 11.1% of all hospital cases in 2005 to 30% in 2013). 3 1 3 0.5 10.1787/agr/outlook-2015-5-en 2d44ca41c9f5ec17dd54549d8a586516 After May 2017, rural properties not included in the CAR will not have access to agricultural credit. However, farmers may commit to complying with environmental requirements according to the relative Environmental Compliance Plan (PRA), including forest restoration, soil conservation and the above-mentioned maintenance of a share of the property under natural cover. In addition to having 20 years to comply with the PRA, they will receive financial support (particularly small farmers) to assist rehabilitation. Implementing this Plan, which aims to better regulate land use, preserving river bank areas, reducing deforestation in the Amazon and strengthening reforestation efforts, is a major challenge for the government and the sector. The Brazilian government has provided strong support for biofuel via measures, which include: lending to construct ethanol plants and storages; tax incentives on flex-fuel cars which can run on any combination of ethanol and gasoline; and mandatory blending ratios for both gasoline and diesel. The mandatory blending of ethanol with gasoline in fuel mixtures continues to take place, as well as the mandatory blending of biodiesel with fossil diesel. 2 3 1 0.5 10.18356/80c371eb-en 2d5075fe39a9f1cfbcab839a2719a755 "In the MR the data generated by the OM are used in an assessment that generates an observed (or ""perceived"") stock, which is, in turn, fed into a harvest control rule resulting in a management action (e.g. a total allowable catch [TAC] or allowable fishing effort). It is the presence of this feedback control that distinguishes MSE from risk analysis or projections. Stakeholders/decision-makers must be involved in the identification of the general goals of the MSE (i.e. the management objectives) and of the management strategies to be simulated. The final results should be presented clearly, allowing decision-makers to take decisions on the final management strategy to be adopted and to make the policy call." 14 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264187894-6-en 2d508cdc6b4c9c757a6d480bc0e4ef68 Together with the need to better articulate, harmonise and streamline existing information systems as well as performance indicators and monitoring tools, this is an important reform option to consider in the implementation of the 2030 Water Agenda. The Programme for Modernisation and Technification of Irrigation Units provides the financial support (mainly through subsidies) to users and well owners for optimising the use of water. In 2012, CONAGUA published a manual as part of its programme for rehabilitation, modernisation and equipment of irrigation districts. It features detailed information, complementary data and various criteria to support irrigation users to comply with the rules set by the hydro-agricultural infrastructures programme. 6 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264168091-6-en 2d55460a5f445b5909751bd77e978978 These receive anyone who wishes to be examined and obtain information on health risk factors and personal advice on leading a healthier lifestyle. Data from the authorities suggest that these have been widely used (with over 2 million contacts in 2009 and 2010). An additional 190 centres have been opened for children. 3 0 6 1.0 10.18356/fa8ae033-en 2d569c0cb84578ff12d0832f970fceae The recognition of the existence of various forms of families and the slow blurring of gender-defined roles should encourage policymakers to design and implement unpaid care policies that benefit equally all families within a country. The recognition of this role requires the adoption of public policies to support and protect families in a manner that is compatible with international human rights standards. Agenda 2030 for sustainable development provides an opportunity to rethink the ways in which public policies with impact on the family relate to human rights obligations. 5 3 2 0.2 10.18356/eca72908-en 2d56c37de104456b52e8b1fa5578179c This experience shows how planning and other rules can be turned from forbidding to facilitating and inclusive through participatory decision-making, in the process recognizing the social and economic value of the informal services sector. Ensuring equitable urban development and inclusive growth and empowering civil society are fundamental principles of what the New Urban Agenda should address (Chapter 9). These movements were not just about socio-economic injustice. 11 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/eco/surveys-dnk-2019-3-en 2d57c8c7b2e94dd5c8e32c45af402c08 For the same reason, the uncertainty surrounding the conditions for the United Kingdom leaving the EU (Brexit) continues to be a downside risk. Rising housing wealth combined with continued very low interest rates, resulting from the currency peg to the euro, could trigger a boom in private consumption, resulting in overheating w ith higher wage and price inflation. A faster and larger-than-expected interest rate hike, on the other hand, risk prompting large property price drops in some parts of the country with macroeconomic spillovers and financial sector losses. 8 0 3 1.0 10.1787/7a1f7b89-en 2d58ef36c191dd2547c9c822e99283f7 Because it catalogues where these partnerships have been deployed, it focuses largely on North American examples where many of these pilot programmes have been initiated. Examples include Lyft (and Uber, at the outset) offered as an option in Los Angeles Department of Transport Go LA app designed by Xerox and in the Dallas Area Rapid Transit trip planning app. These initiatives are analogous to those offered by several commercial third-party routing apps described in Chapter 2. 11 0 3 1.0 10.18356/68bdcb6f-en 2d59635a2038ad15a5d39cce089b261a Existence of public institutions to take care of children or subsidies for workers to pay for day-care centres. All work by a child under 16 years of age is prohibited, except as an apprentice if over 14 years old. Prohibits restrictions applied to contracts for reasons of marriage or pregnancy in women. 8 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264179011-4-en 2d5a5913b23790da0dc3ca8400ef4809 Maintenance costs should be budgeted at the onset of projects, and maintenance funds could be created. Fiscal incentives for road maintenance by local governments could be based on the year-on-year quality of the road maintenance that they undertake. The government has taken steps to improve access to credit through subsidised interest rate loans, credit guarantees and the direct provision of funds (PUAP) to farmers groups for distribution to members based on the microcredit model. 2 5 4 0.1111111111111111 10.1787/9789264176935-4-en 2d5beabe9653bf9c7d73f203eec4cf85 In other words, the lack of exclusive rights means there is a lack of incentives for fishers to exert the socially optimal amount of fishing effort. The problems arising from these negative externalities are not solved through market channels because there are no property or access rights in many fisheries. For this reason, several management systems seek to assign exclusive rights to fishers in order to internalise the negative externalities. 14 0 3 1.0 10.18356/bdd5fff2-en 2d5bf5ab9136e1393e2ab8056b7ad059 Even if r - 0, which means that there are no income constraints, these vegetables are not allocated any areas. This is because these vegetables provide only economic benefits; they do not provide any energy, nitrogen or feed. Cows can effectively increase income. As the number of cows increases, pasture and/or dent corn areas also increase. 2 0 4 1.0 10.18356/78349259-en 2d5c265dbec351ade2aac31b22a01d86 But the governments will also need to pay greater attention to watershed and river basin development and management. At the same time, policymakers should set limits on water withdrawals from rivers and groundwater sources, encourage environmentally sustainable water consumption, and promote the use of water-saving practices and technologies in increasing water efficiency and productivity. This would apply to consumption in excess of a minimum allotment for irrigation of food crops, especially those grown by small and marginal farmers. There is an emerging crisis of ground water in drier areas of the region. 2 5 2 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/aid/glance-2017-14-en 2d5ee5db980af11e01382a34f035de1f Consequently, the CAREC countries have refined their strategy by shifting the focus to improving the quality of logistics services and increasing the level of connectivity. For hard infrastructure, there is a new emphasis on longdistance freight movement. In services, the need to connect the six CAREC corridors and major seaports is emphasized. The refined strategy also stresses the importance of extending and completing the six strategic multimodal corridors (OECD-WTO aid-for-trade monitoring exercise 2017, Public sector case story 107). 9 0 3 1.0 10.6027/f76e337c-en 2d63840fa8ea5f96e26f71289089094c A rather large number of species of birds, invertebrates and plants as well as a few species of mammals are closely connected with such habitat structures, in most cases originally found in steppe or dry grassland habitats. Fields under regular cultivation hold just a fraction of the biodiversity generally found in farmland landscapes. With an increased fragmentation and reduction in size of natural and seminatural habitats in the farmland landscape, it has become increasingly difficult for farmland biodiversity to persist in the gradually smaller and fewer suitable habitats and to spread between habitats of sufficient quality to maintain viable populations. 15 0 3 1.0 10.18356/6a19440a-en 2d659f4fa9ae693ba40d71249db2b5c1 Progress is slow, however, as illustrated by the difficulties in reaching consensus even in areas such as transparency and notifications. Financial and technical assistance, as well as technology transfer (Target 14.a), will be important to many SIDS and LDCs as they look to create and implement national and regional strategies for sustainability, preservation and protection of their fisheries industries. These interlinked goals provide a new framework for advancing sustainable development over the next 15 years. Today, the global population is about 7.3 billion, a figure projected to reach about 8.5 billion by 2035 (UNDESA, 2011). Some 2 billion more people will populate the earth in 20 years from now. 14 0 3 1.0 10.18356/5e7977af-en 2d66ec36064525acbf1d5a7e0eaf825e Homicide rates in the region have diverged markedly in recent years, with sharp increases in certain countries —such as Honduras, El Salvador, Peru and Mexico— and decreases in others, such as Nicaragua, Jamaica and Colombia (see figure 11). The available statistics show that a very high percentage of women aged 15-49 suffer or have suffered at some time physical violence at the hands of an intimate partner, ranging from 33% in Colombia to 14% in Haiti. The most common forms of punishment used by both parents with their children include verbal reprimands, but physical punishments, including smacking, are used against a high percentage of children, showing that physical violence towards children is an everyday reality in the region. Conversely, with lower levels of violence, citizens become more inclined to use the city in constructive and sustainable ways. 1 3 1 0.5 10.18356/9303a7a3-en 2d695d36a6594d60ae4682780b19f24b Infrastructure provides the basic physical facilities essential to business and society; industrialization drives economic growth and job creation, thereby reducing income inequality; and innovation expands the technological capabilities of industrial sectors and leads to the development of new skills. However, inequalities in the value added in the manufacturing sector point to the steep challenges faced by the most disadvantaged countries, as well as their potential for growth. For example, in 2015, manufacturing value added (MVA) per capita was less than 100 US dollars a year in the least developed countries (LDCs) compared to 4,926 US dollars in developed regions. 9 1 5 0.6666666666666666 10.1787/9789264088726-24-en 2d6bb66e8c1f340a3556a64d09372a62 The contribution of aquaculture to the global food fish supply for human consumption reached 47% in 2006 (FAO, 2009), an impressive figure, especially in view of the G8 leaders’ consideration of food security after the 2008 food crisis. These figures decreased to 18% and 9% respectively in 2007, underscoring the increasing importance of developing countries are aquaculture production (Figure 18.1). In terms of value, Japan, Norway, Korea, USA and Canada produce 73% of the total in the same year (Figures 18.2 and 18.3). 14 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264210745-3-en 2d6d0088c3ccaf18990fae7c2c4cfabc The economic outcomes capture three concepts: the participation gap (the difference in labour force participation rates), the remuneration gap (ratio of estimated female-to-male earned income) and the advancement gap (the ratio of women to men among legislators, senior officials and managers and technical and professional workers). The political outcomes refer to the gap between men and women at the highest level of political decision making, through the ratio of women to men in minister-level and parliamentary positions. First-Year Law Students’ Work Expectations and Aspirations”, Legal Education Review. 5 2 2 0.0 10.1787/3726edff-en 2d6d37c92b574f9cdb71d6a08d7fd596 One of the first tasks of the IATT was therefore to assess different STI initiatives conducted by IATT members. The mapping included 1600 activities across 20 different UN agencies with a total budget of around USD 1 billion. The mapping revealed that the primary objectives of more than half of the initiatives were related to technology, one-third science-related, and roughly 10-20% related to innovation (IATT-STI, 2017[3)). The mapping also showed differences in priorities across agencies. Other agencies, such as WIPO and the World Bank have a more diverse focus. 9 0 4 1.0 10.18356/42b33a50-en 2d6e45c79cd83218ce1646a2978be6f3 One of the most important policy documents is the Energy Strategy of the Republic of Moldova until 2020, which has been published in 2007 and has three strategic objectives: security of energy supply, promoting energy and economic efficiency, and liberalization of the energy market and restructuring of power industry. The Ministry of Economy monitors the progress of strategy implementation on a quarterly basis. Energy efficiency is a priority in the Republic of Moldova and strategic policy objectives for energy conservation have been defined in the National Programme of Energy Conservation (2003). 7 0 6 1.0 10.1787/9789264179820-4-en 2d718b2b3b5da20a049dae16857a9825 Water problems will also hinder the ability of countries to produce food. On the other hand, water plays a central role in OECD’s Green Growth Strategy because well-managed water systems can generate huge benefits for our health and our economy (see OECD, Water and Green Growth, forthcoming, 2012). In 2008, several recovery packages included investment in water infrastructure. 6 0 3 1.0 10.18356/08e82310-en 2d72f4c31ec16ea7aea4df6bd48465a3 The lack of a unified transboundary monitoring programme and GIS system for the basin is a shortcoming. Surface waters are monitored for pollutants, and groundwaters are surveyed for possible impact of landfills. Radioactive elements are periodically monitored. A new scheme of complex use and protection of water resources of the Don (including the Siversky Donets) is planned for 2014 in the Russian Federation. 6 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264210745-6-en 2d73505158590bc63b306cc9ccf2684a Such arrangements are also common in Eastern and South-Eastern Europe and Central Asia (Abdurazakova, 2010). Ministers or deputy ministers usually lead national gender institutions that function as separate ministries or those that function as part of another ministry, providing high-level support. Attention to women’s equality may be sidelined by the competing demands of other portfolios; additionally, institutions that combine gender equality with either family or children’s affairs may risk defining women narrowly in their roles as mothers and caregivers. This affords excellent access to the apex of decision making and facilitates co-ordination, monitoring, accountability and policy development. 5 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/5k424rdzj3bx-en 2d75785cce1cdf5ac1035370955bf023 By contrast, infectious diseases pose potentially global threats, and the benefits of genomics for infectious disease control may therefore be felt on a global as well as a local scale. Meanwhile, richer countries appear more inclined to invest in lines of genomic research and development that orient them chiefly towards domestic matters, and that provide less incentive to collaborate internationally in research and implementation. Also, the findings represent only a snapshot of a rapidly developing field, as of summer 2012. 3 0 3 1.0 10.18356/5022b3a0-en 2d758f29a06abe295eba996a2576d1bd For the poorest and the hungriest in most LDCs, being assetless means being landless. In addition to low income, poor households are constrained in benefiting from land due to a lack of access to credit and savings, a weak land rental market, and other social factors. In many LDCs, women are constrained in acquiring land ownership rights. 1 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264196155-6-en 2d76002a3c81e7cfde58d0ed7a0d1887 As children from disadvantaged backgrounds tend to have lower educational aspirations and in turn lower employment outcomes, enhancing their aspirations may have a positive effect on reducing inequality and achieving higher social justice. The socio-economic status of the family represents the first and most immediate environment affecting children's aspirations. Other external factors may also influence children's knowledge, development and aspirations contributing to their inter-generational mobility. 10 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.14217/9781848591448-10-en 2d7818c986fb5921224bb9a28dc7d9cd There were no missing data on this indicator for the 46 small states. Nauru, for instance, did not reduce its level of child mortality of 30 per 1,000 towards its 10 per 1,000 target between 1990 and 2007. In Trinidad and Tobago the child mortality rate increased over the period from 34 to 35 per 1,000. 3 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/63fef40d-en 2d7d2d13529743039c2cafa519fa90b4 The substantial mitigation potential of forestry will not materialize without appropriate financing and enabling frameworks that create effective incentives. For example, policies in the European Union to increase the use of biofuels, including wood fuels, for energy generation are affecting how foresters in the region manage their forests, and how land in developing regions is used (EC, 2013). There are several reported cases of land grabs for biomass production, which has implications for food security. Losses can be lowered or SOC returns to the soil increased by reducing fires, overgrazing and soil erosion, or by recycling crop residues and manure. Large gains in crop carbon balances can also be achieved with improved crop varieties, nitrogen-fixing legumes and organic and inorganic fertilizers, which boost the amount of crop residues available for returning to the soil. Improved water management is also a strong driver of primary productivity, and complements all of those practices. 2 0 3 1.0 10.1787/agr/outlook-2015-12-en 2d7f126ee4a90d611bf5da1d49695177 Nonetheless, the capture sector will remain dominant for a number of species and vital for domestic and international food security. World production of fishmeal is expected to eventually return to the 5 Mt level by the end of the outlook period and world fish oil production should hover around 1 Mt. In both cases, the share of production of fishmeal and fish oil obtained from whole fish is expected to fall compared to the previous decade. All aquaculture production is assumed to be destined to human consumption. The average annual growth rate will be lower in the second half of the outlook period, due to more competitive meat prices. 14 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264224636-11-en 2d85ea041b48cc06ceaae2a5d98a0e42 However, Article 60 gives the divorced mother who has custody of her children new functions of guardianship in regard to the management of her children's civil and commercial affairs (travel, education and the management of financial accounts). The judge may also grant all the prerogatives of guardianship to the mother and attribute to her the function of guardian in the event of the death of the father or if he proves unable to exercise or transgresses his prerogatives. The mother, along with the guardian, must give consent for a minor child to marry (Article 6). Algerian Family Code amended in 25 Februaiy 2005. Djibouti Law on Family Matters n 152 dated 1992 as amended in 2002. 5 3 6 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/62212c37-en 2d86307b343d142af6e8e31c884d2091 The rubrics aim to help teachers be more systematic and intentional about the teaching and learning of creativity and/or critical thinking. The examples of lesson plans provided to the project teachers included a mapping of the different steps of the lesson against the sub-skills of the conceptual rubrics. Teachers were requested to do the same for their own lesson plans, at least those they submitted to their local project co-ordinator before possible further transmission to the OECD. Building a professional language around creativity and critical thinking actually requires more than just good definitions and descriptors of the skills to develop. 4 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264266339-6-en 2d8bfbe5faadd07c9dc28b4d261696d6 Source: OECD (2016a). Largely due to its small population size, compared to other regions such as South of Sahara, South and Central Asia (excluding EECCA) and Southeast Asia, the EECCA region receives a relatively large amount of climate-related development finance per person. However, needs, socio-economic circumstances and populations differ significantly across countries. 13 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264281707-7-en 2d8cc9134b30bbfc3ba97978146557bb For example, already incurred costs can be particularly relevant if a bulk supply agreement is being changed or terminated. This is because investment decisions, potentially involving significant cost commitments, may have been taken based on the existing agreement. If a service is provided using a network, it may be difficult to distinguish between the costs associated with providing an individual customer with a service, and the costs of other services. 6 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/49f729e3-en 2d8f9c94c1f50bae91650bc0b0fbd376 In the same year, UNDP's Executive Board reported that “.. .since 2008,UNDP has invested great efforts in strengthening capacity for gender mainstreaming, and requests UNDP both to continue to maintain and to increase its investments to accelerate the strengthening of capacity and the delivery of programming for gender equality and the empowerment of women in line with the Gender Equality Strategy.” It also co-chairs the United Nations Development Group subgroup on accounting for resources and will serve on the UN-SWAP Gender Marker Help Desk in 2015. The Global Gender Team also provides technical support to the World Food Programme in its development of a certificate of excellence similar to the Gender Equality Seal and has advised on its gender policy. The vast majority of this support was policy advice and advice on piloting new approaches and tools. 5 0 3 1.0 10.6027/9789289329163-8-en 2d9020466b5292b7a7e34b4d706eef80 This kind of system has been used successfully in Norway over a decade. As trees grow they continuously sequester carbon from the atmosphere. As cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin and other wood and bark components will be used for new purposes carbon can be stored for longer times in plastics and fabrics, and for shorter times in pharmaceutical products, chemicals, food and beverages, and so on. 7 1 3 0.5 10.1787/eco/surveys-esp-2010-7-en 2d938086b19a3faab6033c2d7ea3a1bb In order to ensure a proper co-operation between the different levels of government in the management of water resources, the constitution of the Committees of Competent Authorities should be accelerated. This enhanced participation should take place through the appropriate institutions, including in the river basin authorities. The law should allow the inclusion of environmental and scarcity costs in water prices. 6 0 4 1.0 10.6027/a332dae1-en 2d99db9f428f036243e59a0e7aa673d0 The potential for countries in transition is provided in the following table. The numbers in the table are total numbers for the whole region. For example, potential of forestry measures in Central and South America is 3,145 Mt C02/year, in Africa 1,925 Mt C02/year and 1,915 Mt C02/year in East Asia. In countries of transition, the potential is 1,685 Mt C02. 15 0 3 1.0 10.18356/f47faf05-en 2d9b57dd5836ba6bac296b3ba499f061 Land Cover Classification System, available from /docrep/003/x0596e/x0596e00 .htm (accessed 4 August 2017). System of Environmental-Economic Accounting 2012— Central Framework, available from /unsd/envaccounting/seeaRev /SEEA_CF_Final_en.pdf (accessed 4 August 2017). Ecosystems and Human Well-being: Synthesis, Washington, D.C., Island Press, available from www /documents/document.356.aspx. 6 3 1 0.5 10.1787/9789264303119-en 2d9d962f9559f21343f08eae44972ce1 In such cases, ecosystem services and external costs decline. While the total area covered by forests and wooded land has remained roughly stable in OECD countries over the last 50 years, forest cover continues to decrease at a global level because of persistent deforestation. Worryingly, this concerns in particular the world’s most sophisticated ecosystems, tropical rainforests. 7 3 0 1.0 10.1787/9789264096356-en 2d9f327d2dfa109308861c0d70e2031b Understand the importance of mutual interdependence among companies and governments at all levels. Foster relationships between suppliers and consumers in recognition of mutual interdependence. Create a proactive physical security framework that involves both producers and consumers. Provide good quality information to the public before, during and after a problem occurs. Invest regularly in technological change within the industry. 7 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264088726-20-en 2da0a654fccfed8683638e08038524c9 Along the Texas and Louisiana shelf of the Gulf of Mexico, interannual variation in landings of brown shrimp (Farfantepenaeus aztecus) is negatively correlated with size of the hypoxic zone (O’Connor and Whitall, 2007). However, Texas fisheries regulations may contribute to the apparent strength of this correlation as fishing is prohibited on the inner shelf that serves as a refuge from hypoxia during much of the summer when northern Gulf of Mexico hypoxia is most extensive. Hypoxia already forces movement of wild stock from large areas both inshore and offshore and at times can cause extensive mortality. 14 0 5 1.0 10.1787/5jlphd2twps1-en 2da62715a3e8aaaf6a43c7c3ddfed1c3 In order to distinguish between age and cohort effects, we use the IALS, ALL and PIAAC data to create synthetic cohorts. We thank our discussant John Martin and conference participants for their helpful comments. However, in these countries educational attainment, a crucial variable in our analysis, is unreliable. 4 4 4 0.0 10.1787/9789264196155-6-en 2dab668a2bed8df8882ccdf592ebbaf3 Monitoring of spatial disparities in income and nonincome dimensions of well-being is essential to establish the extent of territorial imbalances, and to support the formulation of more balanced and coherent development policies at sectorial and regional levels. There are large regional and rural-urban disparities in education, health and employment outcomes. In 2012, the tertiary attainment rate ranged between 1.99% in the Red River Delta area to 0.77% in the Central Highlands, and from 2.56% in urban areas to 1.04% in rural areas. 10 0 7 1.0 10.1787/5jlz3kbf7pzv-en 2dad268f68bed2e3b3440704b69a730b Other services of medical diagnostic and curative care are virtually free of charge. In addition, co-payments paid by patients enrolled at a GP practice offering the VLCA scheme are capped (to NZD 17 (USD 11.49) for an adult). Annual cap on co-payments for pharmaceuticals, set at SEK 1 800 (USD 203). 3 0 4 1.0 10.18356/af3bcc31-en 2dae929425adda560e18d89012a9e916 Prisons in several states have allowed indigenous inmates to practice sweat lodge and other tribal religious ceremonies as part of their rehabilitation. Traditional medicine uses a holistic model of well-being through the integration of emotional, physical, mental and spiritual aspects of being. Even though specific practices vary between different tribes, all traditional medicine is based on the understanding that humans are part of nature and health is a matter of balance. Therefore, there is respect for the land and all of her offerings. Traditionally, elders understood the importance of respecting and using their environment for foods, medicines, and ceremonies for overall health. 3 0 3 1.0 11.1002/pub/80f4cf5d-15758c70-en 2daf6f478dbc29d3c60efb19e37008da The predominantly market-drive nature of ICTs means that companies are seeking to compete by looking for new niches in the variety of services or the expansion of geographical areas. Even without incentives, this sector has seen rapid growth. There are different views about how ICTs will influence the nature of human settlements. On one hand, telecommunications could facilitate access to services when living in low population density areas, enabling the continuation of urban sprawl and suburbanization. 11 0 5 1.0 10.1787/saeo-2011-9-en 2db319f2edeacb8ce70f07e4fd0e515e Building Green, a series of conferences organised by the Philippine Green Building Council to highlight best green practices of the industry, promotes the work of BERDE. Green policies in the Philippines aim to improve environmental quality for present and future generations. They focus on a few areas. Particular attention is given to improving air quality in the Metro Manila area and water quality in 19 rivers and coastal areas. 7 3 3 0.0 10.18356/a2206e44-en 2db45c7c1ff0591ae6999d11f8d05f2d This may have tempered the disappointment of many countries with the initial exclusion of certain products. Given that developing countries are currently not significant suppliers of climate-friendly goods and technologies, priority should be given to additional products being submitted by developing countries for inclusion in a future review. However, the downside of this ITA mechanism is that no new products have ever been added since 1997. Thus developing countries may be suspicious of this offer for review, and feel reluctant to join. While such a plurilateral agreement would not be ideal, it would still have value, particularly if the key trading parties were involved. Such an agreement could eventually be made multilateral once a certain number of members representing a minimum percentage of trade in climate-friendly goods and services joined. 7 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/47a9a2d3-en 2db6313eb06f667185cc8ccb7862a788 Brazil provides a valuable model of how to succeed in integrating small-scale farming into agri-export business without incurring huge losses. A 2007 study looked at the impact of the programme on food security and focused particularly on two feedstocks: sugarcane and coconut. As expected, value-added in food processing declines, but by a lower amount compared to the increase in the sectors producing feedstock. This suggests that, due to the change in relative prices, variable inputs tend to move towards the production of biofuel feedstock. 2 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264281486-4-en 2db648d56d623acdaff3a759b3087d26 Linking existing education information systems to labour market information and making better use of assessment information are needed to raise performance, and greater attention to presently overlooked disadvantaged students is needed. National education policy makers in Lithuania sometimes lack the organisational and analytical capacity to play the convening and steering role for which they are responsible. Likewise, education institutions sometimes lack the capacity for self-management they need in a system providing wide autonomy. 4 0 4 1.0 10.1787/c73325d9-en 2dbccaf6e385ab6e061cf8115765ede4 The current long-term plan (Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Panjang Nasional, or RPJPN) covers 2005 to 2025 and is translated into the National Medium-Term Development Plan (Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Nasional, or RPJMN), currently in its third period (2015-19). Most of the SDG targets are aligned with national targets (under the President’s agenda, known as “Naw'acita”, and the Medium-Term Development Plan), thereby securing resources for their achievement. Related tourism planning is also well established (see above). 8 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5km35m63qqvc-en 2dbe0fd8a6df750d49b22e0c04a0f536 The peak in expenditure on passive measures in 2000 reflects the rise in unemployment during the 1990s, while the subsequent fall - despite still rising unemployment - was also strongly influenced by the 2001 and 2003 reforms of the El system (see Chapter 4).158 There has also been a long-term trend reduction in expenditure on PES administration. Expenditure on other active programmes has increased roughly in line with GDP between 1990 and 2007, although near-stability of expenditure as a percentage of GDP contrasts with the increase in the unemployment rate. Total expenditure in FY 2006 and FY 2007 on active programmes other than PES and administration was about JPY 250 billion. This was mainly for the “Hometown Employment Revitalization Special Grant” (to “conduct projects that will create stable job opportunities for regional jobseekers”: JPY 250 billion) and the “Emergency Job Creation Programme” (temporary jobs of less than six months, created by prefectural governments or Silver Human Resource Centres, “for non-regular workers and middle-aged and older people, etc. 8 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264247567-6-en 2dbf0cebf418298a8c5ce94f9c2ec94d At the same time the number of teachers also dropped, although at a lower rate (14%), as well as the number of classrooms (8%) and schools (7%) (Educational Policy Institute, 2015). By 2025 the number of children aged 15-19 is expected to be more than 20% higher in 59 out of 72 districts. There are, however, significant differences in population projections between regions and districts. 4 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264096356-en 2dc36a5fb2b641788db761f9b086af3c If the RA sub-index is much higher than the MA sub-index the country may be vulnerable for sudden supply interruptions, i.e. the CCI has a value of less than 100. In that case the CCI will be 100. It should be noted that if the MA sub-index is much higher than the RA sub-index the costs associated with crisis capability measures may be exceeding the probability and costs of sudden supply interruptions. 7 4 4 0.0 10.1787/9789264255517-6-en 2dc37b18c5f147e16bf3be627e60334f It combines an international comparison of traffic safety trends with a detailed analysis of Korean accident data. The analysis on Korea uses a novel data set that contains more than 1 800 records of individual road traffic accidents with more than 6 500 affected individuals and data from the detailed analysis of 1 000 accidents around “accident hotspots”. The analysis of accident data is complemented by an in-depth assessment of the complex traffic safety governance arrangements in Korea and an identification of key areas for further improvement. The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law. 11 3 6 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/c55a8bce-en 2dc537902c41b2b8ea62c34b3eff1550 Several recent initiatives have begun to introduce such activities in a successful way. These include forward contracting and warehouse receipt programmes that can serve as collateral for loans, and supporting value-added production and local food processing. Other options include improving tendering systems so that small-scale farmers are in a better position to compete for locally issued contracts, supporting producers’ access to market information systems, and improving regulatory structures to govern quality standards and address the problem of speculation in commodity markets. 2 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/eco/surveys-isr-2013-5-en 2dc93c29c0341c416abdd3dacec7951c In OECD databases, the administrative data are used as input for datasets on the number of “professionally active” workers, while the LFS data are used to indicate the number of “practising” professionals. The OECD definition excludes those working in jobs where the relevant qualifications are not required, and those that are unemployed, retired or working abroad. These groups cannot be properly filtered out of the Israeli data; as an approximation the “professionally active” data for Israel represent all those aged less than 65 years licenced to practice. 3 5 1 0.6666666666666666 10.6027/9789289329583-8-en 2dc998317f7d9cc4ec8557c77669969d American Journal of Managed Care 13,670-676. The Community Care Act (2003) and the effect of financial incentives on delays in discharge from hospitals in England, Journal of Public Health 29, 281-287. Pay-for-performance and the quality of healthcare providers, RAND Journal of Economics 41, 64-91. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 75, 879-883. 3 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264303119-en 2dce476347efef847b6ffcf8e256170f Governments also have a role to play with regard to the provision of adequate levels of transport, distribution and conversion capacity. Partly, such capacity can be provided by markets themselves, but in other cases it requires regulation and supervision. First and foremost, such regulation must provide sufficiently attractive financial conditions for investment in transport and conversion infrastructure. 7 6 1 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/5k94hdlll7vk-en 2dce83399ddd2b79a1a1152d71b05c6d There are examples of private sector leadership. Indonesia’s Malang Migrant Workers Training Centre is a privately owned training centre for female migrant workers, specialising in domestic works in Hong Kong, China and Singapore. The company that runs the centre has branches nationwide and offers training services for prospective migrants to the electronics sectors of neighbouring Malaysia (mostly men) as well. 4 3 0 1.0 10.1787/rev/fish/pol-2009-3-en 2dd52cfbc3c175ab0b0e65fea5718dd5 How successful this is depends on market concentration and how vigorously these measures are pursued by the countries where the major markets are. To the extent that fish migrations into the high seas increase, fish stock management is bound to become more difficult. That difficulty is due to the fact that it is more difficult to reach agreement the more parties that must agree, and on the high seas there are more parties to be reckoned with than there are for stocks that stay within the EEZs. This problem is aggravated to the extent that the number of parties with an interest in a high seas stock is indeterminate, while the number of countries with an interest in stocks that stay within EEZs is either just one or at any rate defined by the migratory habits of the stock in question (and which may change as already argued). 14 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264187894-8-en 2dd5b1cde5b283c6fdb0fe865be7b7e3 Since its introduction in 2003, the PSAH has been adjusted several times to improve its cost-effectiveness: by targeting areas with high biodiversity benefits, areas with high risk of loss (to ensure additionality), and areas with low opportunity costs. Given that there were 1.8 million hectares enrolled in the programme, its conservation impact has been fairly low. This can be partly explained by the low weight given in the design of the programme to environmental criteria vis-a-vis social and administrative criteria (such as complementarities with other programmes) - environmental criteria represented 40% of the weight in 2006 and 29% in 2010. 6 0 3 1.0 11.1002/pub/80f4831e-d5917bb0-en 2dd71c29e9fc1cd987488e713e52e5d3 Subsequently, briefcase studies on LmL4SD will be shared from low- and middle-income contexts in the following countries: the Philippines, Tunisia, as well as an experience from the United States and Canada that has global reach. Org/wiki/File:Voung_temale_students_at_ Samangan.jpg; Photo 2: Jisc infbNet. ( Social Space Seating, Dungannon Campus (Formerly East Tyrone College), South West College. Available at:; Photo 3: Pierre Holtz for UNICEF. ( 4 2 2 0.0 10.1787/agr/outlook-2015-5-en 2dda6a5c0e8b08ce8e140e1e061aed94 In 2013, China replaced the European Union as the single most important market for Brazil’s agriculture-based exports, reinforcing the recent trend towards new commercial partners, such as countries in East Asia and the Pacific, the Middle East, and Latin America. However, since 2011, the economy has grown at just over 2% per year, compared with over 8% in China and more than 5% in India. Growth remains hampered by structural weaknesses in the economy, which include weak infrastructure, an onerous indirect tax system, burdensome administrative procedures, low engagement in international trade and low levels of education and skills. 2 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5kmh3nj5rzs4-en 2dda9d99b74cc832efce2e28333351db When political pressures interfere with the distribution planning, they cause financial difficulties to the utilities or distribution companies if they are forced to operate in a non-commercial manner or are unable to cut the power supply to non-paying customers. For this reason, rural electrification efforts should follow a predetermined, inviolable plan that involves a structured institutional setting. An apolitical monitoring of how rural electrification progresses is recommended. This task can be undertaken by independent institutions created or designated for that purpose. 7 0 4 1.0 10.18356/d4cf57fb-en 2ddc19f9a6325a03e45e87810d128d1c Emerging technologies such as forensic methods, remote sensing and DNA analysis can aid in verifying the origin of wood and wood products (WWF, 2014). A key output of the EU Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Action Plan, which marked its tenth anniversary in 2013, is the signing of voluntary partnership agreements (VPAs) between the EU and tropical timber-supplying countries. By May 2014, six exporting countries had signed VPAs - Cameroon, the Central African Republic, the Republic of the Congo, Ghana, Indonesia and Liberia. 15 0 7 1.0 10.18356/973d5b65-en 2ddd94b9ea876f92f8d798244b53ebed This leads to inefficient resource management that ignores the environmental impact of the waste, and in addition provides a commodity which is an economic resource to be taken advantage of. Children, who are already exposed to contaminated environments, bear the burden of poor waste management: as they will have to deal with the waste in the future. 'This results in polluted and unsafe settings, often in dense, informal settlements in urban and peri-urban areas. 11 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264191761-en 2de160b6f8ea57bccd868e22bdc5a428 In Slovakia, foreign investors came after 1999, but the subsequent path was similar to Poland’s. In Bulgaria and Albania, foreign investment began after 2002, and the surveys were undertaken too early to identify the consequences. Processing companies signed contracts with supermarkets, which imposed quality demands but also opened up national markets which allowed greater specialisation by processors. 2 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264230750-8-en 2de486109e827ed0150a68b32127e465 Standards are also set out in regulation and are used as the basis for school accreditation. At the senior secondary level private enrolments accounts for around 55% of provision. The government can provide support to community-based institutions at the senior secondary level but is not required to do so. 4 3 6 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264077287-en 2de48cf6b31f4e984023d4229df9158c Amended Law of 29 July 1993 on Water Protection and Management. Following a formal notice from the European Commission, the Regulation was modified in 2007 to strengthen the role of the Commission in granting derogations to water suppliers for non compliance with chemical parameters. Under the Regulation, such derogations may be granted, on request, provided they do not create potential human health hazards and where there is no other reasonable means to maintain water supply in the area. Directive 2006/7/EC retains only two of the three bacteriological parameters included in the old Directive 1976/160/EEC, namely intestinal enterococci and escherichia coli (which are assimilated with the parametres for thermotolerant coliform and fecal streptococcus). 6 0 10 1.0 10.1787/5jlzgj1s4h5h-en 2de5334cb385fb302304e919c2c5afb5 All had potential relevance for the mining sector, but were not available in relevant, user-friendly and accessible format. The guideline development therefore presented an opportunity to integrate all of the available information into a single spatial product tailored to the mining sector. The envisioned map would provide not only integrated spatial information, but also standardised interpretation relevant to the mining sector. After an initial draft had been developed, sequential iterations were revised based on input from the private sector, government, environmental organisations and other stakeholders. 15 2 3 0.2 10.1787/5js009mzrqd4-en 2de88bd28d8e164e6db8e77fef98e537 Jones and Kierzkowski (1990), in a non-theoretical paper, allude to a similar effect. They argue that offshoring, which is also akin to technological progress, can lead to instances where workers whose jobs have relocated offshore rise as is predicted in Grossman and Rossi-Hansberg (2008). The productivity effect occurs not so much because of the additional units of unskilled labour that can be offshored in reaction to falling offshoring costs (second order effect) but because of the costs savings associated with the part of the low-skilled tasks that had already been offshored before (first order effect). The productivity effect would then be large when the extent of offshoring is already large. The labour supply effect would be large when the share of skilled labour in total costs is large and when high-skill tasks substitute poorly for low-skill tasks in the production process. 10 2 2 0.0 10.1787/9789264268852-6-en 2dea1c8616e34c8be8e084e955523873 For further details, see: Smailova, A. et al. ( The remotely located single-industry based towns and villages are losing their young and adult population, as they move to seek professional education and jobs. See: Musabaev, T.T. (2013), “Master Plan for the Organisation of the Territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, White Paper, Valeiy, Astana. 11 4 5 0.1111111111111111 10.1787/9789264191761-en 2dea3931b76a81ad0c26ea0b1e8fa7d6 Dostyk railway station in Almaty oblast is the point of exit for the sole rail line between Kazakhstan and China. It should be noted that transportation costs change considerably over time; for example, between 2007 and early 2012 rail freight for 1498 km from Tobol to Aksarayskaya station (the station belonging to Kazakh railways situated in Russia) increased from USD 19.6 to USD 25.9 per tonne. Table 3.4 shows the main components of these costs based on data for exports passing through Novoishimskaya rail station, a major crossroad in the northern wheat region. 2 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5js6363503f6-en 2decde364a6b744f60a1a47e20f2272a Besides, skills and social outcomes are both influenced by schooling, which in turn can be affected by skills and expected social outcomes. For instance, the number of years spent in education may be influence by the level of unemployment. For these reasons, a possible strategy to correctly identify the distinct effect of skills on various social outcomes is to measure them early in life and to control for the level of schooling reached. 8 1 3 0.5 10.18356/47c7f9c4-en 2ded672965059ffa79507f0aa980a167 First was the food and fuel price crisis which seemed to have abated in 2009, but resumed in late 2010. The global economic and financial crisis, which affected households through incomes, employment and remittances, is presumably over as indicated by positive growth rates and recovering remittances. Finally, natural disasters and internal conflicts further threaten fragile economies. The multi-dimensionality of the crises and the volatile economic environment challenge vulnerable households’ ability to cope and maintain their living standards. 1 0 3 1.0 10.18356/eca72908-en 2df236d671e6cb04ddb7be0a63f77c97 Once assembled there, the items are exported to high-end markets. The firms belong in the formal sector, not the workers. In Tunisia, during the country's fastest growth period, over 54 per cent of the labour force consisted of informal workers who were subcontracted by large export-oriented formal enterprises.9 Amongst these informal workers, females are predominant, being preferred over males for a number of reasons: willingness to work for lower wages, lower propensity to organize compared with male workers, and higher degrees of pliancy. 11 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/9de3e7b5-en 2df241912e6539bd9545f2d7a34a2fe0 Structural change with equality cannot be achieved without widespread participation in the information society. It is, therefore, a strategic element in structural change that permeates the whole of society rather than being confined to sectors al the technology and production frontier. Figure 11.5 shows how, for the nine countries for which information was available, the usage rate for high-income segments is 64.9% on average, compared with 24.6% in the low-income segments. 10 0 3 1.0 10.1787/469d7fec-en 2df59f97defbb8ddf37c72f249440ca2 This could potentially cover the provision and mobilisation of support, as well as indicative information on support to be provided (Article 13.11). This section provides an overview of how climate finance information has been reviewed or considered to date, and how this could be strengthened in future. The focus of these reviews is whether countries report mandatory information in a complete and transparent manner. 13 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264230750-4-en 2df6e71771e188035a6cb9624a00b6d2 There could well be much frustration and discontent - among students, parents and employers - if upper secondary and tertiary education is not reconstructed and made more relevant to Indonesia’s economic circumstances. Significant steps have been taken to widen access to and improve the quality of early childhood education, building on initiatives since 2001, and following the 2010 “Grand Design”, a blueprint for the development of early childhood care and education (ECCE). Much more rapid expansion is needed, however, if Indonesia is to realise the targets it has set in its Grand Design blueprint. The allocation of funding to early childhood development and education remains relatively low at some 1.2% of the education budget, compared with the international benchmark of 4-5%. 4 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264088986-en 2df872b230a2f384b0507aeae4734238 In addition, the college provides college-level opportunities for special needs adults who by Israeli law are entitled to state-supported education till the age of 21. The college also has a centre for giftedness and excellence which prepares students to teach these special needs students and provides services to the region's teachers and schools in this field. Key needs of the Arab community in Israel were recently identified in a market survey that helped the institution to identify its focus areas: occupation therapy, computer science, environmental science, entrepreneurship and business management, theology and Holy Land studies, speech therapy, biotechnology and nutrition science. Study programmes integrate practice, education and theory. 4 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264277991-7-en 2dfc5d2bdd60c6f25fb1b68d675125e8 The regional context statement is adopted as part of the OCP by the municipality and must be submitted to the regional district Board of Directors for acceptance. There is a dispute resolution process prescribed if the two parties are unable to agree. The regional context statement must be submitted to the regional district within two years of a new regional growth strategy being adopted, and must be renewed every five years. 11 4 3 0.14285714285714285 10.18356/56f09402-en 2dff2fe796bb3e7ee8ba9ad4c84e976b Figures IV.5 and IV.6 compare paths to adult roles in two groups of countries (Argentina, Chile and Uruguay, on the one hand, and El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua, on the other). The lines show the percentage of people in each category who are young or not yet emancipated in each dimension. At the younger ages nearly 100% of the people are in education, are not in employment, have not formed a conjugal union and report being single. 5 3 1 0.5 10.1787/5jlwvz85537c-en 2e02860eee399499d9f188a43de8e23c Victoria in Australia has just conducted a trial with recidivist speeders that combined a course with installing a voluntary ISA system on the vehicle. Results will be available shortly. The review should focus upon legislation and penalties (fines, driver demerit schemes) relating to alcohol impaired driving, speed offending, failure to wear safety belts/utilise child restraints, commercial vehicle safety standards and permissible maximum driving hours. Walking is generally the most common mode of transport for the elderly and particularly for the very old although they tend to accumulate less mileage than other age groups. 11 1 4 0.6 11.1002/pub/807e55db-ec047466-en 2e02d6faf61e80eb13c90796eef26ee3 In many cases, time-slot length is designed much longer than guard-time length to increase the link utilization rate upper bound determined by the ratio of guard-time length to timeslot length. This technique can reduce the number of guard-timcs and improve network utilization efficiency. Assuming Tg, F, B, and V are the guard-time length, the frame length the requested bandwidth and the link capacity of the network respectively, T, which is the required time in a frame to cany' the requested bandwidth, can be calculated by F(B/V)). The number n of timeslots required in single time-slot method and multi-time-slot-bonding are given by \T/(TS - Tg)] and \{T + Tg)/Ts], respectively, and the link utilization ratio is represented by T/(nTs) The utilization ratios using single time-slot method and multi-time-slot bonding for Tg=5 ps and Ts=10 ps or 50 ps are shown in Fig. The link utilization ratio using multi-time-slot bonding with Ts=10 ps is higher than that using single time-slot method with both of Ts=10 ps and 50 ps. 7 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/de83ab61-en 2e03618109eb10c8c47c46dc91017525 Taking advantage of scale economies could also be appropriate in serving large markets and accessing inputs and credit. Increased agricultural productivity raises rural incomes and frees labour for the industrial sector. Water conservation, soil protection and biodiversity enhancement need to form part of an integrated approach aimed at sustainable management of land and other natural resources and also need to build on synergies between the forest and agriculture sectors. In the context of competitive land uses, many solutions, involving difficult choices, will be reachable only through open and inclusive negotiation and discussion. 2 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/9789264168985-7-en 2e04256bf514c4299505a7ba83e60f8a This in turn means that farms in Chihuahua are under far more pressure to increase productivity to the level of their US peers than are the more geographically insulated farms of southern Mexico. Due to significant variability in elevation across the state there are considerable variations in temperature and the length of growing season. In particular, higher elevations offer opportunities to produce crops, such as apples, that would normally not be expected to be found at latitudes this far South. While agriculture in the majority of the state is not limited by the length of the growing season, virtually the entire state faces limitations caused by low levels of precipitation. This makes irrigation necessary for virtually all forms of arable agriculture. 6 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/bf400991-en 2e06a9d6375fbac63d085ec6e562d498 As a result, densities are declining. Cities that use land more efficiently have far better conditions to provide public goods and basic services (for example, water and sanitation, transport) at a lower cost. Such areas can consume less energy, manage waste better, and are more likely to maximize the benefits of agglomeration. 11 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264233010-5-en 2e078d84b1358e48dc3dfbdcf0b9fac0 The most recent studies, such those conducted in England and Scotland (Bajekal et al., To a great extent, both the English and Scottish studies show that better treatments and improvements in risk factors are equally distributed among various socio-economic groups. However, the rising prevalence of diabetes and obesity, particularly in lower socio-economic areas, has partly negated the improvements in mortality increases. 3 2 3 0.2 10.18356/5ac486ad-en 2e0bd409dd7ffe6816c2aafe90ca575f The Strategy does not include actions to protect water sources from anthropogenic pollution, however. To achieve the goals set in the Protocol, the Republic of Moldova had to establish national and local targets and target dates until 2020, taking into account the entire water cycle. The targets and target dates were established in 2011 by the Ministry of Environment and Ministry of Health, with the assistance of ECE and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). 6 2 3 0.2 10.18356/6d4db5ea-en 2e0d999ac53592934b0c3e3fdbe38e84 It seems clear that not all of those countries that are projected to meet the statistical criteria for graduation by 2021 will have achieved this. While they may graduate by 2024, they may thus expect to remain subject, to some degree, to some of the structural weaknesses and vulnerabilities characteristic of LDCs even after graduation. This is the theme of the present chapter. 10 3 1 0.5 10.1787/9789264077287-en 2e0efd4fcb6884262ed2455603eed3c6 The 2005 Act provides some exceptions (requests deemed frivolous or too general; damage to international relations, public security, privacy or confidentiality, etc.). Applicants must be notified of the grounds for refusal. The main obstacles reported by the Ministry arise in complying with the deadlines for providing environmental information (CEENU, 2008). 6 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264298576-13-en 2e11b542c21f4709a66768db079a46b9 These should include responsible ministries, social partners, social welfare centres, educational establishments, local authorities and employers. It is important that the criteria filter out those who may be working in the informal economy or have no intention of accepting work - otherwise there is too much pressure on the employment service to make sure that those who register adhere to the active job search rules and are available for work. Overall, in the assessed SEE economies the eligibility criteria tend to be rather liberal, however, and there is often no clear distinction in status between the employed, the unemployed or the inactive. 8 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264302037-en 2e15015494c848f3c3f2ae3134bbc7f9 Migration to and from Ghana has been predominantly regional in scope, but this deportation also marked the beginning of a broader dispersion of Ghanaian emigration, with many highly-skilled workers moving further afield in search of employment to countries such as Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States. Many Nigerians have been involved in trade in diamonds, vehicles, building materials and related activities. Nigerian banks, telecommunication and other companies have also invested in the Ghanaian economy. 8 0 3 1.0 10.18356/042f5056-en 2e15e98e0cd6e9bd8088c06063ae66d6 The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 outlines clear targets and priorities for action to prevent new disaster risks and reduce existing ones. In the latest reports (2017-2018) from 70 countries, 67 had strategies that were aligned to some extent with the Sendai Framework. The biggest challenges are investment in disaster risk reduction for resilience and promoting policy coherence between the SDGs and climate change. 13 1 3 0.5 10.18356/e569c117-en 2e1607c58a6e1eb4d76e4aa05c1a9b12 Although it operates mainly on the demand side, through the provision of a monetary transfer and the implementation of psychosocial support, its success in improving household conditions has been favoured by the state's ability to supply adequate supporting services to its citizens. Moreover, the achievements in terms of educational and health outcomes could be related to the approach involving the intense collaboration between beneficiary households and the social worker, who emphasizes the importance of being enrolled in school and the health system for the physical and cognitive development of their children. While in the case of universality there are major concerns over the cost of the interventions, problems of inclusion/exclusion arise when the programme is targeted. 1 4 5 0.1111111111111111 10.18356/308db089-en 2e16872a7e9340b6fba461772936065b Children, often traumatized and unable to comprehend the reasons for separation, are likely to suffer from acute emotional and developmental problems, as well as being at risk of inadequate care in under-resourced state institutions or by alternative carers. Health services in prison, which are usually not geared towards children’s healthcare needs, are inadequate to cope with the needs of babies and small children in a large majority of countries. Most often, children in prison cannot mix and communicate with children outside prison. 5 3 0 1.0 10.1787/5k912j389bf0-en 2e17b5e915cb470744643eb3bd88adbf A further refinement is proposed by the UK HM Treasury model, which distinguishes between the use of acute and long-term care. The “dynamic equilibrium” is assumed in the solid progress scenario; whereas the “expansion of morbidity” hypothesis is assumed for both acute and long-term care in a pessimistic scenario. Using a microsimulation approach, individuals’ current and future health status can be projected conditional on their background characteristics, such as ethnicity and socio-economic status, as well as their exposure to risk factors, such as obesity and smoking, and their current and past health status and chronic health conditions (see Annex A 1.7 and A 1.23). As an example, the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs in Sweden (see Annex A 1.17) forecasted the potential impact on health and elderly care expenditures under different scenarios of the future health status of the population. 3 1 3 0.5 10.30875/423532ad-en 2e197890b47fe77cb0d689ea2b3480d2 Regulatory uncertainties, including liability issues and the lack of interoperability of existing platforms, remain challenges that stand in the way of widespread deployment of the technology. Until these are addressed, key players providing for legal security to a very large market of US$ 2 trillion annually will not commit (Manders, 2017). Although the technology holds interesting promises to cut a variety of costs associated with cross-border payments, its disruptive effect will only be felt if and once these challenges are addressed. 9 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264119284-4-en 2e1b7f8bac0766774af0a12f28bc0e04 In some cases, these laws take the form of new “acts” with strong political commitment in the framework of nationwide water policy reform, which almost cancel out and replace previous legislation. For instance, in Australia, the 2007 Water Act (amended in 2008) established an independent Murray-Darling Basin Authority to ensure sustainable management of water resources in the national interest, and empowered the Bureau of Meteorology as the primary agency responsible for managing information regarding water, and the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission to provide national regulation and advice. In other cases, any new legislation enacted has to be consistent and in line with a “major” law passed in previous decades. 6 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/751d274f-en 2e1e1f9f8203bcdaa4729aebf956e955 Overall, preferential trade agreements are strongly influenced by the multilateral framework. Data on Rules of Origin were provided by Julien Gourdon, and additional input was provided by Susan Stone. Comments by delegates of the OECD Joint Working Party on Agriculture and Trade, and OECD colleagues, were also much appreciated, particularly those from Carmel Cahill, Julia Nielson, Frank van Tongeren, Julien Gourdon, Jestis Anton, Marie-Agnes Jouanjean and Martin von Lampe. The publication of the report was co-ordinated by Anita Lari and Michele Patterson. 2 4 3 0.14285714285714285 10.18356/bfebcb08-en 2e1e466eeb7b51b0d2ba5190c7b2ee0e Some approaches to reach rural areas are health worker rotations, new uses of mobile technologies, and rural-urban links in the health system and related areas such as transport. Health services also improve when ordinary people are consulted about their needs and about how they experience the health-care system. Universal sexual and reproductive health services, for example, would build momentum towards a demographic transition, which in turn could accelerate economic growth in countries with large and growing youth populations. Making these choices can start in public budget processes modelled on the gender-budgeting exercises that have been applied in a number of countries, at both the national and subnational levels. 5 3 1 0.5 10.18356/e569c117-en 2e285eff6f2991cade113366e31701e4 Although enrolment and attendance are relevant achievements per se, the previous results say little about the consequences on children's social and cognitive capacities. This is certainly due to the difficulties of discerning a causal relation between a single intervention and an outcome which may be influenced by a number of other (often difficult to measure) factors, ranging from the quality of the education provided, to the socio-economic characteristics of the recipients. In Chile Crece Contigo has a proven positive impact on language, and the cognitive development of children older than 2 years living in rural areas (Ministerio de Educacion, 2007), though these differences are likely to disappear at the secondary level (Ministerio de Educacion, 1998). Indeed, there is evidence highlighting this from different contexts in the developing world. 1 5 1 0.6666666666666666 10.18356/6bf07ffd-en 2e2d4fdf7d2cfd1415b5f541948a7897 Fishing is, to a large extent, a low-wage or subsistence-based activity and its decline due to climate change would be expected to affect large population groups. Populations in these areas largely comprise nomadic, semi-nomadic and sedentary agricultural inhabitants. Large areas of populated drylands with growing subsistence populations, in particular, pose challenges to agricultural development and food security in Africa and large parts of central and South Asia. 13 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264284319-4-en 2e31c53b4dcea87b81ddccfcdcb76bd7 Re-export of raw materials exempted from export tax is prohibited. After the establishment of the common market for oil and petroleum products, EAEU member states will have to give up their regulation of internal prices for petroleum products (which remain in effect in Belarus and Kazakhstan) and unify export taxes for oil and petroleum products outside the EAEU (or even cancel them). The Russian Federation does not levy export tax on oil and petroleum products supplied to Belarus, but Belarus levies an export tax when selling refined petroleum products made from Russian raw materials to countries outside the EAEU. The Russian Federation thus insisted on the harmonisation of Belarus’ export taxes on energy with its own. 7 3 6 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264096356-en 2e3addc6c0a77c121a6dde3e8e832358 A focal fuel for many countries especially in the developing world is oil. Focusing on fossil fuels, if international (world or regional) markets for fossil fuels were perfectly competitive with no dominant market shares for the largest market participants, fundamental fuel scarcity would be reflected in fuel prices. The supply side of these markets is fundamentally determined by the evolution of the aggregate volume exporters intend to offer under the given market conditions and supply flexibility, whilst on the demand side the evolution of the level as well as the flexibility of demand are the fundamental factors. 7 1 3 0.5 10.18356/6e8bb756-en 2e4280488c6e79eb25dcc645ef99da50 The oil price increases of the 1970s, the high capital costs of increasing electricity supply and the need to cope with a serious power supply crisis in 2001 led the Brazilian Government to adopt several programmes and legislation which were designed to promote end-use efficiency. Managed by Brazil’s Economic and Social Development Bank (BNDES), it was discontinued when international oil prices fell. Under the programme 22 types of appliances are currently labelled. 7 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264102637-10-en 2e44fb3399fc4c0e2edd5eb4c092a00e Even if, at first, the ecological development of this new freshwater basin seemed to develop favourably, from the beginning of the 1990s, this water body was confronted with unexpected water quality problems. Especially during summer, these circumstances culminate in extensive blooms of toxic cyanobacteria, which severely destabilises the ecosystem and poses a danger to human and environmental health. It can also pose a health risk to inhabitants, and makes the water unsuitable for swimming and drinking water for cattle. 6 0 3 1.0 10.18356/864d004f-en 2e45cffac730aea7ca90e17611bc8e35 Given the depressed state of the international carbon market (some USS4 per ton), this corresponded to only some US$4 million/year at the end of January 2013. There are bi-annual donor co-ordination meetings organized by the Government in the environment sector, but this is mainly about the sharing of information rather than joint planning and implementation (chapter 5). The Department of Environment maintains a register of bilateral and multilateral projects that are managed by the Department. 6 3 1 0.5 10.1787/9789264246744-5-en 2e4801010ed7f969def90921daa3c674 Beyond these specific national approaches, issues that are common to many OECD countries are ageing infrastructures and the need to finance modernisation plans. These criticisms continue and have become even more important since environmental concerns have become a major issue world-wide. On the other hand, increases in water scarcity and extreme water events associated with the projected acceleration of the water cycle due to climate change may lead certain countries to re-examine the costs and benefits of their water storage policy strategies for adaptation purposes. A recent example is the drought in California, in which the development of alternative sources of water supply is discussed among the set of possible policy responses. Ensuring food security can also play an important in the overall political balance regarding water storage strategies. 6 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/0a98da25-en 2e4907c234ce336cac9f26487a917263 "Istanbul Technical University Women’s Studies Center and the Levy Economics I nstitute. Unconventional Monetary Policies—Recent Experience and Prospects.” How Can a Currency Transactions Tax Stabilize Foreign Exchange Markets?"" Agriculture, Gendered Time Use,and Nutritional Outcomes: A Systematic Review."" Women's Economic Empowerment and Inclusive Growth: Labour Markets and Enterprise Development.” Gender Equality and Economic Growth: Is There a Win-Win?""" 5 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264259003-9-en 2e4a50eb234ec20e10bb43af1056565f It requires a sufficient number of nurses and other specifically trained LTC workers to meet the needs of dependent people. Compared to other OECD countries, there are relatively fewer nurses and other caring personnel providing formal long-term care for people at home or in LTC institutions, but this may be due partly to the fact that a large share of LTC services are also provided in hospitals (these hospital staff are not counted here). This was up from 2.7 LTC workers per 100 people 65 and over in 2009, but nonetheless remains below the number in Japan and the OECD average (around 6). 3 0 7 1.0 10.18356/bf400991-en 2e4a8332b03a42299111e612e992feef The total response rate of the UIS metadata survey was 32 per cent, with 66 of 207 countries and territories responding. The response rate varied greatly between SDG regions. Europe/North America and Northern Africa/ Western Asia had the highest response rates with 59 per cent and 38 per cent, respectively. 11 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264229488-2-en 2e4b5b2cd19ee80f4afbf4b5eb08621d Another reason why large multinationals devote more attention to these markets is to build brand loyalties among the poor, as these consumers will likely belong to higher-income consumer groups in the future. Yet another factor facilitating the development of inclusive innovation initiatives is their greater emphasis on corporate social responsibility. As a result, the lack of access to banking services is a major obstacle both to grassroots innovators and consumers. As a general rule, novel financial tools (e.g. mobile banking) are still only rarely used (Figure 1.1), with some exceptions: in Kenya, only 19% of the poorest 40% of the population had an account in a financial institution, but 53% used a mobile phone to receive money and 43% to send money (World Bank Global Financial Inclusion Database). 9 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/empl/outlook-2016-8-en 2e4de7d92eecc184a06e12e27e05bbdb Such programmes typically aim to build women’s social capital, but need not be limited to that objective. For example, they may be coupled with training and upskilling programmes. A prominent example is the Self Employed Women’s Association in India which gathers together a large number of informal sector workers and entrepreneurs in order to represent their interests, and provides support, information and training. All the countries analysed in this chapter except Argentina, Chile, China, Morocco and the Russian Federation, have an anti-discrimination clause in their constitutions and that clause typically mentions gender explicitly (except in Costa Rica and Indonesia). 5 0 8 1.0 10.18356/df3c95f8-en 2e4ee031672efc1860df09196023abcf They may also be delegated without payment to persons outside the family or be provided formally through an institution. The paid or unpaid delegation of caregiving to persons or institutions does not mean that the work or effort involved is simply replaced or eliminated. If the quality of the services or related infrastructure (for example, transport infrastructure) is not up to standard, these tasks may take longer or be more difficult to complete owing to the distances involved. 5 7 2 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/9789264097896-7-en 2e4fdad67ff12760d51af0d15149dd84 In particular, developers must pay a one-off tax. For example, in 2009 the water company Aguas de Algarve paid EUR 6 million into the fund to offset the Odelouca dam’s negative impact on the habitat of the Iberian lynx. It will be used to finance ex situ protection through the creation of a reproduction centre. 6 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/4b795325-en 2e51add668b0b8a27ec3206240ebd034 This has been attributed to a number of interconnected factors, including the lack of mother-tongue education for most San communities, cultural differences between home and school, cultural practices such as hunting trips and initiation ceremonies that keep students from attending school, frequent abuse at the hands of school authorities and other students, and the experience of alienation in boarding schools. The aim of this initiative is to support teachers in applying mother tongue-based bilingual approaches to literacy and numeracy development and to provide tested tools for strengthening the child's learning of the home language and acquisition of English. Available at UNICEF(2016)LanguageandLearning-SouthAfrica.pdf. 4 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264264120-10-en 2e55cc782a46b72c446b8ccb4fbd53c8 Using the long time series available in the United States, studies report high rates of return to agricultural research (see section 7.6 for some examples). Because of the atomistic structure of production (comprised of relatively small firms producing multiple homogeneous products), few farms are willing or able to investment in formal R&D for their farms. Furthermore, because of the biological nature of agriculture, improved crop seed and animal breeds are self-replicating. This complicates the ability of innovators to protect intellectual property. 2 2 3 0.2 10.18356/78349259-en 2e58d1d6d4c35760e4fb9e935a5ae437 With the application of fertilizer and irrigation, this has produced more grain than the traditional varieties. To some extent, particularly in its initial stages, the Green Revolution, apart from boosting national production, also benefited the rural poor, who are food-insecure. First, the new technology could be used not just on large farms, but also on small ones. 2 0 5 1.0 10.1787/5kg57kjj5hs8-en 2e5ac60c6f3c13cc3cb220dca29b5c5f The content of the national policies has also been presented in different tables in order to highlight the possible key points of comparison implemented in each category'. The analysis focuses on Category 3, in which countries have implemented policies in the field of ICT in initial teacher education through several levels. The following table aims to give a complete overview of the national policies developed or implemented in these countries. 4 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.18356/a2206e44-en 2e602566d05b4d39fe3731c723f0ffdc The other is for “outcome testing” through bilateral or plurilateral discussions as Members seek to clarify the deal, its value and the scope for flexibilities.30 On a technical level, there are open questions relating to product coverage and negotiating modalities. Is there a scope for a sectoral agreement on tariff reduction or elimination? Are there alternatives, considering climate friendly goods are, by definition, environmentally preferable products (EPPs)? Can they be redefined as a class of their own based on the source of energy, i.e. the resource rather than their use? And would it not make more sense to refocus the negotiations on non-tariff barriers to trade? Does a straightforward approach to the liberalization of trade in climate-friendly goods and services square with the real life economics? 7 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264265530-9-en 2e63d5a1c80807eacc0af1d60e95d49f The 100 points are distributed across three main domains: level of seniority (up to 20 points), attendance (up to 20 points) and the assessment of the actual work of teachers. This annual score - the teaching aptitude - is needed for each teacher’s record. Scores for teachers need to be approved in an annual meeting at the school level with participation from the school principals, who have a voice but no vote. Inspectors are supposed to express their views about the performance of each teacher to the school principal. 4 0 3 1.0 10.14217/6f77cc82-en 2e645d411a5ff2f80eea0ecaef0b4321 Dominica, an upper middle-income country, outperforms Vanuatu, a least developed country, in terms of income per capita and ranking on the Human Development Index. Vanuatu has much lower poverty and unemployment rates, as well as a strong traditional social safety net system, and has consistently ranked high in the Happy Planet Index Score. Both countries gained independence from the United Kingdom around the same time and they also have similar systems of government based on a unicameral parliament. 11 6 3 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/9bf8d10f-en 2e6558710315f5dc9a302255fb8d3b6b Explaining the reason for eating unsafe food, a respondent said that it was cheaper to eat a purchased bun than making one at home and that the poor had to live with this food and shouldn’t be bothered about freshness or hygiene. A good number of people (23 per cent) also admitted to having had diarrhoea, while 8 per cent reported vomiting and another 8 per cent reported having had both diarrhoea and vomiting caused by the purchased food. In fact, the deprivation of the urban poor is worse than that of the rural poor. 3 0 3 1.0 10.18356/57a5b8c9-en 2e6724b69ab17e0515d72c4ce292e36e The traditional measures of poverty have been based on household income or consumption as welfare indicators obtained through household surveys.4 in table 1, brief definitions are furnished, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of these two indicators of welfare. Relative poverty lines that are usually used in developed countries are based on a selected cut-off point in income distribution or consumption, such as the level below which one third of the population finds itself, or that proportion earning half of the median income. The most common basis for constructing an absolute poverty line at the national level is the use of the basic needs approach. 1 1 4 0.6 10.18356/3615596e-en 2e6926f87c04da3e01e83a2d6a96d615 If the board comprises eight directors or fewer, the difference between the number of directors of each gender should not be greater than two. Listed firms are required to reach a preliminary objective of 20% minimum male and female participation. The programme includes coaching initiatives and establishes a public database of male and female candidates for directorships. 5 0 9 1.0 10.18356/1c11fde8-en 2e69819c0cf95ff1d33e4cc524fb6d6e Myanmar is one of the main destinations for trafficked preparations containing ephedrine and pseudoephedrine, and precursor chemicals seized in Myanmar mainly originated in nearby countries, primarily China, India and, to a lesser degree, Thailand. To circumvent national legislative controls on precursor chemicals, more non-scheduled precursor chemicals and/or pre-precursors are being used. In 2014, more than half of the crystalline methamphetamine in the country was synthesized using 2-bromopropiophenone. 3 0 5 1.0 10.18356/31959a6d-en 2e6ae3e23d64184ee38fe44105df4a7a Por el contrario, las politicas que establecen niveles minimos de proteccion adecuados, amplian los derechos de pension a grupos no cubiertos anteriormente y flexibilizan el acceso de los trabajadores informales o no estandar a las prestaciones pueden contribuir de una manera u otra a mejorar los derechos de las mujeres de edad avanzada a recibir una pension. El informefinaliza con algunas recomendaciones para aumentar la equidad de genero de los sistemas de pensiones y sugiere que las politicas destinadas a alcanzar la igualdad de genero en derechos de pension y prestaciones deben ocuparse de varios frentes complementarios (que incluyen las medidas relativas al disefio del sistema de pensiones, asi como la regulation del mercado laboral y la conciliation de la vida familiar y laboral) y tener en cuenta la diversidad de situaciones de las mujeres en los diferentes estratos sociales yen losdistintospaises. However, in a context of widespread inequality, not everyone enjoys the same level of protection. 5 2 3 0.2 10.18356/403a6ad7-en 2e6b8109d08139e73d59977041a848b5 This shows the danger of too rigid adherence to traditional knowledge but in this case had the curious result that the tradition was pre-adapted to present-day climate changes. The solution to the mystery is found in the history of our calendar system: Pope Gregory VIII arranged a calendar reform in 1582, whereby the differences of the Julian calendar could be corrected to the sun year to a large extent. The day of the “Cold Sophie” (15 May) was the date in the old calendar and corresponds to today’s 22 May. Therefore the effects of the “Ice Saints” were traditionally felt in the period 19-22 May. (Today’s warmer climate means that the new saint’s days earlier in May correctly predict the period of cold spells). Sensitive transplants should only be put in the garden beds after this date. ( 2 3 0 1.0 10.1787/5k9h296b1zjf-en 2e6c6990b2e71530cd4e657678913637 Inversely, where the solid line is outside the OECD average, the variable is above the OECD average (the cash transfer/GDP ratio in Germany is higher than the OECD average, tor example). The indicators are presented in units ot standard deviation. Less income inequality and more growth - Are they compatible? 10 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264238701-5-en 2e71385bc3f47269a4c60042a91db8ff Importantly, it is expected in a drought year that all inputs will decrease, but that both crop and vegetation water demands will increase, leading to reductions in streamflow for rivers that are hydrologically connected to the aquifer, as well as reduced water availability for other groundwater-dependent ecosystems. These spatial externalities may include stream depletion and local water table lowering. For example, ongoing pumping by well B will lead to stream depletion and reductions in streamflow. 6 0 7 1.0 10.18356/b9c917b5-en 2e716560b9ed823534ca8a3bdf880d18 These imply rates of domestic savings which are exceptional by international standards, particularly for an economy at China’s level of per capita income. Such high and rising rates of domestic savings in turn imply a suppression of domestic consumption out of incremental income, which reflects a combination of the sheer rapidity of the growth itself, as well as growing income inequalities, especially in the functional distribution of income. The available evidence clearly suggests worsening inequality in China, as shown in Table 1. 1 1 4 0.6 10.18356/2956c59a-en 2e719ef85dfd2f02b6cac8e9dfda904c It includes 54 gender-specific indicators (see Figure 2.1) and covers areas such as unpaid care and domestic work and violence against women and girls that are new to global monitoring efforts. While the global indicator framework is an important tool, it is only the tip of the iceberg of what is necessary. Below the surface is an urgent need to construct and improve statistical information at national and international levels. Areas traditionally underfunded and deprioritized, including gender statistics, are most in need of attention. 5 0 7 1.0 10.18356/42b33a50-en 2e7258485b0b691dd28b895bb99b9b00 As in the Strategy, the public buildings sector is not a separate sector, but falls under the commercial and services sector. It also emphasizes that capacity for EE needs to be built in both the Ministry of Energy and the Energy Agency and that an EE Fund should be established. So far, no evaluation on the level of implementation of the first NEEAP has been prepared by the Energy Agency, mandated by the Energy Law. The second NEEAP has to be adopted by the end of December 2013. It also includes the establishment of a Concept of Energy Security (2007), Strategy for Development of Energy Potential (2010), National Programme on Energy Saving for the period of 2011-2015, National Programme on Development of Local, Renewable and Unconventional Energy Sources in 2011-2015, National Programme on Development of local, renewable and unconventional energy sources in 2011-2015, Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus on Development of Entrepreneurship and Business Activity Stimulation in the Republic of Belarus (2010). 7 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5jrqppxjqhg4-en 2e72a607daca412e4f5d98a866c31979 They are very well documented for all countries and years and available by age, gender14, and in some countries, by educational attainment (Sen 1998, Mackenbach et al. Also, there are large and persistent inequalities in longevity within countries that tend to be correlated with the socio-economic background of individuals. Furthermore, the socio-economic determinants of inequality in longevity, such as the education gradient of mortality, are very different across OECD countries. 8 2 2 0.0 10.18356/ed8628cc-en 2e72b9192d9ad8b7190d434b52513c61 As an island nation surrounded by the sea, we are, on the one hand, at the mercy of the ocean but, on the other hand, the custodians of its resources. Changing winds, ocean currents, hurricanes and storms are all a result of the interplay between the ocean and the atmosphere. In addressing these issues, reference is made to the Pacific SIDS as a whole since the challenges identified are not unique to Fiji but common to all Pacific SIDS. Currently, the Pacific SIDS do not enjoy equitable economic and social benefits derived from the use of living marine resources despite our overwhelming dependence on them. The disconnect between the international instruments governing oceans on the one hand, and sustainable development on the other hand, has created barriers to the full realization of development aspirations of SIDS and, in many instances, is a primary barrier to the achievement of national economic development goals. 14 0 3 1.0 10.18356/1c11fde8-en 2e76fb646edd76c00a4847a4671047c6 Drug trafficking in West Africa may have an impact on the abuse of certain types of drugs, such as cannabis, cocaine, heroin and amphetamine-type stimulants, in the subregion. The increase in drug trafficking has been accompanied not only by growing illicit drug use, especially among younger people, but also by increasing activities of organized criminal groups. In West and Central Africa, organized crime continues to contribute to social and economic costs by increasing drug trafficking and addiction and by concentrating wealth and power in the hands of comparatively few well-armed criminals. 3 3 1 0.5 10.18356/36457e13-en 2e776114f1371fa50c25a00d5efa2f73 In addition, there is no system or institution responsible for collation, aggregation and maintenance of reliable biodiversity information, either for the entire country or for the entities. This makes any analysis of or reporting on biodiversity very challenging. However the EPR mission demonstrated that there is a lot of information on many aspects of biodiversity spread around different institutions (governmental bodies, museums, research organizations, NGOs, projects and programmes etc.), Sometimes it appears in a form which requires additional work to make it usable, predominantly in local languages, veiy often only in hard copy. 15 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264235151-6-en 2e77e203799ceb986fb64114265926cd Central government provides up to 80% of this for farmers in mountainous provinces and the Central Highlands, and up to 70% for farmers in other provinces. The remaining part is supplied from provincial budget. When initially approved in 1998 it was scheduled to last seven years.31 The programme was extended in 2006 for a further five years (Phase II) and has recently been extended into a third phase from 2011 to 2015.32 The initial phase consisted of four major components: infrastructure development, e.g. roads, health centres, irrigation systems, water supply systems, markets, etc. Emphasis was given to developing village, communal and inter- communal infrastructure, with over VND 9 142 billion (USD 600 million) spent during Phase I from 1998 to 2005. 2 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.18356/5022b3a0-en 2e7c8a2b04c56a71ad81eb94da5752d2 However, most of the donors are yet to reach the target. However, the unilateral tariff cuts by both developed and some developing countries since the adoption of the BPoA have provided the LDCs with only limited benefits. In particular, subsidies and nontariff measures for agriculture in developed countries continue to act as a disincentive to agricultural production and exports, especially in the Asia Pacific LDCs. In addition, many LDCs lack the capacity to utilize trade concessions already available due to infrastructure and other capacity constraints to raise and diversify export related production. In this respect, two areas are important for poverty and hunger reduction in the Asia Pacific LDCs. 1 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.14217/9781848599451-13-en 2e7d226738de1aadda0fc41b6736d485 The Fund provides accessible and affordable credit to women to start a new business or expand an existing one. C-WES ensures that all women at the constituency level, especially those living in areas not well served by financial intermediaries, are not disadvantaged in accessing the Fund. It recognises that women and men have different needs regarding entrepreneurship support and that until women’s needs are addressed they are unlikely to be able to start, sustain or grow their enterprises. 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264238701-3-en 2e7d90e2648e88fb955fd4230a415382 Groundwater pumping can result in desiccation of natural reserves, as seen in the Netherlands, and contribute to the drying up of wetlands, as seen in southern Europe, with significant loss for water quality filtering (Hellegers et al., In Mexico and western United States, it has resulted in significant land collapses (Foster, 2008; Sneed et al., Intensive pumping in coastal aquifers, or aquifers connected to saline water bodies, is a significant source of salinization of groundwater, affecting the crop choice for agriculture and ecosystems, in particular in the wetlands, rivers, ponds, springs and streams to which it is connected (Schoengold and Zilberman, 2007; Fuentes, 2011; UNECE, 2011; Amores et al., Farmers using groundwater beyond recharge may lose a source of future income (an option value, e.g. Howitt et al., 6 1 4 0.6 10.1787/5kgglrw4n7s0-en 2e7e1e746eced32229140b65a31626e8 In addition to conventional gas, India has estimated coalbed methane (CBM) resources between of 1.4 tern and 2.6 tern, mainly in the east in the area of the coal resources. Just 0.05 bcm of CBM have been produced in 2008/09, but it is planned to expand production to 2.7 bcm by 2015 (Srivastava, 2010). The Damodar basin in West Bengal and the Cambay basin in Gujarat are, according to the state-owned Oil and Natural Gas Corporation of India (ONGC, 2010), promising formations for shale gas. In November 2010, the US and Indian governments announced that the US Geological Survey will help India to assess its shale gas reserves. 7 0 7 1.0 10.18356/fa8ae033-en 2e7f69ecab732e45427100465ff17242 Additionally, several national courts have considered that the denial of same-sex marriage violates constitutional anti-discriminatory provisions. See, e.g., Reference Re Same-Sex Marriage [2004] 3 S.C.R. 698, 2004 SCC 79 (Supreme Court of Canada); Minister of Home Affairs and Another v. Fourie and Another, Lesbian and Gay Equality Project and Others v. Minister of Home Affairs and Others, [2005] ZACC19 (South African Constitutional Court); James Obergefell et al. See, e.g., General Comments adopted by the UN CESCR, in particular No. 5 2 2 0.0 10.1787/5jrs8sv4jt6k-en 2e7f96c64980d6e806b1987f2de0d413 Both production risks (say rainfall and pests) and price risks can be overwhelming for the small farmer trying to specialise and scale-up for entering product markets. In trying to overcome these barriers, in some regions, women face higher hurdles to access resources, including land. In any event, there will be many small farm families who would remain at semi-subsistence farming, if they are unable to find other livelihoods or unable to exit. 2 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/agr/outlook-2014-4-en 2e80b81ca6ab0abad0d10882b764a262 Moreover, with the BR1CS now accounting for about 28% of world GDP (at PPP rates), a slowdown in growth has larger effects on the global economy and OECD countries than in the past. In OECD countries, direct trade relations with non-OECD countries have grown substantially in importance over the past two decades. Financial conditions have tightened significantly in some emerging economies, and financial linkages with OECD countries could increase the impact of a decelerating growth in the emerging economies. Similarly, as the links in the banking sectors of several developed and emerging economies have grown stronger since the financial crisis, tightening financial conditions in some emerging economies may also influence income growth of OECD countries. 2 4 1 0.6 10.18356/d19a5f58-en 2e813b4c5cfef3aae34c01d4d03cbf07 Defining child poverty in South Africa using the socially perceived necessities approach' in A. Minujin and S. Nandy (eds), Global Child Poverty and Well-being: Measurement, Concepts, Policy and Action, Studies in Poverty, Inequality and Social Exclusion Series, Bristol: Policy Press, pp. Multidimensional Poverty Orderings', DELTA Working Paper No. The Measurement of Multidimensional Poverty', in Journal of Economic Inequality, pp. Overlaps in dimensions of Poverty', in Journal of Social Policy, 32, 4, 513-525, Cambridge University Press. 1 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5k4c9kwfdx8r-en 2e81a8102e127a060b660569d364ea1e They also enable farmer groups to bulk their crop into economic lot sizes that can be sold further down the marketing chain to processors, millers and other large traders, developing a greater direct involvement of smallholders. Used as collateral, warehouse receipts provide easier access to commodity finance, help reduce trade margins and seasonal price variability and enhance the involvement of the financial sector in agricultural marketing. Confidence in the reliability of the receipts is an absolute prerequisite for such schemes to succeed and the lack of confidence has led to the failure of previous attempts to introduce a warehouse receipt system in Zambia92. 2 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264115118-6-en 2e903dbd71371216b82e9c4f7a93c6c4 This has historically been the case in countries such as Japan where these resources have been particularly costly, leading to stricter standards and economic incentives to improve efficiency of use. Such conditions support further reductions in resource intensity as the economies of successful countries tend to move towards higher value-added activities. Although it will be essential for policy makers to carry with them their key stakeholders when implementing change, lobbying positions of firms are not always in the economic interests of the country as a whole. 7 0 3 1.0 10.18356/0f7239b1-en 2e922725c0a320514998063f6975cf76 As in other countries, counsellors in Liberia say it can take much longer for a man to seek help. Liberian women, many of them from among the market stallholders who are the backbone of much West African commerce, demonstrated in 2003 that the seemingly impossible could be achieved by a mass peace movement that relied heavily on broad solidarity, persistence, song and prayer, but almost no money. Their story, told in the dramatic documentary Pray the Devil Back to Hell shows how women were able to demand an end to civil war. 5 1 3 0.5 10.1787/469d7fec-en 2e93e92a0f0242ad9fa9d13821ddd481 Chile specifies its BUR only includes resources channelled through the public sector, Brazil only the federal public sector, excluding sub-national governments, and Indonesia includes some flows to NGOs. This will likely continue to vary by country, though Parties could indicate (as some do in their BURs) the receiving institutions included. High: Common guidance could be provided for how to report the information, e.g. using specific terms or terminology with consistent definitions. Note that the coverage of information included would likely still vary by country. 13 5 0 1.0 10.1787/9789264265530-4-en 2e9aee0b629e7a0526546b9d3fa09c01 In addition, limited autonomy disempowers school and local actors and makes it more difficult to hold local players accountable, in particular school leaders, as they do not have the responsibility to take most of the decisions. Besides, as local actors (namely school principals) have limited leeway on the operation of schools, they have few opportunities to build their capacity to guide and lead school development. In such a context, the few initiatives such as the Regional Campuses for technical-professional education providing some leeway at the local level merit support. Indeed, teachers elect representatives to CODICEN and to each individual education council. 4 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/leo-2017-7-en 2ea254e1a3d2dc120275feae88286ca7 While about half of female movers first enter inactivity, this percentage is much lower for men, with the exception of Brazil. A high percentage of young men manage to enter into employment (ranging from 53% in Mexico to 35% in Brazil), but many of them find an informal job, particularly in Argentina. Additionally, a conspicuous percentage (around 20% for both men and women) of young people ends up in unemployment. 8 1 4 0.6 10.1787/9789264187443-8-en 2ea29b8845d641e1af620d8e87dfcfef Situated 60 km from Ngaound6r6 on the old route, its supply of Ngaoundere was based on two practises: urban wholesalers and semi-wholesalers came to the weekly market (Wednesday), while motorists and travellers made day-to-day purchases as they passed through the village. Roadside stalls had sprung up along the road through the village, bringing local residents additional daily income. Traffic on the unpaved Tchollire-Touboro regional road, which used to carry 80% of foodstuffs from Touboro, has fallen by over 70% in favour of the new, paved road (Touboro-Ngaoundere), making Ngaoundere a major redistribution hub between North and South Cameroon. 2 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264240094-12-en 2ea848067425079f87dc83e572ede913 However, funding from international partners is likely to gradually decline in the years to come. Funbio was mandated by the MMA to carry out the financial management of the programme (Box 5.8), which receives large international donations (Germany is the largest donor). The Amazon Fund also helps finance the ARPA programme and other activities to control deforestation, including in protected areas (Chapter 4). 15 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5jxrclljnbxq-en 2eace2f92c521841e70a49e945afdc04 A few more estimates are available for developing countries. The cost estimates presented in Table 3 are relatively high in comparison to most of the estimates in the literature. Furthermore, making a direct comparison between these different estimates is difficult because the effectiveness of measures varies across the studies. Although it is impossible to compare these estimates due to different approaches, and to different regional aggregations, and because the low number of available studies does not allow for thorough analysis, some general observations can be made. One observation is that adaption costs will be high. 2 3 0 1.0 10.1787/9789264268791-7-en 2eb51f65d4ddb5ea08049373e28ee9fa It region ranks among the top 12% among all OECD regions in the indicator for civic engagement which is measured by voter turnout (84.2%). It also ranks high among all OECD regions for community (in the top 19%)—that is, the perceived social support network which for Pays de la Loire is 92.3%. For safety, which is measured by the homicide rate. Pas de la Loire is less competitive. 11 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264247826-5-en 2eb5922895b0a3fd085d7609b88a6e38 Constructive, co-ordinated action between all of these actors is therefore key. General economic policies and investments, including macroeconomics, general education, growth policies and broader rural development, can all have significant positive spill-overs for a number of challenges identified above, such as food and nutrition security, for example. This is also evident from comparisons of the Fast, Globally-Driven Growth and Individual, Fossil Fuel-Driven Growth scenarios: international co-operation in various areas, trade and technological developments included, has major implications due to the generation of income opportunities, not least in developing countries. Agricultural Innovation Systems comprise not just investments in R&D, but also, crucially, include the whole framework of institutions and infrastructure which enable private and public R&D - as well as private-public partnerships - to develop future-proof methods and technologies, test and showcase these developments within the agriculture and food sectors, and ensure their broad and international application. 2 0 3 1.0 10.1787/059ce467-en 2eb669eb8dbdd9ae340bfa1b82140b9f The OECD, with its Strength through Diversity project, stands ready to support Sweden in developing an education system that promotes the integration of immigrant and refugee students into its education system. Special thanks are due to Swedish team members Kjell Nyman, Veronica Borg, Asa Kallen, Charlotte Persson, Cristina Pontis, Amanda Johansson and Lovissa LH Heiberg for their guidance and support in developing this report. We are also grateful to Katalin Bellaagh, Anna Ambrose, Anders Auer, Therese Ahlqvist, Ingalill Hagglund, Camilla Holmberg, Eva Lundgren, Maria Schwartz and Isabell Zupanc from the National Agency for Education for organising the meetings with stakeholders and for their comments, and to Kjell Nyman, Peter Johansson (in early stages) and Veronica Borg for co-ordinating the whole process. 4 0 9 1.0 10.18356/0ceb7e87-en 2eb84e7ebf1bf3c514cb19136d3794ad This has affected all types of NGOs, including environmental ones. The number of registered environmental NGOs diminished from 706 in 2014 to 487 in 2017, although this decrease might be partially attributed to the number of NGOs that ceased functioning and therefore were not present to reregister. The General Agency charges a one-time registration fee of 44,000 tugriks (approximately US$20) to all newly established NGOs. 4 3 1 0.5 10.1787/5k92zp1cshvb-en 2eb9f474b8ad94eb7a9233ba333e1730 As the organisation of assessment for qualification and certification in upper secondary education is a very fast changing policy field, this paper only refers to recent studies for the comparison of policy practices. Section 3 presents key features of upper secondary education that influence student assessment practices at this level. Section 4 then looks at the design and governance of assessment for qualification and certification in different contexts. 4 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264188945-9-en 2ec0e53d64b3accd6857e37a3dd636a5 Inevitably, this increase in obesity will result in more Koreans suffering from chronic diseases such as diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular and respiratory conditions (Berry et al., While having fallen considerably from very high levels during the 1980s, Korean males still have smoking rates that are among the highest across OECD countries (Figure 5.2). While the proportion of women who smoke is the lowest in the OECD, those that do are likely to start at a younger age and are therefore exposed to the harmful effects of smoking earlier in life. 3 0 3 1.0 10.6027/9789289329293-6-en 2ec1f150073f99e9f8f856665de3fcbb More incentive based licensing systems are, as we see it, necessary for getting this environmentally beneficiary method in use. It is a strong consensus that the world population will continue to grow and that agricultural and marine crop will be utilized more thoroughly for direct human nutrition. Finding totally new feed resources is a necessity if aquaculture continues to grow. Microorganisms are among the most promising alternatives for viable use in the northern latitudes and focus should be directed towards supporting this development. 14 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264309470-en 2ec2e5b5f583e01d666efdeac20c2bec Austrian policymakers have helped create centres of research excellence, including through the “greenfield” founding of the Institute for Science and Technology (1ST) Austria which was recently included in the Nature 2018 Index of the Top 30 (universities) under 30 (years old). Up to EUR 280 million are budgeted for a period of five years, at the end of which around 400 researchers in the fields of electronics-based systems and microelectronics are expected to be employed at Silicon Austria Labs. Policy makers recognise the transformational importance of digitalisation, and through many channels act to accelerate its diffusion. There has been considerable experimentation over decades with varied institutional models to support innovation, and evaluation of innovation policy instruments is a widespread practice. 9 0 3 1.0 11.1002/pub/80a85799-72748942-en 2ec317186147b049f0fabebadc80af5b The ambitious mission included a target to connect health centres and hospitals. The health sector is recognised as information intensive; processing the vast volumes of data generated can no longer efficiently be done manually. Today, ICT is becoming central to the effective operation of health systems and services, although progress is uneven. Facilities can vary within and between countries, thus making standardization of measurement difficult. 3 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264168350-4-en 2ecb2bc173668480d116b288e467a99d Examples of the above are support to national human rights commissions or Ombudsmen offices (Good Practice Note 8. Working with social movements). A sense of autonomy and self-value is an important and direct contributory factor for enabling someone to participate in politics and take optimum advantage of services, such as health and education. 1 2 2 0.0 10.18356/db521e55-en 2ecc3aa1e8199ccad0abfeb46b14d477 Many scientists say that emissions must peak within the decade, given that climate change and its adverse effects are driven by the cumulative build-up of greenhouse gases that remain in the atmosphere for many years, and, in the case of C02, for centuries. The challenge now is to scale up ambition and to immediately accelerate the transformation towards low-emission, climate-resilient sustainable development that supports the health and well-being of all people and of our planet. As the Secretary-General has often stated, we cannot achieve the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals without reducing the risks of climate change. To make lasting progress in eliminating poverty, reducing hunger and achieving all the other SDGs, we must radically decarbonize our economies to protect the Earth's climate and ecosystems that are essential to our survival. 13 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264190658-7-en 2ecf1fb05f92f97f9860fc837277db1c The chapter concludes with a set ofpointers for policy development. The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law. It focuses on how student assessment influences the learning experience of individual students and considers both summative assessment (assessment of learning) and formative assessment (assessment for learning) of students. 4 0 9 1.0 10.1787/pension/glance-2013-5-en 2ecfed829c0151bbff234a12814c0073 In Southern Europe, the Czech Republic, and Poland, more than 30% of family carers provide intensive care, with the share even higher in Spain (over 50%) and Korea (over 60%). While care can alleviate the poverty risk to which old people are exposed, it jeopardises the adequacy of carers’ future retirement entitlements, as the vast majority are not sufficiently covered by pension systems. Healthcare services, in particular, lift incomes by an average of 14%, particularly in France (17.9%) and Sweden (17.2%), but much less in the Netherlands (10.9%). Everywhere eldercare services still account for a small share of public expenditure, however. 1 0 3 1.0 10.1787/eco/surveys-col-2013-4-en 2ed283a4d1338968f87ed7deaca40bd5 Income dispersion largely originates from the labour market, which is characterised by a still high unemployment rate, a pervasive informal sector and a wide wage dispersion reflecting a large education premium for those with higher education. Wealth, and thus capital income, is also highly concentrated. The tax and system does little to reduce income inequality. It is small and dominated by non-redistributive transfer schemes, in particular contributory pensions, and consumption taxes which tend to be regressive. 1 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264120914-3-en 2ed41bff7215c83a3b15614ff14601fa Better incentives for both insurers and insurees are required to encourage managed care products that are successful in improving quality, efficiency and care co-ordination. Managed care products should encourage care providers to work as teams to deliver co-ordinated care, driven by incentives for quality and evidence on best-practice medicine. They could also be used to encourage the introduction of alternatives to fee-for-service payment arrangements. In Switzerland, the health insurance benefit package is centrally determined and the Health Insurance Law requires effectiveness, appropriateness and efficiency for inclusion of goods and services in the benefit basket. 3 0 4 1.0 10.1787/3726edff-en 2ed4ee2a8f03ea2164acfd13050888e5 Transactions by the official sector with countries on the DAC List of ODA Recipients, which do not meet the conditions for eligibility as Official Development Assistance. The puipose codes are also commonly referred to as sector codes as they provide a classification of the sector of the activity. In total, there are 261 purpose codes with 207 mandatory and 54 new voluntary codes, which have recently been added to the CRS to more easily link development activities to developing country budgets. These activities are considered core STI activities as their ultimate aim are clearly focused on obtaining new knowledge through scientific studies in their respective sectors. All activities reported under these codes are considered as core support to the ICT sector. 9 0 5 1.0 10.18356/f08da6fa-en 2ed54ca1d8eda73bec1654891370a5b4 If we consider only deprivation, 48 per cent of children are deprived, while their head of household does not consider the family to be poor. In fact, the mismatch is quite substantial. And secondly, adults can have a different opinion of a child's well-being that may disregard the objective situation and most importantly children's rights. 1 0 4 1.0 10.18356/ab0103c2-en 2ed8da097e3425ff68a2fa20da8f57b3 In five countries the gap widened.9 In the remaining four countries out of the 13, reductions in the national U5MR had a neutral impact on health distribution. Indeed, such society-wide improvements seem as likely to be accompanied by increasing as decreasing inequalities. Moreover, reaching some groups requires efforts in other areas such as improving communications between local authorities and targeted groups, facilitating increased participation by local communities, and greater access to education and information so as to increase people’s awareness of health issues, among others. 3 0 4 1.0 10.1787/eco/surveys-hun-2014-6-en 2eddf77fc50c55edc5868479ee19fd1d To facilitate good matching and enhance sectoral mobility, a somewhat longer duration of unemployment benefits and an upscaled Public Employment Service would be of value, as well as greater focus on reintegration in the public works programme and more efficient and developed lifelong learning. Besides skills mismatches, important geographic mismatches are illustrated by high and persistent regional disparities in the unemployment rate. Mobility is hampered by the underdevelopment of the rental housing market, while there is room to enhance the efficiency of public transport to further support commuting. 4 8 0 1.0 10.1787/agr/pol-2014-4-en 2edec96fbb6e9ec21a9962cb278c68b0 For Israel, changes are given only between 1997-99 and 2011-13. The statistical data for Israel are supplied by and under the responsibility of the relevant Israeli authorities. The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law. The OECD total does not include the non-OECD EU member states. 2 4 1 0.6 10.1787/9789264089457-en 2ee0d1da577a596326c9131814af5bda In OECD countries, there is a trend to move away from compulsory towards elective courses which are open for students from different faculties and schools. This approach facilitates the formation of teams of students with different backgrounds and interests. Interdisciplinary team efforts allow individuals to concentrate on what they know and like best and at the same time become familiar with new knowledge that can be associated in a new way of solving a problem or creating a new product or service. To what extent these courses use creative teaching methods and are tailored to the needs of the undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate students is not clear. 4 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264190658-5-en 2ee14fa0c57d01a7ab0d65c43eab1c4c These have done much to stimulate public awareness of evaluation and assessment and to develop an evaluation culture within school systems. It includes national student assessments at key stages of education, a range of user surveys, a web-based School Portal, and a range of tools for schools’ self-review (e.g. diagnostic “mapping tests”). With the establishment and development of NKVS, policy makers aimed to move policy attention away from inputs and processes to focus more on the outcomes of education (Nusche et al., 4 0 5 1.0 10.18356/faf8a648-en 2ee1fb66f9a109ffbddfa6db2917f839 "Take Gabon, for example. The nature of demand in China (figure 6.2), however, was such that it led to a relative de-greening of the Gabonese timber and wood value chain. Certifiers assess forests' operations against a predetermined set of standards developed by the council. This allows wood to be sold in the market as ""certified"" wood, bearing the FSC trademark logo." 7 6 3 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/059ce467-en 2ee59f127c2c613b7e8ad96f04ac8b4e It holds the overall responsibility for schooling and is in charge of developing the curriculum, national objectives and guidelines for the education system. To reduce the gap between immigrant and native students, Sweden’s government will need to use tools such as funding and guidelines to promote policies to reduce it. One of the core components, school choice, was a radical change from the previously enforced location-based system. The reformed policy mandated the provision of vouchers for any school, public or independent, regardless of geographic location in order to create a more democratic educational system by introducing ‘freedom of choice’ and allowing local schools a higher degree of autonomy (Lund, 2015(12]). 4 0 5 1.0 10.1787/9789264179011-7-en 2ee5a76032c18bb8007d0c6f1ae884b8 Overall budgetary transfers in the PSE database (Section 2.4) include, in principle, central budget transfers and funding from external donors (bilateral and from international banks) but does not include local co-financing as there is no data on this. The allocation of DAK funds has not been entirely transparent. The allocation mechanisms set forth in the regulations are not yet well understood by many regional governments (ADB, 2010). Plantation SOEs were originally established in 1958 when the government nationalised the Dutch plantation companies. The current number of 15 is the result of a series of mergers, based on geographical location, undertaken by the government to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the SOEs. Perum is the abbreviation for perusahaan umum, meaning public corporation. 2 3 0 1.0 10.1787/5kg7068011hb-en 2ee78670d3be4ce2988819be97a83c4c Japan has successfully developed several subsidy programmes for solar installations since 1993. However, the 2008 peak in the Pacific region might be a result of recent tax incentives coming in to force in South Korea. The total gross capacity entering the market in the three Pacific countries is rather low compared to Europe and North America. 7 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264179370-6-en 2ee8f390b5228c85d0947a5639430eb6 Klein and Wayman (2008) and Bauer (2011) found that training programmes improve both the economic and non-economic lives of women who own small and micro businesses. International networks, such as the World Association of Women Entrepreneurs (FCEM), have the potential for transferring knowledge and experience between North and South, and East and West. Finally, many top performing women entrepreneurs in growth-oriented firms have senior management experience in corporations, where they gained experience in leadership and acquired access to valuable networks. 5 0 4 1.0 10.1787/eco/surveys-aut-2015-6-en 2ee9b264678c389787e4710b75935ccd On the other hand, affirmative action by imposing gender quotas in the labour market can entail greater efforts of firms to identify qualified women (Holzer and Neumark, 2000) and can encourage more women to participate in the competition for jobs (Niederle et al., It distinguishes between “legitimate” differences in outcomes due to different choices made and “illegitimate” differences in outcomes that arise from discrimination or other impediments beyond one’s control (Robeyns, 2006). The pursuit of equality of opportunities between the genders means to strive for equal access to education, health and the labour market, and, in a nutshell, the elimination of any barriers that may hamper men and women to realise their individual aspirations. 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/aid/glance-2017-14-en 2eeab9464a948e5f130bd9b4a7e5b551 A user satisfaction survey showed that 86% of export drivers and 28% of import drivers were satisfied with the infrastructure changes changes (OECD-WTO aid-for-trade monitoring exercise 2017, Public sector case story 80). Afghanistan, Iran and India recently finalized the trilateral transport and transit pact that regulates infrastructure improvement in the seaport of Chabahar, located on Iran's South-Eastern coast. India had previously invested USD 135 million to build the Zaranj-Dilaram highway connecting the Kabul-Herat Highway to Chabahar port, providing land-locked Afghanistan with access to the Arabian Sea and the Persian Gulf. 9 0 4 1.0 10.18356/9b00e9d0-en 2eec3b4e46574e7934d974f5052598d6 The SCP and BTC Pipelines pass through the buffer zone of Botjomi National Park and the Boijomi-Kharaguli Nature Reserve. The current Georgian legislation does not define the methodology for calculating the environmental flow. In practice, two methodologies coexist: for the oldest dams, the Soviet standards are applied, and for the most recent ones, a more simplified methodology is adopted (chapter 4). 7 5 2 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264233911-3-en 2eee8e67fb49cb6a7045e0c0113d76bd Though the share of food and agricultural products in global trade is small and declining, agricultural trade continues to play an important role for both overall economic development and food security in many developing and emerging economies. Moreover, in multilateral trade negotiations, tensions over agriculture have time and again caused particular difficulties and retarded progress in other sectors. The Agreement on Agriculture (AoA) concluded in the Uruguay Round w'as a milestone in multilateral efforts to create operationally effective disciplines governing agricultural trade. It established firm rules and clearly specified quantitative reduction commitments. 2 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264083608-6-en 2eee9a21ad032fce391d4d68eae6f95e First, for financial sustainability to be respected, a nonmarginal number of users will have to pay more than the long-term average cost of service provision. A second key aspect is the capacity of the structure to appropriately target the poor, defined by Komives et al. ( This tariff structure does not qualify as a social tariff as it has not been established that poor households consume much less water than more well-off ones: empirical research tends to indicate that income elasticity of water demand is low; in other terms, the poor do not necessarily consume less water than the rich. 6 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264190658-11-en 2ef3d739933032cff93ce6fa93448e02 In the school district of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, for example, the Pittsburgh Urban Leadership System for Excellence entails the use of appraisal results to determine performance-based pay.34 With the introduction of this system, compensation is no longer based on annual salary increases for all school principals or a system based on salary steps determined by length of service. Under the new system, school principals can earn an annual salary increment of up to USD 2 000 that becomes part of the base salary if they are rated proficient across the seven performance standards and 27 components of practice laid out in the district’s performance standards or if rated as satisfactory in completing the professional growth project. School principals can earn an additional achievement bonus of up to USD 10 000 for raising student achievement that is not retained in the base salary. The effects of such schemes will, however, vary among individuals and contexts, and also depend on the career stage a leader is in. Links between appraisal and school leaders’ salaries and financial bonuses, in particular, are contentious. 4 3 6 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5js4rv0g7szr-en 2ef3dc7fa8465c284a5f0f47166491e8 Some educational institutions, for example, encourage their staff to work in industry during the summer period. The operation of hotel schools can further support this, in addition to enabling trainees to learn in a real-life context, such as the Hotel School Astoria in Slovenia and Hong Kong Polytechnic University’s Hotel ICON, as can inviting people working in industry to participate in workshops and give guest lectures. Work needs to be organised in a way that is conducive to learning and certain conditions need to be in place for this to be effective. 8 1 4 0.6 10.18356/edf15661-en 2ef3eeeabae43b012429c09144c5f831 Young women in conflict situations suffer from higher rates of gender-based violence. Such rates are usually even higher if the women also belong to a minority or marginalized group. No stratum of society is immune to gender-based violence; however, the ability to seek judicial redress or medical treatment or the opportunity to seek services to escape from gender-based violence depend heavily on a woman’s social standing and access to economic resources (box 4.2). 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264269064-7-en 2ef483f5bdda6b581423913b803c3aa0 However, there is evidence that voluntary participation may not reach the major polluters and subsidy-based programmes can have limited impact due to public budget constraints and a lack of environmental regulations on diffuse pollution. The greatest challenge of regulating outputs of diffuse pollution is how to allocate a pollution “cap” (or maximum permitted load) to individual land owners in a way that is equitable and cost-efficient. A natural capital based approach to allocating diffuse pollution limits is an emerging development that has the ability to reach the full economic potential of natural resources, based on the underlying capacity of the soil to filter and retain water and nutrients. Water quality trading offers a way to promote practices that reduce pollution at least cost to society by revealing preferences and water pollution costs. Markets and payments for ecosystem services are not a perfect substitute for robust regulations. Equity and fairness in burden sharing do not preclude efficiency. 6 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264117563-9-en 2ef5da07001e655477feeb0f67cdfd04 Burned areas also increase risks of invasive plant species, proliferation of pyrophytic species, soil loss, and depleted seedbank and regeneration potential. Although the extent of open landscape affected by wildfires has declined in the past decade (Figure 5.1), the number of fires per year has recently shown a notable increase. This trend warrants further monitoring, especially in light of increasing temperatures and drier winters due to climate change. 15 0 4 1.0 10.1787/5jlwvz85537c-en 2ef85e5a3ec6f9c1a4cc365a5a1b7255 Some private professionals can participate in the committee according Transport Safety Act. In practice, the committee does not convene often. Attempts have been made to create such a body. In 2000-2002, the prime minister created a Safety Management and Improvement Committee responsible for co-ordinating safety policies and measures among various governmental agencies. 11 3 1 0.5 10.1787/irtad-2013-en 2ef88d2c683a670cab503975595695c9 In 2011, the best performing countries recorded risk below five deaths per billion vehicle-kilometres. In the absence of data on vehicle kilometres for many IRTAD countries, the fatality rate per registered vehicles may be used as an approximation of exposure in order to describe risks and make comparisons between countries. Data on fatalities are usually reasonably complete, although police records miss a certain number of deaths resulting from crashes in all countries, and in all IRTAD member countries based on the same definition (death within 30 days of the crash), and therefore adapted for international comparisons. 3 4 4 0.0 10.18356/2c323ce7-en 2ef914dd33041fc6cf562fae163ad4a9 This made negotiations more complicated. When negotiations over the Euphrates between Iraq. Syria and Turkey were initiated in the early 1980s, Turkey insisted on including the shared waters of the Orontes, while Syria at the time refused to discuss Orontes water with Turkey. The River Protection and Environmental Preservation Sub-Committee is responsible for coordinating and supervising issues related to river hydrology, river pollution and river infringements. The Sub-Committee for the Expropriation of Lands in the Vicinity of the Zeita Canals (Figure 9) addresses issues related to lands that straddle the Lebanese-Syrian border in the vicinity of the Zeita Dam.71 The parties have agreed that Syria is to compensate landowners for work related to the canals on Lebanese territory, while Lebanon is to enlist its local authorities to enforce the rule of law and prevent damage to the infrastructure of the canals. 6 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/84974ecb-en 2efb7a0ca6c4e496e10fc92b296bfd2e Starting in 1975, which was also International Women's Year, Mexico City hosted the World Conference on the International Women's Year, which resulted in the World Plan of Action and the designation of 1975-1985 as the United Nations Decade for Women. In 1980, another international conference on women was held in Copenhagen and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women was opened for signature. The third World Conference on Women was held in Nairobi, with the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women having begun its work in 1982. 5 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264224636-11-en 2efbe487e428e192a5290688a8ddbf6d Resources also should be allocated to various public institutions for developing and implementing a holistic prevention strategy and actions that proactively engage women as well as men, and the government sector as well as the non-governmental sector. Advertising and national campaigns may be used to spread information about hotlines for reporting violence. The education system and the news media are also well positioned to raise understanding and awareness of the unacceptability of violence against women. France offers an example of a communications strategy that also incorporates government directives and the establishment of an emergency helpline (ministere des Droits des femmes, n.d.). 5 0 3 1.0 10.6027/f76e337c-en 2efd3e09ff072143ad93ee3a62c7a902 When located in the arable fields, the nest may be destroyed by vehiclesand other agricultural equipment used in the cultivation ofthefields. Ifthe nest is located in permanent habitats such as field edges and road sides etc. To some extent, both elements are controlled by the chosen agricultural scheme: Organic farming or intensive farming. In organic farming, no pesticides are applied and thus there is no control of the availability and production of non-crop plants and invertebrates. 15 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264225817-4-en 2eff3018549c308229b43777daf99f07 These facilities can deliver pharmacological treatments, and some talking therapies such as counselling depending on capacity and can refer people to specialised mental health providers. Family doctors and other physicians performing a primary care “function” in Japan can provide care to patients with mild and moderate mental disorders, and can prescribe a fairly standard range of pharmaceuticals for mental health care. However, in reality, unlike in other OECD countries generalists or primary care physicians (except for those specialised in psychiatry) do not play the central role in the provision of care for mild-to-moderate disorders. 3 0 7 1.0 10.1787/50e33932-en 2f05c7663e2802e23ad667fc0ed501f4 The Swedish municipal federations are legal entities, whose tasks and obligations are formally agreed upon by their members. These inter-municipal co-operative organisations are usually run by boards, whose members are not directly elected but instead nominated by the member municipalities. Over the years, inter-municipal collaboration among Swedish municipalities has increased steadily: in 2005 there were 80 municipal federations and by 2011 the number of federations increased to 110 (Regeringskansliet, 2005[26]) (OECD, 2017[25]). 11 0 3 1.0 10.1787/empl/outlook-2011-4-en 2f0919e4d65a48be0c23da3af09f1263 This estimate is based on two alternative experiments that show, respectively, that the impact of UI on unemployment duration is greater in liquidity-constrained than in unconstrained households and that SP also increases the duration of unemployment, despite not being conditional on being unemployed (Chetty, 2008). Similarly, Card et al. ( Moreover, an extension of the maximum duration of unemployment benefits from 20 to 30 weeks lowers the job-finding rate in the first 20 weeks of search by 5-9%. 10 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.18356/becaa395-en 2f0923f2b5f8443c26a5f3f56aab1f8a The sector emits three types of anthropogenic greenhouse gases: carbon dioxide (CO2), the hydrocarbon methane (CHJ and nitrous oxide (N20). The main sources of those emissions are deforestation, enteric fermentation in livestock, manure left on fields, applied chemical fertilizers and rice cultivation practices. Carbon dioxide and methane account for 49 and 30 percent, respectively, of the emissions generated by agriculture, forestry and land use. This represents 14 percent of total anthropogenic emissions of carbon dioxide and 42 percent of all methane emissions. 13 0 3 1.0 10.1787/agr/outlook-2015-5-en 2f09770537d6b783792c984b392b8de5 Production of poultry meat will be responsible for more than half of the projected increase in meat production fuelled by both domestic and international demand. The remaining expansion of the meat sector will be shared between beef and pigmeat (Figure 2.16). When adjusted for inflation however, prices mostly rise at a modest rate. In general, per capita consumption of the three primary meat types is poised to increase reflecting Brazil’s continuous economic development. Per capita consumption reaches 83 kg/p in 2024, adding 5.8 kg/p to each person’s diet relative to the base period driven primarily by additional consumption of poultry meat. 2 1 7 0.75 10.14217/9781848599451-9-en 2f0a4d94f586b7cb8d31481a0c2acf59 This is demonstrated in the science, technology, education and mathematics (STEM) industries, where women make up only 13 per cent of engineering and 18 per cent of technology placements at universities, yet hold 89 per cent of nursing and 85 per cent of education positions (WBC 2013a). The WBC has also created tools and resources to counteract some of these discriminatory practices. For example, the WBC website provides different interventions that have been used in order to support young girls in broadening their career goals and challenging gender biases that keep them from STEM activities. 5 0 7 1.0 11.1002/pub/80d1ac90-585ea8d4-en 2f0abfb5618890d9d5e1da84930c7416 In many more environments, smart meters can coordinate the energy consumption of appliances to smooth out variations in overall energy consumption and achieve more effective use of variable renewable energy sources. Impactful loT interventions in development either improve efficiency (achieving similar levels of impact with fewer resources) or effectiveness (increasing impact with similar levels of resources).6 loT applications could help promote monitoring and evaluation, and achievement of nearly all the existing Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (Table 3, pages 39-40). For example, sensors in agricultural fields are monitoring soil conditions and moisture levels. 15 2 2 0.0 10.18356/fb79328d-en 2f0c92ec4a2bef7fbd3fe5b50c77f3e4 Starting in the 1980s, macroeconomic policies became narrowly focused on controlling inflation, fiscal prudence and promoting export growth, an approach that would bring, so it was believed, economic stability, growth and poverty reduction through trickling down effects. As discussed, this promise was not fulfilled. In contrast, the fast-growing East Asian economies embedded macroeconomic policies in a broader development strategy and did not substitute industrial policies for generalized trade liberalization. 1 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264262782-5-en 2f0ccfb7e84ec469de1fab62ba3131d1 Provider coverage is initially limited, but envisaged to cover all providers in future years. Of note, Latvia has been working closely with Estonia to leam from their experiences in introducing e-health system. For instance, health care providers can issue e-prescriptions so that patients can purchase medications in any pharmacy in the country', and this will enable providers to monitor medication safety' when multiple drugs are prescribed for patients. Likewise, co-ordination across providers is expected to improve by avoiding, for example, duplicated diagnostic tests and informing GPs when their patient is discharged from hospital. 3 0 9 1.0 10.6027/9789289330954-4-en 2f0cd0912e87415b16eb67dd69bca2ca By then, nearly one-third of the total primary energy supply was generated by the Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant, located at the eastern border of the country. Closedown of this plant was completed in 2009 as part of the country’s accession agreement with the European Union. In order to reduce Lithuania's dependence on fossil fuel imports for energy production, plans call for the opening of a new nuclear reactor by 2016. 7 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264260207-5-en 2f0ea7e1a6e62962ef7178ab1695cbc1 When a disaster occurs, based on the functions and tasks of the branches and units, the Committee is responsible for co-ordination, creating favourable conditions for the effective collaboration of all agencies in the response activities. Members of the committee are heads of Hai Phong departments, agencies and government units. Every year, they are asked to prepare local plans for natural disaster prevention and submit them to the committee so it can prepare a master plan for the whole city. 11 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264202030-8-en 2f0f2145d39487f55262e97e25f08a10 The Figure above shows some of the metropolitan areas with the highest values of the sprawl index. Several metropolitan areas of Japan, Las Palmas and Zaragoza (Spain) and Tallin (Estonia) show values higher than 10%. However, these metropolitan areas had relatively lower levels of built-up area per person in 2000, compared to metropolitan areas in the United States. 15 3 0 1.0 10.18356/9bf8d10f-en 2f1079f04e0fb267991be5ea8f7c98c2 The processing of tax returns and the collection of taxes by local bodies is at least ten times less than is required for the efficient management of public services (Asian Development Bank 2008). Although holding taxes account for two thirds of the total tax revenue, they are collected inconsistently, as people have a tendency to evade taxes and the tax administration is not efficient enough to raise a fixed amount of tax regularly. There is no dedicated project targeted towards public health care, in general, and towards urban primary health care, in particular, except the Second Urban Primary Health Care Project. Finally, as a wide variety of functions compete for limited resources, public health receives a lesser allocation (as a lower priority issue). 3 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.18356/4845d1b0-en 2f113e7184b2fe71d5dbf5b4092b7cc9 "As such, the consumption of goods manufactured in Asia and the Pacific has created a large ""material footprint"" across the manufacturing sector's supply chain, involving many different kinds of material. The growth in material use by the manufacturing sector has resulted in economic growth in many parts of the region; the less developed countries are now starting to catch up with the living standards enjoyed by their more developed counterparts. An expanding middle class has increased the demand for and consumption of materialintensive products, such as cars, furniture and household appliances." 12 0 9 1.0 10.1787/5jlww004n6nq-en 2f143a0af4ae1557b7afbb25dab230f8 "For example, Decision 1/CP.21 does not specify when the first national inventory reports and progress reports under the Paris Agreement are to be submitted. However, the timing of final biennial reports (BRs) and biennial update reports (BURs) has not yet been set."" Further, Decision 1/CP.21 does not include any guidance regarding the future frequency of national communications for developed and developing country Parties." 13 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264303201-4-en 2f16e056cdb107670568503d6d08ce8a In Peru, development co-operation has been a key partner in creating the Ministry of Environment and developing a policy framew'ork to promote public investment in biodiversity. A number of initiatives that have become important enablers of mainstreaming, such as the World Bank WAVES programme, the UNDP BIOFIN and financing from the Global Environment Facility (GEF), have been implemented through continued development co-operation support. There are also examples of rigorous screening systems being implemented to realise biodiversity co-benefits, or at a minimum to identify and mitigate potential risks to biodiversity in development projects and programmes. Despite the progress achieved, considerable potential remains for further support to mainstreaming efforts of partner countries, and better biodiversity mainstreaming within development co-operation operations and portfolios. 15 0 3 1.0 10.18356/b9699195-en 2f1bc7091a5204a35e285a97f772c666 "But it is also recognized that the costs and benefits of a sustainable system must also be reflected in decisions made by consumers and producers, as well as policy-makers (FAO, 2012b). Sustainable diets are protective and respectful of biodiversity and ecosystems, culturally acceptable, accessible, economically fair and affordable; nutritionally adequate, safe and healthy; while optimizing natural and human resources"" (Burlingame and Dernini, 2012, p. 7). They also mean a reduction of losses and waste throughout the food system. Such profound changes are likely to require significant changes in the food systems themselves." 2 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264267817-5-en 2f1c8e02ee6e0aa157df68d40aad9e9d Mexico spends a little over USD 20 000 per student from the ages of 6 to 15. More precisely, expenditure per student is almost four times greater in higher education than it is in the lower levels of education and, because expenditure per student for each level of education is determined at the federal level, the same is true in Morelos. Studies based on PISA show that the quality of educational resources is most strongly associated with the incidence of low performance in mathematics at the country level, followed by the quality of physical infrastructure (OECD, 2013a). 4 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/75fb9b02-en 2f1f5ddb0ff2f0af366af47eb9b3bed9 When Cyclone Pam struck Vanuatu in 2015, for example, it affected about 80 per cent of schools. Some were damaged and others were turned into evacuation centres.173The problem exists throughout the Pacific region, where many schools in small island states are unavoidably located near coastal areas. Throughout the region, climate change and weather-related emergencies have hindered efforts to provide children with good-quality learning opportunities. Less than 2 per cent of the funds raised by humanitarian appeals went to education.176 This figure suggests that education is considered a low priority in humanitarian contexts, a viewpoint that is curiously out of step with the aspirations of parents and children affected by crises.176 For them, a return to school can help restore a sense of security, normalcy and, above all, hope for a better future. 4 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.18356/45094dde-en 2f214b0ec5ded987f4a2ddc8f30911ff In the CGIAR system, a high degree of centralization in terms of funding means that each donor country provides general-purpose funds to the CGIAR system and enables it to allocate the funds to the Centers based on priorities set by the CGIAR system. The degree of centralization has been decreasing, however. Because there was no written charter, there were no clear definitions of the roles and responsibilities of the various actors until it was acknowledged that fundamental components of governance need to be made explicit and a charter was approved in 2004. 2 5 2 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/469d7fec-en 2f2179ee8e5cbf479c7d2059608e4faf The consultative group of experts (CGE) developed tables for reporting on this information from multilateral and bilateral sources (UNFCCC, 2013). Of 156 non-Annex I countries, 32 have submitted BURs, of which 30 include some information on climate finance received. These tables divided support received into two main categories: for the preparation of the BUR, and for activities contained in the BUR. 13 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/a9326a1a-en 2f30be8efd6685570c861531d7b4ce12 In addition to strengthening automatic stabilizers to reduce vulnerability to shocks and job losses, Governments should also adopt short- and long-term policies to mitigate the adverse impacts of economic reforms. The fact is that there are many targets and there are many instruments. How you map the instruments onto the targets, and how you use these instruments best is a very complicated problem.” ( As noted earlier, social wage provisioning (through subsidized public education, health care, housing, etc.) Therefore, fiscal policy should be judged from the perspective of its impacts on productivity and employment, and not merely from a simplistic accounting perspective of balancing the budget in all circumstances. 8 1 3 0.5 10.14217/9781848591462-6-en 2f311433f726868bf574c934bd08dfee However, these approaches are often threatened by competing priorities such as academically-oriented exams - sending a clear message to students about what is actually important. Since exams are a driving force in many education systems, one approach to encouraging a reorientation of classroom life towards sustainability would be to incorporate ESD more centrally into exams -not through the superficial inclusion of content, but by requiring a demonstration of relevant problem-solving and application skills, as well as critical thinking in relation to that content. Ultimately, for ESD to be successful, it will be important for MoEs to re-evaluate existing exam structures and assessment mechanisms, as well as other common drivers such as textbooks, and rework those drivers so that students, teachers, principals and supervisors have incentives to work with ESD more earnestly and comprehensively. While existing exam structures and contents do not yet reflect a strong commitment to ESD, the basis for the ongoing development of CXC exam structures and related syllabus development is grounded in the concept of the creation of‘the Ideal Caribbean Person’ (Jules 2011), as defined by the heads of government of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM). 13 6 2 0.5 10.1787/5kmms0t7p1ms-en 2f3129a9b593ca84dac820f6225a4e13 The method of calculating this new measure involves “replacing total inequality in the denominator of the conventional ratio with the maximum between-group inequality [that can be obtained, given the criteria above]” (Elbers, Lanjouw, Mistiaen, & Ozler, 2008). This has the added advantage of allowing for a more natural comparison of inequality across different times and settings because the measure itself is normalised by parameters present in the data. Calculating the achieved between-group inequality as a percentage of the maximum possible between-group inequality yields some very interesting results (see annex III, Table A.3.10). 10 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264287457-7-en 2f314663be83222187ac5b08e5bd968f It is therefore critical for policy makers to help adults improve the skills and educational qualifications they need in the job market. This includes helping them find jobs, for example through career guidance and mentoring, and also motivating employers to invest in their workforce, and especially in the disadvantaged population. Adults with a higher level of education have a higher chance of being employed and earning higher wages. 4 0 3 1.0 10.1787/dcr-2012-14-en 2f34614e9a98e6ce1e157c923235773c Clearly, meeting this goal will entail stepping up the pace of short-term efforts to achieve the Millennium Development Goals as they are defined today. This is a necessary prerequisite to full implementation of a green and sustainable economic model, in terms both of social inclusion and of economic development. Consequently, it would not be USD 1.6 billion in grants that would have to be harnessed for Africa, but at least some 6 billion. Throughout the world, the amount currently wasted in the water sector through lack of efficiency was evaluated in a 2010 report by the World Bank and the French Development Agency at around USD 2.7 billion. 6 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/ae96c002-en 2f3482b5d4fb15f29149ef6f4301c71d Core funding is provided by the Government of Italy, while financial support for specific projects is also provided by other governments, international institutions and private sources, including UNICEF National Committees. Requests to translate the publication in its entirety should be addressed to: Communications Unit, florence(S) Most of the students stand up. 4 4 5 0.1111111111111111 10.1787/5jm0xdx0b06g-en 2f35fd498ccae15ba9be1f828e195f73 Since Chile devotes little public spending to active labour-market policies by international standards, more spending on this area can contribute to reduce the gender gap in labour force participation. Programs like MdsCapaz are a step in the right direction. This should be accompanied by steps to reduce the opportunity cost of joining the labour force, such as family benefits and child-related entitlements. 5 3 6 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5js4vmp5n5r8-en 2f3f07194b1807976b28197a56f18863 The Ministry of Tourism heads the Secretariat. These working groups identify and work on issues of transversal public policy importance with the aim of progressing Mexico's National Tourism Policy. More than twelve government agencies participate in the working groups with the private sector and civil society organisations invited to participate where appropriate. In 2010 the Travel Promotion Act was passed into law, which established a non-profit corporation, known as Brand USA, for the purposes of promoting travel to the United States and improving the image of the United States as a destination. This Strategy seeks to address a lack of co-ordination through a reinvigorated interagency Tourism Policy Council (TPC), with representatives from over 18 agencies and offices of the government. The TPC is comprised of high-level representatives from key agencies, and its aim is to develop commitment and policy coordination across Federal agencies, with the private sector, with state, territorial, tribal and local governments. 8 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264190658-12-en 2f465f27cc9c8b6ab8e7c2157f9a6efd The opinions expressed and arguments employed herein do not necessarily reflect the official views of the Organisation or of the governments of its member countries. This chapter presents evidence on different approaches to education system evaluation at both the national and sub-national levels. It examines governance issues, different procedures used, the capacity for undertaking and using the results of education system evaluation and the reporting of results. 4 2 4 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/a6a4730a-en 2f46b696cb85f68f96a31ea6de59816e Except in some specific cases, this increase in unskilled and semi-skilled labour supply does not appear to have displaced domestic workers. Instead immigrants appear to have generally replaced domestic workers in jobs left vacant due to a decline of the local labour force, higher education of local workers and expectations of finding employment in higher paid jobs. Migration may therefore have contributed to the observed rise in the skilled/unskilled wage ratio by causing a stagnation in the unskilled labour wages in countries of destination (as observed, for instance, in Italy). In contrast, inequality rose in the majority of the developed, developing and transitional countries between 1980 and 2000. 10 0 7 1.0 10.1787/1826beee-en 2f48695bd71cbc9c181e13ba073b5bdd It built on the 2008 Farm Bill (Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008) that included AWEP, one of the first landscape and partnership programs involving water conservation. First, since federal funding comes through ongoing USDA programmes, the additional budget commitment is reduced. Second, that fact that the programme leverages non-federal conservation funds - partners are expected to cover at least half of total costs - was a major factor facilitating its approval. Third, the programme’s reliance on voluntary engagement with stakeholders at the regional level gave it broad political appeal, considering increasing concerns by agricultural producers about the consequences of regulatory actions and the emphasis on regional solutions. 6 2 3 0.2 10.1787/9789264208469-8-en 2f4e9c9b2d5888116834c3503586152b There are considerable differences in the use of forced admissions both between counties and between hospitals. This trend is difficult to explain fully, and various explanations have been proposed, including different treatment cultures and different attitudes to the use of compulsory admission among referring physicians, in hospitals and in DPCs; differences in competence, co-operation procedures and personnel resources; differences at a municipal level, and unequal access to hospitals and mental health specialists between geographical areas; and differences in rates of mental ill health across the country. Reduction in involuntary admissions is a priority, but greater co-ordination across regions is likely needed to better understand the root causes of these disparities. A national network for research, led by the south-eastern region, is looking to register involuntary treatment and use of seclusion and restrain nationally, which could be fruitful. 3 0 4 1.0 10.1787/85b52daf-en 2f5b6c3c9a80c546fd26ea24abe17037 Some examples of how development co-operation providers are supporting the enabling environment for green investment in a country are illustrated in Box 2.2; research on this area of development co-operation support is ongoing (e.g. DCED Green Growth Working Group). The need for clean infrastructure, particularly solar and wind energy, and the potential for energy efficiency and technological innovation, provide entry points for private sector participation. Increasing demand for environmental services, such as waste and water management, also create opportunities for private investment, both foreign and domestic. 13 3 6 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264257108-4-en 2f5c429a919c9d4bb52f588860c697ed Territorial approaches place the functioning of institutions (formal and informal) at the core of development initiatives and require strong local participation and representation in the policy process. This calls for strong vertical and horizontal co-ordination in the formulation of local priorities. First, addressing FSN requires an approach that views the term comprehensively, taking into account the four dimensions of availability, access, utilisation and stability. Second, there is a need to integrate agendas for both competitiveness and social inclusion at the level of economic regions, to target these issues in the most inclusive and efficient w'ays possible. Third, these policies should be spatially integrated, allowing sub-national authorities to be pro-active in the design and delivery of development strategies, but in ways that do not ignore the importance of multi-level co-ordination and the regulatory role of central governments. One of the principal virtues of a territorial approach to development is that it can be applied to virtually every territory, regardless of initial conditions. 2 3 0 1.0 10.18356/9bf8d10f-en 2f5f6a2de8d9c6c8e6e1d85370e2da1f In addition to these facilities, some pourashavas have specialized hospitals, such as tuberculosis and diabetic hospitals. In pourashavas, other than the government facilities, there are, on average, 2-15 private clinics, 1-4 NGO clinics and 2-20 diagnostic centres. In addition, there are 35 urban dispensaries across the country that provide primary health services, mainly to the urban poor. Many private for-profit and not-for-profit hospitals also provide health services in urban areas. Private hospitals are mostly located in big pourashavas or city corporations. To provide insight into this deprivation, the following two sections depict the nature of urban poverty and the limited access of the urban poor to the existing services. 3 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264225442-32-en 2f5ffd83f18519450914b0b4b111a629 The government has worked to improve the participation of children in education, but participation rates in early childhood education and care are low compared to the OECD average. Turkey has a higher-than-average proportion of underperforming students, and academic achievement is particularly low amongst disadvantaged students from low socio-economic backgrounds. System-level policies, such as the use of academic selection to select and sort students into specific pathways at an early age, hinder equity. 4 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264283527-en 2f6035b73c3f34ea7e6d11825a122903 The future challenge for the NHS is to be able to maintain the motivation of its workforce, and to contain and reverse the drain of professionals. The low number of nurses, however, is not likely to grow in the near future: while the number of medical graduates has increased consistently over time, the number of nurse graduates has been decreasing since 2009. In particular, health gains and increased activity in the NHS were obtained without extra resources, indicating both an improvement in value for money as well as the existence of large inefficiencies in the system. 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264208292-6-en 2f60fa3b7487c81ed581399ce18c414e "For instance, it gave the central authorities the right to choose the location of large infrastructure projects. This led to ambiguity about the roles of the national authorities and CARs. The law allows territorial authorities to adopt ""contract plans” whereby they agree to co-finance large, strategically important projects - but no definition of “large projects"" is provided." 6 4 0 1.0 10.18356/1608bb4d-en 2f630fc99f6c08b6159b23c41df6e9c5 Traditional medicine is also said to be more effective in the treatment of psychic and psychosomatic conditions. This is because the healers have knowledge of the patient's background while conserving African culture. There are countries where traditional medicine practitioners have been registered and have associations. 3 0 4 1.0 11.1002/pub/8111ea61-c3a8a09b-en 2f648888ee3c6c8567dc2b427206e2c2 Furthermore, Industry and Member States of ITU-T can benefit from converged and aligned standards. The platform can realize data parsing, data storage and data management, thus achieving the comprehensive telecom operation analysis among users, services, networks and terminals. Based on the China Unicom Xingkong Big Data Platform, some CUXBDP-supported products were produced for a series of industries, including finance, transport, tourism, government, etc. 9 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264235151-4-en 2f6554544e6ba4183bb940eb41d353fb If supported by extension services they could more effectively help farmers access agricultural inputs, training, technology, and market information. While the waiver of irrigation service fees has increased farmer income, it has reduced the incentive for farmers to save water, made the national budget fully responsible not only for capital investment, but also for financing operation and maintenance costs, and diminished incentives for irrigation and drainage management companies to provide quality irrigation services. While the government could remain responsible for all capital investment in the irrigation systems, farmers should cover all operation and maintenance costs. 2 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264303119-en 2f6571a3c4fba13243b4f2612066f046 The perception that there was a need for the study of the full or external costs of electricity generation beyond its plant-level production costs was very much motivated by concerns about the external cost of air pollution. While in the meantime climate change risks have assumed comparable importance, the costs of air pollution remain a top priority in the planning and regulation of sustainable electricity systems. These emissions arise during the combustion of fossil fuels (coal, oil, gas or biomass) that impact primarily the respiratory system leading to bad health (morbidity) or premature death (mortality). Economics has long attempted to monetise these impacts by assessing an individual’s marginal willingness to pay for marginal changes in the probability of incurring mortality risk, from which the notion of the value of a statistical life (VSL) can be derived. Methodologies for monetising morbidity damages also exist but are less stabilised. 7 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264298644-en 2f660494ada74f31a9a2ff2a3b05b82b This law also reorganised the central administration, introduced measures to facilitate co-ordination among public entities and strengthened the Prime Minister’s Office’s function to co-ordinate and evaluate public policies. Efforts to ensure open policy-making are also supported by Open Government Initiative, which promotes a digital agenda to: better engage citizens in policy making; simplify bureaucracy; and increase transparency. In particular, skills policies and programmes are perceived as complex and ever-changing, making it hard for stakeholders, and in particular business, to interact effectively with public authorities. Accordingly, lack of co-ordination and co-operation within the public sector and between public authorities and the private sector were identified as key issues. 4 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/8cbd3f0d-en 2f68c6c2cd90c0c60c3291aaed09a653 Artificially low disclosures of experiences of intimate partner violence and sexual violence can be associated with the way in which the introduction to the survey is framed, as well as the framing of specific modules of questions concerning experiences of violence. Surveys that ask respondents in the early stages to think about crime in the neighbourhood, for example, may orient respondents away from thinking about intimate partners when asked to divulge experiences of violence. Introductions also provide essential instructions to respondents concerning measures that have been put in place to ensure their safety while they respond to sensitive questions, such as rescheduling to another time or switching to a neutral questionnaire if a family member comes on the scene. 5 0 3 1.0 10.6027/9789289338837-12-en 2f6a6aa9eb12cfbf47940e452aefa6f2 It argues that education systems and learning practices need to adapt education services to fit local needs and conditions. The report advocates a shift from viewing knowledge as a standardized commodity to seeing it as a distributed resource that has led to pressures for decentralization of control and decision-making, local adaptations, and increased use of technology to access knowledge. The attainment of education (whether formal or not) is an investment in human capital. The outcome of this investment is knowledge production and transfer that ensures the livelihoods and prosperity of Arctic communities. 4 0 4 1.0 10.18356/7b53d77f-en 2f6b10171127f9e8c9f0afa36dc3dae3 In such countries as India and Thailand, a large net positive contribution was more a reflection of weak domestic demand, particularly investment, rather than strong exports. In particular, Bangladesh, Cambodia and Myanmar have benefited from increased inflows of foreign direct investment (FDI) in recent years, partly due to relocation of production from China. The inflows have supported relatively strong manufacturing growth in these economies (see figure A). 8 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264233836-8-en 2f6f5c3b1d5e2da6fec22566e7bd444b The programme is delivered through 12 medical specialist colleges under funding agreements with the federal government. The colleges then provide funding to health care settings that have successfully applied to support these placements. More than 50% of training posts have an element of training in regional and rural areas. 3 1 3 0.5 10.18356/e569c117-en 2f724e72ef612a7a03583681e6803e14 For example, transfers to poor households with children are generally targeted according to level of income, but evidence shows that - despite their positive impact on poverty - transfers have been affected by large errors of inclusion/exclusion, as in the case of allowances in Eastern European countries, or by other inefficiencies linked to the high costs of targeting, evident in the South African child grants (European Report on Development, 2010). In the case of school feeding, for instance, we observed that combining the means of providing meals (on-site, take-home), as in the case of Cambodia, has achieved multiple objectives in terms of a household's decision to send their children to school and to keep their attendance rates high. On the other hand, programmes combining measures that foster access with supply side interventions that provide structures and services to poor children, has proven relevant in supporting their participation in school, such as BRAC in Bangladesh and BRIGFIT in Burkina Faso, while the milk supply programme in Mexico contributes to improving nutrition standards. 1 3 0 1.0 10.1787/9789264091269-en 2f74311f976d4307f4e71534e8c46d52 The respondent has to reason from a meta-perspective, taking into account an entire system of problem solving states and possible solutions. Often the criteria and the goals have to be inferred from the given information before actually starting the solution process. The study design combined educational testing techniques with those of household survey research. 4 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264303119-en 2f75bfe000e077b2b908108e95f77135 They will invest in additional abatement wherever possible, thus creating a positive dynamic effect towards less pollution per unit of output, even though the absolute levels of pollution will remain fixed. From the former it takes the pricing of all units of emissions; from the latter it takes the idea of creating markets through the allocation of property rights. Last but not least, from the neo-Coasean approach it takes the idea that government’s role is primarily to reduce transaction costs in order to allow for new and more efficient forms of internalisation. Switching from a free allocation of quotas consistent with historical use rights to an allocation by auction has increased the need to pay attention to the plight of historic C02 emitters, which previously had been able to cushion the choc. 7 2 3 0.2 10.1787/9789264235151-4-en 2f77b2998aaaafa9465bbf9dea567aca This would help to facilitate the achievement of Viet Nam’s ambitious goals on both trade and food security. The current system creates a conflict between the objectives of improving the market orientation of the sector and ensuring food security. It limits competition, creates market uncertainty and reduces the incentive to develop long-term marketing arrangements. The result is a continued focus on supplying low-quality rice. The failure of the system to prevent the transmission of rising world prices onto the domestic market in 2008 suggests that the rational for maintaining the policy in place is not sound. 2 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264267510-10-en 2f79336d2b80eb579a090fba428a6f1d However, the percentage of computers connected to the Internet in socio-economically disadvantaged schools is lower than in advantaged schools, and is also lower in rural than in urban schools (Table 11.6.6). There are considerably more education systems (26) where school computers in private schools are more frequently connected to the Internet than those in public schools, than there are education systems (3) where computers in public schools are more frequently connected to the Internet. There is a similar number of PISA-participating countries and economies where the relationship is positive (7) as education systems where it is negative (11), after accounting for the socio-economic profile of students and schools. 4 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264204638-6-en 2f7c92b52b6b3c05b0a8f9fc96dbe40f A further 7% is technical. The remaining 4% is technological. While this is a small proportion of SENA's total effort, it accounts for over half of the national effort in the area. Important efforts are under way, guided by the Ministries of Labour and Education, to develop and implement a national competency framework to integrate the national training effort. 9 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/01a171e9-en 2f7cfd5827729bb18fbb1230e480b424 R&D gaps limit the ability of developing countries to assess not only the technological but also the economic, social and environmental opportunities, challenges and risks that may emerge from frontier technologies, and put in place the relevant policy frameworks. Synthetic biology for example is a key frontier technology with significant potential impact on food security, health and the environment. As discussed in chapter I, digitalization and automaton will give rise to profound changes across many sectors, including manufacturing, which has historically driven structural transformation and provided better jobs for workers displaced from lower productivity sectors. A labour force with skills that are complementary to technological advances is essential if technological change is to be compatible with social inclusion. Rapid technological progress requires the labour force to devebp a broader range of skills, focusing on humans’ comparative advantage, to increase empbyability. 9 0 5 1.0 10.1787/9789264234437-4-en 2f7f95ef1a89f0817d747d581605782e Emphasising non-climate-related policy benefits can be an effective way of building local support for measures such as congestion charges and land value capture tools (Ang and Marchal, 2013). Environmentally related taxation ensures market prices reflect some proportion of the environmental costs associated with economic activity. By adjusting relative prices, it helps shift producer and consumer behaviour towards more environmentally beneficial activities and products. 7 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264122314-4-en 2f7fdb0e5703901deeb205df9ef8e25f Because of both public health and clinical advances, there have been tremendous reductions in the rates of infectious diseases in all eight countries. Similar reductions are seen in other OECD countries over different time periods. Note the number of deaths from infectious diseases include AIDS. As the prevalence of infectious diseases declined; more attention turned to acute illnesses. In most OECD countries, all five components of the health care system became focused on preventing and treating acute illnesses. Acute illness became the primary concern of the latter half of the 20th century. 3 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264259157-4-en 2f815710eee60a909a987557cc085baa It gives more time to fathers to spend with their children which also supports child development; while it gives mothers more scope to pursue their labour market aspirations and career opportunities, strengthen their long-term labour force attachment and pension entitlements, enhancing both their financial independence and their families’ resources. It could also have benefits for the economy and society as a whole as a better allocation of labour market resources can spur on economic growth. Both are in a similar work situation and are eligible for paid leave. 5 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264283428-en 2f868507bd28eb71d4bd61d02a18b25d Nevertheless, some groups are exempted from these user fees, such as children under the age of 6 and people over the age of 65, low-income groups, pregnant women, people with severe disabilities and people with many different medical conditions. Concerns are growing regarding individual regions' ability to provide the services that the benefit package defines at the national level. When the first Essential Levels of Care were published in 2001, the legislation only provided a general description of the sublevels of care that regions had to provide. 3 0 6 1.0 10.18356/5ff49553-en 2f88edd3f3abfe6c8af26ffffc0e6833 The worst affected countries are the Andean countries (Ecuador, Peru and the Plurinational State of Bolivia), some Central American countries and Haiti. As a result, over 100 million people in the region are exposed to air pollution levels that exceed WHO recommended limits (Cifuentes and others, 2005), which causes serious health problems. Particulate emissions, including precursors such as sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, have various points of origin. Transportation is the main source of pollution, both directly and indirectly by loosening and stirring up dust. Paving roads, reducing sulfur content and making cleaner fuels, implementing vehicle inspection systems and modernizing the automotive fleet are some steps in the right direction for resolving these problems, but they must be strengthened. The truck and bus fleet is very old and poorly maintained and growing congestion is increasing emissions, production losses and other externalities. 10 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264121164-7-en 2f8aff4df1b73297a8e7a501bd949f2d "These findings, which are based on a large sample of countries, including OECD and emerging countries, are corroborated by previous research reviewed in de Looper and Lafortune, 2009. Data refer to 2008 for ""IUrkey; and 2007 for Australia, Japan and New Zealand. Adults are generally defined as individuals over 15 years old." 3 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.14217/5jxx20dk8jf5-en 2f8cf7dffafc92612d78cc89b0f0aa4d So SIDS have the ocean space with its living and non-living resources that can be developed sustainably to support economic growth, trade and development. At present, some steps are being taken especially as regards common fisheries agreements for their common benefit. Such agreements could also be applicable to the management of other living and nonliving resources including genetic resources, algae for biofuels and food production, and even mining in the seabed. In the case of SIDS, the joint development of joint oceans space can enhance the scope for sustainable management of oceans resources. 14 0 7 1.0 10.6027/4a27e063-en 2f8f0864175981b012ee1244380f2415 However, in general, inthe 20th century, access to the marine resources in Nordic countries has been based on principles of equal and free access for all coastal dwellers. In addition, and also based on an economic motivation, the time limit on quota shares were lifted to increase the stability and base for investment. The inclusion of vessels under 10 GT meant that more than a further 700 vessels now entered the ITQ system, which was now mainstreamed across species and sub-sectors. 14 0 3 1.0 10.14217/9781848599451-4-en 2f8fa895fbd90721361b90d88bf77e60 Reports indicate that acid attacks are on the rise in Pakistan (Ilahi 2014). In 2014 alone, the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan found that 232 women in Pakistan suffered acid attacks or were burned, the majority by someone they knew (International Crisis Group 2015). Eight female parliamentarians have dedicated the development funds allocated to them to establish burn units in their respective district hospitals. For example, in 2010 WPC convened the first Convention of Women Parliamentarians on ‘The Role of Women Parliamentarians in Peace, Security & Reconciliation, which included women legislators from federal and provincial assemblies. 5 0 7 1.0 10.6027/9789289338578-10-en 2f911741f0465fdee27aa4ec828a9240 One way to solve this bottleneck is for actors in the food supply chain, charity organisations and especially national authorities (food security, social security and environment) to make a clear statement and develop guidelines supporting food redistribution as a positive activity, as long as the food in question is not fit for selling in ordinary ways. It is important that the well established systems for local direct redistribution, especially from retail shops and other local sources (primary producers, local food producers, food markets, festivals etc.) Food redistribribution is a very cost effective way to prevent food waste and increase the quality of life of low-income and social clients, which should imply that both the food donors, the social welfare authorities and governmental authorities could have a role to contribute to a long term and more solid financial situation. Price per meal distributed for serving through the food banks operations will be about NOK 4,40 based in net costs for food banks in 2013 (see Table 4), which is a quite low cost for the society. 2 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264267787-en 2f919daea40679b218b69d90f10ef5d3 In Norway, only GPs have the choice to re-license eveiy five years, although the system is not mandatory. Higher fees are offered to GPs who undertake re-licensing. Current approaches to developing health professionals’ skills and knowledge need to be strengthened in such a way as to be best matched to changing population needs. To some extent this can be included in CME and CPD activities, for instance by tailoring available training to areas of professional weakness. Italy did this in 2013 by requiring CME and CPD providers to offer certain high-priority training such as maternal health, sexual health and preventive health (OECD, 2014a). 3 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264233294-6-en 2f91c7ae7b8d20ef3ab569f4b070884f In total, around 45% of total EU emissions are covered by the EU ETS (EC, 2013). Installations are required to measure direct emissions each year, and provide emissions reports verified by an accredited verifier. In addition, the EU Directive on financial reporting was amended in 2014 to require large public interest entities with more than 500 employees to also report on non-financial information (EC, 2014). 13 1 4 0.6 10.1787/9789264205307-5-en 2f93232fb463884b8976404633b06b2b Larger firms (55%) are more likely to be partnering for innovation than smaller firms (36%), while the same holds for exporters (58%) and cross-border traders (53%) compared to domestic firms (31%). Exporters have a systematically higher rating in all kinds of business innovation attributes than cross-border traders, while the latter display higher ratings than domestic firms. These relationships are focused heavily on clients/customers and suppliers, with collaboration generally much less widespread for other partners. Overall, international partnerships are more widely reported than cross-border relationships for links with suppliers, higher education institutes, intermediaries and business services. 9 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264267787-en 2f950d73dcd79932299567021c408ff7 Portugal, Italy and Sweden should also foster leadership of PCPs in prevention programmes (OECD, 2013b, 2014c, 2015d). These countries lack measures to support PCPs to take on responsibilities for managing chronic conditions. England’s QOF is one of the largest programmes worldwide to embed evidence-based measures for secondary prevention in chronic disease management in primary care. The programme gives GPs a financial incentive to provide evidence-based care for a wide range of LTCs, including diabetes. 3 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264089457-en 2f95a5b2c9be3cb5e1324299925845b9 The operation of USAINS represents a major success for USM in generating income and enabling its staff to supplement their salaries by commercialising their professional services. For research-intensive universities, the principal driver is scientific excellence. In the case of federally funded research institutes, they are under less pressure to be attentive to city development since they are profiled to respond to national needs. Furthermore, there is no formal process for monitoring outcomes and assessing the impact of local engagement. 4 3 1 0.5 10.1787/9789264247567-7-en 2f9612c18338e98d50823e4fea966f78 As the formula already includes a weighting for teacher qualifications, on the grounds that schools with higher qualified teachers should not be penalised for having higher per teacher costs, so the same argument applies to higher per teacher costs due to experience, unless the data on years of teacher experience are difficult to collect. A further consideration that would militate against this proposal is if the Ministry of Education wishes to give schools a financial incentive to employ younger teachers, especially given the provision that retired teachers can continue in post without foregoing any pension. This would be contingent on regular school attendance and satisfactory progress. An example of such a grant is the United Kingdom’s Education Maintenance Allowance (replaced, in England, in 2011 by a 16-19 bursary scheme) (see NIDirect, 2014), which evaluation studies showed to be effective (Middleton et. 4 0 9 1.0 10.14217/9781848591431-6-en 2f984cdea3ffc3070fbbe28f2fe98941 There are therefore many documented examples of how different countries in the Commonwealth use sport to support some of their main policy priorities for health. The network believes that sport and physical activity are effective ways of attracting youth while serving as creative mediums to facilitate and share positive messages about HIV and AIDS and other critical health issues affecting youth. Sport and physical activity are used to build awareness about HIV and AIDS while also encouraging peers to discuss issues affecting their lives and their communities. 3 0 3 1.0 10.30875/32bff34e-en 2f9918f27bac4bc626b26f932fd4b251 The EIF is also assisting South Sudan in producing its first national trade policy and is supporting the country’s WTO accession process. In addition, the EIF is financing the preparation of e-trade readiness assessments in Liberia, Nepal, Samoa, the Solomon Islands and Vanuatu. New projects have been approved in Bangladesh, Bhutan, Djibouti and Guinea to finance the development of pharmaceutical products, electronic commerce, tourism and quality standards. Through better farming practices, farmers are able to receive double the market price for their products and increase their exports by working collectively. 1 1 3 0.5 10.18356/8b39d69c-en 2f9b79d798dc66b3308e46e2fefcdcaa This also points to the fact that constructing a deprivation indicator explicitly means reducing the underlying dimensions to one single dimension; items that do not scale on this, are then left out of the analysis (see de Neubourg and Plavgo, 2012 for more detail). In order not to lose the information revealed by these indicators we will take them again into consideration when discussing the overlap between the domains in section 4 of this paper. One item (holidays) was excluded because the data were lacking for 9 countries; an attempt to make a holiday composite by using the adult holiday question failed because we found that this was not a reliable proxy4 for children’s holidays. 1 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264281318-9-en 2f9d60742d10d673eb5c84b87ce16dee Incentives to delay early marriage and curb teenage pregnancies are also critical to keeping adolescent girls in school. Policy should also ensure that women have the same chances as men to develop the skills they have acquired in school, the workplace and everyday life. A Systematic Review of the Evidence”, EPPI Centre, Social Science Research, Unit, Institute of Education, University of London, London, et al 2011.pdf. 5 0 4 1.0 10.1787/5jxzf5khtg9t-en 2f9d9c488de3bc590694165960843aae International projects, such as “Sample” and the “ESS-Net on Small Area Estimation” have consolidated methodologies in this area, produced flexible software routines and facilitated dialogue among statistical offices16. Two caveats, however, apply. First, there is no model that is good in general: each application of small area estimation must be adapted to its expected use and users. Second, these models are best implemented at the national level. 1 3 0 1.0 10.1787/9789264300002-5-en 2f9db9673fa6c2283a5d3881e5d2f293 The reality is that many good ideas get stuck in the process of policy implementation. Governments are under pressure to deliver results in education services while ensuring that citizens' tax dollars are spent wisely and effectively. They set ambitious reform agendas and develop strategic plans to achieve them. 4 4 5 0.1111111111111111 10.1787/5kg0nvfvwjd0-en 2fa1fc0d8a1bc27b003b4cba003a8b82 The creation of “one-stop” help centres may prove effective. Expanding public procurement processes to support green businesses and lead by example is another way in which business development in the green economy could take place. The example of Toronto public schools is interesting in this context. 9 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.18356/be112931-en 2fa3b2b81f0025174e1c5070053615dc Third National Report or i Biodiversity Conservation i n Kyrgyz Republic. According to the new forest policy, the State is going to broadly involve local population in joint forest management. This process is aimed at mobilization of international efforts of Governments, producers, consumers and donors to combat illegal logging and corruption in the forestry sector. 15 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264179370-3-en 2fa4af843729fcd636c83603fc9ccdae At the same time, however, ageing populations will also increase the demand for long-term care (OECD, 2011b). In many emerging economies, the fulfilment of family obligations such as caring for aging relatives is a priority for women, regardless of their personal career ambitions. In China, this issue is of particular concern due to the prevailing one-child policy which, amongst other things, means that such care obligations cannot be shared between siblings (Hewlett and Rashid, 2011). 5 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/bee3dd14-en 2fa74f0ce3abeb27e5ac7d3d3742441d Getting energy provision right—in terms of shifting to sustainable energy production and energy consumption—is crucial as it holds the potential to mitigate climate change by shifting from fossil fuel sources to renewables and to support social and economic development by providing universal access to sustainable energy. In the case of India, which is expected to be one of the key driving forces of increasing global energy demand, the above case studies can inform decisions for sustainable and inclusive energy policies. Past experience has demonstrated that the implementation of renewable energy projects can have negative environmental and social consequences and, at times, generate strong popular opposition. Adopting social and technical innovations in energy projects can be a way to achieve eco-social benefits. 13 2 2 0.0 10.18356/caeceb38-en 2fa94e7cda459f68ace58c03790771e2 To ensure rigour, transparency and replicability, the systematic process suggested in recent guidelines for this type of review was followed (Hagen-Zanker & Mallett, 2013). The scale and diversity of these countries could not be covered within the scope of this review. Absence of high-intensity conflict. 5 8 0 1.0 10.1787/5jz159228n6j-en 2fa98f24b47a5b366b38b892771cea9d For instance, in Finland the reduction in the number of doctors enacted in the early 1990s to curb health spending resulted in a steep drop in the number of medical students, resulting in an insufficient number of doctors in the following years that is slowly being reversed (OECD, 2012a). Drug price controls usually fix a maximum price for drugs or set a cap on the profits of pharmaceutical firms. The vast majority of OECD countries apply some form of pharmaceutical price regulation (Paris etal., 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264229679-5-en 2faa3de0316c1611ca76bae0abbff1fc This may entail greater support to partner countries for administrative functions rather than for the implementation of particular activities or surveys (Bedi et al., Support for capacity building initiatives can help to ensure that data users are in a good position to infer policy implications based on documented risks and impacts. At the individual level, capacity building support can promote learning, critical thinking, team building and action planning. At the organisational and system levels, it can contribute to an environment that is open to self-reflection and learning. 13 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264233010-6-en 2facd226cd3eef718979781a8b3500c6 While it is still early days for measuring the impact of the legislation, studies are showing some positive signs. Public support for the Australia’s antitobacco policies is also high, with 75% of survey respondents supporting or feeling neutral about plain packaging and only one in three smokers opposing the measure (Rosenberg et al., Furthermore, the decline in the proportion of daily smokers appears to have accelerated in period during which plain packaging was introduced in Australia (AIHW, 2014). While further evidence about the effectiveness of plain packaging is still being gathered, these initiatives may provide the next set of policy instruments for governments to help further reduce the harmful impact of smoking in society. 3 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264188617-en 2fae377c9ecb2a7cb28827608226508b The total system costs include also the complete list of non-monetised externalities that are not mediated by the electricity grid and that affect a country’s wider economy and well-being beyond the electric power system itself. To the extent that such externalities are monetised and emitters are held responsible for their emissions, they can also be integrated into plant-level cost accounting. The 2010 edition of the Projected Costs of Generating Electricity (IEA/NEA, 2010) thus imputed a tax of USD 30 per tonne of C02 on the emissions of fossil-fuel based generators. 7 1 5 0.6666666666666666 10.18356/ecc83295-en 2fae45c45515a60e4979755e6bb4eda7 Fertility has been below replacement level—fewer than 2.1 births per woman—for years, if not decades, in 53 countries and territories (figures 29 and 30). Of these places, Taiwan, Province of China today has the world's lowest fertility rate: 1.1 births per woman. It has therefore enabled women to become economically independent (Goldin, 2006). 5 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/6a39744b-en 2fb1b5caa9ff5f318c7b9d1a157eae10 Wood-based energy comprises over 90 percent of wood removals and 90 percent of household energy consumption. Deforestation rates are about 1 percent per year, related mostly to the expansion of subsistence agriculture. The National Forest Programme promotes forest management within the context of the overall development vision and provides for cross-sectoral linkages with the environment, agriculture, energy, health, lands, minerals, water, wildlife and gender. 15 0 4 1.0 10.18356/faa55f92-en 2fb34f8590d2b37c8b67f6722496c1b9 In the absence of re-ranking, the reduction in inequality is exclusively determined by the size and progressivity of the income changes illustrated by V. Hence inequality is reduced by pro-poor income growth unless more than offset by concomitant income mobility. This shows the raw (transition) probabilities of moving into poverty or remaining non-poor at time t+1 for children in households that are non-poor at time t as well as the probabilities of moving out of poverty as opposed to remaining poor at time t+1 for children in households that are poor at time t. We are particularly interested in those who make a transition into poverty and those who remain in poverty in two consecutive waves. The dependent variable in the 'poverty entry' model is a change from poverty status 0 ('non-poor') at time t to poverty status 1 ('poor') at time t+1, and the reverse is the dependent variable in the 'exit' model. 1 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/5js30tvj21hh-en 2fb45921615206b3e79f55c95c1a9c32 In 2009 the program was better established in North and Central India, where it was also initially started (Figure 13). Among the women in households that participated to NREGA program, many are Hindu, have relatively low education, or technical or vocational education, and scheduled castes and tribes are overrepresented (see Annex 4). Labour force participation is significantly higher for women whose household participates in the program (44% versus 22% for those who do not). When a woman lives in a household that participates in the program, her probability of participation in the labour force increases on average by 0.06. 5 0 3 1.0 10.14217/9781848591462-6-en 2fb776daeb302f8c99a067afbb626dee Their ‘fertile ground rule’ requires that schools interested in participating in the programme submit an application endorsed by at least two teachers, as well as the principal. The application process helps to ensure a minimum level of commitment, as well as ensuring that there are a sufficient number of interested parties in the school to give the programme life. When training is provided in this context (typically at least twice per year), it occurs alongside a number of programme support structures, which reduce barriers to teachers implementing what they have learned. 13 3 1 0.5 10.18356/81d39474-en 2fb883784a3dbf93e3ea6269f6b19b06 For example, it has been shown that from 9 to 20 per cent of the United Kingdom’s domestic cigarette market now consists of smuggled cigarettes. In Canada, smuggled cigarettes represent about 33 per cent of all domestic cigarette consumption, although that proportion varies from province to province. In the United States, three quarters of the cigarettes observed in a Chicago neighbourhood as part of a research study had no tax stamp, indicating that they came from black or grey market sources. 3 2 2 0.0 10.1787/eco/surveys-gbr-2013-4-en 2fbf8107aea2aaa42b28b0980a1158b7 On the other hand, necessary steps should be taken to ensure support to users who do not have access to services online, and to users who face challenges when going from weekly to monthly budgeting (Finn and Tarr, 2012). Take-up of benefits will increase after reform, since households who are today taking up only part of the benefits are eligible to will automatically receive their full entitlement under Universal Credit. The integrated nature of the reform will also remove the need for separate applications when moving from one benefit to another and when moving in and out of work, as the separation between out-of-work and in-work benefits is removed. This represents a take-up rate in the range of 75 to 85% (DWP, 2010b). 10 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264205307-5-en 2fc009c7eb011ac705fb727002e27511 Today, a pervasive network of linkages exists between Philips with private organisations (SMEs and multinationals) and research and academic institutions across the three countries of the TTR-ELAt (Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands). Those cross-border areas often have a long history, and sometimes represent historical regional definitions. For example, the Swedish part of the Oresund was part of Denmark until the end of the 17th century, and Danish remained an official language for two centuries. 9 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264273238-4-en 2fc0852cabd9e5fc9c736a8ab7b5134a Education policy-making environments have become increasingly complex, due to increased decentralisation, institutional autonomy and greater accountability. Furthermore, educational contexts and institutional and policy approaches vary, depending on a country's historical development and political and institutional frameworks, as do distribution and approaches to education funding. To do so, a range of policy options are available to them, of which funding mechanisms and incentives are key. 4 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264083479-7-en 2fc30eeaa635d890fc6e9288037ceafb Many estimate that this will result in care that is of higher quality, safer and more responsive to patients’ needs as well as more efficient (appropriate, available, and less wasteful). In areas with large rural or remote populations, broadband is enabling increasing use of telemedicine to overcome the impact of the shortage of physicians and improve access to care. This is particularly important as the percentage of the population over age 65 rises significantly. Electronic health records can make medical information on individual patients readily available and can be used to follow the effects of disease and therapies on the patient over time and to detect and prevent medication errors (OECD, 2010c). 9 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264168367-4-en 2fc5b86f741935ce19a6a09bedc291fa Dahl (2010), for example, finds that teenage marriage leads to increased risk of poverty for young women in the fiiture. Several researchers have, however, suggested that the relationship may work in the opposite direction, with the falling rate of marriage resulting from the poor economic prospects of low-skilled men (Blau et al., Other studies have linked declining marriage rates to rising inequality (Gould and Paserman, 2003) while improving employment and earnings opportunities for women has further reduced the incentives for women to marry (Lundberg and Poliak, 2007). However there is very little evidence that marriage would lead to better outcomes if cohabiting couples were to marry. 1 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264088726-15-en 2fc826152864e1221f9d0b44f9c6ac74 With an average of 3% carbon content in FW kelp tissues, 306.43 tonnes of carbon would be removed per year. With the value for carbon removal often cited to be around USD 30 per tonne (Lackner, 2003), this would represent a CTC of USD 9 192.96: a large amount of carbon, but for a much smaller financial amount, underlining the difficulty in removing dissolved nutrients from aquatic systems and the acute issue of their presence in coastal systems. In the case of shellfish, accumulation of nitrogen, phosphorus and carbon should be considered both in meat and shells, especially rich in calcium carbonates. 14 3 5 0.25 10.1787/9789264245891-5-en 2fc9e4f610c62e01677512bdb5f0ded4 Extractive industries represented 65% of Kazakhstan’s exports and attracted 70% of the inflow of foreign direct investment in 2009 (OECD, 2012). The International Monetary Fund (IMF) recently identified indicators suggesting that the country is affected by Dutch disease (the apparent relationship between the increase in the economic development of natural resources and a decline in the manufacturing sector or agriculture) (IMF, 2013). Despite efforts to diversify the economy around transport, pharmaceuticals, telecommunications, petrochemicals and food processing, these continue to be less productive and not very competitive sectors. 4 9 0 1.0 10.6027/8a4204a0-en 2fcc9b352ce5089015cc8e3d23262c49 Today, around 50% of the heat consumption in the Baltic countries is served by biomass, mainly wood chips and wood waste. The development of heat pumps and municipal solid waste is driven by the economic competitiveness of heat pumps and the requirement to incinerate municipal solid waste. At the same time, efficiency measures reduce overall heat consumption in district heating systems. 7 1 4 0.6 10.1787/9789264088986-en 2fcdec78a2be358d578a553418c3e812 The report recommended various incentives for excellence in research and teaching in universities, a separate staff bonus system for other institutions and a special budget for encouraging poorly performing staff to take early retirement. In addition to these recommendations, there is a need to reduce the demarcation between the colleges and universities to improve the capacity of the colleges to respond to the regional needs and build their capacity in applied R&D. Continuing disparities in educational attainment and labour market outcomes also call for a structural change in education increasing vocational training opportunities, stronger efforts in upgrading the skills of the adult population and equitable investment in education between population groups. The population is characterised by a high degree of ethnic diversity and considerable presence of Arabs who represent about 50% of the total population. 4 0 5 1.0 10.1787/aeo-2012-8-en 2fceff92708c0b6f4104b8082e25a737 Where data are insufficient or differences small, lower and upper middle-income countries will be looked at as a single middle-income country (MIC) category. Then the definitions are detailed for each labour market concept used in this report, which concludes with an explanation of the data used. Young people under 15 fall under the ILO’s child labour convention and should not be working. 8 0 4 1.0 10.18356/dd8bb873-en 2fcf5450c96803b6cb047acaf6e40b00 Country offices should prepare gender plans that identify gaps and needs in technical support, capacity-building, joint action and advocacy, and collective monitoring that facilitate stronger gender programming. This process should be supported, monitored and reported upon annually by the respective regional bureaux to the GSIC. However, to ensure more even attention to all countries and because country offices are expected to prepare gender plans, it is suggested that regional bureaux take specific measures to support the preparation of these multi-year, country-specific gender plans and monitor and report on their formulation and implementation to the GSIC. This process will provide an opportunity for offices to assess their needs and gaps at the country level and to articulate expectations for support from the regional service centres in promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment. 5 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264234178-6-en 2fcfecff4edbd86f5220d0832b9117c3 Some countries are raising the relevancy of career guidance services by developing indicators of labour market outcomes of alumni by institutions and programmes (Box 3.12). These indicators have to be of good quality and easy to understand. To ensure transparency, they should exist at institution and programme levels. 4 0 3 1.0 10.18356/0ac071e9-en 2fd023254fb8f4c4e1a0d8f6a96a396c Between 2000 and 2010, it increased by 86.9 million, and between 2010 and 2020 it is expected to grow by a further 109 million (equivalent to 30 per cent of the 2010 labour force) to reach 474 million (chart 15). A significant share of the 30 per cent increment in the total labour force between 2010 and 2020 will occur in Ethiopia (accounting for 12 per cent), Bangladesh (11 percent) and United Republic of Tanzania (9 per cent). However, all LDCs will experience substantial growth in their labour force during the same period. 8 0 3 1.0 10.1787/0ec26947-en 2fd02d9b60adec983dffc56bffc282b2 A clear objective is to lower the cost of capital for infrastructure projects, along with improved liquidity, transparency, and expanded access to finance. Blockchain-enabled platforms are a way to standardise data, assess asset performance, and enhance compliance, which may be further augmented when they are integrated with remote sensors (internet of things), or linked to deep analytics like artificial intelligence application ns. For further consideration, four original case studies with the highest expected impact for achieving long-term and sustainable provision of infrastructure services are discussed. Acting as an open application platform, analogous to Android, a diverse set of enabling functions can be handled on the globally interoperable data infrastructure. 9 0 6 1.0 10.18356/1c6c11de-en 2fd168eb5d08a135fb0fd0d95fa4eee2 Macroeconomic policies shape the overall economic environment for realizing women’s economic and social rights through their impact on employment creation and fiscal space in particular. How macroeconomic policies are designed and implemented will thus have a direct impact on the likelihood that gender equality is achieved. Two broad categories of macroeconomic policies are fiscal policy and monetary policy. 5 0 3 1.0 10.18356/79c6e404-en 2fd38720fc298ff0d95b40280c4f87fe This deficit is particularly acute in rural areas, where a large proportion of the inhabitants have to travel a long distance to reach a road or railway. Transport infrastructure and services play a critical role in reducing rural poverty, in addition to facilitating access to schools, medical clinics, hospitals, cultural and religious institutions, and other facilities. Thus, transport infrastructure and services in rural areas have a major impact on food prices and on food security.2 They also provide physical access to markets and employment while opening up previously closed markets to competition. 9 0 5 1.0 10.18356/dec4eb09-en 2fd4dd5f15e293cbebfb535d8c60ea49 This is the basic precondition for starting to record the waste amounts delivered to the site and obtaining accurate data on MSW waste amounts, which was not possible until now. In parallel with the rehabilitation and improvement activities at the Balakhani disposal site, preparatory' activities for its closure in future will be conducted. What is more, the closure and rehabilitation of other disposal sites on the Absheron peninsula will be financed by this project. The World Bank has lent US$ 29 million for the project, which is to be provided through the International Reconstruction and Development Agency, with the balance to be contributed by the Azerbaijani Government. Public hearings were conducted and the comments were taken into consideration. 12 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264209503-5-en 2fd58052ada30aaf21b1ed1793a81217 There are also opportunities, such as with the reform of environmentally harmful subsidies, to both reduce demands on public finances and improve climate resilience. Estimating needs and identifying funding sources is an essential element of the planning process, and for successful implementation. Options may require mobilising sufficient funding, or ensuring the effective use of existing resources. 13 0 7 1.0 10.6027/9789289342698-7-en 2fd58ae02c4af915d8775809acf73e91 In 2003, 2100 people were employed in the public sector alone, and the sector is estimated to account for more than half of the total employment. Shipping accounts for nearly 20% of the total employment (Dahlstrom et al. In general, women's income is lower than that of men - an average of 82% of men's income (ASUB 2012: 4) One explanation is that more women than men are in part-time employment. Thus, the Alandic women only account for 43% of the total taxable income in the islands of the 2012 tax year (ASUB 2015: 15); however, there is a slight tendency towards bridging this gap (ASUB 2012: 17). 5 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264268852-5-en 2fd8b764faf5d87fb90a3393fc8c66d8 Population growth correlates closely with the number of square metres of new housing space, both at the regional level and in the 38 cities of regional significance (see Figure 1.19). However, some smaller towns, where population is stagnating or falling, are nevertheless seeing significant housing stock growth. In the city of Shu (Karaganda oblast), where population is stagnating, the housing stock has increased by 2.7% every year since 2011. 11 0 3 1.0 10.18356/1c11fde8-en 2fd9dfb30f010723c7d6b7a77aa67c62 In order to prevent the abuse of substances not under international control, Turkey placed 246 new psychoactive substances under national control in 2014. In addition, article 19 of the national law on the control of drugs was supplemented with provisions on generic scheduling in January 2015. The Government of Israel has taken legislative measures to curb the growing market for new psychoactive substances and their popularity among the youth in particular. In 2014, new synthetic cannabinoids and their derivatives were listed as narcotic drugs in the national legislation. 3 0 3 1.0 10.18356/07f2a46c-en 2fdce26096684aeae1dcccfdccd1258d Available from files/publication_files/cambodia2.pdf. Available from, accessed 4 July 2011. Meeting the Need: Strengthening Family Planning Programs. Seattle: PATH/UNFPA. Available from publications/files/RH_UNFPA_fp.pdf. The Philippines' birth control battle. 5 6 3 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/31959a6d-en 2fde205649072abe12113708a397083d At age 65 both women and men are entitled to the guaranteed pension if they have no other pension income and 40 years of residence in Sweden. The change was significant because benefits were individualized (i.e., not derived from family position) and the family ceased to be considered the primary economic unit (Stahlberg 2012:72). Fully funded defined contribution schemes provide individualized pensions that aim to be distribution-ally neutral. In these systems, derived benefits can be replaced by joint annuities, which incorporate a widow’s benefit in case of death. 5 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264168985-7-en 2fdeedcfce93c54ec86d525bafeb5a8c Impact analyses are considered difficult to use because they tend to be medium and long term endeavours. Criteria to evaluate the effectiveness of spatial planning are mostly sectoral, at least when it comes to short-term evaluations (e.g. concerning regional economic development, transports and communications). These evaluations are mostly process oriented, while the effectiveness can only be assessed after some years. Performance measurement is further complicated by the fact that planning systems is only one among many influences on regional development. 6 3 0 1.0 10.18356/58d686e0-en 2fe47e1ac35b1ef6bcdf163c01ac4e2f The Committee has further explained that any restriction in this field seriously limits the woman's ability to provide for herself and her dependants. The Committee has also noted with concern the high number of reservations to articles 9, 15 and 16, and called on States to withdraw them and to enact and enforce legislation in accordance with these articles. In 2004, the Special Rapporteur on the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health defined sexual health as a state of physical, emotional, mental and social well-being related to sexuality, not merely the absence of disease, dysfunction or infirmity (E/CN.4/2004/49). 5 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.14217/9781848599406-9-en 2fe614e3c88f86e2d1c7e53a427d6094 Given its existing production infrastructure, the Columbus basin off Trinidad and Tobago is considered the least risky frontier in the Caribbean. In 2011, the country produced 135,000 barrels per day of oil, and in 2010 the country produced 42 billion cubic metres of natural gas, more than three times the level seen in 2000. Currently, Jamaica has no history of production of its own, despite trying hard to encourage interest in its offshore acreage over the years. In 2014, the government secured a production-sharing agreement with Tullow Oil to explore the Walton Basin and Morant Basin areas, covering 32,065km2. The Bahamas could hold up to 4.3 million barrels of oil. 7 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.18356/73320136-en 2fe7a896c5edd7ac7b372dc95d480edc Life expectancy among 20-24-year-olds was 54.4 years in 1990 and had risen to only 54.7 by 2010. In a comparable time period, life expectancy among 20-24-year-olds increased from 54.7 to 59.0 years in neighbouring Syria, which had not yet experienced violent conflict. During the invasion of 2003, public institutions, including health care facilities, were frequently looted. 3 0 4 1.0 10.18356/1fe990fb-en 2ff41916162dce897b87c16afa2b3e6a If a person is injured in more than one occupational accident during the reference period, each case of injury to that person should be counted separately. Fatal occupational injury: an injury caused by an accident at work which leads to the death of a victim within one year of the accident. Note: cases of occupational disease and cases of injury due to commuting accidents (see glossary) are generally excluded from the numerator. Employed persons (age 15+): Employment is defined according to the resolution of the 19th ICLS in 2013 (see glossary). 8 2 2 0.0 10.18356/1c11fde8-en 2ff5f26a32ac232b15205037d7699efe Romania reported that the quantity of amphetamine-type stimulants seized in 2014 was almost 11 times greater than that seized in 2013. In 2014, Austria reported the detection of three amphetamine and nine methamphetamine laboratories, while German authorities dismantled 11 amphetamine laboratories and three laboratories that had been manufacturing methamphetamine from pseudoephedrine extracted from nasal decongestants. In the Czech Republic, the number of dismantled methamphetamine laboratories slightly increased to 272 in 2014, compared with 262 laboratories dismantled in 2013. 3 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264116917-10-en 2ff683c16602a5573eba9e277ae5a06b They were in fact direct translations of the English items used in the English-medium sector. The Ministry is now collaborating with Maori assessment experts to develop a national monitoring study for the Maori-medium sector. However, it remains voluntary for schools to purchase and implement student management systems. In a 2006 survey, almost a third of the responding primary school principals reported that they had no SMS yet (Hipkins et al., 4 0 4 1.0 10.18356/74f4872a-en 2ff910db35dee11d8ac9644fa1188126 A few small economies such as Guyana, Trinidad and Tobago, and Uruguay also spend less than 2 per cent of GDP on infrastructure. In contrast, Andean countries such as the Plurinational State of Bolivia, Colombia and Peru spend above 6 per cent, followed closely by smaller economies such as Nicaragua, with expenditure of nearly 6 per cent in 2015. At the other extreme, South-East Asia spent just 2.1 per cent, as the economies hit by the East Asian financial crisis of 1997 (such as Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand) experienced significant declines in public spending as a proportion of GDP that have not fully recovered thereafter (ADB, 2017:28-30). In Africa, the biggest infrastructure deficit is thought to be in the energy sector (AfDB, 2013: 3, 2018), although even here, transport stands out as the sector with the largest financing needs over the coming decades (see figure 4.3). 9 1 3 0.5 10.1787/agr/outlook-2015-5-en 2ffbfd0b83814a005ca1962c1687aeb5 They are complemented by regulations on land use, the specification of which agricultural zones are suitable for given crops (and therefore more likely to receive official credit), as well as regulations on biofuel use and organic production. Brazil also directs substantial public funds into land reform to empower the poor to generate better incomes. These funds provide disadvantaged groups with access to agricultural land, financial resources, and the knowledge and skills necessary to undertake farming and other economic activities. Support is classified according to its tendency to distort production of trade, but it also gives an indication of how policies priorities vary across the sector. 2 0 3 1.0 10.18356/cb17bdad-en 2ffcd17ed16575a357eaea7d22ed9dae "In the concluding observations examined in thissurvey.all the committees frequently expressed concern at the absolute ban on abortions and the lack of availability of free contraception, and stress the right to reproductive health.95 In LC v Peru the CEDAW Committee required the State party to provide an appropriate legal framework for therapeutic abortion providing for rapid decision-making to avoid risk to the pregnant mother. This decision related to a situation where a 13-year-old girl, pregnant following rape and injured after an attempted suicide. Thus in the concluding observations in this study the CRPD Committee consistently calls for States to insist on informed choice on the part of women with disabilities in relation to both abortion and sterilization. Concluding Observations China First Periodic Report.” Concluding Observations Spain First Periodic Report.""" 5 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/6e8bb756-en 2ffd2dd4a6bf1de2f681f0b4bcc490e1 In India, for example, the Bangalore Electricity Supply Company allows customers with no arrears on electricity bills to purchase Compact Fluorescent Light (CFL) bulbs from approved retailers, either via direct purchase at a discounted price or via payment in instalments over 9 months through electricity bills (Arquit Niederberger, 2008). In Mauritius, the Central Electricity Board provides CFLs at half price, supported by a government grant under the Maurice Isle Durable programme. Decoupling reverses that logic by providing an incentive for utilities to promote EE. 7 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264292659-4-en 2ffd75527931cbbeaa6c41a04a0ba995 The OECD Principles on Water Governance, rather than providing a general toolkit unfit for most situations, deliver and widely diffuse recommendations to policy makers to consider when reviewing existing policies or defining new ones (Table 1.4). Moreover, rules are not necessarily embedded in laws: in many countries, they are rooted in customary water rights. However, there is an institutional layer (meso-institutions), which is often either neglected or even missing, and that links the macro-institutional layer at which rules are defined and the micro-institutional layer at which implementation takes place. 6 0 5 1.0 10.1787/5jlssl611r32-en 2ffdce73077092a8d3c2b6a6800c30c3 "Masanet and Walker (2013) investigate in detail the opportunities for reducing steam requirements - which has the great advantage of also reducing energy requirements (since energy is required to convert water to steam) - in the major steam-using sectors of the manufacturing economy: chemicals, paper, petroleum refining and food production. They find ample opportunities for harvesting ‘low-hanging fruit"" and significantly reducing energy and water usage in these sectors through more efficient use of steam in manufacturing. The approach to demand analysis in the case of industrial use is often through mathematical programming of the industrial operation (Griffin 2006). Such studies may or may not report the implied price elasticity of demand." 6 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/9edc576b-en 30014c43c9eb102f66477a428bdc1f2e The total annual flow is 39.22 billion m3/year with 86 per cent of the annual flow in the humid winter season (October-May), and the remaining 14 per cent of the annual flow in the dry summer season (July-September). Overall renewable water resources amount to 13,300 m3 per capita, of which 65 per cent is generated within Albania and the remaining 35 per cent from countries upstream. In combination with the characteristic porous, karstic and fissured aquifers, this results in huge renewable groundwater resources of an overall 1,250 million m3/year in seven main geological strata. 6 0 3 1.0 10.18356/a11581d8-en 3001fe4961a34caed85c9ade8a96a936 Between now and 2050, the urban population of Africa is likely to triple and that of Asia to increase by 61 per cent, so that by 2050 most of the world’s urban population will be concentrated in Asia (52 per cent) and Africa (21 per cent). In 1990, 10 urban agglomerations were characterized as “megacities”, with each hosting more than 10 million inhabitants. Together, they accounted for 7 per cent of the global urban population. 11 1 3 0.5 10.1787/empl/outlook-2016-8-en 30022a2a8ea78732ecc746ad71dcf7aa "Calculations are based on net hourly earnings adjusted for social transfers. The corresponding risk figure therefore represents the share of employed working-age individuals living in households with a monthly disposable income of less than 6 000 Russian rubles (this corresponds to an hourly low-pay threshold of 1.14 PPP-adjusted international dollars for a member of a two-earner family working full-time). In most countries where data are available, women’s jobs are less secure than men’s along both dimensions (Figure 4.17). Focusing on the risk of unemployment per se, however, does not paint a comprehensive picture of labour market risks in emerging economies, as the lack of effective safety nets makes unemployment unaffordable for many workers and pushes them into jobs of ""last resort” (OECD, 2015b, Chapter 5)." 5 5 4 0.1111111111111111 10.1787/9789264281486-7-en 3006d0c400ddf9ca6722ca858a1a39e1 The local education council advises the municipal government and its education department on regional matters of education policy - such as the consolidation of the school network. In the Alytus region, for example, the review team met with representatives of a local education council that brings together more than 80 members representing teachers, parents and students of all general education institutions, though councils are more often comprised of approximately 15 members. Nearly all schools delivering the primary and lower secondary curriculum are subordinate to municipalities, the main public school founder. 4 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5k98p4wm6kmv-en 3007271371cf39aaf33f7b4185512587 The centrepiece, and one of the keys to success, will be a high-profile lead initiative that pilots an integrated set of green building and sustainable settlement approaches in Eilat, as a model ‘green city’. The effect could be catalytic, transforming perceptions of the region, providing new skills and employment opportunities for existing residents and supporting local green business start-ups. It needs to be recognised that these training and employment opportunities will not be limited to green skills per se, but will likely be even more prevalent in traditional skills areas in construction, electricity, etc. 7 2 3 0.2 10.1787/9789264116672-5-en 300ae4c728958a2cd606d418669e4228 The risk of a limited integration is that there is little guarantee that evaluation and assessment procedures in the Catholic and Independent sectors are sufficiently aligned with student learning objectives and educational targets at the national and systemic levels. Evaluation and assessment practices in Australia benefit from outstanding expertise in areas such as standardised test development, common reporting frameworks, national comparable data on student outcomes and externally-based student assessment and relies significantly on the investigation generated by a large and active educational research community. An example is the development of teacher capacity to assess against the whole range of curriculum goals to ensure consistency of A-E ratings across schools (see Chapter 3). 4 0 7 1.0 10.1787/9789264200524-4-en 300df3f582241afc5e23ad36753ef3b9 Notably, the United Nations Economic Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) founded the original Mekong River Committee in 1957, and continues to support the Commission established in 1995. It assists in the development and strengthening of multicountry river basin institutions, fostering policy and legislative reforms, and promoting broad stakeholder involvement in addressing key threats and priorities. It has allocated USD 9.2 billion, supplemented by more than USD 40 billion in co-financing, for more than 2 700 projects in over 165 countries. For example, GWP has been leading since 2000 the Dialogues on Effective Water Governance with the International Council for Local Environment Initiatives (ICLEI). 6 1 4 0.6 10.1787/9789264027862-12-en 3011dcab60f9028d9ec54119e22336dc A gender perspective calls attention to these differences, and seeks to ensure that the security needs and capacities of women and girls (circa 50% of the population) are not excluded. Acknowledging and responding to the different security and justice needs of women, men, boys and girls. For instance, women face a higher risk of domestic violence and men face a higher risk of gun violence. Only through fully understanding and responding to these context-specific differences in security and justice needs can SSR initiatives increase security and justice equally for women, men, boys and girls. Ensuring the full and equal participation of men and women within security decision-making as well as within security system institutions. 5 0 7 1.0 10.18356/520b80a5-en 3014b128f6f6da5a92f3281319bee0f5 In the Greater Mekong subregion, remittances exceeded ODA and FDI inflows in terms of volume in Viet Nam (Jalilian, 2012). Remittances are valuable as they increase the capabilities of individuals and households, but they do not help in the manner that ODA does with regard to the provision of public goods, such as roads, water supply, education and health care. Therefore, the current curtailment in the magnitude of ODA as a result of the global recession of 2008-2009 in the developed world is of concern. 10 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264289062-5-en 301583f578d61f0c7c5ace497d7666df It has been increasing in Kazakhstan at only a relatively slow pace, from 5% in 1965 (World Bank, 2016; Committee of Statistics, Kazakhstan, 2016). Over the same period, it increased on average from 9% to 16% in OECD countries, from 8% to 17% in Central Europe and the Baltics, from 8% to 15% in Ukraine, and from 7% to 13% in Russia (World Bank, 2016). The age dependency ratio is the number of persons younger than 15 and older than 64 as a proportion of the working-age population (ages 15-64). 3 3 1 0.5 10.18356/665c59ff-en 3018f15995ded1244ed2b77adf95effb "Early investment in low-carbon, climate-resilient infrastructure will avoid “lock-in"" to systems of markets, urban density and distribution, which confer a heavy environmental burden and constrain future options. A great deal of policy on energy generation in advanced economies has focused on the need to reduce carbon emissions, and that focus has promoted major investments in developing and deploying renewable energy. The facilities to produce renewable energy are generally smaller than those for carbon-based generation, and they offer the combined advantage of decentralized production and off-grid access that supports greater social inclusion and security in supply. The roll-out time for renewables is quick, requiring much less basic infrastructure than does energy generation based on fossil fuels and hydropower (Rwanda; Chapter 6). Renewable energy production also tends to be more employment intensive than traditional forms of energy generation (ILO, 2016). However, the take-up of renewable energy has been hindered in some countries by a policy regime that favours traditional, large electricity generating systems." 7 0 7 1.0 10.1787/saeo-2017-8-en 3020d1819ecb3e81559fd9028ebb8a0b The average annual percentage point increase was calculated from the initial year to the end of the period. This target is supplemented by ambitious targets for the energy mix and electricity mix that are defined as a share of different metrics. In particular, Thailand aims to increase the share of renewable energy to 20% of electricity capacity by 2036, while the share of large-scale hydropower is expected to be 15-20% in addition. 7 0 7 1.0 10.1787/eco/surveys-zaf-2010-6-en 30224fc8f22c2aaf6f3b27dcacc98ebe Summary of recommendations for increasing labour utilisation (cont.) One issue that appears to have caused the jump in labour force participation (and employment) at the time of the replacement of the October Household Survey by the Labour Force Survey is that coverage of agriculture, especially subsistence agriculture, improved. Among the many analyses of South Africa’s unemployment problem are Bhorat (2004), Kingdon and Knight (2004), and Baneijee et a I. (2007). The low unemployment rate shown in Table 3.4 for those with no education, and to a lesser extent to those with some or completed primary but no secondary education, probably reflects the greater tendency of those groups to be in subsistence activities or discouraged, and thus classified as not in the labour force. 8 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264268852-7-en 30241a91b516883006f2d8c222253370 Mexico’s BANOBRAS (National Bank of Works and Public Services)15 and Turkey’s IlBank (Bank of Provinces)16 are examples of development banks that provide financing to local governments for investment projects and that could be of inspiration to Kazakhstan. These banks finance public investment in infrastructure and public services that contribute to social development and competitiveness. Local authorities are accountable only to higher-level government bodies and do not serve at the will of citizens (Makhmutova, 2006). In 2013, SNGs’ expenditure accounted for 9.4% of GDP (17% average in OECD countries) and 46.3% of public expenditure (40% in OECD countries in 2014) (Table 3.8). 11 1 3 0.5 10.18356/864d004f-en 3024776947b9a25c9478a6c0eceef56b Nevertheless, there are frequent cases of late payment of waste-related invoices by municipalities and an associated accumulation of arrears. In a similar vein, a financial guarantee is required for the operation of installations of treatment and processing of hazardous, industrial, medical and pharmaceutical waste. There are provisions for fines in the event of non-compliance with the established legal standards. 6 0 3 1.0 10.6027/4594b3f8-en 3027d8a8a6aa1fec2565f15458b08463 In the outer coastal region, visiting baleen whales migrate northward toward the productive Barents Sea during summer months, where they feed on the large abundance of zooplankton and smaller fish species. These species include the humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae), minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) and fin whale (Balaenopters physalus). It is beyond the scope to provide a complete overview of trends in biodiversity and ecosystem function of the entire North-East Atlantic region here. Indicators within the Nature Index of Norway represent populations of characteristic indigenous species, and the indicator values are based on data from monitoring, model estimates and expert assessments. 15 3 1 0.5 10.1787/9789264083479-4-en 30281a070f6600f87a8fd441d347f6a6 However, these results only indicate the existence of some sort of collaboration, not its frequency or intensity. Nevertheless, they are noteworthy because most innovation is incremental and involves small-scale change which would not necessarily require collaboration with universities and government research institutions. There is also considerable diversity; in all countries with available data, large firms report more co-operation with higher education or government institutions than SMEs. 9 0 3 1.0 10.1787/eco/surveys-gbr-2013-4-en 3028302ca35dcfb8ec61e5614c13a98a Individuals are considered as fuel poor if they have required fuel costs that are above the median level and would be left with a residual income below the official poverty line if they were to spend that amount. The number of households in fuel poverty is of the same order of magnitude under the current official measure, where fuel poverty is defined by required fuel costs exceeding 10% of income. More than 7 million individuals in nearly 3 million households are affected in 2009 and the fuel poverty gap is £1.1 billion, defined as the amounts by which the assessed energy needs of fuel poor households exceed the threshold for reasonable costs (Hills, 2012). Current policies are estimated to reduce the fuel poverty gap by only 10%. 10 0 5 1.0 10.1787/9789264119536-3-en 3028b186d1a841133806f70ec0a54a1a However, it was also large in a number of other English-speaking countries (Australia, Canada, Ireland and the United Kingdom). Elsewhere, increases tended to be greater in the Scandinavian and Mediterranean countries than in Continental European countries (Figure 12). In the United States, for instance, the share of the top 0.1% in total pre-tax income quadrupled in the 30 years to 2008. 10 2 2 0.0 10.1787/rev/fish-2015-14-en 302d0939fecc2974e492ce89aefa98f5 In terms of value, the biggest export market for Chinese Taipei's fisheries products was Japan, followed by Thailand, and the people's Republic of China in 2012, while in terms of export volume, Thailand was the biggest market. China was the biggest exporter to the Chinese Taipei’s market, followed by Viet Nam, Japan, Peru, and Noiway. ( 14 0 4 1.0 10.18356/9f2309f8-en 302e0c98ba06e9ea836a53c4ecb88642 Under this project, the Puhovichi rayon was selected as a pilot rayon, where an inventory of disposal sites, a waste management strategy and a modem landfill project were prepared. The EBRD is considering financing the construction of an EU-compliant regional sanitary landfill, together with a sorting facility, composting facility and vehicles and equipment for improvement of the waste collection system for the Puhovichi and Cherven rayons. Under the project, national and international experts work on improving environmental legislation on biodiversity conservation, MSW and water management, and ecological certification. 12 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264187894-7-en 303007fde08b399ed830d5caed69c58c It promotes the implementation of a strategy that considers both consumptive uses of water and the protection of the environment within a framework of public participation. The plan also lays down the principles of a management of water at the river basin scale with a priority regarding the conservation of land and aquatic ecosystems as part of the large hydrologic cycle, covering the extraction of water to its discharge. The strategy explicitly underlines the need to set official prohibition for maximum extraction to ensure water balance. 6 0 5 1.0 10.6027/9789289350433-6-en 30304dceb2c7f0b3ead51df4341f5d06 This has given the farmers an opportunity to seek additional income possibilities and thus reduce rural poverty. Also, the EbA approach resulted in benefits for biodiversity and the environment as fewer chemicals was used, restoration of the hydrological cycle because of revegetation and reforestation and better nutrition. Information flows can be hindered by lack of communication means or channels, or can be hindered by excessive bureaucracy that prevents ease of sharing and distribution. Further, lack of technical or other capacity increase the risk of information, tools, or knowledge not reaching the intended beneficiaries. 13 4 3 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264187443-8-en 3030e1a895c15cfaabd96720ba658684 Also national food security evaluations depend on this information since they determine the quantity of food that is actually available for consumption. Intra-regional flows are particularly important, as they impact availability in importing as well as in exporting countries. Even in the absence of trade, or with only small quantities traded across borders, market integration creates interdependence. 2 0 7 1.0 10.1787/agr/outlook-2015-12-en 3034cd140f976e4639cdcfac82c97926 Per capita fish consumption is expected to increase in all continents, with Asia showing the fastest growth. In contrast with previous Outlook Reports, for the first time, a slight increase is projected for Africa. Lower feed and crude oil prices reduced production and transportation costs enhancing African aquaculture production and imports. 14 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264303201-8-en 30357b0838fb3c0a72e7efebe86944e8 In addition to difficulties linked to implementation, there are other barriers to learning from M&E processes (Box 5.1). In the context of cross-sectoral mainstreaming, the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) 13th Conference of the Parties (COP13) Decision XIII/3 invites parties: “To enhance monitoring of the use of natural resources, such as land, soil and water in all sectors, including agriculture, forests, fisheries and aquaculture, and tourism, among others, and to improve data collection, management and public access to monitoring data” (CBD, 2016c: para g). Though it is difficult to determine whether more recent biodiversity mainstreaming efforts have been effective, indicators to monitor this are beginning to emerge. This chapter therefore examines the types of indicators that could be used to track progress on biodiversity mainstreaming. 15 0 5 1.0 10.1787/5k4c9kwfdx8r-en 303d139fe5b3deabd1735a742d0c7b87 The sector involved millions of smallholder farmers and more than 10 000 processing workers, making it the fourth largest employer after the railways, sugar and textiles. But by late 1990s the post-independence civil war, a slowing economy and poor policy decisions had destroyed the sector. Abandon and neglect gradually led to the spread of pests and diseases, the over-maturing and halt of replanting of cashew trees, and uncontrolled forest fires which affected important parts of cashew orchards. Processing capacity also deteriorated, both physically and in terms of human expertise. 2 1 3 0.5 10.14217/9781848591257-4-en 30408abccbac1a51072c4c11d49c6c0d In any event, while citizenship education might open the possibility of global allegiances and responsibilities, the current reality of the nation-state must be acknowledged, and educational interventions must also prepare students for this context. In development studies, Nussbaum is best known for her contributions to the capabilities approach, along with Amartya Sen. This report, however, will draw primarily on the proposals for educational aims relating to citizenship. The most extensive formulation of these is found in the book Cultivating Humanity (1997), and relates primarily to a defence of the liberal curriculum in universities, although it can be applied to all forms of education. The first is the ability to examine closely one’s own assumptions and positions, and the arguments put forward by others, to be able to question and critique them, and put forward coherent responses. 4 3 4 0.14285714285714285 10.18356/f5ce8f94-en 304421d7a5bdda247be14fe87eaf1acf It has also united parents to their bigger children. ” ( Overall, evidence confirms a strong relationship between poverty and mental health in developing settings. A recent review of programming concluded that although there is good evidence that a variety of mental health programs have positive impacts on economic outcomes, overall the mental health effects of poverty alleviation programs are inconclusive (Lund et al. 5 3 1 0.5 10.1787/9789264286191-7-en 304765523693fa78e801861e3e77cbb7 For example, fast-growing cities in Viet Nam, as elsewhere, lack public transport to accommodate travel from suburb to suburb as opposed to a purely radial system designed to move people only between a given suburb and the core of the city. In addition, silo approaches, in which the transport sector lacks co-ordination with other sectors such as construction, land use and housing development, often create a spatial mismatch between the demand and supply of public transport, resulting in inefficient public transport networks and perpetuating inequality'. Housing will be built in areas where land is cheaper, meaning most frequently that low-income residents will be located in outlying and peripheral areas where public transport is either non-existent or is so expensive that ridership is limited and investment is accordingly difficult to mobilise. Indeed, nearby municipalities may come into conflict with one another if they perceive that a neighbour is lacking in commitment to transport integration or is unwilling to invest in a way that is equitable to all partners. 11 0 10 1.0 10.18356/d79235bc-en 304791f4a5709148ee029fd9331d9523 In the 5th edition of the balance of payment manual, the current account components are the balance of trade in goods and services, balance of income (compensation of employees working abroad and income from foreign investments) and current transfers (workers remittances and government transfers). Along with net capital transfers and acquisition/disposal of nonproduced, non-financial assets, the current account balance represents the net foreign investment or net lending/borrowing position of a country vis-a-vis the rest of the world. Persistent current account deficits or surpluses indicate a macroeconomic instability that is not conducive to sustained economic growth and, therefore, to sustained means of implementation of sustainable development goals. A current account deficit has to be financed through an increase in financial and non-financial liabilities vis-a-vis the rest of the world or a decrease in reserve assets. 15 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/d09309d1-en 3049bbee1864364796bc491f83e2d766 The global context, too, is important, and the discussions on systemic drivers and some of the more central BAU scenarios relate Africa to the rest of the world on key aspects of green growth and industrialization. The methodology is explained in box 5.3 with detail in Annex 1. Their operations also are often inclusive of small farmers who help to improve productivity and maintain economies of scale (Sheahan and Barrett, 2014). 7 7 2 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/9789264298576-13-en 3049ca62b3a2c60425afc5fd25e49d98 Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, and Serbia; for 2010 for tire Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia; and for 2009 for Kosovo. As seen from their average score of 1.5 (Figure 8.15), the SEE economies need to improve their legal, institutional and policy frameworks for employee training. Doing so w'ould encourage enterprises to offer regular training to their employees. While there are legal provisions in their respective labour laws which either oblige an employer to provide training under specific circumstances, or not to discriminate against an employee who would like to take on training, there are no other measures in place that offer incentives to enterprises. 8 0 7 1.0 10.18356/78349259-en 304a13bdbd42a06a4a9bd7f799621ac3 The policy measures suggested below, however, are those specifically related to food access and availability. It is particularly important to address the multiple food insecurities that women and girls face. This may require, among other measures, the review and amendment of legislation and practices to ensure gender equality concerning inheritance and ownership of productive resources so that women’s equal right to food is explicitly protected. Public distribution systems should offer a wide variety of locally produced foods and also include secondary crops such as corn, millets, and sorghum. 2 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264119536-12-en 304d61251556d4efb9e95a7d16186049 They then assume that the needs of the recipients of these services are the same across all countries (by using the average of per capita spending amounts), they recalculate the equivalence scale and test the sensitivity on inequality outcomes of this adaptation of the equivalence scale. Below, these approaches are applied empirically in order to test the sensitivity of the results for applying alternative equivalence scales. Figure 8.A1.1 shows the Gini coefficients for cash and extended income, with three equivalence scales for this last income concept. This is the case for all countries. 10 1 5 0.6666666666666666 10.1787/9789264229631-8-en 304dc0f178a237b2a3ac2aa92176c741 Problems emerged in situations where irrigation expansion followed individual plans and decisions, as individual entrepreneurs failed to factor in the consequences of their decisions on the local community. The objective was to define an institutional framework or policy tool that could provide for the revision of water entitlements, revisit the “first come first served” practice, and grant local farming communities the capacity to self-manage. The policy positions were developed arising from the consultative process and under the strong political guidance of the Minister of Water Affairs. To guide the reform, the Department of Water Affairs, in consultation with stakeholders on a national and regional basis, developed a set of underlying principles. 6 0 3 1.0 10.18356/eb61760a-en 305015ae84bec65f0d5c3381f18e89fd The highest unemployment rates are among the younger people (15 to 19 years of age) and are four times those of the adult population (see figure 11.12 a)). The unemployment rates reported on the basis of household surveys in Colombia, Panama and the Dominican Republic included hidden unemployment. The figures for Argentina correspond to Greater Buenos Aires, for Bolivia to eight main cities and El Alto, for Uruguay to urban areas and for Paraguay to Asuncion and Central Department. As reported in a recent study by ECLAC and the Ibero-American Youth Organization (OU) on the current situation of young people (ECLAC/OIJ 2008), it is precisely the poorest young people who are most affected by unemployment: around 2005, the average rate of unemployment among young people between 15 and 29 years of age belonging to the poorest per capita income quintile was slightly over 24%, a percentage which decreases gradually to reach 6.6% among young people in the richest quintile. 8 0 5 1.0 10.1787/5jrw21ng3ts3-en 30504df6967f86f3d46f87c8f668054e At the same time, class sizes are small, although OECD evidence suggests that class size is a far less important factor than teacher qualifications for student’s learning progress. Increasing class sizes may be one way to free the resources needed for providing extra teaching time to those at risk of dropping out of the school system. Socio-economic status is measured by the PISA index of economic, social and cultural status. Enrolment in adult education programmes has risen sharply as of the school year 2008-09, although most of the sharp increase was accounted for by the national scheme of recognition, validation and skills certification (RVCC). 1 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/39291afb-en 305180565803b27df9f7fd94059a52c8 Between 2012 and 2017 the incidence did not vary significantly from one group to another, so the gaps remained constant. In 2017 the incidence among couple households without children was around 3.7%, while it was 5.4% among single-person households. The highest incidence of extreme poverty was found in single-parent households (12%). 1 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/5km5zrrvzr42-en 305254be699b0759eb03d5ef6b6c603d More specifically, it analyses the impact of risks - actual and perceived -associated with EE projects. Much has been written about the many barriers to energy-efficiency investments, including market organisation, price distortions, split incentives, lack of information, transaction costs, institutional biases, product availability, regulatory policy, and others.3 This report does not delve into the full array of these barriers. Instead, it focuses on the financial and risk barriers. 7 3 2 0.2 10.1787/9789264089457-en 3054a4e9da18d4dc88ecc11149ddae8b As the Penang self-evaluation report notes higher education institutions in the region do not have courses that are especially designed to meet the needs of the Penang region or are “drawn upon based upon the specific characteristics of Penang.” ( There is no systematic regional strategy at the federal, supra-regional (Northern Corridor Economic Region) or state levels to engage higher education institution in addressing the region’s human resource challenges. The engagement of the Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) in the region is largely a consequence of being the largest institution in the region, not a result of deliberate strategy of the institution or region. 4 0 5 1.0 10.1787/9789264179011-7-en 305706b3c3c72982ef3ba4d65ba70be4 The only difference between a tariff surcharge and a tariff was that the rate of the surcharge could be changed by administrative decree, whereas tariff rates could be altered only by an act of the legislature. Under this measure, domestic dairy processors were permitted to import material inputs (such as skimmed milk powder) only after they have absorbed all domestically produced milk. When first introduced the ratio was 1:25, which means that for every 1 litre of domestic production that is absorbed, processors were permitted to import 25 litres of milk (or milk equivalent), indicating that the local content was only 4%. The ratio was gradually strengthened over time and was 1:1.7 for the second half of 1997 just prior to its removal. 2 3 0 1.0 10.18356/1c11fde8-en 3060d81bfd8bf21d04f39014a6f3624a The cocaine was found diluted in drums of sunflower oil believed to have originated in the Plurinational State of Bolivia. The seizure seems to confirm the existence of new routes and markets for cocaine, which recently seem to be finding its way into countries in South Asia. According to experts, most of the heroin seized in Bangladesh was either manufactured in India, or originated in Afghanistan and smuggled through India. 3 0 4 1.0 10.18356/1ac856f7-en 3062d22a316e0fa4a97208d7484017b5 Both obstacles can be overcome by averaging the calculated effects using each of the two base years respectively (Kakwani. In this case, this form of decomposition is applied to 2002-2016, divided into two subperiods — 2002-2008 and 2008-2016. Average income growth accounted for an average of 71 % of the variation observed between 2002 and 2016, and even more in Argentina, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Chile, Colombia and Peru. In the other countries, the distribution effect accounted for over 30% of the poverty reduction, approaching 40% in the Plurinational State of Bolivia and 50% in Uruguay (see figure II.5). 1 2 7 0.5555555555555556 11.1002/pub/80ec8c3c-4184cda6-en 3063bd6a46f93cd9d37886f19e33f56c With the advent of digital and computational technologies, TV sets extended their capabilities to become a more general user interface for selecting and retr ieving content. Such collaboration does not mean replacement of one network by the other; rather, it creates an environment in which both systems can co-exist independently or cooperatively. A telecommunication service, on the other hand, provides personalized delivery of data requested by the users or, by extension, their media systems. Nowadays, consumers expect this to be available irrespective of user location (‘any place’) and at any moment of time (‘any time’). 9 0 4 1.0 10.18356/3dd278d2-en 3067b50ea9754355ae2354f18130508e Housing, through backward linkages, can encourage construction industries to form, including basic industries such as cement and steel. Strategies to expand housing and construction employment should focus on reforming regulatory barriers and supporting education and training, particularly for women and youth. Housing is 55 per cent more expensive in urban Africa than in other developing countries’ urban areas (Dasgupta, Lall and Lozano-Gracia, 2014). The typical house price to income ratio globally ranges between 3:1 and 5:1, but often in Africa, even for public service employees whose average income is higher than the majority’s, the ratio goes above 10:1, which is far above the 4:1 threshold that development practitioners suggest signals a serious problem with housing supply (Bertaud, 2015). 11 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/5jxrcmgpc6mn-en 3068945344dd4bf523bd665509743a03 For Norway, results are based on a 10% sample from the population. For Sweden, the NBHW data set provides monthly data only from 2001 (and annual data before). For the Netherlands, the analysis is based on two datasets: annual data come from the IPO: monthly data come from the SSB from which a 0.5% random sample is drawn. 1 4 1 0.6 10.18356/cc778895-en 306a8f367ba5cd9a67ad9f9c04a7bdd7 Their findings indicate that the methodology that is generally used in empirical studies on growth, poverty and inequality usually overestimates the effects of growth on poverty. This implies that economic crises or economic booms have less of an influence on poverty than they are generally assumed to have. This supports the focus on raising incomes which has been the preferred strategy for fighting poverty in Brazil. They find that the growth of mean income and income distribution are sufficient to account for a large part of the variations in poverty rates observed at the state level in Brazil. 1 0 4 1.0 10.1787/baf425ad-en 306ca54b225fa8bda4673d25def51733 In order to estimate the financial burden of ADEs in Germany, Stark et al (2011) based the cost study on a model originating from the American healthcare system. Their estimations quantified health care costs related to ADEs emerging from ambulator)’ care settings to a total of €816 million, or 0.22% of German health expenditure in 2011. Almost 60% was due to hospitalisations, 11% to emergency department visits and the remaining 21% from expenditures made in long-term care. However, these costs are only approximations. 3 0 7 1.0 10.1787/5k9h2975rhhf-en 306dd4528c6eb97a505bc40f6ff433d5 All requests for commercial use and translation rights should be submitted to riehts@oecd.ore. The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law. Much of this rise has reflected a widening dispersion of labour income. It seems that the benefits of economic growth have not been shared equally across all parts of the population. 10 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264117563-9-en 306e4665f9ca10bf8c3ba48516782578 A national monitoring programme for biodiversity in Israel (MARAG) was also completed in 2010. The Red Book of vertebrates has been published and updated periodically, and the Red Book of flora has been compiled with data collected from a 12-year monitoring field survey of Israel’s botanic heritage. The survey was conducted by the Rotem Israel Plant Information Center, which developed an ecological database of Israel’s flora including some 600 000 records concerning the distribution and phenology of native plants. 15 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264279551-6-en 306ecffbfaa4d5cb37700b1683770a4f In all these cases, a clear target and transparent plan of action should be set over a long-term horizon. In California, the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act relies on semi-autonomous management in groundwater bodies. All groundwater bodies have to reach sustainability objectives by 2042, but they have the liberty’ to decide how to get there (see Box 4.3). In the case of water quality risks, Denmark has been introducing a targeted regulation for nitrate pollution into groundwater, imposing more strict oversight on farming zones that are more likely to lead to increased groundwater pollution (Hojberg, 2016). 6 0 3 1.0 10.14217/51eba28c-en 3070eeb298e2a5cf57e9dffbc07207cd Measures to address and eliminate VAW are discussed in the context of national legislation, national policy instruments and country reports submitted by states to the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) Committee, among other measures taken by individual states. Rape/defilement: any form of non-consensual sexual intercourse. This can include the invasion of any part of the body with a sexual organ and/or the invasion of the genital or anal opening with any object or body part. 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5jlz3kbf7pzv-en 3072c31568cd057028af75230258dc59 In Italy, primary care is free at the point of care, but specialised care is not. In the Netherlands, outpatient care is free after the annual general deductible has been met. Outpatient specialist contacts can be free at the point of care when provided in public hospitals, or with a copayment when provided outside of hospitals and covered by Medicare (typically when a patient has been referred by a GP to specialist care). 3 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/0ec26947-en 307404ff87be58fa97d7e70e20c2a331 A prominent example is the track and trace case for tuna to combat illegal fishing. Using devices for tracing (e.g. RFID tags, QR codes, NFC devices, or cameras), information about the fish can be collected at almost any point throughout the supply chain (Visser and Hanich, 2018). As the data is recorded on a transparent and immutable registry, each fish can be tracked back to its origin by respective regulators, NGOs, and consumers. The technical implementation of this use case can be applied to other natural capital in agriculture, livestock, and forestry. 9 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264212664-en 30758246403a4d239edc7695ff26939f What are the objectives behind these measures and is the government evaluating alternative ways of achieving these objectives? This has led both OECD and non-OECD countries to discriminate between national and foreign investors in several different ways. First, a strong local-content requirement or high import tariff may prevent rapid and diversified deployment by making the latter dependant on the capacity and quality of the local supply chain. 7 4 0 1.0 10.1787/leo-2017-7-en 30766b7073d39d6fb3fa3faa7c9eea4a This can become particularly problematic in countries with high demographic growth and inequality, such as in LAC, where new generations put pressure on economic and social development. It goes beyond the basic pillars of education (covered in the next chapter) and employment to encompass other dimensions of social inclusion. Young people need to progress not only in the objective parameters of inclusion, but also in subjective ones. In this way, they can feel more that they belong to a society they are helping to build. 8 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5jlww009v1hj-en 30773134e9bdcbfa9cb4a941581aec72 One way of minimising the reporting burden would be to report adaptation communications as part of existing reporting tools (e.g. NCs), and to maximise the overlap between what is included in these reports and information needed for efficient national adaptation planning and implementation. At a national level, these benefits could include communicating priorities in adaptation-related needs and actions, evaluating progress towards any national goals, and identifying where support for adaptation is needed. While international reporting of such information would require some resources, this is likely to be small compared to those needed to identify and collate the relevant information for national purposes. International reporting of a country’s adaptation response may also bring further benefits such as attracting international support for proposed adaptation actions or plans. 13 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264277991-7-en 3077bbdf2c0be1b4e2b2ec3537a673e7 The parties would also regularly hold discussion forums and workshops to bring together staff and researchers from the two organisations. Information on best practices, innovations, technologies and approaches would be shared at these events, as would ideas for new initiatives and ongoing collaboration. Finally, the parties would seek ways to better engage UBC students in specific projects identified by Metro Vancouver. In past years, collaboration on these issues lias been largely reactive and inconsistent. 11 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/eb47180e-en 307a99481f61f70bcea5f70960fe1b82 The CRPD also includes a provision for access to a range of in-home, residential and in community support services (article 19, paragraph (b)), and the equal availability of services and facilities for general populations on an equal basis to persons with disabilities (article 19, paragraph (c)). Article 30 further adds that States Parties shall take measures to ensure that persons with disabilities have access to sporting and recreational venues. Target 11.7 calls for universal access to safe, inclusive and accessible green and public spaces, in particular for persons with disabilities. 11 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264112902-5-en 307b44b6ed04273e3c5f5ee94344b1f0 Second, over the long-term, structures change and the sectoral transformation implies that the inter-generational future for the majority of smallholders cannot lie exclusively in farming; hence there is a need for policies that enhance households’ opportunities outside the sector as well as within it. In other words, agricultural policies are not enough. Third, in order to improve both agricultural competitiveness and the prospects for earning more outside the sector, the most important policies may not in fact be agricultural policies. 2 1 3 0.5 10.18356/77d08b03-en 307b9f543ab9698828eeec3303dc2a85 Properly interpreted, these data should also reveal the relationship between informal working and childcare. Likewise, more general time-use data need to be considered in public employment programmes, ensuring that the policies needed to accommodate women's situation do not tend to reinforce gender roles and maintain the current distribution of time use in households. Furthermore, these data should provide the State with the information it needs to encourage greater participation by men in care and parenting, for example by means of paternity leave, which is part of labour regulation policy. Employment is what gives access to social security in Latin America, and disadvantages women in the labour market because the time they spend on unpaid work also undermines their social security position. The average economic value a housewife generates each month by her unpaid work should underpin such integration (UNESCAP, 2004). 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/persp/glob/dev-2012-10-en 307f98f699b95316625ec20a92af04d2 These schemes only covered 1% of the population in Ghana by 2002. These community-based units identify and categorise beneficiaries, including those who are exempt from payment (the core poor, those aged 70 and over, and retired contributors to the social security system). By 2008, some 12.5 million Ghanaians or 61% of the population were registered with the NHIS (ILO, 2010b). 10 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/9789264235151-4-en 308487182f86cfaf6a5fa93233c94878 Such trade performance across a relatively wide range of commodities for a country the size of Viet Nam starting from virtually no export market penetration and experience, and within two decades, is unmatched. Exports are around double the value of agro-food imports, contributing to a positive balance of agro-food trade of about USD 10 billion in 2011-13. It is recognised in Viet Nam that moving up the value scale in food markets allows exporters, and usually farmers, to capture higher prices without having to increase production or find more inputs such as scarce land. 2 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264089457-en 3086996f70718c71142c8f164ff083c0 Since its founding, the university has made great strides in the quality and breadth of its academic and research programmes, quality of its academic staff and in undergraduate and graduate enrolments. Designation as an APEX University, a designation to become one of the top performing higher education institutions worldwide in international ranking, is a singular achievement (MoHE, 2007). In its vision as an APEX university, the Universiti Sains Malaysia has set forth an impressive agenda, Transforming Higher Education for a Sustainable Tomorrow (USM, 2010). 4 0 7 1.0 10.18356/5f92cb4f-en 3086f7b0f7a910f5d69db835fa3a5d4c Many of the agricultural practices proposed are relatively low-cost and have both mitigation and adaptation benefits, which increases their cost-effectiveness. It is useful, however, to distinguish between public and private sector financing since they can play complementary roles in mobilizing resources for climate change adaptation and mitigation. Farmers, from small to large, are the biggest investors in agriculture, providing many times what governments provide for rural infrastructure and agricultural research and development. 13 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264279421-6-en 30877dcc4ef5039842890d81feec8065 The economic dimension was discussed in the previous chapter, while the cognitive and educational components are the focus of subsequent chapters. There is also the question of how social it is understood to be, as opposed to so many traits attaching to individuals. In our view, while the measurement of well-being might often rely on charting characteristics of individuals, well-being understood in this multidimensional way is fundamentally about relationships and the nature of social relations. Such definitions as there are coalesce around the holistic. 4 5 4 0.1111111111111111 10.1787/5k46dbzhrkhl-en 3087b16968c2c8198f02db5b576c71e8 And it requires a keen focus on social issues, so that it is not only well-placed people and businesses that can benefit from newly-favoured areas. For example, the proposal to reduce GHG emissions from the livestock sector makes broad sense in principle, given its 40% contribution to Ethiopia’s GHG emissions. But in practice, some of the CRGE’s plans - notably to shift beef producers to poultry production - are extremely challenging. 13 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264204256-10-en 308932d8efede79364acaa099eead806 Eight countries participated in the first wave of data collection, which took place in 2011: Bolivia, Colombia, Ghana, Laos, Sri Lanka, Ukraine, Vietnam, and the Yunnan province of China. The second wave, which look place in 2012-13, involved five countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kenya and Macedonia. The STEP Survey asked respondents to report on their use of such skills in daily life and at work (if they work). 4 8 1 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264213944-7-en 308da5cc38a3c8a8368c99c223638806 Another BDS service that needs to be expanded is support to help women transfer their businesses from the informal sector to the formal sector. They could also leverage technology and social media as vehicles for providing support to women who wish to manage work schedules and family commitments more successfully by starting a home-based business. In addition, BDS staff directly involved in delivering training, advisory, counselling or other BDS services should be given opportunities to gain experience and knowledge and learn about best practices in the promotion and support of small businesses and women entrepreneurs in particular. 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/budget-17-5j8sd88t3sr3 30901bd7fcf83845d648dbaa30f96673 Government health services principally serve those from the low and middle-income strata; whereas private facilities mainly serve the smaller subset of wealthier households and take up a significant share of overall health spending. Indeed, South Africa relies more on voluntary private health insurance financially than any other country in the world. Yet experience from both OECD and non-OECD countries shows that voluntary private health insurance rarely provides adequate coverage for the poor and those most prone to serious illness, and often has high administrative costs. 3 0 3 1.0 10.18356/6af97a78-en 30936a88ae0ff3b8b66d8e70e17bbab4 The governments also agreed to continue with the distribution quotas set during the Soviet era. Adaptive responses by households to floods and droughts tended to take two main forms: (i) shelter, communication and other physical infrastructure; and (ii) livelihood strategies that either de-linked income from water resource conditions or moderated the impact of resource scarcity and climatic variability on income streams. Sudostasien Aktuell 4: 31-55. 6 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/7ddddd07-en 30938adb2f8a3c54b332ffbfe0738d3d Indeed in the United States and in Europe, the average probability for male founded companies to receive any funding is equal to 65%. However, in the United States the gender gap is slightly less pronounced: female founded companies are 62% likely to get funding while in Europe they are less than 60%. Both male and female founded companies in Asia have a lower probability to get funding (around 56%) and the difference between both types is not significant. In Europe this figure is similar, but the gap is not significant in Asia. 5 1 4 0.6 10.1787/empl/outlook-2010-2-en 309593444f479354650d09d45c8bea52 The Czech Republic cancelled plans to temporarily increase duration and replacement rates for some unemployed because of pressure on public finances. Poland continued with a reform to improve the effectiveness of activation by increasing benefit levels in the first three months of receipt (a change in early 2009 reduced duration from 18 to 12 months). Since mid-2009, income support specifically targeted at workers receiving training was introduced or extended in several countries (Australia, Japan, Turkey and the United States). 8 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264191761-en 309657fbfffe846b3d2399a314cef031 Whole milk prices are subject to seasonal variations, and in 2011/12 the farmer received a high winter price of KZT 81 per tonne. Maximum farm gate prices are observed from November to March and decrease from April to September due to mass production of milk. A collector takes milk from neighbouring producers and sells it to the nearest dairy in Akmola oblast at the price of KZT 103 per tonne; the average price of a one-litre Tetra Pak is around KZT 205. 2 2 2 0.0 10.1787/9789264089457-en 30971102eb07173ca1f141ca92b6e3b1 For example, KTH Chalmers Capital fund has established itself as a leading investor, and is one of the largest privately financed Swedish venture capital companies focusing on technology investments at an early phase. Exits include well-known companies such as Avinode, Vehco, Ambria Dermatology and ICU Intelligence. The close collaboration with Chalmersinvest, allowed CSE ventures to link with external private venture capital investors. In two major business reviews per year the venture projects are presented to potential investors. Over 35 companies have been founded through CSE. 4 3 0 1.0 10.1787/9789264084728-10-en 3097d8cfbeef6b7373c75951193c1cee In much the same way that shifting wealth raises concerns about inequality in countries with strong growth, notable reductions in absolute poverty levels prompt questions about the evolution of relative poverty. These comparisons are all the more interesting given the wide variation in relative poverty within the group of OECD member countries (see OECD [2008a]). Figure 4.4 displays measures of relative poverty for selected emerging and developing countries that have achieved significant reduction in absolute poverty, and compares them on the same measures with a variety of OECD members. 1 0 4 1.0 10.18356/db521e55-en 30985c4d5d058da0a2044d07e675e397 Shortly after, on 22 September 2009, he hosted a Summit on Climate Change to promote leader-level engagement in the final push towards a global agreement in Copenhagen. The Summit, presided over by Danish Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen, attracted what was then the largest-ever number of Heads of State and Government to gather and focus specifically on climate change. While negotiations made little progress throughout the fall, the unprecedented engagement of global leaders, the private sector and civil society on the issue, the unequivocal urgency of the issue according to science, and the election of Barack Obama as United States President led many to think that an ambitious outcome to COP 15 was assured. While this was beginning to change, world leaders still lacked confidence about what or how their country could contribute to climate change mitigation.81 In addition, deep mistrust prevailed between developed and developing countries. 13 1 7 0.75 10.30875/717fbf8e-en 309a7ed8fb433468841c9af6a5153981 This included two main waves of trade liberalization, one in the 1990s and a second in the 2000s (Coello at al., The first wave lasted From the initial opening of the country until approximately 2001 and foresaw the total abolition of trade licences and the removal of most quantitative restrictions (Thanh and Duong, 2009). The second wave—still ongoing—includes the full involvement of the country in the global network of reciprocal trade agreements (both multilateral, WTO accession in January 2007, and bilateral, such as agreements signed with the United States in 2001 as well as FTA negotiations with the EU concluded in 2016). Empirical analyses consistently highlight the increased importance of international trade in the Vietnamese economy as well as the positive correlation between trade liberalization, growth and poverty reduction. 1 4 5 0.1111111111111111 10.1787/9789264177338-3-en 309ae5be03963a8c3199ab3910699e8a Governments are advised to intervene when there is evidence of underinvestment in education and training. Repayments are not required in periods of low income and the costs of investment are repaid when the returns materialise. Spain, New Zealand, South Africa and the United Kingdom also have successful schemes. This direct funding is justified by the benefits that skills development brings to society. 4 0 5 1.0 10.18356/2b415b7c-en 309c204a67bc00fdc27b6d3d877960ca Uzbekistan has made significant progress towards the objective set in the Plan to improve the emission monitoring system and the monitoring of surface water quality in transboundary rivers in Uzbekistan’s territory. There is no evidence, however, that Uzbekistan has implemented the measures listed in the Plan related to upgrading the system to monitor the transboundary movement of air pollutants or to set up an online information exchange system and computer databanks. Although state financing was intended to be the main source of funding for programme implementation, the programme was actually prepared for potential international donors. 6 3 1 0.5 10.1787/9789264250505-7-en 309c3c5a88efa06670115421e5b2031a On average across the countries for which data are available, 5.5% of workers earned at or below the minimum wage in 2010, the latest year for which comparable data are available. At 14.2%, Latvia’s share was more than twice as high, and also higher than in any other of the European countries shown in Figure 3.8. As a result, changes in minimum-wage provisions can be expected to have a strong impact on the labour market. 8 0 3 1.0 10.18356/13c3d6e4-en 309f4ba875941cdbb815748ea80100d1 National parks had a “physical plan” which the Government recognized was inadequate in providing management solutions. The management authority and protected area directors are now responsible for developing protected area management plans. Protected areas in Croatia are obliged to have management plans. Of the eight national parks, five have management plans, tw'O have plans in the final consultation phase and one is establishing a draft management plan. Eight of the eleven nature parks have management plans. Visitor management is included in the management plan framew'ork. 15 0 4 1.0 10.18356/fa3883b2-en 30a29dff9b02c530bf9a81e413330d1e In particular, the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (2001) and the Minamata Convention on Mercury (2013) provide agreed international frameworks to address some of the heavy metals and hazardous substances. In many States, however, a great deal of capacity-building is still required in order to implement these frameworks. The agricultural revolution of the last part of the twentieth century brought with it problems for the ocean in the form of enhanced run-off of both agricultural nutrients and pesticides. 14 3 2 0.2 10.18356/872035ff-en 30ad7e846e1c9b9b7ec5bcd6dbd654b2 Among other good practices, this also required changes in species composition, such as replacing hybrid poplars, which have damaged the soil, with willows and Prunus avium (wild cherry tree). The agreement of the Coca-Cola® bottling plant with local forest owners in Portugal is a good example. Payments were made for the owners to maintain their forests in good condition to keep theTagua Reservoir pure. 15 0 4 1.0 10.1787/5jlwvz85537c-en 30ade8382b3d14477ad17c75d144317a This target is aligned with the European objective of halving the number of people killed in 2020 and it will be reviewed in 2015. The safety performance indicators established by Spain are shown later in this paper under monitoring. The elderly (people aged above 65) represent more than half of total fatalities. The 9th National Traffic Safety Programme covering the period 2011-2020 was launched by the Government of Japan in April 2001. 11 2 2 0.0 10.1787/059ce467-en 30b2cffd14507d0734fb1a81f692de31 In the second year (2018/19), the programme was funded by private donations. The programme has already attracted international attention, winning the SozialMarie prize for social innovation in 2018 (Unruhe Privatstiftung, 2018,2oi]). The programme seeks to help participants orient themselves in the school system while also gaining further qualifications. 4 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264190658-9-en 30b35d597e27e25b05faf04f99d7309a However, some studies suggest that the assessment of beginning teachers should not be carried out by the same people who support their induction and early professional development, since (for example) in such circumstances beginning teachers are less likely to admit to areas of weakness and thus to identify their professional development needs (Hobson, 2009; Abell et al., Such a registration system often involves different registration levels and requires teachers to renew their registration after a specific number of years. In Australia (Box 5.3), New Zealand and Sweden, such registration is mandatory for all teachers. These processes can provide useful information for accountability, hiring and tenure decisions, promotion opportunities, or, in particular circumstances, responses to underperformance. 4 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264233911-3-en 30b42c58fec71bb97cbda5573f5486dd Such cases have been considered in the long debate about the multifunctional character of agriculture and its potential implications for policy design. The OECD has conducted a suite of studies in this domain.31 The issue is that while producing commodities, agriculture may also generate non-commodity outputs (NCOs) such as rural development, environmental amenities or food security. Where these NCOs are desirable public goods or externalities, governments are called upon to provide them. 2 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/3dfe8660-en 30b6e8aa06796b0da9136c1dda6ea651 Similarly, after the Seven Years War between the British and the French (1756-1763), the British debated whether to take Canada or Guadeloupe as reparation. Several centuries later the former proved to be more successful than other economies in the hemisphere. About half the progress in development, measured by the HDI, over the past 30 years is unexplained by the initial HDI value in 1980. Countries that start at a similar level—such as India and Pakistan, Chile and Venezuela, Malaysia and the Philippines, or Liberia and Senegal—have ended up with different outcomes. 1 3 0 1.0 10.1787/9789264277991-7-en 30b76245964162b9f8ecd0fd8b5c01c6 In this regard, the MCDA should be able to sign PPP contract, involving several LGUs of Metro Cebu. In the future, it will be critical to develop PPP projects in green growth opportunity areas that will spread over or involve multiple jurisdictions (BRT, metro system, drainage and recycling facilities etc.). Likewise, by comprising big cities such Cebu City and smaller municipalities, the establishment of MCDA should help to integrate municipalities with lower tax authority and borrowing capacities into metropolitan projects with the private sector. 11 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/97f03e0a-en 30b7a3eaee1a5a84a420147129fc942b "This provides a powerful impetus for the ""traditional"" DRR community, seeking to redress practice that has for many years seen ex ante action articulating the complex risk drivers from which disasters materialize eclipsed by action responding to the manifestation of disasters. Translating this shift into informed, systems-based decision-making, investment and practice in all contexts and at all scales, and reflecting this in local to national strategies, is arguably the principal preoccupation of this community. Contexts in which humanitarian response427 and DRR428 are implemented are therefore more complicated and challenging than is often acknowledged or represented in policy and programmatic documents." 11 1 3 0.5 10.18356/ea8c16ef-en 30b87785724b6be54503b74a62bc6316 An example is the Maharashtra Life Skills Programme in India, which taught girls about social institutions, life skills, and health, including child health and nutrition (Pande et al., Quality schooling provides a viable alternative to marriage for some girls by providing them with social networks and raising their expectations of their own lives. Weak schools can contribute to parents’ views that marriage is the best place for their daughters. 5 1 4 0.6 10.1787/5k3ttg4cxcbp-en 30ba2dcd9a00c0700057ba7028e870a1 For example, Food-for-Work, Cash-for Work and Canteen feeding are routinely used to treat structural vulnerability-to-disaster issues such as environmental degradation and gender. These are incompatible with the long-term and sustainable measures required accompanied by predictable donor investment. Further, efforts to increase commercial agriculture are prioritised at the expense of investment of small producers, again, propped up by a continuing reliance on external investment. 11 2 6 0.5 10.18356/55fea2f6-en 30bbdb319a3211e70ec720e81133cd16 The statements in this paper are the views of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the policies or the views of UNICEF and of their own respective affiliations. The case for a child focus in poverty and development debates can be made on moral, rights and efficiency based grounds. It is now widely recognized that children have different basic needs from adults and are harder hit, both in the short- and long-term, when their basic needs are not met. 1 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/5jrxr7vj1g9v-en 30bc2eb4e51d5905ddd76ae5665db104 This could suggest that the high level of points attributed to GPs for mental health services successfully rendered encourages patient selection and the deliberate exclusion of more difficult cases from the data. Concerns have also been expressed that GPs are directing attention away from activity not rewarded by the QOF, and as such care delivery quality is declining in some areas (Cashin, 2014). In June 2011, there were concerns raised about the depression indicators and their incentive to improve diagnoses of depression: the QOF indicators included incentives to follow up assessments and depression checks following diagnoses, and to perform depression screening for patients on the diabetes register, but they offer no incentives for increasing or improving depression screening across patients. 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264083523-4-en 30bc7d6dea94d02a4a0e27b764ea1442 Water governance gaps in the Venice city-region (cont.) But co-ordination capacity (horizontal or vertical) is relatively weak. The region is responsible for monitoring water quality in areas upstream from the Lagoon, whereas discharges and enforcement (including fines/penalties) are the responsibility of the provinces. Water quality monitoring in the Lagoon, on the other hand, is carried out by a combination of central government, regional and municipal agencies. In this context, the link between upstream and downstream impacts, and co-ordination of effective monitoring and enforcement, is attenuated. 6 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264087040-6-en 30c022b4b566f247db7b93557f135b9c The chapter also discusses how schools could be more accountable to and involved with parents and the community. The school director's main tasks are to define goals, strategies and school operation policies; to analyse and solve pedagogical problems that may arise; and to review and to approve the work plans elaborated by teachers. An important part of the director's job also includes managing educational programmes, one of the main ways through which Mexican education is provided. Programmes may have a budget attached, have requirements and there may be time-consuming administrative processes involved in responding to them. Nevertheless, Ornelas (2008) notes that the functions of school directors suffer from imprecise job expectations that lead to excessive routines. 4 2 7 0.5555555555555556 10.18356/c9f3d59c-en 30c3b7f84495798486665bc624468979 The Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning are responsible for improving water supply, and the Ministry of Health is entrusted with monitoring the quality of drinking water (through the Public Health Centres). Water is managed in cities and some rural areas through the Public Enterprises of Communal Hygiene (under the Ministry of Transport), while 29% of the population relies on piped water systems managed by the municipalities and 6% on local sources of water. But water quality is often not a priority for rural municipalities. 6 1 8 0.7777777777777778 10.1787/9789264191761-en 30c76d9a4a04f3941f20c458f49bf1a0 Total cost of the programme is KZT 73 billion. Local authorities are currently reviewing the project applications (meaning that this programme is at a very early stage). These applications include construction of a railway to a cement plant in one of the rural areas; construction of water pipelines for dairy operations in one of the settlements; construction of roads to connect local production facilities, electricity networks and water supply systems for feedlots, and a pipeline to the “multi-functionar market in one of the rural settlements. Estimated cost to support these projects is KZT 8 billion. 2 6 1 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/6e8bb756-en 30c83a848738f5d86d6bd284107e5232 In the EU, for instance, there was a rapid increase in the market share of the most energy-efficient appliances. Sales of Class A refrigerators increased from less than 5 per cent of total sales in 1995 to 23 per cent in 2000 and 61 per cent in 2005; in addition, 19 per cent of refrigerators sold in 2005 were in the two new, more efficient classes (A+ and A++). For washing machines, progress was even more rapid: with an increase in sales of 1 per cent in 1996, 38 per cent in 2000 and 90 per cent in 2005. 7 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/9789264280489-6-en 30cd5e9cde8d6c9d69730b143216c023 The construction skills levy, managed by the Construction Industry Training Board (CITB), charges employers 0.5% of their pay bill annually5 and these funds go towards training activities identified as needed by the construction sector, including supporting apprenticeships. In 2015 the CITB collected GBP 182.8 million in construction levy income and about 80% of that was issued to employers in the form of training grants, while the remainder was used to fund other activities, like attracting new entrants to the industry (CITB, 2016). Small firms are exempted from paying the levy but can benefit from claiming training grants. 4 5 4 0.1111111111111111 10.1787/9789264281653-4-en 30cd814c8d8ff41e53acdba78b65ce07 Costa Rica is considering, for example, whether local taxes could fund some health care services, such as primary care. “ Sin taxes” on alcohol, tobacco and other products are also being discussed. Formally defined user charges or co-payments may also be an option at the margin, to substitute and better target rising levels of OOP spending by encouraging use of high-value services and discouraging unnecessary care. 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264213753-5-en 30cf7cb0272f7641ab2ae89c8e7fa968 Commercialisation helped streamline cumbersome bureaucratic processes (e.g. for procurement); provided incentives for staff and management; decentralised technical and financial planning; strengthened customer orientation; and reduced long response times (USAID, 2011b); with the result that Aqaba has lower non-revenue water (NRW) and provides continuous water service through new and upgraded systems (USAID, 201 la). It is headed by a CEO that is appointed by the Board of Directors. It is fully ow ned by the WAJ and has a staff of 1 500 active employees (Miyahuma, 2013). 6 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/agr/pol-2011-7-en 30d31ac526e945d35abe18b5c94a4b4b In the course of 2009 and 2010, Russia has temporarily restricted imports of various products for sanitary reasons from a number of countries. The ASEAN, Australia New Zealand Free Trade Agreement (AANZFTA) was signed in February 2009. Negotiations for a Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) started in early 2010. The current participants in these negotiations are Australia, Brunei, Chile, Malaysia, New Zealand, Peru, the United States and Viet Nam. 2 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/1afad1f4-en 30d5944392a470e0ff6642c8168f98d7 In contrast, while least developed countries and small island developing States are more likely to need to improve their physical infrastructure to primarily strengthen social infrastructure, landlocked developing countries need to join regional infrastructure networks as part of regional connectivity and integration, and thus improve the flow of goods and services across borders. For example, of the 400 million people living in the 36 CSN of the region, 133 million people still lack access to improved water sources in rural areas; 74 million people lack access to improved sanitation; 144 million people lack access to electricity; and 320 million people (out of 392 million people in 23 CSN) lack access to the Internet The CSN therefore need to improve the availability and quality of infrastructure. Thus, even though some countries may face greater development challenges than others, they may demonstrate better infrastructure performance than countries that are naturally more 'advantaged'. 9 0 5 1.0 10.18356/680c1b02-en 30e4e705e5e45b005341f37d7de7712b Evidence and Data for Gender Equality (EDGE) is a three-year initiative led by the United Nations Statistics Division and UN Women, in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, the African Development Bank and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). One example is the measurement of gender pay gaps. Besides the difficulties in measuring these gaps for self-employed workers, the raw unadjusted gender pay gap, as presented in Annex 4, captures the difference between men's and women's earnings but does not tell us enough about the underlying drivers of gender inequality in pay. 5 0 3 1.0 10.1787/5js3926d54d7-en 30e6ecc2c5a3c23bfc98d6735ea34de4 Since this effect implies a transfer of norms from host to sending country, the sign of the correlation is expected to differ according to the discrimination levels in destination countries. According to these expected links, male and female migration may have the same effect on gender inequality at home, with a higher effect of female migration due to the first channel of transmission. More precisely, the net migration flows by sex and country of origin in 2010 are used as dependent variable. To distinguish the effect of discriminatory social institutions between female and male emigration, sub-samples are used. 5 0 3 1.0 10.18356/7e8a00c8-en 30ea29e9eac083aee1cc41b4e1fba9e5 There are also plans to implement another LNG terminal.53 Potentially, Singapore could become a regional gas hub in the future. Maintaining an adequate reserve margin in electricity generation and transmission capacities ensures the reliability of electricity service. Very often, distinct from the electricity flows, the wholesale buyers (large consumers, aggregators or distribution companies) may be paying the wholesale electricity suppliers (either producers or aggregators) according to separate contractual agreements. 7 2 5 0.42857142857142855 10.1787/env/outlook-2012-8-en 30eba1b33b6403295e0887f9fd2b1f5d Instead they consider only the amounts of water used in production and consumption activities. Hence, ecological water footprint analysis is not sufficient for determining optimal policy alternatives, as it does not account for the opportunity (scarcity) costs of water resources and the ways in which water is combined with other inputs in production and consumption. Water footprints enable one to compare estimated water use per person or in aggregate across countries, but they are inadequate for evaluating the incremental costs, benefits, or environmental impacts of water use. Virtual water and water footprint concepts will be helpful in policy discussions in many settings, in combination with other environmental, economic, and social indicators. 6 1 3 0.5 10.18356/985d3253-en 30ecc55cc9e59bb073aa42d95c874b19 Constant changes in law, structure and leadership as well as the lack of investment in human and technical resources had a negative influence on the forestry sector of Georgia. Due to a lack of a clearly defined strategy and action plan the establishment of a sustainable forest management system was impossible during this period. In December 2013, the Parliament of Georgia adopted the National Forest Concept - Georgia's first national forest policy - which was developed with strong stakeholder participation. 15 0 3 1.0 10.18356/e617261d-en 30ecd9eadd73418f50c3750d5a6eb5d3 A closer look at these differences will be pursued in greater detail below. Third, there are perception factors which play out at the household level. Females are seen as: a smaller loss for an agricultural household; more reliable remitters; more assertive in collecting their earned salary from their employers; and being less frequently harassed by police than males. 5 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/b276eed7-en 30ed007615abadef5313f8e65ad86fe9 This does not preclude the implementation of targeting mechanisms to allow social protection to address the resource shortage and prioritize those in situations of greatest poverty and vulnerability. One of the biggest criticisms levelled at the concept of protection as a citizen guarantee is that it could jeopardize the fiscal ability to defray its cost. Each country must therefore define the quantity and quality of the social protection components that it considers important to guarantee, in keeping with its own financial capacity. 1 2 2 0.0 10.1787/f5bd9e57-en 30edf5886bb93574a2d9c055c89cec82 The difference between top and bottom quarters is negative and statistically significant in 27 out of 70 participating countries and economies. The difference is particularly large in Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, Israel, Italy, Montenegro, Peru, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates. The difference is non-significant in 32 countries and economies while the opposite is true in 11. 4 4 0 1.0 10.1787/9789264205208-8-en 30ef29596f62564b337cf5c457a6d335 If its GDP growth persists, Kazakhstan is likely to qualify as high income economy in the foreseeable future (Figure 5.2). In 2011 the total public budget amounted to USD PPP 23.1 billion (current prices), an increase of 56% compared to 2005 (World Bank, WDI). This represents, however, a relatively modest share of national income. In 2011, general government total expenditure equalled only 22% of GDP, below relative government spending in economies with comparable per capita income (emerging economies: 30%), historical legacy (Central Asian region: 28%), and also the average for OECD countries (43%) (Figure 5.3). 4 7 2 0.5555555555555556 10.1787/9789264283411-en 30f1e29fbee136dd9c3c7d46a12de48e Hungary has among the highest rates of amenable mortality in the EU, suggesting large scope to improve access to timely and effective health care for life-threatening conditions. Strengthening primary care, and prevention is are key challenges to improve population health and reduce health inequalities. The life expectancy at birth of Hungarian men is almost seven years shorter than that of women (72.3 years compared to 79.0 years). 3 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264083578-16-en 30f22bddfb5a3ca5d947a4d6252c7051 Within those states, water is withdrawn and delivered for irrigation by both private and public purveyors. Many landowners withdraw groundwater from private wells and irrigate without restrictions on pumping rates or volumes. Some states have groundwater management programs in which withdrawals are limited and new wells cannot be constructed without permits, while other states do not impose restrictions. Many private and public irrigation entities also withdraw groundwater, often for supplementing surface water supplies. Boards of directors comprised of landowners in the district hire managers who are responsible for hiring staff members to operate and maintain canals, and deliver water to farmers at reasonable cost and with good reliability. These companies and districts must charge prices for water and service that enable them to recover their costs of securing water, operating, maintaining, and repairing their systems, and also generate capital replacement and reserve accounts. 6 0 4 1.0 10.1787/9789264227293-4-en 30fe572004a9c95b4d49cbbb96967fbb These strategies should be viewed as complements to the suggested reforms to the housing finance system. Generally speaking, this can be achieved by encouraging within-city development activity and/or discouraging construction outside the existing city limits. To that end, policy makers could make infill and redevelopment cheaper by reducing regulations and streamlining permits and other administrative procedures. 11 0 4 1.0 10.1787/5k9312v21l6f-en 30ffbb07842be5b95c49ef6fbb066180 The new Basel III banking regulations are expected to have a very negative impact on the type of long-term project financing required to fund clean technology. The new requirements will force banks to hold more equity on their balance sheets for higher risk lending and it is predicted that the long-term capital commitments associated with clean energy infrastructure projects could become too expensive for banks to finance. Current expectations are that conditions for bank loans and refinancing will likely become much less favourable and more expensive. 7 1 7 0.75 10.1787/9789264268852-5-en 310524123e240534040e3293e747e63b Kaznext Invest could also organise an annual forum for ISC staff to share experiences and good practices and provide them with dedicated business training. Many ISCs do not have websites and are thus not easily visible in the main investment portal for foreign investors in Kazakhstan ( Online visibility, including from Kazakhstan’s main investment promotion website ( 11 4 1 0.6 10.18356/a6267136-en 3107a670a9bd5399420425a4ffd172c4 This baseline scenario assessed whether the countries would be “on track” or “off track” to achieve the targets, taking into account non-linearities in the effectiveness of social spending in achieving those targets. All 27 country-level studies found that, while substantial human development progress would be made with the current public expenditure scenario, only two countries (Chile and Cuba) would fully meet, by 2015, a set of targets for primary school completion, reduction of child and maternal mortality rates, and expanded coverage of drinking water and basic sanitation. The public spending needed to meet the targets in the countries studied was estimated at about 7 per cent of GDP and, in some cases, the estimate was even higher. 2 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264283428-en 31091bcde963cbccc8ec6188656c8068 The trend of the prevalence of overweight is almost stable, with a slight decrease in 2014 and 2016 with respect to the previous rounds: the prevalence of obesity shows, instead, a steadily decreasing trend. However, profound regional differences still remain, with southern regions such as Calabria, Campania and Molise showing rates of overweight and obesity above 40%, while northern regions remain below 25%. The Okkio report identifies large regional differences in the availability of gyms in schools, initiatives for the promotion of healthier eating habits, and the percentage of schools that offer lunch, which is generally thought to result in healthier meals (below 50% in the south compared to 90% in the north). 3 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/9789264268852-7-en 310a3199103cafba954164800b4596c1 Building on this reform, Kazakhstan may consider, in the long term, the election of akimats at all levels (including those of Astana and Almaty) through the maslikhats, rather than appointment by the central government. A reform of this kind would increase the responsiveness of local governments to their citizens through democratic institutions, since members of the maslikhat are publicly elected. The aim would be to reinforce the weak local authorities and councils. This would be comparable to the Netherlands, where mayors are indirectly elected. 11 1 3 0.5 10.1787/a09a3a5d-en 310b66e5d67fa16d025f90149b5955fd The Mosaic Enterprise Challenge of The Prince’s Trust in the United Kingdom is an annual inter-school competition where students aged 11-16 years, with mentor support, learn about establishing and running a business through a business simulation game. The winning team is then supported in developing and launching their business idea (Prince’s Trust, 2016). These courses allow reaching more disadvantaged groups that are less likely to attend higher education institutions. 9 0 4 1.0 10.1787/5k4c9kwfdx8r-en 31123a028483df5a7a65c94885d54f8b Debt rescheduling has been necessary for many of the MATEP loans. Managing the loan portfolio under conditions of poor credit quality was more expensive than anticipated and the project did not provide sufficient resources to allow constant contact with borrowers, including unannounced on-site visits, periodic financial reviews, verification of sales orders, and efficient legal action for delinquent loans. Although the situation seems to be improving slowly, interest rates remain relatively high, repayment periods are short, and banks often take months to reach a decision on whether to grant a loan, which is a major issue for agricultural producers. The constraints are now well understood by partner governments and the donor community, but the actions undertaken to address them are confronted with several challenges. 2 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.18356/39dd1e2e-en 3112ee82222eaf04c5b7263ecddebc75 In 2016, the highest STI incidence rates were registered in Bayankhongor (36.5 cases per 10,000), Domod (34.7), Sukhbaatar (31.5), Khuvsgul (26.5), Govi-Altai (24.0), Tuv (23.7), Govisumber (23.6) and Domogovi (21.3) Aimags and Ulaanbaatar City (22.2). The morbidity of trichomoniasis was higher in Domod (60.7), Bayankhongor (53.3), Bulgan (17.5) and Sukhbaatar (15.8) Aimags and Ulaanbaatar City (15.4), and was higher there than the national average (14.3) and aimag average (13.3). The incidence of HIV infection has slowly increased in Mongolia since 2005. 3 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264083479-4-en 31131460d6438970c3e4442f3f4ea2f4 It discusses how innovation is defined and measured and how the concept has broadened to include non-technological activities such as organisational change and marketing. It presents a selection of data and indicators which show that not only R&D but various other inputs are needed for effective innovation. It looks at how the innovation process has opened up and why collaboration has become a key to innovation. 9 0 3 1.0 10.18356/47c7f9c4-en 311340c99053e5425e697657c94071de Although formal remittance outflows from Russia to CIS countries contracted by 31 per cent in the first quarter of 2009, latest data indicate that remittance inflows to Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan in 2010 are almost back to 2008 levels (World Bank 2011). The idiosyncratic component19 of the shock is reflected in that not all families are affected equally. Some are better able to protect their living standard than others. In the event of a shock, households refer to various coping strategies. 1 4 5 0.1111111111111111 10.1787/9789264212664-en 3116e641f6b803c71c9baea1ae03880a It can facilitate cost-effective access to energy in rural and remote areas, improve energy security and decrease excessive reliance on fossil-fuel imports, and stimulate technology transfer and innovation across the clean energy value chain. Given the current strains on public finances, reform options must focus on ways of leveraging private investment at an unparalleled scale and pace. An important challenge is the need for coherent and consistent signals across different policy areas which traditionally do not take climate-related objectives into account. 7 0 5 1.0 10.18356/6bf07ffd-en 311a043e6fc0bf0450e898f1bf1b8215 Recognition of the urgency of moving towards sustainable development pathways comes at times when “warming of the climate is unequivocal” (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 20l4e, p. 2, SPM 1.1) and is “increasing the likelihood of severe, pervasive and irreversible impacts for people and ecosystems” (ibid., The evidence points to the great economic, human and environmental losses brought about by climate hazards which, if left unattended, are likely to continue. The Survey addresses the challenges of strengthening the capacity of countries and people to avoid development reversals from those hazards. Recent data suggest that the world has already warmed 0.85° Celsius from pre-industrial levels and will continue to experience warming even if greenhouse gas emissions were immediately brought to a complete halt (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2013). 13 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264265097-4-en 311b7de6d6fa705d82f57095812bedbe Fifteen-year-olds in the OECD spend about three hours on the Internet on a typical weekday, and more than 70% use the Internet at school. In OECD countries, 62% of Internet users participate in social networks and 35% use e-government services. About half of individuals in OECD countries purchase goods and services on line, and almost 20% in Denmark, Korea, Sweden and the United Kingdom use a mobile device to do so. 4 6 3 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264303119-en 311b82b829391813b8622de9c545b5a9 Partly owing to the invention of the techniques described above, partly owing to renewed concerns about the social costs of energy production and consumption ranging from local air pollution over climate change to security of supply, a number of large-scale studies on the external costs of energy were thus funded and undertaken. Estimating Fuel Cycle Externalities, co-ordinated by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) and funded by the United States Department of Energy (USDOE). New York State Environmental Externalities Cost Study, co-ordinated by RCG/Hagler Bailly and funded by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority, the Empire State Electric Energy Research Corp. and the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI). All these studies are part of a first wave of social cost accounting that had united a sizeable community of competent and committed researchers. 7 0 3 1.0 10.18356/9f796186-en 311e98706929ba8d8aa072bf8d186f65 Similarly, IMF (2015) found that on average about 30 per cent of the potential benefits of public investment are lost due to inefficiencies in the investment process. Between 2005 and 2014, the impact of better governance on public sector efficiency was as high as 57 per cent in Georgia in the health sector and as high as 32 per cent in Indonesia in the education sector (ESCAP, 2017a). Moreover, as will be discussed in chapter II, good governance could help better leverage private capital for infrastructure development. 8 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264279322-7-en 31209d1db4c3c7355cccca6f194c13f6 They may also renounce asking for their rights for fear of reprisals and to avoid stigma from their family and society. Heirs must register their inheritance, and all transactions involving a transfer of property rights is forbidden during three months following the death of the testator (Box. This regulation obliges all heirs to register their immovable inheritance in their name and prohibits any transactions involving a transfer of inheritance rights until three months after the death of the testator. 5 3 0 1.0 10.1787/9789264085374-5-en 3122fa6a9f60deff3f77b8387232ded7 The original contributions can be found in full in an OECD Education Working Paper, Peterson, A. et al. ( Amelia Peterson's first contribution on pedagogy and purpose, and Hanna Dumont’s contribution on adaptive teaching, are wide-ranging in scope and cover a broad range of pedagogical approaches. These are followed by Amelia Peterson's analyses of combinations of pedagogies, where it is discussed the role of networks promoting particular innovative approaches. 4 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264282735-7-en 31230397684672b1ce201417e4ee64e8 In 2009, the AUS Law adopted the so-called semi-contributory regime. This tax regime was created as an incentive for independent workers to file taxes, and hence increase the tax base. Affiliation to SIS is automatic through this mechanism, since SUNAT provides the list to SIS of the population enrolled. 3 2 1 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264191761-en 31247fa0be5ea5ef850dc5525658853a In 2010, the value of tractors leased by agricultural producers was KZT 9 674 million (USD 65 million); machinery leasing was concentrated in the grain and oilseed oblasts of Akmola region (32.8%), East-Kazakhstan (30.8%), and Kostanay (13.8%). In the late 1990s, the government introduced a state leasing programme which offers preferential leasing and taxation terms for producers (Chapter 2). Production and use of high quality seeds is supported by a number of government subsidies (Chapter 2). 2 1 4 0.6 10.1787/5k912j389bf0-en 3126183f6f572087fb8dbd563c51d4ec The third proposal assumes that health systems are exposed to common drivers and should move together. Finally the two econometric models take into account the potential influence of income and inflation on expenditure growth. They require long-term time series of aggregate data with clear and undisturbed trends. 3 4 3 0.14285714285714285 10.1787/9789264273238-3-en 312a781b02ec50476c6e935de3857497 Over that period, expenditure per student in primary, secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary levels increased in most OECD countries (by an average of 19% across the OECD), with an average increase in expenditure of 15% and a slight decrease in the number of students (3%), due to smaller cohorts reaching school age (OECD, 2014). However, as noted earlier, differences in the quality of education systems can lead to significant differences in the level of skills attained by people with the same level of educational attainment. According to findings from the Survey of Adult Skills, the magnitude is such that university graduates from countries with low-performing education systems have skills levels similar to those of students who have attained only secondary education in top-performing countries (Figure 1.1). 4 0 7 1.0 10.1787/5jlwjg92n48x-en 312d69f684778345805219c40990bac1 Recently, progress has been made to harmonise reporting methodologies used by bilateral and multilateral development banks, as well as national development banks in developed and developing countries. A common standard and system for tracking international climate finance between its providers and recipients is yet to be developed (Forstater and Rank, 2012). Most respondents regard the development of a monitoring system and impact measurement framework as a pre-condition for effectively allocating finance. 13 0 4 1.0 10.18356/39dd1e2e-en 312fc2e2f7af4652f30e7ad4ee641607 It should be emphasized that monitoring coverage in soums varied between 30 and 100 per cent, depending on the aimag, except for Khentii (17 soums) and Bayankhongor (20 soums) Aimags, where no drinking water monitoring was performed in 2012. In 2015, in accordance with bacteriological indicators, 12.8 per cent of centralized and 28.1 per cent of decentralized water supply sources did not meet the drinking water quality standards. Calcium, magnesium, chloride and sulphate ion concentrations in the drinking water of 80 soums exceed the corresponding Mongolian National Standards and could affect public health in the region. 3 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264096356-en 312fca4b0ebc3ceb11fb50ee6c8f04e4 Therefore, mass media provide an incomplete indication of correlations between events and resulting actions. Finally, human interpretation of specific events could influence data processing and the results of the assessment, although this can be reduced somewhat through expert participation. Among the security of supply aspects evaluated were included cost effectiveness and fuel reserves, besides reducing national CO2 emissions. Nuclear energy in the Japanese situation decreases fossil fuel imports and total power generation costs, which consequently boosts national macro economy by stimulating consumption through increased investment and lower consumer electricity prices. 7 1 3 0.5 10.1787/9789264229679-6-en 3131ecedb020ef77299eb7f98218b767 On their own, however, indicators cannot explain how the change came about. Reporting on, and using indicators, is resource intensive. They must therefore be carefully defined, and when possible, draw on existing data sources. This information may be particularly useful when resources are specifically earmarked for adaptation. 13 1 2 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/9789264245914-5-en 31337b03c64202926f4cccb11150500e Those schools and projects that participate in innovation programmes with additional funding may be required as a condition of their participation to write up their approaches and materials into handbooks to be shared with others, as in the “experimental” schools chosen by the Experiments and Entrepreneurship Division of the Israeli Ministry of Education. The identified longer-term impacts included the value of literature and research as the basis for discussions about innovative practice, the validation of innovative practices, and in general for enhanced understanding and better design. In the case of the Austrian NMS Reform this was achieved through the creation of the National Centre for Learning Schools (CLS). Similarly, in Slovenia, the National Education Institute has been crucial to the reform - in partnership with the ministry and the consortia of gymnasia. 4 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264277335-7-en 31350ef82ad16166c04c590ca8256b51 Teaching standards could help to give impetus to reform, but only if all stakeholders in the system - universities, administrators, supervisors, principals and above all teachers - are accountable for putting them into practice. There is also a strong perception that the teacher recruitment process is neither fair nor well designed to identify those candidates with the requisite qualities to become a good teacher. Costa Rica has already taken steps to address these challenges in the last five years; these need to be accelerated if the country is to ensure that all students are taught by a teacher that is qualified to teach. Unlike many OECD countries, most of the largely private universities providing teaching programmes in Costa Rica do not have a selective admission process, and the number of places available in initial teacher education programmes is not based on a projection of teaching needs. 4 0 3 1.0 10.1787/rev/fish-2013-9-en 31395d429732d82b2df5f169542f240a The five most important countries33 (France, Spain, Italy, the United Kingdom, Greece) accounted for about 75% of the total value and volume, and the following five countries accounted for a further 17%. There are approximately 15 000 aquaculture firms in the EU. Regarding the structure of the sector, the vast majority of the enterprises are SMEs. 14 3 6 0.3333333333333333 10.1787/5jm3p5gl4djd-en 3140077d364a1eebf581ede96dad023a The highest owner-occupancy rates are found in Easter European countries, largely as a result of the massive sell-off of the state-owned housing in the 1990s. The social rental housing sector is largest in the Netherlands (31%), Denmark and Austria (22%) while it basically does not exist in Chile, Mexico and Turkey. The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law. Data refer to 2013 for Austria, Denmark Estonia, Finland, Latvia, New Zealand, and the United States: to 2012 for France and the Netherlands; to 2011 for Australia, Canada, the Czech Republic, England, Germany, Hungary, Norway, Portugal, Sweden and Turkey: to 2010 for Mexico and 2008 for Japan. 11 0 4 1.0 10.1787/5k92sn0f8dbt-en 31437a833d99888b607b23e49e34e0ea For Germany, the EU commitment is 18% of final energy consumption from RES by 2020 (from 5.8% in 2005). The government fixed a 35% target for electricity consumption by 2020 (50% by 2030 and 80% by 2050) and a 30% target for final energy consumption by 2030 (60% by 2050). Trying to over-achieve the targets fixed by EU commitments is inefficient if it requires reducing emissions in those sectors that are already covered by the EU ETS on top of the abatement induced by the ETS allowance price (OECD, 201 lb). As emissions are capped under the scheme, such a policy would not have any impact on total GHG emissions at the EU level, as lower German emissions create room under the cap for higher emissions elsewhere. 7 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.1787/rev/fish-2011-14-en 3144c4e1782686628ba42e5803434f40 Among these resources, only shrimp stocks in NAFO 3L and 3M are in good shape. Fisheries permits are to be issued for at least ten nets at a time. This requirement entered into force in 2009. There are no restrictions for foreign capital, and foreigners can freely invest in the fish harvesting and processing sectors. 14 0 6 1.0 10.1787/9789264187894-4-en 3144f80b0dadf8bb29e5d81bed2a1599 The following sections shed light on four sets of issues that need to be addressed and inform on the key messages and recommendations of the report. Several institutions, agencies and bodies are involved in water management at federal, state, municipal and basin levels. While some progress has been achieved in better managing interdependencies across stakeholders and creating an overarching framework for water resources management, much remains to be done to overcome the scattered regulatory framework for water services. 6 2 2 0.0 10.1787/9789264213944-8-en 3146418bca2690d5154d48beb92291bd Some banks mention loans for more high-tech projects; the Jordan Ahli Bank financed architecture, civil engineering, technology and web design projects. The Housing Bank for Trade and Finance in Jordan states that it provided 79 loans with an average size of JOD 80 000 (EUR 82 000) to women-led businesses in Jordan, Syrian Arab Republic, the Palestinian Authority, Bahrain and Algeria. In Jordan, the Capital Bank of Jordan (CBJ) reports having issued loans for 5 projects, each valued at approximately JOD 200 000 (EUR 205 000). 5 4 5 0.1111111111111111 10.1787/9789264267817-6-en 31476fa149df547b55806bc34e286666 The sectoral vision is focused on the agricultural sector rather than on the rural territory. A sub-regional perspective in rural policy is recognised in budgetary planning, but a similar recognition does not serve urban-rural project developments. One reason for the sectoral approach at the state level is that federal resources to support state and municipal governments are defined according to sectoral objectives, rather than in a way that could contribute to consolidating strategic development projects in specific rural areas. 11 0 3 1.0 10.1787/9789264292697-3-en 31486e2678236e5f5e6d5afadcd82c04 Governments have a key role as platform and broker, as stimulator, incentiviser and enabler, and they can focus resources, set a facilitative policy climate and use accountability and reporting to encourage new practices. Governments can support the shift in paradigm by setting ambitious goals that foster innovation, providing opportunities for autonomy, choice and competition, empowering agents of change, encouraging risk-taking, and rewarding and giving exposure to success. The good news is that our knowledge about what works in education has improved vastly. 4 0 9 1.0 10.1787/9789264267817-6-en 314a60b2f73efd4cf2f9dcd6200dacd4 Relatively new products in Morelos include: Jatropha seeds from which biodiesel can be produced from its inedible oil; fruit such as figs; grains such as triticale (hybrid of wheat and tye) used for the production of animal feed; cucumbers; fine herbs for food consumption; and plants with special health properties, such as stevia and neem. These may be produced as the primary crop on a farm or may be produced as a supplementary source of income. Aquaculture is another activity that is being supported and shows favourable prospects for export. 11 4 1 0.6 10.1787/9789264095199-2-en 314b1ca751356a258075121544808cdc Furthermore, the capacity of domestic firms to absorb advanced technologies and management practices is weak. Innovation policy may have a useful role to play in strengthening the absorptive capacity of domestic firms, for instance by promoting training of Chilean workers in foreign firms and by strengthening links between public research institutions and private firms. Similarly, trade and investment policies need to be re-oriented towards strengthening links between foreign and domestic firms, particularly in the services sector. The example of resource-rich OECD countries, such as Australia and Norway, shows that services linked to natural resource extraction may have considerable growth potential in Chile. Promoting environmentally friendly policies may also contribute to the further diversification of the economy and sustainable long-term growth. For instance, protecting Chile’s exceptional biodiversity through appropriate market-based and regulatory instruments would boost Chile’s attractiveness as an eco-tourism destination. 4 4 5 0.1111111111111111 10.1787/9789264119284-3-en 314bb89f4ca428370e14b61d3f15fad4 Disputes over water are often related more to the social, economic and institutional context than they are to the technical factors governing the availability of water resources. In many countries, enforcement of legislation is weak and judicial systems are inadequate. This is detrimental to sustainable water use and service provision in many ways. It reduces economic growth, undermines performance and effectiveness, discourages investments in the water sector and frustrates stakeholder participation in the decision-making process. In most OECD countries, decision-making power over water has been delegated to lower levels of government. Bottom-up, demand-driven approaches that combine the experience, knowledge and understanding of various local actors need an overall framework for managing mutual dependencies and creating synergy. 6 1 6 0.7142857142857143 10.18356/becaa395-en 315020b64b2d0ee47730f72f1598f4de They show that in the medium term - that is, until about 2030 -the positive and negative effects on yields could offset each other at the global level, the balance after this date would be increasingly negative as climate change accelerates. The data also show that projected impacts of climate change on yields of maize, wheat and rice in the second half of the 21st century are more often negative for tropical regions than for temperate regions. However, in many locations in temperate regions, as well, crop yields may decrease (Porter et al., 13 0 3 1.0 10.18356/74f4872a-en 3150eeb4e7a1efc0d02de6a412ba00e4 Independent panel review of the Doing Business Report. Available at: http:// pubdocs.worldbank.oig/en/237121516384849082/ doing-business-review-panel-report-June-2013 .pdf. Growth and distributive effects of public infrastructure investments in China. In: Cockbum J, Dissou Y, Duclos J-Y andTib-erti L. Infrastructure and Economic Growth in Asia. Cham: 87-116. 9 0 4 1.0 10.18356/441bff2d-en 3152f4a595940c9f62e6810288743d5b After the end of the military regime, the new coalition - made up of centre-left parties (